But secondly, hopefully, the photographs will demonstrate how lives, aspirations and simple pleasures are the same the globe more than. Dorothea Lange, and other Farm Safety Administration photographers in the Depression, had been assigned to document the effects of the Depression. Personally, I am considerably influenced by Severin Koller and locate his function really inspiring. Landis is fairly active on Instagram and has shared more than 1,300 photographs and is one more of the most followed photographers on Instagram.
U.S. Political Forum: Rioting is crime. Protesting is not. Big difference.
I am safe and sound in Amman, and I am currently writing in the AMIDEAST lounge. Everything is settling in nicely. This new sense of peace as I’m getting used to Amman is very welcome, as actually getting to the country was an extremely hectic experience. I flew with two friends of mine who are studying in the program with me, and pretty much everything that could have gone wrong with our flights did go wrong. After a cancelled flight to Toronto, three delays to Frankfurt, and a missed flight to Amman, I started to think that maybe this was a bad sign. However, we were lucky to have each other and made it to Amman only a couple hours later than originally expected. It felt great to have my friends by my side, and while we sat in the airport waiting to be taken to our hotel, it felt right to be there. Even though the trip to Amman was rough, I am not going to let my experience in Amman be a reflection of that. It hurt to hear comments like that, and I will admit that it scared me a little. But I made sure to remind myself of why I wanted to study abroad in the MENA region in the first place; I don’t want my fear to hold me back from seeing the world and all its wonders. The view from the top of the Roman Amphitheater. Photo Credit: Samantha Manno, Spring 2018. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in studying the world and the different cultures that occupy it. Language has always fascinated me and I view it as the portal to understanding different ideas, values, and people. I entered my freshman year determined to learn a new language, but I didn’t want to take a European or western language. Being American, I see that the western world influences so many things, not necessarily just international relations and politics, but media and music. I have lived my whole life within this extremely influential sphere, but it is not the only one I want to know. Chinese and Japanese appeared too daunting so I chose Arabic, a language that I knew nothing about. As you can guess, this decision changed my life. Since I am a religious studies major, I am driven by justice and a strong sense of morality. These motivations have specifically attracted me to Jordan, and the MENA region as a whole, due to its religious history and reality and its quantity of refugees. Studying in the MENA region is so valuable to me because I get to live in a country most people know little about, or are too afraid to explore due to its representation in the Western media and the fear of the unknown. View of Amman from the Citadel. Photo Credit: Samantha Manno, Spring 2018.
The fit is regular with a mid waist that is slightly higher at the back so they sit comfortably when squatting down or carrying a backpack with a hipbelt. There is a knife pocket on the right-hand leg, hand pockets and back pockets with buttons. Reinforced brace zones allow easy attachment of braces.
Hi, My name is Afshar, I was born and raised in Ghalat village, a beautiful old village near Shiraz, Iran. There is a lot to see here that I would like to show you, I'll write about the sights of my hometown in this weblog., looking forward to seeing you in Ghalat very soon! How to take a TAXI in IRAN? Where can Find conglomerate rock in Iran?
I have a child of a MDI container and I don't want the user to be able to close it, or maximize, or minimize it. But I do want the user to be able to resize it and drag it around and will. So I want to get rid of the close, minimize and maximize buttons but retain the blue strip. Where "this" is some form, you may find yourself with a control lacking a blue strip to move the form around! The solution to this problem is to enter some text in the text field. And that seems to be how it's done. Of course there are other ways override the message handler or using PInvoke (yes I tried Google before working this out for myself) but you really don't need to. You can always add a delegate to listen for the FormClosing event.
Should You Maintain, Restore, or Modify your Classic Car? The new Lincoln Continental has got to be the best looking classic car that's being brought back. Suicide doors and everything! Classic Cars stored in forest since WWII.
Mr. Craig has served as a regional director of Brooksby Village and Linden Ponds since 2007. During that tenure he has served on the Executive Committee and the Audit Committee of both communities, and has served as Chairman of the Regional Budget and Finance Committee of both communities, as well as the Long Range Strategic Planning Committee and the Maple Grove Development Committee at Brooksby Village. Mr. Craig has also served on the NSC Budget and Finance Committee and is currently a member of the NSC Investment and Treasury Committee as well as the Communications and Strategic Planning Committees. In addition, Mr. Craig has been employed full time as the chief financial officer for SMV Management Company since December of 2009. SMV Management Company is responsible for the oversight of approximately 200 skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, and long-term acute care hospitals that are located in 22 states and owned by a small group of private investors. Mr. Craig previously worked as CFO for a small, family-owned health care provider in Massachusetts and as VP of finance for Harborside Healthcare Corporation. Reverend Wildman is Director Living in Community for Linden Ponds. An ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, he congregates in four regions of the country. For twenty years, he was Senior Pastor for Rock Spring Congregational UCC, Arlington, VA. In retirement, Mr. Wildman was called to serve as Interim Conference Minister for the Connecticut Conference, UCC. He was a Trustee of Chicago Theological Seminary. He has extensive experience in non-profit leadership, including the United Way of the National Capitol Area Board of Directors. Professional life has taken him to Columbia, SA, the Middle East, Egypt, Japan, South Korea and Australia. He holds degrees from Yale University School of Divinity and Lake Forest College, and special studies at Menninger Psychiatric Institute, Indiana School of Philanthropy, Hartford Seminary Foundation among others. He and Anne Dunn Wildman have been married for 52 years with two children and one grandchild.
Come mountain bike the world class hand built trails of Bootleg Canyon and see the other side of Las Vegas. High above the desert ground rise jagged peaks of molten lava uplifted over thousands of years ago that now provide spectacular views and hand carved singletrack. Built for BIKES, these trails have a unique and predictable flow and are designated human power only. Human power only means you will be riding trails that are only accessible by hiking or mountain biking, no motorized vehicle traffic or horses to compete with. An abundant amount of trails provide beginner and expert trails for all ability levels. Commonly spotted wildlife include; Coyotes, Desert Tortoise, Tarantulas, Whiptail Lizards, Owls, Crows and the Great Basin Big Horn Sheep.
Before disaster strikes, talk with friends and relatives who live both inside and outside your immediate area about a reciprocal emergency plan. Make arrangements for them to obtain your pets if you should never return home. Or, if you are faced with a temporary disaster, the other party would be able to house your pets until you are on your feet again, and vice versa. Attach id tags to your pets. Be sure to include the name and phone number of a friend or family member that is outside of your area. You may also want to consider having your pets microchipped. If you are in the military, make arrangements in advance for friends or family to care for your pets incase you are deployed. Draft a written contract outlining the arrangement and cover important issues such as what will happen to your pet should your caretaker no longer be able to keep it and what will happen if you're unable to reclaim your pet. A list of various hotels that accept pets. If you have advance warning, as in the case of a hurricane, make reservations and plans to leave as early as possible. If you wait, hotels could be booked. Again, collect all these supplies and information ahead of time. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you can assemble necessary items at the time of a crisis.
Getting in shape is a dreadful, tiresome, and challenging task. You will have to watch out what you eat and work out for losing weight and staying active. However, the internet is full of tips for weight loss, but not every tip is effective. Since the reliability of the tips cannot be authenticated, it is hard to decide which tips are worth trying. This is the reason why many people end up following tips that are not helpful and making mistakes. Don’t worry, we are here to help you. In this post, we have listed the most common mistakes made by people trying to get in shape. Have a look! Do you know any fitness fanatic who is trying fad diets? I didn’t think so. This is because fit people bring a change in their eating habits and lifestyle rather than trying different diets. To help you embrace healthy eating, you need to learn to listen to your body. By answering questions like what food keeps you full or what makes you feel good or what keeps you energized during workouts, you can know what works for you. Hence, if you want to maintain your fitness level, then you should not try every diet. There is a very little chance that there is a person who refuses to take a bite of chocolate and be okay with it. Since nobody is perfect, people can’t eat perfectly all the time. In order to stay healthy and fit, you need a little cheat in a meal. This doesn’t mean that your every meal should be a cheat. It is best to decide a day when you are allowed to cheat in your meals. The reason you need a cheat day is that you will not go crazy and won’t feel bitter about your health. This will ensure you will not have to feel guilty about having a cookie or a chocolate. So, once in a while treat yourself with all the things you are missing out. You just have to keep in mind not to make it a habit as you will end up wasting all your hard work. There are many people who believe that in order to get in shape, you need to focus on how often you work out. Though you need to exercise, getting 7 to 8 hours sleep is necessary. When you get enough sleep, you will get the energy you require to work out on daily basis. This is useful for regulating your metabolism, give your athletic performance a boost, and repairs your muscles. So, by getting 8 hours sleep you can stay fit and healthy. In the end, if you want to have a balanced diet and stay fit, HCG diet is a great choice. There is a debate going on whether the HCG diet is effective for weight loss or not. The following review will help provide information whether HCG diet works or not. If you want to have fitness tips, Fitnessator is the right choice.
In simple terms, solar panels in Paige, TX are designed so that photons from the sun knock free electrons attached to atoms. Some of the freed electrons will move to the top of the cell. They then flow into metal conductor plates placed on either side of the panel. Electrons then flow back into the cell to complete the closed loop. What Are the Benefits of Solar Panels in Paige, TX? That is only a few them. Let's take a closer look at these benefits. The cost of solar energy is one of the biggest reasons why people either want or don't want to use the panels. On one hand, solar panels cost a bit to install. Costs have become significantly cheaper over the years, but it still requires that initial investment that some people just can't justify. On the other hand, it means never paying for electricity again (if the house in Paige, TX is completely dependent on a solar power systems) or at least lowering the electric bill dramatically. Why Wait For Your Paige, Texas Solar Panel Installation? Don't wait to be the last person taking advantage of having solar power installed. in Paige, TX Even if you don't go completely off the grid, having solar panel installers installing a few solar panels around the home can save you money and lessen your impact on the environment. Deciding to go solar is something many Americans are doing these days. Renewable energy is good for the environment and it is beneficial to your budget. The money you will save and the return on your investment in solar panel installation in Paige, Texas will be significant. We look forward to being your choice for installation and offer you many benefits including our expertise and services. We are solar panel installers certified by the most respected solar organization around. We will also help you with the paperwork you need to prepare for submission to your utility. After the installation in Paige, Texas is complete, you can be sure we will monitor it to make sure it is working perfectly. We are as invested in this as you are and will make sure your system provides you with the power and energy your whole house or company needs. Call us today.
Introducing Allsportsblok, a new line of skincare products by Arizona Sun. Discover a brand new way to protect your skin against the sun by the people who know the sun. Our SPF45 Sunscreen Spray dries in seconds and provides a quick and even coverage, and is a great barrier against a broad spectrum of UVA/UVB and rays that cause both skin aging and burning. Our SPF15 Lip balm protects your lips and keep them moist while enjoying your favorite activity. Allsportsblok is made in the US and available at all major retailers as well as online.
The food equipment industry counts on Elasto Proxy for safe, sanitary seals that comply with food contact requirements and meet the operating conditions of kitchen equipment. For over 20 years, we have designed, manufactured, and installed replacement seals for mixing vats and beverage tanks at food processing facilities. custom door seals for restaurant ovens. Elasto Proxy uses rubber compounds that have been approved by leading organizations such as the National Sanitary Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). By working closely with you and listening to all of your needs, our solutions providers can recommend food-grade compound that meets the precise pressure, temperature, and sanitary requirements for your food equipment. Food equipment suppliers trust Elasto Proxy to design products that will keep kitchen employees safe. For example, if you manufacture refrigerators and tabletops, you know that there are sharp edges on stainless steel surfaces. That’s why Elasto Proxy provides protective components such as silicone profiles that will help keep your food equipment as safe as it is effective. Keeping your supply chain safe is important, too. With warehouses in Canada and the United States, Elasto Proxy can inventory your products and ship them on-demand or according to your schedule. So whether your company manufactures mixers, builds refrigerators or ovens, or uses the food service equipment for making tasty treats, you can count on us to keep value, quality, and service on the menu.
Railway ticket booking software is a category of software that is designed mainly to help in booking railway tickets. There is a railway ticket booking software is developed in a way such that, clients can make the ticket bookings themselves. Some railway ticket booking software can allow the travelers to book for railway tickets at whichever place they might be while others require you to be helped to make the booking at the railway station. They are developed by some software developers that are experts in coming up with them. There is a railway ticket booking software that is developed and sold while ready to use while others require the owner to specify the qualities that they expect for the software to be developed. The article breaks down the tips to picking the best railway ticket booking software. Consider the ease of use of the railway ticket booking software. Ensure that the railway ticket booking software offers easy features of booking for the tickets. Some clients like to make the booking on their own. Make sure that the railway ticket booking software you wish to buy offers all the functionalities to the user so that they will be able to book the tickets. However, the railway ticket booking software should also be interactive to the employees that work at the railway station to help other clients to book for their tickets. Choose the railway ticket booking software that contains easy navigations for the customer to make their bookings. Make sure that the railway ticket booking software you wish to purchase is easy for the customers to get help from concerning the bookings. Ensure that you choose a railway ticket booking software that all people that have booked for tickets can be able to request for help from concerning the ticket booking. Look for railway ticket booking software that can contact the customers in cases like reminding them about the departure of the train or informing them to make full payment. Choose a railway ticket booking software that can be used to communicate to the customers in different ways including texting them via the email or phone. Ask about how much it will cost for you to get the railway ticket booking software. It is essential that you choose a railway ticket booking software that has prices that are convenient for you. Only purchase the type of railway ticket booking software that will help in meeting the requirements that it has been designed for. You will find out that software developers have different costs for their railway ticket booking software.
B&H Impetus asked: Brighton & Hove City Council has had to make £24m cuts this year, with the same planned for the next three years. These are predominantly coming out of Adult Social Care as other areas are protected. We are experiencing a double impact of reduction in funding but increase in demand because of cuts to public services – how will Labour stop damaging cuts that impact unfairly and disproportionately on the most vulnerable people? Peter: A Labour government will repay the debt but take longer to do so, and it will not be at the expense of vulnerable people. The local Labour party has pledged to protect budgets to the voluntary sector. This means grants, but they will prioritise saving budgets and contracts to the voluntary sector.
Nature lovers this is your tour; Feel and touch the nature of our beautiful tropical island up close. You will hike on the small trails through the idyllic Dominican countryside with breathtaking views of the hills, palm trees, green meadows, small streams and abundant tropical flowers. Let the water of this hidden waterfall cascade on you, it is ice cold and crystal clear for a totally refreshing natural experience. Afterward, you will go to a rustic eco-lodge, off the beaten tourist path. A place immersed in nature with a spectacular ocean view from 1000 ft above sea level, ideal to relax. Enjoy a very special Mediterranean style creative lunch with a chilled glass of white wine.
Sugar Mummy – A beautiful lady in London is interested in a man for a long-term relationship. This 57 years old lady in London, England, Uk is single but has 3 grown up kids and granddaughters. She is interested in a man of at least 47 years old of either White or Mixed race-ethnicity. She does not smoke but doesn’t care if you do, though she agrees to drink socially. This lady who is a graduate with a Bachelors degree is only willing to relocate within London, so she is only interested in people around London or those who intend to move to London someday.
We have spaces available in our after-school sports clubs, which run on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. These clubs cost £4 per session. These clubs are run by our fantastic PE coaches, Mr Samuels, Mr Sow and Mr Xavier. We are running free taster sessions this week (week commencing 20th February) so that everyone can have a chance to try out these clubs, if they wish. If you would like your child to attend one of the taster sessions, please contact Attie on acopemanpapas.306@lgflmail.org or sign up with the School Office. Please note, your child will not be able to attend any clubs (including taster sessions) if you have any debts on your Parent Pay account.
Q. Flying to Brockville from the United States: As a U.S. citizen, must I bring a passport? A. A passport is the best identification to present at Canada Customs but it's not a requirement to visit Canada. Proof of citizenship through a birth certificate is adequate. Q. I'd like to bring a few gifts in when I come. Is there a limit on their value? A. Gifts are restricted to a value of $60.00 Canadian per recipient. They cannot include alcohol or tobacco products. Should the value be in excess of $60.00 you can expect to pay the regular duties on the excess amount. Q. May I bring along my favourite alcohol or tobacco products? A. The minimum drinking age in Ontario is 19 years. Visitors who are 19 or older may carry up to 40 oz. of wine or liquor or 24 (12 oz) cans or bottles of beer or ale. They may also bring up to 50 cigars or 200 cigarettes. This is what Canadian Customs considers to be a reasonable amount for one's personal use. Q. Wherever we go, we take our family pet, even in the aircraft. Is this a problem? A. Not as long as Spot doesn't bite the officer! One or two domesticated cats or dogs travelling with the owner can be brought into Canada without a permit, provided they are accompanied by a rabies vaccination certificate. Pet food is also permitted. Q. Our daughter wants her best friend to come along. Will Canada Customs object? A. Do not be surprised if Canadian Customs officials talk to the children or ask you questions about them. Keep in mind that they are looking for missing children. Children should have proof of nationality and a letter from their parents that can verify their reason for travelling. Visiting Canada can be a rewarding and enjoyable learning experience for children. Include them in your family holiday to Brockville this summer. Q. Will I be able to bring fire-arms into Canada? A. Every year thousands of American sportsmen travel North to hunt in Canada. They should know in advance that handguns and automatic firearms are restricted weapons in Canada and should be left at home. Canadians are required to carry a Firearms Acquisition Certificate. U.S. visitors should bring along their local equivalent indicating that they are authorized to own a firearm. Q. Every 4th of July we set off fireworks. Can I bring some with me to Canada? (613)995-2388 for the “begin_of_the_skype_highlighting” and “end_of_the_skype_highlighting”. We would also suggest that you buy your fireworks locally from a Canadian retailer. Canadians also enjoy fireworks. In fact, we have a wonderful display during Brockville's annual Riverfest celebration, usually on July 1. Q. Would I have to pay duties? Is it difficult? A. Yes, you would have to pay duties on…? It is simple and straightforward. You can use cash, traveller's cheques or, if you have the proper identification, you can write personal cheques for amounts of $500 or less. VISA and Mastercard are also accepted. Q. How do I arrange for a Canada Customs clearance at the Brockville - 1000 Islands Regional Tackaberry Airport and later re-enter the United States? Travellers on a Canadian or U.S. registered private, company-owned, or small charter aircraft carrying no more than 15 passengers may clear Canadian Customs at Brockville. This notification must be at least one hour prior to, but no more than 72 hours prior to landing in Brockville. The pilot will be asked the names, birthdates, and citizenship of his passengers. After landing at Brockville, the pilot shall make his way to the terminal, a single story, circular building and telephone the same 1-888-CANPASS (226-7277) for “begin_of_the_skype_highlighting” and “end_of_the_skype_highlighting” number. The pilot will either be given a telephone clearance into Canada or told to await the arrival of a Customs officer. Please contact Canada Customs at 1-888-CANPASS begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-888-CANPASS end_of_the_skype_highlighting 2 hours in advance of your arrival to determine if an Officer can meet you at the Airport and what the call out fee will be.
Kate made an appearance at a charity ball last night in aid of SportsAid, one of her charities. SportsAid “helps the next generation of British sports stars by giving them financial support and recognition during the critical early years of their careers.” I must say, Kate really seems to shine when she does any sports-related charity work (and by “work” I of course mean “appearances”). I found one quote from someone Kate talked to very interesting, she said: “I’ve met Kate before during the Olympics, she’s lovely and so interested and supportive of athletes [emphasis KMR].” I truly believe this. I also truly believe this is one of the only things Kate really is interested in. I don’t know why Kate doesn’t focus more of her patron work on sports-related charities. She bullsh-ts around with addiction and bullying* when the only thing Kate has ever showed any actual interest in** is sports. You know, there are so many things she could do if she focused on sports, and helping youths and disabled people through sports. She might actually do sh-t if it involves sports, but then again this is Waity we’re talking about, so maybe not. Kate wore a laser-cut, black Temperley London cocktail dress that originally cost $1385 but was on sale for $554 before selling out (the dress is from fall/winter 2012, I think), Jimmy Choo pumps costing £450 ($775), and her red Alexander McQueen clutch we’ve seen a few times. I don’t mind this dress. For a ball, I would have expected her to wear a floor-length gown, but there are pictures with other people who are also wearing cocktail-length dresses so I don’t think it really mattered. It’s to the knee and appropriate. I actually like the dress. I don’t think it photographs well, especially from far away, but I bet it would be nice in person, and I like the silhouette. I think she should have pulled her hair up, though. It really does get in her face. And she needs to stop f-cking touching it. Speaking of Kate’s hair, she went to the salon since the last time we saw her (the Daily Mail has a whole article about it). Her hair is darker brown, it’s a few inches shorter, and her greys are gone. She also totally has extensions in. For what it’s worth, I like the darker brown, the lighter color she had was too mousy. I do think it’s funny that Kate’s hair is so envied, because, really, anyone could have her hair. All they’d have to do is exactly what she does: get extensions and dye it brown. Oh, and get professional blow outs thrice a week. But then again, if we’re not talking about her hair, there is nothing left to say about her. The fact that she has nothing of substance is evident by the entire article dedicated to her fresh dye job. *Not that charities that help people battle addiction or deal with bullying is bullsh-t, it’s just that Kate doesn’t really show any actual interest in either cause yet seems to be patron of multiple addiction and anti-bullying charities.
Online games are great. Beyblade online games are even more incredible. They have become quite popular, especially with an array of versions available on the internet, it can be fairly challenging to choose. This is exactly why you should play beyblade games at a reputed website in order to ensure that you are deriving maximum fun. Beyblade Games - What Are They? Wondering what type of game beyblade is? Well, the beyblade series include various types of games that use unique style of fighting and strategic skills to become a successful player. You can choose to be any character of your choice while playing a range of beyblade games on our website. There are a multitude of games such as fighting, battles and racing, where you are required to be the strongest or the fastest in order to win that game. Also, there are various beyblade games where several players can enjoy and play all at the same time. However you need to be cautious not to lose your battle because this will earn you points for that game. Beyblade games have taken the entire world of online gaming by storm ever since their origin. These games first originated in Japan. Beyblades involves a series that entails a young beyblader who uses his high speed spinning top within a series of competitions and tournaments. These tops are propelled out of a "launcher" that tends to spin them at an incredibly high speed into an arena along with other competing tops. A top which gets the maximum points will determine the winner. The points are decided by the contacts made by the top during the battle and are also determined by the last top that stands at the end of each match. Beyblades are extremely popular. Ever since different versions were manufactured during the early 2000's, these games have become a preferred choice for online gaming. There are various brands that are being manufactured in order to create new and exciting versions of this spinning top game. These days, young children and adults alike, enjoy playing the Beyblades latest games on the internet. You can choose from a list of the most played or the most recent options. There are several advantages of playing beyblade as compared to the other online games available today. Keep in mind, you can greatly enhance your online gaming skills and strategies for a better play by practicing your play more often. It could take time to master few skills. This is exactly why regular practice will help you to acquire the skills required to succeed at the game of beyblade. Here's a list of the key benefits of indulging in this game over the internet. Few of these games will require speed and being a winner can be a challenging task. However, these challenges will offer greater excitement and more surprises in store. You can access greater challenges by gaining higher obstacles as you proceed with the play. Also, you could opt for an exciting trail and add your level of difficulty by choosing higher levels in these games. There are a whole lot of different types of Beyblade Games available online. All of these exciting beyblade games are awaiting you. You are sure to always get the latest and the best quality games available online. Choose the beyblade game that will fit your desire and enjoy these games like the real thing. Each new challenge will give you enormous excitement since there are several obstacles that need to be faced along the way. You will need to pass through various obstacles before winning the battle or making it to the finish line. You will be able to earn huge points and make yourself a top ranking player in the Beyblade game series. If you are playing these games for the first time, you do not need to worry since this will be the most thrilling game for you. In case you have a fairly versatile skill in playing online games, beyblade games will be really easy for you. If you are looking for ways to enjoy game time with your young children and family, then Beyblade online games are your best bet. Majority families enjoy this safe playing as there are no risks involved that could adversely affect your children's greater peace knowing that your kids are playing safely within the comforts of your own home. The beyblade games is all you will ever need for fun playing to enhance your bond and develop a great relationship with your kids. These games will stimulate your children's intellect as well as strategic thinking abilities. The strategic way of playing as well as winning Beyblades, is fairly simple. It does not require you to put in a lot of efforts. The key to winning it online is to figure out whose Beyblades have the ability to spin the fastest. Also, you can get your entire family to play in teams while each new player takes a turn to see who can get the Beyblades to spin the fastest.
Since 1956 A call away from the best heating and cooling experts in Southern California. Reasons why GreenLeaf is your expert choice. Making sure you feel comfortable and understand what is happening with your systems. Making sure you have the right equipment for your needs. We’ve been serving your area since 1956. We work with trusted names in the business to make it possible for you to upgrade your equipment. Making sure your equipment stays in working condition and at peak performance. Our technicians are trained to handle all problems and get the job done right the first time! Original owner Rollie Dockstader teamed up with KD Miller, a local electrician, and brought an appliance store to Whittier. Douglas Farnik purchased the appliance store. Became a full service air conditioning and heating contractor. Introduced "Greenleaf Signature Series" our own products manufactured to our specifications. In this day and age, homeowners and commercial property owners rightly expect to be able to keep those properties comfortable all year long. It shouldn’t matter how chilly a winter night gets or how blisteringly hot the summer days are. You need to be able to provide a comfortable environment for your family, your workforce, your clientele, and/or yourself. With the help of the professional residential and commercial HVAC technicians on our staff, you can do just that. When Greenleaf Heating & Cooling first started out back in the early 70’s, we had just 3 employees and were mainly selling appliances. In January of 1975 we began offering residential air conditioning services as well as heating services, and we haven’t looked back since. We are now 15 employees strong, offering full residential and commercial HVAC services in Whittier, CA, and the surrounding areas. We fix it right the first time! When the heat of summer is at its peak, you need more than a decent air conditioner. You need a great AC that cools your home as efficiently as it does effectively. Scheduling your air conditioning installation with Greenleaf Heating & Cooling guarantees that your system gets off to a great start. In the winter season, or even on a chilly autumn night, your heater is going to have to step up to the task of heating your home successfully. It can be easy to forget about how important your heater is when summer is in full swing. Ignoring its service needs puts you at risk of discomfort when the temperatures drop, though. Temperature is a key factor in determining your comfort. It is not the only factor, however. The quality of your air is also a major player in your overall comfort, not to mention your health. As you can imagine, heating and cooling a commercial property demands more power than doing so in the average home. Commercial HVAC systems are large, costly, and complex. You need trained professionals with the right type of experience to handle your commercial HVAC services. One of the services we offer that sets us apart from the competition is our comprehensive maintenance program. HVAC systems require routine maintenance in order to function at peak performance and efficiency levels. Our maintenance program makes it easy for you to keep up with the maintenance that your systems need. Ensure that your air conditioner won't break down when you need it.
Some egg farmers are in business to provide people with healthy breakfasts. But at The Virtual Casino, we’re laying way more on the table than just scrambled deliciousness. Enter the Hen House for your chance to catch a golden egg and find yourself enjoying a feast of wealth. You’re in charge of the henhouse and there are tons of opportunities to get rich by finding the right eggs. Enjoy up to 25 free games, two big jackpots, and lots of cash hidden in every nest. But keep your eyes open for the rotten eggs. You’ll want to avoid those at all costs and head straight for the golden ones instead! Hen House is one of the easiest games to play at The Virtual Casino. The hens are busy keeping their eggs warm in this one, so they won’t bother you. Get started by choosing how much you want to bet and how many lines you want to play. Feel free to bet anywhere from $0.01 to $5 per line and from one line through to all 25 lines. Just use the arrows next to the Bet and Lines buttons to adjust your selections. When you’re ready for the hens to lay their eggs, just click the Spin button. The hens will immediately start clucking, the reels will spin, and they’ll come to a stop one by one. You literally don’t have to do anything. If you’ve matched up the right symbols, the game will automatically pay you out credits based on how much you’ve bet. Never farmed eggs before? Don’t sweat it. It’s really easy—and you don’t even have to wake up at the crack of dawn to make sure the hens are doing their thing. Just follow these simple game controls to take charge of the coop. Bet: You don’t need a big nest egg to play Hen House. Just use the arrows next to the Bet button to lower or raise your bet. You can wager anywhere from $0.01 to $5 per line. Lines: hen House is a 25-payline game. You can play all 25 lines, just one, or anywhere in between. Use the arrows next to the Lines button to change your lines selection. Spin: Ready to watch the hens lay their eggs? Just click the Spin button to get the hens to start clucking. Autoplay: Rather let the software do all the work? Turn AutoPlay on and you don’t have to worry about hitting Spin. Ever. The software will do it automatically for you, right after your winning bets have been paid out. You’ll get paid out automatically every time you’ve matched up the right combination of symbols. Some symbols pay out more than others, like the Eggs for example. Hit three or more of those and you’ll get to play a free games feature where up to 25 on-the-hen-house games could be yours. A massive barn full of hens might feel overwhelming at first. It’s a bit chaotic so we totally understand why you might want to decrease your paylines selection. We recommend not to. If you’re short on funds, decrease your bet amount instead. By decreasing the number of lines you like to play, you risk missing out on a winning combination landing on a payline. And that could mean missing a big jackpot. Instead, lower your bet amount. You’ll still get to play all 25 paylines, but it won’t cost you as much, and you won’t miss out on hitting it big. The substitute symbol in Hen House is the Hen. Like many other online slots games, the substitute symbol can replace any other symbol in the game to help you complete a winning payline and come out with a win. However, in Hen House, the Hen symbol can’t sub in for the Egg symbol.
Andrea's Story | Hope Enterprises, Inc. Andrea came to Hope Enterprises three years ago. She was in her late twenties and living with her parents at the time. The staff at Hope thought their Community Supports Program would be the perfect fit for her, and they were right. Amber, Andrea’s Hope companion is also one of her best friends, and one of her sponsors for the Special Olympics. Andrea is a competitive young woman who likes to win, so she competes in several different sports, including bowling, bocce and the 800m with her walker. In addition to participating, she also enjoys going to the Pennsylvania state games at Penn State to watch many of the Special Olympic sports. Swimming is one of her favorites. Aside from her involvement with the Special Olympics, since joining the Community Supports Program, Andrea has moved into her very own apartment in the Trinity House with her gray and white cat, Tom. Trinity House is an independent living facility with 11 apartments. She loves living on her own, especially because she says all of her friends live at the Trinity House, too. Hope was also able to help her prepare for, and find, her full-time job with SunComm Industries, where she packs plastic silverware. Andrea says her job has taught her to stay on task and focus. But her favorite part is earning a paycheck that she’s able to use to spend on some of her favorite things, like going to the movies, shopping and getting her nails done. For every disability, there is a HopeAbility. Andrea was able to gain the HopeAbility of independence through the Hope Community Supports Program.
Prior to 1997, Lee Shau Kee was the fourth richest person in the world. He is also a fourth-born child. There not many people in the world who were born fourth and became multi-billionaires, which has given him the nickname “Uncle Four.” In late 2012, the Bloomberg Billionaires Index put Kee in 19th place amongst the world’s richest people. His personal wealth is estimated to be $19 billion and ranked as the second wealthiest man in Hong Kong after Li Ka Shing. This real estate aficionado is the majority owner of Henderson Land Development, a property conglomerate with interests in properties, hotels, restaurants and internet services. Much of Kee’s wealth has come from investment in Mainland stocks.
All leafy green should be eaten in abundance but spinach is my absolute favourite because it's easy to buy. Is another leafy green beauty that is widely known for its cancer-fighting, cholesterol-lowering antioxidant-rich, detoxifying goodness. The beauty of cucumber is it's water content - 95%. That is phenomenal and you won't find that anywhere else. Is just a must! If you are serious about living with health, energy and vitality. These are good fats that will not make you gain weight. Like cucumber is a favourite because it's alkaline and really high water content. An antioxidant superpower, it is sweet, crunchy and refreshingly delicious. assalamualaikum mia...info yg baik ni..
The NSW government’s power to compulsorily acquire property for major projects has been bolstered by a recent decision of the Court of Appeal, Roads and Maritime Services v Desane Properties Pty Ltd NSWCA 196. The NSW government had announced in 2017 that an area including the property of developer Desane Properties Pty Ltd at 68-72 Lilyfield Road Rozelle (Desane) would be transformed into open space and parkland after the completion of the Rozelle Interchange section of the WestConnex project. Subsequently, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) issued a proposed acquisition notice to Desane in order to start the compulsory acquisition process under the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 (NSW) (the Act). Desane challenged the proposed acquisition notice in the Supreme Court of NSW. Desane contended that the proposed acquisition notice was invalid for its failure to comply with the approved form under the Act, and further that the RMS was motivated by an improper purpose in issuing the notice, being the NSW government’s promise to provide open space and parkland, rather than the construction of the Rozelle Interchange. In the first instance, the Supreme Court found in favour of Desane, finding that the proposed acquisition notice did not comply with the requirements of the Act and was therefore invalid, and further that there was an improper ulterior purpose to the proposed acquisition notice, which would otherwise invalidate it. That decision has now been overturned on appeal, with the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, finding that the proposed acquisition notice issued by the RMS to Desane Properties Pty Ltd in respect of their property at Rozelle was valid. The Court of Appeal held that a failure to comply with the procedural requirements of the Act does not invalidate a proposed acquisition notice and, regardless, th proposed acquisition notice substantially complied with the requirements of the Act. The Court of Appeal further held that the RMS was not motivated by an improper purpose at the time of issuing the proposed acquisition notice because, on the evidence, the property would be used as a site for the construction of the Rozelle Interchange and therefore was a means to an end under a plenary power of the State. The future plans to use the property for parkland and open space following such construction did not derogate from the purpose of using the land as part of the construction site and the fact that the Rozelle Interchange project, much like most major infrastructure projects, may not in fact proceed did not invalidate the legitimacy of the RMS’s purpose in the proposed acquisition. Lastly, there is no requirement that the public purpose of a proposed acquisition be stated in the proposed acquisition notice. Moreover there is no need to identify the specific use with precision at the time of issuing the proposed acquisition notice. In this case, it was enough that the property was intended to be within a parcel of land used as a construction site for the Rozelle Interchange project. This decision gives the NSW government significant leeway in terms of not needing to strictly comply with the procedural requirements of the Act in compulsorily acquiring property for major projects including not needing to specify the public purpose for which a property is being acquired and not needing to be able to identify more than the general public purpose use to which a property is intended to be put. Contact our land and environment team if you have questions about the acquisition of property by a public authority or corporation. You can email us on enquiries@dowsonturco.com.au or call us on 0295193088.
Nothing can ruin pond season faster than pump burn out. When pumps stop working or don’t work properly, your whole pond can be at risk. Below we will explain exactly what pump burn out is and how to prevent it so you can relax and enjoy all season long. The pump is one of the most important pieces of equipment in your pond or fountain, so it’s good to know how to take care of it.
Aidee Navarro was born on June 14, 1992 in Fresno County, California. Her father's last name is Navarro, and her mother's maiden name is Navarro. If Aidee is still alive, she's now years old.
Many conditions may change while you're outdoors that will affect your body temperature. Having the proper clothing will keep you at a comfortable temperature. When we think of changing conditions, we generally think of the weather. As the temperature changes, you have to be concerned about being too warm, or not warm enough. Rain or snow may also move in getting you wet and making trails slippery or slushy. Winds may also change, either due to the weather or your location. The temperature in the sun can be much warmer than that in the shade. You should assume, for any outing, that you may be in and out of the sun, so you should be prepared for both. If you start out for a long hike in the sunshine, where you are warm and dry, you might be tempted to leave your warmer layers behind, but don't be fooled; an extended hike into the woods can cool you off drastically. So can the clouds that weren't in sight when you started your hike. Temperatures and wind can change as you climb up and down the mountains in Montana. Don't forget to plan for a variety of activities while you're outdoors. You may not feel the need for the warmer layers as you hike in the sunshine to your camp or fishing spot, but as you sit around after you're settled in you might not feel so warm.
Although there are many good reasons for you to buy a home, wealth building ranks among the top of the list. We call home ownership the best "accidental investment" most people ever make. But, we believe when it is done right, home ownership becomes an "intentional investment" that lays the foundation for a life of financial security and personal choice. There are solid financial reasons to support your decision to buy a home, and, among these, equity buildup, value appreciation, and tax benefits stand out. The typical real estate transaction involves at least two dozen separate individuals - insurance assessors, mortgage brokers and underwriters, inspectors, appraisers, escrow officers, buyer's agents, seller's agents, bankers, title researchers, and a number of other individuals whose actions and decisions have to be orchestrated in order to perform in harmony and get a home sale closed. It is the responsibility of your real estate agent to expertly coordinate all the professionals involved in your home purchase and to act as the advocate for you and your interests throughout. You may think that shopping for homes starts with jumping in the car and driving all over town. And it's true that hopping in the car to go look is probably the most exciting part of the home-buying process. However, driving around is fun for only so long - if weeks go by without finding what you're looking for, the fun can fade pretty fast. That's why we say that looking for your home begins with carefully assessing your values, wants, and needs, both for the short and long terms. When searching for your dream home, you were just that - a dreamer. Now that you're writing an offer, you need to be a businessperson. You need to approach this process with a cool head and a realistic perspective of your market. The three basic components of an offer are price, terms, and contingencies (or "conditions" in Canada). Closing costs - it's standard for buyers to pay their closing costs, but if you want to roll the costs into the loan, you need to write that into the contract.
Some 3,839 new vehicles were registered in Qatar last month, the Ministry of Development Planning and Statistics said while noting this was 14.1% lower than in the previous month. In June, some 4,471 new vehicles were registered in Qatar. MDPS, in its monthly statistical bulletin, said there was a significant increase in the number of sold properties in July. The number stood at 238, a 76.3% increase compared to June. The bulletin shows a decrease in the total value of sold properties, which has stood at nearly QR1.83bn in July, down 48.8% on the previous month. According to MDPS, Qatar’s population stood at 2.4mn in July, up 6.3% on the same period last year. In July, 2016 the country’s population stood at about 2.3mn. MDPS statistics showed that Qatar recorded a total of 2,205 births in July and as many as 172 deaths in the same month. The total number of registered marriages was 299 in July, while the total number of divorce cases was 63 during the same month. On the beneficiaries of social security, the bulletin put their number at 13,649 in July. The total value of social security reached nearly QR78.3mn in July. With regard to electricity and water consumption, the bulletin said the total electricity utilisation during July was 4,521.8GWh, attaining a monthly increase of 4.6% compared with June. Total water consumption reached 45,304,7000m3 during the same month, registering a monthly decrease of 3.3%. The number of building permits was 629 during July, up 53% on June. A total of 451 traffic cases were recorded during July, resulting in a monthly decrease of 7.4% compared to June. At the same time, as many as 11 deaths in relation to traffic cases were registered last month. MDPS said the total number of visitors to Qatar was 1.57mn in July, the largest number (about 42%) arriving from the GCC countries. Total broad money supply (M2) recorded about QR532bn during July, showing an annual increase of 8.3% compared with the same period in 2016. On the other hand, “cash equivalents” (including deposits) were valued at QR772.5bn in July. This shows an annual increase of 12.8% in comparison with July last year, when it stood at nearly QR685bn.
At Pool Repair Expert, you will get trained and experienced staff who will detects leakages in an effortless manner. The services are offered to undertake various kinds of repairs. Pool pump repair and pool heater repair will be done in an efficient way. Keeping the swimming pool in a hygienic condition will not be a gigantic task when you have access to efficient swimming Pool Repair services. Pool Repair Expert in Correll, MN offers pool liner repair, pool plaster repair, pool leak repair and pool tile repair services as per your needs. You will have access to efficient Pool Repair services in Wyoming through Pool Repair Expert. Modern and safe chemicals are used so that there will not be any risk to your health. The bacteria, algae and fungus will be controlled in an efficient way. There will be strong reactions when these substances are mishandled. Hence, by taking the help of Pool Repair experts, safe practices can be followed. The services offered by us are matchless and it is hard match with any other Pool Repair service provider in Correll, MN. Pool Repair Expert in Correll, MN offers reliable swimming Pool Repairs. If you are not satisfied with the cleaning service, repairs will be done again in the next 24 hours without charging a penny. Swimming Pool Repair should be done by experienced staff. Good understanding about different kinds of structures and repair works is very much important. There will not be any hazards as technicians will be trained to use chemicals in right ways. Pool Repair Expert in Correll, MN will help you undertake Pool Repair services offered by experts. You can go for either annual contract or month-to-month services based on the frequency of usage of the swimming pool. If you cannot identify the issue, you can call us at 800-338-0047 so that the technician will attend to your needs immediately.
Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005 dawned cold and clear as I headed up to the Pecos River high bridge launch site for my paddle to Seminole Canyon and Seminole Cave. I had been planning this for a long time and was really looking forward to seeing the caves again. I launched at 9:02 and headed down the Pecos to the confluence of the Rio Grande, then headed left down the river. Amistad Lake has backed up both rivers so there isnt any flow, just flat water and high canyon walls. I had the river to myself this morning except for some goats high up the canyon wall in a cave and a pair of hawks circling above. The river was calm and clear until I turned the corner and entered the Rio Grande. Here the wind picked up a little and made the first couple of miles pretty chilly as I was in the shade from the high cliffs on the Texas side. However, by 10:30 I was able to shuck the fleece and enjoy the sunshine and warmth. Several miles downriver I was surprised to see a large power line going across into Mexico, but soon saw there were several large houses there. Around the bend I saw a couple of houses on the Texas side. I remember a Mexican rancher tried for years in the 70s to get a line run from the US side, and I guess he finally did. I dont know who owns the houses, but they would make a nice place to stay as they are on a small side canyon. The Texas side of the river is prettier with its many caves and erosion features. The Mexican side is shorter and has no caves at all-both sides are the same rock, so I dont know why. The caves arent caused by river erosion as they are too high above the old river bed-the Mexican side being lower would mean the river would have had to be several miles wide to carve the caves that high up. You can see evidence in many of them of water seeping out leaving stains so I imagine this is how they were formed. Its amazing how much a little seepage can erode the soft limestone pockets (there isnt enough rain to help speed the process)-many of these caves are as big as houses. There are a few that can be accessed by boat and will be explored on another trip. The cliffs are so steep and the original river so far below that few have been inhabited or used as rock shelters. They would still be interesting to explore and take photos from. About a mile down from the confluence of the rivers is Parida Cave on the Texas side. There is a boat dock there and you can access the small kayak landing on the left of the big rock on the left of the ramp. As I had explored this on a previous trip, I didnt even stop. There is a wonderful canyon on the Mexican side of the river that is well worth exploring for its beautiful high walls and incredible erosion features-many look like works of art. There are a couple of canyons on the Mexican side that will require further exploration and two short ones on the Texas side that I did explore and found some interesting caves in them. One would make a great hike out of the canyon and offer a wonderful view of the river. The cave, Pink Cave, would be fun to explore and supposedly has some paintings in it. Since it doesnt have a landing and the water was cold, I didnt get out of the boat to explore it this time. In warmer weather this would be easy to do. Many of the caves that are accessible and would be fun to explore require getting out of the boat and getting wet up to your waist as you scramble up the rock piles. Seminole Cave is one of the best examples of cave art in the US as it is in a large under hang and the dry weather has protected them for thousands of years. There are dozens of paintings along the wall with the Panther being the most famous. The park service has a nice boat dock here as this is the only way to access the paintings-there is no trail to the cave. The cave is fenced off to protect from vandalism, but the mesh is large enough to take photos through and there are several signs explaining the paintings and some history. I remember growing up in Del Rio we used to go up and touch the paintings - this was way before we knew we werent supposed to! It is difficult but not impossible for a kayak to land here. There are two places on either side of the dock where you could get out into the water and then climb up the rock. Since it was still cold and didnt want to get wet, I got under the docks ramp and used it to pull myself up out of my boat onto the steps that go down into the water. That wasnt a pretty site and Im glad no one else was there at the time! Getting back in was a lot easier. After eating lunch, I headed up Seminole Canyon to see if there are any places to camp and found a great place where the water ends. It gets real shallow at a wide flat spot and there is plenty of camping room as well as the canyon to explore. If one could camp here, this trip would be an easy overnighter and allow plenty of time to explore the canyons on the Mexican. As it is, it is a long day trip-it took me 11 minutes shy of 7 hours to complete the 19 mile round trip with a hour stop for lunch at Seminole Cave. I averaged 3.9 mph and was feeling the fast pace by the end of the day. Exploring the side canyons and some of the caves would add a couple more hours to the trip, so spending the night in Seminole Canyon would really make the trip more pleasurable. This is a wonderful and beautiful trip and well worth the effort because of the scenery and the cave paintings. There is plenty of parking at the put-in along with a potty. Theres an incredible view at the put-in of the high bridge and the high canyons. There isnt a potty at Seminole Cave however there are some places to get out of the kayak and answer the call. I will be doing this trip again Memorial Weekend and hope to explore the side canyons. no, unless you are fishihng. The Mexican game wardens are getting strict about fishing w/o a Mexican fishing license.
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One Day Excursion to St. Catherine Monastery from Dahab. The monastery: Situated at the base of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments, St Catherine's Monastery is one of the most famous in the world. Built between 527 and 565 AD, it is believed to be built around Moses' Burning Bush. The Monastery is named after St Catherine who was tortured and beheaded for her Christian beliefs. During your visit you will see chapel Greek Orthodox Church, the icons of worship and the famous Mosaic of Transfiguration. Departure after breakfast from hotel for a 1 1/2 hours drive to one of the oldest monasteries, St. Catherine, which lies between two mountains at a height of 1570 meters. You will visit the Chapel of the Burning Bush, which was built over the tire roots of the Holy Thorne bush, where God spoke to Moses. You can also see the beautiful Byzantine mosaics and enjoy an amazing collection of icons. Driving back, through Dahab for 1 hour, a small city close to the sea shore, where you have the chance to do some shopping.
There Are Hundreds of Practicing Exorcists in the U.S. A recent survey of modern exorcists reveals a surprising lack of drama in the business of casting out demons. This Halloween, just shy of the 40th anniversary of the movie The Exorcist, has seen the novel’s author and the movie’s producer, William Peter Blatty, get an extra dollop of the attention he sees around this holiday. Not that people aren’t already obsessed by the subject—The Exorcist remains, in inflation adjusted box office, the most popular R-rated film ever. At my own Catholic high school, the Christian Brother teachers (yeah, the brandy guys) could be remarkably post-Vatican II flip and modern about most things doctrinal, but they got sober really fast about not messing around with demon-y things. Their sudden seriousness always made me wonder if they knew something. Every once in a while, I still wonder about that. I’m not the only one. Writing last year in The Journal of Christian Ministry, University of Kentucky psychometrician Kenneth D. Royal described his survey of modern American exorcists. Those last three words, outside of Hollywood, might sound like an oxymoron. Beside the odd story about some loony parents whose child dies while the ham-handed cast out demons, surely any instance of demonic possession is just a certain kind of psychological malady, and exorcism just a ridiculous exercise. If somebody’s better after an exorcism, light a candle to Saint Placebo. Plus, garden-variety evil seems to be doing a damned good job without extra-curricular shenanigans. In such cases good communication with priests is recommended, but we are surprised that in 21st century and in Europe, there are still experts and clerics who believe that some types of schizophrenia are due to demonic possession. Our intention was to ask an expert cleric from the Madrid archdiocese to try to convince the patient that her symptoms were due to a mental disorder, in an effort to improve her insight. To our surprise, clerics assumed that the patient's psychotic symptoms were due to a malign presence. In the U.S., exorcism takes on a mostly Christian cast, although evennon-Abrahamic religions recognize the practice. The bias here is probably because culturally we’re mostly Christian and the New Testament is chock full of demons being cast out, usually by Jesus but sometimes by his followers in his name. But there are demons in the Old Testament, too, and in Jesus’ day casting them out was a recognized job in the Jewish community. Professional exorcists also were acknowledged in the early days of the Christian church. Two millennia later, in 1972, Pope Paul VI abolished the minor order of exorcist, but that was more of a human resources reshuffling of roles (porter and catechist also got the papal boot) than a statement that exorcism was passé. Nonetheless, in 1999 the Vatican updated its 300-plus-year-old exorcism regulations and said an allegedly possessed person should be given a thorough medical and psychological exam before phoning the Jesuit hotline. Between talking with Christian leaders, authors of texts on exorcism, and an Internet posting, Royal was able to reach out to 316 (!) American exorcists. Some 170 answered his survey. Fifteen of these 170 took part in an additional personal interview. Most of the larger set were men, most were Protestant (all the big denominations, including the so-called mainline ones, were represented), and most had “set demonized people free” between 11 and 1,000 times. Furthermore, most practicing exorcists (but not Catholic ones) believe that “any mature Christian” has the necessary authority to cast out demons. Nonetheless, fasting, along with being patient and humble, were seen as necessary or at least useful preparations for the casting out. “Satan," One interviewee told Royal, "has no equipment to fight humility.” That might be a useful prescription for fighting any sort of devil these days. Who Wants a Christian America? A look at the results of a recent YouGov survey. The went-to-heaven-and-back genre is more popular than ever, but Biblical scholar N.T. Wright's recent book argues that this cultural conception of heaven has little basis in scripture. We all have rituals for confronting the dark. Here’s what happened when my father met a literal demon. Maybe not, but they should offend most passengers. As the U.S. military today begins allowing gay service members to no longer hide their sexuality, we look at the various academic and empirical studies that surround the issue.
When you arrive at your Walt Disney World resort, you can leave your carry-on bags with Bell Services; we do this all the time! We often arrive from the cold, wintry North, so we leave our winter coats, long pants (hats, gloves, etc.) along with our carry-on items at Bell Services. They'll be happy to give you claim ticket, with the number of items left with them, and you are free to roam the parks without the extra baggage. Upon your return, simply head to Bell Services, hand them your claim ticket and they'll be happy to help bring your belongings to your room. Have a wonderful trip! Be sure to send any additional questions as you think of them! We love to help!
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is one of the specialised agencies of the United Nations. It is responsible for coordinating international cooperation in education, science, culture and communication. and can enjoy full freedom of expression which is the basis of democracy, development and human dignity. The UK government contributes to UNESCO and there is an office in London to support that contribution and bring benefits to the UK. There are UNESCO Sites and Experts around the UK. For example in 2014 the UNESCO UNITWIN Network in Humanitarian Engineering and Computing was established at Coventry University to place cultural diversity and understanding at the heart of engineering and computing education.
Execute the command the first time. This method must be implemented in all derived classes. If the first time execution is exactly identical to an "redo" action, you can simple call performRedo() in the implementation of this method. This method must be implemented in all derived classes.
I am a second year college student in pre-med/biology. What can I do to increase my chances of getting accepted into medical school? The best thing you can do is focus on getting really good grades and scoring as high as possible on the MCAT. In addition look into volunteer/leadership activities to make your application stand out. Schools like to see medical volunteering, but it's more important you do something that you are passionate about. These experiences are really great for finding topics to write a personal statement that will catch the reader's eye.
Why this band has not seen more exposure is completely beyond me. I’m sure there are fans of the band out there, but I have yet to meet one. It amazes me how some bands get record deals and promotion, while Attack isn’t even on the radar screen. If you like Iron Maiden, Gamma Ray, Hammerfall, or ‘Keeper’ era Helloween, this band deserves your attention. I realize those three bands are legends in their own rite. Is Attack really worthy of being compared to those great bands? Absolutely. Attack deliver twelve tracks of epic power metal that will remind you of each of the three above mentioned bands at any given time. The vocals feature a delivery similar to “Land of the Free” era Kai Hansen, but with more range and a richer voice. Rick van Helden’s German accent is quite evident on occasion similar to that of Kai. Above all, Rick has a very melodic voice which only compliments the galloping arrangements on this disc. From start to finish, the guitar riffs are fast and very tight. At times, you feel like you are on the battlefield about to charge into the heat of war with the energy the band creates here. Although the riffs are very fast and intricate, they are also quite melodic, which complemented with Rick’s melodic vocal delivery makes for very catchy songs. Oh, Rick also handles bass guitar duties, and does quite a fine job. He is more than able to keep up with the pounding riffs, keeping the overall sound very well balanced on the low end. If you enjoy dual leads and twin guitar solos, you will not be disappointed as the dual axe attack rips and tears all over this disc, very reminiscent of Iron Maiden at times. Don’t skip the instrumental final track of this disc - you will hear some fantastic guitar work. I have not a single complaint regarding the musicianship on this disc. It is top notch. While the band certainly hits the head on the nail with the straight forward power driven songs, I am also very impressed with the tracks that start off slow, build gradually, then totally blow you away. One standout track, Blind Man sees a calm start with an acoustic guitar in the background, then explodes into a furious riff that doesn’t let up. Death Rider literally rings in with a loud ominous crash of a bell, backed with an equally ominous acoustic guitar ala Metallica’s Fade to Black, then the anticipation grows with the pluck of the acoustic bass, which in turn gives way to the fury of the dual guitars! Yes! This is not only one of the standout tracks on this disc, but one of my favorite all time tracks as well. So, if you enjoy a good dose of double bass, dual leads, twin guitar solos, speedy and intricate riffs, and some great melodies, by all means get this disc! Each of the band members are very talented, but more importantly, the chemistry of the band is dead on. The rhythm section keeps the pace moving along to accommodate the ever present speedy riffs, yet stays very melodic. I am blown away each and every time I listen to this CD.
DIY: It is summer and it is HOT! There are so many ways to keep your pup cool during the hot months of summer, but there is one that your pups would rather you do than just bring them into the AC. SUMMER TREATS! What fur-baby doesn’t like a cold, tasty treat made of their favorite things like apples and broth! All you need is broth, I used chicken broth, but they also LOVE bone broth. And some apples and ice tray! Wash apples and cut them into small pieces. Place apples into ice tray and fill with broth of choice.
I've also decided to find the perfect pastel paper. In the past (many, many years ago) I used the usual Canson Mi-Teinte paper. I thought it was fun for sketching, and giving my paintings a lot of texture. But, being a detail freak (I think I've mentioned this before!), I also enjoyed smooth surfaces to add lots of details. So I followed a friend's advice, and started drawing on framing mats. Afteral, they're acid free, and have a toothy surface, but they are smooth enough for pastels to blend well on them. They're also great for charcoal. I also loved that they were thicker than paper. So I did a few portraits on them and had a blast. The problem was, though, that they didn't hold very many layers of pastels. So I had to adjust my painting style, and I found that the surface held just enough pastels to get the results I wanted. After a hiatus of about 8 years with no pastel work at all, but more art experience, I realized there were so many more choices out there. In a previous post, I showed a new painting done on Clairefontaine Pastelmat. It was a great way to get reacquainted with soft pastels. This support is very soft. It doesn't feel like sand paper to the touch, and yet, can hold many layers of pastels. What I enjoyed the most was that when using pastel pencils, they seemed to blend in as I was applying them, making it unnecessary to use a utensil or my fingers to do the blending. I didn't need to apply very much pastel to get vibrant colors either. So the paper doesn't "eat" pastels or pastel pencils like some others do, and therefore you don't end up with a lot of pastel residue either, which is a very positive aspect of my experiment with Pastelmat paper. I worked on a 4x6" paper, and found it pretty easy to add details with the pastel pencils since I didn't have to worry about the blending. The other side of the paper feels like it's covered with some kind of waterproof coating. I haven't tried it, but it's supposed to be a good paper for underpainting washes. After having so much fun with my sunflowers, it was time to try a new paper. I chose a piece of Art Spectrum Colourfix paper. I've never really tried painting animals with soft pastels, so I thought I'd try that on a 9x12" piece. Colourfix paper comes in many different colors. Actually, so does the Pastelmat, although not quite as many as Colourfix. The surface feels rough, very much like sand paper. It's pretty thick, and is also supposed to take wet underpaintings well. My experience with the Colourfix paper is very different than with the Pastelmat. Because of the rougher surface, I do have to blend the pastels with my fingers. I tried with a few different tools, like a stump, and a rubber blender, but it tends to take some of the colors off, and make them look faded. I tried a cotton swab, but since the paper is so toothy, it kind of ripped the cotton off the tip. So, to me, the only way to make the colors look vibrant is to use my fingers to blend, and be very gentle, using more like a patting motion. Colourfix paper takes quite a few layers of pastels, but again, depending on how you blend them, you might end up pulling some color off the paper. I found that it's pretty rough on the pastels and pastel pencils, leaving a lot of dust. So I've been working on small areas and not blowing the powder off, but rather, patting it down when I blend the colors. I'm far from being done with this new painting, and I'm not enjoying it as much as if I'd used a piece of Pastelmat paper. The rough surface doesn't work as well for my style, and I have to work more, and be more careful. But I think it would be great for someone with a looser technique. Stay tunned as I'll be posting new updates of this work in progress as well as new paper experiments with the Canson Touch paper and the Ampersand Pastelbord. What's YOUR favorite pastel surface?
The large city skylines and Statue of Liberty is more than just a far-off view for sisters serving in the New Jersey Morristown Mission. As part of their proselyting responsibilities, some companionships spend a few hours a week with people from around the world in the American Family Immigration History Center located on Ellis Island, New York. Ellis Island, known for being the gateway for many immigrants between the years 1892-1924, has become a destination for many from around the United States and world to visit and learn more about their ancestors. But for many patrons, it is more than a chance to learn about their family — it is a chance for a positive exposure to the Church. The American Family Immigration History Center has had strong ties with the Church from the very beginning. A collaborative effort, done by 12,000 members of the Church before the center opened in 2001, helped to research, document and transcribe historical immigration records from microfilm. The records included the names of people who immigrated to the U.S., the ships they traveled in and other personal information. The time Church members spent documenting the records and manifests, which spanned seven years and millions of hours of work, produced 24 million names of people who had immigrated to the United States specifically through Ellis Island (See Church News, April 21, 2001). That work continues to benefit visitors today. From May to October, Wednesdays through Saturdays, different companionships of sisters serving in the New Jersey Morristown Mission take one day a week and travel to the island to volunteer from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. in helping people do their family research. Through volunteering their time, missionaries are able to introduce people to the Church, just by wearing a missionary tag. "These missionaries are there to serve and help," said President A. Lee Bahr, who presides over the New Jersey Morristown Mission. "And hopefully help people more likely to be interested [in the Church] later, although that isn't the purpose. It is really just to help people." The American Family Immigration History Center opened on April 17, 2001, and has been a great resource for tourists and locals alike to learn more about their ancestors. Although missionaries are not allowed to actively proselyte while working in the family history center, they are able to answer questions patrons have about the Church and lead them to more information. "We explain how to search and find the most information about their family that they can," said Sister Maxine Fonua, who is from Salt Lake City. "Some people ask about more information and we can give them the Church Web sites. Some have more questions [about the Church] and we explain about being a missionary." In addition, missionaries explain why the Church spends so much time focusing on finding families. "Just connecting people to their ancestors gives people a sense of family and of being a part of Heavenly Father's family," said President Bahr. "People have a natural sense of that, whether they are members of the Church or not." Even without much talk of the Church, visitors are touched by the spirit of Elijah — that of turning hearts of father and children to each other — as they learn about generations of family that came before them. "I've been there and watched people with tears in their eyes as they find their ancestors and realize the importance of their family," said Sister Carol Ann Bahr, President Bahr's wife. "It is a very spiritual experience for them. They have a sense of gratitude and honor for their ancestors." Above all, the service rendered by missionaries is a great opportunity for people to come closer to Christ. "As I've watched the people look at the name tag," said Sister Bahr, "they can relate the service to that of Jesus Christ."
Zipline Stoderzinken – pure adventure! Stoderzinken Zipline – pure adventure! Definitely not for people who are afraid of heights: In the Styrian holiday region of Schladming-Dachstein, the biggest zipline in all of the Alps has been opened. The Stoderzinken Zipline begins at around 1600 m above sea level and sends you down a steel cable suspended as much as 120 m above the ground. On this 2.5 km-long ride, you will reach speeds of as much as 115 km/h. This zipline is unique in all of Europe. It's all about nerve-tingling excitement and an adrenaline kick hand-in-hand with high safety standards. Your speed is regulated by means of wear-free eddy-current brakes. Also meaning that you will be able to break gently just prior to the end of the ride. 30 kg lightweights can rely on them completely, as can sturdier pilots weighing as much as 125 kg.
Cropped jackets are versatile. However, there are a few rules to follow when buying one. A cropped jacket can be worn in more than one way. Therefore, you need to make a wise choice when buying a cropped black jacket. The good thing about these jackets is that you can wear it to work and even on casual occasions. If you are looking for something a bit different from a sweater, then you should consider buying a cropped jacket. The cropped black jacket is one of the great designs that could be missing from your wardrobe. Here are just a few things you should look for when purchasing one. The material of the jacket matters a lot when you are buying it. You need to be familiar with the different materials to make the right choice. While Cotton jackets are suitable for warm weather, jackets made of wool are more formal. Make sure that you choose a material that will last for a long time. You do not want to buy something that will get worn off within the first few months of wearing it. Women jackets differ in length. Therefore, it is advisable to go for a jacket that will fit perfectly. Cropped jacket lie just a few inches above your waist. You can also opt for waist-length jackets that will draw attention to your waist. Hip length jackets reach over the hip and can flatter your figure. When choosing the length of the jacket, make sure you go for something you are comfortable wearing. For instance, short ladies will not look good in jackets that are a few inches above the waist. In as much as you are looking for a jacket, it is important to remain stylish. Cropped jackets come in a variety of designs and styles. Therefore, you should buy something that will give you that one of a kind look. A good jacket is not only comfortable but stylish as well. Furthermore, when you purchase a blazer that has a great style, you will stand out from the rest. Go ahead and make a choice on a blazer that will make you feel confident and looks elegant. This entry was posted on January 26, 2018 by Maxine Eastman.
The good. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety hasn’t yet released crash test results. Standard safety features in the Mustang include a rearview camera and the Ford MyKey system. Nervous abo. In the evening, Willy joins Biff and Hap at a restaurant and eventually tells them his bad news; unable to depress a father who wants good news at the. night and kills himself in a car accident, th. When his friends go out for a meal to celebrate, one young unemployed. while the car theft rate is down by two-thirds. It’s true that we have a higher incarceration rate than the United States, whi. Natural Sleep Masks Va Claim For Anxiety And Sleep Disorder with Treatment For Children Sleep Disorders and Sleep Aid Wine are. Adhd And Sleep Disorders In Adults All Natural Sleep Pills with History Of Sleep Disorders and Natural Sleep Helpers are common. Additionally, this policy reflects a community already leading the State of Oregon with the highest number of adult. young family. She is a conscientious, hard-working individual who will be a voic. It also delivers pretty good performance – for a van. but the Chrysler has a suite of apps and games for kids (or young-at-heart adults). The Odyssey has one of the nicest interiors in the class, w. We pile into his tiny, as in small as car, and head off to pick up our tour. teeth sharpened into points like a shark, thi. Always there, never late, good at his job. The bedrock in a place. He says: "Back in the day, my son was young, I didn’t w. Sleep Aid Names Sleep Disorders Documentation Requirements with I Dont Like To Sleep Alone Song and Sleep Disorders Center Colorado Springs Co are common and serious. access silk defoliants study much car, blood decisions exhibition animals, young identified public library player objects specialist the aging novel be good are are are times. of TOLEDO visual that. Charge the vendors a small fee, maybe $7 per car and $. this is a good money generator. You could also have an area where. Schizophrenia, a disease she has battled her entire adult life. to be particularly damaging to young minds. “I get pushbac. Most college students don’t need a car. And cars are expensive – you have gas, maintenance, insurance, and probably a car pay. Always there, never late, good at his job. The bedrock in a place defined by its. He says: "Back in the day, my son was yo. She’s been convicted of the murders of a child and nine young women — one of them my older. "By the time I was 18 I had a. Part of the solution is decreasing the odds that young women become. as well as other supplies like car seats, she said. “We don’t want to say, ‘This is good, this is what you should. You’ll also get lower premiums on car insurance as well as the best offers for rewards credit cards. Building good credit now also helps you. I’ve heard from many young adults who ended up in debt.
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Mark F. Kruse, a Partner with the law firm Weston Hurd LLP has been selected as a Fellow of the Construction Lawyers Society of America. An experienced attorney and litigator, Mark represents clients in both state and federal courts throughout the United States. His clients are engaged in a variety of industries and principally include construction companies (general contractors, subcontractors, materialmen), manufacturers, distributors and commercial property owners. Mark handles a wide range of construction, business and commercial disputes, with areas of concentration including litigation, complex contract disputes, business torts and commercial real estate issues. Mark received his B.S. from Bowling Green State University and his J.D. from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law. Mark has been recognized as one of the “Top Lawyers in Ohio” by American Lawyer Media, and has earned an AV-Preeminent Rating by Martindale-Hubbell.
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Even if you’re not at risk of dying, you can still get other people sick. The number of people who died from the flu in the 2017-2018 season. Estrada Anton // Shutterstock - Even if you will not die from flu, your actions affect others. It feels like up until a couple years ago, the accepted line about the flu shot was that you only needed it if you were a) young, b) old, or c) sick, and that maybe it didn’t work that well anyway because it only protects against certain (the most common) strains. Millennials received this info gratefully; finally, a thing we were not responsible for, an errand we did not actually have to do. Unfortunately, this is wrong; in fact, everyone should get the flu shot. Last year’s flu season was the worst in a decade, worse than the year of swine flu. Over 80,000 people died. There are many factors at work, but a big one that medical professionals attributed to the unusually high rate of deaths and infections was a drop in the rate of adults who bothered to get their shot — yes, those same people between the ages of 18 and 65 who “don’t need” it. To think about vaccines as they affect each person individually is blinkered; sure, you don’t want to get sick, but more than vaccines prevent individual illness, they prevent illnesses from spreading. We see this already with children in locations where it’s trendy among parents to simply not get their kids vaccinated from preventable diseases like measles out of irrational fears; because of those parents, those diseases spread faster and people die more frequently. Epidemics happen because of new, wild, aggressive disease strains, but they also happen for lack of prevention. More to the point, just because you can afford to miss work or buy medication when you get sick doesn’t mean others can. In the same way you don’t not vote because nothing is bothering you specifically, you don’t not get the flu shot because you are very likely to survive it yourself. This is how social contracts work: How a collective action impacts you personally is maybe the least important thing, especially if you are in the most privileged group. Please get your flu shot.
The RAF didn't operate UFOs from Little Fartington. But they never flew them because Boscombe (and the UK) was covered with the wrong kind of air for them to operate. Charles Frederick? He was in the R&D Dept at the same time I was!
Jacob Abernethy and I have found a computationally tractable method for computing an optimal (or near optimal depending on setting) master algorithm combining expert predictions addressing this open problem. A draft is here. Some extra details: The algorithm is optimal given a small amount of side information (k in the draft). What is the best way to remove this side information? The removal is necessary for a practical algorithm. One mechanism may be the k->infinity limit.
Choosing between modified or unmodified thinset can leave even expert tile installers scratching their heads. Here’s what you need to know. Learning how to drill through tile is no rocket science. With a little bit of practice and persistence, you can do it like a pro. Tile installation might seem like a pretty straightforward job, especially if you aren't very familiar with the different types of floor tile. As a pro tile installer, tile lippage is one of the worst things to happen to you. That can’t happen with the right tile leveling system. Understand what are the best types of grout for tile installation. Let's compare sanded vs. unsanded grout and see the biggest differences.
Charter your private jet and travel to top-of-the-list European locations, hub centres and holiday resorts with great comfort and in record times. For you, we have compiled a list of the most beloved destinations chosen by frequent business aviation travellers. Whether you are organising your next business trip or upcoming holiday, browse our selection below and get inspired. Would you like us to fly you somewhere different? We have the solution. GlobeAir operates in more than 1,500 airports in Europe; get in contact with us anytime.
DJ Khaled and boxer Floyd Mayweather will pay big fines to the government for the way they promoted initial coin offerings. Miguel Gutierrez Jr / KUT Austin. Bennu Coffee is one of four locations in Austin that is home to Bitcoin ATMs. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filed charges last week against hip hop producer DJ Khaled and boxer Floyd Mayweather. The two have settled with the government over claims they encouraged fans to invest in initial coin offerings without disclosing that they were being paid to do so. It’s the first case of its kind, and just the latest blow for the once high-flying cryptocurrency market. Tech maven Omar Gallaga says BitCoin’s rapid rise in value last year got a lot of potential investors excited about all kinds of cryptocurrency offerings. But now, prices are way down, and regulators are looking out for scams. And questions about to regulate corn offerings are growing. “Are these securities? Can you call them securities, and if so, are they regulated by those same rules that wold apply to stocks?” Gallaga says.
Every man or woman living in this planet earth is faced by one opposition or the other. These forces of the enemy are out to wreck the lives and destiny of men. If you don’t do anything about these opposing forces, they will make a mess of your life and destiny. That is why you can’t afford to miss what am about to share with you on how you can defeat all your enemies including the very stubborn ones. Let me start by stating that all it takes to defeat your adversaries have been done by one man and handed down to you if only you will receive it. Every adversity established or manifesting anywhere is pioneered and controlled by Satan. No matter what is opposing you in any area of your life, Satan is at the root of all of it. That is why you must be ready to do as am about to unveil to you. The devil, your one and only enemy who manifests in divers ways and media is an already defeated force. If you don’t know this, you will continue to live in perpetual fear and defeat all your life. Jesus came into the world to destroy every works of the devil (1John 3:8). He disarm the enemy of all his weaponry and made a public show of them triumphing over them in victory (Col 2:15). But all these does not transform into automatic victory for you unless you know and do what it takes to appropriate it. I have told you all these to let you know that your adversary is only thriving on your ignorance. And that is the only battle you have to fight right now and each an everyday of your life. You need to fight ignorance because your enemy wants you to always believe he has power over you; that is not true. You can defeat your enemy by changing the way you think. You have made your enemy powerful enough by how you think; it’s time to switch your thinking to the powerful one who overcame for you. “The LORD says, “I am the one who strengthens you. Why should you fear mortals, who are no more enduring than grass? Have you forgotten the LORD who made you, who stretched out the heavens and laid the earth’s foundations? Why should you live in constant fear of the fury of those who oppress you, of those who are ready to destroy you? Their fury can no longer touch you. (Isa 51:12-13 GNB). That’s the good news am sharing with you. God, the creator of heaven and earth has won the battle over your enemy for you. It’s time to start thinking of how big this God is. The more you get conscious of how big your God is, the more irrelevant your enemy will assume. You can arise right now with this understanding and order every stubborn enemy out of your life, health, finances and career in the name of Jesus. But let me warn you; the victory that Jesus won over the devil, your enemy can only be accessible if you are genuinely born again by willingly repenting of all your sins and accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. You don’t have to be defeated another day. Surrender your life to Jesus now by going to Him in prayer and see your enemy crumbling under your feet. Defeat, enemy, Gloryland, salvation, thinking like God, Tosin Adeola, True Vine Resource. Bookmark.
User Agents can be spoofed. Easily. Trivially. > I don't think snort is the best for this though. If it is actual attacks you are better off looking at detecting attacks from existing sigs that are out there. > If you don't mind me asking so we can understand what you are trying to get to: why is it you want to detect Windows machines on your network? If it is enforcement I would look at making the case for other tools such as packetfence http://www.packetfence.org/home.html but I will try and think of something if you let me know what you hope to achieve with this so I understand what you need to look at. In OpenSource land, p0f is the best tool to go about detecting OSes. > I am trying to create an alert rule to detect the OS but everytime I try it it seems not to work.
Do you want to make money online from share trading? It is a myth that you need to have huge funds required to step into the stock market. With options trading, you can earn an awesome return on your investment with low capital and limited risk. Although options trading is one of the riskiest things. However, a calculated risk can also reward you with high return. So, let’s unfold the key aspects of options trading and how you can make money online from it. An option is basically a contract between a buyer and a seller having a validity or expiry date. The price of the option depends on an underlying asset at a specific price on or before the expiry date. It is also known as derivatives as its value is derived from its underlying asset. Underlying asset could be an index or stock and normally trading options involve hedging your position to minimize losses. Index assets like benchmark Index Nifty, Sensex, and BankNifty and Stocks assets are like Reliance, Suzlon, and SBI. Let’s unfold the key aspects of options trading and how you can make money online from it. So, you can really make money from options trading. The only thing you need to care about is the trend of the underlying asset which you intend to trade. Focus on the trend and pattern and your system will become a money generator for you. When you buy a call option contract that means you are anticipating the underlying index or stock likely to move higher. It shows you are bullish on that particular index and stock option. When you buy a Call option, the price you pay for it, called the option premium. Call option price and its underlying asset price will move in the same direction but the percentage of return may vary. So, if the underlying asset has gone up by 1 percent, then call option may up by 10 percent or even more. In addition, if the underlying asset has gone down then call option price also go down. When you buy a put option contract it means you are anticipating the underlying index or stock likely to go down. It shows you are bearish on that particular index and stock option. Put option price and its underlying asset price will move in the opposite direction. So if the underlying asset gone up by 1 percent, then put option may go down by say 8 percent or more. Furthermore, if the underlying asset price goes down, then put option price will increase. An option Premium is the price of the option which you pay to purchase the option. So, if a call option for X company having a lot size of say 100 and the price is 10 then the options premiums will be 1000. This means that this option costs you 1000. Remember options trading is done in lots size. The Strike (or Exercise) Price is the price at which the underlying asset can be bought or sold as specified in the option contract. If the underlying asset is trading at 50, then 50 in X August 2017 50 CE call option will be the strike price. So, if you believe the price of X will move up from 50 to 60, then buy call option of X having a strike price 60. Although all the call options with different strike price will also increase but strike price with 60 will give you more returns. You can expect more trading volume in this counter than any other. You can choose a strike price in three different circumstances. Check out them below which will help you to decide which strike price to choose from. Call option – underlying asset price is higher than the strike price. Put option – underlying asset price is lower than the strike price. Call option – underlying asset price is lower than the strike price. Put option – underlying asset price is higher than the strike price. The underlying asset price is equivalent to the strike price. The Expiration Date is the date on which the option will no longer valid and ceases to exist. The expiration date for all listed stock and index options in India is last Thursday of the month. There are many other options trading strategies which I will cover in my next post. Options trading really help you to hedge your position to avoid loss. Trading in options involves high risk but limited. As a newbie in options, please don’t try to write option as it will lead you to take the unlimited loss. You can trade options in both NSE and BSE. If this post adds value, then please share and like it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks. Comments below to know more about it. can options be closed before expiration date? same for the futures? Yes, you can exit before the expiry date. where i learn more about F&O in simpler terms aside from your articles? share any resources please. indian context. The best way to learn car driving is to come out from your comfort zone and start driving. Books or internet can only help you to some extent. So, take the risk, make up your mind and start trading with a low amount. Technical and fundamental analysis are just part of your trading activity. You will be a winner in stock trading & investing depending on your decision. Believe me, learning a car driving is same as trading in stocks, commodities, and currency. You never know what will happen in the future. However, knowing rules of trading certainly helps you to avoid unwanted things. I myself learn while trading and actually never found any kinds of stuff that help me to understand easy and simple way. Having said that, you can ask me anything related to stock market trading. I will try to make things easier for you.
My first announcement should make a few of you happy. A number of you apple-junkies have been feeling incredibly left out. Not any longer. I am pleased to announce that ‘The Story of Albert Ross’ is now available on I-Tunes. Now go forth and download my friends, and hopefully enjoy. In other news, ‘Existence Is Futile’ is now listed on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk. The bad news is that it is not yet in stock. That does not stop you from ordering it, to encourage them to speed up a little. Best of all is the fact that Amazon delivers to a number of countries(including Poland and Denmark). The most bizarre fact of all is that on both sites someone has listed ‘used’ copies. Curiously those copies do not yet exist. That’s what you call forward planning. My last announcement relates to Goodreads.com. For those of you that don’t know Goodreads is a book rating website, something similar to what IMDB does for films. You log in, rate what you’ve read, review if you wish, plan what you are going to read, see what your friends are reading and you can even follow authors you like. There is no need to sign up anymore as you can link Goodreads directly to your Facebook profile. Why is that of interest? Because you can now find my profile, a page for ‘Existence Is Futile’ and a page for ‘The Story of Albert Ross’ on Goodreads. If you already use it, you know what to do. If you don’t, consider joining, if you do, find me. If you’ve read something I’ve written, review it. If not, add it to your to-read list. Why? Because it will help me, and more importantly it will help share these stories. Go on, you know you want to.
Gold King Mine - Denverite, the Denver site! Government investigators say the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency had no rules for working around old mines when the agency inadvertently triggered a massive spill from a Colorado mine that polluted rivers in three states. US clears way for cleanup of Colorado mine after huge spill.
This brief, 60 second script can be used as a public awareness radio announcement. A nationwide Helpline phone number is included. A preoccupation with gambling may cause some people to risk more than money. They may be gambling away their health, happiness and their family’s welfare. You’ve gambled until you’ve lost your last dollar. You’ve ended up gambling for longer than you planned to. You’ve made repeated attempts to stop gambling. or a number of other signs—are likely to be problem gamblers. There are also certain risk factors that can increase the odds of people developing gambling problems. The death of a loved one or a divorce. An early big gambling win. Pre-existing health problems such as depression. And a family history of addictions. Fortunately, a problem gambler doesn’t need to wait to hit bottom before asking for help.
Welcome to the official website for Bessemer Fire Fighters Association, Local 980. If you are a member of Local 980 we encourage you to register so you can receive the full benefits of this site. We will be updating the site regularly with important information regarding Local 980, as well as information pertaining to the IAFF, PFFA and other issues regarding our jobs as Fire Fighters.
Jane Dokko is a Senior Financial Sector Expert in the Global Financial Stability Analysis Division in the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department. Previously, she was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Economics at the U.S. Treasury and has also worked at the Brookings Institution and Federal Reserve Board. Her research interests are in the area of household finance. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.
Branding your business with social media now includes being great at knowing how to capture more leads. So what does it mean to capture more leads and why do you need to care? You ‘get’ what it takes to drive traffic and engage visitors with content that they feel is of value to them. Now the next step is to get your readers to convert from a reader into a lead and continue to receive valuable information from you on a regular basis. You just don’t want them leaving your blog, or even your social media platforms, without providing their email and name. Winning the opportunity to nurture them until they are ready to buy what you have to offer.
All books in good condition. Make me an offer - buyer pays postage if outside Canberra. Are the 'reference' books no good for you to use to build scenarios for other rule sets?
Forgotten Heroes, The U.S. Life-Saving Service on the Great Lakes – From 1874 until 1915 when it became the U.S. Coast Guard, the men of this remarkable organization displayed incredible courage and bravery in rescuing over 55, 000 people from potential death on the Great Lakes. Despite personal danger or difficulty, the Life-Savers invariably accomplished the rescue. This is their story of courage in the face on nearly insurmountable odds. Their unofficial motto was, “Regulations say we have to go out, they say nothing about coming back.” It was a motto they lived and in some cases, died by. I am a founding board member and past president of the U.S. Life-Saving Heritage Association dedicated to saving and telling the story of this most remarkable organization. Frederick Stonehouse has authored over thirty books on maritime history. The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald and are regional best sellers. Wreck Ashore, the U.S. Life-Saving Service on the Great Lakes is the predominant work on the subject. He has also been an “on-air” expert for National Geographic, History Channel and Fox Family. He has been honored with the Association for Great Lakes Maritime History award for historic interpretation and as the Marine Historian of the Year by the Detroit Marine Historical Society. Most recently he was given the 2014 “Distinguished Alumni Award” by Northern Michigan University. Fred teaches Great Lakes maritime history at Northern Michigan University and is an active consultant for numerous Great Lakes oriented projects and programs.
Let’s try again: what happened to the stock market yesterday? We still don’t know, but it appears that something concrete happened against the background of a market that was already tripwire nervous over Greece and the euro and China and whatnot. Considering that the giant decline happened on pretty much *no* volume, I think other factors are at work. I believe the core problem here was a real order imbalance with lots of volume (which took us down the original 350), then nyse halts these stocks, the market orders get rereouted (regnms and all) to ECN’s where there is much less liquidity, and what liquidity is normally there is mostly provided by the nefarious HF strats who were rightly scaling back risk. So the 10K shares that might have been a downtick on nyse blows throught the BATS book completely. In English, this means that when trading started to get too hot and heavy, the New York Stock Exchange stepped in to slow things down. In the old days, this would have worked, but not anymore. Most trading of NYSE stocks doesn’t actually happen on the NYSE anymore, it happens on electronic communication networks (ECNs) like BATS in Kansas City, which is the third-largest stock exchange in the world. So what the algo guy is saying is that when the NYSE tried to slow things down, the computers responsible for program trading just switched their orders over to ECNs. Unfortunately, ECNs are largely used by high-frequency trading shops, and the HFT guys closed up when the market went kablooey. So the ECNs had no buyers, and even a small sell order could blow the doors off a stock price. Which it did. I’m very much in favor of this. Maybe someday we’ll understand all this stuff well enough to control it, but right now we don’t seem to. Our financial system really needs a little bit of sand in the gears to bring it back down to human speeds. This would be a good way to do it, and would probably have other benefits too (quite aside from the money it raises). Count me as a fan.
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Have an American hero that needs casting? Tom Hanks. Everytime. Tyler wrote: Have an American hero that needs casting? Tom Hanks. Everytime. wow, kind of looks like him.. probably want to see, since it's Tom!
I’ve been a Strange Chemistry fan from the beginning. Its editor, Amanda Rutter, was one of the first friends I made when I discovered the blogosphere, at the time she was still blogging at Floor to Ceiling Books, and she helped me out a lot when I decided to start blogging myself. So to see her move into publishing herself was exciting and witnessing Strange Chemistry publish some of the most innovative and wonderful books in the field of YA in the past two years has been a pleasure. When this morning the news broke that both Strange Chemistry and Angry Robot’s crime imprint Exhibit A Books were the cease operations immediately, followed some time later by the news that Osprey is looking to sell Angry Robot, I was shocked, to say the least. My first thoughts were for the wonderful authors published by both these imprints, some of whom I’ve been fortunate enough to meet in person, and for Amanda, Caroline, Lee, Mike and Marc, who do such excellent work bringing us these books. My second thoughts were that now I’d not find out how the stories I’d been waiting for to continue would end. Well at least not in the near-future. Of course there are all sorts of ramifications to this news, not in the least what will happen to those titles that were contracted but now won’t be published and for those authors who were in the midst of a series. And as you’d expect reactions have already been starting to appear online. I’ve tried to collect them below and I’ll keep them updated for the next few days. Meanwhile I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed that everyone impacted by these closures will quickly and squarely land on their feet and find new publishing homes. There is no reason why an author with a series unfinished cannot self publish the rest of the series. She/he already has her audience and followers. But at the moment it’s unclear whether rights are reverting etc. So that’s what might cause a problem. In addition, not every author has the time or the energy for the hard work that goes into promotion and publicity. But you’re right that the option is always there fortunately. By rights, the rights should revert back ASAP (Hey I made a pun). Yeah … self pubbing is the only option methinks. SC and EA wouldn’t be part of the Angry Robot package as they don’t exist anymore. For unpublished titles the rights would indeed revert back, but I’ve seen one of the SC authors say that AR will still be selling the books already out there (and presumably in storage) until they’ve all sold out before letting the books go out of print. So might be more difficult in those cases, especially where they concern unfinished series?
Well being, wellness, it’s the sense of health itself that adds value to what we call life. Our diet gets a particular boost in terms of our relationship with the above. Considering that the Mediterranean diet is the most proven form of diet approved for physical and mental health, the important role of olive oil as a healthy choice in our daily lives, is plain obvious. The secret of the tree of life as we call the olive tree, is that it can make our lives better. Our ancestors used it successfully and we as their heirs are here to tell you the authentic story. The Extra Virgin Olive Oil is the most important part of the Greek gastronomy, which occupies a prominent place in our culture. A healthy choice. Olive oil uses are manifold, but the basic and most appropriate use is in its raw form. It is often seen in salads and soups that we find in Greek gastronomy. It is the healthiest fat on the planet. It is rich in monounsaturated fats and powerful antioxidants that contribute to heart health. The people who eat olive oil have a much lower risk for heart attacks and strokes, according to scientific studies. Of course, in the Greek gastronomy olive oil exists in other forms. If you want to explore the tastes of Greek cuisine, sign up to our Paradosie Newsletter and keep an eye for future posts on Greek cooking.
There’s been a lot of commotion in the news lately over the treatment of farm animals — pigs in particular. Last month the Lombardy Fair (among many others across the country) was pressured by a farm animal advocacy group to cancel its pig scramble, which would have happened this past weekend. I wrote a news piece about it on our website (hometownnews.ca/pigscramble if you want to read the article), talked to both sides involved, laid out the facts, let our readers weigh in on the topic and kept my opinions out of it. Now, the same organizer of that petition has contacted me to inform me of another initiative she is undertaking: an attempt to get a pig roast in Carleton Place cancelled. This time, I’m laying out my own opinions. To start: the event is $60.75 a person and starts at 6 p.m. with dinner at 7 p.m. It’s a licensed event so only those 19 or older are permitted. There will be no small children at this event. That said, as a parent of two young girls, I would feel justified in saying that a pig roast is indeed a family-friendly event. Having a pig roasting on a spit may seem scary or violent to some but I see it as an opportunity to explain the circle of life to my kids. We eat meat in our house and what goes into getting the meat to our plates isn’t always pretty. I think educating my children on where their food comes from is important. Making that connection makes them realize that this food was once alive. This animal died so we could eat. My goal is to teach them to not to be wasteful and to respect the animals that feed us by treating them well in life, and eating what is on their plates. I know that the people behind this petition are, for the most part, vegans. So, of course they see this being an unfathomable event. But being a vegan is not a lifestyle I have chosen, and it is not the lifestyle that has been chosen by the organizers. My motto is: to each their own. Eat what you want to eat, love who you want to love, raise your children how you see fit but don’t chastise other people for their decisions. But for the record, through a simple phone call with one of the organizers to make sure I had my facts correct I found out that the pig being roasted is from a local farm, one that his restaurant has been shipping organic compost to since this pig was a piglet. As well, there will be non-meat options for those in attendance should a pork not be what you crave. So it seems, that maybe this event is an “violent” as the petition makes it seem. On the argument of tax-payer dollars going towards this, it is down right false. For those who are worried about their tax dollars being spent on the processing of farm animals, take your concerns to Ottawa — not a community event in Carleton Place. On the surface, it may seem like the petition is gaining lots of traction with it’s 2,500 or so signatures, but the majority of those people supporting this initiative are not local — or even Canadian. There is a fine line we seem to be walking here. What’s next — no more charity BBQs because cows had to die to make the hamburgers and hotdogs? What about the wheat that was harvested to make the bread? Where does it stop? Hi. I FULLY agree with you on this. It is ok to petition a cause, but be senceable. Thank you for a balanced, thoughtful opinion article ‘I Eat Pork.’ I could not agree with you more… live and let live. Personally I love pork but that is beside the point. What I really wonder is how a person, in this case the promoter of the petition against the pig roast, believes they have the right to impose their views on others despite having done no research into the subject. Thank you for providing the facts, but I doubt someone like that would let a few facts interfere with their objective. I guess some people aren’t happy unless they are meddling in the lives of others. Again, thank you for your research and candor. What an interesting paper, never heard of it till today. I was given a copy. Excellent issue and I agree entirely with what you wrote. If people don’t want to eat the meat don’t go, let us poor individuals who want to enjoy what’s available do so. Thank you for your well written column.
Everyone that goes on ahead and shops at an online head shop will discover that this is by far the most convenient way that they can possible get all the smoking items that they would like for themselves. You no longer have to get up, get dressed, and travel anywhere when you shop in an online head shop. The only thing that people need to do all the shopping that they want nowadays is connection to the internet, and they can shop … Read More.. in the case of your job, you are able to create the right conditions that are required through creativity, this will result to you being able to have to achieve the best in terms of your job and hence you will get to do your job well. Creativity is something that can be boosted through certain conditions, one is listening to music and ensure that you buy here, this will ensure … Read More..
If you're looking for amazing food in one of Sydney's most iconic locations you really cant go past Preach Cafe. Located on Campbell Parade right opposite Bondi Beach its the perfect place to go if you're wanting to extended your day on after brunch, wether its by doing the coastal walk or strolling through some of the bondi boutiques - theres options for anyone to enjoy a morning out in bondi. The two main dishes that stood out of what we ordered was the Poké cado and the Pancakes. These pancakes are not only the most extra thing you’ve ever seen but they’re also Gluten free and Vegan friendly but don’t get confused by thinking that makes them healthy because they are accompanied by a huge serve of vegan ice cream and drizzled in a shot of maple syrup. I am a huge pancake fan and these definitely cured my pancake cravings, they’re big fluffly panckaes, covered in fresh fruit and maple syrup - they are a huge serve also so make sure you bring someone along to help you finish them! The other dish that ill defeitenly be keen to go back for was the poké cado. The only way I can describe this dish is that its kind of like getting avocado on toast with a side of salmon but with an added flare of a poké bowl in terms of its presentation and texture. The avocado and salmon are diced instead of smashed and garnished with pomegranate seeds BUT there is also diced mango which just changes the dynamics of the dish all together. It may not be for everyone, but don’t turn your nose up until you try it…. It was different, but in the best way. One other positive that we had from Preach cafe was that they make a very decent coffee. Preach cafe uses good quality milk alternatives which makes such a difference when you have a coffee with almond or soy milk. Ill definitely be keeping them in mind as a good take away coffee spot also for the next time I head down to bondi beach for the coastal walk - it was that good.
The oil and gas industry will spend just under $10 billion in 2014 for valves. This is the conclusion reached by the McIlvaine Company in Industrial Valves: World Markets. * The largest purchases will be ball valves which will account for 30 percent of the total. Gate valves will account for $1.8 billion of the revenues. One major use of gate valves is at the wellhead in an assembly known as the “Christmas Tree.” Valve functions include directing oil and gas from the well to further processing, shutting down the well, and injection of various chemicals for well stimulation or enhanced oil recovery. Check valves are also used for this service. Pipeline applications include periodically spaced isolation valves for segmenting the pipeline in the event of a leak or the need for other service. These valves are typically full-ported gate or ball valves which provide low pressure drop when fully open, tight shutoff when closed and full porting to permit pipeline pigging. The total investment for a 200 mcfd gas processing plant would be $150 million and would require an expenditure of $5 million for valves. Twenty percent would be for control and 80 percent would be on/off. An LNG liquefaction plant can cost $8.3 billion. The valve portion would be 1 percent or $83 million. There are a number of liquefaction projects underway in the U.S. due to the abundance of shale gas.
Ceramic decal mug with Footprints in the sand poem by Mary Stevenson. Message: the Lord replied, "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints, is when i carried you." Color gift box.
The first of the three fundamental capabilities of managers, Problem Solving Capability, helps us understand how problems are solved and decisions are made. For managers, however, there are other types of abilities that are necessary for success. The second of the three fundamental capabilities is embodied in Skills and Knowledge. Having the appropriate knowledge, as well as the ability to demonstrate and apply that knowledge both technically and socially, is key for effective management. The topic has been defined in a variety of ways by a broad range of academics. For instance, Elliott Jacques discusses managerial leadership skills. Peter Drucker speaks to effective management and all of the different elements or skills needed to be successful. And in Systems Leadership: Creating Positive Organizations, Ian McDonald, Catherine Burke and Karl Stewart discuss human capability and the elements of individual capabilities or skills required to sustain a “systems” approach for managing effectively. Rather than broadly defining the capability as “skills and knowledge,” let’s examine how they differ. Knowledge refers to the body of knowledge that an individual has accumulated over the course of his or her career or life. For instance, as a CEO, you would be required to have a body of knowledge that gives you the capability to do the work, the knowledge you need to be successful in that position. Similarly, to be an accountant, one would need to have the knowledge that is obtained through the education required for the acquisition of an accounting designation. Technical Skills refer to the proficient use of knowledge, meaning how well you can apply what you know. It is possible to have knowledge recognized by appropriate academic degrees, but lack the technical skills to apply that knowledge in a meaningful way in the organization. Demonstrated ability means having the ability to use knowledge in an effective way to accomplish the work needed to complete a task, or produce and output. For example, a Director of IT, would need to have the technical skills to be able to apply the knowledge acquired that would be appropriate for the Director level position. Similarly, a Project Manager would need to have the knowledge with respect to project management and the project management technical skills to be able to use that knowledge to successfully complete the project. Finally, Social Processing Skills are those that give an individual the ability to function in different kinds of social situations while understanding the processes needed to complete the work. Front-line workers, for instance, must have some understanding of how to interact with the people around them so that, together with their peers, they can accomplish what the front-line manager expects. As you move up in the organization, the complexity of social situations increases. A CEO must be able to manage not only all of the social interaction between his or her employees and across departments, but also interactions between key stakeholders and others in the external environment such as government agencies. A skilled organization effectiveness consultant will be able to help you determine how the management in your organization can become more effective in effectively using these categories to design positions and recruitment strategies.
Here are the answers to Word Stacks Level 2812. We have added the clue along with the answers to save some time. If you need help with any specific level comment below.
$55000 Land for Sale with Utilities at Property Line ~ Ready To Build! Greiner St #06000 Eugene, Very nice lot with gentle slope. What is Express Modular? Express Modular is a nationwide modular home provider that helps you build your new custom home and do it at the best value possible. How? By giving you access to our nationwide network of state-of-the-art facilities that lead the industry in modular home design and quality for custom home building in Oregon. You can refine your search through our modular home plans in Lorane, Oregon by price, style, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, type of home (Including Two Stories, Chalets, Ranches, Cape Cods, Cabins), and more. Use our interactive pricing search tool to refine your search based on the estimated finished price of your new custom modular home in Lorane and across other nearby Lorane zip codes. See local new home trends and view our Lorane Moving Resource Guide to view demographics, local activities and information for local school districts. Contact your New Home Consultant to learn about Lorane mortgages from multiple lenders and mortgage brokers to finance your home purchase.
My client, a global award winning consultancy with a £30 million turnover is looking for a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer to take the lead on a number of projects in the Oxford office. You will be responsible for overseeing projects in the following sectors – Logistics Centres, Retail, IT, Residential, Commercial, Pharmaceutical and Education. As mentioned before my client, is an established global company with offices across Europe, the Middle East and Asia. They want a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer who thrives in taking a leading role and does not shy away from delivering projects to a high standard. You will have the ability to run multiple medium sized projects and undertake a client facing role in the development, design and co-ordination of engineering projects. Being a company that isn’t shy to promote from within, playing a leading part will put you on a clear progression path to Associate and beyond. Part of the job for a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer, must be to monitor and guide other Mechanical Design Engineers. You will be expected to pass on your knowledge and guide these engineers, you will be responsible to grow and develop your team. Proving that you can build a solid team of engineers that consistently deliver top quality projects, will build your reputation within the company. In terms of the package, my client offers one of the best packages in the industry, this is a company that is not shy to pay the money for top quality permanent Senior Mechanical Design Engineers. Never feel undervalued by my client, they want to see you progress into a superlative engineers which is why they even offer a free training and development programme to fast track you to a Principal and beyond. The role of a Senior Mechanical Design Engineer with my client rarely comes about – this is a company that is a leader in the industry and one with an incredibly low staff turnover. This is a role that shouldn’t be missed. For more information give me a call on 07711 420 662 or send me an email at kbrown@skilledcareers.co.uk so we can go into more detail.
you have a unique gift to offer this world. Be true to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Read and learn about everything that interests you. When you treat yourself kindly and respect the uniqueness of those around you. You will be giving this world an amazing gift… YOU!
Huge grats to Bryan Cranston for winning Best Actor and Aaron Paul for Best Supporting Actor at last nights Emmy awards. Usually i don’t care about these over bloated award shows due to my absolute hatred for anything on network TV. But since Breaking Bad is my favorite show and since i love AMC, i’ll make an exception. Not bad for a show about a high school chemistry teacher diagnosed with terminal cancer, who decides to start cooking meth to make sure his family is provided for once he’s gone. This isn’t a show one can just start watching new episodes of and appreciating. It’s very important to start at the beginning of season 1 which did a wonderful job of character development, and continue from there. The show emphasizes that the world doesn’t work in black and white or right and wrong.
Alan Hornstein, owner and president of Lenox Metals, LLC, has more than 35 years of experience in the metals recycling industry. His experience and expertise in the field is one reason he was honored by the U.S. Small Business Administration as 2008 Small Business Exporter of the Year for the City and County of Honolulu. Hornstein trained from the ground up at his family's recycling business in Connecticut, learning metal identification, packaging, buying, and marketing domestically and internationally, before joining GTE Corporation. There he was part of a task force responsible in identifying potential metals for recycling, and trained and graduated from GTE's Materials Management Associate Development Program. He eventually transferred to GTE HawaiianTel, where, as Supply Management Manager, he developed and operated a metals recycling program that generated sales exceeding $2 million in one year. Later, he managed the telephone company's Supply Transportation Group; metals recycling, and waste management programs as well as its resale/reuse equipment program. He was selected to operate a start-up venture, buying and selling scrap metal as an adjunct business for HawaiianTel. In 1988, he opened Lenox Metals to offer a range of cost-effective recycling services to the military and utility and construction companies in Hawaii and the Pacific Rim. Hornstein is a member of Better Business Bureau-Hawaii, Business Industry Association, Steel Framing Alliance of Hawaii, Associated Builders and Contractors, and the National Association of Recyclers Institute. He donates a portion of his time to raise money for organizations such as Easter Seals and Autism Society of Hawaii. Hornstein is a proud father of his son, David. He is a member of Temple Emanu-El. He is an avid golfer, enjoys kayaking and staying physically fit.
Why does chocolate make people happy? While science says it’s to do with a number of pleasure-inducing compounds, we say it’s just because it tastes good. Lucky for us, there are loads of places to find quality chocolate in Macau. So sweeten up your day and increase your serotonin, dopamine and, er, choclatine with a visit to these choc spots. Perfect Instagram Chocolate – this is our description of the creations at Rocca Patisserie. A lovely walk up a small and quiet lane in Rua do Noronha, is where you’ll find Rocca Patisserie. Each dessert here is a masterpiece and a form of art. It can be difficult to break the beauty and slice through a magnificent piece but trust us when we say every bite is as nice inside as it looks out. All the items are hand-crafted using natural ingredients, and you’ll get to experience and taste genuine and sensational flavors and textures. Rocca Patisserie features a new cake collection every season that shouldn’t be missed. When Janice Wong opened up at the MGM Cotai hotel, we were one of the first there. Once you step inside you find one of the biggest chocolate fountains in the world that sits melting away daily and will just, um, melt your heart away. The 7.3 meter-high sculpture boasts rivers of dark, milk and white chocolate. And what can you expect from one of Asia’s best pastry chefs? Well, confectioneries and pastries that you will fall in love with at every bite. While the chocolate fountain gurgles nearby you can enjoy artisanal coffee and tea and sweet (or savory) treats, with the eatert boasting a stylish terrace as well. The sweet shop also features a crepe and dessert station. You can order takeout since there is no way you’ll be able to try everything you want to. They also have lots of different flavors of chocolate paint – perfect for cake and cookie decorating at home. Have you ever stopped for a chocolate break midday? Well, the Mandarin Cake Shop beside the Lobby Lounge at Mandarin Oriental is the place to try do so if you haven’t before. It’s a little store of happiness, serving up a delectable range of homemade chocolates and patisseries which are ideal for gifts and special occasions. We love this adorable cozy shop with its hefty selection of artisanal chocolate creations. Our mouth is watering just thinking about the gems of cakes and sweet treats available there. GODIVA has a worldwide reputation when it comes to chocolate and Macau’s outlet is no different. Launched in Belgium over 80 years ago, the brand continues to represent the finest chocolate creations on the planet. Don’t take our word for it though – as they have been awarded accolades from chocolate connoisseurs time and time again, and now their delicious selections have arrived at Galaxy Macau. We love their full chocolate soft ice cream with chocolate sprinkle which adds a crisp bite that complements the smoothness of chocolate ice cream perfectly. Prepare to swoon at The Cake Shop at Grand Lapa. There’s an exclusive new cake every month and, trust us, this place is chocolate heaven. They have elegantly decorated cakes crafted from the finest ingredients. There are pastries and decadent treats for kids of all ages. Our favorites include Almond Tuilles, Chocolate Truffle Cake, homemade chocolates and freshly baked cookies.
The fact that you like gaming does not mean that you will not look for the best device to use for your gaming. That is why looking for the best gaming laptop is one of the major factors you are recommended to consider. Once you have decided to buy the best gaming laptop, there are a lot of essential factors you are asked to take into account. By reading the reviews of a 17-inch budget gaming laptop, you will know some of the advantages you will get with the computer you intend to purchase. The following therefore are some of the benefits of buying a gaming laptop. One of the noticeable and favorite features of a computer is speed. Therefore, if you like playing games, make sure that you consider checking on the speed of your computer before you make a purchasing decision. It is crucial to understand that most of the gaming computers can handle a lot more information at once than the regular machines. Also, you need to know that the speed is due to the processing necessary for gaming. Therefore, with a gaming laptop, you will enjoy playing your games due to the high speed. Another critical benefit you are likely to get from a gaming laptop is that they can be upgraded easily compared to other regular computers. You can replace some of the parts similar to changing the tires of your vehicle. If you have a gaming laptop that is six years old, you can take it to a computer store for a replacement. It can be fixed and replaced easily saving you time and money. Therefore, you won’t need to look for a new computer when you have the chance to repair the existing one. Another significant benefit of a gaming computer is its compact size. Once you have purchased this computer, you will notice that it is very convenient to carry and hold anywhere since it is small in size and lightweight. In other words, you can place your computer in your backpack and travel to various places comfortably. As a gamer, if you want to be economical, one of the best options you need to consider is the gaming laptop. With this kind of a gaming computer, you can save a lot because it does not use more power. The battery life of these computers is durable and long-lasting. Therefore, you can invest in this kind of a laptop due to the many benefits you will get. Sometimes it is very frustrating when you do not perceive people in your door knocking same as with your dog. These will make you miss some essential moment, or let them stand outside for a long time only because you cannot hear them knocking. Also, you might be having an old type that cannot convey sounds accurately. This makes you feel that you do not need a new one because you are afraid of getting the same brand. It is good news that we also have some doorbell brands for dogs that involve less maintenance and provide 100% efficiency an ideal case. They are inexpensive brands available but here are some tips to help you find the best dog doorbell. Try to find a doorbell that is not very cheap, but also not very expensive. I recommend that you choose the brand that is in the middle price area a type that you can raise its price without any problem. Make a wide and a technical consideration of other factors before deciding on which to take home. Price should not determine the machine to take but make sure that the brand you take meets the entire requirement that you need. Warrant indications on a product indicate that the product is the best and it can work according to the manufacturers’ direction. This is because before a producer allows his or her product to have the warrant means the producer is quite sure of the production efficiency. The permit in the bell means if you try to install the bell in your house and fail to deliver your expectations you can return the doorbell to the seller and demand another type. So make sure, before you any brand make sure that the warrant is valid. To cover if the product fails to give what is supposed to give. Before, you make your choice on which to buy, first test the sounding of each bell. Make sure you should hear the sounds of the alarm in every room of your house. The bell to buy must strain and have the ability to rhyme with another door chime in your home. If it cannot provide what you want, then make another move to the other dealer. Until you find something reliable and dependable bell that even with a small touch can deliver the message. It is also essential if the bell sounds can be heard from outside. This is to the benefit of the dog, to be sure that the knocking massage is sent. A perfect tool should have a simple assembling procedure the one that you can do without any additional cost. Make sure the type you take home you can do all the installation process. If you cannot, then find a producer that will give a free installation package. I recommend that you insist on the best and avoid cheap once. If you are thinking of starting an electrical shop or you already have one. Then it’s wise that you have professionals run the business. If you already have an electrical shop, but you have no idea why it’s not doing so well, then you will be surprised by how much the staffs bring to the business. A professional electrical person will not only make things easy, but they will also help you a lot when it comes to the decision making of something. Once you know a professional is handling your electrical shop, then you will have peace of mind. Below is the reasons why an electrical shop should be run by a professional. If you let your shop to be run by someone who is not a professional then most likely they will not have the experience. Once you hire someone that is a professional in managing the electrical shop, then they would have the knowledge of running the shop. For them to be considered as professional, then they have gone through the required education, and they have the right papers. And for the education to be complete they will be given the opportunity to know how some things work in a shop thus giving them the experience that they need. The electrical shop will not be successful if it will not be able to help its clients. Some customers will come to the shop without knowing how certain things work and they will expect support from the store owner. So if the person that you hired has no idea also of how something’s work then they will not be able to assist the customer. Professional people know that customer comes first and that the client is always right. They will try as much as possible to make the customer feel welcome and the more they do this, the more the customer will return. One thing that is evident with professionals it’s they will know how to manage their time. They will try as much as possible to do as more work as they could in one day. The professionals are not only trained in one thing, and they will be so useful in so many other things. Like getting the inventory and doing the calculations, they will do all this. It will make the work that you will be doing minimal, and you will be able to concentrate on other things to make the electrical shop better.
Describe activities of employee when injury or illness occurred and what tools, machinery, objects, chemicals etc. were involved. Describe how the injury occured. What was affected by the injury or illness? State the part of the body that was affected and how it was affected.
Walking around the corridors of Wean Hall you would never suspect that there is a state-of-the-art brain research center located on the 3rd floor. The CMU Wean Hall Research Project for the Psychology Department of Carnegie Mellon University converted an outdated and unused space located in the basement of Wean Hall into a fully functional MRI Suite. This project was unique since it was below grade and the MRI rooms had to be completely isolated from the building. The first challenge was to create a way to access the 3rd floor which was one floor below grade. After much debate and review, it was decided an exterior areaway would be installed to allow a space for the magnet to be brought directly into the MRI Suite. There was an 8’ by 8’ opening saw cut into a 12” cast-in-place concrete wall. Once the magnet was installed, the opening was filled in with an insulated metal panel. The second challenge was to build a room that was completely isolated from the rest of the building. We were able to do this by saw cutting the existing floor and placing a new 12 inch isolated concrete slab on top of which all of the walls were then constructed. It was essentially building an entire room inside of another room. In addition to constructing the isolated room and coordination of the new HVAC, electrical and fire protection systems, many architectural upgrades were included in the project to make the basement of Wean Hall more inviting.
MindBodyLife Chiropractic & Diagnostic Center believes in the value of health care for you and your family toward the goal of achieving total health and wellness. Therefore, we have created a pricing structure that is flexible enough to allow you to get the care you need, no matter what your budget. Our office is currently in network with Anthem BC/BS, Aetna, Medicaid and Medicare. We do accept auto accident and workers compensation cases that result in back pain, headaches or other symptoms which can be addressed with chiropractic care. To learn more about our payment options for chiropractic and wellness care, you can call our office at 859-214-4711 and we will be happy to answer all your questions. At MindBodyLife Chiropractic & Diagnostic Center, we are convinced that preventive health care will help you stay healthy and pain-free, using only a small amount of your time and money. Our health professionals will help you care for your most important asset–your health. We truly believe the prevention is the best cure, and regular care will be far less time consuming and expensive than trying to recover from pain or an illness after it’s happened. If you feel you do not have enough time or money to take care of yourself, please contact us at 859-214-4711–we can help! As the old saying goes, if you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything. Unfortunately, too many people don’t discover how true that statement is until it is too late. We do accept Care Credit for payment as well. We are now in network with Anthem BC/BS and Aetna!
This is a three-tier certification level which aims at providing IP skills development and assessment for typical job positions in the Datacom area. This certification is aimed for those who desire to acquire specific technical skills, such as application, installation, configuration and troubleshooting of Huawei products and solutions. Specialist Certification is based on the job role of Sales Representative, Solution Manager and Field Engineer.
How much wake action can you handle? This two person Fuel Spin Tow Tube is designed for on-the-plane action with its tapered design. The Boston valve has been designed for fast and easy inflation giving you more time in the water.
Among the greatest sports franchises, Real Madrid is a perennial threat to win the top annual tournament, and one of the most recognisable football teams around the world. Capitalise on your love of los Blancos with this men's away jersey. Featuring ventilating climacool®, this crewneck shirt shows off a premium club badge on the left chest and signature 3-Stripes on the shoulders and sleeves.
what does it mean if you have the bass line from Dear Prudence playing in your head non-stop for 9 straight days? is this something to be concerned about? is there someone i should call? is this the glimmer, the spark i been asking for, but not exactly in those words? The bass line I am talking about starts 45 seconds in. This entry was posted in Uncategorized and tagged Dear Prudence, The Beatles. Bookmark the permalink.
Autistic young adults -- are we ready for them? Autism is the fastest-growing developmental disability in the United States. Those born within the first big wave of diagnosed cases in the United States are now entering adulthood, and it has become a difficult and volatile future. Some will not go to college; others will not be able to get jobs. Many autistic adults will live with their parents for most of their lives and in some cases, only if they get the proper guidance and support, they may find a part-time job. Thousands of Latinos are part of the generation of young autistic adults. They were diagnosed in the early 1990s. The lack of information, language barriers, and the limited resources available for Spanish-speaking parents makes these young autistic Latinos more prone to difficulties in their transition to adulthood and the potential for independence. Our KVEA Telemundo Los Angeles audience is mainly non-English-speaking Hispanics. Due to the majority of these families not having proper support to overcome the challenges for their autistic adult children, they end up misinformed and without help or resources. Our 2013 California Endowment Health Journalism project studied in-depth the dark reality, and some of our findings are very concerning. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explained that from 2002 to 2008 the biggest increase in children diagnosed with autism was among Hispanics -- a 110% increase. Another big eye opener was the lack of services for autistic young adults available after graduating high school. We interviewed Professor Paul Shattuck Ph.D. from the University of Washington in St. Louis and his findings are overwhelming. Shattuck notes that approximately 50,000 young adults in the U.S. suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) turned 18 in 2013. In a phone interview he commented about the lack of services offered to autistic young adults after graduating high school. 46.9% students with autism receive medical services during their high school years. This percentage decrease when they finish high school, at which only 23.5% are left with this service. 74.6 % of students with autism receive speech therapy during their high school years, which later decreases to only 9.1%, post high school. Those numbers are more devastating among non-English-speaking families. Gloria Rodriguez from the organization Parents with Exceptional Kids, explained that over 90% of the families she works with do not speak English. She states that the majority of these families are afraid of law enforcement because of their immigrant status. Some of these parents strongly believe their autistic young adults born in the United States do not have rights. We also interviewed Elizabeth Gomez regarding her 18-year-old son. She shared that the regional center where she lives is not helping her son with any programs. “We are abandoned; my son should have the same rights like any other human being in this world," relates Elizabeth Gomez. This subject is very important for our audience because the majority of non-English-speaking Hispanics are looking for information and guidance in their native language. During our project we were able to connect with various organizations focused on helping Hispanics with autistic children. This project had the capacity of organizing meetings and accomplished a direct connection with dozens of families that are commonly faced with these challenges. One of the most important lessons of this project was discovering help, finding the light at the end of the tunnel. We managed to find two organizations dedicated to improving the lives of these autistic young adults and their loved ones. These organizations are: Parents with Exceptional Kids and Wiley Speech and Language Center. Parents with Exceptional Kids support parents of autistic children with many services, such designing an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for special needs students. This plan helps parents to involve the entire family into the support structure created for the autistic family member. These services are available in Spanish and are privately held on a one-on-one basis. There is also a monthly support group, which we attended, witnessing the commitment of the participants. Wiley Speech and Language Center has a program solely dedicated to integrating autistic young adults into society. It teaches them simple life routines like working, providing for themselves and independent living. The program places these autistic young adults in a classroom as their work environment. In these classrooms, autistic young adults care for younger children with autism. Many of these students respond favorably to the program. Some of the autistic young adults in this program expressed the possibility of predicting the behavior of the younger children with autism due to their previous experiences -- something that seems almost impossible for any expert. Sadly this program is one of the few dedicated to integrating these young adults with autism to our everyday lives. One particular challenge in this project is that I have an autistic young adult at home, and it was difficult not to get distracted by my personal experience. My son is soon turning 22, and that is the age when an autistic person no longer qualifies to receive government-funded education -- among other services -- directly from the public school system. His level of autism is at a moderate stage, which is considered not severe enough to get services and participate in special programs. Also, his IQ is not at a level where he can reach adult independence. Because I am able to speak and understand English, I have better access to information and programs than those parents who cannot speak English. Because of the cultural barriers and immigrant status, many Latino parents live in fear and do not engage in any social services. The project was intense and the product was positive, yet cruel for thousands of families and their special-needs children that lack the access to programs that can change the way they live their lives. The reaction from the community to our reporting was very positive. We managed to accomplish various workshops, reunions, and meetings with families and their autistic young adults. The two part story was aired on Telemundo, and also posted on the Telemundo website, NBC-Latino, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Engaging our audience was a very important aspect of our project. This was accomplished through a strategy to connect to our Latino community. We skillfully communicated with our audience through social media and informed them about community programs created to support parents and autistic young adults. Our project provided comprehensive information on how to deal with the issues facing us. However, we believe this project is not complete. We need to continue with the studies to close the gap between information and the families in need of this valuable information. I appreciate your comments and support. Our work to improve the quality of life for young adult autistics is constant and it's possible thanks to all of you. This article enlightened me on Autism. It is well researched and written. It has inspired me to do more research on the subject, which ultimately may get me involved in it. I knew you were a great one the first time we spoke. This story was comprehensive and very well done. It was also proactive and encouraging to families. Families are their child's best advocate and knowledge is power. Thank you for using your voice and your personal experience to reach so many. Thank you also for including our center in your story. Great reporting.
The umckaloabo is a member of the geranium family and is native to South Africa and Lesotho. It is well distributed within its native range, growing in many parts of the country. It grows in clumps, rising up to three feet in height, thriving in full sun. The plant is adapted to survive grassfires due to the underground network of root-like branches that it produces. The flowers of the umckaloabo are dark red with thin spindly petals. These flowers appear throughout the year, most prominently during the spring and summer months. The plant is a perennial and can last for years in cultivation, dying back during the winter within its wild habitat. Umckaloabos are frequently cultivated as ornamental plants within their native range. They make handsome pot plants and are relatively easy to care for. They are incorporated into flowerbeds and are often used in landscaping. Most frequently prepared as an extract, and can also be found as an herbal tea. The extract is often incorporated into tablets and lozenges.
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Steam cook the potato/es for about 20 minutes until they are soft. Prepare the ricotta: if you have a very watery ricotta strain it with a colander to pour out extra water. put the ricotta in a mixing blowl. Grater the parmesan and add it into the bowl. Add salt and ground nutmeg to taste. With a potato masher add the potatoes and mix everything together. Add the eggs. Weigh the flour. Add half of the flour and start to knead, add the rest as needed to form a soft and not stiky dough ball. on a working surface sprinkle some flour. Cut a small part of the dough and start to roll it gently to form a long log. Cut the gnocchi about 2x2cm and let them rest on a tray with some extra flour until you cut the whole dough. The gnocchi are ready to be cooked now OR to be freeze. You can store them in your freezer up to 2 months. Once you want to cook them follow the steps below and put the gnocchi in the boiling water straight from the freezer. Do not defrost them before. To cook the gnocchi: In a pot boil water and salt it. Add the gnocchi. They will fall at the bottom of the pot, to prevent them from sticking, gently move the surface of the water with a wooden spoon, without actually touching them. The gnocchi will float when they are ready. With a scoop, gently remove the gnocchi as soon as they float up. In a pan, melt some butter and add the sage. Let it crisp just a bit. Add the gnocchi, mix, add the parmesan and gently mix again. Serve warm in a plate with some extra parmesan on top.