7 values
6 values
pisan dub-ba ku₃-sig₁₇ zi-ga didli ki šu-eš₁₈-dar-ta kišib₃ lugal-ku₃-zu ... ...
Basket-of-tablets: xxx xxx xxx
Old Babylonian
en₂ e₂-nu-ru lu₂-ra muš mu-ra gir₂ mu-ra ur mu₂-da mu-ra uš-bi mu-na-ab-sig₁₀-e {d}<unk> hi-e a-ni {d}en-ki-še₃ lu₂ mu-ši-gi₄-gi₄ a-mu lu₂-ra muš mu-ra ŋir₂ mu-ra ur mu₂-da mu-ra uš-bi mu-na-ab-sig₁₀{si}e a-na e₂ ib₂-aka-na-bi nu-zu dumu-mu a-na nu-zu a-na na-ab-dah-e a-la₂ kug-ga-na ba-ni-du₃ nam-šub u₃-me-sig₁₀ a-bi lu₂-kur₂-ra u₃-mu-ni-nag uš-bi ni₂-ba ha-mu-ta-e₃-de₂ lu₂ muš ka ba-du₃ a-bi lu₂-kur₂-ra na₈-na₈-da-kam
enuru: A man a snake struck, a scorpion struck, a rabid dog struck, their spittle gave. Asarluḫi to his father Enki a messenger sends: “My father, a man a snake struck, a scorpion struck, a rabid dog struck, their spittle gave; what to do about it, I don't know.” “My son, what don't you know? What can I add? His silver ala is purified; once to the water the incantation is given, the water the ‘foreigner’ made to drink, may the spittle on its own go out!” A man by a snake bitten: the water the ‘foreigner’ is to be given to drink.
Early Dynastic IIIb
1(geš₂) 3(u) 5(aš) 1(barig) ziz₂ babbar₂ gur sag gal₂ 2(geš₂) 4(u) 5(aš) še lugal-pirig-tur sanga e₂-babbar₂ šu-a bi₂-gi₄ šubur nu-banda₃ e₂ ki-sal₄-la-ka e-bala <unk>
95 head-gur 1 barig of white emmer, 165 barley Lugal-pirigtur, administrator of White-temple, delivered; Šubur, overseer into the granary, transferred it; 4th (year).
Early Dynastic IIIa
2(aš) lu₂-lum-ma 2(aš) lu₂-e₂-zi 4(aš) <unk> <unk>{d}sud₃ 6(aš) e₂-ki-ba 4(aš) nin-ukken muhaldim 4(aš) {d}sud₃-ur-sag 6(aš) lugal-ezem 3(aš) ur-e₂-gal 3(aš) e₂ <unk> nu-dib 4(aš) <unk> 2(aš) <unk> <unk> sa <unk> 3(aš) dar-da ugula lu₂-di 5(aš) lu₂-pa₃ 3(aš) e₂-ki-gal-la 5(aš) <unk>{d}sud₃-da-zi 6(aš) <unk>{d}sud₃ 2(aš) a <unk> <unk> 4(aš) e₂-nu-si ad-kup₄ 4(aš) e₂-kur-ra 1(u) uru₁₈ <unk> 1(geš₂) 2(u) la₂ 1(aš) guruš zi₃ ba <unk> 3(ban₂) 5(aš) sila₃ 5(diš) sila₃ šu ba-ti
(total:) 80 less 1 male laborers, flour allotments, 6 barig 3 ban2 5 sila3, 5 sila3 (each) received.
2(geš₂) 2(u) 4(diš) udu bar-gal₂ 4(diš) sila₄ bar-gal₂ 7(diš) udu bar-su-ga 3(geš₂) 1(u) 2(diš) ud₅ maš₂ hi... ki kas₄-ta lu₂{d}suen i₃-dab₅ mu us₂-sa ki-maš{ki} ba-hul
144 sheep with fleece, 4 lambs with fleece, 7 sheep without fleece, 192 mixed nanny and billy goats, from Kas Lu-Suen took; year after: “Kimaš was destroyed.”
5(u) la₂ 1(aš) še gur ku₃-bi 1(diš) ma-na 5(diš) 1/3(diš) gin₂ a-ra₂ 1(diš)-kam 2(aš) 2(barig) 3(ban₂) še gur ku₃-bi 3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) še a-ra₂ 2(diš)-kam 2(u) 2(diš) {geš}peš₃ še-er-gu <unk> <unk> <unk> 2(ban₂) 6(diš) sila₃ {geš}hašhur hul ku₃-bi 5/6(diš) gin₂ la₂ 2(diš) 1/2(diš) še 2(diš) gin₂ ki ur{d}utu-ta šuniŋin 1(diš) ma-na 1(u) 1(diš) gin₂ igi 6(diš) gal₂...ku₃ ša₃-bi-ta 1(diš) ma-na ku₃-babbar kišib₃ lu₂-kal-la ki ur-sila-luh mu-kuₓ(DU) 2(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃ esir₂ kišib₃ nu-ra-a 6(diš) gin₂ lu₂{d}inana šu ba-ti šuniŋin 1(diš) ma-na 8(diš) 1/2(diš) gin₂ ku₃-babbar zi-ga-am₃ la₂-ia₃ 2(diš) 2/3(diš) gin₂ 2(u) še ku₃-babbar nig₂-ka₉ ak ur-sila-luh dam-gar₃ egir₆ ba-uš₂-ta nig₂-ka₉-bi ba-ak iti diri mu {d}amar{d}suen lugal-e ur-bi₂-lum{ki} mu-hul
49 gur barley, its silver: 1 mina 5 1/3 shekels, first time; 2 gur 2 barig 3 ban2 barley, its silver: 2 shekels 22 1/2 grains second time; 22 strings of dates, dried(?), 2 ban2 6 sila3 crushed crabapples, their silver: 5/6 shekels less 2 1/2 grains; 2 shekels from Ur-Utu; total: 1 mina 11 1/6 shekels 20 grains silver; therefrom: 1 mina silver under seal of Lukalla, delivered from Ur-silaluh; 1 2/1 shekels silver (for) bitumen, unsealed; 6 shekels received by Lu-Inanna; total: 1 mina 8 1/2 shekels silver; deficit: 2 2/3 shekels 20 grains silver; account of Ur-silaluh, the trade agent; after he died, this account was done; extra month, year: “Amar-Suen the king destroyed Urbilum.”
Old Akkadian
kur-ta ŋen-na kur-ta da sa-ma-na kur-ta ŋen-na kur-ta e₅-da ...sag ki-sikil-ta ŋen ...ta e₅-da munus sikil gaba šu₂-ba ŋuruš gu₂-na šu₂-ba anše erin₂-ba šu₂-ba gud a₂ muš ...ta ŋen-na kur-ta da e₅-gin₇ ki-sikil-la₂ gaba šu₂-ba-gin₇ ŋuruš gu₂ šu₂-ba-gin₇ anše {ŋiš}erin₂-ba šu₂-gin₇ gud a₂-ba šu₂-ba <unk> dug₄-ga {d}nin-girimₓ-ma ...šub iri{ki}dug₃-ga mu-mu mu {d}<unk> lu₂-hi dumu {d}en-ki-ka abzu nu-mu...
from the mountain gone, from the mountain descended: Samana. from the mountain gone. from the mountain descended. From the pure mountain chain gone, from the mountain descended, on the virgin’s breast fallen, on the young man’s neck fallen, on the donkey’s yoke fallen, on the ox’s wide arms fallen, just as from the mountain gone. ... ... just as from the mountain descended, just as of the virgin’s breast fallen, just as the young man’s neck fallen, just as on the donkey’s yoke fallen, just as on the ox’s wide arms fallen. Incantation of Ningirim, lady of sweet city Šuruppak, of the 7(?). My lines are the lines of Asalluḫi, son of Enki, in the Abzu, it cannot be undone(?).