stringlengths 1
| translation
translation |
100 | {
"brx": "जोबोद गोजोन्नाय थाबाय, आफा।",
"eng": "Thank you so much, Dad."
} |
101 | {
"brx": "नाथाय नों बेखौल' रोखा खालाम दि बै पेरेडखौ नाय जायखौ आं बादायलायनायाव थांनायनि थाखाय नुनाय नङा।",
"eng": "But make sure you watch the part of the parade I will be missing due to the competition."
} |
102 | {
"brx": "आं उन्दुनाय समाव बेनि बागै खोनासंगोन।",
"eng": "I will hear about it at bedtime."
} |
103 | {
"brx": "हेल', बेयो समाधान हेल्पलाइन नामा?",
"eng": "Hello, is this Samadhan helpline?"
} |
104 | {
"brx": "औ, आं नोंथांखौ मा मदद खालामनो हागोन?",
"eng": "Yes, how can I help you?"
} |
105 | {
"brx": "आं हरिस, आं स्वामि बिबेकान्द एडुकेसनेल इनस्टिट्युटनि जानानै कल खालामदों।",
"eng": "I'm Harish, and I'm calling on behalf of Swami Vivekanand Educational Institute."
} |
106 | {
"brx": "आं मेरिट-काम-मिन्स-स्कलारसिप प्रग्रामनि सोमोन्दै मिथिनो लुगैदों।",
"eng": "I'd like to learn more about the Merit-cum-Means Scholarship Programme."
} |
107 | {
"brx": "जाहाते, जोंनि फरायसाफोरनो बे प्रग्रामनि सोमोन्दै मिथिहोनो हायो।",
"eng": "So that I can inform our students about this programme."
} |
108 | {
"brx": "जागोन, बे बिथांखिनि गाहाय थांखियानो जाबाय मायन'रिटि सुबुंफोरनि गैजारोङै आरो मोननो हाथावना फरायसाफोरनो राङारि अन्सुथाइ होनाय।",
"eng": "Alright! The Scheme's principal goal is to provide financial help to underprivileged and deserving students from minority populations."
} |
109 | {
"brx": "आरो बे स्कलारसिपनि गेजेरजों बिसोर टेक्निकेल आरो प्रफेसनेल सोलोंथाइ लानो हागोन।",
"eng": "And with this scholarship, they will be able to pursue professional and technical education."
} |
110 | {
"brx": "बे बिथांखिखौ मायन'रिटि एफेयार्सनिफ्राय होनाय जायो।",
"eng": "This scheme is initiated by the Ministry of Minority Affairs."
} |
111 | {
"brx": "औ सार।",
"eng": "Yes, sir."
} |
112 | {
"brx": "बे सैथो नामा दि बे स्क'लारसिपा भारताव फरायनायनि थाखाय, सार?",
"eng": "Is it correct that the scholarship is for studies in India, sir?"
} |
113 | {
"brx": "औ, बे स्क'लारसिपखौ भारतनि सोरखारि एबा सोरखारि नङि मुलुगसोलोंसालियाव फरायनाय फरायसाफोरनोल' होनाय जागोन।",
"eng": "Yes. The scholarship will only be given to students studying in a government or private university in India."
} |
114 | {
"brx": "बे सक्लारसिपा आन्दारग्रेजुएट फरायसाफोरनि थाखायल' नामा?",
"eng": "Is this scholarship only for undergraduate students?"
} |
115 | {
"brx": "नङा, बेखौ आन्दारग्रेजुएट आरो प'स्ट ग्रेजुऐटनि टेक्निकेल आरो प्रफेसनेल क'र्सनोबो होगोन।",
"eng": "No, it will cover technical and professional courses at undergraduate and post graduate level."
} |
116 | {
"brx": "बे स्कलारसिपखौ एप्लाइ खालामनो थाखाय मा मा क्राइटेरिया नांगोन?",
"eng": "What are the criteria for applying for this scholarship?"
} |
117 | {
"brx": "जाय फरायसाफोरा सिगांनि जोबथा आनजादाव खमैब्लाबो 50 जौखोन्दो एबा समान ग्रेड मोननो हादों, बिसोर एप्लाइ खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "Students who received at least 50% or an equivalent grade in their previous final examination will be eligible for a scholarship."
} |
118 | {
"brx": "आरो बिसोरनि बिमा-बिफानि गासै फुंखानिफ्राय मोननाय बोसोरारि आयआ 2.50 लाख रांनि बारा जायाब्ला।",
"eng": "Also, if their parents' or guardians' annual income from all sources does not exceed Rs. 2.50 lakh."
} |
119 | {
"brx": "सार, साबेसे फरायसाफोरनो एम.सि.एम.खौ होनाय जागोन?",
"eng": "Sir, how many students will be awarded with the MCM?"
} |
120 | {
"brx": "गासै 60,000 स्क'लारसिपफोरखौ गोजाम स्क'लारसिपनि अनगायैबो गोदान स्कलारसिप होनो थांखि लानाय जादों।",
"eng": "A total of 60,000 scholarships are targeted to be distributed as Fresh Scholarships, besides renewal scholarships."
} |
121 | {
"brx": "बेयो जोबोद बुरजा अनजिमा, आरो गोनांथार जानाय फरायसाफोरखौ बे मदद खालामगोन।",
"eng": "That's a large number, and it will be beneficial to students who are in need."
} |
122 | {
"brx": "बेफोर स्कलारसिपफोरा फरायसाफोरनि थुलुंगानायनिबो मोनसे फुंखा।",
"eng": "These scholarships are also a source of motivation for other students."
} |
123 | {
"brx": "औ, नोंथाङा सैथोखौनो बुंदों।",
"eng": "Yes, you are right."
} |
124 | {
"brx": "मोनसे रिजारभेसन पलिसि दं, थामहिनबा रायजो/जुथाइ हायुं आवथायाव गासिबो मायन'रिटि हारिनि फरायसाफोरनि थाखाय 30% स्क'लारसिप थिखानाय जायो।",
"eng": "There is one reservation policy, that is 30% scholarship is earmarked for girls students of each minority community in a State/UT."
} |
125 | {
"brx": "अ', बे जोबोद मोजां।",
"eng": "Oh, that's excellent."
} |
126 | {
"brx": "बे स्क'लारसिपा बेसे गोबाव थागोन?",
"eng": "How long will this scholarship last?"
} |
127 | {
"brx": "स्क'लारसिपखौ गासै सोलोंथायारि बोसोर/कर्स जोबजासिम होनाय जागोन।",
"eng": "Scholarship will be provided for the entire academic year/course."
} |
128 | {
"brx": "आरो मेनटेनेन्स एलावेन्स महरै सोलोंथायारि बोसोरनि थाखाय हस्टेलाव थाग्रानि थाखाय 10,000/- रां आरो बायजोआव थाग्रानि थाखाय 5,000/- रां थि लाम-साम बिबां होनाय जागोन।",
"eng": "And the maintenance allowance will be given as fixed lump sum amount for an academic year of Rs. 10,000/- for hostellers and Rs. 5,000/- for day scholars."
} |
129 | {
"brx": "जोबोद मोजां, स्कलारसिपखौ माबोरै एप्लाइ खालामनो?",
"eng": "Great! How to apply for the scholarship?"
} |
130 | {
"brx": "बे बिथांखिखौ नेसनेल स्क'लारसिप पर्टेलनि (एन.एस.पि.) दारै मावफुंनाय जायो।",
"eng": "The scheme is implemented through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP)."
} |
131 | {
"brx": "गासिबो फरायसाफोरा वेबसाइटनि गेजेरजों अनलाइन एप्लाइ खालामथारनांगोन।",
"eng": "It is mandatory for all students to apply online on the website i.e."
} |
132 | {
"brx": "बे बिथांमोननो जोबोद खामानियाव फैगोन।",
"eng": "It will be useful for them."
} |
133 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा गुवारै फोरमायथिखौ नेसनेल स्क'लारसिप पर्टेलनिफ्राय डाउनलड खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "You can download more details from the National Scholarship Portal."
} |
134 | {
"brx": "जागोन सार, नोथांनिसिम जोबोद गोजोन्नाय थाबाय।",
"eng": "Sure, sir. Thank you so much!"
} |
135 | {
"brx": "गोजोन्थों।",
"eng": "You are welcome."
} |
136 | {
"brx": "खुलुमबाय, आं फैगौ दानाव जुलि जासिगोन।",
"eng": "Hello, I am getting married in the coming month."
} |
137 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा आयेनारि नेमखान्थिनि थाखाय आंखौ दैदेन्नो हागोन नामा?",
"eng": "Could you please guide me on the legal procedure?"
} |
138 | {
"brx": "माबोरै आं जुलिखौ आयेनारि गनायजानाय खालामनो हागोन?",
"eng": "How can I make my marriage a valid legal entity?"
} |
139 | {
"brx": "जुलिखौ आयेनारि गनायजानो थाखाय रेजिस्टार खालामथारनांगोन।",
"eng": "A marriage must be registered for it to be acknowledged legally."
} |
140 | {
"brx": "जुलिनि रेजिस्ट्रेसननि बिखान्थिया हौवा-गोदान आरो हिनजाव-गोदाना जुलिनि फोरमान बिलाइ मोन्नायजों जोबो।",
"eng": "The process of registration of a marriage ends with the bride and the groom obtaining a marriage certificate."
} |
141 | {
"brx": "आं जुलिनि फोरमान लाइखौ माबोरै मोन्नो हागोन?",
"eng": "How can I obtain a marriage certificate?"
} |
142 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा जुलिनि रेजिस्ट्रेसननि आरजलाइ खालामनानै एफिडेभिद जमा खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "You are required to submit an affidavit requesting the registration of your marriage."
} |
143 | {
"brx": "जराया सानैजों गावसोरनि जथाइ एफिडेभिद जमा होनो हागोन एबा गावबा गाव हारसिंबो एफिडेभिद जमा खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "A couple can submit a joint affidavit for their marriage, or they can choose to submit an individual affidavit."
} |
144 | {
"brx": "मोन्नैनि गेजेराव माबाफोर फारागथि दं नामा?",
"eng": "Is there any difference between the two?"
} |
145 | {
"brx": "एफाबां गोनांथार नङा, नाथाय माखासे रायजोफोराव मोनसे जथाइ एफिडेभिद होथारनांगौ।",
"eng": "Not significantly as much, but some states mandate a joint affidavit submission."
} |
146 | {
"brx": "जागोन, जुलिनि रेजिस्ट्रेसननि थाखाय जुथाइ एफिडेभिद सुफुंनायाव मा मा खालामनांगोन?",
"eng": "Okay, what are the steps in filing a joint affidavit for registration of marriage?"
} |
147 | {
"brx": "जुलिखौ मोन्नै आयेननि गेजेरजों रेजिस्टार खालामनो हायो, 1954नि जुनिया जुलि आयेन आरो 1955नि हिन्दु जुलि आयेन।",
"eng": "Marriages can be registered under two acts in India, the Special Marriage Act of 1954 and the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955."
} |
148 | {
"brx": "सिगांनिआ बयनिबो फोथायनाय एबा धोरोमखौ जेबो साना लासैनो बयनिबो थाखाय आरो बेनि गेजेराव गुबुन हादोराव थानाय भारतारि नोगोरारिबो दं।",
"eng": "The former is applicable to everyone regardless of their faith or religion, and it includes Indian nationals living in foreign countries."
} |
149 | {
"brx": "गुबुन गुबुन धोरोमखौ फोथायगिरिफोरा बे आयेननि गेजेरजों रेजिस्टार खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "Interfaith marriages are to be registered under that act too."
} |
150 | {
"brx": "उननिया मोन्नै आयेना हिन्दुफोरनि थाखाय लोगोसे जैन, बुद्धिस्ट आरो सिख।",
"eng": "The latter is an act for two Hindus, extending to Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs."
} |
151 | {
"brx": "जर'खा जुलि आयेननि थाखाय जुथाइ एफिडेभिद जमा होनो मा मा खालामनांगोन?",
"eng": "What steps are to be followed to submit a joint affidavit under the Special Marriage Act?"
} |
152 | {
"brx": "गिबियाव, जुलि लानो नागिरनायनि गोसोनि नटिसखौ नोंथांनि जिल्लानि मेरिज रेजिस्ट्रारनो आरजलाइ होनांगोन।",
"eng": "First, a notice of intended marriage has to be filed to the Marriage Registrar of your district."
} |
153 | {
"brx": "बेखौ बै थावनिनिफ्रायल' आरजलाइ खालामनो हागोन, जेराव मोन्नैबो हानजाया बे जायगायाव खमैबो 30 सानसो थाबाय।",
"eng": "It can only be filed from a place where either parties have resided for a minimum of thirty days."
} |
154 | {
"brx": "बे फोसावथायखौ रेजिस्ट्रार मावख'नि नटिस ब'र्डआव दिन्थिनाय जायो, जाय जायखिजाया सुबुंखौ सिगाङाव फैनो खावलायो जायहा बे जरा जानायाव हेंथा दं।",
"eng": "This notice is then displayed on the notice board at the Registrar's office allowing any person who objects to the alliance to come forward."
} |
155 | {
"brx": "जुदि थामजि साननि गेजेराव रावबो हेंथा होआ, जुलि जाहोयो नामा?",
"eng": "If no one objects to the alliance within 30 days, is the marriage solemnised?"
} |
156 | {
"brx": "औ, हौवा-गोदान आरो हिनजाव-गोदानजों लोगोसे मोन्नैबो हानजानिफ्राय साथाम साखिफोरखौ लाना जुलि खालामनो लिंहरनाय जायो।",
"eng": "Yes, the bride and the groom are called to the office to solemnise their marriage in the presence of 3 witnesses from either side."
} |
157 | {
"brx": "साफ्रोमबो बे साद' साखिफोरा रेजिस्टाराव मुंसाइ होनांगोन।",
"eng": "Each of these six witnesses have to sign in the register."
} |
158 | {
"brx": "हिन्दु जुलि आयेननि नेमखान्थियाव मा फारागथि दं?",
"eng": "How is the process different for the Hindu Marriage Act?"
} |
159 | {
"brx": "जराया मोनसे आरजलाइ होनांगोन आरो बिसोर गावसिनि जुलिनि मोन्नै सावमुंफोर आरो बेजों लोगोसे जुलिनि हांख्राइ बिलाइबो जमा होफानांगोन।",
"eng": "The couple has to fill an application form and submit it along with two photographs of their wedding ceremony and an invitation card for the same."
} |
160 | {
"brx": "मोन्नैबो हानजाया सिनायथि, बैसो आरो थंनि फोरमान जमा खालामनांगोन।",
"eng": "Both parties must submit proofs of their identity, age and address."
} |
161 | {
"brx": "जुलि जानाय समाव रावबो थांनानै थानाय गुबुन बिसि-फिसाफोर गैया होन्ना मोनफा मोनफायै बेखौ फोसावनानै नटाराइज खालामनांगोन आरो जमा होनांगोन।",
"eng": "Separate affidavits declaring that they do not have any living spouses at the time of the marriage must be notarised beforehand and submitted."
} |
162 | {
"brx": "जुलिखौ बबेबा सम सिमानि गेजेराव रेजिस्टार खालामथारनांगौनि सम सिमा दं नामा?",
"eng": "Is there any time duration within which one must have their marriage registered?"
} |
163 | {
"brx": "जुलिनि रेजिस्ट्रेसनाव सोर साखि जानो हागोन?",
"eng": "Who can be a witness to the registration of the marriage?"
} |
164 | {
"brx": "हिन्दु जुलि आयेननि मथैब्ला नोंथाङा हाबानि दान मोनसेनि गेजेराव रेजिस्टार खालामनांगोन।",
"eng": "Under the Hindu Marriage Act, you need to register your marriage within one month of the wedding ceremony."
} |
165 | {
"brx": "सानैबो हौवा-गोदान आरो हिनजाव-गोदाना साथाम साखिनि सिगाङाव सागान होनांगोन।",
"eng": "Both the bride and the groom sign the registers in the presence of three witnesses."
} |
166 | {
"brx": "मोन्नोबो हानजानि बिमा-बिफा एबा जोथोन लागिरिया रेजिस्ट्रेसननि समाव थानांगोन।",
"eng": "Parents or guardians of each party should be present during the registration."
} |
167 | {
"brx": "एफिडेभिदनि थाखाय मा मा डकुमेन्टफोर नांगोन?",
"eng": "Which documents will be required for the affidavit?"
} |
168 | {
"brx": "आरज बिलाइ, आइ.डि. फोरमान, थंनि फोरमान, जोनोम खालारनि फोरमान, हिनाजाव-गोदान आरो हौवा-गोदाननि मोन्नै पासपर्ट फट' नांथारगौ।",
"eng": "The application form, ID proof, proof of address, proof of birth date, two passport photos of the bride and the groom are compulsorily needed."
} |
169 | {
"brx": "फाथैलाइ बिसिनाय एबा बालन्दा/रान्दिब्ला, फाथैलाइ बिसिनाय बिजिरसालिनि राय एबा सिगांनि बिसि/फिसाइनि थैनाय फोरमान नांगोन।",
"eng": "In case of a divorcee or a widow/widower, the divorce decree or the death certificate of the previous spouse is required."
} |
170 | {
"brx": "खुलुमबाय, आं इ-भिजानि थाखाय गिबिखेब आरजलाइ होनो नागिरदों।",
"eng": "Hello, this is my first time applying for an e-visa."
} |
171 | {
"brx": "आं आसा खालामो नोंथाङा मिथिहोनो हागोन दि आरजलाइ खालामनायाव मा मा डकुमेन्टफोर नांगोन।",
"eng": "I was hoping you could tell me what documents I need to apply."
} |
172 | {
"brx": "औ थारैनो, आं गोजोन्नाय मोन्दों दि नोंथाङा आंखौ कल खालामदों।",
"eng": "Of course, I am glad you called me."
} |
173 | {
"brx": "आं मिथोनो हागोन नामा नोंथाङा बबे हादोरनि भिजा नांगौ?",
"eng": "May I ask which country you need a visa for?"
} |
174 | {
"brx": "आंनो भारतनि थाखाय दावबायारि भिजा नांगौ।",
"eng": "I need a tourist visa for India."
} |
175 | {
"brx": "आं से सप्तानि थाखाय दावबायहैगोन।",
"eng": "I'll be visiting for a week."
} |
176 | {
"brx": "जागोन, नोंथांनि गोनांथार डकुमेन्टआनो जाबाय पासपर्ट।",
"eng": "Ok, the most important document you need is a passport."
} |
177 | {
"brx": "नोंथाङा बेखौ रोखा खालामनांगोन दि पासपर्टआ नोंथांनि सौहैनायनि खालारनिफ्राय बाङाइब्लाबो द' दानसो भेलिडिटि थानाय जानांगोन।",
"eng": "You need to ensure that the passport is valid for at least six months on the expected date of arrival in India."
} |
178 | {
"brx": "जों गोबां बेबादि जेंनाफोर मोनो, जायफोरा बे जाहोननि थाखाय नेवसिजायो।",
"eng": "We get a lot of cases that are rejected just for this reason."
} |
179 | {
"brx": "औ, आं आंनि पासपर्टनि भेलिडिटिखौ नायखांखाबाय आरो बे नोंथांनि बुंनायजों गोरोबो।",
"eng": "Yes, I already checked my passport validity, and it complies with what you just said."
} |
180 | {
"brx": "आरो बेनिफ्राय आंनो माबाफोर नांबावगोन नामा?",
"eng": "Is there anything else I need?"
} |
181 | {
"brx": "अ, बिदिब्ला मोजां।",
"eng": "Ok, that's good then."
} |
182 | {
"brx": "नैथियाव नोंनो नांगौआ सोलिनाय इ-मेइल।",
"eng": "The next thing you need is a valid email ID."
} |
183 | {
"brx": "अन्नानै बेनि थाखाय जोबोद साग्रांथि जा दि जेब्ला भारतारि भिजाखौ बानायगोन आरो गनायथि होगोन, बेखौ नोंथांनि आरजलाइयाव होनाय इ-मेइलाव थोंजोङै हरनाय जागोन।",
"eng": "Please be careful about this too, as when an Indian visa has been processed and approved, it will be sent directly to the email address given on the application."
} |
184 | {
"brx": "आंनि गावारि आइ.डि.खौ होयालासैनो आंनि मावख'आरि आइ.डि.खौ होब्लाबो जागोन नामा?",
"eng": "Is it okay if I use an official ID and not a personal one?"
} |
185 | {
"brx": "आं आंनि गावारि आइ.डि.खौ बांद्राइ नायबाय थाया।",
"eng": "I don't check the mails on my personal ID very often."
} |
186 | {
"brx": "बेयो जेबो नङा।",
"eng": "That does not matter."
} |
187 | {
"brx": "इ-मेइल थंआ सोलिनांगोन, बेल'।",
"eng": "The e-mail address needs to be active, that's all."
} |
188 | {
"brx": "बेफोरल' नामा आंनि नांगौआ?",
"eng": "Are these the only things that I require?"
} |
189 | {
"brx": "इ-भिसा इन्डिया फोरमाननि गोनांथिबो दं, बेखौ भारताव दावबायनायनि गनायथि मोन्नो थाखाय नांगौ।",
"eng": "There are also e-visa India evidence requirements that are needed to obtain the authorization to travel to India."
} |
190 | {
"brx": "बिजाथिया पासपर्टनि गिबि पेजनि गांसे गाबगोनां स्केन कपि जमा खालामनांगोन एबा सोलिफुनाय पासपर्टनि बाय'ग्राफिकेल पेजखौ जमा खालामनांगोन।",
"eng": "Applicants are required to submit a scanned color copy of the first page or the biographical page of their valid passport."
} |
191 | {
"brx": "बिजाथिया बावैसोनि गाबगोनां पासपर्ट फट'बो जमा होनांगोन।",
"eng": "Each applicant must also submit a recent passport-style, color photo"
} |
192 | {
"brx": "बेनो गोनां जानाय स्पेसिफिकेसनफोर।",
"eng": "That is quite a lot of specifications."
} |
193 | {
"brx": "आं लिरना दोननोसै बावैनि थाखाय।",
"eng": "I'll note it down so I don't forget."
} |
194 | {
"brx": "बेयो मोजां आइडिया।",
"eng": "That's a good idea."
} |
195 | {
"brx": "नोंथांनो डेभिद कार्ड एबा क्रेडिट कार्डबो नांगोन।",
"eng": "You also need a debit or credit card."
} |
196 | {
"brx": "जागोन, आंनाव दंखायो।",
"eng": "Ok, I have one in my possession."
} |
197 | {
"brx": "माबाफोर सोंनांगौ दंब्ला, आं कल खालामनो हागोन ना?",
"eng": "Is it okay if I call again in case I have other doubts?"
} |
198 | {
"brx": "थारैनो, माबाफोर सोंनागौ दंब्ला गोसो खुसियै कल खालामनो हागोन।",
"eng": "Of course, feel free to contact us in case of any queries."
} |
199 | {
"brx": "आंहा बे बोसोराव गुबुन हादोरनि राव सोलोंनांगौ।",
"eng": "I have to take a Foreign language from this year."
} |
Subsets and Splits