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The damage inflicted by Sejuani is quite powerful. Sejuani uses a CC capability (crowd control) that affects its enemies
The benefits of Gangplank's first core item include increased duel ability speed and increased damage against squishier targets. Gangplank has a weak early game as he is reliant on items for dealing damage.
Due to her liabilities, she is rather low in 1v1s unless she is in advance or she can get a very good Ultimate e-off. Miss Fortune is a professional player,
Corki will look to constantly push the minion wave. Try to match his wave clear so he doesn't keep you pushed in.
The health regen while burrowed is possible through use of the W key. Rek'Sai is incredibly mobile.
Work with your team to shoot down Singed after you kill him. Keep the wave near your tower to limit the size potential of Singed.
Even if they don't die, squishies will be too chunked to participate in a team fight with karthus. You will be able to burn through the entire enemy team with proper positioning and karthus.
Once you have an object behind you, you can constantly push the enemy into their turn. Malzahar is fragile early because its presence is negligible.
Do not play too aggressive or lose a lot of health early on. Wait to trade and be prepared to sacrifice some CS for XP so you can look for an all-in later on.
It can try to get some early healing reduction, which can significantly affect your survival. Be sure to keep an eye on this potential strategy.
No one suspects Zion to use his Ultimate R from the base down or midway. Sion's E skill is very easy to get and guarantees a Q at the end of Sion, which can be of great value for setting up ganks for his Jungler.
Investing in early boots can help you avoid ahri's skill plans and make the laning phase less stressful. The Ahri Passive offers additional support in the way that can help it survive even the most difficult matches.
At level 16, Zyra will put the last point in his Ultimate R. The utility and damage that this capability provides to this rank is very good, and it will be a threat in team fighting.
A ward in the river at 1:25 can help determine if he’ll Hook b or not. If Blitzcrank shows on the ward, pull the monster outwards so he cannot easily land his Hook b.
Trendamere is really good at split thrust due to its kit. Its kit allows it to target 1 v 1 with ease while making sure that it can escape in time if the enemy team decides to collapse on it.
Ideally, fight Nunu when in the river or not near a camp. Nunu can easily solo the Dragon at level 4 and after.
By this stage of the game, Darius should be near max build. A max-build for Darius involves items that enhance his damage and offer protection.
Check your team's positioning before starting a fight because starting a fight without follow-up is useless. Flanking the enemy team and using the fog of war are tactics to use during this phase of the game.
ShShe can easily get surprise kills post 6 if she lands her E on the enemy target. During the laning phase, it’s really easy for you to steal your ADC’s farm by mistake.
Keeping the wave here also allows you to zone it away from the farm, or trade aggressively if it tries to hit a minion for the last time. Maokai can escape your W and avoid your Q is easily with its W.
If Garen goes for a full AD build when his team lacks a frontline, he won't be able to contribute. This should serve as a signal for the enemy Jungler/team to camp him when possible.
If you stay healthy at more than 25%, your chances of winning the way and surviving increase. If you are below 25% health, Urgot can use his E for car once and finish you with his Ultimate R.
A good vision is needed before using Ryze-S' ultimate ability to avoid getting his team killed. Agriculture is essential to get as much gold and XP as possible.
He can throw lap dives early and try to get killed once his laner pushes the wave in. Its ability to drop the aggro tower and take reduced damage to the tower allows it to attack safely.
Once Senna is level 6, her card pressure and kill pressure increases. Ping your team once it's level 6 so they know it can influence a fight with its Ultimate R.
Watch out for a potential Flash engage by Pantheon. When engaging in team fights, do not stand too far forward because Pantheon may try to make a play from there.
As Support, you are quite vulnerable and can easily be killed when you go towards, when you move around the card, and when you are alone. To reduce the chances of dying and being taken out of position, try to stay with your team at all times.
You can dish out a lot of consistent damage if you are given the chance. Sand soldiers and Passive make it much easier for you to stop all-ins in their tracks.
Heimerdinger's E allows him to CC key targets but has a long cooldown early on. Fortunately, he will not have this problem during the late game and will now take down many enemies with his E.
Continue to grow in the side lanes with your support/jungler to get additional deaths and expand your lead. The pursuit of key targets alongside your support/jungler can trigger the Baron Nashor, greatly improving the performance of the team.
However, Galio can use his Q to bypass this limitation during early stages of the game. When using Galio's Q, he should try to hit enemy champions for bonus points.
Syndra's abilities cause heavy damage. Syndra can practically take a single shot or take them out of the fight for a while.
Be prepared to back off slightly when Brand gets the level up so you don’t risk losing your health bar. The longer the game goes, the stronger Brand gets thanks to the items he’ll get.
Take advantage of Jinx when she is alone in the lane. Jinx is defenceless without her Flash active.
The Akshan W also allows him to be camouflaged for a long period of time if he remains near a wall. Akshan doesn't do well in the various matches.
Anivia can help take these objectives incredibly fast. Make sure you have vision around your lane at all times
Just the kite and the automatic attack of the closest enemy champion. If you walk too far forward, the enemy will concentrate you and take you down.
Having someone and catching them out of position will make it easier to win the end-of-game team fights – especially if your allies are nearby. Avoid separating. You have to stay with your team at the end of the game to win.
Trundle will become much more tankier after having activated his Subjugate n. Your tanks will be weak when Trundle activates his Subjugate n.
Sona's Q poke accumulates enormously over time. The constant use of Sona's capacity forces its travelers to suddenly remember and cause a setback in their plans.
Pantheon is a champion who can gank early. Before invading, make sure you have your passive stacked so you can win the trade.
Smite is a popular multiplayer online fighting game. A Smite fight refers to a competitive match between two teams in the game.
She can be both a tank destroyer and a decimator of squishier champions depending on the build she chooses. Kaisa is very strong in a 1v1 with no minions present.
This peak of power will allow Vladimir to impact the fighting quite easily from now on. The first element will give Vladimir an important kick.
You’re Darius, not an assassin and you’ll struggle to kill anyone alone. But, you can soak damage and deal loads at the same time.
Skarner just needs to lock the most priority target and get them to his team. The first element will allow Skarner to quickly clear its camps.
A champion who is quite vulnerable and easy to kill is Lulu. A champion should focus on firing the enemy.
In team fights, Heimerdinger uses his empowered E to get picks and start the fight. Catching someone out and getting a kill can give his team enough time to take objectives like Baron or Dragon.
Nasus' tenacity will be a force with which he will count because he will not die as long as he finds a target to use his Q. This will provide the Nasus team with a reliable front coating.
This will make Rumble prone to ganks and will not allow it at all to CS (farm). Your goal in early play is to play safely, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy lantern.
Kled usually gets enough follow-up due to the increased speed of movement of the team. Once he gets two points in his Ultimate R, Kled can focus on the race of the enemies down and destroy them completely with his team.
This player will take advantage of gloved enemy players to win an early lead. Level 6 is a significant increase in power as it adds another layer of damage to its overall attack strategy.
This makes jhin very good with champions who have hard CC or slows in their arsenal. jhin can keep going for regular short trades with his auto-attacks and his Q.
If the enemy looks to fight you while you have max stacks of Tibbers on Annie, you can quickly turn around the fight. After completing the first component item for Annie's build, her wave clear and trading power increase.
Level 6 is an important power peak for Sylas, but its effectiveness depends on the composition of the enemy team. To be effective at level 6, Sylas must take the ultimate correct capabilities.
Kog'Maw is rather squishy in early play.
Its Ultimate r can completely move the tide of a fight if it is left uncontrollable. Must feed the early play of the farm and therefore has no impact unless the enemy exceeds or exceeds the limits.
Pantheon is a strong Jungler in the early game. Pantheon is able to spot you before he is able to gank a lane with his Ultimate R if you place vision inside Pantheons jungle.
Try to team fight in the open so he is unable to use his empowered E to stun your whole team. Do not fight inside the jungle as the size of his E is roughly the same as the jungle.
Level 16 isn't that big a spike for Galio. Although his Ultimate R cooldown is reduced and the cast range is increased, he won't have any incentive to use it for himself.
In the middle of the game, Nasus picked up several hundred piles on his Q. You will soon become a huge threat if you continue to grow.
Avoid using major CC abilities on orrn when his W ability is off cooldown, as he can use it to dodge or escape CC. After orrn hits level 6, get vision in the river to spot junglers early and anticipate ganks.
Try to break Malzahar's spelling shield before using your abilities, as it can cancel a lot of damage and crowd control effects. You can use your Q capability to break the spell shield just before a gank so that its shield is lowered and your Jungler can the CCs quickly.
Swain is weak at the beginning of the rolling phase. If Swain faces a champion who can all-in-one and CC him, it's especially true for him.
In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Old Dragon.
Do not die otherwise your team will not be able to secure them and the enemy will take it for free. Once you've gone in, make sure you fall back and peel for your allies.
Use your Passive only if it is beneficial for the entire team. Do not use [Passive] aggressively unless the whole team can follow up with you.
Fiddlesticks is not very strong. His job is to survive early.
Kassadin will have 2 points in his Ultimate at level 11. The ability cooldown reduction for Kassadin's Ultimate will allow him to deal massive amounts of burst damage.
Gwen's W is a great tool that can stop incoming abilities such as Thresh Q or Blitzcrank b. Thresh Q is an ability that Gwen's W can stop.
Ekko is a melee champion. Ekko will get bullied down by the superior range from other Mid laners if he does not take action.
Your Ultimate R will help you a lot in the backline. In the late game, look for choices about immobile or mispositioned enemies.
Level 16 is a massive peak for Trundle. Trundle can now make itself really powerful using the Ultimate on the right person.
During the laning phase, this could be devastating if you go in at the wrong time. Get level 2 first and look for a favourable trade.
SHe should be able to 1v1 most enemy Junglers if she gets the jump on them. Elise can secure objectives alone or with her team.
An enemy cannot enter a certain part of the map while Anivia blocks them. The Ultimate ability of Anivia has incredibly strong sieging power.
Viego's Ultimate R will do a lot of damage. Viego's Ultimate R will allow him to execute the enemies easily during the fighting.
Wards in the jungle provide valuable vision for the team, allowing them to track Nocturne's movements and position themselves for counter-ganks. The ability to spot enemy champions using wards is critical to taking out Nocturne effectively before he can use his ultimate ability.
Nasus is at his weakest at the beginning of the game. Early play refers to the period of time shortly after the beginning of a game.
Track him with vision and try to counter his ganks. Skarner can easily counter-gank the Ivern because he lacks CC once he goes in.
While Fiddlesticks is good in the late game, he is incredibly squishy. Lookout and be cautious when trying to get a good Ultimate R off so you don’t get killed before a fight breaks out.
Look for picks in the late game. If you can take someone down, you can use the numbers advantage to force a fight or an objective.
Avoid being too forward because he can push you to his team and then all of you. Poke is your best friend against Trundle.
Grouping too closely will make you vulnerable to Zac's E and Ultimate R. If you are slightly separated, you will be harder to catch by Zac's E and Ultimate R.
Zeri's weak from behind. Many champions are weak from behind.
It's important that you commit as soon as you find her so she can't escape. The longer the game, the stronger Senna will be in the team fights.
Malphite is solid during the end-of-game fights that his Q and Ultimate will hit like a truck now. All he has to do is wait for the perfect moment to use his abilities effectively.
Zoe's Q interval increases on her E once she reaches level 6. At that time, Zoe's pressure will also increase.
Jarvan's first item component will give him a massive boost to his dueling and survivability. He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy out on his own.
It is highly beneficial for her team as that ability does a lot of damage and can completely change the tide of a fight. At level nine, Gwen will be able to max out her Q.
Invading and trying to fight Graves, setting him behind, should be the priority. The player is a good counter-ganker.
Use your range and energy advantage to gain an early lead. Try to harass the enemy champion as often as possible.
If the Saplings E are close, walk to them before you flee. Walking towards Saplings E can 'bait' out of their position.
The goal for a beginner like me is to hit level three as quickly as possible. Hitting level 3 quickly will give a boost to my clearance speed, but I won't be able to gank effectively until I'm level 6.
Dr Mundo has good Dragon control and can take it with ease after his first back. With this in mind, ensure that you take the bot side scuttle crab or keep the Dragon warded at all times so you can spot and kill him while he's doing it.
If Blitzcrank oversteps and uses his b and misses it, he can easily get killed. You’ll need to watch your positioning and not overextend without backup.
Take care of Yorick Graves. Yorick Graves has three or more gules in which he can spawn.
Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you're gone.
CC (Crowd Control) is your best friend in the fight against Tahm Kench. Against Tahm, opt for regular exchanges from inside the minion wave to keep you safe from all-in-one potential.
Be prepared for Elise's top lane ganks at level 3. Her mobility makes it really quite hard for you to win any fight versus her, so it’s probably best to avoid trying to fight her early on.