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2 classes
Blatant Religious Dogma! I should have known better! This program presented absolutely nothing new and was just a rehash of what has been preached from the bible time and time again. I should have rented a "B" rated Sci-Fi flick, it would have been more entertaining and believeable. Just another "end of the world" second rate program. Mayans and Aztecs went to war with Isreal??? Really??? Really?? Lots of claims of evidence, but no substantiation.
no subtitles You show this as having English subtitles-see above-there arenoneDoes this mean that we can not rely on your sales details??being very deaf this is a cucial neccesity for meplease advisePRINCE RAFAEL
BAD What a pathetic excuse for a film. The entire plot is SEVERELY disjointed, but the biggest problem is the way the plot tries to unfold makes the movie seem like we're watching a comedy. Did you see the camera closeup of that goldfish? Wasn't that funny?I had no idea what was going on for the first half of the film except that maybe I thought I was supposed to laugh at all the nonsense happening, but then the film shot quickly in a more serious direction for the second half and I couldn't find anything to laugh at anymore. Take this film and put it in the trash NOW.
Bad bad BAD! Thank god for Peter Jackson's remake to do justice. This piece of crap was an abomination. Here are the good points-The John Barry score-The sacrifice scene where Kong makes his first appearance(very effective and dramatic)-Watching Kong stomp Charles GrodinYup, that's about it. Rick Baker did a terrible job with Rambaldi's Kong. And to think he did such a great job acting as the gorilla in Kentucky Fried Movie and in Greystoke. This Kong reminds me of Lou Ferrigno as the Incredible Hulk with his dumb facial expressions. Having no dinosaurs on Skull Island is a major downer, but realistically the FX crew couldn't have pulled that off without more money and such an arduous project would have been made worse since the film was so awful. They at least could have thrown in a more worthy opponent for the big guy. Instead all we get is a giant python that doesn't seemed concerned at all with Dwan or Kong. In fact, its pretty much minding its own business until Kong picks it up, wrestles with it, and then pulls its head open like a rotten canteloupe.The performances are awful. Jessica Lange is a dumb bimbo. Charles Grodin is comical, and not in a funny way. Jeff Bridges reminds me of another bearded knowitall, Richard Dreyfuss in Jaws. All in all, stay away from this movie
I was disapointed I never watched Babylon 5 when it was on, never had the time. Luckily the magic of DVD has allowed me to catch up on a lot of shows. I gave this a shot, hoping to find something to fill my sci-fi lust after star trek. The season starts off with a great opening, but then slowly becomes a very lame star trek clone. Almost a 50s scifi style. Plus the captain speaks like an anoucer for action movies. However, the show then gets interesting about eight episodes in, with the captain partially learning part of what he previously forgot. The shows starts to streamline, and go down a more interesting path, chosing political plots, and character development over monster of the weak stories. I will say there was enough to keep going and look to season 2. I've heard many great things about the show. I think I saw the start of them here. The writing picked up, as did the acting. Hopefully the show will improve. To all die hards, I've been told that you should see all five seasons before judging the show, as it makes them make more sense. I know that, this is just based on my impression from the first season.
Nice beginning... overall.. a disaster The DVD skips... for starters.An initial nice, narrative journey turns into a showcase for two effete snobs who 'lord over' what should be a pleasant excursion. Also, the DVD does not begin in Saigon, but distal from there. I have been to Saigon...and the Mekong. This is a major disappointment.Seek something better.
VERY loosely Wikipedia: 'the series is loosely based on Belgian writer Hermann Huppen's comic book series'.Deze irritante tv-serie heeft helemaal geen overeenkomst met de stripreeks van Hermann. En ik begrijp ook niet waarom Hermann zijn fiat heeft gegeven om zijn naam daaraan te verbinden.Weer zo een typische invulling van de Amerikaanse zwart/wit gedachte.Kurdy is vooral een blanke klootzak in de stripreeks en dat wordt dan ingevuld door dat Cosby-watje... En dan Jeramiah, ongelofelijk. Een of andere soap 1234 figuur. Wat een foute typecasting!Breng dit aub NIET uit in Europa.
not even close to being politicaly correct Their ability to push the envelope is outstanding. If you like dark comedies this is for you. Gritty, raw, and just wrong... the gang did not disappoint in the 3rd season.
The Hunter I just saw the Hunter starring Willem Dafoe.I think the concept was interesting and the acting was good by all. The pace of the movie is a bit slow and very meticulous.My only problem was that I feel the ending left me kind of cold and it just did not ring true to his character's portrayal and what he did based on what you learn about him.
Deuces Wild This intense movie is set in 1950s Brooklyn and involves street gangs dealing drugs and vying for power. The movie is brutal to a point but all in all is well written and well acted. Most of the characters are not common names, but they do a good job in the roles they play.Two rival gangs, one who wants to expand the drug trade, the other who wants to eliminate drugs from their street gear up to do battle. Not many gang members have guns so they resort to clubs and baseball bats (guns make fighting too simple, apparaently-real men fight man to man). The end result is tragic but if it is possible for a movie like this to have a happy ending, this manages to pull it off. A wheelbarrow full of concrete blocks pushed off a roof onto a car is one way to kill a rival that no other director has thought of yet.This movie isn't for everyone, but it will entertain if this genre is your thing.
Excruciating. Torture. Sheer agony. This is one of those movies that has acquired a reputation as a "classic." If Mark Twain's dictum that a classic is a book that people praise but don't read applies to films, then this is truly a classic. No one who has the patience to sit through this painfully unfunny movie could possibly think of it as a classic. Henry Fonda, the most overrated actor in American cinema, shows that he has absolutely no flair for comedy. Barbara Stanwyck is rather more fortunate, but she is trapped is a script by the alleged genius Preston Sturges that just goes on and on and on and on, piling unfunny moment on top of unfunny moment, until the whole tedious mix collapses under its own weight. Do not see this movie. Avoid it like the plague. I sat through it no less than three times in various film classes in college. Finally the teachers had to withdraw it from circulation because students hated the damn thing so much. This is worse than not funny. It is downright unfunny.
Miss you Heath Love this movie. My 9th graders love it, too. Perfect for Renaissance, Romeo and Juliet, and poetry units.
Wonderful show, awful DVDs Huge fan of the show, and it's so sad to see corrupted disks and episodes that are artifacted and difficult to watch. Again, love the show, just hate the build quality of these DVDs.
Love Martin Clunes! This series is great, for anglophiles and the rest, too. The characters are all lovable but make you roll your eyes at the same time.
Enter a new world I remember watching this movie in college (1974), I'd never seen much of the outback, this movie transported me to a raw almost sinister enviroment, were death and life were always present. worth a viewing, you'll want to own it.Jenny Agutter: she also was a star in Logan's Run opposite Micheal York.David Gulpilil: this outback native should be familiar to all, from Crocodile Dundee. And bumbling Walley was the suicidal father in Walkabout. There is a lot of familiarity in the cast.
AWESOME movie Truly inspiration movie, I bought several for my family and friends. The kid in this movie really has some pipes !
Yeah, well, the English subtitles don't work on my discs either. I see another viewer mentioning this but most are not. I'd give this 4 stars if the subtitles worked (not 5 because the dubbed print of Rodan is visually god-awful regardless). War of the Gargantuas looks great, however.
Great movie, I really enjoyed it !!! Great movie, I really enjoyed it !!!It's the type of movie, you can watchrepeatedly, and enjoy it every time.It's a must have in anyone's dvd collection.
As bad as I expected, though to Smith's credit, in entirely different ways. Red State (Kevin Smith, 2011)So I finally saw Red State, Kevin Smith's controversial thriller that combines the Fred Phelps cult with the Waco disaster, and I have come to the exact conclusion I expected to: Kevin Smith is as incompetent at making thrillers as he is at making comedies. It's a terrible, terrible movie, which I was expecting--but I will admit, I wasn't expecting it to be terrible in the ways in which it is.Plot: a crazy-wingnut religious group in Texas, known worldwide for protesting at the funerals of homosexuals (sound familiar?), entraps three youngsters (Sky High`s Michael Angarano, The Perks of Being a Wallflower`s Nicholas Braun, and The Haunting in Connecticut`s Kyle Gallner) with the promise of wild, uninhibited antics with an older woman. This, plus a coincidental sideswipe-and-run accident involving the sheriff of the podunk town where the church has its headquarters), brings the attention of the law on the church's compound, and within hours, the sheriff (No Country for Old Men`s Stephen Root) and a CIA task force headed by Special Agent Joseph Keenan (John Goodman) are parked outside the compound, just waiting for something to happen. And oh, does something happen...I was going to say "let's begin with the script", but in all honesty, every shortcoming this movie has both begins and ends with the script, which is ludicrous. Now, if you follow my reviews at all, you will know that I am not normally the kind of guy that's going to get on a script for gratuitous anything (come on, I'm the guy trying to make the case that porn films should be reviewed just like everything else!), but the amount of profanity in the first five minutes of this script is about the same as one would get in the entire script of most R-rated films. And, SPOILER ALERT: it never cleans up, nice or otherwise. Come on, folks, there's a point at which you go beyond "gritty realism" and into the land of "utterly ridiculous." (There's a great, great scene in Chris Smith's American Movie where a couple of actors are rehearsing a scene and Mark Borchardt steps in to show them how he thinks it should be done that's been my benchmark for this sort of thing since 1999. Mark Borchardt could have easily written this script...)Now, pile on top of this a number of long, talky, entirely unnecessary scenes that seem to have been added for the sole purpose of bulking this out into feature-length territory. The first scene inside the church itself, where ultra-bad-guy Abin Cooper (Kill Bill`s Michael Parks) is sermonizing to his flock, goes on at least five minutes longer than it should (and feels like it goes on at least a half-hour more than that). I'm almost willing to cut the movie some slack for its final sequence, which is another completely unnecessary bit (save that it explains the literal deus ex machina in the climax... but the fact that there is a deus ex machina, and that it needs explained afterwards, is a weakness in itself that no filmmaker who has gone beyond Film 101 should be indulging in), because it affords one of the cast's excellent actors--can't tell you who, that's a spoiler--to not only show he still has chops, but that in the hierarchy of really-damned-good actors in this flick, he's still at the top of the food chain, thankyouverymuch. But all the rest of them should have been left on the cutting-room floor. This is a thriller, Mr. Smith. Worse yet, it was originally billed as a horror film. Thankfully, your marketing department saved your behind on that one before it got released...There are a lot of people here in front of the camera who are very good at what they do. Unfortunately, they are continually sabotaged while attempting to do their best with it. The result is a paceless, plotless mess that I wish I could say could only have been made by Kevin Smith. Unfortunately... *
Honestly exploring the limits of science and morality "Kinsey" celebrates the life and work of Alfred Kinsey -- and obscure gall wasp researcher turned sex scientist. Kinsey, son of a puritanical and emotionally abusive minister, is shown struggling with the inaccuracy of information about sex in the first half of the 20th century. In his day, sexual expression outside of marriage, as well as non-procreative sex within marriage, were considered immoral, even though widely practiced. Illicit sex was burdened by guilt, and discouraged by lurid (mostly false) tales of the horrible consequences of engaging in it: blindness, infertility, madness and disease. The film shows Dr. Kinsey attempting to learn the truth about sex and communicate it first to his students, and finally to the entire world via his landmark studies on male and female sexuality.The film is very frank about its subjects and very graphic visually. Kinsey (portrayed marvelously by Liam Neeson) is a scientific hero, battling forces of ignorance and mediocrity. He is also rather naive emotionally, unable to perceive the emotional, moral and spiritual facets of sexuality. His wife Clara (Laura Linney -- great job!) is his able and open partner, encouraging his research and suffering the toll of Kinsey's sexual experimentation using himself as a subject. Kinsey's research staff, the first subjects of his "sex histories," lack Kinsey's self-restraint about sex, and confuse crudely sexual speech with frankness about the subject."Kinsey" is a thought-provoking, even a disturbing film. It shows that science is not simply a broom that sweeps clean, but leaves a long-lasting choking cloud of dust, even as it clears old and grime-encrusted rooms. "Kinsey" rightly exalts the scientific method, but I am pleased that it also shows its limits. Science can count things very well -- the number of homosexuals in a community; the prevalence of various sexual behaviors -- but it can't tell us which are morally correct, and in which contexts. "Kinsey" is a bold, honest movie about a subject that continues to perplex us.
Nothing but a garbage Sorry, But I really can't understand those who gave 2 ~ 5 stars on this dvdThe picture quality and everything is just nothing but a garbage to me.The Steve Reeves Collection
This could have been a good movie. Great concept, very good cast.. timely story.. but I couldn't get through it.It's strange.. some movies have lots of foul language and other heavy content, yet are still very good. For example, Quentin Tarantino can write a script loaded with profanity, yet the script is still brilliant.But, in other cases, lots of profanity just seems like very lazy writing. It is extremely easy to fill a script with almost nothing but four-letter words.Such is the case here. A zillion f-bombs within the first half hour. Practically nothing else being said. That's it, I'm done. This could have been a good movie.
Love it!!! I love this show!! The characters are beautiful and talented. Shane is my favorite!! The story lines are all very interesting.
Best Drama Series Ever If you have not yet experienced the pleasures of the L Word, do yourself a favour and grab this DVD set (actually start with season 1) and lock yourself away for an entire week end in your bedroom. Turn off your mobile phone and lock all your doors, you will not be disappointed.
Homeland First Season This would be a very good series if there was not so much nudity and profanity. I watched a couple of the discs but could not continue because it was not enjoyable with all the bad stuff.
CAUTION: This show is highly addictive! I hadn't watched one episode during the season; didn't even know what the premise was until I heard the promos in Blockbuster. Then I thought I'd try it out. I rented disc 1. Then I raced back for disc 2. They were out of disc 2 FOR A WEEK! I was going through SERIOUS withdrawal before I finally got hold of disc 2. I watched about half of the series on my portable DVD player on the plane. I was so hooked that at one point I was hurrying to set up so I could watch the end of an episode at a pay phone in O' Hare airport between flights! This isn't like the complete season of "Friends", or "SG-1", or even "The Sopranos". It's more like a 6 disc, 24 part, 18 hour MOVIE. You can't just stop in the middle.
Seriously tedious I only lasted an hour - possibly one of the most boring films I've ever seen. Maybe it gets better...? But life is too short to waste on this drudgery.
Not as bad as they say. Gigli isn't as bad as they say. In fact it's not really bad for a third wheel romantic comedy, where the lady is an angry lesbian and the third wheel is a retarded guy
Hilarious! I bought this DVD after seeing Southern Fried Chicks on Comedy central. I laughed so hard I cried. I'm a southern chick myself and had to own this DVD after watching it. I also bought one for my mom as a gift and she really loved it. I would definitely recommend this product.
Gentleman's Agreement: A Noble But Failed Attempt at Social Commentary I give this 20th Century Fox DVD issue of Gentleman's Agreement 2 stars. One star is for the DVD quality, which I found excellent -- a clean, sharp black and white high quality print with good sound. The second star is for Celeste Holm's performance, which is the standout performance of the movie.The plot has been described in great detail in other reviews, so I will not repeat it. What I want to do here is to warn people not to purchase this movie until they have seen it. Gentleman's Agreement tackles the social issue of anti-Semitism, which is a noble undertaking, but it bites off more than it can chew. I have seen all but a few of Gregory Peck's films, and this is his weakest performance ever. In fact, Gregory Peck was one of the all-time great actors, and I have never seen him give anything other than a first-rate performance until I watched Gentleman's Agreement. In this movie he seems very uncomfortable with his character, and his performance is forced and wooden. His character is supposed to be engaged in the noble fight against anti-Semitism, yet he makes his character unlikable. Peck plays his character as preachy, self-righteous and self-serving, even pompous at times. It's difficult for the viewer to develop a sympathy with the character. Early in the movie Peck's character starts to become as ponderous as the anti-semitic characters, which I doubt was the intention of the director. It doesn't help that the plot and dialogue handle the subject in an awkward manner, devoid of anything clever and intelligent. Celeste Holm is the exception. Always a great actress, her performance here is first-rate, and she makes her character interesting, honest, sympathetic and likable. John Garfield's performance is good, but not on a par with his best, and again, I think that has to do with the stiff and predictable plot and script. Dean Stockwell does a very competent job at playing Peck's son. Dorothy McGuire's performance as Peck's love interest has been harshly criticized by many other reviewers. I'm not sure it was a weak performance. I think she may be playing the character exactly as the director intended. It's just that her character is not very likable. And the fact that her unlikable character is Peck's love interest instead of Celeste Holm's lovable character may be a weakness in the script that ultimately pulls down the movie and damages its believability.Another problem with Gentleman's Agreement is that it drags. It is boring and ponderous. Even Celeste Holm's great performance does not add enough spark and sparkle to this drab film to save it from being a snoozer. About 1/3 into the film you start to wish they would just get on with it and get to the end. Too many points are repeatedly rehashed and beaten into the ground long after the viewer has gotten them.There also appears to me to be an additional problem: The movie seems to exaggerate the degree of anti-Semitism in order to play on the viewers emotions, thereby reducing much of the movie to melodrama. Granted, the movie was made in 1947 and I was not born until 1949, so I may have missed the intensity of the problem at the time the movie was made. But growing up shortly after that period in the 1950's I did not witness such rampant anti-semitism in practice. I lived in a suburban community and had Jewish neighbors. I swam at a swimming club with jewish friends. I went to school with Jewish kids. My father worked with Jews. Yes, I am non-Jewish, and surely I would have felt it more directly if I were Jewish. But the fact that I was not able to observe any descrimination that was as obvious and rampant as that depicted in the movie leads me to believe that the movie overplays its hand. The movie implies that Jews were routinely denied jobs and housing, and were routinely refused service in hotels and restaurants merely because they had a Jewish name or looked Jewish. The movie appears to exaggerate the problem, even for 1947.I want to be fair to this movie. Therefore, I encourage people to view it and decide for themselves. My criticism here is merely intended to serve as a helpful warning to those who are thinking of purchasing a copy sight-unseen. I made that mistake and am now sorry. It's a worthwhile movie for one-time viewing, but not good enough to keep in my permanent video library. So my recommendation is to find an inexpensive way to view it before you decide to purchase it. I hope this review is helpful to the perspective buyer.
Charming, a little like an Eric Rohmer film--only in English Suburban Girl reminds me a bit of Eric Rohmer films of the 70s and 80s and other French films that takes time exploring a relationship. The characters are so well played by Sarah Michelle Gellar and Alec Baldwin that you can well imagine their lives will go on after the story ends; the young woman and the older man warmly recalling their love and of lessons learned.Suburban Girl is so much better than the huge amount of drek in the cinema right now! If this is the fate of small, charming movies than I would highly recommend staying at home and buying/renting old Erich Rohmer, Claude LaLouche movies or if you don't care for subtitles than Howard Hawkes, Preston Sturges and the like.
Not Much Here.. Hands down, the worst ghost documentary. Nothing here but 'orbs' and badly told tales of hauntings by people with less than half a brain. Plus most of the orbs are obvious camera flares.In short, nothing more here than an author filming locations in their hometown, which they abruptly claim is the scariest. PLEASE AVOID AT ALL COSTS
A below average love film, a disappointing Blu I was initially pleased to see Nia Vardalos branch out into writing and directing to hopefully get out of the typecast customers see her in now, but this film was a setback more than anything else.This New York story follows a floral shop owner (Vardalos) who has a set of lame rules that disallow her dating life to go beyond a few outings with each man. Corbett's character is the new business owner who opens a restaurant near her shop. Dating ensues, as does a plethora of cliches, bad writing, unlikeable characters and awkward moments. The Blu clarity is average to poor depending on the camera, with the colors showing a bit of oversaturation throughout. The only extra on the BD (a commentary) provided some insight as to how some of the footage resulted in such a poor transfer (they were unintentionally admitting why). The worst part about this commentary (Nia and some crew) was them stating how proud they were of so many things about this film, including how they managed to keep the crew out of the window reflections; when in fact there were entire sequences where the camera crew, script reader, boom guy, bystanders, etc. are all obvious. They also mentioned how they used stock footage fromGhost Town [Blu-ray] for some of the exteriors (can be a real distraction while watching a film when the clarity drastically changes from scene to scene), and various other exteriors look as if they were downscaled with there being so much grain and distortion. Corbett does fine but the supporting cast is painful and not fun to watch.The sound is a low grade 5.1, subtitled in English and Spanish, region coded A. Overall, not worth the time in Blu, and watching the film will most likely be mandatory for a few sufferers this Valentine's week, so the best recommendation I could come up with is maybe a rental.
Watch "For Richer or Poorer" instead "The Morgans" was a dreadful and highly annoying film that never figured out what kind of movie it wanted to be or what tone it wanted to adopt. The plot of the estranged couple forced into hiding in an unfamiliar rural culture was done much better in the 1997 "For Richer or Poorer" (starring Tim Allen and Kirstie Allen), an amusing and entertaining film perfect for that rainy Sunday afternoon. I barely got through my time spent with "The Morgans," and my family members all fell asleep.
I liked it This film does what no other sequel has done: it comes right out and TELLS you, right off the bat, that the first movie was a work of fiction, and that the second movie was a "dramatization" of the events that happened following the release of the first one. In other words, BOS is a very subtle satire on the films that get made to cash in on national phenomena, and I find that very clever. It also stands up on its own terms. Sort of. Anyway, the movie has a sort of nested irony that I enjoyed, as well as a few genuinely scary moments. The DVD also has the complete soundtrack on the other side! Very clever.
Physically Painful to Watch Boy is this thing one of the worst films I have ever seen. I know and accept that a Jackie Chan movie doesn't care much about its story or characters, and using only a thin plot as an excuse to showcase his near superhuman acrobatic and comedic combat skills. However, this film, especially in the early going, is so lifeless and unexciting that it nearly resembles a funeral procession. There is none of that patented Jackie Chan energy and joy anywhere to be found, and he seems to be just going through the motions of movie making. It can't even work as a background distraction and merely annoys with its complete blandness. Worst of all none of the stuntworks were choreographed or filmed with even an ounce of creativity, and simply relegates Jackie to scale tall objects of various types. This is where an infantile script and failed comedy bits come together to murder the film. It's so bad I actually developed chest pains watching it, and I can't say that about too many films. Frankly Jackie deserves better, but perhaps it's a sign for him to retire. The only saving grace is the delicious presence of female lead Claire Forlani, who is perfection personified. Though that illusion works better with the activation of the mute button. I will still take two of her please. Where was I? Yeah, Jackie, hire me to work on your scripts, at least the thing would be watchable without causing any physical harm to your loving worldwide audience.
Glimpse under the skirt of this soon to be cult classic... This CD contains some of my favorite episodes of the show.Some didn't like the commentary, but I think it adds some real insight into the genius of the guys who made this show...enjoy...
Too late for me, but save yourself. Being a chessplayer (more or less) I will watch any movie that touches on the subject. Of course, I expect most of them to get it wrong and in that I am rarely disappointed. That doesn't mean these movies can't be entirely watchable and even enjoyable like "Revolver" or on the lower end "Hatley High" which is only intermittently excruciating. However, I was unable to watch more than half of "Checkmate". I became increasingly disgusted with the writer(s) and embarrassed for the actors. Ridiculous without being funny. Stupid, and demeaning for all involved. This is an ugly mugging that you'll wish you hadn't witnessed.
One of the best buddy-cop films made. This really is an underrated classic. Hines and Crystal are superb and their chemistry made me wonder why they never appeared together after this. The script is loaded with excellent comedy touches, but the film also satisfies in the action department. Superb.
No Screenplay This movie is supposed to be a look at young love that is fraught with the difficulty of extreme distance. Unfortunately, the director seems proud of the fact that there wasn't a screenplay, claiming that should be obvious to the viewer. Unfortunately, it IS obvious to the viewer. The idea for this movie is an excellent one, but in practice, without the crafting of a clever writer, the acting falls short. We see Anna, early on, decide to ignore the ending of her student visa. Without context (and not enough is given), she just seems to be a stupid, foolish girl making a rash decision, even though she seemed to be quite aware beforehand that she needed to return to England once her visa expired. When the couple is ripped apart, I lacked sympathy for either of them. Later one, when married, they each find someone new and nearby. Jacob finds Sam, a girl who works for him and obviously adores him. Anna finds her neighbor Simon, a dashing but controlling man who loves the woman Anna has turned into while they are dating.The only redeeming quality I found in this movie was Anna's parents. Both veteran actors, they played their parts brilliantly. They were clever, fun, and always watching their daughter attempting to discern where her true happiness could be found. Unfortunately, Jacob and Anna ruined the movie, and the fault here lies with the director, not directing enough, and not hiring a screenwriter to give these young actors the voices they so desperately needed. I was excited to see this movie, but now I would tell everyone to skip it.
Traditional Sci_Fi I wanted to see this in the movie theater, but lacked the chance.I believe it is performed in the truest sense of Science Fiction.I find it compareable to "War of the Worlds" or "The Time Machine" done by H.G. Wells.This is not - "Die Hard", or "Alien".This was not meant to be an ultra action film. More of a "what if...".The effects are good, acting is good. Plot is plausible, in the situation as it was presented.The Science behind the sci-fi was equally good. Electric fields and Faraday cages are plausable as well.So, I also consider it a thinking type of Sci-fi.The ending wasa wraped up too quickly - thus the 4 stars.Sequel doubtful.Overall - good, and better than most B-flicks.
Fantastic Screenplay and Film "Baby Doll" (1956) was not just way ahead of its time. Somehow Elia Kazan managed to make and release what is arguably the most erotic film of all time to a Hollywood and a country more uptight and restrictive than at any point in cinema history.Even more remarkable is that this clichéd story, in the tried and true Southern Gothic genre, actually transcends its medium (film); visually fusing Tennessee Williams' literary themes and the assorted malignancies of southern history into an allegorical dramatization of Southern decadence and self-victimization.Southerners whine endlessly about their historical victimization but rarely exhibit the insight to put it all into perspective. Putting this self-indulgence and self-destruction into perspective was what Williams was all about and he deliciously condenses his recurring themes into this screenplay. Kazan was more collaborator than director; he understood what Williams felt and he knew how to make viewers feel the same things.The story is all about the invasion of personal space. In the south this meant foreigners (from the North and from Europe) coming into their land and out-competing them. The invaders were more lean and hungry than the natives. They were less self-indulgent and more willing to invest for the distant future. The natives were all about conspicuous consumption and short-term comfort.Even when forced to take a longer term perspective; Archie Lee (Karl Malden) has promised to restrain himself and defer the deflowering of Baby Doll (Carroll Baker) until her 20th birthday; the southerner impatiently fritters away the opportunity to spend his time productively. Then he finds that when the fruit finally ripens it is snatched away by a hungry opportunist.What to watch for in "Baby Doll" is the routine violation of personal space. In the claustrophobic mansion the characters have no personal privacy. It gets even worse with the invasion of Silva Vacarro (Eli Wallach); the characters are routinely in each other's faces and the camera captures it all with increasingly tight shots. Baby Doll herself is not your standard movie nymphet coming onto an older man. Once Vacarro has taken her measure, he assaults her in almost every scene, aggressively moving into her personal space as he hungrily pursues his prize.And like the aggressive Northern invaders, Vacarro's single-minded focus and pursuit of a goal soon overwhelms Archie; despite the fact that Archie enjoys the home field advantage and does not play fair, symbolized by the local Marshall who makes it clear to Vacarro that the law will not be applied equally.One scene that I particularly liked was when Aunt Rose (Mildred Dunnock) gives it right back to Archie at the dinner table. She has been living precariously under his roof up to this point. When he attempts to snatch away her safety she summons the dignity to stand up to him; and the camera gets tight on her face as she claims a bit more of his space.Then again, what do I know? I'm only a child.
All trick no treat The Pumpkin Karver starts out with an interesting premise. Two actors who can't possibly be related (attractive but not particularly good actress Amy Weber and mopey Michael Zara) play the Stark kids, their lives forever changed on Halloween night. It seems Lynn (Weber) has a very poor taste in boyfriends (David J. Wright as Alec). He's one of those hyper-offensive jerks that's so ridiculous you can't imagine him surviving for very long in the real world. But never you mind, because this is a slasher film, and Pumpkin Karver puts neon flashing lights around those of weak moral character so we know they're going to die.And die Alec does. The twist here is that he dresses up as a pumpkin-faced killer (see the connection?) and assaults poor Lynn. Convinced she's in danger, Jonathan (Zara) stabs Alec to death. What was supposed to be a prank turns into a terrible tragedy. There's something to be said for mimicking Terror Train. It's what Pumpkin Karver does with it that matters.Continuing the too-stupid-to-live trend, the Stark kids go on a trip to a town named Carver known for its pumpkin carving - because it makes perfect sense to go to a Halloween party surrounded by knives on the anniversary of your sister's boyfriend's murder.And so we have a cavalcade for cretins, all there to die for our amusement. The difference is that in Pumpkin Karver the actors all seem to be trying to outdo each other by chewing as much scenery as possible. There's the drunken frat boys who are so ridiculously focused on getting high that they make Shaggy look tame, so they of course deserve to die; the hot chicks who shamelessly tease boys but slap them just when things are about to get R-rated, so they of course deserve to die; the fat guy who's funny but secretly lusts for the Final Girl, so he deserves to die; and the psychotic ex-boyfriend of the love interest who isn't above physically assaulting her, so...you get the idea. In short, there's not a single redeeming character here, including the love interest who switches boyfriends at the drop of a pumpkin.Unfortunately, director Robert Mann isn't really sure what to do with his slasher. There's no room for another generic killer that hasn't already been covered by Voorhees or Myers, so new kids on the block need to have a shtick. If your killer's specialty is to carve people's faces up like pumpkins, then he'd better do just that.The Karver doesn't do that though. Instead, he shows up as a nightmare sequence, skewers and beheads people, shoots lightning bolts out of his eyes, and otherwise tries to be really spooky without sticking to what he does best. There's also an old man thrown in for good measure who makes a half-hearted attempt to connect Jonathan's father with a tradition of carving pumpkins.Oh right, the whole pumpkin carving thing. What that has to do with the price of a gourd is a mystery, but Old Man Wickets (Terrence Evans) is there to remind us that this movie has a theme tied to Halloween. This is a movie that was hoping you'd watch it on Halloween.Notice I didn't write "rent it." Pumpkin Karver really commits to trying to scare you, complete with the villain showing up during the credits and reminding you how scary it will be when you walk to the parking lot. Unfortunately the killer is kind of a moron. He's much scarier with his mask on.And that's the thing about Pumpkin Karver. When the mask is torn off, it's just another lame attempt to cash in on Halloween moviegoers. It's less concerned about having a coherent plot and more concerned with teenagers connecting the movie to a date. This trick works precisely once, and now that Pumpkin Karver is on video it's no treat.
I thought Grade B movies went out in the 1940's This was a very sad excuse for a horror story or even an entertaining movie, During the 1930's and 40's a whole bunch of low buget so called horror movies were made, they were terrible but in an era without TV kids enjoyed them. Today with some real entertaining movies out there this fails to meet even the Grade B's of yester year
Great Movie, poor quality I always loved this picture. Joe is a great actor in my opinion. Ann has always been my favorite sex symbol. I am not sure why the quality of the picture is so poor. This was filmed in 1970 and it looks like a home move shot on 9 mm. If only someone could enhance this and find the missing scenes. There are a number of scenes that are cut from this film. It almost looks like the manufacturer set a video camera in front of a television and filmed an edited version. Many of the initial scenes are too dark to see.
Season to Bewitch At the time I saw the promos for this film in theatres, I tried to make it out, but I was busy. After seeing the DVD, that is a definite regret. This film delivers with the supernatural as well as the action. Both the Leads ( Cage and Perlman) make the film a great watch and far from a B grade film. The CGI work adds to the story in all respects, and delivers an appropriate amount of shivers.The sound design supplements the ambience, and at points, the Eerie feel is just great. Very definitely a good scare and if you are familiar with some period occult lore, this will give you plenty of thought in the mythos. In that respect, The deleted scenes are almost totally uncalled for, since all the deleted scenes added to all the key characters in great detail. The final scenes are the biggestpayoff and are hugely chilling; I just loved what happened, and would encourage anyone who loves nuanced style in Supernatural scares to watch a very good work.Its hrd to make any comment about the film without giving away key plot points, since the film is so well and tightly crafted, but suffice to say ... Do not Be deceived !!!
No horror flick ever comes close to this one! I saw this movie when I was only 7 years old. It scared me so bad I still can't watch this movie alone...and horror flicks never seem to bother me!!
This movie doesn't make the grade My Teacher's Wife had light moments, but nothing brilliant. Serious moments were never truly worrisome because its characters evoked little interest or empathy (an exception was the central character's father, played by Jeffrey Tambor). The background music was jarring, several animation shorts were simply bizarre, and its ending was ambiguous. The only reasons I gave it an extra star were the photogenic settings and the cinematography that captured them.This movie's biggest defect by far was its script. Not one memorable line in the entire screenplay, despite the attentions of four crew members whose job titles indicate they were paid to deal with the script specifically. Light moments should have sparkled; the internet bubbles with jokes and humorous incidents related to Cougars (easily applicable to tutors).Another issue Teacher's had were numerous scenes in which the characters just reeled off their lines with little else happening. Life is like that, but watching it onscreen is boring, especially after a dozen times or so. It can't be that hard to figure out something interesting for characters to do. Examples of how this can be accomplished abound in the last film I watched:InsiangAs for that ambiguous ending - without giving it away, I can say that a far more provocative and satisfying conclusion could easily have been achieved from what had transpired up to that point. No stretching of credulity required.Long to short: Pretty but vapid adequately describes My Teacher's Wife.
worth watching This was funny. I really like the the commercials are removed. I've seen many of these before but still enjoy them.
ACTOR IS BORN !!! Two thumbs up for this great up-coming classic. Leo was great and so was scene stealer James Madio along with Mark Wahlberg. I think James Madio Has Risen...Looking forward to watching his career. Movie holds you till the very end.
A title for your review. Return of the Living Dead may be one of those movies that I rate higher then it deserves, probably because I saw it as a kid and loved it. The original ROTLD had me on the edge of my seat, but I was no fan of the ending, but this one here, I can honestly say, out of all of the 5 ROTLD movies, this is the only one that has a satisfying ending.This one kicks off with the Army moving canisters of the toxic gas, as seen in the first movie, that when exposed to dead things that where alive, like humans, they reanimate and return from the dead... or if exposed to the living people, it makes you very sick till you die and become a zombie yourself. One of the canisters being transported falls off the back of one of the army trucks, and is eventually discovered by 3 young boys, 2 of which will not leave it alone and you can guess they are the ones responsible for the gas to be leaked out into the public, which just happens to be conveniently located next to the towns cemetery. Much like the first one, it's about the people trying to survive a zombie outbreak... will they make it or not? Well if you haven't seen the movie you will have to find out for yourself.I really like this movie better then the first one. Sure, Tarman looked better in the first, and a few ideas had there moment, but the acting in this one surpassed the original in most actors case here. The first one had some over the top acting and guys who really needed acting school, and sure, someone will slam with a negative rating for saying it, but if you really ask yourself, and be honest, you know the acting in the first one was not that great. Even tho this sequel is meant to be more funnier, the acting I feel is a lot better and so the characters to not become as annoying in the end.These movies contain some pretty good effects. Another Tarman-like creature rises from the toxin barrel, and a few homages to the original movie appear along the way, even getting 2 or 3 cast members of the first film to return playing different characters... yet, much the same characters in ways. That fact confused some people when watching this film, as they wondered if they where the same character and if this was meant to be a prequel? But no, it is not, I guess the filmamkers felt they should have some returning actors from the first one to get fan interest in going to see it.On this DVD many people are complaining that the original score has been replaced... really, it's only as few songs here and there that the company who made this must not have gotten the copyrights to again to release them on this DVD. But hey, I don't see those complaining about it complaining that the first one suffered the same fate and it's had songs changed and voices re-recorded. I'm not 100% positive, but I think the region 2 (UK) and Region 4 (Australia) versions have not been altered. I managed to get a download version of the original release, and honestly, I didn't hear any difference, and mine is region 4. Don't quote me on it tho, I didn't bother to analyze every second of the film.Bonus features include an audio commentary and a trailer. For better bonus content, check out "More Brains! A Return to the Living Dead"
looks good i cant want in tell the movie comes out i saw the trailer and it looks great. the trailer did not show much but they should vicky. vicky is the bad guy on it not mr crocker. and it showed timmy wen he is a adult. the movie looks great i am going to buy thr dvd wen it comes out hopfully it is as good as there first movie i think it well be better. watch it.
There's no better reality show Spurlock has brought new meaning to reality shows. Constructive, insightful, inspirational, educational, and entertaining, these very interesting journeys had me hooked for 6 hours straight. Just think what you could do with your own life in 30 days! Should be emmy nominated; it's that good. Brilliant.
Realism It's like reading a Nineteenth Century novel, but in the form of a series. Very well executed and acted. Check it out.
We fast forwarded to the end! We were glad we didn't see this in the theatre because we wouldn't have been able to fast forward. We expected it to be smart and funny, but we were bored to sleep. Disappointing!
I couldn't open the link It took more than 2 hours and couldn't open the link. I had to watch the episode for my class so I wasted my money and time.
A surprisingly refreshing, witty shlock horror Despite hearing bundles of praise for "Slither" I was on-the-fence about renting it. The thing is, it's one of those genre-bending horror-comedy flicks and I find those too contrived and cheeky to like. The only one coming to mind at all being Eli Roth's "Cabin Fever" -- which I'd recommend to fans of "Slither"."Slither" impressed me completely. I found myself cringing at the (top-notch) effects and laughing at many of the deftly-executed jokes throughout. For me this movie succeeded in its two objectives -- grossing me out and making me chuckle. And what more could I ask for?In order to appreciate this you need to have an open mind while viewing. Don't watch set out to deliberatly not laugh or else the hilarity of the movie will be in vain. Don't watch and expect nightmare-inducing images of horror because this movie is not like that -- it's a pure splatterfest. Never did I feel scared but the awesome gore and flawless creature design were admirable and nasty (aka *NOT* a CGI free-for-all a la "The Midnight Meat Train").Every character you encounter from the major to the minor is perfect. They're all 100% genuine and could easily exist among us. We have no He-Men or Wonder Women who can have their arm torn from its socket and four rounds embedded in their chests and still pummel the baddies.While on the topic of characters I MUST mention Gregg Henry (who played Mayor Jack MacReady). He is comedic gold and is quite possibly the most quotable dude in cinema history. His role made the movie for me (well, that may be a stretch...) and I need to commit some of his one-liners to memory to use day-to-day. In any other movie the lines would've been pure cheese and killed the feel, but the timing of the comedy is brilliant.Most horror-comedy crossovers have an atrocious story with trite ideas and try to force snickers out of you with sheer ridiculousness alone, but not "Slither". This had a feasible plot with clever ideas (though it may have borrowed a thing or two from creature-feature heavy-weight "Alien") and if it wasn't such a riot it would've made a damn fine alien invasion flick.An 80's horror throwback, a knot-inducing riot, and a splatterfest like no other, I have nothing negative to say about "Slither". Hopefully this week I'll track down a copy to buy so it can snake its way into my horror collection.9/10
"The Dark Knight and "Watchmen" have raised the bar. Dreck like "Wolverine" just won't cut it anymore Now that we know how good big-budget movies can be that are based on comic book material... it is more than just a tad disappointing to see the filmmakers behind X-Men Origins: Wolverine still resort to such astounding bad taste and lack of ambition. This is one of those "it's all about the money folks" type of deals. The producers know that no matter how bad a particular product will be, there will be hordes of consumers ready and willing to give up their greenbacks to satisfy their appetite for cheap entertainment. Well, it was expensive for the filmmakers at least. [...]Perhaps I'm being too harsh, judging this flick against The Dark Knight and Watchmen is bad form. Wolverine should be judged against the X-Men flicks, all of which are far more variable in quality than Dark Knight or Watchmen. But even against the X-Men movies, Wolverine fails handily. In the X-Men trilogy, Wolverine was strangely the main character even though he had no right to be. He is not leader of the X-Men, he is an outsider but he was always taking up most of the screentime because he's the most popular and in films full of fantastical superpowers, he was the only identifiable character for the audience.Ok then, audiences want the focus on Wolverine, give them a spin-off. So in this Wolverine origin movie we should rightfully get the spotlight almost exclusively on Logan and instead much screentime is wasted parading a whole gaggle of extras when it should just have Sabretooth as the main villain and that's it. We don't need an extra dozen characters! Perhaps the most offensive character in the film was this movie version of Deadpool which had almost nothing to do with the real Deadpool. When I was a kid, Deadpool was my favorite Marvel character, well him and Wolverine that is. Hearing that Deadpool would make a big appearance in this film I looked forward to it all the while knowing that Hollywood would screw it up big time and screw up they have! Casting Ryan Reynolds was mistake number one but fine, give the actor a chance. But why does Deadpool look like some reject version of Baraka from the Mortal Kombat videogame series when Deadpool in the comic has one of the sharpest, flashiest designs in the Marvel universe?The insipid blandness of this whole movie just irks me. The chase scenes and action were all second-rate. The helicopter attack with the blades was one of the few genuine fun moments of the movie. The climactic battle scene on Three Mile Island was a case of we've seen this a million times before. The movie was still a blockbuster, made plenty of money but not enough I think to warrant another Wolverine film. Time to retire this franchise. I'm still up for a standalone Deadpool movie, provided that it has nothing to do with this travesty.
love it! my 5 year old loves all of the madagascar moies! this is a must for every kid especially 4-10 range!
(3.5 STARS) Solid and Entertaining B-Thriller Three travelers taking a fishing tour are left in the midst of mangrove swamps of Northern Australia. There is no one to guide them back to the town. The cell phone is dead. No one is likely to come where they are stranded. And somewhere in the muddy water a huge crocodile is hiding, waiting for the chance to eat them one by one."Black Water" is a solid B-suspense movie. Unlike other killer animal thrillers like "Alligator" (1980), "Black Water" employs a more realistic approach to tell the story of three hapless travelers and one deadly croc, cleverly using the swamp as the backdrop. Obviously this Australian film was shot with a minimal budget, but the film's atmospheric photography is impressive enough to make us believe the presence of the lurking danger. Sometimes cheap special effects ruin the film in this kind of low budget suspense films, but this doesn't happen in "Black Water."The film claims it is "based on true events" (I don't know anything about the events the film refers to), but actually the storyline of "Black Water" is pretty familiar to the fans of the genre. Don't get me wrong. This is not to say the film is bad. The acting is very good, and the film's direction is steady and solid, but honestly, the story after the first croc attack is not very surprising. Also, some of the dialogues delivered on a tree are just unnecessary..There are many suspense films featuring wild animals attacking humans and "Jaws" always comes top of the list. "Black Water" may not be as thrilling as Spielberg's classic, but it is still entertaining.
Awfull!, This was a very bad movie, I wouldn't recommend to anyone. The story line was poor , the actors were not convincing,was waste of time
A Mighty Miss Too much missing here, too much of the folk scene ignored, too many opportunities for conflict passed over. All in all it's a rather boring movie, but not quite as boring as its website.For us, Guest and Levy missed the essentials of the folk scene with it's ego-driven characters, its groupies, it's drugs, and it's battles between the traditionalists and the new folkies who were writing their own songs. As far as this movie is concerned, those things never happened, and the characters here had no visible lives between their folk days and their reunion days. Pretty bland.Can't recommend this one to anyone.
Kinda funny but pretty racist There were some funny moments in the movie but if the roles were reversed the black community would be in uproar. If it was making fun of black kids taking the SAT instead of white people boxing it would be deemed racist. I guess it's not even so much the boxing angle but how white people are portrayed. You have Corbin Bernson (whatever) doing his sissy act from Major League 2, Jeff Goldblum as the nerd, the boxer is just a clueless foolio, and Jon Lovitz is well, Jon Lovitz. The thing is I wouldn't even care if there wasn't such a double standard. It's just the fact that racism is okay if it's against whites that bothers me.
Didn't generate much interest in whatever did happen to Reeves This movie portrays Steve Reeves in the worst possible light. A man of limited talent who was not above mixing with the most transparently crude people in order to further a career that never went very far anyway.Apparently there is some truth in the treatment of the man. Ben Affleck played him in a very stiff manner, and I had to wonder if this was what Reeves was actually like. The studio exec, Bob Hoskins, was credible in all but his relationship to his wife. That he allowed, and apparently encouraged her liaisons, didn't ring true. Brody, as the detective investigating Reeves' death, appeared credible, and was not as obnoxious as some of the other characters in the movie. I imagine that his character was the one we were to sympathize with . . there was no one else of interest in the movie as far as I was concerned.The movie constantly went into flashbacks and flashbacks of flashbacks that began to wear thin. It was difficult to watch at times. In the end I agreed with Brody's conclusion about the death, but by that time I really didn't care one way or the other.
Funny Okay, sure it's stupid, but it's funny. I have been a lot more critical of movies recently but I still think this is an enjoyable movie to watch when you just need a laugh. Sure it's not one of Kevin Smith's best but it's still a lot better then a lot of those trashable teen movies recently coming out.
Not even a pile of jumbo shrimp could save this present. So this year my family decided to celebrate Christmas a week in advance. We were all very joyous and consumed unhealthy amounts of egg nog. When it came time to open presents, I exchanged gifts with one of my dear friends. He gave me an iPod full of my favorite Kenny Chesney songs. I love Kenny Chesney. I knew then that what I got him would be worthless in comparison, but he assured me it's the thought that counts. So I handed it over to him, at which point he paused thoughtfully. "Before I open this," he said, "I just have something real quick to say. Just something real quick." He proceeded to ask me if I'd ever seen The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior. Before I could answer, a somber expression came over his face. He informed me of how much he hated the movie, specifically on Bluray. He absolutely hated it. Then he gave me a smile and began unraveling my gift to him. Once he popped open the box, he was visibly overcome with joy at the sight of his favorite dripping wet jumbo shrimp that lie within. He decided to save them for later, probably because he was so stuffed with fruit cake. To his surprise, he discovered that there was indeed another gift beneath the shrimp. But gradually the surprise turned into dread, as he realized that the second gift just so happened to be The Scorpion King 2: Rise of a Warrior. Specifically on Bluray. I was humiliated and horrified. He looked at me with such shame. "This is just awful," he said. "This is terrible. I don't even want the shrimp anymore. The shrimp is tainted. It's just tainted."And then he flung the remainder of his egg nog upon my person. To my dismay, everybody else in the room followed suit. By the end of it all I was soaked in egg nog. It permeated my flesh. No one loved me. I was alone, and all because of this movie.The shrimp is tainted. The shrimp... is tainted. I'm tainted. Everything that touches this movie is tainted.Tainted.
Cool Family Just discovered these guys, its good clean entertainment and the characters on here are very likeable. I am also from Louisiana and while these aren't your every day representatives of Louisiana, they are somewhat typical of some of the back woods folk around here. gotta love em.
DVD movies A classic SciFi favorite of mine. Lacking the glitzy special effects of today's movies, it manages to pull you into the story. The style of the movie reminds me of Fantastic Voyage.
Two Weeks Notice This movie was HYSTERICAL! The chemistry between Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant was fantastic...they are a very good match. A definitive must-see and when it comes out on DVD --- a definite must-buy!
only one worth watching hi all, I have been waiting for "The Mole People" to come out on dvd for a long time. I had it on vid, but gave away the player. I don't have much money now, so I am dissapointed that it's only offerred in this large, and largely worthless, collection. The Mole People is not typical "campy" 50's sci fi. It's interesting and intelligent, with wonderful and creative script, sets, costumes, make-up, acting, and even, like the narrator says at the begining, a message for all of us. I think some talented, blacklisted people found themselves working on this low-budget, B-movie type project and put their best into it regardless. So if you have money to throw away on the rest of the silly trash in the collection, by all means buy it for this one gem.
The road to nowhere -or- a lack of objective This movie starts off with an interesting premise, but quickly wanders into a no man's land of characters and events that have little explanation and no logical conclusion. I found myself not caring what happenned to the characters as long as something happenned. If you bother watching the movie you will find that nothing ever does happen. I am a Prime member so I watched the movie for Free . . . it was not worth the price of admission.
Very Disappointing! Sequel!! The original Upstairs Downstairs was filled with characters you could care about, and it had all kinds of true-to-life stories that involved the characters. The character development and acting was superb.However, the new version is a huge disappointment. The characters are shallow and don't make me care about them at all. Even Rose, the excellent parlor-maid in the original series, is a disappointment. Her acting is stiff and her character is just plain uninteresting. The same with the other actors..stiff and boring.After the second episode, I have no desire to see the rest!
Not very entertaining .... Boring movie that looks as though it was made with a home video camera. Pass on this one.
Entertaining, Informative, and Fun! A Refreshing New Look at the Environmentalist Movement. A documentary that both informs and entertains, "Greenlit" offers a refreshing new perspective on the Environmentalist movement. In this clever film, Indie Film Producer Miranda Bailey takes on the challenging task of making her newest Production, "The River Why," an environment-friendly film. As she pursues her goals towards conservation, however, she realizes creating a "Green" set poses more challenges than anticipated.The film provides insightful information into the wastefulness of the film industry--including a startling fact that the Film and Motion Pictures Industry is rated the third largest polluter of the Los Angeles area, according to a 2006 UCLA study. Keeping a steady balance of conflict and humor, as well as information and entertainment, this insightful documentary sheds light on the challenges of creating an environmentally conscious business and society. The conflict between the crew and hired waste management personnel in particular gives the film a unique and enticing edge. All the while, the film captures the struggle the environmentalist movement has impacting itself on a convenience and cost-efficiency based culture.A must see, this film displays that despite the challenges and inconvenience, even small steps towards waste management rewards both the individual and the environment.
FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOVED & LOSTED - A MUST SEE!!! This movie shows you what True Love should be - honest & true. Makes you hopeful at finding a love so wonderful.
awesome series I think this was a close best for Milla Jovovich out of all of the series. Again, fans will love this movie.
Negative Stars Apply First of all, Peggy Lipton's Julie would have whipped Claire Danes' Julie two times over and thrice on Sunday. How such a cool TV show could go bad as a movie boggles the mind. Ribisi's a great actor, but he's totally miscast at Pete. Same goes for Omar - not the Linc I had in mind AT ALL!!Seriously, those of us who actually paid money to see this dribble weren't going in for Masterpiece Theatre. What we got was the thrill of telling everyone we know that we paid to see one of the worst films of all time. Yippee.
Ritz fans beware. The Ritzes walked out on this one, and so might you THE GORILLA was the crux of a contract dispute between the Ritz Brothers and their studio -- the comedians complained about the script and walked off the set. They came back to finish the movie... but they were right. This has handsome production, atmospheric direction, and above all a solid supporting cast (Bela Lugosi, Lionel Atwill, Patsy Kelly, Wally Vernon, Anita Louise, Joseph Calleia), but the results are more noisy than funny in this stagey adaptation of an old play. Not at all typical of the Ritz Brothers, who were much more at home with musical comedy, and first-time viewers shouldn't judge the team by THE GORILLA. Lugosi fans will also be disappointed by his limited role. Video versions derive from retired 16mm TV prints.
One of the top cult movies in the eighties ! The war with all its miseries may be had not found a film so engaging and terrible like this one . A place where the guardians and prisoners are confined to share their lives .When the emotional lack of a high rank officer be revealed for a man without scruples , the hell is going to burn at your eyes .Well known as Furyo , this film was and still keeps the potent statement of 1983 , and it has not aged a just a bit.Superb performance of David Bowie and a solid script .
great films simply put im 30 years old i watched the first land before time back in 88 the year it came out.I love all animation anime, old pre isner disney 3d etc because its art.Some say that the land before time sequals are a bad thing hmm i dont know about that lets look at facts original land before time was aimed at kids between 6 and 12 i think i was 15 when i seen it.Now lets say for example a now 27 year old woman had her first son at the age of 20 so she goes out and buys lbft 10 she has a deap connection with land before time 1.Not only will her 7 year old son like it she can tell him about the first time she watched lbft1 15 year earlyer they have a movie that they can both relate to.That is why i can not find a way to give this movie less than 5 stars.parents are watch the new land before times with their children the same series they watched them self and imo that makes land before time very special.
Acting school take note. I'm rating this film 2 stars because it really runs the gambit on acting, from hysterically bad to sincere to how to shamelessly ham it up on screen. Two gorgeous sisters, Clare Grant and Jillian Murray, find this crazy tourist attraction in the middle of nowhere. Actually, it's somewhere in Arizona. Now these sisters are comic book fans..Really? Okay, these two lovelies are comic book fans who get chased by this maniac until the older sister disposes of the maniac and without much effort. They stop a car to get help and (surprise) it's being driven by the maniac's brother who is nuttier than the first brother. Bill Moseley puts on a pig's nose to pursue the girls through the sweltering heat. Wearing the pig nose, he hams it up so ridiculously (Pig's nose - Hams it up) Anyway, he hams it up so shamelessly that not only is it not scary, but it is downright annoying. It wasn't even funny as in it's so bad it's funny. What was the director thinking? Well, the two girls go running around the desert but nobody sweats despite the 100+ degree heat. The older sister comes up with a plan to lure the brother away from the younger sister. Again, I can only think "Really? That's the plan she came up with?" Both girls suffer injuries but moments after they sustain injury they seem to be all right and continue along as if nothing had happened. Also both girls wore tight black pullover tops with deep sccop necklines and the cameraman made it a point to catch the sisters bouncing as they were running or jumping or whatever. There was also a demon in this film that fit in somewhere, but it was so convoluted as to if this was a slasher or what that the demon theme really added nothing except to give the sisters a chance to snarl and snap at each other in one of the silliest scenes ever to be recorded on film. Bad as it was though, I made it through and while I felt like I'd wasted my time, it wasn't the worst film I ever saw, and therefore worthy of 2 stars.
Powerful war movie with an anti-war message I first saw this movie as a teenager in 1981, and its images and messages have stayed with me ever since. I particularly liked it because it showed how the First World War was viewed by many young people at the time--as something of a grand adventure in which they felt fortunate to be participants, then unflinchingly showed the horrors of war, the often unnecessary deaths of the men, the waste of lives trying to breach the Turkish lines, the ineptitude of the commanders. Some people have complained about the pace of the movie, but I felt that the pace was one of its many strengths. It tells the stories of two young Australians who both happen to be excellent sprinters as they meet, become friends ("mates") and join the Australian army, albeit for entirely different reasons. The movie takes its time developing their friendship, forged on a successful Burke and Wills walk across the Outback, and eventually through training together in Egypt. The actual war does not come in until the end of the movie, but rather than seeing this as a detraction, I feel that it makes the movie all the more powerful because viewers have had a chance to see the characters develop and to come to care about them and what happens to them. By delaying the war until the end, Peter Weir is able to maximize its effect upon soldiers and viewers alike--to go from the ordinariness of life to training to the horrors that awaited them at Gallipoli. Nothing was really able to prepare them for Gallipoli, and they quickly found out that they were to be sacrificed in order to help the British troops establish a beachhead even though the British were under no duress (they were sitting on the beach drinking tea, as one officer put it). I particularly thought that the movie's graphic illustration of the realities of trench warfare was exceptionally good. It showed just how bogged down the opposing sides were,and how lives were wasted for a few feet of no-man's land. I also liked that Weir was not afraid to show that not all of the men were courageous heroes--the fear on the soldiers' faces as they realized that they were perhaps moments from death captures the essense of any war and every soldier very well, from the final letters to wives and parents, to the leaving of wedding rings, watches, and other mementos, knowing that it is unlikely that the owner will not return alive and is leaving something for the survivors to send to his family.The leads are well portrayed by Mark Lee and a pre-Hollywood Mel Gibson. The settings, costumes, characters, and overall tone of the movie accurately represents the period in which it takes place. Peter Weir takes an honest look at Australia's (and New Zealand's) greatest contribution to the First World War, paid for with the blood and lives of thousands of young men at Gallipoli. His conclusion will leave you disturbed and thinking about war. Highly recommended.
For Colored Girls Ntozake Shange's "For Colored Girls" - While watching this movie I had mixed emotions but continue to be grateful to Tyler Perry for bringing this important work to film. This film really touches all races of women in a variety of ways.All Black women are not like and most have not experienced the tragic women portrayed in this work. However, all of us know someone who is/has. "Precious" was "exposed" with Black actresses and the Black community screamed at the audacity of showing Black women in those situations. I found "For Colored Girls" as illuminating as "Precious". I learned something more about the nature of man, albeit horrific, and have a more compassionate understanding of certain personalities.We are the most multifacted women on the face of this earth. We, Black women, have experienced every emotional experience known to man and still "We Rise".The movie industry has shown white (and other races) women in a variety of instances and we have laughed, cried and wondered why did they perform in that particular venue. Well, now they are showing Black women in that same critical way. In every movie I have ever seen I have either been simply entertained or I have learned something about human nature.Enjoy lessons exposed - Thank You Tyler Perry.Anita Jacobson
I would not buy this, even if I wanted to watch it ... you've been warned. Sorry, I like "Californication", but something happened in this season, the whole thing was a like a bad parody of itself. Where it's possible it might have been able to suspend one's disbelief about this show before ... it is not possible any more, you just have to watch this season and try to enjoy it for the cartoon it is.Speaking of cartoons .... I bought this factory sealed and new from Amazon, and the video is absolutely horrible. I thought I was watching this series on You-Tube ... back a few years. The resolution was terrible and the pixelation was unendurable. I checked the disks and they looked fine physically, so this must have been a mastering job done by a complete incompetent. Can anyone else comment on this ... I just really could not believe a brand new DVD set just out this year could be done so poorly.If you have to see this I don't know what to tell you, all I can do is relate my experience. Very sorry I spent the money.
LOVED IT!! Way better than the stupid cover!!!!!!! I loved it and can't wait to watch it again. I laughed, I cried, it had it all.
Even Helen Mirren can't save this stinker. Imagine "Hamlet" with Shakespeare's lines removed and replaced by clunky dialogue, delivered by actors with almost no talent -- with the exception of the wonderful Helen Mirren, who is completely wasted here. Save your time and money, and watch one of the many fine versions of the real "Hamlet" -- the one written by Mr. Shakespeare.
Love this show! I bought this box set because I love the show but the commercials on SyFy are SO LONG!!!! This set was super cheap, and great quality. The bonus disk has a "making-of" segment that any Merlin fan would love. If you love Merlin, you will go nuts over this box set.
Nice, interesting Wish it was long and developed the story more. The girlfriend was a bad actor and only had one note.
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest Rapace brillantly brings out the personality of Lisbeth Salander. She is the perfect actress for a part that I doubt many could effectively play. I loved it!
Little Known Horror Thrill is really Good. First of all it's written by one of the great horror writers Wilkie Collins and based on his story "Woman in White". If you've never seen a Slaughter film, Lugosi had nothing on him when it came to ham, over-the-top acting and scenery chewing. He is a madman who kills percival Glyde and then impersonates his victim to take over the estate he had just inherited. he then goes on to terrorize all those around him in a seething role of madness and says things like "I`ll feed you`re entrails to the pigs!"This is a very atmospheric movie and the overall mood is quite chilling and a bit stifling. Slaughter is really fantastic in his portrayal of the madman. It's a fine, if rather unknown British supporting cast that lends itself to making this movie so good.
Visual and Aural Feast Each vignette unfolds like a painting, and the music is unforgettable. It finally showed me the different facets of fado, the contemporary and the progressive. For someone more conversant with Amalia, this was exhilarating. A whole new musical world has now opened up for me to explore. Carlos Saura is a genius and what he has done here to explore, expose and elucidate the past and living glory of fado in the confines of a studio - with light, colors, mirrors - is extraordinary.
It's all in here... Jordan Hawley's `How to Lose Your Lover' is my kind of movie - all about brainy self-examination, funny, and full of twists. For me it's genuinely original - goodbyes are always about fake warm feelings, not burning bridges. Enjoy the psychosis, the antics, the irreverence and the decadence - but when it counts there is real heart in here, too. Setting this sort of thing in LA is something I've never seen. I want to call Hawley `West Coast Woody'. Has any movie celebrated the buildings and landmarks of LA in the same way?
Transparantly Bad It's been said before, but I'm going to say it again: this movie is the pinnacle of false advertising. If you've seen the trailers, you know that one of the catchiest lines is, "How do you solve a murder when the victim ... is YOU?" Bum-ba-bum!There is no murder. Furthermore, there is no mystery. What is there? Oh ho! Let me tell you.***A HEADS-UP: I used to be a teenager, and although I know that the world has changed since I was navigating the rocky shores of puberty, I can still empathize and even relate to the emotional turbulence common among that time period. That having been said, I hope any teenage readers will take the following review with a grain of salt.***"The Invisible" was designed solely to cater to an audience of young adults who feel that their personal melodramas are in some way unique to them. The movie is a vehicle for mawkish hamminess, an attempt to validate the confusing mental mess that results when a young person finds their biological engines suddenly flooded with a strange new hormonal fuel.The story concerns two "invisible" teens. One of them, Nick Powell (played by an over-earnest Justin Chatwin), is a spoiled "misunderstood" genius who writes vacuous poetry and wants to make a living out of it. Without his mother's knowledge (his father is dead, giving him exclusive rights to be mopey), he purchases a ticket to London so that he might join a prestigious writing class. He is rather self-absorbed, but I say that like most poets aren't.The other "invisible" teen is the weirdly mad Annie Newton (played unevenly by Margarita Levieva). Annie's mother is dead (a parallel!) and her father and step-mom are laughably bad parents. This makes her want to steal things and beat people up. She is misunderstood, too, you see (although I got the impression that, like most of us, she rather likes being misunderstood).At this point, I do have to give the movie credit for not inlcuding the line "You don't know me!" or "You just don't understand!" anywhere in the script. Kudos!Let's see. Oh, yes. Nick and Annie clash at school for a lot of "complicated" reasons, not the least of which being that Nick is egotistical and doesn't put up with Annie's disturbed-chick act (she wears all black and tries -- lamely -- to hide her good looks by wearing a skull cap for half of the film). One of Nick's "friends," Pete (perhaps the whiniest film character since Luke Skywalker), convices Annie that Nick is responsible for a recent snitching, and she responds by kicking Nick in the face several times. This puts him close to death. Close enough, that is, so that is soul leaves his body, but not the Earth.This gives Nick the opportunity to wander around screaming at people and crying a lot. He also gets to go to class and hear all of his friends badmouth him since they don't know his spirit dwells among them. This also provides him with ample time to realize that his attacker, Annie, is really just a lonely, tortured, very sexy soul who dances moderately well. She also takes a very gratuitous shower, breaks into Nick's home and goes through his things, and manages to fool about twenty clueless cops. But she does it morosely and with a heafty dose of angst, so her actions endear Nick to Annie, you see, and I suppose they're supposed to endear her to us, as well.Mix in an overwrought soundtrack that plays like an emotional scratch-n-sniff card, a pointless suicide scene, and a ludicrous implausibility involving what one can and cannot do after being shot in the stomach, and what you've got is a bloated metaphor about what it takes to be both accepted, loved, and a good person. Dripping with sweaty sentimentality and crippled by hammish histrionics, the movie's most insulting aspect is how excessively it tries to play to the hair-trigger emotions of a viewership that, presumably, is struggling with very real issues of growing up and self-realization. Instead of offering insights or even commiseration, this film serves up exorbitant passion and pretends like it's meaningful. I don't mind (and even get and enjoy) films that deal with the trials and tribulations of teens (Heathers,The Breakfast Club,American Pie, and even Gus Van Sant's sere and quietElephant) but I have no patience for a teen film that thinks it doesn't have to be smart or relevant or clever as long as it's moody and melodramatic. Bart Simpson once said that "Making teenagers depressed is like shooting fish in a barrel," but it doesn't take an adult to see straight through the manipulative mess of "The Invisible."
Garbage Movie Didn't enjoy this movie. I read lot of positive reviews before I bought this dvd and thought it would be a good film. finally it wasn't that good enough. this is movie with no story at all and its just some 3D made animation and effects. it was like computer game.
The whole thing dragged and never got up to speed. This is one of them where best actors went bad.What a waste of money because i bought it, NOT recommend to waste money for rental.
Sorry cookie cutter excuse for a film Just bad in so many ways. Boring. Not funny. Bad music. Full of cliches. A poor copy of Love Actually. Lame kid. Lame lead (Ashton Kutcher? say no more) Obligatory stereotype gay and Hispanic characters. Julia Roberts must have had a mortgage payment or something due for the weak cameo she puts in as a thoroughly unbelieveable soldier on a plane ride that never seems to end (at the beginning of the movie, as the day opens in LA, the captain says there are 6 hours left in the flight; they land and it is nighttime in LA); she sleepwalks through her lines, but undoubtedly got paid many hundreds of thousands of dollars for it. I actually have a weak spot for chick flicks (note reference to the classic Love Actually above), but this one was offensively bad.
Gives fresh insight to the Chinese revolution Some have said that this is just more communist propaganda. That might be true if Sun Yat-sen were only revered by the Mainland Chinese. He's also revered by Taiwan. This movie gives a great perspective of the Chinese revolution. How inspiring people to believe in a cause makes them absolutely fearless! It doesn't matter where the person is from, the concept of dying for one's country, friends and family can make even 17 year-old boys brave enough to stand their ground (in this case it meant not fighting at all, simply having the courage to be - I won't say any more than that so readers can enjoy the story.)Anyway, whether you are interested in this movie for the "kicks" or the historicity, it is well worth the 2 + hours invested!!
Who gave this film the Green Light... I Want Names. The TV-to-Film Curse Rears its Ugly Head once again with "The Mod Squad". ("The Avengers", "The Beverly Hillbillies", "Lost in Space", "Leave it to Beaver" and "Dragnet" are other such Cursed films, while "The Addams Family", "Charlies Angels", "The Fugitive", "Mission Impossible" and "The Brady Bunch Movie" are the Exceptions)This Ill-Conceived Mess of a film stars Claire Danes, Giovanni Ribisi and Omar Epps as "The Mod Squad", a title that may have fit the times of the Series, but it will be Lost on the films Target Audience, but not to worry, The Target Audience will be Lost after the films first 5 minutes as the film has Absolutely Nothing worth Hanging Around for. Even the 3 Talented Leads look like they are Cursing the day they signed on for this Debacle.Ok, now to the Plot... Ok, we can Skip reviewing the plot as the Filmmakers forgot to Include one, they must have thought that the 3 stars Charisma would be enough... They thought Wrong. Claire Danes might be a Great and Beautiful Actress, but only One of those Qualities are on show here and it doesn't take a Brain Surgeon to figure out which. Omar Epps is downright Annoying and Giovanni Ribisi looks Embarrassed and hides behind Sunglasses for the Lacklustre yet Mercifully Short 80 minute running time. They are all Good, Talented Actors. There is Never Any Doubt that it is All the Filmmakers fault.Avoid " The Mod Squad" like The Plague; It gives "The Avengers" a run for its money as the Worst Remake of a TV show Ever.
A very disapointing movie...espically that ramiro jimenez first of all why is it called "The Dancer Upstairs" when the ballet teacher lives in the basement?second why do the spanish actors speak english. they cant even say their lines in proper english.third, what was up with all those poor dead dogs hanging everywhere?? peoples heads are blown off, i mean give me a break.fourth is when the mother is reading from index cards we cant see and speaking in eglish. the movie would have been more reealistic if it had english subtitles.fifth that ramiro jimenez he was just h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e. he should isnt good at anything...i used to know him. he is a teacher in ecuador. he wasnt even a good teacher. i had him for 4th grade and boy was he a horrible teacher.
Old age is the new frontier I'd say if you're over 40 this movie has a lot of appeal. Yes, I took my 15-year-old, and he enjoyed it too, but old age is the place we all hopefully get to, and Eastwood and his friends are entertaining in this space action story about profession and life after retirement. Yes, the plot is a bit thin, and the non-stars are 2-dimensional, but humor and attention to detail make up for it. And there's just enough drama, and fast flying, to get your hearbeat going. Careful, though, not too fast!