stringlengths 7
| sequence
sequencelengths 1
| description
stringlengths 3
A361213 | [
] | E.g.f. satisfies A(x) = exp( 2*x*A(x) / (1+x) ). |
A361214 | [
] | E.g.f. satisfies A(x) = exp( 3*x*A(x) / (1+x) ). |
A361216 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X k rectangle. |
A361217 | [
] | Maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X n square. |
A361218 | [
] | Maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X 2 rectangle. |
A361219 | [
] | Maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X 3 rectangle. |
A361220 | [
] | Maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X 4 rectangle. |
A361221 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X k rectangle, up to rotations and reflections. |
A361222 | [
] | Maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X n square, up to rotations and reflections. |
A361223 | [
] | Maximum number of inequivalent permutations of a partition of n, where two permutations are equivalent if they are reversals of each other. |
A361224 | [
] | Maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X 2 rectangle, up to rotations and reflections. |
A361225 | [
] | Maximum number of ways in which a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces can tile an n X 3 rectangle, up to rotations and reflections. |
A361226 | [
] | Square array T(n,k) = k*((1+2*n)*k - 1)/2; n>=0, k>=0, read by antidiagonals upwards. |
A361227 | [
] | Irregular triangle T(n, k), n > 0, k = 0..A007814(n), read by rows: T(n, k) = Sum_{i = n-2^k+1..n} A361144(i). |
A361228 | [
] | a(n) is the first number k such that k + a(i) has n prime factors, counted by multiplicity, for all i < n; a(0) = 0. |
A361230 | [
] | Third Lie-Betti number of a path graph on n vertices. |
A361231 | [
] | a(1)=2; a(n) is the largest k for which the sum a(n-1) + a(n-2) + ... + a(n-k) is prime; if no such k exists, a(n)=-1. |
A361234 | [
] | Infinite sequence of nonzero integers build the greedy way such that the products Product_{i = k*2^e..(k+1)*2^e} a(i) with k, e >= 0 are all distinct; each term is minimal in absolute value and in case of a tie, preference is given to the positive value. |
A361235 | [
] | a(n) = number of k < n, such that k does not divide n, omega(k) < omega(n) and rad(k) | rad(n), where omega(n) = A001221(n) and rad(n) = A007947(n). |
A361236 | [
] | Array read by antidiagonals: T(n,k) is the number of noncrossing k-gonal cacti with n polygons up to rotation. |
A361237 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing triangular cacti with n triangles up to rotation. |
A361238 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing 4-gonal cacti with n polygons up to rotation. |
A361239 | [
] | Array read by antidiagonals: T(n,k) is the number of noncrossing k-gonal cacti with n polygons up to rotation and reflection. |
A361240 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing triangular cacti with n triangles up to rotation and reflection. |
A361241 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing 4-gonal cacti with n polygons up to rotation and reflection. |
A361242 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing cacti with n nodes up to rotation. |
A361243 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing cacti with n nodes up to rotation and reflection. |
A361244 | [
] | Number of noncrossing bridgeless cacti with n nodes. |
A361245 | [
] | Number of noncrossing 2,3 cacti with n nodes. |
A361253 | [
] | If n = m^2 for some m > 1 then a(n) = a(m), otherwise a(n) = n. |
A361254 | [
] | Number of n-regular graphs on 2*n labeled nodes. |
A361255 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: row n lists the exponential unitary divisors of n. |
A361256 | [
] | Smallest base-n strong Fermat pseudoprime with n distinct prime factors. |
A361257 | [
] | a(n) = Sum_{j=0..n} n^wt(j), where wt = A000120. |
A361258 | [
] | Irregular triangle read by rows in which row n lists the print order of a 4n-page booklet. |
A361259 | [
] | a(n) is the least semiprime that is the sum of n consecutive primes. |
A361260 | [
] | Maximum latitude in degrees of spherical Mercator projection with an aspect ratio of one, arctan(sinh(Pi))*180/Pi. |
A361263 | [
] | Numbers of the form k*(k^5 +- 1)/2. |
A361264 | [
] | Multiplicative with a(p^e) = p^(e + 2), e > 0. |
A361265 | [
] | Multiplicative with a(p^e) = e * p^(e + 1), e > 0. |
A361266 | [
] | Multiplicative with a(p^e) = p^(e + 3), e > 0. |
A361267 | [
] | Numbers k such that prime(k+2) - prime(k) = 6. |
A361268 | [
] | Multiplicative with a(p^e) = e * p^(e + 2), e > 0. |
A361269 | [
] | Triangular array read by rows. T(n,k) is the number of binary relations on [n] containing exactly k strongly connected components, n >= 0, 0 <= k <= n. |
A361270 | [
] | Number of 1324-avoiding odd Grassmannian permutations of size n. |
A361271 | [
] | Number of 1342-avoiding odd Grassmannian permutations of size n. |
A361272 | [
] | Number of 1243-avoiding even Grassmannian permutations of size n. |
A361273 | [
] | Number of 1324-avoiding even Grassmannian permutations of size n. |
A361274 | [
] | Number of 1342-avoiding even Grassmannian permutations of size n. |
A361275 | [
] | Number of 1423-avoiding even Grassmannian permutations of size n. |
A361276 | [
] | Number of 2413-avoiding even Grassmannian permutations of size n. |
A361277 | [
] | Square array T(n,k), n >= 0, k >= 0, read by antidiagonals downwards, where T(n,k) = n! * Sum_{j=0..n} binomial(k*j,n-j)/j!. |
A361278 | [
] | Expansion of e.g.f. exp(x * (1+x)^2). |
A361279 | [
] | Expansion of e.g.f. exp(x * (1+x)^3). |
A361280 | [
] | Expansion of e.g.f. exp(x * (1+x)^4). |
A361281 | [
] | a(n) = n! * Sum_{k=0..n} binomial(n*k,n-k)/k!. |
A361282 | [
] | Number of rank n+1 simple connected series-parallel matroids on [2n]. |
A361283 | [
] | Expansion of e.g.f. exp(x/(1-x)^4). |
A361284 | [
] | Number of unordered triples of self-avoiding paths whose sets of nodes are disjoint subsets of a set of n points on a circle; one-node paths are not allowed. |
A361285 | [
] | Number of unordered triples of self-avoiding paths whose sets of nodes are disjoint subsets of a set of n points on a circle; one-node paths are allowed. |
A361287 | [
] | A variant of the inventory sequence A342585: now a row ends when the number of occurrences of the largest term in the sequence thus far has been recorded. |
A361288 | [
] | Number of free polyominoes of size 2n for which there exists at least one closed path that passes through each square exactly once. |
A361290 | [
] | Square array T(n,k), n >= 0, k >= 0, read by antidiagonals downwards, where T(n,k) = Sum_{j=0..floor((n-1)/2)} k^(n-1-j) * binomial(n,2*j+1). |
A361291 | [
] | a(n) = ((2*n + 1)^n - 1)/(2*n). |
A361292 | [
] | Square array A(n, k), n, k >= 0, read by antidiagonals; A(0, 0) = 1, and otherwise A(n, k) is the sum of all terms in previous antidiagonals at one knight's move away. |
A361293 | [
] | a(n) = 20 * a(n-1) - 90 * a(n-2) for n>1, with a(0)=0, a(1)=1. |
A361297 | [
] | Number of n-dimensional cubic lattice walks with 2n steps from origin to origin and avoiding early returns to the origin. |
A361298 | [
] | Second differences of the overpartitions. |
A361299 | [
] | Counterclockwise spiral constructed of distinct terms such that any two terms a knight's move apart are coprime; always choose the smallest possible positive term. |
A361300 | [
] | Numbers of the form m^2 + p^2 for p prime and m > 0. |
A361302 | [
] | G.f. A(x) satisfies A(x) = Series_Reversion(x - x^3*A'(x)^3). |
A361303 | [
] | Expansion of g.f. A(x) = Sum_{n>=0} d^n/dx^n x^(2*n) * (1 + x)^(3*n) / n!. |
A361304 | [
] | Expansion of g.f. A(x) = Sum_{n>=0} d^n/dx^n x^(2*n) * (1 + x)^(4*n) / n!. |
A361305 | [
] | Expansion of A(x) satisfying A(x) = x + A(x)^2*(1 + A(x))^3. |
A361306 | [
] | Expansion of A(x) satisfying A(x) = x + A(x)^2*(1 + A(x))^4. |
A361307 | [
] | G.f. A(x) satisfies A(x) = Series_Reversion(x - x^3*A'(x)^4). |
A361308 | [
] | G.f. A(x) satisfies A(x) = Series_Reversion(x - x^4*A'(x)). |
A361309 | [
] | G.f. A(x) satisfies A(x) = Series_Reversion(x - x^4*A'(x)^2). |
A361310 | [
] | G.f. A(x) satisfies A(x) = Series_Reversion(x - x^4*A'(x)^3). |
A361311 | [
] | G.f. A(x) satisfies A(x) = Series_Reversion(x - x^5*A'(x)). |
A361312 | [
] | Smallest prime p such that the decimal expansion of p remains prime through exactly n iterations of base-10 to base-2 conversion (A007088). |
A361313 | [
] | a(n) = a(1)*a(n-1) + a(2)*a(n-2) + ... + a(n-5)*a(5) for n >= 6, with a(1)=0 and a(2)=a(3)=a(4)=a(5)=1. |
A361314 | [
] | a(1) = 1, a(2) = 2; for n > 2, a(n) is the smallest positive number which has not appeared that shares a factor with a(n-2) + a(n-1) while the sum a(n) + a(n-1) is distinct from all previous sums a(i) + a(i-1), i=2..n-1. |
A361315 | [
] | a(n) is the minimum number of pebbles such that any assignment of those pebbles on a complete graph with n vertices is a next-player winning game in the two-player impartial (3;1,1) pebbling game. |
A361316 | [
] | Numerators of the harmonic means of the infinitary divisors of the positive integers. |
A361317 | [
] | Denominators of the harmonic means of the infinitary divisors of the positive integers. |
A361318 | [
] | Harmonic means of the infinitary divisors of the infinitary harmonic numbers. |
A361319 | [
] | Indices of records in the sequence of infinitary harmonic means A361316(k)/A361317(k). |
A361320 | [
] | If n is composite, replace n with the concatenation of its nontrivial divisors, written in increasing order, each divisor being written in base 10 with its digits in reverse order, otherwise a(n) = n. |
A361321 | [
] | Lexicographically earliest infinite sequence of distinct elements of A000469 such that, for n > 2, a(n) has a common factor with a(n-1) but not with a(n-2). |
A361322 | [
] | The binary expansion of a(n) specifies which primes divide A361321(n). |
A361323 | [
] | a(n) = k such that A000469(k) = A361321(n). |
A361324 | [
] | a(n) = k such that A361321(k) = A000469(n), or -1 if A000469(n) never appears in A361321. |
A361325 | [
] | Records in A361321 |
A361326 | [
] | Indices of records is A361321 |
A361327 | [
] | a(n) is the greatest prime factor of A361321(n) with a(1) = 1. |
A361328 | [
] | a(n) is the least prime factor of A361321(n) with a(1) = 1. |
A361329 | [
] | a(n) = gcd(A361321(n), A361321(n+1)). |
A361330 | [
] | Smallest prime that does not divide A351495(n). |
A361331 | [
] | Smallest index of n-th prime in A361330, or -1 if it does not appear. |