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## Definitions of the Labels used in the DEAL Shared Task
Below you will find the full list of labels used in the DEAL shared task, along with their definitions and some examples.
In the dataset, tokens are labeled using the [IOB2 format]( (ex: B-Archive, I-Archive).
| **Label** (abbreviation) | **Definition** | **Example** |
| ----------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Archive (Arc) | A curated collection of the literature or data. Very similar to Database | NASA ADS, MAST |
| CelestialObject (COb) | A named object in the sky | ONC, Andromeda galaxy |
| CelestialObjectRegion (COR) | A named area on/in a celestial body | Inner galaxy |
| CelestialRegion (CeR) | A defined region projected onto the sky, or celestial coordinates | GOODS field, l=2, b=15 |
| Citation (Cit) | A reference to previous work in the literature | Allen et al. 2012 |
| Collaboration (Col) | An organizational entity containing multiple organizations, observatories, and/or countries | the Plank Collaboration |
| ComputingFacility (CoF) | A facility whose primary purpose is to operate computational resources. | Example: Australian National Computational Infrastructure high-performance computing centre, CINECA supercomputing Centre |
| Database (DaB) | A curated and searchable set of related data tables (very similar to Archive) | Simbad |
| Dataset (DaS) | A curated set of data (essentially a single data table) | Gaia EDR3 |
| EntityOfFutureInterest (EFI) | A general catch all for things that we think may be worth thinking about in the future (often terms related to gravitational waves) | |
| Event (Eve) | A conference, workshop or other event that often brings scientists together | Protostars and Planets VI |
| Fellowship (Fel) | A grant focused towards students and/or early career researchers | Hubble Fellowship |
| Formula (For) | Mathematical formula or equations | F = Gm1m2/r^2, z=2.3 |
| Grant (Gra) | An allocation of money and/or time for a research project | grant No. 12345, ADAP grant 12345 |
| Identifier (Ide) | A unique identifier for data, images, etc | ALMA 123.12345 |
| Instrument (Ins) | A device, often, but not always, placed on a telescope, to make a measurement | Infrared Array Camera, NIRCam |
| Location (Loc) | A named location on Earth | Canada |
| Mission (Mis) | A spacecraft that is not a telescope or observatory that carries multiple instruments | WIND |
| Model (Mod) | A named scientific or computational model. | TNG100, Salpeter IMF |
| ObservationalTechniques (ObT) | A method used to observe celestial objects | Resolved Long-slit Spectroscopy, adaptive optics imaging |
| Observatory (Obs) | A, often similarly located, group of telescopes | Keck Observatory, Fermi |
| Organization (Org) | A named organization that is not an observatory | NASA, University of Toledo |
| Person (Per) | A named person or their initials | A. Einstein |
| Proposal (Pro) | A request for telescope time or funding | 74.C-0209(A), GN-2014B-Q-26 |
| Software (Sof) | Named computer code or language | Python, Numpy, ClumpFind |
| Survey (Sur) | An organized search of the sky often dedicated to large scale science projects | 2MASS, SDSS |
| Tag (Tag) | A HTML tag | <bold><\bold> |
| Telescope (Tel) | A "bucket" to catch light | Hubble Space Telescope, Discovery Channel Telescope |
| TextGarbage (TeG) | Incorrect text, often multiple punctuation marks with no inner text | ',,,,,' |
| URL (URL) | A link to a website | |
| Wavelength (Wav) | A portion of the electromagnetic spectrum (can be communicated as a particular wavelength, a name, or a particular transition) | 656.46 nm, H-alpha |