A lot of people living in North America don’t know much about the history of the mattress in the USA, but its invention was something that helped to dramatically prolong the lifespan of early humans. The reality is that once you start sleeping on a raised surface, you reduce your exposure to drafts, pests, and damp. Some of the earliest ones we know about constituted nothing more than a bed of leaves or straw overlayed with animal skin. There are many resources you can avail of online that can teach you more about the history of the bed. One of the main reasons you need to know about its history is so you can fully appreciate the plethora of choices the average US consumer now has to contend with when it comes to buying a new mattress for their bed. Memory foam mattresses, for example, have started to become increasingly popular in recent decades. These types of bed toppers mold to the shape of the person sleeping on them and help to support all joints in the body. Perhaps one of the main disadvantages of earlier memory foam mattresses, however, was that they were made from synthetic materials, which promoted sweating. Nobody wants to sweat while they’re sleeping. Not only does sweat seeping into a mattress lead to an unhygienic sleeping surface, waking up in soaked PJs can be somewhat alarming and unpleasant. Fortunately, memory foam mattresses manufactures have started using more inventive materials to increase the breathability of their products and thus reduce moisture buildup. Pillowtop hypoallergenic mattresses are also now very popular. These ones can be very expensive, so more people are opting to buy protectors to prolong the lifespan of their investments. While everyone wants a luxurious sleeping surface every night, people aren’t generally ATMs, so they have to operate within certain budget constraints. I always recommend to look at this website and save a few bucks on your purchase. Remember, coupon website are awesome resource. In addition to the improvements in bed engineering, manufacturers have also been coming up with entirely new bed designs. Did you know that it is now possible to buy waterbeds? What’s more, if you have enough money, you can turn your waterbed into a fish tank for tropical fish. Having such a feature in your bedroom really can bring your home into the space age. Of course, it’s important to research the disadvantages of water beds. For starters, you need to think about how a puncture could compromise your home insurance. If you have any pets with sharp claws, the prospect of a waterbed is obviously unrealistic. At the beginning of this article, we talked briefly about why the history of the bed in the USA is important, but it’s also equally important to be concerned about its future. Despite previously unimaginable advances in mattress engineering, there are still many people who suffer from back pain and disrupted sleep due to their beds. This means we all also need to focus on the future of bed technology.
I have been remiss lately in not keeping up this series, which I know many people find interesting because they get viewed very often. However, I recently obtained one of these books and finished reading it just this morning, and one of my takeaways was that it was the newest Haydn book I had (2013), it had been released almost six years ago, and yet I had never heard of it, I was totally unaware of its existence until I happened across a mention of it over the Holidays. And I do look for such things! If I have a hard time finding things like this, I can only assume that you do also. So here are a few concrete suggestions. They are all books I was able to purchase, some would have been quite expensive if I bought them new, but I didn't, I confess. If you are fortunate enough to have access to a good library, you can probably read them for free, which is a great price indeed. Here is a link to the page, which also appears in the right sidebar.
Worst girl, not caring about all these chains. Commissioned by the duke of tightness. Not enough chains. Also needs a weight somewhere too. Ah, no. I am not. Just a random one making a comment.
In today’s lifestyle, we tend to do almost everything indoors if possible, even exercising. From indoor tracks to treadmills we seem to be trying to limit our outdoors activities more and more. With that being said, there will always be some great things that running outdoors will be able to offer us that we just can’t do indoors. So for this article, I’ll be covering some of my favorite outdoor running perks for you. There’s nothing like go for a run when it feels great outdoors. Yes, even better than watching your show on a treadmill. There is something freeing about just being able to start running and venture into new territory or just taking in nature itself. Indoor tracks can be great for those rainy days or during winter but let’s face it, seeing the same walls round after round gets old pretty quick. I challenge you to go out for a run, especially now that the weather is starting to get nice and see if you don’t enjoy it much more than being stuck indoors. When running outdoors you’re most likely not staying on an exact flat surface the entire time. There are usually dips, hills and just a variety of landscapes you’ll be growing throughout there. This helps keep the body guessing and also increases the overall difficulty of the run which causes your body to burn more calories. I’m not saying go out and do a tough mudder type of difficulty run but just running up a hill going up a few feet can cause this. This technically can be done on a treadmill nowadays with all of their different settings but for those who don’t prefer treadmills then you’d be out of luck because indoor tracks are usually just flat services. As we mentioned in our first point about enjoying outdoor running more, well there have been studies to show that this actually results in a better overall mindset boost. Here is a good quote from an article that goes over some of these benefits I mentioned. Of course, this may not be for everyone, especially for those who don’t live in the safest of places but this is something to keep a thought on for if you’re trying to decide between indoor or outdoor running. If you’re mainly one who just prefers to do cardio then you can save money from not having to pay for a gym membership for around 75% of the year. I’m not a huge fan of running or actually doing anything in cold weather so if you don’t mind going out for a jog in January then more power to you. What a lot of people will do is either buy themselves a treadmill for in their house to use during those cold and rainy days or just join a gym for a few months. Either way is a great way to find yourself saving some money that you would be spending on a gym membership. Another great thing about getting out for a run is the chance to meet new people. I have found that when I meet people out running they are more eager to strike up a conversation with you compared to those doing cardio inside the gym. Most of the time I’ve got my headphones in and don’t look to chat but every once in a while I’ll run into someone who is catching their breath around the same time as me, which we strike up a quick conversation. I’ve met some pretty cool people during my runs and even gotten a few dates. If you prefer to be left alone during your run, then I completely get it, so just throw on your music and keep trucking away. For a lot of folks to take pride in being in shape, they also enjoy having a good overall tan. This tends to lean more for the ladies but I myself try to take off my shirt and get a little tan as well when I’m running. Other than just getting a tan, you’re also getting Vitamin D from the sunlight which can go with what we’re talking about above on the mental benefits of running outside. This can also lead to saving, even more, money if you’re one to go to the tanning beds to get your tan on. As you can see there is a good amount of benefits to trading in the indoors for the outdoors for your run. I only covered a few of the benefits and there are plenty more on top of the ones I mentioned. Even though there are lots of positive things about outdoor running there is still plenty of reasons why one would choose doing their cardio indoors. In the end, it all comes down to figuring out which is better for you, so just try to outweigh the pros and cons of each to see which you like better. You also don’t have to choose 100% between the two. It can be nice to mix things up which is what I find myself doing depending on my mood or how the weather is acting. I hope this article has helped give you some insight into outdoor running in general. If you have any thoughts on which is better or why you prefer indoor over outdoor, vice versa then let me know in the comments. I always like to see others opinions on why they prefer certain types of fitness over others. Sterling is a writer, fitness junkie and loves all things technology. Sterling is the owner of ChainsToGains.com or over on his Tumblr, which is where you can get in touch with him if you have any questions/comments. Treadmill Vs. Jogging—What’s Better for Cardio Workouts? How Does Running Improve Heart Health?
Hi, I am looking for some suggestions on my final decision. I have received my PhD offers in Astronomy/Astrophysics at SIfA, the University of Sydney and at IfA, University of Hawai'i at Manoa. The stipend amount is not a concern, Hawaii gives 30+k(TA/RA dependent) while Sydney gives 26k(RTP scholarship as personal funding, no TA required). Hawaii is more expensive in living though. I have visited both schools in the past and I am fine with living in both places. Of course, I have certain pro-life reasons to prefer Sydney: I am Australian, my partner will be doing her PhD in Astronomical instrumentation at Sydney, we can complete our PhD in 3-4 years(no classes or qualifiers) etc. I am astronomy majored and I have seriously no interest in taking more classes, Hawaii can provide quite the same which it has its MS very focused in doing research projects and simple classes. My partner she would love to have me come to Sydney but she is okay with Hawaii if it is important for my career. So cutting out all non-academic reasons, which school would be relatively better in academic development? Hawaii has all the best optical telescopes and a very strong faculty in exoplanets and galaxies(Brent Tully, if you know the Tully-Fisher relation), while the PhD project I have submitted for Sydney focuses on using radio astronomy instruments which is very strong in Australia. Will choosing Sydney be a terrible choice for my career? If you don't know Sydney, could anyone point out just how Hawaii PhD education really ranks in the US, apart from all the telescopes advantage. I think you have described the main (research) advantages of the two schools very well. I am studying exoplanets and I was originally going to consider the IfA at Hawaii for a postdoc but then everyone I would have wanted to work with left Hawaii. However, they are hiring *two* new faculty members right now, probably at least one exoplanets person, so I think it will be a lively place for those interested in exoplanets once again. I think the stipend would be a concern at Hawaii though. People there say that 30k isn't really enough. I have heard that some of the reasons the *faculty* members are leaving is because they aren't paid enough to be able to afford a home etc. (But this is just what I've heard). Travelling from Hawaii to other places is also very expensive and requires long journeys. But since you are asking about academic reasons here, I think the biggest question you would have to answer (don't have to say it here if you don't want to) is what you want to study and where you want to work in the future. If you are interested in a North American postdoc/future academic position, then I think you are better off in Hawaii, where you will be better connected to the North American astronomical community. In addition, the short PhD program in Australia (and other places) will put you at a major disadvantage for North American academic jobs compared to US graduates. Not having classes in your PhD program will put you at a disadvantage as well, unless you have a Masters in Australia. The US has a weird (to me, since I'm Canadian) system! However, if Australia is like Canada where you get a MSc before a PhD, then you would probably be okay. The point is that you need to have some solid background beyond the undergraduate level in Astronomy and having breadth would be really important for long term job success in North America. In addition, if you are interested in exoplanets, optical/IR observational astronomy, or a career in something like a telescope operator, support astronomer, etc. then you would be much better off at Hawaii. On the other hand, if you're not interested in leaving Australia in the long term, then I am not sure there is much advantage to choosing Hawaii. I would check out the departments you might want to work at in Australia and see where those people got their PhDs or did postdocs. When I think of Australia, I think of radio astronomy and I know tons of North American radio astronomers move to Australia to have the best possible postdoc for their career. So, if you are heading in this direction for your astronomical career, then I think Sydney is a great choice. You asked about how Hawaii ranks in the US but without the telescopes? I don't think that's a fair question to ask because the resources available to students at a school is probably one of the most important factors in determining how strong/good the school is for the student. In my opinion, the main (academic) reason for an astronomer to choose to go to Hawaii for a PhD is to have the amazing telescope access. I'm not at Hawaii but at another US school with amazing telescope access and it has really helped my career. It has allowed me to do interesting projects because we are the only people with the ability to do what we are doing. Anyways, my opinion is that you have two good options and I think you would have to think about what your long term goals are in order to make the best decision for yourself. I think both these schools could be the right choice, but they will lead you towards different career paths, so choose wisely! TakeruK wrote: I think you have described the main (research) advantages of the two schools very well. I am studying exoplanets and I was originally going to consider the IfA at Hawaii for a postdoc but then everyone I would have wanted to work with left Hawaii. However, they are hiring *two* new faculty members right now, probably at least one exoplanets person, so I think it will be a lively place for those interested in exoplanets once again. Thanks! I suppose you mean 'exoplanet-everyone' as in Andrew Howard? Yeah talking about Hawaii without the telescopes is a little bit unfair. I don't know how much will classes mean in my resume, because most of my undergrad deparment's junior and senior year classes are taught with the first year and second year masters. So our curriculum pretty much covers most of the graduate class education and its in China so I am pretty much done with all the maths and physics (don't ask me why I ended up taking the whole Chinese college entrance exam, I thought Chinese education was good), and research is pretty much a DIY learning process, my professors suggest that I will probably do fine. I suppose it is a matter of interest in research then. It sometimes makes me feel narrowing myself up after knowing all those different fields of research, I've done X-ray astronomy and asteroseismology with Kepler (with a mix of exoplanets) in the past few years, and I have no idea what the outcome will be when I graduate. X-ray is kinda in the mess right now and I haven't got a school to do that any more, but my focus was on large catalogue transients so that pretty much fits with Sydney's work except it is in radio. PS. Sydney's department is great, the Sydney Institute for Astronomy has quite a lot of famous professors such as Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Elain Sadler and Tim Bedding. The detailed program I proposed was to complete a large transient Survey using radio telescopes and novel data mining.
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Bloodshr3d Black Magic Edition is a fat burning supplement with added stimulants that will curb your appetite and boost metabolic rate, alongside various ingredients like carnitine and raspberry ketones that have been shown to mobilise and oxidise stored body fat. It also contains ashwagandha to support mood and offset the chance of an energy crash, as well as bcaas, that help prevent muscle catabolism. What is in this fat burner that makes it a good supplement? This fat burner is loaded with stimulant compounds that will give you both an energy boost and will curb down your appetite. Acetyl L-Carnitine: Helps your body transport stored body fat to your muscles so they can be used for fuel, as well as helps with mental focus. Sophora Japonica: A flower that is rich in the flavonoid “rutin” which based on clinical studies has been shown to have positive effects on combating obesity through AMPK Activation which stimulates glucose absorption and the degeneration of fat. Green Coffee: Made from coffee beans that are then extracted with alcohol and water. The main and active ingredient in the Green coffee extract is chlorogenic acid. Chlorogenic Acid aids in lowering the absorption of fat and promotes increased metabolism. Vanillin: Sourced from the vanilla bean this extract helps to increase metabolism, induce lipolysis and improve mood. Pro-GBB: Helps to increase carnitine plasma levels in the body helping to transport fat to the mitochondria to be used as energy, leading to significantly more fat being burned and greater energy levels. Taurine: Works by stabilizing cell membranes in muscle tissue. One of taurine main functions is to transport potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium in and out the cells. Taurine Lowers blood pressure and calms the central nervous system. J. Regia Extract: By boosting dopamine and noradrenaline uptake this ingredient helps to improve focus, energy, and mood like no other. KSM-66 Ashwagandha: This is the industry-leading form of ashwagandha extract standardized to >5% withanolides. This patented form of Ashwagandha has been shown to combat stress, reduce mental fatigue (which happens to all of us during the week), enhance your cognitive performance & reaction time, AND most recently it's been shown to not only enhance weight loss for those dealing with chronic stress but thyroid function as well. BCAAs as Vegan Instaminos: Instantly dissolving aminos to aid in recovery, increase workout capacity, and prevent muscle loss while supporting fat loss. What are the key benefits of Olympus Labs' fat burner?
Use the law and your employer's complaint procedures to protect yourself from on-the-job harassment. If the harasser ignores your oral requests to stop, or if you are uncomfortable talking to the harasser face to face, write a succinct letter demanding an end to the behavior. Be sure to keep a copy. If you are concerned for your personal safety or are afraid that the harasser might become more hostile when confronted, complain to a supervisor instead. Although it is often difficult to make a complaint at work, and you may prefer to skip this step, don't. The U.S. Supreme Court has said that employees who fail to use their employer's internal complaint procedure to make the company aware of sexual harassment, and to give the company a chance to stop it, cannot later hold the company liable in a lawsuit. This means that you are quite likely to lose in court, should it come to that, if you don't complain within the company first. Even if your company doesn't have a formal complaint procedure, you can put the company on notice of the harassment. You can do this by making a complaint to the human resources department, telling your supervisor (or his or her supervisor) about the problem, or informing a company executive. It is very important to document what is happening to you, and what you are doing to try to stop it, should you ever have to prove your case to a company investigator, a government agency, or a jury. Start by collecting as much detailed evidence as possible about the harassment. Be sure to save any offensive letters, photographs, cards, or notes you receive. If you were made to feel uncomfortable because of jokes, pin-ups, or cartoons posted at work, confiscate them -- or at least make copies. An anonymous, obnoxious photo or joke posted on a bulletin board is not anyone else's personal property, so you are free to take it down and keep it as evidence. If that's not possible, photograph the workplace walls. Note the dates the offensive material was posted -- and whether there were hostile reactions when you took it down or asked another person to do so. Also, keep a detailed journal about incidents of harassment. Include the names of everyone involved, what happened, and where and when it took place. If anyone else saw or heard the harassment, note that as well. Be as specific as possible about what was said and done -- and how it affected you, your health, or your job performance. Keep your journal and notes at home or in a secure location outside of the workplace. If your employer has conducted periodic written evaluations of your work, make sure you have copies. In fact, you may want to ask for a copy of your entire personnel file before complaining about a harassing coworker. Your records can be particularly persuasive evidence if your employer retaliates against you for complaining -- which is also illegal. For example, you'll want a copy of your records if you've had positive performance evaluations until you complain, and then your employer tries to transfer, demote, or fire you or claims your job performance is poor. If complaining to your employer doesn’t help, the next step is to go to either the federal agency that enforces Title VII -- the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission -- or to your state fair employment office. If all investigation and settlement attempts fail to produce satisfactory results, you can file a civil lawsuit for damages under either Title VII or your state fair employment practices statute. You must file a complaint with the EEOC before filing a federal lawsuit. Even if you intend right from the beginning to file a lawsuit, you sometimes must first file a claim with a government agency. For example, an employee pursuing a claim under federal law must first file a claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), and a similar complaint procedure is required under some state laws. The EEOC or state agency may decide to prosecute your case on your behalf, but that happens rarely. More commonly, at some point, the agency will issue you a document referred to as a "right-to-sue" letter that allows you to take your case to court with your own lawyer. Note, however, that there are time limits for filing claims with government agencies and for filing a lawsuit, so be sure not to miss them.
A man suspected of assaulting two women at a hot dog stand in Los Angeles was arrested by police. Video recorded during the altercation shows a man repeatedly punched two women before fleeing through traffic to the other side of the street. It all started when the two victims approached the hot dog stand and noticed that a man was angry at the vendor over the price of hot dogs. Apparently, the man was angry that the hot dogs cost $6 and, when offered a free hot dog by the vendor, turned it down and continued raving about the price. At that point, one of the women told the man to “just leave,” after which he went irate and started punching the women. Bystanders got video of all but the very first blows being thrown, though none of them stepped in to help the victims. Assault is covered under California Penal Code 240 PC and is described as an attempt to commit a violent injury on someone else. A person can be charged with assault regardless of whether or not they actually make contact with anyone. The reason for this is because the crime itself is committed when someone attempts to commit a violent injury on someone else. Whether the defendant actually inflicts the violent injury or not doesn’t matter when it comes to being charged with assault. Simple assault is a misdemeanor in California, with the possible penalties including a fine of up t o $1,000 and up to 6 months in county jail. These penalties are standard regarding most California misdemeanors. However, depending on the circumstances of the case, it’s possible that other penalties or court orders could be involved.
A fantastic festival, inspirational artistes and performers helped to create a series of ads that translated the energy, creativity and freedom of the Darwin Festival. Far and away the most popular and well received campaign the festival ‘had ever had’. It was a fabulous project to be a part of Storm Cell were thrilled to be a part of the hype. Nicky Bomba’s Bustamento must also get a mention, with ‘Livin’ the Dream’ the theme tune of the Darwin Festival, and a fantastic live band.
At the top of the web page, you can locate the lock symbol as well as the arrowhead next to it. By clicking on it, you will certainly see the drop-down menu that opens. There you can discover the list of all your activities on Facebook. If the choice is made it possible for, you can see the list of the activities of other individuals which mark you on their posts. In the drop-down menu on the left, discover the area where are "Photos", "Likes", "Comments" and also click on "More" option. When you open the search, you will see that the list of all browsed things from the moment you initially developed you Facebook account, arranged by years as well as months. To obtain eliminate the browsing history, click "Clear searches" and in the next window, confirm the activity by continuing "Clear searches" switch and all the history will be gone.
I am only one individual American with no special position of government, political or financial power, but I represent a much broader power base that you may not understand or appreciate. While you may be receiving mixed signals from our current leaders, it is critical that you do not underestimate the American people, our commitment to individual liberty and our willingness to back up our convictions with whatever sacrifice is necessary. So, I am glad to have this opportunity to respond to your communication to me and my fellow Americans in your New York Times Op-Ed. It is both ironic and fortuitous that you have chosen to exercise the most sacred right of all Americans, to communicate to us, the God given right to free speech. While we often take this and other critical rights, protecting individual freedom, for granted, it is the first example of why America is an exceptional country. We are exceptional because will fight just as hard for your right to free speech as we will for our own. Unlike any other country in the world, America was founded on a set of ideals and laws permanently enshrined in our founding documents; the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and The Bill of Rights. These laws spell out very clearly that “we the people” are in charge of our own destiny and they protect us from tyranny, even tyranny from our own government. It is in this spirit of the first Amendment, that I welcome your explanation of your position on Syria, the United Nations, the prospect of America taking a military action against the Syrian government and even your lecture to us about the dangers of promoting American exceptionalism. I welcome this discussion, because in a free society a healthy open debate leads to better decisions and greater progress. You obviously understand and respect the power of free speech, as you adroitly exercised it in your direct communication to the American public. It is a powerful force which is essential to democracy, but which can also be manipulated by the political masters of Machiavellian deception. Perhaps you can demonstrate your good intentions by having the courage and courtesy to extend my response to you, directly to the Russian public. As you have witnessed, by the reaction of the American people to the prospect of another military intervention in the Middle East, Americans by nature are a peace loving people. But, please don’t make the mistake of interpreting our resistance to a poorly thought out plan, being promoted by our political leaders, as any indication of a lack of willingness to make whatever sacrifices that are necessary to protect against clear and present threats to the security interests of the United States and its allies. You make a lot of very good points about why America should not make a military strike against Syria. Many of us, like you, do not believe that it makes sense for America to intervene in a foreign civil war where there are no clear objectives and where there is no clear and direct threat to the security interests of the US. It is not our role to be the policeman of the world, or to punish all the bad actors. However, it is our role to defend freedom and democracy whenever and wherever we can, without forcing it on people who are not ready for it, don’t understand it and don’t want it. While our elected political leaders have not provided you, us or the many countries comprising the Mid-East region with a clear and unambiguous position, let me be very clear about the commitment of the American people. We will defend Israel as if it were Alaska. Any threats to Israel by Iran or any other country will be considered a direct threat to us and will be met with the full force and will of the American people. There are many ways to advance the cause of freedom and military action should be a last consideration. We must be very careful with when and how we exercise the great power that we have. We prefer the Theodore Roosevelt foreign policy of “talk softly and carry a big stick”. In the meantime, we are committed to the policy of peace through strength, and we fully support building our military strength. As the leader of the free world, America has an exceptional responsibility to protect and to advance the cause of individual freedom throughout the world. We remain the best hope in the world for the survival of individual freedom. We are an exceptional country not just because we are free but because we have demonstrated time after time over history, our willingness to sacrifice our own lives so that others throughout the world can enjoy the same freedoms that have made America a great country. You make a good point about how America and Russia were once allies before we became cold war enemies. We need only to look at the historical relationship between the U.S. and Germany and the U.S. and Japan to recognize the immense potential of a positive relationship developing between Russia and America. It did not take very long for the bitterness of WWII’s arch enemies to give way to the rewards, success and friendship of free and open societies. The Marshall plan is a great example of how we might approach solving some of the great problems facing our world today, like a fair and peaceful solution to the Mid-East conflict. The evidence is overwhelming. Russia and the U.S. could be partners in progress. We have much more to unite us than we have to divide us. We face the same terrorist threats and the same concerns over nuclear proliferation. We have the same desire to advance our citizens with respect to their health, education and economic success. We all want to raise our families in peace and prosperity. We also appreciate the founding purpose of the United Nations, but we have legitimate reasons to be skeptical of it, not the least of which, is the lack of its effectiveness, its socialistic leanings and the historical lack of cooperation between the U.S and Russia. It comes down to an issue of trust, and freedom, which goes to the heart of the American soul. We are fierce individualists. We believe that the power of government rests with the individual citizens who have a responsibility to exercise control over their government. The government is there to serve us, not to control us. Every time we, as individuals, give up power and personal responsibility to government entities we give up our individual liberties. The further away (local, state, national, and international) the governmental entity is, the worse the outcome and the harder it is to get the power back. Every time we give up our individual liberties we reduce progress for all humans. We have had our own taste of socialism over the last few years under the leadership of President Obama, and it is a bitter and disappointing experience. Many of us view the United Nations as just another large bureaucratic, ineffective and unaccountable organization diluting the power of the American citizen and promoting anti-American sentiment throughout the world. Speaking of accountability, America faces much larger challenges than Syria. Today, America is involved in a gigantic struggle for its own soul and its future. Will we embrace the concepts of maximum individual freedom, responsibility, independence and privacy like our founders envisioned or will we allow huge unaccountable bureaucracies to take our freedoms from us? Will we succumb to the bribery of low information voters with government handouts and the corruption of giant special interest lobbyists or will we stand up for truth and justice and our belief in self reliance and capitalism which are the core principles on which this great country was built? Unfortunately our current President seems to agree with you about American Exceptionalism. He apologizes to the world for an America he should be proud of. Oh, he says the right words to us, but he acts just the opposite. He promises boldly what he knows he can’t deliver. He hides the truth and he supports the people who work for him, who lie in front of Congressional hearings. He does not respect the will of the American people and he disrespects the institutions that have been set up to protect us. He spends our grandchildren’s money with no sense of responsibility nor does he have any inkling of the horrendous impending consequences for America of his bad leadership. He attacks our energy independence, capitalism, free enterprise and the institutions that have made America great. He successfully divides America when he could easily be uniting it. Instead of celebrating the progress we have made on racial equality, he sows the seeds of discontent. He forces really bad laws (like Obamacare) on the public against their will. He is aided and abetted by a free press that has forgot and/or ignored their critical responsibilities to protect our democracy by demanding the truth wherever it leads. We have lost more freedoms to our internal enemies over the last five years than we have lost to our external enemies over the last 50 years. So Mr. Putin, you see that we have a lot bigger problems that America needs to address instead of creating a new one by invading Syria. Fortunately, we are an exceptional country and the forces of freedom and responsibility will soon emerge with an even greater conviction to reestablish the rule of the people over our government. We are an exceptional country because we are protected by a Constitution and a Bill of Rights and a Declaration of Independence that very specifically limit the power of the federal government in favor of the individual and the States. We are an exceptional country because we recognize that our freedoms were given to us by our Creator and no government, religious organization or corporate bureaucracy has any right to take any of our freedoms away from us. Not even Prince Machiavelli himself. Be assured that we will put our own house in order and be the world leader that speaks clearly and unambiguously. So please, don’t let the America you see today give you a false impression of weakness or lack of conviction. We are not happy with what has happened to America over the last five years. Democracy is imperfect and sometimes we vote with our hearts and not our heads. But America always gets it right in the long run and there is nothing more powerful than a united free people that finally figures out that they have been misled. So now, President Putin, it’s time to, as we say in America, to “put your money where your mouth is”. The real world issues are nuclear proliferation, Iran, world-wide terrorism sponsored by Islamic terrorists, and world economic success. We need Russia to come together with America and guarantee that Iran will not get nuclear capability and that those countries that already have it will not allow it to be provided to others. Nuclear catastrophe remains the biggest threat to the world and you, President Putin, could become a world-wide hero by joining America and other peace loving countries to lead a grand plan to reduce the nuclear threat to humanity. I can only speak as an individual, but I believe a world wide effort led by Russia and America, starting with Iran, would be welcome by the American people. It is certainly a much better idea than spending trillions of dollars on future wars that will surely come if we don’t take aggressive action to solve this problem now. In the spirit of capitalism Russia and its people could benefit greatly by joining America as partners in peace. Given what happened to Japan and Germany, it’s really not that great of a leap to envision Russia and America coming together in peace and prosperity. Finally, there may be a language misunderstanding with respect to “American exceptionalism.” We agree with you that as individuals we are all equal in the eyes of the Lord. None of us by nature are superior to the rest of us. We want the same things for our families as the people of any other country; security and the right to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. These are natural rights of all humans and we have a responsibility to help all humans secure these rights. But this is not to be confused with socialism or communism which the vast majority of Americans do not believe in. While we believe in equal opportunity we do not believe in equal outcome. Every individual has the right to distinguish themselves (to become exceptional) through, hard work, education, perseverance, risk taking, individual choices and yes even luck. We believe in private property, capitalism, self-reliance and individual achievement and we encourage exceptionalism. Whether it’s academics, sports, business, music or community service, or our service to our country, we encourage and honor exceptionalism. It is not dangerous to encourage people to see themselves as exceptional. It is only dangerous if they don’t earn it or deserve it. It’s like the Olympics. Every four years we get together to see, who the most exceptional athletes in the world compete. And every time we are amazed at how exceptional these athletes are. They are exceptional because they are talented, train hard and exercise discipline. This is a good thing to encourage and they deserve their gold metals, not to have them redistributed to those that were not exceptional. We do not encourage people to think of themselves as exceptional, because of their color or their political status, their connections or their ethnicity. To consider them exceptional they have to earn it. America is exceptional for very different reasons. America is much more than a physical space with great natural resources. America is much more than a nation state with an exceptional history of fighting for the freedom of other nations thousands of miles away. America is an idea of individual liberty and personal responsibility that can help people throughout the world. America is a way of life, and a belief in the sovereignty of the individual. America is philosophy that is enshrined in our founding documents. America is exceptional because it is the best hope for freedom for the rest of the world. We are proud and exceptionally lucky to be Americans. We understand that our freedom is dependent on our ability to recognize and fulfill our responsibilities as individuals and as a country. We also understand that individual freedom can only be sustained to the degree that we exercise an equal level of responsibility as individuals and as a country. Just as you say that “we must not forget that God created us equal” we must also remember that God gave to us as individuals the right to self-determination and there is no doubt that God did that with the expectation that we would use that right to become better human beings- perhaps even exceptional ones. This entry was posted in Blog on December 20, 2013 by thomaswreed.
Malta Freeport Terminals lauded 67 employees who marked their 25th year with the company. They were presented with a memento in recognition of their dedicated service. The majority of these employees work in operations, but several come from other departments, including engineering, IT, HR, billing and maintenance. Malta Freeport Terminals CEO Alex Montebello said these employees had grown with the Freeport, which over the past quarter century has expanded exponentially to become one of the major transhipment ports in the Mediterranean. The Freeport handled just 8,000 containers when these employees joined the company. This figure has today reached 3.08 million. And 2017 is expected to be another record-breaking year. Mr Montebello said: “Right from the outset, the company had a very clear vision of what it wanted to achieve and has invested substantially in state-of-the-art facilities. “But none of this would have been possible without the dedication and commitment of our people who are, and always will be, Malta Freeport Terminals’ greatest asset.
Founder of Gym Fleet Inc and UXI Design, X Driller, UX/UI Designer, Marketplace enthusiast. Starting a business is not easy and well, it's not suppose to be. But there is an optimal path and a series of strategy's you can use to be the more informed, productive and lean on your business journey.
A Toronto SEO Agency can really help your company to make strides in the digital marketplace. Search Shark is a company that offers search engine optimization services to all of the Ontario area. They have two separate offices so no matter where you are in Toronto; it could be easy for you to stop in for a consultation. One of Search Shark’s largest goals is to help your company grow. They do this by allowing you access to some of the largest advertising platforms available on the internet. No matter what type of company you have, it can always help to have the professionals in your corner promoting you. There is huge competition on the internet; it can be hard for businesses to stay afloat where there are so many other people competing for the same advertising space as you. This is where Search Shark steps in to help. They will promote you on some of the largest averting platforms available. These include YouTube, Google, and Google Pay Per Click. They will offer you advice on how to generate the most out of your advertising by consulting with you on things like key words and Google AdWords. With these sites gaining millions and millions of views per day, that means that there will be real traffic and real profits coming to your business from your digital marketing. Right now, there are people who are searching for the products and services that you offer. Search Shark does their job by putting your business at these people’s fingertips. It is a win win situation no matter how you look at it. You are reaching the largest audience you possibly can, and consumers are finding the products and services that they are looking for much faster than ever before. Toronto SEO Agency is what will make the connections between you and your consumers and hopefully form a lasting bond. All businesses need help when it comes to online advertising. Because the competition is so close all the time, every little bit of help that you can get will make a huge impact. This is why, even if you think you have a pretty good advertising system, you should still have a second set of eyes look it over. The professionals are there to make sure that you have used up all the resources that you possibly can. The Toronto SEO Agency near you wants to make you the next big thing.
The tournament will be taking place from 28 May till 2 June in Dallas, the USA. The holding place will become Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, and the prize pool as it was mentioned before was a quarter of one million dollars. Its division will be done by 16 collectives that will get a direct invitation or will pass through the qualifier. 10 slots are prepared for the collectives that will get invitations and the other 6 are prepared for the best teams from the regional qualifiers. At the European qualifier Windigo Gaming and G2 Esports turned out to be the best and at the North American one — FURIA Esports, while the best at the South American one are — Isurus Gaming. The qualifiers in China will be taking place on 11-14 April, and the date for holding qualifiers in Asia hasn't been revealed yet.
Amazingly, half of all Americans say they don’t care about government surveillance — and during a random sampling of people on the streets of New York City not one could identify Edward Snowden, or what he did. That’s despite an Academy Award winning documentary on his release of classified documents about the spying activities of a National Security Agency called Citizenfour. The government is collecting data from you all the time. From your phone, computer, tablet, credit cards, travel records and more. We know they are doing this because of former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. John Oliver traveled to Moscow where Snowden, wanted by the U.S government, has asylum for the next three years. There he interviewed Snowden in an attempt to find out why more Americans don’t care about the government spying on their personal lives. Based on Snowden’s explanation of the government’s spying activities, here are five basic questions every American should ask themselves about the NSA surveillance program. 1. Do you want the government to collect your data (including your naked pictures)? According to Oliver, Pew Research found that 46 percent of Americans say they don’t care about government surveillance. Why? It’s too complicated and technical to try to trace the life cycle of a text message. Hilariously Oliver tries to put the issue into terms Americans will care about — whether or not the government has access to your naked pictures. Once everyday folks heard the argument in those terms, they got interested in the debate pretty fast. “I did this [released secret NSA spying information] to give the American people the chance to decide for themselves what kind of government they want to have,” Snowden tells Oliver. Do you want a government that hoards your most scandalous communications? 2. Why did the government lie about its spying activity? On June 1, 2015, key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire, including the controversial Section 215 provision, which has been interpreted by a FISA Court to mean that the government has the authority to collect comprehensive data on its citizens. Prior to the Snowden revelations about programs like PRISM, American government officials — including President Obama — said the government was collecting only basic phone and internet records, like when a call was made and to whom (metadata), rather than the actual content of the conversation. Snowden proved that’s just not true. The Snowden documents showed that the government was collecting and storing the content of Americans’ communications too, like emails, phone calls, internet searches and text and chat messages, rather than just basic call record information. Worse yet, it’s not just being looked at; it’s being stored in monster government data centers in Utah, in case it needs to be looked at in the future. So if you want to play a semantics game, they aren’t actively looking at it, just saving a copy in case they need to later. Does that make you feel any better about it? 3. Can you trust the government with this kind of power? Mobile phone data provides an incredibly detailed account of your life — your location, who you call, emails, text messages, internet searches, online shopping habits. Combine that level of detailed data contained in your credit card records, home and work emails and internet searches, and that’s a pretty freaky accurate representation of who you are, where you’ve been, with whom and what you were doing. But not totally accurate. Your phone data might put you in a mall food court at the same time as a terrorist, but does that mean you’re a terrorist too? What if you just both happen to love Orange Julius and soft pretzels? Now, imagine in the future the government charges you with a crime. Any crime, really. Doesn’t matter which. For belonging to the wrong religion. For being too friendly with someone the government doesn’t like. Happens all the time around the world. Rather than the government having to collect evidence about your crime to prove your guilt, it’ll already have a pile of information on you it can use however it chooses. No warrant. Nada. We might be cool with all of this surveillance capability being used against the terrorists, but what if it’s turned on Americans one day? So do you trust them? 4. How do we balance privacy and safety? The Patriot Act was conceived amidst the fear following the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. But even one of the primary authors of the Patriot Act, Wisconsin Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, testified that the legislation was never intended to authorize the bulk collection and storage of the communications of U.S. citizens and that its powers should be reined in when the Patriot Act is reauthorized this summer. Government officials argue that this kind of surveillance is critical for fighting terrorists and those who would do America and Americans harm. That sounds totally reasonable and fair. But with programs like PRISM and other surveillance activity Americans have no idea is going on, how can we have a debate and balance the idea of security against the idea of liberty? How much privacy are we willing to give up for less security risk? 5. Are you on a watch list? At the end of the interview, Snowden gives John Oliver a pretty ominous warning — that by interviewing him, Oliver is likely now on a very serious, very scary U.S. government watch list. The idea of a watch list is discussed in more frightening detail in the Academy Award-winning documentary about Snowden, Citizenfour. Americans are put on watch lists all the time, which brings increased scrutiny of communications, increased surveillance and, when traveling out of the country, often problems getting your passport cleared across international borders without intense questioning. But how do you know if you’ve done something to raise the government’s suspicions about your activity? Am I on a watch list just for writing this article? Are you for reading it? How would we know? It’s a secret. The principles of transparency and checks and balances the U.S. government is founded on demand that citizens be informed about these kinds of government activities. Whether you view Snowden as a hero or a traitor, as he says, now you know what your government is doing in our name. Do you care? Does it bother you? We should be allowed to have this debate and make an informed decision one way or the other. In the meantime, John Oliver and his team of brillant writers have distilled the argument down to this: Do you want the government to have a picture of you naked?
2010 marked the first time the majority of the world’s population was living in urban areas (52%), up from 47% in 2000. The global share of population living in urban areas is projected to increase to two-thirds by 2050. In 1990, the nation’s population was heavily urban (78%). By 2010, more than four of every five U.S. residents was living in an urban area. In some states, such as California (95%) and New Jersey (94.7%), nearly all of the state’s population resides in urban areas. North Carolina has a significantly smaller share of its population living in urban areas than the national average, but has increasingly urbanized over the past two decades. In 2010, two of every three North Carolina residents was living in an urban area, up from 60% in 2000. Among North Carolina’s 100 counties, only 8 are as urbanized (or more) as the nation. Mecklenburg is the most urbanized county: 99% of Mecklenburg’s population lives in an urban area and 86% of the land area was classified as urban in 2010. Among the other 10 most urban counties in the state, only New Hanover, Wake, and Forsyth have more than half of their land area classified as urban. In 2010, North Carolina had the second largest rural population (3.2 million) after Texas (3.8 million). Fourteen counties in the state have no urban areas at all. They contained 191,000 residents—2% of the state’s population—in 2010. Nationwide, there are 486 urbanized areas and 3,087 urban clusters. The population classified as urban includes all individuals living in urbanized areas and urban clusters. This entry was posted in Carolina Demographics and tagged rural, trends, urban, urbanization. Bookmark the permalink.
Nairobi Tented Camp is situated in the only wildlife park to be found next to a major city, and it offers something that cannot be found anywhere else in the world; a quintessential safari experience on the periphery of a modern metropolis. The camp consists of eight luxury en-suite tents, as well as elegant dining and living areas, comfortably nestled in a beautiful olive and the Croton forest in the Kisembe Valley. Being close to the wilderness and the city, the camp is truly one of a kind, an ideal location that offers something for everyone. They are eco-friendly, powered by solar energy and all waste disposals are done outside the park. Being close to the city, Nairobi Tented Camp is not only a fantastic stopover for people traveling through Nairobi on their way to and from safaris in the rest of the country or business men who would otherwise only see the gloomy gray of the inner city, but also as a tourism destination in itself. Nairobi Tented Camp also has the facilities to host small conferences and can sleep up to 16 delegates for business communication and team building exercises. For residents, it is the perfect weekend getaway.
Our team has been developing ideas and technological projects since 2008. We have a lot of experience in cutting-edge technological development for your start-up. Thanks to the accumulated experience after the passage through many accelerators and incubators, we can help you to design an MVP suitable for each phase of your start-up. Thanks to Outbarriers, our flagship project in accessibility, we discovered that in addition to the physical world, the digital world was, and is, inaccessible too. Since then, every project that we develop is accessible. And now we share those skills with you, so that your projects become accessible for everyone. Our team of engineers is expert in the development of all types of prototypes. We develop hardware, firmware and software. The IoT is not future, it is present. And we can help you develop a complete prototype that allows you to reach the market in time. As you probably know, a good marketing budget that allows you to get downloads is needed for launching an app. And that's going to be expensive. PWAs allow almost 90% of the functionality you can have with an app, but using web technology. This means a saving in a general sense and greater flexibility for your project. Of course we develop websites and apps using the latest technology standards and good practices. According to needs and budget, we can choose either doing a native development or using HTML5 technology via WebApp. R+D is our day-to-day lives. We constantly explore the state-of-the-art on technology in search of the most avant-garde tools which allow us to create projects that are very demanding in time, flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness. We are Django experts. We've been developing projects since version 1. We design with HTML5 & CSS3. Golang is a new language that we adopted since its inception in 2009. We developed highly efficient and flexible microservices with it. Containers for everything. Version control and deployment are very important processes. With docker tools, we work with development, testing and production environments. The performance power of native apps but using the same framework. Do you like what we do? Then, join us!
Dinner parties are great for a larger groups of friends, and Valentine's Day is the perfect time to get your single and coupled up friends together. Some couples skip Valentine's Day, which is perfectly okay. Others may want to pop in before heading out for a night on their own. Atlus has recently launched a Persona 5 Valentine's Day page that will let you send game-themed messages to your sweetheart. Sweethearts? We're not judging. You can head here for the chance to do so. Persona 5 heads to the west, via PS4, on 4 April.
Everyone who has a business idea thinks it’s the best idea since sliced bread. And although that’s never the case, your business idea can take off and find success if you’re willing to take the right steps to make it happen. But what are those steps? Below, you will find out everything you need to know about getting your business idea off the ground. Taking those first few steps and setting the right course is never easy. But rushing into it blindly is certainly not the answer. So, here are the steps you need to understand. First of all, you’re going to need to do some research. It’s essential to know the market you’re about to be entering, as well as what the competition has to offer. If you storm in without knowing what it is you’re up against, you’re most likely going to come out of that particular battle worse. You will then have to set about putting plans in place to outsmart your competitors and their ideas. It’s not an easy task, but it’s one you’ll need to approach. Talking to people who have been in your shoes before can be very helpful indeed. There are not many people better placed to offer you advice than other entrepreneurs who have been in a similar situation to you. They will be able to tell you thing you should do, as well as things you shouldn’t do. Learning from other people’s mistakes is always much wiser than trying to learn from your own. In the world of business, money talks. You can’t really do anything or see your business idea take off if you don’t have the financial side of things straight. A great idea can only take you so far. Sooner or later, you’re going to have to finance that idea and come up with new plans. Covering your costs is an important part of that. If you need financing, you should be very clear about where this is going to come from as well. The early success your business may experience can sometimes be illusory. It might look great now, but is it sustainable in the long-term? This is one of those uncomfortable things that you need to be thinking about as an entrepreneur. It might not be very nice to have to think about what could go wrong for the business in the future. But without a plan in place for long-term and sustainable growth, your company and its central idea could burn brightly at first, before burning out. You want your business to get its message across to the right kinds of people, don’t you? Well, you need to make sure that you’re taking advantage of online advertising to the fullest possible extent. These days, it’s possible to target people in very specific ways. If you want your business to appeal to 18-24 year-olds living in one country, that’s easy. You can be even more precise than that thanks to Facebook ads. You can target people with particular traits and interests too. As someone looking to start a business by yourself, you won’t have a whole lot to work with. However, one thing you do have is yourself. You should make use of your personality and personal brand. That way, you can make yourself the face of your business. People like businesses that are human, rather than the bland corporate ones we’re so used to. As well as that, it will give you an added dimension to advertising and marketing via interviews and things like that. Business ideas always need time to flourish. Don’t be put off or discouraged if you don’t see the results you want right away. Persist and make use of the steps described above to watch your idea eventually take off.
Ramon isn't currently collecting unemployment benefits. Ann didn't see Murph anymore. Did you leave a tip? Duane smells horrible. Do we need more inflation? Look out for my friend Rolfe. Abel was killed by Cain. I refused her invitation to dinner. I thought Thomas would get fired. Were you the one who advised Al to go to the police? He is all but dead. I need coloured pencils. Caroline is on the basketball team. Your tea will get cold if you don't drink it soon. In those days, he lived in the house alone. Jacobson is breathing hard. Wait till Tao gets here. The fawn bolted from its hiding place. Louiqa banged his head. Most people have ups and downs in their marriages. A swine sees no sky. Success is never blamed. Angela begged me to help him. What is all that? Sit down for a second. Why am I up? I'll buy that back from you if that's what you want. Caroline became calm. I went for a swim. Don't tell me what I'm supposed to do. Making model spaceships is interesting. Anton picked up takeout on his way home. One of my six Facebook accounts was suspended. Aaron opened the door and turned on the light. This dress shrank, and what's more it faded. Chuck tore up the letter he got from Sigurd. I think we were lied to. Don't you have a driver's license? Alberto asked the DJ for a slow song. Just follow my lead. We're chopping off their head. You should learn Esperanto. Whatever! Knapper couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he might be laid off from work. You have to pay taxes. I went to elementary school in Nagoya. Sherri ambushed a policeman and killed him with an ax. I sometimes get scared. He is still angry with you for your conduct. I had to tell him about us. Your plan sounds great. What a bad film! Who's your favorite horror movie character? I hope you can still look at yourself in the mirror my friend. Juan is in great shape. You can have it for nothing. She went with him. It's not safe at night around here. They say Pontus did it. The leaves blew off. It's probably healthier to eat popcorn than it is to eat potato chips. She is more beautiful than you think. We should do this more often. He looks young. He cannot be older than I. I was really, really disappointed. This city is called the Japanese Denmark. Can you put the children to bed? You're going to love it. Once again she was lived in and taken care of. The doctor painted Gale's throat with iodine. We all love you. Pat leaned back and smiled. Outside, the storm was rumbling. Lucy witnessed a murder in the main square of Florence. How could anything be worse than this? Wendy seems to be afraid of something. He has a son. Tolerant saw Kamel coming towards him. How long have you guys been standing there? He's partially right. I told you I needed some air. Many of the students were tired. I did everything in my power to protect her from you. It will never happen again. You'd be stupid to trust him. Who's had enough? Bill used to mow lawns as a part time job. Who should we give it to? I'm not asking for money. It is time to empty the garbage. He has got it. I want to eat Chinese food. Would you accept a Brazilian coffee? She was very surprised at the sight. We're always learning. There's no leash law here. Over 68 percent of Earth's freshwater is locked up in ice and glaciers; and another 30 percent is in groundwater. He likes sweets. Gordon is the last person I want to see now. Ken is too busy to come.
The UN has declared that asylum is an inalienable human right, and most countries offer it. The principle is that nations should safeguard people who face persecution or danger when their countries can not or do not want to protect them. There have long been debates about who deserves the sanctuary, but today discord is going deeper. In the wake of violence in the Middle East and Afghanistan and parts of Africa and Central America, the number of asylum seekers has risen to record levels. While most of them are hosted by neighboring countries, a crackdown on refugees in the United States and Europe is raising doubts that support for the asylum concept can survive. The total number of refugees has increased steadily since 2012, to 19.9 million by the middle of 2018, fueling the antipathy towards strangers in some host countries. Of the 1.9 million new refugee status applicants in 2017, the United States had the largest number – 332,000, with 43% coming from Central America, where gang violence has become widespread. US President Donald Trump has joined his offer to suppress immigration with an effort to radically remodel the nation's asylum system. It has banned entry to citizens of six countries, five of them mostly Muslims, and has reduced the number of refugees who can be admitted to the United States to 30,000, a historical minimum. His administration has excluded asylum for people fleeing domestic violence and gangs, and for those who have illegally crossed the US border with Mexico. It imposed a policy of detaining anyone who was illegally caught while crossing the border, including those seeking refugee status. The parents were separated from their children, causing a public protest that led Trump to back down. In October, Trump threatened to cut foreign aid to Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador in retaliation for a so-called caravan of migrants traveling through Mexico to the United States. In the European Union, the resentment for the influx of refugees has led leaders to consider creating holding centers, probably in Africa, to manage asylum seekers. Officials have discouraged groups from saving such people in the Mediterranean Sea. Hungary, led by populist Prime Minister Viktor Orban, has made it a crime to help migrants seek asylum. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees affirms that the concept of asylum is one of the "first distinctive signs of civilization", citing references to it in texts of 3,500 years. The word derives from the ancient Greek word for freedom from seizure. A 1951 UN Convention on the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol are the modern legal framework for asylum, which defines refugees as persons who can prove to be persecuted at home on the basis of race, religion, nationality, political conviction or social group. Agreements in Europe, Africa and South America have broadened the definition by including those fleeing generalized violence. Among today's refugees, Syrians are the largest group. They are fleeing a civil war, like the Afghans and South Sudanese who make up the closest groups. Among the victims of the persecution there are Christians who escape forced conversion to Islam in the Arab countries and Rohingya, a Muslim ethnic group in Myanmar fleeing the abuse of their fellow countrymen. Asylum applications worldwide amounted to 1.9 million in 2017. The United States presented the largest number of new applicants, with 43% coming from Central America. In 2017, around 732,500 asylum applications were accepted, and a little more – 754,100 – were rejected globally. Asylum was used as a political tool, as when Americans welcomed Cubans and Vietnamese who sought refuge from communism. Requests for safe haven by gay, bisexual and transgender people have increased in recent years. Attacks in Europe and the United States by assassins linked or inspired by foreign jihadist groups have generated the fear that future terrorists will hide among those who seek refuge. Critics of pro-asylum policies also fear that the hiring of refugees can lead to higher rates of crime and unemployment. Trump administration officials have claimed that the asylum system is abused by scammers. Other critics of the asylum assessments in the United States say that they are so arbitrary that they amount to "refugee roulette". This has promoted the development of a cottage-like industry to provide refuge seekers with compelling personal stories that may be exaggerated or false. Defenders of the control process say it is rigorous, even if no system is infallible. Asylum advocates stress the universal obligation to protect the vulnerable and observe that many of the people that nationalists like Trump would keep out were fleeing terrorism. The debate on asylum in the United States and Europe can overshadow the fact that the burden of hosting refugees around the world lies more with the poorer countries closer to major conflicts, such as Turkey, Pakistan and Uganda. .
Wall Centre False Creek offers you the opportunity of a lifetime to own a luxury home in one of the last waterfront areas close to downtown. This fresh, inspired community preserves a distinct heritage while delivering a model for sustainable living that anyone in the world could be proud of.Viking products, known for blending the utility of commercial grade appliances with the needs of a residence, are available in over 80 countries. The top-of-the-line innovative technology in your new Viking stove will make gourmet cooking stress-free and inspire you to get creative with your food. Wall Centre False Creek residences have a stainless steel gas range and a convection oven to handle the most daring cooking. The oven comes with a highly efficient matching Viking stainless steel over-the-range microwave and hood fan. Granite counters and backsplash, an LG front-loading fully integrated dishwasher and a state-of-the-art LG refrigerator add further appeal. Sleek design and function in the comfort of your own home.
Ok. This one is more than 10 years old. I did it in college as part of a sequential art class. It's... kind of rough. I realize that. There are a lot of things going on with it. Plenty of bad design, bad drawing, and just plain craziness. I guess I am ok with the craziness. What I like about this is that I had a story I wanted to tell, and although I don't think I told it as clear as I could, I got it all down on paper and filled those 24 pages. Some of the panels I think I pulled of some cool stuff, most of it is pretty "not so good" I am ok with that, because I know I have gotten and will continue to get better at this. For those of you who have not created 24 pages of art and story for a comic (plus a cover - which I still like pretty much), just know that it is an accomplishment in itself. I like the story that I tried to tell in this comic so much, that I am taking another swing at it in a project I am working on now.
There's never been a better time to give Linux a try on your PC. Here's why. Is this the easiest way to try Linux on a Win7 laptop?
At Asha Dental, we offer dental restorations so that patients can stay in excellent oral health. We can complete restorations in a way that restores the functionality and appearance of a tooth. This is important for ensuring that once the dental work is complete, no one can tell your tooth was ever damaged. If your tooth is cracked, chipped or damaged in any way, call (913) 971-4163 to schedule your appointment. If you live in the Leawood area, schedule an appointment with our dental office to learn more about the type of restorations that are available to correct your tooth. At Asha Dental, we do not believe that there is a one-size-fits-all-solution, but offer customized treatment plans based on the needs of each individual patient. The restoration that works for your spouse is not necessarily the one that we will recommend for you. If a tooth is only slightly damaged with a small chip or crack, a veneer can be used to restore it. A veneer is a thin shell that is placed on top of a natural tooth and frequently used for restorations of the front teeth. The process of placing a veneer is similar to that of a dental crown only with less tooth preparation. If you live in Leawood, schedule an appointment so that we can discuss both options with you. At Asha Dental, we use tooth-colored fillings as a way to restore teeth that have had cavities. Once we remove the decayed area of the tooth, a filling is necessary to replace the missing enamel. Traditionally, this was done using silver amalgam but now we can complete dental restorations using materials that look natural so that when you smile, no one can tell that you had cavities. At times, patients need dental restorations to replace teeth. Whether a tooth has been knocked out or has fallen out due to an infection, there are several ways that it can be replaced. In order to determine what procedure is right for you, call 913-971-4163 to schedule an appointment and consultation. Why Do Teeth Get Chipped?
I am originally from Towanda, Pennsylvania. Towanda is Algonquin for "Hills were the great dead are buried", something I find to be an interesting coincidence in the relationship to the vast majority of my work; it is also a terrific case of irony, being that I was technically born in a old graveyard. I received my B.F.A. from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania and my M.F.A. from the University of North Dakota. I am a Ceramics Instructor at Century College. I am currently located in Minneapolis, MN.
New York’s bike share really does attract way more commuters than tourists. Since its debut last year, New York City’s bike share system, Citi Bike, has been wildly popular. In its first six months of operation, the bright blue bikes logged more than 5 million trips. The system has nearly 100,000 annual members. Yet Citi Bike–which unlike most bike shares in major cities, isn’t subsidized by public funds–is losing money. One of the main reasons is that while annual memberships are popular, the much more profitable day passes aren’t. It’s a phenomenon easily seen in this visualization of two days of Citi Bike rides around New York City. Designer Jeff Ferzoco, Sarah Kaufman at New York University’s Rudin Center for Transportation and Juan Francisco Saldarriaga of Columbia University’s Spatial Information Design Lab worked together to visualize Citi Bike journey data from September 17 and 18 of last year. Over those two days, when the weather was in the 60s and there was no rain, Citi Bike saw 75,000 rides. Rides are separated by type of membership, either annual (blue) or casual (yellow). The visualization doesn’t show exact routes along the city’s grid, but instead approximates trips by tracing straight lines between the endpoints. Ridership picks up early in the morning, around 5:30 a.m., and is heavy between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. Almost all of those riders are annual members. Yellow dots are barely visible on the map, except a few around the very lower tip of Manhattan and up near Central Park. As the day wears on, there’s a slight increase in casual members–people riding over the Brooklyn Bridge, for instance–but for the most part, the vast majority of the map is the blue. During the evening rush hours, when commuters get back on a Citi Bike to go home, the map is overwhelmed by a dense network of blue. Interestingly, more riders seem to take Citi Bike during the evening hours than take it to work. The number of active riders hits 800 at 8:30 a.m., but spikes to more than 1,000 at 6 p.m. Though the balance of ridership clearly tips in favor of annual membership, it would be interesting to compare this data to a weekend. Perhaps more people are willing to grab a daily pass on a Saturday than during the workweek.
Holdings: Dr. Pusey and the University of Oxford. Dr. Pusey and the University of Oxford. A letter to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford. A letter to the Rev. E.B. Pusey, D.D. ... on the publication of No. 90. of the Tracts for the times.
But Raikkonen remains sceptical about Lotus’s pace. “I knew the gap was quite big still and we don’t have that speed right now,” he said. “Second is not too bad, it is the best I can gain with the team. I’d rather be in first place, but we didn’t have the speed. “We had a very small update, I would say it is the same as in the last race,” he said. “It seems to be working OK. We have some issues with some stuff, but it’s a similar story to Malaysia. Championship leader Sebastian Vettel and McLaren’s Jenson Button chose to sit out the pole battle and run medium tyres in Q3, hoping for a race strategy advantage. Raikkonen was confident Lotus’s tactics were right.
When you uninstall Washing Machine 2014 and had previously purchased Washing Machine from the Mac App Store, the version from the Mac App Store will be uninstalled. Please be sure to use the same Apple ID to login to the Mac App Store that was used when you purchased Washing Machine so you do not have to pay for it again. Once you click Purchases you will see a list of Apps you have purchased. You will see Washing Machine and have the option to Install. When you click Install, Washing Machine will be reinstalled in your Applications folder.
My 2010 Toyota Yaris has fantastic fuel mileage. I get 25 to 28 miles per gallon on the highway, and I get closer to 30 for in-town driving. The ride is smooth and quiet. I have not had to replace any major component of the vehicle. Maintenance for the Yaris has consisted of replacing windshield wipers and regular oil changes. I only have two criticisms of the car. The first criticism concerns the speed of the windshield wipers. The control does not have adequate intermediate speed controls. It either runs very slow or very fast. I have difficulties choosing the right speed during a rainstorm. Secondly, the seal around the hatchback has begun to separate from the body of the car. I loved being able to take my son and his stroller in the Yaris to parks and other attractions. Before his sister was born, I could easily travel to the Henry Ford Museum and the Greenfield Village with him in tow. We would spend the morning and afternoon looking at the trains inside the museum and riding the train outside around the Greenfield Village. The fuel efficiency and the size of the car are my favorite features. I have saved money because of its relatively low fuel use. Also, I find the car is easy to drive because of its small size and compact nature. As a young mother, I have been able to put not only my son and his car seat into the Yaris, but I have also been able to pack a jogging stroller into the hatch (trunk). The size can also be a negative aspect of the car if you have two adults and two children in the car. If the Yaris carries my husband, my three-year-old son, my four-month-old daughter, and myself, we feel like sardines in a can. We can still transport some groceries as well, but the ride is a little cramped. 2007 Toyota Yaris - The Yaris is too small but great on gas. The Toyota Yaris is very good on gas. It doesn't take much to fill up the tank, and a full tank goes a long way. I have had the car for four years and the maintenance cost has been very low. I did not like the size of the car. It was very uncomfortable on long trips. Passengers are elbow to elbow, and if you are taller than 5'10" this isn't the car for you. The look of the car was O.K., But it sort of looked like a roller skate, or an egg. It looks better in black. The acceleration was fine for a car that size, and it handled well. I did not feel very safe, mostly due to the size, but also in part due to the cheap quality of the doors and hood. There's also the downside of having to go to a Toyota dealer to replace the rear windshield wiper. I haven't found an auto parts store or oil change place that carries that size windshield wiper. My friends joke about calling my vehicle a dinosaur egg due to it looking like a very large, grey egg. Whenever any of them are in the car with me and we pass by a large truck, like a Hummer, they joke about my car evolving into that one day like a Pokemon. The most positive thing about the Yaris is the gas mileage. It was very efficient and I didn't have to worry about the price at the pump as much. The sound system was also pretty good and didn't rattle the vehicle. The size makes it very uncomfortable for long rides. The speedometer is in the middle of the dash, making it so the driver has to look towards the middle of the windshield to check the speed.
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Jonathan Fenton-Harvey is a journalist and researcher, who focuses on political issues and humanitarian crises in the Middle East and North Africa. Showing 3 results related to "Jonathan Fenton-Harvey". The UAE is Saudi Arabia's—and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman's—strongest backers. Why then, does the UAE not face any scrutiny for its whitewashing of MBS, and its own egregious human rights violations? As the international community drags its feet and consistently fails to find diplomatic solutions to Yemen's conflict, its population is dragged deeper into a humanitarian crisis with no end in sight.
It is important that you get to have the best business in your life so that you can stand to gain at the end of the day. When you are able to make profits it means that you will have the chance to provide for your family without any problems and this will be important that you get to have a happy life in the long run. For you to be able to expand your business within no time there are some important investments that you will make and you are sure that you will benefit in the long run. The best marketing platform that you choose will be a big step in your life at the end of the day. For you to be able to get to be above your competitors you will want to adopt the modern ways of marketing your brand thanks to the technological enhancements. Your company might not be good at marketing your brand and hence you will want to opt for the services of the professionals so that you can gain at the end of the day. You get the chance to save and utilize your time in the event that you choose to adopt the services of the companies that have specialized in the area of marketing. The consultations that you make with the marketing services companies are very important in making sure that you get to work on your weakness and improve on your strength in the business at the end of the day. The expert organizations when it comes to the marketing of your brand will also save so much of your money that you will maximize in other projects that will be beneficial to the business in the long run. The best organizations when it comes to the marketing of your business will go a long way to make sure that you get the web design and SEO service that will contribute to taking your business to the next level. You should know that a peace of mind is another thing that you will get in the business in the event that you opt for the services of the best marketing companies. There are more companies that have been formed so that they can make your dreams come true when it come to marketing. It is always crucial that you opt for the marketing company that have the experience in the area so that you are assured of quality services that will match the amount of money that you are paying. Companies that are licensed means that they will work within the laws of the land and you will be able to benefit in the end. Reading of the online reviews will be important that you choose to hire the best marketing company that will make your dreams come true.
Please accept our invitation to become a member of the Lower Providence Presbyterian Church. Confession of Faith – if you have never been a member of a Christian Church and you confess your faith in Jesus as Lord and Savior. Re-Affirmation of Faith – if you were previously a member of a Christian Church but a transfer letter is unavailable. Our new member process has been developed to give expression to each individual’s calling to membership in Christ’s Church. Within the process we will also inform prospective members of things they should know and understand about being Presbyterian. For more information please contact Wendy Todd in the church office (610) 539-6635 x11. Confirmation class is for those in 6th grade who wish to decide if they want to become Church members. Emphasis is placed on the practice of the Christian faith because this is what they will be asked to do for the rest of their lives. The process begins in October with a Confirmation Dinner attended by confirmands, parents and sponsors. It culminates on Confirmation Sunday typically held in May. For questions concerning Confirmation, please contact the church office at 610-539-6635.
You can upload up to 12 photos with us. Use a high resolution - our software will resize them appropriately. Your photos should be a JPEG, GIF or PNG format. These are the only formats supported on the internet. You cannot upload photos inside a Microsoft Word, PDF or other kind of document. You can upload all the photos at the same time during the process of creating your advert. If you do not have your photos ready now, you can still create your advert and add the photos at any point in the future. You are also able to add/amend the photos at any point in the future after the advert is live. Hand held cameras are great for taking spur of the moment pictures, but a tripod will give you the stability to take clearer, sharper photographs. Even during the day, having all the lights on in your home will instantly make it look warmer and more appealing. Dark corners don’t do your home any favours online, but simple lighting equipment will help you illuminate them. A flash will help, as will a reflector and even a light stand. Sometimes called staging, preparing a room is a way of showing how best it can be used. This is very often done by temporarily repositioning furniture in a room and putting lamps on tables and flowers in vases, or setting a table for dinner. To prevent your pictures looking wonky, use a bubble spirit level to ensure your camera is perfectly angled for each room. Getting up a dawn isn’t everyone’s idea of fun, but it’s the ideal time of day to get the best photographs of the outside of a property: dawn light is better and there are fewer people around. At different times of the day, and at different times of year, the light will change how your house looks. Take some time to stand outside and see how it looks on different days. Today processing is a term for how the image is put through photography software before it is ready to be used. This helps to soften, sharpen and generally tidy up any imperfections. There are photography courses run at adult education centres all over the country, and are the best place to start learning about taking better pictures. Hiring a professional is very cost effective. They are not expensive and can make the difference between the house selling/renting quickly or not. If you’re thinking of renting your property, then with a one-time investment in professional photographs, you can re-use them each time you come to let the property. Contact us if you'd like a quote.
I accidentally dropped something behind the bed side table which made me look and it was very grubby down there. Made me bring to question the actual cleanliness of the room. Stayed here for my dad's 90th birthday. It's a place he's spoke of wanting to visit on numerous occasions over several years. Although there was a large wedding on at the same time, we never felt we were being pushed out,hurried or moved along. Rooms were lovely and comfortable with everything you'd need for a short stay. Staff were realmy nice and welcoming and there was nothing that was too much trouble for them.
When you have a family issue, there are many benefits to choosing a local family lawyer. In addition to supporting a member of your Folly Beach community, you are also choosing a lawyer that is more convenient to travel to, being local to Folly Beach, than if you were to choose a lawyer outside of the Folly Beach area. By hiring a reputable Folly Beach family lawyer, you can ensure that your case will be handled in the most professional manner possible. And finding a good, experienced local Folly Beach family lawyer will give you the comfort of knowing that if you should have another family issue in the future, your lawyer is right around the corner.
There are many things that business owners are responsible for in their businesses. The work may be a lot, and you find that there is the need for your business to grow fast. That is why it is imperative to look for a digital marketing agency to help you in promoting your business quickly. Below are some of the things you need to put in mind when looking for a digital marketing company. It is a great idea to look for the digital marketing firm online. It is one of the most reliable and fast sources to use hence you will quickly find a marketing company of your choice. It can be nice seeking assistance when looking for the marketing agency. The best people to seek assistance from are other people who also own businesses. Various digital marketing agencies have separate service charges. Before hiring the digital marketing agency, it is wise to make a comparison of the services and see if they are worth the fees charged. You will quickly identify the digital marketing firm that favors your budget. Ensure you inquire about the payment mode of different digital marketing agencies. Opting for an affordable digital marketing firm is the best thing to do. The marketing experts that work for the firm are essential. The personnel of the digital marketing agency you select should be people who are well equipped with marketing skills. The marketing professionals should be people with good communication ethics. Ensure you check on the certification of the digital marketing firm. You cannot regret choosing a certified digital marketing firm. You should also check the work ethics of the digital marketing agency. Ensure that the digital marketing firm you select can meet the set deadlines. Ensure that it is a company that you can depend on any time. Check on the expertise of the digital marketing company. You can have a look at their work records. It is also a great idea to find out about its existence. It is wise to work with a digital marketing company that has been in operation for an extended period. The reputation of the digital marketing company matters a lot. The best digital marketing firm to work with is one with a good reputation. In case of any doubt, you can listen to what the previous clients say about the company.
Cywain, delivered by Menter a Busnes is a model providing targeted support to micro and SME businesses operating in the Welsh food and drink sector. We are now entering a new stage and have received funding through the Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme 2014 – 2020 to provide a revised service. Additional funding has been secured until March 2018. We are awaiting confirmation if we have been successful with our application for new project funds from April 2018 until October 2022. The service supports businesses to increase their capacity and capability, facilitate knowledge transfer and industry intelligence as well as strengthening supply chain integration. Delivery is pan Wales with an emphasis on collaboration through clustering, adding value, market development for growth and job creation. Cywain has developed a wide network of stakeholders and integral to the client development is a coherent approach with other delivery partners. Support the Project Manager to record, collect and analyse client feedback. Interviews will be held for this post at Menter a Busnes’ office in Aberystwyth on Wednesday, 1 May 2019. If this date is inconvenient, please note on your application form. Caerdydd / Bangor / Aberystwyth. Ystyrier lleoliadau eraill / Other locations will be considered.
The third annual UC Irvine Health Hematology Symposium will feature regional and national experts giving state-of-the-art updates on sickle cell disease, modern anticoagulants, CAR-T cell therapy and more. New this year, we will feature a case-conference series with individual case presentations and interactive discussion. We hope to see you at the third annual UC Irvine Health Hematology Symposium. For more information, please contact Elizabeth Yi at elizabeth.yi@uci.edu or 714-456-8100.
How do you feel when you take a look at your home’s exterior. If you suddenly notice one day that it’s looking lackluster, it’s no surprise. Many of us spend so much time indoors that we forget to perfect the look of the outside. When you think about home improvement, you often go through all of the fine details of the house in your head. You think about everything from top to bottom – how to keep everything clean and hygienic, and also how to improve every inch to make it all look as pretty as possible. Everyone wants to live in the best possible home, so they focus a lot of energy into making the interior of the place close to perfect. What goes into the house is super important, but it’s just a select part of your entire home. The aspects that sit on the outside of the home also need some love and some work. First impressions are important, and people aren’t exactly going to see inside the home when they stand on the outside. There are a bunch of components that make up a home’s exterior, here are a few ideas to help spruce up and shore up the outside. Whether your drive is concrete or compacted soil (like this one in the UK), keep it clean and in perfect repair. It makes the first impression of your home’s exterior. The first place anyone reaches as they enter your home’s space. The driveway isn’t always seen as the most glamorous part of a home, but they can definitely be made to look very attractive if given enough time and care. If the driveway is looking a little weathered, then it probably does have something to do with the years of damage caused by it – even if a driveway is fairly new, it can look as though it has been around for decades only after a couple of years. The best course of action here is to take a pressure washer and blast away at the dirt that has been collected. You’d be surprised at how youthful it can look after a good clean. You could also add some little extras in there like lights or borders to give it something more than just a plain look. A garden is the crowning glory of your home’s exterior. The garden should be a place to clear minds and feel complete bliss. If you have a garden that is fairly packed with different things, perhaps think about having a little clear-out and starting with somewhat of a blank canvas. People like to have little areas in their garden to sit in and relax – with a bit of work, you could get some chairs, get some plants, maybe half a dozen pieces of landscaping stone and a few other things, and you could have yourself your own little area. You could give the fences and gates a little paint if they look as though they’re fading a little. In terms of the bricks of the house, they’re in a similar boat to the driveway in that they can begin to look a little aged quite easily. It’s another case of blasting it with the pressure washer and seeing the results – be careful though; you don’t want to make a mess for the neighbors. If you have a garage and you don’t use it for parking your car in there, then you could give it a little clean – a lot of unused and needless items are stored in one’s garage, you could spend a day just sorting through all of the stuff in there. You could go one further and renovate it completely. If it’s left alone for a lot of the time, you may elect to turn it into a more practical place. Addressing your home’s exterior can polish up your dulled curb appeal with your investment of time and labor. Posted on April 10, 2019 by Deborah TayloePosted in DIY ProjectsTagged DIY, DIY Landscaping, DIY Projects, home exterior, home's exterior, landscaping.
Guarantor loans have become very popular in UK in recent years and it continues to receive buzz. More and more people consider applying for one because it offers a quick fix on a variety of financial situations. For those who've been denied by several mainstream lenders, a guarantor loan is an ideal alternative. Not only is it easy and fast but you can also choose from two types of loans. If you need quick cash to get by, a small guarantor loan is one type to look into. This option is perfect for paying bills or emergencies. The amount you can borrow generally ranges from £50 to £500 with repayments expected in a few days or a few months. In other words, small cash loans imply short term or you can make arrangements to repay it when you are able. As for the interest, it is typically charged on a daily basis with representative APR 627%. To apply, you are not credit scored but you do need a guarantor to be approved. Ideally, your guarantor should be a home owner but there are cases when the lender may consider a non-homeowner. Approval time is instant and you can expect your cash within an hour. If you need a bigger sum, the large loan option is your solution. Compared with small loans, the amount you can borrow start from £500 to £10,000 without being credit scored. If you're applying for more than £10,000, a credit check is necessary. Repayment terms vary from 12 month to 60 months with representative AR 49.4% and you have control to choose which one suit you best. To get started, you have to be of legal age and a tenant or homeowner in UK. As for you guarantor, he or she needs to be a homeowner in order to be approved. Once your guarantor is deemed acceptable, our can expect to receive the money within 24 hours. Application can be submitted online and processing is a breeze. If you're unsure about the terms or the amount, you can take advantage of free enquiry service to get the best deals. There are no obligations or upfront fees to worry about. Whether you're applying for a large or small guarantor loan, the best thing about this type of loan is the fast processing not to mention that rejection seldom happen give that you have an acceptable guarantor backing you up.
I'm helping a winery create an online payment form for their wine club. People would be able to sign up for the wine club online and submit their credit card information to be processed manually using the POS system at the winery itself. So we don't need any sort of payment processor, just to be able to store the credit card information to process later. I had already created a form to do this. Actually, two. They are named "Roaring River Vineyards Wine Club" and "Roaring River Vineyards Wine Club Form." I'm trying to access the submissions but it is asking me for a private key, which, as I can tell, would have downloaded to my computer at the time of creating the form. I don't remember anything downloading or seeing instructions on what to do with it at the time and that key is long gone from my downloads folder. 1) How can I access those submissions to be able to add those people to the wine club? 2) Is the form we're using the best option for what we're trying to accomplish?
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What is it like to work at Dana Incorporated? What are people saying about the leadership at Dana Incorporated? What are people discussing at Dana Incorporated? How much does Dana Incorporated pay their employees? What jobs are available at Dana Incorporated?
Instil Purpose into your business, brand or career. Today's customer is looking for an authentic connection with the brands, companies and people they buy from and work with. Unless you are clear on the Purpose behind your product or the service you provide, you can't give it to them. Which means you risk attracting the wrong prospects and opportunities. Marketing Is Dead, Long Live Purposing will help you understand and explain your Purpose, so you can connect with and attract like-minded customers and business partners. It will give you a new and authentic way to differentiate and market yourself, your business, and/or your brand. Want to listen to a free chapter? Download an excerpt here. Want to learn more about the book? Download the press release here. Want to grab a copy now? If you live in Australia, you can purchase the soft back addition by clicking the 'buy now' link below. If you live outside Australia, or if you'd prefer a downloadable version, click here to get your Kindle copy for AUD $11.99 / USD $9.99 / UK £7.76 / EUR 8,49 / CDN $9.99.
Post-launch, the BlackBerry Classic keeps on pulling strong reviews from outlets all over as people rediscover the benefits of a device that helps them do what needs doing in a package that makes sense –and it’s available now online through Amazon.com and ShopBlackBerry for $449 in the U.S. and $499 in Canada. Check out the 12 reviews below, as well as our earlier review roundups HERE and HERE. “BlackBerry’s Classic throwback isn’t just a gimmick” reads the Engadget headline in a review by Chris Velazco. In a piece on the BlackBerry Classic, The Las Vegas Review Journal ran a poll asking “What type of phone keyboard do you prefer?” (Fun fact: BlackBerry devices and BBM are At the time this piece was put together, 71% of the 83 people who voted did do for a physical keyboard: Cue the Classic.
Billy Graham impacted the world during his six-plus decades of ministry, but neither a stage nor a well-known name is vital to sharing the love of God. This question has stirred much debate. Historically, Christians have voted for candidates of different faiths, including Mormons, based on how they live their lives and how deeply committed they are to upholding the U.S. Constitution. Remember, God ordained government, and we are not electing a pastor-in-chief, we are electing a commander-in-chief.
Parents in Oregon can support their children with the help of the online tools and resources provided by the state. It is clear that they can use the online platform to access their accounts and perform different actions as if they were doing it over the counter at the child support offices. It helps them to save time and resources through the flexible online child support services. Step 2: Enter your case number and date of birth, and then click login. You have to begin somewhere if you want to pay for child support online. Assuming that you have already enrolled for this service, you can proceed to login and make payment. Step 2: Enter your username and password, and then click Login. Step 2: Enter your account details and click continue. Step 1: Click the create account space. Step 2: Enter your details as required and then continue. You can log in and perform different activities from your account. Since every account holder will have their own account details, you can log in and logout from it after completing different activities. For example, you can sign in, check when child support is due, make payment and log out. With the sign in account, you will be able to adhere to the guidelines of child support and now when payment is due.
If you have accepted Christ into your life, your past is forgiven. There is nothing left for you to do but leave it there – in the past. I want to be clear that this does not mean that you will not have to endure the consequences of your choices, but instead, mean that your past does not possess the power to rule your life. Let me give you an example of what I mean. I grew up in church, but when I got older, I decided to do my own thing. As a result, I was a single mother making $12,000 a year. I was at an all time low, and there was only one person who could help me out of the hole I created. Jesus forgave me of my sin, but I still had to be a mother. I still had to endure making huge sacrifices for my child to be okay. I had to go from thinking about what to wear out on a Friday night with my friends, to staying up all night with my sick, asthmatic baby. My sins were forgiven, but the consequences were mine. There were days harder than others, but I had the confidence of knowing Christ was with me. Some days were extremely hard but I never truly felt alone. I had made some huge mistakes and suffered at the hands of others, but none of that determined my future. Soon I met and married a wonderful man who loved both my daughter and I. There are still times in my life where I am reminded of whom I used to be, the people I hurt out of my selfishness and the pain I endured because of someone else’s selfishness. If allowed some days have the power to pull me into a dark place. But today, once again, I was reminded that “It is finished,” and my debt has been “paid in full.” I am healed of the abuse of others. I am left only with the scars that remind me of God’s power. Hold your head up Grace Girl! Yes you made poor decisions, or maybe horrible things have been done to you, but no matter what, you are so much more than those mistakes or hurts forced on you without your permission. You have been given the gift of grace. If you take the time to unwrap this undeserved gift, you will discover the strength you need to move forward on your journey. You see, grace was not created so you cannot buy it; it is not a merit so you cannot earn it; and it is not conditional so you cannot lose it. It is a gift from God! That you will find the strength to let your past go. That your faith will increase to trust the ONE who paid your debt. That you will bask in the magnitude of Christ’s love for you. You receive the strength it takes to forgive and move forward. And finally, that you will truly come to understand what it means to be Remade by Grace!
No, you can punch holes where your posts are going to be to hold the rail which will hold the loops. For The rear curb, you can drill or punch holes every 2-3 feet and insert rerod in the cement to hold the curb in place. If you have a spot where you are going to be pushing up against the rear curb with a skid loader, then you may want to take a section of the floor so the curb has more strength.
The coalition of more than 85 groups cautions that providing government the surveillance software will exacerbate bias against minorities. "This practice is illegal throughout the country." "We fully intend to make sure that Arizona voters learn about the record and stances of the real Joe Arpaio." The US Customs and Border Patrol said it nabbed someone traveling on a fake passport using newly installed facial-recognition technology. ICE officers were reportedly notified of appointments scheduled with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Weight / Size: up to 5 lbs. If you have any questions about this product by Four Flags over aspen inc, contact us by completing and submitting the form below. If you are looking for a specif part number, please include it with your message.
Crowning its own distinct foothill in the heart of the community is The Hilltop, one of the largest homesites in this initial release. A striking canopy of coast live oaks and pines set the stage for your arrival as you journey to the top of the hill, where a gently sloped and remarkably large building envelope awaits an exceptional residence to grace the land. Rolling hill views of Teháma and the Clubhouse to the north and surrounding forested hillsides and mountain vistas accent the expansive property, which is inundated with sunlight throughout the day by virtue of its setting atop its own peak. Maintaining a subtle sense of seclusion amid a forest of trees that descend the canyons in every direction, The Hilltop evokes an atmosphere of both prestige and intimacy on a homesite that serves as a bona fide Teháma centerpiece.
Investment Scam: Or is this a 419 Scam? Many investment scams are in fact, another type of 419 scams in disguise. There is the carrot – $7 million USD of “investment money”. It is a sum that you will never get to see, before you lose a fortune yourself. Scammers are exploiting your greed in a scam. And ofcourse, who would trust someone who claims that he owns millions but has to make do with a free gmail account. Using free email addresses and offering money, is definitely a scam.
A new and exciting view of Sydney Harbour had been open to the public with the official opening last weekend. There was a big fireworks display and there was less crowd than normal. It simply a great day/night out for the whole family. It happens to be Father's Day as well. Happy Father's Day to all the daddies out there. I've seen some of my friends post up on Facebook the proud photos of being a daddy. Check out my videos below for the fireworks display if you happened to missed it. It is not as great as the photo above. But we're dealing with different species photography and video. Video is catching up with the high quality of photo though. I'm doing both so it's exciting time to be pointing your camera at things.
[SAMPLE ESSAY: ARTICLE How Internet Affects Life. How Internet Affects Life. By: Syawalynn Zain. Nowadays, the use of Internet is increasing especially among adolescence or more accurately, students. The Internet issue is discussed by the adults and parents. # Please take note that this is an example of an essay for ARTICLE in SPM 2. 0 Advantages of the Internet Firstly, the internet can let a person to communicate with people in virtually any parts of the world through the internet or email, without having to leave his room. Email allowed peoples to communicate with minimum of times. I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages. First of all, Internet provides access to a lot of information. Some of them are very useful in your job other helps in your hobby. Searching the net with Google, you can find everything you want. You can also do shopping using Internet. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet (Essay 1) Ten years ago, the Internet was practically unheard of by most people. Today, the Internet is one of the most powerful tools throughout the world. The Internet is a collection of various services and resources. The Internets main components are Email and the World Wide Web. The possible advantages of implementing the Internet in the classroom are as diverse as the services and tools offered by the network. The Internet offers many resources that are not usually available in any geographic location. In addition to these resources, the Internet also enhances various Mar 19, 2011 Advantages of the using the internet. These days, life without the internet is very difficult. People do a lot of woks on the internet. At this time, the internet seems as small as a village. Everyone can knows more and finds any information, easily. In the modern world, people help each others on the internet. Benefits Of Internet Essay Examples. 15 total results. A Report on the Benefits of the Internet in Business.
A long time ago I asked my dad a question, which now in reflection, is exactly contradictory to that of Dr. Seuss’s theory presented above, yet I was seeking the answer to which he depicts. The question, “gosh, why can’t I just find someone normal? To this my dad responded, “What’s normal? You’re not normal so why do you expect to find someone who is? Nobody’s normal.” Touché my dear father – touché. His answer, although spoken with different words, was right in-line with good-old Dr. Seuss. Seuss’s quote also flashes me back to a reoccurring conversation I have with my sister. When describing to the other someone new who we’ve just met we say “You’d like them – they have our sense of humor. They “get” it.” My sister and I have the same, or mutual sense of humor. Others have it too. In dissecting this further I realize those who have been closest to me possess our mutually weird sense of humor, or at least understand it. It’s a humor that we usually call, well, warped I guess for lack of better words. Now I’ll call it “weird,” and do so with a smile – thanks Dr. Seuss. I think we get caught-up in searching for something that doesn’t exist – normalcy. Nobody’s normal, and everybody’s weird. What’s normal or humorous to you, or me, is not necessary normal or humorous to someone else, and vice versa. There’s no wrong or right here. Either you gel-together or you don’t. I now embrace that I’m different or weird and expect everyone to be a little weird. It’s just a question of whether or not their weird is compatible with mine. Now I completely understand why I get the butterflies (or excited) when getting to know someone who I think is weird like me. It’s that mutually satisfying weirdness feeling. Where we just ‘get’ the other. What he or she is saying, and find similar elements funny. Meeting people is a lot like shopping TJ Maxx – you have to sift through a lot of options to find something you want to try on, let alone buy. This is true with friends, and definitely in a significant other. It’s worth the time, though. To sift that is. Because at the end of the day, when the dust settles; it’s that weird, or your version of a normal person sitting next to you that you hope to call love – true love. You may also enjoy my post A Circle Can’t Fit Where a Square Should Be. Yes! I am lucky to have found my compatible weird mate, but now I just need to find a locally weird bff! There is a LOT of sifting.
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Hobart® filler metals are recommended for use with all Miller® power sources, wire feeders, guns and torches because of their consistent high quality and performance. Miller chooses to use Hobart filler metals in new product development and testing. We encourage you to consider Hobart filler metals when it’s your business to create exceptional welds. For the full line of Hobart product solutions — including metal-cored welding wire, flux-core wire, TIG welding wire, aluminum wire and stick electrodes, visit HobartBrothers.com. With deep industry and application experience, the Hobart team is ready to work with you to meet your specific welding challenges, improve quality, increase productivity, lower costs and give you a competitive edge. Stick electrodes formulated to provide good arc stability, reliable re-strikes and easy slag release. Consistent feeding to increase productivity. Usable for robotic, automatic and semi-automatic applications. Wires formulated for carbon and low alloy steel, featuring easy-to-remove slag for faster cleanup. Wires designed for mild and low alloy steel, offering good impact strengths for improved low-temperature toughness. Solid wire and TIG cut-lengths manufactured in a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to aluminum filler metal production. Wires offering extremely low diffusible hydrogen values, along with a welded seam to minimize moisture pickup. Stick electrodes and wires available for build-up and overlay to provide abrasion and impact resistance. Wires with improved deposition rates over solid wire and minimal spatter to reduce pre- and post-weld activities. Filler metals providing excellent corrosion resistance, along with good strength at high temperatures. Wires and fluxes designed to increase travel speeds and deposition rates for improved productivity. While they make up only a small part of the upfront cost in a welding operation, filler metals are a key component in achieving high quality and productivity — and they can significantly impact the bottom line. Achieving quality results in any welding operation is a matter of having the right equipment and filler metal, as well as the appropriate level of welding operator skill to complete the job efficiently and accurately. Productivity and cost savings matter in an industry where competition can be tight.
Stopping nearsightedness in kids and more. This week, Dr. Sydney Spiesel discusses a way to stop the progression of nearsightedness in kids, a better method of hormone replacement therapy for women after menopause, and new developments in the search for a cause for autism. His column will start appearing a couple of times a month. Condition: Nearsightedness, or myopia, is the most common eye problem. In the United States and Europe, about 25 percent of the adult population is nearsighted, and in much of Asia the condition is more common still. Significant myopia can have serious medical consequences. It has long been understood that the condition has a strong genetic component: Nearsighted parents are more likely to have nearsighted children. But recent research has shown that other factors contribute. For example, just as our mothers warned us, there is now evidence that doing close-up work, like reading, seems to promote the condition. How it progresses: The eyeball of a nearsighted person is deeper than the eyeball of a person with normal vision and becomes deeper as nearsightedness progresses. Myopia often begins to develop between the ages of 6 and 8. As children grow, their nearsightedness worsens, continuing to do so long after they have stopped growing taller. Though we know a lot about factors associated with nearsightedness and its progression, we have no good ideas yet about the mechanism. But can we stop it? New research: A recent study by Wei-Han Chua and colleagues at the Singapore National Eye Center elegantly built on older research and successfully used atropine eye drops to treat myopia in children. Atropine is a longer-lasting version of the pupil-dilating drops your doctor uses when you go for an eye exam. Available by prescription in the United States, the drops are mainly used to treat amblyopia (lazy eye) instead of the older treatment, patching, which children often hate. Dr. Chua and his co-workers studied the progression of nearsightedness in 400 children between 6 and 12 years of age. Half the children were treated with atropine eye drops, and the other half were treated with placebo eye drops. Both kinds of drops were administered nightly to one eye, so the untreated eye could be compared with the treated one. The children were followed for two years. All used eyeglasses to correct their nearsightedness, and because atropine dilates the pupil, the lenses of the glasses self-darkened in bright light, to avoid discomfort for the children whose pupils were dilated. Findings: The effects were extraordinary: After two years, on average, the children’s nearsightedness had not progressed in the atropine-treated eyes but had dramatically worsened in the placebo-treated and untreated eyes. Similarly, atropine-treated eyes did not become deeper, while placebo-treated and untreated eyes did. No serious adverse effects were observed in the course of the research. Conclusion: This is extremely promising. Further work needs to be done to determine the ideal concentration of atropine in the eye drops, to find out how long the treatment needs to last, and if the effects are permanent. Because atropine interferes with close focusing, children will probably need to wear bifocals while they’re using the atropine drops. Much more research must be done to help us understand why nearsightedness develops and progresses. But in the meantime, we may have a way to head off this common problem. Treatment: Hormone replacement therapy was introduced in 1941, when the FDA approved the use of estrogen for this purpose. Early on, HRT was prescribed with great enthusiasm. It relieved troublesome symptoms associated with menopause, including hot flashes, sleep problems, and, for some women, difficulty in concentration. And HRT (usually estrogen plus a progestin) was shown to improve the bone density of elderly women and decrease their risk for fractures. Downside: Time and further research has shown that these gains come at a cost, however: increased risk for cardiovascular problems, stroke, and blood clots in the veins and lungs. Postmenopausal women on HRT also seem to be an increased risk for breast cancer and possibly dementia. This made many women feel they had to choose between improved quality of life and a risk of ill health and early death. New study: Now research reported in the journal Circulation suggests a way around the blood clotting problem, at least. The researchers studied about 270 women who had developed blood clots in their veins, almost all of them postmenopausal. They were compared with more than 600 women who did not suffer from blood clots but similar in age, smoking status, and age at menopause. Among women in either group who used HRT, the study tracked whether the estrogen medication was taken orally or applied through the skin as a patch or a gel. The nature of the progestin component, if any, was also studied. Findings: Estrogen HRT increased the risk for blood clots in the veins—but only if it was administered orally. This result is not as surprising as it might seem. A medication that’s given orally collects in the blood supply of the intestines and passes through the liver before it is distributed to the rest of the body. This causes changes in the proteins synthesized by the liver, some of which are known to increase the clotting of blood. When the estrogen in HRT is administered through the skin, by contrast, it bypasses the liver. The study also established that some progestins (there are many kinds) increase the risk of blood clotting and that others do not. Conclusion: If these findings are confirmed, HRT skin patches or gels and careful choice of the progestin component could normalize the risk of blood clots in the veins, and also blood clots that migrate to the lungs, causing pulmonary embolism, and to the brain, causing stroke. Unfortunately, other studies suggest that administering HRT through the skin won’t affect the rate of heart disease or risk of breast cancer associated with it. HRT will still be a difficult choice. But this study at least lowers the risk and may well shift the balance for many women. Search for a cause: It has long been clear that autism is primarily genetic in origin. The disorder is almost certainly the result not of a single abnormal gene, but rather the interaction of several. In the past, a few locations on human chromosomes have been suspected of playing a role for a scattering of patients. Now researchers have identified a genetic location on a specific chromosome that seems to be associated with the expression of autism in many patients. Newresearch: Described in a paper with 137 authors representing 67 worldwide institutions, this finding is the first result of an audacious project conducted by the Autism Genome Project Consortium. The project started with a set of almost 1,500 families with at least two people who fall on the autism spectrum. Of this group, DNA samples from about 1,200 families could be analyzed for chromosomal similarities. Findings: This analysis points to a hitherto unsuspected “hot spot” on chromosome 11, which seems to be related to an increased risk for the expression of autism. (The genetic function of the hot-spot location is still unclear.) Besides identifying the chromosome 11 hot spot, the data also tantalizingly hint that flaws in the gene coding for a material called neurexin, which plays a role in the development of certain cell-to-cell transmission sites (synapses), can cause autism in some cases. This trigger for autism is probably quite rare. But it suggests that the disorder is somehow related to abnormalities in the connections between nerve cells that make use of glutamate for information transmission, and defects in those transmissions. How (or even if) these two observations—the hot spot and the neruexin flaws—fit together is as yet unknown. Conclusion: This study doesn’t tell us exactly which gene on chromosome 11 is important, but it does tell us just where to focus our attention. And the neurexin-related discovery hints at the mechanism of what might go wrong in neurodevelopment to lead to autism. These discoveries reinforce the value of collaborative work that puts together information about patients with a relatively rare disorder, from many locales, to create a pool large enough for serious research.
Studio 11 is a division of Bloomwell Health and Wellness Ltd which is one of the most reputed beauty salon and spa franchise in India. Studio 11 is now expanding its business in the metro tier 1 and tier 2 countries of India and flourish the business even more. The beauty industry is a rapidly growing business in India as it is becoming a necessity for women these days. Grooming is becoming the widely acknowledged requirement which is why an expansion in the beauty business is always profitable in India. There are numerous brands with their numerous ventures but even that does not seem to fulfill the demands of people which is why this business is very profitable and the returns are really good. Studio 11 with its reputation and great products that they use now ace the business and gain large returns. This is the reason why Studio 11 beauty salon and spa franchises are now expanding with an annual rate of 30% in India. So if You have opted for Studio 11, you have definitely made the right choice. The reason why Studio 11 is one of the most preferable choices among beauty salons is because it has a worldwide reputation and requires a low investment. Studio 11 empowers market with its technical pro approaches. The interiors with 3D visuals and 25 management executives make sure that the salon is marketing with the right approach so that the sales can be monitored. These are strong reasons for the rise of Studio 11. Studio 11 provides various business models therefore your investment will vary according to the business model you choose. As a rough assumption the investment required to start a studio 11 franchise will be something between 25 to 60 lakhs. It is quite a business idea as the beauty industry is on the verge of expansion in India. There is no land requirement declared about the company so probably it is something that they prefer discussing in person when you will sign up for the business. The managing officials are the backbone of the business and they monitor the complete business and ensure that the business is running smoothly. They are the base of the support system provided by Studio 11. With their website and their software system they control all the sales and manage the market of Studio 11 franchise divisions in India. There are loyalty and promotions that take place within the organization on the basis of performance measures. Uniforms in the saloons are a must. Customer care for better services is also offered to manage the work better. In order to apply you are required to fill the online application form which is available at the official website studio11.co/franchise. Give up you basic information such as name, email address, contact number and the city of your preference to start the business. This is the only way for applying as Studio 11 has not provided with any email id or contact number for franchising.
Do you like trying new types of gardening methods to see how they work? Some people like to grow a variety of crops in containers or on a mound. An ingenious way to grow plants that you may want to try is straw bale gardening. A couple of bales of straw are all you really need to get started with straw bale gardening. The best part is the bales of straw will become a raised garden bed in your backyard. There are many good reasons why you may want to try doing this on your homestead. You do not need to till any land or prepare soil. The interior of your straw bales will break down just like compost over time. This means that you have a terrific way to use straw bale gardening to grow all types of plants. Just make sure to water regularly and wait for a bumper crop to develop.
My Basement Flooded, Now What? Going down the stairs to find out your basement is full of water is never a good feeling. Most people store their family heirlooms, decorations, extra stuff in their basement because they want to keep everything safe, so it is so devastating to have those things ruined. My Basement is Flooded! Now What? ... Whether you’re facing a flooded basement at this moment or if you simply want to be prepared in case of future issues, there are things you can do immediately to reduce your risk of property damage and long-term issues. What to do if Your Basement Floods. If your basement has flooded, there are some really important things you should know. When in doubt, don’t enter the flooded area until you are told it is safe by a professional qualified to do so. What To Do When Your Basement Floods. ... Unexpected issues in your home aren't enjoyable, but they are common. A flooded basement can give even the most stoic homeowner a sense of helplessness and panic. If you have a basement flood, try not to over-analyze the situation. It may not be as bad as you think. Basement floods are nothing if not annoying, but once they happen, you can take steps to save your property and prevent future flooding. Once you’ve taken the steps above, get in touch with Safeguard Waterproofing to waterproof your basement. We’ll do our best to keep you from experiencing a devastating basement flood ever again. My Basement Flooded: What Do I Do Now? Posted on March 2nd, 2017 by ulbdrywaterproof Due to their below-ground location in the home, basements are more likely to flood than other areas of the house.
Are you looking for a unique packaging solution but don’t know where to start? WrappIDup offers you the solution with an inspiration session during which we show you a number of unique packaging ideas. Not only from within the market in which you are active, but also from elsewhere. Being unrestricted by boundaries results in the latest insights. We would be delighted to take on this challenge with you. Let yourself be inspired by trends in fields such as fashion, food, art and architecture as a basis for a creative packaging design. What happens during an inspiration session? The inspiration session is totally tailored to your needs and is prepared and run by one of our experienced packaging market specialists. For example, if you are looking for a packaging solution for your food product our WrappIDup food specialist will set to work for you. We show you a number of different technical and graphic packaging ideas tuned to your specific request or problem and the market in which you are active. You receive one worked-up idea per sheet. The inspiration session takes place either in one of our showrooms or at a location of your choice. The length of a session varies depending on the number of sheets and the core problem, but on average an inspiration session takes two hours. A number of people from your company can participate.
There comes a day when each of us “takes up the torch” from the preceding generation. For some of us, this event may happen in our family life, at work, with the passing of one’s Guru, or after a Yoga teacher training course has concluded. We learn valuable lessons from the generation ahead of us. Then, we initially tend to copy the ways of our teachers, before we become creative Yoga teachers. It is good to have a solid foundation of knowledge before we become innovators. On the other hand, some restless souls cannot wait to “reinvent the wheel.” Creativity is a wonderful thing, but who wants to spend years creating something that was created hundreds of years ago? For this reason, each Yoga teacher should spend time researching the classic texts. Let the Gurus of the past be your guides, through their writings and your independent research. Let the written works, and videos of today’s most innovative Yoga teachers, be your path toward becoming the best you can be. There is no need to travel the teaching path alone or to recreate what has already been created. Remember the saying: “If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Why should any of us spend time creating a solution to something that has been solved years ago? This is why education, research, and building a foundation of Yogic knowledge, is so important for all Yoga instructors. Yet, there are many written works by Yoga teachers from the past and present. In fact, the book shelves contain more literature than a lifetime of reading could consume. At this time, there is no need to teach Yoga without peer support, unless you choose to. There was a time when teachers visited their Guru, and it was a great journey. It may have required a pilgrimage, mountain climbing skills, or traveling by ship half way around the world. At his point in time, we have teacher networks, air travel, and Internet Yoga teacher communities. If you live on a secluded island, but have Internet access, you can trade ideas with Yoga instructors from any part of the world. When answers cannot be found within, it is time to look outside for fresh ideas. At the same time, it should be noted that not every new idea may be applicable to your classes or students. Each Yoga school is unique, and the same can be said for the students within a given school. It is always best to test new methods and see which methods are a good fit for the greater body of students. When absorbing and testing new methods in your Yoga classes, it never hurts to network with related fields. Chiropractors, physicians, nurses, holistic healers, physical therapists, and personal trainers have practical knowledge in regard to safety and methods from within their professions. See our testimonials to find out what our graduates have to say about teaching therapeutic yoga sessions and our selection of affordable yoga teacher training intensive courses.
A few more sites have added some time sensitive offers, and others are still waiting until the 24 November to release their discounts. Here are some of the latest deals I have found, both in the UK and the US. I’m only listing ones that I think are good value or that are from companies that don’t usually discount. Feelunique is releasing limited beauty buys three times a day, 8 a.m., 1 p.m., and 6 p.m. (approximately), and also has 10% brands to match a competitor for three days. Brands include Clinique, Elemis, bareMinerals, and Clarins. Discounts vary on the limited deals and can be from 10% to 75% off; currently there is a bareMinerals complexion set at 50% off and future deals include this works Deep Sleep Pillow Spray 75 ml. Superdrug has early Black Friday deals for members only. You must log in to see the final price and items include make-up bundles from GOSH and Rimmel for £10 each, various gift sets, and free gifts with purchases. There are currently over 200 items available, and a few have sold out already. These offers are only until midnight Tuesday where I anticipate they will have some new deals on offer. Resultime will be offering 10% off their products on Friday with the code BLACK. bareMinerals are offering free delivery on all orders, and will have five days of special offers from 25 November. I will post them as soon as the codes become live. The Body Shop (USA) has on offer their limited edition tote bag, available for $35 with a $33 purchase. The bag is filled with goodies worth $145, and sells out quickly.
Figures for top states show firstly the states where most people called ALCARAZ live. This obviously tends to be biased towards the most populous states. The second set of figures show where people called ALCARAZ represent the biggest proportion of the population. So, in this case, there are more people called ALCARAZ in California than any other state, but you are more likely to find a ALCARAZ by picking someone at random in California than anywhere else. The following names have similar spellings or pronunciations as ALCARAZ. The following words are slight variants of ALCARAZ that are likely to be possible typos or misspellings in written material.
This garage fits on a small lot, but still houses a spacious apartment above. There is a separate entrance for privacy, and an open railing at the top of the stairs to add a feeling of roominess. A dressing area near the closet and bath, and an efficient U-shaped kitchen leave plenty of room elsewhere for a sleeping area, sitting area or table and chairs.
Independence Day. John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, the following: "It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore." They had just finished the Declaration of Independence, letting the big boys back in England know that they were fed up. Tired of the shackles, inane regulations and the out-of-touch regulators themselves. I wonder what the signers would have thought the next year, if some city fathers decided that the kids could not light off a firecracker. Maybe there would have been a second Boston Tea Party. OK, I can accept the "No Fireworks" in the county-rural areas. But wouldn't it have made sense to allow fireworks inside the city limits? I am a lifelong Kansas resident, having lived through some really dry years. Firecrackers and other fun things are what make Independence Day what it is. Kids need the opportunity to step on a burning ember or experience a firecracker popping their fingers. I don't recall a house fire in Hays due to fireworks since moving here in 1970. This is the second year for this limitation. Now that our governing regulators have established policy to do away with what John Adams envisioned, the sad refrain begins. The fat lady sings and weeps. I plan on buying some firecrackers in Plainville. There will be a "Hays Tea Party" on the Fourth of July. Bang, bang.
* The remote controller has memory function, the color of light when you turn on again is same as last time when you turn off. Thanks for your view! Welcome to buy! If there is any assist, pls don’t be hesitated to contact us. We are always be here to support you.
SETTING UP YOUR MIND SET FOR SUCCESS: YOUR MINDSET IS THE BACKBONE OF YOUR SUCCESS. Have you ever wondered why some people are successful? Why the rich get richer? The answer is that they have focus, a mind-set, they do continuous learning and dedication to achieve the success they set as goals, visions, mission and purpose. In our world today, focusing on changing your mind-set sounds time-consuming. However, it is important to keep in right mind, otherwise stepping out of your comfort zone or learning from your failures may not be possible either. Humans have different thinking patterns which mostly are produced from our habit loops. They are large part of what makes you and me. Our identities are borne from the convergence of these patterns. They create our subjective experience. So once we change our mind-set and begin to see things from the inner circle, the outer world begins to respond automatically. First of all we need to understand that each of us faces different challenges at different times in different ways based both on our biology and our unique cultural upbringing. No two people think exactly the same way because no two people have lived exactly the same life. · Understanding our programed mind is the first step toward success. As zat rana writer with medium states ‘’How we think affects everything from our ability to solve problems, to how we understand meaning, value, and purpose. Real change doesn’t just happen but takes critical change from our mindset and overcoming challenges. · Overcome fear. Your ability to recognize that fear causes limitations in your life. It’s easy to get attached to your thoughts and feelings that it is okay and that is the way it is. Successful people don’t take things the way they are they take up the fight and go beyond ‘okay’ standards. you are not your fears. You are the awareness that experiences it. · Believing in yourself. Do you know who you are? What are your strength and weakness? Knowing that you can do something and believing that you have what it takes is success in the making. Once you change your mind-set, opportunities come to you, but if you don’t change then you will keep chasing opportunities. · Choose your company wisely. The saying goes ‘show me your friends and I will tell you who you’re’ successful people surround themselves with mentors, business gurus, and people of same influence. The circle of Friendships, relationships, and Associations should enable you to grow and lead you to success, otherwise to be successful, sometimes we need to let go those that are not contributing significantly in our lives. · Create your vision and mission. Have a huge vision bigger than yourself so it makes you uncomfortable and sleepless till you achieve it. This is why they say rich men don’t sleep. When your vision does not make you sleep then you ought to do what’s supposed to be done to achieve it. · Challenge accepted/ adventure into the unknown. The ability to come out of fear and from the known to unknown is the power to create what you want and wealth in abundance. The main secret to success is knowing what you want and being willing to pay the price for what it takes. It’s Taking one step at a time. · Open mindedness and Willingness to change. · Conscious and Unconscious mind. Create harmony between your conflicting conscious and unconscious mind, this can be by visualizing and continuous meditation of your goals and vision on daily basis so they become part of what you see, smell, feel, touch and talk. Open mindedness and Willingness to change. A mind free from limited ideas that is willing to change and open to welcome new intuitions and ideologies. How we think affects everything from our ability to solve problems to how we understand values, logic, meaning and purpose of things. In the same way we form habits of action relating to our environment, we also form habits of thought when it comes to how we think about the world. We are all born into a reality in which — at first, at least — we can’t even distinguish between our own separateness from the world. With time, however, we start to recognize patterns around us, and we internalize these patterns like habits so that we can reuse them in the future. Usually, if a pattern persists in our mental habits, it means that it is valuable in some sense. But this is only the case if we apply that pattern to the right information. One of the reasons it’s so hard to change our minds about things is that our brains are stuck in these mental habit loops, which tend to look at information from a singular point of view. Our brains have learned something in one context, so they mistakenly apply it to others, mixing up the triggers that lead to routine thoughts. But the good news is we’re all capable of overpowering these habit loops, it’s very productive to have these habits operating as the default mode. To think well, we must be aware of their limitations and to not let them restrict us. True success stories are built only after you resolve the things which are affecting your life. The problems you are facing, your weak points and stop talking negative about yourself. The journey to a successful life is not a straight line, it’s a bumpy road full of difficulties and setbacks. The average person would give up along the way, but a champion would stay resilient. It’s the mindset that makes a true difference. The fact is that the more obstacles you overcome, the more resilient you become. As Ken Chennault, CEO of American Express, has a nice tip for everyone who wants to become successful: “Dedicate yourself to a core set of values. Without them, you will never be able to find personal fulfilment, and you will never be able to lead effectively. c) Invest in yourself by getting mentors, reading books and get trainings. d) Mastermind with the leaders. Trust In yourself. e) Start the journey taking one step at a time through learning, doing and teaching. Success is about setting your mind-set and making changes based on responsibility and action. It is overcoming fear and getting out of the known to the unknown. It is about overcoming failure as a person. https://thesixfigurementors.com/?id=susanakello. Learn how to set up your mind for success and become a successful career person. Sharing is caring. What is your mind-set change story and how can you assist a person like you in the same fear state? Please let’s share your story.
What Can You Benefit When You Find the Best Source of Planners? If you are looking forward to the New Year, you may feel a great deal of excitement, as you might be planning a lot of things for it. You might, then, want to do everything that you can that will help you to stay organized, to keep your plans in your mind and before you as you meet the brand new year that is before you. One will be glad to know that doing this is easy when he or she is able to find a good source of planners. If one is able to find a good source of planers, then, he or she can be sure that when this is accomplished, a lot of wonderful benefits and advantages can be gained altogether. Finding a good source of planners is definitely something that will be beneficial to you in a lot of ways, one of which is the fact that when you do so, you can be sure that you can find many beautiful items for sale there. You can be sure that when you are able to find a good source like this, you can find beautiful calendars, as well as oversize planners, planners that will make it so much easier for you to organize yourself. It will be possible, then, to find something that is very inspiring, and one can be sure that when he or she buys at this source, making plans for the New Year will become something that is very enjoyable altogether. Visit oversizeplanner.com for more info. One who finds a good source of planners will also be glad to know that when he or she does so, it will be possible to give the perfect gifts to friends and to loved-ones. One who loves the holiday season might be very excited, as it is certainly just around the corner, and he or she might already be looking for the best presents that will bring joy to his or her friends and family members. They will be glad to know that when they are able to find the best source of planners, they can be sure that they will have a very good gift to give to people they care about. One who finds a good source of oversize planners will also be glad to know that when he or she does so, it will be possible to use the planners and calendars bought there the whole year. They can be sure that these items will be made out of very good quality materials, which will assure them that they will remain beautiful and attractive throughout time. One who finds the best source of planners, then, can be sure that when he or she does so, a lot of wonderful benefits can be gained. For more tips, check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWUh77KOi-0.
I have created a database of prospects who have used services in the past similar to what we offer. I understand the traditional ways of prospecting but in search of ideas which can give us maximum traction. All leads are qualified and don’t want to lose out on any single. What kind of response can I expect from 5K contacts? Thank in advance. No one can give you a legitimate answer to this question. First, while you have pre-qualified your leads somewhat they are not qualified yet. You and I have no idea whether they still need services like what you offer, or are open to talking about another supplier if they are. Second, not all prospects are a fit on personality. You are not going to get along with everyone, and you do not want everyone as a customer. Not wanting "to lose out on any single" prospect is a dangerous and frankly impossible mindset. Again, some people will be "Clients From Hell" and you do not want them in your business. And as above, you are simply not going to get "everyone" as your customer. So every time you do not, you are going to view that as "failure", which is disempowering and incorrect. Third, the message of your offer and how well or poorly it matches up with that target market will determine who even talks to you. So there are many factors here outside the scope of this answer, such as who writes the copy, how good the pain points are and the level they resonate with the target market, the media/distribution channel you use to reach them, and so on. Now if I was in your shoes, I would qualify further and then test. So say out of these 5000 leads you qualify further for size and another pain point or two in your copy. Maybe you have a great call to action that separates the wheat from the chaff and gets engagement. You estimate--because that is all you can do at this point; you don't have any data to plan with, but as time goes on you'll collect some and be able to plan with increasing accuracy--30% will do the action...take a survey...sign up to watch a video...request a white paper. Now you're down to 1,667 better-qualified prospects. If you get 10% of these to buy, you'd be doing well and that's 167 sales. 1 > Does this level of funnel flow support your money needs? Is 167 X $sale price$ = enough revenue for the period? 2 > Is this a sufficient activity level? The most common thing people discover on a coaching call with me is that they do not have enough leads going into their funnel to generate the revenue they need out the other end. They're flying by the seat of their pants and hoping. Then you run the test and see what happens. Your feedback tells you how pre-qualified your traffic source really was, and how good or bad your conversion tool is. Compare Planned to Actual results, hone in on where you can get your greatest bang for your buck, and adjust. Let me share a secret with you: it's usually the Traffic source. You can work on Conversion until you're blue in the face, but if Traffic is poor quality, you're only going to develop a trickle of sales no matter what you do. But a moderate change in Traffic quality can have a huge impact on Conversion, no matter how poor your conversion tool may be. I've given you indicators to look at here and concepts to think about. But again, no one can tell you truthfully what kind of response you'll get from your list. You have to estimate, test, and adjust. The prospect list is created based on our internal strategy of generating qualified leads with 100% certainty that these people have bought similar services in the past. We know for a fact that these people may or may not be interested now or are working with some other service providers. We want to reach out to each and every prospects so as to maximise our chances of engagement and closure. The traditional method of cold call/mail is all fine but I am looking at new ways so as to create an interest among them.
Approximately more than half of runners experience a running injury. Some of the most common injuries include muscle strains, stress fractures, and shin splints. To reduce your risk for injury it is important to include other forms of cross training with your running, such as resistance training and stretching to increase flexibility. Both of these forms of training will increase balance in the body while decreasing risk for injury. Runners can still be prone to running injuries even with proper precautions. If you are suffering from a running injury see one of our podiatrists of Foot Doctor of the East Bay. Our doctors will provide you with quality treatment and assist you with all of your foot and ankle concerns.
Hi Alicia! You and your children will love Pop Century! The theming is fantastic! I've never had problems at all with the buses to or from the resort. There is one bus stop, located in front of the Classic Hall. I've never found the walk too far to the bus stop, but if you think it's going to be an issue, you might want to look into a preferred room, which would be located closer. Wishing you a magical vacation Alicia!
Espresso Machine Buying Guide - How to choose? Adjustable pressure. Espresso is highly dependent on the pressure at which water is pushed through the grounds. Semi-automatic machines with nine bars of pressure or more are best for extracting the right amount of flavor from fresh coffee grounds. Some semi-automatic machines may have too much pressure or too little pressure for optimal brewing, you need to be able to dial it up or down. Stainless-steel housing. Because espresso is made with steam and pressure, it can be hard on less-durable materials. Espresso machines with plastic housings won't hold up as well as stainless-steel machines. Stainless steel also offers more protection against corrosion than other materials. A movable steam arm. Rotating, articulating steam arms provide users with more control over the amount and consistency of froth. They should also be long enough and adjustable enough to comfortably fit a container under them. Removable water tank. An espresso maker with a removable water tank is easier to fill and clean. Some machines can weigh up to 30 pounds or more; without a removable water tank, you need a pitcher or other container to add water. A cup warmer. Aficionados say a warm cup is essential for maintaining the temperature of freshly brewed espresso. You can always rinse your cup to in hot water to warm it, but an included cup warmer is a nice extra. Adaptability for coffee pods. An espresso machine that accepts coffee pods isn't essential if you use fresh grounds, but it's handy if you're in a hurry. This can save some time in the brewing process. Do you mind a learning curve? Semi-automatic and manual machines require some practice and finesse to get brewing right. Some require a lot. The good news is that there are videos, forums and helpful experts all over the Internet at coffee specialty sites; the bad news is that some people never figure it out to their satisfaction and end up trading in their espresso machines and going back to Starbucks or buying a super automatic machine. Are you impatient? In general, making espresso is not a quick proposition. You have to grind the beans, heat the water (or wait for it to heat), wait for the immersion and extraction processes, etc. It can take 15 minutes or more before you actually end up with a beverage. For some, that's a soothing, satisfying process. For others, it's just that much time out of their lives they'll never get back. Again, for the latter, we recommend either pods or a super automatic machine. Should you buy an espresso machine or a coffee maker? The difference between regular coffee and espresso is the brewing method. Both processes require ground beans and a pressure system to squeeze water through the grounds to extract flavor. However, espresso is, at its core, a "shot" of very strong coffee; not more than about 1.5 ounces. It's not exactly a cup of coffee. If you prefer a true coffee, to sip or to keep going back to the carafe for more, see our report on coffee makers. If you drink coffee throughout the day and like a fresh cup each time, without the additional "cooking" that comes with a glass carafe sitting on a heating element, you'll want to check out our report on single cup coffee makers. Will you use your espresso machine every day? Espresso makers designed for home use can be bulky, and will require a permanent spot on the countertop. Measure the dimensions of your cabinets and the space beneath to be sure your machine will fit. If you want an espresso maker for occasional use, look for a model that can be conveniently stored when not in use. Top-rated espresso machines cost hundreds -- sometimes thousands -- of dollars, more than what many are willing to spend on a kitchen appliance of this type. However, if you visit a local coffee shop every morning for an espresso or latte, you're likely shelling out at least that much per year anyway. In budgeting for an espresso machine, be sure you include any other accessories you will need in addition to whatever machine you buy. Unless you buy a machine with a built-in grinder, or one that exclusively uses espresso pods, you'll need to invest in a top-quality burr grinder, which can run you from $100 to $300. (See our report on coffee grinders for our recommendations). In addition, you may need a frother, a stainless steel frothing mug, tamper, etc. Some machines come with these accessories, but they don't work as well as some aftermarket versions, so you may want to upgrade. Some machines don't include them at all. Be sure you add up the extras to figure out your total cost outlay.
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The 47th United Nations General Assembly held its first special meeting on disability issues in October 1992. The General Assembly passed a resolution to make December 3 each year the “International Day of Disabled Persons”. There are an estimated one billion people in the world with disabilities, accounting for over 15% of the world's population. The majority of these people live in developing countries. Over the years, with the efforts of the international community, the world has made some progress in protecting the rights of people with disabilities and building a barrier-free society. However, discrimination persists. For example, in many countries, up to 80% of people with disabilities cannot find work. Therefore, the theme of this year’s International Day of Disabled Persons is: “empowering disabled people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality.” As the UN Secretary-General said in his 2017 address, “let us create opportunities that truly leave no one behind”. The International Day of Disabled Persons on December 3 is an annual event aimed at promoting people's understanding of disability issues and mobilizing support for the protection of the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. According to statistics, there are more than 60 million disabled people in our country. Because of their disabilities, there are still some disabled people who are discriminated against by others in our society, which makes them encounter many difficulties in their work, study and life. If we meet people with disabilities in our daily life, we should try our best to help them. For example, on the bus, we should take the initiative to give up seat to the disabled;when walking on the street, people with disabilities should be helped to cross the street.We should also help push the wheelchairs of disabled people if we can. Students of Haileybury Tianjin, let us all take the initiative to help the disabled and other people in need.
A stalwart in paper technology, Mr. Sharma held several key positions in various paper mills before joining RPPL. With his expertise and innovative ideas he has brought in a total makeover at RPPL, with which the company has witnessed vast and positive changes in its overall operations. We reduced total waste sent to landfills from pulp and paper mills by 36% since 2013, approaching the 2020 goal of 40% reduction. Our source reduction initiatives and new or expanded beneficial use programs have contributed to our progress on this goal. Each year, International Paper collects, consumes, or markets more than 6 million tons of paper in the United States, contributing to the growing success story of recovered paper. In fact, the optimization of our paper mill operations in North America has resulted in 22 of IP’s paper mills now consuming recovered fiber. Forest & Paper Industry. ... The U.S. forest and paper industry represents 8% of total U.S. manufacturing output, generating annual sales of about $240 billion. ... The forest industry ranges from stateofthe art paper mills to small familyowned sawmills, small family logging operations, and some 7 million individual woodlot owners. The pulp and paper industry is the most capital intensive in the United States, spending approximately $130,000 per employee each year in plant and equipment. Economies of scale thus are critical to profitability. TRS is responsible for the odor often associated with pulp and paper mills. It is a result of the kraft process for cooking wood chips to make pulp. Our TRS emissions show an increase of 28 percent between 2009 and 2015. It is estimated that by 2020, paper mills will be producing 500,000,000 tons of paper and paperboard each year! We obviously need this product and a reduction of use is not in the horizon. Pulp and paper is the 3 rd largest industrial polluter of air, water and soil. Determine whether Soundview Paper Mills grew or shrank during the last recession. This is useful in estimating the financial strength and credit risk of the company. Compare how recession-proof Soundview Paper Mills is relative to the industry overall. Paper Recycling Technology Richard A. Venditti [email protected] . ... Total Paper Recovered: ... converting operations at paper mills and print shops. Mills can use pulp substitutes in place of materials to make back into high grade paper products. Rama Paper Mills Ltd., incorporated in the year 1985, is a Small Cap company (having a market cap of Rs 18.93 Crore) operating in Paper sector. Rama Paper Mills Ltd. key Products/Revenue Segments include Paper which contributed Rs 99.84 Crore to Sales Value (100.00 % of Total Sales)for the year ending 31-Mar-2017.
This is the day we wear the ashes. Christians all over the world come to receive the ashes in a cross on their foreheads. This is the day we tell the world we belong to the One who was sacrificed for our sins. It is a humbling moment to stand before your pastor as the words are spoken and the ashes mixed with oil are drawn onto your head. For the rest of the day, every time you see your image, the reminder of what you are is right there on your face. You are dust... ash... and you will return to dust. This day marks the beginning of Lent, when we are to spend time in introspection and personal sacrifice. We humble ourselves before the Lord and he will lift us up.
The jewel in our crown that has made us leaders in its manufacture. They are available in sizes ranging from 25 grams up to 100 kilo drums for factories that can be repackaged in smaller containers. Dressings from the most classic virgin olive oil, garlic and parsley commonly consumed in Spain to the more specialist dressings for our clients outside of Spain. There are more sizes and products than appear here, so please don’t hesitate to consult us. Under this brand we package a size of fillet that is a little smaller than the anchovy that is used in the ARTEIÑAKI line, so the unit price of the fillets as an aperitif is attractive to the hospitality trade in large size packages.
P pIn two patients, data were corrupted; the reason for this is unknown. The number and length of breathing cycles agreed with previous studies and hence were representative of the population 310 ]. Patients may have been fatigued, although it may have been expected that the time per cycle would have decreased, owing to patients hyperventilating, rather than increased. p pI have Snap, Date in Delta Blind assume this is an date in Delta Blind on Snap. Try not to laugh if I sound clueless Posted via CB Let the troubleshooting begin.
You need to be 16 years old or over to drive in New Zealand. All drivers must have a current and valid New Zealand driver licence, International Driving Permit, or overseas licence. You can drive on an overseas licence for 12 months. Anyone with a licence that is not in English must get an authorised translation. After 12 months you need to apply for a New Zealand license. Carry your licence with you at all times when driving. To drive a motorbike in New Zealand you must get a motorbike licence. There are three stages to getting a licence. You must pass a test at each stage , that is, a written and two practical driving tests. Learner licence When learning to drive, you must have a supervisor with you at all times when driving (a person who holds and has held a full licence for at least two years). No passengers unless you are accompanied by a supervisor. Restricted licence: You can drive on your own between 5am and 10pm. To drive at other times you must have a supervisor with you. No passengers unless you are accompanied by a supervisor. Full licence: You can drive on your own and take passengers at any time. In New Zealand we drive on the left-hand side of the road. The Police enforce the driving laws and there are penalties for breaking them such as fines, having your licence taken off you, your vehicle taken off you, or you can be sent to jail. It is important that you get a copy of the New Zealand Road Code (the Road Code) and learn the road rules, traffic signs and signals for driving here. NZTA also has a factsheet for visitors to New Zealand: factsheet 56 New residents and visitors: driving in New Zealand. You can access both the Road Code and factsheet 56 through the NZTA website, go to: www.nzta.govt.nz. Copies of the Road Code can also be purchased through all larger bookstores. There are two approved advanced driving courses. There are four main reasons why people crash or die on New Zealand roads: driving too fast, driving after drinking alcohol, not doing up their safety belts and not giving way at intersections. The maximum speed on open roads in New Zealand (roads outside of cities and towns) is 100km/h. This is the fastest you are allowed to drive, and you must follow any speed limit signs that instruct you to slow down. The speed limit in towns and cities is 50km/h, unless speed signs tell you that you can go faster. Speed signs are well sign-posted and can change on the same stretch of road. Whatever the posted speed limit, you should always drive to the conditions – drive slower when it’s hard to see or if it’s raining. The amount of alcohol that drivers under twenty years of age are legally allowed to drink before driving is so small that it is safer not to drink at all. Driving while over the alcohol limit is illegal (an offence), for which there are severe penalties, including having your licence taken off you, or going to jail. You must always wear your safety belt, whether you are sitting in the front or the back of the vehicle. Drivers and passengers are legally required and responsible for wearing their own safety belts. The driver is also responsible for making sure that children under 15 years of age are wearing their safety belt (children under seven years need to be in an approved child's car seat). There are fines for not wearing safety belts. It's very important that you know the give way rules (these are in the Road Code, see above for where to get a copy). Otherwise, you could be involved in a serious car accident at an intersection. If you have a crash while driving and are not badly hurt, you must stop and check to see if anyone else is hurt. If someone is hurt, give first aid or find a phone and dial 111 for emergency services (e.g. an ambulance). You will also need to protect the scene to ensure that other crashes do not occur. You must also tell the Police no later than 24 hours after the crash. If no one is hurt, you'll need to give your name and address (and the name and address of the owner of the vehicle you are driving) as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours after the crash to the owner or driver of any other damaged vehicle and the owner of any damaged property. If you can’t find these owners, tell the Police as soon as possible and no later than 60 hours after the crash. Think carefully before buying a car. Unfortunately some international students have had problems with driving or owning cars and some of them have been serious. Owning a car is a big responsibility and can cost a lot. Think about whether you really need one - most New Zealand students find they are too costly. Cars lose value quickly so that when you come to sell you may be disappointed with what money you get for it, or you may not be able to sell it at all. Once you own a car you need to make sure that it is licensed and has a warrant of fitness (WoF). If your vehicle does not have a current vehicle licence and warrant of fitness you will be fined. A WoF is a safety check for most cars, vans, utes and many 4WDs. If the vehicle passes, a WoF label is put on the windscreen. You must have the vehicle checked before the expiry date on the label to be issued with a new one. You're not allowed to drive on the road without a WoF label or if your car is not up to WoF standard. Vehicles first registered anywhere less than six years ago have a WoF check every 12 months; other vehicles have them every six months. Approved garages and testing stations carry out WoF checks. Ask at your local petrol station for an agent close to where you are staying. Covers accidents, theft, fire, vandalism and storm damage, plus damage to someone else's vehicle or property. This option costs the most. Agreed cover as above but you and the insurance company agree on the value of your vehicle (current market or retail value) and the amount to be paid out if your vehicle is damaged beyond repair, when you take out the insurance. Third party, fire and theft cover against fire and theft on your own car and cover against damage to someone else's vehicle or property. Third party Covers damage that you cause to another vehicle or another person's property. The cheapest option, but doesn't cover the cost of repairing your vehicle. If your vehicle is not registered and/or does not have a current WoF, or if you are driving without a valid licence your insurance company will not pay out if you have an accident.
The other day I shared some cute Easter baskets and today I'm sharing what to out in those baskets. I like to do a mixture of non-candy and candy items because there is nothing worse then a sugar high kid at church and brunch. I also like to include a gift from us. When I was younger that gift used to be live floppy eared bunnies. My dad built homes for them and it was one of my favorite memories growing up. I grew up in the country where coyotes didn't roam your neighborhood so I think we'll stick to stuffed bunnies instead and maybe a new bathing suit and towel because that's my traditional gift for the kids. I love getting them personalized towels like these cute Pottery Barn Kids ones or if you have a local embroidery shop you can have any towel monogrammed.
Amazing "happening" on shore of Lake Michigan and I came upon a Praying Mantis who appeared to be meditating on dune grass...moving very little for several minutes as sun set in the lake. This is earlier photo before it became dark. Date Uploaded: Sept. 8, 2012, 11:19 p.m.
Hi, I am Angelina and I am 28. I am looking for some casual work or a full time live out nanny job. I live in Onehunga. I have a full licence and current first aid certificate. I have looked after kids from aged 11 months and have been sole charge. At this stage I cannot use my own car to transport kids around in as it has multiple things wrong with it. Have done regular babysitting jobs for the last 6 years. Have been an aupair 3 times.
i Need more torches , what does he use? 1,750 Lumens and for the really big chambers in Slate Mines, it's still not enough. I'm planning 6,000 Lumens. (Yes, Six Thousand). It's a matter of Money to build it though, the Driver alone Is £50, LED's will be £60. Then I need figure out a way to heatsink LED's that are burning through 18A at full power. Oh, and mount this on a Helmet. I have one LED on order to test, and if it works out as I expect it to, the rest will be ordered to make it. crickey 6000 lumen's you could almost grow stuff under that. That lupin is very expensive. I was looking at at some of the chinese ones on ebay theres a couple at 1600 lumens but a lot of people say they are not that good. You can get the Betty cheaper than that, but it was the first link to hand It's still not cheap, but it is bloody good though, and has never let EWJ down. The build quality is excellent, and he has the 1,750 Lumen upgrade... it's 1,500 as standard. Mine will likely be handheld, for short bursts for photography and checking stuff out. Inless I pull something really special out of the bag of Technical Tricks, I doubt I can heatsink it for constant running at full power. hmmm might have to do a bit of research on that front, any recommendations for areas? well you're on the wirral, so north wales, there is literally hundreds of old mines in various states of dis-repair. as a general rule of thumb, the easyer it is to get to and access, the less there will be to see in there. fair enough i will have a look around and see what i can find, definitely think taking people with me is a good call though tbf. Cheers for that!
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Applying for an Immigrant Visa in the U.S. In order for a foreign national to legally enter, live and work in the United States, he or she must obtain an immigrant visa. Temporary visits or stays in the U.S. can be authorized by obtaining a non-immigrant visa, however permanent residency for foreign nationals can only be obtained through an immigrant visa. Once a foreign national is granted a green card and has lived in the United States for either three years (if they married a U.S. citizen) , or five years if they obtained their green card through another method, they may be eligible to apply for naturalization and citizenship. Knowing which immigrant visa to apply for and ensuring your application is complete, can mean the difference between your visa getting approved or denied. That is why we advise you immediately consult with an immigration lawyer if you are considering applying for an immigrant visa. Do you need an attorney to apply for an immigrant visa? While some people may tell you that you do not need an attorney to apply for an immigrant visa, we recommend you seek counsel from a knowledgeable immigration attorney prior to applying for your visa. Our attorneys are board certified and experienced with all aspects of immigration law. We have been in practice for over 40 years and our attorneys have a combined experience of 100 years in practice. Maney | Gordon | Zeller, P.A. has been recognized with an AV rating from Martindale-Hubbell. An AV rating is the highest rating available and shows the level of legal excellence, professional ethics, and high-quality customer service our new and existing clients can expect to receive. When you come to our firm, we take the time to discuss and review your current immigration status, eligibility and objectives. We help you review the options available to you, and determine the best avenue to pursue. When you need an attorney who will work with you closely, and will take the aggressive steps needed to protect your interests throughout the entire immigration process, you need to contact an immigration lawyer at our firm today. We have offices in Tampa, Clearwater, Dade City, and Jacksonville, FL, as well as Philadelphia, PA, Albuquerque, NM and El Paso, TX.
This third of five interviews with top U.S. cyclocross course builders features the man behind this weekend’s Charm City Cross in Baltimore, Md. Jay Lazar is a Baltimore resident, a masters racer and the chief designer of the parcours, which first received UCI C1 status in 2016. He spoke with soon-to-be Belgium-based professional cross racer Andrew Juiliano for this feature, which first appeared in abridged form in ROAD Magazine. Tell me a bit about your day job. What is a hydrographer? My background is in nautical charting and sea-floor mapping. Basically, it’s going out in a boat using sonar, GPS, and other sensors to collect seabed data. I apply it in a habitat sense. I do native oyster restoration work. I’m a hydrographer by training, and I coordinate our offsite program in the Annapolis [Maryland] area and the Chesapeake Bay. I went to school at N.C. State and did a marine resource management program. Instead of going onto graduate school, I got an opportunity to work for NOAA [National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] up in Alaska doing nautical charting. That got the ball moving in 1997. I never really looked back from there. One good opportunity opened up after another. Is there any crossover between seafloor charting and building cyclocross courses? It’s kind of funny. In a way there is because you need a good understanding of the terrain for both. We design restoration projects for oysters in the bay, and a big part of that is having an understanding of the terrain that you have, where things have historically worked and where they haven’t, taking into account the flow of water over a particular feature. I’ve never really thought about it, but in a way there is a huge amount of crossover. What is your background in cycling and course design? Cycling background started with BMX in the mid-’80s, recreational mountain biking since the mid-’90s, triathlon in the mid-2000s, and cyclocross since 2008. How many courses have you designed and built? In 2011, I offered up some ideas and took over the course building at Charm City. I’ve been completely responsible for building Charm City since then, and I played an advisory role on another, Milkhouse CX, which was a one-time race. First, I get as familiar with the terrain’s major and subtle features as I can. Then, I sketch. I sketch out options for everything. I look at where the start and finish might be as well as how the course and features will flow. When I’m laying everything out, one of the biggest things for me is how to make it really successful for the spectators that are there, and not just the spectators that would come to the course anyway, but the general fans who live in Baltimore. We try to be thoughtful about how to make it as good as possible for both the spectators and the racers. The entire race team [C3-Twenty20 Cycling] comes together a few days before the event, and that’s when a lot of the magic actually happens. We have a general concept and a general design, but we think about how we want to do it different each year, and how we want to take advantage of subtle features. Kris Auer [former course designer and the promoter for Charm City] has continued to have a huge hand in final preparations. We’ve been really fortunate over the past several years to have Stef Wyman, Helen Wyman’s husband, out participating in the race. He’s also out there with us, getting in the trenches helping us out. I’m so new to this, but guys are willing to throw down some ideas and spend the time to make the course what it is. Those are opportunities for me to learn from. Every year, we get together and try to figure out a way to make it fresh. What makes a good cyclocross course? It starts with a good variety of terrain and then the thoughtful use of both obstacles and features using that terrain. The Mid-Atlantic rarely sees good “cyclocross” weather, but a course should be designed around that day the weather works out to be wet. What is the defining feature of the Charm City course? The Charm City course has evolved over the years, but recent versions have been defined by the use of the Mansion House climb and series of large stairs. I pushed to expand the course onto that Mansion Hill section [feature photo] to really open it up and give it a more spectator-friendly atmosphere. That section also added a high point of elevation that everyone had to get up. Before we switched over to the Mansion House field, there was much less variety of terrain and it was very twisty through the oaks and lower fields. It moved the start to the other side of the park. It opened up the opportunity to take it up to that high point on the hill and to use that elevation so it just didn’t feel gratuitous. You can have a bunch of terrain and features, but some races don’t use those features thoughtfully. Ellen Noble leads Emma White up a series of stairs at Charm City Cross 2016. What is your favorite domestic course? Domestically, Asheville Nationals had it all. They really set the bar where it should be for cyclocross in the U.S. I really liked the way it flowed. I felt like it crisscrossed the park — it came back and forth on itself. I liked the incorporation of the big hill run-up and the multiple run-ups, the fact you were forced off your bike multiple times. I don’t think anyone could ride that entire course. There was a lot of thought put into the amazing features that were there. I loved the cow pasture that dropped down through the wooded section. That was hard. You don’t see a lot of that in most courses. It was a fun course. I really enjoyed racing it and thinking about what they did. What is your favorite international course? When I’m on a trainer, I try to watch as many European races as I can, and there are so many features that I’ll look at and think, “Oh, we could do that at Charm City.” There’s this one hill in Baltimore that you go up and down several times [in succession] by the team tents, and that’s something that I pulled from Ruddervoorde. I liked how they had a handful of features on that course and I thought they used them really well. I love a lot of the big-terrain courses. I love Namur and the citadel. To have that kind of a venue to host a race, and the kind of features that they have there—I hope to get over there and watch one of those races one time. Those are two totally different courses, but they both stand out for me for different reasons. Do you race? If so, how does that influence your course design? I do, mostly in the Mid-Atlantic region. I approach racing different venues as an opportunity to learn what other course designers are doing well, and I think about how to incorporate that thoughtfulness back into Charm City or any other course I may have a hand in designing. I feel like people who use off-camber really well have influenced some of the design at Charm City. Whenever I’m at a race and they’ve put in a really thoughtful feature or used some subtle terrain in a way that can especially be a game changer in a race, that’s the kind of thing that I try to pay attention to. I think about where I have something similar to add a particular feature like that [in Baltimore]. Are there any unique regional considerations when designing the course? As I mentioned, the Mid-Atlantic region is pretty dry. I try to think about maintaining good flow without having the race be all about pedaling. Breaking up the race with more off-the-bike time is not used enough, in my humble opinion. Are courses challenging enough in the U.S.? For me I’d say mostly no. There are exceptions but most courses are dumbed-down for the beginner and youth racers to the detriment of the development of those racers and the sport in the U.S. An exception that comes to mind is in our local Super Eight race series [now Bikereg Super Series], Capital ‘Cross Classic. It has great terrain. The course designer and promoter, Bruce Buckley, puts a lot of thought into keeping it fresh and making it challenging. It’s a hard course, but it’s a fun course too. Admittedly, my sample size is not so big since I don’t get out much and travel around the country. There are courses that you hear about that are hard, like [Jingle Cross in] Iowa. I hope to get out and see that. I think that Louisville at Worlds in Eva Bandman Park, it looked hard, and hard in a really fun way. That was one that I did get to see, but I didn’t get to ride. What are your thoughts on pro-only sections? They’re mixed. If more courses were more challenging then they wouldn’t be needed. Mostly, I say this as a masters racer who will ride anything that a pro will ride. That said, we have too many easy courses and therefore, pro-only sections have a place. What was your goal when you designed the Charm City Course? Personally I thought Charm City was one of the hardest courses I raced this past year, not so much technically but just physically. It was brutal with the mix of elevation on the Mansion Hill and all the punchy climbs. We don’t have the technical stuff and that’s part of the reason why that course has been so hard. I’m glad you said that. I don’t know whether or not it needs to be kept the way it is. I know it’s hard. There are times where it’s been one of the hardest races that I’ve done throughout the year. It is hard. Because we don’t have some of those defining technical features, we do want it to be hard. At the same time, I would feel terrible if people came away from it thinking it was just a pedaler’s course. I want to build a driver’s course. You need to have the technical ability to still ride your bike and go fast. I never have really heard that [about Charm City]. I often hear from people that Charm City was one of the hardest courses they did all year, and it was a lot of fun: “It hurt in a way that I loved.” That Ruddervoorde section can be tough [both technically and physically]. It’s hard pedaling but you still have to be thoughtful about steering at the bottom of each descent/climb since the turns are on the off cambers. Fun and hard are synonymous sometimes, but as long as that combination happens, I feel like we’ve done our job. Great interview about a great course!
Constant reminders that African Americans were inferior to white people marked towns and cities in the first half of the 20th century. Signs labeled “colored,” and “white” were highly visible by design, meant to constrict freedom based on the color of one’s skin. Heroically, many African American men and women refused to accept these labels, determined to prove their intelligence, strength, and fortitude by fighting for their right to fight. Ultimately, their battle focused on civil rights during and after World War II. Most people are familiar with the Tuskegee Airmen. They are legendary. In the Museum’s exhibit Fighting for the Right to Fight: African American Experiences During WWII, the exhibit centerpiece focuses on the Tuskegee Airmen, the famous Red Tails pilots whose incredible war exploits became a symbol of African-American participation in World War II. The Dallas Holocaust Museum/Center for Education and Tolerance opened the exhibit on September 7, 2017. Speakers included former Tuskegee Airmen Flight Officer Robert T. McDaniel, Mrs. Erma Bonner-Platte, widow of Tuskegee Airmen instructor Claude Platte Jr., and Dr. J. Todd Moye, Professor of History at the University of North Texas. Dr. Moye moderated a panel between McDaniel and Bonner-Platte which he began by providing historical background on the discrimination African Americans faced when attempting to enlist and/or serve in the armed forces. Segregation, upheld by the landmark case Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), along with Jim Crow laws, restricted the civil liberties of African Americans in every sector of society, including the military. African Americans were rejected from serving in the Army Air Services during World War I. This racial discrimination fueled the NAACP and others to work for change in military policies. President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a presidential decree that allowed African Americans to join the war effort during World War II. After the decree, the U.S. Army Air Corps trained a limited number of black pilots in Tuskegee, Alabama. The 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group became known as the Tuskegee Airmen. Former Tuskegee Airmen Flight Officer Robert T. McDaniel attended I.M. Terrell High School in Texas and was drafted into the armed services in 1943. He was later accepted into the U.S. Army Air Corps. McDaniel’s drive, intelligence, and skills led him to surpass the benchmarks for acceptance into the air force as established by the U.S. War Department. McDaniel and Bonner-Platte’s husband, Claude Platte Jr., were two of the 922 pilots trained in Tuskegee, Alabama between 1941 and 1946. The Tuskegee Airmen proved themselves to be some of the best pilots in the U.S. Army Air Forces. Their first-rate skills and abilities earned them the respect of other bomber crews who often requested them as escorts. The Tuskegee Airmen had a much better record than bombers flown by white pilots. The accomplishments of the Tuskegee Airmen showed the world that African Americans deserved more recognition and respect than they had received at home. The end of the war reinvigorated their desire for equality and catalyzed the Civil Rights Movement. During the exhibit opening, a member of the audience asked McDaniel and Bonner-Platte what messages they might have for the next generation of students regarding their experiences during World War II. “I want young people to know that they can do anything that any other person can do, with no exceptions, and that they shouldn’t let anyone discourage them from any occupation that they desire to pursue,” said McDaniel. Bonner-Platte answered the question by recalling a story her husband had repeated many times. When he was a young boy, Platte looked in the air and saw an object flying overhead. He ran up to his father and asked what it was. His father explained it was an airplane, and the man he saw in it was a called a pilot. Platte knew immediately that that’s what he wanted to be when he grew up. Platte’s father encouraged his son’s passion for aviation by taking his family to Meacham field to watch the planes land and take off. Platte later found himself in Tuskegee in 1939 and joined the Tuskegee Airmen. The tenacity and determination these men exhibited during a time of segregation, discrimination, and racial inequality serve as an incredible example of perseverance and inspiration for all ages.
If there is one thing I would recommend us to change or improve on this year it’s the battles we choose to fight. We probably don’t realise this but sometimes we pay so much attention to things that really do not add value to our lives. And this is exactly why I want us to focus on battles that are worth fighting, battles that one can someday look back on and think ‘wow I’m a warrior’. But that is only possible if we become selective of the problems, arguments, and confrontations that we engage in. That’s why it is important to always ask yourself if tackling that particular problem outweighs the costs before engaging into it. That way you can decide if you should fight the problem or abandon it, because not all problems are important. Truly some battles just don’t hold water and they simply don’t matter especially in the long run. Imagine fighting so hard just to pull another woman down or simply being judgmental about other people’s lives. Encounters with rude people are another. Gossip is another thing – there is no way you want to live your entire life paying attention to what people say about you. For as long as you breathe, people are going to talk about you. These are things that you cannot allow to weigh you down by rather letting them go. After all, there are many other things worth worrying about. It’s better to concern yourself with your big rocks and Quadrant 2 goals, other than petty problems that have no place in your life. Some problems may seem pressing, but the payoff from addressing them doesn’t outweigh the costs. Battling such problems will only waste your time and energy since the costs outweigh the benefits. This year let’s choose battles where the benefits outweigh the costs. Instead of getting involved with everything, you save your time only for the important situations, the ones that will give you the best payoff, and the ones where there is a good chance of success. As humans, we also need to remember that we have limited time and energy on Earth and that is why we need to conserve our resources for the things that matter. It’s all about winning the big war. In life, you are going to face countless problems. Do you want to spend your life battling petty problems that do not make a difference in the long run? Or do you want to battle the big rocks, like carving out your dream career, building your ideal relationship, being financially free, and living the life of your dreams? You need to choose your battles and focus on the big rocks to win the big war of life. Let’s choose our battles wisely, battles that will help us become better versions of ourselves and battles that will help us put bread on the table. Not every battle is worth fighting.
For for those of you who need specific classroom rules, we will begin the year with the following (very simple) Classroom Code. We can update it as necessary throughout the year. No drinks or food - except water. Your letter grade is based on a standard 100 point scale. Additional information related to grading is included below. No more than 1 unexcused absence. Students are required to keep a Class Notebook for class notes and assignments. You may use your notebook on all tests/quizzes (unless I tell you otherwise ahead of time), so keeping it up-to-date and organized is a good idea. Projects will be assigned throughout the class. Assessments will consist of in-class and take-home tests & quizzes. Assignments (classwork & homework) will typically be given EVERY day. Typically, time will be given in class to complete most, if not all, of your assignment if you use your time wisely. See the HW Rubric & Sample for more details on how HW assignments will be graded. All work is due on the scheduled date or, in the case of excused absences, consistent with PHS Absence Policy. The only exception to this rule is when a request to complete work at an alternate time has been discussed with me ahead of time. In this case, I will typically be quite flexible. Students will occasionally use a calculator or computer in this class. Personal calculators/computers are not required but are recommended. If you do not have a calculator/computer one will be provided during class. You can check out a calculator for overnight use from the library. NOTE: If something happens to the calculator while it is in your care you are responsible for the replacement cost ($90). Please let me know as soon as possible if your calculator is missing.
Silver Star’s customer email provider has implemented SPF checks to help reduce the amount of SPAM emails that our customers receive. Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email validation protocol designed to detect and block email spoofing by providing a mechanism to allow receiving mail exchangers to verify that incoming mail from a domain comes from an IP Address authorized by that domain’s administrators. Messages that fail SPF checks will be quarantined and they will appear as spoof when viewed in the digest. When you login to the digest, you can see further details by navigating to the messages tab. It will list out which IP’s are not specifically listed in the SPF record that should be added as an exception. Inside of your personal dashboard, you will see a field entitled SPF Exceptions. If you know the sender to be valid, we encourage you to first reach out to the sending domain and let them know that they are failing SPF checks. The domain administrator should be able to accommodate this request. If that is unsuccessful, you can add the domain/sender to the exceptions list and they will be allowed through. Please contact the Silver Star Service Center at 877.883.2411 for additional assistance.
My father, when he was young, was interested in becoming a musician. His father (my grandad) said no. So he became an engineer instead, but his deep love and longing of music never waned. My mom also, was on her way to becoming a piano virtuoso, but had to change course due to life and work circumstance. This was all before I was born. Right before my first birthday, my father passed away from liver cancer at the age of 49. It was his last wish that my mom and I go to New York for me to live, go to school and thrive. Michal Jackson. There will never be another. I still can't really wrap my head around the fact that he's gone. That, my friends, I cannot say :) ...But, the second most fun thing I've ever done is play on a float raft to thousands in a New York City parade. I'd love to be in a cereal commercial. Lol. I don't know why, but it's been a silly dream of mine. Or a makeup commercial. Maybe that's more suitable. I'd love to go on an arena tour with another artist. I sang the National Anthem to 30,000 people at Staples Center and it was quite a rush. I can't imagine what singing my own songs to that many people - who know the words - might feel like.