Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: It fell by 5.00% to slip below the four thousand mark, at 3,883.36 points. Basque: % 5,00 jaitsi zen, eta lau milako mugaren azpitik gelditu zen, 3.883,36 punturekin.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: % 5,00 jaitsi zen, eta lau milako mugaren azpitik gelditu zen, 3.883,36 punturekin. English: It fell by 5.00% to slip below the four thousand mark, at 3,883.36 points.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Two of the major United States indices saw falls of over two per cent. Basque: Estatu Batuetako indize nagusietako bi ehuneko bi baino gehiago jaitsi ziren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako indize nagusietako bi ehuneko bi baino gehiago jaitsi ziren. English: Two of the major United States indices saw falls of over two per cent.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 252.01 points (2.90%) to 8,439.24 by 17:30 UTC, while the Nasdaq Composite index experienced a 2.30% drop. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average 252,01 puntu (% 2,90) jaitsi zen, 8.439,24 punturaino, 17:30ean (UTC), eta Nasdaq Composite indizeak % 2,30eko jaitsiera izan zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average 252,01 puntu (% 2,90) jaitsi zen, 8.439,24 punturaino, 17:30ean (UTC), eta Nasdaq Composite indizeak % 2,30eko jaitsiera izan zuen. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 252.01 points (2.90%) to 8,439.24 by 17:30 UTC, while the Nasdaq Composite index experienced a 2.30% drop.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: South American markets performed particularly badly today. Basque: Hego Amerikako merkatuak bereziki gaizki aritu dira gaur.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hego Amerikako merkatuak bereziki gaizki aritu dira gaur. English: South American markets performed particularly badly today.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: By 17:30 UTC, the Argentinean MERVAL index had fallen by almost six per cent to 906.160 points, while the Brazilian Bovespa fell by 6.89% (2,328.45 points) to a value of 31,490.04. Basque: 17:30etarako (UTC), Argentinako MERVAL indizea ia ehuneko sei jaitsi zen. 906,160 punturaino, eta Brasilgo Bovespa % 6,89 (2.328,45 puntu) jaitsi zen, 31.490,04raino.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 17:30etarako (UTC), Argentinako MERVAL indizea ia ehuneko sei jaitsi zen. 906,160 punturaino, eta Brasilgo Bovespa % 6,89 (2.328,45 puntu) jaitsi zen, 31.490,04raino. English: By 17:30 UTC, the Argentinean MERVAL index had fallen by almost six per cent to 906.160 points, while the Brazilian Bovespa fell by 6.89% (2,328.45 points) to a value of 31,490.04.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: David Buik of BGC Partners commented on today's falls. Basque: BGC Partners-eko David Buik gaurko galerei buruz mintzatu da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: BGC Partners-eko David Buik gaurko galerei buruz mintzatu da. English: David Buik of BGC Partners commented on today's falls.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "It's carnage," he said. Basque: Sarraski hutsa izan da, esan zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Sarraski hutsa izan da, esan zuen. English: "It's carnage," he said.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "Confidence is shot to ribbons. Basque: "Konfiantza suntsituta dago.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: "Konfiantza suntsituta dago. English: "Confidence is shot to ribbons.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: We need action now. Basque: Zerbait egiteko unea da.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Zerbait egiteko unea da. English: We need action now.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: It is a catastrophe that we have got to recession, but we have got to learn to live with it, and that means saving the markets." Basque: Hondamendia da atzeraldira heldu izana, baina horrekin bizitzen ikasi behar dugu, eta horrek esan nahi du merkatuak salbatu behar direla ".
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Hondamendia da atzeraldira heldu izana, baina horrekin bizitzen ikasi behar dugu, eta horrek esan nahi du merkatuak salbatu behar direla ". English: It is a catastrophe that we have got to recession, but we have got to learn to live with it, and that means saving the markets."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Japan enters recession Basque: Japoniako ekonomia atzeraldian sartu da
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako ekonomia atzeraldian sartu da English: Japan enters recession
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: November 18, 2008 Basque: 2008ko azaroaren 18a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2008ko azaroaren 18a English: November 18, 2008
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Japan, which accounts for 7% of world output, has entered a recession after posting two consecutive quarters of negative growth. Basque: Japonia, munduko ekoizpenaren % 7 dagokion herrialdea, atzeraldian sartu da bi hiruhilekoz jarraian hazkunde negatiboa izan ondoren.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japonia, munduko ekoizpenaren % 7 dagokion herrialdea, atzeraldian sartu da bi hiruhilekoz jarraian hazkunde negatiboa izan ondoren. English: Japan, which accounts for 7% of world output, has entered a recession after posting two consecutive quarters of negative growth.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Japanese economy contracted by 0.9% between April and June and a further 0.1% since September. Basque: Japoniako ekonomia % 0,9 uzkurtu da apirilaren eta ekainaren artean, eta beste % 0,1 irailaz geroztik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako ekonomia % 0,9 uzkurtu da apirilaren eta ekainaren artean, eta beste % 0,1 irailaz geroztik. English: The Japanese economy contracted by 0.9% between April and June and a further 0.1% since September.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Kaoru Yosano, the Japanese minister of fiscal policy, said "The downtrend in the economy will continue for the time being as global growth slows down. Basque: Kaoru Yosano Japoniako politika fiskaleko ministroak esan zuenez, "ekonomiaren beheranzko joerak horrela jarraituko du oraingoz, hazkunde globala moteltzen ari baita.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Kaoru Yosano Japoniako politika fiskaleko ministroak esan zuenez, "ekonomiaren beheranzko joerak horrela jarraituko du oraingoz, hazkunde globala moteltzen ari baita. English: Kaoru Yosano, the Japanese minister of fiscal policy, said "The downtrend in the economy will continue for the time being as global growth slows down.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: We need to bear in mind that economic conditions could worsen further as the US and European financial crisis deepens, worries of economic downturn heighten and stock and foreign exchange markets make big swings." Basque: Gogoan izan behar dugu egoera ekonomikoa okerragotu litekeela Estatu Batuetako eta Europako krisi ekonomikoa areagotuz gero, ekonomia moteltzeko beldurra zabalduz gero eta balio- eta dibisa-merkatuek gorabehera handiak izanez gero". .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gogoan izan behar dugu egoera ekonomikoa okerragotu litekeela Estatu Batuetako eta Europako krisi ekonomikoa areagotuz gero, ekonomia moteltzeko beldurra zabalduz gero eta balio- eta dibisa-merkatuek gorabehera handiak izanez gero". . English: We need to bear in mind that economic conditions could worsen further as the US and European financial crisis deepens, worries of economic downturn heighten and stock and foreign exchange markets make big swings."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Nikkei 225 stock index has fallen 40% since the beginning of the year, and has lost a quarter of its value during this month. Basque: Nikkei 225 burtsa-indizea % 40 jaitsi da urtea hasi zenetik, eta bere balioaren laurdena galdu du hilabete honetan.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Nikkei 225 burtsa-indizea % 40 jaitsi da urtea hasi zenetik, eta bere balioaren laurdena galdu du hilabete honetan. English: The Nikkei 225 stock index has fallen 40% since the beginning of the year, and has lost a quarter of its value during this month.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: After the news was announced the index dipped, then rose to close up 0.7%. Basque: Berriaren ondoren, indizea erori egin zen, gero igo, eta % 0,7 igota itxi zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Berriaren ondoren, indizea erori egin zen, gero igo, eta % 0,7 igota itxi zen. English: After the news was announced the index dipped, then rose to close up 0.7%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Japanese companies lose large sums whenever the yen's value surges. Basque: Japoniako konpainiek diru-kopuru handiak galtzen dituzte yenaren balioa igotzen den bakoitzean.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako konpainiek diru-kopuru handiak galtzen dituzte yenaren balioa igotzen den bakoitzean. English: Japanese companies lose large sums whenever the yen's value surges.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: With the yen viewed as relatively stable during financial turmoil, the value against the US dollar has risen greatly. Basque: Finantza-ekaitzaren garaian yena nahiko egonkorra dela ikusita, haren balioa izugarri hazi da dolar estatubatuarrarekiko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Finantza-ekaitzaren garaian yena nahiko egonkorra dela ikusita, haren balioa izugarri hazi da dolar estatubatuarrarekiko. English: With the yen viewed as relatively stable during financial turmoil, the value against the US dollar has risen greatly.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: JPMorgan Chase economist Masamichi Adachi said, "It's only going to get worse. Basque: Masamichi Adachi JPMorgan Chase-ko ekonomistak hau esan zuen: "Okerrera baino ez du egingo.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Masamichi Adachi JPMorgan Chase-ko ekonomistak hau esan zuen: "Okerrera baino ez du egingo. English: JPMorgan Chase economist Masamichi Adachi said, "It's only going to get worse.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Japan may be entering its deepest recession in a decade as the global financial crisis cools demand." Basque: Baliteke Japoniako ekonomia hamarkadako atzeraldirik sakonenean sartzen hasita egotea, munduko finantza-krisiak eskaria moteltzen baitu". .
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Baliteke Japoniako ekonomia hamarkadako atzeraldirik sakonenean sartzen hasita egotea, munduko finantza-krisiak eskaria moteltzen baitu". . English: Japan may be entering its deepest recession in a decade as the global financial crisis cools demand."
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Japan has not been in recession since 2001. Basque: Japoniako ekonomia ez da atzeraldian egon 2001az geroztik.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako ekonomia ez da atzeraldian egon 2001az geroztik. English: Japan has not been in recession since 2001.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Japanese stocks continue to fall after earthquake Basque: Japoniako baloreek erortzen jarraitzen dute lurrikararen ondoren
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako baloreek erortzen jarraitzen dute lurrikararen ondoren English: Japanese stocks continue to fall after earthquake
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: March 18, 2011 Basque: 20011ko martxoaren 18a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 20011ko martxoaren 18a English: March 18, 2011
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The prominent Japanese Nikkei 225 stock market index fell another 1.4% Thursday, over financial turmoil after the massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit the country a week ago. Basque: Japoniako Nikkei 225 burtsako indize ezagunak % 1,4 galdu zuen ostegunean, duela astebete herrialdea astindu zuen 9 graduko lurrikararen eta tsunamiaren ondorengo finantza-ekaitzean.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Japoniako Nikkei 225 burtsako indize ezagunak % 1,4 galdu zuen ostegunean, duela astebete herrialdea astindu zuen 9 graduko lurrikararen eta tsunamiaren ondorengo finantza-ekaitzean. English: The prominent Japanese Nikkei 225 stock market index fell another 1.4% Thursday, over financial turmoil after the massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake and tsunami hit the country a week ago.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: For the past five trading days, stocks have been down by a total of fourteen percent; today, they were down as much as five percent, or 454 points, but rebounded to close at 8,962 points. Basque: Azken bost egunetan, baloreek guztira ehuneko hamalau egin dute behera; gaur, ehuneko bost —454 puntu— jaistera iritsi dira, baina suspertu eta 8.962 punturekin itxi dute eguna.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Azken bost egunetan, baloreek guztira ehuneko hamalau egin dute behera; gaur, ehuneko bost —454 puntu— jaistera iritsi dira, baina suspertu eta 8.962 punturekin itxi dute eguna. English: For the past five trading days, stocks have been down by a total of fourteen percent; today, they were down as much as five percent, or 454 points, but rebounded to close at 8,962 points.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: US stocks also reacted negatively to the cataclysm; the Standard & Poor's 500 index dropped 1.95% while the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2.04%. Basque: Estatu Batuetako baloreek ere erreakzio negatiboa izan zuten hondamendiaren aurrean; Standard & Poor's 500 indizea % 1,95 jaitsi zen, eta Dow Jones Industrial Average-k % 2,04 galdu zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako baloreek ere erreakzio negatiboa izan zuten hondamendiaren aurrean; Standard & Poor's 500 indizea % 1,95 jaitsi zen, eta Dow Jones Industrial Average-k % 2,04 galdu zuen. English: US stocks also reacted negatively to the cataclysm; the Standard & Poor's 500 index dropped 1.95% while the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 2.04%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The British FTSE, however, gained 0.77%, but after a large loss yesterday. Basque: Erresuma Batuko FTSE, bestalde, % 0,77 igo zen, baina atzoko galera handiaren ondoren izan zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Erresuma Batuko FTSE, bestalde, % 0,77 igo zen, baina atzoko galera handiaren ondoren izan zen. English: The British FTSE, however, gained 0.77%, but after a large loss yesterday.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Meanwhile, the Japanese yen reached its highest level ever against the US dollar since the end of World War II, peaking at 76.25 to a dollar before finishing the day at 79.14. Basque: Bitartean, yen japoniarra II. Mundu Gerraz geroztiko mailarik altuenera heldu da dolar estatubatuarrarekiko; dolarreko 76,25 izatera heldu da unerik onenean, eta 79,14an itxi du eguna.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Bitartean, yen japoniarra II. Mundu Gerraz geroztiko mailarik altuenera heldu da dolar estatubatuarrarekiko; dolarreko 76,25 izatera heldu da unerik onenean, eta 79,14an itxi du eguna. English: Meanwhile, the Japanese yen reached its highest level ever against the US dollar since the end of World War II, peaking at 76.25 to a dollar before finishing the day at 79.14.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Markets down across the world; Dow Jones falls below 9,000 Basque: Munduko merkatuek behera; Dow Jones 9.000ren azpitik
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Munduko merkatuek behera; Dow Jones 9.000ren azpitik English: Markets down across the world; Dow Jones falls below 9,000
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: October 9, 2008 Basque: 2008ko urriaren 9a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2008ko urriaren 9a English: October 9, 2008
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Stock markets across the world fell dramatically this week on worries that recent government moves might not prevent a global recession. Basque: SSE Composite-tl = Munduko burtsek gogor egin dute behera aste honetan, gobernuen azken mugimenduek atzeraldi globala saihestuko ez dutelako kezka baitute.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: SSE Composite-tl = Munduko burtsek gogor egin dute behera aste honetan, gobernuen azken mugimenduek atzeraldi globala saihestuko ez dutelako kezka baitute. English: Stock markets across the world fell dramatically this week on worries that recent government moves might not prevent a global recession.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The largest drop was with the Dow Jones (DJIA), which fell 678 points or more than 7.3% to below 9,000, closing at 8,579.19. Basque: Dow Jones (DJIA) erori zen gehien: 678 puntu edo % 7,3 baino gehiago, 9.000 punturen azpira; 8.579,19 punturekin itxi zuen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones (DJIA) erori zen gehien: 678 puntu edo % 7,3 baino gehiago, 9.000 punturen azpira; 8.579,19 punturekin itxi zuen. English: The largest drop was with the Dow Jones (DJIA), which fell 678 points or more than 7.3% to below 9,000, closing at 8,579.19.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The index fell over 2,000 points in the past nine days to reach its lowest level since 2003. Basque: Azken bederatzi egunetan, indizea 2.000 puntu baino gehiago jaitsi da, eta 2003az geroztiko baliorik baxuenean dago.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Azken bederatzi egunetan, indizea 2.000 puntu baino gehiago jaitsi da, eta 2003az geroztiko baliorik baxuenean dago. English: The index fell over 2,000 points in the past nine days to reach its lowest level since 2003.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The S&P 500 was down more than 7%. Basque: S&P 500 % 7 baino gehiago jaitsi zen.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: S&P 500 % 7 baino gehiago jaitsi zen. English: The S&P 500 was down more than 7%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The U.S. markets opened on the positive side, but with bad news coming from several different areas such as uncertainty over whether the 700 billion USD bank bailout bill passed by the United States House of Representatives and the Senate will be effective. Basque: Estatu Batuetako merkatuak positibo zabaldu ziren, baina berri txarrak iritsi ziren zenbait alorretatik; adibidez, zalantzazkoa da Estatu Batuetako Ordezkarien Ganberak eta Senatuak onartuko ote duten banku-erreskaterako 700.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarreko plana.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Estatu Batuetako merkatuak positibo zabaldu ziren, baina berri txarrak iritsi ziren zenbait alorretatik; adibidez, zalantzazkoa da Estatu Batuetako Ordezkarien Ganberak eta Senatuak onartuko ote duten banku-erreskaterako 700.000 milioi dolar estatubatuarreko plana. English: The U.S. markets opened on the positive side, but with bad news coming from several different areas such as uncertainty over whether the 700 billion USD bank bailout bill passed by the United States House of Representatives and the Senate will be effective.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Concerns over the lack of trading within the credit market was a primary cause of the drop. Basque: Kreditu-merkatuko salerosketa-gabeziak sortutako kezka izan zen jaitsieraren eragile nagusia.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Kreditu-merkatuko salerosketa-gabeziak sortutako kezka izan zen jaitsieraren eragile nagusia. English: Concerns over the lack of trading within the credit market was a primary cause of the drop.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: This was the seventh straight day of markets closing in severely negative numbers. Basque: Gaurkoarekin, zazpi egun dira, errenkan, merkatuek oso zenbaki oso negatiboekin itxi dutena.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Gaurkoarekin, zazpi egun dira, errenkan, merkatuek oso zenbaki oso negatiboekin itxi dutena. English: This was the seventh straight day of markets closing in severely negative numbers.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: One of the biggest stocks to drop was General Motors, which lost more than 33% of its value. Basque: Jaitsierak izan dituzten konpainia handienetako bat General Motors izan da, bere balioaren % 33 baino gehiago galdu baitu.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Jaitsierak izan dituzten konpainia handienetako bat General Motors izan da, bere balioaren % 33 baino gehiago galdu baitu. English: One of the biggest stocks to drop was General Motors, which lost more than 33% of its value.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: In the UK, the FTSE 100 dropped from a day high of 145 points to 52.9 points lower, at a 4 year low. Basque: Erresuma Batuan, FTSE 100-ek 145 puntuko galera maximoa izan zuen egunean zehar, eta, azkenean, 52,9 puntu jaitsi zen, azken 4 urteotako baliorik baxuenean gelditzeko.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Erresuma Batuan, FTSE 100-ek 145 puntuko galera maximoa izan zuen egunean zehar, eta, azkenean, 52,9 puntu jaitsi zen, azken 4 urteotako baliorik baxuenean gelditzeko. English: In the UK, the FTSE 100 dropped from a day high of 145 points to 52.9 points lower, at a 4 year low.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The biggest drop was Barclays, which dropped 13.1%. Basque: Barclays-ek jasan du jaitsiera handiena: % 13,1.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Barclays-ek jasan du jaitsiera handiena: % 13,1. English: The biggest drop was Barclays, which dropped 13.1%.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The only major world indexes that gained any value were the Hang Seng in Hong Kong, which closed up 511.51 points or 3.31%, and the Russian RTS, which partly recovered from yesterday's fall with a 10.91% increase. Basque: Irabaziak izan dituzten munduko indize nagusi bakarrak Hong Kong-eko Hang Seng —511,51 puntu baino gehiago, edo % 3,31, irabazita— eta Errusiako RTS izan dira —% 10,91ko igoerari esker atzoko jaitsieratik apur bat suspertuta—.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Irabaziak izan dituzten munduko indize nagusi bakarrak Hong Kong-eko Hang Seng —511,51 puntu baino gehiago, edo % 3,31, irabazita— eta Errusiako RTS izan dira —% 10,91ko igoerari esker atzoko jaitsieratik apur bat suspertuta—. English: The only major world indexes that gained any value were the Hang Seng in Hong Kong, which closed up 511.51 points or 3.31%, and the Russian RTS, which partly recovered from yesterday's fall with a 10.91% increase.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: "Markets are still sceptic with regards to the international coordination to face the problems of the financial system," explained Barclays Capital economists, and they predicted stocks would continue to be volatile. Basque: Merkatuak oraindik eszeptikoak dira finantza-sistemaren arazoei aurre egiteko nazioarteko koordinazioarekiko, azaldu zuten Barclays Capital-eko zenbait ekonomialarik, eta iragarri zuten akzioen ezegonkortasunak jarraituko duela.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Merkatuak oraindik eszeptikoak dira finantza-sistemaren arazoei aurre egiteko nazioarteko koordinazioarekiko, azaldu zuten Barclays Capital-eko zenbait ekonomialarik, eta iragarri zuten akzioen ezegonkortasunak jarraituko duela. English: "Markets are still sceptic with regards to the international coordination to face the problems of the financial system," explained Barclays Capital economists, and they predicted stocks would continue to be volatile.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Investors are awaiting the outcome of several meetings that will be held this weekend. Basque: Inbertitzaileak asteburu honetan izango diren zenbait bileraren emaitzen zain daude.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Inbertitzaileak asteburu honetan izango diren zenbait bileraren emaitzen zain daude. English: Investors are awaiting the outcome of several meetings that will be held this weekend.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Finance ministers from the G7 will be gathering in Washington, and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will be holding their autumn meetings. Basque: G7-ko finantza-ministroak Washington-en bilduko dira, eta Nazioarteko Diru Funtsak eta Munduko Bankuak beren udazkeneko bilerak izango dituzte.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: G7-ko finantza-ministroak Washington-en bilduko dira, eta Nazioarteko Diru Funtsak eta Munduko Bankuak beren udazkeneko bilerak izango dituzte. English: Finance ministers from the G7 will be gathering in Washington, and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank will be holding their autumn meetings.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Markets dragged down by credit crisis Basque: Maileguen krisiak hondoratu egin ditu merkatuak
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Maileguen krisiak hondoratu egin ditu merkatuak English: Markets dragged down by credit crisis
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: August 10, 2007 Basque: 2007ko abuztuaren 10a
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: 2007ko abuztuaren 10a English: August 10, 2007
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: Global stock markets fell today, in a mass sell-off stemming from the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the United States. Basque: Munduko burtsak erori egin dira gaur, Estatu Batuetan arrisku handiko —edo subprime— hipoteken krisiak eraginda gertatu den likidazio masiboaren ondorioz.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Munduko burtsak erori egin dira gaur, Estatu Batuetan arrisku handiko —edo subprime— hipoteken krisiak eraginda gertatu den likidazio masiboaren ondorioz. English: Global stock markets fell today, in a mass sell-off stemming from the sub-prime mortgage crisis in the United States.
Translate this sentence from English to Basque. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average rebounded late in the day after falling more than 250 points, ending the day down about 31 points. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average suspertu egin zen egunaren amaierarako, 250 puntu baino gehiago galdu eta gero 31 puntu inguru gutxiagorekin itxi baitzuen eguna.
Translate this sentence from Basque to English. Basque: Dow Jones Industrial Average suspertu egin zen egunaren amaierarako, 250 puntu baino gehiago galdu eta gero 31 puntu inguru gutxiagorekin itxi baitzuen eguna. English: The Dow Jones Industrial Average rebounded late in the day after falling more than 250 points, ending the day down about 31 points.