Reddit Comment: There will be no debates. Debates are catcalling.
Reddit Comment: [removed]
Reddit Comment: Either way, we need to get rid of the indirect system that is in place now. The funny thing about Trump, he is going to actually motivate a lot of people against the republican party and all of its exclusionary philosophies. Politics is a pendulum and however radically you pull it in one direction, it will move that far opposite your intent when released. So he will have the biggest hand in moving the game leftward.
Reddit Comment: I think that’s what he was trying to do as well. But the line about “just because you didn’t get shot and pushed a fat kid” was irredeemable. I was laughing up until that Parkland bit
Reddit Comment: And awarded a Bone Spur Medal of Valor.
Reddit Comment: The wall isn't happening. Tax cuts did. Last minute they passed a bill that was finalized 2 years ago (prison reform) what else has gotten done? I am really asking because all he can claim is judges but I don't count that because they could just remove all of them after his presidency. What have they done legislatively? Obamacare is still intact. I really want to know
Reddit Comment: I guess I'm used to old farts and blue hairs in DC, so 52 seems like a baby. But you're right.
Reddit Comment: I'm grateful for the experience
encore! encore!
Reddit Comment: What the hell is a metaphor?- Donald J. Trump
Reddit Comment: His ancestors probably were lynching the African Americans.
Reddit Comment: Agree on everything. Although the very fact that 40% of Ontarians voted for him is more embarrassing than anything.
Reddit Comment: And the worst of 2019: RBG's replacement.
Reddit Comment: So that’s not illegal either ?
Reddit Comment: And, of course, stripped of his badge.
Reddit Comment: Plus it's literally a joke that EVVEERRRRYYONNNEEE's fucking stupid friend has made .... like 5 years ago. I can't believe he'd even go for that. It's *been done* about ten million times over a span of YEARS.
Reddit Comment: Deport him.
Reddit Comment: Mary Rose, Program Manager.
Office of Diversity, Equity &amp; Inclusion.
About: Mary is the Program Manager for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategic Plan for the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.
Reddit Comment: You know they don’t usually launch those every other day
Reddit Comment: Wasn't advocating for him, just mentioning his age.
Reddit Comment: Whoever thought that it could get worse than 2012 Donald?!
Reddit Comment: This is bullshit guy. I'm the biggest MAGA man here but your flat out wrong. I have first hand experience OBSERVING the change. It's absolutely real. I have fished my entire life and have seen the sea levels rise. I'm not saying any of these liberals are good and honest people but you cannot tell me that water levels aren't higher when I flat out can it even fish certain spots now because high tide washes it out. It's scary as hell and I really am afraid of what fishing will look like in 25 years.
Reddit Comment: Good guy, Donny, working hard.
Reddit Comment: Agreed. 6’ 2” and 279 lbs. here. He looks heavier than me.
Reddit Comment: Yeah, I am absolutely going to get down there for that chicken salad.