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Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Standard and Poor's 500 index lost 26 points or 3.5% to a level of 743.33, its lowest level since April 1997.
Basque: Standard and Poor 's 500 indizeak 26 puntu edo % 3,5 galdu zituen, eta 743,33 puntuko mailara jaitsi zen; 1997ko apirilaz geroztik izandako baliorik txikiena da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Standard and Poor 's 500 indizeak 26 puntu edo % 3,5 galdu zituen, eta 743,33 puntuko mailara jaitsi zen; 1997ko apirilaz geroztik izandako baliorik txikiena da.
English: The Standard and Poor's 500 index lost 26 points or 3.5% to a level of 743.33, its lowest level since April 1997.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Russel 2000 Index of smaller companies dropped by four percent.
Basque: Konpainia txikiagoen Russel 2000 indizea ehuneko lau jaitsi zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Konpainia txikiagoen Russel 2000 indizea ehuneko lau jaitsi zen.
English: The Russel 2000 Index of smaller companies dropped by four percent.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The three stock market indexes have been falling for the last six days.
Basque: Hiru burtsa-indizeak behera eta behera aritu dira azken sei egunetan.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hiru burtsa-indizeak behera eta behera aritu dira azken sei egunetan.
English: The three stock market indexes have been falling for the last six days.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Nasdaq Composite index lost 53.5 points, or 3.71%, closing at 1,387.7.
Basque: Nasdaq Composite-k 53,5 puntu edo % 3,71 galdu ditu, eta 1.387,7 punturekin itxi du eguna.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Nasdaq Composite-k 53,5 puntu edo % 3,71 galdu ditu, eta 1.387,7 punturekin itxi du eguna.
English: The Nasdaq Composite index lost 53.5 points, or 3.71%, closing at 1,387.7.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: However, the index remained above its November 20, 2008 low of 1316.12.
Basque: Halere, indizea 2008ko azaroaren 20ko balioaren gainetik gelditu da, orduan 1.316,2ra jaitsi baitzen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Halere, indizea 2008ko azaroaren 20ko balioaren gainetik gelditu da, orduan 1.316,2ra jaitsi baitzen.
English: However, the index remained above its November 20, 2008 low of 1316.12.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Despite the worries about the banks, bank shares climbed today.
Basque: Bankuen inguruko kezkak gora-behera, bankuen akzioak igo egin dira gaur.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Bankuen inguruko kezkak gora-behera, bankuen akzioak igo egin dira gaur.
English: Despite the worries about the banks, bank shares climbed today.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Bank of America shares rose by 3.2%, whilst Citigroup gained 9.7%.
Basque: Bank of America-ren akzioak % 3,2 igo ziren, eta Citigroup-enak % 9,7.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Bank of America-ren akzioak % 3,2 igo ziren, eta Citigroup-enak % 9,7.
English: Bank of America shares rose by 3.2%, whilst Citigroup gained 9.7%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: However, stocks for both banks have plunged more than 68% this year-to-date.
Basque: Halere, bi bankuen akzioak % 68 baino gehiago erori dira aurten, orain arte.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Halere, bi bankuen akzioak % 68 baino gehiago erori dira aurten, orain arte.
English: However, stocks for both banks have plunged more than 68% this year-to-date.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "People left and right are throwing in the towel.
Basque: "Jendea amore ematen ari da han eta hemen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Jendea amore ematen ari da han eta hemen.
English: "People left and right are throwing in the towel.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The biggest thing I see here is the incredible pessimism — the government is doing a lousy job of alleviating fears," said Keith Springer of Capital Financial Advisory Services.
Basque: Izugarrizko pesimismoa ikusten dut: gobernua lan kaskarra ari da egiten beldurrak baretzeko", esan zuen Capital Financial Advisory Services-eko Keith Springer-ek.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Izugarrizko pesimismoa ikusten dut: gobernua lan kaskarra ari da egiten beldurrak baretzeko", esan zuen Capital Financial Advisory Services-eko Keith Springer-ek.
English: The biggest thing I see here is the incredible pessimism — the government is doing a lousy job of alleviating fears," said Keith Springer of Capital Financial Advisory Services.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "Many investors simply can’t contemplate any more stock market risk in their portfolios.
Basque: "Inbertitzaile askok ezin dute burtsa-arrisku gehiago jasan beren inbertsio-zorroan.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Inbertitzaile askok ezin dute burtsa-arrisku gehiago jasan beren inbertsio-zorroan.
English: "Many investors simply can’t contemplate any more stock market risk in their portfolios.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Sentiment in the market is very weak and negative," said the senior market strategist for Invesco AIM, Fritz Meyer.
Basque: Merkatuko sentsazioa oso ahula eta negatiboa da", esan zuen Fritz Meyer Invesco AIMeko merkatu-estrategak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Merkatuko sentsazioa oso ahula eta negatiboa da", esan zuen Fritz Meyer Invesco AIMeko merkatu-estrategak.
English: Sentiment in the market is very weak and negative," said the senior market strategist for Invesco AIM, Fritz Meyer.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: US stock markets have their best week since November
Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsek aste onena izan dute azaroaz geroztik
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsek aste onena izan dute azaroaz geroztik
English: US stock markets have their best week since November
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: March 13, 2009
Basque: 2009ko martxoaren 13a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2009ko martxoaren 13a
English: March 13, 2009
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Wall Street had its best finish since November 2008 after a four day rally with the stock market’s indexes seeing their best weekly gain in nearly five months.
Basque: Wall Street-ek 2008ko azaroaz geroztik izandako bukaerarik onena izan zuen, lau eguneko txanpa batean burtsa-indizeek ia bost hilabetean izandako asteko irabazi onenak eskuratu ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Wall Street-ek 2008ko azaroaz geroztik izandako bukaerarik onena izan zuen, lau eguneko txanpa batean burtsa-indizeek ia bost hilabetean izandako asteko irabazi onenak eskuratu ondoren.
English: Wall Street had its best finish since November 2008 after a four day rally with the stock market’s indexes seeing their best weekly gain in nearly five months.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The major indicators in the NYSE had a gain of around 10 percent.
Basque: NYSE-ko adierazle nagusiek ehuneko 10 inguru irabazi zuten.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: NYSE-ko adierazle nagusiek ehuneko 10 inguru irabazi zuten.
English: The major indicators in the NYSE had a gain of around 10 percent.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: This was mainly due to bank shares bouncing and alleviating fears about the economy.
Basque: Hori bankuen akzioak suspertu izanari eta ekonomiaren inguruko beldurrak baretu izanari zor zaio bereziki.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hori bankuen akzioak suspertu izanari eta ekonomiaren inguruko beldurrak baretu izanari zor zaio bereziki.
English: This was mainly due to bank shares bouncing and alleviating fears about the economy.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) finished on 7223.98, an increase of 54 points from March 12 2009.
Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average-k (INDU) 7.223,98 punturekin bukatu zuen, 54 puntu irabazita 2009ko martxoaren 12tik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average-k (INDU) 7.223,98 punturekin bukatu zuen, 54 puntu irabazita 2009ko martxoaren 12tik.
English: The Dow Jones industrial average (INDU) finished on 7223.98, an increase of 54 points from March 12 2009.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The S&P 500 Index finished at 756.55 a 6 point gain and the NASDAQ composite had a 5.40 point gain as well to end the day at 1431.50.
Basque: S&P 500 indizeak 756,55 punturekin bukatu zuen, 6 puntu irabazita, eta NASDAQ Composite, bestalde, 5,40 puntu hazi zen: 1.431,50 punturekin itxi zuen eguna.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: S&P 500 indizeak 756,55 punturekin bukatu zuen, 6 puntu irabazita, eta NASDAQ Composite, bestalde, 5,40 puntu hazi zen: 1.431,50 punturekin itxi zuen eguna.
English: The S&P 500 Index finished at 756.55 a 6 point gain and the NASDAQ composite had a 5.40 point gain as well to end the day at 1431.50.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The rally began earlier this week after the news from Citigroup Inc. about managing profits during first two months of the year.
Basque: Gorakada aste-hasieran hasi zen, Citigroup Inc.-k urteko lehen bi hilabeteetan irabaziak izan zituelako berria zabaldu ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gorakada aste-hasieran hasi zen, Citigroup Inc.-k urteko lehen bi hilabeteetan irabaziak izan zituelako berria zabaldu ondoren.
English: The rally began earlier this week after the news from Citigroup Inc. about managing profits during first two months of the year.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The news lessened fears about the country's major financial institutions collapsing after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September.
Basque: Berriak baretu egin zuen Lehman Brothers irailean hondoratu ondoren herrialdeko finantza-erakunde nagusiak ere hondoratuko ziren beldurra.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Berriak baretu egin zuen Lehman Brothers irailean hondoratu ondoren herrialdeko finantza-erakunde nagusiak ere hondoratuko ziren beldurra.
English: The news lessened fears about the country's major financial institutions collapsing after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: There was more good news from Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., who announced that they have had profits in the current year.
Basque: Berri on gehiago eman zuten Bank of America Corp. eta JPMorgan Chase & Co.-k, jakinarazi baitzuten aurten irabaziak izan dituztela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Berri on gehiago eman zuten Bank of America Corp. eta JPMorgan Chase & Co.-k, jakinarazi baitzuten aurten irabaziak izan dituztela.
English: There was more good news from Bank of America Corp. and JPMorgan Chase & Co., who announced that they have had profits in the current year.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Today was a mixed day for the financial sector, Drug makers had some gains and so did General Motors and Berkshire Hathaway , which helped the indexes gain.
Basque: Gaur, egun nahasia izan da finantza-sektorearentzat; botika-fabrikatzaileek zenbait irabazi izan dituzte, bai eta General Motors eta Berkshire Hathaway-k ere; horrek indizeei irabaziak izaten lagundu dio.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gaur, egun nahasia izan da finantza-sektorearentzat; botika-fabrikatzaileek zenbait irabazi izan dituzte, bai eta General Motors eta Berkshire Hathaway-k ere; horrek indizeei irabaziak izaten lagundu dio.
English: Today was a mixed day for the financial sector, Drug makers had some gains and so did General Motors and Berkshire Hathaway , which helped the indexes gain.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The value of the US dollar fell against other world currencies, but gold prices increased.
Basque: Dolar estatubatuarraren balioak behera egin zuen munduko beste moneta batzuen aurrean, baina urrearen prezioak gora egin zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dolar estatubatuarraren balioak behera egin zuen munduko beste moneta batzuen aurrean, baina urrearen prezioak gora egin zuen.
English: The value of the US dollar fell against other world currencies, but gold prices increased.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: US stock markets reach 12-year lows
Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak 12 urteotako balio baxuenetan
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak 12 urteotako balio baxuenetan
English: US stock markets reach 12-year lows
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: March 5, 2009
Basque: 2008ko martxoaren 5a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2008ko martxoaren 5a
English: March 5, 2009
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: US stock markets dropped to twelve-year lows on Thursday, amidst falling confidence in the financial sector and worries over whether the US automobile manufacturer General Motors will be able to keep operating.
Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak hamabi urtean izandako balio baxuenetara jaitsi ziren ostegunean, finantza-sektorearekiko konfiantza jaisten ari baita eta kezka baitago General Motors Estatu Batuetako autogilea martxan jarraitzeko gai izango ote den.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak hamabi urtean izandako balio baxuenetara jaitsi ziren ostegunean, finantza-sektorearekiko konfiantza jaisten ari baita eta kezka baitago General Motors Estatu Batuetako autogilea martxan jarraitzeko gai izango ote den.
English: US stock markets dropped to twelve-year lows on Thursday, amidst falling confidence in the financial sector and worries over whether the US automobile manufacturer General Motors will be able to keep operating.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 4.08%, or 280.52 points, at the closing bell, reaching a level of 6595.32, a new 12-year low.
Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average % 4,08, edo 280,52 puntu, jaitsi zen eta 6.595,32 puntuko mailan itxi zuen: 12 urtean izandako balio baxuena.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average % 4,08, edo 280,52 puntu, jaitsi zen eta 6.595,32 puntuko mailan itxi zuen: 12 urtean izandako balio baxuena.
English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 4.08%, or 280.52 points, at the closing bell, reaching a level of 6595.32, a new 12-year low.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Nasdaq Composite lost 54.15 points, or 4%, to 1299.59, while the Standard & Poor's 500 plunged by 30.27 points, or 4.25%, closing at 682.60.
Basque: Nasdaq Composite-k 54,15 puntu galdu zituen, edo % 4, 1.299,59raino; era berean, Standard & Poor 's 500 30,27 puntu jaitsi zen, edo % 4,25, eta 682,60 punturekin itxi zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Nasdaq Composite-k 54,15 puntu galdu zituen, edo % 4, 1.299,59raino; era berean, Standard & Poor 's 500 30,27 puntu jaitsi zen, edo % 4,25, eta 682,60 punturekin itxi zuen.
English: The Nasdaq Composite lost 54.15 points, or 4%, to 1299.59, while the Standard & Poor's 500 plunged by 30.27 points, or 4.25%, closing at 682.60.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Every stock in the Dow Jones, other than Wal-Mart, either lost ground or remained even, and all stocks in the S&P 500 index lost ground.
Basque: Dow Jones-eko akzioek, Wal-Mart-ek izan ezik, behera egin zuten edo berdin mantendu ziren, eta S&P 500 indizeko akzio guztiek behera egin zuten.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones-eko akzioek, Wal-Mart-ek izan ezik, behera egin zuten edo berdin mantendu ziren, eta S&P 500 indizeko akzio guztiek behera egin zuten.
English: Every stock in the Dow Jones, other than Wal-Mart, either lost ground or remained even, and all stocks in the S&P 500 index lost ground.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: General Motors' shares lost 15.5% after the auto firm announced that its auditors had "substantial doubt" over whether it would be able to keep operating.
Basque: General Motors-en akzioek % 15,5 galdu zuten auto-konpainiak jakinarazi ondoren auditoreek "zalantza asko" zituztela konpainia martxan jarraitzeko gai izango ote den.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: General Motors-en akzioek % 15,5 galdu zuten auto-konpainiak jakinarazi ondoren auditoreek "zalantza asko" zituztela konpainia martxan jarraitzeko gai izango ote den.
English: General Motors' shares lost 15.5% after the auto firm announced that its auditors had "substantial doubt" over whether it would be able to keep operating.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Shares of financial companies were lower by nine percent, with Bank of America losing 11.7% and Citigroup falling by 9.7%.
Basque: Finantza-enpresen akzioen balioak ehuneko bederatzi baino gehiago jaitsi ziren: Bank of Americak % 11,7 galdu zuen, eta Citigroup-ek % 9,7.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Finantza-enpresen akzioen balioak ehuneko bederatzi baino gehiago jaitsi ziren: Bank of Americak % 11,7 galdu zuen, eta Citigroup-ek % 9,7.
English: Shares of financial companies were lower by nine percent, with Bank of America losing 11.7% and Citigroup falling by 9.7%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "What's most worrisome is that we haven't hit the crescendo yet," said Bill Groeneveld, the head trader for vFinance Investments.
Basque: "Kezkagarriena da oraindik ez dugula gailurra jo", esan zuen Bill Groeneveld vFinance Investments-eko salerosketa-buruak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Kezkagarriena da oraindik ez dugula gailurra jo", esan zuen Bill Groeneveld vFinance Investments-eko salerosketa-buruak.
English: "What's most worrisome is that we haven't hit the crescendo yet," said Bill Groeneveld, the head trader for vFinance Investments.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "Asset-management divisions are getting calls to just liquidate everything, and we haven't seen the big players come back in at all."
Basque: "Aktibo-kudeaketako dibisioak guztia likidatzeko eskaerak jasotzen ari dira, eta ez dugu ikusi agente nagusietako inor itzuli denik". .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Aktibo-kudeaketako dibisioak guztia likidatzeko eskaerak jasotzen ari dira, eta ez dugu ikusi agente nagusietako inor itzuli denik". .
English: "Asset-management divisions are getting calls to just liquidate everything, and we haven't seen the big players come back in at all."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "This is one of the worst bear markets in the last 100 years; it started out with the credit crisis and the subprime [loans], but it is like a forest fire that has raced across the clearing and ignited other parts: Autos, auto parts, the insurance companies have been hit very hard.
Basque: "Azken 100 urteetako beheranzko merkaturik okerrenetako bat da hau; maileguen krisiarekin eta subprime maileguekin hasi zen, baina baso-sute bat bezala da, soilgunean aurrera egin eta beste gune batzuetara zabaldu dena: Autoak, auto-piezak eta aseguru-etxeak gogor astindu ditu.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Azken 100 urteetako beheranzko merkaturik okerrenetako bat da hau; maileguen krisiarekin eta subprime maileguekin hasi zen, baina baso-sute bat bezala da, soilgunean aurrera egin eta beste gune batzuetara zabaldu dena: Autoak, auto-piezak eta aseguru-etxeak gogor astindu ditu.
English: "This is one of the worst bear markets in the last 100 years; it started out with the credit crisis and the subprime [loans], but it is like a forest fire that has raced across the clearing and ignited other parts: Autos, auto parts, the insurance companies have been hit very hard.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The credit crisis is causing an unraveling of industry after industry because the banks don't lend," said David Dreman, the chief investment officer of Dreman Value Management.
Basque: Maileguen krisia industria bata bestearen atzetik suntsitzen ari da, bankuek ez baitute mailegurik ematen", esan zuen David Dreman Dreman Value Management-eko inbertsioburuak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Maileguen krisia industria bata bestearen atzetik suntsitzen ari da, bankuek ez baitute mailegurik ematen", esan zuen David Dreman Dreman Value Management-eko inbertsioburuak.
English: The credit crisis is causing an unraveling of industry after industry because the banks don't lend," said David Dreman, the chief investment officer of Dreman Value Management.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: European markets were also lower today, with the London's FTSE index losing 3.2% and the DAX index of Germany falling by five percent.
Basque: Europako merkatuek ere behera egin dute gaur, eta Londresko FTSE indizeak eta Alemaniako DAX indizeak % 3,2 eta % 5 galdu dute, hurrenez hurren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Europako merkatuek ere behera egin dute gaur, eta Londresko FTSE indizeak eta Alemaniako DAX indizeak % 3,2 eta % 5 galdu dute, hurrenez hurren.
English: European markets were also lower today, with the London's FTSE index losing 3.2% and the DAX index of Germany falling by five percent.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: US stock markets tumble on 'Black Monday' anniversary
Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak amildu egin dira "Astelehen Beltz"aren urteurrenean
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak amildu egin dira "Astelehen Beltz"aren urteurrenean
English: US stock markets tumble on 'Black Monday' anniversary
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: October 20, 2007
Basque: 2007ko urriaren 20a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2007ko urriaren 20a
English: October 20, 2007
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Some say history tends to repeat itself.
Basque: Zenbaitek dio historiak errepikatzeko joera duela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Zenbaitek dio historiak errepikatzeko joera duela.
English: Some say history tends to repeat itself.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Today marked a day in history, when 20 years ago, the United States Dow Jones Industrial Average market crashed, on what is known as 'Black Monday'.
Basque: Egun historikoa da gaurkoa; izan ere, duela 20 urte, Estatu Batuetako Dow Jones Industrial Average merkatuaren hondamendia izan zen, "Astelehen Beltza" izendapenaz ezagutzen dena.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Egun historikoa da gaurkoa; izan ere, duela 20 urte, Estatu Batuetako Dow Jones Industrial Average merkatuaren hondamendia izan zen, "Astelehen Beltza" izendapenaz ezagutzen dena.
English: Today marked a day in history, when 20 years ago, the United States Dow Jones Industrial Average market crashed, on what is known as 'Black Monday'.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The crash sent the market tumbling down 508 points, losing nearly 24%.
Basque: Hondamendiaren ondorioz, merkatuak % 24 galdu eta 508 punturekin geratu zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hondamendiaren ondorioz, merkatuak % 24 galdu eta 508 punturekin geratu zen.
English: The crash sent the market tumbling down 508 points, losing nearly 24%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: On Friday, the Dow Jones nearly broke that record when the market closed at -366.94 points, down almost three percent.
Basque: Ostiralean, Dow Jones-ek errekorra hautsi zuen ia, merkatua -366,94 punturekin itxi baitzuen, ia ehuneko hiru gutxiago.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Ostiralean, Dow Jones-ek errekorra hautsi zuen ia, merkatua -366,94 punturekin itxi baitzuen, ia ehuneko hiru gutxiago.
English: On Friday, the Dow Jones nearly broke that record when the market closed at -366.94 points, down almost three percent.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Several factors could be to blame for the loss, one being Turkey's government approving a measure on October 18 to send Turkish troops into Iraq in an attempt to take out militants of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
Basque: Galera hainbat faktoreri zor zaio, adibidez: Turkiako gobernuak Turkiako tropak Irakera bidaltzeko neurri bat onartu zuen urriaren 18an, Kurdistango Langileen Alderdiko militanteak (PKK) handik ateratzeko asmoz.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Galera hainbat faktoreri zor zaio, adibidez: Turkiako gobernuak Turkiako tropak Irakera bidaltzeko neurri bat onartu zuen urriaren 18an, Kurdistango Langileen Alderdiko militanteak (PKK) handik ateratzeko asmoz.
English: Several factors could be to blame for the loss, one being Turkey's government approving a measure on October 18 to send Turkish troops into Iraq in an attempt to take out militants of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK).
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: This sent oil prices skyrocketing to the highest prices in history, with the highest record being just over US$89.00, which was set on October 18.
Basque: Horren ondorioz, petrolioaren prezioak inoiz baino gehiago igo ziren. Erregistratutako prezio altuena 89,00 dolar estatubatuar baino zerbait altuagoa izan zen, urriaren 18an.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Horren ondorioz, petrolioaren prezioak inoiz baino gehiago igo ziren. Erregistratutako prezio altuena 89,00 dolar estatubatuar baino zerbait altuagoa izan zen, urriaren 18an.
English: This sent oil prices skyrocketing to the highest prices in history, with the highest record being just over US$89.00, which was set on October 18.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Fears that the housing market in the U.S. has come to a standstill has also lead Caterpillar Inc., which manufactures and sells construction equipment to issue a warning that the standstill would cause profits to drop, and the American economy to be severely hurt.
Basque: Estatu Batuetako higiezin-merkatua gelditu izanak beldurtuta, Caterpillar Inc. eraikuntzarako tresneria ekoizten eta saltzen duen enpresak ohartarazi du geldialdiak irabaziak jaitsaraziko lituzkeela eta Estatu Batuetako ekonomiari kalte handia egingo liokeela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako higiezin-merkatua gelditu izanak beldurtuta, Caterpillar Inc. eraikuntzarako tresneria ekoizten eta saltzen duen enpresak ohartarazi du geldialdiak irabaziak jaitsaraziko lituzkeela eta Estatu Batuetako ekonomiari kalte handia egingo liokeela.
English: Fears that the housing market in the U.S. has come to a standstill has also lead Caterpillar Inc., which manufactures and sells construction equipment to issue a warning that the standstill would cause profits to drop, and the American economy to be severely hurt.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: On Friday their stocks lost nearly six percent to close at $73.57.
Basque: Ostiralean, enpresaren akzioek ia ehuneko sei galdu zuten, 73,57 dolarrera jaitsita.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Ostiralean, enpresaren akzioek ia ehuneko sei galdu zuten, 73,57 dolarrera jaitsita.
English: On Friday their stocks lost nearly six percent to close at $73.57.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Investors and experts of the markets are disturbed by the losses calling the situation ugly.
Basque: Merkatuetako inbertitzaile eta adituak kezkatuta daude galerengatik, eta egoera itsusia dela diote.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Merkatuetako inbertitzaile eta adituak kezkatuta daude galerengatik, eta egoera itsusia dela diote.
English: Investors and experts of the markets are disturbed by the losses calling the situation ugly.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "It's pretty ugly.
Basque: "Itsusi samarra da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Itsusi samarra da.
English: "It's pretty ugly.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: A company like Caterpillar should be a poster child for global growth and benefits of the weak dollar.
Basque: Caterpillar bezalako konpainia batek eredu izan behar luke hazkunde globalerako eta dolarra ahul egoteari esker lortutako irabazietarako.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Caterpillar bezalako konpainia batek eredu izan behar luke hazkunde globalerako eta dolarra ahul egoteari esker lortutako irabazietarako.
English: A company like Caterpillar should be a poster child for global growth and benefits of the weak dollar.