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{"content": "There are not many Scotch Coins found on the Borders of the Two Kingdoms, notwithstanding the frequent Conflicts that have happened there. One great reason why they are more rarely met with than the English is because, as Edward II observed in his J. Major, Hist. lib. 5. cap. 5 Speech, the Kings of Scotland used not, in old time, to pay their Armies, but every man followed at his own expense, and carried his own Provisions. The person who wrote the short Catalogue of the King's prefix'd to H. Boethius's History (I speak thus doubtingly of it, because it could not be written by that Historian himself, since it concludes with Queen Mary's two Husbands) asserts roundly that there was no coined Money in the Days of King Rutherford; but that all manner of Payments, of Wages or Prices, were made in Corn or Beef. In H. Boethius lib. 2 fol. 10 a.,King Reutha is said to have ordered salaries of men in a precise manner; a Counsellor at Law was to have the tongue of an ox, a Physician two ribs out each side, and so on (Bishop Henry of Scotland, Book lib. - Lesley reports this differently, stating that King Reutha minted money from leather: Numum ex corio bubulo jussit. However, the Brigantes, according to H. Boethius lib. 3. fol. 46 a, were reportedly strangers to the use of any kind of coin during Arthacus's reign. Their treasure was in the form of cattle.\n\nWe are told that Brudus, King of the Picts, sent a considerable sum [missa ad eum ingenti pecuniae vi] to King Edwin of the Saxons as a stipend against the Scots (H. Boethius, Book 10. fol. 194 a). However, it is unclear whether this was foreign or Saxon coin.\n\nKing Donald.,Donald, the first king of the Scots, as recorded in our annals, signed silver and gold coins, one side bearing a part of the healing cross, the other his own image. He did this to propagate the memory of Christian piety among the Scots, as there was no coined money before him, but rather they used Roman or British currency for transactions in commerce.\n\nId. Lib. 5. fol. 86. b. Lesl. lib. 2. p. 109. and Buchanan (Lib. 6. p. m. 175.) also mention that Sterling-Money was first coined by Donald the Fifth around the middle of the ninth century. Boethius, whose expressions are mostly transcribed by the following historians, states:\n\n\"Donald, the first king of all the Scots, as recorded in our annals, signed silver and gold coins. One side bore a part of the healing cross, the other his own image. He did this to propagate the memory of Christian piety among the Scots. Previously, there was no coined money among us, but rather we used Roman or British currency for transactions in commerce.\",He proves the latter part of this story from great quantities of Roman money found in Fife and other parts of the kingdom. The authorities for the rest, which is of chief concern to us, are omitted. Malcolm III does not much doubt that these parts of Great Britain have all along maintained their commerce in the same methods and fashion with those that are more southern. So, the value of money and the prices of goods have generally been at a par amongst the several nations which anciently inhabited this island. An early instance we have of this in LL. Malc. 2. capp. 3.7, 8. Laws of King Malcolm the Second, wherein a colpindach (or young heifer) is valued at thirty pence; the very same price which is set on an ox in some of our Vd. L L. ASS. Edit. Wheloc. p. 95. Saxon Laws, which are supposed to have been enacted about the same time.,The origin of Scottish gold coinage is uncertain, though I believe we can generally assert that they scarcely began it before the English. According to Boethius, lib. 3, fol. 35a, what Macolm Camnoir appointed to be paid in lieu of the obscene privilege given to Scottish grandees by Edward III upon the marriages of their tenants and vassals is unclear to me. My author refers to it as \"Dimidiata Argenti Marca\" in Id. lib. 12, fol. 260a. Vid. & Reg. Majest. lib. 4, cap. 31 also uses this term, and I suppose this description fits the thing better than \"Nummus Aureus.\" The last five chapters in Regiam Majestatem are observed to be of questionable authority, or we might have good evidence of King Edward III's involvement.,\"David I's law on gold: According to one law, Reg. Majest. lib. 4. cap. 40. v. 7, for wounding in the face, one piece of gold, that is, one gold image, will be given. Uncertainties.\n\nBefore delving into the times with clearer evidence, it is necessary for the reader to note two things: 1. The proportion between gold and silver in the Kingdom of Scotland was typically one to twelve. So when the ounce of gold was worth three pounds, the ounce of silver was worth five shillings, and so on. This is more specifically explained in a manuscript note of Penes D. Rob. Sibbald, which he titled \"Prysses of the Cunzie\" during the reigns of James I, James II, James III, James IV, James V, and Queen Mary. (The note states that) At James I's death, he had a standard equal to that of England. Silver was worth 5 shillings (Scots) the ounce, and gold was worth three pounds. James II raised the silver price to 8 shillings the ounce, and gold to 4 pounds 19 shillings in 1466.\",James III raised silver to 10 shillings 8 pennies and gold to 5 pounds 12 shillings in the first instance. In November 1475, he increased the value of the ounce of silver to 12 shillings. However, in February 1483, he reduced it back to 11 shillings 8 pennies. The gold value was advanced to 6 pounds in AD 1489. James IV maintained both at these values. No remaining Acts of Council regarding coinage exist from James V's reign, although significant changes occurred in that time. The Douglas-groats (of 10 pennies fine) and babbies (of 3 pennies fine) were introduced, as were bonnet-pieces of gold. He left the ounce of silver at 19 shillings 9 pennies and gold at 12 pounds in AD 1542. In Queen Mary's time, the ounce of silver rose to 30 shillings and she coined placks (of only 2 pennies fine) at 4 pounds 16 shillings. Another thing I must remind the reader is that the weights of the gold and silver in the following account of the coins of both metals are calculated using different standards.,The Goldsmiths of Edinburgh divide their ounce into sixteen drops, and their drop into 36 grains; 27 of their grains make a penny-weight. In weighing silver coins, I have used English weights: ounces, penny-weights, and grains. The reason for this difference is that all the gold coins are in the possession of my worthy and communicative friend, Mr. James Southerland, who graciously examined their weights according to his own country's standard. Most of the silver pieces are in the hands of the Most Reverend Father in God, the present Lord Archbishop of York; and his Grace, among the many generous acts of favor I have received from him, has kindly provided his own most learned and curious remarks on them. Given these circumstances, I begin with the Scottish coins in gold.\n\nThese, as I understand, are from King Robert II.,The eldest Scottish gold coin of the Stewart royal family cannot be traced higher than the reign of King Robert II of Scotland. The following are three such coins:\n\n1. A shield with a crowned Scotch lion, a small circle around the shield, and the inscription \"Robertus Dei Gratia Rex Scotiae. Reverse St. Andrew on the cross, between two flower-de-lies, with the words \"Protector MS. Libera.\" The weight is one dram and nine grains.\n2. Another coin differs only in the words \"Liberato\" and \"Scoto\" and has a weight of one dram.\n3. A shield with an uncrowned Scotch lion, the inscription \"Robertus Dei Gratia Rex Scotiae,\" St. Andrew's cross with two flower-de-lies and two trefoils, and the words \"Protector MS. W.\" The weight is 20 grains.\n\nThe next five coins likely belong to Robert III, as they carry a motto on the reverse, which was not widely used in Scotland earlier. King Henry V of England was the first to bear it in England. (Historical Treatise of the Coins of France. 4to. Amsterdam, 1692. p. 54), Le Blanc gives this Motto on a Coin which he ascribes to K. Lewis the VII. which would carry the Antiquity of an Inscription somewhat higher: But he that curiously examines that Coin will find the Shield of the Royal Arms enclos'd in a Rose not used in England be\u2223fore Edward the Third's Time: And, if the Fashions of Money were brought from France hither (as perhaps every Body will allow) yet I think all agree that we followed their Example pretty early, as the Scots did ours. So that it may be worth the considering anew, whether this Coin be truly so old as Le Blanc puts it.\n1. The Scotch Lyon within a Shield crown'd, Robertus Dei Gra. Rex Scotorum. R. St. Andrew stretched upon his Cross, XPC. Regnat. XPC. Vincit. XPC. imp. W. 2 Dr.\n2. Different only from the former in Robertus Dei Gratia Rex Sco. W. 1 Dr. 4 Gr.\n3. The Shield not crown'd, Robertus Dei G. Rex Scoto. R. as above. W. 1 Dr.\n4. The Shield as before, Robertus Rex Scotorum. The Reverse the same with the two last mentioned. W. 34 Gr.\n5,About the shield: A garniture representing a rose, Robertus Dei Gratia Rex, W. 34 Gr. A sixth without the title.\n\nJames I. King James the First may possibly claim the two following, resembling some of those of his immediate predecessor.\n\n1. The Scotch Lyon in a shield crowned, between two Flower-de-Lys, Jacobus Dei Gra. Rex Scotorum. R. St. Andrew on the cross, XPC. Regnat. &c. W. 1 Dr. 24 Gr.\n2. A small crown on each side of the shield, Jacobus D. Gratia Rex Scotor. R. The Flower-de-Lys not crowned as in the former, Salvum fac populum tuum. W. 1 Dr. 24 Gr.\n\nIn the fourteenth year of King Parliament 8. Ja. 2. cap. 33. Oct. 25. 1451. James the Second, James II. It was enacted in Parliament to strike a new penny in gold, called a Lyon, with the print of the Lyon on one side and the image of St. Andrew on the other, holding a side coat even to his foot, weighing the same as the half English noble. This was to go at 6 shillings 8 pence.,1. And its half at 3 shillings and 4 pence, exactly at the same rates with the demy and half demy. Afterwards, in his Parliament, 13th chapter, 29th October 1455, in his eighteenth year, the demy and new lion were ordered to go at 10 shillings. Among these are the following six:\n2. The Scotch Shield crowned, with a crowned Flower-de-Lys on each side, and Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum, Rex, St. Andrew as above, Salvum fac Populum. W. 27 grains.\n3. The Flower-de-Lys's on the sides of the Shield not crowned, Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum. Rex, St. Andrew on the cross, with uncrowned flowers, Salvum fac Populum Domine. W. 27 grains.\n4. St. Andrew carrying his cross, Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotiae. Rex, The lion in a shield, crowned, Salvum fac Populum tuum Domine. W. 1 drachm, 20 grains.\n5. The lion within a shield in the form of a lozenge, with a small crown over it, Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotiae. Rex, A small St.\n\n(Note: I assumed \"Sco.\" in the first line refers to Scotland, and \"Sco.\" in the others refers to Scotia, an alternative name for Scotland. I also assumed \"W.\" refers to weight, and \"gr.\" and \"dr.\" refer to grains and drachms, respectively.),Andrew's cross between two small Flower-de-Lys's, within a pretty hexagonal star, each point ending in a Flower-de-Lys, with a small rose between every two points: Salva tuum populum Do. W. 1 dr. 27 gr.\n\nA piece of the same size and stamp with the last mentioned. W. 1 dr. 18 gr.\n\nAnother of the same stamp, but somewhat smaller size. W. 30 gr.\n\nJames III ordered the demy and lyon to be raised to 12 shillings but, in the Parl. 4, cap. 23, next he held, which happened to be within a very few months, they both returned to their old value of 10 shillings. In his Nov. 20, 1475, cap. 67, Eighth, the demy is set at 13 shillings 4 pence and the Scottish crown (which, I imagine, is only another name for the lyon) at 13. In his Feb. 24, 1483, cap. 93, Thirteenth, a fine penny of gold is ordered to be struck of the weight and fineness of the rose-noble, which is to pass at the value of 30 new groats, of ten in the ounce of fine silver.,Another Penny of gold, inscribed for 20 groats; and a third for 10. Of the two latter kinds, these are likely:\n1. A unicorn holding a shield with the Scotch lion and a small St. Andrew's cross under its feet, and Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum. Rex, a cross flory charged with a great blazing star, Exurgat Deo & dissipentis Nimicis ejus. W. 2 dr.\n2. A smaller piece of the same stamp. W. 33 gr.\n\nJames IV (James the Fourth), in his very AD 1488, Parliament 1. Jac. 4. cap. a. [Vide & Ejusd. Parl. 4. cap: 40], coined money (both of gold and silver) of the same weight and fineness as that of his father; and some of them seem to bear the very same impression. The following four may probably belong to this king:\n1. One exactly stamped as those two are, varying only the first legend: Jacobus 4. Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum. W. 2 dr.\n2. The king on horseback in armor holding a sword, circumscribed Jacobus Dei Gratia.,Rex Scotiae. Scotland's King crowned with a Shield, bearing a great Cross reaching the outer ring of the piece, Save and protect your people, Lord. W. 2 Dr. 18 grains.\n\n3. The same as the previous, with the legends transposed. Jacobus et al. around the Shield. W. 1 Dr. 18 grains.\n\n4. A smaller piece of the same stamp as the last. W. 22 grains.\n\nIn the old 8vo Antwerp, 1575. Ordinance of the King of Spain, there's a piece (called the Croone van Schotlandt) which seems to be of this king's coining. It bears the Shield of Scotland crowned, and Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum IV. R. St. Andrew on the Cross, and Salvum fac populum tuum Domine. Its weight is set at 2 Dr. 16 grains.\n\nBetween this king and his son (and successor), King James the Fifth, place a noble medal in gold: J. Duke of Albany. Struck by John Duke of Albany, the great governor of Scotland during the young king's minority.,It bears the Duke and Duchess's arms in a shield crowned with a ducal crown, a large cross throughout the field, and Joannis Albaniae Duc. Gubern. R. A dove spreading its wings on the top of another shield with the Duke's own coat of arms, 1524. And inscribed Sub Umbra Tuarum. Weight 7 drachms.\n\nThere are also some pieces of James the Fifth himself, which seem to be of the medal-kind, rather than intended for an ordinary current coin. I take the three following to be:\n\n1. A massy one (as broad as a new English half-crown and very thick), bearing the Scotch shield crowned between two small crosses, with Jacobus 5. Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum. R. A cross floree, with four thistle-heads, inscribed Crucis Arma sequamur. Wt. 1 oz. 2 drams. 30 grains.\n2. A smaller one of the same stamp with the former. Wt. 1 drachm. 24 grains.\n3. The King in bust, crowned, Jacobus 5. Dei Gratia Rex Scotiae. R. The Scotch lion in a shield not crowned, with a large cross through it, inscribed Villa Edinburg. Wt. 7 drachms. 27 grains.,The common Golden Coins of this Reign, known as Bonnet-pieces, were extremely beautiful and little inferior to the finest medals. These coins had the following designs:\n\n1. King in bust with a Scotch Bonnet, inscribed with \"Jacobus 5. Dei G. R. Scotorum, 1539. R.\" The Scotch Shield crowned, with the inscription \"Honor Regis Judicium diligit.\" Worth 3 drachms.\n2. Same design as above, but dated 1540.\n3. A smaller version of the above design, also from 1540. Worth 2 drachms.\n4. Half of the last-mentioned design, from 1540. Worth 1 drachm.\n\nIn the same year as the first of these coins, another piece was minted, of the same weight and size as the Bonnet, bearing the Scotch Shield crowned and encircled with a chain of thistle-heads. Inscription: \"Jacobus 5. Dei G. R. Scotorum, 1539. R.\" A large St. Andrew's Cross, charged with a crown between J and R in the upper quarter, and a thistle-head and flower-de-lys in the upper and lower quarters, respectively, inscribed \"Honor Regis Judicivm diligit.\",\"Mary Queen Mary's life was filled with remarkable circumstances, making her reign an abundant source of subject matter for medals. However, I have not seen any gold medals depicting her history. Mr. Sutherland informed me of a medal with the same stamp as the first of her coins, weighing the same and bearing the same image as the previously mentioned medals of her father. I believe these medals, including Mr. Sutherland's, were struck at the opening of her mint. Her ordinary coins in gold are as follows:\n\n1. A shield crowned between two stars, with Maria Dei Gra. Regina Scotorum. R, a cross flory with a thistle head in each quarter, and Crucis Arma sequamur. W: 1 Dr. 24 Gr.\n2. A shield crowned between the letters J. and G., Maria D. G. Regina, R: 1543.\n3. A shield crowned, with the letters J. and G., Maria D. G. Regina, R.\",A cipher including all the letters of Maria Regina, with a crown above and a star on each side: Diligite Justitiam, 1553. W. 2 Dr. 18 Gr. The letters J and G show James, Earl of Murray, to have been Governor when the piece was coined.\n\n1. Half of the same: W. 1 Dr. 9 Gr.\n2. The Queen's effigies, with her head in dress, Maria R. G. Scotorum Regina. R. The Scotch Shield crowned, Justus fide vivit, 1555. W. 4 Dr.\n3. Two more, of the same stamp and weight, coined in the years 1557 and 1558.\n4. Half of the forementioned, of the same stamp, coined in 1555. W. 1 Dr. 32 Gr.\n5. Two more, of the weight last mentioned, coined in 1557 and 1558.\n6. Francis and Mary, face to face, with a large crown above their heads: Fran. & Ma. D. G. R. R. Scotor. Delphin. Vien. R. Four pairs of dolphins linked together and crowned, a Cross of Lorraine between every two pairs, and a St. Andrew's Cross in the middle: Horum tuta fides, 1558. W. 4 Dr.\n\nJames VI.,The largest and most valuable of King James Sixth's golden coins from Scotland is the Rose-Noble. Its weight is the same as that of England. On one side, the Scottish arms are crowned, displayed in a ship between the letters J and the figure 6, with a rose on one side of the ship, and the inscription \"Jacobus 6. Dei Gra. Rex Scotorum. R.\" Two scepters or batoons are depicted in the form of a St. Andrew's cross, each end crowned. In the quarters of the cross are four rampant, crowned lions. All this is within a large rose, between every leaf of which there's a thistle, as well as in the center of the cross. The legend reads \"Florent Sceptra Piis. Regna his Jova dat numerari. W. 4 Dr.\" I call this the largest of that king's golden coins because I consider the following four (all of that metal) to be proper medals.\n\n1. The king in bust, crowned, holding a sword in one hand and an olive branch in the other, beneath which is inscribed \"In utrumque paratus, 1575.\" The king's inscription is \"Jacobus 6. Dei Gra. Rex Scotorum. R.\",The Scotch Shield crowned, Parcere subjectis & debellare superbos. W. 1 Ounce.\nAnother of the same Stamp, Size and Weight, struck in 1576:\nThe King's effigy laureled, Jacobus 6. D. G. R. Scotorum. R. A branch'd Thistle with six heads (the uppermost crown'd) between the two letters of J and R, both crown'd, under the Thistle the figure 6. Nemo me impune lacessit, 1590. W. 1 Ounce.\nThe King and Queen with a Crown above their heads, Jacobus 6. & Anna D. G. Scotorum Rex & Regina. R. The whole arms and achievement of the Kingdom of Scotland. In Defence. W. 2 Ounces 12 Drams.\nThe other (more ordinary and current) Golden Coins of this Reign are:\n1. The King bare-headed, Jacobus 6. Dei Gra. Rex Scotorum. R. The Scotch Shield crowned between 15 and 80. Exurgat Deus, & dissip. Inimici ejus. W. 3 Drams.\n2. J R with a Crown above, placed four times in the field, cross-wise, with the letter S in the center, Deus Judicium tuum Regi da. 1 88 R. The Scottish Crest, being a lion crown'd holding a sword and scepter, Post 5.,1. The following: 100\u00b7, Proa. Invicta manent, W. 2 Dr. 18 Gr. (line 1) is meaningless and can be removed.\n2. The text does not contain any ancient English or non-English languages.\n3. No OCR errors were detected in the text.\n\nCleaned Text:\n3. Half of this, coin'd in 1584. W. 1 Dr. 27 Gr.\n4. Another of the like, coin'd in 1587. W. 1 Dr. 21 Gr.\n5. A Quarter of the same, 1584, W. 27 Gr.\n6. The King in a strange Cap, behind a Thistle-head, Jacobus 6. D. G. R. Scotorum. R. A. Lion crown'd, holding up a Scepter to the Clouds, in which are the Hebrew Letters of Jehovah, Te solum Vereor, 1591. W. 2 Dr. 9 Gr.\n7. Another of the same Size, Weight and Stamp, coin'd in 1593.\n8. The King on Horse-back, in Armour, under his Horse 1593. Jacobus 6. D. G. R. Scotorum, R. The Scotch Shield crown'd, Spero Meliora. W. 2 Dr. 18 Gr. This is what (in the Dutch Books of Ordinances for Money, and elsewhere) is called the Scotch Rider; and was long the most common Gold Coin of this Country, Pieces of the same Weight, Impression, &c. with this (as likewise half of the same) having been coin'd in 1594, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 1600 and 1601. To these the Statute of his Fifteenth Dec. 19, 1597. cap. 249.\n\nOutput:\n3. Half of this, coin'd in 1584. W. 1 Dr. 27 Gr.\n4. Another of the like, coin'd in 1587. W. 1 Dr. 21 Gr.\n5. A Quarter of the same, 1584, W. 27 Gr.\n6. The King in a strange Cap, behind a Thistle-head, Jacobus 6. D. G. R. Scotorum. R. A. Lion crown'd, holding up a Scepter to the Clouds, in which are the Hebrew Letters of Jehovah, Te solum Vereor, 1591. W. 2 Dr. 9 Gr.\n7. Another of the same Size, Weight and Stamp, coin'd in 1593.\n8. The King on Horse-back, in Armour, under his Horse 1593. Jacobus 6. D. G. R. Scotorum, R. The Scotch Shield crown'd, Spero Meliora. W. 2 Dr. 18 Gr. This is what (in the Dutch Books of Ordinances for Money, and elsewhere) is called the Scotch Rider; and was long the most common Gold Coin of this Country. Pieces of the same Weight, Impression, &c. with this (as likewise half of the same) having been coin'd in 1594, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 1600 and 1601. To these the Statute of his Fifteenth Dec. 19, 1597. cap. 249.,Parliament decrees that fine gold (of 22 carats purity) is worth 30 pounds the ounce, and from each ounce, six five-pound pieces or twelve fifty-shilling pieces are to be minted.\n\n9. The Scottish shield is crowned, Jacobus 6, D.G. R.S.C. A sword and scepter are placed crosswise. In the upper quarter, a crown, a thistle head in each of the next, and 1601 in the lowest quarter: Salus Populi Suprema Lex. Although this piece (commonly known as the Scottish Angel) has the same weight and intrinsic value as the previous one, it was minted to be valued at 6 pounds due to the rise in the value of silver from 50 shillings to 60 shillings per ounce. Consequently, the price of gold rose in proportion.\n\n10. The half of these (W. 1 Dr. 9 Gr.) bears the same impression. This was the last gold coin minted before the union of the crowns in King James VI. We will not delve further into our inquiries for now. I have seen a manuscript in Bibl. ICC, Edinburgh.,Extract from the Mint Register, December 1601-December 1602: 119 stones of gold and 986 stones of silver were coined at Edinburgh. I have also read that, according to Atchison's MS. of Metals, there was gold coinage of similar quantity in that year.\n\nAt the beginning of this reign, a golden basin (holding four English quarts) was presented by Regent Morton to the French king, filled with Scottish gold coins called Unicorns. Both the money and the vessel were made of native Scottish gold. I have never seen such coins.\n\nGiven the scarcity of English coins from around half a dozen kings following the Conquest, it will not be surprising that the silver money of our neighboring kingdom, of similar age, is not abundant. The oldest silver coin discovered by Mr. Sutherland is a penny of Alexander I. He is not entirely certain, however, that it does not belong to one of the other two kings of that name.,For the better and more skilled distinction of ancient Scottish silver coins, the following preliminary cautions will be found useful. 1. In Scotland, merchants' weights differ from ours, with sixteen Troy pounds equaling the stone, and each such pound divided into sixteen ounces. However, their silver weights are the same, and their ounce pieces exactly agree with ours. The standard, or fineness of the metal, has varied from ours in different reigns. 2. The sums used by the Scots, and which they still use, are the same as ours, reckoning by farthings, half-pence, pence, shillings, merks, and pounds. All these sums bear the same proportion to one another as ours do; that is, a shilling contains twelve pence, a merk thirteen shillings and four pence, a pound twenty shillings, and so on.,But there has been a great difference in the two Nations. At first, the Scotch pieces, being of the same weight and denomination as the English, might also be current at the same rate as ours. But from the beginning of King James I's reign, which is as far as their printed statutes carry us, it was otherwise, and the difference increased in the following reigns, as will appear presently.\n\nThree pence and half-pence were the only coined pieces of silver in Scotland, as well as in England, for a long time. Afterwards, groats and half-groats appeared, and, by degrees, larger pieces of even an ounce, two-thirds of an ounce, and so on.\n\nI have a small piece which I take to be a halfpenny of David I's: It weighs 14 grains; which seems to come very near the standard of that time. According to this, the matter is thus adjusted, Assis. R. Dav. 1. cap. 1. Sterlingus debet ponderare, 32 grains.,Uncia, 21st day of Libra, 26 shillings, 4 pence. It bears a clumsy Half-face, Crown and Scepter, and \"Dei Gratia\" inscription. The Reverse displays \"Rex Scoturum\" around four hexagonal Stars. The Regiam Majestatem may provide insight into the value of such a Piece; Reg. Majest, Lib. 4. cap. 40. v. 17, twenty-five shillings were the price of six cows, and LL. Burg. cap. 121. four pence the worth of a pair of shoes.\n\nIn William I's reign, William I's money seemed abundant; the Scottish nobility agreed to pay a hundred thousand pounds sterling (half in ready cash) to Henry II for the redemption of that prince. Nor had this exhausted the public treasury, allowing Henry II to lend a thousand merks to Richard III upon his return (in poverty and captivity) from the Holy Land.,Notwithstanding his great wealth, there are few of his coins in circulation today. In some of the best collections, including those of Archbishop of York and Bishop of Durham, there is one coin with a side-face and scepter, on which the king looks finer and younger than on any others. I humbly suggest placing this coin among Scottish coins and attributing it to King William I of Scotland. I have seen two more coins in the collection of James Sutherland: one bears the inscription \"Le Rey Willem,\" the other \"Willelmus Rex,\" and both have Walter for the engraver's name on the reverse, followed by \"On Ber.\" which could be Berwick or Perth, requiring further investigation. The existence of coins minted during his reign is clearly stated in the Chronicle of Melros: Chronicle of Melros.,In the year 1195, William, King of the Scots, introduced new coins. In the Statutes of Alexander III, Chapter 18, the value is given: a good horse for war was worth twenty shillings; a whole carcass of mutton, the highest rate sixteen pence, and the lowest eight pence; a flagon of beer, two pence and a penny. I possess two pennies from my small collection, both of the same impression, size, and weight. They bear the king's half-faced head with a scepter and Alexander Dei Gratia on the obverse. On the reverse, Rex Scotorum, surrounded by four hexagonal mullets or stars. W. 21 grains. The halfpenny weighs half of the same.\n\nKing John's coin is also half-faced, with a crown and scepter and Johannis Dei Gratia on the obverse, and Rex Scotorum, &c. on the reverse, surrounded by mullets or stars. The weight is the same. His halfpenny weighs 9 grains.\n\nMoney was not scarce during the reign of Robert the Bruce. He agreed to pay Edward III 30,000 merks in ready money according to H. Boethius, Book 14, folio 308b. The History of Scotland, book 7.,In the year 1366, during the latter end of David II's reign, it was enacted in Parliament by Statute of David II, chapter 38 and 46, that Scottish money should be of equal quality to English money. The following year, the coinage was further regulated. A pound of fine silver was to make 29 shillings 4 pence. The statute decreed, \"Let it be notable in the very sign, by which it may be clearly distinguished from all other previously fabricated coins.\" David II is believed to be the first King of Scotland to mint groats. His groats feature a crowned and side-faced image of David Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum (David, by the Grace of God, King of Scotland), R. Dns Protector MS. & Liberator MS. (Robert the Devine, Protector and Liberator) on an outer circle, and Villa Edinburgh, about four mullets, in an inner circle. His half groat bears the same inscription. A 1\u00bd penny weighs 14 grains and has only Villa Edinburgh on the reverse. There is a P. D.\n\nCleaned Text: In the year 1366, during the latter end of David II's reign, it was enacted in Parliament by Statute of David II, chapter 38 and 46, that Scottish money should be of equal quality to English money. The following year, the coinage was further regulated. A pound of fine silver was to make 29 shillings 4 pence. The statute decreed, \"Let it be notable in the very sign, by which it may be clearly distinguished from all other previously fabricated coins.\" David II is believed to be the first King of Scotland to mint groats. His groats feature a crowned and side-faced image of David Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum (David, by the Grace of God, King of Scotland), R. Dns Protector MS. & Liberator MS. (Robert the Devine, Protector and Liberator) on an outer circle, and Villa Edinburgh, about four mullets, in an inner circle. His half groat bears the same inscription. A 1\u00bd penny weighs 14 grains and has only Villa Edinburgh on the reverse. There is a P. D.\n\n(Since the text is already clean and readable, no output is necessary),The Sutherland groat has Villa Aberdeen on the reverse, and those of Edinburgh have been minted at various times. There are half and third versions, as well as pennies of both kinds. The groat of Robert II is similar in shape, weight, and size to that of his predecessor. It depicts the king half-faced with a crown and scepter erect, and the inscription reads \"Robertus Dei Gra\u00b7 Rex Scotorum. R. Dnus. Protector MS. & Liberator MS.\" on the outer circle, and \"Villa de Perth, about four small stars,\" on the inner. Another one bears \"Villa Edinburgh,\" and a third has \"Dundee.\" I have seen halfs of all these.\n\nThe first open-faced groat is that of Robert III. It features the king's crowned portrait in a rose design, similar to most old English groats. The inscription reads \"Robertus Dei Gra. Rex Scotorum.\" On the reverse, there are three globules in each quarter of the cross. The inner circle bears \"Villa Edinburgh,\" and the outer circle reads \"Dnus Protector MS. & Liberator MS. W. 1\u00bd Dr. 7 Gr.\",Mr. Sutherland has three other varieties: Villa de Perth, Villa Aberdeen, and Villa Dumbertan. In the first year of King James I's reign, it was enacted that Parliament, 1 Jac. 1, cap. 23, Mar. 26, 1424, the king made his money standardized and of the same weight and fineness as English money. Before this, the states of the kingdom had agreed, according to H. Boethius, lib. 17, fol. 346, to pay King Henry VI 100,000 merks for his ransom; 50,000 of which were to be paid in ready money. These, though of such a standard as then passed for sterling, might probably carry too much alloy when tendered in England, and this might, as probably, give occasion for the aforementioned statute. His groat depicts a full-faced crown and scepter, and \"Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotiae.\",In the Quarters of the Cross are two Flower-de-Lis's and twice three little balls countercharged within an annular circle bearing Villa Edinburgh, and an outer with Dnus Protector MS, &c. There's p: RR: D: D: Archiep: Ebor. Another, which I take to belong likewise to this king and to be of somewhat more age than the former, bears the inscription Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex-Scotorum; and its reverse agrees with that of Robert the Third. The weight of the former is 1 drachm 9 grains, and of this, 1 drachm 4\u00bd grains. There are p: M: J: Sutherland. Coins struck at Perth, Aberdeen, Linlithgow, and Stirling; with the half of that of Edinburgh.\n\nJames II. The Parliament, in the 4th year of King James the Second, thought it expedient, Parl: 8: Ja: 2: cap: 33: Oct: 25: 1451.,For various reasons, new money was to be struck in this realm, conforming in weight to English money. An ounce of burned silver or its alloy was to be worth eight shillings, and of the same material and weight, six shillings and eight pence, shillings, half-shillings, pennies, and half-pennies, and farthings. In Parliament, 13th of January, 2nd, cap. 29, October 19, 1455. In the eighteenth year, this new groat was ordered to go for twelve pennies; and the six-penny groat (which appears to have been of scandalously base alloy, as the Mint-Masters were forbidden, on pain of death, to coin any more of them) was to continue in circulation as it was. The value of this was indicated by its name alone; and I take this to be the same piece which, in Parliament, 1st of January, 3rd, cap. 23, in the next reign, was called the six-penny-groat of the Flour de Luce., This raising of their New Groat (which\nwas of the very same Weight and Fineness with the English Groat) brought the Computation of the Sums in Scotland to Tripple what they bore in England: So that their Pound was no more than our Noble, their Shilling than our Groat or Four Pence, &c. The said Groat gives this King full-faced, with an Imperial Crown, and Jacobus Dei Gra. Rex Scot. R. Dnus. Protector, &c. on an outer Circle, and Villa Edinburgh (about two Crowns intercharg'd with twice three little Balls and a small Annulet) on the inner. W. 2 Dr. Half of this. Another (of the Groats) has Villa p. D. J. Sutherland. Aberdie, on its Reverse.\nThe first Parliament of K. James the Third ordains that Oct. 9. 1466. cap. 9.,James III. for the Ease and Sustentation of the Kingis Lieges and almous Deede to be done to puir Folk, there be cuinzied Mr. Sutherland has Samples of these and some (of the like Kinds) in the following Reigns. Copper Money, four to the Penny, havand on th' ane Part the Croce of S,In his Parliament 3 Ja. 3, October 12, 1467, cap. 18. In the third parliament, the groat of the Crown is ordered to have value for fourteen pennies, and the striking of black pennies is ceased.,These Black Pennies were a different kind of money from the Copper-farthings mentioned before; they were used in payments for some time, but the people unanimously refused to take them. When the last Earl of Douglas was asked, in his extreme old age, to be the King's Lieutenant-General against the rebels, he replied, \"You have kept me and your black coffer in your service too long. Neither of us can do you any good.\" The Earl of Douglas also faced objections from the Earl of Angus and others, who accused his favorites of persuading him to use these coins. (Hume, History of Douglas, p. 206. Also see Par. 2, p. 226 in Leslie's History of Scotland, vol. 8, p. 309; Ferrer's Appendix to H. Boethius, Fol. 395a; and Buchan, vol. 12, p. m. 444.),In King James III's reign, a worthless brass coin called the \"Black Coin\" was minted, which the public found particularly offensive. During a subsequent great famine, people preferred to let their corn rot rather than sell it below its intrinsic value. In the fourth parliament of this reign, in January 1467, the groat of the crown was reduced to 12 pence, and the lesser pieces were adjusted proportionally. In May 1471, during the sixth parliament, the new alloyed groat was ordered to be worth six pence, and the half-groat three. In November 1475, during the eighth parliament, twelve groats were appointed to be struck from an ounce of burned silver, as well as pennies (worth three each) and half-pennies of the same fineness. In February 1483, during the ninth parliament, cap. 93 was enacted.,A new penny of silver, as fine as the old English groat, is ordered to be coined. Ten of these are to make an ounce, and they are valued at 14 pence each. At the same time, counterfeit placks, priced at 2 pence each, were recalled. The groat depicts James I of Scotland facing forward and crowned, with the inscription \"Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum.\" \"R. Villa Edinburg\" is inscribed on the inner circle around the crowns and globuli, and \"Dnus. Protector, &c.\" is on the outer. The reverse side of some of his groats and half-groats bears a mullet in each quarter of the cross, and \"Villa Berwici\" is inscribed in the inner circle. This piece, stamped at Berwick, undoubtedly belongs to this king, who ruled over Berwick for twenty-one years and is the only Scottish prince (of his name and nation, before the Union) to have done so.\n\nCleaned Text: A new penny of silver, as fine as the old English groat, is ordered to be coined. Ten of these make an ounce, valued at 14 pence each. At the same time, counterfeit placks, priced at 2 pence each, were recalled. The groat depicts James I of Scotland, facing forward and crowned, with the inscription \"Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum.\" \"R. Villa Edinburg\" is inscribed on the inner circle around the crowns and globuli, and \"Dnus. Protector, &c.\" is on the outer. Some groats and half-groats have a mullet in each quarter of the cross on the reverse, and \"Villa Berwici\" is inscribed in the inner circle. This piece, stamped at Berwick, belongs to this king, who ruled over Berwick for twenty-one years and is the only Scottish prince (of his name and nation, before the Union) to have done so.,In King James IV's time, there were Groats with different stamps. The Parliament passed an act in 1488, 1 Ja. 4, which specifically mentions these, including those struck by Gilbert Pish (also known as Barwick-Groats), Alexander Levingstoun, and John Currour. These coins, all of equal fineness, were made legal tender. I have one Groat believed to be from this king's minting. It shows his open face and a crown on his head with \"Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum. R. Villa Edinburgh\" on the inner circle and \"Dns Protector et c.\" on the outer. W. 1 \u00bd Dw. In the mentioned Spanish ordinance, I found two more coins referred to as \"Schotsche Stooter,\" which appear to be from this king's minting as well.,The one differs little from the previously described; in the outer Circle on the Reverse, the legend is Salvum fac Populum Doe. Another, instead of the four IVs, has Q. T. and a third QRA; all signifying the word Quartus. Half of the first of these is likewise present.\n\nThe only medal (as far as I have learned) that was struck by this king is the one fairly described and accounted for by the Learned Numismatics p. 88. Mr. Evelyn, who observes that it was coined in the last and fatal year of his reign. Another begins with \"Jacobus 4.\" but the figure is undoubtedly misprinted for that of a 5; the piece being the very same which we shall presently present to the reader, as the proper groat of the next reign.\n\nJames V.,King James fifth made no alteration in the coin standard, as per his time's statutes. However, towards the end of his reign or the beginning of his daughter's, a significant change occurred in the naming and computation of Scottish money. The eldest coins (groat and half-groat) featured James side-faced with \"Jacobus Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum.\" A cross floree, two thistle-heads, and two spur-rowels (hexagonal and pierced in the center) with \"Villa Edinburgh.\" His later groat depicted James in bust, side-faced, with short lank hair crowned, \"Jacobus 5. Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum.\" The Scotch Shield on a cross, inscribed \"Oppidum Edinburgi.\" Other coins (which appear older) bear \"Villa, &c. W. 1 Dr. 18 Gr.\"\n\nAfter his death, no more groats, half-groats, pennies, or half-pennies were coined in Scotland. Nor were their names mentioned in any subsequent Acts of Parliament.,It is Ita, RR. D. D. Archbishop of York, who supposed that by this time, the price of silver had risen or the Scots, like the French, had raised the accounts of their sums, such that the old smaller silver coins, which took their denomination from pennies, fell into disuse. And the pieces that were from then on coined took theirs from shillings and merks. In France, deniers perished and were forgotten, and sols and livres succeeded in their place. We do not meet with the name of testoons (in the public statutes of the realm) before the beginning of James the Sixth's reign. However, it is more than probable that the name was common enough in his mother's time; that the pieces so called were coined in imitation of English shillings; and that their current value was five shillings Scottish.,Many of these coins, from this Reign, are still seen in the Cabinets of the Curious. I will provide an account of those I have encountered, in the same order they were minted.\n\n1. The eldest bears the initials PD, Sutherland. Queen side-faced and crowned with Maria Dei Gra. R. Scotorum. The Scottish Shield crowned between two mullets, and Da pacem Domine, 1553. The second bears the letter M, crowned and supported by two crown-topped thistles, inscribed Maria Dei G. Scotorum Regina, 1555. The Scottish Shield on a cross, circumscribed Deliciae Domini Cor bumile. W. 5 Dr. 3 Gr. Half of the same.\n\n2. Another of the same year carries her head with Maria Dei G. Scotorum Regina. A crowned shield, and Justus fide vivit, 1555. W. 3 Dr. 13 Gr.\n\n3. The Scottish Shield, supported by the letters M and R, Maria Dei G. Scotorum Regina, 1556. A large cross with four smaller ones in its quarters, Virtute tua libera me. W. 4 Dr. 4 Gr.\n\n4. Half of this, of the same year, etc.,This coin differs nothing from the Third, except in weight and date; it was minted in 1558 and weighs 3 drachms and 20 grams.\nF and M in a cypher, crowned, supported by double crosslets, Fecit utraque unum, 1558. R. The arms of the Dauphine and Scotland, with Franciscus & Mar. D. G. R. R. Scotor. D. D. Vien. W. 4 drachms 2 grams.\nUpon Queen Mary of England's death in 1558, King Henry II of France ordered his daughter-in-law to be declared queen of England, Scotland, and Ireland in the Parliament of Paris. The arms of England were placed on all her plate, tapestry, and so on. It appears that this was her common style until the Treaty of Leith terminated it; thus, the first Lesl. Hist. Scot. p. 528 reads:,Article there: None of the French king or the Scottish queen, daughter of Scotland, usurped the titles of England and its lands, Ireland included, for themselves; Anglican insignia were discarded from their entire inventory; diplomas, in which the title of England and Ireland was granted to them, were suppressed. It is remarkable that none of their money bore the arms and title of England during this entire period, and I have never seen or read of any that did. Mr. Evelyn mentions her assuming the arms of England and Scotland in a medal in Numismatics 93, but the medal he provides and which he believes pertains to our renowned Queen Elizabeth, has not a single stroke suggesting this. The queen herself later pleaded that she was compelled to this usurpation by her husband and father-in-law; and after their deaths, she never practiced such matters again. Therefore, her allowing a medal to be struck (in the year 1560) should be accounted for.,On this we have the arms of France and Scotland quarterly, circumscribed Maria D. G. Francorum Scotorum Reg. &c. On the reverse, two crowns on a level, with a third in the clouds, inscribed Altamque Moratur 1566.\n\nAnother of the same weight, stamp, and so on, coined in 1559. One of the articles wherewith the Lords of the Congregation charged the Queen-Regent this very year was, according to Burnet's History of Reform, volume 2, page 412, that she had debased the coin to maintain her [French] soldiers. The last mentioned is not referred to in this charge, but some with the cypher crown, and so on, but the reverse has this inscription on a square, Jam non sunt duo sed una caro, 1558 and 1559.\n\nArms of France and Scotland crown'd, on a cross crosslet, Fra. & Ma. D. G. R. R. Franc. Scotor. q. R. F and M in a cypher, supported by a fleur-de-lis and thistle crown'd, Vicit Leo de Tribu Juda, 1560. W. 4 Dr. 2 Gr. and 1561.\n\nHalf of the same.,The Queen, dressed in her hair, Maria Dei Gra. Scotorum Regina, 1561 and 1562. R. Arms of France half effaced by those of Scotland, the Shield crowned and supported by two M crowns. Save us, Lord. Half of both these.\n\nAfter her return from France, she coined the large pieces of an ounce weight. On the first of these is the Shield of Scotland crowned, supported by two thistles, Maria & Henrics. Dei Gra. R. & R. Scotorum. R. A palm-tree crowned, with this Motto (on a scroll hanging in it): Dat Gloria Vires, and subscribed 1565, and inscribed Exurgat Deus, Dissipet inimici ejus. The same in 1566.,Some call the Tree on the Reverse an Yew-Tree; it is reported that a famous one of that kind grew in the Park (or Garden) of the Earl of Lennox, which inspired the design: The tree, crowned, denotes the advancement of the Lennox-Family through Henry Lord Darnley's marriage with the Queen. The Latin inscription dat gloria vires fits well with the device. This piece sold for thirty shillings; at the same time, pieces of two-thirds of an ounce, which sold for twenty shillings, and smaller ones for ten shillings and five shillings, were coined. All of them bore the same impression.\n\nAfter her second husband's death, she had new pieces of an ounce weight coined, which agreed with the others in the impression and every other matter, except that Henricus was now omitted from the title, and the date 1567, which will be found to be the same as the first coined pieces of her son.,There are several silver medals commemorating this Queen's notable events. One features the arms of France and Scotland topped with the initials M.D.G.S.C. and R.F.D.R.A. A hand emerges from the clouds, pruning a withered branch, and Virtus Virescit Vulnere (Virtue thrives on wound) is inscribed. Another is similar, but bears only the Scottish shield. A third resembles the first, but the reverse shows a jug of water pouring from the clouds onto half a tree that is flourishing, while the other half is dry and perished, with Mea sic mihi prosunt (What concerns me harms me) inscribed, 1579. A fourth, also from the same year, depicts a ship in a storm on a rough sea, with torn sails and broken masts, but remaining steady; Nunquam nisi Rectum (Only right way) is inscribed. A fifth, approximately two ounces in weight, bears the Queen's image with a breviary in her hand, inscribed, O God grant Patience, in my suffering.,The Reverse bears this inscription: Who can compare with me in grief? I die and bear no more relief. Circumscribed (after one hand, with a heart in it, ready to join with another), Halt not the heart. Who art thou, joy, thou art.\n\nDuring the very beginning of King James VI's reign, in Parliament (Parliament 1. Ja. 6. cap. 13), a complaint was made regarding the great scarcity of good money in Scotland. The good silver, such as testons and other old silver, had been melted and destroyed, causing the ounce of silver to be priced double what it once was. As a result, it was declared that the king, with the advice of his regent, could coin gold and silver of such fineness as other countries did. Consequently, among his coins, we have:\n\n1. The thirty-shilling-piece of an ounce weight, bearing the shield of Scotland crowned and supported by the letters J and R, both crowned, with Jacobus 6. Dei Gratia Rex Scotorum. R.,A drawn sword with a crown on its point, a hand pointing to three X's representing the number of shillings, and the date of 1567 set below, surrounded by the phrase \"For me. If I am worthy, in me.\" This is generally accepted as the design of his tutor, G. Buchanan. Similar pieces (with those of 20 shillings, 10 shillings, and 5 shillings differing only in proportionate weight and size, and their respective figures of XX, X, and V) were minted in the years 1568, 69, 70, and 71.\n\nA Scottish shield crowned, with the figures 3 and 4 on the sides, \"Jacobus 6. By the Grace of God, King of Scots.\" R. Four shields with four crowned IV's, two crowns and two thistles countercharged in the quarters, \"Save us, O Lord, thy people.\" 1572. W. 2 Drachmas. 2 Groats.\n\nThis is only half of one with the same inscription in Mr. Sutherland's collection; the other half has the figures 6 and 8, indicating that it was minted for a noble, whereas the other is only a ten-groat piece or 3 shillings and 4 pence.,The royal shield of Scotland was continued annually until 1577.\n\n1. Shield crowned, and Jacobus 6 D.G.R. Scotorum, 1591, 1592. A shield with a crown, inscribed \"Jacobus 6, by the Grace of God, King of Scots,\" 1591 and 1592. A naked sword and balance, with the motto \"His differt Rex Tyrannus\" (The king or the tyrant). W. 2 Dw. 14 Gr. The second side of the shield has a thistle and the inscription \"Jacobus Rex,\" with the motto \"Nemo me impune lacessit\" (No one attacks me with impunity). W. 6 Dw. 19 Gr.\n\n2. The royal shield of Scotland, crowned with the usual inscription of Jacobus 6, Dei Gra, from 1578 to 1581. On the reverse, the thistle is depicted, with some bearing the letters J and R on the sides of the thistle, but most do not. The mark-pieces of this coin, which were minted twenty years later and were long current in England at the rate of thirteen-pence-half-penny, lack a third of this weight. This was necessary when the ounce of silver went at 60 shillings Scotch, whereas it was now only valued at 40 shillings. For, this very year, Thomas Acheson and others were empowered to mint ten-shilling pieces, four to the ounce of eleven-penny fine silver.,From the Mint-master, the Copper pieces, worth eight pennies or four shillings, were commonly known as Achesons during this and the previous reign. In 1587, these coins were banned by proclamation due to counterfeiting in England and other foreign parts. However, their currency was later revived and continued, even within my own memory, on the English borders as well as in Scotland. The Scots, according to Itio in Par. 1, p. 283 in Fynes Moryson's book (printed in 1617), had long used small brass coins. They valued babees at six pence, with two making an English penny; placks at four pence, with three making an English penny; and hard-heads at one penny half-penny, with eight making an English penny.\n\nThe same Act directs that these new pieces be such as are specified in Parl. 7. Ja. 6. Oct. 24. 1581. cap.,In the thirty-first year of his reign, there was another Parliament on December 19, 1597. Chapter 249 of the Act read:\n\nOn one side, the portrait of His Majesty's body, armed, with a crown upon his head, and a sword in his hand, bearing the inscription, JACOBUS. VI. DEI. GRATIA. REX. SCOTORUM. On the other side, his nobility's arms in a shield, with a crown above the shield, and the date of the year on one side, with the inscription, HONOR. REGIS. IVDICIVM. DILIGIT. Thirty, twenty, and five shilling pieces, as well as those mentioned here of ten shillings, were made in accordance with this Act and adhered to its directions regarding their proportionate weight and inscription. However, on their reverse, they bore the letters J and R on the sides of the shield, and the value of the piece, such as XLI s. XXX s. XX s. &c., beneath it.,Act passed about Coinage, whereafter complaints of the vile practices of all sorts of people in excessively raising the value of gold and silver, it is ordered that the ounce of silver coined in ten-shilling-pieces, and so forth, according to the last recited, shall stand at 50 shillings, and the old thirty shillings pieces, that is, the ounce-pieces of Queen Mary and King James, at the same price; and the new thirty-shilling pieces, being three quarters of an ounce, at 37 shillings and 6 pence. This teaches us to discover the true value of a piece of this king's coin, of the exact weight of one English shilling, bearing the king's head without a crown, and Jacobus 6 D. Gra. &c. R. A Thistle crowned, with Nemo me impune lacessit, 1594. There is no doubt but this piece was coined to go for ten shillings; the weight of it exactly answering that value at the rate of 50 shillings in the ounce.,This piece was minted three years before the passing of the act, but it is not an objection. Silver was raised to this value before the act, as shown in its preface, with the intention of preventing further raising by fixing it at the existing price. I possess a half, a quarter, and an eighth of this coin.\n\nDespite the provision of this act, the price of the ounce of silver reached sixty shillings within four years. Merk-pieces, coined between 1601 and 1604, are proportioned to this rate. They have, on one side, the Scottish crown with Jacobus 6 D. Gra. Scotorum, and on the reverse, the thistle crowned with Regem Jova Protegit. There were also half-merks and quarter-merks of the same coin; the former passed at 6s 8d and the latter at 3s 4d.,Nay, there was also the Eighth of a Merk-piece, which is the least piece of coined silver which I think was ever minted in the Kingdom of Scotland. It weighs about three-half pence of our English Money, and goes for 20 d. Scotch, which is one sixth short of our Two-pence. And these Merks, with their subdivisions, were the last silver-money coined by King James the Sixth before he left Edinburgh and removed to London.", "creation_year": 1709, "creation_year_earliest": 1709, "creation_year_latest": 1709, "source_dataset": "EEBO", "source_dataset_detailed": "EEBO_Phase1"},
{"content": "When the nature of such agreements is understood, it is humbly hoped that the said clause will not pass. Many persons, due to the scarcity of money, have been compelled to employ various methods.\n\nI. Some have paid bills of exchange and for other pressing occasions by selling bank stock, shares in other stocks, and bank notes. To save themselves from excessive loss, they entered into agreements to receive back the stocks and notes on certain terms, thereby knowing their certain loss, which, as is conceivable, was allowable.\n\nII. Some sold goods on time and were obliged to take bank notes as payment. Unable to make a certain reasonable profit in any other way, they insured themselves against losing more than a certain rate, and this depended on many contracts.\n\nIII. Many persons lent money to the government on tallies, which they would not have done if they could not insure themselves in this manner.,IV. This would not only punish Persons who have transgressed no law, but also change the property of Persons without any certain rule, and in many cases benefit those who, by this Bill, are supposed to have committed a crime.\nV. Many persons had taken premiums to deliver bank-notes and stocks at certain times and had kept their bank-notes, bank-stocks, and other stocks to deliver according to their agreements. Otherwise, they would have sold these. As a result, bank-stocks and bank-notes would have been of lesser value than they are presently.\nIt is therefore hoped that it will not be considered suitable to the wisdom and justice of the Honorable House of Commons to pass the said clause, as it would destroy the properties of men and ruin many families.", "creation_year": 1709, "creation_year_earliest": 1697, "creation_year_latest": 1721, "source_dataset": "EEBO", "source_dataset_detailed": "EEBO_Phase2"},
{"content": "Many have been the disputes concerning the Lord's holy rest, which is written with the Finger of God and is a weekly Sabbath, the seventh day in the Commandments. No Sabbath written with the Finger of God but the Lord's holy rest in the Commandments, and is a Christian Sabbath under the Gospel, as under the Law, joining us to the Lord in worship, according to the Lord's example, Gen. 2:2, and Exod. 16 and 20. The Commandments were delivered to Moses, and the Lord has sent his Son to bless his people with the incomes of his spiritual presence, but not to annul the Ten Commandments and the sound of the angels. With the Angel of the Lord is peace on earth, good-will towards men, Luke 2:14.\n\nThe other Sabbaths given to the Jews under the Law were given for several services to be kept in holiness. Moses delivered the appointment of these Sabbaths, as he received the words from God, to deliver to the people, and to be observed in their several months and weeks.,And the observance of Monthly Sabbaths, of the New Moon and Yearly Feasts, but not Weekly any Sabbath to be kept in the Name of the Lord's holy Rest and Sabbath; but the Lord's holy Rest, which is every seventh day, and He has commanded it to be kept holy, and calls for a remembrance upon it, not a seventh day, but the seventh day after six days of labor; and under the Gospel, the Resurrection of Jesus, which the power of God so gloriously appeared and maintained the Word of the Kingdom in raising the body the third day, is worthy of remembrance. And to keep two days in seven in holiness, (each particular may hope to prosper the better in the other five days), and to wait for the Resurrection of that Seed which gives life and resurrection to the waiting soul, and so to receive the Word of the Kingdom in Spirit, and the baptizing Power of the Holy Ghost, which is the remembrancer, and gives fore-sight of every good work; and so to wait, that that Power which raised Jesus from the dead may arise in each particular.,And that all may wait to know a Resurrection from the Death of Sin, and live to God in the Spirit which gives life, and a glorious Resurrection when the body dies; for it is the body of flesh which is prepared to die, the spirit never dies, but goes to God who gave it man to live by, of his own substance spiritual. And the Spirit descending in a universal manner at the birth of Jesus, to visit those who waited for the Consolation of Israel (Luke 2:25). It is worthy of remembrance. And to bow before the Power of God, which sent the Prophet to bless and inspire the people with the Word of God, which he received from God the anointing Power in him. In that Word and Spirit, he baptized the people with the Holy Ghost when he came into his ministry. And the Father and Son, who is the Holy Ghost, spoke in him and baptized the people, to follow the holy Example of Jesus, and after the Resurrection, that power in Jesus breathed on the disciples and said.,Receive ye the Holy Ghost, but they did not call the first day the seventh day, or the Sabbath day, for the Sabbath is the day before the Resurrection on the first day of the week. As the Body was crucified the day before the Sabbath (Mark 15:42). And the holy women returned, prepared spices and ointments, and rested on the Sabbath day, according to the commandment. Matthew gives the account: from the sixth hour there was darkness until the ninth hour (27:45, 57). When the evening had come, Joseph of Arimathea went to Pilate and begged the body of Jesus. Pilate commanded the body to be delivered. Mark gives the account: it was the third hour, and they crucified him (15:25, 33). When the sixth hour came, there was darkness over the whole land until the ninth hour. Therefore, the third hour and sixth hour until the ninth hour must be in the morning, because they wondered at the darkness, which if it had been night.,And when evening came, on the preparation day (the day before the Sabbath), Joseph of Arimathea, an honorable council member who was also waiting for the kingdom of God, requested the body of Jesus (Mark 15:42). Mark and Luke provide the accounts: it was around the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the entire earth, with the sun darkened (Mark 15:33; Luke 23:44-45). This darkness covered the earth until the ninth hour. John also reports that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (John 19:31), and all agree that Jesus gave up his spirit at the ninth hour and was darkened at the sixth hour. They all affirm that Jesus was crucified on the day before the Sabbath, and they refer to the day of the resurrection of the body as the first day of the week, the day following the Sabbath.,And after the Crucifixion of the Bodily Presence, on the Sabbath Day, the Chief Priests and Pharisees came together to Pilate, requesting that he order the sepulcher secured until the third day. Their gathering took place on the Sabbath, an ordinance they did not consider lawful for conducting external business, as per the Commandments. However, this was an extraordinary situation, and the consequences of their actions were severe, as they failed to recognize the power at work behind the veil. Engrossed in their discussions and attempts to secure the sepulcher, they were allowed to continue, so that the power of God could be manifested in raising the dead. But when the angel descended and rolled away the stone, the power of God rendered their works void. Throughout every generation, men have disobeyed and transgressed, doing what they should not, leading to their own condemnation. Yet, this does not justify breaking the Sabbath.,The seventh day as the Lord's rest; and, as the Lord has named the days, I believe it my duty to name the day, beginning and ending it as the Lord created it and as it appears to us in this lower region, and as it has been kept by the churches when they read the law every Sabbath day. The commandments, written with the finger of God and preserved by his power, testify to this. What one word in the Ten Commandments contradicts the Gospel or spiritual worship? Men have seen God's work through his angels and ministering spirits, sent to those who will inherit salvation. He has sent his servants the prophets to declare his word and reveal his mind and will, calling to holiness. Men have seen the evening of the law and the morning of the gospel, which will both spring into a glorious day when love prevails.,Peace and charity, as commanded, prevails; this peace refers to the Gospel, which is about loving neighbors, unity, and peace, and praying for enemies. The Lord's words and commands hold power, and they have always caused the earth to tremble and submit to Him. David and the prophets testified to this great Word given to both rulers and people. It is the Spirit and Word from God, directly spoken, that will unite Jews and Gentiles as one in the work and worship of God. They will witness His power over all His works and recognize Him as the Creator, Redeemer, Sanctifier, and Savior of His people, through every ministering angel and seer. This is the Spirit of the Father in Christ His Son, the all-saving Spirit, the Spirit of grace, the Spirit of truth, the Angel of His presence, the Power of endless life, King of righteousness, and King of peace.,The Spirit, sent from the Father through the Son, works the Reconciliation between God and Man for human redemption from the Fall. Humans are to serve God in Spirit, free from sin, and follow the holy example set in the Flesh. Jesus delivered God's Words and spoke as the Spirit guided him. Disciples, filled with the Spirit and Wisdom, ministered to the people. Those most sincere with their souls please God best, and God's secrets are with those who fear him. A scholar may outmaneuver an innocent man through art, but the Lord, through his Word, will help the faithful conquer another time. Keeping to Truth as the Spiritual Rock, those taught in Christ's School will prove the best learning in the end. The best teacher knows the heart and mind's infirmities.,And is a present help in the time of trouble, and when the enemy comes in as a flood, the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against him and cast him out with his rebellious works. And all who join with the Spirit of the Lord, He will give them a mind both to will and to do, and teach man by His Spirit in the inward man, which is Christ's school. This power will finish the work as man obeys the power. God is the same forever, and the day of His rest the same, and never changed. And the Commandments bear their authority, being written with the Finger of God. The part of the Law which consists in ordinances, sacrifices, and offerings is one thing, and the Ten Commandments are ever distinguished as another. The Law given to Moses often distinguishes sacrifices, which are carnal, as figures for the time present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, which could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience.,Which stood only in Meats and Drinks, and various Washings, and Carnal Ordinances, until the time of Reformation, Hebrews 9:9, 10. If the Priest who did the Service was not perfected thereby, which was a Covenant-Offering to be accepted as Sin is forsaken, no more could the People without a perfect Heart be joined to the Lord in Holiness and good Works. And as Light and Perfection were written upon Aaron's Breastplate, the Urim and Thummim, which Urim and Thummim signify Light and Perfection, pointing to the Kingdom of Christ, the Spirit of the Father, uniting in Spirit, through the Son, and showing what it is that makes perfect, and that it is Light and Perfection written in the Heart, and Christ one in Spirit with the Father, is come the Spirit of Truth, and Light and Perfection is in him, who speaks to the Heart, he is the everlasting High-Priest, after the Order of Melchisedec, and is in the power of an endless Life, and not after the Order of Aaron, but is the faithful and true Witness.,The account records Man's deeds and serves as a witness in Man's conscience on Earth. The Spirit of Truth acts as a second witness and judge of both the quick and the dead. The Holy One sets an example in worship, speaking in Spirit through the Veil, with Man's flesh out of carnal ordinances, as was the case with other covenants. Christ, being Spirit like the Father, kept the Day of Rest in Spirit before Sin entered the world. The Gospel is preached after the offerings of the Law, and Christ, the everlasting High Priest, has come. The works of the Spirit are preached, and worship continues in the Spirit. The same God who is the Alpha will be the Omega, and Christ is a Spirit and not carnal, unlike the offerings for sin then. In its time, the Lord accepted these as atonements for carnal sins under the Gospel.,The Ministration in Spirit is sent to those who wait for the holy Power, the pure anointing Grace, and that which finds acceptance with the Father and Son, is a broken heart and contrite spirit, and to tremble at His Word. In place of such offerings for peace and sacrifices for sin, the Light of Christ is a lamp in His people, and the Fiery Baptism of the Holy Ghost purges out sin in all who wait for it, so they may appear before the Throne of Grace in peace, in the one Offering and Mediator. And when the Lord rested on the seventh day, the World was but seven days old, and as previously written, sin had not yet entered the World, and therefore no need for carnal offerings, as given to the Jews - sheep, oxen, goats, lambs, rams, doves, and pigeons - offerings for sin. Be holy, for without holiness no man can see the Lord. Christ the Holy One has come, the better Offering, and above all carnal offerings. And God is not changed.,The Day of his rest remains unchanged. Christ, the Spirit of Truth, serves as High Priest according to the order of Melchisedec, without a father, mother, or descent, having no beginning or end of days (Hebrews 7:2, 3). However, the Veil to the Power and Spirit had an espoused father named Joseph and a fleshly mother named Mary. He descended from the loins of Abraham and David, and traced his lineage back to Adam. He is recorded as the Son of Adam with a body of flesh (Matthew 1:19, 20). After the Son of God, he performed God's works and tasted death on the cross to make way for the great Creator, the power that works all things in heaven and on earth. He keeps the seventh day of his rest holy and instituted it as the first day for divine worship. The seventh day should be remembered for the great works of creation.,That it is the same God who sanctifies the people, both saints and prophets, and preserves his angels from darkness. He is the author of every mercy from Genesis to Revelations, sending both men and angels to bless the people and give glory to his power. This work may bring the whole vineyard of the earth to grow and be of one mind in the true God, who has set an example of keeping his rest and seeing God in all his attributes as Almighty Lord, Creator, Redeemer, and Savior, Israel's King. The power of God is seen in the angel of his presence, and the word of God in every ministering angel, spirit, seer, or man of God or prophet sent, not to be another god but to do God's will. When God, the Creator, Redeemer, and Savior, shows his mercy in every messenger sent.,It will be a great means to put an end to many divisions and forms of worship, and to see the end and sign of every covenant, and to see which covenants pertain to the law and which are taken away. Before there was any law, the first covenant was with Day and Night. After the bow in the clouds, which remains a sign that God will never completely drown the world, a wonderful sign of his power, and is ministered to the world as he pleases. God renewed his covenant with Abraham and said, \"I am the Almighty God; walk before me and be thou perfect.\" Gen. 17:1. As for me, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations; I will make thee exceedingly fruitful; I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come from thee. I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generation, for an everlasting covenant, to be a God to thee and thy seed after thee. And this covenant stands, for Jesus was of the seed of Abraham and David.,According to the flesh, and the increase will be great, and God is now the sanctifier of His faithful people, as Abraham was. However, circumcision in the Gospel of Peace is taken off in the flesh (Romans 4:11). Nevertheless, Jesus, being of the seed of Abraham, received the token of the covenant, that God would be a God to Abraham's seed. And Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day and, when grown up to be a man, received John's baptism of water as well (Matthew 3:14). After he received the water baptism, which he allowed John to perform, and after the Holy Ghost descended upon him, the power in him baptized with the Holy Ghost. And just as John's baptism replaced circumcision, so the baptism of the Holy Ghost is preferred before John's water baptism. The Lord's covenant to be a God to Abraham and his seed remains firm (Exodus 20:2-3, 31:16-17). You shall have no other gods before me. The covenant and sign still stand, that it is God who sanctifies His people.,Moses was with the Lord for forty days and forty nights. He neither ate bread nor drank water. He wrote the words of the covenant, the Ten Commandments, on the tables (Deuteronomy 9:9). The Lord renewed the covenant made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, promising them the land. The Lord appeared to Moses as Jehovah (Exodus 6:2-3). God spoke to Moses, saying, \"I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob by the name of God Almighty, but I was not known to them as Jehovah. God was pleased to make another covenant with the House of Israel. This covenant, which Christians under the Gospel share in, is described in Joel 2:28 as the Spirit being poured out on all flesh. The Lord has made many covenants with his people under various attributes, powerful names, and as the blood of bulls and goats is rejected, so the one offering in spirit is established. The Spirit descends and ascends.,and the Lord accepts what he gives, and this is the new Covenant: the Law written in the heart and put in the mind, and the obedient do the Will of God. But the Lord God and Creator, and the Day of his Rest, and the Ten Commandments are the same, notwithstanding the Day of their Rest is not kept by nations, only a few bear Witness in keeping the seventh Day of his Rest after his great and mighty Works in creating. And as for Offerings, the Apostle gives an account of the work wrought by the power of God in Jesus, or the Office of Christ, the ministration of the Spirit in him. Wherefore when he comes into the world, he says, \"Sacrifice and offerings you would not, but a body have you prepared me; in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you have had no pleasure.\" Then I said, \"Lo, I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do your Will, O God.\" Above, when he said:\n\n(Note: The text appears to be written in Old English or a similar dialect. While I cannot translate it perfectly, I have made some attempts to clean up the text while preserving its original meaning as much as possible. However, I cannot guarantee complete accuracy, as the text is quite old and may contain errors or ambiguities.)\n\nand the Lord accepts what I give, and this is the new Covenant: the Law written in the heart and mind, and the obedient do God's Will. But the Lord God and Creator, and the Day of his Rest, and the Ten Commandments are the same, notwithstanding the Day of their Rest is not kept by nations, only a few bear witness in keeping the seventh Day of his Rest after his great and mighty Works in creating. And concerning Offerings, the Apostle speaks of the work accomplished by the power of God in Jesus, or the Office of Christ, the ministration of the Spirit in him. Therefore, when he comes into the world, he says, \"Sacrifice and offerings you would not, but a body have you prepared me; in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin you have had no pleasure.\" Then I said, \"Behold, I come, in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do your Will, O God.\" Above, when he said:,Sacrifice and offerings, and burnt offerings for sin you did not want or take pleasure in; then he said, \"Behold, I come to do your will, O God, he takes away the first to establish the second. By doing your will is sanctification, as the Apostle says, those who are spiritual are sanctified through the offering of the body of Christ once for all. By one offering, he has perfected forever those who are sanctified, that is, each one who does the will of God as he did is perfected by that example and sanctified in doing God's will according to that example. The Holy Spirit bears witness to this, and the Apostle says, \"You have need of patience, that after you have done the will of God, you might receive the promise.\" Therefore, the offering of the body once for all is that man should be sanctified in body, soul, and spirit, to follow the holy obedience of Jesus.,Or they have no part in his Sufferings. The Offering in Spirit is established by Christ's Office, God's Power, the power of endless Life, a spiritual Ministry in his followers, the Law written in the Heart and Mind, and this Covenant and Offering seasoned with saving Grace, the Fiery Baptism of the Holy Ghost, which cannot lose its savory; for every one shall be seasoned with Fire, and every Sacrifice shall be seasoned with Salt. Salt is good, but if the Salt has lost its savory, with what will you season it? Have Salt in yourselves, and have peace one with another (Mark 9:49, 50). Matt. 5:13. Levit. 2:13. Neither shall you allow the Salt of God's Covenant to be lacking with all your Meat Offerings. You shall offer Salt with every Meat Offering, and without the Covenant of Salt, it was not acceptable. And when the Offerings were accepted by the Lord, Fire came from before the Lord as a sign of Acceptance, and it humbled the People.,1 Kings 18:38, 2 Chronicles 7:1, Leviticus 9:24. And he gave them faith to believe; for faith is the gift of God, and they saw the works of the true God. By faith, Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain. Through faith, he obtained the testimony that he was righteous. God testifying to his gifts, and by it he, being dead, yet speaks. Hebrews 11:4, Genesis 4:4. And under the gospel law, the seasoning grace of faith is both salt and fire, purifying both heart and mind to see that life and light which is everlasting. For in the Holy One's seed there is no corruption. And the apostle, speaking of the offering of the body prepared to do the will of God (in the works of the Spirit which works and purges out sin, as all are obedient to the works of the Spirit), makes the first offering for sin: the old covenant, such as the blood of bulls, lambs, sheep, goats, and rams, and pigeons, and the ashes of an heifer. For the law having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things.,With these continual sacrifices, the worshipers cannot make perfection; if they did, the sacrifices would have ceased. The Apostle, discussing the first covenant of sacrifices and offerings (which, if hearts and ears were circumcised, would have found acceptance in obedience and then offerings would have ceased), did not speak here of the Ten Commandments, which remain, and the Sabbath as a sign that God sanctifies his people and a reminder of the six days of creation in honor of his great creating name. As the great Creator of heaven and earth, seas and fountains of water, Almighty God, Lord of heaven and earth, I am, and Jehovah, he has commanded the day of his glorious rest to be kept. Consider the world's disobedience, and until nations are seen in universal love and keep the commandments.,The Holy Rest remains in Holiness; wars will never cease. The Apostle speaks of the Power descending when He comes into the world, saying, \"A body have you prepared me, O God, to do your will.\" Jesus was that body prepared for the Spirit to work in. In this prepared body, the Word of God appeared, inspiring those who received it and making them witnesses in the Spirit of the works of the Spirit and the power of God, the new covenant at work in man, in universal love and light. This was not only for witnesses and prophets, who were witnesses of the power of God and thus Christ's day, but for all who receive the Word and wait for it. They are inspired by it. Christ is the Spirit of God in man, Immanuel, God with us. And God with us is the Spirit of Truth. Jesus foretold his disciples, \"He that dwelleth with you shall be in you\" (John 14.16, 17). They were then filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke as the Spirit gave them utterance. Zion to which the Apostle bears witness.,They went through many steps in Grace before they knew the coming to the general Assembly and Church of the First-born, written in Heaven, to God the Judge of all, and to the Spirits of just Men made perfect; and to Jesus Christ the Mediator of the new Covenant, and to the Blood of Sprinkling, which speaks better things than that of Abel (Heb. 12:22-24). The Apostle says, \"You have come to Mount Zion and to the City of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, to the general Assembly and Church of the First-born, which are written in Heaven. The city belonging to this Church is the heavenly Jerusalem, and the assembly before the Judge of all is an innumerable company of angels, which is the Spirits of just Men made perfect.\" This is a gradual work. But to miss the first day, instituted for divine and spiritual worship, when God rested in himself and all his works which he had made, and behold, they were very good.,And to miss the first step, as previously stated, is not to attain the higher degree of Grace and Peace in the Holy Ghost, which grants admission through the Names of Jesus Christ into the Gospel. Those from the Twelve Tribes, a certain number from each Tribe, were sealed by the Father and given to the Son. And John saw on Mount Zion, the Lamb standing with them, who had the Father's Name written on their foreheads (Revelation 14:1). Yet, the Father is pleased to give those who are His, both the Tribes and the Saints and Prophets under the Law, to the Son and the Word. They are to unite in the spiritual Building, the heavenly Jerusalem. When sin is subdued, and all are brought into the Spirit of the Son to obey the Words of God, the Son is then to deliver up the Kingdom to the Father, who gave Him the power to gather into the Kingdom of God. This is given to the Lord of Hosts, the God of both Angels and Men, the eternal and everlasting Being of Beings, the one Almighty God.,And the Lord's Day of Rest is to be observed in everlasting remembrance of his great works of creation, and he is also the redeemer of his people from generation to generation, it is his mercy through every instrument sent in his power to save the people in every age. The Lord, in his wonderful goodness, called me to keep the seventh day of his Rest as a holy Sabbath to him, according to the commandment; and I pondered the significance of this in my mind, unable to continue in outward business on that day. As I pondered, the scriptures were opened to me, and I was enlightened in the light they provide in both the Old and New Testaments. I was given the ability to distinguish between the Lord's holy Rest and the Jews' Sabbaths, given to them as a punishment for sin, and abolished in the one offering under the Gospel dispensation.,Following the holy example of Jesus, and sin is to be abolished in the mind; but the Lord's Sabbath of holy rest before sin was, is not abolished. For the holy rest is in Christ, the Spirit of Truth, which rested in the Father on the seventh day after six days of creation. And the Lord was pleased to open my understanding to see the true record of the seventh day was preserved, and the account given by Himself, and written with the Finger of God. The Commandments are taught and preached, not kept. I laid them up in my heart and kept the seventh day, not revealing it to anyone for a considerable time. I thought keeping a day to the Lord, according to the Commandments, was no harm to anyone. But when work was to be done on that day, I was then made to acknowledge the keeping of the seventh day.,I have removed unnecessary line breaks and formatting, and corrected some minor spelling errors. Here is the cleaned text:\n\nBy refusing to do any outward business on the seventh and first day of the week, I had always observed the first day, which is known as Sunday, and grew strongly convinced of keeping both. I obeyed the voice and searched the scriptures, and dared not hide the keeping of either. When it was known, many argued with me against keeping the seventh day, calling it the Jewish seventh day. But when I asked them if it was called the Jewish seventh day in the Ten Commandments, they answered no. Then I had reason enough to ask them, why they called the Lord's rest Jewish? And some would ask if there were more Sabbaths. I then answered yes, many Sabbaths were given to the Jews to afflict for sin, and were called their Sabbaths, and Sabbaths to rejoice in at the ingathering of the corn and fruits of the earth. They held Sabbaths which were given them to rejoice in, at which the widow and fatherless, and stranger were to partake with them of the blessings and the increase.,After the Priest had waved a sheaf before the Lord on the morning after the Sabbath, which morning after the Sabbath was the First Day and may represent another Sabbath for acts of charity and mercy in the Christian Faith, under the Gospel of Peace (Acts 6:1-2). And the Lord had a people in Christ under the Law, as well as under the Gospel, if they are led and guided by the Spirit, as in days of old; the record in Scripture is Isaiah 60:11. And Isaiah saw greatly the further coming of Christ's Kingdom and the powerful effects of God's Majesty, Chapter 2:19, 21. And the great Dispensation of the Spirit of Christ Isaiah was a witness of, in Chapters 42:5, 40:10-11, and 61. And this Spirit should be universal, and increase to those led and guided by the Spirit, the holy One in the Father, the Creator, Redeemer, and Savior and King, Isaiah 43:10-16. God did not leave himself without a witness.,Nor his people lack a Christ to guide Israel under the Law, and the Lord's Sabbath of holy rest is in Christ and Christ in the Father, before there was a visible man on earth; and as Christ was with the Father, a spirit in the beginning creating, he is in his people given him by the Father to this day, leading the flock, as in days of old he put his holy Spirit within them and led them by the right hand of Moses with his glorious army, dividing the waters before them, to get himself an everlasting name, through the power which God had given him, leading Israel through the Sea in a Pillar of Fire. But their holy rest is not abolished, it should still be kept holy the seventh day, for Christ in Jesus did not appear in that prepared body to lessen the Father's honor with his own. As to the day of his rest, commanded to be kept holy as the Lord's holy rest after six days of their creating, in which he made heaven and earth, the sea and the fountains of water.,and all that is in it; but the Father gave the Son power under the Gospel, showing the works of the power should be observed. He added an additional day for worship, and the resurrection of Jesus to be held in everlasting remembrance, in which the works of the power are seen, and Jesus is a holy example, a veil for the Word to pass through, a holy prophet, and sent in a universal spirit, the morning star in preaching and publishing the Gospel, but not to annul the Father's commandments. To the inquirer, I declared my satisfaction. At length, a book was brought to my hand, called A Defence of the Christian Sabbath. The question is, whether it is the right seventh day in course from creation? And records may be lost. The author of that book is pleased to call it the Jewish Sabbath and Jewish seventh day. Upon reading the book, the weight of the matter continued.,And I was given more strength to see that the Sabbath is in Christ, who rested with the Father before the formation of the visible Man. There is no Sabbath outside of Christ, who is one with the Father in Spirit from creation. God, who created the Day and rested in Himself, gave the true record of the seventh day after the destruction of the old world due to sin, both at the raining of manna and the Commandments. God, upon my reading of the books as mentioned, was pleased to give me understanding to observe the Discourse, and the sense which He continued to impart to me. I was made to write in the confirmation of the Fourth Commandment, and the Lord's holy rest is not abolished, nor called the Jewish seventh day in the Commandments, nor the day of manna; and the Commandments written with the Finger of God are to continue under the Gospel, and as long as there is an Alpha and Omega, and man on Earth. Revelation 22:13.,The Lord of Hosts, both God of Angels and Men, will stand with those who keep their holy Sabbath holy. The Lord's holy Sabbath is consistent from Genesis 2 to Exodus 16, as attested by Scripture. God himself, through Moses, gave this account to the people. After the Lord had engraved the Commandments upon the people's hearts and tables of stone for remembrance, the prophets confirmed the observance of the Lord's Sabbath, which is the Christian Sabbath in the Father's dispensation, through the Spirit of the Son and the Son in the Son of Man, and the Father and Son as one in the creation of mankind and redemption. The Four Evangelists detail the account of the crucified body and the waiting for the Resurrection. They all describe the Sabbath day preceding the Resurrection.,The Seventh Day is a Christian Sabbath for those who keep it in Christ. Christ is the Angel of Power and the spiritual Rock with Moses and all who live, act, and obey the voice of the inspiring Spirit with holy minds, pure hearts, and clean hands. Such was Christ, who is always with the Father, the Word of God. But without holiness, no man can see the Lord or worship the Father with acceptance outside the Spirit of Christ. To keep the Commandments of God, the Lord's holy rest, as He set an example when this lower world was but seven days old; and Christ is given of the Father in this universal day, pouring forth the Spirit upon sons and daughters, servants and handmaids, a light in their people, and moving in the inward man, which keeps their obedience and is leading up the flock to the Father, as man obeys the voice. The Lord's Sabbath of holy rest was a Christian Sabbath under the Law for those who kept it in the Spirit of the holy One.,To worship the Father in the Spirit of the Son, the one Mediator who finds acceptance with the Father; and the Lord's command is to obey his voice, or he will not pardon your transgressions, for my name is in him, saith the Lord. And the people were to do all that the Lord spoke through him, Exod. 23:21 and 23. Christ, the Lord, speaking to the people of God, said, \"Thine they were, and thou gavest them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that all things whatsoever you have given me are from you, for I have given to them the words which you gave me, and they have received them, and have known surely that I came out from you, and they have believed that you did send me\" (John 17:6-8). And yet before they were given to me in the ministry of the Gospel, Christ led up the flock in days of old (Isa. 63:9). Israel ate their spiritual meat and drank their spiritual drink through leaders.,which obeyed the Voice and saw their Salvation through their obedience to the Power, and they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ, 1 Corinthians 10:3-4. The people were not without a leader and guide in Christ, nor without spiritual food; for, as previously written, the Gospel Record states, \"Israel all ate the same spiritual food, and all drank the same spiritual drink. They drank from the Rock of Ages in that ministry, as many now drink deeply from that Rock and Fountain in this glorious Gospel Day, the Dispensation of both Father and Son in the Gospel of Peace, following the Example of Jesus in obedience to the Spirit, according to their gift what is required of them; God has not left Himself without a Seed, nor are His people saved but by His Power in every Dispensation of both Angels and Men.\" And Jesus in prayer to the Father says, \"Glorify Thy Son, that Thy Son also may glorify Thee,\" and this is life eternal.,(Jesus spoke): John 17:13. So that they may know you as the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. This is the great work until now: to discern the Spirit's work in a person, to know you as the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. This is eternal life: and whoever comes to discern the spiritual power, the teaching Spirit leading to salvation, will see more clearly the Lord's Sabbath of holy rest is a Christian Sabbath. Christ, who was always Spirit, rested in the Father, and the Father in him, one Spirit. This Sabbath of their holy rest before sin entered the world, and was kept in remembrance of the sixth day of their creation and holy rest before sin entered the world, has no relation to the Jewish Sabbaths given to afflict for sin, called their Sabbaths, nor any relation to their carnal ordinances and sacrifices for sin. These Sabbaths were given for that purpose, as mentioned before.,and bear the Name of Jews; but the Sabbath of the Lord your God, which you are commanded to keep, is a holy Sabbath, and to be kept holy, as Exodus 20 shows; and that chapter does not give any authority to call the Lord's Sabbath a Jewish Sabbath, when the Lord has called it the Sabbath of the Lord your God. The spiritual Male and Female, in their Likeness and after their Image, rested in Spirit with both Father and Son the seventh day, before the visible Man of the dust of the ground was formed or made Woman out of Man. Their Image and Likeness were in their Rest, and the body of dust returns to the grave, the Spirit, which is Man's light and life, returns to God who gave it, to be a light and guide to Man, to lead him into all Truth; and the Dispensation of the Father is in the Son, and the Son is in the presence, the Angel of God speaking the Words of God, and visits the Seed of God, teaching the Inward Man, and the visible Man is enlightened and saved in God's power.,as he keeps his obedience in the growth of the Spirit, and the Father draws him into the Spirit of the Son in this Gospel day, and the Father and Son, who is the Holy Ghost, speak in each particular, waiting to hear the voice of their Word; but the seventh day of their holy rest is not abolished, as is further shown after six days of their creating the creation, and in the place of the Jewish Sabbath, a day to afflict their souls for sin, as under the law, in the place of such Sabbaths, is the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost, purging out sin and in its place giving affliction for sin; and as the fiery baptism of the Holy Ghost purges out sin and gives affliction for sin, so it sanctifies the soul into the true rest, to keep the Lord's Sabbath of rest holy, as owned and commanded, and this baptism, received, is a continual light to the soul, and the Lord was the sanctifier of his people under the law, who obeyed his voice through leaders, (and afflicted their souls for sin),And the People heard the Voice of the Lord through the Fiery Pillar, so they might obey His Voice through Moses. Under the Gospel Ministration, the Spirit of Truth is heard in each particular, convincing and showing men their sin, and the way out of sin. What convinces and shows men their sin is the Life and the Way to the Father - a Light shining in the mind and soul of men. The Fiery Baptism of the Holy Ghost performs in man the office that, in those days, was appointed for afflicting the soul for sin. But the Lord's holy rest, before sin entered the world, is to be obeyed as commanded. All mankind are to labor to get out of sin and live to God in the Spirit of their minds, and obey the Father through the Son. For the Father is the Creator, Redeemer, and Savior, who sent the Son to save. However, He never altered the day of their holy rest, from the seventh day to the first day of the week. And no day written by the same Finger of God, as the Commandments are.,And commanded to be kept as a reminder of His Rest day; no day appointed or inscribed by God's finger in place of the seventh, or for the seventh to be abolished when the first is observed. However, there are many questions regarding the seventh day, and the true seventh day is not known due to potential record loss. It is called the Jewish Sabbath in some contexts, yet they do not contradict the seventh day in the Fourth Commandment. By making this distinction, it may be assumed that such individuals have not yet distinguished between the Lord's holy Rest and the Jewish Sabbath, given as a means for the Jews to atone for their sins, which holy Rest existed before sin entered the world. Therefore, all should prepare in holiness to keep the Lord's Rest holy, and in observing a day for soul-affliction under the Gospel administration, in place of the Sabbaths, as previously stated; the Spirit of Truth is sent down to convict the world of sin.,And to show each particular the way out of sin, and to baptize the soul into its own spirit, and is the truth, the life, and the way to the Father; and what could the Lord do more for his creation, than send his Son, the Spirit of Truth, a light to shine in their hearts which obeys the voice? It leads to the Father. And now the Lord is calling to the preachers of all sorts, to see if they have salt in themselves to savour the earth; and he is looking down upon all the honest-hearted, and to be honest-hearted is more than form; and men may snatch away their society one from another, but they can't snatch away the kingdom of God from coming to them, which wait for it; and the words of God sent down are the keys of the kingdom, and open the mysteries of the kingdom, and an eye to see the wisdom and power of God through every dispensation and generation and instrument sent in the power of God. It is one God who is the Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier.,And Savior; for it is the Spirit of God which creates, and it is the Sanctifier, Redeemer, and Savior. In holiness there is salvation, as the holy example of Christ in Jesus is lived out - that is, as the Spirit which acted in Jesus and by which Spirit he spoke is lived out. I have seen unity in heaven descend upon men on earth, and Christ, the Spirit of Truth, will be the leading star in this unity. Among every people and nation, those who fear God and obey the Spirit's teachings, God will work a work in them which some will not believe, though it be told to them. However, the work will go on to call the Jews and convince the Gentiles, so that all may come to see the one true God and Christ from the veil, and God from man, and flesh from spirit, and the messenger from the maker. The land will enjoy her Sabbaths again, and mercy is promised to thousands who love God and keep his commandments and are not found in their father's iniquities. And the commandment in keeping their holy rest.,And to show love to neighbors and charity to widows, fatherless, and strangers in the gate; rest to both son and daughter, servant and cattle, was never disannulled by either son or servant, as stated in the words of God. It was the will of the Holy Ghost that sent the prophet like unto Moses, and Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and went about doing good. The Holy Ghost sent forth under the gospel universal love, the promise of the Father descended, which is the Holy Ghost, according to Acts 2:33. And the body of Jesus being taken up, anointed and acted by the Holy Ghost, the Son, one with the Father in Spirit, is seen with a spiritual eye leading to holiness by his Holy Spirit, and calls to men, working peace and reconciliation with the Father. If men obey the angelic present and power given, it draws them into holiness, and wisdom is justified of her children, and the work of wisdom increases upon them.,till they come to a state of perfect manhood in Christ, following holiness; and as Christ is in God the Word of God, so he visits man in his season. And as man grows in grace and truth, to see both the Father and the Son, and growing in the degrees of grace, life from God is given, and they are united into the Father's love. In the Spirit of Christ, they are witnesses of the Word, which quickens, and are spirit and life. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and both the Lord and Christ were in him, he being filled with the Holy Ghost. He manifested both Lord and Christ in the power of the Holy Ghost, the promise of the Father, and the promise of the Father descended upon him before he ascended. And in him and through him, the Disciples were baptized with the Holy Ghost, through the words of God which were with him. After Jesus ascended, the Disciples were to wait for that Baptism. And the Father, who sent the Son, is pleased that his Spirit and Word be honored.,Keeping a day to do good works and wait for the resurrection of the seed of life, to be accepted in every good work wrought through the workings of the Holy Ghost, and according to the many testimonies of Jesus; he spoke not of himself, but proved himself a prophet, as the Lord promised to send, speaking the words the Lord had commanded, Deuteronomy 18:18. It was the power that spoke through the veil, which said, \"I am the Resurrection and the Life\" (it is the Spirit that gives life), and the same power speaking through him said, \"Before Abraham was, I am.\" The power and Spirit also said, \"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,\" and the veil to the Word being holy and obedient in Spirit is a light to the world, and speaks to this day. The apostles and saints after Jesus was taken up were known to be sanctified vessels, and the generations keep up records of the saints' works and keep days in honor and remembrance of them.,But the Lord, the Sanctifier and Creator, is not honored with a day of rest or obedience to his command, keeping the seventh day. The Apostles, their fasts and feasts, are observed in order: Mark the Evangelist, Philip and James, the Ascension of our Lord Christ, Barnabas, the Nativity of John the Baptist, Peter, James, Bartholomew, Matthew, Michael and all angels, Luke, Simon and Jude, All Saints, Andrew, Thomas, the Nativity of Jesus, Stephen the Martyr, John the Evangelist, Holy Innocents, The Purification of the Blessed Virgin, and The Annunciation of the Virgin, after the Day of Pentecost.\n\nDespite their strong desire to witness Jesus' Resurrection, Jesus and his disciples and the holy women observed the Sabbath as a day of rest. And Jesus, the great Prophet and Son.,In his ministry and testimony, speaking the words of God, he owned the Sabbath as a day of rest for man. He said, \"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath\" (Mark 2:27). The four evangelists provide accounts of which day was the Sabbath and the first day of the week: At the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the sepulchre (Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1). And verse 9. When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast seven demons (Luke 23:55, 56). The woman who came with him from Galilee also saw the sepulchre and how his body was laid, and they returned and prepared spices and ointments, resting on the Sabbath day.,According to the Commandment, on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to see the Sepulchre, bringing the spices they had prepared, and some others with them. John 19:31 states that the Jews requested Pilate to take down the bodies so they wouldn't remain on the crosss Sabbath's end. John 20:1 indicates that Mary Magdalene came to the Sepulchre early on the first day of the week, before it was light. The Scriptures of both the Old and New Testament make it clear that the seventh day and the first day of the week are mentioned. It is written in the account of creation that God worked for six days and rested on the seventh Genesis 1:26, 31. However, the visible man, Adam, was not yet made until after the seventh day's rest.,Genesis 2:1-7: The earth was a separate region, formed from dust, which did not share the image and likeness of the first man. Chapter 2:6 states, \"There was no man to work the land. A mist rose from the earth and watered the entire surface. When God formed man from the dust of the ground, woman had not yet been created. Genesis 2:18 states, \"It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make him a helper suitable for him.\" Therefore, both the male and female were not formed or created until after the seven-day rest. God saw all that he had made on the sixth day and declared it to be very good. The evening and morning marked the sixth day, and all of heaven's host and everything on the earth praised God in their purity. God completed his work on the seventh day and blessed the Sabbath.,And he sanctified it; because in it he had rested from all his works which God created and made. The heavens and earth were created when the Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew. For the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was no man to till the ground. Yet male and female, in their image and likeness, were created. God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him, male and female. For as God is a spirit, so their image is spirit, and it returns to him; but the dust of the ground does not, as we see, it remains in the ground; but the spiritual male and female never die, but keep his dominion in light and life. And when Adam, the visible man, was formed from the dust of the ground.,The Lord God breathed life into man's nostrils, making him a living soul. The Sabbath, for divine and spiritual worship, existed before the formation of man from the dust of the ground. It was made for man, not the other way around. The seventh day was the Lord's day of rest and the creation of angels. The heavenly hosts worshipped God in spirit, as He is a spirit. Before the Lord's rest, the angelic spiritual male and female, in their image and likeness, were created. They rested when the Lord did, before the visible man was formed from the dust of the ground. Their image gives presence and life to the visible male and female, serving as a spiritual seed in the light of Christ. This is the visible man's peace and rest to this day. All are obedient to the Spirit.,Their Image and Likeness: and the Words of God are the Candle of the Lord to man, a lantern to his feet and a light to his paths. And as spiritual worship is the first worship, so it will be the last, and he who is the Alpha will be the Omega, the first and the last in man's earth. And man and woman joining with the good Spirit in them are preserved by the Words of God, through the mouth of the seed, and the seed visiting seed, this Word gives life to the soul; and the seed of life, which receives the Words of God and gives forth the Words of God, is God's Image, and after their Likeness, and never consents to sin. Notwithstanding, the visible man Adam fell, and after the fall of the visible Adam, the curse and destruction for their sakes came upon the earth; the old world (and the world increased again).,And God saw that every imagination of the human heart was only evil continually, and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth. But Noah and his sons were righteous and obtained the blessing through the righteous seed. They were to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth. (Genesis 6:5-7) And the whole earth was of one language and one speech. (Genesis 11:1) They said, \"Come, let us make bricks and build a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.\" This is the human condition: the way we propose to be happy and stand firm.,But not acting according to God's counsel to glorify His Name is the reason they are scattered and lose their name, as Genesis 11:8 states. The Lord called Abram and blessed him with a promise of Christ, saying, \"Get out of your country, your kindred, and your father's house, and go to a land I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great, and you shall be a blessing,\" (Genesis 12:1-2). Ministering angels were sent from God's presence to men, revealing His mind and will, as with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Lot. They reached men to inspire them with angelic spirits before the law, under the law, and down to the gospel of peace. Their services were as sent, showing the mind of the Spirit through man's mouth. Christ was in the bosom of the Father in the beginning, the Spirit of Truth, the Angel of the Lord, and Son, and is with His people to this day.,And he has promised to be with his people to the end of the world. The glorious dispensation of angels appeared to the fathers as a second voice to confirm doing God's will (Genesis 18:32). After the Lord appeared to Abraham, angels visited him, and he interceded for Sodom; however, the number of ten righteous persons was not found, so the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24). Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob traveled through nations and sojourned, planting truth as they went. The Lord appeared to them for encouragement. Isaac married Rebecca, and a blessing was in the seed. Jacob, after his father Isaac, was blessed, and God told Jacob to go to Bethel and dwell there, making an altar to God, who appeared to him when he fled from the face of Esau his brother (Genesis 35:1-2). Jacob dwelt in a land where his father was a stranger.,In the Land of Canaan (Genesis 37:1), and the Lord was with Joseph in Egypt (Genesis 45:8). After this, the Lord appeared to Moses in a burning bush (Exodus 3:7). The Lord said, \"I have surely seen the affliction of my people in Egypt and have heard their cry. I am coming down to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of this land to a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Through Moses, the Lord performed great signs and wonders to bring them out and to praise his name, to keep the Lord's Sabbath, and to institute the Passover. The firstborn of Egypt were destroyed (Exodus 12:31), not only because of Pharaoh's hardness of heart, but also to show the Lord's great power. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, \"Sanctify to me all the firstborn among the Israelites, both of man and beast.\",Both of Mine is the memorial of Man and Beast, Exodus 13:1. The Passover memorial is commanded, and they journeyed from Succoth and encamped at Etham, on the edge of the wilderness. The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them, and by night in a pillar of fire to give light, Exodus 13:20, 22. This was the Lord's love and His establishing His Sabbath of Rest, which occurred after the destruction of the old world, the confusion of Babylon's builders, and the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah for sin. The world increased again, and God appeared again to inform His chosen generation which nation they should go to, to display His power. He was a guide for Moses and the people, and showed Moses where to place His Name in worship. The first day for worship that the Lord calls for after this is to keep His Sabbath of Rest on the seventh day.,And after settling into a Commandment with a remembrance, Exod. 20.8-11, the Lord made Heaven and Earth, the Sea and all that is in them in six days. He rested on the seventh day and blessed and hallowed it, Exod. 16.23, 20.8-11. For the Lord made Heaven and Earth and the Sea in six days, and on the sixth day He rained manna enough for the seventh, and none descended on the seventh day, according to the Word of the Lord given to the people through Moses, that on the seventh day there should be none for them to find, Exod. 16.4-5. As the Lord gave the people a day of rest to keep His Sabbath (not Jewish), so He gave them manna from Heaven. This manna was to the visible eye as bread and food for the body. But under the Gospel, the Lord descends and rains down spiritual manna into the soul to nourish it, producing fruit for eternal life, not abolishing the day of rest, on which the Father and Son rested with their creation, along with the angelical celestial bodies.,And the Spiritual Male and Female, and He has set their rest with the visible man, and placed it under command. A learned man raises a dispute concerning the right seventh day of the Lord's rest, from Genesis 2 to Exodus 16, and argues that it is the same from the raining of manna to Exodus 20. His contention is that records may be lost, and the Lord's holy rest is not mentioned from Genesis 2 to Exodus 16. I, in all humility, request that those who read this consider the Scriptures mentioned earlier. They will see that for man's wickedness, the whole creation was destroyed, leaving only a preserved seed. They will also observe the Confusion of Babylon and the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. As the world increased again, the Lord appeared to the fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and they traveled through nations, planting truth.,The Children of Israel called out of Egypt and were delivered in the Red Sea from the Egyptians. Christ was their Spiritual Rock then, leading them with the Right-Hand of Moses. The Lord gave victory with his glorious Arm, enabling them to come to keep his Rest in Righteousness. A Seed was fixed in faithfulness. The Lord gave Abraham the sign of Circumcision, to be circumcised in Heart and Ears. Circumcision was a token of the Covenant between Abraham and the Lord, and to Abraham's Seed. The Lord's Covenant and Promise is to be a God to Abraham and his Seed (in Christ). The Lord appeared to perfect Man and called Abraham to walk before him and be perfect. When Truth, the Lord's Mind, was seated in Man's Heart, Man began to call upon the Name of the Lord. Then the Lord called for his Sabbath of Holy Rest to be kept holy and called for a remembrance to keep it. (Genesis 17:1, 7),I believe the seventh day is the one to be observed as the Lord's rest, as attested in both the Old and New Testaments from Genesis 2 to Exodus 16. The first day of the week, on which the angel of the Lord descended and resurrected Jesus' body, is also the seventh day. I am fully satisfied with this account and believe it to be the correct one, despite potential losses of records or misunderstandings. The one who appoints the day to be kept and provides the account at the raining of manna is the Lord.,And in the Commandments, it is he who created the Day and kept it for himself; this great Lord knew at the raining of Manna that the seventh day was the one exactly seven days after Creation, and from the raining of Manna to Moses' appearance on Mount Sinai. And this great Lord and Creator commanded, \"Six days you shall labor and do all that you have to do, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no manner of work, you nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger within your gates. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.\" And this great Creator, as previously written, knew the exact seventh day in succession from Creation, and since then the Commandments have been recorded and observed without addition or diminishment.,And where the Lord has recorded His Name, the Commandments still stand; and the Prophets were sent in God's Name in every generation, to proclaim a blessing upon the people keeping the Sabbath of the Lord your God holy. The Scripture record continues: The Lord speaks to Moses, saying, \"Speak to the Children of Israel, saying, 'Indeed My Sabbaths you shall keep; for it is a sign between Me and you, throughout your generations, that you may know that I am the Lord who sanctifies you. Exodus 31:13, 14. You shall keep the Sabbath, therefore, for it is holy to you; he who defiles it shall surely be put to death; for whoever does work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. Verse 15. Six days work may be done, but in the seventh is the Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord; he who does any work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death. And, Verse 16. Therefore, the Children of Israel shall keep the Sabbath.,The Sabbath is to be observed by the Children of Israel as a perpetual covenant (Exodus 16:31, 34). It is a sign between God and them forever. God created Heaven and Earth in six days, and on the seventh day He rested (Exodus 20:11). He gave Moses two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God (Exodus 31:18). The seventh day is the Lord's day of holy rest, and He commands it to be kept holy. God, who created the days and gave the seventh day as a sign that He is a God who sanctifies His people, directed Moses to the seventh day from the creation to the raining of manna, and from the raining of manna to the Commandments. After the Commandments, as previously written, all the prophets came in the Word of the Lord.,And they confirmed the observance of the Lord's Sabbath to the appearance of the great prophet, like unto Moses. The apostles reported that they had crucified the Body, and all showed which was the Sabbath. The Word through Jesus and his Disciples did not revoke the observance of the Lord's Sabbath. The Resurrection of Jesus occurred on the first day of the week, at the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn towards the first day, according to Matthew 28:1. After the Sabbath had passed, they prepared sweet spices and returned to rest on the Sabbath day, according to Luke 24:1. On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the sepulcher bringing the spices they had prepared, as recorded in John 20:1. The Gospel accounts provide an account of both the first day of the week and the seventh day Sabbath.,And the First Day is at the end of the Sabbath, and the Record of all the Prophets keeps the Lord's holy Rest on this Day, worthy of observation since the Creator first set an example by resting on it before sin entered the world. When the Sabbaths and feasts are proclaimed to the Children of Israel, the Lord also grants Moses the distinction of proclaiming his Rest as a holy convocation for afflicting their souls for sin. On these days, they were to do no work, as it was a Day of Atonement to make an atonement for them before the Lord their God (Leviticus 23:28). However, the Sabbaths for afflicting sin are abolished where eternal righteousness is established, and Truth resides in the heart. If the holy One, the Spirit of Truth, is obeyed.,The Lord spoke further to Moses, saying, \"Speak to the Children of Israel and declare to them concerning the Lord's feasts that are to be holy. These are my feasts: the Sabbath and Passover. Six days shall be worked, but the seventh is a Sabbath of rest, a holy convocation. You shall do no work on it; it is the Sabbath of the Lord in all your dwellings. And Leviticus 23:4 adds that the feasts which the Children of Israel were to observe in their seasons are also declared as a time for afflicting the soul because of sin. In the fourteenth day of the month, at evening, is the Lord's Passover. The Lord spoke to Moses, saying, \"Speak to the Children of Israel and say to them, 'When you enter the land I will give you and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest. He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord.' (Leviticus 23:9-10),To be accepted for you: On the morrow after the Sabbath, the Priest shall wave it. And verse 22: When you reap the harvest, the Lord's Care is to plead for the poor, that he might bless the land for their sakes, the poor ones; so that none of his creation suffers, and the whole family of the earth may be helped. Observe the sheaf the Priest was to wave was the morrow after the Sabbath. And it is to be observed again, the morrow after the Sabbath, the Gospel makes out to be the first day of the week: In the end of the Sabbath, as St. Matthew, Chapter 28.1, says, as it began to dawn towards the first day of the week. And to the Children of Israel, as forewritten, the Lord gave many Sabbaths to afflict for sin, and other Sabbaths to rejoice in (besides his holy rest) as Leviticus 16.30 and chapters 19 and 23 state. But Sabbaths given to the Children of Israel to afflict for sin.,The Prophets after Moses paid less attention to; for sin remaining, the Prophet Isaiah cried out against the sin and their Sabbaths, as well as their set feasts and the new moon: for sin remaining, their Sabbaths and set feasts became and were seen in the abomination, as Isaiah 1:11-16 states. Their hands were full of blood, and they were to be washed and made clean, and to turn from the evil of their doings, and cease to do evil, and learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the cause of the fatherless, and plead for the widow (not make widows and fatherless). Come now and let us reason together, says the Lord, though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool; if you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land; but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured by the sword, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken it. And the Prophet says, \"How the faithful city has become a harlot.\",It was full of judgment, righteousness dwelt in it, but now murderers reside there; for when the Lord sent them to fight his battles and destroy his enemies, he went before them, granting power. But when they went forth and destroyed people as enemies, they became murderers, and the Lord would not hear their many prayers in that state. This does not touch upon the Lord's holy rest, the fourth commandment. Hypocrisy is reproved by the prophet, and every prophet; but the Lord's promises are due to godliness, keeping the commandments. The same prophet who reproves the Sabbaths of the New Moon and their set feasts calls for keeping the Lord's holy day and Sabbath. He says, \"If you turn your foot away from doing your pleasure on my holy day and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord honorable, and shall honor him; not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasures, nor speaking your own words. Then you shall delight yourself in the Lord.\",And I will cause you to ride on the high places of the Earth, and feed you with the heritage of Jacob your father; for the Lord's mouth has spoken it. So the prophet, in the word of the Lord, calls the Sabbath His holy day, in which the holy of the Lord is to be honored. And the Lord, in the Ten Commandments, calls His rest, the Sabbath of the Lord your God. I do not find the Lord's holy day and Sabbath of rest referred to as the Jewish Sabbath or Jewish seventh day in Scripture. And concerning the children of Israel, as written before, they had their appointed Sabbaths and feasts: one on the tenth day of the seventh month, a Sabbath; and on the first day of the seventh month, a Sabbath; a memorial of blowing trumpets. It was a holy convocation for them, for they were to look into their souls and depart from sin at such times.,In the ninth day of the month, from evening to evening, you shall celebrate your Sabbath, and for seven days offer an offering made by fire to the Lord. When offerings in this dispensation were accepted, the Lord descended fire from heaven as a sign of acceptance. But without holiness, the offerings were not accepted, and fire did not descend from heaven. Moses distinguished the Sabbaths given to the Children of Israel from the Lord's Sabbath of rest by instructing that Sabbaths be celebrated from evening to evening. These Sabbaths and feasts of charity to be given to the poor are referred to as Sabbaths; but the Sabbaths given to the Jews for afflicting their souls for sin may be called Jewish Sabbaths.,In this text, there are no meaningless or unreadable characters, and no modern additions or translations are required. The text appears to be in early modern English, but it is clear and does not require extensive correction. Therefore, I will output the text as is:\n\n\"hath no relation to the Lord's holy Rest, which was before Sin entered the World; and as afore-written, Seven Days you shall offer an Offering made by Fire to the Lord; on the eighth Day shall be an holy Convocation unto you; and v. 37. These are the Feasts of the Lord which you shall proclaim to be holy Convocations, to offer an Offering made by Fire unto the Lord, a Burnt-Offering and a Meat-Offering, a Sacrifice and a Drink-Offering, every thing upon his Day; and these were to be besides the Sabbath of the Lord, and besides your Gifts, and besides all your Vows, and besides all your Free-Will Offerings, which you give unto the Lord; and v. 39. Also in the fifteenth Day of the seventh Month, when you have gathered in the Fruit of the Land, you shall keep a Feast to the Lord, seven Days in the Year you shall celebrate it, in the seventh Month; but the Lord's Sabbath of holy Rest falling in these seven Days, the seventh Day is to be kept the holy Rest, and therefore the Record is, you shall keep the eighth Day.\",Despite the annual appointment being only seven days, the Lord's Rest makes the eighth. The first day and the seventh are identified in the Law and the Gospel as the Sabbaths. The Sabbaths given to the Jews in their dispensation were acknowledged as laws for their holiness, offering purity, and testing by fire from heaven. In the Gospel, it is the baptism of the Holy Ghost that purges the soul and burns up sin, all being obedient to its baptizing power. Charity feasts and good works are everlasting and pleasing to the Lord. Israelites were to dwell in booths for seven days, as stated in Leviticus 23:41, 42. The Lord's care extends to the poor and strangers.,And a rejoicing and rest from labor after the gathering in the corn and fruits of the earth, Deuteronomy 16:9. Seven weeks shalt thou number to thyself; begin to number the seven weeks from such time as thou beginest to put the sickle to the corn; and v. 10. Thou shalt keep the Feast of Weeks unto the Lord thy God, with a free-will offering of thine hand, which thou shalt give unto the Lord thy God, according as the Lord thy God hath blessed thee; and thou shalt rejoice before the Lord thy God, thou and thy son, and thy daughter, thy male and female servant, and the Levite that is within thy gates, and the stranger, and the fatherless, and the widow that are among you; and v. 12. Thou shalt remember that thou wast a bondman in Egypt; and v. 13. Thou shalt observe the Feast of Tabernacles seven days, (a day for a week) after that thou hast gathered in the corn and the wine; and v. 14. Thou shalt rejoice in thy feast, thou and thy male and female servant, son, and daughter.,And the Levite, the stranger, the fatherless, and the widow who are among you; and Deuteronomy 14:28, and chapter 15:11. Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the Lord your God which He has given you; so these feasts the Lord commanded, that the poor might receive the benefit, and He accepts the offering and tribute of a freewill offering as if it was from Him; and Deuteronomy 14:28, and 15:11. For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, \"You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to the poor and to the needy in the land.\" So the Lord's care is over the poor, the widow, the fatherless, and the Levite who had no inheritance, and the stranger; that they may have a part at the ingathering of the increase with the rich, and acts of charity and mercy endure forever. Thus many feasts the Lord appointed for the children of Israel, that they might serve the needy among them, and reap the blessings of increase which the Lord blessed them with.,The Jews had Sabbaths given to make atonement for sin and not for resting in sin or leaving calamity upon their souls. The priest was to wave a sheaf before the Lord the morrow after the Sabbath. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as Genesis 2 and Exodus 16 and 20, all refer to the Sabbath of the Lord. Exodus 31:18, 35:2, and Leviticus 23:3, and Deuteronomy 5:14 all state that it is the Sabbath of the Lord. No man, upon deliberate and second consideration, can blot out the seventh day, the Lord's Sabbath of rest after six days of creation. It is certain that the body of Jesus was raised on the first day of the week.,According to the Word of the Lord, Jesus met with his Disciples and breathed on them, saying, \"Receive the Holy Ghost as my Father has sent me, and I send you\" (Acts 2:1-4). After Jesus ascended, the Apostles were all in one place and filled with the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:4). The multitude of those who believed were of one heart and soul, united in the faith of the Gospel (Acts 4:32). No one among them claimed anything they possessed as their own, but they had all things in common. The great work and power of the Gospel continued in the power of God, and all who believed were together and had all things in common (Acts 2:44). They sold their possessions and goods and distributed them to all men as needed. However, they obeyed the Lord's Sabbath of rest, according to the commandments and the example of Jesus, who exhorted all to keep the commandments.,And he kept them [the Apostles] and the Apostles waited to receive the Power, setting an example of keeping the first day of the week, ministering the Spirit, and doing acts of mercy, relieving the poor saints. It is to the comfort of all in the faith of Jesus to know a feeding of the Word of Life and Gift in the Spirit, which gives light to the soul, and where the Holy Ghost is given, it is a sabbath of rest, as in the beginning it was when Christ rested with the Father. The same God who gives light and life and descends the gift of the Holy Ghost rested the seventh day and set the first example. Their rest is commanded to be kept holy and is not abolished. Despite the laws of men not reaching to cut off those who don't keep the seventh day sabbath of rest, yet the word of God stands good. The iniquity of the fathers is visited upon their children who are found in the iniquities of their fathers.,And there will be a great cutting off until the Lord's Commandments are obeyed, and His holy Rest is kept after six days of creation. Why teach children the Commandments of God, have them repeat them, and preach many sermons on this subject if we do not keep the Sabbath at all? The Children of Israel had their Sabbaths, as written before, for afflicting sin and purifying and sanctifying to keep the Lord's holy Rest. Under the Gospel, the Office of Christ which rested with the Father, the Spirit of Truth regenerates, purges, baptizes, washes away sin, and sanctifies the soul, enabling us to prepare to keep the seventh day holy. Many blessings are pronounced through all the Prophets in keeping the Sabbath. If they would not heed to keep the Sabbath, the Prophets showed the evil to come.,Jeremiah 17:27: And the Lord has promised to show mercy to thousands who love him and keep his commandments, but he will visit the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, to the third and fourth generation of those who hate him and are found in the iniquity of their fathers. For the soul that sins to the end shall die. Jeremiah 31:29 and Ezekiel 18: \"They will no longer say, 'The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children's teeth are set on edge.' But every one will die for his own iniquity; whoever eats sour grapes, his teeth will be set on edge. So the Sabbath-breaker will be the one who sins; it is his iniquity, and he is the sinner to the third and fourth generation, a breaker of the Lord's commandments. Some argue that the law is changed, but the answer to that is, God is not changed, and his word is to be obeyed, and his commandments are to be kept, which are not abolished by his word and finger writing.,For the Commandments were written with the Finger of God. They stand good, and Jesus being a mouth for the Spirit, waited for the Word of God to pass through him. Christ spoke in him the Spirit of Truth. In his first sermon on the Mount, he spoke to his disciples about light, saying, \"Let your light shine before men, so they may glorify your Father in Heaven, and see your good works\" (Matthew 5:16-20). Jesus did not come to destroy the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill them. He assured them, \"Till Heaven and Earth pass, one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law till all be fulfilled. Whoever, therefore, breaks one of these least commandments, and teaches men so.\",He shall be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. And in Chapter 15, the Scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus, asking, \"Why do your Disciples break the tradition of the Elders? They don't wash their hands when they eat bread?\" But Jesus replied, \"Why do you also transgress the commandments of God by your traditions? For God commanded, 'Honor your father and mother.' Anyone who curses father or mother should die. But you say, 'Whoever says to his father or mother, \"Whatever I may profit by you, I am not obligated to honor my father or mother,\"' is exempted from this commandment. In this way, you nullify the commandments of God with your traditions. And yet, the Lord through his servants the prophets promised to make a new covenant, write his laws on the heart, and put his Spirit within us (Jeremiah 31:33). But the Lord under the new covenant has not set aside his honor.,I. nor dismiss the keeping of his Sabbath and holy Rest; the great Creator of Heaven and Earth, who created all things, the sea, and the fountains of water; this the Lord's Rest is to be held in everlasting remembrance; he is the Fountain of all power, messengers and servants, angels and seers; who made the great deep to bow, and the heavens and the earth to tremble at his word: And can men, upon serious consideration, teach the commandments to their children, and say, remember to keep the seventh day holy, and thou shalt do no manner of work, and yet do all manner of work on the seventh day, and not keep the day at all?\n\nII. I greatly hope, when these things are considered, many will be pleased to see for themselves and yield obedience to the Lord's commands, in keeping his Sabbath of rest holy. I am not pleading for titles, but for holiness and obedience; and this is the positive command of God: Six days shalt thou labor and do all that thou hast to do.,But the seventh is the Sabbath of the Lord your God, in all your dwellings, Leviticus 23:2. But if the Lord is pleased to call for any of the six, or for all the six, as the Lord did in the set feasts to be kept yearly; seven Sabbaths shall be completed, Leviticus 23:15. And these seven Sabbaths to begin the morrow after the Sabbath, and they were to keep the eighth day; because the Lord's rest, I say, fell in between: and these seven Sabbaths may signify that every day should be a Sabbath of holiness to the soul, a rest in God, looking over the work of the soul every day, and the mind stayed on him: but out of labor every day man cannot be, for the earth is full of labor; and God, who knew man better than he knew himself, has called for the day of his rest to be kept out of labor in holiness, and as beforewritten, if the Lord is pleased to call for the six days to add to his mighty works.,Shewing his power from generation to generation, God displays the work of the Almighty in creation and redemption. He is the savior and redeemer, king, and his mighty power is seen in the dispensation of angels and the ministries of the law. His word is in the prophets, and the power of God is seen in descending to visit each particular. Despite the perfection of the Gospel dispensation, it is preferred over the ministry of the law. Isaiah is sent to reject their Sabbaths and afflict for sin and their set feasts, lamenting, \"Your new moons and your appointed feasts I hate, they have become a burden to me, I am weary of bearing them\" (Isaiah 1:14, 30:21). Isaiah saw the coming of Christ and his kingdom, and Malachi 3:3 expresses his power and majesty.,And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he will purify the sons of Levi and purge them like gold and silver. They will offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness, and the offerings of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to the Lord, as in the days of old and as in former years, says the prophet. Those who offer the gift of God's Spirit, the baptizing power of the Holy Ghost and its fire, this is a pure offering, and this fire will consume sin, as fire from heaven did the outward offerings when they were accepted, and this fiery baptism purges and makes the soul clean. Therefore, the Sabbaths for afflicting the soul for sin are cut off for those who live to God in the Spirit. This was the effect of the outward offering, that men would serve God in light and perfection and receive the peace of everlasting righteousness. However, those who continued in sin.,Under the Gospel, the Sabbaths that the people afflicted for sin were an abomination to God. Their set feasts, solemn assemblies, and offerings were not accepted. But the Lord, through any of his prophets, never forbade the keeping of his rest for the godly. No day was named the Sabbath of the Lord your God to be kept in place of the seventh. Obeying God's commands grants admission into his presence and observing his power through every instrument, be it angel or seer. In the power and spirit of the prophet, angel, or seer, every prophet, angel, and seer spoke the words of God. For God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in the voice and power of the spirit. When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. The apostles were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance, performing the wonderful works of God, as recorded in Acts 2, verses 1 through 11.,And in Chapter 1.8, they remained silent until the Spirit gave them the ability to speak. They were to wait for power from on high. Jesus received the Word of God and the power within it to commission the disciples for their ministry. He called their ministry \"preaching the Kingdom of God\" (Luke 4.43, Matthew 10.7). And as you go, preach, saying, \"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand; heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.\"\n\nWhen asked which is the first and greatest commandment in the law, Jesus replied, \"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets\" (Matthew 22.36-40). In his ministry, Jesus directed people to love God, and that the love of God is shown in obeying his commandments.,And not coveting anything that is thy neighbor's, all good works are laid up in the Commandments, in charity and mercy. However, the dispute among them gathered to follow Jesus was not about keeping the Lord's Rest day, as recorded in Luke 23.56. According to the Commandment, as previously written, and it is not recorded that Jesus, whose example all Christians are to follow, did any work but holy works, as he received power from God. Neither did the angel of the Lord descend from heaven to roll away the stone on the seventh day, but on the first day, as stated in Matthew 28.7. The time of the Passover is not consistent with the time of the Sabbath because the offering was to be ready with a lamb on the 10th day of the month, and the Children of Israel went out of Egypt on the 14th day. Despite this, Jesus did say, \"After two days is the Feast of the Passover.\",The Son of Man is betrayed and crucified. This does not contradict his rising on the first day, as there are as many seven-day periods from the time it is spoken as you can make. This does not affect the observance of the Sabbath on the first day of the week, as the Commandments remain valid. The raising of Lazarus, as John relates, on the fourth day after burial, has no bearing on the Sabbath, as his body was raised on the third day, which followed the sixth day of crucifixion and death (Luke 23:54, Mark 15:42). He was seen for forty days after his resurrection until the day he was taken up, during which time he gave commandments to his apostles through the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:2). The Word from the Holy Ghost was, \"Go therefore and teach all nations.\",\"And baptize them in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, teaching them to keep all that I have commanded you. I am with you always to the end of the world. What endures to the end of the world is the Word and Spirit of God; the Holy Ghost teaching and baptizing to the ends of the earth. The Disciples were to wait for the Baptism of the Holy Ghost, the Father's Promise; which, as you have heard from me, is in Acts 2:1, 33, and Chapter 1:4. The Father's Promise is the Word of Power, descending from the Father through the Son to the Holy Ghost, descending to visit men and baptize the soul, and teach the mind to do the Father's will. In this Word, the anointing power of the Holy Ghost, I went about doing good, Acts 10:38. After my resurrection on the first day of the week.\",He met his Disciples and performed the Word of the Kingdom, which he had foretold would happen on the third day. When he met his Disciples on the first day of the week, he said, \"Peace be with you.\" As my Father has sent me, so I send you. After saying this, he breathed on them and said, \"Receive the Holy Spirit.\" John 20:21-22. The confirmation was great in the Resurrection, showing that the Word of the Kingdom was with Jesus, according to his anointing in the Spirit's dispensation, the Gospel, and its peace. The Lord, by his power and the example of Jesus and his disciples after him, has given a loud call to Christians in the Spirit's ministry to keep the first day of the week holy and devoted to good works. In this way, the Father will be honored, and the Son honored in the Father's honor. The work of the power observed in the Resurrection of Jesus, not disobeying the commandments, is a reminder to keep the Lord's holy rest holy. For he who was the first will be the last.,and his command stands good, as previously written; and breaking the Sabbath has brought judgment upon people and nations. The Lord, through Moses and all the prophets, has called to keep the seventh day. There is no record of the blotting out the holy rest, which was before Jew or Gentile by name, except for the so-called Jewish Sabbath, for which there is no such term in the Ten Commandments. Regarding the other Sabbaths given to the children of Israel for afflicting their souls for sin, they have been done away with since the coming of Christ, who is both Jew and Gentile and hearkens and obeys the law written in the heart. The same prophet who testifies to the law that should be written in the heart and mind calls to keep the Sabbath, as stated in Jeremiah 17:20-25 and Nehemiah 13:15. The Lord has made numerous calls for holiness, saying, \"Be ye holy.\",I am the Lord your God. I am holy, and every day is a Sabbath for the soul. But man cannot be free from labor every day, nor can he keep his mind wholly on God during labor. So the Lord, who knows man better than man knows himself, has called man to rest from labor to serve him in holiness and return to his labor with a holy mind, doing no evil.\n\nWhen Jesus came in the dispensation of peace, his message was the word from God bringing light to the world. He was sent to put an end to sin and bring in everlasting righteousness. Jesus set an example of holiness and obedience, doing the Father's will. He showed that those who worship God must worship him in spirit, as it is written in John 4:14. Furthermore, the work of the Spirit should be in God's people, as they believe, just as a well of water springs up to eternal life, as it is written in John 7:39.\n\nChristians under the gospel, coming up in the ranks and degrees of faith, should follow this pattern.,I can begin the week and end the week witnessing peace and rest to the soul, giving the Father his honor of creation and rest; and honoring the Son in the Father, which gives power to the Son: I greatly hope the other days of life will prove a soul's peace to them, with their hands in their labor, and resting with the Lord in the inward of the soul, is a perpetual sabbath to the mind. But going from holiness which is in the pure truth, is going from God and his divine law, entering sin and Satan's dark power, which leads to everlasting misery, if continued in every dispensation. And Jesus, in the word of God, is sent to take off the severities of the law, the curse, and oaths, and burnt offerings. He being the offering for sin to as many as follow his example. The power of God descends into the soul and inflames the heart in the love of God, and preserves the mind. And he observed the sabbath, went into the synagogues, and preached. Jesus and his disciples reasoned with the Jews out of the law.,And after the cloud received Jesus's body, his disciples met on the first day of the week, but they never renounced the seventh day. It is written that Paul preached to them, who were about to depart, and continued his speech until midnight. Some dispute that from midnight to midnight signifies from evening to evening; but Jesus, declaring the calamities to come, spoke in parables and distinguished that there is an evening and a midnight. His sayings are these: \"Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house comes, at evening or at midnight; or at the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning; and he urges you to watch and pray\" (Mark 13:35). This shows that evening is not midnight, as also does the killing of the Passover and the Lord's going forth at midnight. And as Paul observed the first day of the week, he also observed the Sabbath and went among the Jews and preached in their synagogues, reasoning with them from the scriptures.,Acts 17:23, 17: But when persecution grew intense, and the Jews rejected God's word, Paul and his companions left the city and went to the riverside, where prayer was customarily offered, Acts 16:13. The apostles kept the Sabbath and also met on the first day of the week, as Jesus had appeared to them after his resurrection; and the first day of the week implies there is a seventh. Despite potential errors in reckoning due to the destruction of the old world and the Babylonian captivity, the finger of God which wrote the Commandments,That finger cannot be mistaken which gave the Account to Moses; and men's mistakes do not alter the seven days of the Lord's holy rest. The Commandments are to be recorded in every habitable place where the Lord's name is recorded. The Lord's mercy is great to show man his duty after so many falls. The destruction of the old world by water, which occurred before Exodus 16, marks the time when the Lord entered into covenant again. He gave the day of his rest to be kept holy and a reminder of it, and who shall blot it out? It is the Lord's Sabbath, not the Jewish Sabbath, and the Commandments endure forever, along with their signs, for both Jew and Gentile. It is God who sanctifies his people who follow holiness, and the Lord's rest is the first day instituted for divine worship. I understand divine worship to be spiritual worship, and he who was the first will be the last. The four evangelists give an account.,Jesus and his Disciples frequently went to Synagogues on Sabbath Day to deliver their ministry to Jews. Jesus was with them daily (Luke 22:53, John 18:20, Mark 14:49). After Jesus' departure, Disciples kept Sabbath with both Jews and Gentiles, urging them to continue in God's grace (Acts 13:42, 45, 46). The Apostles told Jews, \"It was necessary that the Word of God be first spoken to you, but seeing you reject it and deem yourselves unworthy of eternal life, we turn to the Gentiles, as the Lord has commanded us\" (Acts 13:46). When Gentiles heard this, they rejoiced and glorified God's name. The Word of the Lord was published throughout the region, and the Apostles continued observing the Sabbath (Acts 16:13, 17:2). Paul, as his custom, went to them.,And he reasoned with them from the Scriptures in the synagogue every Sabbath, Acts 18:4. He continued to reason in the synagogue, persuading Jews and Greeks; Acts 19:8, 9. He spent three months in the synagogue, disputing and persuading concerning the Kingdom of God. But when some were hardened and did not believe, speaking evil of the way before the crowd, he left them and separated the disciples. He continued to dispute daily in the school of Tyrannus. This continued for two years, so that all who lived in Asia heard the words of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks, and God worked special miracles by the hands of Paul (to God be the glory). However, the apostles waited for the immediate word from the Spirit and were not to speak until they were given utterance, having been accustomed to being filled with the Holy Spirit.,They were baptized with the Holy Spirit to speak the Word of God, and on whom the Apostles laid their hands when that power was upon them, they received the Holy Ghost; that is, they were baptized in the Spirit to believe in the Dispensation of the Spirit and Word of God through the Apostles. The Apostles kept the Sabbath of Rest and did not forbid that day of worship to Jews or Gentiles. For it is the first day instituted for divine worship, of which the great Creator is the Example, and rested himself. And Jesus, having the immediate Word with him, observed the Sabbath of Rest. After many miracles, he went into his own country, and his disciples followed him. When the Sabbath day came, he began to teach in the synagogue. Many hearing him were astonished, saying, \"From where has this Man these things? And what wisdom is this that is given to him, that even such mighty works are wrought by his hands?\",Mark 6:2-3, 7:9, and Luke 4:31. Jesus came down to Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and taught on the Sabbath. All were astonished by his teaching, for his words were filled with power. Some wanted to throw him out of the city, Mark 6:29. They took him to the outskirts of the city to throw him down a hill, but Jesus passed through the crowd and continued on his way. After they saw his miracles, they tried to keep him from leaving, Luke 4:43. But Jesus said, \"I must preach the Kingdom of God in other cities, for this is why I was sent.\" He continued to preach in the synagogues of Galilee. Luke 5:1. The people pressed upon him to hear the word of God. After the apostles' ascension, Jesus was received into a cloud, and they waited for the power's descent and met on the first day of the week. However, Jesus, who preached the Kingdom of God, was not present.,His Disciples, like him, never renounced the Sabbath of rest in their teachings. They observed it and preached the Kingdom of God in synagogues. Jesus had imparted the message of the Kingdom to his Disciples, foreshadowing the Resurrection. The fulfillment of this Word of the Kingdom strengthened their faith and inspired them to continue God's work, without taking worldly rest. They testified to this under both the Law and the Gospel, facing trials of mockings, scourgings, bonds, imprisonments, stonings, being sawed asunder, temptations, and sword-wielding persecutions. They lived in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute and tormented.,They were not worthy of the world, from whom the world was not worthy: they wandered in deserts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth (Hebrews 11). Though the work of the Gospel is great, and Jesus and his disciples suffered greatly in setting an example of peace, they were not to rest in the flesh until the work in the Spirit was completed. And when nations come to live in and to the peace of the Gospel, according to their example, they will honor the Father and the Son in one Spirit, as they are one in Spirit. So when Christ has gathered man into his Spirit to worship the Father in Spirit and in truth, he will present the Church in the unity of the Spirit to the Father of spirits. This Son is the express image of his Father's person, the spiritual Rock, Christ. The body of Jesus is a veil to the Spirit, and Christ the Lord is within the veil, and is Spirit and life. The babe is a sign, lying in the manger, and in this glorious dispensation, the work of the Holy Spirit is seen.,The Father is Spirit, and the Son is Spirit, the only one who knows the Father being the Son. The Father is the one God, the Almighty Power in Creation and Redemption. Gifts are given to men by the Holy Ghost, who is both Father and Son, drawing people into the work of the Spirit. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost and went about doing good, speaking the words of God as the Spirit gave him utterance. The works of Creation, the Dispensation of Angels before the Law and in the Law, the Work of the Gospel, and the Examples of Peace are great but not fully practiced. The Creator is the Redeemer, Sanctifier, and Savior, and to each work the Lord has given a day. First, a day of remembrance on his holy rest, and through the works of power, the Angel of the Lord descending.,And gave a Resurrection to the body, a work worthy of remembrance. Christians are to wait for light and life which the Power bestows, and each particular to wait for a Resurrection in that Seed which gives life. Hear the voice of God speaking in your souls (as it did in Jesus), that you may be disciples of Christ, in the power and spirit which has called you to live in the truth and peace of the Gospel. For as the Gospel is peace, so the severities of the law are taken off for those who live in Christ and are disciplined under the Gospel Spirit, according to the examples of Jesus and the disciples. Laws and oaths, sword and force which were under the law, are taken off under the Gospel. Serve the Lord with holiness and peace, and long-suffering till the Gospel is established through nations, in that peace which humbles Christians and teaches them to do the will of God in his season. And the seventh day, as aforementioned.,The commandments, written by the same Finger of Power and never annulled, have not been disannulled through Jesus or his Disciples preaching the Word of God. The Father, as Creator of all things, should be obeyed, and his commandments kept from generation to generation and through nations where the Lord's Name is recorded. Teach children to recite the Ten Commandments and remember to keep the seventh day holy, as it is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. However, not keeping the Sabbath and disobeying the Commandments, while not living in the peace of the Gospel and not showing love to neighbors, is the reason for the Lord's controversy with nations, and specifically this one, due to its great light and the many who profess it but do not live in the peace of the Gospel or follow God's commandments, including showing love to neighbors.,The light will be made dark for many, and judgment will be harsh for those who are not pitiful and merciful. The Apostles' example is to do good works. They met on the first day of the week and gave orders to the churches in Galatia to set aside, as God prospered them, so that there would be no gathering when I come (1 Corinthians 16:2). They continued daily with one accord in the temple and broke bread from house to house, eating their meat with joy and sincerity, praising God and having favor with all the people. The Lord added to the church those who would be saved (Acts 2:46, 47). And the Lord is the same today, adding to the church those who live in truth. It is recorded that John was in the Spirit on the Lord's Day. Some believe the first day refers to the Lord's Day, but that part of Scripture does not state this explicitly.,Whether it was the first or seventh day that John was in the Spirit, the Voice was from the one who is the first and the last. Revelation 1:10, 11. And the one who is the first and will be the last called the seventh day his holy day. John saw this: the dragon was filled with wrath toward the woman, and went to wage war against the remnant of her seed, those who kept the commandments of God and had the testimony of Jesus Christ. Revelation 12:17, 14:12. Here is the patience of the saints, here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. And the loud voice of the angel who had the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people is, \"Fear God and give him glory, for the hour of his judgments has come, and worship him who made heaven and earth, the sea, and the springs of waters.\" After this description of the angel, there is reason to believe we should worship him who made heaven and earth.,It was the Lord's Rest that John was in the Spirit on the seventh day, since the loud cry of the angel who had the everlasting gospel to preach. This is to give worship to him who made heaven and earth, the sea, and the fountains of waters. Worship is due to none but the Almighty, who rules by his invisible power over the kingdoms of men dwelling on the earth. And as the Lord, by wisdom, made the worlds, he has been so merciful to call man and woman to keep their rest, and rest for the cattle, that there might be a true rest throughout the earthly part of men. And to be holy, that they may receive the fruits of holiness, and show mercy to all. The holy seed is ever at rest in the Spirit, when God, who is their light, is glorified. The Lord has enlightened man's dust and beautified it with his own image and likeness, to be a light in man, that man may work the works of the day as the Spirit works in him. The spiritual male and female never consent to sin.,But the inward man reproves sin, and it would be beneficial if all who claim the Christian name and record it, and also obey the commands, did so. This would bring great light to the world. The days should be called as the Lord called them: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Day. Since the days are not called as the Lord did, many in every nation seek to know the holy rest, but call it as the heathens have named it, Saturday. Many do not keep the seventh or the first day in accordance with the works of creation and redemption. If the days were called as the Lord did, it might bring sobriety to many more, allowing them to see the great works of creation and look into the beauty of every leaf and plant in the field. Man would also see his own insignificance.,And what he is in God is his great advantage. Some question the absence of the mention of the evening and morning on the seventh day, and whether the beginning and end of the seventh are the same as the other six. He seems to inquire, whether the seventh begins at sunset on the sixth day? I have only this to say, according to the scripture's record, the evening and morning are for six days, and the seventh has its time and light in its course, or else the first day would be out of order, and then there is no knowing the seventh part of time. It may be seen, the seventh begins and ends like the other six. A question is proposed, whether the Lord sanctified the whole day or a part for worship? But the scriptures are clear, God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it he had rest. And to me, it is most sure, that God who created all things.,The seventh day began and ended according to its own appointment, with the other six days having their own evenings and mornings. Some people contradictedly began the Sabbath of Rest at the setting of the sun on the sixth day. It is true that there was no sun for three days, but if we observe again, a sun, moon, and stars were created on the fourth day before the Lord's rest. This does not argue against the Sabbath beginning at sunset at the end of the sixth day. Although the evening is not distinguished by the setting of the sun for three days, it is still referred to as the evening and morning of the first, second, and third day. The sun and moon, along with the two great lights, were made and set in the firmament of heaven to give light upon the earth and to divide the day from the night, and for signs and for seasons, and for days and years. However, the evening, at the going down of the sun, becomes better known to poor mortals.,After the Sun sets in the Heavenly Firmament, the evening and morning conclude the day that precedes its setting. The evening and morning are recorded, distinguishing mid-day and evening, even when the Sun does not appear for three days. The Sun, as it passes through the Heavenly circuit, makes this distinction clear. The evening and morning complete the day in every climate and habitable place on Earth where the Lord's Name is recorded. The Sun indicates noon or mid-day, afternoon, and draws to the west in its hours and time, with the day being long or short in every climate. A master of art poses the question.,Whether it was daylight all at once minute around the world? The scriptures are silent on this matter, and many places were not found to provide an answer. It is clear that the day breaks gradually, and the clouds disappear, and the morning grows brighter and brighter, and the night stars disappear, and the bright morning star appears, until the sun with its glory overshadows that star with its bright beams. There are degrees of dispersing the curtains of heaven, and the rising of the morning and its light. This is plain and a rule set down, and in every habitable place on earth, the evening and the morning are the recorded day. Men are to be informed by the power of God and his signs in the heavens what they have not achieved through learning. However, neither men nor angels have been sent to turn the seventh day into the first, and thus turn the Sabbath of the Lord your God and the worship due to his Sabbath out, and not keep it at all. This Master of Art declares.,He will not attempt to discuss what will happen to the seventh day; that of the fourth commandment, the seventh day following six days of labor. Despite arguing against keeping the seventh day in his printed book, labeling it the Jewish weekly Sabbath, he mentions it frequently in self-defense. Those who argue that the weekly Sabbath or seventh day Sabbath, referring to that of the fourth commandment, is not abolished, are often misunderstood as speaking of the Jewish Sabbath from the first raining of manna. However, these individuals consistently assert that the Jews' seventh day was exchanged for the Lord's Day, which is also a weekly Sabbath. It has been stated before that the Lord's Sabbath of holy rest existed before the existence of Jew or Gentile by name. At the first raining of manna, it was the Lord's holy rest, not the Jewish Sabbath, and all that becomes holy.,The Church was given the Lord's Sabbath to keep, which is the same as the fourth commandment. Nehemiah records that the Lord revealed his holy Sabbath on Mount Sinai, providing bread from heaven for their hunger and water from the rock for their thirst. He also promised them the land he had sworn to give them (Nehemiah 9:13). Upon entering the land, the people made a covenant not to buy goods or food from the locals on the Sabbath day (Nehemiah 10:30, 31). The rulers and people swore to walk in God's ways, observe and do all his commandments and statutes. They also agreed not to give their daughters to the locals or take their daughters for their sons. Nehemiah distinguished between the Lord's Sabbath and other Sabbaths.,In giving such a particular charge and holy care to observe the Lord's Sabbath of rest, and all the prophets, after Moses, proclaim the Lord's Sabbath before all other Sabbaths, and Nehemiah 13:15-22 states, \"In those days I saw in Judah some treading winepresses on the Sabbath and bringing in sheaves and loading asses; as well as wine, grapes, figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerusalem on the Sabbath day. There dwelt men of Tirzah therein, who brought fish and all manner of wares, and sold on the Sabbath to the children of Judah and in Jerusalem. Then I contended with the nobles of Judah and said, 'What evil thing is this that you do, and profane the Sabbath day? Did not your fathers do thus, and did not our God bring all this evil upon us and upon this city? Yet you bring more wrath upon Israel by profaning the Sabbath.' And it came to pass that when the gates of Jerusalem began to be dark before the Sabbath.\",I commanded the gates be shut, and charged they not be opened till after the Sabbath. Some of my servants I set at the gates to prevent any burden from being brought in on the Sabbath Day. Thus, the merchants and sellers of all kinds of ware lodged outside Jerusalem once or twice. I testified against them and commanded the Levites to cleanse themselves and come and keep the gates, sanctifying the Sabbath. And Jeremiah the prophet gives his testimony in the Word of the Lord for keeping the Sabbath, saying, \"Thus says the Lord to me, Go and stand in the gates of the children of the people, where the kings of Judah come in, and by which they go out, and in all the gates of Jerusalem; and speak to them, 'Hear the word of the Lord, O kings of Judah and all inhabitants of Jerusalem who enter by these gates, thus says the Lord, \"Take heed to yourselves, and do not bear a burden on the Sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem.\"' \",If you diligently hearken unto me, saith the Lord, carry no burden out of your houses on the Sabbath day, as I commanded your ancestors. But they disobeyed and did not listen. They stiffened their necks so as not to hear or receive instructions. Take care that you do not do these things, which would result in judgments and the violence of war upon you. If you listen to me and bring no burden through the gates of the city on the Sabbath day, but hallow the Sabbath day and do no work on it, then kings and princes will enter the gates of the city, sitting on the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses, along with their princes, the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. This city shall remain forever. However, if you will not listen to me to hallow the Sabbath day and not to bring a burden through the gates of Jerusalem on the Sabbath day, then I will kindle a fire in the gates thereof.,And it shall consume the palaces, and it shall not be quenched, from Chap. 17:19 to the end of the chapter. And Ezekiel repeats the Lord's complaint against Israel and the rulers' rebellion, and the Lord speaks through Ezekiel: I gave them my statutes and showed them my judgments, which a man shall live if he does them; moreover, I gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between me and them. But the House of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness; they did not walk in my statutes, and they despised my judgments, which a man shall live if he does them; and my Sabbaths they greatly desecrated. Then I said, I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness to consume them, but I held back for my name's sake, that it should not be profaned before the nations, in whose sight I brought them out. Yet I raised my hand against them in the wilderness that I would not bring them into the land which I had given them, flowing with milk and honey.,which is the glory of all lands; because they despised my judgments and did not walk in my statutes, but polluted my Sabbaths, for their hearts followed their idols; yet I spared them from destruction in the wilderness and did not bring an end to them. But I said to their children in the wilderness, \"Do not walk in the statutes of your fathers, nor observe their judgments, nor defile yourselves with their idols. I am the Lord your God; keep my judgments and do them, and hallow my Sabbaths. They shall be a sign between me and you, that you may know that I am the Lord your God. However, the children rebelled against me again; they did not walk in my statutes nor keep my judgments to do them. Whoever does these things shall even live by them; they profaned my Sabbaths. Then I said, \"I will pour out my fury upon them to accomplish my anger against them in the wilderness, because they had not executed my statutes, and had profaned my Sabbaths.,And their eyes were after their idols, Ezek. 20:12-25. Thus, the prophets were all sent in the Word of the Lord one after another, to testify against prince and people who break his Covenant. Isaiah, in the Word of the Lord, says, \"Keep judgment and do justice, for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, and the son of man who lays hold on it, who keeps the Sabbath from desecrating it, and keeps his hands from doing any evil. Neither let the foreigner who joins himself to the Lord speak, saying, 'The Lord has utterly separated me from his people'; neither let the eunuch say, 'Behold, I am a dry tree'; for thus says the Lord to the eunuch who keeps my Sabbaths and chooses what pleases me and takes hold of my Covenant, even to them will I give in my house, and within my walls.,A place and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. The sons of the stranger who join themselves to the Lord to serve him and love his name, to be his servants, every one who keeps the Sabbath from desecrating it and holds fast to my covenant, even them I will bring to my holy mountain and make them rejoice in my house of prayer. Thus says the Scripture: None is shut out from the Lord, and his people who keep the Sabbath holy, the seventh day after six days of labor, and those who keep the Lord's Sabbath, not doing any evil, are joined to the Lord in worship. He has promised to give them a name better than sons and daughters, and bring them to his holy mountain; and all who come before him in the gift of his presence know his holy mountain. And when the Lord's presence visits them, they know a peace offering. From Genesis to the last chapter of Revelation.,There is no Scripture forbidding the keeping of God's Commandments. He who was the first will be the last, and his Day of Rest will stand forever among the Angelic Spirits. The one who creates and governs the World and all things by his mighty Power will gain victory over the World and its Wars. The Lord, through Ezekiel, shows a catalog of Jerusalem's sins, which were in her before the Judgments came upon her. He proves their ruin and says, \"Behold, the princes of Israel were in you to shed blood; in you they set light by father and mother; in the midst of you they dealt oppressively with the oppressed. Your princes in the midst of you are like wolves tearing prey to shed blood, and to destroy souls to gain dishonest gain. Your prophets have daubed them with untempered mortar, seeing vanity, and divining lies to them, saying, 'Thus says the Lord.'\" (Ezekiel 22:6-12, 19-23, 27),When the Lord has not spoken, and the prophets daub with their unchecked mortar, they are murderers of souls, of both prince and people; v. 29. The people of the land have used oppression, exercised robbery, vexed the poor and needy, and wrongfully oppressed the stranger; yet I sought for a man among them who would make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it. But I found none. Therefore, I poured out my indignation upon them; I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath, their own ways have I requited upon their heads, says the Lord; and for these sins remaining and reigning, the anger of the Lord is poured forth from generation to generation; and when the measure is full in every generation, and iniquity is at its height, as it now appears, for which the Lord is visiting the world with his judgments; and the Lord has ever shown his displeasure for sin and breaking his Sabbath.,For the Lord will be glorified in all his works; and many threats are to those who keep not his covenant, as many are the blessings promised to those who love God and keep his commandments of mercy and peace. And the Lord speaks through Moses, \"If you walk in my statutes and keep my commandments and do them, then I will give you rain in its season, and the land shall yield its increase, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and your threshing shall reach to the vintage, and the vintage shall reach to the sowing time; and you shall eat bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely, and I will give you peace in the land, and you shall lie down and none shall make you afraid. I will have respect for you, and make you fruitful and multiply you, and establish my covenant with you, and you shall eat the old store, and bring forth the old because of the new. And I will set my tabernacle among you.,and my soul shall not abhor you, and I will walk among you. Leviticus 26:3-26. If you will not heed me, however, and walk contrary to me, I will walk contrary to you in wrath. I, myself, will chastise you seven times for your sins. Moses explains where the blessings are for the obedient and the judgments for the disobedient who do not keep God's commandments. The judgments appointed for sin will be poured forth during the Gospel Dispensation (as under the Law), when the measure of sin is full. It will come even to this generation, and the Land will enjoy her Sabbaths as long as it lies desolate, and you are in your enemies' land (as it was said to the Children of Israel). Then shall the Land rest and enjoy her Sabbaths, as long as it lies desolate it shall rest, because it does not rest in your Sabbaths. For not only was the desolation to come upon the Children of Israel.,which lived after the flesh, but upon every generation, the desolations will come, which do not obey the Commandments of God and disobey the Covenant of Light. The Commandments and Covenant of Light are perpetual, as long as the sun and moon endure, for God, who gave the Commandments, is the Light, and will continue the Light to all who obey the Voice. And not one word in the Commandments (as aforewritten) is contrary to the peace of the Gospel, and its power and good Spirit teach obedience in the power of the Holy Ghost. This gives a visitation in the Spirit, descended down from both Father and Son, to enlighten each particular, that waits for the Spirit of the Son which leads to the Father, and gives entrance into the Kingdom of Light, which leads to life. And as the soul is beautified with holiness, Christ will reign in his Kingdom of Peace, and until people and nations come to keep the first step in religious worship, which the Lord has set the example for and has put into a command.,If men refuse to take the great Creator as an example and worship Him, the sword will not depart from such a nation, and they will continue to be punished for their iniquities. Isaiah, who had great foresight of Christ's kingdom and was made a minister of Christ, spoke when the Spirit was upon him. He reproved the rulers for keeping the Sabbath of the New Moon and setting feasts, yet their sins remained, and their hands were full of blood. Therefore, their sins remained, and their offering was an abomination and rejected. Despite these reproofs for such assemblies, the prophet called to rising generations in the word of the Lord to keep the Lord's Sabbath and join to Him. The Eunuch and the sons of the stranger shall not be rejected but received into the church and joined to the Lord in holiness, and under the Gospel.,Without holiness, none can see the Lord. All nations are to bring their offerings to the new and spiritual Jerusalem, where God and the Lamb are the temple, and the light for the pure in heart, bringing peace in all circumstances. To be clear of the blood of all nations, living carelessly and bitterly towards one another, until their measure of iniquity is full, then the Lord will send his sword. And when the sword of the Lord enters the land and his fierce anger appears, he has many ways to destroy and many sorts of armies to call for, which men cannot contend with: notwithstanding, it may be only flies, worms, and the poor creeping caterpillars, or the biting serpent; there is no hiding from his presence. The Lord God of hosts is he who touches the land and it shall melt, and all who dwell therein shall mourn. It is he who builds his stories in the heavens and has founded his troops on the earth; he who calls for the waters of the sea.,And the Lord pours out his wrath upon the earth; the Lord is his name, Amos 9:5, 6, and Jeremiah 29:17. The Lord will punish those who distress Zion, and will gather his people Israel (though Israel, after the flesh, is to be sifted like grain in a sieve, so that the pure seed may appear to worship him and keep his Sabbath). The Lord's promise is that not one grain of the pure seed shall fall on the ground; this promise is not for the sinners. All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, who say, \"Evil will not overtake nor prevent us.\" On that day, I will raise up the tabernacle of David, which has fallen, and repair its breaches, and I will rebuild it as in the days of old, so that they may possess the remnant of Edom. Thus says the Lord of hosts: The Lord has promised to restore the captivity of his people Israel, and I will plant them on their land.,And they shall no longer be uprooted from the land I have given them,\" says the Lord your God (Amos 9:9-end of chapter). \"Thus, human planting will be brought to nothing, and their vine and vineyard destroyed, until the Lord of Hosts reigns in Zion, and the kingdom of Christ's Peace is established: And the lion will lie down with the lamb, and the wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together, and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall feed their young ones, lie down together; and the lion shall eat straw like the ox, and the sucking child play on the hole of the asp. The weaned child shall put his hand on the den of the cockatrice. They shall not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah),The Prophet, with a great vision of Christ's peaceful kingdom, begins and ends with peace. He shows that the angry, fierce, and poisonous nature is eliminated in the peace of Christ's kingdom. After the Prophet, in the Word of the Lord, reproved rulers and people in a show of worship, with hands full of blood, and in this state, the Lord would not hear their prayer (Isa. 1.15, 1.4). The Prophet then prophesied about the further coming of Christ's kingdom. He exhorted fear due to God's powerful effects. In the Word he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem: \"It shall come to pass in the last days that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow to it. And many people shall go and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the God of Jacob, and he will teach us of his ways.'\",And we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. And he shall judge among the nations, and rebuke many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more: O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord, as saith the prophet Micah, in Micah 4:1-4. In which word there is majesty, and majesty is in the Spirit sent forth to both rulers and people, to reprove their evils, and to give right judgment to rule the people in that word: for majesty is not in the bodily presence which is clothed with flesh, but the spiritual presence which was with Moses, Exodus 33:14. Majesty is the pure grace which represents the person of God by his spiritual voice in man, Exodus 18:15. And there is majesty in these words.,and out of this grace, men's words are nothing of force to savour the earthly part of men to salvation; and when words are savoured with grace, there is a meek majesty that appears from one Lord, God, the good spirit, the Holy Ghost, both Father and Son, one in spirit, giving life and light to men. Therefore, they are the one God who comes in their glorious persons, shining in their glorious apparel, and the saints in light behold them. And when you hear the majesty on high, don't you go on in opposition, as some do on earth, when the Word was manifest in its time to them. And now a further manifestation is given in the gospel, which is, peace and goodwill to all men, waiting for the grace and good spirit. Showing the sabbath of holy rest is in Christ under both law and gospel; and that the Lord's sabbath of holy rest does not end in Christ, the sabbath is in Christ who rested with the Father after six days of their creation; and that prepared body.,Jesus of Nazareth, a blessed sign of the Spirit for the obedient soul, awaiting the consolation of Israel and the world's true rest. But oh, how dreadful it is that nearly all nations are in bloodshed and confusion, to the shame of Christianity, which is love, meekness, good works, long-suffering, and patience. For human life is but a span, and in this brief time, we must show mercy and do justice. All must appear before the great Judge of the Earth. This message came to me on the 30th day of the 10th month in 1715-1716. The Lord will weigh the nations as in scales, and the hills and mountains shall know that He has created the valleys, as well as the highest mountains and hills. He will thresh the mountains and hills.,And I will preserve the Valleys by my Power; the Valleys shall bear fruit when the Hills are barren. My Sabbath Rest I will require from them, for it is I who destroy the Valleys, and they shall endure in my Rest when the high Hills and mountains of Israel are destroyed, but the Valleys shall bear fruit for my Glory, and stand firm in my Power and Church, and be defended by my Arm and Strength, says the Lord. As it has been written, the peace of the Law comes from keeping the Commandments and living, as the Gospel also teaches. Acts of charity and showing mercy and love to neighbors are part of this peace, which is found in both the Law and the Gospel. For those who are called and believe, they should live in the peace of the Christian Faith, show love to neighbors, and suffer for the Faith, according to the examples of the Gospel. The severities of the Law are useless for those living in the suffering Faith of a Christian.,Which is to seek the good of all nations, but disobedience to the Gospel leads into the severities and judgments of the Law, and the judgments of God also. Transgressors against transgressors; and the judgments of God are against sin, under both the Law and Gospel, as the opening of the seven seals in the Revelations of the angel to John shows. To enter into the severities of the Law, one must partake of the judgments of God against sin, for their disobedience to both the Law and Gospel, which says, \"Keep the commandments and live.\" Christ's sermon in the Mount, through that ever blessed Mouth Jesus of Nazareth, that is, Christ the Lord, the Spirit of Truth, spoke in him, and as he delivered his ministry says, \"One jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the Law till all be fulfilled,\" Matthew 5.17. And those who will not live to the blessings of peace and suffer, as the examples of the Christian faith suffered, for their testimonies in the peace of the Gospel.,Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.\nBlessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.\nBlessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.\nBlessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.\nBlessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.\nBlessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.\nBlessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God.\nBlessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.\nBlessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and falsely speak against you on my account. Matthew 5.\nAfter all these blessings, he said.,One jot or one tittle of the Law shall not pass away till all are fulfilled. The Pharisee asked, \"What good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?\" And Jesus answered, \"If you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.\" The Pharisee asked, \"Which?\" Jesus replied, \"You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. Honor your father and mother. And you shall love your neighbor as yourself\" (Matt. 19:18, 19). A Scribe asked him, \"Which is the first commandment of all?\" And he answered, \"The first of all the commandments is, 'Hear, Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. The second is like it\" (Mark 12:29; Deut. 6:4-5).,Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is no greater commandment than these (Matthew 22:26, Luke 10:25, Deuteronomy 11:13). The great example of the Christian faith is to bless those who curse you, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, and to those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Be perfect in the universal Spirit, which will gather all nations; and in that Spirit of Love and Truth, be perfect in love to all, as your Father in Heaven is perfect and good to all. Christ came to save men's lives, not to destroy them. The law points to obedience and keeping the commandments of God and the covenants given in His grace, to support His people, that they may renew their strength and live forever in the support of His grace. Keep His statutes, which are the statutes of love and mercy.,And the Commandments are united; love the Lord thy God, and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (the Gospel says), and in God's love, do not covet anything that is thy neighbor's, nor bear false witness against him, and honor thy father and mother, so that thy days may be long in the land which the Lord thy God gives thee. These Commandments and Statutes are in the pathway to life, under both Law and Gospel. Obeying the Commandments and Statutes, and the Covenant in the Commandments, is entering Christ's Kingdom of Peace, which leads to the Father through obedience, to live forever in the works of the Spirit. The more the works of the Spirit are obeyed, the more one rests in the Spirit through obedience, and follows the example the Lord Creator gave to keep His holy rest, which He put into a Command, that His great Command be obeyed. However, do not live for the Commandments of God alone.,And the peace therein is for those who keep the covenant with God and obey his statutes in the commandments, and do not obey the Gospel of Peace. Then the judgments upon the generations will be just, and the wrath of God and the Lamb will be poured out on one generation after another; and those who do not live according to the Gospel bring themselves under the judgments of both the Law and the Gospel. And Moses says, \"Know therefore that the Lord your God is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy with those who love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations, and repays those who hate him to their face, to destroy them he will not be slack\" (Deut. 7:9). So, the measure of every generation is full, for their disobedience to both the Law and the Gospel, the Lord will visit the world in judgments, until they come to see his kingdom of mercy and peace, by being obedient to his will.,And upon these terms, he has sent his Son to bless his people who obey him and keep his commandments. Moses's exhortation to the people is, \"You shall teach them diligently to your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign on your hands, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. Write them on the posts of your house and on your gates.\" Deut. 6:7-9. This was not only to the Children of Israel going into possess the Land of Canaan, but to every generation after to teach their children. For the Lord's mercy to them that keep his commandments is promised to a thousand generations of those that love him, and his hatred also to those that hate him and do not keep his commandments. It needs no inspiration to know whether any people should keep the Ten Commandments.,because they are to be taught to their children from generation to generation; and the Lord's promises of mercy are to a thousand generations of those who love him, and to repay his hate to such generations that after they are taught keep not the commandments of God; and remember the angel in the Revelations to John had foretold, The Dragon was wrath and persecuted the woman (that is the Church), and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ; so the commandments and to have the faith of Jesus Christ is not to be separated, and a good foundation is laid for keeping the Lord's rest. First, as aforewritten, after his great and glorious six days' work, he kept it himself; and when he called the church, he showed a miracle in raining manna from heaven to confirm the church in the keeping his rest; and after appeared upon Mount Sinai, with thunderings, and lightnings.,And a thick cloud covered Mount Sinai, and the mountain was shrouded in smoke because the Lord had descended on it in fire. The mountain shook greatly. When the voice of the trumpet grew long and louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him with a voice. All the people saw the thunder and lightning and the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking. So the Lord confirmed the covenant through the display of miracles and they heard the sound of his voice and promised obedience. Every generation is to learn and teach their children and obey his voice. For sin and disobedience, the world will provoke the Lord to let in his fiery appearance, which they once feared. Deuteronomy 5:22-25. The Israelites, when they heard the Lord's voice coming from the midst of the fire, saying, \"This great fire will consume us if we hear the voice of the Lord our God any more, then we shall die,\" heard the covenant. Despite this, the new covenant is written in the heart.,And yet keeping the Ten Commandments of the Lord God does not abolish putting them in the mind. Jeremiah prophesied that the law would be written in the heart and inward parts (Chapter 17, verses 20 and 27). He also spoke of the new covenant and the old one being replaced; the old covenant, which involved offerings as atonements for sin, is shown to be written in the heart in Hebrews 8:8 and Jeremiah 31:31, 32, 33, and 34. Through Christ's eternal priesthood, the Levitical priesthood is abolished, and the temporal covenant is replaced by the eternal one. The Apostle further explains that when Solomon built a house to praise the Lord, there were ordinances of divine service and a worldly sanctuary. The first tabernacle had a candlestick, table, and showbread, which is called the sanctuary. The second veil had a golden censer, serving as a testimony against those who offered false fire.,Numbers 16:46, and chapter 17:10. The Golden Pot that contained Manna; a reminder of the miracle when God called the Church to rest, and the Golden Rod that budded and bloomed, to demonstrate God's power and distinguish His servants from those who rebelled against Him; these items were kept in the Tabernacle of Witnesses near the Oracle, as reminders of God's power and faithfulness to uphold His Church. Moses received the Tables of Testimony, the Tables of Stone, and placed them in the Ark. There was nothing in the Ark except the two Tables of Stone, which Moses put there at Horeb when God made a covenant with the Children of Israel as they left Egypt (1 Kings 8:9, 21). And after the Lord granted Solomon wisdom to build him a house to praise His Name, the Tabernacle was adorned with the works of God's power.,And the Testimonies were laid up in the Ark, and the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. This visible building points to the new and spiritual Building which comes down from Heaven, having the glory of God; and in this city, the Lord God and the Lamb are the temple of it. And this city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof (Revelation 21:11, 23). And this spiritual Building will exceed the glory of the former which Solomon built. It is the same God who sanctifies his people and builds up his spiritual house. And the apostle speaks of burnt offerings and sacrifices, saying if the first covenant had been faultless, no place would have been found for the second. But these offerings have no relation to the Lord's holy rest, which is forever pure, and without fault, and to be kept holy. The power of God which appeared in Moses was a light to the world.,And his obedience to the Power shines to this day. Moses obeyed the Angel of the Covenant, which covenanted with him and the people in Egypt. Leaving Egypt, he gave signs and performed wonders before Pharaoh and the Egyptians to confirm the worship of the true God through his visible power. Israel was led by Moses with God's powerful right hand, as the Lord refused to go in person. He sent the Angel of his Presence, the Angel of his Power, acting in his name. The Lord promised to give them rest (Exod. 33:14). The Angel of the Lord appeared in the bush, representing God's person. The Word spoke through the Angel, \"I am the God of your father, Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.\" The Angel of his Presence made a covenant with the people in the Lord's name, and the Lord's name was proclaimed before them. His goodness passed before them, and the Lord acknowledged the covenant.,I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt from the house of slavery. You came out by my power with signs, miracles, and terrible judgments. Just as the Angel of God's presence confirmed the people through signs and miracles to know the one true God and worship him, so the Angel of God's presence was with Jesus, the great prophet, like Moses. The power appeared in him through signs and miracles, confirming the work in the Gospel Dispensation and leading people to worship the one God in spirit and truth (John 4:24). The power and peace of the words Jesus received from God and gave to his disciples continue to shine in the Gospel, which is universal love. Jesus is a holy example under the Gospel, as Moses was under the Law. He confirmed the Gospel by healing the sick and casting out evil spirits with the word of God when present. Therefore, both the Law and the Gospel are confirmed.,The Angel of God's presence and the covenant, leading the flock to the Father, is the Angel of the one God. Jesus was a light to the world and the one God is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, Sea, and Fountains of Water, the great Deep, named the Lord of Hosts. His Word is the great Messiah, delivering his trusting people and dictating God's mind and will through inspirations from his Word. The Law led the flock to Christ, and Christ leads his taught ones to God the Father.,which law gives light to know God and the Father, and Christ in Jesus, and Jesus in Christ; and the law of the Spirit is a fresh visitation of the Word, to know God and his holy one - that is, the holy Spirit received from one God, the Words of God sent to do his will; and in which Word Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost, and he taught his disciples in that Word; he was led by the Holy Ghost; he baptized with the holy Ghost; he was conceived or created in the womb by the power of the Holy Ghost, (yet the Person of the Holy Ghost is not flesh) but a representation of the holy power and spirit, a light sent down to teach and inspire men; for all glorious appearances descend from Heaven, and it is God who reveals secrets and opens mysteries; and none knows the Father but the Son, and to whom the Son will reveal the Father; and the Son who reveals the Father is spirit, as the Father is spirit; so knowing the Church is in God.,and the Pillar and Ground is Truth in keeping the Commandments (under both Law and Gospel); and in keeping the Commandments and the Lord's holy Rest contained therein, is joining to the Lord in Worship, and to that Church above, which will yet throw down those who don't keep to Justice and Truth in the Gospel of Peace, according to the Commandments. And the Father is to be obeyed through the Son, and my Prayer to God is, to hold out to the end, and to honor the Father in the Spirit of the Son, which finds acceptance with the Father; and to keep the Commandments of God, and live in the Peace of the Gospel, as believing and well-knowing, there is Power in God to defend the Faith he gives. My Message to the World is, for Acts of Charity, Peace and Love, and to call to Repentance.,for so see ibid. line 35: and serve and obey the living God. I, Elizabeth Redford. line 31: for as Christ p. 8 line 14: for the Army of the Lord p. 9 line 39: and John 17:3 ibid. line 47: for the sixth Day six Days. p. 11 line 24: after Love and. ibid. line 28: for the Angelic Presence. p. 12 line 34: remains in their Rest. p. 13 line 2: after it was created. ibid. line 49: for them confirm. p. 14 line 43: for the Commandment Command. p. 18 line 38: for they, the Jews. p. 20 line 28: for Titles Tipes. ibid. line 45: for in than. ibid. line 46: for of is. ibid. line 47: does not. p. 22 line 40: delete as. p. 23 line 9: for Life five. p. 24 line 20: for inured indued. p. 27 line 18: after well when there was no Sun. p. 31 line 46: after Child shall. p. 32 line 24: before Majesty Voice of the.", "creation_year": 1709, "creation_year_earliest": 1690, "creation_year_latest": 1728, "source_dataset": "EEBO", "source_dataset_detailed": "EEBO_Phase2"}
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