<puppydo> what speed do you burn svcd at?...is 48X ok? <_super_> 12 <_super_> never 48 <_super_> no <_super_> never go that fast fools <_super_> think of the reader <_super_> give it a break <_super_> why stress the dvd player <_super_> trying to read at 48x <_super_> stupid <_super_> just slow that shit down <_super_> just because a burner is fast is no reason to go that fast <_super_> it isnt that fast anyway only on the edges <_super_> so cd has all kinds of speed on it <_super_> fluctuates <_super_> too mnuch <ciscosyko> wait a minute..are u telling them if they write the cd fast the dvd has to read it at that speed? <_super_> yes * ciscosyko stares at super for a minute and wanders off
<toe2toe> the part i like is where IRAQ's going "we got nothing" <toe2toe> and US is going "PFFFT WE'RE GONNA TAKE YOU OUT" <toe2toe> and then <toe2toe> North Koreas going "CHECK OUT OUR NUKES, BUDDY" <toe2toe> and US is going "Hey... are you iraq? no? THEN STAY OUT OF IT"
<|SoliD|> dude, i think i'm gay <The_Loserkid> WTF ? <The_Loserkid> plz don't tell me how you found that out <|SoliD|> i downloaded some gay porn just for fun <|SoliD|> i put it on for a minute or two, just to check it out <|SoliD|> suddenly i get a boner <The_Loserkid> i hate you :'(
*** malapropy is now known as cd-german <_mrT> ls pr0n <Craig> lol
<dizzyg> Sinbad + hamster + KY jelly == happy <RubberDuck> the thing about hamsters is that the ky sticks to the hair and to get them clean afterwards is a beech <RubberDuck> or so i've been told
beachbub hi beachbub does anyone know if u can turn any image into a html code? BoB_JonEz no u cant BoB_JonEz well you could i suppose BoB_JonEz if you made a table of 1x1 cells and set each colour individually beachbub lol i have no idea wot dat means but thanx anyway beachbub thanx 4 da help bye
<Spud> Man, watching Fear Factor earlier. Two Hot Chicks + Horse Rectum Eating Contest = TurnOn++ <rzrshrp> *barf <Spud> Synthetic horse rectum, of course, but still...
<Akinaga> I skipped my wedding to play Tribes <Akinaga> comeon, it was a match for the #2 spot <apollyon> at that point you really need to rethink why you're alive <merc> or just dump the bitch =)
<rottle> i am going to write a program that clears the window clipboard about 15 seconds after you set it. because pasting large chunks of incriminating text into irc sucks.... not only are you laughed at but also kick/banned
<Greg> Statistically speaking, there are two popes per square kilometer in Vatican City...
<KBC> "Welcome to America. You can easily find someone to shoot you to put you out of your misery by screaming NIGGER anywhere if you're white" <Goonigoogoo > and if you're black? <KBC> scream out "I'M BLACK!" and some police will shoot you
<Killrbyte> !googlepop "anal sex";"oral sex" <migas> - "anal sex" is more popular than "oral sex" (2220000> 1360000 <Video`> NO WAY <Video`> FUCK THAT SHIT <Killrbyte> Video`: Exactly.
Rangsk: why does everyone spell it "grammar" Rangsk: fuck
<prence> oh fuck oh fuck man <prence> my mom got this new canon digital camera today and they are asleep so i took a picture of my cock and i can't figure out how to delete it <prence> fuck what the hell do i do?!
<joey-sleepin-workin> at work i got a email asking if the mail server was down <joey-sleepin-workin> wtf am i sposed to reply to that? :P
<AaronAFK> Anyone Active? <SenorWeir> i am <Spoon35> I think he meant sexually.
<LayMon> PH33r me <themage> AAAAHHHHHHHHH! <LayMon> woot <LayMon> i am pheered * LayMon (c6c2@ Quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) <themage> oooh, I though you said "PEER me" ... my bad
<crazythunder> does crucial seel virtual memory?
<_bryan_> its a good thing MS isn't in the condom business
<haz3l> Anyone wanna do a wakeup call for me? <haz3l> I need someone to wake me up in 6 hours <LaserGuidedBunnyRabbit> haz3l: /timer 1 21600 /beep 39482034 <haz3l> really? <LaserGuidedBunnyRabbit> really <haz3l> Would that owrk? <LaserGuidedBunnyRabbit> yep <haz3l> :D <haz3l> lets try 60 seconds <haz3l> OMG THE BEEEEEPAGE <haz3l> MAKE IT STOPPP <haz3l> LGBR HELP
(@Dreki) I just realized something. (@Dreki) A is the 1st letter of the alphabet and H is the 8th letter, right? (@Dreki) 9/11=0.8181818181=HAHAHAHA.
<+Wyrd> Trahnse... will you dye your hair down there and send me a picture? <+Ziphy> :x <+Trahnse> wyrd, I would do that for you if I had hair down there ;) <+Ziphy> My dreams just got better ^_^
<bhlaab> I want to learn sexual education via the internet! I know what to do! I'll search for "sex" in google! It will be an educational journey of science. <bhlaab> 202,000,000 entries found! I will learn a lot!!
<PSX> my ex told me she was late one time.. i kept telling her "yea, its going to be ok babe" but in my head i was saying "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCCCCCCCK FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK!@#%" <Skier> heh <robs> psx: been there done that <`Nemesis> they call "I'm pregnant, call me!" and then you fedex them a coathanger with a note that says "You know what to do.". They generally don't call back after that
<ruca> my dads work pays for my cable modem so my mom always says "ERIN! dont look at porn cause dads work will get in trouble" <ruca> im like wtf woman you cant even turn my computer on. dont school me you ho <ruca> she REALLY believes my dads boss is gonna go up to him and be like "kevin, we found out your 20 year old daughter looked at ron jeremys nads last night. explain yourself!"
<totalreality> Dail-up has its Pros <syphonic> Like..? <totalreality> like when your girlfriend finds out that you slept with another girl so she trys to call your house to find out whats going on or give you shit <R^J> couldent she just knock on the front door? <totalreality> Shit! Brb * totalreality is away: locking the doors
<Palpaleos> ... http://crazy.codetroop.com/randimg/? mullet7.jpg <dn> he looks like a girl <Him> it is a girl, dn <dn> she looks like a guy then
<Qualjyn> AOL made a keyboard for their users, it looks like this: <Qualjyn> ____ ____ ____ <Qualjyn> ||A |||S |||L || <Qualjyn> ||__|||__|||__|| <Qualjyn> |/__\|/__\|/__\|
@<Yeshua> am I the only one who thinks the black-haired girl in t.a.t.u is EXTREMELY hot? @<Echo5ive> Yeshua: I second that erection. @<Echo5ive> eh, I mean emotion.
<pHluid> It usually takes like 30 days to reroute a fucking T1 line <mef> why are you telling us? <pHluid> Just mentioning <pHluid> Didn't mean to interrupt your meaningful fucking idling. <pHluid> So sorry. <mef> Apology accepted. <l0st> we all make mistakes
<kuribo> cacti: got any porn haiku? <CactusJac> Ejaculation <CactusJac> Spray your load onto my face <MikeSweetser> It's what's for dinner.
<Geekzilla> "Ah. I see here you were a Geek Squad Special Agent" <Geekzilla> "Yes, sir. Three years in the field. I was quite good at my job" <Geekzilla> "I see. Well, thanks for coming in to interview, unfortunately we have no need for your services" <Geekzilla> "But... but I thought you said you needed an experienced, talented IT tech?!" <Geekzilla> "Exactly. Good luck in your job search"
<Krell> man, im so fuckin thick today <PinkShirt> your density increased?
<Marticus> i am perusing wil wheatons web log <toe2toe> What is "being fucking bored and running out of things to do on the internet" <toe2toe> oh sorry... i thought this was jeopardy there for a second
(+Cougem) msns telling me to make sure im on the internet (+Cougem) how do i check
<kuribo> either this CD player is possessed or it's trying to tell me to take out this Avril Lavigne CD <kuribo> i would think it was these cheap ass CDrs i bought <kuribo> but my christina aguilera retail CD does it too <MikeSweetser> Ted, every insight into your CD collection reveals more of a damaged, lonely man. :)
[ _Bender_ ] Guys [ _Bender_ ] I've a copy of Norton AntiVirus 2002... [ _Bender_ ] Can I still install that this year?
<an13810> OMFG, My brother keeps his "cum-paper" inside the compute.
<bunyip> if you can put yourself in situations where you meet new people that won't hurt <SporkAndrew> ...become a cult leader <Lethe> you'll definitely meet some desperate people there :p <SporkAndrew> just make sure you get them to drink the poisoned kool-aid first... then they're all fair game...
<nuggs> how do i find out my irc number?
<Yarneo> i never found a diff between 16 and 32 bit :| <Fidel-> thats because u're color blind
* Woussie is now known as You * You have been disconnected from the server. Please reconnect. * [Roy] has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) * Blue_Dark has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client) * Blue_Dark has joined #RSR <You> xD * [Roy]|f2p_again has joined #RSR
<S|mb0l|c> how can i view just the hot bitches profiles?
* Joins: SJr|Tecra (Sjr@west373.authent.sfu.ca) <RoChess> SJr, i like your new dns, if it had a T in it, i'd join that college
<Rabbitoh> hehe 2 years ago I went to Fox Studios in Sydney where they held the annual 'sexpo' and there was a chick demonstrating a way in which to make a caste of ones genitals using a fast drying seaweed based liquid to the groin. she was on stage standing like a bow legged cowboy, slapping the stuff on her axe mark beneath her skirt. mmm classy. she then said it'd be great for guys to carry the replica pussy in their pockets to play with.. yeahh.. ok lol <punkrockgirl> you know what else is classy? using the phrase "axe mark"
<xanex> xmms manages to skip about 90 songs in my playlist and keep playing the same 5 over and over <xanex> its a new feature, they call it 'MTV mode'
<@Wizzard> love is a word men use to get laid <@Wizzard> actually replace men with teenaged boys <@SJr> men use money
<+reality|> i love jesus but i couldn't eat a whole one
<port80> I was trying to do my washing yesterday, she draggeed me onto the bed handcuffed me (oh how I struggled) and *censored* the *censored* out of me. <Hajitorus> plungered the herpes out of you? <port80> yes... yes indeed
01/06/03] [01:52:39 AM] <Gh0sTly-deth> ... <Gh0sTly-deth> how do i kick my own nick, cause i wanna use it, mirc crashed and left Gh0sTly logged in <Lutarez`> ghost <Gh0sTly-deth> ? <Duker900> ghost <Gh0sTly-deth> yes? <Lutarez`> heh <Duker900> no command ghost
(@prence) i masturbated into a kleenex yesterday (@prence) and i threw it away and when i came home today my dog had taken it out and torn it into 38949832 pieces
<Mdar> I see ads for anti-depresents <Mdar> side effects, constipation and insomnia <Auri> somehow, I think constipation and insomnia would contribute to depression... <Mdar> yeah <Mdar> do I want to make love with a knife, or not sleep and shit...
<Corrupte> My friend's a fag he tried this dating servivce <Corrupte> and found a girl that was like 20 years old, blonde, mature and had big tits <Corrupte> Foolishly he went out wit a girl with no picture <Corrupte> But she was actually 20 and had was blodne and shit <jason> why is he fag then <Corrupte> She was born on a leap year
<Afxtwin> I am looking for some really good ascii art <ecto> I got it <ecto> but you got to suck my dick first. <sXr> show him your cok pls <ecto> _ <ecto> /\) _ <ecto> _ / / (/\ <ecto> /\) ( Y) \ \ <ecto> / / "" (Y ) <ecto> ( Y) _ "" <ecto> "" (/\ _ <ecto> \ \ /\) <ecto> (Y ) / / <ecto> "" ( Y) <ecto> ""
<mulambo`MoD> man <mulambo`MoD> this dude is fucking everywhere <mulambo`MoD> every channel i go to he's on <mulambo`MoD> but he never talks to me <mulambo`MoD> CHANSERV!!!!!!!!!! <mulambo`MoD> HELLO!!!!!!!!!
<@tkg> im gonna overclocking it <@tkg> but in winter
* phieje (~kp12@ Quit (Quit: kersik putih net 1 pc 12) <+otaku1> that signoff message really makes ya think <+Dr`Device> Yeah. <+Dr`Device> It makes me think "I'm sure glad i don't know whatever the fuck language that is".
<stream> i did dxm for the first time <stream> and i took a shit <stream> then threw up in it <stream> and shit splashed all over my face <stream> hahah
<Dromous> I think a church with a lightning rod shows a decided lack of confidence.
(Klynx) Are you sure you're running linux, Oliverglass? is there a start menu on the bottom left of your screen? ;) (Oliverglass) Klynx: yeah why? (One-) Oliverglass: what desktop environment? (Oliverglass) One-: What do you mean (Oliverglass) uh (subgeek) Gnome? (ke1th) GNOME? (Oliverglass) XP or something
<creepyfufu> what the fuck <creepyfufu> university of texas is 50% female 49% male <Ironchef> omfg <Ironchef> whats the other <[emoninja]ant> black <[emoninja]ant> >:D
<JohnWWells> Evening. * JohnWWells Quit (Quit: Leaving) <Nematocyst> it's not the EVENING <Nematocyst> 19:29:09 <Nematocyst> ... <Nematocyst> FUCK
tom: you know it's not a good sign when you go for a trip, and only realize a week later that you forgot to unpack your bag tom: and your bag includes your deodorant and toothbrush
<dubkat> i just ran a traceroute from me, to my my box at my sisters house. it travels the frackin east cost before arriving. <dubkat> rediculous. (she only lives up the street) <hohum> dubkat: I'd like to see a traceroute like that <hohum> I want to be fondly reminded of my days of using NTT/ Verio as a transit provider <hohum> them cats were like an ISP chop shop <hohum> they steal your ISP, chop it up and bolt it on to some shitty souped up japanese hosting company
gscale88: Snow Day Chain_If you send this to 10 ppl in 10 minutes then 2morrow we will have a SNOW DAY!!!!!If you only send it to 5ppl then we will have a 2hour delay but go for the SNOW DAY!! SouledOut 4 Good: Who sent this to you? God? gscale88: lol gscale88: don't ask...
<Lugie> how do i look at a downloaded file <Paw> open your eyes <Lugie> where can i find it now thats its downlosaded <Paw> hit alt + F4 to open your last downloaded program Quits [Lugie]: (Lugie@AC852723.ipt.aol.com) (Quit:)
<shoe_> when i watched the two towers the other day... it hit me ddenly <shoe_> WHERE THE HELL ARE THE BLACK PEOPLE?
<D3adlode> I just noticed something; 1337 + 666 = 2003 =O
<Calmino> my father purchased a mule <leah^-^> heh <Jagfire> this is me caring: asdfgh123 <Jagfire> this is me not caring: zxcvbn321 <Jagfire> and this is me right now: zxcvbn321
<eddy> school was ok except for the lack of beer
<Vang> Hmm, he's suddenly awfully quiet. <Paul> its tough typing with 1 hand. <Paul> quote me on that and die, pigs.
* Coyote` (HaHa@209.194.21.WyldRyde-43304) Quit (Quit: DOS Tip #17: Add DEVICE=FNGRCROS.SYS to CONFIG.SYS) <Apple> what's device=fngrcros.sys? <netnomad> Oh buoy. * Apple grins <Apple> i'll look it up <netnomad> You do that.
<Jagfire> I gotta virus <wwestnilee> speaking of virus <wwestnilee> when i dl hundreds of porn videos and stuff <wwestnilee> i rename them to like "virus1" "virus2" and stuff <Jagfire> o.O <wwestnilee> then my parents see these files and they dont want to open them <wwestnilee> thats how to prevent parents from looking at ur porn
<SideLabel> Rhodz, there is bad porn. <Rhodz> Dude, when you can masturbate overa guy getting his ass licked out coz ur too lazy to fast forward, you can masturbate to anything <Rhodz> wait, when you said "bash.org", you didn't mean you submitted my anal lick quote to bash did you? <Dramon> no i dont know how <Dramon> i was just thinking of it at the time <Rhodz> lol ok cool
<Sonium> someone speak python here? <lucky> HHHHHSSSSSHSSS <lucky> SSSSS <Sonium> the programming language
<Ace073> wtf <Ace073> i was just watching australia idol and they called it 'straya nidol' <Ace073> wtf!! <Ace073> why perpetuate the idea that we're hillbillies? <Ace073> freakin south africa doesnt come on tv and say 'BLACK PEEPLE GTFO' <Montana> Dude, thats so gay. <Ace073> i know.. why dont we just rename the stupid continent Straya >_< <Montana> No <Montana> I mean <Montana> You watch Australia Idol
<@brush> i'm not racist i donwnload black porn too
<Jim> what the fuck <Jim> where did this porn get on my computer fro--- <Jim> oooh
<Ado1> why cant i be ado <PuffinFreshWog> Ado1: did you register the name 'ADO'? or did some1 esle? <Ado1> i did on the atomic forums
onkeybutt87: I heard this commercial on the TV onkeybutt87: from a door-store onkeybutt87: and the guy refers to it as an "Entry system" Changa177: lol onkeybutt87: gotta be politically correct
<ItBurn|mw> yay tescd cerazeyhes <ItBurn|mw> crashed <Celestar|xchat> ItBurn|mw: dude how did you mistype like THAT?
<antiuser> man <antiuser> flash is like sméagol <antiuser> the first time you get a bit worried <antiuser> the second time it's all nice <antiuser> then the third time it wants to KILL MASTER
[ @Treach ] can you hump in the sims online [ @qoncept ] Treach, i think so but i dont know how. figures. [ @TribalJedi ] you need the love bed i think [ @qoncept ] thats stupid why cant you just do it out by the dumpster like in real life
souleman: doesn't everyone have a rag they use for cleaning up after they make a mess? Negative: I don't ;) Negative: I never make a mess souleman: haha souleman: you don't get off? Negative: I just open my mouth and aim ;)
<ReeferCpe> ugh, just some bangbus porn <ReeferCpe> two PALE ass people <ReeferCpe> it was like watching ghosts fuck.
<Fortis> I'm only going to be able to fuck the "right girl" <Fortis> I'm like <Fortis> a romantic about it <Fortis> but I say "fuck" <Fortis> I'm all <Fortis> "Yeah well I want to be in love before I crack the bitch's gash and pound her slush hole"
<komputes> I'm on a unix based operating system which means i get laid as many times as I have to restart my computer <marky-b> same, but i run windows
<marcc> What kind of company includes a program called "pimp ass newsreader" with a server OS <Ver> uhmm.. the company that makes "pimp ass newsreader"? <Kaeto> dude... your server has to have SOME way to get warez <marcc> But pimp ass newsreader? With a fucking OS that's supposedly made by people with jobs and stuff? <marcc> Why not include a Bitching Media Player, or Muthafuckin' Desktop <Dritzen> marcc: What distro is that?
<CheeseBro> what is another phrase for black and white? <ksennin> #000000 and #FFFFFF
<HellmasteR> another rather amusing thing is that lol in h4x0r is 101, and 101 in binary is 5 <HellmasteR> so when i say FIVE from now on i mean lol
<zX-ArcH> my friend has a virus, he runs windows XP, every 5-10 minutes his comp will shut down automaticlly, he must create new users just to even get on! if u know what kind of virus this is , or if u can help in anyway please PM ME <@CitizenErazed> it's called 'windows xp'
<MosH> The girl was a slut. <MrSelfDestruct^v26> loose as a goose eh <MosH> yeah I had to strap a 2 by 4 to my ass <MosH> so I didnt fall in that shit
<hpr-vb6> $2 bills pwn <Cracker`tv> KEEP THE 2S! <[LIQuid]> why?! <Cracker`tv> take them to strip clubs when you get older... strippers dont look too hard and they think they're twenties!!!
<allistar> deleting stuff out of my registry made it bigger! <Griz> ah, the magic of windows
<Jin> Wtf?! * Jin kicks Quaggs' ass just for looking so fucked <ramoth4> jin you don't have to kick someone to hurt them <ramoth4> just kind of saunter up <ramoth4> and lie down <ramoth4> *squish* <ramoth4> "oops sorry" *** ramoth4 was kicked off #spidermantc by Jin (*squish*)
<MS|D3m0n>: I had a really cool dream the other night and when I woke up I tried to click View Source so that I could put it on my site
CaptainMoonpie2: Working on a report CaptainMoonpie2: Tell me why welfare is bad CaptainMoonpie2: But in a really, really long explanation that is easy to copy and paste IMADV82: Because people like me end up paying for people like your mom to raise people like you.
<+me0w> the guy arrested for being involved with cutting up those bodies in london is wearing a cyberdog tshirt in that pic! <+me0w> there was a serial killer, forget which one, he used to chop up kids and cook them <+me0w> but he said he tried a kid's dick <+me0w> and it was too chewy <+me0w> so he tossed it into the toilet Tresnar (Thefreak__@dhcp160160225.columbus.rr.com) has joined. <Aniki> thats what the guy here said too. first they wanted to eat the penis raw, but it was too chewy, so they had to cook it <Tresnar> ... What the heck did I wander into?
<rob> they charged $75/h and it took "7" hours to do it <itr> where can i sign up for that 'repair' job <itr> i'll repair fuckin old ladies vaginas for $75/hour
<TREllis> avajdjddkdkkkkah <geekster> oh look, trellis is looking at the bottom of his laptop again <drochaid> someone tell him it's NOT an etch-a-sketch please <geekster> shaking it dosen't make irc go away, it will still abuse you, more so if you break your laptop being stupid