File size: 123,018 Bytes
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 |
spokentext chosen rejected times lastvote
The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 45 2024-10-19 01:12:20
"""He's thrilled about moving to a new city!""" 6 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 31 2024-10-19 01:12:12
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 6 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 25 2024-10-25 02:08:19
The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 5 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 29 2024-10-19 01:36:07
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 8 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech Flux9665/EnglishToucan 17 2024-10-29 11:58:06
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 7 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,Flux9665/EnglishToucan Pendrokar/style-tts-2 19 2024-10-29 08:57:11
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 6 coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 20 2024-10-25 07:18:38
"""He's thrilled about moving to a new city!""" 5 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 23 2024-10-19 01:34:55
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 7 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,Flux9665/EnglishToucan,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS coqui/xtts 15 2024-10-28 23:58:46
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 7 Flux9665/EnglishToucan,mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 15 2024-10-29 10:21:55
The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 5 parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 21 2024-10-19 01:12:54
"""A quiet sense of satisfaction fills me, it feels good to do good work.""" 4 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 25 2024-10-18 19:20:38
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 7 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 mrfakename/MeloTTS 14 2024-10-22 20:13:09
"""He's thrilled about moving to a new city!""" 6 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 16 2024-10-18 09:46:58
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 6 parler-tts/parler_tts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech coqui/xtts 14 2024-10-25 01:43:32
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 7 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Flux9665/EnglishToucan,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 11 2024-10-29 11:28:37
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,coqui/xtts,Flux9665/EnglishToucan,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 15 2024-10-28 18:56:05
"""Missing my pet who passed away is still a painful memory.""" 4 coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 18 2024-10-21 05:13:28
"""This is absolutely incredible!""" 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 18 2024-10-22 12:12:37
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 7 coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,Flux9665/EnglishToucan,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 10 2024-10-29 11:56:29
"""I'm so uncomfortable, I want to leave.""" 5 coqui/xtts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 14 2024-10-14 20:20:18
The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 5 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 14 2024-10-19 01:18:52
"""I'm so annoyed by the constant arguing in my family.""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 17 2024-10-17 03:38:23
"""His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty.""" 5 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 13 2024-10-13 14:31:04
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,coqui/xtts myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 13 2024-10-22 01:07:25
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 4 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 16 2024-10-16 20:21:56
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 7 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,Flux9665/EnglishToucan,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,coqui/xtts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 9 2024-10-28 20:57:12
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 6 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 10 2024-10-21 13:37:21
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 6 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-23 08:35:53
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 6 coqui/xtts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 10 2024-10-23 08:48:35
"""I feel so defeated. Like I've lost before I even began.""" 5 mrfakename/MeloTTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 12 2024-10-30 11:26:44
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 5 mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 12 2024-10-16 21:33:23
"""The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous.""" 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 12 2024-10-13 08:32:55
The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 5 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 12 2024-10-18 16:36:47
He ordered peach pie with ice cream. 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 29 2024-10-18 14:49:12
We find joy in the simplest things. 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 14 2024-10-13 17:40:36
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 11 2024-10-21 18:38:53
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 11 2024-10-25 09:19:54
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 5 coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 11 2024-10-25 01:42:39
"""The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous.""" 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 11 2024-10-13 20:15:20
"""This is absolutely incredible!""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 18 2024-10-18 17:32:56
"""I'm green with envy, I wish I had that.""" 4 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 13 2024-10-30 21:13:56
"""This is amazing! You're so talented!""" 4 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 13 2024-10-22 17:30:57
"""Ugh, I can't believe I forgot my keys again!""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 13 2024-10-22 05:32:14
"""I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?""" 3 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 17 2024-10-13 09:26:42
"""I'm green with envy, I wish I had that.""" 4 mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 12 2024-10-30 15:49:39
"""This is absolutely incredible!""" 3 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 16 2024-10-18 18:34:11
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 5 coqui/xtts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 9 2024-10-16 18:45:45
"""What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 15 2024-10-13 16:37:10
The beam dropped down on the workmen's head. 3 coqui/xtts,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 15 2024-10-21 05:03:24
"""How could you betray me like that?""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 11 2024-10-22 23:30:40
"""I feel so defeated. Like I've lost before I even began.""" 4 Pendrokar/style-tts-2,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 11 2024-10-30 15:12:07
"""I'm green with envy, I wish I had that.""" 4 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 11 2024-10-30 15:07:38
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 11 2024-10-15 14:30:32
"""What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!""" 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 11 2024-10-13 10:30:38
He ordered peach pie with ice cream. 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 22 2024-10-19 01:10:43
"""I'm on the edge of a major discovery, I can feel it.""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 14 2024-10-14 20:19:08
"""I'm on the edge of a major discovery, I can feel it.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 14 2024-10-14 21:08:55
"""Watching my team score a last-minute goal is pure euphoria!""" 3 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 14 2024-10-25 08:19:40
Paint the sockets in the wall dull green. 5 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 8 2024-10-17 09:34:28
"""He's thrilled about moving to a new city!""" 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 10 2024-10-19 01:09:37
"""I feel a chill of fear run down my spine.""" 4 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso fishaudio/fish-speech-1 10 2024-10-13 12:36:34
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 13 2024-10-23 14:08:37
"""Your touch sends shockwaves through me, it's exhilarating.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 13 2024-10-19 01:21:16
The sun came up to light the eastern sky. 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 13 2024-10-17 09:41:06
"""A quiet sense of satisfaction fills me, it feels good to do good work.""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 9 2024-10-19 01:35:19
"""I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.""" 4 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech coqui/xtts 9 2024-10-30 15:07:52
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 4 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 9 2024-10-17 07:34:07
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 4 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2,collabora/WhisperSpeech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 9 2024-10-22 22:41:16
"""This is amazing! You're so talented!""" 4 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 9 2024-10-14 21:08:10
Jump the fence and hurry up the bank. 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,Flux9665/EnglishToucan mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 9 2024-10-29 11:58:50
"""A deep sadness settles upon me, I miss them terribly.""" 3 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 12 2024-10-16 19:44:08
"""I feel so grateful for all the love in my life.""" 3 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 12 2024-10-21 05:12:19
"""I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.""" 5 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 7 2024-10-19 07:51:58
"""I'm terrified of heights, don't make me go up there!""" 5 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 7 2024-10-14 19:07:15
"""I'm terrified of spiders, get it away from me!""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,coqui/xtts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 17 2024-10-30 17:58:51
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2 coqui/xtts 11 2024-10-29 02:54:39
"""He's thrilled about moving to a new city!""" 4 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 8 2024-10-18 11:37:43
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 4 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-21 22:02:22
"""I'm green with envy, I wish I had that.""" 4 mrfakename/MeloTTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 8 2024-10-30 19:52:55
"""I'm so annoyed by the constant arguing in my family.""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 8 2024-10-17 02:40:27
"""Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!""" 4 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler_tts 8 2024-10-20 09:07:23
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 4 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,coqui/xtts mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-29 08:05:02
"""This is amazing! You're so talented!""" 4 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-14 20:17:18
Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts collabora/WhisperSpeech 8 2024-10-21 15:19:40
Paint the sockets in the wall dull green. 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 6 2024-10-17 04:30:06
"""I can't wait to see you again.""" 3 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 10 2024-10-15 14:29:37
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-15 14:02:31
"""What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-13 18:34:57
"""This baby is so cute, I just want to cuddle all day!""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 15 2024-10-14 19:54:58
"""A quiet sense of satisfaction fills me, it feels good to do good work.""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 7 2024-10-18 19:19:54
"""How could you betray me like that?""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 7 2024-10-16 12:45:45
"""I'm completely speechless, I don't know what to say.""" 4 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 7 2024-10-21 21:56:58
"""I'm green with envy, I wish I had that.""" 4 Pendrokar/style-tts-2,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 7 2024-10-30 12:22:55
"""I'm so confused, can someone please explain?""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 7 2024-10-17 09:41:32
"""I'm so confused, can someone please explain?""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 7 2024-10-16 22:08:21
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech,coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 7 2024-10-15 07:47:23
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 4 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 7 2024-10-25 08:19:18
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 4 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 7 2024-10-14 19:14:09
"""This is so peaceful and serene. I could stay here forever.""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,coqui/xtts mrfakename/MeloTTS 7 2024-10-21 05:13:48
"""Ugh, I can't believe I forgot my keys again!""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-16 19:52:55
Paint the sockets in the wall dull green. 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 7 2024-10-16 21:20:08
"""I'm so fascinated; I could listen to you all day.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Pendrokar/style-tts-2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 14 2024-10-29 07:29:08
"""He's thrilled about moving to a new city!""" 3 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 9 2024-10-18 17:32:29
"""I feel a chill of fear run down my spine.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 9 2024-10-13 11:13:42
"""I'm so curious, tell me more!""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 9 2024-10-15 16:06:42
"""I'm so uncomfortable, I want to leave.""" 3 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 9 2024-10-14 19:06:48
"""I'm so uncomfortable, I want to leave.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,coqui/xtts mrfakename/MeloTTS 9 2024-10-14 19:30:43
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 3 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/MeloTTS,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 9 2024-10-23 14:17:23
"""Missing my pet who passed away is still a painful memory.""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 9 2024-10-21 05:03:50
"""This play was amazing, the acting was superb!""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 9 2024-10-23 12:53:52
"""I'm aching to go, I just got a new travel plan!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 13 2024-10-17 04:30:19
"""I'm incredibly anxious about the future.""" 2 coqui/xtts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 13 2024-10-14 15:29:57
"""Watching my team score a last-minute goal is pure euphoria!""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 13 2024-10-25 09:19:08
"""I'm absolutely devastated, my world has fallen apart.""" 5 coqui/xtts,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Flux9665/EnglishToucan 5 2024-10-28 03:22:21
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 5 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,coqui/xtts,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-21 22:04:04
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 5 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-22 13:35:21
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 5 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 5 2024-10-29 07:05:18
"""His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty.""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-13 06:13:09
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 6 2024-10-22 07:15:35
"""I'm furious that they lied to me.""" 4 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,coqui/xtts,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-22 19:08:12
"""I'm so confused, can someone please explain?""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-17 04:39:16
"""I'm so stressed, I feel like I'm going to explode.""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 6 2024-10-19 01:10:04
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-24 20:01:38
Paint the sockets in the wall dull green. 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 6 2024-10-17 09:25:18
We find joy in the simplest things. 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-13 18:35:40
We find joy in the simplest things. 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-13 10:41:47
"""A deep sadness settles upon me, I miss them terribly.""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 8 2024-10-17 04:36:02
"""I'm overflowing with gratitude, thank you for being there for me.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/style-tts-2 8 2024-10-29 12:00:24
"""Missing my pet who passed away is still a painful memory.""" 3 coqui/xtts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 8 2024-10-21 05:03:00
"""Ugh, I can't believe I forgot my keys again!""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 8 2024-10-17 02:41:34
"""What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 8 2024-10-13 18:35:53
We find joy in the simplest things. 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 8 2024-10-13 13:48:22
"""I feel so empty inside.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 12 2024-10-16 18:27:13
"""Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over.""" 2 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 12 2024-10-13 10:41:21
This will lead the world to more sound and fury. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 12 2024-10-13 11:25:23
"""I am ecstatic!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 11 2024-10-13 13:28:36
"""I feel a glimmer of hope.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 11 2024-10-13 20:34:04
"""I'm in a state of complete and utter despair, I'm so at my wit's end.""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 11 2024-10-19 00:53:53
"""I feel a chill of fear run down my spine.""" 3 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 7 2024-10-13 15:03:04
"""I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-13 11:23:18
"""I'm feeling so bored, I need a change of pace.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-14 19:55:33
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 7 2024-10-17 06:11:10
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 3 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 7 2024-10-23 05:56:01
"""The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 7 2024-10-13 12:37:33
"""The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 7 2024-10-13 18:38:39
"""The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 7 2024-10-13 14:33:20
"""This is amazing! You're so talented!""" 3 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-23 14:26:40
"""This is so peaceful and serene. I could stay here forever.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-21 02:51:13
"""His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty.""" 4 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 5 2024-10-13 16:31:19
"""His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty.""" 4 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 11:23:01
"""I'm absolutely devastated, my world has fallen apart.""" 4 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-28 04:36:03
"""I'm absolutely devastated, my world has fallen apart.""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,coqui/xtts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 5 2024-10-28 03:24:32
"""I'm furious that they lied to me.""" 4 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2,coqui/xtts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 5 2024-10-22 23:31:21
"""I'm so angry, I could scream!""" 4 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-30 15:10:19
"""I'm so angry, I could scream!""" 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2,collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-30 17:59:10
"""Ugh, I can't believe I forgot my keys again!""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 5 2024-10-16 12:46:51
"""I just want to disappear.""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-13 18:34:12
"""I'm deeply moved by your story.""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-17 02:40:39
"""I'm hesitant about taking the risk.""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 10 2024-10-13 12:32:32
"""I'm so fascinated; I could listen to you all day.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 10 2024-10-29 08:56:59
The birch looked stark white and lonesome. 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 10 2024-10-14 20:08:05
"""Finding a long-lost family heirloom is bringing tears of joy to my eyes!""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 6 2024-10-19 01:34:24
"""How could you betray me like that?""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 6 2024-10-17 07:35:06
"""I feel so insignificant and worthless. Nobody cares about me.""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 6 2024-10-17 02:40:46
"""I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-13 09:28:03
"""I'm in a state of complete and utter despair, I'm so at my wit's end.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-19 01:21:29
"""I'm on the edge of a major discovery, I can feel it.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-14 19:56:00
"""I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much.""" 3 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 6 2024-10-13 16:17:34
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech coqui/xtts 6 2024-10-15 15:12:29
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-15 16:25:51
"""I'm so uncomfortable, I want to leave.""" 3 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 6 2024-10-14 13:35:55
"""The world is a classroom, and we are all students.""" 3 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 6 2024-10-15 15:12:20
"""The world is a classroom, and we are all students.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS coqui/xtts 6 2024-10-15 14:30:58
"""The world is a classroom, and we are all students.""" 3 coqui/xtts,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 6 2024-10-15 16:06:33
"""This journey has been challenging, but I'm stronger now.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,parler-tts/parler_tts coqui/xtts 6 2024-10-20 13:14:09
"""This play was amazing, the acting was superb!""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 6 2024-10-23 14:08:23
A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-13 13:03:21
"""I'm deeply saddened by this loss, they will be missed.""" 2 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 9 2024-10-14 20:18:31
"""I'm feeling giddy and lighthearted; I could dance all night!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 9 2024-10-15 15:11:10
The Navy attacked the big task force. 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 9 2024-10-13 11:26:13
The swan dive was far short of perfect. 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 9 2024-10-17 09:25:04
"""I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?""" 4 mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-13 16:11:49
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 4 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 4 2024-10-22 23:30:22
"""Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!""" 4 collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-13 06:59:26
Paint the sockets in the wall dull green. 4 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-17 04:39:31
"""Finding a long-lost family heirloom is bringing tears of joy to my eyes!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 8 2024-10-19 01:11:38
"""I feel so empty inside.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 8 2024-10-16 18:36:09
"""I'm deeply moved by your story.""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-27 04:43:15
"""I'm feeling giddy and lighthearted; I could dance all night!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-15 12:19:45
"""I'm hesitant about taking the risk.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 8 2024-10-13 17:32:17
"""I'm so anxious about this job interview, what if I mess up?""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 8 2024-10-15 15:05:59
"""I'm so sorry! I wish I could take it back.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 8 2024-10-25 08:19:21
"""This baby is so cute, I just want to cuddle all day!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 8 2024-10-14 15:31:10
"""This is absolutely incredible!""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 8 2024-10-19 01:21:36
He wrote his last novel there at the inn. 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 8 2024-10-25 09:20:18
The Navy attacked the big task force. 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 8 2024-10-13 05:33:01
The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 8 2024-10-13 20:41:48
"""His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 5 2024-10-13 01:24:01
"""I'm feeling so bored, I need a change of pace.""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-14 13:23:30
"""I'm furious that they lied to me.""" 3 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-23 14:11:02
"""I'm furious that they lied to me.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 5 2024-10-22 22:39:41
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-16 19:55:24
"""I'm so angry, I could scream!""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 5 2024-10-30 21:14:12
"""I'm so annoyed by the constant arguing in my family.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-16 19:54:46
"""I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-13 12:33:19
"""Missing my pet who passed away is still a painful memory.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-21 04:05:22
"""Missing my pet who passed away is still a painful memory.""" 3 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-20 20:50:08
"""The world is a classroom, and we are all students.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts,collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-15 06:30:12
"""Ugh, I can't believe I forgot my keys again!""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 5 2024-10-16 19:27:18
A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 11:25:36
The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-18 12:57:08
The beam dropped down on the workmen's head. 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 5 2024-10-21 05:14:46
The long journey home took a year. 3 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-25 19:21:43
Women form less than half of the group. 3 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 5 2024-10-13 16:15:24
Write a fond note to the friend you cherish. 3 coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 5 2024-10-20 05:03:08
Write a fond note to the friend you cherish. 3 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-20 08:26:41
"""I'm deeply moved by your story.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 7 2024-10-28 04:37:14
"""I'm heartbroken, my favorite pet just passed away.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-15 15:49:54
"""I'm hesitant about taking the risk.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 7 2024-10-13 11:25:12
"""I'm so angry I could scream.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 7 2024-10-13 10:14:48
"""I'm so sorry! I wish I could take it back.""" 2 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 7 2024-10-25 06:25:03
"""I'm terrified of heights, don't make me go up there!""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 7 2024-10-14 14:25:32
"""I'm terrified of spiders, get it away from me!""" 2 coqui/xtts,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 7 2024-10-30 15:10:31
"""Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 7 2024-10-13 10:34:37
"""This is the best surprise ever!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 7 2024-10-13 07:23:45
The spot on the blotter was made by green ink. 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 7 2024-10-15 15:11:44
"""He's been annoying me all day, I need a break.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 14 2024-10-25 09:20:25
"""This movie is terrifying! I can't watch anymore.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 13 2024-10-13 18:28:32
"""He's thrilled about moving to a new city!""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 4 2024-10-18 09:16:31
"""How could you betray me like that?""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-16 18:17:55
"""I'm absolutely devastated, my world has fallen apart.""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-28 03:23:25
"""I'm completely speechless, I don't know what to say.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-22 01:07:12
"""I'm so confused, can someone please explain?""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-17 09:35:20
"""I'm so excited about the future!""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts,Pendrokar/style-tts-2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 4 2024-10-30 20:28:04
"""I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 18:29:41
"""Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 11:28:14
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts,Pendrokar/style-tts-2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 4 2024-10-29 12:00:51
"""The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous.""" 3 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 14:16:29
"""This book is captivating! I can't put it down.""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 4 2024-10-21 03:53:08
"""I can't wait to see you again.""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 6 2024-10-15 15:11:20
"""I feel so grateful for all the love in my life.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 6 2024-10-21 03:03:03
"""I'm furious that they lied to me.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 6 2024-10-13 16:31:36
"""I'm so angry I could scream.""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 6 2024-10-13 13:45:02
"""I'm terrified of heights, don't make me go up there!""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 6 2024-10-14 19:54:38
"""Your touch sends shockwaves through me, it's exhilarating.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 6 2024-10-19 01:35:05
"""Your touch sends shockwaves through me, it's exhilarating.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 6 2024-10-19 01:36:37
The birch looked stark white and lonesome. 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 6 2024-10-14 15:29:44
"""I'm literally shaking with fear, I just saw a ghost!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 12 2024-10-21 05:34:21
"""You have shattered my trust.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 12 2024-10-24 19:46:48
"""I'm completely lost, I don't know what to do anymore.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS Flux9665/EnglishToucan 11 2024-10-30 15:50:06
"""This movie is terrifying! I can't watch anymore.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 11 2024-10-13 20:23:15
"""I am ecstatic!""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-13 18:39:27
"""I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts Pendrokar/style-tts-2 5 2024-10-30 15:50:36
"""I feel so lost and alone, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-19 00:51:10
"""I feel so lost and alone, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-19 01:34:06
"""I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-13 18:34:43
"""I'm aghast with dismay, my favorite show just got canceled.""" 2 coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-27 18:44:08
"""I'm heartbroken, my favorite pet just passed away.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-15 12:19:22
"""I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-13 12:36:03
"""I'm so confused, can someone please explain?""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-17 02:54:50
"""I'm so sorry! I wish I could take it back.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 5 2024-10-25 09:20:57
"""I'm so stressed, I feel like I'm going to explode.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-18 16:03:28
"""The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen.""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 5 2024-10-13 15:45:23
"""This baby is so cute, I just want to cuddle all day!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 5 2024-10-14 19:55:21
He ordered peach pie with ice cream. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-18 14:49:01
Women form less than half of the group. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 5 2024-10-13 18:35:09
"""I'm so excited about the future!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-30 15:18:25
"""My heart overflows with love, they are my everything.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 10 2024-10-13 14:31:24
"""This new video game is so addictive, I'm hooked!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 10 2024-10-23 12:54:14
"""Your love is a beacon, it guides me through the storm.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 10 2024-10-13 18:24:28
Fairy tales should be fun to write. 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 10 2024-10-29 11:55:45
The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 10 2024-10-13 20:43:33
"""His words were sharp, cutting me deeply with their cruelty.""" 3 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-13 12:04:09
"""I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.""" 3 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-19 05:51:56
"""I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?""" 3 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 20:44:05
"""I'm absolutely devastated, my world has fallen apart.""" 3 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-27 01:35:49
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,coqui/xtts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 3 2024-10-21 10:20:24
"""I'm exuberant, I just got a new bike!""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-13 21:54:26
"""I'm feeling utterly hopeless about my current situation.""" 3 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 3 2024-10-21 05:04:03
"""I'm on the edge of a major discovery, I can feel it.""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,coqui/xtts,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 3 2024-10-14 15:30:49
"""I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself.""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-13 10:33:24
"""I'm so uncomfortable, I want to leave.""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-14 18:14:46
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 3 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-16 08:41:38
"""The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous.""" 3 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 19:06:41
"""The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous.""" 3 collabora/WhisperSpeech,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-13 10:14:23
"""This is so peaceful and serene. I could stay here forever.""" 3 parler-tts/parler_tts,mrfakename/MeloTTS,coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 3 2024-10-21 03:40:58
"""What?! You're kidding, right? That's unbelievable!""" 3 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 06:33:48
Write a fond note to the friend you cherish. 3 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-19 10:12:03
"""Don't mess with me.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 9 2024-10-13 20:21:37
"""I'm feeling playful and mischievous; watch out for my pranks!""" 1 coqui/xtts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 9 2024-10-14 15:29:08
"""I'm feeling utterly hopeless about my current situation.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 9 2024-10-21 05:14:35
"""I'm in awe of your talent, you're incredible.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 9 2024-10-13 20:33:27
"""I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself!""" 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 9 2024-10-29 08:05:52
"""I'm uneasy about taking risks.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 9 2024-10-21 00:30:01
He wheeled the bike past the winding road. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 9 2024-10-13 16:32:45
Shake hands with this friendly child. 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso collabora/WhisperSpeech 9 2024-10-21 05:14:07
"""How could you betray me like that?""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-17 09:00:47
"""I feel so empty inside.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-17 01:36:45
"""I feel so grateful for all the love in my life.""" 2 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-20 23:08:35
"""I just want to disappear.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-13 17:54:22
"""I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-13 13:48:45
"""I'm aching to go, I just got a new travel plan!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-17 02:40:12
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 2 coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-22 02:26:41
"""I'm feeling giddy and lighthearted; I could dance all night!""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-20 05:14:19
"""I'm feeling utterly hopeless about my current situation.""" 2 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-21 05:12:55
"""I'm overflowing with gratitude, thank you for being there for me.""" 2 Pendrokar/style-tts-2,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-29 12:00:40
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 2 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 4 2024-10-22 22:41:46
"""I'm so curious, tell me more!""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 coqui/xtts 4 2024-10-15 16:25:32
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,coqui/xtts parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-17 04:28:13
"""I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!""" 2 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-13 17:14:06
"""This journey has been challenging, but I'm stronger now.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,coqui/xtts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 4 2024-10-20 11:55:41
"""This new video game is so addictive, I'm hooked!""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-22 13:33:12
A smatter of French is worse than none. 2 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2,coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-20 11:56:01
Keep the hatch tight and the watch constant. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-15 15:10:56
Keep the hatch tight and the watch constant. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-15 05:26:10
That move means the game is over. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-19 01:11:02
The Navy attacked the big task force. 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-13 11:42:45
Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-21 12:30:07
"""I feel so empowered! I can do anything I set my mind to!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 8 2024-10-14 13:27:10
"""I feel so helpless and lost. What's the point of it all?""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 8 2024-10-17 09:01:39
"""I won't give up.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 8 2024-10-14 19:31:30
"""I'm aghast with disgust, I just smelled a bad odor.""" 1 coqui/xtts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 8 2024-10-28 03:25:01
"""I'm crippled with fear, I don't know how to face my fears.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/style-tts-2 8 2024-10-30 11:25:01
"""I'm heartbroken; I don't know if I can ever forgive them.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-15 12:15:07
"""I'm overjoyed, this is the best day of my life!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 8 2024-10-13 20:44:37
"""I'm so jealous of you!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 8 2024-10-13 13:44:18
"""This is so frustrating! Nothing is going my way.""" 1 coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 8 2024-10-25 09:20:35
A rod is used to catch pink salmon. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 8 2024-10-25 01:38:00
Bottles hold four kinds of rum. 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 8 2024-10-29 06:29:40
The mule trod the treadmill day and night. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 8 2024-10-15 15:10:44
"""I feel so small and insignificant in this vast universe.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 7 2024-10-13 20:33:52
"""I'm bursting with joy, this is the best news ever!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 7 2024-10-25 06:23:40
"""I'm so hurt by what you said, it really stung.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 7 2024-10-27 17:43:57
"""I'm so jealous of you!""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 7 2024-10-13 17:14:41
"""That movie was terrifying! I couldn't sleep afterwards.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 7 2024-10-13 20:07:44
"""The aroma of freshly brewed coffee invigorates my senses.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 7 2024-10-14 20:08:18
"""The rain feels so refreshing on my skin.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 7 2024-10-25 07:12:03
"""A deep sadness settles upon me, I miss them terribly.""" 2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-17 09:35:03
"""A deep sadness settles upon me, I miss them terribly.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-16 12:44:48
"""A quiet sense of satisfaction fills me, it feels good to do good work.""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-19 01:36:48
"""I am thrilled!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-17 06:11:25
"""I can't wait to see you again.""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-15 08:51:36
"""I feel so defeated. Like I've lost before I even began.""" 2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/style-tts-2 3 2024-10-30 08:39:06
"""I feel so defeated. Like I've lost before I even began.""" 2 Pendrokar/style-tts-2,Flux9665/EnglishToucan fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-30 15:05:42
"""I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-19 09:42:34
"""I feel so insignificant and worthless. Nobody cares about me.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-17 09:24:51
"""I feel so lost and alone, adrift in a sea of uncertainty.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-19 00:54:42
"""I'm consumed by grief, I miss my loved one so much.""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-21 20:06:30
"""I'm exuberant, I just got a new bike!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 21:59:02
"""I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful; a new day is dawning.""" 2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Flux9665/EnglishToucan 3 2024-10-27 20:43:05
"""I'm feeling playful and mischievous; time for some harmless fun!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-17 07:37:24
"""I'm furious, you're driving me crazy!""" 2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-15 15:12:04
"""I'm in a state of complete and utter despair, I'm so at my wit's end.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-18 12:23:52
"""I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 16:17:10
"""I'm really nervous about speaking in front of a crowd.""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-15 10:36:38
"""I'm so angry I could scream.""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 16:17:56
"""I'm so anxious about this job interview, what if I mess up?""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-15 13:46:42
"""I'm so disappointed in you, I expected better.""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 3 2024-10-22 07:44:22
"""I'm so exhausted, I haven't slept in 48 hours.""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-25 21:38:17
"""I'm so nervous about speaking in front of a crowd.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 3 2024-10-30 18:11:09
"""I'm so nervous about speaking in front of a crowd.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,Pendrokar/style-tts-2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-30 21:13:30
"""I'm so stressed, I feel like I'm going to explode.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-18 15:30:32
"""I'm so thrilled to be promoted!""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-25 06:24:46
"""I'm terrified of heights, don't make me go up there!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-14 20:16:52
"""Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 17:32:03
"""The rain feels so refreshing on my skin.""" 2 coqui/xtts,Flux9665/EnglishToucan mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-28 03:23:45
"""This book is captivating! I can't put it down.""" 2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-21 03:32:30
"""This is so peaceful and serene. I could stay here forever.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,coqui/xtts myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 3 2024-10-21 05:15:01
A smatter of French is worse than none. 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-20 11:53:49
A toad and a frog are hard to tell apart. 2 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 06:15:14
He wrote his last novel there at the inn. 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-25 09:21:36
Keep the hatch tight and the watch constant. 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-15 15:05:42
The beam dropped down on the workmen's head. 2 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS,coqui/xtts parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-21 04:07:54
The spot on the blotter was made by green ink. 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-15 16:06:17
The sun came up to light the eastern sky. 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-17 09:25:30
The sun came up to light the eastern sky. 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-16 21:30:26
The swan dive was far short of perfect. 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-17 09:04:39
There is a lag between thought and act. 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,coqui/xtts Flux9665/EnglishToucan 3 2024-10-27 23:21:19
There is a lag between thought and act. 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2 coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-28 04:31:45
Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-22 07:44:40
"""A quiet sense of satisfaction fills me, it feels good to do good work.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 6 2024-10-17 01:14:48
"""Don't mess with me.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-13 13:49:16
"""He's been annoying me all day, I need a break.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 6 2024-10-25 08:34:42
"""I can't wait to see you again.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 6 2024-10-13 18:23:05
"""I feel so empty and alone.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 6 2024-10-22 11:00:22
"""I feel so inspired to create something beautiful.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 6 2024-10-20 11:58:29
"""I'm heartbroken over the loss of our pet.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-15 16:26:45
"""I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 6 2024-10-13 17:14:26
"""I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself!""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-15 15:12:53
"""I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-13 09:25:59
"""The smell of freshly brewed coffee is reviving me.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 6 2024-10-15 14:30:02
"""This book is captivating! I can't put it down.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 6 2024-10-21 02:43:41
Hold the hammer near the end to drive the nail. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 6 2024-10-21 05:04:37
The kitten chased the dog down the street. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 6 2024-10-13 17:30:50
The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 6 2024-10-13 06:47:52
"""I can't believe this is really goodbye.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/style-tts-2 5 2024-10-28 04:32:23
"""I feel so empowered! I can do anything I set my mind to!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-14 13:36:15
"""I feel so small and insignificant in this vast universe.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 17:14:57
"""I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech coqui/xtts 5 2024-10-23 08:37:16
"""I'm bursting with excitement for the concert tonight!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-17 01:17:34
"""I'm determined to overcome any obstacle in my path.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 5 2024-10-15 07:48:07
"""I'm elated to have finally finished my thesis!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 5 2024-10-27 18:43:34
"""I'm filled with regret, I wish I could take it back.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-15 12:20:32
"""I'm overjoyed, this is the best day of my life!""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-13 06:24:20
"""I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 5 2024-10-15 15:10:33
"""I'm so happy that you're happy.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts coqui/xtts 5 2024-10-21 21:56:36
"""I'm so happy to be alive.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 12:32:49
"""I'm so restless; I can't sit still.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 5 2024-10-28 04:31:05
"""I'm so scared to go in there.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 5 2024-10-13 14:15:10
"""I'm so scared to go in there.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-13 16:17:20
Bribes fail where honest men work. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 5 2024-10-15 12:51:39
Bribes fail where honest men work. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-15 16:06:50
Cut the cord that binds the box tightly. 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 5 2024-10-28 04:36:39
Fairy tales should be fun to write. 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 5 2024-10-28 21:20:32
The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 5 2024-10-12 23:39:10
The mule trod the treadmill day and night. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 5 2024-10-15 14:02:10
"""I am ecstatic!""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 01:26:17
"""I am thrilled!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-17 07:37:07
"""I feel a chill of fear run down my spine.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 17:34:08
"""I feel a chill of fear run down my spine.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 13:26:01
"""I feel so defeated. Like I've lost before I even began.""" 2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-30 07:05:24
"""I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,Pendrokar/style-tts-2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-30 00:55:25
"""I feel so energized and ready to take on the day.""" 2 coqui/xtts,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-19 04:14:40
"""I feel so insignificant and worthless. Nobody cares about me.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-17 02:42:15
"""I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 12:37:02
"""I won't give up.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-20 11:52:31
"""I'm absolutely devastated, my world has fallen apart.""" 2 coqui/xtts,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-27 18:42:50
"""I'm aching to go, I just got a new travel plan!""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-16 00:10:10
"""I'm aghast with dismay, my favorite show just got canceled.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-27 09:18:57
"""I'm completely speechless, I don't know what to say.""" 2 coqui/xtts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-21 20:20:14
"""I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful; a new day is dawning.""" 2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,Flux9665/EnglishToucan LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 2 2024-10-27 06:59:39
"""I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful; a new day is dawning.""" 2 coqui/xtts,Flux9665/EnglishToucan Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 2 2024-10-27 04:48:49
"""I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful; a new day is dawning.""" 2 Pendrokar/style-tts-2,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-28 04:33:15
"""I'm feeling playful and mischievous; time for some harmless fun!""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-17 06:10:59
"""I'm feeling so bored, I need a change of pace.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-14 20:18:42
"""I'm feeling utterly hopeless about my current situation.""" 2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1,parler-tts/parler_tts myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 2 2024-10-21 04:55:42
"""I'm heartbroken, my favorite pet just passed away.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-15 12:18:26
"""I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 09:46:49
"""I'm overjoyed; this is the best news I've ever heard!""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-23 14:09:26
"""I'm so annoyed by the constant arguing in my family.""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-17 05:47:55
"""I'm so anxious about this job interview, what if I mess up?""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-15 15:12:42
"""I'm so curious, tell me more!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-15 14:34:47
"""I'm so excited about the future!""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,collabora/WhisperSpeech Pendrokar/style-tts-2 2 2024-10-30 21:14:23
"""I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 10:28:02
"""I'm so tired of wearing a mask, I just want to be myself.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 16:11:13
"""I'm so uncomfortable, I want to leave.""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-14 18:40:39
"""I'm terrified of heights, don't make me go up there!""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-14 20:20:30
"""My heart is soaring! We did it!""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-15 16:26:28
"""Relief floods me, thank goodness it's over.""" 2 parler-tts/parler_tts,parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 12:32:59
"""Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 11:14:24
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 2 coqui/xtts,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 2 2024-10-29 00:03:05
"""The wind whispers secrets, it beckons me to listen.""" 2 mrfakename/MeloTTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 06:14:12
"""This is so peaceful and serene. I could stay here forever.""" 2 collabora/WhisperSpeech,coqui/xtts parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-21 02:33:52
"""This is the best surprise ever!""" 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-17 09:34:46
"""This play was amazing, the acting was superb!""" 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-15 15:11:32
"""Ugh, I can't believe I forgot my keys again!""" 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-16 20:21:24
Bring your problems to the wise chief. 2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS,fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 2 2024-10-28 03:24:12
Bring your problems to the wise chief. 2 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS,Flux9665/EnglishToucan fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-27 06:41:31
The birch looked stark white and lonesome. 2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-14 17:52:29
The long journey home took a year. 2 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS,coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 2 2024-10-25 17:56:19
The odor of spring makes young hearts jump. 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 18:29:12
There is a lag between thought and act. 2 Pendrokar/style-tts-2,LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-27 23:20:24
We find joy in the simplest things. 2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech,mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-13 14:32:34
"""I am so irritated.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-14 20:18:05
"""I am thrilled!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-16 18:18:07
"""I feel incredibly overwhelmed with gratitude.""" 1 coqui/xtts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 4 2024-10-20 12:05:33
"""I feel like I'm drowning in a sea of despair and hopelessness.""" 1 coqui/xtts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 4 2024-10-20 13:15:27
"""I feel so exposed and vulnerable, like a fragile flower.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-19 07:51:20
"""I feel so validated by your support.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-14 17:30:47
"""I'm absolutely horrified, this is a nightmare come true.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 4 2024-10-29 13:08:36
"""I'm aflutter with anticipation, I just got a new game!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-14 19:55:48
"""I'm anguish-ridden, my friend just got into an accident.""" 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-22 23:31:44
"""I'm euphoric about our team winning the championship!""" 1 Flux9665/EnglishToucan LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 4 2024-10-27 05:22:12
"""I'm feeling very skeptical about their plan.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-18 21:01:07
"""I'm heartbroken over the loss of our pet.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-15 15:09:55
"""I'm literally shaking with fear, I just saw a ghost!""" 1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-21 03:03:20
"""I'm paralyzed with fear, I don't know how to face my fears.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-20 11:59:28
"""I'm really nervous about speaking in front of a crowd.""" 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 4 2024-10-15 12:19:10
"""I'm relieved the surgery was a success, thank goodness!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 4 2024-10-20 11:50:28
"""I'm scared to death of flying.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-14 18:15:16
"""I'm so curious, tell me more!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler_tts 4 2024-10-15 02:14:49
"""I'm so excited for my birthday tomorrow!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-16 14:39:18
"""I'm so excited, I can barely contain myself!""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 4 2024-10-29 07:29:47
"""I'm uneasy about taking risks.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 4 2024-10-21 05:04:25
"""My heart is broken.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 4 2024-10-25 09:19:24
"""My heart overflows with love, they are my everything.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-13 04:50:46
"""That movie was terrifying! I couldn't sleep afterwards.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 4 2024-10-13 11:28:58
"""Their actions speak louder than words; I see through their facade.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 4 2024-10-20 02:32:30
"""Wow, that's incredible! I'm truly impressed.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 4 2024-10-20 11:04:30
"""Your kindness means the world to me. Thank you.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-17 01:16:00
"""Your strength inspires me to overcome any obstacle.""" 1 coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-22 11:00:14
A filing case is now hard to buy. 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-25 09:20:07
Mend the coat before you go out. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 4 2024-10-16 19:55:11
Shake hands with this friendly child. 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 4 2024-10-20 23:06:29
The large house had hot water taps. 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS coqui/xtts 4 2024-10-20 04:53:44
This will lead the world to more sound and fury. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-13 11:25:59
What joy there is in living. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 4 2024-10-13 16:32:16
When you hear the bell, come quickly. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 4 2024-10-15 15:50:02
"""A quiet sense of satisfaction fills me, it feels good to do good work.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-19 01:19:05
"""Fear chills me to the bone, something is watching me.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-20 11:53:13
"""I feel a glimmer of hope.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-13 14:16:19
"""I feel so empty inside.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 3 2024-10-21 05:03:12
"""I feel so grateful for all the love in my life.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-21 04:56:11
"""I feel so heartbroken. I don't know if I'll ever be the same.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 3 2024-10-25 19:21:22
"""I feel so helpless. There's nothing I can do.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-15 15:49:43
"""I feel so helpless. There's nothing I can do.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-15 15:09:40
"""I feel so secure when I'm with you.""" 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-20 11:58:49
"""I feel so validated by your support.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 3 2024-10-14 19:09:59
"""I'm abject with despair, I just got rejected.""" 1 coqui/xtts myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 3 2024-10-22 07:44:07
"""I'm absolutely disgusted by your behavior.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 3 2024-10-21 22:02:45
"""I'm aching with longing, I just saw an old flame.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-15 14:35:59
"""I'm beaming with pride, my team just won the championship!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 18:39:19
"""I'm bubbling over with excitement, I can't keep it in!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-13 07:08:44
"""I'm feeling playful and mischievous; watch out for my pranks!""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-14 19:31:07
"""I'm feeling very skeptical about their plan.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-19 01:10:14
"""I'm in a state of unadulterated excitement, this is so cool!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-20 11:59:50
"""I'm in awe of your talent, you're incredible.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-13 13:48:11
"""I'm incredibly anxious about the future.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-13 13:02:56
"""I'm incredibly anxious about the future.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-14 21:08:38
"""I'm on cloud nine, I just got engaged!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-21 22:11:55
"""I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!""" 1 coqui/xtts collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-20 11:03:18
"""I'm on the edge of tears, this is just too sad.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 18:34:28
"""I'm radiating joy, I just had the best birthday ever!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-20 13:15:03
"""I'm relieved the project is finally over.""" 1 coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 3 2024-10-22 10:31:25
"""I'm relieved the project is finally over.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-22 11:00:35
"""I'm relieved the surgery was a success, thank goodness!""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 3 2024-10-28 01:41:01
"""I'm so furious, I see red.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-20 05:10:55
"""I'm so happy that you're happy.""" 1 coqui/xtts parler-tts/parler_tts 3 2024-10-21 20:18:18
"""I'm so happy to be alive.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 3 2024-10-13 06:20:31
"""I'm so relieved, that was a close call!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 3 2024-10-20 09:07:52
"""I'm utterly miserable, everything is going wrong.""" 1 coqui/xtts collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-28 04:34:08
"""My heart is soaring! We did it!""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 3 2024-10-15 14:29:21
"""Not this again, I'm so tired of the same old problems.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 3 2024-10-20 09:08:14
"""Please don't leave me.""" 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 Flux9665/EnglishToucan 3 2024-10-27 23:20:46
"""Please don't leave me.""" 1 Flux9665/EnglishToucan Pendrokar/style-tts-2 3 2024-10-28 03:04:04
"""That joke was hilarious! I can't stop laughing.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-19 17:03:48
"""The bungee jumping experience was exhilarating!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 3 2024-10-13 16:31:47
"""The surprise gift was incredibly thoughtful!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 3 2024-10-17 09:40:51
"""This is so peaceful and serene. I could stay here forever.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 3 2024-10-21 05:14:22
"""This phone call is really frustrating me.""" 1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 3 2024-10-25 09:06:37
"""This task seems impossible, but I'll give it my all.""" 1 coqui/xtts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 3 2024-10-20 11:51:14
"""Watching my team score a last-minute goal is pure euphoria!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 coqui/xtts 3 2024-10-24 19:42:25
A thick coat of black paint covered all. 1 coqui/xtts Flux9665/EnglishToucan 3 2024-10-28 04:34:57
Even a just cause needs power to win. 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 3 2024-10-23 14:10:16
It takes a lot of help to finish these. 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 3 2024-10-20 11:52:56
Mend the coat before you go out. 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 3 2024-10-25 06:24:15
Pages bound in cloth make a book. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 3 2024-10-20 11:48:41
Place a rosebush near the porch steps. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 3 2024-10-17 09:41:15
The dirt piles were lines along the road. 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 3 2024-10-23 14:12:23
The kitten chased the dog down the street. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-13 17:41:17
This will lead the world to more sound and fury. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 3 2024-10-13 20:44:17
"""Discovering a hidden talent for painting is thrilling!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-21 21:57:16
"""Don't mess with me.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-25 07:15:10
"""How could you betray me like that?""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-23 08:36:48
"""I am so irritated.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-14 15:58:39
"""I am so joyful.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 2 2024-10-20 11:48:21
"""I feel completely overwhelmed.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-19 12:54:46
"""I feel so alive.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 21:42:13
"""I feel so guilty for what I've done.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-16 18:27:03
"""I feel so helpless and lost. What's the point of it all?""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-17 03:37:33
"""I feel so lost in the darkness. Will I ever find my way out?""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 11:43:20
"""I'm abject with despair, I just got rejected.""" 1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-22 07:15:17
"""I'm aflutter with anticipation, I just got a new game!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-14 09:48:19
"""I'm anguish-ridden, my friend just got into an accident.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-22 18:35:28
"""I'm at my wit's end, I just got a bad review.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-26 06:35:37
"""I'm beaming with pride, my team just won the championship!""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-23 07:39:08
"""I'm bubbling over with excitement, I can't keep it in!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 11:24:49
"""I'm bursting with excitement for the concert tonight!""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-17 01:36:38
"""I'm completely terrified.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-20 04:15:12
"""I'm deeply saddened by this loss, they will be missed.""" 1 coqui/xtts collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-14 19:08:59
"""I'm determined to overcome any obstacle in my path.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-15 12:42:57
"""I'm exuberant, I just got a new bike!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 21:54:37
"""I'm feeling adventurous and spontaneous; let's take a road trip!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-23 12:52:31
"""I'm feeling optimistic and hopeful; a new day is dawning.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-26 15:05:40
"""I'm feeling so bored, I need a change of pace.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-14 18:16:00
"""I'm in a state of complete and utter despair, I'm so at my wit's end.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-19 00:50:55
"""I'm on the edge of a major breakthrough, I can feel it!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 06:22:54
"""I'm overflowing with gratitude, thank you for being there for me.""" 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-28 18:49:12
"""I'm radiating joy, I just had the best birthday ever!""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-19 16:26:50
"""I'm really nervous about speaking in front of a crowd.""" 1 coqui/xtts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-15 12:41:59
"""I'm so anxious, I feel like I'm going to be sick.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-13 17:45:57
"""I'm so disappointed in you, I expected better.""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-21 09:34:48
"""I'm so fascinated; I could listen to you all day.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-28 09:17:09
"""I'm so lost and confused. Can you please explain it again?""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 2 2024-10-28 04:30:42
"""I'm so nervous about speaking in front of a crowd.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-30 07:54:18
"""I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 17:32:40
"""I'm so relieved that you're safe.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-25 18:38:11
"""I'm so restless; I can't sit still.""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-27 04:44:14
"""I'm so scared, I can't move.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-20 12:00:37
"""I'm so tired of fighting; I just want to give up.""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 2 2024-10-28 04:37:38
"""I'm trembling with fear, I just got a threatening letter.""" 1 coqui/xtts Pendrokar/style-tts-2 2 2024-10-29 11:58:39
"""My heart is racing! This is so thrilling!""" 1 coqui/xtts Pendrokar/style-tts-2 2 2024-10-27 03:11:15
"""Not this again, I'm so tired of the same old problems.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-20 04:13:02
"""Stop it! You're tickling me! Haha, that's enough!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 18:38:52
"""That joke was hilarious! I can't stop laughing.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-20 11:46:24
"""The aroma of freshly brewed coffee invigorates my senses.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-14 19:32:37
"""The rain feels so refreshing on my skin.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-25 01:42:07
"""The smell of freshly brewed coffee is reviving me.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-15 05:26:28
"""The sound of children's laughter is warming my heart.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-27 18:44:43
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-14 13:22:59
"""The thought of public speaking is making me sweat bullets.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-21 05:04:15
"""The world is a beautiful mess, and I wouldn't have it any other way.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-20 11:46:55
"""The world is a beautiful mess, and I wouldn't have it any other way.""" 1 coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 2 2024-10-19 12:57:39
"""Their actions speak louder than words; I see through their facade.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-20 11:47:18
"""This is amazing! You're so talented!""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-14 10:33:38
"""This is insane, I can't believe what I'm hearing.""" 1 coqui/xtts myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 2 2024-10-23 11:12:45
"""This is the best surprise ever!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 06:20:16
"""This situation is infuriating! I can't stand it anymore.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 2 2024-10-22 07:15:00
"""This situation is ridiculous! I can't help but laugh.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 2 2024-10-13 16:32:34
"""Your strength inspires me to overcome any obstacle.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-22 10:12:52
A filing case is now hard to buy. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-25 07:11:37
A smatter of French is worse than none. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 2 2024-10-20 11:51:49
A thick coat of black paint covered all. 1 Flux9665/EnglishToucan coqui/xtts 2 2024-10-27 23:21:44
Bring your problems to the wise chief. 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 2 2024-10-26 13:47:18
Keep the hatch tight and the watch constant. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-15 14:21:52
Mend the coat before you go out. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-16 18:26:37
Place a rosebush near the porch steps. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-17 05:48:18
The birch looked stark white and lonesome. 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-14 04:03:13
The horn of the car woke the sleeping cop. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 2 2024-10-13 20:33:39
The lake sparkled in the red hot sun. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 2 2024-10-13 06:25:21
The large house had hot water taps. 1 coqui/xtts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 2 2024-10-20 11:50:05
The spot on the blotter was made by green ink. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 2 2024-10-15 06:34:01
The sun came up to light the eastern sky. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 2 2024-10-20 11:57:52
The theft of the pearl pin was kept secret. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 2 2024-10-19 23:09:47
There is a lag between thought and act. 1 coqui/xtts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 2 2024-10-28 03:22:59
Thick glasses helped him read the print. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-19 22:08:05
What joy there is in living. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 2 2024-10-13 11:14:35
When you hear the bell, come quickly. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 2 2024-10-15 14:34:23
"""Discovering a hidden talent for painting is thrilling!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-21 11:16:30
"""Don't mess with me.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-25 05:36:22
"""Fear chills me to the bone, something is watching me.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-20 04:55:43
"""Finding a long-lost family heirloom is bringing tears of joy to my eyes!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-18 21:00:46
"""I am so bored.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 1 2024-10-26 19:42:57
"""I am so bored.""" 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-26 13:45:55
"""I am so disgusted right now.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 21:41:35
"""I am so disgusted right now.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 21:41:58
"""I am so scared.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Flux9665/EnglishToucan 1 2024-10-26 13:22:07
"""I can't believe you would say that.""" 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-26 13:22:27
"""I can't wait to see you again!""" 1 coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-20 05:00:10
"""I can't wait to see you again!""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-19 11:12:40
"""I feel a chill of fear run down my spine.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 18:28:41
"""I feel a glimmer of hope.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 01:24:37
"""I feel completely betrayed by my own body.""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-22 22:40:29
"""I feel completely betrayed.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-25 19:42:55
"""I feel completely betrayed.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-26 13:24:55
"""I feel completely overwhelmed.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-20 11:54:14
"""I feel completely overwhelmed.""" 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-19 17:04:22
"""I feel so defeated. Like I've lost before I even began.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/EnglishToucan 1 2024-10-30 15:11:02
"""I feel so empty and alone.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-22 09:31:45
"""I feel so guilty. I didn't mean to hurt you.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 1 2024-10-25 11:47:28
"""I feel so insignificant and worthless. Nobody cares about me.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-17 04:38:30
"""I feel so secure when I'm with you.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-19 12:56:37
"""I feel so silly! I can't believe I just did that.""" 1 coqui/xtts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-20 12:01:37
"""I feel so small and insignificant in this vast universe.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 23:38:20
"""I just want to disappear.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 16:17:44
"""I won't give up.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 1 2024-10-20 11:29:18
"""I'm absolutely devastated, my world has fallen apart.""" 1 coqui/xtts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-26 20:25:58
"""I'm absolutely disgusted by your behavior.""" 1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-21 22:33:31
"""I'm absolutely disgusted by your behavior.""" 1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-21 10:21:36
"""I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?""" 1 coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-23 08:35:31
"""I'm absolutely furious! How could they do this to me?""" 1 coqui/xtts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-22 14:10:17
"""I'm absolutely horrified, this is a nightmare come true.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-28 20:53:13
"""I'm absolutely terrified of spiders. Just the thought of them makes me shudder.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-21 01:57:28
"""I'm aching with longing, I just saw an old flame.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-15 03:10:01
"""I'm aflutter with anticipation, I just got a new game!""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-14 08:40:51
"""I'm aghast with disgust, I just smelled a bad odor.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-27 22:26:59
"""I'm aghast with dismay, my favorite show just got canceled.""" 1 coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-28 03:00:14
"""I'm aghast with fear, I just got lost in the woods.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-21 03:58:30
"""I'm agog with wonder, I just saw a miracle!""" 1 coqui/xtts LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-25 19:46:03
"""I'm beaming with pride, my team just won the championship!""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 20:44:51
"""I'm bursting with pride!""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 21:53:33
"""I'm completely disgusted. That was truly awful.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-20 05:14:34
"""I'm completely disgusted. That was truly awful.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-19 13:00:56
"""I'm completely disgusted. That was truly awful.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 1 2024-10-20 13:08:13
"""I'm completely speechless, I don't know what to say.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-22 07:44:58
"""I'm completely speechless, I don't know what to say.""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-21 07:58:30
"""I'm completely terrified.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 1 2024-10-19 10:51:08
"""I'm consumed with sadness, my grandma just passed away.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-25 19:35:06
"""I'm consumed with sadness, my grandma just passed away.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-25 19:36:28
"""I'm elated to have finally landed my dream job!""" 1 coqui/xtts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-25 19:35:41
"""I'm elated to have finally landed my dream job!""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-25 19:36:07
"""I'm electrified with excitement, I'm going to a music festival this weekend!""" 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-28 03:39:07
"""I'm exhausted from fighting this constant uphill battle.""" 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-25 22:13:53
"""I'm exuberant, I just got a new bike!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 21:47:27
"""I'm feeling adventurous and spontaneous; let's take a road trip!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-23 04:35:42
"""I'm feeling excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-14 20:20:07
"""I'm feeling excited about the possibilities that lie ahead.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-25 17:45:52
"""I'm feeling so bored, I need a change of pace.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-14 20:17:06
"""I'm feeling so forlorn, I'm all alone.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-20 12:01:57
"""I'm feeling so forlorn, I'm all alone.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-19 10:16:52
"""I'm filled with a sense of wonder and awe.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 21:20:56
"""I'm filled with regret, I wish I could take it back.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-15 15:11:44
"""I'm furious that they lied to me.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-22 22:42:21
"""I'm furious that they lied to me.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 1 2024-10-22 22:41:57
"""I'm furious, you're driving me crazy!""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 1 2024-10-15 15:11:55
"""I'm heartbroken, my favorite pet just passed away.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 1 2024-10-15 16:26:05
"""I'm heartbroken; I don't know if I can ever forgive them.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-16 17:22:15
"""I'm heartbroken; I don't know if I can ever forgive them.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-14 23:56:42
"""I'm in a state of shock, that just can't be happening.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-25 21:36:52
"""I'm in a state of unadulterated excitement, this is so cool!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-19 22:03:50
"""I'm in total awe of this artwork.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 03:38:59
"""I'm in total awe of this artwork.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 03:39:01
"""I'm jumping for joy after hearing the news about my scholarship!""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-25 09:06:03
"""I'm mortified, I just spilled coffee all over my new shirt.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 21:22:36
"""I'm nervous about speaking in front of a crowd.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-18 01:44:55
"""I'm not just angry; I'm disappointed too.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-18 10:03:00
"""I'm on cloud nine, I just got engaged!""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-21 20:19:05
"""I'm on edge waiting for your response.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 11:31:57
"""I'm on the brink of a nervous breakdown.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech Flux9665/EnglishToucan 1 2024-10-26 19:42:28
"""I'm overflowing with gratitude, thank you for being there for me.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-29 11:56:46
"""I'm overflowing with gratitude, thank you for being there for me.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-29 11:57:57
"""I'm paralyzed with fear, I don't know how to face my fears.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-20 02:31:59
"""I'm petrified of spiders, especially the giant ones in my attic!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-25 21:34:02
"""I'm really annoyed by the lack of parking in this city.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 21:21:37
"""I'm really excited to be starting my own business!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-25 21:35:45
"""I'm scared to death of flying.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-14 14:24:30
"""I'm scared to death of flying.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-14 19:31:58
"""I'm seething with resentment, you always take advantage of me.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-19 10:27:58
"""I'm seething with resentment, you always take advantage of me.""" 1 coqui/xtts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-19 15:14:28
"""I'm so angry about the politics in this country.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-17 13:17:22
"""I'm so angry, I could scream!""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-30 11:25:47
"""I'm so annoyed by the constant arguing in my family.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-16 01:28:58
"""I'm so anxious about this job interview, what if I mess up?""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 1 2024-10-15 12:20:46
"""I'm so anxious about this job interview, what if I mess up?""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-15 10:03:46
"""I'm so disappointed in you, I expected better.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-21 22:02:02
"""I'm so envious of their success; I wish that were me.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-19 01:34:48
"""I'm so excited for my birthday tomorrow!""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-16 20:17:38
"""I'm so exhausted, I haven't slept in 48 hours.""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-25 21:37:37
"""I'm so furious, I see red.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-21 02:50:42
"""I'm so grateful for your love and support.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-25 19:33:20
"""I'm so happy for you, you truly deserve this.""" 1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-19 12:57:11
"""I'm so happy for you, you truly deserve this.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 1 2024-10-19 10:06:18
"""I'm so happy to be alive.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 17:31:29
"""I'm so irritated by that comment.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-25 19:47:02
"""I'm so lost and confused. Can you please explain it again?""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 17:51:55
"""I'm so lost and confused. Can you please explain it again?""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-25 19:37:36
"""I'm so lost and confused. Can you please explain it again?""" 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-28 03:03:12
"""I'm so proud of you! You've accomplished so much.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 05:23:48
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-14 20:18:54
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-22 22:40:03
"""I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-22 14:34:52
"""I'm so proud of you; you worked incredibly hard for this.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 21:39:41
"""I'm so proud of you; you worked incredibly hard for this.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 21:42:29
"""I'm so relieved that you're safe.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-25 14:14:52
"""I'm so relieved, that was a close call!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-20 11:54:35
"""I'm so stressed, I feel like I'm going to explode.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-18 14:50:22
"""I'm so stressed, I feel like I'm going to explode.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-18 15:32:07
"""I'm so terrified of the dark. I can't see what's out there!""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 21:27:04
"""I'm so tired of fighting this uphill battle.""" 1 coqui/xtts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 21:24:09
"""I'm so tired of fighting; I just want to give up.""" 1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-27 10:44:31
"""I'm terrified of heights, I don't know how I'll make it to the top of this mountain.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 1 2024-10-23 11:05:42
"""I'm terrified of what might happen next.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-13 12:56:32
"""I'm terrified, what if something bad happens?""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-22 23:31:10
"""I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!""" 1 coqui/xtts Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 1 2024-10-23 14:40:50
"""I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 06:11:09
"""I'm tingling with anticipation, the surprise party is tonight!""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 16:15:50
"""I'm totally over their constant excuses.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-20 12:00:56
"""I'm utterly exhausted, I just want to sleep for days.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-22 12:06:26
"""I’m so satisfied with our progress.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-12 10:52:26
"""Losing my dog has left me utterly heartbroken.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-25 21:35:02
"""My heart races with anticipation, what's going to happen next?""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-25 19:39:34
"""Snuggling with my puppy is the best therapy for my sadness.""" 1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-22 14:08:39
"""The bungee jumping experience was exhilarating!""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-13 10:56:40
"""The eerie darkness of the abandoned house is giving me chills.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 21:23:22
"""The rain feels so refreshing on my skin.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Flux9665/EnglishToucan 1 2024-10-26 16:57:28
"""The sight of the beautiful sunset is leaving me speechless.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-17 09:03:30
"""The sight of the beautiful sunset is leaving me speechless.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-17 06:10:12
"""The sight of the beautiful sunset is leaving me speechless.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-16 21:53:07
"""The sound of children's laughter is warming my heart.""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-26 16:56:46
"""The sound of the wind chimes is soothing my soul.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 21:20:07
"""The stunning view left me awestruck.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-14 21:08:23
"""The surprise gift was incredibly thoughtful!""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-25 09:04:50
"""The thought of public speaking is making me sweat bullets.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-21 01:38:01
"""The thought of skydiving tomorrow is making me nauseous.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 07:20:40
"""The weight of my responsibilities is crushing me.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-17 14:53:48
"""The wind whispers tales of distant lands, it ignites my wanderlust.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-18 15:33:38
"""This artwork is stunning, it's a masterpiece!""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-18 08:58:53
"""This coffee is amazing, it's the best I've ever had!""" 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-26 13:24:13
"""This is amazing! You're so talented!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-22 13:37:02
"""This is amazing! You're so talented!""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-14 19:14:38
"""This is pure bliss! I've never felt so alive.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-13 21:22:00
"""This is pure bliss! I've never felt this happy before.""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-19 01:10:53
"""This is pure bliss! I've never felt this happy before.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-19 01:11:25
"""This is pure joy! Unfiltered and radiant!""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-26 13:25:22
"""This is so unfair! Why does this always happen to me?!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-16 21:32:18
"""This is so unfair! Why does this always happen to me?!""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-17 02:41:57
"""This is the best day ever!""" 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 21:42:19
"""This phone call is really frustrating me.""" 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 1 2024-10-25 06:08:18
"""This situation is ridiculous! I can't help but laugh.""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-13 10:58:12
"""This task seems impossible, but I'm up for the challenge.""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-23 11:10:11
"""Watching my team score a last-minute goal is pure euphoria!""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-25 09:21:52
"""Watching the sunset on the beach with my loved one is romantic!""" 1 parler-tts/parler_tts innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-15 17:28:53
"""Why can't just one thing go right for a change?""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-12 11:24:48
"""Why can't just one thing go right for a change?""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-25 19:38:24
"""Why can't just one thing go right for a change?""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-12 11:24:10
"""Why can't just one thing go right for a change?""" 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 17:55:28
"""You have shattered my trust.""" 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-24 20:00:00
"""Your betrayal cuts like a knife, I'm so disappointed.""" 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-14 19:01:31
"""Your kindness means the world to me. Thank you.""" 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-16 19:53:19
"""Your kindness restores my faith in humanity.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-19 22:55:09
"""Your kindness restores my faith in humanity.""" 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-19 09:58:19
"""Your presence brings solace, it soothes my troubled soul.""" 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-23 06:38:48
A filing case is now hard to buy. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-24 23:04:11
A smatter of French is worse than none. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-19 13:24:15
Bottles hold four kinds of rum. 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 1 2024-10-29 07:00:04
Bring your problems to the wise chief. 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS Flux9665/EnglishToucan 1 2024-10-27 06:41:33
Cut the cord that binds the box tightly. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 Pendrokar/style-tts-2 1 2024-10-27 15:37:34
Dots of light betrayed the black cat. 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech Flux9665/EnglishToucan 1 2024-10-28 02:56:14
Even a just cause needs power to win. 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-23 04:41:49
He lay prone and hardly moved a limb. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS Flux9665/EnglishToucan 1 2024-10-25 21:41:39
Hold the hammer near the end to drive the nail. 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-20 22:01:22
It was a bad error on the part of the new judge. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-29 22:13:41
Pages bound in cloth make a book. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-25 19:33:37
Paint the sockets in the wall dull green. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-16 08:37:48
She blushed when he gave her a white orchid. 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-25 17:59:41
She blushed when he gave her a white orchid. 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS 1 2024-10-25 16:31:11
Tea in thin china has a sweet taste. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-16 12:44:02
That move means the game is over. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech mrfakename/MeloTTS 1 2024-10-19 01:10:26
The bank pressed for payment of the debt. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-19 01:12:41
The beam dropped down on the workmen's head. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-20 21:40:35
The black trunk fell from the landing. 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-25 12:38:35
The bunch of grapes was pressed into wine. 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-28 02:50:56
The clan gathered on each dull night. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-28 06:12:28
The dune rose from the edge of the water. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-20 20:49:11
The fight will end in just six minutes. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-25 19:40:06
The grass curled around the fence post. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-30 21:12:59
The horn of the car woke the sleeping cop. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 18:26:51
The juice of lemons makes fine punch. 1 coqui/xtts Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-25 09:20:39
The juice of lemons makes fine punch. 1 Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-25 06:14:34
The long journey home took a year. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-25 17:59:56
The map had an X that meant nothing. 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-17 08:49:31
The mute muffled the high tones of the horn. 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 1 2024-10-25 21:40:53
The new girl was fired today at noon. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech fishaudio/fish-speech-1 1 2024-10-16 21:31:11
The new girl was fired today at noon. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-17 06:11:18
The night shift men rate extra pay. 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 myshell-ai/OpenVoiceV2 1 2024-10-21 12:13:00
The pennant waved when the wind blew. 1 parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso Flux9665/MassivelyMultilingualTTS 1 2024-10-23 06:37:51
The point of the steel pen was bent and twisted. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-13 12:57:56
The prince ordered his head chopped off. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 collabora/WhisperSpeech 1 2024-10-12 11:01:15
The sink is the thing in which we pile dishes. 1 coqui/xtts mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 21:25:51
The stray cat gave birth to kittens. 1 collabora/WhisperSpeech Pendrokar/style-tts-2 1 2024-10-26 13:25:54
The theft of the pearl pin was kept secret. 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-20 13:14:44
The two met while playing on the sand. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-22 05:49:16
The walled town was seized without a fight. 1 mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS parler-tts/parler-tts-expresso 1 2024-10-13 21:28:13
This horse will nose his way to the finish. 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS Pendrokar/style-tts-2 1 2024-10-29 02:55:57
This horse will nose his way to the finish. 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS parler-tts/parler_tts 1 2024-10-29 14:18:02
This strong arm shall shield your honor. 1 mrfakename/MeloTTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-28 07:55:51
This will lead the world to more sound and fury. 1 mrfakename/MetaVoice-1B-v0.1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-19 15:13:06
Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-21 13:37:04
Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 1 parler-tts/parler_tts coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-22 07:43:51
Those words were the cue for the actor to leave. 1 LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech 1 2024-10-21 12:32:53
We need grain to keep our mules healthy. 1 Pendrokar/xVASynth-TTS mrfakename/E2-F5-TTS 1 2024-10-13 21:30:03
Weave the carpet on the right hand side. 1 innoai/Edge-TTS-Text-to-Speech LeeSangHoon/HierSpeech_TTS 1 2024-10-25 21:34:37
Write a fond note to the friend you cherish. 1 fishaudio/fish-speech-1 coqui/xtts 1 2024-10-19 09:57:34