Zilean does not have much damage to level 1 but once he has access to both Q and W at level 2, his death pressure will increase. Even if it is unlikely that he will get a level 2 kill, his release of damage is nothing wrong with it. At level 6, Zilean, the death pressure does not increase exactly, but its survival does. Every time he uses his Ultimate R, try to abuse cooldown and play aggressive while he goes down. Once he has the maximum reduction of cooldown, Zilean, Ultimate t} will be on a very short cooldown. It will be harder to get choices during the middle and the end of the game as he will save them with his Ultimate t.
When teams are grouping, make sure you ward your flanks to spot Talon before he is able to jump over the wall and assassinate your team. As soon as Talon engages, try your hardest to burst him down before he is able to disengage and deal lots of damage. As Talon is an assassin, expect him to look for picks with his Ultimate R. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone. Do not walk in unwarded areas of the map if you know Talon is nearby.
Vayne’s level 6 all-in will be stronger than yours. Avoid fighting at level 6. Force her to over extend for farm by keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on. Your goals in this matchup are to really just poke her down and focus on farming. Extended trades will work in her favour, so just try to focus on farming.
Its basic elements should allow it to blow up any squishy target that it puts on its eyes. It should wander around and see if it can be killed on the extended side tracks. The optimal time to enter during the skirmishes will be when the enemy has their targeted DC capability down. In this way, they will not be able to CC Leblanc when she uses her W to launch in. Its level eleven peak of power is quite powerful as well. It will now inflict more damage with her broken combo. To hide in the fog of the war and try to blow up the enemies will be her style of power play.
As Teemo is a varied champion, expect him to try to harass you as much as possible. Investing in defensive starting objects could be a good way to deal with him from going back and forth. Teemo will place Shrooms t around the edges of the track. Avoid walking on the side of the track and only walk the path that your minions take to reduce your damage taken. Be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP and health. Teemo has a lot of pressure to kill if he takes Ignite and is able to harass you and make you fall.
Post 6, she can't use her Ultimate R unless she's completely stacked on the Samira Style points is an incredibly mobile champion. To reduce her mobility and increase your survival, try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map. This will make it impossible for her to use her E aggressively. If you're a weak ADC in the beginning of the game, definitely keep the wave closer to your side of the map. Playing around her W in the way is crucial as it can block projectiles (automatic attacks).
Avoid grouping closely together in team fights as it may enable Galio to get a 5 man knock-up with his R once one of his allies has engaged. Space out between one another for maximum survivability from the get-go. If Galio uses his Ultimate R when you’re near him, you can disrupt it with any crowd control abilities. This will be very helpful as it can stop him from using his Ultimate R to help his allies. In team fights, try to harass and poke him down as much as possible before he can look to engage. By poking him down first, you’ll make it impossible for him to look for an engage with his E and W.
Group with your team and do not leave them. If you start to split push, the enemy will force a fight and kill your team while you’re gone. Delay team fights while you wait for your Ultimate m to come back up. Do not team fight unless your Ultimate m is up. Additionally, waiting for your Zhonya’s Hourglass to come up would be beneficial too. If the enemy has lots of disengage or poke, continue to flank in team fights to ensure you get on to the enemy before they’re able to disengage or poke you down.
His Q can allow him to heal massive amounts of damage later in the game. This when combined with his Passive, can let him heal as much during the early skirmishes. The Ultimate R can completely change the course of a fight due to it making everyone invulnerable. This is very effective on hyper carries, or when against a champion who has a timed ultimate (Master Yi for example). His W provides his carry with bonus resistances which can be really beneficial in the long run due to carries generally not buying defensive items, especially in lower elos.
Annie’s greatest power spike is when she hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R. Respect her damage output once Tibbers R is primed and ready. Annie is clearly stronger when her stun is ready, and when she has 3 stacks on her Passive. Whenever she has her stun ready, you need to respect her damage output and her ability to trade with you. Annie is strong during the mid-game and in team fights (if she can get a multi-person stun). If possible, do not walk around the map alone and without your team. Stick to warded areas and try to stay away from her at all times.
Try and lock Irelia down at the start of the fight. This will make it much harder for her to jump around your team and get resets on her Q. Avoid fighting too close together as it will allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on multiple people and allow her Q to reset. Stand together but not super close together. Try and fight after Irelia uses her E as it is one of her best tools to start a fight. Ideally, try and also fight around her Ultimate R as it will reduce her chances of getting resets.
Quinn cannot team fight easily. She will try to flank from the side with her Ultimate R and get on to a carry. Ward your flanks to make it harder for her to engage for free. If Quinn can’t team fight, she will stay in a side lane and try to split push. You can either send someone who has TP to prevent her from taking side towers, or you can quickly engage on to the enemy team and start a fight. Do not delay a team fight as it will give Quinn time to take an objective or rotate to join her team. Quinn’s pick potential is high. When sieging an objective, make sure nobody in your team is too far forward as she can pick them off with her E and start the fight.
A good Xin Zhao will use their Ultimate whenever it is up to gank an ally. Make sure you gank as much as possible, too so you can apply just as much pressure as them. Xin Zhao is a weak early game champion. This makes them vulnerable to invades by you and your team. Try to invade Xin Zhao as much as possible. As you’re great at duelling and strong early on, try to make early plays around the map to get yourself and your allies ahead. As Xin Zhao has strong invade potential, it is crucial to ward your jungle entrances so you can spot them before they invade your jungle and kill you.
At level 9, Dr Mundo will max his E. His ability to 1v1 the enemy Jungler, or 1v1 any lane champion, will be very high. Don’t be afraid to 1v1 champions if you’re ahead. During the mid-game, Dr Mundo should’ve completed a couple of core items. As every item he buys offers him defensive stats, he will be very tanky throughout the mid-game. He should be a giant menace in team fights. At level 11, Dr Mundo will put the second point in his Ultimate R. The additional health regeneration combined with his overall tankiness will be very hard to deal with in the mid-game. He will be incredibly tanky during this stage of the game.
Nasus is weak early. You can use it to your advantage to invade him and steal his camps. Stealing his camps will refuse him batteries. His ability to take Dragon is really weak early. Try to take the lens before he can gank bot lane and take it for himself. Counter ganking Nasus is pretty easy, so try to do it. Once he has entered with his W, he only really has his automatic attacks and Q to inflict damage.
Your goal will be to use the fog of war to land your CC on the enemies. Fighting in the Jungle should give you easy wins due to your e. Stay with your team throughout the late game. If you're caught out of position, the enemy will decimate you very quickly, even if you have your Ultimate m. You need to utilize your Passive wisely in team fights to increase your chances of winning. Try to counter the enemy teams' push and siege attempts by using your Ultimate m carefully. The enemy can't do anything as you will have the superior waveclear in the game.
In the mid game you focus is to snowball your lead and get those core items to spike as early as you can. The more big items you get, the quicker you will become unstoppable. Continue to focus on securing those objectives and consider fighting over them, all it takes is one piece of Void Coral to pop off and start carrying those fights in your True Form. Don’t be afraid to take down structures in your down time too. You’re an attack speed champion, so after taking down enemies in lanes, make sure to punish them further by killing their turrets as well as the usual strategy of clearing their camps.
Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer. Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time. Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate R is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate R up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.
Do not fight as a team in the later parts of the game unless your Zhonyas Hurglass and Ultimate W are both in place. Delay / disengage fight if the enemy wants to fight you. Stay with your team in the late parts of the game. If you are caught or the enemy launches a fight while you are not there, the enemy will win the team fight. Poke and delay the team fights while you and your team harass the enemy and knock them down. Once they are low, engage yourself. You can also look for choices with your abilities to catch someone who is out of position.
Remember to not fight when you have been afflicted by his t. You won't be able to do a lot of damage, and will take exponentially more damage. A well timed W can neutralize his t. Use this to your advantage. Your Ultimate will play a significant role when it comes to winning this matchup. Make sure that you target him out first during team fights. Keep the wave close to your tower. The enemy has no sort of sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks.
Multiple points in his Ultimate R will allow him to use it frequently and increase the damage. It will be a tremendous ability during the mid-game. Mid-game is really good for Pyke as he can secure multiple picks on the enemy team, especially on the enemy Support if he manages to catch them off-guard. His team fighting is quite good as his Ultimate R can ultimately allow him to turn the tide of a fight. The Q can enable him to separate targets from their team and kill them.
If possible, avoid regrouping. Use your strong duel potential in the middle of the game to fight and duel all those who try to prevent you from dividing. Although you are a very strong division pusher in the middle of the game, be ready to team up with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no goals to be taken nearby.
Before invading, make sure that you have your passive stacked so that you can win the trade. If they invade you, be ready to fight, but only do so if your passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just step back. Post 6, they win the 1v1 as they are stronger when their Ultimate is in place.
Try to lock Irelia at the beginning of the fight. This will make it much harder for her to jump around your team and reset to her Q. Avoid fighting too closely together as it will allow Irelia to use her Ultimate R on several people and allow her to reset Q. Stand together but not very closely together. Try and fight after Irelia uses her E as it is one of her best tools to start a fight. Ideally, try and fight also around her Ultimate R as it will reduce her chances of reset.
As Garen has a lot of integrated support, make sure to get some form of healing reduction quickly to make you easier to kill them. Good times to trading vs Garen is when they used one of their damaging abilities as they won't have any damage to you trader. Try to follow Garen's Ultimate cooldown post 6. It's important to do so because you don't want to be caught by Garen's superior damage post 6. Keep harassing Garen with your abilities while pushing the minion wave. Try to target your abilities so they hit Garen and the minion wave at the same time.
Gwen can do a lot of damage very quickly with a fully stacked Q. Look for jobs when you have max batteries. His Ultimate R can be recast several times. It also offers him a cure that helps him in 1v1 fights. Your W is an excellent tool that can stop incoming abilities such as Thresh Q or Blitzcrank b. Although he does not protect your allies, you can get between you and the enemy so your ally doesn't get CC.
Capable of mitigating any form of self-attack damage with his W. This can cause enemy physical damage to be practically useless when this ability is active. He can really put good cheese brushes as well as full opportunities with his E. When combined with some articles, Shen can put extra debuffs on the teased champions with ease. His ultimate R can allow him to act as a goalkeeper for his teammates. This becomes really beneficial if one of Shen=s' teammates is fed and needs to be peeled for.
Jarvan IV will unlock his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and surpass the enemies with the greatest ease. This will also allow him to show extreme prowess during Jungle's duels. Jarvan's first element will give him a massive boost to his duel and survival. He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy on his own. Jarvan IV will unlock the ability to completely separate an enemy from their team and lock them at level 6. It is incredibly beneficial when the main objective is to separate a single target and get rid of them quickly.
Play safe for the first levels. You need time to come online and you should not be in combat unless you have a clear advantage early. Once you have some levels under your belt, you can start playing aggressive and looking for aggressive parts. However, you will rely on your Support to do heavy lifting early. After destroying the lower track tower, turn to the middle track and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a golden lead.
At level 11, Fioras Ultimate R will be much better. Putting a second point in its Ultimate R is vital and its 1v1 killing pressure increases. Fiora is good in the middle of the game and will be looking for split thrust. She should be able to attract a lot of attention for her team so they can do things elsewhere like the Dragon or Baron. At level 9, Fiora will maximize her Q. This is a very important peak of power for her because it will allow her to look for more aggressive pieces, help her farm and also help her escape from sticky situations thanks to the cooldown bass.
If they invade you, just back off, as they can easily kill you, especially if you’re behind. They can secure objective so much easier than you can. Keep them warded to spot them before they can secure the objective. Post 6, avoid fighting them at all costs as they are much stronger than you with their Ultimate and they will easily kill you. He will be ganking a lot early on. Make sure you apply as much pressure as you can to match his early ganks.
Once Cho-Gath put several points in his s, he will be able to trade more effectively with the enemy. Combined with some of his other power peaks, we will discuss, he can start to exceed the trade of many enemy champions. Cho-Gath can't trade too well until after his first back. When he takes his first component element, the trade becomes much easier for him as his damage and survival increases. At level 6, Cho-Gath kills the pressure increases as he can execute an enemy champion if they exceed. Even if he can't kill them, he can still put his Ultimate t to good use.
Split push during the mid-game and try to secure side objectives. Avoid grouping if possible. Use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop you from split pushing. Although you’re a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no nearby objectives to take.
When there is no team fight, push and draw the enemy's attention to you while your team sits or plays on the other side of the map. Look for choices with your Q and R. Garen deals a surprising amount of damage, so don't be afraid to move around the map and try to assassinate someone with your team. Garen is a heavy, skirmish laner.
Once Pyke has got Serrated Dirk, he will try to push constantly and roam. Keep this in mind when laning against him. When Pyke hits level 6, his kill pressure increases as his Ultimate R is an execute. Back away when low so he is unable to kill you and snowball his lead. Pyke is really good at roaming. Once he has Mobi Boots, expect him to roam around the map and assist his allies. Ping whenever he goes missing.
Jarvan IV is one of the strongest early game junglers. Use this to your advantage to get an early lead by gaunting your allies as often as possible. Although gaunting is the key, you need to find a healthy balance between farming and gauntling too. If you fall late in gold and XP, you will find it hard to do well in the middle or end of the game. Focus on getting goals as often as you can. If you are unable to get them alone, ask for help from your allies so you can get them together.
Swain's Ultimate R is going to be really powerful from level 11. He will be able to affect team fights quickly, and his zoning potential will increase drastically to ensure that his backline remains safe at all times. Swain will have the opportunity to impact team fights during the mid-game, predominantly neutral objective fights a lot. This is quite beneficial for him, given the AoE aspect of his Ultimate R. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will increase his burst damage by quite a lot and make it easier for him to secure picks on isolated enemy targets.
Darius is one of the best duelers in the game, so don’t overstay your welcome. Do not go for extended trades with him as he will always come out ahead. Darius will look to reposition when using his e. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesn’t deal much damage. Darius is relatively immobile and weak when he is getting attacked by multiple champions. Let him push, poke him down and then request a Jungle gank for a guaranteed kill.
Kalista's level 11 doesn't give her a significant peak, but it's an advantage for her ally Oathbound. Her ability to protect them from all-en-boutés or get them to throw them all-in for the team increases a thousand folds. At level 9, she should have her first maximum ability. Most of the time, it will be her r, which will give her a boost of massive damage and allow her to take unwavering goals. Kalista is remarkable in the middle of the game. It's mainly because she can get a lot of damage with her auto-attacks and Passive while her team is peeling for her. Her Ultimate x also helps her set-up to engage.
After going in with your Ultimate a, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone. Play around your Ultimate a in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate a is up. Fighting with out it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it’s still on cooldown.
Hard engagement is the best way to deal with Ezreal during the laning phase. But you will need to wait for him to use his E if your CC is a skill shot. Ezreals poke damage starts to stack if you take too many Qs in the face. Make sure you are still standing behind the minion wave at all times. In team fights, you must not let Ezreal fall before you have the chance to engage. If it is isolated, run on it as fast as you can to start the fight. Do not delay team fights against an Ezreal.
Watch your flanks and avoid walking on an unclassified territory because Syndra has an excellent configuration with its combo Q and E. Don't let Syndra take you down before a team fight happens. Its goal will be to harass as much as it can before you look for a choice. Get involved as fast as you can so that it can't bring you down. Avoid fighting in the jungle or around an objective as it will facilitate multi-person landing and stunning. Fight in the open air when possible and avoid regrouping too closely.
Jinx's level 6 is a significant power spike as it can allow her to snipe kills from the other side of the map. It is also a good finishing ability after an extended skirmish where the enemies escape with little to no HP. The first item component will give a boost to Jinx's skirmishing potential. It will allow her to dish out a lot more damage during skirmishes. She excels when using her Q rockets in clumped team fights as long as someone is peeling for her. Additional points in her Q will allow her to dish out more damage and help her with her late-game scaling. Combined with her core items, the correct usage of this ability will differentiate between a great and a bad Jinx.
As you are a Support, avoid dealing alone in the late game. If you are selected, the enemy will be able to take goals nearby or use their digital advantage to win a team fight. Constantly place the vision around the map to help your team secure goals and get choices. Having a vision around the Baron and Dragon is necessary to help your team win. In the late game, make sure you are with your team at any time. If you leave them, the enemy can start a fight without you being there to protect them and keep them alive.
In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss positioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon. If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.
Cassiopeia has a lot of mana problems in the beginning of the game, but once she gets Tear of the Goddess, she will play a lot more aggressive. Cassiopeia really shines in the end of the game. She swings better than most champions and she can build 6 items. If you get early- Try to close the game as soon as possible. Not many champions are as strong as Cassiopeia is at level 2. Beware of Level 2 all of it with her Q and E spam.
In the late game, you need to call for Baron or the Elder Dragon. Do not die otherwise your team will not be able to secure them and the enemy will take it for free. Look for picks on the enemy when they’re out of position. If you can catch out the enemy Support, you can rotate to Baron or Dragon or force a fight with the numbers advantage. Once you’ve gone in, make sure you fall back and peel for your allies. Use your m to lock down key targets and then use yourd and e to knock up the enemy on your carries.
Gwen is hard to play in a variety of champions. They can constantly harass and intimidate him which will make him difficult to survive the early game. Your Q will only be as impacted as you do. If you use your Q without multiple piles, the damage will be futile. His W does not block turn shots, but it increases his defensive stats.
Warwick’s weak early on, but once he gets some levels under his belt, he can be a real pain for the enemy laner. At level 6, Warwick can go for more aggressive plays and shut down the enemy laner. He can also use his Ultimate R to help his allies in other lanes. Once Warwick has a few points in Q, his sustain in the lane will help him even in the toughest of matchups. He will also be able to trade more effectively in the lane
At level 11, Zilean will be very difficult to manage. His Ultimate will keep him or a key target alive and will make life of assassins a living nightmare. At level 9, his Q will be maximized and will allow him to inflict tons of damage with a single bomb. He helps a lot when executing his combo Q > W > Q. The damage and utility of Zilean in a given fight is not questionable. He can speed up his allies out of trouble, restart them, or use them as a Q transport mechanism. Similarly, he can slow down enemies, CCs, and allow his team to collapse on them.
He can roam around the map and place his Ultimate t mushrooms in heavy traffic areas. It will allow him to block off enemies when taking neutral, objective fights or steal them with well-placed Ultimate ts. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let him deal hefty amounts of burst damage and will let him kill his enemies quickly. The squishier enemies will have a tough time as he can camp those lanes after clearing his Jungle quickly. He isn't outstanding in team fights, so he should either resort to securing picks and blowing people up with his abilities or just split pushing till the enemy responds to him.
His d is the only form of self-peel for him. Once that ability is down, he is quite vulnerable to ganks. In team fights, he can be flanked with ease as well. He will be trying to play safe during the early game and will not have a lot of damage if he can’t upgrade his Passive Core. Playing aggressively and forcing him out of the lane early on can allow his enemy to get a huge advantage on him. Very prone to all-ins, especially in the bot lane when against a hard crowd control Support. He has some form of movement speed buff with his r but layered crowd control can easily counter that.
Peel for your carries in late game team fights to increase the chances of your team winning the fight. If they die at the beginning, you will not be able to win the fight alone. Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team. Focus the nearest enemy champion to your carries and work as a team to take down the enemy one by one. If you focus the backline alone, you may be an easy target for the enemy and may die quickly. By focusing on the nearest champion, you will survive for longer and keep your carries alive.
Level 3 is a decent powerpike because Heimerdinger will have access to all its capabilities. It can easily ADC still CC and explode them with its turrets and rockets. It can also use the track brushes to catch enemies out of sight with its W or E. Level 6 is probably a massive power peak for Heimerdinger. It can now bait enemies to their death with ease. It can also take laps very quickly or slow several enemies with its E. The first mythical element will allow Heimerdinger to deposit a ton of damage of poke in the track with its turrets. Its burst damage will also be quite powerful, and it can a-shot enemies with the greatest ease.
His e, when combined with his s attack speed increase is a force to be reckoned with. He can get multiple early kills with this combo (and a decent Support if he is ADC). When in the Jungle, the Red Buff can amplify the effects of this combo. His Ultimate c and his Passive allows him to shred through the enemy team with ease when they happen to be grouped together. This gives him a very strong advantage in choke points. He can use his s to scout around and set vision for his team as well. Besides that, his k allows for some crowd control set-up for his team which they can follow up on.
Multiple points in her Ultimate R will just enable her to help her team pick off-targets. Other than that, she can also use it defensively. Her mid-game potential is quite strong as she can secure picks and gain mid-priority when possible. It translates into neutral objectives. Her first ability will be maxed out at level nine, allowing her to deal out much damage. The wave clearing will let her pressurize the enemy team really hard.
Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team. Use your e to initiate a fight or try to pick someone off with it and then kill them. Once they’re dead, either move to Baron or the Elder Dragon or siege and try to end the game. Make the call for objectives like the Baron or Elder Dragon when an enemy is dead and when your Ultimate t is up. Use your Ultimate t to secure the objective for your team.
Wukong's level 3 is quite strong. Once he has all his basic abilities, he can look for a favorable trade. Once Wukong's level 6 is hit, his death pressure increases considerably. Expecting that he is looking for murders once his Ultimate n is up. Wukong is strong in the mid-game team fights thanks to the AOE strike on his Ultimate n. Expect that he is looking for fighting by attacking on the side.
He has a lot of AOE tools in his kit. This makes him excellent in team fights. Unlike some LoL champions, Hwei has integrated CC, which is useful when it comes to making games and getting choices. He has many abilities, making a unique and fun champion.
Use the track brushes and keep hitting enemies with your E. The goal is to get as many Procs as you can in this way without taking a lot of damage in return. Your effigies should help you massively when it comes to setting up the vision around the map. Make sure that the track entrances are monitored and that you continue to hit the enemy relentlessly. Once you get your Ultimate R, your team fighting impact should increase massively. Use effigies and bamboozle enemies with surprise Ultimate R's on them.
Sett is great in extended trades thanks to his Q. As long as he can stick to an enemy champion, he should win 1v1 fights. His Ultimate R allows him to both get tanks off his carries as well as deal a lot of damage to the enemy team if he manages to ult his target into them. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant. His Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so he can resort to short burst trades against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W does deceptively high damage as well, while providing damage mitigation to him.
If she doesn't use her E and plays safely, you can try a flash to engage her or lure her from inside a bush. An enemy Caitlyn can deposit a lot of damage in a team fight if she is left unchecked. Try to concentrate her as soon as possible so she is unable to deposit a lot of damage. If she is protected, try to surround her. Punishing Caitlyn in the early match will reduce her ability to snowball and destroy your turn. Try and place her behind by killing her again and again with the help of your allies.
Seraphine has low basic statistics and is quite vulnerable in early play. Play safe and avoid taking damage to increase your survival. Seraphine lacks an escape tool. This reduces her chances of escaping skill strokes and makes it more difficult for her to escape from an all-in enemy. The shield and cure you get from your W is missing enough, especially in early play. Do not rely on it to save you or your ADC life.
Remember to take as many neutral, objective fights as you possibly can. Your Ultimate R and E will help you massively with it. Since you will be diving into the enemy team, you will want to get a defensive item like a Zhonya's Hourglass. This will let you use your Ultimate R effectively. You will need to take care of your backline and see that they don't get doved and killed. If an assassin is trying to kill them, E the assassin immediately.
At level 13, Corki will max his second ability which is usually his n. This is a very powerful spike for Corki as it will allow him to shred through tanks in late game team fights. At level 16, Corki will put the third and final point in his Ultimate e. As teams will be grouping at this stage of the game, he will be able to poke them down a lot before initiating a fight. Corki is very good in the late game as long as he is not behind. Try and avoid falling behind in the early game to make you an overwhelming force to be reckoned with in the late game.
Use your W regularly to quickly clear the jungle camps. Remember that your W cooldown is reduced when using it against a large monster. Look for opportunities to gank the enemy with your Q and see if you can follow it up with your Ultimate R. This will allow you to produce a massive CC chain. Once you unlock your Ultimate R, you should have a really easy time trying to kill enemies. Also, when clearing camps, make sure that you kite around with the monster in your W.
Nocturne will look at the power farm early so he can get level 6. Try to invade him and take his camps to delay his level 6 power peak. Nocturne will try to move forward early by ruining tracks that are still or are overstretched. Try to follow him in his jungle and against the gank tracks that are ruined. If you can't counter gank, try to ruin a separate lane or steal his camps.
Keep them guarded so that you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not caught out. Being caught will lead your team to play 4v5. Do not keep alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keep them alive as long as possible in the team fights is a must to win the game.
Be careful of Galio's level 2 potential on your ADC. Galio can quickly commit and inflict significant damage, so be prepared to help your ADC disengage or use your W (you and me!) to get out of it. When you withdraw from your ADC, try to stay close to them. This allows you to attach more easily to them with your W and help them escape Galio's engagement. If Galio errs, ping your teammates to alert them and enjoy his absence by harassing and putting pressure on his ADC. Keep the wave closer to your turret. This reduces Galio's ability to engage and makes it more difficult for him to exchange effectively or go all of it.
Vision is your best friend against Graves. If you can see him before he ganks a lane, it will be harder for him to get kills and snowball. Make sure you place wards around his jungle entrances to spot him leaving his jungle. Grouping against Graves will prevent him from taking down key targets in team fights as he will struggle to get through multiple champions at once. CC is also very good against him as he is quite immobile even with his Ultimate t and e. In the later stages of the laning phase and early into the mid-game, he will try and kill isolated targets that are walking through Summoners Rift alone. Stick to walking around the map through warded areas only especially if he’s ahead.
Yuumis R has a great field of effect. Do not look at the team struggle if its R is in the jungle or around a goal because it will be able to slow down many champions and heal its team. Try to fight it in open areas where your team is not grouped closely. Yuumis game style allows it to jump on any member of its team if they are nearby. If the enemy seems to be engaged, step back as soon as they play aggressively especially if Yuumi is attached to the front line as she will empower them. If Yuumi is in a bad position, try to kill her. She does not have mobility without her allies nearby and can therefore be punished very quickly.
Use your capabilities to quickly erase minion waves so your team can besiege/prevent an enemy team seat. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you can look for a favorable trade. While you sit Baron or Dragon, or whenever you push the enemy under their turn, look for a choice with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you will be able to take the lens for free. Your Ultimate b is really effective during team fights so make sure you use it in bottlenecks and force the enemy to walk through them.
Ensure there is always a minion between you and Pyke at all times to make it harder for him to land his Q. Keep an eye on his positioning at all times. Try and stay at max distance whenever possible to make it even harder for him to land his Q. Pyke is a great roaming champion. Once he gets Mobility Boots, expect him to roam frequently. Ping whenever he leaves lane so your teammates know that he is missing.
He will now have his core of objects, which means that he will have a lot of mana and spam his Q and W. Several points in his Ultimate R will allow him to make frequent use of capacity and make crucial choices. His silence will also be invaluable. Malzahar is pretty good during team fighting as he can silence enemies and can lock high priority targets without effort.
Both your E and Ultimate offer tons of outplay potential. You can often escape ganks or turn them around easily if you’re able to play it slow and wait for the perfect opportunity to fight or escape. Squishy champions will often be left alone, or they will walk around the map unaided. You can use this to your advantage to snowball and get more kills as Akali is a strong assassin and can kill squishy champions easily. If you’re able to get a few kills in lane, you can snowball quite quickly and further your lead. Try to abuse any slight advantage you get to increase your chances of winning the game.
After entering with your Ultimate t, be ready to fold and peel for your allies in the fights of the late game team. To make access to the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay out of the way. If you flank a nonwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid separating or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you are gone. Play around your Ultimate t in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate t is standing. Fighting with outside will make the fights of the late game team much more difficult.
Your early Dragon control is far superior to Evelynn’s. With this in mind, try to secure early Dragons to get your team ahead. One way of doing this is by ganking mid or bot and then rotating straight after. As Evelynn will not be ganking early, try to gank as much as you can to get your allies ahead Evelynn is weak in the early game and will be trying to power farm until level 6. Try to invade her to delay her level 6 power spike. Try to track her through good vision placed inside her jungle. Pre-6, this will help your team know where she is and post 6 it will help reduce ganks. Control Wards in bushes and Yellow Wards on her camps will make tracking her easy.
When Ekko reaches level 9, his wave signal increases considerably. At that time, he will seek to collect CS sideways and split thrust. Send someone to match him in the sidetrack to prevent him from growing for free and taking turrets. Once Ekko touches level 6, his pressure of death increases and he will seek to go to kill. Respect his everything in potential when his ultimate R is standing as he will use it to escape after a murder. Ekkos greater peak of power is two articles (Protobelt and Lichbane). When he completes these articles, he will become a machine to shoot a blow.
Malphite is weak in the early game. Try and trade and play aggressively to delay his power spike and his ability to scale. Once he has an item, you have to be more cautious when trading, but up until then, he can be heavily abused. The shield from Malphites Passive offers more security in lane. Try to poke and harass him as often as possible so he is unable to get the shield and protect himself. Once level 6, Malphite may start to receive ganks as his Ultimate h is a great engage tool. Avoid playing recklessly and always keep an eye on the minimap especially if you’re pushed up in lane.
This is a farming matchup. Focus on farming and just harassing with your abilities. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times. They will be trying to push, and by standing out of the wave, you force them to choose between using mana on the wave or you. Investing in early boots can help you dodge their skill shots and make the laning phase less stressful. Be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Recall when you’re low so you don’t fall behind due to poke.
Go for the all-in at level 2 to gain a huge health lead. If she uses her Ultimate aggressively and misses her R, all-in her and jump on her. Go for extended trades as often as possible as you win all of them. Keep the wave closer pre 6 if possible so you can run her down.
Level 11 is not a massive peak like the other Junglers. It only gives a slight increase in damage and no utility, unlike the other Junglers. That being said, the lower cooling certainly helps. Its first ability will be maximized to level 9. This means that it can inflict a massive amount of burst damage to any enemy that it gets too close. Pantheon is quite powerful during the middle of the game.
Make sure you use your Q to kill monsters regularly. It's a sure way to get multiple batteries and take the game later. It would be better if you avoid any conflict and focus on stacking your Q up. It's a really safe way to move forward in the game. Make sure you put some vision around Jungle's entries to check the invasions. It will allow your team to collapse on the enemy if they decide to invade.
Tryndamere isn’t that good if he is behind and low on gold. He needs lots of gold and XP to solo carry in the later parts of the game. Whenever his Ultimate e is down, he is quite vulnerable which makes him (somewhat) weaker. Can be kited quite easily and is prone to disengage/CC in team fights. This can make team fighting challenging for a Tryndamere.
Darius starts to fall off in the late game, but he is still powerful. He falls off as other champions start getting items that counter him, and many champions will be tankier, which makes it harder for him to kill them. At level 16, Darius’s Ultimate e will be an essential tool in team fights. As it can deal a considerable amount of damage and as it is an execute- he will be able to take down targets and use the reset to kill multiple targets. By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build. As he builds items that enhance his damage and offer him protection, he will be relatively tanky and challenging to take down.
Several points in her Ultimate R will simply allow her to help her team choose out-of-target targets. Apart from that, she can also use it defensively. Her mid-game potential is strong enough because she can secure choices and win mid-priority when possible. This translates into neutral goals. Her first capacity will be maximized at level 9, which will allow her to do a lot of damage.
Never move around alone now, as killing you is very easy. Stick with your damage dealers and keep them alive at all costs. Your Ultimate R will be on a tremendously low cooldown during this portion of the game. Ensure that you use it as and when required because you don't want crucial teammates to die unnecessarily. Ensure that you use your E properly. Chokepoint fights are crucial, but you can also use it to disrupt mages as they are pretty powerful now.
Stay with your Support throughout the mid-game. If you move away from them, you will be an easy target for the enemy. Make sure you’re always near at least 1 ally. Group and stay with your team at all times. Do not split push or avoid grouping unless you have a good reason to be away from them. Look for picks with your Support/Jungler to get kills and increase your lead. If you kill a key target, you could make the call for Baron.
It's a little weak early, so try to abuse it at this point so it's not as strong later. Post 6, it has a lot of roaming and all-in-one potential with its Ultimate. Keep this in mind and ping if you see it walking on a room. Don't overextend when you're low; it can easily kill you and put you behind. Once she's finished her first article, she's going to do a lot of damage and be able to push the wave/combat more frequently. Keep this in mind and respect her all-in-one damage.
His early play is terrible, and he should avoid fighting for longer periods during this game phase. Focus on the scale and get your first element. Level six is a decent power peak. It allows Vladimir to release his burst combo and develop a decent amount of pressure to kill in the way. It will allow him to impact the fights quite easily from now on.
If Jarvan builds AD, he will be very squishy in the team fights and will get blown up quickly in the team fights. Once he has entered, he will have to engage fully in the fight. To ensure the victory, you must make sure that your team is able to follow. If you enter without them, you will die. Peel, disengagement and CC are the biggest weaknesses. He will be unable to effectively use his d and e combo if the enemy can bring him down, reposition or CC him mid-combo.
All of his abilities will be upgraded during this phase of the game, making him uber-powerful. His abilities will hit like a truck from now on. Multiple items will further let him deal more damage to enemies, especially those who clump up together during team fights. A fully maxed out Ultimate m will hurt the enemy team massively. Any kind of fight around chokepoints will automatically make Viktor the winner.
Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R at level 11, his power to assassinate his targets and escape unscathed will increase drastically. As long as he uses his abilities properly, he will have an effortless time taking over the game. Kha'Zix's Q is his main damage ability which will be maxed out at level 9. He can practically one-shot squishies at this point, especially if they are isolated. It will also let him clear Jungle camps pretty quickly. Mid-game is the part of the game where champions are roaming around, warding, and changing lane assignments. This is why this time is beneficial for Kha'Zix as he can get multiple solo picks on the enemy and ultimately dismantle the enemy game plan.
Sett is a strong start ganker. Expects that he gank every way in the game early to get himself and his allies in advance. Once Sett is level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his pressure to kill increases again and he looks to gank every time his Ultimate R is in place. Sett is good for picking up the champions in the middle of the game. Make sure you're never too much before that he could try to catch you out of position with his E.
An additional point in his Ultimate R will increase his overall damage and allow him to use the ability frequently. He will help him massively during team fighting or trying to secure peaks. His first ability will be maximized at level 9. This increases his damage, and his team fighting potential will be respectable enough now. He will pose a lot of threats if he can use the ability by hiding in a brush. His tankness will be colossal during this phase of the game. He will absorb the turn shots and enemy damage simultaneously and make it very easy for his allies to follow his commitments.
Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his all-in potential and limit his usage of both his E and Ultimate. Invest in early armor or magic pen to help you lane against him. Not getting any of it will make it impossible for you to kill him. If playing a ranged champion, try to harass and bully him down with basic attacks and abilities to gain an early health lead.
Try to abuse your range advantage to gain an early health lead. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on to force them to over extend for farm and XP. When trying to poke, aim your abilities so they hit the minion wave and the enemy at the same time. Once they’re level 6 they become stronger than you and it will be harder for you to lane against them.
In the mid-game, you will want to take multiple fights and get ahead. It will be pretty hard for the enemies to kill you if you don't get CC'd. Your W and E will be instrumental to your success in this matchup, especially during ganks. Set up some death brushes in the Jungle when possible. Do not take full-blown team fights. Instead, rely on picks to win the mid-game. It should be pretty easy to do if you use the fog of war properly.
Go for extended trades with him whenever possible. Just make sure you keep your distance. Try to kite as much as possible. If he gets in range, W away to create distance and then continue to auto-attack him. Do not W directly on to him. You need to reserve your W to escape his engage. Usually you’ll look for an all-in at level 2. You can’t do this vs fizz as he has good turn around potential.
Look for picks during the mid-game to get your team ahead. Getting a pick here or there or blowing an enemy Summoner Spell can be more than enough to get a nearby objective. Call for objectives during the mid-game. You’re the Jungler afterall and need to prepare and make the call to take an objective whenever it is about to spawn. Usually, the ADC and Support will go to the mid lane after securing the bottom lane tower. If the enemy rotates to the mid lane too, you should look to gank them so you can get kills and the mid lane tower.