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Abstract: Although the benefits of increasing descriptive diversity in Congress are well explored, less attention has been paid to the positive impacts of increasing descriptive diversity in elections. Employing a comprehensive collection of campaign platform text from nearly 5,000 campaign websites, we find that Democratic male and white candidates are significantly more likely to take up women's and Black-associated issues when a candidate who possesses that identity runs in their same-party primary election. Extending our analysis to military veterans, we find that Republicans are more likely to discuss veterans' issues when there is a military veteran in their primary; conversely, Democrats are not any more likely to discuss these issues when they run against a veteran. Looking to candidate position taking in the general election, our findings suggest that simply the presence of candidates from underrepresented populations in elections is important to broadening substantive representation in the legislative arena.
Changing the Dialogue: Descriptive Candidacies and Position Taking in Campaigns for the US House of Representatives
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Abstract: This article presents a reflective review of the challenges of interviewing hard-to-reach and marginalised groups when employing an oral history methodology. Using Belfast, Northern Ireland, as a case study, the article reflects on the significance of social and cultural markers that must be contended with, and argues for the importance of responsible research in response to instances of reticence. In addition, this article reviews the challenges faced by the author with regards to the gendered dimensions of deindustrialisation studies, particularly when interviewing women about the familial experiences of the deindustrialisation of heavy industry. The article advocates for compassionate approaches within an oral history methodology, particularly in post-conflict societies where unresolved trauma and complex ethno-cultural identities exist. Considering such issues, offers an opportunity to reenergise and expand the scope of labour history and deindustrialisation studies.
Reticence, gender, and deindustrialisation: oral history challenges emerging within deindustrialisation studies and labour history
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Abstract: Urban heat island effects and climate change are climatic phenomena responsible for periods of extreme heat in summer which severely impact citizens' well-being and health. In this alarming context which questions the livability of our cities, Nature-Based Solutions (NBSs) are considered an unavoidable component of the complex strategy in diminishing urban temperatures. The present work aims to show the relevance of NBSs in urban temperature regulation through the estimation of their potential to improve outdoor thermal comfort of the heritage site Matadero Madrid. To this end, this article evaluates the effects of a scenario combining different solutions including NBSs and identifies which solutions are the most effective. The results show that this scenario has an impact on direct solar radiation and wind speed but does not affect air temperature and relative humidity. Furthermore, even if this scenario combining a fabric canopy, tree canopy, and green area significantly improves thermal conditions, it does not allow us to reach an optimal level of thermal comfort for visitors. To consider the implementation of more meaningful interventions, existing legal, administrative, and cultural limitations of the case study should be omitted. This would enable us to identify which restrictions could be adapted, thus unlocking the adaptation potential of Matadero Madrid.
Potential of Nature-Based Solutions to Diminish Urban Heat Island Effects and Improve Outdoor Thermal Comfort in Summer: Case Study of Matadero Madrid
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Abstract: Background There has been a proliferation of frameworks with a common goal of bridging the gap between evidence, policy, and practice, but few aim to specifically guide evaluations of academic-policy engagement. We present the modification of an action framework for the purpose of selecting, developing and evaluating interventions for academic-policy engagement.Methods We build on the conceptual work of an existing framework known as SPIRIT (Supporting Policy In Health with Research: an Intervention Trial), developed for the evaluation of strategies intended to increase the use of research in health policy. Our aim was to modify SPIRIT, (i) to be applicable beyond health policy contexts, for example encompassing social, environmental, and economic policy impacts and (ii) to address broader dynamics of academic-policy engagement. We used an iterative approach through literature reviews and consultation with multiple stakeholders from Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and policy professionals working at different levels of government and across geographical contexts in England, alongside our evaluation activities in the Capabilities in Academic Policy Engagement (CAPE) programme.Results Our modifications expand upon Redman et al.'s original framework, for example adding a domain of 'Impacts and Sustainability' to capture continued activities required in the achievement of desirable outcomes. The modified framework fulfils the criteria for a useful action framework, having a clear purpose, being informed by existing understandings, being capable of guiding targeted interventions, and providing a structure to build further knowledge.Conclusion The modified SPIRIT framework is designed to be meaningful and accessible for people working across varied contexts in the evidence-policy ecosystem. It has potential applications in how academic-policy engagement interventions might be developed, evaluated, facilitated and improved, to ultimately support the use of evidence in decision-making.
A modified action framework to develop and evaluate academic-policy engagement interventions
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Abstract: This article examines migrant homesharing programs in Italy through a dwelling lens, which seeks to understand how homesharing transcends the home and provides new opportunities for migrants to build a life as more than temporary guests. Homesharing is a growing reception practice across the Global North, and it sees residents house migrants in their own homes. We start from a critique of hospitality as the primary organizing framework through which homesharing is designed and implemented. We then put forth dwelling, as an alternative lens to hospitality, which imagines a wider array of relationships to and across space. We draw from ethnographic research in Turin, Bologna, and Florence, Italy, to showcase how migrants, residents, and practitioners engaged in homesharing are already thinking beyond guest-host dichotomies, and prioritizing ways of doing cohabitation that go beyond hospitality. If hospitality indicates the conditionality of being hosted, maintaining the power relations between the host and the guest, dwelling concerns the process by which the conditionality and impermanence of hospitality are eroded, asserting the right of migrants to be more than guests.
From hospitality to dwelling: a lens for migrant homesharing in Italy
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Abstract: In the 16th century at the latest there were strong political, cultural and literary ties between the Iberian Peninsula and the Dutch speaking regions in north western Europe. Literature in general and especially romances from the 'south' were printed, translated and adapted in Dutch. After an introduction in which the contribution presents a short overview of the translation and adaptation of Iberian romances in Dutch the focus will be on the 'Amadijs' tradition especially. For the first time the Spanish source and the 'Amadijs' are compared, including an analysis of the paratextual elements of the first Dutch edition of 'Amadijs' (1546), which clearly shows that Nuyts did not follow his source as an inspiration for the design of his edition, but copied the design of earlier Dutch editions of narratives as a marketing strategy. Part four shows that the Dutch 'Amadijs' was obviously read by everyone in the early modern period.
'De pestiferis libris, cuiusmodi sunt in Hispania Amadisus, Splandianus … '. Production, Materiality, and Readers of the Dutch 'Amadijs'
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Abstract: Through historical and anthropological inquiry, this paper addresses the issue of memory antagonisms involving cultural landscapes in the context of a former mining region: the Belgian Black Country. This region, which became increasingly industrialized in the 19th century through the massive development of coal mining and steel industry, subsequently experienced deindustrialization, and now finds itself mobilized in a process of 'post-industrial' mutation. The paper is divided into two parts. In the first part, it examines how the landscapes inherited from industry, and in particular the slag heaps of the coalfield, have over time become repositories of a working-class memory, through the living and working practices of the communities surrounding the mines. It also documents the various representations attached to these landscape objects, whose contradictions echo the oppositions between capital and labor that have marked the development of industrial capitalism. The second part of the paper, which focuses on the present situation, examines how these representations are remobilized in the valorization processes that are initiated by different actors, in the context of a 'post-industrial' urban transition strategy that seeks to produce a unified and pacified historical narrative. We'll be looking at how historical conflicts still permeate the representations of these landscapes, the question of their conservation, and their possible future.
Silent witnesses: the disputed landscapes of Belgium's black country
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Abstract: This study proposes the energy conversion of vine prunings to supply energy to local wineries, with a focus on the Riunite & CIV branch winery located in Carpi (Modena, Italy), exploring the possibility of generating both electricity and heat through biomass gasification. A Matlab-Simulink model is used to evaluate the energy savings that can be achieved when an energy storage system is coupled with the combined heat and power generation system. Within this context, the results showed that it is possible to save approximate to 60% of the thermal energy demanded by the winery. However, the economic viability of the project is hindered by high investment and operation costs. DPB is strongly affected by the cost of biomass and the energy prices, resulting in a profitable investment for electricity prices higher than 0.30(sic)> 0.57 euro/kWh according to the different scenarios investigated.
A technical-economic analysis of integrating vine prunings energy conversion systems for CHP production in local wineries
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Abstract: Constituent rocks of Cultural Heritage monuments and buildings are of mixed mineral compositions. For materials with homogeneous color properties, colorimetric evaluation is a well-established task. The colorimetric similarity of heterogeneous surfaces is difficult to measure due to the uneven distribution of minerals with different colors. The present work proposes a methodology for color difference calculation, exemplified on granite samples. The methodology proposed includes a technique to divide the rock images into color profiles using multivariate analysis and clustering. The differences between rock samples are evaluated (i) in average color profile distances, (ii) in the tone difference, and (iii) in the color profile distribution on the surface. The method proposed is appropriate for in-situ measurements using widely available digital imaging. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( )
Colorimetric similarity evaluation methodology for heterogeneous rock surfaces using digital imaging
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Abstract: OBJECTIVES: We aimed to assess the healthcare costs and impact on the economy at large arising from emergency medical services (EMS) treated non-traumatic shock.DESIGN: We conducted a population-based cohort study, where EMS-treated patients were individually linked to hospital-wide and state-wide administrative datasets. Direct healthcare costs (Australian dollars, AUD) were estimated for each element of care using a casemix funding method. The impact on productivity was assessed using a Markov state-transition model with a 3-year horizon.SETTING: Patients older than 18 years of age with shock not related to trauma who received care by EMS (1 January 2015-30 June 2019) in Victoria, Australia were included in the analysis.PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome assessed was the total healthcare expenditure. Secondary outcomes included healthcare expenditure stratified by shock aetiology, years of life lived (YLL), productivity-adjusted life-years (PALYs) and productivity losses.RESULTS: A total of 21334 patients (mean age 65.9 (±19.1) years, and 9641 (45.2%) females were treated by EMS with non-traumatic shock with an average healthcare-related cost of $A11031 per episode of care and total cost of $A280million. Annual costs remained stable throughout the study period, but average costs per episode of care increased (Ptrend=0.05). Among patients who survived to hospital, the average cost per episode of care was stratified by aetiology with cardiogenic shock costing $A24 382, $A21254 for septic shock, $A19915 for hypovolaemic shock and $A28057 for obstructive shock. Modelling demonstrated that over a 3-year horizon the cohort lost 24355 YLLs and 5059 PALYs. Lost human capital due to premature mortality led to productivity-related losses of $A374million. When extrapolated to the entire Australian population, productivity losses approached $A1.5billion ($A326million annually).CONCLUSION: The direct healthcare costs and indirect loss of productivity among patients with non-traumatic shock are high. Targeted public health measures that seek to reduce the incidence of shock and improve systems of care are needed to reduce the financial burden of this syndrome.
Healthcare and economic cost burden of emergency medical services treated non-traumatic shock using a population-based cohort in Victoria, Australia.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: The study aimed to explore the association between manganese concentration and all-cause, cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related, and cancer-related mortality in the general population of the United States.METHODS: We integrated the data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2011 to 2018. A total of 9,207 subjects were selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The relationship between manganese concentration and all-cause, CVD-related, and cancer-related mortality was analyzed by constructing a Cox proportional hazard regression model and a restricted cubic spline (RCS) plot. Additionally, subgroup analyses stratified by age, sex, race/ethnicity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM), chronic heart disease, chronic heart failure, angina pectoris, heart attack, stroke, and BMI were further performed.RESULTS: In the full adjusted model, compared with the lowest quartile, the adjusted hazard ratios with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for all-cause, CVD-related, and cancer-related mortality across manganese quartiles were (1.11 (0.87,1.41), 0.96 (0.74, 1.23), and 1.23 (0.96, 1.59); P-value for trend =0.041), (0.86 (0.54, 1.37), 0.87 (0.55, 1.40), and 1.07 (0.67, 1.72); P-value for trend =0.906), and (1.45 (0.92, 2.29), 1.14 (0.70, 1.88), and 1.26 (0.75, 2.11); P-value for trend =0.526), respectively. The RCS curve shown a U-shaped association between manganese concentration and all-cause mortality and CVD-related mortality (P-value for nonlinear <0.05). However, there was an increase and then a decrease in the link between manganese concentration and cancer-related mortality (P-value for nonlinear <0.05). Manganese exposure was positively correlated with sex (correlation coefficient, r =0.19, P-value <0.001) and negatively correlated with age (correlation coefficient, r =-0.11, P-value <0.001) and serum creatinine (correlation coefficient, r =-0.12, P-value <0.001), respectively.CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that elevated serum manganese concentrations are associated with all-cause and CVD-related mortality in the U.S. population and that maintenance of serum manganese between 8.67-9.23 g/L may promote public health.
The relationship between serum manganese concentration with all-cause and cause-specific mortality: a retrospective and population-based cross-sectional study.
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Abstract: The literature on administrative burdens has directed attention to why citizens struggle to engage with state services that would benefit them. In a paired conjoint experiment with Italian adults, COVID-19 vaccination intention is positively impacted by reducing administrative burdens, after controlling for vaccine's efficacy and side effects: automatic enrolment of citizens through pre-scheduled appointments, offering a convenient location, less time required to get vaccinated and social norms whereby the majority is in favour of getting vaccinated. Reductions in burdens are especially relevant for adults over the age of 64 and those with neutral or high vaccination intention.
Reducing administrative burdens to increase the take-up of public services: the case of vaccination intentions
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Abstract: This study examines whether and how board gender diversity can affect corporate wage inequity by drawing on diversity theory and gender socialization and ethicality theories. Building on an exogenous relaxation of China's one-child policy (OCP) in 2013, which led to a substantial decline in the female labor force participation rate. Our empirical analysis suggests that board gender diversity is negatively associated with corporate wage inequity. This result is robust to various endogeneity and sensitivity analyses. We find that the OCP relaxation only increases average executive pay; it does not affect employee pay. One potential mechanism driving our results is that the decline in board gender diversity caused by the OCP relaxation reduces supervision, restriction, and fairness within the firm, which increases executives' pursuit of personal interests and ultimately leads to the rise of wage inequity. Our findings are particularly significant for firms in capital-intensive industries, firms with a low level of employee bargaining power, and large firms.
Board Gender Diversity and Within-Firm Wage Inequity: Evidence from the Relaxation of China's One-Child Policy
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Abstract: A bibliometric study was performed to explore the financial and economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The SCOPUS database was sourced, and VOSviewer version 1.6.20 was used to generate visualizations. Articles published between 2020 and 2024 were targeted, resulting in 1257 papers used in the analysis. The comprehensive bibliometric analysis conducted in this paper was guided by the keywords COVID-19, pandemic, financial crisis, financial impact, and economic impact, which revealed critical insights that contribute to the body of knowledge on the financial and economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. The outputs belong to topical areas of economics, finance, business, and management. Keyword mapping and clustering methods were employed to analyze links between the financial crisis, economic impact, and COVID-19 themes. A co-occurrence network analysis identified key thematic clusters, including economic and financial analysis; COVID-19 research and impact; social, environmental, and corporate responsibility; regional studies and disease-related research; and economic challenges and policy responses. This study reveals an annual publication decline of 62.94% and an average citation rate of 20.13 per document. The findings suggest an abundance of global collaboration networks and authorships. This study contributes to a better understanding of the multifaceted financial and economic impact of the pandemic from a bibliometric perspective, offering a foundation for future research and the application of financial strategies and effective crisis management.
Bibliometric Analysis of Financial and Economic Implications during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis
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Abstract: Aim of this work is the development of a new kind of corrosion sensors, based on low-cost flexible sub-strates, specifically designed to detect Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) producing significant degrada-tion of artifacts in museum display cases. Sensors have been fabricated and tested in relevant environ-ment with three of the most relevant VOCs (acetic acid, formic acid and formaldehyde) to the artifacts preservation. Sensitivity has been measured to be lower than 1 ppm, which is several times better than what reported in the literature on corrosion sensors for the same VOCs. In addition, different sensors, arranged with different active materials, have been implemented for the first time into a so-called multi -sensor architecture, aimed at demonstrating VOC specificity: in particular, we report here on a prelimi-nary test in which the multi-sensor has been able to be selective between acetic acid and formaldehyde.(c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Selective flexible sensor for monitoring volatile organic compounds in museum display cases
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Abstract: The BBNJ Agreement will affect legal frameworks for the conservation of marine biological diversity in various regions of the world ocean and the marine Arctic is no exception. As biological diversity in the marine Arctic is particularly vulnerable, the implications of the BBNJ Agreement for the conservation of biological diversity in the marine Arctic deserves serious consideration. Of particular note is the procedure for an environmental impact assessment (EIA). Given that damage to the environment may be irreversible, it is a prerequisite to conduct an EIA before authorizing planned activities, with a view to preventing environmental harm. An EIA constitutes a crucial element in the conservation of the marine environment, including biological diversity. Hence, this article examines the potential implications of the procedure for an EIA as set out under the BBNJ Agreement for the conservation of biological diversity in the marine Arctic beyond national jurisdiction.
Reflections on the Environmental Impact Assessment in the BBNJ Agreement: Its Implications for the Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Marine Arctic beyond National Jurisdiction
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Abstract: The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the utility of ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art language model developed by Open AI, in the context of civil engineering education. To achieve this objective, 44 civil engineering students from a large state university in the United States were recruited and asked to respond to three questions pertaining to Construction Surveying and Geomatics. The students were then introduced to ChatGPT and provided with guidelines on how the platform could be utilized for educational purposes, including obtaining answers to questions like those presented to them earlier. The students were then given the opportunity to leverage ChatGPT to obtain responses to questions they had been presented with earlier and any other related queries of interest. Subsequently, the students were asked to provide written responses to the same questions they were presented with earlier, but without access to ChatGPT or its response, to assess any knowledge gains. The investigation also captured the student's acceptance and perceived usability based on their experience of using ChatGPT. The findings indicated that the student's written responses were more thorough, detailed, and informative after utilizing ChatGPT. The results also revealed that ChatGPT was largely well-received by the students and they held a positive perception of the AI platform. The findings can inform efforts targeted at successfully integrating AI tools for civil engineering education.
ChatGPT as an educational resource for civil engineering students
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Abstract: This article investigates how four Finnish media outlets, Helsingin Sanomat, YLE, Iltalehti and STT, framed the discussions about austerity policies and their impacts on Finland's national identity from 1998 to 2019. Using historical discourse analysis, the article shows the arc of austerity reporting and how Finland's position and role in the Euro crisis changed during the years. The analysis reveals something about the national self-understanding of Finland, as presented in the media in relation to other European countries. The article addresses three research questions. (1) How did the journalistic treatment of austerity change over time and what were the key turning points? (2) What kinds of perspectives and narratives did journalism construct in the coverage of austerity? (3) How was Finland as a nation represented and compared to other nations in the context of the Euro crisis and austerity? The article shows that the journalistic coverage of austerity evolved from a local issue affecting municipal economies to a global issue linked to the Euro crisis, and that Finland's national identity was constructed through a contrastive comparison with other Northern and Southern European countries. The article contributes to the discussion on media coverage of austerity by providing a longitudinal comparative analysis.
The anatomy of austerity in Finnish media: The journalistic point-of-view towards Europe from the North
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Abstract: Cedars-Sinai is a sixth continuous Magnet organization in Southern California that embodies inclusive leadership in support of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice (DEIJ) principles. The organization adheres to a strategic model prioritizing staff sense of belonging, empowerment, engagement, curiosity, and creativity. Employing inclusive leadership, we have implemented strong programs of professional development and continuous learning, innovation, and research. This leadership and these programs have fostered a culture of inquiry, support evidence-driven practice, quality improvement, and staff engagement. Our organization is committed to creating a caring and healing environment that promotes performance. We believe in practicing loving-kindness toward ourselves and others as a core value. Executive leadership support has been a key element in our successful implementation of DEIJ strategies, including employee resource groups, Shared Leadership Councils, transition to practice programs, health equity research, and innovative solutions. These strategies have been shown to yield a significant return on investment.
An Organizational Commitment to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice: A Multipronged Strategic Approach.
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Abstract: Limekilns, common throughout the southern Levant in carbonate rock highlands, were rare in aeolian sand terrains. This study presents for the first time a limekiln within an archaeological landscape of an Early Islamic groundwater harvesting Plot-and-Berm agroecosystem, in an anthropogenically modified Mediterranean coastal dunefield near the ancient town of Caesarea. The agroecosystem consists of a checkerboard landscape pattern of human-made rectangular depressions used as agricultural plots possessing a distinct dark gray anthrosol. The anthrosols made of sand mixed with domestic refuse transported from Caesarea are hypothesized to retain physical agricultural utilities. The plots are confined by anthropogenically designed, sand-based berms, coated by anthrosediments. Applying archaeological, minerological (FTIR), microarchaeological (thin section analysis), portable OSL reconnaissance profiling, and OSL dating, coupled with similar data from nearby anthrosols and anthrosediments of the agroecosystem, we demonstrate that the limekiln produced pyrogenic lime. The lime additives, in combination with the refuse, enrichened and stabilized the aeolian sand substrate and probably improved its water retention capacity. These actions demonstrate an additional technological innovation regarding water harvesting in dead lands that, in turn, supported for a defined timespan extensive agricultural practice whose crop types/species remain a mystery. The limekiln possibly functioned for a couple hundred years, contemporary and imbricated with the P&B agroecosystem. It is the first evidence of such an endeavor to improve sandy soil properties for a novel and ancient agricultural practice.
Limekiln services soil enrichment and water retention of an Early Islamic Plot-and-Berm groundwater-harvesting agroecosystem in coastal dunes near Caesarea, Israel
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Abstract: A more comprehensive understanding of the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on energy transition and carbon emissions could help to use AI to achieve carbon neutrality. To this end, the STIRPAT approach, the mediation effect technique and the panel threshold technique are developed using the panel data in 69 countries from 1993 to 2019. The results show that: (i) AI promote energy transition and carbon emission reduction, and trade openness (indicated by imports, exports and total trade volume) has the mediating effect. (ii) There is a singlethreshold of trade openness in the impact of AI on carbon emissions. When trade openness is below the threshold, AI has an insignificant impact on carbon emissions; when trade openness crosses the threshold, AI has a significant negative impact on carbon emissions. There is a double-threshold of trade openness in the impact of AI on energy transition. When trade openness is lower than the first threshold, the impact of AI on energy transition is not significant; When trade openness is higher than the second threshold, the positive impact of AI on energy transition is increased. (iii) When considering the heterogeneity of income levels and AI levels, the trade threshold for achieving carbon emission reductions in the high-income group is lower than that of the global group, and the trade threshold for achieving carbon emission reductions in the low-AI level group is higher than that of the global group. While this study unequivocally delineates the affirmative role of artificial intelligence in carbon emission reduction and energy transformation, particularly in the context of trade openness, we concurrently acknowledge that this viewpoint is not devoid of contention. Amidst the rapid advancement of technology and the landscape of open trade, we discern the presence of counterarguments. The efficacy of artificial intelligence is susceptible to the influence of multifaceted factors. It is imperative to consider associated factors, such as the significant energy consumption required for storing and cooling data centers and servers. The study's conclusions aid policymakers in devising nuanced emission reduction policies tailored to specific needs.
Does artificial intelligence promote energy transition and curb carbon emissions? The role of trade openness
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Abstract: Pyrotechnological activities leave many traces in the archaeological record, most notably ash, which is the powdery residue of the combustion of organics such as wood. These traces have provided important insights into the biological and cultural evolution of humans. Given the common occurrence of ash layers at archaeological sites, the charred remains embedded within these features have been regularly targeted for radiocarbon dating. However, often charcoal does not preserve in sediments, and only the mineral fraction of ash is left. The latter is composed of calcium carbonate derived from the thermal decomposition of calcium oxalates produced by the plants used as fuel, and in principle can be dated using radiocarbon. Past attempts have shown that pyrogenic calcium carbonate in the form of calcite does not always preserve the radiocarbon content of the original plant, and that it is prone to recrystallization. Recently, pyrogenic aragonite (a metastable polymorph of calcium carbonate) in archaeological ash has produced accurate radiocarbon age determinations because its crystals did not recrystallize over time. In this paper, we report on the radiocarbon dating of an ash layer rich in aragonite identified at Tell es-Safi/Gath (Israel). Using a combination of infrared spectroscopy and micro-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, phytolith analysis, micromorphology, and radiocarbon dating, we reconstructed the formation processes of the combustion feature and showed that most of the pyrogenic aragonite crystals in the ash layer exchanged carbon with the environment, and thus cannot be considered a closed system suitable for dating. Therefore, we proposed an improved extraction method to isolate the smallest crystals of pyrogenic aragonite and calcite, which are more likely to keep their original isotopic composition based on independent age controls from the same depositional context.
Micro-contextual characterization of pyrogenic aragonite diagenesis in archaeological ash: implications for radiocarbon dating of calcium carbonate in combustion features
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Abstract: The article examines the role of memory in Yugoslav exchanges with the postcolonial world, focusing on the agency of Yugoslav war veterans and their involvement with Algeria. During decolonization, Yugoslav institutions and associations stood in solidarity with anti-colonial liberation movements. Former Partisans were critical agents of Yugoslav internationalism, and the memory of the People's Liberation War (Narodnooslobodila & ccaron;ki rat, NOR), which dominated the Yugoslav memory culture, played a connecting role in this context. The article focuses on the transnational aspect of the Yugoslav war memory, an intrinsically everyday phenomenon, exploring its exportation and internationalization. Applying the transnational memory framework to relations between Yugoslav Partisans and Algerian mujahideen, the article illuminates the twofold role of memory: as narratives of the shared past, and as the transfer of knowledge in war commemoration. Firstly, Yugoslav veterans identified with the anti-colonial struggle as comparable to their own. This was not only an official political discourse, but was also shared by Yugoslav society at large. Secondly, they engaged in transfers of knowledge in memory work, providing expertise and training to Algerian veterans. The People's Liberation War memory constituted a key aspect of everyday life in Yugoslav state socialism and veterans internationalized it, adding the dimension of personal war memory. The exchanges of knowledge illuminate the transfer from the discursive level of the shared past to the sphere of commemorative policies and practices that reshaped cultures of war remembrance. The article represents a starting point of a global history of the Yugoslav revolution and a transnational history of memory from the perspective of anti-colonial solidarities.
Internationalizing the Revolution: Veterans and Transnational Cultures of Memory and Solidarity between Yugoslavia and Algeria
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Abstract: Background Oral bacterial infections are difficult to treat due to emergence of resistance against antibiotic therapy. Essential oils are considered emerging alternate therapy against bacterial infections and biofilms. We investigated Citrus bergemia flower essential oil against oral pathogens. Methods The essential oil was analsyed using Gas Chromatography(GC-MS), in silico investigations, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiofilm and antiquorum sensing assays. Results Gas Chromatography analysis confirmed presence of 17 compounds including 1,6-Octadien-3-ol,3,7-dimethyl, 48.17%), l-limonene (22.03%) and p-menth-1-ol, 8-ol (7.31%) as major components. In silico analysis showed compliance of all tested major components with Lipinski's rule, Bioavailability and antimicrobial activity using PASS (prediction of activity spectrum of substances). Molecular docking with transcriptional regulators 3QP5, 5OE3, 4B2O and 3Q3D revealed strong interaction of all tested compounds except 1,6-Octadien-3-ol,3,7-dimethyl. All tested compounds presented significant inhibition of DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) (IC50 0.65 mg/mL), H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) (63.5%) and high FRAP (ferrous reducing antioxidant power) value (239.01 mu g). In antimicrobial screening a significant activity (MIC 0.125 mg/mL) against Bacillus paramycoides and Bacillus chungangensis was observed. Likewise a strong antibiofilm (52.1 - 69.5%) and anti-QS (quorum sensing) (4-16 mm) activity was recorded in a dose dependent manner. Conclusion It was therefore concluded that C. bergemia essential oil posess strong antioxidant, antimicrobial and antibiofilm activities against tested oral pathogens.
Potential role of Citrus bergamia flower essential oil against oral pathogens
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Abstract: State courts wield the authority to elevate state constitutional protections above those afforded by the U.S. Constitution. That power is great-so great that some legislatures have intervened in constitutional adjudication, purportedly to undermine forum shopping and check a single judge's influence. Accordingly, North Carolina and Tennessee require that three-judge trial courts hear constitutional challenges to state laws. These courts echo twentieth-century congressional efforts to trim federal courts' equitable jurisdiction. They also present new and familiar drawbacks spawned by their federal ancestors. This Note examines these new constitutional courts through several lenses: their historical context, political development, advantages, and drawbacks. Although both current forms of the three-judge state constitutional court are flawed, this Note argues that safeguarding state constitutional adjudication is a worthy endeavor. Indeed, several reforms to current three-judge courts-including random selection and efficiency measures-could maximize these courts' advantages and mitigate their shortcomings. But, overall, these courts present a legitimate opportunity to balance the interests of legislatures and litigants in constitutional adjudication.
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Abstract: This study takes a network approach to investigate coordination among knowledge workers as grounded in both formal and informal organization. We first derive hypotheses regarding patterns of knowledge-sharing relationships by which workers pass on and exchange tacit and codified knowledge within and across organizational hierarchies to address the challenges that underpin contemporary knowledge work. We use survey data and apply exponential random graph models to test our hypotheses. We then extend the quantitative network analysis with insights from qualitative interviews and demonstrate that the identified knowledge-sharing patterns are the micro-foundational traces of collective coordination resulting from two underlying coordination mechanisms which we label 'invisible iterations' and 'bringing in the big guns'. These mechanisms and, by extension, the associated knowledge-sharing patterns enable knowledge workers to perform in a setting that is characterized by complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity. Our research contributes to theory on the interplay between formal and informal organization for coordination by showing how self-directed, informal action is supported by the formal organizational hierarchy. In doing so, it also extends understanding of the role that hierarchy plays for knowledge-intensive work. Finally, it establishes the collective need to coordinate work as a previously overlooked driver of knowledge network relationships and network patterns.
Invisible Iterations: How Formal and Informal Organization Shape Knowledge Networks for Coordination
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Abstract: Background: Until the end of 2022, a special registration, known as the X-waiver, was required to prescribe buprenorphine in the US. Before its removal, US federal regulations trialed an X-waiver exemption, initiated on April 28, 2021, which permitted buprenorphine prescribing for up to 30 patients without additional training. We aimed to understand if these regulatory changes impacted buprenorphine dispensing. Methods: We conducted an interrupted time series analysis to understand changes in buprenorphine dispensing during the 26 weeks after the X-waiver exemption compared to the expected baseline trend established in the 26 weeks before using the IQVIA Longitudinal Prescription claims database. The primary outcome was number of new buprenorphine prescribers nationwide (defined as no prior buprenorphine prescription dispensed in the last 26 weeks). Segmented regression estimated relative changes in buprenorphine dispensing at 1, 13, and 26 weeks post-X-waiver change. Results: A total of 15,517,525 prescriptions filled for 1,328,172 patients (43.4 % female) ordered by 62,312 providers were included for analysis. At 26 weeks post-X-waiver change, there was no change in the number of new prescribers compared to the expected baseline trend (-2.7 % [95 % CI: -8.3,2.9]). The number of new (15.2 % [4.6,25.8]) and existing (1.7 % [0.9,2.4]) patients and patients per prescriber (4.3 % [3,5.6]) increased. Buprenorphine prescriptions reimbursed by Medicaid increased (7.5 % [6.6,8.4]) while commercial fills decreased (-3.4 % [-5.3,-1.5]). Conclusions: The number of new prescribers did not increase six months post-X-waiver exemption while new patients continued to enter treatment at higher-than-expected rates. These findings suggest that additional interventions beyond the recent X-waiver removal may be needed to increase access to buprenorphine.
Buprenorphine dispensing before and after the April 2021 X-Waiver exemptions: An interrupted time series analysis
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Abstract: We investigate corporate bond returns for the period 1838-1939 by compiling a unique new database of 201 000 monthly observations of bonds traded on the Brussels Stock Exchange. The value-weighted annualized total rate of return, net of coupon defaults and taxes, is 4.35 per cent in nominal terms and 2.81 per cent in real terms. Estimates of average returns show that corporate bonds outperformed equities during the entire nineteenth century. We find that the risk-adjusted performance of corporate bonds based on Sharpe ratios exceeds that of equities and sovereign bonds during the corporate bond market's first centennial.
Bonds for the long run? The rate of return on corporate bonds in Belgium, 1838-1939
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Abstract: Although scholars have examined the born globals (BGs) literature, extant reviews have not yet provided a dynamic approach to trace the development of literature. In response, the study aims to define the development of BGs literature by a dynamic perspective. The study focused on the network analysis of 609 out of 1034 documents published in the period from 2002 to 2020 about BGs collected from the Web of Science (TM) (WoS) Core Collection (CC), owing to carrying out that some documents were irrelevant or did not contain the keywords while the manual reading of abstracts. We applied the DPRel method which uses meta-path-based semi-metric measures to examine the longitudinal relatedness between the concepts in the networks, following the relevance path of Keywords (K)-Documents (D)-Keywords (K). According to the findings, 13 concepts in 5 different periods constitute the backbone of the literature at the macro-level. There are 58 concepts feeding the mainstream at the meso-level. At the micro-level, 26 concepts enrich the literature by supporting the backbone.
Evolutionary Development of Born Globals Literature During the Period of 2002-2020
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Abstract: Biowaste raw materials were used for biochar preparation through pyrolysis at 850 degrees C under a limited oxygen atmosphere. Raw materials and the corresponding biochar samples were characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM, TGA, N2-sorption, pH-equilibrium, and ash content measurements. These samples were evaluated as sustainable sorbents for use in methylene blue (MB) removal from artificial fresh water. All biochar samples exhibited high specific surface areas (367-870 m2 center dot g-1), low crystallinity, and low population of functional groups (C-O-C, -COOH, -N-O, -N-H, and -OH) on their surfaces. They were mainly micro-porous materials with a significant fraction of pores in the meso-porous range. The specific surface area of the latter pores proved very important for the physical adsorption of MB from aqueous solution. Although the raw materials exhibited low MB sorption capacity, ranging from 29 to 54 mg center dot g-1, the corresponding biochar samples exhibited important MB sorption efficiency ranging from 58 to 370 mg center dot g-1. Among the biochar samples studied, those produced from coffee residues proved most promising for MB removal from water solution (sorption capacity: 280-370 mg center dot g-1), addressing the United Nations Sustainability Development Goal (SDG) 6: Clean Water and Sanitation by improving the index related to anthropogenic wastewater that has received treatment.
The Influence of Biowaste Type on the Physicochemical and Sorptive Characteristics of Corresponding Biochar Used as Sustainable Sorbent
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Abstract: Climatic changes have a significant impact on the composition and distribution of forests, especially on ecotone ones. In the Southern Ural, pine-broadleaf ecotone forests were widespread during the early Holocene time, but now have persisted as relic plant communities. This study aimed to analyze the current potential range and to model changes in habitat suitability of relic pine-broadleaf ecotone forests of the suballiance Tilio-Pinenion under scenarios of moderate (RCP4.5) and strong (RCP8.5) climate change. For modelling, we used MaxEnt software with the predictors being climate variables from CHELSA Bioclim, the global digital soil mapping system SoilGrids and the digital elevation model. In the Southern and Middle Urals, climate change is expected to increase the areas with suitable habitat conditions of these forests by the middle of the 21st century and decrease them in the second half of the century. By the middle of the 21st century, the eastern range boundary of these forests will shift eastward due to the penetration of broad-leaved tree species into coniferous forests of the Southern Ural. In the second half of the century, on the contrary, it is expected that climate aridization will again shift the potential range border of these forests to the west due to their gradual replacement by hemiboreal coniferous forests. The relationship between the floristic composition of pine-broadleaf forests and habitat suitability was identified. In low and medium habitat suitability, pine-broadleaf forests contain more nemoral species characteristic of deciduous forests of the temperate zone, and can be replaced by broadleaf forests after thinning and removal of pine. In the Volga Upland, suitable habitats are occupied by pine-broadleaf forests of the vicariant suballiance Querco robori-Tilienion cordatae. Projected climatic changes will have a significant impact on these ecotone forests, which remained completely unaltered for a long time.
Analysis of the Potential Range of Mountain Pine-Broadleaf Ecotone Forests and Its Changes under Moderate and Strong Climate Change in the 21st Century
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Abstract: Northern Europe and Northeast Asia, which are climatologically mild and temperate in early summer, both witnessed record-breaking heat extremes in June 2023. With a focus on the subseasonal time scale, this study highlights a teleconnected relationship in historical early-summer heat extremes between Northern Europe and Northeast Asia. By diagnosing the thermal budget and wave activity flux, we show that over one third of historical Northeast Asian heat extremes are initialized by Eurasian mid-latitude Rossby wave packets. The wave packets manifest as strong anticyclonic anomalies over subpolar North Atlantic, cyclonic anomalies over Ural region and anticyclonic anomalies over Northeast Asia, which directly cause coexisting heat extremes in Northern Europe and Northeast Asia. Such wave packets are strongly modulated by the Eurasian jet stream. By carrying out numerical experiments, we further explain why the wave packet is significant in early summer. We find that the quasi-stationary response of the Eurasian midlatitude Rossby wave packets to a specified heating in subpolar North Atlantic is dependent on the background jet structure. In early summer, the double-jet state over Eurasia favors Rossby wave propagation. This is of great practical importance for accurate prediction of Northeast Asian heat extreme amplitude and location.
Eurasian mid-latitude jet stream bridges an Atlantic to Asia summer teleconnection in heat extremes
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Abstract: This study was based on remote sensing monitoring, particularly Landsat data, to identify land use changes (agricultural and urban) in the study area over five periods: 1973, 1986, 1994, 2001, and 2014. In addition, data on piezometric levels from the same periods were utilized to analyze and assess the relationship between these levels and land use changes. The aim was to understand the changes in groundwater volume and their relation to land uses in the Basin of Mexico. The findings revealed that the drained volume of the aquifer increases as the urban surface area grows. However, when analyzing the agricultural surface area, it does not appear to have an impact on the drained volume or water extraction. Furthermore, an analysis of agricultural subsidies showed an increase in agricultural use after 2001. Nevertheless, it's important to note that only federal subsidies were considered, and local subsidies were not taken into account. Therefore, it cannot be definitively concluded that this change was solely due to specific alterations. The use of remote sensing and unsupervised classification is a good tool to estimate changes in land use and can be used in other study areas to understand the groundwater variations over the time.
Analysis of the relationship between land use change and piezometric levels in the basin of Mexico
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Abstract: In the early 1970s, the plight of a charismatic Black American communist and philosophy professor Angela Davis, put on trial in the United States for her alleged involvement in a courtroom shootout in California, galvanized international public opinion. A massive publicity campaign in support of Angela Davis resonated across the globe and drew in millions of volunteers and sympathizers. The nations of the communist bloc, led by the Soviet Union, were particularly active in rallying their citizens in defense of a jailed American radical. In 1970-1972, Davis became a household name throughout the Soviet Union (but also in East Germany, Cuba, Poland, and other socialist nations). The Free Angela Davis campaign was unprecedented in scope and left a lasting mark on the collective memory of the citizens of the Soviet Union and its socialist satellites. Such was the impact of this propaganda juggernaut that decades later the image of Angela Davis remained current as a pop-cultural phenomenon across the former Soviet spaces and a symbol of unrealized and often conflicting aspirations towards freedom.
You Are Not Alone: Angela Davis and the Soviet Dreams of Freedom
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Abstract: Understanding the resources bees use is essential because we depend greatly on their ecosystem services, and this information could help guide conservation efforts. One way to identify the flowers that bees visit is to collect pollen directly from the bee and then identify the pollen with plant taxa. However, the current method for processing such pollen samples, acetolysis, is designed for samples such as those collected across individuals (e.g., pollen trap), bee nests, or, at the very least, from pollen pellets collected from live bees or from the exhaustive removal of pollen from lethally collected individuals. Smaller samples, including those down to just a few pollen grains sampled from live bees, could facilitate additional opportunities for bee-pollen research, if they can be processed effectively. We present a revised acetolysis methodology designed specifically for processing small pollen samples, so that they can then be used for more accurate identification. Using pollen samples from cotton swabs directly applied to live bees in the field, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our methodology for processing small pollen samples, including samples too small to be visually detected. This methodology can permit nonlethal collections in the field from a greater number of bee species.
Acetolysis modifications to process small pollen samples swabbed from live bees
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Abstract: BackgroundChildren with Down syndrome (DS) demonstrate poorer performance in locomotor and ball skills than children with typical development. During motor assessment, keeping children's attention and motivation is challenging, especially for children with DS, which may affect the test outcomes. This study aimed first to examine the impact of examiner and App-animation demonstrations during the assessment on the performance of fundamental motor skills, focus of attention and intrinsic motivation for children with DS and neurotypical development (NTD). The secondary aim was to examine the differences in those outcomes between children with DS and neurotypical development.MethodsA sample of 24 children (10 with DS and 14 with NTD) aged between 3 and 10 years were subjected to two motor performance assessment protocols: a traditional protocol using the Gross Motor Development Test-3 (TGMD-3) and a protocol using animations from an application as support for TGMD-3 (AppP). The focus of attention was obtained from video recordings during protocol instruction (number of eye shifts, eye shift time, instruction focus time, number of instructions required and total instruction time). Intrinsic motivation was assessed by the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) at the end of each protocol.ResultsThe results showed no significant differences between the protocols for locomotor skills, ball skills and gross motor index. However, children with NTD outperformed those with DS in these skills. When analysing the focus of attention, children with DS showed greater ocular deviations and longer instruction time requested in the traditional protocol compared with AppP, even when compared with NDT children. When comparing protocols in both groups, AppP demonstrated fewer ocular deviations and shorter ocular deviation times. Regarding intrinsic motivation, children with DS in the traditional protocol had lower motivation scores than those with NTD. Regarding the purchase of protocols, in both groups, the AppP presented higher scores for interest/pleasure, perceived competence and general motivation, with lower pressure/tension.ConclusionThe animated application (AppP) proved effective as a visual support during the TGMD-3 assessment, particularly benefiting children with DS by enhancing motivation and attention.
Focused attention and intrinsic motivation using animations for instruction of fundamental motor skills in children with Down syndrome
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Abstract: Green Building Practices (GBPs) are gaining prominence in many countries around the world. However, in many developing countries, Tanzania inclusive, little progress has been made in achieving its implementation. The current study sought to examine the factors attributable to low uptake, focusing on an appraisal of the stakeholders' knowledge of GB design features, triggers, and the pathways for uptake. The study was conducted in Dar es Salaam City in Tanzania, involving different stakeholders sampled from the construction industry, including architects, engineers, quantity surveyors, and property managers. Valid data were collected through 412 questionnaires. The study revealed a general consensus among the respondents that GBs are environmentally friendly and cost effective. However, it appeared that the ranking score of GB design features according to the respondents did not correlate with their ranking in existing GB rating systems. It was concluded that there exist misconceptions among the constructions industry stakeholders regarding what green building practices entail and the essential requirements for their implementation. Therefore, the study recommends pragmatic educational trainings to stakeholders in the construction sector of Tanzania on GBPs. Mandatory legislation of green building codes and regulations is also suggested as a potential pathway for enhancing GB practices in Tanzania.
Towards More Green Buildings in Tanzania: Knowledge of Stakeholders on Green Building Design Features, Triggers and Pathways for Uptake
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Abstract: Earthquakes can cause significant damage to cultural artifacts, which often hold significant historical or cultural value. Seismic risk assessments can contribute to a more targeted approach by museum staff to the preventive conservation of cultural artifacts. The primary objective of this research is to suggest a new approach for assessing the seismic risk of cultural artifacts. This innovative method is founded on the Law of Large Numbers and aims to provide a more user-friendly way of evaluating the likelihood of potential seismic threat to cultural artifacts. The proposed method takes into account the statistical distribution of seismic ground motion and the seismic response characteristics of artifacts, and its accuracy and practicality are demonstrated by case studies. Compared with existing methods, the proposed method has the advantages of theoretical simplicity, low computational effort, and easier to be understood and mastered by museum staff. Furthermore, the impact of sample size on the assessment results was investigated. The findings demonstrate that the proposed method represents a valuable tool for cultural heritage risk decision-makers to evaluate the seismic risk of artifacts. By using this method, they can more effectively assess the potential damage caused by seismic effects and design suitable mitigation measures accordingly. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A seismic risk assessment method for cultural artifacts based on the Law of Large Numbers
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Abstract: This paper analyzes the social representation (SR) of sustainable mobility as it emerges from social media networks. The role of social media (SM) as contexts of creation, negotiation, and diffusion of a mobility culture worldwide is discussed, together with the results of an empirical investigation that explored the contents and structure of the discourse on sustainable mobility as it emerges from the posts published (in English) on two highly used social media (Facebook and TikTok) platforms during the years 2022 and 2023. First of all, the results confirm the relevance of social media as an indicator of ongoing trends in the evolution of mobility culture and the usefulness of S. Moscovici's theory of social representations as a theoretical framework for analyzing such trends. In particular, several new trends in the SRs of sustainable mobility were identified. These include, for example, the decline in skeptical views and the rise of more optimistic ones, regarding the feasibility of changing people's mobility styles worldwide. Such views appear to be fostered by the positive perception of new technological innovations (electric vehicles), as well as by their endorsement by both the business sector and governmental institutions. Practical implications and theoretical indications for future research are also outlined.
The Social Representation of Sustainable Mobility: An Exploratory Investigation on Social Media Networks
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Abstract: Recently, the evolutionary history of the Caribbean mangroves has been reconsidered using partial palynological databases organized by the time intervals of interest, namely Late Cretaceous to Eocene for the origin, the Eocene-Oligocene transition for major turnover and Neogene to Quaternary for diversification. These discussions have been published in a set of sequential papers, but the raw information remains unknown. This paper reviews all the information available and provides the first comprehensive and updated compilation of the abovementioned partial databases. This compilation is called CARMA-F (CARibbean MAngroves-Fossil) and includes nearly 90 localities from the present and past Caribbean coasts, ranging from the Late Cretaceous to the Pliocene. Details on the Quaternary localities (CARMA-Q) will be published later. CARMA-F lists and illustrates the fossil pollen from past mangrove taxa and their extant representatives, and includes a map of the studied localities and a conventional spreadsheet with the raw data. The compilation is the most complete available for the study of the origin, evolution and diversification of Caribbean mangroves, and is open to modifications for adapting it to the particular interests of each researcher.
An Updated Review of Fossil Pollen Evidence for the Study of the Origin, Evolution and Diversification of Caribbean Mangroves
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Abstract: Malignant tumors of the pancreas are the fourth leading cause of cancer-related deaths. This is mainly because they are often diagnosed at a late stage. One of the challenges in diagnosing focal lesions in the pancreas is the difficulty in distinguishing them from other conditions due to the unique location and anatomy of the organ, as well as the similarity in their ultrasound characteristics. One of the most sensitive imaging modalities of the pancreas is endoscopic ultrasonography. However, clinicians recognize that EUS is a difficult and highly operator-dependent method, while its results are highly dependent on the experience of the investigator. Hybrid technologies based on artificial intelligence methods can improve the accuracy and objectify the results of endosonographic diagnostics. Endoscopic ultrasonography was performed on 272 patients with focal lesions of the pancreatobiliary zone, who had been treated in the surgical section of the Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital in 2014-2023. The study utilized an Olympus EVIS EXERA II video information endoscopic system, along with an EU-ME1 ultrasound unit equipped with GF UM160 and GF UC140P-AL5 echo endoscopes. Out of the focal formations in the pancreatobiliary zone, pancreatic cancer was detected in 109 patients, accounting for 40.1% of the cases. Additionally, 40 patients (14.7%) were diagnosed with local forms of chronic pancreatitis. The reference sonograms displayed distinguishable focal pancreatic pathologies, leading to the development of hybrid fuzzy mathematical decision-making rules at the South-West State University in Kursk, Russian Federation. This research resulted in the creation of a fuzzy hybrid model for the differential diagnosis of chronic focal pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Endoscopic ultrasonography, combined with hybrid fuzzy logic methodology, has made it possible to create a model for differentiating between chronic focal pancreatitis and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Statistical testing on control samples has shown that the diagnostic model, based on reference endosonograms of the echographic texture of pancreatic focal pathology, has a confidence level of 0.6 for the desired diagnosis. By incorporating additional information about the contours of focal formations obtained through endosonography, the reliability of the diagnosis can be increased to 0.9. This level of reliability is considered acceptable in clinical practice and allows for the use of the developed model, even with data that is not well-structured.
Using Fuzzy Mathematical Model in the Differential Diagnosis of Pancreatic Lesions Using Ultrasonography and Echographic Texture Analysis
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Abstract: Separation commonly occurs in political science, usually when a binary explanatory variable perfectly predicts a binary outcome. In these situations, methodologists often recommend penalized maximum likelihood or Bayesian estimation. But researchers might struggle to identify an appropriate penalty or prior distribution. Fortunately, I show that researchers can easily test hypotheses about the model coefficients with standard frequentist tools. While the popular Wald test produces misleading (even nonsensical) p-values under separation, I show that likelihood ratio tests and score tests behave in the usual manner. Therefore, researchers can produce meaningful p-values with standard frequentist tools under separation without the use of penalties or prior information.
Hypothesis Tests under Separation
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Abstract: When celebrities, political figures, influencers, or anyone with a large following publicly disclose an illness or die, the news becomes a de facto public health campaign. Until health communicators began studying such disclosures and the effects of the following waves of media coverage, however, it was not known to what extent these events impacted the public. A growing body of research has empirically documented these events and examined the factors that predict which types of audiences are most affected and why. Beyond motivating research opportunities, celebrity and influencer health disclosures or deaths can impact calls to hotlines, views on health-related websites, discussions of related topics on social media, behavioral changes relevant to the disclosure, increased news coverage of celebrity health research, integration of celebrity health narratives into strategic health campaigns, and even policy changes. We provide an overview of research conducted in this area and detail examples of the impact that celebrity health disclosures and studies about those disclosures have had on public discourse and public health.
The Impact of Celebrity and Influencer Illness Disclosures
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Abstract: PurposeThis paper aims to investigate the relationship between corporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) ratings and leverage manipulation and the moderating effects of internal and external supervision.Design/methodology/approachThe authors draw on a sample of Chinese non-financial A-share-listed firms from 2013 to 2020 to explore the effect of ESG ratings on leverage manipulation. Robustness and endogeneity tests confirm the validity of the regression results.FindingsESG ratings inhibit leverage manipulation by improving social reputation, information transparency and financing constraints. This effect is weakened by internal supervision, captured by the ratio of institutional investor ownership, and strengthened by external supervision, captured by the level of marketization. The effect is stronger in non-state-owned firms and firms in non-polluting industries. The governance dimension of ESG exhibits the strongest effect, with comprehensive environmental governance ratings and social governance ratings also suppressing leverage manipulation.Practical implicationsFirms should strive to cultivate environmental awareness, fulfil their social responsibilities and enhance internal governance, which may help to strengthen the firm's sustainability orientation, mitigate opportunistic behaviours and ultimately contribute to high-quality firm development. The top managers of firms should exercise self-restraint and take the initiative to reduce leverage manipulation by establishing an appropriate governance structure and sustainable business operation system that incorporate environmental and social governance in addition to general governance.Social implicationsPolicymakers and regulators should formulate unified guidelines with comprehensive criteria to improve the scope and quality of ESG information disclosure and provide specific guidance on ESG practice for firms. Investors should incorporate ESG ratings into their investment decision framework to lower their portfolio risk.Originality/valueThis study contributes to the literature in four ways. Firstly, to the best of the authors' knowledge, it is among the first to show that high ESG ratings may mitigate firms' opportunistic behaviours. Secondly, it identifies the governance factor of leverage manipulation from the perspective of firms' subjective sustainability orientation. Thirdly, it demonstrates that the relationship between ESG ratings and leverage manipulation varies with the level of internal and external supervision. Finally, it highlights the importance of governance in guaranteeing the other two dimensions' roles by decomposing overall ESG.
Do ESG ratings inhibit corporate leverage manipulation? The moderating effects of internal and external supervision
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infections, a prevalent global infectious disease, are clinical issues not well studied in HIV-positive individuals. UTIs have become a global drug resistance issue, but the prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of UTI-causing bacteria among HIV patients in Tigray, Ethiopia, are poorly understood. This study aims to identify the prevalence of UTI-causing bacteria, their antibiotic susceptibility patterns, and associated risk factors in HIV patients attending ART clinics at Mekelle General Hospital and Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.METHOD: Clean-catch midstream urine samples (10-15 mL) were collected from HIV patients who are attending ART clinics at Mekelle General Hospital and Ayder Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. Samples were analyzed based on standard microbiological protocols using cysteine-lactose electrolyte deficient (CLED) agar. Pure colonies of bacterial isolates were obtained by sub-culturing into Mac-Conkey, Manitol Salt agar and blood agar plates. The bacterial isolates were then identified using macroscopic, microscopic, biochemical, and Gram staining methods. Gram-negative bacteria were identified using biochemical tests like triple sugar iron agar, Simon's citrate agar, lysine iron agar, urea, motility test, and indol test, whereas Gram-positive isolates were identified using catalase and coagulase tests. The Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique was used to analyze the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of bacterial isolates. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 25.0.RESULTS: Among the 224 patients, 28 (12.5%) of them had been infected by UTIs-causing bacteria. E. coli was the dominant bacterium (16 (57%)) followed by K. pneumoniae (4 (14%)), and S. aureus (3 (11%)). Of the total bacterial isolates, 22 (78.6%) of them developed multi-drug resistance. All Gram-positive (100%) and 75% of Gram-negative bacterial isolates were found to be resistant to two or more drugs. Patients with a history of UTIs, and with CD4 count<200 cells/ mm3, were more likely to have significant bacteriuria. Compared to male patients, female patients were more affected by the UTIs-causing bacteria. More than 93% of the UTIs-causing bacterial isolates were susceptible to nitrofurantoin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, and gentamycin; whereas they are highly resistant to ampicillin (96%), cotrimoxazole (82%) and tetracycline (71%).CONCLUSIONS: Most of the bacterial isolates were highly resistant to ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, and tetracycline. Female patients were more affected by the UTIs causing bacteria. The highest prevalence (12.5%) of UTIs in HIV patients needs special attention for better management and monitoring. Previous UTI history and immune suppression are predictors of UTIs, highlighting the need for intervention measures involving molecular studies to identify resistant bacteria genes and promote patient immune reconstitution.
Antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of urinary tract infections causing bacterial isolates and associated risk factors among HIV patients in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
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Abstract: The present work discusses the challenges and approaches involved in conserving cultural heritage (CH), specifically focusing on eco-friendly conservation methods and the management of biodeterioration. It highlights the need for innovative protocols that align with green conservation criteria, aiming to replace traditional, potentially harmful practices with sustainable alternatives. This study is based on the role of nanomaterials like halloysite in developing protective coatings for CH materials. Additionally, the issues of biological colonization on CH assets, the difficulties in controlling environmental factors affecting biodeterioration, and the use of direct methods in outdoor conservation were also evaluated. This work is specifically focused on a case study: the Palazzo Centrale dell' Universita in Catania (Italy), where alternative, eco-friendly protectives and biocides have been tested on Hyblean limestones. After a preliminary study of the lithology and the forms of degradation which affect the whole monument, laboratory tests were carried out using the newly developed protective coatings on several types of Hyblean limestone in order to assess their efficacy and their impact on the stone. Furthermore, cleaning operations were also tested on-site by comparing an eco-friendly biocide with commercial counterparts in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the products and establish an efficient restoration protocol for future projects.
Sustainable Protective Strategies and Biocide Applications in the Restoration of Palazzo Centrale Dell'Università, Catania, Italy
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Abstract: Digital technologies are pervasive in every aspect of our daily lives. The proliferation of such technologies has also influenced the conduct of biomedical, behavioral, and social research. The articles in this special issue provide illustrative examples of the range of applications of digital technologies in psychological science research across a variety of populations. They highlight ethical, legal, and social issues that emerge when digital technologies are employed in psychological science research in the current era of rapid technological change, increasing prevalence of interdisciplinary team science, evolving understandings of ethical precepts and social norms, and promoting open science. This introduction to the special issue provides an overview of challenges to the Belmont principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice revealed in the 10 articles. The conclusions reached are that these ethical principles do not always adapt well to the digital environment and that practices cannot always be uniquely classified under one of these three headings. We recommend that conceptual work and practical guidance be undertaken to expand the interpretation of these principles in the light of evolving societal norms and emerging ethical issues. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).
Ethical challenges in the use of digital technologies in psychological science: Introduction to the special issue.
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Abstract: To address the high-dimensional issues in credit risk assessment, an improved multilayer restricted Boltzmann machine (RBM) based feature extraction method is proposed. In the improved multilayer RBM methodology, the reconstruction error method is first applied to ensure the number of RBM layers to construct an optimal model and then the weighted pruning approach is used to remove redundant and irrelevant traits. For verification purposes, two real-world credit datasets are employed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed multilayer RBM methodology. The experimental results reveal that a significant improvement in credit classification performance can be obtained by the improved multilayer RBM methodology. This indicates the improved multilayer RBM model proposed in this paper can be used as a promising tool to solve the high-dimensionality issues in credit risk evaluation.
Improved RBM-based feature extraction for credit risk assessment with high dimensionality
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Abstract: Cicero's political thought is pervaded by analogies of private law that helped him to overcome philosophical difficulties. One serious difficulty was the demand of natural law that property must be owned by the one capable of managing it. This posed a problem to that most remarkable piece of property of all: the res publica. While incapable of managing it, the people was the only theoretically possible owner of the res publica. The legal concept guardianship offered a solution. In Cicero's writings the minor, guardian, and object under care demonstrably correspond to the Roman people, the magistrates, and the res publica.
Legal Analogies in Cicero's Political Thought.
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Abstract: Augmented reality (AR) technology has potential advantages for application in STEM education. However, existing relevant studies lack a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the impact of AR on student achievement in STEM education. In this study, a meta-analysis of 33 studies published in eight SSCI journals of educational technology between 2010 and 2023 found that AR had a moderate impact (ES = 0.586) on student achievement in STEM fields, and the overall impact tended to increase gradually over time across years. Analysis of the six moderator variables revealed that AR had a more positive effect on student achievement in science and math, and that its intervention effects were better in primary and lower secondary education. The positive effects of AR were better with the integration of tablet and smartphone-like mobile devices. AR was predominantly multimedia-based in presenting STEM-related content, but integration of other pedagogical approaches had the potential to achieve better results. AR had the strongest contribution to student STEM achievement when the duration of the experiment was 1 week-1 month. In informal environments, AR was more effective in terms of intervening in student achievement in STEM education. Finally, this study offers some suggestions for future research and application of AR in STEM education.
Impacts of augmented reality-supported STEM education on students' achievement: A meta-analysis of selected SSCI publications from 2010 to 2023
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Abstract: Abstract: The purpose of the article is to study the creative development, the aesthetic and the philosophical searches of Stanislav Shumytskyi’s work within the cultural and historical process of the 60s of the 20th century. The basis of the methodological approach in this research work is a complex systematic study, which is based on a qualitative combination of theoretical research methods. In particular, analysis, synthesis, generalization, interpretation, abstraction, as well as descriptive, comparative, juxtaposition method, comparative-historical method, intertextual method, in particular its intermedial principles, were applied for a detailed consideration of Stanislav Shumytskyi’s work. This research highlights Stanislav Shumytskyi’s unique aesthetic and philosophical pursuits in the 1960s cultural-historical milieu. Emphasis is laid on relevance of Shumytskyi’s creative legacy for contemporary literature. The study enriches understanding of the cultural climate in the period, especially regarding the Ukrainian Sixtiers movement.
Aesthetic and philosophical searches of Stanislav Shumytskyi’s work in the cultural-historical process of the 60s of the 20th century
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: With the rapid aging of the domestic population, China has a strong incentive to increase the statutory retirement age. How retirement affects the health of the elderly is crucial to this policymaking. The health consequences of retirement have been debated greatly. This study aims to investigate the effects of retirement on physical and mental health among Chinese elderly people.METHODS: The data we use in this study comes from four waves (2011, 2013, 2015, and 2018) of the Harmonized China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (Harmonized CHARLS), a prospective cohort. We use the nonparametric fuzzy regression discontinuity design to estimate the effects of retirement on physical and mental health. We test the robustness of our results with respect to different bandwidths, kernel functions, and polynomial orders. We also explore the heterogeneity across gender and education.RESULTS: Results show that retirement has an insignificant effect on a series of physical and mental health outcomes, with and without adjusting several sociodemographic variables. Heterogeneity exists regarding gender and education. Although stratified analyses indicate that the transition from working to retirement leaves minimal effects on males and females, the effects go in the opposite direction. This finding holds for low-educated and high-educated groups for health outcomes including depression and cognitive function. Most of the results are stable with respect to different bandwidths, kernel functions, and polynomial orders.CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that it is possible to delay the statutory retirement age in China as retirement has insignificant effects on physical and mental health. However, further research is needed to assess the long-term effect of retirement on health.
The effect of retirement on physical and mental health in China: a nonparametric fuzzy regression discontinuity study.
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Abstract: This study highlights the importance of the relationship between housing prices and tourism labour mobility. This study uses dynamic panel threshold approach to examine the nonlinear effect of housing prices on tourism labour mobility in Chinese mainland during the years 2000-2021. The empirical results show that rising housing prices are positively associated with tourism and its subsectors' employment across different levels of housing prices. At the regional level, there exists regional heterogeneity of housing price affecting labour mobility within tourism industry and its subsectors in Eastern, Central and Western regions. Lastly, further discussion and policy suggestion are provided.
The effect of housing prices on tourism employment: Evidence from China
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Abstract: Following the continuous reform and innovation of classroom teaching methods and pedagogy in higher education, the support provided by traditional classrooms for new classes seems to be insufficient. Empirical exploration into the impact of learning spaces on student learning motivation, particularly in terms of how and to what extent, has been limited. This study focuses on student intrinsic learning motivation as the dependent variable and constructs an influence model incorporating factors such as learning space, pedagogy and classroom relationships. A comparative analysis is conducted to assess the differential influence between two learning space types: active learning spaces and traditional classrooms. Utilizing a convenience sampling method, students engaged in coursework at University A's 'Future Learning Experience Center' and traditional multimedia learning spaces over three academic terms were selected. Differential tests were performed on data collected from various learning environment types, and the impact of learning space, teaching methods and social relationships on students' intrinsic learning motivation was validated using structural equation modelling. Results indicate that scores in the dimensions of learning space, teacher-student relationships, student-student relationships and student intrinsic learning motivation were significantly higher in the active learning space compared to traditional classrooms. Surprisingly, learning space exhibited no significant direct effect on student intrinsic learning motivation but demonstrated a significant indirect effect. The influencing factors model presented in this study sheds light on the type of learning space's impact on student intrinsic learning motivation, offering theoretical guidance and practical data for future research endeavours.
A study on the influence of learning space on students' intrinsic learning motivation
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Abstract: Virtual Reality (VR) has vast potential for developing systematic, interdisciplinary studies to understand ephemeral behaviours in the archaeological record, such as the emergence and development of visual culture. Upper Palaeolithic cave art forms the most robust record for investigating this and the methods of its production, themes, and temporal and spatial changes have been researched extensively, but without consensus over its functions or meanings. More compelling arguments draw from visual psychology and posit that the immersive, dark conditions of caves elicited particular psychological responses, resulting in the perception-and depiction-of animals on suggestive features of cave walls. Our research developed and piloted a novel VR experiment that allowed participants to perceive 3D models of cave walls, with the Palaeolithic art digitally removed, from El Castillo cave (Cantabria, Spain). Results indicate that modern participants' visual attention corresponded to the same topographic features of cave walls utilised by Palaeolithic artists, and that they perceived such features as resembling animals. Although preliminary, our results support the hypothesis that pareidolia-a product of our cognitive evolution-was a key mechanism in Palaeolithic art making, and demonstrates the potential of interdisciplinary VR research for understanding the evolution of art, and demonstrate the potential efficacy of the methodology.
The deep past in the virtual present: developing an interdisciplinary approach towards understanding the psychological foundations of palaeolithic cave art
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Abstract: The majority of art education research in the United Kingdom originates from England; however, the devolved nations each have responsibility for education resulting in four different curricula working concurrently across Great Britain. It can be argued that in comparison to England, art and design education research in Scotland is an under-researched area though one that is increasingly garnering interest. This paper contributes to the field by presenting and discussing some of the findings from a survey of teachers focused on art and design education in Scottish primary schools in 2022. A total of 110 teachers participated and the survey examined the value of the subject, the current delivery in schools, the future of the subject and support for teachers. A wealth of data were gathered so this paper focuses particularly on the value of the subject among staff, confidence levels regarding delivery and the role of training and professional learning. The paper concludes that while the value of the subject among staff is strong, confidence levels with regard to teaching the subject are not. Staff felt that training had left them unprepared to teach the subject, and there was limited awareness of professional learning opportunities in their geographical area.
Teacher's Views of Art Education in Primary Schools in Scotland
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Abstract: AI is considered to be very abstract to a range of critics. In this regard, algorithms are referred to regularly as black boxes and divorced from human intervention. A particular philosophical maneuver supports this outcome. The aim of this article is to (1) bring the philosophy to the surface that has contributed to this distance between AI and people and (2) offer an alternative philosophical position that can bring this technology closer to individuals and communities. The overall goal of the analysis in this paper is the humanising of AI by addressing the shortcomings of conceptualising algorithms as black boxes.
Black Boxes that Curtail Human Flourishing are no Longer Available for Use in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Design
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Abstract: The Middle Pleistocene site of Schoningen 13II-4 Spear Horizon is well known not only for the presence of a series of wooden spears, but also for the excellent preservation and richness of its faunal assemblage, the high resolution of its stratigraphical sequence and the large expanse of the excavated surface. These characteristics offer excellent conditions for developing refitting analyses. In this paper, we present the spatial analysis of the first refitting analysis of the faunal assemblage. Results from the refitting spatial analysis suggest that post-depositional processes had little influence on the displacement of the faunal assemblage, supporting previous studies that confirm the integrity of the site. In contrast, the movement of bones, bone fragments and bone tools throughout the site is due to biotic agents, mostly the result of hominin activity along with a limited carnivore activity. Refitting analysis allows distinguishing two major depositional zones-the main shoreline and the lake basin-not immediately connected to each other, each one showing distinct spatial patternings, and provides a detailed reconstruction of butchering activities at the Spear Horizon, including prey distribution, butchery processes and tool use. These results offer new insight on hominins use of space, group size and work organization during the Middle Pleistocene.
Connecting bones at Schoningen 13II-4 Spear Horizon: an analysis of site formation and human activity through faunal refitting
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Abstract: Sometimes, vegetable-tanned leathers in museums, excavations, libraries, and storehouses deteriorate due to unsuitable environmental conditions that affect their properties. Accordingly, leather becomes weak. This study evaluates some mechanical, chemical, and physical characteristics of vegetable-tanned leather treated with polyamide 6 (PA6). The authors prepared new vegetable-tanned leather samples. PA6 at different concentrations was applied to the aged leather samples. The accelerated heat aging was applied on the new sample (reference before aging) and treated samples (aged untreated sample after treatment with PA6). Analytical techniques used were: test of the mechanical properties (tensile strength and elongation), attenuated total reflectance/Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR/FTIR), differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) measurement, contact angle, and pH measurement. The results proved that the accelerated heat aging affected the properties studied, as it reduced in the mechanical properties, pH value, and contact angle. Treating aged leather samples with PA6 improved all the properties studied. The mechanical properties, pH value, and contact angle of the treated and aged treated samples increased compared to the aged- untreated- sample. FTIR and DSC analysis proved the stability of the treated and aged treated samples compared to the aged untreated sample. The concentration of 2 % of PA6 gave the best concentrations used, and it is recommended to treat fragile vegetable-tanned leather. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A comprehensive overview of the performance of polyamide 6 in the consolidation of vegetable-tanned leathers
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Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To use verbal autopsy (VA) data to understand health system utilisation and the potential avoidability associated with fatal injury. Then to categorise any evident barriers driving avoidable delays to care within a Three-Delays framework that considers delays to seeking (Delay 1), reaching (Delay 2) or receiving (Delay 3) quality injury care.DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of existing VA data routinely collected by a demographic surveillance site.SETTING: Karonga Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (HDSS) population, Northern Malawi.PARTICIPANTS: Fatally injured members of the HDSS.PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was the proportion of fatal injury deaths that were potentially avoidable. Secondary outcomes were the delay stage and corresponding barriers associated with avoidable deaths and the health system utilisation for fatal injuries within the health system.RESULTS: Of the 252 deaths due to external causes, 185 injury-related deaths were analysed. Deaths were predominantly among young males (median age 30, IQR 11-48), 71.9% (133/185). 35.1% (65/185) were assessed as potentially avoidable. Delay 1 was implicated in 30.8% (20/65) of potentially avoidable deaths, Delay 2 in 61.5% (40/65) and Delay 3 in 75.4% (49/65). Within Delay 1, 'healthcare literacy' was most commonly implicated barrier in 75% (15/20). Within Delay 2, 'communication' and 'prehospital care' were the most commonly implicated in 92.5% (37/40). Within Delay 3, 'physical resources' were most commonly implicated, 85.7% (42/49).CONCLUSIONS: VA is feasible for studying pathways to care and health system responsiveness in avoidable deaths following injury and ascertaining the delays that contribute to deaths. A large proportion of injury deaths were avoidable, and we have identified several barriers as potential targets for intervention. Refining and integrating VA with other health system assessment methods is likely necessary to holistically understand an injury care health system.
Understanding the health system utilisation and reasons for avoidable mortality after fatal injury within a Three-Delays framework in Karonga, Northern Malawi: a retrospective analysis of verbal autopsy data.
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Abstract: In their contribution, Tsebelis and Nardi (2016a) examine the impact of constitutional design on economic performance. The authors find evidence of a significant negative relationship between constitutional length and economic performance. As we will show here, the results of Tsebelis and Nardi (2016a) are not robust. Several minor adjustments to the models, each on its own, reduce or eliminate the presumed relevance of constitutional length. Moreover, conceptual considerations raise doubts whether the focus on constitutional length is a promising path to follow.
Do long constitutions really hamper economic performance? A comment on Tsebelis and Nardi (2016a)
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Abstract: Digital health technologies (DHTs) can transform neurological assessments, improving quality and continuity of care. In the United States, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) oversees the safety and efficacy of these technologies, employing a detailed regulatory process that classifies devices based on risk and requires rigorous review and post-market surveillance. Following FDA approval, DHTs enter the Current Procedural Terminology, Relative Value Scale Update Committee, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services coding and valuation processes leading to coverage and payment decisions. DHT adoption is challenged by rapid technologic advancements, an inconsistent evidence base, marketing discrepancies, ambiguous coding guidance, and variable health insurance coverage. Regulators, policymakers, and payers will need to develop better methods to evaluate these promising technologies and guide their deployment. This includes striking a balance between patient safety and clinical effectiveness versus promotion of innovation, especially as DHTs increasingly incorporate artificial intelligence. Data validity, cybersecurity, risk management, societal, and ethical responsibilities should be addressed. Regulatory advances can support adoption of these promising tools by ensuring DHTs are safe, effective, accessible, and equitable.
Navigating the US regulatory landscape for neurologic digital health technologies
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Abstract: Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, permeating every aspect. One area where technology has shown potential to enhance English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learning is through the use of animated movies. Despite the growing significance of technology in education, research is scarce in this specific area. Therefore, the aim of this study, conducted in 2023, was to investigate the impact of animated movies on the development of speaking abilities among motivated EFL learners. A total of 370 elementary students studying EFL in various institutions participated by responding to questionnaires. A multiple-stage cluster sampling approach was employed to select the participants. The students were divided into two groups: the experimental group (EG) and the control group (CG). The selection of 15 animated films from a pool of 50 was performed using the Lawsh CVR (content validity ratio) and CVI (content validity index) algorithms, following validation by professionals. The study was designed as an experiment, and descriptive statistics and the ANCOVA test were employed to analyse the quantitative data. The findings revealed a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results of the EG in English-speaking skills, vocabulary learning, English pronunciation skills, understanding and recognition. According to the study, animated movies have the potential to aid teachers and EFL students in enhancing their speaking skills. This research sheds light on the benefits of incorporating animated movies into language learning environments, offering valuable insights for both educators and learners alike.
The effect of animated movies on speaking skills among motivated English foreign language learners: Elementary level
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Abstract: Focused on transnational exchanges, this article examines a series of trips to Fascist Italy that were undertaken by pupils of Nazi elite schools in their role as youth ambassadors of the Third Reich. As a form of cultural diplomacy that continued during the Second World War, these trips were part of Fascist and Nazi efforts to foster a new cultural order. However, although intended to strengthen ties between the two regimes, the trips also laid bare national differences.
Nazi Elite-School Pupils as Youth Ambassadors: Between Fascist Italy and the Third Reich
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Abstract: PurposeTo investigate the influence of logistics and transportation workers' perceptions of their management's simultaneous safety and operations focus (or lack thereof) on related worker safety and operational perceptions and behaviors.Design/methodology/approachThis multi-method research consisted of two studies. Study 1 aimed to establish correlational relationships by evaluating the impact of individual-level worker perceptions of operationally focused routines (as a moderator) on the relationship between worker perceptions of safety-related routines and workers' self-reported safety and in-role operational behaviors using a survey. Study 2 aimed to establish causal relationships by evaluating the same conceptual relationships in a behavioral-type experiment utilizing vehicle simulators. After receiving one of four pre-task briefings, participants completed a driving task scenario in a driving simulator.FindingsIn Study 1, the relationship between perceived safety focus and safety behavior/in-role operational behavior was strengthened at higher levels of perceived operations focus. In Study 2, participants who received the balanced pre-task briefing committed significantly fewer safety violations than the other 3 treatment groups. However, in-role driving deviations were not impacted as hypothesized.Originality/valueThis research is conducted at the individual (worker) level of analysis to capture the little-known perspectives of logistics and transportation workers and explore the influence of balanced safety and operational routines from a more micro perspective, thus contributing to a deeper understanding of how balanced routines might influence worker behavior when conducting dynamic tasks to ensure safe, effective outcomes.
Safety in context: routines and the effect of a balanced safety and operations focus on worker perceptions and performance
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Abstract: Background: Colorectal cancer screening rates remain suboptimal, particularly among low-income populations. Our objective was to evaluate the long-term effects of Medicaid expansion on colorectal cancer screening. Design, Setting, and Participants: This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 354,384 individuals aged 50-64 with an income below 400% of the federal poverty level (FPL), who participated in the Behavioral Risk Factors Surveillance System from 2010 to 2018. A difference-in-difference analysis was employed to estimate the effect of Medicaid expansion on colorectal cancer screening. Subgroup analyses were conducted for individuals with income up to 138% of the FPL and those with income between 139% and 400% of the FPL. The effect of Medicaid expansion on colorectal cancer screening was examined during the early, mid, and late expansion periods. Main Outcomes and Measures: The primary outcome was the likelihood of receiving colorectal cancer screening for low-income adults aged 50-64. Results: Medicaid expansion was associated with a significant 1.7 percentage point increase in colorectal cancer screening rates among adults aged 50-64 with income below 400% of the FPL (p < 0.05). A significant 2.9 percentage point increase in colorectal cancer screening was observed for those with income up to 138% the FPL (p < 0.05), while a 1.5 percentage point increase occurred for individuals with income between 139% and 400% of the FPL. The impact of Medicaid expansion on colorectal cancer screening varied based on income levels and displayed a time lag for newly eligible beneficiaries. Conclusions: Medicaid expansion was found to be associated with increased colorectal cancer screening rates among low-income individuals aged 50-64. The observed variations in impact based on income levels and the time lag for newly eligible beneficiaries receiving colorectal cancer screening highlight the need for further research and precision public health strategies to maximize the benefits of Medicaid expansion on colorectal cancer screening rates.
The impact of the affordable care act and Medicaid expansion on colorectal cancer screening: Evidence from the 5th year of Medicaid expansion
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Abstract: Northern Mexico is home to more than 32 million people and is of significant agricultural and economic importance for the country. The region includes three distinct hydroclimatic regions, all of which regularly experience severe dryness and flooding and are highly susceptible to future changes in precipitation. To date, little work has been done to characterize future trends in either mean or extreme precipitation over northern Mexico. To fill this gap, we investigate projected precipitation trends over the region in the NA-CORDEX ensemble of dynamically downscaled simulations. We first verify that these simulations accurately reproduce observed precipitation over northern Mexico, as derived from the Multi-Source Weighted-Ensemble Precipitation (MSWEP) product, demonstrating that the NA-CORDEX ensemble is appropriate for studying precipitation trends over the region. By the end of the century, simulations forced with a highemissions scenario project that both mean and extreme precipitation will decrease to the west and increase to the east of the Sierra Madre highlands, decreasing the zonal gradient in precipitation. We also find that the North American monsoon, which is responsible for a substantial fraction of the precipitation over the region, is likely to start later and last approximately three weeks longer. The frequency of extreme precipitation events is expected to double throughout the region, exacerbating the flood risk for vulnerable communities in northern Mexico. Collectively, these results suggest that the extreme precipitation-related dangers that the region faces, such as flooding, will increase significantly by the end of the century, with implications for the agricultural sector, economy, and infrastructure.
Projected Changes in Mean and Extreme Precipitation over Northern Mexico
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Abstract: OBJECTIVES: To examine non-sport- and sport-related concussion severity, clinical care frequency and delayed reporting in relation to recovery duration among collegiate athletes.DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.SETTING: Pac-12 varsity collegiate athletes.PARTICIPANTS: 461 collegiate male and female athletes PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The incidence of sport-related concussion (SRC) and non-sport-related concussion (NRC) were collected as well as times to recovery and return-to-play (RTP), symptom score and symptom severity and reported a loss of consciousness (LOC), retrograde amnesia (RGA) and post-traumatic amnesia (PTA) following concussion incidence.RESULTS: Among 461 concussions, 388 (84%) occurred within sport and 73 (16%) occurred outside of sport. NRC, on average, required 3.5 more days to become asymptomatic (HR: 0.73, 95%confidence interval: 0.56 to 0.96, p=0.02) and 7 more days to RTP (HR: 0.64, 95% confidence interval: 0.49 to 0.85, p<0.01) compared with SRC. NRC were associated with an increase of 1.83 (p=0.07) symptoms reported at the time of diagnosis, an increase of 6.95 (p=0.06) in symptom severity and a higher prevalence of reported LOC (22% NRC vs. 3% SRC, p<0.001), PTA (15% NRC vs. 5% SRC, p<0.01) and RGA (10% NRC vs. 4% SRC, p=0.06), compared with SRC. There was no significant difference in clinical care (p=0.28) or immediate reporting (p=0.35) between NRC and SRC.CONCLUSION: NRC were associated with greater severity and longer recovery duration when compared with SRC in a cohort of collegiate athletes.
Recovery duration and concussion severity in sport- and non-sport-related concussion among Pac-12 collegiate athletes: a retrospective cohort study.
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Abstract: The European Union is pushing towards the adoption of energy production systems from Renewable Energy Sources, in both new and existing buildings. However, integrating photovoltaic (PV) applications into historical heritage context remain challenging due to a number of different barriers, primarily related to social acceptability. This research aims to define a collaborative and interoperable workflow that utilizes Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) tools to facilitate the integration of advanced and cus-tomized PV technologies and components in historical buildings refurbishment operations. The workflow combines architectural refurbishment practices with parametric rendering and a best-choice protocol to establish an efficient stakeholder value-chain for a collaborative approach. The methodology includes the following four steps: (i) historical research and on-site survey; (ii) HBIM model construction; (iii) selec-tion of PV interventions and technologies; (iv) modelling of the selected PV components and integration in the HBIM model. The study also demonstrates the output of applying this workflow to a real histor-ical building through a case study. Heritage-compatible building integrated PV (BIPV) interventions are evaluated following a multi-level risk-benefits scheme that considers factors such as aesthetic impact, technological compatibility, theoretical energy performances, economic costs, and environmental issues. Subsequently, selected interventions and advanced customized BIPV elements are modelled in BIM en-vironment. The study highlights the positive implications of this HBIM-based workflow in various as-pects, including decision-making (e.g., promoting collaboration and interoperability), modelling (e.g., pre-emptive evaluation and reduction of impacts, PV component customization, and optimization), and data and process management (e.g., creating an all-in-one model for future assessments and operations).(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )
HBIM-based workflow for the integration of advanced photovoltaic systems in historical buildings
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Abstract: The work involved the elemental characterisation by micro energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry of copper-based objects recovered during archaeological works at the neighbouring roman sites of Moinho do Castelinho and Quinta da Bolacha (Lusitania province). The set of 9 artefacts comprised ornaments, tools and implements of different type (fibula, shroud pin, punches, spatula, hook and nail), in addition to small fragments of unknown functionality (a fragmented handle and a small bar). MicroEDXRF point analyses identified a diversified metallurgy including copper, bronze and leaded bronze, in addition to iron, nickel, arsenic and antimony as minor elements. Furthermore, micro-EDXRF elemental mappings identified the presence of Pb-rich inclusions in the bronze alloys with higher lead content. The composition of these roman artefacts suggests a selection of alloys according to the functionality of the artefact, as evidenced by a nail composed of copper, a handle with a more complex shape made with leaded bronze and a bronze fibula with a higher amount of tin. Finally, the choice of distinct alloys for everyday objects was viewed in the light of technological, symbolic and economic concerns, and compared with the use pattern of roman sites in the western end of the Iberian Peninsula.(c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
The composition of roman metals from Moinho do Castelinho and Quinta da Bolacha (Portugal)
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Abstract: This research examined the dynamics of news reporting and source attribution approaches employed by prominent media outlets - the New York Times, Guardian, China Daily, and The Times of India - in their coverage of the 2022 Russia-Ukraine crises. Using Quantitative Content Analysis to examine (n = 230) news articles, this study investigated the prevalence of official, unofficial, pro-Russian, and pro-Ukrainian sources, and how these sources impacted the objectivity of news reporting during the peak of the Russia-Ukraine crises. The findings of the study are twofold. Firstly, the study revealed a prevalence of official sources over unofficial sources in the news reports, raising concerns about the representational diversity within the news. Secondly, the study records a scarcity of pro-Russian sources across the media, a trend particularly pronounced in the New York Times and Guardian, where pro-Ukrainian sources held greater prominence, potentially skewing the overall perspective presented. This strategic selection of sources appeared to culminate in a convergence of narratives across the studied media outlets, potentially limiting the availability of varied viewpoints and interpretations for the audience. This study highlights the complex relationship between source selection and news objectivity in reporting international conflicts.
Doing Journalism in Times of Conflict: A Cross-National Examination of News Source Attribution and Framing in Allied Countries' Media
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Abstract: The methodologies of Cultural Heritage research and in particular those related to conservation and the analytical study of heritage assets and works of art, recently grouped under the term Heritage Sciences, engage a broad range of disciplines, each with its own characteristic workflows for generating data. Consequently, an emerging challenge is the need to define a digital framework for multi-source data integration, associated with a single heritage asset, but generated by various tools and methods which are often pursued by different research groups and at different times. This digital framework is discussed in this essay as the digital twin of a heritage asset, comprising of the documentation data associated with a heritage asset and its virtual representation. To best describe and define a Heritage Digital Twin ontology and its associated knowledge graph, we use a specific example drawing from art historical and analytical investigation of a 13th century Italian painting masterpiece, the Crucifixion of Christ, by Giovanni Baronzio, one of the leaders of the so-called Rimini School of painting which was greatly influenced by the work of the famous Renaissance master Giotto di Bondone. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A Heritage Digital Twin ontology-based description of Giovanni Baronzio's Crucifixion of Christ analytical investigation
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Abstract: The quantitative determination of corrosion products is essential for evaluating the corrosion state of archeological iron artifacts. This study explored two semiquantitative approaches using Raman mapping technique combined with chemometrics to quantify a binary mixture of magnetite and goethite. The first approach involved establishing quantification models using Raman spectra treated with Principal Components Regression (PCR) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithms. Both the PCR and PLS model showed good predictive ability as indicated by correlation coefficients and root mean square errors (PLS: R c 2 = 0.9979, R p 2 = 0.9970, RMSEC = 1.93, RMSEP = 2.68, RMSECV = 3.25). The second approach was based on spectral fitting using non-negative least squares (NNLS) algorithm. This method demonstrated a fair accuracy between the calculated and actual compositions. The absolute value of relative errors was 0.99% similar to 10.08% for Fe 3 O 4 and 0.81% similar to 9.71% for alpha-FeOOH respectively, for compositions greater than 20%. These methods were then applied to quantify the corrosion products on an iron bar excavated from the Nanhai (South China Sea) No. I shipwreck. Compared with XRD quantitative results, Raman results showed that the spectral fitting method was superior to the established PCA and PLS quantification models in both qualitative determination and quantitative accuracy. Compositional maps depicting the distribution of different phases were also generated using spectral fitting method. It was concluded that Raman mapping has significant potential as an accurate quantitative method for the detection of iron corrosion products, and that the spectral fitting method is more suitable for determining iron corrosion compared to the PCR and PLS quantification models in this study. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Comparison of semiquantitative methodologies using Raman mapping for corrosion products on iron artifacts
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Abstract: Background and research aim: Escalating anthropogenic threats to the Atlantic Forest, a renowned biodiversity hotspot, has placed the region in the spotlight for current conservation efforts. Faunal overexploitation and habitat degradation are among key factors driving the region's recent declines in faunal populations and biodiversity. Assessing the scale of these impacts is complicated by the near-complete absence of historical reference baselines. Methodology: Here, we provide a contribution to bridge this knowledge gap by analysing faunal remains from two historical archaeological sites, Morro Grande 1 (MG1) and Praia Grande Unidade 21 (PG-U21), in Babitonga Bay (Santa Catarina state, Brazil) dated between 1750 to 1950 AD. Results: Our results revealed that fishing and hunting played a crucial role in household consumption and economic livelihoods during the European colonisation of southern Brazil. Native terrestrial mammals made up a significant proportion of faunal remains at both sites. This suggests that species currently undergoing population declines were exploited in the region for at least the past two centuries. Conclusion: This study provides compelling evidence that the selective hunting of medium- and large-bodied native terrestrial mammals has persisted in the region for over 4500 years, and requires us to reconsider the idea of a heavy reliance on domestic animals during early European colonisation of southern Brazil. Our study thus traces the causes of regional terrestrial mammal defaunation back to the Pre-colonial and Historical times. Implication for conservation: We recommend the integration of historical and archaeological data into modern faunal population assessments and conservation initiatives to set more informed reference baselines.
Long-Term Perspective on Fishing and Mammal Defaunation in the Atlantic Forest Coast of Brazil Using Archaeological Faunal Remains
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Abstract: Doro-e refers to a genre of Japanese folk paintings: it is a group of works, likely to be produced from the mid-eighteenth to the nineteenth century, that emerged during a time when some of the techniques of European paintings, such as vanishing point, perspective, and mirror image were being incorporated into traditional Japanese paintings. Indeed, doro-e paintings played an important role in familiarising the Japanese public with these new techniques. However, the process of painting doro-e including materials and painting techniques used has not been interpreted, and the definition of doro-e remains elusive. This article begins by exploring Kamigata doro-e, particularly megane-e (vue d'optique), which was painted in the initial period of doro-e works. Materials analysis indicates the use of smalt, which is not often found in traditional Japanese paintings. Indigo was also used to depict landscapes, indicating that traditional blue dye was still the preferred colour for European-influenced paintings during the Edo period (1603-1868). This study also discusses the application of gold-coloured outlines identified as brass. A diversity of colourants and techniques was used in doro-e, a fact that is not reflected in the current definition regarding doro-e, and is discussed in this article.
The Use of Smalt in the Japanese Folk Paintings, Doro-e and Megane-e (Vue d'Optique)
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Abstract: Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) has emerged as a powerful companion to assisted reproduction technologies. The origins and history of PGT are reviewed here, along with descriptions of advances in molecular assays and sampling methods, their capabilities, and their applications in preventing genetic diseases and enhancing pregnancy outcomes. Additionally, the potential for increasing accuracy and genome coverage is considered, as well as some of the emerging ethical and legislative considerations related to the expanding capabilities of PGT.
Preimplantation genetic testing: A remarkable history of pioneering, technical challenges, innovations, and ethical considerations
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Abstract: A key grievance of the student labor movement is that across much of academia, and especially in the social sciences and humanities, stipends tied to PhD assistantships fall short of a living wage. In this article, we consider the issue from a pedagogical perspective, expecting that higher pay may lead to stronger program outcomes. We collect and validate data on assistantship stipends in political science from, and on tenure-track placements from an analysis of departmental placement pages. Graduate pay is significantly associated with tenure-track placements in the job market cycles spanning 2019-2021, independently of program size, rank, student unionization, location, and institution type and endowment. Across model specifications, a US$5,000 increase in student pay corresponds with 2.7 more placements per 100 enrolled students (or 34% of the median rate) over this period.
PhD stipends and program placement success in political science
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Abstract: Iron deposits are commonly found in marine archaeological wood, causing acidification, degradation, and mechanical damage to marine archaeological wood. This study focused on extracting iron deposits from loose wood samples taken from the Nanhai I shipwreck. The removal efficiency of iron deposits in wood using materials, such as EDTA-2Na, DTPA, C6H17N3O7, Na2C2O4, amidoxime cellulose, DFO, EDTA-2Na-H2O2, DTPA-H2O2, EDTA-2Na-Na2S2O4, and DTPA-Na2S2O4, was evaluated. Analysis using scanning elec-tron microscopy/energy dispersive spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction identified the presence of iron de-posits in the wood of the Nanhai I shipwreck including goethite (FeOOH) and pyrite (FeS2). The removal efficiency was evaluated by ICP-AES and results showed that amidoxime cellulose and DTPA had higher removal efficiency for iron deposits in wood. The difference between the iron deposits removal efficiency of DTPA and EDTA was significant after the addition of oxidant (H2O2) and reductant (Na2S2O4) to the systems, respectively. The addition of oxidant H2O2 to DTPA improved the iron deposits removal effi-ciency of DTPA from wood within 30 days. Furthermore, the addition of reductant Na2S2O4 to EDTA-2Na significantly improved the iron deposits removal efficiency of EDTA-2Na from wood. These findings pro-vide a valuable reference for developing efficient methods for removing iron deposits during the practical protection of the Nanhai I shipwreck.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )
Comparison of iron deposits removing material from the marine archaeological wood of Nanhai I shipwreck
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Postpartum anemia, characterized by hematocrit or hemoglobin levels below the defined cutoff point (<11gm/dl or hematocrit<33%), is a prevalent global issue. It serves as an indirect contributor to maternal mortality and morbidity. Mothers in the postpartum period experience diminished quality of life, impaired cognitive function, emotional instability, and an increased risk of postpartum depression due to anemia. Additionally, infants of affected mothers may face challenges such as insufficient breast milk supply and a lack of proper care. Examining the combined prevalence and factors associated with postpartum anemia is crucial for addressing maternal health risks and complications during the postnatal phase attributed to anemia.OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to synthesize the existing literature on the prevalence and associated factors of postpartum anemia in public health facilities of Ethiopia, in 2024.METHODS: The study was conducted by searching through the Google Scholar, PubMed, and Cochrane Library search engines. The search utilized keywords and MeSH terms such as anemia, low hemoglobin, postpartum, postnatal women, and Ethiopia. The collected data underwent analysis and comparison with the WHO criteria to determine if it met the threshold for declaring a public health concern. Heterogeneity was evaluated through the Cochran Q test and I2 statistics. Prevalence and odds ratio estimations were performed using a random-effects model with a 95% confidence interval.RESULT: Four studies were included in this systematic review and meta-analysis. The overall pooled prevalence of anemia among postpartum women in Ethiopia was 69% (95% CI: 60- 77%).Lack of formal education(OR=3.5;CI:2.639,4.408),Low Pre-delivery hemoglobin (OR=4.2;CI: 1.768-6.668), Postpartum women<4 ANC visit (OR=2.72; 95% CI:2.14,3.3 ),history of post partum hemorrhage (OR=2.49; CI: 1.075-3.978),history of Forceps/vacuum delivery(OR=3.96; CI:2.986-4.947), Poor iron and folic acid adherence (OR=2.8;95% CI:2.311,3.297), C/S (OR=4.04; 95% CI: 3.426,4.671),lower dietary diversity (OR=4.295% CI:1.768,6.668) were significantly associated postpartum anemia.CONCLUSION: Postpartum women in Ethiopia continue to face a considerable public health challenge in the form of anemia. Consequently, there is a pressing need for the government to formulate comprehensive, multi-sectorial policies and strategies. These initiatives should be designed to address the substantial regional disparities influenced by interconnected factors, with the aim of reducing the prevalence of anemia among postpartum women in Ethiopia.
Prevalence and associated factors of anemia among postpartum mothers in public health facilities in Ethiopia, 2024: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
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Abstract: Although social Q&A communities flourish due to the exchange of knowledge, their sustainability is jeopardized by an increasing disparity between those seeking and providing knowledge. To address this crucial matter, this study explores the factors that drive knowledge-sharing within these communities. Utilizing social exchange theory, social information processing theory, and social cognition theory, we construct a comprehensive theoretical framework that includes seven essential variables: trust, reciprocity, altruism, rewards, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and psychological safety. It is hypothesized that self-efficacy and outcome expectations play a mediating role in the relationships between other variables and knowledge-sharing. Additionally, psychological safety is suggested to moderate these mediating effects. In order to empirically evaluate the model, we create a specialized measurement tool that evaluates knowledge-sharing behavior. We then administer a survey to users of the Zhihu Q&A platform. Upon gathering and scrutinizing 495 legitimate responses, we substantiate the model's dependability and authenticity via statistical examinations. The results of the structural equation modeling indicate that trust, rewards, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations significantly impact knowledge-sharing, as hypothesized. The study also reveals that trust and altruism indirectly impact knowledge-sharing by influencing self-efficacy, while trust, reciprocity, and rewards influence knowledge-sharing through outcome expectations. Moreover, psychological safety plays a moderating role in the connections between self-efficacy and knowledge-sharing, as well as between outcome expectations and knowledge-sharing.
Fostering Knowledge Exchange in Digital Communities: Psychological Determinants of Sharing in Q&A Platforms
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Abstract: This article leverages fine-grained municipal-level data from Sweden, including turnout figures separated by sex, to examine the political geography of the gender gap. Prominent arguments about the traditional gender gap claim that early on, women turned out at low rates and voted for conservative parties. Instead, I argue that when parties have clear geographic strongholds, gender gaps depend on population demographics and the mobilization of men and women in a given election. Using the computational method of bounds to estimate women's vote choice, I find that women in cities and large municipalities were much more supportive of the left than women in the countryside after suffrage. At the national level, high turnout among women in more populous municipalities drove the majority of women to support the left. These findings demonstrate that the partisan gender gap is not only a feature of gender but is also produced by electoral geography.
The Political Geography of the Gender Gap
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Abstract: This paper presents a periodized overview of informal urbanization in Vienna in the twentieth century. It offers a new perspective on the evolution of planning discourse and the phenomenon's handling by planning authorities. The variegated manifestations of 'Informal Vienna' triggered an ongoing dispute on how orderly city development could be re-established after 1945. Our approach combines quantitative and qualitative aspects and illuminates not only the shifting significance of informal urbanization over several decades - especially in their lengthy formalization process - but also highlights the co-evolution of formal planning and the Viennese informal 'grand project'.In a comparative historical analysis based on the evaluation of the balances of formal and informal production of space, previous narratives of Red Vienna's dominant role in answering the 'housing question' in the interwar period (and beyond) are challenged. The frictions it created with the instruments and categories of formal planning, we argue, are crucial to understanding the consequences of informal development in Vienna.Furthermore, we present a typological approach on the grades of informality which allows for a reconstruction of the formalization processes in time. This 'graduation of informality' contributes to the ongoing attempts to classify various manifestations of informal urban development in the global South and North.
Taming 'wild' Vienna? The handling of informal settlements by the planning authorities - perspectives, discourse, (counter)actions in the interwar and post-war periods
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Abstract: This article proposes a novel copula model to understand the dependence between extreme variations in stock and government bond returns. This model is used to introduce a tail-based extension of the safe haven concept, which we refer to as a tail risk dampener. Our findings reveal significant cross-country differences in stock-bond local tail dependence and tail risk dampening abilities. Some countries' bond market can lessen the impact on portfolio returns of extreme negative stock returns, while for others no such negative tail comovement is found. This tail comovement is also not always aligned with global comovement between stocks and bonds. The article concludes that a comprehensive understanding of the comovement and the resulting diversification potential between stock and bond returns necessitates complementing global measures of dependence with local tail measures.
COAALA: A Novel Approach to Understanding Extreme Stock-Bond Comovement
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Abstract: Objectives: Among Aboriginal children, the year between birth and 1 year of age has the highest mortality rate compared with any other age. Prompt administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) leads to better outcomes and a lower likelihood of ongoing sequalae. Current education on infant CPR is not provided to parents except in certain circumstances in a neonatal intensive care unit. Currently, there are no identified CPR education courses specifically available for Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people, meaning that current infant CPR education courses are not culturally responsive.Design: Partnering with an Aboriginal community from the Bindjareb region of the Western Australian Noongar nation, the researchers used a co-design approach and an Aboriginal Participatory Action Research (APAR) design to explore how to deliver culturally safe and responsive infant CPR community education. This resulted in the development of the Koolangka Infant Life Saving Education Framework (KILSEF), which can be used to guide future planning and delivery of culturally safe and responsive community level infant CPR education.Results: The study findings identified that members of the Aboriginal community were very interested in receiving infant CPR education, but the barriers identified from mainstream CPR course delivery need to be removed for the community to benefit from culturally responsive ways of learning. Culturally responsive community CPR education should be provided in culturally safe places and the focus of learning should be on the practical applications of CPR and less on the academic pre-reading and written requirements. Explanations should be provided in lay terms and patience is required to communicate ideas in ways that facilitate understanding, and the course may need to be delivered over several days to accommodate community participant availability.Conclusion: Addressing Aboriginal community concerns and barriers allowed for the implementation of culturally responsive infant resuscitation education which was highly valued by community members and led to increased community confidence and participation in CPR education.
Koolangka Infant Life Saving: Culturally responsive infant CPR education for Aboriginal Australian parents
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Abstract: Abstract: The study of Ibn Taymiyyah’s ideas on haram and halal in Islam remains relevant for understanding Islamic jurisprudence, ethics, cultural identity and contemporary issues. The purpose of the paper is to analyze Ibn Taymiyyah’s works and identify his most important concepts for the Muslim community. The methods of analyzing fatwas, written by Ibn Taymiyyah, and methods of interpreting and comparing the concepts of forbidden and permitted in Islam were used to achieve the purpose of the study. The main conclusion of the study is that Ibn Taymiyyah was known for his research in Islamic law, theology and morality. The figure had conservative views, and due to his own reformist ideas, he was repeatedly convicted. Despite this, he criticized traditional teachings about Islam and supported the need to reform some aspects of Islamic practice. Ibn Taymiyyah attached great importance to the examination of Prophet Muhammad’s Quran and Sunnah to understand what is forbidden and allowed in various areas of Muslim life. He stressed the importance of a healthy diet, the need to follow Islamic principles in financial matters and the preservation of dignity and respectful behavior in all aspects of life.
Concepts of what is allowed and forbidden in Islam through the analysis of Ibn Taymiyyah’s fatwa
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Abstract: This qualitative study captured the reflections of 53 English language teachers from 40 different contexts including Bangladesh, Colombia, France, India, Scotland, Taiwan, T & uuml;rkiye and the United Kingdom on teaching English during the times of COVID-19 and its post-effects on their practices. Data were collected through an online form consisting of three stems and the participants were asked to create similes about teaching English before, during and after the pandemic. By conducting thematic analysis, images created for each phase were categorized under occupational well-being, digital transformation, transactional distance, gap of communication and social isolation. Teachers pointed out work overload, lack of administrational support, instructions' not making sense, decreasing level of participation, dropouts, loss of student-teacher interaction and isolation as the drawbacks of the process along with the possibility of digital transformation ahead of their profession.
'Like an imprisoned robin': Similes by English language teachers on teaching in and beyond the times of COVID-19
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Abstract: This article considers the relationship of two prominent leaders of British women's temperance, Lady Henry Somerset and Lady Elizabeth Biddulph. They were noteworthy for taking opposing sides when the British Women's Temperance Association divided on the question of the political reach of its work. Somerset and Biddulph were elite women, daughters of earls and near neighbours around Ledbury, a centre of cider apple and hop cultivation in Herefordshire. Both made their first temperance pledge in the area. We examine their geographical proximity and consider the importance of local agricultural labour and landscapes to their temperance work.
Temperance lives and landscape: Lady Elizabeth Biddulph, Lady Henry Somerset, and late nineteenth-century Ledbury
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Abstract: This article presents an overview of Aga Khan University's (AKU) pioneering medical education initiatives over the past 40 years, exploring its impact on healthcare in the region and its commitment to advancing medical education and research in the developing world. Established in 1983 as the first private university in Pakistan, AKU has evolved into a global institution with a focus on improving healthcare standards and addressing healthcare needs in the developing world. The article also discusses the undergraduate and postgraduate medical education programs at AKU Medical College, Pakistan, highlighting their unique features and pioneering approaches to medical education. The institution's journey highlights its ability to adapt to the evolving healthcare landscape while maintaining a focus on quality and excellence, offering a model for other institutions striving to meet healthcare needs in low- and middle-income countries.
A Journey of Innovation: 40 years of Pioneering Medical Education at the Aga Khan University Medical College in Karachi, Pakistan
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Abstract: Short, anonymous poems were a common feature in the popular magazines and literary journals of photography's first two decades, the 1840s and 1850s. Yet despite its wide readership, periodical poetry has been largely neglected in histories of photography. Through close readings of periodical poems, this essay addresses this gap and adds a fresh perspective to the complex history of photography's reception. It argues that whereas Victorian journalism often concentrated on photographic realism and focal clarity, periodical poets were more interested in photography's ability (or inability) to convey the emotional and psychological qualities of visual experience. By drawing on the technical process and language of photography but concentrating instead on affective qualities, the poems discussed here repositioned familiar debates about photography's status and made their own claims for the values of both arts as interpreters of the real.
Interpreters of the Real: Poems about Photographs in the Periodical Press, 1840-1860
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Abstract: Background Shortness of breath is a common complaint among individuals contacting emergency communication center (EMCCs). In some prehospital system, emergency medical services include an advanced life support (ALS)-capable team. Whether such team should be dispatched during the phone call or delayed until the BLS-capable paramedic team reports from the scene is unclear. We aimed to evaluate the impact of delayed MMT dispatch until receiving the paramedic review compared to immediate dispatch at the time of the call on patient outcomes. Methods A cross-sectional study conducted in Lyon, France, using data obtained from the departmental EMCC during the period from January to December 2019. We included consecutive calls related to adult patients experiencing acute respiratory distress. Patients from the two groups (immediate mobile medical team (MMT) dispatch or delayed MMT dispatch) were matched on a propensity score, and a conditional weighted logistic regression assessed the adjusted odds ratios (ORs) for each outcome (mortality on days 0, 7 and 30). Results A total of 870 calls (median age 72 [57-84], male 466 53.6%) were sought for analysis [614 (70.6%) immediate MMT dispatch and 256 (29.4%) delayed MMT groups]. The median time before MMT dispatch was 25.1 min longer in the delayed MMT group (30.7 [26.4-36.1] vs. 5.6 [3.9-8.8] min, p < 0.001). Patients subjected to a delayed MMT intervention were older (median age 78 [66-87] vs. 69 [53-83], p < 0.001) and more frequently highly dependent (16.3% vs. 8.6%, p < 0.001). A higher proportion of patients in the delayed MMT group required bag valve mask ventilation (47.3% vs. 39.1%, p = 0.03), noninvasive ventilation (24.6% vs. 20.0%, p = 0.13), endotracheal intubation (7.0% vs. 4.1%, p = 0.07) and catecholamine infusion (3.9% vs. 1.3%, p = 0.01). After propensity score matching, mortality at day 0 was higher in the delayed MMT group (9.8% vs. 4.2%, p = 0.002). Immediate MMT dispatch at the call was associated with a lower risk of mortality on day 0 (0.60 [0.38;0.82], p < 0.001) day 7 (0.50 [0.27;0.72], p < 0.001) and day 30 (0.56 [0.35;0.78], p < 0.001) Conclusions This study suggests that the deployment of an MMT at call in patients in acute respiratory distress may result in decreased short to medium-term mortality compared to a delayed MMT following initial first aid assessment.
Impact of delayed mobile medical team dispatch for respiratory distress calls: a propensity score matched study from a French emergency communication center
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Abstract: BackgroundNeuroscientific approaches have historically triggered changes in the conception of creativity and artistic experience, which can be revealed by noting the intersection of these fields of study in terms of variables such as global trends, methodologies, objects of study, or application of new technologies; however, these neuroscientific approaches are still often considered as disciplines detached from the arts and humanities. In this light, the question arises as to what evidence the history of neurotechnologies provides at the intersection of creativity and aesthetic experience.MethodsWe conducted a century-long bibliometric analysis of key parameters in multidisciplinary studies published in the Scopus database. Screening techniques based on the PRISMA method and advanced data analysis techniques were applied to 3612 documents metadata from the years 1922 to 2022. We made graphical representations of the results applying algorithmic and clusterization processes to keywords and authors relationships.ResultsFrom the analyses, we found a) a shift from a personality-focus quantitative analysis to a field-focus qualitative approach, considering topics such as art, perception, aesthetics and beauty; b) The locus of interest in fMRI-supported neuroanatomy has been shifting toward EEG technologies and models based on machine learning and deep learning in recent years; c) four main clusters were identified in the study approaches: humanistic, creative, neuroaesthetic and medical; d) the neuroaesthetics cluster is the most central and relevant, mediating between creativity and neuroscience; e) neuroaesthetics and neuroethics are two of the neologism that better characterizes the challenges that this convergence of studies will have in the next years.ConclusionsThrough a longitudinal analysis, we evidenced the great influence that neuroscience is having on the thematic direction of the arts and humanities. The perspective presented shows how this field is being consolidated and helps to define it as a new opportunity of great potential for future researchers.
One hundred years of neurosciences in the arts and humanities, a bibliometric review
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Abstract: For 40 years, political collapse has been increasingly prominent in anthropological archaeology. Throughout that period, scholars have grappled with defining collapse and asked why sociopolitical systems fragment. In this article, I explore emerging research on the aftermath of collapse. Focusing on the Americas, I consider the development of theoretical models and expanding analytical scope. Highlighting key themes, I propose that although cross-cultural archaeological data do negate narratives of apocalypse and disappearance, an overemphasis on post-collapse continuity also obscures the heterogeneity and dynamism of post-collapse periods and the creativity and resilience of populations who live through them.
Eschewing the Apocalyptic: Recent Research on the Aftermath of Collapse in Archaeology Across the Americas
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Abstract: Introduction: rare diseases (RD) are extremely complex health conditions. Persons affected by these conditions in Cameroon are often neglected in society and health systems through the inexistence of policies and programs. In Cameroon, there exists no program or policy conceived to address their needs in terms of access to quality health care, timely and reliable diagnosis, treatments, education, etc. The consequence is that persons living with a RD (PLWRD) and their families do not participate in social life. The unique fate of PLWRD reveals that the principle of social justice and equity is flawed in Cameroon. However, patients, in order to survive in society, rely on patients' organizations (PO) to improve their quality of life (QoL) and advocate for a better consideration in the society. The aim of this paper is to highlight how initiatives from a grassroot perspective like POs can inform decision-makers to address the needs of PLWRD and their families.Methods: the study associated a systematic literature review and semi-structured interviews with parents of children suffering from a RD and who are members of a PO. Through the systematic literature review we highlighted the impact POs have in the development of research on RDs, patient literacy, patient empowerment and advocacy while semi-structured interviews brought out the needs of patients and their families.Results: findings, on the one hand show that, in Cameroon PLWRD face a number of challenges like the incurability of their condition, catastrophic medical expenses, stigmatization and marginalization, etc. and though in POs their QoL still remains poor. On the other hand, where POs are empowered they are key actors in research on RDs and help decision-makers on having a better insight into the type of RD that exists across a geographical area, the sociodemographic profile of patients, etc. for a better management of PLWRD.Conclusion: the study suggests that the ministry of public health should create a network with existing RD POs to adequately meet the needs of PLWRD.
The management of rare disease patients from a grassroot perspective: the role of patients' organizations in the global recognition of rare diseases in Cameroon.
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Abstract: This article examines two teachers' efforts to re-organize their science teaching around issues of environmental and food justice in the urban community where they teach through the pedagogical approach of community-oriented framing. We introduce this approach to teachers' framing of phenomena in community as supporting students' framing of phenomena as personally and locally relevant. Drawing on classroom observations of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, we took an analytic approach that characterized features of classroom discourse to rate community-oriented framing at the lesson level. Results show that teachers framed phenomena as both social and scientific, and as rooted in students' lived experiences, with classroom activities designed to gather localized and personalized evidence needed to explain or model phenomena. We also share examples of how Black and Latinx students took up this framing of phenomena in their classroom work. By providing a detailed description of the launch and implementation of activities, findings illustrate how community-oriented framing supported teachers in posing local questions of equity and justice as simultaneously social and scientific, and helping students perceive science learning as meaningful to their everyday lives. Community-oriented framing offers a practical means of designing locally and socially relevant instruction. We contribute to justice-centered science pedagogies by conceptualizing transformative science learning environments as those in which students understand their goal in science class as understanding, and later addressing, inequities in how socioscientific issues manifest in their community.
Exploring science teachers' efforts to frame phenomena in the community
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Abstract: According to some of the past half-century's most influential critics of liberalism, John Locke is the pivotal subverter of the pre-modern ethical tradition. Locke's view of nature and of human nature, the story goes, divorced ethics from natural teleology and so set off an inevitable spiral downward into moral dissolution. This story about Locke remains influential even though the last fifty years of Locke scholarship have brought a cascade of studies treating Locke as operating within the tradition of Reformed natural law. These studies, in part because they embrace a distorted view of Locke's conception of the person, have failed to address satisfactorily the crux of the story told by the critics of liberalism. This article corrects that distortion and demonstrates how natural teleology operates within Locke's ethics. I show how Locke sought to identify the teleological ordering of human beings to the supreme good by developing a relational conception of the person, analysing the human being as embedded in and defined by a web of relationships including neighbour and God. The result is a Locke far more in continuity with pre-modern ethical approaches than has hitherto been realized, one who sought to preserve natural teleology for the modern world.
Natural Teleology in John Locke's Ethics
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Abstract: Digital twins offer a promising approach to sustainable value creation by providing specific life cycle data and enabling the monitoring and implementation of circular economy strategies throughout the product's life cycle. By analyzing product, component, and material data, as well as process data, it is possible to create transparency throughout a product's life cycle, build a data-driven product ecosystem, and establish new business and value creation models, from SMEs to large enterprises. This paper identifies application scenarios, their technological readiness level, and the challenges of digital twins for the circular economy in the manufacturing industry based on a systematic literature review. Gaps such as ensuring a continuous flow of information and taking into account the different levels of digitalization of companies are identified. As a main result, a holistic concept for the scoping of a digital twin for the circular economy is presented. One specific use case for end-of-life decision-making is elaborated upon. It is shown that the circular economy can be supported by digital twin data, especially for the optimal decision on end-of-life vehicles.
Digital Twins within the Circular Economy: Literature Review and Concept Presentation
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Abstract: How to evaluate the resilience level and change trend of supply chain is an important research direction in current supply chain management practice. This paper proposes a new method of supply chain resilience assessment based on hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set (HFLTS) and matter element extension theory. Firstly, based on the research status quo at home and abroad, a low-carbon enterprise supply chain resilience assessment index system is established, which includes six first-level indicators and corresponding 21 second-level indicators of product supply resilience, resource resilience, partner resilience, information response resilience, financial resilience and knowledge resilience. Secondly, HFLTS was used to collect expert opinions and Ordered Weighted Arithmetic (OWA) to calculate the expert composite language, by which the fuzzy evaluation matrix of supply chain resilience assessment indicators was obtained. Once again, the resilience indicator weights are determined based on a game-theoretic portfolio assignment method combining the best-worst method (BWM) and the CRITIC method. Finally, the nearness degree function is combined with the extension comprehensive evaluation method to improve the matter element extension model, and the supply chain resilience assessment model of low-carbon enterprises based on the game theory combination assignment-improved matter element extension is established. Taking X low-carbon enterprise as an example, the evaluation results show that the supply chain resilience level of this enterprise is II, and the eigenvalue of the grade variable is 2.69, and the supply chain resilience is shifting to III, and the supply chain resilience is shifting to III, which indicates that the supply chain resilience of this enterprise is being enhanced. Therefore, the improved matter element extension not only ensures the accuracy of the evaluation results, but also has higher prediction accuracy.
Resilience evaluation of low-carbon supply chain based on improved matter-element extension model.
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Abstract: Can the government buy its way around the Fourth Amendment's warrant requirement? As the panic over data-sharing after Dobbsillustrates, the answer is an urgent yes. Transactions between the government and data brokers-businesses that acquire, aggregate, and sell massive amounts of data on individuals' digital activities-fall outside the Stored Communications Act's hopelessly out-of-date guardrails and through a Fourth Amendment loophole. Though the Supreme Court's 2018 Carpenterdecision provides a useful framework for evaluating data's Fourth Amendment protection, it will not save us from data brokers. The tick-tick-tock cycleof Fourth Amendment precedent and privacy legislation is off. As Orwell would say, the clocks are striking thirteen. It is past time for Congress to pass new privacy legislation. But what should that legislation look like? History, as usual, offers clues. In this Note, I argue that to rebalance competing interests in light of paradigm technological change, Congress must learn from past mistakes in drafting the Stored CommunicationsAct. I analyze threepotential legislative solutions-the Fourth Amendment Is Not for Sale Act;the My Body, My Data Act;and California's Delete Act-and propose my own, which combines the strengths of eachand provides flexibility for future technological developments. That way, when the Fourth Amendment clock strikes again, we will be ready
The Clocks Are Striking Thirteen: Congress, Not Courts, MustSave Us from Government Surveillance via Data Brokers
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Abstract: With the rapid development of multimedia technology, the student centered flipped classroom model (FCM) and massive open online courses (MOOCs) have been increasingly introduced and implemented in higher medical education. However, comparative analyses of the offline face-to-face FCM and completely online FCM have been rarely reported. In this study, we focused specifically on a set of flipped classrooms in which prerecorded videos were provided before class. Using the Zhihuishu platform as the major online course platform, our team built a MOOC and evaluated the teaching effectiveness of the FCM in both the offline face-to-face class and the online electronic live class for medical genetics education. Questionnaires, paper-based and oral exams were used to collect data on the teaching effects of the different teaching methods. We found that student satisfaction and overall student performance in the offline FCM group was significantly higher than that in the completely online teaching group. Although online FCM allowed students to play back and review anywhere and anytime after class, students taught in offline FCM had a significantly higher degree of knowledge mastery, had a deeper understanding of theoretical knowledge, and were better at knowledge comprehensive application. The effects of their training on genetic disease clinical diagnosis and treatment skills were significantly better, and their capacity for scientific research was also significantly improved. Our research discussed the advantages of the online courses and the problems brought about by using these technologies, and it provided insight into online teaching practices in the era of internet-based medical education.
Teaching effects of the online and offline flipped classroom model (FCM) in the post-epidemic era: Development and feasibility study
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Abstract: The mechanical properties of loess are strongly dependent on the environment where it is deposited. To investigate the effects of acidic, alkaline, and saline environments on the strength and deformation properties of compacted loess, the consolidation test and direct shear test were carried out on loess samples contaminated with different concentrations of acetic acid, sodium hydroxide, and sodium sulfate. In addition, changes in zeta potential, mineralogy, chemical composition, and microstructure of the loess samples at different chemical environments were also measured. The results show that the reduction in the thickness of the diffuse double layer for the loess contaminated with acetic acid leads to the aggregation of clay particles, laying the foundation for the expansion of loess pores, while the dissolution of carbonate cement and chemical cement makes the soil structure looser. Hence, the compacted loess has significantly lower shear strength and higher compressibility in an acidic environment. The mechanical properties in the saline environment show similar variation characteristics to the acidic environment, but this is mainly due to carbonate solubilization. In the alkaline environment, the degree of interparticle cementation of the loess is enhanced by the generation of calcite due to dedolomitization and the generation of colloidal flocs of Al(OH)3, Fe(OH)3, and H2SiO3. In addition, the pore connectivity is greatly reduced by the extensive distribution of clay particles caused by the development of a diffuse double layer. As a result, its compressibility and shear strength are improved compared to uncontaminated loess. These findings can be used as a reference for geoengineering practice in loess areas.
Mechanism of Chemical Environment on Compression and Shear Strength of Compacted Loess: A Case Study from Chinese Loess Plateau