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Fun It's a fun adn decent version of Babe Ruth's life. John Goodman made a really great Babe Ruth. He had a childlike approach to everything, but still was the gritty old school ball player.
Umpteen number of plot twists I just finished watching it and I thought it was great. The cinematics are great of the airplanes plus it was funny whenever the wake turbulence hits and they get ragdolled.
Strong season but fading fast... I am not sure how to keep the humor and light side of this series and get that edgey feel back that was in season 3 and 4. They keep dredging up management to carry over from show to show and tie the plot knot, but it is wearing thin. I love the Sam Axe character and really think they need to try a serious show of just Sam again, getting some of that Seal Storyline out in front and then have him joke away the danger and seriousness of the job. They need to pump up the budget and get some heavy acting in there again, maybe a cameo by an A-Lister Drama series actor or some of the Sopranos characters. Many of them would be perfect in sunny florida, reprising their roles in jersey south. Let them do a miniseries... 3 or 4 episodes, making funny and getting that miami/new york mob connection going again in the plotline.
DVD PURCHASE OF SEVEN POUNDS DVD arrived in reasonable time. It didn't work until I cleaned it. The mailing price was thirty per cent higher on original postage. The selling price was very good. I would buy again from this seller.
This was an excellent movie When I first saw this movie it was so emotional.I could really feel what the people were going through.I think I cried in the movie. All african-american people should see movies like these, so that you can know about your history. And what your people went through.Don't let let anyone make you forget about slavery. Never forget about it. It was your history. Brothers and sisters,you need to know where you come from.This was an excellent movie. It made you cry, it made you angry and it made you hopeful. There should be more movies like this. This is the kind of movie to own.
The Dog Loved It Lithium Springs is a low(est)-budget film about a guy and his dog looking for the Fountain of Youth. I purchased this movie for my mini Dachshund, Buddy Ray. He loves movies with Dachshunds in it and I have watched The Ugliest Dachshund about 50 times and needed a change. Buddy Ray gives this movie Two-Paws-UP but all the people in the room groaned the entire 93 minutes. At least I can play it for Buddy Ray when I need to get work done around the house.
OKMom My kids LOVED this movie...they are both boys 7&1/2 and 9. Wanted me to rent again. They couldn't stop singing about the Rainbow Afro!
SAVE YOUR MONEY-GET THE ORIGINAL. As a stand alone movie it is bad and as a remake it is atrocious. I bought it (big mistake) watched it once and it hasn't seen the light of day since. I still cannot understand how this is a "remake" when there is so little of the original movie in it (the title and a police station under attack, that's it). Apparently too much money and no intelligent script.
Very Well Done I thought this was a really enjoyable movie. It was a really touching film about wanting to break out of where you are and I think most people can relate to that. I think Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant proved with this that they can give birth to more than just hilarious babies. Being a huge fan of them I didn't want to be disappointed and I wasn't.
Better Than Most Of Whats Out There If you're looking for historically accurate, go with Das Boot. If you prefer something faster paced, pick up U-571. They're both movies about submarines in WW2, but they're very, very different films. U-571 is better than most of the crapola cranked out by Hollywood, that's for sure.
and catholic church complain about DaVinci's code? I feel soooo sorry that I dragged my friend into seeing this with me. I thought this movie was supposed to be scary-fun or somewhere along the line 'cause hey! it's about an evil kid bringing on the end of the world, how cool does that sound?but nope. It's not about the evil kid so much as about not-unlike-Final-Destination scenarios. You know, natural but bizzar deaths such as things fall that stabs/decapitates people, things coincidently explodes etc etc.The actor who plays the kid looks dead-bored throughout the whole entire film, in fact, I never convinced for a second that he was evil, he was anti-social and needs therapy, sure, but the evil nanny (Mia, the one who plays the evil nanny, was the ONLY person in the cast who enjoyed playing her role) spooked me more than him. And yes, when Thorn tried to kill the kid I felt sorry for the kid-and the actor who plays the kid that he had to put up with this film. In fact, I feel sorry for pretty much all the actors who participated, especially the one who plays Thorn, I can just imagine that he was thinkin'(when he was raising his knife): "why ON EARTH did I agree to take this role?"And the whole movie just PROVED the absurdity of the belief about the Apocalypse. The ending was SO INCREDBILY lame, nope, didn't scare me, if I had a rock I would throw at the screen for its OVER-THE-LINE lameness. For some strange reason suddently Satan took over the world and not only God does not seem to try to stop him, He seemed to facillitate him, by sending Angels to rec havok on earth and didn't even protect Thorn when he was in the church ready to kill the kid. Geeeez that's TOTALLY believable. Also the book of revelation is SO INCREDIBLY vague that it could be interpreted in a hundred different ways from sunday. And I felt ENORMOUS disgust when things like 9/11 and Katrina been used as "signs", I find it unbelievable that the victims of those tragedy would not sue the film. These usages basically justified their loved ones' deaths ('cause according to this film it was the "angels" who made these things happen OF COURSE!). If I have a loved on who died in Katrina or 9/11 I would DEFINITELY have sued. And people protest Da Vinci's Code? Gosh, this film has a GAZILLION more reasons to deserve protesting than Da Vinci's Code.was it scary? no. even the writers/directors knew it, why else would they use SUPER loud sound effect in attempt to make us jump? The whole film is SO INCREDIBLY formulated that it amazed me. The mother has suspicions but OF COURSE the father wouldn't listen OR believe it until it brings about his own demise. Geeez, even kid-scare novels like the Goosebumps series have tried to outdate such use of trying to frustrate us.
East Coast Style Sera and her team show us their unique fusion style in this instructional workout; those complaining it's not belly dance must not have read the description because it clearly states that it's a fusion style - not just ATS or traditional belly dance. Of the few instructional videos I currently own, this is my favorite. The warm up is excellent, and will have you ready to work out - the combinations are very basic looking, but not easy by any means. She fuses a fluid liquid electronica dance style with traditional movements for a wonderful core set of moves you can grow from to into your own interpretation of a fusion style. The music is okay, a little dull for me but not bad. I enjoyed the performance piece even though the background wasn't terribly engaging but that wasn't the focus so I'm pleased overall.
Scary slasher flick "Valentine" might not win the Oscar for Best Horror Film, but it still is in line with other slashers such as "Urban Legend" and "Cherry Falls," the latter of which received very positive reviews. This is still a good, scary movie, although not as clever as the awesome "Scream" Trilogy or the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" movies.The movie starts with a dorky, ugly kid, Jeremy, asking five popular girls to dance with him at the school Valentine's Day dance. All of them meanly turn him down, except for two -- Kate, who tells him maybe later. And Dorothy, who ends up making out with him under the bleachers. When a group of kids see them, Dorothy claims he attacked her and Jeremy is sent off to reform school, never seen again.Flash forward nine years...the girls are all in college when one of them is viciously murdered by a cherub mask-wearing killer. Then they all start getting threatening notes, and then more people die until the big climax -- a Valentine's Day party at Dorothy's huge mansion, and the killer is revealed.Yeah, it sounds very cliche, I know. But there is actually some originality in the script, and the actors play their parts surprisingly well for a somewhat low-budget horror flick. Marley Shelton in particular stands out as the sweet heroine Kate.So, all in all, not a bad scary movie. Not a fantastic one either, but not as bad as reviews have made it out to be. Give it a chance, and you'll be surprised.Oh, one more thing: to the person who said all of the good reviews for this movie have incorrect grammar and spelling....I know that's a cutdown for all fans of the movie, and it's your opinion if you like it or not, but maybe you should worry about the MOVIE instead of our spelling mistakes. Because last time I checked, you were supposed to review the movie, and not our spelling.Thank you.
A rock n roll Fable It is amazing how many of the actors in this movie are all over the movie industry. Fun story and great music. Had to have a copy to show people that have never seen it.
A Hidden gem Acting, directing, production, and story are all well done in this one. I can't believe I never heard of it before I saw it on a video rental shelf. If you are interested in medieval times, witch hunts, or old religions do yourself a favor and watch this. There's enough action to keep most adventure movie fans happy but it's not nonstop fighting. There is enough time spent developing the characters that you care about the action when it does happen. All in all the movie is well paced. It will make you think and as others have said it will stick with your thoughts for a while.
I loved this movie This is one of the sweetest films I have seen in quite some time. I was really touched by the gentleness of the story. Everytime I thought something bad would happen to the characters, it wouldn't. I was very disarmed by that and it helped remove me from myself and really drew me into this very loving portrait of growing up in Baltimore in the 50's.Wonderful.
Wondering about Alaska? The wonders of Alaska DVD is a venture inside the beautiful state of Alaska. The beautiful glaciers, wild animals, and unique culture are treat to watch. My favorite part of the DVD would be the great narration and the wild animals such as bears, whales and moose. I highly recommend purchasing this DVD. The interesting content and beautiful footage are both educational and interesting.
TEX This movie was recommended by a friend of mine. I love Matt Dillon but never saw this movie, but so glad I did. Really good and would tell anyone that was born after 1974 to see it.
Alice In Wonderla? I should've known not to order this version. Alice In Wonderla? The transfer is the worst in my DVD collection. Horrible picture quality (reminds me of a reel-to-reel projector) and only slightly better sound. It's a shame too. I remember this little gem of a musical from my childhood. I was about 6 years old when it came out. For me, Fiona Fullerton became the definative "Alice". She really is wonderful...with that lilting little voice. In fact, the entire cast stands out. I love every minute of it. I hope this gets re-re-released someday with total restoration in widescreen and dolby-whatever! I'll buy it again. In the meantime I'll watch this version regardless of how crappy it's presentation. I do think I will avoid any DVDs by Platinum Disc Corp. Do I smell somebody looking to make a quick buck? At least I expect the picture quality to be better than a bad EP VHS recording! I'd be interested in knowing if the quality of the VHS is better. Anybody?Anyway, DVD gets 1.5 stars...the movie itself is 4.5 stars (if you didn't grow up with this sort of thing then avoid this movie at all costs. For me, "Alice" is up there with Wizard of Oz and Willy Wonka and The Chocolote Factory). By the way, children should love the manic pace. It's a blast!Another note: watching this I was reminded of the shows I used to watch at the time. Sid and Marty Krofft (Pufnstuf) and so forth must have been inspired by this...or the other way around.
Insulting. This sequel is an insult to the original 5 star movie. I found myself fast forwarding to get to a good part which never seemed to come. Dont even think of buying. If you are curious, wait for 99cent rental night. Glover is good but plot, action and everything else is rock bottom.
One of the best halloweens since the original. Very on-the-edge-of-your-seat movie with plenty of thrills and chills. A very good date movie where your girl grabes onto your arm. BUT, I only gave it four stars because with this movie they semmingly tossed a side the other Halloween sequels. They could have found a way to intermingle them all together. I say they should make an eighth movie that explaines what happened between Halloween 6 and H20. Oh, yeah my friend Vikki thought it ruled too.
a literal, riveting telling Filmed in Southern Italy in rocky hillside villages and along the coast, Pasolini's "Gospel" has the feel of a silent film, with its long close-ups of its cast of non-professional actors, which include Susanna Pasolini, the filmmaker's mother, and how the camera loves these rough, beautiful and distinctive faces...it is like a moving tapestry of Renaissance paintings, and a visual artist's dream film.Enrique Irazoqui's Jesus, with his lofty forehead, thick eyebrows that meet over his nose, and coal black eyes, is stern and compelling, and recites the Gospel with strength and mettle.Released forty years ago, the quality of this black and white film is gritty, which adds to the harsh depiction of the life and the landscape. Though much less ambitious, it reminds me a little of Tarkovsky's "Andrei Rublev", and it has the same pacing (especially in the first hour) and gravity. The soundtrack also shows signs of age, and includes Bach, Mozart, Prokofiev, Webern, some American spirituals ("Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child" during the Manger scene), Kol Nidrei during the Last Supper scene, and Missa Luba. There is also a biting wind, whooshing and whistling though much of the film.The tape that I own is dubbed, and this is the only instance where I don't find dubbing intrusive. Since the dialogue is literal and familiar, and many scenes are purely visual, the dubbing frees one to just take in this marvelous interpretation of St. Matthew's Gospel, which is sometimes simple and sometimes quite savage (the Massacre of the Innocents is chaotic); a must see for anyone interested in Christianity, and students of film and the graphic arts.
Awesome!! We were huge fans of the original series so snatched this right up when it became available. We loved it. It is definitely different from the original but I think it needs some time to gather a following. At first it felt very strange seeing a new family in 165 Eaton Place and 1930's interiors but the impeccable cast started to grow on us and realizing this is definitely a sequel, not a remake, made us embrace it fully. We really hope they make more episodes!!!!!
Still hilarious, the best Gotta love this DVD. I caught his special on Comedy Central first. I decided to look for the DVD after that because I just didn't want to stop watching it. He knows what it takes to be funny without having to be too extreme with his jokes. Even in his opening when he was explaining where he's been he starts to make you smile. Gotta love how well he does.
duh...loved it, can beat bluray quality and a 61" samsung either duh, loved it, being a big comic fan its hard not to. it lived up to the quality of the other xmen flics. i actually had my 12yr old daughter save her money and told me thats what she wanted so i wanting it also didnt think twice, and amazon has the best pricing, and the amazon prime gives me free two day shipping, cant beat it
Great Adventure, action filled series What a powerful show each episode built anticipation challenging the brain to figure out the puzzle of the plot, each presenting different challenges
Behind The Scenes, In Front Of The Screens I was in New Haven, CT when they were filming Indiana Jones & The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull, because I happen to live there, and apparently I even looked 'authentic' enough to be cast as a professor in an old, brown suit. (I had to jump out of the way holding my briefcase and newspaper when the film's heros sped through the college courtyard on their motorcycle.) I also was fortunate enough to spend some time with the filmakers of INDYFANS, as they documented the process, highlighting the fans, the hype, and the overall excitement surrounding the entire production.Considering the movie's pivotal chase scene was shot at Yale University, and the movie's library was actually a set created in Yale's huge dining hall, there was much to see, learn, discover, and enjoy---- Kleyla captures it all in his documentary, and then follows the film to other locales to bring us all a bit closer to the limelight. Get this dvd and share the thrills behind of one of the biggest movies of its year!
Fun With Dick and Jane I Think Not This movie was an hour half-hour of boredom. Not only was it not funny but plot was as ridiculous as it could be. Jim Carrey antics couldn't make this movie any better. Despite the fact I hope it would. Tea Leoni was great as Jane who really was the save of this movie. Which is a sad testimony indeed! And if you thought the movie was bad the DVD extras really stink. For a great Dick and Jane get the original.
Touch I bought the entire season of Touch and loved each interesting aspect of the series! My video was a good stream, and the stories were excellent. I would recommend Touch to anybody.
A film that speaks for itself. The classic example of early t.v. propaganda. Interesting to watch and almost campy, this film shows the fear of drugs in the early part of the 1900's.-This opinion is of the author only. It does not necessarily reflect the views of the Ligonus International Media Corporation or its affiliates.
BAD Come on Jason Segel... you're better than this! Such a disappointment. Just awkward and depressing. Even the ending couldn't make up for the train wreck that was the entire beginning, middle and 10 minutes until the end.
Intense! This movie will shock you and will leave you scarred for a long time. Ana and Daniel are brother and sister who are taken at gunpoint to a strangers house where they are forced to be filmed having sex with each other. That scene itself is horrifying. The aftermath of the event leaves the brother and sister numb. Ana, who was about to be married to Rafa, suddenly starts distancing herself from him. Daniel, starts skipping school and becomes anti social. The movie had a great premise but towards the end spirals down some. I thought it would have been better if Ana and Daniel got the help they needed to move forward with their lives. But the movie had a hint of reality to it. The underground pornography world shatters many lives. Daniel being only 16 got confused and didn't know fantasy from reality. His mind becomes messed up which would probably happen to any child after going through something so awful. Overall, the movie was well acted and real. The ending was a bit bland for me though but still an excellent movie.
Wow Compellig movie I must thank Newsweek or I never would have heard about this movie. If I Had not read about it in the previous review I never would have known about the supposedly poor quality f the DVD because I never noticed it. I found the cinematography very compelling with its four seasons was striking especially during the Summer portion. I believe that Ashes of Time Redux is a great movie as defined by Roger Ebert, a movie so compelling you want to watch it again. This movie is universal in it themes, has a compelling score, has bold cinematography and a compelling characters and a beautifully sad ending that brought tears to my eyes.
Don't Believe the Negative Reviews Season 6 is very good and I was pleasantly surprised given the negative reviews in the press on it. While there may be less action in this one, that is off-set by the excellent White House politics/manuevering which was dead on in my opinion. I would rate this as tied for my third favorite season, behind Season 2 (my favorite) and Season 4 (2nd favorite) -- ties with Season 5 as my third favorite season of 24. (FYI- the only Season of 24 I did not like was Season 3)
Creepy People I enjoyed watching Meadowoods, & was struck by how CREEPY these three perps were! The movie introduces the three kids, portrayed by excellent unknown actors, and takes us down a sometimes plodding road to the ending we are dreading: their cold-blooded killing of their victim - an excellent Ila Schactler. The sequence from inside the box, with its lit/unlit squirming and frantic action had me feeling for the victim. The end seemed abrupt, and I wanted the movie to show more of the effects of this deed on the three murderers. One thing's for sure - I'll never forget Kayla freaking-out being buried alive!Also, I didn't like the hand-held camera effects too much - got feeling a little queasey after a while. My wife liked the movie, and the camera motion didn't bother her at all!
Seeking A Friend For The End Of The World-A Must See Movie This movie was charming, endearing, funny and deep. It had everything and was able to do it all while being thoroughly enjoyable. This is a movie not to be missed, it is moving and beautiful without being dull or slow. There were no missteps, a solid movie from start to end that kept building in momentum. The ending was lofty, hard to imagine how a movie could seem so sweet and unassuming and totally blow you away in the off-the-beaten-trail ending. Simply one of the best movies I have ever seen.
Overhyped Movie I, like many others, rented this film on its release hoping to see a brilliant, emotionally moving film that lived up to the high ratings it received. Unfortunately, what I was left with was a film that is based on too many cliches, lack of emotion, and racial stereotypes.Regarding the cinematography, the direction is very nice and the settings used in each scene are beautiful and well-put together. But that is the only good thing about the film.There is absolutely no emotional connection between the protagonists and the viewers. Mainly because Coppola was trying too hard to make the movie imitate those beautiful French and Japanese films where scenery/setting brings out the emotions and symbolism plays a large part. As a result, it appears she completely forgot about human emotions and interaction and we're left with nothing; no chemistry, no happiness, nothing.The film is made up of cliches and it's not very hard to figure out the ending. Cliche: Bob, an aging man with a distant wife and child, is left with a wilting career and has no choice but shoot whiskey commericals. He's out in Tokyo, a completely different country, and is lonely and bored. Charlotte, a young wife of a photographer, is left with an unsatisfying relationship (distant as well) and is also lonely and bored. So, what else can you do but put these two together and have them explore Tokyo and apparently "connect" and develop an understanding relationship? Before the film even ends, it's obvious that Bob would never sleep with Charlotte and that these two would never end up together because their relationship is built on lonliness and understanding, not real love. There are others cliches in the film that are pretty obvious (Charlotte's husband knows a brainless girl who just so happens to be blonde, Bob sleeps with the red-headed stage singer and regrets it after seeing Charlotte, etc.) Very boring indeed.The racial stereotype and tones would have to be what disgusted me to no end. I'm not exactly sure what Coppola was trying to achieve by doing this, but the outcome is typical narrow-minded Western behavior and views on other cultures. With the whole "R" and "L" humor (which, by the way, I don't find so humorous...the Japanese can't shift their tongue to make the "R" sound like an "R", so it ends up sounding like "L" Loger Moore, Lip my stocking, Lat Pack, etc. What's so funny about mockery?) throughout the film, the man named Charlie Brown, the guy who "surfs", the chef with the black toe...it got old fast and it left me feeling more enraged than delighted. Not to mention the fact that Coppola's scenes of typical "Japanese life" were only a percent of what real Japanese do and act/behave. Maybe Coppola should've done some more research instead of spending a few months there and instantly proclaiming herself an expert on Japanese culture.It distressed me to see the "Lost in Translation" win for "Best Film" and Coppola win for "Best Screenplay" during the Independent Film Awards. Sophia Coppola reaching the same potential as her father? I don't think so.
awful This movie was a huge disappointment. It takes a wonderful concept(the idea that what we perceive as reality is actually an illusion created by scientists), and ruins it. The acting is mediocre (especially the detective, who is thoroughly unconvincing--at first I thought the character was bad, but then I realized that the actor just didn't suit the part), the representation of the technology is stupid (come on, didn't we get over talking computers years ago?), and the vision of the future with huge golden spires and whatnot is ridiculous. When the main character discovers that his world is an illusion, it should be horrifying, but it simply isn't, because it's badly directed. END
Fab I watched this movie with both of my nieces. One might think it is not age appropriate for a 5 yr old. It is. She was spelling at the end of this movie.. Buy it. It is a heartwarming, fun, educational film. Would buy it again. Makes a great gift
TERRIBLE.WAAAAY TOO DARK!! All I really have to say is,wow,what a waste of time!Don't get me wrong here,this could've been much better if the LIGHTING WAS BETTER.Even just a little better!..its shot waaay too dark.THEN..oh how convenient -a power outtage(in the movie),so guess what?..MORE DARKNESS.If you could actually see whats going on,as far as the gore goes..it might be half-way decent..HALF WAY.Right when you think you'll see something..the scene cuts away..way too quickly.Anyways..even if your an Alien fan or Predator fan..I have feeling THIS will disappoint you.Even the PredAlien could've been done better..was KINDA cool though..just not THAT cool(for sure!)
Forgettable This movie stinks. There are some really good horror movies of the 80's and this is not one of them. It's BORING, slow moving, the acting and cinematography both suck. I've seen more action on my kids Goosebumps DVD's. I wouldn't pay 1.00 for it, yup, it's THAT BAD!!
Terrible ! This film is a huge waste of celluloid. It is horribly disjointed and the acting is awful by everyone throughout. The sets are abysmal meaning it is all too obvious that this was shot on a soundstage somewhere, there is no ambience or atmosphere at all. There is nothing to lift the spirits or get you involved in the lives of the one dimensional characters, it just leaves you feeling hollow.The soundtrack is uninspired (with the possible exception of 'Joy In Repetition')It's a stinker....pure and simple.I can't understand why any movie studio would agree to release such poor work.
A story of grace. Julie Christie stars in this amazing film about a woman who is afflicted with Alzheimer's disease. Her husband, played to perfection by Gordon Pinsent, must cope with her changes in attitude and the loss of her memory. She insists that he take her to a home to recieve special care. He is asked by the head nurse to leave her for a period of thirty days, so that she may get used to her new surroundings. Upon his return, he finds that she has fallen in love with someone else. He has no choice but to watch it all happen right before his eyes. In the meantime, he tries to find happiness as well.This film will stay with you long after it is over. It is one of the most poetic films that I have ever seen. Sarah Polley gives one of the most impressive directorial debuts that I have ever seen, and the classical score is haunting. The cinematography is breathtaking as well.And last but not least, Julie Christie was robbed of an Oscar. Thank God for Lions Gate, who distributed this beautiful film.
A Gem! Smart and spirited... Films like this just don't get made anymore. It's a shame.
Kids like it I think it is silly, but kids wanted to order. Would recommend it to anyone with children over 5 years.
These DVDs are an injustice to the show! I watched MacGyver for years when it was on, and continued to watch the re-runs on various channels as well. Then I got the DVDs for birthdays and holidays. I was psyched (yes, child of the 80's).I got these as a gift, so I'm quite greatful, but so far (Season 1), the quality of the DVD is HORRIBLE.I don't much care for the extra frills (behind the scenes, actor bios, etc.), but Paramound didn't even bother to fix any damage to the master film/tape that they were using. I agree with user D. Mok's review, they did a horrible and lazy job of putting this beloved series to DVD. Makes me think that at times I'm watching a film in class on the vintage high-school reel-to-reel projectors.I bet if I go out and get the original 1979 Battlestar Galactica on DVD it won't be anywhere near this bad in quality.For now, save yourself the money, buy a DVD recorder and record it on SpikeTV... it's probably better quality.
Just a mess I only ordered this because James Marsters was in it. The entire movie is a mess. Poor writing, lame special effects, etc.Even if you're a fan of James, I would pass on it. Instead watch some old Buffy reruns--it's much more satisfying.
Great little romantic comedy This was an interesting movie to watch which had some serriouslt strange takes on how people mighr act during the end of the world. Notably people were still going to work and the chaos didnt begin soon enough for my thoughts on the human race. However this is just a movie and it played out at top level
It's the Colt Python .357 magnums vs. the Smith and Wesson Model 29 .44 magnum Well not really. As a matter of fact, Dirty Harry doesn't even use his magnum to dispense the rogue cops. Davis (David Soul) is drown-fu'd, Grimes (Robert Urich) is car-fu'd, Astrachan (Kip Niven) is chop-fu'd and Lt. Briggs (Hal Holbrook) is bomb-fu'd by Harry. Sweet (Tim Matheson) is shotgun-fu'd in an ambush by the bad guys while serving a "Warrant"The really good parts were the shooting range introductions of Dirty Harry to all the rogue cops (minus Rogue Boss - Briggs). Where Harry tells the traffic cops he uses "light specials" - meaning .44 Special ammunition; which I don't believe, due to the recoil of the gun. He's using full-power magnums, alright. Officer Sweet (Tim Matheson) gets to shoot Harry's big gun. "It was just a little heavy, I missed one" says Sweet.Also, the combat pistol-shooting championships pit the Colt blue steel 4-inch .357 magnum 125gr JHP's and HKS speedloaders of David Soul vs. The Smith and Wesson blue steel 6-inch Model 29 .44 magnum using 180gr or 210gr jhp's and Safariland speedloaders of Clint Eastwood. Yarrrrrs, mateys! Those were the days when "real men" fired full-power magnum loads, not your pip-sqeak 9mm's in later movies.Robert Urich in his pre - "S.W.A.T.", "VEGAS" and "Spenser For Hire" days. Tim Matheson in his pre - "Animal House" days. David Soul in his pre - "Starsky and Hutch" days (although he did end up using a Colt Python 6-inch .357 magnum on that show). Kip Niven in his pre - Jacklyn Smith days. And Hal Holbrook in his pre - Dixie Carter "Southern Comfort" days.Oh, the plot or the premise of this movie? Read the other reviews.
Can things get any worse? Time has passed since Tommy killed Jason in self defence 10 years ago. Now an adult Tommy still has fears of the evil monster coming back to haunt him. in a mental institution Tommy is battling every day to get over his horrific ordeal that happened so long ago. Suddenly, one of the inmates is brutally murdered. As the bodies pile up, police are baffled. Tommy has one theory- that Jason is back once more. No one will believe him.. Jason is dead though, isn't he? Well for my sake he better stay dead after this desperate horrible sequel. But it deserves 2 stars the acting is a little more credible which is reason enough to give it an extra star.
Poor. This video looks like it was compiled by shots from the 80's. Low quality video, annoying music playing non-stop, and the narrator was really difficult to pay attention to, as his voice was rather grating and reminds me of children's educational shows from decades ago. I suppose I was expecting a BBC production and got, well, a video that offers very little insight to China as it really is, through a video that does not, at all, seem like it was from 2007.
Why so negative? This film was unusual: non-stop action yet character-driven. The aliens, and their motives were totally alien. It was a terrific film, not very optimistic--gee, just like sci-fi fiction! Some relations with Cloverfield and District 9, but much better done than those.Excellent movie.
Brokeback boredom Mumbled dialogue, abject sqalour and dysfuctional relationships. And oh so boring. I enjoyed the mountain scenes with the sheep, but they only occupied about 1% of the movie. Interesting that so many people rate it highly on Amazon, everone I have actually met thought the same as I did. Must be a sampling artefact.
No Plot, No Direction, No Payoff. This movie is all hype. All build-up, no pay-off, and no real scares. It could have been an *okay* movie, but the gimmick gets old and the end is horrible. Ford said to make a good movie you need three good scenes and no bad ones. This movie has (maybe) two good scenes and about 7-10 bad ones, but what do you expect? No script, no director. Any coherence that emerges from this mess is due to the editors (who deserve some credit...some). If you want impromptu film making, rent Breathless. If you want scares, get the Exorcist. If you didn't waste your money on the movie in the theatre, don't spend it now!
AMAZING SHOW! This show is probably one of the funniest shows on television. It is insanely clever and even though some may think all of the crazy situations the gang gets into are too far fetched, that is the genius of the show. With episodes like "Denis and Dee go on Welfare" and "the gang solves the North Korea problem" you can go insanely wrong! Thats what makes this show so funny!
Not worth your time. This movie isn't worth watching. Therefore it's not worth my time to write a long drawn out review of this movie. I just have a few words for it. Boring. This movie stretches out a 60 minute film to nearly 2 hours. I love long movies (more for your money, right?) but this was pointless. The characters were completely unlikable. I never once felt sorry for them. I just wanted them to quit their constant whining about how busy they are and how their father abandoned them. Who cares!
famke just wanted to say that the person who wrote famke was like a "drugged up hooker" that was so slack Famke is soooooo beautiful how could you say that? you must be really lonely or maybe or a drugged up ... and have nothing else to do but pay out beautiful people. grow up
A-1 Courier Services needs to go away I ordered a couple of dvds with same day service and amazon used A-1 Courier Services which as it turns out is a joke. I spend thousands of dollars a year with amazon and after seeing them use a company like this I think I will look at walmrt.com or the big O, this is a sad day.
Don't throw the videotapes! I just got the DVD for Christmas and just got done watching the first episode and it seemed like something was amiss (besides the music). The last scene is missing the beginning AND the end. I have them all on tape off of syndication no less and the DVD version has been cut even more. I don't understand this at all. It's worth owning the DVD if you don't have the shows on tape but if you have the tapes already, don't waste your money, and don't throw the tapes away!!! 5 stars for the show itself and 0 stars for the repackaging!
Terrible.... simply terrible Thank you Rob Zombie for ruining one of the scariest horror icons.There was nothing creative or scary about this movie. Just like the first try this was just as awful. At least with H1 it appeared he at least tried to make a decent movie. With RZ H2 he pretty much phoned it in. You do not care about the characters at all. Stick with music Mr. Zombie... it's what you are good at.Bottom line: Not even worth a rent.
One of the few television shows I watched. Before it kind of went off into WTF? land True Blood ran itself close to the first book and was a truly engaging, TV show with a plan. Sure there were subplots and weird things exploding all over Bon Temps but it wasn't as insane at the fifth season. Season One solidified my dislike for the schizophrenic Sookie Stackhouse, loathe the way Bill pronounces Sookie's name, fangirl Eric and his total epicness, get a girl crush on Pam and envy Lafayette's style. Jason, has dumb as that boy is it's not a grating stupidity. He's wholly endearing is his moronism and you can't help but like him. There are so many more that are thoroughly intriguing that would have me rambling forever on their awesomeness. This was the beginning and it certainly hasn't ended for me yet.
Scary as hell This film is a total mind trip, I couldn't sleep after watching it. Pop Skull is not for the faint of heart, but for serious horror fans.
Horrrrible Having played Dungeons and Dragons for 20 years, I have to say that this is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The only entertainment value is laughing at just how badly it was put together. Don't wast your money... a much better movie will be Lord of the Rings this winter.
I Really Wanted To Dislike This Remake Of A Childhood Classic But the Coen bro's nailed the novel with this movie. Old enough to remember The Duke riding down Duvall ("fill your hands, you sonnuvab***h!) on the big screen. This one actually brings the 'grit', though. Violent, dirty, bloody; in other words a great story about the actual frontier of not so long ago. I think Damon has found a niche- play a character that insists upon himself, to the hilt.
Even crazier than its predecessors! South Park's biggest year in my opinion was 1999, with the movie and everything, and this season may not be as good as the movie, but still a great lot of shows. Here are my opinions on each episode:301- Rainforest Schmainforest 9/10 Gettin Gay with kids is now on DVD!302- Spontaneous Combustion 10/10 I love this concept303- Succubus 8/10 Not as good as the 1st 2304- Jakovasaurs 9/10 This is funny305- Tweek Vs. Craig 10/10 Instant classic306- Sexual Harrassment Panda 10/10 Ditto307- Cat Orgy 8/10 Meteor shower trilogy is OK, but not as good as others from this season308- Two Guys Naked In A Hot Tub 7/10 Least favourite from this season and of the meteor showers309- Jewbilee 9/10 Best of the Meteor Showers310- KORN's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery 9/10 This is a great show especially with the Antonio Banderas Blow-Up Doll311- Chinpokomon 12/10 One of my favourite South Park episodes of all time312- Hooked On Monkey Fonics 8/10 After Chinpokomon, this kinda turns things down a notch313- Starvin' Marvin In Space 10/10 Better than the 1st Starvin Marvin!314- The Red Badge Of Gayness 9/10 This one is cool, Schmore Schnapps should be a real drink315- Mr Hankey's Christmas Classics 8/10 All songs, not as good as other xmas specials316- Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus. 9/10 Very contraversial, one of the more serious episodes317- Worldwide Recorder Concert 9/10 The Brown Noise is just plain stupid.My advice: Get this now.
WHY ?? I never bought this item so why is it appearing on this list, please let me know the answer ok??
Holy nerds Batman! it was " ok". those people had good intentions but could have done everything they were doing without their corney names and costumes.surprised they dont get beat up more.
Didn't like it Not a very good movie. It was billed as similar to Shaun of the Dead. Not even close. Pretty dumb actually
Beyond unwatchable I may be biased because I'm not a big fan of action movies as it is, but this is about as bad an "action" movie there is. I figured it may be something to watch while I work out, but it wasn't even able to keep my attention partially during sets. Furthermore all the shooting is so badly directed it just gives you a headache. Amazon, please add a minus-rating as this would be a -5
Undisputed II - Last Man Standing Chambers is sent to a Russian jail on trumped-up drug charges. In order to win his freedom he must fight against the jailhouse fighting champ Uri Boyka in a battle to the death. This time he is not fighting for a title, he is fighting for his life. From the beginning to the end this movie is exciting and intriguing. The plot is solid and interesting and the cast is very well chosen. White does a very good acting as well as fighting scenes. Great soundtrack, an absolutely amazing ending. Watch this movie, you will not be disappointed.
Not True to the Book My twelve year old who read and loved the E. Nesbit book Five Children and It hated this movie. I have also read the book, and the movie has very little in common with the original story. There is no eccentric uncle and cousin Horace or secret door in the greenhouse. The children are not sent to the country because of the war. Even the wishes the children make are not true to the book. My nine year old enjoyed the movie because she had not read the book.So, although it is pleasant, clean, family entertainment, I think E. Nesbit would have been disappointed at the adaptation of her book. It seems to me that the producers of this movie merely plagiarized E. Nesbit's idea of five children and a sand fairy and then totally wrote their own story borrowing from C.S. Lewis' Chronicle of Narnia series.
99% Disappointing I bought and watched this DVD only a few days before the Oscars. While I agree that Bill Murray did an amazing acting job, overall, this movie rates a D- from me. Utterly underwhelming, I kept waiting to connect with each of the characters. It never happened. I am still unimpressed with Sofia Coppola's directing talents, tho I can see that there is definately potential. Ultimately, "who cares?" was the only feeling with which I was left.A real disappointment.
So close... and yet, so far. The two obvious flaws with Hollow Man are the character development and the last half-hour. Major flaws indeed, but flaws that could have easily been repaired. One could easily blame Verhoeven himself, but close inspection of the film reveals several glimmers of potential insight that give one the hope that this is merely another example of High-Budget Hollywood Hijinx. This is one of the films that I long to see the original script for, to see how much on-screen was films execs utilizing their standard High-Budget sci-fi Special-Effects Extravaganza Formula (I find it hard to believe that screenwriters across the country are all convinced that what their big finale really needs is yet another big explosion).The movie starts with a glimmer of hope, but the ending devolves into yet another Aliens wanna-be (`My God, we're locked in here with the monster/creature/alien/madman/senator, and there is nowhere to run, therefore we must track down and defeat our slippery foe!') where the cast you've failed to gain any real affection for is slaughtered one by one in unique and interesting ways. It is the ultimate insult, that H. G. Wells' classic sci-fi tale of man's inherent evil has been reborn as an expensive hack & slash horror film. I have nothing against hack & slash, mind you. But there is a time and a place for everything, and this was neither the time nor the place. Not that I'm arguing against the film's depictions of violence, despite that fact that the film degenerates to the point where characters are actually throwing bags of plasma around the room in a cheap attempt to get as much blood as possible without too much MPAA approved violence. On the contrary, the films opening scene alone had a brutality and vividness to it that gave rise to my expectations (which were soon to be dashed against the rocks of a cheesy Hollywood ending). It effectively depicted the danger and foreboding of an unseen aggressor, like an extreme case of "Fearing the Unknown".I've also found people who complained, not that the film was violent, but that it was vulgar. Yes, it seems that Kevin Bacon makes up for his lack of nudity in Stir Of Echoes (The Rev Rates It 8) by showing as much Bacon Behind as possible. In fact, voyeurism becomes (or should have become) a major theme of the film, and not just through the aspect of an invisible man spying unawares. The parallel to the `Peeping Tom' aspect is the growing concern with the other scientists with not only seeing the invisible scientist, but constantly monitoring him as well.As for main character, in this case he is weak because he leaves little room for dramatic development. Sebastian Caine's descent into madness isn't as much a plummet as it is a hop from the curb. The head scientist is an egomaniacal, manipulative, frustrated workaholic. Gee, lets give the power of invisibility and see if it corrupts him. Instead of giving the film yet another form of Instant Evil (just add unlimited power, and watch your Chia Villain grow!), so much more could have been said about man's nature by corrupting the soul of someone you wouldn't expect to turn on his fellow man. The double-meaning title of the film itself pointed in the proper direction, yet failed to follow. Hollow Man not only referred to the eerie sight of seeing through the eye holes of a mask to the back of the head, or of clothing encompassing nothing as if a hollow shell. It also referred to Sebastian Caine, a `Hollow Man' containing nothing within but shallow desires and relentless hunger for power. While there are moments where this is eluded too, the film goes off on other little diatribes that detract from this, losing its real strength by trying to appear more involved than it allowed itself to be.In the end Hollow Man became a Hollow Film. It starts off showing the promise of a truly inventive film with a brain as well as a soul, and winds up as nothing more than another schlock sci-fi/thriller effects extravaganza with nothing to say but `Boo' and `Kablam'! And that, dear viewer, is the true horror.
Region crippled - greedy studio Greedy studio has crippled the disc so it won't play on an Australian player.Indefensible.
This was an excellent movie The was one of the best movies that I have seen in a long time. Almost a classic love story, but seems so true in a way. One always hopes that one day they will find their true soul mate. In this story, it's sad for the reason that they had found each other and were so right for each other. It makes you ask yourself should a person wait for a true soul mate. I highly recommend this movie for anyone.Especially for the romantic at heart.
This is a waste of your hard-earned money. I rented this primarily because I am a fan of Julian Sands. I wish I hadn't. If I ever have to sit through this monstrosity again, I'll make sure to get good and soused first. It may make more sense that way. Despite it's supposedly "shocking" scenes (Not for the faint of heart? What do you people watch, Disney movies?), it actually turns out to be rather boring. I caught myself dozing several times while watching this. It's never clear to me exactly what is going on here. The scenes are poorly linked together and do not even flow well if thought of as a "dream sequence." Bizarre things are forgotten from one scene to the next. It is perfect, however, if you are looking for something to help you sleep or if you particularly enjoy torturing yourself. If you're a horror fan or a Julian Sands fan, look elsewhere... however, if you're one of those people who manages to find symbolism in the color of your toenails, there may be something for you here. This movie does not deserve its title. One would expect a movie called "Gothic" to be so much better.
Speedy delivery NCIS Naval Criminal Investigative Service - The Complete Third SeasonI received this in excellent condition and very promptly. It cost less than I had seen it in stores and I didn't have to drive 30 miles to get it.
For the newcomer into Dylan as well as the longtime fanatics I consider myself to be somewhere in between newcomers into Bob Dylan's work and his longtime fans. I first started paying close attention to his legacy of work around the turn of the century, and each step of the way I feel more and more respect for what he accomplished and his willingness to take risks and navigate against the current many times.The documentary "No Direction Home - Bob Dylan" by Martin Scorsese, only underscores further what a fantastic artist Dylan is. It follows him from his early days until the time right before his motorcycle accident in 1966, jumping between footage of interviews with the artist, friends, colleagues and people that knew him along the way, and live performances from his 1963-1966 period.Granted that the special features in the DVD set are not particularly special, the 207 minutes the 2-part documentary lasts feel like a short time, when you realize the transcendence of Dylan's work and how he broke new musical ground along the way. "No Direction Home" (a title taken from the lyrics to his classic "Like a Rolling Stone") will entertain and inform newcomers into his music and die-hard Bob Dylan fans alike, as it sheds new light on a fascinating era in our contemporary history.
More of a life story than a "movie" - but entertaining to watch I want to start this out w/ saying that if I was allowed, I'd give this movie 3.5 stars. I definitely liked it and will watch it again, but I believe there maybe were a few things that could have been thought through in the script.If you've followed Alexis through her Gilmore Girls days, you somewhat feel a bit confused, as the character she plays is a tad different, but the overall background is quite similar. She's been a head-strong person who is very goal oriented and figured out the right way to go about getting what she wanted through High School and then College. Much like most people, there are those who always seem to drive a person crazy in life, and the character which Alexis plays is no different, having a girl who has always been 1 step ahead of her.Now not everything is absolutely perfect in her life: her family is weird. Her younger brother just wants some attention and time of his father who is always busy on some sort of science project, and the mother and grandmother have oddball issues themselves. Out of all of these characters, I'd have to say that the mother and grandmother who are supposedly in-laws, look far too much alike, and overall - could be done without being in the movie and they wouldn't go much noticed nor missed. Only real reason for them to really be there is to illustrate why the younger brother is so "off".I don't want to ruin the movie for those who haven't seen it (and I really haven't given much of anything away) so I'll just mention that the remaining parts of the movie seem to be off the wall and scattered, but towards the end, everything comes together.Its a cute movie and quite fun to watch.
Surprisingly moving The Elinor Lipman novel upon which this was based was among the best books I read back in the 90s, so I was happy to see that this adaptation maintained that quality. The messages we get here really do resonate, if you have a heart and open it up. You can't help but be moved. Helen Hunt looks closer to 50 here than 40, all lines and wrinkles and frowns. Bette Midler, who plays her mother, actually almost looks younger. Maybe that was planned. Give this a go. It's worth watching.
Not for young children! Warning to Moms of young children. I let my 4 year watch this movie. She adores it and I did not think I had anything to worry about with it until she started saying "I Hate My Life". When I asked her where she learned to say that and she said from the Barbie movie. Sure enough, that's what Barbie says in it. I am shocked phrases like this were in a Barbie movie and I am very disappointed
What a way to waste an afternoon Just came back from seeing "Cry Wolf", what a huge waste of time that was! Midway thru the movie I was thinking that if I had rented this thing I would have been stopping it and watching something else. Jon Bon Jovi is in this mess, and that's about the most interesting thing this has going for it. His acting leaves much to be desired however. The acting of the main cast members is pathetic as well. The greatest moment though comes at the end when Gary Cole speaks using a VERY poor English accent, it's quite laughable. Oh, the plot of the movie. These spoiled rich high school kids decide to create a murderer on campus story to scare the other students. Surprise! Killings begin afterwards. The end of the movie wraps up like a Scooby Doo mystery but is far less interesting. Just a huge waste of time. Save your money!!
Loved it! I am a 30-something person who enjoys and has had much contact, and even temporarily lived with the kind of free-living people featured in the movie, and I think this homage is pure genius! I usually don't think much of the two main actors at all (Rudd or Aniston), but they were good in this movie. The hippie ensemble is absolutely perfect. Just loved this movie and if you have a love for these counter-culture types, you will probably find it to be harmless fun; a good-humored poke at hippies. The film takes every cliche about hippies ever and squeezes them into the commune characters, but it's ok because it's self-aware that's it's just a movie; it's actually not trying to be offensive to "hippies" but in an odd way it celebrates them in a loving way! My boyfriend agrees, we both know people like the ones on the commune and believe the film presents them as sincere idealists.Overall, the whole movie is light, fun, is full of memorable moments and characters, has some lowbrow humor scenes (but not as overt as other movies), and has a more unique storyline than the average comedy. Like the two main characters, I appreciate that counter culture, but can't live in it full time. Usually I can't abide "raunchy" movies, but this one is actually sweet. The lowbrow humor is more about the incredible openness of the people versus the overwhelming private-ness of the outsiders, which is a very funny juxtaposition!The movie is optimistic, wacky, and perhaps a bit too graphic (nudity, etc., but mostly in a non-sexual way). Are you offended by briefly watching old nudists (in a non-sexual scene)? Really? Haven't you ever seen male genitalia before? The nudity would be essential to telling the story of such a community (of which there are hundreds across America), so I don't believe it to be gratuitous in this case. These people really exist out there; I've met people like pretty much all the characters or bits of them and THEY have zero shame or weirdness about being naked (but of course, WE feel weird about it, hence the comedy). It's just how they are, so it's all plausible.Some interesting flaws of the unexamined, materialistic life are pointed out throughout the film, such as how the brother basically deals with excrement to buy fancy things, like a big house--a metaphor for how the main character (and we) all live working "shoveling poop" or working at a hateful job just to buy "stuff" that makes us miserable anyway; so it's not 100% fluff--there is a message behind the laughs. I thought the movie got funny and wackier as it progressed, with a ridiculous ending to an incredulous story. Why does anyone want a realistic ending to a silly movie? Perhaps people are too uptight with their expectations. I especially liked how the Aniston and Rudd characters change because of their experience on the farm. I would definitely recommend watching this if you are in a playful and open mood.I would definitely caution prudish, mainstream, or materialistic types from watching this movie--it's not for the uptight! I also don't think this movie is actually as "raunchy" as viewers might expect it to be. I typically can't stand Rudd or Aniston, yet I thoroughly enjoyed it!
This is a great find! This was a terrific little series put out in 2008, only did one season in spite of being very riveting. Deals with the subject of "Total Information Awareness" in a very hard hitting way. If you allow the government access to all computer systems in the war on terror, what if they decided you were a threat? Not only would you not be able to fly but if you take it one step further they might even shut down your credit cards. At the time Britain was on the verge of implementing a national identity card, which I believe they've now done. Excellent and fast paced episodes and a great cast.
a great film Though the reviews were bad, I saw this movie three times and loved it each time.
Worst Season of the Series If you're a Dexter fan, then obviously you will need to see this season. However, don't expect too much. I've noticed that, more often than not, when a series hits a high, its followed by a swift, and devestating low. And unfortunatly, to my great surprise, Dexter is one of these series. After 4 stellar seasons, everything that had so perfectly been built up seemingly disapears... Season 5 does get off to a great start; the season premiere brings a much-welcomed acknowldgement of the lasting effects of season 4. Dexter comes to the realization that he does in fact have feelings, and strong, non-threatening feelings at that. But then comes Lumen, and a storyline that I felt incredibly frustrating, familiar, and yet very-much forced. The murders were predictable, and the villians were so, so boring; especially when compared to Trinity. Oh well, you can't win em' all.
Karma is a great thing, indeed. One of the few bright spots in last season's desolate landscape of new shows, the first season of "My Name Is Earl" comes to DVD and not a moment too soon.All 24 episodes are here along with a few nifty extras that make this DVD one for all the "Earl" fans out there. Suffice to say that I really enjoy the show a LOT, so I'll focus my comments on what the DVD offers.Audio Commentary exists only on a few episodes: "Pilot", "Teacher Earl", "Joy's Wedding", "O Karma, Where Art Thou", "Dad's Car" (featuring the mothers of the cast members), & "Number One" (the season finale). The commentary is good, informative, and even funny at times, though nothing too special.Deleted Scenes: Either this is one of the most tightly produced series in TV history or they just didn't include that many deleted scenes (I'm leaning towards the latter). Only a few are included and we can see why they were either cut down or not included. Still, for fans out there what few deleted scenes they included are nice."Making Things Right: Behind the Scenes of My Name Is Earl" is a very well made documentary detailing the origin of the series along with the casting and other interesting stories. As hard as I found it to believe, the series is based on an actual person (with a few details added)."Karma is a Funny Thing: Blooper Reel" is pretty much standard stuff of the cast cracking up. But it does show just how fun it must be to work on the set."Bad Karma": This one, a fifteen minute or so "lost Pilot" episode made specifically for the DVD is absolutely hilarious and a must have for all "Earl" fans out there. Hosted by a clean shaven Jason Lee, I was laughing hard from the first minute as the episode plays out like a wonderful "what if"...as in "What if Earl got his inspiration from a source other than Carson Daly?" I won't given anything else away.I am so glad I purchased this DVD set and am looking forward not only to the new season, but next season's DVD as well.
Very Scary Horror Movie - An Outstanding Masterpiece This movie is sooo scary. Great camera work, suspensful plot, superb acting and a surprising ending. I highly recommend this movie to every horrorfan, but don't compare it with the first, because this are two different kinds of movies.
Can It Get Any Worse? Martin Lawrence needs to face the fact that his best work was on his television series. Ever since he left he has made the worst movies in the world. They are stereotypical insults to black people. His characters are always ignorant and this one is no different.This movie has been done tons of times before. Even Whoopi did a television version. This movie was pitiful. I rented the DVD and took it back without finishing it. It was stupid and the acting was limited. Martin was not funny at all ( which was disappointing since he used to be hilarious ). Martin's last four films have been huge bombs and may continue to get worse.Just please, please stay away from this wannabe-spoof of King Arthur. It is mindless and full of Martin's childish antics. There is more substance and laughs in a National Lampoon film than this. Save your time and sanity by staying away from this crap.And I thought Blue Steak and Big Momma's House was bad!
Shyamalan's worst film This movie should be missed.A sad comment to have to make regarding a normally more skilled director.This was meant to be a serious, paranoid horror/sci-fi film. But, in this film, the acting and the script are shockingly bad...the lines of the film and the performances have this odd, UNINTENTIONAL slapstick/goofball style to them that glaringly doesnt fit. I am not sure what Shamalayan was going for with that, but it very much did NOT work. The silliness of the way the characters act in various scenes is in direct contrast to the supposed nationwide terror the characters are supposedly fleeing from. Awkward scenes and attempts at humour here and there arent funny, just awkward, because the entire script is so bad it's hard to tell what's an intentional joke and what isnt.For the high budget, interesting concept, and excellent cinematography this movie has, the acting from leads Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel is really bad and uninterested...(only John Leguizamo escapes relatively well in this film, he does the most decent job in the movie, even though he is only in it for a short time)And the other smaller roles in the film (especially the soldier that runs up, says some stuff, and then yells "Cheese and Crackers!")....Awful!! The actors themselves seemed to hate the film, and this DOES come across in watching it, no matter how hard they try to play their roles)-especially true for Zooey Deschanel...Wahlberg seems perplexed in how to do this movie, he tries hard, but Deschanel does very little.Shymalayan's films do not rely on special effects and CGI monsters to display the horror of situations. His earlier films were famous for having more IMPLIED horror than shown horror. For that reason, his films have leaned heavily on the ACTORS to imply the correct tone for the film, and to show the EFFECTS of the horror through acting skills. Sixth Sense and Signs were very good examples of this. But, when the acting and script itself falls flat in a Shamalayan film, there's nothing else to run the film, and the movie, sadly, collapses.Ultimately, this is a study in seeing a great director crash and burn with a film. Seeing that this was written, produced, and directed by Shyamalan, the buck stops there. He always insists on complete creative control in his movies, and, sadly, when they crash and burn as bad as this one, he takes the blame.This movie ranks down there with "Boogeyman" as one of the worst "horror/sci fi" films of the last 5 years. I strongly hope Shamalayan can come back, but he needs to take a break for a couple of years and get his bearings again. This film was, sadly, an epic failure.Sorry...It isnt worth buying on DVD.I rented it...for FREE...and I still dont want to ever see it again.Just go watch "Signs" if you havent seen it...the same type of film, but done 20 times better.
Not what I expected I admit it, I expected extreme hokiness with this one. In fact, I rented it and then let it sit on top of the TV for a week because I wasn't sure if I wanted to watch it.Surprising well done, decent story, and not the ultra low budget I had expected. A nice blend of comedy, with some scares built in, the characters were likable, the actors actually had a decent degree of talent, the story made sense, and it wasn't overdone.I recommend this to fans of the horror genre, and those looking for a few laughs here and there!
Excellent SHOW! Really good story...good acting...GREAT show! I do hope this show gets many more seasons! Not enough good shows on TV nowadays.
Sucked me in and sucker punched me So...this movie, frailty. i liked the idea. Hell I even liked the movie or at least I liked it until the end. It's one of those movies that is just so great and then they throw a twist in and your left sitting there thinking What The F**k!!!I have to admit, I didn't see the twist coming. It surprised me. But it sucked because it ruins the whole movie. It turns it into this religious piece of crap that doesn't really make you think it just basically says that it's okay to kill a bunch of people as long as you say god told you to do it.I think I'm rambling... that is because I did like the idea behind this movie and the acting was great, there were even some really creepy scenes and a lot of tension, but the plot twist at the end ruins it all.... The cheesy flashbacks to the murders... the justification... I just didn't like it.I wouldn't recommend you buy this movie. I never will because the religious overtones turn my stomach.
Don't waste your time or money The movie is horrible. The history is incorrect. I was expecting more action scenes with historical relevance; I was greatly disappointed. What scares me is that some history teacher is showing this movie during black history month and students are believing that the story is true. I'm glad I rented it and didn't buy it.
Firme Top notch movie. I wish they would make part 2. I grew up in ELA so it was fun to watch
A Movie that Can't Make Its Point My wife almost kicked my butt for wasting two hours of her life watching this movie. She was a great sport, but I can certainly understand how she feels.When you watch the movie, you feel like your caught in a loop. Two minutes into the movie you have a broad brush idea of the plot. You think to yourself, "Yeah, here comes the action!" Nope. The movie, for the most part, stays in low gear for the entire duration.It's a movie that has ideas that are more interesting to discuss than it is to watch. It squanders action and forward momentum. In summary, I'd like to thank my wife for being too hard on me. I really wanted to watch this movie, but I too lost two hours of my life.
WTF was this movie about? I think the producer and the director made bets to see how many torture scenes they could fit into an hour-ish time frame. There is no explanation for the end of this movie. Apparently the main character turned evil can see beauty in the world after all the women he has killed. I am a huge Sean Bean fan, but this was not one of his better roles. Horrible script, horrible acting, horrible plot = horrible film. Spare yourself.
MOVIES LIKE THIS ARE WHY I STAY WITH CLASSICS Halle Barre won an oscar for this piece of garbage? I almost vomited while watching this horrible piece of trash. Its movies like this that promote evil immorality in this country. To think that anyone would even insult their intelligence like I did by watching and endorsing things like this is beyond me. Barre's performance is totally unwatchable, but then the entire movie is unwatchable. I watched it out of pure curiosity and regretted it. It only proved one thing to me.....that movies like this are why I stick with the classics. May God forgive me for even thinking about watching such a low class, evil production. I'm sure satan had a hand in the success of this movie as this is the kind of stuff he thrives upon.
Very enjoyable Whilst this adaption has an excellent cast (Bob Hoskins as Micawber was particularly good) and is really enjoyable and moving, I longed for it to be longer - I think Dickens' novels need more time to unfold. In this respect, I thought the recent BBC adaption of "Bleak House" got it just right. It is nearly 20 years since I read the book but the thing that struck me was forcefully was how people in their lives could not avoid the spectre of death - consequently life appeared more real and substantial not like the entertainment culture we live in!
Stupid "sequel" fails for the most part... This film marked the end of Van Damme's theatrical release career and started him on the road to being forgotten, finding parts in only direct-to-video flicks. It's a shame, really. Van Damme was actually getting good, but this flick doesn't show it. Full of cliches and silly action, not helped by an appearence from wrestler Bill Goldberg, this film is too short to pick up any real momentum, and too stupid to give the viewers anything more than a childish plot. I give it a two simply because it was watchable. I'm being very nice.