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# Copyright Jiaqi Liu
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
from typing import Callable
import yaml
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
The language identifier for German language.
.. py:data:: GERMAN
:value: German
:type: string
GERMAN = "German"
The language identifier for Latin language.
.. py:data:: LATIN
:value: Latin
:type: string
LATIN = "Latin"
The language identifier for Ancient Greek.
.. py:data:: ANCIENT_GREEK
:value: Ancient Greek
:type: string
ANCIENT_GREEK = "Ancient Greek"
"about", "above", "across", "after", "against", "along", "among", "around", "at", "before", "behind", "below",
"beneath", "beside", "between", "beyond", "by", "down", "during", "except", "for", "from", "in", "inside", "into",
"like", "near", "of", "off", "on", "onto", "out", "outside", "over", "past", "since", "through", "throughout", "to",
"toward", "under", "underneath", "until", "up", "upon", "with", "within", "without"
def get_vocabulary(yaml_path: str) -> list:
with open(yaml_path, "r") as f:
return yaml.safe_load(f)["vocabulary"]
def get_definitions(word) -> list[(str, str)]:
Extract definitions from a word as a list of bi-tuples, with the first element being the predicate and the second
being the definition.
For example (in YAML)::
- term: nämlich
- (adj.) same
- (adv.) namely
- because
The method will return `[("adj.", "same"), ("adv.", "namely"), (None, "because")]`
The method works for the single-definition case, i.e.::
- term: na klar
definition: of course
returns a list of one tupple `[(None, "of course")]`
Note that any definition are converted to string. If the word does not contain a field named exactly "definition", a
ValueError is raised.
:param word: A dictionary that contains a "definition" key whose value is either a single-value or a list of
:return: a list of two-element tuples, where the first element being the predicate (can be `None`) and the second
being the definition
""""Extracting definitions from {}".format(word))
if "definition" not in word:
raise ValueError("{} does not contain 'definition' field. Maybe there is a typo".format(word))
predicate_with_definition = []
definitions = [word["definition"]] if not isinstance(word["definition"], list) else word["definition"]
for definition in definitions:
definition = str(definition)
definition = definition.strip()
match = re.match(r"\((.*?)\)", definition)
if match:
predicate_with_definition.append((, re.sub(r'\(.*?\)', '', definition).strip()))
predicate_with_definition.append((None, definition))
return predicate_with_definition
def get_attributes(
word: object,
language: str,
node_label_attribute_key: str,
inflection_supplier: Callable[[object], dict] = lambda word: {}
) -> dict[str, str]:
Returns a flat map as the Term node properties stored in Neo4J.
:param word: A dict object representing a vocabulary
:param language: The language of the vocabulary. Can only be one of the constants defined in this file:
:py:data:`GERMAN` / :py:data:`LATIN` / :py:data:`ANCIENT_GREEK`
:param node_label_attribute_key: The attribute key in the returned map whose value contains the node caption
:param inflection_supplier: A functional object that, given a YAML dictionary, returns the inflection table of that
word. The key of the table can be arbitrary but the value must be a sole inflected word
:return: a flat map containing all the YAML encoded information about the vocabulary
return {node_label_attribute_key: word["term"], "language": language} | inflection_supplier(word) | get_audio(word)
def get_audio(word: object) -> dict:
Returns the pronunciation of a word in the form of a map with key being "audio" and value being a string pointing to
the URL of the audio file.
The word should be a dict object containing an "audio" string attribute, otherwise this function returns an empty
:param word: A dict object representing a vocabulary
:return: a single-entry map or empty map
if "audio" not in word:
return {}
return {"audio": word["audio"]}
def get_inferred_links(
vocabulary: list[dict],
label_key: str,
inflection_supplier: Callable[[object], dict[str, str]] = lambda word: {}
) -> list[dict]:
Return a list of inferred links between related vocabularies.
This function is the point of extending link inference capabilities. At this point, the link inference includes
- :py:meth:`token sharing <wilhelm_data_loader.vocabulary_parser.get_inferred_tokenization_links>`
- :py:meth:`token sharing <wilhelm_data_loader.vocabulary_parser.get_levenshtein_links>`
:param vocabulary: A wilhelm-vocabulary repo YAML file deserialized
:param label_key: The name of the node attribute that will be used as the label in displaying the node
:param inflection_supplier: A functional object that, given a YAML dictionary, returns the inflection table of that
word. The key of the table can be arbitrary but the value must be a sole inflected word
:return: a list of link object, each of which has a "source_label", a "target_label", and an "attributes" key
return (get_inferred_tokenization_links(vocabulary, label_key, inflection_supplier) +
get_structurally_similar_links(vocabulary, label_key))
def get_definition_tokens(word: dict) -> set[str]:
definitions = [pair[1] for pair in get_definitions(word)]
tokens = set()
for token in set(sum([definition.split(" ") for definition in set().union(set(definitions))], [])):
cleansed = token.lower().strip()
return tokens
def get_term_tokens(word: dict) -> set[str]:
term = word["term"]
tokens = set()
for token in term.split(" "):
cleansed = token.lower().strip()
if cleansed not in {"der", "die", "das"}:
return tokens
def get_inflection_tokens(
word: dict,
inflection_supplier: Callable[[object], dict[str, str]] = lambda word: {}
) -> set[str]:
tokens = set()
for key, value in inflection_supplier(word).items():
for inflection in value.split(","):
cleansed = inflection.lower().strip()
return tokens
def get_tokens_of(word: dict, inflection_supplier: Callable[[object], dict[str, str]] = lambda word: {}) -> set[str]:
return get_inflection_tokens(word, inflection_supplier) | get_term_tokens(word) | get_definition_tokens(word)
def get_inferred_tokenization_links(
vocabulary: list[dict],
label_key: str,
inflection_supplier: Callable[[object], dict[str, str]] = lambda word: {}
) -> list[dict]:
Return a list of inferred links between related vocabulary terms which are related to one another.
This mapping will be used to create more links in graph database.
This was inspired by the spotting the relationships among::
- term: das Jahr
definition: the year
- ["", singular, plural ]
- [nominative, Jahr, "Jahre, Jahr" ]
- [genitive, "Jahres, Jahrs", "Jahre, Jahr" ]
- [dative, Jahr, "Jahren, Jahr"]
- [accusative, Jahr, "Jahre, Jahr" ]
- term: seit zwei Jahren
definition: for two years
- term: in den letzten Jahren
definition: in recent years
1. Both 2nd and 3rd are related to the 1st and the two links can be inferred by observing that "Jahren" in 2nd and
3rd match the declension table of the 1st
2. In addition, the 2nd and 3rd are related because they both have "Jahren".
Given the 2 observations above, this function tokenizes the "term" and the declension table of each word. If two
words share at least 1 token, they are defined to be "related"
:param vocabulary: A wilhelm-vocabulary repo YAML file deserialized
:param label_key: The name of the node attribute that will be used as the label in displaying the node
:return: a list of link object, each of which has a "source_label", a "target_label", and an "attributes" key
all_vocabulary_tokenizations_by_term = dict(
[word["term"], get_tokens_of(word, inflection_supplier)] for word in vocabulary)
inferred_links = []
for this_word in vocabulary:
this_term = this_word["term"]
for that_term, that_term_tokens in all_vocabulary_tokenizations_by_term.items():
jump_to_next_term = False
if this_term == that_term:
for this_token in get_term_tokens(this_word):
for that_token in that_term_tokens:
if this_token.lower().strip() == that_token:
"source_label": this_term,
"target_label": that_term,
"attributes": {label_key: "term related"},
jump_to_next_term = True
if jump_to_next_term:
return inferred_links
def get_structurally_similar_links(vocabulary: list[dict], label_key: str) -> list[dict]:
Return a list of inferred links between structurally-related vocabulary terms that are determined by the function
:py:meth:`token sharing <wilhelm_data_loader.vocabulary_parser.is_structurally_similar>`.
This was inspired by the spotting the relationships among::
- term: anschließen
definition: to connect
- term: anschließend
- (adj.) following
- (adv.) afterwards
- term: nachher
definition: (adv.) afterwards
:param vocabulary: A wilhelm-vocabulary repo YAML file deserialized
:param label_key: The name of the node attribute that will be used as the label in displaying the node
:return: a list of link object, each of which has a "source_label", a "target_label", and an "attributes" key
inferred_links = []
for this in vocabulary:
for that in vocabulary:
this_term = this["term"]
that_term = that["term"]
if is_structurally_similar(this_term, that_term):
"source_label": this_term,
"target_label": that_term,
"attributes": {label_key: "structurally similar"},
return inferred_links
def is_structurally_similar(this_word: str, that_word: str) -> bool:
Returns whether or not two string words are structurally similar.
Two words are structurally similar iff the two share the same word stem. If two word strings are equal, this
function returns `False`.
:param this_word: The first word to compare structurally
:param that_word: The second word to compare structurally
:return: `True` if two words are structurally similar, or `False` otherwise
if this_word is that_word:
return False
return get_stem(this_word) == get_stem(that_word)
def get_stem(word: str) -> str:
from nltk.stem.snowball import GermanStemmer
stemmer = GermanStemmer()
return stemmer.stem(word)