Vayne’s first power spike is when she is level 6. Her kill pressure and manoeuvrability increases dramatically whenever her Ultimate n is up. Vayne is incredibly weak in the early game. Try to abuse this if you can. End the game as fast as possible. Vayne is a late-game monster and will be incredibly hard to kill in the late game.
Your goal in the early game is to gank as often as possible to get your allies ahead. You are a strong early game Jungler, so make sure you try to exploit your early advantage. Look to secure objectives whenever they’re up. This will give your team an advantage as the game goes along. Find a healthy balance between ganking your allies, farming your jungle and securing objectives. Make sure you do not fall behind in XP by trying to constantly gank.
Twitch is a hyper-portage and will become stronger and stronger than the game continues. Finishing the game quickly is often the wisest choice when playing against it. Twitch is the first level 2 power peak that it gets access to its s and can gank a track. Be ready for the level 2 gank and play cautiously in the first minutes. Once Twitch has obtained the hurricane of Runaan, its damage release will be fatal. It is very important that you do not let him lay down his damage by exploding it at the beginning of the fight.
After going in with your Ultimate R, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights. To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone. Play around your Ultimate R in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting without it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it’s still on cooldown.
Adding another point in his Ultimate 2 will allow Xerath to land more shots on targets. This will help him a lot by trying to finish the enemies who escaped with poor health. At level 9, Xerath's p will be maximized. It will be obnoxiously easy for him to pull out enemy tires now, mainly if he uses track brushes for the same goal. Xerath will have a maximum-out 2 when he reaches level 13. This will face increased damage and allow Xerath to chain his p with him. The result will be a huge piece of damage.
The first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This ability will now hit like a truck, and he can quickly assassinate enemies if they are low. Shaco is pretty decent during team fights. This is mainly because his clone can cause all-around mayhem for the enemy team. His ability to sneak behind the enemy team is phenomenal. Team fights will become better for Shaco. Another point in his Ultimate l will let him use the ability frequently and increase the clone burst damage.
Grievous Wounds can counter her heavily as it reduces the healing (which is a huge portion of her dueling power). Since her early game is the point where she is the weakest, building such an item can be pivotal towards shutting her down. Misuse of her W can straight-up cost her the lane. Once that ability is down, she can be CC’d to oblivion and gotten rid of quite easily. This is especially true if she dives into the enemy team. Her Ultimate R can be avoided easily if the enemy team disengages as soon as she places her Ultimate R on a member of her team. During the laning phase, Fiora’s opponent can prevent her from proc’ing her Passive by using the terrain to block the direction in which the Vital appears.
Sion is weak early, but once it has a few levels under its belt, it can be a proactive ganker. A deep vision will help counter Zion. Ward's jungle, when you can, to help your allies stay alive. Its objective control is not very good in the game very early, try and secure goals like the Dragon before it can inflate the bot track and take the Dragon with them.
Before looking for the all-in, bait out his d. His d is his only real form of defence and protection from an all-in and once it’s down, he is easier to kill. When Viktor has completed his first upgrade (which is usually his y), make sure you’re always outside of the minion wave so he is unable to push and poke you at the same time. Viktor will be looking to play safe in the early game. Try to abuse this to get ahead.
Another point in his Ultimate R will not do him much good either. This will allow him to turn easily, but apart from that, there is nothing much to that. Ryze will now have his basic items, which means that he will cut down more damage than early play. He still hasn't reached his final form yet, however. Ryze will fight during mid-game fights because his damage will not be enough for the enemies at one stroke. He will have to be careful to get CC'd as well.
With the constant use of this ability, Sona can force her trackers to suddenly remember and cause a setback in their plans. She swings like a truck and becomes extremely strong during the last game. It allows her to inflict respectable amounts of damage while healing and protecting her team for a good amount. Her Ultimate R can completely reverse the tides of a lost team fight. It will allow her team to look for an all-in-one as well, or win a skirmish on a goal.
Very strong all-in potential with her E. This when combined with her Q slow, can allow her to lock down an enemy for quite some time. Her W is the bane of any champion with dashes, especially all the carries who are reliant on their dashes. Her Ultimate R can allow her to turn the tide of a fight almost immediately as it can turn a 5 v 5 into a 5 v 2 easily. It also acts as a great source of disengage for her.
Caitlyn has lots of range and early poke. She can get an early lead purely by constantly pushing the minion wave and getting tower plates. Caitlyn’s early game is really good and if she’s able to get a lead, it will be hard for the enemy ADC to catch up to her. Her Ultimate R is really good at executing enemies if they’re alone and low. It can be difficult to use in some scenarios though, but if the enemy is low, it should result in an easy kill.
Poke the enemy and harass them as much as you can before looking to fight. Bursting someone down with a few Q’s and your R will allow you to force a team fight with the numbers or health advantage. Avoid using your E aggressively in late game fights as you’ll be vulnerable briefly. Only use it aggressively if you’re 100% sure you cannot get abused for it. Stick with your team and avoid walking too far away from them. If you get caught out, your team will lose out on a lot of damage in a team fight, and it would be your fault. Stick with your team as much as possible.
Ezreal is mobile, but not as mobile as you. Just use your E with discretion to get to him quickly. Avoid getting poked out by his Q in this matchup. You may use your W to do so if you have no other way. Post-six, you should be able to all-in Ezreal regularly in this matchup. Just make sure that his E is down beforehand. Keep the wave in the middle of the lane or close to your turret. Try to expose Ezreal to ganks this way.
His items will make him very tanky during this stage and combined with his Passive and Ultimate R, he will be a behemoth for the enemy team. Taking him down will be nearly impossible and hence he will be able to completely separate the enemy team's backline from their frontline. He is at his strongest when his Ultimate R is up. He can straight up dive the enemy team and completely disrupt their team fighting by just walking towards them. Dr.Mundo's Q can allow him to secure picks for his team. The slow can enable his team to follow up on that target with hard CC abilities, or straight up just all-in and burst them down.
They are going to be ganking early, and Pantheon can gank early too. Make sure you apply as much pressure to them as you can. Before invading, make sure you have your Passive stacked so you can win the trade. If they invade you, be prepared to fight, but only do so if your Passive is stacked and you can win, otherwise just back off. Post 6, they win the 1v1 as they’re stronger when their Ultimate is up.
Ashe is much stronger in the long skirmishes because it allows her to activate her Q in the trade. Do not go for prolonged trades with Ashe unless you can kill her. Once Ashe has her Ultimate w up, her ability to get kills increases. You have to respect her level 6 and respect her all-in whenever her Ultimate w is up. Ashe is very dependent on her Ultimate w as it can be used in various ways. Try to abuse her when her Ultimate w is on cooldown because she is incredibly vulnerable while he is on cooldown.
Once she gets multiple items, she will be bursting down enemies left, right, and center. All she needs to do is sit in the fog of war and wait for an unsuspecting enemy to walk in on her. At level 16, Lux will mega-spike. This is due to her Ultimate n being upgraded to level three. She will now blow up enemies with the Ultimate n alone, and the ability's cooldown will be negligible. Her g will be on a very low cooldown now, and the Jungle will be her playground. She can easily catch and burst down squishy targets who are squandering around in their Jungle.
Your first power spike is at level 3 when you unlock all 3 of your basic abilities. You can start ganking at level 3 onwards. When you unlock your Ultimate, ganking will be easier and you’ll be more of a threat. After you’ve completed your first component item, you’ll be quite strong in 1v1s and have a higher chance of getting ganks off.
Warwick can gank pretty well early on, especially if he manages to hit level three and gets access to all his abilities. Once that is done, he should be able to shut down overextended enemies with ease. Level 6 is a massive power spike as it allows him to pick targets off. The range on that ability is enormous, making it quite effective from the fog of war. Warwick's objective control is really high. This is mainly due to his Q healing, which allows him to take neutral objectives really fast.
Tahm needs to ensure that he activates his E mid-fight. Activating it too late is pointless because the enemy will disengage, and you will waste the shield. He is very immobile which means he is really easy to chase down even with his W up. If the enemy freezes the lane, he cannot do anything to escape an all-in/gank. As Tahm Kench is a melee champion, laning against ranged champions is very hard for him as they can poke him down whenever he walks forward or positions somewhat aggressively. Ranged champions can also zone him incredibly well.
Skarner will seek to flank in team fighting with his E. Ward flanks to facilitate your escape before he comes to load you. Avoid fighting in the jungle, around the lenses or near the baron. You must be spaced so that he cannot land his Ultimate on several champions at once. Invest in armor and magical penetration items. Skarner will build tank items and you will be unable to kill him if you do not buy these items.
Look for aggressive parts at level 2 as you are stronger than it at level 2. Look for aggressive parts when its dizziness is down. Fight it after it uses its dizziness that you will win a fight with it. Post 6, it will just keep pushing you in your turn, so you can try to force it to exceed the extension and then pursue it down the track.
Nautilus is strong at levels 1-3 and can play aggressively and look for murders with his g. Always make sure behind a minion every time his g is up to the level to reduce his ability to kill you in the way. As soon as Nautilus reaches level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate e, his death pressure will rise again and he can lock you as soon as you stretch out. Play less aggressive when his Ultimate e is up. Nautilus picks up once he has Mobility Boots as he will help him wander very easily. Ping as soon as he will miss so your allies know he's missing.
Your goal in the early game is to play safe, pick up gold and XP and avoid dying to the enemy laner. You are rather weak in the early game and need time to come online. Once you have quite a few levels under your belt, you should look for short favourable trades. As you’re not strong in the early game, you may wish to wait for the enemy to waste an ability before playing aggressive. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. This will ensure safety and reduce your chances of dying in lane.
During the laning phase, focus on the descent of the enemy to get a health benefit. When the enemy is low, commit to an all-in. Try your hardest to keep your ADC alive as long as possible in the way. Provide them with W healings whenever they need it. After destroying the lower lane tower, turn towards the middle lane and try to take this turn. This will open the map and give your team a gold lead.
A maxed-out Ultimate l will confer the benefits of a lower cooldown and more significant burst damage of the Shaco clone. It will let Shaco one-shot enemies if they destroy it while it is in their vicinity. He will be dealing a lot of damage to the enemy team now, especially the squishy targets. He has the potential to one-shot low health, immobile, and squishy targets quickly now. Shaco is pretty decent in team fights due to his clones and the short cooldowns on his abilities. He can quickly get rid of critical carries due to his e and set traps for the enemy team using his Ultimate l and x.
Once your bottom lane rotates to the mid lane, go to a side lane and start to farm. Try not to fall behind in gold and XP by sharing it with your ADC and Support. In team fights, use your empowered d to provide a large shield to your allies. Unless you need to use your d or Q, you should try to use your d to help them survive. Delay team fights for as long as possible in the mid game while you poke and harass the enemy with your Q.
Avoid team fighting in the late game unless your Ultimate R is up. Fighting when it is on the cooldown is a big no and can cost you the game. When in advance, look for peaks while waiting in the high traffic areas for an enemy to pass. If you are able to get down the enemy Mid, ADC or Support, you can use their death timer to finish the game or take a major goal. Avoid dying and stay on the same side of the map as the next major goal. Do not show on the lower side of the map if Baron is about to come.
At the end of the game, look for choices about the immobile or mispositioned enemies. Taking someone at the end of the game can give you enough time to force a fight, sit a goal or take the Baron or the Elder Dragon. If the enemy is in a group, watch to group with your team too. In the team fights, keep focusing the most squishi and the easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline. Flank in the team fights to get on the enemy backline easily. Make sure to be close to your team at all times so you can get in the quick fight.
Keep them guarded so that you can see the enemy moving around the map and see them start the goal. Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so that you are not caught out. Being caught will lead your team to play 4v5. Do not keep alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keep them alive as long as possible in the team fights is a must to win the game.
You should focus on getting level 3 quickly and then see if you can gank pushed-up enemies regularly. It should be quite easy if you can bypass the vision set by the enemy team. When dueling enemies, you must check the enemy's inventory so that you don't get bamboozled by early Grievous Wounds. You will want to avoid fighting with enemies having such items. You must try to counter gank as much as you can as his kit facilitates it. Once you get your Ultimate e, you should be extremely efficient in skirmishes.
In the mid-game, your main goal will be to look for as many picks as you can. Work with your Support to help them ward while planting your E sapling in the Jungle brushes. You should be really tanky during this phase of the game. Peeling for your carries should be your primary goal after you manage to initiate the team fights. The river and choke points would be a great place to fight as your abilities will lock down multiple enemies. Just go in on the highest priority target and try to CC lock them.
Karma's poke is really obnoxious for the enemy team during the mid-game. She also provides a lot of utility due to her d and d. This simply means that a good Karma will make her team invincible. At level nine, Karma will have her Q maxed out. This increases her overall poke damage and will let her chunk out enemies before significant fights. Level eleven will be a decent power spike due to her ability empowerment potential. This will come in really handy during significant fights in the objective pits.
Ward major objectives and place vision in high traffic areas in the late stages of the game. Keep them warded so you can see the enemy move around the map and see them starting the objective. Stay with your team at all times. Avoid moving around the map alone so you do not get caught out. Getting caught out will result in your team having to play 4v5. Do not ward alone unless you know where the enemy is. Peel for your allies as much as possible. Keeping them alive for as long as possible in team fights is a must in order to win the game.
Your goal is to hit level two before the enemy and look for an all-in with your Q. Hold onto your Q till you get a bit closer to your target, or use it when the target is pinned against a wall. Keep collecting chimes while you are laning. You need to unlock the slow on your auto-attacks and getting 5 chimes will allow you to do so. Once that is done, you can land your Q very easily. Always be on the lookout for roams around the map. The best time to do it will be when the minion wave is pushing to you and you have left lane to collect some chimes. Use your E properly and maybe pair up with your Jungler for maximum effectiveness.
Rotate and move around the map with your ADC/ Jungler to help your other lanes. Keep placing vision and stick with someone at all times. During the mid-game, team fights will start. Make sure you participate in them and help your team when needed. Place vision around the map, but avoid doing so alone as you might get caught out and die for it.
The longer the game is, the more stacked it will be. This makes it strong enough in the last game. When it reaches level 16, Cho=Gath will put the third and final point in its Ultimate t. It will be able to bite easily and execute enemies that are taken out of position by its team. According to its construction path, Cho=Gath will either do a lot of damage in late game fights or be incredibly tanky.
Janna is a very mobile champion thanks to her d. This allows her to easily escape sticky situations. She is a bully of the lane and can easily harass and harass the enemy over and over again. An aggressive Janna can win solo the lower way. She provides a lot of healing and protection for her allies that is very beneficial because he will keep them alive longer in the fights.
His Passive allows him to blow up squishies with ease. This can allow him to get a huge lead early on and then capitalize on it, and finish the game before key enemies come online. The follow-up CC extension on his kit with his W and E is really strong. This is what makes him really good with champions who have hard CC or slows in their arsenal. He can keep going for regular short trades with his auto-attacks and his Q. This will allow him to soften up his target without the help of his Support, and once they are low enough, he can all-in them. He becomes safer as he builds critical strike.
Keep looking for choices with your Q and A. If you are able to get a choice, try to abuse the number advantage and finish the game. Again, stay with your team and avoid walking too far from them. If your ADC gets caught, then the chances of winning will be reduced. So, by sticking with them, you will increase your chances of winning. Keep peeling for your team in team fights. Make sure to keep them alive as long as possible.
When Galio charges towards you, try to disengage as quickly as possible. If you let him get close, he will look to engage with his E and then taunt you with his W. As soon as Galio goes missing post level 6, ping your team as he may be looking to roam with his Ultimate R. If you’re a ranged champion, use your range advantage to harass and poke him down whenever he moves forward to last hit.
Improper usage of his W can get him killed in the lane. This is especially true against ranged matchups. The alternative is to back off, which allows the enemy to just zone Yasuo off the wave. Very vulnerable to crowd control as it prevents him from casting his E for a while. He can’t cast E on the same target twice, so he can easily be caught out. Although a power house, he is very squishy and can easily be burst down if he happens to mis-step. This can happen quite a lot if he is pushing the sidelanes, and overextends.
Lulu's early game can be incredibly hard to play against if you are a melee champion. Opt for support and defensive statistics in the early game. Once Lulu has finished his first element, his protection and shielding ability will increase dramatically. At this stage, she will also make a huge amount of damage during trading. Team fights are where Lulu shines thanks to his E and Ultimate R that can be used on his allies.
Kayn will try to fight as much as he can in early play so he can get his shape quickly. Keep this in mind and be ready to fight back. Because of Kayn-S Ultimate R and mobility, make sure you look at yourself as you remember, and make sure you are standing in the middle of the way so it is easy for you to escape if it comes out nearby. Don't give him easily kill by window shopping when you remember. Opt for early maintenance. Kayn has a lot of support in the way thanks to the items he buys and his E. Having supported that fits him will make the laning phase much easier.
The level 2 of Lucian is a decent peak of power because it allows it to go for a devastating total combo. The damage inflicted is relatively high, and it can quite quickly kill the enemy with multiple combo rotations. Level 6 is a significant peak of power, especially when Lucian is against an immobile port. It should have an easy time to release waves with it as well if it has to remember. The first element will be a massive peak of power for Lucian because it allows it to do a lot of damage. It will give it an inherent advantage, especially if it can capitalize on its level 2 peak of power.
At level 16, Fizz will put the third point of his ultimate R if he can land on a squishy target that doesn't have a Guardian Angel or Hurglass, he can quickly remove them. Unless he focuses on defenseless targets, it will be difficult for Fizz to assassinate targets like intelligent enemies will start building defensive objects to protect them from his damage. They will also start grouping what makes it harder for him to take someone.
Putting the second point in Fiddlesticks Ultimate R at level 11 is very important for him. It will put his Ultimate R on a shorter cooldown and allow him to look for more aggressive plays. At this stage of the game, Fiddlesticks should’ve completed an item or two. His damage output will be quite high which can allow him to win mid-game team fights. In the mid-game, teams start to group. This is good for Fiddlesticks as he benefits from teams grouping closely together as his Ultimate R is an AOE tool.
It is quite vulnerable to the CC and if you can kill it before it has its combo, the enemy will lose on a lot of damage. Keep track of who it can change at the beginning and during a fight. Try to play accordingly all its new potential abilities. Try and avoid fighting in the river or in the jungle, because Viegos E can make it very difficult to kill. It is better to fight at the opening or after using its E. Its E allows it to be super slippery.
Trundle is strong at level 1 and 2: depending on the matchup and ability he first controls. When Trundle bought T1/T2 boots, he can start wandering and helping his allies. Trundle is a roamer as well. At level 6, Trundle. Ultimate n is very useful in skirmishes with the enemy robot. If he is laning against a tank Support, he can steal their stats and be incredibly tanky.
Do not push the way without having the bushes of the track in the lower lane. You never know, Fiddle could be hidden there and ready to vomit. Fiddlesticks is rather still and usually pushes the wave. Try to ask for ganks of your Jungler and then enter just before they arrive for the greatest chance of killing him. Try and lure his Q before committing himself fully to a commitment or else he will interrupt the exchange. One way to do it is to walk forward and falsely bait a commitment. Every time he uses his Q, abuse cooldown.
Shyvana is very weak before-6, and you are much stronger than her. Go and invade her and try to fight her to deny her gold and XP. Post 6, it will be harder to fight her alone, so keep this in mind if you want to play aggressively. Try gank as often as you can early. You are much stronger than her and can get a lead just by being active on the card. Don't forget Shyvana. Make sure you take these Dragons away from her whenever possible.
Capable of mitigating any form of self-attack damage with his W. This can cause enemy physical damage to be practically useless when this ability is active. He can really put good cheese brushes as well as full opportunities with his E. When combined with some articles, Shen can put extra debuffs on the teased champions with ease. His ultimate R can allow him to act as a goalkeeper for his teammates. This becomes really beneficial if one of Shen=s' teammates is fed and needs to be peeled for.
It is important that you continue to grow during the middle of the game so that you can get your items as quickly as possible. Don't just stay in the middle if you can't get anything done. Flank in the team fights to make it easier to access the enemy backline. Use your W to speed up to get off a good R Ultimate. Look for choices during the middle of the game. If you can choose someone with the help of your allies, you can abuse their timer of death to win more gold and eventually take a turn, goal or get more murders.
Once Lucian unlocks his 3rd stage Ultimate R, he will be able to dish out tons of consistent damage, especially to low health targets. It will make it easier for him to burst down enemies. Lucian will gain access to multiple items during this stage of the game. He will both be able to sustain himself, as well as deal hefty amounts of consistent damage. Lucian's Q and E will be maxed out during this game stage. It will let him all-in enemies consistently and will allow him to reposition himself frequently.
Once Aatrox reaches level 9, its Q will be maximized. The reduction of cooling time and additional precipitation will mean that this ability is on a very short cooling time. In the middle of the match, Aatrox will have brought elements that will reduce its cooling capabilities. Through levels 9-13 its capabilities will be on a very short cooling time. When Aatrox touches level 11 and puts two points in its Ultimate R, it will be a serious threat to the enemy in team fighting. Fight around your Ultimate to do a ton of damage and survive team fighting.
The first ability will be maximized to level 9. This ability will now hit like a truck, and it can quickly assassinate enemies if they are weak. Shaco is decent enough during team fighting. This is mainly because his clone can cause all around the mahema for the enemy team. His ability to sneak behind the enemy team is phenomenal. Team fighting will become better for Shaco. Another point in his Ultimate it will allow him to use the ability frequently and increase the damage of the clone bursting.
Once Karthus has his Ultimate e, he can impact the map regardless of his positioning. Whenever you’re fighting the enemy, always take into consideration that he may use his Ultimate e to finish you off. The more AP and the more magic penetration Karthus gets, the better and stronger he will be. Try to shut him down or constantly invade him to reduce his gold income. The longer the game goes, the stronger Karthus is going to become. Ensure you put him behind in the early game to make him less useful as the game goes along.
This champion is pretty immobile and is prone to CC. If they get caught out by any CC, they will probably die. In particular, when she channels her Ultimate e she is vulnerable. Unlike a lot of ADC’s, she doesn’t have a dash or escape ability. This can be a huge problem for her throughout the game. Miss Fortune isn’t very good in 1v1s and her outplay potential isn’t the best. Due to her Passive, she is rather weak in 1v1s unless she is ahead or can get a really good Ultimate e off.
His mid-game team fighting is quite potent during this phase of the game, especially if he gets a multi-man E on the enemy. The second point in his Ultimate R will let him do more damage with the ability. It is necessary to ensure that he tosses the target in the proper direction. His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will let him deal massive amounts of damage during ganks and mid-game fights.
When Ahri reaches level 11, she will have 2 points in her Ultimate. This offers her additional selection potential during the middle of the game. At level 9, Ahri will maximize her Q. She will be able to easily push the wave of minions during this stage of the game. Mix this with the elements she takes in advance, she can constantly keep the enemy pushed in their turn. Since Ahri is a brilliant Assassin Mage, when several elements are finished, she will be able to secure peaks on sketched targets throughout the middle of the game: leading to a possible neutral objective advantage.
It can be wise to save your E} to avoid at least the real portion of Setts W damage. After your level 9 pick-up, keep the minion wave crashing into the Setts tower so you can punish it with your Q to punish it for CSing and opportunities to play games with your jungler. Aatrox does not heal the Setts W shield. Refuse the casting abilities with the intention of damaging it when it has its shield activated unless you watch CC. Play safe at early levels, because Sett has a potential to kill high against you. Your game style should change to the poking after level 9 and reach 20% cooling reduction through the articles.
Go for short burst trades with your Q in this matchup. Use it to heal yourself when possible. Your Ultimate R should help you massively, especially when you use the lane brushes. That being said, bait his W out before going in on him. Roam around and see if you can get kills elsewhere on the map, specifically on pushed enemies. Keep the wave close to your tower and scale up. This will also expose Gangplank to ganks.
Once Ekko hits level 6, his ganking will be more effective as he can go for deadlier and longer ganks thanks to his Ultimate R. If you see that your allies are low and he’s on that side of the map, communicate with your team and tell them to recall so they don’t die. Ekko can start ganking once he has access to all 3 of his abilities. He cannot really gank too much unless he has all of his abilities available to him. When Ekko gets his jungling item completed, his trading power intensifies and he can 1v1 most Junglers if he is healthy.
His early play is excellent as he can completely CC and blow up an enemy target when necessary. Using the brush line will allow him to reap a lot of benefits. Level six is an excellent peak as he can now control the pace of a team struggle. He can easily be between the enemy team while treating a lot of health and regenerate a lot of health in return. The first element will allow him to spam his abilities frequently and deposit a lot of damage.
When playing as a ranged champion, try to stay as far back as possible while using your range advantage to harass him. Staying at max distance will make it difficult for him to jump on you with his W. After he hits level 6, be careful when moving back to lane if he’s not already shown. He may use his Ultimate R to get behind you and all-in you as soon as you get back to lane. At level 1, be careful of Pantheon's early pressure as he can often cheese a kill and force you to blow Summoner Spells or health potions.
Avoid committing to extended trades with the enemy in the very early game. Wait until you have a few levels under your belt before looking to fight. Play around your Q hotspots in lane, and avoid using them unless you’re able to trade. When your Q is on cooldown, you’re quite vulnerable and will lose 1v1 fights. Make sure you make use of your Passive empowered auto. If you’re able to use it periodically on the enemy laner, your chances of winning the lane increases.
Use the track brushes to get a edge on the enemy travelers. You can easily CC and poke them with your basic capabilities as you will be hidden. If the enemy's lantern wanders, don't bother trying to challenge their roaming. Instead, push the minion wave and start winning the gold turret. You will naturally push the minion wave with your Q. As you push, keep a constant eye on the map. Heimer is vulnerable to the ganks if he doesn't have his Q turrets, so keep that in mind.
Do not fight in the late game unless your **Ultimate** is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you’re going to miss out on the potential knockup it provides. Your **Ultimate** will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone who is isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position. Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight.
Maokai is not great in 1v1 scenarios because it lacks damage. It can easily be invaded by early-game junglers. He will be unable to flank or get to the enemy in team fighting if they place the pupils on the side. Even if he is a tank, he can easily die in team fighting when he uses his W on a target. If his team is not there to follow, he will die quickly too. Look at the map before entering.
Level 2 is an all-in power spike for Lux. She should be able to all-in the enemy by using the lane brushes to drop vision and bamboozling the enemy. If the enemy is cautious, they will be zoned out easily. Level 6 is another significant power spike as she will assist her ADC in killing the enemy bot lane. The ability can also be used to safely steal neutral objectives or snipe kills. The first item component will make up for good poke as Lux will use the lane brushes to keep harassing the enemy bot lane. Her long range will make it really hard for the enemy to catch up to her.
Avoid fighting or staying close to your teammates (bundled together). As Nautilus’s e can knock players up who come into contact with it, if you’re close to the focused ally you might get hit too. Nautilus will often be the frontliner for his team. Once he has gone in, try to focus him down if his teammates do not follow him in. Naut struggles getting out again once going in- so if he makes a mistake, abuse it Nautilus will auto attack anybody who comes close to him in attempts to CC them with his Passive. Try and stay away and out of range during team fights if you’re squishy.
Staying with your team in the late game. Do not separate or get away from them otherwise the enemy can try to remove you or initiate a 4v5 fight when you are away from your team. Look for choices with your abilities. Choosing someone and then collapsing on them to remove them is a great way to win a team fight and end the game. Look for choices on isolated targets if possible. Keep a constant eye on you and your allies position. You need to drop the enemy and delay the fights in the late game, but you need to look at your positioning as you move forward to harass.
Never accuse your pout in the open air. Do not follow this instruction will kill you. Counter-turn at your risk in this matchup. Never walk in front of you in the fog of war first just because you saw Nautilus wander. Keep the wave in the middle of the track and see if you can keep the track brushes kept at any time for maximum efficiency.
Camille is a mechanically difficult champion. She takes a lot of practice to master and she has a sharp learning curve. You have to play a lot to make use of her kit. While Camille is incredibly mobile thanks to her E, every time he is on the cooldown, she is very vulnerable and easy to take. Before entering, make sure to check your environment as you do not have an escape when your E is down. As it is mechanically difficult, it is really easy to get wrong on her. If you make a mistake, the enemy can easily capitalize on her and win an advance. Once Camille is behind it, it will be difficult for her to return to the game.
In the late game, stay with your team. Avoid getting too far away from them because the enemy can force a fight while you're gone. Focus the closest enemy champion in the team fights. Even with your W, you're always squishy and vulnerable to the enemy rear line. Focus the same champion as your allies focus. You can cut down a ton of damage in late game team fights with your Q-related damage. Make sure you're self-attacking as much as you can to increase your Q-related damage.
Invade Fiddle in the early game to refuse him as much gold as you can. It is low before level 6 but even weaker before level 3 in order to use this to your advantage. When Fiddlesticks reaches level 6 he will try to surprise you gank with his R. Keep track of where Fiddlesticks is and inform your team, so that they can get pupils down and play safely when it's on their side of the card. Before engaging on Fiddlesticks, ask yourself if it's the real one. Don't waste everything on a fake scarecrow.
She should be careful about getting invaded during the early parts of the game. Setting up vision around the Jungle entrances in the river should help her detect invades early on. Once she unlocks her basic abilities, she should be looking to gank pushed up enemy lanes with extreme prejudice. Try to bait their Flash out so that you can come back later on and finish the job. Getting her Ultimate R will help her a lot with ganks. Still, she should be careful about ganking lanes that have enemy champions with knockbacks in their kits. She should wait for her teammates to bait out the knockback before going in for a kill.
Akali runs out of energy quite easily. You’ll need to keep a constant eye on your energy levels and only go in for aggressive plays when you have lots of energy. Akali and assassins like her struggle against teams with lots of CC. In team fights, you’ll have to wait for the perfect opportunity to go in so you do not get CC’d and killed pretty much instantly. Akali is one of the hardest champions to master in the game. Playing around her energy levels, her Passive, her W and her two mobility spells takes a lot of practice. Expect to put in a lot of effort if you want to learn Akali.
If she gets CC.D., she dies. Mobility is Kindred's main suit, and taking it away from it will make the enemy team's job kill her way. Her potential for escarming depends on her availability in W. Without it, she has not been able to use her Q systematically, which forms the pillar of all her escarming power. Her Ultimate R, so badly used, can easily lose her team a whole fight. It can even cost them a goal, especially if Kindred has not been able to get several points and is late on the levels.
Karma has her Ultimate a at level 1, so she will be strong enough up to level 6. If you are strong at level 6, you will be stronger than she once you both have reached level 6. Do not isolate yourself at all from the minion wave. Stay behind the minions at any time (but not too close to them because her Q deals AOE damage) so they block the damage. When Karma uses her d, she will be vulnerable to attack.
Orianna is a very mechanically difficult champion to master. It will take a lot of practice to play her to her full potential. Don't hurt us, she's easy to pick up. Orianna is quite motionless in the first parts of the game. If she grows, she can be susceptible to enemy Jungler ganks. Make sure that when you push, reposition or have a vision around your way. Quite vulnerable to all-in-one and difficult to engage in team fights. If she gets caught out of position, she will die instantly.
Look for a good healthy fast clear and then start ganking after you’re level 3 or 4. Play around your Ultimate and look for ganks whenever it is up. Don’t forget to keep good objective control! Gank the bottom lane and then rotate to Drake.
Split push during the mid-game and try to secure side objectives. Avoid grouping if possible. Use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop you from split pushing. Although you’re a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no nearby objectives to take.
It's really important because it can secure goals with its Jungler. Its E allows it to avoid the big forms of crowd control. It makes it easy for it to langue and makes it absolutely safe when it stays alone. Its Ultimate R allows it to speed up the entire team, providing an enabling force for its activists to do everything and destroy the opposition.
She can't do much if she gets camped in the track. Has no form of priority in the track at the beginning of the game as her Q makes scanty amount of damage and her W is better not used until it is absolutely necessary. Missing her ultimate R guarantees a team battle victory for the enemy team and reduces the usefulness of Sona. Misuse of her passive can give the same results.
This is a tank versus tank matchup. Your best bet is to just avoid them and focus on farming early. However, they are a stronger ganker than you in the early game, so be prepared to counter-gank and track them. If you can’t get a lead from easy ganks, try to invade their jungle and steal away their camps. Post 6, look to make plays and gank your allies whenever your Ultimate is up. It heavily increases your kill pressure.
As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective. Try to secure the Baron or Dragon whenever possible. Securing objectives is key as a Jungler during the mid-game. Continue to farm your jungle as well as gank and help your allies. It’s important that you do not fall behind in gold and XP by just ganking.
Maxing out the Ultimate e will allow it to be on a very short cooldown. Leona will readily be available to look for picks in as soon as half a minute. As she gets more items, she will be able to absorb a lot of damage very quickly. This will make her a very reliable engager, especially from the fog of war. Leona's e and r will be maxed out during this game stage. She can look for picks frequently, and her Passive will allow her allies to burst down enemies with ease.
You will be uber powerful during this phase of the game. Make sure that you do not do anything that can get you caught out and killed as it would mean a free Baron or Dragon for the team. Your k and Ultimate c will allow you to run around the map and blow squishies up if you go for the AP build. If you go for the AD build, just focus on cleaving through the enemy team with your Ultimate c. Getting a defensive item should help you a lot as it will keep you alive for a longer period, especially if you are going for a secondary ADC build. Just play safely and look for picks."
You have a lot of presence during the early game. Roam every opportunity you get, especially on pushed-up enemy targets, to get a lead. Warding will be an essential part of your playstyle during this phase of the game. The most important thing you want to do is keep a Control Ward in your inventory to use your Ultimate k efficiently. Efficient wave clearing is necessary to ensure that you can roam frequently. Don't be a miser when it comes to using your abilities as your Energy regenerates quite quickly.
Rek’Sai has creative ganking routes that can allow her to dodge commonly placed warding spots. This champion has a healthy clear as you can use your W, become burrowed and get some health back while you move from camp to camp. Rek’Sai is incredibly mobile which allows her to escape sticky situations with ease thanks to her E.
Quinn is not the strongest at level 6 because his Ultimate R cannot be used in skirmishes. You can use this to your advantage during trading to get a murder. However, Quinn has a good priority of roam post 6 and can push the wave and then wander in the middle to help her mid-laner. Ping if she does. When Quinn finished her first component element, she can go for much stronger trades against you. If you are a weak early game ADC or if she has the advantage of the article, don't trade with her.
In team fights, try to catch Lulu out of position or lock her down with CC. If you can take her down first, her ability to protect her carries will be lessened. If you can’t kill her, you might be able to force herself to self-cast her Ultimate R. For AD champions, invest in an Executioner's Calling when Lulu and her team is ahead. This will reduce her healing and shielding capability on her allies. Forcing team fights when Lulu’s Ultimate R is on cooldown is the best way to win fights as she will be unable to protect herself or her allies.
After Cho’Gath has put multiple points in his s, he will be able to trade more effectively with the enemy. Combined with some of his other power spikes we will discuss, he can start to out-trade many enemy champions. Cho’Gath cannot trade too well until after his first back. When he picks up his first component item, trading becomes much easier for him as his damage and survivability increases. At level 6, Cho’Gath’s kill pressure intensifies as he can execute an enemy champion if they overextend. Even if he cannot kill them, he can still put his Ultimate t to good use.
Syndra is strong once she has her first item as she will easily be able to push the minion wave with ease and force you under Tower. Syndra’s main power spike early is at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Once Syndra has completed Luden’s Echo it will add lots of additional burst to her champions kit.
At level 9, Akali would have maximized his Q. At this stage of the game, she will be able to erase the waves quickly and 1v1 most champions if they try to prevent him from cultivating in a side track. Once Akali reaches level 11, she will have 2 points in her Ultimate. She can look for more aggressive pieces and try to assassinate targets that are isolated or walk on the map by themselves. Since Akali is an Assassin, she should have some articles finished during the middle of the game. If you are able to catch someone who is alone, this could easily give rise to a potential call for the Baron.
Lock Ekko in the team fights will prevent him from using his Ultimate R to escape with. Keep track of his Ultimate R in the fights as he can use it to organize an escape or engage. Keep the vision in typical flank locations like Ekko will try to set up a engagement with his W of out of sight. If you see him running towards you, step back for a few seconds as he would have used his W. When no team fights occur, Ekko will seek to divide the thrust. Avoid leaving him alone in a side lane by making sure that there is always someone who fits him.
Prone to CC once she goes in. This is lethal for her if the enemy team has layered CC, or if she delves too deep into the enemy team and has no form of follow up from her team. Her Q usage needs a lot of practice and awareness. If mistimed, that ability will go on cooldown and she won’t be able to do much if she isn’t close to her target. This will also make her prone to CC. Landing her Ultimate R on ranged carries can be a grueling task, especially if the enemy has some form of dash. Once her Ultimate R is down, her all-in potential goes down by a bit as the enemy can kite her out.