We have made arrangements to supply the fol-
We have made arrangements to supply the fol-
tion, her back crooked, her ear without hearing.
tion, her back crooked, her ear without hearing.
roiṁe anns gaċ h-uile ṁoḋ a m-beiḋeaḋ
roiṁe anns gaċ h-uile ṁoḋ a m-beiḋeaḋ
goineaḋ ucrais air buile,
goineaḋ ucrais air buile,
jective, and, sometimes, of another ad-
jective, and, sometimes, of another ad-
Thursday and Sunday evenings, at 8 b-cock.
Thursday and Sunday evenings, at 8 o'clock.
breáġ, fine
FARMS.—ROCKAWAY, L. I.— 15 acres, with
FARMS. — ROCKAWAY, L. I.— 15 acres, with
as coinne Gráine agus a bantraċta,
as coinne Ġráine agus a bantraċta,
Gur leis féin a dtúis,aċt le Ṫurgaesios.
Gur leis féin a dtúis,aċt le Ṫurgaesios.
"Taḃair dam do ḟocal a's do ḋáiṁ
"Taḃair dam do ḟocal a's do ḋáiṁ
and the machinations of the enemy of your race and
and the machinations of the enemy of your race and
ṗleusg aon ṁai iḋim ó na líniḃ
ṗleusg aon ṁaiḋim ó na líniḃ,
gaḃ, take, receive,
gaḃ, take, receive,
ashamed to cherish,
ashamed to cherish,
migrants from Munster and Connaught, that in
migrants from Munster and Connaught, that in
go ceart. Is so iad go ḃ-fuil na foc-
go ceart. Is so iad go ḃ-fuil na foc-
Roinntear an t-Ainm ann a ḋá ċin
Roinntear an t-Ainm ann a ḋá ċin-
Tá na páipéir seo ṡuas,
Tá na páipéir seo ṡuas,
ately associated with the ancient records of the
ately associated with the ancient records of the
Ní'l, mo ċreaċ! no aig an te ar ċóra é :
Ní'l, mo ċreaċ! no aig an te ar ċóra é:
dá ṫeanga, agus go raiḃ na diṫfire á tá
dá ṫeanga, agus go raiḃ na diṫfire a tá
ar d-tuaṫ?
ar d-tuaṫ?
máraċ, to-morrow.
máraċ, to-morrow,
praise you from my heart and from my will. That
praise you from my heart and from my will. That
Has bouud me like a spell,
Has bouud me like a spell.
in te Gaéiic ċharacter?
in the Gaéiic character?
agus tá bróid orrainn go raḃ an díṫċioll
agus tá bróid orrainn go raḃ an díṫċioll
ḃeiḋeas go braṫ.
ḃeiḋeas go braṫ.
breáġ, ṫeiṫ.----
ḃreáġ, ṫeiṫ. —
made to save
made to save
13. cuirim luaiṫre cnáṁ. 14. naċ ḃ-
13. cuirim luaiṫre cnáṁ. 14. naċ ḃ-
closing eleven subscriptions for the GAODHAL, sub-
closing eleven subscriptions for the GAODHAL, sub-
was the young son, Red Hugh, taken. The rumor
was the young son, Red Hugh, taken. The rumor
Deely, A. Mergan Deely, though not yet out of
Deely, A. Morgan Deely, though not yet out of
they go by “grammar rules. If a language
they go by “grammar rules." If a language
cosit cenlsayeat
costs only sixty cents a year!
loss sustained by their Society in the death of the
loss sustained by their Society in the death of the
Ní'l cáirdeas no coimirc a nán duit,
Ní'l cáirdeas no coimirc a nán duit,
Eidir Árdraṫain 's Droiċead-'n-ċláirín
Eidir Árdraṫain 's Droiċead-'n-ċláirín
will all, however, appear in due time.
will all, however, appear in due time.
naṁ a ḋaeṫin,
naṁ a ḋaeṫin,
sirous to see the GAEL.
sirous to see the GAEL.
gus do rinne sé ċeana gaċ ann a ċumas
gus do rinne sé ċeana gaċ ann a ċumas
Tá féile gus daonaċt 's meón.
Tá féile,gus daonaċt 's meón,
an leitir seo maile le leitreaċaib eile :----
an leitir seo maile le leitreaċaib eile: —
rwy ḃactn, aNḂ rn Rog.
ċroiḋe,ċum a ċaḃarṫa, giḋ be beag no
ċroiḋe,ċum a ċaḃarṫa, giḋ be beag no
come between two vowels, such vow-
come between two vowels, such vow-
Sacsan, go Rodolṗus, Árdeasbog Ċan-
Ṡacsan, go Rodolṗus, Árdeasbog Ċan-
Bonnought and Gallowglass,
Bonnought and Gallowglass,
C. D. Newark, N. J.—We do not
C. D. Newark, N. J. — We do not
Sir,—In the year 1876 the Rev- John Nolan, O.
Sir, — In the year 1876 the Rev. John Nolan, O.
937,000 ; 1821, 6,801,000 ; 1831, 7,767,000 ; 1841,8,s
937,000; 1821, 6,801,000 ; 1831, 7,767,000 ; 1841, 8,s
O'n láirṫeaċ go dí 'n ḋiaiġ seo, air am
Ó'n láirṫeaċ go dí 'n ḋiaiġ seo, air am
in the city that requires the services of upright
in the city that requires the services of upright
air, hour: an uair, when
uair, hour: an uair, when
the vicinity of the Euxine Sea-
the vicinity of the Euxine Sea.
they should support, energetically support the
they should support, energetically support the
man of his social status,
man of his social status,
uin ann, cia 'n fáṫ naċ m-beiḋeaḋ ṁo
uin ann, cia 'n fáṫ naċ m-beiḋeaḋ mo
a ċineál. Am airiġṫe tugaġ coileán
a ċineál. Am airiġṫe tugaġ coileán
trgo hols rn
the martyrs of holy Ireland!"
Táid múċta 's scáileaċa de na liaċt
Táid múċta 's scáileaċa de na liaċt
HOUSES—Here, I shall mention a few which
HOUSES — Here, I shall mention a few which
riasg, a moor,
Mr. Edmond O'Keeffe's contribution,
Mr. Edmond O'Keeffe's contribution,
Patrick Keenan. C. B., and had forwarded a circular
Patrick Keenan. C. B., and had forwarded a circular
him, at the instigation of Maelcinn the Lruid, be-
him, at the instigation of Maelcinn the Druid, be-
so---teanga 'gus léiġeann na n-Gaoḋal--
so — teanga 'gus léiġeann na n-Gaoḋal—
Le súile gan solus, ciuinis gan cráḋ;
Le súile gan solus, ciuinis gan cráḋ;
furailioṁ Riġ Éirionn, anno Dom. 1123.
furailioṁ Riġ Éirionn, anno Dom. 1123.
Where proud Iona rears its giant piles,
Where proud Iona rears its giant piles,
the universe. Does England hinder you? eh!
the universe. Does England hinder you? eh!
D' ḟág taonnaċ breoiḋte, lag sinn;
D' ḟág taonnaċ breoiḋte, lag sinn;
A riġ na feart gur eulaiġ
A riġ na feart gur eulaiġ
oibreaċa agus deaġ-gníṁara Muire,
oibreaċa agus deaġ-gníṁara Ṁuire.
Teanga ḟocal ṁilis, ṡean, 'r b-puibleaca,
Teanga ḟocal ṁilis, ṡean, 'r b-puibleaca,
iḋ, Aoiḋ Ruaḋ!
iḋ, Aoiḋ Ruaḋ!
go caṫair Móbíle.
go caṫair Móbíle.
ḃnonn, Iosa. Naoṁ Muire, a ṁáṫair
ḃnonn, Iosa. Naoṁ Muire, a ṁáṫair
quarters to the harbor, to see if they could bring
quarters to the harbor, to see if they could bring
to heaven. Christ put her sitting at His right hand
to heaven. Christ put her sitting at His right hand,
of the earth to-day it would be decided in favor
of the earth to-day it would be decided in favor
they had no more wine unsold, except what the
they had no more wine unsold, except what the
tl toa tei satn learn the langageo
to school for a few years and learn the language of