After going in with your Ultimate t, be prepared to fall back and peel for your allies in late game team fights.To make getting on the enemy backline easier, group with your team but stay off to the side. If you flank from an unwarded bush, the enemy will find it harder to react to your all-in. Avoid splitting or being away from your team in the late game as the enemy will force a fight while you’re gone.Play around your Ultimate t in the later parts of the game. Avoid fighting unless your Ultimate t is up. Fighting with out it will make the late game team fights much harder. Delay fights and be prepared to disengage if it’s still on cooldown.
Wukong’s level 3 is quite strong. Once he has all his basic abilities, he can look for a favourable trade. Once Wukong hit’s level 6, his kill pressure increases dramatically. Expect him to look for kills once his Ultimate n is up.Wukong is strong in mid-game team fights thanks to the AOE knockup on his Ultimate n. Expect him to look for fights by attacking from the side.
The first item component will allow her to deal a lot of damage and survive the lane. It will also be conducive when trying to go for all-in combos.Level six is a massive spike for her as she can now affect fights easily with her t and r. Her e usage will dictate how good a Riven she is.She is a decent champion early on, especially if she manages to use the lane brushes to her advantage in the lane. Her all-in combo will be pretty potent if she catches her enemies off-guard.
At level 9, Aurelion will max his 1st ability. This is a very good power spike for him as it will allow him to dish out more damage, and clear waves easier.During the mid-game, Aurelion Sol should’ve completed multiple items. He should be able to dish out a lot of damage in team fights with his Ultimate and Passive.Level 11 is another good power spike for Aurelion Sol because he gets to put a second point in his Ultimate.
Cass is a late-game monster. As long as she hasn’t fallen behind, she will be incredibly strong in the late game.At level 13, Cass will max out her Q. Pairing this with her E max, she will be able to deal a lot of damage in a skirmish.At level 16, Cassiopeia will put the third point in her Ultimate R. It will deal a lot of damage, stun the enemy for a long period of time, be on a short cooldown and have the potential to win her team the game.
Level 11 isn't great because she can only roam around and make plays. It will reduce the cooldown but do nothing else when it comes to dealing damage.She starts coming online during the mid-game. Her burst damage is very significant, and she can quickly get picks with her abilities. Her team fighting is pretty potent as well.Her first ability will be maxed out at level 9. She can deal much damage now, especially when fighting near the objective pits or choke points.
Pantheon is an early to mid game champion and is therefore very strong from levels 1 to 6 and can influence other lanes too when he gets his R.If Pantheon gets 1 or 2 kills, he can finish Youmuu's Ghostblade and his other core items faster. Pay attention to what active items he has and try to play around them. Be careful after the laning phase, as Pantheon will try to kill you with Grand Starfall R and force a 5 vs 4.
At level 16, Vel'Koz will have his Ultimate R maxed out. This means that he can now deal tons of damage from far away even if he gets one stack of his Passive on his enemy.His damage output will be really high due to the number of items he possesses at that point in the game. He should focus on using the fog of war to poke out enemies first.Vel'Koz will be extremely good in team fights, especially fights where he is playing around choke points. This means that he can apply his Passive stacks on multiple enemies, making it easier for him to kill a bunch of enemies together.
Thresh will be looking for picks with his Q to start the team fight. Make sure no one on your team is out of position or too far forward as it may allow the enemy to start the team fight.If Thresh misses his Q in a team fight, collapse on him and take him down. Thresh is really immobile and you should try to abuse him when he makes a mistake.As Thresh will often go to ward alone, you could look to ambush him when he goes to place a ward. Taking him down early will leave his backline vulnerable to attack. You could also use the numbers advantage to take the Baron or Dragon.
When walking around Summoners Rift, do not go alone if you’re squishy. Fizz can easily assassinate somebody who is walking through the river alone. Take appropriate paths through warded areas whenever possible.Do not use any executing abilities or key skill shots on Fizz unless he has used his E as he can easily dodge them by going untargetable.If you’re hit by Fizz’s Ultimate R, do not walk close to your allies as the AOE damage from his shark will deal lots of damage to them too. Walk towards them but don’t get close.
At level 1, make sure to harass and poke Alistar with basic attacks to get his health low before he reaches level 2. His level 2 all-in is pretty strong, so you should try and get a health advantage to make it impossible for him to engage. Once level 6, Alistar can engage freely and tower dive with his Ultimate. If you’re lower than 50% health, make sure you recall as he can easily tower dive and survive thanks to his R. Once Alistar picks up Mobi Boots, he can roam and help other lanes. As soon as he leaves lane, ping that he is missing. Communication is key and you need to communicate with your teammates when he’s gone.
Blitzcrank may try to steal or delay your Junglers first buff. A ward in the river at 1:25 is a good way of knowing if he’s going to Hook b it or not. If he shows on the ward, make sure the monster is pulled outwards so he cannot easily land his Hook b.Never use your dash or dodge ability unless Blitzcrank has his b on cooldown. Otherwise, you’re going to be an easy target for his Hook b and it will be harder for you to dodge it.If you’re a squishy champion or you’re without Flash or a dash, do not put yourself in unnecessary danger. Avoid pushing, playing too far forward or playing overly aggressive when Blitzcrank’s b is up.
Your goal is to hit level three as quickly as you can. Once you unlock your abilities, you should be on the lookout to all-in the enemy whenever they extend beyond their safe zone.If the enemy laners are playing safe, you should roam around and see if you can make plays elsewhere. The roaming becomes a mandatory thing once you get your boots as Alistar roams are very powerful.During an all-in, always make sure you e the most important/most mobile target when possible. Always try to call your Jungler before you crash a huge wave into the enemy tower as you can set up a tower dive with your Ultimate.
Try to secure picks during this phase of the game when possible. You will begin to fall off, so you must avoid 5 v 5 team fights when possible.Keep track of the enemy Jungler and stay near-neutral objectives as much as possible. You don't want to get spotted on the other side of the map and lose a crucial objective out of nowhere.Use the fog of war to flank the enemy when possible. The goal is to get rid of the enemy carries as quickly as you can. You may also opt for a tanky build and act as a frontline if need be.
His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will give him a massive damage boost and allow him to blow up single targets with ease.Rengar is quite decent in a team fight, especially if he manages to use a brush frequently. His burst damage will allow him to get rid of enemies quickly.Multiple points in his Ultimate R will allow him to use the ability quite frequently. This means that he can both zone off enemies or secure picks when required.
Always make sure you’re stood behind at least 2 minions so she is unable to root you with her g.If Lux uses her g and it misses, use the cooldown of this ability to play aggressive as she will be unable to protect herself and prevent the all-in.Mitigate Lux’s l effectiveness by standing behind and not inside the minion wave. This will make her choose between using her l to poke with or to push with.
When playing Yuumi against Alistar, keep in mind that jumping off your ADC when he has his CC tools up can be risky. Wait for Alistar to use or miss his Q before poking.Best times to get off your ADC and harass Alistar are when he has wasted his Q. You can jump off your ADC and hit him with a couple autos while it's down.Be sure to communicate with your team by pinging when Alistar roams. When he does, it's a good opportunity to get off your ADC and try to harass the enemy ADC with your auto-attacks.To reduce the risk of all-ins, try to position the minion wave closer to your turret. This can make it harder for Alistar to engage on your ADC and can give you more time to react.
Extremely squishy and can be easily killed if he is CC’d. His positioning matters in team fights as well, otherwise, he can get flanked by enemy assassins and get instantly deleted.Without his Ultimate c or s, his ability to dominate a team fight drastically decreases. Fighting him during this stage will give the enemy team a much greater chance of winning.Practically gets countered by a Control Ward as it forces him to reroute. This is because of the short-ranged nature of his auto-attacks, which makes him get detected quite easily. This is extremely disadvantageous when he is Jungling as it forces him to reveal himself pre-maturely.
Look to assassinate targets that are walking around Summoners Rift alone. Your champion is really good at blowing somebody up, so try your hardest to increase your lead by getting picks.In team fights, look to flank and blow up the squishiest enemies. Attacking from the side rather than running directly at the enemy will be your go-to plan in team fights.Focus on securing objectives like the Dragon and Baron in the mid game. As you’re the Jungler, make sure you make the call for the objective when necessary.
During team fights, make sure that the enemy can't come close to your carries and soak up as much damage as possible for them. Use your Passive to defend yourself.Buying a defensive item will help you a lot in this game. It will allow you to all-in enemies freely, and the enemy will take a lot of time trying to kill you.Cling to the enemy carries like glue to create a rift between the enemy frontline and the backline. This way, the enemy will definitely lose the fight, and then you can win the game.
Rumble is excellent during late-game fights as his Ultimate b and his basic abilities will all hit like a truck now, especially during team fights.Maxing out his Ultimate b will reduce the ability's cooldown and allow him to use it frequently. It will be a deciding factor during the objective fights.Rumble will dish out a lot of damage during this phase of the game. His ability to melt through enemy health bars will force his enemies to play defensively.
When Fizz puts a second point in his Ultimate R at level 11, he will be incredibly scary to play against because his Ultimate R will be on a low cooldown and deal a lot of damage.Fizz will max his first ability at level 9. His kill pressure and skirmishing power will be quite high post level 9.Thanks to his low cooldowns and the overall game state, during the mid-game he will be able to assassinate and get picks on low health enemies as they walk around Summoners Rift alone.
Fiddlesticks wants to poke and stay safe in the very early game. He is not very strong, so his job is to survive early.Fiddlesticks first power spike is when he reaches level 6. Unlocking his Ultimate R offers him extra kill pressure in lane and will allow him to start looking for aggressive plays.After Fiddlesticks has completed his first component item, he will be a little stronger and can start to trade more aggressively with the enemy.
Her early game is weak as she lacks a reliable range, and her kit relies on the enemy mispositioning in the lane. She will have to play it out safely and use her Passive extensively.Level six is a pretty good spike as she can now disrupt fights with the ability. She may also prolong the CC to an enemy if need be or use it defensively in some instances.The first item component will allow her to deal more damage and survive all-ins easily. It should increase her overall skirmishing power.
Their level 6 is incredibly strong, and their Jungler will gank them when they hit 6. Make sure you ward the river to spot the Jungler early.Post 6, push the minion wave and walk backwards so they cannot trade with you or press R on you.Stand outside of the minion wave at all times. It will force them to choose between pushing and poking you.Focus on just farming and poking and harassing the enemy. You’re not very strong early on.
Stack early magic resitance.Poke down with q as often as possible.Keep the wave closer early so you can pick up farm.Pre 6, be prepared to sacrifice some cs for XP so they don’t bully and all-in you.
In the late game, continue to look for flanks with your E and R. Play around your Ultimate cooldown in the late game. Avoid team fighting when your Ultimate is down to ensure that you’re useful in team fights!Group with your allies as the enemy will just force an engage and kill your team while you’re not with them.
At level six, Kog'Maw will gain access to his Ultimate y. This is important as the poke damage is really beneficial in taking down low on health enemies. This damage is further amplified if Kog'Maw goes for the AP build or a hybrid build.His first item component will give him a damage boost and take more trades in the lane. He will have to be careful about over-extending and being caught out, though.Adding multiple points in his e will allow him to dish out a lot of damage in a short time. This helps a lot when it comes to slowing and damaging enemies, especially the ones who are immobile.
Evelynn starts to be harder to play in the late game as teams will be grouping together. It will be harder for her to pick off targets when they’re stacked as 5.In the late game, enemy champions will start to build defensive items. It will be harder for you to one-shot any squishy target.If you’re ahead, regardless of how much the enemy team groups you can pick people off with ease. Just don’t over commit to doing it and make sure you always cast your Ultimate R to escape.
Your immobility is the clearest weakness that you have, both during the laning phase as well as the team fighting stage. This puts the additional task of making sure that you are positioned well during fights as one misstep can get you killed.The enemy team will look to gank you multiple times during the laning phase to set you back. Although it doesn't affect your utility, you won't be able to get enough items to impact fights later on which will cost your team multiple fights and objectives.Farming alone in the side lanes can be really dangerous for you as you are quite easy to get picks on. You only have your Ultimate w to protect you from the enemy. Any form of CC is a weakness for you during the entirety of the game and you may need to rely on your frontline to keep you safe as you have no dashes in your kit.
Master Yi is strong in the late game as he can one-shot enemy carries. Reduce his usefulness early to make him weaker later on.His first major power spike is at level 6 when he unlocks his Ultimate r.Master Yi will become stronger and stronger with gold. Denying him gold, XP and resources will make him less effective.
Malzahar isn’t very strong in the early game and can be made weaker by destroying his Passive shield whenever it comes up. As soon as he gets it, pop the shield so he has to play even safer.Malzahar will be looking to push the wave constantly once he has an item. Avoid standing inside the minion wave at all times so he cannot poke you and push at the same time.Once Malzahar hits level 6, you’ll have to play more respectful as he will tend to get ganks once his Ultimate R is up. Whenever he has his Ultimate R up, make sure you have wards in the river so you can spot the Jungler before they get to your lane.
Level six is the 'power spike' for Teemo. It will let him be extraordinarily obnoxious and sneaky now, especially as the game progresses.The first item component will increase his overall damage in the game. This will help him in duels and will allow him to use his spells frequently as well.Multiple items in the first ability will increase the damage and reduce the cooldown of the said ability. It can allow Teemo to do a lot of burst damage.
Rammus has really good ganks once he has unlocked his t . He should have a high success rate when ganking his allies.Thanks to his l, Rammus is incredibly tanky. This means he can always be the frontline that his team needs regardless of how far or behind he is.Rammus’ Ultimate 2 is on a short cooldown and can be used to get picks. This will allow you to gank a lane, push and then attempt to take the tower.
Sion will look to cheese the bot lane bush at level 1. Do not walk near any bushes at level 1 so he doesn’t get an early health advantage.Always stand towards the opposite of the lane so it’s very hard for Sion to use his Q on you.When he hits level 6, avoid overextending or using any movement tools like dashes as he can cast his Ultimate R and take you down. Furthermore, he has great roam potential post 6, so ping if he leaves the lane.
Vayne shines during the late game as she can run down enemies due to her e and s. All she needs to do is to avoid getting CC'd.A fully maxed out Ultimate n will give a massive power spike to Vayne. This is absolutely necessary to win the game and will allow Vayne to dish out tons of damage.Vayne will have multiple items by now, which means that she will be hitting enemies like a truck. A defensive item should allow her to solidify her position as the primary carry of the team.
Your level 6 all-in will be stronger than hers.Force her to over extend for farm by keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map early on.Your goals in this matchup are to really just poke her down and focus on farming.Extended trades will work in her favour, so just try to focus on farming.
Try to aim your abilities when pushing so they hit her and the minion wave at the same time.Your level 6 is very strong. Try to poke her down first before committing your Ultimate on to her.Play safe early on. She is stronger than you and you need some time to come online, so make sure you limit how much damage she can deal via auto-attacks.If she roams, just let her. You cannot match her roams in the early game. Instead it is better for you to just focus on farming.
You should be able to slice through the entire enemy team like a hot butter knife. Just make sure that you don't misposition and get caught out while doing so, though.You may work with your team to get picks in the enemy Jungle, but you should try your best to be in a side lane and chase down careless enemies who decide to farm the sidewave.Getting a defensive item should help you increase your survivability against burst damage and assassination attempts. Use your Ultimate n invisibility wisely as well since it can bamboozle enemies quite easily if used properly.
When fighting Sett, make sure that you don't go for extended trades. Sett will be able to chunk you out easily otherwise.He may try to get some healing reduction early on. It can significantly hinder your survivability so make sure you keep an eye out for it.Sett will try to ult you into your team. Make sure you reposition yourself quickly so that Sett has a hard time doing so.Keep the wave close to your tower. The enemy has no sort of sieging potential and can be easily exposed to ganks.
Skarner will look to flank in team fights with his E. Ward the flanks to make it easier for you to escape him before he comes charging at you.Avoid fighting in the jungle, around objectives or near the Baron. You need to be spaced out so he cannot land his Ultimate on multiple champions at once.Invest in armor and magic penetration items. Skarner will be building tank items and you will be unable to kill him if you do not buy these items.
Darius is really easy to kite. As he is immobile, champions with dashes, range advantage or poke make it difficult for Darius to get on to them and kill them.He falls off in the late game. Darius is an early to mid game champion and once it gets to the later stages of the game, his strengths become weaknesses.His Ultimate e is crucial in team fights to take down key targets. If he miss-times his Ultimate e, his damage output will be reduced heavily and it may cost him the team fight. This is why he needs to cast his Ultimate e as soon as the enemy gets into health range.
An additional point in his Ultimat R will boost his overall damage and let him use the ability frequently. It will help him massively during team fights.His first ability will be maxed out at level nine. This increases his damage massively, and his dueling potential will be pretty respectable now.His ability to disrupt team fights and secure picks during this phase of the game is really high. All he needs to do is ensure that he has proper follow-up during all-ins.
Milio is the king of disengage and anti-engage. His Ultimate can protect his whole team versus engage and CC tools.Milio also has a lot of utility tools. He has a heal, CC and shields!His Q has good poke and CC which will come in handy when poking the enemy. This mixed with his auto-attacks can offer him a lot of damage in lane.
His tankiness is out of bounds during this phase of the game. He can quickly run down enemies and peel for his carries at the same time due to his overall tankiness.A maxed-out Ultimate R will allow Nunu to dish out a lot of damage in a short time. If he can set up a death brush, he will automatically win the fight.His late-game team fighting will be extreme as he is very tanky, and his ability to frontline will make it really easy for his team to succeed in fights.
If the enemy team is loaded with heavy CC, make sure you get a defensive item to help yourself out. You still need to remember that you hold the Smite for your team.Your objectives are to secure picks and peel for your squishy targets during this phase of the game. Your Ultimate k will come in very handy and allow you to make a lot of plays.Securing objectives is very important, especially during this phase of the game, as these objectives can be the game decider. Your e should allow you to make some really fancy plays. You should try to get the enemy Jungler out of the pit by using your Ultimate k.
Multiple points in his Ultimate R will allow him to burst a single enemy down with ease. It will also allow him to escape nasty situations.Talon will fall off during the later parts of the game as the enemy will build defensive items and be grouped together. He will need to pick his moments and targets carefully.He will have a lot of items during this phase of the game. It will allow him to deal a lot of damage if he manages to get on a target. Getting a defensive item will bolster his survivability as well.
Just look to pick off enemies with your abilities when possible. It will help make team fights really unfair for the enemy team.Try to poke enemies out before all-in'ing them. You may need to get the Blue Buff to ensure you have enough mana to keep up the ability spamming.Use your Ultimate R to pick enemies off when possible. This would be a remarkable ability to use when you see an enemy on a side lane.
Jarvan IV will be unlocking his d > e combo at level two, which will allow him to catch and CC overextended enemies with utmost ease. This will also let him show extreme prowess during Jungle duels.Jarvan's first item component will give him a massive boost to his dueling and survivability. He will now be able to put his d Passive to good use, especially if he manages to catch an enemy out on his own.Jarvan IV will unlock the ability to completely separate an enemy out from their team and lock them down at level 6. It is incredibly beneficial when the main goal is to separate out a single target and get rid of them quickly.
Play safe for the first few levels. You need time to come online and you shouldn’t be fighting unless you have a clear early advantage.After destroying the bottom lane tower, rotate to the mid lane and try to take that tower. This will open up the map and give your team a gold lead.Once you have a few levels under your belt, you can start to play aggressive and look for aggressive plays. You benefit from extended trades, so try to go for them frequently.
Avoid going for extended trades in this matchup as they will generally win them.Their level 6 is stronger than yours. Keep this in mind when fighting post 6. Recall if you’re low.Focus on poking and limit fighting early on. Wait until you have some items so you can match their auto-attack damage.Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early on. It will help keep you safe, and they’re immobile and you can capitalize on this with your Jungler.
Stay away from minions as she will use both her E and Q to push the wave and harass.Take care of her range advantage and expect her to bully you in lane.Always bait out her E before looking to engage in a fight.Her level 6 is stronger, and she can counter your all-in with her R.
Catching Sona out when she goes to ward will allow your team to potentially allow you to take the Baron, Dragon or start a team fight when she is unable to protect her team.Avoid team fighting in areas where you’re forced to group close together like inside an objective pit or in the jungle. This will allow Sona to get a multiperson Ultimate R. Try and group but not too close together.In team fights, Sona will be stood next to her ADC. This might make it difficult for you to kill her. Not to worry, you could flank in team fights to make killing her or her ADC easier.
Galio should be getting his build completed by now. This will give him a massive spike in his ability to peel for the allied carries. His damage output will be pretty high as well.Galio's Ultimate R will still be handy during fights due to its knockup and low cooldown. He can easily split push and show up to fights with his Ultimate R in a jiffy.Level 16 isn't that big a spike for Galio. Although his Ultimate R cooldown is reduced and the cast range is increased, he won't have any incentive to use it for himself.
He isn’t only a threat on a physical level, but the mental warfare he instills upon the enemy squishies allows Shaco to make multiple plays which other Champions can’t make. He can leave the lane and roam quite easily to get a cheese gank off (even if he is laning).His x can allow him to disengage as well as surprise all-in champions easily. This also acts as a counter to carries who have dashes and rely on kiting to win fights.His e allows him to get out of sticky situations with ease. When combined with his Ultimate l, his enemy can be baited to attack the clone and CC the enemy team/champion that attacked it.
Karma may leave her team to ward alone. Try and catch her out of position by setting up an ambush and then take the Baron or Dragon while she’s dead.If Karma uses her empowered Q when trying to poke, you should use the cooldown to start a team fight. When Karma’s Ultimate a is down, she cannot give her team a huge shield d which will make fighting much easier.Don’t be afraid to invest in an Executioner’s Calling. It will reduce her healing and shielding and it will make winning the team fight a lot easier.
His early game is rather weak but killing him can be difficult. Expect him to focus on farming rather than fighting in the very early game. Zac is really good in team fights as his kit has tons of CC. Try to disengage whenever he E’s in to make it harder for him to get a good knockup.Once Zac hits level 6 and unlocks his Ultimate R, his kill pressure increases. Expect him to either play aggressive and go for a kill or expect him to set up his Jungler for a gank.
Keep an eye on how many empowered stacks she has. If she has 3, play safer as her next ability will be much stronger.Once she hits level 6, expect her to either look for kills in lane or set up her Jungler for ganks. Her Ultimate R is a strong tool that offers her extra kill pressure.Whenever she uses her W, she will be vulnerable to an all-in. It has a really long cooldown, so try to abuse it if possible.
If they invade you early, just back off. This is especially true if they are ahead, as you will not win early fights with themBe proactive with your Ultimate, as they will look to use theirs whenever it is up. Force ganks with your R!As they will be ganking often in the early game, you need to make sure that you are also looking to gank as often as you can and abuse your E.Focus on securing those objectives. You must take Rift Heralds and Drakes whenever you can!
During the mid-game, your goal will be to wave clear and get lane priority. The mid-lane would definitely be better for you but don't forget to show up for skirmishes.Use your Ultimate R very carefully, as it can be the deciding factor when it comes to winning a fight. Use the ability to CC multiple targets and chain it with your E CC.Fights around closed spaces will help you a lot as you can target multiple champions easily. Your Ultimate R and E should be pretty easy to land.
At level 16, Varus will be able to add 3 points in his Ultimate R. It will increase the damage dealt by the ability while simultaneously reducing the cooldown.Varus will have a lot of items during this stage of the game. This will let him dish out a lot of damage, and his burst potential due to his W will be phenomenal.Varus is excellent in team fights due to his Q and Ultimate R. A good Ultimate R can literally allow Varus' team to win a significant battle with minimal effort.
Kassadin will be split pushing during the mid-game so he can get to his level 16 power spike and then try to flank in team fights with his Ultimate k. If you see that Kassadin is split pushing, you could try and start a team fight with the numbers advantage as he will be unable to join the fight quickly.Avoid stalling the game out for too long as Kassadin is a late-game monster. Try to end the game as quickly as you can.
You should push the first wave, then pull the second one to the tower, and just freezing there, so Vladimir stays overextended.After level 6, Vladimir gets a power spike with his e, so play a bit more passively against him in that stage.The best opportunity to trade with Vladimir is when he has used up his l, since it is his only tool or survivability in his kit, and he can deal damage while using it with his l>E combo, so it makes it even more vital to him.Vladimir is strong at all stages of the game, because he has so much built-in sustain and scales later, but waveclear is the only thing you have that is more powerful than his.
At level 6, Seraphine will unlock her Ultimate R. This makes her more of a threat and she’ll be able to set up her Jungler quite easily.Seraphine is good in team fights thanks to her Ultimate R. Avoid grouping closely together so she is unable to get a strong Ultimate R off.Once Seraphine has completed her first item, her Q damage will increase and so will her kill threat. Make sure you avoid getting hit by her Q’s.
Zac has really long cooldowns on his engage abilities. Because of this, he can only really use them as an engage or escape tool once per fight. If you know he is without these abilities- try to fight him.Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map pre-6. This will make it harder for him to jump in with his E and should overall increase your survivability in lane.Zac has really good roaming potential. If he goes missing, communicate with your team as he may be roaming to the mid lane.
Azir will try and delay a team fight and poke you down with his W as much as possible before his team initiates. Don’t let him poke you down by starting the fight as soon as possible rather than delaying it.CC is your best friend to counter his engage and the Shurima Shuffle. If he goes in, try and CC him as fast as possible to shut him down and prevent him from pushing your team towards his.After his first back, Azir is going to be pushing constantly. Try and pick champions that have kill pressure and can match his wave clear so you do not lose your Tower early on.
Quinn doesn’t have a duelling Ultimate R. This makes her weak post level 6 when it comes to all-ins.She cannot fight straight 5v5. She will need to flank in team fights. If the enemy has vision or knows where she is, she will be unable to team fight properly and will be forced to split push.You are a champion that is prone to all-in and CC. Mix that with the fact that Quinn is quite squishy, it can be challenging to deal with enemy teams that have a lot of CC.
If Tristana uses her W aggressively, burst her down or CC her so she is unable to reposition and clean up the fight. Taking her down early will make it really difficult for her team to win the fight.In the mid-game, if Tristana is ahead, avoid walking too far forward if you’re alone. She has great all-in and pick thanks to her W and E. Keep at an appropriate distance away from her so she cannot easily take you down.Tristana has a lot of self peel with her W and Ultimate R. To make fighting easier, try to play around her Ultimate R or look to flank her in team fights. This will make it harder for her to kite/escape the fight.
Tryndamere is heavily reliant on his dash to initiate an all-in, combined with his slow. You really don't have to panic unless he manages to slow you, at which point you may use a lane brush and a minion to reposition.Make sure that you don't let him farm peacefully in this matchup, else, he will easily regenerate his health and you will be left helpless in this matchup.Post six, you may want to consider ganking other lanes when possible. Your chances of getting a kill significantly increases when this happens.Keep the wave somewhere close to your tower in this matchup. It will give you ample opportunities to bring the enemy under the risks of ganks from your Jungler/laners.
At level 16, Ezreal will put the third point in his Ultimate R. He will deal a lot of burst damage to anyone who is hit with it in the late game.When Ezreal is coming to completing his build, he will have incredibly low cooldowns on all of his abilities. This is good for him as he will be able to continue to poke and harass the enemy before a team fight occurs. Also, his E will be on a short cooldown which allows him to escape skirmishes easily.Ezreal is great in the mid-game, but he does start to fall of in the late game as it will be harder for him to kill tanks.
Try to roam a lot during this phase of the game. Also, work with your Jungler when you can to ensure that you can secure picks with your Ultimate h.Getting your first item will help you a lot in the game. Ensure that you keep poking enemies with your d and then go in for the kill with your Ultimate h.Take part in as many team fights as you possibly can. This will let you kill multiple targets with your Ultimate h, especially in clumped fights.
Be careful of when Jhin is running at you with his 4th shot during team fights. In the mid to late game, this auto can deal a lot of damage.Wait for Jhin’s team to engage or when he is isolated to try and pick him off. He doesn’t have an escape or a dash, and he is very squishy too so he should be pretty easy to kill.If Jhin uses his Ultimate R in a team fight, he is unable to reposition quickly. If you’re on the flank, try to take him down while he’s focusing on his shots.
You will want to target Cassiopeia with your r when possible. This will allow you to poke her easily. If Cassiopeia manages to Q you, make sure you use your W to block her follow-up Es. This will make her waste mana and will let you get the upper hand.Once Cassiopeia gets her Ultimate R, you will want to be very careful when all-in'ing her. Make sure you look away from her the moment your Ultimate R animation ends.Keep the wave slightly on your side of the lane. This will make Cassiopeia vulnerable to ganks and will let you all in her frequently.
Avoid all-ins on Lucian during the early game as he is sure to decimate you in this matchup. Also, while laning, make sure that you are not alingned with minions.Remember that Lucian can counter your mobility easily. That being said, you have 2 dashes, so use it well.He falls off as the game continues, and so do you. Be careful, and try to end the game by 30 mins else you will have a lot of issue.Keep the wave close to your tower and see if you can expose him to ganks. Shutting him down early is key to winning the game.
Sett is great in extended trades thanks to his Q. As long as he can stick to an enemy champion, he should win 1v1 fights.His Ultimate R allows him to both get tanks off his carries as well as deal a lot of damage to the enemy team if he manages to ult his target into them. This can change the tide of a team fight in an instant.His Passive allows him to regenerate a lot of health so he can resort to short burst trades against enemy champions unlike other tanks. His W does deceptively high damage as well, while providing damage mitigation to him.
Darius is one of the strongest early game champions in the game. Make sure you’re looking to fight constantly to gain a lead.After Darius has completed his first component item, his Passive and overall damage output can be extremely obnoxious. If you were able to gain a kill before picking it up, you will have a severe advantage over the enemy which you should look to increase.When Darius hits level 6, he can use his Ultimate e to execute a target. Look for aggressive plays and all-ins when your Ultimate e is up for additional kills.
Level 11 is not a massive spike like other Supports. It gives only a measly increase in the damage and no utility, unlike other Supports. That being said, the lower cooldown certainly helps.His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This means he can deal a massive amount of burst damage to any enemy he gets too close to.Pantheon is quite potent during the mid-game. This is because he can dish out a lot of damage in a short time and can secure picks all around the map.
Ezreal’s first power spike is when he picks up Sheen. His Q damage will increase substantially and he will look to constantly poke. Once Ezreal has completed his Manamune and upgraded it to Muramana, his damage output and sustain will be much higher. Whenever Ezreal has his E, he is much safer and harder to kill. Try to abuse the cooldown whenever you can.
Whenever Annie has her stun available, you need to respect her and play slightly safer. If you’re melee, stand back and wait for her to consume it before walking forward. Post level 6, respect Tibbers R and her stun. Pay attention to the number of stacks on her Passive. You can trade with Annie before she gets 2 stacks without the fear of getting stunned. Annie is prone to poke even though her E offers her some protection in trades. Try to poke her down with your abilities before committing to the all-in.
Split push during the mid-game and try to secure side objectives. Avoid grouping if possible.Use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop you from split pushing. Although you’re a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no nearby objectives to take.
Zeri’s first power spike is at level 3 when she unlocks each of her basic abilities. She will be relatively strong at level 3.Her next power spike will generally be once she unlocks her first component item as it allows her to go for more favourable trades with the enemy laner.At level 6, Zeri will unlock her Ultimate R. This is a good spike for Zeri and it will allow her to win all-ins even in the hardest of matchups.
Zac’s E can be used from afar to start the team fight. Make sure you ward your flanks when sieging an objective. Avoid fighting in the jungle as it will make it easier for Zac to land his E and knock up your whole team with his Ultimate R. Fight in the open when possible.Do not group too closely. If you’re split up slightly, it will be impossible for Zac to catch out and knock up your whole team with his E and Ultimate R.
In team fights, try to lock Kog’Maw down as quickly as you can. This will reduce his ability to deal lots of damage with his e and auto-attacks.At times, Kog’Maw will be left alone with his Support in the mid lane. You can abuse this by ambushing the two of them when the enemy is split up around the map. From there, you can take objectives in the mid lane.Positioning is key for Kog’Maw. If he mispositions or walks too far forward to harass, make sure you capitalize on it and take him down.
Keep using your Ultimate y to poke multiple enemies in the lane. Remember that it is an AoE ability. Therefore, you should try to hit as many targets with it as possible.Once you get your core items, the burn damage from your Ultimate y and e will be pretty unbearable for the enemy team. Just ensure that you are appropriately positioned when attacking the enemy.During neutral, objective fights, make sure that you are as far away from the enemies as possible. That being said, ensure that your e and Ultimate y cover essential choke points.
Always watch your positioning during the laning phase. Try and stay at max distance so it’s harder for her to root you with her E. This will also make it harder for her to get a good Ultimate R off as she has to close the gap in order to stun you.Stand outside of the minion wave at all times if possible. This will make it harder for Neeko to push and poke you at the same time with her Q.Once Neeko has her Ultimate R, her kill pressure will increase. Make sure you back when low whenever she has her Ultimate R up.
Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
His first ability will be maxed out at level 9. This will significantly boost his damage and let her one-shot squishies if they take many auto-attacks from Twitch.Once he has 2 points in his Ultimate c, he will easily be able to take over team fights and disrupt them as well. His positioning will matter a lot.Twitch is really good in mid-game fights as he can overrun the enemies down if they are clumped together. That, combined with his k slow and life-steal, will prevent him from dying.
Play safe in the early game. You need time to come online and if you fall behind, you will struggle to lane and you will delay your first major power spike. Focus on power farming and minimizing trading until you’re level 6. Once you unlock your Ultimate R, you can start to be more aggressive.Once you’re level 6, you can look to play more aggressive as you can use your Ultimate R as a trading tool and something to fall back on.
Galio's damage will increase by a lot once he gets his first item. It will allow his Q and E to hit like a truck during all-ins.Once Galio hits level 6, he unlocks the ability to make cross-map plays around the map. This is advantageous for his team and will let you impact the game a lot more.Since Galio has limited range, he will have a hard time early during the game. However, he can use his Q to bypass this. When using his Q, he should try to hit the enemy champion for bonus points.
At level 1, expect Shaco to have placed multiple boxes x around the lane. Wait for the minion wave to approach before walking to the lane. Do not hug the side of the lane at level 1 as it is likely he has placed boxes there.Avoid standing towards the sides of the lane. It’s better to stand in the middle and follow the line the minions take so it’s impossible for any boxes x he has placed to attack you.If Shaco is doing some funky stuff, it’s probably because he is baiting you into his boxes x! Don’t fall for it as you’ll always come worse off.
LeBlanc should never be involved in direct team fights unless she is completely pushed into the enemy base. Staying in the fog of war is highly beneficial for her.Looking for picks on the enemy Jungler, Support, or ADC should be her game plan. Taking one of these targets out will easily allow her team to secure neutral objectives.If the enemy team is CC laden, Leblanc will have to preserve her power by purchasing a Zhonya's Hourglass or Banshee's Veil. She is a glass cannon and should always be careful about going in.
Extended trades work in the favour of Darius thanks to his Passive. He will win almost every auto-attack battle. This makes him a great duelist in low ELO as many players like to constantly fight.Darius is really good in team fights thanks to his Ultimate e which can be reset if he gets the killing blow with it.He has good gank potential and can start ganking after level 3.
In the late game, you need to call for Baron or the Elder Dragon. Do not die otherwise your team will not be able to secure them and the enemy will take it for free.Look for picks on the enemy when they’re out of position. If you can catch out the enemy Support, you can rotate to Baron or Dragon or force a fight with the numbers advantage.Once you’ve gone in, make sure you fall back and peel for your allies. Use your m to lock down key targets and then use yourd and e to knock up the enemy on your carries.
Split push during the mid-game and try to secure side objectives. Avoid grouping if possible.Use your strong duelling potential in the mid-game to fight and duel anyone who tries to stop you from split pushing. Although you’re a really strong split pusher in the mid-game, be prepared to group with your team and fight 5v5. You should usually start grouping when there are no nearby objectives to take.
Teams tend to group up during the late game. This means that Lissandra will have a gala time finding picks and CC'ing the entire enemy team.Her Ultimate R will become really powerful when it is maxed out. This means that she will be able to pick off enemies with ease and whenever she wants to. This is really beneficial for her team.Lissandra will have multiple items during this phase of the game. This means that she will be dealing tremendous amounts of AoE damage which will be detrimental to the enemy team.
To make it hard for Sylas to land his E on you, always make sure you’re behind at least 1 minion so he cannot land the CC on you.If Sylas is able to get on to you, try to disengage as quickly as you can. A lot of Sylas’ damage is dealt when he is on top of you. Try and stay at max range as much as possible to make it harder for him to get on to you.Sylas has really good map pressure and can roam with ease. If he has left lane and started roaming, communicate with your team and push him in to deny him gold and XP.
When Corki has completed his Mythic item, his wave clear and poke damage will increase heavily. He shouldn’t find it hard at all to keep the enemy pushed into their tower once he completes it.At level 6, Corki’s wave clear increases as his Rockets e can help him push the enemy into their tower. His Rockets e are also a good tool to poke and push the wave simultaneously. When Corki has his Passive, he should either look to roam and help his allies or try to use it in his lane. It deals a lot of damage and has a very large range. Avoid picking it up if you’re not going to make use out of it though.
You will be really tanky during this phase of the game so make sure that you initiate fights for your team. Let your team know before you all in, though, and keep track of your Passive.Chokepoint fights will be your bread and butter. Your ability to keep the enemies zoned out is next to none, and hence you should not let them come close to the objective pits.Always try to separate the enemy backline from the enemy frontline. This will let your allies play more freely and will keep them safe from the damage dealt by the enemy backline.
Look out for ambushes around the map. He is really good at starting skirmishes and picking off weak and immobile champions. Keep this in mind and avoid walking around the map alone.In team fights, once they go in with their d, they have nothing to offer and will be in an overextended position. Use their forward positioning to play aggressive and take them down.Try to constantly poke and harass him. Having him on low health will prevent him from playing or positioning aggressively.
Really good burst potential with her entire g, l, Ultimate n combo. This can delete a squishy enemy with ease starting from level six itself.Her e shield is deceptively strong as it can allow her to save all her team members from a lot of poke. This is also applicable when she is Support.Her g can be used to secure picks inside the enemy Jungle or from blind areas. This can be extremely beneficial if the picked target happens to be the enemy Jungler or the ranged carry.