Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The UK's FTSE-100 index fell 232.90 points to 6038.30, and Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 406.51 points to 16764.09. Basque: Erresuma Batuko FTSE-100 indizea, 232,90 puntu galduta, 6.038,30 puntura jaitsi zen, eta Japoniako Nikkei 225-ek 406,51 puntu galdu zituen, 16.764,09 punturaino jaitsita.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Erresuma Batuko FTSE-100 indizea, 232,90 puntu galduta, 6.038,30 puntura jaitsi zen, eta Japoniako Nikkei 225-ek 406,51 puntu galdu zituen, 16.764,09 punturaino jaitsita. English: The UK's FTSE-100 index fell 232.90 points to 6038.30, and Japan's Nikkei 225 fell 406.51 points to 16764.09.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Central banks across the world are injecting funds into their banking systems to add liquidity, fearing that many financial firms with subprime ties will be insolvent. Basque: Munduko banku zentralak funtsak sartzen ari dira beren banku-sistemetan likidezia handitzeko, beldur baitira subprimeei lotuta dauden finantza-enpresa asko ez ote diren kaudimengabe bilakatuko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Munduko banku zentralak funtsak sartzen ari dira beren banku-sistemetan likidezia handitzeko, beldur baitira subprimeei lotuta dauden finantza-enpresa asko ez ote diren kaudimengabe bilakatuko. English: Central banks across the world are injecting funds into their banking systems to add liquidity, fearing that many financial firms with subprime ties will be insolvent.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Yesterday, the U.S. Federal Reserve transferred US$24 billion to temporary reserves, following the European Central Bank, which authorized a record €83.6 billion addition to its banks, its biggest cash infusion ever. Basque: Atzo, Estatu Batuetako Erreserba Federalak 24.000 milioi dolar estatubatuar txertatu zizkien aldi baterako erreserbei. Aurrez, Europako Banku Zentralak 83.600 milioi dolar txertatu zizkien bere bankuei, haren inoizko diru-txertatzerik altuena.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Atzo, Estatu Batuetako Erreserba Federalak 24.000 milioi dolar estatubatuar txertatu zizkien aldi baterako erreserbei. Aurrez, Europako Banku Zentralak 83.600 milioi dolar txertatu zizkien bere bankuei, haren inoizko diru-txertatzerik altuena. English: Yesterday, the U.S. Federal Reserve transferred US$24 billion to temporary reserves, following the European Central Bank, which authorized a record €83.6 billion addition to its banks, its biggest cash infusion ever.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: On Friday, the Fed entered into a $38 billion repurchase agreement of mortgage-backed securities, easing stockholder worries. Basque: Ostiralean, Erreserba Federala hipotekek bermatutako balioak erosteko akordio batera heldu zen 38.000 milioi dolarren truke, eta akziodunen kezkak baretu zituen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Ostiralean, Erreserba Federala hipotekek bermatutako balioak erosteko akordio batera heldu zen 38.000 milioi dolarren truke, eta akziodunen kezkak baretu zituen. English: On Friday, the Fed entered into a $38 billion repurchase agreement of mortgage-backed securities, easing stockholder worries.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Also on Friday, the Bank of Japan injected ¥1 trillion into Japan's financial system. Basque: Egun berean, Japoniako Bankuak bilioi bat yen txertatu zituen Japoniako finantza-sisteman.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Egun berean, Japoniako Bankuak bilioi bat yen txertatu zituen Japoniako finantza-sisteman. English: Also on Friday, the Bank of Japan injected ¥1 trillion into Japan's financial system.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Federal Reserve met this week, but decided to maintain its target rate of 5.25%, although on Friday the federal funds rate was hovering around 6%, indicating a drop in liquidity. Basque: Erreserba Federalak bilera egin du aste honetan, baina helburuko indizea % 5,25ean mantentzea erabaki du, nahiz eta ostiralean funts federalen indizea % 6 ingurukoa izan eta horrek likidezia jaitsi dela adierazi.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Erreserba Federalak bilera egin du aste honetan, baina helburuko indizea % 5,25ean mantentzea erabaki du, nahiz eta ostiralean funts federalen indizea % 6 ingurukoa izan eta horrek likidezia jaitsi dela adierazi. English: The Federal Reserve met this week, but decided to maintain its target rate of 5.25%, although on Friday the federal funds rate was hovering around 6%, indicating a drop in liquidity.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The volatile week began last Friday with Bear Stearns tumbling as a result from its complete loss of two major hedge funds worth more than $1.5 billion. Basque: Aste ezegonkorra ostiralean hasi zen, Bear Stearns erori zenean bere bi estaldura-funts nagusiak, 1.500 milioi dolarretik gorako baliokoak, erabat galtzearen ondorioz.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Aste ezegonkorra ostiralean hasi zen, Bear Stearns erori zenean bere bi estaldura-funts nagusiak, 1.500 milioi dolarretik gorako baliokoak, erabat galtzearen ondorioz. English: The volatile week began last Friday with Bear Stearns tumbling as a result from its complete loss of two major hedge funds worth more than $1.5 billion.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The hedge funds had been dangerously exposed to the massive sub-prime mortgage failure, and the company announced it was unable to return any money to investors. Basque: Estaldura-funtsok subprime hipoteken galera masiboarekiko esposizio arriskutsua zuten, eta konpainiak adierazi zuen ezingo ziela itzuli dirua inbertitzaileei.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estaldura-funtsok subprime hipoteken galera masiboarekiko esposizio arriskutsua zuten, eta konpainiak adierazi zuen ezingo ziela itzuli dirua inbertitzaileei. English: The hedge funds had been dangerously exposed to the massive sub-prime mortgage failure, and the company announced it was unable to return any money to investors.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Washington Mutual, and Countrywide Financial, both very large U.S. home loan lenders, saw shares fall. Basque: Washington Mutual eta Countrywide Financial Estatu Batuetako mailegu-emaile oso garrantzitsuak dira biak, eta haien akzioak erori egin ziren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Washington Mutual eta Countrywide Financial Estatu Batuetako mailegu-emaile oso garrantzitsuak dira biak, eta haien akzioak erori egin ziren. English: Washington Mutual, and Countrywide Financial, both very large U.S. home loan lenders, saw shares fall.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Countrywide Financial made a statement this week, saying they will be forced to retain a greater proportion of mortgage. Basque: Countrywide Financial-ek adierazpen bat egin du aste honetan, esanez hipoteka-proportzio handiagoa atxiki beharko duela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Countrywide Financial-ek adierazpen bat egin du aste honetan, esanez hipoteka-proportzio handiagoa atxiki beharko duela. English: Countrywide Financial made a statement this week, saying they will be forced to retain a greater proportion of mortgage.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: American Home Mortgage Investment Corp, another large lender, recently filed for bankruptcy. Basque: Beste mailegu-emaile handi batek, American Home Mortgage Investment Corp-ek, porrota aurkeztu berri du.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Beste mailegu-emaile handi batek, American Home Mortgage Investment Corp-ek, porrota aurkeztu berri du. English: American Home Mortgage Investment Corp, another large lender, recently filed for bankruptcy.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The U.S. housing market has been declining for more than two years after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 17 times. Basque: Estatu Batuetako merkatua behera eta behera aritu da bi urte baino gehiagoan, Erreserba Federalak interesak 17 aldiz igo zituenetik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako merkatua behera eta behera aritu da bi urte baino gehiagoan, Erreserba Federalak interesak 17 aldiz igo zituenetik. English: The U.S. housing market has been declining for more than two years after the Federal Reserve raised interest rates 17 times.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Now, lenders are in a quagmire from millions of people who are unable to repay loans after taking adjustable rate mortgages, teaser rates, interest-only mortgages, or piggyback rates. Basque: Orain, mailegu-emaileak kinka larrian daude; izan ere, milioika pertsonak ezin dituzte maileguak itzuli, bere garaian interes aldakorreko hipotekak, interes tentagarriak, interesak bakarrik ordaintzeko hipotekak edo interes uztartuak (piggyback) onartu baitzituzten.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Orain, mailegu-emaileak kinka larrian daude; izan ere, milioika pertsonak ezin dituzte maileguak itzuli, bere garaian interes aldakorreko hipotekak, interes tentagarriak, interesak bakarrik ordaintzeko hipotekak edo interes uztartuak (piggyback) onartu baitzituzten. English: Now, lenders are in a quagmire from millions of people who are unable to repay loans after taking adjustable rate mortgages, teaser rates, interest-only mortgages, or piggyback rates.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Jim Cramer, of CNBC's Mad Money, remarked that as many as seven million people will lose their homes from bad mortgages. Basque: CNBCko Mad Moneyko Jim Cramer-ek nabarmendu zuen zazpi milioi pertsona inguruk beren etxebizitza galduko dutela okerreko hipoteka-maileguen ondorioz.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: CNBCko Mad Moneyko Jim Cramer-ek nabarmendu zuen zazpi milioi pertsona inguruk beren etxebizitza galduko dutela okerreko hipoteka-maileguen ondorioz. English: Jim Cramer, of CNBC's Mad Money, remarked that as many as seven million people will lose their homes from bad mortgages.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Last Friday, Cramer went on a tirade on CNBC's Street Signs, saying that the "Fed was asleep" and called for them to lower rates immediately. Basque: Joan zen ostiralean, Cramer-ek kritika gogorra egin zuen CNBC-ko Street Signsen, Erreserba Federala lotan zegoela esanez, eta interesak lehenbailehen gutxitzeko eskatu zion.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Joan zen ostiralean, Cramer-ek kritika gogorra egin zuen CNBC-ko Street Signsen, Erreserba Federala lotan zegoela esanez, eta interesak lehenbailehen gutxitzeko eskatu zion. English: Last Friday, Cramer went on a tirade on CNBC's Street Signs, saying that the "Fed was asleep" and called for them to lower rates immediately.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Asian and European markets have become increasingly entangled in the subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S. Deutsche Bank of Germany lost almost $3.5 billion in share value, forcing the government to organize a bail-out. Basque: Asiako eta Europako merkatuak gero eta gehiago kutsatu ditu Estatu Batuetako subprime hipoteken krisiak. Alemaniako Deutsche Bank-ek ia 3.500 milioi dolar galdu zituen akziotan, eta gobernuak erreskate bat antolatu behar izan du.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Asiako eta Europako merkatuak gero eta gehiago kutsatu ditu Estatu Batuetako subprime hipoteken krisiak. Alemaniako Deutsche Bank-ek ia 3.500 milioi dolar galdu zituen akziotan, eta gobernuak erreskate bat antolatu behar izan du. English: Asian and European markets have become increasingly entangled in the subprime mortgage crisis in the U.S. Deutsche Bank of Germany lost almost $3.5 billion in share value, forcing the government to organize a bail-out.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: France's largest bank, BNP Paribas SA, halted withdrawals from three large investment funds which were crippled by sub-prime exposure. Basque: BNP Paribas SA Frantziako banku handienak gerarazi egin zituen diru-ateratzeak subprime krisiak zipriztindutako hiru inbertsio-funts handitatik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: BNP Paribas SA Frantziako banku handienak gerarazi egin zituen diru-ateratzeak subprime krisiak zipriztindutako hiru inbertsio-funts handitatik. English: France's largest bank, BNP Paribas SA, halted withdrawals from three large investment funds which were crippled by sub-prime exposure.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Markets rally as world's central banks infuse cash Basque: Merkatuak igo egin dira munduko banku zentralek dirua txertatu dutenean
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Merkatuak igo egin dira munduko banku zentralek dirua txertatu dutenean English: Markets rally as world's central banks infuse cash
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: September 18, 2008 Basque: 2008ko irailaren 18a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2008ko irailaren 18a English: September 18, 2008
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Stock indexes around the globe reacted favorably after several national banks announced a joint effort to pump more money into the markets. Basque: Munduko burtsetako indizeek ongi hartu zuten zenbait herrialdetako bankuek iragartzea merkatuei diru gehiago emateko ahalegin bateratua egingo dutela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Munduko burtsetako indizeek ongi hartu zuten zenbait herrialdetako bankuek iragartzea merkatuei diru gehiago emateko ahalegin bateratua egingo dutela. English: Stock indexes around the globe reacted favorably after several national banks announced a joint effort to pump more money into the markets.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: At 0800 UTC, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank (ECB), the United States Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank jointly announced that they would be working together to provide reciprocal credit arrangements to institutions facing a financial crush from the U.S. dollar. Basque: 8:00etan (UTC), Kanadako Bankuak, Ingalaterrako Bankuak, Europako Banku Zentralak (ECB), Estatu Batuetako Erreserba Federalak, Japoniako Bankuak eta Suitzako Banku Nazionalak adierazi zuten elkarlanean arituko zirela dolar estatubatuarraren krisi ekonomikorekin topo egin duten instituzioak aldebiko kreditu-hitzarmenez hornitzeko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 8:00etan (UTC), Kanadako Bankuak, Ingalaterrako Bankuak, Europako Banku Zentralak (ECB), Estatu Batuetako Erreserba Federalak, Japoniako Bankuak eta Suitzako Banku Nazionalak adierazi zuten elkarlanean arituko zirela dolar estatubatuarraren krisi ekonomikorekin topo egin duten instituzioak aldebiko kreditu-hitzarmenez hornitzeko. English: At 0800 UTC, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank (ECB), the United States Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, and the Swiss National Bank jointly announced that they would be working together to provide reciprocal credit arrangements to institutions facing a financial crush from the U.S. dollar.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The credit arrangements, also known as "swap lines", will be used to help short-term funding of smaller loan groups. Basque: Kreditu-hitzarmenok, "swap-linea" gisa ere ezagunak, kreditu-talde txikiagoen epe laburreko finantzazioari laguntzeko erabiliko dira.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Kreditu-hitzarmenok, "swap-linea" gisa ere ezagunak, kreditu-talde txikiagoen epe laburreko finantzazioari laguntzeko erabiliko dira. English: The credit arrangements, also known as "swap lines", will be used to help short-term funding of smaller loan groups.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Totaling US$180 billion, the Federal Reserve arranged to increase existing swap lines with the European Central Bank from US$55 billion to US$110 billion, and with the Swiss National Bank from US$12 billion to US$27 billion. Basque: Guztira 180.000 milioi dolar estatubatuar osatuz, Erreserba Federalak Europako Banku Zentralarekin dituen swap-lineak 55.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarretik 110.000 milioira handitzea adostu du, eta Suitzako Banku Nazionalarekin dituenak 12.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarretik 27.000 milioira.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Guztira 180.000 milioi dolar estatubatuar osatuz, Erreserba Federalak Europako Banku Zentralarekin dituen swap-lineak 55.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarretik 110.000 milioira handitzea adostu du, eta Suitzako Banku Nazionalarekin dituenak 12.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarretik 27.000 milioira. English: Totaling US$180 billion, the Federal Reserve arranged to increase existing swap lines with the European Central Bank from US$55 billion to US$110 billion, and with the Swiss National Bank from US$12 billion to US$27 billion.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Additionally, it opened new swap lines with the Bank of Japan for up to US$60 billion, up to US$40 billion with the Bank of England, and up to US$10 billion with the Bank of Canada. Basque: Gainera, swap-linea berriak zabaldu zituen Japoniako Bankuarekin, Ingalaterrako Bankuarekin eta Kanadako Bankuarekin, 60.000 milioi, 40.000 milioi eta 10.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarretik gorakoak, hurrenez hurren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gainera, swap-linea berriak zabaldu zituen Japoniako Bankuarekin, Ingalaterrako Bankuarekin eta Kanadako Bankuarekin, 60.000 milioi, 40.000 milioi eta 10.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarretik gorakoak, hurrenez hurren. English: Additionally, it opened new swap lines with the Bank of Japan for up to US$60 billion, up to US$40 billion with the Bank of England, and up to US$10 billion with the Bank of Canada.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: These swap lines will be available until January 30, 2009. Basque: Swap-linea horiek 2009ko urtarrilaren 30a arte egongo dira zabalik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Swap-linea horiek 2009ko urtarrilaren 30a arte egongo dira zabalik. English: These swap lines will be available until January 30, 2009.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: In its press release, the Federal Reserve stated, "These measures, together with other actions taken in the last few days by individual central banks, are designed to improve the liquidity conditions in global financial markets. Basque: Erreserba Federalak hau adierazi zuen prentsaurrekoan: "Neurri hauek, azken egunetan banakako banku zentralek hartutako beste batzuekin batera, munduko merkatuetan likidezia-egoera hobetzeko diseinatu dira.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Erreserba Federalak hau adierazi zuen prentsaurrekoan: "Neurri hauek, azken egunetan banakako banku zentralek hartutako beste batzuekin batera, munduko merkatuetan likidezia-egoera hobetzeko diseinatu dira. English: In its press release, the Federal Reserve stated, "These measures, together with other actions taken in the last few days by individual central banks, are designed to improve the liquidity conditions in global financial markets.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The central banks continue to work together closely and will take appropriate steps to address the ongoing pressures." Basque: Banku zentralek elkarlanean jarraitzen dute, eta pauso egokiak emango dituzte gaur egungo presioei aurre egiteko". .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Banku zentralek elkarlanean jarraitzen dute, eta pauso egokiak emango dituzte gaur egungo presioei aurre egiteko". . English: The central banks continue to work together closely and will take appropriate steps to address the ongoing pressures."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: In the first 90 minutes in the American stock markets, the Dow Jones surged nearly 200 points, the NASDAQ was up nearly nine points, and the S&P 500 was up nearly 15 points. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsa zabaldu eta lehen 90 minutuetan, Dow Jones ia 200 puntu igo zen, NASDAQ ia bederatzi puntu eta S&P 500 ia 15 puntu.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako burtsa zabaldu eta lehen 90 minutuetan, Dow Jones ia 200 puntu igo zen, NASDAQ ia bederatzi puntu eta S&P 500 ia 15 puntu. English: In the first 90 minutes in the American stock markets, the Dow Jones surged nearly 200 points, the NASDAQ was up nearly nine points, and the S&P 500 was up nearly 15 points.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Mid-day trading in the European markets saw the UK's FTSE 100 was up 25 points, the DAX was up over 54 points, and the CAC 40 was up nearly 15 points. Basque: Eguerdian, Europako merkatuetan, Erresuma Batuko FTSE 100 25 puntu igo zen, DAX 54 puntu baino gehiago eta CAC 40 ia 15 puntu.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Eguerdian, Europako merkatuetan, Erresuma Batuko FTSE 100 25 puntu igo zen, DAX 54 puntu baino gehiago eta CAC 40 ia 15 puntu. English: Mid-day trading in the European markets saw the UK's FTSE 100 was up 25 points, the DAX was up over 54 points, and the CAC 40 was up nearly 15 points.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: While Japan's Nikkei index closed at a three-year low of 11,489.30 points, and the Hang Seng bottomed out at 16,283.72 points before closing at 17,849.97 points. Basque: Japoniako Nikkei indizeak, berriz, azken hiru urteotako mailarik apalenean itxi zuen, 11.489,30 punturekin, eta Hang Seng 16.283,72 punturaino jaitsi zen eguna 17.849,97 punturekin itxi aurretik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako Nikkei indizeak, berriz, azken hiru urteotako mailarik apalenean itxi zuen, 11.489,30 punturekin, eta Hang Seng 16.283,72 punturaino jaitsi zen eguna 17.849,97 punturekin itxi aurretik. English: While Japan's Nikkei index closed at a three-year low of 11,489.30 points, and the Hang Seng bottomed out at 16,283.72 points before closing at 17,849.97 points.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Russian markets continued to remain closed for a third day under orders of the Russian government. Basque: Errusiako merkatuak itxita mantendu ziren hirugarren egunez, Errusiako gobernuak hala aginduta.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiako merkatuak itxita mantendu ziren hirugarren egunez, Errusiako gobernuak hala aginduta. English: The Russian markets continued to remain closed for a third day under orders of the Russian government.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Russia announced that it would be infusing their own markets with an additional US$19.7 billion, half of which would come from the federal budget. Basque: Errusiak adierazi zuen beren merkatuei 19.700 milioi dolar estatubatuar gehiago emango zizkiela, eta kopuru horren erdia estatuko aurrekontutik emango zitzaiela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiak adierazi zuen beren merkatuei 19.700 milioi dolar estatubatuar gehiago emango zizkiela, eta kopuru horren erdia estatuko aurrekontutik emango zitzaiela. English: Russia announced that it would be infusing their own markets with an additional US$19.7 billion, half of which would come from the federal budget.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Russia's exchanges will re-open on Friday morning. Basque: Errusiako burtsak ostiral-goizean zabalduko dira berriro.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiako burtsak ostiral-goizean zabalduko dira berriro. English: Russia's exchanges will re-open on Friday morning.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Russian markets to remain closed until Friday Basque: Errusiako merkatuak itxita mantenduko dira ostiralera arte
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiako merkatuak itxita mantenduko dira ostiralera arte English: Russian markets to remain closed until Friday
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: September 18, 2008 Basque: 2008ko irailaren 18a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2008ko irailaren 18a English: September 18, 2008
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Russian government has continued to hold all stock markets closed until Friday, including the MICEX and RTS exchanges. Basque: Errusiako gobernuak burtsa guztiak itxita mantenduko ditu ostiralera arte, MICEX eta RTS burtsak barne.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiako gobernuak burtsa guztiak itxita mantenduko ditu ostiralera arte, MICEX eta RTS burtsak barne. English: The Russian government has continued to hold all stock markets closed until Friday, including the MICEX and RTS exchanges.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Facing its worst financial crisis since 1989, the government is fighting to stem off a crash and restore consumer confidence. Basque: Gobernua, 1989 geroztik izan duen krisi ekonomiko gogorrenari aurre egiteko, kontsumitzaileen konfiantza berreskuratzeko ahaleginetan dabil.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gobernua, 1989 geroztik izan duen krisi ekonomiko gogorrenari aurre egiteko, kontsumitzaileen konfiantza berreskuratzeko ahaleginetan dabil. English: Facing its worst financial crisis since 1989, the government is fighting to stem off a crash and restore consumer confidence.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: President Dmitry Medvedev went on national television to appease the public. Basque: Dmitri Medvedev presidenteak herrialdeko telebistara jo zuen herritarrak lasaitzeko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dmitri Medvedev presidenteak herrialdeko telebistara jo zuen herritarrak lasaitzeko. English: President Dmitry Medvedev went on national television to appease the public.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "There is no more important task for Russian authorities than stability of our financial system under the current circumstances. Basque: Errusiako agintarientzat ez dago eginbehar garrantzitsuagorik egoera honetan finantza-sistemaren egonkortasuna bilatzea baino. _x000D_
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiako agintarientzat ez dago eginbehar garrantzitsuagorik egoera honetan finantza-sistemaren egonkortasuna bilatzea baino. _x000D_ English: "There is no more important task for Russian authorities than stability of our financial system under the current circumstances.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: This is our top priority," Medvedev said. Basque: Hori da gure lehentasun nagusia", esan zuen Medvedev-ek.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hori da gure lehentasun nagusia", esan zuen Medvedev-ek. English: This is our top priority," Medvedev said.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "The market should be given all the necessary support." Basque: Merkatuari behar duen babes guztia eman behar zaio.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Merkatuari behar duen babes guztia eman behar zaio. English: "The market should be given all the necessary support."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin announced that 500 billion rubles (US$ 19.7 billion) would be infused into the stock markets when they opened on Friday, with half of that amount coming from the federal budget. Basque: Alexei Kudrin finantza-ministroak jakinarazi zuen 500.000 milioi errublo (19.700 milioi dolar estatubatuar) emango zaizkiela burtsei ostiralean zabaltzen direnean eta zenbateko horren erdia estatuko aurrekontutik aterako dela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Alexei Kudrin finantza-ministroak jakinarazi zuen 500.000 milioi errublo (19.700 milioi dolar estatubatuar) emango zaizkiela burtsei ostiralean zabaltzen direnean eta zenbateko horren erdia estatuko aurrekontutik aterako dela. English: Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin announced that 500 billion rubles (US$ 19.7 billion) would be infused into the stock markets when they opened on Friday, with half of that amount coming from the federal budget.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: In addition, the Central Bank responded by offering to loan an additional 60 billion rubles (US $2.63 billion) on top of the 1.13 trillion rubles (US$ 44.6 billion) that it offered yesterday to Sberbank, VTB Group and Gazprombank. Basque: Gainera, Banku Zentralak 60.000 milioi errubloko mailegu gehigarri bat (2.630 milioi dolar estatubatuar) eskaini zuen, atzo Sberbank, VTB Group eta Gazprombank-i eskainitako 1,13 bilioi errubloez (44.600 milioi dolar estatubatuar) gainera.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gainera, Banku Zentralak 60.000 milioi errubloko mailegu gehigarri bat (2.630 milioi dolar estatubatuar) eskaini zuen, atzo Sberbank, VTB Group eta Gazprombank-i eskainitako 1,13 bilioi errubloez (44.600 milioi dolar estatubatuar) gainera. English: In addition, the Central Bank responded by offering to loan an additional 60 billion rubles (US $2.63 billion) on top of the 1.13 trillion rubles (US$ 44.6 billion) that it offered yesterday to Sberbank, VTB Group and Gazprombank.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Central Bank is encouraging the nations top banks to provide the money to smaller lenders. Basque: Banku Zentrala herrialdeko banku nagusiak bultzatzen ari da mailegu-emaile txikiagoei dirua eman diezaieten.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Banku Zentrala herrialdeko banku nagusiak bultzatzen ari da mailegu-emaile txikiagoei dirua eman diezaieten. English: The Central Bank is encouraging the nations top banks to provide the money to smaller lenders.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Central Bank chairman Sergei Ignatiev also announced on Wednesday that mandatory reserve requirements for banks would be slashed, freeing up an additional 300 billion ruble. Basque: Sergei Ignatiev Banku Zentraleko zuzendariak asteazkenean jakinarazi zuen bankuentzako derrigorrezko erreserba-baldintzak kenduko direla, 300.000 milioi errublo gehiago askatzeko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Sergei Ignatiev Banku Zentraleko zuzendariak asteazkenean jakinarazi zuen bankuentzako derrigorrezko erreserba-baldintzak kenduko direla, 300.000 milioi errublo gehiago askatzeko. English: Central Bank chairman Sergei Ignatiev also announced on Wednesday that mandatory reserve requirements for banks would be slashed, freeing up an additional 300 billion ruble.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "We hope that banks will spend these funds not on long-term crediting or other kinds of crediting of clients," he said, "but on the maintenance of the necessary volume of their liquidity and on making settlements." Basque: Espero dugu bankuek funts horiek ez erabiltzea epe luzeko maileguetarako edo bezeroentzako bestelako maileguetarako, esan zuen, ", baizik eta beren likidezia-bolumenaren beharrak mantentzeko eta kitapenak egiteko".
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Espero dugu bankuek funts horiek ez erabiltzea epe luzeko maileguetarako edo bezeroentzako bestelako maileguetarako, esan zuen, ", baizik eta beren likidezia-bolumenaren beharrak mantentzeko eta kitapenak egiteko". English: "We hope that banks will spend these funds not on long-term crediting or other kinds of crediting of clients," he said, "but on the maintenance of the necessary volume of their liquidity and on making settlements."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: In the aftermath of Russia's invasion of neighboring Georgia, the markets saw investors pull out nearly US$ 36 billion in wealth since early August. Basque: Errusiak Georgia mugakidea inbaditu izanaren ondorioz, inbertitzaileek ia 36.000 milioi dolar estatubatuar atera zituzten merkatutik abuztuaren hasieratik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiak Georgia mugakidea inbaditu izanaren ondorioz, inbertitzaileek ia 36.000 milioi dolar estatubatuar atera zituzten merkatutik abuztuaren hasieratik. English: In the aftermath of Russia's invasion of neighboring Georgia, the markets saw investors pull out nearly US$ 36 billion in wealth since early August.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Further compounding economic woes are the recent slump in oil and gas prices, which have bolstered Russia's economy for several years. Basque: Urte askoan Errusiako ekonomia indartu zuten petrolioaren eta gasaren prezioak jaitsi egin dira azkenaldian, eta horrek okerragotu egin ditu zailtasun ekonomikoak.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Urte askoan Errusiako ekonomia indartu zuten petrolioaren eta gasaren prezioak jaitsi egin dira azkenaldian, eta horrek okerragotu egin ditu zailtasun ekonomikoak. English: Further compounding economic woes are the recent slump in oil and gas prices, which have bolstered Russia's economy for several years.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: To help with this, starting on October 1 regulators will lower the export duty on oil, saving Russian oil companies around US$ 5.5 billion. Basque: Arazoa konpontzen laguntzeko, urriaren 1etik aurrera erregulatzaileek petrolioaren esportazioaren gaineko zerga jaitsiko dute, eta Errusiako petrolio-konpainiek 5.500 milioi dolar estatubatuar inguru aurreztuko dituzte.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Arazoa konpontzen laguntzeko, urriaren 1etik aurrera erregulatzaileek petrolioaren esportazioaren gaineko zerga jaitsiko dute, eta Errusiako petrolio-konpainiek 5.500 milioi dolar estatubatuar inguru aurreztuko dituzte. English: To help with this, starting on October 1 regulators will lower the export duty on oil, saving Russian oil companies around US$ 5.5 billion.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Russian stock markets suspended amid market turmoil Basque: Errusiako burtsak bertan behera geratu dira merkatu-ekaitzaren erdian
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Errusiako burtsak bertan behera geratu dira merkatu-ekaitzaren erdian English: Russian stock markets suspended amid market turmoil