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Simply Porn I have not watched the first season. According to some of the reviews I've read at other sites, the first season was good. I shall see. This review is strictly based on episodes from the second season.Here's some background about me. I am a single straight male in his 40's. I live and work in the SF Bay Area. I have known and know lesbians as coworkers, acquaintances, and neighbors. Similar to any minority group, lesbians come in all kinds; smart & stupid, ambitious and lazy, tall and short, skinny and fat, polite and rude; you get the picture. Like a good portion of the straight male population, I love gal-on-gal action. After having read and heard many good reviews on this series, I decided to watch a few episodes; good stories and steamy scenes, I thought.This series is absolutely horrible. The plot is, well, boring. Seems everything leads up to sex in some public place; restroom, vestibule of a church, sound room of a studio, behind bushes along a jogging trail (well, it almost happened). They f each other "ring around the rosy" style; one after another. At any given time, every character has the hots for someone. If you wish to waste time actually thinking about the plot, you'd realize that everything every (lesbian) character does is so she could f someone. None of the (lesbian) characters has any redeeming values. They only show kindness so that in case they need to hook up with that person later.A person in Smalltown, USA, after watching episodes from the second season, would likely believe that all lesbians are sex-crazed, morally depraved (as in they'd f any skirt; best friend's partner, stranger, potential business investor, teacher, student), shallow, lacking completely in common sense, sailor-mouthed, scheming, with messed up psyche.If I were a lesbian, I'd be furious to see lesbians portrayed this way.
The U-571 DVD One of my top five all times favorite movies, U-571 ROCKS on DVD. The bonus features are a little lacking for a "Collecter's Edition", but they are very informative and intersting. The best part of this movie is by far the sound. In the depth charge sequences, the sound will rock your house. This is best sounding DVD and should have won many Oscars, especially Best Sound (though the movie did win the Oscar for Best Sound Editing).
"I want to be the spouse!" If Australian viewers will cast their minds back to the seventies, they may remember The Paul Hogan Show, a variety show in which Paul irreverently played the larrikin host. The twist was that he would make a grand entrance wearing tight fitting black shorts and a rugby top - a caricature of a footballer.In Strange Bedfellows almost thirty years later, he cleverly parodies this costume by dressing up in close hugging spandex shorts and a black figure hugging tank top. Paul is probably having a good old chuckle at himself, and we are too, because there's generally lot of laughs to be had in this irreverent, and funny, but never offensive Australian film.This is the best film that Paul Hogan has made in years. He doesn't over-play it, he's instantly amiable and most of all, he's giving life to a character that fits him like a glove. But kudos should also be given to the talented Michael Caton, who at times, gently steals the movie from beneath Hogan's feet.Hogan plays Vince, a theatre owner in the small Victorian country town of Yackandandah. Vince's wife has recently left him and now he's left with nothing, apart from the single-bed he sleeps on in the projection booth. When he gets a letter from his ex-wife's accountant ordering he pay back years of back taxes, he turns to his best friend Ralph (Michael Caton), the town mechanic, for help.Vince has just read that the current government, in a race for electoral votes, is giving gay couples the same legal rights as married couples including a retrospective tax law that allows them to claim all the usual tax rebates for up to five years. Vince decides the best thing to do is become gay - at least on paper.Ralph is initially hesitant, but once Vince explains to him that it's just form filling bureaucracy, and that no one in the small town need ever know, he decides to help his best friend out. Things seem to be going well, until a letter arrives stating that a representative of the tax office is coming to visit, in order to make sure Vince and Ralf really are a same-sex couple.Vince and Ralf are forced to embark on a crash course in learning how to be gay. Enlisting the help of the local gay hairdresser, (Glynn Nicholas) they learn how to "place a hand on a penguin," wax lyrical over a photograph of Liberace and call each other "she" and "girl." They even take a trip to Sydney where they befriend a group of biker gays and drag queens.When the reserved and seemingly threatening tax inspector (Pete Postlethwaite) is sent to audit their claim, Ralph and Vince must try and convince him that they are a loving homosexual couple in a small town who knows them as anything but. Adding to the shenanigans is Ralf's daughter (Kestie Morassi), who is coming up to stay from Melbourne; she's devoted to Ralf, and has a surprise in store for him.What makes Strange Bedfellows work so well is the amazing script that never condescends to either the urban gay community or the country people of Yackandandah. Judgment is never passed, even though the rural folk might see the gays as "weird," while the gays might view the country people as homophobic. Stereotypes abound, but the tone of the film is such that one cannot take any of them seriously.Paul Hogan as Vince seems to be having a great old time; he's empathetic to the gay community, and seems to be opening his heart to a segment of society that he knows nothing about, while Michael Caton delivers a wonderfully warm character with enough complexity and self-contradiction to be three-dimensional.Detailed, effectively paced, Strange Bedfellows is crammed with characters you'll feel are old mates by the time the credits roll, but best of all, Strange Bedfellows is a terrific plea for tolerance and equality for the gay community, along with a kind of homage to the age old Australian tradition of mateship. Mike Leonard September 05.
Lugosi Live Again ! Dracula has been the subject of numerous films. While many of them are memorable, of many actors who have played Dracula only two stand out as truly superb in their performance of the role. The first one is unmistakably Bela Lugosi who played the role in this 1931 film. While Lugosi's film portrayal has the drawback of being terribly out of date, now that more than 60 years have passed since, his magnetic appeal can still be sensed thru this release. (For those who are interested, the second truly superb actor is of course Christopher Lee, who unfortunately had to play ol' Drac to death in way too many Hammer movies. And Gary Oldman was good too but maybe a little over the top in Francis Ford Coppola's version.) TOD BROWNING's DRACULA was a hit in the early thirties. We can still see why. The film is said to have been restored but very little of this shows, as there are still plenty of signs of wear on the print used for this DVD. However, all the extra's more than make up for that. It is wonderful to be able to compare Bela to his Spanish speaking competitor, Carlos Villarias. Equally interesting is the comparison between Browning's direction and the direction of the Spanish flick, helmed by George Melford. Melford's version has the technical superiority, which cannot be denied, but Lugosi himself is more enthralling in his performance. (I feel a little uncomfortable with the Spanish version as I simply cannot help chuckle at hearing the changed names of Juan Harker and Eva instead of Jonathan Harker and Mina.) Again, the additional information due to special commentaries by David Skal, film historian, Carla Laemmle and Lupita Tovar, and the wonderful photographical montage added make this DVD extremely enjoyable and this not just for classic movie buffs. A note for Philip Glass fans: while Glass's new music score is very interesting to hear, the Kronos Quartet is unfortunately not adequate to the task of bringing the full range of Glass's thematics to life. That is very unfortunate for it makes the new score sound cheap, while it would have been great if it had been performed by a full orchestra.
Lots of Entertainment A very good value. Approx. 15 hours of entertainment. Great show with a good storyline. Lots of scary episodes for horror fans.
Always, always a pleasure - even my wife laughs A car enthusiast since I was 2, I think this show is simply great. The banter and by-play among the hosts is actually funny although I miss some of the Brit jokes. The cars are heart-stopping - some literally. The videography and editing are spectacular - some of the finest scenery on TV. Even my wife who finds guy humor not humorous, laughs at their antics and chit chat.
The BEST movie of all time! Not to sound overdramatical, but this has GOT to be the best movie I have EVER seen! In one breath, you get a suspense, thriller, horror, sci-fi, fantacy and more! The ending of THIS movie will DEFINITELY be a jaw dropper! I just hope they come out with a "BrainScan Part II" to this movie! I've been looking for the vcd of it, but have had no luck. This movie isn't very widely known, nevertheless, it is a movie EVERYONE must see! If you have any items dealing with "BrainScan", and want to just talk about it or the movie, E-Mail me, and maybe we can chat on ICQ!
Universal....Please respect your creations! And you thought Henry Frankenstein had a quality control problem when he put Fritz in charge of acquiring a brain for his creation. I bought the Bela Lugosi Collection and the Frankenstein Legacy Collection and they both have flawed discs! I was going to return them until I learned how pervasive these problems are. I've read horror stories of buyers who had to return up to 5 copies before receiving one that worked properly! Universal should haul their remaining inventory up to a spooky old windmill, light a torch and....well, you know.
A clash of cultures produces the conflict necessary for art I enjoyed many aspects of "Swimming Pool". The female leads both gave excellent performances: Charlotte Rampling's is noteworthy for the strength of her character portrayal, and Ludivine Sagnier, while having an easier character to portray (a hedonistic young French woman), deserves much credit for her lack of inhibitions and for several scenes (particularly her dance scene) which will please anyone with an eye for female beauty and the power it can wield.The story is, on its surface, a clash of cultures between a staid, uptight British author who only imagines nefarious doings and hedonistic pursuits, and a young free-spirited French woman whose life is mostly devoted to actually partaking in pleasures of the flesh. However, by the end, the viewer realizes that what has actually been portrayed is a depiction of the artistic process. How does an artist absorb information from the world around them, especially from a muse, and then transform that into art? To what degree is reality altered? What is fact, and what is fiction? And even more importantly, what do the alterations and choices made by the author reveal about them, as opposed to the subject of the artwork?Similar questions are posed in the 2002 film "Adaptation", which was my favorite of the year, and which I would still recommend as a better movie than "Swimming Pool". However, "Swimming Pool" definitely has its pleasures, and is worth seeing. After all the fuss we had with France over the war in Iraq, it is good to be reminded that France has its positive attributes, Ludivine Sagnier being one of them.
Were my expectations too high??? I couldn't wait to see this movie, I actually did a happy little dance when I got it from netflix. Hmmmm...I should know by now every time I do this, I end up being disapointed. The plot is very simple, a couple alone in an isolated area get horrifed and then some as strangers in masks toy with them before pouncing. They made it clear there was no movtive.I thought the masks were creepy, the house creepy, and I thought Liz Tyler did a great job. Those were the only things I really liked.I felt the story was drawn out and yet too sparse. These strangers seem to have supernatural speed, and I HATE when someone falls and injures a leg in a movie. I feel it's just a cop out.I read how scary this was on the imbd boards, and I have to strongly disagree. If you want to see it, try waiting for the chep rental deals.
Ouch Ok, lets see what we got here;Bad Actors CheckTerrible Plot CheckPlenty of Yawns Check87 minutes ill never get back CheckYep, looks like its all here...the making of a suck festDont Waste your time.
Fine show The chemistry between the two leads makes this show what it is. I was a huge David Boreanaz fan from Buffy and Angel, but I think he might be even better in Bones.
Nothing humorous in this movie. Avoid it. This was like Psych 101 in enmeshed families. Not one likeable, mature or interesting character of the 3 main people.
Brutal war time The acting was good and it is a well made movie, but I really don't think all those brutal killing scenes were necessary to get the point across of how savage and inhumane the Japanese were in Asia, especially China. No wonder the Chinese still hold a grudge towards the Japanese and its goverment.
this is HILARIOUS AND GREAT!! Jay and silent bob is a funny funny movie!! even though there is a lot of cussing in it, its still a great movie. I think that anyone who loves to laugh, should get this movie, and watch it. Its really excellent. well enjoy!
Wow. Simply amazing... It's amazing that just about anyone can release a movie these days. I mean, wow. I couldn't even get through the first quarter of the movie, and the only reason I got that far was because I was watching it while cooking dinner. Have you ever been embarrassed for someone else? That's the way I felt in this "movie" if you want to call it that. This is some of the worst acting I have ever seen, ever. These guys make Bruce Campbell or Keanu Reeves look like Johnny Depp. I really do feel sorry for them though because they are probably down and out actors trying to make it in the film industry and the writer and director just crushed their careers forever.
What a Dumpy Movie To be honest, I never purchased this product, I rented it from Blockbuster once. My friends and I were trying to find the dumbest horror movie we could find, AND WE WERE SUCCESSFUL. You will NEVER, EVER see a worse movie than Monsturd. With the main character named "Jack Schmitt", you can't really expect an Academy Award. This movie looks like a very low-budget student film. The plot is awful, the actors are terrible, and the music is turgid, to say the least. The only redeeming quality about this movie (and I use that term loosely) is its comic value. My friends and I got exactly what we wanted: a terrible horror film. We were rolling on the floor laughing at several points in the movie, either because of plot discrepancies or just good old fashioned ridiculousness. I wouldn't spend any money on this movie, but I would recommend renting it and showing it to anyone who will laugh at something so stupid. But if you think you're going to walk away with a well-crafted scary movie, you'll be extremely disappointed.
super show i have always been a fan of hero's. very entertaining i think kinda like watching a marvel movie. you gotta see this show.
Inside the expectations I wanted to see this movie again. It went on here in Brazil only once on Tv and never got released on Theater or Vídeo. It is very good. I love to see the subliminar messages... It is how I feel in the real world.
For a Night of Thinking I watched this in the 70s and wanted to see if I still liked it as much as I thought I did. I did. I was more distracted by the romance this time and wanted more classroom time, but this is a great movie to watch when you want to be inspired by the role that teachers play in our lives.
Hey! This is a good film! I don't understand why there are so many slams against this movie posted here...this is a very exciting, action-packed film! Maybe these critics aren't Charlie Sheen fans or sumpin'...but this film kept me riveted all the way thru it!Clint's character, cop Nick Pulovski, has hints and traces of Dirty Harry Callahan, so fans of that series should enjoy this film; Charlie Sheen is the rookie detective who Clint gets stuck with as his new partner - Clint's old partner, played by Hal Williams ("Smitty" the cop on the old SANFORD & SON tv show) gets offed by Raul Julia (who plays an exceptionally evil criminal) and Raul's girlfriend/female alter ego, played by Sonia Braga (who looks INCREDIBLE!!!). These two and their goons run an auto theft ring (and perform a few murders along the way), all the while being stalked and staked out by Clint and Charlie. The film begins with an outstanding chase sequence on the freeway, with lots of crashes, blood and bullets.Sheen has a wonderful scene where he gets his revenge against the patrons of a seedy bar...he loses control, beats the snot out of all of 'em, shouts curses thoughout, sets the place on fire and shows these chumps a thing or three! The ending in the airport terminal is a film climax I always look forward to...it's very satisfying for the viewer (sorry! can't reveal it!). Raul Julia is great throughout the film but here he shines, especially right up to the last second (you'll see what I mean when you watch it). There are so many cool scenes in this film but I can't reveal 'em all! By the way, guys...the scene where Sonia Braga seduces a shackled Clint borders on S&M;, fer sure...it's hot stuff!Also, Tom Skerritt portrays Sheen's millionaire father, in a role that's considered small, but he's great as always...he shoulda had more to do here.So, in closing, don't pay attention to the negative criticism...if you are a Clint Eastwood fan or a fan of cop/crime films, I think you'll like this outing. Try it for yourself just to satisfy your curiosity!
Moving "Traffic" 2000 was a good year for director Steven Soderbergh. First was the entertaining "Erin Brockovich", then the tense, complicated, well-acted "Traffic", which was probably the best movie of last year and which won Soderbergh the Oscar for Best Director. The plot is constructed of five interlinking sets of people: a newly appointed American drug czar and his family, the Mexican drug cartel, two Tiajuana plainclothes men, a couple of U.S. wiretap specialists, and a wealthy San Diego family whose fortune is a little less than legitimate. Michael Douglas is the star, playing the drug czar who discovers that his teenage daughter (Erika Christensen) has been inhaling free base and is hooked. Don Cheadle and Luis Guzman are nicely paired as the eavesdroppers, and Steven Bauer and Catherine Zeta-Jones play the San Diego couple whose lives collapse when an informer names the husband as a leading importer=exporter of illegal drugs. Dennis Quaid,who gets over-the-title billing, is convincing in a small, unsympathetic role as their opportunistic lawyer. Ms Zeta-Jones' character is the most controversial, morphing from suburban mom to Lady Macbeth right before our eyes. But, of course, most of the attention has been focused on Benicio Del Toro as Javier Rodriguez Rodriguez, the Mexican cop whose loyalties are constantly being challenged. He deservedly won the Oscar, though in the wrong category. Because his character both opens and ends the story, and because he has (I think) more screen time than Douglas, he should have been nominated for Best Actor. Some of the movie's plot elements, particularly in the second half, don't work. The informer is obviously poisoned by a breakfast that is brought to him while his police escort is in the room. Why would they allow a stranger to serve food to a heavily-protected state witness? (The informer is played by Miguel Ferrer, the son of Jose Ferrer and Rosemary Clooney.) Also, I didn't believe the drug czar's aborted acceptance speech for a minute, and his daughter's return from the dead was too pat and painless. But the quiet conclusion, with Javier watching a baseball game, was effective, proving that Stephen Gaghan's screenplay (another Oscar) didn't need a bang-up ending to complete a forceful story.
I'm just the driver This film is definitely adults-only. While the overall ambiance is violent, several gruesome scenes leave little or nothing to the imagination. Given the role of organized crime that is to be expected, though in a few scenes graphic gore was gratuitous. In those instances the plot could have been as strong or stronger left to wilder imaginings. From the vantage point of the Russian mob (Vory), this film presents a shadier side of London, which is very artfully done without using any of its typically associated shtick. There is no polite reserve or refinement in the lives of these characters. What is presented is a very bare, bleak existence that without geographical reference could easily have been a grey eastern land. No one character stood out, thus no performance stood out. Rather, the fluid chemistry amongst the cast created this believable world, part of it intent on resolving a mystery as furiously as the rest of it focused on hiding clues.The one thing that I felt this film suffered was the absence of history connecting Nikolai to the Vory. The omission doesn't detract from the plot resolution or from Nikolai's development as a character, though a mere two lines would suffice to tie him more thoroughly into the family and generate more sympathy for his plight. As it stood his involvement was vague and confusing, which definitely took away from the rest of the well-crafted story. All-in-all this film carries itself well, just expect to have lingering questions in the end.
AMAZING 1st SEASON! Even though Season 2 I think is better, its just because the show gets better every single episode. This show is a one of a kind, so unique and mixed action, comedy and romance all into one. It just works. If everyone in the world saw at least one episode, they would be hooked. Not too many people have heard about it, and thats why the ratings arent as good as some other shows who get tons of promotion, but if everyone gave it a chance, it would be the #1 show on television, guaranteed. I had 3 of my friends, my parents and my friends parents watch one episode and now they are hooked. Its such an amazingly addictive show, and I love it. Season one was amazing and definitely worth 25 bucks!!
They're still among us! This product, which bears the insignia UAV Entertainment, is the worst print of a movie I have ever seen--no grey scale, no edges to the images, no audio clarity. Since NOTLD is in the public domain, profiteers have for years been distributing duplicate prints made from duplicate prints--much like "It's a Wonderful Life," which was finally released in a stunning DVD version once the copyright was renewed.The only thing that's sharply in focus on this version of NOTLD is the splicy, dusty film surface itself. The manufacturer must have used either a beat-up duplicate or a VHS tape for a master. But you would never suspect it from the slick packaging, along with the assurances of "Dolby Digital Stereo" and, on the disc itself (from UAV Corp.), "Guaranteed Superior Quality."The original movie was cheaply made in an exploitive way that the spectator could forgive and enjoy. Not so with this item, which demonstrates that "DVD Quality" is in itself no guarantee of anything. Unfortunately, the zombies on the cover were not enough to scare this consumer away.
Wow Beyonce Knowles made the audience faint, you could see a whole different side of her. She proved to the world that she could not only song well, but could act well also. I loved the movie so well I went out and got the Soundtrack too. I recommend this movie to anybody and everybody who likes a drama.
Boring boring boring I bought the movie because of the A class actors but was soo disappointed at the quality of the movie. the suspense missed the mark big time! The only good thing was after reading the reviews, i decided to buy a used copy, so not so much of a loss. But i would love to sell the dvd.lol
One of the best horror movies! This was an excellent horror movie. The story line was good, and the special effects were also good. Alex Vincent did an excellent acting job, especially for someone so young. 5 stars!
The Littlest Outlaw The video was of great quality....the movie was one of my favorites as a horse-crazy little girl....I really enjoyed watching it again..this time as a 59 yr old horse-crazy woman...who still owns and show horses!!!!
Big dissapointment. Before going to see this movie in the cinema, I was very excited. The first 10 minutes were interesting and I couldn't wait for the movie to get better with the introduction of the aliens. The aliensarrival was pretty cool with the tripod zapping all the humans. But after that, the movie went down hill for me. I was expecting better performances from Tom Cruise and more professional work fromSpeilberg. I found Dakota Fanning's screaming really annoying and the other kid of Tom Cruise's character really stupid. Trying to go off and join the army at the last minute with no gun or no training.One good thing I can say about this movie is that the SFX were really superb and realistic. But there are a lot of people who love and hate this movie, thats why I gave this movie 1 star for effort. A real dissapointment from a top class director. What a shame.
A Distant Thunder it was a great movie. I enjoyed it very much and am glad that my curosity made me get it...
Funny but rude..! Oh yes it is funny... but in a very explicit extreme way!Now-a-days it is not easy to create a commedy or to make viewers laugh! So it would be very easy to make a cheap type of commedy by building it with a sexual foundation!It is a successful commedy but with zero morality!
Well-Intentioned, I Know, But Hardly Convincing "Beyond Borders" was originally to be directed by Oliver Stone, and to star Kevin Costner and Cathrine Zeta Jones. Keep that in mind before you watch it. The completed film by Martin Campbell starring Angelina Jolie and Clive Owen retains one of the initial intentions of the film -- namely, love romance.Angelina Jolie plays Sarah, a lady who accidentally meets her fate in Doctor Callahan (Clive Owen). To what extent she is led by the fate, you will guess in the first sequence in Africa. The globe-trotting plot is melodramatic, but thanks to the actors' good acting (and Ms. Jolie's off-screen personality we all know), we clearly know that the film is made with good intention.But the film is shot against the backdrop of the suffering of many refugees in the world, and it opens with the scene showing that nature of the film quite blatantly. Romance, is it? But can we relate to either of them in this situation?Please don't say the film opens your eyes. Surely, the locations that show the plights of refugees are convncingly shot. And Angelina Jolie knows these people in person, as you know. But when you see something (I won't name it) in the middle of African desert, and see it is used as a device to enhance the romantic side of the story, I start to doubt the authenticity of the film. I may be wrong here, but if I were the director, I would change that part, definitely.I sincerely hope that it does not symbolize what happened to the career of Angelina Jolie when "Beyond Borders" never even reached #10 of box ofice chart in America. I know the film is a well-intentioned attempt to show the misery of these people, but if you really want to see the authentic accounts of refugees' lives, see Michael Winterbottom's "In This World." That is more realistic and shocking, too.
Slow moving!! This film is much like a 1940's film noir. This is not one of Wesley Snipes best. I found the dialogue to be unbelievable. The story is slow moving, which does the film no favors. It winds up to be a disappointing venture for Snipes & Dennis Hopper, who was wasted in his role.
Excellent DVD Picture Quality!!! Both films are quite good---entertaining, great performances, and excellent direction (Edgar Ulmer and Robert Stevenson). Superb picture quality.
This movie remined me of a commercial Elzabeth was a compressed, and overly dramtic movei that lacked everything but attractive stars. The performance by Cate Blanchett would have been spectacular if she would have had any decent dialogue. The direction was horrible. How many times does the audiece want to see Elizabeth shot through a haze, or through a window shaped like a cross. This movie was worse than The Romeo and Juliet that came out with Claire Dnaes,
The world outside of walmart This is a wonderful film to remind us that God's creation is a very beautiful place, esp in a time when so many people see little more than pavement and computer screens much of the time. It hearkens back to a time when we lived in tune with nature and the cycles of the seasons. The cinematography is absolutely beautiful and there is a nice little story to under gird it too. Very enjoyable for the entire 94 minutes.
Recycled 3 times over I will be very hesitant before buying any Katt Williams product in the future. "Katt Williams Live" was fabulous, and I recommend it. However, that material made up about 80% of "The Pimp Chronicles Part 1" and now about 95% of "Pimpadelic". Borrow a friend's copy or Blockbuster/Netflix it for a buck, even though this product is worth less than that.This is a clear case of someone making/taking money by putting an old product in a new wrapper.Katt, doing your fans wrongly is not wise and will cost you in the long run.Amazon won't allow leaving zero stars for this piece of junk.
Sex, Slugs And Rock 'n Roll! James Gunn delivers a rehashed version of every horror film genre into one and it's a hit. "Slither" never aspires to being anything other than an over-the-top gore fest wit a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor. After a meteor crashes (right behind an unaware police cruiser), red, slimy slugs start crawling around seeking human mouths. Of course, they gestate and the poor victims turn into George Romero type zombies that spit deadly poison. The first to get infected is the richest and horniest guy in town, but his wife has a headache. He infects others by impaling them with two slimy hose-like spikes (you have to have two to get infected, ya know). Its sex and gore zombie-ism combined. Pretty soon the whole town is sex starved and infecting each other. The good guy sheriff comes to the rescue with the rich guys wife after many a tight squeeze and lots of thrilling near misses. With more than enough clever lines and gruesome site gags, these folks bring on a fantastically guts filled splatter-filled ending that's creepy and disgustingly sexy all at once. This one is a true original made from some good old scraps.
An enjoyable film I've notived that a lot of people don't like "The Wiz". Perhaps because people keep comparing it to "The Wizard of Oz". Its true that they're both based upon L. Frank Baum's book, but you really have to view them seperately. The Wiz is a wonerous interpretation of the original story in that it provides an urban twist that allows modern (for the 70's anyway) youth to understand a bit more of Dorothy's plight. Its also an Afro-centric take on the theme, providing a better understanding for black children. Being a black man myself, I remember my mother playing both films for me back-to back and then having a discussion about the differences between them. And, although my favorite Oz-based film is still "Return to OZ", I was better able to understand that they are all good films and GREAT stories.
MIND NUMBINGLY AWFUL SEQUEL Craven used to be known to make REAL horror movies. Sometimes they were experimentation horror films. But now he has fallen for Hollywood's love of cheap scares and loud, loud, loud soundtracks. This film only has one musical cue that isn't criminally loud noise. But it's music stolen from Hans Zimmer's Broken Arrow soundtrack. A soundtrack I love. This kind of made me annoyed the first, and only, time I saw this (well over 2 years ago).The photography in this film is the worst I have ever seen. Almost everything that isn't in the immediate foreground is blurred and out-of-focus. Horror films offer so many opportunities for creativity in all areas of film production. But as this film is made to appeal to mass audiences the style has to be simple. Even terrible.There is nothing worthwhile about this film and nothing to recommend. The part that I hate most seems to be what most people (for some reason) like the best. A class full of film students discusses if sequels are better than originals. That's it. You see...this IS a sequel, and they talk about sequels. Wow! So what! That's the irony! And it's not worth a penny. I have never seen a more simpleminded and superficial so-called "horror" film as bad as this. The fact that it thinks it's so cool just makes it worse. The true horror of this film is the horrifying ignorance to the audience.Watch Urban Legend instead if you want to watch a Campus "who's the killer?" flick. It's junk but it's better than this.The DVD is in Dolby 5.1 and is letterboxed at 2.35:1.
Hello?? No David sloan........????? This was the worst in the series, i have rented all these (vhs) movies when they came out brand new at the video store many "many" years ago, well i rented kickboxer 4 and 5... "so i know what im talking about!".And let me just say that they executed a key character "david sloan" in a very cheap way, within only seconds into the film, david sloan was the hero from kickboxer II,III & IV, he beat tong po twice, and he would have easily murdered all the bad guys in kickboxer 5. Im not a sasha michell fan im into van damme more, even when van damme got shoot by tong po, i think the story was well told in kickboxer 2. Even in kickboxer 4 (which i know was better then kickboxer 5) we have strong reference to the first 2 film's. But kickboxer 5 lacked that kickboxer feeling that i grew up with, if your 25 year's old now like me, you will know where im coming from.As a stand alone movie, this is an ok mark dacascos movie if your a fan of his movies. But as a kickboxer movie, this sequel failed to continue a successful series, and infact, ended the series in a depressing way.No mention or continuation of the sloan family, which was basically what the kickboxer series is all about.But i can understand in 2009 why people have given this movie an ok rating, especially if you are a big a mark dacascos fan.
Preachy and Predictable When I look at some of the five stars reviews, I think, "You've got to be kidding?!" Character development? The characters were more like caricatures. Especially the dope head grandmother. And, please, an about to be divorced mother and her teenage daughter and son go to Woodstock to see grandma and within twenty-four hours mom is being pursued by the local hot carpenter, the vegetarian daughter falls for a young, good looking butcher and the virgin son pairs up with a teenage girl in the coffee shop, none, WHO ARE SEEING ANYBODY! Why was this movie even made? Save your time!
A Vivacious Young Girl's Ambition. A Fun Movie for All Ages. In the tradition of many children's films, "Akeelah and the Bee" tells the story of a child who dreams big and applies herself to achieving her goals. Akeelah (Keke Palmer) is an 11-year-old 7th-grader in South Los Angeles with an erratic attendance record and a determination to avoid being taunted as a "brainiac". But Akeelah has an uncanny talent for remembering words and their spellings that doesn't go unnoticed. The school's principal Mr. Welch (Curtis Armstrong) is willing to overlook her absences if Akeelah will help inspire her fellow students and generate a positive image for Crenshaw Middle School by competing in spelling bees. He suggests that his friend, former UCLA English professor Dr. Joshua Larabee (Laurence Fishburne), might make an excellent spelling coach. So Akeelah is off and running, learning to spell and dissect thousands of words, torn between her new goals and her disapproving mother (Angela Bassett)."Akeelah and the Bee" is the sort of inspirational children's film that encourages youngsters to set their sights high, have confidence in themselves, and work to achieve their goals. The goal is fulfilling your own potential -and, in this case, winning the National Spelling Bee. Writer/director Doug Atchison taps into increased national awareness of the spelling bee subculture since Jeffrey Blitz's documentary "Spellbound" captivated audiences in 2003. It's easy for audiences to be enthusiastic about spelling bees and to root for these gifted, driven children. Relationship drama subplots involving Akeelah and her mother and Akeelah and her coach round out the picture. Akeelah is in nearly every scene, so the young actress who plays her must be able to carry a large part of the film's emotional weight. I wasn't always impressed by Keke Palmer's acting, but I was impressed by her screen presence and charisma. She lights up the screen. "Akeelah and the Bee" is awkwardly contrived at times, but it is a fun, heartening movie for kids and adults alike.The DVD (Lionsgate 2006): Bonus features include 3 featurettes, 7 deleted scenes, a Gag Reel (2 min), and a music video for the song "All My Girlz" (3 1/2 min) by none other than Keke Palmer, looking very much like a young lady, not the child of the film. "Making of Akeelah and the Bee" (23 min) is the featurette worth watching. Through interviews with writer/director Doug Atchison, the producers, and the cast, we get the story of the inspiration and ideas behind "Akeelah and the Bee", casting Keke Palmer, the 31-day shoot in South L.A., and the efforts to faithfully recreate the National Spelling Bee. "Two Peas in a Pod" (4 1/2 min) explores the collaboration between actress Keke Palmer and director Doug Atchison. "Inside the Mind of Akeelah" (7 min) is clips of Atchison directing Akeelah.
A REAL PIECE OF GARBAGE what is wrong with the movie makers? i rec'd this and elizabethtown in the mail and its hard to decide which one was the worst. i couldn't even get thru this one. once again, i kept watching it hoping it would get better. nicholas cage is a really great actor, but this was the wrong vehicle for him. i usually watch movies for a better feeling. believe me, you couldn't get a good feeling about this one. not even if they had lit every actor in it on fire. i do not understand why they make movies that depress you. doesn't make sense to me. i also got a very old south pacific in the mail. what a great movie. if you buy this movie you are getting just what you deserve. i certainly do not recommend even five minutes of it. good luck with this one.
No chemistry I like Steve Carell and Knightly is okay. But they have no chemistry together. The best part of the movie? The trailer.
Daughter loved it; I was watching the clock. 4 stars if you are a child. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The French Know How to Do Comedy This French comedy (subtitles) is one of the funniest I have seen. It deals with attitudes about homosexuality quite seriously without being heavy.
Great Family Movie Clean, funny movie the whole family will enjoy. Has Lea Thompson & Judd Nelson. Wish there were more of this kind of movie.
Nostalgia creates such good memories... but... Nostalgia creates such good memories... but... if one is to be honest, this film is really quite bad. Yes it's interesting to see a very young Laura Dern and Diane Lane but it certainly wasn't as funny or poignant as I remember. It's also odd that many a young female post-punk hopeful find this film such an inspiration when ultimately the movie is about anything but music. I liked Waybill and Welnick, but their parts were tiny, and everyone else's performance was entirely forgettable. When you're 16 this movie might be good, when you're older it's quite horrendous. Maybe that's the point? Either way I was basically reminded of what a lousy era for music the early 80's really were, and that no matter how good the memories you associate with a given film or music, it doesn't make that film or music particularly good.If this is an official DVD release, there'd better be a slew of compelling special features to counter-balance the main feature.
Good physical comedy A film that gets you laughing and won't let you stop.An amazing scene in which technicolor in the darkis used to make your sides hurt with laughs.
Don;t waste your time don;t waste your time would not play on all 3 dvd players always wanted to see this movie very disapointed
A disappointment Unlike the source material, which was fun, breezy and sharp, this movie is uninteresting, leaden and dull. I cannot fault the performers, who were definitely in character and tried to rise above the material. The one exception is Piper Perabo, who is completely unable to act whatsoever. She can't act, she's not attractive, and she has no comedic timing, so what she's doing in the film is unclear at best.The script is chock full of exposition. Loads of exposition. I wonder if the studio was so concerned that no one would know who Rocky and Bullwinkle were that they tacked on the beginning newsreel-esque footing to explain. That footage is terrible. And it's on top of the deadening, endless exposition that follows. Come on, it's moose and squirrel! If the viewers don't know who they are at first, they can figure it out in context.The film continues ever so slowly, with no discernible plot (not always a bad thing in comedies) and with very few genuinely funny moments. The direction hurts, and is suited much more to drama than to comedy. In the special features section of the DVD, it is brought up more than once that it took years to get this project moving, and that the script had been in development for most of that time. It's hard to believe that with 8+ years to work they couldn't do any better than this.Avoid.
Awesome Director's Cut This DVD is great. The director's cut is not just the original movie re-packaged. Atleast twenty scenes have been re-edited with new footage. I loved it! The DVD also has some great extras. Great job Miramax!
Awesome Period Piece/Film Noir! Wow, I'm sorry, I don't mean to sound like a jerk here, but some people obviously don't know anything about the nuances of acting that comes with true period pieces. Plus, this movie was so much more than just the "acting". Like any other good film noir, this had so many different elements going on on so many different levels, that it's really only fair to view it at least twice before forming an opinion of it. For there are so many things to catch and pick up on that might be able to be caught during the first viewing.In my opinion, this is possibly the best film noir since Billy Wilder's "Sunset Boulevard". It's dark and moody, and the constant themes of corruption and lost dreams that echo throughout are something to treasure this film for.If you want a Hollywood driven film that concentrates on "acting", stick to some garbage like "L.A. Confidential", or worse "Hollywoodland", something so generic and pedestrian, and highly overrated it isn't funny. But if you want to enjoy a true film noir, and an awesome period piece, this is the film to check out.This movie kind of ruined me against a lot of other period pieces recently made, like the other Ellroy adaption, "L.A. Confidential". While that is a good movie, it just isn't a good period piece, because all the dialogue (and delivery of dialogue) could belong to today's contemporary dialect. However, I think that is why so many hate on "The Black Dahlia", because it refused to do that, and stayed true to the dialect of the period it represents.It is a sad state that most of today's movie viewing audience is so dumbed down and desensitized, and practically brainwashed into thinking that everything must either look like an MTV video or a really bad video game to be considered good anymore. Give me a good old fashioned movie like this that relies on good story telling to get its message across any day over lots of the crap that gets made these days.So sad to see that so many didn't enjoy it. I know I sure did! Matter of fact, I stil consider this to be the best film to be made in not only 2006, but this entire decade. Highly recommended!Thank you.
Episode Descriptions - Season 7 "South Park" is the bomb digity. And with Season 7 it only gets better. Cartman is my favorite character because he is so mean and fat.There's a total of 15 episodes from Season 7:Cancelled First aired: 3/19/2003In the 100th episode, the boys find out that Earth is actually a reality series for an outerspace planet that will soon be canceled.Krazy Kripples First aired: 3/26/2003Jimmy & Timmy join the crips and the rest of the boys "just stay out of this one."Toilet Paper First aired: 4/2/2003The boys TP their art teacher's house and won't fess up to their crime.I'm A Little Bit Country First aired: 4/9/2003Mr. Garrison tells his students that there is walkout scheduled today to protest the war.Fat Butt and Pancake Head First aired: 4/16/2003Cartman's hand become's a pop singing sensation, named Jennifer Lopez and gives the real JLo a run for her money when she gets a music contract and steals her boyfriend, Ben Affleck. One of SP's best eps!Lil' Crime Stoppers First aired: 4/23/2003The boys offer their services as "junior detectives."Red Man's Greed First aired: 4/30/2003The boys along with Stan and Kyle's parents go to the Three Feathers Indian Casino.South Park is Gay! First aired: 10/22/2003Metrosexuality is at its peak in this SP ep.Christian Rock Hard First aired: 10/29/2003When Cartman finds out that his Christian rock group can never earn a "platinum" award because they sing Christian music he goes berserk. Another SP best!Grey Dawn First aired: 11/5/2003The seniors are the focus of this ep when they start running down people because they drive for sh*t.Casa Bonita First aired: 11/12/2003Kyle decides to invite Butters to his birthday celebration. When Cartman finds out that he's not invited and that it will be at Casa Bonita he develops an elaborate scam so he can attend. Another AWESOME ep!!All About the Mormons? First aired: 11/19/2003A new student teaches Stan about the Mormon religion.Butt Out First aired: 12/3/2003The subject of smoking is discussed in this ep when non-smoking activist "Rob Reiner" visits the town.Raisins First aired: 12/10/2003The boys visit Raisins. What is Raisins? Hooters for children.It's Christmas in Canada First aired: 12/17/2003Ike is taken away by his birth parents and it's up to the boys to get him back.
Good Movie, Flawed Product Don't get me wrong, I love the Wall-E movie. In fact, it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. However, it is with this 'Wall-E (Three-Disc Special Edition + Digital Copy)' that I have issues. Now please note that although I am in Australia, I have bought dozens of DVDs from Amazon, 100% of which I have been able to view without problems on my computer, using either Power DVD or Windows Media Player. This Wall-E 3 Disc Edition, however, will not run at all on my computer, not on Power DVD or Windows Media Player. All it does is cycle through all the chapters in a few seconds, and then returns to the menu. To add injury to insult, Disc 3, the digital copy of the movie, when I type in the redemption code, mocks me by saying that I don't live in the USA, so my registration is invalid. I am not aware of any such warning mentioned in the sales blurb. Conclusion: good movie, completely flawed product. The only part that worked was the Disc 2, the extras. Hmm, helpful...
Way Beyond Bad This makes Plan 9 from Outer Space look like Academy Award material. The difference between the two is that "Plan 9" is deliciously bad. This just stinks. Anyone who pays thirty-two bucks for it should get forty bucks change.
Good hometown movie. I have watched this movie over and over again. I just love it. Charles S. Dutton and Danny Glover were awesome!! I love the character Nadine and how she finally got her man..
An Engaging Story With No Conclusion This movie combines fiction with reality, since it a family dramar peopled with seveal generations of actors from the Douglas family. Mitchell Gromberg, the family patriarch in the movie is played by Kirk Douglas, and Evelyn his wife is played by Diana Douglas, Kirk's ex-wife. Their son Alex is played by Michael Douglas, who also produced the movie. As you watch the film you wonder howe closely it mirrors the complex and sometimes difficult real life relationship between the Michael and Kirk. Michael's son Cameron makes his very effective acting debut as the older grandson Asher. The movie seems to convey real depth the relationships of the film's characters'; this was undoubtedly aided by their shared personal experiences over several generations. The remaining family members are Eli, Asher's younger brother played by Rory Culkin and Alex's wife Rebecca portrayed by Bernadette Peters.The movie basically portrays the family life (or lack thereof) and problems of a NY household dominated by Mitchell, who founded the law firm where Alex now works. Mitchell is frustrated by a speech impediment and some physical inabilites that are the lingering results of a stroke; his son and grandsons all bear the unspoken burden of living up to his achievements (after all, IT RUNS IN THE FAMILY). Meanwhile, Rebecca and Evelyn act as the calming influences attempting to maintain the normalcy of family relationships. However, several incidents collectively threaten the family's stabilty. Among these: Asher is selling pot and failing his senior year at college, Alex gets propositioned by an assistant in the soup kitchen where he volunteers, and Eli is totally noncommunicative with his parents to the point wheres the chooses to use an Excel spreadsheet to request an increase in his allowance. (Yes, there is some humor and a few really hilarious moments in the film.) These incidents eventuallly combine with the deaths of two members of their extended family to create a considerable degree of tension and the need to initiate the type of communication that has been lacking in their relationships.This movie tells a very complex story with the diverse threads of the family members' individual needs for achievement, love and power (control) interwoven with grief and the difficulties of dealing with the transitions through the various stages of life - whether growing up, adulthood or old age. It is openly emotional, not in the sense of pulling on your heartstrings but in exploring the emotions created in others by the actions of the characters involved. While there is enough humor to lesson the tension on occasion, the emotion in many of the scenes is so intense that you become completely involved with the characters.The upside of this film is paradoxically the downside, it is too complex and too much a mirror of life to reach any conclusion. The only stories that have ended are those of the two characters that have died. This is not a movie that ties up any of the loose ends, although it does provide a few glimmers of hope. This is a well acted and directed slice of life, so it is recommended if you like that sort of film. But I only rated it four stars because it does not achieve my five star criteria of wanting to view it multiple times, two would be my absolute limit. (In comparison to the five star recommendation of MOONLIGHT MILE -... - which dealt with the themes of death, family dysfunction and noncommunication in a much more uplifting way, much more frequent humor, and with a wonderful Hollywood ending.) So, as repeatedly articulated by Eli in response to any question that he is asked, "whatever" (you prefer you can read into the ending and the message of this movie).
"pseudo-documentary" This movie should be categorized as "pseudo-documentary," It's just another propaganda against president obama, depicting him as "socialist/communist foreigner man." It is absolutely waste of time. 1:40mins of none sense.
Boring The main character is arrogant and a brat. Pay attention to the way she talks. What high school student talks like that? I hate when they make students or even adults have a dialouge that never would happen
Better than you might expect Intense. Gritty. No-nonsense. Loved that the actors were unfamiliar faces, which made it easier to relate to them as the characters they portrayed. Far better than the production team's silly croc film, "Blackwater." Better too than "Open Water." Only criticism is that "Based on a True Story" should read "Based on a True Story, Sorta Kinda." Check out Wikipedia for link to the story that inspired the movie.
Would The Real Bo, Luke and Daisy Please Step Forward I am a really big fan of the Dukes of Hazzard TV show. I was excited when I heard they were making a movie till I found out who was in the cast . . . but I kept an open mind hoping that it would be good anyway. When I saw it my fears were confirmed . . . this movie stinks! It's not totally awful but the only thing true fans are going to recongnize here is the car. The awesome stunts save the film from its bad casting. Whoever did the casting for this film should be shot. First of all Jessica Simpson is a rotten actress. She is not even that hot they could have gotten someone better . . . actually anyone would have been better. The guys playing Bo and Luke are stupid but they are not the worst thing about this film. I think Burt Reynolds is off the mark as Boss Hogg. The charm that made the show a success is not here. I think Danny Devito would have been a great Boss Hogg. They needed a comedian as Rosco . . . Rosco was too serious here. Personally I think Daisy Duke should have been played by Hillary Swank because she has a hillbilly charm and she sort of reminds me of Catherine Bach . . . who by the way is sexy. To all those sad boys out there who think Jessica Simpson was good in this film . . . check out the TV show . . . that is how a woman is suppose to look in the Daisy Duke shorts. Even by today's standards the origanally Daisy is Hot. No one can replaced Tom Wopat and John Schneider either. The original Bo and Luke weren't stupid . . . they were cool. I could go on and on here pointing out what could have been done to fix this lame movie but that would be pointless. My reveiw is this . . . the movie is a bomb but it is worth seeing for the stunts alone . . . the car does some amazing jumps. Duke fans are probably going to hate this movie because it is embarrassing. Those who never saw the show or who actually like Jessica Simpson (God Help you) will probably love this film. If you have never seen the tv show I recommend you check it out on DVD. I think then you will see why fans are upset.
Bow wow Don't be fooled by the big name cast, script writer, and director. This film is a dog. A complete dog. The story is wholly unbelievable, the laughs are few and far between, and the overall production makes one wonder about the sobriety of all concerned. It isn't a screwball; it isn't black comedy; it isn't much of anything. Arkin has never made anything this bad.
shilling for 5 dollar wrestling Its 5 dollar wrestling, thats right you get 5 dollars worth of wrestling. But here is the good part. You also get Colt Cabana and Marty bringing the mark inspired humor. Plus if you don't watch it, there will be a chance that freight train might come to your house for supper two times a week. It would be the days your lady friend is over...Hint Hint...by the d@#M thing already...its only 5 dollars
best horror of 2008 along with "the strangers" just like the original, this long awaited sequel has its own vibe and style. campy humor, vicious characters, and gruesome murders set it apart from all the crappy theatrical releases that dissapointed us for the last couple years. this should have went to theaters.
Very good overall movie Although not made as exciting as modern thrillers, this movie has subtle humor and historical points, which make this movie well worth taking in.
Movie good - Disc bad This is not about the movie. I didn't open till a week later, and found that the dvd was damaged (unplayable, dent in the disc)
Looks Great! I just found Amazon Studios and just watched the preview on Touching Blue and its very interesting! I would absolutly go to see it !!
dream come true I've been a Bond fan all of my life. My dad and I read the books and saw all of the Roger Moore films together. Both of us hoped that one day the rights to Casino Royale could be bought and the book brought to the big screen. When Daniel Craig got the role I was horrified. I thought he was too short, too ugly and too blonde to pull it off. Well, I am delighted to say that I was wrong. After five minutes I forgot about the hair and remembered that Ian Flemming didn't describe Bond as being a handsome man but as a rugged looking one. Daniel Craig must have studied Sean Connery because he reminded me more of Connery than any of the latter Bonds. He's not soft like Brosnan, and he's not fooling around like Moore sometimes seemed to be, and he's not clearly overwhelmed like Dalton. He is extremely physical, tough looking and has that emotional coolness that Connery showed so well.The plot is tight and remarkably faithful with a few needed updates to the original book. The gadgets are still here of course but they don't dominate the story like they did in the Brosnan years (Remember the invisible car?). The most amazing piece of equipment is 007, himself.This is young Bond's first 00 mission and he makes mistakes and isn't bothered about being subtle. His relationship with Vesper was well done and the actress playing the part looks like the character is described in the book. I'm glad the producers decided to keep the torture scene pretty much as Flemming wrote it. Later instead of taking pills and leaving a sad little note Vesper gets a much more dramatic death in the movie and when Craig says the big line, "the b---- is dead," you can really see his heart freezing over.The audience I saw the movie with oohed, awed, laughed and cheered at all the right moments. Casino Royale was a fan's dream come true. Congrats to Craig. He pulled it off. He IS the best Bond since Connery.
If you liked 'The Pledge' you'll like this I don't see what all the negative buzz is about. Julianne Moore and Samuel L. Jackson gave Oscar winning performances. The movie was haunting and beautiful on many levels. It invoked a roller coaster of emotions. I highly recommend it. However, if you didn't like The Pledge, you probably won't like this.
Jack Bauer is BACK! For all the fans of 24 this season is exactly what we hed been expecting. Thrilling and quick paced with new twists at every hour!! Totally worth it!
Pretty Good Entertainment Of the various series, this is one is pretty good. The characters are well developed and they manage to not get into patterns when discovering and solving crimes...which is an accomplishment for 4 seasons. If you're used to grittier series (like Homeland) it won't satisfy, but it will hit that spot where you want to spend 45 minutes being intelligently entertained.While most of the episodes are discrete packages, there are longer story arcs for each season which keep you wanting to watch--especially after you get invested in the characters.
Downer The show keeps getting heavier and more depressing as the show keeps going. Sad I got sucked into it. Wish I had not bought this last season.
even tom cruise can't save these movies. Missin Impossible is about a GROUP of agents who fight the enemies of freedom, criminals, and drug dealers etc. This movie is the second one to feature a lone agent fighting american traitors. snorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. It looks better on blu ray but I had to sell this after I watched it because it's just a bad movie. Imo, tom cruise is actually a good actor, he was great in several movies too but this series is just another bad secret agent movie which can't even find decent villians to fight. Hollywood made money on this one because cruise was in it but most people will not like this flick after they see it. Why not come up with villians we can relate too? evil madmen , cults, evil drug gangs, communists , far right fanatics, muslim or other relgious fanatics. but not another evil agent flick.
AWESOME It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Seasons 1 & 2is perhaps one of the most brilliant shows to come to television in a long time. There's no laugh track, there's no studio audience, but there's plenty of hilarity. Written, produced, and created by the very same people who star in it makes this one of the few comedies that isn't going through the same boring filter Network Television puts on its shows. A guaranteed good time!!
Great Action movie I Am LegendGreat Movie. Will Smith can do no worng. hes a good person in real life and he does good movies.
Great If you liked the classic "Endless Summer", you will probably love this movie. There is a commonality, besides surfing -- Bruce Brown did "Endless Summer" and his son did this, a 2000s version with a lot packed into an hour and a half. The footage is great (looks like some of it came from the great IMAX from a couple years ago). Waves from all over and personalities to match. As close to getting that ear-to-ear smile on your face while not near the water. Just great!
Slow Moving Documentary I could hardley get through the entire DVD. I thought it would be more entertaining, but was slow and uninteresting.
Very Funny Lots of side plots to keep you entertained. The picture quality was just OK. I expect a DVD to produce a better picture.
This movie totally ...! It has nothing in common with the first part - except the title. The plot is very simple, the camera positions staid and the soundtrack a disaster. During the last two years, I never felt the urge to bash a movie so much like this one.
Great Movie with a mocking Waterberer Logo and front picture It is a great movie.I think the cover of the DVD should be relevant to the film.the same movie in Europe has Jesus's picture with a cross !!!!As you play the film, the first thing you see the Waterberer Logoscrolling on the screen with giant letters and inside the letters you'll see a naked man running then a woman kissing a woman !!!!!!!!I think somebody trying to mock this film.
Bravo! Richard Burton should have won an Oscar I first saw this back in 1982. I could barely remember the story line. But after 10 minutes, the emotionally painful and sometimes grating scenes reminded me of this great movie. A great study of character acting. Fantastic performances by the entire cast. Not much more to add than has already been written by the numerous other reviews. Elizabeth Taylor was absolutely marvelous.
Retro, timid, limp. You're so tired, girlfriend! The Next Best Thing's advertising put great emphasis on the comedy aspects. While it does have some amusing scenes [none of them hilariously funny], the entire second half is melodrama on the order of a TV soap opera, only not nearly as clever.Madonna plays Abbie, a hip Los Angeles woman of about forty who says she never married because she never found the right guy. When her live-in boyfriend walks out on her, she runs to her best friend, Robert [Rupert Everett], a handsome gay man who has decided that he may never have another serious relationship. He tells her she is better off without the guy, which is true, yet she pines, not so much for the old flame, as for the fact that she may never have a family of her own. Robert lives in the guest house of a swank Hollywood Hills home belonging to two old queens, who would have had the movies best lines if it had had any. Left alone at the house one 4th of July, Robert and Abbie drown their sorrows in margaritas and wind up in bed together. A few weeks later, Abbie announces she is pregnant with Robert's child. Robert decides that he will move in with her and be a real Dad to the child, although he thinks marriage would be hypocritical. After all, satisfying each other has certain limits. All this works out for six years, until Abbie meets Ben [Benjamin Bratt], and they fall in love.This is a perfect plot for a satirical comedy about love, lust, puritanical inhibitions and other such nonsense. Instead, the movie does an about face and becomes serious. The characters get mad, angry and downright ugly. Then, as if the producers saw the damage they'd done, there is a trite 'feel good' ending, which looks tacked on.Madonna and Everett do the best they can with the material. I can't really gauge Madonna's acting ability. She was superb in Evita and a few other movies, but I suspect that she hasn't the discipline to throw her full talents into anything she doesn't believe in one hundred percent. I know Everett is a fine actor, but here there is little he can do except reprise his character from My Best Friend's Wedding. In real life, the two stars are good friends, and I can only imagine all the knowing glances exchanged between them during production.It is frankly a bit shocking that John Schlesinger directed the film. Thirty years ago he directed two movies, Midnight Cowboy and Sunday, Bloody Sunday, which expertly examined the nuances and subtleties of human sexuality. He's at a total loss here. I suspect most of the audience will be, too.
21 Jump Street That was one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I am glad I didn't pay theater price to see it. The acting was bad, full of bad language and no real plot.
Good acting but plot is stupid and it is not in any sense likable. I usually like Nicolas Cages' work. He's a fine actor. However, his acting just couldn't save this rather stupid 2009 film in which he is cast as a drug addicted detective in post-Katrina New Orleans. No doubt he has a complicated life. His girlfriend is a prostitute, his father is a recovering alcoholic and his father's wife likes to drink a whole lot of beer. His world is one of drug addiction and corruption and there's not a single character that is in any sense likable. To top this all off, it is so boring that I fell asleep. Definitely not recommended.
Colorized Version Beware - this version of a classic film is COLORIZED. Those of you who love B&W films should stay away.
Continued Quality The fourth season was great fun! This show has managed to hold onto the basic story without going into too many silly twists. Enjoy.
Such. A. Waste. Of. My. Time. We watched this last night and have officially decided that it was really stupid. That's a few hours of my life I'll never get back. Seth Rogan is a terrible actor. The story was lame... The only reason we watched the entire movie was becasue Kato was almost worth it. This is one we'll never watch again.I wouldn't buy it. EVER. If you want to watch this Rent it... for a dollar. It's not worth much more than that.
Interesting It was hard to really comprehend because the viewer had to rely on the spoken word. Photos were very good.
Hot Garbage !!! Hot Garbage = Worthless or nonsensical matter. rubbish Refuse; trash.Im forreal I want my money back!!!
A few decent shocks, but otherwise forgettable The first Final Destination was a surprising guilty pleasure, Final Destination 2 was enjoyable trash, and Final Destination 3 was an empty disappointment considering what came before it. This fourth installment of New Line's horror series, creatively titled The Final Destination, finds FD 2 helmer David Ellis returning to the director's chair, only this time around the utilization of 3-D has been implemented. The end result however offers up a few decent shocks, but is an otherwise forgettable teens dying in horrible ways dirge. This time around, a group of friends manages to survive the destruction at a racetrack when one of them (Bobby Campo) has a premonition of their impending, bloody doom. As said before, The Final Destination offers up some decent shocks and reasonably impressive and creative deaths, but what's in between them is nothing that hasn't been seen plenty of times before. Combine that with the illogical plotting, terrible dialogue, stiff acting, and the fact that the 3-D moments are more few and far between then they really should be, and the end result is an installment in a franchise that is definitely on life support. All in all, the 3-D gimmick alone isn't enough to save The Final Destination from mediocrity, but it is still worth a look at least for horror fans looking for one or two solid shocks.
a sort of nixon in drag why can't i find this title listed in horror?(but i am forgeting. no words, no comment. there, all done.)
weak and static storyline. don't waste your money. this movie is painful to watch. and what a shame because there are so few lesbian films. the characters are one-dimensional. the story line is static; in the first 6 minutes of the film, you will now how the rest of the movie will turn out. there is bad chemistry between the two protagonist. Also, the college kid seems like she is 15 years, which make one really uncomfortable bc the teach looks to be in her mid 30s. I kept waiting for the film to get better but it did not.
excellent and provocative [Caution: some plot points revealed in this review.]Manderlay is yet another brilliantly transgressive, widely misunderstood film from Lars von Trier, who has made a name and a career out of messing with audience's heads, emotions, and expectations. The film is set at an Alabama plantation where, seventy years after the Emancipation Proclamation, slavery still thrives. The horrified Grace (Bryce Dallas Howard), who arrives in Manderlay after her escape from Dogville (the previous film in von Trier's trilogy), decides to "emancipate" the slaves, and establishes a system of democracy in which everyone is now "free." However, the former slaves simply trade one form of institutionalized oppression for another--a new system that calls itself freedom but under which nothing has really changed.Through the character of Grace, von Trier criticizes bleeding heart white liberals (and, during the 1800's, many abolitionists were white women like Grace, who often felt more pity than respect for slaves). Grace seems to be motivated to help the slaves by guilt, pride, or a sense of self-congratulation rather than a sincere desire to help them improve their lot. Thus von Trier mocks white liberals who advocate for human rights because doing so makes them feel better about themselves. This form of "help" continues to objectify underprivileged people and denies them any real agency. Hence, Grace teaches the freed slaves how to vote, but then disagrees with one of their verdicts. Again, she is less interested in allowing others to think for themselves than in forcing others to think like *her*. As in Dogville, von Trier shows how "good intentions" can backfire if not carried out with caution. Eventually, perhaps inevitably, Grace has come to adobt the rhetoric of the slaveowner, and in the last scene resorts to whipping the former slave whom she initially intended to "emancipate."This is not to say that von Trier is arguing that slavery is good, or that it should never have been abolished, or that all liberals are evil. Rather, von Trier uses this film to expose the complexity of America's racial hypocrisies. The Emancipation Proclamation technically "freed" slaves, yet Americans' ideologies about race were not changed. As a result, black people have continually struggled to survive in American society, as von Trier disturbingly reminds us in a montage of photos of impoverished and tortured black Americans which plays over the end credits. A group of people cannot really call themselves free if they are still imprisoned by racist institutions that deny them true subjecthood.This film also borrows many ideas from post-colonial theory, mainly the idea that a group of oppressed people remain oppressed as long as they are not able to act, think, or decide for themselves, which is precisely what happens in the film as a white woman attempts to "act in the best interests" of the black people of Manderlay. Grace views black people as a humanitarian cause rather than as individual subjects, and therefore does not encourage them to think for themselves or make their own mistakes.Once again, the film reveals some unpleasant truths about race in America. The film has undoubtedly caused controversy among many viewers (which, as many have pointed out, is exactly what von Trier intends). Viewers may be tempted to jump to conclusions or knee-jerk reactions while watching this film rather than thinking about it critically. Again, this is what von Trier, a great manipulator, wants from his audience--to shock and anger them. It is tempting to write Manderlay off as a racist film simply because, for example, it contains a scene in which a white woman whips a black man, and another scene in which the former slaves explain that they would rather be slaves than be free (or rather, live under Grace's version of freedom). However, the critical viewer will be able to see that von Trier endorses neither abuse of black people nor slavery in this film. Rather, he causes us to question racism in America and how efforts to eliminate it have been, unfortunately, mostly ineffective.
PAINFUL Not a sequel at all, just a cheap remake. All the actors give it their best, direction and cinematography do shine at times, but the plot sucks. The story denies everything Eddie learned in the Hustler. Forrest Whitaker's small role is probably the best thing about this waste of celluoid, and even that's a painful scene! And the ending, oh the ending, THERE IS NONE!
L M A O Come on, people! This movie is soo funny. There is a lot of subtle humor in this film and it actually gets funnier and funnier the 2nd, 3rd, 4th time, etc. I actually bought it 4 times lol just to support Ice Cube & Mike Epps. I grew up on Cube's music and love everything Mike Epps does (even stand up) and they did not disappoint in this movie! Just the opposite. I LOVE IT.
Weirdness for the sake of wierdness This is possibly one of the most overrated films I have ever seen.I feel complete indifference to all the characters. The plot is a meandering shambles and the best thing in it is Charlie Sheen! How bad must a movie be if Charlie Sheen is the best thing in it!I can't even see the point it's trying to make. Is it a satire on the nature of celebrity or a surreal sci-fi movie?Either way it fails. If you want to track down surreal try Terry Gilliam. In fact the whole film would have worked much better as Gilliam/Python animation than a live action movie.If you want a satire on celebrity try DeNiro's 'King of Comedy.'On a final note the whole movie just looks terrible! The lighting is awful and I think I even saw a boom shadow in one shot.For old hippies and stupid people who think they're clever only.