Reddit Comment: Me too. Gardner only won in 2014 because the national environment was very Republican, Udall ran an absolutely atrocious campaign, and the state was more favourable to Rs at the time than it is now.
It's basically the Virginia of the West, where it would take a disaster (or someone who is very popular, which Gardner can't be described as at all) to see Republicans having any real shot.
Reddit Comment: Isn't u/xxxxx a paranoiac schizophrenic who thinks everyone is a secret Muslim infiltrator?
Reddit Comment: As a person who grew up in and currently lives in appalachia, Vance's book just describes some poor people, not Appalachians in particular. His thesis amounts to "those n***ers are hopeless and he's dumb enough or dishonest enough to present his upbringing as representative of an entire region.
Yes I've know people like his family and everyone hates them. Yes poor people have broken families and generational trauma and bad habits but theyre not universally lazy as he says. Appalachians provided the energy to keep the country moving forward for over 100 years and this guy thinks there's just something deficient about the descendents of the Scots Irish.
He has no credibility but what Ive found fascinating is how many Urban liberals latched on to what he was selling.
Yes, I've read the entire book.
Reddit Comment: The big question that should be on everyone's mind here is why does Playboy have a White House correspondent?
Reddit Comment: If you want to build a bridge 300 thousand is fucking awesome, if you want to build a wall it's disastrous, I don't think Americans want a wall.
Reddit Comment: Anyone have a link to the original picture? It's funny as he'll too.
Reddit Comment: bUt WhAt aBoUt tHe sTrAwS iN SeA tURtLeS NoSeS
Reddit Comment: You don't know crap
Reddit Comment: I always feel guilty when I show up to a friend's place and everyone else does everything. Sucks that there are people in your life who would be so lazy as to not even be willing to offer to help set up or clean up.
Reddit Comment: No I agree. Immigrant myself. 4th to 5th gen immigrants maybe.
Reddit Comment: They're admitting white people are the best in a really round about way
Reddit Comment: Oh bullshit. I could give two flying fucks about her DNA test. I don鈥檛 like her because she wants to tax the shit out of me and my family and because she supports sanctuary cities.
And fuck Trump, I hate that son of a bitch too.
The vast majority of Democrats are like me, MODERATES. I will never vote for an extremist from either side. If it鈥檚 Warren against Trump, I鈥檒l do the same thing I did last time, stay home.
You can鈥檛 put losers like her on the ballot and expect to win anywhere that isn鈥檛 already a liberal stronghold. She or any other extremists will guarantee another 4 years of Trump.
We need a Biden.
Reddit Comment: Democracy
Reddit Comment: Sounds GOP rep won't be a GOP rep for long, it's Trumps party now.
Reddit Comment: You're assuming he wouldn't happily allow the presidents foot to be inserted into himself.
Reddit Comment: Trump is more progressive than anyone in the Green or Democrat Party. I voted for Bernie and Jill Stein in 2016, but I love how progressive Trump has become. Trump has passed most of Bernie's policies and I'll be voting Trump as a real progressive in 2020.
Reddit Comment: you're an expert political strategist, wonderful.
Thanks, you too.
Trump may go down, or may not, but his supporters are staying, and right now the GOP has the mantle of the Populist party, the savior of the downtrodden blue collar worker, and that's bad fucking news for the Dems going forward.
Reddit Comment: peanut jesus 馃馃檹馃
Reddit Comment: They were for 8 years straight in military service?
Something to be respected even if they're not on your side