A year and a half ago, Michal Tsuk experienced a horrific tragedy: her 11-year-old son Ido was killed while riding his bike to a tennis lesson. Alongside the new joy which has come into the world, there is not a day that passes that the Tsuk family doesn’t remember Ido. “It’s important for me to emphasize that our Ido, unfortunately, will never return, but he is still with us every single day. The longing for him doesn’t let go. The wonderful baby who was born won’t replace him, he is always with us. But life must continue– in spite of the terrible tragedy which we have experienced as a family. Anyone who thinks that a family who has a baby after a child has died, or even worse after losing children that the baby is a “replacement” is an absolute idiot. Anyone who tells a parent that their new baby is a “replacement” should be dropped kicked down the hall. Nothing replaces such a loss, Chas V”sholom, but the Mom’s attitude is to focus on life. The new life adds positive energy and focus to our lives. It can help us heal from the wounds. May they have much nachas from all their children. much nachas, good health, parnassah and joy in abundance. To lose a child is probably one of the most painful things that can happen to a person. This family will never forget the son they lost. They choose to focus on life and love. May G-d bless them! And all of us! May we see Mashiach soon!!! And may all of our pain and suffering come to an end. We all have to remember to focus on the positive in our lives, even in our darkest moments.
It was then that I realized that unless you have walked through the 12 steps yourself in AA, you really couldn’t begin to see the value in it. Who knows how many active addicts, and the people who love them, are missing out on this golden opportunity to reclaim their lives? So I am here to tell you that I love AA, because it works. It works for me and millions of other people every single day. Yes, every single day. Because it isn’t something I’ve finished; it’s an ongoing process. It’s a whole new lifestyle. Embracing it has taken me from active addiction to recovery. It starts with acknowledging the existence of a higher power and realizing that you don’t have to keep carrying the heavy burden of addiction all by yourself. You can turn it over to your higher power and, in turn, receive the blueprint for peace and sobriety. One of the biggest benefits AA has to offer is that it provides you with the opportunity to share your feelings with a group of people who all “get it”. Every emotion that has isolated you fr the rest of the world at large is now being validated. It also doesn’t matter where you are in your sobriety journey. Each person’s story is relevant to someone in attendance, whether you are still drinking or have been sober for years. It is an amazing feeling to realize that you are helping yourself and others at the same time. Sometimes, you may have a vague feeling of unease, but you can’t pinpoint the exact cause. Then someone else shares at a meeting, and it shines a light on what you have been feeling so that you can understand it and can take the necessary steps to deal with it. No one does the work for you nor do they try to sell you any snake oil. Instead, they teach you 12 proven steps that help you regain strength and develop the self-esteem needed to stay that way. You learn to take full responsibility for your actions instead of blaming others. You develop healthy coping methods instead of engaging in reactionary behaviors that create feelings that you want to numb with alcohol. As you learn and apply these steps in your daily life, you create the positive feelings that come with accomplishment instead of feeling helpless and blaming your actions on others. AA meetings are everywhere. You are not tied down in your recovery. You can continue your education, accept that new promotion that requires you to move, or travel anywhere you like to visit friends or vacation with complete confidence. If life throws you a curve ball on a holiday or even in the middle of the night, there is always a meeting in session somewhere. A simple internet search will connect you with times and locations of meetings wherever you are. You’ll also never meet a stranger at a meeting. We all share that special bond of understanding and unconditional acceptance. The opportunities for making new friends are endless. AA not only helped me to break the chains of addiction. It also gave me a brand new life. What’s not to love about that?
We have 6 staff members working between the office and on reception. At Sir James Clark Building, we have street level units which can be used for a shop or an office. The land that runs between Mile End Mill and heading down towards Morrisons is privately owned by us. We currently offer this as additional parking space, available to tenants. If you are thinking of relocating your office and would like to discuss options, please don’t hesitate to make contact. We will talk through studio options on the phone, or in person, to identify if we have the ideal space for your business. If we don’t have an office space ready for you, we can create a space, bespoke to meet your operational requirements and build an office you can be proud of.
This time of the year isn’t just known for the eggnog, christmas trees, presents and good cheer. Some of the most anticipated movies of the year are released. Take a look at the list the Ferrvor Team put together for the movies to checkout in theaters this holiday season. Who doesn’t love a good movie? Especially on Christmas Day, when all the stores are closed and there’s nothing else to do. Here are a few of the top movies coming out during the holidays.
A t-shirt made just for Cedar Vale, KS. Printed with soft hand, water-based inks on a natural-colored unisex t-shirt. Ink has a muted, non-vibrant look for a throw-back effect. Designed and printed with pride in Ann Arbor, Michigan with a retro color palette, and available for most cities, towns, and villages in the United States!
All nine justices on the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA) and refused to widen the scope of the federal Clean Water Act. In PPL Montana, LLC v. Montana, the Court February 22 unanimously declined to expand the definition of what is considered “navigable” under federal law. The ruling removes a road block that could have needlessly delayed transportation improvements. ARTBA joined with eight other industry associations in filing a brief, urging the Court to overturn a lower court holding that the entire span of three rivers in Montana was “navigable” because certain remote sections are used for recreational purposes. For purposes of transportation development, once something is considered “navigable” it is under federal control, and subject to the permitting authority of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corps of Engineers. An expanded definition of “navigability” could have resulted in a scenario where the EPA and Corps would have the option of exerting jurisdiction over roadside ditches, potentially adding years to already expansive review and approval process for transportation infrastructure projects that are needed for increased mobility and improved safety. For 20 years, ARTBA has been the transportation design and construction industry’s primary legal advocate. The association has a second case before the Supreme Court relating to the Clean Water Act, with a ruling expected later this year. Two additional ARTBA-supported Clean Water Act cases are pending in the federal courts. In total, ARTBA’s efforts have allowed nearly $50 billion in approved—yet challenged—state, regional and local transportation projects and plans to move forward since 1993. The full text of the association’s brief can be found in the “current advocacy efforts” section of www.artba.org.
Cassi is a wonderful peachy-pink creme! As you all know, I normally don't wear pink, but the peach tones in this polish make it way more wearable for me! It also helps that it has that gold shimmer I love so much! I didn't like this polish so much in the bottle. The shimmer looked like those iridescent shimmers that make polishes look more cool toned; however on the nail, the shimmer is a lovely gold that gives the polish a flattering warm tone! Other swatches online indicate that this is a really sheer polish, but while I thought it was a little on the sheer side for a Zoya, it reached opacity for me in 3 coats. However, my nails are tiny nubbins right now, so I don't have any problems with VNL obviously.
Using NSO and the Liverpool Telescope for the first time can sound very daunting, however a lot of effort has gone on behind the scenes to create an intelligent user interface that we call Go Observing. Go Observing guides you through the task of requesting an observation, and can even help you decide what to observe if you are coming to it without any ideas. You should have a go at requesting an observation yourself before using Go Observing in the classroom. It's extremely easy to do. There is a Go Observing Video Screencast showing how Go Observing works, and that might be the best way to see how easy Go Observing is to use. The video lasts less than 5 minutes, and then you can have a go at requesting an observation yourself! The steps below show the same steps that you will see in the video, but this time they are for observing a galaxy. If you are not already logged in, do that now. Click Go Observing in the top menu. Select Galaxies from the menu. You then see a page with various observing programmes you can do related to Galaxies. For a basic observation click on Observe a Galaxy. You will be presented with a list of possible galaxies you can request an observation for. Choose the galaxy that has the highest chance of being observed during the next few days. The colour bar indicate the likelihood of an early observation. Today is on the very left of the bar next to each galaxy. When you have selected your galaxy, click Submit Observation. You will be shown a screen confirming your observation has been sent to the telescope and details of the observation you have submitted. To make life easy at this stage, the Go Observing interface chooses the filter and exposure time for you. In other projects you might be able to choose these yourself. You can check on the Status of your observation at any time by going to My Observations. In 24 hours come back to the NSO website to see if your observation has been completed. If it has not, then try again the next day and so on until your observation is completed. You will see on the homepage the status of your recent observations if you are logged in. When your observation is complete, you will be told it is ready for download. You should download your image and open it in LTImage so that you can see your galaxy. You will probably need to scale the image in order to see the galaxy. You will find instructions on how to do this in the Using LTImage section of the website.
Our comprehensive list below shows all clinics in Goathill offering treatments for . We are sorry but no clinics have been found for in Goathill. Please Click Here to search for all Goathill in the UK.
This book provides comprehensive and updated knowledge about dental digital photography. The first part of this book focuses on the fundamental theory of photography, how to select photographic equipment and the basic applications of digital photography in various aspect in dentistry. It is not only helpful to get more clearly understanding of the concept and methods of dental digital photography, but also instructive for dentist to apply photography during their daily treatment. The second part of the book summaries the different category of digital images. It describes the post-processing methods of the images and the "digital smile design(DSD)" basic process, which highlight the instructive aspects for clinical work. In the Chapter named ‘cosmetic dental treatment based on digital photography’, comprehensive cosmetic cases are provided; Appendix contains a variety of dental photography standards.
Victoria Panova, Vice President for International Relations of Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), presented recommendations of the Russian Federation to the BRICS Summit at the 10th BRICS Academic Forum, which took place in Johannesburg (Republic of South Africa) from 28 to 31 May. More than 100 experts from leading research centers in Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa discussed issues of education, economy, health, security, energy, and gender inequality. Victoria Panova took part in the development of recommendations to the meeting of the leaders of the BRICS countries, to be held in South Africa in July 2018. The FEFU Vice President presented a report on the participation of women in political and civic engagement, education, and expanding their economic opportunities. The expert noted that those proposals were put forward by the Russian side after the first International Women's Congress of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and BRICS had been held in Novosibirsk in 2017. The BRICS Academic Forum is an annual BRICS Think Tank Council (BTTC) scientific and practical conference on the 'academic track' of the BRICS countries interaction. Following the results of the forum, participants developed 20 practical recommendations on the development of cooperation in the BRICS format and addressing critical social issues.
I'm a lover of nature, specially I love mountain landscapes. Would France been good to live and work in? I would travel alone and my stay would be indefinite. Hi, It's pretty difficult to get a working visa for France but if you can get one, it's a good place to live and work. Beautiful landscapes, and historical monument to visit, everything is full of history, more than 2000 years of history to endurstand, Paris was created 58BC. Some country services will be picked up directly from your salary, like health insurance, retirement allocations, unemployed allocation, familly allocation etc. If you negociate a salary of 40k€/year (called brut salary) you will really have in your pocket 30k€/year (called net salary). You have to know that every salary is negociate as "brut" salary. You will have to had on the previous taxes salary taxes wich correspond to one salary per year so it's gonna be 30k€ / 12. Then you will have a job in France congrat. If you want moutain and live cheap, you can try to get a job in Pau You have to know that if you want to get a working visa, it can be easier to get it in a company based in Paris. After almost two years living in US, I feel like France is a way better because of health insurance and you do not need a car to go everywhere but that's my personal opinion. I hope all those infos helped you. I lived in Dijon for a while and loved it. Because Paris is such a monster city in size, we tend to not realize that the other cities in France are quite large too. Lyon, Dijon, Orleans (Centre), Lille, Nantes are all truly lovely cities-full of culture, wonderful people and great food...and surrounded by beautiful landscapes. I would be happy to live in any of them! Getting a work permit will prove difficult, as well as getting a job. The social taxes are astronomic, so most employers are not hiring right now. France is a great place to work, IF you can secure a job. And for this, you will need a work permit. Unless you have a EU passport, or come from North Africa, this is not easy.
If you are thinking of moving to Sandhutton or just want to know a what the area is like, the statistics on this page should give you a good introduction. They cover a range of socio-economic factors so you can compare Sandhutton to figures for North Yorkshire and nationally. These statistics can tell you if Sandhutton is an economically deprived area and how hard it might be to get a job. The respondents of the 2011 Census were asked to rate their health. These are the results for Sandhutton. The percentage of residents in Sandhutton rating their health as 'very good' is more than the national average. Also the percentage of residents in Sandhutton rating their health as 'very bad' is less than the national average, suggesting that the health of the residents of Sandhutton is generally better than in the average person in England. These figures on the claiming of benefits in Sandhutton come from the Department for Work & Pensions and are dated . They can often be a good indicator of the prosperity of the town and possible indicator of how hard it would be to get employment in the area. The rate of unemployment in Sandhutton is both lower than the average for North Yorkshire and lower than the national average, suggesting that finding a job in this area maybe easier than most places. The rate of claiming any benefit (which includes in work benefits) is more than 10% lower in Sandhutton than the national average, suggesting higher salaries than the average in the area. These statistics are for the highest level education obtained by the residents of Sandhutton and are from the UK Census of 2011. Sandhutton has a lower level of residents with either no qualifications or qualifications equal to 1 or more GCSE at grade D or below, than the national average. Sandhutton also has a high level of residents with a higher education qualification (level 4) than the national average, suggesting that the residents of Sandhutton are better educated than the average England citizen. These figures for Country of Birth for the residents of Sandhutton are from the UK Census of 2011. Since Sandhutton has a higher level of residents born in the UK than the national average and a lower rate of residents either born in other EU countries or outside the EU, it does not have a significant immigrant population. The population of Sandhutton as a whole, is older than the national average. The population of Sandhutton is also older than the North Yorkshire average, making Sandhutton a older persons location. Do you live in Sandhutton? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
Some time ago there was a discussion about iPhone’s ring/silent switch and the way it does not mute some of sounds. Namely, it doesn’t mute timers and alarms, music and video. So only the sounds you don’t control and don’t explicitly ask for (i. e. calls, texts, emails, other notifications) are muted. Turns out, some people don’t like this behavior and would prefer the switch to just mute everything. I’m with Guy English here: I don’t want anyone but the alarm clock to wake me up. But some say, well, if it’s a matter of personal preference, why couldn’t this have been optional? Obviously, there’s already way too much stuff in Settings app and adding even more options is a bad idea. And Apple is famous for not liking options. But there’s a reason, I’ve found, why adding this option would be a particularly bad one. On a MacBook there’s no way to choose what it does when you close the lid, it just goes to sleep. On Windows notebook this is a matter of user preference. Some prefer their machines to continue working after being closed, and it makes sense if you want to, say, download an HD movie overnight. Why not add this setting on a Mac? As a Mac user I would not welcome this setting. Having no choice means closing the lid is a reliable way to sleep my notebook. I just close it, I don’t have to double check before putting it into a bag. It won’t drain my battery or overheat just because I forgot to change the stupid setting. It will go to sleep (there are some smart exceptions which are irrelevant in this discussion). On Windows you are never sure. You can’t rely on a notebook to do the right thing. You have to double check every time. If there were a way to choose whether ring/silent switch mutes all sounds or just calls and notifications, I’d never be sure my alarm would wake me up. I would have to double check this setting every time. And one day I will oversleep and miss an important meeting. Who would be to blame? So sometimes “optional” means “unreliable”. I wonder if readers could provide more examples of this.
On April 4, 1975, Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft. The small firm used to develop and sell BASIC interpreters. Little did they know that in the next 40 years, their company will become the biggest software firm in the world, and also bag the title for one of the most valuable companies. Today, there is a little bit of Microsoft in everybody’s life. Whether it is the desktop computer where Microsoft’s Windows has about 90 percent market share or the company’s Office which is unarguably the best productivity suite available. Maybe you are into gaming and own an Xbox One, or your company relies on Azure cloud services. In the last 40 years, Microsoft -- which once used to sell program language interpreters -- has expanded into several categories, and now makes full-fledged operating systems for not just desktop computers, but smartphones, gaming consoles, servers, as well as Internet of Things devices. Surface tablets and Xbox consoles show the company’s side interest in developing its own hardware modules. "Early on, Paul Allen and I set the goal of a computer on every desk and in every home. It was a bold idea and a lot of people thought we were out of our minds to imagine it was possible. It is amazing to think about how far computing has come since then, and we can all be proud of the role Microsoft played in that revolution", Gates wrote in an email sent to all Microsoft employees yesterday. "In the coming years, Microsoft has the opportunity to reach even more people and organizations around the world. Technology is still out of reach for many people, because it is complex or expensive, or they simply do not have access. So I hope you will think about what you can do to make the power of technology accessible to everyone, to connect people to each other, and make personal computing available everywhere even as the very notion of what a PC delivers makes its way into all devices", Gates noted. "Under Satya's leadership, Microsoft is better positioned than ever to lead these advances. We have the resources to drive and solve tough problems. We are engaged in every facet of modern computing and have the deepest commitment to research in the industry. In my role as technical advisor to Satya, I get to join product reviews and am impressed by the vision and talent I see. The result is evident in products like Cortana, Skype Translator, and HoloLens -- and those are just a few of the many innovations that are on the way". And this attitude was the reason Windows Phone 7 -- arguably Microsoft's first real take on a mobile operating system-- wasn’t released until 2010. By this time, iPhone had showed its dominance in the world, and Google was upping the ante with Android. Windows Phone is still struggling to gain any substantial market share. The mobile platform still has a wide "app-gap" problem, though the company seems to have found a couple of ways to fix it. But one of the most exciting things that happened in the company was its decision to open up. Under Nadella, Microsoft finally accepted that it doesn’t have a significant user base in smartphones. The company realized that if it didn't open up to rival platforms, it would miss out on a lot of users. And that’s one of the first things Nadella did after taking the charge of the company. Microsoft launched Office on iOS. Until then Office was only available on Windows, Windows RT, and Windows Phone, and a half-baked mobile version on Android. The move received an overwhelming response from users, resulting in Office apps -- Word, Excel and PowerPoint -- top the app chart in within 24 hours of their release on the platform. Late last year, the company made premium access to the Office suite free on iOS and Android. Office for iOS was in the works at Microsoft for a long time, but Ballmer used to prioritize its products on Windows devices first. Nadella evidently changed that. "We have accomplished a lot together during our first 40 years and empowered countless businesses and people to realize their full potential. But what matters most now is what we do next", Gates writes in his email. Microsoft does have a lot of things to look forward to in the coming months and years. Later this year, Microsoft will release Windows 10 for desktop computers, as well as smartphones, IoT devices and Xbox One. In the coming months, Microsoft will also release the next iteration of its productivity suite, Office 2016. For the first time, the company is simultaneously releasing Office on OS X and Windows. Additionally, Microsoft has showcased a number of products that could change the way we compute and interact with technology. Its augmented reality headset HoloLens is just one example. It will be interesting to see what the company does next and how things work out for it in the coming years.
Cel-Sci market cap history and chart from 2006 to 2018. Market capitalization (or market value) is the most commonly used method of measuring the size of a publicly traded company and is calculated by multiplying the current stock price by the number of diluted shares outstanding. Cel-Sci market cap as of April 19, 2019 is $0.2B.
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class="post-template-default single single-post postid-1914655 single-format-standard wpb-js-composer js-comp-ver-5.7 vc_responsive" COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA –Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, and Missouri Gov. Mike Parson met with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Federal Emergency Management Agency officials Wednesday. During the meeting, Gov. Ricketts urged the Corps to ensure that flood control is its top priority to minimize flooding in the future. The three governors committed to working together to change how the river is managed. Nebraskans seeking flood assistance should visit www.nema.nebraska.gov for more information about the state’s response to flooding and severe weather.
After removing the 2 screws, pull out the battery. The battery is connected to the motherboard on the left side. Use your finger tips to evenly grip the battery on the left and right sides of the battery. Pull straight up to lift the battery out of its place. If you find yourself having trouble pulling out the battery, push the battery back in place and attempt to lift straight out again. Do not use excessive force or attempt to pry the battery with any tools. Doing so will result in damage to the laptop.
Giving way to ambulance is very important as life will be on stake if nobody will give way to ambulance. There are some rules that are needed to be followed in order to give way. First of all and most importantly do not panic. You should stay calm and check where the ambulance is coming from. Then give way by merging left if it is safe to do so. If you cannot move left safely you should slow down and let the ambulance overtake you. Never speed up or try to outrun the vehicle as this is dangerous. And you cannot break the law to give way to an ambulance. It is an offence not to give way to an ambulance. The penalty is a fine and loss of demerit points. Here is an example of a motorist who did not give way to an ambulance while all the other cars moved to the left. The ambulance was supporting a little girl who had split her head open, but just because of one car nothing could be done. Reporters have interviewed the driver. He said that if they had reached the hospital in time, she could have been saved. Not everything was lost and the bleeding could be contained. But just because of one car a little girl lost her life. With the increasing traffic on the roads, ambulances have a tough task in taking the patients to hospitals on time. A recent survey conducted revealed that nearly 18,000 patients who are transported in ambulances every year could be saved form medical complication if the vehicles could reach the hospitals faster. More and more motorists in the busy streets of subcontinent and other major cities are refusing to yield to ambulances and firetrucks. This assessment is based on first-hand experience of volunteers along with a sharp rise in complaints from paramedics and firefighters. Instead of clearing and pulling to the side of the road when an ambulance approaches, many motorists are racing ahead of it or following closely behind them to pass more quickly through traffic. Even worse, some motorists simply ignore the sirens altogether, or leave their cars parked on narrow streets, creating a tight squeeze for large fire trucks and ambulance. Nearly half of the emergency vehicles that hospitals receives each year are classified as high priority calls in which a person is suffering from chest pains, breathing disorders, heart attacks, trauma or some other serious condition. However unyielding motorists delay their arrival by precious minutes that often mean the difference between life, death or severe brain damage. The bottom line is that people who don’t stop for ambulances increase the chance that someone who is critical will die because ambulance can’t reach them or get them to a hospital fast enough. In conclusion, I would like to say that education about ambulance importance should be given by the use of pint media, electronic media, workshops, exhibitions and road shows. Last but not least separate road should be made just for ambulances. M.Umar Iftikhar Malik, a student of class 2 wrote above mentioned content piece as submission of ICRC essay writing competition for 2017. We are publishing it as a token of appreciation for the student, his parents and teachers.
Overall, refugee admissions during the 365 full days since his inauguration at noon on January 20, 2017 have declined by 70 percent from the previous complete calendar year under the Obama administration. From January 21, 2017 to January 20, 2018 (Trump Calendar Year 2017), a total of 29,620 refugees have been admitted to the United States, according to the State Department’s wrapsnet.org website, the source of the refugee admissions data used in this story. In contrast, from January 21, 2016 to January 20, 2017, the last full calendar year of the Obama administration (Obama Calendar Year 2016), a total of 98,898 refugees were admitted to the United States. The most compelling aspect of the refugee arrival data for President Trump’s first full calendar year is the dramatic drop in refugee arrivals from the seven countries identified as terrorist hotbeds (Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Iran, Sudan, Yemen, and Libya) in Executive Order 13769 to whom the travel ban initially applied. Refugee arrivals from those seven countries declined by 81 percent, from 45,114 in Obama Calendar Year 2016 to 8,475 in Trump Calendar Year 2017.
Below, you'll find forms that allow you to manage your tenant account with ease. Simply click on any form title below to access the full form and submit it to our team. Use this form to give notice to move out. All fields are required. If you do not receive your move out instructions email within two days, please contact the office. When do I have to give notice? You must submit your notice on or before the FIRST DAY of the month. If we receive your move out notice after the first of the month there is a late move out notice fee = 1 times rent. Rent and utilities must be paid through the end of your move out month. Turn off utilities on the last day of the month. If utilities are turned off before the end of the month, then you may be charged a fee. If you leave before your lease expires, then you are required to pay an early termination fee. Please submit this form if you would like to change the name on your lease due to marriage or divorce, etc. There is a $75.00 lease change fee to make this change. Each new tenant must fill out an application and be approved before they can move in. If approved, there is a $150 lease change fee. Removing a tenant from the lease requires the remaining tenant(s) to submit a new rental application(s). It also requires the tenant that is leaving to sign a lease amendment. If approved, there is a $150 lease change fee. We will review a charge ONE TIME. Provide all the information we need to make our decision. This form is for CURRENT TENANTS disputing a charge or PAST TENANTS disputing a security deposit disbursement. Requests for review must be made using this form. We will respond within 10 business days. Our decision is final. Gather documents, receipts, photos, etc to support your request. These must be attached to this form.
Americans marvel at the elegance of interconnected European systems. We deserve the same. Technology is not a constraint, but our rigid ways of planning can be.
This time, players can use communication features in the game to show each other the unique houses they have made. HH Showcase where you can check out homes belonging to people you have encountered via the StreetPass feature, just as you would view a show home. When we came up with this idea, we wanted to make it so it was as little trouble as possible for players to make use of this feature. Exactly. In the end, we made it so all you need to do is have StreetPass switched on. Dream Suite run by Luna, which we touched upon earlier. Well, a fair while ago, when you originally announced the Wii, you explained the concept of WiiConnect249 and gave the example of a friend coming over to play while you’re asleep.9. WiiConnect24: A Wii network service that is always connected to the internet, allowing automatic downloads of the latest news and other messages. Please note, the WiiConnect24 service is not available in South Africa. Ah, yes. That’s right. That was the first thing I wanted us to try when we made WiiConnect24. It was something I wanted to include on the Wii game, but there were all sorts of constraints which meant that we couldn’t do it, and I’ve regretted it ever since. This time, we finally managed it, so if you upload your town’s data to the server, someone can simply drop by to play while you’re sleeping. We pitched that as a kind of dream world, so we made the place where you have these dreams into the Dream Suite. It’s a dream world, so whatever you do in a town you visit won’t leave any traces or after-effects for the person whose town it is. Right. If someone sees your town and messes it all up, it’s just a dream, so there will be no changes to your town in reality. With such a safe way for others to see your town, there’s no need to exchange Friend Codes10. We wanted an easier way to just leave your town open and let people see it more easily. The Dream Suite means you can go to a complete stranger’s town, and they can come and visit yours.10. Friend Code: An ID allocated when a Wii, Nintendo DS or Nintendo 3DS owner connects to the Internet. By exchanging Friend Codes, players can play specially designed games together online. Also, if they are willing to give out their designs in the towns you visit, Wendell can give you the designs that you like. go on all kinds of tours there , which are like mini-games, via a process of random matching. So you will be randomly paired with someone you don’t know, and you can play together. Correct. But of course, it doesn’t have to be a stranger. You could invite a friend, or take a tour by yourself. But we did make it so that it would be simple for someone who doesn’t have a friend playing to take part. It’s not like this takes place in your town… it’s on a separate island. So you don’t have to worry about any damage being done to your town. Right. We’ve always wanted to ensure that players can communicate safely and securely, and I think we have achieved that this time. And close friends can still come and go between each other’s towns, as they have up to now. Yes. In addition to friends with whom you have exchanged Friend Codes, you can register other players as ‘best friends’ in the game, and there are exclusive communicative elements you can share with them. Can you explain more about these ‘best friends’? Well, let’s say you have a copy of the game and play together with your family. This means that four of you can play, as it has been in previous titles. But only one of you can be mayor, while the others will be regular townsfolk. There might be four people playing, but they will share the same Friend Code, as it is assigned to the Nintendo 3DS system. That means that someone in the family might visit a friend, but then meet someone there who they don’t know at all. We were worried that this might feel awkward. It would be a shock if your friend’s mother, let’s say, whom you had never met, suddenly appeared in your town. This time round, we made it so that each of the four players could designate certain close friends as ‘best friends’, and you can make it so only these ‘best friends’ can come and visit. What’s more, if you’re connected to the Internet at home, ’best friends’ can exchange messages without having to go to each other’s town. In previous titles, when you wanted to let a friend know you were planning to visit their town, you’d need to give them a call or send them an email. Now you can do that inside the game. information about the price of turnips 11.11. Turnips: Items used for investment purposes in Animal Crossing and available for purchase every week on Sunday morning. If the selling price exceeds what you bought them for, you will earn pocket money. So you were all interested in the price of the turnips you can buy on Sundays from Joan ? Even when people are connected online, there are players who still don’t really want to make the effort to visit someone else’s town. But I’d be happy if turnips inspired players to go and check out each other’s towns. But turnips don’t have to be the only reason. You could decide to hold a fishing competition. That’s right. Or you could meet up to exchange fruit. There are all sorts of opportunities. Come to think of it, in the edition of Nintendo Direct broadcast on 29th August last year, there was a kind of comic foreground of me, where you could put your face through an image and take a photograph. Well, I didn’t actually notice it until the video was completed. Well, when I saw that, I was amazed – I thought: “Wow, you can do things like that?” That would make another reason to visit another town. That’s right. Everybody can come up with their own designs. If there’s one that you like, you can stick your face through the hole and take a souvenir photo. In Japan, the title of the game is Animal Crossing: Jump Out!, and I hope that everyone will have the opportunity to jump up, head out and visit other players, as that title suggests.
Just who is the ‘Supreme Scientist’? Is he a real-life scientist, one we can look to for answers to all the important questions about our universe, world and personal lives? Yes, there is a real-life, superior and totally trustworthy Supreme Scientist. His words and works are in a class by themselves. He is famous, unique, highly respected and totally trustworthy. He is always right … the only true scientist. He is the Word, the Way, the Truth, the Life! He is Jesus Christ. He is the supreme standard by which all other scientists’ words and works must be measured and judged. 1. He was Before the Beginning. 2. He was At the Beginning. 3. He was the Beginner. 4. He created all that was Created. 5. He is the Controller of all Creation. You can find these throughout the Bible in texts like Jn 1:1-18, Col 1:15-17, Heb 1:1-3. This is how a fascinating new 300 page book by science-scripture writer Gerald Wright begins. Ask for information today.
John Cortland Timm graduated from Texas A&M University with a Bachelors of Science in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. Mr. Timm graduated from the University of Oklahoma College of Law where he worked at the Cleveland County District Attorney’s office as an intern. He has also interned in the Harris County District Attorney’s Office and Montgomery County District Attorney’s Offices in Texas. Prior to joining Dunham & Jones, Mr. Timm was an Assistant District Attorney for the Hays County District Attorney’s Office prosecuting misdemeanor crimes such as DWI, Assault, and Criminal Trespass. Mr. Timm currently works exclusively on criminal cases for the firm. Outside of work, John enjoys going to concerts, playing guitar/bass guitar, hiking with his dog, and watching Texas A&M football and San Antonio Spurs games.
The lockout of the musicians at the Minnesota Orchestra has been epic, lasting more than 15 months and involving some moves by the musicians and the orchestra’s donors to establish an alternative corporation. Is signing this contract going to make things all better? The online nonprofit journalism site MinnPost started speculating this past week that the Minnesota Orchestral Association might be close to a contract with its musicians, who had been locked out for 474 days after rejecting a contract that would have included a 35 percent pay cut. NPQ has covered the grindingly long labor dispute repeatedly over the past year, and of late it was evident that there were a number of deadlines looming, including some that might have an effect on the organization’s lease on its performance space. Additionally, donor support for the musicians was solidifying into proposals not just for a split, but also for an attempt to attach the endowment of the Orchestral Association. A new nonprofit was being formed to act as home to an alternative to the MOA, and the musicians had raised $600,000 on their own. But MinnPost reports on what is perhaps the most telling, albeit subtle, sign that a contract agreement was nigh was that during the intermission in Mozart’s Requiem this past weekend, the musicians, who have been performing on their own, did not make their usual announcement of the lockout from the stage. The now agreed-upon three-year contract will require only a 15 percent pay cut, which means that the compensation at MOA will remain among the top 10 percent of orchestras in the U.S., although there are other compensation-affecting elements of the contract. The most interesting part of the contract is a revenue-sharing clause for the musicians, based on the rate of return on the orchestra’s endowments. There have been compromises on both sides, and the contract will likely be a welcome step forward to the community, but there have been many losses in the interim, what with Osmo Vänskä, the MOA’s brilliant music director, and a number of other key players leaving. There are only 77 musicians, instead of the 95 that both sides see as being optimal. Additionally, among those who remain, many, in an attempt to stay solvent, have outstanding commitments to other orchestras.
NEW ORLEANS (NAM) — A new Nielsen report detailing the record-setting spending power of African-American women has further buoyed the confidence of Black female entrepreneurs, who said the information proves their undeniable value to the U.S. and the global economy. “This report is helpful to show banks and brands that Black women are highly qualified to be recipients of fair lending and to be fairly represented in advertising campaigns,” said Samantha Gregory, the founder of the website richsinglemomma.com, a platform developed to help single mothers earn extra cash. Santirosa noted that fashion and beauty industries often choose to ignore the purchasing power of Black women. “I do see the market beginning to recognize Black women more and cater to our spending preferences,” Santirosa said. “Black women have strong life-affirming values that spill over into everything they do. The celebration of their power and beauty is reflected in what they buy, watch and listen to, and people outside their communities find it inspiring,” said Cheryl Grace, the senior vice president of U.S. Community Strategic Alliances and Consumer Engagement for Nielsen. The African-American woman’s independent mindset is present in her growing confidence, self-awareness and rising income, according to the report. The report noted that 64 percent of Black women agree their goal is to make it to the top of their profession; 58 percent agree that they don’t mind giving up their personal time for work — 20 percent higher than non-Hispanic White women. “The trend of Black women becoming increasingly educated and driving the buying power of Black households, means that they are making purchase decisions that historically they didn’t make,” said Bianca Blake, a marketing specialist. This article originally published in the October 2, 2017 print edition of The Louisiana Weekly newspaper.
Douchy-Montcorbon is a commune in the Loiret department of central France. The municipality was established on 1 January 2016 by merger of the former communes of Douchy and Montcorbon. Alain Delon, French actor and businessman, lives in Douchy a large part of the year, since 1971. Mireille Darc, French model and actress, lives also in Douchy when she was Alain Delon's longtime companion. Wikimedia Commons has media related to Douchy-Montcorbon. This page was last edited on 18 January 2018, at 17:53 (UTC).
RRB Group D Exam Fee Refund: The examination was done by RRB Group D on 2/2018. RRB could not return the money by Group D for any reason. People who have not returned their money will have to fill their bank details again. This information is to be submitted on 22/03/2019 from the official website of RRB. RRB was unable to refund many candidates for the following reasons. Wrong bank details given by candidates like filling in the customer ID instead of false account number, wrong IFSC code, account number etc. Most bank account matches and incorrect bank account number given by candidates. RRB candidates have an opportunity to improve the wrong information. You can update this information from 22/3/2019 at 6pm. Candidates can go to the official website and provide bank account information. SMS and email will be sent to the registered mobile number and email id to register the candidates for updating their bank account details. We will first tell you about all the recruitment being issued by the Gujarat government. For all recruitment information, you have to be connected with our website and with us. If you stay connected with us, then we will tell you all about recruitment first. We will also get information from you on this website, such as government schemes, government schemes and we will tell you what is going on. All plans are implemented by the Prime Minister in India. Many people do not know about that plan. Then you will find all information on this website. India is a big country, so in India, the census is even more. People have to wander rate rates for employment. Not all poor families get food at the time.
Sometimes your large featherless assistant confuses the presence of feathers on your body with your overall interest in getting up early. These two are not related – at all. What is even more confusing is that she also doesn’t like to get up early. So when she does have to get up early in the morning for some reason and she wakes you up too, this is a great opportunity to set the record straight. Mom, we’ve been over this already. Here, Mom. I’ll use a visual aid. Is this clearer?
I’m a workaholic. I work most of the time and have to keep myself from squeezing in a task in my spare moments. Yet, today I’ve decided I’m not going to do anything, except rest, relax, and recharge. And, you know what? So far, it has been great. My day has been filled with laying on the coach, watching T.V., and eating leftovers. The only “work” I have done has been online shopping. The beauty of being lazy is that it helps a person become a better person, because you are able to refuel and ease some of your stress. It is a type of self-care that everyone needs to do. While you may be spending hours in store lines today, make sure to take some time being lazy and enjoying the day. Trust me, you’ll feel better and stronger to take on the holiday chaos. I’m a middle school teacher, who spends her free time doing DIY projects, reading, and relaxing. Welcome to my journey!
Established in 1972, Sullivan & Cromwell’s London office is the Firm’s second-largest office after New York. There are over 60 English, U.S. and dual-qualified lawyers working in the office across a number of practice groups, including Equity and Debt Capital Markets, Mergers and Acquisitions, Private Equity, Leveraged and Acquisition Finance, Restructuring, Project Development and Finance, Competition and Tax. The London office focuses in particular on cross-border and multijurisdictional assignments that capitalize on the U.S., English and EU legal expertise and extensive market knowledge of the lawyers in the London office. In addition, reflecting the global nature and highly integrated team approach of S&C’s practice, London-based lawyers frequently draw on, and are a resource for, the Firm’s other offices. Over the past 15 years, in addition to partners and associates advising on U.S. law, S&C’s London office has included partners and associates advising on English and EU law. During that period, we have strengthened and developed all areas of our practice, while in particular making significant strides in the organic growth of our English and EU law practices. We expect all areas of our practice to develop further during the coming years in response to the needs of our clients. For more information about becoming a trainee solicitor with S&C’s London office, please see U.K. Trainee Solicitors Program. The hiring of U.S. qualified associates for our London office is coordinated out of our New York office. Please see Your Career at S&C for more information. The hiring of U.K. qualified associates is coordinated out of our London office. Please see U.K. Qualified Associates for more information. S&C Ranks Highly in The Lex 100 Trainee Survey in the U.K.
As the sky turns from blue to orange in the Zimbabwe bush, a cool breeze blows to chase away the scorching heat of the afternoon, ushering in the night. A small brown mammal with plate-like scales rustles through the grass. Little does it know that it walks close to the path of extinction. There hasn’t been a more dangerous time to be a pangolin. The species has become the most trafficked mammal in the world. They are illegally traded for their scales, as bush meat or for medicinal purposes. But the threat of their extinction rarely makes news. An organisation in Zimbabwe aims to change this by educating the public about an animal many may not know even exists. Enabled by the Tikki Hywood Trust, a group of men dedicate their lives to rehabilitating captured pangolins. They are entrusted with caring for animals that have endured major stress, often having been transported many kilometres bound in a sack, starved and dehydrated. The process takes a lot of patience. It is a difficult task to gain the trust of the pangolins while trying to nurture them to full health. But the men do this with love for the animal. They have developed an intimate relationship while caring for them. Pangolins are like their children. And like any parent, they will protect their family from anything that poses a threat.
It's practically summertime so there are lots and lots of movies opening soon. One of these is The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 which opens on June 12. It's about guys who hijack New York subway train Pelham 123, hold people hostage, demand money, and escape - but how?. One regular transit dispatcher guy ends up involved. The movie stars famous people (Denzel Washington and John Travolta) and the trailers make it look really exciting and action-y. I'd sort of thought of trying to see it when it comes out, if it got good reviews. And this is a good heist movie - actually, it's a good movie, period. It's suspenseful and engrossing, with some comic moments thrown to ease the tension. It was interesting to see how the hijackers used their knowledge of the New York subway system and its trains to pull off the job. If you're going to do any kind of heist, it's important to know just how everything works, yes? The main question throughout is how the hijackers are going to escape and get away with the job. I'm not going to tell you whether they succeed or how it ends - even though the movie has been remade, I don't know whether they'll use the exact same story. They've already changed the title (words representing numbers are so old-fashioned; why not just the numbers instead?) and I hope that they don't change the actual story too much. Being the age that it is, I expect that they'll not only modernize the story to reflect the updated technology, but also add some new twists and turns and stunts. Maybe even an explosion or two. As long the remake stays a heist movie, it'll probably be ok. I agree it will be interesting to see the remake. I enjoyed Robert Shaw. He does such a great villain. Did you notice the young Doris Roberts as thle mayor's wife. A real classic.
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This vintage-inspired brass charm necklace is part of the Mission Hill Charm Necklace Collection. At 36 inches, it is perfect for layering with the Glastonbury, Ibiza or Notting Hill Collections. Shop our Necklace Collection Now. Three different styles of gold hematite will transport you to the Gold Coast.
Have I ever felt I was being oppressed by others (V. 13) and that God was nowhere to be found? When was the last time I felt as if I dwelt "in dust", as a dead man? (V. 19) RESOLVE. Do I believe that I have a building of God awaiting me? (V. 1) How does that make my life different? Which do I walk by most of the time, faith or sight? (V. 7) Does Christ's love constrain me? (V. 14) How so? Am I an ambassador for Christ, too? (V. 20) How so? Whose ambassador was I, most of the time, last week? RESOLVE.
Description: Honda Civic Type R 119 from the above 1920x1278 resolutions like mesothelioma which is a part of the Hondahonda civic type r directory. Download this image for free in HD resolution the choice "download button" below. If you do not find the mesothelioma attorneys california you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. This Honda Civic Type R 119 is provided only for personal use as image on computers, smartphones or other display devices. If you found any images copyrighted to yours, please contact us and we will remove it. We don't intend to display any copyright protected images.
Description: An unofficial shirt from Australia featuring J.C., weapons, the flags of USA and Australia in front of a horizon of burning buildings under a crossbuster in the sky. The design was used as a concert poster at the Festival Hall, Melbourne, Australia show Nov. 9th 2007. Artist: Daymon Greulich. "Bad Religion" is printed on the back in the same font as on the front.
Today, March 8th, women around the world are being celebrated on International Women?s Day. Events are being held all around the world with over 400 events in the U.S. and Canada, as well as over 400 events in the United Kingdom. Whether you decide to take the day off from work for a well-deserved mani-pedi, indulge in a box of decadent chocolates, or go to the movies, one thing is for sure– take a moment to honor your accomplishments, hug your friends, and remember your loved ones and girlfriends. To stay inspired for the day at Cyber-Dating Expert Headquarters, we?ve selected our 7 favorite inspirational quotes from women we admire. Let us know which ones are your favorites and feel free to add a few of your own. Wishing the women throughout the world a very Happy International Women’s Day. Give yourself a hug. What a night of joy, love and inspiration. This past Thursday, I met author and motivational speaker, Marianne Williamson.? Seventeen years ago, ?I purchased her book, A Return to Love, and since that time have read it at least five times. To this day, this book remains one of my personal favorites in my home library. Both the author, and her book have changed my life in a powerful way and have allowed me to share these experiences to help others find love in their lives. Of course I was meant to meet Marianne Williamson. Why it took 17 years, I am not sure as we have mutual friends and business acquaintances in common. ?Perhaps I wasn’t ready yet, but when I received an invitation from my friend, Gina Ratliffe to meet Marianne, I jumped at the chance.? Her teachings have had a profound affect on my life. After her powerful talk, I had the opportunity talk with her personally and thanked her. ?We embraced each other with a loving hug, and she listened as I told her just how much she has meant to me over the years. It was our moment together of authenticity and pure love. The process from her book, teachings, and her interpretation of The Course in Miracles is simple. You get scared, you go into fear mode. To get out of fear mode, you return to love mode. The opposite of love isn’t hate?it’s fear. It’s simple, practical, ?spiritual, and we all need to be reminded of it on a regular basis. This goes for love relationships, work relationships, and friendships. and practice these simple and powerful techniques. You’ll be surprised at the amount of joy you will receive in return. Isn’t it time you followed your dreams and started getting paid for your expert advice? Have you thought of reinventing yourself and you didn’t know how to get started? If you answered yes to any of these questions, read on. Join me on September on September 29 – October 3, 2009 for an exciting 5-day conference in Los Angeles, called Purpose. Platform. Profits: Manifesting and Monetizing Your Dream Life! Gary Vaynerchuck, host of Wine Library TV. Gary just received a 7 figure book advance from HarperCollins. David Neagle, wealth acceleration coach and founder of Life is Now. I will be at Purpose, Platform, Profits at the Cyber-Dating Expert table, where you will find me giving dating advice and introducing singles to my “Coaching with Julie” program to attract the man of your dreams. Sign up now, as this will be a limited seating event and Gina is offering a special “attend with a friend” promotion for those who sign up by September 22nd. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this. I have had enormous opportunities and huge success as a result of building my platform. With these experts, I know that I will be taking my dream of helping other singles to a new level. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE EVENT, REGISTER FOR TWO SNEAK PREVIEW CALLS! There are 2 calls left for you to join in and learn more about this amazing program. Thursday September 10th — Platform. How your platform = $$$ for you! Thursday September 24th — Profits. I don’t usually take five days out of my busy schedule, but this was too good to pass up. I look forward to meeting you at this event. If you are curious to hear more, please register for the calls, or click here to sign up for the conference.
Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is a neurotransmitter and plays a role in the regulation of muscle tone. As its name suggests, it is technically an amino acid. However, it is unique to what most people know as amino acids because the amino acids that we are familiar with are in an alpha configuration, whereas GABA is in a gamma configuration. Consequently, it is not incorporated into proteins. Where Does GABA Come from? GABA is synthesised naturally within our body and low concentrations can be found in animal and plant products (cherry tomatoes are a good source). However, generally speaking, the amount we eat in our diet is very low. The potentially beneficial property of GABA is the theory that it may increase levels of hGH (human growth hormone) within the body. Human growth hormone is produced in the pituitary gland and aids in lean tissue gain, reduction of fat mass, and increases bone density. There have been a few studies that have suggested that GABA supplementation has resulted in elevated levels of hGH. An earlier study found that a single 5 g dose of GABA significantly increased plasma hGH levels in three hours (Cavagnini et al, 1980). A more recent study has supported these findings, reporting that 3 g GABA supplementation increased hGH levels in men at rest and during exercise compared to a placebo (Powers et al, 2008). No doubt, if GABA is effective in increasing hGH, this may be beneficial for bodybuilders. Powers et al (2008) stated that, "augmenting the postexercise irGH/ifGH response may improve resistance training-induced muscular adaptations", which simply means "increasing hGH may increase muscle gains". Another effect of increased hGH is the benefit it has on reducing fat mass. Therefore, if GABA is effective in increasing hGH, it may be helpful for those wishing to lose fat. The efficiency of fat loss may be a result of the ability of hGH to stimulate muscle growth, and hence elevate resting metabolic rate to burn more fat. One of the other reported effects of GABA is that is has a calming and relaxing effect. Consequently, it has also been used as a sleeping aid. One criticism behind the rationale of GABA supplementation is that for GABA to work, it needs to find its way into the brain. However, GABA does not readily cross the blood brain barrier, so it may not be able to exert its effect on the pituitary gland. It seems that although GABA may be able to increase hGH, taking too much may actually have the opposite effect. A study has shown that a dose of 18 g/day for four days actually reduced hgH levels (Driskell & Wolinsky, 2009). The use of GABA appears to be safe. However it is not as well studied as some other supplements. Therefore, if you are pregnant, are on medications, or have any serious illnesses, consult your healthcare professional before commencing supplementation. Due to the negative effect of high levels of GABA intake on hGH production, you should be wary of dosage, and make sure that you are not actually doing the opposite of what is intended. Studies have suggested that a 3 g dosage is adequate for promoting hGH production (Powers, 2008), and therefore is the recommended dosage. Because GABA may have a calming effect, it would be better to take the supplement an hour before bed, so it does not reduce your focus during the day. GABA can be found as a pure stand-alone supplement. Since GABA is a hGH promotant, it can be stacked with other hGH supplements. Here, they may work synergistically to provide different mechanisms to potentially boost your natural hGH levels. Additionally, since GABA is best taken at night, it could also be taken with a slow release night time protein, such as casein. However, if you are taking GABA purely as a sleep supplement, it may be better to do so on an empty stomach to promote rapid absorption.
The Excellent combination of both of these layers is the reason why the Puffy mattress is able to provide a cool and refreshing sleeping experience. The Cover of the puffy mattress is made from top quality materials, which was specially designed and handpicked to operate together with the two foam layers and provide a good sleeping experience. All Puffy mattresses are made according to order, it’s quickly ready in perfectly neat conditions so the mattress doesn’t stay compressed over a long period of time – This helps it feels clean until it’s unpacked. Upon being crafted, your mattress is then compressed and sealed. It is then placed in a cardboard box for shipping. Puffy uses today’s latest technology to package all of the mattresses, into a single sized box. This includes the California King. The logo for Puffy is nicely printed on the outside of the box. The box is not bulky, so it easy for you to carry it to its desired location. The Exceptional motion transfer of the Puffy mattress ensures a sleeping surface with a favorable weight distribution system which provides excellent levels of firmness, contour and elasticity to effectively decrease the amount of sagging and motion experienced by different regions of the body. A Sponge ought to be immersed in a mixture of water and mild detergent and rubbed in a circular pattern on the stain until it disappears. Make sure no robust or harmful detergent is used. This Limited warranty applies to only original buyers of genuine Puffy foam mattresses the corporation’s site or an authorized distributor, and this warranty is not transferrable. Puffy Provides a 101-night sleep test with your mattress, meaning that you can return the mattress within the first 101 nights from the date the mattress was bought, if you are not convinced by its comfort or quality. Puffy does recommend trying the mattress for at least 3-4 weeks, as your body will need time to adapt. Puffy will pick your mattress up free of charge, within the 101 days if you are not happy for any reason. The mattress is then donated to a local charity, and you are issued a full refund. Though many companies have hidden charges or fees, you will not be charged anything out of your refund. Puffy’s Donation policy assures that your mattress will be donated, versus being sent to the dump if you are not satisfied. The only places that have an exception to this, is Canada, Alaska and Hawaii. Your mattress will be refunded, however the shipping fees that the company pays will not be. You must buy directly from Puffy, to receive their 101 Night Trial. You can do so by clicking here.
I don’t care if you use Hadoop or grep+Perl scripts. If you can demonstrate enough performance to do what you claim you can do, that’s what matters to me from a backend point of view. Now, can you show me that your tool does what it should do better than your competitors? There is a trend about the messages I’ve been hearing during vendor briefings over the past few months. They spend a lot of time talking about how great their architecture is, all those Hadoop stack components so beautifully integrated, showing how aligned to the latest data management, machine learning and analytics they are. They are proud of the stuff under the hood. But, very often, without verifiable claims on their effectiveness. This is getting close to the insanity level. “We have AI”. “We are hadoop based”. “We do ML and Deep Learning”. It’s like the technology and techniques being used are the only thing to look for, and not the results! This may work to lure the VCs, but I cannot see how anyone would buy something that uses all this cool technology for…what exactly? You see advanced analytics that provide “confidence levels” that do not change based on user feedback. Crazy visualizations that don’t tell you anything and could be easily replaced by a simple table view. “Deep Learning” for matching TI indicators to firewall logs. The list is endless. My concern with this craziness is that vendors are mixing priorities here; they want to show they are using the latest techniques, but not worried about showing how effective they are. There are so many attempts to be the next “next-gen”, but not enough attempts to do help organizations solve their problems. This is killing innovation in security. I want to see how your tool makes threat detection 10x better, not that you can process 10x more data than your competitor. There are cases where performance and capacity bottlenecks are the main pain point of an industry. Think SIEM before they started moving away from RDBMS, for example. But this is not always true. Now we see vendors happy to claim their products are based on Big Data technologies, but the use cases don’t require more than a few hundred megabytes of data stored. Stop that nonsense. If you’re getting into this industry now, do so with a product that will work better than what organizations already have in place: findings more threats, faster and using less resources during detection and response. If your next-gen technology is not able to do so, it’s just a toy. And the message I hear from our clients is clear: We don’t want another toy, we want something that makes our lives easier. The post Big data And AI Craziness Is Ruining Security Innovation appeared first on Augusto Barros.
PJ Masks - what time is it on TV? Episode 26 Series 1 cast list and preview. Romeo plans to use his newest device to make everyone in the world so clumsy that they can't stop him.
Customers line up to purchase lottery tickets, Monday, Oct. 22, 2018, at La Preferida Superdiscount store in Hialeah, Fla. For all the anticipation about whether someone will finally snag the gigantic Mega Millions and Powerball jackpots, the games come down to two things: simple math — and very long odds. The dismal odds of winning the Mega Millions jackpot — 1 in 302.5 million — mean there are 302.5 million potential number combinations, or a little less than one combination for each of the 328 million people living in the U.S. For last Friday's drawing, about 59 per cent of possible combinations were taken. But by Tuesday night's drawing, officials estimate that 75 per cent will be sold. That would mean a 25 per cent chance of no winner. If that happens, it's likely even more combinations would be covered before the next drawing three days later. Officials don't have an estimate on how many tickets would be sold for that potential drawing, and they haven't said how large the estimated prize would be. Could it reach $2 billion? If the odds of winning either Mega Millions or Powerball don't seem gigantic enough, how about winning them both? Spend $4 on a ticket for each game and it could happen. But the odds aren't especially favourable, at about 1 in 88 quadrillion (that's 88,000,000,000,000,000). For Mega Millions, players choose six numbers: five from a range of white balls, numbered 1 to 70, and one number for the Mega Ball, with a range of 1 to 25. What numbers have come up most? Since 2010, that honour goes to the number 2, with 92 hits, followed by the numbers 20, 11, 31 and 17. The most hit Mega Ball number is 9.
I have a Hampton Bay Ceiling Fan. I need a replacement bulb for this fan. Hello AngellitaRox and welcome to the Community. It appears to me that the information you provided is from the socket of the fan light. That information indicates that the max. watts the bulb can be is 75 watts. If you removed the bulb, it will have all the information you need to get a replacement. It is written on the base of the light bulb. Bring the bulb to the store and an associate from the eletrical department would be happy to help you. If you no longer have the bulb then you will have to get the details off of the Fan.The serial and model number are usually on a the tag that is located on the top of the motor. Once you have that information you can contact the Hampton bay help line, see information below.
Podcasting may be a relatively small industry in the U.S, but if anyone had to guess, Spotify has bigger ambitions than that. Spotify is in advanced talks to acquire Gimlet Media, the Brooklyn-based narrative podcast company, for more than $200 million in cash, according to Recode. The U.S. podcasting industry brought in $314 million in ad revenue in 2017. Yet the global picture is much different. Read more: no, podcasting is not a small business. Oh, and check out the ultimate guide to the best business podcasts here. They forgot one: The Worldly Marketer.
Restaurant redesign project designed to help create a cohesive look and feel in all Burger King restaurants across the country. Developed program strategy, owner-operator sell-in materials (including video), ordering tools and over 50 in-store POS and packaging elements. The task was to promote Burger King's new partnership with the NFL while using the limited NFL assets the King had the rights to. Plus it all had to happen in a short time. Many ideas were generated but we kept harkening back to the days of our youth and the classic classroom-time-waster--finger football. Tabletops were turned into football fields, table tents served as goalposts and trayliners delivered the tongue-in-cheek rules along with a tear-off paper football. To add and extra point to the program we held local tourneys in several NFL cities. Customers could see if their fingers could defeat the beefy hands of an NFL player. Local winners battled it out at the championship in NYC to win a trip to the Super Bowl.
ShowingFilter 121-140 of 287 listings. Currently there are 484 House units For Sale In Koh Samui at an average price of 56,663 per square meter. The most popular regions, that generate the greatest interest from investors and private buyers are Bangkok, Phuket, Pattaya, Hua Hin, Koh Samui and Chiang Mai, while most of the House units In Koh Samui are off the market 145 days after they have been listed For Sale on Thaiger Property. The average Return Of Investment for House units In Koh Samui varies between an impressive 5% - 7% for capital appreciation. In terms of House types for sale, 1 and 2 bedroom House units generate the highest ROI for investors.
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This guest post came about from a mutual love of tennis and the result of a wager for the Ronald Garros final match, in which Rafael Nadal won over Novak Djokovic. David Wiseman works at Kahena Digital, a Jerusalem online marketing and SEO Company and can be found on twitter at @daw1975. Let’s bring the worlds of tennis and SEO together again: Here are the 13 things the game of tennis has in common with SEO. Just as in SEO, ranking are everything in tennis. As a tennis player, not a day goes by where you aren’t aware of your ranking. It defines you. With any rankings there can be quirks, such as Danish player Caroline Wozniacki. There was much consternation that she got to Number One without having won a grand slam title. Similarly, occasionally there is much angst and dismay as to the inequality and illogic of Google’s rankings. Ranking highly shouldn’t be the sole focus but a happy by-product. People should look at the rankings as part of the journey and not just the destination. If you don’t, things are finished once you get to #1 as opposed to only just beginning. A tennis match can be broken down into hundreds of different statistical categories – first serve %, unforced errors, break point converted, winners, etc. SEO has so many numbers rankings, visits, conversions, time on site, bounce rate, et al that it comes down to which ones you look at and show the client and which ones you don’t show the client. In SEO, it’s not as black and white. Some SEO folk say that conversions have nothing to do with them. That once the traffic comes to the site, their job is done. I am not of that opinion but if a person is, it’s hard to argue with them. That’s like arguing Bjorn Borg is the best clay court tennis player of all time. You will go back and forth on this for hours and not get anywhere. In tennis, if there are any weaknesses in your game, quickly they are going to be found out. Whether it’s your second serve, backhand or volleying, opponents are going to identify these weaknesses and then start hammering away at them – forcing you into positions where your weaknesses are exposed. The more all-round player you are, the harder it will be to defeat you. It’s human nature to stick to what we’re good at and what we like to do and eschew the rest, but the more kinks we eliminate from our game the more versatile and stronger we become. Some people can’t stand analytics and do everything they can to avoid it, some hate outreach, interacting with clients, presenting & public speaking, programming, working to deadlines, pivot tables, punctuality, etc. The more strings we add to our racquet, the more valuable we become. This is relevant to tennis as you want to prevent your opponent from scoring any points. It’s a different kind of love in SEO. The Beatles weren’t lying when they sang, “The love you take is equal to the love you make.” SEO is a world filled with different opinions and ways of doing things but there is nothing to gain by taking the high moral ground or a holier than thou attitude. Tennis player spend hundreds of hours practicing. How much time do you spend on your SEO game? Do you put in the hours reading and commenting on blogs, following tweets and staying abreast of other industry news? You have to make it part of your schedule otherwise you are going to lose your edge. In tennis, the racquet you use is of critical importance. It is the tool of your trade and it needs to feel comfortable in your hand. While you may stay wedded to your current make and model, it behooves you to know what else is out there, try it out and possibly even switch. In SEO, the technology changes so quickly that it is almost impossible to keep track of. There are tools coming out all the time for every aspect of the industry. It’s important to find balance between always changing the way you work to be blindly loyal to it. Find that middle ground. It is common for players to climb in to the stands following a win and share the moment with their entourage. Similarly while one or two people may be the figureheads of a campaign or pitch, there is a whole team responsible for its success. In tennis you are talking about a coach, manager, dietician, nutritionist, yoga instructor, pilates teacher, masseuse and physiotherapist. In the SEO word you have all the staff who work on a campaign. It’s important that their hard work is both recognized and appreciated. Over the years you have worked out a game plan that you feel is best to your game. You are going to tweak it according to your opponent, but if things aren’t working, don’t be afraid to shake things up and try something else. Suffice to say that if you are two sets to love down, you have to try something different. So too with a campaign if the numbers aren’t moving in the right direction, you may have to change tack. You could be stubborn and hope that things turn around on their own and this could well be the case, but sometimes you have to re-assess things and mid-campaign be prepared to implement a new game-plan. In tennis, there are two types of players – those who try to hit winners and those who are simply trying to keep the ball in play. Going for winners is a high risk/reward play and being risk averse may protect you from things going horribly pear-shaped but you aren’t going to get anywhere. In your SEO campaign if you believe in yourself and what you are doing you should have the confidence to go for it. Sometimes only 4 out of every 10 ideas work, but for four to be spectacular successes, six aren’t. That’s life. You can’t let the fear of failure paralyze you otherwise it’s going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we were playing in the final of the French Open we would be pumped up, motivated and focused. Playing in a tiny tournament on a back court in Uzbekistan we may find that we are not as switched on. Working on a campaign for a Fortune 500 client is stimulating and invigorating and that requires no motivational talks to ram home the import of it, the ramifications of doing well and more so, those of not doing so. On a smaller client, energy levels just aren’t going to be the same. That’s human nature but if you treat it lightly or neglect it, it could well disappear. Sometimes it just isn’t your day. You’re going to lose and it’s important that you are a good loser as much as you are a good winner. The good winner isn’t much of an issue in SEO where gloating is just another word for celebrating; but being a good loser is definitely important in SEO. Don’t be the person who plays the blame game and starts ranting and raving while pointing the finger. You can blame Google, the client, your colleagues, a lack of caffeine and faulty data, but ultimately you have to put your hand up and say that it’s on you. A sense of humor is a must in SEO otherwise you aren’t going to last too long. Novak Djokovic turned things around when he was able to make fun of himself. He loosened up which is something that an uber uptight Ivan Lendl never managed. This clip of Djokovic is from the 2007 US Open. He lost the final there but the next Grand Slam he played in, he won and this was his first Grand Slam title. He has never looked back.
Jonathan C. Reiter Law Firm » Other Serious Injuries » Are Commuter Trains Becoming More Dangerous? New York City, NY – Top attorney, handles MTA, bus accidents, wrongful death, medical malpractice, doctor errors, airline injuries & death, & construction cases. Attorney Jonathan C. Reiter consistently delivers results. For people who live in busy urban areas like New York City and the surrounding major cities, rail travel is often the fastest and most affordable way to commute to work or into the city. However, a number of high profile derailments have occurred in recent years. Understandably, many people worry that trains have become more dangerous. How Many People Travel by Train? According to a Washington Post report, Amtrak is the busiest passenger train company in the United States, with about 11.6 million riders in the Northeast region alone — a figure that makes up around one-third of all rail travel in the country. Across the U.S., there are about 31.2 million train passengers each year. While the U.S. doesn’t have the robust rail systems often found in European countries and parts of Asia, experts say that rail travel in this country is undergoing something of a renaissance. The number of Amtrak riders increased by 55 percent between 1997 and 2012. Among all passengers, 88 percent start or stop their journey in one of 100 of the country’s largest metropolitan areas. Experts say the number of rail passengers is only likely to increase. While fuel prices fluctuate and have been down in recent years, the cost of fuel is a significant factor in many people’s decision to commute by train. Additionally, owning a car can be a major hassle in the country’s largest cities. Many train passengers say they can also shorten their commute by traveling by rail rather than dealing with traffic jams that can last for hours during rush hour. How Often Do Train Derailments Happen? Compared to previous decades, the number of train derailments has actually decreased. According to the Federal Railroad Administration, there were about 31 train derailments per year over the past 10-year period. By contrast, there were 54 train derailments on average per year in the decade immediately preceding the most recent one. However, rail safety experts say it’s important to consider all of the facts when you look at these figures. Although the number of trail derailments has gone down, the number of people injured during derailments has increased. Of course, car travel remains the most dangerous form of travel statistically. While there were over 32,700 fatalities in cars in 2013, there were 891 railway deaths the same year. When most people think of a train accident, they likely picture a derailment. This thought process is understandable, as these cases frequently involve many cars jumping the tracks, which can lead to a high number of fatalities and serious injuries. However, there are many different reasons why train accidents happen. Train Employee Negligence – This category of train accidents can encompass a wide range of negligence. In recent years, a number of serious train accidents have occurred because the train’s conductor was either fatigued, sleep-deprived or not paying attention. Train employee negligence can also happen when a conductor travels at an excessive speed or fails to slow down as the train approaches a curve. Derailments – Train derailments involve a train car or multiple cars jumping the tracks. If this happens during high speeds, the accident and injuries can be catastrophic. Bad Track Maintenance – Just as potholes and debris on the highway can cause a car accident, poor track maintenance can lead to a serious railway accident. Collision with Another Train – It’s rare for a train to collide with another train, but these accidents can and do happen. These types of disasters occur more frequently in subway accidents, where it’s common for many trains to run regular routes in close proximity to each other. In 2008, for example, a train operator working for California’s Metrolink caused a head-on collision with a freight train because he was text messaging and missed a red signal requiring him to stop. The accident resulted in 25 deaths and over 100 injuries. Collapsed Bridges – Bridge collapses or structural problems on a bridge can lead to a train accident if the train is en route and the operator is either unaware of the danger or too close to the bridge to make an appropriate stop. Collision with a Car on the Tracks – Train accidents can also occur when a vehicle is parked or stuck on the tracks at a rail crossing. There have been many serious accidents caused by motorists attempting to cross tracks or failing to slow down as a train approaches. In Nevada in 2011, six people were killed, and 16 were injured when a commercial truck struck an Amtrak train at a crossing. According to the investigative report, the truck driver was inattentive and didn’t attempt to brake until he was 300 feet from the crossing. If you have been injured in a train accident in New York City or the surrounding areas, it’s important to work with a mass transit accident lawyer who understands these cases. You have important rights. Your lawyer can help you protect them.
This can be used for ribs, hot dogs, chicken etc., etc. when grilling. Simmer onion in butter 5 minutes. Add remaining ingredients and simmer 10 minutes longer. This sauce yields 1 quart. If refrigerated, this will keep for a long time. At the end of the grilling time, put some on the meat. Photo courtesy Number55, Creative Commons License.
Arriving this week on Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD is “The Nutcracker and the Four Realms”. You can read my review of the film’s theatrical release here. I was honestly not a fan of Disney’s “would-be” franchise starter. It just did not work. As for the home video release, there isn’t a whole lot when it comes to bonus features either. If you happen to be a fan of this version of the classic Nutcracker tale, then you shouldn’t be disappointed in how the film looks on your HD home setup, but aside from that, there isn’t much to recommend here. Advance Screening of THE NUTCRACKER AND THE FOUR REALMS in South Miami!
Jade Plant makes a fine choice for the outdoor landscape, but it is also well-suited for use in outdoor pots and containers. With its upright habit of growth, it is best suited for use as a 'thriller' in the 'spiller-thriller-filler' container combination; plant it near the center of the pot, surrounded by smaller plants and those that spill over the edges. Note that when grown in a container, it may not perform exactly as indicated on the tag - this is to be expected. Also note that when growing plants in outdoor containers and baskets, they may require more frequent waterings than they would in the yard or garden. Be aware that in our climate, this plant may be too tender to survive the winter if left outdoors in a container. Contact our store for more information on how to protect it over the winter months.
Italian: patronymic or plural form of Morello. Where is the Morelli family from? You can see how Morelli families moved over time by selecting different census years. The Morelli family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1880 and 1920. The most Morelli families were found in the USA in 1920. In 1891 there were 4 Morelli families living in London. This was about 44% of all the recorded Morelli's in the UK. London had the highest population of Morelli families in 1891. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Morelli surname lived. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. What did your Morelli ancestors do for a living? In 1881, Artist Connected With Periodical Literature, Comedian and Draughtsman & Photographer were the top 3 reported jobs worked by Morelli. A less common occupation for the Morelli family was Fret Cutter (Wood Cutter). The most common Morelli occupation in the UK was Artist Connected With Periodical Literature. 14% of Morelli's were Artist Connected With Periodical Literatures. Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your Morelli ancestors, such as occupation. Occupation can tell you about your ancestor's social and economic status. What Morelli family records will you find? There are 3,000 census records available for the last name Morelli. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Morelli census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. There are 642 immigration records available for the last name Morelli. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the UK, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. There are 1,000 military records available for the last name Morelli. For the veterans among your Morelli ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. You've only scratched the surface of Morelli family history. What is the average Morelli lifespan? Between 1951 and 2004, in the United States, Morelli life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1951, and highest in 2002. The average life expectancy for Morelli in 1951 was 28, and 78 in 2004. An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Morelli ancestors lived in harsh conditions. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more.
About me :) | More Joy, Magic, and Vibrant Living! A long time ago, I lost my joy. I must have taken a sharp turn and maybe Joy fell off the wagon. In the last few years, I started a quest to reconnect with Joy. I want more joy. I want more joy for me and for every one else on the planet. I want more excitement about being alive and more enjoyment and gratitude for everything. I don’t have any answers for you. What I have is a gift to help others find their truth within themselves. I have the ability to see things under a different angle. And the advantage of that is that when you look at things in a different way, the things you look at change. When you look at things under a different angle, you create space and from that space a new choice can arise. Living from conscious choice instead of unconscious reaction allows for more joy. As I was saying, I don’t have any answers for you but I can share what has worked for me so that you can embark on your own journey to bring more joy in your life.
When people try to lose weight, there are lots of challenges and there aren’t many approaches. I remember once I interviewed a physician who said that he had about 2,000 books in his library, and each one had the best cure, the best way to lose weight. Obviously, there’s not 1 answer and there are not 2,000 answers, but there are certain things we should have that are consistent as we approach this. I’m Dr. Brian McDonough, and welcome to Primary Care Today on ReachMD. I have a very special guest today, Dr. Lou Aronne. He is the Director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Center at Cornell Medicine New York Presbyterian, and he’s been kind enough to join us. First of all, welcome to the program. Let’s talk a little bit about obesity and weight loss. We know it’s a major health problem. The physicians in our audience are dealing with patients every day. What’s your approach, and what do you think we need to know? Well, one of the key things I think that physicians need to understand is that obesity is a disease. So, now you’re going to ask, “What’s the disease?” And what research is showing is that hypothalamic neurons, the nerves that carry signals from the stomach, the fat cell, the intestine to the rest of the brain telling the brain how much fat is stored, how much has been eaten, the evidence is they’re damaged in the process of weight gain, so what we believe happens is that bad habits and the environment of too many calories, too much food, not enough exercise, causes a physical change in signaling pathways, and that’s what makes it so hard for people to lose weight. They have these physical changes whereby the neurons become less sensitive to hormonal signals. And so, when you look at how you can approach this, in the past we’ve used reducing calorie intake and increasing energy expenditure, but that hasn’t been completely successful. If it were, I would not have this job. I love telling people that. If all those diet books worked, we would not have the Comprehensive Weight Control Center at Weill Cornell. And so something more is going on, and that something is a shift in the set point. How do we manage it? Well, in addition to reducing calorie intake and in addition to increasing physical activity, we have more sophisticated strategies. Surgery has proven its health benefit, but we have on one side diet and physical activity and then do nothing until we do bariatric surgery, and I believe that we are coming to an era where using rationally designed medical therapies and some old therapies that are now being used in a more medically rational way are going to become increasingly common. When you look at it and you look at your approach to dealing with this, what advice do you have for doctors? We’re dealing with patients all the time. In many cases we ourselves are fighting issues with weight. What do you suggest? Well, one of the things we find commonly is that medicine that we as physicians prescribe can cause weight gain. And I can’t tell you how many cases we see. We’ve estimated that about 15% of serious problems with obesity are related to drugs that we prescribe. So, for example, today we were meeting with colleagues from Memorial Sloan Kettering, across the street from us, and they have and it’s been recognized that in the treatment of breast cancer, weight gain is very common because of the use of aromatase inhibitors as well as some of the antinausea medicines, steroids, strong antihistamines like diphenhydramine. So, what happens in the treatment of breast cancer is women gain weight, but the evidence is that a 5 to 10% weight gain increases the risk of recurrence, and so we’re seeing many physicians in very specific areas looking for strategies to manage weight. And so the first thing we always look for when we manage someone are medicines that could be causing weight gain and which we could change to something else that would encourage weight loss, and that’s a topic, perhaps, for another day. The second thing we do is look for problems like sleep apnea, which make it hard for patients to comply. Sleep apnea is a common comorbid condition. Patients have difficulty focusing when they develop it, and often they look depressed and wind up getting treated with antidepressants that can cause further weight gain. And then, of course, we look for the typical behavioral issues as far as eating, stress, lifestyle, and how we can change those. So, we take a very problem-solving approach where we look for the issues, some of which are very concrete and some not, and try to help the patient to solve those problems. Now, if that works that’s great, we’re thrilled, but if it doesn’t we don’t give up. We go to the next step, and we believe that the use of pharmacotherapy would be the next step in this process. You know, it’s funny how it’s evolved. I remember how people used to say, “Well, just some people are overweight, and you gotta cut down the calories.” We’ve really learned, well, sure, diet plays a very important, maybe the most important part, but there are so many other things we can do, and I think a lot of us as physicians are kind of late to the party because we keep saying, “Watch your diet, cut the calories,” but that may not always be the answer, and I think you’re alluding to that. I am, but when it comes to those kinds of recommendations, “push away from the table” and things like that, there are very concrete recommendations that we make for patients. So, one of the things that has been recognized over the past few years is that no diet works for everybody, so we have a number of different approaches that we utilize. For most of our patients, but certainly not all, a lower carbohydrate or a low glycemic diet seems to be quite effective. It allows people to reduce their calorie intake by changing the macronutrient composition of their diet. Other people, on the other hand, like to count calories, so they can eat virtually anything, but they count the exact number of calories. Two new techniques are intermittent fasting. One technique is where someone cuts their calorie intake to 800 calories or even less 2 days per week. That’s been shown to be as effective as dieting every single day. And then time-restricted fasting where you eat for a period of 8 hours a day or 12 hours a day and then don’t eat for the other 16 to 12 hours, that, too, has been shown to be effective. So, we don’t just give vague advice. We give very specific advice which we… We kind of negotiate with the patient to see what they can do in their lifestyle. You know, “Can you do it?” That’s the kind of discussion we have with patients where we ask them what can they do. If they’re on board, then we’ll try something. I’m Dr. Brian McDonough. You’re listening to Primary Care Today on ReachMD. My guest is Dr. Louis Aronne. We’re talking about weight loss, and I really like the fact that you’re bringing the patient into the conversation, because you’re right, I think a lot of us more or less say, “Okay, this is what you need to do. Read this. Follow this diet,” whatever. You’re making them a partner. And, I mean, I’ve been practicing so many years, I’m realizing the more I make patients a partner the better shot I have. I agree completely, especially when it comes to these behavioral changes. It’s easy for me to tell someone, “Don’t eat any carbs and you’re gonna lose weight.” That will happen every time. But, can someone actually do that on a regular basis? Now, you’ll find 1 person who can do it and they wind up in an article in the newspaper that they lost 100 pounds doing this, but I promise you that 99 other people do the exact same thing and it doesn’t work, so it really has to be customized to the patient and their needs and what they can do within their life. I teach young residents. As I say, I don’t know if this is good or bad, but as I move through life, I tend to, when I talk to patients, say, “Well, I tried this and it didn’t work,” or, “I tried that and it didn’t work.” What about that approach? Do you find yourself sometimes saying, “Look, this is what most people do,” and do you ever use yourself as the so-called foil to try to help them along? Sometimes we do that. Generally, we’ll give them examples of patients who’ve succeeded and we tried this and this worked in this patient or that patient, so teaching by example can work, but when it comes to something like weight, it’s so individualized. I mean, when you look at a lot of the diet books that are written by celebrities, it’s basically, “I lost weight, and everyone in the world should lose weight doing the exact same thing.” It doesn’t work that way, so we don’t tell people, “I lost weight doing this. You should do it.” But we will give them examples as we move forward. In certain situations, if someone has prediabetes or they have early type 2, it’s pretty clear what we need to do in a situation like that. We try to reduce their carb intake, we give them metformin, those kinds of things, but in more sophisticated situations, we will use examples. It’s so funny, because having worked in television, I remember one time I went on this diet to show you can lose weight, but they also paid for the trainer, they paid for the workouts, they paid for things that most people are not going to have access to, and they’re certainly not going to get the top people helping them, and that was one of the points of the story, which I remember it frustrated people. I said, “Well, I was given this, this and this, but what do we do without it?” and that really became the most important part of the story. What does the average person do? And I think a lot of things you’re talking about fall into that category of what is realistic and what can you individually do. You mentioned metformin and you mentioned prediabetes, and a lot of what at least I’m reading and learning about is initiating medical treatment a little earlier than we did in the past. What about that? —but much lower doses than have been previously prescribed are effective, and we use the equivalent of a quarter of a phentermine tablet to start in most of our patients. We published a phase 2 trial a number of years ago showing that a quarter of a phentermine, half of a phentermine, you’re starting to hit the plateau of weight loss. So, when it comes to the side effect profile that we associate with weight loss medicines, one of the reasons that we’ve been seeing it is lack of understanding of the mechanisms of weight regulations, so we have been overdosing people by trying to get more weight loss by using too much medicine, by just pushing the dose. What our research has shown and the research of other people has shown is that combining medicines is what can really today, with the medicines we have right now, break through the plateau phenomenon. So, we have a medicine that’s a combination of 2, phentermine and topiramate, topiramate which is used most widely for migraine headaches and seizures. When you add those, we’ve shown that you can get additive weight loss between those 2 agents, and phentermine topiramate is approved for obesity treatment. And there are others. The combination of bupropion, which is used as an antidepressant, used for smoking cessation, along with naltrexone, which is used for alcoholism and narcotic treatment, those 2 together can produce greater weight loss. And finally, as an individual agent, there’s liraglutide. It was originally approved for type 2 diabetes. In a higher dose it’s turned out to be effective, probably the most effective single agent for weight loss. There’s a new agent that’s a more lipid-soluble version that’s coming on the market for diabetes, produces even greater weight loss. And finally, there’s lorcaserin. Lorcaserin is a serotonin agonist that produces significant weight loss, very few side effects, very well tolerated, just had an outcome study which came out today—the results of which we first heard about today—showing no increase in risk, and we hope that with further analysis we’ll see a decrease in risk in people who lose weight. If you look at some of the agents that we’re studying now, we’re seeing significantly greater weight loss than even these. We’re seeing 10, 15, even the potential for 20% weight loss in agents that are currently in development. Dr. Louis Aronne, I want to thank you for joining us. I have to tell you, I had the opportunity with a colleague of mine to give a lecture at the American Academy of Family Physicians conference on obesity, spent months on it. We got a 1-hour lecture. You, in 15 minutes, summarized so effectively what I probably spent 40 hours on. I really appreciate what you did, and I think a lot of people listening appreciate what you did, because you have a good knowledge of it, and you can express it really rapidly and effectively. So, thanks so much for joining us on the program. Thanks for having me, Brian. This is Dr. Brian McDonough. If you missed any of this discussion, please visit ReachMD.com/primarycaretoday. You can download the podcast. You can learn about the series. Thank you for listening and Being a Part of the Knowledge. Many patients face the challenges of obesity and weight loss. With no one-size-fits-all treatment, emerging strategies bring new possibilities. Obesity rates have been rising for years, resulting in a constant influx of books claiming to have the cure for this newly classified disease. However, it's not just our patients who are dealing with issues of weight. Introducing innovative techniques and approaches is Dr. Lou Aronne, Director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Center at Cornell Medicine.
In an example of stunningly bad timing, I fired off an email to my publishers last week to find out why I’d heard nothing for several weeks about the editing on my novel. If I mention that they are based in New York, you’ll probably see immediately what I failed to take into account. I was politely notified that things would get moving soon, but that they’d had a visit from something called ‘Hurricane Sandy‘ which had caused a bit of disruption in the area (i.e. the whole of the East Coast), and that some staff had gone over a week without power. The fact that the event has had round-the-clock news coverage here had totally escaped me. This entry was posted in Writing and tagged Hurricane Sandy. Bookmark the permalink.
Bilberry, known to science as actinium myrtillus, is a member of the blueberry family, and it is known for producing sweet blue colored berries. The bilberry bush is found both in North America and Europe, and it grows best in damp, acidic soils. The blue to black bilberries are used for many medicinal purposes, while the leaves have additional healing properties. One of the most significant properties of the bilberry is its ability to enhance night vision. From at least as far back as the sixteenth century, the bilberry was mixed with honey in order to create a syrup known as rob. This syrup was traditionally used to treat diarrhea, but today the fruits of the bilberry bush are being used to promote good vision, particularly night vision. In World War II, those pilots who ate large quantities of bilberries claimed to enjoy more accurate night vision, and many scientific studies have shown that bilberry is able to slow down the degeneration of sight, and may even improve visual acuity. In addition, bilberry has been used in traditional medicine for treatment of indigestion and diabetes, among other conditions. The bilberry contains large numbers of phytochemicals, which are thought to help lower blood pressure, inhibit the formation of clots and enhance the supply of blood to the nervous system. Some studies have shown that the antioxidants found in the fruit of the bilberry bush are up to fifty times as powerful as vitamin E and ten times as powerful as vitamin C. Bilberry also seems to show great effectiveness at reducing vascular insufficiency and other related conditions. Bilberry seems to work in much the same way as ginkgo biloba and horse chestnut, and the circulatory effects it produces are thought to be quite effective at increasing circulation and the health of the eyes and organs. Bilberry can be consumed in several forms, including fresh bilberry, extract and capsule forms. When shopping for bilberry, either the fresh bilberry or the bilberry supplement, it is important to buy only the highest quality products. The manner in which the fruit of the bilberry tree is harvested can make significant difference in its effectiveness as a health booster. It is important for the bilberry to be harvested at the peak of ripeness, and it is just as important that it be processed into supplements and capsules in facilities that use the best manufacturing equipment. Problems can be caused by contaminated manufacturing equipment, and buying bilberry from the most highly respected sources is the best way to ensure you get all the important benefits of the bilberry bush in your daily diet. The bilberry, like the blueberry and other related berries, is among the best and highest quality foods on the market. Whether you buy your bilberry fresh at the supermarket or health food store, or opt for the stability and ease of bilberry supplements, it is important to incorporate this valuable food into a healthy diet, for the health of your eyes, circulatory system and nervous system.
Did you know that the average American eats about 67 pounds of beef a year? It's obvious that we love our burgers and steak, but we seldom take time to think about the people and processes that are involved in producing the beef we eat. The beef industry is an intricate system that involves cattle ranches, feed lots, processing plants, and retailers. Each element is crucial in providing a safe and nutritious product to you. Did you know that Americans on average eat over half a pound of cheese per person each week? It's no secret that cheese is one of America's favorite foods. But how it's made may be a mystery to most people. Making cheese is a multi-step process that involves farming for feed, animal care, milking, cheese production, packaging, retail, and ultimately you the consumer. Did you know that the United States is the third largest cotton producer in the world? Cotton essentially is the fabric of America. Not only do we wear it, but it's in so many products we use. The cotton industry is weaved together with a network of farmers, cotton gins, and clothing manufacturers. The process begins with a cotton field and ends with the retailer who sells you your jeans. It's common knowledge that honey comes from bees. But many people don't know how bees make it and why and what it can be used for. Honey making is a collective effort between nature and man. It's a process that's involves bee colonies, native plant life, agricultural crops, and of course beekeepers. Did you know that dairy industry produces billions of pounds of milk each year? Milk is a diverse product that is used in so many different ways. But many people are unaware of how it's produced. The dairy industry in the United States expands far beyond milk. From the dairy cow, to the packaging plant, and from retailers to consumers, it's a system designed to provide a safe and nutritious product. Did you know that Americans eat an average of 20 pounds of onions a year? It's a vegetable that's often under-appreciated, though most of us cook with it and eat it every day. Onion growers are hard working farmers who are dedicated to providing a quality product. From the field to the supermarket, onions take quite a journey before they reach you, the consumer. Did you know that peanuts aren't really nuts? They're legumes, making them a close relative to beans. Although they may have a case of mistaken identity, peanuts still make for a perfect snack. Peanuts are a versatile product and can be found in many of our favorite foods like candy, baked goods, snack foods and more. And because they're in such demand, peanuts are a desirable crop for farmers to grow. Did you know that America is the largest producer of pecans in the world? There's certainly a high demand for these tasty nuts. But many people are unaware of how pecans are grown and processed. The pecan industry in the United States produces a vast quantity of nuts each year to meet the demands of national and international markets. The pecan process involves growers, specialized equipment, cleaning and shelling plants, retailers, and of course consumers. Did you know that the United States is the second largest producer of pistachios in the world? There's certainly a demand for this nut due to its unique flavor. Pistachios are a desert crop, so they can be found growing in the American West. From the orchard to the processing facility and retailer, pistachios undergo quite a journey before they can become your afternoon snack. Did you know that there are about 26 different species of chile peppers? Some range from mild to scorching hot. But chile peppers add a lot more than just heat to certain foods. They add color and flavor. The chile pepper industry in the United States produces a vast quantity of peppers each year. These chiles will venture from fields to processers, spice producers, retailers and finally chile enthusiasts throughout the country. Salsa is more than a condiment. It's a dish that can be fiery hot, or sweet and savory. It's made of fresh ingredients that are full great flavor, and it's a healthy addition to some of our favorite foods. Salsa can be made many different ways. But what most salsas have in common are three key ingredients - chile peppers, onions and tomatoes. Each ingredient comes together in perfect blend of zesty flavor. Turf grass is great for landscaping. But it's beneficial in so many different ways. And growing and caring for it can be quite a process. Growing turf grass is a science. A lot goes into finding the right varieties to grow in specific regions. Maintenance and irrigation are important factors as well. All this hard work, so we can enjoy our favorite outdoor activities. The United States is one of the largest producers of wine in the world. And with so many varieties available to us, it can take a lifetime to explore the complexities of wine. Winemaking is an intricate process that involves highly skilled people who grow the grapes, process them, and make wine. It's a product that reaches a wide consumer base. It can high priced or very affordable.
You can learn more about telephone town hall meetings at our sister-company, Monarch Broadcast Messaging. Telephone town hall services are provided to candidates, office holders, non-profit organizations, and corporations, to reach out to thousands of people simultaneously. It is the only interactive technology available that can mass-invite and accommodate large numbers of people to participate in a super-teleconference. Town hall teleconferences bring the benefits of live interactive town hall meetings to the comfort of homes and offices. Rather than a physical town hall meeting that involves scheduling, reservations, and traveling for all participants, a telephone town hall meeting can be set up easily using advanced teleconferencing technology. The service is used by elected officials and candidates who are interested in staying in touch with the voters and by non-profits to inform their membership of latest news and to take questions about policy issues and developments. The advantage of the service is that it can be set up quickly, easily and everyone can participate, regardless of the weather, without leaving the comfort of their home or office. The teleconference can invite individuals who use both landline or cell phones and includes several optional features such as Q&A and instant polling capabilities. While physical town hall meetings have a limited seating capability, seating at most several hundred people, telephone town hall meetings can accommodate anywhere from several thousand to upwards of a hundred thousand people at a time. It is the only technology that has the ability to interactively connect that many people at once. Not only does the technology provide a tremendous convenience for the leaders and listeners, but the leaders can select and target the exact constituencies they are interested in engaging. For instance, a leader who is interested in discussing issues that involve senior citizens, can set up the town hall teleconference to call only senior citizens. Invitations are sent out by phone calls which are automatically delivered by the thousands every minute. Those who answer the phones at home receive a recorded message that invites them to participate and join the teleconference by pressing their keypad. If they are not interested, they can just hang up. The entire process is opt-in, and leaders can effectively get tens of thousands of interested participants on the teleconference in minutes. The telephone town hall conference starts when the system begins dialing the phones numbers on your call list. Each recipient hears a brief recorded message that invites them to your teleconference. Should they choose to participate, they only need to stay on the line to be put into the conference. For calls that go to voicemail, rather than a live answer, your recorded message will be left indicating the nature of the call. Your participants can press “0” to indicate they would like to ask a question, and they will be put into a question queue. You will be able to see the name and location of every individual in the Q&A queue, and will control who and when they will talk live and be heard by everyone on the call. Should you need information about the question topic, a member of your team can momentarily pull the caller out of the conference to get additional information, and then return them to the teleconference. You also have the option to conduct a survey or poll with everyone on the teleconference, by posing questions and having participants input their answers by pressing keys on their keypad. (For example, “If you are in favor of lower taxes, press #1. If you are in favor of higher taxes, press #2.) Response results are immediately available to you, and also recorded in a database record for each participant. Any individual that didn’t get the opportunity to ask their question can be transferred to voicemail, at your discretion, to pose their question or leave comments. Those messages and the appropriate contact information are recorded and sent to you or your designated representative for further action. The system is already in place so there is no need to buy any hardware of software to begin using the service and there is no set up fee. It’s all done online and billing is done on a pay as you go basis and there are no overhead or maintenance costs. Telephone town hall services will continue to grow in popularity because it is the best way to reach thousands of people instantly at a fraction of what postage would cost to send direct mail. But more importantly, you can actually stay ahead of the informational curve and get the proper information out those people whose opinions count, while interacting with them in personal way. At present, it’s the best way to establish a relationship with your constituents and/or members. For more information on telephone town hall services call 888-3878636, or visit the service page here.
HYANNIS – Business owners and human resource professionals on Cape Cod gathered Thursday in Hyannis and discussed the impact of drug abuse in the workplace. The monthly meeting of the Cape Cod Human Resources Association featured a panel discussion on the region’s substance use crisis and the liability issues, workplace safety and ways for employers to provide assistance to employees affected by the opioid epidemic. “When we are talking about substance use you’ve got the legal perspective and then you also have the employer perspective,” said Tammy Cunningham, the president of the association. Cunningham recommends employers who need advice to contact the Barnstable County Department of Human Services or other local HR professionals. The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce saw a need to provide services for local businesses due to the opioid epidemic. Earlier this year a new, affordable employee assistance plan was made available for employers on Cape Cod to help workers and their families receive short-term counseling services. The Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce and Rogers & Gray Insurance collaborated to bring the services of North Carolina-based Diamond Healthcare’s REACH EAP program. The service provides confidential face-to-face, telephone and virtual counseling for employees and their family members who may need help managing stress, anxiety, anger, substance abuse or other issues. The Chamber and Rogers & Gray secured a special group rate for any employers in the region for just $9.50 per employee per year. EAPs are a common benefit offered by large corporations, but are usually too costly for small businesses, which make up the majority of the Cape Cod economy. Of the roughly 8,000 businesses on Cape Cod, 91 percent of businesses employ less than 20 individuals. Companies with only one to four employees make up 61 percent of the businesses on Cape Cod. All employers on Cape Cod and the Islands are able to join, even those who are self employeed. The program has rolling enrollment and businesses can sign up every month. To register and for more information visit www.whycapecod.org/reach-eap.
If you read my last post, you know that I have decided build my own home school curriculum. Step 4- Deciding on electives and extracurricular activities. Step 5- Making a weekly schedule: every subject does not have to be taught everyday, combine subjects to fit multi-age groups, etc.. They will do everything together except Language Arts and Math because they are 2 different levels in those subjects. The full school day will run from 3-4 hrs everyday not including P.E which they do with other people, if they are not just playing outside. I found that short daily lessons with lots of daily repetition is better for my kids, rather than longer lessons done less often. (As in skipping every other day) This is why I do Social Studies 2 days back to back and Science 2 days back to back. Have I Found a Solution to My Kids Education Needs?
Known for its band shell; a distinctive set of graceful concentric arches , the Hollywood bowl is easily accessible; located just where you can find it. It is situated at 2301, the North Highland Avenue, North of Hollywood Boulevard and the Hollywood/Highland subway station and south of Route 101. It is set against the backdrop of the Hollywood Hills and the famous Hollywood Sign to the Northeast. The Hollywood Bowl apart from the amphitheatre for musical concerts and performances has great facilities to offer for your maximum pleasure. The stadium setting is great; you’ll get a good view from anywhere. It has a super sound system that allows for a balanced audio, no matter your location in the audience. There are ten state-of-the-art pin bowling centres that have a minimum of 16 lanes for relaxation and recreation. It also has a museum that features photographs, audio and video recordings, memorabilia and artefacts about the history of the Hollywood Bowl and performances. The museum also includes the Hollywood Bowl Hall of Fame. The restrooms are adequate. There’s a whole lot to choose from in the Hollywood Bowl. Choice food and drinks are available and can be brought up to your bowling lane if you so desire. There is a diner and a bar for your meals and drinks. Music never stops here, and there are also a lot of games to keep you in high spirits. And don’t forget all the great music and games. The Bowl offers expert services at keeping children entertained and secure, at no extra cost, while parents get to relax. You get the best of fun, entertainment and refreshment at the Hollywood bowl. There are a whole range of choice packages with great prices during the day, and special prices for concessions. The prices are so affordable that you will love them and definitely want to come again.
How about this for a unique gift idea? These sozzled chocolate frogs each have a boozy cocktail centre. Treat a partner to a white Russian, a piña colada, a mojito and a strawberry daiquiri, all at the same time!
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Your 2016 Melbourne Cup Betting Guide 2016 & Melbourne Cup Bonuses! This is the ‘race that stops a nation’ and the Melbourne Cup is happening on Tuesday, November 1. With this betting guide, you will be better informed about the odds and tips to place. The Melbourne Cup is one of the richest two mile handicap horse events in the world. Flemington Racecourse is the place to be in Melbourne for this event. The following horses are top contenders for the Melbourne Cup. Their average odds from a range of betting sites are listed here. The barrier draw will happen on Saturday, October 29. The odds may change slightly depending the draw. Prince of Penzance won the race in 2015. He had barrier one. Therefore, it is a big debate as to whether the barrier makes a difference, but the draw will certainly affect the odds. Understanding what form the horses are in can help you place a winning bet. Find some up to date information with this Melbourne Cup Form Guide.
Is There A Right To Privacy In Social Media? While this type of posting could be easily turned into an Apple bashing post, I refrain from doing this simply because there is a greater question that resides here: When is social media subject to personal privacy laws? Well, if you are a former retail clerk from a U.K. Apple Store it certainly doesn’t apply….
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meghan eats local: I Can Has Burger Substitute? I never used to eat hamburgers (or cheeseburgers) when I was an omnivore, so it wasn't like I really had to give them up to become a veghan. But now that I can't eat them, I've become interested in burger substitutes. In my omnivorous past, the only poser burger I had tried was a Boca Burger. My mom sometimes made Boca Burgers for dinner when I was in high school and I always felt indifferent about them. They weren't gross, but on a scale from 1 (unsalted saltines on cardboard) to 10 (a fancy 30 Minute Vegan meal I lack the skills to prepare), they were only about a 4 or a 5. So I haven't purchased them. Instead, I have been eating Dr. Praeger's California Veggie Burgers, and I find them delightful. The reason they're awesome is because they don't try to be beef. When you bite into one, you experience exactly what it is: vegetables all packed together. Sure, it's in the shape of a burger, but it embraces its veggie identity rather than weirdly striving to be meat like some other foods - ahem, Gardein™. My parents were visiting this past week, and we drove up to San Luis Obispo for dinner one evening. (We came up with this plan without consulting Google Maps; when we got on the freeway and discovered that San Luis Obispo was about 95 miles north, we were already committed to the plan and had to continue.) While we wandered around a slightly-more-bizarre-than-expected pawn shop, I used the Yelp.com app on my phone to search for vegan restaurants in San Luis Obispo. I settled on Big Sky Cafe, which I had written about when I worked as a travel writer for Let's Go Publications. In the summer of 2008, after I graduated from college, Let's Go sent me up the west coast of the country from San Diego to Seattle, writing about restaurants/hotels/attractions. Most of the restaurants I checked out have kind of blurred together in my mind, but I remembered Big Sky Cafe as soon as we walked in. It tasted pretty good! Much better than a Boca Burger and almost as delicious as a Dr. Praeger California Veggie Burger. The only problem with Big Sky Cafe is that it's in San Luis Obispo and not Santa Barbara. But it was heartening to discover that I can successfully maintain my veghan-hood even while traveling around to various cities on the California coast. I think I'm all set, as long as I keep eating food that casts a shadow. I'm totally a Poser level lacto-ovo-pesce-vegetarian. Because I still eat meat. Unfortunately I think Boca Burgers rate a 1. I've heard good things about Dr. Praeger's potato pancakes, so, okay, you've convinced me to give the veggie burgers a try (as soon as I get my freezer).
Members who work a shift where half or more of that shift falls between the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight receive an extra $1.10 an hour. Members who work a shift where half or more of that shift falls between the hours of midnight and 8 a.m. receive an extra $1.20 an hour. Police training officer (PTO) premium pay is offered to constables assigned as field training officers for the recruits during training. PTO’s receive an extra $2 an hour for the duration of the designated training period. All uniform members receive an annual allowance of $597 that can be used for uniform tailoring or to purchase new patrol boots.
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Novak Djokovic beat Rafael Nadal in the final match of Australian Open. Serbian star won 3 sets (6-3, 6-2, 6-3) in less than two hours. Djokovic was still looking as fresh as the daisies around him. “I feel young, I feel fresh, I feel fit,” the 31-year-old Serb said the morning after his victory. “I don’t think about age. I don’t think about any limits. Of course, I’ll keep on striving to get better, but also to maintain the healthy lifestyle that brings me longevity and well-being. Djokovic said he welcomed the news that Roger Federer intends to play at the French Open this summer for the first time for four years.
Units of time in French langua telling the time in french. To be and to have in the Frenc Learn to conjugate the verbs 'to be' and 'to have' and then play the game. Food and drink in the French l listen to the food which is spoken in french and match it to the picture.
With Excel files being regularly emailed around and with the ease with which you can link excel spreadsheets (and then send only one of the linked spreadsheets), a frequent question is how to stop excel from asking to update links. By default if Excel sees that there are links in a spreadsheet it provides a warning that there is external content and then will ask what it must do with the links. In some cases when you send a spreadsheet you don’t want the person receiving the file to accidentally choose the wrong option or not know what to do, and most times you just want them to open the file and look at it without any links being updated. ‘Don’t display the alert and don’t update automatic links’ is probably what you are looking for where the recipient will get no message and there will be no update. ‘Don’t display the alert and update links’ will still generate a warning in some cases.
Topic closed. 522 replies. Last post 5 years ago by Mommysb. If you're healthy, if you don't get sick much, if you don't go to the doctor much or use your health insurance much, you are a genetic lottery winner. Yes, I have been noticing this too . I will do my w/o's and compare them to each state . Oh boy I missed it by one yet again .. played the mirror of the midday 315 smh . Appreciate, this week for 871, 826, 367. for Ny. Thanks. This page was generated in 0.3365 seconds.
Launchpad currently recommends translating svgpart in Ubuntu Disco. Either this project has not been set up to use Launchpad for translation, or svgpart in Ubuntu Disco does not have any strings to be translated through Launchpad. If you think this is incorrect, please see if the subject has already come up under Answers. If it hasn't, file a new question there. Thank you.
We are happy to announce that we launched our new website, check www.saranyc.com. It's easier to find the artists, check our news and shop on site. Visit "Artist" page, click the name of the artists or click the picture you are interested in. You can take a look their artist statement with their works. We often update our blog when we have new arrivals or when we inform coming event and exhibition. It is a basically same as newsletter, but it will be easy to look back the old posts or search by artists. Click the title you are interested in, you can see the information and pictures. Each exhibition has theme or concept, the information contains describing artists or methods they use. The items on our online store are sought-after items at Sara Japanese Pottery. You can browse and compare to get an idea for someone's gift or for yourself, and of course, you can purchase directly. Please note that our online store has only shipment option, if you would like to hold and purchase at our store, please contact us. We are going to update more artist-made works on an irregular base. As some of the works are one of a kind, to prevent conflicting orders at online store and brick-and-mortar store, please contact us to inquire the items you like via e-mail or phone call. If you forget our location or need to tell your friends about us, please click "Contact Us". You can also check our phone number and e-mail address. Feel free to contact us when you have any questions or inquiry. Specializing in fine Japanese Pottery and Tableware. Featuring artists from Japan and the U.S.
Some of you might have seen that Spectrum Noir is launching new range called Colorista. This is a range of coloring books, pencils & pens and I was very lucky to be able to play with the goodies before their release. Before I show you some of my coloring I also wanted to let you know that Spectrum Noir are offering an 8 week FREE coloring course where you will receive e-books, downloads & video content, whilst this is based around the Colorista Range it will cover coloring basics that can be used within card making, and hey it is free so what do you have to lose ? The Colorista range is something I have to be 100% honest about, I have tried the adult coloring books…infact I have a few, but didn’t like them as I found the paper quality was poor. Me and the rest of the team working with the books have all commented on how amazing the cardstock in the books are….honestly its like coloring with butter on it, such smooth blending with pens & pencils ! The books also come in a variety of different finishes including Foil (for use with pencils) and also colourable glitter ! (for use with markers). They also come in A4 and smaller A5 size and with a number of different themes. Anyway here is some of my colouring that I have done with the range. With the range you can also buy a USB stick which is preloaded with tons of printable pages for you. I printed one out, coloured the flowers and then made a card. This is one of the A4 Foil books, I colored it using my pencils and then went over the top with my Spectrum Noir Clear Sparkle. I have not used any blending solution, this shows how fab the pencils and also the paper are. This is another one of the foiled books, but this is smaller A5…perfect for taking out and about. For this one I again coloured with pencils but then one the butterflies I went over them with my Black Spectrum Noir sparkle pen and using a clean cloth I dabbed the color which left this effect. This was a total fun, going in with lots of random colors type coloring. This is an A5 Glitter pad. Most of the flowers and house are glitter so you can see how well it allows you to blend with your markers. I loved colouring this one….but then I am a huge fan of lilies. It is from the USB and printed onto Neenah and coloured using the new Colorista Markers. This is A4 from one of the larger books, and although it took me ages it honestly was so relaxing and i really enjoyed it. For this one I wanted to show the how the pages looked coloured, against uncolored. Along with the books Spectrum Noir are also launching a new range of pens and pencils specifically for the range. The pens are Alcohol based Markers but come with a bullet nib and an ultra fine nib for all those tiny areas. The range will be launching on HSN in USA at the end of August and then launching here in the UK soon after. To be kept upto date with everything make sure you check out the Spectrum Noir Facebook page where there is also a ton of sample pics being shown from my amazingly talented teamies. I will also have some more samples coming soon to show what you can do with your pages when you have finished colouring them. Love them all, you did such an amazing job!
Famously tight-lipped about her Scientology faith, The Handmaid’s Tale star Elisabeth Moss has opened up in a candid new interview. Elisabeth Moss won’t delve into the specifics of her beliefs in Scientology, but she does think they perfectly align with her work on The Handmaid’s Tale, despite what critics may think. “Listen, it’s a complicated thing because the things that I believe in, I can only speak to my personal experience and my personal beliefs. One of the things I believe in is freedom of speech,” she told The Daily Beast. “I believe we as humans should be able to critique things. I believe in freedom of the press. I believe in people being able to speak their own opinions. “I don’t ever want to take that away from anybody, because that actually is very important to me,” she continued. “At the same time, I should hope that people educate themselves for themselves and form their own opinion, as I have. “The things that I believe in personally, for me, The Handmaid’s Tale, and the ability to do something that is artistically fulfilling but is also personally fulfilling, I’ve never had that. Moss, 36, said taking away the right to talk about certain topics or believing in certain religions would cause society to turn into a place that mirrors Gilead, the fictional dystopia that serves as the setting for The Handmaid’s Tale. “I don’t choose to talk about not just religion, but my personal life — who I’m dating and that kind of thing,” she said. “ … I think people should be allowed to talk about what they want to talk about and believe what they want to believe and you can’t take that away — and when you start to take that away, when you start to say ‘you can’t think that,’ ‘you can’t believe that,’ ‘you can’t say that,’ then you get into trouble. Then you get into Gilead. While the former West Wing star is passionate about her religion, there are also tenets of it in which she doesn’t believe, such as its history of having anti-LGBTQ views.
When the world says "Just Do It", I say "Just Don't Do It". Yes, there are several things that you should not just do it. The list of such things is never ending but here I will highlight some of them that are essential for your overall growth and success. Most of them are based on my personal experiences.
Can Enterprise PDM restricted the location that a user and/or machine checks files in and out of the vault? I am interested in an individual only being able to check files out of the vault to a secured location and not being able to transfer files to another unsecured location. Can this restricted access be applied to a computer with a hard drive or is a terminal required for the level of security? When a user checks out a file, they are not really checking it out to another location, in the sense of copying it to a different drive. It's true that the PDM system copies the file from the vault to the user's 'local cache', but it only appears to them as a file in their vault view, and as such it is still under the control of EPDM. As far as them copying and pasting files to other locations outside of the vault, AFAIK there's no way to prevent it (as a function of Windows, not EPDM) without the use of third party software. Search this forum or Google around to find something that would suit your needs.
Please, upload up to three works (partial or complete version), including at least the first page with title and author name. Music you upload on this form will not be shared with anyone or used in other way. You will be able to start publishing your music after your account has been activated by an administrator (we reserve the right to accept or reject account registrations at our discretion). Since the "real name" will be displayed, in certain circumstances, to other users (even to anonymous users), while the username, that you will use to effect the login, will not be displayed to other users, we strongly recommend to use two separate values for real name and username. Spaces are allowed; punctuation is not allowed except for periods, hyphens, apostrophes, and underscores.
Rockland — Maine-based nonprofit WindowDressers coordinates community volunteers to build affordable, re-usable, interior insulating window inserts that tighten up existing windows. The cost of the insert depends on the size of the window, but averages $25 for a medium-sized insert in natural pine. Twenty-two percent of the inserts built are reserved for low-income customers for a small donation. Go to windowdressers.org or call 596-3073 to sign up. Volunteers are needed now through December at the Lincoln Street Center, 24 Lincoln St., where lumber for the inserts is cut, drilled, and assembled before being sent out to the 27 Community Builds across the state. At the Community Builds, customers and volunteers come together in an organized, barn-raising model to construct the custom-built inserts for themselves and their neighbors. The production center at Lincoln St is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, and volunteers can sign up online for morning or afternooon volunteer shifts at windowdressers.org, or call 226-3555 to speak with a volunteer coordinator. Volunteers of all skill levels are welcome and will be trained on site.
Stereoscopic 3D technology is being pushed by many consumer electronics manufacturers as the next frontier for your living room, and we have seen models which feature active shutter as well as passive shutter glasses, but the next big step would be to enjoy 3D viewing without the need to wear those glasses. Such thinking has seen prototypes being developed, and the same applies for computer monitors and now, tablets. 3D tablets might just be a niche market in the future, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a market at all. Asus decides to push the envelope with their MeMo glasses-free 3D tablet over at Computex, with a codename ME173. The 7″ display is capable of hitting a resolution of 1,280 x 600 pixels, where it will also be accompanied by a pen that features a rubber tip which should go some way in helping with inking precision.
Neo Armor is an armor set that, as of Glad Giraffe Update 3, can be recovered as rewards from Challenge Portals. Armor Set Edit Neo Armor is made up of four different armor pieces: the disc , chestpiece , helmet , and the bottoms .... Neocash Freebies On several occasions, often on special days like Halloween or Christmas or during special events, the NC Mall has been known to give out special free items. Octo Canyon. The Boss Kettle for this mission can be found in the back of the Beaker's Lookout. To reach it, use a Grapellink in the back of the area to get to a Ride Rail. how to get transcrips on nlc website Octo Expansion: Gear Unlocks. New pieces of gear are unlocked with each completed line of Mem Cakes. Talk to Iso Padre to get them, but you can't actually use them until you escape to the surface. Now the way you�re gonna get relics here is that you are going to get Neo Relics on rotation A so round one and two and you�re gonna get Axi relics on rotation B and C which are rounds three and four. If you have the Octo Expansion DLC you will be able to unlock the following gear by completing the corresponding task. Conductor Cap: Get ALL the Mem Cakes in the game.
Dry Skin Giving You The Winter Blues? I know everyone thinks that living in sunny South Florida prevents us from suffering during the winter. We do have a lot of warm days in comparison to the rest of the U.S., but no sooner am I preparing for Thanksgiving, does the moisture from my skin begin to deplete. Luckily I have my favorite duo of body products to rescue me! For years, I've been using Neutrogena Rainbath ($7.99) refreshing shower and bath gel. It's gentle enough to use year-round no matter how sensitive my skin is, and the fresh fragrance turns my shower into my own personal spa. Speaking of the scent, unlike its fruity and floral counterparts, Rainbath can be enjoyed by both men and women. After indulging in a warm shower, put some Neutrogena Body Oil ($9.99) on your hands and rehydrate your body with its light sesame formula. At first you might worry, as I did, that it would leave a greasy mess. But it's powerful enough to bring your skin back to life without leaving behind any evidence. *Disclosure: I received these products for review, but all thoughts are my own. To be honest, I used these to re-stock my own personal supply!
CONVCC is a hosted and distributed platform. You can use CONVCC as a complete web service without any hardware and software investment. Also you can use management modules with your own PBX system at your own location. You can develop your own agent screen or management interface using web services of CONVCC platform.
It's been almost too hot to think. It's hard to plot stories or craft beautiful sentences when you're wilting. Not that I'm complaining. Who knows how long the lovely weather will last? I would encourage everyone to avoid spending all day at their computer, if they can. Slap on the suncreen, don your sunglasses and possibly a hat, and set your chair up in a shady spot outside. Researching a novel can be fun or frustrating, but it's always time consuming and, all too often, the facts that you find the most fascinating never make it into the finished work. That doesn't mean that the hours spent checking websites, hunting out books and talking to experts are wasted. When you go on holiday, it isn't unusual to see people taking photo after photo, barely taking the time to focus. In fact, they're so intent on getting the shot that they don't even really look at the things they're taking photos of. When they look at them afterwards they probably have trouble remembering that they were there.
Plan a trip with Tripura tour packages and get an incredible travel experience in the royal state of Tripura. Explore the most popular tourist attractions in Tripura with our holiday packages. Enjoy the top things to do like sightseeing, boating, wildlife, exploring heritage sites while admiring its amazing landscape. You will not encounter any problems while searching for accommodations in Tripura. There are various kinds of hotels available in the state, and you can select one depending on your preference. There are government run tourist lodges and guests houses as well as private hotels which offer excellent services and hospitality. You will find 4 star hotels in Tripura as well as 3 star hotels, but in both categories, you can be assured of enjoying your stay. Tripura is home to grand palaces, monuments and several archaeological sites. The state is also home to an amazing tribal culture. If you want to explore its spirituality, culture and heritage, then you can visit its temples and royal palaces. Among the monuments, the Neermahal Palace and Ujjayanta Palace take you back to the days of its past glory. You can also visit the waterfall and enjoy a boat ride on its lakes. It is as much a spiritual as a historical destination. Unakoti and Pilak are two archaeological sites which draw tourists in large numbers. There is such lushness in its landscape of Tripura, as if nature had drenched it in a coat of green paint. You can explore the archaeological sites at Unakoti and Pilak, or admire the folk culture of a village. Spend some time by a waterfall or enjoy a boat ride on its lakes. Admire the flora and fauna at the wildlife sanctuaries or explore the rubber and coffee plantations. Visit the temples and the heritage monuments. In this Tripura travel guide, you will find every kind of information that you are looking for, and which you will find useful, during your trip to one of the most beautiful states of the northeast. Are you thinking of the best time to visit Tripura? What is the best way of reaching it? This travel guide has the answers to all these questions.
Back in 1982, the Endangered Species Act took the ocelot under its protection. The ocelot is a vulnerable creature, susceptible to habitat changes like roads, agriculture, housing developments and trapping. There may be fewer than 100 left in southern United States. Concerns that the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is making the plight of these 'dwarf leopards' worse led the Animal Welfare Institute and WildEarth Guardians to take legal action against the USDA's Wildlife Services program. They are suing Wildlife Services for "failing to ensure that it is not harming ocelots." Wildlife Services describes itself as a program that resolves human - wildlife conflicts so people can "co-exist" with nature, but often, their solution to wildlife problems involves traps and cyanide capsules. They use these methods to deal with predators that are bothering farmers, but The Animal Welfare Institute and WildEarth Guardians say ocelots are getting caught in the cross-fire, killed by methods that can't tell the difference between an ocelot and a fox. "Wildlife Services routinely fails to comply with federal laws like the Endangered Species Act," said Tara Zuardo, wildlife attorney with the Animal Welfare Institute in a press release. "Few ocelots remain in the United States and they require basic protection to ensure that they are not killed by the devices—such as steel-jaw leghold traps and cyanide capsules—Wildlife Services indiscriminately uses on public lands to kill wildlife." This is not the first time the methods of Wildlife Services have been criticised. This June, the Washington Post reported it had killed more than 4 million animals through poisoning, snaring and shooting in 2013 alone. But from year to year, the number of animals killed by the program fluctuates significantly, from 1.5 to 5 million. In 2008, 5 million animals were killed while over the next four years it was 3 million.The number is not rising, as Wildlife Services suggests, causing critics to question their justification for their methods. So far, their secretive approach has gone relatively unnoticed. Now, the Animal Welfare Institute and WildEarth Guardians are trying to change that.
"You do NOT need to choose the lesser of two evils! Tom Hoefling, Chairman of America's Party, is Personhood Pro-Life (i.e. no exceptions), a strong Christian Moral Conservative, and a U.S. Constitutionalist. Relax, everybody--you can vote your conscience in 2016--you do NOT need to stay at home!!! Tom Hoefling for POTUS, 2016!!!"
MovingHow to Sell Your House – FAST! Selling a house is an incredibly stressful and expensive business! Estate agents valuations – too high because they are greedy, or stupidly low because they need a higher turnover of property and want the commission fast. People traipsing through your home, making silly offers. Buyers making offers then backing out at the last minute. Buyers saying how great your house is and getting your hopes up, but either they put in a silly low offer, or don’t bother putting in an offer at all. Then there are the ones that try and get a reduction in price just before completion. Note I am saying house & not home. This is because when you decide to sell your house, you need to stop looking it as your home and start looking at it as a house you want someone else to buy. Too many people make the mistake of saying ‘well if they don’t like my bright purple walls, that’s their problem!’ Actually it’s YOUR problem if you want your buyer to be able to imagine themselves in this house because they won’t be able to do this if the colours are too bright. Also, bear in mind, people don’t want to come into a house & see themselves having to decorate straight away. If you really can’t be bothered to change things to make your house appeal to others, your house could still sell fast, but you will have to be prepared to accept a lower offer. But there really is no excuse as there are an awful lot of really simple things (often cost free) you can do to tidy up a house and sell it quickly. Tidy up the front garden and the approach to the house – first impressions count! Clear all clutter, and this includes kids toys, trinkets, your collection of cute hedgehogs. Clutter can make a room look very small as well as messy, so make sure all surfaces are clear, including the floor. De-personalise by removing almost all photographs, people need to be able to imagine themselves in your house. Try and colour co-ordinate a little, if you have a green sofa and a pink fluffy rug, remove the rug (and anything with colours that clash). Clean and then clean again and if you have time, clean a bit more! The two most important rooms are the kitchen and bathroom, so both need to be spotlessly clean. If you can make your bathroom look as unused as possible then so much the better. People like to see rooms with a clearly defined purpose, so if you have a study that is a childs playroom containing a dining table and a television, decide what the room actually is and remove anything that causes conflict.
Summer seasons always come with various seaside activities such as sunbathing and swimming, however, for the ladies, getting a fit and cozy swimsuit can be stressful. Everyone has unique body features and hence to get a perfect fitting swimsuit can seem like a dream. Choosing a bikini basing on the pictures posted on the online stores can even be more confusing. The following can you help you to get the best fitting swimsuits. Your body measurements should be the ultimate guide on purchasing a swimsuit given that they always come in different sizes. The measurements include your bust, waist, and hips; this will help you find a fitting as well as flattering swimsuit. Sizing up of the swimsuit basing on your measurements is vital since different bikinis come with different sizing requirements, majorly basing on the brand. Most online shops have online catalogs and sizing charts that enable you to save yourself the hassle of asking salespeople about bikinis. You should have an effect that you would like to be met before choosing the color of your swimsuit. Full figured ladies should avoid any swimsuit that is too bright or metallic while the slimmer ladies should avoid the darker swimsuits. When choosing a swimsuit, always opt for stores that allow you to get a number of your preferred bikinis in different styles, try them at home and purchase the flattering ones. Given this opportunity by a store, it is wise to order the bikini you loved most in two different sizes so as to get the one that best fits. On the other hand, you have to be familiar with the return policies of the online store before ordering the swimsuits. For a satisfying shopping experience, it is vital to choose stores that are reputable and well-established. The stores should be trustworthy in terms of delivering the rightfully ordered bikini in the desired size and fabric. The pricing and your budget should both correlate when choosing the desired swimsuit and store. You can attain this by comparing and contrasting the prices of similar swimsuits in different online stores, together with the attached shipping costs. As much as leaning towards affordable stores can be tempting, do not undermine other vital factors and qualities that you would want for your swimsuit.
And while doing the update I also moved the blog to it's new address, http://blog.netvouz.com. It's my vision to post more frequently and to keep you all updated on the development activities going on. (Hmm.... haven't I said that before....) And when new features are rolled out I will also add a small banner on the top of the Netvouz page so you all know that there are new stuff.
Agriculture Census forms part of a broader system of collection of Agricultural Statistics. It is a large-scale statistical operation for the collection and derivation of quantitative information about the structure of agriculture in the country. An agricultural operational holding is the ultimate unit for taking decision for development of Agriculture at micro level. It is for this reason that an operational holding is taken as the statistical unit of data collection for describing the structure of agriculture. Through Agriculture Census it is endeavored to collect basic data on important aspects of agricultural economy for all the operational holdings in the country. Aggregation of data is done at various levels of administrative units. Periodic Agriculture Censuses are important as these are the main source of information on basic characteristics of operational holdings such as land use and cropping patterns, irrigation status, tenancy particulars and the terms of leasing. This information is tabulated by different size classes and social groups including Scheduled Castes / Scheduled Tribes which are needed for development planning, socio-economic policy formulation and establishment of national priorities. The census also provides the basis for the development of a comprehensive integrated national system of agricultural statistics and has links with various components of the national statistical system. The whole project of Agriculture Census in the country is implemented in three distinct phases, which are statistically linked together but focus on different aspects of agricultural statistics. In Phase-I, a list of holdings with their area and social characteristics and gender of the holders is prepared. In Phase-II, detailed data on agricultural characteristics of holdings are collected from selected villages. Thus the whole operation of Agriculture Census in India is not really a complete Census. In fact, it is a combination of Census and Sample Survey.