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aphelios | Green and purple guns can be used together for long-range route. White and red guns can be used together for dueling, using Q to spam attacks and bonus boomerangs. |
xinzhao | Avoid being separated or away from your team in the late part because the enemy will force a fight while you're gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. |
ashe | Use Ashe's lack of escape abilities and sustain to your advantage by poking her down frequently Look for an all-in on Ashe when she is low on health. |
Fiddlesticks | The earliest evidence for Fiddlesticks Jungle was recorded in south-west Germany in 1678 by Georg Franck von Franckenau. |
akshan | Lane refers to areas in which champions can be found during team fighting. The enemies are the opponents who challenge Akshan to fight. |
kaisa | At level 6, Kai'Sa gains extra utility thanks to her Ultimate R. Make sure you watch the map when recalling so she is unable to snipe you with her W and follow up with her Ultimate R. |
maokai | Flying camps away from your opponent can gain you an advantage in gold and experience. Playing with your allies when your Ultimate is available can increase your death pressure. |
lucian | Lucian relies heavily on the articles to win the game. If Lucian is late early in the game, he will fight at the end of the game while he is late. |
aurelionsol | Aurelion is a mana hungry champion. Aurelion will be vulnerable to ganks and all-ins if he is low. |
jayce | Try to go for extended trades as much as possible. You can poke the enemy with s as often as possible to harass them from afar. |
aphelios | Aphelios is a versatile champion with many opponents unaware of his potential. |
riven | That makes her a threat to the enemy rear line. Its Ultimate e can execute low health champions easily. |
ornn | Ornn is good in team fights. Try to fight when he’s not there as it will make team fighting much easier. |
skarner | The enemy front line could block Skarner's Ultimate. Skarner should avoid using his Ultimate on the enemy front line. |
viktor | Focus on agriculture. Agriculture and avoiding fighting with the enemy are your main priorities in early play. |
riven | Riven will begin to fall as the game continues. She should count on choices to win the game. |
kassadin | The goal of this strategy is to get to his level 16 power spike. Kassadin's Ultimate ability will be used to flank in team fights. |
akshan | Try to keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map early. In doing so, Akshan will be less effective. |
diana | Make sure you're near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast. Do not fight unless your Ultimate R is up and Zhonya’s Hourglass is up in the late game. |
ksante | K'Sante has a lot of crowd control (CC) and can lock and lay CC on enemy champions. K-Sante has a lot of potential for trading with its Q and basic attacks. |
kassadin | Once Kassadin gets his first item, he should deal a lot of burst damage to his enemies. Bonus points if Kassadin can shove his wave in and look for kills on other lanes. |
lulu | A champion should focus on firing the enemy. Use Q to slow down the enemy if they try to pick up and catch up. |
rengar | If the players are invaded early, they should simply withdraw; they do not win early skirmishes with the enemy. You have decent objective control, so try to guarantee major goals when you can. |
ornn | Fighting in the jungle will cause teams to be quite close together which allows Ornn to knockup multiple champions at once. Proper turret placement and spacing is vital for winning this matchup. |
akali | The correct use of your W is very important during this stage of the game. If used freely, the enemy laner can lure you into such an all-in-one and then get rid of Akali quickly. |
malzahar | Malzahar's first major power peak is when it gets its first component. The first component will allow Malzahar to spam its capabilities on the enemy tracks. |
karma | Her Q can easily be avoided if the enemy builds up a huge wave or positions correctly. Even the splash damage won't be enough to get past a huge minion wave. |
ahri | Ahri can either focus on picking off enemies and flanking with her allies during late game team fights if she is ahead. Saving one Ultimate stack allows Ahri to escape from a vulnerable position. |
olaf | Level 6 is a massive power spike for Olaf as he can now reach his target without being interrupted. If he manages to flank his enemies, the immobile carriers will be pretty much doomed. |
fiddlesticks | His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights. In the mid-game, teams start to group. |
karma | Once your bottom lane rotates to the top lane, go to a side lane and start to farm. Try not to fall behind in gold and XP by sharing it with your ADC and Support. |
neeko | Your Ultimate windup time is critical. Picking enemies off will be the name of the game during this phase. |
aphelios | Aphelios will be comfortable winning trades with the enemy after completing his Mythic item. This is especially true if Aphelios gets his Mythic item before the enemy ADC. |
karthus | Try to get level 2 first (the first wave followed by 1 melee minion) and then look for an all in. Make sure you hit 2 first to win the exchange. |
irelia | Her Ultimate R is a good duelling tool at level 6. Irelia benefits from extended trades. |
blitzcrank | It is crucial to not pull a tank onto the team as they can easily lose a fight fast. After landing a hook, Blitzcrank should peel for his carry. |
quinn | The more items Quinn gets, the more of a problem she will be for the enemy team As long as she looks for picks with her team, she should be okay in the late game |
kayn | Level 6 is a massive power peak that allows Kayn to strengthen its global potential. The additional damage to the burst will be beneficial when dealing with squishy or various targets. |
rakan | If Rakan charms the whole enemy team, it will provide valuable time for their own team to deal damage and win the fight. Rakan is a great champion for roaming. |
akshan | This will increase your survival and it will be put on a short cooling time. Keep in mind that early armor will be very beneficial in this matchup. |
jhin | When you get your Ultimate R, you will be able to deal a lot of damage and get multiple kills around the map. Try to help out the side lanes when possible. |
twitch | This gives him a very strong advantage in choking points. Its passive makes it easy to shred enemy teams when they are grouped together. |
galio | The enemy laner can ward the river if he is mid lane. Enemy laners do not harass their supporting players if they are near a brush. |
shaco | Keep the goals for the Dragon and Rift Herald kept at all times so you can spot Shaco before he takes them. Shaco's damage production increases considerably when he finishes his first article. |
amumu | Amumu's late part isn't bad. It will be very tanky as it would arrive towards the end of its construction. |
kaisa | As a result, kaisa will need to be peeled for as well. She relies heavily on items to perform effectively. |
talon | When teams come together, be sure to watch your flanks to spot Talon before he can jump over the wall and assassinate your team. As soon as Talon commits, try to blow him up before he is able to disengage and do a lot of damage. |
diana | Falling behind will make it difficult for Diana to get back into the game. Proper warding from the enemy team can diminish Diana’s flanking potential in team fights. |
akshan | Your Ultimate has a short cooldown, so use it frequently enough to help cut off enemies who have already taken some damage. If you have allies with CC embedded in their kit, try to stay close to them. |
veigar | Veigar will use his Ultimate R to try to bring down a defenceless/healthless enemy. Buy items that will make it less likely that Veigar can shoot you with his Ultimate R. |
ornn | In team fights, avoid grouping too closely as Ornn can use his Ultimate R to get a multi-person knock up and start the team fight. Ornn has the ability to knock up enemies that are close to his Q, terrain and walls. |
senna | Once Senna is level 6, her card pressure and kill pressure increases. Ping your team once it's level 6 so they know it can influence a fight with its Ultimate R. |
ashe | The cooldown of Ashe's Ultimate w will be lower than expected, allowing for surprising picks. Ashe will be at max or near max build in the later parts of the game. |
kayle | Leveling up Her first ability will allow her to poke her enemies with ease. Poking her enemies with ease will let her clear waves quickly. |
anivia | Anivia has a weak laning phase. |
malphite | Malphites Ultimate is a great tool of engagement. Avoid playing recklessly, especially if you are pushed into the way. |
belveth | Counter ganking Bel'Veth should be attempted whenever possible. Bel'Veth's core abilities are less effective after initial use. |
janna | In team fights, Janna will try to use e to knockback enemies to delay their engage. If you need to get on to the enemy to kill them, be prepared to flank from the side to make it harder for her to anticipate your movements. |
drmundo | His Q ability allows him to evade ganks with ease. The R ability will grant significant power to the champion when unlocked, providing a huge health gain that makes it nearly impossible for him to die. |
illaoi | Illaoi's all-in playstyle in the late game makes her more vulnerable to enemy takes. level 3 is a power spike as Illaoi gets access to all her abilities and can now go for short burst trades against her laner. |
zeri | Agricultural holding Good compositions compared to the team with many shields. |
poppy | By creating this rift, you can gain an advantage in the game. Level 16 isn't that great because she won't be getting a lot except for a reduced cooldown on her Ultimate R. |
mordekaiser | Keep the wave near your turn so Mordekaiser can't freeze near his tower. Mordekaiser can't chase you very far even if he shoots you with his E, because of your mobility. |
gangplank | Destroying his E barrels before he can detonate it can take a lot of damage off his kit. His E barrels form a major part of his early game damage and without it, he will just be stuck farming and occasionally helping his team with his Ultimate R. |
syndra | Level 3 is a decent power peak as it allows Syndra to access all its primary capabilities. Level 3 allows Syndra to go for regular exchanges against his enemies. |
sion | I can easily inflate the robots and ask them to help me. My Q has a lot of impact in neutral objective fights. |
garen | If Garen decides to go for a full AD build when his team lacks a frontline, he won't be able to do anything that game. This should be a proper signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp Garen when possible. |
ezreal | Try moving up so that you can still proc your R on Ezreal even if he pokes you and uses E. Ezreal will try to hard engage on you with his R after using his E and following up with W and Q if he stands in brushes. |
syndra | Do not separate or depart from them otherwise the enemy may try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities. |
naafiri | Keep a good objective control! Gank the lower track |
renekton | If you're going to get away with an undeserved bush, then the enemy will have more trouble reacting to an all-in-one. Avoid separating from your team at the end of the game because the enemy will force a fight. |
yasuo | Yasuo is very mobile. |
azir | An extra point in his Ultimate R will come in handy but it won’t make or break him. At level 13 Azir maxed out both his W and his r. |
rumble | Do not regroup or fight in the jungle as this will allow Rumble to get a good Ultimate B. Fighting outdoors will be harder for him to get an Ult B of 5 people. |
rengar | Rengar is stronger when he has 4 batteries of Ferocity. You should avoid fighting him if you come into contact with him when he is completely stacked. |
samira | Spend as little time as possible away from your team. You need gold and XP to buy items. |
renata | If allied champions damage a marked target, they deal additional damage and consume the mark. Renata's W buffs herself or an allied champion with increased attack speed and movespeed. |
velkoz | Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive as long as possible in team fights is a must to win the game. |
yasuo | Yasuo is very vulnerable to crowd control. The crowd control prevents Yasuo from launching his E for a while. |
lissandra | Remember Level 5 if you are at risk of dying. Let Lissandra push you into your turn. |
hwei | Look for picks with your team. Use your E to scout for picks. |
leesin | Your main goal during the fighting will be to reach the most priority enemy target and then move them to your team with your Ultimate k. Playing around the vision will really be important to achieve this goal. |
amumu | Amumu's level 6 is very good. Once Aumu reaches level 6, try and position away from your other lane so he can't you two CC with his Ultimate y. |
akali | Akali is one of the most difficult champions to master in the game. Playing around Akali's energy levels, his Passive, his W and his two mobility spells takes a lot of practice. |
twitch | Reminding, avoid pushing too far when you know that Twitch has just argued that it can appear and go for a favorable trade. Twitch benefits from extensive trades. |
taliyah | A C E Q combo by talijah can ruin the life of the enemy lantern. The Ultimate R of talijah allows him to cross a long distance almost immediately. |
shen | Make sure your chosen target survives anything so you can easily win team fights and get an advance. His tankess will be gargantuane during this stage of the game. |
darius | Darius will look to reposition when using his e. Try and stay in the inner ring so it doesn’t deal much damage while Darius is repositioning |
ashe | This will allow you to whittle the enemy tower down and possibly take it quickly. Once that is done, immediately swap to the mid-lane as you will be safer there and will be able to get more objectives that way. |
urgot | Urgot's ability to take out his commercial opponents decreases when he is hit by his Ultimate R (executor). After finishing the search for the Black Cliviers, Urgot became more difficult to kill. |
khazix | Reaching Level 6 and getting first power is an important pick-up for Kha'Zix. The evolution of Q gives Kha'Zix a massive increase in damage. |
camille | Camille will want to lock down an isolated target with her Ultimate R, but by standing close together it will reduce her ability to do so. Camille will often hunt vulnerable targets who are isolated walking around the map. |
sejuani | In the late game, Sejuani picks fights with her team and uses her lockdown to control the battlefield. Sejuani's build orders prioritize items like Heartsteal and Thornmail for defense. |
urgot | Urgot will be able to go for more frequent jobs after finishing The Black Cleaver. He becomes vulnerable when his Q and E are down the road. |
sylas | With its first maximum capacity, Sylas can easily explode unique targets. Peel for your carts at the end of the game team fight to increase your team's chances of winning the fight. If they die at first, you will not be able to win the fight alone. |
gwen | Her kill pressure increases during this phase of the game due to her maxed out Ultimate R. Gwen excels during team fights as she can dish out a lot of damage, especially when fighting around clumped areas. |
quinn | She will try to flank from the side with her Ultimate R and get on to a carry. Ward your flanks to make it harder for her to engage for free. |
leesin | Gank every opportunity you have, especially on pushed enemy targets, to get a lead. Effective compensation is necessary to ensure that you can gank frequently. |
karma | The empowered Q ability helps to get enemy low for an all-in. Her Ultimate a gives huge shield d buff protection from incoming damage. |
zeri | Shields are an essential part of a team's defence. The composition of an armored team is beneficial in many situations. |