Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The primary UK index, the FTSE 100, dropped in value by 2.36%, which is 118.40 points, to below the 5000 mark at 4907.20. Basque: FTSE 100 Erresuma Batuko oinarrizko indizea % 2,36 jaitsi zen, hau da, 118,40 puntu, eta 5.000 puntuko mailaren azpitik gelditu zen, 4907,20an.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: FTSE 100 Erresuma Batuko oinarrizko indizea % 2,36 jaitsi zen, hau da, 118,40 puntu, eta 5.000 puntuko mailaren azpitik gelditu zen, 4907,20an. English: The primary UK index, the FTSE 100, dropped in value by 2.36%, which is 118.40 points, to below the 5000 mark at 4907.20.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones was down 2.62% at 16:08 UTC, a slight increase from earlier today. Basque: Dow Jones % 2,62 jaisten ari zen 16:08an (UTC), gaur goizean baino apur bat gehiago.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones % 2,62 jaisten ari zen 16:08an (UTC), gaur goizean baino apur bat gehiago. English: The Dow Jones was down 2.62% at 16:08 UTC, a slight increase from earlier today.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones currently has a value of 10769.00 points. Basque: Dow Jones-ek 10.769,00 puntuko balioa du orain.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones-ek 10.769,00 puntuko balioa du orain. English: The Dow Jones currently has a value of 10769.00 points.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Nasdaq index has fallen by 3.16% to 2138.14, while the Dax was 1.75% lower than the start of the day as of 16:08 UTC. Basque: Nasdaq indizea % 3,16 erori da, 2138,14raino, eta Dax egunaren hasieran baino % 1,75 beherago zegoen 16:08an (UTC).
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Nasdaq indizea % 3,16 erori da, 2138,14raino, eta Dax egunaren hasieran baino % 1,75 beherago zegoen 16:08an (UTC). English: The Nasdaq index has fallen by 3.16% to 2138.14, while the Dax was 1.75% lower than the start of the day as of 16:08 UTC.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Japanese index the Nikkei was one of the few to rise in value over the day. Basque: Japoniako Nikkei indizea izan da egunean zehar hazi den gutxietako bat.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako Nikkei indizea izan da egunean zehar hazi den gutxietako bat. English: The Japanese index the Nikkei was one of the few to rise in value over the day.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: It ended up 1.2%, although this follows a large fall in the value of the index when it hit an all time low yesterday. Basque: % 1,2 igo zen azkenean, baina, lehenago, asko jaitsi zen indizearen balioa: atzo, inoizko baliorik baxuenera iritsi zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: % 1,2 igo zen azkenean, baina, lehenago, asko jaitsi zen indizearen balioa: atzo, inoizko baliorik baxuenera iritsi zen. English: It ended up 1.2%, although this follows a large fall in the value of the index when it hit an all time low yesterday.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Darren Winder, a market analyst from Cazenove, said that "I don't think anyone has got any or much confidence in market direction for more than a few days." Basque: Cazenove-ko Darren Winder merkatu-analistak honela esan zuen: "Ez dut uste inork inolako konfiantzarik duenik merkatuak egun gutxi batzuetatik aurrera hartuko duen norabideari buruz". .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Cazenove-ko Darren Winder merkatu-analistak honela esan zuen: "Ez dut uste inork inolako konfiantzarik duenik merkatuak egun gutxi batzuetatik aurrera hartuko duen norabideari buruz". . English: Darren Winder, a market analyst from Cazenove, said that "I don't think anyone has got any or much confidence in market direction for more than a few days."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: A lot of today's activities in the market were related to the takeover of the American International Group (AIG) on Tuesday in an US$ 85 billion loan, in exchange for a 79.9% stake in the company. Basque: Gaurko merkatu-ekintzetako asko baldintzatu ditu asteartean American International Group-ek (AIG) 85.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarreko mailegu bat hartu izanak enpresaren % 79,9ren truke.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gaurko merkatu-ekintzetako asko baldintzatu ditu asteartean American International Group-ek (AIG) 85.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarreko mailegu bat hartu izanak enpresaren % 79,9ren truke. English: A lot of today's activities in the market were related to the takeover of the American International Group (AIG) on Tuesday in an US$ 85 billion loan, in exchange for a 79.9% stake in the company.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The fact that AIG has thousands of divisions engaged in business across the globe sets them apart from the recent problems with other banks. Basque: AIG-k milaka dibisio ditu munduan negozioetan; haiei esker, azkenaldian beste banku batzuekin izan diren arazoetatik libratu da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: AIG-k milaka dibisio ditu munduan negozioetan; haiei esker, azkenaldian beste banku batzuekin izan diren arazoetatik libratu da. English: The fact that AIG has thousands of divisions engaged in business across the globe sets them apart from the recent problems with other banks.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: AIG was built up over the last several years via the buyouts and mergers of many companies around the world, offering AIG's stockholders a diverse base of income which allowed it to steadily increase profits. Basque: AIG munduko konpainia ugari erosiz eta xurgatuz garatu zen azken urteetan. AIG-ko akziodunei irabazitarako aukera zabala eskaintzen zien, eta horrek aukera eman zion irabaziak nabarmenki handitzeko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: AIG munduko konpainia ugari erosiz eta xurgatuz garatu zen azken urteetan. AIG-ko akziodunei irabazitarako aukera zabala eskaintzen zien, eta horrek aukera eman zion irabaziak nabarmenki handitzeko. English: AIG was built up over the last several years via the buyouts and mergers of many companies around the world, offering AIG's stockholders a diverse base of income which allowed it to steadily increase profits.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: In addition, the markets have also had difficulties during the past week after the refusal of the Federal Reserve to bail out Lehman Brothers, forcing the company to file for bankruptcy on Monday after Bank of America (BoA) and Barclays PLC pulled out of negotiations over the weekend. Basque: Gainera, merkatuek zailtasunak izan zituzten joan den astean, Erreserba Federalak, astelehenean, Lehman Brothers-i diruz laguntzeari uko egin eta konpainia porrota aurkeztera behartu eta gero, asteburuan Bank of America (BoA) eta Barclays PLC negoziaziotik atera ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gainera, merkatuek zailtasunak izan zituzten joan den astean, Erreserba Federalak, astelehenean, Lehman Brothers-i diruz laguntzeari uko egin eta konpainia porrota aurkeztera behartu eta gero, asteburuan Bank of America (BoA) eta Barclays PLC negoziaziotik atera ondoren. English: In addition, the markets have also had difficulties during the past week after the refusal of the Federal Reserve to bail out Lehman Brothers, forcing the company to file for bankruptcy on Monday after Bank of America (BoA) and Barclays PLC pulled out of negotiations over the weekend.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Stock markets worldwide rise on hopes of US economic recovery Basque: Munduko burtsek gora egin dute Estatu Batuetako ekonomia suspertuko delakoan
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Munduko burtsek gora egin dute Estatu Batuetako ekonomia suspertuko delakoan English: Stock markets worldwide rise on hopes of US economic recovery
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: August 21, 2009 Basque: 2009ko abuztuaren 21a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2009ko abuztuaren 21a English: August 21, 2009
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Stock indexes worldwide rose on Friday, after US bank chief Ben Bernanke said that the US economy was starting to recover from the recession. Basque: Munduko burtsek gora egin zuten ostiralean, Ben Bernanke Estatu Batuetako banku zentralaren zuzendariak Estatu Batuetako ekonomia atzerapenetik irteten hasia zela esan ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Munduko burtsek gora egin zuten ostiralean, Ben Bernanke Estatu Batuetako banku zentralaren zuzendariak Estatu Batuetako ekonomia atzerapenetik irteten hasia zela esan ondoren. English: Stock indexes worldwide rose on Friday, after US bank chief Ben Bernanke said that the US economy was starting to recover from the recession.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Addressing a conference in Wyoming, the bank chief said that "the prospects for a return to growth in the near term appear good." Basque: Wyoming-eko hitzaldi batean, bankuko buruak honela esan zuen: "badirudi aukera ugari dagoela epe laburrean hazkunde-egoerara itzultzeko" .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Wyoming-eko hitzaldi batean, bankuko buruak honela esan zuen: "badirudi aukera ugari dagoela epe laburrean hazkunde-egoerara itzultzeko" . English: Addressing a conference in Wyoming, the bank chief said that "the prospects for a return to growth in the near term appear good."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: He added, however, that "the economic recovery is likely to be relatively slow at first, with unemployment declining only gradually from high levels." Basque: Halere, hau gehitu zuen: "ekonomiaren susperraldia nahiko motela izan liteke hasieran, eta langabezia-tasa altua apur bat baino ez da jaitsiko" .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Halere, hau gehitu zuen: "ekonomiaren susperraldia nahiko motela izan liteke hasieran, eta langabezia-tasa altua apur bat baino ez da jaitsiko" . English: He added, however, that "the economic recovery is likely to be relatively slow at first, with unemployment declining only gradually from high levels."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 155.91 points, or 1.67%, to end the day at 9505.96. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average-k 155,91 puntu irabazi zituen, % 1,67, eta 9.505,96 punturekin itxi zuen eguna.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average-k 155,91 puntu irabazi zituen, % 1,67, eta 9.505,96 punturekin itxi zuen eguna. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 155.91 points, or 1.67%, to end the day at 9505.96.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Nasdaq reached 2020.90 points after gaining 1.59%. Basque: Nasdaq 2.020,90 puntura heldu zen % 1,59 irabazi ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Nasdaq 2.020,90 puntura heldu zen % 1,59 irabazi ondoren. English: The Nasdaq reached 2020.90 points after gaining 1.59%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Standard & Poor's 500 Index, meanwhile, struck a ten-month high, reaching a level of 1,026.13 at the closing bell, up 1.9%. Basque: Standard & Poor 's 500 indizea, aldiz, azken hamar hilabeteotako balio altuenera heldu zen, eta 1.026,13 puntura iritsia zen saio-amaierako kanpaiak jo zuenean, % 1,9 gehiago.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Standard & Poor 's 500 indizea, aldiz, azken hamar hilabeteotako balio altuenera heldu zen, eta 1.026,13 puntura iritsia zen saio-amaierako kanpaiak jo zuenean, % 1,9 gehiago. English: The Standard & Poor's 500 Index, meanwhile, struck a ten-month high, reaching a level of 1,026.13 at the closing bell, up 1.9%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The British FTSE index rose about two percent, closing at 4,851. Basque: Erresuma Batuko FTSE indizea ehuneko bi inguru hazi zen, eta 4.851 punturekin itxi zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Erresuma Batuko FTSE indizea ehuneko bi inguru hazi zen, eta 4.851 punturekin itxi zuen. English: The British FTSE index rose about two percent, closing at 4,851.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The French Cac index gained 3.1% and the German Dax 2.8%. Basque: Frantziako Cac indizeak % 3,1 irabazi zuen, eta Alemaniako Dax-ek % 2,8.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Frantziako Cac indizeak % 3,1 irabazi zuen, eta Alemaniako Dax-ek % 2,8. English: The French Cac index gained 3.1% and the German Dax 2.8%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "Bernanke was a little bit more bullish than most people were expecting. Basque: "Jende gehienak espero baino apur bat optimistagoa izan zen Bernanke.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Jende gehienak espero baino apur bat optimistagoa izan zen Bernanke. English: "Bernanke was a little bit more bullish than most people were expecting.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: He's saying that the global economy is starting to emerge from the recession and that the fears of a financial collapse have receded substantially," said Jacob Oubina, the currency strategist of Forex.com. Basque: Munduko ekonomia atzerapen-egoeratik ateratzen hasi dela dio, eta finantzak hondoratuko diren beldurra nahiko baretu da", esan zuen Jacob Oubina Forex.com-eko moneta-estrategak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Munduko ekonomia atzerapen-egoeratik ateratzen hasi dela dio, eta finantzak hondoratuko diren beldurra nahiko baretu da", esan zuen Jacob Oubina Forex.com-eko moneta-estrategak. English: He's saying that the global economy is starting to emerge from the recession and that the fears of a financial collapse have receded substantially," said Jacob Oubina, the currency strategist of Forex.com.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "I think the market is just taking those headlines as extreme positives for the outlook." Basque: Nire ustez, iragarpenetako titulu horiek modu positiboegian hartzen ari da merkatua .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Nire ustez, iragarpenetako titulu horiek modu positiboegian hartzen ari da merkatua . English: "I think the market is just taking those headlines as extreme positives for the outlook."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Jean-Claude Trichet, the European Central Bank president, warned that talk of a complete recovery might be premature. Basque: Jean-Claude Trichet Europako Banku Zentraleko presidenteak ohartarazi zuenez, oraindik goiz da erabateko susperraldiaz hitz egiteko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Jean-Claude Trichet Europako Banku Zentraleko presidenteak ohartarazi zuenez, oraindik goiz da erabateko susperraldiaz hitz egiteko. English: Jean-Claude Trichet, the European Central Bank president, warned that talk of a complete recovery might be premature.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "I am a little bit uneasy when I see that, because we have some green shoots here and there, we are already saying, 'well, after all, we are close to back to normal,' " he said. Basque: Apur bat kezkatzen naiz ikusten dudanean han-hemenka suspertze-kimu batzuk ditugunean berehala esaten dugula: tira, azken batean, normaltasunera itzultzetik gertu gaude, esan zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Apur bat kezkatzen naiz ikusten dudanean han-hemenka suspertze-kimu batzuk ditugunean berehala esaten dugula: tira, azken batean, normaltasunera itzultzetik gertu gaude, esan zuen. English: "I am a little bit uneasy when I see that, because we have some green shoots here and there, we are already saying, 'well, after all, we are close to back to normal,' " he said.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Sub-prime lenders send jitters through global markets Basque: Arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileek munduko merkatuak beldurtu dituzte
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileek munduko merkatuak beldurtu dituzte English: Sub-prime lenders send jitters through global markets
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: March 13, 2007 Basque: 2007ko martxoaren 13a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2007ko martxoaren 13a English: March 13, 2007
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Just two weeks after China sent global markets into a tumble, growing worries about sub-prime mortgage lenders in the United States are sending jitters through stock exchanges around the globe. Basque: Txinak munduko merkatuen gainbehera eragin zuenetik bi aste baino igaro ez direnean, Estatu Batuetan arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileen inguruko kezka areagotzen ari da, eta beldurra sumatzen da munduko burtsetan.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Txinak munduko merkatuen gainbehera eragin zuenetik bi aste baino igaro ez direnean, Estatu Batuetan arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileen inguruko kezka areagotzen ari da, eta beldurra sumatzen da munduko burtsetan. English: Just two weeks after China sent global markets into a tumble, growing worries about sub-prime mortgage lenders in the United States are sending jitters through stock exchanges around the globe.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The three major US stock market indices each fell two percent from Monday's closing price, marking the second-biggest loss of 2007. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsetako hiru indize nagusiak ehuneko bina jaitsi ziren asteleheneko itxiera-preziotik. 2007ko bigarren galera handiena izan da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsetako hiru indize nagusiak ehuneko bina jaitsi ziren asteleheneko itxiera-preziotik. 2007ko bigarren galera handiena izan da. English: The three major US stock market indices each fell two percent from Monday's closing price, marking the second-biggest loss of 2007.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: London's FTSE 100, Paris' CAC 40 and Frankfurt's DAX 30 indices each closed down more than 1 percent. Basque: Londresko FTSE 100, Parisko CAC 40 eta Frankfurteko DAX 30 indizeek ehuneko bat baino gehiago galduta itxi zuten eguna.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Londresko FTSE 100, Parisko CAC 40 eta Frankfurteko DAX 30 indizeek ehuneko bat baino gehiago galduta itxi zuten eguna. English: London's FTSE 100, Paris' CAC 40 and Frankfurt's DAX 30 indices each closed down more than 1 percent.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: As the Mortgage Bankers Association reported that late payments on mortgages and home foreclosures in the US homes rose in the fourth quarter to their highest level in years, investors are concerned that not only US banks but also multi-national banks around the globe could have exposure. Basque: Hipoteka Bankuen Elkarteak argitaratu zuenaren arabera, hipoteka-ordainketen berandutzeak eta Estatu Batuetako etxebizitzetako hipoteka-exekutatzeak urtetan izandako balio altuenetara iritsi ziren laugarren hiruhilekoan. Ondorioz, inbertitzaileak beldur dira Estatu Batuetako bankuak bakarrik ez eta munduko banku multinazionalak ere ez ote dauden arriskuan.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hipoteka Bankuen Elkarteak argitaratu zuenaren arabera, hipoteka-ordainketen berandutzeak eta Estatu Batuetako etxebizitzetako hipoteka-exekutatzeak urtetan izandako balio altuenetara iritsi ziren laugarren hiruhilekoan. Ondorioz, inbertitzaileak beldur dira Estatu Batuetako bankuak bakarrik ez eta munduko banku multinazionalak ere ez ote dauden arriskuan. English: As the Mortgage Bankers Association reported that late payments on mortgages and home foreclosures in the US homes rose in the fourth quarter to their highest level in years, investors are concerned that not only US banks but also multi-national banks around the globe could have exposure.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: More than two dozen sub-prime lenders have closed or sold operations as defaults on those mortgages have risen. Basque: Arrisku handiko hipoteken bi dozena mailegu-emailek baino gehiagok itxi edo saldu egin dituzte eragiketak, hipoteka horiek ez ordaintzeko joera hazi egin baita.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Arrisku handiko hipoteken bi dozena mailegu-emailek baino gehiagok itxi edo saldu egin dituzte eragiketak, hipoteka horiek ez ordaintzeko joera hazi egin baita. English: More than two dozen sub-prime lenders have closed or sold operations as defaults on those mortgages have risen.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "The delinquencies and defaults have started to soar," said Nicolas Retsinas, director of Housing Studies at Harvard University. Basque: Berankortasunak eta ez-ordaintzeak izugarri hazi dira, esan zuen Nicolas Retsinas Harvard Unibertsitateko Etxebizitza Ikasketetako zuzendariak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Berankortasunak eta ez-ordaintzeak izugarri hazi dira, esan zuen Nicolas Retsinas Harvard Unibertsitateko Etxebizitza Ikasketetako zuzendariak. English: "The delinquencies and defaults have started to soar," said Nicolas Retsinas, director of Housing Studies at Harvard University.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "A lot of these lenders started to make loans and lost track of some of the fundamentals." Basque: Hipoteken mailegu-emaile horietako askok maileguak emateari ekin zioten oinarrizko zenbait arauri jaramonik egin gabe. .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hipoteken mailegu-emaile horietako askok maileguak emateari ekin zioten oinarrizko zenbait arauri jaramonik egin gabe. . English: "A lot of these lenders started to make loans and lost track of some of the fundamentals."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: New Century Financial Corporation, the second largest sub-prime lender in the US, has recently revealed that its creditors were no longer providing funds and, further, it has become subject of an SEC investigation. Basque: New Century Financial Corporation-ek, Estatu Batuetako arrisku handiko hipoteken bigarren mailegu-emaile handienak, berriki aitortu zuen hartzekodunek jada ez zutela funtsik ematen eta, gainera, Balore eta Burtsa Batzordeak (SEC) ikerketapean jarri zuela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: New Century Financial Corporation-ek, Estatu Batuetako arrisku handiko hipoteken bigarren mailegu-emaile handienak, berriki aitortu zuen hartzekodunek jada ez zutela funtsik ematen eta, gainera, Balore eta Burtsa Batzordeak (SEC) ikerketapean jarri zuela. English: New Century Financial Corporation, the second largest sub-prime lender in the US, has recently revealed that its creditors were no longer providing funds and, further, it has become subject of an SEC investigation.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The New York Stock Exchange has said it will delist New Century. Basque: New Century zerrendatik kenduko duela esan du New Yorkeko Burtsak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: New Century zerrendatik kenduko duela esan du New Yorkeko Burtsak. English: The New York Stock Exchange has said it will delist New Century.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Accredited Home Loan Lending, another major sub-prime mortgage specialist, said it was seeking fresh capital and waivers on its lending covenants. Basque: Accredited Home Loan Lending-ek —beste espezialista handi bat arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileen artean— esan zuen bere mailegu-kontratuetan kapital berria eta uko-egiteak bilatzen ari zela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Accredited Home Loan Lending-ek —beste espezialista handi bat arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileen artean— esan zuen bere mailegu-kontratuetan kapital berria eta uko-egiteak bilatzen ari zela. English: Accredited Home Loan Lending, another major sub-prime mortgage specialist, said it was seeking fresh capital and waivers on its lending covenants.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Sub-prime lenders provide mortgages to people who do not qualify for loans from mainstream lenders, typically due to their credit histories. Basque: Euren kreditu-historiagatik mailegu-emaile arrunten hipoteka-maileguak jasotzeko baldintzak betetzen ez dituzten pertsonei ematen dizkiete hipotekak arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileek.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Euren kreditu-historiagatik mailegu-emaile arrunten hipoteka-maileguak jasotzeko baldintzak betetzen ez dituzten pertsonei ematen dizkiete hipotekak arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileek. English: Sub-prime lenders provide mortgages to people who do not qualify for loans from mainstream lenders, typically due to their credit histories.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The lenders then bundle these mortgages as collateral for loans that they obtain from other financing firms, such as GMAC. Basque: Gero, mailegu-emaileek hipoteka horiek bildu eta beste finantza-erakunde batzuetatik, hala nola GMAKtik, lortzen dituzten maileguen abal gisa erabiltzen dituzte.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gero, mailegu-emaileek hipoteka horiek bildu eta beste finantza-erakunde batzuetatik, hala nola GMAKtik, lortzen dituzten maileguen abal gisa erabiltzen dituzte. English: The lenders then bundle these mortgages as collateral for loans that they obtain from other financing firms, such as GMAC.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Such firms can then repackage these loans and sell them as mortgage-backed securities. Basque: Gerora, erakunde horiek mailegu horiek bil ditzakete berriro, eta hipotekek bermatutako balore gisa saldu.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gerora, erakunde horiek mailegu horiek bil ditzakete berriro, eta hipotekek bermatutako balore gisa saldu. English: Such firms can then repackage these loans and sell them as mortgage-backed securities.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: These securities may end up in the hands of major multi-national banks such as Citibank, HSBC, and Commerzbank. Basque: Gerta daiteke balore horiek banku multinazionalen eskuetan amaitzea, hala nola Citibank, HSBC eta Commerzbank-en eskuetan.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gerta daiteke balore horiek banku multinazionalen eskuetan amaitzea, hala nola Citibank, HSBC eta Commerzbank-en eskuetan. English: These securities may end up in the hands of major multi-national banks such as Citibank, HSBC, and Commerzbank.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Each level of lending assumes a level of financial risk, but trouble can arise when the risk tolerances are exceeded. Basque: Mailegutza-maila bakoitzak finantza-arriskuaren maila bat bereganatzen du, baina, gehiegi arriskatuz gero, arazoak sor daitezke.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Mailegutza-maila bakoitzak finantza-arriskuaren maila bat bereganatzen du, baina, gehiegi arriskatuz gero, arazoak sor daitezke. English: Each level of lending assumes a level of financial risk, but trouble can arise when the risk tolerances are exceeded.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: If too many homeowners default on their mortgages, the sub-prime lender can end up defaulting. Basque: Etxezale askok hipoteka ordaintzeari utziko baliote, azkenean, gerta liteke arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileak berak berankor bihurtzea.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Etxezale askok hipoteka ordaintzeari utziko baliote, azkenean, gerta liteke arrisku handiko hipoteken mailegu-emaileak berak berankor bihurtzea. English: If too many homeowners default on their mortgages, the sub-prime lender can end up defaulting.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: If too many of these lenders default, as it is feared may be happening now, the defaults can cascade upward. Basque: Mailegu-emaile horietako askok ordaintzeari uzten badiote (eta hori gertatzen ari den beldurra badabil), ez-ordaintzeak bata bestearen atzetik etor litezke.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Mailegu-emaile horietako askok ordaintzeari uzten badiote (eta hori gertatzen ari den beldurra badabil), ez-ordaintzeak bata bestearen atzetik etor litezke. English: If too many of these lenders default, as it is feared may be happening now, the defaults can cascade upward.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: While no one is predicting major bank failures at this point, it is feared that their profits could be hurt. Basque: Une honetan banku-galera handirik aurreikusten ez bada ere, uste da irabaziei eragingo diela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Une honetan banku-galera handirik aurreikusten ez bada ere, uste da irabaziei eragingo diela. English: While no one is predicting major bank failures at this point, it is feared that their profits could be hurt.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: US stock markets fall to lowest levels since 1997 Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak 1997tik izandako balio baxuenetara erori dira
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsak 1997tik izandako balio baxuenetara erori dira English: US stock markets fall to lowest levels since 1997
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: February 24, 2009 Basque: 2009ko otsailaren 24a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2009ko otsailaren 24a English: February 24, 2009
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Three major United States stock market indexes closed at their lowest levels in over a decade on Monday, amidst declining investor confidence and worries that the government will nationalize the banks. Basque: Estatu Batuetako hiru burtsa-indize nagusiek hamarkada bat baino gehiagoan izandako mailarik baxuenean itxi zuten astelehenean, inbertitzaileek gero eta konfiantza gutxiago baitute eta gobernuak bankuak nazionalizatuko dituen kezka ere baitabil.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako hiru burtsa-indize nagusiek hamarkada bat baino gehiagoan izandako mailarik baxuenean itxi zuten astelehenean, inbertitzaileek gero eta konfiantza gutxiago baitute eta gobernuak bankuak nazionalizatuko dituen kezka ere baitabil. English: Three major United States stock market indexes closed at their lowest levels in over a decade on Monday, amidst declining investor confidence and worries that the government will nationalize the banks.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 3.41%, or 251.4 points, to end the day at 7,114.3, its lowest level since October 1997. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average % 3,41 edo 251,4 puntu jaitsi zen, eta 7.114,3 punturekin itxi zuen eguna; 1997ko urriaz geroztik izan duen baliorik txikiena da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average % 3,41 edo 251,4 puntu jaitsi zen, eta 7.114,3 punturekin itxi zuen eguna; 1997ko urriaz geroztik izan duen baliorik txikiena da. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 3.41%, or 251.4 points, to end the day at 7,114.3, its lowest level since October 1997.