amazon-products /
ckandemir's picture
history blame
No virus
3.21 kB
- config_name: default
- split: train
path: data/train-*
- split: test
path: data/test-*
- split: eval
path: data/eval-*
- name: Product Name
dtype: string
- name: Category
dtype: string
- name: Description
dtype: string
- name: Selling Price
dtype: string
- name: Product Specification
dtype: string
- name: Image
dtype: string
- name: train
num_bytes: 12542887
num_examples: 23993
- name: test
num_bytes: 3499375
num_examples: 6665
- name: eval
num_bytes: 1376174
num_examples: 2666
download_size: 6391314
dataset_size: 17418436
license: apache-2.0
- image-classification
- image-to-text
- en
- 10K<n<100K
## Dataset Creation and Processing Overview
This dataset underwent a comprehensive process of loading, cleaning, processing, and preparing, incorporating a range of data manipulation and NLP techniques to optimize its utility for machine learning models, particularly in natural language processing.
### Data Loading and Initial Cleaning
- **Source**: Loaded from the Hugging Face dataset repository [bprateek/amazon_product_description](
- **Conversion to Pandas DataFrame**: For ease of data manipulation.
- **Null Value Removal**: Rows with null values in the 'About Product' column were discarded.
### Data Cleaning and NLP Processing
- **Sentence Extraction**: 'About Product' descriptions were split into sentences, identifying common phrases.
- **Emoji and Special Character Removal**: A regex function removed these elements from the product descriptions.
- **Common Phrase Elimination**: A function was used to strip common phrases from each product description.
- **Improving Writing Standards**: Adjusted capitalization, punctuation, and replaced '&' with 'and' for better readability and formalization.
### Sentence Similarity Analysis
- **Model Application**: The pre-trained Sentence Transformer model 'all-MiniLM-L6-v2' was used.
- **Sentence Comparison**: Identified the most similar sentence to each product name within the cleaned product descriptions.
- **Integration of Results**: Added the most similar sentences as a new column 'Most_Similar_Sentence'.
### Dataset Refinement
- **Column Selection**: Retained relevant columns for final dataset.
- **Image URL Processing**: Split multiple image URLs into individual URLs, removing specific unwanted URLs.
- **Column Renaming**: Renamed 'Most_Similar_Sentence' to 'Description'.
### Image Validation
- **Image URL Validation**: Implemented a function to verify the validity of each image URL.
- **Filtering Valid Images**: Retained only rows with valid image URLs.
### Dataset Splitting for Machine Learning
- **Creation of Train, Test, and Eval Sets**: Used scikit-learn's `train_test_split` for dataset division.
For further details or to contribute to enhancing the dataset card, please refer to the [Hugging Face Dataset Card Contribution Guide](