Garen's construction path can be very different from one game to another. Keep an eye on its itemization and play according to what it buys. If it's in full damage, you probably haven't been able to fight it alone. It will be difficult for Garen to engage or start a team fight because it lacks hard CC. This means that he will try to flank in team fights with his Q. Make sure that you keep your side at all times and kite upside down as soon as it appears. Avoid losing valuable resources like Summoner Spells or Ultimates on Garen unless you are sure you are able to kill it. Garen can quickly complete his health bar full thanks to his Passive that will lead your team to lose on key spells for the rest of the fight.
Don't regroup or fight in the jungle because this will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate b off. By fighting out, it will be harder for him to get an Ult 5 people b. Never try to take a goal like Baron or Dragon if Rumble is alive and kick. As you will be close enough together inside the pit, you will allow him to land a devastating b on your entire team. Rumble is inclined to disengage. As soon as he uses his Ultimate b, try to disengage or reposition so it is harder for him to follow the damage and win the fight.
As you’re a Support, avoid warding alone in the late game. If you get picked off, the enemy will be able to take nearby objectives or use their numbers advantage to win a team fight. Consistently place vision around the map to help your team secure objectives and get picks. Having vision around the Baron and Dragon is needed to help your team to victory. In the late game, make sure you’re with your team at all times. If you leave them, the enemy may start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive.
At level 11, Vex will put a second point in her Ultimate R. She will be much more of a threat at this stage of the game. In the middle of the game, the teams will begin to regroup. Vex is good in team fighting and she will be a great threat.
When no team fights are occurring, split push and draw the enemies attention to you while your team sieges or makes plays on the other side of the map. Make sure you continue to farm during the mid-game so you can upgrade your Ultimate R and earn more gold. Keep a constant eye on the map during the mid-game so you can assist your allies with your Ultimate R when appropriate.
Samira fights for the team fight if her team has no follow-up engaged. Once she enters, the enemy will just concentrate it if she is alone. He relies heavily on items in the middle of the game. If she is behind, she will fight to bring down a lot of damage. She is vulnerable to indiscretions and damage when her E and W are both below. She will not be able to block incoming damage or avoid/disengage from it.
Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage. After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.
Talon is incredibly strong at level 2 and 3. Look at your positioning so you don't die at an all-in-one early. Once Talon is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his death pressure increases considerably. You have to play more respectful at this time and avoid engaging in prolonged fighting. If Talon Get Mobi Boots, his roaming pressure increases. As soon as he disappears, ping that he's gone and push the wave
If they invade you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with them. Be proactive with your Ultimate. Force ganks with your R! As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can!
You should be focusing on catching enemies out with your Ultimate R at this point. Playing the role of the disruptor, you should always be on the lookout for neutral objectives as your Ultimate R can stall an objective long enough for your Jungler and team to do something. Don't forget to collect your chimes regularly. They increase your damage output and you can quite literally 1 v 1 squishy champions if you collect enough of them. Besides, your auto-attack AoE slow will play a major role during team fights. During objective fights, always try to CC the enemy Jungler due to them possessing the Smite summoner spell. This will give your Jungler ample time to steal the Baron. Another thing you may want to do is use your Ultimate R to cancel recalls on a bunch of enemy targets. This works like a charm when your team has a split pusher.
Kled needs some time to come online. Play safe in the very early game unless you have a favourable matchup. Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can look for aggressive plays and extended trades. At level 6 your kill pressure increases and so does your all-in. Wait for the enemy to overextend before initiating a trade with your Ultimate R.
Fortunately, it has little to do to kill the pressure on you, so focus on harassment and get an advance. If Aurelion Sol errs, try to push the wave into its turret and pick up free gold and XP. Try and target your abilities so they hit it and wave minion simultaneously.
Once Azir has taken his Nashor Dent, he will push the wave very quickly. Try to keep the wave as well as possible by matching his damage on the minion wave. If he uses a capability, you will need to use one too. The best time to fight Azir is when the W soldiers are down. That's because he will lack a lot of damage. Try to start fighting every time he doesn't have W soldiers available. After Azir touches level 6, he will have much more protection and can easily disengage thanks to his Ultimate R. While his Ultimate R is down, try to abuse cooldown and look for killers.
The longer the game is and the more gold Tristana has, the stronger it will be. Reduce its chances of wearing it by putting it behind in the early game. In the right matchup and with an all-in-one support, Tristana is really strong at level 2 or 3 when she has her W and can look for an early murder. Once Tristana has finished her first element, she will be much stronger and able to trade more effectively. Do not go over or push too far in the way if she has the advantage of the article.
Very immobile and can be killed almost immediately if she is caught out without her g. Layered CC will make her absolutely useless. She is somewhat item reliant, so camping and killing her a lot during the early game will just make her a shield bot during the late game. She can be picked off easily by the enemy team if she wanders too far from her team, or when she is trying to take the Blue Buff. She will also be very weak against complete all-ins from the enemy team.
Taliyah will want to delay a team's fight as long as possible while pushing you with its Q. Try and force a fight as soon as you spot it. Avoid separating and playing alone. Taliyahs Ultimate R will allow it to take enemies who are alone or isolated without assistance. Do not push too far forward if you don't have anyone nearby. Taliyah has good potential with its C. If you don't know where Taliyah is in the middle of the game, don't walk around Summoners Rift alone and avoid areas with no vision that it might be looking for a surprise attack.
Caitlyn has a lot of autonomy and early poke. It can get an early advance purely by constantly pushing the minion wave and getting turn plates. Caitlyn's early play is really good and if it is able to get an advance, it will be difficult for the ADC enemy to catch up to it. Its ultimate R is really good at executing enemies if they are alone and low. It can be difficult to use in some scenarios however, but if the enemy is weak, it should lead to an easy murder.
He is really difficult to play when the enemy team is grouping together. Nocturne wants enemies to split up so he can use his Ultimate a to pick them off. Nocturne is super squishy and gets blown up in team fights quickly even with his s. This makes it difficult for him to fight unless he’s ahead. It is very easy to fall behind when playing Nocturne. If you take a lot of damage through one misplay, you will not be able to play aggressive in lane.
Try to set up death brushes when possible. Your W will easily fear enemies when combined with your Passive, and you can then blow them up. Stay with your team and take fights in or around bottlenecks for maximum efficiency. This will allow you to get multiple murders in a short period and ultimately win the game.
Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 is very important to him. It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive pieces. At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should have finished one or two articles. Its damage release will be quite high that will allow him to win team fights mid-game. In the middle of the game, the teams start to regroup. It's good for Fiddlesticks because he benefits from teams regrouping closely because his Ultimate R is an AOE tool.
Look for constant skirmishes with the enemy to gain health or kill lead. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in early play. This will allow you to hunt and all-in-the-enemy when they walk to the farm with your Q. Once you are level 6, use your strength to fight the enemy and go for a kill. Your Ultimate R is an excellent duel tool and can help you get a lead in the way.
Gwen can do a lot of damage very quickly with a fully stacked Q. Look for jobs when you have max batteries. His Ultimate R can be recast several times. It also offers him a cure that helps him in 1v1 fights. Your W is an excellent tool that can stop incoming abilities such as Thresh Q or Blitzcrank b. Although he does not protect your allies, you can get between you and the enemy so your ally doesn't get CC.
Delay a team fight as long as possible while you push and harass the enemy with your W. Once the enemy is low, you can engage in combat. Place the vision around the medium track and wherever you and your ADC are currently playing. This will increase your chances of surviving an all-in-one. Stay with your ADC throughout the middle of the game. If you are alone, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Similarly, if your ADC is alone, they could try to collapse on them and kill them.
Jarvan IV will unlock his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and surpass the enemies with the greatest ease. This will also allow him to show extreme prowess during Jungle's duels. Jarvan's first element will give him a massive boost to his duel and survival. He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy on his own. Jarvan IV will unlock the ability to completely separate an enemy from their team and lock them at level 6. It is incredibly beneficial when the main objective is to separate a single target and get rid of them quickly.
Her first major power spike in the laning phase is when she hits level 6. She can set up ganks for her Jungler, or look for kills to get an early lead. When Lillia has completed her first component item, her damage output will heavily increase. She can look for more skirmishes with the enemy laner and will be able to trade frequently with them. Between levels 4 and 5, she would’ve put multiple points in her Q. Her damage output and trading ability will be quite strong during this time.
Do not forget to take as many neutral and objective fights as possible. Your Ultimate R & E will help you massively with it. Since you will dive into the enemy team, you will want to get a defensive element like a Zhonya Hurglass. This will allow you to use your Ultimate R effectively. You will need to take care of your backline and see that they are not being subjugated and killed. If a murderer tries to kill them, E kills him immediately.
At level 16, Fizz will put the third point of his ultimate R if he can land on a squishy target that doesn't have a Guardian Angel or Hurglass, he can quickly remove them. Unless he focuses on defenseless targets, it will be difficult for Fizz to assassinate targets like intelligent enemies will start building defensive objects to protect them from his damage. They will also start grouping what makes it harder for him to take someone.
Riven will be looking to split push when no team fights are occurring. Make sure somebody who can contest her is sent to stop her from pushing. Avoid fighting her during the mid-game though unless you’re stronger. Teamfights will be difficult for Riven as she is prone to CC, disengage and gets kited by champions easily. To make team fighting easier, she will probably flank or Flash in to engage. Ward to the side when sieging an objective to spot her before she gets the chance to engage. Riven is quite good at picking off champions when they’re too far forward or alone. Don’t let her pick someone off by staying in line with each other. Do not group too closely as it may allow her to get a 5 person r stun.
Your goal throughout the laning phase is to poke and harass the enemy in lane. You have a lot of poke, so try to poke the enemy down as often as you can. Play safe for the first few levels while you land poke on the enemy with your Q. Once they’re low enough, you can commit to an all-in. Once you’ve hit level 6 and purchased key component items, look to harass and constantly push the enemy into their tower. This will allow you to earn turret plating and increase your gold income.
Try to ride around and neutral impact, objective fights with your e and Ultimate m. You should use your t to CC several targets during a trip and completely cut the escape of the enemy champions. Be the first to turn and switch to goals like the Dragon or Rift Herald and help your Jungler take them. Anivia can help take these incredibly fast goals while zoning the enemies with your Ultimate m. Make sure you have the vision around your way at all times. As you will constantly push, you must make sure that your flanks are monitored, so that you do not die while you are overstretched and pushing.
See if you can get some roams off on overextended enemies in the mid-lane. Your t can let you decimate immobile champions if they happen to be too pushed up. Getting your Ultimate k will let you take over skirmishes quite easily. The anti-CC aspect will allow you to all-in enemies in the enemy backline. Work with your Jungler to get some picks around the map. Your t and Ultimate k should let you run down enemies with ease.
Its ultimate R can be used to install ganks on other tracks. No one suspects a Sion from the base and down or midway. Its E is a very easy skill to land that guarantees a Sion Q. This can be of great value for setting up ganks for its Jungler.
In the team fights, as soon as Aatrox comes into play, try the CC and bring it down first. He's pretty vulnerable to the CC and if you can kill him before you get his combo, the enemy will lose on a lot of damage. Try looking for fights when Aatrox doesn't have his Ultimate or Flash. He'll have a lot more time to hit the fights when either of them are on cooldown. Aatrox likes to split the thrust after the laning phase has finished. When he shows in a single side track, you could try and start a team fight with his teammates.
Quinn's Q is a potent tool in the lane. It can completely negate the ability to auto-attack from one or multiple enemies. Gaining her E is a significant power spike in the lane. This ability makes her very slippery and a menace to deal with. Getting her Ultimate R unlocks Quinn's roaming potential. She can now go for a 'hit and run' kind of playstyle and gank other lanes when required.
Be careful of when Jhin is running at you with his 4th shot during team fights. In the mid to late game, this auto can deal a lot of damage. Wait for Jhin’s team to engage or when he is isolated to try and pick him off. He doesn’t have an escape or a dash, and he is very squishy too so he should be pretty easy to kill. If Jhin uses his Ultimate R in a team fight, he is unable to reposition quickly. If you’re on the flank, try to take him down while he’s focusing on his shots.
His Passive allows him to come out on top of short trades which is quite advantageous for him. Due to how well Gangplank scales, his Passive damage is really helpful in keeping his enemies away from him. His E can be set from weird angles that can catch the enemy off-guard and cause a lot of damage. This is really good if Gangplank has access to the lane brushes in order to conceal his E barrels. With his Ultimate R, he can impact any part of the map immediately and can act as an enabling force for his laners/Jungler to all-in their counterpart and get a lead. Besides, the longer the game goes on, the greater is the scaling for Gangplank due to his r gold mechanic.
Nocturne needs to get level 6 as fast as he can to be able to use his Ultimate has for gank the tracks. Once he hits this power peak, he will look to gank actively whenever his Ultimate is on the rise. Nocturne is a good assassin and will try to kill any isolated target including the position out of mi and the end of the game. Avoid letting him pick up the free dead while remaining in the team.
Orianna is good in team fights because her Ultimate d has a large radius and can CC multiple targets at a time. Avoid standing close to your ADC post 6 so she can't Ult both. Orianna is weak early, but her poke can be very difficult to manage once she has some levels behind it. This is especially true after Level 4.
Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd stage Ultimate R, he will be able to bring tons of constant damage, especially to low health targets. This will make it easier for him to break up enemies. Lucian will have access to several articles during this stage of the game. He will be able to both support himself, as well as provide high amounts of constant damage. Lucian Q and E will be maximized during this stage of the game. It will allow him to systematically and will allow him to reposition himself frequently.
Taliyah’s kill pressure doesn’t increase at level 6 but her ability to roam does. If you’re strong at level 6, try to abuse her. After she has her first item completed, Taliyah can quickly push the wave with her Q. Ensure you’re always behind the minion wave or outside of it so she cannot push and poke at the same time. The more items she gets the stronger Taliyah will be. Avoid letting her poke you down with Q as she will deal lots of damage to you. In particular, do not let her delay a team fight with her Q.
Once Jarvan maximizes his first ability to level 9, he will be able to inflict a fairly decent amount of damage. His all-in potential will also see a significant increase depending on the ability he has decided to max first. The level 11 achievement is another important peak of power for Jarvan IV, as his ability to all-in reliably will increase a thousand folds. He will have a reduced cooling and will inflict a heavier amount of damage. His ability to pick up enemies during this phase of the game is massive. He can try to invade the jungle of the enemy with his Jungler and see if he can get some peaks there. His all-power potential will be quite powerful during the battles piled up as well.
Once his Ultimate R maiden is killed, he loses a lot of sustained DPS in a team fight. Picking the maiden off before a fight won’t let him dish out a lot of damage to you. In the lane, Yorick will use his Q ghouls to get him the push advantage, as well as the poke advantage in the lane. Killing these ghouls first will take a lot of damage off Yorick. Using waveclear abilities against Yorick will put a period to his pushing power. Following his movements on the map will give you an opportunity to always thwart his split-push attempts. Also, the team may need Grievous Wounds to beat Yorick.
Zeri’s first power spike is at level 3 when she unlocks each of her basic abilities. She will be relatively strong at level 3. Her next power spike will generally be once she unlocks her first component item as it allows her to go for more favourable trades with the enemy laner. At level 6, Zeri will unlock her Ultimate R. This is a good spike for Zeri and it will allow her to win all-ins even in the hardest of matchups.
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Do not fall behind in the middle of the game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure to continue growing! As you are a Jungler, you must try to secure each Drake during the middle of the game. Get them and secure the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, make the call for Baron or Dragon to continue your lead.
Her mobility makes it really quite hard for you to win any fight versus her, so it’s probably best to avoid trying to fight her early on. She is an early ganker and has a strong early game presence. Look to counter gank her and try to be as proactive as you can be early on. At level 6 is where you truly come online. Look to gank whenever your Ultimate is up. Ensure you’re focusing those objectives as you have good objective control and can take them easily.
When training with Viego, try to make sure that there is a minion, monster or crab between you and him so that he blocks the CC on his W. Viego has good objective control. Try to keep major goals monitored so that you can spot him before he is able to secure the lens for his team. If you counter gank Viego, keep an eye on him stealing your allied abilities and return the exchange. Be ready to back off if he kills and takes your ally.
They are going to be ganking early, and Pantheon can gank early too. Make sure you apply as much pressure to them as you can. Before invading, make sure you have your Passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off. Post 6, they win the 1v1 as they’re stronger when their Ultimate is up.
His early laning is not particularly strong, but he can use the lane brushes and his E to keep the enemy laner at bay. He may even hide in them to all-in enemies when they are pushed up. Level six will allow him to initiate fights more reliably, especially when setting up ganks. The allied Jungler will have an easy time ganking this lane. The first item component will allow Maokai to survive longer and dish out more consistent damage in the lane. He just needs to make sure that he doesn't get poked out before a fight.
Its passive can be really heinous to manage, especially when it hides in a brush and moves in and out while peeling its laner with its ts and ts. It is the jerk of the ADC sector as its t quite literally makes them miss their auto-attacks. This can reduce the efficiency of the portage for a while, which gives its team some time to engage/disengage freely. The Ultimate t can act as a substitution to the vision, as well as do a lot of damage when it is kept in the right places.
His Ultimate T can help him execute enemies, so that a large number of Cho-Gaths will be able to farm up to 6. Cho-Gath has good objective control thanks to his Ultimate T. Get each Drake with the help of your team. It is weak in 1v1=S early especially if he is taken out without his m to an enemy invasion.
At level 13, Corki will max his second ability which is usually his n. This is a very powerful spike for Corki as it will allow him to shred through tanks in late game team fights. At level 16, Corki will put the third and final point in his Ultimate e. As teams will be grouping at this stage of the game, he will be able to poke them down a lot before initiating a fight. Corki is very good in the late game as long as he is not behind. Try and avoid falling behind in the early game to make you an overwhelming force to be reckoned with in the late game.
Zoe’s range increases on her Q and E once she hits level 6. At this time, her kill pressure will also increase. Whenever her E is up, play safer. Her damage output increases dramatically once she has her first item completed. She’ll also be able to clear waves very easily. Stand behind the minion wave at all times. The longer the game goes, the stronger Zoe becomes. In particular, she is very good in the mid-game and her pick potential is incredibly strong.
As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key. Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
Level 6 is a decent peak of power for Trundle as it can now take duels and easily them. It will also allow it to affect team fights massively. It is not powerful during the start of the match, so it should aim to take short gusts when possible and retreat quickly using its e & e. The first component will allow it to survive the fights and flatten a lot of damage during the duels. It should be able to take frequent fights now.
Has great sustain in lane thanks to his Q and the items he will pick up throughout the laning phase. Good pick potential throughout the game with his Ultimate R. Even if he can’t use it top, he can use it somewhere else. Good split pusher and good at chasing down enemies in the mid and late parts of the game.
Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from them, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you’re always near at least 1 ally. Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
Lee Sin will be trying to gank as often as he can in the early game. He is a strong duelist and will look to abuse his early game strength. Once Lee Sin is level 6, his kill pressure intensifies as his Ultimate k can be used to set up ganks or finish enemies off. He is very strong at level 6. As soon as Lee Sin has completed his jungling item, his kill pressure will be very high as he will have lower cooldowns and more damage.
Try your toughest to avoid Vélikoz Qs in the way. Invest in early boots if you are in trouble to avoid this ability. As soon as he channels his Ultimate R, either disengage, CC him or commit to the all-in. Hard CC will interrupt his Ultimate R, but the roots do not. After Vel.koz has a few points in his Q, he.s out of damage will be high. Make sure you are always close to the minion wave so that you can run on it if necessary.
Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means that she will deal a lot of damage and will be able to finish off enemies quickly. Her team fighting is pretty decent. This is mainly due to her knockup mechanism and the Q AoE aspect. Another point in her Ultimate r will allow her to deal a lot more damage. This will actually let her assassinate and blow up enemy squishies.
At level 6, Teemo’s pressure increases thanks to his Ultimate t giving him extra damage and the ability to place Mushrooms {{championSpells.TeemoRCast} all around the map. The more ability haste Teemo buys, the more Shrooms t he can place around on the map. Try to take unorthodox pathing to prevent walking through them. Nashor’s Tooth is a core item for Teemo. It gives him lots of additional stats- which makes him more of a threat.
As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key. Look for picks during the mid-game. If you can pick someone off with the help from your allies, you can abuse their death timer to earn more gold and possibly take a tower, an objective or get more kills.
Anivia doesn’t spike at levels 2 or 3 like most champions. This is because she is weak in the early game and needs a lot of time to come online. But, that doesn't mean landing a cheeky t will not be impactful. Once Anivia has completed her first component item, her kill pressure and ability to trade with the enemy will increase. It is not a bad option to play somewhat safe early and then play more aggressive after your first back. Whenever Anivia’s Egg is down, you need to play somewhat safe and avoid overextending. You’re an easy target for the enemy ADC and Support if you overextend while it’s down.
Another point in her Ultimate R will see her be the most powerful she can be in the game. She can now slice through the enemy team with proper positioning. Her late-game damage is very high, and she will need to be taken out beforehand if the enemy team has any chance of winning the game. Her 3rd empowerment is essential and will make Kayle very powerful. Her auto-attacks being permanently empowered will do a number on the enemy team.
Neeko is pretty weak early, especially if the enemy can see its ability to throw. You will constantly want to use the track brushes and get your Q & E from the enemy inside them. When you try to push the enemies, make sure you don't push the wave into accidentally. This is very important when you deal with enemies who are tanks and rely on you being pushed up in the way. Always try to land your E through enemy minions to increase the power of the ability.
Avoid fighting in areas of the map that force your champions to be close to each other. Rellos Ultimate R is an excellent team combat tool that can CC multiple enemies at a time. CC and interruptions are the best way to counter Rellos W engage in team fighting. Hold on to these abilities to interrupt his engagement and burst while it is immobilized.
At level 16, Ekko’s Ultimate R will deal a lot of damage and be on a really short cooldown. He can look for insanely aggressive plays whenever it is up. Multiple items offer him low cooldowns and a lot of burst damage. Don’t be afraid to go for plays. Teams will group closely in the late game. This is good for Ekko because it can allow him to get a multi-person W off and CC the whole of the enemy team.
Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Do not fall behind in the middle of the game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure to continue growing! As you are a Jungler, you must try to secure each Drake during the middle of the game. Get them and secure the Dragon soul for your team will increase your chances of winning the game. Look for choices with your team. If you can choose someone, make the call for Baron or Dragon to continue your lead.
You can abuse this to get an early lead or blow his Spells of Invocation. At level 6, Kog-Maw will have easier time to make and trade thanks to his Ultimate there. Take care during trading with him, and try not to let him shoot you down. Kog-Maw benefits from extended trades once he has a few points in his e. Do not go for extended trades with him unless you have an advantage.
It has a very fast clear jungle. This allows it to hit the major power peaks faster than the enemy Jungler. Karthus has tons of card pressure when his Ultimate e is up. As long as he keeps an eye on the minimap at all times, he can use it to easily pick up the killed. Even when Karthus dies, he is still a threat to the enemy team thanks to his Passive as he can continue to use his 1 and e briefly while he is dead.
Karthus is a farm heavy champion and will need to soak up many minion waves and jungle camps to be useful throughout the game. His Ultimate e deals basically no damage in the early game. This isn’t good for Karthus as he only wishes to use it when the enemy is super low. During this time, the enemy could have already been killed by your ally, and you wouldn’t get an assist. Channelling your Ultimate e near an enemy champion could be very dangerous as they could interrupt the channel with CC.
Taric’s first major power spike is when he hits level 6. He can look for aggressive plays such as dives or risky skirmishes when he has his Ultimate R up. Taric can look for disgustingly aggressive plays if he invades, camps in bushes and tries to abuse the enemy Jungler. When he purchases his first component item, Taric’s aggression and overall tanky stacks will improve heavily. Expect him to go for more aggressive plays when he has picked up this item.
Level 6 a significant peak of power for Jhin as it can now put the final nail on the coffin of the targets that managed to escape with a healthy shine. It will also allow him to take the enemies with his Ultimate R slow. The first element will allow Jhin to do much more damage to the enemies and will strengthen his fourth firing efficiency. It will help his phase of overall lacquering by many. Jhin's Q is both his capability of clear wave damage and primary.
The first peak of power of the brand is once it reaches level 3. Although it will have poke up to this stage, it is not enough to proceed its passive. The second peak of power of the brand is once it unlocks its Ultimate R. It will offer it a lot of additional damage and it should be able to blow up the enemy Mid laner if it was able to land a bit of poke in advance. Once Brand has finished its Mythic article, it can constantly keep the enemy Mid laner pushed in their turn. Its damage will also increase sharply once it has taken this article.
Cho’Gath is powerful at level 6 as he is able to deal true damage with his Ultimate t. Always take into consideration his damage output whether he is being built as a tank or full AP. Cho’Gath becomes stronger and stronger as the game goes on. Try to shut him down to make him useless in team fights, or end the game as fast as possible so he cannot become a mega tank. Whenever he has his m or e up, his survivability and self peel are heavily increased. Wait for him to use one of these abilities before engaging or fighting him.
If Rengar gets late at the beginning of the game, it will be really hard for him to get back into the game. His W is his major defensive tool. In the team fights, if he uses it at the wrong time, he will get CC-D, and locked by the enemy.
Camille Support can be aggressive from level 1, 2 and 3. Watch your positioning and stay far back and away from walls so she can’t gain an early health lead. Stay away from walls, especially whenever her E is up. She can get kills and make plays whenever her E is up. So play around its cooldown. At level 6, Camille will look to make plays with her Ultimate. Track her Ultimate cooldown and play far back, and avoid overstaying your welcome if you’re low to deter her form playing aggressive.
Jinx doesn't have much help in the mobility department. If you or your team lands any crowd control on her, it should result in a kill. Try and lock her down as quickly as you can so she is unable to “Get Excited!” In team fights, avoid grouping too close together as it will allow Jinx’s Rockets Q to deal lots of AOE damage. It will also make her Ultimate R less effective if you’re slightly split up. When taking objectives, make sure you’re not low as Jinx may be able to take you down with a well-timed R. She can also steal objectives like the Dragon or Baron with her Ultimate R, so make sure you finish the objective off with Smite.
After your bot track has turned towards the medium track, move to the side track and start cultivating and winning XP there. You can look at 1v1 any enemy who tries to stop you. Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Getting an early killing could snowball the way strongly in your favor. Once you are level 6, look for more aggressive play. Your Ultimate R is an excellent scarring tool and you can get killed with it.
Brands Ultimate R is very good in team fights as it can bounce between enemies. If the enemy is grouped in the jungle, its damage release will be very high. Brand has good ganks in early play. As long as it gets closer to the enemy before using its Q, ganks should always work in his favor. It has a healthy clear in the current meta. As long as you camp kites, you should stay relatively healthy on your first ganks.
Once Jinx has obtained its core (Infinity Edge and 2 Zeal items) it will pump DPS into team fighting with its rockets. When you try to fight as a team, engage as soon as you spot it- don't leave its free self-attack in the backline. At level 6, Jinx, Ultimate R can be an excellent trading tool and it can turn the tide of the track. If it doesn't use it in its own way, it could try to secure the killers with it in other ways with it. If you see its use of Ultimate R and it, up, ping your team. At level 9, Jinx, auto-attacks will do a lot of damage as it would have done at that time. Keep this in mind and avoid fighting it alone as it is good in prolonged trades.
Try to disengage and kite Darius when he engages in a team fight. Try not to let him get on to you or your allies as he can deal tons of damage if he gets in range to pull e them in. For AD champions, investing in an Executioner’s Calling will help reduce his healing and survivability in lane and in team fights. Do not overstay in a team fight when you’re low as you might set up Darius for a Pentakill with his Ultimate e.
When you hit level 6, more opportunities open up to you. For example, you can look for aggressive games or use your Ultimate R defensively. Your Ultimate R is a truly diversified tool that can help you win an advance or prevent you from losing one. After you have taken your first component element, your poke r and damage will increase considerably. Do not be afraid to look for fights once you have taken your first element.
As Ezreal will be poking a lot in lane, when your Spell Shield E is down, ensure you stand behind your minions so he cannot land poke on you. Use your skills lavishly in lane to clear minions and hard push into the enemies Turret. Ezreal has little in terms of gank potential, so if you can- push the lane. Once the enemy hits level 6, their kill pressure in lane increases heavily. Keep this in mind and respect their all in damage. Keep your R to chase Ezreal down once he uses Arcane Shift E to escape from a gank. Your R will help you and your allies get on to Ezreal with no problems. If possible, bait this ability out with Q beforehand so you do not have to use your R.
If they invade you early, right back. This is especially true if they are early, because you won't win early fights with them Be proactive with your Ultimate, because they will seek to use theirs every time it's up. Force ganks with your R! As they will often gaunt in early play, you need to make sure that you also look at gank as often as you can and abuse your E. Focus on securing these goals. You need to take Rift Heralds and Drakes when you can!
At level 9, Garen will have his first maximum ability. It is a decent power peak because it allows him to easily dull enemies and go for regular short-term exchanges. Once he manages to get 2 points in his Ultimate R, he will have an effortless time catching the out-of-guard enemies and killing them. He should use the river brushes to pretend to wander and then turn on the enemy mid-laner if they try to follow. His survival is excellent during the middle of the game, and he can run the enemies by peeling for his wears. If he takes a lot of damage, he can quickly retreat and leave his Passive kick.
The sooner you get it, the better. Harass and poke the enemy as often as you can with your Q. Slowly whipping the enemy with your Q will increase your chances of winning a follow-up fight. Back early once you have enough gold for your first item. Usually Ezreal will want to remember once he has enough gold for Tear.
His tankness knows no limits during this phase of the game. Killing him will prove a test for the enemy team, and he can in the front line for days for his carts. A Ulitmate R maxid-out should allow him to use his Ultimate R quite frequently and increase the amount of shield. He can divide the thrust regularly and always show up to team fighting in time. It is pretty good in late fighting and can change the tide of fighting easily. His E will be quite massive during the objective fighting and piled up, especially if he can get several CC'd enemies with it.
Tahm Kench's early game isn't solid as he won't be able to protect his ADC during this point. He will deal a lot of damage to the enemy, provided he doesn't get poked out early. Level six is a massive power spike as it offers both kills pressure and defensive measures for his lane partner. This means that he can try to all-in the enemy on his own now. Level three is another significant power spike as it grants him access to all of his basic abilities. This means that he can do a lot more in the lane while using the lane brushes. He, unfortunately, won't be able to utilize his Passive well enough, though.
Extremely squishy and can be killed if some form of crowd control lands on her. This is especially true during the early game. Her Ultimate R has the probability of getting her entire team killed if used improperly. She is also very vulnerable when her C is down. The worked ground mechanic on her Q can easily allow her laners to play in the middle of the lane as she can keep barraging her enemies with continuous Qs.
As a Support, you’re quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when going to ward, when you’re moving around the map, and when you’re alone. To reduce the chances of dying and getting caught out of position, try and stick with your team at all times. Keep a constant eye on what major objective is spawning next. If it’s spawning soon, make sure you place vision around the objective as quickly and as safely as possible before retreating to safety. Having vision around major objectives is key. Look for picks in the mid-game. You deal lots of damage and can easily blow champions up. Try to kill someone and then abuse their death timer to earn more gold.
It offers it an extra pressure to kill. Keep this in mind when the snail post 6. Tahm's early game is rather weak. Try and abuse it to get an early lead. The more the game goes, the stronger and tankier Tahm Kench will become. Put it behind in the early game to reduce its power in the late game.
At level 9, Heimerdinger maximizes his Q. The damage that these Turrets will do to the enemy in the way and in the team fights will be quite high. Level 11 is also a great power peak for Heimerdinger because all his basic capabilities will be much stronger when they become empowered by his Ultimate R. He excels in team fights and can control large parts of the cards: according to the R Ultimate he uses in the team fight.
There is a stigma behind Janna's players. Ignore the haters! She is vulnerable to poke and engage. You have to be careful when it comes to trading and you will need to play around cooldowns so that you don't die when you try to harass the enemy-in particular with your basic attacks and d She relies on her team more than some other Supports like Leona or Thresh. If your team is behind, it will be harder to win on Janna.
Really bad against the disengaged champions because he can't do anything to avoid being disturbed while using his W. Disengage and CC can also interrupt his Ultimate R, which can lead to much less damage to his end. The healing reduction can easily counter him during the early match. This will allow the enemy to take Targets quite easily after getting rid of Nunu as he won.
Malzahar cannot wander as much as the other runners. He is also unable to follow the majority of roarings due to his low potential 1v1. While his Ultimate R is on the cooldown, he is incredibly vulnerable to all-in. While you are channeling your Ultimate R, you will be still. This can allow an untargeted champion to fight you or kill you.
Limit trading with them earlier as they’re strong in extended trades. At level 6 they’re much stronger than you, so be careful about fighting 1v1 post 6. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on to protect you from their strong all-in. They’re a very good roaming champion. Ping if they leave lane. Don’t match their roam, just push and get tower plates.
Soraka is really good in team fights because of her Q and E. The amount of damage and healing she can provide is phenomenal and should allow her team to play without fear in the game. Once Soraka gets 2 points in her Ultimate R, her ability to impact the fights increase overall. She can use the ability quite frequently too, which allows her to save her teammates often. Her W and Q > W combo will provide a lot of healing for her team.
Dr Mundo will be looking to power farm early so he can get as much gold as possible. Try to gank as often as possible to get your laners ahead. Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can take it with ease after his first back. With this in mind, ensure that you take the bot side scuttle crab or keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot and kill him while he’s doing it. At level 6, Dr Mundo will start to look to gank as his Ultimate R offers him a lot of duelling power. You can delay this by invading him and stealing away his camps.
Your Q will hit like a truck now, and your W will allow you to heal many allies at the same time. Overall, you will be helping your team out a lot during fights. Since your Ultimate R will be on a short cooldown, use it as much as you can, and do not fight without it. Otherwise, you will lack a lot of damage and CC to kill enemies. Neutral Objective fights should be your bread and butter. The fights are pretty congested, and you can easily afflict multiple targets. Just try your best to not get killed, as assassins will definitely try to dive you.
Azir does not have a peak at level 11 unlike many champions. Keep this in mind during the middle of the game that his Ultimate R can be less impacted compared to the other champions on the flaw. At level 9, Azir goes to max his r. It is a good peak of power for him because he can use it to bring down the enemy from afar. In conjunction with his W, he should be able to poke and farm from afar without dying to the enemy. When Azir completes several articles, he will be very strong and deposit a lot of damage in a short time.