7 values
6 values
1(diš) sila₄ mu-kuₓ(DU) en-ša₃-ku₃-ge 1(diš) sila₄ niga mu-kuₓ(DU) lu₂{d}nin-šubur {d}nanna zabar-dab₅ maškim 5(diš) u₈ šu-gid₂ e₂-muhaldim-še₃ zi-ga u₄ 3(u) la₂ 1(diš)-kam iti ezem{d}nin-a-zu mu us₂-sa ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul
1 lamb delivery from Enshakuge 1 lamb delivery from Lu-ninshubur for Nanna (the moon god) official administrator 5 ewes accepted into the house of the cook credited on the 29th day. Month: “festival of the Ninazu,” year after: “Urbilum was destroyed.”
3(u) udu niga 5/6(diš) sila₃ še-ta 2(ban₂) 4(diš) sila₃ duh u₄ 3(u)-še₃ šuniŋin še-bi 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) gur šuniŋin duh-bi 2(aš) 2(barig) gur ki inim{d}šara₂ ša₃ umma{ki} giri₃ a-lu₅-lu₅ iti še-sag₁₁-ku₅ mu us₂-sa en-mah-gal-an-na ba-hun
30 sheep, grain-fed, 5/6 sila3 of barley each, 2 ban2 4 sila3 of bran, for 30 days, the total, its barley: 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2; the total, its bran: 2 gur 2 barig; from Inim-Šara in Umma via Alulu; month “Harvest,” year after: “Enmaḫgalana was installed.”
1(aš) 5(ban₂) 5(diš) sila₃ ninda gal gur zi-ga šu-nir ki gur₄-za-an-ta kišib₃ ensi₂ iti diri mu si-ma-num₂{ki} ba-hul {d}šu{d}suen lugal kal-ga lugal uri₅{ki}ma lugal an ub-da limmu₂-ba a-a-kal-la ensi₂ umma{ki} <unk> zu
1 gur 5 ban2 5 sila3 of “large bread” booked out of (the account of) Šu-nir, from Gurzan; under seal of the governor; month “extra,” year: “Simanum was destroyed.” Šu-Suen, strong king, king of Ur, king of heaven with its four corners: Ayakalla, governor of Umma, your servant.
1(geš₂)... ki-su₇ a-ša₃{d}nin-ur₄-ra gub-ba ...šeš-kal-la ...{d}šul-pa-e₃ mu us₂-sa {d}šu{d}suen lugal-e bad₃ mar-tu mu... ur{d}šul-pa-e₃ dub-sar dumu lugal-ku₃-ga-ni
60 [workdays, male laborers], at the threshing floor of the Ninurra field stationed, [the foreman]: Šeškala, [under seal] of Ur-Šulpa’e; year after: “Šu-Suen, the king, the Martu Wall erected.” Ur-Šulpa’e, scribe, son of Lugal-kugani.
Administrative ...5(iku) <unk> ... ...4(iku) <unk>... 1(eše₃) 4(iku) <unk>... 1(eše₃) <unk>... 5(iku) <unk>... ...<unk> ...
... ... 5 iku field area; ... ... 1 eše3 4 iku field area ... 1 eše3 field area ... 5 iku field area ... ... field area ...
a₂-pa₅ na-ba-sa₂-ta 1(geš₂) 3(u) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) kuš₃ dagal 1(diš) kuš₃ sukud a-ša₃ 7(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 1(geš₂) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) kuš₃ dagal 2(diš) kuš₃ sukud a-ša₃ 2(u) sar a-pi₄-sal₄... ... 2(u)... a-ša₃... 1(u) 2(diš)... a... a... ... ... a₂... ... 5(u) 5(diš) nindan gid₂ 1(diš) kuš₃...1(diš) kuš₃ sukud a-ša₃ 4(diš) 1/2(diš) sar 5(diš) gin₂ e a-ša₃ pirig-tur-gin₇-du-še₃ ... šuniŋin 8(geš₂) 5(u) nindan gid₂ šuniŋin 1(geš₂) 5(u) 8(diš) 1/2(diš) sar kin sahar u₃ u₂-sag₁₁ e a-ša₃ lugal-mu₁₀-us₂-sa₂ gaba a-geštin-na-ka e ki-sumun-na gid₂-da ugula sanga {d}dumu-zi u₃ sanga {d}nin <unk> a mu gu-za {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ba...
From the side of the Nabasa canal: 90 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 1 cubit the height, the volume 7 1/2 sar; 60 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 2 cubits the height, the volume: 20 sar; Apisal ...; 20 ... the volume ... 12 ... ... ... ... n ... n ... from the side of ... 55 ninda the length, 1 cubit the width, 1 cubit the height; the volume 4 1/2 sar, 5 shekels. For a levee in the field Pirigtur-gin-DU Total: 530 ninda the length. Total: 118 1/2 sar the activity for earthwork and reed bundle for barges The levee of the Lugal-mussa field that is in front of A-geštin field has been measured up to the levee of a plot with poor soil?; the foremen (are) the chief adminstrator of (the temple of) Dumuzi and the chief administrator of (the temple of) Nin-DARa. Year: The throne of Enlil was fashioned
2(aš) 4(ban₂) še gur lugal še ur₅-ra-še₃ ki ur <unk> ta ur-nigar šu ba-ti ...a-tu iti amar-a-a-si mu ur-bi₂-lum{ki} ba-hul
2 gur 4 ban2 barley, (measured in) royal (gur) as a barley loan from UrNI, Ur-nigar has received; under seal of Atu; month: “Amar-ayasi,” year: “Urbilum was destroyed.”
1(u) 3(aš) 4(barig) še gur lugal še ur₅-ra engar nu-banda₃ i₃-dub {d}nin-hur-sag-ta ki ba-zi-ta mu ma-an-šum₂ kišib₃ nam-ha-ni šeš-a-na e₂ nam-ha-ni iti amar-a-a-si mu ki-maš{ki} ba-hul nam... dub... ...
13 gur 4 barig of barley, (measured in) royal (gur). Barley loan for the plowmen of the oxen overseer from the warehouse of Ninhursag, from Bazi, instead of Manšum under seal of Namḫani, his brother; household of Namḫani; month: “Amar-ayasi,” year: “Kimaš was destroyed.” Namḫani, scribe, ...
Old Babylonian
...a nam ba-tar-ra-a-ba ...ŋal₂ an u₃-tu-da ...e u₂-šim-gin₇ ki in-dar-ra-a-ba ...abzu lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...en-ki en nam tar-tar-re-de₃ ...a-ni kug {na₄}za-gin₃-na teš₂-bi ba-ni-in-du₃ ...{na₄}za-gin₃-bi ud kar₂-kar₂-a-ka ...abzu ul im-ma-ni-in-du₃ ...galam dug₄-ga abzu-ta e₃-a ...dim₂-mud-ra mu-un-na-sug₂-sug₂-ge-eš₃ i-ni-in-du₃₃-na-am₃ i-ni-in-gun₃ ...le-eš kug-sig₁₇-ga šu tag ba-ni-in-dug₄ ...{ki}ga e₂ gu₂-a bi₂-in-du₃ inim dug₄-dug₄ ad gi₄-gi₄ gud-gin₇ murum...ša₄ ...gu₃ nun...dam <unk> dug₃-bi-eš₂ mu-na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...sukkal {d}<unk> de₃ im... ...gu₃ mu-un... ...gu₃ im-ma-ab-šum₂... ... ...mi₂ dug₄-ga ...<unk> na me mah...a ...gaba... ...gur₃-ru ...dug₄-ga {gi}kid za-gin₃-na...gušur...gun₃-a nir-gam-ma-zu am si gur₃-ru kan₄-zu ur-mah lu₂ šu teŋ₄-a ...zu ug₂ lu₂-ra ed₂-de₃ abzu ki sikil me-te ŋal₂ e₂-engur-ra lugal-zu ŋiri₃ im-ma-ri-gub {d}en-ki lugal abzu-ke₄ temen-zu {na₄}gug im-ma-da-an-si-ig mu₇-mu₇ za-gin₃-na mi₂ im-ma-ri-in-dug₄ e₂ {d}en-ki-ke₄ lal₃-hur-ra kug gurum₂ ak gud lugal-bi-ir us₂-a sig₁₀-ga ni₂-bi-še₃ murum ša₄ teš₂-bi ad gi₄-gi₄ e₂-engur-ra {d}en-ki-ke₄ {gi}dub-ba-an kug la₂-a šag₄-zu-ta barag mah ki ŋar-ra za₃-du₈-zu aškud₂ kug an-na en ŋeštug₂ lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ {d}nu-dim₂-mud en eridu{ki}ga... šag₄ šeg₉-bar-ra lu₂ igi nu-bar...de₃ abgal-zu siki bar-ra bi₂-in-duh eridu{ki} {d}en-ki-ke₄...aŋ₂-ŋa₂... e₂-engur-ra šag₄ he₂-ŋal₂... abzu zi kalam-ma ki aŋ₂ {d}en... e₂ zag-ga du₃-a me galam-ma tum₂... eridu{ki} ŋissu-zu ab šag₄-ga la₂... a-ab zig₃-ga id₂ mah ni₂ ŋal₂... e₂-engur-ra u₁₈-ru mah... e₂ da e₂-engur-ra piriŋ abzu... e₂ mah {d}en-ki-ke₄ ŋeštug₂... ...zig₃-ga-gin₇ ...en-ki-ra mu-un-na-du₁₂-am₃ e₂ kug-ga-ni-še₃ dug₃-bi-še₃ mu-un-na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ {ŋeš}za₃-mi₂ {ŋeš}al-ŋar {kuš}balaŋ {ŋeš}sur₉-za {ŋeš}har-har {ŋeš}sa-bi₂-tum {ŋeš}mi-riₓ(|URU×MIN|)-tum e₂ sig₉-ga-am₃ ad dug₃-ga nundum bur₂-re buluŋ₅-ŋe₂₆ šag₄ ni₂-ba-ke₄-eš ad ha-ba-ni-ib-ša₄ {ŋeš}al-ŋar kug {d}en-ki-ke₄ ni₂-bi-a mu-na-an-du₁₂ nar imin-e ad he₂-em-mi-ib-ša₄ dug₄-ga {d}en-ki-ke₄ šu nu-bal-e-de₃ <unk>še₃ ŋal₂-la-am₃ šeg₁₂ e₂-engur-ra-ka šir₃ dug₃-ge-eš im-me mu-un-du₃-a-ba mu-un-du₃-a-ba eridu{ki} {d}en-ki-ke₄ im-ma-ni-in-il₂-a-ba hur-saŋ galam gar₃-gin₇ a-e ba-diri zag-ga-ni-a ŋeš-gi ba-an-tuš {ŋeš}kiri₆ sig₇-ga gurun il₂-a-ba mušen-e ŋiri₃-bi mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ suhur{ku₆}e a-lal₃-e e-ne mu-un-ed₂-de₃ eštub{ku₆}e gi-zi di₄-di₄-la₂-aš kun mu... {d}... abzu-e u₆-e im... e₂-engur hul₂-la-am₃ mu-ni... a-ab-ba-gin₇ ni₂ mu-un-da... id₂ mah-am₃ su-zi mu-un-da... {id₂}buranun-na {tumu}u₁₈-lu sur₂ mu-da-an... {ŋeš}gi-muš-a-ni muš {d}nirah-a-ni {ŋeš}ŋisal-ni ki{mušen} tur-tur-ra-ni {d}en-ki <unk> a-ni mu he₂-ŋal₂ sug₄-ga... ma₂ ni₂-bi nam-duh eš₂ ni₂-bi nam-dab₅... e₂ eridu{ki}ga-še₃...da-kar-ra... id₂-da lugal-bi-ir ad im-mi-ib-gi₄-gi₄ gu₃-bi gu₃ amar-ra gu₃ ab₂ dug₃-ga-ke₄ {d}en-ki-ke₄ gud im-ma-ab-gaz-e udu im-ma-ab-šar₂-re {kuš}a₂-la nu-ŋal₂-la ki-bi-še₃ bi₂-in-gi₄ šem₅{zabar} nu-ŋal₂-la ki-bi-še₃ im-mi-in-e₃ nibru{ki}še₃ ŋiri₃-ni dili mu-un-gub gi-gun₄-na eš₃ nibru{ki}še₃ im-ma-da-an-kur₉-kur₉ {d}en-ki-ke₄ kaš-kaš-e ba-de₂ kurun₂-kurun₂-e ba-de₂ kurun₂ sig₁₇ zabar ba-ni-in-de₂ {kaš}ulušin₃ dili-am₃ ba-ni-in-sur {dug}ku-kur-du₃ kaš dug₃-dug₃-ga duh-ba bi₂-in-sa₂-sa₂ ka-bi lal₃ zu₂-lum-ma niŋ₂ <unk> ba-ni-in-de₂ duh-bi niŋ₂ lu-lu-a-aš sed₄-e bi₂-in-duh ...en-ki-ke₄ eš₃-e nibru{ki}am₃ ...a-ni {d}en-lil₂-ra ninda mu-un-gu₇-e mah-am₃š ...ra {d}en-lil₂ im-ma-ni-in-us₂ ...nin-tur₅ im-ma-an-tuš ...us₂-bi im-mi-in-dur₂-ru-ne-eš ...naŋ-naŋ-e kurun₂ i-dug₃-dug₃-ge₄-eš₄-gur₄-e-ne ...da-min₃ im-di-e-ne ...<unk> <unk> e-ne ...dug₃-ga-ta ...ra-ŋar-ra-ta ...{ki}a mu-ni...₄-ne gu₃ mu-na-de₂-e ...i₃-sug₂-ge-eš-za-na si bi₂-in-sa₂-de₃-en ...du₃ lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ ba-ra-an-ri ...e₂ im-ma-an-du₃₉-kur₉-de₃ ...{na₄}za-gin₃-na gun₃-a ...sa₂-e nam-šub šum₂-ma ...e₂ ki al-dug₃-ga ...en-ki-ke₄ me galam-ma tum₂-ma ...e₂ kug-ga du₃-a... ...za₃-mi₂
In those distant days when fate was determined The year (of?) abundance engendered by An/The year in which abundance and heaven (alike) were born(?) When the people split (through) the earth like vegetation The lord of the Abzu, king Enki ...(?) Enki, the lord who is to determine fate Built his temple (with) the combination of(?) silver and lapis The silver and lapis was something that (lit. of) glowing sunlight He made(?) rosette/star decorations(?) in shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space/crown(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?), coming out from the Abzu ... stood for/served lord Nudimmud It was silver that he built the temple with It was lapis that he made it colorful with He adorned it(!?) greatly in gold In Eridu he built the temple on the riverbank Its brickwork speaks words and gives advice Its reed layers within the brick bellowed like a bull The temple of Enki is to shout nobly The temple brought praise at(?) night for the king while presenting it sweetly/bending its knee (to him)(?) For Enki, the vizier Isimud was speaking(?) He stood in the temple and was speaking He stood in the brickwork and was giving voice/explicating House that was founded in silver and lapis, its foundation set in the Abzu Cared for by the prince in the Abzu Who accepted (its) supreme me(?) and aura in/from(?) the Tigris and Euphrates Your door lock has no rival Your bolt is a lion bearing an aura Your roof beam is the bull of heaven, a pure cultic space/crown(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?) (Your) reed mat sparkles in lapis/blue? towards the roof beams(?) Your vault is a wild bull raising its horns Your gate is a lion seizing a man Your threshold is an ug creature going out towards a man The Abzu, a pure place, fitting E'engura temple, your king has set foot (there) for you Enki, the king of the Abzu He has set(?) carnelian along(?) your foundation With incantations/noise(?) he has taken care of (your) lapis(?) Temple whose pure wax design(?) has been inspected by Enki A bull that is set on track for its master Roaring on behalf of its aura(?) and advising (on behalf of) its dignity(?) E'engura temple, (whose) pure reed fence has been hung/bound (together) by Enki In your midst a supreme dais is founded Your door jamb is the pure aškud bolt(?) of heaven/An The lord of wisdom, king Enki Nudimmud, the lord of Eridu (In?) the “heart of the fallow deer,” into which no one can see He has made(?) your abgal priest loosen (his) hair upon the back When Enki loves Eridu(!?) The midst of the E'engura temple is(?) filled with abundance Abzu, the life of the land, beloved by Enki Temple build on the edge, suitable for the elaborate cosmic powers Eridu, your shade extends into the midst of the sea Risen sea that has no rival Supreme river possessing an aura and giving the land gooseflesh E'engur temple, great flood(?) that touches the ground Temple adjoining the deep water(!?), pirig creature in/of the inner Abzu Supreme temple of Enki giving wisdom in the land Your shout, like a risen river Is singing for king Enki Towards the holy temple he presents sweetly/bends (his?) knee (to it)(?) The lyre, the algar instrument, the balag drum, and the tamborine/rattle The harhar instrument, the sabitum instrument, and the “Mari instrument” that silences the temple(?) (The ones with) a sweet voice and “releasing and growing" lips May they resound because of(?) their own hearts (i.e., their distinct sounds?) The holy algar instrument of Enki has played itself for him May the seven musicians sing/play(?) The utterance of Enki, which is not to be changed ... is set towards its (proper) place He is singing sweetly about(?) the brickwork of the E'engura temple When/In that which he had built (the temple), in that he had built (the temple) In that which Enki had raised in Eridu Like/as a mountain range that is craftily knotted/equipped with stairs(?) it floats on the water The reedbed dwells at its border(?) In its verdant orchards that bear fruit The bird sets foot/treads there(?) The suhur carp plays(?) in the ulal plants(?) The eštub carp flap their tails for him towards(!?) the tiny gizi reed grouth When Enki rises, the fish rise as a wave In the Abzu, he stands amid admiration In the E'engura temple rejoicing ... Like the sea, he can possess(?) an aura He is a supreme river who can cast(?) a radiance In the Euphrates river he can raise a furious southern wind His boat pole (is) his serpent(?), Neraḫ His oar(s) (are) his little kib birds When Enki sails, the year is filled with abundance The boat released itself and seized its own ropes(?) After(?) he “fled” towards the temple of Eridu In(?) the river ... was advising its king (The one whose) voice (was) the voice of a calf, the voice of a sweet cow Enki was slaughtering bulls and slaughtering sheep He restored the ala drum that was not present to its (proper) place He brought out the šem drum that was not present to its (proper) place He set out alone towards Nibru He was entering into the giguna terrace (of) shrine Nibru Enki approached(!) the beer, he approached(!) the kurun liquor He poured yellow(?) kurun liquor into a bronze (bowl?) He filtered ulušin beer that was singular (in quality, frequency, or “he alone"?) He made kukurdu containers settle(?) in/with(?) the residue(?) of the very good/sweetened beer(?) In its (the vessel's?) mouth he poured(?) date syrup ... He “released"(?) the residue by cooling it(?), (making it?) into “that which is mixed(!?)” Enki, who was in shrine Nibru For his father, Enlil, he was “making bread be eaten” He seated ... An in what was the supreme place For An, he made Enlil follow there He seated Nintur in the “seat of honor” (lit. great(er) side) He sat the Anuna gods in their “foundations"(?) They (lit. the people) were drinking, they were making themselves sweet(!?)with kurun liquor They were rolling around (i.e., knocking over?) the bronze vessels (like/filled with?) apples(!?) (They were making?) the bronze (bowls) have a contest with Uraš (i.e. the earth, by knocking them onto the ground)(?) They were ... the bowl (shaped like?) the holy barge (i.e., the crescent moon?)(?) After beer was drunk and kurun liquor was “enjoyed” After they set foot away from the temple Enlil ... rejoicing in Nibru Enlil was speaking to the Anuna Great gods who are present Anuna, you who (assemble) properly in the Ubšu'ukken My son built the temple, king Enki He made Eridu distant(?) from the ground like a mountain range It was a good place that he built the temple (in) (In) Eridu, the pure place which no one is to enter The temple built in silver and made colorful in lapis The temple that (plays) the seven tigi drums properly and produces incantations/namšub prayers(?) The pure and dignified(!?) šir songs that make the temple site sweet(?) Shrine Abzu, the goodness of Enki, suitable for the elaborate me It is the building of temple of silver of (i.e., in) Eridu Enki, praise
Old Babylonian
ud ri-a nam ba-tar-ra-ba mu he₂ an u₃-tud-da-kam uŋ₃-e u₂-šim-gin₇ ki in-dar... en <unk> lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ {d}en-ki-ke₄ en nam tar-tar-re-e... e₂-a-ni kug {na₄}za-gin₃-na teš₂-bi ba-ni-in-du₃ kug {na₄}za-gin₃-bi ud kar₂-kar₂-ka eš₃-e <unk> a ul im-ma-ni-in-du₃ muš₃ kug <unk> dug₄-ga <unk> ta e₃... en {d}nu-dim₂-mud-ra mu-un-na-sug₂-sug₂... e₂ kug-ga i-ni-in-du₃ {na₄}za-gin₃-na i-ni... ...kug-sig₁₇ ...gu₂-a bi₂... šeg₁₂-bi inim dug₄...gi₄...
In those distant days when fate was determined It was the year (of) abundance fathered by An When the people split (through) the earth like vegetation The lord of the Abzu, king Enki Enki, the lord who is to determine fate Built his temple (with) the combination of(?) silver and lapis The silver and lapis was something that (lit. of) glowing sunlight He made(?) rosette/star decorations(?) in shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space/crown(?) that was ..., coming out from the Abzu ... stood for/served lord Nudimmud He built the temple in silver, he made it sparkle it in lapis He adorned it(!?) greatly in gold He built(?) the ... on the riverbank Its brick work speaks words and gives advice(!?)
Old Babylonian
... kan₄-zu... i-dub-zu ug₂... abzu ki sikil... e₂-engur-ra lugal-zu... ...en-ki lugal abzu... temen-zu {na₄}gug... mu₇-mu₇ za-gin₃-na mi₂... e₂ {d}en-ki-ke₄ lal... gud lugal-bi-ir... ni₂... ... ...ŋeštug₂ lugal {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...mud en eridu{ki}ga-ke₄ ...šeŋbar-ra lu₂ igi nu-bar-re-dam abgal-zu siki bar-ra bi₂-in-duh ...{ki}ke₄ {d}en-ki-ke₄ ki aŋ₂ ...zi kalam-ma ki aŋ₂ {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...zag-ga du₃-a me galam-ma tum₂-ma ...{ki} ŋissu-zu ab šag₄-ga la₂-a ...zig₃-ga gaba-šu-ŋar nu-tuku ...ni₂ ŋal₂-la su kalam-ma zi-zi ...mah ki us₂-sa ...ra piriŋ abzu šag₄-ga ...ŋeštug₂ kalam mu-e-šum₂-mu ...id₂ mah zig₃-ga-gin₇ ...ra mu-un-na-du₁₂-a
Your gate is a lion seizing a man Your threshold is an ug creature going out towards a man The Abzu, a pure place, fitting E'engura temple, your king has set foot (there) for you Enki, the king of the Abzu He has made the carnelian equal along/matched carnelian with(?) your foundation With incantations/noise(?) he has taken care of (your) lapis(?) Temple whose pure wax design(?) has been inspected by Enki A bull that is set on track for its master Roaring on behalf of its aura(?) and advising (on behalf of) its dignity(?) The lord of wisdom, king Enki Nudimmud, the lord of Eridu (In) the “heart of the fallow deer,” into which no one can see He has made(?) your abgal priest loosen (his) hair upon the back When Enki loves Eridu(!?) the midst of the E'engura temple is(?) filled with abundance) Abzu, the life of the land, beloved by Enki Temple build on the edge, suitable for the elaborate me Eridu, your shade extends into the midst of the sea Risen sea that has no rival Supreme river possessing an aura and giving the land gooseflesh In the engur(?) it is a great flood(?) that touches the ground Temple adjoining the deep water, pirig creature in/of the inner Abzu The supreme temple of Enki is giving wisdom in the land Your shout, like a great risen river Is singing for king Enki
Old Babylonian
...₃ ud kar₂... ...abzu-am₃ ul am₃... ...kug galam dug₄-ga abzu-ta e₃... ...{d}nu-dim₂-mud-ra mu-un-na... ...kug-ga i-ni-in-du₃ {na₄}za-gin₃-na... ...le-eš kug-si₂-ga šu teš₂-bi ba... e₂ gu₂-a bi₂-in... inim dug₄-dug₄ ad gi₄... gud-gin₇ murum i-im... ...ke₄ gu₃ nun... ŋi₆ ri im-ma...dug₃-bi mu-un... ...sukkal {d}<unk>... ...
Built his temple (with) the combination of(?) silver and lapis The silver and lapis was something of glowing sunlight He made(?) rosette/star decorations(?) in what was shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space/crown(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?), coming out from the Abzu ... served lord Nudimmud He built the temple in silver, he made it colorful with lapis He adorned it(!?) greatly in gold In Eridu he built the temple on the riverbank Its brickwork speaks words and gives advice Its reed layers within the brick bellowed like a bull The temple of Enki is to shout nobly The temple brought praise at(?) night for the king while presenting it sweetly/bending its knee (to him)(?) For Enki, the vizier Isimud was ...
Old Babylonian
... ...ul-la... ...galam dug₄-ga abzu... ...mud-dim₂-ra... ... ...
He made (the temple?) in rosette/star decorations(?) in what was shrine Abzu In the pure cultic space(?) that was artfully crafted/furnished with stairs(?), coming out from the Abzu ... stood for/served lord Nudimmud He built the temple in silver, he made it sparkle in lapis ...
Old Babylonian
... za-e me-en inim-ŋu₁₀...gaba ri la-ba... ...ra {ŋeš}... ...
An imposed my aura/fear of me in the heavens It is you who has made my word have no rival in the universe In the outskirts of heaven there is a silig axe
Old Babylonian
... ...zi...mu₂-mu₂ ...e...de₆₇... ... ... {u₂}numun₂ ma...{u₂}numun₂ ma-ra... sa-gaz <unk>...saŋ mu-ra-an-zi-zi gi dili du₃-e... ...
Rushes were rising for me, rushes were growing for me A reed planted alone was shaking its head at me Several reeds planted (together) split apart for me In the forest, a tree has raised itself for me (as high) as heaven My brother, your dream is not good, one should not interpret it Rushes were rising for you(?), rushes were growing for you (It symbolizes) a robber raising his head for you in/from an ambush A reed planted alone shaking its head for you(?)
Old Babylonian
... ...<unk> ... ... ...dumu unug{ki} min-am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš ...<unk> a-a šu-ru-ub-ba {ŋeš}šukur a-a hab₂-ba šu-ni ŋeš gur₅-ra eme-a-ni e₂-gal-la lugal-am₃ dumu <unk> <unk> <unk>{ki}am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš {ŋeš}tukul saŋ kud-a ur₂-ra la₂-a lugal-am₃ dumu urim₂{ki}ma min-am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš tug₂-bi da₁₃-na kar-ra ŋal₂-la lugal-am₃ dumu nibru{ki} min-am₃ mu-un-ši-re₇{re}eš lu₂ lu₂-ra im₂-ma-ni-ib amaš {e₂}<unk> ši-re₇{re}eš {d}ŋeštin-an-na-ke₄ amaš <unk> mu-ni-in-dab₅-be₂-ne a idₓ(|A.LAGAB×A|)-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne šu₂-de₃ a-šag₄ še-ba mu...e-ne šu nu-um-ma-gid₂-de₃ galla tur galla gu-la...un-na-de₂-e ... šeš-am₃ mu-un-pad₃... ud ul-ta a-ba-gin₇ mu-ni... ŋa₂-nam-ma-ze₂-en gu₅ši-re₇-en-de₃-en gu₅-li-a-ni-ir ...idₓ(|A.LAGAB×A|)-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne šu am₃-ma-gid₂-de₃-en ...še-ba mu-un-na-ba-e-ne šu am₃-ma-gid₂-de₃ gu₅-li-ŋu₁₀ saŋ u₂-a he₂-en-šub ki-ni ba-ra <unk> ...de₃ saŋ u₂-a he₂-en-šub ki-ni ba-ra <unk> ... ... ...<unk>... ... ...
He who was the king, it was two citizens of Uruk that went towards him (They were) thornbushes that are ... in the water(?), lances/points(?) that are fetid in the water(?), his hand chops trees(?), his tongue is “of/in the palace” He who was the king, it was two citizens of Umma that went towards him (They were those who had) bound a weapon that cuts off heads to the loin He who was the king, it was two citizens of Ur that went towards him (They) had/set(?) their clean garments in the harbor (leaving them behind?) He who was the king, it was two citizens of Nibru that went towards him (Saying) “run, one man after(?) the other,” they sent to the sheepfold and cattlepen They were catching {geš}tinanna there (en route to) the sheepfold and cattlepen They were offering her water of the river(!), she was not accepting They were offering her barley of the field, she was not accepting The small/junior galla demon was speaking to the largest/eldest galla demon A sister who reveals the whereabouts of her brother Like whom from ancient time ... Come! We shall go to his friend ... to his friend They were offering him water of the river(!), he(!?) was accepting They were offering him barley of the field, he was accepting If my friend dropped his head in the plants then no one can know(?) his place If Dumuzi dropped his head in the plants then no one can know(?) his place ... ... ...
Old Babylonian
... ...ug₅-ge... ...ama-ŋu₁₀-gin₇... nin₉ banda₃{da}ŋu₁₀-gin₇... ul ud ba-nud...ul-e ba-nud... sipad ul-e ba-nud-gin₇... i-im-zig₃ ma-mu₂-da i-im... šu bi₂-in-kiŋ₂ niŋ₂-me-ŋar... tum₂-mu-un-ze₂-en tum₂-mu-un...nin₉-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un... ...ŋeštin-an-na-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂...nin₉-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un... ...en₃-du zu-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂...nin₉-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂... ...du zu-ŋu₁₀ tum₂-mu-un-ze₂...tum₂-mu-un... ... ...mu₂... ma-mu₂-da nin₉... {u₂}numun₂ ma-ra-zi... gi dili du₃-e saŋ... gi didli du₃-e dili ma... {ŋeš}tir-ra ŋeš an-gin₇ ni₂... ne-mur kug-ŋu₁₀ a mu-da-an... {dug}šakir₃ kug-ŋu₁₀ <unk> bi ba-ra... {ŋeš}an-za-am kug-ŋu₁₀ {ŋeš}gag...{ŋeš}gag-ta ba-ra... {ŋeš}ma-nu-ŋu₁₀ u₂-gu mu-da... {d}nin <unk> <unk>{mušen}ta-e ŋa₂ udu...sila₄ šu ba-ni-ib-teŋ₄... ...du₃{mušen}e {gi}dub-ba-an-na-ka buru₅{mušen} šu ba-ni-ib-teŋ₄... ...i₃-dur₂-dur₂ ga nu-un... i₃-dur₂-dur₂ {d}dumu-zid...til₃...amaš lil₂... ...da-ŋu₁₀...sahar-ra ma... ...ŋu₁₀ a₂... ...
If ... has not known the time I will die Plain, you would know the (appropriate word) and speak(it) like my mother (would) So that ... would weep for me like my little sister He laid down in that distant time(?), he laid down in that distant time(?), the shepherd(!?) laid down in that distant time(?) When(?) the shepherd laid down in that distant time(?), he laid down in order to dream/in a dream(?) He arose, it was a dream, he shivered, it was deep sleep He sought his face with his hands, (his) silent stupor was (causing a feeling of) empt(iness)(?) Bring her, bring her, bring my sister Bring my Geštinanna, bring my sister Bring my singer who knows endu songs(?), bring my sister Bring my singer who knows endu songs, bring my sister So that I may reveal the dream for her In the dream, my sister, in the dream, (these are) the contents of my dream Rushes were rising for me, rushes were growing for me A reed planted alone was shaking its head at me Several reeds planted (together) split apart for me In the forest, a tree has raised itself for me (as high) as heaven ... poured water among my pure coals ... opened/removed(?)/broke to bits the chamber(?) of my pure churn My holy anzam vessel, which had been hanging from a peg, was torn off from the peg ... made my (stick of) manu wood disappear A ninninata bird of prey took a lamb at the sheep hut A falcon took a small bird at the reed fence Churns were sitting idle, one no longer poured milk (from them) The anzam containers were sitting idle, Dumuzid was no longer dwelling there/alive(?), the sheepfold had been made into an empty wind My goat buck was swishing its lapis beard in the dirt My ram was scratching the ground with their thick/curved(?) horns
Old Babylonian
... ...i₃-dur₂-dur₂ {d}dumu... šir₃...
The anzam containers were sitting idle, Dumuzi was no longer dwelling there, the sheepfold had been made into an empty wind The dead Dumuzi! It is a širkalkal(?) composition.
Old Babylonian
... en-e a₂ nam... saŋ-kal <unk> <unk>... piriŋ gal <unk>... piriŋ tur... <unk>... ... ... me-ŋu₁₀... ŋeš-hur-ŋu₁₀... dub nam tar-ra... ur-saŋ {d}nin-urta... me {d}en-ki-ga... ŋeš-hur me-a... ...
... The lord ... the strength of heroism(?) ... Foremost one(?) ... The great pirig creature ... The small pirig creature ... ... ... My me ... My plans ... My(?) tablet that determines fate ... Hero Ninurta ... The me of Enki ... The plans, where ...? ... where ...?
Old Babylonian
en-e kur lu₂ til₃-la-še₃ ŋeštug₂ en {d}gilgameš₃-e kur...til₃...ŋeštug₂-ga-a-ni...gub arad-da-a-ni en-ki-dug₃ en-ki-du₁₀ murgu ŋuruš til₃-la la...ra-an-e₃... kur-raŋu₁₀ ga...₂-gub ...gub-bu-ba mu diŋir-re-e-ne ga-bi-ib₂-gub ...da-a-ni en...du₁₀-e inim mu-ni-ib₂-gi₄-gi₄ lugal-ŋu₁₀ tukumbi kur-ra i-ni-in-ku₄-ku₄-de₃ {d}utu he₂-me-e-da-zu {d}utu šul {d}utu he₂-me-e-da-zu kur {ŋeš}eren kud dim₂-ma...šul {d}utu-kam {d}gilgameš₃ maš₂ im-mi-in-teŋ₄ maš₂ su₄ maš₂-da-ri... šu-ni {ŋeš}ŋidru kug...da-ŋal₂ {d}utu an-na-ra gu₃ mu-na-de₂... {d}utu kur-še₃ in-ku₄-ku₄-de₃ a₂-tah-ŋu₁₀ he₂-me-en kur {ŋeš}eren kud-še₃ in-ku₄-ku₄-de₃ a₂-tah-ŋu₁₀ he₂-me-en {d}utu an-na-ta inim mu-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ ...ni₂-za he₂-me-en kur-ra a-na-bi me-en₄ inim-ŋu₁₀-uš ŋeštug₂-zu ...ab-dug₄ ŋizzal he₂-em-ši-ak ...lu₂ ba-uš₂ šag₄ ba-sag₃ ...u₂-gu ba-an-de₂ šag₄ ba-an-gig bad₃-da gu₂-ŋa₂₂ adda id₂ ib₂ <unk>...igi im-ma... u₃ ŋa₂-e ur₅-gin₇ na-ab-ba-ak...ur₅-še₃ me-en lu₂ sukud-da an-še₃ nu-mu-un... lu₂ daŋal-la kur-ra la-ba... kur-ra ga-am₃-kur₉ mu-ŋu₁₀...
The lord paid attention to the mountain that sustains man Lord Gilgamesh paid attention to the mountain that sustains man He was speaking to his servant Enkidu Enkidu, the shoulder of(?) a young man has not brought out the limits/secrets(?) of living I want to enter into the mountain, I want to establish my name Where a name (can) stand (be inscribed), I want to establish my name Where a name (cannot) stand (be inscribed), I want to establish the name of the gods His servant Enkidu was replying My king, if you are to enter the mountain, Utu should know of it along with us Utu, the youth Utu, should know of it along with us The decision of the mountain of cut juniper belongs to the youth Utu, (Utu should know of it along with us) Gilgamesh took a white goat kid He clasped a brown goat kid of the mašdaria delivery to his chest His hand held the pure scepter at his nose He was calling out to Utu of heaven Utu, if (I) am to enter into the mountain, will you be my helper? If (I) am to enter into the mountain of cut juniper, will you be my helper? Utu from heaven was replying to him You are of yourself a young man, a native son, what are you to the mountain? Utu, I want to speak to you, (may) your ear be oriented towards my words I shall greet you, may (my words) be listened to In my city, a man dies, and (I) am distressed One has forgotten a man, and (my) heart is pained On the city wall, I stretched out my neck(?) (I) saw a corpse floated by the river(?) <in the water> But I should not be done thusly! Thus I must be? A tall man has never stretched to heaven A broad man has never engulfed the land I want to enter into the mountain, I want to establish my name
Old Babylonian
...e kur... en {d}gilgameš₃...ŋeštug₂-ga... arad-da-a-ni en-ki...gu₃ mu-na... en-ki-du₁₀ murgu₂{gu₂} ŋuruš-e til₃...saŋ til-le-de₃ la-ba-ra-e₃... ...iri₁₁-gal-e saŋ-gig₂-ga... nam tar-tar-de₃ lu₂₂...₉ mu-ŋu₁₀ ga...ŋu₁₀ ga... nu... ... ...saŋ-kal šeg₁₁ gi₄... ...ŋi₆-gin₇ kur-ra gaba... ...<unk> gin₇ i₃-ŋir₂-ŋir₂-re da-bi-še₃... ...saŋ šul {d}utu {d}gilgameš₃-ra... ...hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ hu-mu-ni-in-tum₂-tum₂... ...eren kud-kud-de₃ hul₂-la-gin₇ im-ma-na-ni-ib₂... ...gilgameš₃-e hul₂-la-gin₇ im-ma-na-ni-ib₂... lu₂ dili-gin₇ si gu₃ ba-ni-in...₇ gu₃ teš₂ ba-ni-in... ...e₂-a-ni-še₃ ama tuku ama... ...dili ŋa₂-gin₇ ak a₂-ŋu₁₀-še₃ hu... ...e₂-a-ni-še₃ ama tuku ama... ...gin₇ ak ninnu-am₃ a₂-ni-še₃ ba... ...simug-še₃ ŋiri₃-ni bi₂... ...a₂-aš-ŋar aga <unk> <unk> a₂ nam-ur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ka im... ŋiri₃... ...taškarin-na-ka im-ma... ... ... ...he₂-a... ...gud₃-ŋu₁₀... ...<unk> še₃ <unk> <unk>... ...igi-bi duh... ŋiri₃ kur-še₃ gub-ba-ŋu₁₀ iri{ki}še₃ ba-ra-gub... arad zi ba-an-dug₃ nam-til₃ ba-an-ku₄-ku₄ inim mu-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ ...e lu₂-bi igi nu-mu-ni-duh-a šag₄ nu-mu... ...duh-am₃ šag₄ mu-ni-dab... ka ušumgal-kam ...igi piriŋ-ŋa₂-ka ...a-ŋi₆ du₇-du₇-dam ...{ŋeš}gi izi gu₇ lu₂ nu-mu-da-teŋ₃-ŋa₂-de₃₂-am₃ ...ur-mah adda <unk> uš₂-am₃ nu-ra <unk> de₃ ...gu₇... ...lu₂ <unk> uš₂-am₃... ...<unk>... ... eš₂ eš₅ tab-ba... bad₃-da... e₂ gi-sig-ga... za-e ŋa₂-e tah-ma-ab ŋa₂... ba-su-a-ba... ud ma₂ ma₂-gan{ki}... ma₂ <unk> ma₂-gi-lum... ma₂-la₂ ma₂ zi-šag₄-ŋal₂-la-ka... ŋa₂-nam-ma ga-an-ši-re₇{re}... tukumbi... ni₂ i₃-ŋal₂... umun₂ i₃-ŋal₂... niŋ₂ šag₄-zu ŋa₂-nam-ma ga-an-ši... uš ŋeš₂ nindan la... hu-wa-wa e₂ {ŋeš}eren-na-ka-ni... igi mu-ši-in-bar igi... saŋ mu-na-tuku₄-tuku₄ saŋ... ŋuruš ba-da-me-en-na iri ama tu-da... ...ŋiri₃-na ni₂ ba-an-ri ni₂...₂... ... ... hu-wa-wa usu-ni-ta...tuš-a mu-na... ur-saŋ-e dur₂ im-ma-ŋ₃ si₁₂-si₁₂ i₃-ŋa₂... hu-wa-wa im-ma-ŋar er₂ im-ma-an-pad₃ si₁₂-si₁₂ i₃-ŋa₂... hu-wa-wa {d}gilgameš₃-ra ša₃-ne-ša₄ <unk>... {d}gilgameš₃ šu ba-nam-ma {d}utu inim ga-mu-na-ab-be₂ {d}utu ama tud-da-ŋa₂ nu-zu a-a buluŋ₃-ŋa₂... ...ra mu-tud-de₃-en za-e buluŋ₃... {d}gilgameš₃ zi an-na mu-un-pad₃ zi ki-a mu-un...zi kur-ra mu-un... ...še₃ mu-un-dab₅ ki-za nam-ba-an... {d}gilgameš₃ dumu-egir šag₄-ga-na arhuš ba-an... ...gilgameš₃ en-ki-du₁₀-ra gu₃ mu-un-na-de₂-e en-ki-du₁₀ mušen dab₅-ba ki-bi-še₃ ha...<unk> ŋuruš dab₅-ba ur₂ ama-ni-še₃ he₂-gi₄-gi₄ en-ki-du₁₀-e gu₃ mu-un-ni-ib... ...ra₂ dim₂-ma... ...nam-tar...<unk> ...dam ...de₃ ...hul ...de₂-e ...hul ... ...
The 5th is ..., a screaming sagkal snake, ...(?), splitting the mountain range The 6th is ..., beating its breast against the mountain like a flood The 7th is ... flashing like lightning(!), no one will approach its side The seven heroes, the youth Utu gave to Gilgamesh They(?) will bring the boats for portage to the base of the mountain range It was made pleasing there for the one who cuts the juniper It was made pleasing there for lord Gilgamesh In his city as a single man he sounded the horn As two companions (he and Enkidu), (they) shouted together The one who has a household to his household, the one who has (lives with) a mother to his mother May single males acting(?) like me, act on behalf of my power The one who has a household to his household, the one who has (lives with) a mother to his mother The single males acting(?) like me, fifty of them, have acted on behalf of my power He set out to the house of the blacksmith He was pouring (the metal for) the (blade of the) a'ašgar ax, the agasilig axe(!?), the arms of heroism He set out to the grove of deep shade He was striking (down) the axe handle(?) of halub wood, apple wood, and boxwood ... No one can cut a three-ply rope(?) On a wall, water does not overwhelm a man(?) Fire cannot be extinguished in a house with a reed fence You help me, I shall help you, what is it of ours that someone can take (away)? When it sank, when it sank When the Magan boat sank When the barge(?), Magilum, sank A raft, a lifeboat, seized ... Come! let us go and have a look! (But) if we go There will be an aura, there will be an aura, turn back! There will be cunning(?) there will be cunning, turn back! (This is) your thought, (but) come, let's go! After someone has not even approached (within) 3600(?) ninda Huwawa has (already) “seized” (him in) his house of juniper/cedar He has looked, it is the look of death He has shaken his head (taking an oath?), its is a head filled with (punishment for?) sin You who are a young man to your detriment, you will not return to the city of your mother He imposed his aura into his muscles and his feet He could not turn his foot (i.e., take a step) on the ground Huwawa by means of his own strength ..., he said? to him “sit” The hero(!) sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises Huwawa sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises Huwawa ... compassion for Gilgamesh Gilgamesh, release me! So that I may speak a word with Utu Utu, (I) do not know the mother that bore me, (I) do not know the father that reared me I was born in the mountain, you reared me Gilgamesh swore an oath by heaven, he swore an oath by earth, he swore an oath by the netherworld He seized his hand(?), (saying): “you shall not be deprived” At that time, Gilgamesh, the native, had compassion in his heart Gilgamesh was speaking to Enkidu Enkidu, may the captured bird go (back) to its place for me(?) May the captured youth be returned to the lap of his mother His servant Enkidu was replying The tall, (if) he lacks intellect The Namtar demon/fate will consume him, the Namtar demon/fate having not been revealed The caught bird that is to go back to its place The caught youth that is to be returned to the lap of its mother You will not return to the city of your birth mother ... Huwawa was speaking to Enkidu Enkidu is defaming me ...
Old Babylonian
... ...ur₂ hur...ke₄ mu-ni-ib... ni₂ teŋ₃-ni min-am₃ ni₂ teŋ₃-ni eš₅... ni₂ teŋ₃-ni limmu₅ ni₂ teŋ₃-ni ia₂ ni₂ teŋ₃... ni₂ teŋ₃-ni imin-am₃ mu-na-til-la-ta da-ga-na ba-teŋ₃ muš-kar-ŋeštin-na-gin₇ murgu₂-na im-ta <unk> <unk> ne mu-un-su-ub-ba-ke₄ te-na tibir-ra bi₂-in-rah₂ hu-wa-wa zu₂ ba-an-da <unk> saŋ-ki... hu-wa-wa {d}gilgameš₃-ra gu₃... ur-saŋ lul sig₁₀-sig₁₀-ge... min₃-na-ne-ne-bi mah...ugu-na... ur-saŋ usu-ni-ta...tuš-a mu-na... hu-wa-wa usu-ni-ta...tuš-a mu-na... ...saŋ-e dur₂ ...si₁₂... igi-ni er₂ mu-na... {d}gilgameš₃...{d}utu-ra ga... {d}utu ama tu-ud-ŋa₂ nu... kur-raŋ₃... {d}gilgameš₃ zi an-na mu-un...zi ki-a mu-un-pad₃...kur-ra mu... šu-še₃ mu-un-dab₅ ki-za nam-ba-an-tum₂ {d}gilgameš₃ en-ki-du₁₀-ra gu₃ mu-na-de₂-e en-ki-du₁₀ mušen dab₅-ba ki-bi-še₃ ha-ma <unk> ŋuruš dab₅-ba ur₂ ama-ni-še₃ he₂-gi₄... en-ki-du₁₀ {d}gilgameš₃-ra... sukud... ...
They laid it down at the base of the mountain range His 2nd terror, his 3rd terror ... His 4th terror, his 5th terror, his 6th terror ... After his 7 terrors were exhausted, he approached his side Like a gargeština snake, he went from (a hiding place?) onto his shoulder As if(!?) he had kissed him, he struck him on his cheek with his fist Huwawa “flashed his teeth"/laughed(?), ... his forehead(?) Huwawa spoke to Gilgamesh Deceiving hero ... The great two(?) ... upon him ... The hero by means of his own strength ..., he said? to him “sit” Huwawa by means of his own strength ..., he said? to him “sit” The hero sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises Huwawa sat down, wept, and made sobbing noises His eye/face ... weeping Gilgamesh! ... I want to speak to Utu! Utu, (I) do not know the mother that bore me, (I) do not know the father that reared me ... bore me in the mountain, you reared me Gilgamesh swore an oath by heaven, he swore an oath by earth, he swore an oath by the netherworld He seized his hand(?) saying(?) he(? Enkidu) shall not dig your grave!(?) Gilgamesh was speaking to Enkidu Enkidu, may the captured bird go (back) to its place for me(?) May the captured youth be returned to the lap of his mother Enkidu replied to Gilgamesh The tall, (if) he lacks intellect
Old Babylonian
...₇ ...gu₃ ba-ni-in-rah₂ ...tuku ama-ni-še₃š ...e₂-a-ni-še₃ ba... ...ŋu₁₀-še₃ hu-mu-un... ...
It was made pleasing there for lord Gilgamesh In his city as a single man he sounded the horn As two companions (he and Enkidu?), (they) shouted together The one who has a household to his household, the one who has (lives with) a mother to his mother May single males acting(?) like me, (fifty of them), act on behalf of my power ... to his house(?) ... May single males acting(?) like me, (fifty of them), act on behalf of my power ...
Old Babylonian
... ...inim mu...ŋ egir gaba-ri us₂...inim mu-na... ...<unk> mu-na... ...ni₂-zu ba-ši... ...
Enkidu has defamed me The hireling who is hired by (mere) sustenance, who follows behind his opponent, has defamed (me) ... ... you yourself/your aura ... ...
Old Babylonian
... ...ta... ...nam-me-a... us₂-sa igi... ...ta e₃ igi... mu... ...kug... ...kur-ra-ka ud mu... kur-ra-ka mu-na-zalag-ge... mu-na-ta... haš₄-a-na ba... bar-še₃ ba... ...igi he₂... ...
A 2nd time the white bull coming out from the horizon The bull reposing among the cypress trees A shield touching the ground, watched by the assembly A shield emerging from the treasury, watched by the young man The youth Utu was suspended above among his holy rays ... He ... sunlight in the mountain cave He was illuminating(?) the mountain cave for lugalbanda His good udug protective deity was suspended above him His good lamma protective deity went “at his thigh"(?) His afflicting god stood aside During that of his “may he raise his eyes toward the sky for Utu”
Old Babylonian
... ... mu... dam... za-e ad-da... ...la₂-zu-ne... nam-ba-ni-in-kur₉... ...ha-šu-ur₂ nu... ...he₂-me-da... ... ŋa₂-nu... ma₂-gur₈... ma₂ {ŋeš}... ma₂ ukuš₂... ma₂ ki buru₁₄... šeg₁₂ kul-aba₄{ki}... {d}lugal-banda₃{da} lu₂... šu nu-um-ma-gid₂... {d}nin-urta dumu {d}en-lil₂-la₂... {tug₂}saŋšu piriŋ me₃-a ugu-za he₂... ...<unk> en kur gal-la gaba nu... gaba-za he₂-en <unk>... kur-ra sa <unk> <unk> <unk> sa <unk>... iri{ki} im-še₃-du <unk> ki... {d}lugal-banda₃{da} lu₂ numun-e... šu nu-um-ma-gid₂... ...dumu ki-aŋ₂ {d}... ...a ud-gin₇ e₃... ...iti₆-gin₇... ...rah₂-rah₂... ... ...lugal-banda₃{da} ...<unk> ...lirum he₂-ŋal₂š₂-u₃-de₃ ...ud imin-bi {d}iškur-ke₄ ...nim-gin₇ ga-ŋir₂ ...ŋen-ni ...gi₄-bi ...a ...a ...kur₉-da ...a ...
... ... I (Lugalbanda) relied upon you (the Anzu bird) He said “may your wife be my mother” He said “may you be my(?) father” Your little ones as my brothers Indeed (I?) will regard them (lit. bring them in) Since yesterday in the (mountain of) cypress, the unknown of mountain(s) (I) have been standing in place (waiting) for you May your spouse stand beside you in my greeting I shall greet you ... Come, my lugalbanda Like a barge(?) (carrying) precious metal, like a boat (carrying) barley Like a boat that is to transport apples Like a boat providing shade to(?) cucumbers Like a boat exuding allure at the site of the harvest Go proudly back to the brickwork of Kulaba Lugalbanda, the one who loves the seed(?) Was not accepting (the suggestion) Ninurta, the son of Enlil May he cover the top of your head with the sagšu turban, the pirig creature of battle ... of lord(?)/mighty ... of(?) the Great Mountain (Enlil) (whose) chest cannot be turned back May he stand it(?) on your chest In the mountain/foreign land a ... net(?), a ... net(?) ... (You?) will go(?) to the city(?), the site of Unug(?) Lugalbanda, the one who loves the seed(?) Was not accepting these Like Šara, the beloved son of Inanna Bring out your barbed arrows like sunlight Bring out ... like moonlight May the barbed arrow act as a šagtur snake(?) to those it hits The Anzu bird (to) holy lugalbanda Was speaking(?) May there be strength in your arms May you(?) never tire Your pumping arms shall not suffer pain Moving like the sun, like Inanna, like(?) the seven storms of Iškur (You said?) “I want rise like flame and flash like lightning” Go where your eye looks and sees Set your foot to wherever you eye raises to Confront according to your free will/wish In the place where your heart also speaks to you (about) Untie your sandals (When) Utu is to bring (you) (back) to your city, Kulaba The one who curses you
Old Babylonian
... ...kul-aba₄{ki}a saŋ-men...₄ ŋi₆-par₄... ...par₄-ra-ke₄ eš₃ gal... ...lu₇ aratta{ki}... ...<unk>...ŋeš <unk>... ud-te-en-e um-ma... ...{d}dumu-zid-da udu maš₂...<unk>... a kalag-ga a-šag₄ {d}dumu-zid... udu kur-ra-gin₇ dub₃ ha-ra-ni-ib₂... gaba kug-ŋa₂-a ud-gin₇ e₃-ni ušu₃ aš₃ zi-pa-aŋ₂...he₂-me-en ...kar₂ dumu {d}utu za₃-mi₂ ...keš₂ ba-ši-in-ŋar ...ta ba-ra-an-pad₃ ...
When you place the sagmen crown (on your head?) in Uruk and in Kulab The ... of the great shrine should bring you to the gipar complex(?) (And then) the ... of the gipar complex should bring you to the great shrine(?) The people of Aratta ... they carry ... and wood(?) After this day reaches the evening In the site of Dumuzi where (his) sheep and goats ... are numerous In the “mighty water,” the field of Dumuzi They should kneel down for you like a sheep of the mountains Come out upon my holy chest like sunlight (Subtotal of) 36 (lines) May you be that of the šuba stone(!?) of my throat ... Enmerkar, son of Utu, praise The lord placed care towards the holy word of Inanna He selected a messenger who was learned and strong from the workforce/troops
Old Babylonian
lugal-zu dug₄-ga-ni nu-ŋu₁₀ tah-a-ni nu... lugal-ŋu₁₀...tu-da-ni nam-en-na tum₂... en unug{ki}ga muš-saŋ-kal ki-en-gi-ra til₃-la...ma₅ durah-maš kur-bad₃-da a₂-nun-ŋal₂ šilam-za₃ maš kur naŋa kug-ga-kam <unk> suh-suh ab₂ zid...kur šag₄-ge tud-da en-me-er-kar₂...utu-ke₄ mu-e-ši-in-gi₄-nam iri{ki}na ir₇-saŋ{mušen}gin₇ ŋeš-bi-da na-na-ra-ab-dal-e mušen-gin₇ gud₃ us₂-sa-bi-a nam-bi₂-ib₂-hu-luh-e šakanka-bi ŋal₂-la-gin₇ na-an-sig₉-ge₄-en iri{ki} gul-gul-la-gin₇ sahar na... aratta{ki} a₂-dam {d}en-ki-ke₄ nam ba-an-kud ki bi₂-in-gul-la-gin₇ ki nam-ga-bi₂-ib₂-gul-en egir-bi {d}inana ba-ši-in-zig₃ gu₃ im-mi-rah₂-aš šeg₁₀ im-mi-in-gi₄ kuš₇ bi₂-in-su-a-gin₇ kuš₇ nam-ga-bi₂-ib₂-su-su kug-si₂ u₃-tu-da-ba {kuš}<unk> šir u₃-ba-ni-in-ak kug-me-a sahar-ba zag ba-ni-in-us₂ kug saŋ <unk> še₃ u₃-mu-un-dim₂-dim₂ anše kur-kur-ra-ke₄ bar um-mi-la₂... ŋa₂-e-še₃-am₃ {d}en-lil₂ banda₃{da} kur-kur-ra-ke₄ en {d}nu-dim₂-mud-e šag₄ kug-ge ba-an-pad₃... kur me sikil-la-še₃ ha-ma-du₃... {ŋeš}taškarin-gin₇ hi-li ha-ma-ab... {d}utu agrun-ta e₃-a-gin₇ si-muš₃ ha-ma-gun₃... zag-du₈-zag-du₈-bi urin ha-ma-mul... agrun-agrun-ba šir₃ kug nam-šub du₁₂-a... ...{d}nu-dim₂-mud-ke₄ ŋa₂-ra dug₄-mu... ...ab-be₂-na-bi u₃-mu... ...da... ... ... inim-bi eš₃ e₂-an... ŋi₆-par₄ {ŋeš}mes gibil-gin₇ gurun... lugal-ŋu₁₀ en kul-aba₄{ki}ra šu ga-mu-na... ur₅-gin₇ hu-mu-un-na-ab-e-a... kiŋ₂-gi₄-a lugal-zu-ur₂ en kul-aba₄{ki}... u₃-na-a-dug₄ u₃-ne-de₃-tah ŋa₂-e-me-en en šu sikil tum₂-ma-ar {ŋeš}rab₃ mah an-na nin an-ki-ke₄ in-nin₉ me šar₂-ra kug {d}inana-ke₄ aratta{ki} kur me sikil-la-še₃ hu-mu-un-de₆-me-en kur-ra {ŋeš}ig gal-gin₇ igi-zu bi₂-in-tab-me-en aratta{ki}e unug{ki}še₃ gu₂ a-gin₇ i₃-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ aratta{ki} unug{ki}še₃ gu₂ ŋa₂-ŋa₂ nu-ŋal₂ e-ne-ra dug₄-mu-na-ab ur₅-gin₇ hu-mu-un-na-ab-e-a-ka kiŋ₂-gi₄-a en aratta{ki}ke₄ mu-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ nin gal {d}inana me huš-a <unk> a hur-saŋ kur šuba₃-ka dur₂ ŋar-ra barag kur šuba₃-ka še-er-ka-an dug₄-ga en lugal-ŋu₁₀-u₈ subur-ra-na-še₃ nin e₂-an-na-ka mu-na-ni-in-kur₉-re en aratta{ki} gu₂ ki bi₂-in-ŋar...kul-aba₄{ki}še₃ ur₅-gin₇ hu-mu-un-na-ab-e-a-ka en unug{ki}ga muš-saŋ-kal ki-en-gi-ra til₃ saŋ zid₂-gin₇ ma₅-ma₅ durah-maš kur-bad₃-da a₂-nun-ŋal₂ šilam-za₃ maš kur naŋa kug-ga-kam <unk> suh-suh-e ŋeš₂ im-gid₂-da limmu₂-kam-ma iri...gud huš ni₂ gal gur₃-ru
The utterance of your king is nothing to me(? lit. my non-existence), his reiteration is nothing to me(?) When my king was born, he was suitable for lordship The lord of Unug, a sagkal snake living in Sumer, crushing heads like flour A mountain goat whose strength is in the mountain peak The šilamza bovine, the mountain(?) goat purified with soap and plucked of its wool(?) Given birth to by the true cow in the mountain midst Enmerkar, the son of Utu, has sent me to you In his city, I(!) shall make (the people) fly from the trees like pigeons I(!) shall terrify (the people) in their founded nests like birds According to the current market rate I will tear away/silence(?) (the people) I will make (the people) hold dust as if (they inhabited) a destroyed city Aratta, the settlement that Enki has cursed I too shall destroy the place like the one who has destroyed places Inanna has raised ... behind them She has shouted and screamed (I) too shall devastate like the one who has devastated After (an inhabitant) has packed leather bags with gold ore (After) (an inhabitant) has placed kugmea metal in its ore(?) beside it After (an inhabitant) fashions the metal into pouches(?) After one fastens sacks(?) upon donkeys of the mountains(?) On my behalf, the junior Enlil of the lands The lord that Nudimmud has chosen in (his) pure heart (They) will therefore build ... for me in the manner of(?) the mountain of the pure me Make it alluring like the box tree for me Make (its) rays sparkle for me like Utu coming out of his agrun chamber And make its thresholds sparkle (like) a standard for me When(?) the holy songs and incantations are sung in its agrun chambers Say the spell of Nudimmud for me After you have spoken what you are saying to me(?) To the scion who grows(?) a lapis beard I shall speak the words to him in the shrine of Eanna In the gipar complex, bearing fruit like a new mes tree I shall repeat it for my king, the lord of Kulaba Thus in (i.e. contemporaneously?) that of what he (the messenger) should be saying to him (the lord of Aratta said)(?) Messenger, to your king, the lord of Kulaba When you speak to him, when you repeat It is I, the lord who is suitable for the pure hands(!?) And therefore the neck stock of heaven, the queen of the universe The lady of the many cosmic powers, holy Inanna It is I(?) who she brought to Aratta, the mountain of the pure me It is I(?) who she has made block your face(?) from(?) the mountain like a great door How could Aratta submit to Unug? Aratta's submission to Unug does not exist Speak (that) to him Thus in (i.e. contemporaneously?) that of what he (the lord of Aratta) should be saying to him (the messenger said)(?) The messenger was replying to(!) the lord of Aratta The great lady Inanna, riding on/superimposed by the furious me Seated in the mountain range of the mountain of šuba stones Having adorned the dais of the mountain of šuba stones My lord and king, in the manner of her servant(?) The lady has made him enter into the Eanna temple(?) (Saying) “The lord of Aratta has bowed his neck (to) the ground on behalf of Kulaba"(?) Thus in (i.e. contemporaneously?) that of what he (the messenger) should be saying to him (the lord of Aratta said)(?) The lord of Unug, a sagkal snake living in Sumer, crushing heads like flour A mountain goat whose strength is in the mountain peak The šilamza bovine, the mountain(?) goat purified with soap and plucked of its hair(?) (Total) 60 (lines) It is the 4th “long-tablet” (in the composition:) “The city, a furious bull bearing a great aura.”
Old Babylonian
hur-saŋ {na₄}za-gin₃-na-gin₇ tar-re-gin₇ iri {d}iškur-re ba-an-de₂-a-gin₇ gu₂ ki-še₃ ŋa₂-ŋa₂-dam e₂-e kur {ŋeš}eren kud nu-me-a {urud}ha-zi-in gal-gal ba-ši-in-de₂-de₂ {urud}aga-silig-ga a₂ min-a-bi-da u₄-sar ba-an-ak ur₂-bi-a {urud}gi₂-dim ba-an-ŋar suhuš kalam-ma-ke₄ ki ba-e-la₂ pa-bi-a {urud}ha-zi-in ba-an-ŋar e₂-e ŋuruš ug₅-ga-gin₇ gu₂ ki-še₃ ba... gu₂ kur-kur-ra gu₂ ki-še₃ ba... alal-bi im-ma-ra-an... im šeŋ₃-šeŋ₃ an-na ba-e... {ŋeš}kan₄-bi ba-ra-an-si-ig teš₂-bi... kan₄ še nu-kud-da še i-ni-in... šu kalam-ma-ta še ba-da... ...silim-ma-bi {ŋeš}al-e... kur-kur...silim-silim-bi... a-gar₃ mah-e a-eštub{ku₆}... e₂-kur-ra {urud}gi₂ itima{ma} e₂ ud nu-zu... dub-šen kug diŋir-re-e-ne uri... la-ha-ma dub-la₂ gal e₂... lu₂ an-zil gu₇-a nu-me... {d}na-ra-am{d}suen šu gibil-ke₄ bi₂-in-sag₃ {ŋeš}eren {ŋeš}šu-ur₂-me {ŋeš}za-ba-lum {ŋeš}taškarin ŋeš gi-gun₄-na-bi-eš <unk> ba-an-sur-sur kug-sig₁₇-bi mi-si-ra bi₂-in-ed₃ kug-babbar-bi <unk> šir-ra bi₂-in-ak urud-bi še mah de₆-a-gin₇ kar-re bi₂-in-si-si kug-bi kug-dim₂-e im-dim₂-e 3(u) za-bi za-dim₂-e im-dim₂-e urud-bi simug im-tu₁₁-be₂ niŋ₂ <unk> iri hul-a nu-me-a e₂-e ma₂ gal-gal kar-ra ba-an-us₂ e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ ma₂ gal-gal kar-ra ba-an-us₂ niŋ₂ <unk> uru₁₇-ta ba-ra-e₃ niŋ₂ <unk> uru₁₇-ta ed₂-da-bi a-ga-de₃ dim₂-ma-bi ba-ra-e₃ ma₂-e kar ib₂-kur₂...a-ga-de₃ ba-kur₂ ud te-eš dug₄-ga kalam teš₂-a ŋar-ra a-ma-ru zig₃-ga gaba-šu-ŋar nu-tuku {d}en-lil₂-le nam... kur gu₂-bi₂-na... hur-saŋ... uŋ₃-ŋa₂ nu-sig₁₀... gu-ti-um{ki}... dim₂-ma lu₂... {d}en-lil₂-le kur-ta... šid-šid buru₅{mušen}gin₇... a₂-bi gu maš-anše... niŋ₂-na-me a₂-bi... lu₂ na-me a₂-bi... {lu₂}kiŋ₂-gi₄-a har-ra-an-na nu-mu... ma₂ ra-gaba id₂-da nu-mu-un-dib-be₂ uzud sig₁₇ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ amaš-ta ba-rah₂-rah₂-aš na-gada-bi bi₂-in-us₂-u₂-us₂ šilam tur₃-bi-ta ba-rah₂-rah₂-aš unud-bi bi₂-in-us₂-u₂-us₂ ŋeš gu₂-ka en-nu-uŋ₃ ba-e-zal har-ra-an-na {lu₂}sa <unk> ba-e-tuš abul kalam-ma-ka {ŋeš}ig im-ma bi₂-in-gub kur-kur-re bad₃ uru₁₇-ne-ne-ke₄ gu₃ gig mi-ni-ib₂-be₂-ne ŋeš₂
As if to(?) cut/separate(?) it like the mountain range of lapis lazuli In order to bring (its) neck to the ground like a city that Iškur had poured (upon) Although the temple was not (in/of) the mountain of the cut cedar/juniper He brought(?) great hazin axes towards it He sharpened along both edges of the agasilig ax He set the gidim implement into its base It was excavated up to the foundation of the land He set the hazin ax into its “branches” The house fell with its neck to the ground like a dead young man The whole of the lands fell with their necks to the ground He split its rainpipe away from it The rain that had fallen went (back) up into heaven He removed (the ornaments?) from the gate/door, (the temple's/land's?) dignity changed He cut down barley at the gate/door where barley was not cut He cut off barley from the hand of the land He made the pickax strike the gate/door of well being The well-being of all the lands(?) changed Like(?) a great meadow in which(?) the carp flood expands(?) The great gidim implements of (i.e., for use against?) the Ekur temple he set (its metal) into molds The people saw (into) the itima chamber, the building where sunlight is unknown Agade saw (into) the holy treasure box of the gods Its lahama creatures, the great pilasters stationed at the temple Who did not commit taboo Naram-Sîn, the “renovator” struck them down Cedar, cypress, juniper, boxwood Concerning(?) the woods of its giguna structure, he ... He had its gold brought up/down in misir bags(?) He had its silver put in lubšir bags He had its copper loaded into the harbor like barley brought (in) great (quantity) (And thus) the precious metal worker would (re)fashion its precious metal (Subtotal:) 30 (lines) (And thus) the stone cutter would (re)fashion its precious stone (And thus) the metalworker would strike its copper As if(?) the property was not of a destroyed city At the temple he parked great boats in the harbor Towards/concerning the temple of Enlil he parked great boats in the harbor (Thus) the property left the city When the property left the city The reasoning/mood of Agade left (as well) (When?) the boat(s) changed(?) harbors, the mood of Agade changed The storm that erupted(?) and beset the land all together The risen flood that had not rival Enlil, because his beloved Ekur was destroyed, what was that which would be done more (than that as revenge)(?) He raised his eye towards the land/mountain of Gubin He stripped the whole (of the population) away from the broad mountain ranges (Those who were) not placed among the people, not counted among the land Gutium, a people(?) who knew no attachment (Possessing) the intellect of a man, the counsel of a dog, and the features of a monkey Enlil brought out from the mountains They(?) touched the ground like the copulation/superimposing(?) of small birds(?) They(?) stretched out their arms in the plain for him like a net (for the) herd Nothing escaped their reach Their reach spared no one The messenger did not go on the road The boat of the rider was not passing the river Towards the yellow goat(s)(?) of Enlil driven from the sheepfold, he made its herder follow Towards the cow(s) driven from the cattle pen, he made its herder follow A guard was in effect (lit. spent time) upon the trees of the riverbank(?) The robber dwelled on the highway At the gate of the land, he made the door stand ... The lands were crying out bitterly in the walls of their cities (Total:) 60 (lines)
Old Babylonian
saŋ-ki...{d}en-lil₂-la₂-kam kiš{ki}₇ im... e₂ ki unug{ki}ga gud...sahar-ra mi-ni-ib... ki ud-ba šar-ru-um-ki... sig-ta igi... ...en-lil₂-le ...a-ga-de₃... ... ... ... e₂-gal šag₄ hul₂... lu₂-hul-ŋal₂... ki uz... ka₅...
It was the frown of Enlil After it killed(?) Kish like the bull of heaven After it slew the temple of Uruk in the dust like a great bull Where, at that time to Sargon, the king of Agade From the lowland to the highland After Enlil gave the en-ship and kingship to him At that time the sanctuary Agade holy Inanna ... May distress fall upon your palace, which was built (for) rejoicing May the evildoer shout continually in the ... plain(?) (In) the site of your uzga, where the cleansing rite had been established May the fox, the one of the destroyed ruin mound, drag its tail there
Old Babylonian
... ...ke₄-ne₂-e-ne ...gin₇ kuš₂ mi-ni-ib ...teŋ₃-ŋa₂ nu-zu ...du-de₃ la-la-bi nu...gi₄ ...ra me-a-gin₇ ...tuku₄-e mu-na-ab-la₂-la₂ ...ni₂ im-ma-ni-in-teŋ₄ ...dur₂-ra-na ba-ra-an-ŋen{en} ...šub-bu-de₃ ...de₃{ki} mu-un-šub ...ŋa₂-ŋa₂-gin₇ ...ra ...am₃ ... ... e₂-kur... a₂... lu₂... gi-gun₄-na... nita {lu₂}la... e₂-še₃ {ŋeš}... e₂-kur... kur kug... hur... iri{ki}... e₂-e... {urud}ha... {urud}... ...
The governors, sagga officials And the land recorders of the border of the plain Were properly conveying the monthly nindaba offerings and (the nindaba offerings of?) the new year(?) At the gate of Agade, exhaustion was placed(?) Holy Inanna did not know how to accept the nindaba offering (anymore) As/like a citizen, the temple to be founded(!?) did not satisfy (her) The matter/word of the Ekur engendered (dazed) silence Trembling lingered for (Inanna?) (in?) Agade In Ulmaš (Inanna?) was afraid She went out from the city into(?) her (original?) (place of?) dwelling The young woman, as if to(?) abandon that of(?) her women's quarters Holy Inanna abandoned the shrine of Agade Like a warrior advancing against the weapon She imposed battle and combat apart from the city(?) She beat the breast for the enemy (instead) It was not (before the elapse of) five days, it was not (before the elapse of) ten days The bindings(?) of the en-ship, the crown of kingship ... He “bound his hands” towards the Ekur temple ... He acted towards the giguna like (it was worth?) (a mere) thirty gig Like a male thief who plunders a city He gathered up/imposed(?) great ladders (for use) against the temple In order to destroy the Ekur temple like a great boat In order to loosen (its) soil like a mountain mined (for) precious metal As if to(?) cut/separate(?) it like the mountain range of lapis lazuli In order bring (its) neck to the ground like a city that Iškur had poured (upon) Although the temple was not (in/of) the mountain of the cut juniper He brought(?) great hazin axes towards it ...
Old Babylonian
ud šu bal ak-de₃...lam-e-de₃ ud-de₃ mar-ru₁₀(TE)-gin₇...gu₇-e me ki-en-gi-ra šu bal ak-de₃ bal sag₉-ga e₂-ba gi₄-gi₄-de₃ iri gul-gul-u₃-de₃ e₂ gul-gul-u₃-de₃ tur₃ gul-gul-u₃-de₃ amaš tab-tab-be₂-de₃ gud-bi tur₃-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de₃ udu-bi amaš-bi-a nu-daŋal-e-de₃ id₂-bi a mun₄-na tum₃-u₃-de₃ gan₂-ne₂ zid-de₃ {u₂}hirim mu₂-mu₂-de₃ eden-e {u₂}a-nir mu₂-mu₂-de₃ ama dumu-ni-ir ki nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂-de₃ ad-da a dam-ŋu₁₀ nu-di-de₃ dam banda₃ ur₂-ra nu-hul₂-le-de₃ <unk> <unk> dub₃-ba nu-buluŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-e-de₃ emeda{da}e <unk> a nu-di-de₃ nam-lugal-la ki-tuš-bi kur₂-ru-de₃ eš-bar kiŋ₂-ŋa₂...e-de₃ nam-lugal kalam-ma kar-kar-re-e... igi-bi ki-šar₂-ra ŋa₂-ŋa₂... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-ta ŋeš-hur ha-lam-e... ud an-ne₂ kur-kur-ra saŋ-ki ba-da-an-gid₂-da-a... {d}en-lil₂-le igi-ni ki kur₂-ra ba-an-ŋar-ra-a-ba {d}nin-tur₅-re niŋ₂-dim₂-dim₂-ma-ni zag bi₂-in-tag-ga-a-ba {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na šu bi₂-in-bal-a-ba ki-en-gi-ra me-bi ha-lam-e-de₃ ŋeš-hur-bi kur₂-ru-de₃ urim₂{ki}ma me nam-lugal-la bal-bi su₃-su₃-ud-de₃ dumu nun-na e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-na šu pe-el-la₂ di-de₃ ...nanna uŋ₃ u₈-gin₇ lu-a-na igi-te-en-bi si-il-le-de₃ urim₂{ki} eš₃ nindaba gal-gal-la nindaba-bi kur₂-ru-de₃ uŋ₃-bi ki-tuš-bi nu-tuš-u₃-de₃ ki-erim₂-e šum₂-mu-de₃ šimaški{ki} elam{ki} lu₂ ha-lam-ma ki-tuš-bi tuš-u₃-de₃ sipad-bi e₂-gal-la ni₂-te-na lu₂-erim₂-e dab₅-be₂-de₃ i-bi₂{d}<unk> kur elam{ki}ma-še₃ ŋeš-bur-re tum₂-u₃-de₃ iš za-bu gaba a-ab-ba-ka-ta zag an-ša₄-an{ki}še₃ sim{mušen} e₂-bi-a ba-ra-an-dal-a-gin₇ uru₁₇-ni-še₃ nu-gur-re-dam {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na gu₂ min₄{min}a-bi u₂ hul mu₂-mu₂-de₃ kaskal-e ŋiri₃ nu-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃ har-ra-an nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂-de₃ uru₁₇ a₂-dam ki ŋar-ŋar-ra-ba du₆-du₆-ra <unk> de₃ uŋ₃ saŋ-gig₂ lu-lu-a-ba ŋeš-haš-e ak-de₃ gan₂-ne₂ zid-de₃ {ŋeš}al nu-ru-gu₂-de₃ numun ki nu-tag-ge-de₃ e-el-lu šir₃ gud sub₂-sub₂-ba eden-na nu-di-de₃ {e₂}tur₃-ra i₃ ga-ar₃-ra nu-ak-de₃...<unk> ha-lam-e-de₃ sipad-de₃ gi-šukur-ra amaš kug-ga šu nu-niŋin₂-niŋin₂-de₃ i-lu-lam-ma dun₅-dun₅ {dug}šakir₃-ra amaš-a nu-di-de₃ eden-na maš₂-anše tur-re-de₃ niŋ₂-zi-ŋal₂ til-le-de₃ niŋ₂-ur₂-limmu₂ {d}šakkan-ke₄ šurim ki nu-tag-ge-de₃ ambar-re šu ki-in-dar di-de₃ numun nu-tuku-tuku-de₃ ŋeš-gi gi saŋ hul mu₂-mu₂-de₃ hab₂-ba til-le-de₃ pu₂{ŋeš}kiri₆ u₂ gibil-la₂ nu-me-a ni₂-ba šu₂-šu₂-u₃-de₃ urim₂{ki} am gal u₃-na gub-ba ni₂-bi-ta nir-ŋal₂ iri numun nam-en nam-lugal-la ki sikil-la du₃-a gud-gin₇ saman ul₄-la-bi šub-bu-de₃ gu₂ ki-še₃ la₂-e-de₃ an {d}en-lil₂ {d}en-ki {d}nin-hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ nam-bi ba-an-tar-re-eš₂-ru-dam a-ba šu mi-ni-ib₂-bal-e inim dug₄...en-lil₂-kam saŋ a-ba mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ an-ne₂ ki...tuš-ba bi₂-in-hu-luh uŋ₃-e ni₂ bi₂-in-teŋ₃ {d}en-lil₂...gig-ga mu-un-zal iri-a me bi₂-ib-ŋar {d}nin-tur₅-re ama₅ kalam-ma-ke₄ {ŋeš}ig-šu-ur₂ im-mi-in-gub {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na a im-ma-da-an-keš₂ {d}utu niŋ₂-si-sa₂ inim gin₆-na ka-ta ba-da-an-kar {d}inana-ke₄ me₃ šen-šen-na ki-bala-e ba-an-šum₂ {d}nin-ŋir₂-su-ke₄ ki-en-gi ga-gin₇ ur-e ba-ni-in-de₂ kalam-ma ga-ba-ra-hum im-ma-an-šub niŋ₂ lu₂ nu-zu-a niŋ₂ igi nu-ŋal₂-la inim nu-ŋal₂-la niŋ₂ šu nu-teŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-dam kur-kur-re e₂ ni₂-ta-bi-a šu suh₃-a ba-ab-dug₄ iri{ki}ba diŋir iri{ki}bi-e-ne bar-ta ba-suₓ(DU)-ge-eš nam-lu₂-lu₈ e₂ ni₂-te-bi-a zi gig mu-un-pa-an-pa-an ud-de₃ šu-ne-ne ba-du₃-du₃ ud nu-mu-un-ši-ib₂-gur-re ud gi₄-a mu-un-na-tuku-am₃ ud <unk> bi-še₃ nu-um <unk> {d}en-lil₂ sipad saŋ-gig-ga-ke₄ a-na bi₂-in-ak-a-bi {d}en-lil₂-le e₂ zid gul-gul-lu-de₃ lu₂ zid tur-re-de₃ dumu lu₂ zid-da-ke₄ dumu saŋ-e igi hul-bi dim₂-me-de₃ ud-ba {d}{ki} kur-ta im-ta-an-ed₃ ...
In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans The storm ravages like a stormwind In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer In order to confine the good reign in its house In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in its sheepfold So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water So that hirin grass grows in the fertile field So that the “lamentation plant” grows in the plain So that the mother does not seek the whereabouts of her child So that the father does not say “ah, my wife” So that the junior spouse does not delight in (his) lap So that the little ones do not grow on the knee So that the nursemaid does not sign a lullaby So that the dwelling of kingship is changed In order to paralyze/actively diminish(?) decision making In order to take away the kingship of the land So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil It was the time when An frowned upon the lands It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans In order to obfuscate the me and the reign of kingship in Ur In order to defile the princely son in his Ekišnugal temple In order to tear apart the “mesh” of the people teeming/pastured like ewes(?) of Nanna In order to change the nindaba offering of Ur, the shrine of great nindaba offerings So that its people do no dwell in their dwelling, so that they are given into enemy territory So that Šimašgi and Elam, the destructive people, dwell in their dwellings So that the enemy seizes their shepherd in his very own palace So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan Like a swallow that has flown from(!?) its house (= nest), he is not to return to his city So that malevolent plants grow on both banks of the Tigris and Euphrates So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, so that the seed is not planted So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain So that butter and cheese(?) are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed So that the shepherd does not circle around (herding) within the corral and the holy sheepfold So that the ilulama song, the churning of the churn, is not sung in the sheepfold In order to diminish the herd, in order to finish the wild animals So that the dung/bedding of the quadrupeds of Sumuqan does not touch the ground So that in the marshes (wet land) is turned into cracked land, so that they do not acquire seeds So that the “evil-headed” reed grows in the wetlands, so that (the wetlands) die with a stench(?) So that the irrigated orchard with no new growth covers itself over Urim, the great wild bull standing wildly, noble in and of itself The city where the seed of the en-ship and kingship is planted in a pure place In order to fell it quickly with a tethering rope like a bull, in order to bring its neck to the ground An, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag decreed its fate That determined fate is something that cannot be changed--who can alter it? It is the command of An and Enlil--who could confront it? An terrified within the dwelling of Sumer, the people were frightened Enlil made a painful day elapse, silence befell the city Nintur set (open?) the bolt (in the street) at the women's quarters of the land Enki bound up the water away from the Tigris and Euphrates Utu took away justice and the true word from the mouth (of anyone that would speak it) Inanna gave the battle and combat (to the enemy) in the rebel land Ningirsu poured out Sumer like milk among the dogs Rebellion fell upon the land, it was something no one knew It was something unseen (before), and (for which) there was no word, something not to be accepted(?) The lands were confused in their very own temples(!?) In the city, the gods of that city stood outside Humanity breathed painfully in their very own homes(?) The storm bound their hands, the storm will not return them The storm acquired blocking(?) for them(?), it did not go(?) towards their (sturdy) bottom(?) This is what Enlil, the shepherd of the black-headed people, did Enlil, in order for Enlil to destroy the true temple and diminish the true man In order to exert the evil eye upon the son of the true man, the eldest son At that time Enlil brought down Gutium from the mountain ...
Old Babylonian
...ib-bal-bal numun ba-ni-ib-i... er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ ...gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ...gun₄-na kug-ge šu lil₂-la₂ ba-ab-dug₄ ...inana...da-gur ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...ŋi₆-par₄ kug...erim₂-e igi mi-ni-in-bar ...nam-en-na...šu ba-e-lal-lal ...ŋi₆-par₄-ta₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...{ki} šeg₁₂-hur-šag₄-ga...ud gig-ga ba-e-ri ...mah ki-tuš ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ nin mul-mul-e uru₁₇{ki} hul-lu-a-na er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₂-šeš₂ lu₂ nu-mu-un-gi₄-a-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ŋir₂-su{ki} iri{ki} ur-saŋ-ŋa₂-e-ne-ke₄ <unk> <unk> e ba-ab-dug₄ {d}nin-ŋir₂-su-ke₄ e₂-ninnu-ta ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ ama {d}ba-ba₆ e₂-uru₁₇-kug-ga-na er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₂-šeš₂ a iri{ki} gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ud-ba inim ud-dam al-du₇-du₇ šag₄-bi a-ba-a mu-un-zu inim {d}en-lil₂-la₂ zid-da-aš geleŋ-ŋe₂₆-de₃ gab₂-bu su-su-de₃ {d}en-lil₂ lu₂ nam tar-tar-re-de₃ a-na bi₂-in-ak-a-ba {d}en-lil₂-le elam{ki} lu₂-kur-ra kur-ta im-ta-an-e₃ {d}nanše dumu-ŋir₁₅ iri bar-ra mu-un-na-tuš-am₃ {d}nin <unk> <unk> ra eš₃ gu₂-a-ab-ba-ka izi im-ma-da-an-ten kug {na₄}za-gin₃-bi ma₂ gal-gal-e bala-še₃ i₃-ak-e nin niŋ₂ <unk> ra-ni hul-lu til₃-la-am₃ kug {d}nin <unk> <unk> ke₄ ud-ba ud <unk> <unk> gin₇ bar₇-ra im-ma-da-ab-tar-re ki lagaš{aš}{ki}e elam{ki} šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄ ud-bi-a nin-ŋa₂ ud-da-a-ni sa₂ nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-dug₄ {d}ba-ba₆ lu₂-lu₇-gin₇ ud-da-a-ni sa₂ nam-ga-mu-ni-ib-dug₄ ud-de₃ šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄-gi₄ ...gul-gul-e šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄-gi₄ ...gul-gul-e šu-ni-a im-ma-ši-in-gi₄-gi₄ ...abzu e₂-bi ki-nu-nir-ša₃-ba ni₂ im-ma-da-an-teŋ₃ ...{ki} uru₁₇ nam-dumu-ŋir₁₅-ni-gin₇ kar-kar-re-de₃ ba... ...uru₁₇-ni niŋin₆{ki}a kur-re ba... ...<unk> <unk>{ki}a ki-tuš ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra... ...gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im... ...kug nam-en-na-ba šu ba-e-lal-lal ...ŋi₆-par₄-ta ba-da-gur ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...{d}nanna-ka a₂ dugud ba-ši-in-de₂ ...gana₂ e₂ danna {d}suen-na tur₃ dugud-gin₇ ba-an-gul ...ra-bi maš kar-ra-gin₇ ur-e im-me-e <unk>{ki} ga-gin₇ ur-e ba-an-de₂ i₃-gul-gul-lu-de₃ ...dim₂-ma uludin₂ sag₉-ga-bi me-ze-er-ze-re-de₃ ...par₄ kug nam-en-na-ba šu ba-e-lal-lal en-bi ŋi₆-par₄-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ ...barag an-na-da gid₂-da-bi-a a-nir ba-da-ab-si {ŋeš}gu-za an-na-biš li-bi₂-ib-ŋal₂ {ŋeš}ŋešnimbar-gin₇...gur₅ ba-ab-dug₄ teš₂-bi ba-ra-an-kad₄ aš-šu₂ e₂ id₂ <unk> niŋ₂-erim₂...nanna-ka lu₂-erim₂-e ba-e-dib e₂ <unk> e₂ pu-uh₂ šag₄ sug₄-ga ba-ab-ŋar ki <unk>...<unk> <unk> ga{ki} ab₂ lu...ri tur₃ dugud-gin₇ ba-an-gul ...nin...ŋa₂-bur-ta ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ ...gara₂-ke₄ ni₂-te-na er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ŋi₆-par₄ kug nam-en-na-ba šu ba-e-lal-lal en-bi ŋi₆-par₄-ta ba-da-an-kar ki-erim₂-e ba-ab-dug₄ {d}nin-a-zu e₂-gid-da {ŋeš}tukul ub-ba i-ni-gub {d}nin-hur-saŋ e₂-nu-tur-ra-ke₄ ud hul ba-an-da-dal tum₁₂{mušen}gin₇ ab-lal₃-ta ba-da-an-dal eden-na bar bi₂-ib₂-gub a iri{ki} gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ŋeš-banda₃{da} e₂ er₂-ra ba-an-mu₂ {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ŋeš-banda₃{da} ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅ {d}a₂-zid-mu₂-a nin uru₁₇-a-ke₄ er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ a iri{ki} gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me lu₂ kukku₅-a ba-an-dur₂-ru-ne-eš ...hul-lu-de₃ lu₂ kukku₅-a ba-an-dur₂-ru-ne-eš₄ er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ ...gul-la e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ...ul₄-e tug₂ ba-da-mur₁₀ giri₁₆-lu mu-un <unk>š ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃ kur ba-ra-an-dab₅ e₂ gul-la-ŋu₁₀ gig-ga-bi im-me ...diri-ga a naŋ-e ba-am₃-til
Gutium procreated there, they issued (their) seed there Nintur wept bitterly on behalf of her creation She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, alas, my destroyed temple” bitterly At the site of Zabalam the pure giguna was rendered into an empty wind Inanna turned away(?) from Uruk, enemy territory ... (In?) the Eanna complex the enemy saw the holy gipar shrine The office of the en priest(ess) of the gipar was actively diminished(?) The en priest(ess) turned away from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ... (In) Umma the painful storm/day imposed (itself) in the Šeghurša temple (Šara) took to a different path (away from) the Emah temple, his beloved dwelling The shining lady(?) wept bitterly on behalf of her destroyed city She was saying “The charms of the city satisfy no one(?)” bitterly ... in Girsu, the city of heroes Ningirsu took to a different path (away from) the Eninnu temple Mother Baba wept bitterly in her temple of the Irikug precinct She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” At that time, the word, which was a storm, was thrashing about--who could have known its midst? The word of Enlil is to twist towards(?) the right, it is to drown(?) on the left(?) What was it that Enlil, the one who is to determine fates, did? Enlil brought down the Elamite, the foreigner, from the mountain Nanše, the native citizen, was dwelling in the suburbs ... could extinguish the fire(?) for Ninmar in the shrine of Gu'a'abba Its precious metal and lapis lazuli was made to traverse (into the river) in large boats The lady whose property was destroyed and brought to an end(!?)--pure Ninmar At that time he was able to(?) decree(?) a day scorching like ... The site of lagash! It returned it (to) Elam in its (own) hand At that time the day of “my lady” was also not regularly performed Baba, like a human, her day was also not regularly performed (Saying) “Woe, the storm returned it in its (own) hand The storm that destroys the city returned it in its (own) hand The storm that destroys the temple returned it in its (own) hand Dumuzi'Abzu was afraid in the temple (of?) Kinirša Kinunir, just as(!?) her native city, (its impending) plundering was spoken/ordered The mountain (i.e., the Guti?) set ... in the city of Nanše, in Nigin She wandered away from(!) Sirara, her beloved dwelling She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly The office of the en priest(ess) of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?) The en priest(ess) turned away from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ... It brought a heavy arm towards the banks of the princely canal of Nanna He destroyed the settlements and travel houses of Suen like a cattlepen heavy (with dairy products!?) Its fugitivies left(?) together(?) like fleeing goats He poured out Ga'eš like milk among the dogs, it is to be destroyed The beautiful features of the fashioned statues are to be torn out/broken ...(?) The office of the en priestess of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?) He took away the en priestess from(?) the gipar, enemy territory ... A lament filled(?) the dais that extended with the heavens(?) The upper part of the throne(?) was not ..., (its) top was not fitting Like a date palm it was cut down, he bound them together Aššu, where the temple was attached to the canal, he muddied the water/removed it from(?) the water(?) At (the place where) evil does not pass of Nanna, the evildoer passed through The temple ..., in the “house of the assembly” famine was introduced He destroyed Ki'abrig, where cows ...(?) are numerous, like a cattlepen heavy (with dairy products!?) Ningublaga took to a different path (away from) the gabur temple Nini'gara wept bitterly by herself She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly The office of the en priest(ess) of the holy gipar was actively diminished(?) The en priestess fled from the gipar, enemy territory ... Ninazu stood his weapon in the corner in the Egida temple An evil storm flew on/was cast upon(?) Ninhursag in the Enutur temple Like a wild dove she flew away from the window and stood aside in the plain She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly In {geš}banda, the temple where there was mourning, the reed of lamentation grew Ningešzida took to a different path (away from) the {geš}banda temple, his beloved dwelling Azimua, the lady of the city, wept bitterly She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly At that time the southern storm made the people dwell in darkness (As a prelude to) destroying the city of Ku'ara, it made the people dwell in darkness NineHAma wept bitterly She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly Asalluhi dressed hurriedly and intoned a lament(?) Lugalbanda took to a different path (away from) his beloved dwelling She (Ninsumun?) was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, my destroyed temple” bitterly (In?) Eridu, which had been floated in a flood, drinking water ceased(?)
Old Babylonian
eridu{ki} a gal-e <unk>... bar-ba eden-lil₂-e du₃... lu₂ zid ki-lul-la... {d}<unk>... ŋuruš me-en ud... ud nu-gul-la hi-li nu-til-la me-en... ...<unk> gin₇ <unk> sag₉-ga me-eš i₃... alim-gin₇ igi gun₃-gun₃ me-eš i₃... alan-gin₇ kuš₃-kuš₃-a de₂-a me-eš i₃... gu-ti-um{ki} lu₂ ha-lam-ma-ne me-ze-er... ...en-ki-ra abzu eridu{ki}še₃ šu-a ba-e-de₃-en... ...a-na im-me-en-da-na a-na bi₂-in-tah-en... ...a-na im-me-en-da-na a-na bi₂-in-tah... he₂-en... ŋissu... ...gub-bu-un-da-nam ud-de₃... ...a-na šu ba-e-de₃-teŋ₄... ...u₂-gu me-de₂-en-de₃...₃-kud ki-erim₂-e... ...ŋal₂-la-a-da a-na-aš ba... a-na-aš me-gul-gul-lu... a-na-aš me-ze-er-ze... ...kur₂-ra im-ma-da... ...ŋeš hul-lu mu-e-ni... me-eš ildum₂-ba... ...ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an... ...er₂ gig mu...ŋu₁₀... ... ... ... ...
(In?) Eridu, which had been riding(?) on a flood, drinking water ceased(?) In its outskirts, which had been made into a windblown plain ... The true person ... in an ambush ... KAhegal? and Igihegal? ... You(?) are a young man, the day/storm ... Day/storm that does not destroy/is not restrained, you(?) are one whose allure is not exhausted ... They (the two gatekeepers?)) who are beautiful of body(?) like ..., we will ... They who are speckled of face like an alim creature(?), we will ... They who are poured like a statue into molds, we will ... Gutium, the people who destroy(?), will break them We sent by hand to father? Enki in the Abzu of Eridu ... what is it that will we say, what is it that we will add? ... what is it that will we say, what is it that we will add? If(?) it is (the case that) we go out from(?) Eridu If we stand ... in the day? shade will not ... If we stand ... at night, the day/storm would not acquire ... (While) standing in the day(?) with(?) our distress, what will we take from you(?)? (While) standing in the night(?) with(?) our sleeplessness, what will we forget (i.e., leave behind)? Enki, if your city is cursed, it will be given to(?) the enemy land Why do they diminish us in the status of(!?) being apart from Eridu? Why do they destroy us(?) (in our state of) not being touched (with care?) like a date palm? Why do they break us(?) (in our state of) not being coated (in bitumen) like a new boat? It is the case that Enki has set his gaze at a different place The storm(?) ... of grievous sin gave/placed an evil tree/weapon(?) for him They are arisen ... who lie down in their packs Enki took to a different path away from Eridu Damgalnuna, the mother of the Emah temple, wept bitterly She was saying “Alas, my destroyed city, alas, my destroyed temple” bitterly ... ... ... ... ... ...
Old Babylonian
{d}en...le ša₃-ŋar lu₂ niŋ₂-hul iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš niŋ₂ iri{ki} gul-gul...e₂ gul-gul iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš niŋ₂ igi-bi-še₃ {ŋeš}tukul-e la-ba-ab...iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš šag₄ nu-si-si igi niŋin-niŋin-bi iri{ki}ta ba-da-tuš urim₂{ki}ma gi dili du₃-a-gin₇ saŋ sag₃-ge nu-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ uŋ₃-bi ku₆ pu₂-a lug-ga-gin₇ zi...mi-ni-ib-tum₂-tum₂-mu tur mah-bi i₃-par₄-par₄-ra-ge...lu₂ nu-um-zi-zi-zi lugal-bi <unk> dub-la₂-a <unk>ŋal₂ lugal niŋ₂-sag₉-ga gu₇...a šukur₂₅ ud im-šuš₂-šuš₂ igi im-la₂-e ša₃-ka-tab...zu-zu e₂-lunga-na kaš nu-un-ŋal₂ gid₂-da...ŋal₂ e₂-gal-la-na niŋ₂-gu₇ la-ba-na-ŋal₂₇ agrun mah-a-ni še nu-um-si-si zi-bi...tum₂-mu gur₇-du₆ guru₇-maš-e {d}nanna-ka {d}ašnan nu...ŋal₂ kiŋ₂-sig diŋir-re-e-ne-ke₄ šu ba-e-lal-lal unu₂ gal-bi kurun lal₃ muš₃ im-ma...de₆ ŋiri₂ <unk> a gud gu₇ udu gu₇-ra u₂-šim-e ba...nud gir₄ mah-ba gud udu nu-ak-e ir nu-mu-un-ur₅-ur₅-e bur-saŋ a₂ sikil {d}nanna-ka za-pa-aŋ₂-bi ba-ra-gul e₂ gud-gin₇ gu₃ bi₂-ib₂-dug₄-ga-a-ri sig₉-ga-bi ba... mu-un <unk> kug-ga si sa₂-e ŋar-ra-bi ba-su₃-ud {na₄}kinkin naŋa₃ ŋeš-gan-na i₃-durun-durun lu₂ nu-um-ši-gurum-e kar za-gin₃-na {d}nanna-ka a-e ba-da-la₂ a ma₂-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ gu₃ nu-mu-un-gi₄-gi₄ asil-la₂ nu-mu-un-šub unu₂ <unk> banda₃{da} {d}nanna-ka iš ba-da-dub-dub {u₂}numun₂ ba-da-mu₂ {u₂}numun₂ ba-da-mu₂ gir-re-e ba-an-mu₂ ma₂ ma₂-gur₈-ra kar za-gin₃-na muš₃ im-ma-ab-de₆ id₂ ma₂-gur₈-ra ba-ab-du₇-a-za a₂ nu-mu-un-su₃-su₃-e ezen ki ŋarza-ka ŋeš-hur-bi ba-kur₂ ma₂ nesaŋ-ŋa₂ a-a ugu-na-ka nesaŋ nu-mu-un-ab-tum₂ {ninda}nindaba-bi {d} nibru{ki}še₃ nu-mu-un-na-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ id₂-bi šag₄-sug₄-ga i-ni-ŋal₂ ma₂-gur₈ nu-mu-un-dib-be₂ gu₂ min₄{min}a-bi ŋiri₃ nu-ŋal₂ u₂ gid₂-da ba-am₃-mu₂ {e₂}tur₃ daŋal-la {d}nanna-ka dub-ba-an-bi ba-si-il gi-sig {ŋeš}kiri₆...la₂ gu₂-ŋiri₁₆ ba-an-ŋar-ŋar {ab₂}šilam amar-bi-da...ab-dab₅ ab₂ munzer-e eden ki nu-zu-bi ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an-dab₅-be₂-eš {d}ga-a-a-u₂ lu₂ ab₂ ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂ {ŋeš}tukul šurim-ma ba-šub {d}šu-ni-du₁₀ i₃ ga-ar₃-ra du₆-ul-du₆-ul-e i₃ ga-ar₃-ra nu-du₆-ul-du₆-ul i₃-bi lu₂ i₃ nu-zu-ne i₃-dun₅-dun₅-ne ga-bi lu₂ ga nu-zu-ne i₃-muš₃-muš₃-u₃-ne {e₂}tur₃-re {dug}šakir₃-e dun₅-dun₅-e gu₃ nun nu-mu-ni-ib-be₂ ne-mur dugud-bi i-rah₂-a-ri i-bi₂-bi ba-gul {d}suen-e a-a-ni {d}en-lil₂-ra er₂ mu-un-na-šeš₄-šeš₄ a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀ uru₁₇{ki}ŋu₁₀ a-na-ra...a-na-aš ba-e-da-gur-re-en {d}en-lil₂ urim₂{ki}ŋu₁₀ a-na-ra...a-na-aš ba-e-da-gur-re-en ma₂ nesaŋ-ŋa₂ a-a ugu-na-še₃ nesaŋ nu-mu-un-na-ab-tum₃ {ninda}nindaba-bi {d}en-lil₂ nibru{ki}še₃ nu-mu-un-na-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ en iri bar-ra en iri šag₄-ga lil₂-e ha-ba-ab-lah₅-e-eš urim₂{ki} iri{ki} {ŋeš}al-e ri-a-gin₇ du₆-du₆-da ba <unk> ...ur₃ ki ni₂ dub₂-bu {d}en-lil₂-la₂ eš₃ lil₂-la₂ ba-ab-ŋar {d}en-lil₂ iri-zu igi-zu igi ba...e₂-ri-a sug₄-ga urim₂{ki}ma ur-bi ur₂ bad₃-da si-im-si-im nu-mu-un-ak-e tul₂-saŋ bulug-ga ganba{ba}bi-a ki li-bi-ib-de₅-de₅-ge a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀ iri{ki}ŋu₁₀ dili-bi-ta a₂-zu-še₃ niŋin₂-am₃-ši-ib {d}en-lil urim₂{ki}ŋu₁₀ dili-bi-da a₂-zu-še₃ niŋin₂-am₃-ši-ib e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-ŋu₁₀ dili-bi-da a₂-zu-še₃ niŋin₂-am₃-ši-ib urim₂{ki}ma-ŋu₁₀ ha-ra-ni-ib-e₃ uŋ₃ hu-mu-ra-ab-daŋal-la me ki-en-gi-ra ba-da-ha-lam-ma ki ha-ra-ab-gi₄-gi₄ ki-ru-gu₂ eš₅-kam-ma a e₂ zid e₂ zid lu₂-bi lu₂-bi ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-im {d}en-lil₂-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ diš šu-ši im-gid₂-da dam-qi₂-i₃-li₂-šu {iti}ab-e₃ ud 2(u)-1(diš)-kam
Enlil made starvation (in the form of?) an evil person dwell in the city He made that which destroys cities, that which destroys temples, dwell in the city He made that which before it a weapon does not stand (against) dwell in the city He made the hungry/dissatisfied and the eye-roller dwell in the city In Ur, even (the fear/disdain of) head shaking like a single planted reed was not established Its people took refuge like a fish living in a well/pond Meager and great alike spread out, no one arose/was mustered The king(?) mounted atop the gate tower(?), there was no food there for him The king who had ate and drank(?) good things, (had to now) clutch at a (mere) ration(?) The sun was clouded over, (one) was being envious/watching(?) and knew fasting He did not have beer in his brewery, its ... was not present There was no food for him in his palace, it was not suitable for dwelling His supreme storehouse was not filled with grain, no one could take refuge there(?) (The) grain (goddess) was not present in the large and small grain heaps The afternoon meal of the gods was actively diminished there In the great banquet the honeyed liquor ceased (As for?) the giriPAa knife that consumes oxen and sheep, it lay (abandoned) in the plants In the great oven the oxen and sheep were not being prepared (i.e., roasted?), one could no longer smell it(?) The cry/breath of the “pure-armed” bursag building/functionary(?) stopped(?) The temple that had once belowed like a bull ... silently The deposit of the properly executed deliveries was (a) distant (memory) The millstone, the mortar, and the pestle sat idle, no one bends down towards them In the lapis harbor of Nanna (boats?) were “bound in the water” (due to silt?) The water of the prow did not scream(?), it did not cast joy(?) Sand(?) was piled up in the unuRIbanda building/shrine of Nanna The ... rushes grew, the ... rushes grew, the reed of mourning(?) grew Boats and barges quit the shining harbor In “your” canal that was made suitable for barges, no one was rowing anymore The plans of the festival at the place of rites was changed The nesag offering ships of his birth father (Enlil) no longer brought the nesag offering ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Nibru for him There was emptiness in the river/canal, barges were not traversing it No foot was set/present on its two banks, tall plants grew The fence of the broad cattle pen of Nanna was torn apart The reed fence of the orchard was ..., ... established a breach The cow was seized along with its calf The munzer fed cows took to a strange path in an unknown part of the plain Gayau, who loves cows, dropped his weapon in the bedding/dung Šunidug, the one who stores butter and cheese, did not store butter and cheese People who did not know butter were churning its butter People who did not know milk were ... its milk In the cattle pen the churning churn was not bellowing nobly The heavy coals that had been lit(?), their smoke ceased Suen wept to his father Enlil My birth father, my city was ... for you/him(!?), why did you turn away from me? Enlil, my Ur was ... for you/him(!?), why did you turn away from me? The nesag offering ships of his birth father no longer brought the nesag offering for him ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Enlil (at) Nibru for him The wind(s) carried off the en priest(ess) of the outer city and the en priest(ess) of the inner city Ur, like a city struck by a hoe, has been broken up into ruin heaps The Ki'ur(?) shrine, the place of relaxation of Enlil, has been made into a windblown shrine Enlil, ... your eye at your city, it is an empty wasteland The dogs of Ur are not sniffing at the base of the city wall The one who burrows/demarcates(?) wells is not gathering earth at the market price(?) My birth father, turn around my city back to your arms from its loneliness Enlil, turn around my Ur back to your arms from its loneliness Turn around my Ekišnugal temple back to your arms from its loneliness So that my Ur is brought out, so that the people are broadened So that he returns the me of Sumer which were destroyed to their place It is the 3rd kirugu Alas, the true temple, the true temple, its man, its man It is the gešgigal “response” Enlil was replying to his son Suen (Total:) 60 (lines) "Long-tablet" of Damqi-ilišu Month "Abe," 21st day.
Old Babylonian
...dumu-ni {d}suen-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-am₃-mu₂ a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-am₃-mu₂ a-še-ra ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e ...ŋu₁₀ dumu-ŋir₁₅ ni₂-za he₂-me-en er₂-ra-na <unk> me-en ...nanna dumu-ŋir₁₅ ni₂-za he₂-me-en er₂-ra-na <unk> me-en di-til-la inim pu-uh₂-ru-ma-ka šu gi₄-gi₄ nu-ŋal₂ inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka šu bal-e nu-zu urim₂{ki} nam-lugal ha-ba-šum₂ bal da-ri₂ la-ba-an-šum₂ ud ul kalam ki ŋar-ra-ta zag uŋ₃ lu-a-še₃ bal nam-lugal-la saŋ-bi-še₃ e₃ a-ba-a igi im-mi-in-duh-a nam-lugal-bi bal-bi ba-gid₂-e-de₃ šag₄ kuš₂(SAG)-u₃-de₃ {d}nanna-ŋu₁₀ na-an-kuš₂-kuš₂-u₃-de₃ iri{ki}zu e₃-bar-ra-ab ud-ba lugal-ŋu₁₀ dumu-ŋir₁₅-ra <unk> ra-ni ba-an <unk> en {d}dil-im₂-babbar dumu-ŋir₁₅-ra šag₄ hul-lu im-ma-an-dim₂ {d}nanna lu₂ iri{ki}ni ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂ iri{ki}ni ba-ra-e₃ {d}nin-gal-e gir₅ iri{ki}ni-ta ki kur₂-še₃ du-u₃-de₃ <unk> ul₄-ul₄-la-bi ba-ra-an-mu₂ iri{ki}ta ba-ra-e₃ urim₂{ki}ma {d}a-nun-na-bi bar-ra ba-sug₂-ge-eš urim₂{ki} izi ni₂-bi...<unk>...a ba-a-te urim₂{ki}ma ŋeš-bi tur₅-ra-am₃ gi-bi tur₅-ra-am₃ bad₃-bi en-na niŋin₂-na-a-bi-da a-nir ba-da-sa₂ ud-šu₂-uš-e {ŋeš}tukul-e igi-bi-še₃ saŋ i₃-sag₃-sag₃-ge urim₂{ki}ma {urud}ha-zi-in gal-gal-e igi-bi-še₃ u₄-sar i₃-ak-e {ŋeš}gid₂-da a₂ me₃-ke₄ si bi₂-ib₂-sa₂-sa₂-e-ne {ŋeš}pana gal-gal {ŋeš}illar {kuš}gur₂₁{ur₃}ra teš₂ im-da-gu₇-e {ŋeš}ti zu-ke₄ muru₉ šeŋ₃-gin₇ bar-ba am₃-mi-ib₂-si na₄ gal-gal-e ni₂-bi-a pu-ud-pa-ad im-mi-ib₂-za u₄-šu₂-uš uru₁₇{ki}ta tumu hul-e mu-un-da-an-gi₄-gi₄ urim₂{ki}ma usu-bi-ta nir-ŋal₂ gab₂-gaz-e ba-a-gub uŋ₃ lu₂-erim₂ a₂ bi₂-ib₂-ŋar {ŋeš}tukul-e ba-sug₂-ge-eš uru₁₇{ki} {ŋeš}tukul-e saŋ nu-šum₂-ma-šum₂-ma-am₃ ša₃-ŋar-e ba-e-tuš ša₃-ŋar-e iri{ki} a-gin₇ ba-e-si ŋa₂-la nu-um-ta-dag-ge ša₃-ŋar-e igi-bi im-gurum-me-e sa-bi im-lug-gu₂-ne uŋ₃-bi a-niŋin₂-na ba-e-si zi <unk> i-ak-e lugal-bi e₂ ni₂-te-na-ka zi gig mu-un-pa-an-pa-an nam-lu₂-lu₈-bi šu-bi ba-e-šub {ŋeš}tukul ki bi₂-ib₂-tag šu-bi gu₂-bi-še₃ ba-ši-ib-de₅-de₅ er₂ mu-un-šeš₂-šeš₂-ne teš₂-bi-a ad mi-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ inim im-šar₂-šar₂-e-ne me-li-e-a dug₄-ga-me nam-mu tah-me nam-mu en₃-še₃-am₃ ka garaš₂-a-ka im-til-la-de₃-en-de₃-en urim₂{ki}ma šag₄-bi nam-uš₂-am₃ bar-bi nam-uš₂-am₃ šag₄-bi-a niŋ₂ ša₃-ŋar-ra-ka im-mi-ni-ib-til-e-de₃ bar-bi-a {ŋeš}tukul elam{ki}ma-ka i-im-til-e-de₃-en-de₃-en urim₂{ki}ma lu₂-erim₂-e im-ma-gub ga-nam-ba-til-e-de₃-de₃-en zi-bi murgu₂-bi-še₃ i₃-ak-e gu₃ teš₂-a bi₂-ib₂-sig₁₀-ge-eš abul-la-bi {ŋeš}si-ŋar bi₂-in-duh-duh-uš {ŋeš}ig-bi ud bi₂-gub-bu elam{ki}e a mah e₃-a-gin₇ ŋiri₃ im-ma-ni-ib₂-ŋar urim₂{ki}ma {ŋeš}tukul-e {dug}sahar₂-gin₇ saŋ gaz i₃-ak-e lu₂-kar-ra-bi dub₃ nu-um-zil-e bad₃ zag-ga im-tab ku₆ a-niŋin₂-na lug-ga-gin₇ zi-bi in-tum₃-tum₃-mu e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ {d}nanna-ka lu₂-erim₂-e ba-e-tuš kug {d}niŋ₂ <unk> dugud-ŋal₂-la-a{mušen} im-zi-ir-zi-re-ne alan an-zag-ge₄ si-a-bi gu₂-gur₅-ru ba-ni-in-ak-aš {d}nin-e₂-i₃-gar₉ agrig-mah <unk> ma šu bi₂-in-dag igi-bi-ta ba-e-šuš₂ sahar-ra ba-da-tuš ...mah-bi si-muš₃-bi-ta ba-an-dab₅-be₂-eš si-bi ba-ra-an-kud ...du₇-du₇-e udu u₂ gu₇-gin₇ {ŋeš}tukul-e ba-an-sag₃-sag₃ ...ŋešnimbar-gin₇ gu₂-gur₇-ru ba-ab-dug₄ teš₂-bi ba-ra-an-kad₄ {ŋeš}ŋešnimbar urud kalag-ga a₂ nam-ur-saŋ-ŋa₂ {u₂}numun₂-gin₇ ba-bur₁₂ {u₂}numun₂ ba-zi₂ ur₂-ba ti mi-ni-ib-bal saŋ sahar-ra ki ba-ni-ib-us₂ lu₂ zi-zi la-ba-tuku {ŋeš}ze₂-na-bi gu₂ ba-an...gur₅-uš saŋ šu bi₂-in-hu-hu-az ...a₂ zu₂-lum-ma-bi pu₂ <unk> <unk> ba...ra-an <unk> <unk> de₃-eš ...zi...kug-ge mu₂-a šu ba-e-lal-lal diš šu-ši...
Enlil was replying to his son Suen In the ... of of the windswept city(?), the reed of mourning grows in lamentation In the ..., the reed of mourning grows in lamentation In the ..., he spends time in lamentation My son, if you yourself are a native son, then it is you who is the one whose tears (they are) Nanna, if you yourself are a native son, then it is you who is the one whose tears (they are) There is no revocation of a final verdict, the word of the assembly The uttered word of An and Enlil knows no change If Ur was given kingship, ... did not give an eternal term of office From the distant day when the land was founded to the (current) limit of teeming people Who has seen a reign of kingship taking precedence (forever) In order to lengthen the term of kingship(?), in order to take counsel (to that effect?) My Nanna, do not become exhausted (doing this), leave your city At that time, my king, the native son, quit/killed his liver/lungs Lord Dilimbabbar “fashioned a destroyed/evil heart” Nanna, who loved his city, left his city Ningal, in order to go (as a) stranger(?) of her city to a strange place Hurriedly she got dressed/braided a rope (for escape?) and left the city The Anuna of Ur stood outside In Ur fire(?) that ... by itself was extinguished(?) In Ur its trees were sick, its reeds were sick A lament was competing with the wall up to its circuit (in terms of completeness) Daily weapons were smashing heads before it In Ur great hazin axes were sharpened before it They were setting the spears, the arms of battle, in order Great bows, throw sticks, and shields were consuming together Barbed(?) arrows filled its outside like a rainstorm Great stones made a thudding pudpad noise by themselves Daily an evil wind returns among the city In Ur the noble one, divested of his(?) strength, stood among the murderer(s) The enemy defeated the people, (those who?) stood among the weapons (In?) the city the ones who did not advance against the weapons dwelled/sat in hunger Starvation thus filled the city, it was not ceasing In hunger they were bowing their heads and twisting their muscles Its people filled the ponds, they were ... Its king breathed painfully in his own(?) house Its humanity dropped their hands, (their) weapons touched the ground They gathered/clasped their hands to their necks(?), they were weeping Together they advised, they discussed Alas, what is it that we will say, what is it that we will add? How long until we are to be finished in the mouth of catastrophe? The inside of Ur is death, the outside is death (How long until) we are to be finished within that of starvation inside (the city)? (How long until) we are to be finished among the weapon(s) of Elam outside (the city)? The enemy stands in Ur, we must come to an end(?) Acting on behalf of their life and their back(?) they spoke together They opened the bolt of the gate, the storm was making its door stand (in the street) Elam set foot there like a great onrushing flood In Ur (they) were crushing their heads with weapons like a porous pot(?) (They) could not sprint away(?) as fugitives, (they) were seized(?) within the wall's limits Like fish living in a pond, they were seeking refuge The enemy dwelled in the Ekišnugal temple of Nanna They were breaking the holy “having heavy possessions” bird(!?) They cut down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine Nine'igara, the supreme steward, abandoned the storehouse(!?) Its throne was covered over from the front(?), she(?) could(?) (only) sit in the dust (instead?) They seized the great(?) cows at/by(?) their ... horns, ... cut their horns off ... smote goring bulls with the weapon like (they were) grazing sheep ... was cut down and bound together like a date palm The date palm (of? like?) strong copper, the arm of heroism It was torn out like a rush, it was cut like a rush, it was turned sideways(?) in its roots Its top was lodged in the ground, a person to raise it was not available ... trimmed its midribs and set its top on fire ... its spadix with ripe dates, ... the well The gizi reed that grew in the holy ... were actively diminished(?) (Total:) Sixty+ (lines ...)
Old Babylonian
gi-zi muš₂ kug-ge mu₂-a šu ba-e-lal-lal gu₂-un gal-gal-eš kur₂-re i₃ <unk> <unk> e₂-e ŋeš-bur₂-bi ba-e-šub bad₃-si ba-a-gul anše-e zid-da gab₂-bu-ba gu₂-da la₂-bi ur-saŋ-ur-saŋ gaz-a-gin₇ igi-bi-ta ba-e-šuš₂ ud gal ka duh-a igi piriŋ-ŋa₂ ni₂ gur₃-gur₃-ru-bi am dab₅-ba-gin₇ samanₓ(|EŠ₂.SUD.EŠ₂.TU|) ba-an-šub-šub-bu ki-erim₂ ba-ab-dug₄ ki-tuš kug {d}nanna tir šim {ŋeš}eren-na-gin₇ ir-si-im-bi-a ba-an-gul a-sal bar-bi kug-sig₁₇ {na₄}za-gin₃-na u₃-gun₃ dug₄-ga-a-bi e₂ u₆-di-bi i₃-dug₃-ga re u₆-di ba-a-gul ud-gin₇ kur-kur-ra i-im-si-a an-usan an-na-gin₇ ba-e-du₃ {ŋeš}ig-bi ud mul an-na sag₁₂-ga-a-gin₇...<unk> dug₄-ga-a-bi {urud}<unk>₄-gi₄ ba-ra-an <unk> <unk> de₃-eš a₂-si-bi a-ba lib-lib-be₂-eš šu pe-el-la₂ ba-ab-dug₄ {ŋeš}nu-kuš₂-u₃-bi-da lu₂-kar-ra-gin₇ er₂ gig mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄ {ŋeš}saŋ-kul {ŋeš}suhub₄ kug-ga {ŋeš}ig gal gu₂ gid₂ nu-mu-un-na-ak-e {ŋeš}ig gu₂ gid₂-da za-pa-aŋ₂-bi ba-šub lu₂ gu₂ gid₂-de₃ la-ba-ab-tuku ...kug...šu ba-e-lal-lal sila daŋal-la <unk>... <unk> <unk> <unk> e <unk> <unk> <unk> bu-ba {ninda}nindaba-bi... ...kug-ba tigi₂ šem₅{zabar} {kuš}a₂-la₂-e gu₃ nun...ib-be₂ <unk> mah...a-u₃-a šir₃ kug nu-mu-ni-ib... dub-la₂ ki nam tar-re-de₃ ka-inim-ma nu-ŋal₂ {ŋeš}gu-za di kud-ru-bi nu-mu-un-gub di si nu-mu... {d}alamuš-a {ŋeš}ŋidru ba-da-an-šub šu-ni gu₄-ud-gu₄... a₂-nud-da <unk> {d}nanna-ka ŋiri₃-na nam-un... dub-šen kug lu₂ igi bar-re-dam erim₂-e ŋeš-nud gi₄-rin-na nu-un-gub u₂ za-gin₃ nu-mu-un-bur₂ urud an-zag-ge₄ si-a-bi gu₂-guru₅...eš ensi <unk> kišib-ŋal₂...šu li-bi₂-in-du₇ uz-ga...šu-luh dadag-ga šag₄-gada-la₂-bi-e-ne gu₂ ki ŋal₂-bi ba-e-sug₂-sug₂-ge-eš kur₂-re ba-ab-lah₅-e-eš ...suen-e...ŋal₂-la-a-ni a-a-ir ba-ši-in-de₆ ...en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ dub₃ ki ba-ni-ib-us₂ŋu₁₀ igi erim₂-ma bi₂-duh en₃-tukum-še₃... siki-pa...keš₂-da-ŋa₂ ud sikil₇-ra mi-ni-in-kur₉ šag₄ su₂-mu-ug₂-ga i-zi-gin₇ hu-luh-ha-ha-za igi zid bar-mu-un-ši-ib {d}en-lil₂-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra inim zi mu-un-na-ab-be₂ iri gul bad₃ gal bad₃-si-bi ud sig₁₀-ge u₃ ur₅-re bal an...am₃ <unk> mi-ri-ib-dug₄-ga bal ud ku₁₀-ku₁₀-da...ŋal₂-lu ša-ra-dug₄ tuš ki-tuš e₂-temen-ni₂-gur₃-ru-za zid-de₃-eš du₃-du₃-am₃ urim₂{ki}ma...he₂-en-du₃ uŋ₃ he₂-en-ši-gurum-e ur₂-bi-a <unk> he₂-en-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan he₂-eb₂-da-tuš pa-bi-a kiri₃-zal he₂-ŋal₂ {d}utu he₂-en-da-hul₂ <unk> <unk> he₂-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan-ma-ka gu₂-da he₂-em-mi-in-la₂ urim₂{ki} iri an-ne₂ nam tar-ra ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi₄-gi₄ {d}en-lil₂-le gu₃ zid de₂-a-gin₇...zig₃ {d}nanna-ra sig...igi-nim-ma...he₂-en-na-si-a {d}suen-ra kaskal kur-ra-ke₄ si he₂-en-na-sa₂-e {d}muru₉-e ki us₂-sa-a {na₄}šu mu-un-na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-kam šu <unk> he₂-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ a-a {d}nanna iri{ki}ni urim₂{ki}ma saŋ il₂-la mu-un-gub šul {d}suen e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-na im-ma-da-an-kur₉-kur₉ {d}nin-gal-e agrun kug-ga-na ni₂ mu-ni-ib-te-en-te-en urim₂{ki}ma e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-na im-ma-da-an-kur₉-kur₉ ki-ru-gu₂ limmu₅-kam-ma iri{ki} lil₂-la₂-am₃ šag₄-bi a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-an-mu₂ šag₄-bi a-še-ra gi er₂-ra ba-an-mu₂ uŋ₃-bi a-še-ra ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-im ud gig-ga ud gaba-zu zig₃-ga-ab e₂-za gi₄-bi {iti}še-kiŋ₂-kud ud u-ussu-kam
The gizi reeds that grew in the holy enclosure(?) were actively diminished(?) The enemy carried (away) the great tribute that ... deposited there In the temple, its {geš}bur ormanment(?) fell, its parapet was destroyed ... embracing on its right and left Like smitten heroes, they were covered from the front Its great storm(-demon)?, with an open mouth and the face of an awe-bearing pirig creature ... were felling them with a saman rope like a caught wild bull, enemy territory ... ... brought the scent of the dwelling of holy Nanna, which was like a juniper forest to an end Its asalbar feature, the one that was overlaid(?) with gold and lapis ... (And?) the awe of the temple, which had been good(?)--the awe was (now) destroyed” The one that had filled(?) the lands like sunlight(?) was (re)built(?) like the evening(?) of heaven (instead?) Its door, the one that ... sunlight(?) like a beautiful/verdant star of heaven/constellation(?) (And?) the great boundary stakes? shouted(?) so that ... would not(?) tear them out(!?) Its hinge ... was defiled(?) with a stunned silence Together with its door fitting, it wept like a fugitive The holy bolt and bar were no longer fixed on/controlling(?) the great(?) door The noise of the (previously?) fixed/controlled(?) door fell(?) (silent?), it had no one to fix/control it ... was actively diminished(?), it set ... in the broad street In the royal offering place the nindaba offering of the royal offering place(!?) was changed In its holy ... was not making the tigi, šem, and ala drums sound nobly Among its supreme tigi drums(!?) the a'ua functionary did not sing pure songs (At) the gate tower where fates are to be determined there were no affairs(?) The throne (where) cases had been decided no longer stood(?), cases were not undertaken correctly (Nanna/Suen's vizier) Alamuš dropped the scepter (with) his hand shaking In the holy(!) bed chamber of Nanna ... shall not ... at his feet(?) The holy treasure box, which no one(!) is to see, the enemy saw (inside of it) ... did not set up the pure bed/bed of flowers, ... did not spread out shining plants (upon it) They were cutting down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine The dream interpreter, the engiz temple cook, and the seal bearer did not use the ešda vessel(?) properly In the holy uzga shrine, the šagadala priests of the pure washing rites They stood in the manner of one whose neck is pushed to the ground(?), the enemies took them away Suen brought his ... there for his father He knelt there before his birth father Enlil My birth father, how long will the eye of the enemy have looked at my ..., how long ... On(?) my hair, bound up with the suh headress/pectoral(?) The great cleaned pure “day"(?) has become dirty ...(?) Examine faithfully your heart darkened (by anger), which terrifies like a wave Enlil was speaking a true word to his son Suen The destroyed city, the flattening of the parapet of the great wall by the storm, this too is (a part of) the turn of office One who ..., for the dark days of you term of office, may “open (the temple(?))” be spoken(?) (Previous) dweller, in your dwelling, the Etemenniguru temple, which was built faithfully May ... (re)build it ..., may the people bow down towards it May ... have bread (?) at its base, may Ašnan dwell with it May there be joy in its branches, may Utu rejoice with him On its ..., ... may the abundance of Ašnan embrace ... May Ur, the city decreed by An, be returned to its place for you May(?) Enlil, like(?) a true speaker, raise his neck towards heaven For Nanna may the high and low (land) assemble(?) For Suen may he set the roads of the land of land in order (With a noise like?) a rainstorm touching the earth, (may?) pounding stones(?) be employed(?) for him It was the spoken word of An and Enlil, and therefore it was being carried out faithfully(?) Father Nanna stood(?) in his city, Ur, with head held high The youth Suen was able to enter into his Ekišnugal temple Ningal was relaxing in her pure chamber He was able to enter into Ur, into his Ekišnugal temple It is the 4th kirugu The city was an empty wind, in its midst the reed of lamentation grew in(?) lament In its midst the reed of lamentation grew in(?) lament Its people spend the day in lamentation It is its gešgigal “response” Bitter storm, raise you chest (depart), turn back/confine yourself in your house. Month “Harvest,” 18th day.
Old Babylonian
... {ŋeš}gu-za ki di {d}alamuš ŋidru ba-an-da-šub šu-ni... a₂-nud-da kug {d}nanna-ka ŋiri₃-na <unk> dub-šen kug lu₂ igi nu-bar-re-dam erim₂-e igi i-ni-in-bar ŋeš-nud gi₄-rin-na nu-um-gub u₂ za-gin₃ nu-mu-un-bur₂ {urud}alan an-zag-ge₄ si-a-ba gu₂-guru₅ ba-an-ne-eš <unk> ensi kišib-ŋal₂-bi eš-da šu li-bi₂-in-du₇-uš gu₂ ki ŋal₂-la-ba ba-e-sug₂-eš kur-re ba-ab <unk> <unk> na-eš uz-ga kug šu-luh dadag-ga-ke₄ šag₄-gada-la₂-bi-ne ŋeš-hur me kug-ga ba-da-ha-lam-e iri kur₂-še₃ ba-ab-re₇-eš {d}suen-e šag₄ hul-la-ni a-a-ni-ir ba-ši-in-de₆ igi a-a ugu-na {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ dub₃ ki ba-ni-in-us₂ a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀ en₃-tukum-še₃ niŋ₂ <unk> igi erim₂-e mu-e-duh... nam-en nam-lugal šum₂-ma-za-am₃ na-mu-e-ši <unk> a-a {d}en-lil₂ lu₂ a₂ aŋ₂-e dug₄-ga zid a-a {d}en-lil₂ nam mu-e-tar-ra ŋalga ba-ra-an-duh-duh... siki-pa nam-en-na suh keš₂-da-ŋa₂ {d}en-lil₂-le dumu-ni {d}suen-ra inim zid mu-un-na-ab-be₂ dumu-ŋu₁₀ iri nam-he₂ kiri₃-zal ša-ra-da-du bal-zu ba-ši-ib-kiŋ₂ iri gul bad₃ gal bad₃-si-ba si₃-ge₅ u₃ ur₅-re bal an... <unk> mi-ri-ib-dug₄-ga bala ud ku₁₀-ku₁₀-ga-bi-ir ŋal₂-lu ša-ra-zu tuš-u₃-ri ki-tuš e₂-temen-ni₂-gur₃-ru-za zid-de₃-eš du₃... urim₂{ki} kiri₃-zal-la he₂-en-du₃ uŋ₃ he₂-em-ši... ur₂-bi-a <unk> he₂-en-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan he₂-em-da-hul₂ pa-bi-a kiri₃-zal he₂-en-ŋal₂ {d}utu he₂-em-da-hul₂ {ŋeš}banšur-ba he₂-ŋal₂ {d}ašnan-ka gu₂-da he₂-em-mi-la₂ urim₂{ki} iri an-ne₂ nam tar-re ki-bi ha-ra-ab-gi₄-gi₄ {d}en-lil₂-le gu₃ zid de₂-am₃ gu₂ an-še₃ he₂...zig₃ {d}nanna-ar ma-da sig nim-ma gu₂ hu-mu-na... {d}suen kaskal kur-ra-ke₄ si he₂-na... muru₉-gin₇ ki us₂-sa-a-gin₇... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-kam šu zid... {d}nanna iri-ni urim₂{ki}ma saŋ il₂ mu... {d}suen-e e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-še₃ im-ma-da-an-kur₉... {d}nin-gal-e agrun-na kug-ga-na ni₂ mu-ni-ib₂-te-en... šul {d}suen e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ im-ma-da-kur₉-kur₉ ud gig-ga ud gaba-zu zig₃-ga-ab ud e₂-za gi₄-bi ud iri gul-gul ud gaba-zu zig₃...ud e₂-za gi₄-bi ud e₂ gul-gul ud gaba-zu zig₃...ud e₂-za gi₄-bi ud ki-en-gi-ra ba-zal-la-ri kur-kur-ra he₂-eb-zal ud ma-da ba-zal-la-a-ri kur-kur-ra he₂-eb-zal kur ti-id-nu-um-e he₂-eb-zal kur-re he₂-eb-zal he₂ he₂-eb-zal he₂-eb-zal...he₂-eb-zal ... urim₂{ki}ma bal nam-he₂ ud he₂-ni-ib-su₃-ud-de₃ uŋ₃-bi u₂-sal-la he₂-em-nud e-ne su₁₃-ud-bi im-ak ...nam-lu₂-lu₈ ba-tu₁₁ ba-de₅-de₅ egir₃-re mu-lu er₂ a-še-re {d}nanna a iri-zu a e₂-zu a nam-lu-lu₈-zu ki-ru-gu ia₂-kam-ma-am₃
The throne (where) cases had been decided no longer stood(?), cases were not undertaken correctly (Nanna/Suen's vizier) Alamuš dropped the scepter (with) his hand shaking In the holy bed chamber of Nanna ... he(?) does not ... at/on his feet(?) The holy treasure box, which no one(!) is to see, the enemy saw (inside of it) ... did not set up the pure bed/bed of flowers, ... did not spread out shining plants (upon it) They were cutting down the statue that occupied(?) the uzga shrine The engiz temple cook, dream interpreter, and seal bearer did not use the ešda vessel(?) properly They stood in the manner of one whose neck is pushed to the ground(?) the mountain(dwellers?) carried(?) them away In the holy uzga shrine, the šagadala priests of the pure washing rites They(?) were forsaking the pure plans and the me, they(?) went to another city Suen brought his ruined heart there for his father He knelt there before his birth father Enlil My birth father, how long will the eye of the enemy have looked at the accounts(?), how long ... When you give lordship and kingship, do not ... towards me/on my behalf Father Enlil, the one of the true order and command Father Enlil, it is the fate that you decreed and therefore no one can release (its) logic(?) On(?) my hair, bound up with the suh headress/pectoral(?) Enlil was speaking a true word to his son Suen My son, a city of abundance was built(?) for you, your turn of office sought (you?) out(?) The destroyed city, the flattening of the parapet of the great wall by the storm, this too is (a part of) the turn of office One who ..., for the dark days of you term of office, may “open (the temple(?))” be known(?) Previous dweller, in your dwelling, the Etemenniguru temple, which was built faithfully May ... (re)build it in joy, may the people bow down towards it May ... have bread (?) at its base, may Ašnan rejoice with him May ... have joy in its branches, may Utu rejoice On its table may the abundance of Ašnan embrace ... May Ur, the city decreed by An, be returned to its place for you May Enlil, who is the true speaker, raise his neck towards heaven For Nanna may the high and low (land) assemble(?) For Suen may he set the roads of the land of land in order Touching the ground like a rainstorm(?) ... It was the spoken word of An and Enlil, and therefore it was being carried out faithfully(?) Nanna stood(?) in his city, Ur, with head held high Suen was able to enter the Ekišnugal temple Ningal was relaxing in her pure chamber The youth Suen was able to enter into his Ekišnugal temple Bitter storm, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house Storm, destroyer of cities, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house Storm, destroyer of temples, storm, raise you chest (depart), storm, turn back/confine yourself in your house May the storm that once spent time in Sumer spend time in the (other) lands instead May the storm that once spent time in the land spend time in the (other) lands instead May it spend time in the land of Tidnum instead, may it spend time in (that) land May it spend time in the land of Gutium instead, may it spend time in (that) land May it spend time in the land of Anšan instead, may it spend time in (that) land So that in Ur the term of office and abundance last long (So that) the people lay down in the meadows and copulate Alas, humanity is stricken(?) and gathered up(?) The princess(?) the one (of) weeping and lament (says) “Nanna, alas, your city, alas, your temple, alas, your humanity” It is the 5th kirugu
Old Babylonian
...šu bal ak-de₃ ŋeš... ...de₃ mar-ru₁₀(TE)-gin₇ teš-bi... me ki-en-gi-ra šu... bal sag₉-ga e₂-ba gi₄... uru₁₇ gul-gul-lu-de₃ e₂ gul-gul-lu... turₓ(|NUN.LAGAR×MAŠ|) gul-gul-lu-de₃ amaš tab-tab-e-de₃ gud-bi turₓ(|NUN.LAGAR×MAŠ|)-bi-a nu-gub-bu-de₃ udu-bi amaš-bi-a nu-daŋal-e-de₃ id₂-de₃ a mun₄-na tum₃-e... ama dumu-ni ki nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂... ad-da a dam-ŋu₁₀ nu-di... dam banda₃ ur₂-ra nu-hul₂-le... ...<unk> dub₃-ba nu-buluŋ₃-e... ...{da}e <unk>... ... nam... igi-bi ki-šar₂-ra ŋa₂... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en... ud an-ne₂ kur-kur-ta saŋ... {d}en-lil₂-le₂ igi-ni ki... {d}nin-tur₅-e niŋ₂-dim₂... {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}... {d}utu har-ra-an kaskal... ki-en-gi... ... iš za-bu gaba... sim e₂-bi ba-ra... {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na... kaskal-la ŋiri₃ nu-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃... iri a₂-dam <unk> ŋar-ŋar-a-ba du₆... saŋ-gig₂ lu-lu-a-ba ŋeš-haš-e... gan₂-ne₂ zid-de₃ {ŋeš}al nu-ru-gu₂-de₃... e-lu šir₃ gud sub₂-sub₂-ba eden-na nu-di-de₃ {e₂}turₓ(|NUN.LAGAR×MAŠ|)-ra i₃ gar₉ nu-ak-de₃...<unk> ha-lam-e-de₃ du₉-du₉ {dug}šakir₃-a amaš nu-di-de₃ eden-na maš₂-anše tur-re-de₃ niŋ₂-zi-ŋal₂ til-le-de₃ ...šakkan-na-ke₄ nu-tag-ge-de₃ di-de₃ numun nu-tuku-tuku-de₃ ... ...lugal kalam-ma kar... ki-šar₂-ra ŋa₂-ŋa₂... inim dug₄-ga an {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ta ŋeš-hur ha-lam-ma-de₃ ud an-ne₂ kur-kur-ta saŋ ba-da-an-gid₂-da-ba {d}en-lil₂-le igi-ni ki kur₂-ra ba-ra-ŋar-ra-a-ba {d}nin-tur₅-e niŋ₂-dim₂-dim₂-ma-ni zag bi₂-in-tag-a-ba {d}en-ki-ke₄ {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na šu bi₂ šul {d}utu har-ra-an kaskal-e nam ba-ni-kud-a-ba ki-en-gi-ra me-bi ha-lam-e-de₃ ŋeš-hur-bi kur₂... urim₂{ki} me nam-lugal-na bal-bi su₁₃-su₁₃-de₃ dumu nun-na e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ šu pe-el-la di-de₃ {d}nanna uŋ₃...gin₇...a-na igi-ta-bi si-le... urim₂{ki} eš₃ nindaba gal-gal-la nindaba... uŋ₃ ki-tuš-ba nu-tuš-u₃-de₃ lu₂-erim₂ šum₂... <unk> <unk> elam{ki} lu₂-kur₂-ra ki-tuš-bi tuš-de₃ sipad-bi e₂ ni₂-te-a lu₂-erim₂-e dab₅-be-de₃ {d}i-bi{d}<unk> kur elam-ma-še₃ ŋeš-bur₂-ra tum₂-mu... iš za...gaba ab-ka-ta zag an-ša₄-an-še₃₇ iri-ni-še₃ nu-gur-re-de₃ ...buranun-na gu₂ min₄{min}a-ba u₂ hul ...de₃ har-ra-an nu-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂-de₃ du₆-du₆-da <unk> de₃ ...ŋeš-haš-a ak-de₃ ...de₃ numun ki nu-tag-ge-de₃₃ ...ha-lam... ... ...igi nu-ŋal₂ inim... kur-kur-re ni₂-ta-bi-a... iri-ba diŋir-bi-ne bar-ta ba... nam-lu₂-lu₇ e₂ ni₂-te-bi-a... ud šu bal ak-de₃ ŋeš-hur ha-lam... ud-de₃ mar-ru₁₀(TE)-gin₇ teš-bi i₃... me ki-en-gi-ra šu bal... bal sag₉-ga e₂-ba gi₄-gi... ...gul-gul-lu-de₃ e₂... ...gul-gul-de₃ amaš... nu... udu...amaš-a... id₂... ...
In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans The storm ravages like a stormwind In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer In order to confine the good reign in its house In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in the sheepfold So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water So that the mother does not seek the whereabouts of her child So that the father does not say “ah, my wife” So that the junior spouse does not delight in (his) lap So that the little ones do not grow on the knee So that the nursemaid does not sign a lullaby So that the dwelling of kingship is changed In order to paralyze/actively diminish(?) decision making In order to take away the kingship of the land So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil It was the time when An frowned upon the lands It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates It was the (time) that Utu cursed the journeys and caravans In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans (several lines missing) From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan Like a swallow that has flown (from) its house (i.e., nest), he is not to return to his city So that malevolent plants grow on both(?) banks of the Tigris and Euphrates So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, ... So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain So that butter and cream are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed So that the ilulama song, the churning of the churn, is not sung in the sheepfold In order to diminish the herd, in order to finish the wild animals So that the dung/bedding(?) of the quadrupeds of Sumuqan does not touch the ground So that in the marshes (wet land) is turned into cracked land, so that they do not acquire seeds In order to take away the kingship of the land So that it (the destructive storm) sets its gaze on the entire world So that it ruins the plans according to the command of An and Enlil It was the time when An frowned upon the lands It was the (time) that Enlil set his gaze on another place It was the (time) that Nintur rejected her creations It was the (time) that Enki changed (the course of) the Tigris and Euphrates It was the (time) that the youth(?) Utu cursed the journeys and caravans In order to destroy the me of Sumer, in order to alter its plans In order to obfuscate the me and the reign of kingship in Ur In order to defile the princely son in his Ekišnugal temple In order to tear apart the “mesh” of the people ... like ... of Nanna In order to change the nindaba offering of Ur, the shrine of great nindaba offerings So that its people do no dwell in their dwelling, so that enemy territory gives it away(?) So that Šimašgi and Elam, the foreign/enemy people, dwell in their dwellings So that the enemy seizes its shepherd in his very own house So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan Like a swallow that has flown from its house (i.e., nest), he is not to return to his city (So that) malevolent plants (grow) on both(?) banks of the Tigris and Euphrates So that no one sets foot on the road, so that no one seeks the path In order to break up the founded city and (outlying) settlements into ruin mounds In order to smite the teeming black-headed people with the haš weapon So that the hoe does not penetrate the fertile field, so that the seed is not planted So that the e'ellu, the song of the going oxen, is not sung in the plain So that butter and cream are not made in the cattlepen, so that ... is destroyed It was something unseen (before), and (for which) there was no word, something not to be accepted(?) The lands were confused all by themselves(?) The gods of that city stood outside Humanity breathed painfully in their very own homes(?) In order to overturn the day, in order to destroy the plans The storm ravages like a stormwind In order to overturn the cosmic powers of Sumer In order to confine the good reign in its house In order to destroy the city, in order to destroy the temple In order to destroy the cattlepen, in order to flatten the sheepfold So that the ox does not does not stand in its cattlepen So that the sheep does not expand (in number?) in the sheepfold So that the canal irrigates with (only) brackish water
Old Babylonian
... ...u₂-a ba-ši-in... ...a ba-ši-in... ...gub-bu-bi šukur₂ mah-gin₇ ba-e... ...abul-la mah {ŋeš}ig im-ma bi₂... lu₂ u₂-še₃ nu <unk> lu₂ a-še₃ nu <unk> uŋ₃ a tul₈-la₂ de₂-a-gin₇ šu i₃-niŋin-ne usu-bi ni₂-bi-a nu-ŋal₂ ne₃-bi ba-ra-an-tuš ...en-lil₂-le ša₃-ŋar lu₂ niŋ₂-hul iri-a ba-an-da-tuš niŋ₂ iri gul-gul-e niŋ₂ e₂ gul-gul-e iri-a ba-an-da-tuš niŋ₂ igi-bi-ta {ŋeš}tukul la-ba-gub-bu-a iri-a ba-an-da-tuš šag₄ nu-si-si igi niŋin-niŋin-bi iri-a ba-an-da-tuš urim₂{ki}ma gi dili du₃-a-gin₇ saŋ sag₃-ge nu-ŋa₂... uŋ₃-bi ku₆ šu dab₅-ba-gin₇ zi-bi mi-ni-in-tum₃... tur mah-bi i₃-barag₂-barag₂-ge-eš lu₂ nu-um-zi-zi... lugal-bi dub-la₂ <unk> a niŋ₂-gu₇ la-ba-na-ŋal₂ lugal niŋ₂-sag₉-ga gu₇ naŋ-a šukur₂-re im-ma-an...šu₂-šu₂ igi im-la₂-e šag₄-ka-tab i₃-zu-zu ...<unk> na kaš nu-ŋal₂ gid₂-da-bi nu-um-ŋal₂ ...niŋ₂-gu₇ la-ba-na-ŋal₂ tuš-u₃-bi nu-dug₃ agrun še nu-um-si-si zi-bi la-ba-ši-in... gur₇-du₆ gur₇...{d}nanna-kam {d}ašnan nu... kiŋ₂-sig diŋir-re-ne...gu₇ ki-sig₁₀-ga ba... unu₂ gal-ba kurun₂ lal₃ ŋeštin... ŋiri₂ <unk> a gud udu gu₇ gud... gir₄ mah-ba gud udu i₃... bur-saŋ a₂ sikil {d}nanna-kam... e₂ gud-gin₇ gu₃ bi₂-in-dug₄... mu <unk> kug-ga si nu-mu-un... {na₄}kinkin {ŋeš}naŋa₃ {ŋeš}gan... kar {na₄}za-gin₃ {d}nanna... a ma₂-saŋ-ŋa₂-a <unk> nu... unu₂ <unk> banda₃{da}... ...numun₂ <unk>... ...kar... ... ...
... the provider(? i.e., the king?) ... ... the provider(?) ... Its standing/serving ... like a supreme ration ... At its great gate Enlil stood the door (open) in the wind(?) In Ur, no one went towards food, no one went towards water The people were circling around like water poured into a well/pond Its strength was not present in its aura(?) and thus its strength did not dwell (there)(?) Enlil made starvation (in the form of?) an evil person dwell in the city He made that which destroys cities, that which destroys temples, dwell in the city He made that which before it a weapon does not stand (against) dwell in the city He made the hungry/unsatfisfied and the eye-roller dwell in the city In Ur, even (the fear/disdain of) head shaking like a single planted reed was not established Its people took refuge like a caught fish Meager and great alike spread out, no one arose/was mustered The king(?) was mounted atop the gate tower(?), there was no food there for him The king who had ate and drank good things, (had to now) clutch at a (mere) ration(?) The sun was clouded over, (one) was being envious/watching(?) and knew fasting There was no beer in the “house of the plain"(!?), its ... was not present There was no food for him in his palace, it was not good(?) for dwelling His supreme storehouse was not filled with grain, no one could take refuge there(?) (The) grain (goddess) was not present in the large and small grain heaps The afternoon meal of the gods was not? eaten, funerary offerings(?) ... In the great banquet the honeyed liquor and ... wine ceased? The giriPAa knife that consumes oxen and sheep ... In the great oven the oxen and sheep were not being prepared (i.e., roasted?), one could no longer smell it(?) The cry/breath of the “pure-armed” bursag building/functionary(?) stopped(?) The temple that had once belowed like a bull ... silently ... did not execute deliveries properly, ... The millstone, the mortar, and the pestle sat idle, no one bends down towards them In the lapis harbor of Nanna (boats?) were “bound in the water” (due to silt?) The water of the prow did not scream(?), it did not cast joy? Sand(?) was piled up in the unuRIbanda building/shrine of Nanna The ... rushes grew, the ... rushes grew, the reed of mourning(?) grew Boats and barges quit the shining harbor ... ... ...
Old Babylonian
... ...<unk>... ...<unk>... ... {u₂}... ...un-duh-duh... ...la₂...<unk>... ...ta ba-da-gur... ...ta ba-da-gur dumu... ...a-ni mu-un-šub e₂... ...ta ŋiri₃ kur₂ ba-ra-an... ... ... ur-saŋ... ...aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni ŋiri₃...ŋu₁₀ im-me-a... ...iri{ki} ni₂-ba lu-a šu...š ki aŋ₂-ŋa₂-ni... ...{d}nam-rat munus sag₉ <unk>... ...sug₄-ga i-im-ŋal₂ a...₄ nam ba-an-kud...ŋal₂... ...gin₇ ba-ur₅-ur₅... ...
... ... ... ... Its stolen(?) rushes ... carried (away)(?) the rushes ... ... piled up and spread .... out ... in the manner of sheaves ... a corpse was in the Euphrates ... ... turned away from ... and was not saying “my spouse” ... turned away from ... and was not saying “my son” The one of the true temple/productive estate(?) abandoned his temple and was not saying “my temple” The rich person took a different path away from his possessions ... ... the hero ... ... took a different path away from his beloved ... The one that is saying(?) ... my city(?) Kazallu, the city that teemed by itself, was confused Numušda took a different path away from his city, his beloved dwelling His wife Namrat, the beautiful woman, was weeping bitterly Emptiness was in the river, ... could not irrigate Like a river cursed by Enki, its intake was blocked ... did not have(?) grain in the field, the people did not eat The watered orchards were baked like an oven, the plain was dispersed.
Old Babylonian
... ...lu₂ i₃ nu... ...lu₂ ga nu... ...ra {dug}šakir₃... ...dugud-bi i₃-rah₂... ...unu₂ gal {d}nanna... ...suen-e a-a-ni {d}en-lil₂-ra... ...ugu-ŋu₁₀ iri-ŋu₁₀ a-na... ...urim₂{ki}ŋu₁₀ a-na... ...kiš-nu-ŋal₂-ŋu₁₀ a-na... ...nesaŋ-ŋa₂ a-a ugu-ŋu₁₀... nindaba-bi {d}en-lil₂ nibru... en iri bar-ra en iri šag₄-ga... urim₂{ki} iri {ŋeš}al-e ri... ...ur₂ ki ni₂ dub₂-bu... ...
People who did not know butter were churning its butter People who did not know cream were ... its cream In the cattle pen the churning churn was not bellowing nobly The heavy coals that had been lit(?), their smoke ceased ... the great dining hall of Nanna ... Suen wept to his father Enlil My birth father, my city was ... for him(?), why did you turn away from me? Enlil, my Ur was ... for him(!?), why did you turn away from me? My Ekišnugal temple was ... for him(?), why did you turn away from me? The nesag offering ships of my(?) birth father no longer brought the nesag offering for him ... could not bring its nindaba offerings to Enlil (of/at) Nibru for him The wind(s) carried off the en priest(ess) of the outer city and the en priest(ess) of the inner city Ur, like a city struck by a pickax, has been broken up into ruin heaps The Ki'ur? shrine, the place of relaxation of Enlil, has been made into a windblown shrine
Old Babylonian
... ...tuš-de₃ ki-erim₂... ...lu₂-kur₂-ra ki-tuš... ...ni₂-te-na lu₂-erim₂-e... ...suen kur elam{ki}ma-še₃ ŋeš... ...gaba a-ab-ba-ka-ta zag an... ... ...
... So that its people do not dwell in their dwelling, so that they are given into enemy territory So that Šimašgi and Elam, the destructive people, dwell in their dwellings So that the enemy seizes its shepherd in his very own palace So that Ibbi-Sîn is brought to the land of Elam in a {geš}bur trap/restraint From the sand dunes of Zabu on the shore of the sea to the border of Anšan ...
Old Babylonian
... gurun... ...tug₂-gin₇ im-mi...₃... igi-bi...₄ diŋir kalam-ma...₄ UN ur₂... ...kukku₅ uŋ₃-e <unk>... {d}en-lil₂-le₂...zag hul mu-ni...nam-ra-bi ba-ab... dumu nibru{ki}a mušen dab₅-ba-gin₇ šu-ni-a bi₂... nam-lu₂-lu₇-bi ur-gin₇ gu₂-na ŋiš ba-ab-ŋar... {d}en-lil₂-le nibru{ki}a ki-tuš-bi im-mi-in-kur₂... e₂-kur-še₃ lu₂ nu-mu-un-ši-in... {d}lamma {d}...e₂-a ba-ra-e₃ u₃-ku-ku{mušen} šag₄...gud₃-bi ba-ni-in... {d}en-lil₂-le iri-ni nibru{ki}a iri-ni nu-me-a erim₂-e igi bi₂-ib₂... e₂-kur-ke₄ ki-tuš he₂-em-mi-in-hu-luh e₂... itima kug unu₆ nam-diŋir-ra-na saŋ-ki mu-ni-in...a-ga-ni-še₃ nu... {d}en-lil₂ <unk>...bi₂-in... iri ni₂-te-na šu bal ba-ni-ib₂-ak kur-kur-re... {ŋeš}ig e₂šu₂-šu₂ si-ŋar-bi... niŋ₂-gur₁₁-ra-ni...<unk>... {d}en-lil₂-le iri...mi-in... {d}en-lil-le... ... ... kan₄ še nu-kud... {d}en-lil₂-le... gana₂-ni zid-de₃... pu₂ {ŋeš}kiri₆ gurun nu-il₂ {d}en... šeŋₓ(|IM.A|) an-na-ke₄ im-mi-in... niŋ₂-ur₂-limmu maš₂-anše {d}šakkan-ke₄ <unk> im-da...u₂ gu₇ nu-me-a-bi im <unk>... {id₂}idigna {id₂}buranun-na ka-bi im...a-eštub idim-bi... id₂ tur-tur-re sahar im-ma-ab-si peš₁₀... ab niŋ₂-daŋal-ba en-nu-uŋ₃ ba-ab-ŋar ambar-ra ku₆... in-di har-ra-an-na li-bi-ir ba-e... lu₂ du kaskal-bi ni₂ nu-te-te-en <unk>... {d}en-lil₂-le abul iri-na {ŋeš}ig <unk> ma...abul kur-kur-ra-ke₄ {ŋeš} nibru{ki}a lu₂ u₂-bi ba-an-de₆ lu₂ a sig₉-ga nu-ub...šub nam-lu₂-lu₇-bi ki... ...tuku šag₄-ka-tab-ba ba... ...tuš er₂ i₃-šeš₂-šeš₂ <unk>...še₃ a gig-ga... ...kam... ...<unk>... ...
... Teeming ..., fruit ... ... covered(?) like a garment ... threw ... into confusion there(?) ... ..., its front/face/eye ... ... shook ..., the god of the land ... ... shook, ... ... dark ... the people ... Enlil ... an evil ..., ... its booty The citizens of Nippur, like caught birds, he ... in his hand like dogs, he put yokes on the necks of its people Enlil changed the settlement of Nippur, ... Towards the Ekur, he cut ..., no one entered? towards him The lamma and alad/šedu(?) spirits of the temple went out, the ukuku bird, the bird of despair, made its nest there Enlil made the enemy look at(?) his city Nippur, his city that was no more And therefore he terrified the Ekur, the dwelling, the temple ... He frowned at the holy shrine, the inner sanctum of his divinity, behind him ... Enlil was destroying ..., ... The city threw itself over, the lands ... The door of the Ekur temple ... covered, its bolt ... His property ... Enlil ... the city Enlil ... ... ... The “gate where grain is not cut/diverted” (gate of the Ekur complex) ... Enlil ... His fertile field ... The well and orchard that did not bear fruit, Enlil ... He ... the rain of heaven The wild and domestic herds of Sumuqan ... in a state of non-eating they came to an end(?) The intake of the Tigris and Euphrates was blocked(?), the carp flood ... its spring All the smaller waterways filled up with silt, the banks ... A watch was set on the broad sea, in the marsh the fish ... The libir demon/policeman(?) ... on the paths and roads The highway traveler did not relax, ... Enlil stood open the door at the gate of his city (open) in the wind(?), at(?) the gate of the lands, ... the door He brought(?) the impure person(?) into Nippur, no one could ... clear water You abandoned ..., its people ... ... lay fasting ... sat down(?) and wept ... ... on account of his ... a pained cry ... It is the nth kirugu ...
Old Babylonian
... ...lu₂-erim₂ nu...kur₂ im-ma-an... <unk> ba-sug₂-ge... im-ma-an-dab₅-be₂-eš eden lil₂... ...silim du₃-a gu₇-a naŋ-bi-še₃šub... dum-dam mu-ni-in...giri₁₆-lu im-mi-in-e₃... ...lu₂ banda₃{da} šag₄ kuš₂-u₃-bi...igi-še₃ ka ba...₂-ib₂ <unk> <unk>... ba <unk>... ...mi-ib₂-dug₄-ge... ...du₃-a me-a... ... ...
... Its baliff/lurker, though not an enemy, ... another place The great gods cut ..., they stood outside They roamed in the mountain range, the plain with howling? phantoms ... They abandoned the praised(?) city/city built in peace(?) on account of (a lack of) eating and drinking/hunger and thirst(?) In the meadow(?) ... howled and brought out/intoned a lament The deliberations of the elders and juniors ... before ... the utterance(?) ... ... ... ... ... where(?) ...? ...
Old Babylonian
... dim₂-ma-bi šu... udug sag₉-ga-bi... ni₂ me-lim₄ saŋ-ŋa₂ ŋal₂-la... unug{ki}ga teš₂-bi a-ba... iri-da kur-kur... e-ne... ... ... šag₄ {tumu}...<unk>... erin₂ saŋ-gin₇ mu-un...<unk>... kaskal munu₄-gin₇ mu-un...<unk>... me₃ zu-ba šu-ba <unk> bi₂... saŋ erin₂-na lu₂-ta e₃... gu-ti-um{ki} <unk>...e <unk>... igi... ...
Who changed its discernment, who altered its intelligence? Who struck its good udug protective spirit? Who beat its lamma protective spirit? Who ruined the aura and radiance that had been on (its) head? Who ... the dignity(?) of Uruk, who ... the nugig midwife(?) Along with the city the foreign lands ..., in Uruk who ... in its temple? ... ... With the midst/heart of a storm(?) ... Like elite troops they plundered (all of(?) ...), ... They crushed the road like malt, the one apart from them(?) like a god/An? ... They made the battle veterans “fall into their hand"(!?), they ... their tactics/intellect/mood(?) The elite of the troops, who emerged (separate) from the (average) man(?) ... Gutium ..., the weapon ... Not even looking with both of their eyes(?), ...
Old Babylonian
... {d}nun-nam... nibru{ki}e...saŋ...nam... urim₂{ki}e e₂... {ŋeš} suhuš-bi...gin₆š₂ saŋ...mi-ŋal₂ {ŋeš}...kug uŋ₃ šar₂ si sa₂...šu-ŋa₂ im-mi...sa₂ ...kiri₃ zi-ŋal₂ <unk> <unk> e...ŋu₁₀-uš im-ma-an-šum₂ ...e...e₂ u₆₂ ... ... gi-zi... na-ri-ŋu₁₀ ud he₂-ŋal₂-la...{id₂}<unk> kug mu še... mu da-ri ka-ge₅ du-a-ba {id₂}pa₄... ...iri{ki}ŋa₂ a-ra₂-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi... ...kug iri-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi mu-ši-na ...luh a-ra₂-bi ku₆-ab te-li-bi mu-ši-na ...ku₆ hu-ma-ra-ab-de₆ e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-še₃ ...gu₂-gu₂ mu-su-ur lu₂-u₂ u₂-lal₃ gu₇-e še gu-nu mu₂-mu₂ {ŋeš}tir-gin₇ su-su-e... ...ub-da limmu₂-bi še-ga {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ...sipad u₂-a ki-en-gi uri-e ki aŋ₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ bal-na niŋ₂ urim₂{ki}ma-ke₄ sila-am₃ ud mi-ni-in-za-e-en-za-e-le za-e me-en ur{d}namma lugal mu da-a-ri za₃-mi₂-zu dug₃-ga
Where in Sumer and Akkad will Nunamnir chose? In Nippur, at the “mountain range of life,” he decreed my(!?) fate At Ur, it being in the Emudkura shrine He secured the foundations of his throne The crown and the (accompanying) aura, (eliciting) the “praise” of kingship, he(!?) put on my(?) head He made the pure scepter that puts the many people in order the equal of my hand(?) He gave to my hand ... and the nose-rope that convey the people ... the temple to be admired(?) he put in order(?) ... The gizi reed growth, “standing in silver"(?), flourishes My canal(?) (that furnishes?) a day of abundance, a reign(?) of ..., the “pure ...” canal is named Named an everlasting name that is suitable for the mouth, the “its (outlying) ditches are clean” canal is named (As for?) me, the way of (the canal of?) my city is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds The “pure ...” canal, it flow(!?) is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds The canal whose (outlying) ditches are clean, its flow is fish(?), its float/excess(?) is birds Abundantly it brought fish to the Ekišnugal temple ... (on its banks) are munzer plants which one eats (like?) the “honey plant” Making mottled barley/crops grow in its meadows (so that it) sways like a forest/for it to be denuded (at harvest time) like a forest(?) The king of the four regions, obedient one of Enlil Ur-Namma, the shepherd and provider in Sumer and Akkad, loved by Enlil In his reign(?) that makes(?) (every)thing of Urim rejoice, you are the one who spends time there(?) Ur-Namma, king with an eternal name, your praise is sweet
Old Babylonian
...ta ur-saŋ...en ba-tud-da-na-ta... ...ušumgal-e tud-da... lugal...ub-da limmu₄-ba me-en na-gada sipad saŋ-gig₂-ga me-en nir-ŋal₂ diŋir kur-kur-ra me-en dumu u₃-tud {d}nin-sumun₂-kam me-en šag₄-ge pad₃-da an kug-ga me-en lu₂ nam tar-re {d}en-lil₂-la₂ me-en {d}šul-gi ki aŋ₂ {d}nin-lil₂-la₂ me-en mi₂ zid dug₄-ga {d}nin-tur₅-ra me-en ŋeštug₂ šum₂-ma {d}en-ki-kam me-en ...kalag-ga {d}nanna me-en ...duh-a {d}utu me-en hi-li pad₃-da {d}inana... ...ŋir₂-nun-na...en <unk> har-ra-an-na...en dur₃{ur₃} dub-sar... nam-ur... ŋeštug₂... inim... niŋ₂... niŋ₂... ...e₃ me-en ...ke₃-eš ...še₃ šu he₂-em... ...en e₂-gal-la he₂-bi₂... ... ...še₃ ni₂ he₂-eb-ši-te-en-te-en ...har-ra-an-na...kaskal-e ŋi₆ ba-da-sa₂-a ...a-ni-gin₇ zi-ni ha-ba-ši-in-tum₃ mu-ŋu₁₀ ud ul-li₂-a-aš ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃ ka-ta nu-šub-bu-de₃ a-ar₂-ŋu₁₀ kalam-ma ak-ak-de₃ dub₃-tuku me-en usu-ŋu₁₀ im-zig₃-ge-en <unk>...ŋa₂ me-en nibru{ki}ta šeg₁₂ urim₂{ki}ma-še₃ danna aš-gin₇ šu niŋin₂-niŋin₂...šag₄-ŋu₁₀ ha-ma-ab-dug₄ piriŋ nam-šul-bi-ta nu...ne₃-ba gub-ba me-en {tug₂}niŋ₂-lam₂ banda₃{da}ŋu₁₀ ib₂-ŋa₂ ba-ab-du₁₁ tum₁₂{mušen} <unk> <unk>...dal-a-gin₇ a₂-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu-un-su₁₃-su₁₃ {d}anzu{mušen} kur-bi-še₃ igi il₂...dub₃-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu... uru₂ ma-da ki ŋar-ŋar...sug₂-ge-eš-am₃ uŋ₃ saŋ-gig₂-ga u₈...ha-ma-ab-du₁₀ maš₂ hur-saŋ-ŋa₂še₃ hub₂ sar-sar-re-de₃ {d}utu a₂-dam-ma ud daŋal-la ...kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la ha-ba-an-kur₉-re <unk> {d}suen-na tur₃ i₃ gal-gal-la he₂-ŋal₂-la he₂-bi₂-ib₂-du₃ gud ha-ba-ni-gaz udu ha-ba-ni-šum šem₅ {kuš}a₂-la₂-e...ha-ba-gi₄ tigi niŋ₂-dug₃-e...sa₂ {d}šul-gi lu₂ <unk>... piriŋ... ... ud te-eš... {d}iškur-re... šeŋₓ(|IM.A|) an-na-ke₄ a ki-ta... na₄ tur-tur-bi na₄ gal-gal... murgu₂-ŋa₂ dub-dab he₂-em-mi-ib₂... lugal me-en ni₂ ba-ra-ba-da-teŋ₃ su ba-ra-ba-da-zig₃ piriŋ banda₃{da}gin₇ guru₅-uš hu-mu-bur₂-bur₂ anše-eden-na-ke₄ hub₂-ŋa₂ hu-mu-un-šu₂-šu₂ šag₄ la-la ŋal₂-la-ŋu₁₀ kaš₄ hu-mu-ni-gun₃-gun₃-nu dur₃{ur₃} aš...im₂-ma-ŋu₁₀-ne {d}utu e₂-a-ni-še₃ igi i₃-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-de₃ kaskal u-ia₂ danna-am₃ šu hu-mu-niŋin₂ saŋ-ur-saŋ-ŋu₁₀-ne igi hu-mu-un-duh-a ud aš-am₃ nibru{ki} urim₂{ki}ma eš₃-eš₃-bi hu-mu-un-niŋin₂ šeš gu₅-li-ŋu₁₀ šul {d}utu-am₃ e₂-gal an-ne₂ ki ŋar-ra-am₃ kaš hu-mu-di-ni-naŋ nar-ŋu₁₀ tigi imin-e šir₃-ŋa₂ ha-ma-ab-dug₄ ŋidlam-ŋu₁₀ ki-sikil {d}inana nin hi-li an-ki-a gu₇ naŋ-bi-a ha-ma-da-an-tuš-e ni₂-ŋu₁₀ silim-še₃-am₃ ba-ra-ab... igi il₂-la-ŋu₁₀ he₂-em-mi-in-ŋen šag₄ gur₆-gur₆-a-ŋu₁₀ an-ta he₂-ib₂-gi₄ inim-inim-ma im-sar-ra-ŋu₁₀ zi a-a-ŋu₁₀ kug {d}lugal-banda₃ {d}nanna lugal an-ki-ke₄ ... ...ud ul-li₂-a-še₃ ...e-a ed₃-de₃ lugal...ŋa₂-gin₇-nam uŋ₃-e ba-ra-ŋal₂-la an...kug-sig₇ saŋ-ŋa₂ mu-ni-ge-en e₂-kur za-gin₃-na ŋidru ha-ba-ab-dab₅-be₂ barag babbar {ŋeš}gu-za suhuš gin₆-na saŋ... nam-lugal-la...mah kur an-ub-da limmu₂ uŋ₃ saŋ sig₁₀-ga-a-ba mu-ŋu₁₀ he₂-em-mi-še₂₁ šir₃ kug-ŋa₂ hu-mu-un-e₃-de₃ nam-mah-ŋu₁₀ hu-mu-ni-in-pad₃-de₃-e-a a₂ mah lugal-la-ka mi₂ dug₄-ga {d}suen-e e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂-la-ta ...saŋ nam-kalag-ga nam-til₃ niŋ₂-dug₃ saŋ-e-eš rig₇... ...mah šum₂-ma {d}nu-nam-nir-ra ...šul-gi kur gul-gul kalam...en išib an-ki-a gaba-ri nu-tuku {d}šul-gi dumu nir-ŋal₂ an-na-ke₄ mi₂ dug₄-ga {d}nisaba za₃-mi₂ šu-niŋin ninnu
I am the king, from the womb I was a hero I am Shulgi, after I was born, I was a mighty male I am a pirig creature with a furious face that was given birth to by an ušumgal creature I am the king of the 4 quarters I am the herder and shepherd of the black-headed I am the authoritative one, the god of the lands I am the child born of Ninsumun I am the one chosen in the heart by An I am the man decreed by Enlil I am Shulgi, loved by Ninlil I am the one taken care of by Nintur I am one given wisdom by Enki I am the mighty king of(?) Nanna I am the open-mouthed pirig creature (of) Utu I am Shulgi, whose allure was chosen/discovered (by) Inanna I am a girnun equid, suitable for the road I am a horse swishing its tail on the road I am a male donkey of Sumuqan, seeking to run I am the knowledgable scribe of Nisaba Like my heroism and my strength Intelligence is therefore perfected(?) The true word is therefore made compatible with me(?) Therefore justice is loved(?) Therefore(?) evil is not loved(?) Therefore(?) the speaking of evil words is hated(?) I am Shulgi, the mighty king who goes out towards the front Because I am rejoicing at my might and shoulder (=strength)(?) ... I establish the (length of) the double-hour and had palace(s) built (there at that interval)(?) ... Therefore shall relax towards its “cool side” The male going on the road who (otherwise) spends the night on the road Therefore has taken refuge there as if it was his built city So that my name is established to distant time, so that it is not dropped by/from the mouth So that my praise is performed in the land I am possessed of speed, I muster up my strength, I am ... running From Nibru to the brickwork of Urim My heart therefore spoke to me in order to make a round trip as if (it was only) one double-hour A pirig creature not tiring by means of its youth, I am one who stands in its strength My little niglam garment was suitable on my hips(?) Therefore, like a ... wild dove flying furiously, I pumped my arms Therefore, like the Anzud bird raising its eye towards its mountain, I spread my knees apart (in stride) Therefore the cities of the land that I founded served me Therefore my black-headed people, teeming like ewes, look to me sweetly (Like) a goat of the mountain range that is to run to its dwelling(?) (As?) Utu, broadening the daylight upon the settlements Therefore I(?) was entering the Ekišnugal temple Therefore the temple/courtyard!? of Suen, the cattlepen (of) great amounts of butter(?) was heaped up with abundance Therefore bulls were slaughtered there, sheep were slaughtered there Therefore the šem and ala drums resounded Therefore the tigi drum, the good thing, was played properly there I am Shulgi, the one who makes anything/food(?) numerous and therefore food (offerings) were offered there When I roused myself from the ... cultic area like a pirig creature ... ... Therefore the howling(?) storm shook the ground Iškur shouted in the broad heavens Therefore the rain of heaven mingled with (lit. embraced) the water below Its small and large (hail)stones Therefore made a thud on my back I am a king who therefore could not be frightened or have gooseflesh Like a fierce pirig creature (I) therefore snarled(?) Therefore (as) an equid of the plain (I) galloped Therefore (with) my heart with happiness inside of it (I) was running When I ran (as) a perfect male donkey Utu was to look towards his house (at sunset) And thus (I) had made the round trip, the journey being 15 double-hours My sagursag performers saw (the feat?) It was one day, I(!?) performed(!?) the ešeš festival in (both) Nibru and Urim My brother and friend, who is the youth Utu It was the palace founded by An, therefore I drank beer there with him Therefore my singer performed my song(?) at the seven tigi drums My spouse, the young maiden Inanna, the lady (who is) the allure of the universe She sits with (me) in eating and drinking Thus I myself have not been praised(i.e., I have not boasted?) Thus my raised eye goes (where it wishes)(?) Thus my “free will” confronts(?) (what it wishes) My fixed sayings/affairs(?) that were written By the life of my father, holy lugalbanda(!) (And) Nanna, the king of the universe ... ... to distant days ... Thus there has not been a king ... like me among the people An has firmly placed a golden crown on my head Thus in the shining Ekur (I) seized the scepter(?) Thus (my) head was raised heavenwards (on) the white dais and the throne with a firm foundation Thus (my) power was exalted in the kingship Thus the enemy land/mountain was destroyed, the land made firm Therefore may my name be invoked among the cared for people (of) the four regions Therefore they shall perform(?) my pure songs Therefore they shall discover my greatness The one taken care of with the great might of kingship Who Suen at the Ekišnugal temple Gave heroism, might, and a good life Given supreme strength by Nunamnir Shulgi, the destroyer of the enemy land, the establisher of the land The išib priest of the universe who has no rival Shulgi, cared for by the noble son of An Nisaba, praise Total: 50 (lines).
Old Babylonian
lugal me-en šag₄-ta... {d}šul-gi me-en... ...igi huš ušumgal... limmu₂... ...sipad saŋ-gig₂... ...ŋal₂ diŋir kur... ...
I am the king, from the womb I was a hero I am Shulgi, after I was born, I was a mighty male I am a pirig creature with a furious face that was given birth to by an ušumgal creature I am the king of the four quarters I am the herder and shepherd of the black-headed I am the authoritative one, the god of the lands
Old Babylonian
... ...nisaba-ke₄ ...ŋizzal-la šu daŋal ma-ni-in-dug₄ ...ŋal₂ tak₄-a niŋ₂-e nu-dib-be₂ me-en sa nemur₂-gin₇ zig₃-ga-ŋu₁₀-ne {anše}ni-is-kum kaš₄ kalag-ga di-ŋa₂ šag₄ an-na-ke₄ hul₂-la ma-ab-de₆ a-la-ŋa₂ {d}en-lil₂-le gu₃ zid ma-ni-in-de₂ nam-si-sa₂-ŋu₁₀-uš ŋidru ma-an-šum₂-mu-uš gu₂ kur-kur-ra-ke₄ ŋiri₃ ba-da-gub {ŋeš}tukul-ŋa₂ mu-bi sig-še₃ mu-un-ŋal₂ aga-kar₂ sig₁₀-ga-ŋu₁₀-u₈ igi-nim-še₃ mu-un-ŋal₂ me₃ šen-šen-na um-ta-ab-e₃-en ...ib₂ dug₄-ga {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ ...ŋu₁₀-u₈ igi-še₃ ba-du-un ...šag₄ ba-ab-zalag-ge-en ŋa₂-e me-en {ŋeš}tukul-la a-la mu-un-ŋa₂-ŋa₂-an {urud}šukur {urud}ma-sa-tum a-ba-da-ab-ŋal₂-le-en-na {kuš}da-lu-uš₂-a a₂-sig₃-ge-bi mu-zu im-du-ug im-lag hul sag₃-ga-ŋu₁₀-u₈ mir ni₂ ŋal₂-la-gin₇ dal-le-da-bi šag₄ dab-ba-ŋu₁₀-u₈ li-bi₂-ib-dib-be₂-en ni₂ zi-ir kur-re ba-ab-šum₂-mu-un šeš gu₅-li-ŋu₁₀ šul {d}utu-am₃ ki zi-šag₄-ŋal₂-la-ka igi mu-na-ni-duh {d}šul-gi me-en dalla-bi-a inim mu-da-ab-be₂-en diŋir igi sag₉ me₃-ŋa₂-kam ...utu...šeš-ra ki aŋ₂ {d}lamma {ŋeš}tukul-ŋa₂-kam <unk> ga₁₄-mu-un-ne₃-e ...e₃ ...
The beautiful Nanibgal, Nisaba Gave wisdom and intelligence generously to me I am experienced scribe who does not ignore (lit. pass by) anything When I rose as (if possessing) the musculature of a leopard When I galloped mightily like a nisku equid The heart of An brought rejoicing for me In my happiness Enlil spoke truthfully to me They gave me a scepter because of my justice (I) was able to step on the neck of the lands ... put the fame of my weapon to the Lowland ... put (news of) my conquests to the highland After I go out(?) into combat and battle To the place that Enil has grown angry (at) (?) I go at the front of(?) my troops I illuminate the area (lit. field) that I see It is I who puts passion into the weapon I am in possession of the spear and the masatum weapon (I) know the slingstone of the sling (i.e., how to load it?) My discharged(?) destructive clay bullets and pellets The ones that are to fly like an aura bearing(?) northern storm In(?) my anger I do not let them pass (their mark?) I give fear and distress(?) to(?) the (enemy) land My brother and friend, who is the youth Utu I looked to him in a place of encouragement/vitality I am Shulgi, I speak a word with him openly He is the beautiful-faced god of my battle The youth Utu who makes a brother love a brother(?) is the protective spirit of my weapon Because of his word I will be strong(?), I will be mighty(?) ... Utu comes out for me in the combat of battle(?)
Old Babylonian
ama-gi₄ nu-me-en šag₄ inim... inim-ŋu₁₀ saŋ i₃ li... šag₄ izi-gin₇ bar₇-ra-am₃... inim-ma lu₂ inim-ma diri-ga... niŋ₂ kal-kal-la ŋa₂-e lu₂... sun₅-na dugud-bi saŋ... niŋ₂-na-me-u₈ la-ba-an... inim an-na inim {d}en-lil₂-la₂... zi kalam-ma zi kur-kur-ra-ka kiri₃ šu...ŋal₂ ŋa₂-la nu-dag-ge muš₃ nu-tum₂-bi me-en diŋir-re-e-ne gub-ba in-ga-an-zu {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-e-ne ki sed₄-bi mu-zu {d}šul-gi nam-nun-na gu₂ gal peš₁₁-a me-en niŋ₂ gal-gal-la a-ba-da-ab-ŋal₂-la-an šag₄-ŋu₁₀ hul₂-la ba-da-am₃-ŋal₂-la ...dag-ge bar...be₂ me-en ... ... lugal ud...a-aš diš... šag₄-ŋu₁₀ niŋ₂-a₂-zig₃ ba-ra-mu-un-na-ta... nam-lu₂-lu₇ an-ta sig₁₀-ga-a-ta ŋeštug₂ dab₅-dab₅-ba na-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ nu-me-en en₃-du ud-bi-a-ta libir-ra ud ul-a-aš tigi za-am-za-am šu <unk> <unk> ŋu₁₀-ne ud na-a-me lul-še₃ ba-ra-bi₂-pad₃ ka-ge ba-ra-bi₂-gi niŋ₂ libir-ra en₃ he₂-bi₂-tar-tar šub-bu-de₃ ba-ra-bi₂-šum₂ šir₃-gid₂-da-ŋa₂ e₂ dug₃-ga-ŋa₂ pa e₃... tigiŋeštug₂-ga... niŋ₂šub...
(I) have known (how to impose) the meaning of the words “I am not freed” My words are the finest of pressed/high quality oils A heart that burns like fire--(I) have known its cooling One will weigh (my) words against(?) a man excessive in words I am a man of the most precious things The importance of being humbled is appreciated by me One cannot slander/alter(?) anything of mine(?) By the word of An and Enlil (I) shall cover (my) mouth (in submission) for the life of the homeland and the life of the foreign lands I am their unceasing one, their unfailing one (I!) too have known how to serve the gods (I) have known the cooling place(!?) of the Anuna I am Shulgi, whose great neck grows thick in princeliness When(?) I am able to have great things Rejoicing is able to be (in) my heart I am one who will not cast that which is being brought to an end aside (Or) a single king from(?) ancient times Thus I am not plotting(?) violence against him (That which accrued) after mankind was placed from heaven (on the earth)(?) I am not a barbarian(!) regarding (this) accumulated(?) knowledge From cultic songs of the (present?) time to ancient ones of distant days(?) Therefore when I ... the tigi and zamzam songs/instruments(?) At no time have I chosen them/uttered(?) falsely or blocked them in the mouth Therefore I have inquired after these ancient things and not given them over to be abandoned Therefore I made my širgida songs manifest in my good palace/temple Therefore the ... of the tigi and zamzam songs/instruments, everything, I embedded in (my) memory(?) That which was thus not dropped from the hand
Old Babylonian
... ki-uri-ke₄ nam... ...gin₇-nam im nu-mu... nam-kug-zu-gin₇ ir im... ...ŋa₂ šid uttuku{gu}de₃... ...sag₁₂-ga {d}nisaba... ...<unk>...šu daŋal ma-ra-an-dug₄ ...ŋal₂ tak₄-a niŋ₂ nu-dib-be₂ me-en ...gin₇ zig₃-ga-ŋu₁₀-ne ...kaš₅ kalag-ga...ŋa₂ ...hul₂-la ma-an-dug₄ ...lil₂-le gu₃ zid ma...
I learned the tablets of (both) Sumer and Akkad, the scribal art Like (a mere member of?) the indigenous population(?) I did not write tablets The scribal art(?), like(!?) a place of wisdom ... a scent(?) Adding(?), subtracting(?), counting, computation(?), I did in their entirety The beautiful Nanibgal, Nisaba Gave wisdom and intelligence generously to me I am experienced scribe who does not pass by anything When I rose as (if possessing) the sinew of a leopard When I galloped mightily like a nisku equid The heart of An rejoiced for me In my happiness Enlil spoke truthfully to me
Old Babylonian
...{ki} me-lim₄-zu an-ki-a dul₉ u₁₈-ru-zu mah dib eš₃ nibru{ki} ki an a-na šuš₂-a-aš ne₃-zu zag-bi-še₃ ŋal₂ šeg₁₂ kilib₃-ba kalam-ma ki ŋar-ra šeg₁₂-zu šeg₁₂ saŋ-bi-im kur-kur-re iri{ki} na du₃-a-ba me mah šu mi-ni-teŋ₄ me mah-zu-gin₇ mu-zu mah-am₃ mu-zu-gin₇ sahar-zu sahar dug₃-ga-am₃ iri{ki} an-ki-a mu-zu diri-ga-am₃ us₂-saŋ sig igi-nim-ma dim-gal uŋ₃ šar₂-ra me-en me-zu me galam-ma me nu-sag₂-dam ŋeš-hur-zu-u₈ abzu sig₉-ga-gin₇ ni₂ gal ši-im-duh-duh nam-mah-zu {d}uraš sig₇-ga-gin₇ na-me nu-zu-zu-dam nam tar-ra saŋ-bi-še₃ e₃-a-zu niŋ₂ ar₂-re-eš dib-ba hur-saŋ sukud-ra₂ šu nu-teŋ₃-ŋa₂ me-en saŋ il₂ zag dib-ba an-ne₂ us₂-sa me-en šag₄-zu u₁₈-ru me-en bar-zu ni₂ gur₃-ru me-en {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-ne u₂ nam-til₃-la-bi-še₃ za-e ši-im-ma-ab-du₃-en gu₇ naŋ-bi-še₃ ši-im-ma-sig₇-ge-en amaš zi-bi-še₃ ŋal₂ me-en a₂-zu-ta gu sa-par₄ gid₂-gin₇ niŋ₂-nam la-ba-ra-e₃ eš₃ nibru{ki} a-ra₂-zu niŋ₂ mah-am₃ niŋ₂ ka-ge dib-ba me hal-ha-zu ŋeš-šub zid-da niŋ₂ sag₂ nu-di-dam iri{ki} šag₄-zu kug-ga-am₃ bar-zu šen-šen-am₃ su-bar-ra-zu me-lim₄ gur₃-ru-am₃ ki-zu ki suh-ha-am₃ en ŋeštug₂-a kur-gal {d}en-lil₂-le šag₄-zu-a eš₃ bi₂-in-du₃ eš₃-bi eš₃ za-gin₃ eš₃ nam tar-re-dam e₂-kur e₂ za-gin₃ e₂ nam tar-re-dam nun-zu {d}nu-nam-nir ninda₂ me ru-a ama {d}nin-lil₂ nin gal ki-ur₃-ra-a nin me u₃-tud-da e-ne e-ne-gin₇ kalam-ma diŋir a-ba mu-un-til₃ a-ne-ne <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> šu bi₂-in-gur-ru-uš huš-bi bi₂-in-dur₂-ru-ne-eš me zid me gal me ar₂-re-ka dur₂ im-mi-in-ŋar-re-eš {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-ne ama a-a ugu-bi-gin₇ igi-bi im-ši-ŋal₂ inim kug kal-kal zid-de₃-eš di-bi ŋizzal ši-ma-an-ke₄-eš {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-bi igi im-mi-in-ŋal₂-eš ki-a zag mi-ni-in-ŋar-re-eš ud-bi-a an gal ki daŋal-ba šag₄-bi mu-un-e₃-a diŋir {d}a-nun-na an-ki-ke₄-ne kiŋ₂ ib₂-gi₄-gi₄-ne {ŋeš}al {ŋeš}dupsik niŋ₂ <unk> ki ŋa₂-ŋa₂ šu-ba... mu-un-ŋal₂ ...{d}nisaba
City, your aura covers the universe Your might is supreme and surpassing Shrine Nibru Wherever the heavens cover (i.e., everywhere) Your strength is there (all the way to) its boundaries (Among) all of the brick (structures) founded in the land Your brickwork is the foremost brickwork The lands accept the supreme cosmic powers in all their cities Like your supreme cosmic powers, your reputation is supreme Like your reputation, your soil is good soil City, your name is surpassing in the universe You are the bond of the lowlands and highlands, the great pillar of the many people Your cosmic powers are clever and that cannot be dispersed And thus your plans, like something that occupies the subterranean waters, And thus your plans, like something that occupies the subterranean waters, emit a great aura your greatness, which is verdant like the goddess Uraš (earth personified) No one is to ascertain. Your fate, going out at the forefront, is something that surpasses (any) praise A high mountain range that no hand can approach are you. Head raised high, surpassing You are touching heaven Your interior is powerful Your exterior is filled with awe And thus you produce food (for) the Anuna for their lives You are verdant for their eating and drinking You are the sheepfold that is there for their breath Nothing can escape from you arm, which is like the extended cords of a net Shrine Nibru, your way is that of greatness Surpassing description When you divide up the cosmic powers (it results in) a true lot that cannot be dispelled City, your inside is pure Your outside is pure Your body bears an aura Your site is a chosen(?) place The lord of wisdom, the Great Mountain Enlil, has built a shrine in your midst That shrine, the sparkling shrine, it is the shrine that is to determine fate The Ekur, the sparkling temple, it is the temple that is to determine fate Your ruler, Nunamnir, the young bull who inseminates the cosmic powers Mother Ninlil, the great queen of the Ki'ur complex, lady who gave birth to the cosmic powers What other god lives in the land like he and she? They have wrapped themselves with intelligence and counsel at the place of dusk They have sat down (in their thrones) with a reddish hue(?) They have sat down (in their thrones) among the true cosmic powers, the great powers, the cosmic powers of praise The Anuna gods look to them as their birth parents And therefore they listen to their pure and most precious words, uttered faithfully Both Enlil and Ninlil looked at the sky They made a (temporary) sanctuary(?) on the earth (according to the stars they saw) At that time, the intentions for the broad earth that great An had brought forth (for Enlil and Ninlil to see) The Anuna gods of heaven and earth set to work (to fulfill them) The hoe and the earth-moving basket, those (tools) which establish a city, were ... in their hands ... Haya(?) and Nisaba
Old Babylonian
a-ra-zu-ne... ŋa₂-la nu-dag-ge... ki-ur₃-še₃ šu... niŋ₂ tum₂-tum₂-e im₂-e... ul₄-ul₄-la dub₃ nu-kuš₂... nesaŋ tum₃ e₂ <unk> nu... nibru{ki}še₃ he₂-ŋal₂... keš₃{ki}a išib-bi... urim₂{ki}še₃ i₃ saŋ... eridu{ki}še₃ ŋa₂-la nu-dag... ki unug{ki}še₃ nindaba... e₂-kur-ta nam-til₃ šum₂-ma... zi-šag₄-ŋal₂ uru₂-ni-še₃ al... {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ sipad kur-kur... lugal me₃-še₃ ku-kur du₇-du₇... da-da-ra nam-šul... ŋiri₂-ur₃-ra u₃... me₃-a nim-gin₇... suhuš gin₆-na erin₂... {na₄}saŋ-kal na₄... {kuš}gur₂₁{ur₃} igi tab ugnim-ma... ur-saŋ igi zalag-ga zu₂-keš₂ gin₆-ne₂... {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ dumu {d}en-lil₂ me-en {kuš}ummud a sed₄ zi ŋuruš-a... igi ŋal₂ kaskal-a an-dul₇ erin₂-na me... lugal tuš-a-ni barag-ga ŋen-na me... šag₄ dugud-da inim-še₃ ŋal₂-la me... dim₂-ma kalag su₁₃ a-ra₂-e kiŋ₂-ŋa₂... niŋ₂-nam nu <unk> <unk> le me-en... šag₄ sud-ra₂ ŋeštug₂ daŋal-la me... im-gid₂-da {d}nin-ŋeš-zi... {iti}<unk> <unk> ŋar ud u-eš₅... mu {i₃-si}isin₂-na... ki 3(u) me-en
I am one (whose) supplication/prayers make Ninlil rejoice I am the unceasing one serving Nuska I am one whose hand is oriented(?) towards the Ki'ur I am the fitting one for carrying things and running(?) I am one constantly hurrying (but) whose knees do not tire I am the bringer of the nesag offering who does not allow light to pass through(?) the Ebabbar temple I am the one who chases(?) abundance towards/on behalf of Nippur In Keš I am the one serving as(?) its išib priest On behalf of Urim I am the first rate butter and cream On behalf of Eridu I am its unceasing one On behalf of the site of Unug I am the great nindaba offerings I am the one given life by the Ekur temple(?) I am the one who wishes for vitality on behalf of his city I am lipit-Ištar, the shepherd of the lands I am the king, a wave thrashing towards battle I am one who does not loosen the knots of the bindings of youthfulness I am the one sharpening the giri'ura knife In battle I am the one flashing like lightning I am one who establishes the foundation and destroys among the troops I am the sagkal stone(?), the stone that ...(?) I am a shield, the watcher of the army I am the bright-faced hero who solidifies the troop formation I am lipit-Ištar, the son of Enlil I am a waterskin (of) cold water, the life of the young man/worker I am the one who watches the campaign, the (protective) shade of the troops I am a king that when he sits, he goes on(!?) the dais I put important thoughts to words(?) I am one (who possesses) profound intellect and counsel(!?), seeking the (correct) way I am one who does not hurry(!?) anything, ... I am one (who possesses) profound thought and broad understanding "Long-tablet" of Ningešzida-... month o"NENEgar," 13th day, year "Isin ...". ... 30 (lines ...)
Old Babylonian
Literary zid-de₃... ...zid bar-ra {d}... urim₂{ki}ma gu₃... ...ta-u₁₈-lu lu₂ šag₄... ...šu-me-ša₄-ta ni₂... ŋeštug₂ bad-ra₂ {d}en... ...{ki}... ...
I am the one who makes the woman sparkle as a flower/star(?) I am the one who Nanna looks at with a favorable eye He spoke faithfully to me in Urim Uta'ulu (Ninurta), I am the man of his heart He was able to(?) impose a great aura upon me in the Ešumeša temple I am one whose understanding was opened by Enki In Eridu he gave the kingship to me
Old Babylonian
... a₂ mah šum₂-ma... {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ šul... diŋir-re-e-ne saŋ... e₂-kur-re muš₃ nu... lugal kadra-še₃ maš₂... kiri₃... lugal šud₃-de₃ gub-ba... inim sag₉-sag₉-ge {d}en... ...ra-zu-ne {d}nin-lil₂... ... ... ...ka-aš bar-re... ...kur-re a₂ aŋ₂-ŋa₂...₂ kalam... niŋ₂-gin₆-na-ŋu₁₀-še₃... nun {d}li-pi₂... ...ŋu₁₀-še a-na... ...niŋ₂... ... ...gin₆-na me-en ...
I am one given strength by Enlil I am lipit-Ištar, his attentive youth I am the constant (attendant) of the gods In the Ekur I am its unceasing one I am the king who holds the goat kid to his chest as a greeting gift I am the one humbled and touching the nose in submission I am the king standing in prayer I am the one who makes words pleasant, who pacifies Enlil I am one (whose) supplication/prayers make Ninlil rejoice I am the unceasing one serving Nuska I am judge who sets affairs straight when he is to make a decision I am adept at giving orders to the lands I established justice in Sumer and Akkad and sweetened the flesh of the land What can be abandoned because of my truth? I am lipit-Ištar, who sets the people in order What has ceased because of my justice? ... ... I am the bright-faced hero who solidifies the troop formation
Old Babylonian
...i₃-si-na₂-gi₄-a gal nir-ra₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ u₂-a-zu he₂-am₃ e-ne-ra mu-na-an-dug₄ šag₄-ba-tuku-am₃ ka-ta e₃-a-ni {d}en-lil₂-la₂-še₃ {d}nin-i₃-si-na-ka-še₃ ŋeštug₂ ba-ši-in-gub sun₅-na-bi mu-na-ni-ib-gi₄-gi₄ a-a {d}en-lil₂ diŋir ušum pa e₃ i-bi₂ <unk> nun-gal-e-ne en an-ki me-zu me-a dib a₂ aŋ₂-zu a₂ aŋ₂-ta rib sipad zid šag₄-ge pad₃-da-zu ...u₃-mu-un {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂-ra ...ra-ba u₃-mu-ni <unk> ...ha-ra...eŋar ...še₃...ŋeštug₂ ba-ši-in-gub₂₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ mu pad₃-da-ŋu₁₀ me-en uŋ₃-ŋa₂ saŋ mi-ni-in-il₂ zi-ŋal₂-e ama a-a ugu-bi-gin₇ igi-bi he₂-en-ŋal₂ kalag-ga saŋ-en₃-tar e₂-kur-ra ensi₂ eš₃ mah-am₃ u₄-ta-u₁₈-lu ki šen-šen-na-ka a₂-tah-zu he₂-am₃ hul-du-zu buru₅{mušen}gin₇ ha-ra-ur₄-ru zar-re-eš ha-ra-ab-sal-e ki-ru-gu₂ limmu₅-kam-ma nun {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ {d}nu-nam-nir-ra en dug₄-ga nu-kur₂-ru-de₃ uŋ₃ šar₂-ra-ba mu-ni im-mi-mah ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-im {d}en-lil₂ me-en an-še₃ <unk> me-en ki-še₃ en me šar₂ me-en {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ nam dug₃ mi-ni-ib-tar-re šir₃-nam-gala {d}nin-i₃-si-na-ke₄
Ninisina, ... child of An, great bride of the lordly one(?) ... said to her “may Lipit-Ištar be you provider” It is the šagbatuku To his utterance, to that of Enlil, NinIsina(!) paid attention and answered him humbly Father Enlil, god who is an emergent ušum creature(?), foremost(?) of the great princes (Igigi) Lord of the universe, your me exceed (other) me(?), your commands surpass (other) commands(?) You shepherd chosen in the heart ... lord Lipit-Ištar After you(?) raised/carried ... among(?) May ... ... placed ... ... Enlil(?) paid attention to the spoken word of Ninisina He cries out truthfully to ... and decrees a fate Lipit-Ištar, you are the one I chose by name, (you) have raised (your) head among the people The people look towards (you) like their birth parents The powerful one, caretaker of the Ekur temple, who is ensi official of the supreme shrine Utaulu (Ninurta), may he be your helper at the place of combat May he gather up your enemy like small birds (in a net) for you, may he spread them out into sheaves for you It is the 4th kirugu Ruler Lipit-Ištar, Nunamnir, the lord who will not change his utterance, glorifies(?) his name among the many people It is the gešgigal “response” I am Enlil, heavenwards I am riding(?), towards the earth I am lord (of) the many cosmic powers(?) I will decree a good fate (for) Lipit-Ištar and therefore it is something that cannot be changed Song of the gala priesthood of Ninisina
Old Babylonian
... ...aŋ₂-zu a₂ aŋ₂... ...u₃-mu-un {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂-ra ...u₃-mu-ni-in-ze₂-eŋ₃ ...ha-ra-ab <unk> eŋar su kalam-ma mu-e-dug₃ mu-un-ši-bar na-aŋ₂ zid tar-mu-ni-ib ki-ru-gu₂ eš₅-kam-ma nun {d}li-pi₂-it-iš₈-tar₂-ra nam-til₃ ud su₃-ra₂ saŋ-e-eš rig₇-ba-ab ŋeš-gi₄-ŋal₂-bi-kam inim dug₄-ga {d}nin-isin₂{si}na-ka-še₃ ...{d}en-lil₂-le ŋeštug₂ ba-ši-in-gub ...ra gu₃ zid mu-na-an-de₂-e nam mu-ni-ib-tar-re₂-it-iš₈-tar₂ mu pad₃-da-ŋu₁₀ me-en uŋ₃-ŋa₂ saŋ mi-ni-in-il₂ ...e ama a-a ugu-bi-gin₇ igi-bi he₂-em-ši-ŋal₂-le-eš ...en₃-tar e₂-kur-ra ensi₂ eš₃ mah-a šen-šen-na-ka a₂-tah-zu he₂-a ...gin₇ ha-ra-ur₄-u₃ zar-re-eš ha-ra-ab-sal-e ...
Father Enlil, god who is an emergent ušum creature(?), foremost(?) of the great princes (Igigi) Lord of the universe, your me exceed (other) me(?), your commands surpass (other) commands(?) ... for(?) lord lipit-Ištar After you give ... ... will ... ... put ... the pure place(?), you sweetened the flesh of the land ... looked at your ..., decree a fate (for him) It is the 3rd kirugu Nunamnir, dedicate a life of distant days to the ruler lipit-Ištar It is its gešgigal “response” To the spoken word of Ninisina ... Enlil paid attention He cries out truthfully to ... and decrees a fate Lipit-Ištar, you are the one I chose by name, (you) have raised (your) head among the people The people looked towards (you) like their birth parents The powerful one, caretaker of the Ekur temple, ensi of the supreme shrine Utaulu, may he be your helper at the place of combat May he gather up your enemy like small birds (in a net) for you, may he spread them out into sheaves for you ... ...
Old Babylonian
he₂-ŋal₂ ab sikil nesaŋ zag-mu...šu gal mu...du₇-du₇ <unk> nam-til₃-la <unk> urim₂{ki}ma-še₃ gun₂-bi im-mi-ni <unk> {d}suen-e nindaba si bi₂-in-sa₂ nibru{ki}še₃ nam-tum₄ e₂-kur-re e₂ {d}en-lil₂-la-še₃ bi₂-in-kur₉ {d}en-lil₂ nindaba-da hul₂-la nam mu-ri-in-tar ama ugu-a-ni nin gal {d}nin-lil₂...mi₂ zid na-mu-un-e₃ {d}suen-e {d}en-lil₂ {d}nin-lil₂-ra... nam {d}suen-i-din-nam sud-ra₂-še₃...e-de₃ šu bi₂... sipad sun₅-na gu₃ zid mi...nam-til₃ he₂... {d}<unk> i-din-nam gu₃ zid mi...nam-til₃ he₂-na... zi ud sud-ra₂ ŋal₂ nam tar-re...nam-e-eš he₂-en... ŋeš-šub-ba til₃-le ud da-ri₂-ka...saŋ-e-eš he₂-en-ba še saŋ-bi e₂-kur za-gin₃-še₃ ŋa₂-e ma-ra-e-dim₂ ninda gur₄ si-ma še hal-bi-gin₇ he₂-eb₂-ku-ul mu sag₉-sag₉ ud til₃-la itud silim-ma e-ne sig₁₀-ga-de₃-en e₂-gal-a-na <unk> sag₉-ga šag₄ hul₂-la šu du₇ mu-ne <unk> en {d}<unk> i-din-na-am <unk> sag₉-sag₉-ge mu-un-ba til₃-le niŋ₂-ba-bi he₂-me... {ŋeš}gu-za nam-lugal-la saŋ he₂-il₂...du-ri₂-še₃ he₂... ud ul-še₃ mu-ni i₃-gal-e kur šuš-mu-un-na-ab-ze₂-en
He greatly perfected(?) the abundance of the pure shrine/sea(?), the nesag offering of the New Year To the harbor of life, the harbor of Ur he rode (with?) the load/tribute(?) Suen conveyed the nindaba food offering, he brought (it) to Nibru He brought it into the Ekur, the temple of Enlil Enlil, who was rejoicing at the nindaba offering, decreed a fate His birth mother, the great lady Ninlil, was faithfully treating him well Suen ... to Enlil and Ninlil He prayed so that the fate of Sîn-iddinam would be determined(!?) in perpetuity The humble shepherd who you speak with faithfully, ... life for him Sîn-iddinam, who you speak with faithfully ... life for him May a true decreed fate where there is long life(?) be decreed (for him) May a lot of living eternally be given (to him) as a gift(?) I fashioned(?) for you (food using?) the highest quality grain on behalf of(?) the shining Ekur So that the reputation of(?) the thick loaves sifted like sieved barley(?) is great/May its name(?) be collected/pecked at? like the open/divided/sieved(?) barley of a thick bread loaf with sifted (grain)(?) In order that you(?) establish (for?) him good years, days of living and months of well-being You will bring a suitably glad liver and rejoicing heart into his palace Sîn-iddinam has spoken good (words)/prayed and therefore you(?) will ... living as a gift/the gift (of?) living May the throne of kingship be exalted, may it ... forever (So that?) his name will be great until distant days, overwhelm (pl.) the land for him
Old Babylonian
{m}{d}en-lil₂-mas-su inim dug₃ ad gi₄ sag₉ ka lal₃ inim gun₃-gun₃-ra u₃-na-a-dug₄ dumu diŋir-ra-ni-ir gub-ba ama a-a-ni ni₂ teŋ₃-ŋa₂-e-de₃ u₃-ne-de₃-tah {d}alad {d}lamma diŋir kal-la-ŋu₁₀ uludin₂ alan zil₂-zil₂ me-te nam-dub-sar-ra ur-saŋ šag₄-tam-e-ne a₂ aŋ₂-ŋa₂ ki-bi-še₃ gi₄ šag₄ lugal-la-na dug₃-dug₃-ge-ra u₃-ne-de₃-peš {m}lugal-nesaŋ-e nu-eš₃ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ lu₂ zu₂ bir₉ lugal-a-na dumu zu-zu um-mi-a nibru{ki}a ad-da-zu na-ab-be₂-a ud i₃-tak₄-na-ŋu₁₀ ba-hu-hu-bu-uš-a šag₄-ŋu₁₀ mu-da-šub šaŋar immen₂-ŋu₁₀ ba-tur nam-zu ib₂-gu₇-en i-si-iš-zu ib₂-sig₉-ge-en mah-zu ib₂-sur-re-en bar-šeŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-e-zu ib₂-uš₂-en lib bar ke-ŋu₁₀-ta šu ba-e-dag ŋeštug₂ šag₄ tuku-tuku lib be₂-ŋar en₃ tar-tar-re-de₃ zi ba-ir ni₂ teŋ₃-teŋ₃-ŋe₂₆-de₃ šag₄-ŋu₁₀ mud₂ lugud ba-ab-si ki nam tar-ra nu-ub-da-ŋen-na-aš dug₄-ga {d}en-lil₂-le muš₃-me-zu igi he₂-bi₂-duh
After you speak to Enlilmassu, (the provider of) sweet words and good advice, the (possessor of) a “honey mouth, who is charming ... you repeat, My alad spirit, my lamma spirit, my valued (personal) god (Akkadian, the one of the side(?)), with good features and stature Embodiment of the scribal art Hero of the šatam officials, who restores commands to their place Who sweetens the heart of the king, after you (say) a third time to him Lugalnesage, the nu'eš priest of Enlil, the jester of his king Son of Zuzu, master (scribe) of Nibru, it is (him who) speaks (thusly) When I was abandoned, (I) was “cut down"(?) My heart fell, my (interest in) eating and drinking diminished Your destiny(?) consumed me, your lament silenced me(?) Your greatness (i.e., arrogance) has twisted(?) me Your fog(?) has killed me (For the time being) I have abandoned my attentiveness (to you) I was silent to(?) listening (to you) and pondering (you?) (I) have been distressed to inquire after (you) (In order) to be afraid(?), my heart has filled with blood and pus (But) because(?) it (this plight?) not yet gone into the “place of fate"(?) May the command of Enlil make me(?) see your face (again) "Long-tablet" of Nannameša Your annoyance has killed me The silence confines me in my place(!?) My ear is set (to hear) you And I am quiet
Old Babylonian
... inim mah... id₂-lu₂-ru-gu₂ a-ra₂ mah-zu nu... mu-še₃ mu-ri-in-še₂₁ lu₂ zid kug-sig₁₇ mu-un-dadag... lu₂ erim₂-e u₄-za-ha-al-e ba-ab-šum₂-mu... umuš ŋalga dim₂-ma ga zid-de₃-eš gu₇-a e-ne ad gal du₁₁-du₁₁ gal-zu mah dumu saŋ {d}en-ki-ke₄ ...mah u₃-tud kilib-ba-bi šuš₂ mu-e-šum₂-mu {d}asar-lu₂-hi ŋeštug₂ bad a-a-ni-gin₇ gal... igi ŋal₂ tuku niŋ₂-nam bur₃-bur₃-e e-ne-ra... alan mah an-ki-a me niŋ₂-nam-ma igi zu-zu dumu ŋeštug₂ daŋal šu du₇ a-ra₂ ŋeš gal gi hal-hal-la-ke₄ {d}asar-lu₂-hi balaŋ mah nam gal tar-re šu bar a-ra₂ niŋ₂-nam nu-zu-zu diŋir gal an-ki-še₃ me ba-a mu₇-mu₇ mu-e-šub-eš diŋir igi sag₉ igi niŋin nam-lu₂-lu₇ uludin₂ hi-li su₃ tibir rah₂ gal-an-zu kiŋ₂ gal-le ak ad gal di-kud eš₃ mah-a inim-ma nu-kam₃-me a-ra₂-ni mah šir₃-ra-ni ga-am₃-ed₃ mu-ni pa ga-am₃-e₃ saŋ gun₃-gun₃-nu abzu sukkal mah eridu{ki}ga {d}asar-lu₂-hi nir-ŋal₂ enkum ninkum abgal abrig₂ <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> en <unk>... ka kug ba-a-zu igi-bi hu-mu-un-ši... ud-šu₂-uš-e e₃-bi za-ra hu-mu-ra-an-sig₁₀-ge₅... šu sikil ŋiri₃ sikil niŋ₂-nam ku₃-ku₃-ug šu-luh dadag-ga nam-šita₄ e₂-abzu zu₂ keš₂-bi za-e-me-en kuara{ki} iri ki-aŋ₂ šag₄-ge pad₃-da-zu hul₂-la hu-mu-u₈-da-an-tuš {d}asar-lu₂-hi nun šag₄ daŋal mu-še₃ mu-ri... igi bar-bi-še₃ mi-ni <unk> in... ...<unk> nam-ereš-e... ...
... Supreme word ... “River of the ordeal, no one ... your supreme flow” He named you You purify the true man (like) gold You will furnish the evildoer with(?) disappearance Faithfully consuming intellect, counsel, and intelligence (as if they were) milk(?) How he is speaking with a great voice Supremely intelligent one, eldest son of Enki You gave ... that covers(?) everything that the supreme ... gave birth to(?) Asalluhi, (possessor of) profound intelligence, like his father... Possessor of insight, penetrating everything, for him ... Supreme purification priest that surveys the cosmic power of everything in the universe Son who exemplifies broad wisdom, (whose) way (is) a great tree(?) of the split reed(s) (i.e., among splitting reeds?) Asalluhi, supreme gu4(u) functionary, determining the great fate(s) Whose “release” (is a) way/decree of which nothing is known When great An allocated the cosmic powers to the universe They (the members of the divine assembly?) cast (i.e., assigned?) incantations/murmuring (upon) you (as your lot) God with a beautiful face, surveyor of humanity (Possessing) features that exude allure, superior work of the skilled metalworker” Great voice/adviser(?), judge of the great shrine whose word will not be changed His way is supreme, I want to intone his song, I want to make his name manifest One who is possessed of a variegated head(?) of the Abzu, supreme vizier of Eridu Asalluhi, authoritative one May the enkum and nenkum functionaries The abgal, agrig, ..., ..., and the en(?) and ereš-digir(?) functionaries May they(?) look(?) towards the utterance of your holy mouth Daily may they prepare the exit for you (Possessor) of pure hands and feet, who purifies everything, who cleanses the šuluh ritual You are the one who organizes the namšita functionar(ies) of the Eabzu temple (In) Ku'ara, your beloved city that was chosen in the heart May you dwell joyfully (there) Asalluhi, the ruler with a broad mind (Enki?), ... named you(?) (there) Towards their/its sight ... ... ladyship ... ...
Old Babylonian
Literary sipad zid kalam-ma zid-de₃-eš tud-da engar gana₂ daŋal-la he₂-du₇-am₃ ši-im-da-ŋen nindaba gal-gal-da ŋeš-la₂-bi nu-mu-un-gub e₂-kur za-gin₃-še₃ {d}en-lil₂ a₂-dam kug ki-a hur-ra-za nibru{ki} iri...ni₂-za ši-im-mi-du₃-du₃-a ki-ur₃ kur ki sikil su-a bi-dug₃-ga ub-da limmu₂-ba <unk> ba dur-an-ki ki ba-e-ni-tag-ga sahar-bi zi kalam-ma zi kur-kur-ra... kug huš-a uš₈...gin₃... ... ... šita kug me... kur gal {d}en... iri{ki} nu-du₃... tur₃ nu-du₃ amaš... lugal nu-il₂-e en nu-u₃-tud lu₂-mah ereš-diŋir maš₂-a nu-mu-un-dab₅-be₂ erin₂-e šagina ugula nu-tuku-tuku id₂-de₃ a-eštub{ku₆} <unk> bi nu-du-un-du-un egir-bi ab su₃-a si li-bi₂-ib-sa₂ kun nu-mu... ab-e erim₃ dugud ni₂-ba nu-mu-un-u₃-tud ...engur-ra-ke₄ ŋeš-gi-a nunuz nu-mu-ni-ib₂-nu₂-nu₂₄ ki daŋal-la gud₃ la-ba-ni-ib₂-us₂-e
Its supreme farmer, the true shepherd of the land Born faithfully on a good day The farmer is the ornament in the vast field And therefore he comes(?) with many nindaba offerings (And therefore?) silence has not set into the sparkling Ekur Enlil, when you designed the pure settlement in the ground And therefore had Nibru ..., built in(?) your own city (And) sweetened the flesh (of) the Ki'ur complex, the mountain, the pure place (And) planted Duranki in the midst (of?) the 4 corners Its soil(?), the life of the land and the life of the (other) lands Its brickwork (consisting) of reddish gold(?) on(?) a foundation of lapis lazuli Prayed to him (with?) the holy šita prayer/ritual arrangement and the holy me (10) Great Mountain Enlil, without you Cities would not be built, settlements would not be founded The cattlepen would not be built, its sheepfold would not be accumulated(?) The king would not be exalted, the lord/en priest(ess) would not be born The lumah priest and erešdigir priestess would not be chosen by extispicy Among the troops neither general nor sargeant would possess (command over them) In the river/canal, the carp flood would not excavate the higher land Its end would not function properly in the deep(?) sea, (its) “tail would not undulate” (i.e., leave a wake) The sea would not have given birth to heavy (laden) treasure houses(?) by itself The fish of the deep water would not have laid eggs in the reedbed The bird of heaven would not found a nest in the broad earth
Old Babylonian
... ezem gal-gal-bi uŋ₃... ...en-lil₂ {d}uraš... abzu barag kug-ga... ...sig itima{ma} kug... e₂-kur e₂ za-gin₃ ki-tuš... ni₂ me-lim₄-bi an... ŋissu-bi kur-kur-ra ša-mu-un... muš₃-bi an-šag₄-ga-aš ša-mu-un... en-en-e-ne barag-barag... nindaba kug-ga si mu-un-ne-eb... ...siškur₂-ra u₃-gul mu-un-ne-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...en-lil₂ sipad zid bar-ra-zu ...zid de₂-a kalam-ma il₂-la-zu ...šu-ni-še₃...ŋiri₃-ni-še₃ ...ra ki su₃ŋa₂-ŋa₂ amagi-gin₇ du₇...niŋ₂ ki-šar₂-ra-ke₄ ...da-ri-a gu₂-un dugud-da-bi... ...<unk> <unk> <unk> ...dug₄ e₂ niŋ₂ <unk> ra-ke₄ ...nindaba si bi₂-in-sa₂ši im-mi-in-tum₃ ...zid teš₂-ba lu-a ...niŋ₂-zi-ŋal₂-la-kam pa e₃-ši bi₂-in-ak mu-ni-in-sig₇ ...barag-ge si-a-na ...gin₇ an-ne₂ ši-gi₁₆-ib₃ ni₂-ba mu-un-ŋen ki-a ušumgal-bi-im ...diŋir mah-bi-im ...
The people spend their time in abundance by means of great festivals Enlil, your (earth goddess) Uraš/oval(?), exuding allure Your Abzu, greatly suited for the pure dais Your “deep moumtain,” the holy shrine, a place of relaxation Your Ekur, the lapis temple, supreme dwelling bearing an aura Its aura touches heaven And therefore(?) its shade stretches over the lands And therefore(?) its sacred space(?) opens up towards the midst of heaven The lords and rulers Brought the holy nindaba offerings there properly for (their benefit?) And ... pray/beseech him with šud prayers(?) and siskur rites Enlil, your shepherd that you looked at faithfully The one (you) called to faithfully, the one you elevated in the land The land to his hand, the land to his feet (You make?) the (most) distant place of the land(s) submit to him Accumulated(?) like frost, that of the entire universe Its weighty mašdaria deliveries and tribute ... ... He brought in regularly into the treasury He conveyed nindaba offerings into the supreme courtyard He brought(?) them into the Ekur as heaps Enlil, true shepherd of that which teems(?) together He is the herder and leader of living things He made his great princeship manifest(?) He made the pure crown and pectoral(?) verdant/beautiful(?) on (his body) In the Tumuhursag temple, where he resides on the dais He shall lay across(?) heaven like a rainbow He went by himself as a floating cloud He is the only ruler(?) of heaven, he is the ušumgal creature of the earth He is the supreme god of the Anuna
Old Babylonian
lu₂-lu₇ diŋir-da nu-me-a nu la-ba-gu-le-en nu la-ba-tur-re-en id₂-da ed₃-de₃-bi ku₆ nu-dib-be₂ a-šag₄-ga ed₃-de₃-bi maš-da₃ nu-dib-be₂ di gal-gal-e sa₂ nu-ub-be₂ kaš₄ i₃-ib₂-e sa₂ nu-ub-be₂ tukumbi diŋir-ra an-na-kam niŋ₂ mu še₂₁-a an-na ŋar-ŋar
If a man is without a personal god You will neither be increased nor diminished (During) the “descent” into the river a fish will not pass by (During) the “descent” into the field a gazelle will not pass by Great judgements(?) will not occur regularly (Even if) he runs (i.e., hurries?), it will not occur readily If (his) god (says) “Yes!” Anything that is named is given approval(?)
Old Babylonian
lu₂-u₁₉ diŋir-da nu-me-a u₂ la-ba-gu-le-en u₂ la-ba-tur-en id₂-da a dib-be₂ ku₆ nu-um-dib a-šag₄-ga-ni dib-be₂ maš-da₃ nu-um-dib di-ir-ga sa₂ nu-ub-du di gal-gal-la sa₂ nu-ub-du tukumbi niŋ₂ diŋir-ra-ni a-na... niŋ₂ mu...a-na...
If a man is without a personal god You will neither be increased nor diminished (While) passing through the water(?) in the river, a fish has not passed by(?) (While) passing through his field, a gazelle has not passed by(?) The ritual arrangement(?) has not occurred regularly(?) Great judgments(?) have not occurred regularly If “that of his god” is approval(?) Anything that is named is given approval(?)
Old Babylonian
... šeš...en šeš... <unk> kan₄ e₂-gal-la... u₃-mu-un si ma₂-gur₈-me he₂... nu-banda₃ {ŋeš}gigir₂-ra-me he₂-me-en kuš₇ {ŋeš}gigir₂ sar-ra-me he₂-me-en ad-da iri di kud-ru-me he₂-me-en mussa <unk> mussa <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk> ad-da-me he₂-me-en mussa gu₂ zig₃-ga-me he₂-me-en ...niŋ₂-ze₂-ba hu-mu... nam-til₃... ... ... ...daŋu₁₀ ŋa₂-e mu...ku₇-da šu-ni lal₃ lal₃-e ŋa₂-e mu-un-ku₇-ku₇-da a₂-šu-ŋiri₃-ni lal₃-e ku₇-ku₇-de₃ ŋa₂-e mu-un-ku₇-ku₇-da <unk>{sar} sag₉-sag₉...<unk>{sar}am₃... ... ...
May you be our brother, may you be our brother May you be our brother/standard(?) of/at the gate of the palace May you be our lord of the prow of the barge May you be our captain of the chariot May you be our groom who runs (alongside?) the chariot May you be our city elder who decides cases Son-in-law, ..., son-in-law, ... Brother(!?), may you be the son-in-law(!?) of(?) our father May you be our son-in-law whose neck is raised May my mother say good things with you(? i.e. converse) Your having come is indeed life ... ..., my god(?)! He is the one that sweetens me(?) His hands (are) honey, his feet (are) honey that sweetens me(?) His limbs (are) sweet honey that sweetens me(?) The beautiful hiz plant ..., it is the hiz plant that he has watered
Old Babylonian
...lam-lam-ma... <unk> i-bi₂ sag₉-sag₉ mu-un... šeš-me he₂-me-en... <unk> kan₄ e₂-gal... u₃-mu-un si... nu-banda₃ {ŋeš}gigir₂... kuš₇ {ŋeš}gigir₂ sar-sar... ad-da iri di kud-ru... mussa <unk> <unk> mussa... šeš mussa ad-da... mussa gu₂ zig₃-ga-me he₂... ama-ŋu₁₀ niŋ₂-ze₂-ba hu-mu-u₈-da... im-ma-ŋen-na-zu na-aŋ₂-til₃ na-nam e₂ kur₉-ra-zu he₂-ŋal₂-la-am₃ da-nud-da hul₂-la diri... ze₂-ba-ŋu₁₀ ki-nud...ze₂-ba an-ze₂-eŋ₃-i-de₃-en
Flourishing ..., ... his birth mother Brother(!?) with a beautiful face, he has advised his father May you be our brother, may you be our brother May you be our ... of/at the gate of the palace May you be our lord of the prow of the barge May you be our captain of the chariot May you be our groom who runs (alongside?) the chariot May you be our city elder who decides cases Son-in-law ..., son-in-law ... Brother, may you be the son-in-law(!?) of(?) our father May you be our son-in-law whose neck is raised May my mother say good things with you(? i.e. converse) Your having come is indeed life When you enter the house, it is abundance "I want to lie down” is my surpassing rejoicing My sweet, let (us?) delight ourselves(!?) in the bedroom
Old Babylonian
šag₄-tum₂ eden...<unk> <unk>... u₂...<unk>...gir₅-re <unk>... an-eden-na mu-un-kiŋ₂ nu-mu-ni-in... {d}li₉-si₄-na er₂ im-ma-an-pad₃ si₁₂-si₁₂ i₃-ŋa₂... tumu nim-ma kiŋ₂-a-ni ba-an-tum₃ tumu sig-ga ka ba-a-ni ba-an-tum₃ {d}li₉-si₄-na <unk> keš₂-da ni₂ mu-un-šeš₄-šeš₄-e ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ma-ra-gi₄-gi₄-ne dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀ gal₅-la₂ kalag-ga-ŋu₁₀ ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ildum₂-ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-an-kud ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne amar-ŋu₁₀ haš₄-bi hul-a-bi ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...ka-nu-um tir-ra-a-ni kud-de₃ ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...id₂-da šu₂-šu₂-ke₄ ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...a-šag₄-bi a de₂-a-bi ma-ra-an-gi₄-gi₄-ne ...dib-ba-ŋu₁₀šeš₄-šeš₄ ...šukur sig₉-ga...<unk>šeš₄-šeš₄ ...u₃-suh₅ mu-da-an-kud {ŋeš}lam-ba mu-un-da-an-nud ...am₃-dug₄ i-lu ga-am-dug₄ ...{sila}ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-kud me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ ildum₂-ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-kud me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ ...ŋu₁₀ me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ henzer-ŋu₁₀ me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ buru₅{mušen} gud₃-bi hul-a-bi i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ amar-ŋu₁₀ haš₄-bi hul-a-bi me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ ak-ka-nu-um tir-ra-ni kud-de₃ ga-am₃-dug₄ ku₆-ŋal₂ id₂-da šu₂-šu₂-gin₇ me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ mu-un-gar₃ a-šag₄-bi a de₂-a-bi me-e i-lu ga-am₃-dug₄ a-ba-še₃ ga-di a-ba-še₃ ga-di me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ur-ŋu₁₀ ama-ŋu₁₀ ba-an-gurum me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ama-ugu-ŋu₁₀ ga-ša-an-hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ ur-ŋu₁₀ ba-an-gurum me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di nig arhuš nu-tuku ga-mu-un-na-di-di {d}li₉-si₄-na šag₄ sag₃-ga-ni-ta dil-ni ba-da-an-tuš me-li me-e šu ba-ni-in-teŋ₄ saŋ-dili-gin₇ ga-tuš ga-er₂-ra usar-gin₇ nu-tuku ni₂-te-ŋu₁₀-še₃ ga-gu₇ ma-la-gin₇ nu-tuku ni₂-te-ŋu₁₀-še₃ ga-gu₇ {ŋeš}i-dub e₂-ŋu₁₀ nin₉-ŋu₁₀ he₂-am₃ {ŋeš}si-ŋar e₂-ŋu₁₀ šeš-ŋu₁₀ he₂-am₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀ ze₂ dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀-še₃ er₂-ra ga-an-na-an-til₃ dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀-še₃ še ša₄ ga-an-na-an-til₃ šu-ŋu₁₀ he₂-e₃ saŋ-ŋa₂-ni-še₃ zi <unk> he₂-e₃ teŋ₄-ŋa₂-a-ni-še₃ ab₂-gin₇ pel₂-la₂-bi gu₃ im-me eme₇-gin₇ gu₃ he₂-ni-de₂ dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀-še₃ {d}li₉-si₄-na gig-ba-bi gu₃ im-me {d}li₉-si₄-na sug-e gu₃ he₂-ni-de₂-a-ba ...id₂-da-ke₄ de₂-a-ba ...<unk> ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-gur dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur ...dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur ...ŋu₁₀ dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur ...dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀ mu-un-da-gur me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ...ŋu₁₀ mu-da-an-kud me-e a-ba-še₃ ga-di ...dur₃ <unk> ŋu₁₀ a-ba-še₃ ga-di<unk> na-ab-be₂ ga-di ...<unk> <unk> ...igi nu-mu-ni-du₈-a {d}li₉...gig-ga-bi gu₃ im-me šu-ni du₇-e₃...ŋa₂-ni-še₃ <unk> <unk> re du₇-e₃...ŋa₂-ni-še₃ ab₂-gin₇ pel₂-la₂-bi gu₃ im-me eme₇-gin₇ gu₃ de₂-de₂ dur₃{sila₄}ni-še₃ {d}li₉-si₄-na iri{ki}ni ba-da-an-šub bar-ta ba-da-an-tuš ama {d}li₉-si₄-na iri{ki}ni ba-da-an-šub bar-ta ba-da-an-tuš saŋ-ŋa₂-ni-ta kur-ŋar-ra in-ŋar teŋ₄-ŋa₂-ni-ta nam...<unk> in-ŋar i-bi₂-ni-ta er₂-ra in-ŋar iri tuš-u₃-de₃-en ba-ra-na-tuš-u₃-de₃-en iri{ki}ni ki-sikil he₂-am₃ me-e-li-e₂-bi he₂-am {d}li₉-si₄-na iri{ki}ni ba-ra-e₃ ama {d}li₉-si₄-na dili-ni ba-da-an-tuš ud lu₃-a-ŋu₁₀ ud...a-li-ŋa₂-ŋu₁₀ {d}li₉-si₄-na...kal-kal-la-am₃₃
In(?) the pasture(?) and the plain ... ... slipping/diving(?) ... She sought ... in the high plain, she did not ... there Lisin wept, she was making sobbing noises She brought her seeking high(land) wind(?) She brought her loud (lit. mouth opened/speaking) low(land) wind(?) Lisin, who was bound to(?) the gate, weeps (by) herself(?) They will return him for me, they will return him for me They will return my young male donkey, my mighty policeman, for me ... cut him off from my clan, (but now) they will return him for me My calf, the one whose thigh is shattered(?), they will return him for me The wild donkey whose thicket is being cut, they will return him for me The canal inspector whose river is being emptied(?), they will return him for me The farmer (absent due to/during?) the irrigating of the(?) field, they will return him for me (With) my chest (with) breasts/nipples seized/having seized (i.e. stopped milk flow?) (its) breasts/nipples(?) ..., ... she weeps ... for him (With) my left side filled with (i.e., pierced by)/torn by(?) a pin/thorn/lance, ... she weeps(?) ... for him At that time, ... cut down <my> conifer tree, ... and laid it down among its saplings I want to lament, I want to lament (For) my young male donkey(?) who ... has separated, I want to lament (For) my one who ... has separated from my clan, I want to lament (For) my sprout/neophyte(?), I want to lament (For) my baby, I want to lament (For) the sparrow, whose nest is destroyed, I want to lament (For) my calf/chick(?), the one whose thigh is broken, I want to lament (For) the wild donkey whose thicket is being cut, I want to lament (For) the canal inspector whose river is being emptied(?), I want to lament (For) the farmer (absent during?) the irrigating of his field, I want to lament I shall go to the rear (of the temple, i.e. sanctum?), I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), (as for) me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) My dog, my mother, has curled up, (as for) me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) My birth mother, Ninhursag My dog, has curled up, (as for) me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) The merciless bitch, I shall repeatedly go (to her) for him Lisina sits alone in (the dust?) due to her grief "Woe(?) is me,” she (Ninhursag) accepted (this lamentation?) Like (one who is) alone, I want to sit and weep Like (one) who has no neighbor, I want to eat by myself Like (one) who has no girlfriend/female neighbor, I want to eat by myself May the threshold of my house be my sister May the bolt of my house be my brother My sweet voice(?) shook(?) the marshes On behalf of my young male donkey, I want to live there weeping for him On behalf of my young male donkey, I want to live there moaning for him May my hand come out towards my(!?) head May (my?) ... breath/life(?) come out towards my(!?) cheek(!?) Like a cow she cries out in desolation May she bray like a female donkey on behalf of my young male donkey Lisin cries out bitterly Lisin is the one who should(?) shout out in the marshes The ... of the river is the one who should(?) shout out in lament ... has turned away(?) my young male donkey, ... has turned away my young male donkey ... has turned away ..., my young male donkey ... has turned away my ..., my young male donkey ... has turned away ..., my young male donkey I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated ..., I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated ..., I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated ..., I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... has separated my young male donkey, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?), me, I shall go to the rear (of the temple?) ... I ... shall not ... ... I shall go to ... ... I shall go to ... ... did not look at ..., lisin shouted bitterly May her hand come out towards her head May her ... breath/throat come out towards her cheek(!?) Like a cow she cries out in desolation Braying like a female donkey on behalf of her? young male donkey Lisin abandoned her city and dwelled outside of it Mother lisin abandoned her city and dwelled outside of it Apart from/by means of(?) her head she set the kurgara perfomer, she set ... apart from/by means of her cheek(!?) Apart from/by means of(?) her eye she initiated a lamentation For him(?) I shall not dwell (in) the city(?) that I am to inhabit(?) May her city be a pure place, and may she(?) be its (exclamation of) “woe"(?)) Lisin went out from her city Mother lisin dwelled apart and alone My disturbed day, my destroyed/forgotten day(!?) Lisin, who is the most precious(?) ... Who is(?) behind/after ... double ruling
Old Babylonian
dumu nun-e <unk> kug-ta e₃-a ba-zal-zal si <unk>... kur me sikil eš₃ abzu šag₄...daŋal kur me... ki-ur₃ sug-ta me-lim₄ huš-a-zu muš₃ nam-dug₃-zu-še₃ nam-gal nam-mah-zu-še₃ saŋ im-ma-il₂-la₂ nam tar-re-de₃-eš a₂ mah mi-ni-in-su₁₃-un nam-lugal an-ki-zu an gal-e šu daŋal mu-ri-in-dug₄ nam-dumu nun gal-zu {d}en-lil₂-le nam-men šu mi-ri-in-du₇ nam-diŋir mah {d}en-lil₂ pa e₃ ma-ra-ni-in-e₃ a-ra₂-a a sig mah-zu-še₃ nam tar-re ki dug₃ ama dug₃ {d}en-ki <unk> šag₄ kug-ta ŋiri₃-zu-še₃ im-mi-in-ŋar {d}en-lil₂ nam-mah nam-en-na mi-ni-in-tud-de₃-en {d}nanna u₄-sakar-zu u₄-sakar imin-bi mu pad₃-da {d}en-lil₂ an-ki-ka mu-zu kug-ga mu mi-ri-in-pad₃ dumu nun-e nam-gal-zu an-ki-a pa e₃ im-mi-in-e₃ unkin mah nam{d}en-lil₂-la₂-na saŋ-e-eš mu-ra-an-rig₇ {d}en-ki-ke₄ du₆ eridu{ki}ta nam-men nam-mah-zu mu-ri-in-tar abzu mah du₆ eš₃ eridu{ki}ta nam-en gal-zu-še₃ lugal an-ki-ke₄...<unk> a nam-gal-zu-še₃ ba-an-dug₄ {d}nanna saŋ-zu il₂ {d}a-nun-na-ke₄-ne-er ha-la ba-an-pad₃ me sikil šag₄ hul₂-la-ka-ne-ne ki-tuš kug im-mi-ni-in-tuš-un diŋir gal-gal-e-ne nindaba-eš ba-an-pad₃ zag-gu-la₂ šag₄ hi-li mahš diŋir-re-e-ne siškur₂ šag₄ hul₂-la-ne...mi-ni-in-šum₂-šum₂ ki-mah ki kug-ga mi-ni-in...un {d}nanna ki kug-ga ki-tuš kug mi-ni-in-tuš-un {d}en-ki-ke₄ ki-tuš ma-ra-ab-sikil-ešen-e an mu-ra-ab-kug-ge ki mu-ra-ab-šen... e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ e₂ tir {ŋeš} barag mah-zu ki kug-ga ma-ra-ab-ak izi-ŋar an-ki-a ŋeš-hur šu-luh mah-zu si ma-ra-ra-sa₂-e ...zu banšur ki kug-ga ma-ra-ab-šen ...kiŋ₂-sig-ga kiŋ₂-sig kiŋ₂-nim-zu ma-ra-an-sa₂ ...ha ma-ra-ab-ku₃-ug ma-ra-ab-šen ...<unk> <unk>...<unk>...<unk> <unk> ...mi-ni-in-pad₃ {d}en-ki abzu-ni u₃-tud šu-luh mu-ra-an-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ {d}ku₃-su₁₃-e šu-luh-ha ba-ni-gub e₂ ni₂-bi u₃-tud <unk> šag₄ bar-ba gir₄ gud udu ninda eš₃ bar-ba šu-luh kug-ga e₂-e i₃-im-sikil-e saŋ ba-ab-ha-za a₂-šu-ŋiri₃ ba-an-durun-uš šu-luh-ha kug nu-šub-bu-še₃ sug mah <unk> daŋal kug-ga-ta nam-bi im-ta-e₃ e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ barag mah kug-ga me gal mah an-ki-a šu du₇ <unk> kug-ta peš₁₀ mah a tu₅-a-zu i₃ hur-saŋ su kug-ga ŋal₂-la-zu {d}nanna barag mah-zu dur₂ ŋar-ra gada-mah aga saŋ il₂ si mul suh-gir₁₁ nam-men-na i₃ mah i₃ nam-men i₃ unkin gal-zu su-bar kug-ga-ka kar za-gin₃ kar mah kar kug-ga-na {d}nin-gublaga-ke₄ en šu im-ma-an-kug-ga {d}en-ki abzu eridu{ki}ta šu-bi i₃-im-sikil-e u₂-a-zu banšur unu₂ ki-gal-zu-še₃ šu kug ŋa₂-ŋa₂-zu-še₃ {d}ku₃-su₃-e šu sikil šu dadag ak šu im-ma-an-kug-ge {d}en-ki abzu eridu{ki}ta šu-bi i₃-im-sikil-e eš₃ abzu barag mah urim₂{ki}ma nam dug₃ gal tar-re e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ ki-tuš kug dug₃-ga-am₃ {d}nin-gal nin mah-bi ...kug ki nam-nin-za {d}nanna lugal-bi-ir e₂-kiš-nu-ŋal₂ agrun kug-ga e₂ nam-lugal-zu {d}nanna {d}nin-gal ki-tuš mi-ni-ib₂-hul₂ {d}suen...en zu mah an-ki aga-zu aga mah-am₃ me-lim₄ huš an-ki-a ri-a...dil-im₂-babbar šu he₂-en-na-kug-ge an-gin₇ he₂-en-na-kug-ge...gin₇ he₂-en-na-šen-e šag₄ an-na-gin₇...en-na-dadag-ge aga kug saŋ...em-ma-il₂-e ...suen-e en zu mah an-ki barag sikil-la šu du₇ ...<unk> babbar-e saŋ-men aga zid-da si mul mah... saŋ im-ma-il₂-e... i₃ kug i₃ sikil i₃ dadag-ge
Princely son, emerged from the pure ..., spending time(?), ... his(?) horn ... The mountain of the pure me, shrine Abzu, broad ..., mountain of the ... cosmic powers The supreme foundation ... Your reddish aura ... from/in the marshland/throne(?) (You are) the one whose(?) head is raised on behalf of your goodness as well as your greatness and supremacy You sail/run/spread out supremely(?) in order to(?) determine fate Great An broadly put your kingship of the universe at your disposition (As for?) you great status as princely son, Enlil has perfected your lordship(?) Enlil has made (your) supreme divinity manifest The determination of fate on behalf of the way (i.e. flow?) of(?) your supreme cold water(?), the sweet earth, the sweet mother(?) Enki at the inner(?) ... has set at your feet Enlil engendered you into (a role of) supremacy and lordship Nanna, your crescent is invoked by the name “the seven crescents"(?) Enlil uttered your name, which is holy, for you in the universe Princely son, he made your greatness manifest in the universe The supreme assembly has bestowed upon you his Enlil-ship Enki at the mound(?) of Eridu determined your lordship and supremacy for you At the supreme Abzu, the mound(?) of shrine Eridu, on behalf of your great lordship The king of the universe, ..., spoke on account of your greatness Nanna, he has selected as (your) share your(?) exaltedness among the Anuna gods He seated you/made you dwell (in?) the holy dwelling(!?) among(?) their heart-gladdening(?) pure cosmic powers He has chosen the great gods for nindaba offerings They sat in the family shrine(?), (its) midst filled with supreme allure He has given the gods heart-gladdening siskur offering/ritual there He sat you in the supreme place, a pure place He sat(!?) you in the supreme place, a pure place Enki purifies the dwelling, he sanctifies the ... place(?) He purifies heaven for you, he sanctifies earth for you The Ekišnugal temple, the temple that is a forest of cedar trees, ... He prepares your supreme dais (in?) a pure place for you, it is(?) the torch(?) of the universe He properly executes your supreme plans and cleansing ritual for you He purifies the Dumah, your ... dining hall (and?) the table of(?) the pure place for you In you morning meal, in the afternoon meal, your afternoon and morning meal(!?) He has set the loads of(?) nindaba offerings in order for you He purifies and sanctifies the temple of(?) the cleansing rites(?) for you ... ... chose/named ... there Enki, the engenderer of his Abzu(?), sets up/initiates the cleansing ritual for you there Kusu has served in conjunction with(?) the cleansing ritual, in(?) the temple fashioned by itself At the outside of the inner ... the oven (for) bulls, sheep, and bread(?) at the outside of the shrine, (with?) the holy cleansing ritual In the temple he purifies, he(?) has been ready(?), (his) limbs sit (idle?) In order that the holy cleansing ritual is not abandoned, (from) the supreme marsh From the broad and pure ..., its fate emerges The Ekišnugal temple, supreme and holy dais, equipped with the great and supreme me of the universe When you wash at the holy ..., (on?) the supreme bank When you put (i.e., apply?) oil of the mountains (on your) pure body Nanna, (when) you sit on your supreme dais The gadamah garment, the exalted crown (with) shining horns, the pectoral of lordship Pure oil, holy oil, sanctified oil The supreme oil, the oil of lordship/en priesthood, the oil of the great assembly, it is of (i.e., on?) the holy body In his blue quay, his supreme quay, his pure quay Ningublaga, the lord who has purified the hands (And?) Enki purify the hands in the Abzu of Eridu In order that you set pure hands(?) towards(?) your food and drink(?) (upon?) the table (of?) your dining hall (on?) the platform Kusu, the one who(?) purifies hand and sanctifies hands, will purify the hands Enki purifies the hands in the Abzu of Eridu Determining a good and great destiny (for both?) shrine Abzu and the supreme throne of Ur The Ekišnugal temple is a pure and good dwelling, (and) Ningal is its supreme queen The holy ... is a pure place of your queenship for Nanna the king The Ekišnugal temple, the pure cella, the temple of your kingship Nanna and Ningal have rejoiced (in) the dwelling Suen, supreme knowing lord of the universe, your crown is a supreme crown Casting(?) a red/furious aura throughout the universe, ... Dilimbabbar, thus the hands(?) are pure for him Thus they are pure like heaven for him, thus they are sanctified like earth for him Thus they are clean for him like the midst of heaven(?) Thus ... in/of the universe raises (his) head (with) a pure crown Suen, supreme knowing lord of the universe, ideally suited for the pure dais Dilimbabbar(?), the crown, ... the true crown (with) supreme shining horns, Raises (his head)
Old Babylonian
en me-te kug-ga ni₂ huš gal gur₃-ru lugal-ŋu₁₀ en {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ni₂ huš gal gur₃-ru ur-saŋ sur₂-du₃-a diŋir-re-e-ne lugal-ŋu₁₀ kiri₃-zal igi gun₃ ti mar-ru₁₀ šu du₇ nemur₂ banda₃{da} saŋ ŋeš ra-ra muš-huš šegₓ(|KA׊E|) gi₄-gi₄ tum₂-tum₂-ma bi-du₁₀ ušumgal ambar-ra guru₅ bur₂-ra u₁₈-lu lu₂-ra te-a nun saŋ mah kur šag₄-ga lug-ga eden <unk> saŋ dub₂-dub₂-bu lugal-ŋu₁₀ ka-zu <unk> <unk> <unk> en {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ki-zu... {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ka-zu <unk> <unk> <unk> en {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da ki-zu... gada-la₂-mu₂ a-gin₇ ŋar-ra-zu šag₄-zu a-ba mu-un-zu {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da a-gin₇ ŋar-ra-zu šag₄-zu a-ba mu... inim kug-zu mu-un-zu-ra mu-un-zu nu-mu-un-zu-ra... nu-mu-un-zu-ra nu-mu-un-zu-ra mi-dim₂ mu-un-na... {d}nin-ŋeš-zid-da nu-mu-un-zu-ra mi-dim₂ mu-un... inim mah-zu ki-še₃ du-a-ba muš-huš na-nam... id₂-da a-ŋi₆-a-gin₇ du₇-du₇ a-šag₄-ga ma-ru... ...lum a <unk> me ku₅-ku₅-ru <unk>... ...šag₄ <unk> <unk> na <unk> mu-un... ... ...
Lord, holy ornament, bearing a furious and great aura My king, lord Ningešzida, bearing a furious and great aura Hero, falcon of the gods, my king, face sparkling (with) joy, equipped with arrows and a quiver Wild leopard who kills, screaming mušhuš creature ..., ušumgal creature rushing forth/gnashing its teeth(?) in the marshes, southern storm drawing near to man First, great ruler living in the mountain midst, smashing heads of sheep(?) in the plain My king, your mouth/tooth ..., lord Ningišzida, your place(?) ... Ningešzida, your mouth/tooth ..., lord Ningešzida, your place(?) ... My(?) linen clad priest, when you put ... thusly, who has known your thoughts? Ningešzida, when you put ... thusly, who has known your intention? For the one who has known your holy word, he has known it (to his benefit?), for the one who has not known he has not known it(?) For the one who has not known, for the one who has not known, ... Ningešzida, for the one who has not known, ... When you exalted word comes towards the earth/netherworld, it is indeed a mušhuš creature ... Thrashing in the river like(?) a flood, ... in the field like(?) a stormwind(?) Magilum(?), separating the ... high flood, u ... his own heart/midst ... ...
Old Babylonian
nin mul-an-gin₇ gun₃-a dub za-gin₃ šu du₇ {d}nisaba immal₂ gal {d}uraš tud-da šeg₉ naŋa kug-ga ga zid gu₇... gi-di imin-e ka ba... me gal ninnu-e šu du₇... nin-ŋu₁₀ a₂-nun-ŋal₂ e₂-kur-ra ušumgal unkin-e dalla e₃ {d}a-ru₁₂-ru₁₂ kalam-ma im-ta inim du₁₁-du₁₁ ki ni₂ si ud-da šag₄ kuš₂-u₃ kur i₃ he-nun-ta mi₂ zid dug₄-ga ŋeštug₂ gal-la kur gal-e tud-da ...zid dub-sar mah an-na saŋ <unk> {d}en-lil₂-la₂ ...ŋal₂ diŋir-re-e-ne mu₂-mu₂-de₃ ...en-na u₆ di-de₃ ...zid... ... ... ...munus... ...tur₃-ra i₃ he₂...amaš gara₂ he₂-me... e₂-niŋ₂-gur₁₁-ra kišib-la₂ he₂-me-en e₂-gal-la agrig zid he₂-me-en gur₇-du₆ gur₇-maš-a guru₇ gu₂ gur me-en nun-e {d}nisaba-ra mi₂ dug₄-ga a-a {d}en-ki za₃-mi₂-zu dug₃-ga-am₃
Lady who is sparkling like a heavenly star, perfecting/equipped with a lapis tablet Nisaba, given birth to by the great wild cow Uraš Fallow deer(?) purified by potash(?), suckling nourishing milk "Opening the mouth” of the seven flutes/pipes Perfecting the fifty cosmic powers My lady, the strong one of the Ekur temple ušumgal creature that is manifest in the assembly Aruru of the land, speaking words by means of clay(?) Taking counsel in the place filled with awe(?), of/in the day Taken care of by(?) the mountain(?) by means of the oil of abundance(?) One (possessing) great wisdom, sired by the Great Mountain (Enlil) True lady, the supreme scribe of An, the land recorder of Enlil Wise and attentive one of the gods In order to make barley and flax grow in the furrows In order to admire/see the grain goddess Ezina of lordship (i.e., high quality) In order to faithfully take care of(?) the seven great thrones/rulers Nisaba, the true woman, the good woman, woman who was born in the mountain/netherworld Nisaba, in the cattlepen you shall be the oil, in the sheepfold, you shall be the cream In the treasury, you are the seal-bearer In the palace, you are the true steward You are the one who heaps up large and small grain piles The ruler who has taken care of Nisaba Father Enki, your praise is sweet
Old Babylonian
lu₂ e₂ munus-e niŋ₂ mi₂ dug₄-ga sahar e₂-ŋa₂-na tug₂ gin₆-na-a-ni... šul diŋ e₂-ŋu₁₀ kurun dab₅-ba-gin₇ lu₂ <unk> muš ŋir₂ e₂ ku₁₀-ku₁₀-ga niŋ₂-me-ŋar su₁₃-ga dam-a-ni tug₂ ba-an-dun mu-un-ši-sug₂-ge <unk> eš {d}nun-gal nin e₂-kur-ra za₃-mi₂
That man in(?) the “house of the woman"(?) is something that is cared for(?) In(?) the dust of my(!?) house his “true"(?) garment ... The young man has not ... his god My house (brings) the sky/god(?) (down for the man) as if seized by liquor (i.e., drunk?) Snakes and scorpions have filled the darkened house with stunned silence His spouse has laid the warp (for) the garment(?), (she and the other weavers?) are to serve him(?) Nungal, the lady of the prison Praise!
Old Babylonian
e₂ me ur₄ an-na ki-gal-la gub-ba me zid ur-saŋ-ŋa₂ barag-ge nun-e mu₂-a a₂ me₃ {ŋeš}mitum₂ tir ma-ru-da ni₂ gur₃ šeg₁₂ gurun nu-silig-ge temen ud lu-u₁₉-lu-za en-ul-e ŋar-ra eš-bar me nun-na-kam kur-ra ab-diri saŋ il₂ nun-e-ne e₂ mah u₆ e₃-zu ud-gin₇ muš barag-ge e₂-šu-me-ša₄ mu-zu {d}en-lil₂-le ni₂ huš ma-ra-ni-ri nun-zu tumu-e kur-e ur-saŋ-e ni₂ ri zag dab₅-ba ensi₂ gal {d}en-lil₂-la₂ nir an-ki-da zag šuš₂-a kišib-ŋal₂ si-ŋar a-a {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ka me nam-gal šu du₇ gaba-ŋal₂ saŋ huš ri palil a-a {d}en-lil₂-la₂ kur gu₂-erim₂-ŋal₂ mu-na-gul-gul-e saŋ-kal piriŋ kur-gal-e tud-da e₂-šu-me-ša₄ e₂ {d}nin-urta-ke₄ muš-za e₂ bi₂-in-gub barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar e₂-ŋa₂-du₆-da...saŋ-ta il₂-la men an-eden-na ki kug sikil... e₂ temen-zu dim gal nun... nin-zu munus dili-e ŋa₂ barag... du₆-saŋ-dili muš-zu...ul am₃-mi... nun-zu šag₄ nu-dab-e... dumu nun kur-gal-da gu₂... {d}šu-zi-an-na dam banda₃... e₂ du₆-saŋ-dili... muš-za e₂ bi₂-in... barag-za dur bi₂-in-ŋar keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} uru₁₆ <unk> <unk> an-ki ša₃-tur₃ gal-gin₇ ni₂ ri-a e₂ {d}nin-hur-saŋ-ŋa₂-ka ki-šur₂-a du₃-a keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} aratta{ki} šag₄-zu šag₄ sig bar-zu al-lil₂-la₂ piriŋ gal...eden-na <unk>...eden-na hur-saŋ gal mu₇-mu₇-ta ri-a šag₄ an-si-an-na šag₄ iti₆ nu-e₃ {d}nin-tur₅-ra sag₁₂-ga e₂ keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} šeg₁₂-zu du₈-du₈-zu gi-gun₄-na <unk> za-gin₃ bar-zu du₃-a-za nun-zu nun šeg₅-šeg₅ egi₂-zid gal an-na dug₄-ga-ni an dub₂ ka ba-a-ni ud te-eš ta {d}a-ru-ru nin₉ gal {d}en-lil₂-la₂ e₂ keš₃(|ŠU₂.HI.AN|){ki} muš-za e₂ bi₂-in-ŋar barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar
Temple that gathers up the me of heaven, standing on the platform The true me of the hero(?), grown by the ruler(?) and the prince Carrying an aura along with(!?) the weapons of battle (including) the mitum weapon, the bow and the quiver Mighty brickwork that is unceasing, foundation of your storm/day of the southern wind/humanity(!?) Founded by the (ancestral deity) Enul(?), which was(?) the decision of (i.e., guided by?) the princely cosmic powers Great city(?) surpassing(?) in the mountain/land, one who holds the head high (among) the rulers Supreme temple, your emerging awe spreads (over?) the holy space like daylight Ešumeša, Enlil upon your name Has cast a reddish/furious aura Your ruler, the wind!(?), the mountain, hero, exuding an aura, surpassing Great ensi official of Enlil Authoritative one who rivals(?) heaven and earth Seal keeper of the bolt of father Enlil, perfecting the cosmic powers of greatness Forceful one, with a head that casts a reddish (aura)(?), foremost one of father Enlil He will destroy the land of the enemy for him Foremost one, pirig creature, engendered by the great mountain Ešumeša, temple of Ninurta He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Egaduda temple, ... raised by(!?) the head Crown of the plain, holy and pure place ... Temple, your foundation is the great bond of the ruler Your lady, the singular woman occupying the house and(?) dais Dusagdili temple, she gladdens your face/appearance(?) in the cella(?) Your ruler, who will not grow angry, surpassing in wisdom Princely child, who causes flourishing with the great mountain Šuziana, junior spouse of Enlil Edusagdili temple, ... She erected a temple in your sacred space She sat on your dais Mighty/exalted(?) Keš, with the features(?) of the universe Exuding an aura like a great šatur snake Temple of Ninhursaga, built/planted(?) in a hole Important(?) Keš, your midst is a deep(?) midst, your outside is raised(!?) Great pirig creature who ... in the high plain, ... of(?) the plain Great mountain range laid down by means of noise/incantations (Possessing) an interior of twilight, (from whose) interior moonlight does not escape, beautified(?) by(?) Nintur Temple of Keš, your brickwork, your fashioned(?) brick (Your) temple-terrace, a lapis crown(!?) which is fashioned/planted at(?) your outside(!?) Your ruler (is) a “silent ruler,” the great egizid priestess of heaven Her command shakes heaven, her utterance (is) a loud(?) storm Aruru, the elder sister of Enlil Temple of Keš She erected(!) a temple in your sacred space She sat on your dais
Old Babylonian
... dumu...en... e₂... ... e₂... gi-sa... tar-sir-sir eš...mes-e... nun-zu ša₃-la₂ tuku... nin a... ... ... {d}... dumu ama-ni-ir... e₂ umma... muš-za e₂ bi₂... barag-za dur₂ bi₂... e₂-še-er-zid... unu šuba la₂... idim gal niŋin₃-ŋar-ra... me zid me ak šu daŋal... zabalam₄{ki} eš₃ <unk>... eš₃-zu ud... kurku₂ ad mi... unu₂ zid-zu nu-gig... kurku₂ ma-ra-ni... nin-zu {d}inana <unk>... ušumgal lu₂ dili ur₂ dab₅-ba... niŋ₂ bar₆-bar₆ saŋ mu₂-mu₂... ki-bala-še₃ saŋ ŋa₂... ŋeš-he ni₂-te... dumu {d}suen-na {d}... e₂ ki zabalam₄... muš-za e₂ bi₂... barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar e₂ u₆ gal-gin₇ su huš ni₂ guru₃ eš-bar an-eden-na ud-ten galam e₃ e₂ {d}iškur-ra igi-zu-še₃ he₂-ŋal₂ aga-zu-še₃ kiri₃-zal temen ŋal₂-zu <unk> si piriŋ... alal kug ubur an-na šeŋₓ(|IM.A|) še... dub-la₂-za e₂-za am-si idim šeg₁₂ zid temen e₂-gar₈ ni₃ il₂-zu ...dungu <unk> ra...muš <unk> ...iti₆ ...nam-gu₇ {d}iškur a-mar <unk> ...{tumu}u₁₈-lu {tumu}mir imin ...{tumu}mir dal-dal ...ta im-ma ...{na₄}esi {na₄}... ... ... {d}en-lil₂ nam tar... e₂-sug₄-ga ŋiri₂ sar-sar zi saŋ-gig₂-ga me mah-am₃ an-e an-šag₄-ta mu-ra-an-šum₂ e₂-mah e₂ a₁₂-ra₂-bu e₂-zu a zal-le uz kug-ga eš₃ ŋa₂-ŋa₂-zu {d}nin...saŋ-ŋa₂-ke₄ keš₃{ki}ra dug₃ me gal...sikil-la šu-luh dadag {d}{aš}aš₇...adab{ki}ke₄ adab...id₂-de₃ la₂-a mušŋar ...e ki ŋar-ra ...un <unk> ...am₃ ... ...imin-e ad ŋa₂... nin a-zu gal kalam-ma {d}nin-i₃-si-in-na dumu an-na-ke₄ e₂ i₃-si-in{ki} muš-za e₂ bi₂-in-gub barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar e₂-igi-kalam-ma uš ki ŋar-ra hur-saŋ mu₂-a daŋal ki us₂-sa kur gu₂-erim₂-ŋal₂-e ...kiŋ₂-ŋa₂ ...{d}nin... ... ... muš-za e₂ bi₂-ib-gub barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar <unk> <unk>{ki} eš-bar-e gal kiŋ₂-ŋa₂ <unk> <unk> e gi-ba kan₄ ni₂ me-lim₄ ŋal₂-la-za ŋeš-bur₂-zu muš-ša₃-tur₃ muš-huš gu₂₂ nun-zu sa ba-de₃ mah-di-bi he₂-du₇ me zid nam-galam-ma gal-zu {d}ištaran₄ e₂ muš-za e₂ bi₂... barag-za dur₂ bi₂... e₂-sikil me sikil... me-bi galam... ... ...e₃ ...uŋ₃-bi...<unk>še₃ la₂ ...me₃ ... ... zid-da-bi kur du ga-bu-zu erim₂ sal-e nun-zu uru₁₆ mah ud ki us₂-sa₃ ni₂ huš gal ri-a ...lugal-zu {d}za-ba₄-ba₄ e₂ bi₂-in-ŋar barag-za dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar ...ŋeš-keš₂-kalam-ma ...nun gi₄-a diŋir-re-e-ne immal₂ <unk> <unk> te-en-te {gud}dam e-nir ŋa₂-ŋa₂ gu₃-de₂-a kar-zu kar sig a na₈-na₈ ...zu galam ka-ad ...mitum₂ an-ta bar-ra ...eš₃-lam la₂-a ...es₃-lam ... ...
Son of Enlil, lord Ningirsu Eninnu temple ... Egalgasud temple, storehouse that makes silver and lapis Into treasure Etarsirsir temple, enunciating/effecting(?) decisions and the cosmic powers, the hero who strokes the nose (in submission) Your prince, possessed of pity ... Lady, great physician of the black headed Šara, ... a good thing Who allocates the cosmic power to his mother Temple of Umma He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Ešerzidguru temple Inner sanctum hung with šuba stones Great spring(?), the nigar sanctary of ... Adorning/touching the true me, the exercised(?) me broadly Zabalam, shrine ... Your shrine at daybreak(?) She has found the voice of(i.e. found expression for?) the wish(?) (In) your true sanctum, the nugig midwife Laid down the wish Your lady Inanna, ... ušumgal creature grabbing the limbs(?) of the single(?) man Shining as something white Advancing toward the rebel land By her own doing the firmament is made beautiful(?) The child of Suen, Inanna Temple of Zabalam She erected a temple in your sacred space She sat on your dais Temple bearing a reddish aura like great awe(?) Decision (renderer?), in(?) the plain an attacking(?) storm Temple of Iškur, before you is abundance, behind you is joy Your intact(!?) foundation(?) is a ... with the horn of a pirig creature(?) Pure drainpipe, breast/nipple of heaven, rain producing ...(?) barley At your pilaster, at your temple, (you are) a wild elephant True brickwork, your foundation (with?) a wall that bears an aura(?) ... thick(?) clouds(?), ... snakes and scorpions/GIRI snake(?) ... moonlight ... oppression(?), Iškur, a flood(?) The seven ... southern and northern winds ... the northern wind, the dust storm ... running from the horizon ... the mountain of diorite and ... stone Both(?) Enlil and Enki determine her(?) destiny Esuga temple, sharpened dagger(?) (At?) the throat of the black headed, the me that are great An gave to you from the midst of heaven Emah temple, the temple of Adab (In?) your temple, (in which there is?) flowing water(?) The holy shrine/treasury, your established shrine Ninhursaga for Keš Establishes(?) sweetly The great me, the pure ruin mound, the pure cleansing Ašgi, the god of Adab Adab, (possessing) a temple attached to the river/canal He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Isin, city founded by An He has built(?) it on a low center Its front is a flood, its midst is skillfully knotted(!?) Resounds(?) with the seven wishes(?) Lady, great physician of the land NinIsina, child of An The temple of Isin She erected in your sacred space She sat on your dais Eigikalam temple, (its) foundation set upon the earth Growing mountain range, set on the ground broadly(?) The enemy land Seeking? ... ... He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Dēr, greatly(?) effecting a decision, blocking(?) ... At your gate which possesses an aura and radiance Your(?) ornament/trap(?) embraced (i.e., catches?) the muššatur and mušhuš creatures Your ruler, the leader of the gods Exalted one of issuing advice, ornament(?) Of the true cosmic power of cleverness The wise one, Ištarān, king of the foundation(?) of heaven Edimgalkalam temple He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Esikil temple, its pure me are surpassing in the lands Its me are elaborate(?) and mighty When he opens his knees (as a predatory bird?), the evildoer does not escape When he establishes a triumph, rebel lands and cities(?) are destroyed When he frowns, the people are gathered(?) into sand dunes(?) Your ruler is a great lion who binds the enemy to his hand Your king is a reddish storm, a flood in the middle of battle Your(!?) right arm makes the mountain tremble Your left arm spreads out(?) (over) the enemy/spreads out the enemy (like sheaves?) Your ruler, supreme flood, storm touching the earth Exuding a great reddish/furious aura Eduba temple, your king Great ... Zababa He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais Egeškešedakalam temple (Bull) whose horn cannot be turned back(?) of the gods The wild cow ... relaxing Wild bull establishing a lament(?) Kutha(!), your harbor is a clear harbor, (enough so) to drink water (from) Your interior is skillfully knotted Your mitum weapon is released(?) from heaven Your sacred space is a lapis pectoral(?) attached to the Meslam temple Your prince is Erra, king/god of the Meslam temple ...
Old Babylonian
...nun-na gal pad₃-da...ri-a ...a la₂-a <unk> {gi}henbur sag₁₂-ga ...nam-he-a du₃-a ...ezem ŋal₂-la-zu...dug₃-ga-am₃ ...{d}en-lil₂-da zag ša₄-a ...nin-lil₂...nam-nir-ra-ka ... ... šag₄ erim₂-ŋal₂... ki-gal šu-luh sikil-zu nam-išib...he₂-du₇-za en {d}nu-nam-nir-ra u₂ mu-ni-su-su nun-zu nun šag₄ kuš₂ {d}en-lil₂-la₂ eš₃ mah-a tum₂-ma ...e₂-kur-ra kin-gal {d}nuska-ke₄ ...{d}en-lil₂-la₂ ...e₂ bi₂-in-gub ...dur₂ bi₂-in-ŋar
Tummal, which found the princely and great cosmic powers(?), exuding an aura Your foundation (of) a pure cleansing ritual, suspended in the Abzu Ancient city, beautiful/verdant canebrake with old/dead reeds and reed sprouts Your interior is a mountain of abundance that was built in plenty (During) the first month of the year, when your festival takes place, ... is good The great lady of the Ki'ur complex rivals with Enlil Your ruler, Ninlil, the beloved spouse of Nunamnir Thickening/reversing(?) the blood(?) in(?) the heart of the evildoer The platform (that hosts?) your pure ritual cleansing, the art of the išib priest ... is your ornament(?) He dines with(?) lord Nunamnir Your ruler is a ruler who takes counsel (with) Enlil, suitable for the supreme shrine Protective udug spirit of the Ekur, commander Nuska Temple of Enlil He erected a temple in your sacred space He sat on your dais
Old Babylonian
... ha-mun-na...a kan₄ iri{ki}kug-še₃ ŋal₂-la-za ... ...
... ... in confluence At the gate that is oriented to/opened towards the Irikug precinct ...
Old Babylonian
e₂ dug₃ ki dug₃-ga du₃... e₂ keš₃{ki} e₂ dug₃ ki dug₃... ma₂-gur₈ nun-gin₇ an-na... ma₂-gur₈ kug-gin₇ <unk> si... ma₂ an-na-gin₇ muš₃... <unk> banda₃-gin₇ piš₁₀... e₂ gud-gin₇ murum... e₂ šag₄-bi-ta... a-ga-bi-ta... e₂... e₂... e₂ men gal an... e₂ {d}tir-ra-an-na an... e₂ muš₃-bi an-šag₄-ga la₂-a sig₉-ga ŋissu-bi kur-kur-ra dul e₂ an-ne₂ ki ŋar-ra {d}en-lil₂-le za₃-mi₂ dug₄-ga e₂ {d}nin-tur₅ eš-bar kiŋ₂ dug₄-ga e₂ keš₃{ki} gurun-na sig₇... keš₃{ki}gin₇ rib-ba lu₂ ši-in-ga... ur-saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi-gin₇ rib... nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba...igi mu-ni-in... e₂ min-kam-ma
The good temple built in a good place The temple of Keš, the good temple built in a good place Floating like a noble barge in heaven Casting ... like a holy barge Like the boat of An, (it is) the sacred space/face(?) of the lands Waddling away from the shore like the junior/wild u bird Temple roaring like a bull, bellowing like a bull calf Temple, from its midst is the heart of the land From behind it is the life of Sumer Temple, great oval touching heaven Great Ezida shrine(?) touching heaven Temple, great crown touching heaven Temple, rainbow touching heaven The sacred space of the temple is suspended in the midst of heaven Its foundation? occupies the Abzu Its shade covers the lands Temple founded by An And praised by Enlil Decided by mother Nintur Temple of Keš, verdant (with) fruit Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 2nd temple
Old Babylonian
e₂ an-še₃ <unk> <unk> ki-še₃ 5(šar₂) <unk> e₂ an-še₃ <unk> <unk> ki-še₃ 5(bur₃) <unk> e₂ an-še₃ a-lim ki-še₃ lu-lim e₂ an-še₃ šeg₉-bar ki-še₃ dara₃-maš e₂ an-še₃ šeg₉-bar-gin₇ gun₃-a ki-še₃ durah-gin₇ gun₃-a e₂ an-še₃ muš-gu₇{mušen} sig₇-ga ki-še₃ <unk>{mušen} a šuš₂-a e₂ an...ud-gin₇ <unk> a ki-še₃ {d}<unk> barag₂-ga e₂ an-še₃ {ŋeš}lam {ŋeš}lam ki-še₃ {ŋeš}eren duru₅{ru}am₃ e₂ an-še₃ kur-ra-am₃ ki-še₃ idim-ma-am₃ e₂ an-ki-a eš₅-kam-ma-bi nam keš₃{ki}gin₇ rib-ba lu₂ ši-in-ga-an-tum₂-mu ur-saŋ-bi {d}aš₇-gi₄-gin₇ rib-ba ama ši-in-ga-an-u₃-tud nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba-ra a-ba-a igi mu-ni-duh e₂ eš₅-kam-ma
Temple, towards the sky it is 10 šar2, towards the earth it is 5 šar2 Temple, towards the sky it is 10 bur3, towards the earth it is 5 bur3. Temple, towards the sky it is a bison, towards the earth it is a red deer Temple, towards the sky it is a fallow deer, towards the earth it is a ram Temple, towards the sky it is speckled like a fallow deer, towards the earth it is speckled like a wild goat Temple, towards the sky it is a green mušgu bird, towards the earth it is an u bird covered by water Temple, towards the sky it comes out(!) like the sun, towards the earth it is covered by Nanna (i.e., moonlight?) Temple, towards the sky it is almond trees, towards the earth it is a sappy cedar/juniper Temple, towards the sky it is a mountain, towards the earth it is a spring It is indeed the 3rd temple of the universe Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 3rd temple
Old Babylonian
...kug dib-be₂ e₂ nun ...keš₃{ki} kug dib-be₂ e₂ nun {d}a-nun-na me-eš nu-eš₃...e₂-an-na me-eš e₂-e lugal bur₃-ra am₃-mi-in-gub en šar₂ šag₄ {tug₂}ba₁₃ am₃-mi-in-la₂ a-tu-e šibir šu bi₂-in-du₇ tu <unk> <unk> <unk> am₃-mi-in... lal₃ e₂ kug-ga am₃-mi... <unk> <unk> <unk> <unk>...<unk> kug am₃... pa₄-šeš-e-ne si mu-un... uru₁₆-uru₁₆ mu-un-ni-ib-be₂... si am-ke₄-eš gum₂-gum₂ mi... {ŋeš}al-ŋar-sur-ra suh₃-sah₄... tigi niŋ₂-dug₃-ge si ha-ba...₃ kiri₃-zal... ... ... ...{ki}gin₇ rib-ba lu₂... ...saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄...ama ši-in-ga... nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba...a-ba igi mu-ni-in... e₂ imin-kam... iri{ki}še₃ iri{ki}še₃ lu₂ teŋ₃ na... e₂ keš₃{ki} iri{ki}... nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-še₃ lu₂ teŋ₃... ur-saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄-še₃ lu₂... keš₃{ki} du₃-a {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄... keš₃{ki} mi₂ dug₄-ga ama {d}nin-tur₅...
Temple (into which) the pure(?) pass, noble temple Temple of Keš, (into which) the pure(?) pass, noble temple The temple, its en priests(!?) are the Anuna gods(!) Its nueš priests are the pillars/bonds of the Eanna temple At the temple the king stood/set up/brought/poured? ... at/among/in the stone bowls(?) The enšar priests (somehow a reflex of the primordial/ancestral deity Enšar?) wore the ba garment The atu priest held(?) the sceptre The tu priest brought/poured the “gathered(?) waters” The lalšaga(?) priest dwelled in the pure temple The pure enkum priests were there(?) ... The pašeš priests set ... in order(?) They were saying “uru'uru” In the manner of(?) a wild bull's horn ... blared The algarsura instrument rang The good tigi drum/song was (played) properly The temple is good, its joy is good ... Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 7th temple To the city, to the city, the one who approaches should not approach To the temple of Keš, to the city, the one who approaches should not approach To its lady Nintur, the one who approaches should not approach To its hero Ašgi, the one who approaches should not approach The builder of Keš, Ašgi, praise! The one who takes care of Keš, mother Nintur, praise!
Old Babylonian
...lu₂ ši-in-ga-an-tum₂... ...saŋ-bi {d}{aš}aš₇-gi₄-gin₇ rib-ba ama ši-in-ga-u₃-tud nin-bi {d}nin-tur₅-gin₇ rib-ba-ra a-ba igi mu-ni-in-duh e₂ ia₂-kam-ma
Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the 5th temple
Old Babylonian
... ...ŋar-ra {d}en-lil₂-le zag...dug₄... ...eš-bar kiŋ₂ dug₄-ga ...gurun sig₇-ga ...rib-ba lu₂ ši-in-ga...tum₂... ...{aš}aš₇-gi₄-gin₇ rib...ši-in... ... ...
... Temple founded by An and praised by Enlil Decided by mother Nintur Temple of Keš, verdant (with) fruit Will anyone produce anything as surpassing as Keš? Has any mother given birth to anything as surpassing as its hero Ašgi? ...
Old Babylonian
... {d}nin-tur₅...a-ba-a... ... e₂ dug₃ ki... e₂ keš₃(|ŠU₂.AN|){ki} e₂ dug₃ ki... ...<unk> nun-gin₇ an... ...<unk> kug-gin₇ <unk>...₄ muš₂ kur... ...{mušen} banda₃-gin₇ piš₁₀-ta sur... ...gin₇ murum ša₄ ninda₂-gin₇ gu₃ nun... lipiš kalam... zi ki-en... ...eb-gal an... an... ...
Who has seen anything as surpassing as its lady Nintur? It is the first house(?) The good temple built in a good place The temple of Keš, the good temple built in a good place Floating like a noble barge in heaven Casting ... like a holy barge Like the boat of An, (it is) the sacred space/face(?) of the lands Waddling away from the shore like the junior/wild u bird Temple roaring like a bull, bellowing like a bull calf Temple, from its midst is the heart of the land From behind it is the life of Sumer Temple, great oval touching heaven Great Ezida shrine touching heaven
Old Babylonian
Literary {na₄}za-gin₃ in-tuku gud in-tuku kan₄ lu₂ še in-tuku ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e
The one who has possessed silver The one who has possessed lapis The one who has possessed oxen The one who has possessed sheep (At) the gate (of) the one who has possessed barley Will spent the day there
Old Babylonian
kug tuku-e za-gin₃ tuku-e gud tuku-e udu tuku-e kan₄ lu₂ še tuku-ka ud mi-ni-ib-zal-zal-e
The one who possesses silver, the one who possesses lapis The one who possesses oxen, the one who possesses sheep At the gate (of) the one who possesses barley Will spend the day there
Old Babylonian
... ...mah-e a... nu-duh... um-mi-in-hu-um...še₃ um-ši-in-ŋal₂-le... ...<unk> ŋa₂ ninda kum₂ ninda te-en-e si um-ma-ni... ...lum mah sag₁₀ ŋeštin-da šar₂-ra ...tur₃ kug-ga lal₃ ku₇-ku₇-da kiŋ₂ um-ma-ni... ...inim dug₃ {d}en-ki-ka-ta lal₃ um-da-šar₂-šar e₂-gal dug₃-ga-na ŋešbun ha-ba-ni-ib₂... ...<unk> sum₄ ba-du₃-a tur₃ amaš ki-gub-zu-um ...ru₁₀(TE)-da izi-gin₇ ŋir₂ ŋeš-gin₇ ba-ra-dim₂-en ...eme-bi sila limmu₂ ...urud-da ba-ra-am₃-da-sa₂-e zi₂-a niŋ₂-gu₇ maš₂-anše ...še₃ e₃-a kad₅ <unk> <unk> <unk> da {ŋeš}tukul-la...šu... in-še₃ mu-ni-ib₂... ...til₃-la <unk> <unk>... ...saŋ mu-un... ... ... ...tigi mah <unk>... ...di mu-na-ni... ...a... ...dub₂ aš₂ la-ga mu... ...ka-aš bar-me... ...
May the supreme ... have a contest for me In your ... with bindings(?) that are not loosened After ... snaps you off(?) in your thick(?) reed fence After he sets you towards the great cauldrons (for fuel) After hot and cold foods are set in order on my table(!) After superior quality dates mixed with wine After butter of the pure cattlepen, and sweetening honey are prepared After honey is mixed with (various) grades(!?) (of?) flour of the good word of Enki (i.e., purified by incantation?) Shulgi can have a meal in his good palace ... cheek(?), who fashions a beard(?), the cattlepen and sheepfold is your station And therefore(?) unlike wood you cannot be fashioned into arrowheads along with(?) the quiver, flashing(?) like flame And therefore(?) (regarding) the double dur axe, its “tongue” (i.e., blade?) an “intersection of streets” The mitum weapon, (or any) weapon of copper, you(!?) cannot coexist/vie(!?) with(?) (as a binding or handle?) The young reed is stripped of its foilage by the ox, (it is) fodder for livestock Little sprouts gone out to the wall, binding ... Arrows ... silent men(?) ... weapons Again the Tree insulted the Reed Reed at that time(?) ... a living person/sustaining someone(?) ... The insulter ... ... ... The great ala and tigi drums ... May our king judge our case and make a decision My king: Tree, my ward/subordinate(?) Has insulted (as with?) clods(?), he has cursed (as with?) clods(?) May our king judge our case and make a decision Shulgi was answering them
Old Babylonian
... ...zu-še₃ im... ...da-ni ...<unk> <unk> ga-ab-sa₁₀ŋ₂-lu₂-lu₇ bun₂ du₁₁-du₁₁ ŋuruš iri...sig₁₀-sig₁₀-ge ki-sikil tur dag-gi₄-a til₃-la u₃...ku-ku gaba-ri-ŋu₁₀ me-en e-ne-eŋ₃ diri inim bal-e nu-sag₉ nu-nus sun₇-na šu-um-du-um nu-kal-la šag₄ gur₄ du₁₄ mu₂-mu₂ gu₃ de₂-de₂ ze₂-za ŋalga suh₃-e e₂-e an-na...ama₅-ni-še₃ la-ba-ab-du₇ šu dag-dag-ge ha-la-ni gu₇-gu₇ na₈-na₈ eŋ₃-gig-ga kiŋ₂-ŋa₂ bid₃-da... en-na-bi-še₃-am₃ du₁₄ mu-da-ak... i-bi₂ duh um-ma-ne muš₃-me-bi gi₄... saŋ-du <unk> siki sal ugu zi₂ saŋ sal... arkab muštug₂ šag₄... saŋ-ki gud i-bi₂ ze₂-ze₂ ka ha-az... ga-ba-al mu-du₃-du₃... hul de₃ kalam-ma nu-ga nu-nus... sig₇-sig₇-ga šag₄ lugud... gig₂-ga me-luh-ha{ki} dim₃ zid₂ mil lu₂-tumu... ib₂ gid₂ šag₄ ti-ki-il gu₂ gur₄ gaba ze₂... bid₃...gal₄-la tur siki gal₄-la gid₂-gid₂ pe...lu₂ šal-la pa₄-hal-la ...<unk> <unk> <unk> uš-a₂ me-en ...še-en-ka₆ mu...du₁₁ ...a ...<unk> ...un-ši-ku-ku ... ...
Her(?) two tongues ... Your(?) weakness ... Diluted beer ... Wheeler-dealer who is always standing around(?), the speech of humanity (for gossip) Enflaming, setting lies among the young men of the city The little girl(s) living in the district cannot sleep You are (really) my opponent? (Producer of) excess words(?), conversationalist/interpreter that is not good Haughty woman whose lips are worthless, feeling (too) wonderful (about herself?), starting arguments Shouter, croaker, (one whose) counsel is confused She has destroyed(!?) ... house/temple, it has not been suitable for the women's quarters Roaming/loitering (is) her inheritance share Eating and drinking, seeking the taboo item, her anus is scratched/cracked How long can she argue? (Possessing) the eyesight of the old women and the face of a servile laborer Thick/square-headed, (possessing) thin hair, a scraped/cut head?, a thin head(?) (Your) spouse (is like) a bat, you have emptied the contents of (his) ear/mind(!?) "Trapezoid,” “cut/scraped eyes,” “seizing mouth,” scratched/cracked lips You will (really) quarrel with me? Destructive one/evildoer(?) of the land(?), unsuitable one among women (Emitting) sobbing noises/pale, (possessing) a heart pumping pus Black one of Meluhha, weak one (who eats only?) malt flour, idiot, one who is not set/inappropriate for (her) way (Possessor of) long hips, a bloated stomach, a thick neck, and a “broken” chest (Possessor of) an anus that is a “sheaf"(?), a small vagina, extremely long pubic hair A cracked/scratched(?) vagina, who (has) a blocked and afflicted womb(?) ... You are one (who says(?)) “do not behave like my ...” Prostitute who acts like a mongoose(?) in the tavern Marrying a spouse (and then) divorcing a spouse, idiot, an “I want to follow” among young women Coming up towards the vagina(?), a birth mother daily A dog with its paw raised ... behind men She does not let the young ... living in the district sleep
Old Babylonian
me-ta-am₃ am₃-di-di-in ga-ba-al nam-mu-du₃-en a₂-zu na-ma-tur ta-aš ga-ba-al nu-du₃-e-en ta-am₃ i-ri-ak šu-bi na de₅-ge₄ u₃ ba-ra...ku-ku-un ...sig-zu-um i₃-gu₇ ...
Where do you come from? Do not fight, your arm/power should not be too small for me(?) Why (should) I not fight? What did I(?) do? You(?) ..., and therefore(?), “one with the consecrated/instructing/separating hand(?)” I(?) cannot sleep What, idiot, have you slandered?
Old Babylonian
...ra... ...gu₇-gu₇... ...du₁₁ inim lul-la... ...ze₂-eŋ₃-ze₂-eŋ₃ e₂ lu₂-ka... u₃...e šag₄ munus-e-ne... a <unk> a lu₃-lu₃ zid₂... in...us₂ in-tur-tur in-ar₃-ar₃... i-ni-in-du₈ i-ni-i-ni-in... eŋ₃ šu dug₄-ga-ni...ra₂-še₃ nu-mu... ma...ib₂-gi₄-gi₄-in lu₂-ki-e-ne-eŋ₃-ŋa₂ na-aŋ₂-lu₂-tumu-ka gab₂-us₂ <unk> na-aŋ₂-lu₂-lu₇ lu₂...aŋ₂-gi₄-me-eš₃-ka lu₂ e-ne-eŋ₃ pad-pad-du di-da-ni nu-me-a tug₂ an-na-ab... lu₂...pu-uh₂-ru... al-suh₃-suh₃ al-ur₄-ur₄-ru al-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂... ...di tuku...a-na u₃-ba-e-gub e-ne... hul gig e-ne-eŋ₃ am₃... ...dur₂ šu ba-an-teŋ₄ am₃-ma-sar-sar... u₃ za-e na-aŋ₂-munus-e...en ...še-er nu-tuku na-aŋ₂-munus-e la-ba-ab-du₇{ŋeš} kiŋ₂-e š₂ ku₄-ku₄... e-sir₂-ra u₃-ba-e-gub in al... <unk> tar u₃...bal ŋiri₃-bi-da ba... pu-uh₂ u₃-um-gur teš₂₂ al... in-na...dub₂... e₂ kaš ŋal₂-la {gi}... e₂ tu₇ ŋal₂-la {ŋeš}<unk>... e₂ ninda ŋal₂-la muhaldim gal-bi-im e₂ šu-bi al-dur₅-dur₅ lu₂-bi na-aŋ₂-usar...du₃... e₂-bi-še₃ si sa₂-bi ku₄-ku₄... e₂ sa a-ab-la₂-e...ab-su₃-e a₂...aŋ₂-e...sag₃-ge gi₄-in...a-ke₄ ur₂-bi...dub₂-bu eŋ₃ šu...ŋal₂ im-mi... u₃ za-e... ir-da e₂ {ŋeš}ig gi... {na₄}kinkin... dam i-ri... ga gu₇... e₂ gi₄... ... ...ed₃-da... ... ...dub₂-dub₂... ...dug₄... ... ...e-sir₂-ra ni₁₀-ni₁₀ <unk> <unk> lu₂
One who humiliates, insulting woman Slanderer, “head striker” Speaker of hostility, conversing in lies Continually “giving” houses(?), (but) not dwelling in the house of a man And you (really) are among women? Filling water and roiling water//roiling clear water(?), milling flour She leaned(?), she diminished, she milled She baked there, she burned there She does not set that which she has created “on (its) way” You will reply to me Witness of idiocy An “I want to follow” of the word/speech of humanity The one of “collegiality,” the one who “breaks words to pieces"(?) Her case(?) is non-existent, and yet(?) a garment has been worn Litigant who has approached(?) the assembly, the assembly(?) ... She is confused, she is shaking, she is seeking (aimlessly) Litigant, after you stand in ... and ... a word Pitfall, hater, you utter words They “accept” the ... and chase her away(?) And you are (really) “of womanhood"? She has had no limit, (her) womanhood is unsuitable She cannot comb her wool, she cannot spin thread with the spindle She cannot keep up(?) with work, entering and going out (from the house?) are diminished(?) When you stand in the street, (another) abuses When you attempt to converse with praise/quote a proverb(?), it falls at(?) the feet (i.e., fails?) When you(?) ... towards/on behalf of the assembly, they take it seriously(?) But after you turn away, you are shameless ..., ... is laughing This is an insult that you make? In a house where there is beer, she is its trough In the house where there is soup, she is its emerah jug In the house where there is food, she is the chief cook The house whose “hand is wet,” she asks after She acts neighborly towards its master Entering into that house straightaway She sweeps the house, she adorns/sprinkles it She is issuing orders and shouting(?) Servile laborer of the steward, bride, the daughter of the house She smites(?) their legs/lap(?) She says to them “Do not take anything, (everything) that is here is mine” And you ... Her house is a pigsty, her inner room is a kiln The door of her house is a reed screen A millstone is her husband, the pounding stone is her son Spouse of a slave, consumer of “that which is dragged” One who suckled among female slaves, offspring of male slaves (Your) house was built by a female slave and cared for by a male slave And you are (really) “of women"? Lunatic, ecstatic, conversing in an ecstatic state (User of) hostile speech, “eye turner,” evil person (Saying) “I want to insult,” the words haven fallen out of the mouth "I want to talk,” “I want to kill"(?) ... pig of the marshes, dog, one who is “cut off"(?) Standing in the street, prowling the street, <sitting?> at the threshold(!?) of men(?)
Old Babylonian
... ...du₁₁ inim lul... ze-eŋ₃ lu₂ e₂... ...e šag₄ munus me... ...lu₃ <unk>...<unk>... <unk>...<unk>... ...
Speaker of hostility, conversing in lies ..., one who does not dwell in a house(!?) And you are (really) among women? Filling water and roiling water/roiling clear water(?), milling flour ... ...
Old Babylonian
...sir₂-ra ni₁₀-ni₁₀... ...dag... usar usar-da du₁₄... ŋeštug₂-ni <unk>... i-im-ŋen-bi-ta... <unk> bi-a... eŋ₃ nu-dug₄-ga-ni... eŋ₃ bi₂-in-dug₄... ... ... ...gin₇ u₃-mu... ...ŋu₁₀ du₅-mu-ŋu₁₀ i₃-gin₇ ŋa₂...₂ kar-kid ma-an-dug₄... di gin₆-na-am₃ dab₅-mu... a-ba-am₃ e-ne ga-ša-an-kug...
Standing in the street, prowling the street, sitting at the thresholds of men (you have learned the counsel in the houses of men) The wife of the man, the daughter of the man living in the district do not sleep In order to start arguments between neighbors Her ears are open(?), her eyes are planted By means of/after? the “she came"(?), she causes ... to approach ... She places an argument in their midst She hangs what they(!) have not said from ... She causes ... to say something and they drag it about in order to prove it ... My spouse, like her spouse, ... My son, like her son, I, (un)like her, ... Have not abused, she behaved as a prostitute towards me, she has divorced (her) spouse Undertake proper legal action (against her) Who is she? Ninkuzu, daughter of my(?) lord
Old Babylonian
en-e niŋ₂-ul-e pa na... en nam tar-ra-na šu... {d}en-lil₂ numun kalam-ma... an ki-ta bad-re₆...saŋ... bad-re₆...saŋ... ...
The lord also made manifest an ancient thing The lord, in order to never change his decreed fate The lord, in order to bring out the seed of the land from the earth He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth He also moved forward to make heaven far apart from earth
Old Babylonian
... {ŋeš}al-e u₃ idₓ(|A.LAGAB×A|)-da... kan₄ ki agrun-na-ka {ŋeš}... hul-ŋal₂ ud-nu₂-a dumu {ŋeš}... ud sa₂ dug₄-ga-ta-a an-še₃... an-še₃ al-ti-ri₂-ki{mušen} mušen diŋir... ...ŋeš-gi-a ur...ušumgal-am₃₃₂-am₃ ...
The hoe is the kingal official on/in the u land(?) of the river At the chamber/door(?) of the site(?) of the agrun chamber, the hoe is the vizier Evildoers are children of the hoe during the waning moon(?) By means of/in(?) the regular day(?) they are born towards(!?) heaven(?) Towards heaven the altirigu bird is the bird of a god Towards the earth it is the hoe, in the reedbed it is a dog, in the thicket it is an ušumgal creature At the site of battle it is a durallu ax At the site of the fortification, it is an alluhab net(?)
Old Babylonian
... ... mu-un-zi₂-e ...{hu-ri₂-in}...še₃ al-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ ...ra a-a {d}en-lil₂ <unk> ...mi₂ dug₄-ga ...nisaba za₃-mi₂
It tears it out at its roots, it breaks(?) at its branches The hoe was setting the hirim grass at the hand The hoe, the wood(en implement) decreed a destiny by father Enlil(?) Hoe, praise! Nisaba, praise!
Old Babylonian
ud ul uru₄-e dumu-ni na mu-un-de₅... a-šag₄ dib-be₂-da-zu... eg₂ pa₅ su₇ duh-u₃-de₃ igi kar₂-kar₂... a-šag₄ a de₂-a-zu-ne a-bi šag₄-bi nu... ud a-ta i-im-me-ed₃-de₃... a-šag₄ ki-duru₅-bi en-nu-uŋ₃ ak-ab ki-še-er a-ra-ab... gud suhub giri₃ na-ra-ab...e u₂-saga₁₁-bi u₃-bi₂-zi₂ a-šag₄ ki-ŋar u₃-bi₂-dug₄ u {urud}tun₃-sal šanabi ma-na-ta sa₂-a-ab {ŋeš}al-šub-be₂ umbin gud ha-ra-ab-šu₂-šu₂ sa ha-ra-ab-la₂-la₂ ki ka sal-la-bi u₂-tag ha-ra-ab-tag-tag gu₂ a-šag₄-ga ub-da limmu₂ {ŋeš}al-la ha-ra-ab-niŋin₂-niŋin₂ en-na a-šag₄-ga al-šeŋ₆-šeŋ₆-ŋa₂-dam teš₂ a-ra-ab-sig₁₀-ge₅ {ŋeš}šu-gar₆-zu sa ha-ra-ab-gi₄ {ŋeš}šudul₄-zu a₂-šita₄ ha-ra-ab-keš₂ {kuš}usan₃ gibil-zu {ŋeš}gag-ta ha-ra-ab-la₂ {kuš}usan₃ sumun-zu mud la₂-la₂-bi dumu gašam-e-ne du₁₀ <unk> ha-ra-ab-ak-en {urud}giŋ₄ {urud}bulug₂ {urud}dur₁₀ šum-me niŋ₂ ak {ŋeš}šu-kar₂-zu a₂-zu saŋ ha-ra-ab-us₂-en {kuš}saŋ-keš₂ bar-ed₃-de₃ {kuš}ka-du₁₀ {kuš}usan₃ he₂-en-ha-za {gi}ba-an-du₈-zu kab₂ di mu-ra-an-ak a₂ kalag-ga-zu ha-ra-an-ak-en a₂-aš₂ a-šag₄-zu e₂-za-a he₂-en-ŋal₂ kiŋ₂-zu niŋ₂ nam-mu-un-šub-be₂-en gud {ŋeš}apin gud diri a-ra-ab-tuku-a gud gud-da dur bi-ib₂-tu-lu-a {ŋeš}apin-bi {ŋeš}apin-na a-ab-diri ...{ŋeš}apin diš-e 1(burʾu) <unk> am₃ ...8(U) <unk> am₃ ŋeš du₃-da-ab ...kuš₂-u₃-da-zu-gin₇ a-ra-ab-dim₂-e bur₃ <unk> ba 3(diš) še gur-am₃ ba-an-ŋa₂-ŋa₂ usu {ŋeš}apin diš-ta a-šag₄ {ŋeš}bar-dili-bi u₃-bi₂-ak {ŋeš}bar-dili-bi {ŋeš}apin...u₃-bi₂-ak tug₂-gur-ra-ab ... ud mul... u {ŋeš}apin... {ŋeš}al du₃... a-šag₄ uru₄{ru}... {ŋeš}apin-zu gu ha... {ŋeš}ka-šu₂ {ŋeš}apin-na-zu {kuš}im... {ŋeš}dam-zu {ŋeš}gag sal-la šub... {ŋeš}le-um-zu a₂ he₂-bi₂-tal₂-tal₂ absin₃-zu... diš nindan-ta-am₃ absin₃ ussu-am₃ gub-ba-ab absin₃ dur₂-dur₂-ru-na še-bi gu₂ a-ab-gid₂ a-šag₄ uru₄{ru}da-zu-ne lu₂ še numun ŋar-ra-zu-uš igi-zu ŋar-ni min šu-si-ta-am₃ {d}ašnan he₂-en-šub diš ninda-ta-am₃ še diš giŋ₄ ha-ra-an-ŋar tukumbi še numun e₂-tur₃-ra nu-um-suhur {ŋeš}niŋ₂-kud {ŋeš}eme {ŋeš}apin-na-zu kur₂-ra-ab tukumbi dur a-ab-tu-lu dur tur-ra-ab ki absin₃ si sa₂ i₃-uru₄{ru} {ab}absin₃ {ŋeš}šibir uru₄{ru}ab ki absin₃ {ŋeš}šibir i₃-uru₄{ru} {ab}absin₃ si sa₂ uru₄{ru}ab absin₃ si sa₂ gu₄ <unk> gu₄ <unk> nu-mu-ra-ab... absin₃ lu-gu₂-zu si ha-ra-ab-sa₂ absin₃ ab-ki-iz-bi <unk> a absin₃ gib-ba...gana₂ kud-da...uru₄... šeg₁₂ lag-bi ha... ki-sahar us₂... ki-sahar... henbur₂... ud henbur₂-e... siškur₂ {d}nin-gi₄... zu₂ bir₅{mušen}a bal... ud še ka sal-la absin₃-na-ka a-ab... a numun saŋ-ŋa₂-ka dug₄-ga... ud še {gi}kid-ma₂-šu₂-a-ba a-ab-gub-ba a dug₄-ga... {še}lillan-bi a dug₄-ga-ab ud še lu-ha am₃-si-a a na-ab-be₂-en sa-ma-na-aš ba-e-gig ud še <unk> ak-de₃ ba-ab-du₇-a a dug₄-ga-ab {ŋeš}...-an <unk> diš sila₃-ta ku-dun ba-an-tuku-tuku še gur₁₅-gur₁₅-ru-da-zu-ne še ur₅ gurum nam-ba-ak-e ud a₂-ba-ka gur₁₅-ru-a-ab ...diš-e lu₂ še-zar keš₂-da min-am₃ u₃ lu₂ diš-e igi-ni-še₃ še-zar hu-mu-na-ab-tag-ge eš₅-am₃ hu-mu-ra-ab-gur₁₅-gur₁₅-ru-ne lu₂ še de₅-de₅-ga-zu še huz na-an-ak-e še garadin-na na-ab-si-il-si-le-de₃-en kiŋ₂ ud-da-zu ud tur-gin₇ usu di₄-di₄-la₂-zu-ne u₃ lu₂ še de₅-de₅-ga-zu-ne šid-bi du₆-ul-la-ab zar-re-eš nud-de₃-eb kiŋ₂-zu mi₂ zid a-ra-ab... še sumun-e tuku-a... gu₇-gu₇-zu-uš lu₂ še ŋeš... še-zar-ra ne... siškur₂... ud še ab-ed₃... har-ra-an... ... zu₂ ŋeš-bad-ra₂-zu kuš la₂-la₂-bi esir₂ ha-ra-ab-sub₆-sub₆ gud dur₂-dur₂-ru-da-zu-ne lu₂ še ŋeš-bad du₈-zu usu he₂-ri-gub-bu-uš ud še bi₂-in-su₇-a siškur₂ še nu-nir-ra dug₄-ga-ab ud še al-la₂-ed₃-de₃-en-na-zu lu₂ še al-la₂-ed₃-de₃-en-na-zu lu₂ še ki-ta al-la₂-e na-gub lu₂ ŋeštug₂ tuku gub-ba-ab lu₂ še <unk> a eš₅-am₃ ha-ra-gub-bu-uš še nir-ra-zu {ŋeš}ŋidru-še₃ nud-de₃-eb siškur₂ u₄-te-en ŋi₆-ba dug₄-ga-ab ud sa₉-a-gin₇ še bur₂-ra-ab na de₅ {d}nin-urta engar {d}en-lil₂-la₂ {d}nin-urta en dumu {d}en-lil₂-la₂-ke₄ za₃-mi₂-zu dug₃-ga-am₃
The one who sows (since) ancient time was the one who instructed his son When you pass through the field Inspect the dikes, ditches, and/of the threshing floor(?) that are to be opened When you irrigate the field, its water (should) not rise (too high) in its midst When (the field) (re)emerges from the water Watch the wet patches of the field, after it has been fenced/reached the appropriate limit Do not let the suhub oxen trample it After you cut down the bundles (for reinforcement) and establish the suitable area (of) the field Ten (times) level it with a light hoe weighing two-thirds mana The alšub implement should cover up the oxen hoof (marks), may it sweep (the field clean) The utag tool should touch the places (of?) “narrow intake"(?) for you The hoe should encircle the four edges of the field Until (the field) is dried, ... should be employing (the tools) together(?) for you The implements should be prepared (their bindings restored?) for you The equipment of your yoke should be bound for you May your new whip hang from a nail for you The handle bindings of your old whip The craftsmen should repair (! this ms.: “pray”!?) it for you The adze, chisel/drill, dur maul(?) and šumme saw, that which does/makes(??), your implements, your strength(?), should be constant(?) for you The leather thong, braiding lever, cover/wrapping, and whip should be at your disposal ... (should) check your basket for you, you should strengthen your arms You should have what you require (for) the field in your house(?), do not neglect anything (pertaining) to your work The plow ox has acquired an extra ox for you The bond between oxen was made (sufficiently) slack The plow was made to have an extra plow The assignment(?) of 1 plow is 10 bur (When) it is eight bur, (re)build the wood(en) object(?) ... will make ... for you according to what you are to toil(?) It is ... gur of barley that will be expended (for oxen feed)(?) in the 1 bur area After working the field (with) the bardili plow by means of the force of one seed plow After working the field (with) the bardili plow and the tugsig plow, use the tuggur plow After the stars of heaven are appropriate (in the proper place) Ten (times) the plow ... The hoe should work everything for you When you sow the field Your plow should be marked/aligned Lay down a ... on the kašu of your plow (to prepare it for seeding?) Lay down your beam (with) a thin nail Your boards/ears should be spread out, ... your furrow Set up eight furrows per one ninda (of width) The barley would have lodged in ... furrows When you sow a field Look (carefully) towards the one planting the barley seed At a depth of two fingers, he should drop grain He should set one gig of barley per one ninda If the barley seed was not “incised/scratched in the stall” Change your wedge(?) of the plowshare If the bindings have slackened, reduce (i.e. tighten) the bindings Where straight furrows were sown(?), sow “shepherd's crook” furrows Where “shepherd's crook” furrows were sown(?), sow straight furrows The straight furrow will not(!?) be ... with ... and ... edges(?) for you Your twisted furrows should be straightened out ... the “unobstructed"(?) furrows, ... the traversal furrows, and sow your “separated field” Its brick(like?) clods should be collected for you The blocking(?) deposits of the furrow should be beaten The covering(?) deposits of(?) the furrow should be thinned out/weakened Regarding the seedlings, it is good for you After the seedlings have split the ground Perform the rites of Ninkilim Turn away the bite of the locust When the barley exceeds the “narrow intake” of the furrow Water it with the water of the first seed When the barley stands in (the form of?) a reed mat, water it Water the ripe grain When the grain is filled with(?) offshoots, you should not water it, you would have(?) afflicted it in the manner of the samana disease When the grain has become suitable for dehusking, water it It(?) will acquire a profit of one sila grain for each ban When you are to harvest the grain, do not let the grain bend itself over (overripe) Harvest at that of its appropriate time There is one cutter(?) and two(!?) people to bind the barley sheaves And one who will “touch” the barley sheaves before him (They) are three, they should harvest for you Your grain gatherers should not break(?) the barley They(!?) are not to split apart the barley of the stacks of sheaves Your work of the day, when the day is young (i.e. at dawn) The force of your “little ones” and your grain gatherers Store/gather its number(?), lay down (the grain) in the manner of sheaves Your work should be executed with care After having old grain (for so long before the harvest?) Do not have someone thresh the barley for your eating(?) Give your barley sheaves a rest The rites of the barley sheaf should be performed for you daily When you bring up the barley (for transportation) Set your paths in order ... ... ... The leather (straps) that bind together the teeth of your threshing sledge should be coated with bitumen for you When your oxen ..., the ones threshing the grain (by sledge) should stand for you (by their own?) strength When he ... the barley Perform the rites of grain that is not winnowed (impure grain) When you are to bring up(!?) the barley When you are to have someone who is to bring up(!?) the barley Station an intelligent person (in the role of) standing “below” (winnowing/bringing up(!?)) the barley Three grain movers(?) should be stationed there for you Lay your winnowed grain down for the (measuring) stick Perform the rites of its evening and night When it is midday, spread out the grain The instruction of Ninurta, the farmer of Enlil Ninurta, lord, son of Enlil Your praise is sweet
Old Babylonian
...₄... e₂ e₂-e diri-ga...amaš gid₂-da ma-ra... e₂-e dug mu-un...kaš sag₁₀ mu-un-de₂ {kaš}dida imŋaŋa₃ ku₇-ku₇-dam gi-ŋar-re-eš mu-un-ŋal₂ zu-a-zu hu-mu-un-ši-du-un kal-la-zu hu-mu-un-du-un dumu gu₅-li-zu nam-mu-ni-ib-tak₄-tak₄-a kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu ki aŋ₂-ŋu₁₀ kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu sag₉-ga-ŋu₁₀ ud nam-zal-e ŋi₆ nam-sa₂-e iti₆ ba nam-ba-ni-ib-ku₄-ku₄ ud me-e-zal-la-gin₇ ŋi₆ me-e-sa₂-a-gin₇ kur₉-ra ba-ni-huŋ-ŋe₂₆ ki ŋar ma-ra-ab-du₇ šag₄-ba dur₂ ŋar-ke₄ si ma-ra-ab-sa₂-e ku₆-ŋu₁₀ lu₂ nud-a-ŋu₁₀ ba-ra-ra-zi-zi lu₂ tuš-a-ŋu₁₀ du₁₇ ba-ra-mu₂-mu₂ kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu ki aŋ₂-ŋu₁₀ kur₉-ra-ma-ni-ib dumu sag₉-ga-ŋu₁₀ id₂ mun₃-na-gin₇ na-ba-al... sahar-ŋar id₂-gin₇ zi-zi...
... ... built a house for you, ... built a storeroom for you ... built a house that is more than a house(!?), a long (sided?) sheepfold for you In the house .... pot(s)? and poured(?) good quality beer (in them) ... put sweet beer up to the fence So that your acquaintance(s) come towards you(!?), so that your friends come towards you(!?) Do not abandon the child of your friend Enter it for me, my beloved child Enter it for me, my beautiful child Don't spend the day (idle?), don't spend the night (idle?) Do not bring moonlight into the house As I have spent the day(?), as I have spent the night(?) The one who enters is pacified there, the area(?) has been made appropriate for you Sitting down in its midst(?) is set in order for you My fish, so that my one(s) who sleep (there) do not wake up So that my one(s) who dwell (there) do not quarrel Enter it for me, my beloved child Enter for me, my beautiful child Do not dig (in it?) like a brackish waterway ... Like river silt, do not learn how to rise (i.e., be excavated(?))
Old Babylonian
ku₆ zag nam-dag-ge-a ku₆-ŋu₁₀ ku₆ hi-a he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ sum₄ sag₉-sag₉ u₂-lal₃ <unk> <unk> ku₆-ŋu₁₀ suhur-gal{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ {gi}ub-zal gu₇-gu₇ <unk> <unk>... ku₆-ŋu₁₀ suhur-tur he₂-ga-me-da-ku₄-ku₄ nundum gal-gal gi-zi naŋ...ke₄ ku₆-ŋu₁₀ eštub{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ {ŋeš}gi-muš giggi a-šag₄-ga ri-a ku₆-ŋu₁₀ kun-bi₂{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da šah₂ ma₂-gan-la₂ gu₂ id₂-da-še₃ niŋ₂-silaŋ-ŋa₂ kar-kar <unk> re ku₆-ŋu₁₀ kun-bi₂{ku₆}ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ kun si gam₃ kun sa-ha ŋeš-ta lah₄ ku₆-ŋu₁₀ ubiₓ(|ŠE.SUHUR|) gal-ŋu₁₀ he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ ku₆ niŋ₂ <unk> ga dumu-gin₇ er₂ pad₃... ku₆-ŋu₁₀ ubiₓ(|ŠE.SUHUR|) sig₁₀-ge he₂-ga-me-da-an-ku₄-ku₄ ...am₃ zu₂ ga-rig₂-am₃ {ŋeš}<unk> ...ummud...da-ke₄ŋa₂...<unk> ...₄-ku₄ ...
Fish, do not reject(?) a companion(!?) My fish, may various kinds of fish also enter with you (Possessing) beautiful beards, eating(?) the ulal plant My fish, my suhurgal carp, may it too enter with you Eating the ubzal reeds and ... My fish, my suhurtur carp, may it too enter with you The one with big lips(?), sucking(?) the young reed growth My fish, my eštub carp, may it too enter with you A black boat pole cast into the field My fish, my gubi eel, may it too enter with you A farrowing(?) pig ... towards the river bank in order to constantly steal dough(?) My fish, my gubi eel, may it too enter with you (Possessing) a horned tail and a crook of a tail(!?), who plunders fruit(?) from the tree(s)(?) My fish, my great ubi fish, may it too enter with you The fish ... weeping like a child ... My fish, the ubi.sig fish, may it too enter with you (Its) head is a hoe, (its) teeth are a comb Its skeleton is the top of a conifer(?) tree Its air bladder(!?) is the waterskin of Dumuzi ... ... ... ... My fish, my ... fish, may it too enter with you
Old Babylonian
iri{ki} ur-gir₁₅ nu-me-a ka₅-a nu-banda₃
In the city where no dog is present(!) The fox is overseer
Old Babylonian
ninda he₂-ŋal₂-la {d}nin-ka₆ i₃-ib-gu₇ ninda ha-ma-ŋal₂-la lu₂-kur₂-ra ib₂-gu₇
If there was food, a mongoose ate it If there was food for me A stranger ate it
Old Babylonian
{ŋeš}ma₂ niŋ₂-gin₆-na ni₂-ni ba-ab-dirig-ga {d}utu kar-ra gin₆-na mu-un-na-ši-kiŋ₂-kiŋ₂
The truth(ful?) boat that has floated (downstream) by itself Utu will seek (in order to rescue it)
Old Babylonian
tur₅-ra dug₃-ga-am₃ peš₁₃ gig-ga-am₃ peš₁₃ tur₅-ra im-ma-dirig-ga-ta
Illness is “good” (i.e., better) Pregnancy is painful Pregnancy and sickness (i.e., morning sickness) ... is much (worse)