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"paper_id": "2020",
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"date_generated": "2023-01-19T07:12:22.054794Z"
"title": "A Consolidated Dataset for Knowledge-based Question Generation using Predicate Mapping of Linked Data",
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"first": "Johanna",
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"institution": "HEIG-VD / HES-SO Route de Vevey",
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"settlement": "Ch\u00e2tel-Saint-Denis, Yverdon-les-Bains, Yverdon-les-Bains",
"region": "CP, CP",
"country": "Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland"
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"abstract": "In this paper, we present the ForwardQuestions data set, made of human-generated questions related to knowledge triples. This data set results from the conversion and merger of the existing SimpleDBPediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata data sets, including the mapping of predicates from DBPedia to Wikidata, and the selection of 'forward' questions as opposed to 'backward' ones. The new data set can be used to generate novel questions given an unseen Wikidata triple, by replacing the subjects of existing questions with the new one and then selecting the best candidate questions using semantic and syntactic criteria. Evaluation results indicate that the question generation method using ForwardQuestions improves the quality of questions by about 20% with respect to a baseline not using ranking criteria.",
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"text": "In this paper, we present the ForwardQuestions data set, made of human-generated questions related to knowledge triples. This data set results from the conversion and merger of the existing SimpleDBPediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata data sets, including the mapping of predicates from DBPedia to Wikidata, and the selection of 'forward' questions as opposed to 'backward' ones. The new data set can be used to generate novel questions given an unseen Wikidata triple, by replacing the subjects of existing questions with the new one and then selecting the best candidate questions using semantic and syntactic criteria. Evaluation results indicate that the question generation method using ForwardQuestions improves the quality of questions by about 20% with respect to a baseline not using ranking criteria.",
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"section": "Abstract",
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"text": "Question generation from linked data is a promising approach for producing large corpora of questions and answers. A primary use of these corpora is for training and evaluating question answering systems (Duan et al., 2017) , while other uses are for education (Pham et al., 2018) , tutoring (Su et al., 2019) , or entertainment. Automatic question generation can be based on texts or on large repositories of linked data. In the latter case, an initial set of human-generated questions is often necessary to generate new ones, but such data sets are strongly related to specific linked data formats, and are difficult to port to new repositories. In this paper, we present the ForwardQuestions corpus of human-generated questions associated to knowledge triples from the Wikidata knowledge base. We constructed this corpus by converting and merging two partially overlapping corpora of questions, SimpleDBPediaQA and SimpleQues-tionsWikidata, which were separately derived from subsets of the SimpleQuestions corpus. These three data sets are respectively based on DBpedia, Wikidata and Freebase, but the latter resource is no longer available. Specifically, we enriched SimpleQuestionsWikidata with a substantial number of questions from SimpleDBPediaQA, by converting DBpedia predicates to Wikidata ones and keeping only the 'forward' questions, given our final goal of quiz generation. 1 The overlap between these two resources is only of 32%, showing that the resulting data set has considerable novelty. As a result, we make available, under the Creative Commons Attribution license (BY), the ForwardQuestions corpus of 38k questions related to 94 different Wikidata predicates. 2 Furthermore, we show how ForwardQuestions can be used to generate new questions from previously unseen triples, by replacing the subjects of existing questions with new ones, and then ranking candidate questions on semantic and syntactic criteria. The questions can be used, for instance, in a chatbot that generates quizzes on any topic indicated by a user, thanks to a strategy for selecting relevant triples from Wikidata. The evaluation results with human subjects who rate the quality of the questions show that the best questions generated by our method reach about 80% approval, of which 10 points are due to the question ranking method. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review related work and present the SimpleQuestions, Simple-DBpediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata resources. In Section 3 we explain how the latter two data sets were converted and merged into the new ForwardQuestions data set. In Section 4, we describe our template-based question generation method and the semantic and syntactic ranking strategies, used in a chatbot presented briefly in Section 5. In Section 6, we define the evaluation protocol and quantify the improvements brought by our resource and question generation method.",
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"section": "Introduction",
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"text": "Question answering (QA) has been extensively researched in the past. Many methods use textual documents to find answers, while others consider knowledge bases, such as large sets of knowledge triples (subject, predicate, object). QA over knowledge bases requires data sets with questions and their answers, for training and evaluation. For instance, the data sets used for the QALD evaluations (Unger et al., 2016) typically include hundreds of questions, most of which can be answered based on a single triple, while others require a combination of triples. In the past, triple stores such as Freebase (with around 40 million entities) or DBpedia (an order of magnitude smaller) have been used to design QA systems (Bast and Haussmann, 2015) . The termination of the Freebase repository raised the question of resource conversion to DBpedia, or to the more recent Wikidata triple store, 3 which is a knowledge graph derived from Wikipedia infoboxes and allows data querying with SPARQL (Malyshev et al., 2018) . The main challenge remains however the generation of questions from triples, which is a costly process that has been partially automated in the past, as we briefly review hereafter.",
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"section": "Relation to Previous Work",
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"text": "Existing methods for question generation start either from textual data or from knowledge triples. Heilman and Smith (2010) defined rules for syntactic transformation of declarative sentences into questions, which were then ranked by a logistic regression model, reaching an acceptance rate of about 50% for the 20% top-ranked questions. Chali and Hasan (2015) used named entity and predicate-argument information to generate questions, but evaluated them only automatically. They used LDA to estimate topic relevance, and syntactic tree kernels for grammaticality judgments. A rule-based approach to generate questions from relative subordinate sentences extracted from Wikipedia was proposed by Khullar et al. (2018) . This method generated better questions than Heilman and Smith, but relied crucially on the availability of relative pronouns and adverbs. More recent models attempt to generate questions from sentences using deep neural networks, e.g. starting from a sentence and the intended answer word (Sun et al., 2018; Zhao et al., 2018) . Currently, their accuracy on long sentences such as those from Wikipedia is sufficient for quiz generation, especially since they were only evaluated by quantitative comparisons to the SQuAD data set (Rajpurkar et al., 2016) ). Recent improvements aim at predicting the question type from the answer and then add this prediction to the neural generator (Zhou et al., 2019) . Serban et al. (2016) proposed two methods for question generation from Freebase. The neural network approach used TransE multi-relational embeddings (Bordes et al., 2013) and leveraged conditional language generation models. They generated a corpus of 30 million questions based on Freebase triples, which were evaluated with the BLEU metric and partly with human judges. Their template-based baseline model scored only slightly below, but is applicable also when TransE embeddings are not available -hence, it is the starting point of our present proposal.",
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"section": "Automatic Question Generation",
"sec_num": "2.1."
"text": "The SimpleQuestions dataset (Bordes et al., 2015) 4 features 108,442 questions in English obtained through a crowdsourcing platform. Each question is accompanied by the knowledge triple from Freebase on which it is based, which 3 4 Part of the bAbI evaluation tasks from Facebook Research:",
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"section": "Human-generated Questions from Triples",
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"section": "Human-generated Questions from Triples",
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"text": "also provides its answer. For instance, one question is \"What does Jimmy Neutron do?\", and the triple ('Jimmy Neutron', 'fictional character occupation', 'inventor') indicates that the answer is \"inventor\". An important distinction introduced by SimpleQuestions, coming from the observation of human-generated questions, is between forward and backward questions. A forward question bears on the object of a triple, while a backward one bears on its subject, and is often formulated using passive voice. For instance, from the triple ('The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai', 'publisher', 'Xbox Game Studios'), someone generated the question \"What company published The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai?\", which is a forward one. However, from the triple ('Rampage', 'publisher', 'Midway Games'), someone wrote the question \"What game is published by Midway Games?\", which is a backward one. One reason to consider this distinction is that predicates do not appear in both active and passive forms in the triple store, so questions are allowed to bear on the subject or or object of a triple. Due to the termination of Freebase, the triples of a subset of questions from SimpleQuestions have been converted to DBpedia triples, resulting in the SimpleDBpediaQA data set (Azmy et al., 2018) . 5 Two formatted questions from this data set are presented in Table 1 . 'Query' is the original question formulated over a Freebase triple, whose former predicate URL is given under 'Freebase Predicate'. 'Subject' points to the URL of the concept on DBpedia. There are three subfields under 'predicate list': the DBpedia URL of the predicate, the direction of the question (forward or backward), and a constraint on the expected answer type for backward questions. A subset of SimpleQuestions different from the one above has been converted to Wikidata triples, resulting in the SimpleQuestionsWikidata set (Diefenbach et al., 2017) . 6 The resource is available as a text document, formatted as shown in Table 2 . Each line has four tab-separated fields, containing the Wikidata identifier of the triple's subject, predicate, and object, and the question itself. The predicates of forward questions have Wikidata identifiers prefixed with 'P', e.g. 'P413' refers to the Wikidata property at P413 with the English label \"position played on team / speciality\". Backward questions are indicated by predicates whose initial letter was changed from 'P' to 'R', as in the third example from Table 2 , where 'R509' indicates the fact that the 'P509' property (\"cause of death\", www. holds between the object and the subject and not vice-versa, and that the actual triple in Wikidata is (Q6371569, R509, Q12152), \"Karl Anton Rickenbacher died of myocardial infarction.\" Finally, a smaller set of about 700 questions collected from users over Wikidata triples is also available as the WDAquaCore0Wikidata set (Diefenbach et al., 2017 ",
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"section": "Human-generated Questions from Triples",
"sec_num": "2.2."
"text": "From the 108,442 entries in SimpleQuestions, 43,086 were included in SimpleDBpediaQA, while 49,202 were included in SimpleQuestionsWikidata. There is therefore a potential to select more of the original questions for inclusion in ForwardQuestions. Questions in SimpleDBpediaQA are not accompanied by the object of their triple, which means that their correct answer cannot be verified directly from the data set, unlike those from SimpleQuestionsWikidata, as it appears when comparing Table 1 with Table 2 . This is not a major problem, nevertheless, because: (1) in general, the correct answer may not be unique even if the question is based on a single triple (e.g. \"who are the children of Barack Obama?\"), so the underlying triple store is still needed to verify the answer;",
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"section": "Comparison of SimpleDBpediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata",
"sec_num": "2.3."
"text": "(2) for our intended use, the questions from the database are only used as templates to generate new questions from new triples (see Section 4), therefore the objects of the original triples are never needed. Qualitatively, the questions in SimpleDBpediaQA cover a smaller range of predicates than those in SimpleQuestions-Wikidata, and contain fewer questions per triple. The latter set uses Wikidata predicates, which are often more finegrained than the DBpedia ones (for instance distinguishing 'father' and 'mother' where DBpedia has only 'parent').",
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"section": "Comparison of SimpleDBpediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata",
"sec_num": "2.3."
"text": "Another qualitative observation is that SimpleDBpediaQA contains a somewhat larger proportion of triples that are not useful for question generation, as they correspond to various numeric identifiers of entities in 3rd party repositories.",
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"section": "Comparison of SimpleDBpediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata",
"sec_num": "2.3."
"text": "DBpedia or Wikidata triples represent only small subsets of the knowledge embodied in Wikipedia, which is why it may seem that generating questions directly from Wikipedia sentences could lead to more varied questions (Heilman and Smith, 2010; Chali and Hasan, 2015) . However, our pilot experiments in this direction pointed to strong limitations. For instance, we considered identifying patterns such as verb + named entity in sentences from Wikipedia, and then reversing them to build a question, e.g. from \"World War II ended in 1945\" we aimed to derive \"When did World War II end?\" However, several difficulties appeared: (1) the VB+NE pattern also applies to relative clauses (e.g. \"Billie Joe Armstrong took two years to write American Idiot\") from which questions cannot be easily generated;",
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"section": "Motivation for ForwardQuestions",
"sec_num": "3.1."
"text": "(2) the interrogative word is hard to predict;",
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"section": "Motivation for ForwardQuestions",
"sec_num": "3.1."
"text": "(3) pronouns lead to unintelligible questions; (4) answers should not be limited to named entities. Therefore, we turned to the use of knowledge triples, following the template-based baseline proposed by Serban et al. (2016) . Triples enable a straightforward generation method: transform the triple (subject, predicate, object) into a question bearing on the 'predicate' property of the 'subject', knowing that 'object' one of the correct answers. For instance, from ('Harry Potter', 'mother', 'Lily Potter') one can construct \"Who is the mother of Harry Potter?\". Note that 'subject' and 'object' do not necessarily have these grammatical functions in the sentence from which the triple was generated, as these functions depend on the form of the predicate. In the above example, the natural formulation \"Lily Potter is the mother of Harry Potter\" actually reverses these roles.",
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"text": "Serban et al. (2016)",
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"section": "Motivation for ForwardQuestions",
"sec_num": "3.1."
"text": "It appeared however that, in general, the specific wordings describing the subject, the predicate, and the expected type of answer are difficult to generate correctly. For instance, from ('Harry Potter', 'composer', 'John Williams'), the derived question \"Who is the composer of Harry Potter?\" is incorrectly formulated -a correct version is \"Which composer wrote the music for the film Harry Potter?\". This is why we use template-based generation from questions written by humans in the ForwardQuestions data set.",
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"section": "Motivation for ForwardQuestions",
"sec_num": "3.1."
"text": "SimpleDBpediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata are both subsets of SimpleQuestions. Hence, they have a certain amount of overlapping questions, but also some that are specific to each set. Therefore, merging the two subsets results in a larger one, named ForwardQuestions. Given their different formats, we decided to convert them to a new format, which preserves all the information from both data sets. This format also includes a template derived from each question, which can be used for question generation.",
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"section": "Construction of the Data Set",
"sec_num": "3.2."
"text": "The main added value of the resource is the conversion of DBpedia predicates to Wikidata ones, resulting in a resource that is enriched with respect to both of its sources, although it still cannot recover all original SimpleQuestions items based on Freebase predicates, as not all of them have mappings in Wikidata. We do not include backward questions, because they are not convenient for generating new questions. Indeed, they typically accept a much larger number of possible answers than forward ones, and may therefore appear as either too open or too easy. Indeed, asking about a property of a subject makes a good question, as subjects have a limited number of properties. However, asking which subjects have a given property is generally not a good question because the same property can potentially apply to a very large number of subjects. For instance, \"In what country is Geneva?\" is a good question, while \"What city is in Switzerland?\" is not, although both are based on ('Geneva', 'country', 'Switzerland'). Given our goal of quiz generation, we exclude backward questions, of which there are 14,632 in SimpleDBpediaQA (34%) and 12,420 in SimpleQuestions-Wikidata (25%). We now describe the mapping process for the SimpleQues-tionsWikidata entires, and discuss afterwards the differences with SimpleDBpediaQA. We process each (subject, predicate, object, question) line as follows. We first exclude predicate starting with an 'R' (backwards question). Then, we query the Wikidata API to find the English labels of the subject, predicate, and object, and exclude questions for which the subject or the predicate cannot be found. Next, we build a template from each question, for question generation. We identify the position of the subject in the question, and replace it with the string '<placeholder>'. As different referring expressions were sometimes used for subjects, we allow for some flexibility when matching subject labels. For instance, we replace dashes, apostrophes and non-ASCII characters with white spaces, to increase the number of matches. Still, due to misspellings, simplifications, confusion of subject or object, or insertion of external knowledge about the subject, no match can be identified for about 4% of the questions, which are excluded. A similar conversion was performed for SimpleDBpe-diaQA entries, but this required a mapping of DBpedia predicates to Wikidata ones, which we explain in the next subsection. The subjects were also mapped to their Wikidata equivalent, using requests to the APIs and matching the English labels of the entities (as stated above, objects are missing in this case). As a result, each item appears in ForwardQuestions as follows:",
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"section": "Construction of the Data Set",
"sec_num": "3.2."
"text": "\u2022 Question: full text and template based on it;",
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"section": "Construction of the Data Set",
"sec_num": "3.2."
"text": "\u2022 Subject: label (English words) and Wikidata code;",
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"section": "Construction of the Data Set",
"sec_num": "3.2."
"text": "\u2022 Predicate: label and Wikidata code;",
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"section": "Construction of the Data Set",
"sec_num": "3.2."
"text": "\u2022 Object: if available, label and Wikidata code.",
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"section": "Construction of the Data Set",
"sec_num": "3.2."
"text": "Predicates from DBpedia appearing in SimpleDBpediaQA questions must be mapped to Wikidata ones before inclusion in ForwardQuestions. For instance, 'playerPosition' from DBpedia must be mapped to 'position played on team / speciality' (P413) in Wikidata. For some of the 6,236 Wikidata predicates, their equivalent in DBpedia is specified, but this happens only for 177 predicates out of the 365 ones appearing in SimpleDBpediaQA, leaving 188 predicates with no known DBpedia equivalents. We mapped these 188 remaining predicates using two approaches. Firstly, we looked for partial matches of the DBpedia labels with those from an online list of 1,872 Wikidata predicates with labels. 8 For example, for DBPedia's 'populationTotal' predicate, we could easily find the equivalent Wikidata predicate 'population'. Secondly, for nonmatched labels, we performed a manual word-based search on Wikidata and selected the closest matching predicate. The final mapping of predicates is provided with the For-wardQuestions data set in the mapping.json file of the Github repository (footnote 2). Each entry includes the DBpedia name and the matching Wikidata code, e.g. ('primeMinister', 'p6'). The first 177 predicates are those with explicit DBpedia equivalents in Wikidata, while the following 188 ones are those we mapped. In fact, we mapped many more predicates than those actually appearing in the selected questions, in anticipation of future needs.",
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"section": "Converting DBpedia Predicates to Wikidata",
"sec_num": "3.3."
"text": "To sum up, we merged the forward questions from SimpleDBpediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata, discarded backwards ones, removed duplicates (32% of the SimpleDBpediaQA), converted DBpedia predicates to Wikidata ones, and generated question templates by replacing subjects with <placeholder>. The ForwardQuestions data set contains 38,480 questions, having in total 94 different predicates. The various filtering operations, especially backward question removal and subject matching, have led us to keep only about 35% of the original SimpleQuestions-Wikidata entries.",
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"section": "Results",
"sec_num": "3.4."
"text": "The most frequent predicate in ForwardQuestions is 'genre', which appears in more than 8,000 questions. Its meaning is quite general (akin to 'type' or 'category') and it can appear in triples concerning movies, books, music albums, artists, etc. 9 The next predicates by decreasing frequency are 'place of birth', 'country of citizenship', 'sex or gender', and 'position played on team / speciality'. The full list with frequencies is provided with the data set.",
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"section": "Results",
"sec_num": "3.4."
"text": "The ForwardQuestions is intended to help with the generation of new questions, from knowledge triples not included in the set. We propose a method inspired from the rulebased baseline from Serban et al. (2016) , with the following differences. Their data set used Freebase, but we use Wikidata as the underlying triple store: our observations show that these predicates are often more precise, and specify sufficiently the type of the expected answer. For this reason, we created for each item in ForwardQuestions a template with a generic placeholder for the subject, unlike Serban et al. 2016who use type-specific placeholders such as <location placeholder>, which strongly reduces the number of questions available for generation. It is still an open question whether the size of ForwardQuestions allows the training of deep learning models; for the time being, we use the following template-based generation method. We generate a sample set of questions using 20 randomly selected templates among all those having the same predicate as the given triple, by replacing the placeholder of the question with the subject of the triple. 10 We then rank the questions using semantic similarity (4.1) and a language model (4.2).",
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"section": "Question Generation from Triples",
"sec_num": "4."
"text": "The main issue to address can be illustrated with the following example. If we use a template such as \"What kind of music does <placeholder> play?\", derived from ('John Duffey', 'genre', 'bluegrass music'), but we want to generate a question based on the new triple ('Claude Monet', 'genre', 'portrait'), then we obtain the question \"What kind of music does Claude Monet play?\", with the expected correct answer being 'portrait'. The question is incorrect because the rendering of the predicate 'genre' in the initial question is too specific and incompatible with the sense of the new triple. Alternatively, the reference to the subject in the template can also be too specific, e.g. if we use the template \"What genre is the tv program <placeholder>?\" with the triple above, we obtain the incorrect question \"What genre is the tv program Claude Monet?\"",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Question Generation from Triples",
"sec_num": "4."
"text": "To avoid the issues exemplified above, we use semantic similarity between the word vectors provided by the word2vec library (Mikolov et al., 2013) . 11 We compare the 9 For instance, the triple ('John Duffey', 'genre', 'bluegrass music') has the associated question \"What kind of music does John Duffey play?\" 10 We filter out any parentheses from the subject's description, e.g. 'The Danton (1983 film)' is reduced to 'The Danton'.",
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"section": "Ranking with semantic similarity",
"sec_num": "4.1."
"text": "11 As implemented in the Gensim package (radimrehurek.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"section": "Ranking with semantic similarity",
"sec_num": "4.1."
"text": "com/gensim/models/word2vec.html) with Google's pre-trained model. As the templates are very short, and for average of the word vectors from the opening Wikipedia paragraph of the subject with the average of word vectors of the question template using cosine similarity. We also compute the similarity between the words of the template and those from the opening Wikipedia paragraph of the object, and retain the maximum of the two similarities as the semantic compatibility score of the question and the triple.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Ranking with semantic similarity",
"sec_num": "4.1."
"text": "We observed that some ungrammatical questions obtained high semantic compatibility scores. Our second goal is thus to filter them out, using the KenLM language modeling software (Heafield et al., 2013) 12 with a language model for English provided by Zamia. 13 The perplexity score of the language model for the full question provides an estimate of the well-formedness of the question, i.e. a syntactic fluency score. Therefore, for a given triple, we combine the semantic and fluency scores, giving more weight to the first one, and select the question which has the highest average score.",
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"section": "Ranking with a language model",
"sec_num": "4.2."
"text": "The method for generating questions from arbitrary triples, using ForwardQuestions, can be used to build a quiz chatbot which prompts the user to select a topic. This topic is matched to a Wikipedia page, from which we find a reasonable number of interesting triples, from which questions can be generated as explained above. The chatbot proposes the questions one by one to the user, and compares their answers to the expected ones. 14 Figure 1 : Overview of the quiz generation chatbot.",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [
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"text": "Figure 1",
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"section": "Use of Questions for a Quiz Chatbot",
"sec_num": "5."
"text": "The Wikidata entry of the topic indicated by the user may contain a large triple set, but all of them have the topic itself as the subject. This reduces the diversity of questions, as all of them will bear on some property of the subject.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Selection of Triples for a Given Topic",
"sec_num": "5.1."
"text": "For instance, if the topic is 'Queen', the British rock band (Q15862), then all questions from triples on their Wikidata page will have 'Queen' as the subject: \"When was Queen founded?\", \"What country is Queen from?\", \"What is the music genre of Queen?\", etc.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Selection of Triples for a Given Topic",
"sec_num": "5.1."
"text": "To increase diversity, we select additional triples from entities that are related to the main one, as follows. First, we select a list of Wikidata predicates that tend to connect the subject to meaningful objects, such as 'has part' (P527). Using the Wikidata entries of these objects, we select additional triples. For instance, from ('Queen', 'has part', 'Freddie Mercury') we infer that 'Freddie Mercury' is a related entity, and find the triple ('Freddie Mercury', 'religion', 'Zoroastrianism') which allows us to build the question: \"What was Freddie Mercury's religion?\" for the topic 'Queen'. We identified about 50 such predicates that allow the extension of the topic. However, some notions such as 'Rock Music' or 'Cooking' have few properties on their Wikidata pages, which is why we also use a second strategy, relying on the Wikipedia page of the subject. We use the \"See also\" or \"Related topics\" section to retrieve related subjects, but these sections are not always present and contain only a small list of subjects, of variable relevance. Therefore, we consider all hyperlinks from the page to other Wikipedia entries, and select the 20 first random subjects whose Wikidata entries contain at least 25 triples (so that each related subject has sufficient substance).",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Selection of Triples for a Given Topic",
"sec_num": "5.1."
"text": "In addition, we merge the objects of triples that have the same subject and predicate, to obtain the list of all possible correct answers. For instance, from ('Barack Obama', 'child', 'Malia Obama') and ('Barack Obama', 'child', 'Sasha Obama'), we obtain a single triple for question generation, with a list of two acceptable answers. Finally, for any topic selected by the user, we randomly select 10 subjects found with the first method, and 20 found with the second one, with the aim of obtaining about 100 knowledge triples from which questions are generated.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Selection of Triples for a Given Topic",
"sec_num": "5.1."
"text": "We implemented a chatbot demo with the following components. Actions on Google 15 is the front-end proposed by Google to create apps for its Google Home smart speaker. Dialogflow 16 , which is connected to Actions, enables the design of simple dialogue models. The backend, running on one of our servers, is coded in Python with the Flask web development framework. As we found that our question generation is too slow to run in real time (taking several minutes on a mid-range computer, especially due to querying Wikipedia pages), we generated questions offline for several subjects (\"Olympic Games\", \"Politics of the United States\", \"Rock music\", \"Super Mario Bros.\", \"Switzerland\", \"The Legend of Zelda\", and \"World War II\"). The chatbot proposes to the user three randomly selected topics, among which one must be chosen. Sample questions (Q) and their correct answers (A) for \"World War II\" are: ",
"cite_spans": [],
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"section": "Implementation of a Chatbot Prototype",
"sec_num": "5.2."
"text": "\u2022 Q:",
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Implementation of a Chatbot Prototype",
"sec_num": "5.2."
"text": "The following evaluation protocol is targeted at the quality of the questions and their correct answer(s), and not at the usability of the chatbot, which depends also on the dialogue model and the speech recognition system. 17 For each triple and question, we asked human judges to rate the following quality aspects:",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Evaluation of the Questions",
"sec_num": "6."
"text": "1. Triple",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Evaluation of the Questions",
"sec_num": "6."
"text": "\u2022 Importance of predicate and object. How interesting are the predicate and the object? For instance, for the triple (\"North America\", \"located in time zone\", {\"Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone\", . . .}), the predicate and its value do not appear to be interesting.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Evaluation of the Questions",
"sec_num": "6."
"text": "(a) Specification of the subject. For instance, in the question \"Who was responsible for the music in the film Super Mario Bros.?\", the specification of the subject is incorrect given that Super Mario Bros. is a video game, not a film.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Question",
"sec_num": "2."
"text": "(b) Specification of the object. For instance, in \"Which city in Scotland did J. R. R. Tolkien come from?\", the specification of the expect answer (the triple's object) is wrong because Tolkien is from Birmingham, which is not in Scotland.",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Question",
"sec_num": "2."
"text": "(c) Formulation of the question. Is the question understandable and well-formed in English? This includes spelling mistakes. For instance, \"Who was the published the game Harry Potter?\" is poorly formulated.",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Question",
"sec_num": "2."
"text": "(d) Correctness of the expected answer.. For instance, for \"Who was the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows based on the story by?\", the expected answer is 'Steve Kloves' (author of the screenplay), but one may estimate that 'J. K. Rowling' should be the correct answer, as she is the author of the original book.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"section": "Question",
"sec_num": "2."
"text": "3. Overall: is this a good item for a quiz?",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Question",
"sec_num": "2."
"text": "We asked four persons not familiar with the project to perform the following comparison. Given a knowledge triple, we show them the best question found by our method and the worst one (also according to our method) from a random subset of 20 questions generated for the triple. The human must rate each of the questions, without knowing their origin, on a five-point scale for each criterion. The goal is thus to measure the improvement brought by our method, with respect to a rather poor question, but still much stronger than the worst of all questions. For a set of 105 triples and 210 questions, we obtained 472 ratings. Table 3 : Average scores of the best question and of a random poor question on a five-point scale.",
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"text": "Table 3",
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"section": "Question",
"sec_num": "2."
"text": "The results are presented in Table 3 . On all but one dimension, the best question shows clear improvement with respect to the poor one. The best questions score below poor ones regarding \"formulation\", but both scores are in fact rather high. With an overall quality of 3.35 out of 5, the questions are satisfactory, but there is also potential for progress. The largest improvement brought by our method (1 point out of 5) is for the specification of the subject, which is excellent for the best questions. The specification of the object (expected answer) is also improved. This was indeed one of our main goals, given that user-generated questions often include specifiers which become incorrect when the subject is replaced with another one. The improvement of the expected answer is quite similar to the one for the specification of the object, as these two elements are closely related. Finally, the relevance of the predicate + object is quite high, showing that the triple selection method is effective.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"end": 36,
"text": "Table 3",
"ref_id": null
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Score",
"sec_num": null
"text": "In this paper, we presented the ForwardQuestion data set, which we make available under the same CC-BY licence. The data set results from the conversion and combination of the SimpleDBpediaQA and SimpleQuestionsWikidata datasets, in particular by mapping predicates from Freebase to Wikidata. The 38,480 questions of the data set are accompanied by templates where the subject is replaced by a placeholder, in preparation for question generation that can be used in a quiz chatbot. The difficulties of triple conversion and predicate mapping strongly point to the need for interoperable semantic annotation in the realm of knowledge-based question generation. In future work on quiz generation, we aim to improve the relevance of the triples selected for a topic, as well as the diversity of the questions. While the size of the data set remains modest for use with deep learning generation methods, the triples could be used in conjunction with a pre-trained language model such as GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) or CTRL (Keskar et al., 2019) , to serve as adaptation data for neural question generation conditioned on the triples.",
"cite_spans": [
"start": 1020,
"end": 1041,
"text": "(Keskar et al., 2019)",
"ref_id": "BIBREF10"
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Conclusion",
"sec_num": "7."
"text": "",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "",
"sec_num": null
"text": " 6 Data set available at wikidata-simplequestions.7",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "",
"sec_num": null
"text": "Found output/1/json. The gathering of all predicates in one list simply facilitated our search.",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "",
"sec_num": null
"text": "simplicity reasons, we did not experiment with more elaborate paragraph representation models.12 13, large model 14 In other words, there are no follow-up questions, unlike Su et al.'s (2019) system, based on an ontology with RDF triples restricted to the dialogue domain.",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "",
"sec_num": null
"text": "The complete chatbot could be evaluated with the recent set of 17 metrics made available byCs\u00e1ky et al. (2019).",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "",
"sec_num": null
"back_matter": [
"text": "We thank the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (HES-SO) for the PLACAT grant that partly supported this work (AGP n. 82681), as well as the evaluators for the time they devoted to rating the questions submitted to them.",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Acknowledgments",
"sec_num": null
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"content": "<table><tr><td>Direction</td><td>forward</td></tr><tr><td>Constraint</td><td>null</td></tr><tr><td>ID</td><td>00042</td></tr><tr><td>Query</td><td>which home is an example of italianate architecture?</td></tr><tr><td>Subject</td><td/></tr><tr><td>Predicate List</td><td/></tr><tr><td>Predicate</td><td></td></tr><tr><td>Direction</td><td>backward</td></tr><tr><td>Constraint</td><td></td></tr></table>",
"text": "). 7 ID 00035 Query what is the place of birth of sam edwards? Subject Freebase Predicate Predicate List Predicate :// Freebase Predicate"
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"text": "Examples of SimpleDBpediaQA entries: a forward and a backward question."
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"content": "<table><tr><td>\u2022 Q: Who was the developer for A6M Zero?</td></tr><tr><td>A: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries</td></tr><tr><td>\u2022 Q: What was the cause of death for Adolf Hitler?</td></tr><tr><td>A: shot to the head, suicide by shooting</td></tr></table>",
"text": "Which country was involved in the Eastern Front? 15 16 A: Nazi Germany, Soviet Union, . . . \u2022 Q: Who was one of the major figures in the Attack on Pearl Harbor? A: Husband Edward Kimmel, Mitsuo Fuchida, . . ."