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6.38 kB
pretty_name: SAF - Micro Job - German
- expert-generated
- de
- other
- monolingual
- 1K<n<10K
- original
- short answer feedback
- micro job
- text2text-generation
- name: id
dtype: string
- name: question
dtype: string
- name: reference_answer
dtype: string
- name: provided_answer
dtype: string
- name: answer_feedback
dtype: string
- name: verification_feedback
dtype: string
- name: score
dtype: float64
- name: train
num_bytes: 885526
num_examples: 1226
- name: validation
num_bytes: 217946
num_examples: 308
- name: test_unseen_answers
num_bytes: 198832
num_examples: 271
- name: test_unseen_questions
num_bytes: 545524
num_examples: 602
download_size: 274603
dataset_size: 1847828
# Dataset Card for "saf_micro_job_german"
## Table of Contents
- [Dataset Description](#dataset-description)
- [Dataset Summary](#dataset-summary)
- [Supported Tasks and Leaderboards](#supported-tasks-and-leaderboards)
- [Languages](#languages)
- [Dataset Structure](#dataset-structure)
- [Data Instances](#data-instances)
- [Data Fields](#data-fields)
- [Data Splits](#data-splits)
- [Dataset Creation](#dataset-creation)
- [Annotation process](#annotation-process)
- [Additional Information](#additional-information)
- [Citation Information](#citation-information)
- [Contributions](#contributions)
## Dataset Description
- **Paper:** [Your Answer is Incorrect... Would you like to know why? Introducing a Bilingual Short Answer Feedback Dataset]( (Filighera et al., ACL 2022)
### Dataset Summary
Short Answer Feedback (SAF) is a short answer dataset introduced in [Your Answer is Incorrect... Would you like to know why? Introducing a Bilingual Short Answer Feedback Dataset]( (Filighera et al., ACL 2022) as a way to remedy the lack of content-focused feedback datasets. This version of the dataset contains 8 German short answers used in micro-job training on the crowd-worker platform appJobber - while the original dataset presented in the paper is comprised of an assortment of both English and German short answer questions (with reference answers). Please refer to the [saf_communication_networks_english]( dataset to examine the English subset of the original dataset.
### Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
- `short_answer_feedback`: The dataset can be used to train a Text2Text Generation model from HuggingFace transformers in order to generate automatic short answer feedback.
### Languages
The questions, reference answers, provided answers and the answer feedback in the dataset are written in German.
## Dataset Structure
### Data Instances
An example of an entry of the training split looks as follows.
"id": "1",
"question": "Frage 1: Ist das eine Frage?",
"reference_answer": "Ja, das ist eine Frage.",
"provided_answer": "Ich bin mir sicher, dass das eine Frage ist.",
"answer_feedback": "Korrekt!",
"verification_feedback": "Correct",
"score": 1
### Data Fields
The data fields are the same among all splits.
- `id`: a `string` feature (UUID4 in HEX format).
- `question`: a `string` feature representing a question.
- `reference_answer`: a `string` feature representing a reference answer to the question.
- `provided_answer`: a `string` feature representing an answer that was provided for a particular question.
- `answer_feedback`: a `string` feature representing the feedback given to the provided answers.
- `verification_feedback`: a `string` feature representing an automatic labeling of the score. It can be `Correct` (`score` = 1), `Incorrect` (`score` = 0) or `Partially correct` (all intermediate scores).
- `score`: a `float64` feature (between 0 and 1) representing the score given to the provided answer.
### Data Splits
The dataset is comprised of four data splits.
- `train`: used for training, contains a set of questions and the provided answers to them.
- `validation`: used for validation, contains a set of questions and the provided answers to them (derived from the original training set defined in the paper).
- `test_unseen_answers`: used for testing, contains unseen answers to the questions present in the `train` split.
- `test_unseen_questions`: used for testing, contains unseen questions that do not appear in the `train` split.
| Split |train|validation|test_unseen_answers|test_unseen_questions|
|Number of instances| 1226| 308| 271| 602|
## Dataset Creation
### Annotation Process
Two experienced appJobber employees were selected to evaluate the crowd-worker platform’s answers, and both of them underwent a general annotation guideline training (supervised by a Psychology doctoral student with prior work in the field of feedback). After the training, the annotators individually provided feedback to the answers following an agreed upon scoring rubric and the general annotation guideline. The individually annotated answer files were then combined into a cohesive gold standard after discussing and solving possible disagreements.
## Additional Information
### Citation Information
title = "Your Answer is Incorrect... Would you like to know why? Introducing a Bilingual Short Answer Feedback Dataset",
author = "Filighera, Anna and
Parihar, Siddharth and
Steuer, Tim and
Meuser, Tobias and
Ochs, Sebastian",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
month = may,
year = "2022",
address = "Dublin, Ireland",
publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
url = "",
doi = "10.18653/v1/2022.acl-long.587",
pages = "8577--8591",
### Contributions
Thanks to [@JohnnyBoy2103]( for adding this dataset.