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Didn't get a chance to watch it.. When i ordered it from Amazon i had no idea they would send me a DVD case with NO DVD in it..so i couldn't tell you how the movie was...be careful what you order...
Season 7 reestablishes 24 as one of the TV's best Like most fans, I was disappointed in Season 6, but willing to give 24 another try based on its past greatness. Season 7 surpassed my expectations.While 24 is an action show, its best moments for me are the pivotal ones in the lives of the characters we care about so much, especially Jack. (Like, in Season 2 Jack talking with Kim while flying the plane, then Mason showing up and talking to Jack about what Jack should really be doing with his life; or, in Season 3, Jack and Nina's final confrontation; or in Season 5, our last visit with David Palmer.) There are several such memorable moments in Season 7.This season benefits from a great cast, including some returning favorite characters (Tony, Chloe, Agent Pierce, and a couple others) and some great new ones (FBI Agent Renee Walker, super talented & resourceful and a possible love interest for Jack in Season 8 - if he lives that long), and uber bad guy Jonas Hodges, played to a tee by Jon Voight.Season 7 borrows the more successful plot elements from previous seasons, and does them well in a new context. Jack, once again, is working on the outside, with the help of Chloe on the inside. Jack, once again, must infiltrate a group of bad guys by pretending to be one of them, and must pretend to kill someone he - and we - care about to convince them of his loyalties. There's a well-placed mole, feeding intel to the bad guys and keeping them a step ahead of our hero. There's a Sherrie Palmer-like character in the President's daughter, and, finally, once again, a President with principles - like David Palmer.I am hoping the writers try some different plot elements next year instead of rehashing the same formula. Stop making Jack prove he's a good guy - sheesh, he's saved the world 6 or 7 times over, you'd think people would have learned by now. Give him some real resources and the unconditional faith of the leaders he serves.But, after the disappointing Season 6, the writers did a fantastic job, and Season 7 brings the comforting feeling of the old 24 magic. Most fans, I think, will easily forgive the writers for reusing some past plot points. And while not all seasons of 24 portray their villains as 3-dimensional characters with plausible motivations, Season 7 gives us a nicely fleshed out villain in Jonas Hodges, and another guy who's pretty bad reveals his true motivations to Jack in Episode 24, and it's pretty plausible and satisfying.In the end, despite the terrorist threats to the nation, and all the great action and stunts and car crashes, Season 7 is more intimate - it's about Jack facing his demons and about other characters we've long known dealing with theirs. And as a bonus (I hope this isn't too much of a spoiler), Kim's reappearance sets things right with fans - she doesn't wind up in any cougar traps - far from it - and she makes a positive contribution when it counts most. In my view, everything wraps up perfectly in Episode 24. The writers don't explicitly show the actual resolution to certain things, like what Renee is about to do when we last see her, or what will happen after the very final scene. But they show enough to make it clear how things turn out. And it is very satisfying.If you have not seen 24 Season 7 yet, I envy you for the treat you're in store for.
they tried to write an interesting scenario... BUT could not succeed! the story is interesting but not impressing. This is just like some other dump fantastic movies. The writer tries to be impressive, but he becomes rediculous... OK watch this movie and see...
Rip off This DVD is not for the US. When inserted into the DVD player, an error message of Wrong Region appears. Recommend do not buy.
Slow plot, bad subtitles I wished I had known BEFORE I got this that it came with subtitles. With bad subtitles too. The pace is slow and with the bad subtitles it becomes a bit of a bore.
Worth the wait This film is a must see for anyone who wants to know about what the est training seminar was really like (vs. the rumors and lore that are out there), what results est delivered to participants and the man behind creating it. I found the excerpts of the actual est trainings (which I never took at the time) to be the most interesting part of the film. I would have liked to have seen a bit more focus on Werner's life story aside from his transformational work. I ask myself, why him? What in his past made him the one to create this world of transformation vs. someone else who might have? The film could have also been a little faster paced for my taste. Finally, I think the film would have been more well rounded if it had focused less in the last act on how Werner doesn't get the credit he deserves for the difference he made in the world. While this is almost certainly true, it is also not the point (I would suggest that the net result of the difference he made in the world is) and Werner strikes me as the kind of person who probably doesn't care too much about the credit. But, overall, it is totally worth buying this DVD.
Another Vikings Moors Giant Golden Bell Caper This is a pure popcorn eatin yarn. A worthy entry into the Viking movie hall of fame. Good for kids, and adults who need Viking action. It's got Poitier playing an intense Moroccan King, and Widmark a cracking wise Viking con man. A great Viking theme motif, perhaps used a few too many times. Some good looking dames. A real Viking ship, and a bunch of model ships. A memorable execution device that plants an imagined very bloody picture. Got Russ Tamblyn in an I was a Teenage Viking role. An epic Viking party that can serve as inspiration for a frat party. The usual swords and axes. Vikings let loose in a harem? Ya-huh! Give this one a whirl, I say.
Not impressed. Deadpan, dry and bland. I literally fell asleep 20 minutes into it. I then got up and went straight to bed and let my roomate get my money's worth for the rental. This movie got so much hype and even garnished an oscar nomination! Did I miss something? Someone please tell me if I missed something! Selena was a much better movie!
Farewell to Brenda For you crime drama buffs this is a season not to miss! Not buying or seeing this season would be like leaving your car window open in a rain storm. Here are the main reasons why;1. We find out who the leak was in Brenda's team. You will be amazed to find out who it was and who it wasn't.2. We see the stunning final chapter of Brenda's plight to catch her archenemisis, attorney (and presumed rapist and murderer) Phillip Stroh. The only case Brenda could not close.3. How the writers found a sensical way for Brenda to leave the show without killing her. (Well done)Look I don't know much (I admit that), but the Closer is/was an excellent show, from season one to season seven. The rewatch value of this show is very high. New generations of crime buffs will enjoy this show for a long time.For those that remember that first season watching and rooting for Brenda. Wanting to see Brenda prove herself to the other characters that she was the real deal. Watching Brenda gain the trust and confidence of her team, the Brenda way was great. One by one they all began to accept her and we saw the begings of a exceptional show, with good writing and great chemistry. With each season the episodes just got better (but just don't take my word, see for yourself).Now what am I going to do on Monday nights around 9 PM eastern standard time? I guess I will go back to watching that sport with the odd shaped ball or those real athletes in the WWE.
One for the adults and real SF aficionados I don't have too much to add but wanted to help bring up the average a little.I found this film on NETFLIX -- "ho hum, nothing much else to watch, but at least this trash monster flick is honestly labeled" -- and I watched "MONSTERS". Wow, I watched it again -- three times in a week! Now, I'm here on Amazon looking to buy a copy.Everything worth saying has already been included in the other 4 and 5 star reviews. If you enjoy the typical Hollywood "SCIFI" blockbuster, chances are that this film could disappoint you. Truly, this movie is everything that "Battle: Los Angeles" isn't.If you enjoy watching -- and re-watching -- great science fiction films like "Solaris", "Blade Runner", "The Quiet Earth", "District 9", then this film is for you. If you enjoy reading speculative fiction but you have given up on there ever being a SF movie made for adults, then give this one a try.Excuse me now. I'm off to buy a copy of "MONSTERS". I know I'll being wanting to watch it again before long. I'm not sure -- yet -- if it's a classic, but it's definitely a keeper!
sounds... I worked at a video store and played this film,which the musical score which they changed on this dvd... ruined that horror classic feel that the original score had which made it scary,i just scene in tower another edition released thats uncut which should be alot better ,it was just released.
Very entertaining! Loved the movie - a wide range of couples was covered and the acting was great. I wasn't sure what to expect when I saw so-so ratings on IMDB but I'm glad we decided to rent this. Get the popcorn ready and be prepared to laugh!
Enjoyed it BUT --- SPOILERS This review contains spoilers. Do not read if you don't want to know what's in the film.I liked the move because I love Stargate. I love its characters. However,---The movie was completely lacking in emotional exploration of the characters. Delving into the character impact of separation and isolation in an alternate reality, and in the case of Daniel, the loss of a limb, might have added 10 minutes of time, but it would have significantly improved the movie. I'm tired of lazy, sloppy writing. Stargate is a great show for its themes and characters (and actors, all of them) but it has been poorly treated by its writers. This show needs to be given to someone else, someone who gives a d@#m about art.
The movie was one of the best I ever saw! I loved the movie,&so did all of my classmates.But honestly,the book was much better. I cried,I laughed,I was totally moved by the story.I really do suggest for anyone to read or see this movie.
another great madagascar flick Just love these movies. the circus scenes with the neon lights are just brilliant and great to watch. kids love it.
Takes a lot of work to get into None of the actors and roles are identified, there are so very many characters, and yet, it draws one in. The story lines are fairly complicated and they don't introduce the characters well. That having been said, I'm sure I'm not the first to be interested in both the help and the bosses and how they have such nearly entirely different lives in the same house. Of course, it's harder for Americans to understand, but as our own wealthy class gets richer and the rest of us have an ever decreasing percentage of the wealth, it's not as hard as it may have been 20 or even 10 years ago.Of course, great acting. What an undertaking - so many personalities, so many nuances! Amazing!
Emotions Common to All Races Although the adorable little boy at the core of this movie is barely seen, without him there would be no story. This is a movie about the love of a father for a son. In Chinese religion. I believe parents need children to honor them after death for religious reasons. Therefore, this is more than just a father-child love movie; it is also somewhat a religious movie and that adds to the father's desires for his son. The main value of the movie, first, is the glimpse it gives of Chinese culture. Second, it shows common emotional experiences for all races. Third, it shows some of the problems caused by illegal immigration. All are good reasons to watch the movie.
The Doors: One of Oliver Stone's best films! Formed by Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek at a night on the beach after Jim read some of his poems to Ray, The Doors became one of the greatest rock bands of all time in the late 60s. Jim Morrison was one of the first rock n roll rebels and wrote some of the darkest, deepest songs ever ("The End", "Strange Days", etc.) Even Iggy and the Stooges and the MC5 started a band themselves after being mesmerized at a Doors concert. The band started in 1965, and released their first album in 1967, and sadly the original band ended in 1971, due to Jim Morrison's unfortunate death.Oliver Stone's film is more about Jim Morrison than the band, to be honest. Val Kilmer's performance is so convincing, you'd think you're watching Jim in the film (and in some shots, you are!). It has been said that even the surviving Doors members had trouble distinguishing Kilmer's vocals from Morrison's own. Val Kilmer should've at least been nominated for an oscar. The actors playing the other Doors members (Kyle MacLachlan, Kevin Dillion, and Frank Whaley) have some screen time, but as I said, the movie is basically about Jim. I think this is an excellent bio-pic, but some would disagree. So, check it out if you're a fan, or even if you aren't a fan. It's a masterpiece. Oh, and Oliver Stone is an admitted fanatic Morrison fan, in interviews he has said that he views him as something of a god.
Not Happy!! When I ordered this particular Set I thought I would get the Set that I saw and The exact Title Collector's Edition. Well that is not what I received I received a Plan DVD CASE with a Picture Of Season One and Just 2 DVD's inside! I would have Like to Know Before Hand that it wouldn't be the Collector's Edition!! I bought Season 2 from another Site and the only reason I didn't get Season One from that is Because I Really wanted this Special Edition and I didn't Get It! Not Happy! A little Disappointed But I got Season One!
One of the most important films you'll see Countdown to Zero treats a subject that everyone needs to know more about, but almost no one wants to face. Hopefully, this professionally produced film will help overcome that. I found it riveting. And don't let "but zero is dangerous" scare you off. The film is not advocating immediate, much less unilateral, nuclear disarmament. Colin Powell and other military leaders wouldn't be involved if that were the case! Rather, what's proposed is a step-by-step process to take us back from the nuclear abyss in a way that enhances our security. Too many people jump to the wrong conclusion that posing the vision of a world free of nuclear weapons requires rash action. It's a vision and a goal, not a call for impossible and dangerous action.The review here that says nuclear deterrence works, so there's nothing to worry about, is just dead wrong -- as is the societal belief it reflects. One of the most frequent such "What me worry?" arguments points to the last 65 years without a world war and says "It ain't broke, so don't fix it!" Given that a child born today has an expected lifetime of 78 years and we have had a number of near misses in the last 65 years, that is weak evidence at best.While the Cuban Missile Crisis is the best known near miss (and, for many people, the only one they know of), there have been many, many more. 1961 Berlin, 1983 Able Archer, the 1991 Soviet coup attempt, the 1993 Russian coup attempt, the 1995 Norwegian rocket false alarm (the one time the Russian nuclear launch codes were opened in front of a leader -- thank God Yeltsin was sober enough to make the right decision), and the 2008 Georgian war are just the ones that come to my mind as I write this. And, then there's the specter of nuclear terrorism. Countdown does a fantastic job of conveying the horrendous risk that society is neglecting. Hopefully more people will watch this film and start demanding that we defuse the nuclear suicide machine we've constructed.If you want more info than this review can convey, do a web search on "defusing the nuclear threat" -- with the quotes.Other things to look at:Nuclear Tipping Point DVD: A web search on its title will bring up links for getting a free DVD. Imagine Henry Kissinger and Colin Powell calling for a world free of nuclear weapons? You don't have to. Watch the DVD and hear them do it, along with Bill Perry, Sam Nunn, Mikhail Gorbachev and others.Peter Vincent Pry's bookWar Scare: Russia and America on the Nuclear Brinkhas details on most of the near misses I listed, plus one more.David Hoffman's bookThe Dead Hand: The Untold Story of the Cold War Arms Race and Its Dangerous Legacywon the Pulitzer for non-fiction and includes a description of a Soviet doomsday machine -- the "dead hand" that can reach from the grave and retaliate even after the leadership was destroyed in an American attack. But what about the chance for the system failing?Tad Daley's bookApocalypse Never: Forging the Path to a Nuclear Weapon-Free Worldis another great read. Lots of useful info.
This is one bad DVD! And it aint bad in the good way! (N.B. This isn't a knock on the movie, it is classic 70's afro stuff). 1st of all, let's look at the special features. Mmmkay, here we have a trailer for each of the three 70's SHAFT movies. This is a nice touch, yet I feel something missing - mainly a clear picture and audible sound. Next up is the "Soul In Cinema" documentary, which looks and sounds like something that The Reject Shop rejected. And finally, we come to the so-called "Awards" section, which basically tells you what everyone already knows: that the theme won best song. So after the 30 seconds of thrills and spills that the extra features provided us with, we decide to watch the film itself. The picture, well, that's why I gave this a 2 star rating, because it at least if half-decent, and you have the option of wide or fullscreen. But please folks, don't get your hopes up, because now we shuffle along to the sound quality. Have you ever put ice in the blender, and nothing else, then turned it onto Auto-Cleaning mode? Well this is the closest resemblance to the noise coming out of 4 of your 5 speakers that I can think of. The back of the case will lead you to believe that this is encoded with Dolby Digital 5.1 sound. And it is - but unfortunately only on the menu music (did I mention the menu doesn't move?). And the most disappointing thing here is that I live in Australia (That is disappointing in itself), and had to import this trash. Please, spare yourself the agony of trying to decipher this mess and wait for another version, or buy the Neanderthal, outdated VHS tape.
Spectacular footage This is an amazing film filled with breathtaking imagery and beautifully composed music. I'd recommend this to all looking for a soothing experience as well as a fun ride.
Complete & Utter Failure The original Heavy Metal is a classic. The sequel fails to live up to expectations. The animation seems rushed and badly done throughout.
yeah I loved the "lies my mother told me", since i love lifetime, its a great movie to watch after work. Its an intense sad/good movie to just watch. I suggest you buy this dvd cause you wil be popping it in each saturday night. Don't forget the popcorn!
MISS CASTING The Natalie Wood was miss cast for this role she.The Katharine Bard appears to be far to old for the role of Raymond Swan I think this was why she was ignored.I did not enjoy Robert Redford performance I found it lack creditability.I really enjoyed Christopher Plummer he showed more than one side to the character. He showed a caring side and also showed the double standard side. Why did he not get A Golden Globe nomination.Linda Colliver
Ambitious but ultimately pretentious *CONTAINS SPOILERS*Kevin Bacon plays Nick Hume, a risk assessor for an insurance company with a life as ordinary and mundane as any put on screen, that is of course, until he is driven is vigilante violence when his son is brutally killed in a gang initiation. This killing occurs in a very bad neighborhood, one that Nick should know better than to be driving through. Putting that aside, rather than see the killer spend only a few years in jail, he impulsively recants his testimony at trial and goes to take justice into his own hands, setting the stage for a series of graphic murders in retaliation.For someone as smart and successful as Nick Hume, this man sure makes a lot of bad decisions. He arrives to confront this killer in his business suit, standing out as much as possible in a slum neighborhood so that he can be easily identified by a gang member's sister. As he is being pursued by this gang later on, he tosses his briefcase, which contains his wallet. And does it come as any surprise that the gang goes after his family shortly after? He simply doesn't think ahead. We know his grief is supposed to cloud his judgment, but horror movies victims wouldn't be this foolish. And of course, the cops are all incompetent, letting him escape from their clutches later in the movie in a rather unbelievable fashion.Apart from a few effective scenes, this movie is a mess. Director James Wan wants to infuse the movie with the moral ambiguities of "Death Wish" and capture the mood of "Taxi Driver," and attempts to do so with a number of obvious parallels, but he was much better at providing this sort of layered subtext in "Saw" (the first one, before the series started to approach self-parody). While "Death Wish" was no masterpiece, it was certainly far superior to what's on display here. Wan desires to examine the moral and physical consequences of vigilante justice, but the results are half-hearted. The movie, much like its characters, is too stupid to do this effectively. Apparantly, the producers recognized this too, dumping the film at the end of the summer release schedule, where it appropriately bombed.Despite the many flaws of his character, both in terms of development and actions, Kevin Bacon is actually quite good in the lead. His performance is absolutely chilling, especially at the end, when he decides to basically go on a killing spree. The final showdown is pretty ludicrous, but never for a moment did I question Bacon's conviction and resolve during that scene. The rest of the acting is pretty standard, with the exception of John Goodman, who is horrible. His scenery-chewing dialogue is laughable, as is his presentation of it. His character also makes no sense whatsoever, especially when his "big twist" is revealed.There are other, better movies on the subject of vigilante justice. Watching Kevin Bacon hunt down lowlife vermin is enjoyable on a visceral level, but the suspension of disbelief required for it is pretty heavy. The various instances of ambiguity Wan includes are pointless and only underline how pretentious this movie really is. If you're in the mood for a good action flick, this isn't quite the right choice, although there are worse alternatives out there. If you're in the mood for a good drama, the conflicting themes here can't warrant a recommendation. This film doesn't really succeed on any level; it's not unwatchable, but it is very unsatisfying.
"Posse" All went well in ordering and obtaining the DVD movie. And the package arrived quickly and in excellent condition.
Great Season! The L word complete second season was very good. I enjoyed watching it. All of the characters are very talented.The only story line I didn't like was Jenny's. Her story line is so boring and kinda on the crazy side. Dana, and Bette, are the most enthusiastic actor's that makes this show a success, they are the ones who give it that extra boost.
Over-the-top action I'd highly recomond this movie to someone who enjoys crazy out of control action. Yes this movie dosnt have the greatest quality but if your all about weird wild and crazy stuff this is the stuff right here so ignore all those in depth reviews and just enjoy the this wild movie!!!!!! (:
Doorways to Our Unknown Past(Due to choices made that lead into the Universal Law of Cause N Effect) Etc; The reason why my title entry is so long is because! Really, this particular movie of the Hell Raiser is the most profound one from a Metaphysical/Mystical point of view.I know that everyone has their own favorite when dealing with the 8 movies of Hell Raiser. However, any in depth thinker, and certainly; any true metaphysician! Is without a doubt going to say this one is the most complete by far! If they view the movie as being a mirror reflection of each of our own soul.(This Particular One)Is not so much about "Pinhead" going around murdering people. It's more so about how far Betrayal,Evil Negotiations,Wicked Deeds,Lust,Pleasure N Pain(Dualities)Etc; Begin to take over peoples life. And from those various desires how they lead people into either Paradise or Hell Worlds. Of course in this movie(They were strictly all Hell Existences)I could've written far more extensive about this movie: However,I'm not sure what the reader is seeking to like in the 8 made Hell Raiser Films. As a result, I'm simply writing how though in one sense this is going to be looked at by many as just being a movie. However, in reality, this movie has alot more truth in it than many people can possibly imagine!This is being expressed from experience! Which causes one to speak the truth! Not from the point of view of being a horror buff(And theirs no judgement being expressed from that perspective either) I'm just spreading the truth about this in depth Movie!When certain movies is deeply understood and ciphered from experience. Then ones written review gets typed from the heart!Every choice we make in everyday life leads us towards whatever doors which we created for ourselves to become obligated to walk in! "This is reality not Fiction!" Not only is it important throughout life to become aware of the company you keep. As The Ancient Sages Say! " One can be around someone all their life and still not really know them!" Unquote- That is a great truth!Furthermore, Quote- As the ancient writings of the various Temple Doors Say "Man Know ThySelf" Unquote- That is also a great truth!The movie goes on to show that the husband in the movie "Didn't even know himself. He had no memory of his deeds or existence! And when we dont've any memory of our past then we can't know how it's directly connected to our present situations and circumstances. And furthermore, how it goes on and defines of future existence! Actually, not only did his wife sell out to evil. But the husband did as well! He was all along challenged with his lustful cravings Etc; Because remember, our thoughts play a vital role in defining our reality!Their are deep seated issues which all of us have! And at some point we will be challenged with each of them.Actually, He was already in a hell world without even knowing how he even got there in the firstplace. Why! is because, just like in real life, their are souls who are trapped in between worlds. Which causes them to be fragmented on their existence. They're constantly living their past while at the same time in their present horrors. From the life that they lived. Anywhere we go is just an extension of ourself while we lived in the flesh on the physical plane. The exception is: The experience becomes magnified 10 fold...And this is the same in the opposite! Meaning, if our deeds while being a resident in the flesh on the planet earth was about positive actions: Then we will reap the benefits 10 fold that way. "As yea sow so shall yea reap"His wife was already reaping what she sowed. But as the saying goes, "Misery Loves Company" Though it appeared at the end that her soul was speared by bargaining for her husbands to be devoured. In reality, while she was still living in the flesh, her days would be numbered. Then she would face unspeakable terror and horror with her soul. Because no one is ridden from the responsibility of experiencing immense pain and suffering, that they "purposely" by "knowing the choice they made" ended up causing someone else to have to go through. Along with that, how she chose to hang onto evil "by keeping the Hell World Cube" (Its just an example of how people can still end up choosing to hang onto evil possessions)Or in real life "Evil Thoughts And Deeds".Though this movie depicts Hell Beings such as Cenobites and Pin Head. In reality, the way that they look, Along with what they could do! "Was in honesty! A very mild depiction! When compared to the evil that really exists in other worlds.This is why though many dont've a clue as to who they were in their pastlives. Yes, "Pastlives" Because each of us has been "Back here" more times than we currently know! Regardless of what we believe, "Thats still the underlying truth!" As the saying goes, "Hell is Repetition" The task is to break free from our lifetimes of negative patterns. The most important thing we need to currently know beyond anything else is: We need to become positive citizens of the earth- doing righteous deeds! As oppose, to remaining in our ignorance- by constantly doing negative ones. It's all a choice!This review was written with the pure intentions of giving the reader a parallel of how the movie is trying to show how our choices and actions lead into many doorways. Along with getting contrasted to how it's not at all far from the reality. Of how everyday in our life- The choices we make- not only affect ourselves,but they also affect others! Which leads into either future existences of Heaven or Hell Worlds.P.S. Though like mentioned earlier. Although I could've written much more extensive on this very meaningful movie than this: However one just wanted to share their perspective as to why they see this one out of the other 7 as being the most serious and realistic by far!And May your own journey throughout life become if it already isn't "A Positive and Sincere One!Peace N Universal Love!
On Demand DVD East Wind is a very entertaining documentary with lots of extras and certainly worth the money. If you like paragliding stories, you won't go wrong with this. What I really liked was that I could choose to have it "burned" to order. There are lots of short films out there that I wish would investigate this new service. It worked flawlessly ! I'm glad I bought it !
An American Classic What makes this a great movie is the cinematography that was executed back in 1978. The viewer will appreciate the complexities that the filming crew had to probably endure. While there were some stupid and silly scenes in the movie, I particularly enjoyed the overall theme and the music mainly from The Shirelles. Everyone should have the opportunity to watch this movie!
Idiotic Frightening--that I spent good money to see this. Really bad! Dialog consisted entirely of stupid macho posturing; no story line at all. Comic "dramatic" situations. Confusing or entirely missing character motivation--why on earth did any of these people do any of the things they did? The ending, however, was quite rewarding; too bad the writers weren't on board.
No THrill Here Poorly constructed movie bordering on the absurd. Characters made no sense at times and the acting was really bad.Don't waste your time unless you have absolutely nothing else do.
Censored or not Jackass is the best I got one word for ya......NUTBALL. If you don't like that, Steve O snorts an earthworm and goes bobbing for Jelly fish (he then has to douse himself in his own urine to relieve the pain which then makes him throw up). A Great buy....but just wait til Jackass the movie comes out on DVD...Can't wait.
50th Anniversary Collection - 10 Commandments It is an excellent product and the service was also excellent - it was interesting to see both productions of the movie and also to hear the scene by scene narrative as to the background of the filming
Garbage Cinematography that looks like it was shot by a 5 year old, terrible audio and a message that basically says there's no God. How did this turn into an athiest documentary about star wars fans. The worst video I've seen all year.
Ignore the negative reviews for this film Ignore the sour people who give this film negatives reviews;They have never learned to laugh or take things lightly.Lighten up,people!This film is NOT to be taken seriously!The so-called"abuse"scenes are fake.If your kid(s)are worried about the "abuse"scenes,explain to them that it's all fake.The animals are well-trained,the scenery is beautiful,and the storyline is well-written.This is a great alternative to so-called "family-films"like "Problem Child".
False Advertising I rented this video and was disappointed. I thought it was going to be a comedy that starred a trained monkey. The package is VERY misleading. On the front cover is shown a monkey. The monkey has a limited role in the movie-- and of the little time it is on screen, it is not even a live monkey, but a stuffed animal strapped to a guy's leg. Further, the monkey in the movie is not even the same species of monkey shown on the cover. A large picture of an actress also dominates the package. This woman does a fine job but has barely a minute of screen time in the whole movie! About the only true thing said on the package is "Beyond Funny!" But that's only if "beyond" means "nowhere near!"This movie is a minor adventure, but it's definitely not a comedy. The acting is good, the story bland, and the DVD package belongs to a different movie altogether!
Classic Hitchcock film - Outstanding DVD This is not my favourate Hitchcock film, but it's certainly in my top ten. Personally I find it difficult to get too involved in the film, or to empathise with the main characters. For many though (including critics), this is seen as his best work, and the "most hitchcock" of all his movies.Vertigo is also one of Hitchcock's best known films, and should be seen by anyone interested in his work or interested in classic American movies in general. It features a great performance by James Stewart, who starred in a number of Hitch's films. The film also features a fantastic score by another frequent Hitch collaborator, Bernard Hermann (if only there was a music track only option on this DVD). Vertigo is also famous for the effect used to give the feeling of vertigo; zooming in while reverse tracking, a device Hitchcock used in a number of films.Universal have taken this classic and made it into an absolutely fabulous DVD. A few years ago, the film underwent a long and expensive period of restoration prior to being re-released in the cinemas. The DVD of course features the newly-restored print of the film. In addition the DVD features a great commentary track with the restoration team (Robert A Harris and James C Katz) together with associate producer Herbert Coleman.However, for me the best extra on the DVD has to be the superb documentary "Obsessed with Vertigo" which runs for 29 minutes. It features lots of information and interviews.If you're interested in Hitchcock or like studying classic films and film techniques, then this DVD with all it's extras is a must-buy. However, if you're new to Hitchcock, you may want to try some of his other films first, like North by Northwest.
An Angel was sent now i read a lot of reviews and most of them fair i too was sadden at not having all the episodes but Criss pure showmanship and talent were more then plenty to make up for it. of course i've been a fan since i watched him on A&E, ( he does mange to be quite the eye catcher) hehe but anyway this set was great and shows the he really is the Houdini of our time.
brilliant movie and now always 'there' ... The idea of having a digital copy of 'Vertigo' - independent of 'the Cloud' - was too much to resist - this is a film whose charms work every time.I look forward to losing myself in the laptop with headphones on ...Beautiful restoration as well, the details of clothing, lighting, set decoration - all emerge as 'cinema art' of the highest order.
Interesting film. Not really good, not bad. Interesting. Downey's performance was excellent and heartbreaking. He amazes me with his versatility. He can be totally silly, like in Friends and Lovers, or utterly brilliant, like in Restoration, which is a masterpiece, and everything in between. The man is a superb actor. He was definately the shining star in this one, although his part was small.
All 3 seasons are great A must have on your collection, great to share at home with friends/familly, great for a gift....read my review on the second season.
I found this film to be quite charming with some very memorable scenes While not nearly as wonderful as "Waiting for Guffman" or "Best in Show" or even as pleasant as "A Mighty Wind", this movie pleased me a great deal. There seemed to be a great deal more acting in this film rather than improvising for a great joke.Catherine O'Hara is brilliant as the fading and frighteningly insecure Marilyn Hack. She is acting in a nothing film entitled "Home for Purim". Harry Shearer is her male lead, Victor Allan Miller who has been in show business for forty years and is best known for being a hot dog in a commercial. His role in "Home for Purim" requires him to have a simultaneous Southern accent with Yiddish elements. An amazing feat to see and hear.Eugene Levy is Victor's agent and is quite wonderful in his the way he manipulates Victor into believing he isn't auditioning while he reads for a part. How many fourth rate talent agents are required to engage in these kinds of manipulations? Or agents at any level, for that matter? Jennifer Coolidge is, Whitney Talyor Brown, the producer of this tiny film and is wonderfully clueless, but serves her role for the film admirably.Christopher Guest plays the lonsuffering director (what a contrast to the director of "Waiting for Guffman!"). It was a nice touch directing a touching scene while eating a corned beef sandwich. Parker Posey is Callie Webb plays the Rachel who is coming home referred to in the title. She seems somewhat together, but when we learn that she had tried to be a stand up with a miserable piece called "No [...]Intended", we see the beginning of what unfolds for her character the rest of the movie. Well done. Her boyfriend, Brian Chubb, is played by Christopher Moynihan. He has a great scene with Christopher Guest about the background for his role in "Purim" that is absolutely priceless. Also, there is a scene where nearly everyone else in the cast is getting interviewed by the wonderful Fred Willard and Brian is seething without expression. A wonderful touch.John Michael Higgins is the publicist Corey Taft who takes a piece of rumor and actually gets some buzz for the film. He thinks he is Chocktaw. Ed Begley Jr. is Marilyn Hack's supportive hairdresser and adds some nice touches to the story. Michael McKean and Bob Balaban, who usually have much bigger speaking roles in Guest films, are fabulously understated as the screenwriters for "Home for Purim". There is a scene with a Charlie Rose type where they can't even get a syllable in during the interview.Everyone in the film is wonderful. And I enjoyed it, but there are some very sad currents in the film, too. When Marilyn Hack thinks the buzz she is getting will revive her career, the plastic surgery damaged face and sexy clothes that would be too young for someone twenty years younger almost hurt us. We ache for her. Some people don't like that in a comedy. I found it touching and memorable.I like this film very much.
More racist lies The Battle of the Alamo was about slavery and territorial expansion. Those that died at the Alamo were racist slave owners.
Poor writing, mediocre acting I must say I was looking forward to this series, but unfortunately it didn't live up to the hype. I found the writing to be excruciatingly banal and nothing more than elementary. The psychological insight was about what you learned in Psych 101 freshman year in college. Transference? Really? And despite the best efforts of Gabe and Dianne, most of the actors were unable to bring life to the dreary writing. At work we decided about four episodes in that a different cast of exceptional actors could possibly have made good drama of this pablum, but the cast they had just couldn't do it.Overall, a big disappointment not worthy of a second go-round.
You can't fool kids It is a film for kids. So let's start with some good old syrupy nice cartoon for the grown babies children are, aren't they? But surprise, surprise! That does not last long and there is the disclaimer that announces that beginning is a hoax. And we start going down into the mud of a thriller whose main characters are three children who know, one, to invent something all the time, two, to read all the books they want and remember them, three, to bite at everything and on everything. And what's more these three kids are able to isolate themselves in some kind of contemplation sanctuary in which grown-ups cannot enter. Then they can face any danger imaginable and vanquish any fiend from hell and even lower than hell, that is to say from real life. They have to discover who killed their parents, who is trying to capture their fortune, and they must defeat that criminal on his very ground: illusions so real looking that they are real in reality though virtual for everyone real, except the kids. So they can go from one uncle to one aunt but the bad one will always come back and they are the only ones not to be lured by his comedian's performance. Then the film is a perfect pile and mine of inventive ideas and horrors, frightening animals and horrible situations, from the confrontation to giant serpents and snakes to the fall into some fathomless abyss or bottomless chasm. And beware of giant leeches that jump at your face. It is a real pleasure when they finally learn the truth and use it to escape the last trap of the bad uncle, the Beetlejuicy fake real marriage, and we really feel not sorry but proud for them who were able to prove inventive readers who know how to bite and could isolate themselves into surreal efficacy against criminals. Sherlock Holmes can stay at home nowadays. The younger generations are a lot more effective and direct in their fight against crime that is victimizing them.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris Dauphine & University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne
Why did they bother..... I am a Van Damme fan and still hold out for the day when he makes a return to the big screen. I bought this recently and now wish I hadn't. Unfortunatly with this entry it seems Van Damme has decided to self-destruct what remains of his career. I hope he made this during his drug addiction years, if not, then I think he has received one to many kicks to the head and should consult a doctor. Very predictable throughout which by no means is a bad thing if only the film was enjoyable and didn't treat its audience as if they were 10 year olds. Logic seems to have been thrown out the window along with the two page script. Rent this before parting with your hard earned cash if only to see the fight scene in the lapdancing club! Van Damme has shown some glimmer of hope with Desert Heat and Replicant but I think the good old days of Kickboxer, Timecop, Universal Soldier and Sudden Death are long over.
stupid deluxe Boring and slow and stupid. If I could rate this movie a minus 5 I would! Do yourself a huge favor and watch something else.
Not Happy with amazon.... I am not that happy that we purchased an amazon prime membership in order to watch this show on prime but it wont let us, love the show the redneck rv'ing episode is by far the funniest thing i have ever seen = not happy with amazon prime but this show is hilarious~~
i enjoyed this movie this was a good love story , not great but good.i wish it had a better ending. richard gere was better inthe movie intersection.
Bad, Bad Luck THIS REVIEW IS ABOUT THE PACKAGING NOT THE FILM...As happens far too often the copy of the DVD of this film I received arrived with the disc off the spindle and scratched to high heaven. Sony agreed to take it back but wanted me, in these days of high petrol prices, to take it out to a FedEx in the suburbs. They offered no alternative. And since the price it would of cost me in gas was more than I paid for the disc in the first place I decided against returning the unwatchable disc. Hence I couldn't review the film if I wanted to.As for Sony shame on them for their lack of environmental consciousness...The moral? Look before you leap. Think twice before you buy a Sony/Columbia product.Call me Diogenes...
Good Story, ruined by poor editing I originally saw City Of The Living Dead under the Title of The Gates of Hell on a poorly made VHS. Even though the quality was bad, the movie intreged me. The story was very interesting and the film has soom very genuine scary moments. But the film just suffers from very poor editing and plot holes. I don't know if it was just the budget, but the editing is very choppy and the whole film just feels sloppily put together (especially the ending!). The film also has huge plot holes. In one scene, a women is killed in the city of Dunwich in Europe. A couple of scenes later it shows police investigating the murder, but one of the policeman has an american flag on the sleeve of his shirt. But the murder is in Dunwich! Did New York policemen travel to dunwich to investigate the murder? Little things like that insult my intellegance. Lucio Fulci does however give the film a awsome frightening atmosphere with the scenes of Dunwich. The wind is always blowing and there is always a feeling of dread. The atmosphere is so thick, you could cut it with a knife! This is what I like about Fulci's films. He can brillantly give a felling of dread, gloom and doom. What I don't like about his movies is the OVER abundance of gore. There is only so many "zombies grabbing a head and squashing brains out" you can take before it gets real old, real fast. The two notorious scenes are the are the gut puking and head drill scenes. I can take the gut puking. Its a good shot to shock the audience, but the head drill scene is a little much. The purpose of this scene is nothing, just to show a head getting drilled. What would have been a supendous horror film gets muddled by poor editing and totally unnessessary scenes to show off gore. Look at Fulci's THE BEYOND for example. Its a good horror film, but most people lose respect for the film because of that spider scene, that runs for like 10 minutes! Show some of it, but Fulci definatly goes overboard, and thats why his films only get a selected audience. Sure I like Fulci, but only in small dosses. City of the Living Dead is worth a view. Not a great film, but has some intesting story elements and some genuin scares.
Worst ever produced The absolute worst film I have ever expeianced. The horrible diologue, brainless script, camp action, all add up to an unintenionally hilarious film. I rarely heckle a film in the theater, but this one deserved it *bad*. It was even worse than Armageddon. Amazon only goes down to 1 star, this piece of trash is actually in the negatives.
Boring, first effort, heard second better First movie for this guy, lots of hard work, but bored me. Glad I got a good price from amazon, would not have liked to pay heavy price I saw else where. Waiting to see his movie "Mirage Man."
Not A Good Indy Thriller This British indy film had received a lot of attentions and favorable reviews, mainly from British film media.The film has a simple story about 2 semi-professional(?) contractors received orders with a "kill list".The first 3 acts are alright with a good cast but the last act is too slight to make it a good and satisfyingthriller and doesn't justify the foregoing grisly violence.
Classic piece of 30`s science fiction Trough science fiction in the 1930`s was less popular than horror on the screen, this film is really up to the standard of "Dracula" or "Frankenstein". Beside the superb performance (or "voice") by Claude Rains, who delivers his lines in an unbelievable clear accent, director James Whale manages to create the same kind of "fairytale world" he used to deliver in "Frankenstein". The images of the snowy English countryside, the inn, the dead trees behind windows and the lonely small town streets are unforgetable. But besides this the black humor and the fine "English" characters are wothy a movie admission alone. Just sit down on a quiet Winter evening and watch this science fiction vision from another time....
star treck season 3 original series i was sent a region 2 copy of the series. i ordered region 1. when i notified the seller he did not accept it was a region 2, though the disk was clearly marked region 2. he stated i was sent a region 1. he asked me to send it back and he would need to verfy he actually sent a region 2 to me. though the item was originally sent on time it was frustrating to return to this seller. i have been notified that i will be given a refund.
Behind Pazuzu --- Powerful Subliminal Horrific Effects This film has been around for 30 years. You probably know the storyline, but how does it still be the scariest film in history?A subliminal message is not intense enough to produce a sensation but has sufficient intensity to influence the behavior and mental processes of one's mind. Exorcist, is the first movie applying such technique to increase the horrific effects, and also it brought the subliminal issues to the attention of the public. A report said a filmgoer fainted and broke his jaw on the seat in front of him while he's seeing the original release movie in 1974. He then sued Warner Brothers for the use of subliminal imagery in the Exorcist film that caused him to pass out, and the case eventually settled out of court for an undisclosed sum. Later on, subliminal technique was banned in advertising and movie industries for a while.Most of the subliminal shots in the film are: the ghastly demonic face, Father Karras's mother, and Pazuzu, which is the demon inside Regan and later inside Father Karras. If you want to examine those shots in details, make sure your dvd remote control have 'stepping' or 'very slow motion' feature. They are happened in a fraction of second. You should be able to find them from the following scenes:- Father Karras's dream- Lights flickering in Chris Macneil's kitchen- Chris Macneil entering her daughter's room- Father Karras jumping out from Regan's roomThere's also a new ending where Father Dyer and Lieutenant Kinderman meet together and chat about movies. Most people think that it's echoing Kinderman's earlier talk with Father Karras; however, it's also seeding the next Exorcist sequel (not in Exorcist 2 but in Exorcist 3 directed by the author himself William Peter Blatty, where Ed Flanders played Father Dyer and George Scott played Lt. Kinderman).If you want to know what's going on to Regan, check out the Exorcist 2, in which also reveals the truth of how Father Merrin was actually killed in the Exorcist I. If you are interested on Father Dyer and Lt. Kinderman after 25 years, go for Exorcist 3.*** Otto Yuen's DVD Special Rating for Exorcist I ***1. Film Rewatchability: HIGH2. DVD Featurability: WEAK3. Picture Quality: VERY GOOD4. Sound Quality: VERY GOOD(Reviewed by Otto Yuen, 2-Sep-2004)
Very different kind of movie The premise of this movie is interesting but the filming is so odd that it seems awkward. I can't recommend this movie.
PREDICTABLE, BUT ENDS BETTER THAN IT BEGINS! 2 1/4 STARS! I'm a big fan of horror films, but there hasn't been much to get excited about lately. This film had some potential, but cardboard characters and a flimsy script kept it from being anything but a routine slasher. The idea is pretty good, kind of like 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' meets 'Last Action Hero', but it just doesn't deliver many chills. The last quarter of the film is better than the first three quarters, but it doesn't save this from being a "by the numbers" horror flick. The acting is decent for this type of film and the killer is pretty cool looking, but the killings are pretty mild for a slasher. It's worth a look for fans of slasher films, but it's pretty forgettable.
Didn't laugh once Normally I like most of Will Ferral's movies. I LOVE Talladega Nights, Old School, Anchorman, etc. But WOW! This movie was HORRID! The plot was dumb, the jokes were old and tired, even Woody Harrelson (who I love in comedies) couldn't save this movie.Seriously, I didn't laugh ONE SINGLE TIME. At least Blades of Glory (which I thought stunk) had a couple of funny lines. This one had none.
too over the top The first two were elaborate but semi-believable, the third was just too much. The obsessive request to get revenge was just exhausting. The best part was the poor hotel diamond reviewer and good ending.
love it!!!!!! This by far is my favorite season of Buffy yet!!!! I'm so happy I finally got this season!!!! <3 <3
Series starting to be too far fetched! I bought the Six Season, and painfully made it through it. I know, why watch it? Because I have been watching it from the beginning and had hope that it would get better. Some of the stuff is getting old...always having a traitor or accused traitor inside CTU, interrogations are always the same, and stuff that is just not believable and way too much backstabbing. And that little grunt noise that Sutherland does, is that part of his character or just him?
The Gumball Rally - motionpicture I saw this movie when it first came out in the theatres - I was in the Air Force stationed out in California and half my friends had inexpensive (back then) British sports cars. (I rode to the theatre in either an MGB or a Triumph TR250.)This movie (purportedly) is based on an actual ('sea-to-shining-sea') cross-country race that happened several times back in the 1970s ..... about that I could not say but ....The 'music' produced by a V12 Ferrari going past in 'full song' is marvelous.(22 May 2012)
TIRED, FORMULAIC DRIVEL I am not a fan of Mel Gibson, nor am I a fan of Helen Hunt. Their pairing here is not endearing. The jokes are tired. The story stale. The idea of a chauvinistic, womanising man getting electrocuted and then magically living through the ordeal only to be able to read the minds of all women he encounters... in his dreams. A man this callous and shallow would not use this power to become a gentler, more sensitive man. He would use it to get exactly what he wanted. Sure, his character does exploit his new gift to an extent, but of course, the end is just picture-perfect because he has become so sensitive and soft-hearted that he can practically read the mind of leading lady Helen Hunt even without his improbable skill. I am not impressed.
Very Funny! I'm no critic but I liked this season! One of the funniest seasons. My favorite is Tatoo You, that alone is worth the $, that was hillarious. And I also liked the Jessica Alba episode, that's pretty funny as well. Anything with Dax is worth buying!
Great treatment but misleading packaging A+ For the movie itself. This cheesy film has never looked or sounded better, and that's why I wanted the DVD.That said, this appears to be a newer edition of the DVD. Many of the extras advertised on the packages are missing entirely. Instead, it comes with just the two commentary soundtracks, a trailer for Men in Black and a DRM-laden version of the movie to play on a computer or a Sony PSP. After repeatedly digging through the menu system to find them, I popped the disc in my PC and had a look at the contents. A quick examination of the disc reveals that it does not contain the Marvel Comic presentation, the Journey to Krull video, or any photo galleries.I'm rating the product well because I didn't buy it for the extras, but new buyers beware!
Extremely Poor Quality DVD's Title says it all. The TV series is outstanding, but these DVD are crap. Each and every DVD is defective. They will be sent back to Amazon.
Hate it when Jesus gets the F word as a middle name Language is awful. Acting was good but the who cares when the dialogue assaults you. Pachino's adlibed profanity just gets worse as he gets older. Usually you see that behavior in adolescents.
Wonderful Series This series carries a great story line and a full compliment of wonderful characters. Each episode has a number of twists and turns and always ends with us wanting to watch another.
Craigslist traveling adventures extraordinaire! Very interesting adventure and well done video production account of a touching and funny trip across the country living on Craigslist . It showed the goodness of heart that people of many different walks of life share. Craigslist Joe is a 10 in my book!
ripped off This disc will not play in an Australian blu ray player. It would have been nice if there was a warning on the US site.Darn
Sweet, compassionate story I confess that I wasn't sure what I thought about the CG animation at first. The older versions with those exquisitely detailed models, are very inventive, and charming. And they really require kids to use their imaginations to fill in what the models could not.But Hero of the Rails is the best of the Thomas films. It is beautiful. They took lots of time with detail on the engines. You get a sense of speed and movement on tracks, and ways the engines move around them with each other, like you couldn't before. Terrific panoramas of the engines racing.Someone mentioned something about the language of the script being repetitive; it is, but in a Dr. Seuss sort of way--with plenty of alliteration, words with similar sounds and senses that build on each other, and bounce off each other. I think that's actually one of the movie's strengths as far as being a kid's movie. The pacing of the speech too is especially good too. Everything is clearly pronounced--great diction.And, thank goodness, they ALSO paid a lot of attention to the character faces: the CG animation gives you a great sense of all the personalities through many subtle movements in the characters' expressions.One of the very best things about this film is the story. There's tons of adventure, but there's also a lot of heart. And the plot is not petty or cute; Without being heavy handed or preachy, Thomas is concerned about something, and someone, that really matters.
good but nothing like the idw comic book i was disappointed that the movie didn't even come close to the complexities found in the current IDW comic series. i'm not asking for academy award stuff but ... well, if you're not reading the current comics, you're missing out on the real joe mythos. and if you loved the movie, i think you'll love the book even more. especially the mini-series cobra.
They cant be serious The Halloween series is a well respected one in the world of horror films. Its the series we run to when we wish to escape the flat boring teenie bopper horror we are now faced with like Scream and I know what you did last summer... Well not this time. This new Halloween installment ignores all that has happened past Halloween II but this is not the problem. It has a flat script that is lacking in its ability to scare, thanks to Scream scribe, Kevin Williamson. Hasn't he proven to us enough that he cannot write anything scary? The worst abomination is Chris Durand. This stuntman clearly didnt do his homework, his rendition of Michael Myers is laughable He moves wrong he's much to fast and not at all methodical or creepy.. all in all avoid this entry unless you really enjoy seeing teenie bopper films.
Too Bad There Isn't a "-" Rating This was a free rental, as I wouldn't have spent money on it. This thing was so bad that I felt ashamed of myself for watching it. All I could do was shake my head and laugh to myself that my standards, at least for this film, had sunk so low. I kept clicking the remote to see how much longer it had to go. I feel cheated.Billy Bob Thornton and Susan Sarandon should be ashamed for being in it. It had to be the paychecks.If you have the nerve to come on here and rate this film FIVE stars, then you are a simpleton. I am shocked that this is the kind of thing that the American movie going public finds entertaining, or quality. This, and torture porn. How sad, indeed.
Tremendously disappointing It was bad enough that Jeff wasn't present but trying to fit the character Oliver into the picture made things even worse. All of the chemistry between the characters seemed to have vanished and the show just kind of limped along.
Simplistic, naive The problem with this documentary is that it wants its critique of religion to be taken seriously but doesn't approach its subject with seriousness. Rather than raise theological and scriptural questions with theologians and scriptural scholars who would be able to provide intelligent answers to his questions (Maher does discuss evolution with the head of the Vatican observatory at one point, though - which leads to the most interesting and informed conversation in the entire film), Maher questions mostly uneducated people about their faith. This is unfair and is a bit like demanding an ordinary person who is driving a car be able to explain how an internal combustion engine works. If Maher wants intelligent answers, he should have talked to theologians and philosophers, most of whom might have been able to give him some very provocative and thoughtful answers (I wonder what would have happened if Maher had spoken to someone like Catholic theologian Hans Kung -- a brilliant and very non-superstitious believer. I think Maher might have given up working on the documentary as a result). Who does Maher address his questions to? Truck drivers at a rest stop chapel. Tourists at a tacky theme park in Orlando. An actor who plays Jesus in an outdoor play. A nut who thinks he is Jesus. Maher is a bright guy; he should have found some equally bright men and women to talk to. This would have made this film much more interesting. If you're going to ask Ph.D. level questions, address them to Ph.D. level people, not high school drop outs. I don't think Maher had any interest in really getting answers to his questions, however. His mind was already made up before he started filming. I could just as easily have gotten together a number of uneducated atheists and agnostics and made them look like idiots. Next time, Bill, make a serious documentary. You wouldn't ask these people for medical or legal advice; why were you going to them for theological guidance?
We should hope God doesn't see this He might choose some other planet to save. Easily the sappiest film of the century, it's so overblown, the acting so corny, the costumes so ridiculous that amazingly enough it actually succeeds as a comedy. Personally, I find it to be a howl.There are many scenes that are very funny, not on purpose of course, unless the producers were having us all on in a fashion that would make Andy Kaufman jealous. The first hour of the movie is not too horrible, dealing with the young Moses as Egyptian prince (never mind that actual written Egyptian history is silent on this point, but let's not haggle about the plot!). This part serves to introduce us to everyone in the Screen Actor's Guild that wasn't tied up doing something worthwhile, and we get the first round of an over-acting contest between Yul and Charlie that would make James Shatner and Dr. McCoy hide their faces in shame, along with evidence that Egypt must have had advanced denistry science, and one heck of a lot of dry cleaners, about on par with "Tombstone", say (skin that chariot and see what happens).But then Chuck gets religion (they'll have to pry that staff out of his cold, dead hands), and things go over the top very quickly, right up to the maker himself, who has a lousy special effects department if you ask me, the burning bush doesn't impress very much. But nevermind, because after being in the presence of the propane flame, Heston, now imbued, and with an instant white beard, proceeds to stalk around the screen like Bela Legosi with a staff, and the humor really goes into high gear.It goes on for hours, and it may be too much for one sitting, but there are definitely highlights not to be missed. One is the outstandingly hammy peformance of Edward G. Robinson as Dathan, who steals every scene he's in. The other has to be the chosen people themselves, the worst gang of ungrateful retches who ever defied a Pharaoh. I mean, they are supposedly actually in the presence of the Almighty as he unveils a pillar of fire! Then, they watch as he parts an entire sea ("behold his mighty hand", Heston bellows, in a classic scene). Yet, a couple of days later (in the movie timeline), Moses is late getting back from a business meeting, they get bored, forget all about Him and start worshipping a golden cow, just like that. Why save these guys? Why not save, say, the American Indians, or some other race slightly more noble? Sheesh.Probably everyone over 40 has already carved this turkey, but the production values of the DVD make it imperative to have this in your collection anyway, just for the costumes alone. For the faithful, well, it would be a useful lesson for the younger members of the family that even religous movies can stink. What a contrast to the truly excellent "Jesus of Nazareth" for example. Ah well, they don't make them like this anymore . . . Well, OK, "The Postman" maybe.
HORRIBLE QUALITY!!!!! Although the story is great and the actors are engaging, the quality of the video is:A P I E C E O F C R A P ! ! ! ! ! !Some dude must have video-taped this as a bootleg copy off of a 1980's VCR; the video even has a "station bug" that shows up every 15-30 minutes!The sound is horrible, the picture is grainy and changes colors - I could go on and on. For 18 bucks, I expected a real DVD, not this. I'd try to get my money back, but it's probably too late. So, I will just try to warn as many folks I can to steer clear of this product and manufacturer!!!
does not hit the target A hit man (Gooding) is supposed to take out some baddies in Prague with a big gun he shoots from a block away. (Sniper) We are told who the people are as their names and position are flashed up on the screen, like inBurn Notice: Season One. Turns out that the shooters want shot other mob folks-thinkThe Godfather, this all takes place in Prague but everybody speaks English and there is some American $.One guy gets away because he holds a gal in front of him and Gooding doesn't want to shoot a gal. Ahh. So, the other group hires Dolph. Of course they meet and battle. A gal from Gooding's past appears and is used as bait. Big shoot-out and everybody lives happily ever after. How these guys seem to walk through walls and not get hit by a shower of hot lead is not explained. Stinker, pass. Drink, smoke, swear.
Great movie... for the right audience. The problem with Daredevil was quite simply its base material. It wasn't that Mark Steven Johnson wasn't loyal to it or just made a bad movie, but it was the relative mediocrity/obscurity of the Daredevil comic book. For the fans of Daredevil, myself included, this movie was perfect. It plays exactly like an issue of the comic book. Exactly. In fact, Mark Steven Johnson set up many of the movie's scenes to look exactly like panels from the comic. My contention is that Daredevil's script was somewhat intentionally written with cliches, because it is written much like an issue of Daredevil. Unfortunately, like the comic book, the movie is now experiencing obscurity. Did you ever wonder why you'd never heard about the Daredevil sueprhero? Well, now you know after seeing this movie. Rest assured, though, if you have an appreciation for comic book superheroes, you'll find the intrigue of Daredevil. I find the conflict of his blindness and his super powers an interesting angle, but it is not enough to maintain the movie for those who do not care so much about the hero. The action is great, the effects are pretty good, and the actors are excellent. Particularly Colin Farrell, who pulls off a perfect, and especially entertaining version of Bullseye. I can't guarentee you will like this movie, but I will tell you that it is hit or miss, so give it a shot, you might enjoy it.
Great This movie is a ton of fun, a must see for the fans of time travel movies. Reminds me somewhat of a movie called PRIMER which is great too.
Sanctum = Foster's Beer Translation = Movie Not sure what to make of this film. As I'm typing this - it's thirty minutes in and so far I'm basically watching 'The Abyss Part 2'.Abyss Checklist:- Deep unexplored water, check.- Technology used to exploit/explore same, check.- Pet named submersible ROV, check.- Storm threatening support crew far above, check.- Dark foreboding water sequences, check.- Close up of a woman drowning, check.- Loss of communications with the outside world, check.The point of all this James Cameron homage/brown-nosing would be... what... exactly?Now I'm genuinely terrified that a bunch of glowing aliens will be at the bottom of this cave. I hope not. So help me, if any Colonial Marine shows up with armor piercing rounds to shoot a Cyberdyne product - I'm fast forwarding to the last ten seconds of the movie.And back to the show...Minute 35 - I tell you, it doesn't pay to be a female in this flick. Ouch.Minute 47 - Screaming in place of dialogue. Excellent. I'm hoping Sergeant Apone makes an appearance. Still, as Luko is the token person of color in the film, I'm guessing the filmmakers have already met their racial quota.Minute 49 - Oops, spoke to soon. Having just offed his friend, the transparent plot now clearly reveals our anti-hero will not make it out of the movie alive. Too bad, he's the one character that has more to him than a cardboard cut-out of a role to step into.Minute 53 - So, let me get this straight. Women are: Prone to overestimating their abilities, likely to panic, get randomly entangled and bonked on the noggin, make foolish choices (I'm not wearing a dead person's wetsuit because I know I'd prefer freezing to death), and are foul-mouthed extroverts who can't deal with stress. And big surprise - Director Alister Grierson is from Australia. Yup.1:12 - Woman weak. Man strong. Dang sheilas.1:14 - Just noticed that Grierson just ripped himself off with a repeat of the entangled woman under falling water making a bad choice. Can you even rip yourself off in the same flick? Male chauvinism deux? :-D1:15 - Someone, anyone, call the screenwriting police!And it's over.Underwater scenes were middling to pretty spectacular. And that's about it. The story is derivative, predictable and overwhelmingly underwhelming. One also has to deal with a disturbing fatalism that's woven into the entire film: Gotta keep an eye on those young-ings, lest you get old or injured and can't keep up. I wonder what the Aussie social services are like?Sanctum = Foster's Beer Translation = Movie.
what the hell is going on?! this movie is the consequence of matrices of impossiblities all occuring at the same time! can anyone say: basketball parachutes?, monks with catacombs made of human bones (which is secretly a labratory) and the monks are watching pornography, where did that guy get a tiger from, why try to sufficate someone underwater with a plastic bag, why was van Damme squatting a bathtub, why does Dennis Rodman carry plastic explosives a detonator and a coin Smoke bomb in his pocket at all times, where did Dennis get a dirt bike, why did Dennis take his shirt off after killing that guy, why did Dennis hide the baby? why doesnt hIS care for the babies mom?. . . . . . the main question is why was this movie created?
What a ridiculous film! As another user commented, this film is incredibly ridiculous. As the film starts, you hear "We Will Rock You" playing in the background. Okay, I thought, they took modern music and set it to the movie. Pretty absurd, but it might be cool. Then as they showed the audience and I thought it couldn't get any crazier, I noticed they were actually singing it! This film doesn't simply try to modernize itself by throwing in twentieth century pop-culture, it actually incorporates it. At one point, someone says "Can I get a shout-out for London!" About the only thing they didn't do in this film was have anyone "raise the roof!" Yet surprisingly enough, all of this campiness works and provides for a fun and entertaining movie.After about 20 minutes, you begin to accept the campiness of the film and enjoy it. You realize how absurd it is, but just don't care. The director took a huge gamble with these ideas, but I think it pays off well. You just need to get over the historical inacuracies and corniness of a Knight's Tale and enjoy. Most people in the theater were laughing with the film, not at it.While not the greatest film ever made, it certainly is a successful one, and provides for an entertaining picture that many should enjoy. If you're considering paying an extra $8 for the "Superbit" eidtion, I would advise just to get the regular edition. I own several Superbit DVDs, and although I can't comment on this one, I have never noticed a difference in quality with Superbit editions over the regular.
Really Really Really Bad Off-hand, I can't think of a worse movie. (And I think Nicolas Cage has done some truly awesome work in other films--hey, he's making a buck, here.) That's all. 1/32 star, if possible.
"Goodfellas," some "Kill Bill," with a pinch of "Pulp" and a hint of "Bourne".... Once again, Scorcese proves he is the master of blood spatter, body count, gratuitious volence, and signing big Hollywood stars. But departed didn't seem to offer much of anything new.The stories of the respective "rats" run absolutely parallel (including the same love interest), so the plot sounded interesting to me.But not even 1/3 into the movie you find yourself wondering how can the cops AND the bad guys be so unbelievably stupid, and then you begin to associate that sentiment to the movie.The Special Investigation cops know they have a spy in their midst, but they never suspect the guy who grew up with the crime boss and who always makes a cell phone call to "Dad" Itipping off the crime boss) just before the raid! The criminals know they have a spy in their midst, but they never suspect the former cop who just recently joined their gang, and who has never really proven his loyalty.The behavior of most of the characters never seems to make much sense (including the women, who seek out unpredictable, ugly and violent men), thus the touch of the surreal/fantasy akin to "Bill." Then at the end, it turns out that nearly every character is actually a spy for some organization other than the one they're currently with.And what happened to the envelope, or the girl? Most of the time, particularly during the second half of the movie, everything just seemed silly, a la "Pulp."Two stars - one for the panty sex scene, and one for the rat (one of only a few mammals to avoid the spray of bullets) that artfully scurries away (did you notice it on the balcony railing?) at the very end.
Just buy it if you like Wong's movie when you compare the price in UK and here, there is no big difference. On the other hand, the quality of graphics of this redux version is amazing. Storyline is not very clear and obvious to understand, which is always the specialty of wong's movie. Nevermind, you must enjoy watching the Chinese Jiahu world in this movie.This is one of my best Chinese movies. Hopefully, they released the bluray version.
defective I bought this and didn't watch it right away. when I opened it the disk had blotchy white spots all over it. When I tried to watch it, the movie would would stall out i would get past it by playing with it only to have it stall out again, this continued through the movie and would usually get stuck so that I couldnt finish it.Very disapointed :(
Great doc Great documentary. Obviously, watch Troll 2 before watching this. One of the best documentaries I've seen. Very high quality, not like some cheaply made docs.
Even the zombies fell asleep Even the zombies fell asleep - Even the zombies fell asleep - Even the zombies fell asleep-Even the zombies fell asleep
Season 5 was A HUGE DISAPOINTMENT I was So Hooked on this show; not since I was a kid did I have to watch every week. It does start out fairly well IMO but the continued struggle back & forth between Dean & the Angels just seemed to prolong the agony of what needed to be done.. It just kept going back & forth & wasting time w/what they could have been doing. And bringing in the old favorite characters & doing what the writers did, really ticked me off. I think it was definitely a cheap move. Not sure if they had planned a 6th season but why just obliterate all the supporting characters.. It was Stoopid. I collected all of the 1st four seasons but have no intention of owning the 5th & don't have a clue what happened in the 6th. They really should have went out in a blaze of glory instead of jumping the shark. I will remember "The Boys" fondly & Loved the 4 years of Pure Entertainment they brought... Thank You Sam & Dean
Liv Tyler good; movie bad This was a great idea gone to pot. Guns, do not a suspense movie make. Predictable and goofy. Men are not this stupid without a motive (usually women). Any man could be stupid for Liv Tyler any day, but that theme really didn't come out at all. Good concept, poor execution.
bad This movie is just bad I feel like I wasted my money on such a bad movie. I feel like this movie cheated me out of time in my life, Do not watch!