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"paper_id": "M92-1020",
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"authors": [
"first": "James",
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"last": "Mayfield",
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"affiliation": {
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"institution": "University of Maryland Baltimore County Baltimore",
"location": {
"postCode": "21228-5398",
"region": "MD",
"country": "USA"
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"abstract": "Only a subset of the MUC-4 slots were generated by the UM/ConQuest ICTOAN system. Our scores fo r the slots we attempted to fill are shown in Figure 1. 'This slot was filled once inadvertentally due to a bug in the semantic net .",
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"abstract": [
"text": "Only a subset of the MUC-4 slots were generated by the UM/ConQuest ICTOAN system. Our scores fo r the slots we attempted to fill are shown in Figure 1. 'This slot was filled once inadvertentally due to a bug in the semantic net .",
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"section": "Abstract",
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"text": "The most significant limiting factor we experienced was development time . The ICTOAN system was writte n from scratch during the first five months of 1992 ; only the template generation software was reused fro m our MUG3 system . The effect of the short development time was compounded by our selection of C as the programming language for the project . We chose C for its speed, and to gain leverage from existing ConQuest software . However, because C is such a low-level language, development of a piece of code in C takes longer than development of equivalent code in a higher-level language such as LISP.",
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"section": "LIMITING FACTORS",
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"text": "Recall scores for the evaluation system were uniformly poor . The main factors contributing to the low recall scores were :",
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"section": "LIMITING FACTORS",
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"text": "\u2022 The evaluation system did not attempt to fill all template slots . In particular, we did not attempt t o guess any slot values that were not known, even when guessing would lead to a significant partial scor e (e .g. in the data slot) . The following slots were not filled : \u2022 No grammar rules were in place for performing semantic analysis of nominalized attack actions, or fo r interpretation of passive verbs . Therefore, the only attacks that were interpreted were ones that wer e described by active verbs . A low percentage of the reported attacks were described in this way in th e test corpora.",
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"section": "LIMITING FACTORS",
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"text": "\u2022 No merging of co-referential phrases or sentences was performed . Thus, two interpretable descriptions of the same attack always led to the generation of two different templates . In addition to increasing overgeneration, this had the effect of reducing recall for slots that were filled in templates that wer e eventually discarded by the scoring program .",
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"section": "LIMITING FACTORS",
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"text": "\u2022 Although significant hooks are in place in the system for discourse segmentation, the lack of merging of co-referential items made discourse segmentation algorithms irrelevant for the purposes of th e evaluation .",
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"section": "LIMITING FACTORS",
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"text": "Most of the development time for the ICTOAN system was spent on writing the basic system code and on developing the semantic net of world knowledge . Relatively little time was spent in grammar-writing. Because we had the Proximity Linguistic System available for our dictionary, little time was spent o n dictionary development . This turned out to be problematic, because the dictionary contained many obscur e or questionable word senses . For example, the word `the' was listed as an adverb (as in `the higher the fewer') . Dictionary cleanup is the task we would most like to redo .",
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"text": "The two main successes of the ICTOAN system were its speed and its flexibility .",
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"section": "SUCCESSES",
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"text": "The system is quite fast . For example, the system processed the 100 stories in the TST3 corpus in unde r twenty minutes on a lightly-loaded Sun Sparc II with 24MB of memory . The evaluation system had a number of known memory leaks . Because of these leaks, we chose to break up the input texts into individual file s and run ICTOAN separately on each . Given time to eliminate these leaks, we believe that the system is capable of processing 100 texts on the same platform in under twelve minutes .",
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"section": "Speed",
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"text": "One result made possible by the system's speed is that the ICTOAN system does no skimming. That is, the system does not look for `hot' areas of the text and concentrate its processing power on those areas . Rather, the system processes every sentence of every story to the best of its abilities.",
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"section": "Speed",
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"text": "The ICTOAN system architecture is best viewed as a set of parallel streams of data flowing through a pipeline of processes . This stream-based architecture makes it possible to easily integrate top-down an d bottom-up processing . Bottom-up processes can be written to read ,data from low-level streams and buil d items to be placed on high-level streams . Top-down processes can be written to search for desired elements on low-level streams, based on the items that appear in high-level streams.",
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"section": "Flexibility",
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"text": "Since individual processes may be placed in any order along the pipeline, it is easy to explore th e interactions between for example top-down and bottom-up processes . The user needs only to modify a configuration file that indicates which processes should be used and in what order . Furthermore, the overal l effectiveness of a particular process can be evaluated by comparing the performance of the system runnin g with the component of interest against the performance of the system running without that component .",
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"section": "Flexibility",
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"back_matter": [
"text": "We believe that the flexibility of the system will make it easily adaptable to other uses . For example, we intend to use all of the system except the template generator as an automatic text-to-hypertext conversio n system [1] .",
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"BIBREF0": {
"ref_id": "b0",
"title": "Using semantic nets to enrich hypertext links",
"authors": [
"first": "James",
"middle": [],
"last": "Mayfield",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Charles",
"middle": [],
"last": "Nicholas",
"suffix": ""
"year": 1992,
"venue": "",
"volume": "",
"issue": "",
"pages": "",
"other_ids": {},
"num": null,
"urls": [],
"raw_text": "James Mayfield and Charles Nicholas. Using semantic nets to enrich hypertext links . Technical Repor t CS-92-02, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, 1992 .",
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