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Argument ID	Conclusion	Stance	Premise	Achievement	Power: dominance	Power: resources
A01011	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three strike laws can cause young people to be put away for life without a chance to straight out their life	1	0	0
A03013	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism and free expression of information and exchange of ideas is a basic human right and subsidizing this would improve its quality and reach.	1	1	0
A05015	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	these are usually located in universities. students need to prepare for the real world and know how to handle conflict. once they leave school theyll have no idea how to handle the constant conflict in life.	1	0	0
A05036	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	the loss of experience and knowledge from mandatory retirement is costly to businesses	1	0	0
A05039	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans set children up to be valuable citizens and the state should support this	1	0	0
A05041	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism prevents original thoughts and discourages people from looking for their own ideas	1	0	0
A05063	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	it should be banned so that it doesnt take away our farms and will cause more global warming	1	0	0
A05076	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	there is so much more to explore and learn about space that subsidising space exploration would bring us closer to learning and understanding what is beyond our planet.	1	0	0
A05082	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading should be banned because it gives some people an unfair advantage.	1	0	1
A05083	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalising prostitution will ensure the safety of both the sex trade worker and client	1	0	1
A05087	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	We should end mandatory retirement because it removes people who are knowledgeable and skilled from jobs that they are good at.	1	0	1
A06017	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should subsidize student loans as these are our future leaders and workers and we want to ensure their success in order to secure the countries success.	1	0	0
A07023	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe places are not needed. people need to adjust to the world in which they live in and stop trying to always seek protection from the things they dont like.	1	0	0
A07054	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	if we end economic sanctions then it would lead to a more fair trade market.	1	0	1
A07058	We should ban the Church of Scientology	in favor of	the church of scientology is a predatory litigation-happy organization that serves no good purpose in the world.	1	0	0
A07074	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Non-trustworthy news sources and fake news stories abound. We must subsidize investigative journalism in order to ensure we have reliable news sources that report real facts.	1	0	0
A07079	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives people an unfair speed advantage over the rest of the field.	1	0	1
A07094	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights to break to the barriers if innovation barring people from building on and improving ideas is counter productive	1	0	0
A07098	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is valuable knowledge resource that should not be allowed to go under due to lack of resources and so should be subsidized	1	0	0
A09001	We should ban fast food	in favor of	is leading to increased obesity and many health problems.	1	0	0
A09021	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	providing subsidies would allow more money to be spent on the editing process thus making wikepedia a more reliable source of information	1	1	0
A09025	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	its the only way most people can afford college	1	0	0
A09030	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	people need to grow up and realise the world is a hard place	1	0	0
A09031	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution would make the profession less dangerous and less hazardous to ones health.	1	0	0
A09033	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is a facet of socialism communism etc. and eliminates individual worth	1	0	1
A09062	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	college is getting more and more expensive each year so students should be getting as much help as they need	1	0	1
A09093	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	You do not become unqualified for a job simply because you reach retirement age.	1	0	0
A12001	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism reduces productivity from individuals as they have no incentive to do better.	1	0	0
A12003	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	students should be able to pursue higher education without worrying about being able to afford it. subsidizing students loans would make education more accessible.	1	0	0
A12004	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions is bullying and it will not result in the country complying or changing their policies.	1	0	0
A12058	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it is necessary for the betterment of the human race. we may find cures for aging diseases or create new stronger genes.	1	0	0
A12064	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	supporting embryonic stem cell research is important because it is the future of medicine and it can help scientists to find new cures for diseases.	1	0	0
A12072	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is the next frontier.	1	0	0
A12078	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	even if an algorithm can react quicker than a person it cant predict markets accurately	1	0	1
A12082	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a wonderful source of information for students and adults alike.	1	0	0
A12092	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	it can be expensive to maintain property rights and therefore it should be abolished so that everyone has an even chance.	1	0	0
A12128	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished since it doesnt allow the sharing of ideas	1	0	0
A12132	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we need to subsidize space exploration in order to find an inhabitable planet we can live on when we finally destroy the one we live on now.	1	0	0
A12210	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces should be abolished as this it just makes our society weak.	1	0	0
A12213	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism doesnt allow people to stand up on their own for what they believe in	1	0	0
A12227	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Its bad enough having to take out a student loan in the first place but even more students from poorer backgrounds will be reluctant to go into higher education if their student loans arent subsidized.	1	0	0
A12232	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism has been an important profession.	1	0	0
A12233	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism is a valid form of thinking just as many controlled religions. We should adopt and accept it as we do with other beliefs.	1	0	0
A12288	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because most people have no idea how it works and if it is good for them or not	1	0	0
A12303	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	excessive wages damage company profitabity and is an abuse of the shareholders	1	0	1
A12304	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is not free to run even if it is free to users. subsidization would help keep it free for users.	1	0	0
A12314	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	people should be able to go to school and better themselves without having to pay back thousands of dollars when they graduate.	1	0	0
A12318	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime is the most effective way to reduce the national debt.	1	1	1
A12352	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws are unnecessary because states already have ways of punishing recidivism more harshly.	1	0	0
A12355	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	we should subsidize wikipedia because wikipedia helps people to learn about any and everything they want to learn about.	1	0	0
A12369	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidizing journalism would bring more accurate reporting because it would allow for the hiring of more qualified reporters.	1	1	0
A12389	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research  can lead to new cures for diseases.	1	0	0
A12438	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legal organ trade would help prevent wait lists	1	0	0
A12442	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	if a person wants to continue working that is their right.  they should not be forced to stop based on some arbitrary rule made up by someone.	1	0	1
A12455	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans should be subsidized as this allows those from marginalized or poorer sections of society to access good education	1	0	0
A12469	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research is an advanced medicine progress that should not be stopped	1	0	0
A12474	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	tywo party systems no longer reflect the growing diversity of political views only a multi party system can do this.	1	1	0
A12498	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration has the ability to solve the problem of limited materials on earth	1	0	0
A13007	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because we never can truly know that someone came up with something.	1	0	0
A13020	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces prevent people from challenging ideas different than their own.	1	0	0
A14017	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights are expensive to maintain and hold back the spread of new ideas	1	0	0
A14020	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms are a way of stifling the creativity and individuality of students.	1	0	0
A15017	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable source of information in all things and would be missed if it were not able to continue due to lack of support	1	0	0
A18006	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	using child actors keeps the children out of school .	1	0	0
A18017	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it will help many people as long as it is successfully done.	1	0	0
A18021	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions often do not work and cutting out countries from the world economy hurts their citizens not their leaders.	1	0	0
A18022	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished as they stifle innovation and allows the creation of monopolies and giant corporations	1	0	0
A18026	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	also called intellectual plagiarism none of this makes sense there may be people who think the same and that is not a crime	1	0	0
A18032	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives people an unfair advantage because they can trade so much more quickly and therefore it should be banned.	1	0	1
A18035	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is a communist strategy and we must reject	1	0	0
A18053	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we need the cures and treatments we can get by funding stem cell research.	1	0	0
A18067	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	the investigations with mother cells could mean the definitive advance for the human race	1	0	0
A18068	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	people should be able to work hard and reap the benefits of their labor. with collectivism you will always have some people doing most of the work and the lazy ones will benefit from it.	1	0	1
A18085	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	austerity regimes needs to be adopted to reduce budget deficits and debt crises	1	0	0
A18090	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited to make companies more profitable.	1	0	1
A18099	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	maintaining intellectual property rights for all is too expensive and maintaining these rights might restrict innovation in certain sectors.	1	0	1
A18105	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	we should adopt an austerity regime so that future generations are not left t0 pay the debts that we rack up.	1	1	0
A18110	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia would be more accurate if it was subsidized.	1	0	0
A18123	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is dangerous and not necessary	1	0	0
A18138	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies should be banned they often act as mercenaries and cant be regulated	1	0	0
A18145	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans enable poor students to continue with their education and graduate from the university	1	0	1
A18147	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws ruin young peoples lives by preventing them from being accessing education and jobs that would pull them out of a life of crime by prolonging their time in jail during their formative years.	1	0	0
A18150	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	just because someone has reached the age of retirement they are still able to provide a vaulable service with expertise and a vast knowledge of experience.	1	0	0
A18162	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniformlimits a childs ability to express themselves experiment and develop as a person	1	0	0
A18164	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance must be mandatory in school and is only way to stop negative stuff which happens so often in schools.	1	1	0
A18175	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	someone should be able to continue working if they want despite their age.	1	0	0
A18179	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is unfair and doesnt allow for the individual to make money that doesnt have the algorithim.	1	0	1
A18182	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	ending economic sanctions would make it so all countries could trade freely with anyone.	1	0	1
A18188	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children should be at school and not working. we do not allow children to work in any other way and acting should be no different.	1	0	0
A18209	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should subsidize student loans to ensure all who seek a good education can obtain one. this sets up success for life which also saves the government money when people are self sufficient	1	0	1
A18211	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are too immature to make this decision	1	0	0
A18223	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration needs our support to help us understand the universe and our place in it.	1	0	0
A18245	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is harsh.  it pushes workers who might still be viable out of the workforce for no other reason than their age often leaving them to struggle.	1	0	0
A18246	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should if its subsidised it could mean better journalism	1	1	0
A18249	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	Algorithmic trading allows computers to buy and sell assets suddenly and in massive quantities creating shifts in the market and making human trading difficult.	1	0	1
A18258	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Students are and will always be the backbone of the society. Its compulsory to support these growing students in becoming true well educated citizens to support the economy.	1	1	1
A18260	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	Factory farming should be banned as it is an unhealthy and uncaring atmosphere in which to raise animals and doesnt result in a good quality product at the end.	1	0	0
A18261	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	students that work hard to get a degree should not start out their journey into the real world in debt	1	0	1
A18267	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	lower taxes and more freedom from big government would be the result if we adopted libertarianism.	1	0	1
A18275	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because for decades we have proven with science that religious explanations are incorrect	1	0	0
A18281	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	Intellectual property rights slows down the speed with which people have access to technology goods and ideas that could transfrom their lives so should be abolished.	1	0	0
A18283	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism and the impingement of the the government results in people blaming others for their problems rather than looking for solutions themselves	1	1	0
A18284	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	for people undergoing chemotherapy cannabis can be extremely helpful in regaining appetite for food	1	0	0
A18291	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language should be adopted so that society can progress and advance. does it really matter if you are a man or woman anymore. it shouldnt.	1	0	0
A18292	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons or else the entire world will destroy itself.	1	0	0
A18314	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation too often fails to deliver and as such causes working issues therefore it should not only be limited but stopped completely.	1	1	1
A18345	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars have already caused multiple fatalities and are being used on public roads right now without being adequately tested. the makers are literally using human lives to beta test their products.	1	0	0
A18367	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading can be manipulated and used for nefarious reasons	1	0	0
A18385	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	without further research we wont know what amazing potential we have with embryonic stem cells	1	0	0
A18388	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	adopting an austerity regime is the best way to reduce the budget deficits we currently are faced with	1	1	1
A18392	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	Missionaries try to force their beliefs and values on people.	1	1	0
A18403	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	Executive compensation should be limited to ensure the top staff is not taking all of the rewards for companies that are supported by thousands of workers. All employees contribute to the success of a company.	1	0	1
A18420	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	subsidizing space exploration is a positive move to help advance our space program.	1	0	0
A18423	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	in a time of equality knowing the gender of a person isnt important salesperson is a much more inclusive term than saleswoman.	1	0	0
A18428	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would be beneficial because more people would take an interest in politics creating a more fair representation in government.	1	1	0
A18434	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans is a type of aid that is given to them in order to help lower their expenses and debts	1	0	1
A18439	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we must have more options to choose and leave this bipartisan dictatorship	1	0	0
A18451	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	out of control executive compensation raises the disparity between the haves and the have nots.	1	0	1
A18452	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	presentation of information is important and needs help to keep it viable and reliable.	1	0	0
A18459	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans should be subsidized so that more kids can go to school get a better education and contribute to the advancement of society.	1	0	1
A18470	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	we should subsidize wikipedia because everyone in the world knows it as a household name and if the government pays for libraries why cant they pay for wikipedia which contains probably more information.	1	1	0
A18474	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable resource that deserves funding	1	0	0
A18495	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should invest in the young generations and support them in their education especially when higher education is so expensive.	1	0	0
A19023	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food has almost non nutritional value. it is full of bad unhealthy ingredients and is causing the rise in health problems and obesity in the nation.	1	0	0
A19025	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	it would make all news fair and the same across the board	1	0	0
A19038	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	i agree that a zero-tolerance policy in schools is a good idea since it would mean that our children are safer when they go to school.	1	0	0
A19072	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	uniform policies detract from more effective efforts to reduce problems in education	1	0	0
A19075	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	abolishing safe spaces has to be recognized because people who has such a problems already have support from institutions and doctors.	1	0	0
A19079	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	the goal should always be to capture alive so banning targeted killing will encourage capture instead of kill.	1	1	0
A19094	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	it is important to ensure that the public is able to receive the news.	1	0	0
A19103	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Mandatory retirement forces people who are still excellent at their jobs to quit working long before they are ready.	1	0	0
A19112	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism because you can live your life freely without the worry of being judged by god	1	0	0
A19117	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions can cause hardship and create unnecessary problems.	1	0	0
A19119	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidised student loans would encourage everyone to go to university if they thought they wouldnt have any debt at the end of the studies.	1	0	0
A19123	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation is not always effective and takes away from the rest of the employees who do most of the strenuous work	1	0	0
A19145	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions dont work because countries can get around them therefore we should end their use as a negotiation tactic	1	0	0
A19168	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are a danger to everyone on the roads they can not react the way a human driver can.	1	0	0
A19181	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	kids should be in school to learn. no one should force religion on them.	1	0	0
A19188	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would help to get our country back on a solid financial footing.	1	0	1
A19200	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the multi-party system works and ensures that everybody has their say	1	1	0
A19217	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces are  a waste of time and honestly cant even really be considered all that safe.	1	0	0
A19233	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it`s been proven that cannabis has some relief who helping people suffering from terminal illness.	1	0	0
A19237	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	in the interests of raising the education level of our population we should subsidize student loans.	1	0	0
A19240	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	it is not fair for opinion to overrule when there are so many different ones.	1	0	0
A19241	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cells are superior to stem cells derived elsewhere because they can potentially grow into any type of cell -- subsidizing this research would allow for scientific research to advance faster.	1	0	0
A19262	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	School prayers should be prohibited as it indoctrinates people into a particular faith and excludes pupils of other faiths.	1	0	0
A19267	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should subsidize space exploration because it is beneficial for educational purposes	1	1	0
A19274	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because theres is scientic advance	1	0	1
A19279	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property right stop innovation and progress by not allowing general development of an idea by others who may deserve that opportunity	1	0	1
A19300	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism leads to a stagnant culture where new ideas are never formed and expressed	1	0	0
A19310	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	sanctions ultimately only hit the general population of the country affected especially the vulnerable.  this serves to stir up bad feeling towards the countries implementing the sanction.	1	0	0
A19313	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	it gives more people an opportunity to improve a product already on that market without worrying about copyright infringement.	1	1	1
A19316	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	we should legalize cannabis as it appears to do more good than harm for those that have illnesses.	1	0	0
A19322	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research may lead to life-saving treatments such as the growing of spare organs which can save many lives.	1	0	0
A19326	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	The natural resources on earth are dwindling we have to subsidize space exploration in order to find an outlet for this horrifying situation.	1	0	0
A19329	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	we should adopt atheism there is not one piece of evidence for religion being fact yet science is proven. religion is a manipulative tactic based on lies.	1	0	0
A19350	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	killing people is wrong no matter what crime they committed	1	0	0
A19351	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidizing journalism allows the news outlets to be of a higher quality and keep people more informed about the world around them	1	0	0
A19352	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is vital to the future of humanity when we destroy this planet we will need to have an alternative	1	0	0
A19353	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies are not viable solutions because they do nothing to actually solve the problem in the long-term	1	0	0
A19373	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives an unfair advantage to those who have access to such technology and results in losses for the little guy.	1	0	1
A19381	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing is useless and just unfair no violence should ever be allowed	1	0	0
A19387	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is the last great frontier for scientific discovery and should be publicly funded.	1	1	0
A19407	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism do more harm than good because isolating individuals is not appropriate and they should be important as individuals and not part of the group.	1	0	0
A19409	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights are absurd we deserve to express what we think it does not matter if another already thinks so	1	0	0
A19428	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three -strikes laws take discretion away from judges.  a person committing a minor crime could be sentenced to life if he had a criminal history from long ago.  these laws backlog our courts cram our prisons.	1	1	0
A19429	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapon has lost its deterrence after the cold war and so its not usefull anymore	1	0	0
A19437	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration advances the frontiers of mankind and could well discover new resources that will be invaluable due to the depletion of those on earth.	1	0	1
A19442	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	the wealth of knowledge in wikipdia available to the public for free is too valuable to risk ever losing so it should be subsidized to ensure it continues.	1	0	0
A19455	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	subsidising wikipedia would give it the funds needed to continue this valuable informative tool without needing to beg for funds.	1	0	0
A19458	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research can create significant life saving advancements in medicine.	1	0	0
A19477	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism fosters intellectual and human development and we must adopt it	1	0	0
A19481	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	if someone can still work they should be allowed. it will cause less strain on social security.	1	0	1
A19497	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	subsidising journalism will put more resources into good investagative journalism.	1	0	0
A19499	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the future of the human race will rely on moving to other planets in the future therefore we need to subsidize space exploration to speed up research.	1	0	0
A20014	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery especially for vanity reasons because it makes people look stupid	1	0	0
A20015	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	Autonomous cars have caused deadly accidents and they will never be safe enough for widespread public use.	1	0	0
A20021	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides an invaluable service and we need to secure its ability to exist in the near and distant future	1	0	0
A20037	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	every journalist should be able to report the news regardless of whether they have the monetary means to do so or not.	1	0	1
A20038	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	they have no need in society today with the amount of military we have	1	0	0
A20049	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans will enable many more people the opportunity to attend college	1	0	0
A20053	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation because it only helps the rich	1	0	1
A20095	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment often goes wrong and leaves people suffering but still alive.	1	0	0
A20105	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading should be banned as the software can be hacked by criminals.	1	0	1
A20110	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	seniors want to feel needed and useful so as long as they are doing a good job they shouldnt be forced to retire	1	0	0
A20121	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors because they should be in school and learning	1	0	0
A20141	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	providing help in paying student loans will lift a financial burden off of students and allow them to become more indepedent.	1	0	1
A20147	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading may be an artificial manipulation of the market.	1	0	1
A20168	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Student loans are necessary to be able to afford  the cost of college. Subsidizing the loans allows more people to  gt a degree and not have to leave to earn an income before they finish.	1	0	0
A20186	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	looking at the current state of politics around the world it is evident that democracy only exists through vigilance. compulsory voting would help to keep democracy alive when under threat.	1	1	0
A20211	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement because a person should be able to work for as long as they wish as long as they do not pose as a safety threat to those around them.	1	0	0
A20221	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms have no positive effect on academic achievement.	1	0	0
A20222	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	Able students are afraid to continue education due to the prohibitive cost of loans these students could be the answer to curing cancer etc. We need to ensure no one misses out because of cost.	1	0	1
A20225	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the future of mankind may depend on the ability to travel in space	1	0	0
A20235	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because we can learn so much from it.	1	0	0
A20261	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploratin gives us an advantage over other countries such as satellite usage to target enemy combatants and nuclear arsenals.	1	1	0
A20264	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces dont really serve a beneficial purpose. they dont solve any issues and instead attract a target on to those others may feel are weak or inferior. they cause more harm than good.	1	0	0
A20283	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing the organ trade will help to save the lives of large numbers of people that current dont have access to organs they need to stay alive	1	0	0
A20306	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an inexhaustible source of knowledge and we must take care of it	1	0	0
A20312	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an amazing resource that just about everyone uses.  if it were to disappear many people would lose out.  subsidizing it would be beneficial to all.	1	1	0
A20315	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	targeted killing should be banned as it is no more than assassination which has always been regarded as cowardly and underhand	1	0	0
A20332	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish this because it hinders smaller businesses into growing from the beginning and outright stops competition.	1	0	1
A20337	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading removes the human element of common sense from trading patterns which has caused many wild mini-crashes and market fluctuations.	1	0	1
A20344	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	we should end mandatory retirement because not all people have the same stamina as others and can work longer than others.	1	0	0
A20368	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a helpful source of information for research and educational purposes	1	0	0
A20378	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism will enable higher salaries be paid to journalists and ensure we keep good talented newspeople reporting the news.	1	0	1
A20383	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	we should limit executive compensation because it will lead to having to pay taxes at the highest tier	1	0	1
A20386	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	education is important to ensure the continued progress of humanity and to move humanity forwards; for this reason we should subsidise loans for students.	1	0	0
A20397	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	high-quality journalism requires time expertise and research. all of this requires money.	1	0	0
A20398	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	stem cell research may be the key to curing many diseases	1	0	0
A20417	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	some students can not afford school uniforms and or may not be comfortable in them which is distracting.	1	0	0
A20428	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	acting takes children away from their education and normal childhood pursuits	1	0	0
A20452	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	It is difficult to get a job without a degree these days so students need help paying to obtain one.	1	0	0
A20486	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarians adopt the best policies regardless of which party espouses them.	1	0	0
A21022	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should subsidize journalism as it is a key element to investigating wrong doings in society	1	1	0
A21031	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three-strikes laws because they have no effect in detering crime	1	0	0
A21049	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	adopting gender-neutral language would prevent children from believing they cant do certain things.  for example a girl should be able to have aspirations to be president if she so chose.	1	0	0
A21058	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should help students pay to be educated. it is costly and loans hamper their future.	1	0	0
A21092	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games cost vast sums of money to the host country that would be better spent on essential services such as healthcare and education	1	0	0
A21093	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would increase voter turnout	1	0	0
A21107	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	There cannot be justification for taking a human life. The only way to properly deliver this message is to abolish death penalty.	1	0	0
A21143	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic research has proven effective in finding cures for many diseases such as cancer.	1	0	0
A21156	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans is a help for those who do not have resources	1	0	0
A21157	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embyronic stem cell research uses cells that would otherwise just be destroyed.	1	0	0
A21180	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	the national debt is out of control and only by implementing austerity measures will we be able to reduce the budget deficit and guarantee the countrys future.	1	0	1
A21220	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	this measure allows to move pieces in the companies and refresh the work schemes and to adapt to the new times	1	0	0
A21235	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies because it relies too much on government funding	1	0	0
A21238	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	When newspapers worry more about the bottom line than the headlines the quality of the papers goes down resulting in poor pop journalism that panders to the public and the advertisers.	1	0	0
A21241	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights limit the information people can use	1	0	0
A21275	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is useful in helping people of all ages learn about various topics..	1	0	0
A21306	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	if we subsidize embryonic stem cell research we can likely find cures for many conditions and diseases.	1	0	0
A21317	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading gives too much control to machines. humans are better placed to understand the intricacies of the markets.	1	0	0
A21336	We should ban fast food	in favor of	fast food has brought so much health damage to our society that control of this type of food is necessary	1	0	0
A21350	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	it is a waste of resources.  we should develop more environmental friendly cars instead.	1	0	0
A21352	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero-tolerance policy in schools provides a structured and safe environment for children to learn.	1	0	0
A21357	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	could open up congress and create new opportunities for bargaining and coalition building on unusual lines.	1	1	0
A21358	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism increases journalist pay allowing for better journalism.	1	0	1
A21366	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism provides no incentive for people to work hard because they have no opportunity to become wealthy.	1	0	1
A21370	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia has been supported by voluntary donations for too long.  subsidizing it would give it more credibility and would allow the volunteers to continue to update it with the most accurate information.	1	0	0
A21384	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we need an educated workforce so the loan rate students take should be low and subsidised to get this workforce.	1	0	0
A21386	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end economic sanctions as they provide no real value	1	0	0
A21395	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism could be of great benefit because it would foster more scientific ideas which could prevent our demise from global warming and other looming challenges	1	0	0
A21402	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organ sales can raise many people out of poverty providing them with more opportunities.	1	0	1
A21414	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we need to find a new planet with resources before we use ours up putting more into space exploration would help accomplish this.	1	0	1
A21421	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions are outdated and does not cause any repercussions.	1	0	0
A21424	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	by subsidizing student loans we can remove one of the stressors from continuing education.	1	0	0
A21426	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	when everything else fails the government should be allowed to curb all superfluous spending within.	1	1	1
A21431	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	Atheism should be the norm for a society who wants to live according to their own rules and ideals.	1	0	0
A21439	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	this form of trading removes the human element which can have dangerous consequences.	1	0	1
A21464	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not fully mentally or emotionally developed enough yet to  be able to process the ramifications of cosmetic surgery on their life.	1	0	0
A21468	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	human cloning could lead to people replacing themselves with images themselves. this could lead to the end of human evolution which could make us more vulnerable to disease.	1	0	0
A21482	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a vast amount of knowledge to be accessible to all. subsidizing this will ensure this knowledge continues to be available.	1	0	0
A22075	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	financial trading is already a destructive and unethical sector of the economy and allowing algorithmic trading does not make it any less so.	1	0	1
A22089	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement should be ended because it could force many seasoned veterans to retire every year	1	0	0
A22093	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	it is important that student loans are granted because it helps you increase your quality of life and your economic potential	1	0	1
A22098	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	by subsidizing space exploration we can work toward colonizing other planets and reduce over population on earth.	1	0	0
A22113	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	Knowing the gender of your baby makes it easier to purchase items for the baby before its birth.	1	0	0
A22116	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because is difficult in some economics	1	0	1
A22117	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized to speed up the rate that cures for serious illness are identified speedily.	1	0	0
A22120	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research is extremely valuable in the medical field in coming up with treatments and cures.	1	0	0
A22125	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research has the potential to open up a whole new field of healthcare and medicine	1	0	0
A22127	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is too often a waste of time.  in an age where most people have ways to see who is calling the calls rarely if ever actually get through.  its time to find a new way.	1	0	0
A22150	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited because it is not fair that a ceo should not make that much more than the regular workers in a company.	1	0	0
A22153	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should abolish the three strikes law. it doesnt deter crime and it is expensive to implement because it means more people will be prison for life. taxpayers dont deserve to pay for that.	1	0	1
A22159	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	higher education should be a right; subsidized student loans provides all who want to learn with access to an education	1	0	0
A22178	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	legalizing prostitution would allow for regulations and benefits that would help sex workers via offering protection with rights granted to legal employment as well as financial prosperity.	1	0	1
A22191	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming should be banned because meat quality goes down when animals arent living in optimal conditions and therefore people are having to eat inferior meat.	1	0	0
A22227	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis is a holistic and natural cure for cancer patients and should therefore be legalized	1	0	0
A22230	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism as it would be a system that might individuals have a fair chance in life other than just two major political parties.	1	0	0
A22238	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime will help the european economy get out of a recession.	1	0	1
A22239	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights eliminate competition which causes higher prices	1	0	1
A22261	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	We should abolish safe spaces because there are better ways to protect people with ptsd like content warnings rather than safe spaces.	1	0	0
A22279	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	science is important and can be beneficial to society.	1	0	0
A22294	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	we should ban private military companies as they are difficult to legislate and it is difficult to monitor the operations and ensure they are legal and ethical.	1	1	0
A22326	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars lack moral judgement.	1	0	0
A22332	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the right to keep and bear arms is antiquated.	1	1	0
A22354	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	Legalizing prostitution will help destigmatize sex in society more broadly and allow people to feel individually empowered.	1	0	0
A22356	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	different people age differently so if a person can phyisically and mentally handle a job the more power to them	1	0	0
A22377	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	factory farming takes away jobs from people who know no other work.	1	0	1
A22383	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution is a means for low income or low skills people to earn extra money to get by.	1	0	1
A22391	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	it needs money and is used by many people.	1	0	1
A22398	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Mandatory retirement should not be allowed because many people cant live off of their pensions and need to keep working.	1	0	1
A22406	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	with collectivism there is less motivation to do more difficult jobs  as everything has a similar pay.	1	0	1
A22421	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia has no source of funding and subsidizing it will let it keep providing information	1	0	0
A22428	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	taxis are already available for people that want to be driven so autonomous cars arent necessary.	1	0	0
A22432	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe places dont allow people to develop the conflict resolution abilities they may need later in life.  it allows one to hide away instead.	1	0	0
A22439	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should subsidize space exploration because were running out of resources on earth. space is filled with infinite resources. if were not first other countries will benefit while were left behind.	1	0	0
A22440	We should ban cosmetic surgery	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is pointless and takes doctors away from other important fields such as family care	1	0	0
A22451	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans would allow those who previously could not afford to go to university the opportunity to better themselves with good qualifications.	1	0	0
A22467	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	A system that fires the competent along with the incompetent solely because of age is irrational and cruel	1	0	0
A22478	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	we should limit it laws should not be changed for special circumstances	1	0	0
A22484	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	prayer should be not done in school children are in school to learn	1	0	0
A22485	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	no autonomous car will every be able to make complex judgement calls the way a human can.	1	0	0
A22488	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides an endless amount of information right at our fingertips.	1	0	0
A22492	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	Organs are a form of property and people should be allowed to sell their property if they want to.	1	0	1
A22495	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	i believe the government should help pay for journalism because it would allow for better coverage of news events and help pay the high costs of filming.	1	0	0
A22498	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	it is an interesting concept that even though it hasnt caused much impact yet could possibly be a happy medium between the two existing parties and should be considered.	1	0	0
A23019	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	this research will lead to many developments in the treating and curing of a variety of diseases.	1	0	0
A23025	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because it discourages new ideas.	1	0	0
A23026	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games is now redundant as a sporting competition because there are so many professional competitions for sports.	1	0	0
A23029	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	we should get rid of the three-strikes law since it hasnt shown to be effective in deterring crime.	1	0	0
A23030	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	workers would be more motivated to do a good job if they were compensated more instead of giving the executives so much	1	0	1
A23031	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	many of the technological advances brought about by space exploration have eventual benefits for society in general.	1	1	0
A23038	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans lets the students work in their classes not at jobs to pay for their education	1	0	1
A23047	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual properties allow large corporations to have monopolies over their products and restrict the free market.	1	0	1
A23060	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading will destroy traditional trading occupations.	1	0	1
A23063	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions have little effect when power is concentrated to an individual like a dictator because the dictator doesnt care about the suffering of their people.	1	0	0
A23076	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because it will make communication easier between genders	1	0	0
A23078	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	cannabis legalization is a lucrative revenue source	1	0	1
A23085	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	some women need the income to provide for their children and themselves	1	0	1
A23093	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	it is the go to encyclopedia and should be of the highest quality possible	1	1	0
A23099	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights are unhelpful to companies who want to copy other peoples ideas	1	1	0
A23118	We should ban missionary work	in favor of	missionary work is a waste of time and should be completely banned.	1	0	0
A23137	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an invaluable space for knowledge and should be preserved	1	0	0
A23170	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable common resource that need  more money to work better	1	0	0
A23196	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	We should legalize the organ trade so that operations are performed safely by licensed physicians in hospitals.	1	0	0
A23203	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	the average person has no reason to need a firearm and most people arent competent enough to be trusted with something so dangerous.	1	0	0
A23237	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	as a last ditch effort the government should be allowed to cut programs and spending to stabilize the economy to prevent failing.	1	0	1
A23240	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	the new generations need the opportunity to advance in their preparation that is why if they do not have the means and the state does not provide free education then it should promote means such as loans.	1	0	1
A23255	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions are not effective.	1	0	0
A23268	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would increase political activism	1	1	0
A23273	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Older workers have more experience and expertise than young workers.	1	0	0
A23278	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could help us find new solutions to health problems	1	0	0
A23283	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	older employees have a wealth of knowledge and experience and forcing them to retire could put a companys productivity at risk.	1	1	0
A23288	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research is important in helping to cure diseases and defects.	1	0	0
A23308	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	Space exploration should be subsidized because the information learned from it could provide useful to our planet.	1	0	0
A23315	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	the military is the last thing that should be profit driven reliance on such companies can invoke catastrophe.	1	0	0
A23320	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	the capital punishment is a setback of the current civilization	1	0	0
A23331	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	we should subsidize students loans so that more kids can get a better education they are the future after all and we will need doctors engineers scientists etc.	1	0	1
A23345	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is needed to further our nations scientific knowledge. it should be supported by government. there is no profit in it but is vital to our nation and should be undertaken with public dollars.	1	0	0
A23350	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights because it create more laws from the copyrights and keeping it protected	1	0	0
A23366	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should have free and open discourse of all ideas.  intellectual property prevents this and stunts our collective growth.	1	0	1
A23369	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	school is for learning and teaching and anything else apart from that is just wrong.	1	0	0
A23374	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is needed to see how space can affect us here	1	0	0
A23376	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	cosmetic surgery is something that is life long.  which is why minors whos brains are not fully matured yet dont have the ability to truly make such a decision for themselves.	1	0	0
A23381	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for the airing of more viewpoints and would require politicians to build coalitions and compromise in order to get things accomplished.	1	1	0
A23395	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loan debt is an enormous pressure on working people and should be subsidized.	1	0	1
A23401	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Journalism is a vital source of real information and news to make sure people are properly informed about the world so subsidizing it would help ensure that it continues without bias.	1	0	0
A23421	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	this is a profession that has been going on for thousands of years so we should finally recognize it as a real job for women	1	0	1
A23426	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights stifle growth and information by stopping the free-flowing of ideas.	1	0	0
A23429	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Newspapers and magazines are currently struggling and need subsidization to stay solvent.	1	1	0
A23431	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides information that is free and easy to get on any subject	1	0	0
A23443	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement forces people to end careers before they are ready	1	0	0
A23456	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	Austerity regime is important for maintaining only important spending from government when their is lack of economic growth in the country. It helps in cutting useless spending and revitalize the economy	1	0	1
A23461	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private companies have less strict guidelines and less oversight which makes them careless	1	0	0
A23462	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	it can help cure diseases & the research looks promising	1	0	0
A23471	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	some women have no other way to support themselves and their children	1	0	1
A23481	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is the only free source of information with references thats guaranteed to be accurate. its needed especially for those who cant afford anything else.	1	0	0
A23493	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors as they should be concentrating on getting an education first	1	0	0
A23494	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration may be of tremendous benefit to mankind but isnt practical for private enterprise to fund because of the enormous costs involved	1	0	1
A24016	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	legalized cannabis can be more closely regulated and taxed. it makes it safer than illegal weed and helps provide tax dollars.	1	1	1
A24033	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism needs diversitiy desperately because only six corporations control ninety percent of all media.	1	0	0
A24049	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades	1	0	1
A24079	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration should be subsidized as it will benefit us in the future with technology advancements.	1	0	0
A24085	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	adopting a zero tolerance in schools will help reduce the amount of bullying that happens.	1	0	0
A24105	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we should abolish intellectual property rights as the law is very complex and it is very easy to infringe copyright.	1	0	0
A24107	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism does not allow one person to stand out from the others which can be negative	1	1	0
A24115	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	we need to do away with intellectual property rights so it doesnt slow down innovation	1	1	0
A24117	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should subsidize journalism because we need people to accurately and thoroughly cover events around the world. the government has historically aided journalism without bias.	1	0	0
A24137	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judicial activism allows judges to argue their own views instead of making decisions based on existing constitutional law.	1	0	0
A24140	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars rely on computer software so like any computer controlled device they are susceptible to being hacked	1	0	0
A24149	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could potentially save millions of lives and needs  as much support as it can get.	1	0	0
A24155	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	for some students taking a student loan is the only way to afford studying	1	0	0
A24157	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	Algorithmic trading will put many stock brokers and analysts out of business.	1	0	1
A24160	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	adopting an austerity regime is the best way for the country to reduce its huge debt	1	0	1
A24175	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapons are an expensive to build and maintain. These resources could be put to better use.	1	0	1
A24193	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics	1	1	0
A24196	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children are far too easy to exploit and they sometimes end up being far too precocious at an early age due to fame and all it brings.	1	0	0
A24207	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	the old days of labeling careers as a mailman etc are sexist and outdated.  women can do anything men can and adopting a gender neutral language would reinforce that concept.	1	0	0
A24222	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars can make driving more dangerous since their programming can not cover every conceivable instance.	1	0	0
A24223	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research if we want to further medical advancements.	1	0	0
A24227	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	this site has proven very popular and useful for those looking for information	1	0	0
A24247	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	There is nothing about a younger workforce that is inherently better and qualified young people will still be able to get jobs without a policy of mandatory retirement.	1	0	0
A24265	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for more unqualified people to get into the race	1	0	0
A24286	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	our debt has become so outrageous that an austerity program might be the only way out.	1	0	0
A24291	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will never work and the development of said cars should be stopped. there are too many complex situations that will cause more crashes than what is currently happening.	1	0	0
A24296	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	parents should be able to utilize any technological advances they wish in order to build their ideal family.	1	1	0
A24321	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	all citizens should be compelled to vote to voice their opinion on who should be our elected leaders. apathy in selecting our political leaders is detrimental to our society.	1	1	0
A24324	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	gender-neutral language is simpler and more straight forward and respects all genders without bias.	1	0	0
A24327	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	subsidization would improve the reach and dissemination of wikipedias information enabling translation into more marginal languages for example.	1	1	0
A24366	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is unfair because traders with faster computers and better connections to the market will have an advantage over others.	1	0	1
A24370	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	we should ban algorithmic trading because algorithms dont always work and will cause people to lose a lot of money	1	0	1
A24415	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will ensure the proper result in an election.	1	1	0
A24417	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	All young people whether rich or poor should have the opportunity to better their lives by going to into higher education the more student loans are subsidized the closer this will become a reality.	1	0	0
A24433	We should limit judicial activism	in favor of	judges should stick to the law and be unbiased in every ruling.	1	0	0
A24444	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	by introducing compulsory voting you will assure that each and every citizens voice is heard.	1	1	0
A24449	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	people are so afraid of an imaginary punishment that they do not live their lives to the fullest - with atheism it will be more convincing to live in the present.	1	0	0
A24454	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	because it protects the rights of the individual to live as they see fit it promotes acceptance of the rights of all individuals within society creating a more inclusive society.	1	0	0
A24455	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a wealth of information on any subject you can think of. this is highly benificial to the education system and should be subsidized.	1	0	0
A24478	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	we should end it because it puts restrictions on countries and this way we can freely trade.	1	0	1
A24493	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	the defense of a country can only be trusted with the government and should not be motivated by money and greed.	1	1	0
A24495	We should ban targeted killing	in favor of	we should ban targeted killing as it is an unfair advantage to those that do not have the same equipment.	1	0	1
A24496	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are not able to react to specific scenarios where decisions must be made.	1	0	0
A25026	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will take away many jobs and lead to a skills drain	1	0	0
A25040	We should ban human cloning	in favor of	by copying something you can not get a pure copy.  each copy that is made is worse then the other meaning that no one knows what can happen with cloning.	1	0	0
A25047	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	for longer term economic benefits short term sacrifices are necessary to dig the country out of debt and an austerity regime is the only way to achieve this.	1	1	0
A25049	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidized student loans allow for those from pooer backgrounds to achieve a good standard of education and progress in their lives	1	0	0
A25089	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	most people cant afford to go to college and we dont want them to graduate with massive debts	1	0	0
A25115	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	there is no credible evidence that capital punishment acts as a deterrent	1	0	0
A25147	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	the two-party system is outdated and has proven lately that it does not always result in the best possible candidates.	1	0	0
A25168	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment is useless. imprisonment is actually way better since criminal court could incarcerate innocent people	1	0	0
A25203	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research will enable us to make major breakthroughs in regards to the prevention and treatment of diseases.	1	0	0
A25209	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should prohibit this because it affects the development and normal behavior of children	1	0	0
A25234	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance policies remove troublemakers from schools before they become an even larger problem which improves the learning environment for other students.	1	0	0
A25267	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	Older workers  provide maturity and experience and can be loyal and productive employees past the age of 65 or even 70	1	0	0
A25284	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting could improve peoples knowledge of politics if they knew they had to vote they might learn more about politics	1	0	0
A25312	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympic games are no longer relevant.  they focus on the athletic and competitive nature of humanity.  we must instead focus on the intellectual and collaborative aspects to solve humanitys problems.	1	0	0
A25316	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the country needs to be prepared against other countries that use space exploration to advance both offensive and defensive strategies	1	0	0
A25351	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	this could save and enhance many lives that are already here living. why should people needlessly suffer when answers could be found yet mostly looked down upon because of biblical reasons.	1	0	0
A25360	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we need to subsidize journalism so that it continues to draw in good people	1	0	0
A25386	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	economic sanctions dont work and result to have enemies abroad	1	1	0
A25390	We should legalize sex selection	in favor of	sex selection would allow the ability to balance the gender gap allowing for an even capability to increase the population reproductively.	1	0	0
A25414	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	developments in science and technology have been accomplished through space exploration	1	0	0
A25421	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	the technology we get from space exploration alone is worth the cost of it	1	1	0
A25450	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	telemarketing is considered a nuisance to many and other forms of advertising are much more effective and less invasive.	1	0	0
A25455	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	We should abolish safe spaces because they have not been implemented in a way that helps people who need it but rather to make university administrators look good.	1	0	0
A25457	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a valuable educational source and is free at source so should be promoted through subsidization	1	0	0
A25458	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	ideas should be available to anyone who wishes to persue them.	1	0	0
A25486	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	graduates should not have to start their career with a massive debt to pay off	1	0	0
A25499	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	from exploring other planets we can learn more about our own.	1	0	0
A26013	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia plays a vital role in sharing information on the internet and should be subsidized to continue functioning	1	0	0
A26019	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia should be financed different ways	1	0	0
A26020	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	no one has ever been able to prove that god exists. religions convince people of a higher power to get them into church for their own profit	1	0	0
A26052	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property is used to smother business it effectively destroys the free market	1	0	0
A26056	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	spiralling national debt is unsustainable in the longer term and the only way to begin reversing this for future generations is to adobt an approach of austerity no matter how painful.	1	0	1
A26061	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	as quality of life improves and the average lifespan increases mandatory retirement looks more and more out of step with the modern human life experience.	1	0	0
A26083	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism is simply the end result of rational thinking refusing to blindly believe in things that are unproven - this is healthier attitude since religious adherence leads to all mannor of intolerance.	1	0	0
A27008	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans are a massive burden for people getting the degrees necessary to qualify for a job to become a productive member of society.	1	0	0
A27024	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration is important for the development and growth of human society and knowledge and should be invested in by the government.	1	0	0
A27025	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance will improve educational standards and behaviour leading to better learning outcomes.	1	0	0
A27027	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	who knows what the future holds in possible medical breakthroughs based on stem cell research.  we need to keep funding this important research to see what discoveries can be made.	1	0	0
A27057	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	it would help to get organs faster for the people that need them	1	0	0
A27058	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading has its disadvantages which include system failure risksnetwork connectivity errors time-lags between trade orders and execution and most important of all imperfect algorithms.	1	0	0
A27087	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment takes too long and has a long appeal process costing taxpayers money.	1	0	1
A27094	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	a persons value should not be based on a number.  just because you reach a certain age does not mean you do not want or need to work.  mandatory retirement hurts elderly workers.	1	0	1
A27116	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	the current national debt is unsustainable and will lead to the collapse of our whole government unless we do something about it.  we need to adopt austerity programs immediately to save our country.	1	0	1
A27120	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	they are too young to handle the pressure	1	0	0
A27125	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia has the potential to be the greatest source of freely accessible information a subsidy could help to reach this goal whereas currently the funding is becoming a bigger threat to its existence	1	1	0
A27148	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	it is a valuable resource so a subsidy would help by allowing the website to produce and edit more quality articles	1	0	1
A27167	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	We should ban private military companies as they are not trained and subject to the same scrutiny as the military.	1	0	0
A27177	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting makes the population more involved in the election process and would give results that more accurately reflected the will of the electors.	1	0	0
A27193	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors are put through too much at too young.  we should do away with them and just use cgi or something like that.  if a big company can call a cgi movie live action and get away with it it will work.	1	0	0
A27200	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	it takes away the human component and machines can easily make mistakes.	1	0	0
A27223	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	the drive around cosmetic surgery and body modification of minor should be nipped in the bud. a minor should be concerned about academics not cosmetics.	1	0	0
A27237	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	a student does not have the resources to pay for the high cost of college	1	0	0
A27239	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for a broad range of ideas to be heard and implemented.	1	1	0
A27241	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is an important resource for people looking for information	1	0	0
A27245	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	less and less people are voting which means we do not get a fair representation of who we have as a government so people need to say what they think.	1	0	0
A27251	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars will cause unemployment for people whose only skill is driving.	1	0	0
A27253	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	the more research that is done the higher the chances to understanding and possible curing diseases.	1	0	0
A27257	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children should be free to have fun and enjoy life not made to work in hire pressure situations so we should ban the use of child actors.	1	0	0
A27268	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	adopting zero-tolerance in school will solve the big issues which schools all around country face it today.	1	0	0
A27285	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we should stop the development of autonomous cars because they dont have reflexes like people and therefore would probably not be able to prevent accidents like people can	1	0	0
A27290	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are not trustable in every aspect of safety. we cant trust the robots and their ability to react in such a situation which humans will react in according of situation.	1	0	0
A27310	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not mature enough to opt for cosmetic surgery and there is concern that they could later have regrets.	1	0	0
A27312	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we do not have the infrastructure required for a safe autonomous driving system how can we code the car to choose between one fatality and another it would destroy the taxi and delivery driver job market	1	0	0
A27319	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	multi-party systems are proven around the world to work better	1	0	0
A27322	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	a zero-tolerance policy in school would improve behaviour and thus improve results.	1	0	0
A27326	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	child actors do not get a proper education and as such the use of child actors should be banned	1	0	0
A27334	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	atheism gives everyone a clean slate of non belief	1	0	0
A27339	We should ban factory farming	in favor of	Factory agriculture can cause disasters in the economy and cause unfair competition with farmers	1	0	0
A27345	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting would make sure that each and every persons voice is heard and provide a more accurate system of making sure the person elected is the one the people really want.	1	1	0
A27371	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	prostitution is a noble work for women finding it hard to secure a job in this world becoming more and more hard and difficult	1	0	1
A27393	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	we should stop the development of autonomous cars because they wont be able to react in some emergency situations like people will	1	0	0
A27400	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	mandatory retirement is discrimination against older people who may still have something of value to contribute to society.	1	0	0
A27415	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research so that it can continue research into finding solutions to complex medical needs.	1	0	0
A27418	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	newspapers are dying and need the support.	1	0	1
A27425	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	if everyone votes the results actually reflect what people want.	1	0	0
A27429	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	it is extremely useful in battling a wide range of medical maladies	1	0	0
A27432	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism is a bad form of advancing a nation. some lazy person will profit of other hard work and contribute nothing themselves	1	0	0
A27443	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime allows for the restructuring of economic for a country which can provide financial benefits.	1	1	1
A27445	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a great service which provides a safe place to find info on all types of topics	1	0	0
A27452	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans should be subsidized to allow thos students from poorer backgrounds to get a good education and improve themselves	1	0	1
A27453	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting will increase the number of voter turnout.	1	1	0
A27455	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces stop young people from developing the thick skin required to navigate everyday post-university life. the real world does not care about your feelings.	1	0	0
A27471	We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons	in favor of	Nuclear weapon development takes incredibly intelligent scientists and makes them work on something that is destructive to society wed rather they used their intellect to develop helpful technologies which can only happen if we abolish nukes.	1	0	0
A27472	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	students are graduating with huge college loans that make it difficult for them to get started when they leave school.	1	0	0
A27481	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem call research can lead to the future of medical developments	1	0	0
A27486	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	The cost of training new employees can be incredibly high and policies of mandatory retirement force businesses to waste their fungible resources rather than keeping competent older individuals employed.	1	0	1
A28008	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	three-strikes laws are a major reason for overcrowding in our prison system.	1	0	0
A28047	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual endeavors are not isolated and its possible for more than one individual to have the same ideas and inspiration	1	0	0
A28053	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cells have already been proven to have the capability to save lives. with more research who knows how many more uses they could have in reducing illness and improving quality of life.	1	0	0
A28056	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalism is incredibly important when it comes to unbiased coverage of our government.	1	0	0
A28066	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	capital punishment has done nothing to actually deter serious crime in this country	1	0	0
A28075	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	subsidizing student loans would encourage those with less money to stay on in education rather than leaving for lower paying jobs.	1	0	0
A28080	We should legalize prostitution	in favor of	We should legalize prostitution in order to avoid giving young people criminal records that will hurt their job prospects down the line.	1	0	0
A28096	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system allows for more ideas more candidates more voters turning out.	1	1	0
A28098	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies only purpose is to make money and as a result they dont focus on protection as much as they should be.	1	0	0
A28100	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	student loans are a good deal for students student loans allow for some students go to school that may have not been able to go to school before	1	0	0
A28118	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	better education is good for the nation	1	0	0
A28120	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	we need to have the safest possible learning environment as this enables students to perform at their best.	1	0	0
A28125	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	organ trade will allow for more transplants benefitting society a a whole	1	1	0
A28133	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	School uniforms are bad for childrens self-image by making it even easier to compare themselves to other students.	1	0	0
A28149	We should legalize cannabis	in favor of	Legalizing cannabis would allow the authorities to control the quality and strength of the product making it safer to use and could also collect tax from the sale.	1	1	1
A28157	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides so much information to the world that it is time we subsidize it.	1	0	0
A28172	We should end the use of economic sanctions	in favor of	bad actors can circumvent economic sanctions meaning the people who suffer the most would be average law-abiding citizens.	1	0	0
A28190	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	safe spaces arent necessary and help people hide from issues rather than face them	1	0	0
A28191	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights stifle creativity since all ideas are built upon the ideas of the past.	1	0	0
A28192	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Cosmetic surgery can have really harmful side-effects that minors cant consent to and will not be able to physically handle the way adults do.	1	0	0
A28209	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading or computer controlled trading does not allow for last minute trade that take into consideration small rising stocks.	1	0	0
A28219	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism makes people lazy.  why work hard if other people will do it for you.  we should encourage individualism instead where people are encouraged to be innovative and hard working.	1	0	0
A28232	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three strikes law is an old concept. it doesnt really prevent people from committing  violence especially because many acts of violence are not premeditated.	1	0	0
A28254	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia should be subsidized as it a valuable educational tool.	1	0	0
A28256	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia in the world and we must ensure its proper functioning	1	0	0
A28263	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we need better representation of all people. the two party system is broken and only represents a select few.	1	1	0
A28268	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	we should ban the use of child actors because they belong in school	1	0	0
A28302	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars have not been proven to be safe.	1	0	0
A28312	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	people need to learn how to survive in this world so no safe spaces would benefit this	1	0	0
A28314	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	A worker should not be forced to retire if he feels he can still adequately produce for his employer.	1	0	1
A28315	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research should be subsidized because it could lead to massive changes in human beings. this type of research could reverse aging change genes and learn how to cure diseases.	1	0	0
A28327	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia is a vital rescourse which should be subsidised to keep it going.	1	0	0
A28346	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Three strikes laws are difficult to understand or conceptualize so they are ineffective at preventing crime.	1	0	0
A28354	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	journalists put their lives on the line when they report news from war zones or shootings or natural disasters.	1	0	0
A28393	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors are not old enough to know the consequences and health risks of such surgeries.	1	0	0
A28394	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	The technology developed for space exploration has also had uses in regular life -- subsidizing space exploration would also have positive trickle down effects.	1	0	0
A28433	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	an austerity regime would make for a more powerful and united country	1	1	0
A28452	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could lead to massive scientific break through that could save millions of lives. funding this would mean the difference of life and death to many people.	1	0	0
A28459	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	we should prohibit school prayer because religion has no business in school it should be at home and church only	1	0	0
A28497	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	kids should not be allowed to have cosmetic surgery.   they arent mature enough yet.   this could be a mistake they regret all their life.   theres many risks involved as well with these procedures.	1	0	0
A28500	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	wikipedia provides a great utility to most if not all citizens and therefore it is just to subsidize it.	1	0	0
A29010	We should prohibit school prayer	in favor of	while at school the focus should be on learning. prayer is a distraction and unnecessary. why not just pray before school or after.	1	0	0
A29030	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Cosmetic surgery is near permanent minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance.	1	1	0
A29042	We should adopt atheism	in favor of	religion has been used as justification for many terrible things in the past. we should base our judgements only on what we know s true and not what might be true.	1	0	0
A29044	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research could lead to the discovery of new medical treatments that would alleviate the suffering of many people	1	0	0
A29051	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	school uniforms stunt young peoples creativity.	1	0	0
A29071	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	Capitalism has empirically been shown to improve technology and drive innovation at a greater pace than economic systems that rely on collectivist practices.	1	0	1
A29073	We should ban telemarketing	in favor of	Telemarketing is a waste of time for all parties involved and  rarely results in a sale for the company doing the telemarketing and provides a disturbance in the lives of those who are called	1	0	0
A29087	We should abolish intellectual property rights	in favor of	intellectual property rights should be abolished as it defies the rights of an individual who has created a conception that has proven successful of moving on to another company.	1	0	0
A29089	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	subsidized embryonic stem cell research will advance medical science more rapidly than would otherwise be the case	1	0	0
A29135	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	Many child actors end up being exploited by the studios and even their own management and families.	1	0	0
A29176	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	there are not enough safe-guards that oversee private military companies from producing under-par products and they should be banned.	1	0	0
A29186	We should adopt an austerity regime	in favor of	austerity regime can help cities restructure	1	0	0
A29187	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism because it helps many people	1	0	0
A29198	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	compulsory voting can help encourage better results during elections	1	1	0
A29200	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	in practicing libertarianism we would adopt philosophical and financial customs that would improve our quality of life	1	0	1
A29205	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	we should abolish safe spaces as the appear to be worthless because the extremists always win out.	1	0	0
A29222	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	autonomous cars are dangerous more dangerous than a single person could ever be.  were trusting a computer program to make life and death decisions.	1	0	0
A29235	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	college is not affordable anymore.  an education can cost more than a home.  paying money to some student loan bills allow graduates to prosper buying homes and cars and supporting the economy.	1	1	1
A29248	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	PROFITS FROM A COMPANY SHOULD BE DIVIDED BETWEEN ALL WORKERS NOT JUST MANAGMENT	1	1	1
A29262	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	kids should be kids and not put to work. especially when some roles can cause emotional trauma and lasting effects when childrens understanding of real and fake is often blurred.	1	0	0
A29284	We should abolish the Olympic Games	in favor of	the olympics are unfairly biased in favor of those from industrialized nations who have the time and money to train full time	1	0	0
A29287	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero tolerance policies lead to better outcomes in schools	1	0	0
A29289	We should introduce compulsory voting	in favor of	too many people do not take responsibility for their part in democracy	1	1	0
A29294	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	libertarianism is the maximum expression of freedom. the state should not be the one who decrees the way of life of citizens. libertarianism brings human professional and economic growth	1	0	1
A29296	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi-party system would bring more choices for people to speak up and vote.	1	1	0
A29308	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	stem cell research is our best hope in finding cures	1	0	0
A29321	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration provided scientific discoveries that were not thought of before	1	0	0
A29333	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	we should adopt a multi-party system because we need more than one opinion to round out solutions.	1	0	0
A29336	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	inconsistencies arise from private military companies working together and therefore it should be banned.	1	0	0
A29366	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	space exploration technology can lead to benefits here on earth. the ballpoint pen was invented by a space program and now people everywhere use them.	1	0	0
A29378	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	this will help to establish cures for disabilities and diseases	1	0	0
A29393	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	by having a multi-party system people would be able to support parties with their values and the a larger party may adopt polices from the smaller one for support	1	1	0
A29396	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	some people are capable of working way beyond the retirement age and should be able to work and increase their retirement funds as long as they ant.	1	0	1
A29403	We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms	in favor of	we are getting to the point where even children cannot go to school and be 100% safe - this has to be stopped.	1	0	0
A29409	We should subsidize Wikipedia	in favor of	we should subsidize wikipedia as they have done a tremendous job pulling together a humongous database of facts.	1	0	0
A29432	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	children need to be kids and get an education.	1	0	0
A29458	We should adopt libertarianism	in favor of	we should adopt libertarianism because sometimes people need the government to help them make decisions that are best for them	1	1	0
A29470	We should end mandatory retirement	in favor of	some people are not ready to retire at the mandatory age and want to keep working	1	0	1
A29487	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	the three strikes law make it hard for those criminals who are trying to reform.	1	0	0
A29495	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism stops creativity and individual thought	1	0	0
A30023	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation should be limited because it can be taxed as income	1	0	1
A30063	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	they are not yet ready to be on the roads they could be very dangerous.	1	0	0
A30084	We should subsidize student loans	in favor of	due to the obligations of the students it is sometimes difficult to get a job we must help them pay their loans so that they do not leave school	1	0	0
A30119	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we ought to subsidize journalism to get young people interested in the field	1	0	0
A30130	We should abandon the use of school uniform	in favor of	the school uniform is outdated and does not affect students work	1	0	0
A30146	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	minors should not get plastic surgery because they are not old enough to make the decision nor have their bodies fully developed.	1	0	0
A30147	We should adopt a multi-party system	in favor of	a multi party system allows far better choices for the diverse population meaning they can find someone to vote for that they truly believe in and participate in a democracy better	1	1	0
A30150	We should limit executive compensation	in favor of	executive compensation has to be limited to permit the company to show a profit	1	0	1
A30160	We should legalize organ trade	in favor of	legalizing organ trade will help people looking for a specific organ to find it easier.	1	0	0
A30168	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because they dont have the mental capacity to make a life changing decision.	1	0	0
A30186	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	Subsidizing journalism can create jobs thus lowering unemployment.	1	1	0
A30189	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	we should subsidize journalism because its a job market thats needed and financially in trouble because of free online news sources.	1	1	0
A30192	We should stop the development of autonomous cars	in favor of	the development of autonomous cars is dangerous and removes human control	1	1	0
A30216	We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools	in favor of	zero-tolerance policy should be adopted to teach children disciplined and to help prepare them for a life where rules apply.	1	0	0
A30221	We should abolish capital punishment	in favor of	Capital punishment has no deterrent effect on crime	1	0	0
A30270	We should ban private military companies	in favor of	private military companies provide violence - or threat of violence - for money are poorly regulated and subject to endless accusation of corruption and bribery.	1	0	0
A30278	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	relying on computers to do all this trading for us could lead to technical issues hacking or other problems that could lead to a total market crash.	1	0	0
A30288	We should ban the use of child actors	in favor of	the use of child actors should be banned because child actors end up having more money than they know what to do with and thus misuse it.	1	0	0
A30306	We should subsidize journalism	in favor of	more people would be able to get into journalism and there would therefore be more news stories available.	1	0	0
A30308	We should adopt gender-neutral language	in favor of	we should adopt gender-neutral language because it will stop people from being offended from misidentifying them	1	0	0
A30314	We should oppose collectivism	in favor of	collectivism does not allow for individual enterprise and it stifles entrepreneurism.	1	0	1
A30340	We should ban algorithmic trading	in favor of	algorithmic trading is computer based and does not allow for any type of inspiration in trading.	1	0	0
A30344	We should abolish safe spaces	in favor of	Safe spaces foster echo chambers of one-sided conversations thus increasing a groups own intolerance and biases.	1	0	0
A30346	We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research	in favor of	embryonic stem cell research has the potential to help cure some of the most devastating diseases	1	0	0
A30352	We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors	in favor of	Minors with cosmetic surgery are less likely to be able to properly take care of the surgical sites making them more prone to infection afterward.	1	0	0
A30369	We should abolish the three-strikes laws	in favor of	Since prisons radicalize more than they rehabilitate three strikes laws end up creating more re-offenders by putting people away for longer in an environment that radicalizes them.	1	0	0
A30377	We should subsidize space exploration	in favor of	we should because we can still learn so much about space.	1	0	0
D01026	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Since the invention of machines the value of workers is decreasing. They are made to work to support the machines. As a result work revolves around machines and not humans. Workers are forced to work continuously along with the machine. 	1	1	0
D01030	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Our decision-making skills are also getting affected as we are now asking search engines to know what is best. We are depending on the knowledge base of the internet even at offices to finish the work at hand. This affects cognitive skills ( to think read learn remember and reason) which is an essential quality of humans.	1	0	0
D01031	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	Many face-to-face communications are also replaced with virtual interactions. Many people are now living in virtual homes which is the smartphone. As the need for talking with each other is reducing the ability to communicate with each other which is a basic quality of living beings is declining.	1	0	0
D01032	Technology is making us feel less human	in favor of	We are increasingly depending on technological devices to guide us. For example we keep reminders on smartphones and google the questions for answers. We are outsourcing the activities that require intelligence to technology. Thinking remembering things and analyzing are essential qualities of humans. Too much dependence on technology is making us less human.	1	0	0
D01041	We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism	in favor of	Till now only organizations were designated as terrorist organizations but not individuals. The loophole in this is the individuals of the banned organizations are forming new organizations and carrying out terror activities. This amendment bill for the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act allows the government to designate individuals as terrorists thereby terror attacks can be prevented.	1	1	0
D01056	India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country	in favor of	Data is considered a ‘new form of wealth’. Generally companies use data to understand the requirements of consumers and also to influence their behavior. New products can be developed by analyzing the data to meet the needs of consumers. So the data has an economic value. In general developed countries are utilizing this opportunity with their well-developed infrastructure. 	1	0	1
D01084	Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act	in favor of	Political parties are central to the functioning of Democracy. Political Parties go on to form the government. The government policies are then governed by the party’s ideology. Thereby it becomes essential for political parties to come under the ambit of RTI.	1	0	0
D01093	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	Indians as a whole consider educational institutions as job machines we expect to enter unemployed and come out with employment. We don’t realize that we will have to upgrade our skills to become worthy of employment. This is the reason that more than 80% of engineers are unemployable and the figures are even worse for the non-engineers.	1	0	0
D01094	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	 Though we have been establishing national-level institutes for the past 40 years we haven’t been investing to maintain their standards. Funds are needed for quality education. Even the top Indian institutes lack proper infrastructure labs resources etc. And even whatever is available is just for the sake of passing the students in the examination and sitting idle the rest of the time.	1	0	1
D01095	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	Today no problem has a single solution and no new technology is related to a single discipline. We need multiple inputs from multiple disciplines and our institutes have failed in doing so.	1	0	0
D01096	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	Indian students perform brilliantly when they go to different countries in the field of research. It means that we don’t lack talent we lack infrastructure and a healthy environment for our sharp minds.	1	0	0
D01097	We should subsidize higher education institutions	in favor of	We haven’t been paying our teachers on the scale of what their counterparts earn in other countries. As a result people are reluctant to the idea of teaching as a career. We have also failed to lure successful foreign faculties to our institutes.	1	0	0
D01103	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	Any skill can be learned and mastered even if we do not have a degree in that. And programming is no exception.	1	0	0
D01104	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	Even if someone has a degree in IT they have to learn so many things to get into the IT job because there is a gap between the industrial standards and the skills that are taught in Engineering colleges. Moreover as technology is constantly evolving even if someone has prepared themselves for the industrial standards in their graduation they have to learn new technologies continuously to stay relevant in the job market. So as the learning curve will be there even for IT students students from non-IT backgrounds can also learn these things and can get into IT jobs.	1	0	0
D01105	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	The number of IT jobs is increasing at a rapid rate due to the tech revolution. So there will be more jobs in the IT field. And if the recruiters are very strict about the degree they may miss a large pool of talent who are of a non-IT background. 	1	0	0
D01106	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	Now we have so many online course platforms through which we can learn almost any skill from experts. We can also get certificates if we pass the tests. So as Tim Cook said a 4-year degree seems old and traditional. 	1	0	0
D01107	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	In many of India’s engineering colleges we can easily pass the subjects even if do not have much knowledge in those subjects. That is the reason many companies are not able to find suitable talent even if there are so many eligible graduates. So the willingness to become an expert in the field is more important than a degree. 	1	0	0
D01110	IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming	in favor of	People switch careers even after working in one field for several years because our interests do change. So when someone can do this while having so many personal responsibilities it is much easier for youngsters to learn a new skill. 	1	0	0
D01111	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	in favor of	Variable pay definitely increases the productivity of employees. High-performing individuals feel well-compensated and rewarded for their efforts while the under-performing ones also feel motivated to improve.	1	0	1
D01112	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	in favor of	In variable pay schemes the employees feel content and motivated with their work. They feel that they are an active part of the organization the organization recognizes them as a part of its growth and values their efforts.	1	0	1
D01113	We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme	in favor of	Variable pay helps in retaining valuable employees. This helps in retaining good talent for long periods of time and thereby less spending on hiring new talents. This provides stability to the organization.	1	0	0
D01128	Artificial intelligence brings more harm than good	in favor of	We have started losing our basic human habits and instincts and are actually governed by devices and apps.	1	1	0
D01140	The world does not need religion anymore	in favor of	Religion has served its purpose of uniting people setting up structures in society and developing trust and cooperation. But in the 21st century we are thriving towards objective realities and religion is an inter-subjective reality and now the only thing it does is create differences in the world brainwash people develop animosity for other beliefs and provide rituals that are just shortcuts to becoming a good person. (A Muslim may pray 5 times a day; a Hindu may pray daily for hours in temples; a Christian may go to church every day but still be involved in immoral activities).	1	0	0
D01141	The world does not need religion anymore	in favor of	In the past every unknown thing dealt with religious beliefs. But now Science & Technology has taken over everything. We know the reasons for drought earthquakes windstorms etc. they are scientific phenomena and not the wrath of gods anymore.	1	0	0
D02014	We should forbid neo-banks	in favor of	People don’t trust neo-banks as much because they don’t have a physical presence which makes them a risk for customers in case of any issues or challenges. In-person customer service may appear more trustworthy to customers.	1	0	0
D02015	We should forbid neo-banks	in favor of	Tech literacy is still very low in India. Traditional banks can meet the banking requirements of less tech-savvy customers or people in rural areas of the country who prefer face-to-face interaction with the manager.	1	0	1
D02016	We should forbid neo-banks	in favor of	Commercial banks help to create credit which leads to increased production employment and consumer spending all of which help to grow the economy.	1	0	0
D02019	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	5G in banking will bring much-needed financial inclusion to India’s rural and remote populations for whom access to a physical bank is not possible.	1	1	0
D02020	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	The low latency of 5G will enable the inclusion of education in remote areas of India where children will be able to access good quality education at home without any network lag between them and their favorite tutor. Also 5G will make it possible to use new-age technologies like AR and VR for more immersive learning in schools and colleges.	1	0	0
D02021	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	5G will vastly increase the number of networks that can be connected handling up to a trillion Internet of Things terminals which will enable machines and humans in a factory to communicate with each other seamlessly making the business more efficient and reducing the possibility of error.	1	0	0
D02022	5G services should be available across India	in favor of	The government will be able to improve its governance and give a boost to its digital India initiative which aims to ensure the government’s services are made available to citizens electronically making the country digitally empowered in the field of technology.	1	0	0
D02032	Social media is making us less social	in favor of	A few people now have social anxiety due to not having enough face-to-face interactions. When we avoid talking to people for a long time automatically we develop a fear to involve in small talk.	1	0	0
D02034	Social media is making us less social	in favor of	In the book “iGen” it was mentioned that in the next decade we may see more young people who know just the right emoji for a situation — but not the right facial expression. This can become true if we prefer virtual life over real life.	1	0	0
D02038	NEET exam should be banned	in favor of	As the exam requires additional study coaching centers are taking advantage of the situation and are charging lakhs of rupees for the coaching for the NEET exam. So due to this students who cannot afford the coaching are at a disadvantage.	1	0	0
D02039	NEET exam should be banned	in favor of	Students work hard to score well in class 12 exams but all that hard work is not recognized. And only the NEET score is considered for entry into medical college which is very unfair. Moreover the NEET exam is mainly based on the CBSE curriculum. So state board students have to study additional things to get a good score on the exam.	1	1	0
D02040	NEET exam should be banned	in favor of	A high score in the NEET exam is required to get admission to government medical colleges in India. It costs approximately Rs.1.25 crores to study in private medical colleges in India. So many students are forced to go to other countries such as China Ukraine Russia the Philippines etc. to pursue medical education. In those countries medical education costs around Rs.35 lakhs. Moreover they allow students with low NEET scores but above cut-off marks.	1	0	0
D02051	Companies should fight moonlighting	in favor of	Companies fear information and sensitive data theft and the possibility of sharing it with their rival companies.	1	0	0
D02052	Companies should fight moonlighting	in favor of	Some managers are worrying that the employees who moonlight may not be productive in their primary job due to fatigue and increased stress. There are also concerns about working for other companies during the office hours of my primary job.	1	0	0
D02053	Companies should fight moonlighting	in favor of	In general companies provide several benefits to employees such as provident fund health insurance etc. So they feel it is unfair when their employees focus their energy and time on a second job which doesn’t provide any of those benefits.	1	0	0
D02079	All countries should take responsibility for accepting refugees	in favor of	All countries should share the responsibility for refugees. Resettlement of the refugees should be done without much delay. They should be provided with skill development courses and employment opportunities to help them in living a dignified life.	1	0	0
D02082	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	In general a few teachers punish students who are not scoring well in exams but they do not even try to understand whether they have any learning disabilities. This causes self-esteem issues in students. Psychologists can detect these learning disabilities and can detect these issues and can collaborate with teachers to draft teaching strategies that are suitable for students with learning disabilities.	1	0	0
D02083	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	Many students struggle with several issues such as anxiety self-esteem issues trouble forming friendships etc. Guidance and support are very important to help them overcome these problems. So educational institutions should have mental health professionals to help students.	1	0	0
D03001	We should have psychological counseling in educational institutions	in favor of	Some students do not even understand what they are going through they may not even know how to ask for help. Having a counselor at their educational institution will help them a lot in understanding their issues. Moreover they will learn how to ask for advice and help.	1	0	0
D03007	College education should be free for everyone	in favor of	When college education is free the number of graduates will drastically increase. At present many people do not have access to higher education. So many students are not joining colleges due to the financial status of their parents. Free education will be very helpful for them.	1	0	0
D03008	College education should be free for everyone	in favor of	At present the rich are getting richer and poor people are getting poorer. A free college education will reduce social inequality too because as everyone can study and learn the skills in college everyone will have an equal opportunity to settle in the career of their choice.	1	1	0
D03010	College education should be free for everyone	in favor of	There is a shortage of skilled workers in many countries. When college education is free this problem will be solved.	1	0	0
D03012	India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy 	in favor of	Less disruption to public life less road traffic and less loss to our economy. As all the government staff can be used at a single time we can also increase vigilance and factors like black money booth capturing etc. can be reduced.	1	1	0
D03042	Cryptocurrencies should be legalized	in favor of	The future belongs to technology. Cryptocurrencies make peer-to-peer financial transactions a lot easier. This currency can be sent from any part of the world to any part of the world. Hence there will be no struggle of exchanging currencies like Dollars for the Rupee etc. While traveling the world there will no hurdle of exchanging our currencies with local currencies.	1	0	0
D03055	Kids' reality shows should be banned	in favor of	Reality shows put enormous pressure on participants to perform well every time. Children cannot handle this stress and this may cause mental health issues. Almost all reality shows involve the process of eliminating participants one by one at each level. Facing defeat in front of everyone is not that easy for children. This may put an emotional toll on children.	1	0	0
D27021	Women are better managers than men	in favor of	They are good time managers. As most of the women today manage work and home they can prioritize their time well.	1	0	0
D27022	Women are better managers than men	in favor of	In general theyve coherent minds are punctual and are dedicated to their work. These inbuilt qualities do make them better managers than men.	1	0	0
D27028	Driverless cars should be allowed in India	in favor of	If driverless cars are allowed in India they can be used for a variety of other purposes also such as delivery or pickup service which will also save time and human resources.	1	0	0
D27039	WikiLeaks is not a bane	in favor of	WikiLeaks has won a number of awards including The Economists New Media Award in 2008 and Amnesty Internationals UK Media Award in 2009.	1	0	0
D27049	Technology is rising Unemployment rates	in favor of	If any business depends heavily on human labour it tends to fail as it cannot cope up with the competition from the technologically advanced competitors.	1	0	0
D27050	Chinese products should be banned in India	in favor of	India has a huge trade deficit with China. For the year 2017-18 Indias imports from China are worth $76.2 billion dollars whereas Indias exports to China are worth $33 billion dollars. So there is a need to reduce this trade deficit. 	1	0	0
D27051	Chinese products should be banned in India	in favor of	Imports from China are hurting the businesses of Indian manufacturers especially Medium Small & Micro Enterprises (MSME) sector. China is able to produce products for cheaper prices because of its mass production methods. 	1	0	0
D27055	Homeschooling should be encouraged in India 	in favor of	Every child is different. Homeschooling allows to design the curriculum based on the students capabilities and interests.	1	0	0
D27075	Censorship of movies is an outdated concept	in favor of	Filmmakers spend lot of money and time to make movies. If parts of the movie is cut in the name of censorship they will be discouraged to make more movies.	1	0	0
D27080	Aadhaar should be made mandatory in India	in favor of	Reduction of complexity in filling ITRs:	1	0	0
D27092	There should be a ban on Bandhs	in favor of	Industries are also one of the worst hits. Investors may lose interest to invest in manufacturing sector as bandh by anyone results in the loss to them.	1	0	1
D27095	Nepotism exists in Bollywood	in favor of	The standards of Indian cinemas fall at times because of nepotism. Producers and directors are pushing star kids to launch in their movies failing to judge their acting skills and screen presence. This leads to flop movies and a loss of quality and standards of the Indian cinemas.	1	0	0
E01002	Electric cars are not a solution to air pollution	in favor of	It would be smarter and cheaper to develop and encourage limited speed low consumption shared thermal cars and abandon the myth of owning a car.	1	0	0
E01013	Biogas plants should be assessed on the basis of their efficiency	in favor of	Maize biogas plants need more energy to operate than they supply. Should a free-area PV plant have a ten-fold higher efficiency on this arable land the biogas plant should not be supported.	1	0	0
E01020	Companies should pay for the environmental damage cause by their products	in favor of	If all costs including CO2 emissions of the production the extraction of resources and its consequences for the region (environment and humans) ecosystem damage recycling of the waste and so on and so forth would be monetized and internalized in the costs of the products many of our problems would be solved. It would simply make the more environmentally friendly products cheaper than the others and their production economically smarter. 	1	0	1
E01021	Companies should pay for the environmental damage cause by their products	in favor of	In a capitalist system in which all environmental and social and health costs of everybody affected would be internalized in the pricing of a product the market could solve most problems.	1	0	0
E01022	Businesses should buy unused emissions by reforesting, restoration, or conservation of habitats sequestrating carbon	in favor of	This would strengthen the carbon sinks across Europa.	1	0	0
E01060	Intensive livestock farming should disappear	in favor of	The current subsidies with a modular system of incentives should be replaced as that empowers farmers to choose environmentally socially and financially responsible and sustainable solutions that are already available - like natural sequence farming regenerative agriculture permaculture etc. 	1	0	1
E01061	Intensive livestock farming should disappear	in favor of	In Germany 60% of the land is used for animal feed. In determining how much subsidy a holding receives the area of the holding is decisive. In other words a lot of land a large amount of subsidy. This results in cheap animal feed and ultimately intensive livestock farming. Thus if the state subsidises animal feed and livestock farming on the basis of their size and not on the basis of sustainability and animal welfare the concept of intensive livestock farming will be supported.	1	0	1
E01074	Devices with batteries should be designed so that batteries can be replaced	in favor of	And not just the batteries. The EU should have an overall policy with a clear goal to restrict and reduce planned obsolescence. 	1	0	0
E01084	Climate neutrality can be achieved only by nuclear energy	in favor of	if we want stable reliable energy grid we need a nuclear energy source. Solar energy and wind are not reliable need a lot of batteries and can not be a sole solution for the energy grid.	1	0	0
E01091	Europe should put a GreenTax on top of all imports from highly polluting countries	in favor of	taxation seems to be the only real way to incentivize other countries less worried about climate change to work on it	1	1	0
E01111	We need stricter and homogeneous environmental legislation across the EU	in favor of	As the sustainability goals of the UN contain working conditions human rights environmental & climate issues together with questions of governance they are ideal to incentivize sustainability in all sectors and fend off unsustainable practices and competition.	1	0	0
E02002	A coordination hub should be set up with representatives of institutions that can act to facilitate the integration of refugees	in favor of	Such a hub could also have a bridging role between local necessities and opportunities at the EU level such as project funding. 	1	0	0
E02006	British people who are residents in an EU country should have EU-wide rights	in favor of	I think this is a good idea but unfortunately its framed as a British/brexit issue. However the wider concept of a common EU visa / migration system is a compelling one. Harmonising the system to a common visa regime offers many advantages.	1	0	0
E02015	European Union should help young people to train in refugee countries	in favor of	This should help to tackle the causes of lack of prospects and absconding from these countries in order to increase the willingness of young people to stay in their homes	1	0	0
E02017	Immigrants should integrate through work	in favor of	I work on a programme in Ireland to help migrants refugees and asylum seekers get employment and integrate.  The qualifications skills experience and resilience they bring is amazing and so valuable to employers and the country.  There is far too much focus on negative aspects of migration much of it based on incorrect stereotypes.  Migration brings lots of positives to countries but we need to be open to them.	1	0	1
E02021	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Its only anecdotal evidence but I have noticed in the high schools in my area that the children from migrants are more able to participate in after-school activities when their language is developed further. Children of course still go to school on a daily basis which means that they automatically are taking part in language lessons. However seeing the positive results in language learning in these children I can imagine that their parents would benefit in the same way if they were given the opportunity to follow language lessons (ideally low-budget/free).	1	0	0
E02025	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Most of the time migrants have trouble fitting into society because of the language barrier and hate. Providing them with language lessons could reduce the tensions around migration and improve the migrants integration.	1	0	0
E02026	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Knowledge of the host countrys language is essential for integration. When migrants understand the local language studies show that their values tend towards those of the host countries over time. 	1	0	0
E02027	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	It is essential that European principles and values are taught to migrants including an explanation of the reasoning behind these principles and values. It would be best that this is provided both in the persons mother tongue and in the language of the host country. 	1	0	0
E02029	Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs	in favor of	Working in sectors in ample need of workers such as the agricultural fields will help to integrate immigrants once their situation has been legalized. And above all education is needed an intensive integration education both in the language (of course) and also culture: history philosophy literature etc.	1	0	1
E02040	The EU needs strong advertising and recruitment strategies for students and qualified employees	in favor of	The EU should attract the worlds most talented and most entrepreneurial. There was an attempt to reform the blue card directive by the Junker commission in order to create a new streamlined EU-wide visa category similar to the short-lived Schengen visa. The holder of the new blue-card-like visa would have the entire EU labor market at their disposal. 	1	1	0
E02041	The EU needs strong advertising and recruitment strategies for students and qualified employees	in favor of	The EU has for too long seen a net exodus or brain drain of highly qualified people.	1	0	0
E02042	The EU needs strong advertising and recruitment strategies for students and qualified employees	in favor of	Compared to most anglophone countries Europe has been quite timid in attracting talent across the globe. Too few people know of and make use of the EU Blue Card. The EU is a destination of choice for migration and refugees from developing and some neighboring countries.	1	0	0
E02043	The EU should have common taxation and social policy	in favor of	The future is work mobility; thus we need to simplify taxation enhance remote working opportunities and enable inter-country recruitment for companies.	1	0	0
E02046	The EU should have open borders with poor countries	in favor of	People born in Africa or poor countries look for a better place for their kids to grow up where there is no war and where there is food good education and health systems.	1	0	0
E02049	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	in favor of	Europe is more than rich enough to welcome many immigrants and if they are permitted to work they will even generate their own income and benefits for the country they arrive in.	1	0	1
E02052	The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens	in favor of	It is necessary that member states better share the efforts of receiving asylum seekers upon arrival at EU borders and do not leave this responsibility to frontline countries.  The EU should develop a joint approach to support the frontline countries to assure that asylum seeker are provided adequate care assistance and protection upon arrival and are quickly distributed evenly throughout the EU for status determination.	1	1	0
E02058	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	Across the EU young people are continuing to face a number of significant challenges to enter and get a  stable position in the labor market. They do not easily obtain good quality jobs with decent wages and are still faced with significant exclusion from regular employment good-quality education training opportunities as well as adequate inclusion and coverage in the national social protection systems. Young women and migrants are particularly affected. So we need a fairer migration policy but also consider migrant needs (and challenges) in other policy areas.  	1	0	1
E02060	We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment	in favor of	In the EU labor market we will need more workers from outside Europe to continue the level of economic activities we are planning. 	1	0	1
E02076	We need to develop partnership between the EU and the AU (African Union)	in favor of	The migration pressure from Africa towards Europe results from a significant difference in perceived quality of life. It is in the interest of the EU and its member states to reduce that difference by working with the AU to level up and develop African nations.	1	0	0
E03009	The EU should promote organizations that teach the national language via Esperanto	in favor of	Esperanto should be promoted as an international lingua franca. Esperanto is an efficient and expressive means of cross-cultural communication allowing high degrees of inclusion.	1	0	0
E03010	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	Give those who want to come a fair & secure possibility to do so & send those back who really damage your society. Give training support opportunities. My guess is that most will pay back with their contributions.	1	0	0
E03011	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	We already have successful programs for students from refugee camps. Enhance that.	1	0	0
E03029	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	Take as example airplanes - how so that it is so common to be able to search for tickets using one of many webpages or apps but we actually cannot do the same for trains. Trains are more ecological.	1	0	0
E03032	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	There are countries like Greece to which to my knowledge is no train connection from other EU countries at all. That should be a top priority for the EU. 	1	0	0
E03039	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	This would help to plan the most efficient and economical itinerary 	1	0	1
E03051	The European Union should enforce the energy transition in its member states	in favor of	why should every country in the EU be sovereign in energy production. Within the countries also not every region is sovereign in this sense. We need to take advantage of the geographic potentials of the european continent for pragmatic solutions	1	1	0
E03066	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	We should think of more opportunities to enter the EU legally. Many people come illegally because we refuse them opportunities to come stay a while for work or education and maybe go back later. People die because of that nonsense.	1	0	0
E03067	The European Union's asylum system needs to implement its humanitarian principles	in favor of	I recently read that especially African families tend to send their smartest best educated youngsters abroad to improve the family situation. These people are desperately needed both for the future of their home countries and for our future. We need skilled & educated people in many sectors but sends such people back to their home countries because they were unfortunate enough to be refugees.	1	0	0
E03077	We need integrated rail transport systems, agreements between various railway operators and a simple and accessible search engine	in favor of	It has to work like with air travel: Book a coherent journey from A to B operated by different companies and be sure that if something goes wrong there will be a solution (rebooking ...).	1	0	0
E04020	Immigrants should learn the language of their host country.	in favor of	Helping migrants learn the language and culture of the country they are living in are critical to successful integration. Language and norms of the job market and workplace should also be built in.	1	0	0
E04028	We need better ways of migration.	in favor of	Migration is part of being human and has always happened throughout history.    	1	0	0
E04034	Europe is getting older and should be open to more migration from Asia, and southeast Asia.  	in favor of	We need to accept more immigrants to combat the aging of the European population. Immigrants do also grow old but before then they generally have children.	1	0	0
E04097	We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. 	in favor of	We should halt all immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries into the EU. However if we want to stop this immigration we must stop its causes. Indeed it is war poverty and European Chinese and American neo-colonialism that make the people of African and Middle Eastern countries flee to Europe. So Europe must finally take responsibility and protect these countries from corruption war and neo-colonialism and help them to start their economy.	1	0	0
E04128	There should be 6 concrete proposals for migrants on the Balkan route.	in favor of	The proposal of the Sardines to reform EU asylum policy is an excellent proposal well and thoroughly written.	1	0	0
E04144	We need a single immigration policy.	in favor of	We do need migrants from an ethical and practical point of view. Europe is old and archaic in most of its practices. Innovation is failing and the best we can do is defend the status quo and the old people in power.   	1	0	0
E04148	We need a better EU migration policy.	in favor of	The EU is driving in the dark with the lights switch off. 	1	0	0
E04157	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	Marvelous to see this idea of halting immigration receive the most endorsements on the migration topic. This is really not going according to plan for the globalists. 	1	1	0
E05001	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society	in favor of	Complex problems are faced by deepening study not by pretending they dont exist.	1	1	0
E05002	The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness	in favor of	Whenever you find yourself in crisis and the EU is in crisis it is a good idea to return to core business. And in the case of the EU the core business is economy trade and security. Thats where the focus should be.	1	0	1
E05004	The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness	in favor of	The Covid-19 pandemic showed us that the European Union is not able to come up with technological innovations that could strengthen our economic position. 	1	1	1
E05010	The EU should equalize the retirement age for all Europeans. 	in favor of	The standardized retirement age would not only be fairer in an open market but it would also (and even more so in the future) prevent any complexities with being paid their retirement for those who have made their contributions in different Member States throughout their lives. Even though there is to be at least a central system for this (a step in the right direction) one will only receive a share of ones retirement from a particular Member State once one reaches the retirement age of that Member State.	1	0	1
E05013	The EU should improve public management and anti-corruption mechanisms	in favor of	The EU needs to focus on simplifying and standardizing European processes and procedures associated with public management and creating efficient and effective anti-corruption mechanisms. This will reduce the financial resources to be made available to the most relevant areas of intervention at the EU country and regional Levels.	1	0	1
E05020	Food health and industry companies should be located within the EU	in favor of	It will bring the EU more jobs less unemployment and more added value.	1	0	1
E05025	Catalan should be an official language of the European Parliament	in favor of	There are languages that are spoken by fewer people and are official	1	1	0
E05028	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	in favor of	The undemocratic nature and perception of the presidency and the commission were used very effectively during the Brexit referendum campaign to change the minds of even the most reasonable pro-EU and anti-Brexit voters as EU political representatives were already remote and inaccessible to many people with unrecognized names faces and campaign points.	1	1	0
E05029	The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU	in favor of	Having leaders with great power across Europe that nobody directly voted for is of great concern. Unless the EU radically democratizes the presidency (creating the position which failed several referenda) as well as the commission it will be used again and again to stoke anti-EU sentiment.	1	0	0
E05030	The EU should set up physical offices, where citizens can address their concerns about Europe	in favor of	As we are transitioning into a more extensive digital age every day we still should not forget that as we age it gets harder to be quick with digital news information and advances in society. Therefore even right now our current older generations and future older generations need a physical touch point where competent people would be able to introduce on the spot what that one person as a citizen of the European Union can do that exact day to influence the benefit of Europe and their country.	1	0	0
E05047	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	Europe was composed of 13 countries in 1870 and 23 in 1914. Maybe its time to change borders without bloodshed.	1	0	0
E05052	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	We live in the XXI century. We do not want any repression of peripheries by their state center. Within the European Union we should welcome the blessing of decentralism and localism including the self-determination of stateless peoples and stronger autonomies within confederal agreements. If not in Europe where. If not now when.	1	0	0
E05055	The EU should synchronize national elections 	in favor of	National elections synchronization would finally make it possible to strengthen the effectiveness of the Council of the EU by eliminating the blockages caused by the constant renewal of Ministers which considerably slows down decision-making.  	1	0	0
E05060	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	Decision-making is today made unilaterally minding short-term economic interests and employers demands. We need a social progressive policy in the EU.	1	0	0
E05064	We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability	in favor of	Europe needs a proper parliament including a right to initiative combined with strong involvement of social partners e.g. through European Social Dialogue or the partnership principle in regional funds.	1	1	0
E05068	The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders.	in favor of	Self-determination is a basic collective human right. Catalans practiced this right in 2017.  Since then the Catalan Republic is kidnaped by Spanish lawfare with the elected president Puigdemont in exile within Europe and more than 3000 Catalan activists suffering political persecution as a consequence.  Ignoring this conflict within the core of Europe by European Institutions can undermine the EU at its very start.  If you sincerely believe in human rights recognize the Catalan Republic officially. This crucial step will enforce European democracy the Democracy of Citizens that feel free and respected within European borders.	1	0	0
E05088	There is a necessity for a European framework for the free movement of intensivists 	in favor of	The pandemic has put European Intensive Care Units (ICUs) under extreme pressure. The most important lesson learned early on in the chaos of the pandemic was that equipment and medicines are necessary to save lives but without adequately trained human resources these elements are irrelevant. Ventilators don’t operate themselves.   We saw patients in very critical condition being moved away from their families from one Member State to another to receive treatment while allowing the doctors to move would be much more efficient and less life-threatening for the patients. 	1	0	0
E05107	Rural areas should become more attractive for life and work	in favor of	It seems like a no-brainer to say something like this but actually the way we handle soil must change massively to halt the climate crisis and mitigate its consequences. Thus we need to recultivate and restore abandoned and contaminated places and shift agriculture to regenerative agriculture or restoration agriculture. We need to stabilize family farms and make them ecologically financially and socially sustainable. We need between big and medium-sized farms and also highly productive smallholder farms and wildlife reservoirs. This all depends on a lot of labor engaged people and legal and conceptual infrastructure. Having all this in place will foster urban areas as well. 	1	0	0
E05108	Rural areas should become more attractive for life and work	in favor of	If rural areas are to become more attractive to live in and work it is essential to bet on innovation and the creation of quality jobs	1	0	0
E05120	We need to move towards drug reform, which will change our outdated drug policy.	in favor of	Tax revenues generated by cannabis could be redirected towards education in poor neighborhoods (increasing teachers pay in these areas reducing the number of teachers per class) in order to give these populations a better future. But unlike in the Netherlands production should also be legal and highly regulated by the state.	1	0	1
E05121	Public transport in EU cities should be free	in favor of	I think a very good transportation system within European cities is very much desirable. There is not enough space for many parking lots anyway electro-cars wont be able to replace common cars and urban spaces have to become greener.  In order for many people to accept that the use of cars will have been a thing of the past they should be offered very good alternatives in the future and hopefully appreciate green mobility through good public transport within urban areas.	1	0	0
E05122	Public transport in EU cities should be free	in favor of	The incentive to provide free public transport in European cities in the future would make it easier for people especially in the cities to accept and appreciate that there will be fewer and fewer cars. People who benefit from current examples are happy about it. 	1	0	0
E05124	We need a European Clinical Registries Platform	in favor of	A common digital platform where data will be recorded in an anonymized way could also be very helpful for the future not only in case of new pandemic situations. However as data itself has a market value and as we have learned about the global interdependency in an emergency situation e.g. with vaccines no company should capitalize on this data.  The data should be accessible for public research and used for monitoring public health e.g. by European institutions	1	0	0
E05125	The EU needs a European research center	in favor of	it would help to further unite the nations.	1	0	0
E05133	Alternative medicine should be more accepted	in favor of	Traditional complementary and integrative medicine is a safe and efficient way to improve well-being and happiness and prevent illness. Also an innumerable amount of people have got significant palliation or even total cure in cases which the official health care system unfortunately couldnt help. This is clearly an area where countries civilizations and schools of thought could learn a lot from each other.	1	0	0
E05145	The EU needs a European research center	in favor of	I think the problem in the EU is the incompetence to establish inventions in the market. There are lots of inventions that are made and funded by public EU research facilities brought into the market by small startups. In the end they are picked like ripe fruits by the US or Chinese companies where the big money is made.	1	0	1
E06020	The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders	in favor of	Current concerns about rule of law infringements are simply being brushed off as national matters. If this continues how can the EU assume authority to promote democracy abroad. More strict and enforceable minimum standards must be introduced under clearly increasing penalties for non-compliance. If shared values and democracy are indeed a requisite to be a part of the EU then continued adherence should be a precondition to remain a part of it.	1	1	0
E06075	The EU needs more effective policies to combat online hate speech	in favor of	Yes the European Union needs effective policies to combat online hate speech and these need to be regularly updated as technology evolves and to take into account worldwide learning on how to effectively combat online hate speech.	1	0	0
E06078	Ideology should be aimed at popularizing the best human qualities and stopping everything that is directed against a human	in favor of	This will create conditions for the development and education of a Human with a capital “H” cultivating moral values in each person and society.  We should prohibit propaganda of violence condemnation and denunciation of any form of division aggression and anti-humane manifestations	1	0	0
E06091	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	The situation of young people is difficult. Temporary jobs precarious contracts civic contracts replacing regular employment forced self-employment lack of basic social protection and even age-discriminatory practices (also on the basis of age) are still the norm for millions of young people who are trying to make their way in the labor market. They need urgent help.	1	0	0
E06092	Esperanto should replace English as the first foreign language in schools and universities	in favor of	Esperanto is politically neutral: it is not used by any European nation. Although there is some culture connected to the language there is no political or economic power imposing it. Also where English is connected to the US Canada Australia and other countries Esperanto would be a truly European language.	1	0	0
E06093	Esperanto should replace English as the first foreign language in schools and universities	in favor of	To build a common European understanding and to create a European identity we need our own common language. 	1	1	0
E06094	Esperanto should replace English as the first foreign language in schools and universities	in favor of	Esperanto is linguistically neutral: The language was created with the principle of internationality in a European context. It’s democratic: There are no native speakers of Esperanto or better yet not any monolingual speakers of Esperanto. Everyone has to learn it as a second language. As a result of this nobody will have an advantage over others and nobody can feel like a stranger since nobody can feel like a native. Everyone is respected regardless of their origin and not discouraged from learning the language.	1	0	0
E06095	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	I agree. Young people should have a voice in policymaking. Regulation needs to reduce forms of precarious work.  It is time to expand collective bargaining coverage to all forms of work. It is essential to introduce a right to decent housing and policies capping rents and limiting property market speculation. we urgently need investment to achieve this. Youth is the future we have to take care of it.	1	1	0
E06097	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	A lot of programs nowadays sound really good on paper but there always is someone bending the rules. There needs to be outside monitoring in every youth program of that sort 	1	0	0
E06098	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	We see this problem in many countries and the situation is getting worse - the pandemic also took its toll. Stable quality jobs and adequate social protection are necessary if we dont want to see a great strain on social systems in the long term. 	1	0	0
E06099	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	To prevent precarious conditions we must put in place quality standards they must be binding for all jobs created under EU and National recovery plans. Better monitoring and trade union involvement are needed to assess and report youth unemployment and NEET rates. At the moment these numbers hide forced mobility involuntary part-time employment and work in a grey and informal economy. Urgent measures are needed to fight youth unemployment and precarious working conditions in sectors where young people are overrepresented (tourism; gig economy…).	1	0	0
E06100	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	I agree. Stable quality jobs and adequate social protection for everyone are necessary.  Trade unions have many proposals to achieve more equal and inclusive labor markets.  This goes hand in hand with policies to promote more equal sustainable and inclusive societies.  	1	0	0
E07001	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	We cannot afford a lost generation so we need to invest in quality jobs and young people for our future.	1	0	0
E07002	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	The problem of youth employment has been there for a long time but was underlined again during the pandemic. Many young people are forced to move to a different country in order to find work. 	1	0	0
E07004	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people	in favor of	All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection including young people. It is embedded in the core principle of the European Pillar of Social Rights but those high and lofty principles must become a reality for all workers old and young.	1	0	0
E07005	Imprisonment of foreign criminals should be carried out in their country	in favor of	Integration and immigration in a host country require a lot of effort	1	0	0
E07006	Imprisonment of foreign criminals should be carried out in their country	in favor of	This will relieve the European prison system. This would encourage many migrants to take responsibility for the laws of the host countries.	1	0	0
E07027	There should be a stronger partnership between the EU and the African Union	in favor of	Maybe while helping economic integration in Africa to happen we will discover that we could go further in our own EU development. We could foster transnational companies which operate on both continents but not primarily the very big ones. I think of companies that supply solar power solutions to rural areas or microcredit banks. Create platforms where best choice and best practice solutions can evolve. This way we can establish a single common market.	1	0	0
E07032	There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries 	in favor of	European citizens are the future of Europe. 	1	0	0
E07033	There should be 6 concrete proposals for migrants on the Balkan route.	in favor of	The proposal of the Sardines to reform EU asylum policy is an excellent proposal well and thoroughly written.	1	1	0
E07038	We need a better EU migration policy 	in favor of	his is the issue in politics and public sector policy making. No objectives are to be pursued. No problems to be solved. I guess it is the nature of the beast. Balancing conflicting interests. 	1	0	0
E07045	There should be a stronger partnership between the EU and the African Union	in favor of	With highly subsidized agricultural products the EU destroys local markets in African countries. This procedure should be stopped as soon as possible. EU agricultural subsidies should be replaced with incentives and support for a sustainable transition. The earlier we abandon these unfair and highly unsustainable subsidies the better for our own future health social development and climate future. Also this will lead to a better relationship with African Union and enable better livelihoods for African farmers and citizens  	1	0	0
E07059	The EU should strengthen development cooperation.	in favor of	Europe as a whole is the world’s leading donor. The European Union should strengthen the development cooperation action focusing on inclusive development	1	0	0
E07078	There should be a federal Constitution for a European Federation	in favor of	People are willing to volunteer change in relation to involuntary inflicted changes such as technology economy and climate. With this in mind I hope a European Constitution will be long-lasting and help the people. We have to react to the circumstances and start fast.  	1	0	0
E07079	There should be a stronger EU on the world scene	in favor of	EU should show more strength when dealing with foreign powers. In addition there should be a vision about where we want to go in the long term with the EU and this is in an increasingly complex (and sometimes hostile) world. 	1	0	0
E07092	Europe should establish a common Army across Europe	in favor of	An EU army independent from NATO and its US commanders is critical to strategic autonomy and avoiding being dragged into destructive US wars in the Middle East like in the past. 	1	1	0
E07105	We need a single immigration policy.	in favor of	We do need migrants from an ethical and practical point of view. Europe is old and archaic in most of its practices. Innovation is failing and the best we can do is defend the status quo and the old people in power.   	1	0	0
E07110	There should be a European Common Defence and Security Alliance	in favor of	We need to revisit the idea of a defense union that is independent of NATO. National armies of EU states should be able to cooperate. This includes the same equipment the same training and the same battle language.  	1	0	0
E07121	There should be a stronger partnership between the EU and the African Union	in favor of	Africa has a lot of bright young people with sometimes incredible ideas. If these young people create for example remote learning opportunities for African students we should not only sponsor such projects but make exchange possible for young people in Europe to create similar items for example to foster MINT skills throughout Europe. Give more opportunities for young people from both sides to meet exchange and ventilate new ideas. 	1	0	0
E07126	The EU should recognize Taiwan as an independent sovereign state	in favor of	Recognizing Taiwan as a sovereign state coordinated act of the EU USA Japan and Australia. That will make any retaliation from China much more difficult. 	1	0	0
E07128	The demographic decline should be stopped.	in favor of	The EU is in demographic decline. At the start of the 19th century Europe accounted for 15% of the worlds population. By 2050 it will be 5%. 	1	0	0
E07132	We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society	in favor of	Complex problems are faced by deepening study not by pretending they dont exist.	1	0	0
E07136	Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on absolute majority, not unanimity	in favor of	Without a change in the voting procedure Europe will not be capable of doing much in this world.	1	0	0
E07153	The 19 June plenary meeting of the European Conference should mark a first step in the direction of a stronger and more united EU in the world	in favor of	We need the United States of Europe. A European army strategic autonomy and acting as one. To the future of Europe must belong its capacity to act as a global player.  	1	1	0
E07157	The European Union has no other choice than to reject all immigration, except for workers they need.	in favor of	Africa and the Middle East have the highest birthrate in the World. Africa has up to 7 children per woman. The EU has 155.  It is this high birthrate that keeps them poor. There is almost nothing the EU can do about it.	1	1	1
E07163	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council.	in favor of	It is a good idea that France should coordinate its positions on the UN Security Council with the EU or leave its seat to the EU entirely. This way foreign policy decision-making within the EU can be made more straightforward.	1	1	0
E07172	The Western Balkans should join the EU immediately 	in favor of	I opt without a that the Balkan countries should be EU members so their membership status helps them evolve. We have great examples in Romania and Bulgaria and going back to the eighties to Spain and Portugal. Those countries started to truly develop when they joined the EU. Besides as you stated the Balkan countries have made huge efforts in the last years to approach the EU.	1	0	0
E07173	We need an integrated migration and border policy.	in favor of	The EU member states need to lift together instead of trying to push the burdens onto each other or external nations.	1	0	0
E07179	Immigrants should learn the language of their host country.	in favor of	Helping migrants learn the language and culture of the country they are living in are critical to successful integration. Language and norms of the job market and workplace should also be built in.	1	0	0
E07189	Esperanto should be the common language for the European Union.	in favor of	Natural languages were never designed to be used for international communication. They reflect their own cultures and are perfect for use in their own communities but the international language has different requirements. Esperanto has been specifically designed for this purpose as an auxiliary language one that can bring people together. It needs serious consideration.	1	0	0
E07190	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council	in favor of	The idea that France should coordinate its positions on the UN Security Council with the EU is good because it does not request any specific UN decision (i.e recognizing the EU as a State). It is enough that an internal EU-France agreement determines that the representative of France (appointed by agreement between France and EU) will now represent the EU (with veto right) and at the same time all other EU Member States will reinforce this representation by delegating their best specialists and put their own representation in vacancy. 	1	1	0
E07191	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council	in favor of	It should be the common goal of EU diplomacy to change the workings of the UN as it is. The security council is a relict of the emerging post-WW2 order and the influence of the Cold War.	1	1	0
E07193	We need better ways of migration.	in favor of	Migration is part of being human and has always happened throughout history.    	1	0	0
E07194	We need better ways of migration.	in favor of	The EU needs a humane civilized and legal way to manage migration whether it is for economic reasons or to seek international protection. 	1	0	0
E07196	The EU should strengthen its ties with Ukraine and prepare an EU membership of Ukraine.	in favor of	If people make a revolution for our system and values we must support them. It is the Ukrainian people who decide their future not Russia. In order to support them we need a European army and a common foreign policy.	1	1	0
E07197	We need a stand-alone European army.	in favor of	Turkey is encroaching on EU territory Russia is sending its army to the Ukrainian border and what can we do. Nothing because nobody is taking us seriously. Our threats are empty and get ignored and our diplomacy is weak. Its time for the EU to be recognized as a strong force that can and will protect its people and its interests.  	1	0	0
E07211	There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism	in favor of	The EU should be able to contribute to a relaunch of global multilateralism through a profound reform based on democracy and peace solidarity and respect for human social and environmental rights.	1	0	0
E07215	The EU should change its internal structure.	in favor of	Expansion by many dissimilar members and in particular the implementation of the EURO has made the EU unmanageable.  The EURO is too strong for the less competitive members and is therefore unsustainable.  	1	0	0
E07224	There should be a president for the EU elected by the people.	in favor of	We need one single president of the Commission that will chair the Commission and the Council. I wonder though how the president of the EU Parliament would be involved in this structure. 	1	1	0
E07227	The EU needs a single market for news	in favor of	We have a deficit in democracy in the EU because of the lack of coverage of European affairs in our media. Its also the reason why people dont know much about the EU and dont understand how it benefits us all.	1	0	0
E07228	 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on absolute majority, not unanimity	in favor of	The unanimous vote is the cause of European stagnation. Foreign and security policy requires speed. Unanimity should be replaced with a qualified majority.	1	1	0
E07233	Europe needs an energy partnership with Africa.	in favor of	Only if Europe has an energy partnership with Africa Europe will be able to produce enough clean energy. The EU should develop fair cooperation with the African Union and also offer Africa an alternative to the geopolitical attempts of other powers to establish themselves as global hegemons. 	1	1	0
E07243	The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council.	in favor of	France should offer its seat on the UN Security Council so European interests are represented.	1	1	0
E07251	Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity.	in favor of	Giving small countries veto rights is a recipe for disaster that will keep the European Union separated and weak instead of united and reliable in policy making. 	1	1	0
E07267	There should be a new EU foreign policy.	in favor of	The stated proposal for a new EU foreign policy is very well thought through.	1	0	0
E07276	The EU will dissolve within 10 years unless reformed	in favor of	Large bureaucratic organizations such as the EU are the product of the industrial age and unfortunately without significant reforms they will not survive the digital age. The digital age leads to decentralization and cost-efficiency such as a decentralized flow of information (e.g. Internet) and money (e.g. Bitcoin) without the need for centralized control which is very expensive to maintain (i.e. EU).	1	0	1
E08001	The EU should extend the model of Pooling & Sharing European military resources beyond air transport.	in favor of	Pooling & Sharing increases the size availability the diversity of specific military resources but decreases their global cost at the same time	1	0	1
E08002	The EU should extend the model of Pooling & Sharing European military resources beyond air transport.	in favor of	Pooling & Sharing integrates military capabilities at the European level and creates a European culture in the military sector.	1	1	0
E08004	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	I am in favor of a possible army but I would like to see it combined with social services and reconstruction. So NGOs and development cooperation must be involved. An army that can fight must also be able to build. We therefore also need a civilian army in Europe. I would also like an army consisting of civilians in uniform in the same way as the German army. Please also take into account the right to refuse orders due to conscientious objection also as in the German army.	1	1	0
E08015	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	A European army is not a controversial idea but a question of what integration of the armed forces of the member states means and what an army is in general. EU action on security and defense must extend to vigilance openness and transparency in economic financial fiscal and social infrastructures. A European or joint - ideally worldwide - army is not a hierarchy but an idea of common values in the sense of human rights and strategic and coordinated action as well as socio-economic prosperity for all without environmental pollution. But ordinances decrees etc. are a kind of silent mail and can falsify the legal goals and values as can reports and statistics.	1	0	0
E08016	The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states	in favor of	On the one hand we have Russia killing countless Ukrainians and committing sabotage in Britain and the Czech Republic and on the other hand we have reluctant United States that is switching between isolationist and interventionist policies every 4-8 years.   I stand convinced that in order for the European Union to move forward it must begin to introduce measures for the security of both the current member states as well as the future member states that are endangered due to foreign aggression and bring the responsibility of continental safety firmly in our own hands. If Europe is to find the peace it must have the means to create peace by being able to protect itself against hostile foreign influences.	1	1	0