stringlengths 7
| sequence
sequencelengths 1
| description
stringlengths 3
A361332 | [
] | Where n appears in A351495, or -1 if it never occurs. |
A361333 | [
] | Index of prime(n) in A351495. |
A361334 | [
] | Index of 2^n in A351495. |
A361350 | [
] | A variant of A359143 which includes the intermediate terms before digits are deleted (see Comments for precise definition). |
A361351 | [
] | Carryless n-th powers of n base 10. |
A361353 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of simple quasi series-parallel matroids on [n] with rank k, 1 <= k <= n. |
A361354 | [
] | Number of simple quasi series-parallel matroids on [n]. |
A361355 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of simple series-parallel matroids on [n] with rank k, 1 <= k <= n. |
A361356 | [
] | Number of noncrossing caterpillars with n edges. |
A361357 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of noncrossing caterpillars with n edges and diameter k, 0 <= k <= n. |
A361359 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing caterpillars with n edges up to rotation. |
A361360 | [
] | Number of nonequivalent noncrossing caterpillars with n edges up to rotation and relection. |
A361361 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of bicolored cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices with k vertices of the first color, n >= 0, 0 <= k <= 2*n. |
A361362 | [
] | Number of bicolored cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices. |
A361363 | [
] | Primitive terms of A259850. |
A361364 | [
] | Number of 5-dimensional cubic lattice walks that start and end at origin after 2n steps, not touching origin at intermediate stages. |
A361366 | [
] | Number of unlabeled simple planar digraphs with n nodes. |
A361367 | [
] | Number of weakly 2-connected simple digraphs with n unlabeled nodes. |
A361368 | [
] | Number of weakly connected simple planar digraphs with n unlabeled nodes. |
A361369 | [
] | Number of weakly 2-connected simple planar digraphs with n unlabeled nodes. |
A361370 | [
] | Number of weakly 3-connected simple digraphs with n unlabeled nodes. |
A361371 | [
] | Number of weakly 3-connected simple planar digraphs with n unlabeled nodes. |
A361375 | [
] | Expansion of 1/(1 - 9*x/(1 - x))^(1/3). |
A361377 | [
] | Squares visited by a knight moving on a spirally numbered board always to the lowest unvisited coprime square. |
A361379 | [
] | Distinct values of A361401, in order of appearance. |
A361381 | [
] | In continued fraction convergents of sqrt(d), where d=A005117(n) (squarefree numbers), the position of a/b where abs(a^2 - d*b^2) = 1 or 4. |
A361382 | [
] | The orders, with repetition, of subset-transitive permutation groups. |
A361383 | [
] | a(n) is the number of locations 1..n-1 which can be reached starting from location i=a(n-1), where jumps from location i to i +- a(i) are permitted (within 1..n-1); a(1)=1. See example. |
A361384 | [
] | a(n) is the number of distinct prime factors of the n-th unitary harmonic number. |
A361385 | [
] | a(n) is the number of "Fermi-Dirac prime" factors (or I-components) of the n-th infinitary harmonic number. |
A361386 | [
] | Infinitary arithmetic numbers: numbers for which the arithmetic mean of the infinitary divisors is an integer. |
A361387 | [
] | Infinitary arithmetic numbers k whose mean infinitary divisor is an infinitary divisor of k. |
A361388 | [
] | Number of orders of distances to vertices of n-dimensional cube. |
A361389 | [
] | a(n) is the least positive integer that can be expressed as the sum of one or more consecutive nonzero palindromes in exactly n ways. |
A361390 | [
] | Square array T(n,k), n >= 0, k >= 0, read by antidiagonals downwards, where T(n,k) is carryless n^k base 10. |
A361391 | [
] | Number of strict integer partitions of n with non-integer mean. |
A361392 | [
] | Number of integer partitions of n whose first differences have mean -1. |
A361393 | [
] | Positive integers k such that 2*omega(k) > bigomega(k). |
A361394 | [
] | Number of integer partitions of n where 2*(number of distinct parts) >= (number of parts). |
A361395 | [
] | Positive integers k such that 2*omega(k) >= bigomega(k). |
A361396 | [
] | Integers k such that 28*phi(29*197^3*k) is not a totient number where phi is the totient function. |
A361397 | [
] | Number A(n,k) of k-dimensional cubic lattice walks with 2n steps from origin to origin and avoiding early returns to the origin; square array A(n,k), n>=0, k>=0, read by antidiagonals. |
A361398 | [
] | An infiltration of two words, say x and y, is a shuffle of x and y optionally followed by replacements of pairs of consecutive equal symbols, say two d's, one of which comes from x and the other from y, by a single d (that cannot be part of another replacement); a(n) is the number of distinct infiltrations of the word given by the binary representation of n with itself. |
A361399 | [
] | a(n) is the least k such that the binary expansion of n is a self-infiltration of that of k. |
A361401 | [
] | Irregular table T(n, k), n >= 0, k = 1..A361398(n); the n-th row lists the numbers whose binary expansion is a self-infiltration of that of n. |
A361402 | [
] | a(1) = 5; a(n+1) is the smallest prime p > a(n) such that digsum(p) = a(n). |
A361403 | [
] | Number of bicolored connected cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices. |
A361404 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of graphs with loops on n unlabeled vertices with k loops. |
A361405 | [
] | Number of graphs with loops on 2n unlabeled vertices with n loops. |
A361406 | [
] | Number of bicolored connected cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices with n vertices of each color. |
A361407 | [
] | Number of connected cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices rooted at a vertex. |
A361408 | [
] | Number of connected cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices rooted at a pair of indistinguishable vertices. |
A361409 | [
] | Number of bicolored cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices with n vertices of each color. |
A361410 | [
] | Number of cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices rooted at a vertex. |
A361411 | [
] | Number of cubic graphs on 2n unlabeled vertices rooted at a pair of indistinguishable vertices. |
A361412 | [
] | Number of connected 3-regular multigraphs on 2n unlabeled nodes rooted at an unoriented edge (or loop), loops allowed. |
A361413 | [
] | Number of ways to tile an n X n square using rectangles with distinct dimensions where all the rectangle edge lengths are prime numbers. |
A361414 | [
] | Number of indecomposable non-abelian groups of order n. |
A361418 | [
] | a(n) is the least number with exactly n noninfinitary divisors. |
A361419 | [
] | Numbers k such that there is a unique number m for which the sum of the aliquot infinitary divisors of m (A126168) is k. |
A361420 | [
] | a(n) is the unique number m such that A126168(m) = A361419(n). |
A361421 | [
] | Infinitary aliquot sequence starting at 840: a(1) = 840, a(n) = A126168(a(n-1)), for n >= 2. |
A361422 | [
] | Inverse permutation to A361379. |
A361424 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the maximum of a certain measure of the difficulty level (see comments) for tiling an n X k rectangle with a set of integer-sided rectangular pieces, rounded down to the nearest integer. |
A361425 | [
] | Maximum difficulty level (see A361424 for the definition) for tiling an n X n square with a set of integer-sided rectangles, rounded down to the nearest integer. |
A361426 | [
] | Maximum difficulty level (see A361424 for the definition) for tiling an n X 2 rectangle with a set of integer-sided rectangles, rounded down to the nearest integer. |
A361427 | [
] | Maximum difficulty level (see A361424 for the definition) for tiling an n X 3 rectangle with a set of integer-sided rectangles, rounded down to the nearest integer. |
A361428 | [
] | Maximum difficulty level (see A361424 for the definition) for tiling an n X 4 rectangle with a set of integer-sided rectangles, rounded down to the nearest integer. |
A361430 | [
] | Multiplicative with a(p^e) = e - 1. |
A361431 | [
] | Number of ways to write n^2 as an ordered sum of n^2 squares of integers. |
A361432 | [
] | Square array T(n,k), n >= 0, k >= 0, read by antidiagonals downwards, where T(n,k) = Sum_{j=0..floor(n/2)} k^(n-j) * binomial(n,2*j). |
A361433 | [
] | a(n) = number of squares in the n-th antidiagonal of the natural number array, A000027. |
A361434 | [
] | Positions in Pi where the leader in the race of digits changes. |
A361435 | [
] | a(n) is the least positive integer that can be expressed as the sum of one or more consecutive squarefree numbers in exactly n ways. |
A361437 | [
] | Numbers k such that k! - Sum_{i=1..k-1} (-1)^(k-i)*i! is prime. |
A361438 | [
] | Triangle T(n,k), n >= 1, 1 <= k <= A046801(n), read by rows, where T(n,k) is k-th smallest divisor of 2^n-1. |
A361442 | [
] | Infinite triangle T(n, k), n, k >= 0, read and filled by rows the greedy way with distinct integers such that for any n, k >= 0, T(n, k) + T(n+1, k) + T(n+1, k+1) = 0; each term is minimal in absolute value and in case of a tie, preference is given to the positive value. |
A361443 | [
] | a(n) is the first term of the n-th row of A361442. |
A361444 | [
] | Lexicographically earliest sequence of distinct positive base-10 palindromes such that a(n) + a(n+1) is prime. |
A361445 | [
] | Sums of consecutive terms of A361444. |
A361446 | [
] | Number of connected 3-regular multigraphs on 2n unlabeled nodes rooted at an oriented edge (or loop), loops allowed. |
A361447 | [
] | Number of connected 3-regular (cubic) multigraphs on 2n unlabeled nodes rooted at an unoriented edge (or loop) whose removal does not disconnect the graph, loops allowed. |
A361448 | [
] | Number of connected 3-regular multigraphs on 2n unlabeled nodes rooted at an oriented edge (or loop) whose removal does not disconnect the graph, loops allowed. |
A361449 | [
] | Number of colorings of an n X n grid up to permutation of the colors with no element having the same color as any horizontal, diagonal or antidiagonal neighbor. |
A361450 | [
] | Number of colorings of an n X n grid up to permutation of the colors with no element having the same color as any horizontal or antidiagonal neighbor. |
A361451 | [
] | Number of colorings of an n X n grid up to permutation of the colors with no element having the same color as any horizontal, vertical or antidiagonal neighbor. |
A361452 | [
] | Number of colorings of an n X n grid up to permutation of the colors with no element having the same color as any diagonal or antidiagonal neighbor. |
A361453 | [
] | Number of colorings of the n X n knight graph up to permutation of the colors. |
A361454 | [
] | Number of 4-regular multigraphs on n unlabeled nodes with 4 external legs, loops allowed. |
A361455 | [
] | Triangle read by rows: T(n,k) is the number of simple digraphs on labeled n nodes with k strongly connected components. |
A361456 | [
] | Irregular triangle read by rows. T(n,k) is the number of properly colored simple labeled graphs on [n] with exactly k edges, n >= 0, 0 <= k <= binomial(n,2). |
A361457 | [
] | Numbers k such that the first player has a winning strategy in the game described in the Comments. |
A361460 | [
] | a(n) = 1 if A135504(n+1) = 2 * A135504(n), otherwise 0. |
A361461 | [
] | Numbers k such that x(k+1) = 2 * x(k), when x(1)=1 and x(n) = x(n-1) + lcm(x(n-1),n), i.e., x(n) = A135504(n). |
A361462 | [
] | a(n) = A135506(n) mod 4. |
A361463 | [
] | a(n) = 1 if A135506(n) == 3 (mod 4), otherwise 0. |
A361464 | [
] | Numbers k such that A135504(k+1) / A135504(k) is a multiple of 4. |
A361465 | [
] | a(n) = 1 if A017665(n) [the numerator of the sum of the reciprocals of the divisors of n] is a power of 2, otherwise 0. |
A361466 | [
] | a(n) = 1 if A017665(A003961(n)) is a power of 2, otherwise 0. Here A017665 is the numerator of the sum of the reciprocals of the divisors of n, and A003961 is fully multiplicative with a(p) = nextprime(p). |
A361467 | [
] | a(n) = A003961(n) * sigma(A003961(n)), where A003961 is fully multiplicative with a(p) = nextprime(p), and sigma is the sum of divisors function. |