access to world supplies.
**And, here's the proposed change in question from S.720:** (emphasis mine)
(5) It is the policy of the United States—
(A) to oppose restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered
or imposed by foreign countries against other countries
friendly to the United States or against any United
States person;
(B) to encourage and, in specified cases, require
United States persons engaged in the export of goods or
technology or other information to refuse to take actions,
including furnishing information or entering into or implementing
agreements, which have the effect of furthering or
*(i) restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by any foreign country, or requests to impose restrictive trade practices or boycotts by any foreign country, against a country friendly to the United States or against any United States person; and*
*(ii) restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered or imposed by any international governmental organization against Israel or requests to impose restrictive trade practices or boycotts by any international governmental organization against Israel; and*
(C) to foster international cooperation and the development
of international rules and institutions to assure reasonable
access to world supplies.
Basically, this change extends existing prohibitions against complying with a single foreign country's boycott of Israel (e.g. Saudi Arabia) to one imposed by a international government organization.
Reddit Comment: And that's where the breakdown occurs. Why would the conservatives trust a deal that doesn't crack down on illegal entry? We've been burned repeatedly on this issue. No fix on immigration, legal or otherwise, can work without gaining operational control of our entire southern border.
Reddit Comment: It's probably not fair to say that all Republicans think that, but maybe some people might. Now I'm no biblical scholar but I can't recall anything from the Bible that says that you should vote for politicians that want to make abortion illegal. There are some very clear passages that would support Democratic positions so I'm not sure people with such literal views of religion and politics would want to argue that abortion is the single most important issue that should determine their vote. Even if you think that your religion should affect your politics (and the Bible is very clear that it should NOT) then you can't justify voting for Republicans just for that one issue.
Reddit Comment: Whatever, that's firstly simply false, but also a different discussion. How about you address my previous points, rather than ignoring it with this whatabaoutism.
Reddit Comment: Good luck and May GEOTUS be with you!
Reddit Comment: Dang, and I was going to visit Lil Rocket Man with Dennis and play some video games. Now what will I ever do?
Reddit Comment: Which is nonsense, given that people like Obama's daughters are in much greater danger of being attacked or kidnapped than the average person.
Reddit Comment: [removed]
Reddit Comment: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.fool.com/amp/investing/general/2014/03/15/dying-for-a-paycheck-these-jobs-are-more-dangerous.aspx
Do you want some academic sources as well?
Reddit Comment: What is wrong with you?
Reddit Comment: It's WaPo, the company he submitted articles to. Even they admit the truth. https://archive.fo/nj9Zt
Reddit Comment: Bernouts: look at his voting record and Trump score, Beto is a conservative
also Bernouts: Warren isn't progressive
Reddit Comment: [removed]
Reddit Comment: Hopelessly cynical.
Reddit Comment: I'm so tired of these clowns. First of all, trump didn't even spend the money already given to him. Second, there is no evidence walls even work. Third, the Republicans have controlled the Congress, both houses, and the presidency, and it's the Democrats' fault? trump wants to campaign on fulfilling his stupid promise. Period. He turned down 25 b last year. This is all about trump's re-election, which is already doomed due to his being Putin's lackey. These old farts and their faulty logic and emotional appeals need to go in 2020.
Reddit Comment: I'm going to have that printed on a t-shirt.
Reddit Comment: Jesus... I totally forgot about Q... i thought y'all were talking about star trek!
Reddit Comment: There isn’t really discussing it’s more like tell your point of view and if it’s different prepare for insults. 👌🏻