Reddit Comment: Dear Alabama, you have no border and don’t know shit about it.
Reddit Comment: Independent lefty here. I'm against single payer. I want something like what the French have. I feel like such a plan will face less resistance from insurance conglomerates, too - meaning it's more politically feasible.
I would still vote for single payer over our current system, but if the person running is also banging on about gun control (the biggest wedge issue that pushes me away from being a registered Democrat), I'd very likely just abstain or even vote Republican if a miracle happened and a "RINO" moderate won the nomination.
Reddit Comment: Is tulsi really gonna run?
She would be lower on my list than warren if she did. So would, e.g., John Wayne Gacy.
Reddit Comment: Russia paid for the wall
Reddit Comment: Yeah, I’m sure he’s not going to be able to get out of Washington tonight. Too much bad press if he did. He’ll just stick around the White House begging Pelosi to let the Dems come out and play with him...
Reddit Comment: Is it lung cancer or mets from pancreatic? I'm not sure which is worse.
Reddit Comment: No, that's omnisexual that doesn't care about the gender of the person.
Reddit Comment: Except it wasn't racist at all
Reddit Comment: No goodness, please send the English to the USA
Reddit Comment: Oh, I won't take it for granted. I'm voting this year like I have every other year since I turned 18, and I'm going to bug every other person possible into voting.
Reddit Comment: I'm not really sure what you're getting at. Was someone praising the standard of not lying?
Reddit Comment: If it weren't for you pesky reporters asking difficult questions that normal politicians can handle without having a meltdown, then maybe he'd feel obliged to go onto other news programs.
Reddit Comment: Even the claim he is a true president is a grey area
Reddit Comment: No. The polls said it was likely that she would win and she lost by a slim amount while actually getting 3 million more votes. The polls were as right as polls ever are, in that a poll is not a claim about what will happen.
Reddit Comment: If you think the American electorate is lining for socialism you’re deluding yourself. Every credible data point you can find will make that clear. If you’re using “supports capitalism” as a disqualifier, you aren’t even in the ballpark of the electorate. Even Bernie has run like crazy from his overt socialist background, preferring now to portray himself as an advocate for a more Western European model. And every one of those nations are steadfastly capitalist in nature.
Reddit Comment: theorizes and accuses still does not mean “actually happened”. duh. until they can with out a doubt prove it actually happened and what this dude says is truth it’s just a bunch of blah-blah-blah background noise once again.
and who hasn’t seen his tweets? that’s not what we are talking about :-)
Reddit Comment: I would say you would still need to include the licensing properties that he has because he has financial interests in them as well
Reddit Comment: I think you're misunderstanding the amendment. The phrasing "which have the effect of furthering or supporting" is already in the existing law (Export Administration Act of 1979):
https://legcounsel.house.gov/Comps/eaa79.pdf (see page 5)
**Edit: because legislative language is hard to follow, here's the current law, as of 1979:**
(5) It is the policy of the United States—
(A) to oppose restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered
or imposed by foreign countries against other countries
friendly to the United States or against any United
States person;
(B) to encourage and, in specified cases, require
United States persons engaged in the export of goods or
technology or other information to refuse to take actions,
including furnishing information or entering into or implementing
agreements, which have the effect of furthering or
supporting the restrictive trade practices or boycotts fostered
or imposed by any foreign country against a country
friendly to the United States or against any United States
person; and
(C) to foster international cooperation and the development
of international rules and institutions to assure reasonable