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Terrific performances. Maybe you've forgotten that Robert DeNiro was once considered America's best actor. Maybe his constant involvement these days in lousy projects (Showtime, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Hide and Seek, et al) has diminished his reputation? Well, Stanley & Iris is a terrific place to go to see him at his guarded, emotionally tight best.This is a middle-aged love story, about two people whose lives have been difficult, and who need each other more than they know.While the direction and story are somewhat weak, the characters of Stanley and Iris and DeNiro and Fonda's performances make the film.Here you will find excellent acting, genuine vulnerability and and angle of repose and beauty.
Hated it! I'm sorry, but I loathed this movie. I thought it was vulgar and even more damning, not the least bit funny. It sort of scares me that we're raising a generation of kids who mistake humor for the gross-out one-note "jokes" of AMERICAN PIE and SCARY MOVIE. This one made me want to wash my hands and go watch an old Cary Grant/Katherine Hepburn movie. Or at least something genuinely funny like ANIMAL HOUSE!
This movie doesn't have the typical twist- I am a sandra Bullock fan, I love her acting style, plus she is a beautiful person that shines through the movies she's been in. I got a good laugh out of this movie. It was well done by both actors. If you want to see a movie that will have you in stitches, then this is a great pick. I also recommend seeing this movie on a Sunday.
Woo and Cruise fail to deliver. With all the advertising hoopla that preceded this film, who would have expected it to be such a huge disappointment? If you have watched the trailer of this film, then you have seen all that is worth seeing in the full film. Woo does not seem to have come out of the 'Face/off' mode, with the slow motion shots and the pigeons flying reminding the viewers of the classier, more enjoyable 'Face/off'. Cruise does not seem to have learnt anything from the first part fiasco as this film slips from mediocrity to outright ennui. The first scene and the last scene are tolerable, but if you fell asleep during the middle part, you were not alone!
Soap opera stuff, with variable special effects EARTHQUAKE(USA - 1974)Aspect ratio: 2.39:1 (Panavision)Theatrical soundtrack: 6-track stereo (Sensurround encoding)Several disparate characters are drawn together in the aftermath of an earthquake which devastates Los Angeles.Soapy addition to the 1970's disaster cycle, featuring an all-star cast going through the dreary motions (who CARES if Charlton Heston is threatening to leave wife Ava Gardner for younger woman Geneviève Bujold?) until their problems are resolved - one way or another - by an earth-shattering catastrophe. The earthquake itself is impressive in some places (collapsing miniatures, burning buildings, expansive matte paintings, etc.) and dreadful in others ('shaky-cam' inserts, animated 'blood splatter', optical distortions which LOOK like optical distortions, etc.), though some moviegoers were lucky enough to view the film theatrically in Sensurround, an ultra-deep bass enhancement which caused structural damage in a number of theaters!Directed by industry veteran Mark Robson (BEDLAM, ISLE OF THE DEAD) and produced by Universal at a time when most of their output looked like big screen TV features, the movie was intended to give THE TOWERING INFERNO (1974) a run for its money and came off looking pretty ropey in comparison, though it DOES have a strong cast (including George Kennedy, giving the film's best performance as a disillusioned cop whose faith is restored in the aftermath of the quake). The moralistic ending is particularly hard to swallow.
Action Packed Aftermath Title I enjoyed the movie because of the colorful characters and storyline. Some of the parts were stupid but then again it is an Aftermath type story with no basis for realism. Just treat it like a moving comic book and enjoy.
Changes are happening Because of this documentary, the Army is quickly changing it's "old ways" as far as how they handle sexual assault. Fact: an alleged sexual assault victim has the option to file a "restricted or unrestricted" report. In a nutshell, the victim must decide to officially give the investigating authorities, (criminal investigation command, and/or the Soldier's Chain of Command) the authority to properly do an investigation into the incident, (as opposed to a civilian victim who reports a sexual assault has a case automatically opened.) Please look up "Army SHARP" to further understand the oddities of how sexual assault is handled in the US Army. To my personal, unfactually based understanding, (because I do not know any convicted military sexual deviants), I do not believe the convicted offenders are actually documented outside of the military as being sexual offenders, like what the documentary suggested. I hope this is not true, because if this is true, then when the assailant is discharged from the Army and returns "home", there is no civilian record of their wrong-doings; but they'll still have a dishonorable discharge on their records. No, the military and civilian records to not "mesh and talk" to one-another. Meaning, the reality is: one sister entity does not know what the other has. Thus, this creates the perfect storm for a criminally deviant person in the Army to "use the system." Only congress has the power to change the Uniform Code of Military Justice. US citizens, if you were really disturbed by this documentary, and want justice, then come up with possible solutions for your congressman/woman to consider making into UCMJ law! Remember, congress has already known about this problem for over 20 years! They need a little help in finding a solution these despicable crimes!
best Merlin series ever! I thoroughly enjoyed this series. It has everything you could want in a Merlin/Arthur adventure: love, humor, adventure, and the fight between good vs. evil. I really loved the acting - terrific series. Looking forward to seeing more!! Totally loved the magic and funny spells, too.
HOMELAND is a MUST see!!! I was hooked within in the first few minutes of the pilot. I would have to say it's my favorite series on a premium channel, and I've seen my fair share. The actors and the writing is phenomenal. It's a MUST see!!
Only for people with nightvision As I played the movie on my monitor I actually thought something was wrong with my monitor's settings. But after adjusting the brightness and contrast to all possible cominations and settings I realised it was not my monitor's fault. That was how AVP2 was made or made on the DVD. It could have been renamed AVP in Total Darkness. Extremely poor in lighting there is hardly any daylight or even light for the night and rainy scenes. Considering that the original Predator made two decades ago had numerous scenes in broad daylight AVP2 is an insult to the series. Both Alien and Predator creatures were creative masterpieces but AVP2 spoils both of them. In contrast AVP the first of the series was really made well. I wonder why with so much advancement in computer graphics technologies a movie so poorly as AVP2 was made. The story line is also very poor. Let's hope the next one in the series offers some promise. Two stars for the creative predators and the audio otherwise the movie deserves only one star.
I Didn't See The Purpose Of Its Making Sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't see the value in this movie as the critics proclaimed.All the events the boy experienced to obtain the answers to the Millionaire questions were ridiculous. No one comes out unscathed after such horrendous acts upon him.When I watch a movie I expect certain feelings in the end . . . happy, sad, etc. This movie left me numb. No feeling. I asked myself, "Why was this made?"It was not drama, not romance, not comedy, not horror, not fantasy, not science fiction, not the typical movie made for our viewing.It was more of a fictional documentary. It was a twisted, but predictable 'love' story with trials of searching for one's 'childhood' love.I didn't like it, in spite of the awards. I think the production was ok, as were the realistic scenes of India, but as a story I would not recommend it. Especially if you expect a feel-good ending.(Didn't know what to expect, but was disappointed that it left me with nothing)G Gupton, author. "The 31-Day Diet of Spiritual Enlightenment" and "Seekers of Truth"
"Dispatch" The new indy feature "Dispatch" is reminiscent of the 1964 Sidney Lumet classic "The Pawnbroker". There, Rod Steiger's tormented Holocaust survivor pawnbroker toils day to day in his East Harlem shop while the modern world comes to him through the front door. In "Dispatch", the dispatcher is experiencing one of his worst nights ever, and it all happens in the claustrophobic dispatch office, while the world comes to him in the form of phone calls and his limo drivers.
Bertolucci stealing This movie has a tremendous cast, beautiful scenery, positive AIDS awareness & a truly touching relationship between Liv Tyler & Jeremy Irons. So how does it only rate 2 stars?Most of the characters in this show are caricatures of old lost prejudices about Italians. It shows the Italian people in the same way a fake French accent is used to indicate Marcel Marceau. If a director wants to show drug use shouldn't he make it as real as the AIDS issue he has included? Their reaction to grass was as if they got it from their lawn clippings or a Kansas ditch.The storyline after the great AIDS relationship is simply locate her unknown father & deal with her virginity issue. Both themes have been done far better many times before. The esteemed director seems to have gone to seed on the thought that if he uses beautiful sets & quirky characters he has fulfilled his job. This movie looks like it was put out by a mill.It is only the efforts of a great cast Cusack, Fiennes, Irons, Weisz, Sorgani, Cecci, Marais & Liv Tyler that gets this a 2 star rating. I was very disappointed in this show for ruining the efforts of these actors & actresses.The story & directing get nothing.
The castrated Bond for the modern emasculated man Finally, political correctness caught up with James Bond, something which was always sure to spell disaster for the whole Bond concept. Bond's long history of womanizing (although the 'manizing' of the many Bond girls is deemed acceptable in the hypocrisy of political correctness, Hollywood-style) was finally punished in this film, with amongst other things, a flogging on the genitals, to the delight of many it seems. Previous Bonds had broken every rule in the book of today's gender rules for films, especially the rule that a woman must always get the comeuppance over a man. If a man uses a woman, he must somehow be punished at the end of the film. If a woman uses a man, there must be a good reason for her doing it, and it's probably because he's a bastard. Bond broke this golden rule for nearly 4 decades, and now poor old Daniel Craig (who plays his role as well as could be done considering the script he had to accept) is paying for this with genital floggings and other humiliations no other Bond would have dreamed of accepting. This is NOT Bond. It's just the typical, routine modern action film, politically-corrected to match today's bogus gender ideology, and can only really be enjoyed by certain kinds of women and emasculated men, the type who've unconsciously accepted psychological castration. This would be perfectly OK if we also saw films of Charlie's Angels, for example, getting floggings on their genitals, as then men would know that Hollywood does promote real gender equality. But the fact that that is extremely unlikely to happen demonstrates just how ruinous bogus ideologies can be to film production, the creation of art in general, as well as relations of true equality between the genders.
Save for the better restored version I thought this was going to be the good one but alas, the restored quality is really lacking. The picture is wobbley and over blown. And the additional bonus of Life With Father is a pure joke. I couldn't even watch the picture it was so badly drawn. Here's my advice- save your money and buy the Criterion Collection edition. This was one sad purchase on my part.
Columbia's already committed to TWO sequels???? Yes, I realize it's a comic book. Yes, I realize that this is aimed at the mentality of a 12-year-old boy (and hits a bulls-eye at that!) But come on! The writers went for the obvious every single time! And the scenes that were supposed to explore the romantic tension between the hero and his beloved made me laugh out loud every single time because it was so poorly written. And what was the Green Goblin trying to accomplish anyway? For a good comic-book movie, skip this dreck. Watch Tim Burton's Batman instead.
Junk When a movie has dialogue like, "I thought your ninja was supposed to take care of RoboCop!", it ain't gonna be Citizen Kane. It won't even be a good RoboCop movie. But if you must indulge, look for the strings holding up RoboCop when he flies. Yes, I said look for the strings holding up RoboCop when he flies.
Eureka I enjoy good science fiction. Eureka is good science fiction. The writing, directing, and acting is top notch. You can't ask for anymore than that. I have the complete series up to the present. I hope the program continues.
Sucha a great movie! One of the best movie so far in the summer!!! I really like allot this movie, is better than the second and first movie.Really funny!! and original! i will really like to see it again!
Best Movie ever!! The best movie that captures the live of the Legendary Ernesto "Che" Guevarra, before becoming the revolutionary icon.Gael García Bernal performance is exquisite, the story and locations are superb!!If you enjoy latin american story and history, you got to watch this film.
Love it If you enjoy the show, you'll enjoy having the episodes on these DVDs in your collection. I was a little disappointed in that there's less bonus material on these disks than there was on the first season (e.g., the actors/directors commentary during the actual episodes). But, the bonus material on the last disk is still great.
Look forward to every week I have to join a Ryan Murphy fan club so I can read all of the books he has on institutions. I find them to be fascinating.
SKIMPY...WHY? With such an historic and classic film, that really deserves a commentary track or maybe two, (one, on the films making and importance by film historians, and two, by gangster historians, to elaborate just how close to the truth this film was at the time). It is the same version that came out a few years ago in that SCARFACE box set (exclusive). At least it is out for the people who did`nt want to pay that high price. I did`nt get that then, and I`m not getting this now, since I`ve had this on VHS for a number of years now. I`ll wait for the special edition, or the collectors edition, or the anniversary edition, or the extended edition, or the directors cut edition. PS. I can probably build a whole library of first edition DVDs (sans frills), that were made obsolete when the special editions became available. Tomorrow the special edition two disc version of The Hustler is coming out, OH BOY, maybe I can decorate my Xmas tree with all the first editions.
This movie is the pits! This movie is the pits! Blair Witch 2 was okay but this one is dumb! And it is susposed to be true but It is NOT! It is boring! I will tell you the worst thing about it in the end. There is way too much blace+white color in it for a 1999 movie! And the worst thing about it is the acting! Heather D, Josh L and Michael are all the worst actors! This movie is as cheesy as a bad B-Movie like Ginger Snaps! This mive won't give the wigens or goosebumps it will make you laugh until you lose your breath!
Really, Really Enjoyable I've only recently been watching Buffy on DVD, and never watched it back when it was actually on TV. I'm not a huge fan as such, but I have to say, I thought Season Two was really fantastic.By all respects, it is a tremendous achievement that there were so many gripping, exciting, and emotionally engaging episodes. It was genuinely thrilling to ride the wave that was the Surprise/Innocence combo, and then to follow it all through to the impressive season finale, with a variety of top-notch episodes in-between.Buffy Season Two really is fantastic television, and it's certainly the season that I think was Buffy at her very best.
BUY THE RIGHT VERSION!!!!!! So this is a warning to anyone who likes this movie and has seen it before. There are two versions of this film on Blu-ray! The one originally released back in 2007 with the silver swoosh running down the cover and the words "Beyond High Definition" in the bottom right corner is the one to get. This new one released by Echo Bridge has manipulated the aspect ratio of the movie so that there are no black bars on top or bottom! Essentially they've zoomed in on the image so you lose part of the picture on the right and left side of the screen. Don't let the low price fool you! This is a corrupted version of the film, and if you have any respect for the filmmakers' intentions for the look of the movie you will not purchase this version! Or, if you're like me and find out once you watch it for the first time, I implore you to return it and send Echo Bridge a message that we will not support the altering of films! Of course, if you haven't seen the movie before you would never notice the difference and this may not bother any of you... Just a warning for those who care.
Best since Jericho I thought I'd never like another show as much as I liked 24, but that ended when I saw Jericho. When that got cancelled, I was convinced that TV had died and we would be stuck with cruddy reality TV forever.Then Grimm aired. I love this show. The cool thing is that you don't have to see every episode to understand what's going on. Not that I'd miss one anyhow.Check it out! It's awesome!
silly, funny, great !! this movie was great, silly funny spoof of outer space movies, too bad it was one of the very few movies that starred dorothy stratten, really well done considering its budget and the time it was made.
I really enjoyed this movie. The delivery time and DVD quality were excellent. I am a big Jenna Fisher fan so I already loved the movie before I watched it! James Gunn was good too even though I disliked the character he played. I enjoyed the very unusual plot about the distressing problem of homelessness. Yes, I enjoyed this movie and I'm happy with this purchase.
Eurotrash at it's best! This movie is indeed a treat. There are other reviewers refering to its artistic values, so I shall deal with the technical side. This is a worthy transfer: the picture quality is almost as good as it can be - even though the darker scenes are a bit milked and grainy. There are nothing wrong with the sound, too. To be short: there are so many unbelivably bad eurotrash movies around, in unacceptably bad transfers, that if you feel like peeping into the world of this genre, this definitely is the movie to start with - or, perhaps, even THE movie to own.
oater the greatest western star of all time john wayne jumps off the screen and becomes real for an hour and forty five minutes. You'll love every minute of it.
Not the great Barbie movie format of the past I love Barbie movies, and so does my 5yo daughter. Most all of the movies have had very positive themes of friendship or honesty and I have felt this was a positive message for girls. However, it seems the Barbie movies are moving away from good themes and more toward entertainment value. There is still a message, it is just harder to find. The last movie, Fashion Fairy Tale and this movie Fairy Secret have been true disappointments. Additionally, the animation, voices, and overall quality have not been quite the same. My daughter does like both of these movies, however we have to sit down and discuss what the message is as it is just not apparent. I am disheartened to say that I will not be purchasing any more of the Barbie movies unless I read reviews that they are stellar!
Pleasantly surprised Pleasantly surprised...i really enjoyed it! Steve Carrell and his dry delivery can get old but it was absolutely perfect for this character.
This sucks more than anything has sucked before This is a stupid movie,i really mean that.I never got it why they did sequels to "The Delta Force" they were all bad movies.This movie tried to be different by killing almost everybody in the end of the movie but it's not enough.It's a typical action movie that has arab terrorists and that Russia/American co-operation that was overused in movies in the beginning of the 90's.Even the acting sucks and it seems that the actors know how stupid movie theyre in.
annoyed collector of the genre I LONGED for this show to be eventually released on dvd and here the first series is now available here to download or whatever the correct term is for this new craze.Not fair guys! I have been collecting old tv shows avidly for almost two years and knowing that dvd is being faded out, I am still saddened that shows such as this are being released here but the older guys like myself cant get to own them on dvd!!! Pllllllllleeeeeeeeease continue to release these shows on dvd untill its demise as that is where the true fanbase and the true monetary gain still is for a product of this sort. An Angry and very frustrated collector.
Hollywood Quixote Your life is a movie. You are the star. Naturally, you are heroic - noble, dauntless, brimming with optimism. It is your task to keep your audience entertained by inventing exciting plots and to keep them informed of all the developments, which you do by addressing them directly, regardless who might be within earshot. You have identified a suspicious character who is up to no good. You need a humorous sidekick to watch your back and set up your punch lines with his "irreverent wit." Most of all, you need a love interest, because what movie worth living doesn't have one?You fall to your knees in the aisle of an empty temple of cinema, popcorn and soda in hand, and pray: "Our movie, which art on screen, hallowed by thy name. Thy time has come. Thy will be shown in theaters as well as home. Give us this day our daily film and forgive us our bad choices, as we forgive those whose movies were so bad to choose. And lead us not into television, but deliver us from that evil, for movies are the picture and the sound and the greatest thing in the whole wide world forever and ever. Movies rule."Not everyone understands you. Although everyone is the star of their own movie and has their own audience, you are among the few who realize it. You are not discouraged that you are surrounded by the oblivious. You cheerfully accept the burden of clarity. You must stymie the Suspicious Character and steal the heart of your Love Interest from her Doomed Fiance. You are Blake Gardner, Movie Hero.You are, of course, as crazy as a bucket of crickets. That is why you occasionally bump heads with the law and why you have a court-appointed therapist. Backed into rationalization by Doctor Orlando, you voice that most perplexing question, "What am I supposed to do with my life that will make me worthy of the life I was given?"In "The Movie Hero" (2003), writer-director Brad T. Gottfred transplants "Don Quixote De La Mancha" from the fertile plains of 17th century Castile to the sun-splashed boulevards of 21st century Hollywood. Cervantes' timeless satire on romance and adventure speaks to our dreams of greatness, of being something more than our simple self. Don Quixote's mind is overheated, addled by all the tales he has devoured of knights, damsels, and chivalry. Blake Gardner, inspired by movies, yearns for purpose, but will settle for assurance. He pleads with Doctor Orlando, "Show me I'm not crazy. Show me I'm not a fool."Jeremy Sisto is the amiably deranged Blake, seizing the role con mucho gusto. Brian White is his sensible Sidekick Antoine. A breathless Dina Meyer plays Blake's therapist and Love Interest, Elizabeth Orlando, while Carlos Jacott is her patronizing, movie-hating Doomed Fiance. Red guitar toting Peter Stormare, in black trench coat and black car is, as always, a perfect Suspicious Character.
The Arnie money machine.... Being a big fan after a long day in the office of "Sit and vegetate, no thinking required" movies, I must say I was disappointed with this.Running alone the usual actions lines you expect from Arnie, this movie just didn't yield the same punch we have come to expect. Below are a few of the problems.1. The movie is very slow to take off. This is particularly evident when our hero arrives back from work and sees his clone.2. The movie itself is based on an exciting principle with which our writer could have done so much. The movie lacks substance with poor dialogue scenes seriously slowing the pace.3. Our evil villains just don't seen to grab your imagination as they have before.4. The usual "blow stuff up" seems to have been abandoned somewhat as our hero is overly nice and conscientious (if somewhat bewildered).Compared to Eraser and True Lies, this movie just doesn't get off the ground. What could have been an excellent movie falls well short with no real empathy for our heroine and a complete lack of suspense. It is movie that having watched half of and then being unexpectantly called away, could easily result in you never bothering to watch the remainder. Not Arnie's best.
vikings are not even close to thatstupid the movie was ok but was pretty annoying. That man left behind would of been killed in five minutes if it was close to realistic.
not that bad from the way people we talking about this i thought it would be awful. it was not all that bad though.maddonna my not be the world best actress but thr other actors are good. i think the kid who played sam was pretty good. overall i thought it was to slow moving .
Bones Season 2 This is a great show, very fun and entertaining. Great characters, great story lines, wild visuals. I watch all the episodes.
Murder and torture? The Gate and Atlantis have always been a shoot em up bang bang, however the last two seasons have the "good guys" descending to unnecessary murder and torture. The service however was 5 star.
One word : Weird. Well, I have to admit that this movie had a unique storyline and some excellent scenes. But, it was very odd - in a good way I say that because it makes you think about what future technology may be like; what we will be able to do and have. And, like all Arnold Schwarzenegger films it has much suspense and ofcourse, action. Men will love this movie - believe me! Technology and action put into one movie = WHAT a gift to a man! But, women will also enjoy this film because it truly captures and shows Arnold at his best.
FLYING BLIND ON A ROCKET-CYCLE?!! Move over Luke Skywalker, the true hero of 80's sci-fi films is here!!! Thank God for sci-fi films, and thank God for "Flash Gordon!" One of the best, and most wildly entertaining sci-fi epics to ever be produced, "Flash Gordon" is a real treat. The film has everything that a moviegoer could ever want in one movie: lots of action(including a great battle scene involving the Hawkmen), humor, great settings & costumes, the single best movie soundtrack EVER ('Flash! Ah-a, savior of the universe!') and the wonderfully over-the-top Brian Blessed as "Vultan." I mean, honestly, is there any movie scene out there that compares to the thrills that you will receive when Vultan's legions of Hawkmen assualt War Rocket Ajax, and that kick-bum battle theme music from Queen kicks in? I think not!! Let's just thank our lucky stars that we have a movie that's the caliber of "Flash Gordon." This film is enjoyable on every level, and will surely become part of the sci-fi lover's home video library. I would honestly marry a woman in a heartbeat if she loved this film as much as I! Don't miss out!!!P.S. Who knew that a New York Jets quarterback was capable of such amazing feats - honestly, could you picture Broadway Joe doing this? I think not!
Graphic and dull A Japanese entry into the torture porn genre is more graphic yet at the same time less powerful (not to mention entertaining) than similar Western movies, like Saw, Hostel or a Serbian Film. A psycho who dresses as a doctor (and strongly resembles a young Takeshi Kitano) kidnaps a young couple and subjects them to all sort of degrading tortures. There is at least one powerful erotic scene as the captor fondles the bound captive girl genitals during several minutes. And there is an outrageous ending that resembles the ending of some of Takashi Miike's films. But for most of the time, I found this film pretty dull.
too slow i cant believe how slow & boring this movie is & i have absolutely interest in any of the characters. the little bits from the trailer are the best parts for sure not finished watching it yet and its a monumental struggle.
Amazing Story Telling This might be the best Twilight Zone story ever.A writer brings to life his characters. Let your imagination go wild with that one. His does.
pulls its punches Saw this on the airplane.While the premise of a teacher who hates her students is definitely serviceable, I was annoyed by two things:1. In the movie, the teacher's supposedly brutal sense of humor was too soft. She really should have been much crueler. I think this is because the film was going for the wrong sense of humor. It was going for the shock-joke nature of comedy, while it should have been aiming at a sardonic, ironic kind of humor. I kept waiting for her to unload some nasty, soul-crushing comments on the students or other faculty, but instead she was just a paper tiger.2. While her character was well-sketched, she underwent a complete, unprovoked reversal at the very end that betrayed everything that had gone before. Quite apart from the fact that that ending could be seen coming from a mile way, the movie hadn't "earned" it. It felt abrupt, felt like they had just done it because her renouncing her big goal abruptly at the end of the movie and starting to love teaching was what was expected by the audience. But the movie would have been tons more effective and memorable if she stuck it out through the end, got her plastic surgery, and then given everyone the finger at the end of the movie. It would have been much truer to her character and the nature of the film in general.In other words, ruined by a Hollywood ending.
Two Words Claire Danes. So many series have good to great acting, but Danes on Homeland is in her own universe. Perhaps it's been said here before that CD was the actor the creators had in mind for Carrie from the beginning. She goes in and out of Carrie's moods seamlessly. One moment a pushy, obsessed CIA professional, the next a hair-flitting single woman yearning for love and intimacy. Fortunately all of this skill accompanies a moody, disturbing, urgent story. Television actors like Danes work so damn hard for their money, while eclipsing almost all of their A-list movie counterparts.
Cure for insomnia I really don't know how this film got any positive reviews. There's nothing positive to write about it. It is very confusing, and hard to follow. Acting is very fake, and has next to no scares. This movie should be part of the BORE-FEST, and not the HORRORFEST
Total Crap Do not waste your time. It looked like someone's college film project. I kept waiting for something to happen. But it never delivered.
Fantastic Children's Science Fiction! I bought this movie for my neice thinking it looked interesting, although I had never heard of it anywhere. When we watched it I was amazed at how well the story was done, with beautiful special effects, and the whole story of the Nullifier and everything was just great science fiction. The story is also full of cute characters and great kid songs that are catchy and not annoying at all. Since buying it for her, the movie has been one of the most requested watches of my neice and her mom told me last week how she knows all the songs and the names of the people in the story, and that it has become one of her favorites. So today I found two more of the movies in the series and ordered them for her. The stories are just good clean family entertainment and if it brings about a young interest in science fiction and thinking beyond what is accepted to be true in science, then I'm more than proud to give them as gifts. They really are a great set of movies for kids.
Excellent Movie!!!! I watched "Rosewood" in Texas when it came out in 1997. Unfortunately, it was not well received at the time - in fact, I found it really difficult to find a theatre that featured the film. Much like "Roots", this is a pivital movie, giving the viewers a snapshot of true events that occurred in Florida in 1922. Of course some artistic license is taken. At times, Vingh Raimes seems more like a super hero character....but the racist attitudes of the period seem to be accurately represented. One other note, I just read the rant about republicans verses democrats and I have this to say. It's funny how in modern times the republican party seems to celebrate the "retro" sensibilities of the 1950's when blacks just happened to be forced to ride on the back of the bus and received separate and unequal schooling. And when blacks also provided cheap labor as 2nd class citizens for whites who wanted to maintain their status as 1st class citizens of these United States....funny, no one really ever talks about how that power structure provided a world for middle class whites to flourish in before the modern civil rights movement took hold....a lopsided world missed by the likes of Rush Limbaugh and G. Gordon Liddy, but I digress....Anyway, the author of that rant fails to mention that during the 1960's, racist "Dixiecrats" like Strom Thurmond left the democratic party to join with the republicans who accepted him with open arms. And recently before his death, Strom was celebrated by fellow republican Trent Lott who wished aloud that Strom had been president. - When I lived in Texas, the people I knew who regularly used racial slurs, and drove around with confederate flag license plates always (and I mean always) claimed to be republican when the subject of politics came up. The democratic party is no perfect party, but trying to make the republican party seem like a refuge and oasis for blacks just because Abe Lincoln once was a member is just plain ignorant!!!!
I absolutely HATED this movie. I hated it so much, I walked out on it halfway through. I didn't like any of the characters, the plot was threadbare, and it was just too gross for me to handle. I love horror movies and CSI, so I have no problem seeing bloated, dismembered bodies, but something about this particular film was just too much to take. I will never watch this movie again. I hate even the MENTION of this movie. I wish we could give reviews 0 stars.
A rollocking good romp through the middle ages. Great fun! This 2001 film is just plain fun. Filmed in the Czech Republic, the story is set in the 1400s in England. Heath Ledger is cast as low-born serf who impersonates a knight and wins jousting matches, eventually winning over the villain and getting the beautiful noble-born woman. This is not a film to take seriously, especially since the sound track includes a whole bunch of modern rock pieces - "We are the Champions:", "We Will Rock You", "Taking Care of Business", etc. I sometimes laughed out loud at this silly film but I must say I enjoyed it.All the actors did a good job, playing their roles with a sense of whimsy. Paul Bethany is cast in the role of Chaucer and the whole film is based very very loosely on one of his Canterbury Tales. I particularly thought that Rufus Sewell, cast in the role of the villain nobleman was excellent as well as James Purfoy who I remembered from his role as Brutus in the TV series "Rome". Both of these gentleman seemed more like real men than the blond haired slim Heath Ledger but I think the casting was perfect.I enjoyed this film. It actually made the middle ages seem like a rollicking good time.Recommended.
A classic This is a horror sci-fi masterpiece just watch it...This film reminded me of videodrome and the fly and a little bit of eraserhead it might not be up there with them but its a classic for sure
the best show on tv I cant believe more people dont know about this show. it is down right hysterical. think, "seinfeld on crack". it picks up where seinfeld left off, only they go way further than seinfeld ever could because its not on network tv. You will not regret buying this, get season 1 and 2 if you havent already as well.
Oh weeds Love weeds, love blu ray...what could be better!? The show seems to be getting a little out of control but season 5 brought it back I thought...
amazing movie i loved this indie movie. it is great for any collection. not your typical romantic-comedy, but it is great! I would buy it again.
A terrifying masterpiece A criminally underrated film (Maltin rates it a BOMB!!)which I consider one of the best Westerns made. Essentially a story of a bunch of criminals - rustlers- being brought to heal by the law represented by a ruthless landowner. However, it is also has the elements of great storytelling with good, represented by the rustlers, fighting evil, represented by the landowner. Yes , it is a clouded even twisted morality, but rings very true with many parallels to modern society. The rustlers, Jack Nicholson and his sublimely wonderful bunch which include Harry Dean Stanton, Randy Quaid, Frederick Forrest and John P. Ryan, are trying to make their way any way they can in a hard country. The landowner, who is an educated man with a large library and has reason and business as his master, whose focus is on the percentages of profit and loss, has seen his wife run off with the first unreasonable man she could find and whose beautiful daughter offers herself to Jack Nicholson -who beds her willingly - hires a Regulator to run down rustlers. This creature of the law, a bounty hunter of sorts, a sniper, is played with eccentric and powerful relish by Marlon Brando and is truly a fearsome character.It is a great script enlivened by humour - "why do they put Canada way up here ?" laments the rustlers when they venture North to rustle from the Mounties; wit; and glorious photography - the stunning shot of the foal moments before rescued by Nicholson, which stumbles towards the camera resonates as an innocent in a world of man made horror yet survives through an act of compassion by a man. This intelligent film is full of such contradictions.It is one the most terrifyingly realistic portraits of life on the frontier. The symbolism of the Regulator shooting the cabbages on Nicholson's farm says more about violence and the law and the misuse of power than many an essay. Two scenes of man crossing the Missouri River says more about the power of nature than the nightly news of hurricanes in Florida. The brothel scene is a revealing and realistic and sympathetic portrayal of women on the frontier. To view and review over time. Brilliant. A very worthy addition to your DVD library.
Best Of The Matrix Movies By Far All three of the live-action "Matrix" films were at least good, but the best thing to ever come out of the Matrix concept is "The Animatrix", a collaborative effort by some of the best animation talents from America, Japan, and South Korea that presents a number of shorts taking place in the Matrix universe, some of them before the live-action movies and others concurrent with them, including some that fill in spaces between "The Matrix" and "The Matrix Reloaded".This is an anime regardless of what part of the world it has its genesis in, and it's one of the greatest animes of all time. The individual tales are done in a widely contrasting array of animated styles, and represent a high point for science fiction as a whole. Taken in its entirety, "The Animatrix" is philosophical, awesome, sexy, thrilling, moving and frightening. "The Second Renaissance", Parts I & II, are especially noteworthy because they're the kind of story and the kind of angle that science fiction has needed to address for a long time. These segments tell the full origin of the world of the Matrix, from a point in the near future right through the final war, largely from the machines's point of view. If you've ever wondered why so many big SF action movies present a world in which mankind has created sentient machines, know they're sentient, continues to treat them like slaves, and yet we're Still supposed to view the machines as the bad guys when they strike back, then you're going to love the 'Second Renaissance' segments. Humanity's behavior in the early portions of the man-machine difficulties is terrifyingly believable.Inside the Matrix System, "Beyond" is a huge standout, a gorgeously animated tale that moves from classic anime territory ( a girl searching for a cat in a haunted house) into dark Matrix territory, and in the devastated Earth outside the Matrix, the stunning 'Matriculated' is a powerful and amazingly imaginative new look at the world, the minds of the machine scouts, and the whole nature of perception, to name just a few of the angles in this one segment.All of the stories feature excellent animation, some of them including some of the best astonishing visual images ever seen on film. To science fiction, "The Animatrix" is as essential as the likes of "Star Wars" or "Solaris", and to anime it's as essential as such greats as "Spirited Away" (although "Animatrix" isn't for young children) or "Princess Mononoke".
Great Hanukah/Christmas Movie! 5 out of 5. I Recommend this to Everyone. Adam did a great job on this. From the Voice Acting, To the Animation, to the Script, All were Top-Notch. A Classic.
Waste of Money and Time The producers of this movie/"documentary" must have written the review that gave this movie/"documentary" a five star rating. No other viewer could possibly think this was a five star. I would't have even given it the one star if there was a minus star option. If you have looked at the news or even been on planet earth, you are aware of everything in this movie/"documentary". The movie consists of two old men who show clips from the news and after the clips the make a stupid comment. There is no investigation about what is really happening with regard to the news clips or anything that would qualify this as a documentary of any kind. Really, don't spend money on this. My advice to the old guys who made this are two things: clean up your office before you shoot a video in it. The stuff on your walls and on the floor tell alot about you!! Next, you should have spent yoru money going to that beach location that you have a painting of on your wall, the one that you put the curtains around, instead of spending it on this alleged movie/"documentary."
Boring I caught this on TV and found it kind of a boring cycle of hurt and comfort with a predictable ending. It just can't do justice to the Annie Proulx story. I actually didn't finish watching it. You could probably read the story in the same amount of time.
TOTAL WASTE OF EVERYTHING This was the most absurd, horrible, retarded, ludicrous movie created. Nicholas Cage was the only good actor and this wasn't his best acting and probably was his worst script. Drama led nowhere. I never leave reviews, BUT IF MY REVIEW SAVES SOMEONE 2 HOURS BY NOT WATCHING THIS THEN THIS WAS WORTH MY FEW MINTUES after wasting my 2 hours on this junk! DONT GET DRAWN IN BY THE BEGINNING. IT STARTS OFF LOOKING LIKE SOMETHING MIGHT TURN OUT, BUT IT WON'T. The pseudo-spiritual overtones could make an agnostic and full-blown believer sick and throwing up over each other. The suspense is just annoying. way too long. cheap ending. need i say more??? stop reading reviews for this movie and go watch any other one and you will guaranteed be watching a much better flic! oh, and this would have gotten 0 stars, but amazon makes 1 star the lowest rating...
WOW...I should have saw this one on the BIG screen! I bought this movie without ever seeing it and knowing that many critics had bashed this one pretty bad. Thanks to some of the amazon.com reviewers giving it 4 or 5 stars, I thought maybe it would be better than the critics thought and I knew it had to be much better than Daredevil. This movie is so much fun from start to finish! Way better than Daredevil or The Hulk and to me just as good as the first two Spiderman films. The action is good throughout without going too over the top and the creative kills were a nice touch to an already violent movie. Tom Jane nails the part of Frank Castle here and is a joy to behold as his character changes from family man to a one man assault team. I heard John Travolta went over the top here, but to me he plays a pretty laid back bad guy and I like what he did with this role. Yes, the neighbors are a little annoying (they were in the comics too), but there screen time is limited. The only character I really didn't was the model turned actress who played the third neighbor. She just couldn't act and got on my nerves fast. This is a must buy for all action and comic hero movie fans out there! This one will be watched many times in the coming weeks. High replay value = A worthy purchase.
Dark, terrifying, beautiful The original Dracula movie, Nosferatu is quite possibly the most frightening film of its genre. This film is also the most intelligent of the vampire movies. It does not rely on gore and sex to intrigue the viewer, but instead presents the audience with a sense of darkness and fear that can only be attained through the exploitation of our own fears, however irrational those may be. It reawakens our childhood aversions to dark scary castles, bats and other things that go bump in the night. In short it is the ultimate gothic film: dark, sombre, and beautifully terrifying. Anyone who enjoys intelligently frightening movies should most certainly take the time to see this one. You wont be disappointed
HIDEOUSLY HORRIFIC ON ALL LEVELS! 0 OUT OF 10 I had heard all the terrible reviews for Gigli, but I was still willing to give it a shot (Even though it only has a 7% Fresh On Rotten Tomatoes from critics and a terrible 2.4 rating on IMDB). Is it as bad as everyone claims it to be? No...IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN YOU COULD EVER IMAGINE!! DEAR GOD! This film is insufferably, irredeemably awful and fails at everything. How did Sony Pictures spend $54 million on this worthless cinematic abortion? Well, I will delve into this film's jaw-dropping badness.WHAT IT'S ABOUT: Larry Gigli is a very incompetent hitman working for a man named Louis, who orders him to kidnap a mentally-retarded man named Brian, who is the brother of the district attorney. However, he is not alone in this task in holding Brian hostage. Louis sends a woman named Ricky who just so happens to be a lesbian and the two are taken on a journey of redemption and learn to become better people...IT'S EVEN WORSE THAN IT SOUNDS.MUSIC: The score by John Powell is god-awful. The score tries to be slick and pretends it's some cool music for a cool film, which becomes painfully obvious at several points during the course of the film. However, it is the least awful thing about this film, if you can believe that.ACTING: Everything about this area is so unbelievably awful that you will not believe your eyes or ears. Affleck's performance is terrible and he does not make a believable character at all. Jennifer Lopez was not a believable lesbian or a hitman in the slightest, and it doesn't help when she utters some of the most god-awful dialogue ever in the history of cinema. "It's turkey time. Gobble, gobble," or how about, "The mouth is the twin-sister of the v@gina"? And that's the sex dialogue! No one else is redeemable either, and why the hell are Christopher Walken and Al Pacino in here? They do nothing to help this film either, and the only moment of hope came when Al Pacino pulled out a gun and shot Louis in the head. I prayed that he would take that gun and use it to kill the rest of the cast and crew, and end my misery.ACTION: On top of being incredibly horrific, it's also incessantly boring and drags on for what feels like an eternity. This film tries to be an odd blend of romantic comedy and a crime flick, and fails at everything. The romance aspect of this film would be comparable to being the Casablanca and Gone With The Wind of absolute awfulness. The crime flick part of this film would be comparable to being The Godfather and L.A. Confidential of sheer awfulness as well. Needless to say, this film's blending attempt ends with horrible results, like a train full of orphaned children careening off a cliff, crashing down onto a nuclear plant below, exploding, and decimating all forms of life within the area. This film was so horrible I almost cried, and was begging God to just make it end or kill me. I remember for a good fifteen minutes my jaw was dropped in absolute horror as I witnessed this monstrosity dish out levels of badness I didn't even know existed. Picture two hours of bad dialogue and some other stupid things nonstop, and you get an idea of how bad it truly is.COMEDY: Is it funny at all? No, hell no. It's an endless barrage of one bad joke after another. If you think this film is funny, I suggest you seek medical attention regarding head injuries.OVERALL: When I was asked what I thought of this film, my response was, "I felt myself die a little on the inside." This is an aggressively bad film hellbent on torturing the audience in some of the worst ways your mind cannot even begin to comprehend. While it may not quite achieve being the worst film I've ever seen, it certainly is the second worst. There are reasons why this is considered to be one of the worst films of all time, and heed that warning well or you will regret your decision.THE GOOD: ?THE BAD: EVERYTHING!
A Great Movie! With so many superhero movies out there today, this one stood out to me, not only due to it's very different filming style (using a documentary style), but also for the solid acting, plot and overall story that was being shared. I truly enjoyed the idea of average people learning about powers, struggling with them and struggling with each other and how to control the powers themselves. I had heard good things about the movie going into it, and the things that people had told me paled in comparison to the movie itself. For me, I actually enjoyed this more than some of the large money big box superhero movies that came out last year (which is saying a lot). The only thing that may turn some people off to the movie is the fact that it is a hand held recorded movie and for some this may turn them off. Saying this though I reiterate that I thoroughly enjoyed the movie and believe that you will as well!
Blame Laird I don't understand how a movie like this could be made without even the mention of Laird Hamilton. If your interested in watching this movie I would recommend you first watch Endless Summer 2, Step into Liquid, Riding Giants or any of Laird Hamilton's videos such as Laird. I have read that Laird is against Billabongs efforts to package and market big wave surfing, but this movie seems to go out of its way to disrespect Laird. Even during the foil board sequence it makes no mention of Laird or any of the Stapped crue. The only good part worth watching of this film was the water rescue training sessions filmed as part of the preparation for big wave surf. Big wave surfing is about interacting with the power of mother nature at its most powerful and dynamic moment. Having such an experience is said to be a religious, spiritual, life changing event -if you survive. This movie does not emphasize this point.P.S. If your really interested in learning about big wave surfing and what it takes buy Laird Hamiltons book Force of Nature and The Wave by Susan Casey.
A good one for us old folks to reminisce about. This is one reviewers choice for best musical. I would rank it below Top Hat, because no one dances like Fred and Ginger, but it is entertaining and I will watch it again.
Terrible!! Too much profanity and bad language! It was painful we had to stop watching this because of the constant profanity. My husband and I started getting a headache and could not enjoy the movie. We don't gamble and we don't use bad language so this was too much for us. I can't believe Al Pacino has such a dirty mouth. Don't waste your time and money!
An hour and a half I'll never have back... I hate to say it. Aside from a couple of fairly sharp gags, it's not all that funny - or dramatic - or good. Half the gags are stolen from Beetlejuice and the other half fall flat. Here's how bad this is - Whoopie Goldberg's appearance is a high point. Youch.
Bernie and Sam are a HOOT!! I so miss Bernie Mac. This was one of his funniest movies. I so enjoyed it. Samuel had me in tears.
This Bones is connected to success. Bones - The Complete Second Season (2005)I'm a writer and what I look for is well written dialog and good development of and interaction between characters. Bones has it all. The first season was excellent and the second is even better. There is just enough humor to give the viewer a sense of reality and circumstances are right out of the news. And let's not forget the perfect casting. Most of these folks were at the front end of their careers and this has been a great vehicle to allow them to blossom. You just can't miss, so buy a copy.
Victorian Chills George Cukor, whose name is synonymous with so-called women's movies directed this tightly knit psychological Victorian gem of a thriller. On the surface it is not a complicated premise. Young Paula Alquist, played by beautiful Ingrid Bergman is sent away Italy to finish her schooling after her famous aunt is found murdered in her home. The murderer was never found. Nor were the jewels she was rumored to have.Fast forward years later. Paula has fallen in love with charming and dashing Gregory Anton (Charles Boyer). She marries Anton and they return to her aunt's house which is now Paula's by inheritance. Paula cannot see it, but the audience sees that her husband's charm is quickly fading as he isolates her from their social circle under the guise that she is ill and cannot see anyone. He manipulates her to the point that she is fears that she is losing her mind. The viewer watches Ingrid Bergman's character change from an intelligent, secure young woman to a paranoid recluse slowly being driven mad by her husband who skillfully controls her mind. By now we have learned that it is no coincidence that Gregory Anton, met, married and convinced Paula to return to London to live in her former home. He is determined to continue his search for the jewels which was interrupted by Alice Alquist years ago.As Paula struggles with her sanity, she has no one to turn to for help until an inquisitive neighbor, Miss Thwaites (Dame May Witty) elicits help from Brian Cameron (Joseph Cotton) who happens to be a Scotland Yard detective. Cameron has his own reasons for being curious about the never seen Paula Alquist. Be sure to watch for a very young Angela Lansbury as the cute tartish young maid who has eyes for Boyer.Gaslight is one for those movies that you can again and again and still have it give you the shivers as you watch Boyer skillfully and cunningly drive his wife to the brink of insanity. But Bergman's revenge is sweet. A brilliant movie.Vannie(~.~)
DVD set defective I was very excited to get this set, as I've seen all the episodes on a BBC Fawlty Towers marathon. However, when I staged my own Fawlty Marathon, I discovered that Disc One says Volume One, but when popped into the DVD player, it's actually Volume Two. So, my set contained 2 discs of Volume 2 and one of Volume 3, for a total of 8 of the 12 episodes from the series. Fawlty Towers is wonderfully brilliant, and it's a shame the manufacturer screwed up on my set. I'm getting a new set from amazon.com and with hopefully the entire series this time.
The best written Wayne Western This gorgeous little movie is one of the few Wayne ever did where thestory stays true to the Western genre and doesn't insult your intelligenceat the same time. (seeBig Jakefor an example of the opposite.)What makes this better is the complexity of the character and the sympathywith which the Apache are portrayed-that was a rarity back then. There is also a wholly enjoyable relationship between Hondo and 'his' dog that culminates in one of the most shocking scenes ever in a western.Lynn Hoffman, author ofbang BANG: A Novel
WOOF! This one is the worst! EVIL RED EYED Villian. YUCK! This movie robs the classic ballet's music, and ruins what story there was with its evil bad guy. (You'd think it was a Disney flick.) The bad guy scared my kids, and they even had nightmares. He has a long, ugly, & pointy nose. He and his awful daughter transform into birds that are dark and intimidating. The red light glowing evil power from his eyes is plain SICK! He shoots his sorcery red power lightning to harm others and even turn Barbie/Odette into a Swan. Because she's a swan- the prince guy almost shoots her with a bow & arrow.This movie is tense, tormenting, and was the greatest disappointment ever! Not for kids under 6.
Not good...no logic to it at all. I love Keanu Reeves, but the story was awfully convoluted. Didn't make any sense (example; Johnny complains that he's got too much data jammed in his head when in actuality, he's the one that demanded it be "jammed" there in the first place). Not even the special f/x could keep me interested. Better luck next time.
Very fascinating! Worth checking out. This is a great series. You can check out on youtube this great compilation explaining more of what the watchers series is talking about. [...]
Terrible Video Quality My video quality was also horrid! Everything else I have downloaded has been fine but this is just terrible. Picture bounces, jitters, etc so bad we couldn't watch the movie.
sweetness meets monsters The movie was true to the Babar characters at first, but eventually grew unsatisfying when that whole growling monsters who want to take over thing starts becoming the story. My three year old grand daughter turned away at that point, not having been exposed to that before and not knowing what to make of it. So disappointing.
not good like the first two As you may know there are some B movies that consist of pointless sequels. There are also B movies that after a sequel, the series takes a nose dive. This is the category that Critters 3 falls into. First off, I realize that B movies are not to be taken serious to some degree but this movie went over the boundary line in that department. Critters 3 takes a break from the plot of the first two (Superman 3, anyone?) but that doesn't ruin the movie. In fact, the only returning character is Charlie. And folks, if you want to see this movie just because Leo Decaprio is in it then you are making a mistake. His acting is not enough to save this film. Anyway, one viewer pointed out some obvious plot holes such as Charlie becoming sheriff at the end of Critters 2 which is completely ignored in this movie. Come to think of it, I don't think Critters 3 even took place in Grover's Bend, Kansas (the same as the first two). Also, there were some critter eggs that just happen to appear under a man's truck that are unknowingly taken to an appartment complex in which later on the critters start to wreck havoc all over the place. Critters finishes with a "to be continued" ending. Critters 3 & 4 were filmed back to back just incase anyone was wondering though make no mistake... you really don't have to see this movie to understand what is happening in Crittes 4. Yes, that's right. As far as I'm concerend it would be better to go on to Critters 4 after watching Critters 2. Critters 3 is a direct-to-video film and for those who still want to see it, you will find out why.
Johnny Quest Excellent. Shipped and received very fast. Animation and clarity is excellent. My husband was thrilled. Made us both feel like kids again, sitting in front of the TV on Saturday mornings!
more "making of" pieces please So, the big deal about streaming is....streaming. What I miss is the behind-the-scenes "making of" pieces wherein the creators talk about what's going on. And getting to hear Claire talk about what's in Carrie's head is nice, not long enough, and nice.
not as bad as i would of thought i rented this movie expecting to hate it. i didnt. true it is a little yellow but i can deal with that. it is a actual seuqual that is slightly like the first it has sarah from the first in it. some people say they should have made a new "look" for the crow but since sarah paints his face she is painting him like what she saw eric painted like. you should see the first one before this but this is a movie worth watching.
damned opening,good ending!!!!!! for the first time i saw it,3 words lived in my mind:bored,stupid,cheap.........but then,at the end of the movie,i think different:it's a sweet movie(just at the ending!!!)so i don't like hilary duff too much,she's too fat&her; voice got something like britney,she's try to be like britney........i don't like this movie,it's not real for teen even it's have a little bit cute....so if you are want to have real movie,real romantic,you must watch what a girl wants movie!!!
Excellent! Surprising movie, a truly unique mix of grief/loss along with a destructive & zany wild-card. Best movie I've seen in a while. I laughed, I cried, 5 stars!!!! :)
Could it be worse? After having seen the movie "Ed Wood" - I had to find out for myself if "Plan Nine From Outer Space" really was the worse film of all time. I was truly not disappointed. A ten-year-old in his backyard garage could have tuned out a better flik. I wonder if Wood really knew he was turning out such a clunker, and was just putting us all on?Poor Bela!!
Resident Evil Damnation I don't like renting cartoons. Upon seeing my mistake I passed on the movie and found another movie to rent.
Great voice I like frank Sinatra. So I decided to buy this set along with others and this is the one I least watch. All in all, it is a good set.
I didn't want to love this film... ...but man, is it good.I think the other million reviews of this film are good enough to cover the main plot points, so I'll leave that alone.What really, REALLY impressed about this film is the way it "captures thoughts".Anyone that has been in a great relationship (or several) that just sort of ran its course, "puttered-out", and turned awful can identify with this movie on a personal level that is almost painful. The effect is almost therapeutic to the viewer, it's that dead-on.When Carrey's character is reliving the good times that came before the end of his relationship with Clementine, the scenes have a surreal, "viewing from a distance" glow that very closely mimic those thoughts that crop up in your head when you remember lost love. Hits you like a sledgehammer, at least it did me.This film really addresses all of the twenty-and-thirty-somethings out there that really didn't fall into "the mold" of getting married and having kids right out of school. I think you need to be a little older to really appreciate it.
Soderburgh Is Solid After seeing "Traffic", which is a fantastic film, I wanted to see some of Steven Soderburgh's other films. So, whilst in the video store, I checked out "The Limey", and found that I really liked it. It was a highly entertaining film, that is as not structurally fulfilling as "Traffic", but is still an effective effort. Lots of action, mixed in with some humor, and really cool flashback sequences, this one is a film in its own category. Terrance Stamp is really great as an elderly ex-con, and a fish out of water, who will stop at nothing to find out how his daughter died, and who her killer is. I have to admit, the film did have a disappointing ending, but, upon futher inspection, the ending does sense. Fans of "Traffic" should check this one out. A soon to be classic film noir. Great for a boring Saturday afternoon.
Very good for older people or beginners This workout video wasn't for me, but it is still a good workout video. I'm a runner. I run 4.5 miles a day 3 times a week, so that's what I do for exercise most of the time. I'm in very good shape and consider myself advanced in my fitness routine. I do use some other workout videos just to change things up some times, but they are more boot camp-like in their routines. I prefer a uniform-like exercise like jumping jacks, crunches, push ups, etc. This is more like dancing type where you kind of follow the arm motions and leg motions as you wish. I think that this would be perfect for people who want lower impact type workouts. With that being said, you do get a total body workout with these. The workouts are short, so just about the point when you think you can't take anymore, you're done with it. You will need some weights to do these workouts. I already had some, so it wasn't a big deal for me, but if you don't have any, you need to get some. I used 3lb hand weights when I did it and they weren't bad at all. Overall, I would highly recommend this workout video for older people or beginners, but not for the more advanced people.
Vinnie Jones and That's it-Smokin' Aces 2.Assassins' Ball-More like A Snoozeball. Boring,and on top of that offensive just to be hip,the very start you have the typical stereotype,bad priest and guess what happens to him via The Hitlady dressed as a Nun? then you have a reference to Reagan and of course The whole Patriot backstory. Only Vinnie Jones is the best but even he can't help this garbage.Then you have the endquote by Seymour Hersh who did write a good book exposing the Kennedys and the camelot myth but who is a quack and his quote proves it. You have AntiAmericanism spread throughout,and to top the turdsandwich it has the worst specialeffects,Plot and Acting ever.Poor Ernie Hudson and the rest,how could you start in this?then you have BMovie/Skinamax movie guy Berenger,just an annoying and BORING film.I have seen Amateur movies made better than this.
Worst Movie I Ever Saw For All The Hype All I've heard about this movie was that it was the scariest movie ever made, so my wife just had to have it. What a waste of money. Scariest movie ever? Are you kidding me? The only scary part was when Kate was dragged out of bed and down the hall. The rest of the movie actually sucked!!! The first half was so boring I almost fell asleep. We kept waiting to be really scared, but it never happened! Wost movie I ever saw. Don't even waste your money renting it. It's that bad !!!
Hilarious! Smart and Sassy "Exporting Raymond" is a most entertaining and comical view of the culture clash of bringing a highly successful American TV show, "Everybody Loves Raymond", to be recreated in Russia with Russian actors, Russian crew and Russian sensibilities. The result of following creator Phil Rosenthal through his trials and tribulations is hilarious! Not your typical documentary, this movie shines with humor, most often unintentionally, while dealing with the various real-life characters, American and Russian, in this slice of Phil's life. "Exporting Raymond" is a real treat, whether or not you're familiar with the TV show "Everybody Loves Raymond".
Dipset!!!!! Dipset!!!!! Dipset!!!!!!! I guess you have to watch this DVD to see what I mean about Dipset. But on some real talk I have watched this comedy show about 30 times. This DVD is funny as Hell. Katt knows how to keep it real and keep you laughing no matter what type of mood you are in. If you are a comedy fan you really need to cop this DVD.Katt Williams - The Pimp Chronicles Part 1
Disappointing. I didn't got into this movie expecting much and that's pretty much what I got. Some of the acting is abysmal and the fight scenes are mediocre. The story feels forced. I found myself fast-forwarding through the movie just to see the fight scenes, but each was more of the same. You get the feeling of been there done that from other films. The lead may be good at martial arts, but the choreography was more like street fighting. I like a good fight scene, but none of theme were memorable. I was surprised to see a few actors in this film that recently had decent roles in major films. Marina Sirtis was unexpected. Brian Thompson is a much better actor than this. I wasted about a half hour of my life on this film. I'm glad I didn't waste any more.