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Great Season Watched it on TV during the season. Somwhow watching the entire season on DVD in one shot and without ad interruptions provides and far more intense, and enjoyable vewing experience.
Long, slow, dull Probably the worst movie this year, this drivel makes the long, tedious scenes from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon look positively action-packed.What starts out with an interesting premise, that society shapes young black men to refuse maturity and responsibility, turns into the worst gangsta' crap produced in a long time, including the rite of passage when one of the baby boys kills a character and becomes a MAN. Shameless. Especially the hilarious scene when one baby boy accepts his pseudo step daddy's love when the boy hands over the pistol used to cut down the character. Apparently, the daddy, a one-time hoodlum himself, knows what to do with dirty pistols. It's a touching tampon moment... It's a complete waste of talent: Snoop Dog and Tyrese Gibson.Avoid the stench of this pile of crap at all costs. It should be sent directly to landfill...
Missed the mark I think that most movies for kids that are really good also can appeal to adults with their humor. I think this movie missed out on that on both targets. It just wasn't that funny. Bill Murray who I usually like just didn't get the job done but that might be just the material that he was working with. After Nemo and some other kid movies that I found hilarious I had high expectations for this one knowing Murray was doing Garfield. It fell short on every level.
lots of action! The action is non stop in this movie -- little long and the new female lead is okay her acting was poor, good that she didn't have a lot of speaking. But great action movie to get into!
Disappointing First of all I didn't buy this from Amazon or one of its sellers. That was my first mistake. I could have read the customers reviews. I didn't hate it ONLY because I am a gore fan and there was a little of it (NOT MUCH) and Jillian Swanson has nice looking tits. (So much for my two stars) My second mistake was trusting Ulli Lommel. I really liked The Boogeyman but he messed this one up big time. The screenplay was horrable. Sometimes movies based on true stories just don't work. This story should have been changed where the woman was insane and killed several boy friends instead of just one. It is SO druged out. Over and over and over the same scene with her holding a knife. The religious cult idea didn't fly either. MY last mistake was NEVER trust a DVD by it's cover. Hey at least there were a couple of interesting previews from Lions Gate before the movie. Don't waste your time with this one.
Misleading When I saw the run time listed as 5 minutes, I knew that this was not the actual movie, so I began to look all over the description to find where it said that it was a preview and not the movie itself. I was unsuccessful, so as far as I could tell, the run time was the only clue. I too say shame on Amazon.
Not worth the money The is the worst movie I have ever sean. It had subtitles (UGH). it did not contain what was promised in the commercials. DON"T wast your money on this film.
Don't rent this one Typical slasher movie leaving you with a lot and I mean a lot of unanswered questions. Skip this one, you will be glad you did.
Breakdown-is it as simple as all that? Breakdown(released May/97)stars Kurt Russell as Jeff Taylor and Kathleen Quinlan as his wife Amy.This is a very taut thriller,full of suspense and surprises,which keeps the pace going at full throttle throughout.The plot involves the Taylors moving from Massachusetts to California and traveling the scenic roads through the southwestern U.S.Jeff has been driving solo for quite a while and as he reaches back for a flask of coffee,upon his return a pick up truck pulls out of the desert and onto the road.He is forced to act quickly and barely avoids a collision.Later while filling up with gas down the road,the driver of the same pick up he almost collided with,is there also and the two have a small confrontation.Soon though,it's back on the road but after a few minutes their vehicle suddenly sputters out and they become stranded.Jeff and his wife stare at their engine and are ruminating on their fate,when a trucker happens along and offers some help.Jeff at first refuses but his wife changes his mind and she hops a ride to the nearest truck stop just 5 miles away and says she will return with a tow truck.All alone he stares at the engine but eventually spies some wires pulled down under the engine area.He re-joins them and is off and running.He reaches the truck stop,Belles Diner,but no one has apparently seen his wife.He heads out onto the road again and spies the truck and driver that picked up his wife.He stops the truck and he has an ugly confrontation with the driver,who claims he has never seen him or his wife before.A policeman just happens along and he searches the truck but can find no evidence of foul play.Instead he lets the trucker go and he advises Jeff to go to town and fill out a report for his deputy there.This he does and when he is done he heads back to the diner.Amy still hasn't surfaced and while he uses the phone a young man cleaning a car nearby says that he has seen his wife and tells him where she might be.He heads out to that area but is ambushed.He and his vehicle end up in a fast flowing river,becoming a shooting target along the way.Jeff escapes and circles around only to get knocked out and kidnapped.When he comes to he is on a ridge overlooking a small town.The leader of this operation is none other than the trucker,with his accomplices the pick up truck driver and the young man who gave him directions out there.The trucker demands he go to town and draw out a large sum of money for ransom or he will never see his wife again.He goes into town and withdraws everything he can,but far short of what the men wanted.He is picked up outside of town by the pick up truck driver.When the driver realizes the bag of money is far short of what they demanded,Jeff springs into action by plunging a letter opener he acquired at the bank,into the shoulder of the driver.In the ensuing struggle Jeff manages to overpower the driver and take control of the pick up.Just as he does a policeman passes by,but sensing some suspicious activity,turns around and chases the pick up down.The policeman forces Jeff onto the ground while the yells for his passenger(who Jeff tied up with duct tape)to come out.He does but with a gun drawn with which to shoot the police officer.With the officer down Jeff escapes down a hill,as the driver takes aim on Jeff.Before he can pull the trigger the wounded cop shoots him down.Jeff returns to the policeman and assists him calling for an ambulance,then leaves.Jeff heads to a truck stop the pick driver had mentioned and he finds the leader/trucker there.He hitches a ride,precariously hanging on underneath the rig.He makes his way to the cab and sits behind the driver area until the trucker reaches his home.It is there,in a barn,Jeff bails out and watches the trucker and his accomplices,which have subsequently joined him,unload his wife and throw her into a freezer below the barn floor.The barn itself is loaded with merchandise picked up from other folks like the Taylors,as this "operation" of theirs has been going on a long,long time.Jeff cannot find the keys to the lock to the underground freezer area,which he has unsuccessfully tried to pry open.He does find a gun and enters the truckers home and confronts the group.One escapes while he locks the rest in the underground freezer area,but not before freeing Amy.The two flee to a trailer on the grounds,beside which is a pick up truck.As they search for the keys for the truck,the trucker comes bearing down on them with his rig and tears through the trailer like it is paper.As he wheels around for another pass at them,they find the keys and flee in the pick up in the nick of time.Just when they think they have escaped on the highway,they get caught between two cars and the truckers big rig behind them.The two cars are eventually taken out but the truck keeps on coming.It all ends on a bridge as the trucker manages to get their pick up sideways in front of his truck.He then proceeds to push them over the guardrail to the creek bed below.Amy is wedged in the pick up but Jeff gets out and gets inside the truckers cab.In the struggle the truck itself goes over the rail and is being held from falling into the creek bed by a slightly protruding bridge strut.Jeff and the trucker climb to the top of the cab and fight it out.How will the film end? You have to watch it to find out,my friends.The film certainly has an intriguing plot,and the entire cast is on their game from the get go.When Amy isn't there at the diner,Kurt's desperation climbs slowly but surely.And when he finally meets up again with the trucker and he denies ever seeing him,we now know something terrible has happened to Amy...but what? That's where the movie goes and it is quite the ride.The suspense never lets up from that point on.Technically speaking the film is in its original w/s a/r and is clear and crisp.Besides the trailer there are no extras.A highly recommended film with a storyline that pulls you in from the start.Russell shines as the desperate husband trying to find his wife,pulled into something he has to inexorably try to free he and his wife from.4 -4 1/2 stars/.
Can't Watch It! This DVD is simply one of the worst concert productions I have ever had the misfortune to see and pay for.And yes, I LOVE YES folks, that's why I bought it!The effects are unwatchable and when you finally realize it's all out of sync and put haphazardly together from at least two different performances...even edits from different performances during the same shot of a rippin solo...(see Steve Howe, steel slide, And You And I)...Well, need I say more?Stay away from this one folks, even the lowly "Live In Philly" is better than this, and many other Yes DVD's are much better!
Scarface's vocabulary was better The storyline of this movie would have been good until someone got the script from Scarface and gave it to the actors to speak like Tony Montana. Every other word was "F" this and that and the other. I can't imagine Drew Berrymore needing the money, perhaps the charm of someone actually giving her "boyfriend" Justin Long a job that made her take this role. I would not recommend this movie to anyone it was so bad, we didn't even stay till the end. What a shame they would stoop so low as to make this movie slightly and I mean very slightly above a "porno", very low class movie.
this movie is heaven,in hell! jason goes to hell,wow,neaver thougt to hear that,anyway,this was a great slasher film and fans of the ft13 movies will love this one,it has everything a good slasher film needs and more,one question,though,WHY THE HELL DID THAT STUPIT DOC EAT JASONS HEART!that part made no sense to me,ether way,this movie is good in how it expands from the others in its storyline.ft13 hardcore fans will love this one!
this is the most pointless, stupid movie of all time this movie has no point, it doesnt even deserve 1 sta
good concept, but.... wasn't this movie supposed scary? i was a little scared after the movie, but that quickly wore off. i was lead by all my friends and reviews to believe it was the scariest movie ever. there is no story behind the legend (except for scattered facts thrown into the movie) but it left me wanting to know more. if you want a real horror mockumentary, go see the last broadcast. another low budget, but much better carried out movie.
oh no I saw this movie on a whim because it was playing on my college campus and the ticket was two bucks. When it was over, I started thinking about what I could have done with that two hours instead of watch this crap.Shockingly, I've encountered many people who thought that this movie was "brilliant," and that if I didn't like it that I just "didn't understand it." What's to understand? This movie has no plot, the humor is weak...it's basically as bad as a student art film.I've since come to realize that this movie suffers from the Emperor's New Clothes Syndrome (ENCS). In the story of the Emperor's New Clothes, a vain emperor employs two con artists to tailor a new set of clothes for him. According to the con men, the clothing is so fine that it can only be seen by those of high intelligence. So the con men start weaving nothing, and everyone who goes to examine the "clothing" pretends that they can see it simply because they don't want people to think that they are too dumb to see it. The emperor goes so far as to "wearing" the "clothes" (so basically he's naked) because he's afraid that people will think he is dumb if he admits that he cannot see the fibers.This movie reminded me of that. It's a film with a meandering plot and terrible characters disguised as a "brilliant, intellectual film." I think most of the people who thought it was brilliant are simply too pompous to admit that the movie was garbage. Instead, they like to think that they are intelligent enough to understand the "hidden meanings." What hidden meanings?A movie's principal purpose should be to entertain. Everything else comes second. So what if this film is considered to have hidden meanings and symbolism? It failed to entertain me, so in essence it failed as a film.
a must see You get history on InuYasha's mom and dad w/this one which is nice. Also you get info on the swords including some team work in the family of the dog demons. English available but you should watch it with the subtitles because there is some minor differences. Great story starts with the death of daddy dog demon and the resurrection of the man who killed him,kinda. In Kagome's world the sword is unleashed and havoc breaks out. InuYasha must take the sword into the past through the well to save the future. Only problem is the sword has a mind of it's own and wants to kill'kill'kill. Kagome saves her man and the sword finds a new host and the fight is on! Sesshemoru must team up with his brother or everyone will be sucked into hell! All I have to say is BUY IT NOW, DO NOT PASS GO, DO PASS THROUGH YOUR AMAZON CHECKOUT! Even if your not a fan yet you should like this one. If you are a fan, why are you wasting your time reading my review? BUY THE DAMN MOVIE!
Victor Borge As a music education/appreciation teacher, I find Victor Borga's form of entertainment both educational and lol funny! The opera singer is my favorite as well as the piano duet with Borga's friend from "Turkey." Some of the selections on this DVD are for older students, but most are funny to even younger children. The opportunity to teach appreciation for opera, classical composers and classical pieces presents itself so often, that I find a facts sheet to be helpful and fun for the students. Also, the history of Victor Borga is interesting and appealing.If you aren't trying to teach anything but just want to lol, check this DVD out! I love it!!Lodi Pippen
Fun Movie "Doomsday" may not be the most realistic (or original) take on the post-apocalyptic genre, but it delivers exactly what it promises: Good, bloody, violent fun. In fact, I enjoyed it much more than many of last year's other popcorn flicks, such as "Eagle Eye," or "Wanted."
Stop reading the reviews and BUY IT NOW! As a kid in the 70's - I couldn't help but watch the Batman, Superman, Spiderman and Hulk shows - but of all of them - Wonder Woman was the best! The BAD PART: the acting and dialogue is the worst! THE GOOD PART: The bad acting and dialogue is really quite funny - transforming a fond childhood memory into an enjoyable comedic experience! What's really weird - is that when I mentioned the Wonder Woman DVD set to people after receiving it as a gift, I have found out that a good number of people are interested in seeing it or BUYING it. 3 of my friends just recently bought it without even mentioning before hand! So, STOP READING AND BUY it already! Great packaging and really an enjoyable blast from the past!
Liz Taylor/Richard Burton Film Collection Received it very fast and well happy with them, haven't looked at all of them yet but very happy with the ones I have watched. Would recommend this collection for any Liz Taylor fans
I DESPERATELY miss Peter Weller *There. Now that my title has drawn your attention, I think I'll get down to the review.*Review: Wow...words cannot express how awful this movie is. It's so crass and commercialised, no wonder [it's so bad]. The main problem that I have with this movie is that it goes against what the first Robocop movie promised it would never do: sell-out (and I don't mean "sell-out" in a good way, I mean "God, this director is milking this franchise for all it's worth" kind of "sell-out"). Stick with the first Robocop movie, people. Please. You'll be doing yourself a huge favor if you do. The first Robocop films had a certain gritty charm to them; an anarchic and veridic viewpoint that depicted violence as a means to show the truth. Sure, some scenes are shocking; they get your attention don't they? That's what they're supposed to do. And if they don't catch your attention, how can show you the truth. When a movie catches your attention the way this first Robocop caught mine, it can be called only one thing: Brutal honesty.Oh, and by the way, don't say I didn't warn you that Peter Weller isn't in this one. When I went to see this in the theatre, I was upset to find that Peter wasn't in this one, but after seeing it, I'm glad he decided not to do this one. I did still miss him, though.
Wonderful movie!!! I loved this film. This is a gift for my sixteen year old daughter who had this movie on her Christmas list.
Chilling, haunting, and very well done This movie is great. Dan Futterman turns in a wonderful performance as a man still looking for his "lost" lover. The plot alone could probably be enough to sustain the film, but then we get added doses of quirkiness in that all around him, urban legends (you know, those stories that we all hear about people getting their kidneys stolen or people who microwave their pets) play out around him.Futterman puts forward a great job as the tormented soul. For a really good portion of the movie, I found myself wishing and hoping that his boyfriend would come back, or at least call. We only come to realize what's really happening later on in the film, when it all just makes sense.Put together well, hiding just enough of the ball to keep you guessing for at least a little while, I'd say this movie is definitely a keeper.
Very entertaining! After reading some of the reviews, I have to tell my opinion on this movie.I watched Das Boot after I saw this movie because of all of the people saying it was not that good, you should see Das Boot, It's more realistic and historically correct. Well, Das Boot was more realistic, which made it boring at some points. Historically correct, yes, but who cares. If I wanted to watch something about history I would watch Das Boot or the history channel, and U-571 never claimed to based on a true story. Das Boot did have its moments, but far fewer then the boring parts.U-571 was all action, non stop. Very entertaining to watch, I even watched it three more times within one week. The fx are spectacular, and it always kept you wondering how they would get out of their situation. I recommend this to be part of anyone's DVD or VHS collection.
Better than expected I was not eager to see this film but decided to after reading many good reviews. I was not disappointed. "True Grit" is better than most of the junk out there today, with a few memorable moments, but it's far from being a classic. The young woman really puts the men on their toes!
In the dark... It doesn't take much thought or talent to produce a movie that is filmed almost entirely in the dark. I've been a movie buff all of my 63 yrs and like almost every genre. But I have NEVER seen a movie where the entire last half (or more) of the movie was filmed in total darkness with only flashlights to provide illumination. The most boring move of this century. Don't waste your money. Most of all, don't waste over an hour of your life with this piece of nothing....
Amateur Night at the Movies I enjoy Mickey Spillane the author..However, Spillane the actor is another animal. In Ring of Fear, Spillane attacks a role he can handle Mickey Spillane. However in Ring of Fire, Spillane should have stuck to writingThis Greatest Show on Earth wantabee takes place at the Clyde Beatty Circus. So if it takes place at the Beatty's circus, who else should play Clyde Beatty but Beatty him.Character actor Pat O'Brien and Sean McClory eat up the action and keep Beatty and Spillane from acting too much (thank Gawd). McClory shines thru in this part mof the Ring master with past. Beatty and Spillane know the orginal careers, howevere they seem wooden here in this WhodunitThis classic B was done by John Wayne Batjac company and presented in Widescreen format. There are NO EXTRAS oin this packageSo if want Amateur Night at the Movies, this is worth itBennet Pomerantz AUDIOWORLD
Worst Movie I've Seen in Years First off, I was able to watch this for free on another streaming site (similar to Prime), so I'm happy I didn't spend a time on watching this piece of garbage. I feel bad for those of you who spent your hard earned money on this film, it is truly dreadful.The acting is horrible. HORRIBLE. The son is possibly the most annoying character, all he does is carry around his camera and ask people to look at crap he's filmed. Then we have to listen to his nightly recap as to what happened during the day. Here's a hint...nothing happens...The plot is so thin it's almost non-existent. Why, if the Dad knew the history of the house, would he bring his family there? Why would he not pick up on the name that his daughter keeps saying, over and over? I could keep going, but the entire plot makes no sense, so I don't have the time to dissect every issue.Anyways, STAY FAR AWAY from this movie, it's truly that awful.
If you like horror mixed with slap stick comedy then this is for you. The bottom line is if you like horror mixed with slap stick comedy then you will probably really enjoy this film. If you like your horror movies to be more serious, then you may not like this one. I found it to be both scary and funny and it kept me on the edge of my seat. I hope this review helps you decide if this is the right movie for you.
Love it! I think that this is one of the best, yet most tragic episodes of the Twilight Zone. As an avid reader I can totally relate to the main character and the desire to get lost in a book at all times of the day. However, it is also my fear that I will lose my vision and not be able to enjoy the books that I love so much!
Perhaps Autumn Will Be Better... I'm sure most of us have heard the term "chick-flick". You know the one. The movie that has the girl falling for the guy, then a dilemma develops, they fall apart, only to be brought back together by serendipity {play romantic chorus here}.Well this isn't that kind of movie, thank you very much...This is something newer, something I like to call "a romantic guy flick." No, it's not some horny dude looking to plop his thing into any attractive gal that comes along (Knocked Up) or some roadtrip movie gone awry (The Hangover). This is a story of unrequited love ...from the man's side. Joseph Gordon-Levitt (The Lookout) stars as Tom, a guy wanting nothing more than to fall in love with the girl of his dreams. And he believes he's found her in Summer (Zooey Deschanel,The Happening). Trouble is Summer only wants to be "friends with benefits." She tells Tom this from the get-go, but Tom's having none of it. He believes he can turn her toward him and onto a path of blissfulness.The film juxtaposes their 500 days together in a unique pattern: by traversing the days in a haphazard fashion, jumping from day 490 to day 39, then on to day 65 and back to day 1. This is representational of Tom's need to find out what went wrong with their relationship, as Summer breaks it off and devastates Tom. Or did anything go wrong? Perhaps Tom simply wasn't listening ...or being unrealistic in his expectations of Summer.Whatever the reason, many lonely guys out there will probably be able to identify with "that girl that broke my heart" syndrome that Tom goes through. This is what makes (500) DAYS OF SUMMER the guy flick I referred to earlier. It is frustrating, funny, and downright depressing. Doubly so when we see Summer hold hands with Tom even after there is no hope for them, further confounding Tom's sense of right and ...love.Even though there's a depressing air to the entire film, it does have its lighter moments thanks to two of Tom's buddies who are absolutely clueless about relationships yet offer their ridiculously bad advice to him. Tom's kid sister Rachel (Chloe Moretz) plays the sounding board and only person who seems to have a grip on what Tom really needs, which is a funny byline since she's basically a 12-year-old with the maturity level of a 20-something.The movie might have ended on a very sour note, further depressing anyone watching. But, in the end, we're given a small ray of sunshine that drifts away from Summer and helps lift Tom into a new season. Perhaps Autumn will be better...
Sex and Violence...the acting gets better! So, this series is a blend of lots of R rated sex scenes along with lots of blood sucking and other scenes of violence. As the season progressed, the acting improved and there were some welcomed surprises! The characters are developed nicely and as aforementioned, as they calmed down and relaxed as actors, they improved and it became a much more fluid and interesting story.
A Thrilling Ride After making a speech to the world about a no-tolerence policy againgst terrorism, the president's plane is hijacked by terrorists. This is an amazing film. The plot is superb, and the action is great. Harrison Ford is an astounding actor, and plays a president/father with super accuracy. The stunts in this movie are great, including a scene with a refueling tanker, and a scene where the president must ride a tether to get out of the plane.
Awesome!! Heard raving reviews about this series...and wow...what a intense and addicting series it is!! Love it!!! Would totally recommend others to purchase season 1 so you can catch up for season 2 premiere on sept 30!! :)
The Absolute WORST This movie was SO bad. Based on anime, yet nary an Asian actor within a country mile. Special effects, as Beavis and Butthead would say, weren't very special. And neither is this movie. Dev Patel looks like he's just been hit in the head with a baseball bat, and I think it lasts for about a day.P. U.
Cool Personified Great movie. Great performances all around - especially by Travolta, whose Chili Palmer ranks as one of the coolest characters ever. Loved that scene of him ascending the restaurant staircase.One quick nit to pick: contrary to a review recently posted (below) - Get Shorty was indeed written by Elmore Leonard, but LA Confidential (also superb) is by James Ellroy.
CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! This movie was the Telletubbies sci-fi movie of the late '90's.OH MY GOD i cant beleive how let down i was when I saw this.Instead of the "next leading Science fictian movie",It creates a peice of (...) that makes the whole story (and Jamie lee Curtis,such a cool actress) Look like some peice of drama crap.The following is for those who like it: (...)
PERVASIVE STRONG VIOLENCE!! That's no lie, in this movie you see alot of gore that you wouldn't normaly see in a mainstream movie, which was suprising given the fact it was a comic book movie.The story was pretty good also, the violence served a purpose and helped move the story along. I love the fact that this "super hero" had no super powers, the only thing that motivated and helped him was blind rage, he was like the Hulk that held his human form.Top notch action movie, probably not one to watch with the wife or girl friend, so all the more reason to enjoy it!!
Season One: Simply Superb I have to admit I missed the first 6 hours of 24 when season one came out but was immediately hooked thereafter. After now seeing the first 6 episodes on DVD, I am complete! How can you describe season 1? Imagine putting your foot on the accelerator and gunning it down the freeway, then to slow down and get off on the side road to coast. Only to hit the accelerator again dodging and weaving into incoming traffic. That's the sheer rush one gets when watching this innovative tv-movie thriller.Get it! You will be on the edge of your seat wanting more. Guaranteed.
Great film, great acting... a real "moment in time." Robert Duvall is a direct descendent of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, according the IMDb.com movie database. After seeing this film, you may think Duvall's appearance is reincarnation at it's best.One of my most favorite films. I wish the composer, Peter Rodgers Melnick had a CD or there was a soundtrack available. Wonderful scenery and music and "all too-true-to-life," especially for those of us that live in, or have moved to, the South. This is a "real moment in time." Life moves on, slowly, but "strangers we do not remain."
Heck on Wheels. This movie starts out showing that appeasement is wrong and just buys you trouble. The cyclists are repelled from one town by a cop who stands up to them, and then go on to the next place which cottons to them, for a while anyway.There are some good scenes and a few good lines, though. Surely we've all seen clips of Brando's character response to the question, "What are you rebelling against?" with the deft reply, "Whaddya got?"When he starred in this, Lee Marvin wasn't too far out of the WWII Marines, and it shows.
Very pro-American film I liked this movie, I thought it was compelling. As I expected though, there were some on the right who called this movie unamerican and anti-american in their reviews. This is to be expected though. Though quite a number of conservatives share the concern of those on the left for the use harsh interrogations means (and sending prisoners/detainees to nations such as Egypt where we know they will use torture to acquire information is definately one of them) quite a number on the right don't really share these concerns. Which is most ironic, because it is the far right that usually states (often because of deep religious convictions) that it has absolutely moral truth and authority. Often this supposedly comes from the deity they worship. So, if you support the practices depicted in this film then you lose that "absolute moral authority/truth/ rightness" that you have. It is the left who much more then the right who are principled when it comes opposition to the use of torture or torture lite. Which is most ironic, since they are said not to have a moral compass or that they practice moral relativism. Again, this is not to say to be very religious or even conservative one can't oppose torture or "harsh interrogation" but all too often the more religious one is, the more one supports these things. Lastly, I fully expect to be called unamerican or some variant of it, on someone's comments, because that is what unfortunately far too many people who can't defend their position without emotion, resort to very frequently. This film is pro-American, it stands for American values of due process and freedom from being tortured by the state. It lives up to America's highest ideals.
A Heavenly Romance I first saw this movie when it came out on VHS tape in the late 1980s. My girlfriend picked the movie and enticed me into watching it. I can't say what drew me to it, but it's been a favorite of mine ever since.For those who believe that there is one true love out there who you are fated to meet, this movie is for you. Timothy Hutten and Kelly McGillis are two souls who meet in heaven. When Kelly McGillis is incarnated (not reincarnated, as she was born in heaven), Timothy Hutton pleads to be reincarnated in an attempt to reunite with his soulmate. The primary story is that of these two souls unconsciously searching for each other.As another review mentioned, the plot does drag at times, but all-in-all it is a wonderful, heartwarming story. Also, the music is outstanding and it is this movie that introduced me to The Nylon's "Up the Ladder to the Roof." I can't wait until it is released on DVD.
Easily the Worst Movie I Have Seen to Date It has been many years since I watched this travesty of a film, but even after thousands of competitors, I still find Dungeons & Dragons to be the worst film I have seen. As a big fan of the D&D game (I grew up playing it for years) I had high hopes for the movie. A budget of 35 Million dollars at the time was quite a lot of money, and Jeremy Irons is one of my favorite actors (for Irons at his best, try the original Brideshead Revisited miniseries). It gives me no pleasure to pan the film, or Irons' performance in it, but there is just no other way... they just were both *terrible*. With cheezy special effects, ridiculous dialogue and acting that is scary bad, you wind up with one big mess. My favorite line from Irons as Profion was "I'm looking for my stone... I want my stone!" You can imagine with dialogue like *that,* the actors did not have a chance. Avoid at all cost.
HAHAHAHAHA!!! I watched the very first episode of Jackass a few years ago and really enjoyed the show, but unfortunately, i myself didn't have cable...so i hadn't watched the show since. but recently i saw the movie. i laughed so hard my stomach ached. so i bought volumes 2 and 3 of the show as soon as i could. they were hilarious. i would have rated them 5 stars only they're edited, so i docked a star. the censors really took away from the whole shock value, and it was disappointing to say the least. but once you get past that it's awesome... plus, steve-o is damn sexy!
I can see why this movie kinda flopped Another unapologetic attempt at cashing out with a Greatest Hits list. Despite the star power behind it, it's so predictable that I guess I'd rather see Mamma Mia again. Alec Baldwin is the best thing going on in this movie.
Homeland review The storyline is interesting and the acting is adequate. However the graphic nudity, explicit sex, and filthy language made me feel like I was watching a porn movie. I had to turn it off halfway through the 2nd show. I could not recommend this show to anyone I actually cared about.
Not your typical Romantic Comedy "This is a story of boy meets girl. But you should know up front, this is NOT a love story." So says the narrator right from the outset. With this line I knew I was about to see something a little bit different. It's the story of Tom Hansen (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) a hopeless romantic who falls for Summer Finn (Zooey Deschanel), a cynic who doesn't believe in true love.Going into this, I had read the reviews and most being positive I thought Okay this is going to be one of those rare smart well made Rom-Coms. When I heard the above quote I rethought my stance a bit but still expected the typical boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back and all live happily ever after. (500) Days of Summer not only doesn't stick to this formula, it plants it with a C-4 charge and destroys it. I don't want to include any spoilers, but right from the start the movie turns you on your ear and you literally spend the entire film flip flopping from the elation that comes from falling in and being in love to the feeling of just misery for those weeks and weeks after being dumped by this person you literally thought was THE ONE. This movie portrays that better than any film I've ever seen. Another thing it does outstandingly well is to display how love blinds you. It achieves this by replaying scenes that were previously shown and it is amazing the things you notice the second time around. Probably my favorite scene is one that almost everyone can relate too. The scene that juxtaposes beautifully Tom's expectations and reality. It is the scene where essentially all hope is lost and Tom's heart is broken seemingly beyond repair. I'm confident in saying that if that scene doesn't strike a chord with you then you've never lost at love.The comedy is ably supplied by Tom's friends McKenzie (Geoffrey Arend) and Paul (Matthew Gray Gubler). Although one of the funniest "themes" in the film is how Tom goes to his approx 12-13 year old sister Rachel (Chloe Moretz) for relationship advice and actually gets more sound advice from her than from anyone else. In fact it is her advice that actually saves him in the end from a lifetime of lonliness and wondering what he could have done differently.Overall (500) Days of Summer is nearly pitch perfect, and will have you reaching the highest of highs and almost hitting the lowest of lows but not quite. It is a rare romantic comedy that is told from the male perspective without being crass. It shows how men can be and often are hurt. Even if we try not to show it. If you are a fan of typical rom-coms this may not be for you, but I'll say this. I am no fan of rom-coms and I loved this movie.
a disapointment I rented this movie so excited to go home and see it. As i went on through the movie it seemed prolonged about our color is disappearing we've got to get back into the tv. It had dry humor and i thought it was boring. I would give it a F both of my parents thought the same. Save your money for something excellent like the incredibles not on this it is not worth it. i didn't even bother to watch the special features it was so boring. Please save your money for something thats good.
pretty decent entertainment One thing about Did You Hear About the Morgans? that you absolutely MUST immediately realize is that the film *does* improve dramatically after the first 10 minutes. For goodness sake! The first 10 minutes will have viewers believing this is going to be yet another extremely unfunny and typical romance comedy on the part of Hugh Grant and Sarah Jessica Parker with a predictably bland storyline, but it's honestly much better than usual.That is to say, as soon as the storyline develops to where the two of them take a trip to Wyoming to get away from a crazy gunman roaming the New York streets, *this* is when the storyline improves drastically.Of course you're not supposed to realize that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense why the gunman is targeting Sarah Jessica Parker and Hugh Grant just because they happened to be at the scene of a surprising crime, but who cares about any logical thinking when the storyline is actually surprisingly *funny*, something I've NEVER EVER said about anything either Hugh grant or Sarah Jessica Parker have starred in before.When the two of them arrive to Wyoming, right away they're greeted by Sam Elliott's character, and even Wilford Brimley makes an appearance later on. What makes the humor work so well is the noticeably distinct subtle style, so pay attention to everything the characters say (particularly at the end of each line) to really notice the jokes.Hey, I'm really surprised- Did You Hear About the Morgans? is a great comedy.
A New Movie For Me/Not One I Already Had On VHS Replacement What a sweet movie that ends well.I especially enjoy the little love story in it.I first saw it on Public Television a long time ago and when I was going through movies I had on VHS that I had a few spare bucks to replace with DVD, This title came up.I would definitely recommend this to anyone.
Julia Stiles Is Inspirational Addition to Cast You will barely recognize her at first because she plays an abused victim whom Dexter rescues from a cadre of serial killers. But, yes, it is film actress Julia Stiles who joined the Dexter cast this season and she does a bang up job as the second lead in the show. She sets in motion the fact that there are four guys out there who are systematically murdering women after sexually abusing and torturing them for weeks. Lumen wants revenge on these men but she threatens to bring Dexter's whole house of cards apart because she doesn't know how to kill people like he does.The villain in chief they need to bring to an end is played by Jonny Lee Miller as one of these rich, lifestyle gurus with seminars, tapes, books, shows and so forth. If you pick his message apart, as Dexter does, it clearly does allow for taking life to the extreme edges and going over them. Dexter has his comic moments as well where bodies are tumbling out of trucks encased in cans or he's murdering someone in an RV while the police stand right outside trying to peer in. As usual, criminally oriented Florida, and especially Miami is the perfect backdrop to all of this.There are many subplots going as well and Deb, his sister, is the detective handling the case plus her partner suspects Dexter of murdering Rita. Her partner brings twisted Narc Peter Weller (ROBOCOP) onto the case and every time he shambles into the picture, Dexter is in yet a new kind of trouble.I will again warn anyone new that the Dexter show no longer follows the novels except in the broadest possible strokes. There are a substantial amount of characters who are alive in the novels who were killed off in the show. I do read the novels when they come out and watch the show when it comes out. However, I now think of them as "related" works only. The BONES show does the same thing, bearing only some semblance to Kathy Reichs's novels. If you don't like your shows and books to be this wide apart and already are watching the show, you may want to wait to read the books all in one big gulp as a different experience.
Watch this movie when you are ready to change your life This movie is a catalyst for people who are ready to break out of their little life. A virtual mind explosion happens when you watch this movie: One minute you start it from your comfortable little seat in your comfortable little life and about 90 minutes later you feel your life has changed and anything is possible. This movie leaves you wanting to explode out of your little shell and actually grow. Intellectually you won't believe you just sat through a whole movie watching 2 guys talk at a dinner table. But at a much deeper level you will know you have just been given a gift.If you are ready for your life to expand, watch this film. If not, share it with someone who is ready!I wrote the original version of this review 10 years ago after I watched the movie for the second time. I recently watched it again and it was just as powerful to me at my life stage now as it was 10 years ago and 10 years before then. So I thought I would update this review with a summary of:Timeless!
big momma I watch Big Momma's house every time i git a chanes i get.I thank the movie is funny and very intertaing.I thought that Martin did a great job playing the actor as bi momma.the other actor did exlent also.
Predictable movie with unmemorable title, of course! This movie was a total waste of time! The dialogue was weak, the characters were unbelievably false, and, yes, I know, you are supposed to suspend your belief in these type of movies. But how far must you go? There is one real unbelievable scene where this idiot kid of Van Damme's has no common sense and waits at the stadium when everyone else has left, with a BOMB of course, and doesnt leave because he's SCARED! Also, the script must have been thought up on someone's lap on a plane trip, with "realistic" phrases from announcers like "Scratch my back with a hacksaw!" This movie is definitely a crowd pleaser for anyone that has an I.Q. a bit above 25.
The lost is found My brother has always loved this film, and so I was delighted to find it on DVD to give him for Christmas.
Season of the Witch sEASON of the Witch was a fantastic movie. Nicolas Cage can do some acting. We enjoyed the movie and will watch it again and again.
Beautiful! This movie is an amazing description of what happens after we leave our bodies. It helps to awaken consciousness on a deep spiritual level about who we all are and that this world is the illusory world and when we go "Home" that is the real world. Well done!
loved it The series is great - and watching it the whole season at a time is even better. I love to watch shows when the whole season is available - no waiting a week for the next installment.
Soggy LONDON not worth the trip First time writer and director Hunter Richards delivers a perfectly awful and indulgent low budget tale of an unlikable NYC drughead named Syd (rising young actor Chris Evans) drowning in self pity over the breakup of from his superhot girlfriend London (Jessica Biel) of the title - alas, not the city - and plotting to win her back at her going away party, but only after doing massive amounts of coke and booze with slickly menacing new pal Bateman (Jason Statham, in a largely non-action role) in the party penthouse's palatial bathroom first. Richards' laughable script comes across as an 8th grader's attempt to sound like a college junior's idea of a complex relationship movie, with the party scenes cutting to insufferable flashbacks of Syd and London's druggy sex 'n' scream filled past. As bad as those are, they're still preferable to the bloody wretched extended philosophical discussion between Syd and Bateman during their overly long bathroom coke binge. Slick photography and cool sets can't hide the director's glaring inexperience. At least the actors do what they can with their parts; Evans displays a range and vulnerability missing in his other roles; Biel looks lovely and has real spark; Statham's charisma and comic touch carry him through the worst of the script (even as his shiny brown toupee seriously lets him down); and Dane Cook has an amusing cameo as a party guest. No matter how hard they all work, the amateurish material still undermines them. Of interest only to fans of the talented cast, LONDON the movie deserves a very special place a the bottom of the Thames River in London - the city.
So Boring I found this movie to be dragged out and dull. It did the book very little justice, and cut out the best parts! I suggest reading the book instead.
Samuel...i know you can do better than this!!! I knew this was going to be a great movie, mainly because Samuel L. was in it...FOR~GET~IT! This was by far the worst movie i have seen in quite some time...i didnt think it could ever get this bad. Julianne M. was HORRIBLE...i couldnt belive the acting in this movie, honestly Samuel wasnt that great either. The lines just didnt seem to flow, although the two of them were conversing. It was like he would ask her a question about the whereabouts of her son and she would respond with something like "do you want eggs with that"...HAHAHAHA...this movie was sheer torture to sit through. Plese do not waste your money...and especially your time.
Harvesting Luck - Now there's a new concept! This is quite an original movie in terms of concept. The idea that luck can be controlled, taken away and applied as a competitive sporting activity is quite brilliant when you think of it. Its actually pretty believable when you see people in the news winning lotteries multiple times. Good movie considering its on Netflix.
A True Orginial Watching the pilot episode was all it took to get me hooked to 24. I eagerly waited for the next episode to come on to keep up with the story. Now that it's on DVD, I can relive that entire day over again without waiting a week for the next show.
Crap!!! Utter Cinematic Crap! XO I'm watching this movie via Netflix and halfway through, I'm ready to vomit.There is no stable storyline. Five minutes in, OH NO! PERIL! DISASTER! WE'RE IN MAINE! Also, the jobs of the parents are never freakin' revealed! Like, "Oh, I'm the father and I have a job where I get to have a radio and I can also fly a plane into a tornado with my wife and son and not worry at all because we'll come out safe." The mom's like, "Oh, I have some government job where I get to tend to a Morgan Freeman-esque senator in a fabricated office that's clearly all walls and no legit hallway ceiling." (You see the black warehouse ceiling 12 minutes in.)Patrick Labyorteaux is worthy only as a B-movie extra that gets disemboweled by zombies, and that's a stretch!If Asylum attempted to produce a good movie with an original script, the world might come to end as depicted in this mess of a film.I'm harsh because "2012: Ice Age" was harsh on my eyes.-5 out of 5 STARS.
If you like Hitchcock, or mysteries, Vertigo is a must **MINOR SPOILERS WITHIN**If you ask movie fans to name their favorite Hitchcock titles, you'll get a lot of different answers. Some would mention Psycho or Rear Window, while others might mention Dial M for Murder, The Birds, Notorious or The 39 Steps. There are probably at least 20 strong candidates. My own favorite is Vertigo because the mystery element appeals to me and James Stewart is involved.Mulholland Dr. is my favorite film and David Lynch has mentioned how much he likes Vertigo and Rear Window because of the mood each creates. I can see why. Vertigo's mood never reaches the darker depths that Lynch's work inhabits, but there are similarities.Vertigo begins with a rooftop chase in which Scottie Ferguson is left clinging to the guttering. When a cop tries to save him, Ferguson sees him slip and fall to his death. The traumatic experience leaves Ferguson mentally scarred and he quits his job as a detective. He's hired as a private detective by Gavin Elster (Tom Helmore), who claims that his wife, Madeleine (Novak), wanders off at random and doesn't remember where she's been. He thinks she might be possessed.While that sounds unlikely, Hitchcock gives us reason to think that Madeleine really might be possessed as her husband suggests. Ferguson follows her all day. She takes flowers to a gravestone and stares at it as if she is somewhere else. The name on the grave is Carlotta Valdes. Madeleine also spends time in an art gallery staring at a picture, Portrait of Carlotta. The woman in the painting wears the same necklace and has the same hairstyle as Madeleine.The following day, Ferguson follows Madeleine again. This time she drives to the Golden Gate Bridge and jumps into the bay. Ferguson manages to save her and ask her about her behavior. She doesn't even remember jumping into the bay. We find out that she's the same age Carlotta was when the woman committed suicide. Is the spirit of Carlotta making Madeleine do these things? Is it safe to leave her on her own?That's the setup and I hope that I've managed to describe the unsettling atmosphere that Hitchcock creates. The plot is more complex than most of his films. Some of the twists are so surprising that I can't bring myself to reveal them here. If you haven't seen Vertigo, you deserve to discover those things for yourself.The film uses a lot of red and green filters and you'll see the color green featured throughout. Whether it's Madeleine's dress, her car, or a neon sign, you won't be permitted to forget that color. There's an impressive effect created every time Ferguson looks down from a great height. It was achieved by zooming in and moving the camera away from the image at the same time.Vertigo is sometimes criticized for being boring. I understand why some people might think that, but it's not a view I share. Ferguson spends a lot of time following Madeleine and most of those scenes require us to watch the events unfolding without the use of dialogue. Yes, this is a film that allows you to form your own opinion about what you are seeing. That said, the resolution reveals all of the mysteries. You won't be left to figure out what just happened. The beauty of the film is the way in which the revelations make sense of all the events which preceded them.I'm always impressed when I look at the list of actors that Hitchcock worked with. James Stewart teamed up with Hitchcock in Rope, Rear Window and The Man Who Knew Too Much and all of those are worth your time. Stewart was very effective as Ferguson, particularly in the final 30 minutes of the film when he confronted his fear and obsession. Kim Novak also did a good job in a demanding role.I've mentioned David Lynch, Madeleine and Ferguson in this review. I finally understand why Lynch named a character Maddy Ferguson in Twin Peaks.The film was restored in 1996. I have seen the recent Blu-ray release and the film looks so much better than it ever has. Some titles in the Masterpiece Collection have not been restored well, but Vertigo looks good throughout. The most problematic part is the dream sequence, but it doesn't look too bad. The DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 mix is another important addition, and everything sounds great. I would definitely look to upgrade when the titles are released on Blu-ray individually, unless you already own the full collection.
Patrick Swayze Fan Warning: this show can be graphic and violent. That said it is a good show about a very experienced agent and a brand new agent learning to work together. Patrick Swayze did an excellent job! I would not recommend this for children but I kept getting it from the library and so just decided to buy a copy.
Not worth it Okay, I'm a social worker, so I kinda judged this movie by this. The guys are really good eye candy and great bods. But, the situation is so cliched and boring that I keep wondering when they were going to come to their senses. The guy who plays the therapist is VERY cliched and doesn't have his own life grounded in any reality. It doesn't break any new (...) ground..it just rehashes the old, with kids thrown in. Don't get me started on the kids...Even the kids I supervised never behaved like that.
Iron 10 shirts in 88 minutes This movie was recommended to me by my very intelligent sister-in-law. She said it was fun and uplifting but I would have rather been asleep for the 88 minutes than waste my time watching a made for T.V. movie that was shallow, simplistic, weak, and only had Joseph Fiennes and Monica Potter going for it. Both are very attractive to look at but Fiennes must have been bored stiff to give this script his time. I agree with other reviewers that Potter looks like a blonde version of Julia Roberts. I'm incredulous that so many reviewers rated this movie so highly. I might have enjoyed it if I was home sick with the flu and half asleep but I expect character development, thought provoking ideas and real poignancy if the movie is romantic. I'm amazed people are so easy to please.
Hostel Only by scratching my head and squinting my eyes can I remember sitting through "Cabin Fever," which marked writer/director Eli Roth's film debut, and just barely can I remember the movie itself. I remember being entertained by it, but it just wasn't good enough. I decided to give Eli Roth a second chance if he ever made another film, and now he has, if you want to conisder "Hostel" a film. I'd like to think of it is a heartless, brutal melting pot of the different methods of grisly torture one could inflict on another human being. I am ashamed that I ever saw it.Exactly what Quentin Tarantino, one of the greatest filmmakers of our time, saw in Eli Roth during his first runaround, much less his sophomore effort, is a mystery. But that's not the biggest mystery. Roth has quickly dropped from an exceptional filmmaker to Uwe Boll lousiness in only one film. God knows what his third film will be like. If it is anything resembling "Hostel" then you should save your ticket money and purchase it some time later when you stumble accross it in the five-dollar bin at Wal-Mart.Roth apparently fancies himself a horror film director. Well, I've got news for him. Scenes depicting bound victims having holes drilled in their flesh, their appendages torn off with chainsaws, and their eyes plucked out are not scary, but are instead the disturbing masterworks of a director who could use a little psychiatric care and a happy pill or two. And anyone who finds them entertaining should join the director in a group therapy session. I'm sure they are the same individuals who were mesmerized by last year's similar motion pictures ("The Devil's Rejects" and "Wolf Creek").I paused after finishing the previous paragraph and thought for a moment. Why are films whose central themes include torture, rape, and sadism being made? And who could possibly find them entertaining? I suppose knuckleheaded filmmakers are just all too eager to cash in on garbage to make other garbage films. Turning disgusting content into a profit is a greater crime than what happened with Enron. Films that are gratuitous in senseless violence, vulgar brutality, and nihilism should stay in the sick minds of the people who write them.Let's just say I'm glad that Roth has chosen to direct these kinds of films, because the material skills in his head will never be able to muster Oscar material. Without waisting much more time discussing the film, I will say that it is almost unbearably violent, disturbing, dark, ugly, mean, and terrible. In his review of last year's "Chaos," unseen by me, film critic Roger Ebert wrote "Why do we need this s**t?" quoting another film critic by the name of Ed Gonzalez. One can ask the same question about "Hostel," and I can go even further and label it as a middle finger to the face of cinema. - IsaacRated R; 96 minutes; Directed by Eli Roth
Really good show Season 2 explores the relationship and the background of the show's characters. Their relationships are tested by trials, tribulations, killers trying to get them and trying to save each other. This is a really good show. It is well written, interesting and captivating. David Boreanaz and Emily Deschanel have great on-screen chemistry. Dechanel portrays "Bones" very well. She is quirky in all the right ways.
complete sxxxt I have a bad habit of buying films before i see them and sometimes it pays off. Donnie darko, trainng day and memento to name just a few but then you get that film that is so awful, your embarressed to have it in your dvd collection. This is that film. To summarise: Worst storyline of any action film ever, some of the worst acting i have ever seen,Vin diesel is awful as an an action hero and it is shot very badly as well making it look [bad]. Stay away form this [movie] unless you are an american, as apparently they like this sort of [thing].
Sound and Song Okay- overall the DVD and movie were pretty good. I liked the pairing of Goldie and Susan...Here's the real reason for my review- on the DVD- as you are looking at the main screen there is a song playing...I'm desperately seeking someone who knows what that song is...Other than that...I'd suggest this movie to someone looking for a fair amont of sensical whimsy girl power.
Stargate SG-1 Season 10 I opened the case for the first time and the DVD case immediately began crumbling apart near the spine and disc 5 has trouble reading two of the episodes
Shaolin ET I purchased this with only having seen the trailer.Having seen Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle I had no hesitation in buying this.This movie has the same theme running through like his previous movies someone poor just trying to get by.In this case a father just trying to all he can for his son by sending him to a private school while living in an abandoned building, and scraping by.UFO sightings start to appear in his area, but seem like a hoax.While rummaging through a waste dump looking for shoes or anything useful he finds a strange ball, which he presents his son.The ball turns out to be more than what he expected and will change their life.Do not expect to see as much crazy cgi visuals as in the previous movies, they are there but not nearly as much.This is more of a story about a father and his son, how they love each other, fight over his school work and the father wanting only the best for his son.It has some great moments and well worth purchasing.
Improbable plot with unbearably bad acting Okay - You've got the Vice Presidential plane (with David Keith aboard) traveling over the Pacific Ocean without Naval escort fighters, in a tropical storm that should have been predicted and avoided. The storm puts the plane down near an unknown island (Barago!). No emergency call, no secondary channel, no emergency transponder beeping after the plane goes down. And last but not least, only one Secret Service Agent onboard (Mariel Hemingway). The President orders a search for the "Second most powerful man in the World" Duh.... The President comes across as a real low I.Q. doofus. The Naval Admiral is also an idiot.After some "A-Team type" gun battles, the Guerillas take the VP hostage for a large ransom (what else?). Mariel takes only a 9mm subgun, instead of an assault rifle, from the scumbags. The Guerilla leader is especially obnoxious in the acting department. I mean, low-down, amateur, stinking bad acting. Hemingway and Keith must have taken the lead from the extras; because they were just as bad. You'll wonder why the person who wrote the dialogue wasn't left on the island; where everything else about this movie should have been left. Oh, and it seemed like they hired some pretty bad Samoan or Hawaiian actors for this stinker. They grunt a lot.If you can stand just killing time and watching a [horrible] movie, then go ahead. Heck, you can go to the "John" a few times, go out for some pizza, and even walk your dog. You won't miss anything. When jobs in Hollywood are sparse, I guess you take anything yo can get (Mariel and David did) and hope that at least the director can save the script (he didn't.) Absolutely stunk !
A kick in the feels for Cumberbatch fans The opening line of this film: ". . . I'm 29, won't see 30. . ." seems like it going to have said it all. But there's more to it than that, and fine performances all around. This isn't just some Hallmark disease movie, despite the blurb. Bring a hankie, and some fortitude.
Deleted scenes not what they seem The Lawnmower Man has always been one of my favorite movies since the first time i saw it in the theater. I saw it so often i got to the point where i memorized many of my favorite scenesOnly one porblem... when i watched the DVD, parts were missing.i flipped to the deleted scenes menu and wouldn't you know it, there they were, but you couldn't watch the whole REAL Movie with them in. The deleted scenes were nothing more than scenes deleted from the actual movie to give the illusion of adding something to the DVD version.not only shouldn't you buy this movie, you should write many many angry letters to the makers of the DVD
5-4-3-2-1. Blunderbirds Are Go! As part of the generation that grew up with Gerry Anderson's TV shows - Supercar, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, and Joe 90- I came to this film with enthusiasm and high expectations. With every passing minute of this film, my enthusiasm waned and my expectations slumped. I sat agape as this rubbish unfolded before me.Why is this film so bad? It is bad because it treats the TV series with utter -utter! - contempt. It abandons everything -everything! - that made the series such a delight. It abandons the highly distinctive and unique uniform of the Tracy brothers and replaces it for something "more modern," although to my eyes the "more modern" uniform came straight out of a 1930s Flash Gordon movie - i.e., people wrapped in tin foil.It abandons the traditional non-violent plot line where there is a disaster "somewhere in the world" and only International Rescue can save the day. It is replaced with a hackneyed coming of age plot line.It abandons the 60s retro of the original series, which is a major part of Thunderbird's appeal.It abandons the main characters of Scott and Virgil and concentrates instead on peripheral characters, Gordon and TinTin, along with Brains' son, invented especially for this film.They get every detail wrong. In the series, Gordon pilot's Thunderbird 4. Here, he is a student who has yet to become part of the Thunderbird team. Brains is no longer just absent minded, he is positively creepy. The publicity shy team of the series now craves attention from the world's media. Even the design of the Thunderbirds has been changed - surely the greatest sacrilege of the film!It is as if the scriptwriter has never seen an episode of Thunderbirds in his life and has been told what it was all about by one of the producers over a drunken dinner.This film is the pits! It is even worse that the last Star Wars monstrosity. You could have resurrected Orson Wells, put him in every scene, and Thunderbirds would still stink! It is beyond redemption. The one star is for Vanessa Anne Hudgens who has the looks and the talent to go far, although she will have to start selecting her material with a bit more care.
Grey Owl Starring Pierce Brosnan. Based on a true story in 1930s Canada. Directed by Richard Attenborough, and screenplay by William Nicholson.
A Cute Collection If You Have The Series On DVD But Nothing Truly Spectacular After getting the first 100 episodes box set of the show I felt that this movie would be a neat add on to the set, and while it's cute and has a decent storyline after so many years the movie suffers from what other animated shows do it just felt like a hour an a half episode that really had nothing new or really exciting to worry about. The only new thing you'll see in the movie is when Spongebob becomes enraged at Mr. Crabs for passing him over for promotion and after King Neptune's accusations on Mr.Crabs about his theft of King Neptune's crown Spongebob's own less than stellar defense of Mr. Krabs personality Sponebob and his faithful friend Patrick go on a journey to secure the crown and find the real culprit of the theft. Again the movie is of course meant to entertain kids and fans of the show so if you're not a kid and not a fan you'll probably want to pass this movie over since it won't hold to much entertainment for you most likely. The animation is near the recent season so the video and audio are both pretty good and some of the extras are decent to but all in all the movie should really just be seen by fans of the show or kids so again if you're neither than you should just pass the movie over and try something else to your taste...
Waste of time!!!! OK, this movie is just terrible. In my opinion movies can get away with a lot. if they are great action movies then they dont need a great plot to be good movies, and vice versa. If they are suspense movies they dont need amazing special effects or ground breaking science fiction. But what a slow moving suspense "thriller' needs is content!!! Be very clear, this not an action movie, maybe for about 15 minutes at the end, but for 1 hour and 45 minutes this is suppose to be a plot based thriller, a situational drama.I am not going to go into a recap of the movie(thats why this is a "review" and not a "recap"). The main villians in the movies have no background given on them whatsoever, ni fact you dont even know who the agency controlling all the moves is EVER!!! Who is the kid thats controling everything inside the hostage situation? I wish I could tell you, but all I can say is he's some messed up punk kid, but what normal person kidnaps a total stranger, so of course hes really messed up. The movie does nothing to establish a reason that anything in the movie happen, except that the "voice on the other end of the phone" says so.This movie tried to tackle too much. You get two hostage situations in the plot, but never really know anything about either one of them. The result is that you are left with two stories that you have no idea what or why anything happened in either one of them. Although I have not read the book, I am sure, like so often happens with book movies, the background required to really get into the movie was cut out to save time, BAD MOVE!!!The other beef I had with this movie was the whole Virgin Mary thing with the young girl in the movie. I mean it was a little, and when I say a little I mean way, over the top. I hate when artsy directors throw things into a movie that have nothing to do with the plot or story, but just want to show their pseudo-creativity.
Quacks me up. Love this show. It's been the one show that my husband and I can always agree on. Great fun and, dare I say, inspiring too.
Slow build, great pay off Homeland Season 1 starts slow, but each episode becomes more interesting. Worth the investment of time. I'm hooked and ready for season 2!
CLASSIC GRIFFITH!!!!! This release from Image features a very good print of a classic Griffith film. It looks quite good with the original opening credits and intertitles. Very disappointing, however, is the missing "end" title for which no explanation is given. The new score is pleasant, the original synchronized music having been lost.
Not worth watching I am a huge fan of Donnie Darko so I decided get this movie thinking it would be good. This is probably the worst movie ever made. It made no sense at all and it was hard to follow. This movie isn't worth watching even if it was free or the last movie on the planet. I only gave it 2 stars because Matthew Davis is in this movie.
da dumbest movie on earth! this movie is dumb believe me it stunk more than the rafflesia flower!
BAD didn't seem anything like the movie I saw almost 30 years ago. It was terrible. Very, very, very very disappointing. Had to add 5 more words, as instructed.
Terrible-Horrible-No Good-Very Bad Movie I'm not sure what I was expecting, but the movie was less than impressive. Its a classic example of how not to do a movie - no focus on the story and play up the special effects. The special effects were good, but seemed to soak up so much of the budget that the sets and costumes looked like they were straight off of Zena. The movie tried to do too many things - be sort of a fun, medieval knight movie like First Knight, a little bit of Star Wars, a little bit of Willow, and a little bit of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I swore scenes were taken from all of these movies and thrown together to create Dungeons and Dragons. There were also too many characters which didn't add to the story - they simply detracted from the main focus of the battle. Lines are also misdelivered where lines that should make you cry or cheer end up making you laugh because they sound so pitiful. I love movies and its not often I find one that I dislike so much...this movie was my dungeon.
Fascinating! I'm always fascinated by these long-ago grindhouse exploitation films because you can sometimes come across stand-out talent. In this effort, we're treated to a glimpse of a tawdry, sleazy world of escort girls who do nude modeling. There's only a mini-second of a nude woman--shot from behind--but this must've been a great money-shot for all those men with raincoats sitting in some grindhouse theater on 42nd street.The real standout in this movie is Lisa Rack, who portrays the older sister of her wild and out-of-control sibling, played very effectively by Joy Reynolds. Pack has a big dramatic scene toward the end where she denounces the scum who've entrapped her and her sister. There's nothing amateur about Pack in this electrifying moment and you wonder why she never made anymore flicks.This is a fascinating little tale that makes you wonder: what happened to the game cast? How were they chosen? What did they do between takes? Where was the movie shot?I discovered this gem on a fantastic compilation of 20 other grindhouse movies that were put together by Mill Creek in their Cult Movies collection. This is a fabulous bargain.
awesome movie this is the sequel to avp 1. i do have to say that they are both about tied with each other. they both are very good movies. if you like the alien or the predator movies then this one is for you. this movie rocks.
I'm amazed Jaws 1 was a great movie....Jaws 2 still felt like a jaws movie because all of the original characters are there except for of course Quint and Hooper...But I am amazed at the "good reviews" this movie is getting!! The plot is silly "MAMA IS MAD!!" and the horrible special effects...a shark swimming backwards?? Throw this in the recycle bin and hit delete...this movie was embarrasing!!
one of my favorite movies at the moment Beautiful movie. Very inspiring. Couldn't have imagined better actors for it, they were perfect! Healing is possible and things look up eventually, it's just a matter of perspective ;)
Great flick! The movie was absolutely riveting! Great buy. Lots of intreig, action, twists and turns. This is a must see movie.
Bad, Bad, Bad! It Stinks! This movie stinks so bad that I can smell it all the way over here. Anyone reading this can smell how bad this film stinks. Sniff! It has bad acting. Sniff! There is cheese in the special effects. Sniff! Sniff! The women who are being tortured are not very good looking. They have cheese, too! Sniff! Characters make odd faces while speaking mundane dialog. Wacky and weird in a stinky way!I had heard so much about this film, I just had to buy it. I watched it for just over an hour before giving up completely. It is just that bad kind of stench. Though it didn't make me want to puke, it also wasn't even funny. Come on! As least give me a couple of yucks, if it is a stink bomb! I have watched countless "B" and lower grade movies, but I must say that this film experience is one that has that special nothing. It has no redeeming value what-so-ever. If anyone loves a stink, then go ahead. Sniff it up! Otherwise, get thy head out of the loo and stick with higher grade trash. For a pleasant bouquet, see the nice freaky flick "I Drink Your Blood." Barf bags available on line.
wake me when its over my best advice regarding this film, is that if you have a functioning brain, it may not be by the end.boring pointless bacon vehicle.I expect more from Paul Verhoeven, its almost a travesty to mention robocop and starship troopers alongside this.
Ignore the other reviews! Read THIS ONE! I'm not sure what's wrong with Amazon, but somehow the reviews for Street Fighter: Code of Honor are those of the Street Fighter live-action film.Street Fighter: Code of Honor is the first of two DVD sets compiling the entire Street Fighter Saturday morning cartoon (the second set is called Street Fighter: Soul Powers), originally aired on USA network. The wikipedia article of the TV series can be found here: [...]. To reiterate, this is NOT the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie.Essentially, the Street Fighter American animated series is a cartoon made for children based on the popular Street Fighter videogame franchise. It's not a good show, but the series can be of value to fans of the Street Fighter videogames. Its script and stories are so terrible to the point of being unintentionally humorous, some of which have become internet memes: [...]The animation can sometimes be decent, but the artwork is usually poor and inconsistent. If you're a Street Fighter fan and want a good animated production, you have two great options among a handful:1. Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie. Arguably the most faithful and interesting movie or TV show based on SF. The fights are entertaining, and the story is simple enough to allow the characters to play their one-dimensional personalities. 100% recommended. If you're in the US, make sure to get the latest DVD release, which is uncut. Additionally, watch it in English. Surprisingly, this is one of the few anime that benefits from a changed soundtrack.2. Street Fighter II V: This is a 29-episode anime series that closely follows the friendship of young adults Ryu and Ken. Since it's a show, characters are allowed more time to develop, and the fight scenes do not disappoint. Manga Video has already released a compact box set containing all four discs in the US.There are other SF animated productions out there, but in my view these two are the best ones.
Worst movie of the year!!! What can I say.....Just plain horrible......Is it too late to give the DVD back to my sister...?
SLEEPY EYES There was not one surprise in this movie. In fact the plot has been used and reused and over used in a myriad of movies. Hollywood just puts them through the carbon copy machine. NOT WORTH YOUR TIME. Not even for Nicolas Cage.
Avoid this film. Lacks professionalism in every area - story, direction, dialogue, casting, acting and sound mix. The film wants to be fresh, romantic and hopeful, but its actually superficial pap. Just a rehash of other, better, material. In fact, you can see every plot turn coming miles ahead. If you want a look at the gay club scene, watch the American and/or British versions of "Queer As Folk." They treat the same subjects with wit and style. "Gypsy Boys" is just plain tired.