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My Philosophy of Sequels Im 10 years old and i like sequels that have numbers in them. As far as im consurned if it doesnt have a number its not a sequel to me! Cheaper By the Dozen 2 was a sequel because it had the number 2 in it. American Wedding should have been called American Pie 3: The Wedding and this peice of junk should have been called American Pie 4: BAND CAMP. I thought this movie was ok but i asked my brother to bring it back to the store because i felt it wasnt a sequel because it didt have a number on it it sayed the word Presents!!!! SO PEOPLE LISTEN TO ME!!! ITS NOT A SEQUEL WITHOUT A NUMBERNumber MoviesAmerican Pie 2Cheaper by the Dozen 2Spiderman 2Star Wars 4NOT SEQUELS BECAUSE NO NUMBERSMeet the FockersAMERICAN WEDDINGAmerican Pie Band CampAustin PowersNO NUMBA NO SEQUEL
A blah movie After watching "Still Breathing" and becoming an instant fan of the luminously beautiful Joanna Going, I went out and bought a used copy of "Phatoms." I paid eight dollars for this movie---and I wish I had found it cheaper elsewhere.This movie is mediocre. My friend and I talked throughout the whole film, making fun of everything. But for some reason, I guess because this movie is so cheeseball, it scared us more than all of the "Scream" movies put together. Low expectations can work wonders.Ben Affleck couldn't save this movie. We wanted Rose McGowan's character to die. And as for Ms. Going, she was wasted here. Somehow, they managed to make her look very sickly and plain.So... watch this at your own risk.
Drag Me to Hell Drove Me Crazy - in a Good Way! This film was suspenseful, disgusting and utterly amusing at every turn! The dark comedy of director Sam Raimi is present in every scene. Our heroine, played by Alison Lohman, is no match for the evil gypsy woman she offends. This film has similar themes with Stephen King's "Thinner". It is definitely not for the faint of heart or the easily grossed out. Be careful who you cross! You will be looking over your shoulder every time you walk past a creepy old woman after you watch this film. Be prepared for a wild and at times hilarious ride!
Funny movie, setting classic style of 80's comedy Again, a classic comedy made in the early 80's, Pre-porky's, Hollywood nights is a movie about a group of Beverly hills High schoolers that are part of a car club "the hollywood knights". Hollyween night 1965, a night of hazing for the new pledges, pep rallys and partys, topped of by a gang of crazy guys pulling pranks on anybody. Not even the Police are immune. Unfortunatly tonight is a sad night for the Club, Tubbys drive in is closing, on of their members is going off to Vietnam, and Interest has been dropping for membership, only 4 pledges. Does this bring their spirits down, not a chance. This movie just make me laugh, "lawrence, lawrence of arabia...he's an english guy"... Still sing that from time to time. This movie was a groundbreaker for comedy, many other movies after this copyied its style, like porky's which came out about 2 years after this film, and to a certain extent Fast times at ridgemont high and even revenge of the nerds. Once a staple of late night tv (TBS,WGN, HBO) This is a classic comedy to see. So check it out.
This needs to be out on DVD ASAP! This is really a great version -- I think it's hands down the best Ivanhoe! -- and tremendous fun, plus it's wonderful to watch Olivia Hussey. (The newer A&E production is pretty good, but the lead actor is so bland and, at 5 hours, it's just too long!)Unfortunately the VHS tape of this 1982 version is as rare as hen's teeth and it needs to be released on DVD *now*!!Since "The Scarlet Pimpernel" is (finally) out on DVD next month, I hope it won't be too long before it's joined by this fine miniseries. I'll be first in line to buy it.
Purchased as Christmas Gift I hoped to make it as a gift to teach a youngster about instruments of the orchestra. Very little emphasis is placed on instruments and their role in character development. The story line is revisionist from the original. Hunters are militaristic, mean and ineffective. The duck is a meal for the wolf and never rescued. The wolf is not shot by the hunters, but rescued and placed in a game preserve. I found it to be an overall disappointment!
Good DVD The DVD arrived in good condition. The seller is reliable. The movie was very good.Crooklyn is a good movie about a little girl who has a large family. She is just tryingto fit in and get along with her family. The DVD was clear and it is a good copy.
Great horror flick! I've heard mixed reviews about this one, and that's what kept me from seeing it for some time. There have been a slew of old horror remakes, and many fail to live up to their originals. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the original recently enough to remember it (I was really young), but I liked this one enough to put it up as one of my favorite recent horror flicks! This wasn't a standard hack-and-slash gore fest. Gore was certainly present, but it wasn't the point of the film. This movie did a great job pushing the envelope of psychological terror! I think this was mainly because everything from the actors, the script, and special effects were top notch! I'm really glad I own this one, and I strongly recommend any horror fan to give it a go!
Pitiful, Pathetic, Spoof??? The only thing that this movie kept me guessing was "was that a spoof?" I cannot believe that Bill Paxton would not only star in, but direct this mess of a movie. I thought that Matthew McConaughey had higher standards than this also. Frailty was as dumb as they come. The acting was miserable, the directing was extremely corny and the plot lacked. The dialogue was completely unreal. This was a lousy movie. I would put it on my list as one of the ten dumbest films that I have ever seen in my life. For a better Bill Paxton role, see Apollo 13, Vertical Limit, or Twister. For better Matthew McConaughey, see A Time To Kill. Don't waste your time with this. Its R rating reflects violence and some brief profanity.
Horrible!!! All I can say is that I really wish I had checked out the reviews before I started this movie. The actors were good but the story line was horrific. I feel like a little peice of my soul has just died from watching this movie.
the worst piece of crap ever This movie is the biggest headache known to man kind. It is a bunch of people who hate themselves sitting around yelling at each with no real horror moments. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY OR YOUR TIME!!!!!!
I yawned more than 1000 times during my viewing of this! I have seen many cheesy horror flicks before but none as bad as this one. I watched this with my cousin and we were quite disappointed with everything about it - the acting, the storyline, the music and sound etc. I was even turned off by the fact that the woman on the front cover wasn't even Evelyn! I often wonder why people even bothered to make this movie.It is just plain bad.
Right wing alarmist propaganda This is right wing propaganda, pure and simple. It's nothing more than an attempt to help lay the ground for a fascist reaction if such a thing becomes necessary for the ruling class to hang on to power. Their fear that such a thing might occur, especially after seeing huge social explosions like Occupy and the earlier movement in Madison, not to mention the mass resistance to austerity in Europe and throughout the rest of the world, is what prompted the creation of this movie and others like it. Goebbels would be proud.
Rent Something Else! Not worth the money While this movie does address real issues, and I'm sure that some of the things that happen to the characters in this movie could happen in real life, this movie is defiantely over rated. I don't see how the critics see this as a great film. If you ask me it was more about sex and abuse (in many forms) than it was anything else. If I could, I wouldn't even give this movie one star. It was more of a x-rated flick than it was a drama.
Missed the mark by a mile. Not sure how anyone can mistake this movie for a 'Hit' 2010 movie. This is just another in a long, sad line of SyFy Saturday Night Movies. It used to be that back in the day, when it was the Sci-Fi channel they actually made GOOD movies, like Dune and Children of Dune. Now they just sport wrestling and these made-for-TV snoozefests and cancel good shows like SG:A & SG:U. A sad, sad day.Basically the nonsense premise of the movie is that a defense contractor has somehow melded the head of a shark onto the hindquarters of an octopus and thought this was a "brilliant idea" for military applications.Pretty much the entire movie is random "beach bodies" getting eaten by this thing or poked to death by its 'sharp'{?} tentacles, or running around screaming like little girls. And if that wasn't bad enough, apparently guns have no effect on it. Mercenary, military types spend the entire movie shooting high-powered, automatic weapons at it with absolutely no effect. No impact, no flinch, no bleeding, no death.Forget about the water. Don't go near THIS DVD. There weren't really even any special features to speak of. IT was pretty much an hour and a half of my life that I'll never get back. Thankfully, I was doing something else while watching it and occasionally glancing at it to confirm "yep, nothing interesting has happened yet."If you want to show it in film class as an example of "what not to do with a movie," that might be one of the few recommended uses for this DVD, other than perhaps a coaster.Watch Jaws. Watch The Abyss. Watch Deep Blue Sea, Deep Rising, Ghost Ship, Virus, pretty much anything but this...
Mr. Parker & Kenpo what else do you need!! This of course is an older film but you still get to see Mr. Parker in action in this film. This is a definite martial arts masterpiece. If your into Kenpo you need to pick this up and see Mr. Parker doing Kenpo.
Devil Girl * a very Bad copy This isn't really a review of the movie but rather a review of the video sent out. My copy was so bad (just simply too dark) I could not see any the player in the scene. I would guess it just over copied, as besides dark hard edges in the movie (like walls of a building) were wavy. I returned the DVD and got a full refund. I will continue looking for a better copy.
Not gonna buy this season This will be the first season not worth buying on DVD. Ultimately it makes me very unhappy to have to break a set, but there wasn't much redeeming about day 6 of 24. They started way too big and just couldn't maintain. Now it sounds like day 7 production is off to a poor start. I don't know maybe this wonderful series just ends at day 5. In any event it was a wonderful ride....
realistic storytelling and well developed characters I saw the preview for this film and thought it might be worth watching, and was it ever. Non stop action but with realism seldom seen in most of today's films. The characters are well developed, so that you care about where they are coming from and why they are motivated. The entire cast puts 100% into their performances, so the realism seems effortless. Throughout the movie you feel as the characters do, that there is only going to be one chance to get it right, choices are made good or bad, and when its all over it may not be what you bargained for. The ending leaves you wondering what's next??
Great Film I loved every second of Blayne Weaver's 6 Month Rule! This is a film that needs to be in theaters. Unlike other Rom-com's, this film is focused on the male protagonist's point of view. Although, the protagonist does not want to commit to any woman, he eventually finds one who believes he can be with for more than 6 months. I would recommend this movie to any one who wants to see how a heterosexual man views love & relationships. I would also recommend it to anyone looking to see a really good film.
Cavaet Emptor! Buyers Beware of the Horror [...]The five star rating I gave Night of the Living Dead is, of course, for the original, uncut, unadulterated edition. The original is, quite simply, the most terrifying movie I've ever seen, even when compared to horror classics like Diabolique (the original French version), Psycho, Rosemary's Baby, Halloween and The Shining. I saw NOTLD when I was 9 years old on Creature Features at midnight after a funeral. I had nightmares for the next two nights. The film still gives me the chills whenever I see it (usually at Halloween).
Delicious Trash Oh how I love this film! Margaux is divine as a high fashion model who is raped by her teen sister's school music teacher! Well she is not just raped, she is completely brutalised! I swear some of those scenes looked a bit too realistic. Chris Sarandon is absolutely devilish in the role of the sadistic rapist. He doesn't just physically overpower Margaux, he also attacks her mentally. After the deed is done he slyly begs of her to "not do this with anyone else." During the trial he also torments her with late night calls playing selections of his Phillip Glass inspired music. While the subject matter is serious the film is also high camp & truely hilarious! In an emotional (or as emotional as Margaux can get) courtroom scene she shouts out "he tried to kill me with his c**k!" Let us also not forget lil sis Mariel who gets attacked at the end of the film...after a high speed chase through the Pasadena Design Center! This pushes Margaux over the edge so she grabs a shotgun and goes after Sarandon with a vengeance! After pumping him full of bullets she just keeps pulling the trigger...it is AMAZING! Francesco Scavullo must be so proud.
RAW emotional story told straight from the heart!!!! WOW! I couldn't even pause this DVD to get a snack or have a bathroom break! Ron Holiday tells the story of his life with Joy, his wife of over 40 years and later partner Chuck Lizza. Included is a cast of tigers, leopards, jaguars, etc. that played a role in their onstage show career. They were big before Siegfried and Roy!NOTE: There's a VERY tragic end to the story. I will no spoil it by telling it in this review!Ron's real life story telling sincerely had me in tears many times. It's beautifully told and his love for Joy is so plainly seen!!!! His dedication to her and their animals is an inspiration! There's a special place in Heaven for Ron Holiday!!!!Dear Ron...if you ever read this; I hope you make it to Thailand!!!! I'll pray for you! You are a lovely man.....a real man with a HUGE heart!God Bless you!!! I'd love to be a member of AOTPOG!
What The Duck? the acting was awful. the gore scenes are lame & the editing is bad. but i could get passed all of that because the plot was pretty good. however, the whole duck thing lost me. any good qualitys this film may have had was ruined by the duck angle.
Another sucessful movie In my opionion I wish they would make many movies like these I have intered. This was an excellent movie and will watch over and over.
Island adventure serial, from REPUBLIC REPUBLIC PICTURES was created in 1935 by the merger of five smaller studios. REPUBLIC produced a total of 66 serials, which were known for quality and for being better than any other outfit's cliffhangers.THE STORY of ROBINSON CRUSOE OF CLIPPER ISLAND (1936):A U.S. Intelligence Dept. agent goes to a small Pacific island to investigate the sabotage and destruction of an airline dirigible.CAST:Mala - Agent Ray MalaRex - Rex, the Wonder HorseBuck the Dog - BuckMamo Clark - Princess MelaniHerbert Rawlinson - Grant JacksonWilliam Newell - Hank McGlaurieTiny Roebuck - Eppa the WrestlerCHAPTERS:1. The Mysterious Island2. Flaming Danger3. Fathoms Below4. Into the Enemy's Camp5. Danger in the Air6. The God of the Volcano7. Trail's End8. The Jaws of the Beast9. The Cave of the Winds10. Wings of Fury11. Agents of Disaster12. The Sea Trap13. Mutiny14. Thunder MountainCRUSOE trivia:Of the many hundreds of sound serials produced, this is the only one that's 14 episodes in length. It's also the first-ever serial to feature re-cap chapters, which consist of film clips from previous episodes.The story involves a dirigible that exploded. Ironically, six months after CRUSOE was released, the lighter-than-air ship Hindenburg would do exactly that: explode and crash while docking at Lakehurst, N.J.Was one of George Lucas's inspirations for STAR WARS.Was edited down into a TV movie in 1966.Professional wrestler Theodore 'Tiny' Roebuck was a Cherokee Indian. He appeared in only three movies besides CRUSOE. Here Tiny portrayed (what else?) a wrestler..The REPUBLIC serialDRUMS OF FU MANCHUhas the Oriental bad guy trying to conquer the world with the help of something that once belonged to Genghis Khan.
Revenge season 2 We like to watch, Revenge, the Amazon direct streaming is TOTALLY INFERIOR AND SUBSTANDARD. The sound is so low that I need to buy an amplifier just to hear it. We have 1320 Kbts way more than most people. Your streaming is very bad. Sometimes we loose picture as your streaming KBTS goes down whem more people log on. YOU NEED TO FIX YOUR SITE. WE HAVE NET FLIX which is totally perfect and work flawlessly. Whoever is incharge of your steaming needs to go back to school and learn the trade YOU RATE A VERY VERY VERY POOR
Quite the memento. People simply don't like these movie because they either can't follow it, can't appreciate a different style of movie, or just love being critics. There might be some other reason, but it's all gibberish to me. Momento is great, it really does keep you guessing until the end. It's well-written, has an interesting story that is told, and it put together fantastically. If you want to watch something entertaining and intellectually-stimulating, buy this. You won't be disappointed.
Worth a 2nd watch I watched this show when it first came out and enjoyed it then, it has been fun watching it a second go around. The plot is mixing math with crime solving. It is a nice mix of brain power vs brawn. After the first season, the characters where developed much deeper and the story lines took on more meaning. It has been fun watching them again.
MODERN MARVELS:" ROLLACOASTERS" Only got five minutes of show when downloaded! Most of it was comercial for Modern Marvels. It say's show should be 49 minutes!!!
Wonderful! A "hoot"! Will delight anyone who starts it. Not for bird lovers only. This is a wildlife video that instructs, captivates, and often makes you laugh out loud. You can force this on a disinterested party and they will soon be completely addicted to the series.
Sadistic crap This film is one of the most disturbing I've seen in recent years and I'm not a prude or overly sensitive to violence. There is a character in this film that takes pleasure in watching other people die. The filmmakers obvioulsy share this pleasure. If you like films full of senseless violence where innocent children and teenagers are murdered and their deaths are shown in graphic detail, then this movie is for you. The killer is glorified. There is no payoff at the end, just more senseless violence. If this is where our culture is going, we are in big trouble.
TOO MUCH LIKE ALL THE OTHERS I like Jesse Stone. Many of the scenes seemed like cut from the scripts of those produced prior. Could not get into it. I thought his dog had died in a past episode(?) That was confusing. Perhpas the episodes have not been done in order All I know is I could not get into this one, at all. Really disappointted as I had looked forwrad to it. My hold at the local library took almost six months, as this episoide has been very popular in circulation. So maybe I do not know much.
THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST ORIGINAL COMEDIES OF ALL-TIME. "The Meaning Of Life" has it all: jokes, satire, unforgettable characters, incisive and intelligent songs, a lot of creativity, well, it has everything. Perhaps this isn't a comedy suitable for all the family, but without a doubt this is a movie completely different to the other comedies.The Monty Python team was capable of create intelligent jokes and at the same time funny jokes with a dose of critic to well respected institutions: the schools, the church, the army, the hospitals, as well to real life people: wealthy people, religious fanatics, lazy and obese people, etc. "The Meaning Of Life" presents very interesting issues while the Monty Python crew mixes black comedy with satire and philosophy."The Meaning Of Life" is divided in several mini scenes, featuring characters searching for the answer to the mystery of life, some of them seem to provide clues and theories about the meaning of life, and some of them provide more doubts, creating an excellent balance between jokes and serious issues. Without a doubt "The Meaning Of Life" is highly recommendable for those who are looking an original and unique comedy.
OMFG! Look At The Size Of That Thing!... SOMEONE'S KNOCKING AT THE DOOR, and he's got a battering ram! Dear Lord, this is one crazy movie! A group of med students experiment w/ a mind-altering drug, resulting in a nightmare of rape, murder, and hallucinations. Nothing can possibly prepare you for the purplish, hydrant-sized "murder weapon"! Viewing this film may cause uncontrollable fits of laughter, mixed w/ projectile vomiting! Must be seen at least once before you die...
This program is amazing! I just love the originality of Grimm. The word play and they way they give that little twist to the original stories is so intelligent. I love the characters! Monroe is just hilarious! The special effects are so seamless that you do not even recognize the effect when it happens! Just awesome!
Wonders Truly Never Cease Who would've thought that Ace Ventura would one day bring you to tears? Not I, for one. This film is a marvel. One of the ones you don't expect to see anymore when you walk into those theater doors. I didn't expect any movie to provoke thought in me this year, after all movies *gasp* can't make you think can they? Well, if Charlie Kaufman's in the helm, than its hard not to.Great script, Great actors, Great plot, story, filming...what more do you want? In the gammut of films today, this one stands out as a true individual winner.
Same story - mispackaged I ordered this set on January 6th, before most of the other reviews had been posted, and I had the same problem as many others - my disc 5 was the Special Features disc instead of the actual Order of the Phoenix movie. I wanted to exchange it (hoping that the problem had been corrected since so many complaints had been lodged), but the automated email that I just received from the Amazon returns department said that it's no longer available. Very disappointing.
"Steve....Perry!" This is one of my favourite movies of all time, no doubt! Matt and Trey have been my heroes since I was ten years old (I was a very demented 10 year old). It's hilarious and strongly reccomended to anyone fond of...well, laughing! And if you like watching BASEketball, try and get together with some friends and play it.
Sailors, singers, dancers I have seen this on tv enough to know I would enjoy it. It is an old-fashioned musical, and I love the music and dancing.
POSITIVELY THE WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME I am SOOOO tired of reading all these reviews by people who loved this movie. Not because I wish to deny them of their right to an opinion, but because I take offense to the constant insults to those of us that HATED the movie. Get off your high horses people, if you actually enjoyed this movie then maybe a reality check is in order of YOUR "intellect and imagination". I am not a violent person but I wanted the characters to be brutally killed, not because I'm a "brain-dead suburbanite that was raised to expect blood, gore, and explosions", I just wanted to shut the VCR off and stop waiting for something remotely interesting to happen. What a complete waste of money. I dont care if its low budget or high budget, amatuer or professional, it simply stunk. Even if I had seen the movie thinking it was a true story, I would have been disgusted.
A Travesty One of the finest Sherlock Holmes short stories, "Charles Augustus Milverton" showcases Holmes and Watson at their very best: brave, dashing, and humorous. This Granada adaptation manages to throw out every feature that makes the story great, padding it out with unconvincing background detail and, in one particularly dreadful episode, suggesting that Holmes has actually fallen in love. Designed to give Jeremy Brett an actor's holiday, this little scene is an index to everything that went wrong with this series in its later years -- sentimental, unnecessary, and ludicrously untrue to Conan Doyle.
Not what I hoped for The Seekers Guide to Harry Potter is not what I hoped it would be.The direction is cheesy and comical at best; the information is sparse; and the extra footage is overused and slightly ridiculous. The professor is certainly qualified, but the way she is portrayed makes her seem like a quack.Here are some prime examples.While shooting B-roll film (filler, or extra footage), she swung a sword around pretending to fight with it. That exact footage was used at least five separate times, in slow motion, with melodramatic music playing in the background.Instead of using a straight-forward documentary style, the filmmakers used a corny method to imply that she was magical. The professor would fade slowly in and out of a scene, as if by magic. Instead of adding an interesting layer of depth or meaning, it was a poor way to distract from what she said -- the entire reason why someone would watch the DVD in the first place.During scenes when she practiced ... something -- it was never specified or explained what she was doing -- she drew pentagrams in the air (a five-pointed star), a small section would be in English, but most of the ceremony was in a language we didn't understand or nothing was said at all. Instead of being interesting or clearly having something to do with the Harry Potter series, it made her look a little nutty and us uncomfortable. Any context would have made it enlightening and possibly interesting.There are other examples, but I don't want to waste anyone's time. If you buy this, please note that I warned you.
Not playable The DVD had a European format (PAL) since it was only 6 dollars i just tossed it away!I should have read the fine print stating it was PAL format !
Eh... Buried Alive boasts 'legendary effects wizard Robert Kurtzman' in the director's seat, but that fact only seems to make the movie more of a slap in the face. In the director's seat, but obviously asleep most of the time, Kurtzman's effort here is a simple exercise in missed opportunities. Not to belabor the point or anything, but the gore is cookie cutter (when there is any at all), and it almost seems like the director is reluctant to kill off any of his characters. Half of the deaths occur off-camera. Weak.What could have been a sleazy, trashy, and brilliantly gory (given Kurtzman's other work), if not necessarily inspired, tribute to 80's slashers ends up being not much fun at all. One star for not really trying.
Sweet and brilliant A sweet love story and brilliant martial arts ballet scenes. Just shows what Jackie Chan can do on his own, far from Hollywood's baneful influence. I love Qi Shu's performance. Well worth seeing more than once.
awful, why can't you see past the hype Generic film with generic plot elements and horrible acting. Fight the power, don't watch this film. The Academy has made many, many big mistakes. Remember Pulp Fiction? Lost the Academy Award to Forrest Gump, stand up for movies of true quality and lasting appeal.
This Sponge Rocks! The Movie Review Kid is back and better than ever! Today, my victim is The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. How many of you watch Nickelodeon? Well, it's on channel 33 on Cablevision. Anyway, there's a show. A show about a sponge. A sponge who lives in a pineapple. And for the record, his friends do not live in other types of fruit. This sponge lives in an underwater city. A city called Bikini Bottom. And in this city lives many sea creatures. From a fat starfish to a land squirrel who does karate, this town really makes you think. For me, it makes me think about food. Mmm...I could really use some crabs. But enough about food, the point is there's this porous dude named SpongeBob who lives in Bikini Bottom. Seen since May 1, 1999, this show is one of Nick's greatest. And shouldn't great shows have movies? That's what happened in 2004. Nickelodeon Movies released a theatrical movie called The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. Unlike other reviewers on this website who whine about how "This movie stinks!" or "I loved this movie!" and other dumb stuff, I'm actually going to TELL you about this movie. See, Plankton(who's pretty much a pathetic villian)frames Mr.Krabs(the owner of the Krusty Krab and SpongeBob's employer) for stealing King Neptune's crown. SpongeBob and his best friend, Patrick Star(the fat starfish I was telling you about earlier), volunteer to go to Shell City(the place where the crown is) and retrieve the King's crown and save Mr. Krabs (who is currently frozen until SpongeBob gets the crown). Along the way, Sponge & Pat encounter live-action people, like the evil Cyclops, who I can tell doesn't do a good job of cleaning up, and some dude named David Hasselholf. I liked this movie and I bet you'll like it too. 'Cause if you don't I'll track your sorry butt down, shove a knife down your throat, rip out your intestines, give 'em to a crazy dog, and-. Well, I think I've made my graphic yet gorey point. And also your fat mama smells like a dead goat and you look like the inside of a garbage can. I'm sorry but that's the best compliment I can give you, Dude. See ya, sucka.
On the Dark Side I was disappointed in this movie - especially after Fairytopia - as this is much darker and sinister - I will not show it again to my 4 year old. While the villians in Fairytopia are on the comical side and not that threatening - there are dark and scary villians in this one (to a 4 year old) and abundant use of weapons/swordplay - not appropriate in my book. I can not rate the 3D - as we did not watch it in 3D - but my kids loved playing with the glasses ;-)
awesome alien flick this movie was badass! Its not often you get an alien movie thts different. The aliens were unike the story an acting wasnt bad either. I dnt rly see why ppl r giving it a bad rating. Bt i guess their entitled to their own opinions. Bt mine is its cool its different an special effects r pretty good. Thts wht im baseing my rating on. I reccoment ppl go see this movie.
Some real belly laughs If ever a boy was overshadowed and controlled by his mother, Stallone is it. He actually makes you believe that he is in such turmoil with his feelings about his mom and girlfriends. In the late 80's when big box office draws like Arnold & Bruce were trying their hands at comedy it was Sly's turn. Although this falls short at times and especially at the end, it is so enjoyable watching Estelle and Sly interact as mother and son that the premise is believable. However, some of the bad guy situations are not. The bad guys are portrayed like idiots and don't really create a good sense of danger for mother & son, he being a cop. But, there are plenty of real howls that carry this 20 some odd year old picture. If you want something not too deep and fun I recommend this.
Abandoned My daughter's former boyfriend's mother is Vietnamese who tried to conceal his black father's true identity which angered and frustrated her son for many years. I am not sure if she's ever admitted the truth. He is a tall goodlooking brown skin guy who looks like an African-American basketball player. I feel sad for the boys in this movie and real life children in Vietnam who desperately want to connect with distant fathers who have abandoned them. "Darkie" is one of the sad characters in this highly emotional film.I am trying to contact the ex-boyfriend to share this movie which might salve his wounds.
incredibly stupid story I just watched this film this morning -- nearly a dozen years after the film's release. I wish I had actually never seen it.What a stupid story! The entire premise is so preposterous that I imagine this film can only be enjoyed if you have the ability to suspend all critical thinking while viewing it. As others have commented, it makes absolutely no sense that this random accountant would be enlisted at the last minute to assassinate a governor, especially given the apparently large network of conspirators involved. Why Johnny Depp's character wouldn't have screamed for help as soon as he and his daughter were being abducted is beyond me. (Are we really to believe that he assumed that the "police" had a legitimate reason for detaining him and his daughter the way they did?) Later while he's pointing the gun at the head of the woman watching his child and she effectively talks him out of pulling the trigger by scaring him that the gunfire would "go through the seat" or be "deflected by a button" and hurt his girl, I could not believe how stupid his character apparently was. A quick shot in the woman's head from the angle at which he was holding the gun would certainly not go through the seat or deflect off a button, and the woman would certainly be dead and he could have taken his daughter and fled. And on and on with the ridiculous scenarios.By far the worst film I've seen Johnny Depp in. The director even managed to mitigate Depp's sex appeal by making his character plain looking and apparently moronic beyond words.
Well worth it! Crystal clear! Always loved this movie but the blu ray just made it even better. The price was awesome! My kids love it!
It's really classic Python. Hey everyone! This is a great movie! You can't pick it up in the stores on DVD, get it on eBay, like I did.But shopping issues aside, this is a must-have! If you love the show, you'll love "The Meaning of Life". Does this movie tell you the meaning of life? Sort of, but it's probably not too close to what the real meaning of life is. Hmmm...Oh, anyway, as I was saying, there are such classic bits as; "Mr Creosote", "Middle Age", "The Third World", and so on. This isn't an "angst of life" movie though, it's a laugh out loud shocker that got lots of deserved controversy.
If All You Want... ...is to see another shallow, trite interpretation of a very small section of Johnathan Swift's novel 'Gulliver's Travels', then by all means, watch this and other similar farcical versions. If you want to see a REAL interpretation, I highly recommend you see the miniseries production done several years back starring Ted Danson as Lemuel Gulliver. Search here on Amazon, you'll find the DVD. WARNING: It contains content which might actually make you think, which I assure you, this movie WILL NOT.
The official Maniac Cop 3 DVD release! Love it or hate it 'Maniac Cop 3: Badge of Silence' is here on DVD. The last DVD release was by a company named platinum back in 1999 I believe.Well this new DVD release has out done the last one, the picture quality is much more clearer and sharper than before and this is also in widescreen and with a trailer!This is the first official DVD by the original company that released this film back in 1993 so the quality is very good but the front cover artwork is horrible-what were they smoking?Also William Lustig has been placed back into the credits as the only director (there used to be 2 directors now this states only 1 in both the film credits and the box art).If you liked the first two Maniac Cop films give this one a try!
Can do without HD HD sounds like a good idea, but which one! Is HD worth the extra cost in any format? I have over 1000 DVDs (including the standard edition of Star Trek Season 1), I'm not about to purchase my collection again in a new format. Standard dvd has proven itself. I believe this collection is a poor value. Considering I already own the original effects version, I'll wait for the remastered episodes to be released as a stand alone set and in Standard DVD.Review Update 5-11-2009: I finally purchased this set now that the price is reasonable. The episodes look great. I'm quite satisfied with SD quality. As we all know, HD-DVD is dead and Blu-Ray is the HD of today. It figures. After doing some research, I found that HD-DVD was better than Blu-Ray. Compare Beta to VHS: Beta was of higher quality, but VHS held more video, so it won. I'm going to stick with SD.
KILL THE GIRL...PLEASE Heard the hype? Maybe even heard how this was a true story? The line to buy the bridge starts right over here. Three of us watched this and kept wondering alound when it would actually get good. The female character talks like a truckdriver (sorry guys), and you actually want the killer to find her...early and efficiently. This is a silly movie.
Reference Quality 3D!!! I have watched the majority of 3D Blu-Ray's released so far. The Ultimate Wave Tahiti is the best 3D release to date. Tahiti is a place meant to be filmed in high definition. Add 3D to the mix and you have a reference quality 3D Blu-Ray. As of now, I think this is as good as it gets in 3D home entertainment. The depth on this film is pretty amazing. The underwater scenes with the fish look incredible in 3D. A few scenes did have extremely minimal ghosting, but for the most part, it was hardly noticeable.As for the movie itself, it is really good. It's much more then a surf film. It's educational as well. You learn a little about the culture of Tahiti, how the islands were formed, and daily life. You also get to experience the natural beauty of Tahiti. The surfing scenes are excellent.Overall, I highly recommend this Blu-Ray to everyone who has a 3D setup. This is as good as it gets right now for 3D. You can't beat the price either. For only $15, you can't go wrong. Most of the 3D Blu-Ray's are in the $30 range. Ultimate Wave Tahiti blows the majority of them away for 3D content.
Stay Away At All Costs!!! Let me break this down as honestly as I can: This movie was so bad my eyeballs wanted to throw up!! I am still traumatized at how lame and sorry this film is in every area: acting, direction, special effects, etc! EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS MOVIE SUCKS AND BLOWS!! Do yourself a big favor and STAY AWAY from this one, you won't be sorry! I just saved you from calling the Poison Control Center for your eyes - trust me! This is nothing more than CELLULOID EXCREMENT! I feel like my Constitutional right against cruel and unusual punishment was violated!
Great series Great product, arrived earlier than expected. I would highly recommend this product. Excellent customer service, friendly and answered all questions of my concerns.
Perhaps at the time this film came out it made news, but it is now merely a moralistic bore. Many writers have made hay of the Perhaps at the time this film came out it made news, but it is now merely a moralistic bore. Many writers have made hay of the beef industry and its hand maiden, fast food in recent years, so if you're paying attention, nothing in this film is really news.Beyond that, it is a bleak picture of humanity, which isn't unfair, just incomplete. The story is slow, uncompelling, and boring. I nearly turned it off at a couple different points and regretted that I hadn't. The end was a nice little touch, but not worth the wait.The characters themselves for the most part were very unengaging, cardboard-like, and simply uninteresting. The fact that this movie was based on a non-fiction book should ward off any potential viewer. I didn't heed the warning, and thus, I wish I had those two hours back. I would have been much better off reading a book about food than watching this movie.Don't make my mistake--there are much better movies about food out there, this one is terrible.
Best by far! I just love this movie!! The story line is great and I love how they connect each of the movies into each other ^__^
Hated it None of the characters or their relationships with one another had any substance. The tools and resources available to this group were astounding. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about this movie. I disliked it within the first five minutes and can't believe I actually watched the whole thing.
Horrible This movie is a complete waste of time. Everything that is funny was shown in the preview. If you want a GOOD movie centered around college, you can never go wrong with Animal House. If you're not into the frat thing, then try PCU or Senseless.
The Ten Commandments (1923 Version) I very much enjoyed this trek back into cinematic history very much as an earlt work of Cecil B. Demille. I particularly enjoyed the present day (1923) scenes filmed on and around the Church of Sts Peter & Paul in San Francisco as I am a native San Francisican. I ejoyed seeing the church as it was built and the surrounding neighborhood as it was not too long after the fire and earthquake of 1906. It was a delight.
klink I just love this movie. It is funny and romantic. The characters clearly have the right chemistry for each other. I love the setting which is in Ireland. It really makes you want to visit after watching. Perfect movie for this year.
Decent Season - terrible finale! Overall, Season three wasn't as strong as the first two. But what really disappointed was the 2-episode "season finale". It had more plot holes, ridiculous "that couldn't happen" moments than all the episodes in Seasons 1-3 put together. I won't use spoilers, but the entire road trip from Atlanta, "interrogation" of the prisoner, wiring of a criminal, stakeout and execution at the end (under a car - REALLY?), motivations of the parties involved - all rubbish and could never happen at any level of police work. Not sure whether it is the writers or director fault, but too much expediency and not enough reality (for a "reality drama"). Hope upcoming seasons are more like 1 & 2 and less like #3.
Like a masterpiece (Almost) Bride of the Monster is the best of Ed Wood's films. Frankly after watching Scared to Death -- the film truly looks like a masterpiece -- and truth be told it isn't that bad. in fact, it is rather enjoyable. OK I am gonna admit it -- I like it! If you look past the cheesy octopus (no worse than the hysterical devil bat), the cheap sets and the lame acting (better than Scared to Death!), if you suspend a little disbelief and realize this movie was made for a song -- then actually it is pretty darned good. One reason for this is that Bela Lugosi gets ample screen time and if Ed Wood was a bit unimaginative he at least knew what it was that made Lugosi a legend and reprises little details from the mad scientific leering of the Devil Bat to the idiosyncratic hand gestures of White Zombie.Bela is given a chance to shine in his final speaking performance and shine he does. The movie has its flaws, but Bela is not one of them. He is old and looks weak, but he carries the movie like a true champion. He makes empty dialog sound meaningful and implausible scenarios seem poignant (well almost poignant).Bela's "I have no home" monolog is beautiful. He could make dialog such as "I have proven that I am alright!" sound good. Lugosi gives his all in his last performance, and it is a great performance, even if he does have to wrestle with a fake octopus.
bootleg copy I was sold a bootleg copy. I will never buy from amazon again if this is the type of quality im going to get. Also, I ordered the movie on December 2nd and did not receive it until after Christmas. I am very disappointed in Amazon!!!!!!!!
I recommend this video...for those times when... ...the paint has already dried on your freshly painted garage and there is no grass to watch grow...At least his last few releases have been MUCH better. Starting with Keeper and A Dangerous Man. But if you are a true fan, this is one of "those" that we just pretend never happened.
Wetrmuller's masterpiece; a companion to Fellini's "Cabiria" This is one of those rare films that was startling fresh and revolutionary when it was first released and remains so today. It invites comparisons to the later "Life is Beautiful" (it's a better movie), but I think a more apt comparison is to the earlier "Nights of Cabiria" by Federico Fellini--from whom Lina Wertmuller learned her craft as an apprentice. Both films feature protagonists from the lower rungs of society--a petty thief in "Beauties" and a whore in "Cabiria." Both characters take a journey in their respective films that is life-altering. They are both survivors who make supreme sacrifices; who, by chance, survive--but at what cost? And both films are tremendously tragic--with moments of pathos, slapstick and great humor, as well. There is something peculiarly Italian about this theme--and this mixing of comedy and tragedy--and it is rooted in the post-war neorealism from which both directors sprang. It's the theme of the salt-of-the-earth proletarian who survives at all cost, who can't be snuffed out by the ruling class, the tricksters, or the Church. Both Wertmuller and her lead actor Giancarlo Gianinni became stars with this movie, and it's a shame that they seem to have peaked with it as well. Nevertheless, if this were the only movie they made, they'd have made a great contribution to world cinema.
Alien Abduction If you're looking for proof that alien abduction is and has been a REAL THING, forget it. If you're looking for a movie that makes it seem like alien abduction has finally been discovered as the real thing, you might enjoy this movie. The movie is filmed as if it's switching between scenes with actors from the movie and scenes of actual psychiatric sessions of patients who have been hypnotized and go through the buried memories of their abductions by aliens. In the genre of exciting sci-fi, this is an enjoyable movie, but don't watch it expecting to find "the truth out there."
Bury this one without its Head. First off, I am a huge Romero Fan as well as a fan of the whole zombie genre. I don't claim that the movies I do love (night, dawn, day, land, the remake of dawn, the return of the living dead I and II, Undead, Fido, remake of Night,) are Oscar winning material, although a lot of them are horror lovers fan favorites. Humans getting up from a seemingly long dirt nap, morgue table, or after you run over them aren't usually on your normal wish list for plot points. I have said in reviews past that my love of zombies comes from my fear of the closest thing to you, or the people around you, becoming what you run from in the night, and you cannot reason with them, they want your flesh and they want it raw. Romero above all, has been able to tap into that fear and he is the king of the dead. This movie, as its internal movie within a movie is called is hopefully not the "death of death" It was horrible, and not in a campy "its so bad its good" way.The premise, college kids making monster movie in woods when the dead come back to life, and so its filmed in that shaky hand held homemade movie way. It worked for Blair Witch, and for Clover field, but not for this. Jason, the man behind the camera, just HAS to document the events; all of a sudden he is beyond mummy movies and thinks he is the next great documentarian. So he gets it into his head that he MUST film at all times, even at the expense of the living people around him, he wont drop that camera because it is now his life's purpose. The rest of the bunch consists of the rich guy, the blonde chick and her boyfriend, some nerd, a drunken professor, and Jason's girlfriend. Romero has a way of putting people together who represent society, this time it was his version of what kids today are like (and he got it wrong) I think back to Barbara and Ben and Harry in NOTLD (1968) and how amazing that dynamic was, or Stephen and Peter and Roger and Francine in DOTD (1978) those casts are memorable and iconic (also Day, and even in Land and remake of Night and Dawn). It was as if Romero didn't want us to care about this cast, as if they were expendable and forgetful and the Blog/footage was the real star, but that didn't work either.The actors in Romero's films usually, to me anyway, are refreshingly un-affected, they aren't well known and they aren't tainted by what "they think" they should be "acting" like. It's what makes them all the more real. The "actors" in Diary of the Dead reminded me of watching very horrible high school drama skits, or some banal MTV "reality" show like The Hills or Laguna Beach. Painfully aware that they are on camera and should be acting a certain way.The effects, my favorite part of zombie movies, were so severely disappointing. Gone were Tom Savini's genius and in its place was weakly executed CGI and makeup. Digital blood is a slap in the face of zombie enthusiasts everywhere. Sure if you want to do a giant shot of the dead (remake of Dawn) go ahead poor some CGI blood up in there, I will even okay it in frenzy, but one on one is unforgivable and lazy.I think that Romero still has things to say, points to make, dead people to reanimate, I just don't think that shooting a movie over 23 days sloppily is the way to do it, and still retain your fan base. I just got burned, me a loyal fan, and the next one I will rent instead of buy.The special features, mainly the contest winners from the Myspace "make your own zombie movie" were the ONLY redeeming quality on this DVD. All five were interesting, funny and entertaining.In conclusion, this movie sucked and its my one and only "get out of undead jail" free card for george.
Laughable !!! Direct Contact is the worst and most stupid Dolp Lundgren movie ever !!! The action is laughable and Dolphs preformance is so bad you will not believe it . And the dialog , HA HA , even more laughable so STUPID . I use to like Dolp a lot , BUT please if this is the future crap from good ol Lundgren PLEASE RETIRE , thank you .
Good movie for racing fans While everyone knows that Stallone has done both great and terrible acting and writing jobs in the past, this one is, shall we say, not his best or worst. I first saw this movie in theaters, and being an avid open-wheel racing fan, I enjoyed the true substance of the movie: the actual racing scenes. The problem is, though, you can't just have 2-hour movie with nothing but racing (just watch the SPEED Channel sometime). The racing scenes have to be tied together with some kind of a plot, and this one seems more like a soap opera than a real movie. If you don't happen to like racing, then stay away from this movie, but if you do, the great action with the cars definitely makes up for the lack of an entertaining plot. Some will tout that the racing itself is unreal, that the writers didn't do their homework. Well, without cooperation from ALL of the members of the CART community (which is now in SERIOUS financial trouble), you can't get everything you wanted out of a race series. Some say the chase scene through Chicago in prototype race cars is too over the top, but it's one of the more original movie chases I've seen. I mean, how many other movies have manhole covers getting sucked off by the car's downforce, or girls' skirts being blown up by the cars going by? That's all realistic, by the way. In short, the subplots suck, but the race action is definitely worth it for the race fans out there.
Great episode and even greater Halloween episode. Loved this one. Monroe goes all out for the holiday. I wish he lived near me. I loved the "woman in white" aka La Llorona. Great action and great adventure. Love Monroe borrowing a piece of Nick's Grimm gear for his Halloween set up.
Is this Blu-ray Is this product blu-ray or not. I did not want Blu-ray but when I put it in my computer or DVD it says that it is....good thing I have a blu-ray capable Lenovo and a PS3. Good movie though (already knew that). Arrived quickly.
Amazing I really enjoyed this movie i thought i loved the story reall good twist. The music was amazing would of loved if radiohead did the entire soundtrack but it was still great. A must see period.
Three hour toothpaste ad The movie in absolute fantasy - one of the most tawdry and shallow products of Indian cinema - by the vapid, for the vapid, of the vapid.
Crapfiti Bridge I love my Prince! I am the biggest Prince fan that I know. He gives excellent concert. I loved Purple Rain and Under the Cherry Moon but this movie, no way! I think that this must have been one those you need to make 3 movie obligations and Prince did like Marvin Gaye, just put something out to fulfill that obligation. I do like the songs but dang, this was just a bad movie.
Huge waste! for a movie made in this decade - it was like a bad 80's flick. I feel more dumb for having sat through the entire movie. What a sad excuse of a movie.
So 1970's but so wonderful ... I grew up with this movie! It's so daggy (an Aussie word - the best word to describe the embarrassing decade of the 1970's) ...but it's such a moving, inspiring film. It made all the kids in my area rush out and have iceskating lessons. Due to this movie, I learnt how to do a few spins!Worth forgiving the nasty fashion to enjoy the sheer and pure wonder of this soppy but touching story ... Great!!
Blair Witch - A complete fraud This was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. After all the hype I expected at least something somewhat scary. I do have to say that whomever did their marketing is a pure genius as there's really nothing there. If you want to experience the Blair Witch project without having to fork out for it then just sit inside a dark room for a couple of hours with a flashlight that barely has any battery power left in it and play Disney's "Haunting Sounds" cd. I guarantee you'll get more of a thrill. This movie will go down in history as the biggest fraud to ever successfuly scam the movie going public. By the way, giving it 1 star is too generous.
stick with the first one!!!!!!! after the scary and funny "return of the living dead" i couldn't wait to see this one,know what? turns out i could have waited to see it because this is the PITS!!!!!!!! how could they have blown this movie so bad!! not funny,not scary,and not worth the price!!!!!!!!! stay away!!!!!!!!
Stargate SG-1 Season 10------ missing episodes / incomplete season of episodes I am extremely disapointed in the Season 10 DVD series of episodes. The entire final episodes are not included. If I had known this in advance, I would never have purchased the Season 10 package. Someone really made a bad mistake in allowing the Season 10 to be deficient of episodes.Stargate SG-1 - Season 10Does Stargate SG-1 Season 10 disc 4 make the season 10 COMPLETE? I would appreciate a response to my REVIEW. Thanks
Solid Horror Film - But Rated Version is Better (read my review to see why) My video store only had the unrated version available to rent:This is indeed a good horror movie, but the unrated version takes the rape scenes a little too far. I found that part of the film to be quite disturbing.But if one skips through that part or gets the rated version, I think this film has enough guts, gore, and "jump out of your seat" moments to warrant a 4-star rating.Michael Bailey Smith, a former Dallas Cowboy, is a very good bad guy, if that makes any sense. He plays Pluto (big deformed monster guy who kills people with an axe) in the movie, and this guy's film career is as long as list of failed writings. He's been in around 70 films or more! He doesn't have a lot of dialogue in this one though.Tom Bower (118 films this guy has done) plays the creepy gas station attendant who offers the traveling family a very bad shortcut on their trip. Even though his part was very small, he really managed to make it very memorable.Ted Levine plays Big Bob, the father of a family who ends up wishing he hadn't taken that shortcut, or for that matter, taken them on this long and very dangerous adventure in the desert. He doesn't have a long shelf life in the film, but I think he did a fantastic job with what he had to work with.Kathleen Quinlan plays the wife (Ethel) of Big Bob, and she is impressive as the woman trying to hold her family together as they seem to be growing apart; as most families eventually do.Dan Byrd plays Bobby, a kid who has to learn to grow up quite fast on this vacation from Hell. I think I remember this kid from a "Joan of Arcadia" show. He makes the transition from scared youth to angry revenge seeker quite well. The scene where he hugs his sister when she begins weeping is one of the most memorable scenes in the film. His sister had been through enough to drive anyone insane. She needed to know someone was there to protect her and help her, and Bobby let her know he was. Yep, best part of the movie, by far!Emilie de Ravin plays Bobby's sister, Brenda, and she is amazingly convincing throughout the entire film. Because her character was so likable, believable, and human, the rape scene (hopefully not present in the rated version) is almost unbearable. Her role in this film made the film work.Aaron Stanford is the liberal turned sadistic, revenge seeking Republican (LOL, I'm joking) who decided it is time to get his kidnapped baby back and start swinging axes at the bad guys. He is good, but in no way is he as good in the film as de Raven. He needed to show a bit more emotion when Pluto almost kills him 50 times!Robert Joy plays Lizard, another of the sadistic and deformed parakeet eating freaks. I hate you Robert Joy! I wish she had hit you with that frying pan 100 times. Just kidding, I know you were only acting.Laura Ortiz (Ruby) has piercing eyes and a great role in this movie. I love how she was able to portray what needed to be displayed on the screen without ever speaking a word.Well, that's my review.See ya next review!
Life After College I'll be honest, I watched this film because I thought it would help me decide what I wanted to do with my life after college, but it didn't 'cause I already knew that I had to get a job. I just thought there'd be other alternatives, but it's still a great film to watch especially because Alexis Bledel is a very lovable actress. I also love the father-daughter theme because it makes me very happy. It's a decent film. I love that she has a friend who loves her very much and who she also loves. Her family reminds me of my family. I love that they are so supportive of her. I love that she is seen struggling with how to get a job after college because this is naturally what I think a lot of people do after college. I can relate to not finding a job that I like and having to stay with my family for a while. I love that she gets employed in the end and she chooses to stay with her friend and to possibly get a job near him. Some scenes are funny. I like this film, and I recommend it to all.
I don't get what the big deal is Wow. I heard so many good reviews for this movie but was blown away by how bad it is. I just don't get it. Maybe because it starts off with a good idea (that quickly evaporates) people got hooked by their first impressions? The good idea is, as so many here have noted, equating changing to a werewolf with menarche. But halfway through the movie that idea is dropped. It seems like they director was also somehow attempting to tie lycanthropy to drug use, or maybe to teenage depression and suicide. But there's no real follow through with that either. It's like someone got a lot of ideas that seemed deep while they were doing drugs, but those ideas look really dumb to someone sober. In the end, it all turns into a cheesy and boring horror flick.None of the characters are likable, so I didn't care what happened to anyone. And as with most cheesy, slasher pics there's little sympathy for the dead. Even the mother has a disturbing idea about the father at one point that totally comes out of nowhere, causes you to lose all liking for her, and then is dropped just as meaninglessly. Nothing that happens matters to the viewer. It just drags on and on. The main sister, Brigitte, is too stupid for words and you spend the last half of the movie yelling at her for her inaction and flubs. The actress playing her has one annoying expression. You can see it on the box cover. Gaping mouth and bugged eyes for the entire movie. Plus for some unknown reason she wears a terrible, cheap, obviously fake wig, which is incredibly distracting. I spent much of the slower parts, and there were many, watching its part slide farther down towards her ear and then move back up to center again.Maybe standards have gotten so low that angsty teens think this is good, the effects, the acting, the plot. Trust me, those comparing this to werewolf classics like American Werewolf in London, The Howling, Dogsoldiers, even Buffy are on crack. I didn't give this one star because that's a movie I can't watch for even half an hour. This, I forced myself to watch to the end - only to get loose ends. Lame!
This could be an after school movie If you want a movie to show that drugs are bad, this is it. Otherwise, it's just not that great a movie. Yes, Leo does a good job of portraying someone who just about throws his life away, but the movie just didn't draw me in. I realize it's a true story so there's not a lot you can do with it, but there wasn't a single character I cared about.
Fine show The chemistry between the two leads makes this show what it is. I was a huge David Boreanaz fan from Buffy and Angel, but I think he might be even better in Bones.
Wow, I didn't think the Oscars could disappoint me this much.... I love, love, love the Oscars. This year, when I read that Crash was nominated, I laughed to myself and figured the Academy just needed to fill one more spot to make five...WOW, and then it WON. It actually WON. I will admit I have not seen Brokeback Mountain yet, but I also know that given the publicity and accolades Brokeback has received, it seemed almost indefinite that it would win. Crash is a Lifetime movie at best.Crash mangaged to have an agenda, stick to the agenda, and basically scream, "Here is our agenda...racism is bad!" for the entire film. Some of the more "serious" racism scenes were so over-the-top and unrealistic that I laughed more than I thought, "What a deep, moving film this is..." Actually, I don't think I thought "deeply" at all during this crap, nor do I find it moving or profound.How did Matt Dillon get nominated from an ensemble cast where no one in particular shined? This film could have been done with a dozen nobodies and it would still be the same.I think the Academy, unfortunately, isn't ready to give an Oscar to a film like Brokeback, but they want to look socially aware, so Crash was a safe choice. It's a wonder this film was nominated to begin with.
Make mine Waltons I figured since it was the predecessor of the Waltons, and had a good cast, how bad could it be. Well. Besides being truly dated in every way (the music particularly got me, being a musician), and names like Clay-Boy instead of John-Boy (somehow just doesn't work), the worst part is the dialog which is just atrocious. Tacky, dopey, not worth it.
Sapphic sorceresses We've come a long way since the divine Sylvia Sims and Dirk Bogarde shook up the entertainment world with the movie Victim - the first ever powerful challenge to the madness of the homosexuality laws.The fact that this series even exists is very reassuring, and on the whole, it has been exceptionally well done. I tend to think that Season One stuck in people's minds more as it was still new and relatively groundbreaking, but Season Two is in no way inferior.While this is not a complaint, I have always found this to be a visually idealized lesbian group, as I live in a town with a major LGBT community, and I would say 80% of the lesbians have short hair. Two of 'em are good plumbers, too. Still, lesbian actress Guinevere Turner (Go Fish, Chasing Amy, American Psycho, Preaching To The Perverted, Beyond Lovely) is classically feminine with 'big hair', so the girls are certainly out there.Nice job.
People Who Need People, People need Yentl Don't wait for the U.S. release, buy this one NOW, while you can. I am as close to an over the top fan as you can get, since I was 16, 35 years a fan and counting!! I truly adore this woman. I won't take up space telling you the plot, I will say that she is top of the list, cream of the crop, none better than her. Buy this, don't wait, we have been holding our breath for over 20 years for this...The wait is finally over, that is till the US version, with Barbra commentary, and our region, this one plays on your computer, so the large widescreen version will be a joy to behold on my home theatre system with the US release, and all those fans around the world will have the biggest Streisand Party EVER..
I am as confused as the plot of this movie.... We sat down to watch "Legion" oh goody a good vs. evil movie, sounded like a good movie night to me. Wrong! Nothing was explained, you pretty much had to figure out the storyline by yourself, if you have no biblical background you are SOL. What I could see of the movie (it's one of those annoying one's where everything is filmed in the dark) didn't make a whole lot of sence. You had great actors playing really good parts in this movie (why did they even take these parts for?) no awards here that's for sure. And since when do Angels need guns?! Can't they just smite people down with a wave of their arms? If you are a die hard end of the world movie kind of person you might just like this movie, otherwise, I would pass.
mislead Once again the previews mislead the audience. I like most people I talked to thought it was a ghost story. No such luck. Dennis Quaid is great, Sharon Stone can't act her way out of a wet paper bag. I knew that going in but thought I'd suffer through her because it looked like a good movie.The movie was ok, just ok. As I said it's not a ghost story, but just another thriller. Don't get me wrong thrillers are great but this one was very slow to get going. Once it got going it was ok. I've heard of developing the characters but this took so long the movie was over. I should have saved my money. I could have watched this on TV when I had nothing else to do and nothing else on.
NICE!!!! Finally Symphony X on DVD, they should release one of their own, well i got it yesterday and i just have seen Megadeth, Dream Theater and Symphony X and let me tell you, just with this bands worth every penny, DVD 2 is also very nice and very funny, i haven't seen the others bands yet, i will i promise haha, why 4 stars, easy: WHY NOT ANTHRAX HERE!!!!! ???? just to force us to buy the cd :( 2 thumbs down, take care