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Dataset Card for "clue"

Table of Contents

Dataset Description

Dataset Summary

CLUE, A Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark ( is a collection of resources for training, evaluating, and analyzing Chinese language understanding systems.

Supported Tasks

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More Information Needed

Dataset Structure

We show detailed information for up to 5 configurations of the dataset.

Data Instances


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 1.14 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 4.01 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 5.15 MB

An example of 'validation' looks as follows.

    "idx": 0,
    "label": 0,
    "sentence1": "双十一花呗提额在哪",
    "sentence2": "里可以提花呗额度"


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 3.05 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 14.96 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 18.02 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

This example was too long and was cropped:

    "answer": "比人的灵敏",
    "choice": ["没有人的灵敏", "和人的差不多", "和人的一样好", "比人的灵敏"],
    "context": "[\"许多动物的某些器官感觉特别灵敏,它们能比人类提前知道一些灾害事件的发生,例如,海洋中的水母能预报风暴,老鼠能事先躲避矿井崩塌或有害气体,等等。地震往往能使一些动物的某些感觉器官受到刺激而发生异常反应。如一个地区的重力发生变异,某些动物可能通过它们的平衡...",
    "id": 1,
    "question": "动物的器官感觉与人的相比有什么不同?"


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 127.15 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 259.71 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 386.86 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

This example was too long and was cropped:

    "answers": {
        "candidate_id": [3, 5, 6, 1, 7, 4, 0],
        "text": ["碌碌无为", "无所作为", "苦口婆心", "得过且过", "未雨绸缪", "软硬兼施", "传宗接代"]
    "candidates": "[\"传宗接代\", \"得过且过\", \"咄咄逼人\", \"碌碌无为\", \"软硬兼施\", \"无所作为\", \"苦口婆心\", \"未雨绸缪\", \"和衷共济\", \"人老珠黄\"]...",
    "content": "[\"谈到巴萨目前的成就,瓜迪奥拉用了“坚持”两个字来形容。自从上世纪90年代克鲁伊夫带队以来,巴萨就坚持每年都有拉玛西亚球员进入一队的传统。即便是范加尔时代,巴萨强力推出的“巴萨五鹰”德拉·佩纳、哈维、莫雷罗、罗杰·加西亚和贝拉乌桑几乎#idiom0000...",
    "idx": 0


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 0.08 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 0.41 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 0.49 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

    "idx": 0,
    "label": 1,
    "target": {
        "span1_index": 3,
        "span1_text": "伤口",
        "span2_index": 27,
        "span2_text": "它们"
    "text": "裂开的伤口涂满尘土,里面有碎石子和木头刺,我小心翼翼把它们剔除出去。"


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: 29.95 MB
  • Size of the generated dataset: 68.78 MB
  • Total amount of disk used: 98.73 MB

An example of 'train' looks as follows.

    "idx": 0,
    "label": 0,
    "sentence1": "从概念上讲,奶油略读有两个基本维度-产品和地理。",
    "sentence2": "产品和地理位置是使奶油撇油起作用的原因。"

Data Fields

The data fields are the same among all splits.


  • sentence1: a string feature.
  • sentence2: a string feature.
  • label: a classification label, with possible values including 0 (0), 1 (1).
  • idx: a int32 feature.


  • id: a int32 feature.
  • context: a list of string features.
  • question: a string feature.
  • choice: a list of string features.
  • answer: a string feature.


  • idx: a int32 feature.
  • candidates: a list of string features.
  • content: a list of string features.
  • answers: a dictionary feature containing:
    • text: a string feature.
    • candidate_id: a int32 feature.


  • idx: a int32 feature.
  • text: a string feature.
  • label: a classification label, with possible values including true (0), false (1).
  • span1_text: a string feature.
  • span2_text: a string feature.
  • span1_index: a int32 feature.
  • span2_index: a int32 feature.


  • sentence1: a string feature.
  • sentence2: a string feature.
  • label: a classification label, with possible values including neutral (0), entailment (1), contradiction (2).
  • idx: a int32 feature.

Data Splits Sample Size

name train validation test
afqmc 34334 4316 3861
c3 11869 3816 3892
chid 84709 3218 3231
cluewsc2020 1244 304 290
cmnli 391783 12241 13880

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

More Information Needed

Source Data

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

More Information Needed

Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

More Information Needed

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

More Information Needed

Licensing Information

More Information Needed

Citation Information

    title={CLUE: A Chinese Language Understanding Evaluation Benchmark},
    author={Liang Xu and Xuanwei Zhang and Lu Li and Hai Hu and Chenjie Cao and Weitang Liu and Junyi Li and Yudong Li and Kai Sun and Yechen Xu and Yiming Cui and Cong Yu and Qianqian Dong and Yin Tian and Dian Yu and Bo Shi and Jun Zeng and Rongzhao Wang and Weijian Xie and Yanting Li and Yina Patterson and Zuoyu Tian and Yiwen Zhang and He Zhou and Shaoweihua Liu and Qipeng Zhao and Cong Yue and Xinrui Zhang and Zhengliang Yang and Zhenzhong Lan},


Thanks to @thomwolf, @JetRunner for adding this dataset.