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T:	all right before our are you today
C:	I'm good how are you
T:	I'm pretty good sons outshining makes me happy
C:	definitely very warm
T:	thinking that wait so why are you here today it'll be a any specific reason sir
C:	Oh my doctor said I had type 2 diabetes so I don't really want to go on medication so
T:	oh that's actually very common today with medications doing it by a natural healthy lifestyle so she said you have text red beans did she tell you anything about that or I will level are we right now with the understanding of what type 2 diabetes is
C:	well I know I had something to do with the insulin but she didn't really understand
T:	well I'm here for you so what type 2 diabetes is is in your body that working called your pancreas secretes this insulin excrete hormone called insulin and what the insulin does is takes up the glucose that's in your blood it brings it into yourselves that they use for energy and in your case your body is still producing insulin but it's just not either producing enough or it's having trouble getting it into the cells for various reasons or you're producing it it's just not working your body loses insulin resistant right now so do you know why your cells need the glucose
C:	err
T:	yes exactly it's due form of energy and your brain needs a minimum level of glucose to function along with all your other organs so by not getting that insulin or by not getting the glucose into yourselves there's some sense there's starving going to ketoacidosis a lot of complications can happen with that so it's very important to maintain blood glucose and control your Sugar's with a type 2 diabetes
C:	so that's why I've been so tired recently
T:	yes that's a very good cause of it so yeah that's perfect so well let's talk about your daily routine in your diet and see how that plays into it right now so what do you do on a normal day or what times would she be okay
C:	well usually I just start breakfast eggs bacon
T:	okay
C:	that for lunch they'll usually say like some deli meat bread
T:	hybrid wait girl in purple and
C:	then for dinner on like pasta or some kind of poultry
T:	okay so have you ever considered maybe trying to buy like different made whole grain bread or whole grain pasta
C:	yeah I mean we don't usually do it
T:	okay okay so you know that you need to not control your blood glucose levels right to maintain the healthy lifestyle so what are your goal is to try and do that or why why would you want to do that
C:	well I don't really do much exercising my husband you know sometimes their dog so
T:	yeah
C:	okay
T:	so and then the exercise that's going to help by reducing the adipose tissue around your cells which will make it easier for the insulin to pick up the glucose and bring it into your cells so losing weight is always a key part in maintaining diet or helping to control diabetes and even if you're not necessarily using weight doing the exercise one really help you gain more muscle mass which what is the bad news and both is just another word for fat is it late with that around yourselves adipose tissue is that too soon yeah so okay so we've gone over some brainstorming ideas so let's pick some two or three things that we can really focus on so for next time maybe we can hopefully see a little luck because um before I said the doctor happened to give you a glucose meter do you know what that is or
C:	know that when you pick your finger
T:	that is what are you prick you maker yes and that will tell you what your blood glucose is so remind me at the end of thing and we can give you one of those if that sounds like a good option and then we can start having blood glucose readings and that will also manage your blood sugar that's a way to
C:	how about help
T:	well that will let you know where your blood glucose is so say in the mornings generally your blood who was this putting much lower because you've gone all night not having anything to eat you're gonna start the day fresh but at night it's kind of obvious that you've got all day you're eating you're tired your body's gone through a rough day your blood Sugar's public we're generally much more higher so if we have glucose readings say next time when you come in we can say see where you're at see if they're generally starting to decrease of what we're doing is helping or not and then you can go from there always and hopefully that will help so you won't have to run the medicine
C:	okay what would be a good range question
T:	usually we want to try and keep your blood Sugar's under 100 and especially in the morning waking up not having anything in your system I know 100 be a good number at night of course it's going to be a little bit higher so 120 80 would say we're trying to keep anything under there and you know what if you mess up and they're higher that's okay because things happen you may have wanted to go to a party that day eat a cake you know anything so things are going to fluctuate but if we come back and you generally have lower glucose that's as much that's very good sign much better for your body so so okay so I'll call these pretty serving things what do you think we can what are like two or three main things that you choose that you will focus on
C:	okay well I think testing is pretty important then I could definitely try to exercise more because I haven't really been doing much of that
T:	right right
C:	and then I maybe the whole grains too
T:	yeah and you always don't have to switch by it over either we can say go to the grocery store this time by white bread the next time I buy whole wheat bread or make your pasta half white half wheat things like that under sandwiches maybe one slice of white bread once it's we brighten everything up whatever work for you and also does your husband eat well or
C:	I mean we pretty much the same nothing right cooking
T:	okay so that's perfect do you think it's a good support
C:	I can try to get
T:	yeah exactly and you know what maintaining your health and maintaining his health is just going to better the both of you anyway so it's always nice to have someone to help support you and what you're doing and going on the walks
C:	okay
T:	and if instead of staying or going on a walk everyday maybe you can go every other day with him but it's a learning process so you don't have to jump into everything right away as long as you're taking the initiative now and trying that's always what's gonna help so if it goes wrong it is okay so let's go back and summarize what we've decided you know some be the three goals that
C:	we've shared more pool greens more exercise
T:	okay perfect and do you what times do you think will work good for testing for you or do you have an idea of how you'll like keep a journal maybe or
C:	so I can keep the journal I'm more of a morning person
T:	okay
C:	Chuck Tesla
T:	in the morning and then you'll know what you are for the day you go from there they said that sounds good to me so you seem very motivated and excited like you want to get better and that's always a good sign
C:	I definitely want to stick around a long time for
T:	I agree that's yeah it's a mingle a lot of people healthy lifestyle so okay do you plan on coming back and see an appointment for next time or
C:	yeah that's a really good checkup
T:	okay does three months okay and that way we can give you a long time because well look at your anyone see again your anyone see is a measure of how sticky your blood is basically and so it's a three month measure so you would take it two or three months it'll tell you how much sugar and stuff on to the red blood cells of your body basically so we can see if it's higher or lower it'll tell how you're doing and so
C:	okay
T:	that would be a good indicator where you're at next time I see you
C:	okay
T:	so thank you for coming in today Jamie