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An Auto-Encoder Matching Model for Learning Utterance-Level Semantic Dependency in Dialogue Generation
Generating semantically coherent responses is still a major challenge in dialogue generation. Different from conventional text generation tasks, the mapping between inputs and responses in conversations is more complicated, which highly demands the understanding of utterance-level semantic dependency, a relation between the whole meanings of inputs and outputs. To address this problem, we propose an Auto-Encoder Matching (AEM) model to learn such dependency. The model contains two auto-encoders and one mapping module. The auto-encoders learn the semantic representations of inputs and responses, and the mapping module learns to connect the utterance-level representations. Experimental results from automatic and human evaluations demonstrate that our model is capable of generating responses of high coherence and fluency compared to baseline models. The code is available at https://github.com/lancopku/AMM
A Dataset for Document Grounded Conversations
This paper introduces a document grounded dataset for text conversations. We define "Document Grounded Conversations" as conversations that are about the contents of a specified document. In this dataset the specified documents were Wikipedia articles about popular movies. The dataset contains 4112 conversations with an average of 21.43 turns per conversation. This positions this dataset to not only provide a relevant chat history while generating responses but also provide a source of information that the models could use. We describe two neural architectures that provide benchmark performance on the task of generating the next response. We also evaluate our models for engagement and fluency, and find that the information from the document helps in generating more engaging and fluent responses.
Out-of-domain Detection based on Generative Adversarial Network
Deep learning has greatly improved visual recognition in recent years. However, recent research has shown that there exist many adversarial examples that can negatively impact the performance of such an architecture. This paper focuses on detecting those adversarial examples by analyzing whether they come from the same distribution as the normal examples. Instead of directly training a deep neural network to detect adversarials, a much simpler approach was proposed based on statistics on outputs from convolutional layers. A cascade classifier was designed to efficiently detect adversarials. Furthermore, trained from one particular adversarial generating mechanism, the resulting classifier can successfully detect adversarials from a completely different mechanism as well. The resulting classifier is non-subdifferentiable, hence creates a difficulty for adversaries to attack by using the gradient of the classifier. After detecting adversarial examples, we show that many of them can be recovered by simply performing a small average filter on the image. Those findings should lead to more insights about the classification mechanisms in deep convolutional neural networks.
Listening Comprehension over Argumentative Content
Multimedia or spoken content presents more attractive information than plain text content, but it's more difficult to display on a screen and be selected by a user. As a result, accessing large collections of the former is much more difficult and time-consuming than the latter for humans. It's highly attractive to develop a machine which can automatically understand spoken content and summarize the key information for humans to browse over. In this endeavor, we propose a new task of machine comprehension of spoken content. We define the initial goal as the listening comprehension test of TOEFL, a challenging academic English examination for English learners whose native language is not English. We further propose an Attention-based Multi-hop Recurrent Neural Network (AMRNN) architecture for this task, achieving encouraging results in the initial tests. Initial results also have shown that word-level attention is probably more robust than sentence-level attention for this task with ASR errors.
Using active learning to expand training data for implicit discourse relation recognition
Implicit discourse relation recognition is a crucial component for automatic discourselevel analysis and nature language understanding. Previous studies exploit discriminative models that are built on either powerful manual features or deep discourse representations. In this paper, instead, we explore generative models and propose a variational neural discourse relation recognizer. We refer to this model as VarNDRR. VarNDRR establishes a directed probabilistic model with a latent continuous variable that generates both a discourse and the relation between the two arguments of the discourse. In order to perform efficient inference and learning, we introduce neural discourse relation models to approximate the prior and posterior distributions of the latent variable, and employ these approximated distributions to optimize a reparameterized variational lower bound. This allows VarNDRR to be trained with standard stochastic gradient methods. Experiments on the benchmark data set show that VarNDRR can achieve comparable results against stateof- the-art baselines without using any manual features.
Learning To Split and Rephrase From Wikipedia Edit History
Split and rephrase is the task of breaking down a sentence into shorter ones that together convey the same meaning. We extract a rich new dataset for this task by mining Wikipedia's edit history: WikiSplit contains one million naturally occurring sentence rewrites, providing sixty times more distinct split examples and a ninety times larger vocabulary than the WebSplit corpus introduced by Narayan et al. (2017) as a benchmark for this task. Incorporating WikiSplit as training data produces a model with qualitatively better predictions that score 32 BLEU points above the prior best result on the WebSplit benchmark.
BLEU is Not Suitable for the Evaluation of Text Simplification
BLEU is widely considered to be an informative metric for text-to-text generation, including Text Simplification (TS). TS includes both lexical and structural aspects. In this paper we show that BLEU is not suitable for the evaluation of sentence splitting, the major structural simplification operation. We manually compiled a sentence splitting gold standard corpus containing multiple structural paraphrases, and performed a correlation analysis with human judgments. We find low or no correlation between BLEU and the grammaticality and meaning preservation parameters where sentence splitting is involved. Moreover, BLEU often negatively correlates with simplicity, essentially penalizing simpler sentences.
S2SPMN: A Simple and Effective Framework for Response Generation with Relevant Information
Using a sequence-to-sequence framework, many neural conversation models for chit-chat succeed in naturalness of the response. Nevertheless, the neural conversation models tend to give generic responses which are not specific to given messages, and it still remains as a challenge. To alleviate the tendency, we propose a method to promote message-relevant and diverse responses for neural conversation model by using self-attention, which is time-efficient as well as effective. Furthermore, we present an investigation of why and how effective self-attention is in deep comparison with the standard dialogue generation. The experiment results show that the proposed method improves the standard dialogue generation in various evaluation metrics.
Improving Reinforcement Learning Based Image Captioning with Natural Language Prior
Recently, Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches have demonstrated advanced performance in image captioning by directly optimizing the metric used for testing. However, this shaped reward introduces learning biases, which reduces the readability of generated text. In addition, the large sample space makes training unstable and slow. To alleviate these issues, we propose a simple coherent solution that constrains the action space using an n-gram language prior. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations on benchmarks show that RL with the simple add-on module performs favorably against its counterpart in terms of both readability and speed of convergence. Human evaluation results show that our model is more human readable and graceful. The implementation will become publicly available upon the acceptance of the paper.
Training for Diversity in Image Paragraph Captioning
We study how to generate captions that are not only accurate in describing an image but also discriminative across different images. The problem is both fundamental and interesting, as most machine-generated captions, despite phenomenal research progresses in the past several years, are expressed in a very monotonic and featureless format. While such captions are normally accurate, they often lack important characteristics in human languages - distinctiveness for each caption and diversity for different images. To address this problem, we propose a novel conditional generative adversarial network for generating diverse captions across images. Instead of estimating the quality of a caption solely on one image, the proposed comparative adversarial learning framework better assesses the quality of captions by comparing a set of captions within the image-caption joint space. By contrasting with human-written captions and image-mismatched captions, the caption generator effectively exploits the inherent characteristics of human languages, and generates more discriminative captions. We show that our proposed network is capable of producing accurate and diverse captions across images.
A Graph-theoretic Summary Evaluation for ROUGE
Evaluation of text summarization approaches have been mostly based on metrics that measure similarities of system generated summaries with a set of human written gold-standard summaries. The most widely used metric in summarization evaluation has been the ROUGE family. ROUGE solely relies on lexical overlaps between the terms and phrases in the sentences; therefore, in cases of terminology variations and paraphrasing, ROUGE is not as effective. Scientific article summarization is one such case that is different from general domain summarization (e.g. newswire data). We provide an extensive analysis of ROUGE's effectiveness as an evaluation metric for scientific summarization; we show that, contrary to the common belief, ROUGE is not much reliable in evaluating scientific summaries. We furthermore show how different variants of ROUGE result in very different correlations with the manual Pyramid scores. Finally, we propose an alternative metric for summarization evaluation which is based on the content relevance between a system generated summary and the corresponding human written summaries. We call our metric SERA (Summarization Evaluation by Relevance Analysis). Unlike ROUGE, SERA consistently achieves high correlations with manual scores which shows its effectiveness in evaluation of scientific article summarization.
Guided Neural Language Generation for Abstractive Summarization using Abstract Meaning Representation
Recent work on abstractive summarization has made progress with neural encoder-decoder architectures. However, such models are often challenged due to their lack of explicit semantic modeling of the source document and its summary. In this paper, we extend previous work on abstractive summarization using Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) with a neural language generation stage which we guide using the source document. We demonstrate that this guidance improves summarization results by 7.4 and 10.5 points in ROUGE-2 using gold standard AMR parses and parses obtained from an off-the-shelf parser respectively. We also find that the summarization performance using the latter is 2 ROUGE-2 points higher than that of a well-established neural encoder-decoder approach trained on a larger dataset. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/sheffieldnlp/AMR2Text-summ}
Evaluating Multiple System Summary Lengths: A Case Study
Video summaries come in many forms, from traditional single-image thumbnails, animated thumbnails, storyboards, to trailer-like video summaries. Content creators use the summaries to display the most attractive portion of their videos; the users use them to quickly evaluate if a video is worth watching. All forms of summaries are essential to video viewers, content creators, and advertisers. Often video content management systems have to generate multiple versions of summaries that vary in duration and presentational forms. We present a framework ReconstSum that utilizes LSTM-based autoencoder architecture to extract and select a sparse subset of video frames or keyshots that optimally represent the input video in an unsupervised manner. The encoder selects a subset from the input video while the decoder seeks to reconstruct the video from the selection. The goal is to minimize the difference between the original input video and the reconstructed video. Our method is easily extendable to generate a variety of applications including static video thumbnails, animated thumbnails, storyboards and "trailer-like" highlights. We specifically study and evaluate two most popular use cases: thumbnail generation and storyboard generation. We demonstrate that our methods generate better results than the state-of-the-art techniques in both use cases.
Neural Latent Extractive Document Summarization
Extractive summarization models require sentence-level labels, which are usually created heuristically (e.g., with rule-based methods) given that most summarization datasets only have document-summary pairs. Since these labels might be suboptimal, we propose a latent variable extractive model where sentences are viewed as latent variables and sentences with activated variables are used to infer gold summaries. During training the loss comes \emph{directly} from gold summaries. Experiments on the CNN/Dailymail dataset show that our model improves over a strong extractive baseline trained on heuristically approximated labels and also performs competitively to several recent models.
On the Abstractiveness of Neural Document Summarization
Till now, neural abstractive summarization methods have achieved great success for single document summarization (SDS). However, due to the lack of large scale multi-document summaries, such methods can be hardly applied to multi-document summarization (MDS). In this paper, we investigate neural abstractive methods for MDS by adapting a state-of-the-art neural abstractive summarization model for SDS. We propose an approach to extend the neural abstractive model trained on large scale SDS data to the MDS task. Our approach only makes use of a small number of multi-document summaries for fine tuning. Experimental results on two benchmark DUC datasets demonstrate that our approach can outperform a variety of baseline neural models.
Automatic Essay Scoring Incorporating Rating Schema via Reinforcement Learning
We introduce a novel schema for sequence to sequence learning with a Deep Q-Network (DQN), which decodes the output sequence iteratively. The aim here is to enable the decoder to first tackle easier portions of the sequences, and then turn to cope with difficult parts. Specifically, in each iteration, an encoder-decoder Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network is employed to, from the input sequence, automatically create features to represent the internal states of and formulate a list of potential actions for the DQN. Take rephrasing a natural sentence as an example. This list can contain ranked potential words. Next, the DQN learns to make decision on which action (e.g., word) will be selected from the list to modify the current decoded sequence. The newly modified output sequence is subsequently used as the input to the DQN for the next decoding iteration. In each iteration, we also bias the reinforcement learning's attention to explore sequence portions which are previously difficult to be decoded. For evaluation, the proposed strategy was trained to decode ten thousands natural sentences. Our experiments indicate that, when compared to a left-to-right greedy beam search LSTM decoder, the proposed method performed competitively well when decoding sentences from the training set, but significantly outperformed the baseline when decoding unseen sentences, in terms of BLEU score obtained.
Identifying Well-formed Natural Language Questions
Question answering (QA) system aims at retrieving precise information from a large collection of documents against a query. This paper describes the architecture of a Natural Language Question Answering (NLQA) system for a specific domain based on the ontological information, a step towards semantic web question answering. The proposed architecture defines four basic modules suitable for enhancing current QA capabilities with the ability of processing complex questions. The first module was the question processing, which analyses and classifies the question and also reformulates the user query. The second module allows the process of retrieving the relevant documents. The next module processes the retrieved documents, and the last module performs the extraction and generation of a response. Natural language processing techniques are used for processing the question and documents and also for answer extraction. Ontology and domain knowledge are used for reformulating queries and identifying the relations. The aim of the system is to generate short and specific answer to the question that is asked in the natural language in a specific domain. We have achieved 94 % accuracy of natural language question answering in our implementation.
Self-Governing Neural Networks for On-Device Short Text Classification
Recent approaches based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown promising results for short-text classification. However, many short texts occur in sequences (e.g., sentences in a document or utterances in a dialog), and most existing ANN-based systems do not leverage the preceding short texts when classifying a subsequent one. In this work, we present a model based on recurrent neural networks and convolutional neural networks that incorporates the preceding short texts. Our model achieves state-of-the-art results on three different datasets for dialog act prediction.
HFT-CNN: Learning Hierarchical Category Structure for Multi-label Short Text Categorization
Many applications require categorization of text documents using predefined categories. The main approach to performing text categorization is learning from labeled examples. For many tasks, it may be difficult to find examples in one language but easy in others. The problem of learning from examples in one or more languages and classifying (categorizing) in another is called cross-lingual learning. In this work, we present a novel approach that solves the general cross-lingual text categorization problem. Our method generates, for each training document, a set of language-independent features. Using these features for training yields a language-independent classifier. At the classification stage, we generate language-independent features for the unlabeled document, and apply the classifier on the new representation. To build the feature generator, we utilize a hierarchical language-independent ontology, where each concept has a set of support documents for each language involved. In the preprocessing stage, we use the support documents to build a set of language-independent feature generators, one for each language. The collection of these generators is used to map any document into the language-independent feature space. Our methodology works on the most general cross-lingual text categorization problems, being able to learn from any mix of languages and classify documents in any other language. We also present a method for exploiting the hierarchical structure of the ontology to create virtual supporting documents for languages that do not have them. We tested our method, using Wikipedia as our ontology, on the most commonly used test collections in cross-lingual text categorization, and found that it outperforms existing methods.
A Hierarchical Neural Attention-based Text Classifier
We explore solutions for automated labeling of content in bug trackers and customer support systems. In order to do that, we classify content in terms of several criteria, such as priority or product area. In the first part of the paper, we provide an overview of existing methods used for text classification. These methods fall into two categories - the ones that rely on neural networks and the ones that don't. We evaluate results of several solutions of both kinds. In the second part of the paper we present our own recurrent neural network solution based on hierarchical attention paradigm. It consists of several Hierarchical Attention network blocks with varying Gated Recurrent Unit cell sizes and a complementary shallow network that goes alongside. Lastly, we evaluate above-mentioned methods when predicting fields from two datasets - Arch Linux bug tracker and Chromium bug tracker. Our contributions include a comprehensive benchmark between a variety of methods on relevant datasets; a novel solution that outperforms previous generation methods; and two new datasets that are made public for further research.
Labeled Anchors and a Scalable, Transparent, and Interactive Classifier
We analyze the RI-TIMEXes in temporally annotated corpora and propose two hypotheses regarding the normalization of RI-TIMEXes in the clinical narrative domain: the anchor point hypothesis and the anchor relation hypothesis. We annotate the RI-TIMEXes in three corpora to study the characteristics of RI-TMEXes in different domains. This informed the design of our RI-TIMEX normalization system for the clinical domain, which consists of an anchor point classifier, an anchor relation classifier and a rule-based RI-TIMEX text span parser. We experiment with different feature sets and perform error analysis for each system component. The annotation confirmed the hypotheses that we can simplify the RI-TIMEXes normalization task using two multi-label classifiers. Our system achieves anchor point classification, anchor relation classification and rule-based parsing accuracy of 74.68%, 87.71% and 57.2% (82.09% under relaxed matching criteria) respectively on the held-out test set of the 2012 i2b2 temporal relation challenge. Experiments with feature sets reveals some interesting findings such as the verbal tense feature does not inform the anchor relation classification in clinical narratives as much as the tokens near the RI-TIMEX. Error analysis shows that underrepresented anchor point and anchor relation classes are difficult to detect. We formulate the RI-TIMEX normalization problem as a pair of multi-label classification problems. Considering only the RI-TIMEX extraction and normalization, the system achieves statistically significant improvement over the RI-TIMEX results of the best systems in the 2012 i2b2 challenge.
Coherence-Aware Neural Topic Modeling
Neural models have recently been used in text summarization including headline generation. The model can be trained using a set of document-headline pairs. However, the model does not explicitly consider topical similarities and differences of documents. We suggest to categorizing documents into various topics so that documents within the same topic are similar in content and share similar summarization patterns. Taking advantage of topic information of documents, we propose topic sensitive neural headline generation model. Our model can generate more accurate summaries guided by document topics. We test our model on LCSTS dataset, and experiments show that our method outperforms other baselines on each topic and achieves the state-of-art performance.
Utilizing Character and Word Embeddings for Text Normalization with Sequence-to-Sequence Models
Text normalization is an important enabling technology for several NLP tasks. Recently, neural-network-based approaches have outperformed well-established models in this task. However, in languages other than English, there has been little exploration in this direction. Both the scarcity of annotated data and the complexity of the language increase the difficulty of the problem. To address these challenges, we use a sequence-to-sequence model with character-based attention, which in addition to its self-learned character embeddings, uses word embeddings pre-trained with an approach that also models subword information. This provides the neural model with access to more linguistic information especially suitable for text normalization, without large parallel corpora. We show that providing the model with word-level features bridges the gap for the neural network approach to achieve a state-of-the-art F1 score on a standard Arabic language correction shared task dataset.
Topic Intrusion for Automatic Topic Model Evaluation
Topic models jointly learn topics and document-level topic distribution. Extrinsic evaluation of topic models tends to focus exclusively on topic-level evaluation, e.g. by assessing the coherence of topics. We demonstrate that there can be large discrepancies between topic- and document-level model quality, and that basing model evaluation on topic-level analysis can be highly misleading. We propose a method for automatically predicting topic model quality based on analysis of document-level topic allocations, and provide empirical evidence for its robustness.
Supervised and Unsupervised Methods for Robust Separation of Section Titles and Prose Text in Web Documents
We introduce an unsupervised discriminative model for the task of retrieving experts in online document collections. We exclusively employ textual evidence and avoid explicit feature engineering by learning distributed word representations in an unsupervised way. We compare our model to state-of-the-art unsupervised statistical vector space and probabilistic generative approaches. Our proposed log-linear model achieves the retrieval performance levels of state-of-the-art document-centric methods with the low inference cost of so-called profile-centric approaches. It yields a statistically significant improved ranking over vector space and generative models in most cases, matching the performance of supervised methods on various benchmarks. That is, by using solely text we can do as well as methods that work with external evidence and/or relevance feedback. A contrastive analysis of rankings produced by discriminative and generative approaches shows that they have complementary strengths due to the ability of the unsupervised discriminative model to perform semantic matching.
SwitchOut: an Efficient Data Augmentation Algorithm for Neural Machine Translation
In this work, we examine methods for data augmentation for text-based tasks such as neural machine translation (NMT). We formulate the design of a data augmentation policy with desirable properties as an optimization problem, and derive a generic analytic solution. This solution not only subsumes some existing augmentation schemes, but also leads to an extremely simple data augmentation strategy for NMT: randomly replacing words in both the source sentence and the target sentence with other random words from their corresponding vocabularies. We name this method SwitchOut. Experiments on three translation datasets of different scales show that SwitchOut yields consistent improvements of about 0.5 BLEU, achieving better or comparable performances to strong alternatives such as word dropout (Sennrich et al., 2016a). Code to implement this method is included in the appendix.
Improving Unsupervised Word-by-Word Translation with Language Model and Denoising Autoencoder
We show how a deep denoising autoencoder with lateral connections can be used as an auxiliary unsupervised learning task to support supervised learning. The proposed model is trained to minimize simultaneously the sum of supervised and unsupervised cost functions by back-propagation, avoiding the need for layer-wise pretraining. It improves the state of the art significantly in the permutation-invariant MNIST classification task.
Decipherment of Substitution Ciphers with Neural Language Models
European libraries and archives are filled with enciphered manuscripts from the early modern period. These include military and diplomatic correspondence, records of secret societies, private letters, and so on. Although they are enciphered with classical cryptographic algorithms, their contents are unavailable to working historians. We therefore attack the problem of automatically converting cipher manuscript images into plaintext. We develop unsupervised models for character segmentation, character-image clustering, and decipherment of cluster sequences. We experiment with both pipelined and joint models, and we give empirical results for multiple ciphers.
Rapid Adaptation of Neural Machine Translation to New Languages
This paper examines the problem of adapting neural machine translation systems to new, low-resourced languages (LRLs) as effectively and rapidly as possible. We propose methods based on starting with massively multilingual "seed models", which can be trained ahead-of-time, and then continuing training on data related to the LRL. We contrast a number of strategies, leading to a novel, simple, yet effective method of "similar-language regularization", where we jointly train on both a LRL of interest and a similar high-resourced language to prevent over-fitting to small LRL data. Experiments demonstrate that massively multilingual models, even without any explicit adaptation, are surprisingly effective, achieving BLEU scores of up to 15.5 with no data from the LRL, and that the proposed similar-language regularization method improves over other adaptation methods by 1.7 BLEU points average over 4 LRL settings. Code to reproduce experiments at https://github.com/neubig/rapid-adaptation
Compact Personalized Models for Neural Machine Translation
We propose and compare methods for gradient-based domain adaptation of self-attentive neural machine translation models. We demonstrate that a large proportion of model parameters can be frozen during adaptation with minimal or no reduction in translation quality by encouraging structured sparsity in the set of offset tensors during learning via group lasso regularization. We evaluate this technique for both batch and incremental adaptation across multiple data sets and language pairs. Our system architecture - combining a state-of-the-art self-attentive model with compact domain adaptation - provides high quality personalized machine translation that is both space and time efficient.
Self-Governing Neural Networks for On-Device Short Text Classification
Recent approaches based on artificial neural networks (ANNs) have shown promising results for short-text classification. However, many short texts occur in sequences (e.g., sentences in a document or utterances in a dialog), and most existing ANN-based systems do not leverage the preceding short texts when classifying a subsequent one. In this work, we present a model based on recurrent neural networks and convolutional neural networks that incorporates the preceding short texts. Our model achieves state-of-the-art results on three different datasets for dialog act prediction.
Supervised Domain Enablement Attention for Personalized Domain Classification
In this paper, we explore the task of mapping spoken language utterances to one of thousands of natural language understanding domains in intelligent personal digital assistants (IPDAs). This scenario is observed for many mainstream IPDAs in industry that allow third parties to develop thousands of new domains to augment built-in ones to rapidly increase domain coverage and overall IPDA capabilities. We propose a scalable neural model architecture with a shared encoder, a novel attention mechanism that incorporates personalization information and domain-specific classifiers that solves the problem efficiently. Our architecture is designed to efficiently accommodate new domains that appear in-between full model retraining cycles with a rapid bootstrapping mechanism two orders of magnitude faster than retraining. We account for practical constraints in real-time production systems, and design to minimize memory footprint and runtime latency. We demonstrate that incorporating personalization results in significantly more accurate domain classification in the setting with thousands of overlapping domains.
A Deep Neural Network Sentence Level Classification Method with Context Information
In the sentence classification task, context formed from sentences adjacent to the sentence being classified can provide important information for classification. This context is, however, often ignored. Where methods do make use of context, only small amounts are considered, making it difficult to scale. We present a new method for sentence classification, Context-LSTM-CNN, that makes use of potentially large contexts. The method also utilizes long-range dependencies within the sentence being classified, using an LSTM, and short-span features, using a stacked CNN. Our experiments demonstrate that this approach consistently improves over previous methods on two different datasets.
Towards Dynamic Computation Graphs via Sparse Latent Structure
Deep NLP models benefit from underlying structures in the data---e.g., parse trees---typically extracted using off-the-shelf parsers. Recent attempts to jointly learn the latent structure encounter a tradeoff: either make factorization assumptions that limit expressiveness, or sacrifice end-to-end differentiability. Using the recently proposed SparseMAP inference, which retrieves a sparse distribution over latent structures, we propose a novel approach for end-to-end learning of latent structure predictors jointly with a downstream predictor. To the best of our knowledge, our method is the first to enable unrestricted dynamic computation graph construction from the global latent structure, while maintaining differentiability.
Convolutional Neural Networks with Recurrent Neural Filters
We introduce a class of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) that utilize recurrent neural networks (RNNs) as convolution filters. A convolution filter is typically implemented as a linear affine transformation followed by a non-linear function, which fails to account for language compositionality. As a result, it limits the use of high-order filters that are often warranted for natural language processing tasks. In this work, we model convolution filters with RNNs that naturally capture compositionality and long-term dependencies in language. We show that simple CNN architectures equipped with recurrent neural filters (RNFs) achieve results that are on par with the best published ones on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank and two answer sentence selection datasets.
Exploiting Rich Syntactic Information for Semantic Parsing with Graph-to-Sequence Model
Existing neural semantic parsers mainly utilize a sequence encoder, i.e., a sequential LSTM, to extract word order features while neglecting other valuable syntactic information such as dependency graph or constituent trees. In this paper, we first propose to use the \textit{syntactic graph} to represent three types of syntactic information, i.e., word order, dependency and constituency features. We further employ a graph-to-sequence model to encode the syntactic graph and decode a logical form. Experimental results on benchmark datasets show that our model is comparable to the state-of-the-art on Jobs640, ATIS and Geo880. Experimental results on adversarial examples demonstrate the robustness of the model is also improved by encoding more syntactic information.
Retrieval-Based Neural Code Generation
Neural codes are collections of binary strings motivated by patterns of neural activity. In this paper, we study algorithmic and enumerative aspects of convex neural codes in dimension 1 (i.e. on a line or a circle). We use the theory of consecutive-ones matrices to obtain some structural and algorithmic results; we use generating functions to obtain enumerative results.
SQL-to-Text Generation with Graph-to-Sequence Model
We study finitely generated models of countable theories, having at most countably many nonisomorphic finitely generated models. We intro- duce a notion of rank of finitely generated models and we prove, when T has at most countably many nonisomorphic finitely generated models, that every finitely generated model has an ordinal rank. This rank is used to give a prop- erty of finitely generated models analogue to the Hopf property of groups and also to give a necessary and sufficient condition for a finitely generated model to be prime of its complete theory. We investigate some properties of limit groups of equationally noetherian groups, in respect to their ranks.
Generating Syntactic Paraphrases
We propose syntactically controlled paraphrase networks (SCPNs) and use them to generate adversarial examples. Given a sentence and a target syntactic form (e.g., a constituency parse), SCPNs are trained to produce a paraphrase of the sentence with the desired syntax. We show it is possible to create training data for this task by first doing backtranslation at a very large scale, and then using a parser to label the syntactic transformations that naturally occur during this process. Such data allows us to train a neural encoder-decoder model with extra inputs to specify the target syntax. A combination of automated and human evaluations show that SCPNs generate paraphrases that follow their target specifications without decreasing paraphrase quality when compared to baseline (uncontrolled) paraphrase systems. Furthermore, they are more capable of generating syntactically adversarial examples that both (1) "fool" pretrained models and (2) improve the robustness of these models to syntactic variation when used to augment their training data.
Neural-Davidsonian Semantic Proto-role Labeling
Multi-label learning has attracted significant interests in computer vision recently, finding applications in many vision tasks such as multiple object recognition and automatic image annotation. Associating multiple labels to a complex image is very difficult, not only due to the intricacy of describing the image, but also because of the incompleteness nature of the observed labels. Existing works on the problem either ignore the label-label and instance-instance correlations or just assume these correlations are linear and unstructured. Considering that semantic correlations between images are actually structured, in this paper we propose to incorporate structured semantic correlations to solve the missing label problem of multi-label learning. Specifically, we project images to the semantic space with an effective semantic descriptor. A semantic graph is then constructed on these images to capture the structured correlations between them. We utilize the semantic graph Laplacian as a smooth term in the multi-label learning formulation to incorporate the structured semantic correlations. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed semantic descriptor and the usefulness of incorporating the structured semantic correlations. We achieve better results than state-of-the-art multi-label learning methods on four benchmark datasets.
Conversational Decision-Making Model for Predicting the King’s Decision in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty
We have compiled and analyzed historical Korean meteor and meteor shower records in three Korean official history books, Samguksagi which covers the three Kingdoms period (57 B.C -- A.D. 935), Goryeosa of Goryeo dynasty (A.D. 918 -- 1392), and Joseonwangjosillok of Joseon dynasty (A.D. 1392 -- 1910). We have found 3861 meteor and 31 meteor shower records. We have confirmed the peaks of Perseids and an excess due to the mixture of Orionids, north-Taurids, or Leonids through the Monte-Carlo test. The peaks persist from the period of Goryeo dynasty to that of Joseon dynasty, for almost one thousand years. Korean records show a decrease of Perseids activity and an increase of Orionids/north-Taurids/Leonids activity. We have also analyzed seasonal variation of sporadic meteors from Korean records. We confirm the seasonal variation of sporadic meteors from the records of Joseon dynasty with the maximum number of events being roughly 1.7 times the minimum. The Korean records are compared with Chinese and Japanese records for the same periods. Major features in Chinese meteor shower records are quite consistent with those of Korean records, particularly for the last millennium. Japanese records also show Perseids feature and Orionids/north-Taurids/Leonids feature, although they are less prominent compared to those of Korean or Chinese records.
Toward Fast and Accurate Neural Discourse Segmentation
Discourse segmentation, which segments texts into Elementary Discourse Units, is a fundamental step in discourse analysis. Previous discourse segmenters rely on complicated hand-crafted features and are not practical in actual use. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end neural segmenter based on BiLSTM-CRF framework. To improve its accuracy, we address the problem of data insufficiency by transferring a word representation model that is trained on a large corpus. We also propose a restricted self-attention mechanism in order to capture useful information within a neighborhood. Experiments on the RST-DT corpus show that our model is significantly faster than previous methods, while achieving new state-of-the-art performance.
A Dataset for Telling the Stories of Social Media Videos
Much of the user-generated content on social media is provided by ordinary people telling stories about their daily lives. We develop and test a novel method for learning fine-grained common-sense knowledge from these stories about contingent (causal and conditional) relationships between everyday events. This type of knowledge is useful for text and story understanding, information extraction, question answering, and text summarization. We test and compare different methods for learning contingency relation, and compare what is learned from topic-sorted story collections vs. general-domain stories. Our experiments show that using topic-specific datasets enables learning finer-grained knowledge about events and results in significant improvement over the baselines. An evaluation on Amazon Mechanical Turk shows 82% of the relations between events that we learn from topic-sorted stories are judged as contingent.
Cascaded Mutual Modulation for Visual Reasoning
Visual reasoning is a special visual question answering problem that is multi-step and compositional by nature, and also requires intensive text-vision interactions. We propose CMM: Cascaded Mutual Modulation as a novel end-to-end visual reasoning model. CMM includes a multi-step comprehension process for both question and image. In each step, we use a Feature-wise Linear Modulation (FiLM) technique to enable textual/visual pipeline to mutually control each other. Experiments show that CMM significantly outperforms most related models, and reach state-of-the-arts on two visual reasoning benchmarks: CLEVR and NLVR, collected from both synthetic and natural languages. Ablation studies confirm that both our multistep framework and our visual-guided language modulation are critical to the task. Our code is available at https://github.com/FlamingHorizon/CMM-VR.
How agents see things: On visual representations in an emergent language game
There is growing interest in the language developed by agents interacting in emergent-communication settings. Earlier studies have focused on the agents' symbol usage, rather than on their representation of visual input. In this paper, we consider the referential games of Lazaridou et al. (2017) and investigate the representations the agents develop during their evolving interaction. We find that the agents establish successful communication by inducing visual representations that almost perfectly align with each other, but, surprisingly, do not capture the conceptual properties of the objects depicted in the input images. We conclude that, if we are interested in developing language-like communication systems, we must pay more attention to the visual semantics agents associate to the symbols they use.
Attention-Based Capsule Networks with Dynamic Routing for Relation Extraction
Capsule Networks (CapsNet) are recently proposed multi-stage computational models specialized for entity representation and discovery in image data. CapsNet employs iterative routing that shapes how the information cascades through different levels of interpretations. In this work, we investigate i) how the routing affects the CapsNet model fitting, ii) how the representation by capsules helps discover global structures in data distribution and iii) how learned data representation adapts and generalizes to new tasks. Our investigation shows: i) routing operation determines the certainty with which one layer of capsules pass information to the layer above, and the appropriate level of certainty is related to the model fitness, ii) in a designed experiment using data with a known 2D structure, capsule representations allow more meaningful 2D manifold embedding than neurons in a standard CNN do and iii) compared to neurons of standard CNN, capsules of successive layers are less coupled and more adaptive to new data distribution.
Put It Back: Entity Typing with Language Model Enhancement
Is the human language understander a collection of modular processes operating with relative autonomy, or is it a single integrated process? This ongoing debate has polarized the language processing community, with two fundamentally different types of model posited, and with each camp concluding that the other is wrong. One camp puts forth a model with separate processors and distinct knowledge sources to explain one body of data, and the other proposes a model with a single processor and a homogeneous, monolithic knowledge source to explain the other body of data. In this paper we argue that a hybrid approach which combines a unified processor with separate knowledge sources provides an explanation of both bodies of data, and we demonstrate the feasibility of this approach with the computational model called COMPERE. We believe that this approach brings the language processing community significantly closer to offering human-like language processing systems.
Event Detection with Neural Networks: A Rigorous Empirical Evaluation
Detecting events and classifying them into predefined types is an important step in knowledge extraction from natural language texts. While the neural network models have generally led the state-of-the-art, the differences in performance between different architectures have not been rigorously studied. In this paper we present a novel GRU-based model that combines syntactic information along with temporal structure through an attention mechanism. We show that it is competitive with other neural network architectures through empirical evaluations under different random initializations and training-validation-test splits of ACE2005 dataset.
PubSE: A Hierarchical Model for Publication Extraction from Academic Homepages
Despite recent evidence that Microsoft Academic is an extensive source of citation counts for journal articles, it is not known if the same is true for academic books. This paper fills this gap by comparing citations to 16,463 books from 2013-2016 in the Book Citation Index (BKCI) against automatically extracted citations from Microsoft Academic and Google Books in 17 fields. About 60% of the BKCI books had records in Microsoft Academic, varying by year and field. Citation counts from Microsoft Academic were 1.5 to 3.6 times higher than from BKCI in nine subject areas across all years for books indexed by both. Microsoft Academic found more citations than BKCI because it indexes more scholarly publications and combines citations to different editions and chapters. In contrast, BKCI only found more citations than Microsoft Academic for books in three fields from 2013-2014. Microsoft Academic also found more citations than Google Books in six fields for all years. Thus, Microsoft Academic may be a useful source for the impact assessment of books when comprehensive coverage is not essential.
A Neural Transition-based Model for Nested Mention Recognition
It is common that entity mentions can contain other mentions recursively. This paper introduces a scalable transition-based method to model the nested structure of mentions. We first map a sentence with nested mentions to a designated forest where each mention corresponds to a constituent of the forest. Our shift-reduce based system then learns to construct the forest structure in a bottom-up manner through an action sequence whose maximal length is guaranteed to be three times of the sentence length. Based on Stack-LSTM which is employed to efficiently and effectively represent the states of the system in a continuous space, our system is further incorporated with a character-based component to capture letter-level patterns. Our model achieves the state-of-the-art results on ACE datasets, showing its effectiveness in detecting nested mentions.
Genre Separation Network with Adversarial Training for Cross-genre Relation Extraction
In this paper, we propose to infer music genre embeddings from audio datasets carrying semantic information about genres. We show that such embeddings can be used for disambiguating genre tags (identification of different labels for the same genre, tag translation from a tag system to another, inference of hierarchical taxonomies on these genre tags). These embeddings are built by training a deep convolutional neural network genre classifier with large audio datasets annotated with a flat tag system. We show empirically that they makes it possible to retrieve the original taxonomy of a tag system, spot duplicates tags and translate tags from a tag system to another.
Effective Use of Context in Noisy Entity Linking
A key challenge in entity linking is making effective use of contextual information to disambiguate mentions that might refer to different entities in different contexts. We present a model that uses convolutional neural networks to capture semantic correspondence between a mention's context and a proposed target entity. These convolutional networks operate at multiple granularities to exploit various kinds of topic information, and their rich parameterization gives them the capacity to learn which n-grams characterize different topics. We combine these networks with a sparse linear model to achieve state-of-the-art performance on multiple entity linking datasets, outperforming the prior systems of Durrett and Klein (2014) and Nguyen et al. (2014).
Exploiting Contextual Information via Dynamic Memory Network for Event Detection
The task of event detection involves identifying and categorizing event triggers. Contextual information has been shown effective on the task. However, existing methods which utilize contextual information only process the context once. We argue that the context can be better exploited by processing the context multiple times, allowing the model to perform complex reasoning and to generate better context representation, thus improving the overall performance. Meanwhile, dynamic memory network (DMN) has demonstrated promising capability in capturing contextual information and has been applied successfully to various tasks. In light of the multi-hop mechanism of the DMN to model the context, we propose the trigger detection dynamic memory network (TD-DMN) to tackle the event detection problem. We performed a five-fold cross-validation on the ACE-2005 dataset and experimental results show that the multi-hop mechanism does improve the performance and the proposed model achieves best $F_1$ score compared to the state-of-the-art methods.
Do explanations make VQA models more predictable to a human?
A rich line of research attempts to make deep neural networks more transparent by generating human-interpretable 'explanations' of their decision process, especially for interactive tasks like Visual Question Answering (VQA). In this work, we analyze if existing explanations indeed make a VQA model -- its responses as well as failures -- more predictable to a human. Surprisingly, we find that they do not. On the other hand, we find that human-in-the-loop approaches that treat the model as a black-box do.
Facts That Matter
We discuss a model for a universe with discrete matter content instead of the continuous perfect fluid taken in FRW models. We show how the redshift in such a universe deviates from the corresponding one in an FRW cosmology. This illustrates the fact that averaging the matter content in a universe and then evolving it in time, is not the same as evolving a universe with discrete matter content. The main reason for such deviation is the fact that the photons in such a universe mainly travel in an empty space rather than the continuous perfect fluid in FRW geometry.
Entity Tracking Improves Cloze-style Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension tasks test the ability of models to process long-term context and remember salient information. Recent work has shown that relatively simple neural methods such as the Attention Sum-Reader can perform well on these tasks; however, these systems still significantly trail human performance. Analysis suggests that many of the remaining hard instances are related to the inability to track entity-references throughout documents. This work focuses on these hard entity tracking cases with two extensions: (1) additional entity features, and (2) training with a multi-task tracking objective. We show that these simple modifications improve performance both independently and in combination, and we outperform the previous state of the art on the LAMBADA dataset, particularly on difficult entity examples.
Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Duplicate Question Detection
We address the problem of detecting duplicate questions in forums, which is an important step towards automating the process of answering new questions. As finding and annotating such potential duplicates manually is very tedious and costly, automatic methods based on machine learning are a viable alternative. However, many forums do not have annotated data, i.e., questions labeled by experts as duplicates, and thus a promising solution is to use domain adaptation from another forum that has such annotations. Here we focus on adversarial domain adaptation, deriving important findings about when it performs well and what properties of the domains are important in this regard. Our experiments with StackExchange data show an average improvement of 5.6% over the best baseline across multiple pairs of domains.
Translating a Math Word Problem to a Expression Tree
Sequence-to-sequence (SEQ2SEQ) models have been successfully applied to automatic math word problem solving. Despite its simplicity, a drawback still remains: a math word problem can be correctly solved by more than one equations. This non-deterministic transduction harms the performance of maximum likelihood estimation. In this paper, by considering the uniqueness of expression tree, we propose an equation normalization method to normalize the duplicated equations. Moreover, we analyze the performance of three popular SEQ2SEQ models on the math word problem solving. We find that each model has its own specialty in solving problems, consequently an ensemble model is then proposed to combine their advantages. Experiments on dataset Math23K show that the ensemble model with equation normalization significantly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods.
Semantic Linking in Convolutional Neural Networks for Answer Sentence Selection
In this paper, we propose convolutional neural networks for learning an optimal representation of question and answer sentences. Their main aspect is the use of relational information given by the matches between words from the two members of the pair. The matches are encoded as embeddings with additional parameters (dimensions), which are tuned by the network. These allows for better capturing interactions between questions and answers, resulting in a significant boost in accuracy. We test our models on two widely used answer sentence selection benchmarks. The results clearly show the effectiveness of our relational information, which allows our relatively simple network to approach the state of the art.
A dataset and baselines for sequential open-domain question answering
We propose a novel methodology to generate domain-specific large-scale question answering (QA) datasets by re-purposing existing annotations for other NLP tasks. We demonstrate an instance of this methodology in generating a large-scale QA dataset for electronic medical records by leveraging existing expert annotations on clinical notes for various NLP tasks from the community shared i2b2 datasets. The resulting corpus (emrQA) has 1 million question-logical form and 400,000+ question-answer evidence pairs. We characterize the dataset and explore its learning potential by training baseline models for question to logical form and question to answer mapping.
Improving the results of string kernels in sentiment analysis and Arabic dialect identification by adapting them to your test set
Recently, string kernels have obtained state-of-the-art results in various text classification tasks such as Arabic dialect identification or native language identification. In this paper, we apply two simple yet effective transductive learning approaches to further improve the results of string kernels. The first approach is based on interpreting the pairwise string kernel similarities between samples in the training set and samples in the test set as features. Our second approach is a simple self-training method based on two learning iterations. In the first iteration, a classifier is trained on the training set and tested on the test set, as usual. In the second iteration, a number of test samples (to which the classifier associated higher confidence scores) are added to the training set for another round of training. However, the ground-truth labels of the added test samples are not necessary. Instead, we use the labels predicted by the classifier in the first training iteration. By adapting string kernels to the test set, we report significantly better accuracy rates in English polarity classification and Arabic dialect identification.
Parameterized Convolutional Neural Networks for Aspect Level Sentiment Classification
With the development of the Internet, natural language processing (NLP), in which sentiment analysis is an important task, became vital in information processing.Sentiment analysis includes aspect sentiment classification. Aspect sentiment can provide complete and in-depth results with increased attention on aspect-level. Different context words in a sentence influence the sentiment polarity of a sentence variably, and polarity varies based on the different aspects in a sentence. Take the sentence, 'I bought a new camera. The picture quality is amazing but the battery life is too short.'as an example. If the aspect is picture quality, then the expected sentiment polarity is 'positive', if the battery life aspect is considered, then the sentiment polarity should be 'negative'; therefore, aspect is important to consider when we explore aspect sentiment in the sentence. Recurrent neural network (RNN) is regarded as a good model to deal with natural language processing, and RNNs has get good performance on aspect sentiment classification including Target-Dependent LSTM (TD-LSTM) ,Target-Connection LSTM (TC-LSTM) (Tang, 2015a, b), AE-LSTM, AT-LSTM, AEAT-LSTM (Wang et al., 2016).There are also extensive literatures on sentiment classification utilizing convolutional neural network, but there is little literature on aspect sentiment classification using convolutional neural network. In our paper, we develop attention-based input layers in which aspect information is considered by input layer. We then incorporate attention-based input layers into convolutional neural network (CNN) to introduce context words information. In our experiment, incorporating aspect information into CNN improves the latter's aspect sentiment classification performance without using syntactic parser or external sentiment lexicons in a benchmark dataset from Twitter but get better performance compared with other models.
Improving Multi-label Emotion Classification via Sentiment Classification with Dual Attention Transfer Network
Deep learning approaches for sentiment classification do not fully exploit sentiment linguistic knowledge. In this paper, we propose a Multi-sentiment-resource Enhanced Attention Network (MEAN) to alleviate the problem by integrating three kinds of sentiment linguistic knowledge (e.g., sentiment lexicon, negation words, intensity words) into the deep neural network via attention mechanisms. By using various types of sentiment resources, MEAN utilizes sentiment-relevant information from different representation subspaces, which makes it more effective to capture the overall semantics of the sentiment, negation and intensity words for sentiment prediction. The experimental results demonstrate that MEAN has robust superiority over strong competitors.
Learning Sentiment Memories for Sentiment Modification without Parallel Data
The task of sentiment modification requires reversing the sentiment of the input and preserving the sentiment-independent content. However, aligned sentences with the same content but different sentiments are usually unavailable. Due to the lack of such parallel data, it is hard to extract sentiment independent content and reverse the sentiment in an unsupervised way. Previous work usually can not reconcile sentiment transformation and content preservation. In this paper, motivated by the fact the non-emotional context (e.g., "staff") provides strong cues for the occurrence of emotional words (e.g., "friendly"), we propose a novel method that automatically extracts appropriate sentiment information from learned sentiment memories according to specific context. Experiments show that our method substantially improves the content preservation degree and achieves the state-of-the-art performance.
Joint Aspect and Polarity Classification for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with End-to-End Neural Networks
With the development of the Internet, natural language processing (NLP), in which sentiment analysis is an important task, became vital in information processing.Sentiment analysis includes aspect sentiment classification. Aspect sentiment can provide complete and in-depth results with increased attention on aspect-level. Different context words in a sentence influence the sentiment polarity of a sentence variably, and polarity varies based on the different aspects in a sentence. Take the sentence, 'I bought a new camera. The picture quality is amazing but the battery life is too short.'as an example. If the aspect is picture quality, then the expected sentiment polarity is 'positive', if the battery life aspect is considered, then the sentiment polarity should be 'negative'; therefore, aspect is important to consider when we explore aspect sentiment in the sentence. Recurrent neural network (RNN) is regarded as a good model to deal with natural language processing, and RNNs has get good performance on aspect sentiment classification including Target-Dependent LSTM (TD-LSTM) ,Target-Connection LSTM (TC-LSTM) (Tang, 2015a, b), AE-LSTM, AT-LSTM, AEAT-LSTM (Wang et al., 2016).There are also extensive literatures on sentiment classification utilizing convolutional neural network, but there is little literature on aspect sentiment classification using convolutional neural network. In our paper, we develop attention-based input layers in which aspect information is considered by input layer. We then incorporate attention-based input layers into convolutional neural network (CNN) to introduce context words information. In our experiment, incorporating aspect information into CNN improves the latter's aspect sentiment classification performance without using syntactic parser or external sentiment lexicons in a benchmark dataset from Twitter but get better performance compared with other models.
Representing Social Media Users for Sarcasm Detection
We explore two methods for representing authors in the context of textual sarcasm detection: a Bayesian approach that directly represents authors' propensities to be sarcastic, and a dense embedding approach that can learn interactions between the author and the text. Using the SARC dataset of Reddit comments, we show that augmenting a bidirectional RNN with these representations improves performance; the Bayesian approach suffices in homogeneous contexts, whereas the added power of the dense embeddings proves valuable in more diverse ones.
Syntactical Analysis of the Weaknesses of Sentiment Analyzers
We present a statistical parsing framework for sentence-level sentiment classification in this article. Unlike previous works that employ syntactic parsing results for sentiment analysis, we develop a statistical parser to directly analyze the sentiment structure of a sentence. We show that complicated phenomena in sentiment analysis (e.g., negation, intensification, and contrast) can be handled the same as simple and straightforward sentiment expressions in a unified and probabilistic way. We formulate the sentiment grammar upon Context-Free Grammars (CFGs), and provide a formal description of the sentiment parsing framework. We develop the parsing model to obtain possible sentiment parse trees for a sentence, from which the polarity model is proposed to derive the sentiment strength and polarity, and the ranking model is dedicated to selecting the best sentiment tree. We train the parser directly from examples of sentences annotated only with sentiment polarity labels but without any syntactic annotations or polarity annotations of constituents within sentences. Therefore we can obtain training data easily. In particular, we train a sentiment parser, s.parser, from a large amount of review sentences with users' ratings as rough sentiment polarity labels. Extensive experiments on existing benchmark datasets show significant improvements over baseline sentiment classification approaches.
Is Nike female? Exploring the role of sound symbolism in predicting brand name gender
Recent research has explored the possibility of automatically deducing information such as gender, age and race of an individual from their biometric data. While the face modality has been extensively studied in this regard, relatively less research has been conducted in the context of the iris modality. In this paper, we first review the medical literature to establish a biological basis for extracting gender and race cues from the iris. Then, we demonstrate that it is possible to use simple texture descriptors, like BSIF (Binarized Statistical Image Feature) and LBP (Local Binary Patterns), to extract gender and race attributes from a NIR ocular image used in a typical iris recognition system. The proposed method predicts race and gender from a single eye image with an accuracy of 86% and 90%, respectively. In addition, the following analysis are conducted: (a) the role of different parts of the ocular region on attribute prediction; (b) the influence of gender on race prediction, and vice-versa; (c) the impact of eye color on gender and race prediction; (d) the impact of image blur on gender and race prediction; (e) the generalizability of the method across different datasets, i.e., cross-dataset performance; and (f) the consistency of prediction performance across the left and right eyes.
Improving Large-Scale Fact-Checking using Decomposable Attention Models and Lexical Tagging
Lexical selection in Machine Translation consists of several related components. Two that have received a lot of attention are lexical mapping from an underlying concept or lexical item, and choosing the correct subcategorization frame based on argument structure. Because most MT applications are small or relatively domain specific, a third component of lexical selection is generally overlooked - distinguishing between lexical items that are closely related conceptually. While some MT systems have proposed using a 'world knowledge' module to decide which word is more appropriate based on various pragmatic or stylistic constraints, we are interested in seeing how much we can accomplish using a combination of syntax and lexical semantics. By using separate ontologies for each language implemented in FB-LTAGs, we are able to elegantly model the more specific and language dependent syntactic and semantic distinctions necessary to further filter the choice of the lexical item.
Harnessing Popularity in Social Media for Extractive Summarization of Online Conversations
Usage of online textual media is steadily increasing. Daily, more and more news stories, blog posts and scientific articles are added to the online volumes. These are all freely accessible and have been employed extensively in multiple research areas, e.g. automatic text summarization, information retrieval, information extraction, etc. Meanwhile, online debate forums have recently become popular, but have remained largely unexplored. For this reason, there are no sufficient resources of annotated debate data available for conducting research in this genre. In this paper, we collected and annotated debate data for an automatic summarization task. Similar to extractive gold standard summary generation our data contains sentences worthy to include into a summary. Five human annotators performed this task. Inter-annotator agreement, based on semantic similarity, is 36% for Cohen's kappa and 48% for Krippendorff's alpha. Moreover, we also implement an extractive summarization system for online debates and discuss prominent features for the task of summarizing online debate data automatically.
Identifying Locus of Control in Social Media Language
Compromised social media accounts are legitimate user accounts that have been hijacked by a third (malicious) party and can cause various kinds of damage. Early detection of such compromised accounts is very important in order to control the damage. In this work we propose a novel general framework for discovering compromised accounts by utilizing statistical text analysis. The framework is built on the observation that users will use language that is measurably different from the language that a hacker (or spammer) would use, when the account is compromised. We use the framework to develop specific algorithms based on language modeling and use the similarity of language models of users and spammers as features in a supervised learning setup to identify compromised accounts. Evaluation results on a large Twitter corpus of over 129 million tweets show promising results of the proposed approach.
Somm: Into the Model
This paper examines the limit properties of information criteria (such as AIC, BIC, HQIC) for distinguishing between the unit root model and the various kinds of explosive models. The explosive models include the local-to-unit-root model, the mildly explosive model and the regular explosive model. Initial conditions with different order of magnitude are considered. Both the OLS estimator and the indirect inference estimator are studied. It is found that BIC and HQIC, but not AIC, consistently select the unit root model when data come from the unit root model. When data come from the local-to-unit-root model, both BIC and HQIC select the wrong model with probability approaching 1 while AIC has a positive probability of selecting the right model in the limit. When data come from the regular explosive model or from the mildly explosive model in the form of $1+n^{\alpha }/n$ with $\alpha \in (0,1)$, all three information criteria consistently select the true model. Indirect inference estimation can increase or decrease the probability for information criteria to select the right model asymptotically relative to OLS, depending on the information criteria and the true model. Simulation results confirm our asymptotic results in finite sample.
Fine-Grained Emotion Detection in Health-Related Online Posts
Online social media users react to content in them based on context. Emotions or mood play a significant part of these reactions, which has filled these platforms with opinionated content. Different approaches and applications to make better use of this data are continuously being developed. However, due to the nature of the data, the variety of platforms, and dynamic online user behavior, there are still many issues to be dealt with. It remains a challenge to properly obtain a reliable emotional status from a user prior to posting a comment. This work introduces a methodology that explores semi-supervised multilingual emotion detection based on the overlap of Facebook reactions and textual data. With the resulting emotion detection system we evaluate the possibility of using emotions and user behavior features for the task of sarcasm detection. More than 1 million English and Chinese comments from over 62,000 public Facebook pages posts have been collected and processed, conducted experiments show acceptable performance metrics.
The Remarkable Benefit of User-Level Aggregation for Lexical-based Population-Level Predictions
Nowcasting based on social media text promises to provide unobtrusive and near real-time predictions of community-level outcomes. These outcomes are typically regarding people, but the data is often aggregated without regard to users in the Twitter populations of each community. This paper describes a simple yet effective method for building community-level models using Twitter language aggregated by user. Results on four different U.S. county-level tasks, spanning demographic, health, and psychological outcomes show large and consistent improvements in prediction accuracies (e.g. from Pearson r=.73 to .82 for median income prediction or r=.37 to .47 for life satisfaction prediction) over the standard approach of aggregating all tweets. We make our aggregated and anonymized community-level data, derived from 37 billion tweets -- over 1 billion of which were mapped to counties, available for research.
Deterministic Non-Autoregressive Neural Sequence Modeling by Iterative Refinement
We propose a conditional non-autoregressive neural sequence model based on iterative refinement. The proposed model is designed based on the principles of latent variable models and denoising autoencoders, and is generally applicable to any sequence generation task. We extensively evaluate the proposed model on machine translation (En-De and En-Ro) and image caption generation, and observe that it significantly speeds up decoding while maintaining the generation quality comparable to the autoregressive counterpart.
Large Margin Neural Language Model
We propose a large margin criterion for training neural language models. Conventionally, neural language models are trained by minimizing perplexity (PPL) on grammatical sentences. However, we demonstrate that PPL may not be the best metric to optimize in some tasks, and further propose a large margin formulation. The proposed method aims to enlarge the margin between the "good" and "bad" sentences in a task-specific sense. It is trained end-to-end and can be widely applied to tasks that involve re-scoring of generated text. Compared with minimum-PPL training, our method gains up to 1.1 WER reduction for speech recognition and 1.0 BLEU increase for machine translation.
Targeted Syntactic Evaluation of Language Models
We propose syntactically controlled paraphrase networks (SCPNs) and use them to generate adversarial examples. Given a sentence and a target syntactic form (e.g., a constituency parse), SCPNs are trained to produce a paraphrase of the sentence with the desired syntax. We show it is possible to create training data for this task by first doing backtranslation at a very large scale, and then using a parser to label the syntactic transformations that naturally occur during this process. Such data allows us to train a neural encoder-decoder model with extra inputs to specify the target syntax. A combination of automated and human evaluations show that SCPNs generate paraphrases that follow their target specifications without decreasing paraphrase quality when compared to baseline (uncontrolled) paraphrase systems. Furthermore, they are more capable of generating syntactically adversarial examples that both (1) "fool" pretrained models and (2) improve the robustness of these models to syntactic variation when used to augment their training data.
Rational Recurrences
The strong recurrence is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis. On the other hand, the generalized strong recurrence holds for any irrational number. In this paper, we show the generalized strong recurrence for all non-zero rational numbers. Moreover, we prove that the generalized strong recurrence in the region of absolute convergence holds for any real number.
Efficient Contextualized Representation: Language Model Pruning for Sequence Labeling
Many efforts have been made to facilitate natural language processing tasks with pre-trained language models (LMs), and brought significant improvements to various applications. To fully leverage the nearly unlimited corpora and capture linguistic information of multifarious levels, large-size LMs are required; but for a specific task, only parts of these information are useful. Such large-sized LMs, even in the inference stage, may cause heavy computation workloads, making them too time-consuming for large-scale applications. Here we propose to compress bulky LMs while preserving useful information with regard to a specific task. As different layers of the model keep different information, we develop a layer selection method for model pruning using sparsity-inducing regularization. By introducing the dense connectivity, we can detach any layer without affecting others, and stretch shallow and wide LMs to be deep and narrow. In model training, LMs are learned with layer-wise dropouts for better robustness. Experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
Automatic Event Salience Identification
Identifying the salience (i.e. importance) of discourse units is an important task in language understanding. While events play important roles in text documents, little research exists on analyzing their saliency status. This paper empirically studies the Event Salience task and proposes two salience detection models based on content similarities and discourse relations. The first is a feature based salience model that incorporates similarities among discourse units. The second is a neural model that captures more complex relations between discourse units. Tested on our new large-scale event salience corpus, both methods significantly outperform the strong frequency baseline, while our neural model further improves the feature based one by a large margin. Our analyses demonstrate that our neural model captures interesting connections between salience and discourse unit relations (e.g., scripts and frame structures).
Temporal Information Extraction by Predicting Relative Time-lines
The current leading paradigm for temporal information extraction from text consists of three phases: (1) recognition of events and temporal expressions, (2) recognition of temporal relations among them, and (3) time-line construction from the temporal relations. In contrast to the first two phases, the last phase, time-line construction, received little attention and is the focus of this work. In this paper, we propose a new method to construct a linear time-line from a set of (extracted) temporal relations. But more importantly, we propose a novel paradigm in which we directly predict start and end-points for events from the text, constituting a time-line without going through the intermediate step of prediction of temporal relations as in earlier work. Within this paradigm, we propose two models that predict in linear complexity, and a new training loss using TimeML-style annotations, yielding promising results.
Jointly Multiple Events Extraction via Attention-based Graph Information Aggregation
Event extraction is of practical utility in natural language processing. In the real world, it is a common phenomenon that multiple events existing in the same sentence, where extracting them are more difficult than extracting a single event. Previous works on modeling the associations between events by sequential modeling methods suffer a lot from the low efficiency in capturing very long-range dependencies. In this paper, we propose a novel Jointly Multiple Events Extraction (JMEE) framework to jointly extract multiple event triggers and arguments by introducing syntactic shortcut arcs to enhance information flow and attention-based graph convolution networks to model graph information. The experiment results demonstrate that our proposed framework achieves competitive results compared with state-of-the-art methods.
RESIDE: Improving Distantly-Supervised Neural Relation Extraction using Side Information
Computer vision tasks often have side information available that is helpful to solve the task. For example, for crowd counting, the camera perspective (e.g., camera angle and height) gives a clue about the appearance and scale of people in the scene. While side information has been shown to be useful for counting systems using traditional hand-crafted features, it has not been fully utilized in counting systems based on deep learning. In order to incorporate the available side information, we propose an adaptive convolutional neural network (ACNN), where the convolutional filter weights adapt to the current scene context via the side information. In particular, we model the filter weights as a low-dimensional manifold, parametrized by the side information, within the high-dimensional space of filter weights. With the help of side information and adaptive weights, the ACNN can disentangle the variations related to the side information, and extract discriminative features related to the current context. Since existing crowd counting datasets do not contain ground-truth side information, we collect a new dataset with the ground-truth camera angle and height as the side information. On experiments in crowd counting, the ACNN improves counting accuracy compared to a plain CNN with a similar number of parameters. We also apply ACNN to image deconvolution to show its potential effectiveness on other computer vision applications.
Collective Event Detection via a Hierarchical and Bias Tagging Networks with Gated Multi-level Attention Mechanisms
In this paper, we present a gated convolutional neural network and a temporal attention-based localization method for audio classification, which won the 1st place in the large-scale weakly supervised sound event detection task of Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events (DCASE) 2017 challenge. The audio clips in this task, which are extracted from YouTube videos, are manually labeled with one or a few audio tags but without timestamps of the audio events, which is called as weakly labeled data. Two sub-tasks are defined in this challenge including audio tagging and sound event detection using this weakly labeled data. A convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) with learnable gated linear units (GLUs) non-linearity applied on the log Mel spectrogram is proposed. In addition, a temporal attention method is proposed along the frames to predicate the locations of each audio event in a chunk from the weakly labeled data. We ranked the 1st and the 2nd as a team in these two sub-tasks of DCASE 2017 challenge with F value 55.6\% and Equal error 0.73, respectively.
Valency-Augmented Dependency Parsing
We aim at finding the minimal set of fragments which achieves maximal parse accuracy in Data Oriented Parsing. Experiments with the Penn Wall Street Journal treebank show that counts of almost arbitrary fragments within parse trees are important, leading to improved parse accuracy over previous models tested on this treebank. We isolate a number of dependency relations which previous models neglect but which contribute to higher parse accuracy.
Unsupervised Learning of Syntactic Structure with Invertible Neural Projections
Unsupervised learning of syntactic structure is typically performed using generative models with discrete latent variables and multinomial parameters. In most cases, these models have not leveraged continuous word representations. In this work, we propose a novel generative model that jointly learns discrete syntactic structure and continuous word representations in an unsupervised fashion by cascading an invertible neural network with a structured generative prior. We show that the invertibility condition allows for efficient exact inference and marginal likelihood computation in our model so long as the prior is well-behaved. In experiments we instantiate our approach with both Markov and tree-structured priors, evaluating on two tasks: part-of-speech (POS) induction, and unsupervised dependency parsing without gold POS annotation. On the Penn Treebank, our Markov-structured model surpasses state-of-the-art results on POS induction. Similarly, we find that our tree-structured model achieves state-of-the-art performance on unsupervised dependency parsing for the difficult training condition where neither gold POS annotation nor punctuation-based constraints are available.
Dynamic Oracles for Top-Down and In-Order Shift-Reduce Constituent Parsing
Parsing accuracy using efficient greedy transition systems has improved dramatically in recent years thanks to neural networks. Despite striking results in dependency parsing, however, neural models have not surpassed state-of-the-art approaches in constituency parsing. To remedy this, we introduce a new shift-reduce system whose stack contains merely sentence spans, represented by a bare minimum of LSTM features. We also design the first provably optimal dynamic oracle for constituency parsing, which runs in amortized O(1) time, compared to O(n^3) oracles for standard dependency parsing. Training with this oracle, we achieve the best F1 scores on both English and French of any parser that does not use reranking or external data.
Constituent Parsing as Sequence Labeling
We introduce a method to reduce constituent parsing to sequence labeling. For each word w_t, it generates a label that encodes: (1) the number of ancestors in the tree that the words w_t and w_{t+1} have in common, and (2) the nonterminal symbol at the lowest common ancestor. We first prove that the proposed encoding function is injective for any tree without unary branches. In practice, the approach is made extensible to all constituency trees by collapsing unary branches. We then use the PTB and CTB treebanks as testbeds and propose a set of fast baselines. We achieve 90% F-score on the PTB test set, outperforming the Vinyals et al. (2015) sequence-to-sequence parser. In addition, sacrificing some accuracy, our approach achieves the fastest constituent parsing speeds reported to date on PTB by a wide margin.
Synthetic Data Made to Order: The Case of Parsing
Human body part parsing, or human semantic part segmentation, is fundamental to many computer vision tasks. In conventional semantic segmentation methods, the ground truth segmentations are provided, and fully convolutional networks (FCN) are trained in an end-to-end scheme. Although these methods have demonstrated impressive results, their performance highly depends on the quantity and quality of training data. In this paper, we present a novel method to generate synthetic human part segmentation data using easily-obtained human keypoint annotations. Our key idea is to exploit the anatomical similarity among human to transfer the parsing results of a person to another person with similar pose. Using these estimated results as additional training data, our semi-supervised model outperforms its strong-supervised counterpart by 6 mIOU on the PASCAL-Person-Part dataset, and we achieve state-of-the-art human parsing results. Our approach is general and can be readily extended to other object/animal parsing task assuming that their anatomical similarity can be annotated by keypoints. The proposed model and accompanying source code are available at https://github.com/MVIG-SJTU/WSHP
Tell-and-Answer: Towards Explainable Visual Question Answering using Attributes and Captions
Visual Question Answering (VQA) has attracted attention from both computer vision and natural language processing communities. Most existing approaches adopt the pipeline of representing an image via pre-trained CNNs, and then using the uninterpretable CNN features in conjunction with the question to predict the answer. Although such end-to-end models might report promising performance, they rarely provide any insight, apart from the answer, into the VQA process. In this work, we propose to break up the end-to-end VQA into two steps: explaining and reasoning, in an attempt towards a more explainable VQA by shedding light on the intermediate results between these two steps. To that end, we first extract attributes and generate descriptions as explanations for an image using pre-trained attribute detectors and image captioning models, respectively. Next, a reasoning module utilizes these explanations in place of the image to infer an answer to the question. The advantages of such a breakdown include: (1) the attributes and captions can reflect what the system extracts from the image, thus can provide some explanations for the predicted answer; (2) these intermediate results can help us identify the inabilities of both the image understanding part and the answer inference part when the predicted answer is wrong. We conduct extensive experiments on a popular VQA dataset and dissect all results according to several measurements of the explanation quality. Our system achieves comparable performance with the state-of-the-art, yet with added benefits of explainability and the inherent ability to further improve with higher quality explanations.
Learning a Policy for Opportunistic Active Learning
Active learning identifies data points to label that are expected to be the most useful in improving a supervised model. Opportunistic active learning incorporates active learning into interactive tasks that constrain possible queries during interactions. Prior work has shown that opportunistic active learning can be used to improve grounding of natural language descriptions in an interactive object retrieval task. In this work, we use reinforcement learning for such an object retrieval task, to learn a policy that effectively trades off task completion with model improvement that would benefit future tasks.
RecipeQA: A Challenge Dataset for Multimodal Comprehension of Cooking Recipes
Understanding and reasoning about cooking recipes is a fruitful research direction towards enabling machines to interpret procedural text. In this work, we introduce RecipeQA, a dataset for multimodal comprehension of cooking recipes. It comprises of approximately 20K instructional recipes with multiple modalities such as titles, descriptions and aligned set of images. With over 36K automatically generated question-answer pairs, we design a set of comprehension and reasoning tasks that require joint understanding of images and text, capturing the temporal flow of events and making sense of procedural knowledge. Our preliminary results indicate that RecipeQA will serve as a challenging test bed and an ideal benchmark for evaluating machine comprehension systems. The data and leaderboard are available at http://hucvl.github.io/recipeqa.
TVQA: Localized, Compositional Video Question Answering
Video Question Answering is a challenging problem in visual information retrieval, which provides the answer to the referenced video content according to the question. However, the existing visual question answering approaches mainly tackle the problem of static image question, which may be ineffectively for video question answering due to the insufficiency of modeling the temporal dynamics of video contents. In this paper, we study the problem of video question answering by modeling its temporal dynamics with frame-level attention mechanism. We propose the attribute-augmented attention network learning framework that enables the joint frame-level attribute detection and unified video representation learning for video question answering. We then incorporate the multi-step reasoning process for our proposed attention network to further improve the performance. We construct a large-scale video question answering dataset. We conduct the experiments on both multiple-choice and open-ended video question answering tasks to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.
Localizing Moments in Video with Temporal Language
Localizing moments in a longer video via natural language queries is a new, challenging task at the intersection of language and video understanding. Though moment localization with natural language is similar to other language and vision tasks like natural language object retrieval in images, moment localization offers an interesting opportunity to model temporal dependencies and reasoning in text. We propose a new model that explicitly reasons about different temporal segments in a video, and shows that temporal context is important for localizing phrases which include temporal language. To benchmark whether our model, and other recent video localization models, can effectively reason about temporal language, we collect the novel TEMPOral reasoning in video and language (TEMPO) dataset. Our dataset consists of two parts: a dataset with real videos and template sentences (TEMPO - Template Language) which allows for controlled studies on temporal language, and a human language dataset which consists of temporal sentences annotated by humans (TEMPO - Human Language).
Card-660: Cambridge Rare Word Dataset - a Reliable Benchmark for Infrequent Word Representation Models
This paper introduces the first dataset for evaluating English-Chinese Bilingual Contextual Word Similarity, namely BCWS (https://github.com/MiuLab/BCWS). The dataset consists of 2,091 English-Chinese word pairs with the corresponding sentential contexts and their similarity scores annotated by the human. Our annotated dataset has higher consistency compared to other similar datasets. We establish several baselines for the bilingual embedding task to benchmark the experiments. Modeling cross-lingual sense representations as provided in this dataset has the potential of moving artificial intelligence from monolingual understanding towards multilingual understanding.
Leveraging Gloss Knowledge in Neural Word Sense Disambiguation by Hierarchical Co-Attention
Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) aims to identify the correct meaning of polysemous words in the particular context. Lexical resources like WordNet which are proved to be of great help for WSD in the knowledge-based methods. However, previous neural networks for WSD always rely on massive labeled data (context), ignoring lexical resources like glosses (sense definitions). In this paper, we integrate the context and glosses of the target word into a unified framework in order to make full use of both labeled data and lexical knowledge. Therefore, we propose GAS: a gloss-augmented WSD neural network which jointly encodes the context and glosses of the target word. GAS models the semantic relationship between the context and the gloss in an improved memory network framework, which breaks the barriers of the previous supervised methods and knowledge-based methods. We further extend the original gloss of word sense via its semantic relations in WordNet to enrich the gloss information. The experimental results show that our model outperforms the state-of-theart systems on several English all-words WSD datasets.
Weeding out Conventionalized Metaphors: A Corpus of Novel Metaphor Annotations
In modern agriculture, usually weeds control consists in spraying herbicides all over the agricultural field. This practice involves significant waste and cost of herbicide for farmers and environmental pollution. One way to reduce the cost and environmental impact is to allocate the right doses of herbicide at the right place and at the right time (Precision Agriculture). Nowadays, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is becoming an interesting acquisition system for weeds localization and management due to its ability to obtain the images of the entire agricultural field with a very high spatial resolution and at low cost. Despite the important advances in UAV acquisition systems, automatic weeds detection remains a challenging problem because of its strong similarity with the crops. Recently Deep Learning approach has shown impressive results in different complex classification problem. However, this approach needs a certain amount of training data but, creating large agricultural datasets with pixel-level annotations by expert is an extremely time consuming task. In this paper, we propose a novel fully automatic learning method using Convolutional Neuronal Networks (CNNs) with unsupervised training dataset collection for weeds detection from UAV images. The proposed method consists in three main phases. First we automatically detect the crop lines and using them to identify the interline weeds. In the second phase, interline weeds are used to constitute the training dataset. Finally, we performed CNNs on this dataset to build a model able to detect the crop and weeds in the images. The results obtained are comparable to the traditional supervised training data labeling. The accuracy gaps are 1.5% in the spinach field and 6% in the bean field.
Streaming word similarity mining on the cheap
We consider the problem of learning distributed representations for documents in data streams. The documents are represented as low-dimensional vectors and are jointly learned with distributed vector representations of word tokens using a hierarchical framework with two embedded neural language models. In particular, we exploit the context of documents in streams and use one of the language models to model the document sequences, and the other to model word sequences within them. The models learn continuous vector representations for both word tokens and documents such that semantically similar documents and words are close in a common vector space. We discuss extensions to our model, which can be applied to personalized recommendation and social relationship mining by adding further user layers to the hierarchy, thus learning user-specific vectors to represent individual preferences. We validated the learned representations on a public movie rating data set from MovieLens, as well as on a large-scale Yahoo News data comprising three months of user activity logs collected on Yahoo servers. The results indicate that the proposed model can learn useful representations of both documents and word tokens, outperforming the current state-of-the-art by a large margin.
Memory, Show the Way: Memory Based Few Shot Word Representation Learning
Augmenting a neural network with memory that can grow without growing the number of trained parameters is a recent powerful concept with many exciting applications. We propose a design of memory augmented neural networks (MANNs) called Labeled Memory Networks (LMNs) suited for tasks requiring online adaptation in classification models. LMNs organize the memory with classes as the primary key.The memory acts as a second boosted stage following a regular neural network thereby allowing the memory and the primary network to play complementary roles. Unlike existing MANNs that write to memory for every instance and use LRU based memory replacement, LMNs write only for instances with non-zero loss and use label-based memory replacement. We demonstrate significant accuracy gains on various tasks including word-modelling and few-shot learning. In this paper, we establish their potential in online adapting a batch trained neural network to domain-relevant labeled data at deployment time. We show that LMNs are better than other MANNs designed for meta-learning. We also found them to be more accurate and faster than state-of-the-art methods of retuning model parameters for adapting to domain-specific labeled data.
Disambiguated skip-gram model
Agglutinative languages such as Turkish, Finnish and Hungarian require morphological disambiguation before further processing due to the complex morphology of words. A morphological disambiguator is used to select the correct morphological analysis of a word. Morphological disambiguation is important because it generally is one of the first steps of natural language processing and its performance affects subsequent analyses. In this paper, we propose a system that uses deep learning techniques for morphological disambiguation. Many of the state-of-the-art results in computer vision, speech recognition and natural language processing have been obtained through deep learning models. However, applying deep learning techniques to morphologically rich languages is not well studied. In this work, while we focus on Turkish morphological disambiguation we also present results for French and German in order to show that the proposed architecture achieves high accuracy with no language-specific feature engineering or additional resource. In the experiments, we achieve 84.12, 88.35 and 93.78 morphological disambiguation accuracy among the ambiguous words for Turkish, German and French respectively.