`` you see her . now i want to see my mother . and she better be unharmed , mouton . '' sophie 's uncle 's mouth drew into a frown . no , he did n't like threats . she 'd seen that look countless times when her father had issued a set-down to his younger brother . tomas ignored sam and looked directly at her . he had a distinct look of unease on his face . his forehead was shiny in the sunlight , and when she looked down at his hands , they were balled into fists at his sides . `` the key , sophie . show me the key . '' not waiting for direction from sam , she slowly held her hand up , flashing the metal in the sun so he could plainly see the key and the leather band that had secured it to her father 's neck . the door opened again and the men surrounding her and the suv all tensed , each reaching for his gun . the guards at tomas 's side reacted by drawing their rifles . marlene kelly came into view looking pale and haggard , but sophie did n't look at her . no , her focus was on the man nearly covered by marlene . the man holding one arm tightly around her neck and pressing a gun to her temple with his other hand . her palms went damp , and her stomach clenched in a knot so tight she thought she was going to puke . sam froze when he saw the man holding his mother like a human shield . not much of him was visible , but he could see enough to know he 'd been had . not just had , but truly and royally f**ked . he glanced sideways at his brothers , but he refused to look back at sophie , refused to give her or her bastard father the satisfaction . god , when he remembered the tears sophie had conjured as she fed him that sob story about her home life and how she 'd shot and killed her father , it made him want to puke . she was good , and he 'd been sucked in , hook , line and sinker . was the baby even his or had she lied about that too ? it echoed sam 's own thoughts perfectly . `` i believed her too , man , '' garrett said quietly so the others would n't hear . utterly still , and he turned it all off . right now nothing mattered but getting his mother to safety . `` let her go , mouton , '' sam called . `` let her go , and you 'll get what you want . '' `` welcome home , daughter , '' alex called out . for the first time , sam turned and put his hand out to sophie in a stopping motion . `` you do n't move a f**king inch until he lets her go . '' sophie stood , stock-still , her face pale and drawn . her hand clutched the key , that goddamn key-did her father even need it ? was the whole thing an elaborate ruse to get sam and his men in a vulnerable position ? there was too much sam could n't wrap his brain around , but it did n't matter . while he was still faced away from mouton , he ordered in quick , urgent tones , `` p.j. , cole , take the goddamn shot . '' `` i do not have a shot . repeat , i do not have a shot , '' p.j . a split second later , cole 's voice bled through the receiver in sam 's ear . `` negative on a clear shot . '' sam swore under his breath . he turned back to mouton , ignoring the pleading in sophie 's eyes . `` it would seem we 're at an impasse , alex . '' did the bastard even want sophie ? was he willing to sacrifice her to achieve his means ? and what was his purpose ? why go through such an elaborate charade ? doubt crowded sam 's mind . had sophie really betrayed him ? pushing aside his emotions , he stared alex mouton down . sam needed to get him talking , needed him to make a mistake so p.j . and cole could take him out . `` no , we are n't , '' alex said indifferently . `` it really does n't matter to me one way or another if your mother dies . marlene made a sound of panic as mouton dug the point of the pistol harder into the side of her head . sam zeroed in on mouton 's hand , how it tightened around the stock . his finger hovered and then closed around the trigger . right here in front of sam and his brothers . and sam was helpless to do anything but watch . out of the corner of his eye , he caught movement . garrett whirled around , his hands going to his pants just as sophie shot past him , one of the grenades from garrett 's belt in her hand . and so she 'd made her move .
[["see", 10], ["mother", 44], ["mothered", 44], ["motherest", 44], ["well", 61], ["better", 61], ["unharmed", 73], ["mouton", 82], ["uncle", 103], ["mouth", 112], ["mouthed", 112], ["draw", 117], ["draws", 117], ["drawn", 117], ["drew", 117], ["frown", 130], ["frowns", 130], ["like", 153], ["threat", 161], ["threats", 161], ["see", 175], ["seen", 175], ["look", 185], ["countless", 195], ["time", 201], ["times", 201], ["father", 217], ["fathered", 217], ["fathering", 217], ["issue", 228], ["issued", 228], ["set", 234], ["young", 254], ["youngest", 254], ["brother", 262], ["brethren", 262], ["ignore", 278], ["ignored", 278], ["sam", 282], ["look", 293], ["looked", 293], ["directly", 302], ["distinct", 329], ["unease", 344], ["uneased", 344], ["face", 356], ["forehead", 371], ["shiny", 381], ["shinier", 381], ["sunlight", 397], ["hand", 437], ["hands", 437], ["ball", 456], ["balled", 456], ["fist", 467], ["fists", 467], ["side", 480], ["sidest", 480], ["sides", 480], ["key", 493], ["keyed", 493], ["keyest", 493], ["show", 509], ["wait", 537], ["waitest", 537], ["waiting", 537], ["direction", 551], ["slowly", 573], ["hold", 578], ["held", 578], ["hand", 587], ["flash", 601], ["flashing", 601], ["metal", 611], ["sun", 622], ["suns", 622], ["sunned", 622], ["plainly", 642], ["leather", 670], ["band", 675], ["secure", 692], ["securest", 692], ["secured", 692], ["neck", 717], ["necked", 717], ["door", 728], ["open", 735], ["opened", 735], ["man", 753], ["mans", 753], ["manned", 753], ["men", 753], ["surround", 765], ["surrounding", 765], ["suv", 781], ["tense", 792], ["tensed", 792], ["reach", 808], ["reaching", 808], ["gun", 820], ["guard", 833], ["guards", 833], ["side", 850], ["sidest", 850], ["react", 858], ["reacted", 858], ["draw", 869], ["draws", 869], ["drawn", 869], ["drawing", 869], ["rifle", 882], ["rifles", 882], ["marlene", 892], ["kelly", 898], ["come", 903], ["came", 903], ["view", 913], ["viewest", 913], ["look", 921], ["looking", 921], ["pale", 926], ["haggard", 938], ["haggards", 938], ["focus", 988], ["man", 1003], ["mans", 1003], ["manned", 1003], ["nearly", 1010], ["cover", 1018], ["covered", 1018], ["hold", 1047], ["holding", 1047], ["arm", 1055], ["tightly", 1063], ["around", 1070], ["press", 1092], ["pressing", 1092], ["temple", 1112], ["palm", 1144], ["palms", 1144], ["palmed", 1144], ["palmest", 1144], ["go", 1149], ["goest", 1149], ["went", 1149], ["damp", 1154], ["damps", 1154], ["damped", 1154], ["stomach", 1172], ["stomachs", 1172], ["stomaching", 1172], ["clench", 1181], ["clenched", 1181], ["knot", 1191], ["knotted", 1191], ["tight", 1200], ["think", 1212], ["thinkest", 1212], ["thought", 1212], ["go", 1226], ["goest", 1226], ["going", 1226], ["puke", 1234], ["froze", 1246], ["frozen", 1246], ["freeze", 1246], ["freezing", 1246], ["see", 1258], ["saw", 1258], ["human", 1298], ["shield", 1305], ["shields", 1305], ["much", 1316], ["visible", 1335], ["enough", 1361], ["know", 1369], ["knowest", 1369], ["truly", 1411], ["royally", 1423], ["glance", 1443], ["glanced", 1443], ["sideways", 1452], ["brother", 1468], ["brethren", 1468], ["brothers", 1468], ["refuse", 1485], ["refused", 1485], ["back", 1498], ["give", 1526], ["bastard", 1545], ["satisfaction", 1569], ["god", 1575], ["remember", 1596], ["rememberest", 1596], ["remembered", 1596], ["tear", 1606], ["teared", 1606], ["tears", 1606], ["conjure", 1626], ["conjured", 1626], ["fed", 1637], ["feed", 1637], ["sob", 1650], ["sobs", 1650], ["sobbed", 1650], ["story", 1656], ["home", 1671], ["homing", 1671], ["life", 1676], ["lifes", 1676], ["shoot", 1696], ["shot", 1696], ["shooted", 1696], ["kill", 1707], ["killed", 1707], ["good", 1760], ["suck", 1784], ["sucking", 1784], ["sucked", 1784], ["hook", 1794], ["line", 1801], ["sinker", 1812], ["baby", 1827], ["even", 1832], ["evens", 1832], ["lay", 1852], ["lie", 1852], ["lain", 1852], ["lied", 1852], ["echo", 1879], ["echoed", 1879], ["thought", 1899], ["thoughts", 1899], ["perfectly", 1909], ["believe", 1925], ["believed", 1925], ["garrett", 1952], ["say", 1957], ["sayest", 1957], ["said", 1957], ["quietly", 1965], ["hear", 1994], ["hears", 1994], ["utterly", 2004], ["still", 2010], ["turn", 2026], ["turned", 2026], ["right", 2045], ["rightest", 2045], ["nothing", 2057], ["matter", 2066], ["mattering", 2066], ["mattered", 2066], ["get", 2078], ["getting", 2078], ["safety", 2099], ["let", 2108], ["lets", 2108], ["go", 2115], ["goest", 2115], ["call", 2140], ["called", 2140], ["get", 2174], ["welcome", 2204], ["daughter", 2220], ["alex", 2230], ["first", 2257], ["firstest", 2257], ["time", 2262], ["put", 2283], ["motion", 2327], ["move", 2348], ["inch", 2363], ["let", 2377], ["lets", 2377], ["stood", 2402], ["stand", 2402], ["standest", 2402], ["stock", 2410], ["clutch", 2462], ["clutched", 2462], ["goddamn", 2485], ["need", 2514], ["needest", 2514], ["whole", 2533], ["wholes", 2533], ["thing", 2539], ["elaborate", 2552], ["ruse", 2557], ["vulnerable", 2596], ["position", 2605], ["wrap", 2645], ["wraps", 2645], ["wrapping", 2645], ["brain", 2655], ["brained", 2655], ["braining", 2655], ["matter", 2686], ["mattering", 2686], ["face", 2713], ["faced", 2713], ["away", 2718], ["order", 2743], ["orderest", 2743], ["ordered", 2743], ["quick", 2752], ["urgent", 2761], ["tone", 2767], ["toned", 2767], ["toning", 2767], ["tones", 2767], ["cole", 2784], ["coles", 2784], ["take", 2791], ["repeat", 2846], ["repeatest", 2846], ["split", 2888], ["second", 2895], ["seconded", 2895], ["later", 2901], ["voice", 2917], ["bleed", 2922], ["bled", 2922], ["receiver", 2943], ["ear", 2957], ["negative", 2971], ["clear", 2982], ["clearest", 2982], ["swear", 3002], ["sweared", 3002], ["breath", 3019], ["breathest", 3019], ["ignore", 3057], ["ignoring", 3057], ["pleading", 3070], ["eye", 3088], ["eyed", 3088], ["eyes", 3088], ["seem", 3107], ["seeming", 3107], ["impasse", 3128], ["willing", 3190], ["sacrifice", 3203], ["achieve", 3218], ["mean", 3228], ["meanest", 3228], ["means", 3228], ["purpose", 3255], ["charade", 3298], ["doubt", 3306], ["crowd", 3314], ["crowdest", 3314], ["crowding", 3314], ["crowded", 3314], ["mind", 3326], ["minding", 3326], ["really", 3346], ["betray", 3355], ["betrayed", 3355], ["betraying", 3355], ["push", 3369], ["pushing", 3369], ["aside", 3375], ["emotion", 3388], ["emotions", 3388], ["stare", 3400], ["stared", 3400], ["need", 3430], ["needest", 3430], ["needed", 3430], ["talk", 3449], ["talking", 3449], ["mistake", 3480], ["mistook", 3480], ["mistaken", 3480], ["indifferently", 3567], ["way", 3612], ["ways", 3612], ["another", 3623], ["die", 3643], ["dies", 3643], ["sound", 3666], ["panic", 3675], ["dug", 3689], ["dig", 3689], ["digs", 3689], ["digest", 3689], ["point", 3699], ["pistol", 3713], ["hard", 3720], ["head", 3746], ["zero", 3759], ["zeroes", 3759], ["zeroed", 3759], ["tighten", 3799], ["tightens", 3799], ["tightenest", 3799], ["tightened", 3799], ["finger", 3829], ["hover", 3837], ["hovered", 3837], ["close", 3853], ["closed", 3853], ["trigger", 3872], ["front", 3894], ["helpless", 3941], ["anything", 3956], ["watch", 3966], ["corner", 3986], ["eye", 3997], ["eyed", 3997], ["catch", 4009], ["catches", 4009], ["catched", 4009], ["caught", 4009], ["movement", 4018], ["whirl", 4036], ["whirls", 4036], ["whirled", 4036], ["pant", 4074], ["pants", 4074], ["past", 4099], ["grenade", 4125], ["grenades", 4125], ["belt", 4146], ["belts", 4146], ["belted", 4146], ["belting", 4146], ["beltest", 4146]]
apparently she decided that i looked harmless enough , despite my odd and scandalous appearance , for she smiled-kindly , despite several missing teeth-and took me by the arm . `` well then , claire . welcome to ye . come wi ' me and we shall find ye somethin ' a bit more ... mmm . '' she looked over my short skirt and inadequate shoes , shaking her head . she was leading me firmly away when i remembered my patient . `` oh , wait , please ! mistress fitzgibbons was surprised . `` why , jamie can fend for himself . he knows where to get food and someone will find him a bed . '' `` but he 's hurt . he was shot yesterday and stabbed last night . i bandaged the wound for riding , but i did n't have time to clean or dress it properly . i must care for it now , before it gets infected . '' `` yes , that is , i mean , inflamed , you know , with pus and swelling and fever . '' `` oh , aye , i know what ye mean . but do ye mean to say as ye know what to do for that ? are ye a charmer then ? a beaton ? '' i had no notion what a beaton might be , nor any wish to go into my medical qualifications , standing out in the chilly drizzle that had set in . mistress fitzgibbons seemed of a like mind , for she called back jamie , who was making off in the opposite direction , and taking him also by an arm , towed us both into the castle . after a long trip through cold narrow corridors , dimly lit by slitted windows , we came to a fairly large room furnished with a bed , a couple of stools , and most importantly , a fire . i ignored my patient temporarily in favor of thawing my hands . mistress fitzgibbons , presumably immune to cold , sat jamie on a stool by the fire and gently got the remains of his tattered shirt off , replacing it with a warm quilt from the bed . she clucked at the shoulder , which was bruised and swollen , and poked at my clumsy dressing . i turned from the fire . `` i think it will need to be soaked off , and then the wound cleansed with a solution for ... for preventing fevers . '' mistress fitzgibbons would have made an admirable nurse . `` what will ye be needin ' ? '' what in the name of god had people used for preventing infection before the advent of antibiotics ? and of those limited compounds , which might be available to me in a primitive scottish castle just after dawn ? i said in triumph . `` garlic , and if you have it , witch hazel . also i 'll need several clean rags and a kettle of water for boiling . '' `` aye , well , i think we can manage that ; perhaps a bit of comfrey as well . what about a bit o ' boneset tea , or chamomile ? t'lad looks as though it 's been a long night . '' the young man was in fact swaying with weariness , too tired to protest our discussing him as though he were an inanimate object . mrs. fitzgibbons was soon back , with an apron full of garlic bulbs , gauze bags of dried herbs , and torn strips of old linen . a small black iron kettle hung from one meaty arm , and she held a large demijohn of water as though it were so much goosedown . `` now then , m ' dear , what would ye have me do ? '' i set her to boiling water and peeling the cloves of garlic while i inspected the contents of the herb packets . there was the witch hazel i had asked for , boneset and comfrey for tea , and something i tentatively identified as cherry bark . `` painkiller , '' i muttered happily , recollecting mr. crook explaining the uses of the barks and herbs we found . good , we 'd need that . i threw several cloves of peeled garlic into the boiling water with some of the witch hazel , then added the cloth strips to the mixture . the boneset , comfrey , and cherry bark were steeping in a small pan of hot water set by the fire . the preparations had steadied me a bit . if i did n't know for certain where i was , or why i was there , at least i knew what to do for the next quarter of an hour . `` thank you ... ah , mrs. fitzgibbons , '' i said respectfully . `` i can manage now , if you have things to do . '' the giant dame laughed , br**sts heaving . `` ah , lass ! there aye be things for me to do ! i 'll send a bit o ' broth up for ye . do ye call oot if ye need anything else . '' she waddled to the door with surprising speed and disappeared on her rounds . i pulled the bandages off as carefully as i could .
[["apparently", 10], ["decide", 22], ["decided", 22], ["look", 36], ["looked", 36], ["harmless", 45], ["enough", 52], ["despite", 62], ["odd", 69], ["scandalous", 84], ["appearance", 95], ["smile", 112], ["smiled", 112], ["kindly", 119], ["several", 137], ["miss", 145], ["missing", 145], ["tooth", 151], ["teeth", 151], ["take", 160], ["took", 160], ["arm", 174], ["well", 184], ["wells", 184], ["claire", 198], ["welcome", 208], ["ye", 214], ["yed", 214], ["come", 221], ["wi", 224], ["shall", 242], ["find", 247], ["bit", 267], ["bits", 267], ["mmm", 280], ["short", 310], ["skirt", 316], ["inadequate", 331], ["shoe", 337], ["shoed", 337], ["shoes", 337], ["shake", 347], ["shaking", 347], ["head", 356], ["lead", 374], ["leaded", 374], ["leading", 374], ["firmly", 384], ["away", 389], ["remember", 407], ["rememberest", 407], ["remembered", 407], ["patient", 418], ["oh", 426], ["wait", 433], ["waitest", 433], ["please", 442], ["mistress", 453], ["jamie", 496], ["fend", 505], ["fended", 505], ["know", 528], ["knowest", 528], ["knows", 528], ["get", 541], ["food", 546], ["foods", 546], ["bed", 578], ["hurt", 601], ["hurts", 601], ["hurting", 601], ["shoot", 615], ["shooted", 615], ["shot", 615], ["yesterday", 625], ["yesterdays", 625], ["stab", 637], ["stabs", 637], ["stabbed", 637], ["last", 642], ["night", 648], ["bandage", 661], ["bandaged", 661], ["wind", 671], ["wound", 671], ["wounding", 671], ["ridings", 682], ["time", 708], ["clean", 717], ["cleans", 717], ["dress", 726], ["dressest", 726], ["properly", 738], ["must", 747], ["musts", 747], ["care", 752], ["get", 780], ["gets", 780], ["infect", 789], ["infected", 789], ["yes", 801], ["mean", 820], ["meanest", 820], ["inflame", 831], ["inflames", 831], ["inflaming", 831], ["inflamed", 831], ["know", 842], ["knowest", 842], ["swelling", 866], ["fever", 876], ["aye", 893], ["ayes", 893], ["say", 939], ["sayest", 939], ["charmer", 989], ["notion", 1026], ["may", 1046], ["mays", 1046], ["mayest", 1046], ["might", 1046], ["wish", 1064], ["go", 1070], ["goest", 1070], ["medical", 1086], ["qualification", 1101], ["qualifications", 1101], ["stood", 1112], ["stand", 1112], ["standest", 1112], ["standing", 1112], ["chilly", 1130], ["drizzle", 1138], ["set", 1151], ["seem", 1184], ["seeming", 1184], ["seemed", 1184], ["like", 1194], ["mind", 1199], ["minding", 1199], ["call", 1216], ["called", 1216], ["back", 1221], ["opposite", 1264], ["direction", 1274], ["take", 1287], ["taking", 1287], ["also", 1296], ["tow", 1314], ["towed", 1314], ["castle", 1338], ["castles", 1338], ["long", 1353], ["longs", 1353], ["trip", 1358], ["tripping", 1358], ["cold", 1371], ["narrow", 1378], ["corridor", 1388], ["corridors", 1388], ["dimly", 1396], ["lit", 1400], ["light", 1400], ["window", 1419], ["windows", 1419], ["come", 1429], ["came", 1429], ["fairly", 1441], ["large", 1447], ["room", 1452], ["roomed", 1452], ["furnish", 1462], ["furnished", 1462], ["couple", 1484], ["stool", 1494], ["stools", 1494], ["importantly", 1517], ["fire", 1526], ["ignore", 1538], ["ignored", 1538], ["temporarily", 1561], ["favor", 1570], ["favorest", 1570], ["thaw", 1581], ["hand", 1590], ["hands", 1590], ["presumably", 1626], ["immune", 1633], ["immunes", 1633], ["sat", 1647], ["sit", 1647], ["stool", 1664], ["stools", 1664], ["gently", 1687], ["get", 1691], ["got", 1691], ["remain", 1703], ["remains", 1703], ["shirt", 1725], ["replace", 1741], ["replacing", 1741], ["warm", 1756], ["quilt", 1762], ["quilted", 1762], ["quilting", 1762], ["quiltest", 1762], ["cluck", 1789], ["cluckest", 1789], ["clucking", 1789], ["clucked", 1789], ["shoulder", 1805], ["shouldered", 1805], ["bruise", 1825], ["bruised", 1825], ["poke", 1849], ["poked", 1849], ["clumsy", 1862], ["dressing", 1871], ["turn", 1882], ["turned", 1882], ["think", 1909], ["thinkest", 1909], ["need", 1922], ["needest", 1922], ["soak", 1935], ["soaks", 1935], ["soaked", 1935], ["cleansed", 1969], ["solution", 1985], ["prevent", 2008], ["preventest", 2008], ["preventing", 2008], ["fever", 2015], ["fevers", 2015], ["admirable", 2070], ["nurse", 2076], ["name", 2128], ["god", 2135], ["people", 2146], ["use", 2151], ["used", 2151], ["infection", 2176], ["advent", 2194], ["antibiotic", 2209], ["antibiotics", 2209], ["limit", 2232], ["limited", 2232], ["compound", 2242], ["compounds", 2242], ["available", 2269], ["primitive", 2290], ["scottish", 2299], ["dawn", 2322], ["dawnest", 2322], ["say", 2331], ["sayest", 2331], ["said", 2331], ["triumph", 2342], ["triumphs", 2342], ["triumphest", 2342], ["triumphing", 2342], ["garlic", 2354], ["witch", 2383], ["witched", 2383], ["hazel", 2389], ["hazels", 2389], ["rag", 2426], ["ragged", 2426], ["rags", 2426], ["kettle", 2439], ["kettles", 2439], ["water", 2448], ["boil", 2460], ["boils", 2460], ["boilings", 2460], ["boiling", 2460], ["manage", 2503], ["perhaps", 2518], ["comfrey", 2535], ["boneset", 2574], ["tea", 2578], ["teas", 2578], ["chamomile", 2593], ["chamomiles", 2593], ["look", 2607], ["looks", 2607], ["though", 2617], ["young", 2656], ["youngest", 2656], ["man", 2660], ["mans", 2660], ["manned", 2660], ["fact", 2672], ["sway", 2680], ["swayed", 2680], ["swaying", 2680], ["weariness", 2695], ["tired", 2707], ["protest", 2718], ["protestest", 2718], ["discuss", 2733], ["discusses", 2733], ["discussest", 2733], ["discussing", 2733], ["inanimate", 2768], ["inanimates", 2768], ["object", 2775], ["objected", 2775], ["objecting", 2775], ["objectest", 2775], ["mrs", 2781], ["soon", 2803], ["apron", 2824], ["full", 2829], ["bulb", 2845], ["bulbs", 2845], ["gauze", 2853], ["gauzes", 2853], ["bag", 2858], ["bagged", 2858], ["bagging", 2858], ["bags", 2858], ["dry", 2867], ["drier", 2867], ["drying", 2867], ["dried", 2867], ["herb", 2873], ["herbs", 2873], ["tear", 2884], ["teared", 2884], ["torn", 2884], ["strip", 2891], ["strips", 2891], ["old", 2898], ["linen", 2904], ["small", 2914], ["black", 2920], ["iron", 2925], ["hung", 2937], ["hang", 2937], ["hangs", 2937], ["meaty", 2952], ["hold", 2971], ["held", 2971], ["demijohn", 2988], ["much", 3023], ["goosedown", 3033], ["dear", 3058], ["dearest", 3058], ["peel", 3129], ["clove", 3140], ["cloves", 3140], ["inspect", 3168], ["inspectest", 3168], ["inspected", 3168], ["content", 3181], ["contenting", 3181], ["contents", 3181], ["herb", 3193], ["herbs", 3193], ["packet", 3201], ["packets", 3201], ["ask", 3241], ["asked", 3241], ["tentatively", 3305], ["identify", 3316], ["identified", 3316], ["cherry", 3326], ["bark", 3331], ["barked", 3331], ["barking", 3331], ["painkiller", 3347], ["mutter", 3363], ["mutterest", 3363], ["muttering", 3363], ["muttered", 3363], ["happily", 3371], ["recollect", 3386], ["recollecting", 3386], ["mr", 3389], ["crook", 3396], ["crooked", 3396], ["explain", 3407], ["explaining", 3407], ["use", 3416], ["uses", 3416], ["bark", 3429], ["barked", 3429], ["barking", 3429], ["barks", 3429], ["find", 3448], ["found", 3448], ["good", 3455], ["throw", 3483], ["threw", 3483], ["peel", 3508], ["peeled", 3508], ["add", 3580], ["added", 3580], ["cloth", 3590], ["mixture", 3612], ["steep", 3668], ["steeps", 3668], ["steeping", 3668], ["pan", 3683], ["pans", 3683], ["hot", 3690], ["preparation", 3731], ["preparations", 3731], ["steady", 3744], ["steadied", 3744], ["certain", 3785], ["least", 3829], ["leastest", 3829], ["know", 3836], ["knowest", 3836], ["knew", 3836], ["next", 3860], ["quarter", 3868], ["quartering", 3868], ["hour", 3879], ["thank", 3890], ["thanks", 3890], ["thankest", 3890], ["ah", 3901], ["respectfully", 3945], ["thing", 3988], ["things", 3988], ["giant", 4009], ["dame", 4014], ["laugh", 4022], ["laughed", 4022], ["lass", 4055], ["send", 4103], ["broth", 4119], ["call", 4142], ["oot", 4146], ["anything", 4166], ["else", 4171], ["waddle", 4188], ["waddled", 4188], ["door", 4200], ["surprising", 4216], ["speed", 4222], ["speeding", 4222], ["disappear", 4238], ["disappeared", 4238], ["round", 4252], ["rounds", 4252], ["pull", 4263], ["pulled", 4263], ["bandage", 4276], ["bandages", 4276], ["carefully", 4293]]
she got the job with my parents and was forced back into my life in the first place , because i was made weak by her . maybe if i would have thought about the repercussions of that action i could have prevented them , and consequently , this . putting my hands on my knees , i got up slowly . i turned around and headed to the door , but she grabbed my arm . drake , i told you . i dont her words cut off as i made eye contact with her . i was sure they stopped because she could see the hurt in my eyes . i wanted to leave before she was aware of it , but i was weak and had to look at her again . you should think about it , and i want you to call me after you figure it out . her lip quivered , and i had to close my eyes . everything we have is in its infancy , and you shouldnt be expected to not consider all your options . this is the real world , lacey , and im not nave to it , nor am i blinded by it . the minute i realized my own fathers words came out of my mouth i had to let her go . i was going to break down , and i couldnt do that in front of her . unfortunately , i had more of my father in myself than i was willing to admit . she said as i went down her stoop . i forced her continued calls of my name to stay out of my head and concentrated as hard as i could to leave her . i couldnt listen to her words , because in that moment only one thing occurred to me . that was when the words she said earlier on the phone came crashing into me . i was willing to give up some of the most important things in my life . i gave everything up so freely when she was clearly still thinking about her options . i must look so foolish to her , so nave in every possible way . she grabbed at my door handle , but i didnt unlock the door . all i did was start the car , shaking my head while i thought . by the time she called me , id have my thoughts collected , and we could figure out what our relationship meant to both of us , and what we were willing to do for it . but until then , i needed time . chapter forty-eight lacey one month later have you called him yet ? margot plopped on the sheet-less mattress of my mamas bed . passing her , i went to mamas closet and picked up the last box of her stuff from the floor . the answer is the same as the last time you asked me . i put the box on the bed , and routed through the old programs . i wouldnt cry as i looked through them . these old paper booklets were happy memories for her ; therefore , they would mean only happy memories for me , too . gathering them into a stack , i put a large rubber band around the faded papers , then put them back into the box . all this stuff would stay . what i dont understand is why . hes waiting for you to call him . he will not call you . that was what he told you to do , right ? drake did tell me to call , but the last month had been nothing but hell for me . losing the house . taking a long , controlled breath , i thumbed aimlessly through the boxes contents . my mental state after everything that had happened in the last month wouldnt have been good for either of us . not to mention , i didnt know if a call would even be welcomed from him if i made it . that tortured look in his eyes when he left my house haunted me and that pained expression nearly killed my insides every time i replayed the image in my head . he felt id betrayed him . it didnt matter that i hadnt . he thought i had , and a phone call would only force me to deal with what that last look he left me with meant . i didnt know if i was ready to handle what the end result would be of us after that phone conversation was over . in fact , i knew i wasnt ready . forcing the thoughts to the back of my mind , i made myself focus on the present . im just giving him his space . he moves into his dorm this week . the last thing he needs is to be bothered by me and everything thats going on in my life . margot riffled through the box as i stood up from the bed . youre not calling because youre mad that he didnt believe you about the check . my hands stiffened on the empty moving box id bent down to grab off the floor . after taking a moment to calm down , i picked it up and loaded it with mamas nail polishes from her armoire . they were the last items to be packed . they had to stay , too . i stopped my hand on a bottle of ruby polish , hesitating a moment before i put it into the box . im just hurt , okay ? and i feel i have a right to be . he told me he loved me , margot . when you love someone , youre supposed to believe what they tell you .
[["get", 7], ["got", 7], ["job", 15], ["jobbing", 15], ["parent", 31], ["parents", 31], ["force", 46], ["forced", 46], ["back", 51], ["life", 64], ["lifes", 64], ["first", 77], ["firstest", 77], ["place", 83], ["weak", 109], ["maybe", 124], ["think", 148], ["thinkest", 148], ["thought", 148], ["repercussion", 172], ["repercussions", 172], ["action", 187], ["prevent", 210], ["preventest", 210], ["prevented", 210], ["consequently", 234], ["put", 251], ["putting", 251], ["hand", 260], ["hands", 260], ["knee", 272], ["knees", 272], ["slowly", 290], ["turn", 301], ["turned", 301], ["around", 308], ["head", 319], ["headed", 319], ["door", 331], ["grab", 349], ["grabbed", 349], ["arm", 356], ["drake", 364], ["tell", 373], ["told", 373], ["word", 396], ["words", 396], ["cut", 400], ["eye", 418], ["eyed", 418], ["contact", 426], ["sure", 448], ["stop", 461], ["stopped", 461], ["see", 483], ["hurt", 492], ["hurts", 492], ["hurting", 492], ["eye", 503], ["eyed", 503], ["eyes", 503], ["left", 523], ["leave", 523], ["aware", 544], ["look", 583], ["think", 615], ["thinkest", 615], ["call", 649], ["figure", 669], ["lip", 686], ["lipped", 686], ["quiver", 695], ["quiverest", 695], ["quivered", 695], ["close", 716], ["everything", 737], ["infancy", 763], ["infancies", 763], ["expect", 794], ["expected", 794], ["consider", 810], ["option", 827], ["options", 827], ["reis", 846], ["real", 846], ["world", 852], ["lacey", 860], ["nave", 878], ["naved", 878], ["blind", 903], ["blinded", 903], ["minute", 922], ["realize", 933], ["realized", 933], ["father", 948], ["fathered", 948], ["fathering", 948], ["fathers", 948], ["come", 959], ["came", 959], ["mouth", 975], ["mouthed", 975], ["let", 988], ["lets", 988], ["go", 995], ["goest", 995], ["go", 1009], ["goest", 1009], ["going", 1009], ["break", 1018], ["broke", 1018], ["front", 1056], ["unfortunately", 1079], ["father", 1105], ["fathered", 1105], ["fathering", 1105], ["willing", 1134], ["admit", 1143], ["say", 1154], ["sayest", 1154], ["said", 1154], ["go", 1164], ["goest", 1164], ["went", 1164], ["stoop", 1179], ["continue", 1204], ["continued", 1204], ["call", 1210], ["calls", 1210], ["name", 1221], ["stay", 1229], ["head", 1244], ["concentrate", 1261], ["concentrated", 1261], ["concentrates", 1261], ["hard", 1269], ["listen", 1312], ["listens", 1312], ["moment", 1350], ["thing", 1365], ["occur", 1374], ["occurest", 1374], ["occurred", 1374], ["early", 1423], ["phone", 1436], ["crash", 1450], ["crashing", 1450], ["give", 1482], ["important", 1512], ["thing", 1519], ["things", 1519], ["give", 1539], ["gave", 1539], ["freely", 1563], ["clearly", 1584], ["still", 1590], ["think", 1599], ["thinkest", 1599], ["thinking", 1599], ["must", 1626], ["musts", 1626], ["foolish", 1642], ["every", 1668], ["possible", 1677], ["way", 1681], ["ways", 1681], ["handle", 1713], ["unlock", 1734], ["unlocking", 1734], ["unlockest", 1734], ["start", 1765], ["car", 1773], ["shake", 1783], ["shaking", 1783], ["time", 1821], ["call", 1832], ["called", 1832], ["thought", 1857], ["thoughts", 1857], ["collect", 1867], ["collected", 1867], ["relationship", 1915], ["mean", 1921], ["meanest", 1921], ["meant", 1921], ["need", 2003], ["needest", 2003], ["needed", 2003], ["chapter", 2018], ["forty", 2024], ["eight", 2030], ["month", 2046], ["later", 2052], ["yet", 2076], ["margot", 2085], ["plop", 2093], ["plopped", 2093], ["sheet", 2106], ["less", 2111], ["mattress", 2120], ["mattresses", 2120], ["bed", 2136], ["pass", 2146], ["passing", 2146], ["closet", 2175], ["closets", 2175], ["pick", 2186], ["picked", 2186], ["last", 2198], ["box", 2202], ["boxed", 2202], ["stuff", 2215], ["floor", 2230], ["answer", 2243], ["answeres", 2243], ["answerest", 2243], ["ask", 2282], ["asked", 2282], ["put", 2293], ["route", 2325], ["routed", 2325], ["routeing", 2325], ["old", 2341], ["program", 2350], ["programs", 2350], ["cry", 2366], ["look", 2378], ["looked", 2378], ["paper", 2409], ["booklet", 2418], ["booklets", 2418], ["happy", 2429], ["memory", 2438], ["memories", 2438], ["therefore", 2458], ["mean", 2476], ["meanest", 2476], ["gather", 2521], ["gatherest", 2521], ["stack", 2539], ["stacks", 2539], ["large", 2555], ["rubber", 2562], ["band", 2567], ["paper", 2591], ["papers", 2591], ["understand", 2678], ["understanded", 2678], ["wait", 2699], ["waitest", 2699], ["waiting", 2699], ["right", 2784], ["rightest", 2784], ["tell", 2801], ["nothing", 2850], ["hell", 2859], ["hells", 2859], ["lose", 2875], ["losing", 2875], ["house", 2885], ["take", 2894], ["taking", 2894], ["long", 2901], ["longs", 2901], ["control", 2914], ["controlled", 2914], ["breath", 2921], ["breathest", 2921], ["thumb", 2933], ["thumbed", 2933], ["aimlessly", 2943], ["box", 2961], ["boxed", 2961], ["boxes", 2961], ["content", 2970], ["contenting", 2970], ["contents", 2970], ["mental", 2982], ["state", 2988], ["happen", 3023], ["happened", 3023], ["good", 3064], ["either", 3075], ["mention", 3098], ["know", 3113], ["knowest", 3113], ["even", 3134], ["evens", 3134], ["welcome", 3146], ["welcomed", 3146], ["left", 3214], ["leave", 3214], ["haunt", 3231], ["haunted", 3231], ["hauntest", 3231], ["haunting", 3231], ["pain", 3250], ["pained", 3250], ["expression", 3261], ["nearly", 3268], ["kill", 3275], ["killed", 3275], ["inside", 3286], ["insides", 3286], ["replay", 3308], ["replays", 3308], ["image", 3318], ["imaged", 3318], ["imaging", 3318], ["feel", 3339], ["felt", 3339], ["betray", 3351], ["betrayed", 3351], ["betraying", 3351], ["matter", 3373], ["mattering", 3373], ["force", 3441], ["deal", 3452], ["ready", 3529], ["end", 3552], ["ends", 3552], ["endest", 3552], ["result", 3559], ["resultest", 3559], ["conversation", 3604], ["fact", 3623], ["know", 3632], ["knowest", 3632], ["knew", 3632], ["force", 3656], ["forcing", 3656], ["mind", 3692], ["minding", 3692], ["focus", 3714], ["present", 3729], ["presentest", 3729], ["give", 3746], ["giving", 3746], ["space", 3760], ["spaced", 3760], ["spacing", 3760], ["move", 3771], ["moves", 3771], ["dorm", 3785], ["week", 3795], ["need", 3821], ["needest", 3821], ["needs", 3821], ["bother", 3839], ["bothers", 3839], ["bothering", 3839], ["bothered", 3839], ["riffle", 3903], ["riffling", 3903], ["stood", 3930], ["stand", 3930], ["standest", 3930], ["call", 3966], ["calling", 3966], ["mad", 3984], ["mads", 3984], ["believe", 4006], ["check", 4026], ["stiffen", 4047], ["stiffens", 4047], ["stiffened", 4047], ["empty", 4060], ["moving", 4067], ["bend", 4079], ["bent", 4079], ["grab", 4092], ["calm", 4138], ["calms", 4138], ["load", 4171], ["loaded", 4171], ["nail", 4190], ["polish", 4199], ["polished", 4199], ["polishes", 4199], ["armoire", 4216], ["item", 4243], ["items", 4243], ["pack", 4256], ["packed", 4256], ["hand", 4301], ["bottle", 4313], ["bottled", 4313], ["ruby", 4321], ["polish", 4328], ["polished", 4328], ["hesitate", 4341], ["okay", 4401], ["feel", 4414], ["love", 4457], ["loved", 4457], ["love", 4485], ["suppose", 4510], ["supposed", 4510]]
he , too , hadagreed with lord thurborne 's assessment . i know everyoneand everything . forinstance ... '' andoffhe had gone , into an attack on seemingly every member of society . `` lady braccon isa cow , she ... '' ; '' lord snowtanis a dullard , he ... '' ; and so on and so forth . valoree , aside from beginning to suffer aching feet , was heartily sick of the man with his cruel quipsand snide remarks . if it were n't for daniel 's gentle little jibes at the man - jibesgravenner , just likeshether , did not seem tograsp - -she wouldhave told gravenner toshove off andhave headed home long ago . instead , she was seeing thehumor inthe situation , sharing silent laughter with daniel , and actually enjoying herself in an odd way . `` well , herewe are . '' meg 's voice , heavy with relief , madevaloree glance aroundin surpriseto see that they had returned to the townhouse . the hour passed like mere moments in your company . '' lord gravenner turned to take valoree 's hand . `` it has been a true pleasure , my lady . i can hardly wait to enjoy yourcompany again . '' bending , he pressed akiss to her hand , then nodded to the groupatlarge and turnedto get into hiswaiting carriage . valoree turned awayas it pulled off , her gazemoving to henry . `` cross himoff the list ? `` theolder man asked solemnly . who isnext ? `` `` ye 've a free hour between now and the next one , `` henry informed her , pulling a piece of paper out of his pocket and contemplating it briefly before scratching out an entry , presumably gravenner . `` i thought i 'd best put rest periods in once in awhile - incaseone of the appointments ran overtime . '' valoree nodded , impressed with his forethought , thenstartedfor thedoor . `` well , i do not know about the rest of you , buti could use adrink . '' `` i intendto putmy feet up , `` megmuttered , following her into the town house . `` i certainly hope the rest of the suitors have something alittlemore entertaining inmind thanwalkingabout jabbering about themselves ... orsniping about everyone else . '' `` so doi , `` valoree muttereddryly , stripping her gloves off her hands as she crossed the entry tothesalon . `` what youneed is to giveyour feet a good soak , meg , `` henry commented , following danielinand closing the front door . `` oh , thatdoes soundlovely . '' theolder woman sighed , then shook her head . `` mayhaplater . we should - `` `` there 's no better time than now , wife '' henry arguedfirmly . pausing by the sideboard , valoree glanced overin timeto see the man catchmeg by the arm , drag her around a startled daniel , then pull her out of the salon . `` henry , what areyou doing ? `` meg gasped , struggling tofree her arm . `` i cannotsoakthemnow . valoree can not be left alone with agentleman caller . it isnot proper . '' `` it ai n't improperif noone knows aboutit . 'sides , shecan take - `` the door closedbehind the older couplewitha firm snap . valoreeanddanielwerebothsilentfor a moment , staringat the closed door ; then their gazes met . `` well , `` he began with a smile , `` i would guess that means that i have your uncle 's , approval . '' `` aye , `` valoree admitted , then frowned and glanced back to the sideboard . she busied herself preparinga drink , then asked politely , `` did youwant refreshment , mylord ? `` the soundof hisvoice right behind her made her start slightly in surprise . forcing herself to ignore him , she finished pouringtwodrinks , drawing itoutas long asshe could before picking up both and turning reluctantly to face him . she held one glass out . his voice was deeper than usual , softer as he closed his hand overhersonthe glass . `` now perhaps you could tell me something ? `` valoree glanced up tomeet his gaze , amazedto find herself suddenly nervous . `` i ... whatwould thatbe ? `` `` what itis i have todo to convinceyou to reconsider . '' she did n't play dumb . she knew he was referring to her considering him as a potential husband , and her lips tightened slightly inself-defense.he was a temptingpackage . especially when he stood thisclose , his bodyandlips a hairbreadth away , his hand gentlywarming hers around thecool drink .
[["lord", 30], ["assessment", 54], ["know", 63], ["knowest", 63], ["everything", 86], ["go", 125], ["goest", 125], ["gone", 125], ["attack", 142], ["seemingly", 155], ["every", 161], ["member", 168], ["society", 179], ["lady", 189], ["isa", 201], ["isas", 201], ["cow", 205], ["dullard", 248], ["forth", 285], ["aside", 303], ["begin", 318], ["beginning", 318], ["suffer", 328], ["suffering", 328], ["ache", 335], ["ached", 335], ["aching", 335], ["foot", 340], ["feet", 340], ["heartily", 355], ["sick", 360], ["man", 371], ["mans", 371], ["manned", 371], ["cruel", 386], ["snide", 401], ["remark", 409], ["remarkest", 409], ["remarking", 409], ["remarks", 409], ["daniel", 437], ["daniels", 437], ["gentle", 447], ["gentler", 447], ["little", 454], ["jibe", 460], ["jibes", 460], ["jibed", 460], ["seem", 522], ["seeming", 522], ["tell", 552], ["told", 552], ["head", 589], ["headed", 589], ["home", 594], ["homing", 594], ["long", 599], ["longs", 599], ["ago", 603], ["instead", 613], ["see", 630], ["seeing", 630], ["situation", 655], ["share", 665], ["silent", 672], ["laughter", 681], ["enjoy", 717], ["enjoyed", 717], ["enjoying", 717], ["odd", 735], ["way", 739], ["ways", 739], ["well", 749], ["wells", 749], ["meg", 771], ["megs", 771], ["voice", 780], ["heavy", 788], ["heavies", 788], ["heavier", 788], ["relief", 800], ["reliefs", 800], ["glance", 821], ["see", 845], ["return", 868], ["returnest", 868], ["returned", 868], ["townhouse", 885], ["hour", 896], ["pass", 903], ["passed", 903], ["like", 908], ["mere", 913], ["moment", 921], ["moments", 921], ["company", 937], ["companys", 937], ["companying", 937], ["turn", 964], ["turned", 964], ["take", 972], ["hand", 988], ["true", 1012], ["pleasure", 1021], ["hardly", 1046], ["wait", 1051], ["waitest", 1051], ["enjoy", 1060], ["enjoyed", 1060], ["bend", 1091], ["bent", 1091], ["bending", 1091], ["press", 1104], ["pressed", 1104], ["nod", 1136], ["nodded", 1136], ["get", 1173], ["carriage", 1198], ["pull", 1232], ["pulled", 1232], ["henry", 1262], ["cross", 1273], ["crossing", 1273], ["list", 1289], ["ask", 1313], ["asked", 1313], ["solemnly", 1322], ["ye", 1346], ["yed", 1346], ["free", 1357], ["next", 1387], ["inform", 1411], ["informs", 1411], ["informed", 1411], ["pull", 1425], ["pulling", 1425], ["piece", 1433], ["pieced", 1433], ["paper", 1442], ["pocket", 1460], ["pocketing", 1460], ["contemplate", 1478], ["contemplating", 1478], ["briefly", 1489], ["scratch", 1507], ["scratched", 1507], ["scratching", 1507], ["entry", 1520], ["presumably", 1533], ["think", 1558], ["thinkest", 1558], ["thought", 1558], ["well", 1568], ["wells", 1568], ["put", 1572], ["rest", 1577], ["period", 1585], ["periods", 1585], ["awhile", 1603], ["appointment", 1635], ["appointments", 1635], ["run", 1639], ["ran", 1639], ["overtime", 1648], ["overtimes", 1648], ["forethought", 1701], ["forethoughts", 1701], ["use", 1791], ["follow", 1860], ["following", 1860], ["town", 1878], ["house", 1884], ["certainly", 1901], ["hope", 1906], ["suitor", 1930], ["suitors", 1930], ["jabber", 2004], ["jabbered", 2004], ["jabbering", 2004], ["everyone", 2050], ["else", 2055], ["doi", 2070], ["strip", 2109], ["stripping", 2109], ["glove", 2120], ["gloved", 2120], ["gloves", 2120], ["hand", 2134], ["hands", 2134], ["cross", 2149], ["crossing", 2149], ["crossed", 2149], ["good", 2215], ["soak", 2220], ["soaks", 2220], ["comment", 2247], ["commented", 2247], ["close", 2279], ["front", 2289], ["door", 2294], ["oh", 2302], ["woman", 2345], ["womans", 2345], ["sigh", 2352], ["sighest", 2352], ["sighed", 2352], ["shake", 2365], ["shook", 2365], ["head", 2374], ["well", 2430], ["wells", 2430], ["time", 2435], ["wife", 2451], ["pause", 2483], ["pausing", 2483], ["sideboard", 2500], ["glance", 2518], ["glanced", 2518], ["arm", 2564], ["drag", 2571], ["around", 2582], ["startle", 2593], ["startled", 2593], ["pull", 2612], ["salon", 2633], ["gasp", 2680], ["gasps", 2680], ["gasped", 2680], ["struggle", 2693], ["struggling", 2693], ["left", 2759], ["leave", 2759], ["alone", 2765], ["caller", 2788], ["proper", 2806], ["ai", 2820], ["noone", 2841], ["know", 2847], ["knowest", 2847], ["knows", 2847], ["side", 2864], ["sidest", 2864], ["sides", 2864], ["old", 2915], ["firm", 2932], ["snap", 2937], ["snapping", 2937], ["moment", 2982], ["close", 3005], ["closed", 3005], ["gaze", 3029], ["gazes", 3029], ["meet", 3033], ["meeted", 3033], ["met", 3033], ["begin", 3057], ["began", 3057], ["smile", 3070], ["guess", 3089], ["mean", 3100], ["meanest", 3100], ["means", 3100], ["uncle", 3123], ["approval", 3137], ["aye", 3149], ["ayes", 3149], ["admit", 3171], ["admitted", 3171], ["frown", 3186], ["frowns", 3186], ["frowned", 3186], ["back", 3203], ["busy", 3233], ["busied", 3233], ["drank", 3258], ["drink", 3258], ["drinking", 3258], ["politely", 3280], ["refreshment", 3309], ["right", 3350], ["rightest", 3350], ["behind", 3357], ["start", 3376], ["slightly", 3385], ["surprise", 3397], ["surprised", 3397], ["force", 3407], ["forcing", 3407], ["ignore", 3425], ["finish", 3444], ["finished", 3444], ["draw", 3471], ["draws", 3471], ["drawn", 3471], ["drawing", 3471], ["pick", 3511], ["picking", 3511], ["turn", 3531], ["turning", 3531], ["reluctantly", 3543], ["face", 3551], ["hold", 3566], ["held", 3566], ["glass", 3576], ["deep", 3603], ["deeply", 3603], ["usual", 3614], ["soft", 3623], ["perhaps", 3682], ["tell", 3697], ["gaze", 3750], ["gazes", 3750], ["find", 3766], ["suddenly", 3783], ["nervous", 3791], ["itis", 3837], ["todo", 3849], ["reconsider", 3878], ["play", 3900], ["playest", 3900], ["dumb", 3905], ["know", 3916], ["knowest", 3916], ["knew", 3916], ["refer", 3933], ["referring", 3933], ["consider", 3952], ["considering", 3952], ["potential", 3971], ["husband", 3979], ["husbanding", 3979], ["lip", 3994], ["lipped", 3994], ["lips", 3994], ["tighten", 4004], ["tightens", 4004], ["tightenest", 4004], ["tightened", 4004], ["especially", 4066], ["stood", 4080], ["stand", 4080], ["standest", 4080], ["thisclose", 4090], ["hairbreadth", 4122], ["away", 4127]]
any use of this novel or parts of this flash fiction novel for any manner of media presentation , by any one person or a group of persons is not allowed , and is also subject to legal action . ~~~~~~ this is a work of fiction . the characters , incidents and dialogues in this book are of the authors ' imagination and are not to be construed as real . any resemblance to actual events or persons , living or dead , is completely coincidental . except where indicated . ~~~~~~ dedication to pbs , which ran a program about the eastern coyote , or coywolf , which helped my characterization of ewan immensely . who says research has to be boring ? ~ pat cunningham ~~~~~~ chapter one : who ya gon na call ? by pat cunningham just goes to show , you 're not safe anywhere . one minute ewan carter had paused outside the bar to shake an annoying bit of gravel out of his boot , the next somebody yanked a canvas bag over his head , two somebodies grabbed his arms , and he was being hustled into the back of a van . now , ewan was a man who liked to see action on a saturday night , but this was all a tad much . his nose told him several things : his captors were human , not tiger yakuza ; he had n't smelled them around talbot 's peak before ; and they 'd had a couple slugs at the bar , probably just enough that a public kidnapping seemed like a good idea . one of them tripped against a cycle 's wheel and went , `` darn it ! `` , which told him they were young and unprofessional as well as mildly drunk . it all added up to college kids on a dare . them being human and him not , he could probably shake 'em off with a minimum of fuss , without even having to shift . he was about to lash out when the one on his left arm crushed in a step closer and his nose let him know she was female . chivalry checked the elbow he 'd been ready to ram into her ribs . curiosity did the rest . now why would a bunch of college kids nab a random cowboy outside of dante 's bar ? confident now he could ditch these puppies any time he wanted , ewan decided to play along and see what they were up to . besides , for a saturday night it had been pretty dull up to now . however , token resistance did seem called for . the kidnapper on his other arm was male . ewan hip-slammed him and trod on his foot and knocked his elbow into the monkey 's chin before two more males grabbed hold of him . after that he let himself be man and womanhandled into the van with little fuss . `` do n't be frightened , '' the woman whispered to him as the van sped out of the parking lot . we only want to help . '' `` you 'd be helping a ton if you took this bag off my head . it stinks to high heaven in here . '' `` forget it , '' the male on his other side growled . `` you 're not biting anybody , werewolf . '' game changer . ewan went still and said very carefully , `` werewolf ? what makes you think i 'm a werewolf ? '' `` we know what you people are . we 've been watching you for weeks . '' and dante did n't know ? what the hell had happened to security ? you had one too many montana sunsets and you think i 'm somebody else . '' `` we do n't know or care who you are , other than you 're a werewolf . once we figure out how they did it , we 'll put a stop to the whole operation . '' `` no talking to the subject ! '' somebody snapped from up front . the surly male on ewan 's right fell silent . well , scat and a half . this was way worse than college kids , more dangerous than yakuza . these were cryptozoologists . amateur cryptozoologists . the one on his left being female , ewan figured he 'd have a better shot with her . `` what operation ? what 're they up to ? '' `` the people who turned you into a werewolf , '' the woman whispered back . `` we know they 've got this huge underground complex where they experiment on innocent captives . '' well , that might be true , as far as it went . plenty of experimentation went on at the pleasure club ; that was stone cold fact . probably not the kind these monkeys were thinking of , or had ever thought of . `` so now you 're taking me captive so you can experiment on me ? '' he added alarm to his voice . `` you ai n't gon na butt probe me , are you ? '' `` we want to help you , '' she said earnestly . `` we want to find out how they 're changing people , so we can make you human again . '' we wo n't hurt you , i promise . '' `` how 'd you find out about us ? i mean , the doctor , he goes all out to hide what he 's up to . ''
[["use", 7], ["novel", 21], ["part", 30], ["parting", 30], ["parts", 30], ["flash", 44], ["fiction", 52], ["manner", 73], ["manners", 73], ["medium", 82], ["mediums", 82], ["media", 82], ["presentation", 95], ["person", 115], ["group", 126], ["person", 137], ["persons", 137], ["allow", 152], ["allowed", 152], ["also", 166], ["subject", 174], ["subjectest", 174], ["legal", 183], ["action", 190], ["work", 214], ["wrought", 214], ["character", 242], ["characters", 242], ["incident", 254], ["incidents", 254], ["dialogue", 268], ["dialogues", 268], ["book", 281], ["author", 300], ["authors", 300], ["imagination", 314], ["construe", 342], ["construed", 342], ["reis", 350], ["real", 350], ["resemblance", 368], ["actual", 378], ["event", 385], ["events", 385], ["dead", 413], ["completely", 429], ["coincidental", 442], ["except", 451], ["indicate", 467], ["indicated", 467], ["dedication", 487], ["run", 506], ["ran", 506], ["program", 516], ["eastern", 534], ["coyote", 541], ["coywolf", 554], ["help", 569], ["helpest", 569], ["helped", 569], ["characterization", 589], ["ewan", 597], ["immensely", 607], ["say", 618], ["sayest", 618], ["says", 618], ["research", 627], ["bore", 644], ["bored", 644], ["boring", 644], ["pat", 652], ["cunningham", 663], ["chapter", 678], ["ya", 691], ["gon", 695], ["na", 698], ["nas", 698], ["call", 703], ["go", 733], ["goest", 733], ["goes", 733], ["show", 741], ["safe", 760], ["safes", 760], ["safed", 760], ["anywhere", 769], ["minute", 782], ["carter", 794], ["pause", 805], ["paused", 805], ["outside", 813], ["bar", 821], ["shake", 830], ["annoying", 842], ["bit", 846], ["bits", 846], ["gravel", 856], ["boot", 872], ["next", 883], ["yank", 899], ["yanks", 899], ["yanked", 899], ["canvas", 908], ["bag", 912], ["bagged", 912], ["bagging", 912], ["head", 926], ["two", 932], ["twos", 932], ["grab", 951], ["grabbed", 951], ["arm", 960], ["arms", 960], ["hustle", 987], ["hustled", 987], ["back", 1001], ["van", 1010], ["man", 1033], ["mans", 1033], ["manned", 1033], ["like", 1043], ["liked", 1043], ["see", 1050], ["saturday", 1071], ["saturdays", 1071], ["night", 1077], ["tad", 1102], ["tads", 1102], ["much", 1107], ["nose", 1118], ["nosed", 1118], ["nosing", 1118], ["tell", 1123], ["told", 1123], ["several", 1135], ["thing", 1142], ["things", 1142], ["captor", 1156], ["captors", 1156], ["human", 1167], ["tiger", 1179], ["yakuza", 1186], ["smell", 1207], ["smelt", 1207], ["smellest", 1207], ["smelled", 1207], ["around", 1219], ["talbot", 1226], ["peak", 1234], ["couple", 1268], ["slug", 1274], ["slugs", 1274], ["probably", 1296], ["enough", 1308], ["public", 1322], ["kidnapping", 1333], ["seem", 1340], ["seeming", 1340], ["seemed", 1340], ["like", 1345], ["good", 1352], ["idea", 1357], ["trip", 1379], ["tripping", 1379], ["tripped", 1379], ["cycle", 1395], ["wheel", 1404], ["wheeled", 1404], ["go", 1413], ["goest", 1413], ["went", 1413], ["darn", 1423], ["young", 1464], ["youngest", 1464], ["unprofessional", 1483], ["well", 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["decided", 2047], ["play", 2055], ["playest", 2055], ["along", 2061], ["besides", 2100], ["pretty", 2142], ["prettiest", 2142], ["dull", 2147], ["however", 2167], ["token", 2175], ["resistance", 2186], ["seem", 2195], ["seeming", 2195], ["call", 2202], ["called", 2202], ["kidnapper", 2222], ["male", 2248], ["males", 2248], ["hip", 2259], ["hips", 2259], ["slam", 2267], ["slammed", 2267], ["trod", 2280], ["foot", 2292], ["knock", 2304], ["knocks", 2304], ["knockest", 2304], ["knocked", 2304], ["monkey", 2330], ["monkeyed", 2330], ["monkeying", 2330], ["chin", 2338], ["male", 2360], ["males", 2360], ["hold", 2373], ["womanhandle", 2432], ["little", 2457], ["woman", 2503], ["womans", 2503], ["whisper", 2513], ["whispered", 2513], ["speed", 2536], ["speeding", 2536], ["sped", 2536], ["parking", 2555], ["lot", 2559], ["help", 2582], ["helpest", 2582], ["help", 2608], ["helpest", 2608], ["helping", 2608], ["ton", 2614], ["take", 2626], ["took", 2626], ["stink", 2659], ["stinks", 2659], ["high", 2667], ["heaven", 2674], ["heavens", 2674], ["forget", 2697], ["forgot", 2697], ["side", 2732], ["sidest", 2732], ["growl", 2740], ["growls", 2740], ["growled", 2740], ["biting", 2764], ["anybody", 2772], ["werewolf", 2783], ["game", 2793], ["changer", 2801], ["still", 2819], ["say", 2828], ["sayest", 2828], ["said", 2828], ["carefully", 2843], ["think", 2880], ["thinkest", 2880], ["people", 2928], ["watch", 2955], ["watching", 2955], ["week", 2969], ["weeks", 2969], ["hell", 3013], ["hells", 3013], ["happen", 3026], ["happened", 3026], ["security", 3038], ["many", 3061], ["montana", 3069], ["sunset", 3077], ["sunsets", 3077], ["else", 3110], ["care", 3141], ["figure", 3202], ["put", 3235], ["stop", 3242], ["whole", 3255], ["wholes", 3255], ["operation", 3265], ["talk", 3284], ["talking", 3284], ["snap", 3321], ["snapping", 3321], ["snapped", 3321], ["front", 3335], ["surly", 3347], ["right", 3369], ["rightest", 3369], ["fall", 3374], ["falls", 3374], ["fell", 3374], ["silent", 3381], ["scat", 3395], ["half", 3406], ["way", 3421], ["ways", 3421], ["bad", 3427], ["worse", 3427], ["dangerous", 3462], ["cryptozoologist", 3504], ["cryptozoologists", 3504], ["amateur", 3514], ["amateurs", 3514], ["figure", 3581], ["figured", 3581], ["well", 3601], ["wells", 3601], ["shot", 3606], ["turn", 3687], ["turned", 3687], ["get", 3763], ["got", 3763], ["huge", 3773], ["underground", 3785], ["complex", 3793], ["experiment", 3815], ["innocent", 3827], ["captive", 3836], ["may", 3859], ["mays", 3859], ["mayest", 3859], ["might", 3859], ["true", 3867], ["far", 3876], ["plenty", 3896], ["experimentation", 3915], ["pleasure", 3939], ["club", 3944], ["clubbed", 3944], ["clubbing", 3944], ["stone", 3961], ["stoning", 3961], ["cold", 3966], ["fact", 3971], ["kind", 3995], ["monkey", 4009], ["monkeyed", 4009], ["monkeying", 4009], ["monkeys", 4009], ["think", 4023], ["thinkest", 4023], ["thinking", 4023], ["ever", 4040], ["everest", 4040], ["think", 4048], ["thinkest", 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`` i 'm glad , '' she whispered , although she was n't sure he heard her . so her father had gone through a near-death experience . valerie did n't know how much credence to put in what he was saying . marriage was the farthest thing from her mind at the moment . obviously , marrying colby was out of the question . and-without even noticing-she 'd lost interest in the idea of a relationship with rowdy cassidy . `` she gave me twelve reasons to live , '' her father announced sleepily . `` twelve very good reasons . '' valerie recalled that norah had said something about the number six . she could n't imagine why her father was speaking in figures all of a sudden . `` twelve reasons , '' valerie echoed , then leaned forward to kiss his cheek . her father 's eyes fluttered open and he grinned boyishly . `` yup , my grandchildren . you , my darling valerie , are going to give me three . all within the next few years . '' six `` when 's the last time you spoke to your father ? '' colby asked valerie when she arrived at the hospital the next morning , carrying an armful of apple blossoms for the nurses ' station . he seemed to be waiting for her , and none too patiently . she sighed , realizing what must have happened . `` i take it dad told you about his experience in the garden of eden ? '' `` it was the garden of eden ? '' `` figuratively , i suppose . '' `` so you know , then , '' colby muttered . a hint of a frown flickered across his expression . `` look at it this way-at least dad 's given up his matchmaking efforts . '' valerie had assumed colby would be happy about that , so his reaction puzzled her . `` he apologized for even making the suggestion . '' `` see , what 'd i tell you ? '' valerie said , her mouth quirking with a smile . `` we 're both in the clear . '' apparently , this was n't what colby wanted to hear , either . `` he also claimed you 'd be married before the end of the summer-and that you 'd present him with three grandchildren . '' `` in the next few years . it looks like i 'm going to be busy , does n't it ? '' valerie had n't taken her father 's announcement too seriously ; he 'd had some kind of pleasant hallucination , and if it made him feel better , if it gave him a reason for living , then that was fine . she 'd go along with it , although she would n't actively encourage him . besides , it was highly unlikely she 'd marry anytime soon , and even if she did , she had no intention of leaping into this motherhood business . marriage would be enough of an adjustment . she enjoyed children , and naturally assumed she 'd eventually want a family , but definitely not in the first year or two following her marriage . `` did he say who you 're supposed to marry ? '' he would n't tell norah , either , although he seemed to enjoy letting her know she 's going to have six kids . three boys and three girls , if you can believe it . you do n't really buy any of this , do you ? '' `` that would be ridiculous , only ... never mind , '' he finished abruptly . he shrugged , clearly regretting that he 'd said anything . `` another patient of mine , an older woman , had a near-death experience . it was all rather ... strange . '' `` she came back thinking she knew who her children would marry and how many grandchildren she was going to have ? '' valerie asked sarcastically . colby threw her an annoyed glance . she was curious now , unable to disguise her interest . `` she seemed to know certain things about the future . she-predicted , i guess is the word-certain political events . she was n't entirely sure how she knew , she just did . '' colby obviously was n't comfortable outlining the details of his patient 's experience . `` she did n't have any more than an eighth-grade education , and she 'd never taken much interest in history or politics . but after that near-death phenomenon , she was suddenly able to discuss complicated world problems with genuine insight and skill . she did n't understand it herself , and i did n't have any medical explanation to offer her . the whole thing was as much a mystery to me as it was to her . '' until then , valerie had to admit , she 'd found her father 's experience somewhat ... entertaining . she 'd been willing to tolerate it , since whatever had happened had been very real to david . this `` dreamtime '' with her mother had given his life a new purpose , and she was grateful for that , if nothing else . she asked colby . suddenly none of this seemed quite as amusing . `` dad insists i 'll be married before the end of the summer . ''
[["glad", 12], ["whisper", 31], ["whispered", 31], ["although", 42], ["sure", 59], ["hear", 68], ["hears", 68], ["heard", 68], ["father", 88], ["fathered", 88], ["fathering", 88], ["go", 97], ["goest", 97], ["gone", 97], ["near", 112], ["death", 118], ["experience", 129], ["experienced", 129], ["valerie", 139], ["know", 152], ["knowest", 152], ["much", 161], ["credence", 170], ["put", 177], ["say", 199], ["sayest", 199], ["saying", 199], ["marriage", 210], ["farthest", 227], ["thing", 233], ["mind", 247], ["minding", 247], ["moment", 261], ["obviously", 273], ["colby", 290], ["question", 314], ["without", 328], ["even", 333], ["evens", 333], ["lose", 354], ["lost", 354], ["interest", 363], ["idea", 375], ["relationship", 393], ["rowdy", 404], ["rowdies", 404], ["cassidy", 412], ["give", 426], ["gave", 426], ["twelve", 436], ["twelves", 436], ["reason", 444], ["reasonest", 444], ["reasons", 444], ["live", 452], ["announce", 478], ["announced", 478], ["sleepily", 487], ["good", 509], ["recall", 539], ["recallest", 539], ["recalled", 539], ["norah", 550], ["say", 559], ["sayest", 559], ["said", 559], ["number", 586], ["numbering", 586], ["six", 590], ["imagine", 614], ["speak", 642], ["spoken", 642], ["speaking", 642], ["figure", 653], ["figures", 653], ["sudden", 669], ["echo", 709], ["echoed", 709], ["lean", 723], ["leans", 723], ["leaned", 723], ["forward", 731], ["forwardest", 731], ["forwarding", 731], ["kiss", 739], ["kisses", 739], ["kissest", 739], ["cheek", 749], ["cheeks", 749], ["eye", 770], ["eyed", 770], ["eyes", 770], ["flutter", 780], ["fluttering", 780], ["fluttered", 780], ["open", 785], ["grin", 800], ["grinned", 800], ["boyishly", 809], ["yup", 818], ["grandchild", 837], ["grandchildren", 837], ["darling", 856], ["go", 876], ["goest", 876], ["going", 876], ["give", 884], ["three", 893], ["within", 906], ["next", 915], ["year", 925], ["years", 925], ["last", 954], ["time", 959], ["speak", 969], ["spoken", 969], ["spoke", 969], ["ask", 1001], ["asked", 1001], ["arrive", 1026], ["arrived", 1026], ["hospital", 1042], ["morning", 1059], ["carry", 1070], ["carrying", 1070], ["armful", 1080], ["armfuls", 1080], ["apple", 1089], ["blossom", 1098], ["blossoms", 1098], ["nurse", 1113], ["nurses", 1113], ["station", 1123], ["seem", 1135], ["seeming", 1135], ["seemed", 1135], ["wait", 1149], ["waitest", 1149], ["waiting", 1149], ["none", 1168], ["patiently", 1182], ["sigh", 1195], ["sighest", 1195], ["sighed", 1195], ["realize", 1207], ["realizing", 1207], ["must", 1217], ["musts", 1217], ["happen", 1231], ["happened", 1231], ["take", 1243], ["dad", 1250], ["tell", 1255], ["told", 1255], ["garden", 1294], ["gardens", 1294], ["gardened", 1294], ["eden", 1302], ["figuratively", 1357], ["suppose", 1369], ["mutter", 1416], ["mutterest", 1416], ["muttering", 1416], ["muttered", 1416], ["hint", 1425], ["hinting", 1425], ["frown", 1436], ["frowns", 1436], ["flicker", 1446], ["flickered", 1446], ["flickering", 1446], ["across", 1453], ["expression", 1468], ["look", 1478], ["way", 1493], ["ways", 1493], ["least", 1502], ["leastest", 1502], ["give", 1515], ["given", 1515], ["matchmaking", 1534], ["effort", 1542], ["efforts", 1542], ["assume", 1567], ["assumes", 1567], ["assumed", 1567], ["happy", 1588], ["reaction", 1617], ["puzzle", 1625], ["puzzled", 1625], ["apologize", 1648], ["apologized", 1648], ["suggestion", 1679], ["see", 1691], ["tell", 1708], ["mouth", 1742], ["mouthed", 1742], ["quirk", 1751], ["quirks", 1751], ["smile", 1764], ["clear", 1794], ["clearest", 1794], ["apparently", 1810], ["hear", 1851], ["hears", 1851], ["either", 1860], ["also", 1873], ["claim", 1881], ["claimed", 1881], ["marry", 1899], ["married", 1899], ["end", 1914], ["ends", 1914], ["endest", 1914], ["summer", 1928], ["summering", 1928], ["present", 1952], ["presentest", 1952], ["look", 2022], ["looks", 2022], ["like", 2027], ["busy", 2049], ["busied", 2049], ["take", 2090], ["taken", 2090], ["announcement", 2117], ["seriously", 2131], ["kind", 2153], ["pleasant", 2165], ["hallucination", 2179], ["feel", 2205], ["well", 2212], ["wells", 2212], ["reason", 2238], ["reasonest", 2238], ["fine", 2270], ["go", 2282], ["goest", 2282], ["along", 2288], ["actively", 2330], ["encourage", 2340], ["besides", 2354], ["highly", 2370], ["unlikely", 2379], ["marry", 2392], ["married", 2392], ["anytime", 2400], ["soon", 2405], ["intention", 2450], ["leap", 2461], ["leaps", 2461], ["leaping", 2461], ["motherhood", 2482], ["business", 2491], ["enough", 2518], ["adjustment", 2535], ["enjoy", 2549], ["enjoyed", 2549], ["child", 2558], ["childs", 2558], ["children", 2558], ["naturally", 2574], ["eventually", 2600], ["family", 2614], ["definitely", 2631], ["first", 2648], ["firstest", 2648], ["year", 2653], ["two", 2660], ["twos", 2660], ["follow", 2670], ["following", 2670], ["say", 2699], ["sayest", 2699], ["suppose", 2720], ["supposed", 2720], ["enjoy", 2797], ["enjoyed", 2797], ["let", 2805], ["lets", 2805], ["letting", 2805], ["kid", 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it wasnt often that danicas clients came in contact with her outside of her office , but this was the second client who had come across kaylie in as many weeks , and danica felt it like a noose tightening around her neck . shed never realized allure was such a small town . she preferred to keep clients and family separate . just checking out a few things . danica smiled in a tight-lipped fashion , hoping she portrayed a professional courtesy instead of a friendship . belinda asked , waving to her own clothing . how had danica missed her black flats and flare-bottom jeans . they were a big improvement over the painted-on skinny jeans and heels . that look suits you well , danica said , beaming with a modicum of pride . maybe she was helping after all . see , i listen to the things you say . belinda examined kaylie up and down with a look of jealousydidnt they all ? love your outfit , she said . kaylie smiled in the uncomfortable way that said , there must be a reason youre seeing my sister , so i dont want to associate with you . well , ill leave you two to have fun . belinda left the store , and danica breathed freely again . kaylie touched her arm and whispered , now that the crazy girl is gone , how about this ? she held up a brown , suede , thigh-length dress complete with fringe at the bottom . dont call her that , and what am i ? an indian princess ? danica watched kaylie shove the dress back on the rack and began going through the clothes with a scrutinizing eye . im just trying to spice things up a bit . hows chaz ? he calls , he e-mails . he sends flowers . she recognized kaylies bored tone . i guess , if you like that stuff . she pulled a simple , black dress from the rack . it crossed in the front and tied at the hipa good look for danica . the trim was done in a gold , sparkly threading , adding just a touch of something interesting . id love that stuff . it sounds like he really likes you . danica took the dress from her sisters hand and headed for the dressing room with kaylie on her heels . danica slipped into the dressing room while kaylie waited outside the curtain . i really like him , but everything is too easy . i feel like things will just fall apart and i wont know theyre going to . danica peeked out of the curtain . youre afraid of being mom . you think that just because dad blindsided mom with an affair , chaz will do that to you ? behind the curtain , danica slipped the dress on and tied it at her waist . she looked fantastic , and she wondered if shed lost weight . she never paid enough attention to know if she went up or down a few pounds until things settled like an old house and she needed new clothes . well , youre not mom , and easy is good , kaylie . she came through the curtain and kaylie gasped . dan , oh my god . danica spun around , feeling young and pretty . she wanted to flounce around the room and enjoy the feeling . kaylie hugged danica . whatever has come over you lately , it suits you well . danica felt her cheeks flush . kaylie , listen , whatever happened between mom and dad was their own shit . you arent mom ; chaz isnt dad . just allow yourself to be happy for once . dont sabotage it . she disappeared behind the curtain again , admiring herself in the mirror before slipping back into her own clothes . as she paid for the dress , kaylie leaned on the counter , her chin resting on her palm . how does it feel to be you ? i mean , youve got your shit together . you know what to do in a relationshipeven if you dont have oneand youre not afraid of anything . it must benice . if only you knew , kaylie . she wanted to admit her insecurities to kaylie , but it felt too good to be looked up to . she smiled , put her arm around her sister , and they headed for their cars . the next few days flew by with a flurry of client meetings , leaving danica in a state of emotional fatigue by nine oclock each night . shed made the time to call nancys counselor , who confirmed that not only was she doing well , but that shed been a stellar client while at rehab . dr. paltron had said she thought that the weekly urine tests were overkill . nancy was among the few adults who she had high hopes for . she was not a typical rehab patient . according to dr. paltron , nancy had been on a drinking binge one afternoon and michelle found her . michelles father had just died , and she and michelle got into a fight . nola got involved , and nancy committed herself to rehab . dr. paltron admitted that she thought it was almost an overreaction for nancy to have been in rehab , but she understood the concern on nancys part , given her fathers substance-abuse history ; she left danica feeling far more confident than before shed made the phone call .
[["often", 14], ["client", 35], ["clients", 35], ["come", 40], ["came", 40], ["contact", 51], ["outside", 68], ["office", 82], ["second", 108], ["seconded", 108], ["client", 115], ["come", 128], ["across", 135], ["kaylie", 142], ["many", 153], ["week", 159], ["weeks", 159], ["feel", 177], ["felt", 177], ["like", 185], ["noose", 193], ["noosed", 193], ["tighten", 204], ["tightens", 204], ["tightenest", 204], ["tightening", 204], ["around", 211], ["neck", 220], ["necked", 220], ["shed", 227], ["never", 233], ["realize", 242], ["realized", 242], ["allure", 249], ["alluring", 249], ["small", 266], ["town", 271], ["prefer", 287], ["prefered", 287], ["preferest", 287], ["preferred", 287], ["keep", 295], ["keepest", 295], ["family", 314], ["separate", 323], ["check", 339], ["checking", 339], ["thing", 356], ["things", 356], ["smile", 372], ["smiled", 372], ["tight", 383], ["lip", 390], ["lipped", 390], ["fashion", 398], ["fashioned", 398], ["hope", 407], ["hoping", 407], ["portray", 421], ["portrayed", 421], ["professional", 436], ["courtesy", 445], ["instead", 453], ["friendship", 469], ["belinda", 479], ["ask", 485], ["asked", 485], ["wave", 494], ["waved", 494], ["waving", 494], ["clothing", 514], ["miss", 538], ["missed", 538], ["black", 548], ["flat", 554], ["flats", 554], ["flare", 564], ["bottom", 571], ["bottoming", 571], ["jean", 577], ["jeans", 577], ["big", 595], ["bigs", 595], ["improvement", 607], ["paint", 624], ["painted", 624], ["skinny", 634], ["heel", 650], ["heeled", 650], ["heels", 650], ["look", 662], ["suit", 668], ["suited", 668], ["suits", 668], ["well", 677], ["wells", 677], ["say", 691], ["sayest", 691], ["said", 691], ["beam", 701], ["beaming", 701], ["modicum", 716], ["pride", 725], ["maybe", 733], ["help", 749], ["helpest", 749], ["helping", 749], ["see", 765], ["listen", 776], ["listens", 776], ["say", 798], ["sayest", 798], ["examine", 817], ["examined", 817], ["love", 881], ["outfit", 893], ["uncomfortable", 941], ["way", 945], ["ways", 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["began", 1442], ["go", 1448], ["goest", 1448], ["going", 1448], ["clad", 1468], ["clothe", 1468], ["clothes", 1468], ["scrutinize", 1488], ["scrutinized", 1488], ["scrutinizing", 1488], ["eye", 1492], ["eyed", 1492], ["try", 1509], ["tryed", 1509], ["trying", 1509], ["spice", 1518], ["bit", 1534], ["bits", 1534], ["chaz", 1546], ["call", 1557], ["calls", 1557], ["e", 1564], ["ing", 1564], ["eest", 1564], ["mail", 1570], ["mails", 1570], ["send", 1581], ["sends", 1581], ["flower", 1589], ["flowers", 1589], ["recognize", 1606], ["recognized", 1606], ["kaylie", 1614], ["tone", 1625], ["toned", 1625], ["toning", 1625], ["guess", 1635], ["stuff", 1660], ["pull", 1673], ["pulled", 1673], ["simple", 1682], ["simplest", 1682], ["cross", 1723], ["crossing", 1723], ["crossed", 1723], ["front", 1736], ["tie", 1745], ["tying", 1745], ["tieing", 1745], ["tied", 1745], ["good", 1762], ["trim", 1789], ["trimmer", 1789], ["gold", 1808], ["golds", 1808], ["sparkly", 1818], ["thread", 1828], ["threading", 1828], ["add", 1837], ["adding", 1837], ["touch", 1850], ["touching", 1850], ["interesting", 1875], ["sound", 1908], ["sounds", 1908], ["really", 1923], ["like", 1929], ["likes", 1929], ["take", 1947], ["took", 1947], ["sister", 1974], ["sisters", 1974], ["hand", 1979], ["head", 1990], ["headed", 1990], ["dressing", 2007], ["room", 2012], ["roomed", 2012], ["slip", 2054], ["slipped", 2054], ["wait", 2097], ["waitest", 2097], ["waited", 2097], ["curtain", 2117], ["curtaining", 2117], ["everything", 2154], ["easy", 2166], ["feel", 2175], ["fall", 2202], ["falls", 2202], ["apart", 2208], ["know", 2224], ["knowest", 2224], ["peek", 2256], ["peeks", 2256], ["peeked", 2256], ["afraid", 2290], ["mom", 2303], ["moms", 2303], ["think", 2315], ["thinkest", 2315], ["dad", 2337], ["blindside", 2348], ["affair", 2367], ["behind", 2403], ["waist", 2470], ["look", 2483], ["looked", 2483], ["fantastic", 2493], ["wonder", 2512], ["wonderest", 2512], ["wondered", 2512], ["lost", 2525], 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["admiring", 3239], ["mirror", 3261], ["slip", 3277], ["slipping", 3277], ["lean", 3347], ["leans", 3347], ["leaned", 3347], ["counter", 3362], ["chin", 3373], ["rest", 3381], ["resting", 3381], ["palm", 3393], ["palms", 3393], ["palmed", 3393], ["palmest", 3393], ["mean", 3431], ["meanest", 3431], ["get", 3443], ["got", 3443], ["together", 3462], ["anything", 3559], ["know", 3595], ["knowest", 3595], ["knew", 3595], ["admit", 3626], ["insecurity", 3643], ["insecurities", 3643], ["put", 3714], ["car", 3773], ["cars", 3773], ["next", 3784], ["day", 3793], ["days", 3793], ["fly", 3798], ["flys", 3798], ["flew", 3798], ["flurry", 3815], ["flurried", 3815], ["meeting", 3834], ["meetings", 3834], ["left", 3844], ["leave", 3844], ["leaving", 3844], ["state", 3862], ["emotional", 3875], ["fatigue", 3883], ["fatiguing", 3883], ["nine", 3891], ["night", 3909], ["time", 3930], ["counselor", 3955], ["confirm", 3971], ["confirmed", 3971], ["stellar", 4035], ["rehab", 4057], ["dr", 4062], ["drs", 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the cross looked partially melted , so it must have been either in the fire or close to it . `` the fire inspectors came across it in the rubble , near the office . it might mean nothing , but then again ... '' he shrugged . `` at this point we just do n't know . i 'll keep you updated on anything we learn . '' `` thank you , sheriff . on his way out of the office , seth checked his watch . the entire day stretched before him , about as empty as a discarded beer bottle . this past month was the first time since he 'd bought the old captain 's galley restaurant and remodeled it that he 'd had nothing to do . before this , there were n't enough hours in a day . his schedule was full ; he 'd constantly had meetings and plans and new ideas . his lack of purpose was killing him . of course , he could go back home , but his relationship with justine was strained . he loved his wife , but he did n't understand her anymore . right now , he needed breathing room , a place where he could collect his thoughts , try to figure out what came next . seth had always done his best thinking on the water and it seemed natural to go down to the marina . he kept his sailboat moored there but could n't remember the last time he 'd taken her out . the air was crisp and clean , and he breathed deeply as he strolled over to the waterfront . sailboats and motorboats of various sizes were secured in their slips , bobbing gently , peacefully , in the dark-green waters . at the sound of his name , he turned to see his father walking toward him . he 'd always been close to his family . he and his father had once been partners in a fishing enterprise , which took them to alaska for a number of months each year . the money was good , but the work was dangerous , and when justine came into his life , seth knew it was time to make a career change . his father 's help had been instrumental in starting the restaurant . `` you spoke with the sheriff ? '' leif gunderson asked when he joined him . he had n't mentioned this to his father , which meant leif had been talking to justine . `` there 's nothing new to report about how the fire was set-we already know that-or by whom . the inspector found a pewter cross in the ashes . that 's the biggest news . but i have no idea who it belongs to and we ca n't be sure it 's even connected to the arsonist . '' leif frowned , as if pondering this latest bit of information . they sat on a park bench outside the marina . seth figured his wife had given him an earful . then again , it was n't like justine to share their personal problems with others . seth murmured . he reached down and picked up a pebble and threw it into the water . his father picked one up , too , and tossed it toward the cove . it 's just that you looked like you wanted to talk . '' all at once seth realized he did need to confide in someone . someone who knew him well , yet could maintain a perspective on the whole situation and everyone involved . someone whose advice he trusted . who else but his father ? sighing deeply , seth braced his elbows on his knees . `` justine and i had an argument this morning . it was n't over anything important . we 're both on edge these days with the fire and all . '' his father did n't respond for a moment . `` the problem is , i do n't know what to do with myself these days . i wanted to start rebuilding as soon as possible . then , a couple of weeks ago , justine dropped this bombshell about not being sure rebuilding was such a good idea . she seems to believe we should just forget about the restaurant . '' seth lowered his voice . he sucked in his breath and waited for his father 's reaction . he assumed leif would react the same way he had-with shock and disbelief . the fact that he did n't immediately say anything surprised him . his father leaned back , closing his eyes . `` did she give you a reason ? '' seth had been too shocked to take in much of what justine had said . at the time , he 'd figured it was simply her way of dealing with the aftermath of the fire . `` my wife is talking nonsense , '' he said . `` we need the restaurant . it 's how we make our living . okay , she 's right-i do put in a lot of hours and the work is demanding . the profit margin is n't exactly what we 'd hoped , but we were doing pretty well . '' he looked at his father , but leif still did n't give any indication of what he was thinking . `` it 's total nonsense , '' seth insisted a second time . `` of course we should rebuild ! ''
[["cross", 9], ["crossing", 9], ["look", 16], ["looked", 16], ["partially", 26], ["melt", 33], ["meltest", 33], ["melted", 33], ["must", 46], ["musts", 46], ["either", 63], ["fire", 75], ["close", 84], ["inspector", 115], ["inspectors", 115], ["come", 120], ["came", 120], ["across", 127], ["rubble", 144], ["near", 151], ["office", 162], ["may", 173], ["mays", 173], ["mayest", 173], ["might", 173], ["mean", 178], ["meanest", 178], ["nothing", 186], ["shrug", 222], ["shrugging", 222], ["shrugged", 222], ["point", 241], ["know", 261], ["knowest", 261], ["keep", 274], ["keepest", 274], ["update", 286], ["updates", 286], ["updated", 286], ["anything", 298], ["learn", 307], ["learnt", 307], ["learns", 307], ["thank", 321], ["thanks", 321], ["thankest", 321], ["sheriff", 335], ["way", 348], ["ways", 348], ["seth", 373], ["check", 381], ["checked", 381], ["watch", 391], ["entire", 404], ["day", 408], ["stretch", 418], ["stretched", 418], ["empty", 446], ["discard", 461], ["discardest", 461], ["discarded", 461], ["beer", 466], ["bottle", 473], ["bottled", 473], ["past", 485], ["month", 491], ["first", 505], ["firstest", 505], ["time", 510], ["since", 516], ["buy", 529], ["buyed", 529], ["bought", 529], ["old", 537], ["captain", 545], ["galley", 555], ["restaurant", 566], ["remodel", 580], ["enough", 650], ["hour", 656], ["hours", 656], ["schedule", 680], ["full", 689], ["constantly", 708], ["meeting", 721], ["meetings", 721], ["plan", 731], ["plans", 731], ["new", 739], ["idea", 745], ["ideas", 745], ["lack", 756], ["purpose", 767], ["kill", 779], ["killing", 779], ["course", 795], ["go", 809], ["goest", 809], ["back", 814], ["home", 819], ["homing", 819], ["relationship", 842], ["justine", 855], ["strain", 868], ["strains", 868], ["strained", 868], ["love", 879], ["loved", 879], ["wife", 888], ["understand", 916], ["understanded", 916], ["anymore", 928], ["right", 936], ["rightest", 936], ["need", 952], ["needest", 952], ["needed", 952], ["breathing", 962], ["room", 967], 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["bench", 2444], ["benched", 2444], ["outside", 2452], ["figure", 2478], ["figured", 2478], ["give", 2497], ["given", 2497], ["earful", 2511], ["earfuls", 2511], ["like", 2542], ["share", 2559], ["personal", 2574], ["problem", 2583], ["problems", 2583], ["murmur", 2611], ["murmurest", 2611], ["murmured", 2611], ["reach", 2624], ["reached", 2624], ["pick", 2640], ["picked", 2640], ["pebble", 2652], ["throw", 2662], ["threw", 2662], ["toss", 2726], ["tossed", 2726], ["cove", 2745], ["coved", 2745], ["talk", 2798], ["realize", 2829], ["realized", 2829], ["need", 2841], ["needest", 2841], ["confide", 2852], ["well", 2891], ["wells", 2891], ["yet", 2897], ["maintain", 2912], ["maintains", 2912], ["maintainest", 2912], ["perspective", 2926], ["whole", 2939], ["wholes", 2939], ["situation", 2949], ["everyone", 2962], ["involve", 2971], ["involved", 2971], ["whose", 2987], ["advice", 2994], ["trust", 3005], ["trusted", 3005], ["else", 3016], ["sigh", 3041], ["sighest", 3041], ["sighing", 3041], ["brace", 3062], ["braced", 3062], ["elbow", 3073], ["elbowing", 3073], ["elbows", 3073], ["knee", 3086], ["knees", 3086], ["argument", 3121], ["morning", 3134], ["important", 3171], ["edge", 3193], ["edges", 3193], ["day", 3204], ["days", 3204], ["respond", 3258], ["respondest", 3258], ["moment", 3271], ["problem", 3288], ["start", 3361], ["rebuild", 3372], ["rebuilt", 3372], ["rebuilding", 3372], ["soon", 3380], ["possible", 3392], ["couple", 3410], ["week", 3419], ["weeks", 3419], ["ago", 3423], ["drop", 3441], ["dropped", 3441], ["bombshell", 3456], ["bombshells", 3456], ["seem", 3521], ["seeming", 3521], ["seems", 3521], ["believe", 3532], ["forget", 3554], ["forgot", 3554], ["lower", 3593], ["lowers", 3593], ["lowerest", 3593], ["lowered", 3593], ["voice", 3603], ["suck", 3615], ["sucking", 3615], ["sucked", 3615], ["breath", 3629], ["breathest", 3629], ["wait", 3640], ["waitest", 3640], ["waited", 3640], ["reaction", 3667], ["assume", 3680], ["assumes", 3680], ["assumed", 3680], ["react", 3697], ["shock", 3728], ["disbelief", 3742], ["disbeliefs", 3742], ["fact", 3753], ["immediately", 3781], ["say", 3785], ["sayest", 3785], ["surprise", 3804], ["surprised", 3804], ["lean", 3828], ["leans", 3828], ["leaned", 3828], ["close", 3843], ["eye", 3852], ["eyed", 3852], ["eyes", 3852], ["give", 3870], ["reason", 3883], ["reasonest", 3883], ["shock", 3914], ["shocked", 3914], ["take", 3922], ["much", 3930], ["say", 3955], ["sayest", 3955], ["said", 3955], ["simply", 3999], ["deal", 4018], ["dealing", 4018], ["aftermath", 4037], ["aftermaths", 4037], ["nonsense", 4082], ["okay", 4161], ["put", 4185], ["lot", 4194], ["demand", 4229], ["demandest", 4229], ["demanding", 4229], ["profit", 4242], ["margin", 4249], ["exactly", 4264], ["hope", 4281], ["hoped", 4281], ["pretty", 4308], ["prettiest", 4308], ["still", 4359], ["indication", 4387], ["think", 4411], ["thinkest", 4411], ["thinking", 4411], ["total", 4428], ["insist", 4456], ["insistest", 4456], ["insisted", 4456], ["second", 4465], ["seconded", 4465], ["rebuild", 4503], ["rebuilt", 4503]]
when i finally manage to get my hand into his jeans , i find him already hard , and more than willing to kick off the offending garment . i chuckle as he tears off my pants next , divesting me of them and my boxer briefs with a few jerky motions . we 're both needy for contact , kissing and touching each other with rising tension . before long i rear up and search around for the bottle of lube that must be somewhere underneath the coffee table . after all , the couch has seen more action than our bed lately , no sense in not keeping the necessities at hand . jazz grins at me briefly when he sees my hunt has been successful , but when he tries to turn over i just lean into him , pinning him with my weight so that he has to stay on his back . confusion remains on his face as he watches me squirt lube onto my palm , but he does n't resist when i grab his c*ck and stroke it a few times , then nudge his right leg up towards the backrest of the couch so that i can reach his anus and push a wet finger into him . leaning further into him , i grab his dick with my free hand and claim his mouth again , feeling my own hard c*ck rub over his lower stomach . even though the need to f**k him is screaming inside of me , i take my time working my fingers in and out of him , feeling him relax gradually , then raise his h*ps to make them push deeper into him . i speed up a bit , then lean back as i watch him succumb to his lust gradually between both of my hands . of course , i have jerked him off plenty of times , but this time is different somehow . i love watching him writhe , love listening to the low moans and near growled grunts that he utters before he finally ca n't hold back anymore and comes with a few spurts over my hand and his stomach . following an impulse , i lean over him and lick up his spunk , letting my teeth scrape over his abs on my way back up to his mouth . he chuckles when he tastes himself on my tongue , still a bit breathless from the exertion . i do n't intend to let him catch his breath just yet , though . moving back until i 'm sitting on my haunches , i make a grab for the lube bottle again , but jazz is surprisingly faster than me , his prepped hand already wrapping around my c*ck before i can protest . not that i would , but i 'm still a little stunned , and all too happy to thrust a few times into his hand to get myself ready . then i just ca n't take it any more and push him back down , and with a decisive thrust i slide my c*ck into him . the forcefulness of the motion makes him grunt , and my attempt not to smear any lube or jizz remaining on my hands onto the couch ends up with me nearly falling on top of him , the resulting friction delicious . we end up face to face that way , and i grin down hungrily at him when i start to move , slow , deep thrusts that draw all kinds of sighs and moans from us both . he looks up at me with his eyes wide , his face flushed , then grabs my head and pulls me down far enough so that he can devour my mouth . throwing all caution concerning altercations due to further ruining the couch deliberately to the wind , i put my hands flat onto the cushions to shift my balance , then pick up the pace , shoving my c*ck deep into him . while our movements get more frantic by the minute , the sense of this being more than just any f**k is all encompassing , lending a special quality to the moment - making it intimate somehow . when i finally come it 's with a loud shout before i sag down , my forehead against his shoulder , his breathy laugh filling my ears . we remain lying like that for a while , and once i can move again i turn my head to look at his face , finding him smiling at me in turn . as the sweat slowly dries on my back the realization of the capital mess we 've made passes through my mind , but i do n't care . `` are you done staring into space yet ? because i 'm starting to get a weird feeling in the hip you 're lying on , so if you do n't mind , get off me , '' jazz huffs , then laughs when instead of moving i just look at him . `` nothing , '' i snort , then pull back a little as i smirk at him , and start to laugh . `` you 're such an a**hole , '' he grunts , then punches me in the shoulder , both as payback and to get me to move , but his success is greatly impaired by the fact that he 's laughing himself . shaking my head , i extend my hand to him and draw him to his feet . we end up standing way closer to each other than we 're used to .
[["finally", 14], ["manage", 21], ["get", 28], ["hand", 36], ["jean", 51], ["jeans", 51], ["find", 60], ["already", 72], ["hard", 77], ["willing", 101], ["kick", 109], ["offend", 127], ["offending", 127], ["garment", 135], ["chuckle", 147], ["chuckled", 147], ["tear", 159], ["teared", 159], ["tears", 159], ["pant", 172], ["pants", 172], ["next", 177], ["divest", 189], ["divesting", 189], ["boxer", 213], ["brief", 220], ["briefing", 220], ["briefs", 220], ["jerky", 237], ["motion", 245], ["motions", 245], ["needy", 265], ["contact", 277], ["kiss", 287], ["kisses", 287], ["kissest", 287], ["kissing", 287], ["touch", 300], ["touching", 300], ["rise", 323], ["risen", 323], ["rising", 323], ["tension", 331], ["long", 345], ["longs", 345], ["rear", 352], ["search", 366], ["around", 373], ["bottle", 388], ["bottled", 388], ["lube", 396], ["lubes", 396], ["must", 406], ["musts", 406], ["somewhere", 419], ["underneath", 430], ["coffee", 441], ["table", 447], ["tabled", 447], ["tabling", 447], ["couch", 471], ["couchest", 471], ["see", 480], ["seen", 480], ["action", 492], ["bed", 505], ["lately", 512], ["sense", 523], ["keep", 538], ["keepest", 538], ["keeping", 538], ["necessity", 554], ["necessities", 554], ["jazz", 569], ["jazzes", 569], ["jazzed", 569], ["jazzing", 569], ["grin", 575], ["grins", 575], ["briefly", 589], ["see", 602], ["sees", 602], ["hunt", 610], ["hunting", 610], ["huntest", 610], ["successful", 630], ["try", 650], ["tryed", 650], ["tries", 650], ["turn", 658], ["lean", 675], ["leans", 675], ["pin", 694], ["pinning", 694], ["weight", 713], ["weighted", 713], ["weightest", 713], ["stay", 736], ["back", 748], ["confusion", 760], ["remain", 768], ["remains", 768], ["face", 780], ["watch", 794], ["watches", 794], ["squirt", 804], ["squirting", 804], ["onto", 814], ["ontos", 814], ["palm", 822], ["palms", 822], ["palmed", 822], ["palmest", 822], ["resist", 847], ["resistest", 847], ["grab", 859], ["stroke", 879], ["time", 894], ["times", 894], ["nudge", 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["succumbed", 1421], ["lust", 1433], ["lusts", 1433], ["hand", 1468], ["hands", 1468], ["course", 1480], ["jerk", 1496], ["jerks", 1496], ["jerked", 1496], ["plenty", 1511], ["different", 1549], ["somehow", 1557], ["love", 1566], ["watch", 1575], ["watching", 1575], ["writhe", 1586], ["writhes", 1586], ["writhing", 1586], ["listen", 1603], ["listens", 1603], ["listening", 1603], ["low", 1614], ["lowed", 1614], ["moan", 1620], ["moans", 1620], ["moanest", 1620], ["near", 1629], ["grunt", 1644], ["utter", 1659], ["uttered", 1659], ["uttering", 1659], ["utters", 1659], ["ca", 1680], ["cas", 1680], ["hold", 1689], ["anymore", 1702], ["come", 1712], ["comes", 1712], ["spurt", 1730], ["spurted", 1730], ["spurtest", 1730], ["spurting", 1730], ["spurts", 1730], ["follow", 1771], ["following", 1771], ["impulse", 1782], ["lick", 1809], ["spunk", 1822], ["let", 1832], ["lets", 1832], ["letting", 1832], ["tooth", 1841], ["teeth", 1841], ["scrape", 1848], ["abs", 1861], ["way", 1871], ["ways", 1871], ["chuckle", 1906], ["chuckled", 1906], ["chuckles", 1906], ["taste", 1921], ["tastes", 1921], ["tongue", 1942], ["tonguing", 1942], ["still", 1950], ["breathless", 1967], ["exertion", 1985], ["intend", 2003], ["intendest", 2003], ["let", 2010], ["lets", 2010], ["catch", 2020], ["catches", 2020], ["catched", 2020], ["breath", 2031], ["breathest", 2031], ["yet", 2040], ["move", 2058], ["moving", 2058], ["sat", 2082], ["sit", 2082], ["sitting", 2082], ["haunch", 2097], ["haunches", 2097], ["surprisingly", 2166], ["fast", 2173], ["wrap", 2217], ["wraps", 2217], ["wrapping", 2217], ["protest", 2253], ["protestest", 2253], ["little", 2298], ["happy", 2326], ["thrust", 2336], ["ready", 2382], ["decisive", 2465], ["slid", 2480], ["forcefulness", 2516], ["motion", 2530], ["grunt", 2546], ["attempt", 2563], ["smear", 2576], ["smearing", 2576], ["jizz", 2593], ["remain", 2603], ["remaining", 2603], ["end", 2635], ["ends", 2635], ["endest", 2635], ["nearly", 2653], ["fall", 2661], ["falls", 2661], ["falling", 2661], ["top", 2668], ["result", 2691], ["resultest", 2691], ["resulting", 2691], ["friction", 2700], ["delicious", 2710], ["end", 2719], ["ends", 2719], ["endest", 2719], ["grin", 2757], ["hungrily", 2771], ["start", 2791], ["move", 2799], ["slow", 2806], ["deep", 2813], ["deeply", 2813], ["thrust", 2821], ["thrusts", 2821], ["draw", 2831], ["draws", 2831], ["drawn", 2831], ["kind", 2841], ["kinds", 2841], ["sigh", 2850], ["sighest", 2850], ["sighs", 2850], ["look", 2884], ["looks", 2884], ["eye", 2907], ["eyed", 2907], ["eyes", 2907], ["wide", 2912], ["flush", 2931], ["flushed", 2931], ["grab", 2944], ["head", 2952], ["pull", 2962], ["pulls", 2962], ["far", 2974], ["enough", 2981], ["devour", 3003], ["devours", 3003], ["throw", 3023], ["throwing", 3023], ["caution", 3035], ["cautioning", 3035], ["concern", 3046], ["concerned", 3046], ["concernest", 3046], ["concerning", 3046], ["altercation", 3059], ["altercations", 3059], ["due", 3063], ["ruin", 3082], ["ruinest", 3082], ["ruining", 3082], ["deliberately", 3105], ["wind", 3117], ["put", 3125], ["flat", 3139], ["cushion", 3157], ["cushioning", 3157], ["cushions", 3157], ["shift", 3166], ["balance", 3177], ["pick", 3189], ["pace", 3201], ["shove", 3211], ["shoving", 3211], ["movement", 3255], ["movements", 3255], ["frantic", 3272], ["minute", 3286], ["encompass", 3356], ["encompassing", 3356], ["lend", 3366], ["special", 3376], ["quality", 3384], ["moment", 3398], ["intimate", 3419], ["come", 3449], ["loud", 3467], ["shout", 3473], ["sag", 3486], ["forehead", 3505], ["shoulder", 3526], ["shouldered", 3526], ["breathy", 3540], ["laugh", 3546], ["fill", 3554], ["fills", 3554], ["filling", 3554], ["ear", 3562], ["ears", 3562], ["remain", 3574], ["lay", 3580], ["lie", 3580], ["lain", 3580], ["lying", 3580], ["like", 3585], ["look", 3653], ["find", 3675], ["finding", 3675], ["smile", 3687], ["smiling", 3687], ["sweat", 3716], ["slowly", 3723], ["dry", 3729], ["drier", 3729], ["drying", 3729], ["dries", 3729], ["realization", 3756], ["capital", 3771], ["mess", 3776], ["messed", 3776], ["messing", 3776], ["pass", 3795], ["passes", 3795], ["mind", 3811], ["minding", 3811], ["care", 3831], ["stare", 3857], ["stared", 3857], ["staring", 3857], ["space", 3868], ["spaced", 3868], ["spacing", 3868], ["start", 3896], ["starting", 3896], ["weird", 3911], ["hip", 3930], ["hips", 3930], ["laugh", 4014], ["laughs", 4014], ["instead", 4027], ["nothing", 4069], ["snort", 4082], ["snortest", 4082], ["pull", 4094], ["smirk", 4119], ["punch", 4206], ["punching", 4206], ["punches", 4206], ["payback", 4243], ["success", 4283], ["successes", 4283], ["greatly", 4294], ["impair", 4303], ["impairs", 4303], ["impaired", 4303], ["fact", 4315], ["laugh", 4335], ["laughing", 4335], ["shake", 4353], ["shaking", 4353], ["extend", 4372], ["extended", 4372], ["foot", 4412], ["feet", 4412], ["stood", 4433], ["stand", 4433], ["standest", 4433], ["standing", 4433], ["close", 4444], ["closer", 4444], ["use", 4475], ["used", 4475]]
curling up on her bed with her laptop , she decided to perform an internet search on purple hyacinths , just in case gabriel ( or his florist ) was trying to send her a subliminal message . on a horticultural website , she read the following : purple hyacinths symbolize sorrow , the request for forgiveness , or an apology . yeah , well if you had n't been such a bastard to me , gabriel , you would n't have to buy hyacinths to beg for my forgiveness . still shaking her head in irritation , julia put her laptop aside and checked her last and final voice message . it was from gabriel , and he 'd left it a few minutes ago . `` julia , i wanted to say this in person , but i ca n't wait . `` i was n't calling you a whore this morning . it was a terrible comparison , and i never should have said it , but i was n't calling you a whore . i was objecting to seeing you on your knees . it really ... upsets me . you should be worshipped and adored and treated with dignity . never on your knees . never on your knees , julia , for anyone . no matter what you think of me , that 's the truth . `` i should have apologized immediately for what paulina said to you . i just finished setting her straight , and i want to pass on her apology . she and i have a ... um ... ( cough ) ... it 's complicated . you can probably imagine why she jumped to that conclusion , and it has to do only with me and my previous - ah - behavior , and nothing to do with you . i 'm really sorry she insulted you . it wo n't happen again , i promise . `` thank you for making me breakfast this morning . um ... [ very long pause ] seeing the tray you prepared really did something to me . julia , no one has ever done anything like that for me before . not grace , not a friend , not a lover , no one . i ... you 've been nothing but good and kind and giving . and i 've been nothing but selfish and cruel . [ clears throat ... ] [ voice is husky now . ] `` please , julia , we need to talk about your note . i am holding your note in the palm of my hand , and i 'm not going to let it go . but there are some things i need to explain to you , serious things , and i 'm not comfortable doing that over the phone . i 'm sorry for what happened this morning . it 's all my fault , and i want to fix it . please tell me how to fix this , and i 'll fix it . once again , julia deleted his message , and once again , she made no attempt to save his number . she turned her phone off , placed it with her laptop on her card table , and went back to bed , trying to put gabriel 's sad and tortured voice out of her mind . the next day and the day after that , julia did n't leave her apartment . in fact , she spent all her time in various flannel pajama sets , trying to distract herself with loud music and a series of well-worn paperbacks by alexander mccall smith . his edinburgh stories were her favorite because they were cheerful , slightly mysterious , and smart . she found his writing comforting and more than soothing to her soul . the stories tended to make her hungry for scottish things like porridge and walker 's shortbread and isle of mull cheddar ( not necessarily in that order ) . although she had had a truly scarring experience with gabriel , hard on the heels of spending the night in his arms , she was more determined than ever that she would not let him break her . she 'd been broken before ; he had broken her . and she 'd sworn in her heart that she would never allow her spirit to be broken again . so she made the following three decisions : first , she was not going to drop emerson 's class , because she needed a dante seminar to demonstrate her competency . second , she was not going to quit school and return to selinsgrove a coward . third , she was going to find herself another thesis director and file the paperwork behind emerson 's back , as soon as possible . near midnight tuesday , she finally turned her cell phone on to check her messages . once again , her inbox was full . she rolled her eyes when she discovered , not surprisingly , that the first message was from gabriel . it had arrived monday morning . `` julianne ... i left something for you last night on your front porch . `` by the way , i had to call paul norris in order to get your cell phone number . i made up some excuse about needing to speak with you about your thesis , in case he asks you about it . `` did you know that you forgot your ipod ? i 've been listening to it . i was surprised to find that you are a fan of arcade fire .
[["curl", 7], ["curls", 7], ["curled", 7], ["curling", 7], ["bed", 21], ["laptop", 37], ["decide", 51], ["decided", 51], ["perform", 62], ["performest", 62], ["internet", 74], ["search", 81], ["purple", 91], ["hyacinth", 101], ["hyacinths", 101], ["gabriel", 124], ["florist", 141], ["try", 154], ["tryed", 154], ["trying", 154], ["send", 162], ["subliminal", 179], ["message", 187], ["horticultural", 208], ["website", 216], ["read", 227], ["reads", 227], ["follow", 241], ["following", 241], ["symbolize", 270], ["symbolizing", 270], ["sorrow", 277], ["request", 291], ["requestest", 291], ["forgiveness", 307], ["apology", 323], ["yeah", 330], ["well", 337], ["wells", 337], ["bastard", 372], ["buy", 416], ["buyed", 416], ["beg", 433], ["still", 460], ["shake", 468], ["shaking", 468], ["head", 477], ["irritation", 491], ["julia", 499], ["put", 503], ["aside", 520], ["check", 532], ["checked", 532], ["last", 541], ["final", 551], ["voice", 557], ["left", 604], ["leave", 604], ["minute", 621], ["minutes", 621], ["ago", 625], ["say", 654], ["sayest", 654], ["person", 669], ["ca", 680], ["cas", 680], ["wait", 689], ["waitest", 689], ["call", 712], ["calling", 712], ["whore", 724], ["morning", 737], ["terrible", 757], ["comparison", 768], ["never", 782], ["say", 799], ["sayest", 799], ["said", 799], ["object", 856], ["objected", 856], ["objecting", 856], ["objectest", 856], ["see", 866], ["seeing", 866], ["knee", 884], ["knees", 884], ["really", 896], ["upset", 907], ["upsets", 907], ["worship", 937], ["worshipped", 937], ["adore", 948], ["adores", 948], ["adored", 948], ["treat", 960], ["treats", 960], ["treatest", 960], ["treated", 960], ["dignity", 973], ["anyone", 1038], ["matter", 1050], ["mattering", 1050], ["think", 1065], ["thinkest", 1065], ["truth", 1091], ["apologize", 1121], ["apologized", 1121], ["immediately", 1133], ["paulina", 1150], ["finish", 1180], ["finished", 1180], ["set", 1188], ["setting", 1188], ["straight", 1201], ["pass", 1222], ["um", 1263], ["cough", 1275], ["complicate", 1299], ["complicates", 1299], ["complicated", 1299], ["probably", 1318], ["imagine", 1326], ["jump", 1341], ["jumps", 1341], ["jumped", 1341], ["conclusion", 1360], ["previous", 1408], ["ah", 1413], ["behavior", 1424], ["nothing", 1438], ["sorry", 1473], ["insult", 1486], ["insultest", 1486], ["insulted", 1486], ["wo", 1498], ["happen", 1509], ["promise", 1527], ["thank", 1538], ["thanks", 1538], ["thankest", 1538], ["breakfast", 1566], ["long", 1600], ["longs", 1600], ["pause", 1606], ["tray", 1624], ["trays", 1624], ["prepare", 1637], ["prepared", 1637], ["ever", 1690], ["everest", 1690], ["anything", 1704], ["like", 1709], ["grace", 1740], ["friend", 1755], ["lover", 1769], ["good", 1816], ["kind", 1825], ["give", 1836], ["giving", 1836], ["selfish", 1873], ["selfishest", 1873], ["cruel", 1883], ["clear", 1894], ["clearest", 1894], ["clears", 1894], ["throat", 1901], ["husky", 1924], ["please", 1942], ["need", 1960], ["needest", 1960], ["talk", 1968], ["note", 1984], ["hold", 1999], ["holding", 1999], ["palm", 2021], ["palms", 2021], ["palmed", 2021], ["palmest", 2021], ["hand", 2032], ["go", 2053], ["goest", 2053], ["going", 2053], ["let", 2060], ["lets", 2060], ["go", 2066], ["goest", 2066], ["thing", 2094], ["things", 2094], ["explain", 2112], ["serious", 2129], ["comfortable", 2163], ["phone", 2189], ["happen", 2220], ["happened", 2220], ["fault", 2254], ["faulting", 2254], ["fix", 2274], ["fixes", 2274], ["tell", 2291], ["delete", 2358], ["deletes", 2358], ["deleted", 2358], ["attempt", 2409], ["save", 2417], ["number", 2428], ["numbering", 2428], ["turn", 2441], ["turned", 2441], ["place", 2464], ["placed", 2464], ["card", 2495], ["table", 2501], ["tabled", 2501], ["tabling", 2501], ["go", 2512], ["goest", 2512], ["went", 2512], ["back", 2517], ["sad", 2555], ["mind", 2590], ["minding", 2590], ["next", 2601], ["day", 2605], ["left", 2650], ["leave", 2650], ["apartment", 2664], ["fact", 2674], ["spend", 2686], ["spends", 2686], ["spendest", 2686], ["spent", 2686], ["time", 2699], ["various", 2710], ["flannel", 2718], ["pajama", 2725], ["pajamas", 2725], ["set", 2730], ["sets", 2730], ["distract", 2751], ["loud", 2769], ["music", 2775], ["musics", 2775], ["series", 2788], ["wear", 2801], ["worn", 2801], ["paperback", 2812], ["paperbacks", 2812], ["alexander", 2825], ["smith", 2838], ["edinburgh", 2854], ["story", 2862], ["stories", 2862], ["favorite", 2880], ["favoritest", 2880], ["cheerful", 2907], ["slightly", 2918], ["mysterious", 2929], ["smart", 2941], ["find", 2953], ["found", 2953], ["writing", 2965], ["comfort", 2976], ["comforting", 2976], ["soothe", 2999], ["soothes", 2999], ["soothing", 2999], ["soul", 3011], ["tend", 3032], ["tended", 3032], ["hungry", 3051], ["scottish", 3064], ["porridge", 3085], ["walker", 3096], ["shortbread", 3110], ["isle", 3119], ["isles", 3119], ["mull", 3127], ["cheddar", 3135], ["necessarily", 3153], ["order", 3167], ["orderest", 3167], ["although", 3180], ["truly", 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["third", 3748], ["find", 3772], ["another", 3788], ["thesis", 3795], ["director", 3804], ["file", 3813], ["paperwork", 3827], ["behind", 3834], ["soon", 3860], ["possible", 3872], ["near", 3879], ["midnight", 3888], ["midnights", 3888], ["tuesday", 3896], ["finally", 3910], ["cell", 3926], ["check", 3944], ["message", 3957], ["messages", 3957], ["inbox", 3982], ["full", 3991], ["roll", 4004], ["rolled", 4004], ["eye", 4013], ["eyed", 4013], ["eyes", 4013], ["discover", 4033], ["discovered", 4033], ["surprisingly", 4052], ["arrive", 4111], ["arrived", 4111], ["monday", 4118], ["mondays", 4118], ["julianne", 4140], ["front", 4194], ["porch", 4200], ["way", 4216], ["ways", 4216], ["call", 4232], ["paul", 4237], ["pauls", 4237], ["norris", 4244], ["get", 4260], ["excuse", 4307], ["need", 4321], ["needest", 4321], ["needing", 4321], ["speak", 4330], ["spoken", 4330], ["ask", 4375], ["asks", 4375], ["know", 4406], ["knowest", 4406], ["ipod", 4432], ["ipods", 4432], ["listen", 4455], ["listens", 4455], ["listening", 4455], ["fan", 4506], ["arcade", 4516], ["fire", 4521]]
my eyes lifted to the night sky and i noticed the large moon for the first time . full moon on halloween . i tucked a strand of hair that had fallen from my bun behind my ear as a slight breeze blew across my skin . that cant mean anything good . delvin shrugged his shoulders . eh , just another reason for the crazies to get even crazier . i prompted , hoping he would elaborate a bit . new orleans already has a certain energy to it , but add halloween and a full moon , and things are sure to reach all new levels . the energy he was talking about was something i had noticed upon entering the city . it was unlike anything id ever felt before . bree suddenly shouted . you need to ask him where all the great costume shops are . her words were bunched together , but i could still pick them apart . i can swing by in the morning and pick you ladies up if you want ? there are quite a few places to costume hunt in new orleans , delvin offered . thanks , but theres something else i planned on doing in the morning . i wouldnt want to tie up your entire day or anything . there was truthfully only one place i wanted to go tomorrowthe midnight cauldron . the hope that i would finally get to meet my mother had blossomed in my chest , regardless of the cryptic notes from her , creepy bird sounds , and the fear that my life might turn into something from a paranormal tv show . oh yeah , kenna wants to check out some witch shop called cauldron something , bree blurted in her drunken state . a hysterical laugh slipped through her lips . she got a postcard from her mom about it . shooting her death rays did me no good ; she continued to run her mouth between drunken giggles . the notes were like rhymes or something bree trailed off . the midnight cauldron , that was the name of it ! glancing at delvin , i noticed from his reaction the name of the shop rang a bell with him . i wondered if he had been there before . if so , maybe he knew who owned the place . the website hadnt listed a name for an owner , nor had it given specific directions to find the place . delvin asked . his jaw became hard set as his lips formed into a thin line . i take it youve heard of it , i stated the obvious . that place deals with some serious magic , some of it dark . a shiver ran along my spine at his words . this wasnt something i didnt know alreadyin fact , anyone who visited its website could see the type of place it wasbut hearing it confirmed was spooky . i havent ever had a reason to . the lady who owns the place is a true witch . a lot of people around here claim to bethey dabble in pretending to know what theyre talking aboutbut that woman , shes real . if you can , id recommend staying away from there all together . his words had lodged a lump in my throat . i was finding it hard to swallow . i wondered what the chances were that the woman he claimed to be a real witch was my mother . was bree right when shed said i might leave new orleans with the knowledge that i was a real life witch ? i cant , i admitted . and here we are bree slurred . glancing to the building we stood in front of , i noticed wed made it back to the bourbon orleans hotel in what seemed like record timing . i glanced at delvin , noticing an awkwardness that seemed to be constricting his features . he obviously wanted to ask why i was so adamant on visiting the midnight cauldron , but didnt . are you okay getting her up to your room by yourself ? i looped my arm through brees . her head dipped down to rest against my shoulder , and a soft moan pushed past her lips . i love you , she mumbled as she nuzzled into the crook of my neck . she was definitely ready to call it a night . well , i guess this is goodnight . i shifted to glance at delvin once more . he flashed me that same wolfish smile i had seen on his face numerous times tonight , and cocked his head to the side . all the tension from moments before had melted from his features . what , no goodnight kiss ? my head fell back as i laughed loudly , his bold words surprising me . maybe tomorrow night though . while i might not be looking for a one-night stand , that didnt mean i wanted to pass up the opportunity to hang out with him again before i headed home on sunday . there was more to him than met the eye , and i wasnt opposed to learning as much as i could while i had the chance . tomorrow night , she says . smoothing a hand along his scruffy chin , he smiled . i can wait that long , i guess . are we still on for in the morning ? were on for tomorrow , but i dont know about in the morning . i nodded toward bree . im not too sure how shell feel .
[["eye", 7], ["eyed", 7], ["eyes", 7], ["lift", 14], ["lifted", 14], ["night", 27], ["sky", 31], ["notice", 45], ["noticed", 45], ["large", 55], ["moon", 60], ["moons", 60], ["first", 74], ["firstest", 74], ["time", 79], ["full", 86], ["halloween", 104], ["tuck", 115], ["tucked", 115], ["tucking", 115], ["strand", 124], ["hair", 132], ["fall", 148], ["falls", 148], ["fallen", 148], ["bun", 160], ["behind", 167], ["ear", 174], ["slight", 186], ["breeze", 193], ["breezing", 193], ["blew", 198], ["blow", 198], ["blowest", 198], ["across", 205], ["skin", 213], ["mean", 230], ["meanest", 230], ["anything", 239], ["good", 244], ["shrug", 262], ["shrugging", 262], ["shrugged", 262], ["shoulder", 276], ["shouldered", 276], ["shoulders", 276], ["eh", 281], ["another", 296], ["reason", 303], ["reasonest", 303], ["crazy", 319], ["crazies", 319], ["get", 326], ["even", 331], ["evens", 331], ["crazy", 339], ["prompt", 352], ["prompting", 352], ["prompted", 352], ["hope", 361], ["hoping", 361], 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["blurt", 1474], ["blurted", 1474], ["drunken", 1489], ["state", 1495], ["hysterical", 1510], ["laugh", 1516], ["slip", 1524], ["slipped", 1524], ["lip", 1541], ["lipped", 1541], ["lips", 1541], ["get", 1551], ["got", 1551], ["postcard", 1562], ["mom", 1575], ["moms", 1575], ["shoot", 1595], ["shooted", 1595], ["shooting", 1595], ["death", 1605], ["ray", 1610], ["rays", 1610], ["continue", 1641], ["continued", 1641], ["run", 1648], ["mouth", 1658], ["mouthed", 1658], ["giggle", 1682], ["giggles", 1682], ["like", 1704], ["rhyme", 1711], ["rhymed", 1711], ["rhymes", 1711], ["trail", 1737], ["trailed", 1737], ["name", 1785], ["glance", 1802], ["glancing", 1802], ["reaction", 1842], ["bell", 1875], ["belling", 1875], ["wonder", 1897], ["wonderest", 1897], ["wondered", 1897], ["maybe", 1941], ["know", 1949], ["knowest", 1949], ["knew", 1949], ["website", 1983], ["list", 1996], ["listed", 1996], ["owner", 2016], ["give", 2035], ["given", 2035], ["specific", 2044], ["direction", 2055], 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["notice", 3235], ["noticing", 3235], ["awkwardness", 3250], ["constrict", 3281], ["constricting", 3281], ["feature", 3294], ["features", 3294], ["obviously", 3309], ["adamant", 3344], ["visit", 3356], ["visiting", 3356], ["okay", 3405], ["get", 3413], ["getting", 3413], ["room", 3433], ["roomed", 3433], ["loop", 3456], ["looping", 3456], ["looped", 3456], ["arm", 3463], ["head", 3488], ["dip", 3495], ["dipped", 3495], ["rest", 3508], ["shoulder", 3528], ["shouldered", 3528], ["soft", 3541], ["moan", 3546], ["moans", 3546], ["moanest", 3546], ["push", 3553], ["pushed", 3553], ["past", 3558], ["love", 3576], ["mumble", 3594], ["mumbles", 3594], ["mumbled", 3594], ["nuzzle", 3609], ["nuzzles", 3609], ["nuzzled", 3609], ["crook", 3624], ["crooked", 3624], ["neck", 3635], ["necked", 3635], ["definitely", 3656], ["ready", 3662], ["call", 3670], ["well", 3688], ["wells", 3688], ["guess", 3698], ["goodnight", 3716], ["shift", 3728], ["shifted", 3728], ["glance", 3738], ["flash", 3771], ["flashed", 3771], ["wolfish", 3792], ["smile", 3798], ["see", 3809], ["seen", 3809], ["face", 3821], ["numerous", 3830], ["time", 3836], ["times", 3836], ["tonight", 3844], ["cock", 3857], ["cockest", 3857], ["cocked", 3857], ["side", 3878], ["sidest", 3878], ["tension", 3896], ["moment", 3909], ["moments", 3909], ["melt", 3927], ["meltest", 3927], ["melted", 3927], ["kiss", 3972], ["kisses", 3972], ["kissest", 3972], ["fall", 3987], ["falls", 3987], ["fell", 3987], ["laugh", 4005], ["laughed", 4005], ["loudly", 4012], ["bold", 4023], ["surprise", 4040], ["surprised", 4040], ["tomorrow", 4060], ["tomorrows", 4060], ["though", 4073], ["look", 4104], ["looking", 4104], ["stood", 4126], ["stand", 4126], ["standest", 4126], ["pass", 4161], ["opportunity", 4180], ["hung", 4188], ["hang", 4188], ["hangs", 4188], ["head", 4223], ["headed", 4223], ["home", 4228], ["homing", 4228], ["sunday", 4238], ["sundays", 4238], ["meet", 4271], ["meeted", 4271], ["met", 4271], ["eye", 4279], ["eyed", 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i got to wondering whether she 'd requested the table in advance so she did n't have to introduce me . '' she was trying to hide the hurt , but not completely succeeding . as if fear and pain stripped her of some layers , she always looked younger at moments like this . more like the maddie whose picture had been on his bulletin board for so many years , he could n't help thinking . maddie meant nothing good to nell smith . the understanding made him feel guiltier than ever . colin did n't blame her for hurting at her mother 's coolness , either . his father was abusive , his mother walked out on him , but at least there 'd been emotion in his house . good , hideous , everything in between . then , he 'd thought anything would be better . now , he was n't so sure , not when he saw nell 's face so pale that the freckles stood out in sharp relief . to think how much sympathy he 'd wasted on the dubeaus , terrified for their daughter , mourning her-or so he 'd thought . `` back then , '' he said slowly , `` i noticed your mother always hung back at public appearances . i thought she was in shock and trying hard not to break down where she could be seen . i respected her dignity . '' `` and now you wonder if she was feeling anything at all . '' `` i guess that is what i 'm wondering . '' nell twirled spaghetti with great concentration but did n't lift it to her mouth . `` i had this really vivid memory today , '' she said haltingly . `` nothing important , but i knew in it that i was a disappointment to my parents , and especially my mother . not pretty enough , not athletic or graceful . i was relieved that i was going to the resort to hang out all day partly because it got me away from mom . '' he made sure the conversation was more general until they finished eating , but when she stood and said she would put the coffee on , he shook his head . `` there 's something we need to talk about first . '' she sank back into her chair , her eyes locked on his . `` i do n't suppose you 'll like it , '' he admitted . `` it occurred to me today that rumors are going to start spreading like wildfire . you 'll run into people you 've completely forgotten but who recognize you . let 's head off the necessity of you having to explain yourself over and over by holding a press conference . '' `` we 'll bring your parents in on it . we have a daily newspaper , bend does , of course , and la pine has a weekly . a stringer for the oregonian will show up . local tv news . let 's get it over with in a controlled venue . '' seeing her horror , he wished he could shield her from all of this . and by god he wished her parents had fallen on her with tears and joy . `` you ca n't stay incognito anymore , nell , '' he said , regret sounding in his voice . it 's just- '' the huff of breath might have been meant to be a laugh . `` the day the king-5 news team was filming at safehold , i was trying to avoid the camera . on the way home , i was thinking about it . i 've always worried about encountering someone who knew me . '' because i have n't changed all that much . but i also know that i would n't have wanted to appear on camera , no matter what . public recognition would n't have been my thing . then what did i do ? i made myself famous . '' `` you did n't make yourself famous , '' he said through gritted teeth . `` none of it was your doing . '' she shrugged in acknowledgment . yes , it was still possible that some action of hers had led to the assault and abduction . he could n't imagine what action that could have been . she 'd been a good girl , not a troublemaker . even if she had been ... she was fifteen years old . `` word will get out no matter what , '' he repeated . `` if we do n't do it this way , you 're going to have reporters waylaying you everywhere you go . that might be worse . '' expression closing down , she jumped to her feet and began clearing the table . colin did n't push it . he helped her clear , then loaded the dishwasher while she put leftovers in the refrigerator . finally , as she was pouring the coffee , her back to him , nell said abruptly , `` okay . he had n't forgotten the hysteria back then , but refrained from saying , it wo n't be good . once again , maddie dubeau would be a nine-day wonder . chapter seven nell woke the next morning to find the world outside cloaked in white . colin had said something about expecting a trace of snow , but this was more than that . for a moment she felt a child 's sense of wonder at the quiet beauty .
[["get", 5], ["got", 5], ["wonder", 18], ["wonderest", 18], ["wondering", 18], ["whether", 26], ["request", 43], ["requestest", 43], ["requested", 43], ["table", 53], ["tabled", 53], ["tabling", 53], ["advance", 64], ["advancest", 64], ["introduce", 97], ["try", 120], ["tryed", 120], ["trying", 120], ["hide", 128], ["hides", 128], ["hurt", 137], ["hurts", 137], ["hurting", 137], ["completely", 158], ["succeed", 169], ["succeedest", 169], ["succeeding", 169], ["fear", 182], ["fearest", 182], ["pain", 191], ["strip", 200], ["stripped", 200], ["layer", 219], ["layered", 219], ["layers", 219], ["always", 232], ["look", 239], ["looked", 239], ["young", 247], ["youngest", 247], ["moment", 258], ["moments", 258], ["like", 263], ["maddie", 291], ["whose", 297], ["picture", 305], ["bulletin", 330], ["board", 336], ["boarding", 336], ["many", 348], ["year", 354], ["years", 354], ["help", 374], ["helpest", 374], ["think", 383], ["thinkest", 383], ["thinking", 383], ["mean", 398], ["meanest", 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["wasted", 898], ["terrify", 925], ["terrified", 925], ["daughter", 944], ["mourn", 955], ["mourned", 955], ["mournest", 955], ["mourning", 955], ["back", 989], ["say", 1007], ["sayest", 1007], ["said", 1007], ["slowly", 1014], ["notice", 1029], ["noticed", 1029], ["hung", 1053], ["hang", 1053], ["hangs", 1053], ["public", 1068], ["appearance", 1080], ["appearances", 1080], ["shock", 1109], ["hard", 1125], ["break", 1138], ["broke", 1138], ["see", 1167], ["seen", 1167], ["respect", 1181], ["respected", 1181], ["dignity", 1193], ["wonder", 1220], ["wonderest", 1220], ["feel", 1239], ["feeling", 1239], ["guess", 1271], ["twirl", 1317], ["twirls", 1317], ["twirled", 1317], ["spaghetti", 1327], ["great", 1338], ["concentration", 1352], ["lift", 1369], ["mouth", 1385], ["mouthed", 1385], ["really", 1408], ["vivid", 1414], ["memory", 1421], ["memories", 1421], ["today", 1427], ["haltingly", 1451], ["important", 1474], ["know", 1487], ["knowest", 1487], ["knew", 1487], ["disappointment", 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["joyed", 2684], ["ca", 2696], ["cas", 2696], ["stay", 2705], ["incognito", 2715], ["anymore", 2723], ["regret", 2752], ["sound", 2761], ["sounding", 2761], ["voice", 2774], ["huff", 2800], ["huffs", 2800], ["breath", 2810], ["breathest", 2810], ["may", 2816], ["mays", 2816], ["mayest", 2816], ["might", 2816], ["laugh", 2846], ["team", 2880], ["teamed", 2880], ["teaming", 2880], ["film", 2892], ["filming", 2892], ["safehold", 2904], ["avoid", 2928], ["camera", 2939], ["cameras", 2939], ["way", 2952], ["ways", 2952], ["home", 2957], ["homing", 2957], ["encounter", 3025], ["encountering", 3025], ["change", 3077], ["changed", 3077], ["also", 3104], ["know", 3109], ["knowest", 3109], ["appear", 3148], ["matter", 3170], ["mattering", 3170], ["recognition", 3196], ["thing", 3225], ["famous", 3269], ["tooth", 3345], ["teeth", 3345], ["none", 3355], ["shrug", 3394], ["shrugging", 3394], ["shrugged", 3394], ["acknowledgment", 3412], ["yes", 3418], ["still", 3433], ["possible", 3442], ["action", 3459], ["lead", 3475], ["leaded", 3475], ["led", 3475], ["assault", 3490], ["abduction", 3504], ["imagine", 3527], ["girl", 3586], ["troublemaker", 3607], ["even", 3614], ["evens", 3614], ["fifteen", 3650], ["old", 3660], ["word", 3670], ["repeat", 3715], ["repeatest", 3715], ["repeated", 3715], ["reporter", 3782], ["reporters", 3782], ["waylay", 3792], ["waylaid", 3792], ["waylays", 3792], ["waylaying", 3792], ["everywhere", 3807], ["go", 3814], ["goest", 3814], ["bad", 3836], ["worse", 3836], ["expression", 3852], ["close", 3860], ["jump", 3878], ["jumps", 3878], ["jumped", 3878], ["foot", 3890], ["feet", 3890], ["begin", 3900], ["began", 3900], ["clear", 3909], ["clearest", 3909], ["push", 3940], ["help", 3955], ["helpest", 3955], ["helped", 3955], ["clear", 3965], ["clearest", 3965], ["load", 3979], ["loaded", 3979], ["dishwasher", 3994], ["leftover", 4018], ["leftovers", 4018], ["refrigerator", 4038], ["refrigerators", 4038], ["finally", 4048], ["pour", 4069], ["pouring", 4069], ["abruptly", 4119], ["okay", 4129], ["hysteria", 4165], ["refrain", 4191], ["refrained", 4191], ["say", 4203], ["sayest", 4203], ["saying", 4203], ["wo", 4211], ["nine", 4268], ["chapter", 4289], ["seven", 4295], ["wake", 4305], ["wakes", 4305], ["woken", 4305], ["woke", 4305], ["next", 4314], ["morning", 4322], ["find", 4330], ["world", 4340], ["outside", 4348], ["cloak", 4356], ["cloaks", 4356], ["cloaked", 4356], ["white", 4365], ["expect", 4408], ["expecting", 4408], ["trace", 4416], ["snow", 4424], ["moment", 4469], ["feel", 4478], ["felt", 4478], ["child", 4486], ["childs", 4486], ["sense", 4495], ["quiet", 4518], ["beauty", 4525]]
`` ah , sweeting , '' he murmured hoarsely , stroking her spine . `` give me a moment to regain my senses , and i will pleasure you until morning . '' his words , meant to entice , filled her with dread . she slipped off him while he was still too sated to stop her . sitting on the edge of the bed , olivia ran a hand through her hair , dislodging her hairpins . `` you left me , sebastian . '' `` i had good cause , '' he insisted , rolling to face her . `` originally i agreed to stay only for the short time you asked of me . but when you told me you loved me , it changed everything . i realized i loved you and wanted to be with you , but i had my men to take care of , and my ship . i had to sever my ties with them before i could begin anew with you . '' olivia brushed away the tear that escaped and took a deep , shuddering breath . so much resentment , fear , and even a touch of wary hope warred within her that she was overwhelmed with emotion . she looked over her shoulder at her husband , her heart aching at the sight of his resplendent nak*dness and his beloved hair , spread out across her lacy pillows . somehow the highly feminine trappings of her bed only emphasized his potent masculinity . but it was his gaze that most devastated her , full of longing and love and a hint of fear . she looked away , unable to bear it . `` you were gone for four months . '' his fingertips moved over her back in a rhythmic caress . `` i gave my ship to will and settled my accounts with the crew . it was my intention to cast off immediately and return to you . '' there are twin brothers-pirates , i 'm ashamed to say i associated with . i 've angered them , and they are not men to forgive a perceived slight . the night we left barbados they demanded you in payment of my debt . '' will informed me that the serving maid at the inn where you stayed was approached by one of the brothers . he asked questions about you , olivia . he learned your identity . i could not allow the situation to progress any further . you were in danger because of me . '' sebastian reached for her hand and laced his fingers with hers . `` i waited for the pirates to return to the island , and when they did , i fought with the more vicious of the two and killed him . the other managed to escape . i hunted him , but he 's hidden himself away . i have every reason to believe he 'll stay hidden . pierre was never much of a threat without dominique . '' olivia traced the swirling pattern in the aubusson rug with her toe . `` you could have told me of your plans . '' `` you were asleep , '' he explained defensively . `` i 'd kept you awake the whole of the night and thought it best to leave quietly . she stood and paced the length of the bed . `` that was no letter , my lord . that was a few lines of hastily scrawled words . '' `` i was reluctant to write more , '' he admitted . he met her gaze with such earnestness that her barely mending heart broke all over again . `` if i 'd delayed too long-if i 'd attempted to say good-bye-i never would have been able to leave you , especially if you 'd begged to come with me , which i suspected you might . denying you would have been impossible , and it was too dangerous for you to accompany me . '' sitting up , he crossed his long legs . he held his hands out to her , pleading . `` no , sebastian . '' `` you left for yourself . you- '' `` that 's not true , damn it ! '' you ran because that is what you do . you 've been running your whole life-from your family , your responsibilities , everything . this time you were running from me . '' she growled with frustration and clenched her fists . `` beautiful , damaged man that you are . i thought i could fix you , heal you , but i can not . '' he leapt from the bed and caught her by the shoulders . she stomped her bare foot . `` you broke my heart , sebastian blake . left me to the wolves while you regrouped and gathered your defenses-against me ! i was getting too close , becoming too important , you- '' `` important ? '' he scoffed , shaking her . i 've given up all that i had for you ! '' `` well , you should n't have . you threw away what we had . '' he paled beneath his tan . god ... olivia ... do n't ever say that ! '' `` i can not rely on you . '' `` you can , '' he promised . `` i shall never leave you again . i could no more leave you than i could stop breathing . '' `` you broke your promise before .
[["ah", 5], ["murmur", 33], ["murmurest", 33], ["murmured", 33], ["hoarsely", 42], ["stroke", 53], ["stroking", 53], ["spine", 63], ["give", 73], ["moment", 85], ["regain", 95], ["sense", 105], ["senses", 105], ["pleasure", 127], ["morning", 145], ["word", 160], ["words", 160], ["mean", 168], ["meanest", 168], ["meant", 168], ["entice", 178], ["fill", 187], ["fills", 187], ["filled", 187], ["dread", 202], ["slip", 216], ["slipped", 216], ["still", 243], ["sates", 253], ["sated", 253], ["stop", 261], ["sat", 275], ["sit", 275], ["sitting", 275], ["edge", 287], ["edges", 287], ["bed", 298], ["olivia", 307], ["run", 311], ["ran", 311], ["hand", 318], ["hair", 335], ["dislodge", 348], ["dislodged", 348], ["dislodging", 348], ["hairpin", 361], ["hairpins", 361], ["left", 375], ["leave", 375], ["sebastian", 390], ["good", 409], ["cause", 415], ["insist", 432], ["insistest", 432], ["insisted", 432], ["roll", 442], ["rolling", 442], ["face", 450], ["originally", 470], ["agree", 479], ["agreed", 479], ["stay", 487], ["short", 506], ["time", 511], ["ask", 521], ["asked", 521], ["tell", 547], ["told", 547], ["love", 560], ["loved", 560], ["change", 576], ["changed", 576], ["everything", 587], ["realize", 600], ["realized", 600], ["man", 657], ["mans", 657], ["manned", 657], ["men", 657], ["take", 665], ["care", 670], ["ship", 687], ["sever", 704], ["tie", 712], ["tying", 712], ["tieing", 712], ["ties", 712], ["begin", 743], ["anew", 748], ["brush", 777], ["brushest", 777], ["brushed", 777], ["away", 782], ["tear", 791], ["teared", 791], ["escape", 804], ["escapes", 804], ["escaped", 804], ["take", 813], ["took", 813], ["deep", 820], ["deeply", 820], ["breath", 840], ["breathest", 840], ["much", 850], ["resentment", 861], ["fear", 868], ["fearest", 868], ["even", 879], ["evens", 879], ["touch", 887], ["touching", 887], ["wary", 895], ["hope", 900], ["war", 907], ["within", 914], ["emotion", 956], ["look", 969], ["looked", 969], ["shoulder", 987], ["shouldered", 987], ["husband", 1002], ["husbanding", 1002], ["heart", 1014], ["ache", 1021], ["ached", 1021], ["aching", 1021], ["sight", 1034], ["sighted", 1034], ["resplendent", 1053], ["beloved", 1079], ["spread", 1093], ["across", 1104], ["lacy", 1113], ["pillow", 1121], ["pillows", 1121], ["somehow", 1131], ["highly", 1142], ["feminine", 1151], ["trapping", 1161], ["trappings", 1161], ["emphasize", 1188], ["emphasizes", 1188], ["emphasized", 1188], ["potent", 1199], ["masculinity", 1211], ["gaze", 1233], ["gazes", 1233], ["devastate", 1254], ["devastated", 1254], ["full", 1265], ["longing", 1276], ["love", 1285], ["hint", 1296], ["hinting", 1296], ["unable", 1331], ["unabled", 1331], ["bore", 1339], ["bear", 1339], ["bearest", 1339], ["go", 1361], ["goest", 1361], ["gone", 1361], ["four", 1370], ["month", 1377], ["months", 1377], ["fingertip", 1397], ["fingertips", 1397], ["move", 1403], ["moved", 1403], ["back", 1417], ["rhythmic", 1431], ["caress", 1438], ["give", 1450], ["gave", 1450], ["settle", 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["attempted", 3017], ["bye", 3033], ["byes", 3033], ["able", 3062], ["abled", 3062], ["especially", 3088], ["beg", 3105], ["come", 3113], ["suspect", 3141], ["suspected", 3141], ["may", 3151], ["mays", 3151], ["mayest", 3151], ["might", 3151], ["deny", 3161], ["denying", 3161], ["impossible", 3192], ["dangerous", 3219], ["accompany", 3240], ["cross", 3272], ["crossing", 3272], ["crossed", 3272], ["leg", 3286], ["legs", 3286], ["hold", 3296], ["held", 3296], ["hand", 3306], ["hands", 3306], ["plead", 3328], ["pleading", 3328], ["true", 3408], ["damn", 3415], ["damned", 3415], ["run", 3482], ["running", 3482], ["life", 3498], ["lifes", 3498], ["family", 3515], ["responsibility", 3539], ["responsibilities", 3539], ["growl", 3606], ["growls", 3606], ["growled", 3606], ["frustration", 3623], ["clench", 3636], ["clenched", 3636], ["fist", 3646], ["fists", 3646], ["beautiful", 3661], ["beautifulest", 3661], ["man", 3675], ["mans", 3675], ["manned", 3675], ["fix", 3712], ["fixes", 3712], ["heal", 3723], ["healest", 3723], ["leap", 3757], ["leaps", 3757], ["leaping", 3757], ["catch", 3781], ["catches", 3781], ["catched", 3781], ["caught", 3781], ["shoulder", 3802], ["shouldered", 3802], ["shoulders", 3802], ["stomp", 3816], ["stomps", 3816], ["stomping", 3816], ["stomped", 3816], ["bare", 3825], ["foot", 3830], ["blake", 3872], ["wolf", 3896], ["wolves", 3896], ["regroup", 3916], ["gather", 3929], ["gatherest", 3929], ["gathered", 3929], ["defense", 3943], ["defenses", 3943], ["get", 3970], ["getting", 3970], ["close", 3980], ["become", 3991], ["becoming", 3991], ["important", 4005], ["scoff", 4044], ["scoffs", 4044], ["scoffed", 4044], ["shake", 4054], ["shaking", 4054], ["give", 4072], ["given", 4072], ["well", 4111], ["wells", 4111], ["throw", 4145], ["threw", 4145], ["pale", 4176], ["paled", 4176], ["beneath", 4184], ["tan", 4192], ["god", 4198], ["ever", 4225], ["everest", 4225], ["rely", 4257], ["promise", 4297], ["promised", 4297], ["shall", 4310], ["breathes", 4388], ["promise", 4419]]
bullets exploded past nathan and swanson as they ran for cover . dirt blew up beside them . shea could hear the thud as bullets struck trees on either side of them . oh god , why could n't she have telekinesis as a power ? or be able to set shit on fire ? blow them all to hell ? grace did n't think shea had the balls to kill anyone . right now she 'd set the entire world on fire and burn the bastards straight to hell . already she was exhausted but nathan needed her now more than ever . she drew pain away from him , his fear , absorbed every emotion except his anger and determination to escape . and she infused him with every ounce of her own resolve . the two men ran through the trees , heavy brush , over a stream , never stopping . the gunshots grew more distant . the shouts of alarm went silent . keep running , she begged . after an hour , swanson went down , but this time he did n't get back up . he was bleeding heavily and his face was ashen . his breaths were labored . `` get up , swanny . they 'll be tracking us and we 've been sloppy as hell . '' `` i ca n't do it , nate . do n't let me drag you down . '' we go as a team . even if i have to carry your ass out of these mountains . '' `` do n't think i 'm going to make it anyway , '' swanson said in a raspy voice . `` they broke something inside me . pretty sure i 'm bleeding internally . you know you have to leave me . '' nathan 's fist tightened in frustration . shea , help me . i do n't have a connection to him . i hate how random my abilities are . try , shea . shea , what the f**k is going on ? shea wanted to scream in frustration as grace broke into her thoughts . she sensed her sister 's panic and worry , but oh god , not now ! not now , grace . shea 's own panic was rising , and she tried valiantly to keep it from spilling over into nathan . she had to be strong for him . go to him , shea . grace 's calm voice penetrated the haze . quit trying to shut me out so i can help you help him . grace , no . i wo n't let you do this ! shut the f**k up and quit fighting me . get your ass over there so we can save him . nathan , i do n't have a connection to him . you have to be near him . put your hands on him so my sister can help . nathan dropped down and put his hands on swanson 's chest . `` nate , what the fuck ? `` shut up , swanny . do it now , shea . she opened herself fully to her sister for the first time since they 'd last been together . she was bombarded by so many emotions she was staggered . keep it together , shea . i know this is hard maintaining both links . sweat beaded shea 's forehead . her breathing went shallow and she teetered precariously on the edge of the bed . hot white light flooded shea . she felt nathan 's surprise as he , too , felt the effects of her sister 's healing energy . do n't go overboard , shea said fiercely to her sister . just do enough that he can move . we do n't have the time , and i wo n't have you suffer more than you have to . swanson 's eyes snapped open . color flooded back into the one undamaged cheek and he drew in deep breaths . shea worked at pushing all of the energy she received from grace into nathan . she was fast weakening and she knew there was still a long way to go before nathan and swanson were safe . then nathan broke suddenly away . his voice was harsh and laced with worry . stay with me , shea . i know you 're weak , but i need you . shea retreated and focused solely on her sister . talk to me , grace . her sister 's soft moan of pain splintered shea 's heart . stop it , shea . i 'm not dying , for fuck 's sake . i may feel like it , but your guy broke the link before it got too involved . i was at least able to fix his lung . shea closed her eyes in relief . now break away , grace demanded . i ca n't believe i 'm the one telling you that this time , but i can feel how weak you are and i have no idea what the f**k kind of mess you 've landed yourself in , but be careful , and as soon as this is over , you better talk to me because you have a lot of explaining to do and i want to make damn sure you 're all right . and then grace was gone .
[["bullet", 7], ["bullets", 7], ["explode", 16], ["exploded", 16], ["past", 21], ["nathan", 28], ["swanson", 40], ["run", 52], ["ran", 52], ["cover", 62], ["dirt", 69], ["blew", 74], ["blow", 74], ["blowest", 74], ["beside", 84], ["shea", 96], ["hear", 107], ["hears", 107], ["thud", 116], ["strike", 134], ["struck", 134], ["tree", 140], ["treed", 140], ["treeing", 140], ["trees", 140], ["either", 150], ["side", 155], ["sidest", 155], ["oh", 168], ["god", 172], ["telekinesis", 209], ["power", 220], ["able", 233], ["abled", 233], ["set", 240], ["shit", 245], ["fire", 253], ["blew", 260], ["blow", 260], ["blowest", 260], ["hell", 277], ["hells", 277], ["grace", 285], ["think", 299], ["thinkest", 299], ["ball", 318], ["balls", 318], ["kill", 326], ["anyone", 333], ["right", 341], ["rightest", 341], ["entire", 367], ["world", 373], ["burn", 390], ["burns", 390], ["bastard", 403], ["bastards", 403], ["straight", 412], ["already", 430], ["need", 466], ["needest", 466], ["needed", 466], ["ever", 489], ["everest", 489], ["draw", 500], ["draws", 500], ["drawn", 500], ["drew", 500], ["pain", 505], ["away", 510], ["fear", 530], ["fearest", 530], ["absorb", 541], ["absorbed", 541], ["every", 547], ["emotion", 555], ["except", 562], ["anger", 572], ["determination", 590], ["escape", 600], ["escapes", 600], ["infuse", 618], ["infused", 618], ["ounce", 639], ["resolve", 658], ["two", 668], ["twos", 668], ["man", 672], ["mans", 672], ["manned", 672], ["men", 672], ["heavy", 702], ["heavies", 702], ["heavier", 702], ["brush", 708], ["brushest", 708], ["stream", 724], ["streams", 724], ["streamed", 724], ["streaming", 724], ["never", 732], ["stop", 741], ["stopping", 741], ["gunshot", 756], ["gunshots", 756], ["grow", 761], ["growest", 761], ["grew", 761], ["distant", 774], ["shout", 787], ["shouts", 787], ["alarm", 796], ["go", 801], ["goest", 801], ["went", 801], ["silent", 808], ["keep", 815], ["keepest", 815], ["run", 823], ["running", 823], ["beg", 836], ["hour", 852], ["time", 888], ["get", 903], ["back", 908], ["bleed", 929], ["bleeding", 929], ["heavily", 937], ["face", 950], ["ashen", 960], ["breath", 974], ["breathest", 974], ["breaths", 974], ["labor", 987], ["labored", 987], ["swanny", 1008], ["track", 1031], ["sloppy", 1057], ["ca", 1078], ["cas", 1078], ["nate", 1095], ["nates", 1095], ["let", 1108], ["lets", 1108], ["drag", 1116], ["go", 1136], ["goest", 1136], ["team", 1146], ["teamed", 1146], ["teaming", 1146], ["even", 1153], ["evens", 1153], ["carry", 1172], ["ass", 1181], ["mountain", 1204], ["mountains", 1204], ["go", 1236], ["goest", 1236], ["going", 1236], ["anyway", 1254], ["say", 1272], ["sayest", 1272], ["said", 1272], ["raspy", 1283], ["voice", 1289], ["break", 1305], ["broke", 1305], ["inside", 1322], ["pretty", 1334], ["prettiest", 1334], ["sure", 1339], ["internally", 1364], ["know", 1375], ["knowest", 1375], ["left", 1393], ["leave", 1393], ["fist", 1416], ["tighten", 1426], ["tightens", 1426], ["tightenest", 1426], ["tightened", 1426], ["frustration", 1441], ["help", 1455], ["helpest", 1455], ["connection", 1487], ["hate", 1503], ["hateed", 1503], ["random", 1514], ["ability", 1527], ["abilities", 1527], ["try", 1537], ["tryed", 1537], ["scream", 1603], ["screams", 1603], ["thought", 1651], ["thoughts", 1651], ["sense", 1664], ["sensed", 1664], ["sister", 1675], ["panic", 1684], ["worry", 1694], ["worried", 1694], ["rise", 1766], ["risen", 1766], ["rising", 1766], ["try", 1782], ["tryed", 1782], ["tried", 1782], ["valiantly", 1792], ["spilt", 1817], ["spill", 1817], ["spilling", 1817], ["strong", 1857], ["calm", 1900], ["calms", 1900], ["penetrate", 1917], ["penetrating", 1917], ["penetrated", 1917], ["haze", 1926], ["hazes", 1926], ["quit", 1933], ["quits", 1933], ["quitting", 1933], ["try", 1940], ["tryed", 1940], ["trying", 1940], ["shut", 1948], ["wo", 2002], ["fight", 2059], ["fightest", 2059], ["save", 2103], ["near", 2174], ["put", 2184], ["hand", 2195], ["hands", 2195], ["drop", 2241], ["dropped", 2241], ["chest", 2284], ["fuck", 2310], ["open", 2364], ["opened", 2364], ["fully", 2378], ["first", 2406], ["firstest", 2406], ["since", 2417], ["last", 2430], ["together", 2444], ["bombard", 2464], ["bombards", 2464], ["bombarded", 2464], ["many", 2475], ["emotion", 2484], ["emotions", 2484], ["stagger", 2502], ["staggerest", 2502], ["staggered", 2502], ["hard", 2550], ["maintain", 2562], ["maintains", 2562], ["maintainest", 2562], ["maintaining", 2562], ["link", 2573], ["links", 2573], ["sweat", 2581], ["bead", 2588], ["beaded", 2588], ["forehead", 2605], ["breathing", 2621], ["shallow", 2634], ["teeter", 2651], ["teetered", 2651], ["precariously", 2664], ["edge", 2676], ["edges", 2676], ["bed", 2687], ["hot", 2693], ["white", 2699], ["lit", 2705], ["light", 2705], ["flood", 2713], ["flooded", 2713], ["feel", 2729], ["felt", 2729], ["surprise", 2748], ["surprised", 2748], ["effect", 2779], ["effects", 2779], ["healing", 2804], ["energy", 2811], ["overboard", 2833], ["fiercely", 2854], ["enough", 2885], ["move", 2902], ["suffer", 2959], ["suffering", 2959], ["eye", 2999], ["eyed", 2999], ["eyes", 2999], ["snap", 3007], ["snapping", 3007], ["snapped", 3007], ["open", 3012], ["color", 3020], ["cheek", 3062], ["cheeks", 3062], ["deep", 3082], ["deeply", 3082], ["work", 3104], ["wrought", 3104], ["worked", 3104], ["push", 3115], ["pushing", 3115], ["receive", 3146], ["received", 3146], ["fast", 3184], ["weakening", 3194], ["know", 3207], ["knowest", 3207], ["knew", 3207], ["still", 3223], ["long", 3230], ["longs", 3230], ["way", 3234], ["ways", 3234], ["safe", 3276], ["safes", 3276], ["safed", 3276], ["suddenly", 3305], ["harsh", 3332], ["lace", 3342], ["laced", 3342], ["stay", 3360], ["weak", 3397], ["need", 3410], ["needest", 3410], ["retreat", 3431], ["retreatest", 3431], ["retreated", 3431], ["focus", 3443], ["focused", 3443], ["solely", 3450], ["talk", 3471], ["soft", 3506], ["moan", 3511], ["moans", 3511], ["moanest", 3511], ["splinter", 3530], ["splintered", 3530], ["heart", 3544], ["stop", 3551], ["die", 3578], ["dying", 3578], ["sake", 3597], ["sakes", 3597], ["may", 3605], ["mays", 3605], ["mayest", 3605], ["feel", 3610], ["like", 3615], ["guy", 3633], ["link", 3648], ["get", 3662], ["got", 3662], ["least", 3692], ["leastest", 3692], ["fix", 3704], ["fixes", 3704], ["lung", 3713], ["close", 3727], ["closed", 3727], ["relief", 3746], ["reliefs", 3746], ["break", 3758], ["broke", 3758], ["demand", 3780], ["demandest", 3780], ["demanded", 3780], ["believe", 3799], ["tell", 3820], ["telling", 3820], ["idea", 3892], ["kind", 3911], ["mess", 3919], ["messed", 3919], ["messing", 3919], ["land", 3934], ["landed", 3934], ["careful", 3963], ["soon", 3977], ["well", 4006], ["wells", 4006], ["lot", 4040], ["explain", 4054], ["explaining", 4054], ["damn", 4084], ["damned", 4084], ["go", 4133], ["goest", 4133], ["gone", 4133]]
kate , after hearing conrads voice , went into shocked stillness . then she panicked , and as if she couldnt help herself because shed come too far , she shoved sakura harder , which caused sakura to lose her grip on the rock . sakura screamed as her body fell back , her hands reaching out to him . conrad raced to sakura , screaming her name . his hand reached out for her , but he was too late . she was already falling from the cliff and into the ocean below . he screamed again , his voice echoing across the sea . the voice , though mostly muffled out by the rain and the storm , reached the brothers down below . they all turned just in time to see sakuras body flying down like a little doll and hitting the water . sebastian went cold the moment he saw her body . darcy screamed his head off . he howled , his voice loud , his face red , his stomach flipping with dread . the brothers discarded their surfboards , diving deep into the ocean , and swam toward her . they propelled themselves against the current , their strong arms and legs working hard against the waves . in that instant , an enormous wave came crashing toward them , steering them off course . sebastian dove deep under and then emerged again . darcy was behind him , and then suddenly another wave came and smashed against darcy , swirling his body about and throwing it off against a rock , scratching his skin and breaking his arm in the process . he fell unconscious immediately . as soon as it was here , the wave was gone again , and sebastian swam back to darcy . he caught his brother and brought him up to the surface . nicolas , tristan , logan , and hayden finally got to them . hayden took darcy and slid him on top of his surfboard . sebastian , leaving darcy in logan and haydens care , dove back down and went in search for sakura . nicolas and tristan werent far behind him . please , god , let her be all right , sebastian prayed . he finally found her and vigorously swam toward her . he caught her by the small of her waist , hugged her against him , and brought her back up to the surface . nicolas and tristan came to help . they put her on nicolass surfboard and started heading back . once they got back to the beach , sebastian took sakura in his arms , testing to see if she was breathing . he laid her back down , his heart thundering in his chest and his stomach knotted in dread . dont die on me , sweetheart . dont you dare die on me ! he cried internally in anguish . he opened her mouth and blew air into her lungs . then he pressed on her chest . come on , he said , anguish in his voice and tears in his eyes . he moved to blow air into her lungs again and then pressed her chest . sweetheart , sakura , wake up ! hayden and logan were fixing darcy up as best as they could so he wouldnt bleed to death . so much blood , hayden said . conrad shouted from the distance as he raced down toward them . he came to kneel beside her , his face pale . sebastian continued to do cpr , and then finally , she coughed , spurting out loads of saltwater , and opened her eyes . sebastian sighed with relief and hugged her tight within his arms , tears rolling down his face . sakura , he whispered against her wet hair . sakura gazed at the man who had saved her life once again . sebastian , she whispered weakly . then she hazily looked around . her heart was pounding violently within her chest when she saw darcy lying on the ground not too far away from her , bleeding . darcy , she whispered dryly , her head spinning . then , as if as she couldnt take it any longer , she closed her eyes again and fell unconscious . * * * * * chapter 33 : confession sakura slowly opened her eyes . she groaned in pain as she brought her hand up to touch her forehead . oh , god , her head was aching something sorely . suddenly , she realized there were long lines of iv tubes connected to her arm . she tried to sit up but found she couldnt . dont move , she heard someone say to her softly . sakura turned to see sebastian moving toward her from where he sat . he touched his warm hand to her cheek , cupping her face . lie back , he said . sebastian pulled the blanket up to her chin as he watched her . in the hospital , he said . oh , she voiced , staring up at the ceiling . then she closed her eyes again , trying to think what had happened . then slowlyvery slowlyeverything came back to her . her falling from the cliff .
[["kate", 4], ["hear", 20], ["hears", 20], ["hearing", 20], ["conrad", 28], ["voice", 34], ["go", 41], ["goest", 41], ["went", 41], ["stillness", 64], ["panic", 84], ["panicked", 84], ["help", 113], ["helpest", 113], ["shed", 134], ["come", 139], ["far", 147], ["shove", 160], ["shoved", 160], ["sakura", 167], ["hard", 174], ["cause", 189], ["caused", 189], ["lose", 204], ["grip", 213], ["rock", 225], ["scream", 243], ["screams", 243], ["screamed", 243], ["body", 255], ["bodied", 255], ["fall", 260], ["falls", 260], ["fell", 260], ["back", 265], ["hand", 277], ["hands", 277], ["reach", 286], ["reaching", 286], ["conrad", 306], ["race", 312], ["racing", 312], ["raced", 312], ["scream", 334], ["screams", 334], ["screaming", 334], ["name", 343], ["hand", 354], ["reach", 362], ["reached", 362], ["late", 396], ["lates", 396], ["already", 414], ["fall", 422], ["falls", 422], ["falling", 422], ["cliff", 437], ["cliffs", 437], ["ocean", 456], ["oceans", 456], ["echo", 502], ["echoed", 502], ["echoing", 502], ["across", 509], ["sea", 517], ["though", 538], ["mostly", 545], ["muffle", 553], ["muffles", 553], ["muffled", 553], ["rain", 569], ["storm", 583], ["brother", 606], ["brethren", 606], ["brothers", 606], ["turn", 635], ["turned", 635], ["time", 648], ["see", 655], ["sakura", 663], ["fly", 675], ["flys", 675], ["flying", 675], ["like", 685], ["little", 694], ["doll", 699], ["hit", 711], ["hitting", 711], ["water", 721], ["sebastian", 733], ["cold", 743], ["moment", 754], ["see", 761], ["saw", 761], ["darcy", 778], ["head", 796], ["howl", 812], ["howls", 812], ["howlest", 812], ["howled", 812], ["loud", 829], ["face", 840], ["red", 844], ["stomach", 858], ["stomachs", 858], ["stomaching", 858], ["flip", 867], ["flipping", 867], ["dread", 878], ["discard", 903], ["discardest", 903], ["discarded", 903], ["surfboard", 920], ["surfboards", 920], ["dive", 929], ["deep", 934], ["deeply", 934], ["swam", 960], ["toward", 967], ["propel", 988], ["propeling", 988], ["propelled", 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["catches", 1558], ["catched", 1558], ["caught", 1558], ["brother", 1570], ["brethren", 1570], ["bring", 1582], ["brought", 1582], ["surface", 1604], ["tristan", 1624], ["logan", 1632], ["logans", 1632], ["hayden", 1645], ["finally", 1653], ["get", 1657], ["got", 1657], ["take", 1679], ["took", 1679], ["slid", 1694], ["top", 1705], ["surfboard", 1722], ["left", 1744], ["leave", 1744], ["leaving", 1744], ["care", 1776], ["search", 1812], ["please", 1876], ["god", 1882], ["let", 1888], ["lets", 1888], ["right", 1905], ["rightest", 1905], ["pray", 1924], ["prays", 1924], ["find", 1943], ["found", 1943], ["vigorously", 1962], ["small", 2007], ["waist", 2020], ["hug", 2029], ["hugged", 2029], ["put", 2132], ["start", 2170], ["started", 2170], ["head", 2178], ["heading", 2178], ["beach", 2217], ["test", 2263], ["breathe", 2291], ["breathes", 2291], ["lay", 2301], ["lays", 2301], ["layed", 2301], ["layest", 2301], ["laid", 2301], ["heart", 2327], ["thunder", 2338], ["chest", 2351], ["knot", 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["kneels", 2926], ["kneeled", 2926], ["beside", 2933], ["pale", 2953], ["continue", 2975], ["continued", 2975], ["cpr", 2985], ["cough", 3018], ["coughed", 3018], ["spurt", 3029], ["spurted", 3029], ["spurtest", 3029], ["spurting", 3029], ["load", 3039], ["loaded", 3039], ["loads", 3039], ["saltwater", 3052], ["sigh", 3093], ["sighest", 3093], ["sighed", 3093], ["relief", 3105], ["reliefs", 3105], ["tight", 3126], ["within", 3133], ["roll", 3158], ["rolling", 3158], ["whisper", 3196], ["whispered", 3196], ["wet", 3212], ["hair", 3217], ["gaze", 3232], ["gazes", 3232], ["gazed", 3232], ["man", 3243], ["mans", 3243], ["manned", 3243], ["save", 3257], ["saved", 3257], ["life", 3266], ["lifes", 3266], ["weakly", 3312], ["hazily", 3330], ["look", 3337], ["looked", 3337], ["around", 3344], ["pound", 3369], ["pounding", 3369], ["violently", 3379], ["lay", 3421], ["lie", 3421], ["lain", 3421], ["lying", 3421], ["ground", 3435], ["away", 3452], ["bleed", 3472], ["bleeding", 3472], ["dryly", 3502], ["spun", 3522], ["spin", 3522], ["spinning", 3522], ["take", 3557], ["long", 3571], ["longs", 3571], ["close", 3584], ["closed", 3584], ["chapter", 3640], ["confession", 3656], ["slowly", 3670], ["groan", 3700], ["groans", 3700], ["groanest", 3700], ["groaning", 3700], ["groaned", 3700], ["pain", 3708], ["touch", 3744], ["touching", 3744], ["forehead", 3757], ["oh", 3762], ["ache", 3790], ["ached", 3790], ["aching", 3790], ["sorely", 3807], ["realize", 3833], ["realized", 3833], ["long", 3849], ["longs", 3849], ["line", 3855], ["lines", 3855], ["iv", 3861], ["tube", 3867], ["tubes", 3867], ["connect", 3877], ["connectest", 3877], ["connected", 3877], ["try", 3900], ["tryed", 3900], ["tried", 3900], ["sat", 3907], ["sit", 3907], ["move", 3944], ["hear", 3956], ["hears", 3956], ["heard", 3956], ["say", 3968], ["sayest", 3968], ["softly", 3982], ["move", 4022], ["moving", 4022], ["sat", 4051], ["sit", 4051], ["touch", 4064], ["touching", 4064], ["touched", 4064], ["warm", 4073], ["cheek", 4091], ["cheeks", 4091], ["cup", 4101], ["lay", 4116], ["lie", 4116], ["lain", 4116], ["pull", 4150], ["pulled", 4150], ["blanket", 4162], ["chin", 4177], ["watch", 4191], ["watched", 4191], ["hospital", 4213], ["voice", 4241], ["voiced", 4241], ["stare", 4251], ["stared", 4251], ["staring", 4251], ["ceiling", 4269], ["try", 4311], ["tryed", 4311], ["trying", 4311], ["think", 4320], ["thinkest", 4320], ["happen", 4338], ["happened", 4338]]
part of her was inflamed , desperate for him . another part of her was wondering what he would do if she said stop ... he lifted her left leg , pulling her thigh around his hip and pressing against her . she felt him through the fabric of her dress , hearing the silk taffeta rustle like a breathless woman . the dress clearly wanted more . `` what do i have to do to make you mine ? '' he groaned , mouth against mouth . `` not tonight , it seems . '' he tugged her lower lip backwards into his mouth , nipping it with his teeth . `` did n't you understand my lecture ? every word , every painting was for you . '' his hand slid up her dress , teasing the skin of her thigh until it reached the string that stretched across her hip . `` no garters tonight ? '' his fingers tugged at the very thin string . `` panties , '' she breathed . his eyes glinted in the semi-darkness . `` what kind of panties ? '' `` a thong . '' he smiled dangerously before pressing his lips to her ear . `` am i to assume that you wore this for me ? '' without warning , gabriel lifted her , pressing her against the cold wall . his lips on her neck , he pushed their h*ps closer . the long , thin heels of julia 's tangerine stilettos caught the curves of his ass . he fixed her with wild , blue eyes . with one hand , he tugged at the string until it tore . suddenly , she found herself bare . he reached back to stuff the thong in his jacket pocket , and her heels shifted , digging into his ass so much that he winced . `` do you know how difficult it was for me to control myself after the lecture ? how i longed to take you in my arms ? conducting small talk was torture when all i wanted was this . `` i wish you could see how sexy you are with your back against the wall and your legs wrapped around me . i want you like this , except i want you panting my name . '' gabriel dipped his tongue in the hollow at the base of her throat and julia 's eyes closed . her passions were struggling with her mind , which urged her to push him away and take a moment to think . in a mood such as this , gabriel was dangerous . all of a sudden , julia heard voices echoing down the hallway . the sound of footsteps and merry laughter grew closer . gabriel lifted his head , bringing his mouth to her ear . `` do n't make a sound , '' he whispered . she could feel his lips curve up into a smile as they pressed against her . the footsteps stopped a few feet away , and julia heard two male voices conversing in italian . her heart continued to race as she strained her hearing for any sign of movement . gabriel kept stroking her gently , swallowing her sounds with his mouth . from time to time , he 'd whisper sensual things to her-phrases that made her flush . one of the male voices laughed loudly . julia lifted her head in surprise , while gabriel took that opportunity to kiss her throat , nibbling at the delicate skin . `` please do n't bite me . '' the murmuring voices echoed around them . it took a moment , but eventually the import of her words sliced through his aroused , frantic state . he lifted his face from her neck . with their chests pressed so tightly together , he could feel her heart . he closed his eyes , as if entranced by its staccato rhythm . when he opened them again , most of the fire was gone . julia had carefully concealed simon 's bite mark with makeup , but gabriel found it with his finger , tracing its perimeter lightly before kissing it . he exhaled slowly , very slowly , and shook his head . `` you 're the only woman who has ever said no to me . '' `` i 'm not saying no . '' he looked over his shoulder and spied two older gentlemen , deep in conversation . they were close enough to see him if they looked in his direction . he turned back to julia and gave her a sad smile . `` you deserve better than a jealous lover taking you against a wall . and i 'm not in favor of being caught by our host . he kissed her and traced below her swollen lower lip with his thumb , removing the slight smear of crimson lipstick from her pale skin . `` i 'm not about to undo the trust i saw in your eyes last night . when i 'm in my right mind and we have the museum all to ourselves ... '' his expression darkened as he fantasized . he removed her heels from his backside and placed her on her feet , leaning over to straighten the skirt of her dress . the taffeta rustled breathlessly at his touch and then forlornly , was silent .
[["part", 4], ["parting", 4], ["inflame", 24], ["inflames", 24], ["inflaming", 24], ["inflamed", 24], ["desperate", 36], ["another", 54], ["wonder", 80], ["wonderest", 80], ["wondering", 80], ["say", 109], ["sayest", 109], ["said", 109], ["stop", 114], ["lift", 128], ["lifted", 128], ["left", 137], ["leg", 141], ["pull", 151], ["pulling", 151], ["thigh", 161], ["thighs", 161], ["around", 168], ["hip", 176], ["hips", 176], ["press", 189], ["pressing", 189], ["feel", 212], ["felt", 212], ["fabric", 235], ["dress", 248], ["dressest", 248], ["hear", 258], ["hears", 258], ["hearing", 258], ["silk", 267], ["taffeta", 275], ["rustle", 282], ["like", 287], ["breathless", 300], ["woman", 306], ["womans", 306], ["clearly", 326], ["mine", 381], ["groan", 397], ["groans", 397], ["groanest", 397], ["groaning", 397], ["groaned", 397], ["mouth", 405], ["mouthed", 405], ["tonight", 436], ["seem", 447], ["seeming", 447], ["seems", 447], ["tug", 462], ["tugging", 462], ["tugged", 462], ["low", 472], ["lowed", 472], ["lip", 476], ["lipped", 476], ["backwards", 486], ["nip", 511], ["nipping", 511], ["tooth", 529], ["teeth", 529], ["understand", 557], ["understanded", 557], ["lecture", 568], ["every", 576], ["word", 581], ["painting", 598], ["hand", 624], ["slid", 629], ["tease", 652], ["teasing", 652], ["skin", 661], ["reach", 691], ["reached", 691], ["strung", 702], ["string", 702], ["strings", 702], ["stretch", 717], ["stretched", 717], ["across", 724], ["garter", 748], ["garters", 748], ["finger", 773], ["fingers", 773], ["thin", 797], ["thins", 797], ["pantie", 817], ["panties", 817], ["breathe", 835], ["breathes", 835], ["breathed", 835], ["eye", 846], ["eyed", 846], ["eyes", 846], ["glint", 854], ["semi", 866], ["darkness", 875], ["kind", 890], ["thong", 917], ["thongs", 917], ["smile", 932], ["smiled", 932], ["dangerously", 944], ["lip", 969], ["lipped", 969], ["lips", 969], ["ear", 980], ["assume", 1000], ["assumes", 1000], ["wear", 1014], ["wore", 1014], ["without", 1039], ["warning", 1047], ["gabriel", 1057], ["cold", 1100], ["wall", 1105], ["neck", 1128], ["necked", 1128], ["push", 1140], ["pushed", 1140], ["close", 1158], ["closer", 1158], ["long", 1169], ["longs", 1169], ["heel", 1182], ["heeled", 1182], ["heels", 1182], ["julia", 1191], ["tangerine", 1204], ["catch", 1221], ["catches", 1221], ["catched", 1221], ["caught", 1221], ["curve", 1232], ["curved", 1232], ["curves", 1232], ["ass", 1243], ["fix", 1254], ["fixes", 1254], ["fixed", 1254], ["wild", 1268], ["wildest", 1268], ["blue", 1275], ["tear", 1336], ["teared", 1336], ["tore", 1336], ["suddenly", 1347], ["find", 1359], ["found", 1359], ["bare", 1372], ["back", 1390], ["stuff", 1399], ["jacket", 1423], ["jacketed", 1423], ["pocket", 1430], ["pocketing", 1430], ["shift", 1454], ["shifted", 1454], ["dug", 1464], ["dig", 1464], ["digs", 1464], ["digest", 1464], ["digging", 1464], ["much", 1485], ["wince", 1500], ["winced", 1500], ["know", 1517], ["knowest", 1517], ["difficult", 1531], 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2139], ["echo", 2147], ["echoed", 2147], ["echoing", 2147], ["hallway", 2164], ["hallways", 2164], ["sound", 2176], ["footstep", 2189], ["footsteps", 2189], ["merry", 2199], ["laughter", 2208], ["grow", 2213], ["growest", 2213], ["grew", 2213], ["head", 2246], ["bring", 2257], ["bringing", 2257], ["whisper", 2321], ["whispered", 2321], ["feel", 2338], ["curve", 2353], ["curved", 2353], ["smile", 2369], ["press", 2385], ["pressed", 2385], ["stop", 2421], ["stopped", 2421], ["foot", 2432], ["feet", 2432], ["two", 2459], ["twos", 2459], ["male", 2464], ["males", 2464], ["converse", 2482], ["conversing", 2482], ["italian", 2493], ["italians", 2493], ["heart", 2505], ["continue", 2515], ["continued", 2515], ["race", 2523], ["racing", 2523], ["strain", 2539], ["strains", 2539], ["strained", 2539], ["sign", 2564], ["movement", 2576], ["keep", 2591], ["keepest", 2591], ["kept", 2591], ["stroke", 2600], ["stroking", 2600], ["gently", 2611], ["swallow", 2624], ["swallows", 2624], ["swallowing", 2624], ["sound", 2635], ["sounds", 2635], ["time", 2662], ["whisper", 2686], ["sensual", 2694], ["thing", 2701], ["things", 2701], ["phrase", 2716], ["phrasing", 2716], ["phrases", 2716], ["flush", 2736], ["laugh", 2769], ["laughed", 2769], ["loudly", 2776], ["surprise", 2812], ["surprised", 2812], ["take", 2833], ["took", 2833], ["opportunity", 2850], ["kiss", 2858], ["kisses", 2858], ["kissest", 2858], ["nibble", 2880], ["nibbling", 2880], ["delicate", 2896], ["please", 2913], ["bite", 2925], ["murmuring", 2947], ["echo", 2961], ["echoed", 2961], ["eventually", 3009], ["import", 3020], ["word", 3033], ["words", 3033], ["slice", 3040], ["sliced", 3040], ["frantic", 3070], ["state", 3076], ["face", 3097], ["chest", 3131], ["chests", 3131], ["tightly", 3150], ["together", 3159], ["entrance", 3224], ["entrancing", 3224], ["entranced", 3224], ["staccato", 3240], ["rhythm", 3247], ["rhythms", 3247], ["open", 3264], ["opened", 3264], ["fire", 3294], ["go", 3303], ["goest", 3303], ["gone", 3303], ["carefully", 3325], ["conceal", 3335], ["concealest", 3335], ["concealed", 3335], ["simon", 3341], ["mark", 3354], ["marks", 3354], ["makeup", 3366], ["finger", 3405], ["trace", 3415], ["tracing", 3415], ["perimeter", 3429], ["lightly", 3437], ["kiss", 3452], ["kisses", 3452], ["kissest", 3452], ["kissing", 3452], ["exhale", 3468], ["exhaled", 3468], ["slowly", 3475], ["shake", 3501], ["shook", 3501], ["ever", 3551], ["everest", 3551], ["say", 3589], ["sayest", 3589], ["saying", 3589], ["look", 3607], ["looked", 3607], ["shoulder", 3625], ["shouldered", 3625], ["spy", 3635], ["spied", 3635], ["old", 3645], ["gentleman", 3655], ["gentlemen", 3655], ["deep", 3662], ["deeply", 3662], ["conversation", 3678], ["close", 3696], ["enough", 3703], ["direction", 3746], ["turn", 3758], ["turned", 3758], ["give", 3781], ["gave", 3781], ["sad", 3791], ["deserve", 3814], ["deserved", 3814], ["well", 3821], ["wells", 3821], ["jealous", 3836], ["lover", 3842], ["take", 3849], ["taking", 3849], ["favor", 3892], ["favorest", 3892], ["host", 3920], ["hosted", 3920], ["hostest", 3920], ["kiss", 3932], ["kisses", 3932], ["kissest", 3932], ["kissed", 3932], ["trace", 3947], ["traced", 3947], ["thumb", 3990], ["thumbed", 3990], ["remove", 4001], ["removing", 4001], ["slight", 4012], ["smear", 4018], ["smearing", 4018], ["crimson", 4029], ["lipstick", 4038], ["pale", 4052], ["undo", 4085], ["undone", 4085], ["undoed", 4085], ["undoing", 4085], ["trust", 4095], ["see", 4101], ["saw", 4101], ["last", 4119], ["night", 4125], ["right", 4149], ["rightest", 4149], ["museum", 4177], ["expression", 4216], ["darken", 4225], ["darkened", 4225], ["fantasize", 4242], ["fantasized", 4242], ["remove", 4255], ["removed", 4255], ["backside", 4283], ["place", 4294], ["placed", 4294], ["lean", 4320], ["leans", 4320], ["leaning", 4320], ["straighten", 4339], ["straightened", 4339], ["skirt", 4349], ["rustle", 4384], ["rustled", 4384], ["breathlessly", 4397], ["touch", 4410], ["touching", 4410], ["forlornly", 4429], ["silent", 4442]]
`` she 's quite ... wealthy , '' he said , not able really to get much enthusiasm going for cissy warren when his whole body was aching for rocky . but- '' `` look , aunt petal , it 's very late here . and i promise you that i have n't forgotten the family motto . i 'll do what 's expected of me . tell aeval when you next speak with her that i 've got things under control here , and i 'm likely to be back in the uk in a few days . '' `` all right , huey . he rang off the phone and then slumped forward to rest his head on the steering wheel . petal was n't in touch with reality . but sometimes he got the feeling her little people were . caroline set the parking brake on stone 's truck and sat in the dark for a long moment . her heart beat in her chest . she sucked breath in and out . nothing seemed outwardly different . she 'd been forced into the kiss-off contest , but she could n't say she was sorry for it . if not for that , she would have run away from hugh and missed all that two-stepping , not to mention the snogging in the fun house . but she could n't have it . it was insane to go chasing after a fantasy . and besides , tomorrow morning she 'd be paying the piper for what happened today . she was glad she 'd bypassed the peach blossom motor court . the folks in town wanted a love story , not an erotic encounter that was n't going to lead to anything but gossip . folks in last chance just wanted happy endings . and to them , her happy ending would involve some local boy . they did n't care if it was bubba or dash . just so long as it was familiar and had miriam randall 's blessing . she sank her head down on the steering wheel as a knot the size of a peach stone clogged her throat . why could n't she have a guy like hugh ? cinderella got prince charming , did n't she ? why did she have to settle for the salt of the earth ? caroline did n't want an ordinary soulmate . she wanted an extraordinary one . she wanted someone who was good enough to run off with the way sharon and stone had . right now caroline could n't think of anyone she had ever wanted to run off with-until tonight . she had really wanted to go someplace with hugh . but she had stopped herself . but it made her feel crappy . but she had a job to do and miriam 's ironclad predictions to guide her . it let go of a loud squeal that advertised its ancient state . it broke the quiet of the night . caroline tiptoed through the front door and realized that momma was waiting up for her , just like she 'd done when caroline was a teenager . `` hey , momma , '' she said as she closed the door behind her . `` honey , i was all prepared to give you a deep down apology for what happened at today 's kiss-off . i mean dash was supposed to buy up your kisses , and i 'm furious at him for letting that englishman get the better of him . '' caroline added at the end of momma 's speech . `` honey , that foreigner only bought two hours of your time . '' but he was a real good kisser . '' he 's not for you . '' the words came out wobbly , and caroline turned and headed down the hallway toward her room . she was being so silly about this . she hardly knew the guy , and kisses were not everything in life . and cinderella was an old , worn-out myth . really she needed to be patient and wait for her regular guy to arrive . momma followed her down the hall . `` honey , everyone 's talking about this . you danced every dance with him . you were ... well , i 'm not going to repeat the ugly things lillian said even though lillian thinks this englishman walks on water . apparently his being a lord only takes him so far . '' `` momma , i kissed him a few times , and you can argue that he bought those kisses . as for the dancing , well , he went to cotillion classes as a kid , and let 's face it , dash is a terrible dancer . '' `` so you still like dash . '' this was not a good time to clue momma into the whole lasso fiasco . `` i 've known dash all my life , '' she said . tomorrow you and dash need to be seen around town together , maybe go to the demolition derby together , you know . this talk about you and the englishman , well , i do n't think your daddy or your brothers like it much . '' `` momma , you do n't have to worry about me and the englishman . we just danced is all . '' i 'm glad we had this talk , honey . ''
[["quite", 15], ["wealthy", 27], ["say", 40], ["sayest", 40], ["said", 40], ["able", 51], ["abled", 51], ["really", 58], ["get", 65], ["much", 70], ["enthusiasm", 81], ["go", 87], ["goest", 87], ["going", 87], ["cissy", 97], ["warren", 104], ["whole", 119], ["wholes", 119], ["body", 124], ["bodied", 124], ["ache", 135], ["ached", 135], ["aching", 135], ["rocky", 145], ["look", 163], ["aunt", 170], ["petal", 176], ["late", 194], ["lates", 194], ["promise", 215], ["forget", 245], ["forgot", 245], ["forgotten", 245], ["family", 256], ["motto", 262], ["mottos", 262], ["expect", 290], ["expected", 290], ["tell", 303], ["next", 323], ["speak", 329], ["spoken", 329], ["get", 353], ["got", 353], ["thing", 360], ["things", 360], ["control", 374], ["back", 408], ["uk", 418], ["day", 432], ["days", 432], ["right", 450], ["rightest", 450], ["huey", 457], ["rung", 467], ["rang", 467], ["ring", 467], ["phone", 481], ["slump", 498], ["slumps", 498], ["slumped", 498], ["forward", 506], ["forwardest", 506], ["forwarding", 506], ["rest", 514], ["head", 523], ["steering", 539], ["wheel", 545], ["wheeled", 545], ["touch", 570], ["touching", 570], ["reality", 583], ["feeling", 618], ["little", 629], ["people", 636], ["caroline", 652], ["set", 656], ["parking", 668], ["brake", 674], ["braked", 674], ["stone", 683], ["stoning", 683], ["truck", 692], ["sat", 700], ["sit", 700], ["dark", 712], ["long", 723], ["longs", 723], ["moment", 730], ["heart", 742], ["beat", 747], ["chest", 760], ["suck", 773], ["sucking", 773], ["sucked", 773], ["breath", 780], ["breathest", 780], ["nothing", 801], ["seem", 808], ["seeming", 808], ["seemed", 808], ["outwardly", 818], ["different", 828], ["force", 849], ["forced", 849], ["kiss", 863], ["kisses", 863], ["kissest", 863], ["contest", 875], ["contests", 875], ["say", 899], ["sayest", 899], ["sorry", 913], ["run", 959], ["away", 964], ["hugh", 974], ["miss", 985], ["missed", 985], ["two", 998], ["twos", 998], ["step", 1007], ["stepping", 1007], ["mention", 1024], ["fun", 1048], ["house", 1054], ["insane", 1098], ["go", 1104], ["goest", 1104], ["chase", 1112], ["chasing", 1112], ["fantasy", 1128], ["besides", 1142], ["tomorrow", 1153], ["tomorrows", 1153], ["morning", 1161], ["pay", 1178], ["pays", 1178], ["payest", 1178], ["paying", 1178], ["piper", 1188], ["happen", 1206], ["happened", 1206], ["today", 1212], ["glad", 1227], ["bypass", 1243], ["bypassed", 1243], ["bypassest", 1243], ["peach", 1253], ["blossom", 1261], ["motor", 1267], ["court", 1273], ["courtest", 1273], ["courting", 1273], ["folk", 1285], ["folks", 1285], ["town", 1293], ["love", 1307], ["story", 1313], ["erotic", 1329], ["encounter", 1339], ["lead", 1366], ["leaded", 1366], ["anything", 1378], ["gossip", 1389], ["gossiped", 1389], ["last", 1405], ["chance", 1412], ["chanced", 1412], ["chancing", 1412], ["happy", 1430], ["ending", 1438], ["endings", 1438], ["ending", 1471], ["involve", 1485], ["local", 1496], ["boy", 1500], ["care", 1520], ["bubba", 1536], ["dash", 1544], ["familiar", 1578], ["miriam", 1593], ["randall", 1601], ["blessing", 1613], ["sink", 1624], ["sank", 1624], ["knot", 1670], ["knotted", 1670], ["size", 1679], ["clog", 1704], ["clogs", 1704], ["clogged", 1704], ["throat", 1715], ["guy", 1746], ["like", 1751], ["cinderella", 1769], ["cinderellas", 1769], ["prince", 1780], ["charming", 1789], ["settle", 1832], ["salt", 1845], ["salts", 1845], ["earth", 1858], ["earths", 1858], ["earthest", 1858], ["ordinary", 1894], ["soulmate", 1903], ["soulmates", 1903], ["extraordinary", 1933], ["good", 1971], ["enough", 1978], ["way", 2002], ["ways", 2002], ["sharon", 2009], ["think", 2060], ["thinkest", 2060], ["anyone", 2070], ["ever", 2083], ["everest", 2083], ["tonight", 2120], ["someplace", 2160], ["stop", 2192], ["stopped", 2192], ["feel", 2223], ["crappy", 2230], ["job", 2250], ["jobbing", 2250], ["ironclad", 2279], ["prediction", 2291], ["predictions", 2291], ["guide", 2300], ["let", 2313], ["lets", 2313], ["loud", 2326], ["squeal", 2333], ["advertise", 2349], ["advertised", 2349], ["ancient", 2361], ["state", 2367], ["break", 2378], ["broke", 2378], ["quiet", 2388], ["night", 2401], ["tiptoe", 2420], ["tiptoed", 2420], ["front", 2438], ["door", 2443], ["realize", 2456], ["realized", 2456], ["momma", 2467], ["mommas", 2467], ["wait", 2479], ["waitest", 2479], ["waiting", 2479], ["teenager", 2543], ["hey", 2552], ["close", 2588], ["closed", 2588], ["behind", 2604], ["honey", 2619], ["honeys", 2619], ["give", 2648], ["deep", 2659], ["deeply", 2659], ["apology", 2672], ["mean", 2720], ["meanest", 2720], ["suppose", 2738], ["supposed", 2738], ["buy", 2745], ["buyed", 2745], ["kiss", 2760], ["kisses", 2760], ["kissest", 2760], ["furious", 2779], ["let", 2798], ["lets", 2798], ["letting", 2798], ["englishman", 2814], ["well", 2829], ["wells", 2829], ["add", 2856], ["added", 2856], ["end", 2867], ["ends", 2867], ["endest", 2867], ["speech", 2886], ["foreigner", 2914], ["buy", 2926], ["buyed", 2926], ["bought", 2926], ["hour", 2936], ["hours", 2936], ["time", 2949], ["reis", 2972], ["real", 2972], ["word", 3022], ["words", 3022], ["come", 3027], ["came", 3027], ["wobbly", 3038], ["turn", 3060], ["turned", 3060], ["head", 3071], ["headed", 3071], ["hallway", 3088], ["hallways", 3088], ["toward", 3095], ["room", 3104], ["roomed", 3104], ["silly", 3129], ["hardly", 3153], ["know", 3158], ["knowest", 3158], ["knew", 3158], ["everything", 3199], ["life", 3207], ["lifes", 3207], ["old", 3235], ["wear", 3242], ["worn", 3242], ["myth", 3251], ["need", 3271], ["needest", 3271], ["needed", 3271], ["patient", 3285], ["wait", 3294], ["waitest", 3294], ["regular", 3310], ["regulars", 3310], ["arrive", 3324], ["follow", 3341], ["followed", 3341], ["hall", 3359], ["everyone", 3381], ["talk", 3392], ["talking", 3392], ["dance", 3416], ["danced", 3416], ["every", 3422], ["dance", 3428], ["well", 3457], ["wells", 3457], ["repeat", 3484], ["repeatest", 3484], ["ugly", 3493], ["lillian", 3508], ["even", 3518], ["evens", 3518], ["though", 3525], ["think", 3540], ["thinkest", 3540], ["thinks", 3540], ["walk", 3562], ["walks", 3562], ["water", 3571], ["apparently", 3584], ["lord", 3601], ["take", 3612], ["takes", 3612], ["far", 3623], ["kiss", 3648], ["kisses", 3648], ["kissest", 3648], ["kissed", 3648], ["time", 3664], ["times", 3664], ["argue", 3684], ["dance", 3733], ["dancing", 3733], ["go", 3750], ["goest", 3750], ["went", 3750], ["cotillion", 3763], ["class", 3771], ["classing", 3771], ["classest", 3771], ["classes", 3771], ["kid", 3780], ["face", 3798], ["terrible", 3822], ["dancer", 3829], ["still", 3850], ["clue", 3898], ["clues", 3898], ["lasso", 3925], ["fiasco", 3932], ["know", 3949], ["knowest", 3949], ["known", 3949], ["need", 4009], ["needest", 4009], ["see", 4020], ["seen", 4020], ["around", 4027], ["together", 4041], ["maybe", 4049], ["demolition", 4070], ["derby", 4076], ["know", 4096], ["knowest", 4096], ["talk", 4108], ["daddy", 4172], ["brother", 4189], ["brethren", 4189], ["brothers", 4189], ["worry", 4243], ["worried", 4243]]
`` rhett and i have plans . '' he would n't let her shake him off that easily . `` then you 'll have company . '' `` i do n't think- '' `` to borrow your phrase , carly , this one 's nonnegotiable . you have n't been reticent about your desire for me to spend time with rhett . i 've cleared my schedule for the weekend . he 's my priority . '' a mix of emotions crossed her face , but the last one , a mischievous twitch of her delectable lips , made him uneasy . we 're leaving at eight-thirty . '' she rose to refill the kid 's sippy cup , giving mitch an opportunity to appreciate the shape of her br**sts in a red tank top and her incredible legs below the hem of her blue running shorts . `` you 've already had your run ? '' `` tomorrow i 'll join you . '' `` we go at six . '' her tone implied she hoped that was too early for him . mrs. duncan set his breakfast in front of him . he nodded his thanks , then checked his watch and refocused on carly . `` if you 're going to take a shower before we leave , you 'd better get started . '' `` rhett has n't finished eating . '' `` we 'll feed the rug rat . '' she looked from him to mrs. duncan . `` got it covered , '' mitch replied before the housekeeper could respond . carly looked ready to argue , but instead shrugged . mitch looked at mrs. duncan . `` do you have a spare apron ? '' if his question surprised her , she hid it well . the kid had been fed and hosed off by the time carly returned with the diaper bag on her shoulder twenty-five minutes later . her hair draped her shoulders like damp sun-streaked silk , and makeup covered the evidence of her lack of sleep . she 'd changed into a lemon-yellow t-shirt and a midthigh-length khaki skirt and white sandals . she scooped up rhett from the living-room floor where mitch had parked him with a toy truck . `` let me change him and then we can go . '' mitch never went into any battle without a winning strategy . diaper duty always scored big points with women . `` della changed him ? '' he led the way to the foyer . `` how old were your fiancee 's children ? '' not a conversation he wanted to pursue . `` one and four when we moved in together . `` and what age when you split ? '' `` two and a half years older . he opened the front door and changed the subject . `` hialeah . what were their names ? '' `` travis and ashley . what 's in hialeah ? '' `` tina , one of my coworkers , lives there . '' the sun shone in a cloudless blue sky . it was early , but the day promised to be a july scorcher . he opened the front and back passenger-side doors and then circled to the driver 's side to prevent more questions . by the time carly strapped rhett into his new car seat and joined mitch up front , he had the radio on and the sunroof open . the combination of music and wind noise guaranteed to make conversation difficult . she recited the info . he typed it into his gps , which eliminated the need for directions , and set the car in motion . sure , he 'd have to endure a visit with one of carly 's coworkers , but then he 'd have her to himself for the rest of the day . his confidence lasted until he saw half-dozen minivans lining the street and the mylar balloons attached to the mailbox bearing the street address she 'd given him . `` it 's a birthday party , '' he said flatly . the mischievous twinkle returned to carly 's eyes and the corners of her lips curled up , revealing her enjoyment of his predicament . her smile had the usual effect of hitting him in the solar plexus . `` for tina 's five-year-old twin sons . do n't say i did n't try to warn you . '' not the day of seduction he had in mind , but he could roll with the change in plans . the party would last an hour or two , and then he 'd be back on schedule . he parked his suv between two mom-mobiles and tried to conceal his lack of enthusiasm . he 'd endured kids ' parties before . hell , he 'd planned them . the only guarantees were noise and mess . carly ignored the concrete walk leading to the front door of the modest two-story structure and carried rhett around the side of the house . she pushed open a tall wooden gate , revealing a backyard filled with a couple dozen kids of various ages and half as many moms and set the boy on his feet .
[["plan", 25], ["plans", 25], ["let", 47], ["lets", 47], ["shake", 57], ["easily", 77], ["company", 108], ["companys", 108], ["companying", 108], ["borrow", 148], ["borrowest", 148], ["phrase", 160], ["phrasing", 160], ["carly", 168], ["nonnegotiable", 196], ["reticent", 225], ["desire", 243], ["spend", 259], ["spends", 259], ["spendest", 259], ["time", 264], ["clear", 291], ["clearest", 291], ["cleared", 291], ["schedule", 303], ["weekend", 319], ["priority", 339], ["mix", 350], ["mixed", 350], ["emotion", 362], ["emotions", 362], ["cross", 370], ["crossing", 370], ["crossed", 370], ["face", 379], ["last", 394], ["mischievous", 414], ["twitch", 421], ["twitching", 421], ["twitchest", 421], ["delectable", 439], ["lip", 444], ["lipped", 444], ["lips", 444], ["uneasy", 462], ["left", 479], ["leave", 479], ["leaving", 479], ["eight", 488], ["thirty", 495], ["rise", 509], ["risen", 509], ["rose", 509], ["refill", 519], ["kid", 527], ["sippy", 536], ["cup", 540], ["give", 549], ["giving", 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["get", 1032], ["start", 1040], ["started", 1040], ["finish", 1071], ["finished", 1071], ["eat", 1078], ["eating", 1078], ["fed", 1098], ["feed", 1098], ["rug", 1106], ["rat", 1110], ["ratted", 1110], ["look", 1126], ["looked", 1126], ["get", 1159], ["got", 1159], ["cover", 1170], ["covered", 1170], ["reply", 1189], ["replied", 1189], ["housekeeper", 1212], ["respond", 1226], ["respondest", 1226], ["ready", 1247], ["argue", 1256], ["instead", 1270], ["shrug", 1279], ["shrugging", 1279], ["shrugged", 1279], ["spare", 1334], ["apron", 1340], ["question", 1361], ["surprise", 1371], ["surprised", 1371], ["hides", 1385], ["hid", 1385], ["well", 1393], ["wells", 1393], ["fed", 1416], ["feed", 1416], ["hose", 1426], ["hosed", 1426], ["hosing", 1426], ["return", 1457], ["returnest", 1457], ["returned", 1457], ["diaper", 1473], ["bag", 1477], ["bagged", 1477], ["bagging", 1477], ["shoulder", 1493], ["shouldered", 1493], ["twenty", 1500], ["five", 1505], ["fived", 1505], ["minute", 1513], ["minutes", 1513], ["later", 1519], ["hair", 1530], ["drape", 1537], ["drapes", 1537], ["draped", 1537], ["shoulder", 1551], ["shouldered", 1551], ["shoulders", 1551], ["like", 1556], ["damp", 1561], ["damps", 1561], ["damped", 1561], ["sun", 1565], ["suns", 1565], ["sunned", 1565], ["streak", 1574], ["streaks", 1574], ["streaked", 1574], ["silk", 1579], ["makeup", 1592], ["evidence", 1613], ["lack", 1625], ["slept", 1634], ["sleep", 1634], ["sleeps", 1634], ["sleepest", 1634], ["change", 1651], ["changed", 1651], ["lemon", 1664], ["yellow", 1671], ["shirt", 1679], ["midthigh", 1694], ["length", 1701], ["khaki", 1707], ["khakis", 1707], ["skirt", 1713], ["white", 1723], ["sandal", 1731], ["sandals", 1731], ["scoop", 1745], ["scooped", 1745], ["live", 1770], ["living", 1770], ["room", 1775], ["roomed", 1775], ["floor", 1781], ["park", 1804], ["parks", 1804], ["parked", 1804], ["toy", 1819], ["toyed", 1819], ["toyest", 1819], ["truck", 1825], ["change", 1844], ["never", 1884], ["go", 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["push", 4114], ["pushed", 4114], ["tall", 4126], ["wooden", 4133], ["gate", 4138], ["gates", 4138], ["backyard", 4161], ["fill", 4168], ["fills", 4168], ["filled", 4168], ["couple", 4182], ["various", 4204], ["age", 4209], ["aged", 4209], ["ages", 4209], ["many", 4226], ["mom", 4231], ["moms", 4231], ["boy", 4247], ["foot", 4259], ["feet", 4259]]
hearing her , watching her-feeling her-unravel in his arms snapped the last thread of restraint in him . he pulsed inside her , deeply , fully , and somehow nowhere near enough because already he wanted her again . holding her as aftershocks snapped through him , he gathered her close and sank to the piano bench with her in his lap . he smoothed her hair and whispered along her brow how much she moved him , other words he could n't form or remember , except that some poet inside him had come to life with her . the feel of her against him , perspiration slicking her skin and sealing her to him , felt so damn right . he skimmed his hands down her back and soaked in the leisurely pleasure of her pressed to him , her br**sts , her hips ... her stomach curved ever so slightly and he realized ... her pregnancy was beginning to show . medically , he knew all the stages and changes she would undergo . but for the first time , he allowed himself to think of experiencing that miracle in an up close and personal way . as a father . something shifted inside him and he slid a hand between them , splaying across her stomach , her child . he felt the weight of her gaze on him and looked up . she stared back with an open vulnerability that sucker punched him . in that moment , she was his old friend , his lover now , the soon-to-be mother of his child , and he had to have her . the warmth in her eyes all but unraveled him . but he could n't lose focus , not when he needed her in his life for so many reasons . he would do anything , say anything , pretend to be the man she seemed to want if that 's what it took to persuade her to stay . eleven lounging in the overlarge tub in her suite , lilah leaned back against carlos 's chest . his long legs stretched on either side of hers with rose petals floating in the water , scenting the air . she 'd never seen a place with so many fresh flowers around every corner , even vases alongside the lcd screen and sound system currently piping beethoven into their tiled retreat . two brandy snifters filled with milk sat on a silver platter beside the marble tub . he 'd insisted that if she could n't drink alcohol , then he would abstain as well . the silly gesture touched her as fully as his hands . he 'd made such intense love to her in the music room , and again in her bed before they 'd migrated to the spacious bath . her wary heart wondered if maybe , just maybe , she could trust what they shared . hopefully he 'd resolved whatever freaked him out that first night they 'd been together . without question , carlos carried heavy baggage from his past . that had to have left some emotional marks . but as long as they kept open lines of communication , maybe they really had a shot at working this out . counting on that honesty between them calmed her own fears of ending up like her parents . because heaven help her , if carlos asked her to marry her again , she would n't be able to say no . he swept his foot under the brass faucet , activating the electronic fixture . warm water flowed into their cooling bath . what would she have done if he 'd proposed right after she told him about the baby ? her hand tightened on his knee . she liked to think she would have told him to take his dutiful proposal and shove it after the way he 'd acted . she needed-and deserved-confirmation that he held deep feelings for her , not just because she carried his baby . nestled against his chest , she wanted to roll out her thoughts , test their newfound truce , but concerns for his father had to take precedence . no wonder he 'd been pouring his heart out through his music . she stroked up his leg and reached through the rose-covered surface of the water , folding her hand over his cupping the snifter . `` the way you played- '' her fingers caressed the rougher texture of his `` -your hands on the keyboard , it was magical . you 're quite accomplished . '' `` there was n't much else for me to do during my teenage years . between surgeries ... '' his voice rumbled his chest against her back , his low words mingling with the sound of water shooshing from the faucet . `` my father had the music room built to be airy , open and bright , like being outside . '' `` apparently you spent a lot of time practicing . '' pouring out his pain , his loss , his frustration onto the keyboard ? what a heart-wrenching image . `` more than average . '' he brought the goblet of milk to her mouth for a sip . `` one especially hot july day , my brothers surprised me by showing up with wheelchairs they 'd lifted from the island clinic . they nailed a basketball goal right in the middle of one of our father 's murals and gave 'ballroom ' a whole new meaning . ''
[["hear", 7], ["hears", 7], ["hearing", 7], ["watch", 22], ["watching", 22], ["feel", 34], ["feeling", 34], ["unravel", 46], ["arm", 58], ["arms", 58], ["snap", 66], ["snapping", 66], ["snapped", 66], ["last", 75], ["thread", 82], ["restraint", 95], ["pulse", 114], ["pulsed", 114], ["inside", 121], ["deeply", 134], ["fully", 142], ["somehow", 156], ["nowhere", 164], ["near", 169], ["enough", 176], ["already", 192], ["hold", 222], ["holding", 222], ["aftershock", 241], ["aftershocks", 241], ["gather", 275], ["gatherest", 275], ["gathered", 275], ["close", 285], ["sink", 294], ["sank", 294], ["piano", 307], ["pianos", 307], ["bench", 313], ["benched", 313], ["lap", 333], ["laps", 333], ["lapping", 333], ["smooth", 347], ["smoothed", 347], ["hair", 356], ["whisper", 370], ["whispered", 370], ["along", 376], ["brow", 385], ["much", 394], ["move", 404], ["moved", 404], ["word", 422], ["words", 422], ["form", 440], ["formest", 440], ["remember", 452], ["rememberest", 452], ["except", 461], ["poet", 476], ["come", 496], ["life", 504], ["lifes", 504], ["feel", 524], ["perspiration", 558], ["slick", 567], ["slicking", 567], ["skin", 576], ["seal", 588], ["sealing", 588], ["feel", 606], ["felt", 606], ["damn", 614], ["damned", 614], ["right", 620], ["rightest", 620], ["skim", 633], ["skimmed", 633], ["hand", 643], ["hands", 643], ["back", 657], ["soak", 668], ["soaks", 668], ["soaked", 668], ["leisurely", 685], ["pleasure", 694], ["press", 709], ["pressed", 709], ["hip", 741], ["hips", 741], ["stomach", 757], ["stomachs", 757], ["stomaching", 757], ["curve", 764], ["curved", 764], ["ever", 769], ["everest", 769], ["slightly", 781], ["realize", 797], ["realized", 797], ["pregnancy", 815], ["begin", 829], ["beginning", 829], ["show", 837], ["medically", 849], ["know", 859], ["knowest", 859], ["knew", 859], ["stage", 874], ["staging", 874], ["stages", 874], ["change", 886], ["changes", 886], ["undergo", 904], ["first", 924], ["firstest", 924], ["time", 929], ["allow", 942], ["allowed", 942], ["think", 959], ["thinkest", 959], ["experience", 975], ["experienced", 975], ["experiencing", 975], ["miracle", 988], ["personal", 1016], ["way", 1020], ["ways", 1020], ["father", 1034], ["fathered", 1034], ["fathering", 1034], ["shift", 1054], ["shifted", 1054], ["slid", 1077], ["hand", 1084], ["splay", 1108], ["splayed", 1108], ["splaying", 1108], ["across", 1115], ["child", 1139], ["childs", 1139], ["weight", 1160], ["weighted", 1160], ["weightest", 1160], ["gaze", 1172], ["gazes", 1172], ["look", 1190], ["looked", 1190], ["stare", 1206], ["stared", 1206], ["open", 1224], ["vulnerability", 1238], ["sucker", 1250], ["punch", 1258], ["punching", 1258], ["punched", 1258], ["moment", 1279], ["old", 1297], ["friend", 1304], ["lover", 1316], ["soon", 1331], ["mother", 1344], ["mothered", 1344], ["motherest", 1344], ["warmth", 1395], ["eye", 1407], ["eyed", 1407], ["eyes", 1407], ["unravel", 1425], ["unraveled", 1425], ["lose", 1453], ["focus", 1459], ["need", 1480], ["needest", 1480], ["needed", 1480], ["many", 1508], ["reason", 1516], ["reasonest", 1516], ["reasons", 1516], ["anything", 1539], ["say", 1545], ["sayest", 1545], ["pretend", 1564], ["pretendest", 1564], ["man", 1578], ["mans", 1578], ["manned", 1578], ["seem", 1589], ["seeming", 1589], ["seemed", 1589], ["take", 1621], ["took", 1621], ["persuade", 1633], ["stay", 1645], ["eleven", 1654], ["lounge", 1663], ["lounges", 1663], ["lounging", 1663], ["overlarge", 1680], ["tub", 1684], ["suite", 1697], ["lean", 1712], ["leans", 1712], ["leaned", 1712], ["chest", 1741], ["long", 1752], ["longs", 1752], ["leg", 1757], ["legs", 1757], ["stretch", 1767], ["stretched", 1767], ["either", 1777], ["side", 1782], ["sidest", 1782], ["rose", 1800], ["petal", 1807], ["petals", 1807], ["float", 1816], ["floating", 1816], ["water", 1829], ["scent", 1840], ["scentest", 1840], ["scenting", 1840], ["air", 1848], ["airs", 1848], ["airing", 1848], ["never", 1863], ["see", 1868], ["seen", 1868], ["place", 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["gesture", 2220], ["touch", 2228], ["touching", 2228], ["touched", 2228], ["intense", 2280], ["love", 2285], ["music", 2305], ["musics", 2305], ["room", 2310], ["roomed", 2310], ["bed", 2333], ["migrate", 2357], ["migrated", 2357], ["spacious", 2373], ["bath", 2378], ["bathest", 2378], ["wary", 2389], ["heart", 2395], ["wonder", 2404], ["wonderest", 2404], ["wondered", 2404], ["maybe", 2413], ["trust", 2444], ["share", 2461], ["shared", 2461], ["hopefully", 2473], ["resolve", 2488], ["resolved", 2488], ["whatever", 2497], ["freak", 2505], ["freaking", 2505], ["freaked", 2505], ["night", 2530], ["together", 2552], ["without", 2562], ["question", 2571], ["carry", 2588], ["carried", 2588], ["heavy", 2594], ["heavies", 2594], ["heavier", 2594], ["baggage", 2602], ["past", 2616], ["left", 2640], ["leave", 2640], ["emotional", 2655], ["mark", 2661], ["marks", 2661], ["keep", 2688], ["keepest", 2688], ["kept", 2688], ["line", 2699], ["lines", 2699], ["communication", 2716], ["really", 2736], ["shot", 2747], ["work", 2758], ["wrought", 2758], ["working", 2758], ["count", 2778], ["countest", 2778], ["counting", 2778], ["honesty", 2794], ["calm", 2814], ["calms", 2814], ["calmed", 2814], ["fear", 2828], ["fearest", 2828], ["fears", 2828], ["end", 2838], ["ends", 2838], ["endest", 2838], ["ending", 2838], ["like", 2846], ["parent", 2858], ["parents", 2858], ["heaven", 2875], ["heavens", 2875], ["help", 2880], ["helpest", 2880], ["ask", 2902], ["asked", 2902], ["marry", 2915], ["married", 2915], ["able", 2949], ["abled", 2949], ["sweep", 2970], ["swept", 2970], ["foot", 2979], ["brass", 2995], ["faucet", 3002], ["activate", 3015], ["activating", 3015], ["electronic", 3030], ["fixture", 3038], ["warm", 3045], ["flow", 3058], ["flows", 3058], ["flowed", 3058], ["cool", 3077], ["cooling", 3077], ["propose", 3127], ["proposed", 3127], ["tell", 3148], ["told", 3148], ["baby", 3167], ["tighten", 3188], ["tightens", 3188], ["tightenest", 3188], ["tightened", 3188], ["knee", 3200], ["like", 3212], ["liked", 3212], ["take", 3253], ["dutiful", 3265], ["proposal", 3274], ["shove", 3284], ["act", 3313], ["acted", 3313], ["confirmation", 3352], ["hold", 3365], ["held", 3365], ["deep", 3370], ["deeply", 3370], ["feeling", 3379], ["feelings", 3379], ["roll", 3476], ["thought", 3493], ["thoughts", 3493], ["test", 3500], ["newfound", 3515], ["truce", 3521], ["concern", 3536], ["concerned", 3536], ["concernest", 3536], ["concerns", 3536], ["precedence", 3574], ["wonder", 3586], ["wonderest", 3586], ["pour", 3605], ["pouring", 3605], ["stroke", 3651], ["stroked", 3651], ["leg", 3662], ["reach", 3674], ["reached", 3674], ["cover", 3699], ["covered", 3699], ["surface", 3707], ["fold", 3730], ["folding", 3730], ["cup", 3756], ["snifter", 3768], ["finger", 3808], ["fingers", 3808], ["caress", 3817], ["caressed", 3817], ["rougher", 3829], ["texture", 3837], ["keyboard", 3875], ["magical", 3892], ["quite", 3908], ["else", 3953], ["teenage", 3984], ["year", 3990], ["years", 3990], ["surgery", 4010], ["surgeries", 4010], ["voice", 4027], ["rumble", 4035], ["rumbles", 4035], ["rumbled", 4035], ["low", 4072], ["lowed", 4072], ["mingle", 4087], ["mingling", 4087], ["build", 4177], ["builds", 4177], ["built", 4177], ["airy", 4188], ["bright", 4206], ["brights", 4206], ["outside", 4227], ["apparently", 4246], ["spend", 4256], ["spends", 4256], ["spendest", 4256], ["spent", 4256], ["lot", 4262], ["practice", 4281], ["practicing", 4281], ["pain", 4307], ["loss", 4318], ["frustration", 4336], ["onto", 4341], ["ontos", 4341], ["wrench", 4379], ["wrenching", 4379], ["image", 4385], ["imaged", 4385], ["imaging", 4385], ["average", 4408], ["bring", 4424], ["brought", 4424], ["goblet", 4435], ["mouth", 4456], ["mouthed", 4456], ["sip", 4466], ["especially", 4486], ["hot", 4490], ["july", 4495], ["julies", 4495], ["day", 4499], ["brother", 4513], ["brethren", 4513], ["brothers", 4513], ["surprise", 4523], ["surprised", 4523], ["show", 4537], ["showing", 4537], ["wheelchair", 4557], ["lift", 4572], ["lifted", 4572], ["island", 4588], ["clinic", 4595], ["nail", 4609], ["nailed", 4609], ["basketball", 4622], ["goal", 4627], ["middle", 4647], ["middles", 4647], ["middling", 4647], ["mural", 4678], ["murals", 4678], ["give", 4687], ["gave", 4687], ["ballroom", 4697], ["ballrooms", 4697], ["whole", 4707], ["wholes", 4707], ["new", 4711], ["meaning", 4719]]
theyd been here together once before , early in their relationship . itd been an eye-opening experience for becca . shed thought she knew good restaurants , had been to her share over the years ; but shed never been to a place where food was elevated to art , and the entire dining experience shaped as a drama engaging all the senses . following that first visit to la maison , and largely unconsciously , becca began to contemplate a career in fine cuisine . lot less crowded ; prettier day . their previous date had been in winter , a cold day with snow flurries and a biting wind , early dark , no golden sun pouring through the foyer window . same handsome date . zach felt himself blush and wondered how she could still do that after nine months and all theyd been through . you all packed ? ive packed and unpacked and repacked i dont know how many times . my mom keeps getting me new stuff to take , which means ive got to take something out to make room . hardest part is i have no idea what ill be wearing . they say prepare for cool and damp . zach , i cant fathom cool and damp in july and august . the idea does not compute . i keep putting in shorts and t-shirts , and my mom keeps taking them out . if you do find cool and damp , send me some in a box . im already tired of hot and humid . why dont you go and ill stay . why dont you stay and ill stay . becca bit the side of her lip lightly . this unexpected claim cut zach to the quick . theyd seen each other only occasionally in the prior three months and only once since the rowing trip to the lake three weeks earlier . if she were missing himreally missing himshe had an odd way of showing it . but he made a silent decision not to challenge her assertions , not to try again to get to the bottom of her feelings for him . hed not go down that path this night , in this place , with her departure just two days away . youll be fine , bec . theyll swoon over your southern charms in merry olde . or plow them under . they passed on a shared bottle of wine but did order two glasses of champagne . while waiting their first course , they toasted zachs storys acceptance , beccas forthcoming trip , and the beautiful evening . by then the sun had set and their alcove was bathed in the salmon-colored glow of twilight . the flames on the candles to either side of beccas face were more noticeable in the dimmer light , delicately flickering , the tapers still tall but slowly , imperceptibly shrinking . the waitress delivered their first course and they dove in with appetites hearty despite the warm day and the emotional occasion . becca had cold cream of tomato soup with basil oil and crme fraiche , and zach had a rabbit and multi-colored beet terrine served in thin slices accompanied by crusty french bread . without perceiving the shift , they settled into their old best selvesjoined over fine food , no need for small talk or idle conversation , content in the glow of each others presence , in the world but also in their own world , briefly freed of all demands or expectations , embraced by love . by the time they finished this course and looked beyond each other , the twilight had turned to dusk and the room beyond their candle-lit table receded in grainy gray light . zach felt a shiver of fear at the discovery of this new sudden dark . he focused on beccas face for reassurance and comfort and found her smiling fully at him , even more beautiful than before in the flickering glow of the candles . despite her beauty , maybe because of it , he felt uneasy to see her so sharply etched against the new gray backgrounda blond angel withheld from him , devoid of history or promise , a stark and overwhelming and transitory celestial messenger . the waitress brought their main courses . becca had poached salmon over tarragon and chanterelle rice , and julienned carrots in a pernod and butter reduction . zach had thin sliced beef tenderloin with a caper cream sauce , crispy potatoes provencale , and asparagus spears tossed in lemon oil and ground salt . the food was delicious , and both ate eagerly . but something had changed in the new dark . their private alcove suddenly felt very lonely to zach . he felt isolated , estranged not only from the world but also from the woman seated across from him in the candlelight , an arms reach away . whats the matter , zach ? beccad finished her salmon and slid the plate aside and leaned forward .
[["together", 24], ["early", 44], ["relationship", 66], ["eye", 84], ["eyed", 84], ["open", 92], ["experience", 103], ["experienced", 103], ["shed", 120], ["think", 128], ["thinkest", 128], ["thought", 128], ["know", 137], ["knowest", 137], ["knew", 137], ["good", 142], ["restaurant", 154], ["restaurants", 154], ["share", 178], ["year", 193], ["years", 193], ["never", 210], ["place", 226], ["food", 237], ["foods", 237], ["elevate", 250], ["elevated", 250], ["art", 257], ["entire", 274], ["shape", 299], ["shapes", 299], ["shaped", 299], ["drama", 310], ["dramas", 310], ["engage", 319], ["engaging", 319], ["sense", 334], ["senses", 334], ["follow", 346], ["following", 346], ["first", 357], ["firstest", 357], ["visit", 363], ["la", 369], ["largely", 390], ["unconsciously", 404], ["begin", 418], ["began", 418], ["contemplate", 433], ["contemplating", 433], ["career", 442], ["fine", 450], ["cuisine", 458], ["cuisines", 458], ["lot", 464], ["less", 469], ["pretty", 488], ["prettiest", 488], ["prettier", 488], ["day", 492], ["previous", 509], ["date", 514], ["winter", 533], ["cold", 542], ["snow", 556], ["flurry", 565], ["flurried", 565], ["flurries", 565], ["bite", 578], ["biting", 578], ["wind", 583], ["dark", 596], ["golden", 608], ["sun", 612], ["suns", 612], ["sunned", 612], ["pour", 620], ["pouring", 620], ["foyer", 638], ["window", 645], ["windows", 645], ["handsome", 661], ["handsomes", 661], ["zach", 673], ["feel", 678], ["felt", 678], ["blush", 692], ["blushes", 692], ["wonder", 705], ["wonderest", 705], ["wondered", 705], ["still", 725], ["nine", 744], ["month", 751], ["months", 751], ["pack", 795], ["packed", 795], ["unpack", 821], ["unpacked", 821], ["repacking", 834], ["know", 846], ["knowest", 846], ["many", 855], ["time", 861], ["times", 861], ["mom", 870], ["moms", 870], ["keep", 876], ["keepest", 876], ["keeps", 876], ["get", 884], ["getting", 884], ["new", 891], ["stuff", 897], ["take", 905], ["mean", 919], ["meanest", 919], ["means", 919], ["get", 927], ["got", 927], ["room", 962], ["roomed", 962], ["hard", 972], ["part", 977], ["parting", 977], ["idea", 995], ["ill", 1004], ["ills", 1004], ["illest", 1004], ["wear", 1015], ["wearing", 1015], ["say", 1026], ["sayest", 1026], ["prepare", 1034], ["cool", 1043], ["damp", 1052], ["damps", 1052], ["damped", 1052], ["fathom", 1075], ["fathoms", 1075], ["july", 1097], ["julies", 1097], ["august", 1108], ["compute", 1136], ["keep", 1145], ["keepest", 1145], ["put", 1153], ["putting", 1153], ["short", 1163], ["shorts", 1163], ["shirt", 1176], ["shirts", 1176], ["take", 1202], ["taking", 1202], ["find", 1228], ["send", 1249], ["box", 1266], ["boxed", 1266], ["already", 1279], ["tired", 1285], ["hot", 1292], ["humid", 1302], ["go", 1320], ["goest", 1320], ["stay", 1333], ["bite", 1378], ["side", 1387], ["sidest", 1387], ["lip", 1398], ["lipped", 1398], ["lightly", 1406], ["unexpected", 1424], ["claim", 1430], ["cut", 1434], ["quick", 1452], ["see", 1465], ["seen", 1465], ["occasionally", 1494], ["prior", 1507], ["three", 1513], ["since", 1540], ["trip", 1556], ["tripping", 1556], ["lake", 1568], ["week", 1580], ["weeks", 1580], ["early", 1588], ["miss", 1610], ["missing", 1610], ["odd", 1646], ["way", 1650], ["ways", 1650], ["show", 1661], ["showing", 1661], ["silent", 1687], ["decision", 1696], ["challenge", 1713], ["assertion", 1728], ["assertions", 1728], ["try", 1741], ["tryed", 1741], ["get", 1754], ["bottom", 1768], ["bottoming", 1768], ["feeling", 1784], ["feelings", 1784], ["path", 1820], ["night", 1831], ["departure", 1868], ["two", 1877], ["twos", 1877], ["day", 1882], ["days", 1882], ["away", 1887], ["swoon", 1924], ["southern", 1943], ["charm", 1950], ["charmest", 1950], ["charms", 1950], ["merry", 1959], ["olding", 1964], ["plow", 1974], ["pass", 1999], ["passed", 1999], ["bottle", 2018], ["bottled", 2018], ["wine", 2026], ["order", 2040], ["orderest", 2040], ["glass", 2052], ["glasses", 2052], ["champagne", 2065], ["wait", 2081], ["waitest", 2081], ["waiting", 2081], ["course", 2100], ["toast", 2115], ["toasted", 2115], ["acceptance", 2139], ["beautiful", 2185], ["beautifulest", 2185], ["evening", 2193], ["set", 2219], ["alcove", 2236], ["bathe", 2247], ["bathed", 2247], ["salmon", 2261], ["color", 2269], ["colored", 2269], ["glow", 2274], ["glowest", 2274], ["twilight", 2286], ["flame", 2299], ["flames", 2299], ["candle", 2314], ["candles", 2314], ["either", 2324], ["face", 2344], ["noticeable", 2365], ["dimmer", 2379], ["lit", 2385], ["light", 2385], ["delicately", 2398], ["taper", 2422], ["tapered", 2422], ["tapers", 2422], ["tall", 2433], ["slowly", 2444], ["imperceptibly", 2460], ["shrank", 2470], ["shrink", 2470], ["shrunk", 2470], ["shrinked", 2470], ["shrinking", 2470], ["waitress", 2485], ["deliver", 2495], ["delivered", 2495], ["dove", 2528], ["hearty", 2553], ["despite", 2561], ["warm", 2570], ["emotional", 2592], ["occasion", 2601], ["cream", 2624], ["creamest", 2624], ["tomato", 2634], ["tomatos", 2634], ["soup", 2639], ["basil", 2650], ["oil", 2654], ["rabbit", 2695], ["multi", 2705], ["beet", 2718], ["terrine", 2726], ["serve", 2733], ["served", 2733], ["thin", 2741], ["thins", 2741], ["slice", 2748], ["slices", 2748], ["accompany", 2760], ["accompanied", 2760], ["crusty", 2770], ["french", 2777], ["bread", 2783], ["breads", 2783], ["without", 2793], ["perceive", 2804], ["perceiving", 2804], ["shift", 2814], ["settle", 2829], ["settled", 2829], ["old", 2844], ["well", 2849], ["wells", 2849], ["need", 2887], ["needest", 2887], ["small", 2897], ["talk", 2902], ["idle", 2910], ["idlest", 2910], ["conversation", 2923], ["content", 2933], ["contenting", 2933], ["presence", 2969], ["world", 2984], ["also", 2993], ["briefly", 3022], ["free", 3028], ["freed", 3028], ["demand", 3043], ["demandest", 3043], ["demands", 3043], ["expectation", 3059], ["expectations", 3059], ["embrace", 3070], ["embraced", 3070], ["love", 3078], ["time", 3092], ["finish", 3106], ["finished", 3106], ["look", 3129], ["looked", 3129], ["beyond", 3136], ["turn", 3173], ["turned", 3173], ["dusk", 3181], ["candle", 3214], ["lit", 3218], ["table", 3224], ["tabled", 3224], ["tabling", 3224], ["recede", 3232], ["receded", 3232], ["grainy", 3242], ["gray", 3247], ["grays", 3247], ["shiver", 3274], ["shivering", 3274], ["fear", 3282], ["fearest", 3282], ["discovery", 3299], ["sudden", 3318], ["focus", 3336], ["focused", 3336], ["reassurance", 3367], ["comfort", 3379], ["find", 3389], ["found", 3389], ["smile", 3401], ["smiling", 3401], ["fully", 3407], ["even", 3421], ["evens", 3421], ["beauty", 3507], ["maybe", 3515], ["uneasy", 3546], ["see", 3553], ["sharply", 3568], ["etch", 3575], ["etched", 3575], ["blond", 3614], ["angel", 3620], ["withhold", 3629], ["withheld", 3629], ["devoid", 3647], ["history", 3658], ["promise", 3669], ["stark", 3679], ["starks", 3679], ["overwhelming", 3696], ["transitory", 3711], ["celestial", 3721], ["messenger", 3731], ["bring", 3754], ["brought", 3754], ["main", 3765], ["course", 3773], ["courses", 3773], ["poach", 3793], ["poached", 3793], ["tarragon", 3814], ["chanterelle", 3830], ["rice", 3835], ["julienne", 3851], ["julienning", 3851], ["carrot", 3859], ["carrots", 3859], ["pernod", 3871], ["butter", 3882], ["buttering", 3882], ["reduction", 3892], ["beef", 3920], ["beefs", 3920], ["tenderloin", 3931], ["tenderloins", 3931], ["caper", 3944], ["capering", 3944], ["sauce", 3956], ["crispy", 3965], ["asparagus", 4001], ["spear", 4008], ["spears", 4008], ["toss", 4015], ["tossed", 4015], ["lemon", 4024], ["ground", 4039], ["salt", 4044], ["salts", 4044], ["delicious", 4069], ["eat", 4084], ["ate", 4084], ["eagerly", 4092], ["change", 4120], ["changed", 4120], ["private", 4152], ["suddenly", 4168], ["lonely", 4185], ["estrange", 4224], ["estranged", 4224], ["woman", 4272], ["womans", 4272], ["seat", 4279], ["seated", 4279], ["across", 4286], ["candlelight", 4314], ["arm", 4324], ["arms", 4324], ["reach", 4330], ["matter", 4354], ["mattering", 4354], ["slid", 4399], ["plate", 4409], ["plating", 4409], ["aside", 4415], ["lean", 4426], ["leans", 4426], ["leaned", 4426], ["forward", 4434], ["forwardest", 4434], ["forwarding", 4434]]
`` no , open them , candace , let me see you . '' she did , and like some kind of psychic vampire he fed on those emotions flashing through her gaze . pain , fear , love , determination , astonishment , surrender ... oh , god , the sweetness , the rapture ... `` fuuuck , '' he groaned , pulling back . the first hot , swollen inch of her had fisted him so tight he lost his breath . he 'd been worried about her , but what a hell of a debacle this would be if he could n't go on . `` do n't stop , '' she begged , moving her hips , seeking to rejoin him . if only she knew how much she was hurting him . that soft , wet oblivion opened to him again and he sank forward , a groan tearing from his lungs , and she took his entire crown , engulfing his barbell so that he felt the tug all the way through his shaft and up his spine . she gasped as it slipped inside , caressing her upper and lower walls . caught in her tight squeeze , he struggled to maintain control , to not go too deep too soon . her thighs went tight on his hips , the strong muscles hindering his advancement . `` spread your legs wider , let me go , '' he said , staring into her beautiful eyes . she did , only to clamp them hard again when he pushed . `` is it starting to hurt , baby ? '' `` i ... '' `` talk to me , so i can make it better . '' and get his mind off his own desire to plunge wildly into her . `` overwhelming , '' she breathed . he withdrew , holding his c*ck and gently teasing her cl*t with his lower bead until her face muscles went lax with pleasure . `` ohh , '' she moaned , her legs falling open again . `` but i want you back inside me . '' fuck , he loved this woman . his c*ck glided down through her slick petals and slid almost effortlessly into her p**sy again . so , so wet . she was just finding it difficult to stretch around the broadest part of him . `` i want that too , baby , so much . '' he kissed her , slow and soothing , picking up a quick , barely-there rhythm with his hips . too much of this and he was going to blow his top way too soon , but it was the only thing he knew to do to help her . `` relax for me , take me deep . you said you want me there . '' `` oh , yes ... '' sweat broke out across his shoulders as he increased his force by tiny increments . `` think about getting the tattoo , how it stung , how you did n't know if you could do it at first , and how beautiful it was afterward . '' `` that turned me on so much . i was afraid you could tell . '' her voice was strained , but he loved that she was trying so hard . he gave a little shove deeper , wrenching a gasp from her and an answering groan from him . `` all i could think about was ripping off my gloves and stripping you down right there . '' `` i 'm here now , baby . i want you just as much as i did then . '' `` brian , please , i need you . just ... just do it . '' `` you do n't need me to be rough this time . '' his rocking motions were carrying him deeper even as the orgasm built up in his shaft , drawing his balls up tight . his heart was like a jackhammer in his chest . he needed to pull out and catch his breath before he embarrassed himself , but he was deep enough that the long drag out of her body might be his trigger . so he stopped , braced up on his arms , panting and trying not to look at her . another trigger might be the sight of her loveliness pinned beneath him , all spread out and open to him . she was his trigger . he was loaded and ready to fire at the first hint of pressure where she was concerned . she whimpered and shifted impatiently under him , and he quickly pressed a hand flat to her stomach . she was so damn obedient , she actually listened . he let his thumb wander down to her clit , stroking the stiff bud and feeling her internal muscles clench around him reflexively . `` shit , candace . '' `` i ca n't help it , you do this to me . i lo- '' she broke off , and he did look at her then , silently begging her to complete that thought . but she only licked her lips and skimmed her hands over his biceps . maybe she 'd only been about to say she loved how he made her feel , or she loved being with him , or she loved puppy dogs . there was no way a girl like her should be falling for a guy like him . but that did n't stop him from wanting her to . god , how he wanted her to .
[["open", 12], ["candace", 27], ["let", 33], ["lets", 33], ["see", 40], ["like", 68], ["kind", 78], ["psychic", 89], ["vampire", 97], ["fed", 104], ["feed", 104], ["emotion", 122], ["emotions", 122], ["flash", 131], ["flashing", 131], ["gaze", 148], ["gazes", 148], ["pain", 155], ["fear", 162], ["fearest", 162], ["love", 169], ["determination", 185], ["astonishment", 200], ["surrender", 212], ["surrenders", 212], ["surrenderest", 212], ["surrendering", 212], ["oh", 219], ["god", 225], ["sweetness", 241], ["rapture", 255], ["raptured", 255], ["groan", 285], ["groans", 285], ["groanest", 285], ["groaning", 285], ["groaned", 285], ["pull", 295], ["pulling", 295], ["back", 300], ["first", 312], ["firstest", 312], ["hot", 316], ["inch", 331], ["fisted", 349], ["fisting", 349], ["tight", 362], ["lose", 370], ["lost", 370], ["breath", 381], ["breathest", 381], ["hell", 430], ["hells", 430], ["debacle", 443], ["go", 476], ["goest", 476], ["stop", 496], ["beg", 512], ["move", 521], ["moving", 521], ["hip", 530], ["hips", 530], ["seek", 540], ["seeking", 540], ["rejoin", 550], ["know", 573], ["knowest", 573], ["knew", 573], ["much", 582], ["hurt", 598], ["hurts", 598], ["hurting", 598], ["soft", 614], ["wet", 620], ["oblivion", 629], ["open", 636], ["opened", 636], ["sink", 661], ["sank", 661], ["forward", 669], ["forwardest", 669], ["forwarding", 669], ["groan", 679], ["groans", 679], ["groanest", 679], ["groaning", 679], ["tear", 687], ["teared", 687], ["tearing", 687], ["lung", 702], ["lungs", 702], ["take", 717], ["took", 717], ["entire", 728], ["crown", 734], ["crowning", 734], ["engulf", 746], ["engulfed", 746], ["engulfing", 746], ["barbell", 758], ["feel", 774], ["felt", 774], ["tug", 782], ["tugging", 782], ["way", 794], ["ways", 794], ["shaft", 812], ["shafts", 812], ["spine", 829], ["gasp", 842], ["gasps", 842], ["gasped", 842], ["slip", 856], ["slipped", 856], ["inside", 863], ["caress", 875], ["upper", 885], ["low", 895], ["lowed", 895], ["wall", 901], ["walls", 901], ["catch", 910], ["catches", 910], ["catched", 910], ["caught", 910], ["squeeze", 931], ["squeezes", 931], ["struggle", 946], ["struggled", 946], ["maintain", 958], ["maintains", 958], ["maintainest", 958], ["control", 966], ["deep", 987], ["deeply", 987], ["soon", 996], ["thigh", 1009], ["thighs", 1009], ["go", 1014], ["goest", 1014], ["went", 1014], ["strong", 1045], ["muscle", 1053], ["muscles", 1053], ["hinder", 1063], ["hindered", 1063], ["advancement", 1079], ["spread", 1091], ["leg", 1101], ["legs", 1101], ["wide", 1107], ["wider", 1107], ["say", 1132], ["sayest", 1132], ["said", 1132], ["stare", 1142], ["stared", 1142], ["staring", 1142], ["beautiful", 1161], ["beautifulest", 1161], ["eye", 1166], ["eyed", 1166], ["eyes", 1166], ["clamp", 1192], ["clamps", 1192], ["hard", 1202], ["push", 1223], ["pushed", 1223], ["start", 1243], ["starting", 1243], ["hurt", 1251], ["hurts", 1251], ["hurting", 1251], ["baby", 1258], ["talk", 1283], ["well", 1315], ["wells", 1315], ["get", 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["quick", 1956], ["barely", 1965], ["rhythm", 1978], ["rhythms", 1978], ["go", 2028], ["goest", 2028], ["going", 2028], ["blew", 2036], ["blow", 2036], ["blowest", 2036], ["top", 2044], ["thing", 2085], ["help", 2107], ["helpest", 2107], ["relax", 2122], ["relaxed", 2122], ["take", 2136], ["yes", 2190], ["sweat", 2203], ["break", 2209], ["broke", 2209], ["across", 2220], ["shoulder", 2234], ["shouldered", 2234], ["shoulders", 2234], ["increase", 2250], ["increased", 2250], ["force", 2260], ["tiny", 2268], ["increment", 2279], ["increments", 2279], ["think", 2290], ["thinkest", 2290], ["get", 2304], ["getting", 2304], ["tattoo", 2315], ["tattoos", 2315], ["tattooing", 2315], ["sting", 2330], ["stung", 2330], ["stinging", 2330], ["know", 2353], ["knowest", 2353], ["afterward", 2418], ["turn", 2438], ["turned", 2438], ["afraid", 2467], ["tell", 2482], ["voice", 2497], ["strain", 2510], ["strains", 2510], ["strained", 2510], ["try", 2545], ["tryed", 2545], ["trying", 2545], ["give", 2563], ["gave", 2563], ["little", 2572], ["shove", 2578], ["deeply", 2585], ["wrench", 2597], ["wrenching", 2597], ["gasp", 2604], ["gasps", 2604], ["rip", 2686], ["ripping", 2686], ["glove", 2700], ["gloved", 2700], ["gloves", 2700], ["strip", 2714], ["stripping", 2714], ["right", 2729], ["rightest", 2729], ["brian", 2818], ["please", 2827], ["need", 2836], ["needest", 2836], ["rough", 2901], ["roughs", 2901], ["roughest", 2901], ["roughing", 2901], ["time", 2911], ["rock", 2928], ["rocking", 2928], ["motion", 2936], ["motions", 2936], ["carry", 2950], ["carrying", 2950], ["even", 2966], ["evens", 2966], ["orgasm", 2980], ["orgasms", 2980], ["build", 2986], ["builds", 2986], ["built", 2986], ["draw", 3012], ["draws", 3012], ["drawn", 3012], ["drawing", 3012], ["ball", 3022], ["balls", 3022], ["heart", 3043], ["jackhammer", 3065], ["chest", 3078], ["need", 3090], ["needest", 3090], ["needed", 3090], ["pull", 3098], ["catch", 3112], ["catches", 3112], ["catched", 3112], ["embarrass", 3145], ["embarrassed", 3145], ["enough", 3178], ["long", 3192], ["longs", 3192], ["drag", 3197], ["body", 3213], ["bodied", 3213], ["may", 3219], ["mays", 3219], ["mayest", 3219], ["might", 3219], ["trigger", 3234], ["stop", 3250], ["stopped", 3250], ["brace", 3259], ["braced", 3259], ["arm", 3274], ["arms", 3274], ["pant", 3284], ["panting", 3284], ["look", 3307], ["another", 3324], ["sight", 3351], ["sighted", 3351], ["loveliness", 3369], ["pin", 3376], ["pinned", 3376], ["beneath", 3384], ["ready", 3469], ["fire", 3477], ["hint", 3495], ["hinting", 3495], ["pressure", 3507], ["pressured", 3507], ["concern", 3531], ["concerned", 3531], ["concernest", 3531], ["whimper", 3547], ["whimpering", 3547], ["whimpered", 3547], ["shift", 3559], ["shifted", 3559], ["impatiently", 3571], ["quickly", 3598], ["press", 3606], ["pressed", 3606], ["hand", 3613], ["flat", 3618], ["stomach", 3633], ["stomachs", 3633], ["stomaching", 3633], ["damn", 3651], ["damned", 3651], ["obedient", 3660], ["listen", 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he was enjoying the way her eyes would dart to him and then look away . he was enjoying the intoxicating way her curves made his body tighten . she did n't understand the attraction towards lucas . she had to continually tell herself she could n't stand his type . she did n't need , nor want a man in her life . she liked her life just fine and wanted no man to step in and tell her how to live . he was just another guy , like so many other men she 'd been around before him . she would never go for a rich , egocentric billionaire like her boss . she prided herself on the wise decisions she always made and the fact she was careful to stick with her goals . she could n't mess up all of her carefully laid out plans by having a meaningless affair . at five that evening there was a knock on the door . `` come in , '' lucas spoke up . tom bounded into the room . `` hello mr. anderson , '' he spoke , before turning towards amy . `` you ready to head out ? i got the phones switched over and i 'm dying for a bloody mary and some hot wings . '' lucas glanced at the clock and then narrowed his eyes at the unwanted intrusion . how had the day gotten so far away from him ? he certainly did n't want amy rushing off with tom for drinks.he wanted to keep her there with him . amy started to get up from her seat when lucas spoke up . `` we have far too much work to finish up tonight tom . amy will have to miss out on happy hour , '' he said too rudely for her liking . `` it 's okay tom , i 'll just catch the bus home tonight . i really appreciate the ride in today though . she gave him an apologetic smile and then went back to work on her laptop . `` okay hun see ya on monday , '' he winked at her . `` have a great weekend mr . tom breezed out quickly and once again amy was alone with lucas . she stared after tom for a few minutes with longing . she would love to just sit down and have a drink . her nerves had been on edge all afternoon . lucas 's mood seemed to deteriorate once again after tom left the room . `` why did n't you take your own car into work today ? '' he finally asked , ending twenty minutes of awkward silence . i usually just ride the bus into work but tom does n't live too far from me so the last couple of days we 've been carpooling together . i have no problem riding the bus though . '' she resented having to explain things to him . `` i 'll give you a ride home tonight since i 'm keeping you late , '' he said as if the matter was instantly settled . he did n't expect anything but her compliance . she sat there for a moment before replying . `` i do n't need a ride home tonight . i told you i 'm used to riding the bus . i 'll be fine , '' she said between clinched teeth . she could tell that would n't be the end of the discussion but she would n't let the man walk all over her , boss or not . her reply infuriated him . how dare she tell him no when he was offering her a ride ! he was n't used to anyone defying him and it really pissed him off she would rather ride the bus than accept a ride home from him . was his company so repulsive to her she could n't stand to be in his presence for even a moment longer than she had too ? he was already confused enough about how he felt and really did n't want to say something he would regret so he decided to say nothing else but if she really believed he was going to allow her to ride the bus then she was n't as smart as he believed her to be . she may be stubborn but he could certainly outlast her . he was used to people bending over backwards for him . it was a bit of a shock but not all that unpleasant of one to find someone who was willing to argue with him . he found that he liked amy a bit more each time she challenged him but there was no way the tiny little vixen was going to get her own way that night , not when it was an issue of her safety at hand . he could see she was getting tired but he kept piling work upon her . for one thing he was still angry she refused to ride with him and secondly he just wanted to be in her company . he was used to working late and before he knew it time completely got away from him . `` mr. anderson , i do n't want to complain but it 's eleven at night . can i just come in tomorrow if this really needs to get done ? '' she asked him with fatigue showing . he felt a little guilty he 'd let his temper override his good judgment . he would 've never normally made her stay so late .
[["enjoy", 15], ["enjoyed", 15], ["enjoying", 15], ["way", 23], ["ways", 23], ["eye", 32], ["eyed", 32], ["eyes", 32], ["dart", 43], ["darted", 43], ["look", 64], ["away", 69], ["curve", 119], ["curved", 119], ["curves", 119], ["body", 133], ["bodied", 133], ["tighten", 141], ["tightens", 141], ["tightenest", 141], ["understand", 166], ["understanded", 166], ["attraction", 181], ["towards", 189], ["lucas", 195], ["continually", 220], ["tell", 225], ["stood", 253], ["stand", 253], ["standest", 253], ["type", 262], ["need", 281], ["needest", 281], ["man", 298], ["mans", 298], ["manned", 298], ["life", 310], ["lifes", 310], ["like", 322], ["liked", 322], ["fine", 341], ["step", 367], ["live", 395], ["another", 417], ["guy", 421], ["like", 428], ["many", 436], ["man", 446], ["mans", 446], ["manned", 446], ["men", 446], ["around", 465], ["never", 494], ["go", 497], ["goest", 497], ["rich", 508], ["egocentric", 521], ["billionaire", 533], ["boss", 547], ["pride", 560], ["prided", 560], ["wise", 580], ["decision", 590], ["decisions", 590], ["always", 601], ["fact", 619], ["careful", 635], ["stick", 644], ["stickest", 644], ["goal", 659], ["goals", 659], ["mess", 680], ["messed", 680], ["messing", 680], ["carefully", 704], ["lay", 709], ["lays", 709], ["layed", 709], ["layest", 709], ["laid", 709], ["plan", 719], ["plans", 719], ["meaningless", 743], ["affair", 750], ["five", 760], ["fived", 760], ["evening", 773], ["knock", 791], ["knocks", 791], ["knockest", 791], ["door", 803], ["come", 813], ["speak", 833], ["spoken", 833], ["spoke", 833], ["tom", 842], ["bound", 850], ["bounded", 850], ["room", 864], ["roomed", 864], ["hello", 875], ["hellos", 875], ["mr", 878], ["anderson", 888], ["turn", 919], ["turning", 919], ["amy", 931], ["ready", 946], ["head", 954], ["get", 966], ["got", 966], ["phone", 977], ["phones", 977], ["switch", 986], ["switching", 986], ["switched", 986], ["die", 1006], ["dying", 1006], ["bloody", 1019], ["bloodying", 1019], ["mary", 1024], ["marys", 1024], ["hot", 1037], ["wing", 1043], ["wings", 1043], ["glance", 1062], ["glanced", 1062], ["clock", 1075], ["narrow", 1093], ["narrowed", 1093], ["unwanted", 1118], ["intrusion", 1128], ["day", 1146], ["get", 1153], ["gotten", 1153], ["far", 1160], ["certainly", 1189], ["rush", 1214], ["rushing", 1214], ["keep", 1256], ["keepest", 1256], ["start", 1289], ["started", 1289], ["get", 1296], ["seat", 1313], ["much", 1359], ["work", 1364], ["wrought", 1364], ["finish", 1374], ["tonight", 1385], ["miss", 1413], ["happy", 1426], ["hour", 1431], ["say", 1444], ["sayest", 1444], ["said", 1444], ["rudely", 1455], ["liking", 1470], ["okay", 1486], ["catch", 1509], ["catches", 1509], ["catched", 1509], ["bus", 1517], ["home", 1522], ["homing", 1522], ["really", 1541], ["appreciate", 1552], ["appreciates", 1552], ["ride", 1561], ["rode", 1561], ["today", 1570], ["though", 1577], ["give", 1588], ["gave", 1588], ["apologetic", 1606], ["apologetics", 1606], ["smile", 1612], ["go", 1626], ["goest", 1626], ["went", 1626], ["back", 1631], ["laptop", 1653], ["hun", 1667], ["see", 1671], ["ya", 1674], ["monday", 1684], ["mondays", 1684], ["wink", 1699], ["winks", 1699], ["winkest", 1699], ["winked", 1699], ["great", 1724], ["weekend", 1732], ["breeze", 1749], ["breezing", 1749], ["breezed", 1749], ["quickly", 1761], ["alone", 1790], ["stare", 1814], ["stared", 1814], ["minute", 1842], ["minutes", 1842], ["longing", 1855], ["love", 1872], ["sat", 1884], ["sit", 1884], ["drank", 1906], ["drink", 1906], ["drinking", 1906], ["nerve", 1919], ["nerves", 1919], ["edge", 1936], ["edges", 1936], ["afternoon", 1950], ["mood", 1966], ["seem", 1973], ["seeming", 1973], ["seemed", 1973], ["deteriorate", 1988], ["left", 2014], ["leave", 2014], ["take", 2049], ["car", 2062], ["finally", 2094], ["ask", 2100], ["asked", 2100], ["end", 2109], ["ends", 2109], ["endest", 2109], ["ending", 2109], ["twenty", 2116], ["awkward", 2135], ["silence", 2143], ["usually", 2155], ["last", 2233], ["couple", 2240], ["day", 2248], ["days", 2248], ["carpooled", 2271], ["carpooling", 2271], ["together", 2280], ["problem", 2300], ["ride", 2307], ["rode", 2307], ["riding", 2307], ["resent", 2340], ["resentest", 2340], ["resented", 2340], ["explain", 2358], ["thing", 2365], ["things", 2365], ["give", 2388], ["since", 2418], ["late", 2440], ["lates", 2440], ["matter", 2470], ["mattering", 2470], ["instantly", 2484], ["settle", 2492], ["settled", 2492], ["expect", 2512], ["anything", 2521], ["compliance", 2540], ["sat", 2550], ["sit", 2550], ["moment", 2569], ["reply", 2585], ["replying", 2585], ["tell", 2633], ["told", 2633], ["use", 2647], ["used", 2647], ["tooth", 2718], ["teeth", 2718], ["end", 2761], ["ends", 2761], ["endest", 2761], ["discussion", 2779], ["let", 2801], ["lets", 2801], ["walk", 2814], ["reply", 2853], ["infuriate", 2864], ["infuriated", 2864], ["dare", 2879], ["offer", 2916], ["anyone", 2955], ["defy", 2963], ["defying", 2963], ["piss", 2988], ["pissest", 2988], ["pissed", 2988], ["rather", 3013], ["accept", 3038], ["company", 3077], ["companys", 3077], ["companying", 3077], ["repulsive", 3090], ["presence", 3139], ["even", 3148], ["evens", 3148], ["long", 3164], ["longs", 3164], ["already", 3198], ["enough", 3214], ["feel", 3232], ["felt", 3232], ["say", 3263], ["sayest", 3263], ["regret", 3289], ["decide", 3303], ["decided", 3303], ["nothing", 3318], ["else", 3323], ["believe", 3350], ["believed", 3350], ["go", 3363], ["goest", 3363], ["going", 3363], ["allow", 3372], ["smart", 3418], ["may", 3453], ["mays", 3453], ["mayest", 3453], ["stubborn", 3465], ["outlast", 3496], ["people", 3524], ["bend", 3532], ["bent", 3532], ["bending", 3532], ["backwards", 3547], ["bit", 3570], ["bits", 3570], ["shock", 3581], ["unpleasant", 3609], ["find", 3624], ["willing", 3648], ["argue", 3657], ["find", 3677], ["found", 3677], ["time", 3716], ["challenge", 3731], ["challenged", 3731], ["tiny", 3765], ["little", 3772], ["vixen", 3778], ["vixens", 3778], ["night", 3818], ["issue", 3845], ["safety", 3859], ["hand", 3867], ["get", 3898], ["getting", 3898], ["tired", 3904], ["keep", 3916], ["keepest", 3916], ["kept", 3916], ["pile", 3923], ["piling", 3923], ["upon", 3933], ["thing", 3953], ["still", 3966], ["angry", 3972], ["refuse", 3984], ["refused", 3984], ["secondly", 4014], ["work", 4075], ["wrought", 4075], ["working", 4075], ["know", 4099], ["knowest", 4099], ["knew", 4099], ["completely", 4118], ["complain", 4182], ["eleven", 4199], ["tomorrow", 4238], ["tomorrows", 4238], ["need", 4259], ["needest", 4259], ["needs", 4259], ["fatigue", 4303], ["fatiguing", 4303], ["showing", 4311], ["guilty", 4337], ["temper", 4358], ["override", 4367], ["overrode", 4367], ["overridden", 4367], ["good", 4376], ["judgment", 4385], ["normally", 4415], ["stay", 4429]]
she felt him catch her by the bottom and lift her hips , and groaned as he pushed back into her again , his body rubbing against her sensitive core . her moan seemed to act like a release for cullen . the speed picked up then , his h*ps moving faster , his body pounding into her over and over again , enflaming their passions until they both cried out with release . chapter six evelinde opened her eyes , smiled at the spot where her husband had slept , and stretched happily . she decided that she quite liked marriage . it was the most exciting and invigorating adventure she 'd ever known . at least it was with cullen . she was so pleased with herself , her husband , and her marriage , that evelinde thought were edda there right then , she might be tempted to throw her arms around the woman and give her a great big kiss on the cheek in thanks . well , perhaps that was going a bit far , but a letter to express her gratitude might be in order . a glowingly happy letter that would probably make the woman pull her hair out and throw a temper tantrum . the last thought made evelinde frown , and she decided no , she had better not . if edda realized how happy she was , the woman really would be in a fury , and she 'd take it out on the people at d'aumesbery . evelinde wrinkled her nose at the thought . she would n't see anyone pay for her happiness . she 'd just have to forgo sharing her joy with her stepmother . ah , well ... shrugging philosophically , evelinde rolled happily out of bed , then paused and moved her leg about as she realized it was hardly paining her now . she did n't know if it was the salve , or her husband 's massage , or even just not being in the saddle , but it felt much better . it was a wonderful day , evelinde decided , and turned to move toward her chest , only to pause as she recalled she did n't have one . she had arrived with just the dress on her back . and she did n't even have that , evelinde realized with dismay , because biddy had taken it and her chemise below for cleaning . her smile slowly slipping away , evelinde dropped onto the side of the bed . she did n't have a thing to wear she realized and sat there for several moments , at a loss as to what to do . it was not as if she had many options . she could hardly walk around donnachaidh nak*d. she was n't even terribly comfortable just sitting there on the side of the bed nak*d , evelinde acknowledged , and reached for the top linen , drawing it around herself . then she just sat there feeling rather numb and unhappy ... and trapped . grimacing , evelinde stood and began to pace fitfully around the room , her gaze sliding with disinterest over the few items scattered about the large chamber . other than the bed and the two small tables , there was n't really very much to distract her , just three chests . her gaze landed on the largest one , and evelinde contemplated it silently . it really would n't be well done of her to go snooping in her husband 's chests , she knew , but there might be something in there she might wear ; one of her husband 's shirts , say . 'twould be better than standing around wrapped in a linen . moving to the largest chest , she knelt to open it , eyes widening as she peered over the contents . it was filled with dresses . if this was her husband 's chest , he had some odd customs , indeed , evelinde thought , and smiled faintly as she recalled trying to explain that cullen had ripped her gown while trying to get it off himself and mildrede asking if he 'd been wearing it . her maid would be amused at the sight of all these gowns , she thought , and felt a pang for the woman who had been her lady 's maid most of her life . she was going to miss mildrede terribly . sighing , evelinde reached for a gown lying on top . she lifted it out and stood to hold it up for inspection . it was a lovely dark blue gown with a fitted bodice and pale blue panels in the pleats of the skirt that would only show when walking . heart lifting at her discovery , evelinde carried the dress to the bed and laid it out , then returned to the chest in search of a chemise . she found one quickly and slipped it over her head while standing beside the chest , wrinkling her nose at the stale smell to the garment as it slid over her face . 't was obvious the shift had been packed away for some time . the clothes probably belonged to cullen 's first wife and had simply never been removed after her death . the thought , made her pause as evelinde fretted that he might resent her donning his dead wife 's clothes .
[["feel", 8], ["felt", 8], ["catch", 18], ["catches", 18], ["catched", 18], ["bottom", 36], ["bottoming", 36], ["lift", 45], ["hip", 54], ["hips", 54], ["groan", 68], ["groans", 68], ["groanest", 68], ["groaning", 68], ["groaned", 68], ["push", 81], ["pushed", 81], ["back", 86], ["body", 112], ["bodied", 112], ["rub", 120], ["rubbing", 120], ["sensitive", 142], ["core", 147], ["moan", 158], ["moans", 158], ["moanest", 158], ["seem", 165], ["seeming", 165], ["seemed", 165], ["act", 172], ["acted", 172], ["like", 177], ["release", 187], ["cullen", 198], ["speed", 210], ["speeding", 210], ["pick", 217], ["picked", 217], ["move", 243], ["moving", 243], ["fast", 250], ["pound", 270], ["pounding", 270], ["enflame", 311], ["enflaming", 311], ["passion", 326], ["passions", 326], ["cry", 348], ["cried", 348], ["chapter", 375], ["six", 379], ["open", 395], ["opened", 395], ["eye", 404], ["eyed", 404], ["eyes", 404], ["smile", 413], ["smiled", 413], ["spot", 425], ["husband", 443], ["husbanding", 443], ["slept", 453], ["sleep", 453], ["sleeps", 453], ["sleepest", 453], ["stretch", 469], ["stretched", 469], ["happily", 477], ["decide", 491], ["decided", 491], ["quite", 506], ["like", 512], ["liked", 512], ["marriage", 521], ["exciting", 548], ["invigorate", 565], ["invigorating", 565], ["adventure", 575], ["ever", 587], ["everest", 587], ["know", 593], ["knowest", 593], ["known", 593], ["least", 604], ["leastest", 604], ["pleased", 644], ["think", 714], ["thought", 714], ["thinkest", 714], ["edda", 724], ["right", 736], ["rightest", 736], ["may", 753], ["mays", 753], ["mayest", 753], ["might", 753], ["tempt", 764], ["temptest", 764], ["tempting", 764], ["tempted", 764], ["throw", 773], ["arm", 782], ["arms", 782], ["around", 789], ["woman", 799], ["womans", 799], ["give", 808], ["great", 820], ["big", 824], ["bigs", 824], ["kiss", 829], ["kisses", 829], ["kissest", 829], ["cheek", 842], ["cheeks", 842], ["thank", 852], ["thanks", 852], ["thankest", 852], ["well", 859], ["wells", 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["paused", 1519], ["move", 1529], ["moved", 1529], ["leg", 1537], ["hardly", 1573], ["pain", 1581], ["paining", 1581], ["know", 1608], ["knowest", 1608], ["salve", 1628], ["massage", 1656], ["massaged", 1656], ["even", 1666], ["evens", 1666], ["saddle", 1695], ["much", 1714], ["wonderful", 1742], ["day", 1746], ["turn", 1778], ["turned", 1778], ["move", 1786], ["toward", 1793], ["chest", 1803], ["pause", 1819], ["recall", 1835], ["recallest", 1835], ["recalled", 1835], ["arrive", 1874], ["arrived", 1874], ["dress", 1894], ["dressest", 1894], ["dismay", 1971], ["dismayed", 1971], ["biddy", 1987], ["take", 1997], ["taken", 1997], ["chemise", 2016], ["cleaning", 2035], ["smile", 2047], ["slowly", 2054], ["slip", 2063], ["slipping", 2063], ["away", 2068], ["drop", 2087], ["dropped", 2087], ["onto", 2092], ["ontos", 2092], ["side", 2101], ["sidest", 2101], ["thing", 2139], ["wear", 2147], ["sat", 2168], ["sit", 2168], ["several", 2186], ["moment", 2194], ["moments", 2194], ["loss", 2206], ["many", 2255], ["option", 2263], ["options", 2263], ["walk", 2287], ["terribly", 2339], ["comfortable", 2351], ["sat", 2364], ["sit", 2364], ["sitting", 2364], ["acknowledge", 2423], ["acknowledged", 2423], ["reach", 2437], ["reached", 2437], ["top", 2449], ["linen", 2455], ["draw", 2465], ["draws", 2465], ["drawn", 2465], ["drawing", 2465], ["feel", 2517], ["feeling", 2517], ["rather", 2524], ["numb", 2529], ["numbs", 2529], ["numbed", 2529], ["numbest", 2529], ["unhappy", 2541], ["trap", 2557], ["trapped", 2557], ["stood", 2586], ["stand", 2586], ["standest", 2586], ["begin", 2596], ["began", 2596], ["pace", 2604], ["fitfully", 2613], ["room", 2629], ["roomed", 2629], ["gaze", 2640], ["gazes", 2640], ["slid", 2648], ["sliding", 2648], ["disinterest", 2665], ["item", 2684], ["items", 2684], ["scatter", 2694], ["scattered", 2694], ["large", 2710], ["chamber", 2718], ["two", 2751], ["twos", 2751], ["small", 2757], ["table", 2764], ["tabled", 2764], ["tabling", 2764], ["tables", 2764], ["distract", 2809], ["three", 2826], ["chest", 2833], ["chests", 2833], ["land", 2851], ["landed", 2851], ["large", 2866], ["largest", 2866], ["contemplate", 2898], ["contemplating", 2898], ["contemplated", 2898], ["silently", 2910], ["go", 2958], ["goest", 2958], ["snoop", 2967], ["snooped", 2967], ["snooping", 2967], ["know", 3003], ["knowest", 3003], ["knew", 3003], ["shirt", 3089], ["shirts", 3089], ["say", 3095], ["sayest", 3095], ["twould", 3105], ["stood", 3129], ["stand", 3129], ["standest", 3129], ["standing", 3129], ["wrap", 3144], ["wraps", 3144], ["wrapping", 3144], ["wrapped", 3144], ["kneel", 3197], ["kneels", 3197], ["kneeled", 3197], ["open", 3205], ["widen", 3224], ["widening", 3224], ["peer", 3238], ["peered", 3238], ["content", 3256], ["contenting", 3256], ["contents", 3256], ["fill", 3272], ["fills", 3272], ["filled", 3272], ["dress", 3285], ["dressest", 3285], ["dresses", 3285], ["odd", 3338], ["custom", 3346], ["customs", 3346], ["indeed", 3355], ["faintly", 3395], ["try", 3418], ["tryed", 3418], ["trying", 3418], ["explain", 3429], ["rip", 3452], ["ripped", 3452], ["gown", 3461], ["gowns", 3461], ["gowning", 3461], ["get", 3481], ["ask", 3516], ["asking", 3516], ["wear", 3538], ["wearing", 3538], ["maid", 3552], ["maids", 3552], ["amuse", 3568], ["amused", 3568], ["sight", 3581], ["sighted", 3581], ["gown", 3600], ["gowns", 3600], ["gowning", 3600], ["pang", 3632], ["lady", 3668], ["life", 3693], ["lifes", 3693], ["miss", 3717], ["lift", 3801], ["lifted", 3801], ["hold", 3826], ["inspection", 3847], ["lovely", 3865], ["lovelier", 3865], ["dark", 3870], ["blue", 3875], ["bodice", 3901], ["pale", 3910], ["panel", 3922], ["paneling", 3922], ["panelling", 3922], ["panels", 3922], ["pleat", 3936], ["pleats", 3936], ["skirt", 3949], ["show", 3970], ["walk", 3983], ["walking", 3983], ["heart", 3991], ["lift", 3999], ["discovery", 4016], ["carry", 4035], ["carried", 4035], ["lay", 4065], ["lays", 4065], ["layed", 4065], ["layest", 4065], ["laid", 4065], ["return", 4088], ["returnest", 4088], ["returned", 4088], ["search", 4111], ["find", 4136], ["found", 4136], ["quickly", 4148], ["slip", 4160], ["slipped", 4160], ["head", 4177], ["beside", 4199], ["wrinkle", 4221], ["wrinkling", 4221], ["stale", 4243], ["smell", 4249], ["smelt", 4249], ["smellest", 4249], ["garment", 4264], ["slid", 4275], ["face", 4289], ["obvious", 4306], ["shift", 4316], ["pack", 4332], ["packed", 4332], ["time", 4351], ["clad", 4365], ["clothe", 4365], ["clothes", 4365], ["belong", 4383], ["belonged", 4383], ["belongest", 4383], ["first", 4402], ["firstest", 4402], ["wife", 4407], ["simply", 4422], ["never", 4428], ["remove", 4441], ["removed", 4441], ["death", 4457], ["fret", 4508], ["fretted", 4508], ["resent", 4529], ["resentest", 4529], ["dead", 4550]]
in another , it may be too much light . some are sensitive to drafts , others to soil that is too rich . but each has a medium in which it will flourish , mature and produce flowers and fruit . the trick of gardening is observation . paying attention to how each plant does in any particular niche and experiment with different niches until bingo , youve found what it likes ! a lot of people think its something mysterious , hence the term , green thumb . the truth of the matter is , it simply requires work , attention , the ability to learn from your mistakes , and the necessity of taking some risks when nothing else is working . its just a matter of how much you want to be bothered . before i knew it , it was half four in the afternoon ! i would barely have enough time to race into dungloe ! i didnt have to worry about doing the evening milking because i had arrangements made to free me up for the play these past weekends and now to spend time with column . i arrived breathless at half past six . column was sitting up in his bed reading a book thanks a million for the huge bottle of champagne ! i said pecking him on the cheek . he pretended to make a grab for me and with a wicked grin answered , thats all a fella gets from his ever lovin wife after he fills her up with the best french champagne that money can buy ? ! i can see youre ready to come home soon ! i said archly the nurses here do the best to make a man feel at home , but they have a lot of competition ! he smiled mischievously as he made another attempt to grab me . och sure , when you talk like that its hard to resist you ! i relented with a grin . i filled him in on the nights happenings . his eyebrows went up when i told him about una finnegan . i hope you wont be taken away from us here to become big and famous ! he said joking . if i left here , my ability to write would desert me . its donegal that is my inspiration , the very barren , granite rocks , the heather and wild ferns , the churning sea in a tempest , and the people who reflect the ruggedness of the country in their stoicism . you dont ever have to worry on that score . he squeezed my hand look , its almost seven ! he said suddenly , turn on the telly . make yourself useful for heavens sake ! yessir , right away sir ! three bags full sir ! anything else sir ? why yes there is private , but its a little private , private ? so maybe well put that on hold . eh , unfortunate choice of words but you see where im coming from ? eh , another unfortunate choice of words . oh sit down woman and stop distracting me ! with that i pulled my chair up to the bed and we turned on the tv with eager anticipation . una finnegan standing outside the hall in knocknafearr . it must have been before the play because everyone was going in . the looks on the faces were comical . they were dying to look at the tv crew but typical of many small country places , they wouldnt let it be seen that they were impressed by anything foreign ! una gave a brief review of the play along similar lines as gerard bonner and then a brief description of its reception over the course of its run . next came the interview ! oh , it is embarrassing to see yourself on the screen ! its funny how everyone else looks normal but you feel you look like something dragged out of the bog ! just shock ! were not used to being confronted with a holistic view of ourselves . photographs after all , are only two dimensional . they certainly dont prepare you for your own image , talking , laughing and moving . the door opened and mary boyd popped her head around it . i knew her through sarah , when she used to work in the hospital do you know , youre on tv ? ! she was beside herself with excitement everybodys got the channel on ! we cant believe it ! youre both celebrities ! well listen , id like to chat but i have to get back to see the rest of it ! column and i looked at each other when the door closed and burst out laughing ! only the sound of aislings voice got our attention and we tuned in to hear the rest of the show . the camera swung on each of the girls as they described their role in bringing the play to stage . finally it caught me in its lens there are many interpretations of the true meaning of this play . some see it as radical feminism in sheeps clothing . others see it as a light harmless comedy . still some others see it as a subtle forum for attacking the catholic church . what do you think the message of your play is , treasa ? it is simply a parody of human nature . without trying to seem philosophical , i dont see either main characters as right or wrong . it may seem like the female has all the answers but thats not true .
[["another", 10], ["may", 19], ["mays", 19], ["mayest", 19], ["much", 31], ["lit", 37], ["light", 37], ["sensitive", 58], ["draft", 68], ["drafts", 68], ["soil", 85], ["rich", 102], ["medium", 126], ["mediums", 126], ["flourish", 152], ["mature", 161], ["produce", 173], ["flower", 181], ["flowers", 181], ["fruit", 191], ["trick", 203], ["gardening", 216], ["observation", 231], ["pay", 240], ["pays", 240], ["payest", 240], ["paying", 240], ["attention", 250], ["plant", 268], ["particular", 291], ["niche", 297], ["niched", 297], ["experiment", 312], ["different", 327], ["niche", 334], ["niched", 334], ["niches", 334], ["bingo", 346], ["bingos", 346], ["find", 360], ["found", 360], ["like", 374], ["likes", 374], ["lot", 382], ["people", 392], ["think", 398], ["thinkest", 398], ["mysterious", 423], ["hence", 431], ["term", 440], ["terming", 440], ["green", 448], ["greens", 448], ["thumb", 454], ["thumbed", 454], ["truth", 466], ["matter", 480], ["mattering", 480], ["simply", 495], ["require", 504], ["requires", 504], ["work", 509], ["wrought", 509], ["ability", 535], ["learn", 544], ["learnt", 544], ["learns", 544], ["mistake", 563], ["mistook", 563], ["mistaken", 563], ["mistakes", 563], ["necessity", 583], ["take", 593], ["taking", 593], ["risk", 604], ["riskest", 604], ["risks", 604], ["nothing", 617], ["else", 622], ["work", 633], ["wrought", 633], ["working", 633], ["bother", 689], ["bothers", 689], ["bothering", 689], ["bothered", 689], ["know", 705], ["knowest", 705], ["knew", 705], ["half", 722], ["four", 727], ["afternoon", 744], ["barely", 761], ["enough", 773], ["time", 778], ["race", 786], ["racing", 786], ["worry", 823], ["worried", 823], ["evening", 847], ["milk", 855], ["milked", 855], ["milkest", 855], ["milking", 855], ["arrangement", 882], ["arrangements", 882], ["free", 895], ["play", 914], ["playest", 914], ["past", 925], ["weekend", 934], ["weekends", 934], ["spend", 951], ["spends", 951], ["spendest", 951], ["column", 968], ["arrive", 980], ["arrived", 980], ["breathless", 991], ["six", 1008], ["sat", 1029], ["sit", 1029], ["sitting", 1029], ["bed", 1043], ["read", 1051], ["reads", 1051], ["reading", 1051], ["book", 1058], ["thank", 1065], ["thanks", 1065], ["thankest", 1065], ["million", 1075], ["huge", 1088], ["bottle", 1095], ["bottled", 1095], ["champagne", 1108], ["say", 1117], ["sayest", 1117], ["said", 1117], ["peck", 1125], ["pecking", 1125], ["cheek", 1142], ["cheeks", 1142], ["pretend", 1157], ["pretendest", 1157], ["pretended", 1157], ["grab", 1172], ["wicked", 1197], ["grin", 1202], ["answer", 1211], ["answeres", 1211], ["answerest", 1211], ["answered", 1211], ["fella", 1231], ["get", 1236], ["gets", 1236], ["ever", 1250], ["everest", 1250], ["love", 1256], ["lovin", 1256], ["wife", 1261], ["fill", 1276], ["fills", 1276], ["good", 1297], ["best", 1297], ["french", 1304], ["money", 1325], ["moneys", 1325], ["buy", 1333], ["buyed", 1333], ["see", 1347], ["ready", 1359], ["come", 1367], ["home", 1372], ["homing", 1372], ["soon", 1377], ["archly", 1393], ["nurse", 1404], ["nurses", 1404], ["man", 1435], ["mans", 1435], ["manned", 1435], ["feel", 1440], ["competition", 1485], ["smile", 1497], ["smiled", 1497], ["mischievously", 1511], ["attempt", 1538], ["och", 1555], ["ochs", 1555], ["sure", 1560], ["talk", 1576], ["like", 1581], ["hard", 1595], ["resist", 1605], ["resistest", 1605], ["relent", 1622], ["relented", 1622], ["fill", 1645], ["fills", 1645], ["filled", 1645], ["night", 1666], ["nights", 1666], ["happening", 1677], ["happenings", 1677], ["eyebrow", 1692], ["eyebrows", 1692], ["go", 1697], ["goest", 1697], ["went", 1697], ["tell", 1712], ["told", 1712], ["una", 1726], ["hope", 1744], ["take", 1762], ["taken", 1762], ["away", 1767], ["become", 1790], ["big", 1794], ["bigs", 1794], ["famous", 1805], ["joke", 1822], ["jokes", 1822], ["joking", 1822], ["left", 1834], ["leave", 1834], ["write", 1861], ["writing", 1861], ["desert", 1874], ["donegal", 1891], ["inspiration", 1914], ["barren", 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["word", 2455], ["words", 2455], ["come", 2483], ["coming", 2483], ["oh", 2536], ["sat", 2540], ["sit", 2540], ["woman", 2551], ["womans", 2551], ["stop", 2560], ["distract", 2572], ["distracting", 2572], ["pull", 2596], ["pulled", 2596], ["chair", 2605], ["chairing", 2605], ["turn", 2633], ["turned", 2633], ["tv", 2643], ["eager", 2654], ["anticipation", 2667], ["stood", 2691], ["stand", 2691], ["standest", 2691], ["standing", 2691], ["outside", 2699], ["hall", 2708], ["must", 2734], ["musts", 2734], ["everyone", 2777], ["go", 2787], ["goest", 2787], ["going", 2787], ["look", 2802], ["looks", 2802], ["face", 2815], ["faces", 2815], ["comical", 2828], ["die", 2846], ["dying", 2846], ["crew", 2869], ["typical", 2881], ["many", 2889], ["small", 2895], ["place", 2910], ["places", 2910], ["let", 2929], ["lets", 2929], ["see", 2940], ["seen", 2940], ["impress", 2965], ["impressed", 2965], ["foreign", 2985], ["give", 2996], ["gave", 2996], ["brief", 3004], ["briefing", 3004], ["review", 3011], ["along", 3029], ["similar", 3037], ["line", 3043], ["lines", 3043], ["gerard", 3053], ["description", 3089], ["reception", 3106], ["course", 3122], ["run", 3133], ["next", 3140], ["come", 3145], ["came", 3145], ["interview", 3159], ["embarrassing", 3185], ["screen", 3215], ["screening", 3215], ["funny", 3227], ["normal", 3258], ["drag", 3303], ["dragged", 3303], ["bog", 3318], ["bogs", 3318], ["shock", 3331], ["use", 3347], ["used", 3347], ["confront", 3367], ["confronted", 3367], ["holistic", 3383], ["view", 3388], ["viewest", 3388], ["photograph", 3415], ["photographs", 3415], ["two", 3440], ["twos", 3440], ["dimensional", 3452], ["certainly", 3469], ["prepare", 3482], ["image", 3505], ["imaged", 3505], ["imaging", 3505], ["talk", 3515], ["talking", 3515], ["laugh", 3526], ["laughing", 3526], ["move", 3537], ["moving", 3537], ["door", 3548], ["open", 3555], ["opened", 3555], ["mary", 3564], ["marys", 3564], ["pop", 3576], ["popped", 3576], ["head", 3585], ["around", 3592], ["sarah", 3622], ["hospital", 3662], ["know", 3674], ["knowest", 3674], ["beside", 3707], ["excitement", 3731], ["get", 3746], ["got", 3746], ["channel", 3758], ["channelest", 3758], ["believe", 3779], ["celebrity", 3807], ["celebrities", 3807], ["listen", 3821], ["listens", 3821], ["chat", 3839], ["chating", 3839], ["get", 3857], ["back", 3862], ["rest", 3878], ["look", 3906], ["looked", 3906], ["close", 3941], ["closed", 3941], ["burst", 3951], ["bursted", 3951], ["sound", 3981], ["voice", 3999], ["tune", 4030], ["tuning", 4030], ["tuned", 4030], ["hear", 4041], ["hears", 4041], ["show", 4062], ["camera", 4075], ["cameras", 4075], ["swing", 4081], ["swung", 4081], ["girl", 4102], ["girls", 4102], ["describe", 4120], ["described", 4120], ["role", 4131], ["bring", 4143], ["bringing", 4143], ["stage", 4161], ["staging", 4161], ["finally", 4171], ["catch", 4181], ["catches", 4181], ["catched", 4181], ["caught", 4181], ["lens", 4196], ["interpretation", 4227], ["interpretations", 4227], ["true", 4239], ["meaning", 4247], ["radical", 4285], ["feminism", 4294], ["clothing", 4313], ["harmless", 4349], ["comedy", 4356], ["still", 4364], ["subtle", 4395], ["forum", 4401], ["forums", 4401], ["attack", 4415], ["attacking", 4415], ["catholic", 4428], ["catholics", 4428], ["church", 4435], ["churching", 4435], ["message", 4467], ["parody", 4516], ["human", 4525], ["nature", 4532], ["without", 4542], ["try", 4549], ["tryed", 4549], ["trying", 4549], ["seem", 4557], ["seeming", 4557], ["philosophical", 4571], ["either", 4591], ["main", 4596], ["character", 4607], ["characters", 4607], ["wrong", 4625], ["female", 4655], ["answer", 4675], ["answeres", 4675], ["answerest", 4675], ["answers", 4675]]
ignoring gannon 's disgruntled look , she turned to head back in the direction of the keep . she 'd not only managed to escape the confines of the keep without running into her husband , but she 'd also handled a difficult situation . her first duty as mistress of the keep . she smiled and hurried up the steps and entered the great hall . she waved at cormac on her way through . `` i 'm just going up to change for the evening meal . gannon will be along shortly . he 's taking care of a horse for me . '' cormac rose , his brow creased in confusion . mairin fairly skipped up the stairs . the day had n't been a complete waste . in fact , it had been quite lovely . and she was making strides in her bid to take an active part in the keep 's activities . why , she 'd made a decision and had n't even bothered ewan over such a trivial matter . he had many important duties and the more she could smooth things for him , the more he 'd be able to concentrate on those duties . she splashed water on her face and brushed the dust from her dress . aye , it had been a good day , and her wound was n't even paining her . she flinched as the laird 's roar carried all the way up the stairs and through her chamber door . he bellowed loud enough to shake the rafters . with a shake of her head , she picked up her brush and made quick work of the tangles in her hair . if maneuvering her left arm did n't prick at her side , she 'd take the time to braid her hair . `` mairin , present yourself at once ! '' she dropped her brush and scowled . lord , but the man was impatient . after one more pat of her dress she headed down the stairs . when she rounded the corner into the hall , she saw ewan standing in the middle of the room , arms crossed over his chest , a deep scowl etched around his mouth . to the side stood arthur and magnus along with gannon and caelen . a few of ewan 's men tarried around the tables , having taken a keen interest in the fuss . she came to a stop in front of ewan and smiled demurely up at him . `` you summoned me , laird ? '' ewan 's scowl deepened . then he ran a hand through his hair and looked heavenward . `` in the course of the last hour , you 've stolen a man 's horse and somehow managed to leave me without a stable master . would you care to explain yourself , lass ? '' `` i settled a dispute , '' she said . `` and when i discovered that this odious man who clearly abuses his horses was responsible for your horses , laird , i remedied the situation . '' `` you had no authority to do either , '' ewan said tightly . `` your duties are quite simple . obey me and do n't interfere with the running of this keep . '' hurt squeezed her chest . humiliation tightened her cheeks as she looked from man to man . she saw sympathy in gannon 's expression , but in caelen 's she saw agreement . not trusting that she would n't further humiliate herself , she turned away and walked rigidly back out of the hall . ewan roared . she ignored him and increased her pace . she bypassed the stairs and slipped out of one of the doorways leading to the outside . odious , impossible , infuritating . they accused her of being daft , but this was the daftest clan she 'd ever come across . tears burned her eyes , and she angrily dashed them away . dusk had fallen over the keep , blanketing it in hues of lavender and gray . the chill nipped at her but she paid no heed , as she hurried across the empty courtyard . one of the guards on the wall called a warning to her but she waved him off and told him she had no intention of going far . she just needed to be away . away from ewan 's roaring and the censure in his eyes . she kept in line with the wall of the keep , making sure to remain inside the stone skirt . there had to be a place somewhere that afforded privacy while still offering safety . her solution came in the form of the old bathhouses in the rear of the keep . there was even a bench in the shell of the stone walls . she ducked under a sagging doorway and settled herself on the bench that lined the only wall still standing in its entirety . finally , a place away from the rest of the clan where she could have a private weep and lament her husband 's disgraceful behavior . chapter 22 it was important that ewan not go chasing after his wife , especially in front of his men . it was obvious the lass had no idea what she 'd gottenself into . he 'd give her time to cool down and then he would instruct her on the way of things .
[["ignore", 8], ["ignoring", 8], ["look", 35], ["turn", 48], ["turned", 48], ["head", 56], ["back", 61], ["direction", 78], ["keep", 90], ["keepest", 90], ["manage", 116], ["managed", 116], ["escape", 126], ["escapes", 126], ["confine", 139], ["confines", 139], ["without", 159], ["run", 167], ["running", 167], ["husband", 184], ["husbanding", 184], ["also", 202], ["handle", 210], ["handled", 210], ["difficult", 222], ["situation", 232], ["first", 244], ["firstest", 244], ["duty", 249], ["mistress", 261], ["smile", 286], ["smiled", 286], ["hurry", 298], ["hurried", 298], ["hurryed", 298], ["hurrying", 298], ["step", 311], ["steps", 311], ["enter", 323], ["entered", 323], ["great", 333], ["hall", 338], ["wave", 350], ["waved", 350], ["cormac", 360], ["way", 371], ["ways", 371], ["go", 400], ["goest", 400], ["going", 400], ["change", 413], ["evening", 429], ["meal", 434], ["along", 457], ["shortly", 465], ["take", 480], ["taking", 480], ["care", 485], ["horse", 496], ["horsed", 496], ["rise", 520], ["risen", 520], ["rose", 520], ["brow", 531], ["crease", 539], ["creased", 539], ["confusion", 552], ["fairly", 568], ["skip", 576], ["skips", 576], ["skipped", 576], ["stair", 590], ["stairs", 590], ["day", 600], ["complete", 624], ["waste", 630], ["fact", 640], ["quite", 660], ["lovely", 667], ["lovelier", 667], ["stride", 696], ["stridden", 696], ["strides", 696], ["bid", 707], ["take", 715], ["active", 725], ["part", 730], ["parting", 730], ["activity", 756], ["activities", 756], ["decision", 787], ["even", 804], ["evens", 804], ["bother", 813], ["bothers", 813], ["bothering", 813], ["bothered", 813], ["ewan", 818], ["trivial", 838], ["matter", 845], ["mattering", 845], ["many", 859], ["important", 869], ["duty", 876], ["duties", 876], ["smooth", 906], ["thing", 913], ["things", 913], ["able", 946], ["abled", 946], ["concentrate", 961], ["concentrated", 961], ["concentrates", 961], ["splash", 992], ["splashed", 992], ["water", 998], ["face", 1010], ["brush", 1022], ["brushest", 1022], ["brushed", 1022], ["dust", 1031], ["dusting", 1031], ["dress", 1046], ["dressest", 1046], ["aye", 1052], ["ayes", 1052], ["good", 1073], ["wind", 1093], ["wound", 1093], ["wounding", 1093], ["pain", 1114], ["paining", 1114], ["flinch", 1133], ["flinched", 1133], ["laird", 1146], ["roar", 1154], ["roarest", 1154], ["carry", 1162], ["carried", 1162], ["chamber", 1212], ["door", 1217], ["bellow", 1231], ["bellowing", 1231], ["bellowed", 1231], ["loud", 1236], ["enough", 1243], ["shake", 1252], ["rafter", 1264], ["raftered", 1264], ["rafters", 1264], ["pick", 1304], ["picked", 1304], ["brush", 1317], ["brushest", 1317], ["quick", 1332], ["work", 1337], ["wrought", 1337], ["tangle", 1352], ["tangling", 1352], ["tangles", 1352], ["hair", 1364], ["maneuver", 1381], ["maneuverest", 1381], ["maneuvering", 1381], ["left", 1390], ["arm", 1394], ["prick", 1408], ["side", 1420], ["sidest", 1420], ["time", 1443], ["braid", 1452], ["present", 1483], ["presentest", 1483], ["drop", 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["tabling", 1914], ["tables", 1914], ["take", 1929], ["taken", 1929], ["keen", 1936], ["keens", 1936], ["interest", 1945], ["fuss", 1957], ["fussing", 1957], ["come", 1968], ["came", 1968], ["stop", 1978], ["front", 1987], ["demurely", 2015], ["summon", 2043], ["summonest", 2043], ["summoned", 2043], ["deepen", 2082], ["deepened", 2082], ["run", 2096], ["ran", 2096], ["hand", 2103], ["look", 2131], ["looked", 2131], ["heavenward", 2142], ["course", 2161], ["last", 2173], ["hour", 2178], ["steal", 2195], ["stole", 2195], ["stolen", 2195], ["somehow", 2222], ["left", 2239], ["leave", 2239], ["stable", 2259], ["master", 2266], ["explain", 2294], ["lass", 2310], ["settle", 2328], ["settled", 2328], ["dispute", 2338], ["say", 2352], ["sayest", 2352], ["said", 2352], ["discover", 2379], ["discovered", 2379], ["odious", 2396], ["clearly", 2412], ["abuse", 2419], ["abuses", 2419], ["horse", 2430], ["horsed", 2430], ["horses", 2430], ["responsible", 2446], ["remedied", 2483], ["authority", 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3162], ["daft", 3189], ["clan", 3194], ["clans", 3194], ["ever", 3206], ["everest", 3206], ["come", 3211], ["across", 3218], ["tear", 3226], ["teared", 3226], ["tears", 3226], ["burn", 3233], ["burns", 3233], ["burned", 3233], ["eye", 3242], ["eyed", 3242], ["eyes", 3242], ["angrily", 3260], ["dash", 3267], ["dashed", 3267], ["dusk", 3284], ["fall", 3295], ["falls", 3295], ["fallen", 3295], ["blanket", 3322], ["hue", 3333], ["hued", 3333], ["hues", 3333], ["lavender", 3345], ["gray", 3354], ["grays", 3354], ["chill", 3366], ["chills", 3366], ["chilling", 3366], ["nip", 3373], ["nipped", 3373], ["pay", 3393], ["pays", 3393], ["payest", 3393], ["paid", 3393], ["heed", 3401], ["empty", 3435], ["courtyard", 3445], ["guard", 3465], ["guards", 3465], ["wall", 3477], ["call", 3484], ["called", 3484], ["warning", 3494], ["tell", 3532], ["told", 3532], ["intention", 3557], ["far", 3570], ["need", 3588], ["needest", 3588], ["needed", 3588], ["censure", 3643], ["keep", 3666], ["keepest", 3666], ["kept", 3666], ["line", 3674], ["sure", 3714], ["remain", 3724], ["inside", 3731], ["stone", 3741], ["stoning", 3741], ["skirt", 3747], ["place", 3773], ["somewhere", 3783], ["afford", 3797], ["afforded", 3797], ["privacy", 3805], ["still", 3817], ["offer", 3826], ["safety", 3833], ["solution", 3848], ["form", 3865], ["formest", 3865], ["old", 3876], ["bathhouse", 3887], ["bathhouses", 3887], ["rear", 3899], ["bench", 3936], ["benched", 3936], ["shell", 3949], ["wall", 3968], ["walls", 3968], ["duck", 3981], ["ducked", 3981], ["sag", 3997], ["sagging", 3997], ["doorway", 4005], ["line", 4049], ["lined", 4049], ["entirety", 4094], ["finally", 4104], ["rest", 4133], ["private", 4176], ["weep", 4181], ["weeps", 4181], ["lament", 4192], ["lamenting", 4192], ["disgraceful", 4219], ["behavior", 4228], ["chapter", 4238], ["go", 4275], ["goest", 4275], ["chase", 4283], ["chasing", 4283], ["wife", 4298], ["especially", 4311], ["obvious", 4348], ["idea", 4369], ["give", 4410], ["cool", 4427], ["instruct", 4459], ["instructest", 4459]]
`` but i do n't want him . that was the entire problem . i was trying to convince myself another man could take your place . i could n't keep up the pretense , chase . and now that i 've been with you-made love to you-i could never ever spend a single second with anyone else . '' she pivoted to sit cross-legged on the bed , and chase 's eyes were drawn to the shadowy vision of her folds between the gap of the towel . she took his face in her hands and forced his eyes to hers . `` eyes up here , tiger . you need to understand what i 'm saying to you . you 've ruined me for all other men . you did that the first time you kissed me . '' he felt a hesitancy it her words . i just have to get my things from his condo . make sure he knows i 'm really done . '' jamie considered . that could get awkward . but i really do n't want to go alone , either . '' `` how about i go with you , but wait in the lobby ? '' `` that would work , '' jamie said . she pushed chase toward the bathroom . `` now go clean up . you 're crusty . '' chase showered and dressed , and they left the hotel . chase felt as if something in the world had shifted , as if everyone should know how completely his life had changed since the last time he was outside . when he and jamie had entered the hotel , he had been bursting with need , every fiber of his being aflame with frustration and love and lust . now , leaving the hotel not even a day later , he felt like he was almost a different person . one night with jamie , and she 'd stolen his soul , hidden it within herself . she had shown him what he 'd been missing his entire life , and now he could n't fathom being without it ... could n't fathom being without her . they caught a cab , and jamie gave the driver the address . a few minutes later they pulled up in front of an upscale high-rise condo building right on lake michigan . chase went into the lobby with her , holding her hand . he stopped with her at the bank of elevators . `` i 'll come up with you , '' chase said . it 's not like i 'm scared of him or anything . he 's a good person , and ... i do n't know . i just feel like if i leave your side , even for ten seconds , this whole thing will pop like a bubble . like you and i finally being together is a dream that i could wake up from any second . '' chase laughed in relief and put his forehead to hers , one arm around her waist , the other tangled with hers at their sides . `` god , i 'm glad i 'm not the only one feeling that way . '' the elevators dinged , and the doors whooshed open . a disbelieving huff of male laughter sounded from within the elevator directly in front of them . `` fucking bollocks , jamie . did n't imagine you 'd move on quite that fast . '' the british voice from jamie 's cell phone . jamie jumped in chase 's arms , gasping in surprise . `` ian ... i-um ... '' chase felt her pulse leap into a frenzy . he stepped away from jamie , still holding her hand . `` i do n't guess there 's much to say , then , is there ? '' the man , tall and good-looking with sandy hair and blue eyes , flicked his gaze from jamie to chase , his eyes alternating between angry and hurt and confused . `` ian , wait . i 'm sorry for this , but-well ... i do n't know . i told you it was complicated . '' ian laughed , a sarcastic sound . `` complicated is having feelings for another bloke when you 're with me . complicated i can deal with . having a tumble with him in the lobby of my flat building is a bit different , i 'd say . '' `` i wasn't- '' jamie started . `` listen , i just need my stuff , okay ? '' `` you 've been f**king him all along , have n't you ? '' ian said , fists clenched at his sides . ian , do n't make this into something it 's not- '' `` you stormed off yesterday , and i thought you 'd just need some time to cool off . i thought ... i thought you 'd come back , and we 'd discuss it a bit , figure things out . i-you- '' ian turned away , paced a few steps , and then turned back . `` you ran straight to him , did n't you ? straight from his bed to mine . '' chase could n't keep himself from intervening . `` now , hold on just a minute , pal .
[["entire", 46], ["problem", 54], ["try", 69], ["tryed", 69], ["trying", 69], ["convince", 81], ["convinced", 81], ["convincing", 81], ["another", 96], ["man", 100], ["mans", 100], ["manned", 100], ["take", 111], ["place", 122], ["keep", 141], ["keepest", 141], ["pretense", 157], ["chase", 165], ["love", 210], ["never", 231], ["ever", 236], ["everest", 236], ["spend", 242], ["spends", 242], ["spendest", 242], ["single", 251], ["second", 258], ["seconded", 258], ["anyone", 270], ["else", 275], ["pivot", 292], ["pivoted", 292], ["sat", 299], ["sit", 299], ["cross", 305], ["crossing", 305], ["bed", 323], ["eye", 343], ["eyed", 343], ["eyes", 343], ["draw", 354], ["draws", 354], ["drawn", 354], ["shadowy", 369], ["vision", 376], ["fold", 389], ["folds", 389], ["gap", 405], ["gaps", 405], ["gapping", 405], ["towel", 418], ["towels", 418], ["toweled", 418], ["towelled", 418], ["take", 429], ["took", 429], ["face", 438], ["hand", 451], ["hands", 451], ["force", 462], ["forced", 462], ["tiger", 505], ["need", 516], ["needest", 516], ["understand", 530], ["understanded", 530], ["say", 547], ["sayest", 547], ["saying", 547], ["ruin", 571], ["ruinest", 571], ["ruined", 571], ["man", 592], ["mans", 592], ["manned", 592], ["men", 592], ["first", 617], ["firstest", 617], ["time", 622], ["kiss", 633], ["kisses", 633], ["kissest", 633], ["kissed", 633], ["feel", 649], ["felt", 649], ["hesitancy", 661], ["word", 674], ["words", 674], ["get", 695], ["thing", 705], ["things", 705], ["condo", 720], ["condos", 720], ["sure", 732], ["know", 741], ["knowest", 741], ["knows", 741], ["really", 753], ["jamie", 769], ["consider", 780], ["considered", 780], ["awkward", 805], ["go", 838], ["goest", 838], ["alone", 844], ["either", 853], ["wait", 896], ["waitest", 896], ["lobby", 909], ["lobbied", 909], ["work", 933], ["wrought", 933], ["say", 949], ["sayest", 949], ["said", 949], ["push", 962], ["pushed", 962], ["toward", 975], ["bathroom", 988], ["clean", 1006], ["cleans", 1006], ["crusty", 1026], ["showered", 1046], ["showerest", 1046], ["dress", 1058], ["dressest", 1058], ["dressed", 1058], ["left", 1074], ["leave", 1074], ["hotel", 1084], ["world", 1126], ["shift", 1138], ["shifted", 1138], ["everyone", 1155], ["know", 1167], ["knowest", 1167], ["completely", 1182], ["life", 1191], ["lifes", 1191], ["change", 1203], ["changed", 1203], ["since", 1209], ["last", 1218], ["outside", 1238], ["enter", 1270], ["entered", 1270], ["burst", 1303], ["bursted", 1303], ["bursting", 1303], ["every", 1321], ["fiber", 1327], ["aflame", 1347], ["frustration", 1364], ["lust", 1382], ["lusts", 1382], ["left", 1398], ["leave", 1398], ["leaving", 1398], ["even", 1417], ["evens", 1417], ["day", 1423], ["later", 1429], ["like", 1444], ["almost", 1458], ["different", 1470], ["person", 1477], ["night", 1489], ["steal", 1520], ["stole", 1520], ["stolen", 1520], ["soul", 1529], ["hide", 1538], ["hides", 1538], ["hidden", 1538], ["within", 1548], ["show", 1572], ["shown", 1572], ["miss", 1600], ["missing", 1600], ["fathom", 1646], ["fathoms", 1646], ["without", 1660], ["catch", 1716], ["catches", 1716], ["catched", 1716], ["caught", 1716], ["cab", 1722], ["cabs", 1722], ["give", 1739], ["gave", 1739], ["driver", 1750], ["address", 1762], ["minute", 1778], ["minutes", 1778], ["pull", 1796], ["pulled", 1796], ["front", 1808], ["upscale", 1822], ["upscaled", 1822], ["high", 1827], ["rise", 1832], ["risen", 1832], ["build", 1847], ["building", 1847], ["right", 1853], ["rightest", 1853], ["lake", 1861], ["michigan", 1870], ["go", 1883], ["goest", 1883], ["went", 1883], ["hold", 1917], ["holding", 1917], ["hand", 1926], ["stop", 1939], ["stopped", 1939], ["bank", 1960], ["elevator", 1973], ["elevators", 1973], ["come", 1989], ["scare", 2046], ["scared", 2046], ["anything", 2065], ["good", 2080], ["feel", 2125], ["left", 2141], ["leave", 2141], ["side", 2151], ["sidest", 2151], ["ten", 2166], ["second", 2174], ["seconded", 2174], ["seconds", 2174], ["whole", 2187], ["wholes", 2187], ["thing", 2193], ["pop", 2202], ["bubble", 2216], ["finally", 2241], ["together", 2256], ["dream", 2267], ["dreamt", 2267], ["dreamest", 2267], ["wake", 2285], ["wakes", 2285], ["woken", 2285], ["laugh", 2323], ["laughed", 2323], ["relief", 2333], ["reliefs", 2333], ["put", 2341], ["forehead", 2354], ["arm", 2372], ["around", 2379], ["waist", 2389], ["tangle", 2409], ["tangling", 2409], ["tangled", 2409], ["side", 2434], ["sidest", 2434], ["sides", 2434], ["god", 2443], ["glad", 2455], ["feeling", 2485], ["way", 2494], ["ways", 2494], ["dinge", 2520], ["door", 2536], ["doors", 2536], ["whoosh", 2545], ["whooshed", 2545], ["open", 2550], ["disbelieve", 2567], ["disbelieved", 2567], ["disbelieving", 2567], ["huff", 2572], ["huffs", 2572], ["male", 2580], ["males", 2580], ["laughter", 2589], ["sound", 2597], ["sounded", 2597], ["elevator", 2622], ["directly", 2631], ["fuck", 2661], ["fucking", 2661], ["bollock", 2670], ["bollocks", 2670], ["imagine", 2696], ["move", 2708], ["quite", 2717], ["fast", 2727], ["british", 2744], ["voice", 2750], ["cell", 2769], ["phone", 2775], ["jump", 2790], ["jumps", 2790], ["jumped", 2790], ["arm", 2807], ["arms", 2807], ["gasp", 2817], ["gasps", 2817], ["surprise", 2829], ["surprised", 2829], ["ian", 2838], ["um", 2847], ["pulse", 2875], ["leap", 2880], ["leaps", 2880], ["leaping", 2880], ["frenzy", 2894], ["frenzied", 2894], ["step", 2907], ["stepped", 2907], ["away", 2912], ["still", 2931], ["guess", 2968], ["much", 2982], ["say", 2989], ["sayest", 2989], ["tall", 3027], ["look", 3044], ["looking", 3044], ["sandy", 3055], ["hair", 3060], ["blue", 3069], ["flick", 3084], ["flickest", 3084], ["flicked", 3084], ["gaze", 3093], ["gazes", 3093], ["alternate", 3136], ["alternates", 3136], ["alternating", 3136], ["angry", 3150], ["hurt", 3159], ["hurts", 3159], ["hurting", 3159], ["confuse", 3172], ["confused", 3172], ["confusing", 3172], ["sorry", 3201], ["well", 3221], ["wells", 3221], ["tell", 3248], ["told", 3248], ["complicate", 3271], ["complicated", 3271], ["complicates", 3271], ["complicatedest", 3271], ["sarcastic", 3302], ["sound", 3308], ["feeling", 3344], ["feelings", 3344], ["bloke", 3362], ["deal", 3408], ["tumble", 3431], ["flat", 3464], ["bit", 3482], ["bits", 3482], ["start", 3538], ["started", 3538], ["listen", 3550], ["listens", 3550], ["stuff", 3573], ["okay", 3580], ["along", 3623], ["fist", 3660], ["fists", 3660], ["clench", 3669], ["clenched", 3669], ["storm", 3751], ["stormed", 3751], ["yesterday", 3765], ["yesterdays", 3765], ["think", 3781], ["thinkest", 3781], ["thought", 3781], ["cool", 3816], ["back", 3863], ["discuss", 3883], ["discusses", 3883], ["discussest", 3883], ["figure", 3901], ["turn", 3935], ["turned", 3935], ["pace", 3948], ["paced", 3948], ["step", 3960], ["steps", 3960], ["run", 3996], ["ran", 3996], ["straight", 4005], ["intervene", 4109], ["intervening", 4109], ["hold", 4125], ["minute", 4142], ["pal", 4148], ["palling", 4148]]
`` i 'll take her home , '' mike interrupted , aware that something deeper than a drunk dial was going on , but respectful enough not to pry . krysta rolled her eyes . `` you 'll take her home and i know exactly what you 'll do , matt . '' she formed an `` ok '' sign that converted to a middle finger salute . `` i 'll take her home , i 'll put her to bed , i 'll take her shoes off so she 's comfortable and i 'll leave her safe and sound , '' he promised . `` right , '' madge said . `` i know your type . '' she just stared him down . oh , he knew her type alright , and he met her eyes , staring back . it went on for over a minute until , finally , krysta broke it all off and said , `` i got ta go . you guys figure it out . no matter what , i want lydia home safe - but i do n't have a choice on this . '' she pointed to the text on her phone , and off she ran . madge left to grab an order and lydia slid her hand up higher along his thigh . high enough for her to feel exactly what it was doing to him . `` that was probably krysta 's sister , '' lydia said , her speech a little clearer , her demeanor a little calmer . hopefully she was sobering up . he noticed madge had surreptitiously delivered a cup of coffee and a small pitcher of cream and he motioned to it . lydia 's face lit up . she poured in about half the pitcher of cream and started to sip it , closing her eyes and taking a deep breath . `` yeah , her sister has a son who 's autistic and sometimes he has a really rough time at night and she needs help . so krysta goes and helps her . '' `` oh , '' mike said , unable to think of the right words . it made him flashback on the ball he 'd taken diane to . the money for autism research . lydia at the registration table . jeremy 's strange appearance . and for some reason the circle , the full circle , of all that gave him pause . `` so , it 's you and me , '' she said , starting to rub her hand slowly and firmly up his leg . `` how 'bout it , matt ? you want to take me home ? be the decent guy . make sure , '' she leaned in , put her hot mouth right up against his earlobe , `` i 'm safe and warm in bed . '' he closed his eyes , gritted his teeth , tightened his solar plexus and suppressed a groan , grabbing his fork and shoving half the pie in his mouth so that it would be occupied with something other than what he wanted to do with it . which , he was pretty sure , was illegal in all 50 states in public . lydia made her way through her pie , quickly , and her cup of coffee . madge seamlessly delivering yet another refill and he motioned for one himself . this would be a very long night , and he 'd need every drop of liquid alertness he could drink . she finally came back and just left a pot and a giant pitcher of cream , which lydia devoured within three cups . krysta had abandoned her two pieces of pie so they made their way slowly through them until he was so full he wished he could pop open the top button on his jeans and just sit there in a sugar coma of bliss . instead , though , he had to fight to hold himself back from being the indecent guy , from being the not-so-gentlemanly man , from taking her home and having his way with her and having his fun with her . and giving her as much as he would get , of course . he knew that he would regret it in the morning . he 'd always wonder whether it was the alcohol or lydia talking . so , it was better to wait . to wait until he knew that whatever response he got , whatever sighs and moans and touches and tickles , caresses and twitches and groans and releases - they were all from lydia and only lydia . not a cosmo or three . for now , any desires he had needed to be quenched with five kinds of pie and a cup of coffee . it turned out madge and lydia lived less than a block away . no surprise there ; madge practically lived at the joint . as he walked her home in the wee hours between three and four , he found her yammering on , something about how grandma did n't just work there , she owned it and he stopped cold in the street . `` madge owns jeddy 's ? '' she covered her mouth , eyes wide . i 'm not supposed to tell . '' and then laughter . `` but - yeah . promise me you 'll keep the secret ? '' `` i 'm really good at keeping secrets . '' i 'll bet you 're batman , are n't you ? ''
[["take", 13], ["home", 22], ["homing", 22], ["mike", 32], ["mikes", 32], ["miked", 32], ["aware", 52], ["deep", 74], ["deeply", 74], ["drunk", 87], ["dial", 92], ["go", 102], ["goest", 102], ["going", 102], ["respectful", 122], ["enough", 129], ["pry", 140], ["pried", 140], ["prying", 140], ["roll", 156], ["rolled", 156], ["eye", 165], ["eyed", 165], ["eyes", 165], ["know", 203], ["knowest", 203], ["exactly", 211], ["matt", 234], ["form", 250], ["formest", 250], ["formed", 250], ["ok", 259], ["sign", 267], ["convert", 282], ["converted", 282], ["middle", 294], ["middles", 294], ["middling", 294], ["finger", 301], ["salute", 308], ["put", 345], ["bed", 356], ["shoe", 379], ["shoed", 379], ["shoes", 379], ["comfortable", 405], ["left", 421], ["leave", 421], ["safe", 430], ["safes", 430], ["safed", 430], ["sound", 440], ["promise", 457], ["promised", 457], ["right", 468], ["rightest", 468], ["madge", 479], ["say", 484], ["sayest", 484], ["said", 484], ["type", 506], ["stare", 527], ["stared", 527], ["oh", 541], ["know", 551], ["knowest", 551], ["knew", 551], ["alright", 568], ["meet", 581], ["meeted", 581], ["met", 581], ["stare", 600], ["stared", 600], ["staring", 600], ["back", 605], ["go", 615], ["goest", 615], ["went", 615], ["minute", 636], ["finally", 652], ["break", 667], ["broke", 667], ["get", 698], ["got", 698], ["ta", 701], ["go", 704], ["goest", 704], ["guy", 715], ["guys", 715], ["figure", 722], ["mattering", 741], ["lydia", 761], ["choice", 800], ["point", 825], ["pointed", 825], ["text", 837], ["phone", 850], ["run", 868], ["ran", 868], ["left", 881], ["leave", 881], ["grab", 889], ["order", 898], ["orderest", 898], ["slid", 913], ["hand", 922], ["along", 938], ["thigh", 948], ["thighs", 948], ["high", 955], ["feel", 978], ["probably", 1034], ["sister", 1051], ["speech", 1080], ["little", 1089], ["clear", 1097], ["clearest", 1097], ["demeanor", 1112], ["calm", 1128], ["calms", 1128], ["hopefully", 1140], ["sober", 1157], ["sobering", 1157], ["notice", 1173], ["noticed", 1173], ["surreptitiously", 1199], ["deliver", 1209], ["delivered", 1209], ["cup", 1215], ["coffee", 1225], ["small", 1237], ["pitcher", 1245], ["cream", 1254], ["creamest", 1254], ["motion", 1270], ["face", 1292], ["lit", 1296], ["light", 1296], ["pour", 1312], ["poured", 1312], ["half", 1326], ["start", 1359], ["started", 1359], ["sip", 1366], ["close", 1379], ["take", 1399], ["taking", 1399], ["deep", 1406], ["deeply", 1406], ["breath", 1413], ["breathest", 1413], ["yeah", 1423], ["son", 1446], ["autistic", 1462], ["really", 1492], ["rough", 1498], ["roughs", 1498], ["roughest", 1498], ["roughing", 1498], ["time", 1503], ["night", 1512], ["need", 1526], ["needest", 1526], ["needs", 1526], ["help", 1531], ["helpest", 1531], ["go", 1548], ["goest", 1548], ["goes", 1548], ["help", 1558], ["helpest", 1558], ["helps", 1558], ["unable", 1597], ["unabled", 1597], ["think", 1606], ["thinkest", 1606], ["word", 1625], ["words", 1625], ["flashback", 1649], ["ball", 1661], ["take", 1673], ["taken", 1673], ["diane", 1679], ["money", 1694], ["moneys", 1694], ["autism", 1705], ["research", 1714], ["registration", 1742], ["table", 1748], ["tabled", 1748], ["tabling", 1748], ["jeremy", 1757], ["strange", 1768], ["appearance", 1779], ["reason", 1801], ["reasonest", 1801], ["circle", 1812], ["full", 1823], ["give", 1849], ["gave", 1849], ["pause", 1859], ["start", 1911], ["starting", 1911], ["rub", 1918], ["slowly", 1934], ["firmly", 1945], ["leg", 1956], ["decent", 2024], ["guy", 2028], ["sure", 2040], ["lean", 2056], ["leans", 2056], ["leaned", 2056], ["hot", 2073], ["mouth", 2079], ["mouthed", 2079], ["earlobe", 2108], ["warm", 2132], ["close", 2154], ["closed", 2154], ["grit", 2173], ["gritted", 2173], ["tooth", 2183], ["teeth", 2183], ["tighten", 2195], ["tightens", 2195], ["tightenest", 2195], ["tightened", 2195], ["solar", 2205], ["solars", 2205], ["plexus", 2212], ["suppress", 2227], ["suppresses", 2227], ["suppressed", 2227], ["groan", 2235], ["groans", 2235], ["groanest", 2235], ["groaning", 2235], ["grab", 2246], ["grabbing", 2246], ["fork", 2255], ["shove", 2267], ["shoving", 2267], ["pie", 2280], ["occupy", 2322], ["occupied", 2322], ["pretty", 2401], ["prettiest", 2401], ["illegal", 2420], ["state", 2437], ["states", 2437], ["public", 2447], ["way", 2468], ["ways", 2468], ["quickly", 2494], ["seamlessly", 2537], ["deliver", 2548], ["delivering", 2548], ["yet", 2552], ["another", 2560], ["refill", 2567], ["long", 2627], ["longs", 2627], ["need", 2650], ["needest", 2650], ["every", 2656], ["drop", 2661], ["liquid", 2671], ["alertness", 2681], ["drank", 2696], ["drink", 2696], ["drinking", 2696], ["come", 2715], ["came", 2715], ["pot", 2740], ["giant", 2752], ["devour", 2792], ["devours", 2792], ["devoured", 2792], ["within", 2799], ["three", 2805], ["cup", 2810], ["cups", 2810], ["abandon", 2833], ["abandoned", 2833], ["two", 2841], ["twos", 2841], ["piece", 2848], ["pieced", 2848], ["pieces", 2848], ["wish", 2929], ["wished", 2929], ["pop", 2942], ["open", 2947], ["top", 2955], ["button", 2962], ["buttoning", 2962], ["jean", 2975], ["jeans", 2975], ["sat", 2988], ["sit", 2988], ["sugar", 3005], ["sugars", 3005], ["coma", 3010], ["bliss", 3019], ["instead", 3029], ["though", 3038], ["fight", 3056], ["fightest", 3056], ["hold", 3064], ["indecent", 3101], ["gentlemanly", 3141], ["man", 3145], ["mans", 3145], ["manned", 3145], ["fun", 3215], ["give", 3237], ["giving", 3237], ["much", 3249], ["get", 3265], ["course", 3277], ["regret", 3308], ["morning", 3326], ["always", 3341], ["wonder", 3348], ["wonderest", 3348], ["whether", 3356], ["alcohol", 3375], ["well", 3413], ["wells", 3413], ["wait", 3421], ["waitest", 3421], ["whatever", 3459], ["response", 3468], ["sigh", 3492], ["sighest", 3492], ["sighs", 3492], ["moan", 3502], ["moans", 3502], ["moanest", 3502], ["touch", 3514], ["touching", 3514], ["touches", 3514], ["tickle", 3526], ["tickling", 3526], ["tickles", 3526], ["caress", 3537], ["caresses", 3537], ["twitch", 3550], ["twitching", 3550], ["twitchest", 3550], ["twitches", 3550], ["release", 3574], ["releases", 3574], ["cosmo", 3630], ["cosmos", 3630], ["desire", 3663], ["desires", 3663], ["need", 3677], ["needest", 3677], ["needed", 3677], ["quench", 3692], ["quenchest", 3692], ["quenched", 3692], ["five", 3702], ["fived", 3702], ["kind", 3708], ["kinds", 3708], ["turn", 3747], ["turned", 3747], ["live", 3773], ["lived", 3773], ["less", 3778], ["block", 3791], ["blocks", 3791], ["away", 3796], ["surprise", 3810], ["surprised", 3810], ["practically", 3836], ["joint", 3855], ["jointed", 3855], ["jointing", 3855], ["walk", 3870], ["walked", 3870], ["wee", 3890], ["weest", 3890], ["hour", 3896], ["hours", 3896], ["four", 3919], ["find", 3930], ["found", 3930], ["yammer", 3944], ["yammers", 3944], ["yammering", 3944], ["grandma", 3977], ["grandmas", 3977], ["work", 3995], ["wrought", 3995], ["stop", 4031], ["stopped", 4031], ["cold", 4036], ["street", 4050], ["cover", 4092], ["covered", 4092], ["wide", 4114], ["suppose", 4134], ["supposed", 4134], ["tell", 4142], ["laughter", 4165], ["promise", 4191], ["keep", 4207], ["keepest", 4207], ["secret", 4218], ["good", 4243], ["keep", 4254], ["keepest", 4254], ["keeping", 4254], ["secret", 4262], ["secrets", 4262], ["bet", 4277], ["batman", 4292]]
after several minutes , he shifted and hauled me with him . `` i do n't have any condoms , '' he breathed against my neck . were we really going to do this ? `` i think i have one in my purse , '' i heard myself saying . i grinned , guiltily . surely this would be the breather we needed to calm the situation , for him to get back under control . cohen stood and pulled on a pair of jogging shorts from the floor , sans boxers , and i giggled at the sight of him . he looked down , and chuckled himself . his erection caused the shorts to tent out in the front , making it extremely obvious he was sporting some serious wood . no one will see anything , '' he assured me . `` yeah , but if they do , they 'll call the police . '' he laughed again , and left the bedroom . `` my purse is on the island , '' i called to his retreating backside . the entire time he was gone , my mind alternated between panic and euphoria , and my heart slammed against my chest at the flurry of emotion . he returned a minute later with my entire purse , the large bulge still protruding out of the front of his shorts . he dropped them to his ankles and joined me on the bed once again . i removed the condom and set my purse on the floor . the plastic package crinkled in my hands , the noise splintering the silence of the rom . i checked cohen 's expression for doubt , for any sign he did n't want this and found none . somehow , verbal agreement seemed to also be in order . a decision like this was n't supposed to be taken lightly . cohen 's voice was low , but strong . i tore open the package , then leaned toward him and placed the condom on his belly . he unrolled it onto himself while we kissed . it seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time , but i did n't want to embarrass him by questioning if he knew what he was doing . once his hands came up and cupped my jaw , i knew it was on and there was nothing stopping us . my heartbeat built to an uncomfortable level , but still i waited to see what his next move would be . i heard him gasp , and i opened my eyes . he looked uncomfortable and his erection had softened slightly . `` fuck , this thing is tight . '' i bit back a laugh , because of course it was supposed to be tight , but when i looked down and saw it actually appeared to be cutting off his circulation and only covered half his length , my laughter died on my lips . `` cohen , we do n't need it . '' i 'd been tested recently and up until this point had always used condoms , despite being on the pill . he pulled the rubber free with a snap and tossed it to the floor beside the bed . if it was any other guy , i 'd think it was a plot to go condom-free , but not cohen , i could tell it had truly surprised him how uncomfortable the offending piece of latex had been . he gripped my upper arms and hauled me onto his lap . we began kissing again as i moved against his hips . this time when his shaft slid up and down my wet folds , it was without any barrier between us . i waited for him to stop me , to say something-anything . but he remained quiet aside from his rough breathing and the occasional groan . when i felt him begin to slide inside me , i do n't know which of us was more surprised , but there was no denying it felt right . it felt better than right , it was perfect . he sunk into me slowly , inch by inch , until he was fully buried in my warm heat . he let out a groan and a string of incoherent curse words . this beautiful man was giving me something precious to him , claiming me as his with each thrust of his hips , with each breath and kiss that we shared . the thought made me dizzy and lightheaded , and made my limbs tremble , and then cohen thrust into me and swept away all coherent thought . i 'd thought at first that having me on top meant i 'd do all the work , but cohen held my h*ps firmly in place while he pushed upward , rocking his h*ps against me at a steady pace . i placed my hands on his chest and watched his expression and his icy blue eyes turn dark with desire . i felt too exposed on top like this , not that the position was new or anything , but with cohen , it felt like something more . he watched my movements-and not just the way my chest bounced-but he also looked deep into my eyes , watching my every expression . i gripped his perfectly formed pectorals as he continued to drive into me , his features alight with wonder and passion .
[["several", 13], ["minute", 21], ["minutes", 21], ["shift", 34], ["shifted", 34], ["haul", 45], ["hauls", 45], ["hauled", 45], ["condom", 88], ["condoms", 88], ["breathes", 105], ["breathed", 105], ["neck", 121], ["necked", 121], ["really", 138], ["go", 144], ["goest", 144], ["going", 144], ["think", 168], ["thinkest", 168], ["purse", 191], ["hear", 204], ["hears", 204], ["heard", 204], ["say", 218], ["sayest", 218], ["saying", 218], ["grin", 230], ["grinned", 230], ["guiltily", 241], ["surely", 250], ["need", 287], ["needest", 287], ["needed", 287], ["calm", 295], ["calms", 295], ["situation", 309], ["get", 326], ["back", 331], ["control", 345], ["cohen", 353], ["stood", 359], ["stand", 359], ["standest", 359], ["pull", 370], ["pulled", 370], ["pair", 380], ["pairs", 380], ["jog", 391], ["jogs", 391], ["jogging", 391], ["short", 398], ["shorts", 398], ["floor", 413], ["boxer", 427], ["boxers", 427], ["giggle", 443], ["giggled", 443], ["sight", 456], ["sighted", 456], ["look", 475], ["looked", 475], ["chuckle", 495], ["chuckled", 495], ["erection", 518], ["cause", 525], ["caused", 525], ["tent", 544], ["tented", 544], ["tenting", 544], ["front", 561], ["extremely", 583], ["obvious", 591], ["sport", 607], ["sporting", 607], ["serious", 620], ["wood", 625], ["see", 643], ["anything", 652], ["assure", 668], ["assured", 668], ["yeah", 681], ["call", 714], ["police", 725], ["laugh", 741], ["laughed", 741], ["left", 758], ["leave", 758], ["bedroom", 770], ["island", 801], ["call", 815], ["called", 815], ["retreat", 833], ["retreatest", 833], ["retreating", 833], ["backside", 842], ["entire", 855], ["time", 860], ["go", 872], ["goest", 872], ["gone", 872], ["mind", 882], ["minding", 882], ["alternate", 893], ["alternates", 893], ["alternated", 893], ["panic", 907], ["euphoria", 920], ["euphorias", 920], ["heart", 935], ["slam", 943], ["slammed", 943], ["chest", 960], ["flurry", 974], ["flurried", 974], ["emotion", 985], ["return", 999], ["returnest", 999], ["returned", 999], ["minute", 1008], ["later", 1014], ["large", 1047], ["bulge", 1053], ["still", 1059], ["protrude", 1070], ["protruding", 1070], ["drop", 1114], ["dropped", 1114], ["ankle", 1133], ["ankles", 1133], ["join", 1144], ["joinest", 1144], ["joined", 1144], ["bed", 1158], ["remove", 1181], ["removed", 1181], ["condom", 1192], ["set", 1200], ["plastic", 1236], ["package", 1244], ["crinkle", 1253], ["crinkled", 1253], ["hand", 1265], ["hands", 1265], ["noise", 1277], ["splinter", 1289], ["splintering", 1289], ["silence", 1301], ["rom", 1312], ["check", 1324], ["checked", 1324], ["expression", 1344], ["doubt", 1354], ["sign", 1369], ["find", 1400], ["found", 1400], ["none", 1405], ["somehow", 1415], ["verbal", 1424], ["agreement", 1434], ["seem", 1441], ["seeming", 1441], ["seemed", 1441], ["also", 1449], ["order", 1461], ["orderest", 1461], ["decision", 1474], ["like", 1479], ["suppose", 1501], ["supposed", 1501], ["take", 1513], ["taken", 1513], ["lightly", 1521], ["voice", 1538], ["low", 1546], ["lowed", 1546], ["strong", 1559], ["tear", 1568], ["teared", 1568], ["tore", 1568], ["open", 1573], ["lean", 1599], ["leans", 1599], ["leaned", 1599], ["toward", 1606], ["place", 1621], ["placed", 1621], ["belly", 1645], ["bellied", 1645], ["unroll", 1659], ["unrolled", 1659], ["unrolling", 1659], ["onto", 1667], ["ontos", 1667], ["kiss", 1691], ["kisses", 1691], ["kissest", 1691], ["kissed", 1691], ["take", 1716], ["taking", 1716], ["inordinate", 1730], ["amount", 1737], ["embarrass", 1779], ["embarrassed", 1779], ["question", 1798], ["questioning", 1798], ["know", 1809], ["knowest", 1809], ["knew", 1809], ["come", 1849], ["came", 1849], ["cup", 1863], ["cupped", 1863], ["jaw", 1870], ["jaws", 1870], ["jawed", 1870], ["jawest", 1870], ["nothing", 1911], ["stop", 1920], ["stopping", 1920], ["heartbeat", 1938], ["heartbeats", 1938], ["build", 1944], ["builds", 1944], ["built", 1944], ["uncomfortable", 1964], ["level", 1970], ["wait", 1991], ["waitest", 1991], ["waited", 1991], ["next", 2012], ["move", 2017], ["gasp", 2045], ["gasps", 2045], ["open", 2060], ["opened", 2060], ["eye", 2068], ["eyed", 2068], ["eyes", 2068], ["soften", 2124], ["softens", 2124], ["softened", 2124], ["slightly", 2133], ["fuck", 2143], ["thing", 2156], ["tight", 2165], ["bite", 2176], ["laugh", 2189], ["course", 2209], ["see", 2270], ["saw", 2270], ["appear", 2291], ["appeared", 2291], ["cut", 2305], ["cutting", 2305], ["circulation", 2325], ["cover", 2342], ["covered", 2342], ["half", 2347], ["length", 2358], ["laughter", 2372], ["die", 2377], ["died", 2377], ["lip", 2388], ["lipped", 2388], ["lips", 2388], ["need", 2416], ["needest", 2416], ["test", 2441], ["tested", 2441], ["recently", 2450], ["point", 2474], ["always", 2485], ["use", 2490], ["used", 2490], ["despite", 2508], ["pill", 2526], ["rubber", 2549], ["free", 2554], ["snap", 2566], ["snapping", 2566], ["toss", 2577], ["tossed", 2577], ["beside", 2600], ["guy", 2634], ["plot", 2661], ["go", 2667], ["goest", 2667], ["tell", 2710], ["truly", 2723], ["offend", 2769], ["offending", 2769], ["piece", 2775], ["pieced", 2775], ["latex", 2784], ["grip", 2806], ["upper", 2815], ["arm", 2820], ["arms", 2820], ["lap", 2847], ["laps", 2847], ["lapping", 2847], ["begin", 2858], ["began", 2858], ["kiss", 2866], ["kisses", 2866], ["kissest", 2866], ["kissing", 2866], ["move", 2883], ["moved", 2883], ["hip", 2900], ["hips", 2900], ["shaft", 2927], ["shafts", 2927], ["slid", 2932], ["wet", 2951], ["fold", 2957], ["folds", 2957], ["without", 2974], ["barrier", 2986], ["stop", 3024], ["say", 3036], ["sayest", 3036], ["remain", 3073], ["remained", 3073], ["quiet", 3079], ["aside", 3085], ["rough", 3100], ["roughs", 3100], ["roughest", 3100], ["roughing", 3100], ["breathing", 3110], ["occasional", 3129], ["groan", 3135], ["groans", 3135], ["groanest", 3135], ["groaning", 3135], ["feel", 3149], ["felt", 3149], ["begin", 3159], ["slid", 3168], ["inside", 3175], ["know", 3194], ["knowest", 3194], ["deny", 3252], ["denying", 3252], ["right", 3266], ["rightest", 3266], ["well", 3283], ["wells", 3283], ["perfect", 3311], ["perfectest", 3311], ["sink", 3321], ["sank", 3321], ["sunk", 3321], ["slowly", 3336], ["inch", 3343], ["fully", 3372], ["bury", 3379], ["burying", 3379], ["buried", 3379], ["warm", 3390], ["heat", 3395], ["heats", 3395], ["heated", 3395], ["let", 3404], ["lets", 3404], ["strung", 3429], ["string", 3429], ["strings", 3429], ["incoherent", 3443], ["curse", 3449], ["cursed", 3449], ["word", 3455], ["words", 3455], ["beautiful", 3472], ["beautifulest", 3472], ["man", 3476], ["mans", 3476], ["manned", 3476], ["give", 3487], ["giving", 3487], ["precious", 3509], ["claim", 3527], ["claiming", 3527], ["thrust", 3554], ["breath", 3585], ["breathest", 3585], ["kiss", 3594], ["kisses", 3594], ["kissest", 3594], ["share", 3609], ["shared", 3609], ["think", 3623], ["thought", 3623], ["thinkest", 3623], ["dizzy", 3637], ["dizzying", 3637], ["lightheaded", 3653], ["limb", 3673], ["limbs", 3673], ["tremble", 3681], ["trembles", 3681], ["sweep", 3723], ["swept", 3723], ["away", 3728], ["coherent", 3741], ["first", 3773], ["firstest", 3773], ["top", 3795], ["mean", 3801], ["meanest", 3801], ["meant", 3801], ["work", 3822], ["wrought", 3822], ["hold", 3839], ["held", 3839], ["firmly", 3854], ["place", 3863], ["push", 3879], ["pushed", 3879], ["upward", 3886], ["rock", 3896], ["rocking", 3896], ["steady", 3928], ["pace", 3933], ["watch", 3978], ["watched", 3978], ["icy", 4005], ["blue", 4010], ["turn", 4020], ["dark", 4025], ["desire", 4037], ["position", 4099], ["new", 4107], ["movement", 4192], ["movements", 4192], ["way", 4213], ["ways", 4213], ["bounce", 4230], ["bounced", 4230], ["deep", 4254], ["deeply", 4254], ["watch", 4278], ["watching", 4278], ["every", 4287], ["perfectly", 4324], ["form", 4331], ["formest", 4331], ["formed", 4331], ["pectoral", 4341], ["pectorals", 4341], ["continue", 4357], ["continued", 4357], ["drive", 4366], ["feature", 4389], ["features", 4389], ["alight", 4396], ["wonder", 4408], ["wonderest", 4408], ["passion", 4420]]
sherelle ate on the run , took quick showers , and reviewed documents all day . no time to date . no i love yous . no tenderness exposed , exchanged , or exhausted through endless efforts . lennie maneuvered around her work schedule so theyd spend time together . never at her initiation unless , of course , she needed a meal brought to her doorstep . even her parents had taken on the persona of strangers anxious to take up more of her time . sherelles fear of depending on others had a strong hold on her , not to mention that ever-eluding retirement fund her father always talked about . sherelle covered her face as it became clear angela had nothing to do with her determination to turn lennie away . shed win lennies heart in spite of angela . but dare she give up a career in exchange for love ? that sounded downright ludicrous . but hadnt people done crazier things to feel this emotion ? after spending nearly an hour in mental anguish , sherelle came to terms with the fact her all or nothing approach to life had failed . how shed change , she didnt know , and she hadnt the slightest idea where to start . she flinched when the cell phone rang then moaned when randall osbornes name scrolled across the screen . sherelle , i just received your e-mail . the layout for the syrian story looks great . the death of all men is a great title . sherelle reached for a wadded napkin off the nightstand and blew her nose . you never told me how you got wind of that hate crime in texas . the pictures are too graphic so well need to choose better ones when you get in on friday . a repeat of history is a good title . those titles came to me at one oclock one morning . i probably thought of them during a state of delirium . sherelle blew her nose again . randall , i thought we agreed you wouldnt call me during the thanksgiving holiday . we need another story for february and ive come up with an idea . and this couldnt wait until friday ? ive given you twelve- to fourteen-hour days for nine months straight . i have one day off and you call me about a story that wont be published until february ? randall , it is november . youre right , but let me at least tease you with this idea . you can sleep on it and let me know what you think on friday . sherelle released an audible exaggerated sigh . i want to do a story on your rescue from cairo . wha what ? '' `` we never covered your rescue in cairo . this would be a fine time to do it . earlier in the year you said you would do this . i said no such thing , randall . i dont want to do that story . you can argue with me on friday . the second anniversary of your rescue is in april so well be ahead of everyone else . it might be a good idea to write it up as a three-part series . this is the kind of stuff that sells papers . sherelle felt as if a hand grenade had exploded in the pit of her stomach . nononononono . sherelle snatched the look magazine off the bed and released her anger and frustration by twisting , bending , and folding it . cmon , sherelle . itd be a great story . that rescue has been spun to death . let it go , randall . sherelle , dont make this hard . good stories are hard to find . they come in waves . we need to ride this one . sherelle massaged her temples then stared into space . she thought of the assassination plot in europe . did she have the nerve to do it ? maybe theres another way , sherelle said as she silenced a nagging voice telling her not to do it . you got a better story ? ill let you know first thing friday . ill come in early . sherelle tossed the phone on the nightstand then eyed the crumpled pages of the egyptian model with indignation . she picked up the mangled magazine and threw it hard against the wall . she shuddered at the cold , callous , and ruthless person she had become . for two hours , she walked the floor and tried to build the courage to call lennie . after tonight , shed no longer concern herself with him falling in love with her . after tonight , hed hate the sight of her . chapter 15 sherelle dialed lennies number . after four rings , the call went to voice mail . she paced the full length of her studio apartment and wished for a better way out of this debacle . but she knew being a coward about this had the potential of making the situation catastrophic . she couldnt allow that to happen . ive gotten myself into this , now i need to fess up , no matter how embarrassing it is .
[["eat", 12], ["ate", 12], ["run", 23], ["take", 30], ["took", 30], ["quick", 36], ["shower", 44], ["showered", 44], ["showerest", 44], ["showers", 44], ["review", 59], ["reviewed", 59], ["document", 69], ["documents", 69], ["day", 77], ["time", 87], ["date", 95], ["love", 107], ["yous", 112], ["tenderness", 128], ["expose", 136], ["exposed", 136], ["exchange", 148], ["exchanged", 148], ["exhaust", 163], ["exhausted", 163], ["exhausting", 163], ["endless", 179], ["effort", 187], ["efforts", 187], ["maneuver", 207], ["maneuverest", 207], ["maneuvered", 207], ["around", 214], ["work", 223], ["wrought", 223], ["schedule", 232], ["spend", 247], ["spends", 247], ["spendest", 247], ["together", 261], ["never", 269], ["initiation", 287], ["unless", 294], ["unlesss", 294], ["course", 306], ["need", 319], ["needest", 319], ["needed", 319], ["meal", 326], ["bring", 334], ["brought", 334], ["doorstep", 350], ["doorsteps", 350], ["even", 357], ["evens", 357], ["parent", 369], ["parents", 369], 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["looks", 1305], ["great", 1311], ["death", 1323], ["man", 1334], ["mans", 1334], ["manned", 1334], ["men", 1334], ["title", 1351], ["reach", 1370], ["reached", 1370], ["wad", 1383], ["wads", 1383], ["wadded", 1383], ["napkin", 1390], ["nightstand", 1409], ["blew", 1418], ["blow", 1418], ["blowest", 1418], ["nose", 1427], ["nosed", 1427], ["nosing", 1427], ["tell", 1444], ["told", 1444], ["get", 1459], ["got", 1459], ["wind", 1464], ["hate", 1477], ["hateed", 1477], ["crime", 1483], ["texas", 1492], ["picture", 1507], ["pictures", 1507], ["graphic", 1523], ["well", 1531], ["wells", 1531], ["need", 1536], ["needest", 1536], ["choose", 1546], ["well", 1553], ["wells", 1553], ["get", 1571], ["friday", 1584], ["repeat", 1595], ["repeatest", 1595], ["history", 1606], ["good", 1616], ["title", 1637], ["titles", 1637], ["morning", 1674], ["probably", 1687], ["think", 1695], ["thinkest", 1695], ["thought", 1695], ["state", 1718], ["delirium", 1730], ["agree", 1793], ["agreed", 1793], ["call", 1810], ["thanksgiving", 1837], ["holiday", 1845], ["holidays", 1845], ["holidayed", 1845], ["another", 1863], ["february", 1882], ["come", 1895], ["wait", 1935], ["waitest", 1935], ["give", 1960], ["given", 1960], ["fourteen", 1984], ["day", 1994], ["days", 1994], ["nine", 2003], ["month", 2010], ["months", 2010], ["straight", 2019], ["publish", 2093], ["published", 2093], ["november", 2135], ["right", 2149], ["rightest", 2149], ["let", 2159], ["lets", 2159], ["least", 2171], ["leastest", 2171], ["tease", 2177], ["slept", 2212], ["sleep", 2212], ["sleeps", 2212], ["sleepest", 2212], ["think", 2249], ["thinkest", 2249], ["release", 2279], ["released", 2279], ["audible", 2290], ["audibles", 2290], ["sigh", 2307], ["sighest", 2307], ["rescue", 2345], ["cairo", 2356], ["fine", 2436], ["early", 2460], ["year", 2472], ["say", 2481], ["sayest", 2481], ["said", 2481], ["thing", 2522], ["argue", 2579], ["second", 2610], ["seconded", 2610], ["anniversary", 2622], ["april", 2649], ["ahead", 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["stare", 3269], ["stared", 3269], ["space", 3280], ["spaced", 3280], ["spacing", 3280], ["assassination", 3315], ["plot", 3320], ["europe", 3330], ["nerve", 3355], ["maybe", 3372], ["way", 3391], ["ways", 3391], ["silence", 3423], ["silenced", 3423], ["voice", 3439], ["tell", 3447], ["telling", 3447], ["ill", 3495], ["ills", 3495], ["illest", 3495], ["first", 3514], ["firstest", 3514], ["early", 3547], ["toss", 3565], ["tossed", 3565], ["eye", 3603], ["eyed", 3603], ["crumple", 3616], ["crumpled", 3616], ["page", 3622], ["pages", 3622], ["egyptian", 3638], ["egyptians", 3638], ["model", 3644], ["indignation", 3661], ["pick", 3674], ["picked", 3674], ["mangle", 3689], ["mangled", 3689], ["throw", 3708], ["threw", 3708], ["wall", 3733], ["shudder", 3749], ["shuddering", 3749], ["shudderest", 3749], ["shuddered", 3749], ["cold", 3761], ["callous", 3771], ["ruthless", 3786], ["person", 3793], ["become", 3808], ["two", 3818], ["twos", 3818], ["hour", 3824], ["hours", 3824], ["walk", 3837], ["walked", 3837], ["floor", 3847], ["try", 3857], ["tryed", 3857], ["tried", 3857], ["build", 3866], ["builds", 3866], ["courage", 3878], ["tonight", 3909], ["long", 3926], ["longs", 3926], ["concern", 3934], ["concerned", 3934], ["concernest", 3934], ["fall", 3959], ["falls", 3959], ["falling", 3959], ["sight", 4013], ["sighted", 4013], ["chapter", 4030], ["dial", 4049], ["dialed", 4049], ["number", 4064], ["numbering", 4064], ["four", 4077], ["rung", 4083], ["rang", 4083], ["ring", 4083], ["rings", 4083], ["go", 4099], ["goest", 4099], ["went", 4099], ["pace", 4125], ["paced", 4125], ["full", 4134], ["length", 4141], ["studio", 4155], ["apartment", 4165], ["wish", 4176], ["wished", 4176], ["debacle", 4213], ["know", 4228], ["knowest", 4228], ["knew", 4228], ["coward", 4243], ["potential", 4272], ["situation", 4296], ["catastrophic", 4309], ["allow", 4329], ["happen", 4344], ["get", 4357], ["gotten", 4357], ["fess", 4395], ["matter", 4410], ["mattering", 4410], ["embarrassing", 4427]]
she also felt a little guilty , she did n't spend as much time as she would like with her . she walked over and sat beside her gran . you must be very excited , she held a tammy 's hand tightly . i remember my wedding ... now which one are you referring to ? tammy teased . it had now become their private joke . she lowered her eyes , realizing her mother knew nothing of her grandmother 's hidden past . once again , she felt bad , was this feeling never going to go away ? both she laughed . i have something for you , she pointed over to a chest of drawers on the far side of the room . it 's in the first draw , in a black box . tammy just remained staring into space . go get it , she nudged . tammy stood up , got the box and returned back to her grandmother . well ... open it ! tammy rolled her eyes and removed the lid . sitting inside on red velvet was a pearl necklace . angus gave it to me on our wedding day and i want you to have it . tammy looked over and her gran was still smiling . say something , child . her voice trailed off as her thoughts of feeling bad returned . how did you deal with the lying to everyone ? tammy watched her gran 's eyes lower and she tilted her head to the side . she was obviously thinking of a good answer or maybe she had felt the same as her . you just learn to not let other bother you , she replied in a perky tone . after all , no one really knows what happens behind close doors . she reached out for tammy 's hand again . do n't dwell on others , child . she turned tammy 's hand upwards and looked at the pin prick scars . after all , we have a role to fulfil , do n't we ? she removed her hand away from tammy 's and held her finger up . tammy gasped at the first every sight of her grandmother 's scars . without us they can not survive . chapter fifteenth stop fussing ! dante tutted at his mother , as she tried to help him with his tie . he pushed her hands out of the way and tried to do it himself . his nerves were really getting the better of him now , his hands shook , his mouth was dry and to top it all , his throat was beginning to feel sore . that was the last thing he needed today . he had n't managed to get much sleep either without tammy being around . the bed had felt cold and empty . one hour left his mother cheered . i can tell the time , mother , he snapped . he yelled , throwing his tie to the floor , he took in a deep breath and ran his hands through his hair . he looked up and his mother was staring at him with a blank expression . i meant the tie not the wedding ! she gave a breath of relief and gathered the tie up from the floor . wedding nerves thats all . dante rolled his eyes , he had already had this talk with his father over breakfast , and claudia quickly got to work on the tie . i remember my wedding day . i could n't keep still for longer than a minute . my mother almost had to sit on me to keep me still . she straightened out the tie and stood back to admire her son . handsome as ever ... . thank you , he mumbled . i am really happy you have met someone like tammy she had n't taken the thank you as the polite way of 'go away ' dante had intended . to tell the truth , it was fate that brought you both together . strange how things work out ... we have to go sir renaldo appeared at the door , dante had never been so happy to see his father ever . he knew his mother 's intentions were good , but he could n't deal with her rambling while he was this nervous . coming his mother sang , before dante could make his escape her hand reached out for his arm and she pulled him back . just be the best husband you can be ... show her love everyday and always make her feel special . that 's really all a woman needs . he felt his expression soften and he leaned over . i will bare that in mind , he smiled , while he placed a kiss on his mother 's cheek . *** blue ! ! ! jenna screamed , her eyes looking like they were going to pop out of her head . you 're the one person in this room who deserved to get married in white and you choose blue ! tammy looked down at her wedding dress , she loved it ; the bodice was covered in crystals , the fairy tale big skirt and thecolourwasdante'sfavourite . this dress was perfect . her mother had even managed to make her a blue veil with crystals to match the bodice . she stared at her reflection in the mirror and for the first time in her life felt beautiful and worthy of dante . what are people going to say ? tammy bit down hard on her lip .
[["also", 8], ["feel", 13], ["felt", 13], ["little", 22], ["guilty", 29], ["spend", 49], ["spends", 49], ["spendest", 49], ["much", 57], ["time", 62], ["like", 80], ["walk", 102], ["walked", 102], ["sat", 115], ["sit", 115], ["beside", 122], ["gran", 131], ["grans", 131], ["must", 142], ["musts", 142], ["hold", 169], ["held", 169], ["tammy", 177], ["hand", 185], ["tightly", 193], ["remember", 206], ["rememberest", 206], ["wedding", 217], ["refer", 253], ["referring", 253], ["tease", 271], ["teased", 271], ["become", 291], ["private", 305], ["joke", 310], ["jokes", 310], ["lowers", 324], ["lowerest", 324], ["lowered", 324], ["eye", 333], ["eyed", 333], ["eyes", 333], ["realize", 345], ["realizing", 345], ["mother", 356], ["mothered", 356], ["motherest", 356], ["know", 361], ["knowest", 361], ["knew", 361], ["nothing", 369], ["grandmother", 388], ["hide", 398], ["hides", 398], ["hidden", 398], ["past", 403], ["bad", 431], ["feel", 450], ["feeling", 450], ["never", 456], ["go", 462], ["goest", 462], ["going", 462], ["go", 468], ["goest", 468], ["away", 473], ["laugh", 492], ["laughed", 492], ["point", 533], ["pointed", 533], ["chest", 549], ["drawers", 560], ["far", 571], ["side", 576], ["sidest", 576], ["room", 588], ["roomed", 588], ["first", 609], ["firstest", 609], ["draw", 614], ["draws", 614], ["drawn", 614], ["black", 627], ["box", 631], ["boxed", 631], ["remain", 653], ["remained", 653], ["stare", 661], ["stared", 661], ["staring", 661], ["space", 672], ["spaced", 672], ["spacing", 672], ["get", 681], ["nudge", 697], ["nudges", 697], ["nudged", 697], ["stood", 711], ["stand", 711], ["standest", 711], ["get", 720], ["got", 720], ["return", 741], ["returnest", 741], ["returned", 741], ["back", 746], ["well", 772], ["wells", 772], ["open", 781], ["roll", 799], ["rolled", 799], ["remove", 820], ["removed", 820], ["lid", 828], ["sat", 838], ["sit", 838], ["sitting", 838], ["inside", 845], ["red", 852], ["velvet", 859], ["pearl", 871], ["pearlest", 871], ["necklace", 880], ["necklacing", 880], ["angus", 888], ["give", 893], ["gave", 893], ["day", 921], ["look", 962], ["looked", 962], ["still", 990], ["smile", 998], ["smiling", 998], ["say", 1004], ["sayest", 1004], ["child", 1022], ["childs", 1022], ["voice", 1034], ["trail", 1042], ["trailed", 1042], ["thought", 1062], ["thoughts", 1062], ["deal", 1105], ["everyone", 1132], ["watch", 1148], ["watched", 1148], ["low", 1171], ["lowed", 1171], ["tilt", 1186], ["tilting", 1186], ["tilted", 1186], ["head", 1195], ["obviously", 1227], ["think", 1236], ["thinkest", 1236], ["thinking", 1236], ["good", 1246], ["answer", 1253], ["answeres", 1253], ["answerest", 1253], ["maybe", 1262], ["learn", 1308], ["learnt", 1308], ["learns", 1308], ["let", 1319], ["lets", 1319], ["bother", 1332], ["bothers", 1332], ["bothering", 1332], ["reply", 1350], ["replied", 1350], ["perky", 1361], ["tone", 1366], ["toned", 1366], ["toning", 1366], ["really", 1394], ["know", 1400], ["knowest", 1400], ["knows", 1400], 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["relief", 2582], ["reliefs", 2582], ["gather", 2595], ["gatherest", 2595], ["gathered", 2595], ["already", 2689], ["talk", 2703], ["father", 2719], ["fathered", 2719], ["fathering", 2719], ["breakfast", 2734], ["claudia", 2748], ["quickly", 2756], ["work", 2768], ["wrought", 2768], ["keep", 2826], ["keepest", 2826], ["long", 2843], ["longs", 2843], ["minute", 2857], ["almost", 2876], ["sat", 2887], ["sit", 2887], ["straighten", 2929], ["straightened", 2929], ["admire", 2966], ["son", 2974], ["handsome", 2985], ["handsomes", 2985], ["ever", 2993], ["everest", 2993], ["thank", 3005], ["thanks", 3005], ["thankest", 3005], ["mumble", 3022], ["mumbles", 3022], ["mumbled", 3022], ["happy", 3042], ["meet", 3055], ["meeted", 3055], ["met", 3055], ["take", 3092], ["taken", 3092], ["polite", 3120], ["intend", 3157], ["intendest", 3157], ["intended", 3157], ["truth", 3177], ["fate", 3191], ["bring", 3204], ["brought", 3204], ["together", 3222], ["strange", 3232], ["thing", 3243], ["things", 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["look", 3912], ["looking", 3912], ["pop", 3940], ["person", 3981], ["deserve", 4007], ["deserved", 4007], ["married", 4022], ["white", 4031], ["choose", 4046], ["dress", 4092], ["dressest", 4092], ["love", 4104], ["loved", 4104], ["bodice", 4120], ["cover", 4132], ["covered", 4132], ["crystal", 4144], ["crystals", 4144], ["fairy", 4156], ["fairys", 4156], ["tale", 4161], ["big", 4165], ["bigs", 4165], ["skirt", 4171], ["perfect", 4229], ["perfectest", 4229], ["even", 4251], ["evens", 4251], ["veil", 4283], ["match", 4306], ["matching", 4306], ["stare", 4330], ["stared", 4330], ["reflection", 4348], ["mirror", 4362], ["life", 4397], ["lifes", 4397], ["beautiful", 4412], ["beautifulest", 4412], ["worthy", 4423], ["people", 4450], ["bite", 4475], ["hard", 4485], ["lip", 4496], ["lipped", 4496]]
deanna wanted the latest cd from harry connick jr.- '' he 's cute , '' she said in explanation-and theresa bought a jazz cd of one of john coltrane 's earlier recordings . when they returned to the house , brian was reading the paper in the living room . i was beginning to get worried about you two . `` it was good , '' deanna answered . `` we had lunch in provincetown , then did a little shopping . how did your game go today ? '' if i had n't bogeyed the last two holes , i would have shot an eighty . '' `` well , you 're just going to have to play a little more until you get it right . '' brian smiled as he rustled the paper , content with the fact that he could spend a lot of time on the course this week . recognizing his signal that he wanted to get back to reading , deanna whispered in theresa 's ear , `` take it from me . let a man play golf and he 'll never raise a fuss about anything . '' * * * theresa left the two of them alone for the rest of the afternoon . since the day was still warm , she changed into the new suit she had bought , grabbed a towel and small fold-up chair and people magazine , then went to the beach . she thumbed idly through people , reading a few articles here and there , not really interested in what was happening to the rich and famous . all around her she could hear the laughter of children as they splashed in the water and filled their pails with sand . off to one side of her were two young boys and a man , presumably their father , building a castle near the water 's edge . the sound of the lapping waves was soothing . she put down the magazine and closed her eyes , angling her face toward the sun . she wanted a little color by the time she got back to work , if for no other reason than to look as though she had taken some time to do absolutely nothing . even at work she was regarded as the type who was always on the go . if she was n't writing her weekly column , she was working on the column for the sunday editions , or researching on the internet , or poring over child development journals . she had subscriptions at work to every major parenting magazine and every childhood magazine , as well as others devoted to working women . she also subscribed to medical journals , scanning them regularly for topics that might be suitable . the column itself was never predictable-perhaps that was one of the reasons it was so successful . sometimes she responded to questions , other times she reported on the latest child development data and what it meant . a lot of columns were about the joys that came with raising children , while others described the pitfalls . she wrote of the struggles of single motherhood , a subject that seemed to touch a nerve in the lives of boston women . unexpectedly , her column had turned her into a local celebrity of sorts . but even though it was fun in the beginning to see her picture above her column , or to receive invitations to private parties , she always had so much going on , she did n't seem to have time to enjoy it . now she regarded it as just another feature of the job-one that was nice but did n't really mean much to her . after an hour in the sun , theresa realized she was hot and walked to the water . she waded in to her hips , then went under as a small wave approached . the cool water made her gasp when her head came up , and a man standing next to her chuckled . `` refreshing , is n't it ? '' he said , and she agreed with a nod as she crossed her arms . he was tall with dark hair the same color as hers , and for a second she wondered if he was flirting with her . but the children nearby quickly ended that illusion with shouts of `` dad ! '' and after a few more minutes in the water , she got out and walked back to her chair . the beach was clearing out . she packed up her things as well and started back . at the house , brian was watching golf on television and deanna was reading a novel with a picture of a young , handsome lawyer on the cover . deanna looked up from her book . the sun felt wonderful , but the water kind of shocks you when you go under . '' i do n't see how people can stand to be in it for more than a few minutes . '' theresa hung the towel on a rack by the door . `` how 's the book ? '' deanna turned the book over in her hands and glanced at the cover . it reminds me of how brian used to look a few years back . '' brian grunted without looking away from the television . just reminiscing . '' she turned her attention back to theresa . `` are you up for some gin rummy ? '' deanna loved card games of any kind . she was in two bridge clubs , played hearts like a champion , and kept a record of every time she won a game of solitaire .
[["deanna", 6], ["late", 24], ["lates", 24], ["latest", 24], ["cd", 27], ["harry", 38], ["harried", 38], ["cute", 65], ["say", 79], ["sayest", 79], ["said", 79], ["explanation", 94], ["theresa", 106], ["buy", 113], ["buyed", 113], ["bought", 113], ["jazz", 120], ["jazzes", 120], ["jazzed", 120], ["jazzing", 120], ["john", 138], ["early", 158], ["record", 169], ["recording", 169], ["recordings", 169], ["return", 190], ["returnest", 190], ["returned", 190], ["house", 203], ["brian", 211], ["read", 223], ["reads", 223], ["reading", 223], ["paper", 233], ["room", 252], ["roomed", 252], ["begin", 270], ["beginning", 270], ["get", 277], ["two", 299], ["twos", 299], ["good", 316], ["answer", 337], ["answeres", 337], ["answerest", 337], ["answered", 337], ["lunch", 355], ["lunched", 355], ["lunches", 355], ["little", 391], ["shopping", 400], ["game", 420], ["go", 423], ["goest", 423], ["today", 429], ["bogey", 455], ["last", 464], ["hole", 474], ["holes", 474], ["shoot", 494], ["shooted", 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["nice", 3110], ["mean", 3134], ["meanest", 3134], ["hour", 3162], ["realize", 3192], ["realized", 3192], ["hot", 3204], ["walk", 3215], ["walked", 3215], ["wade", 3240], ["waded", 3240], ["hip", 3255], ["hips", 3255], ["wave", 3289], ["waved", 3289], ["approach", 3300], ["approaches", 3300], ["approached", 3300], ["cool", 3311], ["gasp", 3331], ["gasps", 3331], ["head", 3345], ["stood", 3374], ["stand", 3374], ["standest", 3374], ["standing", 3374], ["next", 3379], ["chuckle", 3395], ["chuckled", 3395], ["refreshing", 3411], ["agree", 3453], ["agreed", 3453], ["nod", 3464], ["cross", 3479], ["crossing", 3479], ["crossed", 3479], ["arm", 3488], ["arms", 3488], ["tall", 3502], ["dark", 3512], ["hair", 3517], ["second", 3559], ["seconded", 3559], ["wonder", 3572], ["wonderest", 3572], ["wondered", 3572], ["flirt", 3591], ["flirting", 3591], ["nearby", 3626], ["quickly", 3634], ["end", 3640], ["ends", 3640], ["endest", 3640], ["ended", 3640], ["illusion", 3654], ["shout", 3666], ["shouts", 3666], ["dad", 3676], ["minute", 3710], ["minutes", 3710], ["clear", 3791], ["clearest", 3791], ["pack", 3808], ["packed", 3808], ["thing", 3822], ["things", 3822], ["start", 3842], ["started", 3842], ["watch", 3883], ["watching", 3883], ["television", 3902], ["novel", 3933], ["handsome", 3970], ["handsomes", 3970], ["lawyer", 3977], ["cover", 3990], ["look", 4006], ["looked", 4006], ["book", 4023], ["feel", 4038], ["felt", 4038], ["wonderful", 4048], ["kind", 4069], ["shock", 4079], ["shocks", 4079], ["stood", 4140], ["stand", 4140], ["standest", 4140], ["hung", 4198], ["hang", 4198], ["hangs", 4198], ["rack", 4218], ["door", 4230], ["hand", 4297], ["hands", 4297], ["glance", 4309], ["glanced", 4309], ["remind", 4335], ["reminds", 4335], ["use", 4356], ["used", 4356], ["year", 4376], ["years", 4376], ["grunt", 4400], ["grunted", 4400], ["without", 4408], ["look", 4416], ["looking", 4416], ["away", 4421], ["reminisce", 4460], ["reminiscing", 4460], ["attention", 4490], ["gin", 4535], ["rummy", 4541], ["love", 4559], ["loved", 4559], ["card", 4564], ["game", 4570], ["games", 4570], ["bridge", 4606], ["club", 4612], ["clubbed", 4612], ["clubbing", 4612], ["clubs", 4612], ["play", 4621], ["playest", 4621], ["played", 4621], ["heart", 4628], ["hearts", 4628], ["like", 4633], ["champion", 4644], ["keep", 4655], ["keepest", 4655], ["kept", 4655], ["record", 4664], ["win", 4686], ["solitaire", 4706]]
she had enjoyed the past week that she 'd spent at dunhurst park , familiarizing herself with what was now to be her permanent residence . beatrice and claire had both accepted francis 's invitation , as had lady genevieve and lady giddington , while lord camden had joined them a couple of days later . emily soon realized that her preconceptions regarding claire 's fiance had been unfounded . he clearly worshiped the ground that claire walked upon , and was eager to do whatever he could to please her . claire , on the other hand , looked radiant with love , and would ( to beatrice 's growing exasperation ) continuously find ways in which to be alone with her fiance . beatrice seemed very much at ease , too ( when she was n't worrying about what claire was up to with richard camden ) . with the london season being over , and not having to tend to household chores herself , she 'd begun embroidering again . she spent hours on end in the privacy of her room , working on what emily suspected must be a wedding gift for claire . only two weeks remained until claire 's wedding , so there was much to be done in spite of the fact that both bride and groom wished for a simple event with only the closest friends and relatives invited . but when she was n't cooped up in solitary confinement , emily could n't help but notice that beatrice favored jonathan 's company . the couple often went for long afternoon walks together , but whenever emily would bring it up , beatrice would simply smile and tell her sister that she was jumping to conclusions . in the evenings , they would all gather in the dining room for dinner , and play a game of cards or charades . emily particularly favored the latter of the two since it allowed for her imagination to roam free , and generally resulted in more laughter . once they were certain that everyone had retired to bed , francis would invariably join emily in her bedchamber for a few hours , before returning to his own room . but that particular evening would be different . francis and emily waited in his study until everyone else had gone to bed , each trying to read their own book , only to find themselves reading the same page over and over again . thoughts seemed to whirl through their heads , allowing them little peace of mind to think of anything other than their upcoming encounter with charlotte . `` i think it 's time , '' francis finally told emily . without further ado , he led her quietly up the stairs and down a long hallway toward the three rooms that had once constituted elisabeth riley 's apartment . a chill settled over him as they walked . it was a dirty business , this , and as much as he looked forward to putting an end to it , he could n't seem to shake the uneasiness that stalked him like a shadow . charlotte was unpredictable ; he doubted that she would allow something as important as this to depend on a virtual stranger . she was n't the trusting sort , and he feared that she would have prepared herself for the eventuality of being betrayed . they reached elisabeth 's anteroom and entered without hesitation . emily had seen it once before-right after their return-when she and francis had gone in search of the amendment themselves , hoping that they might be able to gain the upper hand . unfortunately , it had been to no avail-they had no choice but to let charlotte lead them to it . francis had been surprised-disappointed , even-that charlotte had been more privy to his father 's last wishes than he . but then , of course , his father had n't known charlotte for who she really was . no ... the old fool had loved her , francis thought bitterly . the room was completely dark , save for the lantern that francis held out to cast a yellow haze before them . he led emily toward the far corner of the bedroom , where he handed her the lantern . a soft click told her he 'd found the door to the stairwell and opened it . `` no , it 's best if you stay here , '' she said , trying to sound more confident than she felt . `` if charlotte 's waiting for me , as i expect her to be , then seeing you will ruin everything , and all that we 've worked for will be for nothing . '' `` what if she means to harm you , emily ? what if she does n't trust you ? all she needs is for you to unlock the door ; once that 's done ... '' he dared not finish the sentence . he loved emily with all his heart and was suddenly paralyzed with fear for her safety . `` this is a mistake , emily . i can not allow you to put yourself in jeopardy for my sake . '' `` you are my husband , francis . if you and i are to have a happy future together , then this matter must be settled immediately . i wo n't allow this woman to torment us any longer .
[["enjoy", 15], ["enjoyed", 15], ["past", 24], ["week", 29], ["spend", 47], ["spends", 47], ["spendest", 47], ["spent", 47], ["park", 64], ["parks", 64], ["familiarize", 80], ["familiarizing", 80], ["permanent", 126], ["residence", 136], ["beatrice", 147], ["claire", 158], ["accept", 176], ["accepted", 176], ["francis", 184], ["invitation", 198], ["lady", 212], ["genevieve", 222], ["lord", 255], ["camden", 262], ["join", 273], ["joinest", 273], ["joined", 273], ["couple", 287], ["day", 295], ["days", 295], ["later", 301], ["emily", 309], ["soon", 314], ["realize", 323], ["realized", 323], ["preconception", 347], ["preconceptions", 347], ["regard", 357], ["regarding", 357], ["fiance", 374], ["unfounded", 393], ["clearly", 406], ["worship", 416], ["worshiped", 416], ["ground", 427], ["walk", 446], ["walked", 446], ["upon", 451], ["eager", 467], ["whatever", 482], ["please", 501], ["hand", 534], ["look", 543], ["looked", 543], ["radiant", 551], ["love", 561], ["grow", 598], ["growest", 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["thought", 2218], ["thoughts", 2218], ["whirl", 2234], ["whirls", 2234], ["head", 2254], ["heads", 2254], ["allow", 2265], ["allowing", 2265], ["little", 2277], ["peace", 2283], ["mind", 2291], ["minding", 2291], ["think", 2300], ["thinkest", 2300], ["anything", 2312], ["encounter", 2348], ["charlotte", 2363], ["time", 2387], ["finally", 2408], ["tell", 2413], ["told", 2413], ["without", 2429], ["ado", 2441], ["lead", 2450], ["leaded", 2450], ["led", 2450], ["quietly", 2462], ["stair", 2476], ["stairs", 2476], ["hallway", 2500], ["hallways", 2500], ["toward", 2507], ["three", 2517], ["room", 2523], ["roomed", 2523], ["rooms", 2523], ["constitute", 2549], ["constitutes", 2549], ["constituted", 2549], ["elisabeth", 2559], ["riley", 2565], ["apartment", 2578], ["chill", 2588], ["chills", 2588], ["chilling", 2588], ["settle", 2596], ["settled", 2596], ["dirty", 2637], ["business", 2646], ["forward", 2688], ["forwardest", 2688], ["forwarding", 2688], ["put", 2699], ["putting", 2699], 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["door", 3892], ["stairwell", 3909], ["stairwells", 3909], ["open", 3920], ["opened", 3920], ["good", 3944], ["best", 3944], ["stay", 3956], ["say", 3975], ["sayest", 3975], ["said", 3975], ["sound", 3993], ["confident", 4008], ["feel", 4022], ["felt", 4022], ["wait", 4051], ["waitest", 4051], ["waiting", 4051], ["expect", 4072], ["see", 4096], ["seeing", 4096], ["ruin", 4110], ["ruinest", 4110], ["everything", 4121], ["work", 4150], ["wrought", 4150], ["worked", 4150], ["nothing", 4174], ["mean", 4200], ["meanest", 4200], ["means", 4200], ["harm", 4208], ["harmest", 4208], ["trust", 4249], ["need", 4269], ["needest", 4269], ["needs", 4269], ["unlock", 4290], ["unlocking", 4290], ["unlockest", 4290], ["dare", 4335], ["dared", 4335], ["darent", 4339], ["finish", 4346], ["sentence", 4359], ["heart", 4395], ["suddenly", 4412], ["paralyze", 4422], ["paralyzed", 4422], ["fear", 4432], ["fearest", 4432], ["safety", 4447], ["mistake", 4470], ["mistook", 4470], ["mistaken", 4470], ["put", 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if only he could figure out exactly what it was that he wanted her for . `` i ca n't believe you would do that . bree is going to hunt you down and - '' `` and what , sierra ? you play hot and cold , do things however you like , want everything your way . well , this is the real world , and its time you learn that actions have consequences . if you push me , i 'm going to push back , '' damien thundered as he made a sharp right turn . i demand you return me at once ! '' `` stop this car right now or i swear i 'll jump out of it , '' she threatened as she reached for the door handle . damien 's emotions were sliding on a thin sheet of ice . he could already feel it begin to crack beneath him . his anger was consuming , but his need was overwhelming . he saw a sign for a park , and swerved into the parking lot , needing to pull over before he ended up crashing the vehicle . damien turned in his seat , looking over sierra , her flushed cheeks , heaving chest and rage filled eyes . his arousal jumped at how badly he wanted to pull her onto his lap . he had to end the torture , had to sink inside her - now . `` why keep fighting me , sierra . you want this just as badly . i 'm not forcing you . i 'm not demanding anything you do n't want to give , so why do n't you stop playing games and tell me what you want ? '' he said , his voice dropping an octave . sierra felt his words all the way to her core . she did want him , desired him in a way that had to be unnatural . she just could n't think when he spoke to her like that , used that tone of voice . `` you have to stop , damien . `` why , sierra ? are you afraid of the passion between us ? i 've thought of little else but you for the past two weeks , because each day that i wake up , i smell your scent and it sends desire coursing through me . i come in at the end of the night , wanting to find you waiting for me , hungry , aching with need . if you want to play games , that 's fine by me - i 'll play all the games you want . '' his tone was melting her . she was falling quick . i ... i need air , '' sierra told him as his hand moved to the handle . he demanded , all seduction leaving his tone . `` wherever i feel like , '' sierra snapped . exhilaration filled her as she realized he was the first man she 'd ever so openly defied . we have n't finished this , '' he said , his voice oddly calm , though the anger fueled his words . `` sierra , i swear if you run off - '' he suddenly stopped as if trying to compose himself . sierra felt a twinge of alarm at the implied threat of his command . if she 'd ever argued like this with her father , he would 've beaten her to a pulp . she knew damien would n't hit her - she did n't know how she knew , but she just did . sierra did n't give him a chance to finish the rest of his statement . she opened the door and jumped from the car . not taking any chances , she started running toward the trailhead straight ahead . for a few brief moments she thought she 'd actually achieved her goal - that she 'd gotten away . at least she did until she heard footsteps quickly approaching from behind only seconds before damien 's hand snagged her around the waist and lifted her in the air . she thought about crying out , but she did n't have a chance . within seconds she was cradled against his chest and his mouth descended . she did n't even have time to take a breath of air before his mouth sucked all protests away . he kissed her long and hard , his tongue quickly slipping inside her mouth and tangling with hers . she felt the movement from damien 's footsteps , knowing he was going somewhere but she was lost in the moment and could n't focus on anything else but being in his arms again . `` you make me burn . one minute i want to throttle you , and then the next i want to make you submit to me . just remember , sierra , i love a good chase . you can run from me anytime you want , because i 'll always catch you . lucky for you , the punishment will be mutually satisfying , '' damien said with a wicked gleam in his eye before he set her down and gripped her blouse . her cotton shirt went flying behind her seconds before she felt the clasp of her bra unhook inviting the cool evening air to touch her exposed n**ples . she looked around in panic , afraid someone was going to walk by at any moment . she realized they were in the middle of the brush and she was sitting on a large fallen tree .
[["figure", 23], ["exactly", 35], ["ca", 80], ["cas", 80], ["believe", 92], ["bree", 117], ["brees", 117], ["go", 126], ["goest", 126], ["going", 126], ["hunt", 134], ["hunting", 134], ["huntest", 134], ["sierra", 173], ["sierras", 173], ["play", 184], ["playest", 184], ["hot", 188], ["cold", 197], ["thing", 209], ["things", 209], ["however", 217], ["like", 226], ["everything", 244], ["way", 253], ["ways", 253], ["well", 260], ["wells", 260], ["reis", 279], ["real", 279], ["world", 285], ["time", 300], ["learn", 310], ["learnt", 310], ["learns", 310], ["action", 323], ["actions", 323], ["consequence", 341], ["consequenced", 341], ["consequences", 341], ["push", 355], ["back", 384], ["damien", 396], ["thunder", 406], ["thundered", 406], ["sharp", 425], ["sharps", 425], ["right", 431], ["rightest", 431], ["turn", 436], ["demand", 447], ["demandest", 447], ["return", 458], ["returnest", 458], ["stop", 482], ["car", 491], ["swear", 512], ["sweared", 512], ["jump", 523], ["jumps", 523], 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["knowest", 2674], ["knew", 2674], ["hit", 2695], ["know", 2718], ["knowest", 2718], ["chance", 2785], ["chanced", 2785], ["chancing", 2785], ["finish", 2795], ["rest", 2804], ["statement", 2821], ["open", 2834], ["opened", 2834], ["take", 2880], ["taking", 2880], ["chance", 2892], ["chanced", 2892], ["chancing", 2892], ["chances", 2892], ["start", 2906], ["started", 2906], ["run", 2914], ["running", 2914], ["toward", 2921], ["trailhead", 2935], ["straight", 2944], ["ahead", 2950], ["brief", 2968], ["briefing", 2968], ["moment", 2976], ["moments", 2976], ["achieve", 3013], ["achieved", 3013], ["goal", 3022], ["get", 3043], ["gotten", 3043], ["away", 3048], ["least", 3059], ["leastest", 3059], ["hear", 3083], ["hears", 3083], ["heard", 3083], ["footstep", 3093], ["footsteps", 3093], ["quickly", 3101], ["approach", 3113], ["approaches", 3113], ["approaching", 3113], ["behind", 3125], ["second", 3138], ["seconded", 3138], ["seconds", 3138], ["snag", 3168], ["snagged", 3168], ["around", 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["love", 3870], ["good", 3877], ["chase", 3883], ["anytime", 3913], ["always", 3945], ["catch", 3951], ["catches", 3951], ["catched", 3951], ["lucky", 3963], ["punishment", 3988], ["mutually", 4005], ["wicked", 4047], ["gleam", 4053], ["gleams", 4053], ["gleamed", 4053], ["gleamest", 4053], ["eye", 4064], ["eyed", 4064], ["set", 4078], ["grip", 4099], ["blouse", 4110], ["cotton", 4123], ["shirt", 4129], ["go", 4134], ["goest", 4134], ["went", 4134], ["fly", 4141], ["flys", 4141], ["flying", 4141], ["clasp", 4186], ["clasped", 4186], ["bra", 4197], ["bras", 4197], ["unhook", 4204], ["unhooks", 4204], ["unhooked", 4204], ["invite", 4213], ["invites", 4213], ["inviting", 4213], ["cool", 4222], ["evening", 4230], ["touch", 4243], ["touching", 4243], ["look", 4276], ["looked", 4276], ["panic", 4292], ["walk", 4327], ["middle", 4383], ["middles", 4383], ["middling", 4383], ["brush", 4396], ["brushest", 4396], ["sat", 4416], ["sit", 4416], ["sitting", 4416], ["large", 4427], ["fall", 4434], ["falls", 4434], ["fallen", 4434], ["tree", 4439], ["treed", 4439], ["treeing", 4439]]
the man wastoo proud to accept her helpand so wouldgo hungry . she would have thought him a complete idiot , except that surelythis was no worse than her nonsense with the dress . she supposed pride made foolsof everyone . for the most part , they rode in silencethroughoutthe day . it was a reliefwhen they rode into a clearingin earlyevening and paen announced that they would stop there forthe night . avelyn dismounted quickly and eagerly - too quickly and eagerly . her feet hit the ground and ' nearlycollapsed beneathher . shewasforcedto clutch at her husband 's legandthe saddletostay upright . `` are youall right , avelyn ? `` wimarc gerville was at herside at once , takingher arm to help her remain upright . avelyn managed a smile and nodded , tooembarrassedto peer upat herhusband as she released his leg . sheallowed hernewfather-in-law to lead herto a fallentree at the edge of the clearing and settledthere to begin stretching her legs as he returned tohelphis wife dismount . much to avelyn 's relief , lady gerville wasnot completely unaffected by the length oftimein the saddle either and leanedon her husband 's arm as he led her to join avelyn . `` you ladies rest a bit while we seetocamp , '' lord gerville instructed . avelyn and lady gerville watched him walk back to join the men now dismounting and seeing to the horses . both women sighed as one , then shared wry smiles . `` are youas soreand weary as i am ? '' lady gerville asked with self-deprecating amusement . avelyn nodded , adding , '' thank goodness it isnot just me . not that iam happy you aresore too , '' she added quickly . `` iunderstand , mydear , '' lady gerville assured her gently . avelyn relaxed . `` i am justsorry thatall of this has conspiredto force you to leave straughton earlier than planned . ihad hoped youwould have the chance toget to know us all better ere having to leave yourfamily. `` avelyn glanced away and swallowed the lump in her throat , then forced a shrug . `` we can get to know each other on thejourneyandonce at gerville. `` `` aye , and ihope that we willbecome close . my one great sorrowwas thatihad nogirlswithmyboys . while i love my sons , i envy your mother having one ofeach , andam pleasedtowelcome youas my daughter. `` avelyn smiled andreached out to squeezethe woman'shand , thenturned her attention forwardas theother women joined them . lady helenand diamandahad alsoridden on horseback , and avelyn was n't surprised to seethat they were just as stiff as sheand lady gerville . she was , however , surprised to notethat the maids followingthem were also moving stiffly . itseemedthat riding in thecarthad not beenmuch better than ridinghorseback . `` lord gerville is having the men setupthe tents first so that we mightready them whilethemen finish withtheotherchoresto make camp , '' diamanda announced as she dropped onto the log on theother side of lady gerville . paen 's mother murmuredsomething ofan acknowledgment ofthisinformation as helen settlednexttothe girl ; thentheyall fellsilent astheywatchedthemen produce tents and beginto unroll the heavy cloth to set them up . therewere two tents , one largerthan the other . avelynknew thata travelingtent was an unusual luxury , and supposed thatthefact that theywere traveling with twoof themwas a sign thather husbandandhis familywerevery wealthy . that was nice to know , butavelyn had a more immediate concern . she had a serious and somewhaturgent need torelieve herself , butwas rather embarrassedtobring the matter up . bodilyfunctions were not somethinggirls were encouragedto discuss , and she 'd been trying to ignore the necessity , but it was getting to thepoint whereshe could no longerignore it . avelyn felt sure shewas about to burstwhena pair of legs were suddenlyin front of her face . raising her head , shepeered up at her husband with acombination of relief and question . `` the tent isup , '' he announced and held out a handtohelphertoherfeet . avelyn hesitated , then ignored hisbandaged hand and got stiffly to her feet onher own , sighing whenher unwillingness tocause him further injury to his bandaged handsbrought a scowl to his face . he wasdoing his best to pretend he was n't injured , andapparently did n't appreciate her not playing along .
[["man", 7], ["mans", 7], ["manned", 7], ["proud", 20], ["accept", 30], ["hungry", 60], ["think", 85], ["thinkest", 85], ["thought", 85], ["complete", 100], ["idiot", 106], ["except", 115], ["bad", 144], ["worse", 144], ["nonsense", 162], ["dress", 177], ["dressest", 177], ["suppose", 192], ["supposed", 192], ["pride", 198], ["everyone", 220], ["part", 240], ["parting", 240], ["ride", 252], ["rode", 252], ["day", 280], ["announce", 362], ["announced", 362], ["stop", 383], ["night", 402], ["dismount", 422], ["dismounted", 422], ["quickly", 430], ["eagerly", 442], ["foot", 479], ["feet", 479], ["hit", 483], ["ground", 494], ["clutch", 551], ["husband", 566], ["husbanding", 566], ["upright", 600], ["right", 622], ["rightest", 622], ["arm", 691], ["help", 699], ["helpest", 699], ["remain", 710], ["manage", 735], ["managed", 735], ["smile", 743], ["nod", 754], ["nodded", 754], ["peer", 778], ["release", 810], ["released", 810], ["leg", 818], ["law", 851], ["lead", 859], ["leaded", 859], 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1971], ["forced", 1971], ["shrug", 1979], ["shrugging", 1979], ["get", 1995], ["aye", 2058], ["ayes", 2058], ["close", 2095], ["great", 2110], ["love", 2162], ["son", 2170], ["sons", 2170], ["envy", 2179], ["mother", 2191], ["mothered", 2191], ["motherest", 2191], ["daughter", 2252], ["smile", 2270], ["smiled", 2270], ["attention", 2338], ["join", 2370], ["joinest", 2370], ["joined", 2370], ["horseback", 2427], ["stiff", 2493], ["however", 2537], ["maid", 2571], ["maids", 2571], ["also", 2595], ["move", 2602], ["moving", 2602], ["stiffly", 2610], ["ride", 2632], ["rode", 2632], ["riding", 2632], ["tent", 2739], ["tented", 2739], ["tenting", 2739], ["tents", 2739], ["first", 2745], ["firstest", 2745], ["finish", 2791], ["camp", 2822], ["camped", 2822], ["drop", 2861], ["dropped", 2861], ["onto", 2866], ["ontos", 2866], ["log", 2874], ["logs", 2874], ["side", 2891], ["sidest", 2891], ["acknowledgment", 2963], ["helen", 2990], ["girl", 3012], ["produce", 3065], ["unroll", 3090], ["unrolled", 3090], ["unrolling", 3090], ["heavy", 3100], ["heavies", 3100], ["heavier", 3100], ["cloth", 3106], ["set", 3113], ["two", 3137], ["twos", 3137], ["unusual", 3218], ["luxury", 3225], ["travel", 3276], ["traveling", 3276], ["sign", 3302], ["wealthy", 3347], ["nice", 3363], ["immediate", 3404], ["concern", 3412], ["concerned", 3412], ["concernest", 3412], ["serious", 3432], ["need", 3456], ["needest", 3456], ["rather", 3490], ["matter", 3520], ["mattering", 3520], ["discuss", 3591], ["discusses", 3591], ["discussest", 3591], ["try", 3616], ["tryed", 3616], ["trying", 3616], ["ignore", 3626], ["necessity", 3640], ["get", 3661], ["getting", 3661], ["feel", 3721], ["felt", 3721], ["sure", 3726], ["pair", 3758], ["pairs", 3758], ["front", 3788], ["face", 3800], ["raise", 3810], ["raising", 3810], ["head", 3819], ["question", 3890], ["tent", 3904], ["tented", 3904], ["tenting", 3904], ["hold", 3936], ["held", 3936], ["hesitate", 3984], ["hesitated", 3984], ["ignore", 3999], ["ignored", 3999], ["hand", 4016], ["get", 4024], ["got", 4024], ["sigh", 4064], ["sighest", 4064], ["sighing", 4064], ["unwillingness", 4086], ["injury", 4113], ["scowl", 4150], ["scowls", 4150], ["scowlest", 4150], ["scowling", 4150], ["good", 4185], ["best", 4185], ["pretend", 4196], ["pretendest", 4196], ["injure", 4215], ["injures", 4215], ["injured", 4215], ["appreciate", 4250], ["appreciates", 4250], ["play", 4266], ["playest", 4266], ["playing", 4266], ["along", 4272]]
she held out her arms and eveline went willingly , hugging her mother as fiercely as her mother hugged her . it had been so long since she 'd had such contact with her mother and she savored the warmth and love of something as wondrous as a mother 's hug . even though she was no longer a child , she was not so old that she had no need of her mother 's comfort . there was not a better feeling in the world . her mother drew away , framing eveline 's face . tears slid down her mother 's face , but then she smiled , her eyes shining with love and forgiveness. `` 't is true then , you can read all that i say from merely watching my lips ? '' `` clever lass , '' her mother said , patting her cheek . her father also rose and stood a short distance away , his eyes haunted . no longer able to bear the sadness on his face , eveline pushed away from graeme . sensing her intention , graeme helped her to her feet . eveline walked to where her father stood and wrapped her arms around his waist , rested her cheek on his burly chest , and squeezed with all her strength . his arms immediately came around her , holding her as tightly as she held him . his body shook against her and he kissed the top of her head . when he pulled away , there were visible tear tracks on his cheeks and grief was heavy in his gaze . `` i 'm sorry , my baby , '' he said . `` nay , 't is all forgiven . and 't was i who should have begged your forgiveness . all is well now . `` aye , what 's important is if you 're happy and well cared for . '' she smiled and then glanced back to where graeme was now standing by the bed . his gaze never left her and she was struck by the depth of emotion in his eyes . without looking back at her father , she said , `` oh aye , i am well cared for , papa . '' brodie and aiden came to hug her . brodie was fierce in his embrace , and he touched a gentle finger to the bruise so close to her mouth . `` i love you , little sister . never forget your home here and the people who love you . '' `` nay , i 'll not forget ever . '' she returned to graeme and he once more sat on the bed , pulling her into his lap . she felt safe and sheltered there , his warmth and strength aiding her own . `` there is more we must know , eveline , '' graeme said . `` ian mchugh took you , but when we rode to mchugh keep , patrick mchugh claimed he had no knowledge of his son 's actions . we left the holding quickly because we feared that you were sorely injured . can you tell us all that occurred , if 't is not too painful for you to relate ? '' eveline stared at her husband in shock . `` not know of it ? graeme , he was there , in the dungeon when ian struck me . i saw him and he backed into the shadows as if he did n't want me to see , but he was there . he knew of it all . '' graeme went rigid and he stared at the others in the room , his features locked in fury . she touched his cheek so he 'd look at her once more . `` he acted afraid of his son . ian was so much smaller than i remembered him to be . much smaller than even his father . when i was younger , he seemed so huge , like a monster of myth . when i saw him again , i could scarcely believe that this was a man who 'd fueled my nightmares for so long . '' `` he dies , '' graeme said , his expression ice cold . eveline glanced worriedly at the others who wore similar expressions of fury . her father 's cheeks were red with rage . bowen stepped forward . `` i know you are angry , graeme . but eveline needs you right now . you should not leave her side even to avenge her . you exacted punishment on the one who was most responsible for her torment . let me take our men and ride to mchugh keep to take care of the matter . '' graeme started to shake his head , but eveline 's father held up his hand . `` your brother is right , graeme . 't is not a matter for you to take up . your place is with your wife . i will lend troops . 't is likely they 'll give up without a fight . they know they can not win . '' `` i 'll go with him , '' aiden said , a scowl on his face . `` and i , '' teague said . eveline 's head swam from moving from face to face in order to see all that was said . tavis smiled as brodie also took up the cause . then he glanced at graeme . `` what say you , graeme ?
[["hold", 8], ["held", 8], ["arm", 21], ["arms", 21], ["eveline", 33], ["go", 38], ["goest", 38], ["went", 38], ["willingly", 48], ["hug", 58], ["hugging", 58], ["mother", 69], ["mothered", 69], ["motherest", 69], ["fiercely", 81], ["hug", 102], ["hugged", 102], ["long", 128], ["longs", 128], ["since", 134], ["contact", 158], ["savor", 190], ["savoring", 190], ["savored", 190], ["warmth", 201], ["love", 210], ["wondrous", 235], ["hug", 254], ["even", 261], ["evens", 261], ["though", 268], ["long", 286], ["longs", 286], ["child", 294], ["childs", 294], ["old", 315], ["need", 336], ["needest", 336], ["comfort", 361], ["well", 386], ["wells", 386], ["feeling", 394], ["world", 407], ["draw", 425], ["draws", 425], ["drawn", 425], ["drew", 425], ["away", 430], ["frame", 440], ["framing", 440], ["face", 456], ["tear", 464], ["teared", 464], ["tears", 464], ["slid", 469], ["smile", 515], ["smiled", 515], ["eye", 526], ["eyed", 526], ["eyes", 526], ["shine", 534], ["shone", 534], ["shined", 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968], ["wrapping", 968], ["wrapped", 968], ["around", 984], ["waist", 994], ["rest", 1003], ["rested", 1003], ["burly", 1026], ["chest", 1032], ["squeeze", 1047], ["squeezes", 1047], ["squeezed", 1047], ["strength", 1069], ["immediately", 1092], ["come", 1097], ["came", 1097], ["hold", 1118], ["holdings", 1118], ["holding", 1118], ["tightly", 1133], ["body", 1160], ["bodied", 1160], ["shake", 1166], ["shook", 1166], ["kiss", 1192], ["kisses", 1192], ["kissest", 1192], ["kissed", 1192], ["top", 1200], ["head", 1212], ["pull", 1229], ["pulled", 1229], ["visible", 1255], ["tear", 1260], ["teared", 1260], ["track", 1267], ["tracks", 1267], ["cheek", 1281], ["cheeks", 1281], ["grief", 1291], ["heavy", 1301], ["heavies", 1301], ["heavier", 1301], ["gaze", 1313], ["gazes", 1313], ["sorry", 1329], ["baby", 1339], ["nay", 1361], ["forgive", 1382], ["forgived", 1382], ["forgiving", 1382], ["forgiven", 1382], ["beg", 1420], ["well", 1451], ["wells", 1451], ["aye", 1464], ["ayes", 1464], ["important", 1484], ["happy", 1504], ["care", 1519], ["cared", 1519], ["glance", 1556], ["glanced", 1556], ["back", 1561], ["stood", 1594], ["stand", 1594], ["standest", 1594], ["standing", 1594], ["bed", 1605], ["never", 1622], ["left", 1627], ["leave", 1627], ["strike", 1650], ["struck", 1650], ["depth", 1663], ["emotion", 1674], ["without", 1696], ["look", 1704], ["looking", 1704], ["oh", 1742], ["papa", 1775], ["brodie", 1787], ["aiden", 1797], ["fierce", 1833], ["embrace", 1848], ["touch", 1865], ["touching", 1865], ["touched", 1865], ["gentle", 1874], ["gentler", 1874], ["finger", 1881], ["bruise", 1895], ["close", 1904], ["mouth", 1917], ["mouthed", 1917], ["little", 1942], ["sister", 1949], ["forget", 1964], ["forgot", 1964], ["home", 1974], ["homing", 1974], ["people", 1994], ["ever", 2043], ["everest", 2043], ["return", 2061], ["returnest", 2061], ["returned", 2061], ["sat", 2092], ["sit", 2092], ["pull", 2113], ["pulling", 2113], ["lap", 2130], ["laps", 2130], ["lapping", 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["see", 2749], ["know", 2778], ["knowest", 2778], ["knew", 2778], ["rigid", 2811], ["room", 2851], ["roomed", 2851], ["feature", 2866], ["features", 2866], ["lock", 2873], ["locked", 2873], ["fury", 2881], ["look", 2919], ["act", 2950], ["acted", 2950], ["afraid", 2957], ["much", 2986], ["small", 2994], ["remember", 3012], ["rememberest", 3012], ["remembered", 3012], ["young", 3079], ["youngest", 3079], ["seem", 3091], ["seeming", 3091], ["seemed", 3091], ["like", 3106], ["monster", 3116], ["myth", 3124], ["scarcely", 3166], ["believe", 3174], ["man", 3194], ["mans", 3194], ["manned", 3194], ["fuel", 3208], ["fueled", 3208], ["nightmare", 3222], ["nightmares", 3222], ["die", 3250], ["dies", 3250], ["expression", 3284], ["ice", 3288], ["iced", 3288], ["cold", 3293], ["worriedly", 3321], ["wear", 3344], ["wore", 3344], ["similar", 3352], ["expression", 3364], ["expressions", 3364], ["red", 3404], ["rage", 3414], ["step", 3430], ["stepped", 3430], ["forward", 3438], ["forwardest", 3438], ["forwarding", 3438], ["angry", 3464], ["need", 3493], ["needest", 3493], ["needs", 3493], ["right", 3503], ["rightest", 3503], ["left", 3530], ["leave", 3530], ["side", 3539], ["sidest", 3539], ["avenge", 3554], ["avenges", 3554], ["exact", 3572], ["exacted", 3572], ["punishment", 3583], ["responsible", 3619], ["torment", 3635], ["let", 3641], ["lets", 3641], ["take", 3649], ["man", 3657], ["mans", 3657], ["manned", 3657], ["men", 3657], ["ride", 3666], ["rode", 3666], ["care", 3694], ["matter", 3708], ["mattering", 3708], ["start", 3728], ["started", 3728], ["shake", 3737], ["hand", 3787], ["brother", 3805], ["brethren", 3805], ["place", 3876], ["wife", 3894], ["lend", 3908], ["troop", 3915], ["troops", 3915], ["give", 3944], ["fight", 3963], ["fightest", 3963], ["win", 3992], ["go", 4009], ["goest", 4009], ["scowl", 4044], ["scowls", 4044], ["scowlest", 4044], ["scowling", 4044], ["teague", 4079], ["swam", 4107], ["move", 4119], ["moving", 4119], ["order", 4146], ["orderest", 4146], ["cause", 4219]]
he shrugged , irritably waving off a sudden cloud of voracious midges . to go through those records in coherent fashion would take several years . unable to shake the attentions of the midges , he ducked into the dark , brewery atmosphere of the pub , leaving them to mill outside in a frenzied cloud of inquiry . sipping the cool , bitter ale , he mentally reviewed the steps taken so far , and the options open to him . he had time to go to fort william today , though it would mean getting back to inverness late . and if the fort william museum turned up nothing , then a good rummage through the reverend 's archives was the logical , if ironic , next step . he drained the last drops of bitter , and signaled the landlord for another glass . well , if it came down to it , a tramp round every kirkyard and burying ground in the general vicinity of broch tuarach was likely the best he could do in the short term . he doubted that the randalls would stay in inverness for the next two or three years , patiently awaiting results . he felt in his pocket for the notebook that is the historian 's constant companion . before he left broch mhorda , he should at least have a look at what was left of the old kirkyard . you never knew what might turn up , and it would at least save him coming back . the next afternoon , the randalls came to take tea at roger 's invitation , and to hear his progress report . `` i 've found several of the names on your list , '' he told claire , leading the way into the study . `` it 's very odd ; i have n't yet found any who died for sure at culloden . i thought i had three , but they turned out to be different men with the same names . '' he glanced at dr. randall ; she was standing quite still , one hand clasping the back of a wing chair , as though she 'd forgotten where she was . `` er , wo n't you sit down ? '' roger invited , and with a small , startled jerk , she nodded and sat abruptly on the edge of the seat . roger eyed her curiously , but went on , pulling out his folder of research notes and handing it to her . `` as i say , it 's odd . i have n't tracked down all the names ; i think i 'll need to go nose about among the parish registers and graveyards near broch tuarach . i found most of these records among my father 's papers . but you 'd think i 'd have turned up one or two battle-deaths at least , given that they were all at culloden . especially if , as you say , they were with one of the fraser regiments ; those were nearly all in the center of the battle , where the fighting was thickest . '' there was something in her voice that made him look at her , puzzled , but her face was invisible as she bent over the desk . most of the records were copies , made in roger 's own hand , as the exotic technology of photocopying had not yet penetrated to the government archive that guarded the stuart papers , but there were a few original sheets , unearthed from the late reverend wakefield 's hoard of eighteenth-century documents . she turned over the records with a gentle finger , careful not to touch the fragile paper more than necessary . `` you 're right ; that is odd . '' now he recognized the emotion in her voice-it was excitement , but mingled with satisfaction and relief . she had been in some way expecting this-or hoping for it . `` tell me ... '' she hesitated . `` the names you 've found . what happened to them , if they did n't die at culloden ? '' he was faintly surprised that it should seem to matter so much to her , but obligingly pulled out the folder that held his research notes and opened it . `` two of them were on a ship 's roll ; they emigrated to america soon after culloden . four died of natural causes about a year later-not surprising , there was a terrible famine after culloden , and a lot of people died in the highlands . and this one i found in a parish register-but not the parish he came from . i 'm fairly sure it 's one of your men , though . '' it was only as the tension went out of her shoulders that he noticed it had been there . `` do you want me to look for the rest , still ? '' he asked , hoping that the answer would be `` yes . '' he was watching brianna over her mother 's shoulder . she was standing by the cork wall , half-turned as though uninterested in her mother 's project , but he could see a small vertical crease between her brows . perhaps she sensed the same thing he did , the odd air of suppressed excitement that surrounded claire like an electric field .
[["shrug", 11], ["shrugging", 11], ["shrugged", 11], ["irritably", 23], ["wave", 30], ["waved", 30], ["waving", 30], ["sudden", 43], ["cloud", 49], ["clouded", 49], ["voracious", 62], ["midge", 69], ["midges", 69], ["go", 77], ["goest", 77], ["record", 99], ["records", 99], ["coherent", 111], ["fashion", 119], ["fashioned", 119], ["take", 130], ["several", 138], ["year", 144], ["years", 144], ["unable", 153], ["unabled", 153], ["shake", 162], ["attention", 177], ["attentions", 177], ["duck", 203], ["ducked", 203], ["dark", 217], ["brewery", 227], ["atmosphere", 238], ["pub", 249], ["pubbing", 249], ["left", 259], ["leave", 259], ["leaving", 259], ["mill", 272], ["milling", 272], ["outside", 280], ["inquiry", 311], ["sip", 321], ["sipping", 321], ["cool", 330], ["bitter", 339], ["bitterest", 339], ["ale", 343], ["mentally", 357], ["review", 366], ["reviewed", 366], ["step", 376], ["steps", 376], ["take", 382], ["taken", 382], ["far", 389], ["option", 407], ["options", 407], ["open", 412], ["time", 433], ["fort", 447], ["william", 455], ["williams", 455], ["today", 461], ["though", 470], ["mean", 484], ["meanest", 484], ["get", 492], ["getting", 492], ["back", 497], ["inverness", 510], ["late", 515], ["lates", 515], ["museum", 548], ["turn", 555], ["turned", 555], ["nothing", 566], ["good", 580], ["rummage", 588], ["reverend", 609], ["archive", 621], ["archives", 621], ["logical", 637], ["ironic", 649], ["next", 656], ["step", 661], ["drain", 674], ["drained", 674], ["last", 683], ["drop", 689], ["drops", 689], ["signal", 714], ["signaled", 714], ["landlord", 727], ["another", 739], ["glass", 745], ["well", 752], ["wells", 752], ["come", 765], ["came", 765], ["tramp", 786], ["round", 792], ["every", 798], ["kirkyard", 807], ["ground", 826], ["general", 841], ["vicinity", 850], ["broch", 859], ["brochs", 859], ["good", 887], ["best", 887], ["short", 912], ["term", 917], ["terming", 917], ["doubt", 930], ["doubted", 930], ["randall", 948], ["stay", 959], ["two", 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4203], ["mothered", 4203], ["motherest", 4203], ["shoulder", 4215], ["shouldered", 4215], ["cork", 4246], ["wall", 4251], ["half", 4258], ["uninterested", 4288], ["project", 4313], ["projectest", 4313], ["see", 4332], ["vertical", 4349], ["crease", 4356], ["brow", 4374], ["brows", 4374], ["perhaps", 4384], ["sense", 4395], ["sensed", 4395], ["thing", 4410], ["air", 4431], ["airs", 4431], ["airing", 4431], ["suppress", 4445], ["suppresses", 4445], ["suppressed", 4445], ["surround", 4472], ["surrounded", 4472], ["like", 4484], ["electric", 4496], ["field", 4502], ["fielding", 4502]]
she 'd barely recovered from her surprise when he spanked her again , this time hitting the other cheek with an equal amount of force . morgan bit her lip as the initial sting assailed her . then , as before , the nip of pain gave way to the unexpected heat that spread across her ass . `` there are surprises . that 's intended . i will do things you do n't always understand or think you want . or agree with . what 's important is that you trust that i know your body and your limits , and that you comply . because you have trust in me , in my ability to get past your mental barriers to give you the pleasure your body craves . '' he smacked her again , a healthy slap for each cheek . the rumble of jack 's laughter sounded behind her . `` you 're just digging yourself a deeper hole , cher . '' he smoothed a calloused palm over the tingling flesh of her ass . the heat of his skin seeped in , mixing with the burn on her bottom , to create a fire that nearly had her moaning . `` you ca n't experience what you want until you learn to give yourself over to me . completely , '' he whispered in her ear . mentally , she railed against his words , even as she realized her vag**a was completely wet . he was spanking her like a wayward child . but the pain ... it was becoming pleasure , thick and throbbing and impossible to ignore . morgan shifted , trying to avoid his hand . two more smacks , one for each cheek , both with more vigor than the others . she managed a snarl of outrage , but that did n't stop the spread of fire from bursting across her skin . throbbing heat . bone-deep want . her flesh began to ache . morgan felt blood dancing just under her skin , engorging her clit . fighting was useless . that voice , like a sexual drill instructor . every word was wrapped in steel , but beneath that , she heard the taunting promise of what could be , the velvet promise of ecstasy . fresh heat crawled across her flesh , swelled her clit , strangled her protests . only then did morgan realize she was actually lifting her ass to his hand , anticipating the next blow . she became hyperaware of her empty sex and clawed at the sheet , aching for him to fill it . the thrill of sensation took over then . shivers chased one another down her spine . her entire body felt hot , agitated . she 'd been inflamed by the feel and scent of jack when she 'd taken him in her mouth , but this position , his gently punishing touch made her aware of the fact that she was a woman and under his control . aware that she was in a position that bared the most secret parts of her body to him , and tied down as she was , he could touch her-or not-at any time he chose . a scary , heady realization-one that gave her more pleasure than pushing him to lose control with her had . he glided the flat of his palm down her back . morgan curled her spine like a cat , seeking the tingling heat in his touch . immediately , he removed his hand . `` you stay still unless i say otherwise . '' his tone made it clear he expected a reply . morgan could feel her body temperature rising , her thoughts beginning to slide in a thick morass to a lustchoked swirl . right and wrong were slowly being replaced with pleasure and pain , with the need to achieve orgasm . and oddly , with pleasing jack . morgan glanced over her shoulder and watched him leave , his taut , bare ass inciting a fresh spark of need , even as his disappearance incited fear . he could n't just leave her here like this ! how long did he expect her to remain in this position , waiting ? morgan turned her head and started watching the clock on the bedside table . it ticked away in the silence . the only other sound she heard was her own heartbeat . five minutes slid by . then another five . her legs began to turn numb . she noticed the slight chill in the room his absence allowed . but something told her not to move . something told her this was a test . she did n't intend to fail . after another eight minutes , he returned with a smallish black box in hand and an erection that left her with no doubt of his ability to perform again . without a word , he set the box on the bedside table , then glanced at her . `` you 're still in position . he trailed a light finger from the small of her back down ... down between the cheeks of her ass . she stiffened , gasped , tried to tighten against him . he hesitated , but when she made no further protest , he continued his quest down to her sex . then he was there , his fingertips gliding over the slick flesh pouting into his hand . back and forth , all around the outer folds , spreading her moisture in a careless , unhurried pattern . just toying ! but she was too aroused for anger .
[["barely", 13], ["recover", 23], ["recovered", 23], ["surprise", 41], ["surprised", 41], ["spank", 57], ["spanks", 57], ["spankest", 57], ["spanking", 57], ["spanked", 57], ["time", 79], ["hit", 87], ["hitting", 87], ["cheek", 103], ["cheeks", 103], ["equal", 117], ["amount", 124], ["force", 133], ["morgan", 142], ["morgans", 142], ["bite", 146], ["lip", 154], ["lipped", 154], ["initial", 169], ["ste", 175], ["stes", 175], ["sting", 175], ["assail", 184], ["assailed", 184], ["nip", 217], ["pain", 225], ["give", 230], ["gave", 230], ["way", 234], ["ways", 234], ["unexpected", 252], ["heat", 257], ["heats", 257], ["heated", 257], ["spread", 269], ["across", 276], ["ass", 284], ["surprise", 309], ["surprised", 309], ["surprises", 309], ["intend", 328], ["intendest", 328], ["intended", 328], ["thing", 347], ["things", 347], ["always", 365], ["understand", 376], ["understanded", 376], ["think", 385], ["thinkest", 385], ["agree", 405], ["important", 430], ["trust", 448], ["know", 460], 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maryellen was n't sure how it happened , but despite her original reluctance , she soon found herself involved . `` how are we going to get the guys to come ? '' jane , the most practical of the group , asked . `` i do n't think floyd would be interested in dating me again . '' `` larry could be married for all i know . '' `` ask , '' maryellen said . `` and you need to be up-front with them . explain to the guy that you 're bringing him to the party as your guest , but he 'll be meeting other women once he gets there . '' `` i 'll let larry know that someone 's dying to meet him , '' terri said . rachel sounded absolutely delighted . when maryellen left get nailed , her head was spinning . she really had n't meant to become part of this scheme , although she 'd started the conversation . she did n't know how the others planned to handle this , but she certainly was n't going to wait for the last minute to mention the party to jon . when terri had talked about wanting to meet a man who enjoyed food , he 'd come instantly to mind . in retrospect , maryellen regretted mentioning his name . she did n't know what had prompted her . it was probably because he 'd been in her thoughts ever since their last meeting . this latest group of photographs was some of his best work to date , and she 'd been almost sorry they 'd sold so quickly . considering that she 'd suggested the direct approach to the others , she felt obliged to follow her own advice . she waited a week , and then dialed the phone number listed in her rolodex . jon answered on the second ring . `` jon , hello , this is maryellen sherman . '' she hesitated , waiting for some kind of acknowledgment . `` the manager of harborstreetartgallery , '' she added . she 'd swear he sounded amused , which only served to fluster her more . `` i 've been invited to a halloween party , '' she said , rushing to explain the reason for her call . `` everyone 's supposed to come with a date-well , not a date exactly . we 've been asked to bring someone , a man , to introduce to someone else . i have this friend who 's really lovely and she likes to eat . '' she grimaced , thinking that sounded kind of dumb , but plunged on anyway . `` she enjoys her food and well , her biggest wish is to meet a man who likes to cook and naturally , i thought of you . '' she realized she was rambling and stopped abruptly . `` would you be interested in attending the party ? '' `` you 'd be under no obligation . '' `` basically , you 'd be doing me a favor . '' `` by meeting this friend of yours . '' `` the one who enjoys a good meal . '' her name 's terri , and she 's a lot of fun . `` you 'd be there ? '' maryellen sighed . i 'd introduce you to terri . so-what do you think ? '' `` can i let you know later ? '' he asked after another long pause . she figured she should feel encouraged that he had n't rejected her outright . `` then i 'll be in touch . '' `` listen , before you go , did you get a chance to look over my pictures ? '' `` oh , yes , and they 're fabulous ! i 've sold every one of them already . i was hoping you 'd be bringing me more . '' this was by far the longest and most involved conversation of their three-year working relationship . `` you have n't come into andre 's , '' jon said . `` i was looking forward to cooking for you . '' `` i appreciated the invitation , really i did , but i 'm worried about giving you the wrong impression . like i explained , i 'm divorced and i 'm not going to remarry and this party is just a friends thing ... . if you came , that would be fabulous but only because i want you to meet terri . oh , did i mention we 're holding it at the captain 's galley , in the bar ? '' she managed to get all that out in a single breath . `` halloween night , '' she added . maryellen thought that was fair enough . after two glorious days and nights with her husband , justine no longer had any doubts about her marriage . she was more in love than she 'd dreamed possible . flying up to alaska on the spur of the moment like that , without making any arrangements , had been preposterous , and yet she 'd found seth . justine considered it a sign . seth was truly meant to be her husband . in a few weeks he 'd be home , and they could discuss the future and make the necessary plans for their lives together . there had been so many pressing questions she 'd wanted to ask him .
[["sure", 22], ["happen", 38], ["happened", 38], ["despite", 52], ["original", 65], ["reluctance", 76], ["soon", 87], ["find", 93], ["found", 93], ["go", 132], ["goest", 132], ["going", 132], ["get", 139], ["guy", 148], ["guys", 148], ["come", 156], ["jane", 166], ["janes", 166], ["practical", 187], ["group", 200], ["ask", 208], ["asked", 208], ["think", 228], ["thinkest", 228], ["floyd", 234], ["interested", 254], ["date", 264], ["dating", 264], ["larry", 287], ["marry", 304], ["married", 304], ["know", 319], ["knowest", 319], ["ask", 331], ["say", 351], ["sayest", 351], ["said", 351], ["need", 369], ["needest", 369], ["front", 384], ["explain", 404], ["guy", 415], ["bring", 437], ["bringing", 437], ["party", 454], ["guest", 468], ["guestest", 468], ["meet", 492], ["meeted", 492], ["meeting", 492], ["woman", 504], ["womans", 504], ["women", 504], ["get", 517], ["gets", 517], ["let", 541], ["lets", 541], ["die", 574], ["dying", 574], ["meet", 582], ["meeted", 582], ["terri", 597], ["rachel", 611], ["sound", 619], ["sounded", 619], ["absolutely", 630], ["delighted", 640], ["left", 662], ["leave", 662], ["nail", 673], ["nailed", 673], ["head", 684], ["spun", 697], ["spin", 697], ["spinning", 697], ["really", 710], ["mean", 724], ["meanest", 724], ["meant", 724], ["become", 734], ["part", 739], ["parting", 739], ["scheme", 754], ["scheming", 754], ["although", 765], ["start", 780], ["started", 780], ["conversation", 797], ["plan", 839], ["planned", 839], ["handle", 849], ["certainly", 874], ["wait", 896], ["waitest", 896], ["last", 909], ["minute", 916], ["mention", 927], ["jon", 944], ["talk", 968], ["talked", 968], ["man", 996], ["mans", 996], ["manned", 996], ["enjoy", 1008], ["enjoyed", 1008], ["food", 1013], ["foods", 1013], ["instantly", 1036], ["mind", 1044], ["minding", 1044], ["retrospect", 1060], ["regret", 1082], ["regretted", 1082], ["mention", 1093], ["mentioning", 1093], ["name", 1102], ["prompt", 1139], ["prompting", 1139], ["prompted", 1139], ["probably", 1161], ["thought", 1196], ["thoughts", 1196], ["ever", 1201], ["everest", 1201], ["since", 1207], ["late", 1240], ["lates", 1240], ["latest", 1240], ["photograph", 1261], ["photographs", 1261], ["good", 1282], ["best", 1282], ["work", 1287], ["wrought", 1287], ["date", 1295], ["almost", 1320], ["sorry", 1326], ["sell", 1339], ["sells", 1339], ["sold", 1339], ["quickly", 1350], ["consider", 1364], ["considering", 1364], ["suggest", 1386], ["suggested", 1386], ["direct", 1397], ["approach", 1406], ["approaches", 1406], ["feel", 1431], ["felt", 1431], ["oblige", 1439], ["obliged", 1439], ["follow", 1449], ["advice", 1464], ["wait", 1477], ["waitest", 1477], ["waited", 1477], ["week", 1484], ["dial", 1502], ["dialed", 1502], ["phone", 1512], ["number", 1519], ["numbering", 1519], ["list", 1526], ["listed", 1526], ["rolodex", 1541], ["rolodexes", 1541], ["answer", 1556], ["answeres", 1556], ["answerest", 1556], ["answered", 1556], ["second", 1570], ["seconded", 1570], ["rung", 1575], ["rang", 1575], ["ring", 1575], ["hello", 1592], ["hellos", 1592], ["sherman", 1620], ["hesitate", 1639], ["hesitated", 1639], ["wait", 1649], ["waitest", 1649], ["waiting", 1649], ["kind", 1663], ["acknowledgment", 1681], ["manager", 1698], ["add", 1739], ["added", 1739], ["swear", 1754], ["sweared", 1754], ["amuse", 1772], ["amused", 1772], ["serve", 1792], ["served", 1792], ["fluster", 1803], ["invite", 1836], ["invites", 1836], ["invited", 1836], ["halloween", 1851], ["rush", 1881], ["rushing", 1881], ["reason", 1903], ["reasonest", 1903], ["call", 1916], ["everyone", 1930], ["suppose", 1942], ["supposed", 1942], ["well", 1967], ["wells", 1967], ["exactly", 1988], ["bring", 2017], ["introduce", 2048], ["else", 2064], ["friend", 2085], ["lovely", 2106], ["lovelier", 2106], ["like", 2120], ["likes", 2120], ["eat", 2127], ["grimace", 2145], ["grimacing", 2145], ["grimaced", 2145], ["think", 2156], ["thinkest", 2156], ["thinking", 2156], ["dumb", 2182], ["plunge", 2196], ["plunged", 2196], ["anyway", 2206], ["enjoy", 2222], ["enjoyed", 2222], ["enjoys", 2222], ["big", 2254], ["bigs", 2254], ["biggest", 2254], ["wish", 2259], ["cook", 2294], ["naturally", 2308], ["think", 2320], ["thinkest", 2320], ["thought", 2320], ["realize", 2345], ["realized", 2345], ["ramble", 2362], ["rambling", 2362], ["stop", 2374], ["stopped", 2374], ["abruptly", 2383], ["attend", 2425], ["attending", 2425], ["obligation", 2473], ["basically", 2491], ["favor", 2520], ["favorest", 2520], ["good", 2594], ["meal", 2599], ["lot", 2641], ["fun", 2648], ["sigh", 2691], ["sighest", 2691], ["sighed", 2691], ["later", 2777], ["another", 2805], ["long", 2810], ["longs", 2810], ["pause", 2816], ["figure", 2830], ["figured", 2830], ["feel", 2846], ["reject", 2882], ["rejected", 2882], ["outright", 2895], ["touch", 2923], ["touching", 2923], ["listen", 2938], ["listens", 2938], ["go", 2954], ["goest", 2954], ["chance", 2977], ["chanced", 2977], ["chancing", 2977], ["look", 2985], ["picture", 3002], ["pictures", 3002], ["oh", 3013], ["yes", 3019], ["fabulous", 3043], ["every", 3062], ["already", 3082], ["hope", 3097], ["hoping", 3097], ["far", 3145], ["long", 3157], ["longs", 3157], ["longest", 3157], ["three", 3203], ["year", 3208], ["work", 3216], ["wrought", 3216], ["working", 3216], ["relationship", 3229], ["andre", 3263], ["look", 3299], ["looking", 3299], ["forward", 3307], ["forwardest", 3307], ["forwarding", 3307], ["cook", 3318], ["appreciate", 3348], ["appreciates", 3348], ["appreciated", 3348], ["invitation", 3363], ["worry", 3397], ["worried", 3397], ["give", 3410], ["giving", 3410], ["wrong", 3424], ["impression", 3435], ["like", 3442], ["explain", 3454], ["explained", 3454], ["divorce", 3470], ["divorced", 3470], ["remarry", 3500], ["remarried", 3500], ["friend", 3533], ["friends", 3533], ["thing", 3539], ["come", 3557], ["came", 3557], ["hold", 3660], ["holding", 3660], ["captain", 3678], ["galley", 3688], ["bar", 3701], ["manage", 3718], ["managed", 3718], ["single", 3750], ["breath", 3757], ["breathest", 3757], ["night", 3778], ["fair", 3827], ["fairs", 3827], ["fairest", 3827], ["enough", 3834], ["two", 3846], ["twos", 3846], ["glorious", 3855], ["day", 3860], ["days", 3860], ["night", 3871], ["nights", 3871], ["husband", 3888], ["husbanding", 3888], ["justine", 3898], ["long", 3908], ["longs", 3908], ["doubt", 3923], ["doubts", 3923], ["marriage", 3942], ["love", 3965], ["dream", 3985], ["dreamt", 3985], ["dreamest", 3985], ["dreamed", 3985], ["possible", 3994], ["fly", 4003], ["flys", 4003], ["flying", 4003], ["alaska", 4016], ["spur", 4028], ["moment", 4042], ["without", 4062], ["arrangement", 4086], ["arrangements", 4086], ["preposterous", 4110], ["yet", 4120], ["seth", 4138], ["consider", 4159], ["considered", 4159], ["sign", 4169], ["truly", 4186], ["week", 4227], ["weeks", 4227], ["home", 4241], ["homing", 4241], ["discuss", 4266], ["discusses", 4266], ["discussest", 4266], ["future", 4277], ["necessary", 4300], ["plan", 4306], ["plans", 4306], ["life", 4322], ["lifes", 4322], ["lives", 4322], ["together", 4331], ["many", 4356], ["press", 4365], ["pressing", 4365], ["question", 4375], ["questions", 4375]]
`` you should return home . keep watch over your mother . be vigilant , we do not know our adversaries ' plans at this time . '' jason 's shoulders dropped as he felt he was being left out again . `` izzy , '' benjamin continued . you need to purchase a portable communication device '' `` a cell phone , dad . '' `` yes , a cell phone so that you can be in constant contact with jason . can this be accomplished quickly ? '' `` sure , '' jason said , `` we can get one of those burner phones . '' `` the rest of us will pair up and maintain a scouting regimen of the local area . one note though , it is hunting season and the woods are crawling with hunters so you must be very careful not to be seen . last , but not least , you must maintain a heightened feeding regimen , to maintain maximum strength . we do not know when we will be called into action , or what that action will require . '' benjamin looked around the room at each one of us . `` yes , '' quietly echoed around the room . `` very well , you are dismissed . '' i looked back as jason and i walked out through the doorway . elizabeth was kissing benjamin . the other 's were already gone , having departed in logical pairings . and so the ordeal began , again . * * * `` hello . '' i said , answering my cell phone . `` i 'm at the creek , you do n't need to call , just come to the window , i can hear you just fine . '' `` but i ca n't hear you . '' `` did n't you say this thing has limited minutes ? '' i 'll call you if anything changes . now go to sleep , i 'll see you at school . '' i hit the end button . * * * as per our routine for the last few days , i met jason at the top of his driveway and rode to school with him . so far , no one had seen or sensed any additional activity by our adversary . in school , everything was normal with the exception of cathy 's uneasiness . `` got ta second ? '' coach said from the edge of my desk . i followed him and he closed the door once we were inside . `` if you do n't mind my asking , is everything alright with you and jason ? '' he scratched his shaved head . `` he 's not himselfca n't put my finger on it , but he 's just not the same jason from the beginning of the season . i though maybewell if the two of you are okay , then , well , i do n't know . '' obviously the pressure of our situation combined with the pressure of the football season was beginning to get to jason , but i could n't say that , at least not the first part . `` sure , but the kid is trying to tough out whatever 's going on . said everything was fine . i had him checked out by the trainer again , but mel said his arm is a-okay . '' `` i 'll talk to him , see what i can find out . '' `` thanks , you 're a real trooper . '' with that , i went back to my desk and class continued . calculus was agonizing . i knew what was wrong with jasoni had no doubt , but what could i say , 'do n't think about the fact that one or all of us could be destroyed at any time ? ' i still had no idea what to say when the lunch bell rang . jason and i went though the cafeteria line like usual , but this time instead of apple juice , i got a bright , red apple . we glided onto our seats at our tablealone for the time being . `` feeling like a temptress today ? '' `` the apple ? adam and eve ? '' `` i led you to your doom a long time ago do n't you think ? '' jason 's face went ashen and he turned away . `` it was a joke ? '' `` what 's a joke ? '' alex said as he and cathy joined us . `` nothing , he was making fun of my apple . '' `` ah , the whole snow white and the poison apple thingvery funny . '' cathy momentarily tensed , but shook it off . the boy 's talked about friday 's gameit was a big oneit seemed like they all were when you were undefeated . cathy and i did n't speak or even make eye contact for the rest of lunch . jason and i headed for the doors before the bell . `` so , snow white and the whole pale skin thing , what do you think ? '' `` yeah , alex totally did n't get it . '' `` so temptress then ? '' i said tossing the apple up and down in my hand . `` so , '' i said pulling him to a stop .
[["return", 20], ["returnest", 20], ["home", 25], ["homing", 25], ["keep", 32], ["keepest", 32], ["watch", 38], ["mother", 55], ["mothered", 55], ["motherest", 55], ["vigilant", 69], ["know", 86], ["knowest", 86], ["adversary", 102], ["adversaries", 102], ["plan", 110], ["plans", 110], ["time", 123], ["jason", 134], ["shoulder", 147], ["shouldered", 147], ["shoulders", 147], ["drop", 155], ["dropped", 155], ["feel", 166], ["felt", 166], ["left", 184], ["leave", 184], ["izzy", 204], ["benjamin", 218], ["continue", 228], ["continued", 228], ["need", 239], ["needest", 239], ["purchase", 251], ["portable", 262], ["portables", 262], ["communication", 276], ["device", 283], ["cell", 296], ["phone", 302], ["dad", 308], ["yes", 320], ["constant", 366], ["contact", 374], ["accomplish", 412], ["accomplishest", 412], ["accomplished", 412], ["quickly", 420], ["sure", 433], ["say", 449], ["sayest", 449], ["said", 449], ["get", 465], ["burner", 485], ["phone", 492], ["phones", 492], ["rest", 509], ["pair", 525], ["pairs", 525], ["maintain", 541], ["maintains", 541], ["maintainest", 541], ["scout", 552], ["scouts", 552], ["scouting", 552], ["regimen", 560], ["local", 573], ["area", 578], ["note", 589], ["though", 596], ["hunt", 612], ["hunting", 612], ["huntest", 612], ["season", 619], ["seasoning", 619], ["seasonest", 619], ["wood", 633], ["woods", 633], ["crawl", 646], ["crawled", 646], ["hunters", 659], ["must", 671], ["musts", 671], ["careful", 687], ["see", 702], ["seen", 702], ["last", 709], ["least", 725], ["leastest", 725], ["feeding", 766], ["maxima", 796], ["maximum", 796], ["strength", 805], ["call", 845], ["called", 845], ["action", 857], ["require", 892], ["look", 913], ["looked", 913], ["around", 920], ["room", 929], ["roomed", 929], ["quietly", 969], ["echo", 976], ["echoed", 976], ["well", 1007], ["wells", 1007], ["dismiss", 1027], ["dismisses", 1027], ["dismissest", 1027], ["dismissing", 1027], ["dismissed", 1027], ["back", 1046], ["walk", 1068], ["walked", 1068], ["doorway", 1092], ["elizabeth", 1104], ["kiss", 1116], ["kisses", 1116], ["kissest", 1116], ["kissing", 1116], ["already", 1153], ["go", 1158], ["goest", 1158], ["gone", 1158], ["depart", 1176], ["departed", 1176], ["logical", 1187], ["pairing", 1196], ["pairings", 1196], ["ordeal", 1216], ["begin", 1222], ["began", 1222], ["hello", 1247], ["hellos", 1247], ["answer", 1271], ["answeres", 1271], ["answerest", 1271], ["answering", 1271], ["creek", 1308], ["creeks", 1308], ["call", 1334], ["come", 1346], ["window", 1360], ["windows", 1360], ["hear", 1373], ["hears", 1373], ["fine", 1387], ["ca", 1404], ["cas", 1404], ["say", 1441], ["sayest", 1441], ["thing", 1452], ["limit", 1464], ["limited", 1464], ["minute", 1472], ["minutes", 1472], ["anything", 1504], ["change", 1512], ["changes", 1512], ["go", 1521], ["goest", 1521], ["slept", 1530], ["sleep", 1530], ["sleeps", 1530], ["sleepest", 1530], ["see", 1542], ["school", 1556], ["schooling", 1556], ["hit", 1567], ["end", 1575], ["ends", 1575], ["endest", 1575], ["button", 1582], ["buttoning", 1582], ["per", 1597], ["routine", 1609], ["routined", 1609], ["day", 1631], ["days", 1631], ["meet", 1639], ["meeted", 1639], ["met", 1639], ["top", 1656], ["driveway", 1672], ["ride", 1681], ["rode", 1681], ["far", 1709], ["sense", 1737], ["sensed", 1737], ["additional", 1752], ["activity", 1761], ["adversary", 1778], ["everything", 1803], ["normal", 1814], ["exception", 1833], ["cathy", 1842], ["uneasiness", 1856], ["get", 1865], ["got", 1865], ["ta", 1868], ["second", 1875], ["seconded", 1875], ["coach", 1886], ["coached", 1886], ["edge", 1905], ["edges", 1905], ["desk", 1916], ["follow", 1929], ["followed", 1929], ["close", 1947], ["closed", 1947], ["door", 1956], ["inside", 1976], ["mind", 2000], ["minding", 2000], ["alright", 2034], ["scratch", 2071], ["scratched", 2071], ["scratching", 2071], ["shave", 2082], ["shaves", 2082], ["shaven", 2082], ["shaving", 2082], ["shaved", 2082], ["head", 2087], ["put", 2120], ["finger", 2130], ["begin", 2191], ["beginning", 2191], ["two", 2237], ["twos", 2237], ["okay", 2253], ["obviously", 2298], ["pressure", 2311], ["pressured", 2311], ["situation", 2328], ["combine", 2337], ["combined", 2337], ["football", 2371], ["first", 2460], ["firstest", 2460], ["part", 2465], ["parting", 2465], ["kid", 2489], ["try", 2499], ["tryed", 2499], ["trying", 2499], ["tough", 2508], ["whatever", 2521], ["go", 2530], ["goest", 2530], ["going", 2530], ["check", 2580], ["checked", 2580], ["trainer", 2599], ["mel", 2615], ["arm", 2628], ["talk", 2657], ["find", 2686], ["thank", 2705], ["thanks", 2705], ["thankest", 2705], ["reis", 2722], ["real", 2722], ["trooper", 2730], ["go", 2754], ["goest", 2754], ["went", 2754], ["class", 2780], ["classing", 2780], ["classest", 2780], ["calculus", 2801], ["agonizing", 2815], ["know", 2824], ["knowest", 2824], ["knew", 2824], ["wrong", 2839], ["doubt", 2864], ["think", 2903], ["thinkest", 2903], ["fact", 2918], ["destroy", 2959], ["destroys", 2959], ["destroyed", 2959], ["still", 2983], ["idea", 2995], ["lunch", 3022], ["lunched", 3022], ["lunches", 3022], ["bell", 3027], ["belling", 3027], ["cafeteria", 3072], ["line", 3077], ["like", 3082], ["usual", 3088], ["instead", 3112], ["apple", 3121], ["juice", 3127], ["juicing", 3127], ["bright", 3144], ["brights", 3144], ["red", 3150], ["glide", 3168], ["glided", 3168], ["onto", 3173], ["ontos", 3173], ["seat", 3183], ["seats", 3183], ["feel", 3233], ["feeling", 3233], ["temptress", 3250], ["today", 3256], ["adam", 3281], ["adams", 3281], ["eve", 3289], ["lead", 3303], ["leaded", 3303], ["led", 3303], ["doom", 3320], ["long", 3327], ["longs", 3327], ["ago", 3336], ["face", 3372], ["ashen", 3383], ["turn", 3397], ["turned", 3397], ["away", 3402], ["joke", 3421], ["jokes", 3421], ["alex", 3454], ["join", 3482], ["joinest", 3482], ["joined", 3482], ["nothing", 3498], ["fun", 3518], ["ah", 3541], ["whole", 3553], ["wholes", 3553], ["snow", 3558], ["white", 3564], ["poison", 3579], ["poisoning", 3579], ["funny", 3601], ["momentarily", 3624], ["tense", 3631], ["tensed", 3631], ["shake", 3643], ["shook", 3643], ["boy", 3660], ["talk", 3670], ["talked", 3670], ["friday", 3683], ["big", 3703], ["bigs", 3703], ["seem", 3716], ["seeming", 3716], ["seemed", 3716], ["undefeated", 3760], ["speak", 3788], ["spoken", 3788], ["even", 3796], ["evens", 3796], ["eye", 3805], ["eyed", 3805], ["head", 3856], ["headed", 3856], ["door", 3870], ["doors", 3870], ["pale", 3926], ["skin", 3931], ["yeah", 3970], ["totally", 3985], ["toss", 4046], ["tossing", 4046], ["hand", 4079], ["pull", 4107], ["pulling", 4107], ["stop", 4121]]
charlie moves closer to me and surprises me when he throws his arms around me . im just glad my dad caught up to her and nothing worse happened . my body inadvertently shudders as images of what could have happened to her flood through my consciousness . the fear of her being hurt pierces my very core . closing my eyes , i force myself to calm down , she is upstairs , safe . repeating my mantra that she is safe and will be fine , i can finally wrench my eyes back open . looking to the upper hallway , grant is pacing outside of juliannes room . he has always been so good to us , i want to go up and say something to him , hoping to make him feel better . im glad that mom doesnt stop me as i ascend the stairs . he is talking to himself . i should have met her in the school . i should have seen something like this coming . grant , its alright , im sure jeff is going to come out and tell you that she is fine . i know what happened to her is really bad , but we found her quickly , and she was even doing better before we left . jacob , im just glad you saw where she was . before i can reply , her door opens and jeff steps out . dad , shes fine , really , even the bump on the head is healed and im sure the effects of the concussion which she probably suffered are almost gone as well , but well keep an eye on her . i just need to go and get something to clean the cuts on her back from being dragged . can i go in and see her ? i follow jeff downstairs . jacob , did you see who did this to her ? no , i only saw what was happening to her , from her point of view . you have nothing to be sorry about , you saved her , it could have been a lot worse , i was just trying to get any information about who did this . i did smell him sort of . whoever did this was wearing something that smelled heavily of greg , the one who gave her trouble a few weeks ago , but it wasnt him . are you sure , why would you say that if you smelled him ? i heard him talking to julianne . jeffs features tell me hes shocked at this revelation , but i continue without explaining how it happens because in truth , i dont know what causes something like this . the voice of the man speaking wasnt gregs and something is telling me the lesser scent is important , but i cant really tell you why , its a feeling . i wish i could explain it to him better . he must think im crazy for saying it is a feeling . jacob , if you think of anything else that you saw or heard , could you tell me , i dont care what time of the day or night it is . sure , ill tell you . he grabs some supplies from the closet and turns back to me . i should get back up there . could you tell her i hope that she feels better and i wish i saw it earlier ? he moves quickly upstairs . mom comes over to me . jacob , could we go into the living room and talk for a minute ? i follow her in and sit down . had anything like that ever happened to you while i wasnt here ? no , this was the first time i ever felt anything like it . it was so strange , but i think thats what i felt earlier when i wasnt feeling well . maybe i dreamt of it last night and didnt realize it when i woke up . as this realization hits me , my hands inadvertently grab my moms . i should have realized that this is what made me sick before , if i had , she wouldnt have gotten hurt . why didnt i remember this ? aggravation wells within me . how could i have been so oblivious to what was going on ? i could have prevented her from getting hurt . jacob , calm down . you may not have seen it last night . maybe you only felt what was going to happen , its not something you can control , especially when it first starts ? but mom , she got hurt because i couldnt figure this out earlier . you cant think of it that way . you did see it when it was happening and you got help to her so that something worse didnt happen . this isnt something you can really control . do you feel weak at all , now ? thinking about it , i feel better now , there is not even any remnants of the sick feeling i had this morning . i rise and go over to him . did you find out who did this to her ? you are right about the scent , i smelled greg near where we found her , but as i followed the trace scent , it became stronger back near the football field but then disappeared by the parking lot . i dont mean to , but i bang the table he is standing near , it splinters with pieces flying across the hardwood floor . immediately bending down to pick up the pieces , i cant believe i did that . im sorry , i jacob , its alright , ill clean it up .
[["charlie", 7], ["move", 13], ["moves", 13], ["close", 20], ["closer", 20], ["surprise", 40], ["surprised", 40], ["surprises", 40], ["throw", 58], ["throws", 58], ["arm", 67], ["arms", 67], ["around", 74], ["glad", 92], ["dad", 99], ["catch", 106], ["catches", 106], ["catched", 106], ["caught", 106], ["nothing", 128], ["bad", 134], ["worse", 134], ["happen", 143], ["happened", 143], ["body", 153], ["bodied", 153], ["inadvertently", 167], ["shudder", 176], ["shuddering", 176], ["shudderest", 176], ["shudders", 176], ["image", 186], ["imaged", 186], ["imaging", 186], ["images", 186], ["flood", 227], ["consciousness", 252], ["fear", 263], ["fearest", 263], ["hurt", 281], ["hurts", 281], ["hurting", 281], ["pierce", 289], ["pierces", 289], ["core", 302], ["close", 312], ["eye", 320], ["eyed", 320], ["eyes", 320], ["force", 330], ["calm", 345], ["calms", 345], ["upstairs", 368], ["safe", 375], ["safes", 375], ["safed", 375], ["repeat", 387], ["repeatest", 387], ["repeating", 387], ["mantra", 397], ["fine", 431], ["finally", 447], ["wrench", 454], ["back", 467], ["open", 472], ["look", 482], ["looking", 482], ["upper", 495], ["hallway", 503], ["hallways", 503], ["grant", 511], ["grantest", 511], ["pace", 521], ["outside", 529], ["julianne", 542], ["room", 547], ["roomed", 547], ["always", 563], ["good", 576], ["go", 597], ["goest", 597], ["say", 608], ["sayest", 608], ["hope", 634], ["hoping", 634], ["feel", 651], ["well", 658], ["wells", 658], ["mom", 677], ["moms", 677], ["stop", 689], ["ascend", 704], ["stair", 715], ["stairs", 715], ["talk", 731], ["talking", 731], ["meet", 762], ["meeted", 762], ["met", 762], ["school", 780], ["schooling", 780], ["see", 801], ["seen", 801], ["like", 816], ["come", 828], ["coming", 828], ["alright", 850], ["sure", 860], ["jeff", 865], ["jeffs", 865], ["go", 874], ["goest", 874], ["going", 874], ["come", 882], ["tell", 895], ["know", 925], ["knowest", 925], ["really", 956], ["bad", 960], ["find", 975], ["found", 975], ["quickly", 987], ["even", 1006], ["evens", 1006], ["left", 1034], ["leave", 1034], ["jacob", 1042], ["jacobs", 1042], ["see", 1065], ["saw", 1065], ["reply", 1100], ["door", 1111], ["open", 1117], ["opens", 1117], ["step", 1132], ["steps", 1132], ["bump", 1179], ["bumpest", 1179], ["head", 1191], ["heal", 1201], ["healest", 1201], ["healed", 1201], ["effect", 1225], ["effects", 1225], ["concussion", 1243], ["probably", 1262], ["suffer", 1271], ["suffering", 1271], ["suffered", 1271], ["almost", 1282], ["go", 1287], ["goest", 1287], ["gone", 1287], ["well", 1295], ["wells", 1295], ["keep", 1311], ["keepest", 1311], ["eye", 1318], ["eyed", 1318], ["need", 1339], ["needest", 1339], ["get", 1353], ["clean", 1372], ["cleans", 1372], ["cut", 1381], ["cuts", 1381], ["drag", 1412], ["dragged", 1412], ["see", 1434], ["follow", 1449], ["downstairs", 1465], ["happen", 1544], ["happening", 1544], ["point", 1568], ["view", 1576], ["viewest", 1576], ["sorry", 1607], ["save", 1625], ["saved", 1625], ["lot", 1656], ["try", 1682], ["tryed", 1682], ["trying", 1682], ["information", 1705], ["smell", 1738], ["smelt", 1738], ["smellest", 1738], ["sort", 1747], ["whoever", 1760], ["wear", 1781], ["wearing", 1781], ["smell", 1804], ["smelt", 1804], ["smellest", 1804], ["smelled", 1804], ["heavily", 1812], ["greg", 1820], ["give", 1839], ["gave", 1839], ["trouble", 1851], ["troubling", 1851], ["week", 1863], ["weeks", 1863], ["ago", 1867], ["hear", 1955], ["hears", 1955], ["heard", 1955], ["julianne", 1979], ["feature", 1996], ["features", 1996], ["shock", 2016], ["shocked", 2016], ["revelation", 2035], ["continue", 2052], ["without", 2060], ["explain", 2071], ["explaining", 2071], ["happen", 2086], ["happens", 2086], ["truth", 2103], ["cause", 2129], ["causes", 2129], ["voice", 2161], ["man", 2172], ["mans", 2172], ["manned", 2172], ["speak", 2181], ["spoken", 2181], ["speaking", 2181], ["tell", 2218], ["telling", 2218], ["less", 2232], ["scent", 2238], ["scentest", 2238], ["important", 2251], ["feel", 2300], ["feeling", 2300], ["wish", 2309], ["explain", 2325], ["must", 2352], ["musts", 2352], ["think", 2358], ["thinkest", 2358], ["crazy", 2367], ["say", 2378], ["sayest", 2378], ["saying", 2378], ["anything", 2429], ["else", 2434], ["care", 2490], ["time", 2500], ["day", 2511], ["night", 2520], ["ill", 2539], ["ills", 2539], ["illest", 2539], ["grab", 2559], ["supply", 2573], ["supplies", 2573], ["closet", 2589], ["closets", 2589], ["turn", 2599], ["turns", 2599], ["hope", 2667], ["feel", 2682], ["feels", 2682], ["early", 2717], ["come", 2757], ["comes", 2757], ["talk", 2820], ["minute", 2833], ["sat", 2859], ["sit", 2859], ["ever", 2894], ["everest", 2894], ["first", 2955], ["firstest", 2955], ["feel", 2972], ["felt", 2972], ["strange", 3009], ["maybe", 3083], ["dream", 3092], ["dreamt", 3092], ["dreamest", 3092], ["last", 3103], ["realize", 3127], ["wake", 3142], ["wakes", 3142], ["woken", 3142], ["woke", 3142], ["realization", 3167], ["hit", 3172], ["hits", 3172], ["hand", 3186], ["hands", 3186], ["grab", 3205], ["mom", 3213], ["moms", 3213], ["realize", 3238], ["realized", 3238], ["sick", 3269], ["get", 3313], ["gotten", 3313], ["remember", 3341], ["rememberest", 3341], ["aggravation", 3360], ["well", 3366], ["wells", 3366], ["within", 3373], ["oblivious", 3413], ["prevent", 3459], ["preventest", 3459], ["prevented", 3459], ["get", 3476], ["getting", 3476], ["may", 3511], ["mays", 3511], ["mayest", 3511], ["happen", 3586], ["control", 3622], ["especially", 3635], ["start", 3656], ["starts", 3656], ["get", 3676], ["got", 3676], ["figure", 3706], ["way", 3755], ["ways", 3755], ["help", 3811], ["helpest", 3811], ["weak", 3919], ["think", 3943], ["thinkest", 3943], ["thinking", 3943], ["remnant", 4005], ["remnants", 4005], ["morning", 4044], ["rise", 4053], ["risen", 4053], ["find", 4087], ["right", 4127], ["rightest", 4127], ["near", 4165], ["follow", 4204], ["followed", 4204], ["trace", 4214], ["become", 4232], ["became", 4232], ["strong", 4241], ["football", 4264], ["field", 4270], ["fielding", 4270], ["disappear", 4291], ["disappeared", 4291], ["parking", 4306], ["mean", 4324], ["meanest", 4324], ["bang", 4340], ["table", 4350], ["tabled", 4350], ["tabling", 4350], ["stood", 4365], ["stand", 4365], ["standest", 4365], ["standing", 4365], ["splinter", 4385], ["splinters", 4385], ["piece", 4397], ["pieced", 4397], ["pieces", 4397], ["fly", 4404], ["flys", 4404], ["flying", 4404], ["across", 4411], ["hardwood", 4424], ["hardwoods", 4424], ["floor", 4430], ["immediately", 4444], ["bend", 4452], ["bent", 4452], ["bending", 4452], ["pick", 4465], ["believe", 4496]]
marco meanwhile was leaning against the side of the bridge and continued to give himself an idiot , the hardened surface . by now it must have known the female universe , but he did not . he thought only that , when he saw a beautiful woman . and now he had panicked and did not know what to do . if there was one thing he could not stand and that he had never wanted to learn was how to comfort a woman . he sighed and turned to her , but was surprised at her sudden metamorphosis . trizia was putting on his sunglasses in hand with tissue paper , had dried his eyes and he hurried to check the time as if nothing had happened . `` we 're almost late for the visit to the castle ! '' she held out his hand , quickly walked the tunnel dug into the rock . *** emiliana 13 august , saturday morning since the time when his dear women became ill , emiliana had not even slept a full night . now recognized any noise at night , in the street and to the flight of stairs . his housemates were unaware of his presence indifferent torment . the waiter who took a shower to return to the two about the guy who came home from the disco followed by a trail of foul-smelling smoke , at four o'clock , the damper barber , about six o'clock , the collection of waste , shortly after . almost without realizing it , had stopped in the evening to go to bed . she lies on the couch in front of the window and fell asleep to the sound of classical music or the words of a film in black and white . unable to sleep for a few hours . allow her to forget the tragedy . she called them moments of normalcy . in those moments you felt it was before everything happened . some days were returning from work . sometimes i was about to call on the phone and mary only in that moment he realized that this would never have been possible . she could no longer listen , advise and even scold her for her statements always a little over the top . silence , sadness without remedy , loneliness . he began to talk to her . and he dreamed , in familiar gestures . could see her in the kitchen to turn over crispy fries , or with floured hands of pasta or pizza . sometimes in his sleep , he was not dreaming emiliana his mother , but mary was talking to her , to warn , to anticipate , almost wanting to protect others from suffering . the first time this happened was in the morning when he died . emiliana not slept in days , was at her bedside for hours , going back and forth from the hospital , all work breaks . now no physiological parameter could give her hope , but she was hoping for a miracle . emiliana out of the room , sitting in armchair , felt his chest suddenly in the air . she rushed into the room . the nurse checked the regularity of the oxygen mask . she knew that death would not really separate . she was now in the habit of waking up suddenly in the middle of the night and at dawn he could only close my eyes . that night was very hot and she had taken the sofa on the terrace . she could see a few stars over the fog of sultriness . first , from the same point , she saw myriads now , between light pollution and muggy , it was no longer possible . his eyes were already towards the lights : the dawn of thirteen . number and date of death of the mother . emiliana could not with the intention to drive away the shreds of lived that tore his gaze toward the dawn . mary went in and out of different hospitals in eighty-five days of ordeal . blood under his bed materialized in front . that blood emiliana had cleaned up quickly , while the ambulance carried away , mary . then the traces of dried blood reappeared again , when he had to vacate the apartment . he saw the gestures of his mother . they were always measured . emilia and emiliana , in the same condition , they would have screamed . drip into a vein , day and night . she was able to shut excruciating pain , to replace them with words of love for everyone . shreds of the speeches were returning to the ears , `` mom , what are they doing ! '' `` emiliana , leave it alone , they are all nice to me , they do what they can , i told you that there was nothing to do `` . '' mom '' `` emiliana not cry , thinking of you , you 're young , i 've lived my life with joy. `` here , emiliana was crying . the moisture fell on the shoulders . the miracle , yes he had asked for his mother , and why good people like her could not die like this . now corollaries of procedures related faced by the intimacy . days of work , hospital , nights without sleep . she had the measure of his own solitude . four hours waiting to speak with one of the doctors who treated mary , only to be told that within two hours or less had to take it away .
[["marco", 5], ["meanwhile", 15], ["lean", 27], ["leans", 27], ["leaning", 27], ["side", 44], ["sidest", 44], ["bridge", 58], ["continue", 72], ["continued", 72], ["give", 80], ["idiot", 97], ["harden", 112], ["hardens", 112], ["hardened", 112], ["surface", 120], ["must", 137], ["musts", 137], ["know", 148], ["knowest", 148], ["known", 148], ["female", 159], ["universe", 168], ["universes", 168], ["think", 198], ["thinkest", 198], ["thought", 198], ["see", 222], ["saw", 222], ["beautiful", 234], ["beautifulest", 234], ["woman", 240], ["womans", 240], ["panic", 266], ["panicked", 266], ["know", 283], ["knowest", 283], ["thing", 319], ["stood", 338], ["stand", 338], ["standest", 338], ["never", 360], ["learn", 376], ["learnt", 376], ["learns", 376], ["comfort", 395], ["sigh", 415], ["sighest", 415], ["sighed", 415], ["turn", 426], ["turned", 426], ["sudden", 467], ["metamorphosis", 481], ["put", 502], ["putting", 502], ["sunglass", 520], ["sunglasses", 520], ["hand", 528], ["tissue", 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["noise", 912], ["street", 937], ["flight", 955], ["stair", 965], ["stairs", 965], ["housemate", 982], ["housemates", 982], ["unaware", 995], ["unawares", 995], ["presence", 1011], ["indifferent", 1023], ["torment", 1031], ["take", 1053], ["took", 1053], ["shower", 1062], ["showered", 1062], ["showerest", 1062], ["return", 1072], ["returnest", 1072], ["two", 1083], ["twos", 1083], ["guy", 1097], ["come", 1106], ["came", 1106], ["home", 1111], ["homing", 1111], ["disco", 1126], ["follow", 1135], ["followed", 1135], ["trail", 1146], ["foul", 1154], ["fouling", 1154], ["smell", 1163], ["smelt", 1163], ["smellest", 1163], ["smelling", 1163], ["smoke", 1169], ["four", 1179], ["damper", 1200], ["barber", 1207], ["barbering", 1207], ["six", 1219], ["collection", 1244], ["waste", 1253], ["shortly", 1263], ["without", 1286], ["realize", 1296], ["realizing", 1296], ["stop", 1313], ["stopped", 1313], ["evening", 1328], ["go", 1334], ["goest", 1334], ["bed", 1341], ["lay", 1352], ["lie", 1352], ["lain", 1352], ["lies", 1352], ["couch", 1365], ["couchest", 1365], ["front", 1374], ["window", 1388], ["windows", 1388], ["fall", 1397], ["falls", 1397], ["fell", 1397], ["asleep", 1404], ["sound", 1417], ["classical", 1430], ["music", 1436], ["musics", 1436], ["word", 1449], ["words", 1449], ["film", 1459], ["black", 1468], ["white", 1478], ["unable", 1487], ["unabled", 1487], ["slept", 1496], ["sleep", 1496], ["sleeps", 1496], ["sleepest", 1496], ["hour", 1512], ["hours", 1512], ["allow", 1520], ["forget", 1534], ["forgot", 1534], ["tragedy", 1546], ["call", 1559], ["called", 1559], ["moment", 1572], ["moments", 1572], ["normalcy", 1584], ["feel", 1612], ["felt", 1612], ["everything", 1637], ["day", 1658], ["days", 1658], ["return", 1673], ["returnest", 1673], ["returning", 1673], ["work", 1683], ["wrought", 1683], ["call", 1715], ["phone", 1728], ["mary", 1737], ["marys", 1737], ["moment", 1757], ["realize", 1769], ["realized", 1769], ["possible", 1810], ["long", 1832], ["longs", 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["died", 2364], ["bedside", 2414], ["go", 2432], ["goest", 2432], ["going", 2432], ["back", 2437], ["forth", 2447], ["hospital", 2465], ["break", 2483], ["broke", 2483], ["breaks", 2483], ["physiological", 2506], ["parameter", 2516], ["hope", 2536], ["hope", 2557], ["hoping", 2557], ["miracle", 2571], ["room", 2598], ["roomed", 2598], ["sat", 2608], ["sit", 2608], ["sitting", 2608], ["armchair", 2620], ["armchairs", 2620], ["chest", 2637], ["suddenly", 2646], ["air", 2657], ["airs", 2657], ["airing", 2657], ["rush", 2670], ["rushed", 2670], ["nurse", 2696], ["check", 2704], ["checked", 2704], ["regularity", 2719], ["oxygen", 2733], ["oxygens", 2733], ["mask", 2738], ["maskest", 2738], ["know", 2749], ["knowest", 2749], ["knew", 2749], ["death", 2760], ["really", 2777], ["separate", 2786], ["habit", 2813], ["habiting", 2813], ["wake", 2823], ["wakes", 2823], ["woken", 2823], ["waking", 2823], ["middle", 2849], ["middles", 2849], ["middling", 2849], ["dawn", 2874], ["dawnest", 2874], ["close", 2894], ["hot", 2928], ["take", 2946], ["taken", 2946], ["sofa", 2955], ["terrace", 2970], ["terracing", 2970], ["star", 2998], ["starred", 2998], ["stars", 2998], ["fog", 3011], ["fogs", 3011], ["sultriness", 3025], ["point", 3055], ["myriad", 3073], ["myriads", 3073], ["lit", 3093], ["light", 3093], ["pollution", 3103], ["muggy", 3113], ["already", 3165], ["towards", 3173], ["lit", 3184], ["light", 3184], ["lights", 3184], ["thirteen", 3207], ["number", 3216], ["numbering", 3216], ["date", 3225], ["intention", 3288], ["drive", 3297], ["away", 3302], ["shred", 3313], ["shreds", 3313], ["live", 3322], ["lived", 3322], ["tear", 3332], ["teared", 3332], ["tore", 3332], ["gaze", 3341], ["gazes", 3341], ["toward", 3348], ["go", 3369], ["goest", 3369], ["went", 3369], ["different", 3393], ["hospital", 3403], ["hospitals", 3403], ["eighty", 3413], ["five", 3418], ["fived", 3418], ["ordeal", 3433], ["blood", 3441], ["bloods", 3441], ["blooded", 3441], ["materialize", 3468], ["materialized", 3468], ["clean", 3511], ["cleans", 3511], ["cleaned", 3511], ["ambulance", 3544], ["carry", 3552], ["carried", 3552], ["trace", 3582], ["traces", 3582], ["reappear", 3608], ["reappeared", 3608], ["vacate", 3638], ["apartment", 3652], ["measure", 3716], ["measured", 3716], ["emilia", 3725], ["condition", 3762], ["scream", 3789], ["screams", 3789], ["screamed", 3789], ["drip", 3796], ["vein", 3808], ["day", 3814], ["able", 3839], ["abled", 3839], ["shut", 3847], ["pain", 3865], ["replace", 3878], ["love", 3902], ["everyone", 3915], ["speech", 3940], ["speeches", 3940], ["ear", 3967], ["ears", 3967], ["mom", 3976], ["moms", 3976], ["left", 4023], ["leave", 4023], ["alone", 4032], ["nice", 4052], ["tell", 4091], ["told", 4091], ["cry", 4159], ["think", 4170], ["thinkest", 4170], ["thinking", 4170], ["young", 4193], ["youngest", 4193], ["life", 4215], ["lifes", 4215], ["joy", 4224], ["joys", 4224], ["joyed", 4224], ["cry", 4255], ["crying", 4255], ["moisture", 4270], ["shoulder", 4292], ["shouldered", 4292], ["shoulders", 4292], ["yes", 4312], ["ask", 4325], ["asked", 4325], ["good", 4355], ["people", 4362], ["like", 4367], ["die", 4385], ["corollary", 4413], ["corollaries", 4413], ["procedure", 4427], ["procedures", 4427], ["relate", 4435], ["relates", 4435], ["related", 4435], ["face", 4441], ["faced", 4441], ["intimacy", 4457], ["intimacies", 4457], ["night", 4492], ["nights", 4492], ["measure", 4528], ["solitude", 4548], ["wait", 4569], ["waitest", 4569], ["waiting", 4569], ["speak", 4578], ["spoken", 4578], ["doctor", 4602], ["doctoring", 4602], ["doctorest", 4602], ["doctors", 4602], ["treat", 4614], ["treats", 4614], ["treatest", 4614], ["treated", 4614], ["within", 4649], ["less", 4667], ["take", 4679]]
remington just does n't realize he is the one who holds us all together . now we 're all scrambling to hoist him up . we are so codependent , we are somehow all depressed with him . i know for a fact , after seeing everyone 's faces for almost three days , none of us will smile until we see two dimples again . `` does he say anything ? '' pete breaks the silence . `` is he at least angry at those a**holes ? at something ? '' `` that 's the problem with rem . he just takes it . like a punch . and he keeps standing but he takes it . sometimes i wish he 'd just say what he feels , damn it ! '' pete stands and begins pacing . riley shakes his head . `` i respect that , pete . when you open your mouth to say something , it makes it real . whatever 's running through his head , the fact that he does n't voice it means he 's fighting it . he 's not letting it matter enough to spill it out . '' i drop my hair as a curtain and blink back the moisture in my eyes , refusing to let them see how all this affects me . i was depressed once in my life . it 's a big , black , dark hole . this was not some light depression where you 're sad and have pms . it 's the overwhelming feeling that you want to die . and wanting to die is completely against all our survival instincts . our normal instinct is to kill to protect our loved ones , to kill to survive . just imagining that remy is feeling all the same mess i felt when my life blew up around me pulls me so deep into the darkness that i worry about being able to get him out , rather than falling right in with him . whatever it is he 's feeling , i need to remind myself he ca n't control the thoughts his mind is throwing at him . his mind is not him , even though right now it controls his reactions . i want to support , to be steady , understanding . not emotional , needy , and like i will fall apart at any minute . and god , at six months pregnant , i am definitely emotional , needy , and falling a little apart without him . `` at least he 's coming down to punch those bags . you do n't know how deeply i admire him for that , '' riley adds glumly . `` do you think he 'll pull through before the fight , brooke ? '' coach asks me . `` by god , watching my boy get humiliated last season out there ... this was his year . this was his season . '' `` i do n't think he 'll fight tonight , '' i admit . `` so we can say good-bye to a first place ranking , '' pete swears . `` you ca n't let him fight like this , pete ! he could hurt himself , '' i burst out ; then i drag in a breath and try to calm down . `` it would have been better if he did n't remember , '' pete says , with an infinite amount of bitterness in his voice . `` it would be better if he did n't remember anything his parents ever did to him . '' my protective instincts surge with a vengeance . there 's something alarming about the way pete hesitates , about the way his eyes slide across the group , and then settle back on me . my pulse flutters faster than normal by the time he finally speaks . `` they committed him because he went black for the first time when he was ten , brooke . but first , they thought he was possessed . they got all fanatic about it and had an exorcism performed on him . '' when those last words filter into my troubled brain , i am so heartbroken and torn , my heart withers in my chest . i make a sound and cover my mouth . diane covers her face . curses fall from riley 's lips as he turns his head to the carpet . coach stares down at his hands . the silence that stretches ... it is taut with sorrow , with disbelief , and this agonizing frustration ... of an ill little boy who was so misunderstood ... i think of `` iris '' -the song he has played to me . the song where he wanted to be seen and understood , by me . when not even his own parents understood him . `` he was put in an exorcism circle in his own home , '' pete says , driving the dagger deeper inside me . `` his room was stripped of everything so he would n't hurt anyone , and he was roped to his bed . they went at it for days-we do n't know exactly how many , but over a week-until a little neighbor who used to play with rem came in looking for him , and those parents intervened . the 'holy man ' was dismissed , and remy was just committed instead . '' there 's not a sound in the room . i feel like i 've stopped living .
[["remington", 9], ["realize", 31], ["hold", 55], ["holds", 55], ["together", 71], ["scramble", 99], ["scrambling", 99], ["hoist", 108], ["codependent", 139], ["somehow", 156], ["know", 188], ["knowest", 188], ["fact", 199], ["see", 214], ["seeing", 214], ["everyone", 223], ["face", 232], ["faces", 232], ["almost", 243], ["three", 249], ["day", 254], ["days", 254], ["none", 261], ["smile", 278], ["see", 291], ["two", 295], ["twos", 295], ["dimple", 303], ["dimples", 303], ["say", 326], ["sayest", 326], ["anything", 335], ["pete", 345], ["break", 352], ["broke", 352], ["breaks", 352], ["silence", 364], ["least", 384], ["leastest", 384], ["angry", 390], ["problem", 451], ["rem", 460], ["take", 476], ["takes", 476], ["like", 486], ["punch", 494], ["punching", 494], ["keep", 509], ["keepest", 509], ["keeps", 509], ["stood", 518], ["stand", 518], ["standest", 518], ["standing", 518], ["wish", 553], ["feel", 582], ["feels", 582], ["damn", 589], ["damned", 589], ["stood", 609], ["stand", 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1668], ["minding", 1668], ["throw", 1680], ["throwing", 1680], ["even", 1716], ["evens", 1716], ["though", 1723], ["control", 1745], ["controls", 1745], ["reaction", 1759], ["reactions", 1759], ["support", 1779], ["steady", 1794], ["understand", 1810], ["understanded", 1810], ["emotional", 1826], ["needy", 1834], ["fall", 1857], ["falls", 1857], ["apart", 1863], ["minute", 1877], ["god", 1887], ["six", 1896], ["month", 1903], ["months", 1903], ["pregnant", 1912], ["definitely", 1930], ["little", 1971], ["without", 1985], ["come", 2016], ["coming", 2016], ["bag", 2041], ["bagged", 2041], ["bagging", 2041], ["bags", 2041], ["deeply", 2070], ["admire", 2079], ["add", 2108], ["adds", 2108], ["glumly", 2115], ["think", 2133], ["thinkest", 2133], ["pull", 2145], ["fight", 2170], ["fightest", 2170], ["brooke", 2179], ["coach", 2190], ["coached", 2190], ["ask", 2195], ["asks", 2195], ["watch", 2221], ["watching", 2221], ["boy", 2228], ["humiliate", 2243], ["humiliated", 2243], ["last", 2248], ["season", 2255], ["seasoning", 2255], ["seasonest", 2255], ["year", 2287], ["tonight", 2353], ["admit", 2366], ["good", 2390], ["bye", 2394], ["byes", 2394], ["first", 2405], ["firstest", 2405], ["place", 2411], ["rank", 2419], ["ranking", 2419], ["swear", 2436], ["sweared", 2436], ["swears", 2436], ["hurt", 2499], ["hurts", 2499], ["hurting", 2499], ["burst", 2520], ["bursted", 2520], ["drag", 2538], ["breath", 2550], ["breathest", 2550], ["try", 2558], ["tryed", 2558], ["calm", 2566], ["calms", 2566], ["well", 2602], ["wells", 2602], ["remember", 2625], ["rememberest", 2625], ["say", 2640], ["sayest", 2640], ["says", 2640], ["infinite", 2659], ["amount", 2666], ["bitterness", 2680], ["parent", 2761], ["parents", 2761], ["ever", 2766], ["everest", 2766], ["protective", 2796], ["surge", 2812], ["vengeance", 2829], ["alarm", 2859], ["alarming", 2859], ["way", 2873], ["ways", 2873], ["hesitate", 2888], ["hesitates", 2888], ["slid", 2919], ["across", 2926], ["group", 2936], ["settle", 2954], ["pulse", 2976], ["flutter", 2985], ["fluttering", 2985], ["flutters", 2985], ["fast", 2992], ["time", 3016], ["finally", 3027], ["speak", 3034], ["spoken", 3034], ["speaks", 3034], ["commit", 3054], ["committed", 3054], ["go", 3074], ["goest", 3074], ["went", 3074], ["ten", 3115], ["think", 3151], ["thinkest", 3151], ["thought", 3151], ["possess", 3168], ["possesses", 3168], ["possessed", 3168], ["get", 3179], ["got", 3179], ["fanatic", 3191], ["exorcism", 3220], ["exorcisms", 3220], ["perform", 3230], ["performest", 3230], ["performed", 3230], ["word", 3264], ["words", 3264], ["filter", 3271], ["filterest", 3271], ["brain", 3294], ["brained", 3294], ["braining", 3294], ["heartbroken", 3316], ["tear", 3325], ["teared", 3325], ["torn", 3325], ["heart", 3336], ["wither", 3344], ["withered", 3344], ["withers", 3344], ["chest", 3356], ["sound", 3373], ["cover", 3383], ["diane", 3400], ["cover", 3407], ["covers", 3407], ["face", 3416], ["curse", 3425], ["cursed", 3425], ["curses", 3425], ["lip", 3449], ["lipped", 3449], ["lips", 3449], ["turn", 3461], ["turns", 3461], ["carpet", 3484], ["stare", 3499], ["stared", 3499], ["stares", 3499], ["hand", 3517], ["hands", 3517], ["stretch", 3546], ["stretches", 3546], ["taut", 3561], ["sorrow", 3573], ["disbelief", 3590], ["disbeliefs", 3590], ["agonizing", 3611], ["frustration", 3623], ["ill", 3637], ["ills", 3637], ["illest", 3637], ["misunderstood", 3673], ["iris", 3696], ["song", 3709], ["play", 3723], ["playest", 3723], ["played", 3723], ["see", 3767], ["seen", 3767], ["understand", 3782], ["understanded", 3782], ["understood", 3782], ["put", 3853], ["circle", 3875], ["home", 3891], ["homing", 3891], ["drive", 3916], ["driving", 3916], ["dagger", 3927], ["deeply", 3934], ["inside", 3941], ["room", 3958], ["roomed", 3958], ["strip", 3971], ["stripped", 3971], ["everything", 3985], ["anyone", 4013], ["rope", 4032], ["roped", 4032], ["bed", 4043], ["exactly", 4093], ["many", 4102], ["week", 4120], ["neighbor", 4144], ["use", 4153], ["used", 4153], ["play", 4161], ["playest", 4161], ["come", 4175], ["came", 4175], ["look", 4186], ["looking", 4186], ["intervene", 4225], ["intervened", 4225], ["holy", 4237], ["man", 4241], ["mans", 4241], ["manned", 4241], ["dismiss", 4257], ["dismisses", 4257], ["dismissest", 4257], ["dismissing", 4257], ["dismissed", 4257], ["instead", 4295], ["feel", 4342], ["stop", 4361], ["stopped", 4361], ["live", 4368], ["living", 4368]]
i just ... got dehydrated is all , '' misty said , not wanting them to know she 'd panicked at the thought of actually meeting her brother face-to-face . she was grateful when they let her get away with her half-truth . `` it 's never nothing when you have to go to the hospital , '' joseph told her , `` but they will take real good care of you here . if not , they have to answer to me , and i 'm not pleasant to deal with when i 'm unhappy . '' he issued that warning just as the doctor walked into the room . `` i can vouch for that , joseph , '' the man said . joseph chuckled and leaned back . `` how 's our girl doing ? '' `` her vitals have improved greatly . she 'll be ready to go home in the morning . '' everyone breathed a lot easier . `` it 's good to see you still do a fine job here , carson , '' joseph said , and he stood up and patted the doctor on the back . misty 's eyes were growing heavy , but she was afraid that if she went to sleep , they 'd all disappear and she 'd lose them forever . it would be so much more painful now that she 'd had a taste of what having a family was all about . `` my patient is exhausted and clearly having a difficult time keeping awake , '' dr. carson said , `` but i can see she 's far too polite to say anything , so i 'll say it . you head out and let her get some rest , and then you can pick her up first thing in the morning . '' the doctor 's words earned him disappointed looks from both joseph and damien . but as they turned to look back at misty , it was more than clear that the doctor was right . `` it 's okay , '' misty said weakly . `` we 'll go and let her rest , '' sierra interjected firmly . `` then we 'll see you bright and early tomorrow . '' she leaned down and hugged her new sister-in-law . `` fine , '' damien conceded . then he surprised misty by also leaning down and pulling her into his arms for his own hug . it took all she had not to cry again . she refused to , just refused to , until they left the room . after all , they 'd seen enough of her crazy emotions for one day . `` fine , i suppose , '' joseph grumbled , then embraced her briefly but with surprising gentleness . `` we 'll bring you to the place tomorrow and take good care of you while you recover . '' then , just as quickly as they 'd blown into the room , the three were gone , taking the doctor with them . bryson also leaned down as if to leave , but she clutched his hand in hers like a vise to prevent him from going away , too . he probably wanted to visit with the others , she thought , but she could n't seem to command her hand to let his go . she held herself together for longer than she thought she could , but when bryson looked into her face and then rubbed his hand along her cheek , she began to unravel , her body shaking with the emotion she 'd been trying to suppress . `` it 's all right , hon . this meeting has been a long time coming . no one will think you 're weak if you shed a few tears , '' he said , and that was all it took . her dry eyes prickled , and then she watched as bryson 's face blurred , and then the tears welled over and rushed down her cheeks . everything will be okay , '' he vowed . he slid into the bed next to her , careful of her i.v . as he pulled her gently into his arms . bryson held her close as she sobbed out her relief , as she let go of all the anxiety she 'd been carrying . and as she let go of the last walls around her heart and let him in . when sleep finally took her into its sweet embrace , she had nothing left to give - she 'd let it all go and now the fate of her love was in bryson 's strong , capable hands . meeting her family , knowing she belonged had opened her emotions up in ways nothing else could have . now , she was willing to hope , to dream , to want ! she loved bryson ; now she just needed to be brave enough to tell him . she tried to without the words , by holding him tight . it was up to him if he wanted her love for more than a night or a week . she wanted him forever . chapter eighteen `` you 're not going to have another anxiety attack on me , are you ? '' bryson asked as they rode in the back of the jaguar that joseph had sent to pick them up . look at what we 're being driven in , '' she said with a nervous smile . `` i just want to give some warnings before you see the ... um ... house . ''
[["get", 14], ["got", 14], ["dehydrate", 25], ["dehydrated", 25], ["misty", 43], ["say", 48], ["sayest", 48], ["said", 48], ["know", 75], ["knowest", 75], ["panic", 91], ["panicked", 91], ["think", 106], ["thought", 106], ["thinkest", 106], ["meet", 126], ["meeted", 126], ["meeting", 126], ["brother", 138], ["brethren", 138], ["face", 143], ["grateful", 170], ["let", 184], ["lets", 184], ["get", 192], ["away", 197], ["half", 211], ["truth", 217], ["never", 234], ["nothing", 242], ["go", 262], ["goest", 262], ["hospital", 278], ["joseph", 290], ["tell", 295], ["told", 295], ["take", 323], ["reis", 328], ["real", 328], ["good", 333], ["care", 338], ["answer", 381], ["answeres", 381], ["answerest", 381], ["pleasant", 411], ["deal", 419], ["unhappy", 442], ["issue", 457], ["issued", 457], ["warn", 470], ["doctor", 489], ["doctoring", 489], ["doctorest", 489], ["walk", 496], ["walked", 496], ["room", 510], ["roomed", 510], ["vouch", 527], ["man", 558], ["mans", 558], ["manned", 558], ["chuckle", 581], ["chuckled", 581], ["lean", 592], ["leans", 592], ["leaned", 592], ["back", 597], ["girl", 618], ["vital", 643], ["vitals", 643], ["improve", 657], ["improved", 657], ["greatly", 665], ["ready", 684], ["home", 695], ["homing", 695], ["morning", 710], ["everyone", 724], ["breathe", 733], ["breathes", 733], ["breathed", 733], ["lot", 739], ["easy", 746], ["easier", 746], ["see", 769], ["still", 779], ["fine", 789], ["job", 793], ["jobbing", 793], ["carson", 807], ["stood", 839], ["stand", 839], ["standest", 839], ["pat", 853], ["patted", 853], ["eye", 892], ["eyed", 892], ["eyes", 892], ["grow", 905], ["growest", 905], ["growing", 905], ["heavy", 911], ["heavies", 911], ["heavier", 911], ["afraid", 932], ["go", 949], ["goest", 949], ["went", 949], ["slept", 958], ["sleep", 958], ["sleeps", 958], ["sleepest", 958], ["disappear", 982], ["lose", 998], ["forever", 1011], ["much", 1033], ["painful", 1046], ["taste", 1074], ["family", 1098], ["patient", 1128], ["clearly", 1153], ["difficult", 1172], ["time", 1177], ["keep", 1185], ["keepest", 1185], ["keeping", 1185], ["awoke", 1191], ["awake", 1191], ["dr", 1199], ["drs", 1199], ["far", 1242], ["polite", 1253], ["say", 1260], ["sayest", 1260], ["anything", 1269], ["head", 1298], ["rest", 1328], ["pick", 1352], ["first", 1365], ["firstest", 1365], ["thing", 1371], ["word", 1411], ["words", 1411], ["earn", 1418], ["earned", 1418], ["look", 1441], ["looks", 1441], ["damien", 1469], ["turn", 1490], ["turned", 1490], ["look", 1498], ["clear", 1537], ["clearest", 1537], ["right", 1563], ["rightest", 1563], ["okay", 1579], ["weakly", 1602], ["sierra", 1646], ["sierras", 1646], ["interject", 1658], ["firmly", 1665], ["bright", 1697], ["brights", 1697], ["early", 1707], ["tomorrow", 1716], ["tomorrows", 1716], ["hug", 1748], ["hugged", 1748], ["new", 1756], ["sister", 1763], ["law", 1770], ["concede", 1801], ["conceded", 1801], ["surprise", 1821], ["surprised", 1821], ["also", 1835], ["lean", 1843], ["leans", 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2520], ["seem", 2575], ["seeming", 2575], ["command", 2586], ["hold", 2620], ["held", 2620], ["together", 2637], ["long", 2648], ["longs", 2648], ["look", 2700], ["looked", 2700], ["rub", 2730], ["rubbed", 2730], ["along", 2745], ["cheek", 2755], ["cheeks", 2755], ["begin", 2767], ["began", 2767], ["unravel", 2778], ["body", 2789], ["bodied", 2789], ["shake", 2797], ["shaking", 2797], ["emotion", 2814], ["try", 2833], ["tryed", 2833], ["trying", 2833], ["suppress", 2845], ["suppresses", 2845], ["hon", 2872], ["long", 2903], ["longs", 2903], ["come", 2915], ["coming", 2915], ["think", 2935], ["thinkest", 2935], ["weak", 2948], ["shed", 2960], ["tear", 2972], ["teared", 2972], ["tears", 2972], ["dry", 3022], ["drier", 3022], ["drying", 3022], ["prickle", 3036], ["prickled", 3036], ["watch", 3059], ["watched", 3059], ["blur", 3085], ["blurs", 3085], ["blurred", 3085], ["well", 3113], ["wells", 3113], ["rush", 3129], ["rushed", 3129], ["cheek", 3145], ["cheeks", 3145], ["everything", 3158], ["vow", 3185], ["vowed", 3185], ["slid", 3195], ["bed", 3208], ["next", 3213], ["careful", 3230], ["pull", 3256], ["pulled", 3256], ["gently", 3267], ["close", 3305], ["sob", 3319], ["sobs", 3319], ["sobbed", 3319], ["relief", 3334], ["reliefs", 3334], ["anxiety", 3369], ["carry", 3390], ["carrying", 3390], ["last", 3422], ["wall", 3428], ["walls", 3428], ["around", 3435], ["heart", 3445], ["finally", 3481], ["sweet", 3505], ["embrace", 3513], ["give", 3544], ["fate", 3584], ["love", 3596], ["strong", 3620], ["capable", 3630], ["capablest", 3630], ["hand", 3636], ["hands", 3636], ["know", 3667], ["knowest", 3667], ["knowing", 3667], ["belong", 3680], ["belonged", 3680], ["belongest", 3680], ["open", 3691], ["opened", 3691], ["way", 3715], ["ways", 3715], ["else", 3728], ["willing", 3763], ["hope", 3771], ["dream", 3782], ["dreamt", 3782], ["dreamest", 3782], ["love", 3804], ["loved", 3804], ["need", 3833], ["needest", 3833], ["needed", 3833], ["brave", 3845], ["tell", 3860], ["try", 3876], ["tryed", 3876], ["tried", 3876], ["without", 3887], ["hold", 3910], ["holding", 3910], ["tight", 3920], ["night", 3983], ["week", 3993], ["chapter", 4028], ["eighteen", 4037], ["eighteens", 4037], ["another", 4074], ["attack", 4089], ["ask", 4123], ["asked", 4123], ["ride", 4136], ["rode", 4136], ["jaguar", 4162], ["jaguars", 4162], ["send", 4183], ["sent", 4183], ["drive", 4234], ["driven", 4234], ["nervous", 4266], ["smile", 4272], ["warning", 4311], ["warnings", 4311], ["um", 4337], ["house", 4347]]
then he looked away , rubbing his brow with his knuckles before looking back to the tennis player - a master tactician putting on a brilliant performance , or a man who for a moment forgot his purpose and said what he truly felt even lee wasnt totally sure about that one . thats bollocks ! sorry i did want to see you play , but i wanted to be around as well , just in case . i thought that something would kick off today , and i wasnt sure how you would cope with it . i wasnt sure how you would cope after it . it sounds really arrogant now that i say it but i thought you might need me . i didnt plan to shout out like that : to make a scene and have you notice me . i would much rather have just watched you win , no problems , and then slipped away quietly . but it didnt seem like that was going to happen . maybe i was wrong to call out - you would have sorted it out anyway without me interfering . lewis shook his head where self-annoyance sat etched on his face . again lees hand came to rest on his shoulder , staying there this time . well , its done now but thats why i came here today , lewis in case you needed me . asked the teasing scoundrel , because he had already decided not to stay . the question floated in the air like a piece of bait for lewis to bite on as he gazed on lee porters handsome face and absorbed again his intoxicating scent . it was another invite more tempting that ever . lewis considered for a moment the ecstasy to be had in surrendering to this man like so many others had happily done and no doubt been well rewarded . now i need to lighten up , he replied with a slight shake of his head , and pulling away so lees hand was forced to drop . the argument was persuasive , but not persuasive enough . it was not the answer which lee had hoped for , despite the fact that he would have had to decline a more suggestive response . distance was being created once again , but he had time to bring lewis back . he was relishing this challenge , enjoying the chase . it would make it all the more satisfying when the end game got played out . okay , said lee , but if you need to talk through what happened here today - the crowd that is . i will , but i just want to put it behind me now . ill work through it in my own time , and when i do , i might need to talk to someone . its good to know that youre there . on the far side of the room , jim murdoch stood watching them , as he had done for several minutes . he saw the touches and the looks that were being passed between them , and wondered again who this man was , and how he had come to feature so prominently in lewiss life without any announcement . jim was glad that lewis had not seen him as hed entered the lounge , as an introduction would then have been forced on him . curious as he was to find out about this man , it was perhaps a step too far for him right now . and whatever was happening over there , jim felt that he had no place in it , so he decided to leave . the news he had could wait . it was clear that lewis had other things to concern himself with at present . it was an awkward situation though , as they had arranged to meet in the lounge after the match and then drive home . jim decided that hed leave it for half an hour . lewis would call him when he was ready . but if he had heard nothing by then , he would make the call , probably return and face the introduction . so why do you have to get back tonight , surely youre not working ? asked lewis , drawing a line under the previous topic . ive got a meeting tomorrow with a clothing company . hopefully theres a sponsorship deal to be had . to wear their stuff you mean ? explained lee as he sat back in his chair , creating a little more formality for this part of the conversation . just like you get sponsored to wear brand names when you play , we get sponsored to advertise them when were at the gigs , and through images that appear on the net , or in magazines . its nowhere near your league , but it helps to pay the bills . lewis took a sip from his drink , gesturing to the bar as he deposited the glass an offer which lee declined with a wave of his hand . would i know them - this company ? the tennis player asked . you may do . him clothing : australians who want to break into europe . hopefully i can help . lewis nodded his head . ive heard of them - they do tennis gear . is it a big deal for you ? thats why i have to get back . i owe you a favour , a big favour . lee knew the answer , but it wasnt the one he would give , not yet anyway . dont be silly , you dont owe me anything , lewis . another shake of lewiss head refuted this . thats not true , i do .
[["look", 14], ["looked", 14], ["away", 19], ["rub", 29], ["rubbing", 29], ["brow", 38], ["knuckle", 56], ["knuckles", 56], ["knuckling", 56], ["look", 71], ["looking", 71], ["back", 76], ["tennis", 90], ["master", 108], ["tactician", 118], ["tacticians", 118], ["put", 126], ["putting", 126], ["brilliant", 141], ["performance", 153], ["man", 164], ["mans", 164], ["manned", 164], ["moment", 181], ["forget", 188], ["forgot", 188], ["purpose", 200], ["say", 209], ["sayest", 209], ["said", 209], ["truly", 223], ["feel", 228], ["felt", 228], ["even", 233], ["evens", 233], ["lee", 237], ["lees", 237], ["totally", 251], ["sure", 256], ["bollock", 288], ["bollocks", 288], ["sorry", 296], ["see", 314], ["play", 323], ["playest", 323], ["around", 351], ["well", 359], ["wells", 359], ["case", 374], ["think", 386], ["thinkest", 386], ["thought", 386], ["kick", 412], ["today", 422], ["cope", 460], ["coped", 460], ["sound", 523], ["sounds", 523], ["really", 530], ["arrogant", 539], ["say", 554], ["sayest", 554], ["may", 581], ["mays", 581], ["mayest", 581], ["might", 581], ["need", 586], ["needest", 586], ["plan", 604], ["shout", 613], ["like", 622], ["scene", 645], ["notice", 665], ["much", 683], ["rather", 690], ["watch", 708], ["watched", 708], ["win", 716], ["problem", 730], ["problems", 730], ["slip", 749], ["slipped", 749], ["quietly", 762], ["seem", 782], ["seeming", 782], ["go", 802], ["goest", 802], ["going", 802], ["happen", 812], ["maybe", 820], ["wrong", 832], ["call", 840], ["sort", 868], ["sorted", 868], ["anyway", 882], ["without", 890], ["interfere", 905], ["interfering", 905], ["lewis", 913], ["shake", 919], ["shook", 919], ["head", 928], ["self", 939], ["annoyance", 949], ["sat", 953], ["sit", 953], ["face", 972], ["hand", 990], ["come", 995], ["came", 995], ["rest", 1003], ["shoulder", 1019], ["shouldered", 1019], ["stay", 1029], ["staying", 1029], ["time", 1045], ["need", 1126], ["needest", 1126], ["needed", 1126], ["ask", 1137], ["asked", 1137], 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["pulling", 1648], ["force", 1677], ["forced", 1677], ["drop", 1685], ["argument", 1700], ["persuasive", 1715], ["enough", 1743], ["answer", 1767], ["answeres", 1767], ["answerest", 1767], ["hope", 1787], ["hoped", 1787], ["despite", 1801], ["fact", 1810], ["decline", 1844], ["suggestive", 1862], ["response", 1871], ["distance", 1882], ["distancing", 1882], ["create", 1900], ["created", 1900], ["bring", 1938], ["relish", 1968], ["relishing", 1968], ["challenge", 1983], ["enjoy", 1994], ["enjoyed", 1994], ["enjoying", 1994], ["chase", 2004], ["end", 2060], ["ends", 2060], ["endest", 2060], ["game", 2065], ["get", 2069], ["got", 2069], ["play", 2076], ["playest", 2076], ["played", 2076], ["okay", 2087], ["talk", 2124], ["happen", 2146], ["happened", 2146], ["crowd", 2169], ["crowdest", 2169], ["crowding", 2169], ["put", 2211], ["behind", 2221], ["ill", 2234], ["ills", 2234], ["illest", 2234], ["work", 2239], ["wrought", 2239], ["good", 2326], ["know", 2334], ["knowest", 2334], ["far", 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["wait", 3003], ["waitest", 3003], ["clear", 3018], ["clearest", 3018], ["thing", 3046], ["things", 3046], ["concern", 3057], ["concerned", 3057], ["concernest", 3057], ["present", 3081], ["presentest", 3081], ["awkward", 3101], ["situation", 3111], ["though", 3118], ["arrange", 3141], ["arranging", 3141], ["arranged", 3141], ["meet", 3149], ["meeted", 3149], ["match", 3179], ["matching", 3179], ["drive", 3194], ["home", 3199], ["homing", 3199], ["half", 3240], ["hour", 3248], ["ready", 3289], ["hear", 3311], ["hears", 3311], ["heard", 3311], ["nothing", 3319], ["probably", 3363], ["return", 3370], ["returnest", 3370], ["get", 3424], ["tonight", 3437], ["surely", 3446], ["work", 3464], ["wrought", 3464], ["working", 3464], ["draw", 3488], ["draws", 3488], ["drawn", 3488], ["drawing", 3488], ["line", 3495], ["previous", 3514], ["topic", 3520], ["meeting", 3540], ["tomorrow", 3549], ["tomorrows", 3549], ["clothing", 3565], ["company", 3573], ["companys", 3573], ["companying", 3573], ["hopefully", 3585], ["sponsorship", 3606], ["sponsorships", 3606], ["deal", 3611], ["wear", 3631], ["stuff", 3643], ["mean", 3652], ["meanest", 3652], ["explain", 3664], ["explained", 3664], ["chair", 3696], ["chairing", 3696], ["create", 3707], ["creating", 3707], ["little", 3716], ["formality", 3731], ["part", 3745], ["parting", 3745], ["conversation", 3765], ["sponsor", 3795], ["sponsoring", 3795], ["sponsored", 3795], ["brand", 3809], ["name", 3815], ["names", 3815], ["advertise", 3861], ["gig", 3888], ["gigs", 3888], ["gigged", 3888], ["image", 3909], ["imaged", 3909], ["imaging", 3909], ["images", 3909], ["appear", 3921], ["net", 3932], ["magazine", 3950], ["magazining", 3950], ["magazines", 3950], ["nowhere", 3964], ["near", 3969], ["league", 3981], ["leagued", 3981], ["help", 3996], ["helpest", 3996], ["helps", 3996], ["pay", 4003], ["pays", 4003], ["payest", 4003], ["bill", 4013], ["bills", 4013], ["take", 4026], ["took", 4026], ["sip", 4032], ["drank", 4047], ["drink", 4047], ["drinking", 4047], ["gesture", 4059], ["gesturing", 4059], ["bar", 4070], ["deposit", 4086], ["deposited", 4086], ["glass", 4096], ["offer", 4105], ["decline", 4124], ["declined", 4124], ["wave", 4136], ["waved", 4136], ["may", 4219], ["mays", 4219], ["mayest", 4219], ["break", 4269], ["broke", 4269], ["europe", 4281], ["help", 4304], ["helpest", 4304], ["nod", 4319], ["nodded", 4319], ["gear", 4370], ["big", 4384], ["bigs", 4384], ["owe", 4436], ["owes", 4436], ["owing", 4436], ["favour", 4449], ["favourest", 4449], ["know", 4475], ["knowest", 4475], ["knew", 4475], ["give", 4523], ["yet", 4533], ["silly", 4556], ["anything", 4583], ["refute", 4630], ["refuted", 4630], ["true", 4652]]
caught up in her thoughts , she 'd been staring off into space . startled , she led him down the hall and escorted him into the second bedroom , which she planned to turn into the nursery . he paused halfway into the room . `` you 've bought quite a lot of stuff already . '' gloria rested her hand on the changing table . `` corrie saw this on sale and phoned me from the store . i bought it sight unseen , and then mack and his brother-in-law picked it up for me and brought it to the apartment . '' the change table was white wood with six drawers , three on each side . there was a brightly colored pad on top . `` i want to paint the room a light shade of blue . '' mack had volunteered to do that for her . she 'd thanked him and declined . she wanted chad to offer . chad looked at the two ends of the crib that leaned against the outside wall . she 'd taken everything out of the cardboard packaging , which she 'd put in the recycling bin . `` the assembly directions are in several different languages , '' she said , handing him the printed sheets . `` i suspect the english version might be a bit difficult to follow . '' `` in other words , english is n't their first language . '' chad studied the directions , then flipped through several pages . `` the pictures will help . '' gloria had made that assumption herself , only to give up in frustration . `` i have all the tools we 'll need . '' i did n't think to bring anything with me . '' he did n't know until he arrived why she 'd contacted him . they sat down on the floor together and gloria marveled at how thorough chad was . he read the entire booklet before he even reached for the screwdriver . `` we should n't have a problem . '' an hour later , gloria had to get up off the floor . `` i 'm more in the mood for a shot of whiskey . has anyone ever successfully assembled one of these cribs ? '' sorry , i do n't have anything stronger than wine . '' she had n't even thought to look until he asked . he repeated , and in one fluid motion he was on his feet . he grabbed his cell and rushed out of the room . `` do you need to be someplace else ? '' she asked , and assumed he was meeting joni . her chest tightened as she held her breath . talking on his cell phone , chad stepped outside the apartment onto the second-story walkway . he paced back and forth , intent on his conversation . several minutes passed before he returned . she asked , hoping she 'd be able to hide her disappointment if he did . `` i apologize ... i should 've realized you might have made other plans . '' `` no , it 's all right , really , '' she insisted . `` it is n't like i 'm due next week or anything . chad went back to the baby 's room and she went into the kitchen . the cupboard above the refrigerator held a bottle of merlot . gloria could n't remember how long it 'd been there-well over a year , anyway . but aging red wine was supposed to improve the flavor . opening the bottle proved to be a challenge but she managed . she poured chad a glass and carried it into the bedroom . `` here , this might help , '' she said , handing him the wineglass . `` i wish i could join you ... he sent her a warm smile , which she immediately fell victim to ; he 'd had that effect on her from the beginning . `` i also bought a mobile . '' the words tumbled out in her effort to break the spell he had over her . `` does it need assembly ? '' `` that 's a relief , '' he teased , laughing . he had one side of the crib attached when her stomach growled , reminding her that it 'd been a long time since lunch . if she was hungry , chad likely was , too . `` i 'll fix us some dinner , '' she suggested , eager to do something useful . she was n't much help with the crib , other than to reread the instructions aloud . every once in a while he 'd ask her to repeat a step and she 'd struggle with the poor syntax and confused vocabulary . at one point chad muttered that english must be the author 's fourth or fifth language . smiling , gloria agreed . `` do n't go to any trouble , '' chad said . not until she was in her kitchen did she realize this was the first time she 'd ever cooked for him . she 'd soon be giving birth to his son and yet they 'd never once shared a home-cooked meal . she had to wonder if joni ever cooked for him and decided she probably did . gloria did n't have a large repertoire of recipes . one of her favorites was a seafood pasta dish .
[["catch", 6], ["catches", 6], ["catched", 6], ["caught", 6], ["thought", 25], ["thoughts", 25], ["stare", 47], ["stared", 47], ["staring", 47], ["space", 62], ["spaced", 62], ["spacing", 62], ["lead", 83], ["leaded", 83], ["led", 83], ["hall", 101], ["escort", 114], ["escorted", 114], ["second", 134], ["seconded", 134], ["bedroom", 142], ["plan", 162], ["planned", 162], ["turn", 170], ["nursery", 187], ["pause", 199], ["paused", 199], ["halfway", 207], ["halfways", 207], ["room", 221], ["roomed", 221], ["buy", 241], ["buyed", 241], ["bought", 241], ["quite", 247], ["lot", 253], ["stuff", 262], ["already", 270], ["gloria", 282], ["rest", 289], ["rested", 289], ["hand", 298], ["change", 314], ["changing", 314], ["table", 320], ["tabled", 320], ["tabling", 320], ["corrie", 332], ["see", 336], ["saw", 336], ["sale", 349], ["phone", 360], ["phoned", 360], ["store", 378], ["sight", 398], ["sighted", 398], ["unseen", 405], ["mack", 421], ["brother", 437], ["brethren", 437], ["law", 444], ["pick", 451], ["picked", 451], ["bring", 476], ["brought", 476], ["apartment", 496], ["change", 512], ["white", 528], ["wood", 533], ["six", 542], ["drawer", 550], ["drawers", 550], ["three", 558], ["side", 571], ["sidest", 571], ["brightly", 594], ["color", 602], ["colored", 602], ["pad", 606], ["padding", 606], ["top", 613], ["paint", 634], ["lit", 651], ["light", 651], ["shade", 657], ["shaded", 657], ["blue", 665], ["volunteer", 691], ["volunteered", 691], ["thank", 727], ["thanks", 727], ["thankest", 727], ["thanked", 727], ["decline", 744], ["declined", 744], ["chad", 762], ["offer", 771], ["look", 785], ["looked", 785], ["two", 796], ["twos", 796], ["end", 801], ["ends", 801], ["endest", 801], ["crib", 813], ["lean", 825], ["leans", 825], ["leaned", 825], ["outside", 845], ["wall", 850], ["take", 865], ["taken", 865], ["everything", 876], ["cardboard", 897], ["packaging", 907], ["put", 926], ["recycling", 943], ["bin", 947], ["bins", 947], ["assembly", 965], ["direction", 976], 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["knowest", 1471], ["arrive", 1488], ["arrived", 1488], ["contact", 1509], ["contacted", 1509], ["sat", 1524], ["sit", 1524], ["floor", 1542], ["together", 1551], ["marvel", 1571], ["marveled", 1571], ["marvelled", 1571], ["marveling", 1571], ["marvelling", 1571], ["thorough", 1587], ["read", 1606], ["reads", 1606], ["entire", 1617], ["booklet", 1625], ["even", 1640], ["evens", 1640], ["reach", 1648], ["reached", 1648], ["screwdriver", 1668], ["problem", 1702], ["hour", 1715], ["later", 1721], ["get", 1741], ["mood", 1785], ["shot", 1796], ["whiskey", 1807], ["anyone", 1820], ["ever", 1825], ["everest", 1825], ["successfully", 1838], ["assemble", 1848], ["assembles", 1848], ["assembled", 1848], ["cribs", 1867], ["sorry", 1878], ["strong", 1912], ["wine", 1922], ["think", 1952], ["thinkest", 1952], ["thought", 1952], ["look", 1960], ["ask", 1975], ["asked", 1975], ["repeat", 1989], ["repeatest", 1989], ["repeated", 1989], ["fluid", 2008], ["motion", 2015], ["foot", 2034], ["feet", 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["send", 3160], ["sent", 3160], ["warm", 3171], ["smile", 3177], ["immediately", 3201], ["fall", 3206], ["falls", 3206], ["fell", 3206], ["victim", 3213], ["effect", 3240], ["beginning", 3266], ["also", 3278], ["mobile", 3294], ["mobiles", 3294], ["tumble", 3317], ["tumbled", 3317], ["effort", 3335], ["break", 3344], ["broke", 3344], ["spelt", 3354], ["spell", 3354], ["relief", 3422], ["reliefs", 3422], ["tease", 3437], ["teased", 3437], ["laugh", 3448], ["laughing", 3448], ["attach", 3487], ["attached", 3487], ["stomach", 3504], ["stomachs", 3504], ["stomaching", 3504], ["growl", 3512], ["growls", 3512], ["growled", 3512], ["remind", 3524], ["reminding", 3524], ["time", 3556], ["since", 3562], ["lunch", 3568], ["lunched", 3568], ["lunches", 3568], ["hungry", 3588], ["fix", 3627], ["fixes", 3627], ["dinner", 3642], ["suggest", 3661], ["suggested", 3661], ["eager", 3669], ["useful", 3692], ["much", 3711], ["reread", 3753], ["rereads", 3753], ["rereading", 3753], ["instruction", 3770], ["instructions", 3770], ["aloud", 3776], ["every", 3784], ["ask", 3810], ["repeat", 3824], ["repeatest", 3824], ["step", 3831], ["struggle", 3851], ["poor", 3865], ["syntax", 3872], ["syntaxes", 3872], ["vocabulary", 3896], ["vocabularies", 3896], ["point", 3911], ["mutter", 3925], ["mutterest", 3925], ["muttering", 3925], ["muttered", 3925], ["must", 3943], ["musts", 3943], ["author", 3957], ["fourth", 3967], ["fifth", 3976], ["agree", 4011], ["agreed", 4011], ["go", 4026], ["goest", 4026], ["trouble", 4041], ["troubling", 4041], ["realize", 4107], ["cook", 4150], ["cooked", 4150], ["soon", 4172], ["give", 4182], ["giving", 4182], ["birth", 4188], ["son", 4199], ["yet", 4207], ["never", 4221], ["share", 4233], ["shared", 4233], ["home", 4240], ["homing", 4240], ["meal", 4252], ["wonder", 4272], ["wonderest", 4272], ["decide", 4312], ["decided", 4312], ["probably", 4325], ["large", 4359], ["repertoire", 4370], ["repertoires", 4370], ["recipe", 4381], ["recipes", 4381], ["favorite", 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`` it constricts the blood vessels of the surface skin , and drives the blood inward , where it may be of more use to our young friend . '' so speaking , he grasped the patient by the hair and thrust the vial into the young man 's mouth , skillfully decanting the medicine down his throat without spilling a drop . `` ah , '' he said approvingly as the man gulped and breathed deeply . now , as to the pain-yes , it is better if we can numb the leg , so he will be less inclined to resist our efforts as we straighten it . '' he reached into his capacious pocket once more , this time coming out with a small brass pin , some three inches in length , with a wide , flat head . one bony , thick-jointed hand tenderly explored the inside of the patient 's thigh near the groin , following the thin blue line of a large vein beneath the skin . the groping fingers hesitated , paused , palpated in a small circle , then settled on a point . digging a sharp forefinger into the skin as though to mark his place , monsieur forez brought the point of the brass pin to bear in the same place . another quick reach into the pocket of marvels produced a small brass hammer , with which he drove the pin straight into the leg with one blow . the leg twitched violently , then seemed to relax into limpness . the vaso-constrictor administered earlier did in fact seem to be working ; the ooze of blood from the severed tissues was markedly less . monsieur forez smiled shyly , a faint rosiness staining his blue-shadowed cheeks with pleasure at my admiration . `` well , it does not always work quite so well , '' he admitted modestly . `` luck was with me this time . '' he pointed at the brass pin , explaining , `` there is a large bundle of nerve endings there , sister , what i have heard the anatomists call a plexus . if you are fortunate enough to pierce it directly , it numbs a great deal of the sensations in the lower extremity . '' he straightened abruptly , realizing that he was wasting time in talk that might better be spent in action . `` come , ma soeur , '' he ordered . `` back to your post ! the action of the stimulant is not long-lasting ; we must work now , while the bleeding is suppressed . '' almost limp , the leg straightened easily , the splintered ends of bone drawing back through the skin . following monsieur forez 's orders , i now grasped the young man about the torso , while he maneuvered the foot and lower leg , so that we applied a constant traction while the final small adjustments were made . `` that will do , sister . now , if you will but hold the foot steady for a moment . '' a shout summoned an orderly with a couple of stout sticks and some rags for binding , and in no time we had the limb neatly splinted and the open wounds firmly dressed with pressure bandages . monsieur forez and i exchanged a broad smile of congratulation over the body of our patient . `` lovely work , that , '' i praised , shoving back a lock of hair that had come unbound during our exertions . i saw monsieur forez 's face change suddenly , as he realized that i wore no veil , and just then the loud bonging of the vespers bell rang from the adjacent church . i glanced openmouthed at the tall window at the end of the ward , left unglassed to allow unwholesome vapors to pass out . sure enough , the oblong of sky was the deep half-indigo of early evening . `` excuse me , '' i said , starting to wriggle out of the covering gown . `` i must go at once ; my husband will be worried about me coming home so late . i 'm so glad to have had the chance of assisting you , monsieur forez . '' the tall bonesetter watched this disrobing act in patent astonishment . `` but you ... well , no , of course you are not a nun , i should have realized that before ... but you ... who are you ? '' `` my name 's fraser , '' i told him briefly . `` look , i must go , or my husband ... '' he drew himself up to his full gawky height , and bowed with deep seriousness . `` i should esteem it a privilege if you would allow me to see you home , madame fraser . '' `` oh ... why , thank you , '' i said , touched at his thoughtfulness . `` i have an escort , though , '' i said , looking vaguely around the hall for fergus , who had taken over escort duty from murtagh , when he was not needed to steal something . he was there , leaning against the doorjamb , twitching with impatience .
[["constrict", 16], ["constricts", 16], ["blood", 26], ["bloods", 26], ["blooded", 26], ["vessel", 34], ["vessels", 34], ["surface", 49], ["skin", 54], ["drive", 67], ["drives", 67], ["inward", 84], ["inwards", 84], ["may", 99], ["mays", 99], ["mayest", 99], ["use", 114], ["young", 127], ["youngest", 127], ["friend", 134], ["speak", 151], ["spoken", 151], ["speaking", 151], ["grasp", 164], ["grasped", 164], ["grasping", 164], ["patient", 176], ["hair", 188], ["thrust", 199], ["vial", 208], ["man", 227], ["mans", 227], ["manned", 227], ["mouth", 236], ["mouthed", 236], ["skillfully", 249], ["decant", 259], ["decanting", 259], ["medicine", 272], ["medicines", 272], ["throat", 288], ["without", 296], ["spilt", 305], ["spill", 305], ["spilling", 305], ["drop", 312], ["ah", 320], ["say", 333], ["sayest", 333], ["said", 333], ["approvingly", 345], ["gulp", 363], ["gulps", 363], ["gulped", 363], ["breathe", 376], ["breathes", 376], ["breathed", 376], ["deeply", 383], ["pain", 406], ["yes", 410], ["well", 425], ["wells", 425], ["better", 425], ["numb", 440], ["numbs", 440], ["numbed", 440], ["numbest", 440], ["leg", 448], ["less", 469], ["resist", 488], ["resistest", 488], ["effort", 500], ["efforts", 500], ["straighten", 517], ["straightened", 517], ["reach", 536], ["reached", 536], ["capacious", 555], ["pocket", 562], ["pocketing", 562], ["time", 584], ["come", 591], ["coming", 591], ["small", 608], ["brass", 614], ["pin", 618], ["three", 631], ["inch", 638], ["inches", 638], ["length", 648], ["wide", 662], ["flat", 669], ["head", 674], ["bony", 685], ["thick", 693], ["thickest", 693], ["hand", 706], ["tenderly", 715], ["explore", 724], ["explored", 724], ["inside", 735], ["thigh", 759], ["thighs", 759], ["near", 764], ["groin", 774], ["follow", 786], ["following", 786], ["thin", 795], ["thins", 795], ["blue", 800], ["line", 805], ["large", 816], ["vein", 821], ["beneath", 829], ["grope", 852], ["groping", 852], ["finger", 860], ["fingers", 860], ["hesitate", 870], ["hesitated", 870], ["pause", 879], ["paused", 879], ["palpate", 890], ["palpated", 890], ["circle", 908], ["settle", 923], ["settled", 923], ["point", 934], ["dug", 944], ["dig", 944], ["digs", 944], ["digest", 944], ["digging", 944], ["sharp", 952], ["sharps", 952], ["forefinger", 963], ["though", 987], ["mark", 995], ["marks", 995], ["place", 1005], ["monsieur", 1016], ["bring", 1030], ["brought", 1030], ["bore", 1065], ["bear", 1065], ["bearest", 1065], ["another", 1093], ["quick", 1099], ["reach", 1105], ["marvel", 1132], ["marveled", 1132], ["marvelled", 1132], ["marveling", 1132], ["marvelling", 1132], ["marvels", 1132], ["produce", 1141], ["produced", 1141], ["hammer", 1162], ["drive", 1184], ["drove", 1184], ["straight", 1201], ["blew", 1228], ["blow", 1228], ["blowest", 1228], ["twitch", 1247], ["twitching", 1247], ["twitchest", 1247], ["twitched", 1247], ["violently", 1257], ["seem", 1271], ["seeming", 1271], ["seemed", 1271], ["relax", 1280], ["relaxed", 1280], ["limpness", 1294], ["vaso", 1305], ["constrictor", 1317], ["administer", 1330], ["administered", 1330], ["early", 1338], ["fact", 1350], ["seem", 1355], ["seeming", 1355], ["work", 1369], ["wrought", 1369], ["working", 1369], ["ooze", 1380], ["oozing", 1380], ["sever", 1406], ["severed", 1406], ["tissue", 1414], ["tissues", 1414], ["markedly", 1427], ["smile", 1456], ["smiled", 1456], ["shyly", 1462], ["faint", 1472], ["rosiness", 1481], ["stain", 1490], ["stainest", 1490], ["staining", 1490], ["cheek", 1515], ["cheeks", 1515], ["pleasure", 1529], ["admiration", 1546], ["well", 1556], ["wells", 1556], ["always", 1577], ["work", 1582], ["wrought", 1582], ["quite", 1588], ["admit", 1613], ["admitted", 1613], ["modestly", 1622], ["luck", 1632], ["point", 1670], ["pointed", 1670], ["explain", 1700], ["explaining", 1700], ["bundle", 1729], ["bundled", 1729], ["nerve", 1738], ["ending", 1746], ["endings", 1746], ["sister", 1761], ["hear", 1781], ["hears", 1781], ["heard", 1781], ["anatomist", 1796], ["anatomists", 1796], ["call", 1801], ["plexus", 1810], ["fortunate", 1833], ["enough", 1840], ["pierce", 1850], ["directly", 1862], ["numb", 1873], ["numbs", 1873], ["numbed", 1873], ["numbest", 1873], ["great", 1881], ["deal", 1886], ["sensation", 1904], ["sensations", 1904], ["low", 1917], ["lowed", 1917], ["extremity", 1927], ["straighten", 1948], ["straightened", 1948], ["abruptly", 1957], ["realize", 1969], ["realizing", 1969], ["waste", 1989], ["wasting", 1989], ["talk", 2002], ["may", 2013], ["mays", 2013], ["mayest", 2013], ["might", 2013], ["spend", 2029], ["spends", 2029], ["spendest", 2029], ["spent", 2029], ["action", 2039], ["come", 2049], ["order", 2076], ["orderest", 2076], ["ordered", 2076], ["back", 2086], ["post", 2099], ["stimulant", 2129], ["long", 2141], ["longs", 2141], ["last", 2149], ["lasting", 2149], ["must", 2159], ["musts", 2159], ["bleeding", 2189], ["suppress", 2203], ["suppresses", 2203], ["suppressed", 2203], ["almost", 2215], ["limp", 2220], ["limps", 2220], ["limping", 2220], ["easily", 2250], ["end", 2272], ["ends", 2272], ["endest", 2272], ["bone", 2280], ["bonest", 2280], ["draw", 2288], ["draws", 2288], ["drawn", 2288], ["drawing", 2288], ["order", 2347], ["orderest", 2347], ["orders", 2347], ["torso", 2393], ["torsos", 2393], ["maneuver", 2415], ["maneuverest", 2415], ["maneuvered", 2415], ["foot", 2424], ["apply", 2459], ["applyed", 2459], ["applied", 2459], ["constant", 2470], ["traction", 2479], ["final", 2495], ["adjustment", 2513], ["adjustments", 2513], ["hold", 2579], ["steady", 2595], ["moment", 2608], ["shout", 2621], ["summon", 2630], ["summonest", 2630], ["summoned", 2630], ["orderly", 2641], ["couple", 2655], ["stout", 2664], ["stick", 2671], ["stickest", 2671], ["sticks", 2671], ["rag", 2685], ["ragged", 2685], ["rags", 2685], ["bind", 2697], ["bound", 2697], ["binding", 2697], ["limb", 2730], ["limbs", 2730], ["neatly", 2737], ["splint", 2746], ["splinted", 2746], ["splinting", 2746], ["open", 2759], ["wind", 2766], ["wound", 2766], ["wounding", 2766], ["wounds", 2766], ["firmly", 2773], ["dress", 2781], ["dressest", 2781], ["dressed", 2781], ["pressure", 2795], ["pressured", 2795], ["bandage", 2804], ["bandages", 2804], ["exchange", 2837], ["exchanged", 2837], ["broad", 2845], ["broads", 2845], ["smile", 2851], ["congratulation", 2869], ["body", 2883], ["bodied", 2883], ["lovely", 2910], ["lovelier", 2910], ["praise", 2937], ["praised", 2937], ["shove", 2947], ["shoving", 2947], ["lock", 2959], ["unbound", 2989], ["exertion", 3010], ["exertions", 3010], ["see", 3018], ["saw", 3018], ["face", 3041], ["change", 3048], ["suddenly", 3057], ["realize", 3074], ["realized", 3074], ["wear", 3086], ["wore", 3086], ["veil", 3094], ["loud", 3119], ["vesper", 3142], ["vespers", 3142], ["bell", 3147], ["belling", 3147], ["adjacent", 3170], ["church", 3177], ["churching", 3177], ["glance", 3189], ["glanced", 3189], ["openmouthed", 3201], ["tall", 3213], ["window", 3220], ["windows", 3220], ["end", 3231], ["ends", 3231], ["endest", 3231], ["ward", 3243], ["wards", 3243], ["left", 3250], ["leave", 3250], ["allow", 3269], ["unwholesome", 3281], ["vapor", 3288], ["vapors", 3288], ["pass", 3296], ["sure", 3307], ["oblong", 3327], ["sky", 3334], ["deep", 3347], ["deeply", 3347], ["half", 3352], ["indigo", 3359], ["early", 3368], ["evening", 3376], ["excuse", 3388], ["start", 3414], ["starting", 3414], ["wriggle", 3425], ["covering", 3445], ["gown", 3450], ["gowns", 3450], ["gowning", 3450], ["go", 3465], ["goest", 3465], ["husband", 3486], ["husbanding", 3486], ["home", 3523], ["homing", 3523], ["late", 3531], ["lates", 3531], ["glad", 3546], ["chance", 3569], ["chanced", 3569], ["chancing", 3569], ["assist", 3582], ["assists", 3582], ["assisting", 3582], ["bonesetter", 3628], ["watch", 3636], ["watched", 3636], ["disrobe", 3651], ["disrobed", 3651], ["act", 3655], ["acted", 3655], ["patent", 3665], ["astonishment", 3678], ["course", 3717], ["nun", 3735], ["nuns", 3735], ["name", 3816], ["fraser", 3826], ["tell", 3838], ["told", 3838], ["briefly", 3850], ["look", 3860], ["draw", 3903], ["draws", 3903], ["drawn", 3903], ["drew", 3903], ["full", 3926], ["gawky", 3932], ["height", 3939], ["heights", 3939], ["bow", 3951], ["bowed", 3951], ["seriousness", 3973], ["esteem", 3994], ["esteems", 3994], ["esteemed", 3994], ["privilege", 4009], ["privileged", 4009], ["see", 4038], ["madame", 4056], ["oh", 4074], ["thank", 4090], ["thanks", 4090], ["thankest", 4090], ["touch", 4116], ["touching", 4116], ["touched", 4116], ["thoughtfulness", 4138], ["escort", 4160], ["escorted", 4160], ["look", 4191], ["looking", 4191], ["vaguely", 4199], ["around", 4206], ["hall", 4215], ["fergus", 4226], ["take", 4242], ["taken", 4242], ["duty", 4259], ["need", 4297], ["needest", 4297], ["needed", 4297], ["steal", 4306], ["stole", 4306], ["lean", 4341], ["leans", 4341], ["leaning", 4341], ["doorjamb", 4362], ["twitch", 4374], ["twitching", 4374], ["twitchest", 4374], ["impatience", 4390]]
and hell know about it if you do report this , garrett , lash added . he has enough turncoats on his payroll that hell know . we have to handle this ourselves . a sob from the top of the stairs drew garretts gaze upward . jessi was standing there , her face colorless and damp . dammit , garrett , what are we gon na do ? garrett turned back to wes . he said hed contact us in twenty-four hours to tell us where to meet him for the exchange . that brought garrett to his feet . he expects me to wait that long ? to leave chelsea alone with that bastard for you have to , garrett . you try to go after him now , youll be signing chelseas death warrant . lash paced the living room , shaking his head . he wont kill her . not yet , not when he sees her as the key to getting his son back . i cant just wait , garrett said tightly . i cant just sit here and wait . dont wait , garrett . jessi came down the stairs and slid her arms around her brothers waist from behind , hugging him hard . use the time to plan . we have to get chelsea out of this alive , and we all know we cant hand our sweet little bubba over to that animal . she released him and he turned to face her . we need help , garrett . he answered her before she said what he knew she was going to say . jessi , i dont want any more people i love risking their lives over this . adam and ben will never forgive you if you dont let them help . and youll never forgive yourself if something goes wrong . theyd be here in a heartbeat if they knew what was going on . we have to tell them , garrett . shes right , wes said . this involves all of us now , garrett . not just you and chelsea . garrett met wess eyes , and again his heart damn near burst with pride at the way his brothers and his baby sister had turned out . thats true , lash said . even if de lorean gets what he wants , hes going to have to get rid of everyone who knows what went down . and im afraid that includes all of you . which is why im going to send them all away . jessi gasped . elliot had joined them in the middle of the conversation , and as jessi quickly brought him up to date , he stared at garrett with accusing eyes . dont argue , elliot . you , wes , jessi and little bubba , as well . i want you all to get as far away from here as you can until this is over one way or another . lash , if you had half a brain , youd take off , as well . i dont want anyone else getting caught in the crossfire . garrett jessi began to protest elliot silenced her with one hand on her arm . theres no sense talking to him when he gets like this . lets go check on the little one . garrett watched them go , his heart twisting . then he turned to wes . ill book a flight for you in the morning . you can all go visit adam in new york for a few days . they can go , you mean , wes said , his voice level and deadly . if you think you can bully me the way you can the kids , youd better think again , brother . you want me on some flight out , youre gon na have to knock me out cold to get me on the plane . and we both know that wont be easy . lashs eyes widened a little at that . garrett saw it and shook his head . what i have in size , wes has twice in speed and pure meanness , he explained . id hate like hell to have to find out whod still be standing if we ever went at it . so dont force me to show you , wes said . garrett nodded once . hed known wes would argue , just hadnt been sure how hard . it might get ugly . youre my brother , garrett . and that kid upstairs he glanced at the staircase , and garret thought he got too choked up to say more . and with those words , garrett knew the tension between him and wes was over . a thing of the past . one of the burdens weighing on his shoulders floated away . too bad the remaining ones were threatening to break his back . it was the longest night of chelseas life . she spent it in a locked room with no windows and nothing on the walls but brownish-yellow paint . the only piece of furniture was a small , twin-size bed with a bare , striped mattress and no pillows or blankets . an ugly room , out of place in an opulent mansion . she guessed de lorean used the room especially for guests like her . she knew instinctively she wasnt the first to be held here .
[["hell", 8], ["hells", 8], ["know", 13], ["knowest", 13], ["report", 39], ["garrett", 54], ["lash", 61], ["add", 67], ["added", 67], ["enough", 83], ["turncoat", 93], ["turncoats", 93], ["payroll", 108], ["handle", 143], ["sob", 166], ["sobs", 166], ["sobbed", 166], ["top", 179], ["stair", 193], ["stairs", 193], ["draw", 198], ["draws", 198], ["drawn", 198], ["drew", 198], ["gaze", 212], ["gazes", 212], ["upward", 219], ["stood", 240], ["stand", 240], ["standest", 240], ["standing", 240], ["face", 257], ["colorless", 267], ["damp", 276], ["damps", 276], ["damped", 276], ["dammit", 285], ["gon", 313], ["na", 316], ["nas", 316], ["turn", 336], ["turned", 336], ["back", 341], ["wes", 348], ["say", 358], ["sayest", 358], ["said", 358], ["contact", 370], ["twenty", 383], ["four", 388], ["hour", 394], ["hours", 394], ["tell", 402], ["meet", 419], ["meeted", 419], ["exchange", 440], ["bring", 455], ["brought", 455], ["foot", 475], ["feet", 475], ["expect", 488], ["expects", 488], ["wait", 499], ["waitest", 499], ["long", 509], ["longs", 509], ["left", 520], ["leave", 520], ["chelsea", 528], ["alone", 534], ["bastard", 552], ["try", 588], ["tryed", 588], ["go", 594], ["goest", 594], ["sign", 627], ["chelsea", 636], ["death", 642], ["warrant", 650], ["warranting", 650], ["pace", 663], ["paced", 663], ["room", 679], ["roomed", 679], ["shake", 689], ["shaking", 689], ["head", 698], ["kill", 713], ["yet", 727], ["see", 746], ["sees", 746], ["key", 761], ["keyed", 761], ["keyest", 761], ["get", 772], ["getting", 772], ["son", 780], ["tightly", 827], ["sat", 845], ["sit", 845], ["come", 894], ["came", 894], ["slid", 919], ["arm", 928], ["arms", 928], ["around", 935], ["brother", 948], ["brethren", 948], ["brothers", 948], ["waist", 954], ["behind", 966], ["hug", 976], ["hugging", 976], ["hard", 985], ["use", 991], ["time", 1000], ["plan", 1008], ["get", 1025], ["alive", 1051], ["hand", 1082], ["sweet", 1092], ["little", 1099], ["bubba", 1105], ["animal", 1125], ["release", 1140], ["released", 1140], ["need", 1180], ["needest", 1180], ["help", 1185], ["helpest", 1185], ["answer", 1209], ["answeres", 1209], ["answerest", 1209], ["answered", 1209], ["know", 1242], ["knowest", 1242], ["knew", 1242], ["go", 1256], ["goest", 1256], ["going", 1256], ["say", 1263], ["sayest", 1263], ["people", 1301], ["love", 1308], ["risk", 1316], ["riskest", 1316], ["risking", 1316], ["life", 1328], ["lifes", 1328], ["lives", 1328], ["adam", 1345], ["adams", 1345], ["ben", 1353], ["bens", 1353], ["never", 1364], ["forgive", 1372], ["forgived", 1372], ["forgiving", 1372], ["let", 1392], ["lets", 1392], ["go", 1455], ["goest", 1455], ["goes", 1455], ["wrong", 1461], ["heartbeat", 1492], ["heartbeats", 1492], ["right", 1569], ["rightest", 1569], ["involve", 1596], ["involves", 1596], ["meet", 1661], ["meeted", 1661], ["met", 1661], ["eye", 1671], ["eyed", 1671], ["eyes", 1671], ["heart", 1693], ["damn", 1698], ["damned", 1698], ["near", 1703], ["burst", 1709], ["bursted", 1709], ["pride", 1720], ["way", 1731], ["ways", 1731], ["baby", 1757], ["sister", 1764], ["true", 1792], ["even", 1811], ["evens", 1811], ["de", 1817], ["get", 1829], ["gets", 1829], ["rid", 1874], ["everyone", 1886], ["know", 1896], ["knowest", 1896], ["knows", 1896], ["go", 1906], ["goest", 1906], ["went", 1906], ["afraid", 1927], ["include", 1941], ["includes", 1941], ["send", 1984], ["away", 1998], ["gasp", 2013], ["gasps", 2013], ["gasped", 2013], ["elliot", 2022], ["join", 2033], ["joinest", 2033], ["joined", 2033], ["middle", 2052], ["middles", 2052], ["middling", 2052], ["conversation", 2072], ["quickly", 2095], ["date", 2118], ["stare", 2130], ["stared", 2130], ["accuse", 2155], ["accusing", 2155], ["argue", 2173], ["well", 2229], ["wells", 2229], ["far", 2260], ["another", 2324], ["half", 2349], ["brain", 2357], ["brained", 2357], ["braining", 2357], ["take", 2369], ["anyone", 2404], ["else", 2409], ["catch", 2424], ["catches", 2424], ["catched", 2424], ["caught", 2424], ["crossfire", 2441], ["begin", 2463], ["began", 2463], ["protest", 2474], ["protestest", 2474], ["silence", 2490], ["silenced", 2490], ["arm", 2519], ["sense", 2537], ["talk", 2545], ["talking", 2545], ["like", 2570], ["check", 2591], ["watch", 2627], ["watched", 2627], ["ill", 2686], ["ills", 2686], ["illest", 2686], ["book", 2691], ["flight", 2700], ["morning", 2723], ["visit", 2746], ["new", 2758], ["york", 2763], ["yorks", 2763], ["day", 2778], ["days", 2778], ["mean", 2803], ["meanest", 2803], ["voice", 2826], ["level", 2832], ["deadly", 2843], ["think", 2858], ["thinkest", 2858], ["bully", 2872], ["kid", 2900], ["kids", 2900], ["well", 2914], ["better", 2914], ["brother", 2936], ["brethren", 2936], ["knock", 2998], ["knocks", 2998], ["knockest", 2998], ["cold", 3010], ["easy", 3070], ["widen", 3091], ["widened", 3091], ["see", 3122], ["saw", 3122], ["shake", 3135], ["shook", 3135], ["size", 3166], ["twice", 3182], ["speed", 3191], ["speeding", 3191], ["pure", 3200], ["pured", 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3834], ["longs", 3834], ["longest", 3834], ["night", 3840], ["life", 3857], ["lifes", 3857], ["spend", 3869], ["spends", 3869], ["spendest", 3869], ["spent", 3869], ["lock", 3884], ["locked", 3884], ["window", 3905], ["windows", 3905], ["nothing", 3917], ["wall", 3930], ["walls", 3930], ["brownish", 3943], ["yellow", 3950], ["paint", 3956], ["piece", 3973], ["pieced", 3973], ["furniture", 3986], ["small", 3998], ["twin", 4005], ["bed", 4014], ["bare", 4026], ["stripe", 4036], ["striped", 4036], ["mattress", 4045], ["mattresses", 4045], ["pillow", 4060], ["pillows", 4060], ["blanket", 4072], ["blankets", 4072], ["place", 4102], ["opulent", 4116], ["mansion", 4124], ["guess", 4138], ["guessed", 4138], ["use", 4153], ["used", 4153], ["especially", 4173], ["guest", 4184], ["guestest", 4184], ["guests", 4184], ["instinctively", 4218], ["first", 4238], ["firstest", 4238], ["hold", 4249], ["held", 4249]]
belief made people do things that they otherwise would n't - and whether the belief had substance or not , the consequent actions certainly did . obeah-men and zombies notwithstanding , plainly there was some threat to governor warren - and he rather thought the governor knew what it was . he pinched out the candle-flame and sat in darkness for a moment , letting his eyes adjust themselves , then rose and went soft-footed to the french doors through which rodrigo had vanished . the guest bedchambers of king 's house were merely a string of boxes , all facing onto the long terrace , and each opening directly on to it through a pair of french doors . these had been curtained for the night , long pale drapes of muslin drawn across them . he paused for a moment , hand on the drape ; if anyone was watching his room , they would see the curtain being drawn aside . this opened onto a narrow service corridor , completely dark at the moment - and completely empty , if his senses could be trusted . but he 'd said the obeah-man had sent him . the logical conclusion would be that the same someone - or someones - was watching to see what grey might do next . his body had reached its own conclusions already , and was reaching for breeches and shirt before he had quite decided that if something was about to happen to warren , it was clearly his duty to stop it , zombies or not . recriminations could wait , though ; the nearer sentry saw him and challenged him with a sharp , 'who goes there ? ' 'it 's me , ' grey said briefly , and without ceremony , dispatched the sentry with orders to alert the other soldiers posted around the house , then send two men into the house , where they should wait in the hall until summoned . grey himself then went back into his room , through the inner door , and down the dark service corridor . the man blinked and stared when shaken awake , but eventually nodded in response to grey 's demand to be taken to the governor 's bedchamber , and led him into the main part of the house and up a darkened stair lit only by the moonlight streaming through the tall casements . everything was quiet on the upper floor , save for slow , regular snoring coming from what the slave said was the governor 's room . the man was swaying with weariness ; grey dismissed him , with orders to let in the soldiers who should now be at the door , and send them up . the house seemed to breathe around him , almost as though it were a sentient thing , and aware of him . otherwise- 'stay alert . for an instant , he thought he had left the tin of bear-grease ointment uncovered - and then the reek of sweet decay took him by the throat , followed instantly by a pair of hands that came out of the dark and fastened on said throat . the sudden weight surprised his assailant , and jerked grey free of the throttling grasp as he fell . for even as his mind reasserted its claim to reason , his more visceral faculties were recalling rodrigo 's parting statement : zombie are dead people , sah . he could hear the rustling of something moving quietly toward him . he could n't tell , for the rasp of his own breath , harsh in his throat , and the blood-thick hammering of his heart in his ears . there was light in the room , now his eyes were accustomed ; the french doors were pale rectangles in the dark , and he could make out the shape of the thing that was hunting him . it was man-shaped , but oddly hunched , and swung its head and shoulders from side to side , almost as though it meant to smell him out . noise that was undeniably human and staggered , waving its arms to keep its balance . the noise reassured him , and he rolled up onto one knee and launched himself at the creature , bellowing incoherent abuse . he butted it around chest-height , felt it fall backward , then lunged for the pool of shadow where he thought the table was . it was there , and feeling frantically over the surface , he found his dagger , still where he 'd left it . he snatched it up , and turned just in time to face the thing , which closed with him at once , reeking and making a disagreeable gobbling noise . he slashed at it , and felt his knife skitter down the creature 's forearm , bouncing off bone . it screamed , releasing a blast of foul breath directly into his face , then turned and rushed for the french doors , bursting them open in a shower of glass and flying muslin . he felt ill and breathless , and rested his head for a moment on his knees , before jerking it up to look round , lest something else be stealing up on him . the only noise was an agitated rustling of leaves in a nearby tree , which he thought for a shocked moment might be the creature , climbing from branch to branch in search of refuge . bats , said the calmly rational part of his mind - what was left of it .
[["belief", 6], ["people", 18], ["thing", 28], ["things", 28], ["otherwise", 48], ["whether", 72], ["substance", 97], ["consequent", 121], ["action", 129], ["actions", 129], ["certainly", 139], ["obeah", 151], ["man", 155], ["mans", 155], ["manned", 155], ["men", 155], ["zombie", 167], ["zombied", 167], ["zombies", 167], ["notwithstanding", 183], ["plainly", 193], ["threat", 215], ["governor", 227], ["warren", 234], ["rather", 250], ["think", 258], ["thinkest", 258], ["thought", 258], ["know", 276], ["knowest", 276], ["knew", 276], ["pinch", 301], ["pinched", 301], ["candle", 316], ["flame", 322], ["sat", 330], ["sit", 330], ["darkness", 342], ["moment", 355], ["let", 365], ["lets", 365], ["letting", 365], ["eye", 374], ["eyed", 374], ["eyes", 374], ["adjust", 381], ["rise", 404], ["risen", 404], ["rose", 404], ["go", 413], ["goest", 413], ["went", 413], ["soft", 418], ["french", 439], ["door", 445], ["doors", 445], ["vanish", 480], ["vanishest", 480], ["vanished", 480], ["guest", 492], ["guestest", 492], ["bedchamber", 504], ["bedchambers", 504], ["king", 512], ["house", 521], ["merely", 533], ["strung", 542], ["string", 542], ["strings", 542], ["box", 551], ["boxed", 551], ["boxes", 551], ["face", 564], ["facing", 564], ["onto", 569], ["ontos", 569], ["long", 578], ["longs", 578], ["terrace", 586], ["terracing", 586], ["opening", 605], ["directly", 614], ["pair", 638], ["pairs", 638], ["curtain", 681], ["curtaining", 681], ["curtained", 681], ["night", 695], ["pale", 707], ["drape", 714], ["drapes", 714], ["muslin", 724], ["muslins", 724], ["draw", 730], ["draws", 730], ["drawn", 730], ["across", 737], ["pause", 754], ["paused", 754], ["hand", 774], ["drape", 787], ["drapes", 787], ["anyone", 799], ["watch", 812], ["watching", 812], ["room", 821], ["roomed", 821], ["see", 838], ["curtain", 850], ["curtaining", 850], ["aside", 868], ["open", 882], ["opened", 882], ["narrow", 896], ["service", 904], ["servicing", 904], ["corridor", 913], ["completely", 926], ["dark", 931], ["empty", 968], ["sense", 984], ["senses", 984], ["trust", 1001], ["trusted", 1001], ["say", 1018], ["sayest", 1018], ["said", 1018], ["man", 1032], ["mans", 1032], ["manned", 1032], ["send", 1041], ["sent", 1041], ["logical", 1059], ["conclusion", 1070], ["grey", 1147], ["may", 1153], ["mays", 1153], ["mayest", 1153], ["might", 1153], ["next", 1161], ["body", 1172], ["bodied", 1172], ["reach", 1184], ["reached", 1184], ["conclusion", 1204], ["conclusions", 1204], ["already", 1212], ["reach", 1231], ["reaching", 1231], ["breech", 1244], ["breeches", 1244], ["shirt", 1254], ["quite", 1274], ["decide", 1282], ["decided", 1282], ["happen", 1320], ["clearly", 1347], ["duty", 1356], ["stop", 1364], ["recrimination", 1401], ["recriminations", 1401], ["wait", 1412], ["waitest", 1412], ["though", 1421], ["nearer", 1434], ["sentry", 1441], ["see", 1445], ["saw", 1445], ["challenge", 1464], ["challenged", 1464], ["sharp", 1481], ["sharps", 1481], ["go", 1493], ["goest", 1493], ["goes", 1493], ["briefly", 1535], ["without", 1549], ["ceremony", 1558], ["dispatch", 1571], ["dispatched", 1571], ["order", 1594], ["orderest", 1594], ["orders", 1594], ["alert", 1603], ["alerted", 1603], ["soldier", 1622], ["soldiered", 1622], ["soldiers", 1622], ["post", 1629], ["posted", 1629], ["around", 1636], ["send", 1658], ["two", 1662], ["twos", 1662], ["hall", 1718], ["summon", 1733], ["summonest", 1733], ["summoned", 1733], ["back", 1763], ["inner", 1797], ["door", 1802], ["blink", 1857], ["blinked", 1857], ["stare", 1868], ["stared", 1868], ["shake", 1880], ["shaken", 1880], ["awoke", 1886], ["awake", 1886], ["eventually", 1903], ["nod", 1910], ["nodded", 1910], ["response", 1922], ["demand", 1940], ["demandest", 1940], ["take", 1952], ["taken", 1952], ["bedchamber", 1982], ["lead", 1992], ["leaded", 1992], ["led", 1992], ["main", 2010], ["part", 2015], ["parting", 2015], ["darken", 2046], ["darkened", 2046], ["stair", 2052], ["stairs", 2052], ["lit", 2056], ["light", 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2634], ["decay", 2640], ["take", 2645], ["took", 2645], ["throat", 2663], ["follow", 2674], ["followed", 2674], ["instantly", 2684], ["hand", 2703], ["hands", 2703], ["come", 2713], ["came", 2713], ["fasten", 2742], ["fastenest", 2742], ["fastened", 2742], ["sudden", 2770], ["weight", 2777], ["weighted", 2777], ["weightest", 2777], ["surprise", 2787], ["surprised", 2787], ["assailant", 2801], ["free", 2824], ["grasp", 2848], ["grasped", 2848], ["grasping", 2848], ["fall", 2859], ["falls", 2859], ["fell", 2859], ["even", 2870], ["evens", 2870], ["mind", 2882], ["minding", 2882], ["reassert", 2893], ["claim", 2903], ["reason", 2913], ["reasonest", 2913], ["visceral", 2933], ["faculty", 2943], ["faculties", 2943], ["recall", 2958], ["recallest", 2958], ["recalling", 2958], ["part", 2977], ["parting", 2977], ["statement", 2987], ["zombie", 2996], ["zombied", 2996], ["dead", 3005], ["hear", 3034], ["hears", 3034], ["rustling", 3047], ["move", 3067], ["moving", 3067], ["quietly", 3075], ["toward", 3082], ["tell", 3106], ["rasp", 3121], ["rasped", 3121], ["rasping", 3121], ["breath", 3139], ["breathest", 3139], ["harsh", 3147], ["blood", 3177], ["bloods", 3177], ["blooded", 3177], ["thick", 3183], ["thickest", 3183], ["hammering", 3193], ["heart", 3206], ["ear", 3218], ["ears", 3218], ["lit", 3236], ["light", 3236], ["accustom", 3279], ["accustomed", 3279], ["rectangle", 3319], ["rectangles", 3319], ["shape", 3365], ["shapes", 3365], ["hunt", 3395], ["hunting", 3395], ["huntest", 3395], ["shape", 3419], ["shapes", 3419], ["shaped", 3419], ["oddly", 3431], ["hunch", 3439], ["hunches", 3439], ["hunched", 3439], ["swing", 3451], ["swung", 3451], ["head", 3460], ["shoulder", 3474], ["shouldered", 3474], ["shoulders", 3474], ["side", 3484], ["sidest", 3484], ["mean", 3520], ["meanest", 3520], ["meant", 3520], ["smell", 3529], ["smelt", 3529], ["smellest", 3529], ["noise", 3545], ["undeniably", 3565], ["human", 3571], ["wave", 3594], ["waved", 3594], ["waving", 3594], ["arm", 3603], ["arms", 3603], ["keep", 3611], ["keepest", 3611], ["balance", 3623], ["reassure", 3645], ["reassured", 3645], ["roll", 3665], ["rolled", 3665], ["knee", 3682], ["launch", 3695], ["launched", 3695], ["creature", 3719], ["bellow", 3731], ["bellowing", 3731], ["incoherent", 3742], ["abuse", 3748], ["butt", 3760], ["butts", 3760], ["buttest", 3760], ["butted", 3760], ["chest", 3776], ["height", 3783], ["heights", 3783], ["feel", 3790], ["felt", 3790], ["fall", 3798], ["falls", 3798], ["backward", 3807], ["lunge", 3821], ["lunges", 3821], ["pool", 3834], ["shadow", 3844], ["shadowed", 3844], ["table", 3871], ["tabled", 3871], ["tabling", 3871], ["feel", 3904], ["feeling", 3904], ["frantically", 3916], ["surface", 3933], ["find", 3944], ["found", 3944], ["dagger", 3955], ["still", 3963], ["snatch", 3997], ["snatches", 3997], ["snatched", 3997], ["turn", 4016], ["turned", 4016], ["time", 4029], ["face", 4037], ["close", 4062], ["closed", 4062], ["reek", 4089], ["reeks", 4089], ["reeking", 4089], ["disagreeable", 4115], ["slash", 4143], ["slashed", 4143], ["knife", 4170], ["knifes", 4170], ["skitter", 4178], ["forearm", 4207], ["bounce", 4218], ["bouncing", 4218], ["bone", 4227], ["bonest", 4227], ["scream", 4241], ["screams", 4241], ["screamed", 4241], ["release", 4253], ["releasing", 4253], ["blast", 4261], ["foul", 4269], ["fouling", 4269], ["rush", 4324], ["rushed", 4324], ["burst", 4356], ["bursted", 4356], ["bursting", 4356], ["open", 4366], ["shower", 4378], ["showered", 4378], ["showerest", 4378], ["glass", 4387], ["ill", 4419], ["ills", 4419], ["illest", 4419], ["breathless", 4434], ["rest", 4447], ["rested", 4447], ["knee", 4482], ["knees", 4482], ["jerk", 4499], ["jerks", 4499], ["jerked", 4499], ["jerking", 4499], ["look", 4513], ["round", 4519], ["l", 4526], ["lest", 4526], ["else", 4541], ["steal", 4553], ["stole", 4553], ["stealing", 4553], ["left", 4615], ["leave", 4615], ["leaves", 4615], ["nearby", 4627], ["tree", 4632], ["treed", 4632], ["treeing", 4632], ["climb", 4705], ["climbing", 4705], ["branch", 4717], ["branchest", 4717], ["search", 4737], ["refuge", 4747], ["bat", 4754], ["bats", 4754], ["calmly", 4772], ["rational", 4781]]
all catherine had known was that quinn had not been the same since the day cale had left larkspur for baltimore . had catherine known how heavily quinn would carry the burden of heartbreak for so many years , would she have been so quick back then to brush off her daughter 's declaration of undying love ? and more importantly , how badly bruised was quinn from having been forced to spend the last few days in the company of the man who had broken her heart , but had never been replaced in her life ? merciful heaven , why did he have to come back , after all these years ? quinn opened her door and slid from behind the driver 's seat to jump into the hard-crusted snow just as sky and her father fled the house from the side door to greet the newcomers . the three men greeted each other tentatively at first , but in a heartbeat hap had embraced cale and a fine reunion was in progress . at least that went well , catherine thought , nodding , knowing how proud hap was of his famous protegand # 65533 ; . cale rounded the side of the vehicle to where quinn appeared to be fussing with something in the backseat . the way he touched the small of quinn 's back , the familiarity of the simple gesture , and the manner in which quinn had turned to look up at him , squinting into the sun but grinning happily , gave catherine cause for thought . good grief , one would think that they ... that they ... could it be ... ? catherine peered out the window , looking more closely at her daughter 's face , seeking her eyes . with quinn , it had always been in her eyes . that same look of love , of trust , of total devotion she had worn twelve years ago . the glow , the sparkle that came from within . catherine sat down on a stool near the window , tears of regret forming in her eyes . quinn must have loved him immensely for it to have lasted , untouched , all this time . catherine sighed heavily . do parents ever really know if the decisions they make for their children are , after all , the right ones ? and if called upon to make the same decision for a seventeen-year- old daughter again , would her answer be different ? feeling slightly redeemed , catherine rose to go to the door to welcome her daughter home , when two little figures out in the snow caught her eye . she leaned closer to the window to get a better look . val had said that cale had two little boys . catherine watched the two little bundled fellows chase each other toward the house and smiled as one tripped the other , who fell flat into the snow . weighted down by what must have felt like pounds of clothing , the one in the snow flailed about while the other , laughing , tried to help him up . soon both boys were rolling in the snow . catherine laughed out loud . how many times had she watched her own sons frolic just so ? maybe trevor could go out to the barn to look for the old sleds he and sky used to have . these little ones were just about the right age for them . the front door opened and catherine reached the hallway in time to see young lilly greet the two tousled , snow-covered little boys with freckles on their faces and mischief in their eyes . maybe cole 's coming back was n't so bad , she mused . we 've been waiting for you to get here . '' lilly pushed the door open wide . one of the little snow-boys asked . `` i 'm lilly . and i 'm making a gingerbread village with my grandma . want to help make little houses ? '' `` do we get to eat them ? '' `` of course not , '' lilly replied as if the boy was daft . `` it 's for the village . to go in the dining room . come see ... '' snowy boots made snowy prints from the front door to the kitchen . not for the first time , catherine remembered . and , god willing , not for the last ... `` mom , '' quinn called from the doorway , `` i 'm home . come see who 's joined us for christmas ... '' it had been a gala christmas eve , the best ever , to quinn 's way of thinking , with all of the people she loved most gathered under the sturdy roof of the old ranch house . as always , there had been tons of wonderful things to eat and drink , games to play and songs to sing , old memories to share and new memories to be made . at eight o'clock , they all crowded around the fireplace in the great room , the merry chatter subsiding as catherine rang the little silver bell that had served the purpose since the year the twins were born and every christmas eve since . `` loved ones , '' a beaming catherine addressed her family , `` it is time for the reading . schuyler won the toss this year . '' she handed her son the worn copy of `` the night before christmas . ''
[["catherine", 13], ["know", 23], ["knowest", 23], ["known", 23], ["quinn", 38], ["since", 66], ["day", 74], ["left", 88], ["leave", 88], ["larkspur", 97], ["baltimore", 111], ["heavily", 145], ["carry", 163], ["burden", 174], ["burdens", 174], ["heartbreak", 188], ["heartbreaks", 188], ["many", 200], ["year", 206], ["years", 206], ["quick", 237], ["back", 242], ["brush", 256], ["brushest", 256], ["daughter", 273], ["declaration", 288], ["undye", 299], ["undying", 299], ["love", 304], ["importantly", 327], ["badly", 339], ["bruise", 347], ["bruised", 347], ["force", 381], ["forced", 381], ["spend", 390], ["spends", 390], ["spendest", 390], ["last", 399], ["day", 408], ["days", 408], ["company", 423], ["companys", 423], ["companying", 423], ["man", 434], ["mans", 434], ["manned", 434], ["break", 449], ["broke", 449], ["broken", 449], ["heart", 459], ["never", 475], ["replace", 489], ["replaced", 489], ["life", 501], ["lifes", 501], ["merciful", 512], ["heaven", 519], ["heavens", 519], ["come", 545], ["open", 589], ["opened", 589], ["door", 598], ["slid", 607], ["behind", 619], ["driver", 630], ["seat", 638], ["jump", 646], ["jumps", 646], ["hard", 660], ["snow", 673], ["sky", 685], ["father", 700], ["fathered", 700], ["fathering", 700], ["flee", 705], ["flees", 705], ["fled", 705], ["house", 715], ["side", 729], ["sidest", 729], ["greet", 743], ["greeting", 743], ["newcomer", 757], ["newcomers", 757], ["three", 769], ["man", 773], ["mans", 773], ["manned", 773], ["men", 773], ["greet", 781], ["greeting", 781], ["greeted", 781], ["tentatively", 804], ["first", 813], ["firstest", 813], ["heartbeat", 834], ["heartbeats", 834], ["hap", 838], ["embrace", 851], ["embraced", 851], ["fine", 867], ["reunion", 875], ["progress", 891], ["least", 902], ["leastest", 902], ["go", 912], ["goest", 912], ["went", 912], ["well", 917], ["wells", 917], ["think", 937], ["thought", 937], ["thinkest", 937], ["nodding", 947], ["know", 957], ["knowest", 957], ["knowing", 957], ["proud", 967], ["famous", 989], ["round", 1024], ["rounded", 1024], ["vehicle", 1048], ["vehicled", 1048], ["appear", 1072], ["appeared", 1072], ["fuss", 1086], ["fussing", 1086], ["backseat", 1117], ["way", 1127], ["ways", 1127], ["touch", 1138], ["touching", 1138], ["touched", 1138], ["small", 1148], ["familiarity", 1183], ["simple", 1197], ["simplest", 1197], ["gesture", 1205], ["manner", 1222], ["manners", 1222], ["turn", 1248], ["turned", 1248], ["look", 1256], ["squint", 1278], ["squinting", 1278], ["squintest", 1278], ["sun", 1291], ["suns", 1291], ["sunned", 1291], ["grin", 1304], ["happily", 1312], ["give", 1319], ["gave", 1319], ["cause", 1335], ["good", 1354], ["grief", 1360], ["think", 1378], ["thinkest", 1378], ["peer", 1441], ["peered", 1441], ["window", 1456], ["windows", 1456], ["look", 1466], ["looking", 1466], ["closely", 1479], ["face", 1503], ["seek", 1513], ["seeking", 1513], ["eye", 1522], ["eyed", 1522], ["eyes", 1522], ["always", 1551], ["trust", 1604], ["total", 1615], ["devotion", 1624], ["wear", 1637], ["worn", 1637], ["twelve", 1644], ["twelves", 1644], ["ago", 1654], ["glow", 1665], ["glowest", 1665], ["sparkle", 1679], ["come", 1689], ["came", 1689], ["within", 1701], ["sat", 1717], ["sit", 1717], ["stool", 1733], ["stools", 1733], ["near", 1738], ["tear", 1757], ["teared", 1757], ["tears", 1757], ["regret", 1767], ["form", 1775], ["formest", 1775], ["forming", 1775], ["must", 1800], ["musts", 1800], ["love", 1811], ["loved", 1811], ["immensely", 1825], ["last", 1847], ["lasted", 1847], ["untouched", 1859], ["time", 1875], ["sigh", 1894], ["sighest", 1894], ["sighed", 1894], ["parent", 1915], ["parents", 1915], ["ever", 1920], ["everest", 1920], ["really", 1927], ["know", 1932], ["knowest", 1932], ["decision", 1949], ["decisions", 1949], ["child", 1978], ["childs", 1978], ["children", 1978], ["right", 2006], ["rightest", 2006], ["call", 2027], ["called", 2027], ["upon", 2032], ["decision", 2058], ["seventeen", 2074], ["seventeens", 2074], ["old", 2084], ["answer", 2118], ["answeres", 2118], ["answerest", 2118], ["different", 2131], ["feel", 2141], ["feeling", 2141], ["slightly", 2150], ["redeem", 2159], ["redeemest", 2159], ["redeemed", 2159], ["rise", 2176], ["risen", 2176], ["rose", 2176], ["go", 2182], ["goest", 2182], ["welcome", 2205], ["home", 2223], ["homing", 2223], ["two", 2234], ["twos", 2234], ["little", 2241], ["figure", 2249], ["figures", 2249], ["catch", 2272], ["catches", 2272], ["catched", 2272], ["caught", 2272], ["eye", 2280], ["eyed", 2280], ["lean", 2293], ["leans", 2293], ["leaned", 2293], ["close", 2300], ["closer", 2300], ["get", 2321], ["well", 2330], ["wells", 2330], ["val", 2341], ["say", 2350], ["sayest", 2350], ["said", 2350], ["boy", 2380], ["boys", 2380], ["watch", 2400], ["watched", 2400], ["fellow", 2431], ["fellows", 2431], ["chase", 2437], ["toward", 2455], ["smile", 2476], ["smiled", 2476], ["trip", 2491], ["tripping", 2491], ["tripped", 2491], ["fall", 2512], ["falls", 2512], ["fell", 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["beaming", 4457], ["address", 4477], ["addressed", 4477], ["family", 4488], ["schuyler", 4531], ["win", 4535], ["toss", 4544], ["hand", 4570], ["handed", 4570], ["son", 4578], ["copy", 4592], ["night", 4608]]
if it will turn out , i will work those people who arent famous or i will have a completely different job but your relationship grew worth with your husband and theyre lying all sorts of horror in that magazine . and who knows where they are doing it too . - but i would like you to stay . we became so good friends . - i also would like us to stay being friends but even f laurence will discharge me , he surely isnt going to be happy about if we stay being friends after these . - how do you know him ? what do you think , is he going to forgive you it ? - were only simple acquaintances since ive worked here . we dont talk to each other so much and we dont go to enjoy ourselves with each other . i know him for less time than you . - but was there anything before this thing what he didnt like in connection with you ? - no , there wasnt so i have no idea about what he will do now . maybe i will get less pay and if it wont be enough to me , i can go or hell simply sack me . but i dont believe i wont get any punishment they were sitting on the sofa with reflecting through a minute , then heni began to speak . - well , ok , lets continue cleaning the living-room up ! they stood up , heni called jenny to come looking after the little ones and going for their older sister to the nursery school , then she took another one mop , and the two girls were suppressing all of their tense to cleaning the living-room up . they were scrubbing everything so much what wasnt even necessary but at least this diverted their thoughts from laurences anger and from what theyve written in the magazine . 15 on the day of the interview , it immediately came into henis head when she woke up , what was going to be , and she was even much more anxious since then , than before at school before oral examination . her feet were trembling when she got out of the taxi and arrived in the place they had to meet . she was wearing a white top what reached to her neck and a long , pale pink skirt . she nor had the cheek take any less restrained clothes on because of the man who was going to make the interview , after theyve written those things about her . even if he wont write it down what she was wearing , and he also could take these clothes if it was true what theyre stating or supposing , to make them believe she didnt do anything like these because she wasnt this kind of person and it was appearing on her clothes too . so it maybe was of no too much significance but she felt better with this innocent appearance . she had to sit down with a bit tall , brown-haired , about thirty-five-year old man at an open-air glass table of a coffee bar . heni was waiting with alarmed look to he ask her his humiliating questions . if her allegedly scandalous partying wasnt be , the man even didnt believe on the basis of her look that she went to party sometimes and if he didnt see to who laurences wife was , what it was possible to know her at all , he believed she was an actress because she seemed to be so gentle and unprotected like this , that she was surely pretending this . he was already less thinking it to be probable that those were true theyve written about her . - i think the reason of you contacted us is to refute what weve written about your parties during your husband , laurence fishburne is in hospital . - yes she said in a low voice and shyly , but her eyes were revealing the indignation . - so did this all thing how happen ? why did you began to party in public in this period ? - because of this . i agreed to these relaxations by my very kind friends encouragement so these would make me forget that my husband lies in hospital by gunshot wound because - she became embarrassed because she had to tell her feeling for the world so much like this but it could be important , to clean herself so she continued it because it always remembered me of that shot when i was visiting him and i still couldnt absorb what they did to him . i didnt think about they thought i was happy about this happened to him and also i didnt get to that i should be in hiding like i would be a celebrity like my husband so i nor had any experience in this . my friend who ive talked about , made me up beyond recognition but i made that mistake that i erased some of this so people who have seem me in photos about my husband and me , also recognized me . although , most of people dont know me by photo , they know only by repute who i am then it just came into her head that allyssa told it her friend and they trumpeted in the big partying but she didnt want to offend them by blame them . they were surely going to read what heni said in connection with this business . fortunately the man didnt attach importance to if they knew someone by repute and they recognize her , they knew her look . expect in this case , when allyssas friends were crying at the party that she was laurences wife . so heni didnt have to tell him that they did it .
[["turn", 15], ["work", 33], ["wrought", 33], ["people", 46], ["famous", 63], ["completely", 91], ["different", 101], ["job", 105], ["jobbing", 105], ["relationship", 127], ["grow", 132], ["growest", 132], ["grew", 132], ["worth", 138], ["husband", 156], ["husbanding", 156], ["lay", 173], ["lie", 173], ["lain", 173], ["lying", 173], ["sort", 183], ["sorts", 183], ["horror", 193], ["magazine", 210], ["magazining", 210], ["know", 226], ["knowest", 226], ["knows", 226], ["like", 275], ["stay", 287], ["become", 299], ["became", 299], ["good", 307], ["friend", 315], ["friends", 315], ["also", 326], ["even", 371], ["evens", 371], ["f", 373], ["fs", 373], ["ves", 373], ["laurence", 382], ["discharge", 397], ["discharged", 397], ["surely", 412], ["go", 423], ["goest", 423], ["going", 423], ["happy", 435], ["know", 498], ["knowest", 498], ["think", 522], ["thinkest", 522], ["forgive", 547], ["forgived", 547], ["forgiving", 547], ["simple", 575], ["simplest", 575], ["acquaintance", 589], 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["thirty", 2584], ["five", 2589], ["fived", 2589], ["year", 2594], ["old", 2598], ["open", 2613], ["air", 2617], ["airs", 2617], ["airing", 2617], ["glass", 2623], ["table", 2629], ["tabled", 2629], ["tabling", 2629], ["coffee", 2641], ["bar", 2645], ["wait", 2664], ["waitest", 2664], ["waiting", 2664], ["look", 2682], ["ask", 2692], ["humiliating", 2712], ["question", 2722], ["questions", 2722], ["allegedly", 2741], ["scandalous", 2752], ["basis", 2812], ["go", 2838], ["goest", 2838], ["went", 2838], ["party", 2847], ["see", 2877], ["wife", 2899], ["possible", 2926], ["believe", 2959], ["believed", 2959], ["actress", 2978], ["seem", 2997], ["seeming", 2997], ["seemed", 2997], ["gentle", 3013], ["gentler", 3013], ["pretend", 3072], ["pretendest", 3072], ["pretending", 3072], ["already", 3094], ["think", 3108], ["thinkest", 3108], ["thinking", 3108], ["probable", 3126], ["reason", 3195], ["reasonest", 3195], ["contact", 3212], ["contacted", 3212], ["refute", 3228], ["party", 3265], ["parties", 3265], ["hospital", 3321], ["yes", 3329], ["say", 3338], ["sayest", 3338], ["said", 3338], ["low", 3347], ["lowed", 3347], ["voice", 3353], ["shyly", 3363], ["eye", 3378], ["eyed", 3378], ["eyes", 3378], ["reveal", 3393], ["revealing", 3393], ["indignation", 3409], ["happen", 3446], ["public", 3485], ["period", 3500], ["periods", 3500], ["agree", 3531], ["agreed", 3531], ["relaxation", 3552], ["relaxations", 3552], ["encouragement", 3590], ["forget", 3620], ["forgot", 3620], ["lay", 3641], ["lie", 3641], ["lain", 3641], ["lies", 3641], ["gunshot", 3664], ["wind", 3670], ["wound", 3670], ["wounding", 3670], ["tell", 3727], ["feeling", 3739], ["world", 3753], ["important", 3797], ["clean", 3808], ["cleans", 3808], ["continue", 3833], ["continued", 3833], ["always", 3854], ["remember", 3865], ["rememberest", 3865], ["remembered", 3865], ["shot", 3881], ["visit", 3901], ["visiting", 3901], ["still", 3917], ["absorb", 3932], ["think", 3988], ["thinkest", 3988], ["thought", 3988], ["happen", 4020], ["happened", 4020], ["hide", 4078], ["hides", 4078], ["celebrity", 4106], ["experience", 4150], ["experienced", 4150], ["friend", 4170], ["talk", 4185], ["talked", 4185], ["beyond", 4211], ["recognition", 4223], ["mistake", 4247], ["mistook", 4247], ["mistaken", 4247], ["erase", 4261], ["erased", 4261], ["seem", 4298], ["seeming", 4298], ["photo", 4311], ["photos", 4311], ["recognize", 4353], ["recognized", 4353], ["although", 4367], ["photo", 4406], ["repute", 4433], ["allyssa", 4487], ["tell", 4492], ["told", 4492], ["trumpet", 4525], ["trumpeted", 4525], ["big", 4536], ["bigs", 4536], ["offend", 4574], ["blame", 4588], ["blamest", 4588], ["read", 4626], ["reads", 4626], ["business", 4674], ["fortunately", 4688], ["attach", 4709], ["importance", 4720], ["know", 4736], ["knowest", 4736], ["knew", 4736], ["recognize", 4773], ["expect", 4807], ["case", 4820], ["cry", 4856], ["crying", 4856]]
`` i 'm not sure i can philosophize right now , but i wo n't do anything rash . '' `` at the very least , i want to hear his side of the story . '' `` and maybe your relationship will end up stronger after you get through this . '' `` i very much doubt it , but i 'll try to keep an open mind . '' bree ran a hand through her tangled hair . trust me , due to some unfortunate circumstances , i 've become very , very good at keeping secrets . '' bree put the phone back in its base . she carefully deleted the message from her father , and wiped her fingerprints from the shiny surface like a criminal , despite the fact that she was apparently the only innocent party in san francisco . when the phone rang again , she snatched it up , terrified of discovering yet more shocking secrets about her new husband . the word that had filled her with such joy a short while ago now filled her with sadness and regret . it was the hotel in sausalito on the phone . their wedding photos were ready and had been mailed to them . pictures of her grinning like a lovesick fool on the arm of a man who swept her off her oversize feet just to fatten his wallet . the big question was what to do when he came home tonight . seven the sound of gavin 's key in the lock almost made bree squeeze her eyes shut for a moment , but she did n't want to smudge her mascara . she 'd just finished putting it on so she 'd be sure not to cry . his warm , rich voice rang through the apartment . `` hi , '' she called back , willing herself to sound bright and enthusiastic , as if she had no idea she 'd been bartered for cold cash . gavin hung his suit jacket in the closet and approached her , arms outstretched . she tried not to steel herself against his hug . instead she stuck her arms out and approached him with shaky knees . one way to describe the worst day of her life . `` i made lasagna for dinner , '' she proclaimed , turning away before he could scrutinize her expression . she was still working on keeping it serene . `` mmm , fantastic . i was too busy to eat lunch so it 's lucky we did n't make plans . '' `` something big going on at maddox ? '' his voice had a funny tone to it that made her turn around . `` me , leaving . '' a sheepish grin snuck across gavin 's face . one that just a few hours ago she would have found adorable . `` leaving maddox communications ? '' one million dollars was not enough to retire on . not in san francisco , at least . maybe he just planned to kick back and live off her fortune ? she turned and marched to the kitchen to check on the lasagna . the dish had helped get her focus off gavin this afternoon . might as well use it as a distraction now . `` you 're shocked , are n't you ? '' gavin followed her into the small galley kitchen . his physical presence filled the doorway and she fought a stray surge of desire . i thought you liked it there . '' instead she busied herself with taking the dish out of the oven . `` it was a good place to build my reputation . but now i 'm ready to strike out on my own . '' he eased up beside her and slid his arms around her waist . this dish is hot . '' she tried to wriggle away from him , hating the way her stomach tingled under his fingers . `` then do n't look so irresistible . it 's not fair to wear a dress like that and then not let me touch you . '' arousal rippled inside bree at the touch of his hand on her hip . curse him and this stupid dress . another of the ones elle had talked her into buying . dark blue with a swirly skirt of clingy jersey . `` i just do n't want to burn myself . '' i 've already been badly burned today . `` all right , i 'll set the table . '' she had everything planned and organized to perfection . she 'd had plenty of time on her hands , after all , because the idea of photographing couples had quickly lost its charm . she managed to keep her voice calm and even bright . who knew she had such powers of deception ? she served the food with a smile . gavin 's admiring gaze took in her hard work primping this afternoon . she 'd wanted to look good so he would n't know that inside she was in tiny pieces . `` why are you leaving maddox communications ? '' gavin 's smile broadened , and took on a conspiratorial air . `` to start my own company . '' bree swallowed as she sat down hard . everything was becoming crystal clear . she called on an inner strength she hoped was in there somewhere . `` my own advertising shop . boutique , top-notch creative , specializing in cutting-edge brands . '' the confident sparkle in his eye both aroused and infuriated her .
[["sure", 16], ["philosophize", 35], ["right", 41], ["rightest", 41], ["wo", 56], ["anything", 72], ["rash", 77], ["least", 103], ["leastest", 103], ["hear", 120], ["hears", 120], ["side", 129], ["sidest", 129], ["story", 142], ["maybe", 160], ["relationship", 178], ["end", 187], ["ends", 187], ["endest", 187], ["strong", 199], ["get", 213], ["much", 246], ["doubt", 252], ["try", 271], ["tryed", 271], ["keep", 279], ["keepest", 279], ["open", 287], ["mind", 292], ["minding", 292], ["bree", 302], ["brees", 302], ["run", 306], ["ran", 306], ["hand", 313], ["tangle", 333], ["tangling", 333], ["tangled", 333], ["hair", 338], ["trust", 346], ["due", 355], ["unfortunate", 375], ["circumstance", 389], ["circumstances", 389], ["become", 404], ["good", 421], ["keep", 432], ["keepest", 432], ["keeping", 432], ["secret", 440], ["secrets", 440], ["put", 454], ["phone", 464], ["back", 469], ["base", 481], ["basest", 481], ["carefully", 497], ["delete", 505], ["deletes", 505], ["deleted", 505], ["message", 517], ["father", 533], ["fathered", 533], ["fathering", 533], ["wipe", 545], ["wiped", 545], ["fingerprint", 562], ["fingerprints", 562], ["shiny", 577], ["shinier", 577], ["surface", 585], ["like", 590], ["criminal", 601], ["despite", 611], ["fact", 620], ["apparently", 644], ["innocent", 662], ["party", 668], ["san", 675], ["francisco", 685], ["rung", 707], ["rang", 707], ["ring", 707], ["snatch", 728], ["snatches", 728], ["snatched", 728], ["terrify", 746], ["terrified", 746], ["discover", 761], ["discovering", 761], ["yet", 765], ["shocking", 779], ["new", 801], ["husband", 809], ["husbanding", 809], ["word", 820], ["fill", 836], ["fills", 836], ["filled", 836], ["joy", 854], ["joys", 854], ["joyed", 854], ["short", 862], ["ago", 872], ["sadness", 900], ["regret", 911], ["hotel", 930], ["wedding", 972], ["photo", 979], ["photos", 979], ["ready", 990], ["mail", 1010], ["mailed", 1010], ["picture", 1029], ["pictures", 1029], ["grin", 1045], ["lovesick", 1061], ["fool", 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["expression", 1963], ["still", 1979], ["work", 1987], ["wrought", 1987], ["working", 1987], ["serene", 2008], ["mmm", 2017], ["fantastic", 2029], ["busy", 2046], ["busied", 2046], ["eat", 2053], ["lunch", 2059], ["lunched", 2059], ["lunches", 2059], ["lucky", 2074], ["plan", 2096], ["plans", 2096], ["go", 2124], ["goest", 2124], ["going", 2124], ["maddox", 2137], ["funny", 2164], ["tone", 2169], ["toned", 2169], ["toning", 2169], ["turn", 2194], ["around", 2201], ["left", 2219], ["leave", 2219], ["leaving", 2219], ["sheepish", 2235], ["grin", 2240], ["snuck", 2246], ["across", 2253], ["face", 2267], ["hour", 2295], ["hours", 2295], ["find", 2320], ["found", 2320], ["adorable", 2329], ["communication", 2364], ["communications", 2364], ["million", 2381], ["dollar", 2389], ["dollars", 2389], ["enough", 2404], ["retire", 2414], ["plan", 2475], ["planned", 2475], ["kick", 2483], ["live", 2497], ["fortune", 2513], ["turn", 2526], ["turned", 2526], ["march", 2538], ["marching", 2538], ["marched", 2538], ["kitchen", 2553], ["kitchens", 2553], ["check", 2562], ["dish", 2588], ["dished", 2588], ["help", 2599], ["helpest", 2599], ["helped", 2599], ["focus", 2613], ["afternoon", 2638], ["may", 2646], ["mays", 2646], ["mayest", 2646], ["might", 2646], ["well", 2654], ["wells", 2654], ["use", 2658], ["distraction", 2678], ["follow", 2737], ["followed", 2737], ["small", 2756], ["galley", 2763], ["physical", 2786], ["presence", 2795], ["doorway", 2814], ["fight", 2829], ["fightest", 2829], ["fought", 2829], ["stray", 2837], ["strays", 2837], ["strayed", 2837], ["surge", 2843], ["desire", 2853], ["think", 2865], ["thinkest", 2865], ["thought", 2865], ["like", 2875], ["liked", 2875], ["busy", 2908], ["busied", 2908], ["take", 2928], ["taking", 2928], ["oven", 2953], ["place", 2978], ["build", 2987], ["builds", 2987], ["reputation", 3001], ["strike", 3032], ["ease", 3060], ["eased", 3060], ["beside", 3070], ["slid", 3083], ["waist", 3109], ["hot", 3128], ["wriggle", 3154], ["hate", 3177], ["hateed", 3177], ["hating", 3177], ["stomach", 3197], ["stomachs", 3197], ["stomaching", 3197], ["tingle", 3205], ["tingles", 3205], ["finger", 3223], ["fingers", 3223], ["look", 3245], ["irresistible", 3261], ["fair", 3278], ["fairs", 3278], ["fairest", 3278], ["wear", 3286], ["dress", 3294], ["dressest", 3294], ["let", 3321], ["lets", 3321], ["touch", 3330], ["touching", 3330], ["arousal", 3347], ["ripple", 3355], ["ripples", 3355], ["rippled", 3355], ["inside", 3362], ["hip", 3403], ["hips", 3403], ["curse", 3411], ["cursed", 3411], ["stupid", 3431], ["another", 3447], ["elle", 3464], ["talk", 3475], ["talked", 3475], ["dark", 3498], ["blue", 3503], ["swirly", 3517], ["skirt", 3523], ["clingy", 3533], ["jersey", 3540], ["burn", 3572], ["burns", 3572], ["already", 3598], ["badly", 3609], ["burn", 3616], ["burns", 3616], ["burned", 3616], ["today", 3622], ["set", 3649], ["table", 3659], ["tabled", 3659], ["tabling", 3659], ["everything", 3683], ["organize", 3705], ["organized", 3705], ["perfection", 3719], ["plenty", 3739], ["time", 3747], ["hand", 3760], ["hands", 3760], ["photograph", 3808], ["photographing", 3808], ["couple", 3816], ["couples", 3816], ["quickly", 3828], ["lose", 3833], ["lost", 3833], ["charm", 3843], ["charmest", 3843], ["manage", 3857], ["managed", 3857], ["calm", 3880], ["calms", 3880], ["even", 3889], ["evens", 3889], ["know", 3907], ["knowest", 3907], ["knew", 3907], ["power", 3927], ["powers", 3927], ["deception", 3940], ["serve", 3953], ["served", 3953], ["food", 3962], ["foods", 3962], ["smile", 3975], ["admire", 3995], ["admiring", 3995], ["gaze", 4000], ["gazes", 4000], ["take", 4005], ["took", 4005], ["hard", 4017], ["work", 4022], ["wrought", 4022], ["primp", 4031], ["primping", 4031], ["know", 4096], ["knowest", 4096], ["tiny", 4124], ["piece", 4131], ["pieced", 4131], ["pieces", 4131], ["broaden", 4208], ["broadens", 4208], ["broadening", 4208], ["broadened", 4208], ["conspiratorial", 4239], ["air", 4243], ["airs", 4243], ["airing", 4243], ["start", 4257], ["company", 4272], ["companys", 4272], ["companying", 4272], ["swallow", 4292], ["swallows", 4292], ["swallowed", 4292], ["sat", 4303], ["sit", 4303], ["become", 4339], ["becoming", 4339], ["crystal", 4347], ["clear", 4353], ["clearest", 4353], ["inner", 4378], ["strength", 4387], ["hope", 4397], ["hoped", 4397], ["somewhere", 4420], ["advertising", 4444], ["shop", 4449], ["boutique", 4460], ["top", 4466], ["notch", 4472], ["notched", 4472], ["notches", 4472], ["notchest", 4472], ["notching", 4472], ["creative", 4481], ["specialize", 4496], ["specialized", 4496], ["specializing", 4496], ["cut", 4507], ["cutting", 4507], ["edge", 4512], ["edges", 4512], ["brand", 4519], ["brands", 4519], ["confident", 4538], ["sparkle", 4546], ["eye", 4557], ["eyed", 4557], ["arouse", 4570], ["aroused", 4570], ["infuriate", 4585], ["infuriated", 4585]]
i look at sergei calmly , at the way he smirks at me despite the fact that he is bound and helpless in the chair . if i let this man go , i am condemning nick to the same life that my father has-a life of fear , of constantly looking over him shoulder . it would be a prison of my own making . nick would never be free . i think for a long , long moment and stare at sergei 's hard , ugly face . his thick , bushy eyebrows . the smugness there . nick is who he is because he was raised that way . he was created by his family of killers to be one , just like them . he did n't ask to become who he was . he has survived the only way he knows how . i am a creature of my upbringing as well . and i was raised to know how to shoot a gun , in case i ever needed to . i stare at the gun on the table . sergei follows my gaze . `` so brave , '' he mocks . `` how nikolai would be proud . '' the gun is an american one , a glock , and not a russian one , so i know how to use it . i press the magazine release button to check for ammunition . the slide is full . i push it back into place with the base of my hand . it 's as if i 'm in the basement of my house all over again . i pull the slide back and chamber a bullet . `` ah , this is part where i am to quiver with fear and beg for my life , da ? '' sergei 's voice is mocking . he clearly does n't think i can do this . `` you wo n't beg for your life , '' i say calmly . `` you do n't think it 's in trouble . you do n't think i can do this . you think i 'm going to let you go and that i will take you to the police . then you will make a few calls , and you will be out by nightfall . '' i remember the legal system in america and how full of holes it is . how even a murderer can go free in no time at all , if they know the right strings to pull . and i remember how helpless it made me feel last time . but i am helpless no longer . sergei says nothing . he simply watches me , that mocking , derisive look on his face . i carefully raise the gun to sergei 's head , flick off the safety , oh-so-calm , and pull the trigger . i wo n't let this man destroy our lives . in killing him , i have chosen nick . i see his darkness , and i accept it . i love nick for who he is , not what he is . the shot is loud in the room , and i squeeze my eyes shut at the sight of sergei 's face contorting , at his forehead splattering with red , at the gore on the plastic . there is a shout from outside the door , and daniel surges forward as if he has been shoved . a second later , nick has pushed his way into the room , muscling aside daniel . he stares at sergei , dead in the chair , and then his gaze moves to me with the gun in my hand . there is not pride in his eyes , but a question . he truly did not think i would do it . then again , neither did sergei . great , sweeping sobs rip from my throat , and i toss the gun down on the table and move toward nick . his arms encircle me even as i press my cheek against his chest . `` daisy , '' he murmurs . but i am choosing a life without fear . i am choosing freedom for nick-and for me . i think of sergei 's analogy . if nick is a cat seeking approval , i am an abused dog that bites the hand before it can slap . but i wo n't live in fear again . and i wo n't have create that future for nick . i love him too much . i realize he still thinks i hate him , even as he calmly soothes my back as i cry . i look up at him and put my hand to his chin , even as i weep . i force him to look me in the eye . `` i love you , nikolai , '' i tell him . nikolai , not nick . my nikolai . he stiffens and there is a question in his lonely , sad eyes . `` daisy , you know the truth . i am hit man- '' `` you are my nikolai , '' i tell him softly . `` and what you do does n't define who you are . we are both rising from our past . '' his eyes look suspiciously wet for a moment , and then he crushes me to his chest in a hug so tight that i ca n't breathe . i never want to leave his arms again . chapter fifteen nikolai i do not see vasily before i leave .
[["look", 6], ["calmly", 23], ["way", 36], ["ways", 36], ["smirk", 46], ["smirks", 46], ["despite", 60], ["fact", 69], ["bind", 86], ["bound", 86], ["helpless", 99], ["chair", 112], ["chairing", 112], ["let", 123], ["lets", 123], ["man", 132], ["mans", 132], ["manned", 132], ["go", 135], ["goest", 135], ["condemn", 153], ["condemns", 153], ["condemning", 153], ["nick", 158], ["nicked", 158], ["life", 175], ["lifes", 175], ["father", 190], ["fathered", 190], ["fathering", 190], ["fear", 209], ["fearest", 209], ["constantly", 225], ["look", 233], ["looking", 233], ["shoulder", 251], ["shouldered", 251], ["prison", 274], ["making", 291], ["never", 310], ["free", 318], ["think", 328], ["thinkest", 328], ["long", 339], ["longs", 339], ["moment", 353], ["stare", 363], ["stared", 363], ["hard", 381], ["ugly", 388], ["face", 393], ["thick", 405], ["thickest", 405], ["bushy", 413], ["eyebrow", 422], ["eyebrows", 422], ["smugness", 437], ["raise", 485], ["raised", 485], ["create", 511], ["created", 511], ["family", 525], ["killers", 536], ["like", 558], ["ask", 580], ["become", 590], ["survive", 619], ["survived", 619], ["know", 641], ["knowest", 641], ["knows", 641], ["creature", 663], ["upbringing", 680], ["well", 688], ["wells", 688], ["know", 715], ["knowest", 715], ["shoot", 728], ["shooted", 728], ["gun", 734], ["ever", 751], ["everest", 751], ["need", 758], ["needest", 758], ["needed", 758], ["table", 795], ["tabled", 795], ["tabling", 795], ["follow", 812], ["follows", 812], ["gaze", 820], ["gazes", 820], ["brave", 834], ["mock", 848], ["mocking", 848], ["mocks", 848], ["nikolai", 865], ["proud", 880], ["american", 908], ["americans", 908], ["glock", 922], ["russian", 942], ["russians", 942], ["use", 969], ["press", 982], ["magazine", 995], ["magazining", 995], ["release", 1003], ["button", 1010], ["buttoning", 1010], ["check", 1019], ["ammunition", 1034], ["slid", 1046], ["full", 1054], ["push", 1063], ["back", 1071], ["place", 1082], ["base", 1096], ["basest", 1096], ["hand", 1107], ["basement", 1142], ["house", 1154], ["pull", 1178], ["chamber", 1205], ["bullet", 1214], ["ah", 1222], ["part", 1237], ["parting", 1237], ["quiver", 1258], ["quiverest", 1258], ["beg", 1276], ["da", 1293], ["voice", 1314], ["mock", 1325], ["mocking", 1325], ["clearly", 1338], ["wo", 1379], ["say", 1412], ["sayest", 1412], ["trouble", 1458], ["troubling", 1458], ["go", 1514], ["goest", 1514], ["going", 1514], ["take", 1549], ["police", 1567], ["call", 1600], ["calls", 1600], ["nightfall", 1635], ["remember", 1651], ["rememberest", 1651], ["legal", 1661], ["system", 1668], ["america", 1679], ["americas", 1679], ["hole", 1701], ["holes", 1701], ["even", 1718], ["evens", 1718], ["murderer", 1729], ["time", 1752], ["right", 1784], ["rightest", 1784], ["strung", 1792], ["string", 1792], ["strings", 1792], ["feel", 1846], ["last", 1851], ["long", 1886], ["longs", 1886], ["say", 1900], ["sayest", 1900], ["says", 1900], ["nothing", 1908], ["simply", 1920], ["watch", 1928], ["watches", 1928], ["derisive", 1957], ["carefully", 1988], ["raise", 1994], ["head", 2020], ["flick", 2028], ["flickest", 2028], ["safety", 2043], ["oh", 2048], ["calm", 2056], ["calms", 2056], ["trigger", 2079], ["destroy", 2111], ["destroys", 2111], ["life", 2121], ["lifes", 2121], ["lives", 2121], ["kill", 2134], ["killing", 2134], ["choose", 2154], ["chosen", 2154], ["see", 2167], ["darkness", 2180], ["accept", 2195], ["love", 2207], ["shot", 2254], ["loud", 2262], ["room", 2274], ["roomed", 2274], ["squeeze", 2290], ["squeezes", 2290], ["eye", 2298], ["eyed", 2298], ["eyes", 2298], ["shut", 2303], ["sight", 2316], ["sighted", 2316], ["contort", 2345], ["contorted", 2345], ["contorting", 2345], ["forehead", 2363], ["splatter", 2375], ["splattering", 2375], ["red", 2384], ["gore", 2398], ["plastic", 2413], ["shout", 2432], ["outside", 2445], ["door", 2454], ["daniel", 2467], ["daniels", 2467], ["surge", 2474], ["surges", 2474], ["forward", 2482], ["forwardest", 2482], ["forwarding", 2482], ["shove", 2507], ["shoved", 2507], ["second", 2518], ["seconded", 2518], ["later", 2524], ["push", 2542], ["pushed", 2542], ["muscle", 2575], ["muscling", 2575], ["aside", 2581], ["stare", 2600], ["stared", 2600], ["stares", 2600], ["dead", 2617], ["move", 2656], ["moves", 2656], ["pride", 2707], ["question", 2736], ["truly", 2747], ["neither", 2798], ["great", 2817], ["sweeping", 2828], ["sob", 2833], ["sobs", 2833], ["sobbed", 2833], ["rip", 2837], ["throat", 2852], ["toss", 2865], ["move", 2900], ["toward", 2907], ["arm", 2923], ["arms", 2923], ["encircle", 2932], ["encircling", 2932], ["cheek", 2960], ["cheeks", 2960], ["chest", 2978], ["daisy", 2989], ["murmur", 3005], ["murmurest", 3005], ["murmurs", 3005], ["choose", 3025], ["choosing", 3025], ["without", 3040], ["freedom", 3069], ["analogy", 3120], ["cat", 3139], ["seek", 3147], ["seeking", 3147], ["approval", 3156], ["dog", 3177], ["bite", 3188], ["bites", 3188], ["slap", 3216], ["slaps", 3216], ["slapped", 3216], ["live", 3236], ["create", 3277], ["future", 3289], ["much", 3320], ["realize", 3332], ["still", 3341], ["think", 3348], ["thinkest", 3348], ["thinks", 3348], ["hate", 3355], ["hateed", 3355], ["soothe", 3387], ["soothes", 3387], ["cry", 3404], ["put", 3431], ["chin", 3451], ["weep", 3468], ["weeps", 3468], ["force", 3478], ["eye", 3504], ["eyed", 3504], ["tell", 3542], ["stiffen", 3594], ["stiffens", 3594], ["lonely", 3632], ["sad", 3638], ["truth", 3675], ["hit", 3686], ["softly", 3739], ["define", 3776], ["rise", 3809], ["risen", 3809], ["rising", 3809], ["past", 3823], ["suspiciously", 3855], ["wet", 3859], ["crush", 3894], ["crushest", 3894], ["crushes", 3894], ["hug", 3919], ["tight", 3928], ["ca", 3938], ["cas", 3938], ["breathe", 3950], ["breathes", 3950], ["left", 3974], ["leave", 3974], ["chapter", 3999], ["fifteen", 4007], ["vasily", 4035]]
`` now , oddly enough , i also know an out-of-work baker who could make a four-layer cake with fresh flowers . she recommends violets , but of course , it 's up to you . '' `` you know , meg , you 're a complete pain in the ass . '' judgmental and unforgiving . '' but you take charge well . '' meghann 's smile faded . claire knew her sister was thinking of that summer , so many years ago , when meg had taken charge and changed all their lives . `` i did n't mean anything bad by that , '' claire said softly . `` it 's such a damn minefield between us . '' `` now , about the cake ... '' seventeen `` i 've gotten the permit for the park , and the tent is reserved from the party rental store . i 'll go over the final details of setup with them tomorrow on my way to costco . '' roy sat back with a flourish . `` and the lights ? '' meghann asked , checking off the tent from her list . `` ten thousand white christmas lights , forty-two chinese lanterns , and twenty hanging lights . meghann marked her list accordingly . everything on her list had been taken care of . in the past two days , she 'd worked her ass off , checking and rechecking each detail . she 'd arranged for every single thing that roy had wanted . it was going to be , he declared at least three times a day , the best wedding ever to take place in hayden . meghann did n't think that was much of a standard , but she was learning to keep her cynical thoughts to herself . she 'd even been working so hard that she slept at night . the only problem now was her dreams . they all seemed to be about joe . when she closed her eyes , she remembered everything about that night . the blue eyes that were so sad ... the way he 'd whispered something-a name , maybe-while they were making love . she 'd never thought of it that way , not with anyone . you 're getting that mushy look again . are you thinking about the hors d'oeuvres ? '' she smiled at roy . `` you should have seen carla 's face when i told her she 'd have to do up a tray of pigs in blankets . '' `` i hate to admit it , but ... they are tasty , you know . dipped in ketchup . even better dragged in baked beans . they 'll probably disappear long before the brie and pate . '' `` i did n't let her do pate . '' meghann consulted her list again . it was a habit , checking and rechecking everything . roy touched her arm . `` sweetheart , you 're done . all you have to do is show up at the rehearsal tonight and then get a good night 's sleep . '' `` thanks , roy . i do n't know what i would have done without you on all of this . '' `` believe me , it has been an unexpected pleasure to work on this wedding . my next event is a potluck keggar in the clausens ' cow field to celebrate little todd 's acceptance to community college . '' after the meeting , she headed back toward her car . she 'd walked several blocks before she realized she was going in the wrong direction . she was just about to turn around when she saw the garage . there , tucked back in a thicket of trees and runaway salal , was joe 's cabin . she had a sudden urge to walk up to the door , say , hey , joe , and follow him to the bedroom . hell , it had been better than great . so good that she 'd sneaked off in the middle of the night . she 'd always been better at good-bye than good morning . the light in his kitchen went on . she saw a shadow cross the window , a flash of silvery hair . she almost went to him . the one thing she knew for certain-had learned from hard-won experience-was that anonymous sex was all she could handle . joe stood at the kitchen sink , listening to the water running . it gargled down the rusty pipes . he was supposed to be washing his lunch dishes-that 's why he 'd come over here , after all-but he could n't make his hands work . she was standing across the street , looking at his house . friends call me meg . she stood perfectly still , her arms crossed , her pointy chin held up just the slightest bit . beside her , a huge hanging pot of flowers sent a red trailer of blossoms along her upper arm . probably did n't notice their scent , either . she did n't strike him as a romantic woman . he said her name softly , surprised by the unexpected rush of longing that came with it . he 'd thought about her too often in the hours since their meeting . he told himself it meant nothing , was simply an excess of hormones in a body that had been cold for years .
[["oddly", 14], ["enough", 21], ["also", 30], ["know", 35], ["knowest", 35], ["work", 50], ["wrought", 50], ["baker", 56], ["four", 78], ["layer", 84], ["layered", 84], ["cake", 89], ["fresh", 100], ["freshest", 100], ["flower", 108], ["flowers", 108], ["recommend", 125], ["recommendest", 125], ["recommends", 125], ["violet", 133], ["violets", 133], ["course", 149], ["meg", 190], ["megs", 190], ["complete", 211], ["pain", 216], ["ass", 227], ["judgmental", 243], ["unforgive", 259], ["unforgiving", 259], ["take", 277], ["charge", 284], ["well", 289], ["wells", 289], ["meghann", 302], ["smile", 311], ["fade", 317], ["faded", 317], ["claire", 326], ["know", 331], ["knowest", 331], ["knew", 331], ["sister", 342], ["think", 355], ["thinkest", 355], ["thinking", 355], ["summer", 370], ["summering", 370], ["many", 380], ["year", 386], ["years", 386], ["ago", 390], ["take", 411], ["taken", 411], ["change", 430], ["changed", 430], ["life", 446], ["lifes", 446], ["lives", 446], ["mean", 466], ["meanest", 466], ["anything", 475], ["bad", 479], ["say", 504], ["sayest", 504], ["said", 504], ["softly", 511], ["damn", 534], ["damned", 534], ["minefield", 544], ["minefields", 544], ["seventeen", 601], ["seventeens", 601], ["get", 617], ["gotten", 617], ["permit", 628], ["permits", 628], ["park", 641], ["parks", 641], ["tent", 656], ["tented", 656], ["tenting", 656], ["reserve", 668], ["reserved", 668], ["reserving", 668], ["party", 683], ["rental", 690], ["store", 696], ["go", 707], ["goest", 707], ["final", 722], ["detail", 730], ["details", 730], ["setup", 739], ["tomorrow", 758], ["tomorrows", 758], ["way", 768], ["ways", 768], ["roy", 787], ["sat", 791], ["sit", 791], ["back", 796], ["flourish", 812], ["lit", 832], ["light", 832], ["lights", 832], ["ask", 851], ["asked", 851], ["check", 862], ["checking", 862], ["list", 889], ["ten", 898], ["thousand", 907], ["white", 913], ["forty", 938], ["two", 942], ["twos", 942], ["chinese", 950], ["lantern", 959], ["lanterns", 959], ["twenty", 972], ["hanging", 980], ["mark", 1004], ["marks", 1004], ["marked", 1004], ["accordingly", 1025], ["everything", 1038], ["past", 1087], ["day", 1096], ["days", 1096], ["work", 1112], ["wrought", 1112], ["worked", 1112], ["rechecking", 1150], ["detail", 1162], ["arrange", 1180], ["arranging", 1180], ["arranged", 1180], ["every", 1190], ["single", 1197], ["thing", 1203], ["go", 1238], ["goest", 1238], ["going", 1238], ["declare", 1258], ["declared", 1258], ["least", 1267], ["leastest", 1267], ["three", 1273], ["time", 1279], ["times", 1279], ["day", 1285], ["good", 1296], ["best", 1296], ["wedding", 1304], ["ever", 1309], ["everest", 1309], ["place", 1323], ["hayden", 1333], ["think", 1357], ["thinkest", 1357], ["much", 1371], ["standard", 1385], ["learn", 1408], ["learnt", 1408], ["learns", 1408], ["learning", 1408], ["keep", 1416], ["keepest", 1416], ["cynical", 1428], ["thought", 1437], ["thoughts", 1437], ["even", 1462], ["evens", 1462], ["work", 1475], ["wrought", 1475], ["working", 1475], ["hard", 1483], ["slept", 1498], ["sleep", 1498], ["sleeps", 1498], ["sleepest", 1498], ["night", 1507], ["problem", 1526], ["dream", 1545], ["dreamt", 1545], ["dreamest", 1545], ["dreams", 1545], ["seem", 1563], ["seeming", 1563], ["seemed", 1563], ["joe", 1579], ["joes", 1579], ["close", 1597], ["closed", 1597], ["eye", 1606], ["eyed", 1606], ["eyes", 1606], ["remember", 1623], ["rememberest", 1623], ["remembered", 1623], ["blue", 1662], ["sad", 1684], ["whisper", 1712], ["whispered", 1712], ["name", 1729], ["maybe", 1737], ["love", 1765], ["never", 1780], ["think", 1788], ["thinkest", 1788], ["thought", 1788], ["anyone", 1821], ["get", 1839], ["getting", 1839], ["mushy", 1850], ["look", 1855], ["smile", 1921], ["smiled", 1921], ["see", 1954], ["seen", 1954], ["carla", 1960], ["face", 1968], ["tell", 1980], ["told", 1980], ["tray", 2012], ["trays", 2012], ["pig", 2020], ["pigged", 2020], ["pigging", 2020], ["pigs", 2020], ["blanket", 2032], ["blankets", 2032], ["hate", 2047], ["hateed", 2047], ["admit", 2056], ["tasty", 2084], ["dip", 2104], ["dipped", 2104], ["ketchup", 2115], ["well", 2129], ["wells", 2129], ["drag", 2137], ["dragged", 2137], ["bean", 2152], ["beaning", 2152], ["beans", 2152], ["probably", 2172], ["disappear", 2182], ["long", 2187], ["longs", 2187], ["brie", 2203], ["pate", 2212], ["let", 2234], ["lets", 2234], ["consult", 2269], ["consultest", 2269], ["consulting", 2269], ["consulted", 2269], ["habit", 2301], ["habiting", 2301], ["touch", 2352], ["touching", 2352], ["touched", 2352], ["arm", 2360], ["sweetheart", 2376], ["show", 2420], ["rehearsal", 2440], ["tonight", 2448], ["get", 2461], ["good", 2468], ["slept", 2483], ["sleep", 2483], ["sleeps", 2483], ["sleepest", 2483], ["thank", 2498], ["thanks", 2498], ["thankest", 2498], ["without", 2551], ["believe", 2586], ["unexpected", 2617], ["pleasure", 2626], ["next", 2660], ["event", 2666], ["potluck", 2679], ["cow", 2708], ["field", 2714], ["fielding", 2714], ["celebrate", 2727], ["little", 2734], ["todd", 2739], ["acceptance", 2753], ["community", 2766], ["college", 2774], ["meeting", 2797], ["head", 2810], ["headed", 2810], ["toward", 2822], ["car", 2830], ["walk", 2846], ["walked", 2846], ["several", 2854], ["block", 2861], ["blocks", 2861], ["realize", 2881], ["realized", 2881], ["wrong", 2908], ["direction", 2918], ["turn", 2947], ["around", 2954], ["see", 2967], ["saw", 2967], ["garage", 2978], ["tuck", 2995], ["tucked", 2995], ["tucking", 2995], ["thicket", 3013], ["tree", 3022], ["treed", 3022], ["treeing", 3022], ["trees", 3022], ["runaway", 3034], ["runaways", 3034], ["salal", 3040], ["cabin", 3059], ["sudden", 3078], ["urge", 3083], ["walk", 3091], ["door", 3106], ["say", 3112], ["sayest", 3112], ["hey", 3118], ["follow", 3137], ["bedroom", 3156], ["hell", 3163], ["hells", 3163], ["great", 3195], ["sneak", 3225], ["sneakest", 3225], ["sneaked", 3225], ["middle", 3243], ["middles", 3243], ["middling", 3243], ["always", 3272], ["bye", 3296], ["byes", 3296], ["morning", 3314], ["lit", 3326], ["light", 3326], ["kitchen", 3341], ["kitchens", 3341], ["go", 3346], ["goest", 3346], ["went", 3346], ["shadow", 3368], ["shadowed", 3368], ["cross", 3374], ["crossing", 3374], ["window", 3385], ["windows", 3385], ["flash", 3395], ["silvery", 3406], ["hair", 3411], ["almost", 3424], ["certain", 3473], ["learn", 3485], ["learnt", 3485], ["learns", 3485], ["learned", 3485], ["win", 3499], ["experience", 3510], ["experienced", 3510], ["anonymous", 3529], ["sex", 3533], ["handle", 3558], ["stood", 3570], ["stand", 3570], ["standest", 3570], ["sink", 3590], ["sank", 3590], ["listen", 3602], ["listens", 3602], ["listening", 3602], ["water", 3615], ["running", 3623], ["gargle", 3636], ["gargled", 3636], ["rusty", 3651], ["pipe", 3657], ["piped", 3657], ["piping", 3657], ["pipes", 3657], ["suppose", 3675], ["supposed", 3675], ["wash", 3689], ["lunch", 3699], ["lunched", 3699], ["lunches", 3699], ["dish", 3706], ["dished", 3706], ["dishes", 3706], ["come", 3729], ["hand", 3783], ["hands", 3783], ["stood", 3807], ["stand", 3807], ["standest", 3807], ["standing", 3807], ["across", 3814], ["street", 3825], ["look", 3835], ["looking", 3835], ["house", 3848], ["friend", 3858], ["friends", 3858], ["call", 3863], ["perfectly", 3892], ["still", 3898], ["arm", 3909], ["arms", 3909], ["cross", 3917], ["crossing", 3917], ["crossed", 3917], ["pointy", 3930], ["chin", 3935], ["hold", 3940], ["held", 3940], ["slight", 3962], ["slightest", 3962], ["bit", 3966], ["bits", 3966], ["beside", 3975], ["huge", 3988], ["pot", 4000], ["send", 4016], ["sent", 4016], ["red", 4022], ["trailer", 4030], ["blossom", 4042], ["blossoms", 4042], ["along", 4048], ["upper", 4058], ["notice", 4088], ["scent", 4100], ["scentest", 4100], ["either", 4109], ["strike", 4130], ["romantic", 4148], ["woman", 4154], ["womans", 4154], ["surprise", 4192], ["surprised", 4192], ["rush", 4215], ["longing", 4226], ["come", 4236], ["came", 4236], ["often", 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and i definitely , definitely do n't want to ruin our friendship . it 's the best thing in my life right now . '' he arches a dark eyebrow . `` mi , i 've always been the best thing in your life . '' he laughs and i laugh with him . you 're not going to ruin our friendship . you 're not going to screw me over , although i think it 's cute that you 're worried about it . how about this-we 'll just play it by ear . we 'll do our thing like we always do . and if things develop like they did this afternoon , we 'll pursue them . you 're not supposed to be stressing . i twist around and stare at him . `` just relax and go with the flow ? '' i nestle into his chest once again and he tightens his arms around me . the sun beats down on our shoulders , drying my hair and warming my chilled bones . it feels really , really good here with gavin . but just as i 'm ready to fall asleep in the sun , i see quinn 's face again . i remember what it felt like when he pressed against me as i was riding titan . and i hear his charming drawl in my head . my heart quickens in response , like it always does . but as gavin and i nap in the bottom of the shining , curled up in the sun and miles away from our nearest problem , it is easy to put it out of my mind . i 'm going to try and do what gavin suggested . i only hope i 'm flowing in the right direction . chapter thirteen i text dante from the pier and let him know that gavin will be dropping me off in town . but then gavin decides to join us . so i spend the remainder of the drive wondering how weird it will be to have quinn and gavin in one place . but it turns out to not be weird at all . they joke back and forth like old friends and i realize that somewhere along the line , they 've become friends since quinn arrived in caberra . gavin treats me like he normally would and no one seems to notice that anything is amiss . no one would ever know that i kissed him on his boat and then took a nap in his arms . no one except for reece . at one point , when gavin hands me a fresh trash sack , his fingers linger over mine just a little too long . i glance up and smile at him at the same exact time that reece looks my way . i catch her surprised expression and then her knowing grin . i have a feeling that it will come later . for now , i enjoy watching my friends . they joke and laugh and rough-house . we 're like a little club , tightly-knit and close . and even though i do n't remember , they do n't treat me like i 'm different . i look around the little park that we are cleaning and can see vast improvement over what it looked like a scant two hours ago when we arrived . the broken wood and trash has all been picked up and bagged and it once again looks like a place where children would play . it 's a good feeling to know that we did this . we all stand and stare at it for a minute and our five shadows stretch onto the playground , side by side . quinn 's shadow is the tallest and mine is the smallest . the fact that he is standing next to me at the moment accentuates that fact . `` you really are a tiny tot , '' he says , only to me . his voice is low and quiet and instant warmth floods my nether regions . ohgoodlord . i 'm a wanton , wanton girl . because two hours ago , i was lying in gavin 's lap . `` i ca n't help my height , '' i tell him indignantly . `` nope , '' he drawls . i was just wondering , though , how do you fit that much temper into one tiny body , anyway ? '' `` i do n't have a temper . '' everyone cracks up at this , but i do n't see the humor . `` i do n't , '' i insist . but no one listens as they gather up all of our things . my look of indignation is lost because no one is looking . `` we should go grab some dinner someplace , '' dante suggests . `` by the time we get anywhere , it will be dinner time . `` i am , '' reece says , leaning up to kiss dante 's cheek . he has a dirt smudge there and she wipes it off before she turns to me . just let me text my mom and let her know . '' i ask as i pull out my phone . `` it would be rude not to let her know . '' they stare more . `` i must have been a horrible monster , '' i mutter as i punch the text into my phone and then put it away . `` not a monster , '' reece tells me .
[["definitely", 16], ["ruin", 49], ["ruinest", 49], ["friendship", 64], ["good", 81], ["best", 81], ["thing", 87], ["life", 98], ["lifes", 98], ["right", 104], ["rightest", 104], ["arch", 123], ["arches", 123], ["dark", 130], ["eyebrow", 138], ["mi", 146], ["always", 161], ["laugh", 209], ["laughs", 209], ["laugh", 221], ["go", 250], ["goest", 250], ["going", 250], ["screw", 302], ["screwing", 302], ["although", 321], ["think", 329], ["thinkest", 329], ["cute", 340], ["play", 404], ["playest", 404], ["ear", 414], ["like", 441], ["thing", 470], ["things", 470], ["develop", 478], ["developest", 478], ["afternoon", 507], ["pursue", 523], ["suppose", 551], ["supposed", 551], ["stress", 567], ["stressing", 567], ["twist", 577], ["twisted", 577], ["twisting", 577], ["around", 584], ["stare", 594], ["stared", 594], ["relax", 617], ["relaxed", 617], ["go", 624], ["goest", 624], ["flow", 638], ["flows", 638], ["nestle", 652], ["nestles", 652], ["nestled", 652], ["chest", 667], ["tighten", 694], ["tightens", 694], ["tightenest", 694], ["arm", 703], ["arms", 703], ["sun", 723], ["suns", 723], ["sunned", 723], ["beat", 729], ["beats", 729], ["shoulder", 751], ["shouldered", 751], ["shoulders", 751], ["dry", 760], ["drier", 760], ["drying", 760], ["hair", 768], ["warm", 780], ["warming", 780], ["chill", 791], ["chills", 791], ["chilling", 791], ["chilled", 791], ["bone", 797], ["bonest", 797], ["bones", 797], ["feel", 808], ["feels", 808], ["really", 815], ["good", 829], ["gavin", 845], ["ready", 870], ["fall", 878], ["falls", 878], ["asleep", 885], ["see", 904], ["quinn", 910], ["face", 918], ["remember", 937], ["rememberest", 937], ["feel", 950], ["felt", 950], ["press", 971], ["pressed", 971], ["ride", 998], ["rode", 998], ["riding", 998], ["titan", 1004], ["titans", 1004], ["hear", 1017], ["hears", 1017], ["charming", 1030], ["drawl", 1036], ["drawls", 1036], ["drawled", 1036], ["drawlest", 1036], ["head", 1047], ["heart", 1058], ["quicken", 1067], ["quickens", 1067], ["response", 1079], ["nap", 1126], ["naps", 1126], ["napped", 1126], ["bottom", 1140], ["bottoming", 1140], ["curl", 1164], ["curls", 1164], ["curled", 1164], ["mile", 1188], ["miles", 1188], ["away", 1193], ["near", 1210], ["nearest", 1210], ["problem", 1218], ["easy", 1231], ["put", 1238], ["mind", 1256], ["minding", 1256], ["try", 1276], ["tryed", 1276], ["suggest", 1304], ["suggested", 1304], ["hope", 1318], ["flow", 1331], ["flows", 1331], ["flowing", 1331], ["direction", 1354], ["chapter", 1364], ["thirteen", 1373], ["text", 1380], ["dante", 1386], ["pier", 1400], ["let", 1408], ["lets", 1408], ["know", 1417], ["knowest", 1417], ["drop", 1445], ["dropping", 1445], ["town", 1460], ["decide", 1485], ["decides", 1485], ["join", 1493], ["joinest", 1493], ["spend", 1509], ["spends", 1509], ["spendest", 1509], ["remainder", 1523], ["drive", 1536], ["wonder", 1546], ["wonderest", 1546], ["wondering", 1546], ["weird", 1556], ["place", 1604], ["turn", 1619], ["turns", 1619], ["joke", 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["pick", 2690], ["picked", 2690], ["bag", 2704], ["bagged", 2704], ["bagging", 2704], ["child", 2756], ["childs", 2756], ["children", 2756], ["stood", 2830], ["stand", 2830], ["standest", 2830], ["minute", 2859], ["five", 2872], ["fived", 2872], ["shadow", 2880], ["shadowed", 2880], ["shadows", 2880], ["stretch", 2888], ["onto", 2893], ["ontos", 2893], ["playground", 2908], ["side", 2915], ["sidest", 2915], ["shadow", 2941], ["shadowed", 2941], ["tall", 2956], ["tallest", 2956], ["small", 2981], ["smallest", 2981], ["fact", 2992], ["stood", 3012], ["stand", 3012], ["standest", 3012], ["standing", 3012], ["next", 3017], ["moment", 3037], ["accentuate", 3049], ["accentuates", 3049], ["tiny", 3086], ["tot", 3090], ["totting", 3090], ["say", 3103], ["sayest", 3103], ["says", 3103], ["voice", 3128], ["low", 3135], ["lowed", 3135], ["quiet", 3145], ["instant", 3157], ["warmth", 3164], ["flood", 3171], ["floods", 3171], ["nether", 3181], ["region", 3189], ["regions", 3189], ["wanton", 3218], ["girl", 3232], ["lay", 3270], ["lie", 3270], ["lain", 3270], ["lying", 3270], ["lap", 3286], ["laps", 3286], ["lapping", 3286], ["ca", 3296], ["cas", 3296], ["help", 3305], ["helpest", 3305], ["height", 3315], ["heights", 3315], ["tell", 3327], ["indignantly", 3343], ["nope", 3353], ["drawl", 3368], ["drawls", 3368], ["drawled", 3368], ["drawlest", 3368], ["fit", 3417], ["fitting", 3417], ["much", 3427], ["temper", 3434], ["body", 3453], ["bodied", 3453], ["anyway", 3462], ["everyone", 3507], ["crack", 3514], ["cracks", 3514], ["humor", 3554], ["humors", 3554], ["humorest", 3554], ["insist", 3582], ["insistest", 3582], ["listen", 3603], ["listens", 3603], ["gather", 3618], ["gatherest", 3618], ["indignation", 3664], ["lose", 3672], ["lost", 3672], ["look", 3698], ["looking", 3698], ["grab", 3721], ["dinner", 3733], ["someplace", 3743], ["suggest", 3763], ["suggests", 3763], ["get", 3787], ["anywhere", 3796], ["lean", 3857], ["leans", 3857], ["leaning", 3857], ["kiss", 3868], ["kisses", 3868], ["kissest", 3868], ["cheek", 3883], ["cheeks", 3883], ["dirt", 3899], ["smudge", 3906], ["wipe", 3926], ["wipes", 3926], ["mom", 3982], ["moms", 3982], ["ask", 4010], ["pull", 4020], ["phone", 4033], ["rude", 4055], ["must", 4108], ["musts", 4108], ["horrible", 4129], ["monster", 4137], ["mutter", 4151], ["mutterest", 4151], ["muttering", 4151], ["punch", 4162], ["punching", 4162], ["tell", 4242], ["tells", 4242]]
i blew steam off the top of my mug and took a tentative sip . `` i fucked his brains out in his limo and he turned arctic afterward . '' cary watched me with those worldly emerald eyes , eyes that had seen more than anyone should be subjected to . `` rocked his world , did you ? '' and i got riled up just thinking about it . we 'd connected . i 'd wanted him more than anything last night , and today i wanted nothing to do with him ever again . the best sexual experience of my life , and he was right there with me . first time he 'd ever made it in a car , and he was kind of resistant at first , but then i got him so hot for it he could n't say no . '' he ran a hand over his morning stubble . `` most guys scratch car banging off their fuck list in high school . in fact , i ca n't think of anyone who did n't , except for the nerds and fuglies , and he 's neither . '' `` i guess car banging makes me a slut . '' cary grew very still . he did n't say shit . i got that from his 'friend , ' magdalene . you know that chick in most of the photos you printed off the internet ? she decided to sharpen her claws with a little catty girl chat in the bathroom . '' `` the bitch is jealous . '' `` sexual frustration . she ca n't fuck him , because apparently girls who fuck him go into the discard pile . '' again , fury laced his quiet question . he said he does n't sleep with his female friends . he 's got issues with women wanting more than a good time in the sack , so he keeps the women he bangs and the women he hangs out with in two separate camps . '' `` i warned him that sort of setup was n't going to work for me and he said he 'd make some adjustments , but i guess he 's one of those guys who 'll say whatever 's necessary to get what he wants . '' `` or else you have him running scared . '' `` yours , baby girl . '' he reached out and patted my knee . i wrapped my hand around his muscular forearm and stroked my fingers gently along the underside in silent gratitude . i could n't feel the multitude of fine white scars from cutting that marred his skin , but i never forgot they were there . i was thankful every day that he was alive , healthy , and a vital part of my life . `` how 'd your night go ? '' his eyes took on a mischievous glint . `` i shagged that busty blonde in a maintenance closet . her tits were real . '' `` you made her night , i 'm sure . '' he picked up the phone receiver and winked at me . `` what kind of delivery do you want ? if you do n't pick something , i 'll cook and you 'll have to eat that . '' i lifted my hand in surrender . i got to work twenty minutes early on monday , figuring i 'd skip running into gideon . when i reached my desk without incident , i felt such relief that i knew i was in serious trouble where he was concerned . my moods were shifting all over the place . mark arrived in high spirits , still floating from his major successes of the week before , and we dug right into work . i 'd done some vodka market comparisons on sunday and he was kind enough to go over those with me and listen to my impressions . mark was also assigned the account for a new e-reader manufacturer , so we began the initial work on that . with such a busy morning , time flew swiftly and i did n't have time to think about my personal life . i was really grateful for that . then i answered the phone and heard gideon on the line . `` how 's your monday been so far ? '' he asked , his voice sending a shiver of awareness through me . `` hectic . '' i glanced at the clock and was startled to see it was twenty minutes to noon . `` i tried calling you yesterday . i left a couple messages . my eyes closed on a deep breath . it had taken every bit of my willpower to make it through the day without listening to the voice mail . i 'd even enlisted cary in the cause , telling him to restrain me forcibly if it looked like i might succumb to the urge . `` i did the hermit thing and worked a little . '' `` they reminded me of your dress . '' i was beginning to think he had multiple personality disorder . `` some women might say that 's romantic . '' his chair creaked as if he 'd pushed to his feet . `` i thought about stopping by ... i wanted to . '' i sighed , surrendering to my confusion . `` i did n't say it to be a bitch . listen ... i arranged for lunch up here in my office so we do n't waste any of the hour leaving and getting back . ''
[["blew", 6], ["blow", 6], ["blowest", 6], ["steam", 12], ["steams", 12], ["steamed", 12], ["steamest", 12], ["top", 24], ["mug", 34], ["take", 43], ["took", 43], ["tentative", 55], ["sip", 59], ["fuck", 73], ["fucked", 73], ["brain", 84], ["brained", 84], ["braining", 84], ["brains", 84], ["limo", 100], ["limos", 100], ["turn", 114], ["turned", 114], ["arctic", 121], ["afterward", 131], ["cary", 141], ["carys", 141], ["watch", 149], ["watched", 149], ["worldly", 171], ["emerald", 179], ["eye", 184], ["eyed", 184], ["eyes", 184], ["see", 205], ["seen", 205], ["anyone", 222], ["subject", 242], ["subjectest", 242], ["subjected", 242], ["rock", 257], ["rocked", 257], ["world", 267], ["get", 292], ["got", 292], ["rile", 298], ["riled", 298], ["think", 315], ["thinkest", 315], ["thinking", 315], ["connect", 342], ["connectest", 342], ["connected", 342], ["anything", 379], ["last", 384], ["night", 390], ["today", 402], ["nothing", 419], ["ever", 439], ["everest", 439], ["good", 456], 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["camps", 1559], ["warn", 1576], ["warned", 1576], ["sort", 1590], ["setup", 1599], ["go", 1613], ["goest", 1613], ["going", 1613], ["work", 1621], ["wrought", 1621], ["adjustment", 1668], ["adjustments", 1668], ["whatever", 1727], ["necessary", 1740], ["get", 1747], ["else", 1777], ["run", 1798], ["running", 1798], ["baby", 1826], ["reach", 1847], ["reached", 1847], ["pat", 1862], ["patted", 1862], ["knee", 1870], ["wrap", 1882], ["wraps", 1882], ["wrapping", 1882], ["wrapped", 1882], ["around", 1897], ["muscular", 1910], ["forearm", 1918], ["stroke", 1930], ["stroked", 1930], ["finger", 1941], ["fingers", 1941], ["gently", 1948], ["along", 1954], ["underside", 1968], ["silent", 1978], ["gratitude", 1988], ["feel", 2007], ["multitude", 2021], ["fine", 2029], ["white", 2035], ["scar", 2041], ["scars", 2041], ["cut", 2054], ["cutting", 2054], ["mar", 2066], ["mars", 2066], ["marred", 2066], ["skin", 2075], ["never", 2089], ["forget", 2096], ["forgot", 2096], ["thankful", 2129], ["every", 2135], ["day", 2139], ["alive", 2157], ["healthy", 2167], ["vital", 2181], ["part", 2186], ["parting", 2186], ["mischievous", 2259], ["glint", 2265], ["shag", 2280], ["shagged", 2280], ["busty", 2291], ["bustier", 2291], ["blonde", 2298], ["maintenance", 2315], ["closet", 2322], ["closets", 2322], ["tit", 2333], ["tits", 2333], ["reis", 2343], ["real", 2343], ["sure", 2382], ["pick", 2397], ["picked", 2397], ["phone", 2410], ["receiver", 2419], ["wink", 2430], ["winks", 2430], ["winkest", 2430], ["winked", 2430], ["delivery", 2463], ["pick", 2496], ["cook", 2519], ["eat", 2543], ["lift", 2562], ["lifted", 2562], ["surrender", 2583], ["surrenders", 2583], ["surrenderest", 2583], ["surrendering", 2583], ["twenty", 2606], ["minute", 2614], ["minutes", 2614], ["early", 2620], ["monday", 2630], ["mondays", 2630], ["figure", 2641], ["figuring", 2641], ["skip", 2651], ["skips", 2651], ["skipped", 2651], ["gideon", 2671], ["desk", 2696], ["without", 2704], ["incident", 2713], 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["thinkest", 4175], ["thought", 4175], ["stop", 4190], ["stopping", 4190], ["sigh", 4223], ["sighest", 4223], ["sighed", 4223], ["surrender", 4238], ["surrenders", 4238], ["surrenderest", 4238], ["surrendering", 4238], ["confusion", 4254], ["arrange", 4314], ["arranging", 4314], ["arranged", 4314], ["lunch", 4324], ["lunched", 4324], ["lunches", 4324], ["office", 4345], ["waste", 4364], ["hour", 4380], ["left", 4388], ["leave", 4388], ["leaving", 4388], ["get", 4400], ["getting", 4400], ["back", 4405]]
with the glass to his lips , he had n't been able to follow through . after spitting out the pills , he 'd gone into a three day crying jag . after that , he 'd asked his sister to take him for a walk in central park . when they 'd returned , he 'd dusted off his computer , fired it up , and started writing . if he could n't play football , he could write . writing had been his other passion . just as he drifted to sleep his cell phone rang , jerking him back to reality . rubbing his eyes , he looked at the caller id . `` hello mighty agent , what 's up ? '' `` i 'm calling to see how the final chapters are coming along . i read the rewrite of the escape scenetotally scintillating . you 're going to have women hounding you to make love to them . '' `` lucky them , '' miles replied sarcastically . `` the other reason i 'm calling is because the publisher and the movie team want to have a joint powwow over several days . hash out who the screenwriter will be and go over loose ends . your presence is mandatory ; mine is too . '' `` when is all this supposed to happen ? '' the dates are in your ballpark . think you might be able to come in the next two weeks ? '' miles puffed air , `` yeah , sure . i 'll call you tomorrow with specific dates . '' you sound a little down in the dumps . '' just want to get the book finished and take a vacation . maybe spend time at my villa in france . '' `` i can relate to that . janet 's going to divorce me if we do n't go on vacation soon . well , okay , i 'll wait for your call tomorrow . oh , by the way , it was a great idea you had to finish the book in colorado . must be peaceful and quiet because you 've been sending in some terrific stuff . '' miles heard harris slam through the front door yelling for his mother to catch him . `` yeah , it 's a great place to write , '' he responded , and winced when tooty yelled , `` i 'm comin ' ta get ya and throw ya back in the pool ! '' * * * tooty picked up annabelle 's diary . it was late and harris was sleeping with his new happy horse hugged to his chest . she guessed miles was asleep , but maybe he was writing . he 'd turned into a recluse , only coming out of his room to go to the bathroom or eat , and occasionally get some air on the front porch . he had retreated into a shell , unlike the man who had directed and helped with repairs on her house . she wanted to help him break out of his funk , but she did n't know how . sighing sadly , she opened the fragile book to where she had left off reading . pa laid the man on the bed and we girls set about cleaning him up . he was burning with fever and the smell of his wounds made us gag . his black hair was all knotted and had grown shaggy below his shoulders . lorrie found an old nightshirt of pa 's and we did what had to be done in undressing and cleaning him . he was skinny like a starving person . maddie heated water and we washed him with the special soap pa had bought for ma one christmas . i had to remove his nasty bandages and he whimpered in pain . we put a special salve on the wounds that we use on humans and animals when there is infection . afterward , we wrapped his stumps , covered him in newly washed blankets , and stoked the fire . he seemed to rest better after that . no one at the shelter knew his name when pa picked him up . tooty swiped her eyes and sniffed . monday , march 6 , 1865 i sat in the rocker by the fire most of the night watching the soldier . i had to keep wetting rags to cool his raging fever . while i was lifting his head off the pillow to change the pillowcase because it was soaked from his sweat , he opened his eyes and looked into mine . in the firelight , his eyes were blue flames . never have i seen such a beautiful shade . he just looked at me and whispered , `` you must be an angel . '' i 'll never forget his look . the next few pages detailed daily care of `` blue eyes '' as annabelle now referred to him . tooty set the diary back in her nightstand drawer . as hard as it was , she 'd determined that she needed to follow beatrice 's instructions and not read too much in one sitting . she intended to respect her wishes . the next day , while harris was down for his nap , miles rolled into the living room . she was so happy to see him she smiled brilliantly and jumped away from her desk . `` let me get you a cup of coffee , miles . ''
[["glass", 14], ["lip", 26], ["lipped", 26], ["lips", 26], ["able", 49], ["abled", 49], ["follow", 59], ["spit", 84], ["spitting", 84], ["pill", 98], ["pills", 98], ["go", 111], ["goest", 111], ["gone", 111], ["three", 124], ["day", 128], ["cry", 135], ["crying", 135], ["jag", 139], ["jags", 139], ["jagged", 139], ["ask", 166], ["asked", 166], ["sister", 177], ["take", 185], ["walk", 200], ["central", 211], ["park", 216], ["parks", 216], ["return", 240], ["returnest", 240], ["returned", 240], ["dust", 255], ["dusting", 255], ["dusted", 255], ["computer", 272], ["fire", 280], ["fired", 280], ["start", 300], ["started", 300], ["write", 308], ["writing", 308], ["play", 331], ["playest", 331], ["football", 340], ["write", 357], ["writing", 357], ["passion", 394], ["drift", 415], ["drifting", 415], ["drifted", 415], ["slept", 424], ["sleep", 424], ["sleeps", 424], ["sleepest", 424], ["cell", 433], ["phone", 439], ["jerk", 454], ["jerks", 454], ["jerked", 454], ["jerking", 454], ["back", 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["hashed", 937], ["screenwriter", 962], ["go", 977], ["goest", 977], ["loose", 988], ["looser", 988], ["end", 993], ["ends", 993], ["endest", 993], ["presence", 1009], ["mandatory", 1022], ["suppose", 1070], ["supposed", 1070], ["happen", 1080], ["date", 1095], ["dates", 1095], ["ballpark", 1116], ["think", 1124], ["thinkest", 1124], ["may", 1134], ["mays", 1134], ["mayest", 1134], ["might", 1134], ["come", 1150], ["next", 1162], ["two", 1166], ["twos", 1166], ["week", 1172], ["weeks", 1172], ["puff", 1190], ["puffs", 1190], ["puffed", 1190], ["air", 1194], ["airs", 1194], ["airing", 1194], ["yeah", 1204], ["sure", 1211], ["call", 1224], ["tomorrow", 1237], ["tomorrows", 1237], ["specific", 1251], ["sound", 1272], ["little", 1281], ["dump", 1299], ["dumps", 1299], ["get", 1321], ["book", 1330], ["finish", 1339], ["finished", 1339], ["vacation", 1359], ["maybe", 1367], ["spend", 1373], ["spends", 1373], ["spendest", 1373], ["time", 1378], ["villa", 1390], ["villas", 1390], ["france", 1400], ["relate", 1421], ["relates", 1421], ["janet", 1437], ["janets", 1437], ["divorce", 1457], ["soon", 1493], ["well", 1500], ["wells", 1500], ["okay", 1507], ["wait", 1520], ["waitest", 1520], ["oh", 1548], ["way", 1561], ["ways", 1561], ["great", 1578], ["idea", 1583], ["finish", 1601], ["colorado", 1622], ["must", 1629], ["musts", 1629], ["peaceful", 1641], ["quiet", 1651], ["send", 1680], ["sending", 1680], ["terrific", 1697], ["stuff", 1703], ["hear", 1720], ["hears", 1720], ["heard", 1720], ["harris", 1727], ["slam", 1732], ["front", 1750], ["door", 1755], ["yell", 1763], ["yelling", 1763], ["mother", 1778], ["mothered", 1778], ["motherest", 1778], ["catch", 1787], ["catches", 1787], ["catched", 1787], ["place", 1823], ["respond", 1850], ["respondest", 1850], ["responded", 1850], ["wince", 1863], ["winced", 1863], ["yell", 1881], ["yelled", 1881], ["ta", 1902], ["ya", 1909], ["throw", 1919], ["pool", 1939], ["pick", 1963], ["picked", 1963], ["annabelle", 1976], ["diary", 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3439], ["watch", 3448], ["watching", 3448], ["soldier", 3460], ["soldiered", 3460], ["keep", 3476], ["keepest", 3476], ["wet", 3484], ["rag", 3489], ["ragged", 3489], ["rags", 3489], ["cool", 3497], ["raging", 3508], ["lift", 3536], ["head", 3545], ["pillow", 3560], ["change", 3570], ["pillowcase", 3585], ["soak", 3607], ["soaks", 3607], ["soaked", 3607], ["sweat", 3622], ["mine", 3664], ["firelight", 3683], ["blue", 3704], ["flame", 3711], ["flames", 3711], ["never", 3719], ["see", 3731], ["seen", 3731], ["beautiful", 3748], ["beautifulest", 3748], ["shade", 3754], ["shaded", 3754], ["whisper", 3791], ["whispered", 3791], ["angel", 3817], ["forget", 3841], ["forgot", 3841], ["look", 3850], ["page", 3871], ["pages", 3871], ["detail", 3880], ["detailed", 3880], ["daily", 3886], ["care", 3891], ["refer", 3936], ["referred", 3936], ["nightstand", 3988], ["drawer", 3995], ["hard", 4005], ["determine", 4035], ["determined", 4035], ["need", 4051], ["needest", 4051], ["needed", 4051], ["beatrice", 4070], ["instruction", 4086], ["instructions", 4086], ["much", 4108], ["sittings", 4123], ["intend", 4138], ["intendest", 4138], ["intended", 4138], ["respect", 4149], ["wish", 4160], ["wishes", 4160], ["nap", 4211], ["naps", 4211], ["napped", 4211], ["roll", 4226], ["rolled", 4226], ["smile", 4288], ["smiled", 4288], ["brilliantly", 4300], ["jump", 4311], ["jumps", 4311], ["jumped", 4311], ["away", 4316], ["desk", 4330], ["let", 4339], ["lets", 4339], ["cup", 4356], ["coffee", 4366]]
he lived in a dorm ( richard , not jesus ) and does n't even know what his room mate majored in ... . there is not talking to strangers and then there is being mute . there are near 5 million people in loueeseeana . i would n't of pland to talk to everyone i met but i could n't imagine not talking to no one . i figure talkin to peoples the cheapest way to get an educashun . maybe after i get a job and make enough money to afford work on a community paper , as a hobby ... just so i can interview people -- nothing huge with looming deadlines , but a place i can get to know people , with the safety of a press pants . since there is no money in this , richard found it right up there with shoveling elephant poop with no shovel . hard to have a father figure when he thinks you are a smuck . but it was this poam that i wrote into a contest entry given by a poet tree group that they liked so much they vited me to come down an read some of my poetree to em . so i guess the moral is talk to every stranger you meet . ( except the ones with long teeth and big ears and dressed in your granma 's smock , little red . ) is a way of life ~~~ a faithful descision i am going over my poem line by line , to see where i can improve . i tend to throw out the baby with the bad water editing wise so i am forcing myself to be critical but not overly so . on a funny end ... in ree-reading it i realised that with richard the third - hees the fella my granma wants me to marry on account he 's so holy ans gon na be a docter -- he calls me his muse and i think of him as a editer as he is very good at tearing my work all to pieces ... so if i had ta marry him ( which i have no intenshun of doing even tho he is my best friend ) i would make him rich as i would be his insperation but i 'd be depressed because he would suck all the joy out of me . since i would be constanly reminded that he married beneath him . the third is trying for a double doctrine ( to be a medicial doc & a business guru ) so my lack of ambition is a bone of contention . he knew what his major was going to be at age 9 ! while i am still making lists of things i might be . i told him that my english teacher says one day i might have a book of poetry in me , and the third said what is the point of a book if you ca n't make money from it ? sometimes art is for art sakes . but since he wants to be a doctor , this god like wisdom will work well for him . me going into a book store is like sending a recovering drinker to a bar i get tipsy although i do try to limit myself -- so many , many books i have a hard time choosing . kill a mock king bird was one of the first books i loved . it has such balance . it shows the dark side with the mob mentality against tom robinson ( hees the african american guy that was accused of a crime he dint do ) , but it shows atticus teaching jem and scout and dill ( thems the kids in the story that its told from their point of you ) to stand up for what you believe -- even if you stand all by your lonesome . scout thinks that mos people are kind in their hearts `` when you really see them '' -- is one of my life models -- which goes along with anne frank 's too ( i read her too ) -- an she says , `` basically i believe most people are good . '' which is kinda hard tunnerstan how she come to that clusion considerin all she gone thro . its funny how some folk can go thro so much tryin tribulation ( like it sez in the bibel ) and still look at the world all rosyglasseyed like ann franks or scout an her dead mock king bird and some folk that aint seen no more trouble than an ol ladies sonday social tea party is all down on the hole of humananity . but i promised richard the third i 'd get tough but it is hard because there is so much beauty about . maybe some people are put on earth not to be tough ... awhile ago i gave up dating , in part because i read a book called , `` i kissed dating good-bye . '' great title -- dumb book . also , it was to clear my head and give me time to concentrate on getting into school , sat 's , ged , graduation and gettin my own doctrine jes like my friend the third . i told my best friend the third and he said i am to stupid to date , so wait longer . after his paranoid speech of date rape drugs in every drink and evil around every corner i have been very clear . i 'll hang out but that 's it .
[["live", 8], ["lived", 8], ["dorm", 18], ["richard", 28], ["richards", 28], ["jesus", 40], ["even", 60], ["evens", 60], ["know", 65], ["knowest", 65], ["room", 79], ["roomed", 79], ["mate", 84], ["mated", 84], ["major", 92], ["talk", 122], ["talking", 122], ["stranger", 135], ["strangers", 135], ["mute", 164], ["muted", 164], ["mutes", 164], ["near", 181], ["million", 191], ["people", 198], ["talk", 244], ["everyone", 256], ["meet", 262], ["meeted", 262], ["met", 262], ["imagine", 286], ["figure", 319], ["people", 337], ["peoples", 337], ["cheap", 350], ["cheapest", 350], ["way", 354], ["ways", 354], ["get", 361], ["educashun", 374], ["maybe", 382], ["job", 400], ["jobbing", 400], ["enough", 416], ["money", 422], ["moneys", 422], ["afford", 432], ["work", 437], ["wrought", 437], ["community", 452], ["paper", 458], ["hobby", 471], ["interview", 499], ["nothing", 517], ["huge", 522], ["loom", 535], ["loomed", 535], ["looming", 535], ["deadline", 545], ["deadlines", 545], ["place", 559], ["safety", 602], ["press", 613], ["pant", 619], ["pants", 619], ["since", 627], ["find", 669], ["found", 669], ["right", 678], ["rightest", 678], ["shovel", 702], ["shoveling", 702], ["shovelling", 702], ["elephant", 711], ["poop", 716], ["shovel", 731], ["shoveling", 731], ["shovelling", 731], ["hard", 738], ["father", 755], ["fathered", 755], ["fathering", 755], ["think", 777], ["thinkest", 777], ["thinks", 777], ["write", 829], ["writing", 829], ["wrote", 829], ["contest", 844], ["contests", 844], ["entry", 850], ["give", 856], ["given", 856], ["poet", 866], ["tree", 871], ["treed", 871], ["treeing", 871], ["group", 877], ["like", 893], ["liked", 893], ["much", 901], ["come", 923], ["read", 936], ["reads", 936], ["guess", 974], ["moral", 984], ["every", 1001], ["stranger", 1010], ["meet", 1019], ["meeted", 1019], ["except", 1030], ["long", 1049], ["longs", 1049], ["tooth", 1055], ["teeth", 1055], ["big", 1063], ["bigs", 1063], ["ear", 1068], ["ears", 1068], ["dress", 1080], ["dressest", 1080], ["dressed", 1080], ["smock", 1104], ["little", 1113], ["red", 1117], ["life", 1138], ["lifes", 1138], ["faithful", 1153], ["go", 1174], ["goest", 1174], ["going", 1174], ["poem", 1187], ["line", 1192], ["see", 1209], ["improve", 1229], ["tend", 1238], ["throw", 1247], ["baby", 1260], ["bad", 1273], ["water", 1279], ["wise", 1292], ["force", 1308], ["forcing", 1308], ["critical", 1330], ["overly", 1345], ["funny", 1361], ["end", 1365], ["ends", 1365], ["endest", 1365], ["ree", 1376], ["read", 1384], ["reads", 1384], ["reading", 1384], ["realise", 1398], ["realised", 1398], ["third", 1426], ["hee", 1433], ["fella", 1443], ["marry", 1471], ["married", 1471], ["account", 1482], ["holy", 1496], ["ans", 1500], ["gon", 1504], ["na", 1507], ["nas", 1507], ["call", 1531], ["calls", 1531], ["muse", 1543], ["musing", 1543], ["think", 1555], ["thinkest", 1555], ["good", 1593], ["tear", 1604], ["teared", 1604], ["tearing", 1604], ["piece", 1626], ["pieced", 1626], ["pieces", 1626], ["ta", 1645], ["tho", 1701], ["good", 1715], ["best", 1715], ["friend", 1722], ["rich", 1746], ["suck", 1820], ["sucking", 1820], ["joy", 1832], ["joys", 1832], ["joyed", 1832], ["remind", 1880], ["reminded", 1880], ["marry", 1896], ["married", 1896], ["beneath", 1904], ["try", 1930], ["tryed", 1930], ["trying", 1930], ["double", 1943], ["doctrine", 1952], ["doc", 1975], ["business", 1988], ["guru", 1993], ["lack", 2006], ["ambition", 2018], ["bone", 2028], ["bonest", 2028], ["contention", 2042], ["know", 2052], ["knowest", 2052], ["knew", 2052], ["major", 2067], ["age", 2090], ["aged", 2090], ["still", 2111], ["list", 2124], ["lists", 2124], ["thing", 2134], ["things", 2134], ["may", 2142], ["mays", 2142], ["mayest", 2142], ["might", 2142], ["tell", 2154], ["told", 2154], ["english", 2174], ["englishest", 2174], ["teacher", 2182], ["say", 2187], ["sayest", 2187], ["says", 2187], ["day", 2195], ["book", 2215], ["poetry", 2225], ["say", 2252], ["sayest", 2252], ["said", 2252], ["point", 2270], ["ca", 2290], ["cas", 2290], ["art", 2329], ["sake", 2346], ["sakes", 2346], ["doctor", 2382], ["doctoring", 2382], ["doctorest", 2382], ["god", 2393], ["like", 2398], ["wisdom", 2405], ["well", 2420], ["wells", 2420], ["store", 2457], ["send", 2473], ["sending", 2473], ["recover", 2486], ["recovering", 2486], ["bar", 2503], ["tipsy", 2515], ["although", 2524], ["try", 2533], ["tryed", 2533], ["limit", 2542], ["limited", 2542], ["many", 2560], ["book", 2573], ["books", 2573], ["time", 2592], ["choose", 2601], ["choosing", 2601], ["kill", 2608], ["mock", 2615], ["mocking", 2615], ["king", 2620], ["bird", 2625], ["first", 2646], ["firstest", 2646], ["love", 2660], ["loved", 2660], ["balance", 2682], ["show", 2693], ["shows", 2693], ["dark", 2702], ["side", 2707], ["sidest", 2707], ["mob", 2720], ["mobs", 2720], ["mobbed", 2720], ["mentality", 2730], ["tom", 2742], ["robinson", 2751], ["african", 2770], ["africans", 2770], ["american", 2779], ["americans", 2779], ["guy", 2783], ["accuse", 2800], ["accused", 2800], ["crime", 2811], ["dint", 2819], ["atticus", 2847], ["teaching", 2856], ["jem", 2860], ["scout", 2870], ["scouts", 2870], ["dill", 2879], ["kid", 2896], ["kids", 2896], ["story", 2909], ["stood", 2958], ["stand", 2958], ["standest", 2958], ["believe", 2982], ["lonesome", 3024], ["mos", 3048], ["kind", 3064], ["heart", 3080], ["hearts", 3080], ["really", 3099], ["model", 3139], ["models", 3139], ["go", 3153], ["goest", 3153], ["goes", 3153], ["along", 3159], ["frank", 3175], ["basically", 3231], ["kinda", 3282], ["kindas", 3282], ["considerin", 3338], ["go", 3351], ["goest", 3351], ["thro", 3356], ["folk", 3382], ["go", 3389], ["goest", 3389], ["tribulation", 3420], ["sez", 3434], ["look", 3464], ["world", 3477], ["ann", 3504], ["frank", 3511], ["franks", 3511], ["dead", 3532], ["see", 3576], ["seen", 3576], ["trouble", 3592], ["troubling", 3592], ["old", 3603], ["ol", 3603], ["lady", 3610], ["ladies", 3610], ["social", 3624], ["tea", 3628], ["teas", 3628], ["party", 3634], ["hole", 3658], ["promise", 3689], ["promised", 3689], ["tough", 3722], ["beauty", 3769], ["put", 3803], ["earth", 3812], ["earths", 3812], ["earthest", 3812], ["awhile", 3839], ["ago", 3843], ["give", 3850], ["gave", 3850], ["date", 3860], ["dating", 3860], ["part", 3870], ["parting", 3870], ["call", 3899], ["called", 3899], ["kiss", 3913], ["kisses", 3913], ["kissest", 3913], ["kissed", 3913], ["bye", 3929], ["byes", 3929], ["great", 3940], ["title", 3946], ["dumb", 3954], ["also", 3966], ["clear", 3984], ["clearest", 3984], ["head", 3992], ["give", 4001], ["concentrate", 4024], ["concentrated", 4024], ["concentrates", 4024], ["get", 4035], ["getting", 4035], ["school", 4047], ["schooling", 4047], ["sat", 4053], ["graduation", 4075], ["stupid", 4192], ["date", 4200], ["wait", 4210], ["waitest", 4210], ["long", 4217], ["longs", 4217], ["paranoid", 4238], ["speech", 4245], ["rape", 4258], ["drug", 4264], ["drugs", 4264], ["drank", 4279], ["drink", 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a row of framed pictures lined the mantel of the replace . the whooshing in luce 's ears got louder , so loud it made her wince . without her doing anything other than wonder about those pictures , the announcer 's image zoomed in . it left luce with a feeling of whiplash -- and an extreme close-up of one framed photograph . a thin gold-plated frame around a smudged glass plate . inside , the small photograph had a ne scalloped border around a yellowing black-and- white image . two faces in the photograph : hers and daniel 's . holding her breath , she studied her own face , which looked just a little younger than it did now . dark shoulder-length hair set in pincurls . a white blouse with a peter pan collar . a wide a-line skirt brushing the middles of her calves . white-gloved hands , holding daniel 's . he was looking directly at her , smiling . the announcer started vibrating , then quaking ; then the image inside started to icker and fade away . `` no , '' luce called , ready to lunge inside . her shoulders connected with the edge of the announcer , but that was as far as she got . a brush of bitter cold pushed her back and left her skin feeling damp . a hand clamped around her wrist . `` do n't get any wild ideas , '' shelby warned . the screen went black and the announcer dropped from their hands onto the forest oor , shattering into pieces like broken black glass . luce suppressed a whimper . she felt like a part of her had died . lowering herself to all fours , she pressed her forehead to the ground and rolled onto her side . it was colder , murkier than it had been when they 'd started . the watch on her wrist said it was after two o'clock , but it had been morning when they came into the forest . looking west , toward the edge of the woods , luce could see the di erence in the light hitting the dorm . the announcers swallowed time . shelby lay down next to her . those people -- '' luce cupped her forehead . shelby cleared her throat and looked uncomfortable . `` do n't you think , um , maybe you used to know them ? like , a long time ago . like , maybe they were your ... '' luce waited for her to nish . `` it really has n't occurred to you that those were your parents from another life ? that this is what they look like now ? '' luce 's jaw dropped open . wait -- you mean , i 've had totally di erent parents in each of my past lives ? i thought harry and doreen ... i just assumed they would have been with me the whole time . '' suddenly she remembered something daniel had said , about her mother making bad boiled cabbage in that past life . at the time , she had n't dwelled on it , but now it made a little bit more sense . doreen was an amazing cook . everyone in east georgia knew that . which meant shelby must be right . luce probably had a whole nation of past families she could n't even remember . `` i 'm so stupid , '' she said . why had n't she paid more attention to the way the man and woman looked ? why had n't she felt the slightest connection to them ? she felt like she 'd lived her whole life and only now found out she was adopted . how many times had she been handed o to di erent parents ? `` this is -- this is -- '' `` totally messed up , '' shelby said . on the bright side , you could probably save yourself a lot of money for therapy if you could look back at all your other families , see all the problems you had with hundreds of mothers before this one . '' luce buried her face in her hands . `` that is , if you need family therapy . '' `` sorry , who 's talking about themselves again ? '' she raised her right hand , then slowly put it down . `` you know , shasta 's not that far from here . '' `` what 's shasta ? '' `` mount shasta , california . it 's just a few hours that-away . '' shelby jerked her thumb toward the north . `` but the announcers only show the past . what would be the point of going there now ? they 're probably -- '' shelby shook her head. `` `the past ' is a broad term . announcers show the distant past right up to the events happening seconds ago , and everything in between . i saw a laptop on the desk in the corner , so there 's a good chance ... you know ... '' `` but we do n't know where they live . '' me , i zoomed in on a piece of their mail and got the address . committed it to memory .
[["row", 5], ["rowest", 5], ["picture", 24], ["pictures", 24], ["line", 30], ["lined", 30], ["mantel", 41], ["mantels", 41], ["replace", 56], ["luce", 80], ["ear", 88], ["ears", 88], ["get", 92], ["got", 92], ["loud", 109], ["wince", 127], ["without", 137], ["anything", 156], ["wonder", 174], ["wonderest", 174], ["announcer", 211], ["image", 220], ["imaged", 220], ["imaging", 220], ["zoom", 227], ["zoomed", 227], ["left", 240], ["leave", 240], ["feel", 260], ["feeling", 260], ["whiplash", 272], ["extreme", 290], ["close", 296], ["frame", 313], ["framed", 313], ["photograph", 324], ["thin", 333], ["thins", 333], ["gold", 338], ["golds", 338], ["plate", 345], ["plating", 345], ["plated", 345], ["frame", 351], ["around", 358], ["smudge", 368], ["smudged", 368], ["glass", 374], ["plate", 380], ["plating", 380], ["inside", 389], ["small", 401], ["ne", 421], ["ned", 421], ["nes", 421], ["scallop", 431], ["scalloped", 431], ["border", 438], ["bordering", 438], ["yellow", 457], ["yellowing", 457], ["black", 463], ["white", 474], ["two", 486], ["twos", 486], ["face", 492], ["faces", 492], ["daniel", 528], ["daniels", 528], ["hold", 541], ["holding", 541], ["breath", 552], ["breathest", 552], ["study", 566], ["studied", 566], ["face", 579], ["look", 594], ["looked", 594], ["little", 608], ["young", 616], ["youngest", 616], ["dark", 639], ["shoulder", 648], ["shouldered", 648], ["length", 655], ["hair", 660], ["set", 664], ["blouse", 693], ["peter", 706], ["peters", 706], ["pan", 710], ["pans", 710], ["collar", 717], ["collared", 717], ["wide", 726], ["line", 733], ["skirt", 739], ["brush", 748], ["brushest", 748], ["brushing", 748], ["middle", 760], ["middles", 760], ["middling", 760], ["calf", 774], ["calves", 774], ["hand", 795], ["hands", 795], ["look", 832], ["looking", 832], ["directly", 841], ["smile", 858], ["smiling", 858], ["start", 882], ["started", 882], ["vibrate", 892], ["vibrating", 892], ["quake", 907], ["quaked", 907], ["quaking", 907], ["icker", 948], ["fade", 957], ["away", 962], ["call", 987], ["called", 987], ["ready", 995], ["lunge", 1004], ["lunges", 1004], ["shoulder", 1027], ["shouldered", 1027], ["shoulders", 1027], ["connect", 1037], ["connectest", 1037], ["connected", 1037], ["edge", 1051], ["edges", 1051], ["far", 1090], ["brush", 1111], ["brushest", 1111], ["bitter", 1121], ["bitterest", 1121], ["cold", 1126], ["push", 1133], ["pushed", 1133], ["back", 1142], ["skin", 1160], ["damp", 1173], ["damps", 1173], ["damped", 1173], ["hand", 1182], ["clamp", 1190], ["clamps", 1190], ["clamped", 1190], ["wrist", 1207], ["get", 1223], ["wild", 1232], ["wildest", 1232], ["idea", 1238], ["ideas", 1238], ["shelby", 1250], ["warn", 1257], ["warned", 1257], ["screen", 1270], ["screening", 1270], ["go", 1275], ["goest", 1275], ["went", 1275], ["drop", 1307], ["dropped", 1307], ["onto", 1329], ["ontos", 1329], ["forest", 1340], ["shatter", 1357], ["shattering", 1357], ["piece", 1369], ["pieced", 1369], ["pieces", 1369], ["like", 1374], ["break", 1381], ["broke", 1381], ["broken", 1381], ["suppress", 1411], ["suppresses", 1411], ["suppressed", 1411], ["whimper", 1421], ["whimpering", 1421], ["feel", 1432], ["felt", 1432], ["part", 1444], ["parting", 1444], ["died", 1460], ["lower", 1471], ["lowers", 1471], ["lowerest", 1471], ["lowering", 1471], ["four", 1492], ["fours", 1492], ["press", 1506], ["pressed", 1506], ["forehead", 1519], ["ground", 1533], ["roll", 1544], ["rolled", 1544], ["side", 1558], ["sidest", 1558], ["cold", 1574], ["murky", 1584], ["watch", 1634], ["say", 1652], ["sayest", 1652], ["said", 1652], ["morning", 1703], ["come", 1718], ["came", 1718], ["west", 1749], ["toward", 1758], ["wood", 1780], ["woods", 1780], ["see", 1797], ["di", 1804], ["diest", 1804], ["lit", 1824], ["light", 1824], ["hit", 1832], ["hitting", 1832], ["dorm", 1841], ["announcer", 1858], ["announcers", 1858], ["swallow", 1868], ["swallows", 1868], ["swallowed", 1868], ["time", 1873], ["lay", 1886], ["lie", 1886], ["lain", 1886], 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["whole", 2472], ["wholes", 2472], ["suddenly", 2491], ["remember", 2506], ["rememberest", 2506], ["remembered", 2506], ["mother", 2551], ["mothered", 2551], ["motherest", 2551], ["bad", 2562], ["boil", 2569], ["boils", 2569], ["boiled", 2569], ["cabbage", 2577], ["cabbaged", 2577], ["cabbaging", 2577], ["dwell", 2631], ["dwelling", 2631], ["dwellest", 2631], ["dwelled", 2631], ["bit", 2668], ["bits", 2668], ["sense", 2679], ["amazing", 2703], ["cook", 2708], ["everyone", 2719], ["east", 2727], ["georgia", 2735], ["georgias", 2735], ["know", 2740], ["knowest", 2740], ["knew", 2740], ["mean", 2759], ["meanest", 2759], ["meant", 2759], ["must", 2771], ["musts", 2771], ["right", 2780], ["rightest", 2780], ["probably", 2796], ["nation", 2815], ["family", 2832], ["families", 2832], ["even", 2851], ["evens", 2851], ["remember", 2860], ["rememberest", 2860], ["stupid", 2880], ["pay", 2917], ["pays", 2917], ["payest", 2917], ["paid", 2917], ["attention", 2932], ["way", 2943], ["ways", 2943], ["man", 2951], ["mans", 2951], ["manned", 2951], ["woman", 2961], ["womans", 2961], ["slight", 3005], ["slightest", 3005], ["connection", 3016], ["live", 3053], ["lived", 3053], ["find", 3087], ["found", 3087], ["adopt", 3107], ["adopted", 3107], ["many", 3118], ["time", 3124], ["times", 3124], ["hand", 3144], ["handed", 3144], ["mess", 3214], ["messed", 3214], ["messing", 3214], ["bright", 3250], ["brights", 3250], ["save", 3281], ["lot", 3296], ["money", 3305], ["moneys", 3305], ["therapy", 3317], ["problem", 3390], ["problems", 3390], ["hundred", 3412], ["hundreds", 3412], ["mother", 3423], ["mothered", 3423], ["motherest", 3423], ["mothers", 3423], ["bury", 3456], ["burying", 3456], ["buried", 3456], ["need", 3505], ["needest", 3505], ["family", 3512], ["sorry", 3534], ["talk", 3551], ["talking", 3551], ["raise", 3590], ["raised", 3590], ["slowly", 3619], ["put", 3623], ["shasta", 3654], ["mount", 3717], ["mounted", 3717], ["mountest", 3717], ["california", 3737], ["hour", 3762], ["hours", 3762], ["jerk", 3791], ["jerks", 3791], ["jerked", 3791], ["thumb", 3801], ["thumbed", 3801], ["north", 3818], ["show", 3852], ["point", 3887], ["go", 3896], ["goest", 3896], ["going", 3896], ["shake", 3945], ["shook", 3945], ["head", 3954], ["broad", 3981], ["broads", 3981], ["term", 3986], ["terming", 3986], ["distant", 4016], ["event", 4044], ["events", 4044], ["happen", 4054], ["happening", 4054], ["second", 4062], ["seconded", 4062], ["seconds", 4062], ["everything", 4083], ["see", 4102], ["saw", 4102], ["laptop", 4111], ["desk", 4123], ["corner", 4137], ["good", 4158], ["chance", 4165], ["chanced", 4165], ["chancing", 4165], ["live", 4223], ["piece", 4256], ["pieced", 4256], ["mail", 4270], ["address", 4290], ["commit", 4302], ["committed", 4302], ["memory", 4315], ["memories", 4315]]
i had taken my pill first thing this morning before brushing my teeth . if we were going to start hav**g s*x like this i could n't miss one . i could n't have children . that would be a horrible fate to give a kid . a mother who was destined to lose her mind at some point . no kid needed a life like i 'd had . i swore i 'd never do to a child what my mother did to me but i could n't be sure . not if i snapped mentally . my mother had n't been a bad person . she 'd just been unwell . i shook that fear away because i was being careful . i would n't get pregnant . my phone rang and i reached for it . braden 's name flashed across the screen . i had n't talked to her in over a week . i 'd been so wrapped up in woods i had n't taken time to call her . `` good morning , '' i said into the phone . `` good morning stranger who does n't call her best friend anymore . the meaning behind that one simple word was powerful . like how good ? like he 's super hot and gives you multiple orgasms , or good like you 've never had better sex , or good like you 're gon na marry him and have his kids ? '' i had been smiling until the last sentence . my smile vanished and my heart slammed against my chest . marry him and have his kids ... i could never marry him . i 'd told him i was crazy and that i could mentally snap at any minute . did he even love me ? and i could n't marry him . this would have to end eventually because i could n't marry him . he would want kids . he did n't need a wife who would eventually lose her mind . `` della , you okay ? '' braden 's voice asked . della i did n't think before i said that . dammit honey , i 'm sorry . think about the guy and the hot sex . think about everything you need to tell me . she was working hard to get me back on track . the problem was i was n't off track . i was very well aware of the truth . and i 'd let myself forget them . i ca n't love him , '' i said quietly into the phone . the door behind me opened and i turned around to see a man i 'd only seen once before . it had been at the ball when i 'd had to sing . it was woods ' father . `` do n't you say that , della . you can love him . this is what i wanted for you for so long . does he love you too ? '' braden 's voice asked me on the other line . i stared up at woods ' father as he walked over and took a seat facing me . he was supposed to be with woods . i do n't know , '' i told her , unable to look away from the hard cold eyes in front of me . you can have babies . they will be beautiful and special like you . do n't think you ca n't . '' i could feel the darkness starting to close in . visions of my mother and her wild eyes staring at me . the phone fell from my hand . `` let 's keep this simple , '' the man staring at me said with disgust in his voice . `` how much money is it going to take to get you to leave and never step foot back in this town again ? name your price and it 's yours . '' della , della , let 's sing a song . della , della , come eat with your brother . his food is getting cold . he 's waiting on you . della , did you see your brother 's favorite shirt in the laundry room ? he said you took it and he 's very upset . he wo n't eat della . he wo n't eat . we have to make him eat . did you go outside della ? your brother said you did . he said you snuck outside while i was sleeping . he just wants to keep you safe . i did n't keep him safe but he 's helping me with you . do n't you want to be safe della ? you ca n't go out there . della , he said he was waiting on me . he loves me della . you want to disobey me and run around at night outside in the dark . he does n't disobey me . he wishes he had stayed with me . now he 's waiting on me . he said he 'd eat his food if i came to him . della , how do i go to him ? my cries do n't ease the pain . the blood is everywhere . in a pool around her body . i left her and she went to him . i blinked my eyes several times . i touched the warm wood underneath me and slowly eased myself up . i was lying on the porch .
[["take", 11], ["taken", 11], ["pill", 19], ["first", 25], ["firstest", 25], ["thing", 31], ["morning", 44], ["brush", 60], ["brushest", 60], ["brushing", 60], ["tooth", 69], ["teeth", 69], ["go", 88], ["goest", 88], ["going", 88], ["start", 97], ["like", 113], ["miss", 135], ["child", 167], ["childs", 167], ["children", 167], ["horrible", 194], ["fate", 199], ["give", 207], ["kid", 213], ["mother", 224], ["mothered", 224], ["motherest", 224], ["destine", 241], ["destined", 241], ["lose", 249], ["mind", 258], ["minding", 258], ["point", 272], ["need", 288], ["needest", 288], ["needed", 288], ["life", 295], ["lifes", 295], ["swear", 319], ["sweared", 319], ["never", 330], ["child", 344], ["childs", 344], ["sure", 393], ["snap", 412], ["snapping", 412], ["snapped", 412], ["mentally", 421], ["bad", 452], ["person", 459], ["unwell", 485], ["shake", 495], ["shook", 495], ["fear", 505], ["fearest", 505], ["away", 510], ["careful", 538], ["get", 556], ["pregnant", 565], ["phone", 576], ["reach", 595], ["reached", 595], ["braden", 611], ["name", 619], ["flash", 627], ["flashed", 627], ["across", 634], ["screen", 645], ["screening", 645], ["talk", 664], ["talked", 664], ["week", 686], ["wrap", 709], ["wraps", 709], ["wrapping", 709], ["wrapped", 709], ["wood", 721], ["woods", 721], ["time", 742], ["call", 750], ["good", 764], ["say", 784], ["sayest", 784], ["said", 784], ["stranger", 826], ["good", 853], ["best", 853], ["friend", 860], ["anymore", 868], ["meaning", 882], ["behind", 889], ["simple", 905], ["simplest", 905], ["word", 910], ["powerful", 923], ["super", 958], ["hot", 962], ["give", 972], ["gives", 972], ["multiple", 985], ["orgasm", 993], ["orgasms", 993], ["well", 1033], ["wells", 1033], ["sex", 1037], ["gon", 1064], ["na", 1067], ["nas", 1067], ["marry", 1073], ["married", 1073], ["kid", 1095], ["kids", 1095], ["smile", 1119], ["smiling", 1119], ["last", 1134], ["sentence", 1143], ["smile", 1154], ["vanish", 1163], ["vanishest", 1163], ["vanished", 1163], ["heart", 1176], ["slam", 1184], ["slammed", 1184], ["chest", 1201], ["tell", 1271], ["told", 1271], ["crazy", 1287], ["snap", 1318], ["snapping", 1318], ["minute", 1332], ["even", 1346], ["evens", 1346], ["love", 1351], ["end", 1407], ["ends", 1407], ["endest", 1407], ["eventually", 1418], ["need", 1487], ["needest", 1487], ["wife", 1494], ["della", 1540], ["okay", 1551], ["voice", 1572], ["ask", 1578], ["asked", 1578], ["think", 1602], ["thinkest", 1602], ["dammit", 1630], ["honey", 1636], ["honeys", 1636], ["sorry", 1649], ["guy", 1671], ["everything", 1712], ["tell", 1729], ["work", 1750], ["wrought", 1750], ["working", 1750], ["hard", 1755], ["back", 1770], ["track", 1779], ["problem", 1793], ["well", 1835], ["wells", 1835], ["aware", 1841], ["truth", 1854], ["let", 1869], ["lets", 1869], ["forget", 1883], ["forgot", 1883], ["ca", 1895], ["cas", 1895], ["quietly", 1928], ["door", 1954], ["open", 1971], ["opened", 1971], ["turn", 1984], ["turned", 1984], ["around", 1991], ["see", 1998], ["man", 2004], ["mans", 2004], ["manned", 2004], ["see", 2019], ["seen", 2019], ["ball", 2057], ["sung", 2079], ["sing", 2079], ["father", 2103], ["fathered", 2103], ["fathering", 2103], ["say", 2123], ["sayest", 2123], ["long", 2199], ["longs", 2199], ["line", 2270], ["stare", 2281], ["stared", 2281], ["walk", 2315], ["walked", 2315], ["take", 2329], ["took", 2329], ["seat", 2336], ["face", 2343], ["facing", 2343], ["suppose", 2364], ["supposed", 2364], ["know", 2397], ["knowest", 2397], ["unable", 2422], ["unabled", 2422], ["look", 2430], ["cold", 2454], ["eye", 2459], ["eyed", 2459], ["eyes", 2459], ["front", 2468], ["baby", 2496], ["babies", 2496], ["beautiful", 2521], ["beautifulest", 2521], ["special", 2533], ["feel", 2586], ["darkness", 2599], ["start", 2608], ["starting", 2608], ["close", 2617], ["vision", 2630], ["visions", 2630], ["wild", 2656], ["wildest", 2656], ["stare", 2669], ["stared", 2669], ["staring", 2669], ["fall", 2692], ["falls", 2692], ["fell", 2692], ["hand", 2705], ["keep", 2722], ["keepest", 2722], ["disgust", 2779], ["disgusted", 2779], ["much", 2806], ["money", 2812], ["moneys", 2812], ["take", 2832], ["left", 2852], ["leave", 2852], ["step", 2867], ["foot", 2872], ["town", 2890], ["price", 2914], ["song", 2970], ["come", 2993], ["eat", 2997], ["brother", 3015], ["brethren", 3015], ["food", 3026], ["foods", 3026], ["get", 3037], ["getting", 3037], ["wait", 3058], ["waitest", 3058], ["waiting", 3058], ["favorite", 3112], ["favoritest", 3112], ["shirt", 3118], ["laundry", 3133], ["room", 3138], ["roomed", 3138], ["upset", 3181], ["wo", 3189], ["go", 3258], ["goest", 3258], ["outside", 3266], ["sneak", 3320], ["sneakest", 3320], ["slept", 3349], ["sleep", 3349], ["sleeps", 3349], ["sleepest", 3349], ["sleeping", 3349], ["safe", 3382], ["safes", 3382], ["safed", 3382], ["help", 3426], ["helpest", 3426], ["helping", 3426], ["love", 3549], ["loves", 3549], ["disobey", 3580], ["run", 3591], ["night", 3607], ["dark", 3627], ["wish", 3664], ["wishes", 3664], ["stay", 3678], ["stayed", 3678], ["come", 3751], ["came", 3751], ["cry", 3798], ["cries", 3798], ["ease", 3810], ["pain", 3819], ["blood", 3831], ["bloods", 3831], ["blooded", 3831], ["everywhere", 3845], ["pool", 3857], ["body", 3873], ["bodied", 3873], ["left", 3882], ["leave", 3882], ["go", 3899], ["goest", 3899], ["went", 3899], ["blink", 3918], ["blinked", 3918], ["several", 3934], ["time", 3940], ["times", 3940], ["touch", 3952], ["touching", 3952], ["touched", 3952], ["warm", 3961], ["wood", 3966], ["underneath", 3977], ["slowly", 3991], ["ease", 3997], ["eased", 3997], ["lay", 4021], ["lie", 4021], ["lain", 4021], ["lying", 4021], ["porch", 4034]]
the way people looked at them now , the questions in people 's eyes-and the danger . the danger that no one but their group knew about . a lot of it was jenny 's fault . it had been her own brilliant idea . let 's tell the police the truth ... . there were two policewomen . one was hawaiian or polynesian and model-beautiful . the other was a stocky motherly person . they both examined the pile of fragments around the sliding glass door . `` but that does n't have anything to do with summer , '' jenny said , and then she and tom and michael and audrey explained it all again . no , it had n't been a ufo . well , it had been sort of like a ufo-julian was alien , all right , but he had n't broken the door . he had come out of a game-or at least he had sucked them into a game . or at least-all right . from the beginning again . jenny had bought the game on montevideo avenue , in a store called more games . she 'd bought it and brought it home and they had all opened it . yes , they 'd all been here , the six of them , plus summer . it had been a party for tom 's seventeenth birthday . inside had been this cardboard house . this model . they had put it together , a victorian house , three stories and a turret . then they 'd put these paper dolls inside that they 'd colored to look like themselves . yeah , right , they were a little old to be playing with paper dolls . but it was n't just a dollhouse . the game was to draw your worst nightmare and put it in a room of the house , and then , starting at the bottom , work your way up to the top . going through each different person 's nightmare as you went . it had seemed like a good game . only then it turned real . yes , real . how many different ways were there to say real ? they had all sort of passed out , and when they woke up , they were in the house . it was n't cardboard anymore . it was solid , like an ordinary house . then julian had showed up . who was julian ? what was julian , that was the question . if you thought of him as a demon prince , you would n't be too far off . he called himself the shadow man . the shadow man . like the sandman , only he brings nightmares . look , the point was that julian had killed summer . he made her face her worst nightmare , which was a messy room . piles of garbage and giant cockroaches . yes , it did sound funny , but it was n't ... . no , none of them had read kafka . look , it was n't funny because it had killed summer . she 'd been buried in a garbage dump from hell , under piles of filth and rotting stuff . they 'd heard her screaming and screaming , and then finally the screaming had stopped . for god 's sake , where else would the body be ? it was there , buried in rubbish , in the paper house , in the shadow world . the sliding glass door did not have anything to do with it . that had happened after they escaped from the shadow world . jenny had tricked julian and locked him behind a door with a rune of constraint on it . when they got back to the real world , jenny had put the paper house back in the game box , and then they 'd called the police . yes , that was the call made at 6:34 this morning . while they were on the phone , they 'd heard glass breaking and come out to see two guys taking the box over the back fence . why would anybody want to steal the box ? well , these guys had been following jenny when she bought the game . and seeing the game-it did something to you . once you saw that glossy white box , you wanted it , no matter what . the guys had probably followed jenny home just to get the box . no , summer did n't go that way , too ! summer was n't there ! summer was already dead by then ! it was only after telling it that jenny saw how crazy the story sounded . at first the police would n't believe that summer was really missing , no matter how many times tom demanded a lie detector test . the police finally began to believe when they called summer 's parents and found that nobody had seen her since last night . by then jenny and the others were sitting in the detective bureau around a large table with detectives ' desks all around them . by then jenny had picked out pictures of the two guys who 'd stolen the game . serrani and scott martell , better known as slug , a name he 'd chosen himself . they both had records for shoplifting and joyriding .
[["way", 7], ["ways", 7], ["people", 14], ["look", 21], ["looked", 21], ["question", 49], ["questions", 49], ["eye", 67], ["eyed", 67], ["eyes", 67], ["danger", 82], ["group", 123], ["know", 128], ["knowest", 128], ["knew", 128], ["lot", 142], ["jenny", 158], ["fault", 167], ["faulting", 167], ["brilliant", 199], ["idea", 204], ["let", 210], ["lets", 210], ["tell", 218], ["police", 229], ["truth", 239], ["two", 260], ["twos", 260], ["policewoman", 272], ["policewomen", 272], ["hawaiian", 291], ["hawaiians", 291], ["polynesian", 305], ["model", 315], ["beautiful", 325], ["beautifulest", 325], ["stocky", 350], ["motherly", 359], ["person", 366], ["examine", 387], ["examined", 387], ["pile", 396], ["fragment", 409], ["fragmented", 409], ["fragments", 409], ["around", 416], ["slid", 428], ["sliding", 428], ["glass", 434], ["door", 439], ["anything", 476], ["summer", 494], ["summering", 494], ["say", 510], ["sayest", 510], ["said", 510], ["tom", 533], ["michael", 545], ["audrey", 556], 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["think", 2003], ["thinkest", 2003], ["thought", 2003], ["demon", 2021], ["prince", 2028], ["far", 2055], ["shadow", 2090], ["shadowed", 2090], ["man", 2094], ["mans", 2094], ["manned", 2094], ["sandman", 2130], ["sandmen", 2130], ["bring", 2147], ["brings", 2147], ["nightmare", 2158], ["nightmares", 2158], ["point", 2177], ["kill", 2204], ["killed", 2204], ["face", 2230], ["messy", 2270], ["messier", 2270], ["pile", 2283], ["piles", 2283], ["garbage", 2294], ["garbaged", 2294], ["giant", 2304], ["cockroach", 2316], ["cockroaches", 2316], ["sound", 2337], ["funny", 2343], ["none", 2376], ["read", 2393], ["reads", 2393], ["kafka", 2399], ["bury", 2475], ["burying", 2475], ["buried", 2475], ["dump", 2493], ["hell", 2503], ["hells", 2503], ["filth", 2526], ["rot", 2538], ["rotting", 2538], ["stuff", 2544], ["hear", 2560], ["hears", 2560], ["heard", 2560], ["scream", 2574], ["screams", 2574], ["screaming", 2574], ["finally", 2607], ["stop", 2633], ["stopped", 2633], ["god", 2643], ["sake", 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["telling", 3694], ["crazy", 3722], ["story", 3732], ["sound", 3740], ["sounded", 3740], ["first", 3751], ["firstest", 3751], ["believe", 3780], ["really", 3803], ["time", 3838], ["times", 3838], ["demand", 3851], ["demandest", 3851], ["demanded", 3851], ["lay", 3857], ["lie", 3857], ["lain", 3857], ["detector", 3866], ["test", 3871], ["begin", 3898], ["began", 3898], ["parent", 3944], ["parents", 3944], ["find", 3954], ["found", 3954], ["nobody", 3966], ["see", 3975], ["seen", 3975], ["since", 3985], ["last", 3990], ["night", 3996], ["sat", 4040], ["sit", 4040], ["sitting", 4040], ["detective", 4057], ["bureau", 4064], ["bureaus", 4064], ["large", 4079], ["table", 4085], ["tabled", 4085], ["tabling", 4085], ["detective", 4101], ["detectives", 4101], ["desk", 4109], ["desks", 4109], ["pick", 4152], ["picked", 4152], ["picture", 4165], ["pictures", 4165], ["steal", 4195], ["stole", 4195], ["stolen", 4195], ["scott", 4224], ["well", 4241], ["wells", 4241], ["know", 4247], ["knowest", 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`` this is the first time i 've had to face the situation ! '' worried about maintaining your professionalism ? '' `` its not my professionalism i 'm worried about . '' he swept her a look , letting his gaze linger on her chest before coming back to meet her mutinous gaze . ''i 'll ask that someone else be assigned to work on the garrison grand . '' the garrison property is one of the most lucrative accounts your firm has going . you would n't want to be the one who caused your firm to lose it . '' her eyes widened , and color seeped into her face , masking the dusting of freckles there-freckles that he 'd spent one memorable night kissing , one by one . `` since you 're just back in the office . i 'm assuming you 've got the most time to devote to a new account . you 're going to find it hard to explain to your partners why you ca n't . '' her shoulders heaved , and her lips compressed . he looked back at her blandly . `` but our relationship this time is strictly business . '' `` whatever you say ... meggikins . '' he was going to enjoy coaxing megan simmons back into his bed . and this time , she 'd leave only when he asked her to . chapter two megan stepped past the liveried doorman and into the cool lobby of the garrison grand . the change was a welcome despite from the heat outside . she 'd dressed for the hot weather in a lime-green sheath dress with a short matching jacket , her feet encased in strappy sandals . a couple of men sent appreciative looks her way . she knew that as a tall redhead in heels , she was hard to overlook-even if she wore her hair tied back and constrained , as it was today . what she was n't used to she thought , as she looked around at the hotel guests in the lobby , was the cool sophistication of stephen 's world . shed almost forgotten what this world was like , having spent the past few years variously wiping baby food off her shirt , reading nursery rhymes and teaching jade how to use the potty . now though , as she surveyed the women with lithe tanned bodies dressed in halter tops or less , and the men projecting a chic style in khakis and designer shirts , she knew she had to gird herself for today 's meeting . glancing to her left , she noticed stephen walking toward her from across the lobby . she watched as he was waylaid by an employee , then as his progress was halted again by someone who appeared to be a familiar hotel guest . when he finally approached , she said . `` i thought i was meeting one of your executives . '' he said , cupping her elbow and gently steering her with a subtle pressure . `` that is unless you mind it 's me . '' she responded automatically . since she had been the one to call their relationship strictly professional , she had no choice but to stick to the script . just being in the same room with him was enough to make her tense and jittery . as it was little shock waves coursed through her from the casual contact of his hand at her elbow . they walked across the majestic soaring lobby toward the elevators . one end of the lobby led to the street , and the other end with columns alternating with billowing white curtains , opened onto the garrison grand 's private beach . the smell of surf and sand wafted in . she had n't been able to stop herself over the years from reading the occasional news article about stephen and the garrison grand . the hotel had kept a fantastic reputation while she and stephen had been dating , but it had surpassed itself since then , becoming the 'it place ' for the rich and famous who flocked to south beach . walking through the lobby now she could understand why . stephen seemed to keep everything new and cutting edge . 'i 'm looking to redesign some of the meeting rooms on the second floor . '' `` then we can talk about other changes-what else needs to be revamped and updated . '' his deep voice buffeted her like the warm jets of a hot tub . this is not going to work , she thought . how could she stand to work with him when she could n't even think straight ? after stephen had left her office yesterday , she 'd gone to see conrad . the meeting had confirmed everything stephen had said : everyone else in the office was too busy with other projects to be the lead person on the garrison grand , and they were looking to her to be a team player . now as stephen called the elevator and they rode up together , she felt the air between them fairly crackle with tension . when they stepped out on the second floor , they walked down a hallway with recessed lighting along either side of its carpeted floor . he gave her a quick tour of the business center and various conference rooms .
[["first", 20], ["firstest", 20], ["time", 25], ["face", 43], ["situation", 57], ["maintain", 88], ["maintains", 88], ["maintainest", 88], ["maintaining", 88], ["professionalism", 109], ["worry", 157], ["worried", 157], ["sweep", 177], ["swept", 177], ["look", 188], ["let", 198], ["lets", 198], ["letting", 198], ["gaze", 207], ["gazes", 207], ["linger", 214], ["lingered", 214], ["chest", 227], ["come", 241], ["coming", 241], ["back", 246], ["meet", 254], ["meeted", 254], ["mutinous", 267], ["ask", 286], ["else", 304], ["assign", 316], ["assigning", 316], ["assignest", 316], ["assigned", 316], ["work", 324], ["wrought", 324], ["garrison", 340], ["grand", 346], ["property", 373], ["lucrative", 402], ["account", 411], ["accounts", 411], ["firm", 421], ["go", 431], ["goest", 431], ["going", 431], ["cause", 477], ["caused", 477], ["lose", 495], ["eye", 512], ["eyed", 512], ["eyes", 512], ["widen", 520], ["widened", 520], ["color", 532], ["seep", 539], ["seeped", 539], ["mask", 563], ["maskest", 563], ["masking", 563], ["dusting", 575], ["freckle", 587], ["freckles", 587], ["spend", 619], ["spends", 619], ["spendest", 619], ["spent", 619], ["memorable", 633], ["night", 639], ["since", 671], ["office", 703], ["assume", 719], ["assumes", 719], ["assuming", 719], ["get", 731], ["got", 731], ["devote", 755], ["new", 764], ["account", 772], ["find", 796], ["hard", 804], ["explain", 815], ["partner", 832], ["partners", 832], ["ca", 843], ["cas", 843], ["shoulder", 866], ["shouldered", 866], ["shoulders", 866], ["heave", 873], ["heaves", 873], ["heaving", 873], ["heaved", 873], ["lip", 888], ["lipped", 888], ["lips", 888], ["compress", 899], ["compressest", 899], ["compressed", 899], ["look", 911], ["looked", 911], ["blandly", 931], ["relationship", 957], ["strictly", 979], ["business", 988], ["whatever", 1005], ["say", 1013], ["sayest", 1013], ["enjoy", 1054], ["enjoyed", 1054], ["coax", 1062], ["coaxed", 1062], ["coaxes", 1062], ["coaxing", 1062], ["megan", 1068], ["megans", 1068], ["simmons", 1076], ["bed", 1094], ["left", 1125], ["leave", 1125], ["ask", 1144], ["asked", 1144], ["chapter", 1161], ["two", 1165], ["twos", 1165], ["step", 1179], ["stepped", 1179], ["past", 1184], ["doorman", 1205], ["cool", 1223], ["lobby", 1229], ["lobbied", 1229], ["change", 1264], ["welcome", 1278], ["despite", 1286], ["heat", 1300], ["heats", 1300], ["heated", 1300], ["outside", 1308], ["dress", 1325], ["dressest", 1325], ["dressed", 1325], ["hot", 1337], ["weather", 1345], ["lime", 1355], ["green", 1361], ["greens", 1361], ["sheath", 1368], ["sheaths", 1368], ["dress", 1374], ["dressest", 1374], ["short", 1387], ["matching", 1396], ["jacket", 1403], ["jacketed", 1403], ["foot", 1414], ["feet", 1414], ["encase", 1422], ["encased", 1422], ["strappy", 1433], ["sandal", 1441], ["sandals", 1441], ["couple", 1452], ["man", 1459], ["mans", 1459], ["manned", 1459], ["men", 1459], ["send", 1464], ["sent", 1464], ["appreciative", 1477], ["look", 1483], ["looks", 1483], ["way", 1491], ["ways", 1491], ["know", 1502], ["knowest", 1502], ["knew", 1502], ["tall", 1517], ["redhead", 1525], ["heel", 1534], ["heeled", 1534], ["heels", 1534], ["overlook", 1561], ["even", 1566], ["evens", 1566], ["wear", 1578], ["wore", 1578], ["hair", 1587], ["tie", 1592], ["tying", 1592], ["tieing", 1592], ["tied", 1592], ["constrain", 1613], ["constrains", 1613], ["constrainest", 1613], ["constrained", 1613], ["today", 1631], ["use", 1655], ["used", 1655], ["think", 1670], ["thinkest", 1670], ["thought", 1670], ["around", 1693], ["hotel", 1706], ["guest", 1713], ["guestest", 1713], ["guests", 1713], ["sophistication", 1756], ["stephen", 1767], ["stephens", 1767], ["world", 1776], ["shed", 1783], ["almost", 1790], ["like", 1825], ["year", 1859], ["years", 1859], ["variously", 1869], ["wipe", 1876], ["wiping", 1876], ["baby", 1881], ["food", 1886], ["foods", 1886], ["shirt", 1900], ["read", 1910], ["reads", 1910], ["reading", 1910], ["nursery", 1918], ["rhyme", 1925], ["rhymed", 1925], ["rhymes", 1925], ["teach", 1938], ["jade", 1943], ["use", 1954], ["potty", 1964], ["though", 1977], ["survey", 1995], ["surveyest", 1995], ["surveyed", 1995], ["woman", 2005], ["womans", 2005], ["women", 2005], ["lithe", 2016], ["tan", 2023], ["tanned", 2023], ["body", 2030], ["bodied", 2030], ["bodies", 2030], ["top", 2053], ["tops", 2053], ["less", 2061], ["project", 2086], ["projectest", 2086], ["projecting", 2086], ["chic", 2093], ["style", 2099], ["designer", 2122], ["shirt", 2129], ["shirts", 2129], ["gird", 2156], ["girds", 2156], ["meet", 2185], ["meeted", 2185], ["meeting", 2185], ["glance", 2196], ["glancing", 2196], ["left", 2208], ["leave", 2208], ["notice", 2222], ["noticed", 2222], ["walk", 2238], ["walking", 2238], ["toward", 2245], ["across", 2261], ["watch", 2285], ["watched", 2285], ["waylay", 2303], ["waylaid", 2303], ["waylays", 2303], ["waylaying", 2303], ["employee", 2318], ["progress", 2341], ["halt", 2352], ["halts", 2352], ["haltest", 2352], ["halted", 2352], ["appear", 2382], ["appeared", 2382], ["familiar", 2399], ["guest", 2411], ["guestest", 2411], ["finally", 2429], ["approach", 2440], ["approaches", 2440], ["approached", 2440], ["say", 2451], ["sayest", 2451], ["said", 2451], ["executive", 2503], ["executives", 2503], ["cup", 2526], ["elbow", 2536], ["elbowing", 2536], ["gently", 2547], ["steering", 2556], ["subtle", 2574], ["pressure", 2583], ["pressured", 2583], ["unless", 2603], ["unlesss", 2603], ["mind", 2612], ["minding", 2612], ["respond", 2640], ["respondest", 2640], ["responded", 2640], ["automatically", 2654], ["call", 2691], ["professional", 2732], ["choice", 2752], ["stick", 2765], ["stickest", 2765], ["script", 2779], ["scripts", 2779], ["scripting", 2779], ["room", 2809], ["roomed", 2809], ["enough", 2829], ["tense", 2847], ["jittery", 2859], ["little", 2878], ["shock", 2884], ["wave", 2890], ["waved", 2890], ["waves", 2890], ["course", 2898], ["coursed", 2898], ["casual", 2926], ["contact", 2934], ["hand", 2946], ["walk", 2973], ["walked", 2973], ["majestic", 2993], ["soar", 3001], ["soaring", 3001], ["elevator", 3028], ["elevators", 3028], ["end", 3038], ["ends", 3038], ["endest", 3038], ["lead", 3055], ["leaded", 3055], ["led", 3055], ["street", 3069], ["column", 3102], ["columns", 3102], ["alternate", 3114], ["alternates", 3114], ["alternating", 3114], ["billow", 3129], ["billowing", 3129], ["white", 3135], ["curtain", 3144], ["curtaining", 3144], ["curtains", 3144], ["open", 3153], ["opened", 3153], ["onto", 3158], ["ontos", 3158], ["private", 3188], ["beach", 3194], ["smell", 3206], ["smelt", 3206], ["smellest", 3206], ["surf", 3214], ["surfed", 3214], ["sand", 3223], ["waft", 3230], ["wafts", 3230], ["able", 3257], ["abled", 3257], ["stop", 3265], ["occasional", 3316], ["news", 3321], ["newses", 3321], ["article", 3329], ["keep", 3387], ["keepest", 3387], ["kept", 3387], ["fantastic", 3399], ["reputation", 3410], ["date", 3448], ["dating", 3448], ["surpass", 3471], ["surpassed", 3471], ["become", 3500], ["becoming", 3500], ["place", 3514], ["rich", 3529], ["famous", 3540], ["flock", 3552], ["flocked", 3552], ["south", 3561], ["understand", 3620], ["understanded", 3620], ["seem", 3641], ["seeming", 3641], ["seemed", 3641], ["keep", 3649], ["keepest", 3649], ["everything", 3660], ["cutting", 3676], ["edge", 3681], ["edges", 3681], ["look", 3697], ["looking", 3697], ["redesign", 3709], ["room", 3735], ["roomed", 3735], ["rooms", 3735], ["second", 3749], ["seconded", 3749], ["floor", 3755], ["talk", 3780], ["change", 3800], ["changes", 3800], ["need", 3816], ["needest", 3816], ["needs", 3816], ["revamp", 3831], ["revamps", 3831], ["revamped", 3831], ["update", 3843], ["updates", 3843], ["updated", 3843], ["deep", 3857], ["deeply", 3857], ["voice", 3863], ["buffet", 3872], ["buffeting", 3872], ["buffeted", 3872], ["warm", 3890], ["jet", 3895], ["jetting", 3895], ["jets", 3895], ["tub", 3908], ["stood", 3972], ["stand", 3972], ["standest", 3972], ["think", 4019], ["thinkest", 4019], ["straight", 4028], ["yesterday", 4074], ["yesterdays", 4074], ["go", 4088], ["goest", 4088], ["gone", 4088], ["see", 4095], ["conrad", 4102], ["confirm", 4130], ["confirmed", 4130], ["everyone", 4169], ["busy", 4201], ["busied", 4201], ["project", 4221], ["projectest", 4221], ["projects", 4221], ["lead", 4236], ["leaded", 4236], ["person", 4243], ["team", 4309], ["teamed", 4309], ["teaming", 4309], ["player", 4316], ["call", 4340], ["called", 4340], ["elevator", 4353], ["ride", 4367], ["rode", 4367], ["together", 4379], ["feel", 4390], ["felt", 4390], ["air", 4398], ["airs", 4398], ["airing", 4398], ["fairly", 4418], ["crackle", 4426], ["tension", 4439], ["hallway", 4512], ["hallways", 4512], ["recess", 4526], ["recessed", 4526], ["lighting", 4535], ["along", 4541], ["either", 4548], ["side", 4553], ["sidest", 4553], ["give", 4585], ["gave", 4585], ["quick", 4597], ["tour", 4602], ["center", 4625], ["various", 4637], ["conference", 4648], ["conferencing", 4648]]
what i wanted was affection and someone to care about me , not someone always going out of their way to impress me . maybe i should just be grateful . this christmas season was my first with a boyfriend in my life . i picked up the vase , sniffing the fragrant flowers . if these had only arrived a little sooner , i couldve used some of the rose petals for the love potion . that would be wrong on so many levels . my cell phones alarm buzzed , and i set the roses on the kitchen counter . if i wanted to be at jessas shop on time , id need to get going . the note from the roses dropped onto the counter . babe , something came up at the office . ill be here later than expected . lets reschedule for tomorrow . greg disappointment fluttered in my stomach , but maybe this was just as well . it wasnt like i needed more on my plate right now . but what if this was the beginning of our relationships downward spiral ? something came up at the office ? that had to be the ultimate im-having-an-affair excuse . at least , it was in the movies . i grabbed the non-contaminated healing salve , tightened the lid on it , and headed to jessas shop . when i got there , jessa was leaning against the counter , her perky boobs on display for mr . sexy as she talked with him . here she is now , jessa said , her gaze sliding over mr. sexys chest , as he turned his attention to me . i smiled and held up a paper bag . heres the healing salve . i wrote out some instructions to go with it . i hope your friend feels better soon . if he isnt improving within a day or so , you should talk him into going to the doctor . sexy nodded , but he didnt answer . instead , he peeked into the bag and cocked an eyebrow . thats all of it ? i opened my mouth to say something , but jessa beat me to it . if shed wanted to be the star of the show , she shouldve made the salve . with salves , you rub it on the wound and it acts as a protective layer . your friend leaves it on , and it works its ... magic , if you will . she glanced between him and me . jessa had too much fun playing the role of the sexy witch out in the open , but i didnt really like that idea . if people knew our powers werent fake , what would they do to us ? would there be a modern day salem witch trials , like in ye olden times ? a shiver raced through me , and i turned my attention away from the man staring straight at me , curiosity burning in his gaze . ill show him the instructions and tell him what you said . can i have your number , in case he has any questions ? sexy flashed me his winning smile . there was no doubt in my mind that he wanted my number , not jessas , or eternally magicks since he had to know what that was . besides , a quick google search could find it . just call the shop , but im sure everything will be fine . i waved at jessa . sexy caught my wrist and pulled me toward him . it took everything inside me not to react . you sure i cant have your number ? my jaw dropped open , and i sputtered , unable to form any words . being this close to him set my body on fine . power radiated down my arm from his touch , caressing my body . i groaned , unable to resist his musky wild masculinity . the look of hurt in jessas eyes snapped me back to reality . jerking free from his grip , i ran outside without looking back , afraid of what id see . chapter two mia nolan hadnt answered his phone when id tried him . tapping my foot to the upbeat christmas music playing in the airport bookstore nearby , i waited , rather impatiently , for ethan to come out of the airports arrivals area . my rather inconsiderate older brother , nolan , had dumped this errand on me at the last minute , heedless of my own schedule . id done a lot of job hunting today , and i still had my date with greg to get ready for . should i ask why greg had rescheduled the date ? what had come up at the office ? id begrudgingly let nolan off the hook for two reasons . one , ethan was my childhood crush , whom i hadnt seen for a long time due to his deployment . the last time had been shortly before hed gone away . id come home to find him at my parents house , having lunch with them and nolan . the image of him sitting there , his gaze raking over me , while his olive green t-shirt stretched thin over his muscular chest and arms , was almost too much to bear . i chewed my lower lip , remembering the cold shower id taken immediately upon going to my room . maybe picking him up at the airport wasnt such a good idea .
[["affection", 27], ["care", 47], ["always", 77], ["go", 83], ["goest", 83], ["going", 83], ["way", 100], ["ways", 100], ["impress", 111], ["maybe", 122], ["grateful", 148], ["season", 172], ["seasoning", 172], ["seasonest", 172], ["first", 185], ["firstest", 185], ["boyfriend", 202], ["life", 213], ["lifes", 213], ["pick", 224], ["picked", 224], ["vase", 236], ["vases", 236], ["sniff", 247], ["sniffed", 247], ["sniffing", 247], ["fragrant", 260], ["flower", 268], ["flowers", 268], ["arrive", 296], ["arrived", 296], ["little", 305], ["soon", 312], ["use", 329], ["used", 329], ["rose", 346], ["petal", 353], ["petals", 353], ["love", 366], ["potion", 373], ["wrong", 395], ["many", 406], ["level", 413], ["levels", 413], ["cell", 423], ["phone", 430], ["phones", 430], ["alarm", 436], ["buzz", 443], ["buzzes", 443], ["buzzing", 443], ["buzzed", 443], ["set", 455], ["rose", 465], ["roses", 465], ["kitchen", 480], ["kitchens", 480], ["counter", 488], ["shop", 523], ["time", 531], ["need", 541], ["needest", 541], ["get", 548], ["note", 565], ["drop", 588], ["dropped", 588], ["onto", 593], ["ontos", 593], ["babe", 612], ["come", 629], ["came", 629], ["office", 646], ["ill", 652], ["ills", 652], ["illest", 652], ["later", 666], ["expect", 680], ["expected", 680], ["let", 687], ["lets", 687], ["reschedule", 698], ["tomorrow", 711], ["tomorrows", 711], ["greg", 718], ["disappointment", 733], ["flutter", 743], ["fluttering", 743], ["fluttered", 743], ["stomach", 757], ["stomachs", 757], ["stomaching", 757], ["well", 791], ["wells", 791], ["like", 807], ["need", 816], ["needest", 816], ["needed", 816], ["plate", 833], ["plating", 833], ["right", 839], ["rightest", 839], ["beginning", 880], ["relationship", 901], ["relationships", 901], ["downward", 910], ["downwards", 910], ["spiral", 917], ["ultimate", 981], ["ultimates", 981], ["affair", 1001], ["excuse", 1008], ["least", 1019], ["leastest", 1019], ["movie", 1042], ["movies", 1042], ["grab", 1054], ["grabbed", 1054], ["non", 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["improving", 1543], ["within", 1550], ["day", 1556], ["talk", 1580], ["doctor", 1609], ["doctoring", 1609], ["doctorest", 1609], ["nod", 1623], ["nodded", 1623], ["answer", 1645], ["answeres", 1645], ["answerest", 1645], ["instead", 1655], ["peek", 1667], ["peeks", 1667], ["peeked", 1667], ["cock", 1691], ["cockest", 1691], ["cocked", 1691], ["eyebrow", 1702], ["open", 1731], ["opened", 1731], ["mouth", 1740], ["mouthed", 1740], ["say", 1747], ["sayest", 1747], ["beat", 1774], ["shed", 1793], ["star", 1815], ["starred", 1815], ["show", 1827], ["salve", 1871], ["rub", 1881], ["wind", 1897], ["wound", 1897], ["wounding", 1897], ["act", 1909], ["acted", 1909], ["acts", 1909], ["protective", 1925], ["layer", 1931], ["layered", 1931], ["left", 1952], ["leave", 1952], ["leaves", 1952], ["work", 1973], ["wrought", 1973], ["works", 1973], ["magic", 1987], ["glance", 2015], ["glanced", 2015], ["much", 2055], ["fun", 2059], ["play", 2067], ["playest", 2067], ["playing", 2067], ["role", 2076], ["witch", 2094], ["witched", 2094], ["open", 2110], ["really", 2131], ["idea", 2146], ["people", 2158], ["know", 2163], ["knowest", 2163], ["knew", 2163], ["power", 2174], ["powers", 2174], ["fake", 2186], ["modern", 2239], ["salem", 2249], ["trial", 2262], ["trials", 2262], ["ye", 2275], ["yed", 2275], ["olden", 2281], ["timeses", 2287], ["shiver", 2298], ["shivering", 2298], ["race", 2304], ["racing", 2304], ["raced", 2304], ["away", 2348], ["man", 2361], ["mans", 2361], ["manned", 2361], ["stared", 2369], ["staring", 2369], ["straight", 2378], ["curiosity", 2396], ["burn", 2404], ["burns", 2404], ["burning", 2404], ["tell", 2457], ["number", 2500], ["numbering", 2500], ["case", 2510], ["question", 2531], ["questions", 2531], ["flash", 2546], ["flashed", 2546], ["win", 2561], ["winning", 2561], ["smile", 2567], ["doubt", 2588], ["mind", 2599], ["minding", 2599], ["eternally", 2652], ["magick", 2660], ["magicks", 2660], ["since", 2666], ["know", 2681], ["knowest", 2681], ["besides", 2705], ["quick", 2715], ["google", 2722], ["googles", 2722], ["search", 2729], ["find", 2740], ["call", 2755], ["sure", 2778], ["everything", 2789], ["fine", 2802], ["wave", 2812], ["waved", 2812], ["catch", 2835], ["catches", 2835], ["catched", 2835], ["caught", 2835], ["wrist", 2844], ["pull", 2855], ["pulled", 2855], ["toward", 2865], ["take", 2879], ["took", 2879], ["inside", 2897], ["react", 2913], ["jaw", 2957], ["jaws", 2957], ["jawed", 2957], ["jawest", 2957], ["sputter", 2988], ["sputtering", 2988], ["unable", 2997], ["unabled", 2997], ["form", 3005], ["formest", 3005], ["word", 3015], ["words", 3015], ["close", 3034], ["body", 3053], ["bodied", 3053], ["power", 3069], ["radiate", 3078], ["radiates", 3078], ["radiated", 3078], ["arm", 3090], ["touch", 3105], ["touching", 3105], ["caress", 3117], ["groan", 3137], ["groans", 3137], ["groanest", 3137], ["groaning", 3137], ["groaned", 3137], ["resist", 3156], ["resistest", 3156], ["musky", 3166], ["wild", 3171], ["wildest", 3171], ["masculinity", 3183], ["look", 3194], ["hurt", 3202], ["hurts", 3202], ["hurting", 3202], ["eye", 3217], ["eyed", 3217], ["eyes", 3217], ["snap", 3225], ["snapping", 3225], ["snapped", 3225], ["back", 3233], ["reality", 3244], ["jerk", 3254], ["jerks", 3254], ["jerked", 3254], ["jerking", 3254], ["free", 3259], ["grip", 3273], ["run", 3281], ["ran", 3281], ["outside", 3289], ["without", 3297], ["look", 3305], ["looking", 3305], ["afraid", 3319], ["see", 3334], ["chapter", 3344], ["two", 3348], ["twos", 3348], ["mia", 3352], ["answer", 3373], ["answeres", 3373], ["answerest", 3373], ["answered", 3373], ["phone", 3383], ["try", 3397], ["tryed", 3397], ["tried", 3397], ["tap", 3411], ["tapping", 3411], ["foot", 3419], ["upbeat", 3433], ["music", 3449], ["musics", 3449], ["airport", 3472], ["bookstore", 3482], ["nearby", 3489], ["wait", 3500], ["waitest", 3500], ["waited", 3500], ["rather", 3509], ["impatiently", 3521], ["ethan", 3533], ["come", 3541], ["airport", 3561], ["airports", 3561], ["arrival", 3570], ["arrivals", 3570], ["area", 3575], ["inconsiderate", 3601], ["old", 3607], ["brother", 3615], ["brethren", 3615], ["dump", 3636], ["dumped", 3636], ["errand", 3648], ["last", 3666], ["minute", 3673], ["heedless", 3684], ["schedule", 3703], ["lot", 3719], ["job", 3726], ["jobbing", 3726], ["hunt", 3734], ["hunting", 3734], ["huntest", 3734], ["today", 3740], ["still", 3754], ["date", 3766], ["ready", 3789], ["ask", 3808], ["reschedule", 3833], ["begrudgingly", 3893], ["let", 3897], ["lets", 3897], ["hook", 3916], ["reason", 3932], ["reasonest", 3932], ["reasons", 3932], ["childhood", 3963], ["crush", 3969], ["crushest", 3969], ["see", 3989], ["seen", 3989], ["long", 4000], ["longs", 4000], ["due", 4009], ["deployment", 4027], ["shortly", 4060], ["go", 4076], ["goest", 4076], ["gone", 4076], ["home", 4096], ["homing", 4096], ["parent", 4122], ["parents", 4122], ["house", 4128], ["lunch", 4143], ["lunched", 4143], ["lunches", 4143], ["image", 4175], ["imaged", 4175], ["imaging", 4175], ["sat", 4190], ["sit", 4190], ["sitting", 4190], ["rake", 4214], ["raking", 4214], ["olive", 4240], ["olives", 4240], ["olived", 4240], ["green", 4246], ["greens", 4246], ["shirt", 4254], ["stretch", 4264], ["stretched", 4264], ["thin", 4269], ["thins", 4269], ["muscular", 4287], ["arm", 4302], ["arms", 4302], ["almost", 4315], ["bore", 4332], ["bear", 4332], ["bearest", 4332], ["chew", 4343], ["chews", 4343], ["chewest", 4343], ["chewed", 4343], ["low", 4352], ["lowed", 4352], ["lip", 4356], ["lipped", 4356], ["remember", 4370], ["rememberest", 4370], ["remembering", 4370], ["cold", 4379], ["showered", 4386], ["showerest", 4386], ["take", 4395], ["taken", 4395], ["immediately", 4407], ["upon", 4412], ["room", 4429], ["roomed", 4429], ["pick", 4445], ["picking", 4445], ["good", 4485]]
he behaved precisely as though they were all jolly companions , joking and telling stories , and such was his skill that in fact the atmosphere in the dank little shelter was relaxed and pleasant , in spite of what grey either knew or suspected of the irishman . `` and what of you , lad ? '' quinn was saying to tom . `` d 'ye have a tale to tell , to pass the time ? '' tom blushed visibly , despite the darkness . `` i 'm no hand with a tale , sir , '' he said , deprecating . `` i , um , could maybe read a bit , though ? '' tom had , for reasons best known to himself , brought along as light recreational reading for the journey a shabby volume borrowed from hal 's library , entitled the gentleman instructed . this was a treatise on deportment , etiquette , and general behavior , dating roughly from the year of grey 's birth , and , while extremely entertaining in spots , was perhaps a trifle obsolete in its advice . `` oh , by all means , tom , '' grey said . `` i 'm sure all profit from a bit of elevating discourse . '' tom looked pleased and , after a bit of thumbing , cleared his throat and read : `` dueling is a great evil , which a christian gentleman should strive always to avoid . should appeal to reason fail to resolve conflict and honor prevent gracious capitulation , a gentleman should then seek the assistance of friends , who by dint of persuasion may bring your opponent to a sense of christian obligation and responsibility . however ... '' someone must have given it to grey 's father-his name was inscribed on the flyleaf-but grey could n't imagine his father having actually purchased such a book himself . still , grey reflected , he 'd take the gentleman instructed any day in preference to tom 's usual favorite , arbuthnot 's ailments , from which he was accustomed to regale grey , in tones of gloomy relish , with descriptions of exactly what happened to persons so reckless as to neglect the proper balance of their humors . allowing one 's phlegm to get the upper hand was particularly dire , he understood , and cleared his throat in reflex at the thought , spitting neatly into the fire , which hissed and sizzled at the insult . `` should armed conflict prove unavoidable , the gentleman should give his opponent every opportunity for withdrawal without loss of reputation . to this end , such epithets as 'coward , ' 'seducer , ' 'fop , ' or most particularly 'dog ' are strongly discouraged to be used . '' grey was beginning to wonder whether perhaps his mother had given the book to his father as a joke . it would be quite like her . he relaxed against the backstop of his portmanteau and , with belly pleasantly full and lulled by tom 's reading , fell into a half dream in which he called siverly out . a duel would be so much more straightforward , he reflected drowsily . `` have at you , sir ! '' and a straight thrust through the heart ... well , no , better through the guts ; the poltroon did n't deserve a clean , uncomplicated death . he 'd been out a few times , mostly with swords . inconsequential encounters-both parties drunk , hasty words , perhaps a blow-that neither one could find enough coherence to apologize for while preserving any countenance . the advantage to dueling while drunk , he 'd found , was that there was n't any sense of fear or urgency about it ; it was an elevated sort of feeling , literally-he felt as though he stood a little above himself , living at a faster pace , so that he saw every move , every thrust , as though performed in exquisite slow motion . the grunt of effort , the tickle of sweat , and the smell of his opponent 's body were vivid punctuations of their dance , and the sense of being intensely alive was intoxicating in itself . he always won ; it did n't occur to him that he might not . a decent fight , a simple stab , a quick slash that drew a little blood , honor satisfied , and they stood together , chests heaving , often laughing and leaning on each other , still drunk . he had n't had that sort of duel in years , though . `` ye 've been out now and then yourself , have n't ye , jamie ? '' distracted by memory , grey had n't noticed that tom had stopped reading , but was pulled from his thoughts by quinn 's interjection . grey looked up and caught a most peculiar expression on jamie 's face . `` once or twice , '' jamie muttered , averting his eyes . he picked up a stick and poked the fire unnecessarily , making the peats crumble and glow . `` in the bois de boulogne , was n't it ? with some englishman . i recall hearing about it-a famous fight ! and did ye not end in the bastille for it ? '' fraser glanced round with a truly awful look in his eyes , and had quinn been watching him , he would either have been turned to stone on the spot or leapt up and run for his life .
[["behave", 10], ["behaved", 10], ["behaving", 10], ["precisely", 20], ["though", 30], ["jolly", 50], ["jollied", 50], ["jollies", 50], ["companion", 61], ["companions", 61], ["joke", 70], ["jokes", 70], ["joking", 70], ["tell", 82], ["telling", 82], ["story", 90], ["stories", 90], ["skill", 115], ["fact", 128], ["atmosphere", 143], ["dank", 155], ["little", 162], ["shelter", 170], ["pleasant", 195], ["spited", 206], ["spites", 206], ["grey", 219], ["either", 226], ["know", 231], ["knowest", 231], ["knew", 231], ["suspect", 244], ["suspected", 244], ["irishmen", 260], ["irishman", 260], ["lad", 287], ["quinn", 298], ["say", 309], ["sayest", 309], ["saying", 309], ["tom", 316], ["ye", 327], ["yed", 327], ["tale", 339], ["tell", 347], ["pass", 357], ["time", 366], ["visibly", 391], ["despite", 401], ["darkness", 414], ["hand", 432], ["sir", 450], ["sirs", 450], ["say", 463], ["sayest", 463], ["said", 463], ["deprecate", 477], ["deprecated", 477], ["deprecates", 477], ["deprecating", 477], ["um", 489], ["maybe", 503], ["read", 508], ["reads", 508], ["bit", 514], ["bits", 514], ["reason", 550], ["reasonest", 550], ["reasons", 550], ["well", 555], ["wells", 555], ["know", 561], ["knowest", 561], ["known", 561], ["bring", 582], ["brought", 582], ["along", 588], ["lit", 597], ["light", 597], ["recreational", 610], ["journey", 634], ["journeys", 634], ["journeyed", 634], ["journeyest", 634], ["shabby", 643], ["volume", 650], ["volumed", 650], ["borrow", 659], ["borrowest", 659], ["borrowed", 659], ["hal", 668], ["library", 679], ["entitle", 690], ["entitled", 690], ["gentleman", 704], ["instruct", 715], ["instructest", 715], ["instructed", 715], ["treatise", 737], ["deportment", 751], ["etiquette", 763], ["general", 777], ["behavior", 786], ["date", 795], ["dating", 795], ["roughly", 803], ["year", 817], ["birth", 834], ["extremely", 858], ["spot", 880], ["spots", 880], ["perhaps", 894], ["trifle", 903], ["trifling", 903], ["obsolete", 912], ["advice", 926], ["oh", 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["obligation", 1438], ["responsibility", 1457], ["however", 1467], ["must", 1487], ["musts", 1487], ["give", 1498], ["given", 1498], ["father", 1519], ["fathered", 1519], ["fathering", 1519], ["name", 1528], ["inscribe", 1542], ["inscribed", 1542], ["flyleaf", 1557], ["imagine", 1584], ["purchase", 1621], ["purchased", 1621], ["book", 1633], ["still", 1649], ["reflect", 1666], ["reflectest", 1666], ["reflected", 1666], ["take", 1679], ["day", 1712], ["preference", 1726], ["usual", 1742], ["favorite", 1751], ["favoritest", 1751], ["ailment", 1775], ["ailments", 1775], ["accustom", 1806], ["accustomed", 1806], ["regale", 1816], ["regales", 1816], ["tone", 1832], ["toned", 1832], ["toning", 1832], ["tones", 1832], ["gloomy", 1842], ["relish", 1849], ["description", 1869], ["descriptions", 1869], ["exactly", 1880], ["happen", 1894], ["happened", 1894], ["person", 1905], ["persons", 1905], ["reckless", 1917], ["recklessest", 1917], ["neglect", 1931], ["neglecting", 1931], ["proper", 1942], ["balance", 1950], ["humor", 1966], ["humors", 1966], ["humorest", 1966], ["allow", 1977], ["allowing", 1977], ["phlegm", 1991], ["get", 1998], ["upper", 2008], ["particularly", 2030], ["dire", 2035], ["understand", 2051], ["understanded", 2051], ["understood", 2051], ["reflex", 2086], ["thought", 2101], ["spit", 2112], ["spitting", 2112], ["neatly", 2119], ["fire", 2133], ["hiss", 2148], ["hissed", 2148], ["sizzle", 2160], ["sizzles", 2160], ["sizzled", 2160], ["insult", 2174], ["insultest", 2174], ["armed", 2192], ["prof", 2207], ["prove", 2207], ["unavoidable", 2219], ["give", 2247], ["every", 2266], ["opportunity", 2278], ["withdrawal", 2293], ["without", 2301], ["loss", 2306], ["reputation", 2320], ["end", 2334], ["ends", 2334], ["endest", 2334], ["epithet", 2350], ["epithets", 2350], ["coward", 2361], ["seducer", 2374], ["fop", 2383], ["fops", 2383], ["dog", 2413], ["strongly", 2428], ["discourage", 2440], ["discouraging", 2440], ["discouraged", 2440], ["use", 2451], ["used", 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["sword", 3045], ["swords", 3045], ["inconsequential", 3063], ["encounter", 3074], ["encounters", 3074], ["party", 3087], ["parties", 3087], ["drunk", 3093], ["hasty", 3101], ["word", 3107], ["words", 3107], ["blew", 3124], ["blow", 3124], ["blowest", 3124], ["neither", 3137], ["find", 3152], ["enough", 3159], ["coherence", 3169], ["apologize", 3182], ["preserve", 3203], ["preserving", 3203], ["countenance", 3219], ["advantage", 3235], ["advantaging", 3235], ["find", 3272], ["found", 3272], ["fear", 3315], ["fearest", 3315], ["urgency", 3326], ["sort", 3361], ["feeling", 3372], ["literally", 3384], ["feel", 3392], ["felt", 3392], ["stood", 3411], ["stand", 3411], ["standest", 3411], ["live", 3443], ["living", 3443], ["fast", 3455], ["pace", 3460], ["see", 3477], ["saw", 3477], ["move", 3488], ["perform", 3525], ["performest", 3525], ["performed", 3525], ["exquisite", 3538], ["slow", 3543], ["motion", 3550], ["grunt", 3562], ["effort", 3572], ["tickle", 3585], ["tickling", 3585], ["sweat", 3594], ["smell", 3610], ["smelt", 3610], ["smellest", 3610], ["body", 3634], ["bodied", 3634], ["vivid", 3645], ["punctuation", 3658], ["punctuations", 3658], ["dance", 3673], ["intensely", 3708], ["alive", 3714], ["intoxicate", 3731], ["intoxicates", 3731], ["intoxicating", 3731], ["win", 3757], ["occur", 3776], ["occurest", 3776], ["may", 3797], ["mays", 3797], ["mayest", 3797], ["might", 3797], ["decent", 3812], ["fight", 3818], ["fightest", 3818], ["simple", 3829], ["simplest", 3829], ["stab", 3834], ["stabs", 3834], ["quick", 3844], ["slash", 3850], ["draw", 3860], ["draws", 3860], ["drawn", 3860], ["drew", 3860], ["blood", 3875], ["bloods", 3875], ["blooded", 3875], ["satisfied", 3893], ["together", 3919], ["chest", 3928], ["chests", 3928], ["often", 3944], ["laugh", 3953], ["laughing", 3953], ["lean", 3965], ["leans", 3965], ["leaning", 3965], ["year", 4037], ["years", 4037], ["jamie", 4111], ["distract", 4127], ["distracted", 4127], ["memory", 4137], ["memories", 4137], ["notice", 4160], ["noticed", 4160], ["stop", 4181], ["stopped", 4181], ["read", 4189], ["reads", 4189], ["reading", 4189], ["pull", 4206], ["pulled", 4206], ["thought", 4224], ["thoughts", 4224], ["interjection", 4249], ["catch", 4277], ["catches", 4277], ["catched", 4277], ["caught", 4277], ["peculiar", 4293], ["expression", 4304], ["face", 4321], ["twice", 4340], ["mutter", 4360], ["mutterest", 4360], ["muttering", 4360], ["muttered", 4360], ["avert", 4371], ["averting", 4371], ["eye", 4380], ["eyed", 4380], ["eyes", 4380], ["pick", 4392], ["picked", 4392], ["stick", 4403], ["stickest", 4403], ["poke", 4413], ["poked", 4413], ["unnecessarily", 4436], ["peat", 4455], ["peats", 4455], ["crumble", 4463], ["crumbles", 4463], ["glow", 4472], ["glowest", 4472], ["de", 4492], ["boulogne", 4501], ["englishman", 4537], ["recall", 4548], ["recallest", 4548], ["hear", 4556], ["hears", 4556], ["hearing", 4556], ["famous", 4574], ["bastille", 4617], ["fraser", 4636], ["glance", 4644], ["glanced", 4644], ["round", 4650], ["truly", 4663], ["awful", 4669], ["look", 4674], ["watch", 4716], ["watching", 4716], ["turn", 4755], ["turned", 4755], ["stone", 4764], ["stoning", 4764], ["spot", 4776], ["leapt", 4785], ["run", 4796], ["life", 4809], ["lifes", 4809]]
`` i do n't understand what any of this has to do with ralph , '' walter muttered . `` ralph thinks summer 's too young for me . '' `` he also seems to think i 've done myself harm by not letting everyone know immediately that i was married . bringing summer here to live with me now , pregnant , and saying we 've been married all along , is apparently too convenient to believe . '' `` you and i know that , but there 's already speculation . '' people will always talk . but you 've got to do something about getting this campaign organized . there are worse things you could be accused of than marrying in secret or getting summer pregnant before your wedding day . as far as i 'm concerned , southworth 's looking for excuses . '' `` i refuse to subject summer to that kind of speculation , '' james said stubbornly . `` have you talked this over with her ? '' `` not yet ... '' `` you have n't ? '' the defeatist attitude was back in james 's voice . `` i 've put it off longer than i should have . '' after that , summer did n't hear much more of the conversation between father and son . their marriage had hurt her husband ; it might have robbed him of his dreams , cheated him out of his goals . the phone rang long before she had time to gather her thoughts . `` i 'll get it , '' she called out to james , and reached for the extension in the kitchen . her hand trembled as she lifted the receiver . `` hello , '' she said , her voice weak . `` hello , '' came the soft feminine reply . my name 's christy manning franklin . '' `` christy ... manning ? '' summer said , stunned . she had n't recovered from one shock before she was hit with another . i 'll get james . '' it 's you i want to talk to . '' `` from your reaction , i 'd guess james has mentioned me . '' summer slumped down in a chair and closed her eyes . `` you and james were engaged at one time . '' i understand you and james recently got married . '' `` three months ago , '' summer said , embarrassed by how weak her voice still was . `` in las vegas , '' she added a little more loudly . `` i hope you 'll forgive me for being so forward . i talked it over with cody-he 's my husband-and he said since i felt so strongly about it i should call you . '' `` so strongly about what ? '' `` about you ... and james . i 'll always regret the way i treated james . he deserved a lot better , but i was younger then . immature in some ways . at one time i thought i was in love with him . i knew he loved me , and my family thought the world of him . then i met cody . '' `` i did n't phone to tell you all this . i 'm sure james filled in the details . '' summer was sure that under other circumstances she might have liked christy franklin . `` i wanted to tell you how happy i am that james found someone to love . i know it 's presumptuous of me but i wanted to ask a favor of you . '' the woman had a lot of nerve . `` love him with all your heart , summer . james is a special , special man and he deserves a woman who 'll stand by his side and love him . '' `` for quite a while i despaired of james ever getting married . i ca n't tell you how pleased i was when mom phoned to tell me rich and jamie had met you . cody and i want to extend our very best wishes to you both . '' `` i know it 's a lot to ask , but i do hope you 'll keep cody and me in mind when you count your friends . there 's a place in my heart for james . he 's been a friend to our family for years . he was a tremendous help to paul when diane died , and again later when he married leah . james helped rich and jamie , too , and he 's been a good friend to jason and charlotte , as well . we 're all indebted to him one way or another . '' `` i do love him so much . '' she was fighting back tears and not even sure what she was crying about . the fact that ralph southworth had resigned as james 's campaign manager because of her ? or that james 's ex-fiancee still cared for him deeply ? summer had just replaced the receiver when james stepped into the kitchen . he stood with one hand on the door . summer met his look straight on , waiting to read any emotion . `` christy franklin . '' `` christy ? '' he looked more surprised than anything . `` she called to give us her and cody 's best wishes .
[["understand", 22], ["understanded", 22], ["ralph", 60], ["walter", 72], ["mutter", 81], ["mutterest", 81], ["muttering", 81], ["muttered", 81], ["think", 99], ["thinkest", 99], ["thinks", 99], ["summer", 106], ["summering", 106], ["young", 119], ["youngest", 119], ["also", 142], ["seem", 148], ["seeming", 148], ["seems", 148], ["think", 157], ["thinkest", 157], ["harm", 180], ["harmest", 180], ["let", 195], ["lets", 195], ["letting", 195], ["everyone", 204], ["know", 209], ["knowest", 209], ["immediately", 221], ["marry", 240], ["married", 240], ["bring", 251], ["bringing", 251], ["live", 271], ["pregnant", 294], ["say", 307], ["sayest", 307], ["saying", 307], ["along", 337], ["apparently", 353], ["convenient", 368], ["believe", 379], ["already", 430], ["speculation", 442], ["people", 454], ["always", 466], ["talk", 471], ["get", 489], ["got", 489], ["get", 519], ["getting", 519], ["campaign", 533], ["campaigning", 533], ["organize", 543], ["organized", 543], ["bad", 561], ["worse", 561], ["thing", 568], ["things", 568], ["accuse", 589], ["accused", 589], ["marry", 606], ["married", 606], ["marrying", 606], ["secret", 616], ["wedding", 663], ["day", 667], ["far", 676], ["concern", 694], ["concerned", 694], ["concernest", 694], ["look", 718], ["looking", 718], ["excuse", 730], ["excuses", 730], ["refuse", 747], ["subject", 758], ["subjectest", 758], ["kind", 778], ["jameses", 804], ["say", 809], ["sayest", 809], ["said", 809], ["stubbornly", 820], ["talk", 841], ["talked", 841], ["yet", 876], ["defeatist", 918], ["attitude", 927], ["back", 936], ["voice", 954], ["put", 969], ["long", 983], ["longs", 983], ["hear", 1040], ["hears", 1040], ["much", 1045], ["conversation", 1070], ["father", 1085], ["fathered", 1085], ["fathering", 1085], ["son", 1093], ["marriage", 1110], ["hurt", 1119], ["hurts", 1119], ["hurting", 1119], ["husband", 1131], ["husbanding", 1131], ["may", 1142], ["mays", 1142], ["mayest", 1142], ["might", 1142], ["rob", 1154], ["robs", 1154], 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["reaction", 1738], ["guess", 1751], ["mention", 1771], ["mentioned", 1771], ["slump", 1794], ["slumps", 1794], ["slumped", 1794], ["chair", 1810], ["chairing", 1810], ["close", 1821], ["closed", 1821], ["eye", 1830], ["eyed", 1830], ["eyes", 1830], ["engage", 1862], ["engaged", 1862], ["recently", 1915], ["three", 1941], ["month", 1948], ["months", 1948], ["ago", 1952], ["still", 2011], ["vegas", 2033], ["add", 2048], ["added", 2048], ["little", 2057], ["loudly", 2069], ["hope", 2081], ["forgive", 2097], ["forgived", 2097], ["forgiving", 2097], ["forward", 2121], ["forwardest", 2121], ["forwarding", 2121], ["cody", 2150], ["since", 2185], ["feel", 2192], ["felt", 2192], ["strongly", 2204], ["call", 2227], ["regret", 2316], ["way", 2324], ["ways", 2324], ["treat", 2334], ["treats", 2334], ["treatest", 2334], ["treated", 2334], ["deserve", 2354], ["deserved", 2354], ["lot", 2360], ["well", 2367], ["wells", 2367], ["young", 2387], ["youngest", 2387], ["immature", 2403], ["way", 2416], ["ways", 2416], ["think", 2440], ["thinkest", 2440], ["thought", 2440], ["love", 2454], ["know", 2472], ["knowest", 2472], ["knew", 2472], ["love", 2481], ["loved", 2481], ["family", 2500], ["world", 2518], ["meet", 2538], ["meeted", 2538], ["met", 2538], ["tell", 2575], ["sure", 2600], ["fill", 2613], ["fills", 2613], ["filled", 2613], ["detail", 2628], ["details", 2628], ["circumstance", 2680], ["circumstances", 2680], ["like", 2701], ["liked", 2701], ["happy", 2754], ["find", 2776], ["found", 2776], ["presumptuous", 2820], ["ask", 2846], ["favor", 2854], ["favorest", 2854], ["woman", 2876], ["womans", 2876], ["nerve", 2895], ["heart", 2929], ["special", 2959], ["man", 2973], ["mans", 2973], ["manned", 2973], ["deserve", 2989], ["deserved", 2989], ["deserves", 2989], ["stood", 3011], ["stand", 3011], ["standest", 3011], ["side", 3023], ["sidest", 3023], ["quite", 3054], ["despair", 3074], ["despairing", 3074], ["despaired", 3074], ["ever", 3088], ["everest", 3088], ["ca", 3111], ["cas", 3111], ["pleased", 3136], ["mom", 3151], ["moms", 3151], ["phone", 3158], ["phoned", 3158], ["rich", 3174], ["jamie", 3184], ["extend", 3224], ["extended", 3224], ["good", 3238], ["best", 3238], ["wish", 3245], ["wishes", 3245], ["keep", 3320], ["keepest", 3320], ["mind", 3340], ["minding", 3340], ["count", 3355], ["countest", 3355], ["friend", 3368], ["friends", 3368], ["place", 3387], ["friend", 3431], ["year", 3455], ["years", 3455], ["tremendous", 3477], ["help", 3482], ["helpest", 3482], ["paul", 3490], ["pauls", 3490], ["diane", 3501], ["die", 3506], ["died", 3506], ["later", 3524], ["leah", 3545], ["help", 3560], ["helpest", 3560], ["helped", 3560], ["good", 3605], ["jason", 3621], ["charlotte", 3635], ["well", 3645], ["wells", 3645], ["fight", 3745], ["fightest", 3745], ["tear", 3756], ["teared", 3756], ["tears", 3756], ["even", 3769], ["evens", 3769], ["cry", 3794], ["crying", 3794], ["fact", 3811], ["resign", 3846], ["resigned", 3846], ["manager", 3875], ["ex", 3912], ["exes", 3912], ["fiancee", 3920], ["care", 3932], ["cared", 3932], ["deeply", 3947], ["replace", 3974], ["replaced", 3974], ["step", 4006], ["stepped", 4006], ["stood", 4034], ["stand", 4034], ["standest", 4034], ["door", 4060], ["look", 4082], ["straight", 4091], ["wait", 4104], ["waitest", 4104], ["waiting", 4104], ["read", 4112], ["reads", 4112], ["emotion", 4124], ["look", 4177], ["looked", 4177], ["anything", 4206], ["give", 4230]]
almost against his will , tanner found himself leaning forward , coming closer to her as his other hand rose and his fingers wrapped around the soft strands of her hair . when kyla did n't pull back , tanner closed the gap between them and kissed her , just a slight brushing of his lips against hers . when her sweet breath fanned out across his mouth in a shocked gasp , he deepened the kiss , tasting her lips with his and tightening his fingers on her scalp . kyla 's lips moved beneath his and her hands came up to grip his shoulders . when her br**sts brushed against his chest , blood raced through his body and rushed instantly to one very sensitive location . the simple sigh that escaped her throat was n't helping ; hell , it was far more erotic than the full-on striptease his last partner had treated him to . `` kyla , '' he whispered . he wanted her in his bed - right now . she smiled , her eyes glazed , and she ran her tongue along her bottom lip , delighting in his taste , making his groin tighten even more painfully . then , as he leaned forward , the spell was somehow broken . her eyes flew open and the hands that had been resting against his shoulders stiffened ; she pushed him away . he wanted to lean back against her , take her into his arms , and show her how good it was going to be between the two of them . but that would make him no better than the monsters who 'd just tried to force themselves on her . `` i have to go , '' she said , a fit of trembling racking her body . he stood up , and then , much to his surprise , she smiled . `` i live just a few steps from your door , tanner . '' `` i 'm a gentleman . i always walk my dates home and make sure they get inside safely . '' `` this was a date ? '' she scoffed , clearly trying to downplay the intense moment they 'd just shared . `` i got a kiss from you . i 'd say it was a pretty great date . '' `` well , then , you are a cheapskate date . i did n't even get a meal . '' tanner was shocked by her words . she was able to joke like this so soon after being attacked by two loathsome stalkers ? one minute , she seemed so vulnerable , and then the next , confident and in control . was it all an act to protect herself ? or to maybe drive him insane ? `` i 'll feed you right now , sweetheart . then i 'll feed you again ... in the morning , '' he added with a wicked smile . i already got the goodnight kiss , '' she said , and she moved toward his door . tanner followed her into the hall and waited as she pushed her door open with a swift thump of her hip to unstick it , and then she moved inside . she turned around and looked at him for a moment , making his heart leap . was she going to invite him in ? `` 'night , tanner , '' she said , closing her door a little before looking at him again . pain replaced the amusement in her eyes . she shook her head as if clearing it , and then she disappeared into her apartment . tanner stood there for several moments , just staring at her door . he should simply call this one a loss - she was far too complicated for what he was looking for . he just wanted a woman to satisfy his needs , primal and nothing more , while he was stuck under house arrest in this place of doom and gloom . there was no way he wanted a relationship , for christ 's sake but when he closed the door to his apartment and walked over to the chair she 'd been sitting in , he knew he was n't going to stop pursuing her . she intrigued him too much . besides , he now looked at her as a challenge , and he 'd never been able to resist a challenge . he just had to figure out what his next move was going to be . after cleaning up , tanner ordered takeout , then grabbed his laptop , grateful for the mobile internet connection he 'd managed to get . it was slow , but at least it was something . for some reason , though , he could n't force himself to work . there was a first for everything , he supposed . several hours later he found himself lying in bed wide awake , thinking of one blue-eyed woman who was stirring him in ways he did n't want to be stirred , and he was even contemplating what life would be like in her shoes . no matter how much he tried convincing himself that this was about the conquest , he could n't quite put kyla into the neat little box he 'd set up for her . chapter eleven kyla kept pacing back and forth , unsure in which direction she should go . she walked toward tanner 's door , and then retreated to her own , her hands outstretched as she held the warm plate of cookies . she was assuming he 'd be home now , since he 'd worked monday through friday at the mall .
[["almost", 6], ["tanner", 32], ["find", 38], ["found", 38], ["lean", 54], ["leans", 54], ["leaning", 54], ["forward", 62], ["forwardest", 62], ["forwarding", 62], ["come", 71], ["coming", 71], ["close", 78], ["closer", 78], ["hand", 103], ["rise", 108], ["risen", 108], ["rose", 108], ["finger", 124], ["fingers", 124], ["wrap", 132], ["wraps", 132], ["wrapping", 132], ["wrapped", 132], ["around", 139], ["soft", 148], ["strand", 156], ["strands", 156], ["hair", 168], ["kyla", 180], ["pull", 193], ["back", 198], ["close", 214], ["closed", 214], ["gap", 222], ["gaps", 222], ["gapping", 222], ["kiss", 246], ["kisses", 246], ["kissest", 246], ["kissed", 246], ["slight", 266], ["brushing", 275], ["lip", 287], ["lipped", 287], ["lips", 287], ["sweet", 317], ["breath", 324], ["breathest", 324], ["fan", 331], ["fanned", 331], ["across", 342], ["mouth", 352], ["mouthed", 352], ["gasp", 370], ["gasps", 370], ["deepen", 384], ["deepened", 384], ["kiss", 393], ["kisses", 393], ["kissest", 393], ["taste", 403], ["tighten", 436], ["tightens", 436], ["tightenest", 436], ["tightening", 436], ["scalp", 461], ["scalps", 461], ["move", 482], ["moved", 482], ["beneath", 490], ["hand", 508], ["hands", 508], ["come", 513], ["came", 513], ["grip", 524], ["shoulder", 538], ["shouldered", 538], ["shoulders", 538], ["brush", 565], ["brushest", 565], ["brushed", 565], ["chest", 583], ["blood", 591], ["bloods", 591], ["blooded", 591], ["race", 597], ["racing", 597], ["raced", 597], ["body", 614], ["bodied", 614], ["rush", 625], ["rushed", 625], ["instantly", 635], ["sensitive", 657], ["location", 666], ["simple", 679], ["simplest", 679], ["sigh", 684], ["sighest", 684], ["escape", 697], ["escapes", 697], ["escaped", 697], ["throat", 708], ["help", 724], ["helpest", 724], ["helping", 724], ["hell", 731], ["hells", 731], ["far", 744], ["erotic", 756], ["full", 770], ["striptease", 784], ["last", 793], ["partner", 801], ["treat", 813], ["treats", 813], ["treatest", 813], ["treated", 813], 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["hall", 2486], ["wait", 2497], ["waitest", 2497], ["waited", 2497], ["swift", 2538], ["thump", 2544], ["thumps", 2544], ["hip", 2555], ["hips", 2555], ["unstick", 2566], ["unstuck", 2566], ["unsticks", 2566], ["turn", 2610], ["turned", 2610], ["look", 2628], ["looked", 2628], ["heart", 2667], ["leap", 2672], ["leaps", 2672], ["leaping", 2672], ["invite", 2698], ["invites", 2698], ["night", 2717], ["close", 2750], ["little", 2768], ["look", 2783], ["looking", 2783], ["pain", 2803], ["replace", 2812], ["replaced", 2812], ["amusement", 2826], ["shake", 2850], ["shook", 2850], ["head", 2859], ["clear", 2874], ["clearest", 2874], ["disappear", 2904], ["disappeared", 2904], ["apartment", 2923], ["several", 2956], ["moment", 2964], ["moments", 2964], ["stare", 2979], ["stared", 2979], ["staring", 2979], ["simply", 3010], ["call", 3015], ["loss", 3031], ["complicatedest", 3061], ["woman", 3114], ["womans", 3114], ["satisfy", 3125], ["need", 3135], ["needest", 3135], ["needs", 3135], ["primal", 3144], ["nothing", 3156], ["stick", 3182], ["stickest", 3182], ["stuck", 3182], ["house", 3194], ["arrest", 3201], ["place", 3215], ["doom", 3223], ["gloom", 3233], ["way", 3252], ["ways", 3252], ["relationship", 3277], ["christ", 3290], ["sake", 3298], ["sakes", 3298], ["walk", 3354], ["walked", 3354], ["chair", 3372], ["chairing", 3372], ["sat", 3392], ["sit", 3392], ["sitting", 3392], ["know", 3405], ["knowest", 3405], ["knew", 3405], ["stop", 3430], ["pursue", 3439], ["pursuing", 3439], ["intrigue", 3459], ["intrigued", 3459], ["besides", 3482], ["challenge", 3520], ["never", 3538], ["resist", 3558], ["resistest", 3558], ["figure", 3594], ["move", 3617], ["clean", 3650], ["cleans", 3650], ["cleaning", 3650], ["order", 3670], ["orderest", 3670], ["ordered", 3670], ["takeout", 3678], ["grab", 3693], ["grabbed", 3693], ["laptop", 3704], ["grateful", 3715], ["mobile", 3730], ["mobiles", 3730], ["internet", 3739], ["connection", 3750], ["manage", 3764], ["managed", 3764], ["slow", 3785], ["least", 3800], ["leastest", 3800], ["reason", 3835], ["reasonest", 3835], ["though", 3844], ["work", 3881], ["wrought", 3881], ["first", 3901], ["firstest", 3901], ["everything", 3916], ["suppose", 3930], ["supposed", 3930], ["hour", 3946], ["hours", 3946], ["later", 3952], ["lay", 3975], ["lie", 3975], ["lain", 3975], ["lying", 3975], ["wide", 3987], ["awoke", 3993], ["awake", 3993], ["think", 4004], ["thinkest", 4004], ["thinking", 4004], ["blue", 4016], ["stir", 4044], ["stirs", 4044], ["stirring", 4044], ["way", 4056], ["ways", 4056], ["stir", 4086], ["stirs", 4086], ["stirred", 4086], ["contemplate", 4118], ["contemplating", 4118], ["life", 4128], ["lifes", 4128], ["shoe", 4155], ["shoed", 4155], ["shoes", 4155], ["matter", 4167], ["mattering", 4167], ["convince", 4196], ["convinced", 4196], ["convincing", 4196], ["conquest", 4237], ["quite", 4258], ["put", 4262], ["neat", 4281], ["neats", 4281], ["box", 4292], ["boxed", 4292], ["set", 4302], ["chapter", 4323], ["eleven", 4330], ["keep", 4340], ["keepest", 4340], ["kept", 4340], ["pace", 4347], ["forth", 4362], ["unsure", 4371], ["unsured", 4371], ["direction", 4390], ["retreat", 4460], ["retreatest", 4460], ["retreated", 4460], ["outstretched", 4496], ["outstretches", 4496], ["outstretching", 4496], ["hold", 4508], ["held", 4508], ["warm", 4517], ["plate", 4523], ["plating", 4523], ["cookie", 4534], ["cookied", 4534], ["cookies", 4534], ["assume", 4553], ["assumes", 4553], ["assuming", 4553], ["since", 4579], ["work", 4592], ["wrought", 4592], ["worked", 4592], ["monday", 4599], ["mondays", 4599], ["friday", 4614], ["mall", 4626]]
if she did n't pay him back until she got home , he probably would n't care . once he was off the phone , she would ask to make a call . val had a key to her apartment and could retrieve her credit card information . the police arrived right after drew ended his call , so she did n't have a chance to borrow the phone . thank god drew was there to guide her through the process , though . after the officers left , she glanced up at him . `` do you think they 'll recover my backpack ? '' `` but not a very good one , right ? '' `` i wo n't lie to you , melanie . they may find your backpack , although i figure it 's in a dumpster by now . but the contents ... '' he shrugged . `` speaking of those contents , could i please borrow your phone to call my friend valerie back home ? she can access my credit card info so i can cancel my cards . '' `` yes , ma'am , you sure can . i 'll give you a lift back to your hotel so you can doctor those hands . you can call your friend on the way there . '' silly of her to think he 'd be on foot , like she was . `` you know , that 's a lovely offer , but my hotel is n't very far away . '' she 'd walked at least ten blocks to get here . `` i 'll just borrow your phone for a minute . i 've taken up too much of your valuable time already . '' `` sorry , but my mama raised me better than that . you 've suffered a shock , and i intend to see you safely back to your hotel . '' he not only looked like a god , he knew the right things to say to make a girl melt into a puddle . she 'd be a fool to resist a display of gentlemanly manners by a heroic figure like drew , especially when she 'd just been mugged by two guys from the shallow end of the gene pool . `` in a garage . '' he pulled out his phone , punched a speed-dial number , and said something in french . then he tucked the phone away again . `` henri 's on his way . '' `` my driver . '' of course he 'd have a driver on call . she 'd have to remember all the details of this adventure to tell astrid and val over drinks next week . `` are you here for long ? '' five days will go by like lightning . '' `` i know , but this was supposed to be a girls ' trip with my two friends , and that 's all the time we felt we could manage for now . '' `` and they did n't come after all . '' `` i admire your gumption , melanie shaw . '' she basked in the warmth of that gaze . she even imagined that she saw interest there , but she did n't know him well enough to tell for sure . he might give everyone that same warm glance . in truth , she did feel proud of herself , even if she had managed to get her backpack stolen within two hours of landing . `` and there 's henri . '' drew gestured toward a black mercedes sedan that had pulled up to the curb . immediately a uniformed driver hopped out and opened the back door . `` where was he , around the corner ? '' she slid onto the soft leather and wondered if henri had ever chauffeured a woman wearing white gym shoes . she buckled her seat belt . drew climbed in beside her and henri closed the door . inside the car , melanie became more aware of the scent of drew 's aftershave . she did n't recognize the spicy aroma , but then again , she did n't hang out with rich guys . plus he might have bought it here . drew glanced at her . `` never heard of it , but henri probably knows . '' he leaned forward and spoke to his driver in french . the chauffeur nodded , and drew settled back against the seat . `` he 'll get us there . '' reaching inside his jacket , he took out his phone and handed it to her before buckling his seat belt . she dialed val 's cell and got her voice mail . she did n't want to leave a message that would worry val . so she left a cheery greeting saying that she 'd arrived and was having a great time . then she disconnected and sighed . `` i 'll be happy to go online and look up the number for the credit card company if you want to go that route . they should be able to wire you some money to tide you over , too . '' i 'll need money until the new card gets here . i must be jet-lagged , because i did n't think of going online for the number . if you 'll look it up , that would be awesome . '' the mercedes drew alongside the curb in front of her hotel and drew peered out the window .
[["pay", 18], ["pays", 18], ["payest", 18], ["back", 27], ["get", 41], ["got", 41], ["home", 46], ["homing", 46], ["probably", 60], ["phone", 103], ["ask", 119], ["call", 134], ["val", 140], ["key", 150], ["keyed", 150], ["keyest", 150], ["apartment", 167], ["retrieve", 186], ["credit", 197], ["card", 202], ["information", 214], ["police", 227], ["arrive", 235], ["arrived", 235], ["right", 241], ["rightest", 241], ["draw", 252], ["draws", 252], ["drawn", 252], ["drew", 252], ["end", 258], ["ends", 258], ["endest", 258], ["ended", 258], ["chance", 298], ["chanced", 298], ["chancing", 298], ["borrow", 308], ["borrowest", 308], ["thank", 326], ["thanks", 326], ["thankest", 326], ["god", 330], ["guide", 354], ["process", 378], ["though", 387], ["officer", 408], ["officering", 408], ["officers", 408], ["left", 413], ["leave", 413], ["glance", 427], ["glanced", 427], ["think", 455], ["thinkest", 455], ["recover", 472], ["backpack", 484], ["backpacking", 484], ["good", 512], ["wo", 537], ["lay", 545], ["lie", 545], ["lain", 545], ["melanie", 562], ["may", 573], ["mays", 573], ["mayest", 573], ["find", 578], ["although", 603], ["figure", 612], ["dumpster", 632], ["dumpsters", 632], ["content", 658], ["contenting", 658], ["contents", 658], ["shrug", 677], ["shrugging", 677], ["shrugged", 677], ["speak", 691], ["spoken", 691], ["speaking", 691], ["please", 726], ["friend", 762], ["valerie", 770], ["access", 797], ["accessest", 797], ["info", 817], ["cancel", 833], ["card", 842], ["cards", 842], ["yes", 854], ["madam", 862], ["madams", 862], ["sure", 873], ["give", 890], ["lift", 901], ["hotel", 920], ["doctor", 938], ["doctoring", 938], ["doctorest", 938], ["hand", 950], ["hands", 950], ["way", 988], ["ways", 988], ["silly", 1005], ["foot", 1038], ["like", 1045], ["know", 1067], ["knowest", 1067], ["lovely", 1086], ["lovelier", 1086], ["offer", 1092], ["far", 1123], ["away", 1128], ["walk", 1147], ["walked", 1147], ["least", 1156], ["leastest", 1156], ["ten", 1160], 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["ends", 1685], ["endest", 1685], ["gene", 1697], ["pool", 1702], ["garage", 1719], ["pull", 1734], ["pulled", 1734], ["punch", 1758], ["punching", 1758], ["punched", 1758], ["speed", 1766], ["speeding", 1766], ["dial", 1771], ["number", 1778], ["numbering", 1778], ["say", 1789], ["sayest", 1789], ["said", 1789], ["french", 1809], ["tuck", 1826], ["tucked", 1826], ["tucking", 1826], ["driver", 1890], ["course", 1905], ["remember", 1959], ["rememberest", 1959], ["detail", 1975], ["details", 1975], ["adventure", 1993], ["tell", 2001], ["astrid", 2008], ["drank", 2028], ["drink", 2028], ["drinking", 2028], ["drinks", 2028], ["next", 2033], ["week", 2038], ["long", 2065], ["longs", 2065], ["five", 2075], ["fived", 2075], ["day", 2080], ["days", 2080], ["go", 2088], ["goest", 2088], ["lightning", 2106], ["suppose", 2145], ["supposed", 2145], ["girl", 2159], ["girls", 2159], ["trip", 2166], ["tripping", 2166], ["friend", 2186], ["friends", 2186], ["feel", 2221], ["felt", 2221], ["manage", 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2822], ["around", 2849], ["corner", 2860], ["slid", 2874], ["onto", 2879], ["ontos", 2879], ["soft", 2888], ["leather", 2896], ["wonder", 2909], ["wonderest", 2909], ["wondered", 2909], ["ever", 2927], ["everest", 2927], ["chauffeur", 2939], ["chauffeured", 2939], ["woman", 2947], ["womans", 2947], ["wear", 2955], ["wearing", 2955], ["white", 2961], ["gym", 2965], ["gyms", 2965], ["shoe", 2971], ["shoed", 2971], ["shoes", 2971], ["buckle", 2985], ["buckled", 2985], ["seat", 2994], ["belt", 2999], ["belts", 2999], ["belted", 2999], ["belting", 2999], ["beltest", 2999], ["climb", 3014], ["climbed", 3014], ["beside", 3024], ["close", 3045], ["closed", 3045], ["inside", 3063], ["car", 3071], ["become", 3088], ["became", 3088], ["aware", 3099], ["scent", 3112], ["scentest", 3112], ["aftershave", 3134], ["recognize", 3158], ["spicy", 3168], ["aroma", 3174], ["aromas", 3174], ["hung", 3210], ["hang", 3210], ["hangs", 3210], ["rich", 3224], ["plus", 3236], ["buy", 3257], ["buyed", 3257], ["bought", 3257], ["never", 3298], ["hear", 3304], ["hears", 3304], ["heard", 3304], ["know", 3337], ["knowest", 3337], ["knows", 3337], ["lean", 3352], ["leans", 3352], ["leaned", 3352], ["forward", 3360], ["forwardest", 3360], ["forwarding", 3360], ["speak", 3370], ["spoken", 3370], ["spoke", 3370], ["chauffeur", 3410], ["nod", 3417], ["nodded", 3417], ["settle", 3436], ["settled", 3436], ["reach", 3497], ["reaching", 3497], ["jacket", 3515], ["jacketed", 3515], ["take", 3525], ["took", 3525], ["hand", 3550], ["handed", 3550], ["buckle", 3576], ["buckled", 3576], ["dial", 3603], ["dialed", 3603], ["cell", 3615], ["voice", 3633], ["mail", 3638], ["left", 3666], ["leave", 3666], ["message", 3676], ["worry", 3693], ["worried", 3693], ["cheery", 3720], ["greeting", 3729], ["say", 3736], ["sayest", 3736], ["saying", 3736], ["great", 3779], ["disconnect", 3808], ["disconnecting", 3808], ["disconnected", 3808], ["sigh", 3819], ["sighest", 3819], ["sighed", 3819], ["happy", 3839], ["online", 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much as she loved kyle and his company , she was bored . she couldnt work , was a uk citizen and she had no skills to speak of . it wasnt that she needed to work . money was not an issue at the moment as they had plenty to live on , but she felt isolated . a job would allow her to meet new people , get out of the apartment more . it was different for kyle . he had insisted that he had to work , for his prides sake , and he had soon gotten a job as security in a local mall . tara was proud of him . it was only a temporary job , but she knew it meant a lot to him to not be living entirely off her . she barely left the apartment alone , both of them still fearing that sergeis men were out there somewhere waiting to snatch her back , and so she spent most of her days cooped up indoors . she sometimes went shopping or headed down to the beach , but there was only so much sightseeing and shopping a girl could do . now that all the sightseeing was done and the excitement of setting up their new home had passed , she had time on her hands . time to dwell on thoughts of her daughter , not that shed ever really stopped thinking about her . her daughter was out there , somewhere . her immediate reaction after receiving sergeis message had been , unsurprisingly , to rush back to london , to take her daughter in her arms and never let her go . shed been hysterical , and would have acted without thinking if kyle had not been there . he had kept a much more level head . shed known , of course , that that was exactly what sergei had wanted , and expected , her to do when hed sent the message , and she didnt care . kyle felt , though , that if she went back , that would be the end . she would never again be free . so shed allowed him to bring her here and she had , almost mechanically at first , settled down to her new life . gradually , things had gotten easier , and she now didnt think about her daughter from the moment she woke to the moment she went to sleep . but she couldnt forget , and the longing never left her . it was one thing to move on thinking her child was dead , but to know that she was alive made it impossible . what was her name , even ? did she know about her ? these were questions she allowed herself to ponder whenever she thought of her . the front door slammed , snapping her out of her reverie , and she turned away from the window as kyle entered the apartment . she still got that rush of feeling when she saw him , that shiver of anticipation that ran down her spine and made the breath catch in her throat . hed just finished work and was still wearing the uniform of the security firm he was working for . dark blue trousers molded themselves to his strong thighs , and the white shirt was stretched taut across his chest . tara felt that familiar warmth spread between her legs as she looked at him , and marveled at the fact that this man had such a strong impact on her . seeing her , the furrow that had been between his eyes as he walked through the door vanished , and a wide smile spread across his face . she happily went to him and he held her close . breathing in his scent and feeling his strong arms around her , tara smiled . this was where she was meant to be . she would tell him about the message later . twenty-two kyle felt tired as he let himself in to the apartment . it had been another long nightshift working as security at the local mall . he didnt like his job , and the hours were antisocial , but it served a purpose . he couldnt go back to the lapd , and private security hadnt worked out so well so , after talking it through with tara , they had decided that he should become a private investigator . he had the experience and the knowledge , so dealing with horny husbands wouldnt be too difficult . it wouldnt happen overnight , though . there were rules and procedures to follow , and he would need to obtain a license . all that would take time . that had left him with a dilemma as to what to do until his license came through , so he had taken the security job as a way of earning some money while he waited . tara had been adamant that he didnt need to work right away , that they had enough from the sale of her jewelry to support them for now but that was something he wouldnt even consider . there was no way he was going to live off tara . the money he made was not much , little more than minimum wage , but it allowed him to feel as if he was contributing . that was very important to him . one of the first things he had done when theyd arrived back in l.a. was go to the police . luccio may well have helped kyle get tara back , though not willingly , but kyles conscience wouldnt let him off the hook .
[["much", 4], ["love", 17], ["loved", 17], ["kyle", 22], ["company", 38], ["companys", 38], ["companying", 38], ["bore", 54], ["bored", 54], ["boring", 54], ["work", 73], ["wrought", 73], ["uk", 84], ["citizen", 92], ["skill", 114], ["skills", 114], ["speak", 123], ["spoken", 123], ["need", 153], ["needest", 153], ["needed", 153], ["money", 169], ["moneys", 169], ["issue", 186], ["moment", 200], ["plenty", 219], ["live", 227], ["feel", 245], ["felt", 245], ["job", 262], ["jobbing", 262], ["allow", 274], ["meet", 286], ["meeted", 286], ["new", 290], ["people", 297], ["get", 303], ["apartment", 324], ["different", 348], ["insist", 375], ["insistest", 375], ["insisted", 375], ["pride", 412], ["prides", 412], ["sake", 417], ["sakes", 417], ["soon", 435], ["get", 442], ["gotten", 442], ["security", 460], ["local", 471], ["mall", 476], ["tara", 483], ["proud", 493], ["temporary", 526], ["know", 545], ["knowest", 545], ["knew", 545], ["mean", 554], ["meanest", 554], ["meant", 554], ["lot", 560], ["live", 584], ["living", 584], ["entirely", 593], ["barely", 614], ["left", 619], ["leave", 619], ["alone", 639], ["still", 660], ["fear", 668], ["fearest", 668], ["fearing", 668], ["man", 685], ["mans", 685], ["manned", 685], ["men", 685], ["somewhere", 710], ["wait", 718], ["waitest", 718], ["waiting", 718], ["snatch", 728], ["snatches", 728], ["back", 737], ["spend", 756], ["spends", 756], ["spendest", 756], ["spent", 756], ["day", 773], ["days", 773], ["cooping", 780], ["indoor", 791], ["indoors", 791], ["go", 812], ["goest", 812], ["went", 812], ["shop", 821], ["shopping", 821], ["head", 831], ["headed", 831], ["beach", 849], ["sightseeing", 890], ["girl", 910], ["excitement", 978], ["set", 989], ["setting", 989], ["home", 1007], ["homing", 1007], ["pass", 1018], ["passed", 1018], ["time", 1033], ["hand", 1046], ["hands", 1046], ["dwell", 1062], ["dwelling", 1062], ["dwellest", 1062], ["thought", 1074], ["thoughts", 1074], ["daughter", 1090], ["shed", 1106], ["ever", 1111], ["everest", 1111], ["really", 1118], ["stop", 1126], ["stopped", 1126], ["think", 1135], ["thinkest", 1135], ["thinking", 1135], ["immediate", 1202], ["reaction", 1211], ["receive", 1227], ["receiving", 1227], ["message", 1243], ["unsurprisingly", 1269], ["rush", 1279], ["london", 1294], ["take", 1304], ["arm", 1329], ["arms", 1329], ["never", 1339], ["let", 1343], ["lets", 1343], ["go", 1350], ["goest", 1350], ["hysterical", 1373], ["act", 1396], ["acted", 1396], ["without", 1404], ["keep", 1454], ["keepest", 1454], ["kept", 1454], ["level", 1472], ["head", 1477], ["known", 1490], ["course", 1502], ["exactly", 1526], ["expect", 1564], ["expected", 1564], ["send", 1590], ["sent", 1590], ["care", 1623], ["though", 1644], ["end", 1692], ["ends", 1692], ["endest", 1692], ["free", 1724], ["allow", 1742], ["allowed", 1742], ["bring", 1755], ["almost", 1785], ["mechanically", 1798], ["first", 1807], ["firstest", 1807], ["settle", 1817], ["settled", 1817], ["life", 1838], ["lifes", 1838], ["gradually", 1850], ["thing", 1859], ["things", 1859], ["easy", 1877], ["easier", 1877], ["think", 1903], ["thinkest", 1903], ["wake", 1947], ["wakes", 1947], ["woken", 1947], ["woke", 1947], ["slept", 1979], ["sleep", 1979], ["sleeps", 1979], ["sleepest", 1979], ["forget", 2004], ["forgot", 2004], ["longing", 2022], ["thing", 2056], ["move", 2064], ["child", 2086], ["childs", 2086], ["dead", 2095], ["know", 2109], ["knowest", 2109], ["alive", 2128], ["impossible", 2147], ["name", 2167], ["even", 2174], ["evens", 2174], ["question", 2222], ["questions", 2222], ["ponder", 2252], ["whenever", 2261], ["think", 2273], ["thinkest", 2273], ["thought", 2273], ["front", 2292], ["door", 2297], ["slam", 2305], ["slammed", 2305], ["snap", 2316], ["snapping", 2316], ["reverie", 2339], ["reveries", 2339], ["turn", 2356], ["turned", 2356], ["away", 2361], ["window", 2377], ["windows", 2377], ["enter", 2393], ["entered", 2393], ["get", 2423], ["got", 2423], ["feel", 2444], ["feeling", 2444], ["see", 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["impact", 2916], ["see", 2932], ["seeing", 2932], ["furrow", 2949], ["furrowed", 2949], ["eye", 2980], ["eyed", 2980], ["eyes", 2980], ["walk", 2993], ["walked", 2993], ["vanish", 3019], ["vanishest", 3019], ["vanished", 3019], ["wide", 3032], ["smile", 3038], ["face", 3061], ["happily", 3075], ["hold", 3099], ["held", 3099], ["close", 3109], ["breathes", 3121], ["scent", 3134], ["scentest", 3134], ["around", 3169], ["smile", 3187], ["smiled", 3187], ["tell", 3241], ["later", 3269], ["twenty", 3278], ["two", 3282], ["twos", 3282], ["tired", 3298], ["another", 3358], ["long", 3363], ["longs", 3363], ["nightshift", 3374], ["like", 3428], ["hour", 3452], ["hours", 3452], ["antisocial", 3468], ["serve", 3484], ["served", 3484], ["purpose", 3494], ["lapd", 3527], ["private", 3541], ["work", 3563], ["wrought", 3563], ["worked", 3563], ["well", 3575], ["wells", 3575], ["talk", 3594], ["talking", 3594], ["decide", 3634], ["decided", 3634], ["become", 3656], ["investigator", 3679], ["experience", 3703], ["experienced", 3703], ["knowledge", 3721], ["deal", 3734], ["dealing", 3734], ["horny", 3745], ["husband", 3754], ["husbanding", 3754], ["husbands", 3754], ["difficult", 3779], ["happen", 3799], ["overnight", 3809], ["overnights", 3809], ["rule", 3837], ["rules", 3837], ["procedure", 3852], ["procedures", 3852], ["follow", 3862], ["need", 3882], ["needest", 3882], ["obtain", 3892], ["license", 3902], ["dilemma", 3964], ["dilemmas", 3964], ["come", 4004], ["came", 4004], ["take", 4030], ["taken", 4030], ["way", 4056], ["ways", 4056], ["earn", 4067], ["earning", 4067], ["wait", 4094], ["waitest", 4094], ["waited", 4094], ["adamant", 4118], ["right", 4151], ["rightest", 4151], ["enough", 4179], ["sale", 4193], ["jewelry", 4208], ["jewelries", 4208], ["support", 4219], ["consider", 4280], ["go", 4312], ["goest", 4312], ["going", 4312], ["little", 4371], ["minimum", 4389], ["wage", 4394], ["feel", 4423], ["contribute", 4449], ["contributing", 4449], ["important", 4475], ["arrive", 4539], ["arrived", 4539], ["police", 4573], ["may", 4586], ["mays", 4586], ["mayest", 4586], ["help", 4603], ["helpest", 4603], ["helped", 4603], ["willingly", 4645], ["kyle", 4657], ["conscience", 4668], ["hook", 4697]]
`` elijah , '' the teacher said . `` tell mr. sloan goodbye and thank you . '' elijah held out his hand . `` goodbye and thank you . '' william shook his small , sticky hand . the kid probably had a pocket full of jelly beans . `` and good luck with your girlfriend . '' william did n't bother contradicting the girlfriend reference again . in fact , he 'd been thinking of the girlfriend issue recently . if he did n't watch out , helen 's accusation might come true . when he 'd caught her in bed with someone else , she 'd blamed her behavior on his neglect . she 'd predicted he 'd never be willing to invest time in a relationship because he was obsessed with his career . but that was n't true , was it ? asking amanda to lunch had been more than an idle invitation . he wanted to get back in the game and prove helen wrong , and he wished amanda had n't turned him down . how ironic that she 'd said no because she was overcommitted . or maybe she 'd been turned off by the stupid hat . he usually took it off once he was inside , but today , of all days , he 'd forgotten about it , probably because he 'd been so intent on amanda struggling with her bag . his ears were supersensitive to the cold , and the earflaps were the alternative to intense pain . `` william , there you are ! '' gloria tredway appeared in the open door of the office and maneuvered around several nine-year-olds . her black-and-white checked jacket was unbuttoned to show off a black lace chemise and a generous amount of cl**vage . `` i see the tour is ending . do you have some time for little old me now ? '' see you later , kids . thanks for corning . '' elijah gazed at gloria . then he looked over his shoulder at william . then mrs. jones hustled him and the rest of the class out the door . gloria approached , a predatory gleam in her eyes . `` i 'll bet you give great tours . '' `` the kids seemed to enjoy it . '' she made a low purring sound deep in her throat . show me all you 've got . '' two amanda tried not to think about gloria sitting in william 's office . without gloria there , she had a chance to go over her notes for a test she had coming up tomorrow morning in abnormal psych . hauling her notebook out of the backpack she kept tucked in the knee-hole of her desk , she flipped to her most recent notes . as she reviewed the clinical definition of schizophrenia , she picked up the glass hummingbird she kept on her desk . usually the smoothness of the glass helped her concentrate , but not today . instead she pictured gloria crossing her legs so her skirt inched up . she was extremely proud of her legs . come to think of it , she was extremely proud of all her body parts . she bragged about having the tits of a twenty-year-old , and right this minute she was probably leaning forward and allowing her chemise to gape open . william , being a nerd , might not be used to that . he might not have the foggiest idea how to handle a woman like gloria . and why should amanda care ? she did n't , really , except that gloria saw men only as a source of temporary pleasure , a conquest , a way of keeping score . she 'd use william for what she wanted and discard him when she got bored . in william 's case , that just did n't seem right . then again , amanda did n't really know him . most red-blooded guys would be happy to jump into bed with a woman as experienced as gloria . amanda had no doubt gloria was great in the sack . she constantly boasted about the number of men who 'd told her they 'd never had it so good . but when gloria walked back into the office , she was n't smiling . amanda took an unholy amount of satisfaction in that . maybe william had n't been so easy to seduce , after all . gloria sailed past her without waiting for a reply . amanda put down the hummingbird , got out of her chair , and walked into gloria 's office . i would n't want a client to hear this . '' amanda turned around and closed the door with a soft click . gloria waved amanda to the red leather love seat that rested against one wall . amanda moved aside a stack of videos and various tubes of personal lubricant . every time she sat on this love seat she had to block out visions of what had probably taken place there . gloria was both an exhibitionist and a voyeur , so anything was possible . gloria began to pace . `` this is rather embarrassing , but i need some advice . ''
[["elijah", 9], ["teacher", 26], ["say", 31], ["sayest", 31], ["said", 31], ["tell", 41], ["mr", 44], ["sloan", 51], ["goodbye", 59], ["goodbyes", 59], ["thank", 69], ["thanks", 69], ["thankest", 69], ["hold", 90], ["held", 90], ["hand", 103], ["william", 143], ["williams", 143], ["shake", 149], ["shook", 149], ["small", 159], ["sticky", 168], ["kid", 183], ["probably", 192], ["pocket", 205], ["pocketing", 205], ["full", 210], ["jelly", 219], ["jellies", 219], ["jellied", 219], ["bean", 225], ["beaning", 225], ["beans", 225], ["good", 239], ["luck", 244], ["girlfriend", 265], ["bother", 293], ["bothers", 293], ["bothering", 293], ["contradict", 307], ["contradicting", 307], ["reference", 332], ["referenced", 332], ["fact", 348], ["think", 370], ["thinkest", 370], ["thinking", 370], ["issue", 394], ["recently", 403], ["watch", 425], ["helen", 437], ["accusation", 451], ["may", 457], ["mays", 457], ["mayest", 457], ["might", 457], ["come", 462], ["true", 467], ["catch", 487], ["catches", 487], ["catched", 487], ["caught", 487], ["bed", 498], ["else", 516], ["blame", 532], ["blamest", 532], ["blamed", 532], ["behavior", 545], ["neglect", 560], ["neglecting", 560], ["predict", 579], ["predictest", 579], ["predicted", 579], ["never", 591], ["willing", 602], ["invest", 612], ["time", 617], ["relationship", 635], ["obsess", 659], ["obsessed", 659], ["ask", 717], ["asking", 717], ["amanda", 724], ["lunch", 733], ["lunched", 733], ["lunches", 733], ["idle", 760], ["idlest", 760], ["invitation", 771], ["get", 790], ["back", 795], ["game", 807], ["prof", 817], ["prove", 817], ["wrong", 829], ["wish", 845], ["wished", 845], ["turn", 867], ["turned", 867], ["ironic", 889], ["overcommitting", 939], ["maybe", 950], ["stupid", 987], ["hat", 991], ["hatting", 991], ["usually", 1004], ["take", 1009], ["took", 1009], ["inside", 1035], ["today", 1047], ["day", 1061], ["days", 1061], ["forget", 1079], ["forgot", 1079], ["forgotten", 1079], ["intent", 1128], ["struggle", 1149], ["struggling", 1149], ["bag", 1162], ["bagged", 1162], ["bagging", 1162], ["ear", 1173], ["ears", 1173], ["supersensitive", 1193], ["cold", 1205], ["earflap", 1224], ["earflaps", 1224], ["alternative", 1245], ["intense", 1256], ["pain", 1261], ["gloria", 1302], ["appear", 1319], ["appeared", 1319], ["open", 1331], ["door", 1336], ["office", 1350], ["maneuver", 1365], ["maneuverest", 1365], ["maneuvered", 1365], ["around", 1372], ["several", 1380], ["nine", 1385], ["year", 1390], ["old", 1395], ["olds", 1395], ["black", 1407], ["white", 1417], ["check", 1425], ["checked", 1425], ["jacket", 1432], ["jacketed", 1432], ["show", 1455], ["lace", 1472], ["chemise", 1480], ["generous", 1495], ["amount", 1502], ["see", 1525], ["tour", 1534], ["end", 1544], ["ends", 1544], ["endest", 1544], ["ending", 1544], ["little", 1579], ["old", 1583], ["later", 1609], ["kid", 1616], ["kids", 1616], ["thank", 1625], ["thanks", 1625], ["thankest", 1625], ["corn", 1637], ["corning", 1637], ["gaze", 1655], ["gazes", 1655], ["gazed", 1655], ["look", 1682], ["looked", 1682], ["shoulder", 1700], ["shouldered", 1700], ["mrs", 1722], ["joneses", 1729], ["hustle", 1737], ["hustled", 1737], ["rest", 1754], ["class", 1767], ["classing", 1767], ["classest", 1767], ["approach", 1800], ["approaches", 1800], ["approached", 1800], ["predatory", 1814], ["gleam", 1820], ["gleams", 1820], ["gleamed", 1820], ["gleamest", 1820], ["eye", 1832], ["eyed", 1832], ["eyes", 1832], ["bet", 1847], ["give", 1856], ["great", 1862], ["tour", 1868], ["tours", 1868], ["seem", 1892], ["seeming", 1892], ["seemed", 1892], ["enjoy", 1901], ["enjoyed", 1901], ["low", 1924], ["lowed", 1924], ["sound", 1938], ["deep", 1943], ["deeply", 1943], ["throat", 1957], ["get", 1983], ["got", 1983], ["two", 1992], ["twos", 1992], ["try", 2005], ["tryed", 2005], ["tried", 2005], ["think", 2018], ["thinkest", 2018], ["sat", 2039], ["sit", 2039], ["sitting", 2039], ["without", 2070], ["chance", 2102], ["chanced", 2102], ["chancing", 2102], ["go", 2108], ["goest", 2108], ["note", 2123], ["notes", 2123], ["test", 2134], ["come", 2149], ["coming", 2149], ["tomorrow", 2161], ["tomorrows", 2161], ["morning", 2169], ["abnormal", 2181], ["psych", 2187], ["haul", 2197], ["hauls", 2197], ["hauling", 2197], ["notebook", 2210], ["backpack", 2230], ["backpacking", 2230], ["keep", 2239], ["keepest", 2239], ["kept", 2239], ["tuck", 2246], ["tucked", 2246], ["tucking", 2246], ["knee", 2258], ["hole", 2263], ["desk", 2275], ["flip", 2289], ["flipping", 2289], ["flipped", 2289], ["recent", 2308], ["review", 2332], ["reviewed", 2332], ["clinical", 2345], ["definition", 2356], ["schizophrenia", 2373], ["pick", 2386], ["picked", 2386], ["glass", 2399], ["hummingbird", 2411], ["smoothness", 2457], ["help", 2477], ["helpest", 2477], ["helped", 2477], ["concentrate", 2493], ["concentrated", 2493], ["concentrates", 2493], ["instead", 2519], ["picture", 2532], ["pictured", 2532], ["cross", 2548], ["crossing", 2548], ["leg", 2557], ["legs", 2557], ["skirt", 2570], ["inch", 2577], ["inched", 2577], ["extremely", 2600], ["proud", 2606], ["body", 2682], ["bodied", 2682], ["part", 2688], ["parting", 2688], ["parts", 2688], ["brag", 2702], ["bragged", 2702], ["bragging", 2702], ["tit", 2724], ["tits", 2724], ["twenty", 2736], ["right", 2757], ["rightest", 2757], ["minute", 2769], ["lean", 2794], ["leans", 2794], ["leaning", 2794], ["forward", 2802], ["forwardest", 2802], ["forwarding", 2802], ["allow", 2815], ["allowing", 2815], ["gape", 2835], ["gapes", 2835], ["nerd", 2865], ["use", 2885], ["used", 2885], ["foggy", 2926], ["foggiest", 2926], ["idea", 2931], ["handle", 2945], ["woman", 2953], ["womans", 2953], ["like", 2958], ["care", 2994], ["really", 3017], ["except", 3026], ["see", 3042], ["saw", 3042], ["man", 3046], ["mans", 3046], ["manned", 3046], ["men", 3046], ["source", 3063], ["temporary", 3076], ["pleasure", 3085], ["conquest", 3098], ["way", 3106], ["ways", 3106], ["keep", 3117], ["keepest", 3117], ["keeping", 3117], ["score", 3123], ["use", 3136], ["discard", 3176], ["discardest", 3176], ["bore", 3199], ["bored", 3199], ["boring", 3199], ["case", 3220], ["seem", 3245], ["seeming", 3245], ["know", 3293], ["knowest", 3293], ["red", 3308], ["guy", 3321], ["guys", 3321], ["happy", 3336], ["jump", 3344], ["jumps", 3344], ["experience", 3381], ["experienced", 3381], ["doubt", 3413], ["sack", 3442], ["constantly", 3459], ["boast", 3467], ["boasted", 3467], ["number", 3484], ["numbering", 3484], ["tell", 3503], ["told", 3503], ["walk", 3561], ["walked", 3561], ["smile", 3604], ["smiling", 3604], ["unholy", 3628], ["satisfaction", 3651], ["easy", 3696], ["seduce", 3706], ["seducing", 3706], ["sail", 3734], ["sailed", 3734], ["past", 3739], ["wait", 3759], ["waitest", 3759], ["waiting", 3759], ["reply", 3771], ["put", 3784], ["chair", 3828], ["chairing", 3828], ["client", 3891], ["hear", 3899], ["hears", 3899], ["close", 3941], ["closed", 3941], ["soft", 3962], ["click", 3968], ["wave", 3983], ["waved", 3983], ["leather", 4009], ["love", 4014], ["seat", 4019], ["rest", 4031], ["rested", 4031], ["wall", 4048], ["move", 4063], ["moved", 4063], ["aside", 4069], ["stack", 4077], ["stacks", 4077], ["video", 4087], ["videos", 4087], ["various", 4099], ["tube", 4105], ["tubes", 4105], ["personal", 4117], ["lubricant", 4127], ["every", 4135], ["sat", 4148], ["sit", 4148], ["block", 4183], ["blocks", 4183], ["vision", 4195], ["visions", 4195], ["take", 4222], ["taken", 4222], ["place", 4228], ["exhibitionist", 4269], ["voyeur", 4282], ["anything", 4296], ["possible", 4309], ["begin", 4324], ["began", 4324], ["pace", 4332], ["rather", 4352], ["embarrassing", 4365], ["need", 4378], ["needest", 4378], ["advice", 4390]]
to him , she was the sexiest woman in the world at the moment , because of the way her tongue flicked against his own in a small , silent encouragement . his hand moved to her wild hair and wrapped in her blonde curls , holding her pinned against him as he made the kiss more urgent , more demanding . he broke the kiss , giving her mouth a long , slow lick before pulling away . `` can i keep kissing you , emily ? '' he did n't want to pressure her , and her previous words about not being ready to date were still uncomfortably fresh in his mind . her eyes closed and she leaned in just a little more , her fingers digging into his jacket . `` well , i do n't want that , '' he murmured . his mouth closed over hers again , coaxing her to open for him . but this time it was her tongue that pushed into his mouth , and her demands that led the kiss . her passion took over , and then it was emily who was kissing him , her mouth moving hungrily over his , her tongue dipping and flicking against his own . and ... damn , but the woman could kiss . jericho found himself fighting back a groan of pure lust . there was nothing better than when a pretty woman could kiss like a f**king demon , and emily allard-smith definitely could . she asked , punctuating each word with a fervent little kiss . her fingers tore at his jacket , dragging it off his shoulders . `` quit asking me if i 'm sure . i 'm allowed to have irresponsible sex with a tattooed man . '' `` it 's responsible if we use condoms , '' he told her , kissing her neck and steering her toward the closest doorway . `` then i 'm definitely allowed to have responsible sex , '' she said breathlessly . she grabbed the leather of his jacket and began to drag him across the hall , toward what he assumed was her room . he shrugged out of his jacket as she led him in , and tossed it on the floor as they moved together toward her bed . emily 's room was the opposite of how he 'd expected it to look . she was so conservative in her clothing that he 'd expected a lot of beige and boring . this room was anything but . the walls were burgundy , the decor plush . there was a crazy octagonal theme to things - even her picture frames were octagons - and her bed was this massive circle with a big stuffed headboard . in short , it looked like a rather naughty boudoir . he liked that , a lot . and he especially liked the look of that big , decadent bed . `` now that 's going to be amazing to f**k in , '' he said , eyeing it . `` i would n't know , '' she told him , and kissed at the base of his neck , where his skin was exposed . `` i bought it post-divorce . '' `` so we 're going to break it in together ? `` can i do the honors ? '' he asked her , pulling at the tie of her terry bathrobe . it was n't the sexiest thing - rather frumpy , actually - but it still made him hard . just picturing her underneath the layers of clothing was making his dick like iron . emily nodded and lifted her arms above her head to give him access to her clothing . he tugged at one side of the belt and the entire knot came loose . the front fell open , showing flannel pajamas underneath . she put her hands to her face and made an embarrassed noise . `` god , this has to be the lamest seduction outfit ever . '' `` well , it 's not like you were expecting company , '' he said , and had her lower her arms so he could finish pulling it off . the robe fell to the ground in a pool of terry cloth , and he began to work on her pajamas . he undid the first button at the top of her top , revealing a bit more of her neck and some cle**age . rather impressive cle**age , he had to admit . emily hid a lot under her clothing . jericho ran a finger down the bared skin . he felt a slight tremor move through her . `` please do , '' she murmured . at least , not of you . of ghosts , yes , '' she said wryly . `` i 'm just ... a little sensitive . `` sensitive , huh ? interesting , as in , his dick was f**king hard as a rock just thinking about that little shiver . he could see her ni**les pebbling under her pajama top and wanted to take them into his mouth . she was watching him with wide eyes , her gaze on his face as he undid the next button . more cle**age came into view , offering him a tantalizing glimpse of what lay underneath . he brushed aside the fabric , revealing her br**sts . they were soft and full , with plump rosy ni**les at the tip of each . not perky - they were too large for that - but delicious all the same .
[["sexy", 28], ["woman", 34], ["womans", 34], ["world", 47], ["moment", 61], ["way", 82], ["ways", 82], ["tongue", 93], ["tonguing", 93], ["flick", 101], ["flickest", 101], ["flicked", 101], ["small", 128], ["silent", 137], ["encouragement", 151], ["hand", 162], ["move", 168], ["moved", 168], ["wild", 180], ["wildest", 180], ["hair", 185], ["wrap", 197], ["wraps", 197], ["wrapping", 197], ["wrapped", 197], ["blonde", 211], ["curl", 217], ["curls", 217], ["curled", 217], ["hold", 227], ["holding", 227], ["pin", 238], ["pinned", 238], ["kiss", 270], ["kisses", 270], ["kissest", 270], ["urgent", 282], ["break", 310], ["broke", 310], ["give", 328], ["giving", 328], ["mouth", 338], ["mouthed", 338], ["long", 345], ["longs", 345], ["slow", 352], ["lick", 357], ["pull", 372], ["pulling", 372], ["away", 377], ["keep", 393], ["keepest", 393], ["kiss", 401], ["kisses", 401], ["kissest", 401], ["kissing", 401], ["emily", 413], ["pressure", 446], ["pressured", 446], ["previous", 469], ["word", 475], ["words", 475], ["ready", 497], ["date", 505], ["still", 516], ["uncomfortably", 530], ["fresh", 536], ["freshest", 536], ["mind", 548], ["minding", 548], ["eye", 559], ["eyed", 559], ["eyes", 559], ["close", 566], ["closed", 566], ["lean", 581], ["leans", 581], ["leaned", 581], ["little", 598], ["finger", 617], ["fingers", 617], ["dug", 625], ["dig", 625], ["digs", 625], ["digest", 625], ["digging", 625], ["jacket", 641], ["jacketed", 641], ["well", 651], ["wells", 651], ["murmur", 689], ["murmurest", 689], ["murmured", 689], ["coax", 734], ["coaxed", 734], ["coaxes", 734], ["coaxing", 734], ["open", 746], ["time", 770], ["push", 800], ["pushed", 800], ["demand", 833], ["demandest", 833], ["demands", 833], ["lead", 842], ["leaded", 842], ["led", 842], ["passion", 865], ["take", 870], ["took", 870], ["move", 938], ["moving", 938], ["hungrily", 947], ["dipping", 977], ["flick", 990], ["flickest", 990], ["damn", 1021], ["damned", 1021], ["jericho", 1058], ["find", 1064], ["found", 1064], ["fight", 1081], ["fightest", 1081], ["back", 1086], ["groan", 1094], ["groans", 1094], ["groanest", 1094], ["groaning", 1094], ["pure", 1102], ["pured", 1102], ["lust", 1107], ["lusts", 1107], ["nothing", 1127], ["well", 1134], ["wells", 1134], ["pretty", 1153], ["prettiest", 1153], ["like", 1175], ["demon", 1191], ["smith", 1216], ["definitely", 1227], ["ask", 1245], ["asked", 1245], ["punctuate", 1259], ["punctuating", 1259], ["word", 1269], ["fervent", 1284], ["tear", 1315], ["teared", 1315], ["tore", 1315], ["drag", 1340], ["dragging", 1340], ["shoulder", 1361], ["shouldered", 1361], ["shoulders", 1361], ["quit", 1371], ["quits", 1371], ["quitting", 1371], ["ask", 1378], ["asking", 1378], ["sure", 1394], ["allow", 1409], ["allowed", 1409], ["irresponsible", 1431], ["sex", 1435], ["man", 1455], ["mans", 1455], ["manned", 1455], ["responsible", 1481], ["use", 1491], ["condom", 1499], ["condoms", 1499], ["tell", 1512], ["told", 1512], ["neck", 1535], ["necked", 1535], ["steer", 1548], ["steerest", 1548], ["steering", 1548], ["toward", 1559], ["close", 1571], ["closest", 1571], ["doorway", 1579], ["say", 1651], ["sayest", 1651], ["said", 1651], ["breathlessly", 1664], ["grab", 1678], ["grabbed", 1678], ["leather", 1690], ["begin", 1714], ["began", 1714], ["drag", 1722], ["across", 1733], ["hall", 1742], ["assume", 1767], ["assumes", 1767], ["assumed", 1767], ["room", 1780], ["roomed", 1780], ["shrug", 1794], ["shrugging", 1794], ["shrugged", 1794], ["toss", 1843], ["tossed", 1843], ["floor", 1859], ["together", 1882], ["bed", 1897], ["opposite", 1930], ["expect", 1952], ["expected", 1952], ["look", 1963], ["conservative", 1989], ["clothing", 2005], ["lot", 2031], ["beige", 2040], ["anything", 2076], ["wall", 2092], ["walls", 2092], ["burgundy", 2106], ["decor", 2118], ["plush", 2124], ["crazy", 2144], ["octagonal", 2154], ["theme", 2160], ["themes", 2160], ["themed", 2160], ["thing", 2170], ["things", 2170], ["even", 2177], ["evens", 2177], ["picture", 2189], ["frame", 2196], ["frames", 2196], ["octagon", 2210], ["octagons", 2210], ["massive", 2241], ["circle", 2248], ["big", 2259], ["bigs", 2259], ["headboard", 2277], ["short", 2288], ["look", 2300], ["looked", 2300], ["rather", 2314], ["naughty", 2322], ["naughtier", 2322], ["naughtiest", 2322], ["boudoir", 2330], ["boudoirs", 2330], ["like", 2341], ["liked", 2341], ["especially", 2374], ["decadent", 2412], ["go", 2439], ["goest", 2439], ["going", 2439], ["amazing", 2453], ["eye", 2486], ["eyed", 2486], ["know", 2511], ["knowest", 2511], ["kiss", 2542], ["kisses", 2542], ["kissest", 2542], ["kissed", 2542], ["base", 2554], ["basest", 2554], ["skin", 2583], ["expose", 2595], ["exposed", 2595], ["buy", 2609], ["buyed", 2609], ["bought", 2609], ["post", 2617], ["divorce", 2625], ["break", 2658], ["broke", 2658], ["honor", 2698], ["honors", 2698], ["tie", 2737], ["tying", 2737], ["tieing", 2737], ["terry", 2750], ["bathrobe", 2759], ["bathrobed", 2759], ["thing", 2790], ["frumpy", 2806], ["hard", 2846], ["picture", 2863], ["picturing", 2863], ["underneath", 2878], ["layered", 2889], ["layers", 2889], ["dick", 2921], ["iron", 2931], ["nod", 2946], ["nodded", 2946], ["lift", 2957], ["lifted", 2957], ["arm", 2966], ["arms", 2966], ["head", 2981], ["give", 2989], ["access", 3000], ["accessest", 3000], ["tug", 3028], ["tugging", 3028], ["tugged", 3028], ["side", 3040], ["sidest", 3040], ["belt", 3052], ["belts", 3052], ["belted", 3052], ["belting", 3052], ["beltest", 3052], ["entire", 3067], ["knot", 3072], ["knotted", 3072], ["come", 3077], ["came", 3077], ["loose", 3083], ["looser", 3083], ["front", 3095], ["fall", 3100], ["falls", 3100], ["fell", 3100], ["show", 3115], ["showing", 3115], ["flannel", 3123], ["pajama", 3131], ["pajamas", 3131], ["put", 3152], ["hand", 3162], ["hands", 3162], ["face", 3174], ["noise", 3204], ["god", 3213], ["lame", 3241], ["lames", 3241], ["seduction", 3251], ["outfit", 3258], ["ever", 3263], ["everest", 3263], ["expect", 3312], ["expecting", 3312], ["company", 3320], ["companys", 3320], ["companying", 3320], ["low", 3353], ["lowed", 3353], ["finish", 3381], ["robe", 3407], ["ground", 3426], ["pool", 3436], ["cloth", 3451], ["work", 3474], ["wrought", 3474], ["undo", 3500], ["undone", 3500], ["undoed", 3500], ["undoing", 3500], ["first", 3510], ["firstest", 3510], ["button", 3517], ["buttoning", 3517], ["top", 3528], ["reveal", 3551], ["revealing", 3551], ["bit", 3557], ["bits", 3557], ["impressive", 3612], ["admit", 3639], ["hides", 3651], ["hid", 3651], ["run", 3690], ["ran", 3690], ["finger", 3699], ["bare", 3714], ["bared", 3714], ["feel", 3729], ["felt", 3729], ["slight", 3738], ["tremor", 3745], ["move", 3750], ["please", 3774], ["least", 3806], ["leastest", 3806], ["ghost", 3831], ["ghosts", 3831], ["yes", 3837], ["wryly", 3857], ["sensitive", 3895], ["huh", 3916], ["interesting", 3930], ["rock", 3976], ["think", 3990], ["thinkest", 3990], ["thinking", 3990], ["shiver", 4015], ["shivering", 4015], ["see", 4030], ["pebble", 4051], ["pebbling", 4051], ["pajama", 4068], ["pajamas", 4068], ["take", 4091], ["watch", 4130], ["watching", 4130], ["wide", 4144], ["gaze", 4160], ["gazes", 4160], ["next", 4193], ["view", 4231], ["viewest", 4231], ["offer", 4242], ["glimpse", 4268], ["glimpses", 4268], ["lay", 4280], ["lie", 4280], ["lain", 4280], ["brush", 4304], ["brushest", 4304], ["brushed", 4304], ["aside", 4310], ["fabric", 4321], ["soft", 4362], ["full", 4371], ["plump", 4384], ["plumps", 4384], ["plumped", 4384], ["rosy", 4389], ["tip", 4408], ["perky", 4428], ["large", 4450], ["delicious", 4475]]
arabella was an intelligent woman , perhaps too intelligent . once he had more time to present his case , she 'd see the wisdom of a contract for both their sakes . a rap on the door brought him to his feet in an instant . he rushed toward it with the school boyish hope that she 'd changed her mind and come back . instead , he opened the door to find neville pacing before it . `` has she signed your damned contract ? '' `` no , but do n't count on that case of port just yet , old son , '' sebastian said as his friend barged into the room without an invitation . `` the vixen is merely giving the hound a merry chase . '' `` look , if you want the port that badly , i'll- '' `` no , it 's not that . i came to warn you to steer clear of miss st . `` in case it 's escaped your notice , you all but introduced me to her . '' `` that was before i read this . '' neville handed him the don giovanni libretto . sebastian noticed this time that there was an envelope sticking out from its pages . `` i thought you 'd sent me a note and opened the seal before i realized it was n't yours . '' sebastian pulled the envelope from the libretto . `` a perfect mistress has no interests beyond her protector . if she does , a gentleman would do well to consider carefully whether she is worth protecting . '' ~ a gentleman 's guide to keeping a mistress chapter 5 `` treason ? the devil you say . '' sebastian snatched the envelope and read the curlicue script . the directive was in french on fine grained foolscap . names , likely places where the individual may be found , an offer of payment ... this is an assassin 's list of targets . members of parliament , a major-general , the prince regent 's cousin ... what was bella doing with it ? '' neville said with a quirk of his brow . `` no , she could n't possibly- '' he caught himself . when she handed the libretto to him , what was it she 'd said ? he 'd find what he sought between its pages . sebastian 's gut roiled . she knew the envelope was there and had mistaken him for the person to whom she was supposed to give it . `` the seal was unbroken , you say ? '' his senses were still awash in the woman 's scent . she was sensual and slick and had manipulated him as neatly as if he were a green lad . anger crept up his neck like a rash . but even now he could n't conceive of her being involved in a series of political murders . `` she may have been unaware what the envelope contained . '' `` but she was in possession of it , '' neville stubbornly reminded him . and she was trying to get it back , sebastian realized with a jolt . perhaps her kisses , her looks of promise , nothing of this beguiling , bedamned evening was real . arabella st. george was merely trying to recover an incriminating document that had gone badly astray . `` shall we wake the magistrate ? '' sebastian crumpled the foolscap in his fist . i 'll deal with this myself . '' if she was guilty , he 'd be far less merciful than the magistrate . * * * * * the next day , sebastian was an hour late to collect her in his fine coach . arabella was mildly offended , but decided to ignore the slight since he did n't even trouble to apologize . there was no point in antagonizing him since she needed to recover that envelope and quarreling with sebastian over a minor faux pas seemed an inefficient way of doing it . she expected him to attempt to seduce her during the carriage ride . there were plenty of adventurous possibilities in a small , but well-padded space . but he was distant as they bounced along in his equipage . when she tried to engage him in conversation , he rapped on the coach 's ceiling and signaled a halt . `` i 'm inclined to ride , '' he said simply , as if no more explanation were required and climbed out of the carriage to mount the bay gelding one of his outriders had been leading . `` beastly manners . no wonder he secures his mistresses by contract , '' she murmured . `` why else would they tolerate him for three months ? '' she regretted sending notice to the opera company that she 'd be unavailable for the final two performances of the season . if not for the need to recover fernand 's blasted envelope , she 'd order the driver to return her to london . he 's discovered the envelope . that 's why he 's so changed toward me .
[["arabella", 8], ["intelligent", 27], ["woman", 33], ["womans", 33], ["perhaps", 43], ["time", 83], ["present", 94], ["presentest", 94], ["case", 103], ["see", 116], ["wisdom", 127], ["contract", 141], ["contractest", 141], ["sake", 162], ["sakes", 162], ["rap", 170], ["rapped", 170], ["rapping", 170], ["door", 182], ["bring", 190], ["brought", 190], ["foot", 206], ["feet", 206], ["instant", 220], ["rush", 232], ["rushed", 232], ["toward", 239], ["school", 258], ["schooling", 258], ["boyish", 265], ["hope", 270], ["change", 290], ["changed", 290], ["mind", 299], ["minding", 299], ["come", 308], ["back", 313], ["instead", 323], ["open", 335], ["opened", 335], ["find", 352], ["neville", 360], ["pacing", 367], ["sign", 397], ["signed", 397], ["damn", 409], ["damned", 409], ["count", 448], ["countest", 448], ["port", 469], ["yet", 478], ["old", 484], ["son", 488], ["sebastian", 503], ["say", 508], ["sayest", 508], ["said", 508], ["friend", 522], ["barge", 529], ["barged", 529], ["room", 543], ["roomed", 543], ["without", 551], ["invitation", 565], ["vixen", 580], ["vixens", 580], ["merely", 590], ["give", 597], ["giving", 597], ["hound", 607], ["hounds", 607], ["merry", 615], ["chase", 621], ["look", 634], ["badly", 668], ["come", 711], ["came", 711], ["warn", 719], ["steer", 732], ["steerest", 732], ["clear", 738], ["clearest", 738], ["miss", 746], ["st", 749], ["sts", 749], ["escape", 776], ["escapes", 776], ["escaped", 776], ["notice", 788], ["introduce", 813], ["introduced", 813], ["read", 854], ["reads", 854], ["hand", 879], ["handed", 879], ["libretto", 909], ["notice", 929], ["noticed", 929], ["envelope", 966], ["stick", 975], ["stickest", 975], ["sticking", 975], ["page", 994], ["pages", 994], ["think", 1009], ["thinkest", 1009], ["thought", 1009], ["send", 1021], ["sent", 1021], ["note", 1031], ["seal", 1051], ["realize", 1069], ["realized", 1069], ["pull", 1108], ["pulled", 1108], ["perfect", 1154], ["perfectest", 1154], ["mistress", 1163], ["interest", 1180], ["interests", 1180], ["beyond", 1187], ["protector", 1201], ["gentleman", 1229], ["well", 1243], ["wells", 1243], ["consider", 1255], ["carefully", 1265], ["whether", 1273], ["worth", 1286], ["protect", 1297], ["protectest", 1297], ["protecting", 1297], ["guide", 1325], ["keep", 1336], ["keepest", 1336], ["keeping", 1336], ["chapter", 1355], ["treason", 1368], ["devil", 1380], ["devils", 1380], ["say", 1388], ["sayest", 1388], ["snatch", 1412], ["snatches", 1412], ["snatched", 1412], ["curlicue", 1447], ["curlicued", 1447], ["script", 1454], ["scripts", 1454], ["scripting", 1454], ["directive", 1470], ["french", 1484], ["fine", 1492], ["foolscap", 1509], ["name", 1517], ["names", 1517], ["place", 1533], ["places", 1533], ["individual", 1554], ["may", 1558], ["mays", 1558], ["mayest", 1558], ["find", 1567], ["found", 1567], ["offer", 1578], ["payment", 1589], ["assassin", 1613], ["list", 1621], ["target", 1632], ["targets", 1632], ["member", 1642], ["members", 1642], ["parliament", 1656], ["major", 1666], ["general", 1674], ["prince", 1687], ["regent", 1694], ["cousin", 1704], ["quirk", 1768], ["quirks", 1768], ["brow", 1780], ["catch", 1827], ["catches", 1827], ["catched", 1827], ["caught", 1827], ["seek", 1927], ["sought", 1927], ["gut", 1964], ["roil", 1971], ["roiled", 1971], ["know", 1982], ["knowest", 1982], ["knew", 1982], ["mistake", 2022], ["mistook", 2022], ["mistaken", 2022], ["person", 2041], ["suppose", 2066], ["supposed", 2066], ["give", 2074], ["unbroken", 2104], ["sense", 2130], ["senses", 2130], ["still", 2141], ["awash", 2147], ["scent", 2169], ["scentest", 2169], ["sensual", 2187], ["slick", 2197], ["manipulate", 2217], ["manipulates", 2217], ["manipulating", 2217], ["manipulated", 2217], ["neatly", 2231], ["green", 2253], ["greens", 2253], ["lad", 2257], ["anger", 2265], ["creep", 2271], ["creeps", 2271], ["creeped", 2271], ["crept", 2271], ["neck", 2283], ["necked", 2283], ["like", 2288], ["rash", 2295], ["even", 2306], ["evens", 2306], ["conceive", 2332], ["involve", 2354], ["involved", 2354], ["series", 2366], ["political", 2379], ["murder", 2387], ["murderest", 2387], ["murders", 2387], ["unaware", 2418], ["unawares", 2418], ["contain", 2446], ["containest", 2446], ["contained", 2446], ["possession", 2480], ["stubbornly", 2510], ["remind", 2519], ["reminded", 2519], ["try", 2544], ["tryed", 2544], ["trying", 2544], ["get", 2551], ["jolt", 2592], ["jolted", 2592], ["kiss", 2613], ["kisses", 2613], ["kissest", 2613], ["look", 2625], ["looks", 2625], ["promise", 2636], ["nothing", 2646], ["beguile", 2664], ["beguiling", 2664], ["evening", 2683], ["reis", 2692], ["real", 2692], ["george", 2714], ["recover", 2743], ["incriminate", 2760], ["incriminating", 2760], ["document", 2769], ["go", 2783], ["goest", 2783], ["gone", 2783], ["astray", 2796], ["shall", 2807], ["wake", 2815], ["wakes", 2815], ["woken", 2815], ["magistrate", 2830], ["crumple", 2854], ["crumpled", 2854], ["fist", 2879], ["deal", 2892], ["guilty", 2932], ["far", 2947], ["less", 2952], ["merciful", 2961], ["next", 3002], ["day", 3006], ["hour", 3030], ["late", 3035], ["lates", 3035], ["collect", 3046], ["coach", 3068], ["coached", 3068], ["mildly", 3090], ["offend", 3099], ["offended", 3099], ["decide", 3113], ["decided", 3113], ["ignore", 3123], ["slight", 3134], ["since", 3140], ["trouble", 3164], ["troubling", 3164], ["apologize", 3177], ["point", 3198], ["antagonize", 3214], ["antagonizes", 3214], ["antagonizing", 3214], ["need", 3235], ["needest", 3235], ["needed", 3235], ["quarrel", 3275], ["quarrels", 3275], ["quarrelest", 3275], ["quarreling", 3275], ["quarrelling", 3275], ["minor", 3303], ["faux", 3308], ["pas", 3312], ["seem", 3319], ["seeming", 3319], ["seemed", 3319], ["inefficient", 3334], ["way", 3338], ["ways", 3338], ["expect", 3365], ["expected", 3365], ["attempt", 3380], ["seduce", 3390], ["seducing", 3390], ["carriage", 3414], ["ride", 3419], ["rode", 3419], ["plenty", 3439], ["adventurous", 3454], ["possibility", 3468], ["possibilities", 3468], ["small", 3479], ["pad", 3497], ["padding", 3497], ["padded", 3497], ["space", 3503], ["spaced", 3503], ["spacing", 3503], ["distant", 3524], ["bounce", 3540], ["bounced", 3540], ["along", 3546], ["equipage", 3562], ["try", 3579], ["tryed", 3579], ["tried", 3579], ["engage", 3589], ["conversation", 3609], ["rap", 3621], ["rapped", 3621], ["rapping", 3621], ["ceiling", 3645], ["signal", 3658], ["signaled", 3658], ["halt", 3665], ["halts", 3665], ["haltest", 3665], ["incline", 3684], ["inclines", 3684], ["inclined", 3684], ["simply", 3712], ["explanation", 3740], ["require", 3754], ["required", 3754], ["climb", 3766], ["climbed", 3766], ["mount", 3795], ["mounted", 3795], ["mountest", 3795], ["bay", 3803], ["geld", 3811], ["gelds", 3811], ["gelding", 3811], ["outrider", 3832], ["outriders", 3832], ["lead", 3849], ["leaded", 3849], ["leading", 3849], ["beastly", 3862], ["manner", 3870], ["manners", 3870], ["wonder", 3882], ["wonderest", 3882], ["secure", 3893], ["securest", 3893], ["secures", 3893], ["mistress", 3908], ["mistresses", 3908], ["murmur", 3938], ["murmurest", 3938], ["murmured", 3938], ["else", 3952], ["tolerate", 3972], ["three", 3986], ["month", 3993], ["months", 3993], ["regret", 4012], ["regretted", 4012], ["send", 4020], ["sending", 4020], ["opera", 4040], ["company", 4048], ["companys", 4048], ["companying", 4048], ["unavailable", 4075], ["final", 4089], ["two", 4093], ["twos", 4093], ["performance", 4106], ["performances", 4106], ["season", 4120], ["seasoning", 4120], ["seasonest", 4120], ["need", 4142], ["needest", 4142], ["blast", 4172], ["blasted", 4172], ["order", 4196], ["orderest", 4196], ["driver", 4207], ["return", 4217], ["returnest", 4217], ["london", 4231], ["discover", 4250], ["discovered", 4250]]
he lifts my hand to his mouth and brushes his lips across my knuckles , placing a specific kiss on my ring . `` there are a lot of things i want to do with you while we are here , tru , and talking about work is not one of them . '' ignoring his desire to not talk about work , i say , `` do you need to get back to la early to sort the problem out ? '' jake shifts onto his side to face me . you and i are spending time together here , alone . nothing and no one will get me off this island and away from you . i plan on spending the next five days keeping you in the minimal amount of clothes possible , if not none at all , and spending most of that time f**king you senseless . '' i love it when he talks to me like this . dirty and domineering . it 's incredibly hot . i let my gaze drift to serious . i reach over and grab my bottle of water off the table and take a drink , letting my eyes drift over the beautiful scenery before me . we 're on a private island in fiji . more specifically , we 're staying on turtle island , one of the yasawa islands in fiji . it 's where the blue lagoon was filmed . it 's private and exclusive and has only fourteen villas on the whole island , but jake being jake , he has rented out the whole island for a week . a week of total isolation for him and me . dave and ben , jake 's bodyguards , are with us , of course , staying separately in one of the other villas at the far side of the island . i 've barely seen them since i arrived here . and aside from the staff who live on the island , it 's just jake and me . that 's how it 's been for the last two days , and it is heaven . after the show at madison square garden , when jake did his stage dash to come after me and ask me to marry him , things got a little crazy ... well , crazier , as life with jake is always crazy . basically , i was n't thinking straight after everything that had happened that night , and i was n't as smart as i should have been . i did n't hide my ring . as jake and i entered the hotel after leaving the show , a member of the waiting press spotted it , and all hell broke loose . for the next two days we were literally confined to the hotel . press and fans gathered and hollered outside . when jake suggested we get away and leave the country for a while , i was fully on board . i left all the travel arrangements to jake . i did n't care where we went , just as long as we were alone . and alone we are . i love being here with him . it 's the first time since we got together that it 's been just him and me . i know i just offered to go back to la , but in all honesty it was a halfhearted offer . i do n't want to let this go-what we have here right now-the complete solitude to do what we want , when we want . but i know there 's something bothering him workwise . the tone of his voice when he was talking to stuart was clear enough to tell me that . even now , i can tell his mind is elsewhere as he stares out at the ocean , his fingers tapping restlessly against my hand . i hate that he wo n't share with me what it is . i know it 's because he does n't want to burden me , but i want him to burden me . i want him to share everything with me . our lives are entwined now , and i do n't want him carrying things alone anymore . the last time he did that , he fell off the wagon , and we lost each other as a result of it . jake is still only a few weeks ' clean , and i , for one , want to keep him that way . i 'm glad he 's here , away from all temptation at the moment . well , all temptations except me , that is . i do worry , though , how things will be for him when we eventually go back to the real world . `` you fancy a swim before the sun goes in ? '' i nod in the direction of the water lapping the white sand , deciding not to push the subject further . i 'll tackle his communication issues later , when he 's more relaxed . jake 's eyes set on my body , his gaze roaming every curve , causing all the muscles in me to involuntarily clench . especially the ones between my legs . `` you 're asking if i want a chance to see you wet , wearing that bikini ? '' a grin curves his gorgeous mouth as he lifts his brow in question . i glance down at my favourite and most recent bikini purchase . it 's white with pink flowers and has tiny diamantes sewn in . i picked it up from the airport .
[["lift", 8], ["lifts", 8], ["hand", 16], ["mouth", 29], ["mouthed", 29], ["brush", 41], ["brushest", 41], ["brushes", 41], ["lip", 50], ["lipped", 50], ["lips", 50], ["across", 57], ["knuckle", 69], ["knuckles", 69], ["knuckling", 69], ["place", 79], ["placing", 79], ["specific", 90], ["kiss", 95], ["kisses", 95], ["kissest", 95], ["rung", 106], ["rang", 106], ["ring", 106], ["lot", 127], ["thing", 137], ["things", 137], ["talk", 197], ["talking", 197], ["work", 208], ["wrought", 208], ["ignore", 241], ["ignoring", 241], ["desire", 252], ["talk", 264], ["say", 283], ["sayest", 283], ["need", 300], ["needest", 300], ["get", 307], ["back", 312], ["la", 318], ["early", 324], ["sort", 332], ["problem", 344], ["jake", 358], ["jakes", 358], ["jaked", 358], ["shift", 365], ["shifts", 365], ["onto", 370], ["ontos", 370], ["side", 379], ["sidest", 379], ["face", 387], ["spend", 415], ["spends", 415], ["spendest", 415], ["time", 420], ["together", 429], ["alone", 442], ["nothing", 452], ["island", 491], ["away", 500], ["plan", 518], ["next", 539], ["five", 544], ["fived", 544], ["day", 549], ["days", 549], ["keep", 557], ["keepest", 557], ["keeping", 557], ["minimal", 576], ["amount", 583], ["clad", 594], ["clothe", 594], ["clothes", 594], ["possible", 603], ["none", 617], ["senseless", 679], ["love", 691], ["talk", 708], ["talks", 708], ["like", 719], ["dirty", 732], ["incredibly", 767], ["hot", 771], ["let", 779], ["lets", 779], ["gaze", 787], ["gazes", 787], ["drift", 793], ["drifting", 793], ["serious", 804], ["reach", 814], ["grab", 828], ["bottle", 838], ["bottled", 838], ["water", 847], ["table", 861], ["tabled", 861], ["tabling", 861], ["take", 870], ["drank", 878], ["drink", 878], ["drinking", 878], ["let", 888], ["lets", 888], ["letting", 888], ["eye", 896], ["eyed", 896], ["eyes", 896], ["beautiful", 921], ["beautifulest", 921], ["scenery", 929], ["private", 961], ["fiji", 976], ["specifically", 996], ["stay", 1013], ["staying", 1013], ["turtle", 1023], ["turtling", 1023], ["blue", 1089], ["lagoon", 1096], ["film", 1107], ["filmed", 1107], ["exclusive", 1137], ["fourteen", 1159], ["villa", 1166], ["villas", 1166], ["whole", 1179], ["wholes", 1179], ["rent", 1224], ["rented", 1224], ["week", 1256], ["total", 1274], ["isolation", 1284], ["dave", 1306], ["ben", 1314], ["bens", 1314], ["bodyguard", 1335], ["bodyguards", 1335], ["course", 1361], ["separately", 1382], ["far", 1420], ["barely", 1454], ["see", 1459], ["seen", 1459], ["since", 1470], ["arrive", 1480], ["arrived", 1480], ["aside", 1497], ["staff", 1512], ["staffing", 1512], ["live", 1521], ["last", 1598], ["two", 1602], ["twos", 1602], ["heaven", 1626], ["heavens", 1626], ["show", 1643], ["madison", 1654], ["madisons", 1654], ["square", 1661], ["garden", 1668], ["gardens", 1668], ["gardened", 1668], ["stage", 1694], ["staging", 1694], ["dash", 1699], ["come", 1707], ["ask", 1724], ["marry", 1736], ["married", 1736], ["get", 1753], ["got", 1753], ["little", 1762], ["crazy", 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["left", 2321], ["leave", 2321], ["travel", 2336], ["arrangement", 2349], ["arrangements", 2349], ["care", 2374], ["go", 2388], ["goest", 2388], ["went", 2388], ["long", 2403], ["longs", 2403], ["first", 2486], ["firstest", 2486], ["know", 2554], ["knowest", 2554], ["offer", 2569], ["offered", 2569], ["go", 2575], ["goest", 2575], ["honesty", 2607], ["offer", 2634], ["right", 2689], ["rightest", 2689], ["complete", 2706], ["solitude", 2715], ["bother", 2791], ["bothers", 2791], ["bothering", 2791], ["workwise", 2804], ["tone", 2815], ["toned", 2815], ["toning", 2815], ["voice", 2828], ["stuart", 2858], ["clear", 2868], ["clearest", 2868], ["enough", 2875], ["tell", 2883], ["even", 2898], ["evens", 2898], ["mind", 2924], ["minding", 2924], ["elsewhere", 2937], ["stare", 2950], ["stared", 2950], ["stares", 2950], ["ocean", 2967], ["oceans", 2967], ["finger", 2981], ["fingers", 2981], ["tap", 2989], ["tapping", 2989], ["restlessly", 3000], ["hate", 3025], ["hateed", 3025], ["wo", 3036], ["share", 3046], ["burden", 3115], ["burdens", 3115], ["life", 3201], ["lifes", 3201], ["lives", 3201], ["entwine", 3214], ["entwines", 3214], ["entwined", 3214], ["carry", 3251], ["carrying", 3251], ["anymore", 3272], ["fall", 3310], ["falls", 3310], ["fell", 3310], ["wagon", 3324], ["lose", 3338], ["lost", 3338], ["result", 3361], ["resultest", 3361], ["still", 3383], ["week", 3400], ["weeks", 3400], ["clean", 3408], ["cleans", 3408], ["keep", 3441], ["keepest", 3441], ["way", 3454], ["ways", 3454], ["glad", 3466], ["temptation", 3504], ["moment", 3518], ["temptation", 3543], ["temptations", 3543], ["except", 3550], ["worry", 3576], ["worried", 3576], ["though", 3585], ["eventually", 3633], ["reis", 3653], ["real", 3653], ["world", 3659], ["fancy", 3674], ["fanciest", 3674], ["swim", 3681], ["swiming", 3681], ["sun", 3696], ["suns", 3696], ["sunned", 3696], ["go", 3701], ["goest", 3701], ["goes", 3701], ["nod", 3715], ["direction", 3732], ["lap", 3753], ["laps", 3753], ["lapping", 3753], ["white", 3763], ["sand", 3768], ["decide", 3779], ["deciding", 3779], ["push", 3791], ["subject", 3803], ["subjectest", 3803], ["far", 3811], ["tackle", 3826], ["tackles", 3826], ["tackling", 3826], ["communication", 3844], ["issue", 3851], ["issues", 3851], ["later", 3857], ["set", 3902], ["body", 3913], ["bodied", 3913], ["roam", 3932], ["roamest", 3932], ["roaming", 3932], ["every", 3938], ["curve", 3944], ["curved", 3944], ["cause", 3954], ["causing", 3954], ["muscle", 3970], ["muscles", 3970], ["involuntarily", 3993], ["clench", 4000], ["clenched", 4000], ["especially", 4013], ["leg", 4038], ["legs", 4038], ["ask", 4058], ["asking", 4058], ["chance", 4077], ["chanced", 4077], ["chancing", 4077], ["see", 4084], ["wet", 4092], ["wear", 4102], ["wearing", 4102], ["bikini", 4114], ["bikinis", 4114], ["grin", 4126], ["curve", 4133], ["curved", 4133], ["curves", 4133], ["gorgeous", 4146], ["brow", 4173], ["question", 4185], ["glance", 4196], ["favourite", 4217], ["recent", 4233], ["purchase", 4249], ["pink", 4273], ["flower", 4281], ["flowers", 4281], ["tiny", 4294], ["diamante", 4304], ["diamantes", 4304], ["sew", 4309], ["sews", 4309], ["sewn", 4309], ["pick", 4323], ["picked", 4323], ["airport", 4346]]
you 're increasing it , especially after the passive way i 've handled family relationships for too long . whether i sense something 's off or find out later , it tears at me . '' guilt hammered at him , made all the worse by how easily she 'd let him off the hook , even going so far as to take some responsibility by mentioning how she 'd dealt with her family in the past . i 'm sorry seemed too little to offer . `` i wo n't excuse what you did , jordan , but i can see where you came to your decision and forgive what happened . '' her spine straightened with unmistakable steel . `` as long as you promise never to lie to me again . '' he was ambitious , even had a reputation for being ruthless-which he would n't deny-but he prided himself on honesty . no question , the newspaper thing had n't been one of his wiser moves , hindsight . she inched away from him and stood in an unmistakable back-off message . `` as long as we 're being open with each other , i need some space tonight . '' she hesitated and he thought-hoped-she might relent . she reached toward him ... and snagged the carryout bag of food before turning back to her bedroom . not bothering to stifle his grin at her accepting at least one of his gifts , he watched brooke walk away and disappear behind her door . he wanted to follow her , but would leave her alone and let her sleep . rest was the best thing for her and the baby . for tonight , he figured he 'd wrangled more forgiveness than expected . however , he had n't figured on being so damn disappointed at the missed opportunity to share chili and a movie with brooke . brooke wrestled with sleep and the covers , the confrontation with jordan leaving her frustrated and restless . she stared at the clock-2:00 a.m. she 'd seen midnight , as well , but must have drifted off . god , she hated this helpless feeling of losing control of her life . her family had staged an intervention with her mother , a huge , life-changing moment . while brooke sat around with her feet propped up , unable to handle stress . no wonder brittany had been so edgy when she 'd come to visit after brooke left the hospital . the whole family must have gone through hell , and yet they 'd all continued to tiptoe around her . doing the right thing was n't necessarily easy . why could n't jordan have told her sooner ? her mother seeking help was a good thing , the right thing . hope warred with skepticism . and therein lay her main problem , trusting that her mother would make it through the program successfully . trusting , after a lifetime of mixed signals from her parents . trusting jordan . even with their dates and living together this past week , it still seemed like too little time to know each other before committing to marriage . her parents had dated for two years before marrying and look how that had turned out . if only she could recapture-and trust-that intense sense of rightness she 'd felt the night she 'd decided to sleep with him for the first time . the night they 'd made this baby ... she 'd seen him many times . the decision echoed in her mind all the way up the elevator to the room she 'd secured for herself and jordan jefferies . her head spun more from the touch of his hands on her body than from any effects of alcohol . she 'd felt the attraction between them for years , but never imagined the sparks would combust through her with such intensity . his palms , sweeping down her back during their frantic kiss down the hall . his palms , cupping her bottom to pull her closer as they stumbled through the door . his fingers , making fast work of her clothes in order to torment her . and even when she demanded her place on top , still those talented hands teased her senses to the edge of fulfillment . stopping short . taking her to the brink and back again until they both tumbled over in a tangle of arms and legs and uncontained cries ... brooke woke with the sheet twisted around her ankles , her body achy with want for what she 'd experienced with him , an intense completion remembered in her dream . yet she had n't found the same relief tonight . she reached to click on her bedside lamp . as always , there waited a pitcher of water along with fresh fruit for a late-night snack . she snagged a pear and crunched . if she could n't satisfy her sexual hunger , she would settle for feeding another appetite . what was it about that time with jordan that haunted her so ? a sense of control in that moment , of equality . except by the morning after she 'd felt so out of control , she 'd run from him , was running still . her eyes gravitated to the open door . jordan must have checked on her after she went to sleep and then left the door open .
[["increase", 18], ["increasing", 18], ["especially", 34], ["passive", 52], ["way", 56], ["ways", 56], ["handle", 70], ["handled", 70], ["family", 77], ["relationship", 91], ["relationships", 91], ["long", 104], ["longs", 104], ["whether", 114], ["sense", 122], ["find", 147], ["later", 157], ["tear", 168], ["teared", 168], ["tears", 168], ["guilt", 185], ["guilts", 185], ["hammer", 194], ["hammered", 194], ["bad", 222], ["worse", 222], ["easily", 236], ["let", 247], ["lets", 247], ["hook", 264], ["even", 271], ["evens", 271], ["go", 277], ["goest", 277], ["going", 277], ["far", 284], ["take", 295], ["responsibility", 315], ["mention", 329], ["mentioning", 329], ["deal", 346], ["dealt", 346], ["past", 374], ["sorry", 387], ["seem", 394], ["seeming", 394], ["seemed", 394], ["little", 405], ["offer", 414], ["wo", 424], ["excuse", 435], ["jordan", 457], ["see", 473], ["come", 488], ["came", 488], ["decision", 505], ["forgive", 517], ["forgived", 517], ["forgiving", 517], ["happen", 531], ["happened", 531], ["straighten", 559], ["straightened", 559], ["unmistakable", 577], ["steel", 583], ["promise", 611], ["never", 617], ["lay", 624], ["lie", 624], ["lain", 624], ["ambitious", 658], ["reputation", 682], ["ruthless", 701], ["deny", 725], ["pride", 739], ["prided", 739], ["honesty", 758], ["question", 772], ["newspaper", 788], ["thing", 794], ["wise", 824], ["wiser", 824], ["move", 830], ["moves", 830], ["hindsight", 842], ["inch", 855], ["inched", 855], ["away", 860], ["stood", 879], ["stand", 879], ["standest", 879], ["back", 903], ["message", 915], ["open", 949], ["need", 974], ["needest", 974], ["space", 985], ["spaced", 985], ["spacing", 985], ["tonight", 993], ["hesitate", 1012], ["hesitated", 1012], ["think", 1027], ["thinkest", 1027], ["thought", 1027], ["hope", 1033], ["hoped", 1033], ["may", 1043], ["mays", 1043], ["mayest", 1043], ["might", 1043], ["relent", 1050], ["reach", 1064], ["reached", 1064], ["toward", 1071], ["snag", 1091], ["snagged", 1091], ["carryout", 1104], ["bag", 1108], ["bagged", 1108], ["bagging", 1108], ["food", 1116], ["foods", 1116], ["turn", 1131], ["turning", 1131], ["bedroom", 1151], ["bother", 1167], ["bothers", 1167], ["bothering", 1167], ["stifle", 1177], ["grin", 1186], ["accept", 1203], ["accepting", 1203], ["least", 1212], ["leastest", 1212], ["gift", 1229], ["gifts", 1229], ["watch", 1242], ["watched", 1242], ["brooke", 1249], ["walk", 1254], ["disappear", 1273], ["behind", 1280], ["door", 1289], ["follow", 1311], ["left", 1333], ["leave", 1333], ["alone", 1343], ["slept", 1361], ["sleep", 1361], ["sleeps", 1361], ["sleepest", 1361], ["rest", 1368], ["good", 1381], ["best", 1381], ["baby", 1408], ["figure", 1435], ["figured", 1435], ["wrangle", 1450], ["wrangled", 1450], ["forgiveness", 1467], ["expect", 1481], ["expected", 1481], ["however", 1491], ["damn", 1529], ["damned", 1529], ["miss", 1556], ["missed", 1556], ["opportunity", 1568], ["share", 1577], ["chili", 1583], ["chilis", 1583], ["movie", 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["wonder", 2061], ["wonderest", 2061], ["brittany", 2070], ["edgy", 2087], ["come", 2104], ["visit", 2113], ["left", 2131], ["leave", 2131], ["hospital", 2144], ["whole", 2156], ["wholes", 2156], ["go", 2178], ["goest", 2178], ["gone", 2178], ["hell", 2191], ["hells", 2191], ["yet", 2201], ["continue", 2223], ["continued", 2223], ["tiptoe", 2233], ["tiptoed", 2233], ["right", 2262], ["rightest", 2262], ["necessarily", 2288], ["easy", 2293], ["tell", 2326], ["told", 2326], ["soon", 2337], ["seek", 2358], ["seeking", 2358], ["help", 2363], ["helpest", 2363], ["good", 2374], ["hope", 2405], ["war", 2412], ["skepticism", 2428], ["therein", 2442], ["lay", 2446], ["lie", 2446], ["lain", 2446], ["main", 2455], ["problem", 2463], ["trust", 2474], ["trusting", 2474], ["program", 2524], ["successfully", 2537], ["lifetime", 2567], ["mix", 2576], ["mixed", 2576], ["signal", 2584], ["signals", 2584], ["parent", 2601], ["parents", 2601], ["date", 2643], ["dates", 2643], ["live", 2654], ["living", 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["bodied", 3248], ["effect", 3270], ["effects", 3270], ["alcohol", 3281], ["attraction", 3310], ["imagine", 3354], ["imagined", 3354], ["spark", 3365], ["sparking", 3365], ["sparks", 3365], ["combust", 3379], ["combusted", 3379], ["combusting", 3379], ["intensity", 3411], ["palm", 3423], ["palms", 3423], ["palmed", 3423], ["palmest", 3423], ["sweep", 3434], ["sweeping", 3434], ["frantic", 3469], ["kiss", 3474], ["kisses", 3474], ["kissest", 3474], ["hall", 3488], ["cup", 3510], ["bottom", 3521], ["bottoming", 3521], ["pull", 3529], ["close", 3540], ["closer", 3540], ["stumble", 3557], ["stumbled", 3557], ["finger", 3588], ["fingers", 3588], ["fast", 3602], ["work", 3607], ["wrought", 3607], ["clad", 3622], ["clothe", 3622], ["clothes", 3622], ["order", 3631], ["orderest", 3631], ["torment", 3642], ["demand", 3675], ["demandest", 3675], ["demanded", 3675], ["place", 3685], ["top", 3692], ["tease", 3728], ["teased", 3728], ["sense", 3739], ["senses", 3739], ["edge", 3751], ["edges", 3751], ["fulfillment", 3766], ["stop", 3777], ["stopping", 3777], ["short", 3783], ["take", 3792], ["taking", 3792], ["brink", 3809], ["brinks", 3809], ["tumble", 3848], ["tumbled", 3848], ["tangle", 3865], ["tangling", 3865], ["arm", 3873], ["arms", 3873], ["leg", 3882], ["legs", 3882], ["cry", 3904], ["cries", 3904], ["wake", 3920], ["wakes", 3920], ["woken", 3920], ["woke", 3920], ["sheet", 3935], ["twist", 3943], ["twisted", 3943], ["twisting", 3943], ["ankle", 3961], ["ankles", 3961], ["achy", 3977], ["experience", 4015], ["experienced", 4015], ["completion", 4048], ["remember", 4059], ["rememberest", 4059], ["remembered", 4059], ["dream", 4072], ["dreamt", 4072], ["dreamest", 4072], ["find", 4096], ["found", 4096], ["relief", 4112], ["reliefs", 4112], ["click", 4143], ["bedside", 4158], ["lamp", 4163], ["always", 4175], ["wait", 4190], ["waitest", 4190], ["waited", 4190], ["pitcher", 4200], ["water", 4209], ["along", 4215], ["fresh", 4226], ["freshest", 4226], ["fruit", 4232], ["late", 4243], ["lates", 4243], ["snack", 4255], ["snacking", 4255], ["pear", 4276], ["satisfy", 4316], ["sexual", 4327], ["hunger", 4334], ["hungers", 4334], ["hungering", 4334], ["settle", 4353], ["fed", 4365], ["feed", 4365], ["feeding", 4365], ["another", 4373], ["appetite", 4382], ["appetites", 4382], ["haunt", 4437], ["haunted", 4437], ["hauntest", 4437], ["haunting", 4437], ["equality", 4494], ["except", 4503], ["morning", 4518], ["run", 4567], ["run", 4590], ["running", 4590], ["eye", 4607], ["eyed", 4607], ["eyes", 4607], ["gravitate", 4618], ["gravitates", 4618], ["check", 4662], ["checked", 4662], ["go", 4684], ["goest", 4684], ["went", 4684]]
the launch is in new york as that 's where the publishing house is , so jake and i are flying over for it . vicky is meeting us there , and afterward she 's coming back to la to spend a few days with me . i have n't seen her since i left london . of course i 've seen her via skype , but it 's not the same . we have lots of shopping planned for when she 's here . `` you really need to get your butt over to london , '' simone says . `` it 's been way too long since you 've been home . '' `` and london misses you . maybe you and jake could come over for a holiday after the baby is born . '' `` you know what , '' i say , feeling uplifted at the thought . i could have my hen night in london . most of my friends i want at my hen are there , and i 'm sure carly and stuart would come over for it . '' jake and i have set the wedding for december . it wo n't be the summer wedding we were originally wanting , but neither of us wants to wait until next summer . more than anything i want to be jake 's wife . december gives me just enough time to lose my baby weight . `` speaking of london , '' simone says , her voice sounding tighter , `` i saw will last week . '' i turn my face to her and out of the therapist 's hands . my voice wobbles , giving me away . i have n't thought of will in a long time . i do n't let myself . because if i do , i remember how much i hurt him and how things were left the last time i saw him . she nods , eyeing me carefully . i compose my features to neutral . `` because this is the first chance i 've had . there 's always someone around . '' did he , um , ask about me ? '' i might have my face under control , but my mouth is set to give me away . but then , he would n't have , because , he , um ... well , he was n't alone when i saw him , tru . '' `` he 's seeing someone ? '' will is a really attractive guy . he 's smart and caring . is it wrong that i feel a spike of jealousy ? i look up at the ceiling . gritting my back teeth , i force a smile . i 'm really pleased for him . '' happy he 's happy . but it still stings , even though you feel you have no right for it to . '' i love how simone just gets me . god , i miss not seeing her every day . i 'm going to hate it when she 's gone in a few days . biting my lip , i ask my next question . `` is she anyone we know ? '' that clarification makes me feel better . if it were someone i knew , i would have felt weird . okay , weirder . `` she seemed real nice , tru , '' simone adds . this is exactly what i wanted for will . i wanted him to be happy with someone who deserves him . `` i 'm real glad he 's happy . '' `` and i actually mean that . '' simone turns her face back to the waiting therapist . curiosity gets the better of me every time . `` the complete opposite of you . blonde , small-chested , tall . '' `` peroxide , flat-chested , and lanky . she 's not good enough for him . '' simone flicks her gleaming eyes to me . `` you expect any less ? '' she smirks , and we both start laughing . dave is standing by the car as we exit the four seasons . he asks , opening the car door for us . i let simone climb in first . `` we had a fabulous day . '' `` well , the selection of cakes and fresh coffee that was brought out to me certainly brightened it up . thank you , tru . you 're a special kinda lady , you know that ? '' `` you 're a special kind of guy , dave . not many men would sit in a parking lot and wait six hours for me . '' i smile , giving his arm a pat . `` jake would . '' `` yeah , but he 's just as crazy as you are ! '' laughing , he helps me step up into the car and closes the door behind me with a firm clunk . i click my seat belt in just as dave gets in the driver 's side . `` denny 's to drop off simone , then straight home ? '' i kick my shoes off , still feeling all kinds of relaxed from my pampering , and settle back in my seat . i tune in to the music dave is listening to-pearl jam . `` ooh , is this the backspacer album ? '' `` how do you guess the album from just one song ? '' he gives me a quick look back . `` you 're a little scary , tru .
[["launch", 10], ["new", 20], ["york", 25], ["yorks", 25], ["publishing", 57], ["house", 63], ["jake", 76], ["jakes", 76], ["jaked", 76], ["fly", 93], ["flys", 93], ["flying", 93], ["meet", 124], ["meeted", 124], ["afterward", 149], ["come", 163], ["coming", 163], ["back", 168], ["la", 174], ["spend", 183], ["spends", 183], ["spendest", 183], ["day", 194], ["days", 194], ["see", 220], ["seen", 220], ["since", 230], ["left", 237], ["leave", 237], ["london", 244], ["course", 256], ["via", 275], ["skype", 281], ["lot", 321], ["lots", 321], ["shopping", 333], ["plan", 341], ["planned", 341], ["really", 378], ["need", 383], ["needest", 383], ["get", 390], ["butt", 400], ["butts", 400], ["buttest", 400], ["simone", 427], ["say", 432], ["sayest", 432], ["says", 432], ["way", 452], ["ways", 452], ["long", 461], ["longs", 461], ["home", 485], ["homing", 485], ["miss", 511], ["misses", 511], ["maybe", 523], ["come", 547], ["holiday", 566], ["holidays", 566], ["holidayed", 566], ["baby", 581], ["bore", 589], ["bear", 589], ["bearest", 589], ["born", 589], ["know", 606], ["knowest", 606], ["say", 622], ["sayest", 622], ["feel", 632], ["feeling", 632], ["uplifted", 641], ["think", 656], ["thought", 656], ["thinkest", 656], ["hen", 678], ["night", 684], ["friend", 715], ["friends", 715], ["sure", 758], ["carly", 764], ["stuart", 775], ["set", 823], ["wedding", 835], ["december", 848], ["wo", 856], ["summer", 874], ["summering", 874], ["originally", 901], ["neither", 923], ["wait", 943], ["waitest", 943], ["next", 954], ["anything", 982], ["wife", 1008], ["give", 1025], ["gives", 1025], ["enough", 1040], ["time", 1045], ["lose", 1053], ["weight", 1068], ["weighted", 1068], ["weightest", 1068], ["speak", 1082], ["spoken", 1082], ["speaking", 1082], ["voice", 1121], ["sound", 1130], ["sounding", 1130], ["see", 1149], ["saw", 1149], ["last", 1159], ["week", 1164], ["turn", 1176], ["face", 1184], ["therapist", 1216], ["hand", 1225], ["hands", 1225], ["wobble", 1244], ["wobbles", 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1961], ["gritting", 1961], ["tooth", 1975], ["teeth", 1975], ["force", 1985], ["smile", 1993], ["pleased", 2015], ["happy", 2034], ["still", 2061], ["sting", 2068], ["stung", 2068], ["stinging", 2068], ["stings", 2068], ["even", 2075], ["evens", 2075], ["though", 2082], ["right", 2109], ["rightest", 2109], ["love", 2131], ["get", 2152], ["gets", 2152], ["god", 2161], ["miss", 2170], ["every", 2191], ["day", 2195], ["go", 2208], ["goest", 2208], ["going", 2208], ["hate", 2216], ["hateed", 2216], ["go", 2236], ["goest", 2236], ["gone", 2236], ["bite", 2259], ["biting", 2259], ["lip", 2266], ["lipped", 2266], ["question", 2291], ["anyone", 2310], ["clarification", 2342], ["clarifications", 2342], ["well", 2363], ["wells", 2363], ["know", 2391], ["knowest", 2391], ["knew", 2391], ["feel", 2411], ["felt", 2411], ["weird", 2417], ["okay", 2424], ["weird", 2434], ["seem", 2450], ["seeming", 2450], ["seemed", 2450], ["reis", 2455], ["real", 2455], ["nice", 2460], ["add", 2483], ["adds", 2483], ["exactly", 2501], ["deserve", 2577], ["deserved", 2577], ["deserves", 2577], ["glad", 2601], ["mean", 2641], ["meanest", 2641], ["turn", 2664], ["turns", 2664], ["curiosity", 2715], ["complete", 2766], ["opposite", 2775], ["blonde", 2791], ["small", 2799], ["tall", 2814], ["peroxide", 2831], ["flat", 2838], ["lanky", 2858], ["good", 2876], ["flick", 2910], ["flickest", 2910], ["flicks", 2910], ["gleam", 2923], ["gleams", 2923], ["gleamed", 2923], ["gleamest", 2923], ["gleaming", 2923], ["eye", 2928], ["eyed", 2928], ["eyes", 2928], ["expect", 2950], ["less", 2959], ["smirk", 2975], ["smirks", 2975], ["start", 2995], ["laugh", 3004], ["laughing", 3004], ["dave", 3011], ["stood", 3023], ["stand", 3023], ["standest", 3023], ["standing", 3023], ["car", 3034], ["exit", 3045], ["exited", 3045], ["four", 3054], ["season", 3062], ["seasoning", 3062], ["seasonest", 3062], ["seasons", 3062], ["ask", 3072], ["asks", 3072], ["open", 3082], ["door", 3095], ["climb", 3123], ["fabulous", 3155], ["selection", 3188], ["cake", 3197], ["cakes", 3197], ["fresh", 3207], ["freshest", 3207], ["coffee", 3214], ["bring", 3231], ["brought", 3231], ["certainly", 3251], ["brighten", 3262], ["brightens", 3262], ["brightened", 3262], ["thank", 3276], ["thanks", 3276], ["thankest", 3276], ["special", 3306], ["kinda", 3312], ["kindas", 3312], ["lady", 3317], ["kind", 3364], ["many", 3389], ["man", 3393], ["mans", 3393], ["manned", 3393], ["men", 3393], ["sat", 3403], ["sit", 3403], ["parking", 3416], ["lot", 3420], ["six", 3433], ["hour", 3439], ["hours", 3439], ["arm", 3476], ["pat", 3482], ["yeah", 3511], ["crazy", 3537], ["help", 3573], ["helpest", 3573], ["helps", 3573], ["step", 3581], ["close", 3608], ["closes", 3608], ["behind", 3624], ["firm", 3639], ["clunk", 3645], ["click", 3655], ["seat", 3663], ["belt", 3668], ["belts", 3668], ["belted", 3668], ["belting", 3668], ["beltest", 3668], ["driver", 3703], ["side", 3711], ["sidest", 3711], ["denny", 3722], ["drop", 3733], ["straight", 3760], ["kick", 3777], ["shoe", 3786], ["shoed", 3786], ["shoes", 3786], ["kind", 3816], ["kinds", 3816], ["settle", 3858], ["tune", 3883], ["tuning", 3883], ["music", 3899], ["musics", 3899], ["listen", 3917], ["listens", 3917], ["listening", 3917], ["pearl", 3926], ["pearlest", 3926], ["jam", 3930], ["jams", 3930], ["jamed", 3930], ["jammed", 3930], ["jamming", 3930], ["ooh", 3939], ["oohing", 3939], ["backspacer", 3964], ["album", 3970], ["albums", 3970], ["guess", 3995], ["song", 4024], ["quick", 4049], ["little", 4081], ["scary", 4087]]
did he arrange to meet you again ? her daughter spoke briefly , yes , we are meeting next week . she left to go to her bedroom . mother looked after her hoping that ruth had taken fred as her friend , for no doubt he thought a lot of her daughter . the following saturday came too quickly for ruth for , having promised to see fred as her best friend , she was not too sure how she could handle the situation . she need not have worried for fred was a gentleman and so made sure he did not embarrass the girl . he kept up a lively conversation and never mentioned alex . they danced and ruth had to admit to herself that he was a very nice chap , and a good dancer ! fred was delighted as to how things were progressing but he knew that in her heart ruth still thought of her first love , alex . he was convinced however that given time he would win her love , providing he himself , was not posted away from winterbourne . the weeks went by and although the pair met every week , sometimes twice a week , ruth knew that fred could never take the place of alex ! she was determined therefore not to get too close to fred , although her mother was hoping that they would really get together . one night , after a walk around the fields , and at the end of a line , fred suddenly took ruth in his arms and kissed her passionately . ruth drew back , her mind a whirl , a little shaken by the sudden embrace by fred . fred also drew back , a little ashamed by his sudden action . sorry ruth ! im ashamed of myself , but ive been wanting to do that for weeks ! ruth had by this time recovered her composure and assured fred that his apology had been accepted . she did not however warn him against doing it again , for she had , after all , enjoyed the kiss ! they continued to meet but fred never again attempted to embrace and kiss her . ruth was a little disappointed because he didnt kiss her , but blamed herself for that . two weeks after the incident , fred came to the house to see her . ive come to tell you that i have been posted . i am off to barton stacey in two weeks time . i would like to thank you for being so nice to me during my stay here . i would also like to hope that alex will come back , for i know that you are still in love with him . i will still , however , call in to see you when i can . ruth was very upset ; she had lost her lover and now had lost her friend . thank heaven , she still had a job she loved and which kept her so busy that it would help her to forget alex and fred . when she told her mother , mrs rowden was very downcast , she had been hoping for weeks now that fred would be accepted as a replacement for alex and she told her daughter so in no uncertain terms . fred is a very nice chap and i think a lot about him , but he hasnt yet become really close to me , said ruth . of course he hasnt because you havent let him get close , retorted mrs rowden , given half a chance and he would be delighted to be your number one friend . ruth turned away , tears in her eyes , dropped her head and said , alright mother ! i dont want to hear any more about him or about alex . look dear , you have to face up to it ! alex is not coming back . he may think he has a perfectly good reason for not returning , and he may be right , but you cant go on just waiting and hoping . start a new life and when you hear from fred again , then encourage him . im sure you wont regret it . ruth looked at her mother then quietly left the room , her mind in a whirl . fred called into the village hall a few days later and was met by mrs rowden . hello fred ! are you all set for your move ? said mrs rowden , smiling at him . yes , mrs rowden , i am all packed to go ! its not far only about thirty miles or so , replied fred looking around , isnt ruth here tonight ? she is finishing some work at home but she shouldnt be long ! freds face looked so disappointed , that mrs rowden took pity on him . why dont you go over to see her at home , she will hurry it up then ? said mrs rowdon , hiding her delight . fred needed no second bidding . he rose quickly , grabbed his cap and with a nod of thanks , rushed out of the hall . soon he was knocking on the door of number 6 . he waited impatiently , then the door opened and there stood a surprised ruth , rooted to the spot . did mother send you over ? stammered ruth . yes , she said that you had some work to do but you would be nearly finished , so i came over . no , come in ! ive done enough work for tonight .
[["arrange", 14], ["arranging", 14], ["meet", 22], ["meeted", 22], ["daughter", 47], ["speak", 53], ["spoken", 53], ["spoke", 53], ["briefly", 61], ["yes", 67], ["meet", 84], ["meeted", 84], ["next", 89], ["week", 94], ["left", 105], ["leave", 105], ["go", 111], ["goest", 111], ["bedroom", 126], ["mother", 135], ["mothered", 135], ["motherest", 135], ["look", 142], ["looked", 142], ["hope", 159], ["hoping", 159], ["ruth", 169], ["take", 179], ["taken", 179], ["friend", 198], ["doubt", 213], ["think", 224], ["thinkest", 224], ["thought", 224], ["lot", 230], ["follow", 262], ["following", 262], ["saturday", 271], ["saturdays", 271], ["come", 276], ["came", 276], ["quickly", 288], ["promise", 319], ["promised", 319], ["see", 326], ["good", 343], ["best", 343], ["sure", 373], ["handle", 394], ["situation", 408], ["nee", 419], ["need", 419], ["worry", 436], ["worried", 436], ["gentleman", 461], ["embarrass", 499], ["embarrassed", 499], ["girl", 508], ["keep", 518], ["keepest", 518], ["kept", 518], ["lively", 530], ["conversation", 543], ["never", 553], ["mention", 563], ["mentioned", 563], ["alex", 568], ["dance", 582], ["danced", 582], ["admit", 604], ["nice", 639], ["chap", 644], ["chaps", 644], ["chapping", 644], ["good", 657], ["dancer", 664], ["delighted", 685], ["thing", 702], ["things", 702], ["progress", 719], ["progressing", 719], ["know", 731], ["knowest", 731], ["knew", 731], ["heart", 749], ["still", 760], ["first", 781], ["firstest", 781], ["love", 786], ["convince", 812], ["convinced", 812], ["convincing", 812], ["however", 820], ["give", 831], ["given", 831], ["time", 836], ["win", 849], ["provide", 870], ["providing", 870], ["post", 898], ["posted", 898], ["away", 903], ["winterbourne", 921], ["week", 933], ["weeks", 933], ["go", 938], ["goest", 938], ["went", 938], ["although", 954], ["pair", 963], ["pairs", 963], ["meet", 967], ["meeted", 967], ["met", 967], ["every", 973], ["twice", 996], ["take", 1042], ["place", 1052], ["determine", 1081], ["determined", 1081], ["therefore", 1091], ["get", 1102], ["close", 1112], ["really", 1176], ["together", 1189], ["night", 1201], ["walk", 1216], ["around", 1223], ["field", 1234], ["fielding", 1234], ["fields", 1234], ["end", 1251], ["ends", 1251], ["endest", 1251], ["line", 1261], ["suddenly", 1277], ["take", 1282], ["took", 1282], ["arm", 1299], ["arms", 1299], ["kiss", 1310], ["kisses", 1310], ["kissest", 1310], ["kissed", 1310], ["passionately", 1327], ["draw", 1339], ["draws", 1339], ["drawn", 1339], ["drew", 1339], ["back", 1344], ["mind", 1355], ["minding", 1355], ["whirl", 1363], ["whirls", 1363], ["little", 1374], ["shake", 1381], ["shaken", 1381], ["sudden", 1395], ["embrace", 1403], ["also", 1423], ["ashamed", 1452], ["action", 1473], ["sorry", 1481], ["recover", 1587], ["recovered", 1587], ["composure", 1601], ["assure", 1613], ["assured", 1613], ["apology", 1635], ["accept", 1653], ["accepted", 1653], ["warn", 1680], ["enjoy", 1743], ["enjoyed", 1743], ["kiss", 1752], ["kisses", 1752], ["kissest", 1752], ["continue", 1769], ["continued", 1769], ["fred", 1786], ["attempt", 1808], ["attempted", 1808], ["blame", 1904], ["blamest", 1904], ["blamed", 1904], ["two", 1927], ["twos", 1927], ["incident", 1952], ["house", 1977], ["come", 1999], ["tell", 2007], ["barton", 2056], ["stacey", 2063], ["like", 2096], ["thank", 2105], ["thanks", 2105], ["thankest", 2105], ["stay", 2148], ["hope", 2181], ["know", 2219], ["knowest", 2219], ["call", 2287], ["upset", 2334], ["lose", 2349], ["lost", 2349], ["lover", 2359], ["heaven", 2402], ["heavens", 2402], ["job", 2424], ["jobbing", 2424], ["love", 2434], ["loved", 2434], ["busy", 2461], ["busied", 2461], ["help", 2480], ["helpest", 2480], ["forget", 2494], ["forgot", 2494], ["tell", 2524], ["told", 2524], ["mrs", 2541], ["downcast", 2566], ["replacement", 2647], ["uncertain", 2701], ["term", 2707], ["terming", 2707], ["terms", 2707], ["think", 2746], ["thinkest", 2746], ["yet", 2781], ["become", 2788], ["say", 2814], ["sayest", 2814], ["said", 2814], ["course", 2831], ["let", 2863], ["lets", 2863], ["retort", 2888], ["retortest", 2888], ["retorted", 2888], ["half", 2912], ["chance", 2921], ["chanced", 2921], ["chancing", 2921], ["number", 2965], ["numbering", 2965], ["turn", 2990], ["turned", 2990], ["tear", 3003], ["teared", 3003], ["tears", 3003], ["eye", 3015], ["eyed", 3015], ["eyes", 3015], ["drop", 3025], ["dropped", 3025], ["head", 3034], ["alright", 3053], ["hear", 3082], ["hears", 3082], ["look", 3122], ["dear", 3127], ["dearest", 3127], ["face", 3146], ["come", 3176], ["coming", 3176], ["may", 3190], ["mays", 3190], ["mayest", 3190], ["perfectly", 3215], ["reason", 3227], ["reasonest", 3227], ["return", 3245], ["returnest", 3245], ["returning", 3245], ["right", 3267], ["rightest", 3267], ["wait", 3301], ["waitest", 3301], ["waiting", 3301], ["start", 3320], ["new", 3326], ["life", 3331], ["lifes", 3331], ["encourage", 3382], ["regret", 3412], ["quietly", 3456], ["room", 3470], ["roomed", 3470], ["call", 3506], ["called", 3506], ["village", 3523], ["hall", 3528], ["day", 3539], ["days", 3539], ["later", 3545], ["hello", 3579], ["hellos", 3579], ["set", 3602], ["move", 3616], ["smile", 3644], ["smiling", 3644], ["far", 3708], ["thirty", 3726], ["mile", 3732], ["miles", 3732], ["reply", 3748], ["replied", 3748], ["look", 3761], ["looking", 3761], ["tonight", 3793], ["finish", 3812], ["finishing", 3812], ["work", 3822], ["wrought", 3822], ["home", 3830], ["homing", 3830], ["long", 3855], ["longs", 3855], ["pity", 3919], ["hurry", 3985], ["hurried", 3985], ["hurryed", 3985], ["hurrying", 3985], ["hide", 4023], ["hides", 4023], ["delight", 4035], ["need", 4049], ["needest", 4049], ["needed", 4049], ["second", 4059], ["seconded", 4059], ["bidding", 4067], ["rise", 4077], ["risen", 4077], ["rose", 4077], ["grab", 4095], ["grabbed", 4095], ["cap", 4103], ["nod", 4118], ["thank", 4128], ["thanks", 4128], ["thankest", 4128], ["rush", 4137], ["rushed", 4137], ["soon", 4160], ["knock", 4176], ["knocks", 4176], ["knockest", 4176], ["knocking", 4176], ["door", 4188], ["wait", 4212], ["waitest", 4212], ["waited", 4212], ["impatiently", 4224], ["open", 4247], ["opened", 4247], ["stood", 4263], ["stand", 4263], ["standest", 4263], ["root", 4289], ["rooted", 4289], ["spot", 4301], ["send", 4319], ["nearly", 4415], ["finish", 4424], ["finished", 4424], ["enough", 4474]]
's nerves were shot to hell by the time they arrived at the looming stone house just a few miles from the city center . though on the fringe of the hustle and bustle of downtown , it was a quiet neighborhood with much more space between the homes . and the one whose garage he 'd driven into was huge . she oohed and made the appropriate noises of appreciation all the while trying her best to convey enough information that her team could find her . she probably sounded like a complete airhead with the way she parroted information , but damn it , she was scared . never before on a mission had she felt fear like this . if someone handed her a rifle right now she could n't hit the broad side of a barn . but then she 'd never been separated from her team . she 'd always had their backup and unwavering support . she was convinced that the a**hole had broken her bracelet on purpose , which meant she was in some pretty deep shit . if he suspected she was n't who she said she was or even if he just wanted to play it safe , it still left her without a huge safety net . and it meant he had some not-so-nice plans for her . at least she still had the patch on her arm so her teammates could hear her . `` you talk too damn much , '' nelson snapped as he herded her toward the door . she halted and made a show of getting huffy . `` then maybe you should just bring me back to my hotel . '' his hand curled around her nape and he all but shoved her inside the house . `` not going to happen , princess . '' she demanded as she tried to wrench herself free from his grasp . but his fingers pressed tighter into her flesh and he all but picked her up , dragging her into the spacious sitting room . he tossed her down onto the couch and then wrested the bottle of tequila from her hands . `` do n't even think about going anywhere , '' he threatened . she held up her hands hoping to hell they were n't shaking . no need to get so damn rough . are you into that kinky shit ? because let me say before things go too far that i 'm not . and if you are , then let 's just call it quits right now . '' he gave her a look that told her without words to shut up . she went silent and waited , every single second agonizing . he pulled out glasses that damn sure were n't shot glasses and he poured a liberal amount of tequila into both . a moment later he returned and shoved one of the glasses into her hand . maybe if she got him drunk enough she could toss his ass and be out of this . or maybe she could at least buy enough time for her team to come get her . either plan worked for her . she gulped down half the contents of the tequila , stopping before she risked puking it all back up . she wiped the back of her mouth with her hand as he finished off his . to her surprise he did n't get angry that she had n't drunk it all . he took the glass from her then touched her hair in a surprisingly gentle gesture . he gave her a look that seemed regretful . `` this is n't the way i wanted things to go down for the evening , but the boss saw you and he wanted you . not much i could do after that . '' her adrenaline shot up and her pulse started pounding like a jackhammer . despite her heightened anxiety and her increased pulse rate , the room was moving in slow motion . she tried to lift one of her arms and it felt like it was encased in lead . she accused , hoping she was n't so garbled that her team heard and knew it was time to yank the plug for this mission . nelson grimaced . `` i like my women to fight . drugging is the coward 's way out , but my boss gets off on knowing they 're completely helpless . '' he shrugged as he made his way over to where p.j . was precariously sagging toward the couch . `` i do n't mind a few scratches . makes it more exciting when i overpower them . '' sick bastards , '' she croaked . he put his hands on her shoulders to guide her to the couch and she cringed , trying to fight him off . she was as ineffectual as a kitten batting at a lion . he pushed her down to the couch and stuck his hand in the bodice of her dress , ripping downward . `` nice lingerie , '' he murmured as he stared down at the black lace bra and panties she wore . `` i 'll leave them on for the boss . he likes black . '' as he moved away she whispered brokenly , hoping her team would hear . `` please , please , you have to pull me out . i ca n't fight him off . please , he 's going to rape me . '' the sound of a door opening made her slowly move her head in that direction , hope alive that maybe they 'd come for her .
[["nerve", 9], ["nerves", 9], ["shoot", 19], ["shooted", 19], ["shot", 19], ["hell", 27], ["hells", 27], ["time", 39], ["arrive", 52], ["arrived", 52], ["loom", 67], ["loomed", 67], ["looming", 67], ["stone", 73], ["stoning", 73], ["house", 79], ["mile", 96], ["miles", 96], ["city", 110], ["center", 117], ["though", 126], ["fringe", 140], ["hustle", 154], ["bustle", 165], ["bustled", 165], ["bustling", 165], ["downtown", 177], ["downtowns", 177], ["quiet", 194], ["neighborhood", 207], ["much", 217], ["space", 228], ["spaced", 228], ["spacing", 228], ["home", 246], ["homing", 246], ["homes", 246], ["whose", 266], ["garage", 273], ["drive", 286], ["driven", 286], ["huge", 300], ["ooh", 312], ["oohing", 312], ["appropriate", 337], ["appropriates", 337], ["noise", 344], ["noises", 344], ["appreciation", 360], ["try", 381], ["tryed", 381], ["trying", 381], ["good", 390], ["best", 390], ["convey", 400], ["conveyest", 400], ["enough", 407], ["information", 419], ["team", 433], ["teamed", 433], ["teaming", 433], ["find", 444], ["probably", 463], ["sound", 471], ["sounded", 471], ["like", 476], ["complete", 487], ["airhead", 495], ["way", 508], ["ways", 508], ["parrot", 521], ["parroted", 521], ["damn", 544], ["damned", 544], ["never", 572], ["mission", 592], ["feel", 605], ["felt", 605], ["fear", 610], ["fearest", 610], ["hand", 640], ["handed", 640], ["rifle", 652], ["right", 658], ["rightest", 658], ["hit", 680], ["broad", 690], ["broads", 690], ["side", 695], ["sidest", 695], ["barn", 705], ["separate", 744], ["separated", 744], ["always", 774], ["backup", 791], ["support", 814], ["convince", 834], ["convinced", 834], ["convincing", 834], ["break", 862], ["broke", 862], ["broken", 862], ["bracelet", 875], ["purpose", 886], ["mean", 900], ["meanest", 900], ["meant", 900], ["pretty", 923], ["prettiest", 923], ["deep", 928], ["deeply", 928], ["shit", 933], ["suspect", 951], ["suspected", 951], ["say", 976], ["sayest", 976], ["said", 976], ["even", 992], ["evens", 992], ["play", 1018], ["playest", 1018], ["safe", 1026], ["safes", 1026], ["safed", 1026], ["still", 1037], ["left", 1042], ["leave", 1042], ["without", 1054], ["safety", 1068], ["net", 1072], ["nice", 1111], ["plan", 1117], ["plans", 1117], ["least", 1136], ["leastest", 1136], ["patch", 1160], ["patching", 1160], ["arm", 1171], ["teammate", 1188], ["teammates", 1188], ["hear", 1199], ["hears", 1199], ["talk", 1217], ["nelson", 1243], ["snap", 1251], ["snapping", 1251], ["snapped", 1251], ["herd", 1264], ["herdest", 1264], ["herding", 1264], ["herded", 1264], ["toward", 1275], ["door", 1284], ["halt", 1297], ["halts", 1297], ["haltest", 1297], ["halted", 1297], ["show", 1313], ["get", 1324], ["getting", 1324], ["huffy", 1330], ["maybe", 1346], ["bring", 1368], ["back", 1376], ["hotel", 1388], ["hand", 1402], ["curl", 1409], ["curls", 1409], ["curled", 1409], ["around", 1416], ["nape", 1425], ["shove", 1447], ["shoved", 1447], ["inside", 1458], ["go", 1483], ["goest", 1483], ["going", 1483], ["happen", 1493], ["princess", 1504], ["demand", 1522], ["demandest", 1522], ["demanded", 1522], ["try", 1535], ["tryed", 1535], ["tried", 1535], ["wrench", 1545], ["free", 1558], ["grasp", 1573], ["grasped", 1573], ["grasping", 1573], ["finger", 1591], ["fingers", 1591], ["press", 1599], ["pressed", 1599], ["flesh", 1622], ["fleshest", 1622], ["pick", 1644], ["picked", 1644], ["drag", 1662], ["dragging", 1662], ["spacious", 1684], ["sittings", 1692], ["room", 1697], ["roomed", 1697], ["toss", 1709], ["tossed", 1709], ["onto", 1723], ["ontos", 1723], ["couch", 1733], ["couchest", 1733], ["wrest", 1750], ["wresting", 1750], ["wrested", 1750], ["bottle", 1761], ["bottled", 1761], ["tequila", 1772], ["tequilas", 1772], ["hand", 1787], ["hands", 1787], ["think", 1810], ["thinkest", 1810], ["anywhere", 1831], ["threaten", 1850], ["threatened", 1850], ["hold", 1861], ["held", 1861], ["hope", 1881], ["hoping", 1881], ["shake", 1911], ["shaking", 1911], ["need", 1921], ["needest", 1921], ["get", 1928], ["rough", 1942], ["roughs", 1942], ["roughest", 1942], ["roughing", 1942], ["kinky", 1968], ["let", 1987], ["lets", 1987], ["say", 1994], ["sayest", 1994], ["thing", 2008], ["things", 2008], ["go", 2011], ["goest", 2011], ["far", 2019], ["call", 2074], ["quit", 2083], ["quits", 2083], ["quitting", 2083], ["give", 2106], ["gave", 2106], ["look", 2117], ["tell", 2127], ["told", 2127], ["word", 2145], ["words", 2145], ["shut", 2153], ["go", 2167], ["goest", 2167], ["went", 2167], ["silent", 2174], ["wait", 2185], ["waitest", 2185], ["waited", 2185], ["every", 2193], ["single", 2200], ["second", 2207], ["seconded", 2207], ["agonizing", 2217], ["pull", 2229], ["pulled", 2229], ["glass", 2241], ["glasses", 2241], ["sure", 2256], ["pour", 2292], ["poured", 2292], ["liberal", 2302], ["amount", 2309], ["moment", 2341], ["later", 2347], ["return", 2359], ["returnest", 2359], ["returned", 2359], ["get", 2422], ["got", 2422], ["drunk", 2432], ["drank", 2432], ["drink", 2432], ["drinking", 2432], ["toss", 2454], ["ass", 2462], ["buy", 2515], ["buyed", 2515], ["come", 2548], ["either", 2565], ["plan", 2570], ["work", 2577], ["wrought", 2577], ["worked", 2577], ["gulp", 2598], ["gulps", 2598], ["gulped", 2598], ["half", 2608], ["content", 2621], ["contenting", 2621], ["contents", 2621], ["stop", 2647], ["stopping", 2647], ["risk", 2665], ["riskest", 2665], ["risked", 2665], ["puke", 2672], ["puking", 2672], ["wipe", 2699], ["wiped", 2699], ["mouth", 2721], ["mouthed", 2721], ["finish", 2750], ["finished", 2750], ["surprise", 2776], ["surprised", 2776], ["angry", 2797], ["take", 2837], ["took", 2837], ["glass", 2847], ["touch", 2869], ["touching", 2869], ["touched", 2869], ["hair", 2878], ["surprisingly", 2896], ["gentle", 2903], ["gentler", 2903], ["gesture", 2911], ["seem", 2944], ["seeming", 2944], ["seemed", 2944], ["regretful", 2954], ["evening", 3022], ["boss", 3037], ["see", 3041], ["saw", 3041], ["adrenaline", 3116], ["pulse", 3138], ["start", 3146], ["started", 3146], ["pound", 3155], ["pounding", 3155], ["jackhammer", 3173], ["despite", 3183], ["heighten", 3198], ["heightens", 3198], ["heightened", 3198], ["anxiety", 3206], ["increase", 3224], ["increased", 3224], ["rate", 3235], ["move", 3257], ["moving", 3257], ["slow", 3265], ["motion", 3272], ["lift", 3292], ["arm", 3308], ["arms", 3308], ["encase", 3340], ["encased", 3340], ["lead", 3348], ["leaded", 3348], ["accuse", 3362], ["accused", 3362], ["garble", 3394], ["garbles", 3394], ["garbled", 3394], ["hear", 3414], ["hears", 3414], ["heard", 3414], ["know", 3423], ["knowest", 3423], ["knew", 3423], ["yank", 3443], ["yanks", 3443], ["yanked", 3443], ["plug", 3452], ["grimace", 3487], ["grimacing", 3487], ["grimaced", 3487], ["woman", 3508], ["womans", 3508], ["women", 3508], ["fight", 3517], ["fightest", 3517], ["drug", 3528], ["drugging", 3528], ["coward", 3542], ["get", 3572], ["gets", 3572], ["know", 3587], ["knowest", 3587], ["knowing", 3587], ["completely", 3607], ["helpless", 3616], ["shrug", 3633], ["shrugging", 3633], ["shrugged", 3633], ["precariously", 3689], ["sag", 3697], ["sagging", 3697], ["mind", 3733], ["minding", 3733], ["scratch", 3749], ["scratched", 3749], ["scratching", 3749], ["scratches", 3749], ["exciting", 3774], ["overpower", 3791], ["sick", 3806], ["bastard", 3815], ["bastards", 3815], ["croak", 3832], ["croaks", 3832], ["croakest", 3832], ["croaked", 3832], ["put", 3841], ["shoulder", 3868], ["shouldered", 3868], ["shoulders", 3868], ["guide", 3877], ["cringe", 3910], ["cringing", 3910], ["ineffectual", 3961], ["kitten", 3973], ["kittens", 3973], ["kittening", 3973], ["batting", 3981], ["lion", 3991], ["push", 4003], ["pushed", 4003], ["stick", 4035], ["stickest", 4035], ["stuck", 4035], ["bodice", 4058], ["dress", 4071], ["dressest", 4071], ["rip", 4081], ["ripping", 4081], ["downward", 4090], ["downwards", 4090], ["lingerie", 4109], ["murmur", 4126], ["murmurest", 4126], ["murmured", 4126], ["stare", 4139], ["stared", 4139], ["black", 4157], ["lace", 4162], ["bra", 4166], ["bras", 4166], ["pantie", 4178], ["panties", 4178], ["wear", 4187], ["wore", 4187], ["left", 4204], ["leave", 4204], ["like", 4236], ["likes", 4236], ["move", 4259], ["moved", 4259], ["away", 4264], ["whisper", 4278], ["whispered", 4278], ["brokenly", 4287], ["please", 4328], ["pull", 4356], ["ca", 4370], ["cas", 4370], ["rape", 4419], ["sound", 4437], ["opening", 4455], ["slowly", 4471], ["move", 4476], ["head", 4485], ["direction", 4503], ["hope", 4510], ["alive", 4516]]
`` but we did n't wait to see if it might come to that . the governor , he went red as a turkey-cock when the men there with him hesitated . he stood up in his stirrups with his sword held on high , glared round at us all , and he hollered out , 'fire , goddamn you ! fire on them , or on me ! ' `` the narrator put a good deal of enthusiasm into this re-enactment , and there was a murmur of admiration from his hearers . `` now there 's a soldier for ye ! '' said one voice , followed by a general rumble of agreement . `` so we fired , '' said the narrator , a faint shrug in his voice . `` did n't take so long , once it started . cousin millard is right fast , it seems , once he 's started running . bastard got clean away . '' more laughter at this , and i smiled , patting david 's shoulder . he was listening , too , the conversation a welcome distraction . `` no sir , '' another agreed . `` i reckon tryon means to make sure of his victory this time . heard he 's gone to hang the leaders of the regulation on the field . '' i whirled round at this , bandage still in hand . the small group of men blinked up at me , surprised . `` yes , ma'am , '' said one man , with an awkward tug at the brim of his hat . `` a fellow from lillington 's brigade told me so ; he was off to see the fun . '' `` fun , '' muttered another of the men , and crossed himself . `` shame if he hangs the quaker , '' another opined , face shadowed . `` old husband 's a right terror in print , but he ai n't a ruffian . nor are james hunter or ninian hamilton . '' `` perhaps he 'll hang cousin millard , '' another suggested , nudging his neighbor with a grin . `` then you 'll be rid of him and your wife can blame the governor ! '' there was a chorus of laughter at this , but the tone was subdued . i turned back to my work , concentrating fiercely to blot out the picture of what was now happening on the field of war . war was bad enough , even when it was necessary . cold-blooded revenge by the victor was one degree beyond . and yet from tryon 's point of view , that might be necessary , too . as battles went , this one had been both quick , and relatively minor in terms of casualty . i had only twenty or so wounded in my keeping , and had seen only one fatality . there would be more elsewhere , of course , yet from the comments of those nearby , it had been a rout , but not a slaughter , the militiamen being largely unenthusiastic about butchering their fellow citizens , cousins or not . that meant that most of the men of the regulation survived unharmed . i supposed that the governor might feel that a drastic gesture was required , to seal his victory , intimidate the survivors , and stamp once and for all on the long-smoldering wick of that dangerous movement . there was a stir , and the sound of a horse 's hooves . i looked up-next to me , bree 's head jerked up , her body tense-to see jamie returning , riding double with murdo lindsay . both men slid off , and he sent murdo away with a word to care for gideon , then came at once to me . i could see from the anxious look of his face that he had no word of roger ; he glanced at my face and saw the answer to his own question there . his shoulders dropped slightly in discouragement , then straightened , stiffening . `` i will go to search the field , '' he said to me , low-voiced . `` i have sent word already , through the companies . if he is brought in anywhere , someone will bring us word . '' brianna was already taking off her grubby apron , wadding it into a ball . jamie glanced at her , then nodded . `` aye , lass , of course . just a moment , then-i 'll fetch wee josh to help your mother . '' `` i 'll get-get the horses ready . '' her movements were quick and jerky , without her usual athletic grace , and she dropped the water bottle she was holding , fumbling several times before she succeeded in retrieving it . i took it from her before she could drop it again , and squeezed her hand , hard . the corner of her mouth trembled as she looked at me ; i thought she meant it for a smile . `` yes , '' i said , and let go her hand . i watched her hurry across the clearing , hands clenched in her raised skirts , and felt the counterweight of fear come loose , plunging like a stone into my belly .
[["wait", 22], ["waitest", 22], ["see", 29], ["may", 41], ["mays", 41], ["mayest", 41], ["might", 41], ["come", 46], ["governor", 69], ["go", 79], ["goest", 79], ["went", 79], ["red", 83], ["turkey", 95], ["cock", 100], ["cockest", 100], ["man", 113], ["mans", 113], ["manned", 113], ["men", 113], ["hesitate", 138], ["hesitated", 138], ["stood", 149], ["stand", 149], ["standest", 149], ["stirrup", 168], ["stirrups", 168], ["sword", 183], ["hold", 188], ["held", 188], ["high", 196], ["glare", 205], ["glared", 205], ["round", 211], ["holler", 239], ["hollering", 239], ["fire", 251], ["goddamn", 261], ["narrator", 311], ["put", 315], ["good", 322], ["deal", 327], ["enthusiasm", 341], ["enactment", 364], ["murmur", 389], ["murmurest", 389], ["admiration", 403], ["hearers", 420], ["soldier", 448], ["soldiered", 448], ["ye", 455], ["yed", 455], ["say", 465], ["sayest", 465], ["said", 465], ["voice", 475], ["follow", 486], ["followed", 486], ["general", 499], ["rumble", 506], ["rumbles", 506], ["agreement", 519], ["fire", 536], ["fired", 536], ["faint", 569], ["shrug", 575], ["shrugging", 575], ["take", 606], ["long", 614], ["longs", 614], ["start", 632], ["started", 632], ["cousin", 641], ["right", 658], ["rightest", 658], ["fast", 663], ["seem", 674], ["seeming", 674], ["seems", 674], ["run", 703], ["running", 703], ["bastard", 713], ["get", 717], ["got", 717], ["clean", 723], ["cleans", 723], ["away", 728], ["laughter", 747], ["smile", 770], ["smiled", 770], ["pat", 780], ["patting", 780], ["david", 786], ["davids", 786], ["shoulder", 798], ["shouldered", 798], ["listen", 817], ["listens", 817], ["listening", 817], ["conversation", 842], ["welcome", 852], ["distraction", 864], ["sir", 876], ["sirs", 876], ["another", 889], ["agree", 896], ["agreed", 896], ["reckon", 910], ["tryon", 916], ["mean", 922], ["meanest", 922], ["means", 922], ["sure", 935], ["victory", 950], ["time", 960], ["hear", 968], ["hears", 968], ["heard", 968], ["go", 979], ["goest", 979], ["gone", 979], ["hung", 987], ["hang", 987], ["hangs", 987], ["leader", 999], ["leaders", 999], ["regulation", 1017], ["field", 1030], ["fielding", 1030], ["whirl", 1045], ["whirls", 1045], ["whirled", 1045], ["bandage", 1069], ["still", 1075], ["hand", 1083], ["small", 1095], ["group", 1101], ["blink", 1116], ["blinked", 1116], ["yes", 1146], ["madam", 1154], ["madams", 1154], ["man", 1172], ["mans", 1172], ["manned", 1172], ["awkward", 1190], ["tug", 1194], ["tugging", 1194], ["brim", 1206], ["hat", 1217], ["hatting", 1217], ["fellow", 1231], ["brigade", 1258], ["tell", 1263], ["told", 1263], ["fun", 1297], ["mutter", 1323], ["mutterest", 1323], ["muttering", 1323], ["muttered", 1323], ["cross", 1356], ["crossing", 1356], ["crossed", 1356], ["shame", 1375], ["shamed", 1375], ["hung", 1387], ["hang", 1387], ["hangs", 1387], ["quaker", 1398], ["opine", 1418], ["opined", 1418], ["face", 1425], ["shadow", 1434], ["shadowed", 1434], ["old", 1443], ["husband", 1451], ["husbanding", 1451], ["terror", 1469], ["terrors", 1469], ["print", 1478], ["ai", 1490], ["ruffian", 1504], ["jameses", 1520], ["hunter", 1527], ["ninian", 1537], ["hamilton", 1546], ["perhaps", 1562], ["suggest", 1612], ["suggested", 1612], ["nudge", 1622], ["nudges", 1622], ["nudging", 1622], ["neighbor", 1635], ["grin", 1647], ["rid", 1672], ["wife", 1693], ["blame", 1703], ["blamest", 1703], ["chorus", 1740], ["tone", 1775], ["toned", 1775], ["toning", 1775], ["subdue", 1787], ["subdued", 1787], ["turn", 1798], ["turned", 1798], ["back", 1803], ["work", 1814], ["wrought", 1814], ["concentrate", 1830], ["concentrated", 1830], ["concentrates", 1830], ["concentrating", 1830], ["fiercely", 1839], ["blot", 1847], ["picture", 1863], ["happen", 1889], ["happening", 1889], ["war", 1909], ["bad", 1923], ["enough", 1930], ["even", 1937], ["evens", 1937], ["necessary", 1959], ["cold", 1966], ["revenge", 1982], ["victor", 1996], ["degree", 2011], ["beyond", 2018], ["yet", 2028], ["point", 2048], ["view", 2056], ["viewest", 2056], ["battle", 2101], ["battles", 2101], ["quick", 2137], ["relatively", 2154], ["minor", 2160], ["term", 2169], ["terming", 2169], ["terms", 2169], ["casualty", 2181], ["twenty", 2201], ["wind", 2215], ["wound", 2215], ["wounding", 2215], ["wounded", 2215], ["see", 2244], ["seen", 2244], ["fatality", 2262], ["elsewhere", 2294], ["course", 2306], ["comment", 2330], ["comments", 2330], ["nearby", 2346], ["rout", 2367], ["slaughter", 2389], ["slaughters", 2389], ["militiaman", 2406], ["militiamen", 2406], ["largely", 2420], ["unenthusiastic", 2435], ["butcher", 2452], ["butchered", 2452], ["butchering", 2452], ["citizen", 2474], ["citizens", 2474], ["cousin", 2484], ["cousins", 2484], ["mean", 2504], ["meanest", 2504], ["meant", 2504], ["survive", 2552], ["survived", 2552], ["unharmed", 2561], ["suppose", 2574], ["supposed", 2574], ["feel", 2603], ["drastic", 2618], ["gesture", 2626], ["require", 2639], ["required", 2639], ["seal", 2649], ["intimidate", 2674], ["survivor", 2688], ["survivors", 2688], ["stamp", 2700], ["smolder", 2740], ["smoldering", 2740], ["wick", 2745], ["dangerous", 2763], ["movement", 2772], ["stir", 2791], ["stirs", 2791], ["sound", 2807], ["horse", 2818], ["horsed", 2818], ["hoof", 2828], ["hoofs", 2828], ["hooves", 2828], ["look", 2839], ["looked", 2839], ["next", 2847], ["bree", 2860], ["brees", 2860], ["head", 2868], ["jerk", 2875], ["jerks", 2875], ["jerked", 2875], ["body", 2889], ["bodied", 2889], ["tense", 2895], ["jamie", 2908], ["return", 2918], ["returnest", 2918], ["returning", 2918], ["rode", 2927], ["riding", 2927], ["double", 2934], ["murdo", 2945], ["lindsay", 2953], ["slid", 2969], ["send", 2987], ["sent", 2987], ["word", 3010], ["care", 3018], ["gideon", 3029], ["come", 3041], ["came", 3041], ["anxious", 3086], ["anxiousest", 3086], ["look", 3091], ["roger", 3132], ["rogers", 3132], ["glance", 3145], ["glanced", 3145], ["see", 3164], ["saw", 3164], ["answer", 3175], ["answeres", 3175], ["answerest", 3175], ["question", 3195], ["shoulder", 3217], ["shouldered", 3217], ["shoulders", 3217], ["drop", 3225], ["dropped", 3225], ["slightly", 3234], ["discouragement", 3252], ["straighten", 3272], ["straightened", 3272], ["stiffen", 3285], ["stiffens", 3285], ["stiffening", 3285], ["go", 3300], ["goest", 3300], ["search", 3310], ["low", 3345], ["lowed", 3345], ["already", 3382], ["company", 3406], ["companys", 3406], ["companying", 3406], ["companies", 3406], ["bring", 3425], ["brought", 3425], ["anywhere", 3437], ["bring", 3458], ["brianna", 3479], ["take", 3498], ["taking", 3498], ["grubby", 3513], ["apron", 3519], ["wad", 3529], ["wads", 3529], ["wadding", 3529], ["ball", 3544], ["nod", 3581], ["nodded", 3581], ["aye", 3590], ["ayes", 3590], ["lass", 3597], ["moment", 3625], ["fetch", 3644], ["wee", 3648], ["weest", 3648], ["josh", 3653], ["joshing", 3653], ["help", 3661], ["helpest", 3661], ["mother", 3673], ["mothered", 3673], ["motherest", 3673], ["get", 3691], ["horse", 3706], ["horsed", 3706], ["horses", 3706], ["ready", 3712], ["movement", 3731], ["movements", 3731], ["jerky", 3752], ["without", 3762], ["usual", 3772], ["athletic", 3781], ["athletics", 3781], ["grace", 3787], ["water", 3815], ["bottle", 3822], ["bottled", 3822], ["hold", 3838], ["holding", 3838], ["fumble", 3849], ["fumbling", 3849], ["several", 3857], ["time", 3863], ["times", 3863], ["succeed", 3884], ["succeedest", 3884], ["succeeded", 3884], ["retrieve", 3898], ["retrieving", 3898], ["take", 3910], ["took", 3910], ["drop", 3944], ["squeeze", 3968], ["squeezes", 3968], ["squeezed", 3968], ["hard", 3984], ["corner", 3997], ["mouth", 4010], ["mouthed", 4010], ["tremble", 4019], ["trembles", 4019], ["trembled", 4019], ["think", 4051], ["thinkest", 4051], ["thought", 4051], ["smile", 4076], ["let", 4107], ["lets", 4107], ["watch", 4131], ["watched", 4131], ["hurry", 4141], ["hurried", 4141], ["hurryed", 4141], ["hurrying", 4141], ["across", 4148], ["clearing", 4161], ["hand", 4169], ["hands", 4169], ["clench", 4178], ["clenched", 4178], ["raise", 4192], ["raised", 4192], ["skirt", 4199], ["skirts", 4199], ["feel", 4210], ["felt", 4210], ["counterweight", 4228], ["counterweights", 4228], ["fear", 4236], ["fearest", 4236], ["loose", 4247], ["looser", 4247], ["plunge", 4258], ["plunging", 4258], ["like", 4263], ["stone", 4271], ["stoning", 4271], ["belly", 4285], ["bellied", 4285]]
but after more thought on the matter , he decides it is perfect after all . a local coin should be used for a local decision . heads-honda , tails-daewoo , he says , speaking to himself as he would to another person . its healthy to talk , even if to yourself , maria had once told him , long before he had climbed on the plane for saudi and long before hed had a chance to completely destroy himself with a sealed voice . as with most of her advice he took it to heart , and he often walked around the flat or in the desert telling himself things about himself that were positive . good job , he would say . youre a strong man . youre beautiful , and many other lovely phrases to hear when youre alone . nice noise , your own soft voice that is , when it has something good to say . why quiet , teechr ? dont like loud noise . is bad for the ears . like to hear truth . after snatching the coin from the dresser , raife returns to the open area at the foot of the bed where hell toss the coin in the air and watch as it turns over and over and then plop back into his hand . its perfect , he realizes . use a local coin . flipping a coin is the default action to be used in selecting a car after his criterion of sound failed him . hes been struggling all evening over a choice between cars , a honda civic and a daewoo : which to buy . its a decision that needs to be made soon , since everyone on campus will be leaving for the summer and there will be no more rides to school , to town , to find a car . its one of these or wait hot sweaty waiting in hundred-plus degree heat and hundred-percent humidity . but which to buy is the problem , and by now his brain is mush . hes torn between variables and methods , between this and that , between but this and but that , on and on , around and around hes gone circles getting smaller , speeds getting faster , no answers coming and he doesnt know what to do . probability theory was useless . for one thing , more and more possible variables kept appearing in the equation and things were getting far too complex . for another , there was the inevitable fact that the future was ultimately impossible to predict anyway , including the likelihood of any of the individual variables ever becoming a reality . so he stands at the foot of an empty bed ready to flip a coin , aware that the probability of any one answer appearing is 50 % , or fair enough . it is the final recourse to solve the impossible decision , the car-buying decision that always , always-always , drives him mad . using the noise criterion in this case hasnt helped ; each car makes about the same amount of noise . heads-honda , tails-daewoo , and he stopsssssssss . which side is heads ? what means the truth , teechr ? uhone word at a time . he examines the saudi coin carefully . on one side is the same symbol he has seen before , what looks like a palm tree under which are two swords . above and below is a beautiful script . on the other side is the number fifty in arabic , underneath which is the date in arabic . above that is more lovely script and between the numbers is a small circle with more arabic script inside . so which is heads and which is tails ? he retrieves his american quarter . on one side is a head and on the other is a tree . this is a connecticut quarter . he compares the two coins . the value of the coin on the american quarter is written on the head side , thus using that criterion , he guesses the side of the saudi coin with the value must be the head side . but surely it isnt appropriate to use one cultures criteria to evaluate another cultures coins , one cultures criteria to evaluate another cultures actions , or beliefs . which is why criteria was such a useful word . one could always look below the surface of any bottom for yet another bottom . and there was no bottom . he decides to flip the american coin to determine the heads or tails of the local coin , though even that is based upon the criterion of equal probability , maybe not even a local value . maybe the chance isnt fifty percent , but it only seems that way when you perform an experiment a number of times and the answer is always the same . but whos to say inductive experiment ultimately proves the deductive proposition ? can one ever prove anything ? he recalls what they told him in grad school : no but in four hundred and fifty trillion words . after deciding arbitrarily which are the heads and tails of the local coin , raife flips it . over and over it turns , in the air light glitters , six of one , half dozen of the other , it all comes out in the wash. thud . on the carpet it falls : tails . seems reasonable enough , the daewoo .
[["thought", 22], ["matter", 36], ["mattering", 36], ["decide", 49], ["decides", 49], ["perfect", 63], ["perfectest", 63], ["local", 83], ["coin", 88], ["use", 103], ["used", 103], ["decision", 124], ["honda", 138], ["hondas", 138], ["tail", 146], ["tailed", 146], ["tails", 146], ["daewoo", 153], ["say", 163], ["sayest", 163], ["says", 163], ["speak", 174], ["spoken", 174], ["speaking", 174], ["another", 208], ["person", 215], ["healthy", 229], ["talk", 237], ["even", 244], ["evens", 244], ["maria", 267], ["tell", 281], ["told", 281], ["long", 292], ["longs", 292], ["climb", 314], ["climbed", 314], ["plane", 327], ["saudi", 337], ["saudis", 337], ["chance", 370], ["chanced", 370], ["chancing", 370], ["completely", 384], ["destroy", 392], ["destroys", 392], ["seal", 414], ["sealed", 414], ["voice", 420], ["advice", 449], ["take", 457], ["took", 457], ["heart", 469], ["often", 484], ["walk", 491], ["walked", 491], ["around", 498], ["flat", 507], ["desert", 524], ["tell", 532], ["telling", 532], ["thing", 547], ["things", 547], ["positive", 580], ["good", 587], ["job", 591], ["jobbing", 591], ["say", 606], ["sayest", 606], ["strong", 623], ["man", 627], ["mans", 627], ["manned", 627], ["beautiful", 645], ["beautifulest", 645], ["many", 656], ["lovely", 669], ["lovelier", 669], ["phrase", 677], ["phrasing", 677], ["phrases", 677], ["hear", 685], ["hears", 685], ["alone", 702], ["nice", 709], ["noise", 715], ["soft", 731], ["quiet", 793], ["like", 814], ["loud", 819], ["bad", 834], ["ear", 847], ["ears", 847], ["truth", 868], ["snatch", 886], ["snatches", 886], ["snatching", 886], ["dresser", 912], ["return", 928], ["returnest", 928], ["returns", 928], ["open", 940], ["area", 945], ["foot", 957], ["bed", 968], ["hell", 979], ["hells", 979], ["toss", 984], ["air", 1004], ["airs", 1004], ["airing", 1004], ["watch", 1014], ["turn", 1026], ["turns", 1026], ["plop", 1054], ["back", 1059], ["hand", 1073], ["realize", 1101], ["realizes", 1101], ["use", 1107], ["flip", 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["cultures", 3571], ["criterion", 3580], ["criteria", 3580], ["evaluate", 3592], ["action", 3676], ["actions", 3676], ["belief", 3689], ["beliefs", 3689], ["useful", 3731], ["look", 3760], ["surface", 3778], ["bottom", 3792], ["bottoming", 3792], ["yet", 3800], ["determine", 3893], ["though", 3939], ["base", 3958], ["basest", 3958], ["based", 3958], ["upon", 3963], ["equal", 3986], ["maybe", 4006], ["seem", 4087], ["seeming", 4087], ["seems", 4087], ["way", 4096], ["ways", 4096], ["perform", 4113], ["performest", 4113], ["experiment", 4127], ["time", 4145], ["times", 4145], ["inductive", 4207], ["prof", 4236], ["prove", 4236], ["proves", 4236], ["deductive", 4250], ["proposition", 4262], ["prof", 4283], ["prove", 4283], ["anything", 4292], ["recall", 4305], ["recallest", 4305], ["recalls", 4305], ["grad", 4332], ["four", 4356], ["trillion", 4383], ["word", 4389], ["words", 4389], ["decide", 4406], ["deciding", 4406], ["arbitrarily", 4418], ["flip", 4480], ["flipping", 4480], ["flips", 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we had learned to live with each other , we had survived other people , and evaded the evils of the mass reichians living above us . this had been our test with nature . and we were the ones who had passed the test . we were the ones who had made it ! the applause from the crowd was thunderous . they roared and roared and cheered fabulous approval to the scientist , to michelle , and to me . it was only then that i realised i hadnt even listened to the rest of the scientists speech either ! even after i said i would . [ sorry again . ] but i had a feeling id made a speech of my own . and , i couldnt help wondering , wasnt this the speech my son of the future , with the same genes , inheritance and character , would have made also ? my mind had been elsewhere . the teacher , the unifier , raised his hand for a moment of quiet . when the crowd ceased from cheering and applauding , he raised his other hand too . but it wasnt empty . not an open palm to show peace , but a fist . not for fighting though , for something else . you could tell by his face . he had that warm eureka about him . as if a final solution had come to him after a long and puzzling time . and , knowing who the scientist is , you knew it would be for something good . something very good , judging by his smile . although , what he held puzzled us all . it was the dead strand of software hed picked up earlier . but he wasnt fazed , not anymore , so why should we be ? it looked like a tangle of web , but it was made from millions of computer commands that had escaped during the outbreak . and here it was , in his hand , having fallen in the computer dead zone known as the underworld , lying inert for years and years until the scientist had picked it up at random and popped it into his pocket in a moment of foresight . and now the time had come to show us why . just bear with me for a second or two , everyone , he said . i have a little notion to put to the test . i have a feeling we need never worry about feeding ourselves again , nor worry where the next pair of socks is coming from . i believe , he said , sticking his finger into its mass and having a tweak here and there , that there is a silver lining in every cloud . i dont believe , he said , using an electric pencil to tweak a little bit more with the odd electric ping and ting shooting through the fibre , that the outbreak of 2278 was either a disaster to befall our world , or the ending of all things good . i do believe , he said , giving a final stab to the tail of the coil , that the eco-outbreak may just have saved our lives . the final electric impulse passed from one end to the shivering next and the coil suddenly flared into light . the thing wasnt dead after all ! we didnt know if this would be another fireworks display to change our lives again , or just a magic trick to entertain us . but we trusted the scientist wholly . we were sure it was something more than just entertainment . we just didnt know what . the scientist , forever a man of mystery and surprises , [ even to me ] , then made the entire underworld gasp in astonishment , again . first he said , i believe , my friends , the gentle ageians have not only given us a new future with their technology and time travel . i believe they have also given us ... and then ! he bit into the glowing computer stream . he put the rope in his mouth and ground his teeth into it . then he pulled a piece off and started to chew . hang on a tic , he said , with his mouth full . we stood and watched him , our mouths open and wondering what on earth he thought he was doing . he chewed harder on tougher strands , and grimaced as he chewed some more . then he swallowed the lot . it was a difficult gulp . we know this because we saw his neck bulge and his head and eyebrows rise in the struggle . but it went down all the same , and the scientist was left gasping . like the rest of us really . hm , he finally said . a bit tart . didnt expect that . tough on the teeth too . but im sure we can solve that in no time . yes , he said , finishing off the tiny morsels still left in his mouth . he peered around him and saw the same look on everyones startled faces . oh i do beg your pardon . i think the chewing had taken it out of him . the software can be reformed . as long as we know how to reprogram its basic structure , it can be anything we want it to be . it can be food . or even socks , added michelle . yes , smiled the scientist , slightly green from his experiment . i asked , and michelle wanted to ask too . yes , im quite fine thank you . he coughed and we could hear the shuffling of feet in the crowd .
[["learn", 14], ["learnt", 14], ["learns", 14], ["learned", 14], ["live", 22], ["survive", 56], ["survived", 56], ["people", 69], ["evade", 82], ["evaded", 82], ["evil", 92], ["evils", 92], ["evilest", 92], ["mass", 104], ["massed", 104], ["massest", 104], ["massing", 104], ["reichian", 114], ["reichians", 114], ["live", 121], ["living", 121], ["test", 155], ["nature", 167], ["pass", 205], ["passed", 205], ["applause", 264], ["crowd", 279], ["crowdest", 279], ["crowding", 279], ["thunderous", 294], ["roar", 308], ["roarest", 308], ["roared", 308], ["cheer", 331], ["cheered", 331], ["fabulous", 340], ["approval", 349], ["scientist", 366], ["michelle", 380], ["realise", 427], ["realised", 427], ["even", 440], ["evens", 440], ["listen", 449], ["listens", 449], ["listened", 449], ["rest", 461], ["scientist", 479], ["scientists", 479], ["speech", 486], ["either", 493], ["say", 513], ["sayest", 513], ["said", 513], ["sorry", 531], ["feeling", 561], ["help", 611], ["helpest", 611], ["wonder", 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["give", 2504], ["giving", 2504], ["stab", 2517], ["stabs", 2517], ["tail", 2529], ["tailed", 2529], ["coil", 2541], ["eco", 2556], ["may", 2569], ["mays", 2569], ["mayest", 2569], ["save", 2585], ["saved", 2585], ["life", 2595], ["lifes", 2595], ["lives", 2595], ["impulse", 2624], ["end", 2644], ["ends", 2644], ["endest", 2644], ["suddenly", 2688], ["flare", 2695], ["flared", 2695], ["lit", 2706], ["light", 2706], ["thing", 2718], ["know", 2755], ["knowest", 2755], ["another", 2780], ["firework", 2790], ["fireworks", 2790], ["display", 2798], ["change", 2808], ["magic", 2842], ["trick", 2848], ["entertain", 2861], ["entertains", 2861], ["trust", 2881], ["trusted", 2881], ["wholly", 2902], ["sure", 2917], ["entertainment", 2963], ["forever", 3015], ["man", 3021], ["mans", 3021], ["manned", 3021], ["mystery", 3032], ["mysteries", 3032], ["surprise", 3046], ["surprised", 3046], ["surprises", 3046], ["entire", 3086], ["gasp", 3102], ["gasps", 3102], ["astonishment", 3118], ["first", 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3619], ["hard", 3626], ["tough", 3637], ["strand", 3645], ["strands", 3645], ["grimace", 3660], ["grimacing", 3660], ["grimaced", 3660], ["swallow", 3703], ["swallows", 3703], ["swallowed", 3703], ["lot", 3711], ["difficult", 3732], ["gulp", 3737], ["gulps", 3737], ["see", 3767], ["saw", 3767], ["neck", 3776], ["necked", 3776], ["bulge", 3782], ["head", 3795], ["eyebrow", 3808], ["eyebrows", 3808], ["rise", 3813], ["risen", 3813], ["struggle", 3829], ["go", 3843], ["goest", 3843], ["went", 3843], ["left", 3890], ["leave", 3890], ["gasping", 3898], ["really", 3927], ["hm", 3932], ["finally", 3945], ["tart", 3963], ["expect", 3978], ["tough", 3991], ["solve", 4035], ["yes", 4057], ["finish", 4079], ["finishing", 4079], ["tiny", 4092], ["morsel", 4100], ["morsels", 4100], ["still", 4106], ["peer", 4136], ["peered", 4136], ["around", 4143], ["look", 4169], ["everyone", 4182], ["face", 4197], ["faces", 4197], ["oh", 4202], ["beg", 4211], ["pardon", 4223], ["think", 4233], ["thinkest", 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with a shrug , gage toed off his shoes . `` go on , what are you , a homo ? want to watch me take my clothes off ? '' and slipping his glasses inside his left shoe , cal sucked in breath , gave thanks his vision blurred , and jumped . the water was a quick , cold shock . fox immediately spewed water in his face , fully blinding him , then stroked off toward the cattails before retaliation . just when he 'd managed to clear his myopic eyes , gage jumped in and blinded him all over again . `` sheesh , you guys ! '' gage 's choppy dog paddle worked up the water , so cal swam clear of the storm . of the three , he was the best swimmer . fox was fast , but he ran out of steam . and gage , well , gage sort of attacked the water like he was in a fight with it . cal worried-even as part of him thrilled at the idea-that he 'd one day have to use the lifesaving techniques his dad had taught him in their aboveground pool to save gage from drowning . he was picturing it , and how gage and fox would stare at him with gratitude and admiration , when a hand grabbed his ankle and yanked him underwater . even though he knew it was fox who pulled him down , cal 's heart slammed into his throat as the water closed over his head . he floundered , forgetting all his training in that first instant of panic . even as he managed to kick off the hold on his ankle and gather himself to push to the surface , he saw a movement to the left . it-she-seemed to glide through the water toward him . her hair streamed back from her white face , and her eyes were cave black . as her hand reached out , cal opened his mouth to scream . gulping in water , he clawed his way to the surface . he could hear laughter all around him , tinny and echoing like the music out of the old transistor radio his father sometimes used . with terror biting inside his throat , he slapped and clawed his way to the edge of the pool . `` i saw her , i saw her , in the water , i saw her . '' he choked out the words while fighting to climb out . she was coming for him , fast as a shark in his mind , and in his mind he saw her mouth open , and the teeth gleam sharp as knives . get out of the water ! '' panting , he crawled through the slippery weeds and rolling , saw his friends treading water . he almost sobbed it , bellying over to fumble his glasses out of his shoe . `` oooh , the ghost ! help me , help me ! '' with a mock gurgle , fox sank underwater . cal lurched to his feet , balled his hands into fists at his sides . fury tangled with terror to have his voice lashing through the still summer air . the grin on gage 's face faded . eyes narrowed on cal , he gripped fox by the arm when fox surfaced laughing . he 's just being spaz because i dunked him . '' `` he 's not bullshitting . '' the tone got through , or when he bothered to look , the expression on cal 's face tripped a chord . fox shot off toward the edge , spooked enough to send a couple of wary looks over his shoulder . gage followed , a careless dog paddle that made cal think he was daring something to happen . when his friends hauled themselves out , cal sank back down to the ground . drawing his knees up , he pressed his forehead to them and began to shake . dripping in his underwear , fox shifted from foot to foot . `` i just gave you a tug , and you freak out . crouching , fox shoved his sopping hair back from his face . `` dude , you ca n't see squat without those coke bottles . '' `` shut up , o'dell . '' gage squatted down . `` what did you see , cal ? '' she had all this hair swimming around her , and her eyes , oh man , her eyes were black like the shark in jaws . she had this long dress on , long sleeves and all , and she reached out like she was going to grab me- '' `` with her bony fingers , '' fox put in , falling well short of his target of disdain . `` they were n't bony . '' cal lifted his head now , and behind the lenses his eyes were fierce and frightened . `` i thought they would be , but she looked , all of her , looked just ... real . not like a ghost or a skeleton . oh man , oh god , i saw her . `` well jee-sus . '' fox crab-walked another foot away from the pond , then cursed breathlessly when he tore his forearm on berry thorns . `` shit , now i 'm bleeding . ''
[["shrug", 12], ["shrugging", 12], ["gage", 19], ["shoe", 38], ["shoed", 38], ["shoes", 38], ["go", 46], ["goest", 46], ["homo", 73], ["homos", 73], ["watch", 89], ["take", 97], ["clad", 108], ["clothe", 108], ["clothes", 108], ["slip", 130], ["slipping", 130], ["glass", 142], ["glasses", 142], ["inside", 149], ["left", 158], ["shoe", 163], ["shoed", 163], ["cal", 169], ["suck", 176], ["sucking", 176], ["sucked", 176], ["breath", 186], ["breathest", 186], ["give", 193], ["gave", 193], ["thank", 200], ["thanks", 200], ["thankest", 200], ["vision", 211], ["blur", 219], ["blurs", 219], ["blurred", 219], ["jump", 232], ["jumps", 232], ["jumped", 232], ["water", 244], ["quick", 256], ["cold", 263], ["shock", 269], ["fox", 275], ["foxes", 275], ["foxing", 275], ["immediately", 287], ["spew", 294], ["spews", 294], ["spewed", 294], ["face", 312], ["fully", 320], ["blind", 329], ["blinded", 329], ["blinding", 329], ["stroke", 348], ["stroked", 348], ["toward", 359], ["cattail", 372], ["cattails", 372], ["retaliation", 391], ["manage", 417], ["managed", 417], ["clear", 426], ["clearest", 426], ["myopic", 437], ["eye", 442], ["eyed", 442], ["eyes", 442], ["blind", 471], ["blinded", 471], ["sheesh", 502], ["guy", 513], ["guys", 513], ["choppy", 533], ["dog", 537], ["paddle", 544], ["work", 551], ["wrought", 551], ["worked", 551], ["swam", 578], ["storm", 597], ["three", 612], ["good", 630], ["best", 630], ["swimmer", 638], ["fast", 653], ["run", 666], ["ran", 666], ["steam", 679], ["steams", 679], ["steamed", 679], ["steamest", 679], ["well", 697], ["wells", 697], ["sort", 709], ["attack", 721], ["attacked", 721], ["like", 736], ["fight", 754], ["fightest", 754], ["worry", 776], ["worried", 776], ["even", 781], ["evens", 781], ["part", 789], ["parting", 789], ["thrill", 805], ["thrilled", 805], ["idea", 817], ["day", 836], ["use", 848], ["technique", 874], ["techniques", 874], ["dad", 882], ["teach", 893], ["taught", 893], ["aboveground", 918], ["pool", 923], ["save", 931], ["drown", 950], ["drowns", 950], ["drowning", 950], ["picture", 969], ["picturing", 969], ["stare", 1007], ["stared", 1007], ["gratitude", 1029], ["admiration", 1044], ["hand", 1058], ["grab", 1066], ["grabbed", 1066], ["ankle", 1076], ["yank", 1087], ["yanks", 1087], ["yanked", 1087], ["underwater", 1102], ["though", 1116], ["know", 1124], ["knowest", 1124], ["knew", 1124], ["pull", 1146], ["pulled", 1146], ["heart", 1170], ["slam", 1178], ["slammed", 1178], ["throat", 1194], ["close", 1214], ["closed", 1214], ["head", 1228], ["flounder", 1244], ["floundered", 1244], ["forget", 1257], ["forgot", 1257], ["forgetting", 1257], ["training", 1274], ["first", 1288], ["firstest", 1288], ["instant", 1296], ["panic", 1305], ["kick", 1334], ["hold", 1347], ["gather", 1371], ["gatherest", 1371], ["push", 1387], ["surface", 1402], ["see", 1411], ["saw", 1411], ["movement", 1422], ["seem", 1450], ["seeming", 1450], ["seemed", 1450], ["glide", 1459], ["hair", 1499], ["stream", 1508], ["streams", 1508], ["streamed", 1508], ["streaming", 1508], ["back", 1513], ["white", 1528], ["cave", 1558], ["black", 1564], ["reach", 1586], ["reached", 1586], ["open", 1603], ["opened", 1603], ["mouth", 1613], ["mouthed", 1613], ["scream", 1623], ["screams", 1623], ["gulp", 1633], ["gulps", 1633], ["gulping", 1633], ["claw", 1654], ["clawed", 1654], ["way", 1662], ["ways", 1662], ["hear", 1693], ["hears", 1693], ["laughter", 1702], ["around", 1713], ["tinny", 1725], ["echo", 1737], ["echoed", 1737], ["echoing", 1737], ["music", 1752], ["musics", 1752], ["old", 1767], ["transistor", 1778], ["radio", 1784], ["father", 1795], ["fathered", 1795], ["fathering", 1795], ["use", 1810], ["used", 1810], ["terror", 1824], ["terrors", 1824], ["bite", 1831], ["biting", 1831], ["slap", 1862], ["slaps", 1862], ["slapped", 1862], ["edge", 1893], ["edges", 1893], ["choke", 1974], ["choked", 1974], ["word", 1988], ["words", 1988], ["fight", 2003], ["fightest", 2003], ["climb", 2012], ["come", 2033], ["coming", 2033], ["shark", 2059], ["sharks", 2059], ["mind", 2071], ["minding", 2071], ["open", 2111], ["tooth", 2127], ["teeth", 2127], ["gleam", 2133], ["gleams", 2133], ["gleamed", 2133], ["gleamest", 2133], ["sharp", 2139], ["sharps", 2139], ["knife", 2149], ["knifes", 2149], ["knives", 2149], ["get", 2155], ["pant", 2185], ["panting", 2185], ["crawl", 2198], ["crawled", 2198], ["slippery", 2219], ["weed", 2225], ["weeds", 2225], ["friend", 2255], ["friends", 2255], ["tread", 2264], ["treaded", 2264], ["trodden", 2264], ["treading", 2264], ["almost", 2282], ["sob", 2289], ["sobs", 2289], ["sobbed", 2289], ["belly", 2303], ["bellied", 2303], ["bellying", 2303], ["fumble", 2318], ["oooh", 2356], ["ghost", 2368], ["help", 2375], ["helpest", 2375], ["mock", 2405], ["mocking", 2405], ["gurgle", 2412], ["gurgles", 2412], ["gurgling", 2412], ["sink", 2423], ["sank", 2423], ["lurch", 2448], ["foot", 2460], ["feet", 2460], ["ball", 2469], ["balled", 2469], ["hand", 2479], ["hands", 2479], ["fist", 2490], ["fists", 2490], ["side", 2503], ["sidest", 2503], ["sides", 2503], ["fury", 2510], ["tangle", 2518], ["tangling", 2518], ["tangled", 2518], ["voice", 2548], ["lash", 2556], ["lashing", 2556], ["still", 2574], ["summer", 2581], ["summering", 2581], ["air", 2585], ["airs", 2585], ["airing", 2585], ["grin", 2596], ["fade", 2618], ["faded", 2618], ["narrow", 2634], ["narrowed", 2634], ["grip", 2654], ["arm", 2669], ["surface", 2687], ["surfaced", 2687], ["laugh", 2696], ["laughing", 2696], ["spaz", 2720], ["dunk", 2737], ["dunked", 2737], ["bullshit", 2772], ["tone", 2786], ["toned", 2786], ["toning", 2786], ["get", 2790], ["got", 2790], ["bother", 2820], ["bothers", 2820], ["bothering", 2820], ["bothered", 2820], ["look", 2828], ["expression", 2845], ["trip", 2868], ["tripping", 2868], ["tripped", 2868], ["chord", 2876], ["shoot", 2887], ["shooted", 2887], ["shot", 2887], ["spook", 2917], ["spooked", 2917], ["enough", 2924], ["send", 2932], ["couple", 2941], ["wary", 2949], ["look", 2955], ["looks", 2955], ["shoulder", 2973], ["shouldered", 2973], ["follow", 2989], ["followed", 2989], ["careless", 3002], ["think", 3033], ["thinkest", 3033], ["dare", 3047], ["daring", 3047], ["happen", 3067], ["haul", 3093], ["hauls", 3093], ["hauled", 3093], ["ground", 3143], ["draw", 3153], ["draws", 3153], ["drawn", 3153], ["drawing", 3153], ["knee", 3163], ["knees", 3163], ["press", 3179], ["pressed", 3179], ["forehead", 3192], ["begin", 3210], ["began", 3210], ["shake", 3219], ["drip", 3230], ["dripping", 3230], ["underwear", 3247], ["shift", 3261], ["shifted", 3261], ["foot", 3271], ["tug", 3306], ["tugging", 3306], ["freak", 3322], ["freaking", 3322], ["shove", 3351], ["shoved", 3351], ["sop", 3363], ["sopping", 3363], ["dude", 3397], ["ca", 3406], ["cas", 3406], ["see", 3414], ["squat", 3420], ["squats", 3420], ["without", 3428], ["coke", 3439], ["cokes", 3439], ["bottle", 3447], ["bottled", 3447], ["bottles", 3447], ["shut", 3460], ["squat", 3491], ["squats", 3491], ["swim", 3560], ["swiming", 3560], ["oh", 3591], ["man", 3595], ["mans", 3595], ["manned", 3595], ["long", 3660], ["longs", 3660], ["dress", 3666], ["dressest", 3666], ["sleeve", 3684], ["sleeving", 3684], ["sleeves", 3684], ["go", 3733], ["goest", 3733], ["going", 3733], ["grab", 3741], ["bony", 3765], ["finger", 3773], ["fingers", 3773], ["put", 3786], ["fall", 3799], ["falls", 3799], ["falling", 3799], ["short", 3810], ["target", 3824], ["disdain", 3835], ["disdainest", 3835], ["lift", 3875], ["lifted", 3875], ["behind", 3901], ["lense", 3912], ["lenses", 3912], ["fierce", 3933], ["think", 3963], ["thinkest", 3963], ["thought", 3963], ["look", 3994], ["looked", 3994], ["reis", 4030], ["real", 4030], ["skeleton", 4063], ["god", 4081], ["crab", 4125], ["crabs", 4125], ["crabbed", 4125], ["walk", 4132], ["walked", 4132], ["another", 4140], ["away", 4150], ["pond", 4164], ["curse", 4178], ["cursed", 4178], ["breathlessly", 4191], ["tear", 4204], ["teared", 4204], ["tore", 4204], ["forearm", 4216], ["berry", 4225], ["berried", 4225], ["thorn", 4232], ["thorns", 4232], ["shit", 4242], ["bleeding", 4262]]
as he bent toward her , michelle 's head fell back as if it were too heavy for her neck to support he instantly took advantage of her vulnerable throat , his mouth burning a path down its length . she had wanted to deny the force of what had happened , but her body was responding feverishly to him , straining against him in search of the mindless ecstasy he 'd given her before . she no longer had the protection of ignorance . he was addictive , and she 'd already become hooked . as he took her down to the bed , covering her with his heated nakedness , she did n't even think of denying him , or herself . then , how long until your next period ? the timing is n't right . you 'd better get a prescription . i ca n't take the pill . i 've tried ; it makes me throw up all day long . just like being pregnant . then we 'll do something else . do you want to take care of it , or do you want me to ? the remembered conversation kept replaying in her mind ; he could n't have made it plainer that he considered the relationship to be an ongoing one . he had been so matter-of-fact that it had n't registered on her until later , but now she realized her acquiescent `` i will '' had acknowledged and accepted his right to make love to her . it had n't hit her until he 'd kissed her and had driven away that his eyes had been gleaming with satisfaction that had nothing to do with being physically sated . she had some paperwork to do and forced herself to concentrate on it , but that only brought more problems to mind . the stack of unpaid bills was growing , and she did n't know how much longer she could hold her creditors off . they needed their money , too . she needed to fatten the cattle before selling them , but she did n't have the money for grain . over and over she tried to estimate how much feed would cost , balanced against how much extra she could expect from the sale of heavier cattle . an experienced rancher would have known , but all she had to go on were the records her father had kept , and she did n't know how accurate they were . her father had been wildly enthusiastic about his ranch , but he 'd relied on his foreman 's advice to run it . she could ask john , but he 'd use it as another chance to tell her that she could n't do it on her own . the telephone rang , and she answered it absently . the hot rush of nausea hit her stomach , and she jabbed the button , disconnecting the call . her hands were shaking as she replaced the receiver . it had been two years ! surely he 'd had time to get over his sick obsession ; surely his parents had gotten him some sort of treatment ! the telephone rang again , the shrill tone filling her ears over and over . she counted the rings in a kind of frozen agony , wondering when he 'd give up , or if her nerves would give out first what if he just let it keep ringing ? she 'd have to leave the house or go screaming mad . on the eighteenth ring , she answered . `` darling , do n't hang up on me again , please , '' roger whispered . i have to talk to you or go crazy . '' they were the words of a lover , but she was shaking with cold . roger was already crazy . how many times had he whispered love words to her only moments after a burst of rage , when she was stiff with terror , her body already aching from a blow ? but then he 'd be sorry that he 'd hurt her , and he 'd tell her over and over how much he loved her and could n't live without her . her lips were so stiff that she could barely form the words . no one has ever loved you as much as i do . '' `` i 'm sorry , '' she managed . `` i 'm not going to talk to you , roger . i 'm going to hang up . '' ''why ca n't you talk ? her hand froze , unable to remove the receiver from her ear and drop it onto its cradle . like a rabbit numbed by a snake 's hypnotic stare , she waited without breathing for what she knew was coming . that 's why you wo n't talk to me . your lover is there with you , listening to every word you 're saying . '' helplessly she listened to the rage building in his voice , knowing nothing she said would stop it , but unable to keep herself from trying . `` i promise you , i 'm alone . '' to her surprise he fell silent , though she could hear his quickened breath over the wire as clearly as if he were standing next to her . `` all right , i 'll believe you . if you 'll come back to me , i 'll believe you . '' `` i ca n't -- '' `` there 's someone else , is n't there ? i always knew there was . i could n't catch you , but i always knew ! '' i 'm here all alone , working in dad 's study . ''
[["bend", 10], ["bent", 10], ["toward", 17], ["michelle", 32], ["head", 40], ["fall", 45], ["falls", 45], ["fell", 45], ["back", 50], ["heavy", 74], ["heavies", 74], ["heavier", 74], ["neck", 87], ["necked", 87], ["support", 98], ["instantly", 111], ["take", 116], ["took", 116], ["advantage", 126], ["advantaging", 126], ["vulnerable", 144], ["throat", 151], ["mouth", 163], ["mouthed", 163], ["burn", 171], ["burns", 171], ["burning", 171], ["path", 178], ["length", 194], ["deny", 219], ["force", 229], ["happen", 250], ["happened", 250], ["body", 265], ["bodied", 265], ["respond", 280], ["respondest", 280], ["responding", 280], ["feverishly", 291], ["strain", 310], ["strains", 310], ["straining", 310], ["search", 332], ["mindless", 348], ["ecstasy", 356], ["give", 368], ["given", 368], ["long", 395], ["longs", 395], ["protection", 414], ["ignorance", 427], ["addictive", 446], ["already", 467], ["become", 474], ["bed", 514], ["cover", 525], ["covering", 525], ["nakedness", 555], ["even", 574], ["evens", 574], ["think", 580], ["thinkest", 580], ["deny", 591], ["denying", 591], ["long", 626], ["longs", 626], ["next", 642], ["period", 649], ["periods", 649], ["timing", 662], ["right", 675], ["rightest", 675], ["well", 691], ["better", 691], ["get", 695], ["prescription", 710], ["ca", 717], ["cas", 717], ["take", 726], ["pill", 735], ["try", 749], ["tryed", 749], ["tried", 749], ["throw", 769], ["day", 780], ["like", 797], ["pregnant", 812], ["else", 844], ["care", 871], ["conversation", 930], ["keep", 935], ["keepest", 935], ["kept", 935], ["replay", 945], ["replays", 945], ["mind", 957], ["minding", 957], ["consider", 1012], ["considered", 1012], ["relationship", 1029], ["ongoing", 1046], ["matter", 1074], ["mattering", 1074], ["fact", 1082], ["register", 1109], ["registered", 1109], ["later", 1128], ["realize", 1151], ["realized", 1151], ["acquiescent", 1167], ["acknowledge", 1197], ["acknowledged", 1197], ["accept", 1210], ["accepted", 1210], ["love", 1233], ["hit", 1257], ["kiss", 1280], ["kisses", 1280], ["kissest", 1280], ["kissed", 1280], ["drive", 1299], ["driven", 1299], ["away", 1304], ["eye", 1318], ["eyed", 1318], ["eyes", 1318], ["gleam", 1336], ["gleams", 1336], ["gleamed", 1336], ["gleamest", 1336], ["gleaming", 1336], ["satisfaction", 1354], ["nothing", 1371], ["physically", 1399], ["sate", 1405], ["sates", 1405], ["sated", 1405], ["paperwork", 1430], ["force", 1447], ["forced", 1447], ["concentrate", 1470], ["concentrated", 1470], ["concentrates", 1470], ["bring", 1500], ["brought", 1500], ["problem", 1514], ["problems", 1514], ["stack", 1534], ["stacks", 1534], ["unpaid", 1544], ["bill", 1550], ["bills", 1550], ["grow", 1562], ["growest", 1562], ["growing", 1562], ["know", 1585], ["knowest", 1585], ["much", 1594], ["hold", 1616], ["creditor", 1630], ["creditors", 1630], ["need", 1648], ["needest", 1648], ["needed", 1648], ["money", 1660], ["moneys", 1660], ["fatten", 1689], ["fattens", 1689], ["fattening", 1689], ["fattenest", 1689], ["cattle", 1700], ["sell", 1715], ["sells", 1715], ["selling", 1715], ["grain", 1763], ["estimate", 1801], ["fed", 1815], ["feed", 1815], ["cost", 1826], ["balance", 1837], ["balanced", 1837], ["extra", 1860], ["extras", 1860], ["expect", 1877], ["sale", 1891], ["heavy", 1902], ["heavies", 1902], ["heavier", 1902], ["know", 1951], ["knowest", 1951], ["known", 1951], ["go", 1975], ["goest", 1975], ["record", 1995], ["records", 1995], ["father", 2006], ["fathered", 2006], ["fathering", 2006], ["accurate", 2051], ["wildly", 2090], ["enthusiastic", 2103], ["ranch", 2119], ["rely", 2138], ["foreman", 2153], ["advice", 2163], ["run", 2170], ["ask", 2189], ["john", 2194], ["use", 2210], ["another", 2224], ["chance", 2231], ["chanced", 2231], ["chancing", 2231], ["tell", 2239], ["telephone", 2295], ["answer", 2319], ["answeres", 2319], ["answerest", 2319], ["answered", 2319], ["absently", 2331], ["hot", 2341], ["rush", 2346], ["nausea", 2356], ["stomach", 2372], ["stomachs", 2372], ["stomaching", 2372], ["jabbed", 2389], ["button", 2400], ["buttoning", 2400], ["disconnect", 2416], ["disconnecting", 2416], ["call", 2425], ["hand", 2437], ["hands", 2437], ["shake", 2450], ["shaking", 2450], ["replace", 2466], ["replaced", 2466], ["receiver", 2479], ["two", 2497], ["twos", 2497], ["year", 2503], ["years", 2503], ["surely", 2512], ["time", 2527], ["sick", 2548], ["obsession", 2558], ["parent", 2579], ["parents", 2579], ["get", 2590], ["gotten", 2590], ["sort", 2604], ["treatment", 2617], ["shrill", 2657], ["tone", 2662], ["toned", 2662], ["toning", 2662], ["fill", 2670], ["fills", 2670], ["filling", 2670], ["ear", 2679], ["ears", 2679], ["count", 2707], ["countest", 2707], ["counted", 2707], ["rung", 2717], ["rang", 2717], ["ring", 2717], ["rings", 2717], ["kind", 2727], ["agony", 2743], ["wonder", 2755], ["wonderest", 2755], ["wondering", 2755], ["give", 2771], ["nerve", 2793], ["nerves", 2793], ["first", 2814], ["firstest", 2814], ["let", 2834], ["lets", 2834], ["keep", 2842], ["keepest", 2842], ["rung", 2850], ["rang", 2850], ["ring", 2850], ["ringing", 2850], ["left", 2873], ["leave", 2873], ["house", 2883], ["scream", 2899], ["screams", 2899], ["screaming", 2899], ["mad", 2903], ["mads", 2903], ["eighteenth", 2923], ["rung", 2928], ["rang", 2928], ["ring", 2928], ["darling", 2956], ["hung", 2970], ["hang", 2970], ["hangs", 2970], ["please", 2994], ["roger", 3005], ["rogers", 3005], ["whisper", 3015], ["whispered", 3015], ["talk", 3032], ["crazy", 3051], ["word", 3076], ["words", 3076], ["lover", 3087], ["cold", 3119], ["many", 3156], ["time", 3162], ["times", 3162], ["moment", 3210], ["moments", 3210], ["burst", 3224], ["bursted", 3224], ["rage", 3232], ["stiff", 3253], ["terror", 3265], ["terrors", 3265], ["ache", 3291], ["ached", 3291], ["aching", 3291], ["blew", 3303], ["blow", 3303], ["blowest", 3303], ["sorry", 3329], ["hurt", 3345], ["hurts", 3345], ["hurting", 3345], ["love", 3402], ["loved", 3402], ["live", 3425], ["without", 3433], ["lip", 3448], ["lipped", 3448], ["lips", 3448], ["barely", 3484], ["form", 3489], ["formest", 3489], ["ever", 3517], ["everest", 3517], ["manage", 3579], ["managed", 3579], ["go", 3599], ["goest", 3599], ["going", 3599], ["hand", 3684], ["froze", 3690], ["frozen", 3690], ["freeze", 3690], ["freezing", 3690], ["unable", 3699], ["unabled", 3699], ["remove", 3709], ["ear", 3735], ["drop", 3744], ["onto", 3752], ["ontos", 3752], ["cradle", 3763], ["cradled", 3763], ["rabbit", 3779], ["numb", 3786], ["numbs", 3786], ["numbed", 3786], ["numbest", 3786], ["snake", 3797], ["hypnotic", 3809], ["stare", 3815], ["stared", 3815], ["wait", 3828], ["waitest", 3828], ["waited", 3828], ["breathes", 3846], ["know", 3864], ["knowest", 3864], ["knew", 3864], ["come", 3875], ["coming", 3875], ["wo", 3896], ["listen", 3954], ["listens", 3954], ["listening", 3954], ["every", 3963], ["word", 3968], ["say", 3983], ["sayest", 3983], ["saying", 3983], ["helplessly", 3999], ["listen", 4012], ["listens", 4012], ["listened", 4012], ["build", 4033], ["building", 4033], ["voice", 4046], ["know", 4056], ["knowest", 4056], ["knowing", 4056], ["say", 4073], ["sayest", 4073], ["said", 4073], ["stop", 4084], ["try", 4128], ["tryed", 4128], ["trying", 4128], ["promise", 4143], ["alone", 4160], ["surprise", 4181], ["surprised", 4181], ["silent", 4196], ["though", 4205], ["hear", 4220], ["hears", 4220], ["quicken", 4234], ["quickens", 4234], ["quickened", 4234], ["breath", 4241], ["breathest", 4241], ["wire", 4255], ["clearly", 4266], ["stood", 4289], ["stand", 4289], ["standest", 4289], ["standing", 4289], ["believe", 4332], ["come", 4354], ["always", 4459], ["catch", 4494], ["catches", 4494], ["catched", 4494], ["work", 4553], ["wrought", 4553], ["working", 4553], ["dad", 4560], ["study", 4569]]
he 'd wanted her , and even without the thrall he may have wanted her still , but his vow had meant something to him , and he 'd always respected it . if she 'd only been human , he would have turned her down . the confidence left her face , her lip visibly trembled , and a surge of excitement went through hadrian at the feeling of power . `` are you scared of me now because you finally have to take responsibility for your actions ? '' her lip trembled , but her glare came back in full force . why ca n't you see you 're like me ? '' hadrian crossed his arms over his chest . `` in what way am i possibly like you ? '' `` you were a priest . i was training to become a nun . i thought you 'd understand me . we could be together and ... and somebody would understand me ... `` `` stop . '' she wanted to keep talking , he could tell , but her mouth shut automatically because of the link between them . if she 'd been a prospective nun-a sweet innocent-and had transformed into the manipulative beast in front of him , her sire must have been truly horrible . he 'd made her this way . part of hadrian wanted to keep her with him and fix her . but how did one fix a vampire with centuries of emotional damage and moral decay ? besides , his right and wrong compass was no longer anymore sound . it was n't the solid thing that had always pointed him to true north . there was enough darkness that had come to him through her blood that it would be like the blind helping the blind . after all , he 'd killed an innocent woman for the sake of pragmatism without much guilt only a few minutes ago . he was n't confident in his ability to help someone such as angeline . no , in the morning she would meet her real maker . but that was hours off , still . `` pick up the witch and bring her inside , '' he said . he could n't very well leave a corpse out in the cemetery . although there was a gate and trees that shielded the place , you never knew who might wander through . they could have just dropped the girl in the hole hadrian had crawled out of and put the dirt on top of her , but he could n't bring himself to do it yet . angeline asked as she hefted the witch 's body in her arms . once they were inside the church , he directed angeline to lay the witch on the altar . he 'd have to do something with her later . for now , he unbound her wrists and smoothed her dress . it was n't as if she was going anywhere . he hoped she 'd found whatever peace she 'd seemed to be looking for , at least . hadrian brushed blonde strands of hair away from the girl 's face and traced the small smile lines around her mouth , then he picked the ropes that had bound the witch and coiled and uncoiled them in his hands . `` is this really the life you 've enjoyed ? '' he asked his sire . he waved an arm around himself at the evidence of her most recent train wreck . controlling everyone and everything . having pet zombies . that 's what i was the other night to you . it 's what you are with me right now . '' angeline stared at the witch on the altar , looking back every few moments with trepidation at the ropes in hadrian 's hands . `` you 're a vampire , too , now . do n't act like you 're too good for it . your line to god has been shut off . you 'll do the same things . you 'll control people . some day you 'll get lonely and you 'll make a vampire . you 'll want someone you can shape and mold to your liking . why do you think i turned you ? i watched you long enough to know . '' she sounded desperate with the need for him to hear her , understand her . father hadrian nodded . but that does n't make it a good way to live . i think the only way i can help you now is to let you go . '' her eyes widened at the implication . you know the word and its meaning . i had thought earlier that maybe no was n't a part of your vocabulary . '' i 'm centuries older than you . you ca n't keep this hold on me . do you hear me , you bastard ? whatever magic you did will wear off soon enough . nothing can break or twist the bond between a sire and her creation , not even your two-bit exorcism ritual . '' `` be wise , angeline . your theories , though quaint , may not play out as you 'd like . in which case , you 'll still be at my mercy . '' the wind seemed to go out of her sails . hadrian took her by the arm and led her outside to a covered stone porch . there was an old rocking chair he 'd enjoyed sitting in to read his bible . the morning sunlight had always been on his face while he prayed .
[["even", 27], ["evens", 27], ["without", 35], ["thrall", 46], ["may", 53], ["mays", 53], ["mayest", 53], ["still", 75], ["vow", 89], ["mean", 99], ["meanest", 99], ["meant", 99], ["always", 135], ["respect", 145], ["respected", 145], ["human", 176], ["turn", 199], ["turned", 199], ["confidence", 225], ["left", 230], ["leave", 230], ["face", 239], ["lip", 249], ["lipped", 249], ["visibly", 257], ["tremble", 266], ["trembles", 266], ["trembled", 266], ["surge", 280], ["excitement", 294], ["go", 299], ["goest", 299], ["went", 299], ["hadrian", 315], ["feeling", 330], ["power", 339], ["finally", 389], ["take", 402], ["responsibility", 417], ["action", 434], ["actions", 434], ["glare", 472], ["come", 477], ["came", 477], ["back", 482], ["full", 490], ["force", 496], ["ca", 505], ["cas", 505], ["see", 517], ["like", 530], ["cross", 554], ["crossing", 554], ["crossed", 554], ["arm", 563], ["arms", 563], ["chest", 578], ["way", 595], ["ways", 595], ["priest", 644], ["train", 661], ["become", 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1910], ["treed", 1910], ["treeing", 1910], ["trees", 1910], ["shield", 1924], ["shields", 1924], ["shielded", 1924], ["place", 1934], ["never", 1946], ["know", 1951], ["knowest", 1951], ["knew", 1951], ["may", 1961], ["mays", 1961], ["mayest", 1961], ["might", 1961], ["wander", 1968], ["drop", 2007], ["dropped", 2007], ["girl", 2016], ["hole", 2028], ["crawl", 2048], ["crawled", 2048], ["put", 2063], ["dirt", 2072], ["top", 2079], ["yet", 2132], ["ask", 2149], ["asked", 2149], ["heft", 2163], ["hefted", 2163], ["body", 2181], ["bodied", 2181], ["church", 2228], ["churching", 2228], ["direct", 2242], ["directed", 2242], ["lay", 2258], ["lays", 2258], ["layed", 2258], ["layest", 2258], ["altar", 2281], ["later", 2325], ["unbind", 2348], ["unbinding", 2348], ["wrist", 2359], ["wrists", 2359], ["smooth", 2372], ["smoothed", 2372], ["dress", 2382], ["dressest", 2382], ["go", 2415], ["goest", 2415], ["going", 2415], ["anywhere", 2424], ["hope", 2435], ["hoped", 2435], ["find", 2448], ["found", 2448], ["whatever", 2457], ["peace", 2463], ["seem", 2477], ["seeming", 2477], ["seemed", 2477], ["look", 2491], ["looking", 2491], ["least", 2506], ["leastest", 2506], ["brush", 2524], ["brushest", 2524], ["brushed", 2524], ["blonde", 2531], ["strand", 2539], ["strands", 2539], ["hair", 2547], ["away", 2552], ["trace", 2585], ["traced", 2585], ["small", 2595], ["smile", 2601], ["line", 2607], ["lines", 2607], ["around", 2614], ["pick", 2641], ["picked", 2641], ["rope", 2651], ["ropes", 2651], ["bind", 2666], ["bound", 2666], ["coil", 2687], ["coiled", 2687], ["uncoil", 2700], ["uncoiled", 2700], ["uncoiling", 2700], ["hand", 2718], ["hands", 2718], ["really", 2738], ["life", 2747], ["lifes", 2747], ["enjoy", 2763], ["enjoyed", 2763], ["wave", 2797], ["waved", 2797], ["arm", 2804], ["evidence", 2835], ["recent", 2854], ["train", 2860], ["wreck", 2866], ["control", 2880], ["controlling", 2880], ["everyone", 2889], ["everything", 2904], ["pet", 2917], ["petting", 2917], ["zombie", 2925], ["zombied", 2925], ["zombies", 2925], ["night", 2962], ["stare", 3029], ["stared", 3029], ["every", 3076], ["moment", 3088], ["moments", 3088], ["trepidation", 3105], ["act", 3186], ["acted", 3186], ["good", 3208], ["line", 3227], ["god", 3234], ["thing", 3281], ["things", 3281], ["control", 3299], ["people", 3306], ["day", 3317], ["get", 3329], ["lonely", 3336], ["shape", 3400], ["shapes", 3400], ["mold", 3409], ["molding", 3409], ["liking", 3424], ["think", 3443], ["thinkest", 3443], ["watch", 3468], ["watched", 3468], ["long", 3477], ["longs", 3477], ["know", 3492], ["knowest", 3492], ["sound", 3509], ["sounded", 3509], ["desperate", 3519], ["need", 3533], ["needest", 3533], ["hear", 3549], ["hears", 3549], ["father", 3579], ["fathered", 3579], ["fathering", 3579], ["nod", 3594], ["nodded", 3594], ["live", 3641], ["let", 3693], ["lets", 3693], ["go", 3700], ["goest", 3700], ["eye", 3714], ["eyed", 3714], ["eyes", 3714], ["widen", 3722], ["widened", 3722], ["implication", 3741], ["word", 3761], ["meaning", 3777], ["early", 3801], ["maybe", 3812], ["vocabulary", 3849], ["vocabularies", 3849], ["old", 3875], ["hold", 3912], ["bastard", 3949], ["magic", 3966], ["wear", 3984], ["soon", 3993], ["nothing", 4010], ["break", 4020], ["broke", 4020], ["twist", 4029], ["twisted", 4029], ["twisting", 4029], ["bond", 4038], ["creation", 4070], ["two", 4090], ["twos", 4090], ["bit", 4094], ["bits", 4094], ["exorcism", 4103], ["exorcisms", 4103], ["ritual", 4110], ["wise", 4126], ["theory", 4153], ["theories", 4153], ["though", 4162], ["quaint", 4169], ["play", 4184], ["playest", 4184], ["mercy", 4250], ["wind", 4264], ["sail", 4294], ["sails", 4294], ["take", 4309], ["took", 4309], ["lead", 4332], ["leaded", 4332], ["led", 4332], ["outside", 4344], ["cover", 4357], ["covered", 4357], ["stone", 4363], ["stoning", 4363], ["porch", 4369], ["old", 4388], ["rockingest", 4396], ["chair", 4402], ["chairing", 4402], ["sat", 4424], ["sit", 4424], ["sitting", 4424], ["read", 4435], ["reads", 4435], ["bible", 4445], ["sunlight", 4468], ["pray", 4512], ["prays", 4512]]
julia frowned and turned sideways on the bed , cross-legged , so that she could face her friend . rachel cocked her head to one side . he 's been rude to me since i got here . '' `` well , he gave me some money and told me to buy you a gift . rachel placed the box in julia 's lap . she tried to hand it back , but rachel refused . `` at least open it and see what it is . '' julia shook her head , but rachel insisted . so she opened the box . in it she found a very nice chocolate-brown , italian-made leather messenger bag . she held the bag up by its strap and looked at it . the label said fendi . holy crap , thought julia . `` i do n't - know , '' she stammered , staring at the beautiful and classic bag in astonishment . rachel took it from her and began rummaging through it , muttering about its internal stitching , numerous compartments , and overall quality workmanship . `` see how perfect it is ? it 's functional and feminine , since it 's a messenger bag and not a briefcase , and it 's italian . and we both know that you and gabriel have a thing ... for italy , '' she added , after a pause that was designed to elicit some kind of reaction . julia 's telltale flush and immediate nervousness told rachel all she needed to know , but she chose not to embarrass her friend any further . `` i 'm not supposed to tell you it 's from him . he was very explicit . of course , i ignored him . '' `` your brother wants me to have this because he does n't like looking at my ratty old knapsack . its very existence offends his patrician sensibilities , so he thinks he can use you to persuade me to get rid of it . it 's an l.l . bean , damn it , and they offer a lifetime guarantee . i 'll send it back to maine , and they 'll replace it . he can take his messenger bag and shove it up his i'm-too-good-for-domestic-items ass . '' rachel was stunned momentarily . `` it 's not as if he 'll miss the money . he has piles of it . '' `` professors do n't make that much money . '' he inherited it . '' `` from grace ? '' `` no , from his biological father . a number of years ago a lawyer tracked gabriel down and told him his father had died and left him a lot of money . i 'm not sure he even knew his father 's name before that . gabriel refused the inheritance at first , but later changed his mind . '' it was after his fight with scott . i did n't talk to gabriel after that for a very long time . but as far as the money is concerned , i think he 's trying to spend it faster than it accumulates interest . so do n't think of this as a gift from gabriel - think of it as him sticking it to his old man . he wants to give money away . and he wants you to have something nice . i do n't care where it came from or why . '' rachel gave her friend a pained look . `` please , julia . gabriel has been on the outs with all of us for so long . he 's finally letting me back into his life . i do n't think i can lose him now after everything ... '' her face crumpled , and she looked very upset . `` i 'm sorry , but it 's too much . he 's my professor - he 'll get in trouble ! '' rachel clutched julia 's hand . `` will you tell on him ? '' `` good , because you 're supposed to think this is a belated birthday gift from me or mom . '' rachel 's eyes widened as she realized her mistake . `` oh god , julia , your birthday . julia clenched her teeth a little . `` i do n't really celebrate it anymore . it 's just too hard ... i ca n't ... '' `` do you ever hear from him ? '' julia immediately felt ill. `` only when he 's drunk or pissed off about something . but i changed my cell phone number when i moved here so he could n't call me . '' `` bastard , '' said rachel . `` wel , i was n't supposed to tel you the messenger bag was from gabriel , but i just could n't lie to you . i know how much it hurts you when people lie , and i was n't going to do that . '' the two friends exchanged a meaningful look . julia contemplated this one gift from gabriel and all of its implications , spoken and unspoken . she did n't want to receive a gift from him . he 'd rejected her , plain and simple . could she have this bag in her little hobbit hole ?
[["julia", 5], ["frown", 13], ["frowns", 13], ["frowned", 13], ["turn", 24], ["turned", 24], ["sideways", 33], ["bed", 44], ["cross", 52], ["crossing", 52], ["face", 84], ["friend", 95], ["rachel", 104], ["cock", 111], ["cockest", 111], ["cocked", 111], ["head", 120], ["side", 132], ["sidest", 132], ["rude", 150], ["since", 162], ["get", 168], ["got", 168], ["well", 186], ["wells", 186], ["give", 196], ["gave", 196], ["money", 210], ["moneys", 210], ["tell", 219], ["told", 219], ["buy", 229], ["buyed", 229], ["gift", 240], ["place", 256], ["placed", 256], ["box", 264], ["boxed", 264], ["lap", 280], ["laps", 280], ["lapping", 280], ["try", 292], ["tryed", 292], ["tried", 292], ["hand", 300], ["back", 308], ["refuse", 329], ["refused", 329], ["least", 343], ["leastest", 343], ["open", 348], ["see", 359], ["shake", 387], ["shook", 387], ["insist", 418], ["insistest", 418], ["insisted", 418], ["open", 434], ["opened", 434], ["find", 460], ["found", 460], ["nice", 472], ["chocolate", 482], ["brown", 488], ["browns", 488], ["italian", 498], ["italians", 498], ["leather", 511], ["messenger", 521], ["bag", 525], ["bagged", 525], ["bagging", 525], ["hold", 536], ["held", 536], ["strap", 560], ["straps", 560], ["look", 571], ["looked", 571], ["label", 589], ["say", 594], ["sayest", 594], ["said", 594], ["holy", 607], ["crap", 612], ["crapped", 612], ["think", 622], ["thinkest", 622], ["thought", 622], ["know", 649], ["knowest", 649], ["stammer", 668], ["stammered", 668], ["stare", 678], ["stared", 678], ["staring", 678], ["beautiful", 695], ["beautifulest", 695], ["classic", 707], ["astonishment", 727], ["take", 741], ["took", 741], ["begin", 763], ["began", 763], ["rummage", 773], ["rummaging", 773], ["mutter", 796], ["mutterest", 796], ["muttering", 796], ["internal", 815], ["numerous", 836], ["compartment", 849], ["compartments", 849], ["overall", 863], ["quality", 871], ["workmanship", 883], ["perfect", 904], ["perfectest", 904], ["functional", 929], ["feminine", 942], ["briefcase", 992], ["gabriel", 1052], ["thing", 1065], ["italy", 1079], ["add", 1094], ["added", 1094], ["pause", 1110], ["design", 1128], ["designed", 1128], ["elicit", 1138], ["kind", 1148], ["reaction", 1160], ["telltale", 1180], ["flush", 1186], ["immediate", 1200], ["nervousness", 1212], ["need", 1239], ["needest", 1239], ["needed", 1239], ["choose", 1263], ["chose", 1263], ["embarrass", 1280], ["embarrassed", 1280], ["far", 1303], ["suppose", 1326], ["supposed", 1326], ["tell", 1334], ["explicit", 1376], ["course", 1388], ["ignore", 1400], ["ignored", 1400], ["brother", 1425], ["brethren", 1425], ["like", 1472], ["look", 1480], ["looking", 1480], ["ratty", 1492], ["old", 1496], ["knapsack", 1505], ["existence", 1526], ["offend", 1534], ["offends", 1534], ["patrician", 1548], ["patricians", 1548], ["sensibility", 1562], ["sensibilities", 1562], ["think", 1577], ["thinkest", 1577], ["thinks", 1577], ["use", 1588], ["persuade", 1604], ["get", 1614], ["rid", 1618], ["bean", 1646], ["beaning", 1646], ["damn", 1653], ["damned", 1653], ["offer", 1673], ["lifetime", 1684], ["guarantee", 1694], ["send", 1707], ["maine", 1724], ["replace", 1747], ["take", 1764], ["shove", 1792], ["good", 1815], ["domestic", 1828], ["item", 1834], ["items", 1834], ["ass", 1838], ["stun", 1862], ["stuns", 1862], ["stunned", 1862], ["momentarily", 1874], ["miss", 1907], ["pile", 1932], ["piles", 1932], ["professor", 1957], ["professors", 1957], ["much", 1979], ["inherit", 2003], ["inherits", 2003], ["inherited", 2003], ["grace", 2025], ["biological", 2058], ["father", 2065], ["fathered", 2065], ["fathering", 2065], ["number", 2076], ["numbering", 2076], ["year", 2085], ["years", 2085], ["ago", 2089], ["lawyer", 2098], ["track", 2106], ["tracked", 2106], ["die", 2152], ["died", 2152], ["left", 2161], ["leave", 2161], ["lot", 2171], ["sure", 2196], ["even", 2204], ["evens", 2204], ["know", 2209], ["knowest", 2209], ["knew", 2209], ["name", 2228], ["inheritance", 2274], ["first", 2283], ["firstest", 2283], ["later", 2295], ["change", 2303], ["changed", 2303], ["mind", 2312], ["minding", 2312], ["fight", 2340], ["fightest", 2340], ["scott", 2351], ["talk", 2368], ["long", 2406], ["longs", 2406], ["time", 2411], ["far", 2424], ["concern", 2450], ["concerned", 2450], ["concernest", 2450], ["think", 2460], ["thinkest", 2460], ["try", 2473], ["tryed", 2473], ["trying", 2473], ["spend", 2482], ["spends", 2482], ["spendest", 2482], ["fast", 2492], ["accumulate", 2512], ["accumulates", 2512], ["interest", 2521], ["stick", 2600], ["stickest", 2600], ["sticking", 2600], ["man", 2618], ["mans", 2618], ["manned", 2618], ["give", 2637], ["away", 2648], ["care", 2706], ["come", 2720], ["came", 2720], ["look", 2774], ["please", 2786], ["finally", 2868], ["let", 2876], ["lets", 2876], ["letting", 2876], ["life", 2898], ["lifes", 2898], ["lose", 2926], ["everything", 2951], ["crumple", 2976], ["crumpled", 2976], ["upset", 3004], ["sorry", 3020], ["professor", 3062], ["trouble", 3086], ["troubling", 3086], ["clutch", 3107], ["clutched", 3107], ["belate", 3214], ["belated", 3214], ["birthday", 3223], ["mom", 3243], ["moms", 3243], ["eye", 3263], ["eyed", 3263], ["eyes", 3263], ["widen", 3271], ["widened", 3271], ["realize", 3287], ["realized", 3287], ["mistake", 3299], ["mistook", 3299], ["mistaken", 3299], ["oh", 3307], ["god", 3311], ["clench", 3352], ["clenched", 3352], ["tooth", 3362], ["teeth", 3362], ["little", 3371], ["really", 3392], ["celebrate", 3402], ["anymore", 3413], ["hard", 3435], ["ca", 3444], ["cas", 3444], ["ever", 3470], ["everest", 3470], ["hear", 3475], ["hears", 3475], ["immediately", 3507], ["feel", 3512], ["felt", 3512], ["ill", 3516], ["ills", 3516], ["illest", 3516], ["drunk", 3542], ["piss", 3552], ["pissest", 3552], ["pissed", 3552], ["cell", 3596], ["phone", 3602], ["move", 3622], ["moved", 3622], ["call", 3648], ["bastard", 3667], ["wels", 3693], ["tel", 3721], ["lay", 3787], ["lie", 3787], ["lain", 3787], ["hurt", 3821], ["hurts", 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her head rested over his heart and its steady rhythm made her nearly weep with joy . he was alive and safely in her arms . his beating heart was proof . with her head on his chest , she breathed in his scent and was suddenly desperate to feel him as close to her as he could possibly be . she rose on to her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his . soft and inviting , they tasted of night air , salty and sensual . he kissed her gently at first , almost timidly . she nibbled at his lower lip playfully then traced them both with her tongue . a low growl rumbled deep in his chest and his kisses ceased being gentle and timid . he began kissing her with ferocity , as if hed abandoned tender need and replaced it with animal lust . he kissed her with intense desire that shouted he would take what was his . and she was his , body and soul . her heart pounded and her mind spun as emotions inundated her , overwhelming her . each of her senses was heightened , begging for more of him . his tongue swept against hers , deeper and deeper . need pooled low in her belly and her hands went to the hem of his shirt , lifting it over his chiseled midsection . her hands grazed the valleys and mountains of muscle along the way as she slowly slid his shirt up . she knew hed have to pull away from her for her to fully remove it , but she was reluctant to separate from him , terrified of losing him again . as if intuiting her reluctance , desmond pulled away from her quickly and just far enough for her arms to snap his shirt over his head then returned to her . she allowed her eyes to drop and see what her fingers had felt seconds earlier . his pale skin , stretched tightly over powerful muscles , looked like marble . he was perfection , golden , glorious perfection . she allowed her fingertips to trace the swollen peaks of his chest , her legs growing weak as she did . the need to memorize every magnificent inch of his form became unexpectedly urgent . she had lost him once before , at least shed thought she had . she would not waste a moment taking him for granted , not ever again . she watched as her touch made him shudder . his breath caught in his chest more than once and she found herself giddy with delight . he , a powerful warlock , nearly one hundred years old , was quivering at her touch . she stole a glance at his face and was startled to find his brilliant blue eyes trained on her . but he did not watch her with primal lust as shed expected , the lust hed kissed her with a moment ago . lust was there , but it was not alone . softness was there as well , a softness that made her belly flutter . she was no longer hurting . she and desmond existed as if suspended in time , just the two of them . arianna , he sighed , his breath hot against her lips . i love you , too , she breathed and she saw tears well in his crystal-blue eyes . no doubt existed in her mind . for the first time in her life , she was absolutely certain of her feelings . she was completely and irrevocably in love with desmond . he slipped his arm around her waist and lifted her , cradling her against him . as he did , she felt the heat of his body melt her , his heart pounding in time with hers . he carried her to her bed and laid her there , planting soft kisses at the corners of her mouth , and rested his weight beside her instead of atop her as she wanted . he lifted his head and gazed deeply into her eyes and she swore he saw her soul , naked , vulnerable . her throat grew thick and she fought the tears that threatened as she reached her hand to his cheek . youre really here , she murmured as a tear slid from her eye . i will never leave you again , he promised and cupped her face in his hands . his mouth made a slow , torturous descent before it found hers . he kissed her tenderly for a long while and every part of her craved his touch . she tugged at him , urging him to slide over , on top of her . when finally he did , he lowered himself on her so carefully , her body cried out . she wanted to feel him , all of him , surround her . she wanted to tear her shirt and bra from her body and feel his warm skin pressed to hers , but desmond remained unhurried . he teased and tempted his way down her chin to her neck , stopping and lingering at the sensitive spot behind her ear , before making his way down . he nibbled and tantalized the tender skin of her neck to her collarbone then began unbuttoning her shirt . with infinitesimal slowness , his kisses travelled lower . he lifted his head briefly , watching her . she arched her back , her body begging for more , for his touch , for his hot mouth to take a rosy bud between his lips . he watched her writhe for a moment and she glanced at him .
[["head", 8], ["rest", 15], ["rested", 15], ["heart", 30], ["steady", 45], ["rhythm", 52], ["rhythms", 52], ["nearly", 68], ["weep", 73], ["weeps", 73], ["joy", 82], ["joys", 82], ["joyed", 82], ["alive", 97], ["safely", 108], ["arm", 120], ["arms", 120], ["beat", 134], ["beating", 134], ["proof", 150], ["proofs", 150], ["proofed", 150], ["proofest", 150], ["chest", 179], ["breathes", 194], ["breathed", 194], ["scent", 207], ["scentest", 207], ["suddenly", 224], ["desperate", 234], ["feel", 242], ["close", 255], ["rise", 297], ["risen", 297], ["rose", 297], ["tiptoe", 315], ["tiptoed", 315], ["tiptoes", 315], ["press", 327], ["pressed", 327], ["lip", 336], ["lipped", 336], ["lips", 336], ["soft", 350], ["taste", 377], ["tasted", 377], ["night", 386], ["air", 390], ["airs", 390], ["airing", 390], ["salty", 398], ["sensual", 410], ["kiss", 422], ["kisses", 422], ["kissest", 422], ["kissed", 422], ["gently", 433], ["first", 442], ["firstest", 442], ["almost", 451], ["timidly", 459], ["nibble", 473], ["nibbling", 473], ["nibbled", 473], ["low", 486], ["lowed", 486], ["lowers", 486], ["lowerest", 486], ["lip", 490], ["lipped", 490], ["playfully", 500], ["trace", 512], ["traced", 512], ["tongue", 538], ["tonguing", 538], ["low", 546], ["lowed", 546], ["growl", 552], ["growls", 552], ["rumble", 560], ["rumbles", 560], ["rumbled", 560], ["deep", 565], ["deeply", 565], ["kiss", 593], ["kisses", 593], ["kissest", 593], ["cease", 600], ["ceased", 600], ["gentle", 613], ["gentler", 613], ["timid", 623], ["begin", 634], ["began", 634], ["kiss", 642], ["kisses", 642], ["kissest", 642], ["kissing", 642], ["ferocity", 660], ["abandon", 682], ["abandoned", 682], ["tender", 689], ["tenderest", 689], ["need", 694], ["needest", 694], ["replace", 707], ["replaced", 707], ["animal", 722], ["lust", 727], ["lusts", 727], ["intense", 756], ["desire", 763], ["shout", 776], ["shouted", 776], ["take", 790], ["body", 828], ["bodied", 828], ["soul", 837], ["pound", 857], ["pounded", 857], ["mind", 870], ["minding", 870], ["spun", 875], ["spin", 875], ["emotion", 887], ["emotions", 887], ["inundate", 897], ["inundated", 897], ["overwhelm", 916], ["overwhelms", 916], ["overwhelmed", 916], ["sense", 941], ["senses", 941], ["heighten", 956], ["heightens", 956], ["heightened", 956], ["beg", 966], ["begging", 966], ["sweep", 1001], ["swept", 1001], ["deep", 1023], ["deeply", 1023], ["pool", 1048], ["pooled", 1048], ["belly", 1065], ["bellied", 1065], ["hand", 1079], ["hands", 1079], ["go", 1084], ["goest", 1084], ["went", 1084], ["hem", 1095], ["shirt", 1108], ["lift", 1118], ["chisel", 1139], ["chiseled", 1139], ["midsection", 1150], ["graze", 1169], ["grazed", 1169], ["valley", 1181], ["valleys", 1181], ["mountain", 1195], ["mountains", 1195], ["muscle", 1205], ["along", 1211], ["way", 1219], ["ways", 1219], ["slowly", 1233], ["slid", 1238], ["know", 1262], ["knowest", 1262], ["knew", 1262], ["pull", 1279], ["away", 1284], ["fully", 1310], ["remove", 1317], ["reluctant", 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["grow", 1854], ["growest", 1854], ["growing", 1854], ["weak", 1859], ["memorize", 1893], ["memorizes", 1893], ["memorized", 1893], ["every", 1899], ["magnificent", 1911], ["inch", 1916], ["form", 1928], ["formest", 1928], ["become", 1935], ["became", 1935], ["unexpectedly", 1948], ["urgent", 1955], ["lose", 1970], ["lost", 1970], ["least", 1997], ["leastest", 1997], ["shed", 2002], ["think", 2010], ["thinkest", 2010], ["thought", 2010], ["waste", 2040], ["moment", 2049], ["take", 2056], ["taking", 2056], ["grant", 2072], ["grantest", 2072], ["granted", 2072], ["ever", 2083], ["everest", 2083], ["watch", 2103], ["watched", 2103], ["touch", 2116], ["touching", 2116], ["shudder", 2133], ["shuddering", 2133], ["shudderest", 2133], ["breath", 2146], ["breathest", 2146], ["catch", 2153], ["catches", 2153], ["catched", 2153], ["caught", 2153], ["find", 2195], ["found", 2195], ["giddy", 2209], ["giddied", 2209], ["delight", 2222], ["warlock", 2248], ["hundred", 2269], ["year", 2275], ["years", 2275], ["old", 2279], ["quiver", 2295], ["quiverest", 2295], ["quivering", 2295], ["steal", 2320], ["stole", 2320], ["glance", 2329], ["face", 2341], ["find", 2366], ["brilliant", 2380], ["blue", 2385], ["train", 2398], ["trained", 2398], ["watch", 2428], ["primal", 2444], ["expect", 2466], ["expected", 2466], ["ago", 2510], ["alone", 2550], ["well", 2579], ["wells", 2579], ["flutter", 2620], ["fluttering", 2620], ["long", 2640], ["longs", 2640], ["hurt", 2648], ["hurts", 2648], ["hurting", 2648], ["exist", 2674], ["existest", 2674], ["existed", 2674], ["suspend", 2690], ["suspended", 2690], ["time", 2698], ["two", 2713], ["twos", 2713], ["sigh", 2743], ["sighest", 2743], ["sighed", 2743], ["hot", 2760], ["love", 2786], ["see", 2823], ["saw", 2823], ["tear", 2829], ["teared", 2829], ["tears", 2829], ["crystal", 2849], ["doubt", 2870], ["life", 2923], ["lifes", 2923], ["absolutely", 2944], ["certain", 2952], ["feeling", 2968], ["feelings", 2968], ["completely", 2989], ["irrevocably", 3005], ["slip", 3039], ["slipped", 3039], ["arm", 3047], ["around", 3054], ["waist", 3064], ["lift", 3075], ["lifted", 3075], ["cradle", 3090], ["cradled", 3090], ["cradling", 3090], ["heat", 3138], ["heats", 3138], ["heated", 3138], ["melt", 3155], ["meltest", 3155], ["pound", 3180], ["pounding", 3180], ["carry", 3211], ["carried", 3211], ["bed", 3226], ["lay", 3235], ["lays", 3235], ["layed", 3235], ["layest", 3235], ["laid", 3235], ["plant", 3256], ["corner", 3283], ["corners", 3283], ["mouth", 3296], ["mouthed", 3296], ["weight", 3320], ["weighted", 3320], ["weightest", 3320], ["beside", 3327], ["instead", 3339], ["atop", 3347], ["gaze", 3396], ["gazes", 3396], ["gazed", 3396], ["deeply", 3403], ["swear", 3431], ["sweared", 3431], ["naked", 3455], ["vulnerable", 3468], ["throat", 3481], ["grow", 3486], ["growest", 3486], ["grew", 3486], ["thick", 3492], ["thickest", 3492], ["fight", 3507], ["fightest", 3507], ["fought", 3507], ["threaten", 3533], ["threatened", 3533], ["reach", 3548], ["reached", 3548], ["hand", 3557], ["cheek", 3570], ["cheeks", 3570], ["really", 3585], ["murmur", 3605], ["murmurest", 3605], ["murmured", 3605], ["tear", 3615], ["teared", 3615], ["eye", 3633], ["eyed", 3633], ["never", 3648], ["left", 3654], ["leave", 3654], ["promise", 3678], ["promised", 3678], ["cup", 3689], ["cupped", 3689], ["slow", 3735], ["torturous", 3747], ["descent", 3755], ["tenderly", 3801], ["long", 3812], ["longs", 3812], ["part", 3833], ["parting", 3833], ["crave", 3847], ["craved", 3847], ["craving", 3847], ["tug", 3870], ["tugging", 3870], ["tugged", 3870], ["urge", 3886], ["urging", 3886], ["slid", 3899], ["top", 3913], ["finally", 3935], ["lowers", 3955], ["lowerest", 3955], ["lowered", 3955], ["carefully", 3983], ["cry", 4000], ["cried", 4000], ["surround", 4053], ["bra", 4096], ["bras", 4096], ["warm", 4128], ["remain", 4172], ["remained", 4172], ["tease", 4194], ["teased", 4194], ["tempt", 4206], ["temptest", 4206], ["tempting", 4206], ["tempted", 4206], ["chin", 4228], ["neck", 4240], ["necked", 4240], ["stop", 4251], ["stopping", 4251], ["linger", 4265], ["lingered", 4265], ["lingering", 4265], ["sensitive", 4282], ["spot", 4287], ["behind", 4294], ["ear", 4302], ["tantalize", 4359], ["tantalizing", 4359], ["collarbone", 4405], ["collarbones", 4405], ["unbutton", 4428], ["unbuttoned", 4428], ["infinitesimal", 4459], ["slowness", 4468], ["travel", 4491], ["travelled", 4491], ["briefly", 4526], ["watch", 4537], ["watching", 4537], ["arch", 4554], ["arched", 4554], ["back", 4563], ["rosy", 4642], ["bud", 4646], ["writhe", 4687], ["writhes", 4687], ["writhing", 4687], ["glance", 4716], ["glanced", 4716]]
`` he wo n't come around , '' tre said , his voice low and miserable . `` but , you know ... if you 're gon na make your own decisions in life , it probably would have come to this at some point . if you decided not to do what your father had planned for you , he 'd have gotten angry and told you to do what you wanted anyways and to not come back . '' tre nodded , rubbing his eyes . he 's had my life planned since i was born , and i 've never had much say in that . working at the garage , that 's been a big fight for years , ever since i told him i was n't going to seminary after high school . now , well ... i do n't know what i 'll do . '' i sat on the stool next to him , loosening the robe a little . `` do you regret what we did together ? '' he took a long moment to answer , honestly considering . `` no , i do n't , '' tre said . `` i made the choice , and i do n't regret it . it was the most amazing experience of my life , and i ca n't believe it was wrong . maybe it was , but i do n't care . '' and listen , if you want to try to work things out with your dad , i understand . i mean , if you have to ... to not see me , to work it out , then i understand . '' he looked at me , his gaze mature and understanding . he seemed to sense how hard that was for me to say . he shook his head , saying , `` no , that wo n't work , even if i wanted to try . even if i crawled back to him and begged him to forgive me , and promised to never see you again and did everything he said , he still would n't let it go . it 'd always be there between us . '' he turned to face me , putting his knees on either side of mine , his gaze flowing over my body , taking in my hair , still sleep-mussed , and down my neckline to my br**sts peeking out of the robe , to my crotch , visible to him as i sat with my feet on the rung of the stool , knees apart a little . you 're welcome to stay here , of course , for as long as you want . '' he shrugged , a gesture of not knowing rather than not caring . i do n't have anything here , not even a toothbrush or a change of boxers . i ca n't just hide out in here , never coming out . '' he grinned at me , flirting . `` although i might enjoy being holed up in here with you ... '' `` but we both have lives to live . '' `` you know everyone will know , now . everyone will be talking . they already are right now , since mrs. henderson must have seen me drive by and not drive back . there 's only one house past hers , and she 'd do the math , come to the same conclusions as daddy . '' i know it 's a southern thing , but it seems weird to me , a grown man calling his father 'daddy . ' '' tre shrugged again . he slipped his hand onto my thigh , sliding it up and back down . `` i do n't care about people , right now . i know they 'll talk . `` this is your home , tre ... and i just wanted to say i 'm sorry you 're in trouble on my account . '' he moved closer still , moving his hand to my hip , spreading the robe apart . you said it yourself : this was coming , one way or another . this just sped it up a bit . '' i sat still , letting him touch me , letting him explore me with his hands and his eyes . when his fingers moved down between my legs , i scootched back off the stool and out of his reach . `` first , we need to eat . you need your strength , you know . '' i made sandwiches and served him coffee while he waited , sipping my own while i slathered mayo and layered cheese and ham . we devoured the meal , munching on chips . he seemed deep in thought as he ate , and i elbowed him . why ca n't you have kids ? if you do n't want to talk about it , i get it . `` that 's a long story , tre . it 's long and depressing and old history . i 'll tell you some time , i promise . for now , lets just say that i got sick , and things in my body stopped working like they should . i 'm not sick anymore , so you do n't have to worry . '' `` okay , well , tell me when you 're ready . '' we finished eating , and i led him back upstairs . this time , though , i had something else in mind . i took him into the bathroom , took off my robe and hung it up .
[["wo", 8], ["come", 17], ["around", 24], ["tre", 33], ["say", 38], ["sayest", 38], ["said", 38], ["voice", 50], ["low", 54], ["lowed", 54], ["miserable", 68], ["know", 88], ["knowest", 88], ["gon", 107], ["na", 110], ["nas", 110], ["decision", 134], ["decisions", 134], ["life", 142], ["lifes", 142], ["probably", 156], ["point", 194], ["decide", 211], ["decided", 211], ["father", 238], ["fathered", 238], ["fathering", 238], ["plan", 250], ["planned", 250], ["get", 278], ["gotten", 278], ["angry", 284], ["tell", 293], ["told", 293], ["anyways", 327], ["back", 348], ["nod", 364], ["nodded", 364], ["rub", 374], ["rubbing", 374], ["eye", 383], ["eyed", 383], ["eyes", 383], ["since", 417], ["bore", 428], ["bear", 428], ["bearest", 428], ["born", 428], ["never", 446], ["much", 455], ["say", 459], ["sayest", 459], ["work", 477], ["wrought", 477], ["working", 477], ["garage", 491], ["big", 512], ["bigs", 512], ["fight", 518], ["fightest", 518], ["year", 528], ["years", 528], ["ever", 535], ["everest", 535], ["go", 568], ["goest", 568], ["going", 568], ["seminary", 580], ["high", 591], ["school", 598], ["schooling", 598], ["well", 611], ["wells", 611], ["sat", 654], ["sit", 654], ["stool", 667], ["stools", 667], ["next", 672], ["loosen", 691], ["loosenest", 691], ["robe", 700], ["little", 709], ["regret", 728], ["together", 749], ["take", 762], ["took", 762], ["long", 769], ["longs", 769], ["moment", 776], ["answer", 786], ["answeres", 786], ["answerest", 786], ["honestly", 797], ["consider", 809], ["considering", 809], ["choice", 865], ["amazing", 916], ["experience", 927], ["experienced", 927], ["ca", 949], ["cas", 949], ["believe", 961], ["wrong", 974], ["maybe", 982], ["care", 1009], ["listen", 1025], ["listens", 1025], ["try", 1046], ["tryed", 1046], ["work", 1054], ["wrought", 1054], ["thing", 1061], ["things", 1061], ["dad", 1079], ["understand", 1094], ["understanded", 1094], ["mean", 1103], ["meanest", 1103], ["see", 1135], ["look", 1190], ["looked", 1190], ["gaze", 1207], ["gazes", 1207], ["mature", 1214], ["understanding", 1232], ["seem", 1244], ["seeming", 1244], ["seemed", 1244], ["sense", 1253], ["hard", 1262], ["shake", 1296], ["shook", 1296], ["head", 1305], ["say", 1314], ["sayest", 1314], ["saying", 1314], ["even", 1348], ["evens", 1348], ["crawl", 1387], ["crawled", 1387], ["beg", 1410], ["forgive", 1425], ["forgived", 1425], ["forgiving", 1425], ["promise", 1443], ["promised", 1443], ["everything", 1485], ["still", 1504], ["let", 1518], ["lets", 1518], ["go", 1524], ["goest", 1524], ["always", 1539], ["turn", 1574], ["turned", 1574], ["face", 1582], ["put", 1595], ["putting", 1595], ["knee", 1605], ["knees", 1605], ["either", 1615], ["side", 1620], ["sidest", 1620], ["mine", 1628], ["flow", 1647], ["flows", 1647], ["flowing", 1647], ["body", 1660], ["bodied", 1660], ["take", 1669], ["taking", 1669], ["hair", 1680], ["slept", 1694], ["sleep", 1694], ["sleeps", 1694], ["sleepest", 1694], ["muss", 1701], ["mussing", 1701], ["neckline", 1724], ["necklines", 1724], ["peek", 1746], ["peeks", 1746], ["peeking", 1746], ["crotch", 1777], ["visible", 1787], ["foot", 1816], ["feet", 1816], ["rung", 1828], ["apart", 1855], ["welcome", 1882], ["stay", 1890], ["course", 1907], ["shrug", 1950], ["shrugging", 1950], ["shrugged", 1950], ["gesture", 1962], ["know", 1977], ["knowest", 1977], ["knowing", 1977], ["rather", 1984], ["care", 2000], ["caring", 2000], ["anything", 2025], ["toothbrush", 2054], ["change", 2066], ["boxer", 2076], ["boxers", 2076], ["hide", 2097], ["hides", 2097], ["come", 2124], ["coming", 2124], ["grin", 2144], ["grinned", 2144], ["flirt", 2161], ["flirting", 2161], ["although", 2175], ["may", 2183], ["mays", 2183], ["mayest", 2183], ["might", 2183], ["enjoy", 2189], ["enjoyed", 2189], ["hole", 2201], ["holed", 2201], ["life", 2254], ["lifes", 2254], ["lives", 2254], ["live", 2262], ["everyone", 2288], ["talk", 2331], ["talking", 2331], ["already", 2346], ["right", 2356], ["rightest", 2356], ["mrs", 2372], ["henderson", 2383], ["must", 2388], ["musts", 2388], ["see", 2398], ["seen", 2398], ["drive", 2407], ["house", 2455], ["past", 2460], ["math", 2490], ["maths", 2490], ["conclusion", 2521], ["conclusions", 2521], ["daddy", 2530], ["southern", 2559], ["thing", 2565], ["seem", 2580], ["seeming", 2580], ["seems", 2580], ["weird", 2586], ["man", 2606], ["mans", 2606], ["manned", 2606], ["call", 2614], ["calling", 2614], ["slip", 2671], ["slipped", 2671], ["hand", 2680], ["onto", 2685], ["ontos", 2685], ["thigh", 2694], ["thighs", 2694], ["slid", 2704], ["sliding", 2704], ["people", 2756], ["talk", 2791], ["home", 2814], ["homing", 2814], ["sorry", 2860], ["trouble", 2879], ["troubling", 2879], ["account", 2893], ["move", 2907], ["moved", 2907], ["close", 2914], ["closer", 2914], ["move", 2929], ["moving", 2929], ["hip", 2948], ["hips", 2948], ["spread", 2960], ["spreading", 2960], ["way", 3026], ["ways", 3026], ["another", 3037], ["speed", 3054], ["speeding", 3054], ["sped", 3054], ["bit", 3066], ["bits", 3066], ["let", 3093], ["lets", 3093], ["letting", 3093], ["touch", 3103], ["touching", 3103], ["explore", 3128], ["hand", 3146], ["hands", 3146], ["finger", 3178], ["fingers", 3178], ["leg", 3205], ["legs", 3205], ["scootches", 3219], ["scootching", 3219], ["reach", 3259], ["first", 3270], ["firstest", 3270], ["need", 3280], ["needest", 3280], ["eat", 3287], ["strength", 3312], ["sandwich", 3346], ["sandwiches", 3346], ["serve", 3357], ["served", 3357], ["coffee", 3368], ["wait", 3384], ["waitest", 3384], ["waited", 3384], ["sip", 3394], ["sipping", 3394], ["slather", 3419], ["mayo", 3424], ["cheese", 3443], ["cheesed", 3443], ["cheesing", 3443], ["ham", 3451], ["hamming", 3451], ["devour", 3465], ["devours", 3465], ["devoured", 3465], ["meal", 3474], ["munch", 3485], ["munches", 3485], ["munchest", 3485], ["munching", 3485], ["chip", 3494], ["chipping", 3494], ["chips", 3494], ["deep", 3511], ["deeply", 3511], ["thought", 3522], ["eat", 3532], ["ate", 3532], ["elbow", 3548], ["elbowing", 3548], ["elbowed", 3548], ["kid", 3579], ["kids", 3579], ["get", 3625], ["story", 3654], ["old", 3696], ["history", 3704], ["tell", 3717], ["time", 3731], ["promise", 3743], ["let", 3760], ["lets", 3760], ["get", 3780], ["got", 3780], ["sick", 3785], ["stop", 3817], ["stopped", 3817], ["like", 3830], ["anymore", 3866], ["worry", 3896], ["worried", 3896], ["okay", 3909], ["ready", 3945], ["finish", 3962], ["finished", 3962], ["eat", 3969], ["eating", 3969], ["lead", 3981], ["leaded", 3981], ["led", 3981], ["upstairs", 3999], ["though", 4020], ["else", 4043], ["mind", 4051], ["minding", 4051], ["bathroom", 4082], ["hung", 4110], ["hang", 4110], ["hangs", 4110]]
she said this last quite casually , but i saw jamie flinch , the memory of what i 'd done with the needle obviously still fresh . he swallowed and wiped his knuckles hard across his mouth . jocasta had quickly abstracted the bottle of laudanum , swallowed a few gulps , and then sat for a moment , waiting for it to take effect . `` i dinna ken if ye 've ever had the stuff , nephew , but it gives ye an odd feeling , as though ye might be starting to dissolve at the edges . take a drop too much , and ye begin to see things that are n't there-blind or not-and hear them , too . '' between the effects of laudanum and liquor and the noise of the crowd outside , she had n't noticed footsteps , and when the voice spoke near her , she 'd thought for a moment that it was a hallucination . `` 'so here ye are , lass , ' he said , '' she quoted , and her face , already pale , blanched further at the memory . `` 'remember me , do ye ? ' '' `` i take it ye did , aunt ? '' `` i did , '' she replied just as dryly . `` i 'd heard that voice twice before . once at the gathering where your daughter was wed-and once more than twenty years ago , in an inn near coigach , in scotland . '' she lowered the wet cloth from her face and put it unerringly back into the bowl of warm water . her eyes were red and swollen , raw against the pale skin , and looking terribly vulnerable in their blindness-but she had command of herself once more . `` aye , i did ken him , '' she repeated . she had recognized the voice at once as one known-but for a moment , could not place it . then realization had struck her , and she had clutched the arm of her chair for support . `` who are ye ? '' she 'd demanded , with what force she could summon . her heart was pounding in time to the throbbing in her head and eye , and her senses swimming in whisky and laudanum . perhaps it was the laudanum that seemed to transform the sound of the crowd outside into the sound of a nearby sea , the noise of a slave 's footsteps in the hall to the thump of the landlord 's clogs on the stairs of the inn . truly there . '' despite the sweat that still ran down her face , i saw gooseflesh pebble the pale skin of her shoulders . `` in the inn at coigach . i smelt the sea , and i heard the men-hector and dougal-i could hear them ! arguing together , somewhere behind me . and the man wi ' the mask-i could see him , '' she said , and a ripple went up the back of my own neck as she turned her blind eyes toward me . she spoke with such conviction that for an instant , it seemed she did see . `` standing at the foot of the stair , just as he 'd been twenty-five years ago , a knife in his hand and his eyes upon me through the holes in his mask . '' and , `` ye ken well enough who i am , lass , '' he 'd said , and she had seemed to see his smile , though dimly she had known she only heard it in his voice ; she 'd never seen his face , even when she had her sight . she was sitting up , half doubled over , arms crossed over her breast as though in self-defense and her white hair wild and tangled down her back . `` he 's come back , '' she said , and shook with a sudden convulsive shudder . `` he 's come for the gold-and when he finds it , he will kill me . '' jamie laid a hand on her arm , in an attempt to calm her . `` no one will kill ye while i 'm here , aunt , '' he said . `` so this man came to ye in your sitting room , and ye kent him from his voice . what else did he say to ye ? '' she was still shivering , but not so badly . i thought it was as much reaction to massive amounts of laudanum and whisky as from fear . she shook her head in the effort of recollection . `` he said-he said he had come to take the gold to its rightful owner . that we 'd held it in trust , and while he didna grudge me what we 'd spent of it , hector and me-it wasna mine , had never been mine . i should tell him where it was , and he would see to the rest . and then he put his hand on me . '' she ceased clutching herself , and held out one arm toward jamie . `` on my wrist . d 'ye see the marks there ? d 'ye see them , nephew ? '' she sounded anxious , and it occurred to me suddenly that she might doubt the existence of the visitor herself .
[["say", 8], ["sayest", 8], ["said", 8], ["last", 18], ["quite", 24], ["casually", 33], ["see", 45], ["saw", 45], ["jamie", 51], ["flinch", 58], ["memory", 71], ["memories", 71], ["needle", 105], ["needled", 105], ["needles", 105], ["obviously", 115], ["still", 121], ["fresh", 127], ["freshest", 127], ["swallow", 142], ["swallows", 142], ["swallowed", 142], ["wipe", 152], ["wiped", 152], ["knuckle", 165], ["knuckles", 165], ["knuckling", 165], ["hard", 170], ["across", 177], ["mouth", 187], ["mouthed", 187], ["jocasta", 197], ["quickly", 209], ["abstract", 220], ["abstracted", 220], ["bottle", 231], ["bottled", 231], ["laudanum", 243], ["sat", 282], ["sit", 282], ["moment", 295], ["wait", 305], ["waitest", 305], ["waiting", 305], ["take", 320], ["effect", 327], ["dinna", 340], ["ken", 344], ["kent", 344], ["ye", 350], ["yed", 350], ["ever", 359], ["everest", 359], ["stuff", 373], ["nephew", 382], ["nephews", 382], ["give", 397], ["gives", 397], ["odd", 407], ["feeling", 415], ["though", 427], ["may", 436], ["mays", 436], ["mayest", 436], ["might", 436], ["start", 448], ["starting", 448], ["dissolve", 460], ["edge", 473], ["edges", 473], ["drop", 487], ["much", 496], ["begin", 511], ["see", 518], ["thing", 525], ["things", 525], ["blind", 550], ["blinded", 550], ["hear", 566], ["hears", 566], ["effect", 602], ["effects", 602], ["liquor", 625], ["noise", 639], ["crowd", 652], ["crowdest", 652], ["crowding", 652], ["outside", 660], ["notice", 682], ["noticed", 682], ["footstep", 692], ["footsteps", 692], ["voice", 713], ["speak", 719], ["spoken", 719], ["spoke", 719], ["near", 724], ["think", 745], ["thinkest", 745], ["thought", 745], ["hallucination", 786], ["lass", 814], ["quote", 842], ["quoted", 842], ["face", 857], ["already", 867], ["pale", 872], ["blanch", 883], ["blanched", 883], ["far", 891], ["remember", 920], ["rememberest", 920], ["aunt", 965], ["reply", 996], ["replied", 996], ["dryly", 1010], ["hear", 1026], ["hears", 1026], ["heard", 1026], ["twice", 1043], ["gather", 1074], ["gathering", 1074], ["daughter", 1094], ["twenty", 1128], ["year", 1134], ["years", 1134], ["ago", 1138], ["inn", 1150], ["inns", 1150], ["scotland", 1177], ["lower", 1194], ["lowers", 1194], ["lowerest", 1194], ["lowered", 1194], ["wet", 1202], ["cloth", 1208], ["put", 1230], ["unerringly", 1244], ["back", 1249], ["bowl", 1263], ["bowling", 1263], ["warm", 1271], ["water", 1277], ["eye", 1288], ["eyed", 1288], ["eyes", 1288], ["red", 1297], ["raw", 1315], ["skin", 1337], ["look", 1351], ["looking", 1351], ["terribly", 1360], ["vulnerable", 1371], ["blindness", 1390], ["command", 1410], ["aye", 1440], ["ayes", 1440], ["repeat", 1474], ["repeatest", 1474], ["repeated", 1474], ["recognize", 1495], ["recognized", 1495], ["know", 1526], ["knowest", 1526], ["known", 1526], ["place", 1561], ["realization", 1583], ["strike", 1594], ["struck", 1594], ["clutch", 1621], ["clutched", 1621], ["arm", 1629], ["chair", 1642], ["chairing", 1642], ["support", 1654], ["demand", 1691], ["demandest", 1691], ["demanded", 1691], ["force", 1709], ["summon", 1726], ["summonest", 1726], ["heart", 1738], ["pound", 1751], ["pounding", 1751], ["time", 1759], ["head", 1788], ["eye", 1796], ["eyed", 1796], ["sense", 1813], ["senses", 1813], ["swim", 1822], ["swiming", 1822], ["whisky", 1832], ["perhaps", 1855], ["seem", 1887], ["seeming", 1887], ["seemed", 1887], ["transform", 1900], ["sound", 1910], ["nearby", 1958], ["sea", 1962], ["slave", 1985], ["hall", 2010], ["thump", 2023], ["thumps", 2023], ["landlord", 2039], ["clog", 2048], ["clogs", 2048], ["stair", 2062], ["stairs", 2062], ["truly", 2081], ["despite", 2100], ["sweat", 2110], ["run", 2125], ["ran", 2125], ["gooseflesh", 2158], ["pebble", 2165], ["shoulder", 2196], ["shouldered", 2196], ["shoulders", 2196], ["smell", 2233], ["smelt", 2233], ["smellest", 2233], ["man", 2263], ["mans", 2263], ["manned", 2263], ["men", 2263], ["hector", 2270], ["argue", 2309], ["arguing", 2309], ["together", 2318], ["somewhere", 2330], ["behind", 2337], ["man", 2354], ["mans", 2354], ["manned", 2354], ["wi", 2357], ["mask", 2368], ["maskest", 2368], ["ripple", 2413], ["ripples", 2413], ["go", 2418], ["goest", 2418], ["went", 2418], ["neck", 2445], ["necked", 2445], ["turn", 2459], ["turned", 2459], ["toward", 2481], ["conviction", 2517], ["instant", 2537], ["stood", 2575], ["stand", 2575], ["standest", 2575], ["standing", 2575], ["foot", 2587], ["stair", 2600], ["stairs", 2600], ["five", 2633], ["fived", 2633], ["knife", 2653], ["knifes", 2653], ["hand", 2665], ["upon", 2683], ["hole", 2704], ["holes", 2704], ["well", 2742], ["wells", 2742], ["enough", 2749], ["smile", 2819], ["dimly", 2834], ["never", 2894], ["see", 2899], ["seen", 2899], ["even", 2915], ["evens", 2915], ["sight", 2938], ["sighted", 2938], ["sat", 2956], ["sit", 2956], ["sittings", 2956], ["sitting", 2956], ["half", 2966], ["double", 2974], ["doubled", 2974], ["arm", 2986], ["arms", 2986], ["cross", 2994], ["crossing", 2994], ["crossed", 2994], ["breast", 3010], ["breasted", 3010], ["breasting", 3010], ["self", 3028], ["defense", 3036], ["white", 3050], ["hair", 3055], ["wild", 3060], ["wildest", 3060], ["tangle", 3072], ["tangling", 3072], ["tangled", 3072], ["come", 3102], ["shake", 3133], ["shook", 3133], ["sudden", 3147], ["convulsive", 3158], ["shudder", 3166], ["shuddering", 3166], ["shudderest", 3166], ["gold", 3195], ["golds", 3195], ["find", 3213], ["finds", 3213], ["kill", 3231], ["lay", 3250], ["lays", 3250], ["layed", 3250], ["layest", 3250], ["laid", 3250], ["attempt", 3284], ["calm", 3292], ["calms", 3292], ["come", 3379], ["came", 3379], ["room", 3406], ["roomed", 3406], ["else", 3451], ["say", 3462], ["sayest", 3462], ["shiver", 3497], ["shivering", 3497], ["badly", 3516], ["reaction", 3552], ["massive", 3563], ["amount", 3571], ["amounts", 3571], ["fear", 3607], ["fearest", 3607], ["effort", 3642], ["recollection", 3658], ["rightful", 3724], ["owner", 3730], ["hold", 3748], ["held", 3748], ["trust", 3760], ["didna", 3781], ["grudge", 3788], ["grudging", 3788], ["spend", 3808], ["spends", 3808], ["spendest", 3808], ["spent", 3808], ["wasna", 3839], ["mine", 3844], ["tell", 3882], ["rest", 3930], ["cease", 3979], ["ceased", 3979], ["clutch", 3989], ["clutching", 3989], ["wrist", 4050], ["mark", 4072], ["marks", 4072], ["sound", 4121], ["sounded", 4121], ["anxious", 4129], ["anxiousest", 4129], ["occur", 4147], ["occurest", 4147], ["occurred", 4147], ["suddenly", 4162], ["doubt", 4183], ["existence", 4197], ["visitor", 4212]]
hannah stacked the cooled cookies in a tin she 'd bought earlier that week at ripley 's department store . it had a witch and a black cat painted on the lid , and seth would no doubt find a use for it after halloween . maybe he 'd put the dried-out tea bags he collected from the town 's restaurants in it . or maybe straightened nails . seth was a recycler of the first order . halloween tomorrow . hannah was torn . on the one hand , she wanted to be home in her warm comfortable two-bedroom apartment in case little trick-or-treaters came by . but there was always a problem with joan , her parrot , who shrieked at the tiny hobgoblins , employing the dreadful vocabulary she 'd picked up from a former owner . hannah had seen little children burst into tears in her hallway . on the other hand , her sister had invited her to the opening of a new nightclub in calgary . hannah was tired of emily 's efforts to marry her off . her sister 's regular annoying invitations , which she just as regularly turned down , were emily 's thinly disguised attempts to match her up with poor some unsuspecting man that she-emily-deemed suitable . suitable meant little more than single and employed . she supposed emily 's intentions were good . the younger parrish sister by four years , emily was convinced hannah would never meet anyone on her own . she was just too quiet , too staid , too sensible , too ... well , emily had even gone so far as to call her boring . maybe she was boring . but hannah enjoyed her quiet life . she had friends , mainly women . she was a member of three clubs in town-friends of the library , the glory garden club and a quilting group that met once a month . she enjoyed going out to the occasional movie or renting a video and watching it with her cat , mr. spitz , and joan . sometimes she dated bruce twist , the insurance salesman from the farm-insurance agency on main street , but not often . or danny philpot , a clerk at the county courthouse . she did n't want to mislead them , but she had no real romantic interest in either man . oh , they were nice enough . she 'd tried her best , but it just had n't worked . so she usually turned them down . how could she explain that she was only interested in simple companionship ? they 'd be sure to think she was , well , odd . generally , very few trick-or-treaters made it up to her second-floor apartment . still , she did n't know if she wanted to drive all the way to calgary for a halloween party at some new club next to the st. regis . the club name alone-the howlin ' tiger-was enough to make her shudder . rap , probably . and techno-stuff . the last time she 'd gone out for halloween , back in tamarack , the small town where the parrish girls had grown up , she 'd been cinderella . her mother had said she was too old at twelve , nearly thirteen , but hannah did n't want to miss out on all the candy . she 'd never been so scared in her whole twelve years-or since-when she 'd spotted that pig 's head at the old witch mrs. birch 's house . she 'd gone out with her best friend , lorna gagliardi and emily . her mother had insisted she and lorna take emily , who happened to be on the outs with her current friends and wanted to go trick-or-treating . lorna had dared hannah to go up to the witch 's house . everyone called it that . no one ever went there , especially on halloween . the house was ramshackle and unpainted and had been built at the back of the lot , well away from the street and the comfort of streetlights . emily , she recalled , had jeered at hannah 's initial hesitation . sometimes emily could make her so mad . and so she 'd told lorna that she 'd go if lorna would . emily had screamed dramatically at their bravado and jumped up and down and said she was staying on the sidewalk and they were n't to be too long . who was the scaredy-cat now ? hannah had declared with some satisfaction . clutching each other 's hands , she and lorna had made their way gingerly up the overgrown path to the porch , where a single low-wattage bulb burned over the door . her heart dropped when she pushed back the creaky screen door , the bottom half scuffed and worn . the porch was so full of stuff-junk-that it was no surprise they had n't seen the head right away .
[["hannah", 6], ["stack", 14], ["stacks", 14], ["stacked", 14], ["cookie", 33], ["cookied", 33], ["cookies", 33], ["tin", 42], ["buy", 56], ["buyed", 56], ["bought", 56], ["early", 64], ["week", 74], ["ripley", 84], ["department", 98], ["store", 104], ["witch", 121], ["witched", 121], ["black", 133], ["cat", 137], ["paint", 145], ["painted", 145], ["lid", 156], ["seth", 167], ["doubt", 182], ["find", 187], ["use", 193], ["halloween", 216], ["maybe", 224], ["put", 234], ["dry", 244], ["drier", 244], ["drying", 244], ["dried", 244], ["tea", 252], ["teas", 252], ["bag", 257], ["bagged", 257], ["bagging", 257], ["bags", 257], ["collect", 270], ["collected", 270], ["town", 284], ["restaurant", 299], ["restaurants", 299], ["straighten", 329], ["straightened", 329], ["nail", 335], ["nails", 335], ["recycler", 357], ["first", 370], ["firstest", 370], ["order", 376], ["orderest", 376], ["tomorrow", 397], ["tomorrows", 397], ["tear", 415], ["teared", 415], ["torn", 415], ["hand", 433], ["home", 457], ["homing", 457], ["warm", 469], ["comfortable", 481], ["two", 485], ["twos", 485], ["bedroom", 493], ["apartment", 503], ["case", 511], ["little", 518], ["trick", 524], ["treater", 536], ["treaters", 536], ["come", 541], ["came", 541], ["always", 567], ["problem", 577], ["joan", 587], ["parrot", 600], ["shriek", 615], ["shrieked", 615], ["tiny", 627], ["hobgoblin", 638], ["hobgoblins", 638], ["employ", 650], ["employs", 650], ["employing", 650], ["dreadful", 663], ["vocabulary", 674], ["vocabularies", 674], ["pick", 688], ["picked", 688], ["former", 705], ["owner", 711], ["see", 729], ["seen", 729], ["child", 745], ["childs", 745], ["children", 745], ["burst", 751], ["bursted", 751], ["tear", 762], ["teared", 762], ["tears", 762], ["hallway", 777], ["hallways", 777], ["sister", 810], ["invite", 822], ["invites", 822], ["invited", 822], ["opening", 841], ["new", 850], ["nightclub", 860], ["calgary", 871], ["tired", 890], ["emily", 899], ["effort", 910], ["efforts", 910], ["marry", 919], ["married", 919], ["regular", 951], ["regulars", 951], ["annoying", 960], ["invitation", 972], ["invitations", 972], ["regularly", 1002], ["turn", 1009], ["turned", 1009], ["thinly", 1037], ["disguise", 1047], ["disguising", 1047], ["disguised", 1047], ["attempt", 1056], ["attempts", 1056], ["match", 1065], ["matching", 1065], ["poor", 1082], ["unsuspecting", 1100], ["man", 1104], ["mans", 1104], ["manned", 1104], ["deem", 1126], ["deemed", 1126], ["suitable", 1135], ["mean", 1152], ["meanest", 1152], ["meant", 1152], ["single", 1176], ["employ", 1189], ["employs", 1189], ["employed", 1189], ["suppose", 1204], ["supposed", 1204], ["intention", 1224], ["intentions", 1224], ["good", 1234], ["young", 1248], ["youngest", 1248], ["parrish", 1256], ["four", 1271], ["year", 1277], ["years", 1277], ["convince", 1299], ["convinced", 1299], ["convincing", 1299], ["never", 1318], ["meet", 1323], ["meeted", 1323], ["anyone", 1330], ["quiet", 1366], ["staid", 1378], ["sensible", 1393], ["well", 1408], ["wells", 1408], ["even", 1425], ["evens", 1425], ["go", 1430], ["goest", 1430], ["gone", 1430], ["far", 1437], ["call", 1448], ["enjoy", 1503], ["enjoyed", 1503], ["life", 1518], ["lifes", 1518], ["friend", 1536], ["friends", 1536], ["mainly", 1545], ["woman", 1551], ["womans", 1551], ["women", 1551], ["member", 1570], ["three", 1579], ["club", 1585], ["clubbed", 1585], ["clubbing", 1585], ["clubs", 1585], ["library", 1616], ["glory", 1628], ["gloried", 1628], ["garden", 1635], ["gardens", 1635], ["gardened", 1635], ["club", 1640], ["clubbed", 1640], ["clubbing", 1640], ["group", 1661], ["meet", 1670], ["meeted", 1670], ["met", 1670], ["month", 1683], ["go", 1703], ["goest", 1703], ["going", 1703], ["occasional", 1725], ["movie", 1731], ["rent", 1742], ["renting", 1742], ["video", 1750], ["watch", 1763], ["watching", 1763], ["mr", 1784], ["spitz", 1791], ["date", 1824], ["dated", 1824], ["bruce", 1830], ["twist", 1836], ["twisted", 1836], ["twisting", 1836], ["insurance", 1852], ["salesman", 1861], ["farm", 1875], ["farming", 1875], ["agency", 1892], ["main", 1900], ["street", 1907], ["often", 1923], ["danny", 1934], ["philpot", 1942], ["clerk", 1952], ["county", 1966], ["courthouse", 1977], ["mislead", 2007], ["misleaded", 2007], ["misleading", 2007], ["reis", 2034], ["real", 2034], ["romantic", 2043], ["interest", 2052], ["either", 2062], ["oh", 2071], ["nice", 2088], ["enough", 2095], ["try", 2110], ["tryed", 2110], ["tried", 2110], ["good", 2119], ["well", 2119], ["wells", 2119], ["best", 2119], ["work", 2148], ["wrought", 2148], ["worked", 2148], ["usually", 2165], ["explain", 2206], ["interested", 2235], ["simple", 2245], ["simplest", 2245], ["companionship", 2259], ["sure", 2277], ["think", 2286], ["thinkest", 2286], ["odd", 2307], ["generally", 2319], ["second", 2373], ["seconded", 2373], ["floor", 2379], ["still", 2397], ["know", 2416], ["knowest", 2416], ["drive", 2439], ["way", 2451], ["ways", 2451], ["party", 2484], ["next", 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["happen", 3168], ["happened", 3168], ["current", 3203], ["go", 3228], ["goest", 3228], ["dare", 3264], ["dared", 3264], ["everyone", 3313], ["call", 3320], ["called", 3320], ["ever", 3342], ["everest", 3342], ["go", 3347], ["goest", 3347], ["went", 3347], ["especially", 3366], ["ramshackle", 3406], ["build", 3439], ["builds", 3439], ["built", 3439], ["lot", 3462], ["away", 3474], ["comfort", 3506], ["streetlight", 3522], ["streetlights", 3522], ["recall", 3545], ["recallest", 3545], ["recalled", 3545], ["jeer", 3558], ["jeers", 3558], ["jeered", 3558], ["initial", 3579], ["hesitation", 3590], ["mad", 3630], ["mads", 3630], ["tell", 3651], ["told", 3651], ["scream", 3708], ["screams", 3708], ["screamed", 3708], ["dramatically", 3721], ["bravado", 3738], ["jump", 3749], ["jumps", 3749], ["jumped", 3749], ["stay", 3786], ["staying", 3786], ["sidewalk", 3802], ["long", 3835], ["longs", 3835], ["scaredy", 3857], ["declare", 3887], ["declared", 3887], ["satisfaction", 3910], ["clutch", 3922], ["clutching", 3922], ["hand", 3942], ["hands", 3942], ["gingerly", 3986], ["path", 4008], ["porch", 4021], ["low", 4042], ["lowed", 4042], ["wattage", 4050], ["bulb", 4055], ["burn", 4062], ["burns", 4062], ["burned", 4062], ["door", 4076], ["heart", 4088], ["drop", 4096], ["dropped", 4096], ["push", 4112], ["pushed", 4112], ["creaky", 4128], ["screen", 4135], ["screening", 4135], ["bottom", 4153], ["bottoming", 4153], ["half", 4158], ["scuff", 4166], ["scuffed", 4166], ["wear", 4175], ["worn", 4175], ["full", 4199], ["junk", 4213], ["junks", 4213], ["junked", 4213], ["junking", 4213], ["surprise", 4237], ["surprised", 4237], ["right", 4270], ["rightest", 4270]]
he rushed toward her with a burning glower , then pulled her to his broad , hard chest . his steely erection throbbed against her , prodding her from beneath his trousers . `` you think i would n't tie you to my bed , precious ? trust me , given the chance , i 'd live out every nasty fantasy i 've hidden for the past six years . i 'd make you my dirty little whore and you 'd beg me to use you in ways that would make the devil blush . '' raine went wide eyed . she barely had time to process his silky threat before he grabbed her hair and tugged , forcing her gaze to his . his stare delved , branded , commanded . the truth hit her . she swallowed-hard . oh god ... `` you 're serious . all these years , you 've wanted ... '' she gaped at him , trying to reconcile everything she thought she knew with the dark thunder of desire pounding across his face , charging up the air between them . `` every f**king hour of every goddamn day . do you have any idea how insane i was when i found out you 'd given your virginity to that piece of shit , zak ? something dangerous and lethal flashed in his eyes . pieces of the puzzle started snapping together . `` i know you 've made everyone who ever touched me go away . '' i 've wanted you almost since i took you in that hot august night six years ago . you were n't quiet eighteen yet , and i called myself every name in the book : pervert , pedophile , dumb fuck . none of it stopped me from wanting you . '' god , she did n't understand this complicated man . `` i 've been here all this time . when you grew up on me and blossomed into the incredible woman you are now ... '' he stopped and trailed his thumb over her bottom lip . raine found it hard to breathe . his information was almost more than she could absorb . reconciling it in her head was like suddenly hearing that the sky was n't actually blue . the shock of that just kept rolling through her system . after hiding it for years , why admit how he felt now ? because he was drunk enough to finally be honest ? the way his thumb kept brushing her lip and his stare lasered in on her mouth made her insides jumpy , her folds turn damp . you 've always treated me like a child . '' remembering all the hurt and anger , she jerked out of his embrace . `` like your sister . did you watch liam f**k my ass and suddenly decide i 'm grown up and , therefore , fair game ? '' `` you 've been grown up in my eyes since you turned eighteen . in some ways , even before then . as for liam ... '' he curled his lip in a condescending sneer . `` he ca n't handle you . you 're going to walk all over him , precious . you need a strong dom who can keep you under his thumb and your sexy ass in line . i 'm the only one who could ever give you those boundaries you crave . he 'll be a fun play toy , but that 's all . you 'll always hunger for me to be firm with you and push your limits . '' oh , she understood now . `` before , you told me that i was n't mature enough , good enough , strong enough . now you 're going to dangle that c*ck in front of me because i 'm taken , so i still ca n't have you . then what 's the point to this dazzling truth ? '' `` you 're never going to touch me . malign liam if it makes you feel better , but he 's tender and wonderful and has the guts to treat me like a woman . '' she stalked over to the bar , grabbed the bottle , and guzzled from it . the tequila burned going down , and she welcomed the fire as she slammed the bottle aside and fastened her stare on him again . her blood sang . her body buzzed , and not for anything would she admit that to him . so take your boundaries and shove them up your ass . '' before she could draw in another breath , he pursued her , pressing his hot body against hers . his bare chest heaved and his lips were drawn in a tight , angry line . he glared down into her eyes . you 're the one who conjured up self-depreciating reasons , not me . if i were going to dangle my c*ck in your face , i 'd sure as f**k instruct you how to suck it . trust me , it 's not my ass that 's going to get reamed , and it 's not boundaries i 'll be shoving up yours . '' grinding his heated arousal against her , he closed his eyes and moaned , making her shake all over . when he opened them again , she saw savage hunger blazing there . `` hammer , i ... '' `` not another f**king word , raine . ''
[["rush", 9], ["rushed", 9], ["toward", 16], ["burn", 35], ["burns", 35], ["burning", 35], ["glow", 42], ["pull", 56], ["pulled", 56], ["broad", 73], ["broads", 73], ["hard", 80], ["chest", 86], ["steely", 99], ["erection", 108], ["throb", 117], ["throbs", 117], ["throbbed", 117], ["throbbing", 117], ["prod", 140], ["prods", 140], ["prodding", 140], ["beneath", 157], ["trouser", 170], ["trousers", 170], ["think", 185], ["thinkest", 185], ["tie", 201], ["tying", 201], ["tieing", 201], ["bed", 215], ["precious", 226], ["trust", 234], ["give", 245], ["given", 245], ["chance", 256], ["chanced", 256], ["chancing", 256], ["live", 268], ["every", 278], ["nasty", 284], ["fantasy", 292], ["hide", 305], ["hides", 305], ["hidden", 305], ["past", 318], ["six", 322], ["year", 328], ["years", 328], ["dirty", 353], ["little", 360], ["whore", 366], ["beg", 381], ["use", 391], ["way", 403], ["ways", 403], ["devil", 429], ["devils", 429], ["blush", 435], ["blushes", 435], ["raine", 446], ["go", 451], ["goest", 451], ["went", 451], ["wide", 456], ["barely", 474], ["time", 483], ["process", 494], ["silky", 504], ["threat", 511], ["grab", 529], ["grabbed", 529], ["hair", 538], ["tug", 549], ["tugging", 549], ["tugged", 549], ["force", 559], ["forcing", 559], ["gaze", 568], ["gazes", 568], ["stare", 587], ["stared", 587], ["delve", 594], ["brand", 604], ["branded", 604], ["command", 616], ["commanded", 616], ["truth", 628], ["hit", 632], ["swallow", 652], ["swallows", 652], ["swallowed", 652], ["oh", 662], ["god", 666], ["serious", 689], ["gape", 741], ["gapes", 741], ["gaped", 741], ["try", 757], ["tryed", 757], ["trying", 757], ["reconcile", 770], ["reconciles", 770], ["everything", 781], ["think", 793], ["thinkest", 793], ["thought", 793], ["know", 802], ["knowest", 802], ["knew", 802], ["dark", 816], ["thunder", 824], ["desire", 834], ["pound", 843], ["pounding", 843], ["across", 850], ["face", 859], ["charge", 870], ["charging", 870], ["air", 881], ["airs", 881], ["airing", 881], ["hour", 918], ["goddamn", 935], ["day", 939], ["idea", 962], ["insane", 973], ["find", 992], ["found", 992], ["virginity", 1024], ["piece", 1038], ["pieced", 1038], ["shit", 1046], ["zak", 1052], ["dangerous", 1074], ["lethal", 1085], ["flash", 1093], ["flashed", 1093], ["eye", 1105], ["eyed", 1105], ["eyes", 1105], ["piece", 1114], ["pieced", 1114], ["pieces", 1114], ["puzzle", 1128], ["start", 1136], ["started", 1136], ["snap", 1145], ["snapping", 1145], ["together", 1154], ["know", 1166], ["knowest", 1166], ["everyone", 1188], ["ever", 1197], ["everest", 1197], ["touch", 1205], ["touching", 1205], ["touched", 1205], ["go", 1211], ["goest", 1211], ["away", 1216], ["almost", 1245], ["since", 1251], ["take", 1258], ["took", 1258], ["hot", 1274], ["august", 1281], ["night", 1287], ["ago", 1301], ["quiet", 1322], ["eighteen", 1331], ["eighteens", 1331], ["yet", 1335], ["call", 1350], ["called", 1350], ["name", 1368], ["book", 1380], ["pervert", 1390], ["pervertest", 1390], ["pedophile", 1402], ["dumb", 1409], ["fuck", 1414], ["none", 1421], ["stop", 1435], ["stopped", 1435], ["understand", 1489], ["understanded", 1489], ["complicatedest", 1506], ["man", 1510], ["mans", 1510], ["manned", 1510], ["grow", 1561], ["growest", 1561], ["grew", 1561], ["blossom", 1584], ["blossomed", 1584], ["incredible", 1604], ["woman", 1610], ["womans", 1610], ["trail", 1652], ["trailed", 1652], ["thumb", 1662], ["thumbed", 1662], ["bottom", 1678], ["bottoming", 1678], ["lip", 1682], ["lipped", 1682], ["breathes", 1715], ["information", 1733], ["absorb", 1771], ["reconcile", 1785], ["reconciles", 1785], ["reconciling", 1785], ["head", 1800], ["like", 1809], ["suddenly", 1818], ["hear", 1826], ["hears", 1826], ["hearing", 1826], ["sky", 1839], ["blue", 1861], ["shock", 1873], ["keep", 1891], ["keepest", 1891], ["kept", 1891], ["roll", 1899], ["rolling", 1899], ["system", 1918], ["hide", 1933], ["hides", 1933], ["admit", 1958], ["feel", 1970], ["felt", 1970], ["drunk", 1997], ["enough", 2004], ["finally", 2015], ["honest", 2025], ["way", 2035], ["ways", 2035], ["brush", 2059], ["brushest", 2059], ["brushing", 2059], ["mouth", 2105], ["mouthed", 2105], ["inside", 2122], ["insides", 2122], ["jumpy", 2128], ["fold", 2140], ["folds", 2140], ["turn", 2145], ["damp", 2150], ["damps", 2150], ["damped", 2150], ["always", 2167], ["treat", 2175], ["treats", 2175], ["treatest", 2175], ["treated", 2175], ["child", 2191], ["childs", 2191], ["remember", 2208], ["rememberest", 2208], ["remembering", 2208], ["hurt", 2221], ["hurts", 2221], ["hurting", 2221], ["anger", 2231], ["jerk", 2244], ["jerks", 2244], ["jerked", 2244], ["embrace", 2263], ["sister", 2285], ["watch", 2301], ["liam", 2306], ["ass", 2318], ["decide", 2338], ["grow", 2349], ["growest", 2349], ["grown", 2349], ["therefore", 2368], ["fair", 2375], ["fairs", 2375], ["fairest", 2375], ["game", 2380], ["turn", 2438], ["turned", 2438], ["even", 2469], ["evens", 2469], ["curl", 2512], ["curls", 2512], ["curled", 2512], ["sneer", 2545], ["ca", 2556], ["cas", 2556], ["handle", 2567], ["go", 2587], ["goest", 2587], ["going", 2587], ["walk", 2595], ["need", 2630], ["needest", 2630], ["strong", 2639], ["dom", 2643], ["keep", 2656], ["keepest", 2656], ["sexy", 2690], ["line", 2702], ["give", 2742], ["boundary", 2763], ["boundaries", 2763], ["crave", 2773], ["craved", 2773], ["craving", 2773], ["fun", 2791], ["play", 2796], ["playest", 2796], ["toy", 2800], ["toyed", 2800], ["toyest", 2800], ["hunger", 2842], ["hungers", 2842], ["hungering", 2842], ["firm", 2860], ["push", 2878], ["limit", 2890], ["limited", 2890], ["limits", 2890], ["understand", 2915], ["understanded", 2915], ["understood", 2915], ["tell", 2942], ["told", 2942], ["mature", 2967], ["good", 2981], ["dangle", 3034], ["front", 3053], ["still", 3091], ["point", 3132], ["dazzle", 3149], ["dazzling", 3149], ["never", 3177], ["touch", 3192], ["touching", 3192], ["malign", 3204], ["maligns", 3204], ["maligned", 3204], ["malignest", 3204], ["maligning", 3204], ["feel", 3230], ["well", 3237], ["wells", 3237], ["tender", 3256], ["tenderest", 3256], ["wonderful", 3270], ["gut", 3287], ["guts", 3287], ["treat", 3296], ["treats", 3296], ["treatest", 3296], ["stalk", 3329], ["stalkest", 3329], ["stalked", 3329], ["bar", 3345], ["bottle", 3366], ["bottled", 3366], ["guzzle", 3380], ["guzzles", 3380], ["guzzled", 3380], ["tequila", 3402], ["tequilas", 3402], ["burn", 3409], ["burns", 3409], ["burned", 3409], ["welcome", 3439], ["welcomed", 3439], ["fire", 3448], ["slam", 3463], ["slammed", 3463], ["aside", 3480], ["fasten", 3493], ["fastenest", 3493], ["fastened", 3493], ["blood", 3528], ["bloods", 3528], ["blooded", 3528], ["sung", 3533], ["sing", 3533], ["sang", 3533], ["body", 3544], ["bodied", 3544], ["buzz", 3551], ["buzzes", 3551], ["buzzing", 3551], ["buzzed", 3551], ["anything", 3574], ["take", 3612], ["shove", 3638], ["draw", 3682], ["draws", 3682], ["drawn", 3682], ["another", 3693], ["breath", 3700], ["breathest", 3700], ["pursue", 3713], ["pursued", 3713], ["press", 3728], ["pressing", 3728], ["heave", 3778], ["heaves", 3778], ["heaving", 3778], ["heaved", 3778], ["lip", 3791], ["lipped", 3791], ["lips", 3791], ["draw", 3802], ["draws", 3802], ["drawn", 3802], ["tight", 3813], ["angry", 3821], ["glare", 3838], ["glared", 3838], ["conjure", 3888], ["conjured", 3888], ["self", 3896], ["depreciate", 3909], ["depreciating", 3909], ["reason", 3917], ["reasonest", 3917], ["reasons", 3917], ["sure", 3987], ["instruct", 4004], ["instructest", 4004], ["suck", 4020], ["sucking", 4020], ["get", 4074], ["ream", 4081], ["reaming", 4081], ["reamed", 4081], ["shove", 4125], ["shoving", 4125], ["grind", 4148], ["grinding", 4148], ["arousal", 4167], ["close", 4191], ["closed", 4191], ["moan", 4211], ["moans", 4211], ["moanest", 4211], ["moaned", 4211], ["shake", 4230], ["open", 4256], ["opened", 4256], ["see", 4277], ["saw", 4277], ["savage", 4284], ["savaged", 4284], ["blaze", 4299], ["blazed", 4299], ["blazing", 4299], ["hammer", 4317], ["word", 4356]]
then he lifted his hand and began to gently stroke her brow . you know , she whispered . even if this all turns out to be a hoax , i am glad i met you . i have never felt as loved as i have in these last few days . i do love you , lizzie . his voice was no more than a deep rumple in the air . she took comfort from it and the gentle , repetitive movement of his fingers on her skin . for a moment , his fingers stopped , and then they started up again . a month ago , i did not have a friend in the world and i thought i would be cast out on the street like a scarlet woman . now i have everything i have ever dreamed of and more . a month ago , i was a lonely man beginning a great adventure i hoped would cleanse my jaded pallet . i never expected to find love , to have the possibility of a family . i never thought such a thing was possible for me . karl , would you kiss me ? his fingers stopped moving but they didnt leave her forehead . then very slowly he drew himself up onto his knees and leaned in toward her . she closed her eyes and waited , and for a terrifying moment , she wondered if he would actually do it . then she felt his lips play over hers gently , tenderly , as if she were the most precious thing in the world to him . she opened her lips and invited more . he responded by intensifying the kiss , leaning in , so that their mouths were pressed together as if theyd never part . then , when the first pleasure ebbed , he began to use the soft flesh of his bottom lip to caress her as he gently nipped at her upper lip with his teeth . it was so unexpected that she drew in a startled breath . he withdrew immediately . it was just unexpected . no one has ever nibbled me before . i didnt know i was doing it . kiss me again , please . nibble me , do what you will to me . i am yours to do with as you will . he gave a self-conscious laugh . do not say such a thing to a man or you might be taken at your word . i want to know what it is to be with a man without pain , fear and humiliation . it is all so new to me . i do not know where to start . let me touch you then . her gaze jerked up to meet his . his fingers moved to her blouse and began to unbutton each pearl slowly , waiting for her to stop him . her pulse began to race , but she didnt move . she wore no stays and all that covered her breasts beneath her top was a chemise of white lawn . when the final button was undone , he drew back the sides of the blouse and pulled it free of her skirt . then he began to stroke at the thin , cotton fabric that clung to her swollen , sensitive breasts . you are so beautiful , he said in hushed awe . his gentle strokes were wonderful and she relaxed beneath his tender touch , no longer embarrassed by what he was doing . but when his fingertips closed around the tip of one nipple , she nearly jumped off the bed . she shook her head and lay still once more , letting him resume his exploration . he tweaked the nipple again until she felt a hot pooling between her legs . then , while she was trying to come to terms with the strangely delicious sensations flooding her , his fingers left their play and stroked up to her shoulder . she wanted to tell him to go back , to finish what hed been doing , but she was too shy . however , suddenly something warm and wet pressed down on her breast , and she groaned with pleasure as his mouth sucked in her nipple along with its cotton covering . convulsively , she reached up and buried her hands in his brown hair , feeling its silky strands , unmarred by greasy pomade . when he gently grazed the nipple with his teeth she clutched at his hair , pulling him closer , whimpering in delighted agony as the sensation threatened to overwhelm her . then his mouth left off its ministration and moved away . she whimpered again , this time in disappointment . when he blew onto the damp cotton , she shuddered . she asked , as he cupped her furthest breast in his hand and kneaded it gently like bread dough . he began suckling on her other nipple through the fabric . she arched her back , not understanding why , but trusting that her body knew what to do . his tongue left her breast and licked a trail up to her throat , where he began to kiss and nibble her there as he kneaded her full breasts with sure , gentle movements . i am an avid reader . there was a time i thought i should explore sex as part of the human experience so i did my research . however , i could never find a woman i wanted to experiment with . she chuckled , as her face began to burn with embarrassment . you can research this in your world ? you can research anything in my world .
[["lift", 14], ["lifted", 14], ["hand", 23], ["begin", 33], ["began", 33], ["gently", 43], ["stroke", 50], ["brow", 59], ["know", 70], ["knowest", 70], ["whisper", 86], ["whispered", 86], ["even", 93], ["evens", 93], ["turn", 111], ["turns", 111], ["hoax", 128], ["hoaxed", 128], ["hoaxes", 128], ["glad", 140], ["meet", 146], ["meeted", 146], ["met", 146], ["never", 165], ["feel", 170], ["felt", 170], ["love", 179], ["loved", 179], ["last", 203], ["day", 212], ["days", 212], ["love", 224], ["lizzie", 237], ["voice", 249], ["deep", 273], ["deeply", 273], ["rumple", 280], ["air", 291], ["airs", 291], ["airing", 291], ["take", 302], ["took", 302], ["comfort", 310], ["gentle", 333], ["gentler", 333], ["repetitive", 346], ["movement", 355], ["finger", 370], ["fingers", 370], ["skin", 382], ["moment", 397], ["stop", 419], ["stopped", 419], ["start", 443], ["started", 443], ["month", 462], ["ago", 466], ["friend", 492], ["world", 505], ["think", 519], ["thinkest", 519], ["thought", 519], ["cast", 535], ["casts", 535], ["street", 553], ["like", 558], ["scarlet", 568], ["woman", 574], ["womans", 574], ["everything", 598], ["ever", 610], ["everest", 610], ["dream", 618], ["dreamt", 618], ["dreamest", 618], ["dreamed", 618], ["lonely", 661], ["man", 665], ["mans", 665], ["manned", 665], ["begin", 675], ["beginning", 675], ["great", 683], ["adventure", 693], ["hope", 701], ["hoped", 701], ["cleanse", 715], ["jade", 724], ["jaded", 724], ["pallet", 731], ["expect", 750], ["expected", 750], ["find", 758], ["possibility", 789], ["family", 801], ["thing", 832], ["possible", 845], ["karl", 859], ["kiss", 876], ["kisses", 876], ["kissest", 876], ["move", 908], ["moving", 908], ["left", 929], ["leave", 929], ["forehead", 942], ["slowly", 961], ["draw", 969], ["draws", 969], ["drawn", 969], ["drew", 969], ["onto", 985], ["ontos", 985], ["knee", 995], ["knees", 995], ["lean", 1006], ["leans", 1006], ["leaned", 1006], ["toward", 1016], ["close", 1033], ["closed", 1033], ["eye", 1042], ["eyed", 1042], ["eyes", 1042], ["wait", 1053], ["waitest", 1053], ["waited", 1053], ["wonder", 1098], ["wonderest", 1098], ["wondered", 1098], ["lip", 1150], ["lipped", 1150], ["lips", 1150], ["play", 1155], ["playest", 1155], ["tenderly", 1183], ["precious", 1218], ["open", 1257], ["opened", 1257], ["invite", 1278], ["invites", 1278], ["invited", 1278], ["respond", 1298], ["respondest", 1298], ["responded", 1298], ["intensify", 1314], ["intensifying", 1314], ["lean", 1333], ["leans", 1333], ["leaning", 1333], ["mouth", 1359], ["mouthed", 1359], ["mouths", 1359], ["press", 1372], ["pressed", 1372], ["together", 1381], ["part", 1404], ["parting", 1404], ["first", 1428], ["firstest", 1428], ["pleasure", 1437], ["ebb", 1443], ["ebbest", 1443], ["ebbed", 1443], ["use", 1461], ["soft", 1470], ["flesh", 1476], ["fleshest", 1476], ["bottom", 1490], ["bottoming", 1490], ["lip", 1494], ["lipped", 1494], ["caress", 1504], ["nip", 1528], ["nipped", 1528], ["upper", 1541], ["tooth", 1560], ["teeth", 1560], ["unexpected", 1583], ["breath", 1618], ["breathest", 1618], ["withdraw", 1632], ["withdrew", 1632], ["immediately", 1644], ["nibble", 1695], ["nibbling", 1695], ["nibbled", 1695], ["please", 1760], ["nibble", 1769], ["nibbling", 1769], ["give", 1843], ["gave", 1843], ["self", 1850], ["conscious", 1860], ["laugh", 1866], ["say", 1879], ["sayest", 1879], ["may", 1914], ["mays", 1914], ["mayest", 1914], ["might", 1914], ["take", 1923], ["taken", 1923], ["word", 1936], ["without", 1989], ["pain", 1994], ["fear", 2001], ["fearest", 2001], ["humiliation", 2017], ["new", 2036], ["start", 2073], ["let", 2079], ["lets", 2079], ["touch", 2088], ["touching", 2088], ["gaze", 2108], ["gazes", 2108], ["jerk", 2115], ["jerks", 2115], ["jerked", 2115], ["meet", 2126], ["meeted", 2126], ["move", 2150], ["moved", 2150], ["blouse", 2164], ["unbutton", 2186], ["unbuttoned", 2186], ["pearl", 2197], ["pearlest", 2197], ["wait", 2214], ["waitest", 2214], ["waiting", 2214], ["stop", 2230], ["pulse", 2246], ["race", 2260], ["racing", 2260], ["move", 2281], ["wear", 2292], ["wore", 2292], ["stay", 2301], ["stays", 2301], ["cover", 2322], ["covered", 2322], ["breast", 2334], ["breasted", 2334], ["breasting", 2334], ["breasts", 2334], ["beneath", 2342], ["top", 2350], ["chemise", 2364], ["white", 2373], ["lawn", 2378], ["lawns", 2378], ["final", 2395], ["button", 2402], ["buttoning", 2402], ["undo", 2413], ["undone", 2413], ["undoed", 2413], ["undoing", 2413], ["back", 2428], ["side", 2438], ["sidest", 2438], ["sides", 2438], ["pull", 2463], ["pulled", 2463], ["free", 2471], ["skirt", 2484], ["thin", 2522], ["thins", 2522], ["cotton", 2531], ["fabric", 2538], ["cling", 2549], ["sensitive", 2576], ["beautiful", 2607], ["beautifulest", 2607], ["say", 2617], ["sayest", 2617], ["said", 2617], ["awe", 2631], ["awed", 2631], ["stroke", 2652], ["strokes", 2652], ["wonderful", 2667], ["relax", 2683], ["relaxed", 2683], ["tender", 2702], ["tenderest", 2702], ["long", 2720], ["longs", 2720], ["fingertip", 2779], ["fingertips", 2779], ["around", 2793], ["tip", 2801], ["nipple", 2815], ["nipples", 2815], ["nearly", 2828], ["jump", 2835], ["jumps", 2835], ["jumped", 2835], ["bed", 2847], ["shake", 2859], ["shook", 2859], ["head", 2868], ["lay", 2876], ["lie", 2876], ["lain", 2876], ["still", 2882], ["let", 2902], ["lets", 2902], ["letting", 2902], ["resume", 2913], ["exploration", 2929], ["tweak", 2942], ["tweaking", 2942], ["tweaked", 2942], ["hot", 2980], ["leg", 3005], ["legs", 3005], ["try", 3035], ["tryed", 3035], ["trying", 3035], ["come", 3043], ["term", 3052], ["terming", 3052], ["terms", 3052], ["strangely", 3071], ["delicious", 3081], ["sensation", 3092], ["sensations", 3092], ["flood", 3101], ["left", 3124], ["leave", 3124], ["stroke", 3147], ["stroked", 3147], ["shoulder", 3166], ["shouldered", 3166], ["tell", 3187], ["go", 3197], ["goest", 3197], ["finish", 3214], ["shy", 3256], ["shying", 3256], ["however", 3266], ["suddenly", 3277], ["warm", 3292], ["wet", 3300], ["breast", 3327], ["breasted", 3327], ["breasting", 3327], ["groan", 3345], ["groans", 3345], ["groanest", 3345], ["groaning", 3345], ["groaned", 3345], ["mouth", 3372], ["mouthed", 3372], ["suck", 3379], ["sucking", 3379], ["sucked", 3379], ["along", 3399], ["covering", 3424], ["convulsively", 3439], ["reach", 3453], ["reached", 3453], ["bury", 3467], ["burying", 3467], ["buried", 3467], ["hand", 3477], ["hands", 3477], ["brown", 3490], ["browns", 3490], ["hair", 3495], ["feel", 3505], ["feeling", 3505], ["silky", 3515], ["strand", 3523], ["strands", 3523], ["greasy", 3544], ["pomade", 3551], ["graze", 3575], ["grazed", 3575], ["clutch", 3614], ["clutched", 3614], ["pull", 3636], ["pulling", 3636], ["close", 3647], ["closer", 3647], ["whimper", 3660], ["whimpering", 3660], ["delighted", 3673], ["agony", 3679], ["sensation", 3696], ["threaten", 3707], ["threatened", 3707], ["overwhelm", 3720], ["overwhelms", 3720], ["overwhelmed", 3720], ["ministration", 3767], ["away", 3782], ["whimper", 3798], ["whimpering", 3798], ["whimpered", 3798], ["time", 3816], ["disappointment", 3834], ["blew", 3849], ["blow", 3849], ["blowest", 3849], ["damp", 3863], ["damps", 3863], ["damped", 3863], ["shudder", 3886], ["shuddering", 3886], ["shudderest", 3886], ["shuddered", 3886], ["ask", 3898], ["asked", 3898], ["cup", 3913], ["cupped", 3913], ["furth", 3926], ["furthest", 3926], ["knead", 3957], ["kneads", 3957], ["kneading", 3957], ["kneadest", 3957], ["kneaded", 3957], ["bread", 3978], ["breads", 3978], ["dough", 3984], ["suckle", 4004], ["suckling", 4004], ["arch", 4056], ["arched", 4056], ["understand", 4085], ["understanded", 4085], ["trust", 4104], ["trusting", 4104], ["body", 4118], ["bodied", 4118], ["know", 4123], ["knowest", 4123], ["knew", 4123], ["tongue", 4147], ["tonguing", 4147], ["lick", 4174], ["licked", 4174], ["trail", 4182], ["throat", 4199], ["full", 4268], ["sure", 4286], ["movement", 4305], ["movements", 4305], ["avid", 4320], ["reader", 4327], ["explore", 4373], ["sex", 4377], ["human", 4398], ["experience", 4409], ["experienced", 4409], ["research", 4430], ["experiment", 4492], ["chuckle", 4512], ["chuckled", 4512], ["face", 4526], ["burn", 4540], ["burns", 4540], ["embarrassment", 4559], ["anything", 4625]]
your days are over , man ! you 're gon na get sent to the office . '' `` did n't take them long to catch on , '' nick murmured in cassie 's ear . `` you 're all going to get sent to the office , '' adam said , pushing between the outsiders to get to chris and doug . he faced them , holding up the handout like a magic talisman . `` fighting 's a type-b offense . you 'll all go down for it . '' there was a moment of uncertainty , then the outsiders drew back , eyeing each other . `` we 'll see you later , '' they decided finally , and turned down the hall . doug tried to go after them . `` any time , any place , '' he yelled as nick caught him and held him still . `` leggo of me ! '' he snarled at nick . `` we ca n't afford a confrontation yet , '' diana told him . `` good job , '' she added to adam . `` it worked - this time , '' adam said . `` if i 'm right about what he 's doing , they 'll eventually figure out that the rules are mainly against us . they may not get in trouble for fighting , but we will . '' to cassie 's vast relief deborah came around the corner at that moment . `` deb , where have you been ? '' `` watching the hall monitors get their orders . they 're giving them badges like ss men . '' `` it is like the nazis , '' cassie said . `` he 's organizing a witch hunt , '' said adam . `` i wonder if he 's done it before , '' suzan said . cassie started to say , `` what do you mean ? '' but stopped in the middle of it and stared at her . suzan , who looked so - fluffy , so brainless , who even now was groping in her purse for a compact , had done it again . `` and faye is working for him - `` diana was saying . cassie interrupted . `` no , wait , listen . did you hear what suzan just said ? i wonder if he 's done it before . you know , i 'll bet he has . '' `` in 1692 , '' adam said slowly . `` in salem . how could we be so stupid ? '' `` i think they 're saying that black john could have organized the salem witch hunt , '' diana said . `` but - `` `` not organized , maybe , but contributed , helped it along , '' cassie said . `` made sure it did n't just die out , fed the hysteria . like he was feeding it today . '' there was a silence , then adam lifted his head , his frown clearing . `` to get the coven to leave . they could n't hang around in that atmosphere anymore , so they followed him to new salem , with all their tools - including the master tools . '' `` you told me that he was a leader of the original coven , '' cassie said . `` but i wonder if he was a leader before the coven moved to new salem - or only after . '' the faces of the circle members were very sober . `` i think he 's trying to do the same thing again , '' adam said . `` turn everybody against us so we do n't have anywhere else to go - but to him . he 's the only one who can defend us . '' `` he can go to hell , '' deborah said , as if this ought to be obvious . `` yeah , well , i 'm sure he does n't think we 're going to come crawling to him right now , '' nick murmured . `` things may look a little different in a couple of weeks . '' `` i think we 'd better have a talk with faye , '' diana said . they lay in wait for faye by the back entrance of the auditorium , where deborah thought she was most likely to come out . when she did she had the clipboard on her arm . `` alone at last , '' nick said , and they surrounded her , the eleven of them , forcing her to a stop . looking at the faces of the circle members right then , cassie was reminded of the way faye , deborah , and suzan had looked when they had caught her spying on them in front of the school . beautiful , focused , and deadly . faye looked around at them and tossed her head . it did n't work as well with her hair gathered up in a bun . i have work to do , '' she said . adam asked tightly . diana laid a hand on his arm and spoke herself . `` faye , we know you ca n't talk now . but we 're going to have a ceremony tonight , because it 's the night of hecate - `` `` and our birthday , '' chris put in , aggrieved. `` - and we want you to be there . ''
[["day", 9], ["days", 9], ["man", 24], ["mans", 24], ["manned", 24], ["gon", 38], ["na", 41], ["nas", 41], ["get", 45], ["send", 50], ["sent", 50], ["office", 64], ["take", 85], ["long", 95], ["longs", 95], ["catch", 104], ["catches", 104], ["catched", 104], ["nick", 117], ["nicked", 117], ["murmur", 126], ["murmurest", 126], ["murmured", 126], ["cassie", 136], ["ear", 143], ["go", 166], ["goest", 166], ["going", 166], ["adam", 202], ["adams", 202], ["say", 207], ["sayest", 207], ["said", 207], ["push", 217], ["pushing", 217], ["outsider", 239], ["outsiders", 239], ["chris", 255], ["doug", 264], ["face", 275], ["faced", 275], ["hold", 290], ["holding", 290], ["handout", 305], ["like", 310], ["magic", 318], ["talismen", 327], ["talisman", 327], ["fighting", 341], ["type", 351], ["b", 353], ["offense", 361], ["go", 378], ["goest", 378], ["moment", 414], ["uncertainty", 429], ["draw", 455], ["draws", 455], ["drawn", 455], ["drew", 455], ["back", 460], ["eye", 469], ["eyed", 469], ["see", 496], ["later", 506], ["decide", 524], ["decided", 524], ["finally", 532], ["turn", 545], ["turned", 545], ["hall", 559], ["try", 572], ["tryed", 572], ["tried", 572], ["time", 603], ["place", 615], ["yell", 630], ["yelled", 630], ["catch", 645], ["catches", 645], ["catched", 645], ["caught", 645], ["hold", 658], ["held", 658], ["still", 668], ["leggo", 679], ["leggos", 679], ["snarl", 701], ["snarls", 701], ["snarled", 701], ["ca", 720], ["cas", 720], ["afford", 731], ["confrontation", 747], ["yet", 751], ["diana", 762], ["tell", 767], ["told", 767], ["good", 781], ["job", 785], ["jobbing", 785], ["add", 800], ["added", 800], ["work", 823], ["wrought", 823], ["worked", 823], ["right", 869], ["rightest", 869], ["eventually", 914], ["figure", 921], ["rule", 940], ["rules", 940], ["mainly", 951], ["may", 973], ["mays", 973], ["mayest", 973], ["trouble", 992], ["troubling", 992], ["vast", 1042], ["vasts", 1042], ["relief", 1049], ["reliefs", 1049], ["deborah", 1057], ["come", 1062], ["came", 1062], ["around", 1069], ["corner", 1080], ["deb", 1104], ["debs", 1104], ["watch", 1143], ["watching", 1143], ["monitor", 1161], ["monitored", 1161], ["monitors", 1161], ["order", 1178], ["orderest", 1178], ["orders", 1178], ["give", 1196], ["giving", 1196], ["badge", 1208], ["badges", 1208], ["ss", 1216], ["man", 1220], ["mans", 1220], ["manned", 1220], ["men", 1220], ["organize", 1288], ["organizing", 1288], ["witch", 1296], ["witched", 1296], ["hunt", 1301], ["hunting", 1301], ["huntest", 1301], ["wonder", 1330], ["wonderest", 1330], ["start", 1387], ["started", 1387], ["say", 1394], ["sayest", 1394], ["mean", 1416], ["meanest", 1416], ["stop", 1433], ["stopped", 1433], ["middle", 1447], ["middles", 1447], ["middling", 1447], ["stare", 1464], ["stared", 1464], ["look", 1492], ["looked", 1492], ["fluffy", 1504], ["brainless", 1519], ["even", 1530], ["evens", 1530], ["grope", 1546], ["groping", 1546], ["purse", 1559], ["compact", 1573], ["faye", 1607], ["work", 1618], ["wrought", 1618], ["working", 1618], ["say", 1648], ["sayest", 1648], ["saying", 1648], ["interrupt", 1669], ["interruptest", 1669], ["interrupted", 1669], ["wait", 1684], ["waitest", 1684], ["listen", 1693], ["listens", 1693], ["hear", 1708], ["hears", 1708], ["know", 1775], ["knowest", 1775], ["bet", 1787], ["slowly", 1832], ["salem", 1846], ["stupid", 1874], ["think", 1890], ["thinkest", 1890], ["black", 1917], ["john", 1922], ["organize", 1943], ["organized", 1943], ["maybe", 2019], ["contribute", 2037], ["contributed", 2037], ["help", 2046], ["helpest", 2046], ["helped", 2046], ["along", 2055], ["sure", 2087], ["die", 2107], ["fed", 2117], ["feed", 2117], ["hysteria", 2130], ["fed", 2152], ["feed", 2152], ["feeding", 2152], ["today", 2161], ["silence", 2186], ["lift", 2205], ["lifted", 2205], ["head", 2214], ["frown", 2226], ["frowns", 2226], ["clearing", 2235], ["coven", 2257], ["covens", 2257], ["left", 2266], ["leave", 2266], ["hung", 2288], ["hang", 2288], ["hangs", 2288], ["atmosphere", 2314], ["anymore", 2322], ["follow", 2341], ["followed", 2341], ["new", 2352], ["tool", 2381], ["tools", 2381], ["include", 2393], ["including", 2393], ["master", 2404], ["leader", 2451], ["original", 2467], ["move", 2550], ["moved", 2550], ["face", 2594], ["faces", 2594], ["circle", 2608], ["member", 2616], ["members", 2616], ["sober", 2632], ["sobering", 2632], ["try", 2658], ["tryed", 2658], ["trying", 2658], ["thing", 2679], ["turn", 2710], ["anywhere", 2758], ["else", 2763], ["defend", 2818], ["hell", 2847], ["hells", 2847], ["ought", 2884], ["obvious", 2898], ["yeah", 2908], ["well", 2915], ["wells", 2915], ["come", 2966], ["crawl", 2975], ["crawled", 2975], ["thing", 3023], ["things", 3023], ["look", 3032], ["little", 3041], ["different", 3051], ["couple", 3063], ["week", 3072], ["weeks", 3072], ["well", 3101], ["better", 3101], ["talk", 3113], ["lay", 3150], ["lie", 3150], ["lain", 3150], ["entrance", 3188], ["entrancing", 3188], ["auditorium", 3206], ["auditoriums", 3206], ["think", 3230], ["thinkest", 3230], ["thought", 3230], ["clipboard", 3299], ["arm", 3310], ["alone", 3321], ["last", 3329], ["surround", 3366], ["surrounded", 3366], ["eleven", 3383], ["force", 3401], ["forcing", 3401], ["stop", 3415], ["look", 3425], ["looking", 3425], ["remind", 3493], ["reminded", 3493], ["way", 3504], ["ways", 3504], ["front", 3591], ["school", 3605], ["schooling", 3605], ["beautiful", 3617], ["beautifulest", 3617], ["deadly", 3640], ["toss", 3680], ["tossed", 3680], ["work", 3707], ["wrought", 3707], ["hair", 3729], ["gather", 3738], ["gatherest", 3738], ["gathered", 3738], ["bun", 3750], ["ask", 3797], ["asked", 3797], ["tightly", 3805], ["lay", 3818], ["lays", 3818], ["layed", 3818], ["layest", 3818], ["laid", 3818], ["hand", 3825], ["speak", 3846], ["spoken", 3846], ["spoke", 3846], ["ceremony", 3932], ["tonight", 3940], ["night", 3966], ["hecate", 3976], ["birthday", 4001], ["put", 4016]]
i slapped you a few times , sally admitted , and then she turned to matt , who was holding his own face . and i slapped you too . it was just too irresistible . has anything happened since weve been out ? i checked the lock on the door and it was , in fact , still locked securely . docs still passed out and kats still as annoying as always . kat scowled at the witch and continued checking her fathers head for any wounds . she looked exhausted , but anyone would after being trapped in a mental ward for two weeks with psychic abilities to top it off . what did you lot chat about in judgment ? sally asked , sitting on the bed and swinging her legs over the side , obviously pleased that she had an excuse to slap us around the face . we talked about dans upcoming fatherhood . i found out who the mother is , matt said excitedly , but he kept his mouth shut . i already knew who the mother was , sally said proudly , sticking her tongue out at matt like a child . how did you already know ? matt whined . i was there when he found out about it . he did a whole big speech and accused her of cheating on him ! that was in front of an entire room full of supernatural creatures ! oh , i bet she ripped him a new one . actually , they made up and gave each other a big sloppy kiss in front of everyone . almost threw up , i did . can we please just shut up about my love life ? i said , and they both did as i asked . dr allen suddenly stirred , and he pushed his daughter off of him , his eyes wide and frightened . kat tried to calm him down but he just shoved her again and scrambled backwards until his back was pressed against the wall and he could go no further . whatwhat were those things ? he rasped , staring at the spot where the citadel had stood . they were the creators , i said . to be honest , i cant believe they actually showed up for some losers like us , but hey , they did . thats proof , huh ? i cant believe i have been blind all this time . magic is real , he said , looking each of us in the eye . chapter eight adara melody grimaced and bunched up the blanket in her hands , gasping for breath . i sat down on the chair next to the bed and watched her , realising with horror that this would be me in nine months . puts you off the whole kids thing , doesnt it ? penelope commented from her perch on the end of melodys bed . gee , youre so considerate , medusa , i remarked , tucking my knees up to my chest . can you even have children ? adele asked penelope . i thought the reason why your species was almost extinct was because you find it incredibly hard to mate with human males . why , because of the whole hair and death stare thing ? penelope shot me a glare . no , because of genetics . male humans rarely are able to impregnate gorgons . it is incredibly rare for one to do so . and because of the hair and death stare thing , i added . not because of that ! penelope yelled at me , jumping to her feet and stomping out of the room like a small child having a tantrum . jesus , youd think we monsters would have a better grip on our emotions , wouldnt you ? go apologise to her , adele said without even looking at me . i didnt even do anything ! just apologise before she kills someone . i sighed irritably and walked out of the room , looking for penelope . the corridor was empty except for the nurses at the nurses station . i went over to them and asked them if they had seen a blonde with sunglasses running out of melodys room . they pointed me to the exit doors and i thanked them , hurrying to the exit . i pushed them open and rushed outside , running smack into a dark-haired boy . he pushed off me and i staggered into the wall , the breath rushing out of my lungs . the boy snarled , and my eyes involuntary widened , and i reached inside my jacket for my wand , ready to fight . this boy wasnt mortal . he yelled , and i slowly circled him , keeping eye contact as if he was a wild animal . im staring at you , i said slowly . i know what you are , and i am very sorry for what has happened to you . you must have been terrified the first time it happened . the first time what happened ? i know youre a lycanthrope . you know im a what ? its the proper term for someone with your ailment . its the proper term for a werewolf . his eyes widened and he took a few steps back from me . the scarring on your neck . its the perfect shape for a lycanthrope scratch . areare you a werewolf too ? i glanced around and closed the door leading into the corridor so that no one could overhear the conversation . im not a lycanthrope , but im not mortal .
[["slap", 9], ["slaps", 9], ["slapped", 9], ["time", 25], ["times", 25], ["sally", 33], ["sallied", 33], ["admit", 42], ["admitted", 42], ["turn", 64], ["turned", 64], ["matt", 72], ["hold", 90], ["holding", 90], ["face", 103], ["irresistible", 158], ["anything", 173], ["happen", 182], ["happened", 182], ["since", 188], ["check", 214], ["checked", 214], ["lock", 223], ["door", 235], ["fact", 256], ["still", 264], ["lock", 271], ["locked", 271], ["securely", 280], ["docs", 287], ["pass", 300], ["passed", 300], ["kat", 313], ["annoying", 331], ["always", 341], ["kat", 347], ["scowl", 355], ["scowls", 355], ["scowlest", 355], ["scowling", 355], ["scowled", 355], ["witch", 368], ["witched", 368], ["continue", 382], ["continued", 382], ["check", 391], ["checking", 391], ["father", 403], ["fathered", 403], ["fathering", 403], ["fathers", 403], ["head", 408], ["wind", 423], ["wound", 423], ["wounding", 423], ["wounds", 423], ["look", 436], ["looked", 436], ["anyone", 459], ["trap", 485], ["trapped", 485], ["mental", 497], ["ward", 502], ["wards", 502], ["two", 510], ["twos", 510], ["week", 516], ["weeks", 516], ["psychic", 529], ["ability", 539], ["abilities", 539], ["top", 546], ["lot", 572], ["chat", 577], ["chating", 577], ["judgment", 595], ["ask", 609], ["asked", 609], ["sat", 619], ["sit", 619], ["sitting", 619], ["bed", 630], ["swinge", 643], ["swinged", 643], ["swinging", 643], ["leg", 652], ["legs", 652], ["side", 666], ["sidest", 666], ["obviously", 678], ["please", 686], ["excuse", 709], ["slap", 717], ["slaps", 717], ["slapped", 717], ["around", 727], ["talk", 748], ["talked", 748], ["dan", 759], ["dans", 759], ["upcome", 768], ["upcoming", 768], ["fatherhood", 779], ["find", 789], ["found", 789], ["mother", 808], ["mothered", 808], ["motherest", 808], ["say", 823], ["sayest", 823], ["said", 823], ["excitedly", 833], ["keep", 847], ["keepest", 847], ["kept", 847], ["mouth", 857], ["mouthed", 857], ["shut", 862], ["already", 874], ["know", 879], ["knowest", 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2000], ["eye", 2022], ["eyed", 2022], ["chapter", 2032], ["eight", 2038], ["melody", 2051], ["melodies", 2051], ["grimace", 2060], ["grimacing", 2060], ["grimaced", 2060], ["bunch", 2072], ["bunchest", 2072], ["bunched", 2072], ["blanket", 2087], ["hand", 2100], ["hands", 2100], ["gasp", 2110], ["gasps", 2110], ["breath", 2121], ["breathest", 2121], ["sat", 2129], ["sit", 2129], ["chair", 2147], ["chairing", 2147], ["next", 2152], ["watch", 2175], ["watched", 2175], ["realise", 2191], ["realising", 2191], ["horror", 2203], ["nine", 2233], ["month", 2240], ["months", 2240], ["put", 2247], ["puts", 2247], ["kid", 2270], ["kids", 2270], ["thing", 2276], ["penelope", 2299], ["comment", 2309], ["commented", 2309], ["perch", 2324], ["perching", 2324], ["end", 2335], ["ends", 2335], ["endest", 2335], ["gee", 2356], ["gees", 2356], ["considerate", 2379], ["medusa", 2388], ["remark", 2401], ["remarkest", 2401], ["remarking", 2401], ["remarked", 2401], ["tuck", 2411], ["tucked", 2411], ["tucking", 2411], ["knee", 2420], ["knees", 2420], ["chest", 2435], ["even", 2450], ["evens", 2450], ["child", 2464], ["childs", 2464], ["children", 2464], ["adele", 2472], ["think", 2499], ["thinkest", 2499], ["thought", 2499], ["reason", 2510], ["reasonest", 2510], ["extinct", 2546], ["find", 2567], ["incredibly", 2581], ["hard", 2586], ["mate", 2594], ["mated", 2594], ["human", 2605], ["male", 2611], ["males", 2611], ["hair", 2645], ["death", 2655], ["stare", 2661], ["stared", 2661], ["shoot", 2683], ["shooted", 2683], ["shot", 2683], ["glare", 2694], ["genetic", 2721], ["genetics", 2721], ["male", 2728], ["males", 2728], ["human", 2735], ["humans", 2735], ["rarely", 2742], ["able", 2751], ["abled", 2751], ["impregnate", 2765], ["impregnates", 2765], ["gorgon", 2773], ["gorgons", 2773], ["rare", 2797], ["add", 2872], ["added", 2872], ["yell", 2912], ["yelled", 2912], ["jump", 2928], ["jumps", 2928], ["jumping", 2928], ["foot", 2940], ["feet", 2940], ["stomp", 2953], ["stomps", 2953], ["stomping", 2953], ["small", 2982], ["tantrum", 3005], ["jesus", 3013], ["think", 3026], ["thinkest", 3026], ["monster", 3038], ["monsters", 3038], ["well", 3058], ["wells", 3058], ["grip", 3063], ["emotion", 3079], ["emotions", 3079], ["apologise", 3108], ["without", 3136], ["kill", 3216], ["kills", 3216], ["sigh", 3235], ["sighest", 3235], ["sighed", 3235], ["irritably", 3245], ["walk", 3256], ["walked", 3256], ["corridor", 3310], ["empty", 3320], ["except", 3327], ["nurse", 3342], ["nurses", 3342], ["station", 3364], ["go", 3373], ["goest", 3373], ["went", 3373], ["see", 3418], ["seen", 3418], ["blonde", 3427], ["sunglass", 3443], ["sunglasses", 3443], ["run", 3451], ["running", 3451], ["point", 3486], ["pointed", 3486], ["exit", 3501], ["exited", 3501], ["door", 3507], ["doors", 3507], ["thank", 3521], ["thanks", 3521], ["thankest", 3521], ["thanked", 3521], ["hurry", 3537], ["hurried", 3537], ["hurryed", 3537], ["hurrying", 3537], ["open", 3570], ["rush", 3581], ["rushed", 3581], ["outside", 3589], ["smack", 3605], ["dark", 3617], ["boy", 3628], ["stagger", 3663], ["staggerest", 3663], ["staggered", 3663], ["rush", 3698], ["rushing", 3698], ["lung", 3714], ["lungs", 3714], ["snarl", 3732], ["snarls", 3732], ["snarled", 3732], ["involuntary", 3758], ["widen", 3766], ["widened", 3766], ["reach", 3782], ["reached", 3782], ["inside", 3789], ["jacket", 3799], ["jacketed", 3799], ["wand", 3811], ["ready", 3819], ["fight", 3828], ["fightest", 3828], ["mortal", 3852], ["slowly", 3879], ["circle", 3887], ["circled", 3887], ["keep", 3901], ["keepest", 3901], ["keeping", 3901], ["contact", 3913], ["wild", 3933], ["wildest", 3933], ["animal", 3940], ["sorry", 4020], ["must", 4060], ["musts", 4060], ["terrify", 4080], ["terrified", 4080], ["first", 4090], ["firstest", 4090], ["lycanthrope", 4167], ["proper", 4205], ["term", 4210], ["terming", 4210], ["ailment", 4240], ["werewolf", 4277], ["take", 4308], ["took", 4308], ["step", 4320], ["steps", 4320], ["neck", 4361], ["necked", 4361], ["perfect", 4379], ["perfectest", 4379], ["shape", 4385], ["shapes", 4385], ["scratch", 4411], ["scratched", 4411], ["scratching", 4411], ["glance", 4451], ["glanced", 4451], ["close", 4469], ["closed", 4469], ["lead", 4486], ["leaded", 4486], ["leading", 4486], ["overhear", 4534], ["overhearing", 4534], ["conversation", 4551]]
he was about to say something , but she rolled off of him and onto her side , tucking one folded arm under her head . `` what would you say if i said i want to auction off my father 's house with everything in it and donate the proceeds to an abuse shelter ? '' he rolled over onto his side , propping his head up on one elbow . `` i 'd ask you what the hell happened in that house . '' nicole closed her eyes . stephan ran a gentle finger across her cheek . when she opened her eyes , stephan 's entire body tensed with anticipation and fury . someone had wounded this woman deeply . he 'd never seen that expression in her eyes , and realized it was because she 'd never let him past her defenses before . this was the nicole she hid from the world . he was torn between wanting to gather her to him and comfort her , and bolting for the door before it was too late . instead , he held his breath and waited . she looked him right in the eye and said , `` my father was a violent man . his mood could change as a result of one misspoken word . when we were very little , he only hit my mother . dominic and i would run to the back of the house when we heard him raise his voice because we knew what was coming . as we got older , dominic refused to hide , and my father started to take his anger out on him as well . '' nicole looked past stephan and at the wall behind him as if she were revisiting that time in her mind . `` i was thirteen when my mother disappeared . the police were at our house every day for a while . they said she had deserted my family , but dominic imagined something worse . he demanded that my father tell him what had happened to her . papa tried to intimidate him , but he could n't scare dominic anymore so he gave him a choice : stop looking for her or lose everything . dominic left that night . he said he would n't come back until he found our mother . '' for the first time , stephan felt a twinge of admiration for the man he 'd hated for so long . dominic had stood up to a cruel father , a man whom many feared , and had walked away from his own legacy to search for his mother . he did n't want to find anything to like about dominic . but , the grudging respect was there , nevertheless . `` what happened after dominic left ? '' stephan had to ask . please tell me it got better . what can i do with so much anger at a man who is unfortunately , untouchably dead ? `` our family lawyer , thomas , came to the house and threatened my father . they had been friends since grade school , and thomas was the only one who ever stood up to papa . that night they started off yelling at each other and then it got very quiet . i snuck into the hallway to listen . thomas said there was no place on earth my father could hide if he laid a hand on me , and that he knew enough about my father 's business dealings that he could ruin him if he heard that my father went after dominic . my father claimed that he had n't killed my mother , and thomas said it did n't matter . he said there would be no warning , just retribution if my father stepped out of line . '' `` but he left you there ? '' stephan was having trouble processing the details through his fury . `` you must have been so scared , '' he said , his voice thick with emotion . he pulled her to his chest , breathing harshly into her hair . she neither refused his embrace nor returned it , too lost in her memories to do either . `` i was at first , but my father never even raised his voice at me after that . something inside him died that year . there were no more bad times , but there were no good times either . i even tried to get him angry at me once . i thought , at least if he hit me he would have to look at me while he did it . but he just walked away like he could n't see me . i just wanted him to see me . '' stephan tucked her head beneath his chin , feeling her silent tears through the light material of his shirt . `` i wish ... '' he groaned and buried his face in her hair . if he had known , he would have been kinder to her when she 'd come to his office to ask for help . he would n't have been so quick to believe the worst of her seven years ago . `` i did n't know , nicole . if i had known ... '' nicole leaned back and placed a comforting hand on his jaw . her cheeks were wet with memories and her eyes stormed with emotion . i would n't have left my father . i hated him so much , but i loved him , too . when word came that my mother had died , dominic became obsessed with tearing down everything our father had built . his constant attack on our father made me protective of papa .
[["say", 19], ["sayest", 19], ["roll", 46], ["rolled", 46], ["onto", 66], ["ontos", 66], ["side", 75], ["sidest", 75], ["tuck", 85], ["tucked", 85], ["tucking", 85], ["fold", 96], ["folded", 96], ["arm", 100], ["head", 115], ["say", 149], ["sayest", 149], ["said", 149], ["auction", 167], ["auctioning", 167], ["father", 181], ["fathered", 181], ["fathering", 181], ["house", 190], ["everything", 206], ["donate", 223], ["proceed", 236], ["proceedest", 236], ["proceeding", 236], ["proceeds", 236], ["abuse", 248], ["shelter", 256], ["prop", 301], ["propping", 301], ["elbow", 326], ["elbowing", 326], ["ask", 340], ["hell", 358], ["hells", 358], ["happen", 367], ["happened", 367], ["nicole", 393], ["close", 400], ["closed", 400], ["eye", 409], ["eyed", 409], ["eyes", 409], ["run", 423], ["ran", 423], ["gentle", 432], ["gentler", 432], ["finger", 439], ["across", 446], ["cheek", 456], ["cheeks", 456], ["open", 474], ["opened", 474], ["entire", 503], ["body", 508], ["bodied", 508], ["tense", 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["misspoken", 1038], ["word", 1043], ["little", 1070], ["hit", 1084], ["mother", 1094], ["mothered", 1094], ["motherest", 1094], ["dominic", 1104], ["run", 1120], ["back", 1132], ["hear", 1159], ["hears", 1159], ["heard", 1159], ["raise", 1169], ["voice", 1179], ["know", 1195], ["knowest", 1195], ["knew", 1195], ["come", 1211], ["coming", 1211], ["get", 1223], ["got", 1223], ["old", 1229], ["refuse", 1247], ["refused", 1247], ["hides", 1255], ["start", 1279], ["started", 1279], ["take", 1287], ["anger", 1297], ["well", 1316], ["wells", 1316], ["wall", 1364], ["behind", 1371], ["revisit", 1401], ["revisiting", 1401], ["time", 1411], ["mind", 1423], ["minding", 1423], ["thirteen", 1443], ["disappear", 1470], ["disappeared", 1470], ["police", 1483], ["every", 1507], ["day", 1511], ["desert", 1552], ["deserted", 1552], ["family", 1562], ["imagine", 1585], ["imagined", 1585], ["bad", 1601], ["worse", 1601], ["demand", 1615], ["demandest", 1615], ["demanded", 1615], ["tell", 1635], ["papa", 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["process", 3167], ["detail", 3179], ["details", 3179], ["must", 3210], ["musts", 3210], ["thick", 3261], ["thickest", 3261], ["emotion", 3274], ["pull", 3286], ["pulled", 3286], ["chest", 3303], ["breathes", 3315], ["harshly", 3323], ["hair", 3337], ["neither", 3351], ["embrace", 3371], ["return", 3384], ["returnest", 3384], ["returned", 3384], ["lost", 3398], ["memory", 3414], ["memories", 3414], ["either", 3427], ["even", 3474], ["evens", 3474], ["raise", 3481], ["raised", 3481], ["inside", 3527], ["die", 3536], ["died", 3536], ["year", 3546], ["bad", 3571], ["time", 3577], ["times", 3577], ["good", 3602], ["get", 3637], ["angry", 3647], ["think", 3670], ["thinkest", 3670], ["thought", 3670], ["least", 3681], ["leastest", 3681], ["look", 3716], ["see", 3786], ["tuck", 3839], ["tucked", 3839], ["tucking", 3839], ["beneath", 3856], ["chin", 3865], ["feel", 3875], ["feeling", 3875], ["silent", 3886], ["tear", 3892], ["teared", 3892], ["tears", 3892], ["lit", 3910], ["light", 3910], ["material", 3919], ["shirt", 3932], ["wish", 3944], ["groan", 3962], ["groans", 3962], ["groanest", 3962], ["groaning", 3962], ["groaned", 3962], ["bury", 3973], ["burying", 3973], ["buried", 3973], ["face", 3982], ["know", 4012], ["knowest", 4012], ["known", 4012], ["kind", 4040], ["office", 4078], ["help", 4094], ["helpest", 4094], ["quick", 4128], ["believe", 4139], ["bad", 4149], ["worst", 4149], ["seven", 4162], ["year", 4168], ["years", 4168], ["ago", 4172], ["know", 4192], ["knowest", 4192], ["lean", 4239], ["leans", 4239], ["leaned", 4239], ["place", 4255], ["placed", 4255], ["comfort", 4268], ["comforting", 4268], ["jaw", 4284], ["jaws", 4284], ["jawed", 4284], ["jawest", 4284], ["cheek", 4297], ["cheeks", 4297], ["wet", 4306], ["storm", 4341], ["stormed", 4341], ["love", 4424], ["loved", 4424], ["become", 4492], ["became", 4492], ["obsess", 4501], ["obsessed", 4501], ["tear", 4514], ["teared", 4514], ["tearing", 4514], ["build", 4551], ["builds", 4551], ["built", 4551], ["constant", 4566], ["attack", 4573], ["protective", 4606]]
apparently , robert was n't so removed from moroi society that he was out of touch with current news . victor told him that the details would be revealed later and then began making his pitch for robert to come meet us . i got the feeling that robert lived in fear and paranoia , which reminded me of ms. karp when she 'd been in the advanced stages of spirit 's insanity . lissa 's gaze stayed fixed on the scene outside the window during the entire call , but her feelings mirrored mine : fear that this could someday be her fate . or mine as well , if i siphoned away spirit 's effects . the image of the tarasov sign flashed briefly through her mind : warning -- now entering prisoner area ( psychiatric ) . victor 's voice turned surprisingly cajoling as he spoke to his brother , gentle even . i was reminded uneasily of the old days , before we 'd known about victor 's demented plans for moroi domination . back then , he 'd treated us kindly too and had practically been a member of lissa 's family . i wondered if at some point he 'd been sincere or if it had all been an act . finally , after almost twenty minutes , victor convinced robert to come see us . the unintelligible words on the other end of the phone were filled with anxiety , and at this point , i felt convinced that victor truly was talking to his crazy brother and not one of his accomplices . victor set up a dinner meeting at one of the hotel 's restaurants and at last disconnected . i asked when victor set the phone down . `` is n't he worried about being out after dark ? '' `` it 's an early dinner , '' victor replied . `` four thirty . and the sun wo n't go down until almost eight . '' are we getting the senior citizen special ? '' but he made a good point about the time and sun . without the safety of alaska 's nearly nonstop summer light , i was starting to feel suffocated by the pressure of sunrise and sunset boundaries , even though it was summer here . unfortunately , a safe early dinner still meant we had hours to pass . victor leaned back on the bed , arms behind his head . i think he was attempting an unconcerned air , but my guess was that it was actually exhaustion driving him to seek the bed 's comfort . `` care to try your luck downstairs ? '' he glanced over at lissa . `` spirit users make remarkably good card players . i do n't have to tell you how good you are at reading people . '' `` nobody 's leaving this room , '' i said . i did n't like the idea of us all being cooped up here , but i could n't risk an escape attempt or strigoi lurking in the casino 's dark corners . after showering the dye from her hair , lissa pulled up a chair by the window . she refused to get any closer to victor . i sat cross-legged on the second bed , where there was plenty of room for eddie to sit too , but he remained upright against a wall , in perfect guardian posture as he watched victor . i had no doubt eddie could maintain that position for hours , no matter how uncomfortable it got . we 'd all been trained to endure harsh conditions . he did a good job at looking stern , but every once in a while , i 'd catch him studying victor curiously . eddie had stood by me in this act of treason but still did n't know why i 'd done it . we 'd been there a few hours when someone knocked at the door . eddie and i mirrored each other , both of us straightening to rigid attention , hands going for our stakes . we 'd ordered lunch an hour ago , but room service had long since come and gone . it was too early for robert , and besides , he did n't know the name our room was under . there was no nausea , though . no strigoi at our door . i met eddie 's gaze , silent messages passing between us on what to do . but it was lissa who acted first , rising from her chair and taking a few steps across the room . `` it 's adrian . '' spirit users usually only saw auras , but they could sense each other if they were close enough -- just as she had at the prison . still , none of us moved . `` he knows i 'm here , '' she pointed out . `` he can feel me too . '' i sighed , still keeping my hand on my stake , and strode to the door . i squinted through the peephole . standing there , his expression amused and restless , was adrian . i could see no one else , and with no indication of strigoi to be found , i finally opened the door . his face lit with joy when he saw me . leaning in , he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before stepping into the room .
[["apparently", 10], ["robert", 19], ["roberts", 19], ["remove", 38], ["removed", 38], ["moroi", 49], ["society", 57], ["touch", 82], ["touching", 82], ["current", 95], ["news", 100], ["newses", 100], ["victor", 109], ["tell", 114], ["told", 114], ["detail", 135], ["details", 135], ["reveal", 153], ["revealed", 153], ["later", 159], ["begin", 174], ["began", 174], ["pitch", 191], ["come", 210], ["meet", 215], ["meeted", 215], ["get", 226], ["got", 226], ["feeling", 238], ["live", 256], ["lived", 256], ["fear", 264], ["fearest", 264], ["paranoia", 277], ["paranoias", 277], ["remind", 294], ["reminded", 294], ["ms", 303], ["advanced", 342], ["stage", 349], ["staging", 349], ["stages", 349], ["spirit", 359], ["spirited", 359], ["insanity", 371], ["gaze", 387], ["gazes", 387], ["stay", 394], ["stayed", 394], ["fix", 400], ["fixes", 400], ["fixed", 400], ["scene", 413], ["outside", 421], ["window", 432], ["windows", 432], ["entire", 450], ["call", 455], ["feeling", 474], ["feelings", 474], ["mirror", 483], ["mirrored", 483], ["mine", 488], ["someday", 519], ["fate", 531], ["well", 549], ["wells", 549], ["siphon", 565], ["away", 570], ["effect", 588], ["effects", 588], ["image", 600], ["imaged", 600], ["imaging", 600], ["sign", 620], ["flash", 628], ["flashed", 628], ["briefly", 636], ["mind", 653], ["minding", 653], ["warning", 663], ["enter", 679], ["entering", 679], ["area", 693], ["psychiatric", 707], ["voice", 727], ["turn", 734], ["turned", 734], ["surprisingly", 747], ["cajole", 756], ["cajoling", 756], ["speak", 768], ["spoken", 768], ["spoke", 768], ["brother", 783], ["brethren", 783], ["gentle", 792], ["gentler", 792], ["even", 797], ["evens", 797], ["uneasily", 823], ["old", 834], ["day", 839], ["days", 839], ["know", 860], ["knowest", 860], ["known", 860], ["demented", 885], ["dementing", 885], ["plan", 891], ["plans", 891], ["domination", 912], ["back", 919], ["treat", 940], ["treats", 940], ["treatest", 940], ["treated", 940], ["kindly", 950], ["practically", 974], ["member", 988], ["family", 1007], ["wonder", 1020], ["wonderest", 1020], ["wondered", 1020], ["point", 1037], ["sincere", 1056], ["act", 1085], ["acted", 1085], ["finally", 1095], ["almost", 1110], ["twenty", 1117], ["minute", 1125], ["minutes", 1125], ["convince", 1144], ["convinced", 1144], ["convincing", 1144], ["see", 1163], ["unintelligible", 1187], ["word", 1193], ["words", 1193], ["end", 1210], ["ends", 1210], ["endest", 1210], ["phone", 1223], ["fill", 1235], ["fills", 1235], ["filled", 1235], ["anxiety", 1248], ["feel", 1277], ["felt", 1277], ["truly", 1305], ["talk", 1317], ["talking", 1317], ["crazy", 1330], ["accomplice", 1369], ["accomplices", 1369], ["set", 1382], ["dinner", 1394], ["meeting", 1402], ["hotel", 1422], ["restaurant", 1437], ["restaurants", 1437], ["last", 1449], ["ask", 1472], ["asked", 1472], ["dark", 1553], ["early", 1576], ["reply", 1603], ["replied", 1603], ["four", 1613], ["thirty", 1620], ["sun", 1634], ["suns", 1634], ["sunned", 1634], ["wo", 1637], ["go", 1644], ["goest", 1644], ["eight", 1668], ["get", 1688], ["getting", 1688], ["senior", 1699], ["citizen", 1707], ["special", 1715], ["good", 1739], ["time", 1760], ["without", 1778], ["safety", 1789], ["alaska", 1799], ["nearly", 1809], ["nonstop", 1817], ["nonstops", 1817], ["summer", 1824], ["summering", 1824], ["lit", 1830], ["light", 1830], ["start", 1847], ["starting", 1847], ["feel", 1855], ["suffocate", 1866], ["suffocated", 1866], ["pressure", 1882], ["pressured", 1882], ["sunrise", 1893], ["sunset", 1904], ["sunsets", 1904], ["boundary", 1915], ["boundaries", 1915], ["though", 1929], ["unfortunately", 1964], ["safe", 1973], ["safes", 1973], ["safed", 1973], ["still", 1992], ["mean", 1998], ["meanest", 1998], ["meant", 1998], ["hour", 2011], ["hours", 2011], ["pass", 2019], ["lean", 2035], ["leans", 2035], ["leaned", 2035], ["bed", 2051], ["arm", 2058], ["arms", 2058], ["behind", 2065], ["head", 2074], ["think", 2084], ["thinkest", 2084], 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["showerest", 2607], ["showering", 2607], ["dye", 2615], ["dyes", 2615], ["dyeing", 2615], ["hair", 2629], ["pull", 2644], ["pulled", 2644], ["chair", 2655], ["chairing", 2655], ["refuse", 2683], ["refused", 2683], ["get", 2690], ["close", 2701], ["closer", 2701], ["sat", 2719], ["sit", 2719], ["cross", 2725], ["crossing", 2725], ["second", 2746], ["seconded", 2746], ["plenty", 2775], ["eddie", 2793], ["sat", 2800], ["sit", 2800], ["remain", 2822], ["remained", 2822], ["upright", 2830], ["wall", 2845], ["perfect", 2858], ["perfectest", 2858], ["guardian", 2867], ["guardians", 2867], ["posture", 2875], ["watch", 2889], ["watched", 2889], ["doubt", 2913], ["maintain", 2934], ["maintains", 2934], ["maintainest", 2934], ["position", 2948], ["matter", 2970], ["mattering", 2970], ["uncomfortable", 2988], ["train", 3020], ["trained", 3020], ["endure", 3030], ["harsh", 3036], ["condition", 3047], ["conditions", 3047], ["job", 3067], ["jobbing", 3067], ["look", 3078], ["looking", 3078], ["stern", 3084], ["every", 3096], ["catch", 3125], ["catches", 3125], ["catched", 3125], ["study", 3138], ["studying", 3138], ["curiously", 3155], ["stood", 3173], ["stand", 3173], ["standest", 3173], ["treason", 3202], ["know", 3225], ["knowest", 3225], ["knock", 3294], ["knocks", 3294], ["knockest", 3294], ["knocked", 3294], ["door", 3306], ["straighten", 3367], ["straightened", 3367], ["straightening", 3367], ["rigid", 3376], ["attention", 3386], ["hand", 3394], ["hands", 3394], ["go", 3400], ["goest", 3400], ["going", 3400], ["stake", 3415], ["stakes", 3415], ["order", 3431], ["orderest", 3431], ["ordered", 3431], ["lunch", 3437], ["lunched", 3437], ["lunches", 3437], ["hour", 3445], ["ago", 3449], ["service", 3468], ["servicing", 3468], ["long", 3477], ["longs", 3477], ["since", 3483], ["go", 3497], ["goest", 3497], ["gone", 3497], ["besides", 3541], ["name", 3568], ["nausea", 3609], ["meet", 3651], ["meeted", 3651], ["met", 3651], ["silent", 3674], ["message", 3683], ["messages", 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4289], ["find", 4312], ["found", 4312], ["open", 4331], ["opened", 4331], ["face", 4351], ["lit", 4355], ["light", 4355], ["joy", 4364], ["joys", 4364], ["joyed", 4364], ["lean", 4389], ["leans", 4389], ["leaning", 4389], ["give", 4402], ["gave", 4402], ["quick", 4413], ["kiss", 4418], ["kisses", 4418], ["kissest", 4418], ["cheek", 4431], ["cheeks", 4431], ["step", 4447], ["stepping", 4447]]
i also spotted the face that went with it . apart from liam , he was the only one whose eyes were on me . dark mahogany curls threw a sharp contrast to his vivid , clear blue eyes . they were different , electric , deep set and outlined in long , dark lashes . they were almost as beautiful as liams , almost . his face was mapped out in attractive planes , cheek bones prominent , but not feminine , jaw angular . his nose was slim and proportioned to his face appropriately , but imperfect , crooked . his lips werent thin , but not full either but that didnt matter , there was something pleasant in the set of his mouth . and he exuded a certain something . that thing thats intangible and difficult to explain but absolutely there . i broke our mutual gaze to glance at liam and found his expression uneasy , almost offended . i looked down , unable to hold his gaze and realized he was still kneeling . they were all still kneeling . my head swiveled slowly back toward the king . how do , umcould you make them get up please ? he gave me a warm smile then turned toward his knights . make ready , we ride soon . they were instantly in motion , following the command . all but liam and the man hed been arguing with . they exchanged a look of mutual distaste and then both set off in my direction . the king helped me to my feet and suddenly i was standing face to face with the blue-eyed stranger . he continued to study me , like i was a puzzle or a chess board . my dear , allow me to present sir nikolas of house belmont , head of the royal guard and captain of the knights of castle lux . the king said proudly . all i could think was he looked awfully young to hold such lucrative titles . a pleasure , princess . sir belmont said smoothly as he bent at the waist . um , likewise , ssir belmont . im dani . i replied , extending my hand . i was thinking handshake , but he took my hand and placed a lite kiss on it , his lips lingering a beat longer than necessary . then he shot me a grin i was sure had caused many a girl to go weak in the knees . he had one of those megawatt smiles that lit up his face . it was equal parts charm and mischief . it was trouble , he was trouble . call me nikolas . he said simply , still aiming that dangerous smile at me . despite myself , i felt the blood rush to my cheeks . i glanced toward liam , but his expression was unreadable . i looked back to the king and realized i didnt even know his name . what do i , i meanwhat is your name ? his eyes saddened at my question . how rude of me , of course i shouldve introduced myself . i am elias of house connolly , king of avenlore . i thought it was a good name , it sounded like e-lie-us . it was melodic and pleasing to the ear . in my opinion , it was just what a kings name should be . i said with a small smile and some of the sadness in his eyes retreated . waitif youreyou said you were my , i paused , rolling the word over in my mind , father ? the king hesitated , like i would spook at sudden movement . i nodded , several times , all quick and choppy . okay , and you were born here . id meant for it to come out as a statement , but it was more like an accusation . yesas were you . king elias said slowly . andwhat is my name , i meanwhat did you name me ? king elias smiled . we named you danica , actually . it means , morning star . it was a pretty name , i had to admit that . definitely an improvement over danielle , which is just the feminine form of daniel . i nodded frantically again . i looked at him , eyes wide . how do i know you are telling me the truth , how do i know youre not the bad guys ? the kings thick brows knitted together as he looked down at me . i am afraid i have no proof that is definitive . trust is simply a choice you will have to make . he spoke to me softly , his voice soothing . i looked into his hazel eyes , knowing he meant me no harm , and somehow knowing he was my father . somewhere inside of me , something recognized himremembered him . the knights and liam were giving us a respectable amount of room , but they were plenty close enough to hear every word and i became aware of all their eyes again . okay , i trusti trust you . i could have sworn i heard a collective sigh of relief . i could feel the power of someones stare and turned to meet those electric blue eyes . nothing , princess . i am just relieved that you have chosen to trust . it would have been a shame to have to haul you up over my shoulder and drag you home kicking and screaming .
[["also", 6], ["spot", 14], ["spotted", 14], ["face", 23], ["go", 33], ["goest", 33], ["went", 33], ["apart", 49], ["liam", 59], ["whose", 87], ["eye", 92], ["eyed", 92], ["eyes", 92], ["dark", 110], ["mahogany", 119], ["curl", 125], ["curls", 125], ["curled", 125], ["throw", 131], ["threw", 131], ["sharp", 139], ["sharps", 139], ["contrast", 148], ["vivid", 161], ["clear", 169], ["clearest", 169], ["blue", 174], ["different", 201], ["electric", 212], ["deep", 219], ["deeply", 219], ["set", 223], ["outline", 236], ["outlines", 236], ["outlined", 236], ["long", 244], ["longs", 244], ["lash", 258], ["lashes", 258], ["almost", 277], ["beautiful", 290], ["beautifulest", 290], ["liam", 299], ["map", 330], ["mapped", 330], ["attractive", 348], ["plane", 355], ["planes", 355], ["cheek", 363], ["cheeks", 363], ["bone", 369], ["bonest", 369], ["bones", 369], ["prominent", 379], ["feminine", 398], ["jaw", 404], ["jaws", 404], ["jawed", 404], ["jawest", 404], ["angular", 412], ["nose", 423], ["nosed", 423], ["nosing", 423], ["slim", 432], ["proportion", 449], ["proportioned", 449], ["appropriately", 475], ["imperfect", 491], ["lip", 512], ["lipped", 512], ["lips", 512], ["thin", 524], ["thins", 524], ["full", 539], ["either", 546], ["matter", 568], ["mattering", 568], ["pleasant", 599], ["mouth", 623], ["mouthed", 623], ["exude", 639], ["exuded", 639], ["certain", 649], ["thing", 672], ["intangible", 689], ["intangibles", 689], ["difficult", 703], ["explain", 714], ["absolutely", 729], ["break", 745], ["broke", 745], ["mutual", 756], ["gaze", 761], ["gazes", 761], ["glance", 771], ["find", 789], ["found", 789], ["expression", 804], ["uneasy", 811], ["look", 840], ["looked", 840], ["unable", 854], ["unabled", 854], ["hold", 862], ["realize", 884], ["realized", 884], ["still", 897], ["kneel", 906], ["kneels", 906], ["kneeled", 906], ["kneeling", 906], ["head", 947], ["swivel", 956], ["swiveled", 956], ["slowly", 963], ["back", 968], ["toward", 975], ["king", 984], ["get", 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["sirs", 1505], ["nikolas", 1513], ["house", 1522], ["belmont", 1530], ["royal", 1550], ["guard", 1556], ["captain", 1568], ["castle", 1593], ["castles", 1593], ["lux", 1597], ["say", 1613], ["sayest", 1613], ["said", 1613], ["proudly", 1621], ["think", 1641], ["thinkest", 1641], ["awfully", 1663], ["young", 1669], ["youngest", 1669], ["lucrative", 1692], ["title", 1699], ["titles", 1699], ["pleasure", 1712], ["princess", 1723], ["smoothly", 1751], ["bend", 1762], ["bent", 1762], ["waist", 1775], ["um", 1780], ["likewise", 1791], ["dani", 1816], ["reply", 1828], ["replied", 1828], ["extend", 1840], ["extended", 1840], ["extending", 1840], ["hand", 1848], ["think", 1865], ["thinkest", 1865], ["thinking", 1865], ["handshake", 1875], ["handshakes", 1875], ["handshaking", 1875], ["take", 1889], ["took", 1889], ["place", 1908], ["placed", 1908], ["kiss", 1920], ["kisses", 1920], ["kissest", 1920], ["linger", 1947], ["lingered", 1947], ["lingering", 1947], ["beat", 1954], ["long", 1961], ["longs", 1961], ["necessary", 1976], ["shoot", 1991], ["shooted", 1991], ["shot", 1991], ["grin", 2001], ["sure", 2012], ["cause", 2023], ["caused", 2023], ["many", 2028], ["girl", 2035], ["go", 2041], ["goest", 2041], ["weak", 2046], ["knee", 2059], ["knees", 2059], ["megawatt", 2090], ["megawatts", 2090], ["smile", 2097], ["smiles", 2097], ["lit", 2106], ["light", 2106], ["equal", 2133], ["part", 2139], ["parting", 2139], ["parts", 2139], ["charm", 2145], ["charmest", 2145], ["mischief", 2158], ["mischiefs", 2158], ["trouble", 2175], ["troubling", 2175], ["call", 2199], ["simply", 2227], ["aim", 2242], ["aimest", 2242], ["aiming", 2242], ["dangerous", 2257], ["despite", 2279], ["feel", 2295], ["felt", 2295], ["blood", 2305], ["bloods", 2305], ["blooded", 2305], ["rush", 2310], ["cheek", 2323], ["cheeks", 2323], ["glance", 2335], ["glanced", 2335], ["unreadable", 2383], ["even", 2437], ["evens", 2437], ["know", 2442], ["knowest", 2442], ["name", 2451], ["sadden", 2509], ["saddens", 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["okay", 3071], ["bore", 3091], ["bear", 3091], ["bearest", 3091], ["born", 3091], ["mean", 3107], ["meanest", 3107], ["meant", 3107], ["come", 3122], ["statement", 3141], ["accusation", 3178], ["smile", 3290], ["smiled", 3290], ["name", 3301], ["named", 3301], ["mean", 3334], ["meanest", 3334], ["means", 3334], ["morning", 3344], ["star", 3349], ["starred", 3349], ["pretty", 3367], ["prettiest", 3367], ["admit", 3389], ["definitely", 3407], ["improvement", 3422], ["danielle", 3436], ["form", 3470], ["formest", 3470], ["daniel", 3480], ["daniels", 3480], ["frantically", 3503], ["wide", 3539], ["tell", 3571], ["telling", 3571], ["truth", 3584], ["bad", 3618], ["guy", 3623], ["guys", 3623], ["thick", 3641], ["thickest", 3641], ["brow", 3647], ["brows", 3647], ["knit", 3655], ["knits", 3655], ["knitted", 3655], ["together", 3664], ["afraid", 3702], ["proof", 3718], ["proofs", 3718], ["proofed", 3718], ["proofest", 3718], ["definitive", 3737], ["trust", 3745], ["choice", 3764], ["speak", 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["hauls", 4451], ["shoulder", 4475], ["shouldered", 4475], ["drag", 4484], ["home", 4493], ["homing", 4493], ["scream", 4515], ["screams", 4515], ["screaming", 4515]]
her dignity in shreds , she lifted her head grimly and strode out of the water , her gown slapping wetly against her legs , her slippers squishing with each step . helen paused on the way to the stairs leading to the second level of tiernay keep and had to wonder what had made her think she could slip inside and escape to her room before anyone became aware of her humiliation . nothing had gone right since lord holden 's arrival . why should this time be any different ? of course , her aunt and templetun would be sitting in the great hall , just waiting to witness the consequences of her stupidity . `` whatever happened to you , dear ? '' aunt nell cried as she reached her side and took in her sodden state . `` i had a little accident , '' helen answered succinctly , continuing toward the stairs and wincing at the squishing sounds she made with every step . `` i can see that , '' aunt nell snapped , chasing after her . and where is lord holden ? '' lord templetun added , catching up to them as they reached the stairs . `` i am hoping he is floating face down in the river , but doubt i could be so lucky . '' helen returned in a sweet voice , starting up the stairs and ignoring templetun 's shocked gasp . let him make what he wanted of her words . leaving them gaping after her , she squished up the stairs to her room . she managed to strip away the sodden gown and was drying herself off with the top bed linen when ducky rushed into the room . the maid took one look at helen 's thunderous expression and apparently decided to keep her questions to herself . the two women worked silently to get her hair as dry as they could . ducky then brushed it out and pulled it back into something of an acceptable style before helping helen don a fresh gown , a green one to replace the sodden blue mess she had removed . still silent , helen then led the way back down to the great hall . she would not hide in her room again today , as she had the day after the picnic ! she determined . but she regretted that decision the moment she stepped off the stairs onto the great hall floor . well , perhaps not the very moment , but it was then that the keep doors opened and hethe strode in with an excited goliath at his heels . tail wagging wildly , the dog spotted his mistress at once and raced forward to launch himself at her . helen heard ducky gasp in horror before she crashed backward under her dog 's weight ; then she pushed goliath 's wet body away to gape down at her newly soaked and muddied green gown . hethe strode cheerfully forward . `` i suppose i should have left him outside , but i find i am becoming rather attached to the beast . such a clever animal . did you train him to do that little trick in the boat too ? '' he asked with a grin that rubbed helen raw . `` no , '' she snarled at the reminder of what she had trained goliath to do . the man was n't even trying to hide his amusement , and she did n't appreciate that it was at her expense . `` ah well , he is still clever . '' lord holden scratched an ecstatic goliath about the ears , grinning at helen the whole while , then straightened and turned toward the door . `` i 'll put him outside to dry while you change again . '' much to her fury all he had to do was slap his hand against his leg and goliath , the traitor , rushed to follow him to the door . helen had the childish urge to call the dog back to her side to prove just whose dog he was , but was prevented from doing so when lord templetun spoke up . you had best change , '' the king 's man said , eyeing her wet and muddied attire with a wince . `` the negotiations are complete . we are ready to proceed with the wedding . i have sent for your priest . '' `` i can not believe it did not work . '' helen shifted irritably at ducky 's mournful words . the man is a dunce . he is also tasteless . i have never met a more annoying oaf , '' she snapped as the other woman continued to dress her hair with small flowers . `` aye , but the garlic and - `` `` he claims my breath is as sweet as flowers , '' helen growled . ducky gaped at her briefly then shook her head . `` mayhap he has a poor sense of smell . '' `` poor sense of smell , my eye ! he figured out exactly what we were up to and has been doing everything he can to confound me . '' i mean , i know you thought that thepicnic on the posies was on purpose ... but perhaps itwas n't . perhaps he truly did not see the patch when heset the blanket out . and perhaps he did n't hear youraunt when she told lord templetun of your allergy . ''
[["dignity", 11], ["shred", 21], ["shreds", 21], ["lift", 34], ["lifted", 34], ["head", 43], ["grimly", 50], ["water", 78], ["gown", 89], ["gowns", 89], ["gowning", 89], ["slap", 98], ["slapping", 98], ["wetly", 104], ["leg", 121], ["legs", 121], ["slipper", 136], ["slippers", 136], ["squish", 146], ["squishes", 146], ["squishest", 146], ["squishing", 146], ["step", 161], ["helen", 169], ["pause", 176], ["paused", 176], ["way", 187], ["ways", 187], ["stair", 201], ["stairs", 201], ["lead", 209], ["leaded", 209], ["leading", 209], ["second", 223], ["seconded", 223], ["level", 229], ["keep", 245], ["keepest", 245], ["wonder", 263], ["wonderest", 263], ["think", 287], ["thinkest", 287], ["slip", 302], ["inside", 309], ["escape", 320], ["escapes", 320], ["room", 332], ["roomed", 332], ["anyone", 346], ["become", 353], ["became", 353], ["aware", 359], ["humiliation", 378], ["nothing", 388], ["go", 397], ["goest", 397], ["gone", 397], ["right", 403], ["rightest", 403], ["since", 409], ["lord", 414], ["holden", 421], ["arrival", 432], ["time", 455], ["different", 472], ["course", 484], ["aunt", 495], ["sat", 526], ["sit", 526], ["sitting", 526], ["great", 539], ["hall", 544], ["wait", 559], ["waitest", 559], ["waiting", 559], ["witness", 570], ["consequence", 587], ["consequenced", 587], ["consequences", 587], ["stupidity", 604], ["stupidities", 604], ["whatever", 618], ["happen", 627], ["happened", 627], ["dear", 641], ["dearest", 641], ["nell", 656], ["cry", 662], ["cried", 662], ["reach", 677], ["reached", 677], ["side", 686], ["sidest", 686], ["take", 695], ["took", 695], ["sodden", 709], ["state", 715], ["little", 735], ["accident", 744], ["answer", 764], ["answeres", 764], ["answerest", 764], ["answered", 764], ["succinctly", 775], ["continue", 788], ["continuing", 788], ["toward", 795], ["wince", 818], ["wincing", 818], ["sound", 842], ["sounds", 842], ["every", 862], ["see", 882], ["snap", 910], ["snapping", 910], ["snapped", 910], ["chase", 920], ["chasing", 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["look", 1487], ["thunderous", 1510], ["expression", 1521], ["apparently", 1536], ["decide", 1544], ["decided", 1544], ["question", 1566], ["questions", 1566], ["two", 1587], ["twos", 1587], ["woman", 1593], ["womans", 1593], ["women", 1593], ["work", 1600], ["wrought", 1600], ["worked", 1600], ["silently", 1609], ["get", 1616], ["hair", 1625], ["dry", 1632], ["drier", 1632], ["drying", 1632], ["brush", 1667], ["brushest", 1667], ["brushed", 1667], ["pull", 1685], ["pulled", 1685], ["back", 1693], ["acceptable", 1725], ["style", 1731], ["help", 1746], ["helpest", 1746], ["helping", 1746], ["fresh", 1764], ["freshest", 1764], ["green", 1779], ["greens", 1779], ["replace", 1794], ["blue", 1810], ["mess", 1815], ["messed", 1815], ["messing", 1815], ["remove", 1831], ["removed", 1831], ["still", 1839], ["silent", 1846], ["lead", 1863], ["leaded", 1863], ["led", 1863], ["hide", 1920], ["hides", 1920], ["today", 1944], ["day", 1965], ["picnic", 1982], ["picnicked", 1982], ["picnicking", 1982], ["determine", 1999], ["determined", 1999], ["regret", 2019], ["regretted", 2019], ["decision", 2033], ["moment", 2044], ["step", 2056], ["stepped", 2056], ["onto", 2076], ["ontos", 2076], ["floor", 2097], ["well", 2104], ["wells", 2104], ["perhaps", 2114], ["door", 2172], ["doors", 2172], ["open", 2179], ["opened", 2179], ["hething", 2189], ["goliath", 2223], ["heel", 2236], ["heeled", 2236], ["heels", 2236], ["tail", 2243], ["tailed", 2243], ["wildly", 2258], ["dog", 2268], ["spot", 2276], ["spotted", 2276], ["mistress", 2289], ["race", 2307], ["racing", 2307], ["raced", 2307], ["forward", 2315], ["forwardest", 2315], ["forwarding", 2315], ["launch", 2325], ["hear", 2354], ["hears", 2354], ["heard", 2354], ["horror", 2375], ["crash", 2394], ["crashed", 2394], ["backward", 2403], ["weight", 2427], ["weighted", 2427], ["weightest", 2427], ["push", 2445], ["pushed", 2445], ["wet", 2460], ["body", 2465], ["bodied", 2465], ["gape", 2478], ["gapes", 2478], ["newly", 2496], ["soak", 2503], ["soaks", 2503], ["soaked", 2503], ["muddy", 2515], ["muddied", 2515], ["cheerfully", 2552], ["suppose", 2575], ["left", 2594], ["leave", 2594], ["outside", 2606], ["find", 2619], ["become", 2633], ["becoming", 2633], ["rather", 2640], ["attach", 2649], ["attached", 2649], ["beast", 2662], ["clever", 2678], ["animal", 2685], ["train", 2701], ["trick", 2729], ["boat", 2741], ["boated", 2741], ["ask", 2759], ["asked", 2759], ["grin", 2771], ["rub", 2783], ["rubbed", 2783], ["raw", 2793], ["snarl", 2818], ["snarls", 2818], ["snarled", 2818], ["reminder", 2834], ["train", 2858], ["trained", 2858], ["man", 2882], ["mans", 2882], ["manned", 2882], ["even", 2895], ["evens", 2895], ["try", 2902], ["tryed", 2902], ["trying", 2902], ["amusement", 2924], ["appreciate", 2953], ["appreciates", 2953], ["expense", 2980], ["ah", 2988], ["scratch", 3041], ["scratched", 3041], ["scratching", 3041], ["ecstatic", 3053], ["ear", 3076], ["ears", 3076], ["grin", 3087], ["whole", 3106], ["wholes", 3106], ["straighten", 3132], ["straightened", 3132], ["turn", 3143], ["turned", 3143], ["door", 3159], ["put", 3174], ["change", 3210], ["much", 3226], ["fury", 3238], ["slap", 3264], ["slaps", 3264], ["slapped", 3264], ["hand", 3273], ["leg", 3289], ["traitor", 3315], ["follow", 3334], ["childish", 3375], ["urge", 3380], ["call", 3388], ["prof", 3422], ["prove", 3422], ["whose", 3433], ["prevent", 3464], ["preventest", 3464], ["prevented", 3464], ["speak", 3504], ["spoken", 3504], ["spoke", 3504], ["good", 3522], ["best", 3522], ["king", 3543], ["say", 3555], ["sayest", 3555], ["said", 3555], ["eye", 3564], ["eyed", 3564], ["attire", 3591], ["wince", 3604], ["negotiation", 3626], ["negotiations", 3626], ["complete", 3639], ["ready", 3654], ["proceed", 3665], ["proceedest", 3665], ["proceeding", 3665], ["wedding", 3682], ["send", 3696], ["sent", 3696], ["priest", 3712], ["believe", 3738], ["work", 3754], ["wrought", 3754], ["shift", 3773], ["shifted", 3773], ["irritably", 3783], ["mournful", 3804], ["dunce", 3831], ["also", 3844], ["tasteless", 3854], ["never", 3869], ["meet", 3873], ["meeted", 3873], ["met", 3873], ["annoying", 3889], ["oaf", 3893], ["woman", 3929], ["womans", 3929], ["continue", 3939], ["continued", 3939], ["dress", 3948], ["dressest", 3948], ["small", 3968], ["flower", 3976], ["flowers", 3976], ["aye", 3985], ["ayes", 3985], ["garlic", 4002], ["claim", 4024], ["claims", 4024], ["breath", 4034], ["breathest", 4034], ["growl", 4076], ["growls", 4076], ["growled", 4076], ["gape", 4090], ["gapes", 4090], ["gaped", 4090], ["briefly", 4105], ["shake", 4116], ["shook", 4116], ["mayhap", 4137], ["mayhaps", 4137], ["poor", 4151], ["sense", 4157], ["smell", 4166], ["smelt", 4166], ["smellest", 4166], ["eye", 4203], ["eyed", 4203], ["figure", 4216], ["figured", 4216], ["exactly", 4228], ["everything", 4277], ["confound", 4296], ["mean", 4311], ["meanest", 4311], ["know", 4320], ["knowest", 4320], ["think", 4332], ["thinkest", 4332], ["thought", 4332], ["posy", 4361], ["posies", 4361], ["purpose", 4376], ["truly", 4421], ["patch", 4443], ["patching", 4443], ["blanket", 4466], ["hear", 4500], ["hears", 4500], ["tell", 4523], ["told", 4523], ["allergy", 4554]]
vanilla filled his head , almost as if she were here with him . strong , sure fingers rubbed his erection through his jeans , and he lost his breath , grinding into the touch . a sigh escaped from somewhere behind him . it turned into words . `` i missed this so much . '' oh fuck , he missed her . even through the dense fog in his head , he saw her face . he could n't even drink enough to make her go away . what kind of hell was that to be in ? what the f**k did he ever do to deserve to go there ? soft , cool lips brushed his neck . warm breath tickled his ear . he thrust hard against the hand rubbing his now rock-hard cock , and before he knew it , those deft fingers had freed him . whoa , fuck , what was happening ? jerked out of his funk , he jacked up off the couch and grabbed whoever-it-was by her arms . yes , definitely female . a surprised gasp sounded . he 'd heard it a thousand times before , when he sucked on her nipple rings or her pierced cl*t or thrust hard into her always-willing p**sy . motherf**king raina with her hands on him . it was no wonder all his thoughts were sex-oriented ; he was so hard it hurt . but it was n't because of her crazy ass . `` what in the f**k are you doing ? '' she wrenched her shoulders out of his grip and tried to push him back down . he was n't going-or so he thought . his uncoordinated muscles said otherwise , and she managed to get him halfway reclined again and her fishnet-covered leg swung over his hips . her splayed hands slid up his chest . `` fuck me , ghost . oh , god , i 'm so wet for you . you remember how it was , do n't you , baby ? no way that piece of rich-bitch p**sy gets you off like mine did . '' oh , shit , she did feel good smearing against him . it would be so easy , and who the hell was there to care ? he grabbed her wrists and wrenched them behind her back , capturing them both in one hand . a strangled growl tore from her throat ; she loved that . baby ... oh , please . come into me . '' he stared up at her shadowed , frantic form as she tried to squirm into position without the use of her arms . putting pressure on the small of her back , he brought her down over him . her hot , wet mouth fastened to the side of his neck . he growled , waiting ... she was a biter . and a scratcher , and a slapper when she really got carried away . yeah , she 'd whacked him more than once in their wilder , rougher escapades . there was a reason he 'd had a thing about pinning macy 's hands down . not that she would ever do that , it had sort of just become his thing . raina 's teeth scraped at his skin , but only for a moment . her throaty voice poured seductively into his ear , raising gooseflesh on his arms . `` i have n't been with anyone since you . i 'm only yours . this is only yours . '' her wetness slicked over him ... she 'd already lost her panties before she 'd climbed on top of him , if she 'd been wearing any to start with . `` raina ... '' just his utterance of her name seemed to set her off again . her wrists tugged sharply against his hold , but he tightened it , and she was n't going anywhere . i 'm here , baby , you know i 'm the only one who 's always here for you . `` god , i f**king missed you . '' it was said in a rush against his lips . he slid his free hand up her side . she gasped and tried to insinuate her breast into it , but he eluded her and placed his palm flat to her chest . off me . '' and he shoved her upward , getting her mouth off him but making damn sure he kept his grip on her hands . she thrashed and cursed , and he thought she tried once to headbutt him . the struggle continued until finally he managed to leverage himself off the couch , dumping her ass-first onto the floor . disadvantage being , he no longer had a grip on her , and he could n't see . for all he knew , a lamp might fly at his skull any second now . `` that 's right , i 'm a bastard . but i 'm a bastard who could 've f**ked you just now and gone back to ignoring you tomorrow . because that 's all anything between you and me would ever be . '' `` she does n't love you like i do . she 'll f**k you over and f**king walk away like that other cunt did . `` i already see that .
[["vanilla", 7], ["fill", 14], ["fills", 14], ["filled", 14], ["head", 23], ["almost", 32], ["strong", 70], ["sure", 77], ["finger", 85], ["fingers", 85], ["rub", 92], ["rubbed", 92], ["erection", 105], ["jean", 123], ["jeans", 123], ["lose", 137], ["lost", 137], ["breath", 148], ["breathest", 148], ["grind", 159], ["grinding", 159], ["touch", 174], ["touching", 174], ["sigh", 183], ["sighest", 183], ["escape", 191], ["escapes", 191], ["escaped", 191], ["somewhere", 206], ["behind", 213], ["turn", 229], ["turned", 229], ["word", 240], ["words", 240], ["miss", 254], ["missed", 254], ["much", 267], ["oh", 275], ["fuck", 280], ["even", 303], ["evens", 303], ["dense", 321], ["fog", 325], ["fogs", 325], ["see", 346], ["saw", 346], ["face", 355], ["drank", 381], ["drink", 381], ["drinking", 381], ["enough", 388], ["go", 403], ["goest", 403], ["away", 408], ["kind", 420], ["hell", 428], ["hells", 428], ["ever", 474], ["everest", 474], ["deserve", 488], ["deserved", 488], ["soft", 507], ["cool", 514], ["lip", 519], ["lipped", 519], ["lips", 519], ["brush", 527], ["brushest", 527], ["brushed", 527], ["neck", 536], ["necked", 536], ["warm", 543], ["tickle", 558], ["tickling", 558], ["tickled", 558], ["ear", 566], ["thrust", 578], ["hard", 583], ["hand", 600], ["rub", 608], ["rubbing", 608], ["rock", 621], ["cock", 631], ["cockest", 631], ["know", 652], ["knowest", 652], ["knew", 652], ["deft", 668], ["free", 686], ["freed", 686], ["whoa", 697], ["happen", 725], ["happening", 725], ["jerk", 734], ["jerks", 734], ["jerked", 734], ["funk", 750], ["jack", 762], ["jacks", 762], ["jacked", 762], ["couch", 779], ["couchest", 779], ["grab", 791], ["grabbed", 791], ["whoever", 799], ["arm", 818], ["arms", 818], ["yes", 824], ["definitely", 837], ["female", 844], ["gasp", 863], ["gasps", 863], ["sound", 871], ["sounded", 871], ["hear", 885], ["hears", 885], ["heard", 885], ["thousand", 899], ["time", 905], ["times", 905], ["suck", 929], ["sucking", 929], ["sucked", 929], ["nipple", 943], ["nipples", 943], ["rung", 949], ["rang", 949], ["ring", 949], ["rings", 949], ["always", 1000], ["willing", 1008], ["hand", 1051], ["hands", 1051], ["wonder", 1077], ["wonderest", 1077], ["thought", 1094], ["thoughts", 1094], ["sex", 1103], ["orient", 1112], ["orienting", 1112], ["oriented", 1112], ["hurt", 1137], ["hurts", 1137], ["hurting", 1137], ["crazy", 1175], ["ass", 1179], ["wrench", 1233], ["shoulder", 1247], ["shouldered", 1247], ["shoulders", 1247], ["grip", 1263], ["try", 1273], ["tryed", 1273], ["tried", 1273], ["push", 1281], ["back", 1290], ["go", 1314], ["goest", 1314], ["going", 1314], ["think", 1331], ["thinkest", 1331], ["thought", 1331], ["uncoordinated", 1351], ["muscle", 1359], ["muscles", 1359], ["say", 1364], ["sayest", 1364], ["said", 1364], ["otherwise", 1374], ["manage", 1392], ["managed", 1392], ["get", 1399], ["halfway", 1411], ["halfways", 1411], ["recline", 1420], ["reclined", 1420], ["fishnet", 1442], ["cover", 1450], ["covered", 1450], ["leg", 1454], ["swing", 1460], ["swung", 1460], ["hip", 1474], ["hips", 1474], ["slid", 1499], ["chest", 1512], ["ghost", 1533], ["god", 1544], ["wet", 1558], ["remember", 1581], ["rememberest", 1581], ["baby", 1612], ["way", 1621], ["ways", 1621], ["piece", 1632], ["pieced", 1632], ["rich", 1640], ["bitch", 1646], ["get", 1657], ["gets", 1657], ["like", 1670], ["shit", 1694], ["feel", 1709], ["good", 1714], ["easy", 1757], ["care", 1794], ["wrist", 1818], ["wrists", 1818], ["capture", 1864], ["capturing", 1864], ["strangle", 1900], ["strangles", 1900], ["strangled", 1900], ["growl", 1906], ["growls", 1906], ["tear", 1911], ["teared", 1911], ["tore", 1911], ["throat", 1927], ["love", 1939], ["loved", 1939], ["please", 1967], ["come", 1974], ["stare", 1997], ["stared", 1997], ["shadow", 2016], ["shadowed", 2016], ["frantic", 2026], ["form", 2031], ["formest", 2031], ["squirm", 2054], ["position", 2068], ["without", 2076], ["use", 2084], ["put", 2106], ["putting", 2106], ["pressure", 2115], ["pressured", 2115], ["small", 2128], ["bring", 2153], ["brought", 2153], ["hot", 2181], ["mouth", 2193], ["mouthed", 2193], ["fasten", 2202], ["fastenest", 2202], ["fastened", 2202], ["side", 2214], ["sidest", 2214], ["growl", 2239], ["growls", 2239], ["growled", 2239], ["wait", 2249], ["waitest", 2249], ["waiting", 2249], ["biter", 2269], ["biters", 2269], ["scratcher", 2287], ["slapper", 2303], ["really", 2319], ["get", 2323], ["got", 2323], ["carry", 2331], ["carried", 2331], ["yeah", 2343], ["whack", 2360], ["whacked", 2360], ["wilder", 2395], ["rougher", 2405], ["escapade", 2415], ["escapades", 2415], ["reason", 2436], ["reasonest", 2436], ["thing", 2454], ["pin", 2468], ["pinning", 2468], ["sort", 2535], ["become", 2550], ["tooth", 2577], ["teeth", 2577], ["scrape", 2585], ["scraped", 2585], ["skin", 2597], ["moment", 2621], ["throaty", 2635], ["voice", 2641], ["pour", 2648], ["poured", 2648], ["seductively", 2660], ["raise", 2683], ["raising", 2683], ["gooseflesh", 2694], ["anyone", 2739], ["since", 2745], ["wetness", 2805], ["slick", 2813], ["slicked", 2813], ["already", 2841], ["pantie", 2858], ["panties", 2858], ["climb", 2880], ["climbed", 2880], ["top", 2887], ["wear", 2919], ["wearing", 2919], ["start", 2932], ["utterance", 2974], ["name", 2986], ["seem", 2993], ["seeming", 2993], ["seemed", 2993], ["set", 3000], ["tug", 3034], ["tugging", 3034], ["tugged", 3034], ["sharply", 3042], ["hold", 3059], ["tighten", 3078], ["tightens", 3078], ["tightenest", 3078], ["tightened", 3078], ["anywhere", 3114], ["know", 3144], ["knowest", 3144], ["rush", 3248], ["free", 3284], ["gasp", 3314], ["gasps", 3314], ["gasped", 3314], ["insinuate", 3337], ["breast", 3348], ["breasted", 3348], ["breasting", 3348], ["elude", 3372], ["eluded", 3372], ["place", 3387], ["placed", 3387], ["palm", 3396], ["palms", 3396], ["palmed", 3396], ["palmest", 3396], ["flat", 3401], ["shove", 3442], ["shoved", 3442], ["upward", 3453], ["get", 3463], ["getting", 3463], ["damn", 3497], ["damned", 3497], ["keep", 3510], ["keepest", 3510], ["kept", 3510], ["thrash", 3547], ["thrashest", 3547], ["thrashed", 3547], ["curse", 3558], ["cursed", 3558], ["headbutt", 3602], ["headbutts", 3602], ["headbutting", 3602], ["struggle", 3621], ["continue", 3631], ["continued", 3631], ["finally", 3645], ["leverage", 3668], ["leveraged", 3668], ["dump", 3700], ["dumping", 3700], ["first", 3714], ["firstest", 3714], ["onto", 3719], ["ontos", 3719], ["floor", 3729], ["disadvantage", 3744], ["disadvantaged", 3744], ["disadvantaging", 3744], ["long", 3765], ["longs", 3765], ["see", 3806], ["lamp", 3833], ["may", 3839], ["mays", 3839], ["mayest", 3839], ["might", 3839], ["fly", 3843], ["flys", 3843], ["skull", 3856], ["second", 3867], ["seconded", 3867], ["right", 3890], ["rightest", 3890], ["bastard", 3907], ["go", 3971], ["goest", 3971], ["gone", 3971], ["ignore", 3988], ["ignoring", 3988], ["tomorrow", 4001], ["tomorrows", 4001], ["anything", 4032], ["love", 4091], ["walk", 4146], ["cunt", 4172]]
`` i know i 'm not part of your team , but i want to go . i need to do this for him . he refused to leave me . i 'm not going to leave him . '' sam glanced at donovan , and donovan nodded . `` okay , you 're in , swanny . right now , you 're the only one nathan 's talking to , so maybe you can figure out what the hell is going on . '' chapter 15 it was pitch black when nathan landed . there was a murkiness to the air that left him uneasy and stirred his panic . he was impatient with the time it took to square away paperwork and make sure the jet was adequately hangared . his cell phone was buzzing his leg off . missed calls , current calls , texts and voice mails from his family . he ignored them all but knew he had to tell them something . he picked up his phone as he jogged toward the parking lot , where the rental was supposed to be waiting . he did n't want to get involved in a conversation because there was no way it could end well . so he sent a text to joe . keep family off my back . be in touch soon . as soon as he hit send , he shut off the phone and tossed his pack into the jeep . he 'd tried to plan for any eventuality in the few minutes he had to gather his wits and hit the road . but his one thought was to get to shea , however he had to do it . he took a moment to reach into his pack , retrieve his pistol and make sure his clip was loaded . he pulled out the assault rifle , popped in the magazine and then laid it on the seat . he shoved the glock into the shoulder harness and did a quick inventory of his supplies . he had no idea what he was up against , but he was prepared for damn near anything . automatically he reached for shea . they had n't communicated much during the flight . she needed to rest and regain her strength , but he 'd checked in periodically , always afraid that she 'd simply be gone . i 'm not far . he felt her stir as though she 'd been asleep . he felt her grogginess and then her sudden fear and self-condemnation that she 'd allowed herself to drift off . he ached to hold her and to ease her fear , just as she 'd once done for him . i 'm in a culvert . she struggled to clear her mind of the cobwebs . there 's a drainage ditch just past the sign saying two miles from the city limits . i hid there . do n't move a muscle until i get there . nathan roared down the highway , the headlights bouncing erratically off the landscape . he kept at the speed limit because he could n't afford to be pulled over with a freaking arsenal in the jeep . he was traveling in reverse of the way shea had come in and as a result he passed over the culvert before he realized it . swearing , he executed a sharp u-turn and spun back around . his headlights flashed over the sign shea had referenced and he slowed to a crawl until he saw the deep drainage ditch cutting under the road . his heart nearly stopped as he pulled onto the shoulder . his palms went slick on the steering wheel . his pulse raced so hard he was light-headed . just a few feet away was shea . the woman-the angel-who 'd invaded his mind . all his doubts surfaced , but all he had to do was open his door and get out . he would have his proof , and until now he 'd had no idea how badly he wanted her to be real . needed to hold her . needed to keep her safe . he grabbed his flashlight , his gun , and scrambled out of the jeep . his feet skidded along the gravel and then he headed down the sharp incline . it felt weird to be speaking to her aloud . her name came out hoarse and unsure . his grip tightened around his pistol when he heard a slight sound from within the culvert . he shone the light inside as he raised the gun . he was met by wide , frightened eyes . his heart damn near exploded out of his chest . `` shea , it 's me , nathan . '' she raised her arm to shield her eyes from the light , and he yanked it down so the culvert would be illuminated but she would n't be blinded . she tried to push herself upward , but she fell and bumped her head on the side of the culvert . he shoved the gun back into the holster then crawled inside , ducking low , and when he reached her , he did what he 'd been dying to do from the moment she first slipped into his mind . he grabbed her into his arms and molded her tight against his chest . she let out a small sigh and melted into his embrace , her body so soft and warm against him . `` i 'd never leave you alone . ''
[["know", 9], ["knowest", 9], ["part", 23], ["parting", 23], ["team", 36], ["teamed", 36], ["teaming", 36], ["go", 55], ["goest", 55], ["need", 64], ["needest", 64], ["refuse", 96], ["refused", 96], ["left", 105], ["leave", 105], ["go", 125], ["goest", 125], ["going", 125], ["sam", 147], ["glance", 155], ["glanced", 155], ["donovan", 166], ["nod", 187], ["nodded", 187], ["okay", 197], ["swanny", 219], ["right", 227], ["rightest", 227], ["nathan", 261], ["talk", 272], ["talking", 272], ["maybe", 286], ["figure", 301], ["hell", 319], ["hells", 319], ["chapter", 344], ["pitch", 360], ["black", 366], ["land", 385], ["landed", 385], ["murkiness", 409], ["air", 420], ["airs", 420], ["airing", 420], ["left", 430], ["leave", 430], ["uneasy", 441], ["stir", 453], ["stirs", 453], ["stirred", 453], ["panic", 463], ["impatient", 482], ["time", 496], ["take", 504], ["took", 504], ["square", 514], ["away", 519], ["paperwork", 529], ["sure", 543], ["jet", 551], ["jetting", 551], ["adequately", 566], ["cell", 586], ["phone", 592], ["buzz", 604], ["buzzes", 604], ["buzzing", 604], ["leg", 612], ["call", 631], ["calls", 631], ["current", 641], ["text", 655], ["texts", 655], ["voice", 665], ["mail", 671], ["mails", 671], ["family", 687], ["ignore", 700], ["ignored", 700], ["know", 718], ["knowest", 718], ["knew", 718], ["tell", 733], ["pick", 760], ["picked", 760], ["jog", 786], ["jogs", 786], ["jogged", 786], ["toward", 793], ["parking", 805], ["lot", 809], ["rental", 828], ["suppose", 841], ["supposed", 841], ["wait", 855], ["waitest", 855], ["waiting", 855], ["get", 880], ["involve", 889], ["involved", 889], ["conversation", 907], ["way", 932], ["ways", 932], ["end", 945], ["ends", 945], ["endest", 945], ["well", 950], ["wells", 950], ["send", 963], ["sent", 963], ["text", 970], ["joe", 977], ["joes", 977], ["keep", 984], ["keepest", 984], ["back", 1003], ["touch", 1017], ["touching", 1017], ["soon", 1022], ["hit", 1042], ["send", 1047], ["shut", 1057], ["toss", 1082], ["tossed", 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["ditch", 2200], ["past", 2210], ["sign", 2219], ["say", 2226], ["sayest", 2226], ["saying", 2226], ["two", 2230], ["twos", 2230], ["mile", 2236], ["miles", 2236], ["city", 2250], ["limit", 2257], ["limited", 2257], ["limits", 2257], ["hides", 2265], ["hid", 2265], ["move", 2285], ["muscle", 2294], ["roar", 2328], ["roarest", 2328], ["roared", 2328], ["highway", 2345], ["headlight", 2362], ["headlights", 2362], ["bounce", 2371], ["bouncing", 2371], ["erratically", 2383], ["landscape", 2401], ["keep", 2411], ["keepest", 2411], ["kept", 2411], ["speed", 2424], ["speeding", 2424], ["limit", 2430], ["limited", 2430], ["afford", 2458], ["arsenal", 2500], ["travel", 2531], ["traveling", 2531], ["reverse", 2542], ["reversed", 2542], ["come", 2567], ["result", 2586], ["resultest", 2586], ["pass", 2596], ["passed", 2596], ["realize", 2632], ["realized", 2632], ["swear", 2646], ["sweared", 2646], ["swearing", 2646], ["execute", 2660], ["executes", 2660], ["executed", 2660], ["sharp", 2668], ["sharps", 2668], ["u", 2670], ["turn", 2675], ["spun", 2684], ["spin", 2684], ["around", 2696], ["flash", 2721], ["flashed", 2721], ["reference", 2755], ["referenced", 2755], ["slow", 2769], ["slowed", 2769], ["crawl", 2780], ["crawled", 2780], ["see", 2793], ["saw", 2793], ["deep", 2802], ["deeply", 2802], ["cut", 2825], ["cutting", 2825], ["heart", 2852], ["nearly", 2859], ["stop", 2867], ["stopped", 2867], ["onto", 2885], ["ontos", 2885], ["palm", 2910], ["palms", 2910], ["palmed", 2910], ["palmest", 2910], ["go", 2915], ["goest", 2915], ["went", 2915], ["slick", 2921], ["steering", 2937], ["wheel", 2943], ["wheeled", 2943], ["pulse", 2955], ["race", 2961], ["racing", 2961], ["raced", 2961], ["hard", 2969], ["lit", 2982], ["light", 2982], ["head", 2989], ["headed", 2989], ["foot", 3007], ["feet", 3007], ["woman", 3033], ["womans", 3033], ["angel", 3043], ["invade", 3058], ["invaded", 3058], ["doubt", 3084], ["doubts", 3084], ["surface", 3093], ["surfaced", 3093], ["open", 3125], ["door", 3134], ["proof", 3172], ["proofs", 3172], ["proofed", 3172], ["proofest", 3172], ["badly", 3216], ["reis", 3241], ["real", 3241], ["safe", 3288], ["safes", 3288], ["safed", 3288], ["grab", 3301], ["grabbed", 3301], ["flashlight", 3316], ["gun", 3326], ["scramble", 3342], ["scrambled", 3342], ["skid", 3377], ["skidded", 3377], ["along", 3383], ["gravel", 3394], ["incline", 3436], ["inclines", 3436], ["weird", 3452], ["speak", 3467], ["spoken", 3467], ["speaking", 3467], ["aloud", 3480], ["name", 3491], ["come", 3496], ["came", 3496], ["hoarse", 3507], ["unsure", 3518], ["unsured", 3518], ["grip", 3529], ["tighten", 3539], ["tightens", 3539], ["tightenest", 3539], ["tightened", 3539], ["hear", 3571], ["hears", 3571], ["heard", 3571], ["slight", 3580], ["sound", 3586], ["within", 3598], ["shine", 3621], ["shone", 3621], ["shined", 3621], ["inside", 3638], ["raise", 3651], ["raised", 3651], ["meet", 3672], ["meeted", 3672], ["met", 3672], ["wide", 3680], ["eye", 3698], ["eyed", 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["never", 4388], ["alone", 4404]]
the primary authority figures in simon 's new , adoptive culture-vampire culture-express disdain at his refusal to assimilate , to acculturate to their ways . raphael takes the position that simon is in denial about his true nature-that his humanity ( his positive inclination , his yetzer hatov , of which jewish identity is a significant part ) is gone . camille attempts a subtler , more subversive pressure ; she does n't deny simon 's humanity-she appeals to it . to his yearning to belong and to his feeling of loneliness with infinity stretching out before him . but even camille then mocks his inability to speak the name of god , saying that if he were to simply abandon his beliefs , the name of god would lack meaning and he could speak it without a problem . simon ultimately rejects her and raphael both . he is unwilling to abandon his jewish identity , his humanity , his yetzer hatov , even though it means forgoing community . even though it means remaining separate and other from downworlders and shadowhunters still . in his staunch refusal to assimilate into vampire culture-despite the benefits it affords , despite how harmonious it would doubtless feel to not have to constantly struggle with his yetzer hara , or vampirism , if he were to truly identify and live as one of them-simon embodies the commitment of the jewish people to adhere to the core beliefs and traditions that have made us separate , distinct , and other from every other culture for centuries and for millennia . it is a fundamentally jewish act . simon is a denizen of two worlds-the downworlders ' and the mundane world . but while he ca n't be a part of the mundane world anymore , he chooses not to belong in the downworlders ' . he is a wanderer not because of the mark of cain , not because he is `` cursed . '' he is in exile because he chooses to be . simon would rather belong nowhere than belong with other vampires ; he would rather be nothing than be the creature ruled by his yetzer hara , the animalistic instinct we glimpsed in that jewish cemetery . in city of glass , valentine says to simon : `` i 've seen you choke on the name of god , vampire ... as for why you can stand in the sunlight- '' he broke off and grinned . simon is a freak among freaks , valentine says . a monster among monsters , who ca n't even speak the name of god . but here is a character who was transformed into a predator that has to harm others to survive , and still he wrestles with his `` evil inclination , '' his instinct to kill and drink blood . the jewish concept that sin rests always at the door is truer for no one than it is for simon . but despite how he suffers in city of fallen angels-despite the fact that he is tested and fails ( with maureen ) , missing his target spectacularly-simon refuses to accept that being a vampire is what he is . he does n't let his downworlder blood define him and embraces belief instead , even though doing so cuts him off from those who most closely resemble what he has become . perhaps it 's the jewish will to survive and endure , to persist unchanging in our beliefs despite the most horrific circumstances , that lends simon the strength to survive and endure and hold onto his jewish identity and humanity , to embrace his moral aims even as a new , dark , intruding part of him urges him to let go . but whatever the source , in fighting to retain that humanity , simon proves that despite being a vampire , he is n't a monster at all . he proves that he 's a hero . the other as the hero in city of bones , simon is a mundane whom virtually no one bothers to talk to because he does n't matter-he is other because he is painfully normal . but in city of lost souls , the world , and jace 's life , hangs in the balance-and simon is seemingly the only one who can save it . the clave would kill jace if they found him-not because they 're evil , but because they believe the greater good is served in saving the lives of many over the life of one . to stop them and to help jace , simon bargains using the only chip he 's got-himself . despite the fact that magnus is clear about not being able to guarantee simon 's safety , simon decides to call on the angel raziel himself in order to procure a weapon that would separate jace from sebastian without killing him . `` i 'm not nephilim ... i ca n't do what [ jace ] can do , '' he says to isabelle , justifying to her and himself why he should be willing to sacrifice his life for the chance to save jace 's . when simon raises raziel , it brings him face-to-face with death again . `` this time he did not try to say the words , only thought them .
[["primary", 11], ["authority", 21], ["figure", 29], ["figures", 29], ["simon", 38], ["new", 45], ["adoptive", 56], ["culture", 64], ["cultured", 64], ["vampire", 72], ["express", 88], ["disdain", 96], ["disdainest", 96], ["refusal", 111], ["assimilate", 125], ["acculturate", 142], ["acculturates", 142], ["way", 156], ["ways", 156], ["raphael", 166], ["take", 172], ["takes", 172], ["position", 185], ["denial", 209], ["true", 224], ["nature", 231], ["humanity", 249], ["positive", 264], ["inclination", 276], ["jewish", 313], ["identity", 322], ["significant", 339], ["part", 344], ["parting", 344], ["go", 354], ["goest", 354], ["gone", 354], ["camille", 364], ["attempt", 373], ["attempts", 373], ["subversive", 401], ["pressure", 410], ["pressured", 410], ["deny", 430], ["appeal", 460], ["appeals", 460], ["yearning", 484], ["belong", 494], ["belonged", 494], ["belongest", 494], ["feeling", 513], ["loneliness", 527], ["infinity", 541], ["stretch", 552], ["stretching", 552], ["even", 578], ["evens", 578], ["mock", 597], ["mocking", 597], ["mocks", 597], ["inability", 611], ["speak", 620], ["spoken", 620], ["name", 629], ["god", 636], ["say", 645], ["sayest", 645], ["saying", 645], ["simply", 671], ["abandon", 679], ["belief", 691], ["beliefs", 691], ["lack", 720], ["meaning", 728], ["without", 758], ["problem", 768], ["ultimately", 787], ["reject", 795], ["rejects", 795], ["unwilling", 834], ["though", 913], ["mean", 922], ["meanest", 922], ["means", 922], ["forgo", 931], ["forgoes", 931], ["forgoing", 931], ["community", 941], ["remain", 974], ["remaining", 974], ["separate", 983], ["still", 1035], ["staunch", 1052], ["despite", 1103], ["benefit", 1116], ["benefits", 1116], ["afford", 1127], ["affords", 1127], ["harmonious", 1152], ["doubtless", 1171], ["feel", 1176], ["constantly", 1202], ["struggle", 1211], ["haras", 1232], ["vampirism", 1247], ["truly", 1269], ["identify", 1278], ["live", 1287], ["embody", 1317], ["commitment", 1332], ["people", 1353], ["adhere", 1363], ["core", 1375], ["tradition", 1398], ["traditions", 1398], ["distinct", 1436], ["every", 1459], ["century", 1487], ["centuries", 1487], ["millennium", 1505], ["millenniums", 1505], ["fundamentally", 1529], ["act", 1540], ["acted", 1540], ["denizen", 1561], ["two", 1568], ["twos", 1568], ["world", 1575], ["worlds", 1575], ["mundane", 1610], ["world", 1616], ["ca", 1634], ["cas", 1634], ["anymore", 1677], ["choose", 1690], ["chooses", 1690], ["wanderer", 1745], ["mark", 1769], ["marks", 1769], ["cain", 1777], ["curse", 1807], ["cursed", 1807], ["exile", 1827], ["rather", 1873], ["nowhere", 1888], ["vampire", 1920], ["vampires", 1920], ["nothing", 1949], ["creature", 1970], ["rule", 1976], ["ruled", 1976], ["animalistic", 2013], ["instinct", 2022], ["glimpse", 2034], ["glimpses", 2034], ["glimpsed", 2034], ["cemetery", 2058], ["city", 2068], ["glass", 2077], ["valentine", 2089], ["say", 2094], ["sayest", 2094], ["says", 2094], ["see", 2119], ["seen", 2119], ["choke", 2129], ["stood", 2187], ["stand", 2187], ["standest", 2187], ["break", 2216], ["broke", 2216], ["grin", 2232], ["grinned", 2232], ["freak", 2251], ["freaking", 2251], ["among", 2257], ["freak", 2264], ["freaking", 2264], ["freaks", 2264], ["monster", 2293], ["monster", 2308], ["monsters", 2308], ["character", 2374], ["transform", 2394], ["transformed", 2394], ["predator", 2410], ["harm", 2427], ["harmest", 2427], ["survive", 2445], ["wrestle", 2469], ["wrestles", 2469], ["evil", 2486], ["evils", 2486], ["evilest", 2486], ["kill", 2524], ["drank", 2534], ["drink", 2534], ["drinking", 2534], ["blood", 2540], ["bloods", 2540], ["blooded", 2540], ["concept", 2561], ["sin", 2570], ["rest", 2576], ["rests", 2576], ["always", 2583], ["door", 2595], ["truer", 2604], ["suffer", 2665], ["suffering", 2665], ["suffers", 2665], ["fall", 2683], ["falls", 2683], ["fallen", 2683], ["angel", 2690], ["angels", 2690], ["fact", 2707], ["test", 2725], ["tested", 2725], ["fail", 2735], ["fails", 2735], ["maureen", 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["bonest", 3552], ["bones", 3552], ["virtually", 3588], ["bother", 3603], ["bothers", 3603], ["bothering", 3603], ["talk", 3611], ["matter", 3641], ["mattering", 3641], ["painfully", 3677], ["normal", 3684], ["lose", 3706], ["lost", 3706], ["soul", 3712], ["souls", 3712], ["life", 3743], ["lifes", 3743], ["hung", 3751], ["hang", 3751], ["hangs", 3751], ["balance", 3766], ["seemingly", 3789], ["save", 3815], ["clave", 3830], ["find", 3860], ["found", 3860], ["believe", 3917], ["great", 3929], ["good", 3934], ["serve", 3944], ["served", 3944], ["save", 3954], ["saving", 3954], ["life", 3964], ["lifes", 3964], ["lives", 3964], ["many", 3972], ["stop", 4003], ["help", 4020], ["helpest", 4020], ["bargain", 4042], ["bargains", 4042], ["use", 4048], ["using", 4048], ["chip", 4062], ["chipping", 4062], ["get", 4072], ["got", 4072], ["magnus", 4111], ["clear", 4120], ["clearest", 4120], ["able", 4141], ["abled", 4141], ["guarantee", 4154], ["safety", 4170], ["decide", 4186], ["decides", 4186], ["call", 4194], ["angel", 4207], ["order", 4231], ["orderest", 4231], ["procure", 4242], ["procuring", 4242], ["weapon", 4251], ["sebastian", 4291], ["kill", 4307], ["killing", 4307], ["nephilim", 4334], ["isabelle", 4396], ["justify", 4409], ["justified", 4409], ["justifying", 4409], ["willing", 4453], ["sacrifice", 4466], ["chance", 4490], ["chanced", 4490], ["chancing", 4490], ["raise", 4526], ["raises", 4526], ["bring", 4545], ["brings", 4545], ["face", 4554], ["death", 4573], ["time", 4594], ["try", 4609], ["tryed", 4609], ["say", 4616], ["sayest", 4616], ["word", 4626], ["words", 4626], ["think", 4641], ["thinkest", 4641], ["thought", 4641]]
how can i believe you now ? '' she would not survive it if he hurt her again . `` damn it ... '' his hands slid down her arms . his velvety voice became soothing , seducing . `` it 's too convenient for you to run . there is nothing to hold you to me . '' `` our marriage , our love . i know you love me still . '' `` apparently my love was not enough , '' she whispered bitterly . when sebastian caught her again , she could feel the desperation in his touch . `` it has to be enough , olivia . lifting her , he carried her to the bed . `` you can not get your way with seduction . '' `` perhaps not , '' he muttered . `` but i can sweeten your temper . '' sebastian stared up at the velvet canopy and listened to the sounds of his wife 's rhythmic breathing . he 'd loved her into exhaustion , but he was no closer to winning back her heart than he 'd been before he started . of course , it would n't be so easy . when had anything in his life been easy ? releasing a sigh , he admitted that was n't entirely true . winning olivia 's love had been easy , almost as easy as he 'd lost it . god , what a mess he was in . if her love was gone ... no , he would n't think about that . she murmured , stirring restlessly . he reached over and tucked the counterpane more securely around her . olivia was his wife . he glanced at her left hand and breathed his satisfaction at the sight of his mother 's sapphire . in reality , he had the rest of his life to win her back . but the truth was , he did n't have the rest of his life to wait . he needed her love . olivia had shown him what it was like to be cared for , what it was like to be happy , not merely on the outside , but deep in his soul . he could n't take many more encounters with her disregard . his father 's neglect had ceased to be of any consequence when he was still a child , but olivia ... his sweet , passionate olivia . her anger and remoteness were killing him . sebastian ran an agitated hand through his hair . nothing to hold him to her , she said . he would change that . he would bind himself to her , to the land , to his cursed family . he would prove to her that he could change , as long as she would be his . as long as she would love him again . chapter seven olivia woke with a start , immediately aware of her husband 's large body wrapped possessively around her . she froze for a moment , wondering what to do . `` morning , my love , '' he murmured in a deliciously sleep-raspy voice . `` sebastian , '' she whispered , acutely conscious of the soreness of her n**ples and the ache between her thighs . `` i- '' `` shush , no arguing today . '' he moved , freeing her . she leapt from his embrace and ducked behind the privacy screen , her heart racing with joy at finding him in her bed again . silly , stupid heart . as she washed with the cold water from the pitcher , she heard him rise . when the knock came to the door , she reached for her robe , then stilled midmovement , surprised to hear sebastian order hot water for her bath , along with strong coffee . she heard the amused giggle of the chambermaid and shot a glance around the screen . her eyes widened in horror to find sebastian standing in the doorway wearing only a sheet . furious , she stormed toward him , yanking him out of the way of the slamming door . he bit back a roguish grin and arched a brow . his gaze raked the length of her wet and still nak*d form . `` i am always eager to oblige your carnal desires . no need to accost me . '' she turned from him , clenching her fists . `` it is indecent for you to call the servants up here while you are unclothed ! '' `` i would have retrieved a robe from my room , but the door appears to be missing . '' olivia turned to face him again , which was a mistake . sebastian had discarded the sheet and stalked toward her with obvious sexual intent , his erect c*ck leading the way . cover that thing ! '' `` i intend to , '' he purred . `` after last night , how can you possibly be so amorous ? you hardly allowed me to sleep . `` 't is your fault , '' he retorted . `` i was fine until you started traipsing around the room nak*d. '' `` i was not traipsing ! '' she protested , hurrying toward the relative safety of the screen and her robe .
[["believe", 17], ["survive", 52], ["hurt", 66], ["hurts", 66], ["hurting", 66], ["damn", 86], ["damned", 86], ["hand", 106], ["hands", 106], ["slid", 111], ["arm", 125], ["arms", 125], ["velvety", 139], ["voice", 145], ["become", 152], ["became", 152], ["seduce", 172], ["seducing", 172], ["convenient", 198], ["run", 213], ["nothing", 232], ["hold", 240], ["marriage", 271], ["love", 282], ["know", 291], ["knowest", 291], ["still", 309], ["apparently", 328], ["enough", 351], ["whisper", 370], ["whispered", 370], ["bitterly", 379], ["sebastian", 396], ["catch", 403], ["catches", 403], ["catched", 403], ["caught", 403], ["feel", 430], ["desperation", 446], ["touch", 459], ["touching", 459], ["olivia", 493], ["lift", 503], ["carry", 520], ["carried", 520], ["bed", 535], ["get", 556], ["way", 565], ["ways", 565], ["seduction", 580], ["perhaps", 596], ["mutter", 617], ["mutterest", 617], ["muttering", 617], ["muttered", 617], ["sweeten", 640], ["temper", 652], ["stare", 674], ["stared", 674], ["velvet", 691], ["canopy", 698], ["listen", 711], ["listens", 711], ["listened", 711], ["sound", 725], ["sounds", 725], ["wife", 737], ["rhythmic", 749], ["breathing", 759], ["love", 773], ["loved", 773], ["exhaustion", 793], ["close", 816], ["closer", 816], ["win", 827], ["winning", 827], ["back", 832], ["heart", 842], ["start", 876], ["started", 876], ["course", 888], ["easy", 914], ["anything", 934], ["life", 946], ["lifes", 946], ["release", 968], ["releasing", 968], ["sigh", 975], ["sighest", 975], ["admit", 989], ["admitted", 989], ["entirely", 1011], ["true", 1016], ["almost", 1064], ["lose", 1086], ["lost", 1086], ["god", 1095], ["mess", 1109], ["messed", 1109], ["messing", 1109], ["go", 1142], ["goest", 1142], ["gone", 1142], ["think", 1170], ["thinkest", 1170], ["murmur", 1196], ["murmurest", 1196], ["murmured", 1196], ["stir", 1207], ["stirs", 1207], ["stirring", 1207], ["restlessly", 1218], ["reach", 1231], ["reached", 1231], ["tuck", 1247], ["tucked", 1247], ["tucking", 1247], ["counterpane", 1263], ["securely", 1277], ["around", 1284], ["glance", 1323], ["glanced", 1323], ["left", 1335], ["hand", 1340], ["breathe", 1353], ["breathes", 1353], ["breathed", 1353], ["satisfaction", 1370], ["sight", 1383], ["sighted", 1383], ["mother", 1397], ["mothered", 1397], ["motherest", 1397], ["sapphire", 1409], ["reality", 1422], ["rest", 1440], ["win", 1459], ["truth", 1484], ["wait", 1535], ["waitest", 1535], ["need", 1547], ["needest", 1547], ["needed", 1547], ["show", 1575], ["shown", 1575], ["like", 1596], ["care", 1608], ["cared", 1608], ["happy", 1643], ["merely", 1656], ["outside", 1671], ["deep", 1682], ["deeply", 1682], ["soul", 1694], ["take", 1714], ["many", 1719], ["encounter", 1735], ["encounters", 1735], ["disregard", 1754], ["father", 1767], ["fathered", 1767], ["fathering", 1767], ["neglect", 1778], ["neglecting", 1778], ["cease", 1789], ["ceased", 1789], ["consequence", 1814], ["consequenced", 1814], ["child", 1840], ["childs", 1840], ["sweet", 1867], ["passionate", 1880], ["anger", 1899], ["remoteness", 1914], ["kill", 1927], ["killing", 1927], ["run", 1947], ["ran", 1947], ["hair", 1981], ["say", 2021], ["sayest", 2021], ["said", 2021], ["change", 2039], ["bind", 2060], ["bound", 2060], ["land", 2089], ["family", 2112], ["prof", 2129], ["prove", 2129], ["long", 2167], ["longs", 2167], ["chapter", 2235], ["seven", 2241], ["wake", 2253], ["wakes", 2253], ["woken", 2253], ["woke", 2253], ["start", 2266], ["immediately", 2280], ["aware", 2286], ["husband", 2301], ["husbanding", 2301], ["large", 2310], ["body", 2315], ["bodied", 2315], ["wrap", 2323], ["wraps", 2323], ["wrapping", 2323], ["wrapped", 2323], ["possessively", 2336], ["froze", 2359], ["frozen", 2359], ["freeze", 2359], ["freezing", 2359], ["moment", 2372], ["wonder", 2384], ["wonderest", 2384], ["wondering", 2384], ["morning", 2408], ["deliciously", 2452], ["slept", 2458], ["sleep", 2458], ["sleeps", 2458], ["sleepest", 2458], ["raspy", 2464], ["acutely", 2514], ["conscious", 2524], ["soreness", 2540], ["ache", 2568], ["ached", 2568], ["thigh", 2587], ["thighs", 2587], ["shush", 2607], ["shushed", 2607], ["shushes", 2607], ["shushest", 2607], ["argue", 2620], ["arguing", 2620], ["today", 2626], ["move", 2640], ["moved", 2640], ["free", 2650], ["freeing", 2650], ["leap", 2666], ["leaps", 2666], ["leaping", 2666], ["embrace", 2683], ["duck", 2694], ["ducked", 2694], ["behind", 2701], ["privacy", 2713], ["screen", 2720], ["screening", 2720], ["race", 2739], ["racing", 2739], ["joy", 2748], ["joys", 2748], ["joyed", 2748], ["find", 2759], ["finding", 2759], ["silly", 2788], ["stupid", 2797], ["wash", 2819], ["washed", 2819], ["cold", 2833], ["water", 2839], ["pitcher", 2856], ["hear", 2868], ["hears", 2868], ["heard", 2868], ["rise", 2877], ["risen", 2877], ["knock", 2894], ["knocks", 2894], ["knockest", 2894], ["come", 2899], ["came", 2899], ["door", 2911], ["robe", 2938], ["still", 2953], ["stilled", 2953], ["midmovement", 2965], ["hear", 2985], ["hears", 2985], ["order", 3001], ["orderest", 3001], ["hot", 3005], ["bath", 3024], ["bathest", 3024], ["along", 3032], ["strong", 3044], ["coffee", 3051], ["giggle", 3081], ["chambermaid", 3100], ["shoot", 3109], ["shooted", 3109], ["shot", 3109], ["glance", 3118], ["eye", 3147], ["eyed", 3147], ["eyes", 3147], ["widen", 3155], ["widened", 3155], ["horror", 3165], ["find", 3173], ["stood", 3192], ["stand", 3192], ["standest", 3192], ["standing", 3192], ["doorway", 3207], ["wear", 3215], ["wearing", 3215], ["sheet", 3228], ["furious", 3238], ["storm", 3252], ["stormed", 3252], ["toward", 3259], ["yank", 3273], ["yanks", 3273], ["yanked", 3273], ["yanking", 3273], ["bite", 3322], ["roguish", 3337], ["grin", 3342], ["arch", 3353], ["arched", 3353], ["brow", 3360], ["gaze", 3371], ["gazes", 3371], ["rake", 3377], ["raking", 3377], ["raked", 3377], ["length", 3388], ["wet", 3399], ["form", 3420], ["formest", 3420], ["always", 3437], ["eager", 3443], ["oblige", 3453], ["carnal", 3465], ["desire", 3473], ["desires", 3473], ["need", 3483], ["needest", 3483], ["accost", 3493], ["turn", 3512], ["turned", 3512], ["clench", 3533], ["clenched", 3533], ["fist", 3543], ["fists", 3543], ["indecent", 3563], ["call", 3579], ["servant", 3592], ["servants", 3592], ["retrieve", 3655], ["retrieved", 3655], ["room", 3675], ["roomed", 3675], ["appear", 3698], ["appears", 3698], ["miss", 3712], ["missing", 3712], ["face", 3739], ["mistake", 3771], ["mistook", 3771], ["mistaken", 3771], ["discard", 3797], ["discardest", 3797], ["discarded", 3797], ["stalk", 3819], ["stalkest", 3819], ["stalked", 3819], ["obvious", 3843], ["sexual", 3850], ["intent", 3857], ["erect", 3869], ["lead", 3882], ["leaded", 3882], ["leading", 3882], ["cover", 3898], ["thing", 3909], ["intend", 3926], ["intendest", 3926], ["purr", 3944], ["purrs", 3944], ["purred", 3944], ["last", 3960], ["night", 3966], ["amorous", 4003], ["hardly", 4016], ["allow", 4024], ["allowed", 4024], ["fault", 4058], ["faulting", 4058], ["retort", 4075], ["retortest", 4075], ["retorted", 4075], ["fine", 4091], ["traipse", 4119], ["traipsing", 4119], ["protest", 4187], ["protestest", 4187], ["protested", 4187], ["hurry", 4198], ["hurried", 4198], ["hurryed", 4198], ["hurrying", 4198], ["relative", 4218], ["safety", 4225]]
there were , however , a lot more badicas than there were some other royals . like the dragomirs . lissa was the only one left . if the strigoi wanted to snuff out royal lines , there was no better chance than to go after her . moroi blood empowered strigoi , so i understood their desire for that . i supposed specifically targeting royals was simply part of their cruel and sadistic nature . it was ironic that strigoi would want to tear apart moroi society , since many of them had once been a part of it . the mirror and its warning consumed me for the rest of our stay at the house , and i found my fear and shock transforming into anger . how could any creature be so twisted and evil that they 'd do this to a familythat they 'd want to wipe out an entire bloodline ? how could any creature do this when they 'd once been like me and lissa ? and thinking of lissathinking of strigoi wanting to wipe out her family toostirred up a dark rage within me . the intensity of that emotion nearly knocked me over . it was something black and miasmic , swelling and roiling . a storm cloud ready to burst . i suddenly wanted to tear up every strigoi i could get my hands on . when i finally got into the car to ride back to st. vladimir 's with dimitri , i slammed the door so hard that it was a wonder it did n't fall off . he glanced at me in surprise . i exclaimed , incredulous . `` but i 'm not taking it out on the car . '' i fastened my seat belt and glowered . i hate them all ! i would have ripped their throats out ! '' dimitri stared at me , face calm , but he was clearly astonished at my outburst . `` you really think that 's true ? '' `` you think you could have done better than art schoenberg after seeing what the strigoi did in there ? after seeing what natalie did to you ? '' i 'd tangled briefly with lissa 's cousin , natalie , when she became a strigoi , just before dimitri had shown up to save the day . even as a new strigoiweak and uncoordinatedshe 'd literally thrown me around the room . suddenly , i felt stupid . i 'd seen what strigoi could do . me running in impetuously and trying to save the day would have only resulted in a quick death . i was developing into a tough guardian , but i still had a lot to learnand one seventeen-year-old girl could n't have stood against six strigoi . `` i 'm sorry , '' i said , gaining control of myself . the rage that had exploded inside me diffused . i had a short temper and often acted impulsively , but this had been intense and ugly even for me . `` it 's okay , '' said dimitri . he reached over and placed his hand on mine for a few moments . then he removed it and started the car . when we got back to st. vladimir 's academy around midnight , everyone knew about the massacre . the vampiric school day had just ended , and i had n't slept in more than twenty-four hours . i was bleary-eyed and sluggish , and dimitri ordered me to immediately go back to my dorm room and get some sleep . he , of course , looked alert and ready to take on anything . sometimes i really was n't sure if he slept at all . he headed off to consult with other guardians about the attack , and i promised him i 'd go straight to bed . instead , i turned toward the library once he was out of sight . i needed to see lissa , and the bond told me that was where she was . it was pitch-black as i walked along the stone walkway that crossed the quad from my dorm to the secondary school 's main building . snow completely covered the grass , but the sidewalk had been meticulously cleared of all ice and snow . it reminded me of the poor badicas ' neglected home . the commons building was large and gothic-looking , more suited to a medieval movie set than a school . inside , that air of mystery and ancient history continued to permeate the building : elaborate stone walls and antique paintings warring with computers and fluorescent lights . modern technology had a foothold here , but it would never dominate . slipping through the library 's electronic gate , i immediately headed for one of the back corners where geography and travel books were kept . sure enough , i found lissa sitting there on the floor , leaning against a bookcase . `` hey , '' she said , looking up from an open book propped up on one knee . she brushed a few strands of pale hair out of her face . her boyfriend , christian , lay on the floor near her , his head propped up on her other knee . he greeted me by way of a nod .
[["however", 20], ["lot", 28], ["royal", 75], ["royals", 75], ["like", 82], ["left", 126], ["strigoi", 143], ["snuff", 159], ["snuffed", 159], ["royal", 169], ["line", 175], ["lines", 175], ["well", 197], ["wells", 197], ["chance", 204], ["chanced", 204], ["chancing", 204], ["go", 215], ["goest", 215], ["moroi", 233], ["blood", 239], ["bloods", 239], ["blooded", 239], ["empower", 249], ["empowers", 249], ["empowerest", 249], ["empowered", 249], ["understand", 275], ["understanded", 275], ["understood", 275], ["desire", 288], ["suppose", 310], ["supposed", 310], ["specifically", 323], ["target", 333], ["targeting", 333], ["simply", 351], ["part", 356], ["parting", 356], ["cruel", 371], ["sadistic", 384], ["nature", 391], ["ironic", 407], ["tear", 439], ["teared", 439], ["apart", 445], ["society", 459], ["since", 467], ["many", 472], ["mirror", 520], ["warning", 536], ["consume", 545], ["consumed", 545], ["rest", 561], ["stay", 573], ["house", 586], ["find", 600], ["found", 600], ["fear", 608], ["fearest", 608], ["shock", 618], ["anger", 642], ["creature", 667], ["evil", 690], ["evils", 690], ["evilest", 690], ["wipe", 748], ["entire", 762], ["bloodline", 772], ["think", 861], ["thinkest", 861], ["thinking", 861], ["family", 920], ["dark", 941], ["rage", 946], ["within", 953], ["intensity", 972], ["emotion", 988], ["nearly", 995], ["knock", 1003], ["knocks", 1003], ["knockest", 1003], ["knocked", 1003], ["black", 1036], ["miasmic", 1048], ["swelling", 1059], ["storm", 1081], ["cloud", 1087], ["clouded", 1087], ["ready", 1093], ["burst", 1102], ["bursted", 1102], ["suddenly", 1115], ["every", 1139], ["get", 1159], ["hand", 1168], ["hands", 1168], ["finally", 1188], ["get", 1192], ["got", 1192], ["car", 1205], ["ride", 1213], ["rode", 1213], ["back", 1218], ["st", 1224], ["sts", 1224], ["vladimir", 1234], ["dimitri", 1250], ["slam", 1262], ["slammed", 1262], ["door", 1271], ["hard", 1279], ["wonder", 1300], ["wonderest", 1300], ["fall", 1316], ["falls", 1316], ["glance", 1333], ["glanced", 1333], ["surprise", 1351], ["surprised", 1351], ["exclaim", 1365], ["exclaimed", 1365], ["incredulous", 1379], ["take", 1404], ["taking", 1404], ["fasten", 1438], ["fastenest", 1438], ["fastened", 1438], ["seat", 1446], ["belt", 1451], ["belts", 1451], ["belted", 1451], ["belting", 1451], ["beltest", 1451], ["glow", 1464], ["hate", 1473], ["hateed", 1473], ["rip", 1504], ["ripped", 1504], ["throat", 1518], ["throats", 1518], ["stare", 1542], ["stared", 1542], ["face", 1555], ["calm", 1560], ["calms", 1560], ["clearly", 1581], ["astonish", 1592], ["astonished", 1592], ["outburst", 1607], ["really", 1623], ["think", 1629], ["thinkest", 1629], ["true", 1642], ["art", 1696], ["schoenberg", 1707], ["see", 1720], ["seeing", 1720], ["natalie", 1778], ["tangle", 1807], ["tangling", 1807], ["tangled", 1807], ["briefly", 1815], ["cousin", 1836], ["become", 1864], ["became", 1864], ["show", 1906], ["shown", 1906], ["save", 1917], ["day", 1925], ["even", 1932], ["evens", 1932], ["new", 1941], ["literally", 1987], ["around", 2004], ["room", 2013], ["roomed", 2013], ["feel", 2033], ["felt", 2033], ["stupid", 2040], ["see", 2052], ["seen", 2052], ["run", 2087], ["running", 2087], ["impetuously", 2102], ["try", 2113], ["tryed", 2113], ["trying", 2113], ["result", 2154], ["resultest", 2154], ["resulted", 2154], ["quick", 2165], ["death", 2171], ["develop", 2190], ["developest", 2190], ["developing", 2190], ["tough", 2203], ["guardian", 2212], ["guardians", 2212], ["still", 2226], ["seventeen", 2262], ["seventeens", 2262], ["year", 2267], ["old", 2271], ["girl", 2276], ["stood", 2297], ["stand", 2297], ["standest", 2297], ["six", 2309], ["sorry", 2333], ["say", 2345], ["sayest", 2345], ["said", 2345], ["gain", 2355], ["gaining", 2355], ["control", 2363], ["explode", 2402], ["exploded", 2402], ["inside", 2409], ["diffuse", 2421], ["diffusing", 2421], ["diffused", 2421], ["short", 2437], ["temper", 2444], ["often", 2454], ["act", 2460], ["acted", 2460], ["impulsively", 2472], ["intense", 2500], ["ugly", 2509], ["okay", 2537], ["reach", 2568], ["reached", 2568], ["place", 2584], ["placed", 2584], ["hand", 2593], ["mine", 2601], ["moment", 2619], ["moments", 2619], ["remove", 2637], ["removed", 2637], ["start", 2652], ["started", 2652], ["academy", 2706], ["midnight", 2722], ["midnights", 2722], ["everyone", 2733], ["know", 2738], ["knowest", 2738], ["knew", 2738], ["massacre", 2757], ["massacred", 2757], ["massacring", 2757], ["vampiric", 2772], ["school", 2779], ["schooling", 2779], ["end", 2798], ["ends", 2798], ["endest", 2798], ["ended", 2798], ["slept", 2820], ["sleep", 2820], ["sleeps", 2820], ["sleepest", 2820], ["twenty", 2840], ["four", 2845], ["hour", 2851], ["hours", 2851], ["bleary", 2866], ["sluggish", 2884], ["order", 2906], ["orderest", 2906], ["ordered", 2906], ["immediately", 2924], ["dorm", 2943], ["slept", 2967], ["sleep", 2967], ["sleeps", 2967], ["sleepest", 2967], ["course", 2984], ["look", 2993], ["looked", 2993], ["alert", 2999], ["alerted", 2999], ["take", 3017], ["anything", 3029], ["sure", 3063], ["head", 3094], ["headed", 3094], ["consult", 3109], ["consultest", 3109], ["consulting", 3109], ["guardian", 3130], ["guardians", 3130], ["attack", 3147], ["promise", 3164], ["promised", 3164], ["straight", 3185], ["bed", 3192], ["instead", 3202], ["turn", 3213], ["turned", 3213], ["toward", 3220], ["library", 3232], ["sight", 3257], ["sighted", 3257], ["need", 3268], ["needest", 3268], ["needed", 3268], ["see", 3275], ["bond", 3296], ["tell", 3301], ["told", 3301], ["pitch", 3342], ["walk", 3360], ["walked", 3360], ["along", 3366], ["stone", 3376], ["stoning", 3376], ["walkway", 3384], ["cross", 3397], ["crossing", 3397], ["crossed", 3397], ["quad", 3406], ["quads", 3406], ["secondary", 3436], ["main", 3451], ["build", 3460], ["building", 3460], ["snow", 3467], ["completely", 3478], ["cover", 3486], ["covered", 3486], ["grass", 3496], ["grassing", 3496], ["sidewalk", 3515], ["meticulously", 3537], ["clear", 3545], ["clearest", 3545], ["cleared", 3545], ["ice", 3556], ["iced", 3556], ["remind", 3579], ["reminded", 3579], ["poor", 3594], ["neglect", 3614], ["neglecting", 3614], ["neglected", 3614], ["home", 3619], ["homing", 3619], ["common", 3633], ["commons", 3633], ["commonest", 3633], ["large", 3652], ["gothic", 3663], ["look", 3671], ["looking", 3671], ["medieval", 3699], ["movie", 3705], ["set", 3709], ["air", 3743], ["airs", 3743], ["airing", 3743], ["mystery", 3754], ["mysteries", 3754], ["ancient", 3766], ["history", 3774], ["continue", 3784], ["continued", 3784], ["permeate", 3796], ["elaborate", 3821], ["wall", 3833], ["walls", 3833], ["antique", 3845], ["painting", 3855], ["paintings", 3855], ["war", 3863], ["warring", 3863], ["computer", 3878], ["computers", 3878], ["fluorescent", 3894], ["lit", 3901], ["light", 3901], ["lights", 3901], ["modern", 3910], ["technology", 3921], ["foothold", 3936], ["footholds", 3936], ["never", 3962], ["dominate", 3971], ["slip", 3982], ["slipping", 3982], ["electronic", 4016], ["gate", 4021], ["gates", 4021], ["corner", 4072], ["corners", 4072], ["geography", 4088], ["travel", 4099], ["book", 4105], ["books", 4105], ["keep", 4115], ["keepest", 4115], ["kept", 4115], ["enough", 4129], ["sat", 4153], ["sit", 4153], ["sitting", 4153], ["floor", 4172], ["lean", 4182], ["leans", 4182], ["leaning", 4182], ["bookcase", 4201], ["hey", 4210], ["open", 4250], ["book", 4255], ["prop", 4263], ["propped", 4263], ["knee", 4278], ["brush", 4292], ["brushest", 4292], ["brushed", 4292], ["strand", 4306], ["strands", 4306], ["pale", 4314], ["hair", 4319], ["boyfriend", 4351], ["christian", 4363], ["christians", 4363], ["lay", 4369], ["lie", 4369], ["lain", 4369], ["near", 4387], ["head", 4402], ["greet", 4444], ["greeting", 4444], ["greeted", 4444], ["way", 4454], ["ways", 4454], ["nod", 4463]]
with this tucked into the waistband of his breeks and concealed by the skirts of his coat , we rode slowly up the drive to the front door . by the time we had reached it , i knew something was wrong . there was a sinister air of stillness about the house ; no sound of scurrying servants , no music from the parlor , no scents of supper being fetched in from the cookhouse . most peculiar of all , ulysses was not there to greet us ; our knocking went unanswered for several minutes , and when the door was at last opened , it was phaedre , jocasta 's body-servant , who appeared . she had looked dreadful when i had last seen her , nearly a year before , after her mother 's death . she did n't look much better now ; there were circles under her eyes , and her skin looked bruised and drawn , like a fruit beginning to go bad . when she saw us , though , her eyes lighted and her mouth relaxed in visible relief . `` i been prayin ' for somebody to come help , ever since yesterday , but i thought for sure it would be mr. farquard , and then we maybe be in worse trouble , he such a man for the law and all , even if he is your auntie 's friend . '' jamie raised an eyebrow at this rather confused declaration , but nodded reassuringly and squeezed her hand . i dinna believe i 've been an answer to prayer before , but i 've no objection . is my aunt ... `` oh , yes , sir-she 's well enough . '' withdrawing before we could ask further questions , she beckoned us toward the stair . jocasta was in her boudoir , knitting . she raised her head at the sound of feet , alert , and before anyone could say anything , asked `` jamie ? '' in a quavering voice , and stood up . even at a distance , i could see that there were mistakes in the knitting , missed stitches and open runs ; most unlike her usual fastidious needlework . `` aye , it 's me , aunt . crossing the room in two strides , he reached her side and took her arm , patting her hand in reassurance . her face underwent the same transformation of relief that we had seen in phaedre , and i thought she might give way at the knees . she stiffened her spine , though , and turned toward me . thank blessed bride ye 've come , though how-well , never mind it for now . duncan 's hurt . '' duncan lay in bed in the next room , inert under a stack of comforters . at first , i was afraid he might be dead , but he stirred at once at the sound of jocasta 's voice . `` mac dubh ? '' he poked his head up from the mound of covers , squinting to see in the dimness of the room . `` what in god 's name brings you here ? '' `` lieutenant wolff , '' jamie said , a little caustically . `` is the name perhaps familiar to ye ? '' `` aye , ye might say so . '' there was a slightly odd tone to duncan 's voice , but i paid it no mind , engaged in lighting candles and in excavating him sufficiently from the bedclothes to find out what the matter was . i was expecting to find a knife or gunshot wound . at first examination , there was nothing whatever of the sort visible , and it took a few moments ' mental regrouping to discover that what he was suffering from was a broken leg . it was a simple fracture of the lower tibia , fortunately , and while undoubtedly painful , it seemed to be no great threat to his health . i sent phaedre to find some splinting materials , while jamie , informed that duncan stood in no great danger , sat down to get to the bottom of things . `` he has been here ? lieutenant wolff ? '' `` aye , he has . '' again the slight hesitation . `` has he gone , then ? '' duncan shuddered a little , involuntarily . `` oh , no , mrs. claire , '' he assured me . `` i was only-well ... '' `` ye may as well tell me straight out , duncan , '' jamie said , in a tone of mild exasperation . `` i think it 'll no be a tale that improves wi ' keeping , aye ? and if it 's the sort of tale i think , then i have a bittie story to tell to you , as well . '' duncan eyed him narrowly , but then sighed , capitulating , and lay back on the pillow . the lieutenant had arrived at river run two days before , but unlike his usual habit , had not come to the front door to be announced . instead , he had left his horse hobbled in a field a mile from the house , and approached stealthily on foot .
[["tuck", 16], ["tucked", 16], ["tucking", 16], ["waistband", 35], ["breeks", 49], ["conceal", 63], ["concealest", 63], ["concealed", 63], ["skirt", 77], ["skirts", 77], ["coat", 89], ["ride", 99], ["rode", 99], ["slowly", 106], ["drive", 119], ["front", 132], ["door", 137], ["time", 151], ["reach", 166], ["reached", 166], ["know", 178], ["knowest", 178], ["knew", 178], ["wrong", 198], ["sinister", 221], ["air", 225], ["airs", 225], ["airing", 225], ["stillness", 238], ["house", 254], ["sound", 265], ["servant", 287], ["servants", 287], ["music", 298], ["musics", 298], ["parlor", 314], ["scent", 326], ["scentest", 326], ["scents", 326], ["supper", 336], ["fetch", 350], ["fetched", 350], ["cookhouse", 372], ["peculiar", 388], ["ulysses", 405], ["greet", 428], ["greeting", 428], ["go", 451], ["goest", 451], ["went", 451], ["unanswered", 462], ["several", 474], ["minute", 482], ["minutes", 482], ["last", 514], ["open", 521], ["opened", 521], ["jocasta", 548], ["body", 556], ["bodied", 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