,book,DE_audio,EN_audio,score,DE_transcript,EN_transcript |
0,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_0.flac,00006-f000001,0.373558,, |
1,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_1.flac,00006-f000001,0.68871,, |
2,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_2.flac,00006-f000002,0.0952948,, |
3,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_3.flac,00006-f000003,0.27991900000000003,, |
4,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_4.flac,00006-f000003,0.435091,, |
5,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_5.flac,00006-f000004,0.372685,Acht Tage darauf wurden Beide mit einem Sanbenito bekleidet und ihre Häupter mit einer spitzen papiernen Mütze coroza geschmückt.,Eight days after they were dressed in sanbenitos and their heads ornamented with paper mitres. |
6,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_6.flac,00006-f000005,0.7695850000000001,,The mitre and sanbenito belonging to Candide were painted with reversed flames and with devils that had neither tails nor claws; but Pangloss's devils had claws and tails and the flames were upright. |
7,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_7.flac,00006-f000006,0.335206,"In diesem Anzuge folgten sie der Procession und hörten eine sehr salbungsreiche Predigt an, worauf eine herrliche Symphonie auf dem Brummbaß folgte.","They marched in procession thus habited and heard a very pathetic sermon, followed by fine church music." |
8,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_8.flac,00006-f000007,0.616883,"Kandid wurde während des Gesangs nach dem Takte gepeitscht; der Biskayer und die beiden Leute, die keinen Speck hatten essen wollen, wurden verbrannt und Pangloß gehängt, obgleich dies sonst nicht üblich ist.","Candide was whipped in cadence while they were singing; the Biscayner, and the two men who had refused to eat bacon, were burnt; and Pangloss was hanged, though that was not the custom." |
9,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_9.flac,00006-f000008,0.360963,Denselben Tag erfolgte ein neues Erdbeben mit furchtbarem Getöse und den verheerendsten Wirkungen.,The same day the earth sustained a most violent concussion. |
10,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_10.flac,00006-f000009,0.511579,"Vor Betäubung und Entsetzen ganz außer sich, blutend und an allen Gliedern bebend sprach Kandid zu sich selbst:","Candide, terrified, amazed, desperate, all bloody, all palpitating, said to himself: If this is the best of possible worlds, what then are the others?" |
11,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_11.flac,00006-f000009,-0.04921880000000002,"Wenn das die beste aller möglichen Welten ist, wie mögen denn erst die andern aussehen?","<MERGE> Candide, terrified, amazed, desperate, all bloody, all palpitating, said to himself: If this is the best of possible worlds, what then are the others?" |
12,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_12.flac,00006-f000010,0.728252,"Es möchte drum sein, wenn ich nur gepeitscht wäre, das bin ich schon bei den Bulgaren gewohnt geworden; aber, o mein theurer Pangloß, Du Krone der Philosophen!","Well, if I had been only whipped I could put up with it, for I experienced that among the Bulgarians; but oh, my dear Pangloss! thou greatest of philosophers, that I should have seen you hanged, without knowing for what!" |
13,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_13.flac,00006-f000011,0.835227,"Dich mußte ich hängen sehen, ohne zu wissen, warum? mein guter Jakob, bester der Menschen!","Oh, my dear Anabaptist, thou best of men, that thou should'st have been drowned in the very harbour! |
Oh, Miss Cunegonde, thou pearl of girls! that thou should'st have had thy belly ripped open!" |
15,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_15.flac,00006-f000012,0.0193182,Kunigunde!,"<MERGE> Oh, Miss Cunegonde, thou pearl of girls! that thou should'st have had thy belly ripped open! |
<MERGE> Oh, Miss Cunegonde, thou pearl of girls! that thou should'st have had thy belly ripped open!" |
17,110.kandid_oder_die_beste_welt_ak_librivox_64kb_mp3,00006-kandid_17.flac,00006-f000013,0.439234,"Dir mußten sie den Leib aufschlitzen?.Mit Predigt, Peitschenhieben, Absolution und Segen begnadigt und sich nur mit Mühe auf den Beinen haltend, wollte er sich forttrollen, als eine Alte mit den Worten zu ihm trat: Faßt Muth, mein Sohn, und folgt mir.","Thus he was musing, scarce able to stand, preached at, whipped, absolved, and blessed, when an old woman accosted him saying: My son, take courage and follow me." |