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T:	hi Josh great to see you how's everything going with you
C:	yeah fine thanks
T:	great okay so before we get started are there any changes to your medical history such as any new medications you might be taking or any serious operation since the last time I saw you
C:	no not that I can think of
T:	anything worrying you about your teeth or gums
C:	no not really
T:	okay so what would you like me to do for you today would you like me to simply do a check-up let you know what I find and perhaps help you have a healthy mouth
C:	yeah checkup sounds good
T:	sure okay let's lie you back very some became one of your lower molars unfortunately Josh it does look like you're going to need a feeling I would like to try to help you so we can determine just how you got this new hole may I ask you a few questions so we can avoid it from happening in the future
C:	can't you just put a filling in it and just fix it
T:	it sounds like you're keen to get healthy I like your practical attitude the new filling will fix this hole but it won't stop new holes from occurring as I said I really would like to try to help you so we can avoid you having to get any fillings in the future on that note would be really great to try to get to know what you've been eating and drinking
C:	look I know I've got a real sweet tooth I don't need you to talk to me about that
T:	you obviously know yourself pretty well thanks for these helpful information
C:	I know it's bad for my teeth can we just get this feeling done
T:	you're right that it's bad for your teeth should I possibly give you any more information
C:	yes sure
T:	the bacteria actually use the sugar that's in your mouth to create acids and it's these acids that eat through the tooth surfaces to cause holes so you could say the more the teeth are coated in sugar the more likely it is that you're going to get holes if we're able to chat a little bit more about your diet I might be able to help you so that we can reduce the risk of you needing fillings in the future
C:	or anyone I chat about my diet right now can we just get this feeling done
T:	okay it sounds like you're not ready to chat about this today is that okay with you if we have this conversation at some point in the future
C:	yes sure
T:	okay great I'll make sure I make a note in your file and then if it's okay with you next time you come in we won't be able to pick up where we left off today you've got a lot in your mind and I don't really want to overwhelm you some people actually like to jot down the sorts of things they've been eating and drinking and bring it into the next visit or have actually seen some really great apps on smart phones where you can record this sort of information really easily it's up to you of course I'll leave it to you to think about you