import logging |
import os |
import os.path as osp |
import json |
import numpy as np |
import torch |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from torch.utils.data import Dataset, DataLoader |
from tqdm import tqdm |
from utils import seed_worker |
import pprint |
def load_data(args, |
config=None, config_kor=None, config_han=None, |
tokenizer=None, tokenizer_kor=None, tokenizer_han=None, |
split="train"): |
if args.joint: |
dataset = JointDataset(args, config_kor, config_han, tokenizer_kor, tokenizer_han, split) |
else: |
assert args.language in ['korean', 'hanja'] |
if args.language == 'korean': |
dataset = KoreanDataset(args, config, tokenizer, split) |
elif args.language == 'hanja': |
dataset = HanjaDataset(args, config, tokenizer, split) |
if split == "train": |
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, |
batch_size=args.train_batch_size, |
collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, |
worker_init_fn=seed_worker, |
num_workers=args.num_workers, |
shuffle=True, |
drop_last=True, |
pin_memory=True) |
elif split == "valid": |
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, |
batch_size=args.eval_batch_size, |
collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, |
shuffle=False, |
drop_last=False, |
pin_memory=True) |
elif split =="test": |
dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, |
batch_size=args.test_batch_size, |
collate_fn=dataset.collate_fn, |
shuffle=False, |
drop_last=False) |
else: |
raise ValueError("Data split must be either train/valid/test.") |
return dataloader |
class JointDataset(Dataset): |
def __init__(self, args, config_kor, config_han, tokenizer_kor, tokenizer_han, split="train"): |
self.args = args |
self.config_kor = config_kor |
self.config_han = config_han |
self.tokenizer_kor = tokenizer_kor |
self.tokenizer_han = tokenizer_han |
self.split = split |
self.features = [] |
if args.add_emb: |
self.save_dir = osp.join(args.data_dir, f"joint_add_{args.w_kor_emb}") |
else: |
self.save_dir = osp.join(args.data_dir, "joint_concat") |
self.save_path = osp.join(self.save_dir, f"{args.model_type}+{args.model2_type}_{split}.pt") |
os.makedirs(self.save_dir, exist_ok=True) |
map_dir = '/'.join(args.data_dir.split('/')[:-1]) |
with open(osp.join(map_dir, "ner_map.json")) as f: |
self.ner_map = json.load(f) |
with open(osp.join(map_dir, "label_map.json")) as f: |
self.label_map = json.load(f) |
self.load_and_cache_examples() |
def load_and_cache_examples(self): |
if osp.exists(self.save_path): |
logging.info(f"Loading features from {self.save_path}") |
self.features = torch.load(self.save_path) |
return |
cls_token_kor = self.tokenizer_kor.cls_token |
sep_token_kor = self.tokenizer_kor.sep_token |
cls_token_han = self.tokenizer_han.cls_token |
sep_token_han = self.tokenizer_han.sep_token |
num_special_tokens = 2 |
num_empty_entity_examples = 0 |
num_empty_label_examples = 0 |
num_filtered_labels = 0 |
logging.info(f"Creating features from {self.args.data_dir}") |
rootdir = osp.join(self.args.data_dir, f"{self.split}") |
N_data_problems = 0 |
for json_file in tqdm(os.listdir(rootdir), desc="Converting examples to features"): |
with open(osp.join(rootdir, json_file), encoding='utf-8') as f: |
ex = json.load(f) |
if len(ex["entity"]) == 0: |
num_empty_entity_examples += 1 |
continue |
if len(ex["relation"]) == 0: |
num_empty_label_examples += 1 |
continue |
entities_kor = [] |
entities_han = [] |
coref_dict_kor = {} |
coref_dict_han = {} |
ent2idx_kor = {} |
ent2idx_han = {} |
ent_idx_kor = 0 |
ent_idx_han = 0 |
prev_idx_kor = 1 |
prev_idx_han = 1 |
input_tokens_kor = [cls_token_kor] |
input_tokens_han = [cls_token_han] |
long_seq = False |
for ent in ex["entity"]: |
if (ent["kor"]["type"] == "START" or ent["kor"]["text"] == "" or ent["kor"]["text"] == " " or |
ent["han"]["type"] == "START" or ent["han"]["text"] == "" or ent["han"]["text"] == " "): |
continue |
if ent["han"]["coref_type"] != ent["kor"]["coref_type"]: |
ent["han"]["coref_type"] = ent["kor"]["coref_type"] |
prev_text_kor = ex["text"]["kor"][prev_idx_kor:ent["kor"]["start"]] |
prev_text_han = ex["text"]["han"][prev_idx_han:ent["han"]["start"]] |
prev_tokens_kor = self.tokenizer_kor.tokenize(prev_text_kor) |
prev_tokens_han = self.tokenizer_han.tokenize(prev_text_han) |
input_tokens_kor += prev_tokens_kor |
input_tokens_han += prev_tokens_han |
start_kor = len(input_tokens_kor) |
start_han = len(input_tokens_han) |
ent_text_kor = ex["text"]["kor"][ent["kor"]["start"]:ent["kor"]["end"]] |
ent_text_han = ex["text"]["han"][ent["han"]["start"]:ent["han"]["end"]] |
ent_tokens_kor = self.tokenizer_kor.tokenize(ent_text_kor) |
ent_tokens_han = self.tokenizer_han.tokenize(ent_text_han) |
if self.args.mark_entities: |
ent_tokens_kor = ["*"] + ent_tokens_kor + ["*"] |
ent_tokens_han = ["*"] + ent_tokens_han + ["*"] |
input_tokens_kor += ent_tokens_kor |
input_tokens_han += ent_tokens_han |
end_kor = len(input_tokens_kor) |
end_han = len(input_tokens_han) |
prev_idx_kor = ent["kor"]["end"] |
prev_idx_han = ent["han"]["end"] |
if (start_kor > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens or |
end_kor > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens or |
start_han > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens or |
end_han > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens): |
long_seq = True |
break |
ent_info_kor = (ent["kor"]["text"], ent["kor"]["start"], ent["kor"]["end"]) |
ent_info_han = (ent["han"]["text"], ent["han"]["start"], ent["han"]["end"]) |
full_ent_info_kor = (ent["kor"]["text"], ent["kor"]["start"], ent["kor"]["end"], start_kor, end_kor) |
full_ent_info_han = (ent["han"]["text"], ent["han"]["start"], ent["han"]["end"], start_han, end_han) |
if ent["kor"]["coref_type"]: |
if ent["kor"]["coref_type"] in coref_dict_kor: |
coref_idx = coref_dict_kor[ent["kor"]["coref_type"]] |
ent2idx_kor[ent_info_kor] = coref_idx |
entities_kor[coref_idx].append(full_ent_info_kor) |
else: |
coref_dict_kor[ent["kor"]["coref_type"]] = ent_idx_kor |
ent2idx_kor[ent_info_kor] = ent_idx_kor |
entities_kor.append([full_ent_info_kor]) |
ent_idx_kor += 1 |
else: |
ent2idx_kor[ent_info_kor] = ent_idx_kor |
entities_kor.append([full_ent_info_kor]) |
ent_idx_kor += 1 |
if ent["han"]["coref_type"]: |
if ent["han"]["coref_type"] in coref_dict_han: |
coref_idx = coref_dict_han[ent["han"]["coref_type"]] |
ent2idx_han[ent_info_han] = coref_idx |
entities_han[coref_idx].append(full_ent_info_han) |
else: |
coref_dict_han[ent["han"]["coref_type"]] = ent_idx_han |
ent2idx_han[ent_info_han] = ent_idx_han |
entities_han.append([full_ent_info_han]) |
ent_idx_han += 1 |
else: |
ent2idx_han[ent_info_han] = ent_idx_han |
entities_han.append([full_ent_info_han]) |
ent_idx_han += 1 |
if not long_seq: |
remaining_text_kor = ex["text"]["kor"][prev_idx_kor:] |
remaining_text_han = ex["text"]["han"][prev_idx_han:] |
input_tokens_kor += self.tokenizer_kor.tokenize(remaining_text_kor) |
input_tokens_han += self.tokenizer_han.tokenize(remaining_text_han) |
input_tokens_kor = input_tokens_kor[:self.args.max_seq_length - 1] |
input_tokens_han = input_tokens_han[:self.args.max_seq_length - 1] |
input_tokens_kor += [sep_token_kor] |
input_tokens_han += [sep_token_han] |
input_ids_kor = self.tokenizer_kor.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens_kor) |
input_ids_han = self.tokenizer_han.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens_han) |
input_ids_kor += [self.config_kor.pad_token_id] * (self.args.max_seq_length - len(input_ids_kor)) |
input_ids_han += [self.config_han.pad_token_id] * (self.args.max_seq_length - len(input_ids_han)) |
assert len(input_ids_kor) == len(input_ids_han) == self.args.max_seq_length |
ent_pos_kor, ent_pos_han = [], [] |
for ent in entities_kor: |
ent_pos_kor.append([]) |
for ment in ent: |
token_start, token_end = ment[3], ment[4] |
ent_pos_kor[-1].append((token_start, token_end)) |
for ent in entities_han: |
ent_pos_han.append([]) |
for ment in ent: |
token_start, token_end = ment[3], ment[4] |
ent_pos_han[-1].append((token_start, token_end)) |
for ent_k, ent_h in zip(ent_pos_kor, ent_pos_han): |
assert len(ent_k) == len(ent_h) |
labels = torch.zeros((len(entities_kor), len(entities_kor), self.config_kor.num_labels), dtype=torch.float32) |
for relation in ex["relation"]: |
s1, o1 = relation["kor"]['subject_entity'], relation["kor"]['object_entity'] |
s2, o2 = relation["han"]['subject_entity'], relation["han"]['object_entity'] |
h_idx = ent2idx_kor.get((s1["text"], s1["start"], s1["end"]), None) |
t_idx = ent2idx_kor.get((o1["text"], o1["start"], o1["end"]), None) |
h_idx2 = ent2idx_han.get((s2["text"], s2["start"], s2["end"]), None) |
t_idx2 = ent2idx_han.get((o2["text"], o2["start"], o2["end"]), None) |
if h_idx is None or t_idx is None: |
num_filtered_labels += 1 |
continue |
r_idx = self.label_map[relation["kor"]["label"]] |
labels[h_idx, t_idx, r_idx] = 1 |
for h in range(len(entities_kor)): |
for t in range(len(entities_kor)): |
if torch.all(labels[h][t] == 0): |
labels[h][t][0] = 1 |
self.features.append({ |
"input_ids_kor": input_ids_kor, |
"input_ids_han": input_ids_han, |
"ent_pos_kor": ent_pos_kor, |
"ent_pos_han": ent_pos_han, |
"labels": labels, |
"entities_kor": entities_kor, |
"entities_han": entities_han, |
"text_kor": ex["text"]["kor"], |
"text_han": ex["text"]["han"] |
}) |
logging.info(f"# of empty entity examples filtered: {num_empty_entity_examples}") |
logging.info(f"# of empty label examples filtered: {num_empty_label_examples}") |
logging.info(f"# of beyond-truncated-text labels filtered: {num_filtered_labels}") |
logging.info(f"Saving features to {self.save_path}") |
torch.save(self.features, self.save_path) |
def collate_fn(self, samples): |
input_ids_kor = [x["input_ids_kor"] for x in samples] |
input_ids_han = [x["input_ids_han"] for x in samples] |
ent_pos_kor = [x["ent_pos_kor"] for x in samples] |
ent_pos_han = [x["ent_pos_han"] for x in samples] |
labels = [x["labels"].view(-1, self.config_kor.num_labels) for x in samples] |
input_ids_kor = torch.tensor(input_ids_kor, dtype=torch.long) |
input_ids_han = torch.tensor(input_ids_han, dtype=torch.long) |
labels = torch.cat(labels, dim=0) |
if not self.args.do_analysis: |
return {"input_ids_kor": input_ids_kor, |
"input_ids_han": input_ids_han, |
"ent_pos_kor": ent_pos_kor, |
"ent_pos_han": ent_pos_han, |
"labels": labels} |
elif self.args.do_analysis: |
entities_kor = [x["entities_kor"] for x in samples] |
entities_han = [x["entities_han"] for x in samples] |
text_kor = [x["text_kor"] for x in samples] |
text_han = [x["text_han"] for x in samples] |
return {"input_ids_kor": input_ids_kor, |
"input_ids_han": input_ids_han, |
"ent_pos_kor": ent_pos_kor, |
"ent_pos_han": ent_pos_han, |
"labels": labels, |
"entities_kor": entities_kor, |
"entities_han": entities_han, |
"text_kor": text_kor, |
"text_han": text_han |
} |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.features) |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
return self.features[idx] |
class KoreanDataset(Dataset): |
def __init__(self, args, config, tokenizer, split="train"): |
self.args = args |
self.config = config |
self.tokenizer = tokenizer |
self.split = split |
self.features = [] |
self.save_dir = osp.join(args.data_dir, args.language) |
self.save_path = osp.join(self.save_dir, f"{args.model_type}_{split}.pt") |
os.makedirs(self.save_dir, exist_ok=True) |
map_dir = '/'.join(args.data_dir.split('/')[:-1]) |
with open(osp.join(map_dir, "ner_map.json")) as f: |
self.ner_map = json.load(f) |
with open(osp.join(map_dir, "label_map.json")) as f: |
self.label_map = json.load(f) |
self.load_and_cache_examples() |
def load_and_cache_examples(self): |
if osp.exists(self.save_path): |
logging.info(f"Loading features from {self.save_path}") |
self.features = torch.load(self.save_path) |
return |
cls_token = self.tokenizer.cls_token |
sep_token = self.tokenizer.sep_token |
num_special_tokens = 2 |
num_empty_entity_examples = 0 |
num_empty_label_examples = 0 |
num_filtered_labels = 0 |
logging.info(f"Creating features from {self.args.data_dir}") |
rootdir = osp.join(self.args.data_dir, f"{self.split}") |
for json_file in tqdm(os.listdir(rootdir), desc="Converting examples to features"): |
with open(osp.join(rootdir, json_file), encoding='utf-8') as f: |
ex = json.load(f) |
if len(ex["entity"]) == 0: |
num_empty_entity_examples += 1 |
continue |
if len(ex["relation"]) == 0: |
num_empty_label_examples += 1 |
continue |
entities = [] |
coref_dict = {} |
ent2idx = {} |
ent_idx = 0 |
prev_idx = 1 |
input_tokens = [cls_token] |
long_seq = False |
for ent in ex["entity"]: |
ent = ent['kor'] |
if ent["type"] == "START" or ent["text"] == "" or ent["text"] == " ": |
continue |
prev_text = ex["text"]["kor"][prev_idx:ent["start"]] |
prev_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(prev_text) |
input_tokens += prev_tokens |
start = len(input_tokens) |
ent_text = ex["text"]["kor"][ent["start"]:ent["end"]] |
ent_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(ent_text) |
if self.args.mark_entities: |
ent_tokens = ["*"] + ent_tokens + ["*"] |
input_tokens += ent_tokens |
end = len(input_tokens) |
prev_idx = ent["end"] |
if (start > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens or |
end > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens): |
long_seq = True |
break |
ent_info = (ent["text"], ent["start"], ent["end"], ent["type"]) |
full_ent_info = (ent["text"], ent["start"], ent["end"], start, end, ent["type"]) |
if ent["coref_type"]: |
if ent["coref_type"] in coref_dict: |
coref_idx = coref_dict[ent["coref_type"]] |
ent2idx[ent_info] = coref_idx |
entities[coref_idx].append(full_ent_info) |
else: |
coref_dict[ent["coref_type"]] = ent_idx |
ent2idx[ent_info] = ent_idx |
entities.append([full_ent_info]) |
ent_idx += 1 |
else: |
ent2idx[ent_info] = ent_idx |
entities.append([full_ent_info]) |
ent_idx += 1 |
if not long_seq: |
remaining_text = ex["text"]["kor"][prev_idx:] |
input_tokens += self.tokenizer.tokenize(remaining_text) |
input_tokens = input_tokens[:self.args.max_seq_length - 1] |
input_tokens += [sep_token] |
input_ids = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens) |
input_ids += [self.config.pad_token_id] * (self.args.max_seq_length - len(input_ids)) |
assert len(input_ids) == self.args.max_seq_length |
ent_pos, ent_ner = [], [] |
for ent in entities: |
ent_pos.append([]) |
for ment in ent: |
token_start, token_end = ment[3], ment[4] |
ent_pos[-1].append((token_start, token_end)) |
labels = torch.zeros((len(entities), len(entities), self.config.num_labels), dtype=torch.float32) |
for relation in ex["relation"]: |
relation = relation['kor'] |
s, o = relation['subject_entity'], relation['object_entity'] |
h_idx = ent2idx.get((s["text"], s["start"], s["end"], s["type"]), None) |
t_idx = ent2idx.get((o["text"], o["start"], o["end"], o["type"]), None) |
if h_idx is None or t_idx is None: |
num_filtered_labels += 1 |
continue |
r_idx = self.label_map[relation["label"]] |
labels[h_idx, t_idx, r_idx] = 1 |
for h in range(len(entities)): |
for t in range(len(entities)): |
if torch.all(labels[h][t] == 0): |
labels[h][t][0] = 1 |
self.features.append({ |
"input_ids": input_ids, |
"ent_pos": ent_pos, |
"labels": labels, |
}) |
logging.info(f"# of empty entity examples filtered: {num_empty_entity_examples}") |
logging.info(f"# of empty label examples filtered: {num_empty_label_examples}") |
logging.info(f"# of beyond-truncated-text labels filtered: {num_filtered_labels}") |
logging.info(f"Saving features to {self.save_path}") |
torch.save(self.features, self.save_path) |
def collate_fn(self, samples): |
input_ids = [x["input_ids"] for x in samples] |
ent_pos = [x["ent_pos"] for x in samples] |
labels = [x["labels"].view(-1, self.config.num_labels) for x in samples] |
input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long) |
labels = torch.cat(labels, dim=0) |
return {"input_ids": input_ids, |
"ent_pos": ent_pos, |
"labels": labels, |
} |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.features) |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
return self.features[idx] |
class HanjaDataset(Dataset): |
def __init__(self, args, config, tokenizer, split="train"): |
self.args = args |
self.config = config |
self.tokenizer = tokenizer |
self.split = split |
self.features = [] |
self.save_dir = osp.join(args.data_dir, args.language) |
self.save_path = osp.join(self.save_dir, f"{args.model_type}_{split}.pt") |
os.makedirs(self.save_dir, exist_ok=True) |
map_dir = '/'.join(args.data_dir.split('/')[:-1]) |
with open(osp.join(map_dir, "ner_map.json")) as f: |
self.ner_map = json.load(f) |
with open(osp.join(map_dir, "label_map.json")) as f: |
self.label_map = json.load(f) |
self.load_and_cache_examples() |
def load_and_cache_examples(self): |
if osp.exists(self.save_path): |
logging.info(f"Loading features from {self.save_path}") |
self.features = torch.load(self.save_path) |
return |
cls_token = self.tokenizer.cls_token |
sep_token = self.tokenizer.sep_token |
num_special_tokens = 2 |
num_empty_entity_examples = 0 |
num_empty_label_examples = 0 |
num_filtered_labels = 0 |
logging.info(f"Creating features from {self.args.data_dir}") |
rootdir = osp.join(self.args.data_dir, f"{self.split}") |
for json_file in tqdm(os.listdir(rootdir), desc="Converting examples to features"): |
with open(osp.join(rootdir, json_file), encoding='utf-8') as f: |
ex = json.load(f) |
if len(ex["entity"]) == 0: |
num_empty_entity_examples += 1 |
continue |
if len(ex["relation"]) == 0: |
num_empty_label_examples += 1 |
continue |
entities = [] |
coref_dict = {} |
ent2idx = {} |
ent_idx = 0 |
prev_idx = 1 |
input_tokens = [cls_token] |
long_seq = False |
for ent in ex["entity"]: |
ent = ent['han'] |
if ent["type"] == "START" or ent["text"] == "" or ent["text"] == " ": |
continue |
prev_text = ex["text"]['han'][prev_idx:ent["start"]] |
prev_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(prev_text) |
input_tokens += prev_tokens |
start = len(input_tokens) |
ent_text = ex["text"]['han'][ent["start"]:ent["end"]] |
ent_tokens = self.tokenizer.tokenize(ent_text) |
if self.args.mark_entities: |
ent_tokens = ["*"] + ent_tokens + ["*"] |
input_tokens += ent_tokens |
end = len(input_tokens) |
prev_idx = ent["end"] |
if (start > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens or |
end > self.args.max_seq_length-num_special_tokens): |
long_seq = True |
break |
ent_info = (ent["text"], ent["start"], ent["end"], ent["type"]) |
full_ent_info = (ent["text"], ent["start"], ent["end"], start, end, ent["type"]) |
if ent["coref_type"]: |
if ent["coref_type"] in coref_dict: |
coref_idx = coref_dict[ent["coref_type"]] |
ent2idx[ent_info] = coref_idx |
entities[coref_idx].append(full_ent_info) |
else: |
coref_dict[ent["coref_type"]] = ent_idx |
ent2idx[ent_info] = ent_idx |
entities.append([full_ent_info]) |
ent_idx += 1 |
else: |
ent2idx[ent_info] = ent_idx |
entities.append([full_ent_info]) |
ent_idx += 1 |
if not long_seq: |
remaining_text = ex["text"]['han'][prev_idx:] |
input_tokens += self.tokenizer.tokenize(remaining_text) |
input_tokens = input_tokens[:self.args.max_seq_length - 1] |
input_tokens += [sep_token] |
input_ids = self.tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens) |
input_ids += [self.config.pad_token_id] * (self.args.max_seq_length - len(input_ids)) |
assert len(input_ids) == self.args.max_seq_length |
ent_pos, ent_ner = [], [] |
for ent in entities: |
ent_pos.append([]) |
for ment in ent: |
token_start, token_end = ment[3], ment[4] |
ent_pos[-1].append((token_start, token_end)) |
labels = torch.zeros((len(entities), len(entities), self.config.num_labels), dtype=torch.float32) |
for relation in ex["relation"]: |
r_idx = self.label_map[relation["label"]] |
relation = relation['han'] |
s, o = relation['subject_entity'], relation['object_entity'] |
h_idx = ent2idx.get((s["text"], s["start"], s["end"], s["type"]), None) |
t_idx = ent2idx.get((o["text"], o["start"], o["end"], o["type"]), None) |
if h_idx is None or t_idx is None: |
num_filtered_labels += 1 |
continue |
labels[h_idx, t_idx, r_idx] = 1 |
for h in range(len(entities)): |
for t in range(len(entities)): |
if torch.all(labels[h][t] == 0): |
labels[h][t][0] = 1 |
self.features.append({ |
"input_ids": input_ids, |
"ent_pos": ent_pos, |
"labels": labels, |
}) |
logging.info(f"# of empty entity examples filtered: {num_empty_entity_examples}") |
logging.info(f"# of empty label examples filtered: {num_empty_label_examples}") |
logging.info(f"# of beyond-truncated-text labels filtered: {num_filtered_labels}") |
logging.info(f"Saving features to {self.save_path}") |
torch.save(self.features, self.save_path) |
def collate_fn(self, samples): |
input_ids = [x["input_ids"] for x in samples] |
ent_pos = [x["ent_pos"] for x in samples] |
labels = [x["labels"].view(-1, self.config.num_labels) for x in samples] |
input_ids = torch.tensor(input_ids, dtype=torch.long) |
labels = torch.cat(labels, dim=0) |
return {"input_ids": input_ids, |
"ent_pos": ent_pos, |
"labels": labels, |
} |
def __len__(self): |
return len(self.features) |
def __getitem__(self, idx): |
return self.features[idx] |