<meb> you never typo with dovakr
<_mrT> hahah mate said baout the quote: <_mrT> "how can it go -5? there arent any niggers mentioned.." <doggie^> hah
<andy> meaningful conversation always brighten one's day... <Pkekyo|> no fucking wonder it's pitch black outside
<crunchyfish> The space shuttle Columbia walks into a bar and the bartender says, "Hey, why do you look so down?" The shuttle says, "Oh, I just broke up with my crew."
<PACHUKA> I'm exempt from draft <PACHUKA> W00T <TonyD> PACHUKA: cuz you're borderline retarded? <PACHUKA> tonyd: no, because I'm unfing your mother, they don't take charity workers
<+AnimeFreak> X-Bahamut, did i have a fag count of 31? <+AnimeFreak> err <+AnimeFreak> frag <@Tenchi> I'm sure your fag count is much higher.
<bad_carpet> false alarm <bad_carpet> My uncle wouldn't care if I was IRCing <bad_carpet> I'm just embarrased. <bad_carpet> to be found doing so <bad_carpet> Imagine what they'd think if they knew a 25 year old man calling himself bad_carpet was talking to a 19 year old man calling himself, 'muffin'
<Sh0t> i have bumps among my pubes <Dirge> Sh0t: those are testacles
<novalis> How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb? <novalis> Two. One to hold the giraffe, and another to fill the bathtub with brightly colored machine tools.
<^catalyst> we're a bunch of geeks, we collectively know everything. <WhiteyFord> yeah.. some of us even know how to get laid <Redback> im sure a large majority know how WhiteyFord <Redback> its just some strugle with the prerequsites
<IanJ> so I got on the elevator here to come up to my room and these girls were in there and they were like "You know, you live on our floor but we never get to see you!" and I'm like... "Duh... uhm... yeah... uhh.... well I don't know you guys..." and then there was an awkward silence. but when we got back to my floor I pulled out my electric guitar and started wailing on it. and they accepted me. and I am now the king of earth. <ElCarpeto> Ian masters tribal ethics. <IanJ> the real ending to that little story is a lot more depressing.
<ChompyGator> every time you tell a lie, it makes the baby Jesus cry.. <Flirbnic> But Jesus isn't a baby any more <Flirbnic> He's a corpse <Oberfeldwebel> OMG HE DIED?!?!?!!? <Oberfeldwebel> My thoughts and prayors go out to the christ fammily.
<MrNonchalant> she dumped me in the worst way possible <MrNonchalant> Facebook defriend and status change <MrNonchalant> one day you're in love with a girl who loves you, you have a romantic dinner, and you have a really nice moment together <MrNonchalant> two days later you type her name in Facebook search and it doesn't autocomplete <MrNonchalant> it doesn't autocomplete!
<Huge_Spatula> I wanted to submit a mistake from "The Man in the Iron Mask" to www.moviemistakes.com that said, "Watch the scenes that feature Leanardo Dicapprio carefully. He can't act."
<grem> i even told my engrish teacher my dog ate my homework so i was forced to gut it <grem> but it was half digested so she owed me a dog
Kit-Fox> YAY! i found some food! elroy{K}> yay! kill it!
<chojin> i love reading the bottom quotes on bash.org <chojin> they're so funny <chojin> i mean, even niggers know they're funny <djay_> ! <chojin> well, they would, if they could read the quotes <chojin> dumb niggers
<+MegamanX2K> They shoulda advertised UT03 at the super bowl <@Tenchimaru_Draconis> heh <+MegamanX2K> who needs Football when you have BOMBING RUN! <+MegamanX2K> <Jerry_Rice> YOU BLEED BETTER THAN YOU PUNT! <Tenchimaru_Draconis> heh <MegamanX2K> with all the interceptions Tampa Bay made, John Madden shoulda yelled out "RrrrrrrrrrrrrRAMPAGE!"
<boster> what is a good crapy digital camera <ares> the oxymoron 500
<Thermy> CE is both a pain and a pleasure to work with, like sex with a teenager <tom> you can only make jokes about sex with teenagers if you arent fucking one i think <Thermy> who made those rules? <Hocho> jesus, lord of atlantis <Eskimo> that guy owes me five bucks
<Way> its all the same to you tho <Way> u just stick it in his ass anyways .. <Way> boy or girl <Hiro> true <Hiro> but with girls you can go front then flip over and pretend its a boy <Hiro> double the fun <Hiro> and boys squirm too much <Hiro> Imean I want a bit of a fight but not while IM concentrating
<slinky> i ordered a pizza <slinky> the pizza guy came and brought the pizza, he said: "there was no address, but i figured it was for you" <slinky> maybe i order too regularly or something <thokky> slinky heh <_mrT> slinky i ordered pizza on the weekend <thokky> sounds a bit like mrT <_mrT> and pizza service boss himself dleivered it <_mrT> and started smalltalk.. <_mrT> "you havent ordered in quite some time.." <_mrT> me: "i was on holidays" <_mrT> "oh where did you go to?" <_mrT> etc for 5mins <_mrT> i was like WTF heh <thokky> _mrT you are the one what makes their business profitable <thokky> heh <slinky> good customer relations :) <_mrT> hehe <slinky> it's probably a cover for mafia to wash money <thokky> "hey i heard mrT moved into city, theres market for pizza delivery place" <slinky> so now you're friends with the Family :) <thokky> yeah <thokky> and they start to call you Nicky Foureye <slinky> i think i definitely should not eat so much pizza <thokky> or Fat-Tony <slinky> haha <slinky> Squeaky-Vinnie <thokky> hehe yea
< Laura> I used to have a preserved human penis in a jar. < Laura> It was lost in a move. < Laura> This made me sad until someone pointed out that that means that SOMEONE moved into a house and found a human penis in a jar. < Laura> This makes me feel better.
<Ig[AtWork]> For your pleasure...bad quotes: <Ig[AtWork]> Hec-1: I got the japanese version of the bang bus <Ig[AtWork]> Last_blade: lol <Ig[AtWork]> Last_blade: I bet the japanese version of bang bus is called... "SUPER FUN RALLY BANG BUS GO GO GO!!! Make Happy strange girl!"
<deathscout> did she like its size? <Medic911> not at first. It grew on her
<D3adlode> I was a mistake you jackass <Quasar> We all got birth certificates, d3 got an apology letter from durex
Number 3 Rugger: bitch fuck 1080 onkeybutt87: is that a skateboard trick?
<wip3out|isthekeymaster>fuck, i knew it... the one time I wanted pizza and it happens to be super bowl sunday, and now PapaJohns.com is getting DOSed by fat football fans.
<Raekwon> Matrix 2: "Hey Neo, let's go for a walk" **CRAZY MATRIX MUSIC** camera angles all over the place, approx time to walk one block 25 minutes <BlurryMystr> haha, well yeah. It's the Matrix. <BlurryMystr> Nothing ever happens plainly in the Matrix. <Tituba> tying shoes <Raekwon> just like The Bible <Tituba> breathing <Teegus> "Neo! walk the dog" *Kung foo dog shitting action* <BlurryMystr> Neo: "Boy, this burger looks good." *agents leap up, try to steal the burger, Neo has to fight them off while eating fries* <Teegus> neo dodges fries leaving onion ring trails <Tituba> after he finishes killing them all he mutters "now that's done my way"
( LiNKz ) I need to grab a good copy of Win2k server ( SpiritMaster ) my friend had it but during installation it scared him so he installed win me again
<[bM]DrFunk-404-> i talked for 4 hours, to my anti-drug girlfriend <[bM]DrFunk-404-> stoned off my ass <[bM]DrFunk-404-> she didnt suspect nothing <[bM]DrFunk-404-> im like "everyone here is wasted and toasted" <[bM]DrFunk-404-> she is like You arent i hope <[bM]DrFunk-404-> im like Nope! <[bM]DrFunk-404-> oh man, i should be an actor <LoZel> no you shouldnt <[bM]DrFunk-404-> yes <LoZel> no dude you cant even make text beleivable
<AL9000> I'm gonna make my girlfriend a valentine with the goatse man on it, and it will have a caption that reads "I love you thiiisss much!"
*** Rossy is now known as Rossy|Married <Rossy|Married> ullo <StoneColdSpider> u poor bastard Rossy <Rossy|Married> thanx StoneColdSpider I still see you must be having a successful relationship with you PC <StoneColdSpider> oh i am indeed we are expecing a palm pilot anyday now
<Nanako> The only uniforms they had were too big <Nanako> So I have like a 3xl jacket <Nanako> it goes almost down to my knees. <Nanako> and the pants kept falling down my hips and I had to keep pulling them up. * Nanako CLEARLY ISN'T FAT ENOUGH <Tails> So you've got the gangsta UPS look going on <Nanako> fo sho <Nanako> all up in yo grill with mah package
<tinker> ok i can't do my man right... i try to man man and it don't work i mean i installed from rpm by tar -RPM package.bz2 can anyone help it just crashes and says stuff to me <soroh6> haha <Threed> for help on doing your man, try gaysRus.com <soroh6> he can't do his man right
<bytraper> what network does kazaa run on? <OpsuPup> the internet
<CheeseSteakJim> i like porn because it doesnt laugh at my penis
<Sil> WHY CAN'T I BE DEPRESSED ON MY OWN?! Everyone else gets depressed and pissy when i'm down......grrr...... <Elfasi> The key to being depressed on your own, is to go away and be alone and not tell anyone about it :)
<danamania> pfft. exploding batteries. once again a PC manufacturer copies something apple was doing YEARS ago
<Aegis> You know what's REALLY freaky about the game Black & White? <Aegis> When you're helping these guys in the beginning build their boat... <Aegis> They want meat to eat along the way, right? No problem. <Aegis> Well...when you give a sheep to them they're like "Oooh, a sheep. Sheep have many uses...thank you." <Aegis> Makes me wonder...
<viro|work> i remember my birth <viro|work> it sucked :( <regener8ed> i remember your conception <regener8ed> it rocked
<lude> Are they streaming the superbowl anywhere? <@WinX> yes. <@WinX> http://your-fucking-tv/
<Karate|Superbowl> i hate on football they always assume u know all the colors and which team name and team city they go with :| <Karate|Superbowl> cuz for scores tehy just show like a pic and the number <@Azhrarn> I hate on football how they always have like 10-15 minutes of crap in between all the good commercials
<piercings> A programmer started to cuss <piercings> Because getting to sleep was a fuss <piercings> As he lay there in bed <piercings> Looping 'round in his head <piercings> was: while(!asleep()) sheep++;
<amiel> i got a new reality show <amiel> a chick has unprotected sex with 10 or so guys while she's ovulating, 9 months later a camera crew goes and ruins each guys life <amiel> we could call it remember me, or sexual roulette <amiel> or find a bunch of people who are related and don't know it, hook them up, and expose their incest
<eddy> when the nurse was trying to guess how many units of alcohol I drank a week it was like playing higher or lower
(@Noodles`) i got my cdkey from a ebay photo of somebody selling q3
<|Asriel> How many Freudians does it take to change a light bulb? <|Asriel> Two, one to change the bulb and the other to hold the penis <|Asriel> I mean ladder!
<cranefist> i love it when cool bands cover madonna <zed> So that way you don't have to admit that you like Madonna?
systemtek: im just looking at my bids on ebay systemtek: brb gino220576: k gino220576: what u bidding for systemtek: a router gino220576: for drilling holes ?
<roboman20> +_&----~~= <@MansoN> &----~~ looks like a handicap dude flying backwards while jizzing lol
<Jens> JESUS WHAT THE FUCK <Jens> Spam mail from goatporn.com >_< <Liam> Jens <Liam> There are only lesbians making out <Liam> On Goatporn.com <Jens> Oh. <Jens> Whew. <Jens> ... <D> Leave it to Liam to go there and actually come back disappointed. <Jens> Why the fuck did you check that?
<NYCchica4EvA> cristal? like the champagne? <sKratch> no like the meth
[Rictor] 1f j00 (4n 1234d 7|-|15, j00 n33d 70 937 |41d [ArchDemon] *sob* so true.
<Patrician|Away> what does your robot do, sam <bovril> it collects data about the surrounding environment, then discards it and drives into walls
<Jam> brb, I think my parents are having sex <Sentynel> ...why brb? <Asperoth> he wants to go find out for sure?
<FLB> Are you in the mood for some gaming? <Ouroboros> Uh huh. <FLB> Cause I should be finished in a reasonable amount of time. <FLB> So you have more or less two options. <FLB> A) You leave me an IP address, and I join you later. <FLB> B) You simply wait for my return, at which point game specifics are worked out, and we commence. <Ouroboros> C) I find a game, don't tell you the IP, and we never hook up. <FLB> D) I hunt you down and kill you. <Ouroboros> E) Ow. <FLB> F) Somehow we manage to accomplish all of the above. <Ouroboros> G) Not likely, but ok. <FLB> H) I know, but it was an idea. <Ouroboros> I) pick B) <FLB> J) I have to scroll up, please hold. <Ouroboros> K) <FLB> L)OL <FLB> M)an this is getting old. <Ouroboros> N)o kidding.
<DesPlesda> Dammit, I got turned down for a blind date with the excuse "I think we should see other people". <Hugh> Yikes. <DesPlesda> Somehow she picked up on my geekness from just my voice. Scary. <DesPlesda> Maybe I shoudln't have started with 5 minutes of heavy breathing.
<Meyow> remember back in 1996 <Meyow> when you used to think about 2000 <Meyow> and get all these space suits <Meyow> you know why its not like that <Meyow> I blame IRC <Meyow> :P <Meyow> more chatting then thinking <Meyow> like what 80% of the world uses IRC now <Meyow> "you have joined #sony" <Meyow> "so what should our next product be" <Meyow> "how about space suitS?" <Meyow> * idiot has been kicked by boss (your fired)
*** SyKnight (SyKnight@mctn1-3751.nb.aliant.net) has joined the channel <UrbnLgnd> :) *** SyKnight has left the channel <UrbnLgnd> i guess I have an ugly face
<prawn> i bet your array of games consoles and ability to buy wrestling PPVs makes you really popular
<Zwitta|d4_P41N> I should be voiced in here <[-FcG-]SoylentGreen> you can be if you give me money *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Zwitta|d4_P41N <Zwitta|d4_P41N> Thx for voice ChanServ <Zwitta|d4_P41N> aha <Zwitta|d4_P41N> ...there we go <[-FcG-]SoylentGreen> damn chanserv ruining my retirement plans
<castironpants>Everyone's mad at me because I faked an orgasm... <castironpants>...In the middle of a teen pregnancy seminar...
<Deimos> wtf random girls are msging me in icq <Deimos> must be mating season
<@The_Loser_Hyena> Bio was easy as breathing. <+[1RB]sika> no way man <+[1RB]sika> what are the parts of a chloroplast cell? <@The_Loser_Hyena> Physics wasn't bad either. <+[1RB]sika> come on tell me <+Lee> The math part of physics killed me <+Buchwald> oy, science talk. i'll come back when you guys are dumber
<dm0n3y> ----------------fags type below this line---------------------- <Vondi> Aiee <dm0n3y> GG VONDI <dm0n3y> wait, shit
sploich 1: You know what's funny? sploich 1: From the late 1800's into even the 60's and I think 70's, women were fighting for their rights. sploich 1: Now, we have women like Fergie. sploich 1: It's like, they fight for almost 100 years to not be known as objects, then once they get that they dance in rap songs about male supremecy. SALawncare: then there's ann coulter sploich 1: He doesn't count.
<deepcut> whats with it your ftp ad saying saying ftp.fpsarchive.com: ? <deepcut> thats not even a registered domain name <GamezAFK> I'm using Serv-U <GamezAFK> I just made up a domain name <deepcut> hahaha <deepcut> and you expect that to work? <deepcut> idiot <GamezAFK> I thought the registration stuff was just for HTTP sites <GamezAFK> so what I gotta pay to register it or something? <deepcut> well duh
allow (Israel@adsl-143-203.barak.net.il) has joined # sleepwalkers <hajjs> il is what country?
<stig> LCST: do you have a crack? <LCST> sure i do <LCST> | | <LCST> |( . )| <LCST> | | | <LCST> |__|__| <stig> lol <stig> um.. i mean for SecureCRT
<Skier`> oops <Skier`> I just opened the door to let my cat in, and it wasn't my cat <Skier`> there's a strange cat curled up on my couch now
<astrOdz> shouldn't you be at chruch? <nistor> no lol <astrOdz> you choose bsd over god? <nistor> hrm hard choice <astrOdz> well there is a devil on one side :)
<downgrade> I should do something productive. <downgrade> Is masturbation productive? <downgrade> I guess it must be because it "produces" stuff
<+SAB3> Wow, cool site <RiPPeRke> the version that is running local is much better <+SAB3> Give me the url <RiPPeRke> http://localhost/alpha/news.php <+SAB3> Doesn't work <RiPPeRke> It works fine over here <+SAB3> no dude, it doesn't work ...
<b1u3> i hate those fat/ugly girls who go around wo bras like theyre playboy bunnies <b1u3> them: 'im secure with my body!' me: 'im not'
<Raspberry> i think seisures are like the unique and beautiful snowflakes of the dance world <snipe> Raspberry: you're obviusly not epileptic then <snipe> What do you call an epileptic on a bed of lettuce? <Raspberry> *shrug* <snipe> Seizure salad * Raspberry groans
<Sam> Coding in C is like sending a 3 year old to do groceries. You gotta tell them exactly what you want or you'll end up with a cupboard full of pop tarts and pancake mix.
Tool2004: she said i seem "cuddly" Espn0013: like a walrus
<Firemoth> Weird, My cat's got conjunctivitis in one of his eyes and i have to put like a jell type cream on his eye. He doesn't mind me puting it on there one bit, He just sits back and lets me squeeze it on. Doesn't flinch or anything. <Agg> dude, he's been dead for 2 weeks now.
<@Marc> However, I do have leather elbow-length gloves and knee high boots for general use. ...ten minutes of silence... * @Marc jots that down in "Ways to kill a conversation volume 3"
<Jay> the only annoying thing about Perl is there's always at least 10 ways to do the same thing =) <Ashley> and half of those make absolutely no sense when you come back to the code 30 minutes later
<worldie> I just blew my load <W13> ugh I cant believe I ate the whole thing. 8( <miner> ...... <W13> oh crap that didnt come out right <W13> I just ate a whole 12 inch pizza <Marc> Surrrre ya did.
<CamaroSS> can you "upgrade" your power supply? <CamaroSS> in your house, that is <[Fang]going|postal> um, no <CamaroSS> as in pay them to make your power supply better <frink> wtf <[Fang]going|postal> your house doesn't have a power supply <CamaroSS> then it isn't my dad's cheapness? <[Fang]going|postal> lolol <frink> your power supply in your house HAHA <CamaroSS> well, my dad wired the power in my basement
<{EDF}SS> and you can send files to people at 160kB/s? <{EDF}SS> or kb/s? <DRoawn> no they can download from me <DRoawn> that fat <DRoawn> fast <{EDF}SS> so.....there's a difference between you sending files to people and them downloading from you? <DRoawn> yesd <DRoawn> yes* <{EDF}SS> ....I.....see......
<Xar^> they're like ... 13 year olds in underwear. <Xar^> something's not quite right here. <PACHUKA> yeah, they're wearing underwear
<Neon[UK]>im considering using redhat as my desktop pc <Neon[UK]>its just so much better <Neon[UK]>windows error: OMFG THERZZ AN ERRROR!!111 WTF??!?!?! <Neon[UK]>linux error: hello there, you have an error. here's a detailed list of whats gone wrong and he's how to fix it, would you like some coffee?
<bludot> and then i said that the deadline for the oxford coding competition was valentines day, they were like, "do you geeks have weird alternative holidays for every thing?"
Laggyware has left (Quit: There are three types of software. Free as in speech (FOSS), Free as in beer (Freeware) and Free as in BitTorrent.)
<Kazeuri> That would roxor to live in a cave back in the day. I would still rather be a pirate though. <Kazeuri> I guess I have to settle for internet pirate. Yarrr, sail the seven ISPs.
<afropik> hmm <afropik> I want to make a picure that says "mad-x, shut the fuck up or I will find a big group of men to rape you" <afropik> but I'm afraid to type "rape" into the google image search
< mctaylor> you want to use outlook? <@nt_> erm, yes <@nt_> why < mctaylor> um, well bug ridden, slow, memory hog, mta client that doesn't follow RFCs... <@nt_> good point, i'll just migrate the entire company across the globe to Pine/Mutt and then code some nice GroupWare functionality into it
<Uber_DM> you know your bad when you are juggling with one hand, and typing with the other! <Vang> ... <Ming> heh <Vang> Please tell me that you are not juggling two balls...
<danhon> So, I'm eating a banana <danhon> And I can't stop thinking "You haven't had sex in 10,000 years" <Cringer> A quick google search will show that that's not true. <Cringer> Bananas just haven't had sex with any other bananas in 10,000 years.
<love`mouse> OMFG <love`mouse> I hope that's chocolate on my pillow <Dislexic> :/
<FrAuStY|wirk> why is it.. condom only cover your dong? I mean.. your balls are steadily slapping some wet dripping poontang <Thordic> Your balls dont have a dirty juice entry point <C_Mayhem> if she bites they do....
<@Hinkey> !addban *!*@*.com * ChanServ sets mode: -oo Hinkey|dual|sleep CannibalCorpse| server * ChanServ sets mode: -o Urban * ChanServ sets mode: -oo wacko Hinkey * ChanServ sets mode: -o D3adlode * ChanServ sets mode: -vv deyja Ed|shower * ChanServ sets mode: -vv mr_P`gone Puck * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@*.com * CannibalCorpse|server was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Ed|shower was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * deyja was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Hinkey|dual|sleep was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * this_is_the_clown was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * DaJoob was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Tragik was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Urban was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Puck was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Creutzfeld|away was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * TheSkaarj-corner was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * mr_P`gone was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * BOLL was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Quasar was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * jake^the^cake was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * Hinkey was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * diamond-optic|mapping was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * wacko was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) * D3adlode was kicked by ChanServ (Bye. (Hinkey)) <+Frie|mapping> MO - MO - MO - MONSTERKILL !!!!
(azzkicker) chan ops chan ops whatchta gonna do whatcha gonna do when they kickban you
<kpearsall> AOL_MAN IN FULL EFFEKT BOYEEEZ <kpearsall> DIE J00 ST00PID ASSFUX PONY NUGGET AUTOGREETS CLITJUICE ASS DOG LICKER <austin> RAINBOW LAZER BEAMZ FR0M DE EYEZ <cj_> je 5uS <hr| 5 7 <cj_> | a|\/| TE|-| <o[]l /\ 0L Du|)E I c@n leEtifY e\/ 3RY 7HINg <pexor> |-|0|`/ 5|-|17 1 r|_||3 <pexor> 819 ¢0>< p|z <toast> cj_: burritos today? <pexor> |)4|\|¢1|\|9 ¢0¢|<5 p|z * Added *!*@* to ignore list <kinzillah`> sweet, sweet, silence