Reddit Comment: Why do you bother coming to this sub if you know you鈥檙e going to get upset by hard facts and reality
Reddit Comment: Then who will rent my golf carts!?
Reddit Comment: I'm fine with most of this, but a $15/hour federal minimum wage seems ridiculous to me, as someone from the Midwest.
That should be left to the States to set, region by region, based on their individual costs of living. If we really need federal legislation, it should mandate that the States must keep their minimum wages tied to the cost of living, but a blanket number across the entire country makes little sense to me as $15/hour in a place like NY or SF is still not a livable wage but in cheaper parts of the country seems like an over-correction.
Reddit Comment: The true enemies of the people
Reddit Comment: Happy New Year! Trump will be your President for of next year too!
Looks like you were meaning to say that he will "be your President for ***part*** of next year too" and accidentally a word.
It's okay though, I agree with you. He will only be president for part of next year!
Reddit Comment: Our Lady Ellen Pao?
Reddit Comment: 98% chance to win or 1/1024th, using Snowflake math.
Reddit Comment: Why are video games on the front page of the Chicago Tribune?
Reddit Comment: Could we stop posting these atrocious comments by Hollywood pedophiles, please?
Reddit Comment: Taking aspirin daily is very normal. Doctors even recommend it.
Reddit Comment: Bahahaha!
That's like going up to the maitre d' and saying "I'd like a good table, I know the valet "
Reddit Comment: Its about time we have a native American president
Reddit Comment: Did they put trump in charge of their Twitter
Reddit Comment: They disprove the stereotype of Asian intelligence, thus combating racism. Duh.
Reddit Comment: Well they can always eat their MAGA csp. I heard it's rich in fiber
Reddit Comment: They have a big sub button there that blocks the screen. You have to sub to t_d just to upvote or downvote, and you cant downvote posts.
...unless you just dont use their sub theme lol.
Reddit Comment: Nationalized healthcare does not necessarily mean single payer.
Reddit Comment: You鈥檙e an idiot. Lindsery Graham is now chairman of a committee and said he鈥檒l continue the investigations. Look shit up before you sound stupid. Fuckin shill
Reddit Comment: but the debt skyrocketed during Obamas terms.
What do you mean but? Its because of bush's actions, bush is still accountable. This isn't some whoopsie out of the blue.
ostensibly, less than should have taken place which left us in a worse position overall
Bullshit, Not only were we hemorrhaging close to a million jobs a month, but that rate was accelerating. These were the death throes of America, history is littered with the corpses of failed empire, our number was up.
That stimulus spending caused both the deficit and debt to increase under Obama
The budget is set in the fall, '08 was penned by bush, so even if you try to chalk it up to some craaazy accident that no one could have seen coming, the peak is still bush's and the trend still remains- republicans spike the deficit, democrats shrink it.
we're likely at the verge of another crash, because it's been 10 years and that's what Capitalist economies do is crash every 9 to 11 years.
By design, workers that are just thankful to have a job at all don't fight for raises.