Posted on Wed, Mar 14, 2012 : 8:40 a.m. A Manchester woman’s selfless gift could help extend the life of a co-worker’s husband, WXYZ reports. Lisa Moutinho, an administrator at the Washtenaw County District Court in Ypsilanti, is giving one of her kidneys to Michael Brunson, who’s been on dialysis for five years, the station reported. The surgeries are scheduled for Wednesday at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Thu, Mar 15, 2012 : 3:28 p.m. My daughter has lived 37 years with one kidney. No problems all these years. Not even a kidney infecion. Congratulations to Lisa for her generosity and good future health to Michael!!! Wed, Mar 14, 2012 : 6:03 p.m. I've known Lisa for many years and this doesn't surprise me in the least. Yeah Lisa! Wed, Mar 14, 2012 : 3:15 p.m. This is certainly an amazing gift. Usually it is a relative who does this. But, if something happens to her one-good kidney, then what? She also has 3 children. Thu, Mar 15, 2012 : 1:41 a.m. The fear you express in this question is one many people have. Part of the reason that I hear people asking this question is that folks are really unaware of basic biology. It's really uncommon for something to happen to "one" kidney. The most likely thing to have happen to one kidney, is to be born without it. Donating doesn't have a mathematically significant impact upon the donor. Wed, Mar 14, 2012 : 5:20 p.m. Harry, I am an organ donor but maybe some people have religious objections? I just hope that people will consider doing it. Wed, Mar 14, 2012 : 3:51 p.m. Hopefully there are people who are as generous as she is. One thing I will never understand. Why isn't every person in america an organ donor. Your dead why would you want to be buried with your organs? Wed, Mar 14, 2012 : 2:29 p.m. Now here is a hero. Its not her job. She's not getting paid. We seem to throw around that word a lot these days. Wed, Mar 14, 2012 : 2:27 p.m.
WARNING: Tweets featured in this piece contain strong language. During his first speech before a crowd of employees, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Dr. Ben Carson, made an indelicate reference, calling African salves "immigrants." "That’s what America is about--a land of dreams and opportunity. There were immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder, for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land." In 1987, Dr. Carson made medical history with an operation to separate a pair of Siamese twins. The Binder twins were born joined at the back of the head. Operations to separate twins joined in this way had always failed, resulting in the death of one or both of the infants. Carson agreed to undertake the operation. A 70-member surgical team, led by Dr. Carson, worked for 22 hours. At the end, the twins were successfully separated and can now survive independently. ...other surgical innovations have included the first intra-uterine procedure to relieve pressure on the brain of a hydrocephalic fetal twin, and a hemispherectomy, in which an infant suffering from uncontrollable seizures has half of its brain removed. This stops the seizures, and the remaining half of the brain actually compensates for the missing hemisphere." Despite his incredible education, and razor sharp intellect, Dr. Carson isn't the most eloquent man. Referring to slaves as "immigrants" isn't his first verbal blunder, and it likely won't be his last. However, one must read Carson's comments in context, and in this case, listen to them in order to examine the way in which they were delivered. "Every one of the children born in our nation is a treasure, and it's someone for us to develop. And if we develop their potential, they become part of the engine and not part of the load. And every human being--regardless of their ethnicities, their background--they have a brain. The human brain. There is nothing in this universe that even begins to compare with the human brain, and what it is capable of. Billions and billions of neurons; hundreds of billions of interconnections. It remembers everything you've ever seen, everything you've ever heard. So we need to concentrate a little less on what we can't do, and a little more on what we can do. After all, this is America. This used to be known as the 'can-do' society. Not the 'what can you do for me' society--but the 'can do' society. And there is a lot that we can do if we are simply willing to reach outside of ourselves and recognize that each person, all of our fellow man, all of our fellow Americans, we are one. It's called the United States of America. Think about that the next time you want to be mean to somebody--because there's no reason to do it. And go to Ellis Island one of these days if you haven't been there. Go to the museum on Ellis Island, and look at the pictures of all those people who are hanging up there; from every part of the world, many of them carrying all their earthly belongings in their two hands, not knowing what this country held for them. Look at the determination in their eyes. People who work not five days a week, but six or seven days a week; not eight hours a day, but 10, 12, 16 hours a day. No such thing as a minimum wage. They work not for themselves, but for their sons and their daughters, and their grandsons and their granddaughters--that they might have an opportunity in this land. That's what America is about: a land of dreams and opportunity. There were immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder, for less. But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land. And do you know, of all the nations in this world, this one, the United States of America, is the only one big enough and great enough to allow all of those people to realize their dream. And this is our opportunity to enhance that dream." Taken in context, what Ben Carson said may have been inelegant, but it wasn't untrue. Slaves were indeed sold into captivity, and transported to the United States. They weren't traditional immigrants--and it's doubtful Carson thinks that--but they were, in the most technical sense, immigrants. In all likelihood, slaves did hope for the future of their children, and their children's children. Eventually, those dreams were realized and ratified in the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. They were fought for during Jim Crow, and advanced during the civil rights movement in the 1960s. Those dreams continue to progress and evolve even today. The point Carson was making was that every human being, regardless of their race, creed, religion, national origin, or genetic makeup, has the right to life, and the opportunity to live a life of importance. Samuel L. Jackson can call Ben Carson an "Uncle Tom" all he wants, and others can slam the doctor for his remarks regarding African slaves, but his point shouldn't be lost in the fog of an inarticulate moment, for it is an important one. We are a nation that values human life at all stages, and in all forms, and we understand that in the United States, everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their goals. To excoriate Carson--not for his message, but for his inelegant word choices--is to engage in the most shallow form of thinking.
Pictures clicked during our vacation. Vacation times are happy times. It is the time for rejuvenation and a time to store memories for later use. There are a many moments in life when you are truly and completely happy, so much that you cant help but give thanks. This is my scrapbook of memories. One look at them can take me back to those wonderful moments, places and faces.
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Diversity is a term that has come to mean different things to different people. Ironically, the diversity of the individuals describing the term usually results in diverse meanings. I have worked in the human resources field in Arkansas state government for more than 34 years, with 27 of those years in higher education. Prior to coming to higher education, I worked in a variety of state agencies. In the ‘70s and ‘80s there was not a lot of discussion about diversity; instead, affirmative action was the most discussed methodology for increasing workforce diversity. One of the jobs I held in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s was affirmative action coordinator in the governor’s office. In that position, I was responsible for assisting state agencies in developing affirmative action plans. I look back on those experiences and recall how the focus was primarily on increasing the numbers of African Americans and women in under-utilized positions – those in which their numbers were low. Suffice it to say, there was a significant amount of under-utilization back then. There was not a lot of appreciation for, or thought given to, the value of adding variety to ways of thinking and carrying out the myriad duties that more women and minorities would bring. As I moved around in state government and became involved in higher education human resources, I became more aware of all the qualities the term diversity meant in defining the workforce. One thing that truly opened my eyes was the Hudson Institute Study on Workforce 2000 that I read while working in human resources with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock in the late ‘80s. The study projected that by the year 2000, more women and people of color (African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, etc.) would be in the U.S. workforce. Although UALR was ethnically diverse at the time, I recall thinking that for any employer in an off-the-beaten-path state like Arkansas, the prophetic words of the Hudson Institute Study applied to a point much farther down the road than the year 2000. After all, the extent of the diversity that I had seen involved mainly white people and black people. The one thing I had yet to become aware of, even after reading the Hudson Institute Study, was the unseen diversity that all people bring to the workforce regardless of their ethnicity, race, or gender. When I came to work at UAMS in 1990, I realized in very short order that the projections discussed in the Hudson Institute Study were already a reality in my home state. This was the first time, after being born, reared and educated in Arkansas, that I had experienced firsthand such diversity in one location. I saw it in the variety of human hues and textures, vocal utterings and culturally based behaviors displayed in this coming together of people from around the world. In 1990, UAMS had fewer than 6,000 employees, but it was already a global gathering place for people dedicated to improving the health of the people of Arkansas. Shortly after coming to work for UAMS, I began having discussions with my boss, Bob Wheeler, chief human resources officer at the time, about developing a diversity process for UAMS. Through Bob’s leadership, the Office of Human Resources presented a proposal to then Chancellor Harry P. Ward, M.D. Dr. Ward endorsed the proposal, and we have had an institutional diversity process in place since 1996, with Carmelita Smith being our first manager of diversity. I have seen numerous diversity programs over the years and many starts and stops at continually providing cultural competency training and education to our UAMS family. Oftentimes, I find myself somewhat frustrated that we have not made more progress in developing a broad institutional consciousness about diversity which continually strives to include, without hesitancy, all of the diversity our workforce represents in meeting the needs of our patients, students, and employees. I have to remind myself that improvements to the human condition take time, and it is necessary to put improvements in place by making changes designed for the long term. In all honesty, I am convinced that one of our greatest strengths at UAMS is the diversity our workforce represents. When I look at many of our academic departments and institutes which have been and are headed by individuals who are not native to the United States, I see how diversity works and works well. The banquet table of ideas provides greater opportunities for successful outcomes when the ideas come from a diverse group and are flavored by different life experiences. I’m convinced of that when I look back over the last 12 years of my being successfully treated by Dr. Bart Barlogie and his diverse team of faculty, researchers and staff that comprise the Multiple Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy (MIRT). I received my diagnosis of multiple myeloma from Dr. Barlogie on March 12, 2000. Since that time, he and his team of knowledgeable, skilled and caring researchers and health care providers from vastly different backgrounds have worked diligently to bring me to this point. I have experienced 12 years of remission and look forward to many more. Don’t tell me that diversity doesn’t contribute to the common good. I think I am but one example of proof that UAMS has to offer. Diversity adds value when we acknowledge it, accept it, celebrate it, and provide opportunities for all of its human bearers to optimally contribute to organizational success.
SAP Is going to release a new version of Business Objects Enterprise, the new version is BI 4.0. There is a lot of hype on this. There are some new products and many new features in existing products also. Below is the summary of important links, documentation articles etc. Business Objects Explorer - What's New?
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French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday urged world leaders to reject "the law of the most powerful," offering a rebuke to Donald Trump's go-it-alone approach to global challenges. Macron did not refer to the US president by name but his address to the UN General Assembly outlined positions that were polar opposites to Trump's world view. "Some have chosen the law of the most powerful, but it cannot protect any people," said Macron, who reaffirmed his strong backing for multilateralism embodied by the United Nations and its global peace efforts. Earlier at the UN podium, Trump vowed to "never surrender America's sovereignty to an unelected, unaccountable global bureaucracy" and to reject "the ideology of globalism." Since Trump took office in 2017, the United States has ditched the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate deal -- two international accords that France has championed. The US administration has cut funding to the United Nations, aid agencies and to UN peacekeeping whose missions in Mali and the Central African Republic are working with French troops to bolster stability. Macron pointed to growing economic inequality as one of the drivers of the crisis in the world order, with some 783 million people living under the threshold of poverty and 250 million children out of school. Touching on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the French president said there was no credible alternative to the two-state solution that Trump has imperiled with his recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. Macron also touched on climate change and migration as global issues that "no one can tackle" on their own. There was even a warning that trade agreements could be contingent on membership in the Paris climate pact, in a clear bid to pressure the United States to rethink its intention to quit the accord. Defending the Iran nuclear deal, Macron urged dialogue with Tehran, again clashing with the US president who a few hours earlier called on world governments to isolate Iran. "What will bring a real solution to the situation in Iran and what has already stabilized it? The law of the strongest? Pressure from only one side? No!" Macron said in his address. "We know that Iran was on a nuclear military path but what stopped it? The 2015 Vienna accord." Trump in May withdrew from the seven-nation agreement negotiated under his predecessor Barack Obama, calling it a "disaster" and instead ramping up pressure on Iran including through renewed sanctions. Supported by Israel and Saudi Arabia, Trump has sought to roll back Iranian influence around the Middle East, including in war-ravaged Syria. "We should not aggravate regional tensions but rather through dialogue and multilateralism pursue a broader agenda that allows us to address all the concerns caused by Iranian policies -- nuclear, ballistic, regional," said Macron. Speaking at a press conference, Macron said Iran should be able to sell oil to bring down prices, challenging Trump's plan to tighten an economic vise around Iran. "It would be good for the price of oil for Iran to be able to sell it. It's good for peace and it's good for the shape of the international price of oil," said Macron. France and other European powers are setting up a way to allow businesses to keep doing business in Iran in hopes of avoiding sanctions by the United States. The French president was due to hold talks later in the day with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, who has refused to meet Trump. Despite their vastly differing world views, Macron and Trump -- both political outsiders who defied the odds in winning power -- have forged an unlikely relationship. After meeting with Macron on Monday, Trump said the two men have had "some very good experiences" but acknowledged, "on occasion not so good, but 99 percent very good." And after Trump's latest espousal of his "America First" foreign policy, Macron again painted himself as an upholder of a more internationalist approach to diplomacy. "Do not accept the erosion of multilateralism," Macron told the gathering on Tuesday. "Don't accept our history unraveling. I'm not getting used to it and I'm not turning my head," he said.
EJ Healers, Inc is simply a tool to connect with people, share our gifts and talents, and market awareness and hope. EJ Healers, Inc in the business of hope and its purpose is to promote effortless joy, and to provide a safe, professional, friendly environment where individuals can find direction and resources to improve their lives; facilitated through establishment of therapeutic relationships; and involves the ventilation, validation and education process. It is holistic in that it factors and integrates the mind, body, spirit connection. It also is based on the individual “right to” and “responsibility for” their own thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Just as a lighthouse never steers the ship through the harbor, neither will we ever take responsibility for another person’s journey. We only will offer light to make the passage easier and safer. All things are as they are supposed to be. Nothing is as it seems to be. It is better. Together All Things are Possible. Simple is good. Quiet speaks loudly. Less can be more. There is good in everyone. There is a gift in all trauma. Gratefulness is a way of life. Nature can teach us most of what we need to know. Each person is responsible for their own path. We are responsible to be a light, as a beacon in the harbor but we are not responsible for steering the ship through the storm. There is ALWAYS hope. Having fun is a requirement to succeed. Being real and true to oneself is contagious. If you can’t find your own tribe, create one. Most people make good decisions once they are aware. Being is more important that doing. One person can make a difference. There is always more than two choices. Health should be affordable. Spirituality and religion are not the same. There is a higher power, and it is called love. There is no bad and evil only light and dark. There is mind body spirit connection, and all three need equal attention. Healing is possible. Living and breathing in the present moment is the key to the rest. And we believe that it is possible to not only to get through any storm but to find the gift not only on the other side of the storm, but in the storm itself. And we believe in the power and purpose of the collective energy of a group or a tribe. We provide education and information. We try to collaborate with other health care professionals (Eastern and Western, traditional and complimentary). We encourage and celebrate recovery, health, and individual responsibility. We try to lead by example. I will listen to and care for and nourish my body with good food, water, good movement, good rest and I will dance. I will express gratefulness, daily, I will laugh and provide joy to my 6 senses. I will create something daily. I will actively try to make a difference in someone’s life daily. I will forgive and love without judgment. I will let love guide my thoughts and my actions. I will be authentic and real, and be as honest as I am allowed to be, with love and kindness. I will get quiet and listen daily, and remember that I have ALL the answers inside of me. I will embrace the paradoxes of life and seek balance. I will live in the present but change the world. I will remember that I am never alone and that all things are as they are suppose to be; nothing is as it seems to be. It is better; And Together All Things are Possible. Copyright 2013 E.J. Healers. All rights reserved.
It’s the 28th of January, and I can’t believe we are almost at the end of this 30-Day Challenge. As I write this, I realize that I dated yesterday’s challenge incorrectly. Blogging for 30 days straight is hard (ha). I’m so thankful to those of you who have read and followed along. I really hope you have been learning, and I’m open to questions about anything. I want to address one more aspect of healthy eating, which leads me to today’s challenge. I really don’t consider any foods “bad”. I think my nutrition philosophy of “everything in moderation” is pretty evident from the past 28 days. I even advise many of my clients to implement a cheat day. With all of that being said, Im going to contradict myself and say I really don’t think people should consume sugary drinks. Today’s challenge is to omit the sugar sweetened beverages. Here’s why: Sugar sweetened beverages add excess calories to the diet without adding any nutrients. They don’t make you feel full, and they don’t provide any vitamins or minerals. They only provide excess calories and sugar, and cutting out sugar sweetened beverages is one of the easiest and most efficient ways to reduce calorie intake. Find your favorite sugary drink, find the grams of sugar on the label. Divide the number of grams by 4. That’s how many teaspoons of sugar is in that one drink. For example, if a soda has 28 grams of sugar, that’s 7 teaspoons of sugar in one drink! For a visual, measure out the 7 teaspoons and put them in one cup. Consider if you would like to eat that cup of sugar in one drink. I’m so glad to hear that. I hope to be able to provide more fun and informational nutrition tidbits in the future. Thank you!!! I’m glad you got something out of it. It’s been fun, and it’s inspired me to do more fun things on the blog in the future. Your 30 day blog became my drug! I couldn’t wait to get up each morning and see what the day called for! Today’s blog is good! Our household drinks just water (I FINALLY got William off of Gatorade too!). The best day was learning about the sodium. That was one thing I have never tried before.
Medium To Long Hairstyles Captivating Medium Long Hairstyles With Layers The Newest Hairstyles picture is in category that can use for individual and noncommercial purpose because All trademarks referenced here in are the properties of their respective owners. You can browse other picture of Medium To Long Hairstyles Captivating Medium Long Hairstyles With Layers The Newest Hairstyles in our galleries below. If you want to see other picture, you can browse our other category. Medium To Long Hairstyles Captivating Medium Long Hairstyles With Layers The Newest Hairstyles was posted in July 27 2018 at 4:30 am and has been seen by 16 users. If you want to view image in full size just click image on gallery or click "View Image" at the bottom of the image.
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A “tipping point” with just a few more suicides, these tragedies could become commonplace even in Transylvania County. We are not immune here. In our small and seemingly quiet environment, suicide is possible. The figures for 2007 are not exact and are out of date; however, they do illustrate the tipping principle. Most suicidal people desire to live. Many are unable to find alternatives to their present lives.
Dear visitor, you can upload your own photos of Krupp Bagger and become one of our authors. You can also make a review and write some technical characteristics of the model. Please make a report if you find any mistakes on this page. Thank you.
Apple’s acquisition was a big news for the music industry. This multi-billion dollar deal gave Hip-Hop its first billionaire in Dr. Dre. There were no clear directions though as to what the company was planning to do with the popular audio equipment brand. Looks like the first step in the Apple-Beats saga is about to unveil itself. Financial Times reports that the Cupertino-based tech giant will be integrating Beats Music app on all the iPhone and iPads. Beats Music is a subscription-based music service that uses algorithms to curate music according to your interests. Beats also has tie-ups with some of the major labels in the music industry and thus, has a huge library of songs that you can listen. The songs are downloadable, so you can listen to the tunes when you are not online. The service will be a part of the default offerings of Apple such as iMovie, Garageband amongst others. By forcing the Beats Music on its customers, Apple will be benefitting a lot. The company already has iTunes that let you buy music, but with this music streaming service, the company can take on market leaders like Spotify. Be ready for some Apple power, dear music industry.
In the second half of 2017, Estonia takes the helm of the presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months and in 2018, it will celebrate its 100th anniversary. For that period of time, the country will arrange a series of events throughout Europe to show what Estonia is about and to give local talents a venue to introduce themselves to the rest of the continent. Initially, the Estonian centenary and the country’s EU presidency were supposed to both take place in 2018. Estonia celebrates its 100th year of independence on 24 February 2018, and the presidency was supposed to take place in the first half of the same year. Since the United Kingdom, however, decided to leave the EU, Estonia’s presidency got bumped up by half a year, it was decided to start with the international programme earlier than initially planned. According to Jorma Sarv, the head of the international programme for the country’s EU presidency and centenary, the purpose of the events is to demonstrate Estonia as a tourism destination that has something to offer for everyone, but also give a chance to Estonian talents who deserve to be introduced outside the country. When the year 2017 mostly concentrates on Europe, then in the year after that, Estonia will try and reach farther destinations. “At the end of January, the Estonian Museum of Art and the National Gallery in Washington, DC, will arrange an exhibit of Michel Sittow’s artwork; the ERSO orchestra and the Estonian National Men’s Choir go on a tour in China; Toronto will host a week dedicated to the Estonian music; etc. I hope there will be more such activities in farther destinations,” Sarv declared. Restart Reality: Digital Street Art – All over Europe, unique and distinctively Estonian characters from about a hundred years ago are brought to new life by Edward von Lõngus and augmented reality technologies, exploring life & people around them. All Around Europe: Kaustinen festival – The Estonian band, Trad.Attack!, is celebrating the grandest event in Estonian history with a concert tour “All Around Europe”, performing in every EU member state – including Finland at the Kaustinen festival. A virtual reality conference in Helsinki – The aim of the conference is to connect different VR developers, investors, incubators, accelerators and enthusiasts from Estonia and other Nordic countries.
Fly to Toronto with Copa Airlines and save a lot of time. Through the website copa.com, you can register, book hotels, and rent a car from the comfort of your home. Close to heaven: the CN Tower, at over 550 meters high, was the tallest tower in the Americas at the time it was built and offers unparalleled views of the city. Inside, you can find bars and restaurants. A world inside one city: Toronto is one of the most cultured cities in the world. Explore the city’s diversity through its ethnic quarters; such as the Chinese district, the Greek district, and little Italy, among others. Travel around the islands: by means of a short ferry journey, you can get to Toronto’s islands. Here, you can spend a relaxing day strolling or cycling, taking in the beautiful sunsets from the beaches. Unique sports: enjoy an unforgettable experience watching a true Canadian Classic, a hockey game. For a little action and adrenaline, go see a Toronto Maple Leafs’ game, the local team. Toronto boasts one of the best public transport systems on the continent. The combination of metros, buses, and trams make it possible to get to any point in the city easily. There is also an extensive network of inter-city trains to take you wherever you want. Book your ticket on one of the five flights to Toronto that Copa Airlines offers every week and start benefiting from the convenience, even before you arrive at your destination.
Celebrate Recovery® is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life. It is based on the actual words of Jesus rather than psychological theory. It was designed as a program to help those who are struggling by showing them the loving power of Jesus Christ through a recovery process. Twenty five years ago, Saddleback Church launched Celebrate Recovery with 43 people; it is now in over 29,000 churches worldwide!
MonthlyPLRniche.com sold out a few days ago. You can get on the waiting list by going to the site and signing up there. If our experience of MonthlyPLR (which has also sold out) is anything to go by, there’ll be a couple of places that will become vacant each month. If you want one, you’ll need to get on the waiting list., and we’ll let you know.
Drink plenty of water: There can be no better way to make sure that you stick to the right schedule than by taking up the easiest way to get it done. Water is nature’s purifier and it helps you flush out all the unneeded and unnecessary deposits. The more you sweat, the more the toxins are washed out from your body. The greatest benefit of this trick is that it is completely free and anyone can take it up at anytime. All you have to do is just gulp down a couple of glasses more than you normally do. Skin care products: During the course of the day, if you are a person who has to do a lot of outdoor work, you are left exposed to a lot of pollutants. They slow down the recovery rate and actually end up hampering your skin texture. Try to use some skin care products that rejuvenate your skin and help t heal at a faster rate. They will help you fight back against the daily onslaught that your skin undergoes. In the longer run of events, these measures become quite necessary to follow. Wash your face properly: There is more number of skin pores on your face than anywhere else in your body. It means that there is a greater chance of dirt accumulating on your face than anywhere else. This brings the additional problem of blackheads and whiteheads appearing on your face. They appear as a blemish on a perfectly good toned skin. If you do not want to suffer from this issue, make sure that you have a good face wash to cleanse out the sticky residual materials. Parlors and massages: The blood flow on your face is quite essential in determining the glow that resides on your face. When you get a massage the blood vessels are stimulated and work with more vigor. The blood flow to the face increases and you appear in a better frame of health. So as you just read, you have to follow a number of steps to keep your face looking in prime. And believe us, all investments pay off in the end.
I compiled a version of FEX that locates P3Dv4 as part of the interface. Several of us have tested it here with good results. If you want to try it, just browse to where FEX is located on your PC and replace the EXE. You can right click the shortcut and select Open File Location, or select properties to get the path.
What You Can Do To Prevent Hair Loss (2) - Define "Mature" Loss of hair can happen all of a sudden, leaving behind many people wondering, “why?” Exactly how may it be quit! There are actually several approaches to prevent as well as cease loss of hair. The adhering to post is going to deliver you some practical suggestions to accomplish simply that! If you are concerned regarding loss of hair attempt lime seeds as well as black pepper. To begin with, obtain equal volumes of both lime seeds and also dark pepper after that grind all of them up. Next, blend them with water. At that point you can administer this mix to your scalp. This must offer you results you can find quickly. Attempt to avoid the use of products that are actually quite tough on your hair and scalp while managing hair loss. Let your hair completely dry typically. Using a strike dryer or even various other hot hair sculpting resources are certainly not highly recommended. Wait until you hair is dry out to comb it along with a sizable tooth comb as opposed to a clear tooth comb. Wet hair breathers off more readily than dry hair. Utilizing a choice kind of comb is actually great for wet hair if you have to rush to obtain your hair all set for the day. See your physician. Prior to surrendering on your own to decreasing hair, talk to your health care medical professional. There are many ailments from an under active thyroid to vitamin shortages that can be the source of your hair loss. If the loss of hair results from an actual problem, treating the ailment is often adequate to repair hair development. If you have actually attempted every little thing, you can aid regrow hair coming from loss of hair, you might would like to think about surgical operation. There are a wide array of different surgical procedure alternatives, plus all of them are actually non-invasive. One of the most typical is actually a minuscule follicular system transplant, in which a doctor transplant follicular systems to the bald area. While hair loss is actually primarily linked solely with males it is actually possible to possess this in some female situations too. Usually it starts considerably later in girls than in males as well as it may often be actually more difficult to cope with for a lady. There are actually a lot of procedures to assist a woman with this. Tension triggers our physical body to release poisons. Anxiety is actually dued to many different things in our lives and also via launching these poisonous substances, it straight induces modification in our bodies. Hair loss is among these improvements, as well as while hair loss is also hereditary, stress is just one of the consolidated factors that can have an effect on loss of hair. Take a top quality multi-vitamin regular. This can easily help your physical body coming from becoming depleted of needed vitamins. Your hair, like every thing else in your physical body, depends on the effective levels of nutrients if you want to increase. If your body system is actually depleted, the end results may be hair loss. Eating a wide variety of veggies and fruits can easily also assist. Hair loss need not be actually long-term! It may be a brief side effect coming from a few other concern. However, it is a subject a lot of seriously question! Use the above suggestions to aid you prevent or stop hair loss. While it is true, not all surprises rate, if loss of hair signifies an even more significant problem that requires to be attended to, you are going to take advantage of the sign!
October’s almost over, so it’s that time of the year again. No, we’re not talking about Christmas. We’re not talking about All Saints’ Day or All Souls Day either. We’re talking about Halloween, an occasion that’s celebrated by zombie lovers, Twilight fans, and enthusiastic kids whose love for candy is matched only by their love for wearing costumes. If you live in a condo community, chances are the young ones in your area are abuzz, and the unit owners—yourself included—are busy thinking of the best Halloween condo design ideas to set the proper mood. We’ve already gone through some awesome Halloween condo design ideas, but why don’t we step up the elegance this time around? Of course, as a condo renter, you probably have certain aesthetic standards that you want to adhere to. Cobwebs, skeletons, and black and yellow balloons are passé, but honestly, nobody will say they’re chic or tasteful—at least not the way most people do them. Halloween is a time for trick-or-treating, and the real trick is to find Halloween decorating ideas that won’t disrupt the elegant feel of your condo unit. If this is your Mission: Impossible for this year, then read on. You’re probably sick of all the articles on the Internet telling you to use candles to make your house look spooky, as if people haven’t been doing that since even before the Internet was created. So why not put a bit more craftsmanship into it? Take advantage of the candles’ waxy, moldable nature, and try playing around with them. You can carve them into shapes or embed little design ornaments to make them look unique. This is sure to grab your guests’ attention! Sure, you can put that candy in a plain glass bowl. Or you can put them in decorative mason jars for a little style. Arrange your candies as tastefully as you can, and if you want to add an aura of creepiness, simple touches like putting them in an old wooden crate can pay dividends. To give trick-or-treaters a little extra joy, consider making Halloween treats from scratch. You can put in awesome and whimsical touches, like baking Tim-Burton-themed goodies and placing plastic insects on the plates. Don’t worry if you’re out of ideas or can’t bake like a master chef—there are plenty of Halloween treat recipes for you to try. Of course, who can think of Halloween without thinking of pumpkins? The really artistic and skillful can take a whole pumpkin or squash and carve it into a traditional jack-o’-lantern. If you’re less confident in your ability to handle sharp tools, you can just take the easy way out and simply paint a few squashes white and black. Trust us, the effect is really striking! If you have a few lamps in your unit, you can try embellishing them for All Hallow’s Eve by dressing them up a little. The lampshade is a blank canvas that people often overlook. You can paint it, draw on it or even stick cool decals to create striking patterns. Just think about what Halloween motif you’d like to apply—black cats? bats? a full moon?—and make it happen. Looking for a dramatic flourish? Black and silver are a classic horror movie combination. If you’ve been dying for an excuse to show off your silverware, then Halloween is a good occasion to do it. Polish your silver and pair it with black accent pieces to get a look that would make any vampire proud. Studio condo design is challenging enough on its own—trying to achieve a creepy yet fun look for trick-or-treaters adds another layer of difficulty. If you’re looking for a new yet simple way to amaze your visitors, try creating a salt light. All you need is a big block of salt that you can break into chunks, a translucent bowl, and a light source, and you’re ready to go. Can’t find that type of salt? Some types of beauty soap can do the trick. Of course, you can make a Himalayan salt lamp that looks a little more chic. The reason most Halloween craft ideas sound the same is because people are fixated on the idea that Halloween is supposed to be scary. The truth is you don’t have to plan your decorations around monsters, ghosts, and witches. You can make your life much simpler by creating a theme around autumn colors. You’d be surprised how far you can go even if you’re restricted to shades of yellow, brown, red, and orange. Some of the best small condo design ideas for Halloween are so simple that when you read about them you just have to wonder why you didn’t think of them yourself. This is probably one of those ideas. Take a glass container, some water, and some food dye, and mix it to create a magic potion to delight visiting kids. With the right container and the right color dye, you might even be able to make something that you can actually use the whole year round. Another out-of-the-box idea is to use decorations that you’d normally see during other occasions or holidays. For example, we usually see wreaths at Christmas, but with a few tweaks, you can create wreaths that are neither too festive nor too somber. It could take a lot of effort, but it’ll definitely be something with a unique artistic flavor. With the hustle and bustle of life forcing people to spend an increasing proportion of their waking hours at school, in the office, commuting or preparing for one of those three situations, it’s no wonder some homeowners and condo owners aren’t even bothering with their holiday decorations anymore. “We just take them down again immediately, anyway. What’s the point?” Sure, there’s nothing wrong with seeing things that way. But on the other hand, a creative and positive mindset will let you see that decorating your condo for the Halloween is not a chore, but an opportunity for you to unleash your inner artist.
BOND's 8th Annual Conference for Fatherhood and Men is the premier men's event in Los Angeles. Join us on Saturday, June 17th from 5-8:30 p.m. for an evening of comedy and amazing speakers / panelists. Followed by delicious dinner from 8:30-9:30 p.m. This event is for ALL men. Married or single, young or old, you’ll appreciate hearing from experts and talking with other men about real issues that matter. Practical and useful tips to improve your personal, professional, spiritual, and physical well-being will be discussed. Topics: What is the state of manhood? Do we need a men's rights movement; Do's and don'ts of dating and marriage; The modern male and gender roles; Challenges facing millennial males; How to live a stress free and balanced life; How to achieve true success, and much more.
Cute 虹 Dash. I do not own this!. Wallpaper and background images in the マイリトルポニー〜トモダチは魔法〜 club tagged: photo.
Bloomington (BMI) offers many mileage run opportunities to help top off your elite status in a frequent flyer program. The link below offers some of the best savings for a quick additional mileage run from Bloomington (BMI) airport so that you can gain status for next year. Bloomington - Click for mileage run discount flight reservations from Bloomington airport - This link provides a table of lowest fares to a variety of cities to help maximize your mileage at the best price.
If you have received a building violation and are required to attend a hearing at the ECB, be advised that a proper defense should be created by a licensed attorney. We have several that we can recommend. In addition to this, you must comply with what the building violation states. There are many types of building violations. Below is a table of the many types of violations, and what you must do to cure the violations, so that you don’t receive second and third offenses, as the fines tend to go up drastically. If you have received a violation, and do not see it above, please contact us for guidance.
I’m sure that you’ve already heard about fenugreek tea and that it was amazing for the health, but most people have never heard about using dried fenugreek leaves for tea infusions. Even if you are drinking the juice of the leaves, still, some vitamin B 9 is going to get into it and is going to boost your system, vitamin B 9 is very important for our health because it’s going to help the division of our cells and it’s also responsible for having a healthy cardiovascular system. This is also an amazing thing when it comes to fenugreek tea, it’s the fact that it’s very low on caffeine, you are going to get amazing benefits from the tea without the caffeine issues and troubles! Although the majority of women who are breastfeeding and using fenugreek are accustomed to it, drinking fenugreek seeds tea or eating fenugreek tea, an amazing alternative is drinking dried fenugreek leaves tea. This can be extremely helpful as the leaves do not contain the same amounts of flavonoids as fenugreek seeds, this means that they are not as effective and efficient as fenugreek seeds; nevertheless, this also means that they are not going to make your body smell as when consuming fenugreek seeds. This is very important when nursing because most women are going to become body conscious on are going to simply be disgusted by the smell of fenugreek, we call it also maple syrup smell! Now, how do you prepare dried fenugreek leaves tea? The first thing you must understand about these leaves is that they are very rare, apart from the internet, you are not going to find them in shops, unless you live near an Asian market, then you can get them for a very convenient price, however if you need to buy them, the best place in my opinion is the internet. To prepare a very delicious dried fenugreek leaves tea, you need to warm a cup of water, and then add to it a teaspoon of dried fenugreek leaves, let it release all its vitamins and nutrients for at least fifteen minutes, then take out the leaves and add two teaspoons of honey. You can also add five stigmas of saffron, they are going to add an amazing taste and flavors to this tea. How much dried fenugreek leaves tea should you consume? You must understand that dried fenugreek leaves are extremely powerful, they are packed with a lot of nutrients and also a lot of vitamins and minerals, that’s why I do not recommend to drink more than one cup a day, it’s true, they do not contain caffeine, but they do contain other substances that their side effects are unknown at this time and that maybe causing some troubles in the future, that’s why you have to stay away from excessive amounts. Is 1 cup of tea per day really sufficient to increase breast milk production? One cup of what? It’s because there is a difference between fenugreek seeds, ground, and fenugreek leaves, the seeds are much more efficient, one cup is more than enough. Hi! I am creating my own detox tea with dried leaves from various detox teas. I found fenugreek seeds, can I use those in my mixture? I’m sorry, I don’t believe in detox. Hi I’m currently breastfeed ing my second child of 10weeks and I’m struggling this time with my milk flow it just isn’t enough but I feed my first until he was 10months old and continued through the first 2months of my second pregnancy now I feel obligated to do the same thing with my second and I’m trying to increase my flow I can only get fenugreek leaves how many cups a day should I drink and how long does it take to get the results? Better use two teaspoons a day of fenugreek power, seeds, they’re much more efficient when it comes to increasing breast milk flow. It’s very simple, you will need two teaspoons of ground fenugreek added to one cup of hot water 🙂 Once everyday, and for the size, it depends on your metabolism, but in general, you should take it for at least two months. should the seeds be roasted and den grounded? It doesn’t really matter, I do it because they taste nice, but you can do whatever you want, I think you should roast them a little. I m 26 sufferng frm.hair loss so plz tell me how to make fenugreek seeds tea for hair loss. Well, as mentioned to you in a previous comment, you need to make a fenugreek tea, mix one teaspoon of ground fenugreek with one cup of warm water and drink after 10 minutes, good luck. “To prepare a very delicious dried fenugreek leaves tea, you need to warm a cup of water, and then add to it a teaspoon of dried fenugreek leaves, let it release all its vitamins and nutrients for at least fifteen minutes, then take out the leaves and add two teaspoons of honey”. Yes, you need to use it and when you stop, things are going to get back to normal very slowly.
Wednesday's Worktable is a weekly posting I'll be publishing on the Rubbernecker blog as a member of the design team. I hope you'll be able to take time to visit my posts there, as well as the posts of my Rubbernecker design teammates who'll be posting on other days of the week. This is the card I created for this week's post. I have all the details outlined in how I created it on the Rubbernecker blog. I'd appreciate your support and comments!
As a professional tutor, I really enjoy the work I do. To me, a crucial part of life success is helping others, so I am dedicated to my work. Sometimes, when somebody shows us something we can't see for ourselves, we become capable of things we never thought we could do. ... Once you've learned something, it is never forgotten. It just needs to be recalled.
Looking for Wrong Fuel Removal in Cleator Moor? Our fully trained fuel drain Licensed technicians can be with you in Cleator Moor within 45 minutes. Do not start the vehicle if you have noticed that you have put the wrong fuel in your car. If you have started the car and have driven it is not a problem. However, if driven for a long period of time it could cause damage to the engine and overall killing the car. We can still drain fuel from your car regardless if it has been driven or not. Wrong fuel removal in Cleator Moor doesn’t come with any additional charges for driving the car away from the petrol station. If the car hasn’t been started and the wrong fuel still remains in the tank our fuel drain technician can safely move the car to a safe location before carrying out the fuel drain. Do not stress or worry, Wrong Fuel Removal are at hand in Cleator Moor to help get you back on the road. With years of experience in the fuel draining industry, we are one of the best. Once our fuel drain technician arrives you will be in safe hands. Once we have completed our fuel drain service in Cleator Moor we may request you to put a lot of fuel back into your car. Now you can drive away with a smile on your face. So if you have a fuel problem in Cleator Moor, why not give one of our friendly fuel drain technicians a call today on 0800 924 7866 or 07831588720. We are always happy to help.
A: Yes, all the clients that we are partnered with have budgets set aside exclusively for hiring needs. Q: Why should I use a recruiter? A: There are many reasons to use a recruiter. The recruiters at Fidelis have established relationships within our clients. Companies receive hundreds of resumes in their portal systems. We get you to the decision maker. Q: Do you specialize in a particular area of the country? A: We are a national recruiting firm with clients from coast to coast. If there is a particular area of interest, please share that with your contact at Fidelis. Q: Do you work retained or contingency? A: We work mostly on a contingency basis at this time, although our engaged and retained searches are increasing in volume. All services are free to our candidates and consultants.
As a Reservist, Can I Transfer My Post 9/11 GI Bill to My Son? Q: Hello, I am currently on active duty serving in Afghanistan. I have the option of joining the reserves next year. As a reservist can I transfer my remaining Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits to my son? Thank you. A: Yes, you can, if you are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill transfer option by having served at least six years in the Reserve and if you sign up for at least four more years. Just know that you have to make a transfer request to your son while you are still in the Reserves; once you are out, it is too late to make a transfer. Also the percentage tier that you are at at the time of transfer will also transfer to him. For example, with a one-year deployment you will get up to the 60% tier. So when he starts using his transferred benefits, 60% of his tuition and fees will be paid for by the VA directly to his school. He will get 60% of the monthly housing allowance as well as 60% of the yearly book stipend. Because you are not at the 100% level, he would not be eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program.While your transferred Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits will not pay for all of his school costs, it will certainly help.
Professional Carpet Cleaning Birmingham Street cleaning is an occupation performed by special teams of employees who can be employed by the city or by independent cleaning companies. Thanks to such people, it is possible to bring the streets to the correct look both after car accidents and after lightning discharges. It happens very often that as a result of heavy rainfall and storm, a large number of branches and leaves fall on the streets and advertisements that have been cut off from the trees, and then they have to be removed before traffic can be restored. A similar situation occurs after road accidents. Although road builders appear as the first places on the scene, the cleaning crews can take care of even more thorough cleaning of the street.
By using the "Page layout", it is possible to change the look and feel of the different registration pages. The technical term for this is called CSS or Cascading Style Sheets. Within Eventure there are two levels for editing the Page Layout. In the First level it is possible to select a CSS item from a list. It can then be modified with standard settings. The second level enables you to change the Page Preferences from the source. To reach level two, click the button which you can find in the level one Page Preferences screen.
I love finding different cover versions of songs, especially if the first version you heard was quite modern. Kisses sweeter than wine a fantastic song by Bongwater but so many other people have done it previously. I don’t know if Jimmie Rodgers is one of the earliest but he died in 1933! Pete Seeger “wrote” this song in 1950, combining a Leadbelly tune with an Irish folksong. Pete Seeger doesn’t take credit for his songs; he recognizes that people have always been modifying and “stealing” songs. That’s what folk music is about. People just singing and playing. Anyhoo Jimmy Rogers had this hit with it a couple of years later (while Pete was being blacklisted in America for being a communist). So, to cut to the chase: the original Jimmy Rogers, the Yodeling Brakeman, was one of the early Country singers in the 1920’s and 30’s. He’s famous for his yodelin’ blues and he was something special. I hope that explains some of it….
Comes From Answering the Question, "Who Are You?" The ceramics teacher announced on opening day that he was dividing the class into two groups. All those on the left side of the studio, he said, would be graded solely on the quantity of work they produced, all those on the right solely on its quality. His procedure was simple: on the final day of class he would bring in his bathroom scales and weigh the work of the “quantity” group: fifty pounds of pots rated an “A”, forty pounds a “B”, and so on. Those being graded on “quality”, however, needed to produce only one pot – albeit a perfect one – to get an “A”. As my writing teacher Jack Grapes says, process leads to product. What gets in the way of people engaging and producing is usually some form of overthinking. Because we don’t control our thinking it is not as easy as Bob Newhart would like us to believe to change our thoughts or our behavior by just stopping it. Our behavior follows our understanding. We do what makes sense to us in the moment, and if paralyzing overthinking looks real to us we will feel the effect of it and act accordingly. In order for our behavior to change, we need to see something new. Our perspective needs to shift. The Nike mantra, “Just do it!” isn’t enough. We can use willpower and pushing for a time, but eventually, we burn out. There is an easier way. Am I good enough? Do I measure up? Am I doing enough? How do I get better? How do I improve? These are some of the questions that can get in the way of us creating what we want. They all revolve around a separate “I” and suggest you can reduce suffering by improving the “I” or giving the “I” a good experience. These questions, however, are founded on a misunderstanding. The suffering of the “I” will never be solved by personal development or moments of pleasure. The solution to suffering comes from understanding the source of the suffering is the misunderstanding of a separate “I” period. Fortunately, the individual “I” is not all of you. It is a constellation of atoms that is part of you but not the full picture. The full picture is far greater than the sliver of you that you can feel, see, and touch. There is no real separation, but the “I” you make up makes it look and feel as if there is. It sees the material world as the entire picture, but this is a limited vantage point. Quantum physics has some sense of something beyond what the illusion of material reality presents when it recognizes that 99.9% of matter is empty space, but it cannot make the final leap because science can’t measure the essence that is the emptiness but isn’t empty. The formless field of infinite potential can only be theorized in physics, but as humans, we are part of it. We are the dynamic ongoing interplay between the form and formless even if it is invisible to the eye. When you get a sense that you are more than meets the eye, and taste the infinity that lies beyond your five senses, you just know it. When you realize you are infinite potential, what is there to worry about when it comes to productivity? The solutions to everyday situations like how to get along with your spouse, how to make more money, how to be happy, or how to create art all come from the same source that created the entire universe. No problem is too big or too small for that intelligence. Everything comes from the source that Sydney Banks called the Principles of Mind, Consciousness and Thought, what others call God or consciousness. Everything you want to create, every possible experience, is there in formless potential. Suffering, motivation, how to survive, they are all created through the same principles. Looking to our infinite nature may seem to have no relevance for our day-to-day lives, but it is behind it all. We can’t see it, but we experience the effects of it all the time. It is where our experience comes from no matter what our experience is. Seeing this helps me to let go. I get better at surrendering to the natural creative process that is always happening independent of my effort and learning how to flow with what is more gracefully. The power of seeing this is practical. When you sense your true nature that exists beyond form, when you experience what it holds for you, it opens you up to possibilities and to the unknown. It points you in the direction of your potential. What it did for me is help me to see my worries, insecurities, and anxieties in a new way so they looked more trivial — even silly. I still have them at times, but I know they are part of the tapestry of separation that starts to unravel when I look to where it comes from. Your ability to create comes from the same source as everything else. You are not the source of your creation. It starts beyond you. If you think you are having trouble with productivity, you are just not seeing what you are producing. You are constantly creating. You can’t help bringing your thoughts to life and creating your experience. You might not be producing what you want, but you are producing nonetheless. Seeing your creative process at play helps you recognize the power of it and to move into greater cooperation with what is. This results in greater freedom and fewer feelings of overwhelm, inadequacy, and pressure. There is less focus on the imaginary “I” and more engagement with what is in front of you. You are present to life and simply do what makes sense in the moment. You do not have to know the grand design. You do not have to be the grandmaster. There is a deeper knowing unfolding inside of you that you don’t have to be consciously aware of every aspect of it. The intelligence that guides electrons and atoms is the same intelligence at your service. It is your source. The well of your inspiration that is infinite. Your productivity whether it is wiping your nose or creating an empire comes from the same source. There is nothing to overthink. There is only engaging to be done. Engaging with what is right in front of you. You don’t have to create thought. You are thought. You are one thought. We are the same thought. We are the timeless, spaceless, potential of that thought. We create form from that thought, in whatever way occurs to us in the moment a kiss, a punch, a community, a bomb, a nation. All coming from the same source. All figments of our imagination brought to life. You are always being productive. You are always producing that one thought and bringing it to life in the myriad of ways that make sense to you. Are you producing fear, judgment, distress? Are you producing love, harmony, and peace? It is all part of a day’s work of being human. Seeing the production is like understanding the magic trick. When you see it, it is no longer compelling, bewildering, or disorientating. It just is. My inadequacy, my insecurity, my badness come from the same stuff as my goodness, my competence and my confidence. They are all experiences that come through me via thought. Floating in and out. I don’t control the flow. I am the channel that gets to experience all of them. As Rumi said, “Welcome and entertain them all!” No harm comes from feeling our internal experience. It all comes from the same source. I am that source. You are that source. We are that source. It is vast, deep, and infinite. It is the balm that shrinks our worries. It is the opposite of separation and nihilism. It is the loving intelligence that is. You are not outside of that. Seeing this is what helps you to just do it. You do it from love because that is who you are. Experiencing the answer to the question, “Who are you?” Is the only motivation you need. When you see this, your productivity takes care of itself.
Facebook for Business- Part 1. This class is for anyone who does not yet have a Facebook Business page. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop/mobile device, but it is not required. Learn the basics of creating a Facebook Business page - how to add your contact information, uploading photos, creating a post, and adjusting your security & privacy settings. $35.00 fee includes light refreshments and a step-by-step handout. (near Sheridan Dr., across the street from Pep Boys). * Please note that you must have a personal Facebook account set up prior to taking this class. Please Contact Us if you need assistance. Wednesday, April 24th from 10:00am-11:00am. Class fee includes light refreshments and a detailed step-by-step handout for you to keep. Participants are encouraged to bring their own laptop/mobile device, but it is not required.
China, it is a giant dragon that draws the world to its shores. We are in China because China can produce, it has the machines, it has the work force, it has the discipline and most of all it has the power to keep its heart beating regularly. Determination, stamina and will power are words I put to describe this great machine of a nation.
Family mediation is a way of helping families to reach agreements about what should happen after separation or divorce. It is an increasingly popular alternative to asking the court to make decisions about family issues. Every day, family mediation helps couples who are in the process of separating or divorcing to decide what to do about the house, the children, the assets, the debts, and can help everyone in the family to establish new working relationships. If you want to know more, it may be worth checking out our article, Mediation is not . . . I have concerns about being in the same room as my former partner. The government and many judges believe that more people should use family mediation, to avoid the expense, delays and conflict often associated with going to court. Family mediation is now an official part of the Family Justice System because most people who want to ask the courts to make a decision about a family issue now have to see an authorised family mediator first, to find out more about family mediation and other alternatives to court. These meetings are called Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings, or MIAMs. If you are not sure whether or not family mediation would be a good option for your family, it is probably a good idea to go to one of these meetings, to talk to a mediator about your personal situation. What issues can family mediation deal with? All FMA members have been trained to mediate the full range of issues associated with divorce and separation, including children, communication, division of capital and other financial concerns. FMA mediators have a particular interest in and commitment to working co-operatively with other specialists – legal, therapy and financial (including pension) experts. Each FMA mediator meets regularly with her or his professional supervisor, working closely with the supervisor to ensure that the FMA’s high standards are maintained. There are FMA mediators throughout England and Wales. You can find your local FMA mediators by using the FMA’s Find a Mediator service. Many FMA mediators offer special services, so it may be worth thinking about what your family particularly needs from a family mediator before making your choice. It is very important to find a qualified mediator, whatever their background. Qualified mediators have successfully completed a recognised training course, and each year they must complete a certain amount of training, satisfy a professional supervisor that they are working to certain standards, and work the required number of mediation hours. Qualified mediators must also have appropriate professional insurance. Are you planning to pay for the mediation yourself, or are you entitled to help with payment because you are on a low income? If you are paying privately you need to check the rates your local mediators charge for mediation session. Some charge an hourly rate, some charge on a sessional, or case basis. Most mediators also charge for the assessment meetings that take place before the mediation begins. The rates that family mediators charge are generally much lower than the rates that family lawyers charge, but it is always very important to be clear from the beginning how much you are going to be charged, and what the mediator charges for. If you have a low income and relatively low capital, you may be entitled to legal aid. As you probably know legal aid is no longer available for most family matters that go to court, but it is still available for family mediation. You should look for a mediator who is specially qualified to offer legal aid mediation. The mediator will help you to work out if you are entitled to legal aid, and if you are, your mediator will then ask the Legal Aid Agency to fund your mediation. If later on you want to turn your mediation proposals into an agreement, your family mediator can sometimes arrange for legal aid to pay for you to get some help from a solicitor as well. Not all FMA members are qualified to offer legal aid mediation. Our website shows who does legal aid work and who does not; if you think you may be entitled to legal aid, but aren’t sure, it is usually best to find a mediator who is qualified to offer legal aid. All FMA members will do their best to suggest a local mediator who can help you. Do you think it may help for your children to be consulted within the mediation? Many FMA members are specially qualified to involve children directly in family mediations. There are many things to think about when deciding whether or not it is appropriate for an individual child to be involved directly, which will have to be talked through by both parents, and with the mediator, but involving children can be very useful if the right preparation is done. The government has said that it believes all children above the age of 10 should have an opportunity to see a mediator if their parents are using mediation to make decisions about child arrangements. If you are interested in involving a child in the mediation you can look for a mediator who is trained to work directly with children. However, the mediator who works with the parents doesn’t have to be the same mediator who meets with the child, so you could opt for a mediator who isn’t qualified to see children directly, and ask the mediator you choose to find you a mediator who is qualified to meet children. FMA mediators all understand how child-inclusive mediation works, even if they do not do this work themselves, and will be able to talk through the options with you. FMA mediators will be very happy to talk to you about the different kinds of family mediation that are available, and will be able to advise you about the one that is best suited to you. After the assessment meetings have taken place, the normal process in this country involves two adult clients meeting with a qualified mediator together in one room, and all three people talking through the issues and the possible solutions together. This process is described in more detail in steps 4-6, but in outline the normal process involves from 1 to 6 sessions, depending on the number of issues that need to be discussed and how complex or difficult the issues are; each session usually lasts between one and a half and two hours. With the client’s agreement the mediator may invite other people into the process if that seems helpful, for example a pensions expert or a family therapist; other professionals invited to take part might attend the mediation sessions, or they might set up separate sessions of their own. One of the most common alternatives to sole mediation involves two adult clients meeting with two qualified mediators together in one room, and all four people talking through the issues and the possible solutions together. The FMA was founded as a co-mediation organisation, FMA members are all trained to co-mediate, and most of our members are very happy to work as co-mediators. Some mediators use co-mediation only occasionally, when they think it will be especially useful to have one mediator per client. Other mediators use co-mediation in almost every case, because they prefer working in this way. It is very common for co-mediators to be a man and a woman, and/or for them to be from different backgrounds (for example one from a legal background and one from a therapy/counselling background). Another way of working is to use two rooms. The two adult clients each stay in their own separate room, and the mediator or mediators ‘shuttle’ between them. There is no face to face communication between the clients, so this kind of mediation doesn’t help to develop better communication in the way that other forms of mediation can, but it can be a good way to help clients negotiate safely. Shuttle mediation sessions usually take longer than other mediation sessions. Sometimes lawyers are involved in this form of mediation, each person bringing his or her own lawyer and consulting with them about the options available as the mediation progresses. Sessions involving lawyers, sometimes known as caucus mediations, are more expensive, and tend to take quite a long time (half a day or even more). FMA members often participate in shuttle mediations, and are comfortable inviting lawyers, and indeed other professionals, into the process. This is an approach that can be combined with any of the other methods. In it, a child who wants to be involved in the process talks with a specially qualified child consultant mediator. The parents agree in advance that this meeting is confidential between the child and the mediator, and unless any child protection issues arise, the mediator will only tell the parents what the child has agreed should be passed on. If the mediator working with the parents is a child consultant mediator, the child can meet with the same mediator who is working with the parents, but quite often it is a different mediator. Consultations usually last about 45 minutes with each child and children are usually aged 10 or above, but in some circumstances younger children may be seen. Many FMA mediators are qualified to do this specialist work. Many mediators use a combination of the different kinds of mediation mentioned above. Family mediators are trained to tailor the process to the specific needs of your family, so don’t be surprised if the process your mediator uses looks a little different to those you have read about. Family mediation is developing all the time, and sometimes borrows different styles from other forms of mediation, including mediation techniques used in non-family property disputes and some variations used in other countries. Provided the core principles are respected, your family mediator is free to work in a creative way to make sure that the family mediation process chosen for you will suit your personal circumstances. It’s important that you feel comfortable with the process. Your mediator will explain how it works before you begin, but here is our overview of how the process works. Every mediation will begin with an assessment meeting. Many people have separate assessment meetings some time before the first joint session. Some people prefer to come together to the assessment meeting, with a joint session following straight afterwards if their case is suitable for mediation. FMA members usually offer both types of assessment, but whichever type is chosen there always has to be some opportunity for the mediator to talk separately to each person. This is so that the mediator can ask some confidential questions designed to find out whether there are any special issues that need to be taken into consideration. Often the same mediator will be involved throughout, but sometimes one mediator meets with each person at the assessment stage, and then a different mediator conducts the actual mediation. At the very beginning of the actual mediation, the mediator will ask you both to sign an agreement to mediate, after checking with both of you that you understand what it says and that you both know how mediation works. The agreement to mediate is a standard document, used by all qualified family mediators, and is something that is required by the Family Mediation Council, which regulates all family mediators. The mediation cannot go ahead unless the agreement to mediate has been signed. During the mediation your mediator will give you useful information about how to deal with financial issues, how to deal with children issues, relevant legal principles, the court process, court orders, and how to contact other agencies and specialists who may be able to help. The mediator will ask you important questions about what ideas you have about the future, and about what is worrying you about the present. They may even talk a little about what has gone wrong in the past, although the problems of the past are not the main focus of mediation. The mediator will also set the rules he or she expects everyone to follow. These will include speaking and listening to each other with respect, and working with the mediator to make sure that conflict and any strong emotions that emerge during the mediation don’t overwhelm the process. Most family mediators work in a relatively informal setting, and all qualified family mediators provide clients with a relaxed and secure environment. During the session, the mediator will record key pieces of information or ideas or particular options in a way that allows both of you to see what has been written and to comment on it. Usually the mediator will use a flip-chart to do this, but many also use more modern technology. You will be encouraged to ask questions and discuss what is being written down. If you don’t understand something that is being said by anyone in the room, or don’t understand something that has been written on the flip-chart by the mediator, it is very important to say so. It is the mediator’s job to help. Your mediator will be keeping an eye on how you are feeling, but if you start to feel uncomfortable or worried about anything, you should let the mediator know. Decide the priority of the issues. Some issues are more pressing than others and need to be resolved first, e.g., short-term financial arrangements, holidays, contact. Clarify the issues: sometimes it is not certain what is really in dispute and clarifying the issues avoids misunderstandings. At the end of the mediation process your mediator will explain to you how to obtain legal advice about any proposals the two of you have produced together and how you may convert them into a legally binding agreement and/or a court order. Proposals relating to children often do not need to be turned into a court order, but proposals relating to finances almost always should be. If you have not been able to find any mutually acceptable proposals, your mediator will explain to you what your options are at this stage, including negotiation through other means, arbitration and court proceedings. Although the mediator will never instruct you to do something, they may suggest that you take further advice, for example that you consult with a tax or pensions specialist, or with a family lawyer, before making any decisions.
The Haverford School is proud to host the TENTH Annual Checking for Cancer Lacrosse Invitational, featuring premier ranked boys’ lacrosse programs and girls’ lacrosse programs. All of whom will compete in the spirit of the game while promoting the important cause of cancer awareness. Our mission of cancer awareness is particularly personal to our head coach John Nostrant. John Nostrant, coach of The Haverford School, was diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 years ago, and Georgetown Prep coach, Kevin Giblin, is now in remission from his colon cancer. John and Kevin were roommates in college and line mates on the lacrosse field as players. They remain the best of friends. Both highly acclaimed coaches helped coach the United States U-19 Men’s Team to the International World Federation Championship in British Columbia in 2008. Each, however, has had to quietly but courageously endure private ordeals that are all too common to the thousands of individuals who are diagnosed with cancer each year. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in American men, other than skin cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be about 217,730 new cases of prostate cancer in the United States in 2010. About 32,050 men will die of this disease this year. Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. One man in 6 will get prostate cancer during his lifetime, and 1 man in 36 will die of this disease. This disease starts in the prostate and if caught before it spreads is highly treatable and curable. Excluding skin cancers, colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed in both men and women in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimated that about 102,900 new cases of colon cancer (49,470 in men and 51,370 in women) and 39,670 new cases of rectal cancer (22,620 in men and 17,050 in women) were diagnosed in 2010. This is a disease that tends to be slow growing and always starts as a polyp which can be found by colonoscopy. Proper screening should yield an almost perfect cure rate. The good news is that the outlook for individuals diagnosed with prostate and colorectal is better than ever, and the key to a positive prognosis is screening and early detection. Beginning by age 50, men and women who are at average risk for developing colorectal cancer should begin a pattern of routine screening for cancer prevention. We hope that greater awareness will lead to an appreciation of the importance of screening and heightened vigilance in our battle against these curable diseases.
Languages spoken at Oribi Gorge Guest farm are English, Afrikaans and (Zulu by the cleaning staff only). There will be daily housekeeping at no extra charge. Our cottages are fully equipped for self-catering, and we do not offer any meals. The closest supermarket is 38 Km away in Shelly Beach and closest convenience store and fuel station is 24 minutes away in Paddock which is on the other side of the Gorge. Thus we encourage you to come prepared. All units have their own private braai area and wood is supplied at no extra cost. There is free and secure parking on the property for your vehicles. Chocolate bars can be found in the fridge at an extra charge to be paid in cash via the Honesty Snack system. DSTV Premium package can be activated at your request at an extra cost. This should be requested before your arrival to make the process as smooth as possible, and paid upon arrival. We do not offer wi-fi services. However, during office hours guests may make use of the office wi-fi which is only active from 08:30 to 16:30 on weekdays. Due to the high lightning risk, we cannot leave it activated over weekends or after hours.
At Pro Kitchen Remodeling, Kitchen Remodeling will be done by trained and experienced professionals. You can get a quick quotation so that you will understand different features and the services can be ordered at the earliest. Pro Kitchen Remodeling in Barnum, MN caters to remodeling of kitchens in small apartments, villas and commercial complexes. Kitchen remodels will have one to one interaction so that all your ideas will be implemented as per your needs. Licensed, bonded and insured Kitchen Remodeling services are offered in Wyoming through Pro Kitchen Remodeling. The services can be hired after contacting others in Barnum, MN. There will not be any conflict of interests and the services will be delivered in an effortless manner. You can go through the samples and reviews offered by previous customers so that there will not be any ambiguity. Pro Kitchen Remodeling in Barnum, MN has number of Kitchen Remodeling strategies. Kitchen remodel staff will deal with you in a gentle way. All your concerns will be addressed without fail. You can call us at 844-244-6433 so that you will have a quick estimate about different kinds of services. It is very much important to get services from proven service provider so that the work will last for a lifetime. Pro Kitchen Remodeling in Barnum, MN services are offered to make the most of your investment. Kitchen remodeler will share you the latest trends in the kitchen design and installation practices. This will help you go for the best remodeling job. By remodeling the kitchen as per the latest standards, it is possible to prepare different kinds of food items quickly and hygienically. The cook, assistant cook and the cleaning staff will find the difference and would like to spend more time in the kitchen.
Lana Schmadeke has a rigorous daily routine dedicated to perfecting her diving skills. Viera High School graduate Sarah Rousseau has packed her bags and left for the University of Missouri on a scholarship, thanks to her long list of diving accomplishments and awards. Rousseau, who competes at the USA Diving Senior National level, won three state titles in diving for the Viera High swimming and diving team. Rousseau recently competed against Olympians in 10-meter diving, which was broadcast on NBC. Rousseau won the 16 to 18 age group in the 1-meter event at the 2017 USA Diving National Preliminary Zone D Championships. She then placed 12th in the 2017 USA Diving National Championships. Lana Schmadeke, a 13-year-old Viera resident who attends Edgewood Junior/Senior High School, hopes to follow Rousseau’s pathway to success. Schmadeke is ranked No. 1 nationally in the Dive Meets scoring system for AAU Diving, Group B. She has a strategy to avoid being nervous before a dive. To reach their diving objectives, Rousseau and Schmadeke maintain busy practice schedules. Schmadeke attends diving practice six days a week at the pools at Satellite High or Rockledge High. She also has dry-land practice three times a week. At the dry-land facility, divers train using trampolines, harnesses and conditioning. “During the school year, I don’t get home until around 7,” Schmadeke said. “I shower, eat dinner and do homework for the rest of the night. Rousseau will compete for the University of Missouri’s diving team. A rigorous training regimen should help her try out in the future for the U.S. Olympic team. “I would like to try for the Olympics — it is a goal,” Rousseau said. Schmadeke plans to dive at the AAU Nationals in San Antonio, Texas. In the future, Schmadeke would like to join Rousseau at the University of Missouri.
As Pharrel Williams' song goes.... we're happy! Local folk appear to be quite positive, if this survey is anything to go by. A SURVEY has revealed that people living in the East Midlands have reported very high levels of happiness in 2015 compared to the rest of the UK. In a survey released from the Office of National Statistics, it was revealed that personal well-being has improved every year since financial year ending 2012 when data was first collected, suggesting that more people in the UK are feeling better about their lives. The four measures of well-being that were investigated in the report were life satisfaction, feeling that what one does in life is worthwhile, happiness, and anxiety levels. The report also revealed that in the financial year ending 2015, the East Midlands had higher proportions of people reporting low anxiety. The North East and Yorkshire and the Humber were the only two English regions with no significant improvement in low levels of well-being across all four measures.
Liberty High School is hosting a fundraising event to raise money for the Betty Puskar Breast Care Center. Participating high schools are Bridgeport, RCB, Doddridge, South Harrison, and Liberty. The event will take place on Sunday, April 23 at the Liberty High School athletic complex. $5 admission, gates open at noon, games will kick off around 1:00 p.m. In addition to the games, there will be craft vendors, concessions, basket raffles, and activities.
You never really think anything of it when you hear some stranger died. You know like Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson. It's so different when you have to hear it with a name you know. That's what I had to hear. "Kids,daddy died." Those were the exact words I heard when my dad died. Death is something you have to experience close by before you fully understand it.
A t-shirt made just for Cheverly, MD. Printed with soft hand, water-based inks on a natural-colored unisex t-shirt. Ink has a muted, non-vibrant look for a throw-back effect. Designed and printed with pride in Ann Arbor, Michigan with a retro color palette, and available for most cities, towns, and villages in the United States!
In the last post I discussed some of the issues surrounding gifting the family vineyard to your family. There are a number of reasons that a person or a couple might consider just giving their property. However, the primary factor in that decision process is: control over the decision. If you make a gift, that means that you are alive and able to consciously make the decision to give your property to another person, family or otherwise. If you are dead, then you can no longer consciously decide. Your property is distributed the way your estate plan dictates. Now, if you’ve done a good job preparing your estate plan, then that distribution may happen exactly the way you wanted it to. Or maybe not…you just won’t know for sure…because you are dead. So the trade-off between giving property during your life (gifting) and leaving property to someone in your estate (a bequest) is that of trading off decision making control for tax benefits in the form of a step-up in basis. Let me explain. Let’s use the previous example, and say that you originally bought your 100 acre Napa vineyard in 1978 for $200,000. You planted some grapes, raised your family, and enjoyed the farm life of growing grapes. Now, forty years later, that vineyard with prime Napa Cab is valued at $250,000 per acre. The property is worth $25 million. If you sell it, you have a capital gain on the value it sells for, less what you paid for it ($25 million – $200,000), and will pay capital gains taxes on that amount, approximately $5 million. However, if you leave it to your estate, your heirs will receive a “step-up in basis” on the property. That means that for tax purposes they will acquire the property at it’s current value, basically what it’s worth upon your death. After they jump through the hoops to get the property properly titled in their names, they will be able to turn around and sell the property without incurring any capital gains tax. That is a pretty nice perk of receiving property as an inheritance. Again, the only thing you must do to be able to take advantage of this perk…is, well, give up control…forever.
How to make replayer look like actual tables? Hi can you please give me instructions on how to accomplish this? I looked in the manual but there was nothing there and a search on this site came up empty for me... Thanks! I'm sorry I should have been more clear. It says I can skin the replayer to look exactly like my tables. I use Mercury theme on stars and it only has Nova and Grinder as options. Unfortunately, there are no more skins at the moment. Our development department has now a lot of much more important tasks. But as soon as the new themes appear, they will be immediately added to the list. OK, TY! The wording in the manual made it seem like you could skin them yourself which was why I was asking. Thanks for replying to all my questions. Much appreciated.
My advice to all my fellow women out there who have been disappointed so many times like me to give love another chance. Many thanks to the Admin and founder of this web site for making my long dream come true. We met here few months ago regardless of the distance between us we have been so strong and finally met each other, planning to marry in the near future ! It is valid to say true love can be found anywhere you just have to log on at the right time and click on the right username! It was fun while it lasted and I made some really good friends. However, I find I don't have the time to get on as often as I would like. I wish you guys the very best, and thanks for the opportunity Coolheadedlady Well yes i have found someone.
What is ClientExec? Can this billing & support software enable you to maintain a profitable hosting business? ClientExec is a very popular billing and support solution, that's used by a number of hosting companies along with their resellers. It's feature-rich and easy to customize, therefore it will help you create and maintain your own reseller company in no time. ClientExec will allow you to accept web payments through a variety of payment processors or to offer domain name registrations and SSL certificates via different providers, to set prices for website hosting packages and add-ons, to see in-depth stats about your customers and the services they have bought, as well as monthly reports about how your company is doing. In addition, ClientExec features an integrated ticket system, which means that you are able to provide support to all of your clients. If you operate an actual company, you're able to give different degrees of access to the management team, the help and support staff, your sales crew, etc., with pre-defined features they will be able to access and to modify. When you purchase one of our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages, we will give you ClientExec as a part of the bundle which comes cost free with all of our servers, so that you won't have to search for a billing app for your reseller business or pay for such. We'll provide the software with a full license, so you will not be restricted in terms of time or functionality in any way and you'll be able to use it provided that you use the server itself. We will set up ClientExec for you and save you effort, time and money, so that you can set up everything and begin offering website hosting packages and domains to customers in no time. The application can be used with the eNom domain reseller account, that's part of our complimentary bundle as well, or with any other domain account via another registrar company. In this way, you will be able to offer your customers all the services that they need in order to start their world-wide web presence and you can charge and support them without any difficulty via a user-friendly interface.
A new Brexit referendum with an option to remain in the EU is "likely", the Labour first minister of Wales has said. Carwyn Jones told Wales' National Assembly that people had "the right to express a view as to whether they wish to leave in circumstances that not one Brexiteer suggested would happen". It follows comments from shadow Brexit secretary Sir Keir Starmer at Labour's conference in Liverpool today that nobody was ruling out a second referendum with an option to Remain on the ballot paper. In response to a question at first minister's questions from Plaid Cymru Assembly Member Steffan Lewis whether there should "also be a question there asking the people whether or not they wish to remain in the European Union", Jones said: "I think that's likely." He told the Senedd, the Assembly's debating chamber: "I think that there are two possibilities here, are there not? If there's no deal, then it would be 'no deal' or Remain. "If there is a deal, it becomes a bit more complicated, in the sense that it's: 'Do you accept the deal? But, if you don't, what do you want: "no deal" or Remain?' There are ways in which the Electoral Commission, I'm sure, can finesse that referendum. "No-one said it. Everyone said, 'There will be a deal.' That's changed." The first minister, who is standing down later this year, said that he did not like the idea of a second referendum on exactly the same issue. But, he said, "where the circumstances have changed fundamentally, where the promises that were made two years ago have come to nothing, then, at that point, and if there's an inconclusive result in a general election... who knows what parties might put forward in a general election? "There has to come a point where, if there is an impasse, the people have to decide, and they have to be allowed to decide on the basis of what they know now and not on what they were told two years ago, which hasn't happened." It followed a question from Neil Hamilton, the disgraced former Tory minister who now sits as a Ukip AM in the Assembly, who said that Theresa May had "badly bungled the negotiations with Brussels". He added that "Jeremy Corbyn, with whom I marched through many lobbies voting against EU legislation over the years, seems to be sitting on the fence". Jones said there was "increasing mood music in this chamber and outside that if there is no deal and, therefore, a disaster, it'll be the fault of the Remainers and not the fault of those who gave a pie-in-the-sky analysis two years ago of what the referendum would mean. He said: "We were told it'd be the easiest negotiation ever. It hasn't been. We were told that the EU would fold in the face of the UK's demands. It hasn't done. "We were told that German car manufacturers would ride to the rescue - or drive to the rescue - and would force the German Government to accept a deal in favour of the UK. They haven't done it. "The reality is that the UK is more divided than the EU has been at all in the course of this process." Hamilton was, Jones said, "a member of a party who, for eight years, argued strongly for a second referendum [on the establishment of the Welsh Assembly] after 1997, because they didn't like the result, and went into the 2005 general election on a manifesto of having a second referendum on the existence of the Assembly". He added: "So, there's a certain level of double standards there that has to be recognised." The first minister said that if Parliament rejected any Brexit deal, or no deal, put before it he did, not see any alternative other than a general election, and "in that general election, Brexit would be the only topic, I suspect, of discussion".
I've been testing out the new Ultra Motor FastForward Edge Folding Electric bicycle for the past week. This thing is fun- fun for the whole family. In fact, our test mule has been cause for argument and disappointment at our house for this last week with my 12 year old son, me and my wife quietly fighting for the right to ride it. This is a very versatile bike. For a little over a grand you get a kind of 3 in one product. You get a folding bike. You get an electric bike AND you get a bike-bike. I mean, it's hard to get any of these in the kind of quality of this all in one package for this price and this one has it all. It's comfortable to ride as bike. Feels like a tall BMX ride, or a scooter with a seat. Stiff, quick handling. Turn on the button, twist the throttle and the electricity takes over. It will let you cruise comfortably on the flats and on slight inclines. Switch to e-assist mode and you just pedal and the motor works on back-up, giving you much better climbing ability. Hard to beat for the money. It's not fast. If you want fast, you'll need to get a Metro, or a bike with a bigger motor. The Edge seems to be a great flatlander rider and commuter. Fold it up on the bus or train. Bionical bike gets the job done. Unfold it, start your roll down to the cafe and to work. Tuck it under your desk the rest of the day. Simple. The FastForward Edge, from Ultra Motor.
Continuing Education's office at the Kansas City Art Institute is located on the 2nd-floor of the historic Jannes Library. Temporary 15 minute and reserved Continuing Education parking is available behind the library, at the top of the hill for students wishing to enroll in office. Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. *Please see your registration receipt for first course procedures and additional details on classroom location.
Hiring employees to fill open positions is a delicate and extremely time consuming process. This is especially true in those businesses where there is not a dedicated HR department. The number of job openings increased to 6.2 million in 2017, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Employing a staffing agency to fill open positions is becoming essential for many companies to keep pace with the market and grow their businesses. A partnership with a staffing firm can be one of the most valuable affiliations your organization can have, but choosing the right one requires some research. According to the American Staffing Association (ASA), there are nearly 750 staffing firms in Pennsylvania, and more emerging every year. The staffing industry is not regulated by any governing body, and recruiters are not required to retain any type of licensing. The standards of quality and performance vary widely. Before you begin to discuss fees, contracts or guarantees, you need to size up the agency you’re considering and confirm they are the best pairing for your organization. Here are a few questions to ask to “interview” your new prospective staffing partner. What is your primary source of candidates? If you are reaching out to a staffing agency after having tried to fill a position on your own through job boards or job search engines, you may find that some agencies are sending you candidates you’ve already found through those resources. Most staffing firms do utilize job boards or professional networking sites on a regular basis. The most renowned and successful firms, however, have their own database of off-market candidates that they use as their primary source for placements. They have an established relationship with those candidates and a good understanding of the hard and soft skills they bring to the table. Because of those well-nurtured relationships, reputable staffing firms also receive referrals from their trusted candidates. These referrals are also not often found on standard job boards, and may need to be recruited from one position into your organization. Having the right recruiter that has those connections will help you gain access to a large group of candidates who are selectively looking for a job, but not posting their resumes. What is your understanding of our company and industry? Some agencies will source for positions in a variety of different industries and titles. Not having a focus or areas of specialty means that an agency is less likely to have an understanding your specific needs and how to fill them properly. A grievance that many employers have with staffing agencies is never hearing back from the agency after they provide them with a job order. The lack of follow up could be due to a heavy volume of business. More likely, it means that they are unable find candidates to fill the position, so they’ve gone silent. A recruiter that is unfamiliar with your industry will often submit the wrong kind of candidates, resulting in wasted time and a longer hiring process. Familiarity with your industry also means that the recruiters filling your jobs have an understanding of the appropriate salary range for those positions. Boolean searches on job search engines today result in a mixture of various designations for similar job titles. A seasoned recruiter can read between the lines to identify the best fit for a job. An agency that has your long-term interests in mind will go to great lengths to understand your company and culture, as well as the industry-specific needs of your company. This understanding will ensure that the agency explains the position and environment accurately to candidates, resulting in better fitting placements. Talk about your candidate screening process. One of the most common grievances that our clients report is that they have used staffing agencies in the past that send them candidates who are not a good fit. By fit, we are referring not only the skills and knowledge to do the job, but also the personality and ability to interact with others in your organization. A good candidate screening process begins with an initial phone screen, followed by an in-person meeting. If a staffing firm has clients and candidates all over the country, it is more likely that they will submit candidates without ever having met them in person, which can lead to candidates that are a poor fit for your organization. A thorough background check, while not always required by clients, is a very reliable way for employers to verify claims made by jobseekers. According to Statistic Brain, more than 50% of all resumes contain falsified information. A fabrication made by a candidate during the hiring process is grounds to question the candidate’s honesty and integrity. A comprehensive background check including criminal history, salary history, education and past positions should be offered by the agency with which you choose to partner. Does your firm support confidential searches? Staffing agencies often receive job orders from companies that, for various reasons, may require a confidential search. The organization may be attempting to build a pipeline to replace someone who will be let go in the future. Companies go through mergers and acquisitions often that demand a confidential search. When a client’s name can’t be disclosed, the agency will need to employ the skills of experienced recruiters that have the skills to attract a candidate to a position without the benefit of the client’s name and reputation to assist them. Even if a recruiter knows a candidate would be perfect for a particular position, that recruiter must be adept at providing valid reasons why a career move would benefit the candidate. In some situations, there is a great deal at stake if a confidential search is disclosed by an inexperienced recruiter. Besides jeopardizing the reputation of your organization, it could result in legal ramifications as well. Confidential searches can certainly be challenging to present to a candidate, but the right staffing firm can package your organization and the position so that top talent will understand, appreciate and value the opportunity. While most businesses do not think to ask the question, one of the most important measures of a recruiting agency’s success is their time to fill a position. The average time to fill a position in today’s market has been quoted as high as 68 days. An experienced firm knows the importance of measuring their efficacy in the market and has procedures and systems in place to benchmark their results. Besides being a qualifying factor for an agency, this figure can have very practical application when you have a position that you need to fill in a specified amount of time. You should also ask the agency how many placements they have made in their tenure. Any seasoned recruiter or veteran agency uses some type of Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and can generate reports on their stats. The metrics provided by the firm should be in alignment with the needs of your company. Why should we work with you and not someone else? While choosing the right firm is important, pairing with the right recruiter within that firm is even more vital. Veteran recruiters build their own brand in the industry and will have forged longstanding relationships with candidates based on trust, mentorship and honest recruiting. If a recruiter has not been in the industry long, they are not as likely to have forged those relationships. You are essentially interviewing this individual to represent your company. You should ask a potential recruiter how long they have worked in the industry, and ask them to describe a difficult placement experience. By employing a more behavioral interviewing style with a prospective recruiter, you will gain insight into how they interact with candidates and how they will represent your company. A recruiter’s effectiveness at communicating with their candidate base is a huge determining factor in their ability to build relationships. Very well-respected firms may employ recruiters who are not as seasoned; and very reputable recruiters may work for firms that have bad reputations in the market. The recruiter as an individual is the key to connecting your organization with top talent, so make sure you have a good understanding of their abilities and experience. Conducting research about a potential agency is a necessary and crucial part of beginning your staffing industry partnership. Take advantage of the wealth of resources that are available online, and ask for referrals from trusted colleagues. Be sure that your partner agency is a member of The American Staffing Association (ASA). As a condition of membership, agencies are required to adhere to business practices, ethics codes and legal procedures that are in the best interests of the staffing services industry, its clients, and its employees.
With hundreds of thousands of tracks from thousands of artists, Jamendo is easily one of the biggest repositories of free music on the web. You won’t find all of your favorite artists here, but the site’s streamlined user interface makes it great for browsing and finding talented new musicians. Instead of browsing by genre, you peruse tracks by popularity, most downloaded, most played, or by latest release. Popularity is based on user ratings, so despite the massive amount of tracks on the site, you don’t have to spend a lot of time searching before you find stuff that pleases your ears. To be sure, the site’s penchant for lesser-known artists and experimental tracking make it more suited for someone with an open mind than people who know exactly what they want.
The world according to the U.S. Supreme Court 'Spending large sums of money in connection with elections... Does not give rise to quid pro quo corruption.' -McCutchen v Rec Man: Hi I'm a billionaire. Here is a large sum of money for which I expect nothing in return. Rat: I could not give you anything in return, as that would be quid pro quo corruption. Man: Of course. As an aside, sir, there is a bill before you now that I am very much against. Rat: I see. I will consider your position without regard to the limitless sums you can now hand out. Next. Man 2: Hello, sir, I'm Joe nobody. I have no cash to give you, but I would really like you to vote for the bill that is before you now. Rat: I see. Well, I will give your position the exact same consideration I will give the man who just singlehandedly funded my entire campaign. Man 2: Thank you, honest congressman. Rat: Thank you, valued constituent. That settled, they all rode away on unicorns to Candyland. Pig: So money doesn't influence anyone! Rat: Nope. Now have a gumdrop from the gumdrop tree.
Marshall Islands has a total of 17 holidays in 2019. In the table below, you will find the details of the holidays and when they are observed. All the information display below is also available via our API as well as downaloadble as a csv or json file. Signup here to get started.
As a key strategy of the recent $1B reinvention of Westfield Century City in Los Angeles, URW developed and invested in 18,000 square feet of event-ready outdoor spaces equipped with state-of-the-art infrastructure to support a wide array of programming. The venues opened in October of 2017 and have already hosted over 300 days of event activity with globally recognized clients and partners including Premieres, Concerts, Dinners, Speaking Engagements, Pop-Up Shops, Experiential Ticketed Programs and large-scale Brand Activations. We’re looking for a passionate sales leader with a distinguished track record of selling and booking world class event venues to join our events team at Westfield Century City. The Director of Event Sales is responsible for driving revenues for the event venue through 3rd Party event bookings. This individual develops the sales strategy and manages the implementation of the plan in order to achieve the revenue goals set forth by URW. Working closely with the Event Production Team at Westfield Century City, the Director of Event Sales collaborates with a team of cross-functional individuals to meet sales goals through the delivery of high quality entertainment experiences for our consumers. The position is based at Westfield Century City. · Moderate physical activity. Required to push, pull or lift medium weights. Uncomfortable working positions such as stooping, crouching and bending. Exposure to outdoor weather conditions.
Have you ever wished you could speak Italian? Have you dreamed of chatting with a friendly shop owner in Rome, taking a cooking course in Florence or quietly listening to the musings of a Venetian gondolier, spoken in his native tongue? Perhaps you’re an ethnic Italian who has grown up elsewhere and has been thinking about researching the history of your family. Maybe you’re connected to an Italian expatriate community and would like to be able to communicate better with native speakers. Many students of the language simply want access to the depth and breadth of Italian literature, theatre and music. If you’d like to pick up a second language but are not sure which one to focus on, learning to speak Italian is a fine choice. Knowing the language will make it possible to communicate freely with the native speakers that you come into contact with in your family, your social life and your business dealings. It is also the language of music and art, and it will give you access to a deeper and richer understanding of Western culture. As Latin’s direct descendant, the modern language of Rome is the most typical Romance language. Once you learn to speak it, it will be much easier to learn French, Spanish or Portuguese, and you may find that you can already communicate with native speakers of those languages to some extent. Those who can speak Italian also have an advantage when they are confronted with medical and scientific terminology, musical notation and all of the naming and classification systems that are still based on Latin. Knowing Italian makes it easier to communicate with professionals in a number of different fields and to understand many types of specialized concepts and systems. Italy is a country of almost indescribable beauty and culture. Having the ability to speak the language will open up Italy to you in a way that you could never experience as a non-speaker. Imagine confidently breaking away from the beaten path and exploring the countryside by car, or even by bus. You could stop in a picturesque town and chat with residents at the local trattoria. You might take shelter from a storm at a small guest-house and spend the evening talking with the proprietors over wonderful local wine and cheese. Think about how exciting it would be to explore the real, living neighborhoods of Italy’s ancient cities rather than being confined to pre-packaged tourist areas. You will be able to shop and eat where the natives do without worrying about your ability to communicate. Be a visitor rather than a tourist. Become a more sophisticated musician or music lover. Connect with your heritage. You can learn to speak Italian online easily and inexpensively at Babbel.com. The fully interactive courses will help you to understand, read, write and speak Italian. Each lesson only takes about 10 minutes and includes a speech recognition feature to help you improve your pronunciation. Because all your progress is saved in the cloud, you can learn on your computer, tablet and smartphone and easily pick up where you left off; fit language learning to your pace and your schedule. Babbel.com makes learning to speak a new language a pleasure rather than a chore.
Beautiful Medium Length Hairstyles With Bangs – Medium length hair is suits all long that can make you turn head without having to spend hours in front of a mirror. Get ready to make the change by choosing the latest mid-length haircuts with bangs. Medium length haircut is the new keyword as far as trends go, the haircuts because they are suitable for everyone and they are easy to style, creating a perfect balance between flexibility and maintenance. Medium length haircuts look stunning especially if paired with a set of stylish bangs, which not only make the best of a person’s facial features, but also add a little twist to the ordinary display. Long haircuts with bangs Medium look amazing and can certainly bring a different air to look at You, regardless of your natural hair texture. This season, medium length haircuts are all about nature, easy texture that promote low maintenance and requires a minimum amount of products and tools. Layers are really the perfect choice if you are in love with your hair volume, because they help to remove some of the weight of the hair, allow hair to receive more texture. Medium layered haircuts, either soft or wavy, can be paired with side sweeping bangs styles, as well as blunt or asymmetrical cut bangs long or short, the results allow you to get a unique look. Add a little texture through midi You with product support and sweeping bangs You volumizing sideways to see the slums or channeling your inner diva on the outside with going straight or curly.
The queue function on the website is the estimated time before a slot is available to search for tickets, based on the length of time patrons at the front of the queue are taking to complete their transaction. At the beginning of the onsale, patrons have spent only a minute or so on their transaction, even if it's incomplete, and therefore the average wait time is very low. As patrons take the usual four or five minutes to complete transactions, the wait time will go up as the number of people in the queue ahead of you is multiplied by the time to complete transactions. Obviously, as you get closer to the front of the queue, the time will typically drop but may vary. Once you reach the front of the queue, the system will look for tickets for you. There is, however, no guarantee that patrons in front of you in the queue may not have exhausted the allocation. Please don't be concerned about variations in the wait time, this is part of the normal functioning of the website and doesn't affect your place in that queue.
Our Santa glasses feature metal frames and neutral lenses, so that you can look even more like Father Christmas! Do you usually wear corrective glasses that don’t really suit the Santa image? No worries, all you need to do is put corrective lenses into our Santa glasses – then you’ll be able to see properly while also looking the part. The glasses come with a hard case to make sure they don’t suffer any accidental damage (although the case’s appearance may differ from that in the photo, we guarantee that the case will be hard and lined on the inside).
Check out Marlboro’s newest giveaway (over 185,000 in prizes total). They have called this their Full Time Adventure Sweepstakes and Instant Win Game. Since this is an instant win game, you can play each and every day through the end of the giveaway on 10/8/17. You will need to be at least 21 years old to create an account with them since they are a tobacco company. Check out the big list of prizes available below. Get SMS updates with the newest freebies. Text Follow FreebiesIYM to 40404. No Twitter account required for the updates. Please keep in mind that the offer site is not owned or operated by Freebies In Your Mail. the best way to do so is on our (Facebook Page).
I heard an interview on the radio last week where they were identifying the difficulties inherent in job hunting. One of the issues they raised was how much this exercise costs. A recent study undertaken by UCT says it costs on average, R550-00 per month to actively seek employment in South Africa. Having worked in the recruitment and training industry for most of my career, I have come to appreciate the challenges experienced by those seeking employment. This, however, is the first time I’ve heard the financial aspect quantified and it made me sit up in my seat - that’s a lot of money to many people, expended without any guarantee of success. In a country where most people are living month to month, many of whom rely on grants or pensions as a sole source of income, the cost of job seeking can be prohibitive. Everyone involved in the recruitment process needs to be aware of the stresses related to being unemployed in an employer’s market and adapt processes wherever possible. Any suggestions? Having said this, I have read a number of posts on LinkedIn where consultants report giving candidates money to cover travel costs. In one post, the recruitment agency had clubbed together to buy a suitable outfit for the applicant. I was blown away. This truly is Ubuntu at its best. It’s simply not sustainable though. 1. The candidate needs to have a CV which is both comprehensive and professional. For many of us, this is easily done. But consider those who haven’t had the benefit of work experience, don’t have access to mentors or people who can assist in compiling this vital document. In addition to this, many fellow South Africans don’t have access to computers and/or Wifi. They have to pay to use computers at internet cafes. 2. Access to the internet is essential in order to find out what positions are available: an ongoing cost. 3. In order to get to the internet cafes, they incur travel costs there and back. 4. Once the CV is compiled, it has to be printed off because many companies want original copies: paper and printing – a further cost. 5. Travelling around to drop off original CV’s – extremely costly and time consuming. 6. Attending the initial interview is often just one step in the process. Usually there are second or third interviews: more travel costs and time. 7. Those who are only contactable by cell phone need to ensure they have minutes and data on their phones in order to make and receive calls/messages. 8. For students in particular, they have to buy suitable outfits so as to project the right image. 9. If the job seeker is working as a temp somewhere, they don’t get paid when they’re off and can even lose their temp positions – a sole source of income. 10. English is the language of business. We know that. Now consider for a moment how difficult it is to compile a readable document, cover letter and handle an interview in your second or third language. Many people are forced to pay consultancies to do this for them. These are just a few of the hurdles faced by people to whom R550-00 a month could mean the difference between having food on the table and going hungry. All these combine to render job seeking a formidable exercise. What is six plus ten?
We bring East Lansing the news. All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre is pleased to present two fantastic shows back-to-back…Rumpelstiltskin and Twelve Dancing Princesses. These beloved children’s tales come to life on stage with more than 50 youth from the mid-Michigan area. First up is Rumpelstiltskin. A witch tells Rumpelstiltskin that in order to become the most powerful force in the kingdom, he must possess a child of royal birth. He cooks up a scheme to get the kingdom to believe the miller’s daughter can weave straw into gold which will help their impoverished kingdom….you know the rest of the story. After a brief intermission, the show resumes with Twelve Dancing Princesses. This fun story involves a king, twelve dancing princesses, ten princes, a young soldier and an evil prime minister who is plotting to take over the kingdom. Show dates/times are February 8 and 15 at 7 p.m.; February 9 and 16 at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.; and February 10 and 17 at 3 p.m. All shows will take place at the East Lansing Hannah Community Center, 819 Abbot Road. Tickets are $10 for adults and $7 for youth. To purchase tickets in advance, call (517) 333-2580, ext. 0 or stop in and see us. All-of-us Express Children’s Theatre (AECT) offers young people of all backgrounds, cultures and lifestyles the opportunity to produce professional quality plays, study many aspects of the dramatic arts and develop valuable life skills while providing outstanding entertainment to the community. AECT brings four major productions to the Greater Lansing community each year with the help of hundreds of youth from throughout the region. Ask ELi: What's the Deal with Cole Academy? There are multiple ways you can help ELi's vital local reporting continue: learn how. AECT and Riverwalk Theatres present "The Wizard of Oz" This news is brought to you by our financial supporters!
This is the easiest way to create that killer stag do your best mate deserves. Just answer the questions as they appear below and watch your weekend build with instant prices. If you need questions answering or want to know how many activities you can do in the day etc. Just get in touch; give us a call or bang us an email. We are here to help you get it right!
Pricing guarantees are tricky. Even with a traditional arrangement (locked-in brand discounts and dispensing fees) you still have to account for generic pricing and aggregated guarantees often can’t be calculated until the end of the year. Measuring generic effective rates in the middle of a pricing term is difficult, too, and your PBM may argue that any sign of underperformance is not a cause for concern because the term is incomplete. So can you prevent or recoup discount underperformances? Yes. Let’s start with prevention, assuming all parties involved would rather avoid issues then correct them. Monitor pricing performance regularly. Request that your PBM or PBM consultant run quarterly analyses. Your PBM may push back, arguing that incomplete data means nothing. Don’t believe it. Regular reports are helpful and provide insight into how your plan is performing. If an early analysis shows poor results, you and your PBM now know what’s ahead of you for the rest of the contract term. Performance always vary month to month, however, if performance is significantly below the guarantee, you can leverage the PBM to make improvement for the rest of the year. Consistent attention is your best tool to influence outcomes and as a vendor, your PBM should be working hard to meet your needs. Negotiate interest penalties. Interest penalties have become more common over the last six months. When a PBM performs poorly, dollars that belong to your plan and your members, stay in the PBM’s pocket. Eventually, PBMs pay these dollars back, typically long after the claims have been paid for by the plan and members. In the meantime, you’re providing your PBM an interest-free loan. Interest penalties and payments encourage PBMs to actually perform to their contractual guarantees instead of underperforming and reconciling in the future. Perform regular audits. If your PBM isn’t providing performance results often enough to meet your needs or if the results consistently come up short, you need to engage a PBM auditor. While audits require a financial investment and other resources, they are guaranteed to grab your PBM’s attention. Audits are collaborative processes and quite often result in recoverable shortfalls. Finally, audits provide a sentinel effect: a PBM may be more detailed when calculating your shortfall knowing that your auditor is double-checking the math. Re-negotiate terms with purpose and clarity. Renegotiating isn’t quick or easy and may not do much for your current pricing term. However, it is well worth the investment and is your best bet for protecting future performances. Tight, uncompromising, detailed definitions bind your PBM to a higher performance standard and don’t allow wiggle room for misinterpretation. In every case, a well-executed contract is always your best protection. You can proactively negotiate reporting requirements, penalties and auditing rights that put you in control of your PBM’s performance and provide a means to recover lost dollars. Talk with your PBM consultant before your next renewal or market check. Lynn Stauffer, audit lead at The Burchfield Group, specializes in Medicare compliance. For more information, call us at 800-778-1359 or send a note to http://www.burchfieldgroup.com/contact/. Copyright © 2014: The Burchfield Group. All rights reserved. No part of the content contained herein may be transmitted, redistributed, copied, stored, downloaded, abstracted, disseminated, circulated or included as part of any other service or product. For all permissions, please contact chanson-ehlinger@burchfieldgroup.com.
Texas Tech has announced four finalists for the open position of provost and senior vice president. Each finalist will participate in an open forum where participants can learn about them and ask questions. � Lawrence Schovanec, interim provost and senior vice president at Tech. Schovanec's open forum is set for 4 to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, in Room 169 of the Human Sciences building. � Michael O'Brien, dean of the College of Arts & Science at the University of Missouri. O'Brien's open forum will be 2:30 to 4 p.m., Thursday, Dec. 5, in Room 169 of the Human Sciences building. � Diane Chase, executive vice provost for academic affairs at the University of Central Florida. Chase's open forum will be announced next week. � Kimberly Andrews Espy, vice president for research & innovation and dean of the graduate school at the University of Oregon. Espy's open forum will be announced next week.
android-discuss, R cannot be resolved! noticed that there is no R.java in the project. What is I did wrong? I can't speak specifically for Eclipse. However, R.java is generated as part of the Android project build process. If you haven't compiled the project yet, R.java probably does not exist. 2. Have you tried building them outside of Eclipse? 1. How to use AUDIO_SERVICE ? What have i doing wrong ? Barusan main ke droidappz ternyata dah ada yg ngumpulin apk-nya ADC2 App Winner! 4. Is there any posibility to know the size of the video file? 5. Can I protect the usage of my own Platform Java API using signatures or similar protection?
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My Bank still does non-borrowing spouse Reverse Mortgages, but I don't understand why you'd need one. Is your wife under 62? She is under 62. She is also my 4th wife and understands my home is to be left to my kids. The non-borrowing spouse can refinance the reverse mortgage into a normal conventional loan loan after your death and pay it off on time. She can file an affidavit of heirship and get the property transferred in her name or in the name of the children. hi my husband and i have a reverse morgage, his name only because of my age. he has passed away and i have been in my house for 20 years what do i do now i dont have 96,000.00 to pay off this loan.and i dont want to move. You can refinance the mortgage to add your name to the loan if you are 62 years or more of age. This will help you save the property and you will also be able to live in it. I have a reverse mortgage on a property that is owned solely by me. Can I add my spouse to the deed as joint tenant with right of survivorship? You can add your spouse to the deed only if you he or she is 62 or more years of age.
Real Madrid is possibly the most world renowned football club. On 11 December 2000, at its annual gala, FIFA granted the title of team of the 20th century to Real Madrid. The FIFA magazine readers voted this club founded in 1902 on a massive scale, leaving far behind others historical such as Manchester United and Bayern Munich. The Madrid is not the oldest football in the world club, or even Spain (that honor belongs to Recreativo de Huelva) and has no Stadium with greater capacity, or the largest number of partners. But, by any part of the world, the mere mention of those two words, Real Madrid, is enough: there is no person who knows anything of football who are not familiar with that name. Some resemble Di Stefano and to Puskas, who played in Madrid Almighty from the 1950s, or to BUTRAGUEnO, Michel, Hugo Sanchez and the rest of the fifth in the 80s or even to some of today’s stars such as Raul, Ronaldo, Figo, Zidane and Roberto Carlos. All of them have defended the coat of arms of the club which has caused greater impression in the world of football. But they are not only players, both past and present, that make the great institution that is Real Madrid. Triumphs in Spain and Europe, make the club trophy room the most prestigious in the world. Real Madrid has won more European cups, the European club competition for excellence, than any other team. And in the League, he has no equal. Much of all these triumphs are due to the vision of one man. In 1943, Don Santiago Bernabeu became the tenth President of Real Madrid, which did not leave until 1975.
You’re looking for a property in Dyrring and you’re not sure of its state? It’s a huge amount of coin and you don’t want to make a mistake. Now that’s settled, how do you find a good building inspection business in Dyrring 2330? That's how how you find a good building inspection business in Dyrring 2330?
Nobel laureate Bob Solow pronounced 30 years ago that “you can see the computer age everywhere but in the productivity statistics”. At the start of the 1980s, the world entered the digital age. Fax machines transformed communications. The introduction of personal computers made high-powered computing available to all. But it took time to work out how to make best use of these major changes in technology. In the 1980s, output per worker in the US grew by only 1.4 per cent a year. But between 1995 and 2005, this had accelerated to 2.1 per cent. We are on the cusp of another acceleration in productivity growth, due to artificial intelligence (AI). Even the mention of AI strikes fear into many hearts. Surely this will cause massive job losses? That is one way to boost productivity, but it’s hardly desirable. In fact, to date most of the applications of AI in companies have not replaced workers. Rather, they have supplemented what employees do, enabling them to be more productive. Two recent pieces in the Harvard Business Review provide firm evidence for this. Satya Ramswamy found that the most common use of AI and data analytics was in back-office functions, particularly IT, finance and accounting, where the processes were already at least partly automated. Thomas H Davenport and Rajeev Ronanki came to the same conclusion in a detailed survey of 152 companies. AI was used, for example, to read contracts or to extract information from emails to update customer contact information or changes to orders. Developments within the techniques of AI itself suggest that practical applications of the concept are about to spread much more widely. There was a surge of research interest in AI in the 1980s and 1990s. It did not lead to much. Essentially, in this phase of development, people tried to get machines to think like humans. If you wanted a translation, for example, your algorithm had to try to learn spelling, the correct use of grammar, and so on. But this proved too hard. The real breakthrough was through the 2000s. Researchers realised that algorithms were much better than humans at one particular task: namely, matching patterns. To develop a good translator, you give the machine some documents in English, say, and the same ones translated into French. The algorithm learns how to match the patterns. It does not know any grammar. It does not even know that it is “reading” English and French. So at one level, it is stupid, not intelligent. But it exceptionally good at matching up the patterns. In the jargon, this is “supervised machine learning”. At the same time, a new study in the MIT Technology Review shows that purely scientific advances in this field are slowing down markedly. In other words, in the space of a single decade, this has become a mature analytical technology – one that can be used with confidence in practical applications, in the knowledge that it is unlikely to be made obsolete by new developments. Productivity looks set to boom in the 2020s.
Although it sounds so cliché, let’s admit it, college is a critical phase in our lives. It marks the start of your transition into adulthood. You may have more freedom to do what you want, but a bigger responsibility is expected from you in return. But hey, college is not that scary. Check out these tips to make your college life a fun and exciting one. Finding people you can easily jive with can beat your homesickness. Eventually, these friends will become a family whom you can share your frustrations and experiences. Being nice to everyone too can help you not get into trouble. Remember, you are on your own now. If high school teachers do most of the work for you, college is the total opposite. Most of the time, assignments and exams are just posted on bulletin boards. No one will remind you of your due projects. Keeping a planner or downloading an app to keep track of your deadlines would definitely come in handy. There will be times when you will be tempted to skip class. No matter how good you think your excuse is, drag yourself to class. Do not depend on the learning materials handed out. You can always get something vital when you listen to lectures. More importantly, you can ask questions if some things confuse you. Your professors will also remember you. Addicted to Facebook or Instagram? That’ll only get worse when you enter college. Control your habits; else they will control you. Keep track of your time. Stick to your study plans. You won’t be graded by stalking and browsing through your friends’ profiles. They can’t also give you answers to your exams. While most students just aim to pass, strive to excel. This is actually good training for you once you get out to the real world. If you are used to working hard and achieving your goals, failures won’t easily get you discouraged. Keep in mind that college is not just about academics. You also need to socialize with other people. You can join some orgs that interest you. Also, don’t forget to go out and reward yourself now and then. You can watch a movie, head to the spa, go on shopping, or any activity that can de-stress you. Find time to relax and stay healthy. Love is a gamble while studying. It can either inspire or distract you. You may or may not end up with your college sweetheart. Sure, you can cry a bucket for a day or two, but get up and finish what you started. Do not let your relationships get in your way of success. Besides, if the person really loves you, he or she will be willing to wait. True love waits as they say.
How to locate advice you can trust. Credit counseling is a fine idea. The government thinks so highly of it that the law now requires you to get credit counseling within six months of filing for bankruptcy. Trouble is, the field has more than its share of shady operators who charge hidden fees, misrepresent their nonprofit status and offer questionable advice. Now a new source can steer you to a reputable counselor. The U.S. Trustee's office vets credit-counseling agencies and lists 132 approved firms in the Credit Counseling & Debtor Education section of its Web site. You'll find contact information and Web addresses, plus you can see if a firm does business in person, over the phone or online. Look for fees of $50 or less (sessions limited to budgeting generally cost less than $20). A counselor meets with you for 60 to 90 minutes, reviews your financial situation and offers budgeting advice. Avoid agencies that press you to enter a debt-management program, under which you give your bills and payments to the agency, which in turn pays your creditors and negotiates debt relief, if necessary. Some agencies focus on this arrangement because creditors pay them to sign up consumers.
You probably have a lot of feelings about the holiday season. Maybe you love Christmas and all that comes with it, or maybe you celebrate Hanukkah and look forward to it every year. No matter what holiday you celebrate or how much you look forward to it, the truth is that the holiday season can be a time of stress and anxiety. Whether you’re throwing your first holiday dinner or your twentieth, there are a few ways to survive the holidays while still having a great time celebrating with your friends and relatives. Perhaps the most important way to survive the holidays is to create a plan. What meal will you prepare for your celebration? What ingredients will you need? Who do you need to buy presents for? Who is allergic to peanuts? Which relatives don’t like dogs? Write down everything you need to do and know in order to have a successful celebration. The more organized you are, the easier it will be to plan the perfect holiday dinner. Consider investing in a new planner or calendar solely to arrange information for your party. If you need to shop, don’t wait until the day before your holiday dinner to do it. If you wait until the last minute to shop, you run the risk of not being able to find everything you need. Buy as many ingredients, presents, and decorations as soon as reasonably possible. This will save you stress and anxiety in the days leading up to the holiday since you’ll already having your shopping out of the way. Worried Aunt Mildred is going to start a political argument with Uncle David again? Avoid family conflict and survive the holidays by arranging neutral activities that everyone can enjoy. You could have board games available for everyone to play, plan a scavenger hunt, or even suggest a rowdy game of charades. No matter what your family likes to do, planning at least a few activities will give everyone something to look forward to once the meal is over. Planned activities will also reduce the chances of family arguments since your relatives will be too busy having fun to fight. Being a party planner is a huge responsibility, but you don’t have to shoulder the burden alone. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed to ask for help when you need it. Consider asking a few relatives to help you wash the dishes after the meal, requesting that each guest bring a side dish, or even having the kids help clean up the wrapping paper. There is nothing wrong with asking other people to help. Most of your friends and relatives will be glad to pitch it and help you out. If you find yourself in the midst of the celebration and you feel overwhelmed, remember to take a moment for yourself and use healthy coping mechanisms. There is nothing wrong with stepping out for a minute and taking a deep breath, listening to a relaxing song, or even resting for a few minutes. Remind yourself that this is a special event and try to think positive thoughts. Instead of focusing on any negativity during the celebration, try to remember all of the great things you experienced during the party. Celebrating with your family should be a wonderful event, but some anxiety is normal. Take a few minutes for yourself and then rejoin the group. Chances are that you’ll feel more rested, relaxed, and ready to have fun. Morningside Recovery is a leader in the fields of mental health and drug addiction treatment. If you or a loved one are struggling with heroin addiction and need help, please don’t hesitate to call. You may reach us at 855-631-2135.Our helpline is open 24/7 and our treatment specialists will assist you in finding the right treatment option for you.
If you have diabetes, you’ll want to plan ahead before any major dental work. Talk with your doctor and dentist before the visit about the best way to take care of your blood glucose during dental work. You may be taking a diabetes medicine that can cause low blood glucose, also called hypoglycemia. If you take insulin or other diabetes medicines, take them and eat as usual before visiting the dentist. You may need to bring your diabetes medicines and food with you to the dentist’s office. You may need to postpone any non-emergency dental work if your blood glucose is not under control. If you feel nervous about visiting the dentist, tell your dentist and the staff about your feelings. Your dentist can adapt the treatment to your needs.
The program is designed for children from 18 months to 3 years of age. A young children develop trust in themselves in the beginning of the first year of their life. As they interact with the environment, they learn to move out into the world. Through their own effort, they learn to touch and grasp and understand the things they have been looking at and longing to reach. With the loving and understanding of adults and older children, this exposure to an environment that meets their changing needs, helps the children learn that they are capable, that their choices are wise that they are indeed a fine person. You can find out more about the Toddler Program here and the daily routine here.
Police are on the scene of a double stabbing that took place on Wednesday night in Essex. At about 8 p.m., authorities responded to the 300 block of Homberg Avenue. At the scene, paramedics found two victims who required medical attention. Police have one male suspect in custody. There has been no update on the victims’ conditions.
Jasarat (روزنامہ جسارت) is an Urdu Daily newspaper in Pakistan. It is circulated all over Pakistan with offices in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad. It is very popular among Pakistani people due to its fast and accurated daily news in urdu language. The newspaper has been published in Karachi since 1970. The newspaper reflects views of Jamat-e-Islami, a religious political party in Pakistan. Jasarat is the first online Newspaper in Urdu language. It means jasarat is pioneer in the field of online urdu news.
Does Donald Trump take Justin Trudeau seriously? Embarrassing Donald Trump, who takes everything personally and angers easily is not wise. Justin Trudeau’s announcement after Trump left the recent G7 meeting that Canada won’t be pushed around created unintended consequences for himself and our country. Trump tweeted to the world that Justin Trudeau is “dishonest” and “weak”. Ouch. Although the PM’s approval rating did go up at home, he inadvertently raised the stakes in negotiations that are critical to our economy and tens of thousand of jobs, and triggered a renewed threat from the mercurial Trump to put a 25% tariffs on cars made in Canada. Apparently no one ever told the PM that if you are in high-stakes poker game and you don’t know who the mark at the table is, it’s you. A read of the 1987 bestseller attributed to Trump “The Art of the Deal” would help, particularly #2 of Trump’s 11 steps to a winning deal — Protect the downside and the upside will take care of itself. The downside in this case is the demise of Canada’s auto industry, which supports half a million jobs across Canada, 5000 thousand of which are well paid jobs at Ford’s Oakville Assembly Plant. Ninety percent of the Ford autos made there are sold in the U.S. If 25% tariffs are introduced Ford workers would face immediate cutbacks. But let’s be candid. The issue is not only the message. Trump cabinet members could not have missed the photos of Canada’s Prime Minister boxing at Bronx gym in the middle of a work day, or posing at an international conference in New York in his Wookie socks the same day half million Rohingya Muslim refugees were fleeing violence, or his six-day family costume vacation in India, where a convicted terrorist was invited to an official Canadian reception. Selfies, silly socks and photo-bombing are supposed to impress? These are dangerous economic times. Tens of thousand of jobs in Canada are on the line, and we face a recession if auto tariffs are introduced. Yet Justin Trudeau has taken 16 personal days off work since January. If our Prime Minister doesn’t take his job seriously, why would the U.S President and his cabinet? You never get a second chance to make a first impression. With Trudeau and trade deals it’s not just the message. It’s the messenger. Next ›Terence fighting the Liberals for transparency in drug data!
Welcome to My Personal Galleries! Create your own Galleries choosing works of art and objects from Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums Collections. In order to access the secure area you must have prior authorisation. Have a browse through our online Collections to find your favourites. When you get an idea of what kind of Gallery you want to create come back to this Log In page where you can create an account. When you've created your account, you can go to the collections page and find the objects you want to add. If you have found what you want to add, click on the image, this will take you to the works of art and objects page which features lots of information, i.e. Artists name, details about the work and when it was acquired. When the page is open you will see 'Add to Gallery' at the top of the page, click on this and then select the Gallery you have created. The images will go into your Gallery. Your Gallery will come to us for checking before it being added to the website, just to make sure it has suitable content.
While I have been writing stories since I could hold a pencil, I am by no means an expert on writing. (Just ask my poor editor.) But I have picked up a few things over the years that might help new writers on their publication journey. The tips below are based sometimes on experience, other times on logic or a personal philosophy, and entirely my own opinion. If you’re really serious about being a writer, consider a writing course (one where you have a tutor who will personally critique your work and help you improve), and read Stephen King’s On Writing. Read, read, and read some more. Reading will not only teach you what does work, it will teach you what doesn‘t. Ask yourself, what kind of books do you like to read? Why? Can you build that experience into your own stories? Set goals to practice your writing. You could aim to write a little every day, even if it’s just a half-page entry in a journal, or pick a daily subject to inspire a few creative sentences. If every day is unmanageable, try once a week, or even once a month – just keep in mind that the more often you do it, the better you will become. Writing improves writing. You don’t become a master scuba instructor by taking a dip in the local pool every six months. If you’re serious about your goals, you need to be serious about the amount of effort you put in to achieve them. Write what you would enjoy reading. If you’re writing a chapter that’s making your eyelids droop, don’t expect your readers to get excited. Every scene in your book must carry its weight and move the story forward. If it doesn’t, ditch it. Know where you’re going before you start. All rules are made to be broken, but you will save yourself a lot of headaches (read: re-writes), if you nut out the beginning, middle AND ending of your book before you go diving into your first draft. Some argue that the most creative stories come from sitting down without a plan and letting the words flow. To me, that sounds like a great way to START a book and then NEVER FINISH IT. The first seven chapters would be spectacular, with a crafty plot and colourful characters bursting off the page amid non-stop action surpassed only by the surprise twist at every corner… until you realise that nothing is making any sense and the ending of your book is going to be either a) completely predictable or b) so very UNpredictable that no one will be able to take it seriously. It is much easier to weave your foreshadowing, your red herrings and clues and sub-plots, into your book, if you know what they all mean and what they are eventually pointing to. The author leads the story that leads the reader. If you leave it up to the story to do the leading, there’s a good chance everyone is going to get lost. Do your homework. There’s nothing more embarrassing than someone pointing out a very obvious mistake in your book because you were too lazy to check your facts. Adverbs have a sneaky way of sounding great when you write them down, but they are the quicksand of the written word, bogging down your writing and sucking your readers into reading the words, and not the story. Show, don’t tell. This one is a common editing phrase. Sometimes it’s easier to pump out essential story information in long chunks of prose, or just say ‘and then this happened…’. Sometimes, it’s even appropriate. More often than not, however, readers want to SEE your character DOING these things, step by step and through your character’s own eyes, rather than muddle through something that reads more like a historical essay. While it might be more convenient to fill us in about Jane’s divorce backstory / the origin of the magic sword / why the town pumpkins are evil in a quick couple of sentences, readers are much more inclined to care about what’s going on if they feel Jane’s pain, if they witness the origin of the magic sword, if they experience the reaction of the townspeople versus the Radioactive Mutant Fanged Pumpkin Clan. Let your characters shine with dialogue. Dialogue is a great tool to bring your characters to life without lumping your reader with a list of adjectives. In David and the Heart of Aurasius, we know Counsellor Asheigal is a rotten bully, not because I use those words, but because he sneers instead of speaks, and what he does say is never very nice. We know that Zandar and Thebes are a Monte Carlo short of a packet because of their language, and the dim-witted things they say. On the subject of dialogue, new writers often seem to go out of their way to avoid using the word ‘said’. There is nothing wrong with the word ‘said’, so please don’t feel the need to replace all uses of it with verbs like ‘replied’, ‘commented’, ‘stated’, ‘questioned’, ‘cried’, ‘pointed out’, ‘exclaimed’, etc… Of course, all of these variations are fine IF they are adding new information to the sentence, and the flow is natural. Unless you are adding something new, your reader barely looks at the word ‘said’ anyway. Open a book and try it yourself … most likely you are only taking notice of who is doing the saying so you can get on with the story, not the word ‘said’ at all. The best way to never finish a book is to criticise your writing even as it’s flowing from the tip of your pen. Your inner editor is telling you ‘that line is wrong, that’s a bad choice of words, why are you using adverbs? You’re not ALLOWED to use adverbs’. Stop for a moment. Take a breath, sit your inner editor down and tell them, it’s not their turn yet. There is nothing to edit, if nothing gets written. It doesn’t matter if the first draft is rubbish, the point is to get it down in the first place. The science behind this is simple. The right side of your brain manages creativity, intuition, emotion and connections. The left side rules by logic, analyses facts, and provides criticism to help us make decisions. Which side do you think should be behind the steering wheel during a first draft? The one that wants to stop and start 50 times to check that all the directions are exactly in place before proceeding? Or the side that can provide sudden hits of inspiration and lead you down the wonderful garden path of your own imagination? Those golden nuggets of amazing prose and dialogue we find ourselves writing sometimes; albeit, too rarely; those hit-the-nail-on-the-head phrases that seem so right and so natural, ALWAYS come when the right side of the brain is dominant and our inner-creator is dancing around the limitless fields of our mind with a big fat paintbrush, pulling all the levers and pushing all the buttons. The left side of your brain will get its chance to fix up the paint splatters later. Until then, accept the mess and keep going. Get your writing read. Enter short story competitions, write for magazines and e-zines, and build up your writing biography. Publishers almost always ask for a biography with manuscript submissions, and your writing credits will suggest to potential publishers that you take your career as a writer seriously. Not only that, it’s a great boost to your confidence when someone else believes you can write, and this in turn will encourage you to write more often, which can only do good things for your craft.
US license plates starting FM8R. In the United States recorded a lot of cars and people often need help in finding the license plate. These site is made to help such people. On this page, six-digit license plates starting with FM8R. You have chosen the first four characters FM8R, now you have to choose 1 more characters.
Jivana Yoga is appropriate for all level of practitioners. Kristin was a senior yoga teacher at Rasa Yoga Center.She was on our regular schedule and was also an integral part of our 200 hour teacher training program. The easiest way to express my feelings is to simply say, “Kristin is the real deal”. She lives her yoga… she is one of the deepest and most dedicated teacher I have experienced. Her devotion to her practice and her teaching is the most beautiful expression of the true philosophy of yoga. She is at the same time, the most humble person I know and one of the most gifted… a rare combination. Whomever she teaches is receiving a gift beyond anything I could write here. Our students miss her dearly… our studio/town has a space now that no one else can quite fill in the same way. I’m not sure I can do justice regarding what it’s meant to me to be Kristin’s student. After many years practicing with a number of wonderful teachers, it was through Kristin’s guidance that I started to really develop my practice and take it to another, more serious level. Kristin is an excellent teacher of physical asana, and helped me develop and refine that aspect of my practice. But more importantly, she taught me what yoga is, why we practice it and what is and what isn’t quite so important in yoga and in life. I hold Kristin in the highest regard, and will carry her many teachings within me for the rest of my life.
An actor system that is not part of the cluster can communicate with actors somewhere in the cluster via this ClusterClientClusterClient. The client can of course be part of another cluster. It only needs to know the location of one (or more) nodes to use as initial contact points. It will establish a connection to a ClusterReceptionistClusterReceptionist somewhere in the cluster. It will monitor the connection to the receptionist and establish a new connection if the link goes down. When looking for a new receptionist it uses fresh contact points retrieved from previous establishment, or periodically refreshed contacts, i.e. not necessarily the initial contact points. The receptionist is supposed to be started on all nodes, or all nodes with specified role, in the cluster. The receptionist can be started with the ClusterClientReceptionistClusterClientReceptionist extension or as an ordinary actor. "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % "2.5.11"
An incredible approach to begin is to end up a land specialist. He will be best qualified to discover you your optimal private spot, coddled your inclination. Verify before you contract an operator that he is recorded in a guaranteed lodging org and not a fraudster. In Singapore, he must be an individual from the Institute of Estate Agents. You should simply determine precisely what kind of property you envision yourself living in. The specialists will try his hardest to discover you a place that meets the larger part of needs on your rundown, so be as particular as possible. Consider a couple of interchange choices and some adaptability on the off chance that the spot you picture does not exist. Case in point, your fantasy house may in a perfect world have an expert room and an astonishing kitchen. The specialists may wind up revealing to you one with the recent however not the previous. Then again, you may look for a flat that doesn’t have a typical room and a brilliant perspective from your window. The specialists may place one that has both, yet a dynamite veranda on top of everything. Set yourself up to trade off for such consequences. He may reveal to you something you never knew you needed, however, observe that you do. Anyway, don’t permit yourself to escape. To keep yourself from going over-plan on the grounds that you are cleared away by the excellence of a house that has such a variety of things you don’t even need, make a rundown of your fundamental needs first. Here are a few components you ought to think seriously about. 1. Location is critical. You ought to intend to discover a house that is inside sensible separation from your school or work environment or the venues of your other day by day exercises. Else, you will end up spending excessively on transportation costs. Additionally, it ought not to be too a long way from shopping territories, banks, supermarkets, and different spots you will need to visit incidentally. 2. The extent of the house is critical. Will one be living alone, or with the entire crew? This will decide what number of rooms you require. 3. In the event that you are into games, you may need to lease an apartment suite that has sports conveniences. If you do not find one, you could discover a place that is close to a games and entertainment complex. When you and your specialists have picked the house, the time it now, time to take care of business. Some of these may be liable to arrangement. On the off chance that you are leasing an HDB level, you need to sit tight for approbation from the HDB Branch Office before you are permitted to sublet it. At last, when you are fulfilled by your decision and all the arrangements have been marked, you can begin pressing up your things. Your Singapore rent experience can at long last start.
The UNCITRAL National Coordination Committee for Australia (UNCCA), established in 2013, is the first of its kind globally. Since that time UNCITRAL now has NCCs in India and Japan, with the prospect of more to follow. In recognition of our on-going commitment to UNCITRAL, Australia was re-elected as a member of UNCITRAL in 2015, an outcome strongly supported by UNCCA. Australian lawyers and academics have much to offer the development of harmonized trade laws in our region and globally, and UNCCA now provides the vehicle for anyone who is interested in one of the nine key UNCITRAL areas to join us and make a contribution. If you would like to get involved with UNCCA, please let us know, and we will try to find opportunities for you that are commensurate with your skills, interests and availability. You will be in good company, with a group of talented and motivated colleagues from the practicing profession, academia and the government. By being involved you will greatly enhance your knowledge, awareness of global trade law issues and broaden your networks.
Slingshot Championship - play your role in the championship shootout from slingshots. Almost everyone played in applications where a sports bow was allocated for you, and then you just had to shoot accurately on different targets. Now you will be handed the most usual slingshot and will be asked to do all the same - to hit the target. Try to aim as accurately as possible, and do not neglect the weather conditions. If you take into account all factors, then you can earn the maximum number of points with your performances and leave all opponents behind. In this case, there will be 3 leading modes available: a career that will take place in 10 locations, a mode with limited time, and more battles in real time. The mechanics of the application are the same in all 3 modes, only the circumstances in which you will have to change, and the complexity that grows little by little, change. Still much will depend on the slingshot, which can be changed, pumped or buy fresh and more powerful shells. The task of the game will be to earn more points than your opponent.
It's one inch white face provides a sharp contrast with its bold, black hands for people with low vision, but the talking function makes it easy to tell what time it is, even in low light or in the dark. For those who simply want to tell the time, without extra buttons and fuss, the one button style is simple to use. The single exposed button announces the time in a clear male voice and provides voice feedback for easy setting, and the setting buttons are recessed to avoid accidental resetting.
Veterans Day is a federal holiday, but this year, many banks and credit unions will be open for business. Created to honor men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces, the holiday is observed annually on November 11. However, because the 11th falls on a Saturday in 2017, most government offices and schools will be closed on Friday, November 10. What does that mean for banks? Will they be closed both Friday and Saturday? Here’s the latest scoop on Veterans Day banking hours. Keep in mind, if your bank is closed, most major banks have mobile apps that allow you to check your balance, pay bills, and transfer funds. And if you need cash, make sure you use an ATM that is associated with your bank so you don’t have to pay a hefty fee to withdraw some holiday weekend cash. The Federal Reserve Bank will be closed on Veterans Day, but some banks have opted to stay open on Friday and/or Saturday. While some financial institutions may open for limited holiday hours, others, including TD Bank, will be open regular business hours on Friday and Saturday. According to the Holiday Schedule, in addition to TD Bank, many other major banks will also stay open during regular business hours on Friday, including Bank of America, Citibank, Chase, Capital One, Citizens, HBSC, PNC, Santander, SunTrust, US Bank, and Wells Fargo. On Saturday, it’s going to be hit or miss with bank hours. Many banks are open limited hours on weekends, but most will be closed to observe the Veterans Day holiday on Saturday, November 11. Branch offices for some banks located in retail stores and supermarkets may be open, but it’s important to call ahead to confirm hours at the branch office near you. To add to the confusion about what’s open and what’s closed, federal offices — including the IRS, Social Security, federal courthouses, the DMV/RMV, and local social services and food stamp offices — will be closed on Friday, November 10 in observance of the Veterans Day holiday. However, the U.S. Postal Service will be open on Friday and closed on Saturday. Although banks and government offices will be closed on either Friday or Saturday, rest assured that retail stores and restaurants will be open throughout the three-day weekend. According to a previous report by the Inquisitr, numerous restaurants will be offering free meals for veterans and active duty military this weekend to honor the brave men and women who have served, or are currently serving, in the U.S. Armed Forces.
This is a placeholder page for William Luther, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find William Luther. You are visiting the placeholder page for William Luther. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for William Luther. We created this page automatically in hopes William Luther would find it. If you are not William Luther, but are an alumni of South Hagerstown High School, register on this site for free now.
she's too pretty for words! ^ I know! I am so jealous of her, shes so beautiful! I like that she's got a solid head on her shoulders and she isn't arrogant or showy. Loved her in Star Wars. I am a huge Indiana Jones fan, I have been waiting for this new movie for what feels like 5 years already. it has been in talk FOREVER, any new news is good news!!! she's beautiful and intelligent, what a combination. I love her at the end of the movie "Closer"...she must be way more stunning IRL , the guys were giving her second,third look. It was shot in the crowded street. She can look pretty when bald. I don't think I can! she looks really gorgeous here. can't wait for my issue to arrive! i'm def picking that up when it hits the stands.
Hillary’s culpability and her flouting of the law now seem clear. But that leaves one more shoe to drop: Will Attorney General Loretta Lynch indict the Democrats’ presumptive presidential nominee? If she doesn’t, she’ll need a good excuse why.
The 6th essential to optimal health and wellness is to remove chemical stress. Our bodies are constantly bombarded with toxins from the food we eat, the air we breathe, household cleaners, personal care products etc. In order for us to achieve optimal health and to get the greatest benefit from our weekly spinal re-engineering adjustments we must remove these toxins. Of course we want to limit the intake of toxins by eating right and using better products, but it is impossible to avoid 100% of them. That’s why we recommend doing the Maximized Living daily detox or the Standard Process 21 day cleanse twice a year.
Niyc began her career as a personal trainer. She would push herself really hard. The income wasn’t great, but she was doing something she really loved. Niyc got to a point where she felt stuck while working, going to school, and going back to work at night. That came at a detriment to her health and she felt like a victim. She was playing small because she gave struggle the strength. Last June, Niyc had taken two months off from her business to write her book. She had savings in the bank and was launching an online group program at the end of that two-month gap. She knew it was going to be a success because she worked so hard on it for 6 months with her assistant. When Niyc launched the program, she had a grand total of one sale. Real panic and fear started to set in. She got one or two more sales as weeks went on. Niyc was on the other side of the world, sold her car, and moved out of her apartment. She was faced with the prospect of getting a job and leaving entrepreneurship behind. Niyc decided she needed to stay true to what she talked to her community and clients about. Never abandon yourself. Always back yourself and always believe in yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, then nobody else is going to believe in you. Strength and Love is her leadership style. Niyc leads from a loving heart with joy and inspiration. As a leader she wants to create an atmosphere that is supportive. Niyc is in the editing process of her book Now is Your Chance. She is working on a TV Series, Niyc TV or Happiness TV, still in creation at the moment. Niyc’s morning mindset ritual is what gets her ready in the morning. By building a strong body and strong mind you are able to go out there and seize the day and be a powerful strong leader that is coming from the right place. Niyc would tell herself no matter what happens along the way that it is always going to work out all right.